<<switch $EventMark>>
<<case "">>
<<set $EnableImage = true>>
<<if $EnableImage>>
<center><big><b><font color=OrangeRed><<en "Disclaimer:">></font></b></big></center>
<center><big><b><font color=OrangeRed><<ru "Предупреждение:">></font></b></big></center>
<<en "All events in this game, as well as its characters, are fictional. Any coincidences with real events or people are entirely accidental.">>
<<ru "Все события этой игры, ровно как и ее персонажи, выдуманы. Все совпадения с реальными событиями или персонажами полностью случайны.">>
<<en 'The game contains adult content and is not intended for anyone under the age of 21. By clicking "Continue", you confirm that you are legally allowed to view pornography in your country.'>>
<<ru 'Игра содержит материалы для взрослых и не предназначена для лиц младше 21 года. Нажимая "Продолжить", вы подтверждаете, что вам разрешенно просматривать порнографию в вашей стране.'>>
<<en "This game also contains scenes of alcohol and drug use, as well as scenes of physical violence. If this may offend you, please close it.">>
<<ru "Игра также содержит сцены употребления алкоголя и наркотиков, а также сцены насилия. Если это может оскорбить вас, пожалуйста, закройте ее.">>
<center><table style="width:90%">
<td style="width:40%">
@@.btnEnglish;<<button " " "Start Game">>
<<set $GameLang = "eng">>
<td style="width:20%">
<td style="width:40%">
@@.btnRussian;<<button " " "Start Game">>
<<set $GameLang = "rus">>
<<btnMenuEventLink "Continue/Продолжить" "Start Game" "Game Menu">>
<center><big><b><font color=OrangeRed><<ru "Перевод на русский язык не завершен и будет постоянно обновляться!">></font></b></big></center>
Image folder not found...
<<case "Game Menu">>
<<set _img = "data/overall/game_banner.jpg">>
<<btnMenuEventLink "Start Game/Начать игру" "Game Prologue" "introducing">>
<<btnMenuEventLink "Skip Prologue/Пропустить пролог" "Game Prologue" "skip prologue(meet maid)">>
<center><table style="width:80%">
<tr><td style="width:80%">
<center><b><<en "Tutorial">></b></center>
<center><b><<ru "Обучение">></b></center>
<<if $TutorialOn>>
@@.toggler;<input type="checkbox" id="demo2" onClick="TutorialOn();" checked>
<label for="demo2" data-on-label="ON" data-off-label="OFF"></label>@@
@@.toggler;<input type="checkbox" id="demo2" onClick="TutorialOn();">
<label for="demo2" data-on-label="ON" data-off-label="OFF"></label>@@
<<btnMenuEventLink "Change Names/Изменить Имена" "Start Game" "Change Names">>
<<btnMenuEventLink "Game and Kinks Settings/Настройки игры и контента" "Start Game" "Settings(Interface)">>
<center><big><b><font color=OrangeRed><<en "Please, check kinks settings to improve your game experience">></font></b></big></center>
<center><big><b><font color=OrangeRed><<ru "Для улучшения вашего игрового опыта не забудьте проверить настройки допустимого контента">></font></b></big></center>
<<case "Change Names">>
<center><table style="width:80%"><tr>
<td colspan="2">
<center><b><u><<en "Choose your name:">></u></b></center>
<center><b><u><<ru "Выберите свои данные:">></u></b></center>
<td style="width:50%">
<b><<en "First Name:">></b>
<b><<ru "Имя:">></b>
<br><b><<textbox "$mc.name" $mc.name>></b>
<td style="width:50%">
<b><<en "Last Name:">></b>
<b><<ru "Фамилия:">></b>
<br><b><<textbox "$mc.lastname" $mc.lastname>></b>
<td colspan="2">
<center><b><u><<en "Choose your wife name:">></u></b></center>
<center><b><u><<ru "Выберите данные своей жены:">></u></b></center>
<td style="width:50%">
<b><<en "First Name:">></b>
<b><<ru "Имя:">></b>
<br><b><<textbox "$NPCstat[0].name" $NPCstat[0].name>></b>
<td style="width:50%">
<<if $GameLang == "eng">>
<center>@@.btnWide;<<button "Confirm" "Start Game">>
<<set $EventMark = "Game Menu">>
<<elseif $GameLang == "rus">>
<center>@@.btnWide;<<button "Подтвердить" "Start Game">>
<<set $EventMark = "Game Menu">>
<<case "Settings(Interface)">>
<table style="width:100%"><tr>
<td style="width:50%">
<<if $GameLang == "eng">>
@@.btnWideDisabled;<<button "Interface">>
<<elseif $GameLang == "rus">>
@@.btnWideDisabled;<<button "Интерфейс">>
<td style="width:50%">
<<if $GameLang == "eng">>
@@.btnWide;<<button "Kinks" "Start Game">>
<<set $EventMark = "Settings(Kinks)">>
<<elseif $GameLang == "rus">>
@@.btnWide;<<button "Контент" "Start Game">>
<<set $EventMark = "Settings(Kinks)">>
<center><b><u><<en "Please select your preferable type of navigation">></u></b></center>
<center><b><u><<ru "Выберите предпочитаемый тип навигации">></u></b></center>
<span id="nvg_change">
<center><table style="width:100%"><tr>
<td style="width:33%">
<center>@@.btnWide;<<button "2 blocks">>
<<set $NavigationType = 0>>
</td><td style="width:33%">
<center>@@.btnWide;<<button "3 blocks">>
<<set $NavigationType = 1>>
</td><td style="width:33%">
<center>@@.btnWide;<<button "4 blocks">>
<<set $NavigationType = 2>>
<tr><td colspan="3">
<<if $NavigationType == 0>>
@@.pic;<img src="data/overall/navigation_0.jpg">@@
<<elseif $NavigationType == 1>>
@@.pic;<img src="data/overall/navigation_1.jpg">@@
<<elseif $NavigationType == 2>>
@@.pic;<img src="data/overall/navigation_2.jpg">@@
<<btnEventLink "Confirm/Подтвердить" "Start Game" "Game Menu">>
<<case "Settings(Kinks)">>
<center><table style="width:95%"><tr>
<td style="width:50%">
<<if $GameLang == "eng">>
@@.btnWide;<<button "Interface" "Start Game">>
<<set $EventMark = "Settings(Interface)">>
<<elseif $GameLang == "rus">>
@@.btnWide;<<button "Интерфейс" "Start Game">>
<<set $EventMark = "Settings(Interface)">>
<td style="width:50%">
<<if $GameLang == "eng">>
@@.btnWideDisabled;<<button "Kinks">>
<<elseif $GameLang == "rus">>
@@.btnWideDisabled;<<button "Kinks">>
<table style="width:100%">
<tr><td style="width:80%">
<center><b><<en "Be Blackmailed">></b></center>
<center><b><<ru "Под Шантажем">></b></center>
<td style="width:20%">
<<if $MainKinks.blackmailed>>
@@.toggler;<input type="checkbox" id="demo2" onClick="KinksCheck('blackmailed');" checked>
<label for="demo2" data-on-label="ON" data-off-label="OFF"></label>@@
@@.toggler;<input type="checkbox" id="demo2" onClick="KinksCheck('blackmailed');">
<label for="demo2" data-on-label="ON" data-off-label="OFF"></label>@@
<tr><td colspan="2">
<i><<en "If you turn on this kink, some girls will be able to blackmail the mc if he makes certain choices. Be careful, <b>Be Blackmailed</b> doesn't mean that you can trick your rivals or turn the blackmail against them. Often the mc will find himself in situations with no good outcome for him.">></i>
<i><<ru "Если вы активируете этот контент, некоторые из девушек смогут с помощью шантажа заставить главного героя сделать определенные выборы. Это также означает, что вы не сможете обмануть своих соперниц или развернуть шантаж против них.">></i>
<tr><td style="width:80%">
<center><b><<en "Self Cum Eating:">></b></center>
<center><b><<ru "Поедание спермы:">></b></center>
<td style="width:20%">
<<if $MainKinks.selfcumeating>>
@@.toggler;<input type="checkbox" id="demo3" onClick="KinksCheck('selfcumeating');" checked>
<label for="demo3" data-on-label="ON" data-off-label="OFF"></label>@@
@@.toggler;<input type="checkbox" id="demo3" onClick="KinksCheck('selfcumeating');">
<label for="demo3" data-on-label="ON" data-off-label="OFF"></label>@@
<tr><td colspan="2">
<i><<en "If you turn on this kink, you can encounter scenes where some girls ask or force the mc to eat his own cum.">></i>
<i><<ru "Если вы активируете этот контент, некоторые из девушек могу попросить или заставить главного героя вылизать или съесть его собственную сперму.">></i>
<tr><td style="width:80%">
<center><b><<en "Ballbusting:">></b></center>
<center><b><<ru "Боллбастинг:">></b></center>
<td style="width:20%">
<<if $MainKinks.ballbusting>>
@@.toggler;<input type="checkbox" id="demo4" onClick="KinksCheck('ballbusting');" checked>
<label for="demo4" data-on-label="ON" data-off-label="OFF"></label>@@
@@.toggler;<input type="checkbox" id="demo4" onClick="KinksCheck('ballbusting');">
<label for="demo4" data-on-label="ON" data-off-label="OFF"></label>@@
<tr><td colspan="2">
<i><<en "If you turn on this kink, some of the girls might want to and will definitely kick the mc in his balls.">></i>
<i><<ru "Если вы активируете этот контент, некоторые из девушек могу захотеть и обязательно ударят главного героя по яйцам.">></i>
<<btnEventLink "Confirm/Подтвердить" "Start Game" "Game Menu">>
<</switch>><<set Config.history.maxStates = 20>>
<<set Config.saves.maxAutoSaves = 1>>
<<include "Time System">>
<<include "MC Stats">>
<<include "NPC System">>
<<include "NPC Additional System">>
<<include "Event System">>
<<include "Navigation System">>
<<set $GameName = "Boring Days">>
<<set $GameVersion = "0.33.9">>
<<set $GameLang = "eng">>
<<set $EnableImage = false>>
<<set $DevBuild = false>>
<<set $DevBuildVisible = false>>
<<set $DevBuildResetFlag = false>>
<<set $TutorialOn = true>>
<<set $TutorialStep = 0>>
<<set $Background = 1>>
<<set $add_img = "data/gui/add.png">>
<<set $min_img = "data/gui/min.png">>
<<set $add_five_img = "data/gui/add5.png">>
<<set $add_ten_img = "data/gui/add10.png">>
<<set $min_five_img = "data/gui/min5.png">>
<<set $min_ten_img = "data/gui/min10.png">>
<<set $VolumeLevel = 0>>
<<set $IntStack = []>>
<<set $StrStack = []>>
<<set $BolStack = []>>
<<set $phone = {
background: "data/overall/phone_back.png",
change: false,
mode: 0
<<set $UpdateResetFlag = true>><<set $EventMark = "">>
<<set $NewQuestEntry = false>>
<<set $KinksTheme = "Stats">>
<<set $JournalTheme = "Wife">>
<<set $JournalSubTheme = "">>
<<set $JournalGUI = []>>
<<set $JournalGUI[0] = {
show: true
<<set $JournalGUI[1] = {
show: true
}>>/* Time Skip */
<<widget "SkipTimeBlock">>
<<set _blc = $args[0]>>
<<for _idblc to 0; _idblc < _blc; _idblc++>>
<<set $time.daytime += 1>>
<<if $time.daytime > 7>>
<<set $time.daytime = 7>>
/* Time Events */
<<widget "SkipTimeEvents">>
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* Wife Tennis */
<<if $time.weekday == 2 and $time.daytime == 2 and $NPCplans[0].noon == "play tennis">>
<<set _timedice = random(12)>>
<<if _timedice <= 6>><<set $WifeTennis.opponent = "female">><</if>>
<<if _timedice > 6 and _timedice <= 9>><<set $WifeTennis.opponent = "male">><</if>>
<<if _timedice > 9 and _timedice <= 12>><<set $WifeTennis.opponent = "">><</if>>
<<elseif $time.weekday == 2 and $time.daytime == 3 and $NPCplans[0].noon == "play tennis">>
<<set _timedice = random(12)>>
<<if _timedice <= 6>>
<<set $WifeTennis.opponent = "female">>
<<if $NPCplans[17].anoon == "play tennis" and _timedice <= 3>>
<<set $WifeTennis.opponent = "Everly">>
<<if _timedice > 6 and _timedice <= 9>><<set $WifeTennis.opponent = "male">><</if>>
<<if _timedice > 9 and _timedice <= 12>><<set $WifeTennis.opponent = "">><</if>>
<<elseif $time.weekday == 2 and $time.daytime == 4 and $NPCplans[0].noon == "play tennis">>
<<set $WifeTennis.opponent = "">>
<<if $time.weekday == 2 and $time.daytime == 3 and $NPCplans[0].noon == "play tennis">>
<<ChangeFeatures 0 2 -1 -1 -1>>
<<set $WifeTennis.skill += 2>>
<<if $time.weekday == 2 and $time.daytime == 4 and $NPCplans[0].anoon == "play tennis">>
<<ChangeFeatures 0 2 -1 -1 -1>>
<<set $WifeTennis.skill += 2>>
/* Wife Bakery */
<<if WifeCurrentPlan() == "work(bakery)">>
<<run setCharBlockMemory(0, $time.daytime ,"work(bakery)")>>
/* Wife Salon */
<<if WifeCurrentPlan() == "salon(downtown)">>
<<run setCharBlockMemory(0, $time.daytime ,"salon(downtown)")>>
/* Wife Club */
<<if WifeCurrentPlan() == "clubbing">>
<<run setCharBlockMemory(0, $time.daytime ,"clubbing")>>
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* Maid and Wife Bath */
<<if MaidNextBlockPlan(-1) == "assist wife(master bathroom)">>
<<set $MaidToWife.influence = min(30, ($MaidToWife.influence + 5))>>
/* Maid and Wife Influence Talk */
<<if MaidNextBlockEvent(-1) == "influence talk" and (CharBlockPlan(0, ($time.daytime - 1)) == "drink coffee(mansion)" or CharBlockPlan(0, ($time.daytime - 1)) == "watch tv(mansion)" or CharBlockPlan(0, ($time.daytime - 1)) == "get rest(mansion)")>>
<<set $MaidToWife.influence += 5>>
<<set $WifeToMaid.suspicion += 5>>
<<set $MaidToWife.influenceTalk += 1>>
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* Maid Breakfast */
<<if $time.daytime == 1>>
<<set $MaidCooking.breakfast = random(4, 7)>>
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* Maid Gym */
<<if $time.daytime == 4 and MaidCurrentPlan() == "training(downtown gym)">>
<<set $NPCdaymemory[1].evening = "training(downtown gym)">>
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* Jenny Visit Bakery */
<<if JennyCurrentPlan() == "visit bakery">>
<<run setCharBlockMemory(2, $time.daytime ,"visit bakery")>>
/* Jenny Salon */
<<if JennyCurrentPlan() == "salon(downtown)">>
<<run setCharBlockMemory(2, $time.daytime ,"salon(downtown)")>>
<<if CharBlockMemory(0, ($time.daytime - 1)) == "work(bakery)" and CharBlockMemory(2, ($time.daytime - 1)) == "visit bakery">>
<<set $JennyToWifeInfluence.overall = min(100, ($JennyToWifeInfluence.overall + 2))>>
<<AddStat 0 "assertiveness" 1 100>>
<<AddStat 0 "lordliness" 1 100>>
<<if CharBlockMemory(0, ($time.daytime - 1)) == "salon(downtown)" and CharBlockMemory(2, ($time.daytime - 1)) == "salon(downtown)">>
<<set $JennyToWifeInfluence.overall = min(100, ($JennyToWifeInfluence.overall + 1))>>
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* Jenny Visit Mansion */
<<if JennyCurrentPlan() == "visit mansion">>
<<run setCharBlockMemory(0, $time.daytime ,"meet Jenny(mansion)")>>
<<run setCharBlockMemory(2, $time.daytime ,"visit mansion")>>
<<if $time.daytime == 5 and CharBlockMemory(0, 4) == "meet Jenny(mansion)" and CharBlockMemory(2, 4) == "visit mansion">>
<<set $JennyVisitSleepover.influence = min(100, ($JennyVisitSleepover.influence + 10))>>
<<if $time.daytime == 6 and $JennyVisitSleepover.active == false and $JennyVisitSleepover.influence >= 30>>
<<set $NPCplans[2].mnight = "sleeping(mansion gbedroom)">>
<</widget>><<set $skip_time_img = "data/gui/skip_time.png">>
<<set $time = {
daytime: 7,
date: 1,
weekday: 0,
weektype: 0,
month: 3,
monthday: 10,
temp: 0
<<set $timeFreeze = {
daytime: false,
date: false,
weekday: false,
weektype: false,
month: false,
monthday: false,
temp: 0
<<set $DayTime = []>>
<<set $DayTime[0] = "Early Morning">>
<<set $DayTime[1] = "Morning">>
<<set $DayTime[2] = "Noon">>
<<set $DayTime[3] = "Afternoon">>
<<set $DayTime[4] = "Evening">>
<<set $DayTime[5] = "Dusk">>
<<set $DayTime[6] = "Night">>
<<set $DayTime[7] = "Midnight">>
<<set $WeekDay = []>>
<<set $WeekDay[0] = "Monday">>
<<set $WeekDay[1] = "Tuesday">>
<<set $WeekDay[2] = "Wednesday">>
<<set $WeekDay[3] = "Thursday">>
<<set $WeekDay[4] = "Friday">>
<<set $WeekDay[5] = "Saturday">>
<<set $WeekDay[6] = "Sunday">>
<<set $Month = []>>
<<set $Month[0] = "January">>
<<set $Month[1] = "February">>
<<set $Month[2] = "March">>
<<set $Month[3] = "April">>
<<set $Month[4] = "May">>
<<set $Month[5] = "June">>
<<set $Month[6] = "July">>
<<set $Month[7] = "August">>
<<set $Month[8] = "September">>
<<set $Month[9] = "October">>
<<set $Month[10] = "November">>
<<set $Month[11] = "December">><<GameUpdate>>
<<if $time.temp > 0>>
<<set _skip = $time.temp>>
<<set $time.temp = 0>>
<<SkipTimeBlock _skip>>
<<if $Background == 1>>
<<addclass "body" "background">>
<<addclass "body" "captionBG">>
<</if>><<widget "GameUpdate">>
/* ---------- DEV BUILD ON ---------- */
<<if $GameVersion == "0.33.3">>
<<set $GameVersion = "0.33.4">>
<<set $IntStack = []>>
<<set $IntStack[0] = $MaidCleaning.wipecounter>>
<<set $IntStack[1] = $MaidCleaning.wipeliftup>>
<<set $IntStack[2] = $MaidCleaning.wipechair>>
<<set $IntStack[3] = $MaidCleaning.wipestandart>>
<<set $IntStack[4] = $MaidCleaning.wipescold>>
<<set $IntStack[5] = $MaidCleaning.mirrorcounter>>
<<set $BolStack = []>>
<<set $BolStack[0] = $MaidCleaning.wipemethod>>
<<set $MaidCleaning = {
wipecounter: 0,
wipemethod: "",
wipeliftup: 0,
wipechair: 0,
wipestandart: 0,
wipescold: 0,
mirrorcounter: 0,
makeMainBedActive: false,
makeMainBedCounter: false,
makeGuestBedActive: false,
makeGuestBedCounter: false
<<set $MaidCleaning.wipecounter = $IntStack[0]>>
<<set $MaidCleaning.wipeliftup = $IntStack[1]>>
<<set $MaidCleaning.wipechair = $IntStack[2]>>
<<set $MaidCleaning.wipestandart = $IntStack[3]>>
<<set $MaidCleaning.wipescold = $IntStack[4]>>
<<set $MaidCleaning.mirrorcounter = $IntStack[5]>>
<<set $MaidCleaning.wipemethod = $BolStack[0]>>
<<set $IntStack = []>>
<<set $IntStack[0] = $MaidCookingLessons.lessonscount>>
<<set $IntStack[1] = $MaidCookingLessons.lessonsgap>>
<<set $BolStack = []>>
<<set $BolStack[0] = $MaidCookingLessons.lessonsactive>>
<<set $BolStack[1] = $MaidCookingLessons.jennycheck>>
<<set $MaidCookingLessons = {
lessonsactive: false,
lessonscount: 0,
lessonsgap: 0,
examcount: 0,
examgap: 0,
jennycheck: false,
<<set $MaidCookingLessons.lessonscount = $IntStack[0]>>
<<set $MaidCookingLessons.lessonsgap = $IntStack[1]>>
<<set $MaidCookingLessons.lessonsactive = $BolStack[0]>>
<<set $MaidCookingLessons.jennycheck = $BolStack[1]>>
<<set $IntStack = []>>
<<set $IntStack[0] = $MaidToWife.influence>>
<<set $IntStack[1] = $WifeMaid.bedbreakfast>>
<<set $IntStack[2] = $MaidToWife.bathserve>>
<<set $BolStack = []>>
<<set $BolStack[0] = $WifeMaid.gymstatus>>
<<set $WifeMaid = {
influence: 0,
bedbreakfast: 0,
bathserve: 0,
gymstatus: false,
cookingLessonsActive: false
<<set $MaidToWife.influence = $IntStack[0]>>
<<set $WifeMaid.bedbreakfast = $IntStack[1]>>
<<set $MaidToWife.bathserve = $IntStack[2]>>
<<set $WifeMaid.gymstatus = $BolStack[0]>>
<<set $LongshortTurn = 0>>
<<set $LongshortDeckSize = 0>>
<<set $LongshortDeckOrder = []>>
<<set $LongshortYourHand = []>>
<<set $LongshortYourRaw = []>>
<<set $LongshortOpponentHand = []>>
<<set $LongshortOpponentRaw = []>>
<<set $LongshortRawAcesSwitches = []>>
<<set $LongshortRawKingSwitches = []>>
<<set $LongshortRawQueenSwitches = []>>
<<set $LongshortTurnEnd = false>>
<<set $LongshortGameEnd = false>>
<<set $MaidCleaningScenes = {
MasterBedroom: {
interact: false,
variation: 0
LivingRoom: {
interact: false,
variation: 0
GardenerRoom: {
interact: false,
variation: 0
<<set $MaidApron.wear = false>>
<<set $mcItem.wearcount = 0>>
<<set $mcItem.havecount = 0>>
<<if mcWearThongs()>>
<<if $mcItemWear[1] == "blue thongs">><<set $ThongsColor = "blue">><</if>>
<<if $mcItemWear[1] == "purple thongs">><<set $ThongsColor = "purple">><</if>>
<<if $mcItemWear[1] == "green thongs">><<set $ThongsColor = "green">><</if>>
<<if $mcItemWear[1] == "red thongs">><<set $ThongsColor = "red">><</if>>
<<if $mcItemWear[1] == "gold thongs">><<set $ThongsColor = "gold">><</if>>
<<if $mcItemWear[1] == "silver thongs">><<set $ThongsColor = "silver">><</if>>
<<set $mcItem.wearcount = 1>>
<<set $mcItem.havecount = 1>>
<<set _color = $ThongsColor + " thongs">>
<<set $mcItemHave[0] = _color>>
<<set $mcItemWear[0] = _color>>
<<elseif $mcItemHave[1] != "">>
<<if $mcItemHave[1] == "blue thongs">><<set $ThongsColor = "blue">><</if>>
<<if $mcItemHave[1] == "purple thongs">><<set $ThongsColor = "purple">><</if>>
<<if $mcItemHave[1] == "green thongs">><<set $ThongsColor = "green">><</if>>
<<if $mcItemHave[1] == "red thongs">><<set $ThongsColor = "red">><</if>>
<<if $mcItemHave[1] == "gold thongs">><<set $ThongsColor = "gold">><</if>>
<<if $mcItemHave[1] == "silver thongs">><<set $ThongsColor = "silver">><</if>>
<<set $mcItemHave[0] = $mcItemHave[1]>>
<<set $mcItemHave[1] = "">>
<<set $mcItem.havecount = 1>>
<<set $NPCstat[30] = {
meet: false,
name: "Kendall",
lastname: "",
realname: "Cali Caliente",
style: "kendall",
label: "kendall",
gender: 0,
gambling: 0,
obedience: -20,
diary: "",
infoCheck: true,
infoImg: "data/npc/kendall/info_img.jpg",
location: ""
<<if $GameLang == "rus">>
<<set $NPCstat[30].name = "Кендалл">>
<<set $locAtt[42] = {
name: "IT Kendall Office",
imgGroup: "work",
imgId: "simple office",
locked: false,
discovered: true
<<set $KendallGames = {
Boxes: {
played: false,
stickerBoard: false,
garbageCan: false
<<if $GameVersion == "0.33.4">>
<<set $GameVersion = "0.33.5">>
<<set $WifeAssWorship = {
active: false,
status: ""
/* PAULA */
<<set $NPCstat[31] = {
meet: false,
name: "Paula",
lastname: "",
realname: "Lena Paul",
style: "common",
label: "paula",
gender: 0,
gambling: 0,
obedience: 0,
diary: "",
infoCheck: true,
infoImg: "data/npc/paula/info_img.jpg",
location: "",
vlocation: ""
<<set $IntStack = []>>
<<set $IntStack[0] = $NPCstat[0].lordliness>>
<<set $IntStack[1] = $NPCstat[0].assertiveness>>
<<set $IntStack[2] = $NPCstat[0].openness>>
<<set $IntStack[3] = $NPCstat[0].mcinfluence>>
<<set $StrStack = []>>
<<set $StrStack[0] = $NPCstat[0].name>>
<<set $StrStack[1] = $NPCstat[0].lastname>>
<<set $StrStack[2] = $NPCstat[0].location>>
<<set $NPCstat[0] = {
meet: true,
introduced: true,
name: "Amanda",
lastname: "Jett",
realname: "Anissa Kate",
style: "wife",
label: "wife",
gender: 0,
lordliness: 0,
assertiveness: 0,
openness: 0,
mcinfluence: 70,
infoCheck: true,
infoImg: "data/npc/wife/info_img.jpg",
location: "",
vlocation: ""
<<set $NPCstat[0].lordliness = $IntStack[0]>>
<<set $NPCstat[0].assertiveness = $IntStack[1]>>
<<set $NPCstat[0].openness = $IntStack[2]>>
<<set $NPCstat[0].mcinfluence = $IntStack[3]>>
<<set $NPCstat[0].name = $StrStack[0]>>
<<set $NPCstat[0].lastname = $StrStack[1]>>
<<set $NPCstat[0].location = $StrStack[2]>>
<<set $IntStack = []>>
<<set $IntStack[0] = $NPCstat[1].trust>>
<<set $IntStack[1] = $NPCstat[1].playfulness>>
<<set $IntStack[2] = $NPCstat[1].obedience>>
<<set $IntStack[3] = $NPCstat[1].mcinfluence>>
<<set $StrStack = []>>
<<set $StrStack[0] = $NPCstat[1].location>>
<<set $NPCstat[1] = {
meet: true,
introduced: true,
name: "Samantha",
lastname: "",
realname: "Christie Stevens",
style: "samantha",
label: "samantha",
gender: 0,
trust: 20,
playfulness: 0,
obedience: 0,
mcinfluence: 20,
infoCheck: true,
infoImg: "data/npc/samantha/info_img.jpg",
location: "",
vlocation: ""
<<set $NPCstat[1].trust = $IntStack[0]>>
<<set $NPCstat[1].playfulness = $IntStack[1]>>
<<set $NPCstat[1].obedience = $IntStack[2]>>
<<set $NPCstat[1].mcinfluence = $IntStack[3]>>
<<set $NPCstat[1].location = $StrStack[0]>>
<<if $GameVersion == "0.33.5">>
<<set $GameVersion = "0.33.5a">>
<<set $IntStack = []>>
<<set $IntStack[0] = $WifeScenes.Shower.variation>>
<<set $IntStack[1] = $WifeScenes.Shower.stareCount>>
<<set $IntStack[2] = $WifeScenes.Breakfast.variation>>
<<set $IntStack[3] = $WifeScenes.Dinner.variation>>
<<set $IntStack[4] = $WifeScenes.WatchTV.variation>>
<<set $IntStack[5] = $WifeScenes.GetRest.variation>>
<<set $IntStack[6] = $WifeScenes.Bakery.variation>>
<<set $BolStack = []>>
<<set $BolStack[0] = $WifeScenes.Shower.interact>>
<<set $BolStack[1] = $WifeScenes.Shower.nocoffee>>
<<set $BolStack[2] = $WifeScenes.Breakfast.interact>>
<<set $BolStack[3] = $WifeScenes.Dinner.interact>>
<<set $BolStack[4] = $WifeScenes.Dinner.drinkaccept>>
<<set $BolStack[5] = $WifeScenes.Dinner.drinkrefuse>>
<<set $BolStack[6] = $WifeScenes.WatchTV.interact>>
<<set $BolStack[7] = $WifeScenes.GetRest.interact>>
<<set $BolStack[8] = $WifeScenes.Bakery.interact>>
<<set $WifeScenes = {
Shower: {
interact: false,
variation: 0,
nocoffee: false,
stareCount: 0
Breakfast: {
interact: false,
variation: 0
BedBreakfast: {
interact: false,
variation: 0
Dinner: {
interact: false,
variation: 0,
drinkaccept: false,
drinkrefuse: false
WatchTV: {
interact: false,
variation: 0
GetRest: {
interact: false,
variation: 0
Bakery: {
interact: false,
variation: 0
<<set $WifeScenes.Shower.variation = $IntStack[0]>>
<<set $WifeScenes.Shower.stareCount = $IntStack[1]>>
<<set $WifeScenes.Breakfast.variation = $IntStack[2]>>
<<set $WifeScenes.Dinner.variation = $IntStack[3]>>
<<set $WifeScenes.WatchTV.variation = $IntStack[4]>>
<<set $WifeScenes.GetRest.variation = $IntStack[5]>>
<<set $WifeScenes.Bakery.variation = $IntStack[6]>>
<<set $WifeScenes.Shower.interact = $BolStack[0]>>
<<set $WifeScenes.Shower.nocoffee = $BolStack[1]>>
<<set $WifeScenes.Breakfast.interact = $BolStack[2]>>
<<set $WifeScenes.Dinner.interact = $BolStack[3]>>
<<set $WifeScenes.Dinner.drinkaccept = $BolStack[4]>>
<<set $WifeScenes.Dinner.drinkrefuse = $BolStack[5]>>
<<set $WifeScenes.WatchTV.interact = $BolStack[6]>>
<<set $WifeScenes.GetRest.interact = $BolStack[7]>>
<<set $WifeScenes.Bakery.interact = $BolStack[8]>>
<<set $IntStack = []>>
<<set $IntStack[0] = $WifeServing.bedbreakfast>>
<<set $WifeServing = {
BedBreakfast: {
countOverall: 0,
countHeroCooked: 0,
countHeroServed: 0,
countMaidCooked: 0,
countMaidServed: 0,
berryCount: 0,
askedHeroForCooking: false
<<set $WifeServing.BedBreakfast.countOverall = $IntStack[0]>>
<<set $WifeServing.BedBreakfast.countHeroCooked = $IntStack[0]>>
<<set $WifeServing.BedBreakfast.countHeroServed = $IntStack[0]>>
<<set $WifeServing.BedBreakfast.countMaidCooked = $WifeMaid.bedbreakfast>>
<<set $WifeServing.BedBreakfast.countMaidServed = $WifeMaid.bedbreakfast>>
<<set $WifeServing.BedBreakfast.countOverall += $WifeMaid.bedbreakfast>>
<<if $NPCstat[1].obedience > 0>>
<<set $NPCstat[1].obedience = $NPCstat[1].playfulness>>
<<set $NPCstat[1].playfulness = 20>>
<<if $DevBuild == true>>
<<set $DevBuildVisible = true>>
<<set $JennyVisitScenes = {
Kitchen: {
interact: false,
variation: 0,
hatMessageId: 0
<<set $IntStack = []>>
<<set $IntStack[0] = $NPCstat[2].hate>>
<<set $IntStack[1] = $NPCstat[2].obedience>>
<<set $StrStack = []>>
<<set $StrStack[0] = $NPCstat[2].location>>
<<set $NPCstat[2] = {
meet: true,
introduced: true,
name: "Jenny",
lastname: "",
realname: "Cassidy Klein",
style: "jenny",
label: "jenny",
gender: 0,
hate: 25,
obedience: -80,
mcinfluence: 0,
infoCheck: true,
infoImg: "data/npc/jenny/info_img.jpg",
location: "",
vlocation: ""
<<set $NPCstat[2].hate = $IntStack[0]>>
<<set $NPCstat[2].obedience = $IntStack[1]>>
<<set $NPCstat[2].location = $StrStack[0]>>
<<set $IntStack = []>>
<<set $IntStack[0] = $MaidCookingLessons.lessonscount>>
<<set $IntStack[1] = $MaidCookingLessons.lessonsgap>>
<<set $IntStack[2] = $MaidCookingLessons.examcount>>
<<set $IntStack[3] = $MaidCookingLessons.examgap>>
<<set $BolStack = []>>
<<set $BolStack[0] = $MaidCookingLessons.lessonsactive>>
<<set $MaidCookingLessons = {
lessonsStatus: "",
lessonsactive: false,
lessonscount: 0,
lessonsgap: 0,
examcount: 0,
examgap: 0,
jennycheck: false,
<<set $MaidCookingLessons.lessonscount = $IntStack[0]>>
<<set $MaidCookingLessons.lessonsgap = $IntStack[1]>>
<<set $MaidCookingLessons.examcount = $IntStack[2]>>
<<set $MaidCookingLessons.examgap = $IntStack[3]>>
<<set $MaidCookingLessons.lessonsactive = $BolStack[0]>>
<<if $MaidCookingLessons.lessonsactive>>
<<set $MaidCookingLessons.lessonsStatus = "active">>
<<if $GameVersion == "0.33.5a">>
<<set $GameVersion = "0.33.6">>
<<set $NPCstat[2].meet = true>>
<<set $NPCstat[2].introduced = true>>
<<set $IntStack = []>>
<<set $IntStack[0] = $MaidToWife.influence>>
<<set $IntStack[1] = $WifeMaid.bedbreakfast>>
<<set $IntStack[2] = $MaidToWife.bathserve>>
<<set $BolStack = []>>
<<set $BolStack[0] = $WifeMaid.gymstatus>>
<<set $BolStack[1] = $MaidToWife.cookingLessonsActive>>
<<set $WifeMaid = {
influence: 0,
suspicion: 0,
bedbreakfast: 0,
bathserve: 0,
gymstatus: false,
cookingLessonsActive: false
<<set $MaidToWife.influence = $IntStack[0]>>
<<set $WifeMaid.bedbreakfast = $IntStack[1]>>
<<set $MaidToWife.bathserve = $IntStack[2]>>
<<set $WifeMaid.gymstatus = $BolStack[0]>>
<<set $MaidToWife.cookingLessonsActive = $BolStack[1]>>
<<set $IntStack = []>>
<<set $IntStack[0] = $WifeFootFetish.counter>>
<<set $IntStack[1] = $WifeFootFetish.massagedesire>>
<<set $IntStack[2] = $WifeFootFetish.lickdesire>>
<<set $IntStack[3] = $WifeFootFetish.livingroommassage>>
<<set $IntStack[4] = $WifeFootFetish.livingroomlick>>
<<set $IntStack[5] = $WifeFootFetish.mallmassage>>
<<set $IntStack[6] = $WifeFootFetish.malllick>>
<<set $IntStack[7] = $WifeFootFetish.poolbarmassage>>
<<set $IntStack[8] = $WifeFootFetish.poolbarlick>>
<<set $IntStack[9] = $WifeFootFetish.trainingmassage>>
<<set $IntStack[10] = $WifeFootFetish.traininglick>>
<<set $BolStack = []>>
<<set $BolStack[0] = $WifeFootFetish.active>>
<<set $BolStack[1] = $WifeFootFetish.oiluse>>
<<set $BolStack[2] = $WifeFootFetish.maidseen>>
<<set $WifeFootFetish = {
active: false,
counter: 0,
massagedesire: 0,
lickdesire: 0,
livingroommassage: 0,
livingroomlick: 0,
mallmassage: 0,
malllick: 0,
poolbarmassage: 0,
poolbarlick: 0,
emorningMassage: 0,
emorningLick: 0,
trainingmassage: 0,
traininglick: 0,
oiluse: false,
maidseen: false
<<set $WifeFootFetish.counter = $IntStack[0]>>
<<set $WifeFootFetish.massagedesire = $IntStack[1]>>
<<set $WifeFootFetish.lickdesire = $IntStack[2]>>
<<set $WifeFootFetish.livingroommassage = $IntStack[3]>>
<<set $WifeFootFetish.livingroomlick = $IntStack[4]>>
<<set $WifeFootFetish.mallmassage = $IntStack[5]>>
<<set $WifeFootFetish.malllick = $IntStack[6]>>
<<set $WifeFootFetish.poolbarmassage = $IntStack[7]>>
<<set $WifeFootFetish.poolbarlick = $IntStack[8]>>
<<set $WifeFootFetish.trainingmassage = $IntStack[9]>>
<<set $WifeFootFetish.traininglick = $IntStack[10]>>
<<set $WifeFootFetish.active = $BolStack[0]>>
<<set $WifeFootFetish.oiluse = $BolStack[1]>>
<<set $WifeFootFetish.maidseen = $BolStack[2]>>
<<set $JennySchedule[6].anoon = "visit mansion/shopping(mall)">>
<<set $JennySchedule[6].anoon = "visit mansion/shopping(mall)">>
<<set $JennyVisitScenes = {
Kitchen: {
interact: false,
variation: 0,
hatMessageId: 0
LivingRoom: {
interact: false,
variation: 0
<<set $WifeToMaid = {
influence: 0,
suspicion: 0
<<if $GameVersion == "0.33.6">>
<<set $GameVersion = "0.33.6b">>
<<set $mansion = {
mbedroom: {
cleanliness: 100,
cleanActive: false,
cleanCount: 0,
makebedActive: false,
makebed: false,
makebedCount: 0,
makebedWifeCatch: false
<<set $mansion.mbedroom.makebedActive = $MaidCleaning.makeMainBedActive>>
<<set $mansion.mbedroom.makebed = $MaidCleaning.makeMainBedActive>>
<<set $mansion.mbedroom.makebedCount = $MaidCleaning.makeMainBedCounter>>
<<set $MaidBackyard = {
drinkActive: false,
drinkCount: 0,
swimActive: false,
swimCount: 0,
catchpeeking: 0
<<set $MaidLazinessDesires = {
watchtv: 0,
tanning: 0,
drinking: 0,
swimming: 0,
slacking: 0,
annoying: 0,
oversleeping: 0
<<set $WifeDenial = {
active: false
<<set $NPCstat[32] = {
meet: false,
name: "Rosalyn",
lastname: "",
realname: "Leigh Raven",
style: "common",
label: "rosalyn",
gender: 0,
gambling: 0,
obedience: 0,
diary: "",
infoCheck: true,
infoImg: "data/npc/rosalyn/info_img.jpg",
location: "",
vlocation: ""
<<if $GameVersion == "0.33.6b">>
<<set $GameVersion = "0.33.7">>
<<set $MaidRoleReversal.active = false>>
<<set $MaidRoleReversal.cleaningactive = false>>
<<set $MaidSchedule[0].morning = "clean master bedroom">>
<<set $MaidSchedule[0].anoon = "clean living room">>
<<set $MaidSchedule[1].morning = "clean master bedroom">>
<<set $MaidSchedule[1].noon = "clean hallway">>
<<set $MaidSchedule[1].anoon = "clean living room">>
<<set $MaidSchedule[2].morning = "clean balcony">>
<<set $MaidSchedule[2].noon = "clean master bathroom">>
<<set $MaidSchedule[2].anoon = "clean pool bar">>
<<set $MaidSchedule[3].morning = "clean master bedroom">>
<<set $MaidSchedule[3].noon = "clean home office">>
<<set $MaidSchedule[3].anoon = "clean hallway">>
<<set $MaidSchedule[4].morning = "clean guest bedroom">>
<<set $MaidSchedule[4].noon = "clean master bathroom">>
<<set $MaidSchedule[4].anoon = "clean living room">>
<<set $MaidSchedule[5].morning = "clean master bedroom">>
<<set $MaidSchedule[5].noon = "clean backyard">>
<<set $MaidSchedule[5].anoon = "clean hallway">>
<<set $mansionLocations = []>>
<<set $mansionLocations[0] = "Master Bedroom">>
<<set $mansionLocations[1] = "Master Bathroom">>
<<set $mansionLocations[2] = "MChouse Dressing Room">>
<<set $mansionLocations[3] = "MChouse Balcony">>
<<set $mansionLocations[4] = "Guest Bedroom">>
<<set $mansionLocations[5] = "Guest Bathroom">>
<<set $mansionLocations[6] = "Kitchen">>
<<set $mansionLocations[7] = "Pantry">>
<<set $mansionLocations[8] = "Storage Room">>
<<set $mansionLocations[9] = "Living Room">>
<<set $mansionLocations[10] = "Backyard">>
<<set $mansionLocations[11] = "MChouse Pool Bar">>
<<set $mansionLocations[12] = "MChouse Grill">>
<<set $mansionLocations[13] = "Hallway">>
<<set $mansionLocations[14] = "Home Office">>
<<set $mansionLocations[15] = "Dining Room">>
<<set $mansionLocations[16] = "Mansion Facade">>
<<set $gardenerLocations = []>>
<<set $gardenerLocations[0] = "Hallway (Gardener)">>
<<set $gardenerLocations[1] = "Bedroom (Gardener)">>
<<set $gardenerLocations[2] = "Bathroom (Gardener)">>
<<set $JennySchedule = []>>
<<set $JennySchedule[0] = {
emorning: "get rest(her apartment)",
morning: "take shower(her apartment)",
noon: "get breakfast(park cafe)",
anoon: "wandering(downtown)",
evening: "wandering(downtown)",
dusk: "take bath(her apartment)",
night: "watch tv(her apartment)",
mnight: "sleep(her apartment)"
<<set $JennySchedule[1] = {
emorning: "get rest(her apartment)",
morning: "take shower(her apartment)",
noon: "get breakfast(downtown cafe)",
anoon: "wandering(downtown)",
evening: "wandering(downtown)",
dusk: "take bath(her apartment)",
night: "watch tv(her apartment)",
mnight: "sleep(her apartment)"
<<set $JennySchedule[2] = {
emorning: "get rest(her apartment)",
morning: "take shower(her apartment)",
noon: "get breakfast(park cafe)",
anoon: "wandering(downtown)",
evening: "wandering(downtown)",
dusk: "take bath(her apartment)",
night: "watch tv(her apartment)",
mnight: "sleep(her apartment)"
<<set $JennySchedule[3] = {
emorning: "get rest(her apartment)",
morning: "take shower(her apartment)",
noon: "visit bakery",
anoon: "salon(downtown)",
evening: "salon(downtown)",
dusk: "take bath(her apartment)",
night: "watch tv(her apartment)",
mnight: "sleep(her apartment)"
<<set $JennySchedule[4] = {
emorning: "get rest(her apartment)",
morning: "take shower(her apartment)",
noon: "get breakfast(downtown cafe)",
anoon: "wandering(downtown)",
evening: "wandering(downtown)",
dusk: "take bath(her apartment)",
night: "watch tv(her apartment)",
mnight: "sleep(her apartment)"
<<set $JennySchedule[5] = {
emorning: "get rest(her apartment)",
morning: "take shower(her apartment)",
noon: "get breakfast(park cafe)",
anoon: "visit boyfriend",
evening: "visit boyfriend",
dusk: "get dinner(downtown restaurant)",
night: "get dinner(downtown restaurant)",
mnight: "sleep(her apartment)"
<<set $JennySchedule[6] = {
emorning: "get rest(her apartment)",
morning: "prepare to visit/prepare to shopping",
noon: "visit mansion/shopping(mall)",
anoon: "visit mansion/shopping(mall)",
evening: "visit mansion/shopping(mall)",
dusk: "visit mansion/none",
night: "visit mansion/none",
mnight: "sleep(her apartment)"
<<set $MaidSchedule[4].morning = "clean master bedroom">>
<<set $MaidSchedule[1].noon = "clean backyard">>
<<set $MaidSchedule[1].anoon = "clean pool bar">>
<<set $MaidSchedule[2].anoon = "clean living room">>
<<set $MaidSchedule[3].anoon = "clean guest bedroom">>
<<set $MaidSchedule[4].anoon = "clean hallway">>
<<set $JennyVisitSleepover = {
active: false,
influence: 0,
overallCount: 0,
gbedroomCount: 0,
mbedroomCount: 0
<<set $JennyVisitSleepover.active = $JennyToWifeInfluence.sleepoveractive>>
<<set $JennyVisitSleepover.overallCount = (($JennyToWifeInfluence.sleepovercount - 30) / 10)>>
<<set $JennyVisitSleepover.gbedroomCount = $JennyVisitSleepover.overallCount>>
<<set $JennyApartmentVisits = {
active: false,
count: 0
<<set $WifePainting = {
active: false,
status: "",
progress: 0,
count: 0
<<set $locAtt[80] = {
name: "Third Avenue",
imgGroup: "downtown",
imgId: "apartment avenue 2",
locked: false,
discovered: false
<<set $locAtt[81] = {
name: "Jenny Apartment Hall",
imgGroup: "downtown",
imgId: "jenny apartment(hall)",
locked: false,
discovered: false
<<set $locAtt[82] = {
name: "Jenny Apartment Bedroom",
imgGroup: "downtown",
imgId: "jenny apartment(bedroom)",
locked: false,
discovered: false
<<set $locAtt[83] = {
name: "Jenny Apartment Bathroom",
imgGroup: "downtown",
imgId: "jenny apartment(bathroom)",
locked: false,
discovered: false
<<set $locAtt[84] = {
name: "Jenny Apartment Kitchen",
imgGroup: "downtown",
imgId: "jenny apartment(kitchen)",
locked: false,
discovered: false
<<set $locAtt[85] = {
name: "Jenny Apartment Balcony",
imgGroup: "downtown",
imgId: "jenny apartment(balcony)",
locked: false,
discovered: false
<<set $locAtt[88] = {
name: "Art Studio Facade",
imgGroup: "downtown",
imgId: "art studio(facade)",
locked: false,
discovered: false
<<set $locAtt[89] = {
name: "Art Studio Hall",
imgGroup: "downtown",
imgId: "art studio(hall)",
locked: false,
discovered: false
<<set $locAtt[90] = {
name: "Art Studio Office",
imgGroup: "downtown",
imgId: "art studio(office)",
locked: false,
discovered: false
<<set $locAtt[91] = {
name: "Art Studio Room",
imgGroup: "downtown",
imgId: "art studio(room)",
locked: false,
discovered: false
<<set $locAtt[92] = {
name: "Art Studio Main",
imgGroup: "downtown",
imgId: "art studio(main)",
locked: false,
discovered: false
<<set $WifeSchedule = []>>
<<set $WifeSchedule[0] = {
emorning: "take shower(mansion)",
morning: "breakfast in kitchen(mansion)",
noon: "work(bakery)",
anoon: "work(bakery)",
evening: "drink coffee(mansion)",
dusk: "watch tv(mansion)",
night: "prepare to sleep(mansion)",
mnight: "sleep(mansion)"
<<set $WifeSchedule[1] = {
emorning: "take shower(mansion)",
morning: "breakfast in kitchen(mansion)",
noon: "work(bakery)",
anoon: "work(bakery)",
evening: "watch tv(mansion)",
dusk: "watch tv(mansion)",
night: "prepare to sleep(mansion)",
mnight: "sleep(mansion)"
<<set $WifeSchedule[2] = {
emorning: "take shower(mansion)",
morning: "breakfast in kitchen(mansion)",
noon: "play tennis",
anoon: "play tennis",
evening: "get rest(mansion)",
dusk: "get rest(mansion)",
night: "prepare to sleep(mansion)",
mnight: "sleep(mansion)"
<<set $WifeSchedule[3] = {
emorning: "take shower(mansion)",
morning: "breakfast in kitchen(mansion)",
noon: "work(bakery)",
anoon: "salon(downtown)",
evening: "salon(downtown)",
dusk: "watch tv(mansion)",
night: "prepare to sleep(mansion)",
mnight: "sleep(mansion)"
<<set $WifeSchedule[4] = {
emorning: "take shower(mansion)",
morning: "breakfast in kitchen(mansion)",
noon: "work(bakery)",
anoon: "work(bakery)",
evening: "get rest(mansion)",
dusk: "get rest(mansion)",
night: "prepare to sleep(mansion)",
mnight: "sleep(mansion)"
<<set $WifeSchedule[5] = {
emorning: "get rest(mansion)",
morning: "swimming(mansion)",
noon: "get tan(mansion)",
anoon: "get tan(mansion)",
evening: "watch tv(mansion)",
dusk: "watch tv(mansion)",
night: "prepare to sleep(mansion)",
mnight: "sleep(mansion)"
<<set $WifeSchedule[6] = {
emorning: "get rest(mansion)",
morning: "swimming(mansion)",
noon: "get tan(mansion)",
anoon: "get tan(mansion)",
evening: "watch tv(mansion)",
dusk: "watch tv(mansion)",
night: "prepare to sleep(mansion)",
mnight: "sleep(mansion)"
<<set $WifeQueen = {
active: false,
throneBought: false,
throneDelivered: false
<<set $WifeQueen.active = $WifeUniqueCase[2]>>
<<set $IntStack = []>>
<<set $IntStack[0] = $KellyTraining.deliveryask>>
<<set $IntStack[1] = $KellyTraining.deliverydid>>
<<set $IntStack[2] = $KellyTraining.mccount>>
<<set $BolStack = []>>
<<set $BolStack[0] = $KellyTraining.nomaidactive>>
<<set $BolStack[1] = $KellyTraining.mcactive>>
<<set $KellyTraining = {
deliverytalk: false,
deliveryask: 0,
deliverydid: 0,
nomaidactive: false,
mcactive: false,
mccount: 0
<<set $KellyTraining.deliverydid = $IntStack[0]>>
<<set $KellyTraining.mccount = $IntStack[1]>>
<<set $KellyTraining.deliverytalk = $BolStack[0]>>
<<set $KellyTraining.nomaidactive = $BolStack[1]>>
<<set $KellyTraining.mcactive = $BolStack[2]>>
<<if $GameVersion == "0.33.7">>
<<set $GameVersion = "0.33.7a">>
<<set $WifeQueen.active = $WifeUniqueCase[2]>>
<<set $NPCstat[20].infoImg = "data/npc/brandy/info_img.jpg">>
<<set $BrandyStory = {
status: "",
stage: 0,
counter: 0
<<set $PositionSalary[0] = 0>>
<<set $PositionSalary[1] = 3500>>
<<set $PositionSalary[2] = 11000>>
<<set $PositionSalary[3] = 12000>>
<<set $PositionSalary[4] = 11000>>
<<set $PositionSalary[5] = 8500>>
<<set $PositionSalary[6] = 9500>>
<<set $PositionSalary[7] = 4500>>
<<set $BrandySchedule = []>>
<<set $BrandySchedule[0] = {
emorning: "",
morning: "",
noon: "",
anoon: "tanning",
evening: "",
dusk: "",
night: "",
mnight: ""
<<set $BrandySchedule[1] = {
emorning: "",
morning: "",
noon: "",
anoon: "",
evening: "",
dusk: "",
night: "",
mnight: ""
<<set $BrandySchedule[2] = {
emorning: "",
morning: "",
noon: "",
anoon: "shopping",
evening: "",
dusk: "",
night: "",
mnight: ""
<<set $BrandySchedule[3] = {
emorning: "",
morning: "",
noon: "",
anoon: "tanning",
evening: "",
dusk: "",
night: "",
mnight: ""
<<set $BrandySchedule[4] = {
emorning: "",
morning: "",
noon: "",
anoon: "shopping",
evening: "",
dusk: "",
night: "",
mnight: ""
<<set $BrandySchedule[5] = {
emorning: "",
morning: "",
noon: "",
anoon: "",
evening: "",
dusk: "",
night: "",
mnight: ""
<<set $BrandySchedule[6] = {
emorning: "",
morning: "",
noon: "",
anoon: "",
evening: "",
dusk: "",
night: "",
mnight: ""
<<set $DevBuildResetFlag = false>>
<<if $GameVersion == "0.33.7a">>
<<set $GameVersion = "0.33.8">>
<<set $UpdateResetFlag = false>>
<<set $BrandySchedule[2].anoon = "shopping">>
<<set $BrandySchedule[3].anoon = "tanning">>
<<set $BrandySchedule[4].anoon = "shopping">>
<<set $MilaDelivery = {
active: false,
counter: 0,
stage: 0
<<set $RandomMeets = {
VendingMachineGirl: {
interact: false,
variation: 0,
count: 0,
daytime: 0
<<if $GameVersion == "0.33.8">>
<<set $GameVersion = "0.33.8a">>
<<set $JoleneVisit = 0>>
<<if $BelindaSchedule[0].noon == "" and $BelindaStory.stage > $BelindaStory.status != "fail">>
<<set $BelindaSchedule[0].noon = "working">>
<<set $BelindaSchedule[0].anoon = "tanning">>
<<set $BelindaSchedule[1].noon = "working">>
<<set $BelindaSchedule[1].anoon = "working">>
<<set $BelindaSchedule[2].noon = "working">>
<<set $BelindaSchedule[2].anoon = "shopping">>
<<set $BelindaSchedule[3].noon = "working">>
<<set $BelindaSchedule[3].anoon = "tanning">>
<<set $BelindaSchedule[4].noon = "working">>
<<set $BelindaSchedule[4].anoon = "shopping">>
<<set $RandomMeets = {
VendingMachineGirl: {
interact: false,
variation: 0,
count: 0,
daytime: 0
<<if $GameVersion == "0.33.8a">>
<<set $GameVersion = "0.33.9">>
<<include "Stat Widgets">>
<<set $BolStack = []>>
<<set $BolStack[0] = $MainKinks.blackmailed>>
<<set $BolStack[1] = $MainKinks.selfcumeating>>
<<set $MainKinks = {
blackmailed: true,
selfcumeating: true,
ballbusting: true
<<set $MainKinks.blackmailed = $BolStack[0]>>
<<set $MainKinks.selfcumeating = $BolStack[1]>>
<<set $IntStack = []>>
<<set $IntStack[0] = $MaidLazinessDesires.watchtv>>
<<set $IntStack[1] = $MaidLazinessDesires.tanning>>
<<set $IntStack[2] = $MaidLazinessDesires.drinking>>
<<set $IntStack[3] = $MaidLazinessDesires.swimming>>
<<set $IntStack[4] = $MaidLazinessDesires.slacking>>
<<set $IntStack[5] = $MaidLazinessDesires.annoying>>
<<set $IntStack[6] = $MaidLazinessDesires.oversleeping>>
<<set $MaidLazinessDesires = {
watchtv: 0,
tanning: 0,
drinking: 0,
swimming: 0,
slacking: 0,
annoying: 0,
oversleeping: 0,
listeningMusic: 0
<<set $MaidLazinessDesires.watchtv = $IntStack[0]>>
<<set $MaidLazinessDesires.tanning = $IntStack[1]>>
<<set $MaidLazinessDesires.drinking = $IntStack[2]>>
<<set $MaidLazinessDesires.swimming = $IntStack[3]>>
<<set $MaidLazinessDesires.slacking = $IntStack[4]>>
<<set $MaidLazinessDesires.annoying = $IntStack[5]>>
<<set $MaidLazinessDesires.oversleeping = $IntStack[6]>>
<<set $IntStack = []>>
<<set $IntStack[0] = $MaidCleaning.wipecounter>>
<<set $IntStack[1] = $MaidCleaning.wipeliftup>>
<<set $IntStack[2] = $MaidCleaning.wipechair>>
<<set $IntStack[3] = $MaidCleaning.wipestandart>>
<<set $IntStack[4] = $MaidCleaning.wipescold>>
<<set $IntStack[5] = $MaidCleaning.mirrorcounter>>
<<set $IntStack[6] = $MaidCleaning.makeMainBedCounter>>
<<set $IntStack[7] = $MaidCleaning.makeGuestBedCounter>>
<<set $BolStack = []>>
<<set $BolStack[0] = $MaidCleaning.makeMainBedActive>>
<<set $BolStack[1] = $MaidCleaning.makeGuestBedActive>>
<<set $StrStack = []>>
<<set $StrStack[0] = $MaidCleaning.wipemethod>>
<<set $MaidCleaning = {
wipecounter: 0,
wipemethod: "",
wipeliftup: 0,
wipechair: 0,
wipestandart: 0,
wipescold: 0,
mirrorcounter: 0,
dustingMbedroomCounter: 0,
makeMainBedActive: false,
makeMainBedCounter: 0,
makeGuestBedActive: false,
makeGuestBedCounter: 0
<<set $MaidLazinessDesires.wipecounter = $IntStack[0]>>
<<set $MaidLazinessDesires.wipeliftup = $IntStack[1]>>
<<set $MaidLazinessDesires.wipechair = $IntStack[2]>>
<<set $MaidLazinessDesires.wipestandart = $IntStack[3]>>
<<set $MaidLazinessDesires.wipescold = $IntStack[4]>>
<<set $MaidLazinessDesires.mirrorcounter = $IntStack[5]>>
<<set $MaidLazinessDesires.makeMainBedCounter = $IntStack[6]>>
<<set $MaidLazinessDesires.makeGuestBedCounter = $IntStack[7]>>
<<set $MaidLazinessDesires.makeMainBedActive = $BolStack[0]>>
<<set $MaidLazinessDesires.makeGuestBedActive = $BolStack[1]>>
<<set $MaidLazinessDesires.wipemethod = $StrStack[0]>>
<<set $IntStack = []>>
<<set $IntStack[0] = $WifeToMaid.influence>>
<<set $IntStack[1] = $WifeToMaid.suspicion>>
<<set $WifeToMaid = {
influence: 0,
suspicion: 0,
conflict: false,
patronage: false
<<set $WifeToMaid.influence = $IntStack[0]>>
<<set $WifeToMaid.suspicion = $IntStack[1]>>
<<set $IntStack = []>>
<<set $IntStack[0] = $mansion.mbedroom.cleanCount>>
<<set $IntStack[1] = $mansion.mbedroom.makebedCount>>
<<set $BolStack = []>>
<<set $BolStack[0] = $mansion.mbedroom.cleanActive>>
<<set $BolStack[1] = $mansion.mbedroom.makebedActive>>
<<set $BolStack[2] = $mansion.mbedroom.makebed>>
<<set $BolStack[3] = $mansion.mbedroom.makebedWifeCatch>>
<<set $mansion = {
mbedroom: {
cleanliness: 100,
cleanActive: false,
cleanCount: 0,
cleanWeekCount: 0,
makebedActive: false,
makebed: false,
makebedCount: 0,
makebedWifeCatch: false,
makebedJennyCatch: false
gbedroom: {
cleanliness: 100,
cleanActive: false,
cleanCount: 0,
cleanWeekCount: 0,
makebedActive: false,
makebed: false,
makebedCount: 0,
makebedWifeCatch: false,
makebedJennyCatch: false
livingroom: {
cleanliness: 100,
cleanActive: false,
cleanCount: 0,
cleanWeekCount: 0
hallway: {
cleanliness: 100,
cleanActive: false,
cleanCount: 0,
cleanWeekCount: 0
backyard: {
cleanliness: 100,
cleanActive: false,
cleanCount: 0,
cleanWeekCount: 0
poolbar: {
cleanliness: 100,
cleanActive: false,
cleanCount: 0,
cleanWeekCount: 0
mbathroom: {
cleanliness: 100,
cleanActive: false,
cleanCount: 0,
cleanWeekCount: 0,
laundry: false,
laundryCount: 0,
laundryWeekCount: 0,
gbathroom: {
cleanliness: 100,
cleanActive: false,
cleanCount: 0,
cleanWeekCount: 0
office: {
cleanliness: 100,
cleanActive: false,
cleanCount: 0,
cleanWeekCount: 0
kitchen: {
cleanliness: 100,
cleanActive: false,
cleanCount: 0,
cleanWeekCount: 0
balcony: {
cleanliness: 100,
cleanActive: false,
cleanCount: 0,
cleanWeekCount: 0
<<set $mansion.mbedroom.cleanCount = $IntStack[0]>>
<<set $mansion.mbedroom.makebedCount = $IntStack[1]>>
<<set $mansion.mbedroom.cleanActive = $BolStack[0]>>
<<set $mansion.mbedroom.makebedActive = $BolStack[1]>>
<<set $mansion.mbedroom.makebed = $BolStack[2]>>
<<set $mansion.mbedroom.makebedWifeCatch = $BolStack[3]>>
<<set $locAtt[108] = {
name: "Paula House Hallway",
imgGroup: "local",
imgId: "paula house hallway",
locked: false,
discovered: true
<<set $locAtt[109] = {
name: "Paula House Kitchen",
imgGroup: "local",
imgId: "paula house kitchen",
locked: false,
discovered: true
<<set $locAtt[110] = {
name: "Paula House Living Room",
imgGroup: "local",
imgId: "paula house living room",
locked: false,
discovered: true
<<set $locAtt[111] = {
name: "Paula House Second Floor",
imgGroup: "local",
imgId: "paula house second floor",
locked: false,
discovered: true
<<set $PaulaParty = {
active: false,
stage: 0,
husbandsTheme: false,
wifesTheme: false
<<set $NPCstat[31] = {
meet: false,
introduced: false,
name: "Paula",
lastname: "",
realname: "Lena Paul",
style: "common",
label: "paula",
gender: 0,
gambling: 0,
obedience: 0,
diary: "",
infoCheck: true,
infoImg: "data/npc/paula/info_img.jpg",
location: "",
vlocation: ""
<<set $WifeRouteMiles = {
buyflower: true,
giveflower: true,
leadOption: false
<<set Config.history.maxStates = 20>>
<<set Config.saves.maxAutoSaves = 1>>
<<set $PsyHugCount = 1>>
<<set $MaidToWife = {
influence: 0,
bedbreakfast: 0,
bathserve: 0,
gymstatus: false,
cookingLessonsActive: false
<<set $MaidToWife.influence = $WifeMaid.influence>>
<<set $MaidToWife.bedbreakfast = $WifeMaid.bedbreakfast>>
<<set $MaidToWife.bathserve = $WifeMaid.bathserve>>
<<set $MaidToWife.gymstatus = $WifeMaid.gymstatus>>
<<set $MaidToWife.cookingLessonsActive = $WifeMaid.cookingLessonsActive>>
<<set $WifePatronage = {
sessionCount: 0,
rewardCount: 0,
rewardHandCount: 0,
rewardFootCount: 0,
punishmentCount: 0,
punishmentGuestActive: false,
punishmentGuestCount: 0,
maidSeen: false,
maidJoinCount: 0
<<set $IntStack = []>>
<<set $IntStack[0] = $MaidToWife.influence>>
<<set $IntStack[1] = $MaidToWife.bedbreakfast>>
<<set $IntStack[2] = $MaidToWife.bathserve>>
<<set $BolStack = []>>
<<set $BolStack[0] = $MaidToWife.gymstatus>>
<<set $BolStack[1] = $MaidToWife.cookingLessonsActive>>
<<set $MaidToWife = {
influence: 0,
influenceTalk: 0,
influenceTalkCdw: 0,
bedbreakfast: 0,
bathserve: 0,
gymstatus: false,
cookingLessonsActive: false
<<set $MaidToWife.influence = $IntStack[0]>>
<<set $MaidToWife.bedbreakfast = $IntStack[1]>>
<<set $MaidToWife.bathserve = $IntStack[2]>>
<<set $MaidToWife.gymstatus = $BolStack[0]>>
<<set $MaidToWife.cookingLessonsActive = $BolStack[1]>>
<<set $NewQuestEntry = true>>
<</widget>><<set $NewNPC = false>>
<<set $maxnpc = 99>>
<<set $NPCid = 0>>
<<set $NPCstat = []>>
<<set $NPCmood = []>>
<<set $NPCplans = []>>
<<set $NPCevents = []>>
<<set $NPCdaymemory = []>>
<<set $NPCsexmemory = []>>
<<set $NPCkinks = []>>
/* ALL */
<<for _i to 0; _i <= 99; _i++>>
<<set $NPCmood[_i] = {
mood: 100,
arousal: 0,
tiredness: 0,
boredness: 0
<<for _i to 0; _i <= 99; _i++>>
<<set $NPCplans[_i] = {
current: "",
emorning: "",
morning: "",
noon: "",
anoon: "",
evening: "",
night: "",
mnight: ""
<<for _i to 0; _i <= 99; _i++>>
<<set $NPCevents[_i] = {
current: "",
emorning: "",
morning: "",
noon: "",
anoon: "",
evening: "",
night: "",
mnight: ""
<<for _i to 0; _i <= 99; _i++>>
<<set $NPCdaymemory[_i] = {
emorning: "",
morning: "",
noon: "",
anoon: "",
evening: "",
dusk: "",
night: "",
mnight: ""
<<for _i to 0; _i <= 99; _i++>>
<<set $NPCsexmemory[_i] = {
handjob: 0,
blowjob: 0,
boobjob: 0,
footjob: 0,
fingering: 0,
pussylicking: 0,
pussyworshipping: 0,
asslicking: 0,
assworshipping: 0,
worshipping: 0,
footmassage: 0,
footlicking: 0,
facesitting: 0,
vaginal: 0,
anal: 0,
teasing: 0,
cumeating: 0
<<for _i to 0; _i <= 99; _i++>>
<<set $NPCkinks[_i] = {
handjob: 50,
blowjob: 50,
boobjob: 50,
footjob: 50,
fingering: 50,
pussylicking: 50,
pussyworshipping: 0,
asslicking: 50,
assworshipping: 0,
worshipping: 50,
footmassage: 50,
footlicking: 50,
facesitting: 50,
vaginal: 50,
anal: 50,
teasing: 50
/* WIFE */
<<set $NPCstat[0] = {
meet: false,
introduced: true,
name: "Amanda",
lastname: "Jett",
realname: "Anissa Kate",
style: "wife",
label: "wife",
gender: 0,
lordliness: 0,
assertiveness: 0,
openness: 0,
mcinfluence: 70,
infoCheck: true,
infoImg: "data/npc/wife/info_img.jpg",
location: "",
vlocation: ""
<<set $WifeCharacter = {
party: 0,
sporty: 0,
classy: 0,
house: 0
<<set $WifeToMaid = {
influence: 0,
suspicion: 0,
conflict: false,
patronage: false
<<set $WifeScenes = {
Shower: {
interact: false,
variation: 0,
nocoffee: false,
stareCount: 0
Breakfast: {
interact: false,
variation: 0
BedBreakfast: {
interact: false,
variation: 0
Dinner: {
interact: false,
variation: 0,
drinkaccept: false,
drinkrefuse: false
WatchTV: {
interact: false,
variation: 0
GetRest: {
interact: false,
variation: 0
Bakery: {
interact: false,
variation: 0
<<set $WifeRouteMiles = {
buyflower: false,
giveflower: false,
leadOption: false
<<set $WifeBath = {
counter: 0,
desire: 0,
messageMC: false
<<set $WifeHikeDate = {
count: 0,
camping: 0,
strolling: 0,
peeptype: "",
straightpeep: 0,
lesbianpeep: 0,
lesbianprove: 0
<<set $WifeDates = {
restaurantcount: 0,
waitressflirt: 0,
waitresscounter: 0
<<set $WifeServing = {
BedBreakfast: {
countOverall: 0,
countHeroCooked: 0,
countHeroServed: 0,
countMaidCooked: 0,
countMaidServed: 0,
berryCount: 0,
askedHeroForCooking: false
<<set $WifePussyWorship = {
undertablebakery: 0,
mansionpoolbar: 0,
aftertraining: 0
<<set $WifeAssWorship = {
active: false,
status: ""
<<set $WifeFacesitting = {
active: false,
status: "",
counter: 0,
desire: 0,
style: "",
fabric: "",
jerking: "",
mbedroomcount: 0
<<set $WifeFootFetish = {
active: false,
counter: 0,
massagedesire: 0,
lickdesire: 0,
livingroommassage: 0,
livingroomlick: 0,
mallmassage: 0,
malllick: 0,
poolbarmassage: 0,
poolbarlick: 0,
emorningMassage: 0,
emorningLick: 0,
trainingmassage: 0,
traininglick: 0,
oiluse: false,
maidseen: false
<<set $WifeDenial = {
active: false
<<set $WifePartying = {
drinkingdesire: 0,
clubactive: false,
clubcount: 0,
clubdesire: 0
<<set $WifePainting = {
active: false,
status: "",
progress: 0,
count: 0
<<set $WifeQueen = {
active: false,
throneBought: false,
throneDelivered: false
<<set $WifePatronage = {
sessionCount: 0,
rewardCount: 0,
rewardHandCount: 0,
rewardFootCount: 0,
punishmentCount: 0,
punishmentGuestActive: false,
punishmentGuestCount: 0,
maidSeen: false,
maidJoinCount: 0
<<set $WifeTraining = {
mansioncount: 0,
mansionseen: false
<<set $WifeTimeTogether = {
desire: 0
<<set $WifeTennis = {
skill: 40,
mcinvite: false,
mcdrive: false,
opponent: "",
mcpackstuff: 0
<<set $WifeUniqueCase = []>>
/* If she pull sheet behind her */
/* PASSAGE --- Wife MBedroom Events */
/* MARK --- night cuni 2 */
<<set $WifeUniqueCase[0] = false>>
/* If you carried her in your arms */
/* PASSAGE --- Wife Restaurant Dates */
/* MARK --- date 2 */
<<set $WifeUniqueCase[1] = false>>
/* MAID */
<<set $NPCstat[1] = {
meet: false,
introduced: true,
name: "Samantha",
lastname: "",
realname: "Christie Stevens",
style: "samantha",
label: "samantha",
gender: 0,
trust: 20,
playfulness: 0,
obedience: 0,
mcinfluence: 20,
infoCheck: true,
infoImg: "data/npc/samantha/info_img.jpg",
location: "",
vlocation: ""
<<set $MaidToWife = {
influence: 0,
influenceTalk: 0,
influenceTalkCdw: 0,
bedbreakfast: 0,
bathserve: 0,
gymstatus: false,
cookingLessonsActive: false
<<set $MaidCleaningScenes = {
MasterBedroom: {
interact: false,
variation: 0
LivingRoom: {
interact: false,
variation: 0
GardenerRoom: {
interact: false,
variation: 0
<<set $MaidToDoList = "">>
<<set $MaidCleaning = {
wipecounter: 0,
wipemethod: "",
wipeliftup: 0,
wipechair: 0,
wipestandart: 0,
wipescold: 0,
mirrorcounter: 0,
dustingMbedroomCounter: 0,
makeMainBedActive: false,
makeMainBedCounter: 0,
makeGuestBedActive: false,
makeGuestBedCounter: 0
<<set $MaidCooking = {
breakfast: 0,
dinner: 0,
eventcall: false,
eventcallcount: 0,
eventhelp: false,
eventcallcount: 0,
pancakescount: 0,
eggscount: 0,
sandwichescount: 0,
wrapscount: 0
<<set $MaidCoffeeMaking = {
count: 0,
gropeHerAss: 0
<<set $MaidCookingLessons = {
lessonsStatus: "",
lessonsactive: false,
lessonscount: 0,
lessonsgap: 0,
examcount: 0,
examgap: 0,
jennycheck: false,
<<set $MaidApron = {
wear: false,
color: "",
forcooking: false,
forcleaning: false,
wifeseeyou: false,
jennyseeyou: false
<<set $MaidServing = {
milkshakecount: 0,
milkshaketype: ""
<<set $MaidRoleReversal = {
active: false,
cleaningactive: false,
cleaningcounter: 0,
balconyactive: false
<<set $MaidFootFetish = {
active: false,
livingroommassage: 0,
livingroomlick: 0,
herbedroommassage: 0,
herbedroomlick: 0,
herbedroomfootjob: 0,
herbedroomcumeating: 0
<<set $MaidLazinessDesires = {
watchtv: 0,
tanning: 0,
drinking: 0,
swimming: 0,
slacking: 0,
annoying: 0,
oversleeping: 0,
listeningMusic: 0
<<set $MaidLivingRoom = {
watchtv: 0
<<set $MaidBath = {
counter: 0
<<set $MaidPunish = {
kitchenspank: 0,
kitchenslap: 0
<<set $MaidGuestBedroom = {
vacuum: 0
<<set $MaidBackyard = {
drinkActive: false,
drinkCount: 0,
swimActive: false,
swimCount: 0,
catchpeeking: 0
<<set $MaidActivity = {
gymactive: false,
gymstatus: "",
gymcounter: 0,
gympreparedesire: 0,
gympreparecount: 0
<<set $MaidUniqueCase = []>>
/* If you see final pancakes event */
/* PASSAGE --- Maid Cooking Breakfast */
/* MARK --- pancakes(wipe maid leg) */
<<set $MaidUniqueCase[0] = false>>
/* If you help her with sunscreen */
/* PASSAGE --- Samantha Backyard Events */
/* MARK --- tanning(laziness)(put sunscreen) */
/* MARK --- tanning(laziness)(put sunscreen) */
<<set $MaidUniqueCase[1] = false>>
/* JENNY */
<<set $NPCstat[2] = {
meet: false,
introduced: false,
name: "Jenny",
lastname: "",
realname: "Cassidy Klein",
style: "jenny",
label: "jenny",
gender: 0,
hate: 25,
obedience: -80,
mcinfluence: 0,
infoCheck: true,
infoImg: "data/npc/jenny/info_img.jpg",
location: "",
vlocation: ""
<<set $JennyToWifeInfluence = {
overall: 30
<<set $JennyVisitSleepover = {
active: false,
influence: 0,
overallCount: 0,
gbedroomCount: 0,
mbedroomCount: 0
<<set $JennyApartmentVisits = {
active: false,
count: 0
<<set $JennyVisitScenes = {
Kitchen: {
interact: false,
variation: 0,
hatMessageId: 0
LivingRoom: {
interact: false,
variation: 0
<<set $JennyShopping = {
mallcount: 0,
malltype: "",
malldesire: "",
mallmistakes: 0,
lemonadepunish: 0
<<set $JennyFootFetish = {
active: false,
livingroommassage: 0,
livingroomlick: 0
<<set $NPCstat[3] = {
meet: false,
name: "Jessica",
lastname: "Infante",
realname: "Luna Star",
style: "jessica",
label: "jessica",
gender: 0,
corruption: 30,
obedience: 0,
diary: "",
infoCheck: false,
infoImg: "none",
location: "",
vlocation: ""
<<set $SecretarySkill = {
deepthroat: 0,
anal: 0
<<set $SecretaryActivity = {
rsask: false,
rscoffee: false,
rscoffeecount: 0,
rswipetable: false,
rswipetablecount: 0,
rsteasing: 0,
rsteasingcount: 0,
rsconference: 0,
rsconferencecount: 0
<<set $SecretaryWarehouses = {
active: false,
mctitle: 0,
hertitle: 0,
rsworkcount: 0,
rscoffee: 0,
rscoffeecount: 0,
rswipetable: 0,
rswipetablecount: 0,
rsthongcheck: 0,
rsthongcheckcount: 0,
rspussylicking: 0,
rspussylickingcount: 0,
rsfootmassage: 0,
rsfootmassagecount: 0,
rsplantsappear: false,
rspartnervisit: 0,
rspartnervisitcount: 0,
rsangryclient: 0,
rsangryclientcount: 0,
rsspanking: 0,
rsspankingcount: 0
<<set $SecretaryTrait = []>>
/* Panties Trait */
<<set $SecretaryTrait[0] = false>>
/* Butt plug Trait */
<<set $SecretaryTrait[1] = false>>
/* Lube Trait */
<<set $SecretaryTrait[2] = false>>
<<set $SecretaryUniqueCase = []>>
/* If secretary resolve archive lesbian events */
<<set $SecretaryUniqueCase[0] = false>>
/* MAXINE */
<<set $NPCstat[4] = {
meet: false,
name: "Maxine",
lastname: "Adams",
realname: "Raven Bay",
style: "maxine",
label: "maxine",
gender: 0,
corruption: 30,
obedience: 0,
diary: "",
infoCheck: false,
infoImg: "none",
location: "",
vlocation: ""
/* PAUL */
<<set $NPCstat[5] = {
meet: false,
introduced: true,
name: "Paul",
lastname: "",
realname: "Mick Blue",
style: "common",
label: "paul",
gender: 1,
corruption: 0,
obedience: 0,
mcinfluence: 50,
infoCheck: true,
infoImg: "data/npc/paul/info_img.jpg",
location: "",
vlocation: ""
<<set $PaulScenes = {
OfficeFun: {
interact: false,
variation: 0
/* CLAIRE */
<<set $NPCstat[6] = {
meet: false,
name: "Claire",
lastname: "",
realname: "Valentina Nappi",
style: "claire",
label: "claire",
gender: 0,
corruption: -20,
obedience: 0,
diary: "",
infoCheck: true,
infoImg: "data/npc/claire/info_img.jpg",
location: "",
vlocation: ""
<<set $WorkIncident = {
archivelesbianactive: false,
archivelesbiantime: 0,
archivelesbiancount: 0
/* DIANA */
<<set $NPCstat[7] = {
meet: false,
name: "Diana",
lastname: "",
realname: "Jennifer White",
style: "diana",
label: "diana",
gender: 0,
corruption: 30,
obedience: -30,
diary: "",
infoCheck: true,
infoImg: "data/npc/diana/info_img.jpg",
location: "",
vlocation: ""
/* MILA */
<<set $NPCstat[8] = {
meet: false,
name: "Mila",
lastname: "",
realname: "Alessa Savage",
style: "mila",
label: "mila",
gender: 0,
corruption: 60,
obedience: 0,
diary: "",
infoCheck: true,
infoImg: "data/npc/mila/info_img.jpg",
location: "",
vlocation: ""
<<set $MilaApartment = {
rented: false,
rent: 0,
daylive: 0
<<set $MilaDelivery = {
active: false,
counter: 0,
stage: 0
/* RHEA */
<<set $NPCstat[9] = {
meet: false,
name: "Rhea",
lastname: "",
realname: "Jessa Rhodes",
style: "rhea",
label: "rhea",
gender: 0,
corruption: 60,
obedience: -40,
diary: "",
infoCheck: true,
infoImg: "data/npc/rhea/info_img.jpg",
location: "",
vlocation: ""
/* NICOLE */
<<set $NPCstat[10] = {
meet: false,
name: "Nicole",
lastname: "",
realname: "Amber Jayne",
style: "common",
label: "nicole",
gender: 0,
corruption: 50,
obedience: -20,
diary: "",
infoCheck: false,
infoImg: "data/npc/nicole/info_img.jpg",
location: "",
vlocation: ""
<<set $NPCstat[11] = {
meet: false,
name: "Penelope",
lastname: "",
realname: "Dani Daniel",
style: "common",
label: "penelope",
gender: 0,
corruption: 30,
obedience: -60,
diary: "",
infoCheck: false,
infoImg: "",
location: "",
vlocation: ""
/* KELLY */
<<set $NPCstat[12] = {
meet: false,
name: "Kelly",
lastname: "",
realname: "Abella Danger",
style: "kelly",
label: "kelly",
gender: 0,
corruption: 20,
obedience: -30,
diary: "",
infoCheck: false,
infoImg: "none",
location: "",
vlocation: ""
<<set $KellyTraining = {
deliverytalk: false,
deliveryask: 0,
deliverydid: 0,
nomaidactive: false,
mcactive: false,
mccount: 0
/* MIGUEL */
<<set $NPCstat[13] = {
meet: false,
name: "Miguel",
lastname: "",
realname: "",
style: "common",
label: "miguel",
gender: 1,
corruption: 0,
obedience: -0,
diary: "",
infoCheck: false,
infoImg: "none",
location: "",
vlocation: ""
<<set $KellyTraining = {
deliveryask: 0,
deliverydid: 0,
nomaidactive: false,
mcactive: false,
mccount: 0
/* GARRY */
<<set $NPCstat[14] = {
meet: false,
name: "Garry",
lastname: "",
realname: "",
style: "common",
label: "garry",
gender: 1,
corruption: 0,
obedience: 0,
diary: "",
infoCheck: false,
infoImg: "none",
location: "",
vlocation: ""
/* DEAN */
<<set $NPCstat[15] = {
meet: false,
name: "Dean",
lastname: "",
realname: "",
style: "common",
label: "dean",
gender: 1,
corruption: 0,
obedience: 0,
diary: "",
infoCheck: false,
infoImg: "none",
location: "",
vlocation: ""
<<set $NPCstat[16] = {
meet: false,
name: "Belinda",
lastname: "",
realname: "Stacey Saran",
style: "belinda",
label: "belinda",
gender: 0,
corruption: 30,
obedience: 0,
diary: "",
infoCheck: true,
infoImg: "data/npc/belinda/info_img.jpg",
location: "",
vlocation: ""
<<set $BelindaStory = {
status: "",
stage: 0,
counter: 0,
tease: 0,
grope: 0,
panties: false,
office: false,
comm: false,
angry: false
<<set $BelindaDrive = {
ask: false,
counter: 0,
nocounter: 0,
letdrive: 0,
noletdrive: 0,
callcomm: 0,
givecar: false,
nogivecar: false
<<set $BelindaVacation = 0>>
<<set $BelindaMaxVacation = 0>>
<<set $BelindaGiveAdress = false>>
/* EVERLY */
<<set $NPCstat[17] = {
meet: false,
introduced: false,
name: "Everly",
lastname: "",
realname: "Aubrey Star",
style: "common",
label: "everly",
gender: 0,
corruption: 0,
obedience: 0,
diary: "",
infoCheck: false,
infoImg: "none",
location: "",
vlocation: ""
<<set $EverlyTennis = {
skill: 40,
mcinvite: false,
opponent: "",
mcpackstuff: 0
/* LOUISE */
<<set $NPCstat[18] = {
meet: false,
name: "Louise",
lastname: "Hughes",
realname: "Nicolette Shea",
style: "louise",
label: "louise",
gender: 0,
corruption: 20,
obedience: -20,
diary: "",
infoCheck: false,
infoImg: "data/npc/louise/info_img.jpg",
location: "",
vlocation: ""
<<set $PsyHugCount = 0>>
<<set $PsyTopic = []>>
<<set $PsyTopic[0] = {
status: "",
stage: 0,
counter: 0
/* JOLENE */
<<set $NPCstat[19] = {
meet: false,
name: "Jolene",
lastname: "",
realname: "Tanya Tate",
style: "jolene",
label: "jolene",
gender: 0,
corruption: 40,
obedience: -40,
diary: "",
infoCheck: false,
infoImg: "none",
location: "",
vlocation: ""
<<set $JolenePresence = {
active: ""
<<set $JoleneVisit = 0>>
/* BRANDY */
<<set $NPCstat[20] = {
meet: false,
name: "Brandy",
lastname: "",
realname: "Lynna Nilsson",
style: "brandy",
label: "brandy",
gender: 0,
corruption: 40,
obedience: 0,
diary: "",
infoCheck: false,
infoImg: "data/npc/brandy/info_img.jpg",
location: "",
vlocation: ""
<<set $BrandyStory = {
status: "",
stage: 0,
counter: 0
/* NINA */
<<set $NPCstat[21] = {
meet: false,
name: "Nina",
lastname: "",
realname: "Victoria June",
style: "common",
label: "nina",
gender: 0,
corruption: 40,
obedience: 0,
diary: "",
infoCheck: false,
infoImg: "none",
location: "",
vlocation: ""
/* LUCIA */
<<set $NPCstat[22] = {
meet: false,
name: "Lucia",
lastname: "",
realname: "Ziggy Star",
style: "common",
label: "lucia",
gender: 0,
corruption: 20,
obedience: 0,
diary: "",
infoCheck: false,
infoImg: "",
location: "",
vlocation: ""
<<set $NPCstat[23] = {
meet: false,
name: "Cecilia",
lastname: "",
realname: "",
style: "cecilia",
label: "cecilia",
gender: 0,
corruption: 20,
obedience: -100,
diary: "",
infoCheck: false,
infoImg: "none",
location: "",
vlocation: ""
/* CHLOE */
<<set $NPCstat[24] = {
meet: false,
name: "Girl with coffee",
lastname: "",
realname: "",
style: "common",
label: "chloe",
gender: 0,
corruption: 30,
obedience: -10,
diary: "",
infoCheck: false,
infoImg: "none",
location: "",
vlocation: ""
/* ANNA */
<<set $NPCstat[25] = {
meet: false,
introduced: false,
name: "Anna",
lastname: "",
realname: "",
style: "common",
label: "anna",
gender: 0,
corruption: 10,
obedience: 20,
mcinfluence: 20,
infoCheck: false,
infoImg: "none",
location: "",
vlocation: ""
<<set $BakeryBaristaId = 25>>
/* MARINA */
<<set $NPCstat[26] = {
meet: false,
introduced: false,
name: "Marina",
lastname: "",
realname: "",
style: "common",
label: "marina",
gender: 0,
corruption: 15,
obedience: 5,
mcinfluence: 20,
infoCheck: false,
infoImg: "none",
location: "",
vlocation: ""
/* TERRY */
<<set $NPCstat[27] = {
meet: false,
name: "Terry",
lastname: "",
realname: "Eliza Ibarra",
style: "terry",
label: "terry",
gender: 0,
corruption: 30,
obedience: 20,
diary: "",
infoCheck: true,
infoImg: "data/npc/terry/info_img.jpg",
location: "",
vlocation: ""
<<set $NPCstat[28] = {
meet: false,
name: "Raymond",
lastname: "",
realname: "",
style: "raymond",
label: "raymond",
gender: 1,
corruption: 0,
obedience: 0,
diary: "",
infoCheck: false,
infoImg: "none",
location: "",
vlocation: ""
<<set $RaymondBarbecue = false>>
/* GLORIA */
<<set $NPCstat[29] = {
meet: false,
name: "Gloria",
lastname: "",
realname: "Vicki Chase",
style: "gloria",
label: "gloria",
gender: 0,
corruption: 20,
obedience: 20,
diary: "",
infoCheck: true,
infoImg: "data/npc/gloria/info_img.jpg",
location: "",
vlocation: ""
<<set $NPCstat[30] = {
meet: false,
name: "Kendall",
lastname: "",
realname: "Cali Caliente",
style: "kendall",
label: "kendall",
gender: 0,
gambling: 0,
obedience: -20,
diary: "",
infoCheck: true,
infoImg: "data/npc/kendall/info_img.jpg",
location: "",
vlocation: ""
<<set $KendallGames = {
Boxes: {
played: false,
stickerBoard: false,
garbageCan: false
/* PAULA */
<<set $NPCstat[31] = {
meet: false,
introduced: false,
name: "Paula",
lastname: "",
realname: "Lena Paul",
style: "common",
label: "paula",
gender: 0,
gambling: 0,
obedience: 0,
diary: "",
infoCheck: true,
infoImg: "data/npc/paula/info_img.jpg",
location: "",
vlocation: ""
<<set $PaulaParty = {
active: false,
stage: 0,
husbandsTheme: false,
wifesTheme: false
<<set $NPCstat[32] = {
meet: false,
name: "Rosalyn",
lastname: "",
realname: "Leigh Raven",
style: "common",
label: "rosalyn",
gender: 0,
gambling: 0,
obedience: 0,
diary: "",
infoCheck: true,
infoImg: "data/npc/rosalyn/info_img.jpg",
location: "",
vlocation: ""
<<set $NPCstat[99] = {
meet: false,
name: "Secretary",
lastname: "",
realname: "Not decided",
style: "common",
label: "anna",
gender: 0,
corruption: 0,
obedience: 0,
diary: "",
infoCheck: false,
infoImg: "data/npc/misc/secretary.jpg",
location: "",
vlocation: ""
}>><<switch $EventMark>>
<<case "">>
<<switch $location.sub>>
<<case "">>
<<set _inf = " - ">>
<<set _inf += "<font color=OrangeRed></font>">>
<<btnDisabledLink _inf>>
<<set _inf += " [img[$skip_time_img]]">>
<span id="dialog">
<center>@@.btnWide;<<button "Replace">>
<<replace "#dialog">>
<<set _link += " - <font color=Silver><i>New!</i></font>">>
<font color=Salmon><i><b>New!</b></i></font>
<<set _link = getLinkName("/")>>
<<SkipTimeBlock 1>>
<<AddStat 0 "" 0 0>>
/* ---------- DEV BUILD ON ---------- */
<<if $DevBuild == false>>
<<set $DevBuild = true>>
<<set $DevBuildVisible = true>>
<<set $NPCmood[0].arousal = max(0, ($NPCmood[0].arousal - 10))>>
<<set _npc = $args[0]>>
<<set _sporty = $args[1]>>
<<set _party = $args[2]>>
<<set _classy = $args[3]>>
<<set _house = $args[4]>>
<<if $GameLang == "eng">>
<<elseif $GameLang == "rus">>
<</if>><<set $mc = {
name: "Mark",
lastname: "Jett",
confidence: 70,
endurance: 40,
shape: 20
<<set $mcLook = {
shave: 100
<<set $GameRebootFlag = true>>
<<set $KinksCheckFlag = true>>
<<set $MainKinks = {
blackmailed: true,
selfcumeating: true,
ballbusting: true
<<set $money = {
pocket: 6000,
golden: 200000,
goldenstatus: "",
goldenowner: "mc",
common: 50000,
commonstatus: "",
commonowner: "mc"
<<set $mcItem = {
wearcount: 0,
havecount: 0
<<set $mcItemWear = []>>
<<set $mcItemHave = []>>
<<set $ThongsColor = "">>
<<set $mcSkill = {
cleaning: 0,
cooking: 0,
serving: 0,
massaging: 0,
coffeemaking: 0,
golf: 0,
tennis: 20
<<set $DreamsSection = {
current: "",
dreamLocation: "",
giantMaidSeen: false
<<set $mansion = {
mbedroom: {
cleanliness: 100,
cleanActive: false,
cleanCount: 0,
cleanWeekCount: 0,
makebedActive: false,
makebed: false,
makebedCount: 0,
makebedWifeCatch: false,
makebedJennyCatch: false
gbedroom: {
cleanliness: 100,
cleanActive: false,
cleanCount: 0,
cleanWeekCount: 0,
makebedActive: false,
makebed: false,
makebedCount: 0,
makebedWifeCatch: false,
makebedJennyCatch: false
livingroom: {
cleanliness: 100,
cleanActive: false,
cleanCount: 0,
cleanWeekCount: 0
hallway: {
cleanliness: 100,
cleanActive: false,
cleanCount: 0,
cleanWeekCount: 0
backyard: {
cleanliness: 100,
cleanActive: false,
cleanCount: 0,
cleanWeekCount: 0
poolbar: {
cleanliness: 100,
cleanActive: false,
cleanCount: 0,
cleanWeekCount: 0
mbathroom: {
cleanliness: 100,
cleanActive: false,
cleanCount: 0,
cleanWeekCount: 0,
laundry: false,
laundryCount: 0,
laundryWeekCount: 0,
gbathroom: {
cleanliness: 100,
cleanActive: false,
cleanCount: 0,
cleanWeekCount: 0
office: {
cleanliness: 100,
cleanActive: false,
cleanCount: 0,
cleanWeekCount: 0
kitchen: {
cleanliness: 100,
cleanActive: false,
cleanCount: 0,
cleanWeekCount: 0
balcony: {
cleanliness: 100,
cleanActive: false,
cleanCount: 0,
cleanWeekCount: 0
<<set $mansionCleanliness = {
kitchen: 100,
dishes: 100,
hallway: 100,
livingroom: 100,
mbedroom: 100,
mbathroom: 100,
mbalcony: 100,
mbalconyactive: false,
gbedroom: 100,
gbathroom: 100,
office: 100,
laundry: 100,
pantry: 100,
dressingroom: 100,
mbedmaked: false,
gbedmaked: false,
poolbar: 100,
poolbarjuicespot: false
<<set $PlayTennis = {
opponent: "",
opskill: 0,
serve: false,
stage: 0,
handicap: 0,
mcsetscore: 0,
mcgamescore: 0,
opsetscore: 0,
opgamescore: 0
<<set $WorkAction = 0>>
<<set $StuffSize = 6>>
<<set $PersonnelSalary = 0>>
<<set $Secretary = "">>
<<set $SecretaryId = 0>>
<<set $Psychologist = "">>
<<set $PsychologistId = 0>>
<<set $PositionName = []>>
<<set $PositionName[0] = "Chief Executive">>
<<set $PositionName[1] = "Secretary">>
<<set $PositionName[2] = "HR Director">>
<<set $PositionName[3] = "Finance Director">>
<<set $PositionName[4] = "Сhief Accountant">>
<<set $PositionName[5] = "Postal Department">>
<<set $PositionName[6] = "Head of Security">>
<<set $PositionName[7] = "Team Work Consultant">>
<<set $PositionId = []>>
<<set $PositionId[0] = -1>>
<<set $PositionId[1] = 0>>
<<set $PositionId[2] = 6>>
<<set $PositionId[3] = 5>>
<<set $PositionId[4] = 7>>
<<set $PositionId[5] = 14>>
<<set $PositionId[6] = 15>>
<<set $PositionId[7] = 18>>
<<set $PositionImg = []>>
<<set $PositionImg[0] = "data/mc/img/info_img.jpg">>
<<set $PositionImg[1] = "">>
<<set $PositionImg[2] = "data/npc/claire/info_img.jpg">>
<<set $PositionImg[3] = "data/npc/paul/info_img.jpg">>
<<set $PositionImg[4] = "data/npc/diana/info_img.jpg">>
<<set $PositionImg[5] = "data/npc/garry/info_img.jpg">>
<<set $PositionImg[6] = "data/npc/dean/info_img.jpg">>
<<set $PositionImg[7] = "data/npc/louise/info_img.jpg">>
<<set $PositionSalary = []>>
<<set $PositionSalary[0] = 0>>
<<set $PositionSalary[1] = 3500>>
<<set $PositionSalary[2] = 11000>>
<<set $PositionSalary[3] = 12000>>
<<set $PositionSalary[4] = 11000>>
<<set $PositionSalary[5] = 8500>>
<<set $PositionSalary[6] = 9500>>
<<set $PositionSalary[7] = 4500>>
<<set $PositionAuthority = []>>
<<set $PositionAuthority[0] = 80>>
<<set $PositionAuthority[1] = 0>>
<<set $PositionAuthority[2] = 50>>
<<set $PositionAuthority[3] = 25>>
<<set $PositionAuthority[4] = 45>>
<<set $PositionAuthority[5] = 20>>
<<set $PositionAuthority[6] = 25>>
<<set $PositionAuthority[7] = 20>>
<<set $CompanyPolicy = 0>>
<<set $LongshortTurn = 0>>
<<set $LongshortDeckSize = 0>>
<<set $LongshortDeckOrder = []>>
<<set $LongshortYourHand = []>>
<<set $LongshortYourRaw = []>>
<<set $LongshortOpponentHand = []>>
<<set $LongshortOpponentRaw = []>>
<<set $LongshortRawAcesSwitches = []>>
<<set $LongshortRawKingSwitches = []>>
<<set $LongshortRawQueenSwitches = []>>
<<set $LongshortTurnEnd = false>>
<<set $LongshortGameEnd = false>>/* SOUND SWITCH */
<<widget "SoundSwitch">>
<<replace "#volume">>
<<if $VolumeLevel == 0>>
@@.btnMuteV;<<button " ">>
<<set $VolumeLevel += 1>>
<<if $VolumeLevel > 3>>
<<set $VolumeLevel = 0>>
<<run VolumeLevelChange($VolumeLevel)>>
<<elseif $VolumeLevel == 1>>
@@.btnLowV;<<button " ">>
<<set $VolumeLevel += 1>>
<<if $VolumeLevel > 3>>
<<set $VolumeLevel = 0>>
<<run VolumeLevelChange($VolumeLevel)>>
<<elseif $VolumeLevel == 2>>
@@.btnMediumV;<<button " ">>
<<set $VolumeLevel += 1>>
<<if $VolumeLevel > 3>>
<<set $VolumeLevel = 0>>
<<run VolumeLevelChange($VolumeLevel)>>
<<elseif $VolumeLevel == 3>>
@@.btnHighV;<<button " ">>
<<set $VolumeLevel += 1>>
<<if $VolumeLevel > 3>>
<<set $VolumeLevel = 0>>
<<run VolumeLevelChange($VolumeLevel)>>
<<widget "NamesSwitch">>
<<set $NPCstat[0].lastname = $mc.lastname>>
<<if $mc.name == "Paul" or $mc.name == "Paule">>
<<set $NPCstat[5].name = "Mark">>
<<elseif $mc.name == "Garry" or $mc.name == "Harry">>
<<set $NPCstat[14].name = "Mark">>
<<elseif $mc.name == "Dean" or $mc.name == "Dan">>
<<set $NPCstat[15].name = "Mark">>
<<if $mc.name == "Пол" or $mc.name == "Пауль">>
<<set $NPCstat[5].name = "Марк">>
<<elseif $mc.name == "Гарри" or $mc.name == "Гэрри">>
<<set $NPCstat[14].name = "Марк">>
<<elseif $mc.name == "Дин" or $mc.name == "Дан">>
<<set $NPCstat[15].name = "Марк">>
<<widget "NavigationSwitch">>
<<replace "#nvg_change">>
<center><table style="width:100%"><tr>
<td style="width:33%">
<center>@@.btnWide;<<button "2 blocks">>
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<<set $mc.name = "Mark">>
<<set $mc.lastname = "Jett">>
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<<set $NPCstat[1].name = "Samantha">>
<<set $NPCstat[2].name = "Jenny">>
<<set $NPCstat[3].name = "Jessica">>
<<set $NPCstat[4].name = "Maxine">>
<<set $NPCstat[5].name = "Paul">>
<<set $NPCstat[6].name = "Claire">>
<<set $NPCstat[7].name = "Diana">>
<<set $NPCstat[14].name = "Garry">>
<<set $NPCstat[15].name = "Dean">>
<<set $NPCstat[18].name = "Louise">>
<<set $NPCstat[18].lastname = "Hughes">>
<<set $NPCstat[16].name = "Belinda">>
<<set $NPCstat[19].name = "Jolene">>
<<set $NPCstat[20].name = "Brandy">>
<<set $NPCstat[24].name = "Chloe">>
<<set $NPCstat[30].name = "Kendall">>
<<set $NPCstat[23].name = "Cecilia">>
<<set $NPCstat[8].name = "Mila">>
<<set $NPCstat[10].name = "Nicole">>
<<set $NPCstat[21].name = "Nina">>
<<set $NPCstat[22].name = "Lucia">>
<<set $NPCstat[9].name = "Rhea">>
<<set $NPCstat[11].name = "Penelope">>
<<set $NPCstat[12].name = "Kelly">>
<<set $NPCstat[13].name = "Miguel">>
<<set $NPCstat[17].name = "Everly">>
<<set $NPCstat[25].name = "Anna">>
<<set $NPCstat[26].name = "Marina">>
<<set $DayTime[0] = "Early Morning">>
<<set $DayTime[1] = "Morning">>
<<set $DayTime[2] = "Noon">>
<<set $DayTime[3] = "Afternoon">>
<<set $DayTime[4] = "Evening">>
<<set $DayTime[5] = "Dusk">>
<<set $DayTime[6] = "Night">>
<<set $DayTime[7] = "Midnight">>
<<set $WeekDay[0] = "Monday">>
<<set $WeekDay[1] = "Tuesday">>
<<set $WeekDay[2] = "Wednesday">>
<<set $WeekDay[3] = "Thursday">>
<<set $WeekDay[4] = "Friday">>
<<set $WeekDay[5] = "Saturday">>
<<set $WeekDay[6] = "Sunday">>
<<set $Month[0] = "January">>
<<set $Month[1] = "February">>
<<set $Month[2] = "March">>
<<set $Month[3] = "April">>
<<set $Month[4] = "May">>
<<set $Month[5] = "June">>
<<set $Month[6] = "July">>
<<set $Month[7] = "August">>
<<set $Month[8] = "September">>
<<set $Month[9] = "October">>
<<set $Month[10] = "November">>
<<set $Month[11] = "December">>
<<elseif $GameLang == "rus">>
<<set $mc.name = "Марк">>
<<set $mc.lastname = "Джетт">>
<<set $NPCstat[0].name = "Аманда">>
<<set $NPCstat[1].name = "Саманта">>
<<set $NPCstat[2].name = "Дженни">>
<<set $NPCstat[3].name = "Джессика">>
<<set $NPCstat[4].name = "Максин">>
<<set $NPCstat[5].name = "Пол">>
<<set $NPCstat[6].name = "Клэр">>
<<set $NPCstat[7].name = "Диана">>
<<set $NPCstat[14].name = "Гарри">>
<<set $NPCstat[15].name = "Дин">>
<<set $NPCstat[18].name = "Луиза">>
<<set $NPCstat[18].lastname = "Хьюз">>
<<set $NPCstat[16].name = "Белинда">>
<<set $NPCstat[19].name = "Джолин">>
<<set $NPCstat[20].name = "Брэнди">>
<<set $NPCstat[24].name = "Хлоя">>
<<set $NPCstat[30].name = "Кендалл">>
<<set $NPCstat[23].name = "Сесилия">>
<<set $NPCstat[8].name = "Мила">>
<<set $NPCstat[10].name = "Николь">>
<<set $NPCstat[21].name = "Нина">>
<<set $NPCstat[22].name = "Лусия">>
<<set $NPCstat[9].name = "Рия">>
<<set $NPCstat[11].name = "Пенелопа">>
<<set $NPCstat[12].name = "Келли">>
<<set $NPCstat[13].name = "Мигель">>
<<set $NPCstat[17].name = "Эверли">>
<<set $NPCstat[25].name = "Анна">>
<<set $NPCstat[26].name = "Марина">>
<<set $DayTime[0] = "Раннее Утро">>
<<set $DayTime[1] = "Утро">>
<<set $DayTime[2] = "Полдень">>
<<set $DayTime[3] = "День">>
<<set $DayTime[4] = "Вечер">>
<<set $DayTime[5] = "Сумерки">>
<<set $DayTime[6] = "Ночь">>
<<set $DayTime[7] = "Полночь">>
<<set $WeekDay[0] = "Понедел.">>
<<set $WeekDay[1] = "Вторник">>
<<set $WeekDay[2] = "Среда">>
<<set $WeekDay[3] = "Четверг">>
<<set $WeekDay[4] = "Пятница">>
<<set $WeekDay[5] = "Суббота">>
<<set $WeekDay[6] = "Воскресенье">>
<<set $Month[0] = "Январь">>
<<set $Month[1] = "Февраль">>
<<set $Month[2] = "Март">>
<<set $Month[3] = "Апрель">>
<<set $Month[4] = "Май">>
<<set $Month[5] = "Июнь">>
<<set $Month[6] = "Июль">>
<<set $Month[7] = "Август">>
<<set $Month[8] = "Сентябрь">>
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main: "",
previous: "",
sub: ""
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<<set $mansionLocations[1] = "Master Bathroom">>
<<set $mansionLocations[2] = "MChouse Dressing Room">>
<<set $mansionLocations[3] = "MChouse Balcony">>
<<set $mansionLocations[4] = "Guest Bedroom">>
<<set $mansionLocations[5] = "Guest Bathroom">>
<<set $mansionLocations[6] = "Kitchen">>
<<set $mansionLocations[7] = "Pantry">>
<<set $mansionLocations[8] = "Storage Room">>
<<set $mansionLocations[9] = "Living Room">>
<<set $mansionLocations[10] = "Backyard">>
<<set $mansionLocations[11] = "MChouse Pool Bar">>
<<set $mansionLocations[12] = "MChouse Grill">>
<<set $mansionLocations[13] = "Hallway">>
<<set $mansionLocations[14] = "Home Office">>
<<set $mansionLocations[15] = "Dining Room">>
<<set $mansionLocations[16] = "Mansion Facade">>
<<set $gardenerLocations = []>>
<<set $gardenerLocations[0] = "Hallway (Gardener)">>
<<set $gardenerLocations[1] = "Bedroom (Gardener)">>
<<set $gardenerLocations[2] = "Bathroom (Gardener)">>
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/* ---------- MC HOUSE ---------- */
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<<set $locAtt[_i] = {
name: "Null",
imgGroup: "mc_house",
imgId: "null",
locked: false,
discovered: true
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name: "Master Bedroom",
imgGroup: "mc_house",
imgId: "master bedroom",
locked: false,
discovered: true
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name: "Master Bathroom",
imgGroup: "mc_house",
imgId: "master bathroom",
locked: false,
discovered: true
<<set $locAtt[2] = {
name: "Guest Bedroom",
imgGroup: "mc_house",
imgId: "guest bedroom",
locked: false,
discovered: true
<<set $locAtt[3] = {
name: "Guest Bathroom",
imgGroup: "mc_house",
imgId: "guest bathroom",
locked: false,
discovered: true
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name: "Hallway",
imgGroup: "mc_house",
imgId: "hallway",
locked: false,
discovered: true
<<set $locAtt[5] = {
name: "Home Office",
imgGroup: "mc_house",
imgId: "office",
locked: false,
discovered: true
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name: "Kitchen",
imgGroup: "mc_house",
imgId: "kitchen",
locked: false,
discovered: true
<<set $locAtt[7] = {
name: "Living Room",
imgGroup: "mc_house",
imgId: "living room",
locked: false,
discovered: true
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name: "Backyard",
imgGroup: "mc_house",
imgId: "backyard",
locked: false,
discovered: true
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name: "MChouse Balcony",
imgGroup: "mc_house",
imgId: "balcony",
locked: false,
discovered: true
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name: "MChouse Dressing Room",
imgGroup: "mc_house",
imgId: "dressing room",
locked: false,
discovered: true
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name: "MChouse Pool Bar",
imgGroup: "mc_house",
imgId: "pool bar",
locked: false,
discovered: true
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name: "MChouse Grill",
imgGroup: "mc_house",
imgId: "grill",
locked: false,
discovered: true
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name: "Bedroom (Gardener)",
imgGroup: "mc_house",
imgId: "bedroom (gardener)",
locked: false,
discovered: true
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name: "Bathroom (Gardener)",
imgGroup: "mc_house",
imgId: "bathroom (gardener)",
locked: false,
discovered: true
<<set $locAtt[15] = {
name: "Storage Room",
imgGroup: "mc_house",
imgId: "storage room",
locked: false,
discovered: true
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name: "Pantry",
imgGroup: "mc_house",
imgId: "pantry",
locked: false,
discovered: true
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name: "Facade*Hallway*",
imgGroup: "mc_house",
imgId: "facade",
locked: false,
discovered: true
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name: "Dining Room",
imgGroup: "mc_house",
imgId: "dining room",
locked: false,
discovered: true
<<set $locAtt[19] = {
name: "Empty Room",
imgGroup: "mc_house",
imgId: "empty room",
locked: false,
discovered: true
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name: "Basement",
imgGroup: "mc_house",
imgId: "basement",
locked: false,
discovered: true
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name: "Null",
imgGroup: "mc_house",
imgId: "null",
locked: false,
discovered: true
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name: "Null",
imgGroup: "mc_house",
imgId: "null",
locked: false,
discovered: true
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name: "Null",
imgGroup: "mc_house",
imgId: "null",
locked: false,
discovered: true
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name: "Null",
imgGroup: "mc_house",
imgId: "null",
locked: false,
discovered: true
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name: "Null",
imgGroup: "mc_house",
imgId: "null",
locked: false,
discovered: true
<<set $locAtt[26] = {
name: "Null",
imgGroup: "mc_house",
imgId: "null",
locked: false,
discovered: true
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name: "Null",
imgGroup: "mc_house",
imgId: "null",
locked: false,
discovered: true
<<set $locAtt[28] = {
name: "Null",
imgGroup: "mc_house",
imgId: "null",
locked: false,
discovered: true
<<set $locAtt[29] = {
name: "Null",
imgGroup: "mc_house",
imgId: "null",
locked: false,
discovered: true
/* ---------- WORK OFFICE ---------- */
<<for _i to 30; _i <= 59; _i++>>
<<set $locAtt[_i] = {
name: "Null",
imgGroup: "work",
imgId: "null",
locked: false,
discovered: true
<<set $locAtt[30] = {
name: "Your Office",
imgGroup: "work",
imgId: "your office",
locked: false,
discovered: true
<<set $locAtt[31] = {
name: "Secretary Desk",
imgGroup: "work",
imgId: "secretary desk",
locked: false,
discovered: true
<<set $locAtt[32] = {
name: "Finance Department",
imgGroup: "work",
imgId: "finance department",
locked: false,
discovered: true
<<set $locAtt[33] = {
name: "HR Department",
imgGroup: "work",
imgId: "hr department",
locked: false,
discovered: true
<<set $locAtt[34] = {
name: "IT Department",
imgGroup: "work",
imgId: "it department",
locked: false,
discovered: true
<<set $locAtt[35] = {
name: "Post Department",
imgGroup: "work",
imgId: "post department",
locked: false,
discovered: true
<<set $locAtt[36] = {
name: "Finance Head Office",
imgGroup: "work",
imgId: "paul office",
locked: false,
discovered: true
<<set $locAtt[37] = {
name: "HR Head Office",
imgGroup: "work",
imgId: "simple office",
locked: false,
discovered: true
<<set $locAtt[38] = {
name: "IT Head Office",
imgGroup: "work",
imgId: "simple office",
locked: false,
discovered: true
<<set $locAtt[39] = {
name: "Post Head Office",
imgGroup: "work",
imgId: "simple office",
locked: false,
discovered: true
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name: "Belinda Office",
imgGroup: "work",
imgId: "simple office",
locked: false,
discovered: true
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name: "HR Psy Office",
imgGroup: "work",
imgId: "simple office",
locked: false,
discovered: true
<<set $locAtt[42] = {
name: "IT Kendall Office",
imgGroup: "work",
imgId: "simple office",
locked: false,
discovered: true
/* ---------- DOWNTOWN ---------- */
<<for _i to 60; _i <= 99; _i++>>
<<set $locAtt[_i] = {
name: "Null",
imgGroup: "downtown",
imgId: "null",
locked: false,
discovered: true
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name: "Downtown Map",
imgGroup: "downtown",
imgId: "main",
locked: false,
discovered: true
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name: "Bakery Shop",
imgGroup: "downtown",
imgId: "bakery",
locked: false,
discovered: true
<<set $locAtt[62] = {
name: "Night Club",
imgGroup: "club",
imgId: "facade",
locked: false,
discovered: true
<<set $locAtt[64] = {
name: "Downtown Hotel",
imgGroup: "downtown",
imgId: "hotel(facade)",
locked: false,
discovered: true
<<set $locAtt[65] = {
name: "Jolene Center",
imgGroup: "downtown",
imgId: "jolene center",
locked: false,
discovered: false
<<set $locAtt[66] = {
name: "Apartment Block",
imgGroup: "downtown",
imgId: "apartment block",
locked: false,
discovered: true
<<set $locAtt[67] = {
name: "212 Stone St",
imgGroup: "downtown",
imgId: "apartment building",
locked: false,
discovered: true
<<set $locAtt[68] = {
name: "Mila Apartment",
imgGroup: "downtown",
imgId: "mila apartment(hall)",
locked: false,
discovered: true
<<set $locAtt[69] = {
name: "Mila Apartment(Bedroom)",
imgGroup: "downtown",
imgId: "mila apartment(bedroom)",
locked: false,
discovered: true
<<set $locAtt[70] = {
name: "Mila Apartment(Bathroom)",
imgGroup: "downtown",
imgId: "mila apartment(bathroom)",
locked: false,
discovered: true
<<set $locAtt[71] = {
name: "Mila Apartment(Balcony)",
imgGroup: "downtown",
imgId: "mila apartment(balcony)",
locked: false,
discovered: true
<<set $locAtt[72] = {
name: "Fifth Avenue",
imgGroup: "downtown",
imgId: "apartment avenue",
locked: false,
discovered: true
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name: "Fifth Avenue Parking",
imgGroup: "downtown",
imgId: "apartment avenue parking",
locked: false,
discovered: true
<<set $locAtt[63] = {
name: "Fitness Center",
imgGroup: "gym",
imgId: "main",
locked: false,
discovered: true
<<set $locAtt[74] = {
name: "Reception Area",
imgGroup: "gym",
imgId: "reception area",
locked: false,
discovered: true
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name: "Exercise Room",
imgGroup: "gym",
imgId: "exercise room",
locked: false,
discovered: true
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name: "Fitness Classroom",
imgGroup: "gym",
imgId: "fitness classroom",
locked: false,
discovered: true
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name: "Male Locker Room",
imgGroup: "gym",
imgId: "male lockroom",
locked: false,
discovered: true
<<set $locAtt[78] = {
name: "Female Locker Room",
imgGroup: "gym",
imgId: "female lockroom",
locked: false,
discovered: true
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name: "Shower",
imgGroup: "gym",
imgId: "shower",
locked: false,
discovered: true
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name: "Third Avenue",
imgGroup: "downtown",
imgId: "apartment avenue 2",
locked: false,
discovered: false
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name: "Jenny Apartment Hall",
imgGroup: "downtown",
imgId: "jenny apartment(hall)",
locked: false,
discovered: false
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name: "Jenny Apartment Bedroom",
imgGroup: "downtown",
imgId: "jenny apartment(bedroom)",
locked: false,
discovered: false
<<set $locAtt[83] = {
name: "Jenny Apartment Bathroom",
imgGroup: "downtown",
imgId: "jenny apartment(bathroom)",
locked: false,
discovered: false
<<set $locAtt[84] = {
name: "Jenny Apartment Kitchen",
imgGroup: "downtown",
imgId: "jenny apartment(kitchen)",
locked: false,
discovered: false
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name: "Jenny Apartment Balcony",
imgGroup: "downtown",
imgId: "jenny apartment(balcony)",
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discovered: false
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imgId: "art studio(facade)",
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discovered: false
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name: "Art Studio Hall",
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imgId: "art studio(hall)",
locked: false,
discovered: false
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name: "Art Studio Office",
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imgId: "art studio(office)",
locked: false,
discovered: false
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name: "Art Studio Room",
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imgId: "art studio(room)",
locked: false,
discovered: false
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name: "Art Studio Main",
imgGroup: "downtown",
imgId: "art studio(main)",
locked: false,
discovered: false
/* ---------- LOCAL ---------- */
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name: "Null",
imgGroup: "local",
imgId: "null",
locked: false,
discovered: true
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name: "Local Map",
imgGroup: "local",
imgId: "main",
locked: false,
discovered: true
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name: "Tennis Court",
imgGroup: "local",
imgId: "tennis court",
locked: false,
discovered: true
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name: "Crypto House Facade*Crypto House First Floor*",
imgGroup: "local",
imgId: "crypto house facade",
locked: false,
discovered: true
<<set $locAtt[103] = {
name: "Crypto House First Floor",
imgGroup: "local",
imgId: "crypto house first floor",
locked: false,
discovered: true
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name: "Crypto House Kitchen",
imgGroup: "local",
imgId: "crypto house kitchen",
locked: false,
discovered: true
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name: "Crypto House Living Room",
imgGroup: "local",
imgId: "crypto house living room",
locked: false,
discovered: true
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name: "Crypto House Backyard",
imgGroup: "local",
imgId: "crypto house backyard",
locked: false,
discovered: true
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name: "Crypto House Second Floor",
imgGroup: "local",
imgId: "crypto house second floor",
locked: false,
discovered: true
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name: "Paula House Hallway",
imgGroup: "local",
imgId: "paula house hallway",
locked: false,
discovered: true
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name: "Paula House Kitchen",
imgGroup: "local",
imgId: "paula house kitchen",
locked: false,
discovered: true
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name: "Paula House Living Room",
imgGroup: "local",
imgId: "paula house living room",
locked: false,
discovered: true
<<set $locAtt[111] = {
name: "Paula House Second Floor",
imgGroup: "local",
imgId: "paula house second floor",
locked: false,
discovered: true
/* ---------- MALL ---------- */
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<<set $locAtt[_i] = {
name: "Null",
imgGroup: "mall",
imgId: "null",
locked: false,
discovered: true
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name: "Mall",
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imgId: "facade",
locked: false,
discovered: true
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name: "Shoe Shop",
imgGroup: "mall",
imgId: "shoe shop",
locked: false,
discovered: true
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name: "Shoe Shop",
imgGroup: "mall",
imgId: "shoe shop",
locked: false,
discovered: true
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name: "Fashion Shop A",
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discovered: true
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name: "Fashion Shop B",
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imgId: "fashion shop b",
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discovered: true
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name: "Sex Shop",
imgGroup: "mall",
imgId: "sex shop",
locked: false,
discovered: true
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name: "Recreation Area",
imgGroup: "mall",
imgId: "recreation area",
locked: false,
discovered: true
/* ---------- SUBURB ---------- */
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<<set $locAtt[_i] = {
name: "Null",
imgGroup: "suburb",
imgId: "null",
locked: false,
discovered: true
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name: "Suburb Map",
imgGroup: "suburb",
imgId: "main",
locked: false,
discovered: true
<<set $locAtt[161] = {
name: "Warehouses",
imgGroup: "suburb",
imgId: "warehouses",
locked: false,
discovered: true
<<set $locAtt[162] = {
name: "Warehouses Head Office",
imgGroup: "suburb",
imgId: "warehouses head office",
locked: false,
discovered: true
}>><<widget "btnLink">>
<<set _inf = getLinkName($args[0])>>
<<if $args[3] > 0>>
<<for _i to 1; _i <= $args[3]; _i++>>
<<set _inf += " [img[$skip_time_img]]">>
<center>@@.btnWide;<<button _inf $args[1]>>
<<set $location.sub = $args[2]>>
<<if $args[3] > 0>>
<<set _t = $args[3]>>
<<SkipTimeBlock _t>>
<<widget "btnEventLink">>
<<set _inf = getLinkName($args[0])>>
<<if $args[3] > 0>>
<<for _i to 1; _i <= $args[3]; _i++>>
<<set _inf += " [img[$skip_time_img]]">>
<center>@@.btnWide;<<button _inf $args[1]>>
<<set $EventMark = $args[2]>>
<<if $args[3] > 0>>
<<set _t = $args[3]>>
<<SkipTimeBlock _t>>
<<widget "btnDisabledLink">>
<<set _inf = getLinkName($args[0])>>
<center>@@.btnWideDisabled;<<button _inf>>
<<widget "btnMenuLink">>
<<set _inf = getLinkName($args[0])>>
<<if $args[3] > 0>>
<<for _i to 1; _i <= $args[3]; _i++>>
<<set _inf += " [img[$skip_time_img]]">>
<center>@@.btnMedium;<<button _inf $args[1]>>
<<set $location.sub = $args[2]>>
<<if $args[3] > 0>>
<<set _t = $args[3]>>
<<SkipTimeBlock _t>>
<<widget "btnMenuEventLink">>
<<set _inf = getLinkName($args[0])>>
<<if $args[3] > 0>>
<<for _i to 1; _i <= $args[3]; _i++>>
<<set _inf += " [img[$skip_time_img]]">>
<center>@@.btnMedium;<<button _inf $args[1]>>
<<set $EventMark = $args[2]>>
<<if $args[3] > 0>>
<<set _t = $args[3]>>
<<SkipTimeBlock _t>>
<<widget "btnMenuDisabledLink">>
<<set _inf = getLinkName($args[0])>>
<center>@@.btnMediumDisabled;<<button _inf>>
<<widget "LinkSetNPC">>
<<set _id = $args[0]>>
<<set _group = $locAtt[_id].imgGroup>>
<<switch _group>>
<<case "mc_house">>
<<if $NPCstat[0].location == $locAtt[_id].name>>
<<set $AvatarSlot[0] = $NPCstat[0].label>>
<<if $NPCstat[1].location == $locAtt[_id].name>>
<<if $AvatarSlot[0] == "">>
<<set $AvatarSlot[0] = $NPCstat[1].label>>
<<set $AvatarSlot[1] = $NPCstat[1].label>>
<<if $NPCstat[2].location == $locAtt[_id].name>>
<<if $AvatarSlot[0] == "">>
<<set $AvatarSlot[0] = $NPCstat[2].label>>
<<elseif $AvatarSlot[1] == "">>
<<set $AvatarSlot[1] = $NPCstat[2].label>>
<<set $AvatarSlot[2] = $NPCstat[2].label>>
<<if $NPCstat[12].location == $locAtt[_id].name>>
<<if $AvatarSlot[0] == "">>
<<set $AvatarSlot[0] = $NPCstat[12].label>>
<<elseif $AvatarSlot[1] == "">>
<<set $AvatarSlot[1] = $NPCstat[12].label>>
<<set $AvatarSlot[2] = $NPCstat[12].label>>
<<if $NPCstat[13].location == $locAtt[_id].name>>
<<if $AvatarSlot[0] == "">>
<<set $AvatarSlot[0] = $NPCstat[13].label>>
<<elseif $AvatarSlot[1] == "">>
<<set $AvatarSlot[1] = $NPCstat[13].label>>
<<set $AvatarSlot[2] = $NPCstat[13].label>>
<<case "work">>
<<if $NPCstat[5].location == $locAtt[_id].name>>
<<set $AvatarSlot[0] = $NPCstat[5].label>>
<<if $NPCstat[6].location == $locAtt[_id].name>>
<<set $AvatarSlot[0] = $NPCstat[6].label>>
<<if $NPCstat[7].location == $locAtt[_id].name>>
<<set $AvatarSlot[0] = $NPCstat[7].label>>
<<if $NPCstat[$SecretaryId].location == $locAtt[_id].name>>
<<if $AvatarSlot[0] == "">>
<<set $AvatarSlot[0] = $NPCstat[$SecretaryId].label>>
<<set $AvatarSlot[1] = $NPCstat[$SecretaryId].label>>
<<if $NPCstat[20].location == $locAtt[_id].name>>
<<if $AvatarSlot[0] == "">>
<<set $AvatarSlot[0] = $NPCstat[20].label>>
<<set $AvatarSlot[1] = $NPCstat[20].label>>
<<if $NPCstat[14].location == $locAtt[_id].name>>
<<set $AvatarSlot[0] = $NPCstat[14].label>>
<<if $NPCstat[15].location == $locAtt[_id].name>>
<<set $AvatarSlot[0] = $NPCstat[15].label>>
<<if $NPCstat[16].location == $locAtt[_id].name>>
<<set $AvatarSlot[0] = $NPCstat[16].label>>
<<if $NPCstat[18].location == $locAtt[_id].name>>
<<if $AvatarSlot[0] == "">>
<<set $AvatarSlot[0] = $NPCstat[18].label>>
<<elseif $AvatarSlot[1] == "">>
<<set $AvatarSlot[1] = $NPCstat[18].label>>
<<set $AvatarSlot[2] = $NPCstat[18].label>>
<<if $NPCstat[30].location == $locAtt[_id].name>>
<<set $AvatarSlot[0] = $NPCstat[30].label>>
<<if $NPCstat[27].location == $locAtt[_id].name>>
<<set $AvatarSlot[0] = $NPCstat[27].label>>
<<if $NPCstat[28].location == $locAtt[_id].name>>
<<if $AvatarSlot[0] == "">>
<<set $AvatarSlot[0] = $NPCstat[28].label>>
<<set $AvatarSlot[1] = $NPCstat[28].label>>
<<case "downtown">>
<<if $NPCstat[0].location == $locAtt[_id].name>>
<<set $AvatarSlot[0] = $NPCstat[0].label>>
<<if $NPCstat[2].location == $locAtt[_id].name>>
<<if $AvatarSlot[0] == "">>
<<set $AvatarSlot[0] = $NPCstat[2].label>>
<<set $AvatarSlot[1] = $NPCstat[2].label>>
<<if $NPCstat[8].location == $locAtt[_id].name>>
<<set $AvatarSlot[0] = $NPCstat[8].label>>
<<if $NPCstat[5].location == $locAtt[_id].name>>
<<if $AvatarSlot[0] == "">>
<<set $AvatarSlot[0] = $NPCstat[5].label>>
<<set $AvatarSlot[1] = $NPCstat[5].label>>
<<case "gym">>
<<if $NPCstat[0].location == $locAtt[_id].name>>
<<set $AvatarSlot[0] = $NPCstat[0].label>>
<<if $NPCstat[1].location == $locAtt[_id].name>>
<<if $AvatarSlot[0] == "">>
<<set $AvatarSlot[0] = $NPCstat[1].label>>
<<set $AvatarSlot[1] = $NPCstat[1].label>>
<<case "club">>
<<if $NPCstat[0].location == $locAtt[_id].name>>
<<set $AvatarSlot[0] = $NPCstat[0].label>>
<<if $NPCstat[2].location == $locAtt[_id].name>>
<<if $AvatarSlot[0] == "">>
<<set $AvatarSlot[0] = $NPCstat[2].label>>
<<set $AvatarSlot[1] = $NPCstat[2].label>>
<<if $NPCstat[8].location == $locAtt[_id].name>>
<<if $AvatarSlot[0] == "">>
<<set $AvatarSlot[0] = $NPCstat[8].label>>
<<elseif $AvatarSlot[1] == "">>
<<set $AvatarSlot[1] = $NPCstat[8].label>>
<<set $AvatarSlot[2] = $NPCstat[8].label>>
<<if $NPCstat[5].location == $locAtt[_id].name>>
<<if $AvatarSlot[0] == "">>
<<set $AvatarSlot[0] = $NPCstat[5].label>>
<<elseif $AvatarSlot[1] == "">>
<<set $AvatarSlot[1] = $NPCstat[5].label>>
<<elseif $AvatarSlot[2] == "">>
<<set $AvatarSlot[2] = $NPCstat[5].label>>
<<set $AvatarSlot[3] = $NPCstat[5].label>>
<<case "suburb">>
<<if $NPCstat[$SecretaryId].location == $locAtt[_id].name>>
<<set $AvatarSlot[0] = $NPCstat[$SecretaryId].label>>
<<if $NPCstat[21].location == $locAtt[_id].name>>
<<if $AvatarSlot[0] == "">>
<<set $AvatarSlot[0] = $NPCstat[21].label>>
<<set $AvatarSlot[1] = $NPCstat[21].label>>
<<if $NPCstat[22].location == $locAtt[_id].name>>
<<if $AvatarSlot[0] == "">>
<<set $AvatarSlot[0] = $NPCstat[22].label>>
<<set $AvatarSlot[1] = $NPCstat[22].label>>
<<case "local">>
<<if $NPCstat[0].location == $locAtt[_id].name>>
<<set $AvatarSlot[0] = $NPCstat[0].label>>
<<if $NPCstat[17].location == $locAtt[_id].name>>
<<if $AvatarSlot[0] == "">>
<<set $AvatarSlot[0] = $NPCstat[17].label>>
<<set $AvatarSlot[1] = $NPCstat[17].label>>
<<if $NPCstat[28].location == $locAtt[_id].name>>
<<if $AvatarSlot[0] == "">>
<<set $AvatarSlot[0] = $NPCstat[28].label>>
<<set $AvatarSlot[1] = $NPCstat[28].label>>
<<if $NPCstat[29].location == $locAtt[_id].name>>
<<if $AvatarSlot[0] == "">>
<<set $AvatarSlot[0] = $NPCstat[29].label>>
<<elseif $AvatarSlot[1] == "">>
<<set $AvatarSlot[1] = $NPCstat[29].label>>
<<set $AvatarSlot[2] = $NPCstat[29].label>>
<<widget "LinkSetImg">>
<<set _name = $args[0]>>
<<widget "btnImgLink">>
<<set _name = $args[0]>>
<<for _id to 0; _id < $locAtt.length; _id++>>
<<if $args[1] == $locAtt[_id].name>>
<<set _img = "data/locations/" + $locAtt[_id].imgGroup>>
<<set _img = _img + "/" + $locAtt[_id].imgId + ".jpg">>
<<if $locAtt[_id].locked>>
<<set _location = $args[1]>>
<a data-passage="" class="btnImgClosed">
<<set _hint = getClosedHint(_location)>>
<<set _name += " <font color=OrangeRed> <b>Closed!</b></font>">>
<p class="btnText">_name</p>
<img class="btnImage" @src="_img" @title="_hint">
<<set _location = GetImgLinkPassage($args[1])>>
<<if $args[2] != "">>
<<set _location = passage()>>
<<set _setter = "">>
<a data-passage=_location data-setter="$location.sub to $args[2]" class="btnImg">
<p class="btnText">_name</p>
<<set $AvatarSlot[0] = "">>
<<set $AvatarSlot[1] = "">>
<<set $AvatarSlot[2] = "">>
<<set $AvatarSlot[3] = "">>
<<set $AvatarSlot[4] = "">>
<<LinkSetNPC _id>>
<<if $AvatarSlot[0] != "">>
<<set _avatar = "data/npc/" + $AvatarSlot[0] + "/dialog_img.jpg">>
<img @src="_avatar" class="btnAvatarA">
<<if $AvatarSlot[1] != "">>
<<set _avatar = "data/npc/" + $AvatarSlot[1] + "/dialog_img.jpg">>
<img @src="_avatar" class="btnAvatarB">
<<if $AvatarSlot[2] != "">>
<<set _avatar = "data/npc/" + $AvatarSlot[2] + "/dialog_img.jpg">>
<img @src="_avatar" class="btnAvatarC">
<<if $AvatarSlot[3] != "">>
<<set _avatar = "data/npc/" + $AvatarSlot[3] + "/dialog_img.jpg">>
<img src="_avatar" class="btnAvatarD">
<<if $AvatarSlot[4] != "">>
<<set _avatar = "data/npc/" + $AvatarSlot[4] + "/dialog_img.jpg">>
<img src="_avatar" class="btnAvatarE">
<img class="btnImage" @src="_img">
<<widget "btnEventImgLink">>
<<set _name = $args[0]>>
<<for _id to 0; _id < $locAtt.length; _id++>>
<<if $args[1] == $locAtt[_id].name>>
<<set _name = GetImgLinkPassage(_name)>>
<<set _img = "data/locations/" + $locAtt[_id].imgGroup>>
<<set _img = _img + "/" + $locAtt[_id].imgId + ".jpg">>
<<if $locAtt[_id].locked>>
<<set _location = $args[1]>>
<a data-passage="" class="btnImgClosed">
<<set _hint = getClosedHint(_location)>>
<<set _name += " <font color=OrangeRed> <b>Closed!</b></font>">>
<p class="btnText">_name</p>
<img class="btnImage" @src="_img" @title="_hint">
<<set _location = GetImgLinkPassage($args[1])>>
<<if $args[2] != "">>
<<set _location = passage()>>
<<set _setter = "">>
<a data-passage=_location data-setter="$EventMark to $args[2]" class="btnImg">
<p class="btnText">_name</p>
<<set $AvatarSlot[0] = "">>
<<set $AvatarSlot[1] = "">>
<<set $AvatarSlot[2] = "">>
<<set $AvatarSlot[3] = "">>
<<set $AvatarSlot[4] = "">>
<<LinkSetNPC _id>>
<<if $AvatarSlot[0] != "">>
<<set _avatar = "data/npc/" + $AvatarSlot[0] + "/dialog_img.jpg">>
<img @src="_avatar" class="btnAvatarA">
<<if $AvatarSlot[1] != "">>
<<set _avatar = "data/npc/" + $AvatarSlot[1] + "/dialog_img.jpg">>
<img @src="_avatar" class="btnAvatarB">
<<if $AvatarSlot[2] != "">>
<<set _avatar = "data/npc/" + $AvatarSlot[2] + "/dialog_img.jpg">>
<img @src="_avatar" class="btnAvatarC">
<<if $AvatarSlot[3] != "">>
<<set _avatar = "data/npc/" + $AvatarSlot[3] + "/dialog_img.jpg">>
<img src="_avatar" class="btnAvatarD">
<<if $AvatarSlot[4] != "">>
<<set _avatar = "data/npc/" + $AvatarSlot[4] + "/dialog_img.jpg">>
<img src="_avatar" class="btnAvatarE">
<img class="btnImage" @src="_img">
<</widget>><<switch $EventMark>>
/* -------------------- GAME PROLOGUE -------------------- */
<<case "introducing">>
<<set _name = getLinkName("Stewardess/Стюардесса")>>
<<LocImg "work" "business jet(landing)">>
<<en "Your sleep is interrupted by someone shaking your shoulder.">>
<<ru "Твой сон прерывается от того, что кто-то трясет тебя за плечо.">>
<<dlg_en "f_stewardess" _name "Sir, wake up. We'll be landing shortly.">>
<<dlg_ru "f_stewardess" _name "Сэр, просыпайтесь. Мы скоро приземлимся.">>
<<en "You look up at the stewardess. The blonde smiles and shows you her snow-white teeth.">>
<<ru "Ты поднимаешь взгляд на стюардессу. Блондинка улыбается, демонстрируя тебе белоснежные зубы.">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "What time is it?">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Который час?">>
<<dlg_en "f_stewardess" _name "It's quarter past midnight. Local time.">>
<<dlg_ru "f_stewardess" _name "Пятнадцать минут первого. По местному времени.">>
<<en "Her hand is still on your shoulder.">>
<<ru "Ее рука все еще лежит на твоем плече.">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "You can go.">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Ты можешь идти.">>
<<en "The stewardess walks away, swaying her hips.">>
<<ru "Стюардесса удаляется прочь, виляя бедрами.">>
<<NPCmedia "misc" "f_stewardess_swaying" 0>>
<<btnEventLink "Continue/Продолжить" "Game Prologue" "introducing 2">>
<<case "introducing 2">>
<<LocImg "work" "business jet">>
<<en "Soon, the airplane begins to descend and you feel the pressure in your ears slowly increase. Then you feel a slight vibration of the floor as the wheels touch the ground.">>
<<ru "Вскоре, самолет начинает снижаться, и ты чувствуешь, как давление в твоих ушах начинает постепенно нарастать. Затем, ты чувствуешь легкую вибрацию пола, в то время, как колеса касаются земли.">>
<<th_en "Finally.">>
<<th_ru "Наконец-то.">>
<<en "You wait for the plane to come to a complete stop and go to the lavatory to freshen up. The cold water quickly brings you to life.">>
<<ru "Ты дожидаешься полной остановки самолета и направляешься в туалет, чтобы освежиться. Холодная вода быстро приводит тебя в чувство.">>
<<btnEventLink "Take one last look at youself/Посмотреть на себя в последний раз" "Game Prologue" "introducing 3">>
<<case "introducing 3">>
<<set _name = getLinkName("Stewardess/Стюардесса")>>
<<set _img = "data/npc/mc/introducing.jpg">>
<<en "Yep, that's you. The name is $mc.name, but many people call you Mr. $mc.lastname. You graduated from a top university (thanks to your father's money) and then got a CEO position at a major company. Soon after, you married $NPCstat[0].name, a gorgeous brunette you met in university.">>
<<ru "Ага, это ты. Твое имя - $mc.name, но многие обращаются к тебе мистер $mc.lastname. Ты выпускник одного из лучших университетов (спасибо деньгам твоего отца). После университета ты стал генеральным директором в очень крупной компании. Вскоре после этого ты женился на роскошной брюнетке по имени $NPCstat[0].name.">>
<<en "For the past three months, you have been involved in the opening of a new office in another country. During this time, you were rarely at home and saw little of your wife. But now you have plenty of time... to deal with the problems at headquarters.">>
<<ru "Последние три месяца ты руководил открытием филиала в другой стране. В этот период ты редко бывал дома и практически не виделся со своей женой. Однако, теперь у тебя есть куча времени для того,.. чтобы заняться проблемами головного офиса.">>
<<th_en "I should definitely think about taking a break.">>
<<th_ru "Мне точно пора задуматься об отдыхе.">>
<<en "You wipe your face and return to the cabin. Near the exit, you see a stewardess holding your minimal luggage.">>
<<ru "Ты вытираешь лицо и возвращаешься в салон самолета. Возле выхода ты видишь стюардессу, которая протягивает тебе твой скромный багаж.">>
<<dlg_en "f_stewardess" _name "Good luck, Mr. $mc.lastname.">>
<<dlg_ru "f_stewardess" _name "Счастливого пути, мистер $mc.lastname.">>
<<en "You get off the plane. A car and driver are waiting for you in the parking lot.">>
<<ru "Ты выходишь из самолета. Машина с водителем уже ожидает тебя на парковке.">>
<<btnEventLink "Take road to home/Ехать домой" "Game Prologue" "introducing 4">>
<<case "introducing 4">>
<<LocImg "local" "night road">>
<<en "You take the keys and let the driver go. The night seems quite warm to you, so you immediately lower the roof of the car.">>
<<ru "Ты забираешь ключи и отпускаешь водителя. Ночь кажется тебе довольно теплой, поэтому ты сразу опускаешь крышу автомобиля.">>
<<en "You leave the airport and take the county road. Your mansion is outside of town, in the middle of the forest that covers the small mountains surrounding the city. You pass a sign pointing the way to the lake and realize that you have no more than ten minutes to drive.">>
<<ru "Выехав из аэропорта ты направляешься по окружной дороге. Твой особняк расположен вне города, посреди леса, покрывающего небольшие горы вокруг города. Ты проезжаешь мимо знака, который указывает на путь к озеру, и понимаешь, что тебе осталось ехать не более десяти минут.">>
<<th_en "I hope I don't miss the right turn in the dark. It's always hard to see it because of the trees overhanging the road.">>
<<th_ru "Надеюсь, я не пропущу нужный поворот в темноте. Его всегда сложно заметить из-за нависающих над дорогой деревьев.">>
<<en "In fact, you only drove past the right turn once, a week after you bought the mansion. However, that incident left such an unpleasant impression in your memory that you think of it every time you drive that stretch of highway. You even slow down to avoid making another mistake.">>
<<ru "Впрочем, ты проезжал мимо нужного поворота всего лишь раз, спустя неделю после покупки особняка. Однако, тот случай оставил настолько неприятное впечатление в твоей памяти, что ты каждый раз вспоминаешь об нем, когда едешь по этому участку трассы. Ты даже сбрасываешь скорость, чтобы не допустить еще одной ошибки.">>
<<LocImg "mc_house" "facade">>
<<en "Finally, you get to the right turn, and a couple minutes later you drive into the mansion's grounds. Judging by the lack of light on the second floor, your wife is already asleep. So you drive the car into the garage and cautiously enter the mansion.">>
<<ru "Наконец, ты добираешься до нужного поворота, и спустя пару минут заезжаешь на территорию особняка. Судя по отсутствию света на втором этаже, твоя жена уже спит. Поэтому ты загоняешь машину в гараж и осторожно заходишь внутрь особняка.">>
<<btnEventLink "Go to the bedroom/Идти в спальню" "Game Prologue" "introducing 5">>
<<case "introducing 5">>
<<LocImg "mc_house" "hallway">>
<<en "You go up to the second floor and enter the bedroom. After undressing, you walk over to the bed and look at your sleeping wife for a while.">>
<<ru "Ты поднимаешься на второй этаж и заходишь в спальню. Раздевшись, ты подходишь к кровати и некоторое время смотришь на спящую жену.">>
<<NPCmedia "wife" "sleeping(mini)" 0>>
<<en "As if sensing your gaze, $NPCstat[0].name rolls over onto her back and exhales loudly. Deciding not to wake her, you lie down next to her.">>
<<ru "$NPCstat[0].name, словно почувствовав на себе твой взгляд, переворачивается на спину и шумно выдыхает. Ты решаешь не будить ее и осторожно ложишься рядом.">>
<<set _txt = getLinkName("Sleep till next day/Спать до утра")>>
<center>@@.btnWide;<<button _txt "Game Prologue">>
<<set $EventMark = "introducing wife">>
<<case "introducing wife">>
<<include "Wife MBedroom Events">>
<<case "introducing maid">>
<<include "Maid Kitchen Events">>
<<case "day 1(road to work)">>
<<set $TutorialStep += 1>>
<<LocImg "local" "road">>
<<en "You go to work. The weather today is wonderful, so you decide to lower the roof of the car. Half an hour later you arrive in the suburbs and immediately feel the contrast between the city noise and the peacefulness of the place where you live. You head toward the downtown area and soon you're pulling into the parking lot of the skyscraper where the company you manage is located.">>
<<ru "Ты отправляешься на работу. Погода сегодня просто замечательная, так что ты решаешь опустить крышу автомобиля. Спустя полчаса ты оказываешься в пригороде и сразу же ощущаешь контраст между шумом города и тишиной того места, где ты живешь. Ты направляешься к центру города и вскоре уже заезжаешь на парковку небоскреба, в котором распологается компания, которой ты управляешь.">>
<<LocImg "work" "parking">>
<<en "You park the car and head for the elevator.">>
<<ru "Ты паркуешь машину и направляешься к лифту.">>
<<btnEventLink "Up to your office/Подняться в свой офис" "Game Prologue" "day 1(work process)">>
<<case "day 1(work process)">>
<<LocImg "work" "your office">>
<<en "You arrive at your office. You sit down at your desk, turn on your laptop, and lean back in your chair. When you open your mail, you find a message from Human Resources asking you to choose a candidate for your future secretary.">>
<<ru "Ты прибываешь в свой офис. Сев за стол, ты включаешь ноутбук и откидываешься на спинку кресла. Открыв почту, ты обнаруживаешь сообщение от отдела кадров, в котором тебе предлагается выбрать кандидатку на роль твоей будущей секретарши.">>
<<btnEventLink "Answer to it/Ответить на письмо" "Game Prologue" "day 1(choose secretary)">>
<<case "day 1(choose secretary)">>
<<set _linkA = getLinkName("Hire her/Нанять ее")>>
<center><table style="width:100%">
<td style="width:50%;">
<<NPCmedia "jessica" "resume" 0>>
<td style="width:50%;">
<<NPCmedia "maxine" "resume" 0>>
<b><<en "Name:">></b><<en " Jessica">>
<b><<ru "Имя:">></b><<ru " Джессика">>
<b><<en "Age:">></b><<en " 33">>
<b><<ru "Возраст:">></b><<ru " 33">>
<b><<en "Family Status:">></b><<en " Divorced">>
<b><<ru "Семейный статус:">></b><<ru " В разводе">>
<b><<en "Kids:">></b><<en " Stepdaughter">>
<b><<ru "Дети:">></b><<ru " Падчерица">>
<b><<en "Work exp.:">></b><<en " 8 years">>
<b><<ru "Опыт работы:">></b><<ru " 8 лет">>
<b><<en "Name:">></b><<en " Maxine">>
<b><<ru "Имя:">></b><<ru " Максин">>
<b><<en "Age:">></b><<en " 22">>
<b><<ru "Возраст:">></b><<ru " 22">>
<b><<en "Family Status:">></b><<en " Single">>
<b><<ru "Семейный статус:">></b><<ru " Не замужем">>
<b><<en "Kids:">></b><<en "None">>
<b><<ru "Дети:">></b><<ru "Нет">>
<b><<en "Work exp.:">></b><<en " 1,5 years">>
<b><<ru "Опыт работы:">></b><<ru " 1,5 года">>
@@.btnWide;<<button _linkA "Game Prologue">>
<<set $EventMark = "day 1(choose secretary 2)">>
<<set $Secretary = "Jessica">>
<<set $SecretaryId = 3>>
<<set $PositionId[1] = 3>>
<<set $NPCstat[3].infoCheck = true>>
<<set $NPCstat[3].infoImg = "data/npc/jessica/info_img.jpg">>
<<set $PositionImg[1] = $NPCstat[3].infoImg>>
@@.btnWide;<<button _linkA "Game Prologue">>
<<set $EventMark = "day 1(choose secretary 2)">>
<<set $Secretary = "Maxine">>
<<set $SecretaryId = 4>>
<<set $PositionId[1] = 4>>
<<set $NPCstat[4].infoCheck = true>>
<<set $NPCstat[4].infoImg = "data/npc/maxine/info_img.jpg">>
<<set $PositionImg[1] = $NPCstat[4].infoImg>>
<<case "day 1(choose secretary 2)">>
<<LocImg "work" "documents">>
<<en "You write your answer and close the lid of your laptop.">>
<<ru "Ты пишешь ответ и закрываешь крышку ноутбука.">>
<<th_en "I have no desire to work at all. Let's see what $NPCstat[5].name is up to.">>
<<th_ru "У меня совсем нет желания работать. Лучше проверю, чем там занимается $NPCstat[5].name.">>
<<btnEventLink "Visit the finance department/Идти в финансовый департамент" "Game Prologue" "day 1(visit Paul)">>
<<case "day 1(visit Paul)">>
<<set $NPCstat[5].meet = true>>
<<LocImg "work" "paul office">>
<<en "When you walk into his office, your finance director is already pouring cognac into the glass. This, however, is a common scene for you. You often join him, too.">>
<<ru "Зайдя в офис своего финансового директора, ты обнаруживаешь, что $NPCstat[5].name уже попивает коньяк. Впрочем, для тебя это было привычной сценой, и ты частенько присоединялся к нему.">>
<<dlg_en 5 "Hey, $mc.name. Wanna join?">>
<<dlg_ru 5 "Хей, $mc.name. Хочешь присоединиться?">>
<<en "Your finance director takes out a second glass and fills it with alcohol. You move a chair back and sit down across from him.">>
<<ru "$NPCstat[5].name достает второй стакан и наполняет его алкоголем. Ты отодвигаешь стул и садишься напротив него.">>
<<dlg_en 5 'How is it going? Are you ready for the start of the "work" week?'>>
<<dlg_ru 5 'Ну что? Ты готов к началу "рабочей" недели?'>>
<<dlg_en "mc" "Absolutely.">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Само собой.">>
<<en "$NPCstat[5].name chuckles. The two of you empty your glasses, and then your finance director fills them again.">>
<<ru "$NPCstat[5].name посмеивается. Вы вдвоем осушаете стакана, а затем твой финансовый директор наполняет их снова.">>
<<LocImg "misc" "cognac">>
<<dlg_en 5 "By the way, how's $NPCstat[0].name? I haven't seen her in a long time.">>
<<dlg_ru 5 "А как там $NPCstat[0].name? Я давненько ее не видел.">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "$NPCstat[0].name's fine. But you know, I'm worried that with this deal, I've completely forgotten about her.">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "$NPCstat[0].name в порядке. Но знаешь, я переживаю, что с этой сделкой, я совсем позабыл о ней.">>
<<dlg_en 5 "Girls need attention, right? At least my ex-wife can vouch for that.">>
<<dlg_ru 5 "Девушкам нужно внимание, не так ли? По-крайней мере, моя бывшая жена может это подтвердить.">>
<<en "$NPCstat[5].name taps the glass in a gulp and points his finger at you, shaking shaking it in the air.">>
<<ru "Твой финансовый директор выпивает стакан одним глотком, и затем трясет указательным пальцем, показывая что у него есть идея.">>
<<dlg_en 5 "How about gifting $NPCstat[0].name a trip somewhere. For example, she can take her best friend and travel to Europe. That way your wife will be pleased, and we, in the meantime, will take a tour for the best pussies in town.">>
<<dlg_ru 5 "Как насчет того, чтобы подарить твоей жене поездку куда-нибудь. К примеру, она может взять свою лучшую подругу и отправиться в Европу. Таким образом, $NPCstat[0].name будет довольна, а мы, в это время, пройдемся по лучшим кискам города.">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "Sometimes I feel like all you can think about is banging someone.">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Иногда мне кажется, что ты думаешь только о том, чтобы трахнуть кого-нибудь.">>
<<dlg_en 5 "What's wrong with that? I'm man, so I was born to it.">>
<<dlg_ru 5 "А что в этом плохого? Я ведь мужик, значит, я был рожден для этого.">>
<<en "$NPCstat[5].name fills the glass again.">>
<<ru "$NPCstat[5].name снова наполняет стакан.">>
<<dlg_en 5 "And why are you still not drinking?">>
<<dlg_ru 5 "А почему ты еще не выпил?">>
<<btnEventLink "Spend day with $NPCstat[5].name/Провести здесь день" "Game Prologue" "visit Paul 2" 3>>
<<case "visit Paul 2">>
<<LocImg "misc" "cognac">>
<<en "You spend your work day drinking with $NPCstat[5].name. In the end, you decide that you've had enough for the day and head home.">>
<<ru "Ты проводишь день, выпивая со своим финансовым директором. В итоге, ты решаешь, что на сегодня с тебя хватит и отправляешься домой.">>
<<btnEventLink "Go home/Ехать домой" "Game Prologue" "go home after work">>
<<case "go home after work">>
<<run setWifeNextBlockPlan(0, "watch tv(mansion)")>>
<<LocImg "local" "road">>
<<en "You move briskly along the highway, darting between cars.">>
<<ru "Ты шустро двигаешься по трассе, лаврируя между автомобилями.">>
<<LocImg "mc_house" "hallway">>
<<en "Upon entering your mansion, you realize that your wife has already returned from work.">>
<<ru "Зайдя в свой особняк, ты понимаешь, что твоя жена уже вернулась с работы.">>
<<btnEventLink "Go to the living room/Идти в гостиную" "Living Room" "">>
<<case "check your wife">>
<<NPCmedia "wife" "watching tv" 0>>
<<en "You walk up to your wife and lean in to kiss her. She moves forward, but suddenly stops.">>
<<ru "Ты подходишь к своей жене и наклоняешься, чтобы поцеловать ее. Она подается вперед, но затем останавливается.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "$mc.name, have you been drinking?">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "$mc.name, ты выпил?">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "Just a little. With $NPCstat[5].name.">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Да. Я и $NPCstat[5].name немного выпили.">>
<<en "Your wife gently pushes you away.">>
<<ru "Твоя жена легонько отталкивает тебя.">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "What's wrong, baby?">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Что не так, милая?">>
<<dlg_en 0 "I thought you'd be home early so we could spend the evening together, but it looks like you miss Paul more than your wife.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Я думала, ты вернешься пораньше, чтобы мы могли провести вечер вместе, но оказывается, ты соскучился по Полу больше, чем по своей жене.">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "Baby, you know that's not true.">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Крошка, ты же знаешь, что это не так.">>
<<en "$NPCstat[0].name gives you a stern look and you straighten up.">>
<<ru "$NPCstat[0].name бросает на тебя строгий взгляд, заставляя тебя выпрямиться.">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "You're right, honey. It's my fault.">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Ты права, милая. Я виноват.">>
<<RemoveStat 0 "mood" 150 -100>>
<<btnEventLink "Go to the home office/Подняться в домашний офис" "Game Prologue" "check your wife 2">>
/* ------------------------------ Tutorial ------------------------------ */
<<if $TutorialOn>>
<center><b><font size="5"><<en "Tutorial">></font></b></center>
<center><b><font size="5"><<ru "Обучение">></font></b></center>
<<en "As you may have noticed, your wife mood has changed. <b>Mood</b>, like <b>Arousal</b>, is another type of stats that can affect NPCs behavior. However, it differs from other stats in that they changes over time.">>
<<ru "Как вы могли заметить, настроение вашей жены изменилось. Настроение, ровно как и возбуждение, еще один тип характеристик, которые могут оказывать влияние на поведение НПС. Однако, они отличаются от других характеристик тем, что меняются с течением времени.">>
<<case "check your wife 2">>
<<SkipTimeBlock 2>>
<<LocImg "mc_house" "office">>
<<en "You go up to your office and spend your time comparing odds in sports betting from different bookmakers. A couple hours later, you hear $NPCstat[0].name walk past the door to your office.">>
<<ru "Ты поднимаешься в свой кабинет и проводишь время, сравнивая коэфициенты букмекеров на предстоящие матчи. Спустя пару часов, ты слышишь, как $NPCstat[0].name проходит мимо двери в кабинет.">>
<<th_en "Looks like she's gone to bed.">>
<<th_ru "Похоже, она отправилась спать.">>
<<btnEventLink "Go to sleep/Идти спать" "Master Bedroom" "">>
/* -------------------- SKIP PROLOGUE -------------------- */
<<case "skip prologue(meet maid)">>
<<set _link = getLinkName("Pick/Выбрать")>>
<center><table style="width:100%">
<td colspan="2">
<center><font size="4"><b><u>During 2nd day</u></b></font></center>
<center><<en "The maid overslept and you met her in the corridor">></center>
<center><<ru "Горничная проспала, и ты встретил ее в коридоре">></center>
<td style="width:50%;">
<<NPCmedia "samantha" "skipping(scold)" 0>>
<td style="width:50%;">
<<NPCmedia "samantha" "skipping(no scold)" 0>>
<<en "You reprimanded her for it">>
<<ru "Ты сделал ей выговор">>
<<en "You let it slide">>
<<ru "Ты решил не наказывать ее">>
@@.btnWide;<<button _link "Game Prologue">>
<<set $EventMark = "skip prologue(pick secretary)">>
<<AddStat 1 "obedience" 4 100>>
@@.btnWide;<<button _link "Game Prologue">>
<<set $EventMark = "skip prologue(pick secretary)">>
<<RemoveStat 1 "obedience" 4 -100>>
<<case "skip prologue(pick secretary)">>
<<set _link = getLinkName("Pick/Выбрать")>>
<center><table style="width:100%">
<td colspan="2">
<center><font size="4"><b><u>During 2nd day</u></b></font></center>
<center><<en "When you arrived at work, you decided to choose a new secretary">></center>
<center><<ru "Прибыв на работу, ты решил выбрать новую секретаршу">></center>
<td style="width:50%;">
<<NPCmedia "jessica" "resume" 0>>
<td style="width:50%;">
<<NPCmedia "maxine" "resume" 0>>
<<en "You chose Jessica">>
<<ru "Ты выбрал Джессику">>
<<en "You chose Maxine">>
<<ru "Ты выбрал Максин">>
@@.btnWide;<<button _link "Game Prologue">>
<<set $EventMark = "skip prologue(interview secretary)">>
<<set $Secretary = "Jessica">>
<<set $SecretaryId = 3>>
<<set $PositionId[1] = 3>>
<<set $NPCstat[3].infoCheck = true>>
<<set $NPCstat[3].infoImg = "data/npc/jessica/info_img.jpg">>
<<set $PositionImg[1] = $NPCstat[3].infoImg>>
@@.btnWide;<<button _link "Game Prologue">>
<<set $EventMark = "skip prologue(interview secretary)">>
<<set $Secretary = "Maxine">>
<<set $SecretaryId = 4>>
<<set $PositionId[1] = 4>>
<<set $NPCstat[4].infoCheck = true>>
<<set $NPCstat[4].infoImg = "data/npc/maxine/info_img.jpg">>
<<set $PositionImg[1] = $NPCstat[4].infoImg>>
<<case "skip prologue(interview secretary)">>
<<set _link = getLinkName("Pick/Выбрать")>>
<center><table style="width:100%">
<td colspan="2">
<center><font size="4"><b><u>During 3rd day</u></b></font></center>
<center><<en "The new secretary arrived for her interview">></center>
<center><<ru "Новая секретарша прибыла на интервью">></center>
<td style="width:50%;">
<<NPCmedia $NPCstat[$SecretaryId].style "skipping(blow)" 0>>
<td style="width:50%;">
<<NPCmedia $NPCstat[$SecretaryId].style "skipping(no blow)" 0>>
<<en "You told her to blow you">>
<<ru "Ты сказал ей, что бы она отсосала тебе">>
<<en "You just asked her a few questions">>
<<ru "Ты просто задал ей несколько вопросов">>
@@.btnWide;<<button _link "Game Prologue">>
<<set $EventMark = "skip prologue(wipe shelves)">>
<<set $NPCsexmemory[$SecretaryId].blowjob += 1>>
<<AddStat $SecretaryId "obedience" 10 100>>
@@.btnWide;<<button _link "Game Prologue">>
<<set $EventMark = "skip prologue(wipe shelves)">>
<<case "skip prologue(wipe shelves)">>
<<set _link = getLinkName("Pick/Выбрать")>>
<center><table style="width:100%">
<center><font size="4"><b><u>During 3rd day</u></b></font></center>
<center><<en "Your maid asked you to help with the top shelves">></center>
<center><<ru "Твоя горничная попросила тебя помочь с верхними полками">></center>
<<NPCmedia "samantha" "skipping(grope)" 0>>
<<en "You lifted her up and didn't miss a chance to give her a good groping">>
<<ru "Ты приподнял ее и не упустил шанса хорошенько облапать">>
@@.btnWide;<<button _link "Game Prologue">>
<<set $EventMark = "skip prologue(claire meet)">>
<<set $MaidCleaning.wipecounter += 1>>
<<set $MaidCleaning.wipeliftup += 1>>
<<AddStat 1 "playfulness" 2 20>>
<<NPCmedia "samantha" "wipe shelves" 0>>
<<en "You wiped down the top shelves yourself">>
<<ru "Ты самолично вытер верхние полки">>
@@.btnWide;<<button _link "Game Prologue">>
<<set $EventMark = "skip prologue(claire meet)">>
<<set $MaidCleaning.wipecounter += 1>>
<<set $MaidCleaning.wipestandart += 1>>
<<RemoveStat 1 "obedience" 2 -20>>
<<LocImg "mc_house" "stool">>
<<en "You told her to use the chair">>
<<ru "Ты сказал, чтобы она использовала стул">>
@@.btnWide;<<button _link "Game Prologue">>
<<set $EventMark = "skip prologue(claire meet)">>
<<set $MaidCleaning.wipecounter += 1>>
<<set $MaidCleaning.wipechair += 1>>
<<AddStat 1 "obedience" 2 20>>
<<case "skip prologue(claire meet)">>
<<set _link = getLinkName("Pick/Выбрать")>>
<center><table style="width:100%">
<center><font size="4"><b><u>During 4th day</u></b></font></center>
<center><<en "Your HR director comes to your office to hear about the next steps to take">></center>
<center><<ru "Твой HR директор пришел в твой офис, чтобы узнать о дальнейших действиях">></center>
<<LocImg "work" "documents">>
<<en "You told her the company needed to fire some people">>
<<ru "Ты сказал ей, что компании нужно уволить часть людей">>
@@.btnWide;<<button _link "Game Prologue">>
<<set $EventMark = "skip prologue(wife restaurant)">>
<<set $CompanyPolicy = 1>>
<<LocImg "actions" "handshake">>
<<en "You told her that the company needed to hire more people">>
<<ru "Ты сказал ей, что компании необходимо нанять больше людей">>
@@.btnWide;<<button _link "Game Prologue">>
<<set $EventMark = "skip prologue(wife restaurant)">>
<<set $CompanyPolicy = 2>>
<<NPCmedia "claire" "stare(mini)" 0>>
<<en "You've given her the authority to act as she chooses">>
<<ru "Ты дал ей полномочия действовать по ее усмотрению">>
@@.btnWide;<<button _link "Game Prologue">>
<<set $EventMark = "skip prologue(wife restaurant)">>
<<set $PositionAuthority[2] += 10>>
<<set $CompanyPolicy = 3>>
<<case "skip prologue(wife restaurant)">>
<<set _link = getLinkName("Pick/Выбрать")>>
<center><table style="width:100%">
<td colspan="2">
<center><font size="4"><b><u>During 5th day</u></b></font></center>
<center><<en "You were on a date at a restaurant with your wife. After the date, she hinted that she wouldn't mind getting a little naughty">></center>
<center><<ru "Ты был на свидании в ресторане со своей женой. После свидания, она намекнула, что не против немного пошалить">></center>
<td style="width:50%;">
<<NPCmedia "wife" "skipping(date fuck)" 0>>
<td style="width:50%;">
<<NPCmedia "wife" "skipping(date cuni)" 0>>
<<en "You started fucking her in the hallway of the mansion">>
<<ru "Ты начал трахать ее прямо в коридоре особняка">>
<<en "You brought her to orgasm with your tongue">>
<<ru "Ты довел ее до оргазма при помощи своего языка">>
@@.btnWide;<<button _link "Game Prologue">>
<<set $EventMark = "skip prologue(first week)">>
<<set $NPCsexmemory[0].vaginal += 1>>
<<AddStat 0 "openness" 2 15>>
@@.btnWide;<<button _link "Game Prologue">>
<<set $EventMark = "skip prologue(first week)">>
<<set $NPCsexmemory[0].pussylicking += 1>>
<<AddStat 0 "openness" 2 15>>
<<case "skip prologue(first week)">>
<<set $WifeFacesitting.status = "Jenny show">>
<<set $money.golden -= 1250>>
<<set $TutorialStep = 2>>
<<set _img = "data/overall/game_banner.jpg">>
<center><font size="4"><b><u><<en "You've seen all the events of week one.">></u></b></font></center>
<center><font size="4"><b><u><<ru "Ты увидел все события первой недели.">></u></b></font></center>
<<set _link = getLinkName("Start game/Начать игру")>>
<center>@@.btnWide;<<button _link "Dreams">>
<<set $TopMenu = true>>
<<set $TopMenuShow = true>>
<<set $location.sub = "">>
<<set $location.main = "Master Bedroom">>
<<set $EventMark = "">>
<<set $NPCstat[0].meet = true>>
<<set $NPCstat[1].meet = true>>
<<set $NPCstat[2].meet = true>>
<<set $NPCstat[$SecretaryId].meet = true>>
<<set $NPCstat[5].meet = true>>
<<set $NPCstat[6].meet = true>>
<<set $NewNPC = true>>
<<set $NewQuestEntry = true>>
<<set $NPCmood[0].arousal = 0>>
<<btnEventLink "Skip second week/Пропустить вторую неделю" "Game Prologue" "skip prologue(facesitting first)">>
<<case "skip prologue(facesitting first)">>
<<set _link = getLinkName("Pick/Выбрать")>>
<center><table style="width:100%">
<td colspan="2">
<center><font size="4"><b><u>During 8th day</u></b></font></center>
<center><<en "Your wife suggested you try facesitting">></center>
<center><<ru "Твоя жена предложила тебе попробовать фейсситтинг">></center>
<td style="width:50%;">
<<NPCmedia "wife" "skipping(face neg)" 0>>
<td style="width:50%;">
<<NPCmedia "wife" "skipping(face pos)" 0>>
<<en "You refused her suggestion">>
<<ru "Ты отказался от ее предложения">>
<<en "You accepted her suggestion">>
<<ru "Ты согласился на ее предложение">>
@@.btnWide;<<button _link "Game Prologue">>
<<set $EventMark = "skip prologue(psy meet)">>
<<set $WifeFacesitting.status = "reject">>
@@.btnWide;<<button _link "Game Prologue">>
<<set $EventMark = "skip prologue(facesitting first 2)">>
<<set $WifeFacesitting.status = "agree">>
<<set $WifeFacesitting.style = "gentle">>
<<set $WifeFacesitting.counter = 7>>
<<case "skip prologue(facesitting first 2)">>
<<set _link = getLinkName("Pick/Выбрать")>>
<center><table style="width:100%">
<td colspan="2">
<center><font size="4"><b><u>During 8th day</u></b></font></center>
<center><<en "Because of your inexperience, you didn't manage to properly enjoy the process of facesitting">></center>
<center><<ru "Из-за вашей неопытности, у вас не получилось полноценно попробовать фейсситтинг">></center>
<td style="width:50%;">
<<NPCmedia "wife" "skipping(face fuck)" 0>>
<td style="width:50%;">
<<NPCmedia "wife" "skipping(face cuni)" 0>>
<<en "You fucked your wife to satisfy her">>
<<ru "Ты трахнул свою жену, чтобы удовлетворить ее">>
<<en "You licked your wife's pussy to satisfy her">>
<<ru "Ты отлизал своей жене, чтобы удовлетворить ее">>
@@.btnWide;<<button _link "Game Prologue">>
<<set $EventMark = "skip prologue(psy meet)">>
<<set $NPCsexmemory[0].vaginal += 1>>
@@.btnWide;<<button _link "Game Prologue">>
<<set $EventMark = "skip prologue(psy meet)">>
<<set $NPCsexmemory[0].pussylicking += 1>>
<<case "skip prologue(psy meet)">>
<<set _link = getLinkName("Pick/Выбрать")>>
<center><table style="width:100%">
<td colspan="2">
<center><font size="4"><b><u>During 8th day</u></b></font></center>
<center><<en "You met with the new corporate psychologist">></center>
<center><<ru "Ты встретился с новый корпоративным психологом">></center>
<td style="width:50%;">
<<NPCmedia "louise" "skipping(no hug)" 0>>
<td style="width:50%;">
<<NPCmedia "louise" "skipping(hug)" 0>>
<<en "You didn't hug her">>
<<ru "Ты не стал ее обнимать">>
<<en "You hugged her">>
<<ru "Ты обнял ее">>
@@.btnWide;<<button _link "Game Prologue">>
<<set $EventMark = "skip prologue(belinda meet)">>
@@.btnWide;<<button _link "Game Prologue">>
<<set $EventMark = "skip prologue(belinda meet)">>
<<set $PsyHugCount += 1>>
<<case "skip prologue(belinda meet)">>
<<set _link = getLinkName("Pick/Выбрать")>>
<center><table style="width:100%">
<td colspan="2">
<center><font size="4"><b><u>During 9th day</u></b></font></center>
<center><<en "You met a hot blonde in the post department. She asked you to hire her without an internship.">></center>
<center><<ru "Ты встретился с горячей блондинкой в почтовом департаменте. Она попросила тебя, чтобы ты нанял ее без испытательного срока">></center>
<td style="width:50%;">
<<NPCmedia "belinda" "skipping(hire grope)" 0>>
<td style="width:50%;">
<<NPCmedia "belinda" "skipping(hire fast)" 0>>
<<en "She let you feel up her body for hiring her.">>
<<ru "Она позволила полапать ее тело за то, чтобы ты принял ее на работу">>
<<en "You hired her without a second thought">>
<<ru "Ты принял ее на работу без всякой задней мысли">>
@@.btnWide;<<button _link "Game Prologue">>
<<set $EventMark = "skip prologue(wipe shelves 2)">>
<<set $BelindaStory.tease += 1>>
<<set $BelindaStory.grope += 1>>
<<set $BelindaStory.stage = 2>>
@@.btnWide;<<button _link "Game Prologue">>
<<set $EventMark = "skip prologue(wipe shelves 2)">>
<<set $BelindaStory.stage = 2>>
<td colspan="2">
<<LocImg "work" "documents">>
<td colspan="2">
<<en "Instead, you fired her">>
<<ru "Вместо этого, ты уволил ее">>
<td colspan="2">
@@.btnWide;<<button _link "Game Prologue">>
<<set $EventMark = "skip prologue(wipe shelves 2)">>
<<set $NPCstat[16].infoImg = "none">>
<<set $BelindaStory.status = "fail">>
<<case "skip prologue(wipe shelves 2)">>
<<set _link = getLinkName("Pick/Выбрать")>>
<center><table style="width:100%">
<center><font size="4"><b><u>During 10th day</u></b></font></center>
<center><<en "Your maid asked you to help with the top shelves">></center>
<center><<ru "Твоя горничная попросила тебя помочь с верхними полками">></center>
<<NPCmedia "samantha" "skipping(grope)" 0>>
<<en "You lifted her up and didn't miss a chance to give her a good groping">>
<<ru "Ты приподнял ее и не упустил шанса хорошенько облапать">>
@@.btnWide;<<button _link "Game Prologue">>
<<set $EventMark = "skip prologue(lead sex)">>
<<set $MaidCleaning.wipecounter += 1>>
<<set $MaidCleaning.wipeliftup += 1>>
<<AddStat 1 "playfulness" 2 20>>
<<NPCmedia "samantha" "wipe shelves" 0>>
<<en "You wiped down the top shelves yourself">>
<<ru "Ты самолично вытер верхние полки">>
@@.btnWide;<<button _link "Game Prologue">>
<<set $EventMark = "skip prologue(lead sex)">>
<<set $MaidCleaning.wipecounter += 1>>
<<set $MaidCleaning.wipestandart += 1>>
<<RemoveStat 1 "obedience" 2 -20>>
<<LocImg "mc_house" "stool">>
<<en "You told her to use the chair">>
<<ru "Ты сказал, чтобы она использовала стул">>
@@.btnWide;<<button _link "Game Prologue">>
<<set $EventMark = "skip prologue(lead sex)">>
<<set $MaidCleaning.wipecounter += 1>>
<<set $MaidCleaning.wipechair += 1>>
<<if $MaidCleaning.wipechair == 2>>
<<set $MaidCleaning.wipemethod = "chair">>
<<AddStat 1 "obedience" 2 20>>
<<case "skip prologue(lead sex)">>
<<set _link = getLinkName("Pick/Выбрать")>>
<center><table style="width:100%">
<td colspan="2">
<center><font size="4"><b><u>During 11th day</u></b></font></center>
<center><<en "You tried letting your wife lead in sex">></center>
<center><<ru "Ты попробовал позволить своей жене вести в сексе">></center>
<td style="width:50%;">
<<NPCmedia "wife" "skipping(face blow)" 0>>
<td style="width:50%;">
<<NPCmedia "wife" "skipping(face cuni)" 0>>
<<en "She wanted to blow you">>
<<ru "Она захотела отсосать тебе">>
<<en "She asked you to lick her pussy">>
<<ru "Она попросила тебя вылизать ее киску">>
@@.btnWide;<<button _link "Game Prologue">>
<<set $EventMark = "skip prologue(mila meet)">>
<<set $NPCsexmemory[0].vaginal += 1>>
<<set $NPCsexmemory[0].blowjob += 1>>
@@.btnWide;<<button _link "Game Prologue">>
<<set $EventMark = "skip prologue(mila meet)">>
<<set $NPCsexmemory[0].vaginal += 1>>
<<set $NPCsexmemory[0].pussylicking += 1>>
<<AddStat 0 "assertiveness" 2 100>>
<<case "skip prologue(mila meet)">>
<<set _link = getLinkName("Pick/Выбрать")>>
<center><table style="width:100%">
<td colspan="2">
<center><font size="4"><b><u>During 12th day</u></b></font></center>
<center><<en "You met a sassy brunette in a nightclub">></center>
<center><<ru "Ты встретил наглую брюнетку в ночном клубе">></center>
<td style="width:50%;">
<<NPCmedia "mila" "skipping(let)" 0>>
<td style="width:50%;">
<<NPCmedia "mila" "skipping(push)" 0>>
<<en "You banged her in the toilet">>
<<ru "Ты оттрахал ее в туалете">>
<<en "You pushed her away">>
<<ru "Ты оттолкнул ее">>
@@.btnWide;<<button _link "Game Prologue">>
<<set $EventMark = "skip prologue(foot massage)">>
<<set $NPCsexmemory[8].blowjob += 1>>
<<set $NPCsexmemory[8].vaginal += 1>>
@@.btnWide;<<button _link "Game Prologue">>
<<set $EventMark = "skip prologue(foot massage)">>
<<case "skip prologue(foot massage)">>
<<set _link = getLinkName("Pick/Выбрать")>>
<center><table style="width:100%">
<td colspan="2">
<center><font size="4"><b><u>During 14th day</u></b></font></center>
<center><<en "Together with your wife, you visited a shopping centre. Afterwards, your wife asked if you could give her a foot massage in private">></center>
<center><<ru "Вместе со своей женой ты посетил торговый центр. После этого, твоя жена спросила, мог ли ты делать ей массаж ног наедине">></center>
<td style="width:50%;">
<<NPCmedia "wife" "skipping(massage neg)" 0>>
<td style="width:50%;">
<<NPCmedia "wife" "skipping(massage pos)" 0>>
<<en "You refused to give her a foot massage">>
<<ru "Ты отказался делать ей массаж ног">>
<<en "You agreed to give her a foot massage from time to time">>
<<ru "Ты согласился делать ей массаж ног время от времени">>
@@.btnWide;<<button _link "Game Prologue">>
<<set $EventMark = "skip prologue(second week)">>
@@.btnWide;<<button _link "Game Prologue">>
<<set $EventMark = "skip prologue(second week)">>
<<set $WifeFootFetish.active = true>>
<<case "skip prologue(second week)">>
<<set $PaulaParty.stage = 2>>
<<set $WifeRouteMiles.leadOption = true>>
<<set _img = "data/overall/game_banner.jpg">>
<center><font size="4"><b><u><<en "You've seen all the events of first two week">></u></b></font></center>
<center><font size="4"><b><u><<ru "Ты увидел все события первых двух недель">></u></b></font></center>
<<set _link = getLinkName("Start game/Начать игру")>>
<center>@@.btnWide;<<button _link "Dreams">>
<<set $TopMenu = true>>
<<set $TopMenuShow = true>>
<<set $location.sub = "">>
<<set $location.main = "Master Bedroom">>
<<set $EventMark = "">>
<<set $NPCstat[0].meet = true>>
<<set $NPCstat[1].meet = true>>
<<set $NPCstat[2].meet = true>>
<<set $NPCstat[$SecretaryId].meet = true>>
<<set $NPCstat[5].meet = true>>
<<set $NPCstat[6].meet = true>>
<<set $NPCstat[8].meet = true>>
<<set $NPCstat[16].meet = true>>
<<set $NPCstat[18].meet = true>>
<<set $NewNPC = true>>
<<set $NewQuestEntry = true>>
<<set $NPCmood[0].arousal = 0>>
<</switch>>/* [[Master Bathroom]] */
/* [[MChouse Balcony]] */
/* [[MChouse Dressing Room]] */
<<if $KinksCheckFlag == false and $location.sub == "">>
<<goto "KinksCheckLocation">>
<<elseif $GameRebootFlag == false and $location.sub == "">>
<<goto "GameRebootLocation">>
<<include "MC House Event Hub">>
<<switch $location.sub>>
<<case "">>
<<if $NPCstat[0].location == "Master Bedroom" and $NPCstat[2].location == "Master Bedroom">>
<<if $time.daytime >= 6>>
<<LocImg "mc_house" "open door">>
<<en "There is no sound behind the door. It looks like the women are already asleep.">>
<<ru "За дверью ничего не слышно. Похоже, что девушки уже спят.">>
<<LocImg "mc_house" "open door">>
<<en "You hear women's giggling inside the bedroom. It seems better not to disturb them.">>
<<ru "Вы слышите женское хихиканье в спальне. Лучше их не беспокоить.">>
<<elseif $NPCstat[0].location == "Master Bedroom">>
<<if WifeCurrentPlan() == "get rest(mansion)">>
<<if $time.daytime == 0>>
<<NPCmedia "wife" "sleeping(mini)" 0>>
<<en "$NPCstat[0].name is sleeping peacefully.">>
<<ru "$NPCstat[0].name спит.">>
<<btnEventLink "Approach her/Подойти к ней" "Wife MBedroom Events" "sleeping wife(emorning)">>
<<if $NPCdaymemory[0].night == "bedroom sex">>
<<NPCmedia "wife" "lying on bed(nude)(mini)" 0>>
<<NPCmedia "wife" "lying on bed(mini)" 0>>
<<if $NPCdaymemory[0].night == "bedroom sex">>
<<dlg_en 0 "That was amazing, honey! Let's get some sleep.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Это было восхитительно, милый! Теперь, давай спать.">>
<<en "$NPCstat[0].name is lying on bed with the phone in her hands.">>
<<ru "$NPCstat[0].name лежит на кровати с телефоном в руках.">>
<<btnLink "Approach her/Подойти к ней" "Master Bedroom" "talk with wife">>
<<elseif WifeCurrentPlan() == "prepare to sleep(mansion)">>
<<if $NPCdaymemory[0].night == "bedroom sex">>
<<NPCmedia "wife" "lying on bed(nude)(mini)" 0>>
<<elseif $NPCmood[0].arousal >= 70>>
<<NPCmedia "wife" "lying on bed(topless)(mini)" 0>>
<<NPCmedia "wife" "lying on bed(mini)" 0>>
<<if $NPCdaymemory[0].night == "bedroom sex">>
<<dlg_en 0 "That was amazing, honey! Let's get some sleep.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Это было восхитительно, милый! Теперь, давай спать.">>
<<elseif $NPCstat[0].assertiveness > 0 and $NPCmood[0].arousal >= 70>>
<<dlg_en 0 "Hey, honey! How about taking a place beside me?">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Хей, милый! Не желаешь присоединиться ко мне?">>
<<set _txt = getLinkName("Take up her offer/Принять ее предложение")>>
<center>@@.btnWide;<<button _txt "Wife(Mansion Sex)(Scenes)">>
<<set $EventMark = "bedroom(evening)(take offer)">>
<<include "Wife(Mansion Sex)(Stats)">>
<<en "Your wife is lying on the bed.">>
<<ru "Твоя жена лежит на кровати">>
<<set _txt = getLinkName("See if she want to have fun/Спросить хочет ли она развлечься")>>
<center>@@.btnWide;<<button _txt "Wife(Mansion Sex)(Scenes)">>
<<set $EventMark = "bedroom(evening)(start scene)">>
<<include "Wife(Mansion Sex)(Stats)">>
<<elseif WifeCurrentPlan() == "sleep(mansion)">>
<<NPCmedia "wife" "sleeping(mini)" 0>>
<<en "Your wife is sleeping.">>
<<ru "Твоя жена спит.">>
<<elseif $NPCstat[1].location == "Master Bedroom">>
<<NPCmedia "samantha" "mbedroom cleaning(mini)" 0>>
<<en "Samantha is cleaning the room.">>
<<ru "Саманта убирает комнату.">>
<<btnLink "Approach her/Подойти к ней" "Master Bedroom" "maid cleaning">>
<<LocImg "mc_house" "master bedroom">>
<<if $MaidRoleReversal.active>>
<<if $mansionCleanliness.mbedroom <= 70>>
<<set _txt = getLinkName("Clean the room/Заняться уборкой")>>
<<set _txt += " [img[$skip_time_img]]">>
<center>@@.btnWide;<<button _txt "Samantha Takeover Cleaning Events">>
<<set _stdice = 0>>
<<set $EventMark = "mbedroom(main)">>
<<if MaidCurrentPlan() == "get rest(gardener)" or MaidCurrentPlan() == "watch tv(mansion)">>
<<set _stdice = random(1, 15)>>
<<if _stdice >= 11>>
<<set $EventMark = "mbedroom(maid on bed)">>
<<elseif _stdice >= 6>>
<<set $EventMark = "mbedroom(maid on balcony)">>
<<SkipTimeBlock 1>>
<<if ($MaidRoleReversal.active or $mansion.mbedroom.makebedActive) and not $mansion.mbedroom.makebed>>
<<btnEventLink "Make bed/Заправить кровать" "Mansion Clean Up Events" "make main bed">>
/* --------------- Nap Function --------------- */
<<if not BusyDate() and not MainBedOccupied() and $time.daytime < 6>>
<<if $NPCstat[0].location == "Master Bedroom" and WifeCurrentPlan() == "get rest(mansion)">>
<<set _link = getLinkName("Take a nap/Подремать немного")>>
<<set _link += " [img[$skip_time_img]]">>
<center>@@.btnWide;<<button _link "Wife MBedroom Events">>
<<set $EventMark = "mc trying to nap">>
<<btnLink "Take a nap/Подремать немного" "Master Bedroom" "" 1>>
<<if not BusyDate() and not MainBedOccupied() and $time.daytime >= 6>>
<<set _txt = getLinkName("Sleep till next day/Спать до утра")>>
<center>@@.btnWide;<<button _txt "Dreams">>
<<if not MainBedOccupied() and $WifeQueen.throneDelivered>>
<<if not BusyDate()>>
<<btnLink "Look at the throne/Посмотреть на трон" "Master Bedroom" "examine throne">>
<<if not MainBedOccupied()>>
<<set $NavigationSlot = []>>
<<set $NavigationSlotName = []>>
<<set $NavigationSlotSub = []>>
<<set $NavigationSlot[0] = "Master Bathroom">>
<<set $NavigationSlotName[0] = "Bathroom/Ванная">>
<<set $NavigationSlotSub[0] = "">>
<<set $NavigationSlot[1] = "MChouse Dressing Room">>
<<set $NavigationSlotName[1] = "Dressing Room/Гардеробная">>
<<set $NavigationSlotSub[1] = "">>
<<set $NavigationSlot[2] = "MChouse Balcony">>
<<set $NavigationSlotName[2] = "Balcony/Балкон">>
<<set $NavigationSlotSub[2] = "">>
<<NavigationTable 2>>
<<btnLink "Leave/Выйти" "Hallway" "">>
/* ------------------------------ Tutorial ------------------------------ */
<<if $TutorialOn>>
<<if $TutorialStep == 0>>
<center><b><font size="5"><<en "Tutorial">></font></b></center>
<center><b><font size="5"><<ru "Обучение">></font></b></center>
<<en "<b>Boring Days</b> is sandbox game with some vn elements in the beginning. There are two ways to progress in the game - waiting for conditions to be met (such as a certain date) or interacting with the NPC directly. A small icon on the location screen lets you know if the NPC is there. Keep in mind, however, that not every interaction with an NPC will lead to story progression, and it is up to you to explore the possibilities the game offers. You can also check the <b>Journal</b> for hints that will help you progress faster.">>
<<ru "<b>Boring Days</b> это игра-песочница с некоторыми элементами новеллы в начале. В игре есть два способа прогресса - дождаться выполнения услових (таких как определенная дата) или взаимодействовать с НПС напрямую. Вы можете определить, находится ли нужный НПС на локации по небольшой иконке, расположенной ее изображении. Однако, вам следует помнить, что не каждое взаимодействие с НПС приводит к сюжетному прогрессу, и вам предстоит исследовать те возможности, которые предоставляет вам игра. Вы можете также заглянуть в журнал, чтобы увидеть подсказки, которые помогут вам прогрессировать быстрее.">>
<<en "Feel free to explore Master Bedrrom before you hit the <b>Leave</b> button.">>
<<ru "Попробуйте исследовать Основную Спальню, прежде чем нажать кнопку <b>Покинуть</b>.">>
<<elseif $TutorialStep == 2 and $time.date == 1>>
<center><b><font size="5"><<en "Tutorial">></font></b></center>
<center><b><font size="5"><<ru "Обучение">></font></b></center>
<<en "To end the day, use the <b>Sleep</b> function. The day change changes some NPCs stats. so you should be careful. Also, some events have a break of several days, so you need to sleep in order to see them.">>
<<ru "Для того, чтобы завершить день, используйте функцию <b>Спать</b>. Смена дня влияет на характеристики НПС, поэтому вам стоит быть внимательными. Также некоторые эвенты имеют перерыв в несколько дней, так что вам нужно спать, чтобы увидеть их.">>
<<elseif $time.date == 8 and $time.daytime == 0>>
<center><b><font size="5"><<en "Tutorial">></font></b></center>
<center><b><font size="5"><<ru "Обучение">></font></b></center>
<<en "For now, the story events end after the first week. You can act as you please, but I suggest you explore your company during the second week. Also, you should be aware that some evens have a period of several days between reactivation. You can test it this Monday by watching TV in the mansion while your maid is in the room.">>
<<ru "Пока что сюжетные эвенты заканчиваются после первой недели. Вы можете действовать, как вам заблагорассудиться, но я советую вам исследовать вашу компанию в течении второй недели. Также, вам следует помнить, что некоторые эвенты имеют период в несколько дней между повторной активацией. Вы можете проверить в этот понедельник, посмотрев телевизор в особняке в тот момент, когда ваша горничная находится в комнате.">>
/* ---------- SLEEP ---------- */
<<case "sleep">>
<<include "Dreams">>
/* ---------- WIFE SCENES ---------- */
<<case "talk with wife">>
<<set $WifeScenes.GetRest.interact = true>>
<<NPCmedia "wife" "lying on bed" 0>>
<<en "You walk up to the bed. $NPCstat[0].name turns her gaze to you.">>
<<ru "Ты подходишь к кровати. $NPCstat[0].name переводит взгляд на тебя.">>
<<if $time.weekday == 4>>
<<th_en "It's Friday night. It might be a good idea to invite her to a restaurant.">>
<<th_ru "Сегодня вечер пятницы. Будет неплохой идеей пригласить ее в ресторан.">>
<<if $time.weekday == 4>>
<<btnEventLink "Invite her to a restaurant/Пригласить ее в ресторан" "Wife Restaurant Dates" "mbedroom invite">>
<<btnLink "Let her rest/Оставить ее в покое" "Master Bedroom" "">>
/* -------------------- MAID -------------------- */
<<case "maid cleaning">>
<<NPCmedia "samantha" "mbedroom cleaning(mini)" 0>>
<<if $WifeToMaid.patronage>>
<<dlg_en 1 "Good morning, Mr. $mc.name. Do you want to help me?">>
<<dlg_ru 1 "Доброе утро, мистер $mc.name. Вы хотите помочь мне?">>
<<btnEventLink "Help her/Помочь ей" "Samantha Bedroom Events" "mbedroom patronage(main)" 1>>
<<btnLink "Leave her alone/Оставить ее в покое" "Master Bedroom" "">>
<<dlg_en 1 "Good morning, Mr. $mc.name.">>
<<dlg_ru 1 "Доброе утро, мистер $mc.name.">>
<<btnLink "Leave her alone/Оставить ее в покое" "Master Bedroom" "">>
/* -------------------- THRONE -------------------- */
<<case "examine throne">>
<<LocImg "mc_house" "throne">>
<<btnLink "Step away/Отойти" "Master Bedroom" "">>
<<include "MC House Event Hub">>
<<set _txt = WifeCurrentPlan()>>
/* ------------------------------ MAIN ------------------------------ */
<<switch $location.sub>>
<<case "">>
<<if $NPCstat[0].location == "Master Bathroom" and $NPCstat[1].location == "Master Bathroom">>
<<en "The bathroom door is closed, and you hear female voices behind it.">>
<<ru "Дверь в ванную закрыта, и ты слышишь за ней женские голоса.">>
<<elseif $NPCstat[0].location == "Master Bathroom" and $NPCstat[2].location == "Master Bathroom">>
<<LocImg "mc_house" "open door">>
<<en "The bathroom door is closed, and you hear female voices behind it.">>
<<ru "Дверь в ванную закрыта, и ты слышишь за ней женские голоса.">>
<<elseif $NPCstat[0].location == "Master Bathroom">>
<<if WifeCurrentPlan() == "take shower(mansion)">>
<<if $WifeScenes.Shower.variation >= 9>>
<<NPCmedia "wife" "putting makeup(mini)" 0>>
<<en "$NPCstat[0].name is dolling up in front of the mirror.">>
<<ru "$NPCstat[0].name прихорашивается перед зеркалом.">>
<<if $WifeScenes.Shower.variation == 10 and $WifeScenes.Shower.interact == false and $WifeScenes.stareCount >= 5>>
<<dlg_en 0 "You gonna take a shower, honey? ">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Не хочешь принять душ, милый?">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "Yeah, I was just about to. And what's wrong?">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Как раз собирался. А что не так?">>
<<dlg_en 0 "Nothing. You can do it now.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Все в порядке. Можешь начинать.">>
<<th_en "This looks suspicious.">>
<<th_ru "Это выглядит подозрительно.">>
<<btnEventLink "Take shower/Принять душ" "Wife MBathroom Events" "take shower(wife watch)">>
<<btnLink "Look at her/Посмотреть на нее" "Master Bathroom" "wife(makeup)">>
<<NPCmedia "wife" "taking shower(mini)" 0>>
<<en "$NPCstat[0].name is taking a shower.">>
<<ru "$NPCstat[0].name принимает душ.">>
<<btnLink "Look at her/Посмотреть на нее" "Master Bathroom" "wife(shower)">>
<<elseif WifeCurrentPlan() == "take bath(mansion)">>
<<NPCmedia "wife" "taking bath(mini)" 0>>
<br>$NPCstat[0].name is taking a bath.
<<elseif $NPCstat[1].location == "Master Bathroom">>
<<if MaidCurrentPlan() == "clean master bathroom">>
<<NPCmedia "samantha" "bathroom cleaning(mini)" 0>>
<<en "Samantha is cleaning the bathroom.">>
<<ru "Саманта убирает ванную.">>
<<btnLink "Approach her/Подойти к ней" "Master Bathroom" "maid(cleaning)">>
<<elseif MaidCurrentPlan() == "prepare bath(master bathroom)">>
<<NPCmedia "samantha" "bathroom filling(mini)" 0>>
<<en "Samantha is filling the bathtub.">>
<<ru "Саманта наполняет ванну.">>
<<btnEventLink "Approach her/Подойти к ней" "Wife MBathroom Events" "take bath(maid prepare)">>
<<LocImg "mc_house" "master bathroom">>
<<if $MaidRoleReversal.active>>
<<set _txt = getLinkName("Clean the room/Заняться уборкой")>>
<<set _txt += " [img[$skip_time_img]]">>
<center>@@.btnWide;<<button _txt "Samantha Takeover Cleaning Events">>
<<set _stdice = 0>>
<<set $EventMark = "mbathroom(main)">>
<<if MaidCurrentPlan() == "get rest(gardener)" or MaidCurrentPlan() == "watch tv(mansion)">>
<<set _stdice = random(1, 15)>>
<<if _stdice >= 10>>
<<set $EventMark = "mbathroom(maid taking bath)">>
<<SkipTimeBlock 1>>
<<if not MainBathOccupied()>>
<<btnLink "Check yourself in the mirror/Посмотреться в зеркало" "Master Bathroom" "check yourself">>
<<btnLink "Leave/Выйти" "Master Bedroom" "">>
<<case "check yourself">>
<<LocImg "mc_house" "mbathroom mirror">>
<<if $mcLook.shave > 80>>
<<en "You look normal. The skin on your face is perfectly smooth.">>
<<ru "Ты выглядишь нормально. Кожа на твоем лице абсолютно гладкая.">>
<<elseif $mcLook.shave > 50>>
<<en "You look normal. Your face is covered with light stubble.">>
<<ru "Ты выглядишь нормально. Твое лицо покрыто легкой щетиной.">>
<<elseif $mcLook.shave > 20>>
<<en "You look normal. Your face is covered with thick stubble.">>
<<ru "Ты выглядишь нормально. Твое лицо покрыто густой щетиной.">>
<<en "You look normal. Your face is decorated with a liquid beard.">>
<<ru "Ты выглядишь нормально. Твое лицо украшает жидкая бородка.">>
<<btnLink "Finish/Закончить" "Master Bathroom" "">>
<<case "take shower">>
<<LocImg "mc_house" "master bathroom">>
<<en "You take a quick shower.">>
<<ru "Ты принимаешь быстрый душ.">>
<<btnLink "Finish/Закончить" "Master Bathroom" "">>
/* ------------------------------ WIFE SCENES ------------------------------ */
<<case "wife(shower)">>
<<set $WifeScenes.stareCount += 1>>
<<if $WifeScenes.Shower.interact>>
<<NPCmedia "wife" "taking shower(standart)" 1>>
<<th_en "It's so fucking hard to control myself when I look at her gorgeous body.">>
<<th_ru "Весьма непросто сдерживать себя, когда перед тобой такая шикарная женщина.">>
<<btnEventLink "Leave/Уйти" "Master Bathroom" "">>
<<elseif $WifeScenes.Shower.variation == 1 and $NPCstat[0].lordliness >= -10>>
<<set $WifeScenes.Shower.interact = true>>
<<NPCmedia "wife" "taking shower(back)" 1>>
<<dlg_en 0 "Honey, would you like to rub my back?">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Милый, не желаешь потереть мне спинку.">>
<<en "$NPCstat[0].name turns around and swings her hips. You gulp involuntarily.">>
<<ru "$NPCstat[0].name поворачивается спиной к тебе и покачивает бедрами. Ты невольно сглатываешь.">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "I'd love to, but I'm just dressed....">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Я бы с удовольствием, но я уже в костюме...">>
<<dlg_en 0 "Relax, honey. I'm just teasing you.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Расслабься, милый. Я просто дразню тебя.">>
<<btnLink "Leave/Уйти" "Master Bathroom" "">>
<<elseif $WifeScenes.Shower.variation == 2 and $time.weekday <= 4>>
<<set $WifeScenes.Shower.interact = true>>
<<set $WifeScenes.Shower.nocoffee = true>>
<<NPCmedia "wife" "taking shower(standart)" 1>>
<<dlg_en 0 "Honey, please tell Samantha not to make coffee for me. I'm planning on leaving for work early.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Милый, скажи, пожалуйста, Саманте, чтобы она не делала для меня кофе. Я планирую отправиться на работу пораньше.">>
<<btnLink "Leave/Уйти" "Master Bathroom" "">>
<<elseif $WifeScenes.Shower.variation == 3 and $NPCstat[0].assertiveness >= 11 and $NPCmood[0].arousal >= 25>>
<<set $WifeScenes.Shower.interact = true>>
<<NPCmedia "wife" "taking shower(standart)" 1>>
<<th_en "It's so fucking hard to control myself when I look at her gorgeous body.">>
<<th_ru "Весьма непросто сдерживать себя, когда перед тобой такая шикарная женщина.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "Hey, you can always join in instead of standing and staring.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Эй, ты всегда можешь присоединиться, вместо того, чтобы стоять и глазеть.">>
<<en "$NPCstat[0].name playfully splashes water on you..">>
<<ru "$NPCstat[0].name игриво брызгает на тебя водой.">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "I'd love to, but I'm just dressed...">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Я бы с удовольствием, но я уже в костюме...">>
<<dlg_en 0 "Relax, honey. I'm just teasing you.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Расслабься, милый. Я просто дразню тебя.">>
<<btnLink "Leave/Уйти" "Master Bathroom" "">>
<<set $WifeScenes.Shower.interact = true>>
<<NPCmedia "wife" "taking shower(standart)" 1>>
<<th_en "It's so fucking hard to control myself when I look at her gorgeous body.">>
<<th_ru "Весьма непросто сдерживать себя, когда перед тобой такая шикарная женщина.">>
<<btnLink "Leave/Уйти" "Master Bathroom" "">>
<<case "wife(makeup)">>
<<NPCmedia "wife" "putting makeup" 0>>
<<th_en "I simply love her ass.">>
<<th_ru "Я могу смотреть на ее задницу часами.">>
<<btnLink "Leave/Уйти" "Master Bathroom" "">>
/* ------------------------------ MAID SCENES ------------------------------ */
<<case "maid(cleaning)">>
<<NPCmedia "samantha" "bathroom cleaning" 0>>
<<if $NPCstat[1].obedience <= -10 and ($mcSkill.cleaning >= 3 or $WifeToMaid.patronage)>>
<<dlg_en 1 "Mr. $mc.name, please don't distract me. I want to make this mirror really clean. Or do you wanna help with that?">>
<<dlg_ru 1 "Мистер $mc.name, пожалуйста не отвлекайте меня. Я хочу сделать это зеркало по-настоящему чистым. Или же вы хотите помочь с этим?">>
<<btnEventLink "Help her/Помочь ей" "Samantha Bathroom Events" "clean mirror" 1>>
<<btnLink "Leave/Уйти" "Master Bathroom" "">>
<<dlg_en 1 "Mr. $mc.name, please don't distract me. I want to make this mirror really clean.">>
<<dlg_ru 1 "Мистер $mc.name, пожалуйста не отвлекайте меня. Я хочу сделать это зеркало по-настоящему чистым.">>
<<btnLink "Leave/Уйти" "Master Bathroom" "">>
<<include "MC House Event Hub">>
<<switch $location.sub>>
<<case "">>
<<if $NPCstat[0].location == "MChouse Balcony">>
<<if WifeCurrentPlan() == "get balcony(mansion)">>
<<NPCmedia "wife" "on balcony(mini)" 0>>
<<en "$NPCstat[0].name is resting here.">>
<<ru "$NPCstat[0].name стоит на балконе.">>
<<btnLink "Approach her/Подойти к ней" "MChouse Balcony" "talk with wife">>
<<elseif $NPCstat[1].location == "MChouse Balcony">>
<<if MaidCurrentPlan() == "clean balcony">>
<<LocImg "mc_house" "balcony">>
<<en "$NPCstat[1].name is cleaning the balcony railing.">>
<<ru "$NPCstat[1].name моет перила балкона.">>
<<btnLink "Approach her/Подойти к ней" "MChouse Balcony" "talk with maid">>
<<LocImg "mc_house" "balcony">>
<<th_en "I like the view.">>
<<th_ru "Отличный вид.">>
<<btnLink "Return to bedroom/Вернуться в спальню" "Master Bedroom" "">>
<<case "talk with wife">>
<<NPCmedia "wife" "on balcony" 0>>
<<en "You walk up to your wife. $NPCstat[0].name turns her gaze to you.">>
<<ru "Ты подходишь к своей жене. $NPCstat[0].name переводит взгляд на тебя.">>
<<if $time.weekday == 4>>
<<th_en "It's Friday night. It might be a good idea to invite her to a restaurant.">>
<<th_ru "Сегодня вечер пятницы. Будет неплохой идеей пригласить ее в ресторан.">>
<<if $time.weekday == 4>>
<<btnEventLink "Invite her to a restaurant/Пригласить ее в ресторан" "Wife Restaurant Dates" "balcony invite">>
<<btnLink "Leave her alone/Оставить ее в покое" "MChouse Balcony" "">>
<<case "talk with maid">>
<<NPCmedia "samantha" "on balcony" 0>>
<<if $WifeToMaid.patronage>>
<<dlg_en 1 "Good morning, Mr. $mc.name. Do you want to help me?">>
<<dlg_ru 1 "Доброе утро, мистер $mc.name. Вы хотите мне помочь?">>
<<btnEventLink "Help her/Помочь ей" "Samantha Bedroom Events" "balcony patronage(main)" 1>>
<<btnLink "Leave her alone/Оставить ее в покое" "MChouse Balcony" "">>
<<dlg_en 1 "Good morning, Mr. $mc.name.">>
<<dlg_ru 1 "Доброе утро, мистер $mc.name.">>
<<btnLink "Leave her alone/Оставить ее в покое" "MChouse Balcony" "">>
<<include "MC House Event Hub">>
<<switch $location.sub>>
<<case "">>
<<if $NPCstat[0].location == "MChouse Dressing Room">>
<<if WifeCurrentPlan() == "get ready for work(mansion)">>
<<NPCmedia "wife" "dressing up(mini)" 0>>
<<en "$NPCstat[0].name is sitting on the pouffe and picking out an outfit for today.">>
<<ru "$NPCstat[0].name сидит на пуфике и подбирает наряд для сегодняшнего дня.">>
<<elseif WifeCurrentPlan() == "prepare to shopping">>
<<NPCmedia "wife" "dressing up(mini)" 0>>
<<en "$NPCstat[0].name is sitting on the pouffe and picking out an outfit for today.">>
<<ru "$NPCstat[0].name сидит на пуфике и подбирает наряд для сегодняшнего дня.">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "Baby, how about we spend this day together?">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Крошка, как насчет того, чтобы провести день вместе?">>
<<dlg_en 0 "Sorry, honey, I've already planned a shopping trip with Jenny.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Прости, милый, но я уже пообещала Дженни сходить с ней за покупками.">>
<<if $NPCstat[0].assertiveness >= 28>>
<<if $NPCstat[0].lordliness >= 25>>
<<dlg_en 0 "And by the way, you're coming with us. I'm sure we'll find a use for you.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "И кстати, ты едешь с нами. Уверена, мы найдем тебе достойное применение.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "And by the way, you're coming with us.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "И кстати, ты едешь с нами.">>
<<elseif $NPCstat[0].assertiveness >= 12>>
<<if $NPCstat[0].lordliness >= 25>>
<<dlg_en 0 "And by the way, I wanna ask you to join us. I'm sure we'll find a use for you.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "И кстати, я бы хотела, чтобы ты к нам присоединился. Уверена, мы найдем тебе достойное применение.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "And by the way, I wanna ask you to join us.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "И кстати, я бы хотела, чтобы ты к нам присоединился.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "But you know what? Jenny's boyfriend is coming with us today. Why don't you join us as well?">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Но знаешь что? Парень Дженни сегодня идет с нами. Почему бы и тебе не присоединиться?">>
<<btnEventLink "Go to the shopping trip with your wife/Отправиться за покупками со своей женой" "Jenny Mall Trips" "main">>
<<NPCmedia "wife" "dressing up(mini)" 0>>
<<en "$NPCstat[0].name's is sitting on the pouffe and sorting through her recent shopping.">>
<<ru "$NPCstat[0].name сидит на пуфике и разбирает свои последние покупки.">>
<<btnEventLink "Approach her/Подойти к ней" "Wife Dressing Room Events" "after mall(main)">>
<<LocImg "mc_house" "dressing room">>
<<if mcHaveThongs()>>
<<if mcWearThongs()>>
<<btnLink "Take off the thong" "MChouse Dressing Room" "take off thongs">>
<<btnLink "Wear the thongs" "MChouse Dressing Room" "put on thongs">>
<<btnLink "Return to bedroom/Вернуться в спальню" "Master Bedroom" "">>
<<case "put on thongs">>
<<set _color = $ThongsColor + " thongs">>
<<set _id = getHaveItemId(_color)>>
<<set $mcItemWear[$mcItem.wearcount] = $mcItemHave[_id]>>
<<set $mcItem.wearcount += 1>>
<<LocImg "mc_house" "dressing room">>
<br>You put on the thongs.
<<btnLink "Leave" "Master Bedroom" "">>
<<case "take off thongs">>
<<set _color = $ThongsColor + " thongs">>
<<run removeWearItem(_color)>>
<<set $mcItem.wearcount -= 1>>
<<LocImg "mc_house" "dressing room">>
<br>You take off the thongs.
<<btnLink "Leave" "Master Bedroom" "">>
<</switch>><<widget "Img">>
<<set _img = $args[0]>>
<<widget "MediumImg">>
<<set _img = $args[0]>>
<<widget "SmallImg">>
<<set _img = $args[0]>>
<<widget "LocImg">>
<<set _folder = $args[0]>>
<<set _imgname = $args[1]>>
<<if _folder == "cards">>
<<set _img = "data/locations/cards/" + _imgname + ".png">>
<<set _img = "data/locations/" + _folder + "/" + _imgname + ".jpg">>
<<widget "NPCmedia">>
<<set _path = "data/npc/" + $args[0] + "/" + $args[1]>>
<<if $args[1] == "cooking lessons">>
<<set _path = "data/npc/" + $args[0] + "/cooking/" + $args[2]>>
<<set _path += ".jpg">>
<<Img _path>>
<<elseif $args[2] == 0>>
<<set _path += ".jpg">>
<<Img _path>>
<<if $args[2] == 1>>
<<set _path += ".mp4">>
<div @class="'vid video'">
<<if $VolumeLevel == 0>>
<video autoplay loop playsinline onloadstart="this.volume=0.0">
<source @src="_path" type="video/mp4">
<<elseif $VolumeLevel == 1>>
<video autoplay loop playsinline onloadstart="this.volume=0.2">
<source @src="_path" type="video/mp4">
<<elseif $VolumeLevel == 2>>
<video autoplay loop playsinline onloadstart="this.volume=0.5">
<source @src="_path" type="video/mp4">
<<elseif $VolumeLevel == 3>>
<video autoplay loop playsinline onloadstart="this.volume=1.0">
<source @src="_path" type="video/mp4">
<<widget "PhoneMedia">>
<<set _path = "data/npc/" + $args[0] + "/" + $args[1]>>
<<if $args[2] == 0>>
<<set _path += ".jpg">>
<<if $args[2] == 1>>
<<set _path += ".mp4">>
<<if $VolumeLevel == 0>>
<video autoplay loop playsinline onloadstart="this.volume=0.0">
<source @src="_path" type="video/mp4">
<<elseif $VolumeLevel == 1>>
<video autoplay loop playsinline onloadstart="this.volume=0.2">
<source @src="_path" type="video/mp4">
<<elseif $VolumeLevel == 2>>
<video autoplay loop playsinline onloadstart="this.volume=0.5">
<source @src="_path" type="video/mp4">
<<elseif $VolumeLevel == 3>>
<video autoplay loop playsinline onloadstart="this.volume=1.0">
<source @src="_path" type="video/mp4">
<<widget "DialogImg">>
<<set _id = $args[0]>>
<<set _npc = String(_id)>>
<<if _npc == "mc" or _npc == "mc_thought">>
<<set _img = "data/npc/mc/dialog_img.jpg">>
<<elseif _npc == "mc_msg">>
<<set _img = "data/npc/misc/message.jpg">>
<<elseif _npc.first() == "m">>
<<set _img = "data/npc/misc/" + _npc + ".jpg">>
<<elseif _npc.first() == "f">>
<<set _img = "data/npc/misc/" + _npc + ".jpg">>
<<set _npc = $NPCstat[_id].label>>
<<set _img = "data/npc/" + _npc + "/dialog_img">>
<<if $args[1] == "msg">>
<<set _img = "data/npc/misc/message">>
<<if $args[1] == "call">>
<<set _img = "data/npc/misc/call">>
<<if $args[1] == "intc">>
<<set _img = "data/npc/misc/intercom">>
<<if $args[1] == "door">>
<<set _img = "data/npc/misc/behind_door_msg">>
<<if $args[1] == "note">>
<<set _img = "data/npc/misc/note_msg">>
<<if $args[1] == "dom">>
<<set _img += "(dom).jpg">>
<<elseif $args[1] == "yng">>
<<set _img += "(yng).jpg">>
<<set _img += ".jpg">>
<<if _npc == "mc_thought">>
<<widget "en">>
<<if $GameLang == "eng">>
<<print $args[0]>>
<<widget "ru">>
<<if $GameLang == "rus">>
<<print $args[0]>>
<<widget "dlg_en">>
<<if $GameLang == "eng">>
<<set _id = $args[0]>>
<<set _npc = String(_id)>>
<<if _npc == "mc" or _npc == "mc_msg">>
<<= '@@.mc;\n<<DialogImg _npc>><b>' + $mc.name + ':</b><hr>$args[1]\n@@'>>
<<elseif _npc.first() == "m">>
<<set _img = $args[0]>>
<<set _name = $args[1]>>
<<= '@@.common;\n<<DialogImg _img>><b>' + _name + ':</b><hr>$args[2]\n@@'>>
<<elseif _npc.first() == "f">>
<<set _img = $args[0]>>
<<set _name = $args[1]>>
<<= '@@.common;\n<<DialogImg _img>><b>' + _name + ':</b><hr>$args[2]\n@@'>>
<<if $args[1] == "msg">>
<<set _mood = "msg">>
<<set _message = $args[2]>>
<<elseif $args[1] == "call">>
<<set _mood = "call">>
<<set _message = $args[2]>>
<<elseif $args[1] == "dom">>
<<set _mood = "dom">>
<<set _message = $args[2]>>
<<elseif $args[1] == "intc">>
<<set _mood = "intc">>
<<set _message = $args[2]>>
<<elseif $args[1] == "door">>
<<set _mood = "door">>
<<set _message = $args[2]>>
<<elseif $args[1] == "note">>
<<set _mood = "note">>
<<set _message = $args[2]>>
<<set _mood = "">>
<<set _message = $args[1]>>
<<= '@@.' + $NPCstat[_id].style + ';\n<<DialogImg _id _mood>><b>' + $NPCstat[_id].name + ':</b><hr>_message\n@@'>>
<<widget "dlg_ru">>
<<if $GameLang == "rus">>
<<set _id = $args[0]>>
<<set _npc = String(_id)>>
<<if _npc == "mc" or _npc == "mc_msg">>
<<= '@@.mc;\n<<DialogImg _npc>><b>' + $mc.name + ':</b><hr>$args[1]\n@@'>>
<<elseif _npc.first() == "m">>
<<set _img = $args[0]>>
<<set _name = $args[1]>>
<<= '@@.common;\n<<DialogImg _img>><b>' + _name + ':</b><hr>$args[2]\n@@'>>
<<elseif _npc.first() == "f">>
<<set _img = $args[0]>>
<<set _name = $args[1]>>
<<= '@@.common;\n<<DialogImg _img>><b>' + _name + ':</b><hr>$args[2]\n@@'>>
<<if $args[1] == "msg">>
<<set _mood = "msg">>
<<set _message = $args[2]>>
<<elseif $args[1] == "dom">>
<<set _mood = "dom">>
<<set _message = $args[2]>>
<<elseif $args[1] == "intc">>
<<set _mood = "intc">>
<<set _message = $args[2]>>
<<elseif $args[1] == "door">>
<<set _mood = "door">>
<<set _message = $args[2]>>
<<elseif $args[1] == "note">>
<<set _mood = "note">>
<<set _message = $args[2]>>
<<set _mood = "">>
<<set _message = $args[1]>>
<<= '@@.' + $NPCstat[_id].style + ';\n<<DialogImg _id _mood>><b>' + $NPCstat[_id].name + ':</b><hr>_message\n@@'>>
<<widget "th_en">>
<<if $GameLang == "eng">>
<<= '@@.mcthought;\n<<DialogImg "mc_thought">><b>In your mind:</b><hr>$args[0]\n@@'>>
<<widget "th_ru">>
<<if $GameLang == "rus">>
<<= '@@.mcthought;\n<<DialogImg "mc_thought">><b>В твоих мыслях:</b><hr>$args[0]\n@@'>>
<<widget "PHR">>
<<set _id = $args[0]>>
<<set _npc = String(_id)>>
<<if _npc == "mc" or _npc == "mc_msg">>
<<= '@@.mc;\n<<DialogImg _npc>><b>' + $mc.name + ':</b><hr>$args[1]\n@@'>>
<<elseif _npc.first() == "m">>
<<set _img = $args[0]>>
<<set _name = $args[1]>>
<<= '@@.common;\n<<DialogImg _img>><b>' + _name + ':</b><hr>$args[2]\n@@'>>
<<elseif _npc.first() == "f">>
<<set _img = $args[0]>>
<<set _name = $args[1]>>
<<= '@@.common;\n<<DialogImg _img>><b>' + _name + ':</b><hr>$args[2]\n@@'>>
<<if $args[1] == "msg">>
<<set _mood = "msg">>
<<set _message = $args[2]>>
<<elseif $args[1] == "dom">>
<<set _mood = "dom">>
<<set _message = $args[2]>>
<<elseif $args[1] == "intc">>
<<set _mood = "intc">>
<<set _message = $args[2]>>
<<set _mood = "">>
<<set _message = $args[1]>>
<<= '@@.' + $NPCstat[_id].style + ';\n<<DialogImg _id _mood>><b>' + $NPCstat[_id].name + ':</b><hr>_message\n@@'>>
<<widget "TH">>
<<= '@@.mcthought;\n<<DialogImg "mc_thought">><b>In your mind:</b><hr>$args[0]\n@@'>>
<</widget>><<widget "NPClocationreset">>
<<set $NPCstat[0].location = "">>
<<set $NPCstat[1].location = "">>
<<set $NPCstat[2].location = "">>
<<set $NPCstat[$SecretaryId].location = "">>
<<set $NPCstat[5].location = "">>
<<set $NPCstat[6].location = "">>
<<set $NPCstat[18].location = "">>
<<set $NPCstat[30].location = "">>
<<set $NPCstat[8].location = "">>
<<set $NPCstat[16].location = "">>
<<set $NPCstat[20].location = "">>
<<set $NPCstat[12].location = "">>
<<set $NPCstat[13].location = "">>
<<set $NPCstat[17].location = "">>
<<set $NPCstat[21].location = "">>
<<set $NPCstat[22].location = "">>
<<set $NPCstat[27].location = "">>
<<set $NPCstat[28].location = "">>
<<set $NPCstat[29].location = "">>
<<widget "GlobalNavigation">>
<<set $location.previous = $location.main>>
<<set $location.main = passage()>>
<<run WifeNavigation()>>
<<run MaidNavigation()>>
<<run JennyNavigation()>>
<<if $SecretaryId != 0>>
<<run SecretaryNavigation()>>
<<run PaulNavigation()>>
<<run ClaireNavigation()>>
<<run PsyNavigation()>>
<<run KendallNavigation()>>
<<run MilaNavigation()>>
<<run BelindaNavigation()>>
<<run BrandyNavigation()>>
<<run KellyNavigation()>>
<<run EverlyNavigation()>>
<<run RaymondNavigation()>>
<<run GloriaNavigation()>>
<<run OthersNavigation()>>
<<widget "NavigationTable">>
<<set _limit = $args[0]>>
<<switch $NavigationType>>
<<case 0>>
<center><table style="width:100%">
<<for _i to 0; _i <= _limit;>>
<td style="width:50%">
<<if _i <= _limit>>
<<set _slot = $NavigationSlot[_i]>>
<<set _slotname = getLinkName($NavigationSlotName[_i])>>
<<set _subloc = $NavigationSlotSub[_i]>>
<<btnImgLink _slotname _slot _subloc>>
<<set _i += 1>>
<td style="width:50%">
<<if _i <= _limit>>
<<set _slot = $NavigationSlot[_i]>>
<<set _slotname = getLinkName($NavigationSlotName[_i])>>
<<set _subloc = $NavigationSlotSub[_i]>>
<<btnImgLink _slotname _slot _subloc>>
<<set _i += 1>>
<<case 1>>
<center><table style="width:100%">
<<for _i to 0; _i <= _limit;>>
<td style="width:33%">
<<if _i <= _limit>>
<<set _slot = $NavigationSlot[_i]>>
<<set _slotname = getLinkName($NavigationSlotName[_i])>>
<<set _subloc = $NavigationSlotSub[_i]>>
<<btnImgLink _slotname _slot _subloc>>
<<set _i += 1>>
<td style="width:33%">
<<if _i <= _limit>>
<<set _slot = $NavigationSlot[_i]>>
<<set _slotname = getLinkName($NavigationSlotName[_i])>>
<<set _subloc = $NavigationSlotSub[_i]>>
<<btnImgLink _slotname _slot _subloc>>
<<set _i += 1>>
<td style="width:33%">
<<if _i <= _limit>>
<<set _slot = $NavigationSlot[_i]>>
<<set _slotname = getLinkName($NavigationSlotName[_i])>>
<<set _subloc = $NavigationSlotSub[_i]>>
<<btnImgLink _slotname _slot _subloc>>
<<set _i += 1>>
<<case 2>>
<center><table style="width:100%">
<<for _i to 0; _i <= _limit;>>
<td style="width:25%">
<<if _i <= _limit>>
<<set _slot = $NavigationSlot[_i]>>
<<set _slotname = getLinkName($NavigationSlotName[_i])>>
<<set _subloc = $NavigationSlotSub[_i]>>
<<btnImgLink _slotname _slot _subloc>>
<<set _i += 1>>
<td style="width:25%">
<<if _i <= _limit>>
<<set _slot = $NavigationSlot[_i]>>
<<set _slotname = getLinkName($NavigationSlotName[_i])>>
<<set _subloc = $NavigationSlotSub[_i]>>
<<btnImgLink _slotname _slot _subloc>>
<<set _i += 1>>
<td style="width:25%">
<<if _i <= _limit>>
<<set _slot = $NavigationSlot[_i]>>
<<set _slotname = getLinkName($NavigationSlotName[_i])>>
<<set _subloc = $NavigationSlotSub[_i]>>
<<btnImgLink _slotname _slot _subloc>>
<<set _i += 1>>
<td style="width:25%">
<<if _i <= _limit>>
<<set _slot = $NavigationSlot[_i]>>
<<set _slotname = getLinkName($NavigationSlotName[_i])>>
<<set _subloc = $NavigationSlotSub[_i]>>
<<btnImgLink _slotname _slot _subloc>>
<<set _i += 1>>
<<widget "OpenLocation">>
<<for _id to 0; _id < $locAtt.length; _id++>>
<<if $args[0] == $locAtt[_id].name>>
<<set $locAtt[_id].locked = false>>
<<widget "CloseLocation">>
<<for _id to 0; _id < $locAtt.length; _id++>>
<<if $args[0] == $locAtt[_id].name>>
<<set $locAtt[_id].locked = true>>
<<widget "WeekendDateTable">>
<<set _WTableId = 1>>
<<set _WTableCheck = true>>
<<switch $NavigationType>>
<<case 0>>
<center><table style="width:100%">
<td style="width:50%">
<<set _WTableCheck = false>>
<<include "Navigation Additional Source">>
<td style="width:50%">
<<set _WTableCheck = false>>
<<include "Navigation Additional Source">>
<td style="width:50%">
<<set _WTableCheck = false>>
<<include "Navigation Additional Source">>
<td style="width:50%">
<<set _WTableCheck = false>>
<<include "Navigation Additional Source">>
<<case 1>>
<center><table style="width:100%">
<td style="width:33%">
<<set _WTableCheck = false>>
<<include "Navigation Additional Source">>
<td style="width:33%">
<<set _WTableCheck = false>>
<<include "Navigation Additional Source">>
<td style="width:33%">
<<set _WTableCheck = false>>
<<include "Navigation Additional Source">>
<td style="width:33%">
<<set _WTableCheck = false>>
<<include "Navigation Additional Source">>
<td style="width:33%">
<td style="width:33%">
<<case 2>>
<center><table style="width:100%">
<td style="width:25%">
<<set _WTableCheck = false>>
<<include "Navigation Additional Source">>
<td style="width:25%">
<<set _WTableCheck = false>>
<<include "Navigation Additional Source">>
<td style="width:25%">
<<set _WTableCheck = false>>
<<include "Navigation Additional Source">>
<td style="width:25%">
<<set _WTableCheck = false>>
<<include "Navigation Additional Source">>
<</widget>><<set $EventMark = "">>
<<if $location.sub == "eventlock">>
<<set $location.sub = "">>
/* ------------------------------ MAIN STORY ------------------------------ */
<<if passage() == "Hallway" and $NPCstat[1].meet == false>>
<<set $EventMark = "introducing maid">>
<<set _eventloc = "Game Prologue">>
<<if passage() == "Mansion Facade" and $SecretaryId == 0>>
<<set $EventMark = "day 1(road to work)">>
<<set _eventloc = "Game Prologue">>
<<if passage() == "Living Room" and $time.date == 2 and $time.daytime == 4>>
<<set $EventMark = "check your wife">>
<<set _eventloc = "Game Prologue">>
<<if passage() == "Hallway" and $time.date == 3 and $NPCstat[$SecretaryId].meet == false>>
<<set $EventMark = "interview">>
<<set _eventloc = "Secretary Interview">>
<<if passage() == "Mansion Facade" and $time.date == 4 and $time.daytime == 0>>
<<set $EventMark = "day 3(road to work)">>
<<set _eventloc = "Week 1">>
<<if passage() == "Mansion Facade" and $time.date == 5 and $time.daytime == 0>>
<<set $EventMark = "day 4(road to work)">>
<<set _eventloc = "Week 1">>
<<if passage() == "Mansion Facade" and $time.date == 5 and $time.daytime == 0>>
<<set $EventMark = "day 5(road to work)">>
<<set _eventloc = "Week 1">>
<<if passage() == "Mansion Facade" and $time.date == 8 and $time.daytime == 0>>
<<set $EventMark = "day 8(road to work)">>
<<set _eventloc = "Week 2">>
<<if passage() == "Hallway" and $time.date >= 16 and $time.daytime >= 2 and $time.daytime <= 4 and $NPCstat[28].meet == false>>
<<if $location.previous == "Your Office" or $location.previous == "Downtown Map">>
<<set $EventMark = "raymond first meet">>
<<set _eventloc = "Neighbors First Meet">>
/* ------------------------------ WIFE MAIN STORY ------------------------------ */
<<if passage() == "Hallway" and $time.date >= 11 and $time.daytime == 2>>
<<if $PaulaParty.stage == 0>>
<<set $EventMark = "visit to Paula(baby shower)">>
<<set _eventloc = "Paula Baby Shower Events">>
<<if $time.date >= 15 and $time.daytime >= 4 and $time.daytime <= 6>>
<<if $NPCstat[0].assertiveness >= 16 and $WifePussyWorship.mansionpoolbar == 0>>
<<set $EventMark = "drinking alone(main story)">>
<<set _eventloc = "Wife Pool Bar Events">>
<<if passage() == "Dreams" and $location.main == "Master Bedroom" and $NPCplans[0].noon == "shopping(mall)" and $NPCplans[2].noon == "shopping(mall)">>
<<if $NPCstat[0].lordliness >= 15 and $WifeDenial.active == false>>
<<set $EventMark = "sex shop mall trip">>
<<set _eventloc = "Jenny Mall Trips">>
<<if passage() == "Dreams" and $location.main == "Master Bedroom" and $time.weekday == 5 and $NPCplans[0].emorning == "get rest(mansion)">>
<<if $JennyVisitSleepover.active and $WifeHikeDate.lesbianpeep == 0 and $NPCstat[0].assertiveness >= 21>>
<<set $EventMark = "wife initiate invite(main route)">>
<<set _eventloc = "Wife Lake Dates">>
/* ------------------------------ WIFE SEEKING FOR SEX ------------------------------ */
<<if passage() == "Dreams" and $location.main == "Master Bedroom" and $NPCplans[0].emorning == "looking for sex(blowjob)">>
<<set $NPCplans[0].emorning = "">>
<<set $EventMark = "morning blowjob">>
<<set _eventloc = "Wife MBedroom Events">>
<<if $time.daytime == 6 and passage() == "Master Bedroom" and $NPCplans[0].night == "looking for sex(blow)">>
<<set $NPCplans[0].night = "">>
<<set $EventMark = "night blowjob">>
<<set _eventloc = "Wife MBedroom Events">>
<<if $time.daytime == 6 and passage() == "Master Bedroom" and $NPCplans[0].night == "looking for sex(cuni)">>
<<set $NPCplans[0].night = "">>
<<set $EventMark = "night cuni">>
<<set _eventloc = "Wife MBedroom Events">>
<<if $time.daytime == 6 and passage() == "Master Bedroom" and $NPCplans[0].night == "looking for sex(cuni)(after bakery)">>
<<set $NPCplans[0].night = "">>
<<set $EventMark = "night cuni(after bakery)">>
<<set _eventloc = "Wife MBedroom Events">>
/* ---------- WIFE FACESITTING SCENES ---------- */
<<if $WifeFacesitting.status == "Jenny show" and passage() == "Dreams" and $location.main == "Master Bedroom">>
<<set $EventMark = "first facesitting">>
<<set _eventloc = "Wife Facesitting Events">>
<<if $WifeFacesitting.status == "agree" and passage() == "Dreams" and $location.main == "Master Bedroom">>
<<if $WifeFacesitting.counter == 0 and $NPCsexmemory[0].facesitting == 0>>
<<set $EventMark = "second facesitting">>
<<set _eventloc = "Wife Facesitting Events">>
<<if passage() == "Dreams" and $location.main == "Master Bedroom">>
<<if $WifeFacesitting.status == "agree" and $NPCsexmemory[0].facesitting >= 5>>
<<set $EventMark = "third facesitting">>
<<set _eventloc = "Wife Facesitting Events">>
<<if passage() == "Dreams" and $location.main == "Master Bedroom" and $NPCplans[0].emorning == "looking for sex(facesitting)">>
<<set $NPCplans[0].emorning = "">>
<<set $EventMark = "morning facesitting">>
<<set _eventloc = "Wife MBedroom Events">>
<<if $WifeFacesitting.fabric == "" and $NPCsexmemory[0].facesitting > 7>>
<<set _stdice = random(9)>>
<<if _stdice > 3>>
<<set $EventMark = "first fabric facesitting">>
<<set _eventloc = "Wife Facesitting Events">>
<<if $WifeFacesitting.fabric and $NPCsexmemory[0].facesitting > 7>>
<<set _stdice = random(9)>>
<<if _stdice > 7>><<set $EventMark = "morning facesitting(fabric)">><</if>>
/* ---------- WIFE FOOT MASSAGES SCENES ---------- */
<<if passage() == "Living Room" and $location.sub == "watch tv(with wife)">>
<<if $WifeFootFetish.active and $WifeFootFetish.livingroommassage == 0>>
<<set $location.sub = "">>
<<set $EventMark = "first foot massage">>
<<set _eventloc = "Wife Living Room Events">>
/* ---------- WIFE REGULAR EVENTS ---------- */
<<if passage() == "Hallway" and $time.daytime == 2 and $NPCplans[0].noon == "play tennis" and $WifeTennis.mcinvite == false and $NPCmood[0].mood >= 30>>
<<set $EventMark = "tennis(suggest)">>
<<set _eventloc = "Wife Overall Events">>
<<if passage() == "Hallway" or passage() == "Master Bedroom" or passage() == "Home Office">>
<<if WifeNextBlockPlan(1) == "take bath(mansion)" and $WifeBath.messageMC == false and MaidCurrentPlan() != "prepare bath(master bathroom)">>
<<set $EventMark = "take bath(message mc)">>
<<set _eventloc = "Wife MBathroom Events">>
<<if passage() == "Master Bathroom" and WifeCurrentPlan() == "take shower(mansion)">>
<<if $WifeScenes.Shower.variation == 9 and $WifeScenes.Shower.interact == false>>
<<set $EventMark = "free shower(suggest)">>
<<set _eventloc = "Wife MBathroom Events">>
<<if passage() == "Master Bathroom" and WifeCurrentPlan() == "get rest(mansion)" and $time.daytime == 0>>
<<if $WifeScenes.Shower.variation == 4 and $WifeScenes.Shower.interact == false>>
<<set $EventMark = "demand shower(she wake up)">>
<<set _eventloc = "Wife MBathroom Events">>
<<if WifeCurrentPlan() == "get rest(mansion)" and WifeCurrentEvent() == "spending time together">>
<<if passage() == "Master Bedroom">>
<<set $WifeTimeTogether.desire = 0>>
<<set $EventMark = "spending time together(bedroom)">>
<<set _eventloc = "Wife Mini Events">>
<<elseif passage() == "Hallway">>
<<set $WifeTimeTogether.desire = 0>>
<<set $EventMark = "spending time together(hallway)">>
<<set _eventloc = "Wife Mini Events">>
<<if WifeCurrentPlan() == "get rest(mansion)" and $time.daytime > 0>>
<<if $WifeScenes.GetRest.interact == false and $WifeScenes.GetRest.variation == 1>>
<<set $EventMark = "slippers scene">>
<<set _eventloc = "Wife Mini Events">>
<<if passage() == "Living Room" and WifeCurrentPlan() == "watch tv(mansion)" and WifeCurrentEvent() == "hug from behind">>
<<if $location.previous == "Living Room">>
<<run setWifeNextBlockEvent(0, "")>>
<<set $EventMark = "hug from behind(living room)">>
<<set _eventloc = "Wife Mini Events">>
<<if passage() == "Living Room" and WifeCurrentPlan() == "training(mansion)" and $WifeTraining.mansionseen == false>>
<<set $EventMark = "wife training(first seen)">>
<<set _eventloc = "Wife Living Room Events">>
/* ---------- WIFE OVERALL SCENES ---------- */
<<if passage() == "Dreams" and $location.main == "Master Bedroom" and $WifeQueen.active == false and $WifeFootFetish.poolbarmassage >= 2>>
<<set $NPCplans[0].morning = "breakfast in kitchen(mansion)">>
<<set $EventMark = "morning(after Jenny watch you)">>
<<set _eventloc = "Wife Overall Events">>
<<if passage() == "MChouse Dressing Room" and WifeCurrentPlan() == "prepare to shopping" and $WifeQueen.active and not $WifeQueen.throneBought>>
<<set $EventMark = "buy throne">>
<<set _eventloc = "Wife Overall Events">>
<<if passage() == "Hallway" and ($time.weekday == 3 or $time.weekday == 4) and ($time.daytime == 4 or $time.daytime == 5)>>
<<if $WifeQueen.throneBought and not $WifeQueen.throneDelivered>>
<<set $EventMark = "first throne scene(delivery)">>
<<set _eventloc = "Wife Overall Events">>
<<if passage() == "Master Bedroom" and $time.daytime == 6 and $WifeQueen.throneDelivered and $NPCsexmemory[0].worshipping == 0>>
<<set $EventMark = "first throne scene">>
<<set _eventloc = "Wife Overall Events">>
/* -------------------- WIFE PARTYING SCENES -------------------- */
<<if passage() == "MChouse Dressing Room" and WifeCurrentPlan() == "clubbing(prepare)">>
<<set $EventMark = "clubbing(prepare)">>
<<set _eventloc = "Wife Club Events">>
/* -------------------- WIFE AND MAID SCENES -------------------- */
<<if passage() == $NPCstat[0].location and passage() == $NPCstat[1].location and MaidCurrentEvent() == "influence talk">>
<<set $EventMark = "maid influence talk">>
<<set _eventloc = "WifeMaid Conflict Scenes">>
<<if passage() == "Master Bedroom" and WifeCurrentPlan() == "confict about cleaning">>
<<set $EventMark = "confict about cleaning">>
<<set _eventloc = "WifeMaid Conflict Scenes">>
<<if passage() == "Master Bedroom" and WifeCurrentPlan() == "patronage about cleaning">>
<<set $EventMark = "patronage about cleaning">>
<<set _eventloc = "WifeMaid Conflict Scenes">>
<<if $WifeToMaid.patronage and $time.weekday == 5 and $time.daytime == 0>>
<<if passage() == "Hallway" and $location.previous == "Master Bedroom" and WifeCurrentPlan() == "get rest(mansion)">>
<<set $EventMark = "weekly report(mc leaves mbedroom)">>
<<set _eventloc = "Wife Patronage Scenes">>
/* -------------------- MAID MAIN EVENTS -------------------- */
<<if $time.date > 28 and $MaidActivity.gymactive == false and $MaidActivity.gymstatus == "">>
<<if passage() == "Hallway" and $NPCstat[1].obedience <= -14 and $time.weekday <= 4 and $time.daytime <= 4>>
<<set $EventMark = "gym offer">>
<<set _eventloc = "Samantha Overall Events">>
<<if passage() == "Hallway" and $NPCstat[1].obedience <= -40 and $time.daytime == 0>>
<<if $MaidRoleReversal.cleaningactive == false and $MaidRoleReversal.cleaningcounter == 0 and $MaidCleaning.wipecounter >= 10 and $MaidBath.counter >= 1 and ($MaidCooking.eventhelpcount + $MaidCooking.eventcallcount) >= 8>>
<<set $EventMark = "cleaning role reversal start">>
<<set _eventloc = "Samantha Overall Events">>
/* ---------- MAID REGULAR EVENTS ---------- */
<<if passage() == "Hallway" and MaidCurrentPlan() == "tanning(hallway)">>
<<run setMaidNextBlockPlan(0, "tanning(backyard)")>>
<<set $EventMark = "tanning(ask put sunscreen)(alt)">>
<<set _eventloc = "Samantha Backyard Events">>
<<if passage() == "Backyard" and MaidCurrentPlan() == "use pool(mansion)">>
<<set $EventMark = "pool party(main)">>
<<set _eventloc = "Samantha Pool Bar Events">>
<<if passage() == "Master Bathroom" and MaidCurrentPlan() == "clean master bathroom" and $NPCstat[1].obedience <= -30 and $mcSkill.cleaning >= 4 and $MaidCleaning.mirrorcounter > 0>>
<<set $EventMark = "clean mirror(bath taking)">>
<<set _eventloc = "Samantha Bathroom Events">>
<<if passage() == "Hallway" and $time.weekday <= 4 and $time.daytime == 3>>
<<if $NPCstat[1].obedience <= -28 and $MaidLazinessDesires.slacking >= 100>>
<<set $EventMark = "clean routine(sub)">>
<<set _eventloc = "Samantha Hallway Events">>
<<if passage() == "Home Office" and $location.sub == "work(alone)" and $NPCstat[1].obedience <= -22>>
<<if $time.weekday <= 5 and $time.daytime >= 2 and $MaidLazinessDesires.annoying >= 100>>
<<set $EventMark = "little things">>
<<set _eventloc = "Samantha Home Office Events">>
<<if passage() == "Hallway" and $location.previous != "Downtown Map">>
<<if $time.daytime == 4 and MaidCurrentPlan() == "training(downtown gym)" and $MaidActivity.gympreparedesire >= 100>>
<<set $EventMark = "help with gymbag">>
<<set _eventloc = "Samantha Hallway Events">>
<<if passage() == "Master Bedroom" and $NPCstat[1].location == "Master Bedroom" and MaidCurrentPlan() == "clean master bedroom">>
<<if $MaidLazinessDesires.listeningMusic >= 100 and not $MaidCleaningScenes.MasterBedroom.interact>>
<<set $EventMark = "dusting mbedroom">>
<<set _eventloc = "Samantha Bedroom Events">>
/* ------------------------------ MAID MINI EVENTS ------------------------------ */
<<if passage() == "Master Bedroom" and MaidCurrentPlan() == "clean master bedroom" and MaidCurrentEvent() == "leave master bedroom">>
<<if $location.previous == "Master Bathroom">>
<<set $EventMark = "leave master bedroom(in bathroom)">>
<<set _eventloc = "Maid Mini Events">>
<<elseif $location.previous == "Hallway">>
<<set $EventMark = "leave master bedroom(in hallway)">>
<<set _eventloc = "Maid Mini Events">>
<<run setMaidNextBlockEvent(0, "")>>
/* -------------------- MAID TEACHING EVENTS -------------------- */
<<if passage() == "Kitchen" and $NPCstat[0].location != "Kitchen" and $NPCstat[1].location == "Kitchen">>
<<if $MaidCookingLessons.lessonsStatus == "ready to talk">>
<<set $EventMark = "cooking lesson(first)">>
<<set _eventloc = "Samantha Cooking Lessons">>
<<if passage() == "Kitchen" and $NPCstat[0].location == "Kitchen" and $NPCstat[1].location == "Kitchen">>
<<if $MaidCookingLessons.examcount == 1 and $MaidCookingLessons.examgap == 0>>
<<set $EventMark = "cooking lesson(second exam)">>
<<set _eventloc = "Samantha Cooking Lessons">>
<<if passage() == "Living Room" and $location.sub == "watch tv(alone)" and $time.weekday == 1 and $time.daytime == 4 and $MaidRoleReversal.active>>
<<set $EventMark = "cleaning her room">>
<<set _eventloc = "Samantha Takeover Cleaning Events">>
/* -------------------- JENNY EVENTS -------------------- */
<<if passage() == "Dreams" and $time.date == 7>>
<<set $EventMark = "first meet">>
<<set _eventloc = "Jenny First Meet">>
<<if passage() == "Dreams" and $time.date == 14>>
<<set $EventMark = "first mall trip">>
<<set _eventloc = "Jenny Mall Trips">>
<<if passage() == "Dreams" and $NPCplans[0].noon == "shopping(mall)" and $NPCplans[2].noon == "shopping(mall)">>
<<if $JennyVisitSleepover.active and not $JennyApartmentVisits.active and $NPCstat[0].assertiveness >= 21>>
<<set $EventMark = "first apartment visit">>
<<set _eventloc = "Visits To Jenny">>
<<if WifeAtHome() and JennyAtMansion() and WifeCurrentEvent() != "">>
<<if WifeCurrentEvent() == "meet Jenny(hallway)">>
<<if passage() == "Hallway">>
<<set $EventMark = "meet Jenny(hallway)">>
<<set _eventloc = "Jenny Visits">>
<<run setWifeNextBlockEvent(0, "")>>
<<elseif WifeCurrentEvent() == "meet Jenny(mbedroom)">>
<<if passage() == "Master Bedroom" and $location.previous == "Master Bedroom">>
<<set $EventMark = "meet Jenny(master bedroom)">>
<<set _eventloc = "Jenny Visits">>
<<elseif passage() == "Master Bedroom" and $location.previous == "Master Bathroom">>
<<set $EventMark = "meet Jenny(master bedroom)">>
<<set _eventloc = "Jenny Visits">>
<<elseif passage() == "Master Bedroom" and $location.previous == "MChouse Balcony">>
<<set $EventMark = "meet Jenny(master bedroom)">>
<<set _eventloc = "Jenny Visits">>
<<elseif passage() == "Master Bedroom" and $location.previous == "MChouse Dressing Room">>
<<set $EventMark = "meet Jenny(master bedroom)">>
<<set _eventloc = "Jenny Visits">>
<<run setWifeNextBlockEvent(0, "")>>
<<elseif WifeCurrentEvent() == "meet Jenny(kitchen)">>
<<if passage() == "Kitchen" and $location.previous == "Kitchen">>
<<set $EventMark = "meet Jenny(kitchen)">>
<<set _eventloc = "Jenny Visits">>
<<elseif passage() == "Kitchen" and $location.previous == "Pantry">>
<<set $EventMark = "meet Jenny(kitchen)">>
<<set _eventloc = "Jenny Visits">>
<<elseif passage() == "Kitchen" and $location.previous == "Storage Room">>
<<set $EventMark = "meet Jenny(kitchen)">>
<<set _eventloc = "Jenny Visits">>
<<run setWifeNextBlockEvent(0, "")>>
<<if $JennyVisitSleepover.active == false and $NPCplans[2].mnight == "sleeping(mansion gbedroom)">>
<<if $time.daytime == 6 and passage() == "Master Bedroom">>
<<set $EventMark = "before first sleepover">>
<<set _eventloc = "Jenny Visits">>
<<elseif $time.daytime == 7>>
<<set $EventMark = "before first sleepover alt">>
<<set _eventloc = "Jenny Visits">>
/* -------------------- KELLY -------------------- */
<<if $NPCstat[12].meet == false and $NPCstat[12].location == "Kitchen">>
<<if passage() == "Hallway">>
<<set $EventMark = "first meet">>
<<set _eventloc = "Kelly Mansion Events">>
<<if passage() == "Hallway" and $NPCstat[12].location == "Kitchen">>
<<if $KellyTraining.mcactive>>
<<set $EventMark = "training(main)">>
<<set _eventloc = "Kelly Mansion Events">>
/* ------------------- DREAMS -------------------- */
<<if passage() == "Dreams" and $MaidUniqueCase[0] and $MaidUniqueCase[1] and $DreamsSection.giantMaidSeen == false>>
<<set $EventMark = "giantess maid">>
<<set _eventloc = "Dreams Maid Events">>
/* -------------------- END -------------------- */
<<if $EventMark != "">>
<<set $location.sub = "eventlock">>
<<include _eventloc>>
<</if>>/* [[Guest Bathroom]] */
<<include "MC House Event Hub">>
<<switch $location.sub>>
<<case "">>
<<if $NPCstat[1].location == "Guest Bedroom">>
<<NPCmedia "samantha" "mbedroom cleaning(mini)" 0>>
<<en "Samantha is cleaning the room.">>
<<ru "Саманта убирает комнату.">>
<<btnLink "Approach her/Подойти к ней" "Guest Bedroom" "maid cleaning">>
<<elseif $NPCstat[2].location == "Guest Bedroom">>
<<NPCmedia "jenny" "sleeping(guest)(mini)" 0>>
<br>Jenny is sleeping here.
<<LocImg "mc_house" "guest bedroom">>
<<if not BusyDate() and MainBedOccupied() and $time.daytime >= 6>>
<<set _txt = getLinkName("Sleep till next day/Спать до утра")>>
<center>@@.btnWide;<<button _txt "Dreams">>
<<set _navid = 0>>
<<set $NavigationSlot = []>>
<<set $NavigationSlotName = []>>
<<set $NavigationSlotSub = []>>
<<set $NavigationSlot[_navid] = "Guest Bathroom">>
<<set $NavigationSlotName[_navid] = "Bathroom/Ванная">>
<<set $NavigationSlotSub[_navid] = "">>
<<set _navid += 1>>
<<set _navid -= 1>>
<<NavigationTable _navid>>
<<btnLink "Leave/Выйти" "Hallway" "">>
/* -------------------- MAID SCENES -------------------- */
<<case "maid cleaning">>
<<NPCmedia "samantha" "mbedroom cleaning(mini)" 0>>
<<if $WifeToMaid.patronage>>
<<dlg_en 1 "Good morning, Mr. $mc.name. Do you want to help me?">>
<<dlg_ru 1 "Доброе утро, мистер $mc.name. Вы хотите помочь мне?">>
<<btnEventLink "Help her/Помочь ей" "Samantha Bedroom Events" "gbedroom patronage(main)" 1>>
<<btnLink "Leave her alone/Оставить ее в покое" "Guest Bedroom" "">>
<<dlg_en 1 "Good morning, Mr. $mc.name.">>
<<dlg_ru 1 "Доброе утро, мистер $mc.name.">>
<<btnLink "Leave her alone/Оставить ее в покое" "Guest Bedroom" "">>
<<include "MC House Event Hub">>
<<switch $location.sub>>
<<case "">>
<<if $NPCstat[2].location == "Guest Bathroom">>
<<LocImg "mc_house" "open door">>
<<en "Jenny is taking shower.">>
<<ru "Дженни принимает душ.">>
<<LocImg "mc_house" "guest bathroom">>
<<btnLink "Leave/Выйти" "Guest Bedroom" "">>
<</switch>>/* [[Mansion Facade]] */
<<include "MC House Event Hub">>
<<switch $location.sub>>
<<case "">>
<<if $NPCstat[1].location == "Hallway">>
<<NPCmedia "samantha" "hallway moping(mini)" 0>>
<<en "Samantha is cleaning the hallway.">>
<<ru "Саманта убирает коридор.">>
<<LocImg "mc_house" "hallway">>
<<set _navid = 0>>
<<set $NavigationSlot = []>>
<<set $NavigationSlotName = []>>
<<set $NavigationSlotSub = []>>
<<set $NavigationSlot[_navid] = "Master Bedroom">>
<<set $NavigationSlotName[_navid] = "Master Bedroom/Основная спальня">>
<<set $NavigationSlotSub[_navid] = "">>
<<set _navid += 1>>
<<set $NavigationSlot[_navid] = "Home Office">>
<<set $NavigationSlotName[_navid] = "Home Office/Домашний офис">>
<<set $NavigationSlotSub[_navid] = "">>
<<set _navid += 1>>
<<set $NavigationSlot[_navid] = "Guest Bedroom">>
<<set $NavigationSlotName[_navid] = "Guest Bedroom/Гостевая спальня">>
<<set $NavigationSlotSub[_navid] = "">>
<<set _navid += 1>>
<<set $NavigationSlot[_navid] = "Kitchen">>
<<set $NavigationSlotName[_navid] = "Kitchen/Кухня">>
<<set $NavigationSlotSub[_navid] = "">>
<<set _navid += 1>>
<<set $NavigationSlot[_navid] = "Living Room">>
<<set $NavigationSlotName[_navid] = "Living Room/Гостиная">>
<<set $NavigationSlotSub[_navid] = "">>
<<set _navid += 1>>
<<set $NavigationSlot[_navid] = "Backyard">>
<<set $NavigationSlotName[_navid] = "Backyard/Задний двор">>
<<set $NavigationSlotSub[_navid] = "">>
<<set _navid += 1>>
<<set _navid -= 1>>
<<NavigationTable _navid>>
<<btnLink "Go out/Выйти из особняка" "Mansion Facade" "">>
/* ------------------------------ Tutorial ------------------------------ */
<<if $TutorialOn>>
<<if $TutorialStep == 1>>
<center><b><font size="5"><<en "Tutorial">></font></b></center>
<center><b><font size="5"><<ru "Обучение">></font></b></center>
<<en "If there is an important event during the day, most of the actions in the locations will be unavailable. To move forward in the story, press the <b>Go out</b> button.">>
<<ru "Если в течении дня должно произойти важное событие, то большинство действий в локациях будут недоступны. Для того, чтобы продвинуться по сюжету, нажмите кнопку <b>Выйти из особняка</b>.">>
<<elseif $time.date == 5 and $time.daytime == 4>>
<center><b><font size="5"><<en "Tutorial">></font></b></center>
<center><b><font size="5"><<ru "Обучение">></font></b></center>
<<en "The end of the week is the most free part of the game (except for the first two weeks). You can act in any way you like. For example, you can find your wife and ask her out. Or you can go to a club and find some entertainment here.">>
<<ru "Конец недели - это наиболее свободная часть игры (кроме первых двух недель). Вы можете действовать как вам угодно. Например, вы можете найти вашу жену и пригласить ее на свидание. Или вы можете пойти в клуб и найти какое-нибудь развлечение здесь.">>
<<include "MC House Event Hub">>
<<switch $location.sub>>
<<case "">>
<<LocImg "mc_house" "storage room">>
<<if $MaidApron.forcooking or $MaidApron.forcleaning>>
<<if $MaidApron.wear == true>>
<<btnLink "Take off the apron" "Storage Room" "apron(put off)">>
<<elseif $MaidApron.wear == false>>
<<btnLink "Put on the apron" "Storage Room" "apron(put on)">>
<<btnLink "Leave" "Kitchen" "">>
<<case "apron(put on)">>
<<set $MaidApron.wear = true>>
<<set $mcItemWear[$mcItem.wearcount] = $MaidApron.color>>
<<set $mcItem.wearcount += 1>>
<<NPCmedia "mc" $MaidApron.color 0>>
<br>You put on the apron
<<btnLink "Leave" "Kitchen" "">>
<<case "apron(put off)">>
<<set $MaidApron.wear = false>>
<<run removeWearItem($MaidApron.color)>>
<<set $mcItem.wearcount -= 1>>
<<NPCmedia "mc" $MaidApron.color 0>>
<br>You put off the apron
<<btnLink "Leave" "Kitchen" "">>
<</switch>>/* [[Downtown Map]] */
/* [[Suburb Map]] */
/* [[Local Map]] */
/* [[Your Office]] */
/* [[Hallway (Gardener)]] */
<<include "MC House Event Hub">>
<<switch $location.sub>>
<<case "">>
<<LocImg "mc_house" "facade">>
<<btnLink "Go inside the mansion/Войти внутрь" "Hallway" "">>
<<btnLink "Go to gardener's house/Дом для прислуги" "Hallway (Gardener)" "">>
<<if $time.weekday <= 4 and $time.daytime <= 4>>
<<btnLink "Go to work/Ехать на работу" "Your Office" "">>
<<set _navid = 0>>
<<set $NavigationSlot = []>>
<<set $NavigationSlotName = []>>
<<set $NavigationSlotSub = []>>
<<set $NavigationSlot[_navid] = "Downtown Map">>
<<set $NavigationSlotName[_navid] = "Downtown/Центр города">>
<<set $NavigationSlotSub[_navid] = "">>
<<set _navid += 1>>
<<set $NavigationSlot[_navid] = "Suburb Map">>
<<set $NavigationSlotName[_navid] = "Suburb/Пригород">>
<<set $NavigationSlotSub[_navid] = "">>
<<set _navid += 1>>
<<set $NavigationSlot[_navid] = "Local Map">>
<<set $NavigationSlotName[_navid] = "Local Map/Окрестности">>
<<set $NavigationSlotSub[_navid] = "">>
<<set _navid += 1>>
<<set _navid -= 1>>
<<NavigationTable _navid>>
<</switch>>/* [[Pantry]] */
/* [[Storage Room]] */
<<include "MC House Event Hub">>
<<switch $location.sub>>
<<case "">>
<<if $NPCstat[0].location == "Kitchen" and $NPCstat[1].location == "Kitchen">>
<<if MaidCurrentPlan() == "make breakfast">>
<<NPCmedia "wife" "drinking coffee(kitchen)(mini)" 0>>
<<en "$NPCstat[0].name is drinking coffee, while Samantha is busy making breakfast.">>
<<ru "$NPCstat[0].name пьет кофе, в то время как Саманта готовит завтрак.">>
<<btnEventLink "Approach them/Подойти к ним" "Wife Kitchen Events" "wife(morning)(maid cooking)">>
<<elseif MaidCurrentPlan() == "make dinner">>
<<NPCmedia "wife" "drinking coffee(kitchen)(mini)" 0>>
<<en "$NPCstat[0].name is drinking coffee, while Samantha is busy making dinner.">>
<<ru "$NPCstat[0].name пьет кофе, в то время как Саманта готовит ужин.">>
<<btnEventLink "Approach them/Подойти к ним" "Wife Kitchen Events" "wife(evening)(maid cooking)">>
<<elseif $NPCstat[0].location == "Kitchen" and $NPCstat[2].location == "Kitchen">>
<<NPCmedia "wife" "drinking coffee(with Jenny)(mini)" 0>>
<<en "$NPCstat[0].name and Jenny are sitting at the table and blabbing about something.">>
<<ru "$NPCstat[0].name и Дженни сидят за столом и болтают о чем-то.">>
<<btnEventLink "Approach them/Подойти к ним" "Jenny Visits" "kitchen(drinking coffee)(main)">>
<<elseif $NPCstat[1].location == "Kitchen" and $NPCstat[13].location == "Kitchen">>
<<LocImg "mc_house" "kitchen">>
<br>Samantha is talking with Miguel. On the table you see several boxes of groceries.
<<btnEventLink "Approach them" "Kelly Mansion Events" "main(miguel)">>
<<elseif $NPCstat[1].location == "Kitchen" and $NPCstat[12].location == "Kitchen">>
<<LocImg "mc_house" "kitchen">>
<br>Samantha is talking with Kelly. On the table you see several boxes of groceries.
<<if $KellyTraining.deliverytalk == false>>
<<btnEventLink "Approach them" "Kelly Mansion Events" "main(kelly)">>
<<elseif $NPCstat[0].location == "Kitchen">>
<<if WifeCurrentPlan() == "breakfast in kitchen(mansion)">>
<<NPCmedia "wife" "drinking coffee(kitchen)(mini)" 0>>
<<en "$NPCstat[0].name's having breakfast.">>
<<ru "$NPCstat[0].name затракает.">>
<<if not BusyDate()>>
<<btnEventLink "Approach her/Подойти к ней" "Wife Kitchen Events" "breakfast(main)">>
<<elseif WifeCurrentPlan() == "drink coffee(mansion)">>
<<NPCmedia "wife" "drinking coffee(kitchen)(mini)" 0>>
<<en "$NPCstat[0].name is eating a cake.">>
<<ru "$NPCstat[0].name ест пирожное.">>
<<if not BusyDate()>>
<<btnEventLink "Approach her/Подойти к ней" "Wife Kitchen Events" "wife(evening)">>
<<elseif $NPCstat[1].location == "Kitchen">>
<<if MaidCurrentPlan() == "make breakfast">>
<<NPCmedia "samantha" "cooking(mini)" 0>>
<<en "Samantha is busy making breakfast.">>
<<ru "Саманта готовит завтрак">>
<<if $NPCdaymemory[0].emorning == "ask about breakfast">>
<<btnEventLink "Approach her/Подойти к ней" "Maid Kitchen Events" "breakfast(main)">>
<<btnEventLink "Approach her/Подойти к ней" "Maid Cooking Breakfast" "main scene">>
<<if $WifeScenes.Shower.nocoffee>>
<<btnLink "Tell her not to make coffee for your wife/Сказать ей не делать кофе для твоей жены" "Kitchen" "wife scene variation(nocoffee)">>
<<elseif MaidCurrentPlan() == "make dinner">>
<<NPCmedia "samantha" "cooking(mini)" 0>>
<<en "Samantha is busy making dinner.">>
<<ru "Саманта готовит ужин">>
<<btnEventLink "Approach her/Подойти к ней" "Maid Kitchen Events" "dinner(main)">>
<<elseif $NPCstat[12].location == "Kitchen">>
<<LocImg "mc_house" "kitchen">>
<br>Kelly is standing in the kitchen alone. On the table you see several boxes of groceries.
<<btnEventLink "Approach her" "Kelly Mansion Events" "main(no maid)">>
<<LocImg "mc_house" "kitchen">>
<<if $MaidRoleReversal.active>>
<<set _txt = getLinkName("Clean the room/Заняться уборкой")>>
<<set _txt += " [img[$skip_time_img]]">>
<center>@@.btnWide;<<button _txt "Maid Kitchen Events">>
<<set _stdice = 0>>
<<set $EventMark = "takeover cleaning(main)">>
<<if MaidCurrentPlan() == "get rest(gardener)">>
<<set _stdice = random(1, 10)>>
<<if _stdice >= 6 and $MaidApron.color != "">>
<<set $EventMark = "takeover cleaning(maid displeased)">>
<<SkipTimeBlock 1>>
<<if $time.daytime == 0 and MaidCurrentPlan() == "sleep(gardener)">>
<<th_en "Looks like Samantha is late again.">>
<<th_ru "Похоже, что Саманта снова опаздывает.">>
<<btnEventLink "Make coffee for yourself/Сварить кофе для себя" "Maid Cooking Breakfast" "coffee(make yourself)">>
<<btnLink "Make coffee for yourself/Сварить кофе для себя" "Kitchen" "coffee(make yourself)">>
<<set _navid = 0>>
<<set $NavigationSlot = []>>
<<set $NavigationSlotName = []>>
<<set $NavigationSlotSub = []>>
<<set $NavigationSlot[_navid] = "Pantry">>
<<set $NavigationSlotName[_navid] = "Pantry/Кладовая">>
<<set $NavigationSlotSub[_navid] = "">>
<<set _navid += 1>>
<<set $NavigationSlot[_navid] = "Storage Room">>
<<set $NavigationSlotName[_navid] = "Storage Room/Подсобка">>
<<set $NavigationSlotSub[_navid] = "">>
<<set _navid += 1>>
<<set _navid -= 1>>
<<NavigationTable _navid>>
<<btnLink "Leave/Выйти" "Hallway" "">>
<<case "coffee(make yourself)">>
<<LocImg "misc" "coffee">>
<<en "You make yourself a cup of coffee and drink it with relish.">>
<<ru "Ты делаешь себе чашку кофе и с удовольствием ее выпиваешь.">>
<<btnLink "Finish/Закончить" "Kitchen" "">>
/* ------------------------------ WIFE SCENES ------------------------------ */
<<case "wife scene variation(nocoffee)">>
<<set $WifeScenes.Shower.nocoffee = false>>
<<NPCmedia "samantha" "cooking" 0>>
<<en "You tell Samantha not to make coffee for your wife.">>
<<ru "Ты говоришь Саманте, чтобы она не делала кофе для твоей жены.">>
<<btnLink "Finish/Закончить" "Hallway" "">>
<<include "MC House Event Hub">>
<<switch $location.sub>>
<<case "">>
<<LocImg "mc_house" "pantry">>
<<btnLink "Return to kitchen/Вернуться" "Kitchen" "">>
<<include "MC House Event Hub">>
<<switch $location.sub>>
<<case "">>
<<if $NPCstat[0].location == "Living Room" and $NPCstat[2].location == "Living Room">>
<<NPCmedia "wife" "watching tv(with Jenny)(mini)" 0>>
<<en " $NPCstat[0].name and Jenny are sitting on the couch and watching TV.">>
<<ru "$NPCstat[0].name и Дженни сидят на диване и смотрят телевизор.">>
<<btnEventLink "Approach them/Подойти к ним" "Jenny Visits" "living room(watch tv)">>
<<elseif $NPCstat[0].location == "Living Room">>
<<if WifeCurrentPlan() == "watch tv(mansion)">>
<<NPCmedia "wife" "watching tv(mini)" 0>>
<<if $WifeScenes.WatchTV.variation == 4>>
<<en "$NPCstat[0].name is watching some old movie. Judging by what is happening on the screen, the movie takes place in the medieval times.">>
<<ru "$NPCstat[0].name смотрит какой-то старый фильм. Судя по происходящему на экране, действие фильма разворачивается в средние века.">>
<<en "$NPCstat[0].name is watching another stupid show.">>
<<ru "$NPCstat[0].name смотрит очередное унылое ток-шоу.">>
<<if $NPCsexmemory[0].footmassage > 0>>
<<btnLink "Ask if she want to foot massage/Спросить хочет ли она массаж ног" "Living Room" "watch tv(with wife)(suggest foot massage)">>
<<btnLink "Watch TV with her/Присоединиться" "Living Room" "watch tv(with wife)" 1>>
<<elseif WifeCurrentPlan() == "training(mansion)">>
<<NPCmedia "wife" "training(mansion)(mini)" 0>>
<<en "$NPCstat[0].name is training.">>
<<ru "$NPCstat[0].name тренируется.">>
<<btnLink "Approach her/Подойти к ней" "Living Room" "wife training(approach)">>
<<elseif $NPCstat[1].location == "Living Room">>
<<if MaidCurrentPlan() == "clean living room">>
<<NPCmedia "samantha" "living cleaning(mini)" 0>>
<<en "Samantha is cleaning the room.">>
<<ru "Саманта убирает комнату.">>
<<btnLink "Approach her/Подойти к ней" "Living Room" "talk with maid(cleaning)">>
<<btnEventLink "Watch TV/Посмотреть телевизор" "Maid Wiping Shelves Events" "main scene" 1>>
<<elseif MaidCurrentPlan() == "watch tv(mansion)">>
<<NPCmedia "samantha" "watching tv(mini)" 0>>
<<en "Samantha is lying on the sofa watching TV.">>
<<ru "Саманта лежит на диване и смотрит телевизор.">>
<<btnEventLink "Approach her/Подойти к ней" "Maid Living Room Events" "afternoon" 1>>
<<LocImg "mc_house" "living room">>
<<if $MaidRoleReversal.active>>
<<set _txt = getLinkName("Clean the room/Заняться уборкой")>>
<<set _txt += " [img[$skip_time_img]]">>
<center>@@.btnWide;<<button _txt "Maid Living Room Events">>
<<set _stdice = 0>>
<<set $EventMark = "living room(main)">>
<<if MaidCurrentPlan() == "get rest(gardener)">>
<<set _stdice = random(1, 10)>>
<<if _stdice >= 8>>
<<set $EventMark = "living room(maid shoes)">>
<<elseif _stdice >= 6>>
<<set $EventMark = "takeover cleaning(role swap)">>
<<SkipTimeBlock 1>>
<<if not BusyDate()>>
<<btnLink "Watch TV/Посмотреть телевизор" "Living Room" "watch tv(alone)" 1>>
<<btnLink "Leave/Уйти" "Hallway" "">>
/* -------------------- WATCH ALONE -------------------- */
<<case "watch tv(alone)">>
<<LocImg "mc_house" "sport show">>
<<en "You watched TV for a little while.">>
<<ru "Ты смотришь телевизор некоторое время.">>
<<btnLink "Turn it off/Закончить" "Living Room" "">>
/* -------------------- WIFE SCENES -------------------- */
<<case "watch tv(with wife)">>
<<if $WifeFootFetish.massagedesire >= 100>>
<<NPCmedia "wife" "watching tv" 0>>
<br>You join your wife, who is captivated by watching one of her favorite shows. She flexes her legs at the knees, making room for you, but after a while she straightens them out again. Thus, her calves end up on your hips.
<br><<PHR 0 "Honey, I really liked the massage you gave me last time. And I would extremely grateful if you give me it one more time.">>
<span id="dialog">
<center>@@.btnWide;<<button "Give her massage">>
<<replace "#dialog">>
<br><<PHR "mc" "Sure, baby, it's not hard for me.">>
<<btnEventLink "Massage her feet" "Wife Living Room Events" "main scene">>
<center>@@.btnWide;<<button "Say you don't have a time">>
<<replace "#dialog">>
<br><<PHR "mc" "Sorry, baby, let's try it next time.">>
<<btnLink "Leave" "Hallway" "">>
<<elseif $WifeScenes.WatchTV.variation == 1 or $WifeScenes.WatchTV.variation == 2>>
<<LocImg "mc_house" "stupid show">>
<<en "You join your wife on the couch.">>
<<ru "Ты присоединяешься к своей жене на диване.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "Oh, it looks like a repeat of an earlier episode. You can change the channel if you want.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Ох, похоже, что это повтор старого эпизода. Если хочешь, можешь переключить канал.">>
<<btnEventLink "Switch to a sports channel/Переключить на спортивный канал" "Wife Living Room Events" "watch tv(old episode)(sport)">>
<<btnEventLink "Switch to a news channel/Переключить на новостной канал" "Wife Living Room Events" "watch tv(old episode)(news)">>
<<btnEventLink "Don't switch the channel/Не переключать канал" "Wife Living Room Events" "watch tv(old episode)(cancel)">>
<<elseif $WifeScenes.WatchTV.variation == 3>>
<<LocImg "mc_house" "stupid show">>
<<en "You watched TV for a little while.">>
<<ru "Ты смотришь телевизор некоторое время.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "Honey, have you seen my phone? I can't find it.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Милый, ты не видел мой телефон? Не могу найти его.">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "Hold on, let me call you.">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Погоди, сейчас я тебе позвоню.">>
<<en "You type her number, and her ringtone starts playing somewhere nearby. $NPCstat[0].name starts fidgeting around until finally she's hanging over the side of the couch.">>
<<ru "Ты набираешь ее номер, и мелодия ее звонка начинает играть где-то поблизости. $NPCstat[0].name начинает вертеться по сторонам, пока, наконец, не перевешивается через бок дивана.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "How did he get here?">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Как ты здесь оказался?">>
<<en "Your wife unlocks the lock and starts flipping through something, occasionally glancing back at the TV screen.">>
<<ru "Твоя жена снимает блокировку и начинает что-то пролистывать, время от времени отвлекаясь на происходящее на экране телевизора.">>
<<btnLink "Finish/Закончить" "Living Room" "">>
<<if $WifeScenes.WatchTV.variation == 4>>
<<LocImg "mc_house" "medieval movie">>
<<LocImg "mc_house" "stupid show">>
<<en "You watched TV for a little while.">>
<<ru "Ты смотришь телевизор некоторое время.">>
<<btnLink "Turn it off/Закончить" "Living Room" "">>
<<case "watch tv(with wife)(suggest foot massage)">>
<<NPCmedia "wife" "watching tv" 0>>
<<dlg_en "mc" "Do you want me to rub your feet, baby?">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Если хочешь, я могу сделать твоим ножкам массаж.">>
<<if $WifeFootFetish.massagedesire >= 50>>
<<dlg_en 0 "I'd like that, honey.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Ох, это было бы весьма кстати.">>
<<en "She flexes her legs at the knees, making room for you. You sit down on the couch and put your hands on her feet.">>
<<ru "Она сгибает ноги в коленях, освобождая для тебя место. Ты садишься на диван и кладешь руки на ее ступни.">>
<<btnEventLink "Massage her feet/Массировать ее ступни" "Wife Living Room Events" "main scene" 1>>
<<if $NPCstat[0].lordliness >= 20>>
<<dlg_en 0 "Thanks, honey, but I don't want your hands to become overused. Let's just watch the show.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Спасибо, милый, но твоим ручкам тоже стоит отдыхать. Давай просто посмотрим шоу.">>
<<if $WifeScenes.WatchTV.variation == 4>>
<<dlg_en 0 "Thanks, honey, but I don't feel tired. Let's just watch the movie.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Спасибо, милый, но я не чувствую себя уставшей. Давай просто посмотрим фильм.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "Thanks, honey, but I don't feel tired. Let's just watch the show.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Спасибо, милый, но я не чувствую себя уставшей. Давай просто посмотрим шоу.">>
<<en "You two watch TV for a while.">>
<<ru "Вы вдвоем смотрите телевизор некоторое время.">>
<<btnLink "Turn it off/Закончить" "Living Room" "">>
<<case "wife training(approach)">>
<<NPCmedia "wife" "training(mansion)" 1>>
<<en "You're walking up to your wife.">>
<<ru "Ты подходишь к своей жене.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "You want to help me stretch, honey?">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Хочешь помочь мне с растяжкой, милый?">>
<<btnEventLink "Help her/Помочь ей" "Wife Living Room Events" "wife training(help stretch)" 1>>
<<btnLink "Leave" "Hallway" "">>
<<case "talk with maid(cleaning)">>
<<NPCmedia "samantha" "living cleaning" 0>>
<<en "You come closer to your maid. She notices you.">>
<<ru "Ты подходишь к своей горничной. Она поднимает голову.">>
<<if $NPCstat[1].obedience > -10>>
<<dlg_en 1 "Good afternoon, Mr. $mc.name. Don't worry, I'll be finished soon.">>
<<dlg_ru 1 "Не волнуйтесь, мистер $mc.name. Я уже заканчиваю.">>
<<elseif $WifeToMaid.patronage>>
<<dlg_en 1 "Do you want to help me, Mr. $mc.name?">>
<<dlg_ru 1 "Вы хотите мне помочь, мистер $mc.name?">>
<<dlg_en 1 "Good afternoon, Mr. $mc.name. Please, don't distract me and watch TV for a while.">>
<<dlg_ru 1 "Не волнуйтесь, мистер $mc.name. Пожалуйста, не отвлекайте меня. Можете пока посмотреть телевизор.">>
<<if $WifeToMaid.patronage>>
<<btnEventLink "Help her/Помочь ей" "Maid Wiping Shelves Events" "patronage(main)" 1>>
<<btnLink "Leave her alone/Оставить ее в покое" "Living Room" "">>
<<include "MC House Event Hub">>
<<switch $location.sub>>
<<case "">>
<<if $NPCstat[1].location == "Home Office">>
<<NPCmedia "samantha" "office cleaning(mini)" 0>>
<<en "Samantha is cleaning your office.">>
<<ru "Саманта убирает офис.">>
<<btnEventLink "Approach her/Подойти к ней" "Samantha Home Office Events" "main">>
<<LocImg "mc_house" "office">>
<<if $MaidRoleReversal.active>>
<<set _txt = getLinkName("Clean the room/Заняться уборкой")>>
<<set _txt += " [img[$skip_time_img]]">>
<center>@@.btnWide;<<button _txt "Samantha Home Office Events">>
<<set _stdice = 0>>
<<set $EventMark = "takeover cleaning(main)">>
<<if MaidCurrentPlan() == "get rest(gardener)">>
<<set _stdice = random(1, 10)>>
<<if _stdice >= 6>>
<<set $EventMark = "takeover cleaning(maid bossing around)">>
<<SkipTimeBlock 1>>
<<btnLink "Turn on the PC/Включить компьютер" "Home Office" "pc(main)">>
<<if not BusyDate() and $time.daytime <= 6>>
<<btnLink "Work at home/Поработать из дома" "Home Office" "work(alone)" 1>>
<<btnLink "Leave/Выйти" "Hallway" "">>
<<case "work(alone)">>
<<LocImg "work" "documents">>
<<en "You spend some time dealing with a business stuff.">>
<<ru "Ты проводишь немного времени, улаживая деловые вопросы.">>
<<btnLink "Finish/Закончить" "Home Office" "">>
<<case "pc(main)">>
<<LocImg "misc" "desktop">>
<<btnLink "Play Longshort/Сыграть в Longshort" "Longshort Game" "shuffle">>
<<btnLink "Turn off the PC/Выключить компьютер" "Home Office" "">>
<</switch>>/* [[MChouse Pool Bar]] */
/* [[MChouse Grill]] */
<<include "MC House Event Hub">>
<<switch $location.sub>>
<<case "">>
<<if $NPCstat[0].location == "Backyard" and $NPCstat[1].location == "Backyard">>
<<if WifeCurrentPlan() == "get tan(mansion)">>
<<if $NPCstat[0].openness >= 18>>
<<NPCmedia "wife" "sunbathing(topless)(mini)" 0>>
<<NPCmedia "wife" "sunbathing(mini)" 0>>
<<en "$NPCstat[0].name is taking sun bath. Samantha is cleaning the pool.">>
<<ru "$NPCstat[0].name загорает. Саманта убирает зону вокруг бассейна.">>
<<btnLink "Approach your wife/Подойти к своей жене" "Backyard" "talk with wife">>
<<elseif $NPCstat[0].location == "Backyard" and $NPCstat[2].location == "Backyard">>
<<NPCmedia "wife" "sunbathing(mini)" 0>>
<<en "$NPCstat[0].name and Jenny are taking sun bath.">>
<<ru "$NPCstat[0].name и Дженни принимают солнечную ванну.">>
<<elseif $NPCstat[0].location == "Backyard">>
<<if WifeCurrentPlan() == "get tan(mansion)">>
<<if $NPCstat[0].openness >= 18>>
<<NPCmedia "wife" "sunbathing(topless)(mini)" 0>>
<<NPCmedia "wife" "sunbathing(mini)" 0>>
<<en "$NPCstat[0].name is taking sun bath.">>
<<ru "$NPCstat[0].name загорает.">>
<<btnLink "Approach her/Подойти к ней" "Backyard" "talk with wife">>
<<elseif WifeCurrentPlan() == "swimming(mansion)">>
<<NPCmedia "wife" "swimming(mansion)(mini)" 0>>
<<en "$NPCstat[0].name is swimming.">>
<<ru "$NPCstat[0].name плавает.">>
<<btnLink "Watch her/Наблюдать за ней" "Backyard" "watch wife swimming">>
<<elseif $NPCstat[1].location == "Backyard">>
<<if MaidCurrentPlan() == "clean backyard">>
<<LocImg "mc_house" "backyard">>
<<en "Samantha is cleaning the pool.">>
<<ru "Саманта убирает зону вокруг бассейна.">>
<<elseif MaidCurrentPlan() =="use pool(mansion)">>
<<elseif MaidCurrentPlan() =="tanning(backyard)">>
<<NPCmedia "samantha" "backyard sunbath(mini)" 0>>
<br>Walking into the backyard you see Samantha, who, instead of attending to her duties, is sunbathing while reclining on a sun lounger.
<<btnEventLink "Approach her" "Samantha Backyard Events" "tanning(laziness)">>
<<LocImg "mc_house" "backyard">>
<<set _navid = 0>>
<<set $NavigationSlot = []>>
<<set $NavigationSlotName = []>>
<<set $NavigationSlotSub = []>>
<<set $NavigationSlot[_navid] = "MChouse Pool Bar">>
<<set $NavigationSlotName[_navid] = "Pool Bar/Летний бар">>
<<set $NavigationSlotSub[_navid] = "">>
<<set _navid += 1>>
<<set $NavigationSlot[_navid] = "MChouse Grill">>
<<set $NavigationSlotName[_navid] = "Grill zone/Гриль">>
<<set $NavigationSlotSub[_navid] = "">>
<<set _navid += 1>>
<<set _navid -= 1>>
<<NavigationTable _navid>>
<<btnLink "Leave/Уйти" "Hallway" "">>
<<case "talk with wife">>
<<if $NPCstat[0].openness >= 18>>
<<NPCmedia "wife" "sunbathing(topless)(mini)" 0>>
<<NPCmedia "wife" "sunbathing(mini)" 0>>
<<en "$NPCstat[0].name slides her sunglasses down and turns her gaze to you.">>
<<ru "$NPCstat[0].name опускает очки и смотрит на тебя.">>
<<if $time.weekday == 5>>
<<th_en "It's pretty sunny today. It might be a good idea to invite her to the lake.">>
<<th_ru "Сегодня довольно солнечно. Будет неплохой идеей пригласить ее на озеро.">>
<<if $time.weekday == 5>>
<<btnEventLink "Invite her to the lake/Пригласить ее на озеро" "Wife Lake Dates" "backyard invite">>
<<btnLink "Let her rest/Оставить ее в покое" "Backyard" "">>
<<case "watch wife swimming">>
<<NPCmedia "wife" "swimming(mansion)" 1>>
<<btnLink "Leave her/Оставить ее в покое" "Backyard" "">>
<<include "MC House Event Hub">>
<<switch $location.sub>>
<<case "">>
<<if $NPCstat[0].location == "MChouse Pool Bar" and $NPCstat[2].location == "MChouse Pool Bar">>
<<LocImg "mc_house" "pool bar">>
<<en "$NPCstat[0].name and Jenny are sitting at the counter.">>
<<ru "$NPCstat[0].name и Дженни сидят за стойкой.">>
<<btnEventLink "Approach them/Подойти к ним" "Jenny Visits" "pool bar(main)">>
<<elseif $NPCstat[0].location == "MChouse Pool Bar">>
<<if WifeCurrentPlan() == "drinking(pool bar)">>
<<NPCmedia "wife" "pool bar(mini)" 0>>
<<en "$NPCstat[0].name sits in a chair with a glass in his hands.">>
<<ru "$NPCstat[0].name сидит в кресле с бокалом в руках.">>
<<btnEventLink "Approach her/Подойти к ней" "Wife Pool Bar Events" "drinking alone">>
<<elseif $NPCstat[1].location == "MChouse Pool Bar">>
<<if MaidCurrentPlan() == "clean pool bar">>
<<LocImg "mc_house" "pool bar">>
<<en "Samantha is cleaning the bar.">>
<<ru "Саманта убирает бар.">>
<<btnEventLink "Approach her" "Samantha Pool Bar Events" "main scene">>
<<elseif MaidCurrentPlan() == "drinking(pool bar)">>
<<NPCmedia "samantha" "drinking at pool bar(mini) " 0>>
<<en "Samantha sits in a chair and holds a glass half-filled with alcohol.">>
<<ru "Саманта сидит в кресле и держит в руках стакан, наполненный наполовину алкоголем.">>
<<btnEventLink "Approach her" "Samantha Pool Bar Events" "she offers drink(main)">>
<<LocImg "mc_house" "pool bar">>
<<if $MaidRoleReversal.active>>
<<if $mansionCleanliness.mbedroom <= 70>>
<<set _txt = getLinkName("Clean the bar/Заняться уборкой")>>
<<set _txt += " [img[$skip_time_img]]">>
<center>@@.btnWide;<<button _txt "Samantha Takeover Cleaning Events">>
<<if MaidCurrentPlan() == "tanning(backyard)">>
<<set $EventMark = "pool bar(maid tanning)">>
<<elseif MaidCurrentPlan() == "use pool(mansion)">>
<<set $EventMark = "pool bar(maid swimming)">>
<<set $EventMark = "pool bar(main)">>
<<SkipTimeBlock 1>>
<<btnLink "Leave/Уйти" "Backyard" "">>
<<include "MC House Event Hub">>
<<switch $location.sub>>
<<case "">>
<<LocImg "mc_house" "grill">>
<<btnLink "Leave/Уйти" "Backyard" "">>
<</switch>>/* [[Bedroom (Gardener)]] */
/* [[Bathroom (Gardener)]] */
<<include "MC House Event Hub">>
<<switch $location.sub>>
<<case "">>
<<LocImg "mc_house" "hallway (gardener)">>
<<set _navid = 0>>
<<set $NavigationSlot = []>>
<<set $NavigationSlotName = []>>
<<set $NavigationSlotSub = []>>
<<set $NavigationSlot[_navid] = "Bedroom (Gardener)">>
<<set $NavigationSlotName[_navid] = "Bedroom/Спальня">>
<<set $NavigationSlotSub[_navid] = "">>
<<set _navid += 1>>
<<set $NavigationSlot[_navid] = "Bathroom (Gardener)">>
<<set $NavigationSlotName[_navid] = "Bathroom/Ванная">>
<<set $NavigationSlotSub[_navid] = "">>
<<set _navid += 1>>
<<set _navid -= 1>>
<<NavigationTable 1>>
<<btnLink "Go out/Выйти из домика" "Mansion Facade" "">>
<<include "MC House Event Hub">>
<<switch $location.sub>>
<<case "">>
<<if $NPCstat[1].location == "Bedroom (Gardener)">>
<<if MaidCurrentPlan() == "get rest(gardener)">>
<<NPCmedia "samantha" "reading book(gardener)(mini)" 0>>
<<en "Samantha is reading a book.">>
<<ru "Саманта читает книгу.">>
<<btnEventLink "Approach her" "Samantha Gardener Events" "bedroom(main)">>
<<elseif MaidCurrentPlan() == "clean bedroom(gardener)">>
<<LocImg "mc_house" "bedroom (gardener)">>
<<en "Samantha is cleaning her room.">>
<<ru "Саманта убирается в своей комнате.">>
<<elseif MaidCurrentPlan() == "sleep(gardener)">>
<<LocImg "mc_house" "open door">>
<<en "Samantha is sleeping.">>
<<ru "Саманта спит.">>
<<LocImg "mc_house" "bedroom (gardener)">>
<<btnLink "Leave/Выйти" "Hallway (Gardener)" "">>
<<include "MC House Event Hub">>
<<switch $location.sub>>
<<case "">>
<<if $NPCstat[1].location == "Bathroom (Gardener)">>
<<LocImg "mc_house" "open door">>
<<en "Samantha is taking shower.">>
<<ru "Похоже, что Саманта принимает душ.">>
<<LocImg "mc_house" "bathroom (gardener)">>
<<btnLink "Leave/Выйти" "Hallway (Gardener)" "">>
<</switch>>/* [[Fitness Center]] */
/* [[Night Club]] */
/* [[Bakery Shop]] */
/* [[Mall]] */
<<include "Downtown Event Hub">>
/* CLOSED */
<<CloseLocation "Bakery Shop">>
<<CloseLocation "Night Club">>
<<CloseLocation "Gym">>
<<switch $time.daytime>>
<<case 0>>
<<case 1>>
<<OpenLocation "Bakery Shop">>
<<case 2>>
<<OpenLocation "Bakery Shop">>
<<OpenLocation "Gym">>
<<case 3>>
<<OpenLocation "Bakery Shop">>
<<OpenLocation "Gym">>
<<case 4>>
<<OpenLocation "Bakery Shop">>
<<OpenLocation "Night Club">>
<<OpenLocation "Gym">>
<<case 5>>
<<OpenLocation "Night Club">>
<<OpenLocation "Gym">>
<<case 6>>
<<OpenLocation "Night Club">>
<<OpenLocation "Gym">>
<<case 7>>
<<OpenLocation "Night Club">>
/* -----------------Exceptions Weekend----------------- */
<<switch $time.weekday>>
<<case 5>>
<<CloseLocation "Bakery Shop">>
<<case 6>>
<<CloseLocation "Bakery Shop">>
/* ------------------Exceptions Dates------------------ */
<<switch $time.date>>
<<case 1>>
/* ------------------Exceptions end---------------- */
<<LocImg "downtown" "main">>
/* TABLE */
<<set _navid = 0>>
<<set $NavigationSlot = []>>
<<set $NavigationSlotName = []>>
<<set $NavigationSlotSub = []>>
<<set $NavigationSlot[_navid] = "Your Office">>
<<set $NavigationSlotName[_navid] = "Your Office/Твой офис">>
<<set $NavigationSlotSub[_navid] = "">>
<<set _navid += 1>>
<<set $NavigationSlot[_navid] = "Bakery Shop">>
<<set _name_en = $NPCstat[0].name + "'s Bakery">>
<<set _name_ru = "Булочная твоей жены">>
<<set _name = getLinkName("_name_en/_name_ru")>>
<<set $NavigationSlotName[_navid] = _name>>
<<set $NavigationSlotSub[_navid] = "">>
<<set _navid += 1>>
<<set $NavigationSlot[_navid] = "Mall">>
<<set $NavigationSlotName[_navid] = "Mall/Торговый центр">>
<<set $NavigationSlotSub[_navid] = "">>
<<set _navid += 1>>
<<set $NavigationSlot[_navid] = "Fitness Center">>
<<set $NavigationSlotName[_navid] = "Fitness Center/Фитнес-центр">>
<<set $NavigationSlotSub[_navid] = "">>
<<set _navid += 1>>
<<set $NavigationSlot[_navid] = "Night Club">>
<<set $NavigationSlotName[_navid] = '"Dark Apple"/"Черное Яблоко"'>>
<<set $NavigationSlotSub[_navid] = "">>
<<set _navid += 1>>
<<set $NavigationSlot[_navid] = "Downtown Hotel">>
<<set $NavigationSlotName[_navid] = "Empire Hotel/Отель">>
<<set $NavigationSlotSub[_navid] = "">>
<<set _navid += 1>>
<<set $NavigationSlot[_navid] = "Apartment Block">>
<<set $NavigationSlotName[_navid] = "Apartment Block/Блок апартаментов">>
<<set $NavigationSlotSub[_navid] = "">>
<<set _navid += 1>>
<<set _navid -= 1>>
<<NavigationTable _navid>>
<<btnLink "Go to your mansion/Ехать в свой особняк" "Hallway" "">>
<<btnLink "Go to the suburb/Ехать в пригород" "Suburb Map" "">>/* [[Your Office]] */
/* [[Secretary Desk]] */
/* [[Finance Department]] */
/* [[HR Department]] */
/* [[IT Department]] */
/* [[Post Department]] */
/* [[Downtown Map]] */
/* [[Suburb Map]] */
<<include "Work Event Hub">>
<<switch $location.sub>>
<<case "">>
<<LocImg "work" "your office">>
<<if $time.daytime <= 5>>
<<btnLink "Work a little bit/Поработать немного" "Your Office" "just work" 1>>
<<elseif $time.date > 14>>
<<set _txt = getLinkName("Sleep on the couch/Поспать на диване")>>
<center>@@.btnWide;<<button _txt "Dreams">>
<<btnLink "Turn on the PC/Включить компьютер" "Your Office" "pc(main)">>
<<if ($PositionId[1] == 3 or $PositionId[1] == 4) and $NPCstat[$SecretaryId].meet>>
<<set _inf = getLinkName("Call $NPCstat[$SecretaryId].name into your office/Вызвать секретаршу")>>
<<if $NPCstat[$SecretaryId].location == "Secretary Desk">>
<<btnEventLink _inf "Secretary Office Events" "main">>
<<btnEventLink _inf "Secretary Office Events" "main(not here)">>
<<if $BelindaStory.status == "active" and $BelindaStory.stage <= 1>>
<<set _inf = "Call " + $NPCstat[14].name + " about new interns">>
<<btnEventLink _inf "Belinda Storyline" "call her boss">>
<<if $BrandyStory.status == "offer">>
<<btnEventLink "Make a decision on Belinda's proposal" "Brandy Events Hub" "offer about secretary 3">>
<<if $PsyTopic[0].status == "discussed" and $PsyTopic[0].stage < 4>>
<<btnEventLink "Call Louise into your office/Вызвать психолога" "Secretary Role Reverse" "main">>
<<set _navid = 0>>
<<set $NavigationSlot = []>>
<<set $NavigationSlotName = []>>
<<set $NavigationSlotSub = []>>
<<set $NavigationSlot[_navid] = "Secretary Desk">>
<<set $NavigationSlotName[_navid] = "Secretary Desk/Стол секретаря">>
<<set $NavigationSlotSub[_navid] = "">>
<<set _navid += 1>>
<<set $NavigationSlot[_navid] = "Finance Department">>
<<set $NavigationSlotName[_navid] = "Finance Department/Финансовый отдел">>
<<set $NavigationSlotSub[_navid] = "">>
<<set _navid += 1>>
<<set $NavigationSlot[_navid] = "HR Department">>
<<set $NavigationSlotName[_navid] = "HR Department/Отдел кадров">>
<<set $NavigationSlotSub[_navid] = "">>
<<set _navid += 1>>
<<set $NavigationSlot[_navid] = "IT Department">>
<<set $NavigationSlotName[_navid] = "IT Department/ИТ отдел">>
<<set $NavigationSlotSub[_navid] = "">>
<<set _navid += 1>>
<<set $NavigationSlot[_navid] = "Post Department">>
<<set $NavigationSlotName[_navid] = "Post Department/Отдел почты">>
<<set $NavigationSlotSub[_navid] = "">>
<<set _navid += 1>>
<<set _navid -= 1>>
<<NavigationTable _navid>>
/* ---------------------------------- LEAVING WORK ---------------------------------- */
<<if $time.weekday == 3 and $WifeRouteMiles.giveflower == false>>
<<th_en "I need to kill some time before I go.">>
<<th_ru "Мне нужно убить немного времени, прежде чем уйти.">>
<<elseif $time.date == 5 and $time.daytime <= 2>>
<<th_en "I need to kill some time before I go.">>
<<th_ru "Мне нужно убить немного времени, прежде чем уйти.">>
<<btnLink "Go home/Ехать домой" "Hallway" "">>
<<btnLink "Go to the downtown/Идти в центр города" "Downtown Map" "">>
<<btnLink "Go to the suburb/Ехать в пригород" "Suburb Map" "">>
/* ---------------------------------- WORKING ---------------------------------- */
<<case "just work">>
<<LocImg "work" "documents">>
<<en "You spend time dealing with a business stuff.">>
<<ru "Ты проводишь время, решая рабочие вопросы.">>
<<btnLink "Finish/Закончить" "Your Office" "">>
/* ---------- *** ---------- */
<<case "pc(main)">>
<<LocImg "misc" "desktop">>
<<if $PsyTopic[0].stage == 8 and $SecretaryWarehouses.active == false>>
<<btnEventLink "Find rental units for your secretary/Найти помещения под аренды для своей секретарши" "Secretary Role Reverse" "about her business(finish)">>
<<btnLink "Turn off your PC/Выключить компьютер" "Your Office" "">>
<</switch>>/* [[Tennis Court]] */
/* [[Crypto House First Floor]] */
<<include "Local Event Hub">>
/* CLOSED */
<<CloseLocation "Tennis Court">>
<<switch $time.daytime>>
<<case 0>>
<<case 1>>
<<OpenLocation "Tennis Court">>
<<case 2>>
<<OpenLocation "Tennis Court">>
<<case 3>>
<<OpenLocation "Tennis Court">>
<<case 4>>
<<OpenLocation "Tennis Court">>
<<case 5>>
<<OpenLocation "Tennis Court">>
<<case 6>>
/* -----------------Exceptions Weekend----------------- */
<<switch $time.weekday>>
<<case 5>>
<<case 6>>
/* ------------------Exceptions Dates------------------ */
<<switch $time.date>>
<<case 1>>
/* ------------------Exceptions end---------------- */
<<LocImg "local" "main">>
/* TABLE */
<<set _navid = 0>>
<<set $NavigationSlot = []>>
<<set $NavigationSlotName = []>>
<<set $NavigationSlotSub = []>>
<<set $NavigationSlot[_navid] = "Facade*Hallway*">>
<<set $NavigationSlotName[_navid] = "Your Mansion">>
<<set $NavigationSlotSub[_navid] = "">>
<<set _navid += 1>>
<<set $NavigationSlot[_navid] = "Tennis Court">>
<<set $NavigationSlotName[_navid] = "Tennis Court">>
<<set $NavigationSlotSub[_navid] = "">>
<<set _navid += 1>>
<<if $NPCstat[28].meet>>
<<set $NavigationSlot[_navid] = "Crypto House Facade*Crypto House First Floor*">>
<<set $NavigationSlotName[_navid] = "$NPCstat[28].name's House">>
<<set $NavigationSlotSub[_navid] = "">>
<<set _navid += 1>>
<<set _navid -= 1>>
<<NavigationTable _navid>><<include "MC House Event Hub">>
<<switch $location.sub>>
<<case "">>
<<if $location.main == "Master Bedroom" or $location.main == "Guest Bedroom">>
<<LocImg "mc_house" "awakening">>
<<if $DreamsSection.current != "">>
<<en "You dimly realize that you dreamt about something today.">>
<<ru "Ты смутно припонимаешь, что тебе что-то снилось сегодня.">>
<<btnEventLink "Remember the dream/Вспомнить сон" $DreamsSection.dreamLocation $DreamsSection.current>>
<<btnLink "Get up/Подняться" $location.main "">>
<<en "You didn't dream anything last night...">>
<<ru "Сегодня тебе ничего не снилось...">>
<<btnLink "Get up/Подняться" $location.main "">>
<<elseif $location.main == "Your Office">>
<<LocImg "work" "guest couch">>
<<en "You wake up to the fact that your whole body is stiff from hours of lying on the couch...">>
<<ru "Ты просыпаешься от того, что все твое тело затекло от долгого лежания на диване...">>
<<btnLink "Get up/Подняться" $location.main "">>
<</switch>>/* ---------- WIFE ---------- */
<<set $WifeSchedule = []>>
<<set $WifeSchedule[0] = {
emorning: "take shower(mansion)",
morning: "breakfast in kitchen(mansion)",
noon: "work(bakery)",
anoon: "work(bakery)",
evening: "drink coffee(mansion)",
dusk: "watch tv(mansion)",
night: "prepare to sleep(mansion)",
mnight: "sleep(mansion)"
<<set $WifeSchedule[1] = {
emorning: "take shower(mansion)",
morning: "breakfast in kitchen(mansion)",
noon: "work(bakery)",
anoon: "work(bakery)",
evening: "watch tv(mansion)",
dusk: "watch tv(mansion)",
night: "prepare to sleep(mansion)",
mnight: "sleep(mansion)"
<<set $WifeSchedule[2] = {
emorning: "take shower(mansion)",
morning: "breakfast in kitchen(mansion)",
noon: "play tennis",
anoon: "play tennis",
evening: "get rest(mansion)",
dusk: "get rest(mansion)",
night: "prepare to sleep(mansion)",
mnight: "sleep(mansion)"
<<set $WifeSchedule[3] = {
emorning: "take shower(mansion)",
morning: "breakfast in kitchen(mansion)",
noon: "work(bakery)",
anoon: "salon(downtown)",
evening: "salon(downtown)",
dusk: "watch tv(mansion)",
night: "prepare to sleep(mansion)",
mnight: "sleep(mansion)"
<<set $WifeSchedule[4] = {
emorning: "take shower(mansion)",
morning: "breakfast in kitchen(mansion)",
noon: "work(bakery)",
anoon: "work(bakery)",
evening: "get rest(mansion)",
dusk: "get rest(mansion)",
night: "prepare to sleep(mansion)",
mnight: "sleep(mansion)"
<<set $WifeSchedule[5] = {
emorning: "get rest(mansion)",
morning: "swimming(mansion)",
noon: "get tan(mansion)",
anoon: "get tan(mansion)",
evening: "watch tv(mansion)",
dusk: "watch tv(mansion)",
night: "prepare to sleep(mansion)",
mnight: "sleep(mansion)"
<<set $WifeSchedule[6] = {
emorning: "get rest(mansion)",
morning: "swimming(mansion)",
noon: "get tan(mansion)",
anoon: "get tan(mansion)",
evening: "watch tv(mansion)",
dusk: "watch tv(mansion)",
night: "prepare to sleep(mansion)",
mnight: "sleep(mansion)"
/* ---------- SAMANTHA ---------- */
<<set $MaidSchedule = []>>
<<set $MaidSchedule[0] = {
emorning: "make breakfast",
morning: "clean master bedroom",
noon: "take delivery",
anoon: "clean living room",
evening: "make dinner",
dusk: "take shower(gardener)",
night: "get rest(gardener)",
mnight: "sleep(gardener)"
<<set $MaidSchedule[1] = {
emorning: "make breakfast",
morning: "clean master bedroom",
noon: "clean backyard",
anoon: "clean pool bar",
evening: "make dinner",
dusk: "take shower(gardener)",
night: "get rest(gardener)",
mnight: "sleep(gardener)"
<<set $MaidSchedule[2] = {
emorning: "make breakfast",
morning: "clean balcony",
noon: "clean master bathroom",
anoon: "clean living room",
evening: "make dinner",
dusk: "take shower(gardener)",
night: "get rest(gardener)",
mnight: "sleep(gardener)"
<<set $MaidSchedule[3] = {
emorning: "make breakfast",
morning: "clean master bedroom",
noon: "clean home office",
anoon: "clean guest bedroom",
evening: "make dinner",
dusk: "take shower(gardener)",
night: "get rest(gardener)",
mnight: "sleep(gardener)"
<<set $MaidSchedule[4] = {
emorning: "make breakfast",
morning: "clean master bedroom",
noon: "clean master bathroom",
anoon: "clean hallway",
evening: "make dinner",
dusk: "take shower(gardener)",
night: "get rest(gardener)",
mnight: "sleep(gardener)"
<<set $MaidSchedule[5] = {
emorning: "make breakfast",
morning: "clean master bedroom",
noon: "clean backyard",
anoon: "clean hallway",
evening: "make dinner",
dusk: "take shower(gardener)",
night: "get rest(gardener)",
mnight: "sleep(gardener)"
<<set $MaidSchedule[6] = {
emorning: "make breakfast",
morning: "get rest(gardener)",
noon: "get rest(gardener)",
anoon: "get rest(gardener)",
evening: "get rest(gardener)",
dusk: "take shower(gardener)",
night: "get rest(gardener)",
mnight: "sleep(gardener)"
/* ---------- JENNY ---------- */
<<set $JennySchedule = []>>
<<set $JennySchedule[0] = {
emorning: "get rest(her apartment)",
morning: "take shower(her apartment)",
noon: "get breakfast(park cafe)",
anoon: "wandering(downtown)",
evening: "wandering(downtown)",
dusk: "take bath(her apartment)",
night: "watch tv(her apartment)",
mnight: "sleep(her apartment)"
<<set $JennySchedule[1] = {
emorning: "get rest(her apartment)",
morning: "take shower(her apartment)",
noon: "get breakfast(downtown cafe)",
anoon: "wandering(downtown)",
evening: "wandering(downtown)",
dusk: "take bath(her apartment)",
night: "watch tv(her apartment)",
mnight: "sleep(her apartment)"
<<set $JennySchedule[2] = {
emorning: "get rest(her apartment)",
morning: "take shower(her apartment)",
noon: "get breakfast(park cafe)",
anoon: "wandering(downtown)",
evening: "wandering(downtown)",
dusk: "take bath(her apartment)",
night: "watch tv(her apartment)",
mnight: "sleep(her apartment)"
<<set $JennySchedule[3] = {
emorning: "get rest(her apartment)",
morning: "take shower(her apartment)",
noon: "visit bakery",
anoon: "salon(downtown)",
evening: "salon(downtown)",
dusk: "take bath(her apartment)",
night: "watch tv(her apartment)",
mnight: "sleep(her apartment)"
<<set $JennySchedule[4] = {
emorning: "get rest(her apartment)",
morning: "take shower(her apartment)",
noon: "get breakfast(downtown cafe)",
anoon: "wandering(downtown)",
evening: "wandering(downtown)",
dusk: "take bath(her apartment)",
night: "watch tv(her apartment)",
mnight: "sleep(her apartment)"
<<set $JennySchedule[5] = {
emorning: "get rest(her apartment)",
morning: "take shower(her apartment)",
noon: "get breakfast(park cafe)",
anoon: "visit boyfriend",
evening: "visit boyfriend",
dusk: "get dinner(downtown restaurant)",
night: "get dinner(downtown restaurant)",
mnight: "sleep(her apartment)"
<<set $JennySchedule[6] = {
emorning: "get rest(her apartment)",
morning: "prepare to visit/prepare to shopping",
noon: "visit mansion/shopping(mall)",
anoon: "visit mansion/shopping(mall)",
evening: "visit mansion/shopping(mall)",
dusk: "visit mansion/none",
night: "visit mansion/none",
mnight: "sleep(her apartment)"
/* ---------- SECRETARY ---------- */
<<set $SecretarySchedule = []>>
<<set $SecretarySchedule[0] = {
emorning: "working",
morning: "working",
noon: "working",
anoon: "working",
evening: "working",
dusk: "",
night: "",
mnight: ""
<<set $SecretarySchedule[1] = {
emorning: "working",
morning: "working",
noon: "working",
anoon: "working",
evening: "working",
dusk: "",
night: "",
mnight: ""
<<set $SecretarySchedule[2] = {
emorning: "working",
morning: "working",
noon: "working",
anoon: "working",
evening: "working",
dusk: "",
night: "",
mnight: ""
<<set $SecretarySchedule[3] = {
emorning: "working",
morning: "working",
noon: "working",
anoon: "working",
evening: "working",
dusk: "",
night: "",
mnight: ""
<<set $SecretarySchedule[4] = {
emorning: "working",
morning: "working",
noon: "working",
anoon: "working",
evening: "working",
dusk: "",
night: "",
mnight: ""
<<set $SecretarySchedule[5] = {
emorning: "",
morning: "",
noon: "",
anoon: "",
evening: "",
dusk: "",
night: "",
mnight: ""
<<set $SecretarySchedule[6] = {
emorning: "",
morning: "",
noon: "",
anoon: "",
evening: "",
dusk: "",
night: "",
mnight: ""
/* ---------- MILA ---------- */
<<set $MilaSchedule = []>>
<<set $MilaSchedule[0] = {
emorning: "",
morning: "",
noon: "",
anoon: "",
evening: "",
dusk: "",
night: "",
mnight: ""
<<set $MilaSchedule[1] = {
emorning: "",
morning: "",
noon: "",
anoon: "",
evening: "",
dusk: "",
night: "",
mnight: ""
<<set $MilaSchedule[2] = {
emorning: "",
morning: "",
noon: "",
anoon: "",
evening: "",
dusk: "",
night: "",
mnight: ""
<<set $MilaSchedule[3] = {
emorning: "",
morning: "",
noon: "",
anoon: "",
evening: "clubbing",
dusk: "clubbing",
night: "clubbing",
mnight: "clubbing"
<<set $MilaSchedule[4] = {
emorning: "",
morning: "",
noon: "",
anoon: "",
evening: "clubbing",
dusk: "clubbing",
night: "clubbing",
mnight: "clubbing"
<<set $MilaSchedule[5] = {
emorning: "",
morning: "",
noon: "",
anoon: "",
evening: "clubbing",
dusk: "clubbing",
night: "clubbing",
mnight: "clubbing"
<<set $MilaSchedule[6] = {
emorning: "",
morning: "",
noon: "",
anoon: "",
evening: "",
dusk: "",
night: "",
mnight: ""
/* ---------- BELINDA ---------- */
<<set $BelindaSchedule = []>>
<<set $BelindaSchedule[0] = {
emorning: "",
morning: "",
noon: "working",
anoon: "tanning",
evening: "",
dusk: "",
night: "",
mnight: ""
<<set $BelindaSchedule[1] = {
emorning: "",
morning: "",
noon: "working",
anoon: "working",
evening: "",
dusk: "",
night: "",
mnight: ""
<<set $BelindaSchedule[2] = {
emorning: "",
morning: "",
noon: "working",
anoon: "shopping",
evening: "",
dusk: "",
night: "",
mnight: ""
<<set $BelindaSchedule[3] = {
emorning: "",
morning: "",
noon: "working",
anoon: "tanning",
evening: "",
dusk: "",
night: "",
mnight: ""
<<set $BelindaSchedule[4] = {
emorning: "",
morning: "",
noon: "working",
anoon: "shopping",
evening: "",
dusk: "",
night: "",
mnight: ""
<<set $BelindaSchedule[5] = {
emorning: "",
morning: "",
noon: "",
anoon: "",
evening: "",
dusk: "",
night: "",
mnight: ""
<<set $BelindaSchedule[6] = {
emorning: "",
morning: "",
noon: "",
anoon: "",
evening: "",
dusk: "",
night: "",
mnight: ""
/* ---------- PSY ---------- */
<<set $PsySchedule = []>>
<<set $PsySchedule[0] = {
emorning: "working",
morning: "working",
noon: "working",
anoon: "working",
evening: "working",
dusk: "",
night: "",
mnight: ""
<<set $PsySchedule[1] = {
emorning: "working",
morning: "working",
noon: "working",
anoon: "working",
evening: "working",
dusk: "",
night: "",
mnight: ""
<<set $PsySchedule[2] = {
emorning: "working",
morning: "working",
noon: "working",
anoon: "working",
evening: "working",
dusk: "",
night: "",
mnight: ""
<<set $PsySchedule[3] = {
emorning: "working",
morning: "working",
noon: "working",
anoon: "working",
evening: "working",
dusk: "",
night: "",
mnight: ""
<<set $PsySchedule[4] = {
emorning: "working",
morning: "working",
noon: "working",
anoon: "working",
evening: "working",
dusk: "",
night: "",
mnight: ""
<<set $PsySchedule[5] = {
emorning: "",
morning: "",
noon: "",
anoon: "",
evening: "",
dusk: "",
night: "",
mnight: ""
<<set $PsySchedule[6] = {
emorning: "",
morning: "",
noon: "",
anoon: "",
evening: "",
dusk: "",
night: "",
mnight: ""
/* ---------- BRANDY ---------- */
<<set $BrandySchedule = []>>
<<set $BrandySchedule[0] = {
emorning: "",
morning: "",
noon: "working",
anoon: "tanning",
evening: "",
dusk: "",
night: "",
mnight: ""
<<set $BrandySchedule[1] = {
emorning: "",
morning: "",
noon: "working",
anoon: "working",
evening: "",
dusk: "",
night: "",
mnight: ""
<<set $BrandySchedule[2] = {
emorning: "",
morning: "",
noon: "working",
anoon: "shopping",
evening: "",
dusk: "",
night: "",
mnight: ""
<<set $BrandySchedule[3] = {
emorning: "",
morning: "",
noon: "working",
anoon: "tanning",
evening: "",
dusk: "",
night: "",
mnight: ""
<<set $BrandySchedule[4] = {
emorning: "",
morning: "",
noon: "working",
anoon: "shopping",
evening: "",
dusk: "",
night: "",
mnight: ""
<<set $BrandySchedule[5] = {
emorning: "",
morning: "",
noon: "",
anoon: "",
evening: "",
dusk: "",
night: "",
mnight: ""
<<set $BrandySchedule[6] = {
emorning: "",
morning: "",
noon: "",
anoon: "",
evening: "",
dusk: "",
night: "",
mnight: ""
/* ---------- RANDOM MEETS ---------- */
<<set $RandomMeets = {
VendingMachineGirl: {
interact: false,
variation: 0,
count: 0,
daytime: 0
}>><<switch $EventMark>>
/* -------------------- REGULAR SCENES -------------------- */
<<case "breakfast(main)">>
<<NPCmedia "wife" "drinking coffee(kitchen)" 0>>
<<dlg_en 0 "Good morning, honey! Wanna join me?">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Доброе утро, дорогой! Присоединишься?">>
<<if $WifeScenes.Breakfast.variation == 1>>
<<btnEventLink "Have breakfast with your wife/Позавтракать со своей женой" "Wife Kitchen Events" "breakfast(pantry door open)" 1>>
<<elseif $WifeScenes.Breakfast.variation == 2 or $WifeScenes.Breakfast.variation == 3>>
<<btnEventLink "Have breakfast with your wife/Позавтракать со своей женой" "Wife Kitchen Events" "breakfast(teasing)" 1>>
<<elseif $WifeScenes.Breakfast.variation == 4 and $time.weekday <= 4>>
<<btnEventLink "Have breakfast with your wife/Позавтракать со своей женой" "Wife Kitchen Events" "breakfast(zone out)" 1>>
<<elseif $WifeScenes.Breakfast.variation <= 9 and $NPCstat[0].assertiveness >= 10>>
<<btnEventLink "Have breakfast with your wife/Позавтракать со своей женой" "Wife Kitchen Events" "breakfast(she ask to shave)" 1>>
<<btnEventLink "Have breakfast with your wife/Позавтракать со своей женой" "Wife Kitchen Events" "breakfast(join her)" 1>>
<<btnEventLink "Leave/Уйти" "Kitchen" "">>
<<case "wife(morning)(maid cooking)">>
<<NPCmedia "wife" "drinking coffee(kitchen)" 0>>
<<dlg_en 0 "Good morning, honey! Wanna join me?">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Доброе утро, дорогой! Присоединишься?">>
<<btnEventLink "Have breakfast with your wife/Позавтракать со своей женой" "Wife Kitchen Events" "breakfast(join her)" 1>>
<<btnEventLink "Leave/Уйти" "Kitchen" "">>
<<case "breakfast(join her)">>
<<LocImg "misc" "breakfast on table" 0>>
<<en "You eat your breakfast and talk to your wife about stuff.">>
<<ru "Ты завтракаешь со своей женой.">>
<<btnEventLink "Finish/Закончить" "Kitchen" "">>
<<case "breakfast(pantry door open)">>
<<LocImg "misc" "pantry open door" 0>>
<<en "In the middle of your breakfast, the door to the pantry swings open, causing your wife to turn around.">>
<<ru "Посреди вашего завтрака, дверь в кладовую резко распахивается, заставляя твою жену обернуться.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "What's happened?">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Что случилось?">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "Don't know. Let me check it.">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Не знаю. Сейчас проверю.">
<<en "You rise from the table and head toward the pantry. When you look inside, there's nothing unusual.">>
<<ru "Ты поднимаешься из-за стола и направляешься в сторону кладовой. Заглянув внутрь, ты не обнаруживаешь ничего необычного.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "See anything?">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Ну что там?">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "It was a draught, I suppose.">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Должно быть сквозняк.">
<<LocImg "misc" "breakfast on table" 0>>
<<en "Puzzled, you walk back to the table and you continue your breakfast.">>
<<ru "В недоумении, ты возвращаешься обратно, и вы продолжаете завтрак.">>
<<btnEventLink "Finish/Закончить" "Kitchen" "">>
<<case "breakfast(zone out)">>
<<LocImg "misc" "breakfast on table" 0>>
<<en "You eat your breakfast and talk to your wife about stuff. In the course of the conversation, you notice that she hardly responds to your lines. Moreover, the coffee mug in her hands has hardly emptied during this time.">>
<<ru "Ты завтракаешь со своей женой. В ходе беседы, ты замечаешь, что она практически не отвечает на твои реплики. Более того, кружка с кофе в ее руках практически не опустела за это время.">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "Are you okay, baby?">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Ты в порядке, милая?">
<<en "$NPCstat[0].name seems to come to life.">>
<<ru "$NPCstat[0].name словно бы оживает.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "Sorry, honey. I zoned out a little.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Прости, милый. Я слегка зависла.">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "Is something wrong? Maybe you should take the day off and get some rest.">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Что-то не так? Может тебе стоит взять выходной и отдохнуть?">
<<dlg_en 0 "It's okay, honey. Thank you for your concern.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Все в порядке, милый. Спасибо за заботу.">>
<<btnEventLink "Finish/Закончить" "Kitchen" "">>
<<case "breakfast(teasing)">>
<<LocImg "misc" "breakfast on table" 0>>
<<en "You have breakfast with your wife. Finished, she rises from the table and heads for the kitchen exit. $NPCstat[0].name glides around the table on the opposite side from you, so you can't see her legs, but as soon as she moves farther away, your gaze immediately falls on her wide hips peeking out from under her robe.">>
<<ru "Ты завтракаешь со своей женой. Закончив, она поднимается из-за стола и направляется к выходу из кухни. $NPCstat[0].name обходит стол с противоположной от тебя стороны, поэтому ты не можешь видеть ее ноги, но как только девушка отходит дальше, твой взгляд сразу же опускается на ее широкие бедра, выглядывающие из-под халата.">>
<<en "Reaching the doorway, $NPCstat[0].name pivots around. A playful smile appears on your wife's face while she unties the belt of the robe and opens it, showing off her gorgeous body. The woman enjoys your reaction for a while, and then closes her robe and disappears into the hallway.">>
<<ru "Дойдя до дверного проема, $NPCstat[0].name разворачивается. На лице твоей жены появляется игривая улыбка, в то время как она развязывает пояс халата и распахивает его, демонстрируя свое роскошное тело. Девушка некоторое время наслаждается твоей реакцией, а затем закрывает халат и скрывается в коридоре.">>
<<NPCmedia "wife" "teasing after breakfast" 0>>
<<btnEventLink "Follow her/Догнать ее" "Wife Kitchen Events" "breakfast(teasing)(follow)">>
<<btnEventLink "Finish/Закончить" "Kitchen" "">>
<<case "breakfast(teasing)(follow)">>
<<NPCmedia "wife" "teasing after breakfast(kissing)" 1>>
<<if $NPCstat[0].assertiveness >= 15>>
<<en "You throw your fork on the table and rush into the hallway. Your wife yelps as you wrap your arms around her waist and turn her around to face you. Waste no time, you draw her nearer and begin kissing her passionately. $NPCstat[0].name, however, quickly takes the initiative and pushes you against the wall. The woman gently bites your lower lip.">>
<<ru "Ты бросаешь вилку на стол и выбегаешь в коридор. Твоя жена ойкает в тот момент, когда ты обхватываешь ее за талию и разворачиваешь лицом к себе. Не теряя ни секунды, ты прижимаешь ее и начинаешь страстно целовать. $NPCstat[0].name, однако, быстро перехватывает инициативу и прижимает тебя к стене. Девушка нежно прикусывает твою нижнюю губу.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "I like your reaction. But I have so much to do today.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Мне нравится твоя реакция. Но у меня так много дел сегодня.">
<<en "Her fingers squeeze your buttock.">>
<<ru "Ее рука сжимает твою ягодицу.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "But tonight I'm absolutely free.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Однако, вечером я абсолютно свободна.">
<<en "She breaks the embrace and heads up the stairs to the second floor. You return to the kitchen to finish your breakfast.">>
<<ru "Она разрывает объятия и направляется по лестнице на второй этаж. Ты возвращаешься на кухню, чтобы закончить завтрак.">>
<<btnEventLink "Finish/Закончить" "Kitchen" "">>
<<en "You throw your fork on the table and rush into the hallway. Your wife yelps as you wrap your arms around her waist and turn her around to face you. Waste no time, you draw her nearer and begin kissing her passionately.">>
<<ru "Ты бросаешь вилку на стол и выбегаешь в коридор. Твоя жена ойкает в тот момент, когда ты обхватываешь ее за талию и разворачиваешь лицом к себе. Не теряя ни секунды, ты прижимаешь ее и начинаешь страстно целовать.">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "Don't think you can tease me and just walk away like that.">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Не думай, что можешь разздразнить меня и так просто уйти.">>
<<en "You start making out again, and eventually, she surrenders to your embrace.">>
<<ru "Ты снова начинаешь целовать девушку и чувствуешь, как ее тело расслабляется в твоих объятиях.">>
<span id="dialog">
<<btnEventLink "Press her futher/Прижать ее к стене" "Wife Kitchen Events" "breakfast(teasing)(follow 2)">>
<<set _txt = getLinkName("Let her go/Отпустить ее")>>
<center>@@.btnWide;<<button _txt>>
<<replace "#dialog">>
<<en "You break the embrace and return to the kitchen to finish your breakfast.">>
<<ru "Ты разрываешь объятия и возвращаешься на кухню, чтобы закончить завтрак.">>
<<btnEventLink "Finish/Закончить" "Kitchen" "">>
<<case "breakfast(teasing)(follow 2)">>
<<NPCmedia "wife" "teasing after breakfast(kissing)" 1>>
<<en "Without breaking the kiss, you press your wife against the wall and run your fingers through her hair. You stop the kiss and move lower, to her graceful neck. $NPCstat[0].name is breathing heavily.">>
<<ru "Не прерывая поцелуя, прижимаешь свою жену к стене и запускаешь свои пальцы в ее волосы. Ты прерываешь поцелуй и спускаешься ниже, на ее изящную шею. $NPCstat[0].name тяжело дышит.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "Honey... I have to go... I have so much to do today.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Милый... Мне надо идти... У меня так много дел сегодня.">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "So what?">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "И что с того?">>
<<en "You try to untie the waistband of her robe, but now the woman starts to resist.">>
<<ru "Ты пытаешься развязать пояс ее халата, но теперь девушка начинает сопротивляться.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "This isn't the right place, honey. Samantha might see us.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Это не самое подходящее место, милый. Саманта может увидеть нас.">>
<<en "You let your wife slip out of your arms.">>
<<ru "Ты позволяешь своей жене вырваться из твоих объятий.">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "All right. But I'll catch you tonight.">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Ладно. Но вечером я тобой займусь.">>
<<en "Smiling, $NPCstat[0].name heads up the stairs to the second floor. You return to the kitchen to finish your breakfast.">>
<<ru "Улыбнувшись, $NPCstat[0].name направляется по лестнице на второй этаж. Ты возвращаешься на кухню, чтобы закончить завтрак.">>
<<AddStat "mc" "confidence" 1 80>>
<<btnEventLink "Finish/Закончить" "Kitchen" "">>
<<case "breakfast(she ask to shave)">>
<<LocImg "misc" "breakfast on table" 0>>
<<if $mcLook.shave <= 50>>
<<en "As soon as you sit down at the table, you catch your wife's gaze. $NPCstat[0].name lifts her hand and brush her fingers across her chin.">>
<<ru "Стоит тебе сесть за стол, как ты ловишь на себе пристальный взгляд жены. $NPCstat[0].name поднимает руку и проводит ей вдоль своего подбородка, едва касаясь его пальцами.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "You really should shave, honey.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Тебе не помешало бы побриться, милый.">
<<en "You unconsciously touch your face, covered with stiff bristles.">>
<<ru "Ты невольно ощупываешь свое лицо, покрытое жесткой щетиной.">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "I'll think about it.">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Я подумаю об этом.">
<<en "You eat your breakfast and talk to your wife about stuff.">>
<<ru "Ты завтракаешь со своей женой.">>
<<en "You eat your breakfast and talk to your wife about stuff.">>
<<ru "Ты завтракаешь со своей женой.">>
<<btnEventLink "Finish/Закончить" "Kitchen" "">>
<<case "wife(evening)">>
<<NPCmedia "wife" "drinking coffee(kitchen)" 0>>
<<dlg_en 0 "Honey! How was your day? Wanna join me?">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Привет, милый. Как прошел твой день? Присоединишься?">>
<<if $WifeScenes.Dinner.variation == 1>>
<<btnEventLink "Have lunch with your wife/Поужинать со своей женой" "Wife Kitchen Events" "wife(eat lunch)(cake)" 1>>
<<elseif $WifeScenes.Dinner.variation == 2>>
<<btnEventLink "Have lunch with your wife/Поужинать со своей женой" "Wife Kitchen Events" "wife(eat lunch)(Jenny message)" 1>>
<<elseif $WifeScenes.Dinner.variation == 3>>
<<btnEventLink "Have lunch with your wife/Поужинать со своей женой" "Wife Kitchen Events" "wife(eat lunch)(complain A)" 1>>
<<elseif $WifeScenes.Dinner.variation == 4 or $WifeScenes.Dinner.variation == 5 and $WifePartying.drinkingdesire >= 60 and $time.weekday <= 4>>
<<btnEventLink "Have lunch with your wife/Поужинать со своей женой" "Wife Kitchen Events" "wife(eat lunch)(wanna drink)" 1>>
<<elseif $WifeScenes.Dinner.variation == 6>>
<<btnEventLink "Have lunch with your wife/Поужинать со своей женой" "Wife Kitchen Events" "wife(eat lunch)(barista message)" 1>>
<<btnEventLink "Have lunch with your wife/Поужинать со своей женой" "Wife Kitchen Events" "wife(eat lunch)" 1>>
<<btnEventLink "Leave/Уйти" "Kitchen" "">>
<<case "wife(evening)(maid cooking)">>
<<NPCmedia "wife" "drinking coffee(kitchen)" 0>>
<<dlg_en 0 "Honey! How was your day? Wanna join me?">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Привет, милый. Как прошел твой день? Присоединишься?">>
<<if $WifeScenes.Dinner.variation == 2>>
<<btnEventLink "Have lunch with your wife/Поужинать со своей женой" "Wife Kitchen Events" "wife(eat lunch)(Jenny message)" 1>>
<<elseif $WifeScenes.Dinner.variation == 3>>
<<btnEventLink "Have lunch with your wife/Поужинать со своей женой" "Wife Kitchen Events" "wife(eat lunch)(complain A)" 1>>
<<elseif $WifeScenes.Dinner.variation == 4 or $WifeScenes.Dinner.variation == 5 and $WifePartying.drinkingdesire >= 60 and $time.weekday <= 4>>
<<btnEventLink "Have lunch with your wife/Поужинать со своей женой" "Wife Kitchen Events" "wife(eat lunch)(wanna drink)" 1>>
<<elseif $WifeScenes.Dinner.variation == 6>>
<<btnEventLink "Have lunch with your wife/Поужинать со своей женой" "Wife Kitchen Events" "wife(eat lunch)(barista message)" 1>>
<<btnEventLink "Have lunch with your wife/Поужинать со своей женой" "Wife Kitchen Events" "wife(eat lunch)" 1>>
<<btnEventLink "Leave/Уйти" "Kitchen" "">>
<<case "wife(eat lunch)">>
<<LocImg "misc" "lunch on table" 0>>
<<en "You eat your dinner and talk to your wife about stuff.">>
<<ru "Ты ужинаешь со своей женой.">>
<<btnEventLink "Finish/Закончить" "Kitchen" "">>
<<case "wife(eat lunch)(cake)">>
<<LocImg "misc" "lunch on table(cake)" 0>>
<<en "You sit down at the table and start eating.">>
<<ru "Ты садишься за стол и приступаешь к ужину.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "$mc.name, you should try the cake Samantha made.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "$mc.name, ты просто обязан попробовать рулет, который испекла Саманта.">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "You know that sweets don't whet my appetite.">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Ты же знаешь, что я холоден к сладкому.">>
<<if $NPCstat[0].assertiveness >= 14>>
<<dlg_en 0 "That will change after you taste this masterpiece.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Это изменится после того, как ты попробуешь этот шедевр.">>
<<en "$NPCstat[0].name breaks off a piece of the roll with a spoon and brings it toward you.">>
<<ru "$NPCstat[0].name отламывает кусочек рулета с помощью ложки и подносит его к тебе.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "Open your mouth, honey.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Открой ротик, милый.">>
<<en "You raise your hand to take the spoon from your wife's hands, but she pushes your palm away.">>
<<ru "Ты поднимаешь руку, чтобы взять ложку из рук своей жены, но она отталкивает твою ладонь.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "Come on, open your mouth.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Давай, открой ротик.">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "Okay, okay, baby.">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Ладно, твоя взяла, крошка.">>
<<en "You open your mouth, and $NPCstat[0].name immediately shoves a piece of cake into it. The biscuit immediately melts and spreads across your tongue.">>
<<ru "Ты открываешь рот, и $NPCstat[0].name тут же засовывает в него кусок рулета. Бисквит тут же тает и растекается по твоему языку.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "How's that?">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Ну как?">>
<<th_en "I better compliment it, or she won't leave me alone.">>
<<th_ru "Лучше выдать похвалу, иначе она не отстанет.">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "You were right, it's delicious.">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Ты была права, очень вкусно.">>
<<en "$NPCstat[0].name squints at you.">>
<<ru "$NPCstat[0].name смотрит на тебя с прищуром.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "That doesn't sound very convincing. Looks like one bite's not enough for you.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Звучит неубедительно. Придется повторить.">>
<<en "Eventually, your wife feeds you half the roll.">>
<<ru "В итоге, твоя жена скармливает тебе половину рулета.">>
<<en "You eat your dinner and talk to your wife about stuff.">>
<<ru "Ты продолжаешь ужин со своей женой.">>
<<btnEventLink "Finish/Закончить" "Kitchen" "">>
<<case "wife(eat lunch)(Jenny message)">>
<<set $NPCmood[0].arousal = min(100, ($NPCmood[0].arousal + 20))>>
<<LocImg "misc" "lunch on table" 0>>
<<en "You eat your dinner and talk to your wife about stuff. At one point, a message pops up on her phone. $NPCstat[0].name looks at the screen and almost chokes on her coffee.">>
<<ru "Ты ужинаешь со своей женой. В один момент на ее телефон приходит сообщение. $NPCstat[0].name смотрит на экран и едва не давится кофе.">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "What's wrong, baby?">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Что случилось, крошка?">>
<<en "She wipes her mouth with her wrist.">>
<<ru "Она вытирает рот запястьем левой руки.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "Nothing important. It's just Jenny sent me an idiotic text.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Ничего особенно. Просто Дженни прислала мне идиотское сообщение.">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "Let me take a look at it.">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Дай мне взглянуть.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "No need, honey. It's women's stuff.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Не стоит, милый. Это всего лишь девичьи дела.">>
<<en "Your wife quickly types a reply to Jenny and puts the phone aside. You continue with dinner.">>
<<ru "Твоя жена быстро печатает ответ для Дженни и откладывает телефон в сторону. Вы продолжаете ужин.">>
<<btnEventLink "Finish/Закончить" "Kitchen" "">>
<<case "wife(eat lunch)(barista message)">>
<<LocImg "misc" "lunch on table" 0>>
<<en "You're having dinner with your wife. At one point, a message pops up on her phone. $NPCstat[0].name looks at the screen and quickly types a reply.">>
<<ru "Ты ужинаешь со своей женой. В один момент на ее телефон приходит сообщение. $NPCstat[0].name смотрит на экран и быстро печатает ответ.">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "Who was that?">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Кто это был?">>
<<dlg_en 0 "$NPCstat[$BakeryBaristaId].name texted me that she wanted to leave early.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Анна написала мне, что хочет уйти пораньше.">>
<<en "You hum in response. You continue with dinner.">>
<<ru "Ты хмыкаешь в ответ. Вы продолжаете ужин.">>
<<btnEventLink "Finish/Закончить" "Kitchen" "">>
<<case "wife(eat lunch)(complain A)">>
<<LocImg "misc" "lunch on table" 0>>
<<en "You eat your dinner and talk to your wife about stuff. She complains to you about the traffic in the city.">>
<<ru "Ты ужинаешь со своей женой. Она жалуется тебе на жуткие пробки в городе.">>
<<btnEventLink "Finish/Закончить" "Kitchen" "">>
<<case "wife(eat lunch)(wanna drink)">>
<<set $WifePartying.drinkingdesire = 0>>
<<set $NPCplans[0].evening = "drinking(pool bar)">>
<<set $NPCplans[0].dusk = "drinking(pool bar)">>
<<set $NPCplans[0].night = "drinking(pool bar)">>
<<LocImg "misc" "lunch on table" 0>>
<<en "You join your wife at the table.">>
<<ru "Ты присоединяешься к своей жене за столом.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "You know, honey, I'm not really hungry. How about we have a little drink instead of dinner?">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Знаешь, милый, я не очень голодна. Как насчет того, чтобы выпить немного вместо ужина?">>
<<btnEventLink "Drink with her/Выпить с ней" "Wife Kitchen Events" "wife(eat lunch)(wanna drink accept)">>
<<btnEventLink "Refuse her/Отказаться" "Wife Kitchen Events" "wife(eat lunch)(wanna drink refuse)">>
<<case "wife(eat lunch)(wanna drink accept)">>
<<set $WifeScenes.Dinner.drinkaccept = true>>
<<LocImg "mc_house" "pool bar">>
<<dlg_en 0 "You agree and, along with your wife, head to the pool bar.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Ты соглашаешься и, вместе со своей женой, направляешься в бар возле бассейна.">>
<<btnEventLink "Continue/Продолжить" "Wife Pool Bar Events" "drinking alone(drink) 2">>
<<case "wife(eat lunch)(wanna drink accept)">>
<<set $WifeScenes.Dinner.drinkrefuse = true>>
<<LocImg "mc_house" "pool bar">>
<<dlg_en 0 "You refuse, and your wife goes to the pool bar alone.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Ты отказываешься, и твоя жена отправляется в бар в одиночестве.">>
<<btnEventLink "Finish/Закончить" "Kitchen" "">>
<<include "Downtown Event Hub">>
<<switch $location.sub>>
<<case "">>
<<LocImg "gym" "main">>
<<set _navid = 0>>
<<set $NavigationSlot = []>>
<<set $NavigationSlotName = []>>
<<set $NavigationSlotSub = []>>
<<set $NavigationSlot[_navid] = "Reception Area">>
<<set $NavigationSlotName[_navid] = "Reception Area/Ресепшн">>
<<set $NavigationSlotSub[_navid] = "reception area">>
<<set _navid += 1>>
<<set $NavigationSlot[_navid] = "Exercise Room">>
<<set $NavigationSlotName[_navid] = "Exercise Room/Зона тренировок">>
<<set $NavigationSlotSub[_navid] = "exercise room">>
<<set _navid += 1>>
<<set $NavigationSlot[_navid] = "Fitness Classroom">>
<<set $NavigationSlotName[_navid] = "Fitness Classroom/Зал для групповых занятий">>
<<set $NavigationSlotSub[_navid] = "fitness classroom">>
<<set _navid += 1>>
<<set $NavigationSlot[_navid] = "Male Locker Room">>
<<set $NavigationSlotName[_navid] = "Male Locker Room/Мужская раздевалка">>
<<set $NavigationSlotSub[_navid] = "male lockroom">>
<<set _navid += 1>>
<<set $NavigationSlot[_navid] = "Female Locker Room">>
<<set $NavigationSlotName[_navid] = "Female Locker Room/Женская раздевалка">>
<<set $NavigationSlotSub[_navid] = "female lockroom">>
<<set _navid += 1>>
<<set _navid -= 1>>
<<NavigationTable _navid>>
<<btnLink "Leave" "Downtown Map" "">>
<<case "reception area">>
<<LocImg "gym" "reception area">>
<<en "You can buy a membership to this center here. There is also a vending machine with protein bars and energy drinks.">>
<<ru "Здесь вы можете купить членство в этот центр. Также здесь стоит торговый автомат с протеиновыми батончиками и энергетическими напитками.">>
<<btnLink "Leave" "Fitness Center" "">>
<<case "exercise room">>
<<LocImg "gym" "exercise room">>
<<if $NPCstat[1].location == "Exercise Room">>
<<en "You see Samantha working out on the machines.">>
<<ru "Ты видишь Саманту, занимающуюся на тренажерах.">>
<<btnEventLink "Approach her/Подойти к ней" "Samantha Gym Events" "main">>
<<btnLink "Leave" "Fitness Center" "">>
<<case "fitness classroom">>
<<if $NPCstat[0].location == "Fitness Classroom">>
<<NPCmedia "wife" "doing yoga(mini)" 0>>
<<en "You see $NPCstat[0].name doing yoga here.">>
<<ru "Ты видишь, как $NPCstat[0].name занимается йогой.">>
<<LocImg "gym" "fitness classroom">>
<<btnLink "Leave" "Fitness Center" "">>
<<case "male lockroom">>
<<LocImg "gym" "male lockroom">>
<<btnLink "Leave" "Fitness Center" "">>
<<case "female lockroom">>
<<LocImg "gym" "female lockroom">>
<<btnLink "Leave" "Fitness Center" "">>
<<case "shower">>
<<LocImg "gym" "shower">>
<<btnLink "Leave" "Fitness Center" "">>
<<include "Downtown Event Hub">>
<<switch $location.sub>>
<<case "">>
<<LocImg "club" "facade">>
<<btnLink "Enter" "Night Club" "floor">>
<<btnLink "Leave club" "Downtown Map" "">>
/* ------------------------------ Tutorial ------------------------------ */
<<if $TutorialOn>>
<<if $time.date == 5 and $time.daytime == 4>>
<center><b><font size="5"><<en "Tutorial">></font></b></center>
<center><b><font size="5"><<ru "Обучение">></font></b></center>
<<en "The end of the week is the most free part of the game (except for the first two weeks). You can act in any way you like. For example, you can find your wife and ask her out. Or you can go to a club and find some entertainment here.">>
<<ru "Конец недели - это наиболее свободная часть игры (кроме первых двух недель). Вы можете действовать как вам угодно. Например, вы можете найти вашу жену и пригласить ее на свидание. Или вы можете пойти в клуб и найти какое-нибудь развлечение здесь.">>
<<case "floor">>
<<LocImg "club" "entrance">>
<<if $NPCstat[0].location == "Night Club" and $NPCstat[2].location == "Night Club">>
<<if $time.daytime == 5>>
<br>In the semi-darkness of the club you see two familiar figures, $NPCstat[0].name and Jenny. They are sitting at a table near the bar, talking about something.
<<elseif $time.daytime == 6>>
<br>In the semi-darkness of the club you see two familiar figures, $NPCstat[0].name and Jenny. They're having fun on the dance floor, shaking their curves against each other.
<<elseif $time.daytime == 7>>
<br>In the semi-darkness of the club you see two familiar figures, $NPCstat[0].name and Jenny. They are sitting at a table near the bar, talking about something.
<<if $time.weekday == 4 and $time.daytime >= 4 and $NPCstat[8].meet == false>>
<<set _inf = "Find " + $NPCstat[5].name>>
<<btnEventLink _inf "Mila First Meet" "meet">>
<<if $time.date > 14 and $time.weekday == 4 and $time.daytime >= 4 and $NPCstat[8].meet and $NPCstat[9].meet == false>>
<<set _inf = "Find " + $NPCstat[5].name>>
<<btnEventLink _inf "Rhea First Meet" "find paul">>
<<if $NPCstat[8].location == "Night Club" and $MilaApartment.rented>>
You see Mila's figure in the crowd, but you have no desire to approach her.
<<btnLink "Bar Counter" "Night Club" "bar counter">>
<<btnLink "Leave club" "Downtown Map" "">>
<<case "bar counter">>
<<LocImg "club" "bar counter">>
<<if $NPCstat[8].meet and MilaCurrentPlan() == "clubbing">>
<<if $NPCsexmemory[8].vaginal == 0 and $NPCstat[10].meet == false>>
<br>As you look around the club, you notice Mila in the corner. Looks like she noticed you, too.
<<btnEventLink "Drink alone" "Mila Club Sub Events" "approach" 1>>
<<elseif $NPCstat[10].meet and $MilaApartment.rented == false>>
<br>As you look around the club, you notice Mila in the corner. Looks like she noticed you, too.
<<btnEventLink "Drink alone" "Mila Club Sub Events" "approach" 1>>
<<elseif $NPCsexmemory[8].vaginal >= 1 and $MilaApartment.rented == false>>
<br>As you look around the club, you notice Mila in the corner. Looks like she noticed you, too.
<<btnEventLink "Approach her" "Mila Club Dom Events" "approach">>
<<btnLink "Drink alone" "Night Club" "drink alone" 1>>
<<btnLink "Leave" "Night Club" "floor">>
<<case "drink alone">>
<<LocImg "club" "bar counter">>
<br>You take a few shots. Now you're a bit drunk.
<<btnLink "Finish" "Night Club" "floor">>
<<include "Downtown Event Hub">>
<<switch $location.sub>>
<<case "">>
<<if $NPCstat[0].location == "Bakery Shop" and $NPCstat[2].location == "Bakery Shop">>
<<LocImg "downtown" "bakery">>
<<en "This little bakery shop belongs to your wife. She's usually here two or three hours a day, but sometimes she stays late into the evening.">>
<<ru "Эта небольшая булочная принадлежит твоей жене. Она обычно находится здесь два или три часа в день, но иногда задерживается и до вечера.">>
<<en "The young woman behind the counter smiles warmly at you.">>
<<ru "Стоящая за прилавком молодая девушка тепло улыбается тебе.">>
<<dlg_en $BakeryBaristaId "Good afternoon, Mr. $mc.lastname.">>
<<dlg_ru $BakeryBaristaId "Добрый день, мистер $mc.lastname.">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "Good afternoon, $NPCstat[$BakeryBaristaId].name. Is $NPCstat[0].name here?">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Добрый день, $NPCstat[$BakeryBaristaId].name. $NPCstat[0].name здесь?">>
<<dlg_en $BakeryBaristaId "Yes, she's in her office with her friend right now.">>
<<dlg_ru $BakeryBaristaId "Да, она сейчас в своем офисе, вместе с ее подругой.">>
<<btnEventLink "Visit your wife/Посетить свою жену" "Wife Bakery Events" "main office(Jenny)">>
<<btnLink "Leave/Уйти" "Downtown Map" "">>
<<elseif $NPCstat[0].location == "Bakery Shop">>
<<if $WifeScenes.Bakery.variation >= 16>>
<<LocImg "downtown" "bakery">>
<<en "This little bakery shop belongs to your wife. She's usually here two or three hours a day, but sometimes she stays late into the evening.">>
<<ru "Эта небольшая булочная принадлежит твоей жене. Она обычно находится здесь два или три часа в день, но иногда задерживается и до вечера.">>
<<en "Once inside, you see your wife talking with the barista. She turns around and notices you.">>
<<ru "Зайдя внутрь, ты видишь свою жену, о чем-то разговаривающую с баристой. Она оборачивается и замечает тебя.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "Honey! What brings you here?">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Милый. Что тебя сюда привело?">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "Do I need an excuse to visit my lovely wife?">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Разве мне нужна причина, чтобы зайти к моей любимой жене?">>
<<dlg_en 0 "Of course not! I'm always happy to see you. Come here.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Конечно же нет! Я всегда рада тебя видеть. Иди ко мне.">>
<<en "You walk up to her and give her a kiss. Then, you salute the barista.">>
<<ru "Ты подходишь к своей жене и даришь ей быстрый поцелуй. Затем, ты приветствуешь баристу.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "So, do you wanna stay for a while and talk? $NPCstat[$BakeryBaristaId].name can make us coffee.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Хочешь остаться и немного поболтать? $NPCstat[$BakeryBaristaId].name может сделать нам кофе.">>
<<btnEventLink "Go to her office/Идти в ее офис" "Wife Bakery Events" "main office(alt)">>
<<btnLink "Leave/Уйти" "Downtown Map" "">>
<<LocImg "downtown" "bakery">>
<<en "This little bakery shop belongs to your wife. She's usually here two or three hours a day, but sometimes she stays late into the evening.">>
<<ru "Эта небольшая булочная принадлежит твоей жене. Она обычно находится здесь два или три часа в день, но иногда задерживается и до вечера.">>
<<en "The young woman behind the counter smiles warmly at you.">>
<<ru "Стоящая за прилавком молодая девушка тепло улыбается тебе.">>
<<dlg_en $BakeryBaristaId "Good afternoon, Mr. $mc.lastname.">>
<<dlg_ru $BakeryBaristaId "Добрый день, мистер $mc.lastname.">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "Good afternoon, $NPCstat[$BakeryBaristaId].name. Is $NPCstat[0].name here?">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Добрый день, $NPCstat[$BakeryBaristaId].name. $NPCstat[0].name здесь?">>
<<dlg_en $BakeryBaristaId "Yes, she's in her office right now.">>
<<dlg_ru $BakeryBaristaId "Да, она сейчас в своем офисе.">>
<<btnEventLink "Visit your wife/Посетить свою жену" "Wife Bakery Events" "main office">>
<<btnLink "Leave/Уйти" "Downtown Map" "">>
<<LocImg "downtown" "bakery">>
<<en "This little bakery shop belongs to your wife. She's usually here two or three hours a day, but sometimes she stays late into the evening.">>
<<ru "Эта небольшая булочная принадлежит твоей жене. Она обычно находится здесь два или три часа в день, но иногда задерживается и до вечера.">>
<<en "The young woman behind the counter smiles warmly at you.">>
<<ru "Стоящая за прилавком молодая девушка тепло улыбается тебе.">>
<<dlg_en $BakeryBaristaId "Good afternoon, Mr. $mc.lastname.">>
<<dlg_ru $BakeryBaristaId "Добрый день, мистер $mc.lastname.">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "Good afternoon, $NPCstat[$BakeryBaristaId].name. Is $NPCstat[0].name here?">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Добрый день, $NPCstat[$BakeryBaristaId].name. $NPCstat[0].name здесь?">>
<<if $time.daytime <= 1>>
<<dlg_en $BakeryBaristaId "No, sir, she hasn't arrived yet.">>
<<dlg_ru $BakeryBaristaId "Нет, сэр, она еще не прибыла.">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "I see, in that case, make me an espresso.">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Ясно. Тогда, сделай мне чашку экспрессо.">>
<<dlg_en $BakeryBaristaId "Unfortunately, she recently left.">>
<<dlg_ru $BakeryBaristaId "К сожалению, она недавно уехала.">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "I see, in that case, make me an espresso.">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Ясно. Тогда, сделай мне чашку экспрессо.">>
<<en "You sit for a while and enjoy your coffee.">>
<<ru "Ты проводишь время в булочной, наслаждаясь кофе.">>
<<btnLink "Leave/Уйти" "Downtown Map" "">>
<<include "Downtown Event Hub">>
<<switch $location.sub>>
<<case "">>
<<LocImg "mall" "hallway">>
<<set _navid = 0>>
<<set $NavigationSlot = []>>
<<set $NavigationSlotName = []>>
<<set $NavigationSlotSub = []>>
<<set $NavigationSlot[0] = "Shoe Shop">>
<<set $NavigationSlotName[0] = "Kitty Paws">>
<<set $NavigationSlotSub[0] = "mall(shoe shop)">>
<<set _navid += 1>>
<<set $NavigationSlot[1] = "Fashion Shop A">>
<<set $NavigationSlotName[1] = "Gift Ribbon">>
<<set $NavigationSlotSub[1] = "mall(fashion shop a)">>
<<set _navid += 1>>
<<set $NavigationSlot[2] = "Fashion Shop B">>
<<set $NavigationSlotName[2] = "Bilbo'n Me">>
<<set $NavigationSlotSub[2] = "mall(fashion shop b)">>
<<set _navid += 1>>
<<set $NavigationSlot[3] = "Sex Shop">>
<<set $NavigationSlotName[3] = "Maiden's Pleasure">>
<<set $NavigationSlotSub[3] = "mall(sex shop)">>
<<set _navid += 1>>
<<set $NavigationSlot[4] = "Recreation Area">>
<<set $NavigationSlotName[4] = "Recreation Area">>
<<set $NavigationSlotSub[4] = "mall(recreation)">>
<<set _navid += 1>>
<<set _navid -= 1>>
<<NavigationTable 4>>
<<btnLink "Leave" "Downtown Map" "">>
<<case "mall(shoe shop)">>
<<LocImg "mall" "shoe shop">>
<br><<TH "I have nothing to do here.">>
<<btnLink "Leave" "Mall" "">>
<<case "mall(fashion shop a)">>
<<LocImg "mall" "fashion shop a">>
<br><<TH "I have nothing to do here.">>
<<btnLink "Leave" "Mall" "">>
<<case "mall(fashion shop b)">>
<<LocImg "mall" "fashion shop b">>
<br><<TH "I have nothing to do here.">>
<<btnLink "Leave" "Mall" "">>
<<case "mall(sex shop)">>
<<LocImg "mall" "sex shop">>
<<if $PsyTopic[0].stage == 5 and not mcHaveThongs()>>
<<btnLink "Buy thongs" "Mall" "sex shop(buy thongs)">>
<br><<TH "I have nothing to do here.">>
<<btnLink "Leave" "Mall" "">>
<<case "sex shop(buy thongs)">>
<<if $ThongsColor == "blue">><<set $mcItemHave[$mcItem.havecount] = "blue thongs">><</if>>
<<if $ThongsColor == "purple">><<set $mcItemHave[$mcItem.havecount] = "purple thongs">><</if>>
<<if $ThongsColor == "green">><<set $mcItemHave[$mcItem.havecount] = "green thongs">><</if>>
<<if $ThongsColor == "red">><<set $mcItemHave[$mcItem.havecount] = "red thongs">><</if>>
<<if $ThongsColor == "gold">><<set $mcItemHave[$mcItem.havecount] = "gold thongs">><</if>>
<<if $ThongsColor == "silver">><<set $mcItemHave[$mcItem.havecount] = "silver thongs">><</if>>
<<set $mcItem.havecount += 1>>
<<LocImg "mall" "sex shop">>
<br>After looking around a couple of times, you come to the shelves with accessories for men. Of course, the chance that you might meet someone you know here is pretty low, but it's better to double-check.
<br>You browse through the thongs stretched out on metal hangers.
<br><<TH "Damn, this is some bullshit. Am I really gonna do this?">>
<br>Suddenly you freeze as soon as a $ThongsColor thong comes into your hands. Something deep inside you tells you that this is exactly what you're looking for.
<<set $money.pocket -= 50>>
<<btnLink "Buy them and hurry out of the store" "Mall" "">>
<<case "mall(recreation)">>
<<LocImg "mall" "recreation area">>
<br><<TH "I have nothing to do here.">>
<<btnLink "Leave" "Mall" "">>
<</switch>><<switch $EventMark>>
<<case "main office">>
<<NPCmedia "wife" "bakery meet" 0>>
<<en "As you enter your wife's office, you find her seated at her desk, intently peering at her laptop screen while spinning her pen thoughtfully in her fingers.">>
<<ru "Зайдя в офис своей жены, ты видишь ее, сидящей за своим столом и рассматривающей что-то на экране ноутбука. В руках девушка крутит перьевую ручку.">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "Hi there!">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Ну, привет!">>
<<dlg_en 0 "Oh! You startled me. What brings you here, honey?">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Ох, ты испугал меня. Что тебя привело, милый?">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "Do I need an excuse to visit my lovely wife?">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Разве мне нужна причина, чтобы зайти к моей любимой жене?">>
<<dlg_en 0 "Of course not! I'm always happy to see you. Come here.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Конечно же нет! Я всегда рада тебя видеть. Иди ко мне.">>
<<en "You walk up to her, lean in, and give her a deep kiss. Your tongue slides into her mouth as she eagerly responds to you.">>
<<ru "Ты подходишь к своей жене, наклоняешься и даришь ей крепкий поцелуй. Он охотно отвечает тебе, позволяя твоему языку проникнуть в ее милый ротик.">>
<<en "Finally, she breaks the kiss and sighs softly.">>
<<ru "Наконец, она прерывает поцелуй и выдыхает.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "That was sweet. So, do you wanna stay for a while and talk? $NPCstat[$BakeryBaristaId].name can make us coffee.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Это было мило. Хочешь остаться и немного поболтать? $NPCstat[$BakeryBaristaId].name может сделать нам кофе.">>
<<btnEventLink "Spend time with your wife/Провести время со своей женой" "Wife Bakery Events" "main office(casual talk)" 1>>
<<btnEventLink "Have fun with your wife/Позабавиться со своей женой" "Wife Bakery Events" "sex with wife(start)" 1>>
<<btnEventLink "Leave/Уйти" "Downtown Map" "">>
<<case "main office(casual talk)">>
<<NPCmedia "wife" "bakery meet" 0>>
<<dlg_en "mc" "Of course, I can stay.">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Конечно, я могу остаться.">>
<<en "You wait for $NPCstat[$BakeryBaristaId].name to bring you coffee.">>
<<ru "Ты ждешь, пока $NPCstat[$BakeryBaristaId].name не принесет тебе кофе.">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "So, how was your day?">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Итак, как прошел твоей день?">>
<<dlg_en 0 "Oh, what interesting things can happen in a common bakery?">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Брось, что интересного может случиться в обычной булочной?">>
<<en "You spend some time with your wife.">>
<<ru "Ты проводишь время со своей женой.">>
<<btnEventLink "Leave/Уйти" "Downtown Map" "">>
<<case "main office(alt)">>
<<NPCmedia "wife" "bakery meet" 0>>
<<en "Both of you walk into your wife's office. $NPCstat[0].name immediately heads to her desk.">>
<<ru "Вы вдвоем заходите в офис твоей жены. $NPCstat[0].name сразу же направляется к своему столу.">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "So, how was your day?">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Итак, как прошел твоей день?">>
<<dlg_en 0 "Oh, what interesting things can happen in a common bakery? Take a seat on the couch and I'll tell you all about it.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Брось, что интересного может случиться в обычной булочной? Садись на диван, и я тебе все расскажу.">>
<<btnEventLink "Spend time with your wife/Провести время со своей женой" "Wife Bakery Events" "main office(casual talk)(alt)" 1>>
<<btnEventLink "Have fun with your wife/Позабавиться со своей женой" "Wife Bakery Events" "sex with wife(start)" 1>>
<<btnEventLink "Leave/Уйти" "Downtown Map" "">>
<<case "main office(casual talk)(alt)">>
<<NPCmedia "wife" "bakery meet" 0>>
<<en "You spend some time with your wife.">>
<<ru "Ты проводишь время со своей женой.">>
<<btnEventLink "Leave/Уйти" "Downtown Map" "">>
<<case "main office(Jenny)">>
<<run setCharBlockMemory(2, $time.daytime, "visit bakery(interrupted)")>>
<<NPCmedia "wife" "bakery meet" 0>>
<<en "You walk into your wife's office. The girls are sitting on the couch and chatting enthusiastically about something.">>
<<ru "Ты входишь в кабинет своей жены. Девушки сидят на диване и о чем-то увлеченно болтают.">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "Hi there!">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Приветствую, дамы!">>
<<dlg_en 2 "Oh, $mc.name, what a sweet surprise!">>
<<dlg_ru 2 "Надо же, какой сюрприз! Сам $mc.name!">>
<<en "Jenny smirks cockily.">>
<<ru "Дженни задиристо ухмыляется.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "Hey honey!">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Милый!">>
<<en "Your wife gets up from the couch and hugs you.">>
<<ru "Твоя жена встает с дивана, чтобы обнять тебя.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "Do you wanna stay for a while and talk? I can ask $NPCstat[$BakeryBaristaId].name to make coffee for you.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Хочешь остаться и поболтать с нами? $NPCstat[$BakeryBaristaId].name сделает кофе для тебя.">>
<<btnEventLink "Stay and talk with girls/Остаться и провести время с девушками" "Wife Bakery Events" "main office(Jenny)(stay)" 1>>
<<btnEventLink "Say you need to go/Сказать что тебе нужно идти" "Wife Bakery Events" "main office(Jenny)(leave)">>
<<case "main office(Jenny)(stay)">>
<<NPCmedia "wife" "bakery meet" 0>>
<<en "You stay, to Jenny's great displeasure. Perhaps she wanted to influence your wife somehow in their conversation, but you confuse her plans. However, after some time, Jenny manages to steal $NPCstat[0].name away on the excuse of a planned visit to the beauty salon.">>
<<ru "Ты остаешься, к великому неудовольствию Дженни. Возможно, она хотела как-то повлиять на твою жену в их разговоре, но ты спутал ее планы. Все же, спустя некоторое время, у Дженни получается увести твою жену под предлогом запланированного визита в салон красоты.">>
<<btnLink "Leave/Уйти" "Downtown Map" "">>
<<case "main office(Jenny)(leave)">>
<<run setCharBlockMemory(2, $time.daytime, "visit bakery")>>
<<NPCmedia "wife" "bakery meet" 0>>
<<dlg_en "mc" "No need. I'm just stopping by for a minute.">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Я просто проезжал мимо и решил заглянуть. Так что я уже ухожу.">>
<<th_en "I don't wanna listen the bullshit that comes out of Jenny's mouth.">>
<<th_ru "Я не хочу слушать ту чушь, которая вылетает из уст Дженни.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "I wish you'd stay. But we always can chat later, at home.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Я бы хотела, чтобы ты остался. Но мы всегда можем поболтать позже, дома.">>
<<if $WifeFacesitting.status == "Jenny wanna show">>
<<dlg_en 2 "Let him go, $NPCstat[0].name. Here, I wanna show you a fascinating video.">>
<<dlg_ru 2 "Пусть идет, $NPCstat[0].name. Лучше возвращайся на диван, я кое-что хочу тебе показать.">>
<<btnLink "Leave/Уйти" "Downtown Map" "">>
/* *************** HOT SCENES *************** */
<<case "sex with wife(start)">>
<<NPCmedia "wife" "bakery meet" 0>>
<<dlg_en "mc" "Actually, I have a better idea.">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "У меня есть идея получше.">>
<<set _txt_en = "You walk up to your wife. She turns around in her chair, and you lean toward her and place a kiss on her lips. ">>
<<set _txt_ru = "Ты подходишь к своей жене. Она разворачивается в кресле, ты наклоняешься к ней и целуешь в губы. ">>
<<if $time.weekday == 0>>
<<set _txt_en += "At first, $NPCstat[0].name eagerly responds to your actions, but then she rests her hands on your chest and gently pushes you away.">>
<<set _txt_ru += "Поначалу, $NPCstat[0].name охотно отвечает на твои действия, но затем она упирается руками тебе в грудь и отталкивает.">>
<<en _txt_en>>
<<ru _txt_ru>>
<<if $NPCstat[0].assertiveness < 15 and $NPCstat[0].lordliness < 15>>
<<dlg_en 0 "Sorry, honey. I'm little busy today. It's start of the week, you know.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Извини, милый, я немного занята. Сегодня ведь понедельник, надеюсь, ты поймешь.">>
<<en "You straighten up and take a step back.">>
<<ru "Ты выпрямляешься и отходишь назад.">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "All right. Then let's leave it at just coffee.">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Хорошо, тогда ограничимся кофе.">>
<<en "You wait for $NPCstat[$BakeryBaristaId].name to bring you coffee.">>
<<ru "Ты ждешь, пока $NPCstat[$BakeryBaristaId].name не принесет тебе кофе.">>
<<en "You spend some time with your wife.">>
<<ru "Ты проводишь время со своей женой.">>
<<btnEventLink "Leave/Уйти" "Downtown Map" "">>
<<elseif $WifePussyWorship.undertablebakery >= 1 and $NPCstat[0].assertiveness >= 22>>
<br><<PHR 0 "Can't you see I'm busy? It's start of the week, you know.">>
<br>You straighten up and take a step back.
<br><<PHR "mc" "All right. Then let's leave it at just coffee.">>
<br>Your wife reaches for the phone to call the $NPCstat[$BakeryBaristaId].name, but at the last moment her hand stops. $NPCstat[0].name takes her previous position and turns to you.
<br><<PHR 0 "Actually, we can find a compromise.">>
<br>She moves back in her chair.
<br><<PHR 0 "How about you crawl under my table and give me a good licking, like only you can?">>
<br><<PHR "mc" "You know, I'm starting to wonder...">>
<br><<PHR 0 "Come on! I know you're in love with that pussy. So hurry up and get under the table.">>
<br>$NPCstat[0].name taps on the edge of the table, as if inviting you.
<<btnEventLink "Move under table" "Wife Bakery Events" "cuni under table(busy work)">>
<<dlg_en 0 "Can't you see I'm busy? It's start of the week, you know.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Ты не видишь, что я занята? Неделя только началась, сам понимаешь.">>
<<en "You straighten up and take a step back.">>
<<ru "Ты выпрямляешься и отходишь назад.">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "All right. Then let's leave it at just coffee.">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Хорошо, тогда ограничимся кофе.">>
<<en "You wait for $NPCstat[$BakeryBaristaId].name to bring you coffee.">>
<<ru "Ты ждешь, пока $NPCstat[$BakeryBaristaId].name не принесет тебе кофе.">>
<<en "You spend some time with your wife.">>
<<ru "Ты проводишь время со своей женой.">>
<<btnEventLink "Leave/Уйти" "Downtown Map" "">>
<<set _txt_en += "$NPCstat[0].name eagerly responds to your actions.">>
<<set _txt_ru += "$NPCstat[0].name охотно отвечает на твои действия.">>
<<en _txt_en>>
<<ru _txt_ru>>
<<btnEventLink "Start unbuttoning your pants/Начать расстегивать штаны" "Wife Bakery Events" "sex with wife(blowjob)">>
<<btnEventLink "Put your wife on the table/Поднять твою жену на стол" "Wife Bakery Events" "sex with wife(cuni)">>
<<case "sex with wife(blowjob)">>
<<set $NPCsexmemory[0].blowjob += 1>>
<<NPCmedia "wife" "bakery table blowjob" 1>>
<<en "You interrupt the kiss and start unbuckling your belt. $NPCstat[0].name coils her hair behind her ear and, as soon as you pull out your cock, starts blowing you. She grips your thigh with one hand and plays with your balls with the other. All you need to do is enjoy the process.">>
<<ru "Ты прерываешь поцелуй и начинаешь расстегивать ремень на своих штанах. $NPCstat[0].name откидывает свои волосы назад и, стоит тебе достать свой член, набрасываетс на него и начинает сосать. Одной рукой она упирается в твое бедро, а второй принимается играть с твоим шарами. Все, что тебе остается, - наслаждаться процессом.">>
<<btnEventLink "Stop your wife and put her on the table/Остановить ее и загнуть раком" "Wife Bakery Events" "sex with wife(sex)">>
<<case "sex with wife(sex)">>
<<set $NPCsexmemory[0].vaginal += 1>>
<<NPCmedia "wife" "bakery table doggy" 1>>
<<en "You stop your wife and with one tug lift her out of her chair and turn her to face the table. $NPCstat[0].name rests her hands on it and sticks her ass out. You pull down her skirt along with her panties and place your cock against her pussy. In one sharp thrust you go inside her.">>
<<ru "Ты останавливаешь свою жену, одним рывком поднимаешь ее с кресла и поворачиваешь лицом к столу. $NPCstat[0].name упирается руками о столешницу и выставляет ее аппетитный зад. Ты стягиваешь ее юбку вместе с трусиками и приставляешь своего гиганта к киске своей жены. Затем ты резко входишь внутрь.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "Oh, fuck!">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Ох!">>
<<en "You put your arm around your wife's waist and start hammering her. Her moans fill the office, and and the idea that the customers in the bakery might hear her crosses your mind. But you don't give a fuck about it anyway. You plant the girl's leg on the table and speed up the pace.">>
<<ru "Ты обхватываешь свою жену за талию и начинаешь долбить ее. Ее стоны наполняют офис, и мысль о том, что посетители булочной могу услышать вас, приходит в твою голову. Впрочем, тебе наплевать на то, что они могут подумать. Ты поднимаешь одну из ног девушки и ускоряешь темп.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "You cock is amazing, honey! Oh, don't stop!">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Твой член прекрасен, милый! Не останавливайся!">>
<<en "You feel her pussy start squeezing around your cock, and soon $NPCstat[0].name begins to cum. You also feel that you are close to the finish.">>
<<ru "Ты чувствуешь как ее киска начинает сжиматься вокруг твоего члена, и вскоре $NPCstat[0].name начинает кончать. Ты тоже чувствуешь, что близок к финалу.">>
<<btnEventLink "Cum on her pussy/Кончить" "Wife Bakery Events" "sex with wife(end)">>
<<case "sex with wife(sex_a)">>
<<set $NPCsexmemory[0].vaginal += 1>>
<<NPCmedia "wife" "bakery table doggy" 1>>
<<en "You pull your wife off and turn her to face the table. $NPCstat[0].name rests her hands on it and sticks her ass out. You pull down her skirt along with her panties and place your cock against her pussy. In one sharp thrust you go inside her.">>
<<ru "Ты стягиваешь свою жену вниз и разворачиваешь лицом к столу. $NPCstat[0].name упирается об него руками и выпячивает задницу. Ты стягиваешь с нее юбку заодно с трусами и пристраиваешь свой член к ее киске. Одним резким движением, ты входишь внутрь.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "Oh, fuck!">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Ох, блять!">>
<<en "You put your arm around your wife's waist and start hammering her. Her moans fill the office, and and the idea that the customers in the bakery might hear her crosses your mind. But you don't give a fuck about it anyway. You plant the girl's leg on the table and speed up the pace.">>
<<ru "Ты стягиваешь свою жену вниз и разворачиваешь лицом к столу. $NPCstat[0].name упирается об него руками и выпячивает задницу. Ты стягиваешь с нее юбку заодно с трусами и пристраиваешь свой член к ее киске. Одним резким движением, ты входишь внутрь. Ты поднимаешь ногу девушки на стол и ускоряешь темп.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "You cock is amazing, honey! Oh, don't stop!">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Твой член прекрасен, милый! Не останавливайся!">>
<<en "You feel her pussy start squeezing around your cock, and soon $NPCstat[0].name begins to cum. You also feel that you are close to the finish.">>
<<ru "Ты чувствуешь как ее киска начинает сжиматься вокруг твоего члена, и вскоре $NPCstat[0].name начинает кончать. Ты тоже чувствуешь, что близок к финалу.">>
<<btnEventLink "Cum on her pussy/Кончить" "Wife Bakery Events" "sex with wife(end)">>
<<case "sex with wife(end)">>
<<set $NPCmood[0].arousal = 0>>
<<NPCmedia "wife" "bakery table end" 1>>
<<en "You keep banging $NPCstat[0].name, trying to hold off as long as possible. Your wife moans like a crazy, and her pussy drips love juices over your shaft. Finally, you pull out your cock and explode with jets of cum on your wife's pussy. Exhausted, you fall back onto the chair. $NPCstat[0].name, on the other hand, continues to lie on the table, breathing heavily. Her round ass and pussy, covered in your semen, are right in front of you.">>
<<ru "Ты продолжаешь трахать $NPCstat[0].name, пытаясь продержаться как можно дольше. Твоя жена стонет, словно она не в себе, и ее любовные флюиды брызгают на твой стержень. Наконец, ты вытаскиваешь свой член и спускаешь на киску твоей жены. Изнеможденный, ты падаешь в кресло. $NPCstat[0].name же продолжает лежать на столе, тяжело дыша. Ее круглый зад и киска, покрытая твоим семенем, находятся прямо перед твоими глазами.">>
<<th_en "Yeah, this ass is all mine.">>
<<th_ru "Да, эта задница принадлежит только мне.">>
<<en "You slap the girl on the buttock.">>
<<ru "Ты шлепаешь девушку.">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "Time to get up, baby!">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Хватит валяться, милая!">>
<<dlg_en 0 "Ugh, okay.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Ох, ладно.">>
<<en "$NPCstat[0].name pulls wipes out of her desk drawer and you start making yourselves presentable. Finally, you kiss your wife and walk out of her office.">>
<<ru "$NPCstat[0].name достает салфетки из ящика стола и вы начинает приводить себя в порядок. В конце, ты целуешь свою жену и выходишь из ее офиса.">>
<<btnEventLink "Finish/Закончить" "Downtown Map" "">>
<<case "sex with wife(cuni)">>
<<set $NPCsexmemory[0].pussylicking += 1>>
<<NPCmedia "wife" "bakery table cuni" 1>>
<br>With one tug you lift your wife out of her chair and seat her on the table. $NPCstat[0].name spreads her legs, giving you a view of her black panties. You get in the chair and lean in close to her crotch. She pushes the strip of fabric aside, giving you access to her pussy.
<br>You begin to work your tongue enthusiastically, feeling your wife's fingers slide between your hair. $NPCstat[0].name gently presses your head closer to her pussy.
<<if $NPCsexmemory[0].pussylicking >= 2 and $NPCstat[0].assertiveness >= 15>>
<<if $WifePussyWorship.undertablebakery == 0>>
<br>After a while, your wife stops you. She tugs your hair back so that your head is tilted up and your gazes meet.
<br><<PHR 0 "Oh, honey, I love your tongue so much!">>
<br>She giggles and there's a mischievous sparkles in her eyes.
<br><<PHR 0 "You know, I have a crazy idea. You've probably seen those videos of the secretary hiding under her boss's desk and then someone else walks into the office. I want to see if this scenario is realistic.">>
<br><<PHR "mc" "Oh, I like the way you think.">>
<br>You start pushing the chair back.
<br><<PHR 0 "You got me wrong, honey. I'll be the one who sits in the chair.">>
<br>Your eyes widen in surprise.
<<set _txt = "You're going to crawl under the table and give me a good licking, but before that I'm going to ask " + $NPCstat[$BakeryBaristaId].name + " to bring me coffee. Come on, it'll be so hot!">>
<br><<PHR 0 _txt>>
<br><<PHR "mc" "You know, I'm starting to wonder...">>
<br><<PHR 0 "Come on! I know you're in love with that pussy. So hurry up and get under the table.">>
<br>$NPCstat[0].name taps on the edge of the table, as if inviting you.
<<btnEventLink "Move under table" "Wife Bakery Events" "cuni under table(first)">>
<br>After a while, your wife stops you. She tugs your hair back so that your head is tilted up and your gazes meet.
<br><<PHR 0 "Oh, honey, I love your tongue so much!">>
<br>She giggles and there's a mischievous sparkles in her eyes.
<br><<PHR 0 "You know, I'm feeling playful today. How about playing boss and secretary again?">>
<br>$NPCstat[0].name taps on the edge of the table, as if inviting you to crawl under the table.
<<btnEventLink "Move under table" "Wife Bakery Events" "cuni under table">>
<br>After a while you decide that you've moistened her pussy enough.
<<btnEventLink "Fuck your wife" "Wife Bakery Events" "sex with wife(sex_a)">>
<<case "cuni under table(first)">>
<<set $WifePussyWorship.undertablebakery += 1>>
<<set $NPCsexmemory[0].pussylicking += 1>>
<<set $NPCsexmemory[0].pussyworshipping += 1>>
<<set $NPCmood[0].arousal += 40>>
<<NPCmedia "wife" "bakery under table" 0>>
<br>You crawl under the table and take a position on your knees. You see $NPCstat[0].name drop her legs to the floor and slowly slide off the table. She sits down on the chair and spreads her legs wide.
<br><<PHR 0 "I'm your boss now!">>
<br>She moves the chair closer, blocking most of the light. She puts one leg over your back. You lean forward, but bump into the chair. Noticing this, $NPCstat[0].name moves closer to the edge, and now you can finally reach her pussy with your lips. Your "new boss" moves the chair forward one more time, just a little bit, but you end up completely trapped.
<br>$NPCstat[0].name takes out her phone and types in someone's number.
<<set _txt = $NPCstat[$BakeryBaristaId].name + ", can you get me some coffee, please? Yes, as usual. No, make coffee just for me.">>
<br><<PHR 0 _txt>>
<br>$NPCstat[0].name puts her head down and looks at you.
<br><<PHR 0 "Fine. Try not to make too much noise.">>
<<btnEventLink "Continue" "Wife Bakery Events" "cuni under table(first 2)">>
<<case "cuni under table(first 2)">>
<<NPCmedia "wife" "bakery under table cuni" 1>>
<br>You start working your tongue, teasing her clit with quick movements. $NPCstat[0].name lets out a muffled moan. After a while you hear the door to the office open.
<<set _txt = "Your coffee, Mrs. " + $NPCstat[0].name + ".">>
<br><<PHR $BakeryBaristaId _txt>>
<<set _txt = "Thank you, " + $NPCstat[$BakeryBaristaId].name + ".">>
<br><<PHR 0 _txt>>
<br>You hear the barista girl walk up to the desk, clicking her heels. You instinctively freeze and stop licking your wife's pussy.
<<set _txt = "Where's Mr. " + $mc.name + "? I didn't notice him leave.">>
<br><<PHR $BakeryBaristaId _txt>>
<br><<PHR 0 "He went out... to the restroom.">>
<br><<PHR $BakeryBaristaId "I see. Then I'll go back to the hall.">>
<br>$NPCstat[0].name squeezes your hair harder and taps your back lightly with her foot, signaling you to continue. You cautiously resume your motions.
<br><<PHR 0 "Wait, there's no hurry to leave. I wanna talk to you.">>
<<set _txt = "I'm listening to you, Mrs. " + $NPCstat[0].name + ".">>
<br><<PHR $BakeryBaristaId _txt>>
<br><<PHR 0 "People say there's a new coffee at the bakery down the street. Did you hear anything about it?">>
<<set _txt = "Yes, Mrs. " + $NPCstat[0].name + ". But I haven't tried it, so I can't say how good it is.">>
<br><<PHR $BakeryBaristaId _txt>>
<br><<PHR 0 "Well, maybe we should visit that place after work. Anyway, you are free to go.">>
<<btnEventLink "Continue" "Wife Bakery Events" "cuni under table(first 3)">>
<<case "cuni under table(first 3)">>
<<NPCmedia "wife" "bakery under table cuni" 1>>
<br>$NPCstat[$BakeryBaristaId].name closes the door behind her, and your wife lets herself relax.
<br><<PHR 0 "Honey, don't be lazy.">>
<br>You start working your tongue furiously and your wife cries out softly in pleasure. The door to her office immediately opens.
<<set _txt = "Is something wrong, Mrs. " + $NPCstat[0].name + "? I thought I heard you shouting.">>
<br><<PHR $BakeryBaristaId _txt>>
<br><<PHR 0 "Nothing! I just... hit my foot on the desk.">>
<br><<PHR $BakeryBaristaId "Do you need any help?">>
<br><<PHR 0 "No, don't worry. I'll call you if I need anything.">>
<br>$NPCstat[$BakeryBaristaId].name closes the door again. $NPCstat[0].name stops you and pulls back the chair.
<br><<PHR 0 "I think we better stop for today.">>
<br>You slowly crawl under the table and fix your clothes.
<br><<PHR "mc" "Okay, I'll go then. I've got a lot to do.">>
<br>You kiss your wife goodbye and walk out of her office.
<<AddStat 0 "assertiveness" 2 30>>
<<btnEventLink "Finish" "Downtown Map" "">>
<<case "cuni under table">>
<<set $WifePussyWorship.undertablebakery += 1>>
<<set $NPCsexmemory[0].pussylicking += 1>>
<<set $NPCsexmemory[0].pussyworshipping += 1>>
<<set $NPCmood[0].arousal += 40>>
<<NPCmedia "wife" "bakery under table" 0>>
<br>You crawl under the table and take a position on your knees. You see $NPCstat[0].name drop her legs to the floor and slowly slide off the table. She sits down on the chair and spreads her legs wide.
<br><<PHR 0 "I'm your boss now!">>
<br>She moves the chair closer, blocking most of the light. She puts one leg over your back. You lean forward, but bump into the chair. Noticing this, $NPCstat[0].name moves closer to the edge, and now you can finally reach her pussy with your lips. Your "boss" moves the chair forward one more time, just a little bit, but you end up completely trapped.
<center>@@.btnWide;<<button "Continue" "Wife Bakery Events">>
<<if $NPCplans[2].anoon == "visit bakery">>
<<set $EventMark = "cuni under table(Jenny visit)">>
<<set _stdice = random(19)>>
<<if _stdice <= 4>>
<<set $EventMark = "cuni under table(coffee)">>
<<elseif _stdice <= 9>>
<<set $EventMark = "cuni under table(vendor visit)">>
<<elseif _stdice <= 14>>
<<set $EventMark = "cuni under table(Jenny call)">>
<<elseif _stdice <= 19>>
<<set $EventMark = "cuni under table(normal)">>
<<set $location.sub = "cuni under table(barista visit)">>
<<case "cuni under table(busy work)">>
<<set $WifePussyWorship.undertablebakery += 1>>
<<set $NPCsexmemory[0].pussylicking += 1>>
<<set $NPCsexmemory[0].pussyworshipping += 1>>
<<set $NPCmood[0].arousal += 40>>
<<NPCmedia "wife" "bakery under table" 0>>
<br>You crawl under the table and take a position on your knees. $NPCstat[0].name moves the chair closer, blocking most of the light.
<br><<PHR 0 "Take off my panties.">>
<br>You grab the edge of her panties and slowly pull them down. Your wife takes turns lifting her legs to help you remove her underwear.
<<if $NPCstat[0].lordliness >= 20>>
<br><<PHR 0 "Do you want to smell my panties?">>
<br>You bring her underwear close to your face.
<br><<TH "She'll be pleased if I show her that I like her smell.">>
<br>You press her panties to your nose and suck in her scent.
<<set _txt = "Oh, " + $mc.name + ", it's so hot. Come on, lick my pussy.">>
<br><<PHR 0 _txt>>
<br><<PHR 0 "Come on, lick my pussy.">>
<br>You lean forward, and $NPCstat[0].name puts one leg over your back. Your wife moves closer to the edge, and now you can finally reach her pussy with your lips. You start working your tongue, teasing her clit with quick movements. $NPCstat[0].name lets out a muffled moan.
<br><<PHR 0 "Slow down, honey, I'm planning to work.">>
<br>The girl squeezes your head lightly with her hips, as if to show you who's boss here. You continue to lick her pussy. From time to time, $NPCstat[0].name's hand goes under the table, and she rubs your hair, showing that she likes what's going on. But most of the time, your wife is working intently.
<center>@@.btnWide;<<button "Continue" "Wife Bakery Events">>
<<if $NPCplans[2].anoon == "visit bakery">>
<<set $EventMark = "cuni under table(Jenny visit)">>
<<set _stdice = random(19)>>
<<if _stdice <= 4>>
<<set $EventMark = "cuni under table(coffee)">>
<<elseif _stdice <= 9>>
<<set $EventMark = "cuni under table(vendor visit)">>
<<elseif _stdice <= 14>>
<<set $EventMark = "cuni under table(Jenny call)">>
<<elseif _stdice <= 19>>
<<set $EventMark = "cuni under table(normal)">>
<<set $EventMark = "cuni under table(barista visit)">>
<<case "cuni under table(coffee)">>
<<NPCmedia "wife" "bakery under table cuni" 1>>
<br>$NPCstat[0].name takes out her phone and types in someone's number.
<<set _txt = $NPCstat[$BakeryBaristaId].name + ", can you get me some coffee, please? Yes, as usual. No, make coffee just for me.">>
<br><<PHR 0 _txt>>
<br>$NPCstat[0].name puts her head down and looks at you.
<br><<PHR 0 "Try not to make too much noise.">>
<br>After a while you hear the door to the office open.
<<set _txt = "Your coffee, Mrs. " + $NPCstat[0].name + ".">>
<br><<PHR $BakeryBaristaId _txt>>
<<set _txt = "Thank you, " + $NPCstat[$BakeryBaristaId].name + ".">>
<br><<PHR 0 _txt>>
<br>You hear the barista girl walk up to the desk, clicking her heels. You instinctively freeze and stop licking your wife's pussy.
<<set _txt = "Where's Mr. " + $mc.name + "? I didn't notice him leave.">>
<br><<PHR $BakeryBaristaId _txt>>
<br><<PHR 0 "He went out... to the restroom.">>
<br><<PHR $BakeryBaristaId "I see. Then I'll go back to the hall.">>
<br>$NPCstat[0].name squeezes your hair harder and taps your back lightly with her foot, signaling you to continue. You cautiously resume your motions.
<<if $NPCmood[0].arousal >= 70>>
Your wife lets the barista go, and as soon as $NPCstat[$BakeryBaristaId].name closes the door behind her, $NPCstat[0].name runs her fingers through your hair.
<br><<PHR 0 "You know honey, I could get used to you being under my desk. Maybe you should move into my office and become my secretary? Temporarily, of course.">>
<<btnEventLink "Continue" "Wife Bakery Events" "cuni under table(coffee 2)">>
Your wife lets the barista go, and as soon as $NPCstat[$BakeryBaristaId].name closes the door behind her, $NPCstat[0].name stops you and pulls back the chair.
<br><<PHR 0 "You know, I do want to concentrate on work. But tonight, I'm waiting for you in the bedroom.">>
<br>You slowly crawl under the table and fix your clothes.
<br><<PHR "mc" "Okay, I'll go then. I've got a lot to do.">>
<br>You kiss your wife goodbye and walk out of her office.
<<AddStat 0 "assertiveness" 2 40>>
<<set $NPCplans[0].night = "looking for sex(cuni)(after bakery)">>
<<btnEventLink "Finish" "Downtown Map" "">>
<<case "cuni under table(coffee 2)">>
<<set $NPCmood[0].arousal = 0>>
<<NPCmedia "wife" "bakery under table cuni" 1>>
<br>You keep worshipping her pussy while yours keeps working, taking a sip from the cup from time to time. You find her clit and start teasing it with circular motions.
<br><<PHR 0 "Fuck, I love this! Don't stop, honey.">>
<br>You help your tongue with your head movements. Her pussy exudes a sweet fragrance that spurs you on, prompting you to dig into this sweet spot, so as not to miss a drop of the nectar it oozes.
<br><<PHR 0 "I'm going to cum, honey!">>
<br>Her muscles tighten visibly, signaling the imminent finish. You try to maintain as much pace as possible, and soon $NPCstat[0].name starts squirming in orgasmic convulsions. Her fluids is floating down your chin profusely. Finally, her body relaxes and you feel her hand touch your cheek. You raise your head and meet her satisfied eyes.
<br><<PHR 0 "This was amazing, honey! But I really have a lot of work.">>
<br>You get her hint and start crawling out from under the table. $NPCstat[0].name pulls back her chair and fixes her skirt.
<br><<PHR "mc" "Okay, I'll go then. See you later.">>
<br>You kiss your wife goodbye and walk out of her office.
<<AddStat 0 "assertiveness" 2 40>>
<<btnEventLink "Finish" "Downtown Map" "">>
<<case "cuni under table(vendor visit)">>
<<NPCmedia "wife" "bakery under table cuni" 1>>
<br>After a while, your wife's phone starts ringing.
<br><<PHR 0 "Damn, I completely forgot I had a meeting with a new vendor today.">>
<br>She answers the call.
<<if $NPCstat[0].lordliness >= 28>>
<br><<PHR 0 "Good afternoon.">>
<br><<PHR 0 "I'm fine, thank you.">>
<<set _txt = "I'm a little busy right now. You can ask " + $NPCstat[$BakeryBaristaId].name + " to make you a cup of coffee, and I'll join you shortly.">>
<br><<PHR 0 _txt>>
<br>$NPCstat[0].name ends the conversation and looks down.
<br><<PHR 0 "I have a meeting, honey, so wait for me here. You can use my panties if you you feel bored.">>
<br>Quickly fixing her skirt, she rises and disappears from your sight.
<<btnEventLink "Wait for your wife" "Wife Bakery Events" "cuni under table(vendor visit)(wait)">>
<<btnEventLink "Get out from under the table" "Wife Bakery Events" "cuni under table(vendor visit)(no wait)">>
<<elseif $NPCstat[0].lordliness >= 18 and $NPCmood[0].arousal >= 70>>
<br><<PHR 0 "Good afternoon.">>
<br><<PHR 0 "I'm fine, thank you.">>
<<set _txt = "I'm a little busy right now. You can ask " + $NPCstat[$BakeryBaristaId].name + " to make you a cup of coffee, and I'll join you shortly.">>
<br><<PHR 0 _txt>>
<br>$NPCstat[0].name ends the conversation and looks down.
<br><<PHR 0 "All right, honey. We have a few minutes.">>
<br>You get her hint and start working your tongue furiously and your wife cries out softly in pleasure.
<br><<PHR 0 "Yeah, like this. Don't stop, honey!">>
<br>Soon her whole body starts shaking. Her love fluids squirt right into your mouth, but you don't stop licking your wife's pussy. The fingers holding your hair open and your wife falls back in her chair.
<br><<PHR 0 "Oh, f-fuck!">>
<br>The orgasmic impulse passes through $NPCstat[0].name's body one more time, and finally your wife goes limp.
<br><<PHR 0 "It was so fucking good!">>
<br>You raise your head and meet her adoring eyes.
<br><<PHR 0 "Thanks, honey, but I need to go.">>
<br>Quickly fixing her skirt, she rises and disappears from your sight. After waiting a while, you crawl under the table and start fixing your clothes.
<<AddStat 0 "assertiveness" 2 40>>
<<AddStat 0 "lordliness" 2 30>>
<<set $NPCmood[0].arousal = 0>>
<<btnEventLink "Finish" "Downtown Map" "">>
<br><<PHR 0 "Good afternoon.">>
<br><<PHR 0 "I'm fine, thank you.">>
<<set _txt = "I'm a little busy right now. You can ask " + $NPCstat[$BakeryBaristaId].name + " to make you a cup of coffee, and I'll join you shortly.">>
<br><<PHR 0 _txt>>
<br>$NPCstat[0].name ends the conversation, stops you and pulls back the chair.
<br><<PHR 0 "Thanks, honey, but I need to go. But tonight, I'm waiting for you in the bedroom.">>
<br>Quickly fixing her skirt, she rises and disappears from your sight. After waiting a while, you crawl under the table and start fixing your clothes.
<<AddStat 0 "assertiveness" 2 40>>
<<set $NPCplans[0].night = "looking for sex(cuni)(after bakery)">>
<<btnEventLink "Finish" "Downtown Map" "">>
<<case "cuni under table(vendor visit)(wait)">>
<<set $NPCmood[0].arousal = 0>>
<<LocImg "downtown" "bakery office">>
<br>You are left waiting for your wife under her desk.
<br><<TH "It looks like she treats me like her thing, but for some reason it turns me on.">>
<br>After a while, $NPCstat[0].name returns and flops back in her chair, sighing heavily. Then her gaze falls on you.
<br><<PHR 0 "Honey, you decided to wait for me after all? Good boy.">>
<br>She moves her chair closer to you again.
<br><<PHR 0 "You know, I'm really enjoying this. I ask, and you obey.">>
<br>Her fingers grab your hair and pull you closer.
<br><<PHR 0 "You know what to do.">>
<<NPCmedia "wife" "bakery under table cuni" 1>>
<br>You return to worshipping her pussy. You find her clit and start teasing it with circular motions.
<br><<PHR 0 "Fuck, I love this! Don't stop, honey.">>
<br>You help your tongue with your head movements. Her pussy exudes a sweet fragrance that spurs you on, prompting you to dig into this sweet spot, so as not to miss a drop of the nectar it oozes.
<br><<PHR 0 "I'm going to cum, honey!">>
<br>Her muscles tighten visibly, signaling the imminent finish. You try to maintain as much pace as possible, and soon $NPCstat[0].name starts squirming in orgasmic convulsions. Her fluids is floating down your chin profusely. Finally, her body relaxes and you feel her hand touch your cheek. You raise your head and meet her satisfied eyes.
<br><<PHR 0 "This was amazing, honey! But I really have a lot of work.">>
<br>You get her hint and start crawling out from under the table. $NPCstat[0].name pulls back her chair and fixes her skirt.
<br><<PHR "mc" "Okay, I'll go then. See you later.">>
<br>You kiss your wife goodbye and walk out of her office.
<<AddStat 0 "assertiveness" 2 40>>
<<AddStat 0 "lordliness" 2 40>>
<<btnEventLink "Finish" "Downtown Map" "">>
<<case "cuni under table(vendor visit)(no wait)">>
<<LocImg "downtown" "bakery office">>
<br><<TH "I don't like the way she treats me like some kind of thing.">>
<br>You crawl out from under the table and sit on the couch waiting for your wife. When $NPCstat[0].name shows up in her office, she is surprised to see you not under her desk.
<br><<PHR 0 "Honey, I told you to wait for me.">>
<br><<PHR "mc" "You know, I don't really like that you put some vendor ahead of me.">>
<br>Your wife looks at you questioningly.
<br><<PHR 0 "You're exaggerating, honey. It's just a game, okay? If you don't like it, just say so.">>
<br>On that awkward note, your conversation ends.
<<RemoveStat 0 "lordliness" 4 10>>
<<btnEventLink "Finish" "Downtown Map" "">>
<<case "cuni under table(Jenny call)">>
<<NPCmedia "wife" "bakery under table cuni" 1>>
<br>After a while, your wife's phone starts ringing.
<br><<PHR 0 "It's Jenny.">>
<br>$NPCstat[0].name answers the call.
<br><<PHR 0 "Hey! How are you doing?">>
<<set _txt = "I'm doing great. " + $mc.name + " decided to visit me, and had no choice but to get involved in my work.">>
<br><<PHR 0 _txt>>
<br>Hearing your name, you instinctively freeze and stop licking your wife's pussy. $NPCstat[0].name squeezes your hair harder and taps your back lightly with her foot, signaling you to continue. You cautiously resume your motions.
<br><<PHR 0 "Actually, he's helping a lot.">>
<br>A moan comes from your wife's lips.
<<set _txt = "It's nothing, don't worry. It's just... " + $mc.name + " is trying to get my attention.">>
<br><<PHR 0 _txt>>
<br><<PHR 0 "What do you mean by punish him?">>
<br><<PHR 0 "Jenny, you have a really dirty mind, you know?">>
<br><<PHR 0 "Come on, Jenny, don't give me too much details.">>
<br><<PHR 0 "Okay, we'll talk next time.">>
<br>$NPCstat[0].name puts the phone on the table. You look up.
<br><<PHR "mc" "What were you two talking about?">>
<br><<PHR 0 "Nothing in particular. Don't get distracted.">>
<br>Your wife presses you against her groin.
<br><<PHR 0 "Or I'll have to really punish you.">>
<<btnEventLink "Continue" "Bakery Shop" "cuni under table(Jenny call)(normal)">>
<<case "cuni under table(Jenny call)(normal)">>
<<set $NPCmood[0].arousal = 0>>
<<NPCmedia "wife" "bakery under table cuni" 1>>
<br>You keep worshipping her pussy while yours wife keeps working. You find her clit and start teasing it with circular motions.
<br><<PHR 0 "Fuck, I love this! Don't stop, honey.">>
<br>You help your tongue with your head movements. Her pussy exudes a sweet fragrance that spurs you on, prompting you to dig into this sweet spot, so as not to miss a drop of the nectar it oozes.
<br><<PHR 0 "I'm going to cum, honey!">>
<br>Her muscles tighten visibly, signaling the imminent finish. You try to maintain as much pace as possible, and soon $NPCstat[0].name starts squirming in orgasmic convulsions. Her fluids is floating down your chin profusely. Finally, her body relaxes and you feel her hand touch your cheek. You raise your head and meet her satisfied eyes.
<br><<PHR 0 "This was amazing, honey! But I really have a lot of work.">>
<br>You get her hint and start crawling out from under the table. $NPCstat[0].name pulls back her chair and fixes her skirt.
<br><<PHR "mc" "Okay, I'll go then. See you later.">>
<br>You kiss your wife goodbye and walk out of her office.
<<AddStat 0 "assertiveness" 2 40>>
<<btnEventLink "Finish" "Downtown Map" "">>
<<case "cuni under table(normal)">>
<<set $NPCmood[0].arousal = 0>>
<<NPCmedia "wife" "bakery under table cuni" 1>>
<br>You keep worshipping her pussy while yours keeps working, taking a sip from the cup from time to time. You find her clit and start teasing it with circular motions.
<br><<PHR 0 "Fuck, I love this! Don't stop, honey.">>
<br>You help your tongue with your head movements. Her pussy exudes a sweet fragrance that spurs you on, prompting you to dig into this sweet spot, so as not to miss a drop of the nectar it oozes.
<br><<PHR 0 "I'm going to cum, honey!">>
<br>Her muscles tighten visibly, signaling the imminent finish. You try to maintain as much pace as possible, and soon $NPCstat[0].name starts squirming in orgasmic convulsions. Her fluids is floating down your chin profusely. Finally, her body relaxes and you feel her hand touch your cheek. You raise your head and meet her satisfied eyes.
<br><<PHR 0 "This was amazing, honey! But I really have a lot of work.">>
<br>You get her hint and start crawling out from under the table. $NPCstat[0].name pulls back her chair and fixes her skirt.
<br><<PHR "mc" "Okay, I'll go then. See you later.">>
<br>You kiss your wife goodbye and walk out of her office.
<<AddStat 0 "assertiveness" 2 40>>
<<btnEventLink "Finish" "Downtown Map" "">>
<<case "cuni under table(barista visit)">>
<<NPCmedia "wife" "bakery under table cuni" 1>>
<br>After a while, the door to the office opens and you hear $NPCstat[$BakeryBaristaId].name's voice.
<<set _txt = "Mrs. " + $NPCstat[0].name + ".">>
<br><<PHR $BakeryBaristaId _txt>>
<<case "cuni under table(Jenny visit)">>
<<NPCmedia "wife" "bakery under table cuni" 1>>
<br>You start working your tongue, teasing her clit with quick movements. $NPCstat[0].name lets out a muffled moan. After a while you hear the door to the office open.
<<set _txt = "Your coffee, Mrs. " + $NPCstat[0].name + ". And another for your guest.">>
<br><<PHR $BakeryBaristaId _txt>>
<br><<PHR 0 "I said...">>
<br><<PHR 2 "Surprise!">>
<br>To your horror, you hear Jenny's voice and then footsteps coming inexorably toward your position.
<br><<PHR 2 "I was sitting at home, and then I decided why don't I pay a unexpected visit to my girl.">>
<br><<PHR 0 "Jenny, almost all your visits are unexpected.">>
<br><<PHR 2 "Come, I know you're always happy to see me.">>
<br>Footsteps stop by the table.
<<set _txt = "What's wrong, " + $NPCstat[0].name + "? Don't you wanna hug me?">>
<br><<PHR 2 _txt>>
<<btnEventLink "Continue" "Wife Bakery Events" "cuni under table(Jenny visit 2)">>
<<case "cuni under table(Jenny visit 2)">>
<<NPCmedia "wife" "bakery under table" 0>>
<br>$NPCstat[0].name stops you and pulls back the chair. Quickly fixing her skirt, she rises and disappears from your sight. You hear the rustling of clothes.
<<set _txt = "That's much better. By the way, where is " + $mc.name + "? " + $NPCstat[$BakeryBaristaId].name + " said he is visiting you. Maybe he's hiding behind the couch or under the table.">>
<br><<PHR 2 _txt>>
<br>Jenny giggles.
<br><<PHR 0 "He went out... to the restroom.">>
<br><<PHR 2 "Fine, I hope he doesn't plan on bothering us for too long. I have so much to tell you.">>
<br><<PHR 0 "Yeah, he was about to leave. Hey, how about I show you our new cakes in the meantime? If you want, we'll taste a couple.">>
<br>You hear the girls coming out of the office. After waiting a while, you crawl under the table and start fixing your clothes.
<br><<TH "I should leave quickly.">>
<<AddStat 0 "assertiveness" 2 40>>
<<btnEventLink "Finish" "Downtown Map" "">>
/* ------------------------------ GIFTS STORYLINE ------------------------------ */
<<case "flower delivery">>
<<LocImg "work" "your office">>
<<th_en "They should have delivered flowers to my wife's bakery by now. I should pay her a visit.">>
<<th_ru "Они уже должны были доставить цветы в булочную моей жены. Стоит навестить ее.">>
<<btnEventLink "Visit your wife's bakery/Посетить булочную своей жены" "Wife Bakery Events" "flower delivery 2">>
<<case "flower delivery 2">>
<<set $WifeRouteMiles.giveflower = true>>
<<run setCharBlockMemory(2, $time.daytime, "visit bakery(interrupted)")>>
<<LocImg "downtown" "bakery">>
<<en "This little bakery shop belongs to your wife. She's usually here two or three hours a day, but sometimes she stays late into the evening.">>
<<ru "Эта небольшая булочная принадлежит твоей жене. Она обычно находится здесь два или три часа в день, но иногда задерживается и до вечера.">>
<<en "The young woman behind the counter smiles warmly at you.">>
<<ru "Стоящая за прилавком молодая девушка тепло улыбается тебе.">>
<<dlg_en $BakeryBaristaId "Good afternoon, Mr. $mc.lastname.">>
<<dlg_ru $BakeryBaristaId "Добрый день, мистер $mc.lastname.">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "Good afternoon, $NPCstat[$BakeryBaristaId].name. Is $NPCstat[0].name here?">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Добрый день, $NPCstat[$BakeryBaristaId].name. $NPCstat[0].name здесь?">>
<<dlg_en $BakeryBaristaId "Yes, she's in her office with her friend right now.">>
<<dlg_ru $BakeryBaristaId "Да, она сейчас в своем офисе, вместе с ее подругой.">>
<<btnEventLink "Visit your wife/Посетить свою жену" "Wife Bakery Events" "flower delivery 3">>
<<case "flower delivery 3">>
<<NPCmedia "wife" "bakery meet" 0>>
<<en "You walk into your wife's office. The girls are sitting on the couch and chatting enthusiastically about something. When $NPCstat[0].name sees you, she immediately gets up from the couch and gives you a big hug. You kiss each other. You turn your gaze to the bouquet of flowers on the table.">>
<<ru "Ты входишь в кабинет своей жены. Девушки сидят на диване и о чем-то увлеченно болтают. Увидев тебя, $NPCstat[0].name тут же поднимается с дивана, чтобы крепко обнять тебя. Вы целуетесь. Ты переводишь свой взгляд на букет цветов, лежащий на столе.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "Thank you, honey. They're beautiful.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Спасибо, милый. Они чудесны.">>
<<AddStat 0 "mood" 100 100>>
<<en "$NPCstat[0].name points to a chair.">>
<<ru "$NPCstat[0].name указывает тебе на кресло.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "Sit with us, honey. I'll have $NPCstat[$BakeryBaristaId].name make you some coffee.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Посиди с нами, милый. Я скажу, чтобы $NPCstat[$BakeryBaristaId].name сделала тебе кофе.">>
<<en "You take a seat in the chair. Meanwhile, your wife goes to her desk to call the barista.">>
<<ru "Ты садишься в кресло. Твоя жена, тем временем, направляется к ее столу, чтобы вызвать баристу.">>
<<dlg_en 2 "So, $mc.name, you think flowers will be enough?">>
<<dlg_ru 2 "Итак, $mc.name, ты думаешь, что цветов будет достаточно?">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "What are you talking about?">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "О чем ты говоришь?">>
<<dlg_en 2 "The fact that you didn't even bother to bring a bouquet yourself. And your wife got the flowers from some delivery guy instead of you.">>
<<dlg_ru 2 "О том, что ты даже не удосужился привезти букет лично. И вместо тебя цветы твоей жене вручал какой-то курьер.">>
<<en "$NPCstat[0].name puts down the phone receiver.">>
<<ru "$NPCstat[0].name опускает трубку телефона.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "Jenny, you know my husband has a lot of work.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Дженни, ты же знаешь, что у моего мужа много работы.">>
<<dlg_en 2 "His most important job is to make his wife happy. You know how my friends used to give me flowers? They would be at my house at a time of my choosing. They would kneel down in front of me and literally beg me to give them my attention.">>
<<dlg_ru 2 "Самая главная его работа состоит в том, чтобы делать свою женщину счастливой. Знаешь, как мои парни дарили мне цветы? Они приезжали ко мне ко мне в то время, которое назначала им я. Они преклоняли передо мной колено и буквально умоляли, чтобы я подарила им свое внимание.">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "You've seen too many chivalry movies.">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Ты, похоже, пересмотрела романтических фильмов про рыцарей.">>
<<dlg_en 2 "What's wrong with being chivalrous? Especially for a real lady like $NPCstat[0].name.">>
<<dlg_ru 2 "А что в плохого в том, чтобы быть рыцарем? Тем более для настоящей леди, как $NPCstat[0].name.">>
<<btnEventLink "Say that knights were different/Сказать что рыцари были совсем другими" "Wife Bakery Events" "flower delivery 4.1">>
<<btnEventLink "Say you're not a knight/Сказать что ты не рыцарь" "Wife Bakery Events" "flower delivery 4.2">>
<<case "flower delivery 4.1">>
<<set $JennyToWifeInfluence.overall -= 5>>
<<LocImg "downtown" "bakery office">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "You know that knights were not like they are in the movies, right? They didn't bathe, sometimes for weeks, they were illiterate, and they certainly weren't gallant with the ladies.">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Ты ведь знаешь, что в реальности рыцари не были такими, как показано в фильмах? Они не мылись, порой, неделями, были безграмотными, и уж точно не отличались галантностью в обращении с дамами.">>
<<dlg_en 2 "It's disgusting, $mc.name! And even if it were real, no one is forbidding you to follow the image from the movies, not the one you've imagined for yourself.">>
<<dlg_ru 2 "Это отвратительно, $mc.name! И, даже если в реальности так и было, никто не запрещает тебе следовать образу, который показан в фильмах, а не тому, который тебе для себя выдумал.">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "You're the one who imagined...">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Это ты выдумала, что...">>
<<dlg_en 0 "Stop it, both of you!">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Прекратите вы, оба!">>
<<en "At that moment, the door opens and the barista appears with a tray in her hand. There is a cup of steaming coffee and a plate with a croissant on it. The girl places the tray on the table in front of you and Jenny and leaves the office.">>
<<ru "В этот момент дверь открывается, и на пороге появляется бариста с подносом в руках. На нем стоит чашка дымящегося кофе и блюдце с круассаном. Девушка ставит поднос на стол перед тобой и Дженни и выходит из офиса.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "Let's talk about something more peaceful.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Давайте, поговорим о чем-то более мирном.">>
<<en "You spend the next half hour at your wife's bakery and decide to go home.">>
<<ru "В итоге, ты проводишь следующие полчаса в булочной своей жены и решаешь отправиться домой.">>
<<set _link = getLinkName("Continue/Continue")>>
@@.btnWide;<<button _link "Hallway">>
<<SkipTimeBlock 1>>
<<set $EventMark = "">>
<<set $NPCstat[2].meet = true>>
<<set $NewNPC = true>>
/* ------------------------------ Tutorial ------------------------------ */
<<if $TutorialOn>>
<center><b><font size="5"><<en "Tutorial">></font></b></center>
<center><b><font size="5"><<ru "Обучение">></font></b></center>
<<en "Not only can you influence NPCs, but they can also influence each other. For example, every time Jenny meets your wife, she will try to influence her to make $NPCstat[0].name more dominant. You can prevent this from happening by interfering when they meet. Or you can leave things as they are so that NPCs stats change more quickly.">>
<<ru "Не только вы можете оказывать влияние на НПС, но они так же могут влиять друг на друга. К примеру, каждый раз, когда Дженни будет встречаться с вашей женой, она будет пытаться склонить ее к тому, чтобы $NPCstat[0].name стала более доминантной. Вы можете предотвратить на это, вмешиваясь в их встречи. Или же вы можете оставить все как есть, чтобы характеристики НПС изменялись быстрее.">>
<<case "flower delivery 4.2">>
<<LocImg "downtown" "bakery office">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "But I'm not a knight. I'm a shark fighting other sharks in a giant ocean.">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Но я - не рыцарь. Я акула, которая борется с другими акулами в гигантском океане.">>
<<dlg_en 2 "A shark? More like a snake in the grass waiting to bite someone's leg off.">>
<<dlg_ru 2 "Акула? Скорее змея, которая прячется в траве и поджидает момента, чтобы откусить чью-то ногу.">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "Snakes can't bite someone's legs off! In fact, you better look at yourself...">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Змеи не способны на такое! И вообще, лучше посмотри на себя...">>
<<dlg_en 0 "Stop it, both of you!">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Прекратите вы, оба!">>
<<en "At that moment, the door opens and the barista appears with a tray in her hand. There is a cup of steaming coffee and a plate with a croissant on it. The girl places the tray on the table in front of you and Jenny and leaves the office.">>
<<ru "В этот момент дверь открывается, и на пороге появляется бариста с подносом в руках. На нем стоит чашка дымящегося кофе и блюдце с круассаном. Девушка ставит поднос на стол перед тобой и Дженни и выходит из офиса.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "Let's talk about something more peaceful.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Давайте, поговорим о чем-то более мирном.">>
<<en "You spend the next half hour at your wife's bakery and decide to go home.">>
<<ru "В итоге, ты проводишь следующие полчаса в булочной своей жены и решаешь отправиться домой.">>
<<set _link = getLinkName("Continue/Continue")>>
@@.btnWide;<<button _link "Hallway">>
<<SkipTimeBlock 1>>
<<set $EventMark = "">>
<<set $NPCstat[2].meet = true>>
<<set $NewNPC = true>>
/* ------------------------------ Tutorial ------------------------------ */
<<if $TutorialOn>>
<center><b><font size="5"><<en "Tutorial">></font></b></center>
<center><b><font size="5"><<ru "Обучение">></font></b></center>
<<en "Not only can you influence NPCs, but they can also influence each other. For example, every time Jenny meets your wife, she will try to influence her to make $NPCstat[0].name more dominant. You can prevent this from happening by interfering when they meet. Or you can leave things as they are so that NPCs stats change more quickly.">>
<<ru "Не только вы можете оказывать влияние на НПС, но они так же могут влиять друг на друга. К примеру, каждый раз, когда Дженни будет встречаться с вашей женой, она будет пытаться склонить ее к тому, чтобы $NPCstat[0].name стала более доминантной. Вы можете предотвратить на это, вмешиваясь в их встречи. Или же вы можете оставить все как есть, чтобы характеристики НПС изменялись быстрее.">>
<</switch>><<if passage() != "Start Game">>
<<if $time.daytime == 0 or $time.daytime == 1>>
<<set _img = "data/overall/morning.png">>
<<elseif $time.daytime == 2 or $time.daytime == 3>>
<<set _img = "data/overall/afternoon.png">>
<<elseif $time.daytime == 4 or $time.daytime == 5>>
<<set _img = "data/overall/evening.png">>
<<set _img = "data/overall/midnight.png">>
<<set _t = $time.daytime>>
<<set _wd = $time.weekday>>
<<if not BusyDate() and $location.sub == "" and $EventMark == "">>
<<if $time.daytime == 7>>
<<set _timepassage = "Master Bedroom">>
<a data-passage=_timepassage data-setter="" class="timeImg">
<p class="timeText">$DayTime[_t], $WeekDay[_wd]</p>
<p class="timeHint">Go to sleep ➤</p>
<img class="timeImage" @src="_img">
<<set _timepassage = passage()>>
<a data-passage=_timepassage data-setter="skiptime()" class="timeImg">
<p class="timeText">$DayTime[_t], $WeekDay[_wd]</p>
<p class="timeHint">Skip Time ➤</p>
<img class="timeImage" @src="_img">
<a class="timeImg">
<p class="timeText">$DayTime[_t], $WeekDay[_wd]</p>
<<set _timehint ="You can't skip time during events or actions">>
<img class="timeImage" @src="_img" @title="_timehint">
<span id="volume">
<<if $VolumeLevel == 0>>
@@.btnMuteV;<<button " ">>
<<set $VolumeLevel += 1>>
<<if $VolumeLevel > 3>>
<<set $VolumeLevel = 0>>
<<run VolumeLevelChange($VolumeLevel)>>
<<elseif $VolumeLevel == 1>>
@@.btnLowV;<<button " ">>
<<set $VolumeLevel += 1>>
<<if $VolumeLevel > 3>>
<<set $VolumeLevel = 0>>
<<run VolumeLevelChange($VolumeLevel)>>
<<elseif $VolumeLevel == 2>>
@@.btnMediumV;<<button " ">>
<<set $VolumeLevel += 1>>
<<if $VolumeLevel > 3>>
<<set $VolumeLevel = 0>>
<<run VolumeLevelChange($VolumeLevel)>>
<<elseif $VolumeLevel == 3>>
@@.btnHighV;<<button " ">>
<<set $VolumeLevel += 1>>
<<if $VolumeLevel > 3>>
<<set $VolumeLevel = 0>>
<<run VolumeLevelChange($VolumeLevel)>>
@@.btnBreakV;<<button " ">>
<<set $VolumeLevel = 0>>
<<run VolumeMute()>>
<<if passage() != "Start Game">>
<<if $NPCstat[0].meet>>
<span id="captionNPC">
<<set _txt = "Characters">>
<<set _txt = getLinkName("Characters/Персонажи")>>
<<if $NewNPC>>
<<set _txt += " - <font color=Orange><i>New!</i></font>">>
@@.btnCaption;<<button _txt>>
<<dialog '' ''>>\
<<set $NewNPC = "">>
<<FormCharReset "caption">>
<<include "Caption NPC">>
<span id="captionJournal">
<<set _txt = getLinkName("Journal/Журнал")>>
<<if $NewQuestEntry>>
<<set _txt += " - <font color=Orange><i>New!</i></font>">>
@@.btnCaption;<<button _txt>>
<<dialog '' ''>>\
<<set $NewQuestEntry = "">>
<<FormCharReset "journal">>
<<include "Caption Journal">>
<<set _txt = getLinkName("Credits/Ссылки")>>
@@.btnCaption;<<button _txt>>
<<dialog '' ''>>\
<<include "Caption Credits">>
<center><table style="width:95%">
<tr><td style="width:20%">
<<set _img = "data/gui/wallet.png">>
</td><td style="width:50%">
<span id="pocket_money">
<center><<print $money.pocket>>$</center>
</td><td style="width:10%">
<tr><td style="width:20%">
<<set _img = "data/gui/gold card.png">>
</td><td style="width:60%">
<span id="golden_money">
<center><<print $money.golden>>$</center>
</td><td style="width:10%">
<<set _imghint = "">>
<<if $money.goldenstatus == "">><<set _img = "data/gui/green_indication.png">><</if>>
<<if $money.goldenstatus == "blocked">><<set _img = "data/gui/red_indication.png">><</if>>
<<if $money.goldenstatus == "taken">>
<<set _img = "data/gui/taken_indication.png">>
<<set _imghint = "Card is taken by " + $money.goldenowner>>
@@.picIcon;<img @src="_img" @title="_imghint">@@
<tr><td style="width:20%">
<<set _img = "data/gui/credit card.png">>
</td><td style="width:60%">
<span id="common_money">
<center><<print $money.common>>$</center>
</td><td style="width:10%">
<<set _imghint = "">>
<<if $money.commonstatus == "">><<set _img = "data/gui/green_indication.png">><</if>>
<<if $money.commonstatus == "blocked">><<set _img = "data/gui/red_indication.png">><</if>>
<<if $money.commonstatus == "taken">>
<<set _img = "data/gui/taken_indication.png">>
<<set _imghint = "Card is taken by " + $money.commonowner>>
@@.picIcon;<img @src="_img" @title="_imghint">@@
<<if $DevBuildVisible>>
@@.btnDevStat;<<button [img[$min_img]]>>
<<set $money.pocket -= 1000>>
<<set $money.golden -= 20000>>
<<set $money.common -= 5000>>
<<replace "#pocket_money">>
<center><<print $money.pocket>>$</center>
<<replace "#golden_money">>
<center><<print $money.golden>>$</center>
<<replace "#common_money">>
<center><<print $money.common>>$</center>
@@.btnDevStat;<<button [img[$add_img]]>>
<<set $money.pocket += 1000>>
<<set $money.golden += 20000>>
<<set $money.common += 5000>>
<<replace "#pocket_money">>
<center><<print $money.pocket>>$</center>
<<replace "#golden_money">>
<center><<print $money.golden>>$</center>
<<replace "#common_money">>
<center><<print $money.common>>$</center>
<<set _txt = getLinkName("Inventory/Инвентарь")>>
@@.btnCaption;<<button _txt>>
<<dialog "" "">>\
<<include "Caption Inventory">>
<<set _txt = getLinkName("Phone/Телефон")>>
@@.btnCaption;<<button _txt>>
<<dialog "" "">>\
<<include "Caption Phone">>
<div id="title">
<p id="gameTitle">Boring <font color="red">Days</font></p>
<p id="creator" align="right"><<print $GameVersion>></p>
<<set _txt = getLinkName("Settings/Настройки")>>
@@.btnCaption;<<button _txt>>
<<dialog "" "">>\
<<include "Caption Settings">>
<</button>>@@<<if $TopMenu>>
<span class="TopperMenu">
<span id="menushow">
<table style="width:100%"><tr>
<td style="width:15%">
<<set _t = $time.daytime>>
<p id="daytime"><b>$DayTime[_t]</b></p>
<<set _t = $time.weekday>>
<<set _tm = $time.month>>
<p id="date"><b>$WeekDay[_t], $Month[_tm] $time.monthday</b></p>
<td style="width:5%">
<<set _img = "data/gui/topper_skip_time.png">>
<<if not BusyDate() and $location.sub == "" and $EventMark == "">>
<<if $time.daytime == 7>>
<<set _timepassage = "Master Bedroom">>
<a data-passage=_timepassage data-setter="" class="timeImgHeader">
<p class="timeText">Go to</p>
<p class="timeHint">Sleep</p>
<img class="timeImage" @src="_img">
<<set _timepassage = passage()>>
<a data-passage=_timepassage data-setter="skiptime()" class="timeImgHeader">
<p class="timeText">Skip</p>
<p class="timeHint">Time</p>
<img class="timeImage" @src="_img">
<a class="timeImgHeader">
<p class="timeText"></p>
<<set _timehint ="You can't skip time during events or actions">>
<img class="timeImage" @src="_img" @title="_timehint">
<td style="width:7%">
@@.btnTopperPhone;<<button " ">>
<<dialog "" "">>\
<<include "Caption Phone">>
<td style="width:16%">
<<if $NPCstat[0].meet>>
<span id="topperNPC">
<<set _txt = "<b>">>
<<set _txt += getLinkName("CHARACTERS/ПЕРСОНАЖИ")>>
<<set _txt += "</b><br>">>
<<if $NewNPC>>
<<set _txt += "<font color=Orange><i>New!</i></font>">>
<<set _txt += "<br>">>
@@.btnTopperMenu;<<button _txt>>
<<dialog "" "">>\
<<set $NewNPC = "">>
<<FormCharReset "caption">>
<<include "Caption NPC">>
<td style="width:16%">
<<if $NPCstat[0].meet>>
<span id="topperJournal">
<<set _txt = "<b>">>
<<set _txt += getLinkName("JOURNAL/ЖУРНАЛ")>>
<<set _txt += "</b><br>">>
<<if $NewQuestEntry>>
<<set _txt += "<font color=Orange><i>New!</i></font>">>
<<set _txt += "<br>">>
@@.btnTopperMenu;<<button _txt>>
<<dialog "" "">>\
<<set $NewQuestEntry = "">>
<<FormCharReset "journal">>
<<include "Caption Journal">>
<td style="width:16%">
<<set _txt = "<b>">>
<<set _txt += getLinkName("SETTINGS/НАСТРОЙКИ")>>
<<set _txt += "</b><br><br>">>
@@.btnTopperMenu;<<button _txt>>
<<dialog "" "">>\
<<include "Caption Settings">>
<td style="width:4%">
<td style="width:7%">
<<set _img = "data/gui/restart.png">>
<a onClick="SugarCube.UI.restart()" class="btnTopperSetting">
<img class="btnImage" @src="_img" alt="Restart" title="Restart">
<td style="width:7%">
<<set _img = "data/gui/save.png">>
<a onClick="SugarCube.UI.saves()" class="btnTopperSetting">
<img class="btnImage" @src="_img" alt="Save" title="Save">
<td style="width:7%">
<<set _img = "data/gui/hide.png">>
<a class="btnTopperSetting">
<img onClick="TopMenuHide();" class="btnImage" @src="_img" alt="Hide" title="Hide">
<span id="menuhide">
<<set _img = "data/gui/show.png">>
<a class="btnTopperSettingHide">
<img onClick="TopMenuShow();" class="btnImage" @src="_img" alt="Show" title="Show">
<span id="menuind">
<</if>><<if $TopMenu and $TopMenuShow>>
<<elseif $TopMenu>>
<</if>>/* Action reset */
<<widget "SNDaction">>
/* ---------- Making beds ---------- */
<<set $mansion.mbedroom.makebed = false>>
<<ChangeFeatures 0 -50 -50 -50 -50>>
/* Counters */
<<widget "SNDcounters">>
/* -------------------- MC -------------------- */
<<if $mcLook.shave > 0>>
<<set $mcLook.shave = 100>>
/* -------------------- MANSION -------------------- */
<<if $time.weekday == 0>>
<<set $mansion.mbedroom.cleanWeekCount = 0>>
<<set $mansion.gbedroom.cleanWeekCount = 0>>
<<set $mansion.livingroom.cleanWeekCount = 0>>
<<set $mansion.hallway.cleanWeekCount = 0>>
<<set $mansion.backyard.cleanWeekCount = 0>>
<<set $mansion.poolbar.cleanWeekCount = 0>>
<<set $mansion.mbathroom.cleanWeekCount = 0>>
<<set $mansion.gbathroom.cleanWeekCount = 0>>
<<set $mansion.office.cleanWeekCount = 0>>
<<set $mansion.kitchen.cleanWeekCount = 0>>
/* -------------------- WIFE -------------------- */
<<set $WifeTennis.mcinvite = false>>
<<set $WifeTennis.mcdrive = false>>
<<set $WifeFacesitting.counter = max(0, ($WifeFacesitting.counter - 1))>>
/* -------------------- MAID -------------------- */
<<set $MaidBackyard.drinkcounter = max(0, ($MaidBackyard.drinkcounter - 1))>>
<<set $MaidCookingLessons.lessonsgap = max(0, ($MaidCookingLessons.lessonsgap - 1))>>
<<set $MaidCookingLessons.examgap = max(0, ($MaidCookingLessons.examgap - 1))>>
<<set $MaidRoleReversal.cleaningcounter = max(0, ($MaidRoleReversal.cleaningcounter - 1))>>
/* -------------------- BELINDA -------------------- */
<<if $BelindaStory.counter > 0 and $time.weekday <= 4>>
<<set $BelindaStory.counter -= 1>>
<<if $BelindaStory.status == "active" and $BelindaStory.stage == 4 and $BelindaStory.counter == 0>>
<<set $BelindaStory.stage = 5>>
<<set $BelindaStory.comm = true>>
<<if $BelindaStory.stage == 7 and $BelindaStory.counter == 0 and ($BelindaDrive.givecar or $BelindaDrive.nogivecar)>>
<<set $BelindaStory.stage = 8>>
<<set $BelindaStory.counter = 4>>
<<set $BelindaDrive.ask = false>>
<<set $BelindaVacation = max(0, ($BelindaVacation - 1))>>
/* -------------------- BRANDY -------------------- */
<<if $BrandyStory.counter > 0 and $time.weekday <= 4>>
<<set $BrandyStory.counter -= 1>>
/*---------- SECRETARY ----------*/
<<if $SecretaryActivity.rsask == -1>>
<<set $SecretaryActivity.rsask = false>>
<<if $NPCstat[$SecretaryId].meet and $SecretaryId != 0>>
<<if $SecretaryActivity.rscoffee > 0>>
<<set $SecretaryActivity.rscoffee -= 1>>
<<if $SecretaryActivity.rswipetable > 0>>
<<set $SecretaryActivity.rswipetable -= 1>>
<<if $SecretaryActivity.rsteasing > 0>>
<<set $SecretaryActivity.rsteasing -= 1>>
<<if $SecretaryActivity.partnervisit > 0>>
<<set $SecretaryActivity.partnervisit -= 1>>
<<if $SecretaryWarehouses.rsworkcount >= 1>>
<<if $SecretaryWarehouses.rscoffee > 0>>
<<set $SecretaryWarehouses.rscoffee -= 1>>
<<if $SecretaryWarehouses.rswipetable > 0>>
<<set $SecretaryWarehouses.rswipetable -= 1>>
<<if $SecretaryWarehouses.rsthongcheck > 0>>
<<set $SecretaryWarehouses.rsthongcheck -= 1>>
<<if $SecretaryWarehouses.rspussylicking > 0>>
<<set $SecretaryWarehouses.rspussylicking -= 1>>
<<if $SecretaryWarehouses.rsfootmassage > 0>>
<<set $SecretaryWarehouses.rsfootmassage -= 1>>
<<if $SecretaryWarehouses.rspartnervisit > 0>>
<<set $SecretaryWarehouses.rspartnervisit -= 1>>
<<if $SecretaryWarehouses.rsangryclient > 0>>
<<set $SecretaryWarehouses.rsangryclient -= 1>>
/*---------- PSY ----------*/
<<if $PsyTopic[0].counter > 0>>
<<set $PsyTopic[0].counter -= 1>>
/*---------- KELLY ----------*/
<<if $KellyTraining.deliverytalk>>
<<set $KellyTraining.deliverytalk = false>>
/*---------- MILA ----------*/
<<set $MilaDelivery.counter = max(0, ($MilaDelivery.counter - 1))>>
/*---------- NPC Desires ----------*/
<<widget "SNDdesire">>
/* -------------------- Mood Grow -------------------- */
<<set $NPCmood[0].mood = min(100, ($NPCmood[0].mood + 10))>>
<<set $NPCmood[1].mood = min(100, ($NPCmood[0].mood + 5))>>
/* WIFE */
<<if $NPCsexmemory[0].facesitting > 0>>
<<set $WifeFacesitting.desire += random(8, 12)>>
<<if $NPCsexmemory[0].footmassage > 0>>
<<set $WifeFootFetish.massagedesire += random(8, 12)>>
<<if $NPCstat[0].lordliness >= 20>>
<<set $WifeFootFetish.massagedesire += 6>>
<<set $WifeFootFetish.massagedesire = min(100, $WifeFootFetish.massagedesire)>>
<<if $NPCmood[0].arousal < 40>>
<<set $NPCmood[0].arousal += 10>>
<<elseif $NPCmood[0].arousal < 70>>
<<set $NPCmood[0].arousal += 15>>
<<set $NPCmood[0].arousal += 20>>
<<set $NPCmood[0].arousal = min(100, $NPCmood[0].arousal)>>
<<if $time.weekday == 1>>
<<set $NPCmood[0].tiredness += 20>>
<<elseif $time.weekday == 3>>
<<set $NPCmood[0].tiredness += 15>>
<<elseif $time.weekday == 5 or $time.weekday == 6>>
<<set $NPCmood[0].tiredness -= 15>>
<<set $NPCmood[0].tiredness += 10>>
<<if $NPCmood[0].tiredness > 120>>
<<set $NPCmood[0].tiredness = 0>>
<<set $WifePartying.drinkingdesire += random(6, 10)>>
<<if $time.date < 0 and $WifePartying.clubactive == false>>
<<set $WifePartying.clubactive = true>>
<<set $WifePartying.clubdesire = 100>>
<<if $WifePartying.clubactive>>
<<set $WifePartying.clubdesire = min(100, ($WifePartying.clubdesire + 8))>>
<<set $WifeTimeTogether.desire += random(6, 10)>>
/*---------- MAID ----------*/
<<AddStat 1 "trust" 1 30>>
<<if $NPCmood[1].arousal < 40>>
<<set $NPCmood[1].arousal += 10>>
<<elseif $NPCmood[1].arousal < 70>>
<<set $NPCmood[1].arousal += 15>>
<<set $NPCmood[1].arousal += 20>>
<<if $NPCmood[1].arousal > 100>>
<<set $NPCmood[1].arousal = 100>>
<<set $MaidLazinessDesires.listeningMusic += random(10, 16)>>
<<if $NPCstat[1].obedience <= 14>>
<<set $MaidLazinessDesires.oversleeping += random(5, 9)>>
<<if $NPCstat[1].obedience <= -20>>
<<set $MaidLazinessDesires.watchtv += random(10, 18)>>
<<set $MaidLazinessDesires.tanning += random(8, 12)>>
<<set $MaidLazinessDesires.annoying += random(10, 20)>>
<<if $NPCstat[1].obedience <= -25>>
<<set $MaidLazinessDesires.slacking += random(8, 12)>>
<<set $MaidLazinessDesires.annoying += random(3, 7)>>
<<set $MaidLazinessDesires.drinking += random(7, 11)>>
<<if $NPCstat[1].obedience <= -28>>
<<set $MaidLazinessDesires.swimming += random(8, 12)>>
<<if $NPCstat[1].obedience <= -30>>
<<set $MaidLazinessDesires.annoying += random(3, 6)>>
<<if $NPCstat[1].obedience <= -35>>
<<set $MaidLazinessDesires.drinking += random(3, 5)>>
<<if $NPCstat[1].obedience <= -25 and $MaidBackyard.drinkCount >= 1>>
<<set $MaidBackyard.drinkActive = true>>
<<elseif $NPCstat[1].obedience >= -18>>
<<set $MaidBackyard.drinkActive = false>>
/*---------- KINKS ----------*/
/* Wife */
<<set _blowjob = $NPCsexmemory[0].blowjob + 10>>
<<set _pussylicking = $NPCsexmemory[0].pussylicking + 10>>
<<set _asslicking = $NPCsexmemory[0].asslicking + 10>>
<<set _facesitting = $NPCsexmemory[0].facesitting + 10>>
<<set _kinkdegree = (_pussylicking/_blowjob)>>
<<set _kinkdegree = _kinkdegree * 100>>
<<if _kinkdegree < 34>>
<<set $NPCkinks[0].pussylicking -= 2>>
<<set $NPCkinks[0].blowjob += 2>>
<<elseif _kinkdegree < 50>>
<<set $NPCkinks[0].pussylicking -= 1>>
<<set $NPCkinks[0].blowjob += 1>>
<<elseif _kinkdegree < 75>>
<<set $NPCkinks[0].pussylicking -= 1>>
<<elseif _kinkdegree < 150>>
<<elseif _kinkdegree < 200>>
<<set $NPCkinks[0].blowjob -= 1>>
<<elseif _kinkdegree < 300>>
<<set $NPCkinks[0].pussylicking += 1>>
<<set $NPCkinks[0].blowjob -= 1>>
<<set $NPCkinks[0].pussylicking += 2>>
<<set $NPCkinks[0].blowjob -= 2>>
<<set _kinkdegree = (_facesitting/_blowjob)>>
<<set _kinkdegree = _kinkdegree * 100>>
<<if _kinkdegree < 34>>
<<set $NPCkinks[0].facesitting -= 2>>
<<elseif _kinkdegree < 50>>
<<set $NPCkinks[0].facesitting -= 1>>
<<elseif _kinkdegree < 75>>
<<set $NPCkinks[0].facesitting -= 1>>
<<elseif _kinkdegree < 150>>
<<elseif _kinkdegree < 200>>
<<set $NPCkinks[0].blowjob -= 1>>
<<elseif _kinkdegree < 300>>
<<set $NPCkinks[0].facesitting += 1>>
<<set $NPCkinks[0].blowjob -= 1>>
<<set $NPCkinks[0].facesitting += 2>>
<<set $NPCkinks[0].blowjob -= 1>>
<<set _kinkdegree = (_asslicking/_blowjob)>>
<<set _kinkdegree = _kinkdegree * 100>>
<<if _kinkdegree < 34>>
<<set $NPCkinks[0].asslicking -= 2>>
<<elseif _kinkdegree < 50>>
<<set $NPCkinks[0].asslicking -= 1>>
<<elseif _kinkdegree < 75>>
<<set $NPCkinks[0].asslicking -= 1>>
<<elseif _kinkdegree < 150>>
<<elseif _kinkdegree < 200>>
<<elseif _kinkdegree < 300>>
<<set $NPCkinks[0].asslicking += 1>>
<<set $NPCkinks[0].asslicking += 2>>
<<if $NPCkinks[0].blowjob < 0>><<set $NPCkinks[0].blowjob = 0>><</if>>
<<if $NPCkinks[0].pussylicking < 0>><<set $NPCkinks[0].pussylicking = 0>><</if>>
<<if $NPCkinks[0].asslicking < 0>><<set $NPCkinks[0].asslicking = 0>><</if>>
<<if $NPCkinks[0].facesitting < 0>><<set $NPCkinks[0].facesitting = 0>><</if>>
/* NPC Memory */
<<widget "SNDmemory">>
/* Wife Salon */
<<if $NPCdaymemory[0].anoon == "salon(downtown)">>
<<set $WifePartying.clubcount += 1>>
<<ChangeFeatures 0 -1 2 -1 -1>>
<<if $NPCdaymemory[0].evening == "salon(downtown)">>
<<ChangeFeatures 0 -1 2 -1 -1>>
/* Wife Club */
<<if $NPCdaymemory[0].dusk == "clubbing">>
<<set $WifePartying.clubcount += 1>>
<<ChangeFeatures 0 -1 2 -1 -1>>
<<if $NPCdaymemory[0].night == "clubbing">>
<<ChangeFeatures 0 -1 2 -1 -1>>
<<if $NPCdaymemory[0].mnight == "clubbing">>
<<ChangeFeatures 0 -1 2 -1 -1>>
/* Maid Gym */
<<if $NPCdaymemory[1].evening == "training(downtown gym)">>
<<set $NPCstat[1].obedience -= 1>>
<<set $MaidActivity.gymcounter += 1>>
<<for _i to 0; _i <= $maxnpc; _i++>>
<<set $NPCdaymemory[_i].emorning = "">>
<<set $NPCdaymemory[_i].morning = "">>
<<set $NPCdaymemory[_i].noon = "">>
<<set $NPCdaymemory[_i].anoon = "">>
<<set $NPCdaymemory[_i].evening = "">>
<<set $NPCdaymemory[_i].dusk = "">>
<<set $NPCdaymemory[_i].night = "">>
<<set $NPCdaymemory[_i].mnight = "">>
/* NPC Plans */
<<widget "SNDplans">>
<<if $NPCplans[2].mnight == "sleeping(mansion gbedroom)">>
<<set $JennyVisitSleepover.overallCount += 1>>
<<set $JennyVisitSleepover.gbedroomCount += 1>>
<<run setCharBlockMemory(2, $time.daytime ,"sleeping(mansion gbedroom)")>>
<<if $NPCplans[2].mnight == "sleeping(mansion mbedroom)">>
<<set $JennyVisitSleepover.overallCount += 1>>
<<set $JennyVisitSleepover.mbedroomCount += 1>>
<<run setCharBlockMemory(2, $time.daytime ,"sleeping(mansion mbedroom)")>>
/* RESET */
<<for _i to 0; _i <= $maxnpc; _i++>>
<<set $NPCplans[_i].emorning = "">>
<<set $NPCplans[_i].morning = "">>
<<set $NPCplans[_i].noon = "">>
<<set $NPCplans[_i].anoon = "">>
<<set $NPCplans[_i].evening = "">>
<<set $NPCplans[_i].dusk = "">>
<<set $NPCplans[_i].night = "">>
<<set $NPCplans[_i].mnight = "">>
<<for _i to 0; _i <= $maxnpc; _i++>>
<<set $NPCevents[_i].emorning = "">>
<<set $NPCevents[_i].morning = "">>
<<set $NPCevents[_i].noon = "">>
<<set $NPCevents[_i].anoon = "">>
<<set $NPCevents[_i].evening = "">>
<<set $NPCevents[_i].dusk = "">>
<<set $NPCevents[_i].night = "">>
<<set $NPCevents[_i].mnight = "">>
/*---------- WIFE ----------*/
/* Standart */
<<set _wd = $time.weekday>>
<<set $NPCplans[0].emorning = $WifeSchedule[_wd].emorning>>
<<set $NPCplans[0].morning = $WifeSchedule[_wd].morning>>
<<set $NPCplans[0].noon = $WifeSchedule[_wd].noon>>
<<set $NPCplans[0].anoon = $WifeSchedule[_wd].anoon>>
<<set $NPCplans[0].evening = $WifeSchedule[_wd].evening>>
<<set $NPCplans[0].dusk = $WifeSchedule[_wd].dusk>>
<<set $NPCplans[0].night = $WifeSchedule[_wd].night>>
<<set $NPCplans[0].mnight = $WifeSchedule[_wd].mnight>>
/*---------- Wife taking shower variation ----------*/
<<set $WifeScenes.Shower.interact = false>>
<<set $WifeScenes.Shower.variation = random(1, 11)>>
<<set $WifeScenes.Shower.nocoffee = false>>
/*---------- Wife eating breakfast variation ----------*/
<<set $WifeScenes.Breakfast.interact = false>>
<<set $WifeScenes.Breakfast.variation = random(1, 20)>>
<<set $WifeScenes.BedBreakfast.interact = false>>
<<set $WifeScenes.BedBreakfast.variation = random(1, 20)>>
/*---------- Wife eating dinner variation ----------*/
<<set $WifeScenes.Dinner.interact = false>>
<<set $WifeScenes.Dinner.drinkaccept = false>>
<<set $WifeScenes.Dinner.drinkrefuse = false>>
<<set $WifeScenes.Dinner.variation = random(1, 15)>>
/*---------- Wife watching TV variation ----------*/
<<set $WifeScenes.WatchTV.interact = false>>
<<set $WifeScenes.WatchTV.variation = random(1, 15)>>
/*---------- Wife resting with her phone variation ----------*/
<<set $WifeScenes.GetRest.interact = false>>
<<set $WifeScenes.GetRest.variation = random(1, 20)>>
/*---------- Wife bakery standart variation ----------*/
<<set $WifeScenes.Bakery.interact = false>>
<<set $WifeScenes.Bakery.variation = random(1, 20)>>
/*---------- Plot exception ----------*/
<<if $time.date <= 2>>
<<set $WifeScenes.Shower.variation = 11>>
<<set $WifeScenes.Breakfast.variation = 20>>
<<set $WifeScenes.BedBreakfast.variation = 20>>
<<set $WifeScenes.WatchTV.variation = 15>>
<<set $WifeScenes.GetRest.variation = 20>>
<<set $WifeScenes.Bakery.variation = 20>>
/* ----------- Morning ----------- */
/* She wanna skip breakfast */
<<if $WifeScenes.Shower.variation == 2 and $time.weekday <= 4>>
<<set $NPCplans[0].morning = "work(bakery)">>
/* ----------- ----------- */
/* ----------- Desire take bath ----------- */
<<set $WifeBath.messageMC = false>>
<<set $WifeBath.desire += random(8, 12)>>
<<if $WifeBath.desire >= 100 and ($time.weekday == 0 or $time.weekday == 1 or $time.weekday == 4)>>
<<set $WifeBath.desire = 0>>
<<set $NPCplans[0].evening = "take bath(mansion)">>
<<if $WifeScenes.GetRest.variation <= 3 and $NPCplans[0].evening == "get rest(mansion)">>
<<set $NPCplans[0].evening = "get balcony(mansion)">>
/* ----------- Arousal ----------- */
<<set _sexassault = "">>
<<if $NPCmood[0].mood >= 30 and $NPCmood[0].arousal >= 75 and $NPCstat[0].assertiveness > 10>>
<<set _sexassault = "start">>
<<elseif $NPCmood[0].mood >= 30 and $NPCmood[0].arousal >= 85 and $NPCstat[0].assertiveness > -25>>
<<set _sexassault = "start">>
<<if $WifeFacesitting.desire >= 100>>
<<set _sexassault = "start">>
<<if _sexassault == "start">>
<<set _stdice = random(9)>>
<<if _stdice <= 4>>
<<set _sexassault = "emorning">>
<<elseif _stdice > 4>>
<<set _sexassault = "night">>
<<if _sexassault == "emorning">>
<<set _lim = $NPCkinks[0].facesitting + $NPCkinks[0].blowjob>>
<<set _stdice = random(_lim)>>
<<if $NPCstat[0].lordliness < -20>><<set _stdice += 20>><</if>>
<<if $NPCstat[0].lordliness >= 20>><<set _stdice -= 20>><</if>>
<<if _stdice <= $NPCkinks[0].facesitting and $WifeFacesitting.active>>
<<set $NPCplans[0].emorning = "looking for sex(facesitting)">>
<<elseif $NPCkinks[0].blowjob > 0>>
<<set $NPCplans[0].emorning = "looking for sex(blowjob)">>
<<set $NPCplans[0].night = "looking for sex(cuni)">>
<<if _sexassault == "night">>
<<set _lim = $NPCkinks[0].pussylicking + $NPCkinks[0].blowjob>>
<<set _stdice = random(_lim)>>
<<if $NPCstat[0].lordliness < -20>><<set _stdice += 20>><</if>>
<<if $NPCstat[0].lordliness >= 20>><<set _stdice -= 20>><</if>>
<<if _stdice <= $NPCkinks[0].pussylicking and $NPCkinks[0].pussylicking > 0>>
<<set $NPCplans[0].night = "looking for sex(cuni)">>
<<set $NPCplans[0].night = "looking for sex(blowjob)">>
/* ----------- Desire to drink in the pool bar ----------*/
<<if $WifePartying.drinkingdesire >= 100 and $time.weekday <= 4>>
<<set $WifePartying.drinkingdesire = 0>>
<<set $NPCplans[0].evening = "drinking(pool bar)">>
<<set $NPCplans[0].dusk = "drinking(pool bar)">>
<<set $NPCplans[0].night = "drinking(pool bar)">>
/* ----------- Desire to go to the club with Jenny ----------*/
<<if $WifePartying.clubdesire == 100 and $time.weekday == 4>>
<<set $WifePartying.clubdesire = 0>>
<<set $NPCplans[0].evening = "clubbing(prepare)">>
<<set $NPCplans[0].dusk = "clubbing">>
<<set $NPCplans[0].night = "clubbing">>
<<set $NPCplans[0].mnight = "clubbing">>
/*---------- Wife morning plans ----------*/
<<if $WifeScenes.Breakfast.variation >= 17>>
<<set $NPCplans[0].morning = "get ready for work(mansion)">>
/*---------- Wife wanna spend time together ----------*/
<<if $WifeTimeTogether.desire >= 100 and $NPCmood[0].mood >= 30>>
<<set _stdice = random(1, 3)>>
<<if _stdice == 1 and ($NPCplans[0].anoon == "work(bakery)" or $NPCplans[0].anoon == "salon(downtown)")>>
<<set $NPCplans[0].anoon = "get rest(mansion)">>
<<set $NPCevents[0].anoon = "spending time together">>
<<if _stdice == 2 and ($NPCplans[0].evening == "drink coffee(mansion)" or $NPCplans[0].evening == "watch tv(mansion)" or $NPCplans[0].evening == "get rest(mansion)")>>
<<set $NPCplans[0].evening = "get rest(mansion)">>
<<set $NPCevents[0].evening = "spending time together">>
<<if _stdice == 3 and ($NPCplans[0].dusk == "drink coffee(mansion)" or $NPCplans[0].dusk == "watch tv(mansion)" or $NPCplans[0].dusk == "get rest(mansion)")>>
<<set $NPCplans[0].dusk = "get rest(mansion)">>
<<set $NPCevents[0].dusk = "spending time together">>
<<if $NPCplans[0].evening == "take bath(mansion)">>
<<if $NPCevents[0].anoon == "spending time together">><<set $NPCevents[0].anoon = "">><</if>>
<<if $NPCevents[0].evening == "spending time together">><<set $NPCevents[0].evening = "">><</if>>
<<if $NPCevents[0].dusk == "spending time together">><<set $NPCevents[0].dusk = "">><</if>>
/*---------- Wife hug from behind scene ----------*/
<<if $WifeScenes.WatchTV.variation == 4 and $NPCmood[0].mood >= 30>>
<<if $NPCplans[0].evening == "watch tv(mansion)">>
<<set $NPCevents[0].evening = "hug from behind">>
<<elseif $NPCplans[0].dusk == "watch tv(mansion)">>
<<set $NPCevents[0].dusk = "hug from behind">>
/*---------- MAID ----------*/
/*---------- Standart ----------*/
<<set _wd = $time.weekday>>
<<set $NPCplans[1].emorning = $MaidSchedule[_wd].emorning>>
<<set $NPCplans[1].morning = $MaidSchedule[_wd].morning>>
<<set $NPCplans[1].noon = $MaidSchedule[_wd].noon>>
<<set $NPCplans[1].anoon = $MaidSchedule[_wd].anoon>>
<<set $NPCplans[1].evening = $MaidSchedule[_wd].evening>>
<<set $NPCplans[1].dusk = $MaidSchedule[_wd].dusk>>
<<set $NPCplans[1].night = $MaidSchedule[_wd].night>>
<<set $NPCplans[1].mnight = $MaidSchedule[_wd].mnight>>
/*---------- Maid cleaning master bedroom ----------*/
<<set $MaidCleaningScenes.MasterBedroom.interact = false>>
<<set $MaidCleaningScenes.MasterBedroom.variation = random(1, 20)>>
/*---------- Maid cleaning living room ----------*/
<<set $MaidCleaningScenes.LivingRoom.interact = false>>
<<set $MaidCleaningScenes.LivingRoom.variation = random(1, 20)>>
<<set $MaidCleaningScenes.LivingRoom.wipeShelvesGap = max(0, ($MaidCleaningScenes.LivingRoom.wipeShelvesGap - 1))>>
/*---------- Maid cleaning gardener bedroom ----------*/
<<set $MaidCleaningScenes.GardenerRoom.interact = false>>
<<set $MaidCleaningScenes.GardenerRoom.variation = random(1, 20)>>
/* ----------- Laziness ----------- */
<<if $time.weekday <= 4 and $MaidLazinessDesires.watchtv >= 100 and $MaidLivingRoom.watchtv >= 1 and $MaidRoleReversal.active == false>>
<<set $MaidLazinessDesires.watchtv = 0>>
<<set $NPCplans[1].anoon = "watch tv(mansion)">>
<<if $time.weekday <= 4 and $MaidLazinessDesires.tanning >= 100 and $MaidRoleReversal.active == false>>
<<set _stdice = random(9)>>
<<if _stdice <= 6>>
<<set $NPCplans[1].noon = "tanning(backyard)">>
<<set $NPCplans[1].noon = "tanning(hallway)">>
<<if $MaidLazinessDesires.oversleeping >= 100>>
<<set $MaidLazinessDesires.oversleeping = 0>>
<<set $NPCplans[1].emorning == "sleep(gardener)">>
/* ----------- Drinking or swimming ----------- */
<<if $NPCstat[1].obedience <= -25 and $MaidBackyard.drinkActive and $MaidLazinessDesires.drinking >= 100 and $NPCplans[1].anoon == "clean pool bar">>
<<set $MaidLazinessDesires.drinking = 0>>
<<set $NPCplans[1].anoon = "drinking(pool bar)">>
<<if $MaidBackyard.swimActive and $MaidLazinessDesires.swimming >= 100 and $NPCplans[1].anoon == "drinking(pool bar)">>
<<set $MaidLazinessDesires.swimming = 0>>
<<set $NPCplans[1].anoon = "use pool(mansion)">>
/*---------- Maid leaving master bedroom scene ----------*/
<<if $MaidCleaningScenes.MasterBedroom.variation == 1 and $NPCplans[1].morning == "clean master bedroom">>
<<set $NPCevents[1].morning = "leave master bedroom">>
/*---------- Maid cleaning master bedroom scene ----------*/
<<if $MaidCleaningScenes.GardenerRoom.variation <= 2>>
<<set $NPCplans[1].dusk == "clean bedroom(gardener)">>
<<set $NPCplans[1].night == "take shower(gardener)">>
/*---------- JENNY ----------*/
/* Standart */
<<set _wd = $time.weekday>>
<<set $NPCplans[2].emorning = getWeekTypePlans($JennySchedule[_wd].emorning)>>
<<set $NPCplans[2].morning = getWeekTypePlans($JennySchedule[_wd].morning)>>
<<set $NPCplans[2].noon = getWeekTypePlans($JennySchedule[_wd].noon)>>
<<set $NPCplans[2].anoon = getWeekTypePlans($JennySchedule[_wd].anoon)>>
<<set $NPCplans[2].evening = getWeekTypePlans($JennySchedule[_wd].evening)>>
<<set $NPCplans[2].dusk = getWeekTypePlans($JennySchedule[_wd].dusk)>>
<<set $NPCplans[2].night = getWeekTypePlans($JennySchedule[_wd].night)>>
<<set $NPCplans[2].mnight = getWeekTypePlans($JennySchedule[_wd].mnight)>>
/*---------- Jenny visits variation ----------*/
<<set $JennyVisitScenes.Kitchen.interact = false>>
<<set $JennyVisitScenes.Kitchen.variation = random(1, 10)>>
<<set $JennyVisitScenes.Kitchen.hatMessageId = random(1, 10)>>
<<set $JennyVisitScenes.LivingRoom.interact = false>>
<<set $JennyVisitScenes.LivingRoom.variation = random(1, 10)>>
/*---------- *** ----------*/
<<if $NPCdaymemory[2].emorning == "sleeping(mansion gbedroom)">>
<<set $NPCplans[2].emorning = "take shower(mansion gbathroom)">>
<<if $NPCdaymemory[2].emorning == "sleeping(mansion mbedroom)">>
<<set $NPCplans[2].emorning = "take shower(mansion mbathroom)">>
<<if $NPCplans[2].noon == "shopping(mall)">>
<<set $NPCplans[0].emorning = "take shower(mansion)">>
<<set $NPCplans[0].morning = "prepare to shopping">>
<<set $NPCplans[0].noon = "shopping(mall)">>
<<set $NPCplans[0].anoon = "shopping(mall)">>
<<set $NPCplans[0].evening = "shopping(mall)">>
<<set $NPCplans[0].dusk = "after shopping(mansion)">>
<<if $NPCplans[2].noon == "visit mansion">>
<<set _jennylate = false>>
<<set _dice = random(1, 100)>>
<<if _dice <= 50>>
<<set _jennylate = true>>
<<set $NPCplans[2].noon = "prepare to visit">>
<<set $NPCplans[2].anoon = "prepare to visit">>
<<set $NPCplans[0].evening = "meet Jenny(kitchen)">>
<<set $NPCplans[0].noon = "meet Jenny(mbedroom)">>
<<set $NPCplans[0].anoon = "meet Jenny(pool area)">>
<<set $NPCplans[0].evening = "meet Jenny(pool area)">>
<<if $JennyVisitSleepover.active>>
<<set _dice = random(1, 100)>>
<<if _dice <= 50>>
<<set $NPCplans[0].dusk = "meet Jenny(pool bar)">>
<<set $NPCplans[0].night = "meet Jenny(pool bar)">>
<<set $NPCplans[2].mnight = "sleeping(mansion gbedroom)">>
<<set $NPCplans[0].dusk = "meet Jenny(living room)">>
<<set $NPCplans[0].night = "meet Jenny(living room)">>
<<set $NPCplans[2].mnight = "sleeping(mansion gbedroom)">>
<<if $WifeQueen.active and $NPCsexmemory[2].footmassage == 0>>
<<set $NPCplans[0].dusk = "meet Jenny(living room)">>
<<set $NPCplans[0].night = "meet Jenny(living room)">>
<<set $NPCplans[2].mnight = "sleeping(mansion gbedroom)">>
<<elseif $WifeFootFetish.poolbarmassage == 1 and $NPCstat[0].assertiveness >= 28 and $NPCstat[0].openness >= 10>>
<<set $NPCplans[0].dusk = "meet Jenny(pool bar)">>
<<set $NPCplans[0].night = "meet Jenny(pool bar)">>
<<set $NPCplans[2].mnight = "sleeping(mansion gbedroom)">>
<<elseif $WifePussyWorship.mansionpoolbar >= 1 and $WifeFootFetish.poolbarmassage == 0 and $NPCstat[0].assertiveness >= 28>>
<<set $NPCplans[0].dusk = "meet Jenny(pool bar)">>
<<set $NPCplans[0].night = "meet Jenny(pool bar)">>
<<set $NPCplans[2].mnight = "sleeping(mansion gbedroom)">>
<<set $NPCplans[0].dusk = "meet Jenny(living room)">>
<<set $NPCplans[0].night = "meet Jenny(living room)">>
<<set _dice = random(1, 100)>>
<<if _dice <= 50>>
<<set $NPCevents[0].noon = "meet Jenny(hallway)">>
<<if _jennylate>><<set $NPCevents[0].evening = "meet Jenny(hallway)">><</if>>
<<elseif $NPCplans[0].noon == "meet Jenny(mbedroom)">>
<<set $NPCevents[0].noon = "meet Jenny(mbedroom)">>
<<elseif $NPCplans[0].evening == "meet Jenny(kitchen)" and _jennylate>>
<<set $NPCevents[0].evening = "meet Jenny(kitchen)">>
<<if $NPCplans[0].evening == "clubbing">>
<<set $NPCplans[2].evening = "clubbing(prepare)">>
<<set $NPCplans[2].dusk = "clubbing">>
<<set $NPCplans[2].night = "clubbing">>
<<set $NPCplans[2].mnight = "clubbing">>
/*---------- COMBINED SCENES ----------*/
/*---------- Maid and wife cooking lessons ----------*/
<<if $MaidCookingLessons.examcount == 1 and $MaidCookingLessons.examgap == 0 and $NPCplans[1].evening == "make dinner">>
<<if $NPCplans[0].evening == "watch tv(mansion)" or $NPCplans[0].evening == "get rest(mansion)">>
<<set $NPCplans[0].evening = "drink coffee(mansion)">>
<<set $NPCevents[0].evening = "">>
/* ----------- Maid and wife take bath ----------- */
<<if $NPCplans[0].evening == "take bath(mansion)" and $MaidToWife.influence >= 15>>
<<set _stdice = random(99)>>
<<if _stdice <= 19>>
<<set $NPCplans[0].anoon = "prepare bath(master bathroom)">>
<<if $NPCstat[0].obedience <= -22>>
<<set $NPCplans[0].evening = "assist wife(master bathroom)">>
/*---------- SECRETARY ----------*/
<<if $SecretaryId != 0>>
/* Standart */
<<set _wd = $time.weekday>>
<<set $NPCplans[$SecretaryId].emorning = $SecretarySchedule[_wd].emorning>>
<<set $NPCplans[$SecretaryId].morning = $SecretarySchedule[_wd].morning>>
<<set $NPCplans[$SecretaryId].noon = $SecretarySchedule[_wd].noon>>
<<set $NPCplans[$SecretaryId].anoon = $SecretarySchedule[_wd].anoon>>
<<set $NPCplans[$SecretaryId].evening = $SecretarySchedule[_wd].evening>>
<<set $NPCplans[$SecretaryId].dusk = $SecretarySchedule[_wd].dusk>>
<<set $NPCplans[$SecretaryId].night = $SecretarySchedule[_wd].night>>
<<set $NPCplans[$SecretaryId].mnight = $SecretarySchedule[_wd].mnight>>
<<if $PsyTopic[0].stage == 4 and $PsyTopic[0].counter == 0 and $NPCstat[$SecretaryId].obedience <= -30>>
<<set $NPCplans[$SecretaryId].emorning = "working(your office)">>
<<set $NPCplans[$SecretaryId].morning = "working(your office)">>
<<set $NPCplans[$SecretaryId].noon = "working(your office)">>
<<set $NPCplans[$SecretaryId].anoon = "working(your office)">>
<<if $PsyTopic[0].stage == 5 and $PsyTopic[0].counter == 0 and mcHaveThongs()>>
<<set $NPCplans[$SecretaryId].morning = "working(your office)">>
<<set $NPCplans[$SecretaryId].noon = "working(your office)">>
<<set $NPCplans[$SecretaryId].anoon = "working(your office)">>
<<if $NPCplans[$SecretaryId].anoon == "working(warehouse)" and ($time.weekday == 2 or $time.weekday == 3)>>
<<set _stdice = random(1, 8)>>
<<if _stdice == 1 and $time.weekday == 2>><<set $NPCplans[12].anoon = "visit warehouse">><</if>>
<<if _stdice == 2 and $time.weekday == 2>><<set $NPCplans[12].evening = "visit warehouse">><</if>>
<<if _stdice == 3 and $time.weekday == 3>><<set $NPCplans[12].anoon = "visit warehouse">><</if>>
<<if _stdice == 4 and $time.weekday == 3>><<set $NPCplans[12].evening = "visit warehouse">><</if>>
<<if $SecretaryWarehouses.rspartnervisit == 0 and $SecretaryWarehouses.rsworkcount >= 4>>
<<set $SecretaryWarehouses.rspartnervisit = random(6, 8)>>
<<if $SecretaryId == 3>>
<<set $NPCplans[22].anoon = "visit warehouse">>
<<elseif $SecretaryId == 4>>
<<set $NPCplans[21].anoon = "visit warehouse">>
/*---------- PAUL ----------*/
/* Standart */
<<if $time.weekday <= 4>>
<<set _wd = $time.weekday>>
<<set $NPCplans[5].emorning = "working">>
<<set $NPCplans[5].morning = "working">>
<<set $NPCplans[5].noon = "working">>
<<set $NPCplans[5].anoon = "working">>
/*---------- Paul office funs ----------*/
<<set $PaulScenes.OfficeFun.interact = false>>
<<set $PaulScenes.OfficeFun.variation = random(1, 20)>>
<<set _stdice = random(1, 4)>>
<<if $PaulScenes.OfficeFun.variation <= 2>>
<<if _stdice == 1>><<set $NPCevents[5].emorning = "watch fight">><</if>>
<<if _stdice == 2>><<set $NPCevents[5].morning = "watch fight">><</if>>
<<if _stdice == 3>><<set $NPCevents[5].noon = "watch fight">><</if>>
<<if _stdice == 4>><<set $NPCevents[5].anoon = "watch fight">><</if>>
<<elseif $PaulScenes.OfficeFun.variation <= 4>>
<<if _stdice == 1>><<set $NPCevents[5].emorning = "play cards">><</if>>
<<if _stdice == 2>><<set $NPCevents[5].morning = "play cards">><</if>>
<<if _stdice == 3>><<set $NPCevents[5].noon = "play cards">><</if>>
<<if _stdice == 4>><<set $NPCevents[5].anoon = "play cards">><</if>>
/*---------- CLAIRE ----------*/
/* Standart */
<<if $time.weekday <= 4>>
<<set _wd = $time.weekday>>
<<set $NPCplans[6].emorning = "working">>
<<set $NPCplans[6].morning = "working">>
<<set $NPCplans[6].noon = "working">>
<<set $NPCplans[6].anoon = "working">>
/*---------- MILA ----------*/
<<if $NPCstat[8].meet>>
/* Standart */
<<set _wd = $time.weekday>>
<<set $NPCplans[8].emorning = $MilaSchedule[_wd].emorning>>
<<set $NPCplans[8].morning = $MilaSchedule[_wd].morning>>
<<set $NPCplans[8].noon = $MilaSchedule[_wd].noon>>
<<set $NPCplans[8].anoon = $MilaSchedule[_wd].anoon>>
<<set $NPCplans[8].evening = $MilaSchedule[_wd].evening>>
<<set $NPCplans[8].dusk = $MilaSchedule[_wd].dusk>>
<<set $NPCplans[8].night = $MilaSchedule[_wd].night>>
<<set $NPCplans[8].mnight = $MilaSchedule[_wd].mnight>>
/*---------- BELINDA ----------*/
<<if $NPCstat[16].meet>>
/* Standart */
<<set _wd = $time.weekday>>
<<set $NPCplans[16].emorning = $BelindaSchedule[_wd].emorning>>
<<set $NPCplans[16].morning = $BelindaSchedule[_wd].morning>>
<<set $NPCplans[16].noon = $BelindaSchedule[_wd].noon>>
<<set $NPCplans[16].anoon = $BelindaSchedule[_wd].anoon>>
<<set $NPCplans[16].evening = $BelindaSchedule[_wd].evening>>
<<set $NPCplans[16].dusk = $BelindaSchedule[_wd].dusk>>
<<set $NPCplans[16].night = $BelindaSchedule[_wd].night>>
<<set $NPCplans[16].mnight = $BelindaSchedule[_wd].mnight>>
/*---------- BRANDY ----------*/
<<if $NPCstat[20].meet>>
/* Standart */
<<set _wd = $time.weekday>>
<<set $NPCplans[20].emorning = $BrandySchedule[_wd].emorning>>
<<set $NPCplans[20].morning = $BrandySchedule[_wd].morning>>
<<set $NPCplans[20].noon = $BrandySchedule[_wd].noon>>
<<set $NPCplans[20].anoon = $BrandySchedule[_wd].anoon>>
<<set $NPCplans[20].evening = $BrandySchedule[_wd].evening>>
<<set $NPCplans[20].dusk = $BrandySchedule[_wd].dusk>>
<<set $NPCplans[20].night = $BrandySchedule[_wd].night>>
<<set $NPCplans[20].mnight = $BrandySchedule[_wd].mnight>>
/*---------- KELLY ----------*/
<<if $time.weekday == 0>>
<<set $NPCplans[12].noon = "make delivery">>
/*---------- PSY ----------*/
<<if $NPCstat[18].meet>>
/* Standart */
<<set _wd = $time.weekday>>
<<set $NPCplans[18].emorning = $PsySchedule[_wd].emorning>>
<<set $NPCplans[18].morning = $PsySchedule[_wd].morning>>
<<set $NPCplans[18].noon = $PsySchedule[_wd].noon>>
<<set $NPCplans[18].anoon = $PsySchedule[_wd].anoon>>
<<set $NPCplans[18].evening = $PsySchedule[_wd].evening>>
<<set $NPCplans[18].dusk = $PsySchedule[_wd].dusk>>
<<set $NPCplans[18].night = $PsySchedule[_wd].night>>
<<set $NPCplans[18].mnight = $PsySchedule[_wd].mnight>>
<<if $PsyTopic[0].stage == 5 and $PsyTopic[0].counter == 0 and mcHaveThongs()>>
<<set $NPCplans[18].morning = "working(your office)">>
<<set $NPCplans[18].noon = "working(your office)">>
<<set $NPCplans[18].anoon = "working(your office)">>
/*---------- KENDALL ----------*/
/* Standart */
<<if $NPCstat[30].meet and $time.weekday <= 4>>
<<set _wd = $time.weekday>>
<<set $NPCplans[30].emorning = "working">>
<<set $NPCplans[30].morning = "working">>
<<set $NPCplans[30].noon = "working">>
<<set $NPCplans[30].anoon = "working">>
<<set $NPCplans[30].evening = "working">>
/*---------- EVERLY (TENNIS GIRL) ----------*/
<<if $time.weekday == 2 or $time.weekday == 5>>
<<set $NPCplans[17].anoon = "play tennis">>
<<set $NPCplans[17].evening = "play tennis">>
/* ------------------------------ NEIGHBORS ------------------------------ */
<<if $time.weekday == 3 or $time.weekday == 6>>
<<set $NPCplans[28].anoon = "backyard barbecue">>
<<set $NPCplans[28].evening = "backyard barbecue">>
<<if $NPCstat[29].meet>>
<<set _stdice = random(1, 100)>>
<<if _stdice <= 50>>
<<set $NPCplans[29].anoon = "backyard tanning">>
<<set $NPCplans[29].evening = "backyard barbecue">>
<<set $NPCplans[29].anoon = "kitchen cooking">>
<<set $NPCplans[29].evening = "backyard barbecue">>
/* NPC Navigation */
<<widget "SNDnavigation">>
/* -------------------- WORK INCIDENTS -------------------- */
<<if $BakeryBaristaId == 25>>
<<set $BakeryBaristaId = 26>>
<<elseif $BakeryBaristaId == 26>>
<<set $BakeryBaristaId = 25>>
/* Other */
<<widget "SNDother">>
/* -------------------- DREAMS -------------------- */
<<set _dreamMax = 0>>
<<set $DreamsSection.current = "">>
<<set $DreamsSection.dreamLocation = "">>
<<if $DreamsSection.giantMaidSeen>><<set _dreamMax += 1>><</if>>
<<if _dreamMax > 0>>
<<set _dreamId = random(1, (_dreamMax + 15))>>
<<if _dreamId == 1>>
<<set $DreamsSection.current = "giantess maid">>
<<set $DreamsSection.dreamLocation = "Dreams Maid Events">>
/* -------------------- WIFE -------------------- */
<<if $WifeFacesitting.status == "Jenny wanna show" and $time.weekday == 2>>
<<set $WifeFacesitting.status = "Jenny show">>
<<if $time.weekday == 0>><<set $WifeTennis.skill -= 1>><</if>>
<<if $WifeTennis.skill > 100>><<set $WifeTennis.skill = 100>><</if>>
<<if $WifeTennis.skill < 0>><<set $WifeTennis.skill = 0>><</if>>
/* -------------------- WIFE AND MAID SUSPICION -------------------- */
<<set $MaidToWife.influenceTalkCdw = max(0, ($MaidToWife.influenceTalkCdw - 1))>>
<<if $NPCstat[1].obedience <= -20 and $MaidToWife.influenceTalk < 2 and not $WifeToMaid.conflict>>
<<if $MaidToWife.influenceTalkCdw == 0 and $time.weekday <= 4>>
<<set _chance = random(1, 10)>>
<<if _chance <= 2>>
<<if $NPCplans[0].evening == "drink coffee(mansion)" or $NPCplans[0].evening == "watch tv(mansion)" or $NPCplans[0].evening == "get rest(mansion)">>
<<set $NPCevents[1].evening = "influence talk">>
<<set $MaidToWife.influenceTalkCdw = 10>>
<<elseif _chance == 3>>
<<if $NPCplans[0].dusk == "watch tv(mansion)">>
<<set $NPCevents[1].dusk = "influence talk">>
<<set $MaidToWife.influenceTalkCdw = 10>>
<<if $NPCstat[0].assertiveness >= 25 and $WifeToMaid.suspicion >= 30777>>
<<if not $WifeToMaid.conflict>>
<<set $NPCplans[0].emorning = "confict about cleaning">>
<<elseif not $WifeToMaid.patronage>>
<<set $NPCplans[0].emorning = "patronage about cleaning">>
/* -------------------- WIFE BREAKFAST IN BED -------------------- */
<<if $NPCstat[0].assertiveness >= 25 and $NPCstat[0].lordliness >= 15 and $WifeServing.BedBreakfast.countOverall >= 3 and not $WifeServing.BedBreakfast.askedHeroForCooking and $MaidCookingLessons.lessonsStatus == "">>
<<set $WifeServing.BedBreakfast.askedHeroForCooking = true>>
<<if $WifeServing.BedBreakfast.askedHeroForCooking and $MaidCookingLessons.lessonsStatus == "">>
<<set $MaidCookingLessons.lessonsStatus = "ready to talk">>
/* -------------------- BREAKFAST -------------------- */
<<if $MaidCooking.breakfast <= 3>>
<<set $MaidCooking.breakfast = random(3)>>
<<set $MaidCooking.breakfast -= 4>>
<<set $MaidCooking.eventcall = false>>
<<set $MaidCooking.eventhelp = false>>
<<set _stdice = random(6)>>
<<if _stdice == 0>>
<<set $MaidCooking.eventcall = true>>
<<if _stdice == 1 and $NPCstat[1].obedience <= -20>>
<<set $MaidCooking.eventcall = true>>
<<if _stdice == 2 and $NPCstat[1].obedience <= -10>>
<<set $MaidCooking.eventhelp = true>>
<<if _stdice == 3 and $NPCstat[1].obedience <= -20>>
<<set $MaidCooking.eventhelp = true>>
<<if $MaidCooking.eventcallcount == 0 and $NPCstat[1].obedience <= -10>>
<<set $MaidCooking.eventcall = true>>
<<set $MaidCooking.eventhelp = false>>
<<elseif $MaidCooking.eventcallcount == 1 and $NPCstat[1].obedience <= -16>>
<<set $MaidCooking.eventcall = true>>
<<set $MaidCooking.eventhelp = false>>
<<elseif $MaidCooking.eventhelpcount == 0 and $NPCstat[1].obedience <= -22>>
<<set $MaidCooking.eventcall = false>>
<<set $MaidCooking.eventhelp = true>>
<<elseif $MaidCooking.eventhelpcount == 1 and $NPCstat[1].obedience <= -28>>
<<set $MaidCooking.eventcall = false>>
<<set $MaidCooking.eventhelp = true>>
/* -------------------- SECRETARY -------------------- */
<<if $SecretaryTrait[0] and $PsyTopic[0].stage < 2 and $time.weekday <= 4>>
<<AddStat $SecretaryId "obedience" 2 20>>
<<if $SecretaryTrait[1] and $PsyTopic[0].stage < 2 and $time.weekday <= 4>>
<<AddStat $SecretaryId "obedience" 2 30>>
<<set $SecretarySkill.anal += 1>>
<<if $SecretaryTrait[2] == 2>>
<<set $SecretaryTrait[2] = true>>
/* -------------------- MANSION CLEANLINESS -------------------- */
<<set _stdice = random(15)>>
<<if _stdice == 15>>
<<set $mansionCleanliness.poolbarjuicespot = true>>
<<if $time.weekday == 0>>
<<set $mansion.mbedroom.cleanWeekCount = 0>>
<<set $mansion.gbedroom.cleanWeekCount = 0>>
<<set $mansion.livingroom.cleanWeekCount = 0>>
<<set $mansion.hallway.cleanWeekCount = 0>>
<<set $mansion.backyard.cleanWeekCount = 0>>
<<set $mansion.poolbar.cleanWeekCount = 0>>
<<set $mansion.mbathroom.cleanWeekCount = 0>>
<<set $mansion.gbathroom.cleanWeekCount = 0>>
<<set $mansion.office.cleanWeekCount = 0>>
<<set $mansion.kitchen.cleanWeekCount = 0>>
/* -------------------- BRANDY -------------------- */
<<if $BrandyStory.status == "active" and $BrandyStory.stage == 0 and $BrandyStory.counter == 0>>
<<set $BrandyStory.stage = 1>>
<<set $BrandyStory.counter = 2>>
<<set $PositionId[1] = 20>>
<<set $PositionImg[1] = "data/npc/brandy/info_img.jpg">>
<<set $PositionAuthority[1] = 0>>
/* -------------------- RANDOM MEETS -------------------- */
<<set $RandomMeets.VendingMachineGirl.interact = false>>
<<set $RandomMeets.VendingMachineGirl.variation = random(1, 100)>>
<<if $RandomMeets.VendingMachineGirl.variation <= 4>>
<<set $RandomMeets.VendingMachineGirl.daytime = random(1, 4)>>
/* Deals */
<<widget "SNDdeals">>
/* New week */
<<widget "SNDweekstart">>
<<if $time.weektype == 0>>
<<set $time.weektype = 1>>
<<set $time.weektype = 0>>
/*---------- INFLUENCE ----------*/
<<if $PositionAuthority[7] < 90>>
<<set $PositionAuthority[7] += 10>>
/* MAIN */
<<widget "StartNewDay">>
<<set $time.daytime = 0>>
<<if $timeFreeze.weekday>>
<<if $time.weektype == 0>>
<<set $time.weektype = 1>>
<<set $time.weektype = 0>>
<<set $time.weekday += 1>>
<<if $time.weekday > 6>>
<<set $time.weekday = 0>>
<<set $time.monthday += 1>>
<<if $time.monthday > 28 and $time.month == 1>>
<<set $time.monthday = 1>>
<<set $time.month += 1>>
<<if $time.monthday > 30 and ($time.month == 3 or $time.month == 5 or $time.month == 8 or $time.month == 10)>>
<<set $time.monthday = 1>>
<<set $time.month += 1>>
<<if $time.monthday > 31 and ($time.month == 0 or $time.month == 2 or $time.month == 4 or $time.month == 6 or $time.month == 7 or $time.month == 9 or $time.month == 11)>>
<<set $time.monthday = 1>>
<<set $time.month += 1>>
<<if $time.month == 12>>
<<set $time.month = 0>>
<<set $time.date += 1>>
<<if $time.weekday == 0>>
<<include "Local Event Hub">>
<<if $location.sub == "" and $time.daytime > 5>>
<<goto "Local Map">>
<<switch $location.sub>>
<<case "">>
<<LocImg "local" "tennis court">>
<<if $NPCstat[0].location == "Tennis Court">>
<<set $WifeTennis.mcinvite = true>>
<<if $WifeTennis.opponent == "female">>
<<en "You see $NPCstat[0].name on the court. She's playing with another girl.">>
<<ru "Ты видишь, как $NPCstat[0].name играет с какой-то девушкой.">>
<<btnEventLink "Watch her/Наблюдать за ней" "Tennis Court Events" "wife(watch her)">>
<<elseif $WifeTennis.opponent == "male">>
<<en "You see $NPCstat[0].name on the court. She's playing with a male opponent.">>
<<ru "Ты видишь, как $NPCstat[0].name играет с каким-то мужчиной.">>
<<btnEventLink "Watch her/Наблюдать за ней" "Tennis Court Events" "wife(watch her)">>
<<elseif $WifeTennis.opponent == "Everly">>
<br>You see $NPCstat[0].name on the court.
<<if $NPCstat[17].meet>>
She's playing with Everly.
She's playing with another girl.
<<btnEventLink "Watch her" "Tennis Court Events" "wife(watch her)">>
<<elseif $WifeTennis.opponent == "">>
<<en "You see $NPCstat[0].name on the court. She's resting near the court.">>
<<ru "Ты видишь свою жену, которая отдыхает возле корта.">>
<<btnEventLink "Approach her/Подойти к ней" "Tennis Court Events" "wife(main)">>
<<if $NPCstat[17].meet and $NPCstat[17].location == "Tennis Court" and $WifeTennis.opponent != "Everly">>
<br>You see Everly near the court.
<<btnEventLink "Approach her" "Tennis Court Events" "Everly(main)">>
<<en "You see a tennis ball machine here.">>
<<ru "Ты видишь машину-пушку.">>
<<btnLink "Practice/Тренироваться" "Tennis Court" "ball machine" 1>>
<<btnLink "Leave" "Local Map" "">>
<<case "ball machine">>
<<set $mcSkill.tennis += 2>>
<<NPCmedia "mc" "tennis court" 1>>
<<en "You practice with the ball machine and improve your tennis skills.">>
<<ru "Ты тренируешься, отбивая подачи тренировочной машины.">>
<<btnLink "Finish/Закончить" "Tennis Court" "">>
<</switch>><<switch $EventMark>>
/* ---------- BEDROOM SCENES ---------- */
/* ---------- START SCENE ---------- */
<<case "bedroom(reject)(tiredness)">>
<<if $NPCmood[0].arousal >= 70>>
<<NPCmedia "wife" "lying on bed(topless)(mini)" 0>>
<<NPCmedia "wife" "lying on bed(mini)" 0>>
<<en "You lie down on the bed next to $NPCstat[0].name and place your hand on her waist.">>
<<ru "Ты ложишься рядом со своей женой и кладешь руку на ее талию.">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "Baby, how about having some fun?">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Крошка, как насчет того, чтобы немного позабавиться?">>
<<en "$NPCstat[0].name sighs heavily.">>
<<ru "$NPCstat[0].name тяжело вздыхает.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "Honey, I'm so tired. How about tomorrow?">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Милый, я так устала. Давай попробуем завтра?">>
<<btnEventLink "Try to change her mind/Попробовать переубедить ее" "Wife(Mansion Sex)(Scenes)" "bedroom(reject)(tiredness 2)">>
<<btnEventLink "Let her rest today/Дать ей отдохнуть сегодня" "Master Bedroom" "">>
<<case "bedroom(reject)(tiredness 2)">>
<<if $NPCmood[0].arousal >= 70>>
<<NPCmedia "wife" "lying on bed(topless)(mini)" 0>>
<<NPCmedia "wife" "lying on bed(mini)" 0>>
<<if $NPCmood[0].arousal >= 70>>
<<en "You lean forward and start covering her neck with kisses. At this time your hand slides along your wife's waist and grabs her butt. With the other hand you begin to caress her breasts, but $NPCstat[0].name stops you.">>
<<ru "Ты наклоняешься к ней и начинаешь покрывать ее шею поцелуями. В то же время, твоя рука скользит по ее талии вниз и останавливается на ее заднице. Другой рукой ты начинаешь ласкать грудь девушки, но $NPCstat[0].name останавливает тебя.">>
<<en "You lean forward and start covering her neck with kisses. At this time your hand slides along your wife's waist and grabs her butt. With the other hand you begin to caress her breasts through the thin fabric of her nightshirt, but $NPCstat[0].name stops you.">>
<<ru "Ты наклоняешься к ней и начинаешь покрывать ее шею поцелуями. В то же время, твоя рука скользит по ее талии вниз и останавливается на ее заднице. Другой рукой ты начинаешь ласкать грудь девушки через тонкую ткань топика, но $NPCstat[0].name останавливает тебя.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "$mc.name! I told you, I'm not in the mood.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "$mc.name! Я же сказала, что не в настроении!">>
<<en "Judging by your wife's tone, you have no chance to persuade her.">>
<<ru "Судя по ее тону, у тебя вряд ли получится переубедить твою жену.">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "Fine, baby, I won't insist.">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Хорошо, милая, я не настаиваю.">>
<<btnEventLink "Let her rest today/Дать ей отдохнуть сегодня" "Master Bedroom" "">>
<<case "bedroom(doubt)(tiredness)">>
<<if $NPCmood[0].arousal >= 70>>
<<NPCmedia "wife" "lying on bed(topless)(mini)" 0>>
<<NPCmedia "wife" "lying on bed(mini)" 0>>
<<en "You lie down on the bed next to $NPCstat[0].name and place your hand on her waist.">>
<<ru "Ты ложишься рядом со своей женой и кладешь руку на ее талию.">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "Baby, how about having some fun?">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Крошка, как насчет того, чтобы немного позабавиться?">>
<<en "$NPCstat[0].name sighs heavily.">>
<<ru "$NPCstat[0].name тяжело вздыхает.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "Honey, I'm so tired. How about tomorrow?">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Милый, я так устала. Давай попробуем завтра?">>
<<btnEventLink "Try to change her mind/Попробовать переубедить ее" "Wife(Mansion Sex)(Scenes)" "bedroom(doubt)(tiredness 2)">>
<<btnEventLink "Let her rest today/Дать ей отдохнуть сегодня" "Master Bedroom" "">>
<<case "bedroom(doubt)(tiredness 2)">>
<<if $time.daytime == 0>>
<<set $NPCdaymemory[0].emorning = "bedroom sex">>
<<elseif $time.daytime >= 5>>
<<set $NPCdaymemory[0].night = "bedroom sex">>
<<NPCmedia "wife" "bedroom(kissing)" 1>>
<<if $NPCmood[0].arousal >= 70>>
<<en " You lean forward and start covering her neck with kisses. At this time your hand slides along your wife's waist and grabs her butt. With the other hand you begin to caress her breasts. A soft moan escapes $NPCstat[0].name's lips.">>
<<ru "Ты наклоняешься к ней и начинаешь покрывать ее шею поцелуями. В то же время, твоя рука скользит по ее талии вниз и останавливается на ее заднице. Другой рукой ты начинаешь ласкать грудь девушки, и $NPCstat[0].name издает легкий стон.">>
<<en " You lean forward and start covering her neck with kisses. At this time your hand slides along your wife's waist and grabs her butt. With the other hand you begin to caress her breasts through the thin fabric of her nightshirt. A soft moan escapes $NPCstat[0].name's lips.">>
<<ru "Ты наклоняешься к ней и начинаешь покрывать ее шею поцелуями. В то же время, твоя рука скользит по ее талии вниз и останавливается на ее заднице. Другой рукой ты начинаешь ласкать грудь девушки через тонкую ткань топика, и $NPCstat[0].name издает легкий стон.">>
<<en "Finally, she gives up. Her arms wrap around your neck, and your wife rolls onto her back, dragging you with her. You start making out passionately.">>
<<ru "Наконец, она сдается. Ее руки обвивают твою шею и девушка перекатывается на спину, утягивая тебя за собой. Вы начинаете страстно целоваться.">>
<<set _linkA = getLinkName("Undress her/Раздеть ее")>>
<<set _linkB = getLinkName("Let her take initiative/Позволить ей вести")>>
<center>@@.btnWide;<<button _linkA "Wife(Mansion Sex)(Scenes)">>
<<set $EventMark = "bedroom(undress her)">>
<<include "Wife(Mansion Sex)(Stats)">>
<<if $WifeRouteMiles.leadOption>>
<center>@@.btnWide;<<button _linkB "Wife(Mansion Sex)(Scenes)">>
<<set $EventMark = "bedroom(let her lead)">>
<<include "Wife(Mansion Sex)(Stats)">>
<<case "bedroom(agree)(normal)">>
<<if $time.daytime == 0>>
<<set $NPCdaymemory[0].emorning = "bedroom sex">>
<<elseif $time.daytime >= 5>>
<<set $NPCdaymemory[0].night = "bedroom sex">>
<<if $NPCmood[0].arousal >= 70>>
<<NPCmedia "wife" "lying on bed(topless)(mini)" 0>>
<<NPCmedia "wife" "lying on bed(mini)" 0>>
<<en "You lie down on the bed next to $NPCstat[0].name and place your hand on her waist.">>
<<ru "Ты ложишься рядом со своей женой и кладешь руку на ее талию.">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "Baby, how about having some fun?">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Крошка, как насчет того, чтобы немного позабавиться?">>
<<dlg_en 0 "Some fun? Depends on what's on your mind.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Зависит от того, что ты имеешь в виду.">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "Let me show you.">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Позволь, я покажу тебе.">>
<<en "You lean toward her and give her a gentle kiss. $NPCstat[0].name's arms wrap around your neck, and your wife rolls onto her back, dragging you with her. You start making out passionately.">>
<<ru "Ты наклоняешься к ней и даришь ей нежный поцелуй. Ее руки обвивают твою шею и девушка перекатывается на спину, утягивая тебя за собой. Вы начинаете страстно целоваться.">>
<<set _linkA = getLinkName("Undress her/Раздеть ее")>>
<<set _linkB = getLinkName("Let her take initiative/Позволить ей вести")>>
<center>@@.btnWide;<<button _linkA "Wife(Mansion Sex)(Scenes)">>
<<set $EventMark = "bedroom(undress her)">>
<<include "Wife(Mansion Sex)(Stats)">>
<<if $WifeRouteMiles.leadOption>>
<center>@@.btnWide;<<button _linkB "Wife(Mansion Sex)(Scenes)">>
<<set $EventMark = "bedroom(let her lead)">>
<<include "Wife(Mansion Sex)(Stats)">>
<<case "bedroom(agree)(assert)">>
<<if $time.daytime == 0>>
<<set $NPCdaymemory[0].emorning = "bedroom sex">>
<<elseif $time.daytime >= 5>>
<<set $NPCdaymemory[0].night = "bedroom sex">>
<<if $NPCmood[0].arousal >= 70>>
<<NPCmedia "wife" "lying on bed(topless)(mini)" 0>>
<<NPCmedia "wife" "lying on bed(mini)" 0>>
<<en "You lie down on the bed next to $NPCstat[0].name. She places her finger on her hip and starts to slowly slide it along her curves.">>
<<ru "Ты ложишься на кровать рядом с твоей женой. $NPCstat[0].name смотрит тебе в глаза и медленно проводит своим пальцом вдоль изгибов ее бедра.">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "Baby, are you trying to tempt me?">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Крошка, ты пытаешься меня соблазнить?">>
<<dlg_en 0 "And if I do, what are you gonna do about it?">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "А если и пытаюсь, что ты собираешься предпринять?">>
<<en "You lean toward her and give her a gentle kiss. $NPCstat[0].name's arms wrap around your neck, and your wife rolls onto her back, dragging you with her. You start making out passionately.">>
<<ru "Ты наклоняешься к ней и даришь ей нежный поцелуй. Ее руки обвивают твою шею и девушка перекатывается на спину, утягивая тебя за собой. Вы начинаете страстно целоваться.">>
<<set _linkA = getLinkName("Undress her/Раздеть ее")>>
<<set _linkB = getLinkName("Let her take initiative/Позволить ей вести")>>
<center>@@.btnWide;<<button _linkA "Wife(Mansion Sex)(Scenes)">>
<<set $EventMark = "bedroom(undress her)">>
<<include "Wife(Mansion Sex)(Stats)">>
<<if $WifeRouteMiles.leadOption>>
<center>@@.btnWide;<<button _linkB "Wife(Mansion Sex)(Scenes)">>
<<set $EventMark = "bedroom(let her lead)">>
<<include "Wife(Mansion Sex)(Stats)">>
<<case "bedroom(happily agree)(normal)">>
<<if $time.daytime == 0>>
<<set $NPCdaymemory[0].emorning = "bedroom sex">>
<<elseif $time.daytime >= 5>>
<<set $NPCdaymemory[0].night = "bedroom sex">>
<<if $NPCmood[0].arousal >= 70>>
<<NPCmedia "wife" "lying on bed(topless)(mini)" 0>>
<<NPCmedia "wife" "lying on bed(mini)" 0>>
<<en "You lie down on the bed next to $NPCstat[0].name and place your hand on her waist.">>
<<ru "Ты ложишься рядом со своей женой и кладешь руку на ее талию.">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "Baby, how about having some fun?">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Крошка, как насчет того, чтобы немного позабавиться?">>
<<dlg_en 0 "I thought you wouldn't ask.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Я уже начала думать, что ты не спросишь.">>
<<en "You lean toward her and give her a gentle kiss. $NPCstat[0].name's arms wrap around your neck, and your wife rolls onto her back, dragging you with her. You start making out passionately.">>
<<ru "Ты наклоняешься к ней и даришь ей нежный поцелуй. Ее руки обвивают твою шею и девушка перекатывается на спину, утягивая тебя за собой. Вы начинаете страстно целоваться.">>
<<set _linkA = getLinkName("Undress her/Раздеть ее")>>
<<set _linkB = getLinkName("Let her take initiative/Позволить ей вести")>>
<center>@@.btnWide;<<button _linkA "Wife(Mansion Sex)(Scenes)">>
<<set $EventMark = "bedroom(undress her)">>
<<include "Wife(Mansion Sex)(Stats)">>
<<if $WifeRouteMiles.leadOption>>
<center>@@.btnWide;<<button _linkB "Wife(Mansion Sex)(Scenes)">>
<<set $EventMark = "bedroom(let her lead)">>
<<include "Wife(Mansion Sex)(Stats)">>
<<case "bedroom(happily agree)(assert)">>
<<if $time.daytime == 0>>
<<set $NPCdaymemory[0].emorning = "bedroom sex">>
<<elseif $time.daytime >= 5>>
<<set $NPCdaymemory[0].night = "bedroom sex">>
<<if $NPCmood[0].arousal >= 70>>
<<NPCmedia "wife" "lying on bed(topless)(mini)" 0>>
<<NPCmedia "wife" "lying on bed(mini)" 0>>
<<en "You lie down on the bed next to $NPCstat[0].name. She instantly moves toward you and gives you a passionate kiss. Her hands begin to undo the buttons on your shirt.">>
<<ru "Ты ложишься на кровать рядом с твоей женой. Она не теряет ни секунды, тянется к тебе и впивается в твои губы страстным поцелуем. Ее пальцы начинают расстегивать пальцы на твоей рубашке.">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "You're so active, baby!">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Крошка, ты такая напористая!">>
<<if $NPCstat[0].assertiveness < 12>>
<<dlg_en 0 "But you like it, don't you?">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Но тебе ведь это нравится?">>
<<elseif $NPCstat[0].assertiveness < 30>>
<<dlg_en 0 "And you like it, don't you?">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "И тебе это нравится, не так ли?">>
<<dlg_en 0 "And you fucking love it!">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "И ты просто обожаешь это!">>
<<AddStat 0 "assertiveness" 2 18>>
<<if $NPCmood[0].arousal >= 70>>
<<en "You wife presses you against the bed and sits on top of you.">>
<<ru "$NPCstat[0].name прижимает тебя к кровати и садится на тебя.">>
<<en "You wife presses you against the bed and sits on top of you. With a quick motion, she pulls off her nightie top, causing her heavy breasts to bounce slightly.">>
<<ru "$NPCstat[0].name прижимает тебя к кровати и садится на тебя. Быстрым движением она снимает топик, отчего ее полные груди подпрыгивают.">>
<<set _lim = $NPCkinks[0].pussylicking + $NPCkinks[0].blowjob>>
<<set _assertdice = random(_lim)>>
<<if $NPCstat[0].lordliness < -20>><<set _assertdice += 20>><</if>>
<<if $NPCstat[0].lordliness >= 20>><<set _assertdice -= 20>><</if>>
<<if _assertdice <= $NPCkinks[0].pussylicking and $NPCkinks[0].pussylicking > 0>>
<<dlg_en 0 "Time for you to work with your tongue.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Пора тебе поработать своим языком, милый.">>
<<en "She rolls off you and starts pulling down her panties. You, meanwhile, begin to cover her boobs with kisses.">>
<<ru "Она слезает с тебя и принимается стаскивать свои трусики. Ты тем временем покрываешь ее сиськи поцелуями.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "Come on, honey.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Вперед, милый.">>
<<btnEventLink "Lick her pussy/Вылизать ее киску" "Wife(Mansion Sex)(Scenes)" "bedroom(pussylick)(assert)">>
<<dlg_en 0 "Come on, take your clothes off too!">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Давай, раздевайся!">>
<<en "You don't keep her waiting and get your shirt off while $NPCstat[0].name pulls down your pants. Leaning forward, she brushes her fingers along your shaft and smiles.">>
<<ru "Ты не заставляешь ее долго ждать и снимаешь свою рубашку, в то время как $NPCstat[0].name стягивает твои штаны. Наклонившись вперед, девушка аккуратно проводит пальцами по твоему члену.">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "Come on, baby!">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Ну, давай же, милая!">>
<<dlg_en 0 "Shh!">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Тсс!">>
<<en "Without any hesitation, she takes your penis in her mouth and starts bobbing her head back and forth, swallowing nearly half of your rod with each thrust. She puts her hands on your hips for better support, so she can suck even harder.">>
<<ru "Без всякого промедления, она берет твой член в свой ротик и начинает двигать головой вверх и вниз, проглатывая добрую половину твоего поршня с каждым глотком. Она даже упирается руками в твои бедра, чтобы насаживать свой ротик еще глубже на твой член.">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "Fuck! Baby, you're so good at this!">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Ебать, милая. Ты просто обалденно сосешь!">>
<<en "$NPCstat[0].name stops and, sticking out her tongue, starts slapping the head of your cock on it. In doing so, she is constantly staring into your eyes.">>
<<ru "$NPCstat[0].name останавливается и, вынув свой язычок, принимается шлепать по нему твоей головкой. При этом она не прекращает смотреть тебя прямо в глаза.">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "Oh, baby! You're the best! Come on, I wanna fuck you.">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Ох, крошка. Ты просто лучшая! Давай, мне уже не терпится выебать тебя.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "I decide what we're going to do next. But this time our desires coincide.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Эй, я решаю, что будет дальше. Хотя, в этот раз, наши желания совпадают.">>
<<btnEventLink "Let her ride you/Позволить ей оседлать тебя" "Wife(Mansion Sex)(Scenes)" "bedroom(fucking)(cowgirl)(normal)">>
<<case "bedroom(undress her)(normal)">>
<<NPCmedia "wife" "bedroom(kissing 2)" 1>>
<<if $NPCmood[0].arousal >= 70>>
<<set _txt_en = "Wasting no time, you take her nipple into your mouth and start teasing it with your tongue. ">>
<<set _txt_ru = "Не теряя времени, ты берешь ее твердый сосок в рот и принимаешь дразнить его своим языком. ">>
<<set _txt_en = "You take of her nightwear top and bare her wonderful breasts. Wasting no time, you take her nipple into your mouth and start teasing it with your tongue. ">>
<<set _txt_ru = "Ты стягиваешь с нее топик, обнажая ее роскошные груди. Не теряя времени, ты берешь ее твердый сосок в рот и принимаешь дразнить его своим языком. ">>
<<if $NPCstat[0].assertiveness >= 10>>
<<set _txt_en += "She runs her fingers through your hair. Your hand slides down her belly, right under the white fabric of her panties. Your fingers are immediately covered with her love fluids.">>
<<set _txt_ru += "Твоя жена запускает пальцы в твои волосы, в то время как твоя рука скользит по ее животу, прямо под ее трусики. Ты чувствуешь, как твои пальцы мгновенно пропитываются ее флюидами.">>
<<set _txt_en += "A sofe moan escapes her lips. Your hand slides down her belly, right under the white fabric of her panties. Your fingers are immediately covered with her love fluids.">>
<<set _txt_ru += "Легкий стон слетает с губ твоей жены, в то время как твоя рука скользит по ее животу, прямо под ее трусики. Ты чувствуешь, как твои пальцы мгновенно пропитываются ее флюидами.">>
<<en _txt_en>>
<<ru _txt_ru>>
<br> <br>
<<dlg_en "mc" "Let's take this off.">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Давай-ка, снимем это.">>
<<en "You grab the edge of her panties and start pulling them down slowly, curving around her wide hips and delicate ankles. When you reach her feet, $NPCstat[0].name bends her legs at the knees, slipping completely out of her panties.">>
<<ru "Ты хватаешь край ее трусиков и начинаешь медленно стягивать их с девушки, огибая ее широкие бедра. Когда ты достигаешь ее стоп, $NPCstat[0].name сгибает ноги в коленях, и ее трусики соскальзывают с ее ног полностью.">>
<<set _linkA = getLinkName("Lick her pussy/Вылизать ее киску")>>
<<set _linkB = getLinkName("Ask her to ride your face/Попросить ее сесть тебе на лицо")>>
<<set _linkC = getLinkName("Ask her to suck your cock/Попросить ее отсосать тебе")>>
<center>@@.btnWide;<<button _linkA "Wife(Mansion Sex)(Scenes)">>
<<set $EventMark = "bedroom(undress her)(pussylick)">>
<<include "Wife(Mansion Sex)(Stats)">>
<<if $WifeFacesitting.active>>
<<btnEventLink _linkB "Wife(Mansion Sex)(Scenes)" "bedroom(ask about facesitting)(normal)">>
<<btnEventLink _linkC "Wife(Mansion Sex)(Scenes)" "bedroom(ask about blowjob)(normal)">>
<<case "bedroom(undress her)(cuni request)">>
<<NPCmedia "wife" "bedroom(kissing 2)" 1>>
<<if $NPCmood[0].arousal >= 70>>
<<set _txt_en = "Wasting no time, you take her nipple into your mouth and start teasing it with your tongue. ">>
<<set _txt_ru = "Не теряя времени, ты берешь ее твердый сосок в рот и принимаешь дразнить его своим языком. ">>
<<set _txt_en = "You take of her nightwear top and bare her wonderful breasts. Wasting no time, you take her nipple into your mouth and start teasing it with your tongue. ">>
<<set _txt_ru = "Ты стягиваешь с нее топик, обнажая ее роскошные груди. Не теряя времени, ты берешь ее твердый сосок в рот и принимаешь дразнить его своим языком. ">>
<<set _txt_en += "She runs her fingers through your hair. Your hand slides down her belly, right under the white fabric of her panties. Your fingers are immediately covered with her love fluids. You feel $NPCstat[0].name gently pressing on your head, hinting that you need to move lower.">>
<<set _txt_ru += "Твоя жена запускает пальцы в твои волосы, в то время как твоя рука скользит по ее животу, прямо под ее трусики. Ты чувствуешь, как твои пальцы мгновенно пропитываются ее флюидами. $NPCstat[0].name начинает легонько надавливать на твою голову, намекая, что тебе стоит спуститься ниже.">>
<<en _txt_en>>
<<ru _txt_ru>>
<<set _linkA = "Go down on her/Вылизать ее киску">>
<<btnEventLink _linkA "Wife(Mansion Sex)(Scenes)" "bedroom(pussylick)(assert)">>
<center>@@.btnWide;<<button "Ask her to suck your cock instead" "Wife(Mansion Sex)(Scenes)">>
<<set $EventMark = "bedroom(ask about blowjob)(assert)">>
<<include "Wife(Mansion Sex)(Stats)">>
/* ---------- PUSSYLICKING ---------- */
<<case "bedroom(pussylick)(normal)">>
<<set $NPCsexmemory[0].pussylicking += 1>>
<<NPCmedia "wife" "bedroom(cuni)" 1>>
<<en "You move lower, leaving a trail of kisses on her silky skin. When you reach her groin, you inhale the intoxicating aroma of her juices. Your wife spreads her legs slightly, making it easier for you to access her pussy.">>
<<ru "Ты двигаешься ниже, оставляя дорожку из поцелуев на ее бархатной коже. Когда ты достигаешь ее промежности, тебе в ноздри ударяет сильный аромат ее флюидов. Твоя жена раздвигает ноги, облегчая тебе доступ к ее киске.">>
<<if $NPCsexmemory[0].pussylicking >= 2>>
<<dlg_en 0 "I've missed your tongue, honey.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Я скучала по твоему язычку, милый.">>
<<en "You bury into her mound, start fluttering your tongue along her pussy. Her juices are dripping on your face. $NPCstat[0].name puts her hand on your head. With one leg on your back, she's slowly moving her hips towards you.">>
<<ru "Ты начинаешь порхать языком по ее влажной киске. Ее любовные соки покрывают твое лицо. $NPCstat[0].name кладет руку на твою голову и, закинув ногу тебе на спину, начинает двигать своими бедрами навстречу тебе.">>
<<btnEventLink "Make her cum with your tongue/Заставить ее кончить с помощью языка" "Wife(Mansion Sex)(Scenes)" "bedroom(pussylick 2)">>
<<btnEventLink "Fuck her/Трахнуть ее" "Wife(Mansion Sex)(Scenes)" "bedroom(fucking)(missionary)(normal)">>
<<case "bedroom(pussylick)(normal alt)">>
<<set $NPCsexmemory[0].pussylicking += 1>>
<<NPCmedia "wife" "bedroom(cuni)" 1>>
<<en "You move lower, leaving a trail of kisses on her silky skin. When you reach her groin, you inhale the intoxicating aroma of her juices. Your wife spreads her legs slightly, making it easier for you to access her pussy.">>
<<ru "Ты двигаешься ниже, оставляя дорожку из поцелуев на ее бархатной коже. Когда ты достигаешь ее промежности, тебе в ноздри ударяет сильный аромат ее флюидов. Твоя жена раздвигает ноги, облегчая тебе доступ к ее киске.">>
<<if $NPCsexmemory[0].pussylicking >= 2>>
<<dlg_en 0 "I've missed your tongue, honey.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Я скучала по твоему язычку, милый.">>
<<en "You bury into her mound, start fluttering your tongue along her pussy. Her juices are dripping on your face. $NPCstat[0].name puts her hand on your head. With one leg on your back, she's slowly moving her hips towards you. Then, you feel your wife's hand freeze. The movement of her hips slows, and $NPCstat[0].name takes her leg off your back.">>
<<ru "Ты начинаешь порхать языком по ее влажной киске. Ее любовные соки покрывают твое лицо. $NPCstat[0].name кладет руку на твою голову и, закинув ногу тебе на спину, начинает двигать своими бедрами навстречу тебе. В один момент, девушка убирает руку с твоей головы. Ее бедра замедляются, и $NPCstat[0].name опускает ногу с твоей спины.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "Come on, fuck me already!">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Иди сюда, милый. Я хочу твой член.">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "As you wish, baby.">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Как пожелаешь, крошка.">>
<<btnEventLink "Fuck her/Трахнуть ее" "Wife(Mansion Sex)(Scenes)" "bedroom(fucking)(missionary)(normal)">>
<<case "bedroom(pussylick 2)">>
<<NPCmedia "wife" "bedroom(cuni)" 1>>
<<en "You're licking her pussy, not forgetting to pay attention to her clit. $NPCstat[0].name's swinging her hips toward you, her hand running through your hair nonstop, her head thrown back on the pillow. Your wife's moans make you accelerate.">>
<<ru "Ты продолжаешь лизать ее киску, не забывая уделять особое внимание ее клитору. $NPCstat[0].name подмахивает бедрами навстречу твоему лицу, ее рука непрерывно теребит твои волосы, ее голова запрокинута назад, на подушку. Громкие стоны твоей жены подбадривают тебя и заставляют ускориться.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "Don't stop, honey! Please, don't stop! I wanna cum on your tongue.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Не останавливайся, милый! Прошу, не останавливайся! Я хочу кончить от твоего язычка!">>
<<en "Her hand is pushing you to her dripping slit.">>
<<ru "Ее рука придавливает тебя к ее киске.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "I'm so close, honey!">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Я близко, милый!">>
<<en "You feel how her pussy starts twitching under your tongue.">>
<<ru "Ты чувствуешь, как пульсирующий жар выходит из ее киски.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "Yeah, lick that pussy! Harder!">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Да, лижу мою киску! Сильнее!">>
<<en "Her love fluids squirt right into your mouth, but her hips don't stop, smearing it all over your face. Her whole body is shaking.">>
<<ru "Ее флюиды покрывают твои губы, в то время, как ее бедра размазывают их по все твоему лицу. Ее тело начинает трясти.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "Oh, f-fuck!">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Бля-ять!">>
<<en "Finally, her fingers that were holding your hair open and your wife takes her foot off your back.">>
<<ru "Наконец, пальцы, державшие твои волосы, расслабляются, и нога твоей жены соскальзывает с твоей спины.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "It was so fucking good!">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Это было охеренно!">>
<<en "You raise your head and meet her adoring eyes.">>
<<ru "Ты поднимаешь голову и встречаешь ее полные обожания глаза.">>
<<set _linkA = getLinkName("Fuck her/Трахнуть ее")>>
<center>@@.btnWide;<<button _linkA "Wife(Mansion Sex)(Scenes)">>
<<set $EventMark = "bedroom(pussylick)(ask about vaginal)">>
<<include "Wife(Mansion Sex)(Stats)">>
<<case "bedroom(pussylick)(assert)">>
<<NPCmedia "wife" "bedroom(cuni)" 1>>
<<en "You move lower, leaving a trail of kisses on her silky skin. When you reach her groin, you inhale the intoxicating aroma of her juices. Your wife spreads her legs slightly, making it easier for you to access her pussy.">>
<<ru "Ты двигаешься ниже, оставляя дорожку из поцелуев на ее бархатной коже. Когда ты достигаешь ее промежности, тебе в ноздри ударяет сильный аромат ее флюидов. Твоя жена раздвигает ноги, облегчая тебе доступ к ее киске.">>
<<if $NPCsexmemory[0].pussylicking >= 2>>
<<dlg_en 0 "I've missed your tongue, honey.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Я скучала по твоему язычку, милый.">>
<<en "You bury into her mound, start fluttering your tongue along her pussy. Her juices are dripping on your face. $NPCstat[0].name puts her hand on your head. With one leg on your back, she's slowly moving her hips towards you.">>
<<ru "Ты начинаешь порхать языком по ее влажной киске. Ее любовные соки покрывают твое лицо. $NPCstat[0].name кладет руку на твою голову и, закинув ногу тебе на спину, начинает двигать своими бедрами навстречу тебе.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "Yeah, lick that pussy! Harder!">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Да, лижу мою киску! Сильнее!">>
<<en "You're licking her pussy, not forgetting to pay attention to her clit. $NPCstat[0].name's swinging her hips toward you, her hand running through your hair nonstop, her head thrown back on the pillow. Your wife's moans make you accelerate.">>
<<ru "Ты продолжаешь лизать ее киску, не забывая уделять особое внимание ее клитору. $NPCstat[0].name подмахивает бедрами навстречу твоему лицу, ее рука непрерывно теребит твои волосы, ее голова запрокинута назад, на подушку. Громкие стоны твоей жены подбадривают тебя и заставляют ускориться.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "Don't stop, honey! Please, don't stop! I wanna cum on your tongue.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Не останавливайся, милый! Прошу, не останавливайся! Я хочу кончить от твоего язычка!">>
<<en "Her hand is pushing you to her dripping slit.">>
<<ru "Ее рука придавливает тебя к ее киске.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "I'm so close, honey!">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Я близко, милый!">>
<<en "You feel how her pussy starts twitching under your tongue. Her love fluids squirt right into your mouth, but her hips don't stop, smearing it all over your face. Her whole body is shaking.">>
<<ru "Ее флюиды покрывают твои губы, в то время, как ее бедра размазывают их по все твоему лицу. Ее тело начинает трясти.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "Oh, f-fuck!">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Бля-ять!">>
<<en "Finally, her fingers that were holding your hair open and your wife takes her foot off your back.">>
<<ru "Наконец, пальцы, державшие твои волосы, расслабляются, и нога твоей жены соскальзывает с твоей спины.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "It was so fucking good!">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Это было охеренно!">>
<<en "You raise your head and meet her adoring eyes.">>
<<ru "Ты поднимаешь голову и встречаешь ее полные обожания глаза.">>
<<set $NPCsexmemory[0].pussylicking += 1>>
<<set $NPCmood[0].arousal = 0>>
<<set _linkA = getLinkName("Fuck her/Трахнуть ее")>>
<center>@@.btnWide;<<button _linkA "Wife(Mansion Sex)(Scenes)">>
<<set $EventMark = "bedroom(pussylick)(ask about vaginal)">>
<<include "Wife(Mansion Sex)(Stats)">>
<<case "bedroom(pussylick end)(lord)">>
<<NPCmedia "wife" "lying on bed(nude)" 0>>
<<dlg_en 0 "It was awesome, honey! But I'm so tired. Is it okay if we continue next time?">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Это было чудесно, милый. Но я так устала. Давай продолжим в следующий раз?">>
<<btnEventLink "Let her rest/Дать ей отдохнуть" "Wife(Mansion Sex)(Scenes)" "bedroom(pussylick end)(lord 2)">>
<<btnEventLink "Say you want to cum too/Сказать что ты тоже хочешь кончить" "Wife(Mansion Sex)(Scenes)" "bedroom(pussylick end)(lord)(blow)">>
<<case "bedroom(pussylick end)(lord 2)">>
<<NPCmedia "wife" "lying on bed(nude)" 0>>
<<dlg_en 0 "Oh, thanks, honey. Come on, cuddle your wife.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Спасибо, милый. Давай, пообнимаемся перед сном.">>
<<AddStat 0 "lordliness" 1 30>>
<<btnEventLink "Finish/Закончить" "Master Bedroom" "">>
<<case "bedroom(pussylick end)(lord)(blow)">>
<<NPCmedia "wife" "bedroom(cum on tits)" 1>>
<<dlg_en 0 "Fine. After all, a wife should take care of her husband.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Ладно, в конце концов, это обязанность жена - заботиться о своем муже.">>
<<en "$NPCstat[0].name lifts up and pulls your cock out of your pants. Your wife begins to furiously stroke your shaft. The sight of her face flushed from orgasm makes your cock burst. You covering her tits with a thick semen and then collapse on the bed. $NPCstat[0].name lies down next to you.">>
<<ru "$NPCstat[0].name приподнимается и достает твой член из твоих штанов. Она начинает быстро и грубо дрочить его. Ее раскрасневшееся от недавнего оргазма лицо заставляет твой член извергнуться, покрывая ее руку густым семенем. Ты падаешь на кровать и $NPCstat[0].name ложиться рядом с тобой.">>
<<RemoveStat 0 "lordliness" 1 -20>>
<<btnEventLink "Finish/Закончить" "Master Bedroom" "">>
<<case "bedroom(pussylick end)(lord alt)(kiss)">>
<<NPCmedia "wife" "lying on bed(nude)" 0>>
<<dlg_en 0 "It was awesome, honey! But I'm so tired. Let's continue next time.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Это было чудесно, милый. Но я так устала. Давай продолжим в следующий раз?">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "But, baby...">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Но, милая...">>
<<dlg_en 0 'No "but" me. Better give me a sweet kiss before I go to sleep.'>>
<<dlg_ru 0 'Никаких "но". Лучше подари мне сладкий поцелуй перед сном.'>>
<<if $NPCstat[0].assertiveness >= 18>>
<<en "With no choice, you move up. $NPCstat[0].name raises her head slightly and initiates the kiss first. Her hand moves to your butt and gives you a firm slap. Then, she pushes you off of her.">>
<<ru "Не имея особого выбора, ты поднимаешься. $NPCstat[0].name поднимает свою голову и первая начинает тебя целовать. Ее рука скользит к твоему заду и дает ему крепкий шлепок. Затем, она сталкивает тебя.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "Be a good boy, $mc.name, and close you eyes.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "А теперь будь хорошим мальчиком, $mc.name, и закрой свои глазки.">>
<<en "With this words, she rolls onto her side.">>
<<ru "После этого, она поворачивается на бок.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "This will be so good if you cuddle me.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "">>
<<en "With no choice, you move up. $NPCstat[0].name is looking at you, slightly opening her plump lips. You start making out, and you feel your cock trying to tear your briefs. But, to your frustration, $NPCstat[0].name eventually pushes you off of her.">>
<<ru "Не имея особого выбора, ты поднимаешься. $NPCstat[0].name выжидающе смотрит на тебя, приоткрыв свои пухлые губы. Вы начинаете целоваться, и ты чувствуешь, как твой член пытается вырваться из твоих штанов. Но к твоему разочарованию, $NPCstat[0].name сталкивает тебя.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "Let's sleep, honey.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Давай спать, милый.">>
<<en "With this words, she rolls onto her side.">>
<<ru "После этого, она поворачивается на бок.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "This will be so good if you cuddle me.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Было бы чудесно, если бы ты обнял меня.">>
<<AddStat 0 "lordliness" 2 30>>
<<btnEventLink "Finish/Закончить" "Master Bedroom" "">>
<<case "bedroom(pussylick end)(lord alt)(pussy)">>
<<NPCmedia "wife" "lying on bed(nude)" 0>>
<<dlg_en 0 "It was awesome, honey! But I'm so tired. Let's continue next time.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Это было чудесно, милый. Но я так устала. Давай продолжим в следующий раз?">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "But, baby...">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Но, милая...">>
<<dlg_en 0 'No "but" me. Better give me a sweet kiss before I go to sleep.'>>
<<dlg_ru 0 'Никаких "но". Лучше подари мне сладкий поцелуй перед сном.'>>
<<en "You try to get up, but $NPCstat[0].name puts her hand on your head and won't let you.">>
<<ru "Ты пытаешься подняться, но $NPCstat[0].name кладет руку тебе на голову и не позволяет тебе.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "No no no. I want you to give a goodnight kiss to my pussy.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Нет-нет-нет. Я хочу, чтобы ты подарил поцелуй моей киске.">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "Baby?">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Милая?">>
<<dlg_en 0 "Honey, you don't want to ruin the finale of such a lovely evening, do you?">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Ты же не хочешь испортить финал такого чудесного вечера?">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "No, I don't.">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Нет, не хочу.">>
<<en "You lean over and give your wife's pussy a sweet kiss. Looking up at $NPCstat[0].name, you meet her adoring eyes.">>
<<ru "Ты даешь киске твоей жены сладкий поцелуй. Подняв взгляд, ты встречаешь полные обожания твоей жены.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "Oh, $mc.name, you are so sweet! Come on, cuddle your wife.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Ох, $mc.name, ты такой милый. Давай обнимемся перед сном.">>
<<AddStat 0 "lordliness" 2 45>>
<<btnEventLink "Finish/Закончить" "Master Bedroom" "">>
<<case "bedroom(let her lead)(cuni request)">>
<<NPCmedia "wife" "bedroom(kissing 2)" 1>>
<<if $NPCstat[0].assertiveness < -40>>
<<dlg_en 0 "Honestly, I'm not used to taking the lead.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Если честно, я не привыкла быть на первых ролях.">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "It's okay, baby, you need to be more assertive.">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Все в порядке, милая. Тебе стоит быть немного напористее.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "Then, I want you to take it slowly.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Хорошо, милый, тогда начнем медленно.">>
<<elseif $NPCstat[0].assertiveness < 20>>
<<dlg_en 0 "You want me to take the lead?">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Ты хочешь, чтобы я взяла лидерство?">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "Yeah, that would be hot.">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Ага, это было бы так горячо.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "Then, I want you to take it slowly.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Хорошо, милый, тогда начнем медленно.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "Then, I want you to take it slowly.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Хорошо, милый, тогда начнем медленно.">>
<<AddStat 0 "assertiveness" 2 20>>
<<if $NPCmood[0].arousal >= 70>>
<<set _txt_en = "Wasting no time, you take her nipple into your mouth and start teasing it with your tongue. ">>
<<set _txt_ru = "Не теряя времени, ты берешь ее тверды сосок в рот и принимаешь дразнить его своим языком. ">>
<<set _txt_en = "You take of her nightwear top and bare her wonderful breasts. Wasting no time, you take her nipple into your mouth and start teasing it with your tongue. ">>
<<set _txt_ru = "Ты стягиваешь с нее топик, обнажая ее роскошные груди. Не теряя времени, ты берешь ее твердый сосок в рот и принимаешь дразнить его своим языком. ">>
<<if $NPCstat[0].assertiveness >= 10>>
<<set _txt_en += "She runs her fingers through your hair. Your hand slides down her belly, right under the white fabric of her panties. Your fingers are immediately covered with her love fluids.">>
<<set _txt_ru += "Твоя жена запускает пальцы в твои волосы, в то время как твоя рука скользит по ее животу, прямо под ее трусики. Ты чувствуешь, как твои пальцы мгновенно пропитываются ее флюидами.">>
<<set _txt_en += "A sofe moan escapes her lips. Your hand slides down her belly, right under the white fabric of her panties. Your fingers are immediately covered with her love fluids.">>
<<set _txt_ru += "Легкий стон слетает с губ твоей жены, в то время как твоя рука скользит по ее животу, прямо под ее трусики. Ты чувствуешь, как твои пальцы мгновенно пропитываются ее флюидами.">>
<<en _txt_en>>
<<ru _txt_ru>>
<<en "You grab the edge of her panties and start pulling them down slowly, curving around her wide hips and delicate ankles. When you reach her feet, $NPCstat[0].name bends her legs at the knees, slipping completely out of her panties.">>
<<ru "Ты хватаешь край ее трусиков и начинаешь медленно стягивать их с девушки, огибая ее широкие бедра. Когда ты достигаешь ее стоп, $NPCstat[0].name сгибает ноги в коленях, и ее трусики соскальзывают с ее ног полностью.">>
<<if $NPCstat[0].assertiveness < -40>>
<<dlg_en 0 "It would be so good if you licked my pussy.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Было бы чудесно, если бы ты немного полизал мою киску.">>
<<elseif $NPCstat[0].assertiveness < 25>>
<<dlg_en 0 "So, how about licking my pussy?">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Как насчет того, чтобы полизать мою киску?">>
<<dlg_en 0 "Now, lick that pussy! And don't dare to slack off.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Теперь, вылижи мою киску! И не вздумай прохлаждаться!">>
<<set _linkA = getLinkName("Lick her pussy/Вылизать ее киску")>>
<center>@@.btnWide;<<button _linkA "Wife(Mansion Sex)(Scenes)">>
<<set $EventMark = "bedroom(undress her)(pussylick)">>
<<include "Wife(Mansion Sex)(Stats)">>
/* ---------- FACESITTING ---------- */
<<case "bedroom(ask about facesitting)(normal)">>
<<NPCmedia "wife" "facesitting(start)" 1>>
<br><<PHR 0 "I would love to, honey. But first let me help you out of your clothes.">>
<br>$NPCstat[0].name unbuttons your shirt and throws it aside. Then she pulls down your pants. She pushes you in the chest and stands over you.
<br><<PHR 0 "Are you ready, honey?">>
<center>@@.btnWide;<<button "Nod your head" "Wife(Mansion Sex)(Scenes)">>
<<set $EventMark = "bedroom(undress her)(facesitting)">>
<<include "Wife(Mansion Sex)(Stats)">>
<<case "bedroom(let her lead)(facesitting request)">>
<<NPCmedia "wife" "bedroom(kissing 2)" 1>>
<<if $NPCstat[0].assertiveness < 20>>
<br><<PHR 0 "You want me to take the lead?">>
<br><<PHR "mc" "Yeah, that would be hot.">>
<br><<PHR 0 "Then, I want you to take it slowly.">>
<br><<PHR 0 "Fine, honey. Then, I want you to take it slowly.">>
<<AddStat 0 "assertiveness" 2 40>>
<<if $NPCstat[0].assertiveness >= 10>>
<br>She runs her fingers through your hair. Your hand slides down her belly, right under the white fabric of her panties. Your fingers are immediately covered with her love fluids.
<br>A sofe moan escapes her lips. Your hand slides down her belly, right under the white fabric of her panties. Your fingers are immediately covered with her love fluids.
<br>You grab the edge of her panties and start pulling them down slowly, curving around her wide hips and delicate ankles. When you reach her feet, $NPCstat[0].name bends her legs at the knees, slipping completely out of her panties.
<<if $NPCstat[0].assertiveness < 28>>
<<if $NPCstat[0].lordliness < 25>>
<br><<PHR 0 "How about you lie on your back so I can ride your face?">>
<br><<PHR 0 "How about you lie on your back so I can use your face?">>
<<if $NPCstat[0].lordliness < 25>>
<br><<PHR 0 "Good. Now lie on your back so I can ride your face.">>
<br><<PHR 0 "Good. Now lie on your back so I can use your face.">>
<center>@@.btnWide;<<button "Lie on your back" "Wife(Mansion Sex)(Scenes)">>
<<set $EventMark = "bedroom(undress her)(facesitting)">>
<<include "Wife(Mansion Sex)(Stats)">>
<<case "bedroom(facesitting)(normal)">>
<<if $NPCsexmemory[0].facesitting <= 6>>
<<set _stdice = random(3)>>
<<elseif $NPCsexmemory[0].facesitting <= 10>>
<<set _stdice = random(6)>>
<<elseif $NPCsexmemory[0].facesitting <= 20>>
<<set _stdice = random(8)>>
<<set _stdice = random(9)>>
<<if _stdice <= 3>><<set _end = "normal">><</if>>
<<if _stdice > 3 and _stdice <= 6>><<set _end = "slow">><</if>>
<<if _stdice > 6 and _stdice <= 8>><<set _end = "double">><</if>>
<<if _stdice == 9>><<set _end = "triple">><</if>>
<<NPCmedia "wife" "facesitting" 1>>
<<set _stdice = random(9)>>
<<if $NPCsexmemory[0].facesitting <= 4>>
<br>$NPCstat[0].name doesn't wait too long to land her ass right onto your face.
<br><<PHR 0 "Oh, sorry, honey. You're all right?">>
<br><<PHR "mc" "Yeah, i can survive this.">>
<br><<PHR 0 "Ok, then let's go.">>
<<elseif $NPCsexmemory[0].facesitting <= 8>>
<br>$NPCstat[0].name carefully lowers her bottom onto your face.
<br><<PHR 0 "Ok, let's go.">>
<<elseif _stdice >= 7>>
<br>$NPCstat[0].name doesn't wait too long to land her butt right onto your face.
<br><<PHR 0 "Sorry, honey. You're all right? I hope my huge ass didn't hurt you.">>
<br>She fidgets a little on your face.
<br><<PHR 0 "Are you trying to tell me I'm not heavy at all? Well, thank you, honey. Now, let's go.">>
<br>$NPCstat[0].name carefully lowers her bottom onto your face.
<br><<PHR 0 "Ok, let's go.">>
<<if $NPCsexmemory[0].facesitting <= 3>>
<br>You stick your tongue out and start licking your wife's pussy. She leans against the headboard of the bed and lets you do all the work.
<<if $NPCstat[0].assertiveness >= 20>>
<br><<PHR 0 "Do it faster, honey! Work your tongue!">>
<br><<PHR 0 "Do it faster, honey! Ple-ease!">>
<br>You do as she says and even start bobbing your head to quicken the pace. Soon, $NPCstat[0].name begins to move her hips toward you, while her moans are echoing through the bedroom.
<<elseif $NPCsexmemory[0].facesitting <= 7>>
<br>You stick your tongue out and start licking your wife's pussy. $NPCstat[0].name in turn leans against the headboard of the bed and begins to move her hips toward you.
<<if $NPCstat[0].assertiveness >= 20>>
<br><<PHR 0 "Lick faster, honey! Work your tongue!">>
<br><<PHR 0 "Lick faster, honey! Ple-ease!">>
<br>You do as she says and even start bobbing your head to quicken the pace. Her moans are echoing through the bedroom, and you feel rewarded for your efforts.
<br>Without waiting for you, she starts grinding against your face eagerly. You stick your tongue out and start flicking and trying to hit all the right spots.
<br><<PHR 0 "Give me your tongue, honey! Yeah, like this!">>
<br>Your wife's moans are echoing through the bedroom, and you feel rewarded for your efforts.
<br><<PHR 0 "This is so good, honey! Don't stop!">>
<br>Her hips are smearing her pussy juices all over your face, the warmth of her private part is turning your skin red, and the slight smell of sweat from her constantly moving body is entering your nostrils.
<<if _end == "normal">>
<<if $NPCsexmemory[0].facesitting <= 5>>
<br><<PHR 0 "I'm already close, honey! I'm gonna cum on your tongue!">>
<br><<PHR 0 "I'm already close, honey! I'm gonna cum on your face!">>
<br>Your wife's body begins to shake with the powerful orgasm, but she doesn't try to slow down. Finally, your wife's orgasm subsides and she freezes.
<br><<PHR 0 "Wow, that was intense!">>
<<NPCmedia "wife" "facesitting(end)" 0>>
<br>$NPCstat[0].name sits up, still looking down at you. From this angle, she looks like a amazon, towering over her prey.
<<set $NPCsexmemory[0].facesitting += 1>>
<<set $NPCmood[0].arousal = 0>>
<<btnEventLink "Enough for today" "Master Bedroom" "">>
<<btnEventLink "You want to cum too" "Wife(Mansion Sex)(Scenes)" "bedroom(fucking)(cowgirl)(after facesitting)">>
<<elseif _end == "slow">>
<br>You can tell your wife is on edge, but suddenly she stops and leans back, resting her arms on the bed.
<br><<PHR 0 "Phew, that was close. But your tongue is so good, honey, I wanna take a break and allows the pleasure process to continue.">>
<br>She gives you a couple of slaps on the side.
<br><<PHR 0 "But that doesn't mean you're allowed to slack off.">>
<br>You immediately get back to licking her pussy and a lingering moan escapes your wife's lips.
<br><<PHR 0 "Yeah, that's it. Nice and slow.">>
<br>$NPCstat[0].name remains motionless, enjoying the way your tongue is flitting between her labia and clit. Right now she's really using your face as a place to rest, and the thought of it makes your cock twitch.
<br>After a while, your wife starts moving her hips again, but gently, as you can tell, holding herself back with some difficulty.
<<if $NPCstat[0].lordliness < 25>>
<br><<PHR 0 "Fuck, honey, I could do this all day long.">>
<br><<PHR 0 "Fuck, honey, I could use you face all day long.">>
<br>Finally, $NPCstat[0].name leans forward again and resting on the headboard begins to ride your face furiously.
<<if $NPCstat[0].lordliness < 20>>
<br><<PHR 0 "Sorry, honey, this one will be powerful.">>
<br><<PHR 0 "Embrace yourself, honey, this one will be powerful.">>
<br>Your wife's body begins to shake with the powerful orgasm, but she doesn't try to slow down. Like she said, her love juices start squirting in your face in a powerful flow. Finally, your wife's orgasm subsides and she freezes.
<br><<PHR 0 "Wow, that was intense!">>
<<NPCmedia "wife" "facesitting(end)" 0>>
<br>$NPCstat[0].name sits up, still looking down at you. From this angle, she looks like a amazon, towering over her prey.
<br><<PHR 0 "Ok, I'm going to take a shower.">>
<br>$NPCstat[0].name sits up, still looking down at you. From this angle, she looks like a amazon, towering over her prey.
<<set $NPCsexmemory[0].facesitting += 1>>
<<set $NPCmood[0].arousal = 0>>
<<btnEventLink "Enough for today" "Master Bedroom" "">>
<<btnEventLink "You want to cum too" "Wife(Mansion Sex)(Scenes)" "bedroom(fucking)(cowgirl)(after facesitting)">>
<<elseif _end == "double" or _end == "triple">>
<br><<PHR 0 "I'm already close, honey! I'm gonna cum on your face!">>
<br>Your wife's body begins to shake with the powerful orgasm, but she doesn't try to slow down. Finally, your wife's orgasm subsides and she freezes.
<br><<PHR 0 "Wow, that was intense!">>
<<NPCmedia "wife" "facesitting(end)" 0>>
<br>Even though your wife has already cum, she is in no hurry to get off you. On the contrary, she doesn't move an inch and simply rests on your face. Her pussy seals your mouth, and you can't even say anything. Finally, $NPCstat[0].name takes a breath and lifts her bottom slightly. You immediately take a deep breath.
<<if $NPCstat[0].lordliness < 20>>
<br><<PHR 0 "Sorry, honey, are you okay in there?">>
<br>You nod back, and the girl lowers herself on your face again.
<br><<PHR 0 "Oh, come on, honey. Can't you be patient for one minute?">>
<br>Without waiting for your answer, she drops down on your face again.
<br><<PHR 0 "You know what, honey? One time isn't enough for me.">>
<br>She starts moving again.
<<set _txt = "Come on, " + $mc.name + ". I don't believe your tongue is tired already.">>
<br><<PHR 0 _txt>>
<<if _end == "double">>
<<btnEventLink "Get back to licking her pussy" "Wife(Mansion Sex)(Scenes)" "bedroom(facesitting)(double)">>
<<elseif _end == "triple">>
<<btnEventLink "Get back to licking her pussy" "Wife(Mansion Sex)(Scenes)" "bedroom(facesitting)(triple)">>
<<case "bedroom(facesitting)(normal alt)">>
<<NPCmedia "wife" "facesitting" 1>>
<<set _stdice = random(9)>>
<<if $NPCsexmemory[0].facesitting <= 4>>
<br>$NPCstat[0].name doesn't wait too long to land her ass right onto your face.
<br><<PHR 0 "Oh, sorry, honey. You're all right?">>
<br><<PHR "mc" "Yeah, i can survive this.">>
<br><<PHR 0 "Ok, then let's go.">>
<<elseif $NPCsexmemory[0].facesitting <= 8>>
<br>$NPCstat[0].name carefully lowers her bottom onto your face.
<br><<PHR 0 "Ok, let's go.">>
<<elseif _stdice >= 7>>
<br>$NPCstat[0].name doesn't wait too long to land her butt right onto your face.
<br><<PHR 0 "Sorry, honey. You're all right? I hope my huge ass didn't hurt you.">>
<br>She fidgets a little on your face.
<br><<PHR 0 "Are you trying to tell me I'm not heavy at all? Well, thank you, honey. Now, let's go.">>
<br>$NPCstat[0].name carefully lowers her bottom onto your face.
<br><<PHR 0 "Ok, let's go.">>
<<if $NPCsexmemory[0].facesitting <= 3>>
<br>You stick your tongue out and start licking your wife's pussy. She leans against the headboard of the bed and lets you do all the work.
<<if $NPCstat[0].assertiveness >= 20>>
<br><<PHR 0 "Do it faster, honey! Work your tongue!">>
<br><<PHR 0 "Do it faster, honey! Ple-ease!">>
<br>You do as she says and even start bobbing your head to quicken the pace. Soon, $NPCstat[0].name begins to move her hips toward you, while her moans are echoing through the bedroom.
<<elseif $NPCsexmemory[0].facesitting <= 7>>
<br>You stick your tongue out and start licking your wife's pussy. $NPCstat[0].name in turn leans against the headboard of the bed and begins to move her hips toward you.
<<if $NPCstat[0].assertiveness >= 20>>
<br><<PHR 0 "Lick faster, honey! Work your tongue!">>
<br><<PHR 0 "Lick faster, honey! Ple-ease!">>
<br>You do as she says and even start bobbing your head to quicken the pace. Her moans are echoing through the bedroom, and you feel rewarded for your efforts.
<br>Without waiting for you, she starts grinding against your face eagerly. You stick your tongue out and start flicking and trying to hit all the right spots.
<br><<PHR 0 "Give me your tongue, honey! Yeah, like this!">>
<br>Your wife's moans are echoing through the bedroom, and you feel rewarded for your efforts.
<br><<PHR 0 "This is so good, honey! Don't stop!">>
<br>Her hips are smearing her pussy juices all over your face, the warmth of her private part is turning your skin red, and the slight smell of sweat from her constantly moving body is entering your nostrils.
<br><<PHR 0 "Oh, honey, you really know how to work your tongue. But now I want your cock in my pussy.">>
<<set $NPCsexmemory[0].facesitting += 1>>
<<set $NPCmood[0].arousal = 0>>
<<btnEventLink "Let her ride you" "Wife(Mansion Sex)(Scenes)" "bedroom(fucking)(cowgirl)(after facesitting alt)">>
<<case "bedroom(facesitting)(double)">>
<<set $NPCsexmemory[0].facesitting += 1>>
<<NPCmedia "wife" "facesitting" 1>>
<br>Minutes go by. You are completely focused on trying to make $NPCstat[0].name cum more quickly, and she, in turn, completely surrenders herself to the process, moaning loudly and paying compliments to your tongue. At one point your wife grabs you tightly by the hair. You feel the tension in her muscles reach a peak.
<br><<PHR 0 "Fuck, honey! I'm going to cum again!">>
<br>Your wife's body begins to shake with the powerful orgasm, but she doesn't try to slow down.
<br><<PHR 0 "Move your fucking tongue!">>
<br>Her love juices start squirting in your face in a powerful flow. Finally, your wife's orgasm subsides and she freezes.
<br><<PHR 0 "Wow, that was intense!">>
<br>$NPCstat[0].name giggles and finally gets off you. Leaning toward you, she starts covering your face with kisses.
<br><<PHR 0 "Sorry, honey. I got a little carried away at the end.">>
<br><<PHR "mc" "That's okay. It made you feel good, and that's everything I want.">>
<br>Your wife smiles broadly and give you another kiss.
<<btnEventLink "Enough for today" "Master Bedroom" "">>
<<btnEventLink "You want to cum too" "Wife(Mansion Sex)(Scenes)" "bedroom(fucking)(cowgirl)(after facesitting)">>
<<case "bedroom(facesitting)(triple)">>
<<set $NPCsexmemory[0].facesitting += 1>>
<<NPCmedia "wife" "facesitting" 1>>
<br>Minutes go by. You are completely focused on trying to make $NPCstat[0].name cum more quickly, and she, in turn, completely surrenders herself to the process, moaning loudly and paying compliments to your tongue. At one point your wife grabs you tightly by the hair. You feel the tension in her muscles reach a peak.
<br><<PHR 0 "Fuck, honey! I'm going to cum again!">>
<br>Your wife's body begins to shake with the powerful orgasm, but she doesn't try to slow down.
<br><<PHR 0 "Move your fucking tongue!">>
<br>Her love juices start squirting in your face in a powerful flow. Finally, your wife's orgasm subsides and she freezes.
<br><<PHR 0 "Wow, that was intense!">>
<br>$NPCstat[0].name giggles and finally gets off you. Leaning toward you, she starts covering your face with kisses.
<br><<PHR 0 "Sorry, honey. I got a little carried away at the end.">>
<br><<PHR "mc" "That's okay. It made you feel good, and that's everything I want.">>
<br>Your wife smiles broadly and give you another kiss.
<<btnEventLink "Enough for today" "Master Bedroom" "">>
<<btnEventLink "You want to cum too" "Wife(Mansion Sex)(Scenes)" "bedroom(fucking)(cowgirl)(after facesitting)">>
/* ---------- BLOWJOB ---------- */
<<case "bedroom(ask about blowjob)(normal)">>
<<set $NPCsexmemory[0].blowjob += 1>>
<<NPCmedia "wife" "bedroom(blowjob)" 1>>
<<if $NPCstat[0].lordliness < -10 and $NPCmood[0].arousal >= 65>>
<br><<PHR 0 "Oh, honey! I've been dreaming about your cock all day.">>
<<elseif $NPCstat[0].lordliness < -20>>
<br><<PHR 0 "Oh, honey! You know I'm always eager to please you.">>
<<if $NPCstat[0].assertiveness >= 20>>
<br>$NPCstat[0].name unbuttons your shirt. Her hands slide under the fabric and start stroking your chest. Finally she pulls your shirt off and moves to the belt on your pants.
<br>Your wife pulls down your pants along with your briefs, and your hard cock spring out. You stretch your legs to help $NPCstat[0].name take off your pants completely.
<br><<PHR 0 "Now, lie still.">>
<br>She pushes you back and sits on your legs. Leaning forward, she brushes her fingers along your shaft and smiles.
<br><<PHR "mc" "Come on, baby!">>
<br><<PHR 0 "Shh!">>
<br>Without any hesitation, she takes your penis in her mouth and starts bobbing her head back and forth, swallowing nearly half of your rod with each thrust. She puts her hands on your hips for better support, so she can suck even harder.
<br><<PHR "mc" "Fuck! Baby, you're so good at this!">>
<br>$NPCstat[0].name stops and, sticking out her tongue, starts slapping the head of your cock on it. In doing so, she is constantly staring into your eyes.
<br><<PHR "mc" "Oh, baby! you're the best! Come on, I wanna fuck you.">>
<<btnEventLink "Tell her to lie on her back" "Wife(Mansion Sex)(Scenes)" "bedroom(fucking)(missionary)(normal)">>
<<btnEventLink "Tell her to get on all fours" "Wife(Mansion Sex)(Scenes)" "bedroom(fucking)(doggystyle)(normal)">>
<<btnEventLink "Tell her to ride your cock" "Wife(Mansion Sex)(Scenes)" "bedroom(fucking)(cowgirl)(normal)">>
<br>You pull down your pants along with your briefs and toss them aside. Then you lean back and start unbuttoning your shirt while $NPCstat[0].name takes your hard cock in her hand and begins gently jerking it off.
<br><<PHR "mc" "Come on, baby!">>
<br>Without any hesitation, she takes your penis in her mouth and starts bobbing her head back and forth, swallowing nearly half of your rod with each thrust. She puts her hands on your hips for better support, so she can suck even harder.
<br>You finally get rid of your shirt, and now you can use your hands to guide your wife.
<br><<PHR "mc" "Fuck! Baby, you're so good at this! Come on, I wanna fuck you.">>
<<btnEventLink "Tell her to lie on her back" "Wife(Mansion Sex)(Scenes)" "bedroom(fucking)(missionary)(normal)">>
<<btnEventLink "Tell her to get on all fours" "Wife(Mansion Sex)(Scenes)" "bedroom(fucking)(doggystyle)(normal)">>
<<btnEventLink "Tell her to ride your cock" "Wife(Mansion Sex)(Scenes)" "bedroom(fucking)(cowgirl)(normal)">>
<<case "bedroom(ask about blowjob)(reject)">>
<<NPCmedia "wife" "bedroom(kissing 2)" 1>>
<br>Instead of answering you, she covers your mouth with her hand.
<br><<PHR 0 "dom" "I'm not going to suck you cock, honey. But it's your mouth that we are using today for its intended purpose.">>
<br>She starts pushing you down again.
<<btnEventLink "Go down on her" "Wife(Mansion Sex)(Scenes)" "bedroom(pussylick)(assert)">>
<<case "bedroom(let her lead)(blowjob request)">>
<<NPCmedia "wife" "bedroom(kissing 2)" 1>>
<<if $NPCstat[0].assertiveness < -40>>
<br><<PHR 0 "Honestly, I'm not used to taking the lead.">>
<br><<PHR "mc" "It's okay, baby, you need to be more assertive.">>
<br><<PHR 0 "Then, I want you to take it slowly.">>
<<elseif $NPCstat[0].assertiveness < 20>>
<br><<PHR 0 "You want me to take the lead?">>
<br><<PHR "mc" "Yeah, that would be hot.">>
<br><<PHR 0 "Then, I want you to take it slowly.">>
<br><<PHR 0 "Fine, honey. Then, I want you to take it slowly.">>
<<AddStat 0 "assertiveness" 2 20>>
<<if $NPCmood[0].arousal >= 70>>
<br>Wasting no time, you take her nipple into your mouth and start teasing it with your tongue.
<br>You take of her nightwear top and bare her wonderful breasts. Wasting no time, you take her nipple into your mouth and start teasing it with your tongue.
<<if $NPCstat[0].assertiveness >= 10>>
She runs her fingers through your hair. Your hand slides down her belly, right under the white fabric of her panties. Your fingers are immediately covered with her love fluids.
A sofe moan escapes her lips. Your hand slides down her belly, right under the white fabric of her panties. Your fingers are immediately covered with her love fluids.
<br>You grab the edge of her panties and start pulling them down slowly, curving around her wide hips and delicate ankles. When you reach her feet, $NPCstat[0].name bends her legs at the knees, slipping completely out of her panties.
<br><<PHR 0 "I wanna suck you cock, honey.">>
<<btnEventLink "Let her to suck your cock" "Wife(Mansion Sex)(Scenes)" "bedroom(ask about blowjob)(normal)">>
/* ---------- FUCKING ---------- */
<<case "bedroom(fucking)(missionary)(normal)">>
<<set $NPCsexmemory[0].vaginal += 1>>
<<set $NPCmood[0].arousal = 0>>
<<NPCmedia "wife" "bedroom(missionary)" 1>>
<br>You press your cock to her pussy and slowly push it inside. Bending down to your wife, you start kissing her, while your rod is going deeper and deeper, until finally slides almost its entire length inside. Her breasts is moving in sympathy with your movements, her head is thrown back, and her eyes are closed in bliss. $NPCstat[0].name's moans are filling the bedroom, if not the entire house.
<br><<PHR 0 "Keep pounding me! Don't stop! Tear me apart with your wonderful cock!">>
<br>You start covering her neck with kisses, and every time your lips touch her skin, her insides respond and squeeze around your prick.
<br><<PHR 0 "Please, don't stop, honey!">>
<br>You can feel the muscles of her pussy tighten, signing an approaching orgasm. Her body arches up toward your, her moans are getting wilder.
<br><<PHR 0 "I'm close, honey! I'm... I'm going to cum!">>
<br>You accelerate the friction as much as possible. $NPCstat[0].name wraps her legs around you, digging her nails into your back. She tilts her head back and rolls her eyes as her throbbing pussy gushes with juices. Her body shakes with a powerful orgasm, and finally she loosens her grip and sprawls on the sweat-soaked sheet, trying to catch her breath.
<br>You pull out your cock and start covering her belly with a thick semen. Then you collapse on the bed next to $NPCstat[0].name.
<<btnEventLink "Finish" "Master Bedroom" "">>
<<case "bedroom(fucking)(doggystyle)(normal)">>
<<set $NPCsexmemory[0].vaginal += 1>>
<<set $NPCmood[0].arousal = 0>>
<<NPCmedia "wife" "bedroom(doggystyle)" 1>>
<br>You press your cock to her pussy and slowly push it inside. Grabbing her hips, you start to ravage your wife. With each thrust, you push your cock to its full length and then bring it back, leaving only the head inside. Her breasts is moving in sympathy with your movements, her buttocks slap loudly against your groin. $NPCstat[0].name's moans are filling the bedroom, if not the entire house.
<br><<PHR 0 "Keep pounding me! Don't stop! Tear me apart with your wonderful cock!">>
<br>Heat and tightness of her pussy drive you crazy.
<br><<PHR 0 "I'm close, honey! I'm... I'm going to cum!">>
<br>You accelerate the friction as much as possible. $NPCstat[0].name lays her head on the pillow, without stopping to move her hips on her hips towards you. Her body shakes with a powerful orgasm, love juices burst out of her pussy, flooding you and falling on the sheet. In the end, her legs go weak and she sprawls on the bed, trying to catch her breath.
<br>You pull out your cock and start covering her back with a thick semen. Then you collapse on the bed next to $NPCstat[0].name.
<<btnEventLink "Finish" "Master Bedroom" "">>
<<case "bedroom(fucking)(cowgirl)(normal)">>
<<set $NPCsexmemory[0].vaginal += 1>>
<<set $NPCmood[0].arousal = 0>>
<<NPCmedia "wife" "bedroom(front ride)" 1>>
<br>$NPCstat[0].name throws her leg over you and slowly lowers down on your cock. You don't miss the chance to give her ass a light slap.
<br>She leans on your knees and starts pouncing on your cock.
<br><<PHR 0 "I love riding your cock, honey! I wanna get it all inside me!">>
<br>$NPCstat[0].name moves at a furious pace. You grab her by the big ass and start helping her, driving your cock into her pussy with powerful thrusts.
<br><<PHR 0 "I'm close, honey! I can't hold back anymore!">>
<br>You can feel the muscles of her pussy tighten, signing an approaching orgasm.
<br><<PHR 0 "Oh, fuuuck!">>
<br>Your wife leans back and falls on you. Your cock jumps out of her pussy, and you feel her love juices squirting on you. Her body trembles with orgasm.
<br>Your cock springs out of her pussy and starts shooting jets of cum into the air. Some of it lands on your wife's stomach. Finally, $NPCstat[0].name rolls off you.
<br><<PHR 0 "That was fantastic, honey!">>
<<btnEventLink "Finish" "Master Bedroom" "">>
<<case "bedroom(fucking)(cowgirl)(after facesitting)">>
<<set $NPCsexmemory[0].vaginal += 1>>
<<set $NPCmood[0].arousal = 0>>
<<NPCmedia "wife" "bedroom(front ride)" 1>>
<br><<PHR 0 "I think I can reward you for your performance.">>
$NPCstat[0].name moves backward until her butt touches your hard cock. She lifts her bottom slightly and then pulls it back down, taking your shaft all the way inside her. Then your wife leans on your knees and starts pouncing on your cock.
<br><<PHR 0 "I love riding your cock, honey! I wanna get it all inside me!">>
<br>$NPCstat[0].name moves at a furious pace. You grab her by the big ass and start helping her, driving your cock into her pussy with powerful thrusts.
<br><<PHR 0 "I'm close, honey! I can't hold back anymore!">>
<br>You can feel the muscles of her pussy tighten, signing an approaching orgasm.
<br><<PHR 0 "Oh, fuuuck!">>
<br>Your wife leans back and falls on you. Your cock jumps out of her pussy, and you feel her love juices squirting on you. Her body trembles with orgasm.
<br>Your cock springs out of her pussy and starts shooting jets of cum into the air. Some of it lands on your wife's stomach. Finally, $NPCstat[0].name rolls off you.
<br><<PHR 0 "That was fantastic, honey!">>
<<btnEventLink "Finish" "Master Bedroom" "">>
<<case "bedroom(fucking)(cowgirl)(after facesitting alt)">>
<<set $NPCsexmemory[0].vaginal += 1>>
<<set $NPCmood[0].arousal = 0>>
<<NPCmedia "wife" "bedroom(front ride)" 1>>
$NPCstat[0].name moves backward until her butt touches your hard cock. She lifts her bottom slightly and then pulls it back down, taking your shaft all the way inside her. Then your wife leans on your knees and starts pouncing on your cock.
<br><<PHR 0 "I love riding your cock, honey! I wanna get it all inside me!">>
<br>$NPCstat[0].name moves at a furious pace. You grab her by the big ass and start helping her, driving your cock into her pussy with powerful thrusts.
<br><<PHR 0 "I'm close, honey! I can't hold back anymore!">>
<br>You can feel the muscles of her pussy tighten, signing an approaching orgasm.
<br><<PHR 0 "Oh, fuuuck!">>
<br>Your wife leans back and falls on you. Your cock jumps out of her pussy, and you feel her love juices squirting on you. Her body trembles with orgasm.
<br>Your cock springs out of her pussy and starts shooting jets of cum into the air. Some of it lands on your wife's stomach. Finally, $NPCstat[0].name rolls off you.
<br><<PHR 0 "That was fantastic, honey!">>
<<btnEventLink "Finish" "Master Bedroom" "">>
<</switch>><<switch $EventMark>>
/* ---------- BEDROOM SCENES ---------- */
<<case "bedroom(evening)(start scene)">>
<<set _desire = 0>>
<<if $NPCmood[0].arousal < 20>><<set _desire -= 2>><</if>>
<<if $NPCmood[0].arousal >= 30>><<set _desire += 1>><</if>>
<<if $NPCmood[0].arousal >= 50>><<set _desire += 1>><</if>>
<<if $NPCmood[0].arousal >= 70>><<set _desire += 2>><</if>>
<<if $NPCmood[0].tiredness >= 60>><<set _desire -= 1>><</if>>
<<if $NPCmood[0].mood < 30>><<set _desire -= 1>><</if>>
<<if $NPCmood[0].mood < 0>><<set _desire -= 10>><</if>>
<<set _takeini = false>>
<<set _assertdice = random(9)>>
<<if random(2) == 0>><<set _assertdice -= 1>><</if>>
<<if _assertdice <= Sqrt($NPCstat[0].assertiveness)>><<set _takeini = true>><</if>>
<<if _assertdice > Sqrt($NPCstat[0].assertiveness)>><<set _takeini = false>><</if>>
<<if _desire <= -2>>
<<set $EventMark = "bedroom(reject)(tiredness)">>
<<elseif _desire <= 0>>
<<set $EventMark = "bedroom(doubt)(tiredness)">>
<<elseif _desire <= 2 and _takeini>>
<<set $EventMark = "bedroom(agree)(assert)">>
<<elseif _desire <= 2 and _takeini == false>>
<<set $EventMark = "bedroom(agree)(normal)">>
<<elseif _desire > 2 and _takeini>>
<<set $EventMark = "bedroom(happily agree)(assert)">>
<<elseif _desire > 2 and _takeini == false>>
<<set $EventMark = "bedroom(happily agree)(normal)">>
<<case "bedroom(evening)(take offer)">>
<<set _takeini = false>>
<<set _assertdice = random(9)>>
<<if random(2) == 0>><<set _assertdice -= 1>><</if>>
<<if _assertdice <= Sqrt($NPCstat[0].assertiveness)>><<set _takeini = true>><</if>>
<<if _assertdice > Sqrt($NPCstat[0].assertiveness)>><<set _takeini = false>><</if>>
<<if _takeini>>
<<set $EventMark = "bedroom(agree)(assert)">>
<<set $EventMark = "bedroom(happily agree)(assert)">>
<<case "bedroom(let her lead)">>
<<set _lim = 0>>
<<if $WifeFacesitting.active == true>><<set _lim = $NPCkinks[0].facesitting>><</if>>
<<set _lim += $NPCkinks[0].pussylicking>>
<<set _lim += $NPCkinks[0].blowjob>>
<<if $NPCstat[0].lordliness < -20>><<set _assertdice += 20>><</if>>
<<if $NPCstat[0].lordliness >= 20>><<set _assertdice -= 20>><</if>>
<<set _assertdice = random(_lim)>>
<<if $WifeFacesitting.active == true and _assertdice <= $NPCkinks[0].facesitting and $NPCkinks[0].facesitting > 0>>
<<set $EventMark = "bedroom(let her lead)(facesitting request)">>
<<elseif $WifeFacesitting.active == true and _assertdice <= ($NPCkinks[0].facesitting + $NPCkinks[0].pussylicking) and $NPCkinks[0].pussylicking > 0>>
<<set $EventMark = "bedroom(let her lead)(cuni request)">>
<<elseif $WifeFacesitting.active == true>>
<<set $EventMark = "bedroom(let her lead)(blowjob request)">>
<<elseif _assertdice <= $NPCkinks[0].pussylicking and $NPCkinks[0].pussylicking > 0>>
<<set $EventMark = "bedroom(let her lead)(cuni request)">>
<<set $EventMark = "bedroom(let her lead)(blowjob request)">>
<<case "bedroom(undress her)">>
<<set _lim = $NPCkinks[0].pussylicking + $NPCkinks[0].blowjob>>
<<set _assertdice = random(_lim)>>
<<if $NPCstat[0].lordliness < -20>><<set _assertdice += 20>><</if>>
<<if $NPCstat[0].lordliness >= 20>><<set _assertdice -= 20>><</if>>
<<if _assertdice <= $NPCkinks[0].pussylicking and $NPCkinks[0].pussylicking > 0>>
<<set $EventMark = "bedroom(undress her)(cuni request)">>
<<set $EventMark = "bedroom(undress her)(normal)">>
<<case "bedroom(undress her)(pussylick)">>
<<set _assertdice = random(10)>>
<<if $NPCkinks[0].pussylicking >= 70>><<set _assertdice += 1>><</if>>
<<if $NPCkinks[0].pussylicking >= 90>><<set _assertdice += 1>><</if>>
<<if $NPCstat[0].lordliness < -20>><<set _assertdice -= 2>><</if>>
<<if $NPCstat[0].lordliness >= 25>><<set _assertdice += 2>><</if>>
<<set $EventMark = "bedroom(pussylick)(normal)">>
<<if _assertdice < 5 and $NPCstat[0].assertiveness >= 15>>
<<set $EventMark = "bedroom(pussylick)(normal alt)">>
<<case "bedroom(undress her)(facesitting)">>
<<set _assertdice = random(10)>>
<<if $NPCkinks[0].facesitting >= 70>><<set _assertdice += 1>><</if>>
<<if $NPCkinks[0].facesitting >= 90>><<set _assertdice += 1>><</if>>
<<if $NPCstat[0].lordliness < -20>><<set _assertdice -= 2>><</if>>
<<if $NPCstat[0].lordliness >= 25>><<set _assertdice += 2>><</if>>
<<set $EventMark = "bedroom(facesitting)(normal)">>
<<if _assertdice < 5 and $NPCstat[0].assertiveness >= 15>>
<<set $EventMark = "bedroom(facesitting)(normal alt)">>
<<case "bedroom(pussylick)(ask about vaginal)">>
<<set _assert = false>>
<<set _assertdice = random(9)>>
<<if $NPCmood[0].tiredness >= 60>><<set _assertdice -= 2>><</if>>
<<if $NPCstat[0].lordliness >= 20>><<set _assertdice -= 2>><</if>>
<<if $NPCstat[0].lordliness >= 40>><<set _assertdice -= 4>><</if>>
<<set $EventMark = "bedroom(fucking)(missionary)(normal)">>
<<if _assertdice < 5>>
<<set $EventMark = "bedroom(pussylick end)(lord)">>
<<if $NPCstat[0].lordliness >= 28>>
<<set _stdice = random(9)>>
<<if $NPCstat[0].lordliness >= 40>><<set _stdice += 3>><</if>>
<<if _stdice >= 5>>
<<set $EventMark = "bedroom(pussylick end)(lord alt)(pussy)">>
<<set $EventMark = "bedroom(pussylick end)(lord alt)(kiss)">>
<<case "bedroom(ask about blowjob)(assert)">>
<<set _assertdice = random(10)>>
<<set _lim = $NPCkinks[0].pussylicking + $NPCkinks[0].blowjob>>
<<set _assertdice = random(_lim)>>
<<if $NPCstat[0].lordliness < -20>><<set _assertdice += 20>><</if>>
<<if $NPCstat[0].lordliness >= 25>><<set _assertdice -= 20>><</if>>
<<if _assertdice <= $NPCkinks[0].pussylicking and $NPCkinks[0].pussylicking > 0>>
<<if $NPCstat[0].lordliness >= 45>>
<<set $EventMark = "bedroom(ask about blowjob)(reject)">>
<<set $EventMark = "bedroom(ask about blowjob)(normal)">>
<<set $EventMark = "bedroom(ask about blowjob)(normal)">>
<</switch>><span id="caption">
<<if $DevBuildVisible>>
<center><font color="red"><b>Please, use Stat Change function carefully. It may cause bugs, if you significantly change NPC stats in one moment.</b></font></center>
<center><table style="width:100%">
<tr style="vertical-align:top">
<span id="changestat0"></span>
<td><<FormCharSlot 0>></td>
<tr style="vertical-align:top">
<span id="changestat1"></span>
<td><<FormCharSlot 1>></td>
<tr style="vertical-align:top">
<span id="changestat2"></span>
<td><<FormCharSlot 2>></td>
<center><table style="width:100%">
<tr style="vertical-align:top">
<span id="changestat3"></span>
<<if $SecretaryId == 0>>
<<FormCharSlot 99>>
<<FormCharSlot $SecretaryId>>
<tr style="vertical-align:top">
<span id="changestat6"></span>
<td><<FormCharSlot 6>></td>
<tr style="vertical-align:top">
<span id="changestat18"></span>
<td><<FormCharSlot 18>></td>
<tr style="vertical-align:top">
<span id="changestat16"></span>
<td><<FormCharSlot 16>></td>
<tr style="vertical-align:top">
<span id="changestat30"></span>
<td><<FormCharSlot 30>></td>
<center><table style="width:100%">
<tr style="vertical-align:top">
<span id="changestat8"></span>
<td><<FormCharSlot 8>></td>
<tr style="vertical-align:top">
<span id="changestat9"></span>
<td><<FormCharSlot 9>></td>
<tr style="vertical-align:top">
<span id="changestat20"></span>
<td><<FormCharSlot 20>></td>
<center><table style="width:100%">
<tr style="vertical-align:top">
<span id="changestat29"></span>
<td><<FormCharSlot 29>></td>
</span><span id="detailed_npc">
<center><table style="width:50%">
@@.btnCaption;<<button "Back">>
<<dialog '' ''>>\
<<include "Caption NPC">>
<center><table style="width:100%">
<tr style="vertical-align:top">
<td style="width:40%" rowspan="6">
<<set _img = $NPCstat[$NPCid].infoImg>>
<td style="width:10%"></td>
<td style="width:50%">
<<if $NPCid == 0>>
<center><b>Your wife</b></center>
<<elseif $NPCid == 1>>
<center><b>Your maid</b></center>
<<elseif $NPCid == 2>>
<tr style="vertical-align:top">
<td rowspan="4"></td>
<td rowspan="4">
<span id="changestat"></span>
<center><table style="width:100%">
<center><b>Sexual stuff</b></center>
She jerked you off: $NPCsexmemory[$NPCid].handjob times.
<<set _stat = "handjob">><<include "Dev Sex Stat">>
<br>She sucked your cock: $NPCsexmemory[$NPCid].blowjob times.
<<set _stat = "blowjob">><<include "Dev Sex Stat">>
<br>She gave your boobjob: $NPCsexmemory[$NPCid].boobjob times.
<<set _stat = "boobjob">><<include "Dev Sex Stat">>
<br>She gave your footjob: $NPCsexmemory[$NPCid].footjob times.
<<set _stat = "footjob">><<include "Dev Sex Stat">>
<br>You licked her pussy: $NPCsexmemory[$NPCid].pussylicking times.
<<set _stat = "pussylicking">><<include "Dev Sex Stat">>
<br>You worshipped her pussy: $NPCsexmemory[$NPCid].pussyworshipping times.
<<set _stat = "pussyworshipping">><<include "Dev Sex Stat">>
<br>You licked her ass: $NPCsexmemory[$NPCid].asslicking times.
<<set _stat = "asslicking">><<include "Dev Sex Stat">>
<br>You fucked her pussy: $NPCsexmemory[$NPCid].vaginal times.
<<set _stat = "vaginal">><<include "Dev Sex Stat">>
<br>You fucked her ass: $NPCsexmemory[$NPCid].anal times.
<<set _stat = "anal">><<include "Dev Sex Stat">>
<br>She rode your face: $NPCsexmemory[$NPCid].facesitting times.
<<set _stat = "facesitting">><<include "Dev Sex Stat">>
<br>You massaged her feet: $NPCsexmemory[$NPCid].footmassage times.
<<set _stat = "footmassage">><<include "Dev Sex Stat">>
<br>You licked her feet: $NPCsexmemory[$NPCid].footlicking times.
<<set _stat = "footlicking">><<include "Dev Sex Stat">>
<<if $NPCid == 0>>
<center><b>Other stuff</b></center>
You made breakfast for your wife: $WifeServing.BedBreakfast.countHeroCooked times.
<<set _stat = "cookbreakfast">><<include "Dev Common Stat">>
<br>You brought breakfast in bed for your wife: $WifeServing.BedBreakfast.countHeroServed times.
<<set _stat = "servebreakfast">><<include "Dev Common Stat">>
<br>Your maid made breakfast for your wife: $WifeServing.BedBreakfast.countMaidCooked times.
<<set _stat = "maidcookbreakfast">><<include "Dev Common Stat">>
<br>Your maid brought breakfast in bed for your wife: $WifeServing.BedBreakfast.countMaidServed times.
<<set _stat = "maidservebreakfast">><<include "Dev Common Stat">>
Your influence on her - <<print $NPCstat[0].mcinfluence>>%
<<set _stat = "mc_to_wife_influence">><<include "Dev Common Stat">>
<br>Maid's influence on her - <<print $MaidToWife.influence>>%
<<set _stat = "maid_to_wife_influence">><<include "Dev Common Stat">>
<br> Her suspicion toward the maid - <<print $WifeToMaid.suspicion>>%
<<set _stat = "wife_to_maid_suspicion">><<include "Dev Common Stat">>
<br>Jenny's influence on her - <<print $JennyToWifeInfluence.overall>>%
<<set _stat = "jenny_to_wife_influence">><<include "Dev Common Stat">>
<<if $NPCid == 3 or $NPCid == 4>>
Her authority at work: $PositionAuthority[1]
<<if $NPCid == 6>>
Her authority at work: $PositionAuthority[2]
<<if $NPCid == 18>>
Her authority at work: $PositionAuthority[7]
<<if $DevBuild and $DevBuildVisible>>
<span id="changepath"></span>
<<include "Dev Path Change">>
<center><table style="width:50%">
@@.btnCaption;<<button "Back">>
<<dialog '' ''>>\
<<include "Caption NPC">>
</span><<widget "FormCharStat">>
<<set _id = $args[0]>>
<<if $args[1] == "corruption">>
<b>Corruption: $NPCstat[_id].corruption</b>
<<elseif $args[1] == "trust">>
<b>Trust: $NPCstat[_id].trust</b>
<<elseif $args[1] == "playfulness">>
<b>Playfulness: $NPCstat[_id].playfulness</b>
<<elseif $args[1] == "obedience">>
<b>Obedience: $NPCstat[_id].obedience</b>
<<elseif $args[1] == "lordliness">>
<b>Lordliness: $NPCstat[_id].lordliness</b>
<<elseif $args[1] == "assertiveness">>
<b>Assertiveness: $NPCstat[_id].assertiveness</b>
<<elseif $args[1] == "openness">>
<b>Openness: $NPCstat[_id].openness</b>
<<elseif $args[1] == "hate">>
<b>Hate: $NPCstat[_id].hate</b>
<<elseif $args[1] == "gambling">>
<b>Gambling: $NPCstat[_id].gambling</b>
<<if $args[1] == "mood">>
<b>Mood: $NPCmood[_id].mood</b>
<<elseif $args[1] == "arousal">>
<b>Arousal: $NPCmood[_id].arousal</b>
<<elseif $args[1] == "tiredness">>
<b>Tiredness: $NPCmood[_id].tiredness</b>
<<elseif $args[1] == "boredness">>
<b>Boredness: $NPCmood[_id].boredness</b>
<<if $DevBuildVisible>>
<<include "Dev NPC Stat">>
<<widget "FormCharSlot">>
<<set _id = $args[0]>>
<center>@@.infoTable;<table style="width:95%">
<td rowspan="7">
<<if $NPCstat[_id].meet>>
<<set _img = $NPCstat[_id].infoImg>>
<<set _img = $NPCstat[_id].infoImg>>
<<set _img = _img.slice(0,-4)>>
<<set _img = _img + "(none_meet).jpg">>
<td style="width:35%">
<td style="width:35%">
<<if _id <= 2>><center>Location: <b>$NPCstat[_id].vlocation</b></center>
<<elseif _id == 8>><center>Location: <b>$NPCstat[_id].vlocation</b></center>
<<else>><center>Location: <b>$NPCstat[_id].location</b></center>
<td colspan="2">
<<set _img = "data/gui/info_border.png">>
<<if $NPCstat[_id].meet>>
<<if _id == 0>><<FormCharStat _id "assertiveness">><</if>>
<<if _id == 1>><<FormCharStat _id "trust">><</if>>
<<if _id == 2>><<FormCharStat _id "hate">><</if>>
<<if _id == 30>><<FormCharStat _id "gambling">><</if>>
<<if _id > 2 and _id != 30>><<FormCharStat _id "corruption">><</if>>
<<if $NPCstat[_id].meet>>
<<FormCharStat _id "mood">>
<<if $NPCstat[_id].meet>>
<<if _id == 0>><<FormCharStat _id "lordliness">><</if>>
<<if _id == 1>><<FormCharStat _id "playfulness">><</if>>
<<if _id >= 2>><<FormCharStat _id "obedience">><</if>>
<<if $NPCstat[_id].meet>>
<<FormCharStat _id "arousal">>
<<if $NPCstat[_id].meet>>
<<if _id == 0>><<FormCharStat _id "openness">><</if>>
<<if _id == 1>><<FormCharStat _id "obedience">><</if>>
<<if $NPCstat[_id].meet>>
<<if _id <= 4>><<FormCharStat _id "tiredness">><</if>>
<<if $NPCstat[_id].meet>>
<<if _id <= 4>><<FormCharStat _id "boredness">><</if>>
<td colspan="2">
<<set _img = "data/gui/info_border.png">>
<<ShowNPCinfo _id>>
<<widget "FormCharReset">>
<<if $args[0] == "caption">>
<<replace "#captionNPC">>
<<set _txt = getLinkName("Characters/Персонажи")>>
<<if $NewNPC == true>>
<<set _txt += " - <font color=Orange><i>New!</i></font>">>
@@.btnCaption;<<button _txt>>
<<dialog '' ''>>\
<<set $NewNPC = "">>
<<FormCharReset "caption">>
<<include "Caption NPC">>
<<replace "#topperNPC">>
<<set _txt = "<b>">>
<<set _txt += getLinkName("CHARACTERS/ПЕРСОНАЖИ")>>
<<set _txt += "</b><br>">>
<<if $NewNPC == true>>
<<set _txt += "<font color=Orange><i>New!</i></font>">>
<<set _txt += "<br>">>
@@.btnTopperMenu;<<button _txt>>
<<dialog '' ''>>\
<<set $NewNPC = "">>
<<FormCharReset "caption">>
<<include "Caption NPC">>
<<if $args[0] == "journal">>
<<replace "#captionJournal">>
<span id="captionJournal">
<<set _txt = getLinkName("Journal/Журнал")>>
<<if $NewQuestEntry == true>>
<<set _txt += " - <font color=Orange><i>New!</i></font>">>
@@.btnCaption;<<button _txt>>
<<dialog '' ''>>\
<<set $NewQuestEntry = "">>
<<FormCharReset "journal">>
<<include "Caption Journal">>
<<replace "#topperJournal">>
<<set _txt = "<b>">>
<<set _txt += getLinkName("JOURNAL/ЖУРНАЛ")>>
<<set _txt += "</b><br>">>
<<if $NewQuestEntry == true>>
<<set _txt += "<font color=Orange><i>New!</i></font>">>
<<set _txt += "<br>">>
@@.btnTopperMenu;<<button _txt>>
<<dialog '' ''>>\
<<set $NewQuestEntry = "">>
<<FormCharReset "journal">>
<<include "Caption Journal">>
<<widget "DisplayGoals">>
<<widget "DisplayDeals">>
<</widget>><span id="journal" style="width: 100%; background-image: url('data/overall/journal bg.jpg'); display:block">
<<set _path = "data/gui/journal line.png">>
/* ---------- UI ---------- */
<center><font size="4"><b><u>Warning! Journal can contains spoilers, so use it for your own risk!</u></b></font></center>
<center><table style="width:100%">
<tr style="vertical-align:top"><td>
<table style="width:100%">
<<set _link = getLinkName("Wife/Жена")>>
<<set _link += " - <font color=Silver><i>New!</i></font>">>
@@.btnJournalTitle;<<button _link>>
<<if $JournalTheme == "Wife">>
<<set $JournalTheme = "">>
<<set $JournalTheme = "Wife">>
<<set $JournalSubTheme = "">>
<<replace "#journal">>
<<include "Caption Journal">>
<<if $JournalTheme == "Wife">>
<<if $JournalSubTheme == "main routes">>
<<set _link = "<u>Main Routes</u>">>
<<set _link += " - <font color=Silver><i>New!</i></font>">>
<<set _link = "Main Routes">>
<<set _link += " - <font color=Silver><i>New!</i></font>">>
@@.btnJournalTransparent;<<button _link>>
<<set $JournalSubTheme = "main routes">>
<<replace "#journal">>
<<include "Caption Journal">>
<<if $JournalSubTheme == "common scenes">>
<<set _link = "<u>Common Scenes</u>">>
<<set _link = "Common Scenes">>
@@.btnJournalTransparent;<<button _link>>
<<set $JournalSubTheme = "common scenes">>
<<replace "#journal">>
<<include "Caption Journal">>
<<if $JournalSubTheme == "common hot scenes">>
<<set _link = "<u>Common Hot Scenes</u>">>
<<set _link = "Common Hot Scenes">>
@@.btnJournalTransparent;<<button _link>>
<<set $JournalSubTheme = "common hot scenes">>
<<replace "#journal">>
<<include "Caption Journal">>
<<if $JournalSubTheme == "pussy worship">>
<<set _link = "<u>Pussy Worship</u>">>
<<set _link = "Pussy Worship">>
@@.btnJournalTransparent;<<button _link>>
<<set $JournalSubTheme = "pussy worship">>
<<replace "#journal">>
<<include "Caption Journal">>
<<if $JournalSubTheme == "ass worship">>
<<set _link = "<u>Ass Worship</u>">>
<<set _link = "Ass Worship">>
@@.btnJournalTransparent;<<button _link>>
<<set $JournalSubTheme = "ass worship">>
<<replace "#journal">>
<<include "Caption Journal">>
<<if $JournalSubTheme == "facesitting">>
<<set _link = "<u>Facesitting</u>">>
<<set _link = "Facesitting">>
@@.btnJournalTransparent;<<button _link>>
<<set $JournalSubTheme = "facesitting">>
<<replace "#journal">>
<<include "Caption Journal">>
<<if $JournalSubTheme == "foot worship">>
<<set _link = "<u>Foot Worship</u>">>
<<set _link = "Foot Worship">>
@@.btnJournalTransparent;<<button _link>>
<<set $JournalSubTheme = "foot worship">>
<<replace "#journal">>
<<include "Caption Journal">>
<<set _link = getLinkName("Maid/Горничная")>>
<<set _link += " - <font color=Silver><i>New!</i></font>">>
@@.btnJournalTitle;<<button _link>>
<<if $JournalTheme == "Maid">>
<<set $JournalTheme = "">>
<<set $JournalTheme = "Maid">>
<<set $JournalSubTheme = "">>
<<replace "#journal">>
<<include "Caption Journal">>
<<if $JournalTheme == "Maid">>
<<if $JournalSubTheme == "main routes">>
<<set _link = "<u>Main Routes</u>">>
<<set _link += " - <font color=Silver><i>New!</i></font>">>
<<set _link = "Main Routes">>
<<set _link += " - <font color=Silver><i>New!</i></font>">>
@@.btnJournalTransparent;<<button _link>>
<<set $JournalSubTheme = "main routes">>
<<replace "#journal">>
<<include "Caption Journal">>
<<if $JournalSubTheme == "common scenes">>
<<set _link = "<u>Common Scenes</u>">>
<<set _link = "Common Scenes">>
@@.btnJournalTransparent;<<button _link>>
<<set $JournalSubTheme = "common scenes">>
<<replace "#journal">>
<<include "Caption Journal">>
<<if $JournalSubTheme == "cooking scenes">>
<<set _link = "<u>Cooking Scenes</u>">>
<<set _link = "Cooking Scenes">>
@@.btnJournalTransparent;<<button _link>>
<<set $JournalSubTheme = "cooking scenes">>
<<replace "#journal">>
<<include "Caption Journal">>
<<if $JournalSubTheme == "cleaning scenes">>
<<set _link = "<u>Cleaning Scenes</u>">>
<<set _link += " - <font color=Silver><i>New!</i></font>">>
<<set _link = "Cleaning Scenes">>
<<set _link += " - <font color=Silver><i>New!</i></font>">>
@@.btnJournalTransparent;<<button _link>>
<<set $JournalSubTheme = "cleaning scenes">>
<<replace "#journal">>
<<include "Caption Journal">>
<<if $JournalSubTheme == "foot worship">>
<<set _link = "<u>Foot Worship</u>">>
<<set _link = "Foot Worship">>
@@.btnJournalTransparent;<<button _link>>
<<set $JournalSubTheme = "foot worship">>
<<replace "#journal">>
<<include "Caption Journal">>
<<set _link = getLinkName("Jenny/Дженни")>>
@@.btnJournalTitle;<<button _link>>
<<if $JournalTheme == "Jenny">>
<<set $JournalTheme = "">>
<<set $JournalTheme = "Jenny">>
<<set $JournalSubTheme = "">>
<<replace "#journal">>
<<include "Caption Journal">>
<<if $JournalTheme == "Jenny">>
<<if $JournalSubTheme == "common scenes">>
<<set _link = "<u>Common Scenes</u>">>
<<set _link = "Common Scenes">>
@@.btnJournalTransparent;<<button _link>>
<<set $JournalSubTheme = "common scenes">>
<<replace "#journal">>
<<include "Caption Journal">>
<<if $JournalSubTheme == "foot worship">>
<<set _link = "<u>Foot Worship</u>">>
<<set _link = "Foot Worship">>
@@.btnJournalTransparent;<<button _link>>
<<set $JournalSubTheme = "foot worship">>
<<replace "#journal">>
<<include "Caption Journal">>
<<set _link = getLinkName("Wife and Maid/Жена и Горничная")>>
@@.btnJournalTitle;<<button _link>>
<<if $JournalTheme == "Wife and Maid">>
<<set $JournalTheme = "">>
<<set $JournalTheme = "Wife and Maid">>
<<set $JournalSubTheme = "">>
<<replace "#journal">>
<<include "Caption Journal">>
<<if $JournalTheme == "Wife and Maid">>
<<if $JournalSubTheme == "cooking scenes">>
<<set _link = "<u>Cooking Scenes</u>">>
<<set _link = "Cooking Scenes">>
@@.btnJournalTransparent;<<button _link>>
<<set $JournalSubTheme = "cooking scenes">>
<<replace "#journal">>
<<include "Caption Journal">>
<<set _link = getLinkName("Secretary/Секретарша")>>
@@.btnJournalTitle;<<button _link>>
<<if $JournalTheme == "Secretary">>
<<set $JournalTheme = "">>
<<set $JournalTheme = "Secretary">>
<<set $JournalSubTheme = "">>
<<replace "#journal">>
<<include "Caption Journal">>
<<if $JournalTheme == "Secretary">>
<<if $JournalSubTheme == "common scenes">>
<<set _link = "<u>Common Scenes</u>">>
<<set _link = "Common Scenes">>
@@.btnJournalTransparent;<<button _link>>
<<set $JournalSubTheme = "common scenes">>
<<replace "#journal">>
<<include "Caption Journal">>
<<if $JournalSubTheme == "common hot scenes">>
<<set _link = "<u>Common Hot Scenes</u>">>
<<set _link = "Common Hot Scenes">>
@@.btnJournalTransparent;<<button _link>>
<<set $JournalSubTheme = "common hot scenes">>
<<replace "#journal">>
<<include "Caption Journal">>
<<if $JournalSubTheme == "training">>
<<set _link = "<u>Training</u>">>
<<set _link = "Training">>
@@.btnJournalTransparent;<<button _link>>
<<set $JournalSubTheme = "training">>
<<replace "#journal">>
<<include "Caption Journal">>
<<if $JournalSubTheme == "role reversal">>
<<set _link = "<u>Role Reversal</u>">>
<<set _link = "Role Reversal">>
@@.btnJournalTransparent;<<button _link>>
<<set $JournalSubTheme = "role reversal">>
<<replace "#journal">>
<<include "Caption Journal">>
<<set _link = getLinkName("Mila/Мила")>>
@@.btnJournalTitle;<<button _link>>
<<if $JournalTheme == "Mila">>
<<set $JournalTheme = "">>
<<set $JournalTheme = "Mila">>
<<set $JournalSubTheme = "">>
<<replace "#journal">>
<<include "Caption Journal">>
<<if $JournalTheme == "Mila">>
<<if $JournalSubTheme == "common hot scenes">>
<<set _link = "<u>Common Hot Scenes</u>">>
<<set _link = "Common Hot Scenes">>
@@.btnJournalTransparent;<<button _link>>
<<set $JournalSubTheme = "common hot scenes">>
<<replace "#journal">>
<<include "Caption Journal">>
<<if $JournalSubTheme == "voyeurism">>
<<set _link = "<u>Voyeurism</u>">>
<<set _link = "Voyeurism">>
@@.btnJournalTransparent;<<button _link>>
<<set $JournalSubTheme = "voyeurism">>
<<replace "#journal">>
<<include "Caption Journal">>
<<set _link = getLinkName("Rhea/Рия")>>
@@.btnJournalTitle;<<button _link>>
<<if $JournalTheme == "Rhea">>
<<set $JournalTheme = "">>
<<set $JournalTheme = "Rhea">>
<<set $JournalSubTheme = "">>
<<replace "#journal">>
<<include "Caption Journal">>
<<if $JournalTheme == "Rhea">>
<<if $JournalSubTheme == "common scenes">>
<<set _link = "<u>Common Scenes</u>">>
<<set _link = "Common Scenes">>
@@.btnJournalTransparent;<<button _link>>
<<set $JournalSubTheme = "common scenes">>
<<replace "#journal">>
<<include "Caption Journal">>
<<set _link = getLinkName("Belinda/Белинда")>>
@@.btnJournalTitle;<<button _link>>
<<if $JournalTheme == "Belinda">>
<<set $JournalTheme = "">>
<<set $JournalTheme = "Belinda">>
<<set $JournalSubTheme = "">>
<<replace "#journal">>
<<include "Caption Journal">>
<<if $JournalTheme == "Belinda">>
<<if $JournalSubTheme == "main route">>
<<set _link = "<u>Main Route</u>">>
<<set _link = "Main Route">>
@@.btnJournalTransparent;<<button _link>>
<<set $JournalSubTheme = "main route">>
<<replace "#journal">>
<<include "Caption Journal">>
<<if $JournalSubTheme == "common scenes">>
<<set _link = "<u>Common Scenes</u>">>
<<set _link = "Common Scenes">>
@@.btnJournalTransparent;<<button _link>>
<<set $JournalSubTheme = "common scenes">>
<<replace "#journal">>
<<include "Caption Journal">>
<<if $JournalSubTheme == "brandy scenes">>
<<set _link = "<u>Brandy Scenes</u>">>
<<set _link = "Brandy Scenes">>
@@.btnJournalTransparent;<<button _link>>
<<set $JournalSubTheme = "brandy scenes">>
<<replace "#journal">>
<<include "Caption Journal">>
<<set _link = getLinkName("Kelly/Келли")>>
@@.btnJournalTitle;<<button _link>>
<<if $JournalTheme == "Kelly">>
<<set $JournalTheme = "">>
<<set $JournalTheme = "Kelly">>
<<set $JournalSubTheme = "">>
<<replace "#journal">>
<<include "Caption Journal">>
<<if $JournalTheme == "Kelly">>
<<if $JournalSubTheme == "training scenes">>
<<set _link = "<u>Training Scenes</u>">>
<<set _link = "Training Scenes">>
@@.btnJournalTransparent;<<button _link>>
<<set $JournalSubTheme = "training scenes">>
<<replace "#journal">>
<<include "Caption Journal">>
<<set _link = getLinkName("Dreams/Сны")>>
@@.btnJournalTitle;<<button _link>>
<<if $JournalTheme == "Dreams">>
<<set $JournalTheme = "">>
<<set $JournalTheme = "Dreams">>
<<set $JournalSubTheme = "">>
<<replace "#journal">>
<<include "Caption Journal">>
<<if $JournalTheme == "Dreams">>
<<if $JournalSubTheme == "maid">>
<<set _link = "<u>Maid</u>">>
<<set _link = "Maid">>
@@.btnJournalTransparent;<<button _link>>
<<set $JournalSubTheme = "maid">>
<<replace "#journal">>
<<include "Caption Journal">>
<<include "Caption Journal Info">>
</span><span id="main_info">
<<if $phone.change>>
<<set $phone.change = false>>
<<set $phone.mode = 0>>
<<if $phone.mode == 0>>
<div class="phone">
<<set _back = "data/overall/phone_back.png">>
<img class="background" @src="_back">
<center><table class="table">
<td style="width:33%">
<<set _btn = "data/gui/phone_mc_info.png">>
<<button @@.picWide;[img[_btn]]@@>>
<<set $phone.change = true>>
<<set $phone.mode = "mc_info">>
<<replace "#main_info">>
<<include "Caption Phone">>
<td style="width:33%">
<<set _btn = "data/gui/phone_mc_skills.png">>
<<button @@.picWide;[img[_btn]]@@>>
<<set $phone.change = true>>
<<set $phone.mode = "mc_skills">>
<<replace "#main_info">>
<<include "Caption Phone">>
<td style="width:33%">
<<if $DevBuildVisible>>
<<set _btn = "data/gui/phone_cheats.png">>
<<button @@.picWide;[img[_btn]]@@>>
<<set $phone.change = true>>
<<set $phone.mode = "cheats_1">>
<<replace "#main_info">>
<<include "Caption Phone">>
<td style="width:33%">
<td style="width:33%">
<td style="width:33%">
<<elseif $phone.mode == "mc_info">>
<div class="phone">
<<set _back = "data/overall/phone_back.png">>
<img class="background" @src="_back">
<center><table class="table">
<center>Your name is $mc.name $mc.lastname.
<br>Your wife's name is $NPCstat[0].name</center>
<<if $DevBuildVisible>>
<center>@@.btnCaption;<<button "Change Names">>
<<set $phone.change = true>>
<<set $phone.mode = "mc_info(names)">>
<<replace "#main_info">>
<<include "Caption Phone">>
Your authority at work: $PositionAuthority[0]
<center>@@.btnCaption;<<button "Back">>
<<set $phone.mode = 0>>
<<replace "#main_info">>
<<include "Caption Phone">>
<<elseif $phone.mode == "mc_info(names)">>
<div class="phone">
<<set _back = "data/overall/phone_back.png">>
<img class="background" @src="_back">
<center><table class="table">
<center><b><u>Your name:</u></b></center>
<b><<textbox "$mc.name" $mc.name>></b>
<center><b><u>Your lastname:</u></b></center>
<b><<textbox "$mc.lastname" $mc.lastname>></b>
<center><b><u>Your wife's name:</u></b></center>
<b><<textbox "$NPCstat[0].name" $NPCstat[0].name>></b>
<center>@@.btnCaption;<<button "Confirm">>
<<set $phone.mode = 0>>
<<replace "#main_info">>
<<include "Caption Phone">>
<<elseif $phone.mode == "mc_skills">>
<div class="phone">
<<set _back = "data/overall/phone_back.png">>
<img class="background" @src="_back">
<center><table class="table">
<tr><td style="width:70%">
<span id="physical_condition">
Your physical condition: $mc.shape
</td><td style="width:15%">
<<if $DevBuildVisible>>
@@.btnDevStat;<<button [img[$min_five_img]]>>
<<if $mc.shape > 0>>
<<set $mc.shape -= 5>>
<<if $mc.shape < 0>><<set $mc.shape = 0>><</if>>
<<replace "#physical_condition">>
Your physical condition: $mc.shape
</td><td style="width:15%">
<<if $DevBuildVisible>>
@@.btnDevStat;<<button [img[$add_five_img]]>>
<<if $mc.shape < 100>>
<<set $mc.shape += 5>>
<<if $mc.shape > 100>><<set $mc.shape = 100>><</if>>
<<replace "#physical_condition">>
Your physical condition: $mc.shape
<tr><td colspan="3">
<tr><td style="width:70%">
<span id="golf_skill">
Your golf skill: $mcSkill.golf
</td><td style="width:15%">
<<if $DevBuildVisible>>
@@.btnDevStat;<<button [img[$min_img]]>>
<<if $mcSkill.golf > 0>>
<<set $mcSkill.golf -= 1>>
<<replace "#golf_skill">>
Your golf skill: $mcSkill.golf
</td><td style="width:15%">
<<if $DevBuildVisible>>
@@.btnDevStat;<<button [img[$add_img]]>>
<<if $mcSkill.golf < 100>>
<<set $mcSkill.golf += 1>>
<<replace "#golf_skill">>
Your golf skill: $mcSkill.golf
<tr><td style="width:70%">
<span id="tennis_skill">
Your tennis skill: $mcSkill.tennis
</td><td style="width:15%">
<<if $DevBuildVisible>>
@@.btnDevStat;<<button [img[$min_img]]>>
<<if $mcSkill.tennis > 0>>
<<set $mcSkill.tennis -= 1>>
<<replace "#tennis_skill">>
Your tennis skill: $mcSkill.tennis
</td><td style="width:15%">
<<if $DevBuildVisible>>
@@.btnDevStat;<<button [img[$add_img]]>>
<<if $mcSkill.tennis < 100>>
<<set $mcSkill.tennis += 1>>
<<replace "#tennis_skill">>
Your tennis skill: $mcSkill.tennis
<tr><td colspan="3">
<tr><td style="width:70%">
<span id="cooking_skill">
Your cooking skill: $mcSkill.cooking
</td><td style="width:15%">
<<if $DevBuildVisible>>
@@.btnDevStat;<<button [img[$min_img]]>>
<<if $mcSkill.cooking > 0>>
<<set $mcSkill.cooking -= 1>>
<<replace "#cooking_skill">>
Your cooking skill: $mcSkill.cooking
</td><td style="width:15%">
<<if $DevBuildVisible>>
@@.btnDevStat;<<button [img[$add_img]]>>
<<if $mcSkill.cooking < 30>>
<<set $mcSkill.cooking += 1>>
<<replace "#cooking_skill">>
Your cooking skill: $mcSkill.cooking
<tr><td style="width:70%">
<span id="cleaning_skill">
Your cleaning skill: $mcSkill.cleaning
</td><td style="width:15%">
<<if $DevBuildVisible>>
@@.btnDevStat;<<button [img[$min_img]]>>
<<if $mcSkill.cleaning > 0>>
<<set $mcSkill.cleaning -= 1>>
<<replace "#cleaning_skill">>
Your cleaning skill: $mcSkill.cleaning
</td><td style="width:15%">
<<if $DevBuildVisible>>
@@.btnDevStat;<<button [img[$add_img]]>>
<<if $mcSkill.cleaning < 30>>
<<set $mcSkill.cleaning += 1>>
<<replace "#cleaning_skill">>
Your cleaning skill: $mcSkill.cleaning
<tr><td style="width:70%">
<span id="coffeemaking_skill">
Your coffee making skill: $mcSkill.coffeemaking
</td><td style="width:15%">
<<if $DevBuildVisible>>
@@.btnDevStat;<<button [img[$min_img]]>>
<<if $mcSkill.coffeemaking > 0>>
<<set $mcSkill.coffeemaking -= 1>>
<<replace "#coffeemaking_skill">>
Your coffee making skill: $mcSkill.coffeemaking
</td><td style="width:15%">
<<if $DevBuildVisible>>
@@.btnDevStat;<<button [img[$add_img]]>>
<<if $mcSkill.coffeemaking < 30>>
<<set $mcSkill.coffeemaking += 1>>
<<replace "#coffeemaking_skill">>
Your coffee making skill: $mcSkill.coffeemaking
<tr><td colspan="3">
<center>@@.btnCaption;<<button "Back">>
<<set $phone.mode = 0>>
<<replace "#main_info">>
<<include "Caption Phone">>
<<elseif $phone.mode == "mc_message">>
<div class="phone">
<<set _back = "data/overall/phone_back.png">>
<img class="background" @src="_back">
<center><table class="table">
No new messages...
<center>@@.btnCaption;<<button "Back">>
<<set $phone.mode = 0>>
<<replace "#main_info">>
<<include "Caption Phone">>
<<elseif $phone.mode == "cheats_1" or $phone.mode == "cheats_2">>
<<set $phone.change = true>>
<div class="phone">
<<set _back = "data/overall/phone_back.png">>
<img class="background" @src="_back">
<center><table class="table">
<<include "Dev Phone Cheats">>
<<if $phone.mode == "cheats_1">>
<center>@@.btnCaption;<<button "Next page">>
<<set $phone.mode = "cheats_2">>
<<replace "#main_info">>
<<include "Caption Phone">>
<<elseif $phone.mode == "cheats_2">>
<center>@@.btnCaption;<<button "Previous page">>
<<set $phone.mode = "cheats_1">>
<<replace "#main_info">>
<<include "Caption Phone">>
<center>@@.btnCaption;<<button "Back">>
<<set $phone.mode = 0>>
<<replace "#main_info">>
<<include "Caption Phone">>
</span><b>Some extraordinary item you wear:</b>
<<if $mcItem.wearcount == 0 and $MaidApron.wear == true>>
<<set $mcItem.wearcount = 1>>
<<set $mcItemWear[1] = $MaidApron.color>>
<<elseif $mcItem.wearcount == 1 and $MaidApron.wear == true>>
<<set $mcItem.wearcount = 2>>
<<set $mcItemWear[2] = $MaidApron.color>>
<center><table style="width:100%"><tr>
<<if $mcItem.wearcount >= 1>>
<<set _img = "data/npc/mc/" + $mcItemWear[0] + ".png">>
<<set _img = "data/npc/mc/item_black.jpg">>
<<if $mcItem.wearcount >= 2>>
<<set _img = "data/npc/mc/" + $mcItemWear[1] + ".png">>
<<set _img = "data/npc/mc/item_black.jpg">>
<<if $mcItem.wearcount >= 3>>
<<set _img = "data/npc/mc/" + $mcItemWear[2] + ".png">>
<<set _img = "data/npc/mc/item_black.jpg">>
<<if $mcItem.wearcount >= 4>>
<<set _img = "data/npc/mc/" + $mcItemWear[3] + ".png">>
<<set _img = "data/npc/mc/item_black.jpg">>
<<if $mcItem.wearcount >= 5>>
<<set _img = "data/npc/mc/" + $mcItemWear[4] + ".png">>
<<set _img = "data/npc/mc/item_black.jpg">>
<<if $mcItem.wearcount >= 6>>
<<set _img = "data/npc/mc/" + $mcItemWear[5] + ".png">>
<<set _img = "data/npc/mc/item_black.jpg">>
<<if $mcItem.wearcount >= 7>>
<<set _img = "data/npc/mc/" + $mcItemWear[6] + ".png">>
<<set _img = "data/npc/mc/item_black.jpg">>
<<if $mcItem.wearcount >= 8>>
<<set _img = "data/npc/mc/" + $mcItemWear[7] + ".png">>
<<set _img = "data/npc/mc/item_black.jpg">>
<b>Some extraordinary item you have:</b>
<center><table style="width:100%"><tr>
<<if $mcItem.havecount >= 1>>
<<set _img = "data/npc/mc/" + $mcItemHave[0] + ".png">>
<<set _img = "data/npc/mc/item_black.jpg">>
<<if $mcItem.havecount >= 2>>
<<set _img = "data/npc/mc/" + $mcItemHave[1] + ".png">>
<<set _img = "data/npc/mc/item_black.jpg">>
<<if $mcItem.havecount >= 3>>
<<set _img = "data/npc/mc/" + $mcItemHave[2] + ".png">>
<<set _img = "data/npc/mc/item_black.jpg">>
<<if $mcItem.havecount >= 4>>
<<set _img = "data/npc/mc/" + $mcItemHave[3] + ".png">>
<<set _img = "data/npc/mc/item_black.jpg">>
<<if $mcItem.havecount >= 5>>
<<set _img = "data/npc/mc/" + $mcItemHave[4] + ".png">>
<<set _img = "data/npc/mc/item_black.jpg">>
<<if $mcItem.havecount >= 6>>
<<set _img = "data/npc/mc/" + $mcItemHave[5] + ".png">>
<<set _img = "data/npc/mc/item_black.jpg">>
<<if $mcItem.havecount >= 7>>
<<set _img = "data/npc/mc/" + $mcItemHave[6] + ".png">>
<<set _img = "data/npc/mc/item_black.jpg">>
<<if $mcItem.havecount >= 8>>
<<set _img = "data/npc/mc/" + $mcItemHave[7] + ".png">>
<<set _img = "data/npc/mc/item_black.jpg">>
<<if $mcItem.wearcount == 1 and $MaidApron.wear == true>>
<<set $mcItem.wearcount = 0>>
<<elseif $mcItem.wearcount == 2 and $MaidApron.wear == true>>
<<set $mcItem.wearcount = 1>>
<</if>><span id="settings">
<center><b><u>Change type of navigation</u></b></center>
<center><table style="width:100%">
<tr style="vertical-align:top">
<td style="width:33%">
<center>@@.btnWide;<<button "2 blocks in row">>
<<set $NavigationType = 0>>
<<if $location.sub == "" and $EventMark == "">>
<<set _refresh = passage()>>
<<goto _refresh>>
<<replace "#settings">>
<<include "Caption Settings">>
<td style="width:33%">
<center>@@.btnWide;<<button "3 blocks in row">>
<<set $NavigationType = 1>>
<<if $location.sub == "" and $EventMark == "">>
<<set _refresh = passage()>>
<<goto _refresh>>
<<replace "#settings">>
<<include "Caption Settings">>
<td style="width:33%">
<center>@@.btnWide;<<button "4 blocks in row">>
<<set $NavigationType = 2>>
<<if $location.sub == "" and $EventMark == "">>
<<set _refresh = passage()>>
<<goto _refresh>>
<<replace "#settings">>
<<include "Caption Settings">>
<center><table style="width:100%">
<td style="width:80%">
<<if Config.saves.maxAutoSaves == 1>>
@@.toggler;<input type="checkbox" id="demo2" onClick="toggleAutosave();" checked>
<label for="demo2" data-on-label="ON" data-off-label="OFF"></label>@@
@@.toggler;<input type="checkbox" id="demo2" onClick="toggleAutosave();">
<label for="demo2" data-on-label="ON" data-off-label="OFF"></label>@@
<<if $DevBuild>>
<center><table style="width:100%">
<td style="width:80%">
<b>Dev Build Visible</b>
<<if $DevBuildVisible>>
@@.toggler;<input type="checkbox" id="demo3" onClick="DevBuildVisibleChange();" checked>
<label for="demo3" data-on-label="ON" data-off-label="OFF"></label>@@
@@.toggler;<input type="checkbox" id="demo3" onClick="DevBuildVisibleChange();">
<label for="demo3" data-on-label="ON" data-off-label="OFF"></label>@@
<<if $DevBuildVisible>>
<<include "Dev Settings">>
</span><center><pre> <b><i><u>Credits</u></i></b> </pre></center>
<br><<PHR "mc" "<pre> Danny D </pre>">>
<br><<PHR 0 "<pre> Anissa Kate </pre>">>
<br><<PHR 1 "<pre> Christie Stevens </pre>">>
<br><<PHR 2 "<pre> Cassidy Klein </pre>">>
<br><<PHR 3 "<pre> Luna Star </pre>">>
<br><<PHR 4 "<pre> Raven Bay </pre>">>
<br><<PHR 5 "<pre> Mick Blue </pre>">>
<br><<PHR 6 "<pre> Valentina Nappi </pre>">>
<br><<PHR 7 "<pre> Jennifer White </pre>">>
<br><<PHR 8 "<pre> Alessa Savage </pre>">>
<br><<PHR 9 "<pre> Jessa Rhodes </pre>">>
<br><<PHR 10 "<pre> Amber Jayne </pre>">>
<br><<PHR 11 "<pre> Dani Daniel </pre>">>
<br><<PHR 12 "<pre> Abella Danger </pre>">>
<br><<PHR 16 "<pre> Stacey Saran </pre>">>
<br><<PHR 17 "<pre> Aubrey Star </pre>">>
<br><<PHR 18 "<pre> Nicolette Shea </pre>">>
<br><<PHR 19 "<pre> Tanya Tate </pre>">>
<br><<PHR 20 "<pre> Lynna Nilsson </pre>">>
<br><<PHR 21 "<pre> Ziggy Star </pre>">>
<br><<PHR 22 "<pre> Victoria June </pre>">>
<br><<PHR 23 "<pre> Pristine Edge </pre>">>
<br><<PHR 24 "<pre> Hannah Hays </pre>">>
<br><<PHR 25 "<pre> Kali Roses </pre>">>
<br><<PHR 26 "<pre> Alina Lopez </pre>">>
<br><<PHR 27 "<pre> Eliza Ibarra </pre>">>
<br><<PHR 28 "<pre> Lance Hurt </pre>">>
<br><<PHR 29 "<pre> Vicki Chase </pre>">>
<br><<PHR 30 "<pre> Cali Caliente </pre>">>
<br><<PHR 31 "<pre> Gia Dimarco </pre>">>
<br><<PHR 32 "<pre> Leigh Raven </pre>">>
<br><<PHR "f_pizza_girl" "Delivery Girl" "<pre> Katana </pre>">>
<br><<PHR "f_lakegirl" "Lake Girl" "<pre> Georgie Lyall </pre>">>
<br><<PHR "f_lake_lesbian1" "Brunette" "<pre> Lucy Li </pre>">>
<br><<PHR "f_lake_lesbian2" "Blonde" "<pre> Katy Rose </pre>">>
<<dlg_en "f_stewardess" "Stewardess" "<pre> Jesse Jane </pre>">>
<<dlg_ru "f_stewardess" "Стюардесса" "<pre> Jesse Jane </pre>">>
<<dlg_en "m_paula_shower_woman_A" "Woman" "<pre> Sofi Ryan </pre>">>
<<dlg_ru "m_paula_shower_woman_A" "Женщина" "<pre> Sofi Ryan </pre>">>
<<dlg_en "m_paula_shower_woman_B" "Woman" "<pre> Natalia Queen </pre>">>
<<dlg_ru "m_paula_shower_woman_B" "Женщина" "<pre> Natalia Queen </pre>">>
<<dlg_en "m_paula_shower_woman_C" "Woman" "<pre> Gizelle Blanco </pre>">>
<<dlg_ru "m_paula_shower_woman_C" "Женщина" "<pre> Gizelle Blanco </pre>">><<widget "ShowNPCinfo">>
<<if $args[0] == 0>>
<<if $NPCstat[0].meet == true>>
@@.btnCaptionMedium;<<button "Detailed information">>
<<set $NPCid = 0>>
<<dialog '' ''>>\
<<include "Caption NPC Screen">>
<<if $args[0] == 1>>
<<if $NPCstat[1].meet == true>>
@@.btnCaptionMedium;<<button "Detailed information">>
<<set $NPCid = 1>>
<<dialog '' ''>>\
<<include "Caption NPC Screen">>
<<if $GameLang == "eng">>
<i>Progress in the main storyline to meet her</i>
<<elseif $GameLang == "rus">>
<i>Продвиньтесь в основном сюжете, чтобы встретить ее</i>
<<if $args[0] == 2>>
<<if $NPCstat[2].meet == true>>
@@.btnCaptionMedium;<<button "Detailed information">>
<<set $NPCid = 2>>
<<dialog '' ''>>\
<<include "Caption NPC Screen">>
<<if $GameLang == "eng">>
<i>Progress in the main storyline to meet her</i>
<<elseif $GameLang == "rus">>
<i>Продвиньтесь в основном сюжете, чтобы встретить ее</i>
<<if $args[0] == 3 or $args[0] == 4 or $args[0] == 99>>
<<if $NPCstat[$SecretaryId].meet == true and $SecretaryId != 0>>
@@.btnCaptionMedium;<<button "Detailed information">>
<<set $NPCid = $SecretaryId>>
<<dialog '' ''>>\
<<include "Caption NPC Screen">>
<<if $GameLang == "eng">>
<i>Progress in the main storyline to meet her</i>
<<elseif $GameLang == "rus">>
<i>Продвиньтесь в основном сюжете, чтобы встретить ее</i>
<<if $args[0] == 6>>
<<if $NPCstat[6].meet == true>>
@@.btnCaptionMedium;<<button "Detailed information">>
<<set $NPCid = 6>>
<<dialog '' ''>>\
<<include "Caption NPC Screen">>
<<if $GameLang == "eng">>
<i>Progress in the main storyline to meet her</i>
<<elseif $GameLang == "rus">>
<i>Продвиньтесь в основном сюжете, чтобы встретить ее</i>
<<if $args[0] == 16>>
<<if $NPCstat[16].meet == true>>
@@.btnCaptionMedium;<<button "Detailed information">>
<<set $NPCid = 16>>
<<dialog '' ''>>\
<<include "Caption NPC Screen">>
<<if $GameLang == "eng">>
<i>Inspect the Post department on or after the 9th game day</i>
<<elseif $GameLang == "rus">>
<i>Зайдите в Отдел почты на 9-ый игровой день или позже</i>
<<if $args[0] == 18>>
<<if $NPCstat[18].meet == true>>
@@.btnCaptionMedium;<<button "Detailed information">>
<<set $NPCid = 18>>
<<dialog '' ''>>\
<<include "Caption NPC Screen">>
<<if $GameLang == "eng">>
<i>Inspect the HR department on or after the 8th game day</i>
<<elseif $GameLang == "rus">>
<i>Зайдите в Отдел кадров на 8-ый игровой день или позже</i>
<<if $args[0] == 30>>
<<if $NPCstat[30].meet == true>>
@@.btnCaptionMedium;<<button "Detailed information">>
<<set $NPCid = 30>>
<<dialog '' ''>>\
<<include "Caption NPC Screen">>
<<if $GameLang == "eng">>
<i>Inspect the IT department on or after the 11th game day</i>
<<elseif $GameLang == "rus">>
<i>Зайдите в ИТ отдел на 11-ый игровой день или позже</i>
<<if $args[0] == 8>>
<<if $NPCstat[8].meet == true>>
@@.btnCaptionMedium;<<button "Detailed information">>
<<set $NPCid = 8>>
<<dialog '' ''>>\
<<include "Caption NPC Screen">>
<<if $GameLang == "eng">>
<i>Visit the night club with $NPCstat[5].name</i>
<<elseif $GameLang == "rus">>
<i>Посетите ночной клуб вместе с вашим другом ($NPCstat[5].name)</i>
<<if $args[0] == 9>>
<<if $NPCstat[9].meet == true>>
@@.btnCaptionMedium;<<button "Detailed information">>
<<set $NPCid = 9>>
<<dialog '' ''>>\
<<include "Caption NPC Screen">>
<<if $GameLang == "eng">>
<i>Visit the night club with $NPCstat[5].name again</i>
<<elseif $GameLang == "rus">>
<i>Посетите ночной клуб вместе с вашим другом ($NPCstat[5].name) еще раз</i>
<<if $args[0] == 29>>
<<if $NPCstat[29].meet == true>>
@@.btnCaptionMedium;<<button "Detailed information">>
<<set $NPCid = 29>>
<<dialog '' ''>>\
<<include "Caption NPC Screen">>
<<if $GameLang == "eng">>
<i>Return home from work on or after the 16th game day</i>
<<elseif $GameLang == "rus">>
<i>Вернитесь с работы домой на 16-ый игровой день или позже</i>
<</widget>><<switch $EventMark>>
<<case "backyard invite">>
<<set $location.sub = "">>
<<if $NPCstat[0].openness >= 18>>
<<NPCmedia "wife" "sunbathing(topless)(mini)" 0>>
<<NPCmedia "wife" "sunbathing(mini)" 0>>
<<dlg_en "mc" "Baby, how about we spend this day together?">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Милая, как насчет того, чтобы провести этот день вместе?">>
<<if $NPCmood[0].mood >= 30>>
<<dlg_en 0 "Of course, I'd love to spend some time with you. What's on your mind?">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Конечно, что ты предлагаешь?">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "I'm thinking about going to the lake.">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Как насчет того, чтобы сходить на озеро?">>
<<dlg_en 0 "Okay, wait till I change.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Окей, дай мне только переодеться.">>
<<en "Your wife disappears into the mansion and after a while comes out in her hiking clothes.">>
<<ru "Твоя жена скрывается в особняке и, через некоторое время, выходит из него в походной одежде.">>
<<btnEventLink "Go to the lake/Отправиться на озеро" "Wife Lake Dates" "date(start)">>
<<dlg_en 0 "I'm not in the mood, honey. Just let me rest.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Я не в настроении, милый. Дай мне отдохнуть.">>
<<en "You can tell by the tone of her voice that you have no chance of changing your wife's mind.">>
<<ru "По тону ее голоса, ты понимаешь, что у тебя не получится переубедить свою жену.">>
<<btnEventLink "Leave/Уйти" "Backyard" "">>
<<case "wife initiate invite(main route)">>
<<SkipTimeBlock 1>>
<<LocImg "mc_house" "awakening">>
<<en "Today, you wake up later than usual. You take a shower, get dressed and go downstairs, expecting to find your wife in the backyard. However, you run into her in the first-floor corridor.">>
<<ru "Сегодня, ты просыпаешься позже, чем обычно. Ты принимаешь душ, одеваешься и спускаешься вниз, ожидая найти свою жену на заднем дворе. Однако, ты сталкиваешься с ней в коридоре первого этажа.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "Honey, I was just about to wake you up. I had a great idea. How about we go to the lake?">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Милый, я как раз хотела разбудить тебя. Мне пришла в голову замечательная идея. Как насчет того, чтобы съездить на озеро?">>
<<btnEventLink "Go to the lake/Отправиться на озеро" "Wife Lake Dates" "wife initiate invite(main route 2)">>
<<btnEventLink "Say you're busy/Сказать, что у тебя есть дела" "Hallway" "">>
<<case "wife initiate invite(main route 2)">>
<<set $WifeHikeDate.count += 1>>
<<ChangeFeatures 0 5 -3 -3 -3>>
<<LocImg "local" "lake">>
<<en "Taking everything you need with you, you go to the lake. Since it's located far from the city, it's not often possible to meet people here. Therefore, this place has become a favorite place for couples who want to get some privacy in nature.">>
<<ru "Взяв с собой все необходимое, вы отправляетесь на озеро. Поскольку оно расположено далеко от города, здесь нечасто можно встретить людей. Поэтому это место стало излюбленным для пар, желающих уединиться на природе.">>
<<en "This lake is quite long, so its geography is also vast. You can picnic on the sloping western shore or walk along the lake until the dense forest gets close to the road. You can even walk around the lake from the other side to the most uncrowded area.">>
<<ru "Это озеро довольно протяженное, поэтому его география также обширна. Вы можете устроить пикник на пологом западном берегу или прогуляться вдоль озера, пока густой лес не подберется вплотную к дороге. Вы даже можете обойти озеро с другой стороны, чтобы оказаться в самой безлюдной его части.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "Honey, let's take a walk along the lake.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Милый, давай пройдемся вдоль озера.">>
<<btnEventLink "Take a walk along the lake/Прогуляться вдоль озера" "Wife Lake Dates" "wife initiate invite(main route 3)">>
<<case "wife initiate invite(main route 3)">>
<<set $WifeHikeDate.count += 1>>
<<set $WifeHikeDate.strolling += 1>>
<<set _skip = 4 - $time.daytime>>
<<SkipTimeBlock _skip>>
<<LocImg "local" "lake">>
<br>Together with your wife you take a walk along the lake. Ahead of you you notice two human figures, who on approach turn out to be pretty girls in sportswear. They are stretching, apparently after a long run.
<<btnEventLink "Look at girls" "Wife Lake Dates" "meet(lesbian)">>
/* ------------------------------ MAIN MODULE ------------------------------ */
<<case "date(start)">>
<<set $WifeHikeDate.count += 1>>
<<ChangeFeatures 0 5 -3 -3 -3>>
<<LocImg "local" "lake">>
<<en "Taking everything you need with you, you go to the lake. Since it's located far from the city, it's not often possible to meet people here. Therefore, this place has become a favorite place for couples who want to get some privacy in nature.">>
<<ru "Взяв с собой все необходимое, вы отправляетесь на озеро. Поскольку оно расположено далеко от города, здесь нечасто можно встретить людей. Поэтому это место стало излюбленным для пар, желающих уединиться на природе.">>
<<en "This lake is quite long, so its geography is also vast. You can picnic on the sloping western shore or walk along the lake until the dense forest gets close to the road. You can even walk around the lake from the other side to the most uncrowded area.">>
<<ru "Это озеро довольно протяженное, поэтому его география также обширна. Вы можете устроить пикник на пологом западном берегу или прогуляться вдоль озера, пока густой лес не подберется вплотную к дороге. Вы даже можете обойти озеро с другой стороны, чтобы оказаться в самой безлюдной его части.">>
<<btnEventLink "Rest peacefully by the lake/Отдохнуть на берегу" "Wife Lake Dates" "date(picnic)">>
<<btnEventLink "Take a walk along the lake/Прогуляться вдоль озера" "Wife Lake Dates" "date(walk)">>
<<btnEventLink "Visit the remote area/Посетить отдаленную область" "Wife Lake Dates" "date(seclude)">>
/* ------------------------------ PICNIC ------------------------------ */
<<case "date(picnic)">>
<<set $WifeHikeDate.count += 1>>
<<set $WifeHikeDate.camping += 1>>
<<set _skip = 4 - $time.daytime>>
<<SkipTimeBlock _skip>>
<<if $NPCmood[0].arousal > 50 and $NPCstat[0].openness >= 18>>
<<NPCmedia "wife" "lake tease" 1>>
<<en "$NPCstat[0].name helps you set up the tent, then you spread out the picnic cloth and set out food. Your attention is caught by a splash, and you take a moment to examine the water surface.">>
<<ru "$NPCstat[0].name помогает тебе установить палатку, затем ты расстилаешь ткань для пикника и раскладываешь еду. Твое внимание привлекает всплеск, и ты отвлекаешься на то, чтобы осмотреть водную гладь.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "Honey, look at this!">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Милый, посмотри-ка на это!">>
<<en "You turn to your wife and see her lifting up her top, releasing her gorgeous tits. $NPCstat[0].name shakes them, showing you how firm they are. You've always been proud of the fact that your wife's breasts are all natural. $NPCstat[0].name, meanwhile, lets her breasts go free by lowering her bra cups. Her eyes rest on the bulge in your pants.">>
<<ru "Ты поворачиваешься к жене и видишь, как она приподнимает топик, обнажая свои роскошные сиськи. $NPCstat[0].name трясет ими, демонстрируя, какие они упругие. Ты всегда гордился тем, что у твоей жены натуральная грудь. $NPCstat[0].name тем временем освобождает свою грудь, опуская чашечки бюстгальтера. Ее взгляд упирается в бугор в твоей промежности.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "Wow, I see you're ready for action.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Ого, вижу ты уже готов к действию.">>
<<btnEventLink "Have fun with your wife/Позабавиться со своей женой" "Wife Lake Dates" "blowjob">>
<<btnEventLink "Go home/Отправиться домой" "Wife Lake Dates" "sex(reject)">>
<<NPCmedia "wife" "lake date" 1>>
<<en "$NPCstat[0].name helps you set up the tent, then you spread out the picnic cloth and set out food. Your attention is caught by a splash, and you take a moment to examine the water surface.">>
<<ru "$NPCstat[0].name помогает тебе установить палатку, затем ты расстилаешь ткань для пикника и раскладываешь еду. Вы проводите на озере несколько часов. День постепенно переходит в вечер.">>
<<btnEventLink "Have fun with your wife/Позабавиться со своей женой" "Wife Lake Dates" "sex(start)">>
<<btnEventLink "Go home/Отправиться домой" "Hallway" "">>
<<case "sex(reject)">>
<<NPCmedia "wife" "lake reject" 1>>
<<dlg_en "mc" "Not this time, baby. It's too crowded here today.">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Не в этот раз, милая. Сегодня здесь слишком много народу.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "But, honey, I've missed you and your cock.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Но, милый, я скучала по тебе и твоему члену.">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "We can continue in our mansion.">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Мы можем продолжить в нашем особняке.">>
<<en "$NPCstat[0].name pouts in frustration, but agrees to finish picnic and go home.">>
<<ru "$NPCstat[0].name недовольно морщится, но соглашается закончить пикник и отправиться домой.">>
<<RemoveStat 0 "openness" 2 8>>
<<btnEventLink "Go home/Отправиться домой" "Hallway" "">>
<<case "sex(start)">>
<<set _treshold = 22>>
<<if $NPCmood[0].arousal >= 50>><<set _treshold = 18>><</if>>
<<if $NPCstat[0].openness >= _treshold>>
<<set $NPCsexmemory[0].blowjob += 1>>
<<set $NPCsexmemory[0].vaginal += 1>>
<<NPCmedia "wife" "lake blow" 1>>
<<en "You go up to your wife and put your hand on her round ass. $NPCstat[0].name stiffens slightly, but when she looks around and realizes that no one is around, she relaxes and snuggles up to you. You kiss your wife, while at the same time caressing her marvelous boobs with your free hand.">>
<<ru "Ты подходишь к жене и кладешь руку на ее круглую попку. $NPCstat[0].name слегка напрягается, но, оглядевшись и поняв, что вокруг никого нет, расслабляется и прижимается к тебе. Ты целуешь жену, одновременно поглаживая свободной рукой ее великолепную грудь.">>
<<en "$NPCstat[0].name runs her hand over your groin, where a noticeable bulge has already formed. Kneeling down, she pulls your cock out of your pants. As if she planning tease you, she gently takes head in mouth and begins with slow motions, periodically releasing your cock from her mouth to flick her tongue over its tip.">>
<<ru "$NPCstat[0].name проводит рукой по твоему паху, где уже образовалась заметная выпуклость. Опустившись на колени, она вытаскивает твой член из штанов. Словно желая подразнить тебя, она осторожно берет головку в рот и начинает медленно двигаться, периодически выпуская твой член изо рта, чтобы провести языком по его кончику.">>
<<en "However, she can't hold back for a long time, and now she's already sucking you off at full speed, trying to swallow your cock deeper each time. She takes off her bra and starts caressing her tits.">>
<<ru "Однако долго сдерживаться она не может, и вот она уже отсасывает у тебя на полной скорости, стараясь с каждым разом заглотить твой член все глубже. Она снимает лифчик и начинает ласкать свои сиськи.">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "Let's go to the tent!">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Пошли в палатку!">>
<<en "$NPCstat[0].name gets to her feet with obvious sorrow. With a light slap on her ass, you point her in the tent direction.">>
<<ru "$NPCstat[0].name с явным сожалением поднимается на ноги. Слегка шлепнув ее по заднице, ты указываешь ей на палатку.">>
<<btnEventLink "Fuck your wife/Трахать свою жену" "Wife Lake Dates" "sex(missionary)">>
<<LocImg "local" "lake">>
<<dlg_en 0 "What are you doing, honey? Someone might see us.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Я сказала - нет! Пойдем обратно, милый.">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "Come on, there's no one here.">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Да брось, здесь никого нет.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "$mc.name, control yourself and wait till we get home.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "$mc.name, держи себя в руках и потерпи до дома.">>
<<en "You grit your teeth, but you decide not to push your wife.">>
<<ru "Ты стискиваешь зубы, но решаешь не давить на свою жену.">>
<<btnEventLink "Go home/Идти домой" "Hallway" "">>
<<case "sex(missionary)">>
<<set $NPCmood[0].arousal = 0>>
<<NPCmedia "wife" "lake missionary" 1>>
<<en "You lay your wife on her back and with a quick efficient motion drive your cock into her pussy.">>
<<ru "Ты укладываешь жену на спину и одним быстрым движением вводишь свой член в ее киску.">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "Damn, you're so tight!">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Ты такая узкая!">>
<<dlg_en 0 "It's all because of your huge cock.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Это все из-за твоего огромного члена.">>
<<en "You bang her as fast as you can. Squelching sounds of your colliding bodies, mixed with your wife moans, fill the tent. $NPCstat[0].name moves her hips towards you, helping your cock to dive even deeper inside her. Soon, you feel how burning walls of her vagina start tighten. Her hands crumple the fabric of the tent.">>
<<ru "Ты трахаешь ее так быстро, как только можешь. Хлюпающие звуки от столкновения ваших тел, смешанные со стонами жены, заполняют палатку. $NPCstat[0].name двигает бедрами навстречу тебе, помогая твоему члену погрузиться в нее еще глубже. Вскоре ты чувствуешь, как раскаленные стенки ее влагалища начинают сжиматься. Ее руки сминают ткань палатки.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "You make me cum... $mc.name, you make me... Oh, I'm cumming!">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Ты заставляешь меня кончить... $mc.name, ты заставляешь меня... Я кончаю!">>
<<en "She almost screams your name as her body arches with a powerful orgasm. Finally, the convulsions hit her one last time and she leans back, panting.">>
<<ru "Она почти выкрикивает твое имя, когда ее тело выгибается в мощном оргазме. Наконец, конвульсии настигают ее в последний раз, и она, тяжело дыша, откидывается назад.">>
<<NPCmedia "wife" "lake cum" 1>>
<<en "You pull your cock out and shot your cum on her gorgeous breasts. Leaning closer, you kiss your wife lips. Her ragged breath burns your cheek.">>
<<ru "Ты вытаскиваешь член и выстреливаешь свою сперму на ее роскошные груди. Наклонившись ближе, ты целуешь губы своей жены. Ее неровное дыхание обжигает твою щеку.">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "I love you, baby!">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Я люблю тебя, милая.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "I love you so much more!">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Я люблю тебя больше.">>
<<en "You spend a little more time in the tent and start getting ready to go home.">>
<<ru "Вы проводите еще немного времени в палатке и начинаете готовиться к отъезду домой.">>
<<AddStat 0 "openness" 3 35>>
<<btnEventLink "Go home/Идти домой" "Hallway" "">>
<<case "blowjob">>
<<set $NPCmood[0].arousal = 0>>
<<NPCmedia "wife" "lake blow" 1>>
<<en "$NPCstat[0].name runs her hand over your groin. Kneeling down, she pulls your cock out of your pants. As if she planning tease you, she gently takes head in mouth and begins with slow motions, periodically releasing your cock from her mouth to flick her tongue over its tip.">>
<<ru "$NPCstat[0].name проводит рукой по твоему паху, где уже образовалась заметная выпуклость. Опустившись на колени, она вытаскивает твой член из штанов. Словно желая подразнить тебя, она осторожно берет головку в рот и начинает медленно двигаться, периодически выпуская твой член изо рта, чтобы провести языком по его кончику.">>
<<en "However, she can't hold back for a long time, and now she's already sucking you off at full speed, trying to swallow your cock deeper each time. She takes off her bra and starts caressing her tits.">>
<<ru "Однако долго сдерживаться она не может, и вот она уже отсасывает у тебя на полной скорости, стараясь с каждым разом заглотить твой член все глубже. Она снимает лифчик и начинает ласкать свои сиськи.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "Today you are completely mine.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Сегодня ты полностью мой.">>
<<en "$NPCstat[0].name gets to her feet and grabs your arm, pulling you into the tent. She takes off your pants and pounces on your cock without hesitation.">>
<<ru "$NPCstat[0].name встает на ноги и хватает тебя за руку, затаскивая в палатку. Она снимает с тебя штаны и, не раздумывая, набрасывается на твой член.">>
<<btnEventLink "Continue/Продолжить" "Wife Lake Dates" "sex(ride)">>
<<btnEventLink "Take control/Перехватить инициативу" "Wife Lake Dates" "sex(missionary)">>
<<case "sex(ride)">>
<<NPCmedia "wife" "lake ride" 1>>
<<en "$NPCstat[0].name is riding you at a furious pace. His huge boobs pounce in symphony with her motions. It looks like your wife is really hungry for good sex. She leans in and presses her lips into yours. Her tongue reaches inside to meet yours. The heat of her body makes you slowly lose control.">>
<<ru "$NPCstat[0].name скачет на тебе в бешеном темпе. Ее огромные сиськи подпрыгивают в такт ее движениям. Похоже, что твоя жена действительно изголодалась по хорошему сексу. Она наклоняется и прижимается губами к твоим. Ее язык тянется внутрь, чтобы встретиться с твоим. Жар ее тела заставляет тебя медленно терять контроль над собой.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "I love you, honey!">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Я люблю тебя, милый!">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "I love you too, baby!">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Я тоже тебя люблю!">>
<<en "$NPCstat[0].name returns to cowgirl pose. Arching back, she leans on the ground with one hand, while the other furiously caresses her clit. You can feel her insides twitch, her pussy gushing fluids onto your stomach.">>
<<ru "$NPCstat[0].name возвращается в позу ковбойши. Откинувшись назад, она опирается на землю одной рукой, а другой неистово ласкает свой клитор. Ты чувствуешь, как дергаются ее внутренности, как из ее киски вытекает жидкость на твой живот.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "Fuck! I'm cumming! Your cock makes me cum!">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Ебать! Я кончаю! Я кончаю от твоего члена!">>
<<en "Your wife pushes her hand off the ground and changes her position, now hovering over you. She doesn't slow down even for a moment, and you realize that she is close to a second orgasm.">>
<<ru "Твоя жена отталкивается рукой от земли и меняет положение, теперь она нависает над тобой. Она не сбавляет темпа ни на секунду, и ты понимаешь, что она близка ко второму оргазму.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "I love your cock, honey! Cum, cum with me! Oh, f-fuck!">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Я люблю твой член, милый! Кончай, кончай со мной! О, блядь!">>
<<en "She almost screams your name as her body arches with a powerful orgasm. You pull your cock out just as it's starting erupt out fountains of cum. Your wife plops down on top of you, panting. You stroke her black hair.">>
<<ru "Она почти выкрикивает твое имя, когда ее тело выгибается в мощном оргазме. Ты вытаскиваешь свой член как раз в тот момент, когда он начинает извергаться фонтаном спермы. Твоя жена, задыхаясь, опускается на тебя сверху. Ты гладишь ее темные волосы.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "This was incredible!">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Это было невероятно!">>
<<en "You spend a little more time in the tent and start getting ready to go home.">>
<<ru "Вы проводите еще немного времени в палатке и начинаете готовиться к отъезду домой.">>
<<AddStat 0 "assertiveness" 1 28>>
<<AddStat 0 "openness" 3 32>>
<<btnEventLink "Go home/Идти домой" "Hallway" "">>
/* ------------------------------ WALK ------------------------------ */
<<case "date(walk)">>
<<set $WifeHikeDate.count += 1>>
<<set $WifeHikeDate.strolling += 1>>
<<set _skip = 4 - $time.daytime>>
<<SkipTimeBlock _skip>>
<<set _dice = random(99)>>
<<LocImg "local" "lake">>
<<if _dice <= 5>>
<br>Walking around the lake, you hear some noise coming from the woods. Because of the dense vegetation you can't see what's causing it, and you suggest looking for its source.
<br>You cautiously make your way between the bushes. $NPCstat[0].name walks a little ahead of you, and she seems really interested to see what is waiting ahead of you.
<br>Suddenly she stops and, with a hand sign, tells you to stand still.
<br><<PHR 0 "Try not to make any noise, honey.">>
<br><<PHR "mc" "Why? What's going on there?">>
<br><<PHR 0 "I found a deer.">>
<<btnEventLink "Look at deer" "Wife Lake Dates" "peep(deer)">>
<<elseif _dice <= 65>>
<br>Together with your wife you take a walk along the lake. Ahead of you you notice two human figures, who on approach turn out to be pretty girls in sportswear. They are stretching, apparently after a long run.
<<btnEventLink "Look at girls" "Wife Lake Dates" "meet(lesbian)">>
<br>Together with your wife you take a walk along the lake. The cool breeze and the soothing sounds of nature calm you. When you return to the initial place, the sky is already beginning to darken.
<<btnEventLink "Go home" "Hallway" "">>
<<case "date(seclude)">>
<<set $WifeHikeDate.count += 1>>
<<set $WifeHikeDate.strolling += 1>>
<<set _skip = 4 - $time.daytime>>
<<SkipTimeBlock _skip>>
<<set _dice = random(99)>>
<<LocImg "local" "lake">>
<<if _dice <= 10>>
<br>Walking around the lake, you hear some noise coming from the woods. Because of the dense vegetation you can't see what's causing it, and you suggest looking for its source.
<br>You cautiously make your way between the bushes. $NPCstat[0].name walks a little ahead of you, and she seems really interested to see what is waiting ahead of you.
<br>Suddenly she stops and, with a hand sign, tells you to stand still.
<br><<PHR 0 "Try not to make any noise, honey.">>
<br><<PHR "mc" "Why? What's going on there?">>
<br><<PHR 0 "I found a deer.">>
<<btnEventLink "Look at deer" "Wife Lake Dates" "peep(deer)">>
<<elseif _dice <= 40>>
<br>Walking around the lake, you hear some noise coming from the woods. Because of the dense vegetation you can't see what's causing it, and you suggest looking for its source.
<br>You cautiously make your way between the bushes. $NPCstat[0].name walks a little ahead of you, and she seems really interested to see what is waiting ahead of you.
<br>Suddenly she stops and, with a hand sign, tells you to stand still.
<br><<PHR 0 "Try not to make any noise, honey.">>
<br><<PHR "mc" "Why? What's going on there?">>
<br><<PHR 0 "There's a guy and a girl. And it looks like they're in the naughty mood.">>
<<btnEventLink "Peep on them" "Wife Lake Dates" "peep(straight)">>
<<btnEventLink "I don't want to see it" "Wife Lake Dates" "no peep(straight)">>
<<btnEventLink "I don't want to see it... ever again" "Wife Lake Dates" "never peep(straight)">>
<<en "Together with your wife you take a walk along the lake. The cool breeze and the soothing sounds of nature calm you. You look around to make sure no one is around.">>
<<ru "Вместе с женой ты прогуливаешься вдоль озера. Прохладный ветерок и звуки природы успокаивают тебя. Ты оглядываешься по сторонам, чтобы убедиться вокруг никого нет.">>
<<btnEventLink "Ask your wife to have some fun/Предложить своей жене немного позабавиться" "Wife Lake Dates" "seclude(ask to have fun)">>
<<btnEventLink "Come back/Вернуться обратно" "Wife Lake Dates" "seclude(return)">>
<<case "seclude(ask to have fun)">>
<<LocImg "local" "lake(forest)">>
<<set _treshold = 10>>
<<if $NPCmood[0].arousal >= 50>><<set _treshold = 8>><</if>>
<<if $NPCstat[0].openness >= _treshold>>
<<dlg_en "mc" "Baby, how about a little adventure?">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Милая, как насчет небольшого приключения?">>
<<en "You nod toward the woods. It takes your wife a few seconds to realize what you are suggesting. Her eyes light up with mischief.">>
<<ru "Ты киваешь в сторону леса. У твоей жены уходит пару секунд на то, чтобы осознать, что именно ты предлагаешь. В ее глазах загорается задорный огонек.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "Well, let's go.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Ну, пошли.">>
<<set _link = getLinkName("Continue/Продолжить")>>
<center>@@.btnWide;<<button _link "Wife Lake Dates">>
<<set _dice = random(1, 2)>>
<<if _dice == 1>><<set $EventMark = "seclude(have fun)">><</if>>
<<if _dice == 2>><<set $EventMark = "seclude(have fun)(noise)">><</if>>
<<dlg_en "mc" "Baby, how about a little adventure?">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Милая, как насчет небольшого приключения?">>
<<en "You nod toward the woods. It takes your wife a few seconds to realize what you are suggesting.">>
<<ru "Ты киваешь в сторону леса. У твоей жены уходит пару секунд на то, чтобы осознать, что именно ты предлагаешь.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "$mc.name, are you out of your mind? What if someone sees us?">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "$mc.name, ты в своем уме? Что если нас кто-нибудь увидит?">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "Baby, just look at how dense these woods are. We'll be more covered than money in a safe.">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Милая, просто посмотри насколько густой этот лес. Стоит пройти метров тридцать, и мы будем скрыты надежнее, чем деньги в сейфе.">>
<<en "$NPCstat[0].name genuinely laughs at your absurd comparison, but it doesn't change her answer.">>
<<ru "$NPCstat[0].name искренне смеется над твоим нелепым сравнением, но это не меняет ее ответа.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "I said no! Let's go back, honey.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Я сказала - нет! Пойдем обратно, милый.">>
<<btnEventLink "Come back/Вернуться обратно" "Wife Lake Dates" "seclude(return)">>
<<case "seclude(have fun)">>
<<if $NPCstat[0].assertiveness >= 24 and $NPCsexmemory[0].pussyworshipping >= 2>>
<<set $NPCsexmemory[0].pussylicking += 1>>
<<set $NPCmood[0].arousal = min(100, ($NPCmood[0].arousal + 30))>>
<<NPCmedia "wife" "seclude area(in forest)" 0>>
<<en "You find a barely visible path that leads deep into the woods. It looks like you're not the first couple to use this side of the lake for sexual adventures. After walking down the path, you stop near a fallen tree. Looking back, you realise that you can no longer see the lake or the road around it.">>
<<ru "Вы находите едва заметную тропинку, ведущую вглубь леса. Похоже, что вы не первая пара, которая догадалась использовать эту сторону озера для сексуальных приключений. Пройдя по тропинке, вы останавливаетесь возле упавшего дерева. Оглянувшись, ты понимаешь, что уже не видишь ни озеро, ни дорогу вокруг него.">>
<<en "You pull your wife close to you, and you start kissing passionately. Without wasting any time, you tug off her hiking shirt, exposing her full breasts. At the same time, her hand is on your groin and she starts rubbing the bulge on your pants.">>
<<ru "Ты прижимаешь свою жену к себе, и вы начинаете страстно целоваться. Недолго думая, ты стаскиваешь с нее походную футболку, обнажая ее полные груди. В то же время, ее рука ложится на твой пах, и девушка начинает мять выпуклость на твоих штанах.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "Follow me, honey.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Иди за мной, милый.">>
<<en "$NPCstat[0].name walks closer to the fallen tree and, taking off her shorts, sits down on it. The girl makes a characteristic gesture, stretching her arm forward and pointing her index finger at the ground.">>
<<ru "$NPCstat[0].name подходит к упавшему дереву и, сняв шорты, садится на него. Девушка делает характерный жест, вытягивая вперед руку и направляя указательный палец на земле.">>
<<th_en "She hints that I should kneel before her.">>
<<th_ru "Она намекает, что мне надо сесть перед ней.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "Let's take your tongue for some action.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Для начала, пустим в дело твой язычок.">>
<<en "You kneel down and wrap your arms around your wife's legs. You start kissing the inner side of her thighs, gradually getting closer to her pussy.">>
<<ru "Ты опускаешься на колени и обхватываешь ноги своей жены. Ты начинаешь покрывать поцелуями внутреннюю часть ее бедер, постепенно приближаясь к ее киске.">>
<<NPCmedia "wife" "seclude lake area(pussylicking)" 1>>
<<dlg_en 0 "Stop teasing me!">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Хватит дразнить меня!">>
<<en "$NPCstat[0].name grabs you by the hair and press you to her pussy. You stick out your tongue and start licking her clit.">>
<<ru "Стоит тебе выполнить ее просьбу, как $NPCstat[0].name хватает тебя за волосы и притягивает к своей киске. Ты высовываешь язык и начинаешь лизать ее клитор.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "Yes, that's it. Move your tongue.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Да, вот так. Двигай своим язычком.">>
<<en "You're fluttering your tongue over her pussy, helping yourself with head movements up and down. Salty taste of her love juices fills your mouth. $NPCstat[0].name spreads her legs wide, giving you better access to her pussy.">>
<<ru "Ты порхаешь языком по ее киске, помогая себе движениями головы вверх-вниз. Соленый вкус ее любовных соков наполняет ваш рот. $NPCstat[0].name широко раздвигает ноги, предоставляя вам лучший доступ к ее киске.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "Yeah, honey! Just like that!">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Да, милый! Вот так!.">>
<<en "After a while, the woman pulls your head back.">>
<<ru "Спустя некоторое время девушка оттягивает твою голову назад.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "Enough for now. Take off your pants and lie down.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Давай-ка снимай свои штаны и ложись на землю.">>
<<btnEventLink "Lie down/Лечь" "Wife Lake Dates" "seclude(have fun cowgirl)">>
<<elseif $NPCstat[0].assertiveness >= 18>>
<<set $NPCsexmemory[0].vaginal += 1>>
<<NPCmedia "wife" "seclude area(in forest)" 0>>
<<en "You find a barely visible path that leads deep into the woods. It looks like you're not the first couple to use this side of the lake for sexual adventures. After walking down the path, you stop near a fallen tree. Looking back, you realise that you can no longer see the lake or the road around it.">>
<<ru "Вы находите едва заметную тропинку, ведущую вглубь леса. Похоже, что вы не первая пара, которая догадалась использовать эту сторону озера для сексуальных приключений. Пройдя по тропинке, вы останавливаетесь возле упавшего дерева. Оглянувшись, ты понимаешь, что уже не видишь ни озеро, ни дорогу вокруг него.">>
<<en "You pull your wife close to you, and you start kissing passionately. Without wasting any time, you tug off her hiking shirt, exposing her full breasts. At the same time, her hand is on your groin and she starts rubbing the bulge on your pants.">>
<<ru "Ты прижимаешь свою жену к себе, и вы начинаете страстно целоваться. Недолго думая, ты стаскиваешь с нее походную футболку, обнажая ее полные груди. В то же время, ее рука ложится на твой пах, и девушка начинает мять выпуклость на твоих штанах.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "Let's skip the foreplay, honey. Lie down.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Давай обойдемся без прелюдий, милый. Ложись на землю.">>
<<en "You spread the piknic plaid and lie down on it. $NPCstat[0].name steps over you and slowly lowers herself down. Grabbing your cock, she slides it inside her pussy.">>
<<ru "Ты расстилаешь плед для пикника и ложишься на него. Раздевшись, $NPCstat[0].name переступает через тебя и плавно опускается вниз. Схватив твой член, она направляет его внутрь своей киски.">>
<<NPCmedia "wife" "seclude lake area(cowgirl)" 1>>
<<dlg_en 0 "Are you ready, honey?">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Ты готов, милый?">>
<<en "Without waiting for your answer, the woman begins to pounce on you furiously. She starts moaning and moaning, and you can't help but think that her moans have already attracted someone's attention.">>
<<ru "Не дожидаясь твоего ответа, девушка начинает яростно скакать на тебе. Ее стоны разносятся по всей округе, и ты не исключаешь того вариант, что они уже привлекли чье-нибудь внимание.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "I love riding your cock, honey!">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Я обожаю твой член, милый!">>
<<en "You grab her round ass and start moving your hips in time with your wife's movements. $NPCstat[0].name leans forward, so that her gorgeous breasts start shaking right in front of your face.">>
<<ru "Ты хватаешь ее большую задницу и начинаешь двигать своими бедрами в такт с движениями твоей жены. $NPCstat[0].name подается вперед, отчего ее роскошные сиськи начинают качаться прямо перед твоим лицом.">>
<<btnEventLink "Change position/Сменить позицию" "Wife Lake Dates" "seclude(have fun end alt)">>
<<set $NPCsexmemory[0].vaginal += 1>>
<<NPCmedia "wife" "seclude area(in forest)" 0>>
<<en "You find a barely visible path that leads deep into the woods. It looks like you're not the first couple to use this side of the lake for sexual adventures. After walking down the path, you stop near a fallen tree. Looking back, you realise that you can no longer see the lake or the road around it.">>
<<ru "Вы находите едва заметную тропинку, ведущую вглубь леса. Похоже, что вы не первая пара, которая догадалась использовать эту сторону озера для сексуальных приключений. Пройдя по тропинке, вы останавливаетесь возле упавшего дерева. Оглянувшись, ты понимаешь, что уже не видишь ни озеро, ни дорогу вокруг него.">>
<<en "You pull your wife close to you, and you start kissing passionately. Without wasting any time, you tug off her hiking shirt, exposing her full breasts.">>
<<ru "Ты прижимаешь свою жену к себе, и вы начинаете страстно целоваться. Недолго думая, ты стаскиваешь с нее походную футболку, обнажая ее полные груди.">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "I can't wait any longer.">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Я больше не могу ждать.">>
<<en "You point the woman to one of the trees and tell her to place her hands on the trunk. As soon as she does, you pull down her shorts and slap her bottom hard. You bring your cock to the level of her pussy and enter her with a single thrust. Gradually picking up the pace, you grab her right leg and lift it up to enter deeper with each friction.">>
<<ru "Ты указываешь девушке на одно из деревьев и предлагаешь ей опереться руками о его ствол. Как только она делает это, ты стаскиваешь с нее шорты и жестко шлепаешь по заднице. Сняв штаны, ты пристраиваешься к своей жене и одним толчком входишь в нее. Начав с медленных движений, ты быстро набираешь темп и, обхватив ее правую ногу, поднимаешь ее, чтобы входить еще глубже с каждой фрикцией.">>
<<NPCmedia "wife" "seclude lake area(doggy)" 1>>
<<dlg_en "mc" "Do you like that?">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Тебе нравится, а?">>
<<en "$NPCstat[0].name turns to you.">>
<<ru "$NPCstat[0].name поворачивается к тебе.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "Yes, honey! Don't stop!">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Да, милый! Не останавливайся!">>
<<en "Your wife stares into your eyes while you continue hammering her pussy. Her breasts jiggle in time with your movements.">>
<<ru "Твоя жена неотрывно смотрит тебе в глаза, в то время как ты продолжаешь долбить ее киску. Ее груди качаются в такт твоим движениям.">>
<<btnEventLink "Change position/Сменить позицию" "Wife Lake Dates" "seclude(have fun end)">>
<<case "seclude(have fun cowgirl)">>
<<set $NPCsexmemory[0].vaginal += 1>>
<<NPCmedia "wife" "seclude lake area(cowgirl)" 1>>
<<en "You spread the piknic plaid and lie down on it. $NPCstat[0].name steps over you and slowly lowers herself down. Grabbing your cock, she slides it inside her pussy.">>
<<ru "Ты расстилаешь плед для пикника и ложишься на него. Раздевшись, $NPCstat[0].name переступает через тебя и плавно опускается вниз. Схватив твой член, она направляет его внутрь своей киски.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "Are you ready, honey?">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Ты готов, милый?">>
<<en "Without waiting for your answer, the woman begins to pounce on you furiously. She starts moaning and moaning, and you can't help but think that her moans have already attracted someone's attention.">>
<<ru "Не дожидаясь твоего ответа, девушка начинает яростно скакать на тебе. Ее стоны разносятся по всей округе, и ты не исключаешь того вариант, что они уже привлекли чье-нибудь внимание.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "I love riding your cock, honey!">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Я обожаю твой член, милый!">>
<<en "You grab her round ass and start moving your hips in time with your wife's movements. $NPCstat[0].name leans forward, so that her gorgeous breasts start shaking right in front of your face.">>
<<ru "Ты хватаешь ее большую задницу и начинаешь двигать своими бедрами в такт с движениями твоей жены. $NPCstat[0].name подается вперед, отчего ее роскошные сиськи начинают качаться прямо перед твоим лицом.">>
<<btnEventLink "Change position/Сменить позицию" "Wife Lake Dates" "seclude(have fun end alt)">>
<<case "seclude(have fun end)">>
<<set $NPCmood[0].arousal = 0>>
<<NPCmedia "wife" "seclude lake area(side)" 1>>
<<dlg_en "mc" "Wait, baby! Let's move on the ground!">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Погоди, давай сменим позицию.">>
<<en "$NPCstat[0].name spreads out the picnic plaid while you take your pants completely off. You both lie down on the ground, you throw the woman's leg over you and prepare to enter her pussy. A stick scratches your hand, but you just run your hand over the ground and brush it away.">>
<<ru "$NPCstat[0].name расстилает плед для пикника, а ты в это время полностью избавляешься от штанов. Вы вдвоем ложитесь на землю, ты перекидываешь ногу девушки через себя и готовишься войти в ее киску. Какая-то палка царапает твою руку, но ты просто проводишь рукой по земле и смахиваешь ее.">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "Are you ready, baby?">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Ты готова?">>
<<en "Your wife nods, and you start fucking her. You cum almost at the same time, and you cover her belly with your semen. You lie there for a while, recovering from the sex, and then $NPCstat[0].name wipes herself off with tissues and you start to pack up to go home.">>
<<ru "Твоя жена кивает, и ты начинаешь трахать ее. Вы кончаете почти одновременно, и ты заливаешь ее живот спермой. Некоторое время вы еще лежите, приходя в себя после секса, а затем $NPCstat[0].name вытирается салфетками, и вы начинаете собираться домой.">>
<<btnEventLink "Come back/Вернуться обратно" "Wife Lake Dates" "seclude(return)">>
<<case "seclude(have fun end alt)">>
<<set $NPCmood[0].arousal = 0>>
<<NPCmedia "wife" "seclude lake area(side)" 1>>
<<dlg_en 0 "Let's change position, honey.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Давай сменим позицию, милый.">>
<<en "$NPCstat[0].name lies down next to you. You throw the woman's leg over you and prepare to enter her pussy. A stick scratches your hand, but you just run your hand over the ground and brush it away.">>
<<ru "$NPCstat[0].name ложится рядом с тобой. Ты перекидываешь ногу девушки через себя и готовишься войти в ее киску. Какая-то палка царапает твою руку, но ты просто проводишь рукой по земле и смахиваешь ее.">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "Are you ready, baby?">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Ты готова?">>
<<en "Your wife nods, and you start fucking her. You cum almost at the same time, and you cover her belly with your semen. You lie there for a while, recovering from the sex, and then $NPCstat[0].name wipes herself off with tissues and you start to pack up to go home.">>
<<ru "Твоя жена кивает, и ты начинаешь трахать ее. Вы кончаете почти одновременно, и ты заливаешь ее живот спермой. Некоторое время вы еще лежите, приходя в себя после секса, а затем $NPCstat[0].name вытирается салфетками, и вы начинаете собираться домой.">>
<<btnEventLink "Come back/Вернуться обратно" "Wife Lake Dates" "seclude(return)">>
<<case "seclude(have fun)(noise)">>
<<set _treshold = 18>>
<<if $NPCmood[0].arousal >= 50>><<set _treshold = 14>><</if>>
<<if $NPCstat[0].assertiveness >= 24 and $NPCsexmemory[0].pussyworshipping >= 2>>
<<set $NPCsexmemory[0].pussylicking += 1>>
<<set $NPCmood[0].arousal = min(100, ($NPCmood[0].arousal + 30))>>
<<NPCmedia "wife" "seclude area(in forest)" 0>>
<<en "You find a barely visible path that leads deep into the woods. It looks like you're not the first couple to use this side of the lake for sexual adventures. After walking down the path, you stop near a fallen tree. Looking back, you realise that you can no longer see the lake or the road around it.">>
<<ru "Вы находите едва заметную тропинку, ведущую вглубь леса. Похоже, что вы не первая пара, которая догадалась использовать эту сторону озера для сексуальных приключений. Пройдя по тропинке, вы останавливаетесь возле упавшего дерева. Оглянувшись, ты понимаешь, что уже не видишь ни озеро, ни дорогу вокруг него.">>
<<en "You pull your wife close to you, and you start kissing passionately. Without wasting any time, you tug off her hiking shirt, exposing her full breasts. At the same time, her hand is on your groin and she starts rubbing the bulge on your pants.">>
<<ru "Ты прижимаешь свою жену к себе, и вы начинаете страстно целоваться. Недолго думая, ты стаскиваешь с нее походную футболку, обнажая ее полные груди. В то же время, ее рука ложится на твой пах, и девушка начинает мять выпуклость на твоих штанах.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "Follow me, honey.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Иди за мной, милый.">>
<<en "$NPCstat[0].name walks closer to the fallen tree and, taking off her shorts, sits down on it. The girl makes a characteristic gesture, stretching her arm forward and pointing her index finger at the ground.">>
<<ru "$NPCstat[0].name подходит к упавшему дереву и, сняв шорты, садится на него. Девушка делает характерный жест, вытягивая вперед руку и направляя указательный палец на земле.">>
<<th_en "She hints that I should kneel before her.">>
<<th_ru "Она намекает, что мне надо сесть перед ней.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "Let's take your tongue for some action.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Для начала, пустим в дело твой язычок.">>
<<en "You kneel down and wrap your arms around your wife's legs. You start kissing the inner side of her thighs, gradually getting closer to her pussy.">>
<<ru "Ты опускаешься на колени и обхватываешь ноги своей жены. Ты начинаешь покрывать поцелуями внутреннюю часть ее бедер, постепенно приближаясь к ее киске.">>
<<NPCmedia "wife" "seclude lake area(pussylicking)" 1>>
<<dlg_en 0 "Stop teasing me!">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Хватит дразнить меня!">>
<<en "$NPCstat[0].name grabs you by the hair and press you to her pussy. You stick out your tongue and start licking her clit.">>
<<ru "Стоит тебе выполнить ее просьбу, как $NPCstat[0].name хватает тебя за волосы и притягивает к своей киске. Ты высовываешь язык и начинаешь лизать ее клитор.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "Yes, that's it. Move your tongue.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Да, вот так. Двигай своим язычком.">>
<<if $NPCstat[0].openness >= _treshold>>
<<en "You're fluttering your tongue over her pussy, helping yourself with head movements up and down. Salty taste of her love juices fills your mouth. $NPCstat[0].name spreads her legs wide, giving you better access to her pussy. At that moment, the crunch of a broken branch comes from the distance. However, the girl only holds your head tighter.">>
<<ru "Ты порхаешь языком по ее киске, помогая себе движениями головы вверх-вниз. Соленый вкус ее любовных соков наполняет ваш рот. $NPCstat[0].name широко раздвигает ноги, предоставляя вам лучший доступ к ее киске. В этот момент, откуда сбоку доносится хруст сломавшейся ветки. Однако, девушка лишь прижимает твою голову крепче.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "Don't let some random noise distract you, honey.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Не позволяй случайному шуму отвлечь тебя, милый.">>
<<en "You feel a slight chill run down your spine, as if someone is watching you. However, your wife's fingers continue to stroke your hair, and her moans grow even louder. Whether someone is watching you or not, $NPCstat[0].name is definitely not planning to stop.">>
<<ru "Ты ощущаешь, как по твоей спине пробегает легкий холодок, словно бы кто-то наблюдает за тобой. Однако, пальцы твоей жены продолжают теребить твои волосы, а ее стоны становятся еще громче. Наблюдает кто-то за вами или нет, но $NPCstat[0].name точно не собирается останавливаться.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "Yeah, honey! Just like that!">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Да, милый! Вот так!">>
<<en "After a while, the girl pulls your head back.">>
<<ru "Спустя некоторое время девушка оттягивает твою голову назад.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "Enough for now. Take off your pants and lie down.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Давай-ка снимай свои штаны и ложись на землю.">>
<<btnEventLink "Lie down/Лечь" "Wife Lake Dates" "seclude(have fun cowgirl)">>
<<en "You're fluttering your tongue over her pussy, helping yourself with head movements up and down. Salty taste of her love juices fills your mouth. $NPCstat[0].name spreads her legs wide, giving you better access to her pussy. At that moment, the crunch of a broken branch comes from the distance. The woman immediately pulls your head back.">>
<<ru "Ты порхаешь языком по ее киске, помогая себе движениями головы вверх-вниз. Соленый вкус ее любовных соков наполняет ваш рот. $NPCstat[0].name широко раздвигает ноги, предоставляя вам лучший доступ к ее киске. В этот момент, откуда сбоку доносится хруст сломавшейся ветки. Девушка сразу же оттягивает твою голову назад.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "$mc.name, someone's peeping at us!">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "$mc.name, кто-то за нами подглядывает!">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "Baby, it's just random forest noise.">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Милая, это просто случайный шум.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "Random or not, we should leave before someone sees us.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Случайный или нет, но нам стоит уйти, пока нас никто не заметил.">>
<<en "Your wife starts hurriedly getting dressed and you realize that the fun is over for the day.">>
<<ru "Твоя жена начинает поспешно одеваться и ты понимаешь, что на сегодня веселье закончено.">>
<<btnEventLink "Come back/Вернуться обратно" "Wife Lake Dates" "seclude(return)">>
<<elseif $NPCstat[0].assertiveness >= 18>>
<<NPCmedia "wife" "seclude area(in forest)" 0>>
<<en "You find a barely visible path that leads deep into the woods. It looks like you're not the first couple to use this side of the lake for sexual adventures. After walking down the path, you stop near a fallen tree. Looking back, you realise that you can no longer see the lake or the road around it.">>
<<ru "Вы находите едва заметную тропинку, ведущую вглубь леса. Похоже, что вы не первая пара, которая догадалась использовать эту сторону озера для сексуальных приключений. Пройдя по тропинке, вы останавливаетесь возле упавшего дерева. Оглянувшись, ты понимаешь, что уже не видишь ни озеро, ни дорогу вокруг него.">>
<<if $NPCstat[0].openness >= _treshold>>
<<set $NPCsexmemory[0].vaginal += 1>>
<<en "You pull your wife close to you, and you start kissing passionately. Without wasting any time, you tug off her hiking shirt, exposing her full breasts. At the same time, her hand lies on your groin, and the woman starts rubbing the bulge on your pants. At that moment, the crunch of a broken branch comes from the distance. However, the woman only begins to stroke your groin more vigorously.">>
<<ru "Ты прижимаешь свою жену к себе, и вы начинаете страстно целоваться. Недолго думая, ты стаскиваешь с нее походную футболку, обнажая ее полные груди. В то же время, ее рука ложится на твой пах, и девушка начинает мять выпуклость на твоих штанах. В этот момент, откуда сбоку доносится хруст сломавшейся ветки. Однако, девушка лишь начинает активнее гладить твой пах.">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "What if someone's watching us?">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Что если кто-то подсматривает за нами?">>
<<dlg_en 0 "Then let them see some real action. Take off your pants and lie down.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Тогда, позволим им увидеть что-то поинтереснее. Снимай свои штаны и ложись на землю.">>
<<en "You spread the piknic plaid and lie down on it. $NPCstat[0].name steps over you and slowly lowers herself down. Grabbing your cock, she slides it inside her pussy.">>
<<ru "Ты расстилаешь плед для пикника и ложишься на него. Раздевшись, $NPCstat[0].name переступает через тебя и плавно опускается вниз. Схватив твой член, она направляет его внутрь своей киски.">>
<<NPCmedia "wife" "seclude lake area(cowgirl)" 1>>
<<dlg_en 0 "Are you ready, honey?">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Ты готов, милый?">>
<<en "Without waiting for your answer, the woman begins to pounce on you furiously. She starts moaning and moaning, drowning out the other sounds of the forest. Whoever's watching you doesn't have to worry that a careless noise will betray him.">>
<<ru "Не дожидаясь твоего ответа, девушка начинает яростно скакать на тебе. Ее стоны разносятся по всей округе, заглушая остальные звуки леса. Тот, кто наблюдает за вами, может не опасаться, что неосторожный звук выдаст его.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "I love riding your cock, honey!">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Я обожаю твой член, милый!">>
<<en "You grab her round ass and start moving your hips in time with your wife's movements. $NPCstat[0].name leans forward, so that her gorgeous breasts start shaking right in front of your face.">>
<<ru "Ты хватаешь ее большую задницу и начинаешь двигать своими бедрами в такт с движениями твоей жены. $NPCstat[0].name подается вперед, отчего ее роскошные сиськи начинают качаться прямо перед твоим лицом.">>
<<btnEventLink "Change position/Сменить позицию" "Wife Lake Dates" "seclude(have fun end alt)">>
<<en "You pull your wife close to you, and you start kissing passionately. Without wasting any time, you tug off her hiking shirt, exposing her full breasts. At the same time, her hand lies on your groin, and the woman starts rubbing the bulge on your pants. At that moment, the crunch of a broken branch comes from the distance. The woman immediately take her hand off and step back.">>
<<ru "Ты прижимаешь свою жену к себе, и вы начинаете страстно целоваться. Недолго думая, ты стаскиваешь с нее походную футболку, обнажая ее полные груди. В то же время, ее рука ложится на твой пах, и девушка начинает мять выпуклость на твоих штанах. В этот момент, откуда сбоку доносится хруст сломавшейся ветки. Девушка сразу же убирает свою руку и делает шаг назад.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "$mc.name, someone's peeping at us!">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "$mc.name, кто-то за нами подглядывает!">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "Baby, it's just random forest noise.">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Милая, это просто случайный шум.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "Random or not, we should leave before someone sees us.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Случайный или нет, но нам стоит уйти, пока нас никто не заметил.">>
<<en "Your wife starts hurriedly getting dressed and you realize that the fun is over for the day.">>
<<ru "Твоя жена начинает поспешно одеваться и ты понимаешь, что на сегодня веселье закончено.">>
<<btnEventLink "Come back/Вернуться обратно" "Wife Lake Dates" "seclude(return)">>
<<NPCmedia "wife" "seclude area(in forest)" 0>>
<<en "You find a barely visible path that leads deep into the woods. It looks like you're not the first couple to use this side of the lake for sexual adventures. After walking down the path, you stop near a fallen tree. Looking back, you realise that you can no longer see the lake or the road around it.">>
<<ru "Вы находите едва заметную тропинку, ведущую вглубь леса. Похоже, что вы не первая пара, которая догадалась использовать эту сторону озера для сексуальных приключений. Пройдя по тропинке, вы останавливаетесь возле упавшего дерева. Оглянувшись, ты понимаешь, что уже не видишь ни озеро, ни дорогу вокруг него.">>
<<if $NPCstat[0].openness >= _treshold>>
<<set $NPCsexmemory[0].vaginal += 1>>
<<en "You pull your wife close to you, and you start kissing passionately. Without wasting any time, you tug off her hiking shirt, exposing her full breasts. At that moment, the crunch of a broken branch comes from the distance. The woman immediately step back.">>
<<ru "Ты прижимаешь свою жену к себе, и вы начинаете страстно целоваться. Недолго думая, ты стаскиваешь с нее походную футболку, обнажая ее полные груди. В этот момент, откуда сбоку доносится хруст сломавшейся ветки. Девушка сразу же делает шаг назад.">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "What's wrong, baby?">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Что не так, крошка?">>
<<dlg_en 0 "I think someone's watching us.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Мне кажется, что за нами кто-то наблюдает.">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "So what? Why not let them be jealous of how sexy my wife is?">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "И что с того? Пусть завидуют тому, как у меня сексуальная жена.">>
<<NPCmedia "wife" "seclude lake area(doggy)" 1>>
<<en "You pull her to you again and begin kissing her neck, her shoulders, and her breasts. Finally, $NPCstat[0].name gives in to your caresses and forgets about the recent noise from the woods. You point the woman to one of the trees and suggest that she lean her hands on its trunk. As soon as she does, you pull down her shorts and give her butt a hard spank. You level your cock to her pussy and enter in one thrust. Gradually picking up the pace, you grab her right leg and lift it up to enter deeper with each friction.">>
<<ru "Ты снова прижимаешь ее к себе и начинаешь целовать ее шею, ее плечи и грудь. Наконец, $NPCstat[0].name поддается на твои ласки и забывает о недавнем шуме из леса. Ты указываешь девушке на одно из деревьев и предлагаешь ей опереться руками о его ствол. Как только она делает это, ты стаскиваешь с нее шорты и жестко шлепаешь по заднице. Сняв штаны, ты пристраиваешься к своей жене и одним толчком входить в нее. Начав с медленных движений, ты быстро набираешь темп и, обхватив ее правую ногу, поднимаешь ее, чтобы с каждой фрикцией входить еще глубже.">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "Do you like that?">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Тебе нравится, а?">>
<<en "$NPCstat[0].name turns to you.">>
<<ru "$NPCstat[0].name поворачивается к тебе.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "Yes, honey! Don't stop!">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Да, милый! Не останавливайся!">>
<<en "Your wife stares into your eyes while you continue hammering her pussy. Her breasts jiggle in time with your movements.">>
<<ru "Твоя жена неотрывно смотрит тебе в глаза, в то время как ты продолжаешь долбить ее киску. Ее груди качаются в такт твоим движениям.">>
<<btnEventLink "Change position/Сменить позицию" "Wife Lake Dates" "seclude(have fun end)">>
<<en "You pull your wife close to you, and you start kissing passionately. Without wasting any time, you tug off her hiking shirt, exposing her full breasts. At that moment, the crunch of a broken branch comes from the distance. The woman immediately step back.">>
<<ru "Ты прижимаешь свою жену к себе, и вы начинаете страстно целоваться. Недолго думая, ты стаскиваешь с нее походную футболку, обнажая ее полные груди. В этот момент, откуда сбоку доносится хруст сломавшейся ветки. Девушка сразу же делает шаг назад.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "$mc.name, someone's peeping at us!">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "$mc.name, кто-то за нами подглядывает!">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "Baby, it's just random forest noise.">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Милая, это просто случайный шум.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "Random or not, we should leave before someone sees us.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Случайный или нет, но нам стоит уйти, пока нас никто не заметил.">>
<<en "Your wife starts hurriedly getting dressed and you realize that the fun is over for the day.">>
<<ru "Твоя жена начинает поспешно одеваться и ты понимаешь, что на сегодня веселье закончено.">>
<<btnEventLink "Come back/Вернуться обратно" "Wife Lake Dates" "seclude(return)">>
<<case "seclude(return)">>
<<LocImg "local" "lake">>
<<en "When you return to the initial place, the sky is already beginning to darken.">>
<<ru "Когда вы возвращаетесь на исходную позицию, небо уже начинает темнеть.">>
<<btnEventLink "Go home" "Hallway" "">>
<<case "peep(deer)">>
<<NPCmedia "wife" "deer" 0>>
<br><<PHR 0 "I think it's a girl. She's so cute.">>
<br><<PHR "mc" "Could she be the one making all that noise?">>
<br><<PHR 0 "Well, nobody else is here.">>
<br><<PHR "mc" "Usually, wild animals are more cautious. Maybe someone else was here and we scared him off.">>
<br><<PHR 0 "You made me feel a little uncomfortable now.">>
<br><<PHR "mc" "Then let's get out of here.">>
<br>You and your wife walk out of the woods. When you return to the initial place, the sky is already beginning to darken.
<<btnEventLink "Go home" "Hallway" "">>
<<case "peep(straight)">>
<<set $WifeHikeDate.straightpeep += 1>>
<<NPCmedia "lake" "blacked blowjob" 1>>
<br>You squeeze forward and see a slender blonde kneeling in front of a black guy. Her hands are actively sliding over the guy's huge cock.
<br><<PHR 0 "Looks like we're not the only ones who use this lake for fun.">>
<br><<PHR "mc" "What can I say? The man who invented lakeside picnics knew his job.">>
<br><<PHR 0 "What about nature and fresh air?">>
<br><<PHR "mc" "I think that guy is definitely enjoying nature. The girl, on the other hand, seems much more interested in his dick.">>
<br>The black guy says something, and the girl looks up at him. Then she takes his cock in her mouth and starts sucking furiously, swallowing more than half of it with each thrust. It looks like she's pretty experienced at this.
<br>You notice that your wife begins rubbing her breasts through her clothes. Her breathing also becomes more rapid. She is clearly turned on by the situation you find yourself in.
<<NPCmedia "lake" "blacked blowjob" 1>>
<<set _treshold = 18>>
<<if $NPCmood[0].arousal >= 50>><<set _treshold = 14>><</if>>
<<if $NPCsexmemory[0].pussyworshipping >= 2 and $NPCstat[0].openness >= _treshold>>
<br>You decide to keep watching, and in the meantime the black guy helps his girlfriend up and starts roughly undressing her, almost tearing her clothes off. Releasing her breasts, he starts playing with them, giving them a loud slaps and pinching her nipples. With his other hand he pulls up her skirt and wastes no time groping her round ass.
<br><<PHR 0 "Do you like her boobs?">>
<br><<PHR "mc" "What?">>
<br><<PHR 0 "Come on, I see how you drooling over them. You better look here.">>
<br>You turn to your wife and see that she's pulling up her skirt, exposing her black panties.
<br><<PHR 0 "Let's change your attention to wetting my pussy.">>
<<btnEventLink "Lick your wife pussy" "Wife Lake Dates" "peep(straight)(lick)">>
<<btnEventLink "Just keep watching" "Wife Lake Dates" "peep(straight)(watch)">>
<<set _inf = "Ask " + $NPCstat[0].name + " to blow you instead">>
<<btnEventLink _inf "Wife Lake Dates" "peep(straight)(blow ask)">>
<<btnEventLink "Leave" "Wife Lake Dates" "peep(straight)(leave)">>
<br>You feel your cock gradually hardening, stretching the fabric of your pants.
<<set _inf = "Ask " + $NPCstat[0].name + " to blow you">>
<<btnEventLink _inf "Wife Lake Dates" "peep(straight)(blow ask)">>
<<btnEventLink "Just keep watching" "Wife Lake Dates" "peep(straight)(watch)">>
<<btnEventLink "Leave that place" "Wife Lake Dates" "peep(straight)(leave)">>
<<case "peep(straight)(lick)">>
<<set $NPCmood[0].arousal = 0>>
<<set $NPCsexmemory[0].pussylicking += 1>>
<<set $NPCsexmemory[0].pussyworshipping += 1>>
<<NPCmedia "wife" "lake cuni" 1>>
<br>$NPCstat[0].name rests her back against the tree and spreads her legs a little. You kneel down, trying not to make too much noise. Your wife pushes the black strip of her panties aside, and you realize that her pussy is already wet.
<br>Your wife unceremoniously runs her fingers through your hair and pulls you to her groin.
<br><<PHR 0 "I'm sorry, honey, but I can't hold back any longer.">>
<br>You decide not to object and start pleasuring $NPCstat[0].name.
<<btnEventLink "Continue" "Wife Lake Dates" "peep(straight)(lick 2)">>
<<case "peep(straight)(lick 2)">>
<<NPCmedia "wife" "lake cuni" 1>>
<br>There is silence for a while, filled only by your wife's heavy breathing and the slurping sounds of your running tongue. Suddenly you hear a girl scream, but $NPCstat[0].name grabs your head tightly and doesn't let you see what's going on.
<br><<PHR 0 "I'll deal with it, honey. Just don't stop.">>
<br>Your wife cautiously peeks out from behind the tree.
<br><<PHR 0 "Phew, nothing to worry about. He just picks her up in his arms.">>
<br>Your wife's fingers keep rubbing your hair.
<br><<PHR 0 "Damn, it looks like he's gonna impale her on his cock. He'll ruin her, for sure. Hell, what a monster!">>
<br>Loud female moans reach you. It looks like the couple has started the main action. $NPCstat[0].name also decides not to hold back her moans, hoping that these lovers won't hear her through the noise they make.
<br><<PHR "f_lakegirl" "Girl" "Yes, fuck me! Harder!">>
<br>$NPCstat[0].name presses your head tight.
<br><<PHR 0 "Just like that, honey. Put your tongue inside me.">>
<br>Her love juices dripping profusely down your face.
<br><<PHR 0 "If you saw how him is fucking her... You couldn't hold it either...">>
<br>Your wife's body begins to shudder in a powerful orgasm.
<br><<PHR 0 "So, should we go home?">>
<<AddStat 0 "openness" 1 22>>
<<btnEventLink "Go home" "Hallway" "">>
<<case "peep(straight)(blow ask)">>
<<set _treshold = 18>>
<<if $NPCmood[0].arousal >= 50>><<set _treshold = 14>><</if>>
<<if $NPCstat[0].openness >= _treshold>>
<<set $NPCmood[0].arousal += 15>>
<<set $NPCsexmemory[0].blowjob += 1>>
<<NPCmedia "lake" "blacked groping" 1>>
<br><<PHR "mc" "Baby, how about we do the same thing they are doing?">>
<br>You rub the bump on your pants showing that you're ready for action.
<br><<PHR 0 "Don't be reckless, they might see us.">>
<br><<PHR "mc" "I don't think they care about anything else.">>
<br>You grab $NPCstat[0].name around the waist and draw her to you.
<<set _txt = "You're unbearable, " + $mc.name + ". Okay, just make sure they don't see us.">>
<br><<PHR 0 _txt>>
<br>You back up until your back is against a tree. $NPCstat[0].name drops to her knees and opens the fly on your jeans. As her plump lips close over your cock, a light shiver runs through your body.
<<NPCmedia "wife" "lake blow" 1>>
<br><<PHR "mc" "Oh, baby, you're the best.">>
<br>$NPCstat[0].name doesn't answer you, continuing to suck your piston.
<br><<PHR "mc" "I wanna see your tits, baby.">>
<br>Your wife pauses to pull off her t-shirt. Her huge boobs pop out. You glance over your shoulder at the other couple. The picture has changed - now the girl is standing upright, resting her hands on a tree trunk, and the black guy is hammering her with his monstrous cock. Even from here you can hear slapping sounds as his balls touch her skin.
<<NPCmedia "lake" "blacked doggy" 1>>
<br><<TH "Damn, he'll ruin her!">>
<br><<PHR 0 "Hey, your eyes should be here.">>
<br>She shakes her breasts playfully.
<br><<PHR "mc" "It's just curiosity, baby.">>
<br><<PHR 0 "Well, I'll make you forget everything but my mouth.">>
<br>Your wife goes back to sucking your cock. The whole situation is so exciting that it only takes you a few minutes to cum. Finished with your semen, $NPCstat[0].name rises to her feet.
<<AddStat 0 "openness" 1 22>>
<<if $NPCsexmemory[0].pussyworshipping >= 2>>
<br><<PHR 0 "Well, is it my turn now?">>
<<btnEventLink "Lick your wife pussy" "Wife Lake Dates" "peep(straight)(lick)">>
<<btnEventLink "Leave that place" "Wife Lake Dates" "peep(straight)(leave)">>
<br><<PHR 0 "So, should we go home?">>
<br><<PHR "mc" "Yeah.">>
<<btnEventLink "Go home" "Hallway" "">>
<br><<PHR "mc" "Baby, how about we do the same thing they are doing?">>
<br>You rub the bump on your pants showing that you're ready for action.
<br><<PHR 0 "Don't be reckless, they might see us.">>
<br><<PHR "mc" "I don't think they care about anything else.">>
<br>You grab $NPCstat[0].name around the waist and draw her to you, but she gently pulls out of your embrace.
<br><<PHR 0 "Let's just get out of here.">>
<br>She heads for the forest exit, and you have no choice but to follow her.
<<btnEventLink "Go home" "Hallway" "">>
<<case "peep(straight)(watch)">>
<<set $NPCmood[0].arousal += 30>>
<<NPCmedia "lake" "blacked doggy" 1>>
<br><<PHR "mc" "I think it would be better if we didn't make any extra noise. Let's just see what they do next.">>
<br><<PHR 0 "Okay.">>
<br>The black guy, meanwhile, turns the girl around and leans her forward, so that she has to support herself against a tree trunk. Without wasting a second, he gets behind her and drives his huge cock inside her pussy.
<br><<PHR 0 "Damn, he'll ruin her!">>
<br><<PHR "mc" "Judging by how easily she takes it, it's not her first experience.">>
<br>The guy, meanwhile, starts pounding his girlfriend like a jackhammer. The girl's moans fill the woods. Your wife is already busy with her fingers in her panties. Her mouth is slightly open, and for a moment you think her lips are silently whispering something.
<br><<TH "Damn, she's too captivated by the scene.">>
<br>But the truth is, you can hardly take your eyes off of what's going on yourself. You had no idea that watching other people have sex in public could turn you on so much.
<br><<TH "If this continues like this, we won't be able to hold back.">>
<br><<PHR "mc" "We better get out of here, baby.">>
<br><<PHR 0 "Yeah, just one second...">>
<br>Your wife answers you without taking her eyes off the couple, and you have to literally drag her away by the hand. When you return to the initial place, the sky is already beginning to darken.
<<AddStat 0 "openness" 2 16>>
<<btnEventLink "Go home" "Hallway" "">>
<<case "peep(straight)(leave)">>
<<LocImg "local" "lake">>
<br><<PHR "mc" "I think we'd better go, baby. I'm sure we'll encounter them again.">>
<br><<PHR 0 "Okay, if you say so, honey.">>
<br>You head toward the exit of the forest. When you return to the initial place, the sky is already beginning to darken.
<<btnEventLink "Go home" "Hallway" "">>
<<case "no peep(straight)">>
<<LocImg "local" "lake">>
<br><<PHR "mc" "Ugh, the last thing I want to see is another guy's dick. Let's get out of here.">>
<br><<PHR 0 "You're the one who suggested to see what's going on here. Oh, come on.">>
<br>When you return to the initial place, the sky is already beginning to darken.
<<btnEventLink "Go home" "Hallway" "">>
<<case "never peep(straight)">>
<<set $WifeHikeDate.straightpeep = -1>>
<<LocImg "local" "lake">>
<br><<PHR "mc" "Ugh, the last thing I want to see is another guy's dick. Let's get out of here.">>
<br><<PHR 0 "You're the one who suggested to see what's going on here. Oh, come on.">>
<br>When you return to the initial place, the sky is already beginning to darken.
<<btnEventLink "Go home" "Hallway" "">>
<<case "meet(lesbian)">>
<<if $WifeHikeDate.lesbianpeep == 0>>
<<NPCmedia "lake" "girls stretching" 1>>
<br>After you walk past the girls, you feel $NPCstat[0].name poking you in the side.
<br><<PHR 0 "Hey, it's rude to stare at strangers like that. They might think we're a couple of perverts.">>
<br><<PHR "mc" "And what if we were?">>
<br>You playfully nudge $NPCstat[0].name back.
<br><<PHR "mc" "Isn't there something exciting about peeking at strangers?">>
<br>You turn back to take one last look at the girls and freeze. It looks like the girls were waiting for you to get far enough away, because right now they're kissing passionately.
<<NPCmedia "lake" "girls kissing" 1>>
<br>Soon one of them grabs the other's hand and drags her deep into the woods.
<<if $NPCstat[0].openness < 8>>
<br><<TH "It's worth seeing what they do next.">>
<br><<PHR 0 "Let's see what they do next!">>
<<btnEventLink "Peep on them" "Wife Lake Dates" "peep(lesbian)">>
<<btnEventLink "I don't want to see it" "Wife Lake Dates" "no peep(lesbian)">>
<<NPCmedia "lake" "girls stretching" 1>>
<br>After you have passed them, the girls hide in the woods again.
<<if $NPCstat[0].openness < 8>>
<br><<TH "It's worth seeing what they do next.">>
<br><<PHR 0 "Let's see what they do next!">>
<<btnEventLink "Peep on them" "Wife Lake Dates" "peep(lesbian)">>
<<btnEventLink "I don't want to see it" "Wife Lake Dates" "no peep(lesbian)">>
<<case "peep(lesbian)">>
<<set $WifeHikeDate.lesbianpeep += 1>>
<<NPCmedia "lake" "girls foreplay" 1>>
<br>You cautiously make your way between the bushes. $NPCstat[0].name walks a little ahead of you, and she seems really interested to see what is waiting ahead of you. You squeeze forward and see two standing girls making out with each other. Their hands are actively exploring each other's bodies.
<br><<PHR 0 "And they seemed like such innocent girls to me, for the first time.">>
<br><<PHR "mc" "Looks can be deceiving, baby.">>
<br>You notice that your wife begins rubbing her breasts through her clothes. Her breathing also becomes more rapid. She is clearly turned on by the situation you find yourself in.
<<set _treshold = 18>>
<<if $NPCmood[0].arousal >= 50>><<set _treshold = 14>><</if>>
<<if $NPCstat[0].openness >= _treshold>>
<br>You decide to keep watching, and in the meantime one of the girls begins to undress the other. Releasing her breasts, she starts playing with them, giving them a loud slaps and pinching her nipples. With her other hand he pulls up her skirt and wastes no time groping her round ass.
<br><<PHR 0 "Do you like her boobs?">>
<br><<PHR "mc" "What?">>
<br><<PHR 0 "Come on, I see how you drooling over them. You better look here.">>
<br>You turn to your wife and see that she's pulling up her skirt, exposing her black panties.
<br><<PHR 0 "Let's change your attention to wetting my pussy.">>
<<btnEventLink "Lick your wife pussy" "Wife Lake Dates" "peep(lesbian)(lick)">>
<<btnEventLink "Just keep watching" "Wife Lake Dates" "peep(lesbian)(watch)">>
<<set _inf = "Ask " + $NPCstat[0].name + " to blow you instead">>
<<btnEventLink _inf "Wife Lake Dates" "peep(lesbian)(blow ask)">>
<<btnEventLink "Leave" "Wife Lake Dates" "peep(lesbian)(leave)">>
<br>You feel your cock gradually hardening, stretching the fabric of your pants.
<<set _inf = "Ask " + $NPCstat[0].name + " to blow you">>
<<btnEventLink _inf "Wife Lake Dates" "peep(lesbian)(blow ask)">>
<<btnEventLink "Just keep watching" "Wife Lake Dates" "peep(lesbian)(watch)">>
<<btnEventLink "Leave that place" "Wife Lake Dates" "peep(lesbian)(leave)">>
<<case "peep(lesbian)(lick)">>
<<set $NPCmood[0].arousal = 0>>
<<set $NPCsexmemory[0].pussylicking += 1>>
<<set $NPCsexmemory[0].pussyworshipping += 1>>
<<NPCmedia "wife" "lake cuni" 1>>
<br>$NPCstat[0].name rests her back against the tree and spreads her legs a little. You kneel down, trying not to make too much noise. Your wife pushes the black strip of her panties aside, and you realize that her pussy is already wet.
<br>Your wife unceremoniously runs her fingers through your hair and pulls you to her groin.
<br><<PHR 0 "I'm sorry, honey, but I can't hold back any longer.">>
<br>You decide not to object and start pleasuring $NPCstat[0].name.
<<btnEventLink "Continue" "Wife Lake Dates" "peep(lesbian)(lick 2)">>
<<case "peep(lesbian)(lick 2)">>
<<NPCmedia "wife" "lake cuni" 1>>
<br>There is silence for a while, filled only by your wife's heavy breathing and the slurping sounds of your running tongue. Suddenly you hear a girl scream, but $NPCstat[0].name grabs your head tightly and doesn't let you see what's going on.
<br><<PHR 0 "I'll deal with it, honey. Just don't stop.">>
<br>Your wife cautiously peeks out from behind the tree.
<br><<PHR 0 "Phew, nothing to worry about. They just fell on the ground.">>
<br>Your wife's fingers keep rubbing your hair.
<<set _txt = "You're doing great, " + $mc.name + ".">>
<br><<PHR 0 _txt>>
<br>Loud female moans reach you. It looks like the couple has started the main action. $NPCstat[0].name also decides not to hold back her moans, hoping that these lovers won't hear her through the noise they make.
<br>$NPCstat[0].name presses your head tight.
<br><<PHR 0 "Just like that, honey. Put your tongue inside me.">>
<br>Her love juices dripping profusely down your face.
<<if $WifeHikeDate.lesbianpeep == 2>>
<<NPCmedia "lake" "girls legs" 0>>
<br><<PHR "f_lake_lesbian1" "Brunette" "So, what have we got here?">>
<br><<PHR "f_lake_lesbian2" "Blonde" "I told you I saw someone last time.">>
<br>Girls' voices go right over your ear. You try to get up, but their hands push down on your shoulders and prevent you from doing so. Your wife's fingers loosen; $NPCstat[0].name seems to be as confused as you are.
<br>One of the girls goes around you, and stops on your left side. Meanwhile, the hand on your shoulder goes up and starts stroking your head.
<br><<PHR "f_lake_lesbian1" "Brunette" "You needn't interrupt because of us.">>
<br><<PHR "f_lake_lesbian2" "Blonde" "Yeah, you could have just asked us to join you.">>
<br>Throwing your gaze upward, you see the girls' hands exploring your wife's body. She, in her highly aroused state, only shudders in response to their touches.
<<NPCmedia "wife" "lake lesbian groping" 0>>
<br><<PHR "f_lake_lesbian1" "Brunette" "We want to see how he pleasures you. Maybe we'll see some new tricks.">>
<br><<PHR "f_lake_lesbian2" "Blonde" "Ha ha, don't joke like that.">>
<<if $NPCstat[0].openness < 22>>
<br>Your wife finally regains control of herself and removes the girls' hands from her body. Then she pushes you away and starts hastily adjusting her clothes.
<br><<PHR "f_lake_lesbian1" "Brunette" "Hey, there's no need to be so overreactive!">>
<br>$NPCstat[0].name runs toward the forest exit. You get up from your knees and meet the girls' confused looks.
<br><<PHR "f_lake_lesbian2" "Blonde" "Tell her we didn't mean any harm.">>
<<btnEventLink "Continue" "Wife Lake Dates" "peep(lesbian)(lick run)">>
<<if $NPCstat[0].assertiveness < 14>>
<br>You and your wife's eyes cross and in her eyes you see a plea for help. It seems that further events are up to you.
<<btnEventLink "Show your skills" "Wife Lake Dates" "peep(lesbian)(lick 3)">>
<<btnEventLink "Stop before it goes too far" "Wife Lake Dates" "peep(lesbian)(lick stop)">>
<br>You and your wife's eyes cross and in her eyes you see you see a perky glimse.
<br><<PHR 0 "Are you going to let them treat you like that? Or will you prove to them that you know how to satisfy your wife with your tongue?">>
<<btnEventLink "Show your skills" "Wife Lake Dates" "peep(lesbian)(lick 3)">>
<<btnEventLink "Stop before it goes too far" "Wife Lake Dates" "peep(lesbian)(lick stop)">>
<<elseif $WifeHikeDate.lesbianpeep > 3>>
<br><<PHR "f_lake_lesbian1" "Brunette" "So, what have we got here?">>
<br><<PHR "f_lake_lesbian2" "Blonde" "I told you they'd come back.">>
<br>Throwing your gaze upward, you see the girls' hands already exploring your wife's body. She, in her highly aroused state, only shudders in response to their touches.
<<NPCmedia "wife" "lake lesbian groping" 0>>
<<if $WifeHikeDate.lesbianprove == 0>>
<br><<PHR "f_lake_lesbian1" "Brunette" "I hope you don't run away this time.">>
<br><<PHR "f_lake_lesbian2" "Blonde" "So, are you ready for another lesson?">>
<<if $NPCstat[0].obedience > -10>>
<br>You and your wife's eyes cross and in her eyes you see a little hesistation. It seems that further events are up to you.
<<btnEventLink "Show your skills" "Wife Lake Dates" "peep(lesbian)(lick 3)">>
<<btnEventLink "Stop before it goes too far" "Wife Lake Dates" "peep(lesbian)(lick stop)">>
<br>You and your wife's eyes cross and in her eyes you see you see a perky glimse.
<<if $WifeHikeDate.lesbianprove == 0>>
<br><<PHR 0 "What do you think, honey? I think we are brave enough to give these young ladies a lesson.">>
<br><<PHR 0 "What do you think, honey? I think we weren't quite convincing last time.">>
<<btnEventLink "Show your skills" "Wife Lake Dates" "peep(lesbian)(lick 3)">>
<<btnEventLink "Stop before it goes too far" "Wife Lake Dates" "peep(lesbian)(lick stop)">>
<br><<PHR 0 "If you saw they're pleasing each other... You couldn't hold it either...">>
<br>Your wife's body begins to shudder in a powerful orgasm.
<br><<PHR 0 "So, should we go home?">>
<<AddStat 0 "openness" 1 22>>
<<btnEventLink "Go home" "Hallway" "">>
<<case "peep(lesbian)(lick 3)">>
<<set $WifeHikeDate.lesbianprove += 1>>
<<NPCmedia "wife" "lake cuni" 1>>
<br>As soon as you give your consent, the hand of one of the girls presses you firmly into your wife's crotch.
<<if $NPCsexmemory[0].pussyworshipping < 4>>
<br><<PHR 0 "Easy, he's still not used to that.">>
<br><<PHR "f_lake_lesbian2" "Blonde" "Sorry, I was just trying to help him stay focused. Right now your pussy should be the center of his world. And if he's looking around, he won't be able to use his tongue properly.">>
<br><<PHR "f_lake_lesbian2" "Blonde" "This will help you stay focused. Right now her pussy should be the center of your world. And if you look around, you won't be able to use your tongue properly.">>
<br>The pressure on your head eases slightly, giving you some space to act. You stick your tongue out and start swirling it around $NPCstat[0].name's clit.
<br><<PHR "f_lake_lesbian1" "Brunette" "At least he's enthusiastic about it.">>
<br>Over the next few minutes, all the girls' hands rotate over your head. At first you feel a slight discomfort the moment your wife's palm changes to that of one of the forest nymphs, but then you accept it.
<br><<PHR "f_lake_lesbian2" "Blonde" "Hey, don't shake your head during the process. It doesn't help at all.">>
<br><<PHR "f_lake_lesbian1" "Brunette" "And don't grab her thighs so tightly, you might leave bruises on them.">>
<br><<PHR 0 "Come on, girls, I'm not that fragile.">>
<<btnEventLink "Continue" "Wife Lake Dates" "peep(lesbian)(lick 4)">>
<<case "peep(lesbian)(lick 4)">>
<<NPCmedia "wife" "lake cuni" 1>>
<br>You can feel increasing tension in $NPCstat[0].name's muscles.
<br><<PHR "f_lake_lesbian1" "Should he use his fingers?">>
<<if $NPCmood[0].arousal > 50>>
<<set _txt = "Yes, " + $mc.name + ", use your fingers.">>
<br><<PHR 0 _txt>>
<br>You wet two fingers in your mouth and slide them into your wife's pussy. They are immediately coated with her love fluids. The combination of your fingers and your tongue is enough to lead $NPCstat[0].name to a powerful orgasm in no time.
<br><<PHR 0 "No, I only want his tongue this time.">>
<br><<PHR "f_lake_lesbian2" "Blonde" "Looks like you have a hard work to do, boy.">>
<br>You keep licking your wife's pussy while the girls keep bombarding you with comments and advice. It takes you a decent amount of time to bring $NPCstat[0].name to a powerful orgasm.
<br>You pull away from her pussy and try to recover your breath. Your wife is still in prostration, while the other two girls approach each other, so that your head is suddenly caught between their pelvises. From the sound of it, they are kissing passionately.
<br>After a while, they pull away from each other, allowing you to move freely. You rise to your feet.
<br><<PHR "f_lake_lesbian1" "Brunette" "That was won-der-ful.">>
<br><<PHR "f_lake_lesbian2" "Blonde" "Yeah. Did you enjoy it?">>
<br><<PHR 0 "Oh, absolutely!">>
<br>$NPCstat[0].name lazily pulls her clothes back on. The girls, on the other hand, turn to you, waiting for your comment, too.
<br><<PHR "mc" "I think... I enjoyed it.">>
<br><<PHR "f_lake_lesbian2" "Blonde" "Great, we should do it again sometime. Do you guys come to this lake often?">>
<br><<PHR 0 "Only on the weekends, if at all. We're always busy.">>
<br><<PHR "f_lake_lesbian2" "Blonde" "Well, if you decide to, you know where to find us.">>
<br>You say goodbye and come out of the woods. You walk in silence for a while.
<br><<PHR 0 "Shall we go home?">>
<<AddStat 0 "openness" 3 32>>
<<btnEventLink "Go home" "Hallway" "">>
<<case "peep(lesbian)(lick stop)">>
<<LocImg "local" "lake(forest)">>
<br>You rise sharply to your feet.
<br><<PHR "mc" "Hey, stop touching my wife!">>
<br><<PHR "f_lake_lesbian1" "Brunette" "There's no need to be so overreactive! We don't mean any harm.">>
<br><<PHR "f_lake_lesbian2" "Blonde" "After all, you first started peeping on us, so it's only fair.">>
<<set _txt = $NPCstat[0].name + ", let's get out of here.">>
<br><<PHR "mc" _txt>>
<<if $NPCstat[0].assertiveness < 22>>
<br>Your wife quickly adjusts her clothes, and you lead her out of the woods by her hand.
<<set _txt = "They're partly right, " + $mc.name + ". We disturbed their privacy, after all.">>
<br><<PHR 0 _txt>>
<br><<PHR "mc" "Maybe you're not wrong. But things went too far.">>
<br>You walk in silence for a while.
<br><<PHR 0 "Shall we go home?">>
<<AddStat 0 "openness" 1 22>>
<<btnEventLink "Go home" "Hallway" "">>
<br><<PHR 0 "No!">>
<br>You freeze, surprised by your wife's reaction.
<br><<PHR 0 "I am tired of your behavior. You've been complaining and complaining all the time.">>
<br><<PHR "f_lake_lesbian2" "Blonde" "Wow, maybe we should leave?">>
<<set _txt = "No, you're staying. And " + $mc.name + " will go back to his previous position and work with his tongue.">>
<br><<PHR 0 _txt>>
<br><<TH "She sounds like she's not kidding.">>
<br>You drop hesitantly to your knees, again.
<<btnEventLink "Show your skills" "Wife Lake Dates" "peep(lesbian)(lick 3)">>
<<case "peep(lesbian)(lick run)">>
<<LocImg "local" "lake">>
<br>You catch up with your wife already on the road that goes around the lake. It looks like she's calmed down already.
<br><<PHR "mc" "Are you okay?">>
<br><<PHR 0 "I don't know, honey. I'm feeling so embarrassed.">>
<br><<PHR "mc" "Because they saw us?">>
<br>$NPCstat[0].name nods.
<br><<PHR 0 "It's also because this whole situation has turned me on so much.">>
<br>You hold you wife close to you.
<br><<PHR "mc" "There's nothing wrong with that, baby. When I'm with you, you have nothing to worry about.">>
<br><<PHR 0 "You're not mad at me?">>
<br><<PHR "mc" "Of course not. We can go back if you want.">>
<br><<PHR 0 "No! At least not this time. Let's go home. My body is itching from all these leaves and branches, so I'm dying for a hot bath.">>
<<btnEventLink "Go home" "Hallway" "">>
<<case "peep(lesbian)(blow ask)">>
<<set _treshold = 18>>
<<if $NPCmood[0].arousal >= 50>><<set _treshold = 14>><</if>>
<<if $NPCstat[0].openness >= _treshold>>
<<set $NPCmood[0].arousal += 15>>
<<set $NPCsexmemory[0].blowjob += 1>>
<<NPCmedia "lake" "girls foreplay" 1>>
<br><<PHR "mc" "Baby, how about we do something naughty, too?">>
<br>You rub the bump on your pants showing that you're ready for action.
<br><<PHR 0 "Don't be reckless, they might see us.">>
<br><<PHR "mc" "I don't think they care about anything else.">>
<br>You grab $NPCstat[0].name around the waist and draw her to you.
<<set _txt = "You're unbearable, " + $mc.name + ". Okay, just make sure they don't see us.">>
<br><<PHR 0 _txt>>
<br>You back up until your back is against a tree. $NPCstat[0].name drops to her knees and opens the fly on your jeans. As her plump lips close over your cock, a light shiver runs through your body.
<<NPCmedia "wife" "lake blow" 1>>
<br><<PHR "mc" "Oh, baby, you're the best.">>
<br>$NPCstat[0].name doesn't answer you, continuing to suck your piston.
<br><<PHR "mc" "I wanna see your tits, baby.">>
<br>Your wife pauses to pull off her t-shirt. Her huge boobs pop out. You glance over your shoulder at the other couple. The picture has changed - now the naked girl is standing upright, resting her arms on a tree trunk, and her friend is kneeling and licking her from behind.
<<NPCmedia "lake" "girls cuni(from behind 1)" 1>>
<br><<TH "Damn, that's too hot!">>
<br><<PHR 0 "Hey, your eyes should be here.">>
<br>She shakes her breasts playfully.
<br><<PHR "mc" "It's just curiosity, baby.">>
<br><<PHR 0 "Well, I'll make you forget everything but my mouth.">>
<br>Your wife goes back to sucking your cock. The whole situation is so exciting that it only takes you a few minutes to cum. Finished with your semen, $NPCstat[0].name rises to her feet.
<<AddStat 0 "openness" 1 22>>
<<if $NPCsexmemory[0].pussyworshipping >= 2>>
<br><<PHR 0 "Well, is it my turn now?">>
<<btnEventLink "Lick your wife pussy" "Wife Lake Dates" "peep(lesbian)(lick)">>
<<btnEventLink "Leave that place" "Wife Lake Dates" "peep(lesbian)(leave)">>
<br><<PHR 0 "So, should we go home?">>
<br><<PHR "mc" "Yeah.">>
<<btnEventLink "Go home" "Hallway" "">>
<br><<PHR "mc" "Baby, how about we do something naughty, too?">>
<br>You rub the bump on your pants showing that you're ready for action.
<br><<PHR 0 "Don't be reckless, they might see us.">>
<br><<PHR "mc" "I don't think they care about anything else.">>
<br>You grab $NPCstat[0].name around the waist and draw her to you, but she gently pulls out of your embrace.
<br><<PHR 0 "Let's just get out of here.">>
<br>She heads for the forest exit, and you have no choice but to follow her.
<<btnEventLink "Go home" "Hallway" "">>
<<case "peep(lesbian)(watch)">>
<<set $NPCmood[0].arousal += 30>>
<<NPCmedia "lake" "girls cuni(from behind 1)" 1>>
<br><<PHR "mc" "I think it would be better if we didn't make any extra noise. Let's just see what they do next.">>
<br><<PHR 0 "Okay.">>
<br>One of the girls, meanwhile, turns the other one around and leans her forward, so that she has to support herself against a tree trunk. Without wasting a second, she kneels down and wraps her arms around her girlfriend's round ass and starts pleasuring the standing girl's pussy.
<br><<PHR 0 "Damn, she's really into it!">>
<br>The girl, meanwhile, starts helping herself with her fingers. Her girlfriend's moans fill the woods. Your wife is already busy with her fingers in her panties. Her mouth is slightly open, and for a moment you think her lips are silently whispering something.
<br><<TH "Damn, she's too captivated by the scene.">>
<br>But the truth is, you can hardly take your eyes off of what's going on yourself. Your desire to spy on other people's sex is growing stronger than ever.
<br><<TH "If this continues like this, we won't be able to hold back.">>
<br><<PHR "mc" "We better get out of here, baby.">>
<br><<PHR 0 "Yeah, just one second...">>
<br>Your wife answers you without taking her eyes off the couple, and you have to literally drag her away by the hand. When you return to the initial place, the sky is already beginning to darken.
<<AddStat 0 "openness" 2 16>>
<<btnEventLink "Go home" "Hallway" "">>
<<case "peep(lesbian)(leave)">>
<<LocImg "local" "lake">>
<br><<PHR "mc" "I think we'd better go, baby. I'm sure we'll encounter them again.">>
<br><<PHR 0 "Okay, if you say so, honey.">>
<br>You head toward the exit of the forest. When you return to the initial place, the sky is already beginning to darken.
<<btnEventLink "Go home" "Hallway" "">>
<<case "no peep(lesbian)">>
<<LocImg "local" "lake">>
<br><<PHR "mc" "Enough details. Let's get out of here.">>
<br><<PHR 0 "You're the one who suggested to see what's going on here. Oh, come on.">>
<br>When you return to the initial place, the sky is already beginning to darken.
<<btnEventLink "Go home" "Hallway" "">>
<</switch>><<switch $EventMark>>
<<case "mbedroom invite">>
<<set $location.sub = "">>
<<NPCmedia "wife" "lying on bed" 0>>
<<dlg_en "mc" "Baby, how about we spend this evening together?">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Крошка, как насчет того, чтобы провести вечер вместе?">>
<<if $NPCmood[0].mood >= 30>>
<<dlg_en 0 "Of course, just hop in.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Конечно. Ложись рядом.">>
<<en "$NPCstat[0].name rolls on one side and pats the bed.">>
<<ru "$NPCstat[0].name переворачивается на бок и хлопает по кровати.">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "Actually, I was thinking about going to a restaurant.">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Вообще, я думал о том, чтобы съездить в ресторан.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "That's a nice idea. Wait a little while, I'll change.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Отличная идея. Подожди немного, я переоденусь.">>
<<en "Your wife disappears into the dressing room and after a while comes out in her evening dress.">>
<<ru "Твоя жена скрывается в гардеробной и, через некоторое время, выходит из нее в вечернем платье.">>
<<btnEventLink "Go to the restaurant/Ехать в ресторан" "Wife Restaurant Dates" "date(start)">>
<<dlg_en 0 "I'm not in the mood, honey. Just let me rest.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Я не в настроении, милый. Дай мне отдохнуть.">>
<<en "You can tell by the tone of her voice that you have no chance of changing your wife's mind.">>
<<ru "По тону ее голоса, ты понимаешь, что у тебя не получится переубедить свою жену.">>
<<btnEventLink "Leave/Уйти" "Master Bedroom" "">>
<<case "backyard invite">>
<<set $location.sub = "">>
<<NPCmedia "wife" "pool bar" 0>>
<<dlg_en "mc" "How about we have a drink together somewhere else?">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Как насчет того, чтобы нам вместе выпить в каком-нибудь другом месте?">>
<<if $NPCmood[0].mood >= 30>>
<<dlg_en 0 "What's on your mind?">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "И что ты предлагаешь?">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "I was thinking about going to a restaurant.">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Вообще, я думал о том, чтобы съездить в ресторан.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "That's a nice idea. Wait a little while, I'll change.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Отличная идея. Подожди немного, я переоденусь.">>
<<en "Your wife disappears into the mansion and after a while comes out in her evening dress.">>
<<ru "Твоя жена скрывается в особняке и, через некоторое время, выходит из него в вечернем платье.">>
<<btnEventLink "Go to the restaurant/Ехать в ресторан" "Wife Restaurant Dates" "date(start)">>
<<dlg_en 0 "I'm not in the mood, honey. Just let me rest.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Я не в настроении, милый. Дай мне отдохнуть.">>
<<en "You can tell by the tone of her voice that you have no chance of changing your wife's mind.">>
<<ru "По тону ее голоса, ты понимаешь, что у тебя не получится переубедить свою жену.">>
<<btnEventLink "Leave/Уйти" "Backyard" "">>
<<case "balcony invite">>
<<set $location.sub = "">>
<<NPCmedia "wife" "on balcony" 0>>
<<dlg_en "mc" "Baby, how about we spend this evening together?">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Крошка, как насчет того, чтобы провести вечер вместе?">>
<<if $NPCmood[0].mood >= 30>>
<<dlg_en 0 "What's on your mind?">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "И что ты предлагаешь?">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "I was thinking about going to a restaurant.">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Вообще, я думал о том, чтобы съездить в ресторан.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "That's a nice idea. Wait a little while, I'll change.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Отличная идея. Подожди немного, я переоденусь.">>
<<en "Your wife disappears into the dressing room and after a while comes out in her evening dress.">>
<<ru "Твоя жена скрывается в гардеробной и, через некоторое время, выходит из нее в вечернем платье.">>
<<btnEventLink "Go to the restaurant/Ехать в ресторан" "Wife Restaurant Dates" "date(start)">>
<<dlg_en 0 "I'm not in the mood, honey. Just let me rest.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Я не в настроении, милый. Дай мне отдохнуть.">>
<<en "You can tell by the tone of her voice that you have no chance of changing your wife's mind.">>
<<ru "По тону ее голоса, ты понимаешь, что у тебя не получится переубедить свою жену.">>
<<btnEventLink "Leave/Уйти" "Master Bedroom" "">>
<<case "date(start)">>
<<set $WifeDates.restaurantcount += 1>>
<<set $NPCmood[0].boredness = 0>>
<<set _skip = 6 - $time.daytime>>
<<SkipTimeBlock _skip>>
<<LocImg "downtown" "restaurant">>
<br>You decide to visit one of your favorite restaurants. Since you are a regular customer, a free table by the window is immediately ready for you.
<<if $WifeDates.restaurantcount >= 3 and $NPCstat[9].meet and $NPCstat[11].meet == false>>
<<set $NPCstat[11].meet = true>>
<<set $NPCstat[11].name = "Waitress">>
<br>A waitress approaches your table. There is a very provocative skirt on her, giving you a clear view of her slender legs. You can't stop yourself from running a lustful glance down their entire length. The girl hands you a menu and, for a moment, you see a grimace of contempt on her face. She gets her emotions under control pretty quickly, though.
<<NPCmedia "wife" "waitress(skirt)" 0>>
<br><<PHR 11 "Good evening, sir. Here is your menu.">>
<br>The waitress, then, approaches your wife.
<br><<PHR 11 "Good afternoon, ma'am. Here's your menu.">>
<br><<PHR 11 "By the way, your dress is stunning, and it's really suits you.">>
<br><<PHR 0 "Thanks.">>
<br>This words put a smile on your wife's face.
<br><<PHR 11 "Your haircut is also gorgeous. You have such beautiful hair.">>
<br><<PHR 0 "Oh, thank you again.">>
<br><<TH "What the hell?">>
<br>You make an order and the waitress heads to the kitchen.
<<btnEventLink "Discuss what happened" "Wife Restaurant Dates" "restaurant(waitress flirt)">>
<<btnEventLink "Just eat your food" "Wife Restaurant Dates" "restaurant(just eat)">>
<br>You order wine and a couple of light meals. $NPCstat[0].name, of course, takes a lot of photos before taking a bite.
<br>The evening is sliding away, it's time to get ready to go home.
<<btnEventLink "Go home" "Wife Restaurant Dates" "after date">>
<<case "restaurant(just eat)">>
<<LocImg "downtown" "restaurant">>
<br>The evening is sliding away, it's time to get ready to go home.
<<btnEventLink "Go home" "Wife Restaurant Dates" "after date">>
/* ---------- WAITRESS ---------- */
<<case "restaurant(waitress flirt)">>
<<LocImg "downtown" "restaurant">>
<br><<PHR "mc" "Don't you think that waitress was flirting with you?">>
<br><<PHR 0 "That's just common courtesy.">>
<br><<PHR "mc" "For some reason she wasn't that polite to me.">>
<br>Your wife is laughing.
<br><<PHR 0 "Maybe because you spent a good minute staring at her legs. I mean, her skirt is absurdly short, but you should have held back a little.">>
<br><<PHR "mc" "Or maybe she should have dressed more decently.">>
<br>Your conversation is interrupted as the waitress returns with a compliment from the chef. You can't help but notice that as she puts the tray on the table, the girl tries to turn her ass toward your wife. And she manages to get attention as $NPCstat[0].name doesn't take her eyes off the waitress's bottom.
<<NPCmedia "wife" "waitress(underskirt)" 0>>
<br>When the waitress finally leaves you, your wife turns to you.
<br><<PHR 0 "I think I saw the edge of her panties.">>
<br><<PHR "mc" "Just a minute ago you were accusing me of staring at her legs. And what do we see now?">>
<<set _txt = $mc.name + "!">>
<br><<PHR 0 _txt>>
<br><<PHR "mc" "Relax, I'm just messing with you. But this waitress is definitely got her eye on you.">>
<<set _txt = "Don't get any funny ideas, " + $mc.name + ". You men see lesbians everywhere.">>
<br><<PHR 0 _txt>>
<br><<PHR "mc" "Then how about a little wager? I'll go to the bathroom before she returns, and you flirt a little with her.">>
<<set _txt = "That's stupid, " + $mc.name + ".">>
<br><<PHR 0 _txt>>
<br><<PHR "mc" "Are you scared? If you don't agree, for the next week I'll tease you about staring at another girl's panties.">>
<br><<PHR 0 "All right, I'll do it.">>
<<btnEventLink "Continue" "Wife Restaurant Dates" "restaurant(waitress flirt) 2">>
<<case "restaurant(waitress flirt) 2">>
<<LocImg "downtown" "restaurant">>
<br>You get up from the table and head toward the restroom. However, instead of turning the corner, you take up an observation position, sort of hiding a little behind the pillar.
<br>After a while, the waitress comes to your table again. She puts two plates on it and starts chatting with your wife about something. At one point the waitress's hand unobtrusively touches $NPCstat[0].name's shoulder, then again, and finally stays on it for the rest of the conversation.
<br>After waiting a while, you defiantly head toward your table. The girls notice you, but the waitress doesn't bother to take her hand off your wife's shoulder. It's as if she's waiting for your reaction.
<br><<TH "I have to act like nothing has happened.">>
<br>You sit down at the table and pretend to study the dish.
<br><<PHR 0 "Thank you, Penelope. I'll call you if I need anything.">>
<br>You wait for the waitress to leave.
<<btnEventLink "Continue" "Wife Restaurant Dates" "restaurant(waitress flirt) 3">>
<<case "restaurant(waitress flirt) 3">>
<<LocImg "misc" "restaurant(crab)">>
<br><<PHR "mc" "So, what did she say?">>
<br><<PHR 0 'She offered me a tour of the kitchen. Of course, after I send my "hubby" home.'>>
<br><<PHR "mc" "I doubt she could arrange something like that.">>
<<set _txt = "I think that's a figure of speech, " + $mc.name + ". What she's really trying to say is invite me to a hotel or her house.">>
<br><<PHR 0 _txt>>
<br><<PHR "mc" "I see. This girl prefers not to beat around the bush.">>
<br>You make a try to open a crab's phalanx, but $NPCstat[0].name suddenly stops you.
<br><<PHR 0 "Wait! You better not eat that.">>
<br><<PHR "mc" "Why? I like crabs.">>
<br><<PHR 0 "Penelope said she spit in the sauce.">>
<<set $NPCstat[11].name = "Penelope">>
<br>You thoroughly examine the plate, but there is no sign of such vandalism, that you wife described to you. However, you also have no reason not to trust her.
<br><<TH "What should I do?">>
<<btnEventLink "Call a manager" "Wife Restaurant Dates" "restaurant(waitress flirt)(scene)">>
<<btnEventLink "Push the plate aside" "Wife Restaurant Dates" "restaurant(waitress flirt)(no scene)">>
<<btnEventLink "Eat it anyway" "Wife Restaurant Dates" "restaurant(waitress flirt)(eat)">>
<<case "restaurant(waitress flirt)(scene)">>
<<LocImg "downtown" "restaurant">>
<<if $NPCsexmemory[9].pussylicking > 0 and $MainKinks.blackmailed>>
<br>You call the manager and start explaining the situation to her. But before you even finish the second sentence, you hear a familiar voice.
<br><<PHR 9 "What's going on here?">>
<br>Rhea approaches you.
<<set _txt = $mc.name + "! What a pleasant surprise!">>
<br><<PHR 9 _txt>>
<br><<TH "What is she doing here?">>
<br><<PHR "female_img" "Manager" "Miss Rhea, there's been a little misunderstanding.">>
<br><<PHR 9 "You may go, my dear. I'll take it from here.">>
<<btnEventLink "Continue" "Wife Restaurant Dates" "restaurant(waitress flirt)(blackmailed)">>
<br>You call the manager and explain the situation to her. She apologizes many times and offers you a bottle of fine wine and dinner on the house as compensation. She also promises to fine the waitress.
<br><<PHR "mc" "I don't need your routine excuses. I demand that she be fired right now.">>
<br><<PHR "mc" "And don't try to make a fool of me, because I'll be sure to check it.">>
<<btnEventLink "Go home" "Wife Restaurant Dates" "after date">>
<<case "restaurant(waitress flirt)(blackmailed)">>
<<LocImg "downtown" "restaurant">>
<br>$NPCstat[0].name looks at you questioningly. You try to think of a suitable answer, but Rhea precedes you.
<br><<PHR 9 "You must be his wife? It's nice to meet you.">>
<br>The girls exchange greetings.
<<set _txt = "We started a partnership with your husband and his company not too long ago. In fact, he and his finance director recently helped me with one... problem. But your subordinate could be more enthusiastic, " + $mc.name + ".">>
<br><<PHR 9 _txt>>
<br>A heavy lump begins to form in your throat.
<br><<PHR "mc" "I'll talk to him about it.">>
<br><<PHR 9 "Glad to hear it. Now let's move on to the present problem. What happened here?">>
<br><<PHR "mc" "Your waitress spit in my sauce!">>
<br><<PHR 9 "Really? Did you see that?">>
<br><<PHR "mc" "No, she said so herself!">>
<<set _txt = "You know, " + $mc.name + ", I find that hard to believe. But let's try this: We'll go into my office, and I'll send her in as well.">>
<br><<PHR 9 _txt>>
<br>She turns toward your wife.
<br><<PHR 9 "In the meantime, you can pick some wine. Of course, on the house.">>
<br>Rhea makes a sign to the manager and the girl immediately starts attending to your wife.
<<btnEventLink "Continue" "Wife Restaurant Dates" "restaurant(waitress flirt)(blackmailed) 2">>
<<case "restaurant(waitress flirt)(blackmailed) 2">>
<<LocImg "downtown" "restaurant(office)">>
<br>As soon as you walk into her office, Rhea instantly pushes you against the wall.
<<set _txt = $mc.name + ", " + $mc.name + ", " + $mc.name + "... I didn't expect to see you so soon. I have to admit, I'm a little disappointed in you. I thought you were a man of culture and a gentleman, but you turned out to be a capricious child.">>
<br><<PHR 9 _txt>>
<br>She lets you go and heads to her desk.
<br><<PHR 9 "To think, making a tantrum out of you tasting a girl's saliva. Let me remind you that not long ago you were ready to lick your cum off my pussy.">>
<br><<PHR "mc" "Are you planning to blackmail me?">>
<br><<PHR 9 "No, that's too filthy for me. I want you to think about your behavior.">>
<<set _txt = "She'll definitely tell " + $NPCstat[0].name + " if I don't do what she says.">>
<br><<TH _txt>>
<br>At that moment there is a knock on the door and a waitress enters the office.
<br><<PHR 9 "Ah, Penelope. Come in.">>
<br>The girl stands next to you and casts a look of contempt in your direction. It seems that she is not afraid of punishment at all.
<br><<PHR 9 "Tell me, did you really spit in his dish?">>
<br><<PHR 11 "Of course I did! But only because he's a prick.">>
<br>Rhea starts laughing and Penelope echoes her.
<<set _txt = "As I thought. But you see, " + $mc.name + " isn't such an asshole and want to personally apologize to you. Right, " + $mc.name + "?">>
<br><<PHR 9 _txt>>
<br>You look at her perplexed.
<br><<PHR 11 "Sounds good. Just have him do it on his knees.">>
<br><<PHR 9 "Of course, my dear.">>
<<btnEventLink "Kneel down" "Wife Restaurant Dates" "restaurant(waitress flirt)(blackmailed) 3">>
<<case "restaurant(waitress flirt)(blackmailed) 3">>
<<LocImg "downtown" "restaurant(office)">>
<br>You kneel hesitantly in front of that cocky waitress.
<br><<PHR "mc" "I want to apologize for my behavior.">>
<br><<PHR 11 "You should address me as Miss Penelope.">>
<br>You cast a glance in Rhea's direction.
<br><<PHR 9 "Do it.">>
<br><<PHR "mc" "Forgive me, Miss Penelope, for making this scene.">>
<br>You literally feel your face burn with embarrassment and humiliation.
<br><<PHR 11 "What should I do to you? I know! Open your mouth.">>
<br><<PHR "mc" "What?">>
<br><<PHR 11 "Don't make me say it again.">>
<br>You open your mouth and at the same moment Penelope leans toward you. From her mouth comes a thin trickle of saliva and falls directly into your mouth, making you involuntarily close your lips. Some of her saliva ends up on your chin.
<<NPCmedia "rhea" "waitress spitting" 1>>
<br><<PHR 11 "Did I tell you to close your mouth?">>
<br>You have to do everything all over again, and this time her spit is much thicker. You have no choice but to swallow it.
<br><<PHR 9 "See, there's nothing terrible about it.">>
<br><<PHR 11 "Or maybe he planned the whole thing and that's why he made the scene.">>
<br><<PHR 9 "You bet, girl.">>
<br>The girls giggle.
<<set _txt = "You can go now, " + $mc.name + ".">>
<br><<PHR 9 _txt>>
<<btnEventLink "Leave her office" "Wife Restaurant Dates" "restaurant(waitress flirt)(blackmailed) 4">>
<<case "restaurant(waitress flirt)(blackmailed) 4">>
<<LocImg "downtown" "restaurant">>
<br>You run out of the office and grab your wife and head for the parking lot. Without commenting on what happened, you drive home.
<<btnEventLink "Drive home" "Wife Restaurant Dates" "after date">>
<<case "restaurant(waitress flirt)(no scene)">>
<<LocImg "downtown" "restaurant">>
<br>You push the plate aside.
<<if $NPCstat[0].assertiveness > -10>>
<br><<PHR "mc" "Well, I'm gonna skip the damn crab today.">>
<br><<PHR 0 "I'm sorry, honey, it's my fault.">>
<br><<PHR "mc" "Don't blame yourself, baby. After all, it was my idea.">>
<br>The evening is sliding away, it's time to get ready to go home.
<<btnEventLink "Go home" "Wife Restaurant Dates" "after date">>
<br><<PHR "mc" "Well, I'm gonna skip the damn crab today.">>
<br><<PHR 0 "She may well want to make a joke to impress me. After all, it was your idea to provoke her.">>
<<btnEventLink "Eat the damn crab" "Wife Restaurant Dates" "restaurant(waitress flirt)(eat)">>
<<btnEventLink "Push the plate further" "Wife Restaurant Dates" "restaurant(just eat)">>
<<case "restaurant(waitress flirt)(eat)">>
<<LocImg "downtown" "restaurant">>
<br>You continue to dismember the crab. Your wife's eyes widen in surprise.
<br><<PHR 0 "Aren't you bothered by what I told you?">>
<br><<PHR "mc" "I don't want to lose my crab. Besides, I'm not sure that waitress really spit in there.">>
<br>You dip a piece of meat into the sauce and send it into your mouth. Inwardly you prepare to taste something sticky and disgusting, but the taste turns out to be most ordinary.
<br><<PHR 0 "I never thought you would do something like that.">>
<br><<PHR "mc" "Hey, just don't tell anyone about this. Especially not Jenny.">>
<br><<PHR 0 "I wouldn't even think about it.">>
<br>You hum and continue your meal. The evening is sliding away, it's time to get ready to go home.
<<btnEventLink "Go home" "Wife Restaurant Dates" "after date">>
/* ---------- HOME ---------- */
<<case "after date">>
<<SkipTimeBlock 1>>
<<NPCmedia "wife" "after restaurant" 0>>
<<en "You open the front door. $NPCstat[0].name is slightly reeling from the wine she's drunk. You playfully slap her ass. She makes a arch squeal, her eyes sparkling with excitement.">>
<<ru "You open the front door. $NPCstat[0].name is slightly reeling from the wine she's drunk. You playfully slap her ass. She makes a arch squeal, her eyes sparkling with excitement.">>
<<if $WifeUniqueCase[1] == true>>
<<dlg_en 0 "So, are you ready to fulfill your promise?">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "So, are you ready to fulfill your promise?">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "What are you... Oh, you want me to carry you into the bedroom in my arms?">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "What are you... Oh, you want me to carry you into the bedroom in my arms?">>
<<en "Without waiting for her answer, you take her in your arms and start walking up the stairs. You can't say this is easy for you, but you don't show it to your wife.">>
<<ru "Without waiting for her answer, you take her in your arms and start walking up the stairs. You can't say this is easy for you, but you don't show it to your wife.">>
<<btnEventLink "Carry her into the bedroom/Carry her into the bedroom" "Wife Restaurant Dates" "carry her to bedroom">>
<<elseif $NPCsexmemory[0].asslicking == 1>>
<<en "She leans back against the wall and lures you with her finger. You try to kiss your wife, but she stops you. Lifting her dress, she takes off her lace panties and tosses them away.">>
<<ru "She leans back against the wall and lures you with her finger. You try to kiss your wife, but she stops you. Lifting her dress, she takes off her lace panties and tosses them away.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "Enjoying the view?">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Enjoying the view?">>
<<en "You nod and grab her ass, but the brunette gently pulls you away.">>
<<ru "You nod and grab her ass, but the brunette gently pulls you away.">>
<<if $WifeQueen.active>>
<<dlg_en 0 "That's not how you should treat your Queen.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "That's not how you should treat your Queen.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "That's not how you should treat your wife.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "That's not how you should treat your wife.">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "Oh, I get it.">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Oh, I get it.">>
<<en "You kneel down and begin to cover your wife's ass with kisses. The woman waits a while, then starts walking forward, toward the stairs to the second floor. She turns and waves a finger at you.">>
<<ru "You kneel down and begin to cover your wife's ass with kisses. The woman waits a while, then starts walking forward, toward the stairs to the second floor. She turns and waves a finger at you.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "Follow me. But don't stop with the kisses on my butt, honey.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Follow me. But don't stop with the kisses on my butt, honey.">>
<<en "$NPCstat[0].name giggles, enjoying having you completely under her control.">>
<<ru "$NPCstat[0].name giggles, enjoying having you completely under her control.">>
<<btnEventLink "Continue" "Wife Restaurant Dates" "ass worship(second)">>
<<en "She leans back against the wall and lures you with her finger. You try to kiss your wife, but she stops you. Lifting her dress, she takes off her lace panties and tosses them away.">>
<<ru "She leans back against the wall and lures you with her finger. You try to kiss your wife, but she stops you. Lifting her dress, she takes off her lace panties and tosses them away.">>
<<if $NPCstat[0].assertiveness >= 18 and $NPCsexmemory[0].pussylicking >= 4>>
<<dlg_en 0 "How about warming me up with your tongue?">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "How about warming me up with your tongue?">>
<<btnEventLink "Give her a proper cuni" "Wife Restaurant Dates" "aftercuni(alt)">>
<<btnEventLink "Fuck her instead" "Wife Restaurant Dates" "afterfuck">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "I see you're naughty one.">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "I see you're naughty one.">>
<<btnEventLink "Fuck your wife" "Wife Restaurant Dates" "afterfuck">>
<<btnEventLink "Give her a proper cuni first" "Wife Restaurant Dates" "aftercuni">>
<<case "afterfuck">>
<<set $NPCmood[0].arousal = 0>>
<<set $NPCsexmemory[0].vaginal += 1>>
<<NPCmedia "wife" "after restaurant fuck" 1>>
<br>You unceremoniously turn her around to face the wall and pull up her dress, which has fallen back. $NPCstat[0].name arches her back, thrusting her ass toward you. You run your hand over her buttock and then give her a slap, applying a little more force this time.
<br><<PHR 0 "Oh!">>
<br>You line your penis against her labia. Her pussy is already wet so your cock easily slide inside her. With each thrust, you drive your penis almost to the full length. $NPCstat[0].name can't keep up with the pace you've taken - her hands slip off the wall and you have to hold your wife. You take her by the shoulder and pull closer, without slowing down your frictions. You pinch her protruding nipples between your fingers and tease them. $NPCstat[0].name turns to you and you can feel her hot breath on your neck.
<br><<PHR 0 "Kiss me, honey!">>
<br>You merge in a long kiss.
<br><<PHR 0 "I'm so close!">>
<<NPCmedia "wife" "after restaurant fuck_2" 1>>
<br>You lean her back to the wall and, grabbing her hips, start hammering your wife, using all the strength you have left. Your wife moans echo through the empty house.
<br><<PHR "mc" "I'm ready to cum, baby.">>
<br><<PHR 0 "I'm too! Come with me, honey!">>
<br>Your wife's body shudders in orgasm as you pull your cock out of her vagina and shoot a few thick gushes of semen on her ass. You turn your wife to you and kiss her. She listlessly meet your lips, as she hasn't recovered yet from the rough sex. Gradually, her gaze becomes more meaningful.
<br><<PHR 0 "I need to take a shower.">>
<br>She stumbles to the second floor, pulling off her dress as she goes.
<<AddStat 0 "openness" 2 15>>
<<btnEventLink "Go to the bedroom" "Master Bedroom" "">>
<<case "aftercuni">>
<<NPCmedia "wife" "after restaurant cuni" 1>>
<br>You get down on your knees and wrap your arms around your wife's hips. The scent of the fluids oozing from her pussy hits your nostrils. You stick out your tongue and run it over her labia. A small moan escapes $NPCstat[0].name lips.
<br>You're fluttering your tongue over her pussy, helping yourself with head movements up and down. Salty taste of her love juices fills your mouth. $NPCstat[0].name leans her back against the wall and spreads her legs wide, giving you better access to her pussy.
<br><<PHR 0 "Yeah, honey! Just like that!">>
<<btnEventLink "Make her cum with your tongue" "Wife Restaurant Dates" "aftercuni 2">>
<<if $NPCsexmemory[0].pussylicking >= 4 and $NPCstat[0].assertiveness >= 15 and $NPCkinks[0].pussylicking > 0>>
<<btnEventLink "Fuck your wife" "Wife Restaurant Dates" "afterfuck 2.1">>
<<btnEventLink "Fuck your wife" "Wife Restaurant Dates" "afterfuck 2">>
<<case "aftercuni(alt)">>
<<NPCmedia "wife" "after restaurant cuni" 1>>
<br>You get down on your knees and wrap your arms around your wife's hips. The scent of the fluids oozing from her pussy hits your nostrils. You stick out your tongue and run it over her labia. A small moan escapes $NPCstat[0].name lips.
<br>You're fluttering your tongue over her pussy, helping yourself with head movements up and down. Salty taste of her love juices fills your mouth. $NPCstat[0].name leans her back against the wall and spreads her legs wide, giving you better access to her pussy.
<<if $NPCstat[0].lordliness >= 22>>
<<if $WifeAssWorship.status == "">>
<<PHR 0 "Yeah, honey! Just like that!">>
<br>You do your best to pleasure your wife, but after a while, $NPCstat[0].name stops you. You take this as a signal to move on to the main phase, and try to get to your feet, but $NPCstat[0].name puts her hand on your shoulder and doesn't allow you to do it.
<<PHR 0 "I just want to change the position, honey.">>
<br>With these words, she turns her face to the wall and bends over, sticking out her rounded ass. The woman spreads her legs, inviting you to continue. You lean forward to reach her pussy with your tongue.
<<if $NPCsexmemory[0].asslicking == 0>>
<<btnEventLink "Continue" "Wife Restaurant Dates" "ass worship(first)">>
<<elseif $NPCsexmemory[0].asslicking == 1>>
<<btnEventLink "Continue" "Wife Restaurant Dates" "ass worship(second)">>
<<btnEventLink "Continue" "Wife Restaurant Dates" "ass worship(second)">>
<br><<PHR 0 "Yeah, honey! Just like that! Make me cum!">>
<<btnEventLink "Make her cum with your tongue" "Wife Restaurant Dates" "aftercuni 2(alt)">>
<br><<PHR 0 "Yeah, honey! Just like that! Common, let's fuck!">>
<<btnEventLink "Fuck your wife" "Wife Restaurant Dates" "afterfuck 2(alt)">>
<<case "afterfuck 2">>
<<set $NPCmood[0].arousal = 0>>
<<set $NPCsexmemory[0].vaginal += 1>>
<<NPCmedia "wife" "after restaurant fuck_3" 1>>
<br>You break off your feast and, getting to your feet, take your wife in your arms, causing her to squeal. You carry her into the living room and throw on a chair. Taking off your pants, you line your cock against her pussy.
<br><<PHR 0 "Please, fuck me, honey!">>
<br>You immediately satisfy her desire and invade inside her with your dick. The heat of her body envelops your rod and makes your hips move against your will.
<br><<PHR "mc" "You're driving me crazy, baby!">>
<br>Leaning over her, you take one of her nipples in your mouth and start sucking. Her body archs up to meet you, while your cock is thrusting inside her.
<br><<PHR 0 "Don't stop, honey! Please, don't stop!">>
<<NPCmedia "wife" "after restaurant fuck_4" 1>>
<br>You move higher, covering her collarbone and neck with kisses until you finally reach her plump sweet lips. She looks at you with a gaze intoxicated with pleasure.
<br><<PHR 0 "Oh, honey! Don't stop!">>
<br>You stop her moans with a kiss. Her insides are pulsing and stimulating, gradually bringing you to the edge. It seems $NPCstat[0].name is also close to orgasm. You tighten your grip on your wife and start pounding her furiously. You can clearly see how the orgasm is piercing her body. You pull out your cock and shoot a few thick gushes of semen onto her stomach.
<br><<PHR 0 "This was amazing!">>
<br>$NPCstat[0].name gradually comes to her senses.
<br><<PHR 0 "I need to take a shower.">>
<<AddStat 0 "openness" 2 15>>
<<btnEventLink "Go to the bedroom" "Master Bedroom" "">>
<<case "afterfuck 2(alt)">>
<<set $NPCmood[0].arousal = 0>>
<<set $NPCsexmemory[0].vaginal += 1>>
<<NPCmedia "wife" "after restaurant fuck_3" 1>>
<br>You break off your feast and, getting to your feet, take your wife in your arms, causing her to squeal. You carry her into the living room and throw on a chair.
<<if $WifeQueen.active>>
<<PHR 0 "Hey! This is not how you should treat your lady.">>
<<PHR 0 "Hey! This is not how you should treat your wife.">>
<<PHR "mc" "Sorry.">>
<<PHR 0 "You're forgiven. Come on, don't waste your time.">>
<br>Taking off your pants, you line your cock against her pussy.
<<PHR 0 "Yeah, fuck me, honey!">>
<br>You immediately satisfy her desire and invade inside her with your dick. The heat of her body envelops your rod and makes your hips move against your will.
<br><<PHR "mc" "You're driving me crazy, baby!">>
<br>Leaning over her, you take one of her nipples in your mouth and start sucking. Her body archs up to meet you, while your cock is thrusting inside her.
<br><<PHR 0 "Don't stop, honey! Please, don't stop!">>
<<NPCmedia "wife" "after restaurant fuck_4" 1>>
<br>You move higher, covering her collarbone and neck with kisses until you finally reach her plump sweet lips. She looks at you with a gaze intoxicated with pleasure.
<br><<PHR 0 "Oh, honey! Don't stop!">>
<br>You stop her moans with a kiss. Her insides are pulsing and stimulating, gradually bringing you to the edge. It seems $NPCstat[0].name is also close to orgasm. You tighten your grip on your wife and start pounding her furiously. You can clearly see how the orgasm is piercing her body. You pull out your cock and shoot a few thick gushes of semen onto her stomach.
<br><<PHR 0 "This was amazing!">>
<br>$NPCstat[0].name gradually comes to her senses.
<br><<PHR 0 "I need to take a shower.">>
<<AddStat 0 "openness" 2 15>>
<<btnEventLink "Go to the bedroom" "Master Bedroom" "">>
<<case "afterfuck 2.1">>
<<LocImg "mc_house" "hallway">>
<br>You try to get up to your feet, but $NPCstat[0].name puts her hands on your shoulders and doesn't let you do it.
<br><<PHR 0 "Nope, I wanna feel your tongue a little longer.">>
<br>Her palm moves to your nape and presses you into her mound.
<<btnEventLink "Continue working with your tongue" "Wife Restaurant Dates" "aftercuni 2.1">>
<<btnEventLink "Resist and fuck your wife" "Wife Restaurant Dates" "afterfuck 2">>
<<case "aftercuni 2">>
<<set $NPCmood[0].arousal = 0>>
<<set $NPCsexmemory[0].pussylicking += 1>>
<<NPCmedia "wife" "after restaurant cuni_2" 1>>
<br>You break off your feast and, getting to your feet, take your wife in your arms, causing her to squeal. You carry her into the living room and throw on a chair. You carefully place her legs on the arms of the chair, then bury into her mound again. With quick circular movements of your tongue, you find her clit and give that knot of nerves proper attention. When you look up, you see that $NPCstat[0].name head is tilted back. Her chest rises high with every breath she takes.
<br>You spread her labia with your fingers and start flicking through her exposed flesh. You devour it with your lips, you hardly suck it with your mouth and tease it with your tongue.
<br>$NPCstat[0].name's moans are getting louder by every second. A barely perceptible shiver runs through her body, showing that your actions are definitely working.
<br><<PHR 0 "Just like that, honey! Don't stop!">>
<br>You help your tongue with your head movements. Her pussy exudes a sweet fragrance that spurs you on, prompting you to dig into this sweet spot, so as not to miss a drop of the nectar it oozes.
<br><<PHR 0 "Your tongue is incredible!">>
<br>Her muscles tighten visibly, signaling the imminent finish. You try to maintain as much pace as possible, and soon $NPCstat[0].name starts squirming in orgasmic convulsions. Her fluids is floating down your chin profusely. Finally, her body relaxes and you feel her hand touch your cheek.
<br><<PHR 0 "This was amazing, honey!">>
<br>You raise higher, kissing her flat stomach along the way, until you finally align with her face. You merge in a passionate kiss.
<br><<PHR 0 "I have to go to the bedroom, or I'll fall asleep right here.">>
<<AddStat 0 "openness" 2 15>>
<<btnEventLink "Go to the bedroom" "Master Bedroom" "">>
<<case "aftercuni 2(alt)">>
<<set $NPCmood[0].arousal = 0>>
<<set $NPCsexmemory[0].pussylicking += 1>>
<<NPCmedia "wife" "after restaurant cuni" 1>>
<br>You obey your wife's command and continue working with your tongue.
<br><<PHR 0 "Yeah, give that pussy proper attention.">>
<br>With quick circular movements of your tongue, you find her clit and start sucking it. Your wife's fingers squeeze your hair hard.
<br><<PHR 0 "Fuck, I love this! Don't stop, honey.">>
<br>You spread her labia with your fingers and start flicking through her exposed flesh. You devour it with your lips, you hardly suck it with your mouth and tease it with your tongue.
<br>$NPCstat[0].name's moans are getting louder by every second. A barely perceptible shiver runs through her body, showing that your actions are definitely working.
<br><<PHR 0 "Just like that, honey!">>
<br>You help your tongue with your head movements. Her pussy exudes a sweet fragrance that spurs you on, prompting you to dig into this sweet spot, so as not to miss a drop of the nectar it oozes.
<br><<PHR 0 "Your tongue is incredible!">>
<br>Her muscles tighten visibly, signaling the imminent finish. You try to maintain as much pace as possible, and soon $NPCstat[0].name starts squirming in orgasmic convulsions. Her fluids is floating down your chin profusely. Finally, her body relaxes and you feel her hand touch your cheek.
<br><<PHR 0 "This was amazing, honey!">>
<br>You raise your head and meet her satisfied eyes.
<<set _txt = "Your face's covered in my fluids, " + $mc.name + ". And it looks so hot.">>
<br><<PHR 0 _txt>>
<br>Her fingers gently slide down your cheek.
<br><<PHR 0 "I really loved this date. We should definitely do it again.">>
<br>With those words, she adjusts her dress and heads for the second floor.
<<AddStat 0 "lordliness" 2 35>>
<<AddStat 0 "openness" 2 15>>
<<btnEventLink "Go to the bedroom" "Master Bedroom" "">>
<<case "aftercuni 2.1">>
<<set $NPCmood[0].arousal = 0>>
<<set $NPCsexmemory[0].pussylicking += 1>>
<<NPCmedia "wife" "after restaurant cuni" 1>>
<br>You don't try to resist your wife's desire and start working with your tongue again.
<br><<PHR 0 "Yeah, give that pussy proper attention.">>
<br>With quick circular movements of your tongue, you find her clit and start sucking it. Your wife's fingers squeeze your hair hard.
<br><<PHR 0 "Fuck, I love this! Don't stop, honey.">>
<br>You spread her labia with your fingers and start flicking through her exposed flesh. You devour it with your lips, you hardly suck it with your mouth and tease it with your tongue.
<br>$NPCstat[0].name's moans are getting louder by every second. A barely perceptible shiver runs through her body, showing that your actions are definitely working.
<br><<PHR 0 "Just like that, honey!">>
<br>You help your tongue with your head movements. Her pussy exudes a sweet fragrance that spurs you on, prompting you to dig into this sweet spot, so as not to miss a drop of the nectar it oozes.
<br><<PHR 0 "Your tongue is incredible!">>
<br>Her muscles tighten visibly, signaling the imminent finish. You try to maintain as much pace as possible, and soon $NPCstat[0].name starts squirming in orgasmic convulsions. Her fluids is floating down your chin profusely. Finally, her body relaxes and you feel her hand touch your cheek.
<br><<PHR 0 "This was amazing, honey!">>
<br>You raise your head and meet her satisfied eyes.
<<set _txt = "Your face's covered in my fluids, " + $mc.name + ". And it looks so hot.">>
<br><<PHR 0 _txt>>
<br>Her fingers gently slide down your cheek.
<br><<PHR 0 "I really loved this date. We should definitely do it again.">>
<br>With those words, she adjusts her dress and heads for the second floor.
<<AddStat 0 "assertiveness" 2 30>>
<<AddStat 0 "openness" 2 15>>
<<btnEventLink "Go to the bedroom" "Master Bedroom" "">>
<<case "ass worship(first)">>
<<NPCmedia "wife" "after restaurant ass worship" 1>>
<<dlg_en 0 "This position makes everything hotter, right, honey?">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "This position makes everything hotter, right, honey?">>
<<en "Inwardly you agree with her, but you decide not to say anything. Instead, you place your hands on the brunette's buttocks and continue licking her pussy. $NPCstat[0].name's moans are getting louder by every second. A barely perceptible shiver runs through her body, showing that your actions are definitely working.">>
<<ru "Inwardly you agree with her, but you decide not to say anything. Instead, you place your hands on the brunette's buttocks and continue licking her pussy. $NPCstat[0].name's moans are getting louder by every second. A barely perceptible shiver runs through her body, showing that your actions are definitely working.">>
<<if $NPCstat[0].assertiveness >= 28>>
<<dlg_en 0 "Higher, honey.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Higher, honey.">>
<<en "Your tongue moves higher, but it doesn't seem to be enough for your wife.">>
<<ru "Your tongue moves higher, but it doesn't seem to be enough for your wife.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "Higher, honey!">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Higher, honey!">>
<<en "You sit up straight and look at your wife. At first you want to ask what she means, but then you realize what she's trying to tell you.">>
<<ru "You sit up straight and look at your wife. At first you want to ask what she means, but then you realize what she's trying to tell you.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "Come on, $mc.name, I know you've been thinking about it. So have I.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Come on, $mc.nam, I know you've been thinking about it. So have I.">>
<<en "$NPCstat[0].name shakes her hips, causing her buttocks to ripple.">>
<<ru "$NPCstat[0].name shakes her hips, causing her buttocks to ripple.">>
<<btnEventLink "Lick her ass" "Wife Restaurant Dates" "ass worship(first 2)">>
<<btnEventLink "Say this isn't for you" "Wife Restaurant Dates" "ass worship(first reject)">>
<<set $NPCmood[0].arousal = 0>>
<<set $NPCsexmemory[0].pussylicking += 1>>
<<PHR 0 "Just like that, honey!">>
<br>You help your tongue with your head movements. Her pussy exudes a sweet fragrance that spurs you on, prompting you to dig into this sweet spot, so as not to miss a drop of the nectar it oozes.
<<PHR 0 "Your tongue is incredible!">>
<br>Her muscles tighten visibly, signaling the imminent finish. You try to maintain as much pace as possible, and soon $NPCstat[0].name starts squirming in orgasmic convulsions. Her fluids is floating down your chin profusely. Finally, her body relaxes and your wife turn around.
<<PHR 0 "This was amazing, honey!">>
<br>You raise your head and meet her satisfied eyes.
<<set _txt = "Your face's covered in my fluids, " + $mc.name + ". And it looks so hot.">>
<br><<PHR 0 _txt>>
<br>Her fingers gently touch your cheek.
<br><<PHR 0 "I really loved this date. We should definitely do it again.">>
<br>With those words, she adjusts her dress and heads for the second floor.
<<AddStat 0 "assertiveness" 2 35>>
<<AddStat 0 "lordliness" 2 30>>
<<btnEventLink "Go to the bedroom" "Master Bedroom" "">>
<<case "ass worship(first 2)">>
<<set $WifeAssWorship.active = true>>
<<set $NPCmood[0].arousal = 0>>
<<set $NPCsexmemory[0].asslicking += 1>>
<<NPCmedia "wife" "after restaurant ass worship 2" 1>>
<<en "You place your hands on her buttocks and lean forward to start licking the ring of her anus. Your wife notices your hesitation and decides to spur you on.">>
<<ru "You place your hands on her buttocks and lean forward to start licking the ring of her anus. Your wife notices your hesitation and decides to spur you on.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "More pressure, honey. I can barely feel your tongue.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "More pressure, honey. I can barely feel your tongue.">>
<<en "You start licking more vigorously, and $NPCstat[0].name's body immediately responds to your actions.">>
<<ru "You start licking more vigorously, and $NPCstat[0].name's body immediately responds to your actions.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "That's it, honey. I like it already.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "That's it, honey. I like it already.">>
<<en "The woman begins to move her hips, causing you to lose rhythm and slow down. Your wife immediately turns around, puts her hand on your head and presses it between her buttocks.">>
<<ru "The woman begins to move her hips, causing you to lose rhythm and slow down. Your wife immediately turns around, puts her hand on your head and presses it between her buttocks.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "Don't stop, honey!">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Don't stop, honey!">>
<<en "You can tell that $NPCstat[0].name is really having a good time, and you're also surprised at how quickly you've adapted to the new situation. Your relationship with your wife has evolved over the past few weeks, and while you're still not sure if it's for the better or not, you've come to understand each other better in some ways.">>
<<ru "You can tell that $NPCstat[0].name is really having a good time, and you're also surprised at how quickly you've adapted to the new situation. Your relationship with your wife has evolved over the past few weeks, and while you're still not sure if it's for the better or not, you've come to understand each other better in some ways.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "Stop slacking, honey!">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Stop slacking, honey!">>
<<en "Soon, her muscles tighten visibly, signaling the imminent finish. You try to maintain as much pace as possible, and soon $NPCstat[0].name starts squirming in orgasmic convulsions.">>
<<ru "Soon, her muscles tighten visibly, signaling the imminent finish. You try to maintain as much pace as possible, and soon $NPCstat[0].name starts squirming in orgasmic convulsions.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "This was amazing, honey!">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "This was amazing, honey!">>
<<en "$NPCstat[0].name turns to you and her fingers gently touch your cheek. The woman's body is still twitching from her orgasm. She begins to stroke your hair.">>
<<ru "$NPCstat[0].name turns to you and her fingers gently touch your cheek. The woman's body is still twitching from her orgasm. She begins to stroke your hair.">>
<<NPCmedia "wife" "aftercare(standing)" 0>>
<<dlg_en 0 "Let's stay like this for a while, honey.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Let's stay like this for a while, honey.">>
<<en "You stay on your knees and your wife's hips are in front of your face all the time.">>
<<ru "You stay on your knees and your wife's hips are in front of your face all the time.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "I think we should practice this more often. Don't you think so, honey?">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "I think we should practice this more often. Don't you think so, honey?">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "Uh-huh.">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Uh-huh.">>
<br>Your wife ruffles your hair.
<<dlg_en 0 "Okay, let's go to the bedroom.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Okay, let's go to the bedroom.">>
<<AddStat 0 "assertiveness" 2 45>>
<<AddStat 0 "lordliness" 2 40>>
<<btnEventLink "Go to the bedroom" "Master Bedroom" "">>
<<case "ass worship(first reject)">>
<<set $NPCmood[0].arousal = 0>>
<<set $NPCsexmemory[0].pussylicking += 1>>
<<set $WifeAssWorship.status = "reject">>
<<NPCmedia "wife" "after restaurant cuni" 1>>
<<dlg_en 0 "Uh-oh. Okay.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Uh-oh. Okay.">>
<<en "Looks like $NPCstat[0].name's really upset. However, she's not pushing her offer. Your wife turns around to face you again, inviting you to finish what you started in a more familiar way, which you gladly do.">>
<<ru "Looks like $NPCstat[0].name's really upset. However, she's not pushing her offer. Your wife turns around to face you again, inviting you to finish what you started in a more familiar way, which you gladly do.">>
<<RemoveStat 0 "assertiveness" 5 -100>>
<<RemoveStat 0 "lordliness" 5 -100>>
<<btnEventLink "Go to the bedroom" "Master Bedroom" "">>
<<case "ass worship(second)">>
<<set $NPCmood[0].arousal += 30>>
<<NPCmedia "wife" "after restaurant" 0>>
<<en "$NPCstat[0].name starts walking up the stairs, urging you to crawl after her on all fours. Halfway up the stairs she stops, waiting for you to catch up, but when you try to kiss her ass your wife immediately starts moving again.">>
<<ru "$NPCstat[0].name starts walking up the stairs, urging you to crawl after her on all fours. Halfway up the stairs she stops, waiting for you to catch up, but when you try to kiss her ass your wife immediately starts moving again.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "What's wrong, honey? Aren't you eager to please your wife?">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "What's wrong, honey? Aren't you eager to please your wife?">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "You're moving too fast.">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "You're moving too fast.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "All right.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "All right.">>
<<en "The woman stops again, but only to let you crawl closer and then take a few steps up.">>
<<ru "The woman stops again, but only to let you crawl closer and then take a few steps up.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "Fuck, this is so hot.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Fuck, this is so hot.">>
<<en "Finally, you make your way to the second floor. Your wife stops and leans against the banister. You can clearly see her body trembling with excitement.">>
<<ru "Finally, you make your way to the second floor. Your wife stops and leans against the banister. You can clearly see her body trembling with excitement.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "I can't wait any longer. Come on, honey.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "I can't wait any longer. Come on, honey.">>
<<en "With these words, $NPCstat[0].name spreads her legs to give you access to her holes.">>
<<ru "With these words, $NPCstat[0].name spreads her legs to give you access to her holes.">>
<<btnEventLink "Lick her ass" "Wife Restaurant Dates" "ass worship(second 2)">>
<<case "ass worship(second 2)">>
<<set $WifeAssWorship.active = true>>
<<set $NPCmood[0].arousal = 0>>
<<set $NPCsexmemory[0].asslicking += 1>>
<<NPCmedia "wife" "after restaurant ass worship 2" 1>>
<<en "You don't know why, but your little game has really turned you on. You place your hands on her buttocks and lean forward to start licking her anus. Your wife stretches forward, leaning on the railing. Her body tenses, telling you that you are doing everything right.">>
<<ru "You don't know why, but your little game has really turned you on. You place your hands on her buttocks and lean forward to start licking her anus. Your wife stretches forward, leaning on the railing. Her body tenses, telling you that you are doing everything right.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "Don't stop, honey. Just like that.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Don't stop, honey. Just like that.">>
<<en "You can't help but imagine someone walking through the front door and seeing your naked wife on the second floor. It could be your maid. Or Jenny, who decides to pay a surprise visit. They might not notice you right away, behind $NPCstat[0].name's figure. Maybe they'll talk to your wife first. Samantha will probably apologize for catching your wife wearing that. And Jenny will probably want to go up to the second floor right away.">>
<<ru "You can't help but imagine someone walking through the front door and seeing your naked wife on the second floor. It could be your maid. Or Jenny, who decides to pay a surprise visit. They might not notice you right away, behind $NPCstat[0].name's figure. Maybe they'll talk to your wife first. Samantha will probably apologize for catching your wife wearing that. And Jenny will probably want to go up to the second floor right away.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "Hey, you're slacking off again.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Hey, you're slacking off again.">>
<<en "$NPCstat[0].name reaches back and grabs your hair to push your head between her buttocks. You begin to lick more furiously and your wife relaxes her grip.">>
<<ru "$NPCstat[0].name reaches back and grabs your hair to push your head between her buttocks. You begin to lick more furiously and your wife relaxes her grip.">>
<<if $WifeQueen.active>>
<<dlg_en 0 "Stop daydreaming, honey. You have your Queen to please.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Stop daydreaming, honey. You have your Queen to please.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "Stop daydreaming, honey. You have your wife to please.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Stop daydreaming, honey. You have your wife to please.">>
<<en "You put all other thoughts out of your mind and concentrate on polishing your wife's anus. Soon, her muscles tighten visibly, signaling the imminent finish. You try to maintain as much pace as possible, and soon $NPCstat[0].name starts squirming in orgasmic convulsions.">>
<<ru "You put all other thoughts out of your mind and concentrate on polishing your wife's anus. Soon, her muscles tighten visibly, signaling the imminent finish. You try to maintain as much pace as possible, and soon $NPCstat[0].name starts squirming in orgasmic convulsions.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "This was amazing, honey!">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "This was amazing, honey!">>
<<en "Woman turns around and start ruffling your hair.">>
<<ru "Woman turns around and start ruffling your hair.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "Okay, let's go to the bedroom.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Okay, let's go to the bedroom.">>
<<AddStat 0 "assertiveness" 2 45>>
<<AddStat 0 "lordliness" 2 40>>
<<btnEventLink "Go to the bedroom" "Master Bedroom" "">>
<<case "carry her to bedroom">>
<<set $WifeUniqueCase[1] = false>>
<<set $NPCmood[0].arousal = 0>>
<<set $NPCsexmemory[0].pussylicking += 1>>
<<LocImg "mc_house" "master bedroom">>
<br>You drop her on the bed and start to unbutton your shirt. $NPCstat[0].name, in turn, pulls down her dress and is left in just her panties. She spreads her legs wide giving you a full view of her voluptuous body.
<br><<PHR 0 "You're so beautiful, baby.">>
<br>You walk over to the bed, lean into $NPCstat[0].name, and start making out with her. Your hand touches the fabric of her panties and you start petting your wife's pussy. She tilts her head back and lets a loud moan escape her lips.
<br>With both hands you grab her panties and pull them down with a sharp movement. Your wife stares at you and licks her lips. You kneel down and place your hands on her hips.
<br><<PHR 0 "I like where your thoughts are going.">>
<br>You smile and bury into her mound, starting fluttering your tongue along her pussy. Her juices are dripping on your face. $NPCstat[0].name puts her hand on your head. With one leg on your back, she's slowly moving her hips towards you.
<<btnEventLink "Make her cum with your tongue" "Wife(Mansion Sex)(Scenes)" "bedroom(pussylick 2)">>
<<btnEventLink "Fuck her" "Wife(Mansion Sex)(Scenes)" "bedroom(fucking)(missionary)(normal)">>
<</switch>><<switch $EventMark>>
/* -------------------- INTRODUCING SCENE -------------------- */
<<case "introducing maid">>
<<set $TutorialStep += 1>>
<<LocImg "mc_house" "kitchen">>
<<en "You go down to the first floor and head for the kitchen, expecting to find your maid there, but the kitchen looks clean and untouched.">>
<<ru "Ты спускаешься на первый этаж и направляешься на кухню, ожидая увидеть там горничную, но кухня выглядит чистой и не тронутой.">>
<<th_en "Where the hell is that maid?">>
<<th_ru "Где, черт возьми, эта горничная?">>
<<en "Samantha started working at the mansion a few weeks ago. $NPCstat[0].name spoke favorably of her work, but noted that Samantha occasionally overslept and failed to make breakfast on time.">>
<<ru "Саманта начала работать в твоем особняке несколько недель назад. $NPCstat[0].name положительно отзывалась об ее работе, но отмечала, что Саманта периодически просыпает и не успевает приготовить завтрак вовремя.">>
<<btnEventLink "Wait for your maid/Подождать свою горничную" "Maid Kitchen Events" "introducing maid 2" 1>>
/* ------------------------------ Tutorial ------------------------------ */
<<if $TutorialOn>>
<center><b><font size="5"><<en "Tutorial">></font></b></center>
<center><b><font size="5"><<ru "Обучение">></font></b></center>
<<en "Some actions advance the game time. You can identify such actions by [img[$skip_time_img]] in their names. Some locations are only available at certain times, and most NPCs have their own schedules.">>
<<ru "Некоторые действия продвигают игровое время вперед. Вы можете распознать подобные действия по наличию [img[$skip_time_img]] в названии. Некоторые локации доступны только в определенное время, а большинство НПС имеет свой график.">>
<<case "introducing maid 2">>
<<NPCmedia "samantha" "first meet" 0>>
<<en "A short time later, Samantha enters the kitchen.">>
<<ru "Вскоре, Саманта появляется на кухне.">>
<<dlg_en 1 "Oh, Mr. $mc.name, is that you? Mrs. $NPCstat[0].name didn't tell me you were coming back. How long are you staying this time?">>
<<dlg_ru 1 "Ох, мистер $mc.name, это вы? Миссис $NPCstat[0].name не предупреждала, что вы приедете. Вы надолго в этот раз?">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "For a long time. My trip's over.">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Я пока не планирую уезжать.">>
<<dlg_en 1 "Oh, I see. Let me make you some breakfast.">>
<<dlg_ru 1 "Поняла. Сейчас я приготовлю вам завтрак.">>
<<en "She hurries toward the stove.">>
<<ru "Она спешит к плите.">>
<<dlg_en 1 "Is Mrs. $NPCstat[0].name still in the shower?">>
<<dlg_ru 1 "Миссис $NPCstat[0].name принимает душ?">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "Yeap">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Ага">>
<<dlg_en 1 "Great, then I still have time. You know, it's so quiet here, and the air is so clean, it makes me sleep like a baby.">>
<<dlg_ru 1 "Отлично, значит у меня еще есть время. Вы знаете, воздух здесь такой чистый, что я сплю, как младенец. Даже будильник не помогает.">>
<<th_en "Sounds like she's trying to make excuses for being late.">>
<<th_ru "Похоже, она пытается оправдаться за опоздание.">>
<span id="dialog">
<<set _txt = getLinkName("Give her a little reprimand/Сделать ей выговор")>>
@@.btnWide;<<button _txt>>
<<replace "#dialog">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "Well, that's the reason I bought this mansion, but not the reason to be late. If you want to work for me, you have to show up before I even come down to the kitchen.">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Это одна из причин, почему я купил этот особняк, но это не причина для того, чтобы опаздывать. Если ты хочешь работать здесь, ты должна быть на кухне, еще до того, как я ступлю на первую ступеньку со второго этажа.">>
<<set _txt = "It won't happen again, Mr. $mc.name.">>
<<dlg_en 1 "It won't happen again, Mr. $mc.name.">>
<<dlg_ru 1 "Это не повторится снова, мистер $mc.name.">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "Be sure. Now make me a coffee.">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Уж постарайся. Теперь сделай мне кофе.">>
<<dlg_en 1 "Just a minute, Mr. $mc.name.">>
<<dlg_ru 1 "Одну минутку, мистер $mc.name.">>
<<AddStat 1 "obedience" 4 100>>
<<btnEventLink "Wait/Подождать" "Maid Kitchen Events" "introducing maid 3">>
/* ------------------------------ Tutorial ------------------------------ */
<<if $TutorialOn>>
<center><b><font size="5"><<en "Tutorial">></font></b></center>
<center><b><font size="5"><<ru "Обучение">></font></b></center>
<<en "Obedience of your maid has just changed. The stats of NPCs affect their attitude towards you, and are also required to start other events with these NPCs. You can always track your progress in <b>Characters</b>.">>
<<ru "Только что послушание вашей горничной изменилось. Характеристики НПС влияют на их отношение к вам, а также требуется для старта других эвентов с этими НПС. Вы всегда можете отследить прогресс во вкладке <b>Персонажи</b>.">>
<<set _txt = getLinkName("Let it slide/Не ругать ее в этот раз")>>
@@.btnWide;<<button _txt>>
<<replace "#dialog">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "Well, that's the reason I bought this mansion. Don't worry, I just woke up, so you could say you arrived on time.">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Это одна из причин, почему я купил этот особняк. Не переживай, я только что проснулся, так что ты пришла вовремя.">>
<<dlg_en 1 "You are so kind to me, Mr. $mc.name. Would you like to have coffee while I make breakfast?">>
<<dlg_ru 1 "Вы так добры ко мне, мистер $mc.name. Сделать вам кофе перед завтраком?">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "Sure.">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Конечно.">>
<<RemoveStat 1 "obedience" 4 -100>>
<<btnEventLink "Wait/Подождать" "Maid Kitchen Events" "introducing maid 3">>
/* ------------------------------ Tutorial ------------------------------ */
<<if $TutorialOn>>
<center><b><font size="5"><<en "Tutorial">></font></b></center>
<center><b><font size="5"><<ru "Обучение">></font></b></center>
<<en "Obedience of your maid has just changed. The stats of NPCs affect their attitude towards you, and are also required to start other events with these NPCs. You can always track your progress in <b>Characters</b>.">>
<<ru "Только что послушание вашей горничной изменилось. Характеристики НПС влияют на их отношение к вам, а также требуется для старта других эвентов с этими НПС. Вы всегда можете отследить прогресс во вкладке <b>Персонажи</b>.">>
/* ------------------------------ Tutorial ------------------------------ */
<<if $TutorialOn>>
<center><b><font size="5"><<en "Tutorial">></font></b></center>
<center><b><font size="5"><<ru "Обучение">></font></b></center>
<<en "Some events require you to make choices. Choices does not always affect the story, sometimes they are just for entertainment. In this case, however, every choice you make will have an impact on your maid.">>
<<ru "В некоторых эвентах вам придется делать выбор. Выборы не всегда влияют на развитие сюжета, иногда они сделаны просто для разнообразия. Однако, в данном случае каждый из выборов окажет влияние на вашу горничную.">>
<<case "introducing maid 3">>
<<set $MaidCoffeeMaking.count += 1>>
<<LocImg "misc" "coffee">>
<<en "Soon she puts a cup of espresso in front of you. You take a sip.">>
<<ru "Вскоре она ставит перед тобой чашку экспрессо. Ты делаешь глоток.">>
<<th_en "Atleast, her coffee is great.">>
<<th_ru "По крайней мере, ее кофе хорош.">>
<<en "You notice that your maid is still standing next to you.">>
<<ru "Ты замечаешь, что твоя горничная все еще стоит рядом с тобой.">>
<span id="dialog">
<<set _txt = getLinkName("Thanks her for coffee/Похвалить ее кофе")>>
@@.btnWide;<<button _txt>>
<<replace "#dialog">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "This coffee is amazing.">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Твой кофе великолепен.">>
<<dlg_en 1 "Thank you, Mr. $mc.name.">>
<<dlg_ru 1 "Спасибо, мистер $mc.name.">>
<<en "She can't hide her smile.">>
<<ru "Она не может сдержать улыбку.">>
<<AddStat 1 "mood" 10 100>>
<<btnEventLink "Continue/Продолжить" "Maid Kitchen Events" "introducing maid 4">>
<<set _txt = getLinkName("Grab her ass/Схватить ее за задницу")>>
@@.btnWide;<<button _txt>>
<<replace "#dialog">>
<<set $MaidCoffeeMaking.gropeHerAss += 1>>
<<if $NPCstat[1].obedience > 0>>
<<NPCmedia "samantha" "kitchen grab ass" 0>>
<<en "You grab your maid's ass. She faintly flinches, but doesn't push you away.">>
<<ru "Ты хватаешь ее за круглый зад. Она вздрагивает, но тем не менее не отталкивает тебя.">>
<<dlg_en 1 "What are doing, Mr. $mc.name?">>
<<dlg_ru 1 "Что вы делаете, мистер $mc.name?">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "I just wanna thank you for amazing coffee.">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Всего лишь благодарю тебя за отличный кофе.">>
<<dlg_en 1 "Mr. $mc.name, your wife could walk in here any minute.">>
<<dlg_ru 1 "Мистер $mc.name, ваша жена может войти в любую минуту.">>
<<en "You cast a glance toward the doorway.">>
<<ru "Ты бросаешь взгляд в сторону дверного проема.">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "Don't worry, I can always hear her footsteps. Let me enjoy my morning coffee to the very fullest.">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Не переживай, я всегда смогу услышать ее шаги. Так что я собираюсь по полной насладиться своим утренним кофе.">>
<<en "You drink your coffee leisurely, all the while fondling Samantha's butt. At one point, your hand slides down to her hips.">>
<<ru "Ты неспешно попиваешь кофе, не убирая руку с задницы своей горничной. В один момент твоя рука скользит на ее бедро.">>
<<dlg_en 1 "Mr. $mc.name, I have to make breakfast.">>
<<dlg_ru 1 "Мистер, $mc.name, мне нужно готовить завтрак.">>
<<en "You groan.">>
<<ru "Ты недовольно рычишь.">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "All right.">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Ладно! Иди.">>
<<en "Your maid finally manages to escape your arms and goes back to the stove.">>
<<ru "Твоя горничная тут же выскальзывает из твоих объятий и направляется к плите.">>
<<AddStat 1 "playfulness" 4 20>>
<<RemoveStat 1 "mood" 20 -100>>
<<NPCmedia "samantha" "kitchen grab ass" 0>>
<<en "You grab your maid's ass, but she immediately steps aside.">>
<<ru "Ты хватаешь ее за задницу, но Саманта тут же далает шаг в сторону.">>
<<dlg_en 1 "Mr. $mc.name, keep your hands to yourself, or you won't get your breakfast.">>
<<dlg_ru 1 "Мистер $mc.name, следите за своими руками, иначе вы лишитесь своего завтрака.">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "Come on, I just wanted to thank you for the delicious coffee.">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Да ладно! Я всего лишь хотел поблагодарить тебя за отличный кофе.">>
<<en "She snorts and goes back to the stove.">>
<<ru "Она фыркает и возвращается к плите.">>
<<RemoveStat 1 "mood" 20 -100>>
<<btnEventLink "Continue/Продолжить" "Maid Kitchen Events" "introducing maid 4">>
<<case "introducing maid 4">>
<<LocImg "mc_house" "kitchen">>
<<en "A short time later, your wife enters the kitchen.">>
<<ru "Спустя некоторое время, твоя жена входит на кухню.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "Samantha, is my milkshake ready?">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Саманта, мой коктейль готов?">>
<<dlg_en 1 "I'm sorry, Mrs. $NPCstat[0].name, making it could take some time.">>
<<dlg_ru 1 "Простите, миссис $NPCstat[0].name, это займет пару минут.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "Oh, looks like it's going to be a long day.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Ох, похоже, это будет длинный день.">>
<<en "Then she notices you sitting at the table with a cup of coffee in your hands.">>
<<ru "Затем твоя жена замечает тебя.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "Honey, I thought you left already. You don't usually stay late in the morning.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Милый, я думала ты уже ушел. Обычно ты не задерживашься по утрам.">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "Yeah, I just decided to boost my energy with a cup of coffee.">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Я решил чутка подзарядиться перед работой.">>
<<en "You put the cup on the table. It's time for you going to the work.">>
<<ru "Закончив с кофе, ты ставишь чашку и поднимаешься из-за стола.">>
<<set _txt = getLinkName("Leave/Закончить")>>
@@.btnWide;<<button _txt "Hallway">>
<<set $EventMark = "">>
<<set $NPCstat[1].meet = true>>
<<set $NewNPC = true>>
/* ---------- BREAKFAST ---------- */
<<case "breakfast(main)">>
<<NPCmedia "samantha" "cooking" 0>>
<<dlg_en 1 "I'm almost finished, Mr. $mc.name.">>
<<dlg_ru 1 "Я почти закончила, мистер $mc.name.">>
<<btnEventLink "Leave/Уйти" "Kitchen" "">>
/* ------------------------------ DINNER ------------------------------ */
<<case "dinner(main)">>
<<NPCmedia "samantha" "cooking" 0>>
<<if $MaidCooking.breakfast <= 3>>
<<set $MaidCooking.breakfast += 4>>
<<dlg_en 1 "I'm almost finished, Mr. $mc.name.">>
<<dlg_ru 1 "Я почти закончила, мистер $mc.name.">>
<<btnEventLink "Ask her about next breakfast/Узнать что она планирует приготовить на завтрак" "Maid Kitchen Events" "ask about breakfast">>
<<if $MaidCookingLessons.lessonsactive and $MaidCookingLessons.lessonscount == 0>>
<<btnEventLink "Agree to start the cooking lessons/Согласиться брать у нее уроки готовки" "Samantha Cooking Lessons" "cooking lesson(pre-main)">>
<<elseif $MaidCookingLessons.lessonsactive and $MaidCookingLessons.lessonscount > 0>>
<<btnEventLink "Start another cooking lessons/Начать следующий урок готовки" "Samantha Cooking Lessons" "cooking lesson(pre-main)">>
<<btnEventLink "Leave" "Kitchen" "">>
/* ------------------------------ CHANGE BREAKFAST ------------------------------ */
<<case "ask about breakfast">>
<<NPCmedia "samantha" "cooking" 0>>
<<dlg_en "mc" "Samanta, what are you planning to make for breakfast tomorrow?">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Саманта, что ты планируешь притовить на следующий затрак?">>
<<if $MaidCooking.breakfast == 4>>
<<dlg_en 1 "I think it will be pancakes.">>
<<dlg_ru 1 "Я думаю, это будут оладьи.">>
<<elseif $MaidCooking.breakfast == 5>>
<<dlg_en 1 "I think it will be eggs with bacon.">>
<<dlg_ru 1 "Я думаю, это будут яичница с беконом.">>
<<elseif $MaidCooking.breakfast == 6>>
<<dlg_en 1 "I think it will be sandwiches.">>
<<dlg_ru 1 "Я думаю, это будут сэндвичи.">>
<<elseif $MaidCooking.breakfast == 7>>
<<dlg_en 1 "I think it will be chicken wraps.">>
<<dlg_ru 1 "Я думаю, это будут куриные рулетики.">>
<<if $MaidCooking.breakfast != 4>>
<<set _link = getLinkName("Ask her to make pancakes instead/Попросить ее сделать оладьи")>>
@@.btnWide;<<button _link "Maid Kitchen Events">>
<<set $EventMark = "ask about breakfast(change)">>
<<if $NPCstat[1].obedience > -18>>
<<set $MaidCooking.breakfast = 4>>
<<elseif $mansion.mbedroom.makebedActive == false>>
<<set $EventMark = "ask about breakfast(making bed)">>
<<elseif $mansion.mbedroom.makebedActive>>
<<if $mansion.mbedroom.makebed>>
<<set $MaidCooking.breakfast = 4>>
<<set $MaidCooking.breakfast = $MaidCooking.breakfast * 10>>
<<set $MaidCooking.breakfast += 4>>
<<if $MaidCooking.breakfast != 5>>
<<set _link = getLinkName("Ask her to make eggs with bacon instead/Попросить ее сделать яичницу с беконом")>>
@@.btnWide;<<button _link "Maid Kitchen Events">>
<<set $EventMark = "ask about breakfast(change)">>
<<if $NPCstat[1].obedience > -18>>
<<set $MaidCooking.breakfast = 5>>
<<elseif $mansion.mbedroom.makebedActive == false>>
<<set $EventMark = "ask about breakfast(making bed)">>
<<elseif $mansion.mbedroom.makebedActive>>
<<if $mansion.mbedroom.makebed>>
<<set $MaidCooking.breakfast = 5>>
<<set $MaidCooking.breakfast = $MaidCooking.breakfast * 10>>
<<set $MaidCooking.breakfast += 5>>
<<if $MaidCooking.breakfast != 6>>
<<set _link = getLinkName("Ask her to make sandwiches instead/Попросить ее сделать сэндвичи")>>
@@.btnWide;<<button _link "Maid Kitchen Events">>
<<set $EventMark = "ask about breakfast(change)">>
<<if $NPCstat[1].obedience > -18>>
<<set $MaidCooking.breakfast = 6>>
<<elseif $mansion.mbedroom.makebedActive == false>>
<<set $EventMark = "ask about breakfast(making bed)">>
<<elseif $mansion.mbedroom.makebedActive>>
<<if $mansion.mbedroom.makebed>>
<<set $MaidCooking.breakfast = 6>>
<<set $MaidCooking.breakfast = $MaidCooking.breakfast * 10>>
<<set $MaidCooking.breakfast += 6>>
<<if $MaidCooking.breakfast != 7>>
<<set _link = getLinkName("Ask her to make chicken wraps instead/Попросить ее сделать куриные рулетики")>>
@@.btnWide;<<button _link "Maid Kitchen Events">>
<<set $EventMark = "ask about breakfast(change)">>
<<if $NPCstat[1].obedience > -18>>
<<set $MaidCooking.breakfast = 7>>
<<elseif $mansion.mbedroom.makebedActive == false>>
<<set $EventMark = "ask about breakfast(making bed)">>
<<elseif $mansion.mbedroom.makebedActive>>
<<if $mansion.mbedroom.makebed>>
<<set $MaidCooking.breakfast = 7>>
<<set $MaidCooking.breakfast = $MaidCooking.breakfast * 10>>
<<set $MaidCooking.breakfast += 7>>
<<btnEventLink "Leave her" "Kitchen" "">>
<<case "ask about breakfast(change)">>
<<if $MaidCooking.breakfast < 10>>
<<set _break = $MaidCooking.breakfast>>
<<elseif $MaidCooking.breakfast < 50>>
<<set _break = $MaidCooking.breakfast - 40>>
<<set $MaidCooking.breakfast = 4>>
<<elseif $MaidCooking.breakfast < 60>>
<<set _break = $MaidCooking.breakfast - 50>>
<<set $MaidCooking.breakfast = 5>>
<<elseif $MaidCooking.breakfast < 70>>
<<set _break = $MaidCooking.breakfast - 60>>
<<set $MaidCooking.breakfast = 6>>
<<elseif $MaidCooking.breakfast < 80>>
<<set _break = $MaidCooking.breakfast - 70>>
<<set $MaidCooking.breakfast = 7>>
<<LocImg "mc_house" "kitchen">>
<<if _break == 4>>
<<dlg_en "mc" "Make pancakes instead, please.">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Сделай вместо этого оладьи.">>
<<elseif _break == 5>>
<<dlg_en "mc" "Fry some eggs with bacon instead, please.">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Сделай вместо этого яичницу с беконом.">>
<<elseif _break == 6>>
<<dlg_en "mc" "Make sandwiches instead, please.">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Сделай вместо этого сэндвичи.">>
<<elseif _break == 7>>
<<dlg_en "mc" "Make chicken wraps instead, please.">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Сделай вместо этого куриные рулетики.">>
<<if $mansion.mbedroom.makebedActive == false>>
<<dlg_en 1 "Okay, Mr. $mc.name.">>
<<dlg_ru 1 "Хорошо, мистер $mc.name.">>
<<elseif $mansion.mbedroom.makebedActive and $mansion.mbedroom.makebed>>
<<set $MaidCooking.breakfast = _break>>
<<dlg_en 1 "Okay, Mr. $mc.name.">>
<<dlg_ru 1 "Хорошо, мистер $mc.name.">>
<<elseif $mansion.mbedroom.makebedActive and not $mansion.mbedroom.makebed>>
<<dlg_en 1 "Mr. $mc.name, but you didn't fulfill your part of the deal. When you start making your bed, then I'll start cooking you any meal you want.">>
<<dlg_ru 1 "Мистер $mc.name, но вы не выполнили свою часть сделки. Когда вы начнете заправлять собственную кровать, тогда и я начну готовить завтрак по вашему желанию.">>
<<btnEventLink "Finish" "Kitchen" "">>
<<case "ask about breakfast(making bed)">>
<<if $MaidCooking.breakfast < 10>>
<<set _break = $MaidCooking.breakfast>>
<<elseif $MaidCooking.breakfast < 50>>
<<set _break = $MaidCooking.breakfast - 40>>
<<set $MaidCooking.breakfast = 4>>
<<elseif $MaidCooking.breakfast < 60>>
<<set _break = $MaidCooking.breakfast - 50>>
<<set $MaidCooking.breakfast = 5>>
<<elseif $MaidCooking.breakfast < 70>>
<<set _break = $MaidCooking.breakfast - 60>>
<<set $MaidCooking.breakfast = 6>>
<<elseif $MaidCooking.breakfast < 80>>
<<set _break = $MaidCooking.breakfast - 70>>
<<set $MaidCooking.breakfast = 7>>
<<LocImg "mc_house" "kitchen">>
<<if _break == 4>>
<<dlg_en "mc" "Make pancakes instead, please.">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Сделай вместо этого оладьи.">>
<<elseif _break == 5>>
<<dlg_en "mc" "Fry some eggs with bacon instead, please.">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Сделай вместо этого яичницу с беконом.">>
<<elseif _break == 6>>
<<dlg_en "mc" "Make sandwiches instead, please.">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Сделай вместо этого сэндвичи.">>
<<elseif _break == 7>>
<<dlg_en "mc" "Make chicken wraps instead, please.">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Сделай вместо этого куриные рулетики.">>
<<dlg_en 1 "Mr. $mc.name, but have you thought about Mrs. $NPCstat[0].name? She's expecting a certain meal for breakfast, too.">>
<<dlg_ru 1 "Мистер $mc.name, а вы подумали, что миссис $NPCstat[0].name подумает об этом? У нее тоже есть свои ожидания для завтрака.">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "Come on, Samantha, you know very well that my wife usually confines herself to a cup of coffee in the morning.">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Будет тебе, Саманта. Ты же знаешь, что моя жена по утрам ограничивается чашкой кофе.">>
<<dlg_en 1 "But she might change her mind!">>
<<dlg_ru 1 "Но ведь она может и передумать!">>
<<en "There's a wrinkle in your maid's forehead. She's obviously pondering something.">>
<<ru "Твоя горничная морщит лоб, определенно раздумывая о чем-то.">>
<<dlg_en 1 "Let's make an agreement, Mr. $mc.name. If you make your own bed in the morning, I can save some time to cook you any meal of your choice.">>
<<dlg_ru 1 "Давайте заключим сделку, мистер $mc.name. Если вы будете заправлять свою кровать по утрам, я смогу выделить больше времени на то, чтобы приготовить тот завтрак, который будет вам по душе.">>
<<btnEventLink "Make the deal/Согласиться на сделку" "Maid Kitchen Events" "ask about breakfast(making bed agree)">>
<<btnEventLink "Don't make the deal/Отказаться" "Maid Kitchen Events" "ask about breakfast(making bed disagree)">>
<<case "ask about breakfast(making bed agree)">>
<<set $mansion.mbedroom.makebedActive = true>>
<<LocImg "mc_house" "kitchen">>
<<dlg_en 1 "This is wonderful, Mr. $mc.name. Now I'll have more time... for сooking.">>
<<dlg_ru 1 "Это чудесно, мистер $mc.name. Теперь у меня будет больше времении... для готовки.">>
<<btnEventLink "Finish/Закончить" "Kitchen" "">>
<<case "ask about breakfast(making bed disagree)">>
<<LocImg "mc_house" "kitchen">>
<<dlg_en 1 "It's your decision, Mr. $mc.name. But it means no option for you to choose breakfast.">>
<<dlg_ru 1 "Это ваше право, мистер $mc.name. Но это также означает, что у вас не будет возможности выбирать завтрак.">>
<<btnEventLink "Finish/Закончить" "Kitchen" "">>
/* -------------------- TAKEOVER SCENES -------------------- */
<<case "takeover cleaning(main)">>
<<set $mansion.livingroom.cleanliness = 100>>
<<set $mansion.livingroom.cleanCount += 1>>
<<set $mansion.livingroom.cleanWeekCount += 1>>
<<if $mcSkill.cleaning < 25>>
<<set $mcSkill.cleaning += 1>>
<<LocImg "mc_house" "kitchen">>
<<en "You clean the kitchen.">>
<<ru "Ты наводишь порядок в комнате.">>
<<btnEventLink "Finish/Закончить" "Kitchen" "">>
<<case "takeover cleaning(maid displeased)">>
<<LocImg "mc_house" "kitchen">>
<<en "You are almost finished tidying up when Samantha enters the room. She leans on the table and continues to watch you. Just as you finish, your maid taps her finger on the table.">>
<<ru "Ты почти заканчиваешь уборку, когда в комнату входит Саманта. Она облокачивается на стол и продолжает наблюдать за вами. Стоит тебе закончить уборку, как твоя горничная стучит пальцем по столу.">>
<<dlg_en 1 "Are you finished, Mr. $mc.name? I don't think so.">>
<<dlg_ru 1 "Вы считаете, что вы закончили, мистер $mc.name? Я так не думаю.">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "What's wrong?">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Что не так?">>
<<dlg_en 1 "There's dust everywhere. And over there by the window, don't you see that stain?">>
<<dlg_ru 1 "Здесь повсюду пыль. И вон там, возле окна, разве вы не видите это пятно?">>
<<en "You look in the direction Samantha is pointing but don't see anything.">>
<<ru "Ты смотришь в ту сторону, в которую указывает Саманта, но не можешь ничего разглядеть.">>
<<dlg_en 1 "Come closer, Mr. $mc.name.">>
<<dlg_ru 1 "Подойдите поближе, мистер $mc.name.">>
<<en "You go to the window, lower your head and notice a small grease spot.">>
<<ru "Ты подходишь к окну, опускаешь голову и, только теперь, замечаешь, небольшое пятно жира.">>
<<th_en "How did she see it?">>
<<th_ru "Как она его разглядела?">>
<<dlg_en 1 "You should try harder, Mr. $mc.name. Maybe you're afraid of getting dirty and that's why you're doing a half-assed job.">>
<<dlg_ru 1 "Вам следует стараться больше, мистер $mc.name. Может, вы боитесь запачкаться и поэтому делаете свою работу в пол-силы?">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "No, I just didn't notice it.">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Нет, я просто не заметил его.">>
<<dlg_en 1 "That's why I was working in a skirt. You should take your trousers off so you can get down on your knees and not be afraid of getting them dirty.">>
<<dlg_ru 1 "Вот почему я работала в юбке. Вам следует снять брюки, чтобы вы могли опуститься на колени и не бояться, что вы можете испачкать их.">>
<<en "Samantha puts her arms around you from behind.">>
<<ru "Саманта обхватывает вас сзади.">>
<<dlg_en 1 "Come on, take your trousers off. Or I'll take over and you won't like it.">>
<<dlg_ru 1 "Давайте, снимайте свои брюки. Или мне придется взять все в свои руки. И вам это не понравится.">>
<<btnEventLink "Take off your trousers/Снять свои брюки" "Maid Kitchen Events" "takeover cleaning(get naked)">>
<<btnEventLink "Keep your trousers on/Не снимать свои брюки" "Maid Kitchen Events" "takeover cleaning(maid displeased 2)">>
<<case "takeover cleaning(get naked)">>
<<NPCmedia "samantha" "undress mc(alt)" 0>>
<<en "You give in and take off your trousers completely. Samantha picks them up and hangs them on her arm.">>
<<ru "Ты сдаешься и полностью снимаешь штаны. Саманта забирает их и вешает себе на руку.">>
<<dlg_en 1 "Now you take off your shirt.">>
<<dlg_ru 1 "Теперь снимайте рубашку.">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "Hey, I don't want to stay naked.">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Хей, я не хочу остаться голым.">>
<<dlg_en 1 "Yeah, about that.">>
<<dlg_ru 1 "Да, насчет этого.">>
<<en "Samantha walks around the table and opens one of the kitchen drawers. She takes out a black roll-up and tosses it to you.">>
<<ru "Саманта обходит стол и открывает один из ящиков кухни. Она достает черный сверток и бросает его тебе.">>
<<NPCmedia "mc" $MaidApron.color 0>>
<<dlg_en 1 "You have your apron, after all.">>
<<dlg_ru 1 "У вас есть фартук, в конце концов.">>
<<btnEventLink "Wear the apron/Надеть фартук" "Maid Kitchen Events" "takeover cleaning(get naked 2)">>
<<case "takeover cleaning(maid displeased 2)">>
<<NPCmedia "samantha" "undress mc" 0>>
<<dlg_en "mc" "I won't do it.">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Я не буду этого делать.">>
<<dlg_en 1 "You have no choice, Mr. $mc.name.">>
<<dlg_ru 1 "У вас нет выбора, мистер $mc.name.">>
<<en "Samantha grabs your belt buckle and tries to undo it. You try to wriggle free, but your maid's grip only gets tighter.">>
<<ru "Саманта хватает пряжку твоего ремня и пытается расстегнуть ее. Ты пытаешься вырваться, но хватка твоей горничной только крепчает.">>
<<dlg_en 1 "The trips to the gym have paid off. Don't try to resist.">>
<<dlg_ru 1 "Я ведь не зря ходила в зал. Не пытайтесь сопротивляться.">>
<<en "Finally, the woman handles the belt on your trousers and pulls them down.">>
<<ru "Наконец, девушка справляется с ремнем на твоих брюках и стаскивает их вниз.">>
<<dlg_en 1 "The rest is up to you, Mr. $mc.name. The sooner we're done, the sooner you'll be free.">>
<<dlg_ru 1 "Дальше сами, мистер $mc.name. Чем быстрее мы закончим, ты быстрее вы будет свободны.">>
<<en "You give in and take off your trousers completely. Samantha picks them up and hangs them on her arm.">>
<<ru "Ты сдаешься и полностью снимаешь штаны. Саманта забирает их и вешает себе на руку.">>
<<dlg_en 1 "Now you take off your shirt.">>
<<dlg_ru 1 "Теперь снимайте рубашку.">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "Hey, I don't want to stay naked.">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Хей, я не хочу остаться голым.">>
<<dlg_en 1 "Yeah, about that.">>
<<dlg_ru 1 "Да, насчет этого.">>
<<en "Samantha walks around the table and opens one of the kitchen drawers. She takes out a black roll-up and tosses it to you.">>
<<ru "Саманта обходит стол и открывает один из ящиков кухни. Она достает черный сверток и бросает его тебе.">>
<<NPCmedia "mc" $MaidApron.color 0>>
<<dlg_en 1 "You have your apron, after all.">>
<<dlg_ru 1 "У вас есть фартук, в конце концов.">>
<<btnEventLink "Wear the apron/Надеть фартук" "Maid Kitchen Events" "takeover cleaning(get naked 2)(alt)">>
<<case "takeover cleaning(get naked 2)">>
<<LocImg "mc_house" "kitchen">>
<<en "You take off your shirt and hand it to Samantha. Then you put the apron on and tie the straps behind your back.">>
<<ru "Ты снимаешь рубашку и протягиваешь ее Саманте. Затем ты надеваешь фартук, завязывая его лямки у себя за спиной.">>
<<dlg_en 1 "Now that's perfect. Start cleaning up.">>
<<dlg_ru 1 "Вот теперь отлично. Приступайте к уборке.">>
<<en "You kneel down and expose your bare back. You start to scrub the stain on the floor. Samantha is standing next to you and you can feel her smile in every cell of your body.">>
<<ru "Ты опускаешься на колени, выставляя свою голую спину на обозрение. Ты начинаешь оттирать пятно на полу. Саманта стоит рядом, и ты чувствуешь ее улыбку каждой клеточкой своей кожи.">>
<<dlg_en 1 "You know, I'm so tired after disciplining you. I think I deserve a bit of rest.">>
<<dlg_ru 1 "Знаете, я так устала, после того, как мне пришлось воспитывать вас. Думаю, я заслуживаю отдыха.">>
<<en "Just then you feel a nudge in your back as Samantha literally sits on your back. You try to protest, but your panting only makes you groan.">>
<<ru "В этот момент, ты чувствуешь толчок в спину, так как Саманта в прямом смысле садится тебе на спину. Ты пытаешься возмутиться, но из-за сбившегося дыхания у тебя выходит только стон.">>
<<dlg_en 1 "Am I really that heavy? You should exercise more, Mr. $mc.name.">>
<<dlg_ru 1 "Неужели я такая тяжелая? Вам следует подкачаться, мистер $mc.name.">>
<<en "Your maid fidgets, making herself comfortable on your back.">>
<<ru "Твоя горничная ерзает, устраиваясь поудобнее на твоей спине.">>
<<dlg_en 1 "Don't you dare drop me.">>
<<dlg_ru 1 "Не вздумайте уронить меня, мистер $mc.name.">>
<<btnEventLink "Cleab the stain/Отчистить пятно" "Maid Kitchen Events" "takeover cleaning(get naked 3)">>
<<case "takeover cleaning(get naked 2)(alt)">>
<<LocImg "mc_house" "kitchen">>
<<en "You take off your shirt and hand it to Samantha. Then you put the apron on and tie the straps behind your back.">>
<<ru "Ты снимаешь рубашку и протягиваешь ее Саманте. Затем ты надеваешь фартук, завязывая его лямки у себя за спиной.">>
<<dlg_en 1 "One moment, Mr. $mc.name.">>
<<dlg_ru 1 "Один момент, мистер $mc.name.">>
<<en "Your maid comes over to you and pulls down your briefs in one swift movement.">>
<<ru "Твоя горничная подходит к тебе и резким движением стягивает с тебя брифы.">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "What are you doing?">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Что ты делаешь?">>
<<dlg_en 1 "This will teach you a lesson and next time you will be more obedient.">>
<<dlg_ru 1 "Это будет вам уроком, и в следующий раз, вы будете более послушным.">>
<<en "You realise that any further arguments with her could take a long time.">>
<<ru "Ты понимаешь, что дальнейшие споры с ней могут затянуться надолго.">>
<<dlg_en 1 "Now that's perfect. Start cleaning up.">>
<<dlg_ru 1 "Вот теперь отлично. Приступайте к уборке.">>
<<en "You kneel down and expose your bare back. You start to scrub the stain on the floor. Samantha is standing next to you and you can feel her smile in every cell of your body.">>
<<ru "Ты опускаешься на колени, выставляя свою голую спину на обозрение. Ты начинаешь оттирать пятно на полу. Саманта стоит рядом, и ты чувствуешь ее улыбку каждой клеточкой своей кожи.">>
<<dlg_en 1 "You know, I'm so tired after disciplining you. I think I deserve a bit of rest.">>
<<dlg_ru 1 "Знаете, я так устала, после того, как мне пришлось воспитывать вас. Думаю, я заслуживаю отдыха.">>
<<en "Just then you feel a nudge in your back as Samantha literally sits on your back. You try to protest, but your panting only makes you groan.">>
<<ru "В этот момент, ты чувствуешь толчок в спину, так как Саманта в прямом смысле садится тебе на спину. Ты пытаешься возмутиться, но из-за сбившегося дыхания у тебя выходит только стон.">>
<<dlg_en 1 "Am I really that heavy? You should exercise more, Mr. $mc.name.">>
<<dlg_ru 1 "Неужели я такая тяжелая? Вам следует подкачаться, мистер $mc.name.">>
<<en "Your maid fidgets, making herself comfortable on your back.">>
<<ru "Твоя горничная ерзает, устраиваясь поудобнее на твоей спине.">>
<<dlg_en 1 "Don't you dare drop me.">>
<<dlg_ru 1 "Не вздумайте уронить меня, мистер $mc.name.">>
<<btnEventLink "Cleab the stain/Отчистить пятно" "Maid Kitchen Events" "takeover cleaning(get naked 3)">>
<<case "takeover cleaning(get naked 3)">>
<<LocImg "actions" "clean stain on floor">>
<<en "You continue to struggle with the stain, while at the same time being glad that your maid is sitting still.">>
<<ru "Ты продолжаешь бороться с пятном, в то же время радуясь, что твоя горничная сидит спокойно.">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "I'm done.">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Я закончил.">>
<<dlg_en 1 "Wait, I'll take a look.">>
<<dlg_ru 1 "Погодите, я проверю.">>
<<en "Samantha is in no hurry to be on her feet. Instead, she leans to the side and rests one hand on your shoulder blade.">>
<<ru "Саманта не спешит вставать. Вместо этого, она наклоняется в сторону, опираясь одной рукой о твое плечо.">>
<<dlg_en 1 "That's much better. I hope I don't have to lecture you next time.">>
<<dlg_ru 1 "Так гораздо лучше. Надеюсь, в следующий раз мне не придется вас учить.">>
<<en "The woman finally gets up from your back.">>
<<ru "Девушка, наконец-то, поднимается с твоей спины.">>
<<dlg_en 1 "You can go, Mr. $mc.name.">>
<<dlg_ru 1 "Вы свободны, мистер $mc.name.">>
<<en "She hangs your clothes on the back of one of several chairs and leaves the room.">>
<<ru "Она вешает твою одежду на спинку одного из стульев и выходит из комнаты.">>
<<btnEventLink "Finish/Закончить" "Kitchen" "">>
<</switch>><<switch $EventMark>>
/* -------------------- INTRODUCING SCENE -------------------- */
<<case "introducing wife">>
<<LocImg "mc_house" "awakening">>
<<en "You wake up with a weird feeling. Something is pressing down on your legs and a strange tremor is going through your body.">>
<<ru "Ты просыпаешься от ощущения, как что-то давит на твои ноги. По твоему телу пробегает приятная дрожь.">>
<<btnEventLink "Open your eyes/Открыть глаза" "Wife MBedroom Events" "introducing wife 2">>
<<case "introducing wife 2">>
<<set $NPCsexmemory[0].blowjob += 1>>
<<NPCmedia "wife" "bedroom(blowjob extended)" 1>>
<<en "You open your eyes and see your wife. Her head bobbing up and down while she sucks your cock. You raise yourself, leaning on your elbows, and your eyes meet hers.">>
<<ru "Ты открываешь глаза и видишь свою жену. Ее голова ходит вверх и вниз, в то время как она сосет твой член. Ты приподнимаешься на локтях, и ваши с ней взгляды встречаются.">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "Good morning here!">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Доброго утречка!">>
<<en "She doesn't bother to respond. She doesn't even slow down her pace, but you see her smile with her eyes. You reach for her head and run your fingers through her hair in an attempt to guide her, but she just shakes her head, giving you a hint - don't interfere! Her fingers wrap around the shaft and start stroking it. It lasts for a few blissful minutes before the woman eventually pulls your cock out of her mouth. Her tongue makes a few whirling motions around the tip.">>
<<ru "Твоя жена решает не отвечать тебе. Она даже не замедляет своего темпа, но ты видишь, как она улыбается своими глазами. Ты кладешь руку на ее голову, в попытке взять контроль, но $NPCstat[0].name стряхивает ее, намекая тебе, - не вмешивайся! Ее пальцы обхватывают твой поршень и начинают надрачивать его. Проходит несколько минут блаженства, прежде чем девушка вынимает твой член из своего рта. Ее язычок делает несколько кругов вокруг головки.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "You have no idea how much I missed you!">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Ты не представляешь, как я по тебе соскучилась!">>
<<en "You feel a slight blip of remorse, after all, you promised $NPCstat[0].name you'd be back two weeks early.">>
<<ru "Ты чувствуешь легкий укол вины, все-таки ты обещал своей жене, что вернешься на две недели раньше.">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "Baby, you know I wanted to get back as soon as possible. But things didn't go according to plan.">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Крошка, ты же знаешь, что я хотел вернуться как можно скорее. Но кое-что пошло не по плану.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "I understand perfectly well, honey. And I know how to help you forget your past problems.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Я все прекрасно понимаю, милый. И знаю, как помочь тебе забыть об прошлых проблемах.">>
<<en 'She giggles and returns to sucking your cock. She tries to swallow your dick as deep as possible, but your size does not give in to her. Despite this, her efforts are enough to bring you to orgasm.'>>
<<ru 'Она хихикает и возвращается к сосанию твоего члена. $NPCstat[0].name пытается заглотить твой член как можно глубже, то твой размер никак ей не поддается. Несмотря на это, ты стремительно приближаешься к оргазму.'>>
<<btnEventLink "Cum/Кончить" "Wife MBedroom Events" "introducing wife 3">>
<<case "introducing wife 3">>
<<NPCmedia "wife" "bedroom(cum on tits)" 1>>
<<en "The woman lifts up, and you start painting her breasts with your semen. Several shots hit her in the face, and $NPCstat[0].name gathers your cum with her fingers and then suck them greedily. When you're finished, she leans in to you cock again and starts cleaning it with her tongue. You can feel how blood begins pumping back into your drooping cock, and she notices it.">>
<<ru "Девушка приподнимается и ты начинаешь извергаться на ее грудь. Несколько залпов приходятся на ее лицо, и твоя жена, собрав твою сперму, начинает жадно обсасывать свои пальцы. Затем $NPCstat[0].name наклоняется к твоему члену и принимется чистить его своим языком. Кровь снова начинает приливать к твоему поршню.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "I see you're ready for more.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Я вижу, ты готов для большего.">>
<<en "She starts to push you, obviously wanting to get you back to bed and ride you, but you stop her.">>
<<ru "Она начинает толкать тебя назад, очевидно желая повалить и оседлать тебя, однако, ты останавливаешь ее.">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "I'm sorry, baby. I really have to show up to my company today.">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Прости, детка. Сегодня, я должен появиться в своей компании.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "All right, all right. I think I can wait until tonight.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Ладно, ладно. Думаю, я смогу подождать до вечера.">>
<<en "$NPCstat[0].name kisses you.">>
<<ru "$NPCstat[0].name целует тебя.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "I'm gonna take a shower.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Я в душ.">>
<<en "You watch her walk to the bathroom, swaying her ass.">>
<<ru "Ты наблюдаешь за тем, как она уходит в ванную, покачивая ее бедрами.">>
<<th_en "It's time to get up.">>
<<th_ru "Пора вставать.">>
<<set _link = getLinkName("Get up/Встать с кровати")>>
@@.btnWide;<<button _link "Master Bedroom">>
<<set $EventMark = "">>
<<set $NPCstat[0].meet = true>>
<<set $NewNPC = true>>
<<set $NewQuestEntry = true>>
<<set $TopMenu = true>>
<<set $TopMenuShow = true>>
/* ---------- COMMON SCENES ---------- */
<<case "mc trying to nap">>
<<NPCmedia "wife" "lying on bed" 0>>
<<en "You lie down on the bed next to your wife. $NPCstat[0].name immediately turns to you.">>
<<ru "Ты ложишься на кровать рядом со своей женой. $NPCstat[0].name тут же поворачивается к тебе.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "Are you planning to get some rest, honey?">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Ты хочешь отдохнуть, милый?">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "Yeah. I think I'll take a nap for a couple hours.">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Ага. Думаю, вздремну пару часиков.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "Then I won't bother you.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Тогда не буду тебе мешать.">>
<<en "The woman gets up from the bed and leaves the room.">>
<<ru "Девушка поднимается с кровати и выходит из комнаты.">>
<<set _link = getLinkName("Continue/Продолжить")>>
<<if WifeNextBlockPlan(1) == "get rest(mansion)">>
<center>@@.btnWide;<<button _link "Wife MBedroom Events">>
<<set $EventMark = "mc trying to nap(next block)">>
<<SkipTimeBlock 1>>
<center>@@.btnWide;<<button _link "Master Bedroom">>
<<set $EventMark = "">>
<<SkipTimeBlock 1>>
<<case "mc trying to nap(next block)">>
<<NPCmedia "wife" "black dress" 0>>
<<en "You wake up and get out of bed. At that moment, your wife enters the bedroom.">>
<<ru "Ты просыпаешься и поднимаешься с кровати. В этот момент в спальню входит твоя жена.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "You're finally awake, honey.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Ты наконец-то проснулся, милый.">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "Yeah.">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Ага.">>
<<btnEventLink "Continue/Продолжить" "Master Bedroom" "">>
/* ---------- BEDROOM ADVANCES ---------- */
<<case "morning blowjob">>
<<set $NPCdaymemory[0].emorning = "bedroom sex">>
<<set $NPCplans[0].emorning = "take shower(mansion)">>
<<NPCmedia "wife" "bedroom(blowjob extended)" 1>>
<<en "You wake up with a weird feeling. Something is pressing down on your legs and a strange tremor is going through your body. You open your eyes and see your wife. Her head bobbing up and down while she sucks your cock. She notices that you're awake and takes pause.">>
<<ru "Ты просыпаешься от ощущения, как что-то давит на твои ноги. По твоему телу пробегает приятная дрожь.Ты открываешь глаза и видишь свою жену. Ее голова ходит вверх и вниз, в то время как она сосет твой член. Ты приподнимаешься на локтях, и ваши с ней взгляды встречаются.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "I'm missing your so much, honey!">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Я так соскучилась по твоему гиганту, милый!">>
<<en "$NPCstat[0].name continues to blow you. You put hand on her head and run your fingers through her hair to guide her. Soon, you realize you're close to orgasm.">>
<<ru "$NPCstat[0].name продолжает отсасывать тебе. Ты кладешь руку девушке на голову, чтобы направляеть ее. Вскоре ты понимаешь, что близок к финалу.">>
<<set _linkA = getLinkName("Stop her and fuck your wife/Остановить ее и трахнуть")>>
<<set _linkB = getLinkName("Stop her and fuck your wife (Skip Scene)/Остановить ее и трахнуть (Пропустить сцену)")>>
<<set _linkC = getLinkName("Cum on her tits/Кончить ей на грудь")>>
<<btnEventLink _linkA "Wife(Mansion Sex)(Scenes)" "bedroom(fucking)(missionary)(normal)">>
<center>@@.btnWide;<<button _linkB "Master Bedroom">>
<<set $location.sub = "">>
<<set $EventMark = "">>
<<set $NPCmood[0].arousal = 0>>
<<set $NPCsexmemory[0].vaginal += 1>>
<<set $NPCdaymemory[0].emorning = "bedroom sex">>
<<btnEventLink _linkC "Wife MBedroom Events" "morning blow 2">>
<<case "morning blow 2">>
<<set $NPCsexmemory[0].blowjob += 1>>
<<set $NPCmood[0].arousal -= 30>>
<<NPCmedia "wife" "bedroom(cum on tits)" 1>>
<<en "$NPCstat[0].name lifts up, and you begin erupting on her breasts, covering them with a thick semen. Several shots hit her in the face. When you're finished, she leans in to you cock again and cleans it with her tongue. Then she rises from the bed.">>
<<ru "$NPCstat[0].name приподнимается, и ты начинаешь кончать на ее грудь, покрывая ее густым семенем. Несколько выстрелов приходятся на ее лицо. После того, как ты заканчиваешь, твоя жена наклоняется и чистит твой член своим языком. Затем она поднимается с кровати.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "I'm gonna take a shower.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Я в душ.">>
<<en "You watch her walk to the bathroom, swaying her ass. It's time to start a new day.">>
<<ru "Ты смотришь, как она уходит в ванную, виляя бедрами. Настало время начинать новый день.">>
<<btnEventLink "Get up/Подняться" "Master Bedroom" "">>
<<case "night blow">>
<<NPCmedia "wife" "looking for sex(night)" 0>>
<<en "When you enter the bedroom, you find your wife sitting in the middle of the bed with her legs spread widely. Seeing you, $NPCstat[0].name leans back on the headboard and pulls her hair aside, giving you a perfect view of her breasts. She smirks.">>
<<ru "Когда ты входишь в спальню, ты обнаруживаешь свою жену в центре кровать, с широко раздвинутыми ногами. Заметив тебя, $NPCstat[0].name откидывается на спинку кровати и откидывает свои волосы, демонстрируя тебе ее большие груди. Девушка ехидно улыбается.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "I was starting to think you wouldn't show up.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Я начала думать, что ты не появишься.">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "Baby, if I only knew...">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Крошка, если бы я только знал...">>
<<if $NPCstat[0].assertiveness < 20>>
<<en "You pull your shirt off as you move and hop onto the bed. You start kissing passionately, but as your hand moves lower, your wife stops you.">>
<<ru "На ходу ты скидываешь рубашку и запрыгиваешь на кровать. Вы начинаете страстно целоваться, но стоит твоим рукам скользнуть ниже, как твоя жена останавливает тебя.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "I want you to suck you cock first.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Я хочу пососать твой член.">>
<<btnEventLink "Let her to suck you cock/Позволить ей" "Wife MBedroom Events" "night blow 2">>
<<en "You pull your shirt off as you move and hop onto the bed. You start making out passionately. $NPCstat[0].name gently strokes your chest, then her hands slide down and start unbuckling the belt on your pants.">>
<<ru "На ходу ты скидываешь рубашку и запрыгиваешь на кровать. Вы начинаете страстно целоваться. $NPCstat[0].name проводит пальцами по твоему прессу, а затем ее руки скользят ниже и начинают расстегивать ремень.">>
<<btnEventLink "Let her to suck you cock/Позволить ей отсосать тебе" "Wife MBedroom Events" "night blow 2">>
<<case "night blow 2">>
<<set $NPCsexmemory[0].blowjob += 1>>
<<set $NPCdaymemory[0].night = "bedroom sex">>
<<set $NPCplans[0].night = "prepare to sleep(mansion)">>
<<NPCmedia "wife" "bedroom(blowjob)" 1>>
<<en "Your wife pushes you back, so you land on the bed. Your wife pulls down your pants along with your briefs and your already hard cock springs out.">>
<<ru "Твоя жена толкает тебя назад. Затем она стягивает с тебя штаны вместе с трусами, и твой твердый член выпрыгивает наружу.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "Oh, honey! I've been dreaming about your cock all day.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Я думала о твоем гиганте весь день, милый!">>
<<en "Without an hesitation, she takes your penis in her mouth and starts bobbing her head back and forth, swallowing nearly half of your rod with each thrust. She puts her hands on your hips for better support, so she can suck even harder.">>
<<ru "Без промедления, она берет твой член в рот и начинает двигать головой вверх и вниз, проглатывая добрую половину твоего поршня с каждым глотком. Она даже упирается руками в твои бедра, чтобы насаживать свой ротик еще глубже на твой член.">>
<<PHR "mc" "Fuck! Baby, you're so good at this!">>
<<PHR "mc" "Милая, ты просто обалденно сосешь!">>
<<en "$NPCstat[0].name stops and, sticking out her tongue, starts slapping the head of your cock on it. In doing so, she is constantly staring into your eyes.">>
<<ru "$NPCstat[0].name останавливается и, вынув свой язычок, принимается шлепать по нему твоей головкой. При этом она не прекращает смотреть тебя прямо в глаза.">>
<<PHR "mc" "Oh, baby! you're the best! Come on, I wanna fuck you.">>
<<PHR "mc" "Ох, крошка. Ты просто лучшая! Давай, мне уже не терпится выебать тебя.">>
<<btnEventLink "Tell her to lie on her back/Попросить ее лечь на спину" "Wife(Mansion Sex)(Scenes)" "bedroom(fucking)(missionary)(normal)">>
<<btnEventLink "Tell her to get on all fours/Попросить ей стать на четвереньки" "Wife(Mansion Sex)(Scenes)" "bedroom(fucking)(doggystyle)(normal)">>
<<btnEventLink "Tell her to ride your cock/Попросить ее оседлать твой член" "Wife(Mansion Sex)(Scenes)" "bedroom(fucking)(cowgirl)(normal)">>
<<case "night cuni">>
<<NPCmedia "wife" "looking for sex(night)" 0>>
<<en "When you enter the bedroom, you find your wife sitting in the middle of the bed with her legs spread widely. Seeing you, $NPCstat[0].name leans back on the headboard and pulls her hair aside, giving you a perfect view of her breasts. She smirks.">>
<<ru "Когда ты входишь в спальню, ты обнаруживаешь свою жену в центре кровать, с широко раздвинутыми ногами. Заметив тебя, $NPCstat[0].name откидывается на спинку кровати и откидывает свои волосы, демонстрируя тебе ее большие груди. Девушка ехидно улыбается.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "I was starting to think you wouldn't show up.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Я начала думать, что ты не появишься.">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "Baby, if I only knew...">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Крошка, если бы я только знал...">>
<<if $NPCstat[0].assertiveness < 20>>
<<en "You pull your shirt off as you move and hop onto the bed. You start kissing passionately, but as your hand moves lower, your wife stops you.">>
<<ru "На ходу ты скидываешь рубашку и запрыгиваешь на кровать. Вы начинаете страстно целоваться, но стоит твоим рукам скользнуть ниже, как твоя жена останавливает тебя.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "I want you to lick my pussy first.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Я хочу, чтобы ты сначала полизал мне.">>
<<en "$NPCstat[0].name puts her hand on your shoulder and start gently pushing you down.">>
<<ru "$NPCstat[0].name кладет руку на твое плечо и начинает легонько толкать тебя вниз.">>
<<en "You pull your shirt off as you move and hop onto the bed. You approach the girl, intending to kiss her, but $NPCstat[0].name puts her hand on your shoulder and sharply pushes you down. ">>
<<ru "На ходу ты скидываешь рубашку и запрыгиваешь на кровать. Ты тянешься к девушке, намереваясь поцеловать ее, но $NPCstat[0].name кладет руку на твое плечо и начинает настойчиво толкать тебя вниз.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "You need to atone for my condition, honey. Maybe next time you'll pay more attention to your wife.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Тебе надо взять ответственность за мое состояние, милый, и поработать язычком. Может, в следующий раз ты будешь больше уделять внимания своей жене.">>
<<btnEventLink "Start licking her pussy/Поработать язычком" "Wife MBedroom Events" "night cuni 2">>
<<case "night cuni(after bakery)">>
<<NPCmedia "wife" "looking for sex(night)" 0>>
<br>When you enter the bedroom, you find your wife sitting in the middle of the bed with her legs spread widely. Seeing you, $NPCstat[0].name leans back on the headboard and pulls her hair aside, giving you a perfect view of her breasts. She smirks.
<br><<PHR 0 "I was starting to think you wouldn't show up.">>
<br><<PHR "mc" "Baby, I would never...">>
<br><<PHR 0 "Quit your nice words. Come here.">>
<br>You approach your wife, intending to kiss her, but $NPCstat[0].name puts her hand on your shoulder and sharply pushes you down.
<<btnEventLink "Start licking her pussy" "Wife MBedroom Events" "night cuni 2">>
<<case "night cuni 2">>
<<set $NPCsexmemory[0].pussylicking += 1>>
<<set $NPCdaymemory[0].night = "bedroom sex">>
<<set $NPCplans[0].night = "prepare to sleep(mansion)">>
<<set $NPCmood[0].arousal = 0>>
<<NPCmedia "wife" "bedroom(cuni)" 1>>
<<if $NPCstat[0].assertiveness >= 30>>
<<en "With no other choice, you stick out your tongue and try to touch your wife's pussy with it. But due to the pose she's sitting in, you barely manage to reach her labia. But it looks like $NPCstat[0].name isn't going to help you. On the contrary, she smiles with amusement as she watches you struggle.">>
<<ru "Не имея другого выбора, ты высовываешь язык и пытаешь дотянутся до киски своей жены. Однако, та поза, в которой она сидит, не позволяет тебе сделать этого. Однако, $NPCstat[0].name не спешит помогать тебе. Вместо этого, она со странным наслаждение наблюдает за твоими попытками дотронуться языком до ее влажных половых губ.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "Okay, okay, let me slide a little.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Ладно, ладно, позволь мне помочь тебе.">>
<<en "With no other choice, you stick out your tongue and try to touch your wife's pussy with it. But due to the pose she's sitting in, you barely manage to reach her labia. Noticing this, $NPCstat[0].name stops you.">>
<<ru "Не имея другого выбора, ты высовываешь язык и пытаешь дотянутся до киски своей жены. Однако, та поза, в которой она сидит, не позволяет тебе сделать этого. Заметив это, $NPCstat[0].name останавливает тебя.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "Hold on, honey, let me slide a little.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Погоди, милый. Позволь мне помочь тебе.">>
<<if $WifeUniqueCase[0] == false>>
<<set $WifeUniqueCase[0] = true>>
<<en "The girl moves her bottom closer to the middle of the bed, pulling the sheet after it.">>
<<ru "Девушка двигает свой таз ближе к центру кровати, отчего простыня начинает сползать вниз.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "Damn it, $mc.name, would you be so kind as to straighten it up?">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Проклятье! $mc.name, не мог бы ты поправить ее?">>
<<en "$NPCstat[0].name lifts her butt so you can adjust the sheet. Your wife plumps back on the bed and immediately draws your head to her groin.">>
<<ru "$NPCstat[0].name приподнимает свой зад, позволяя тебе расправить простынь. Затем она плюхается обратно и, тут же, притягивает твою голову к своей промежности.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "It's time to work your tongue, honey.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Время поработать язычком милый.">>
<<en "The woman lifts her ass and lands it a little closer to the center of the bed. Not giving you time to catch a break, $NPCstat[0].name immediately draws your head to her groin.">>
<<ru "Девушка приподнимает свой зад и перемещает его ближе к центру кровати. Не давая тебе времени на передышку, $NPCstat[0].name хватает тебя за волосы и притягивает твою голову к своей промежности.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "It's time to work your tongue, honey.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Время поработать язычком милый.">>
<<en "You start fluttering your tongue along her pussy. Her juices are dripping on your face. $NPCstat[0].name puts her hand on your head. With one leg on your back, she's slowly moving her hips towards you.">>
<<ru "Твой язычок начинает порхать над ее киской. Ее флюиды сочатся прямо на твое лицо. $NPCstat[0].name кладет руку на твою голову, и закидывает одну ногу на твою спину. Затем она начинает двигать бедрами тебе навстречу.">>
<<if $NPCstat[0].lordliness >= 15 and $NPCsexmemory[0].pussylicking >= 4>>
<<dlg_en 0 "Fuck, honey, you're so good with your tongue, we should make your dates with my pussy a daily occurrence.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Милый, твой язычок просто великолепен. Стоит сделать его свидания с моей киской ежедневными.">>
<<elseif $NPCsexmemory[0].pussylicking >= 2>>
<<dlg_en 0 "I've missed your tongue, honey.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Я так соскучилась по твоему язычку, милый.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "Yeah, lick that pussy! Harder!">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Да, лижи мою киску! Быстрее!">>
<<if $NPCstat[0].assertiveness >= 20>>
<<en "Without any shyness, she throws her leg over your back. With her head thrown back and her eyes closed, she is moaning loudly.">>
<<ru "Пальцы твоей жены непрерывно терябят твои волосы, в то время как она сама, запрокинув голову, громко стонет, совершенно себя не сдерживая.">>
<<en "Your wife's fingers keep running through your hair. With her head thrown back and her eyes closed, she is moaning loudly.">>
<<ru "Пальцы твоей жены непрерывно терябят твои волосы, в то время как она сама, запрокинув голову, громко стонет, совершенно себя не сдерживая.">>
<<if $NPCstat[0].lordliness >= 20>>
<<dlg_en 0 "Don't stop, honey! Don't dare to stop! I wanna cum on your tongue.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Не останавливайся, милый! Даже не вздумай остановиться! Я хочу кончить прямо на твое лицо!">>
<<dlg_en 0 "Don't stop, honey! Please, don't stop! I wanna cum on your tongue.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Не останавливайся, милый! Прошу, не останавливайся! Я хочу кончить прямо на твое лицо!">>
<<en "Her hand is pushing you to her dripping slit.">>
<<ru "Ее рука начинает вдавливать тебя еще сильнее.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "I'm so close, honey!">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Я уже близко!">>
<<en "You feel how her pussy starts twitching under your tongue. Her love fluids squirt right into your mouth, but her hips don't stop, smearing it all over your face. Her whole body is shaking.">>
<<ru "Ты чувствуешь, как ее киска начинает трепетать под твоим языком. Ее флюиды выстреливают прямо в твой рот, и ее бедра размазывают ее любовные соки по твое лицу. Все ее тело непрерывно сотрясается.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "Oh, f-fuck!">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Ох, блять!">>
<<en "Finally, her fingers that were holding your hair open and your wife takes her foot off your back.">>
<<ru "Наконец, хватка ее пальцев ослабевает, и нога твоей жены соскальзывает с твоей спину.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "It was so fucking good!">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Это было охуенно!">>
<<en "You raise your head and meet her adoring eyes. $NPCstat[0].name leans toward you and kisses your forehead.">>
<<ru "Ты поднимаешь голову и встречаешь ее наполненные обожанием глаза. $NPCstat[0].name наклоняется вперед и целует тебя в лоб.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "Thank you, honey. I feel like I'm gonna sleep like a baby tonight.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Спасибо, милый. Я чувствую, что сегодня буду спать, как младенец.">>
<<btnEventLink "Finish/Закончить" "Master Bedroom" "">>
/* ---------- FACESITTING ---------- */
<<case "morning facesitting">>
<<set $NPCplans[0].emorning = "take shower(mansion)">>
<<set $WifeFacesitting.desire = 0>>
<<NPCmedia "wife" "facesitting(start)" 0>>
<<en "You wake up to the fact that your wife hand gently carresing your chest.">>
<<ru "Ты просыпаешься от того, что твоя жена нежно поглаживает твою грудную клетку.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "You're finally awake.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Ты наконец проснулся.">>
<<en "With that, she jumps on top of you. You notice that she's not wearing her panties.">>
<<ru "С этими словами, она запрыгивает на тебя. Ты замечаешь, что на ней нет трусиков.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "My pussy missed your tongue, honey. How about giving her some love?">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Моя киска соскучилась по твоему язычку, милый. Как насчет того, чтобы подарить ей немного любви?">>
<<en "$NPCstat[0].name's hips begin slowly moving to your face direction.">>
<<ru "$NPCstat[0].name медленно двигает свой таз по направлению к твоему лицу.">>
<<set _linkA = getLinkName("Let her ride your face/Позволить ей оседлать твоей лицо")>>
<<set _linkB = getLinkName("Fuck her instead/Остановить ее и трахнуть")>>
<<set _linkC = getLinkName("Fuck her instead (Skip Scene)/Остановить ее и трахнуть (Пропустить сцену)")>>
<<btnEventLink _linkA "Wife MBedroom Events" "morning facesitting 2">>
<<btnEventLink _linkB "Wife(Mansion Sex)(Scenes)" "bedroom(fucking)(cowgirl)(normal)">>
<center>@@.btnWide;<<button _linkC "Master Bedroom">>
<<set $location.sub = "">>
<<set $EventMark = "">>
<<set $NPCsexmemory[0].vaginal += 1>>
<<set $NPCmood[0].arousal = 0>>
<<set $NPCdaymemory[0].emorning = "bedroom sex">>
<<case "morning facesitting 2">>
<<set $NPCdaymemory[0].emorning = "facesitting">>
<<set $NPCsexmemory[0].facesitting += 1>>
<<set $NPCmood[0].arousal = 0>>
<<if $NPCsexmemory[0].facesitting <= 6>>
<<set _stdice = random(3)>>
<<elseif $NPCsexmemory[0].facesitting <= 10>>
<<set _stdice = random(6)>>
<<set _stdice = random(8)>>
<<if _stdice <= 3>><<set _end = "normal">><</if>>
<<if _stdice > 3 and _stdice <= 6>><<set _end = "slow">><</if>>
<<if _stdice > 6 and _stdice <= 8>><<set _end = "double">><</if>>
<<NPCmedia "wife" "facesitting" 1>>
<<set _stdice = random(9)>>
<<if $NPCsexmemory[0].facesitting <= 4>>
<<en "$NPCstat[0].name doesn't wait too long to land her ass right onto your face.">>
<<ru "$NPCstat[0].name не заставляет тебя ждать и приземляется прямо на твое лицо.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "Oh, sorry, honey. You're all right?">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Извини, милый. Ты в порядке?">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "Yeah, i can survive this.">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Думаю, я смогу пережить это.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "Ok, then let's go.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Тогда, погнали.">>
<<elseif $NPCsexmemory[0].facesitting <= 8>>
<<en "$NPCstat[0].name carefully lowers her bottom onto your face.">>
<<ru "$NPCstat[0].name осторожно опускается на твое лицо.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "Ok, let's go.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Тогда, погнали.">>
<<elseif _stdice >= 7>>
<<en "$NPCstat[0].name doesn't wait too long to land her butt right onto your face.">>
<<ru "$NPCstat[0].name не заставляет тебя ждать и приземляется прямо на твое лицо.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "Sorry, honey. You're all right? I hope my huge ass didn't hurt you.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Извини, милый. Ты в порядке? Надеюсь моя огромная задница не слишком тяжела для тебя.">>
<<en "She fidgets a little on your face, causing you to let out a muffled moan.">>
<<ru "Она слегка ерзает на твоем лице, отчего ты издаешь приглушенный стон.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "Are you trying to tell me I'm not heavy at all? Well, thank you, honey. Now, let's go.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Ты пытаешься сказать, что я совсем не тяжелая? Что ж, спасибо, милый. Тогда, погнали.">>
<<en "$NPCstat[0].name carefully lowers her bottom onto your face.">>
<<ru "$NPCstat[0].name осторожно опускается на твое лицо.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "Ok, let's go.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Тогда, погнали.">>
<<if $NPCsexmemory[0].facesitting <= 3>>
<<en "You stick your tongue out and start licking your wife's pussy. She leans against the headboard of the bed and lets you do all the work.">>
<<ru "Ты высовываешь свой язык и начинаешь лизать киску своей жены. Она опирается на изголовье кровати и позволяет тебе делать всю работу.">>
<<if $NPCstat[0].assertiveness >= 20>>
<<dlg_en 0 "Faster, honey! Work your tongue!">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Лижи быстрее, милый! Работай своим язычком!">>
<<dlg_en 0 "Faster, honey! Ple-ease!">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Лижи быстрее, милый! Прошу!">>
<<en "You do as she says and even start bobbing your head to quicken the pace. Soon, $NPCstat[0].name begins to move her hips toward you, while her moans are echoing through the bedroom.">>
<<ru "Ты делаешь, как она говорит и даже начинаешь двигать все головой, дабы ускорить темп. Вскоре $NPCstat[0].name начинает двигать своими бедрами навстречу тебе. Ее стоны эхом разносятся по спальне.">>
<<elseif $NPCsexmemory[0].facesitting <= 7>>
<<en "You stick your tongue out and start licking your wife's pussy. $NPCstat[0].name in turn leans against the headboard of the bed and begins to move her hips toward you.">>
<<ru "Ты высовываешь свой язык и начинаешь лизать киску своей жены. $NPCstat[0].name опирается на изголовье кровати и начинает двигать своими бедрами навстречу тебе.">>
<<if $NPCstat[0].assertiveness >= 20>>
<<dlg_en 0 "Faster, honey! Work your tongue!">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Лижи быстрее, милый! Работай своим язычком!">>
<<dlg_en 0 "Faster, honey! Ple-ease!">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Лижи быстрее, милый! Прошу!">>
<<en "You do as she says and even start bobbing your head to quicken the pace. Her moans are echoing through the bedroom, and you feel rewarded for your efforts.">>
<<ru "Ты делаешь, как она говорит и даже начинаешь двигать все головой, дабы ускорить темп. Ее стоны эхом разносятся по спальне, и ты чувствуешь некое удовлетворения от того, что доводишь ее до этого состояния.">>
<<en "Without waiting for you, she starts grinding against your face eagerly. You stick your tongue out and start flicking and trying to hit all the right spots.">>
<<ru "Без всякого промедления, она начинает тереться о твое лицо. Ты высовываешь свой язык и принимаешься лизать, пытаясь подстроиться под темп твоей жены.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "Give me your tongue, honey! Yeah, like this!">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Двигай язычком, милый! Да, вот так!">>
<<en "Your wife's moans are echoing through the bedroom, and you feel rewarded for your efforts.">>
<<ru "Ее стоны эхом разносятся по спальне, и ты чувствуешь некое удовлетворения от того, что доводишь ее до этого состояния.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "This is so good, honey! Don't stop!">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Мне так хорошо, милый! Не останавливайся!">>
<<en "Her hips are smearing her pussy juices all over your face, the warmth of her private part is turning your skin red, and the slight smell of sweat from her constantly moving body is entering your nostrils.">>
<<ru "Ее бердра размазывают ее любовные соки по твоей лицу, твоя кожа нагревается от ее прикосновений, и легкий запах пота, исходящий от твоей жены, проникает в твои ноздри.">>
<<if _end == "normal">>
<<if $NPCsexmemory[0].facesitting <= 5>>
<<dlg_en 0 "I'm already close, honey! I'm gonna cum on your tongue!">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Я уже близко милый! Я сейчас... кончу от твоего языка!">>
<<dlg_en 0 "I'm already close, honey! I'm gonna cum on your face!">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Я уже близко милый! Я сейчас... кончу прямо на твое лицо!">>
<<en "Your wife's body begins to shake with the powerful orgasm, but she doesn't try to slow down. Finally, your wife's orgasm subsides and she freezes.">>
<<ru "Тело твоей жены начинает содрогаться от мощного оргазма, но девушка даже и не думает замедлятся. Наконец, ее оргазм стихает и твоя жена замирает.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "Wow, that was intense!">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Воу, это было круто!">>
<<NPCmedia "wife" "facesitting(end)" 0>>
<<en "$NPCstat[0].name sits up, still looking down at you. From this angle, she looks like a amazon, towering over her prey.">>
<<ru "$NPCstat[0].name поднимается на ноги, продолжая смотреть вниз, на тебя. С этого ракурса, она выглядит амазонкой, возвыщающийся над своей добычей.">>
<<set _stdice = 0>>
<<if $WifeFacesitting.jerking>>
<<set _stdice = random(10)>>
<<if _stdice <= 5>>
<<dlg_en 0 "Ok, I'm going to take a shower.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Я в душ.">>
<<AddStat 0 "assertiveness" 2 25>>
<<btnEventLink "Get up/Закончить" "Master Bedroom" "">>
<<dlg_en 0 "Now it's time to take care of you.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Теперь, твоя очередь.">>
<<AddStat 0 "assertiveness" 2 25>>
<<btnEventLink "Let her to jerk you off/Позволить ей подрочить тебе" "Master Bedroom" "morning facesitting(accept jerk off)">>
<<btnEventLink "Say you don't need that/Сказать, что в этом нет нужды" "Master Bedroom" "morning facesitting(reject jerk off)">>
<<elseif _end == "slow">>
<<en "You can tell your wife is on edge, but suddenly she stops and leans back, resting her arms on the bed.">>
<<ru "Ты можешь сказать, что твоя жена приближается к оргазму, но внезапно она останавливается и наклоняется назад, упираясь ладонями в кровать.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "Phew, that was close. But your tongue is so good, honey, I wanna take a break and allows the pleasure process to continue.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Фух, это было близко. Твой язычок настолько хорош, что будет преступлением не растянуть удовольствие на подольше.">>
<<en "She gives you a couple of slaps on the side.">>
<<ru "Она пару раз шлепает тебя по торсу.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "But that doesn't mean you're allowed to slack off.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Но это не значит, что ты должен прохлаждаться.">>
<<en "You immediately get back to licking her pussy and a lingering moan escapes your wife's lips.">>
<<ru "Ты сразу же возвращаешься к обслуживанию ее киски, и с губ твоей жены сходит протяжный стон.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "Yeah, that's it. Nice and slow.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Да вот так. Медленно, но напористо.">>
<<en "$NPCstat[0].name remains motionless, enjoying the way your tongue is flitting between her labia and clit. Right now she's really using your face as a place to rest, and the thought of it makes your cock twitch. After a while, your wife starts moving her hips again, but gently, as you can tell, holding herself back with some difficulty.">>
<<ru "$NPCstat[0].name остается неподвижной, наслаждаясь тем, как твой язык порхает над ее нижними губами и бугорком клитора. Прямо сейчас она использует твое лицо, как место для отдыха, и от этой мысли твой член вздрагивает. Спустя некоторое время твоя жена снова начинает двигать своими бедрами, медленно и, как ты можешь понять, сдерживая себя.">>
<<if $NPCstat[0].lordliness < 25>>
<<dlg_en 0 "Fuck, honey, I could do this all day long.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Серьезно, милый, я хотела бы использовать твой язычок целыми днями.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "Fuck, honey, I could use you face all day long.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Серьезно, милый, я хотела бы использовать твое лицо целыми днями.">>
<<en "Finally, $NPCstat[0].name leans forward again and resting on the headboard begins to ride your face furiously.">>
<<ru "Наконец, $NPCstat[0].name снова опирается об изголовье кровати и начинает яростно ездить на твоем лице.">>
<<if $NPCstat[0].lordliness < 20>>
<<dlg_en 0 "Sorry, honey, this one will be powerful.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Извини, милый, этот будет мощным.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "Brace yourself, honey, this one will be powerful.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Приготовься, милый, этот будет мощным.">>
<<en "Your wife's body begins to shake with the powerful orgasm, but she doesn't try to slow down. Like she said, her love juices start squirting in your face in a powerful flow. Finally, your wife's orgasm subsides and she freezes.">>
<<ru "Тело твоей жены начинает содрогаться от мощного оргазма, но девушка даже и не думает замедлятся. Как она и предупреждала, ее флюиды мощным потоком выстреливаются прямо в твое лицо. Наконец, ее оргазм стихает и твоя жена замирает.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "Wow, that was intense!">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Воу, это было круто!">>
<<NPCmedia "wife" "facesitting(end)" 0>>
<<en "$NPCstat[0].name sits up, still looking down at you. From this angle, she looks like a amazon, towering over her prey.">>
<<ru "$NPCstat[0].name поднимается на ноги, продолжая смотреть вниз, на тебя. С этого ракурса, она выглядит амазонкой, возвыщающийся над своей добычей.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "Ok, I'm going to take a shower.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Я в душ">>
<<AddStat 0 "assertiveness" 2 30>>
<<btnEventLink "Get up/Закончить" "Master Bedroom" "">>
<<elseif _end == "double">>
<<dlg_en 0 "I'm already close, honey! I'm gonna cum on your face!">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Я уже близко милый! Я сейчас... кончу прямо на твое лицо!">>
<<en "Your wife's body begins to shake with the powerful orgasm, but she doesn't try to slow down. Finally, your wife's orgasm subsides and she freezes.">>
<<ru "Тело твоей жены начинает содрогаться от мощного оргазма, но девушка даже и не думает замедлятся. Наконец, ее оргазм стихает и твоя жена замирает.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "Wow, that was intense!">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Воу, это было круто!">>
<<NPCmedia "wife" "facesitting(end)" 0>>
<<en "Even though your wife has already cum, she is in no hurry to get off you. On the contrary, she doesn't move an inch and simply rests on your face. Her pussy seals your mouth, and you can't even say anything. Finally, $NPCstat[0].name takes a breath and lifts her bottom slightly. You immediately take a deep breath.">>
<<ru "Даже несмотря на то, что твоя жена кончила, она не спешит слезать с твоего лица. Напротив, она просто-напросто отдыхает на твоем лице. Твой рот запечатан ее киской, и ты не можешь возразить или просто сказать что-то. Наконец, $NPCstat[0].name вздыхает и приподнимает свой таз. Ты немедленно делаешь глубокий вздох.">>
<<if $NPCstat[0].lordliness < 20>>
<<dlg_en 0 "Sorry, honey, are you okay in there?">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Извини, милый. Ты в порядке?">>
<<en "You nod back, and the girl lowers herself on your face again.">>
<<ru "Ты киваешь, и девушка снова опускается на твое лицо.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "Oh, come on, honey. Can't you be patient for one minute?">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Ладно тебе, милый. Не можешь чуточку потерпеть?">>
<<en "Without waiting for your answer, she drops down on your face again.">>
<<ru "Не дожидаясь твоего ответа, девушка снова опускается на твое лицо.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "You know what, honey? I think we still have time.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Милый, знаешь, о чем я думаю? У нас ведь еще есть немного времени.">>
<<en "She starts moving again.">>
<<ru "Она снова начинает двигаться.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "Come on, $mc.name. I don't believe your tongue is tired already.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Эй, $mc.name! Только не говори, что твой язычок уже устал.">>
<<btnEventLink "Get back to licking her pussy/Начать лизать ее киску снова" "Wife MBedroom Events" "morning facesitting(double)">>
<<case "morning facesitting(double)">>
<<set $NPCsexmemory[0].facesitting += 1>>
<<NPCmedia "wife" "facesitting" 1>>
<<en "Minutes go by. You are completely focused on trying to make $NPCstat[0].name cum more quickly, and she, in turn, completely surrenders herself to the process, moaning loudly and paying compliments to your tongue. At one point your wife grabs you tightly by the hair. You feel the tension in her muscles reach a peak.">>
<<ru "Время идет. Ты полностью концентрируешься на тем, чтобы $NPCstat[0].name кончила побыстрее, а она, в свою очередь, полностью отдается процессу, не сдерживая стоны и отпуская комплименты в сторону твоего языка. В один момент ее пальцы крепко сжимают твои волосы, и ты чувствуешь, как напряжение в ее теле достигает пика.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "Fuck, honey! I'm going to cum again!">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Блять! Я сейчас кончу... снова!">>
<<en "Your wife's body begins to shake with the powerful orgasm, but she doesn't try to slow down.">>
<<ru "Тело твоей жены начинает содрогаться от мощного оргазма, но она даже не пытается замедлиться.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "Move your fucking tongue!">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Двигай своим блядским языком!">>
<<en "Her love juices start squirting in your face in a powerful flow. Finally, your wife's orgasm subsides and she freezes.">>
<<ru "Ее любовные соки начинает выстреливать мощными струями на твое лицо. Наконец, ее оргазм стихает и твоя жена замирает.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "Wow, that was intense!">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "">>
<<en "$NPCstat[0].name giggles and finally gets off you. Leaning toward you, she starts covering your face with kisses.">>
<<ru "$NPCstat[0].name смеется и, наконец, слезает с тебя. Наклонившись, она начинает покрывать твое лицо поцелуями.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "Sorry, honey. I got a little carried away at the end.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Извини, милый. Я немного увлеклась в конце.">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "That's okay. It made you feel good, and that's everything I want.">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Все в порядке. Тебе было хорошо, и это главное.">>
<<en "Your wife smiles broadly and gets out of bed after giving you one last kiss.">>
<<ru "Твоя жена широко улыбается, целует тебя еще один раз и слезает с кровати.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "Ok, I'm going to take a shower.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Ладненько, я в душ.">>
<<AddStat 0 "assertiveness" 2 35>>
<<btnEventLink "Get up/Закончить" "Master Bedroom" "">>
<<case "morning facesitting(fabric)">>
<<set $NPCplans[0].emorning = "take shower(mansion)">>
<<set $WifeFacesitting.desire = 0>>
<<NPCmedia "wife" "facesitting(suggest)" 0>>
<<en "You wake up to your wife poking you in the side. You open your eyes and see your wife smiling face. You already know where this is going.">>
<<ru "Ты просыпаешься от того, что твоя жена толкает тебя в бок. Ты открываешь глаза и видишь ее улыбающееся лицо. Ты сразу понимаешь к чему, все идет.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "Good morning, honey!">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Доброе утро, милый!">>
<<en "You wake up to yoWith that, she jumps on top of you. You stare involuntarily at her grey panties.">>
<<ru "С этими словами, она запрыгивает на тебя. Твой взгляд немедленно переходит на ее трусики.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "My pussy missed your tongue, honey. How about giving her some love?">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Моя киска соскучилась по твоему язычку, милый. Как насчет того, чтобы подарить ей немного любви?">>
<<en "$NPCstat[0].name's hips begin slowly moving to your face direction.">>
<<ru "$NPCstat[0].name медленно двигает свой таз по направлению к твоему лицу.">>
<<set _linkA = getLinkName("Let her ride your face/Позволить ей оседлать твоей лицо")>>
<<set _linkB = getLinkName("Fuck her instead/Остановить ее и трахнуть")>>
<<set _linkC = getLinkName("Fuck her instead (Skip Scene)/Остановить ее и трахнуть (Пропустить сцену)")>>
<<btnEventLink _linkA "Wife MBedroom Events" "morning facesitting(fabric 2)">>
<<btnEventLink _linkB "Wife(Mansion Sex)(Scenes)" "bedroom(fucking)(front ride)(normal)">>
<center>@@.btnWide;<<button _linkC "Master Bedroom">>
<<set $location.sub = "">>
<<set $EventMark = "">>
<<set $NPCsexmemory[0].vaginal += 1>>
<<set $NPCmood[0].arousal = 0>>
<<set $NPCdaymemory[0].emorning = "bedroom sex">>
<<case "morning facesitting(fabric 2)">>
<<set $NPCsexmemory[0].facesitting += 1>>
<<set $NPCmood[0].arousal = 0>>
<<NPCmedia "wife" "facesitting(grey panties)" 1>>
<<en "Your wife carefully lowers her bottom onto your face.">>
<<ru "Твоя жена осторожно опускается на твое лицо.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "Ok, let's go.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Ну, погнали!">>
<<en "You stick your tongue out and start licking your wife's pussy. $NPCstat[0].name in turn leans against the headboard of the bed and begins to move her hips toward you.">>
<<ru "Ты высовываешь свой язык и начинаешь лизать киску своей жены. $NPCstat[0].name опирается на изголовье кровати и начинает двигать своими бедрами навстречу тебе.">>
<<if $NPCstat[0].assertiveness >= 25>>
<<PHR 0 "Press harder, honey! I barely feel your tongue!">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Сильнее, милый! Я едва чувствую твоя язык!">>
<<PHR 0 "Press harder, honey! I wanna feel your tongue!">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Сильнее, милый! Я хочу почувствовать твой язычок!">>
<<en "After a while her panties become wet and her breathing intensifies. Your wife is definitely enjoying the process.">>
<<ru "Вскоре ее трусики намокают, а ее дыхание учащается. Твоя жена определенно наслаждается процессом.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "Don't stop, honey!">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Не останавливайся, милый!">>
<<en "However, such stimulation is still not enough and, after a while, $NPCstat[0].name lifts her bottom and slides her panties to the side.">>
<<ru "Тем не менее, этой стимуляции оказывается недостаточно, и $NPCstat[0].name, приподняв свой зад, отодвигает край трусиков в сторону.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "Let's continue like this, honey.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Давай продолжим так, милый.">>
<<en "You breathe a sigh of relief. Or at least you try to breathe, because your wife immediately lands on your face and, without giving you a break, starts grinding against it.">>
<<ru "Ты вздыхаешь с облегчением. Или, вернее, пытаешься вздохнуть, потому как твоя жена тут же призмеляется на твое лицо и, не давая тебе опомниться, начинает яростно ездить на нем.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "Oh, that's much better!">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Так гораздо лучше!">>
<<en "Your wife's body begins to shake with the powerful orgasm, but she doesn't try to slow down. Finally, your wife's orgasm subsides and she freezes. She moves to your chest and runs her palm over your cheek.">>
<<ru "Тело твоей жены начинает содрогаться от мощного оргазма, но девушка даже и не думает замедлятся. Наконец, ее оргазм стихает и твоя жена замирает. Она сползает с тебя и проводит рукой по твоей щеке.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "You did a good work, honey!">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Ты отлично поработал, милый.">>
<<en "She gets off of you and leans forward and gives you a deep kiss.">>
<<ru "Она наклоняется вперед и дарит тебе крепкий поцелуй.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "Ok, I'm going to take a shower.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Ладненько, я в душ.">>
<<AddStat 0 "assertiveness" 2 40>>
<<AddStat 0 "lordliness" 1 20>>
<<btnEventLink "Finish/Закончить" "Master Bedroom" "">>
<<case "morning facesitting(accept jerk off)">>
<<set $NPCsexmemory[0].handjob += 1>>
<<NPCmedia "wife" "jerking you" 1>>
<<en "$NPCstat[0].name frees your cock and starts slowly jerking it off.">>
<<ru "$NPCstat[0].name освобождает твой член и начинает медленно его дрочить.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "That's a lot of ooze! I guess I can finish pretty quickly.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Здесь так много смазки. Думаю, это не займет много времени.">>
<<en "She rapidly accelerates the pace and amplitude of her hand.">>
<<ru "Она резко ускоряет амплитуду своей руки.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "Do you like it, honey?">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Как тебе, милый?">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "Yes, you got magic hands.">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "У тебя просто волшебные руки.">>
<<en "Your wife smiles broadly, never stopping to stroke your cock for a second. Just as she claimed, you cum in no time at all.">>
<<ru "Твоя жена улыбается, ни на секунду не прекращая дрочить тебя. Как она и говорила, у тебя уходит меньше минуты, чтобы кончить.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "Wow, you really need to take a shower now. But not before me.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Ого, теперь тебе придется принять душ. Но, только после меня.">>
<<en "$NPCstat[0].name leans to you and gives you a kiss. The she gets out of bed and goes to the bathroom, wiggling her hips.">>
<<ru "$NPCstat[0].name наклоняется к тебя и дарит тебе поцелуй. Затем она поднимается с кровати и направляется в ванную, виляя бедрами.">>
<<RemoveStat 1 "lordliness" -10>>
<<btnEventLink "Finish/Закончить" "Master Bedroom" "">>
<<case "morning facesitting(reject jerk off)">>
<<NPCmedia "wife" "facesitting(end)" 0>>
<<dlg_en "mc" "No need, baby. I have to hurry to work.">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Не стоит, милая. Я спешу на работу.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "You sure? I think it would be a problem for you to slip into your pants right now.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Ты уверен? Прямо сейчас тебе будет проблематично надеть твои брюки.">>
<<en "$NPCstat[0].name giggles.">>
<<ru "$NPCstat[0].name хихикает.">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "Everything is all right. I can relax.">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Не переживай, я быстро остыну.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "If you say so. Then I'm going to take a shower. And you might want to wash up before you go to work, too.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Как знаешь. Тогда, я в душ. И тебе не помешало бы, перед тем, как пойти на работу.">>
<<en "Your wife leans to you and gives you a kiss. The she gets out of bed and goes to the bathroom, wiggling her hips.">>
<<ru "$NPCstat[0].name наклоняется к тебя и дарит тебе поцелуй. Затем она поднимается с кровати и направляется в ванную, виляя бедрами.">>
<<btnEventLink "Finish/Закончить" "Master Bedroom" "">>
/* ---------- SLEEPING WIFE ---------- */
<<case "sleeping wife(emorning)">>
<<NPCmedia "wife" "sleeping(approach)" 0>>
<<en "You look at your sleeping wife for a while.">>
<<ru "Ты смотришь на спящую жену некоторое время.">>
<<th_en "It would be nice to wake her up in some special way. Or is it better to let her sleep a little longer?">>
<<th_ru "Я мог бы разбудить ее каким-нибудь особенным способом. Или стоит дать ей поспать еще немного?">>
<<btnEventLink "Wake her up with a kiss/Разбудить ее поцелуем" "Wife MBedroom Events" "sleeping wife(emorning)(kiss)">>
<<btnEventLink "Bring her breakfast in bed/Принести ей завтрак в постель" "Wife MBedroom Events" "sleeping wife(emorning)(breakfast)" 1>>
<<btnEventLink "Let her sleep/Позволить ей спать" "Master Bedroom" "">>
<<case "sleeping wife(emorning)(kiss)">>
<<NPCmedia "wife" "sleeping 2" 0>>
<<en "You climb carefully onto the bed and press your lips to hers. Your tongue goes inside her mouth and, to your surprise, $NPCstat[0].name responds to you without even opening her eyes. Your tongues struggle against each other, and only when you break the kiss does your wife open her eyes.">>
<<ru "Ты осторожно забираешься на кровать и прижимаешься губами к ее губам. Твой язык проникает в ее рот, и, к твоему удивлению, она отвечает тебе, даже не открывая глаз. Ваши языки борются друг с другом, и только когда ты разрываешь поцелуй, $NPCstat[0].name открывает глаза.">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "Good morning, baby.">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Доброе утро, милая.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "Good morning, honey. What time is it?">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Доброе утро, милый. Сколько сейчас времени?">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "It's about time you got out of bed.">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Достаточно, чтобы выбраться из кровати.">>
<<if $WifeToMaid.patronage and $time.weekday == 5>>
<<dlg_en 0 "You know what, honey? I'd like to have breakfast in bed today. Do me a favour and bring me something. And call Samantha too, it's time for her weekly report.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Знаешь что, милый? Сегодня мне хочется позавтракать в постели. Будь добр, принеси мне что-нибудь. А также позови Саманту, ей пора делать еженедельный отчет.">>
<<if $WifePatronage.sessionCount == 0>>
<<dlg_en "mc" "But the week isn't over yet, is it?">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Но ведь неделя еще не закончилась?">>
<<dlg_en 0 "I don't want to worry about it over the weekend. So I'll see you both in twenty minutes.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Я не хочу беспокоиться об этом на выходных. Так что, жду вас обоих через двадцать минут.">>
<<btnEventLink "Go to the kitchen/Идти на кухню" "Wife Patronage Scenes" "weekly report(mc leaves mbedroom 2)" 1>>
<<elseif $NPCstat[0].lordliness >= 0 and $NPCsexmemory[0].pussylicking >= 4>>
<<dlg_en 0 "Do you know what would help me up? Your nimble tongue on my pussy.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Знаешь, что может мне в этом помочь? Твой шустрый язычок на моей киске.">>
<span id="dialog">
<center>@@.btnWide;<<button "Change your mind">>
<<replace "#dialog">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "Well, I'm actually in a hurry and all that...">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Знаешь, я тороплюсь...">>
<<dlg_en 0 "Then let me sleep.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Тогда дай мне поспать.">>
<<btnEventLink "Let her sleep/Позволить ей спать" "Master Bedroom" "">>
<<btnEventLink "Boost her up with good pussy licking/Зарядить ее с помощью хорошего куни" "Wife MBedroom Events" "wake her up(cuni)" 1>>
<<elseif $NPCstat[0].lordliness >= 20 and $NPCsexmemory[0].pussylicking >= 4>>
<<dlg_en 0 "Not until you've given my pussy a good licking, honey.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Только после того, как ты хорошенько вылижешь мою киску, милый.">>
<span id="dialog">
<center>@@.btnWide;<<button "Change your mind">>
<<replace "#dialog">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "Well, I'm actually in a hurry and all that...">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Знаешь, я тороплюсь...">>
<<dlg_en 0 "Then let me sleep.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Тогда дай мне поспать.">>
<<btnEventLink "Let her sleep/Позволить ей спать" "Master Bedroom" "">>
<<btnEventLink "Boost her up with good pussy licking/Зарядить ее с помощью хорошего куни" "Wife MBedroom Events" "wake her up(cuni)" 1>>
<<dlg_en 0 "I was so tired yesterday, honey. Let me sleep.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Я так устала, милый. Дай мне поспать.">>
<<btnEventLink "Let her sleep/Позволить ей спать" "Master Bedroom" "">>
<<btnEventLink "Boost her up with good pussy licking/Зарядить ее с помощью хорошего куни" "Wife MBedroom Events" "wake her up(cuni)" 1>>
<<case "wake her up(cuni)">>
<<set $NPCmood[0].tiredness = 0>>
<<set $NPCmood[0].arousal = max(100, ($NPCmood[0].arousal - 50))>>
<<set $NPCsexmemory[0].pussylicking += 1>>
<<set $NPCdaymemory[0].emorning = "bedroom cuni">>
<<NPCmedia "wife" "wake up cuni" 1>>
<<if $NPCstat[0].lordliness >= 0 and $NPCsexmemory[0].pussylicking >= 4>>
<<dlg_en "mc" "Well, if it helps you...">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Ну, если тебе это поможет...">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "I know what might help you.">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Я знаю, что может тебе помочь.">>
<<en "You slowly move down, kissing first her neck, then her collarbone, until you finally reach her breasts. You run your tongue over the dark areola, and then you close your lips on her nipple. A light moan escapes her lips. After that brief pause, you continue your way down to the dark tuft of hair between her legs.">>
<<ru "Ты медленно двигаешься вниз, целуя сначала ее шею, затем ключицу, пока, наконец, не добираешься до ее груди. Ты проводишь языком по темному ареолу, а затем смыкаешь губы на соске. С ее губ срывается легкий стон. После этой короткой паузы ты продолжаешь свой путь вниз, к темному холмику волос между ее ног.">>
<<if $NPCstat[0].lordliness >= 0 and $NPCsexmemory[0].pussylicking >= 4>>
<<dlg_en 0 "Come on, honey! Don't tease me.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Хватит уже дразнить меня.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "I like what you're planning.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Мне нравиться твой план, милый.">>
<<en "You push her legs apart and lean closer, toward her pussy. Your tongue runs along her labia and then begins circling along her clit. You hear $NPCstat[0].name's breathing quicken.">>
<<ru "Раздвинув ее ноги, ты наклоняешься ближе, к ее киске. Твой язык пробегает по ее половым губам, а затем начинает кружить по ее клитору. Ты слышишь, как учащается дыхание твоей жены.">>
<<en "You spread her labia and begin caressing her exposed flesh. The heat of her body and the smell of her love juices drive you up and make your tongue swirl faster. You capture her clit with your lips and begin to suck it, causing your wife's muffled moans to turn into uncontrolled gasps that fill the bedroom.">>
<<ru "Ты раздвигаешь ее половые губы и начинаешь ласкать ее раскрытую плоть. Жар ее тела и запах ее любовных соков возбуждают тебя и заставляют твой язык двигаться быстрее. Захватив губами ее клитор, ты начинаешь посасывать его, отчего приглушенные вздохи твоей жены переходят в неконтролируемые стоны, наполняющие спальню.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "Yeah, just like that, honey. That feels... so-o good!">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Да, вот так, милый. Это так... так приятно!">>
<<if $WifeFacesitting.active and $NPCsexmemory[0].facesitting >= 5>>
<<set _stdice = random(9)>>
<<set _stdice = 0>>
<<if _stdice <= 5>>
<<en "Soon you feel her muscles begin tightening. It looks like $NPCstat[0].name is close to orgasm.">>
<<ru "Вскоре ты чувствуешь, как ее мышцы начинают напрягаться. Похоже, что $NPCstat[0].name близка к оргазму.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "I'm so close, honey! I'm so... F-fuck!">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Я уже близко, милый! Я уже... Блядь!">>
<<en "A tight stream of squirt hits you right in the face. Your wife's entire body continuously shudders, and each spasm is accompanied by a loud moan.">>
<<ru "Тугая струя сквирта бьет прямо тебе в лицо. Все тело твоей жены непрерывно содрогается, и каждый спазм сопровождается громким стоном.">>
<<en "Finally, $NPCstat[0].name comes to her senses, and you feel her hand start stroking your hair. She lifts herself up and pulls you closer for a kiss.">>
<<ru "Наконец, $NPCstat[0].name приходит в себя, и ты чувствуешь, как ее рука начинает гладить твои волосы. Она приподнимается и притягивает тебя для поцелуя.">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "Well, did it give you energy?">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Ну как, это придало тебе сил?">>
<<dlg_en 0 "Oh, honey, after this awakening I feel like I can move mountains.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "О, милый, я чувствую, что могу сдвинуть горы после такого пробуждения.">>
<<en "She kisses you one more time and gets out of bed to head for the shower.">>
<<ru "Она целует тебя еще раз и встает с кровати, чтобы отправиться в душ.">>
<<btnEventLink "Finish/Закончить" "Master Bedroom" "">>
<<en "Suddenly your wife stops you.">>
<<ru "Внезапно твоя жена останавливает тебя.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "$mc.name, lie on your back.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Ложись на спину, $mc.name.">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "Why?">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Зачем?">>
<<dlg_en 0 "I wanna try our new position.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Хочу попробовать нашу новую позицию.">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "I see you're already full of energy.">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Смотрю, ты уже полна энергии.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "Shut up, honey. You put me in this condition, and you're the one who should take responsibility.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Кто бы говорил, милый. Раз ты уже завел меня, то тебе придется взять ответственность.">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "All right, all right.">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Ладно, ладно.">>
<<en "You climb on the bed and lie on your back. Your wife throws her leg over you and her pussy is practically in front of your face.">>
<<ru "Ты забираешься на кровать и ложишься на спину. Твоя жена перекидывает через тебя ногу, и ее киска оказывается практически перед твоим лицом.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "Are you ready?">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Ты готов?">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "Yeah.">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Да.">>
<<btnEventLink "Continue/Продолжить" "Wife MBedroom Events" "morning facesitting 2">>
<<case "sleeping wife(emorning)(breakfast)">>
<<set $NPCmood[0].tiredness = 0>>
<<NPCmedia "wife" "sleeping(approach)" 0>>
<<if $WifeServing.BedBreakfast.countOverall == 0 and $mcSkill.cooking < 10>>
<<en "You remember that your wife always thought it was romantic when you cooked dinner for her or brought her breakfast in bed. You, on the other hand, never liked to cook.">>
<<ru "Ты вспоминаешь, что твоя жена всегда считала романтичным, когда ты готовил для нее ужин или приносил завтрак в постель. А вот ты, напротив, никогда не любил готовить.">>
<<th_en "I could ask Samantha. Or should I try to cook something myself?">>
<<th_ru "Я могу попросить Саманту. Или все же стоит попытаться приготовить что-нибудь самому?">>
<<en "After a moment's thought, you decide that your cooking skills are only good enough to waste expensive ingredients, and that it's better to let your maid do the work.">>
<<ru "После недолгих раздумий, ты решаешь, что твоих кулинарных навыков хватит только на то, чтобы испортить дорогие ингридиенты, и что лучше поручить готовку твоей горничной.">>
<<btnEventLink "Tell Samantha to cook something/Попросить Саманту приготовить что-нибудь" "Wife MBedroom Events" "sleeping wife(emorning)(breakfast maid)">>
<<elseif $WifeServing.BedBreakfast.countOverall == 0 and $mcSkill.cooking >= 10>>
<<en "You remember that your wife always thought it was romantic when you cooked dinner for her or brought her breakfast in bed. You, on the other hand, never liked to cook.">>
<<ru "Ты вспоминаешь, что твоя жена всегда считала романтичным, когда ты готовил для нее ужин или приносил завтрак в постель. А вот ты, напротив, никогда не любил готовить.">>
<<th_en "I could ask Samantha. Or should I try to cook something myself? After all, it's not that hard.">>
<<th_ru "Я могу попросить Саманту. Или все же стоит попытаться приготовить что-нибудь самому? В конце концов, это не так сложно.">>
<<btnEventLink "Make breakfast for your wife/Приготовить завтрак самому" "Wife MBedroom Events" "sleeping wife(emorning)(breakfast mc)">>
<<btnEventLink "Tell Samantha to cook something/Попросить Саманту приготовить что-нибудь" "Wife MBedroom Events" "sleeping wife(emorning)(breakfast maid)">>
<<if $mcSkill.cooking >= 10>>
<<en "You decide it would be a great idea to bring her breakfast in bed. It remains to be decided whether to make breakfast yourself or to ask Samantha to do it.">>
<<ru "Ты решаешь что будет отличной идеей принести ей завтрак в постель. Осталось решить, приготовить ли тебе завтрак самостоятельно или попросить Саманту сделать это.">>
<<en "You decide it would be a great idea to bring her breakfast in bed. It remains to be decided whether to make breakfast yourself or to ask Samantha to do it. After a moment's thought, you decide that your cooking skills are only good enough to waste expensive ingredients, and that it's better to let your maid do the work.">>
<<ru "Ты решаешь что будет отличной идеей принести ей завтрак в постель. Осталось решить, приготовить ли тебе завтрак самостоятельно или попросить Саманту сделать это. После недолгих раздумий, ты решаешь, что твоих кулинарных навыков хватит только на то, чтобы испортить дорогие ингридиенты, и что лучше поручить готовку твоей горничной.">>
<<if $mcSkill.cooking >= 10>>
<<btnEventLink "Make breakfast for your wife/Приготовить завтрак самому" "Wife MBedroom Events" "sleeping wife(emorning)(breakfast mc)">>
<<btnEventLink "Tell Samantha to cook something/Попросить Саманту приготовить что-нибудь" "Wife MBedroom Events" "sleeping wife(emorning)(breakfast maid)">>
<<case "sleeping wife(emorning)(breakfast mc)">>
<<set $WifeServing.BedBreakfast.countOverall += 1>>
<<set $WifeServing.BedBreakfast.countHeroCooked += 1>>
<<LocImg "mc_house" "kitchen">>
<<if $WifeServing.BedBreakfast.countOverall < 3>>
<<en "Over the past few days, you have gained some experience in cooking. Therefore, it was not difficult for you to prepare a light breakfast and arrange its ingredients on the tray.">>
<<ru "За последние несколько дней ты приобрел некоторый опыт в кулинарии. Поэтому для тебя не составило труда приготовить легкий завтрак и красиво разложить его составляющие на подносе.">>
<<en "Over the past few days, you have gained some experience in cooking, and you have also learned more about your wife's preferences. Therefore, it was not difficult for you to prepare a light breakfast and arrange its ingredients on the tray.">>
<<ru "За последние несколько дней ты приобрел некоторый опыт в кулинарии, а также узнал больше о предпочтениях своей жены. Поэтому для тебя не составило труда приготовить легкий завтрак и красиво разложить его составляющие на подносе.">>
<<btnEventLink "Take the tray to the bedroom/Отнести поднос в спальню" "Wife MBedroom Events" "sleeping wife(emorning)(breakfast mc 2)">>
<<case "sleeping wife(emorning)(breakfast mc)(under maid)">>
<<set $WifeServing.BedBreakfast.countHeroCooked += 1>>
<<set $WifeServing.BedBreakfast.countMaidCooked -= 1>>
<<set $NPCdaymemory[1].emorning = "">>
<<LocImg "mc_house" "kitchen">>
<<if $WifeServing.BedBreakfast.countOverall < 3>>
<<en "Over the past few days, you have gained some experience in cooking. Therefore, it was not difficult for you to prepare a light breakfast and arrange its ingredients on the tray.">>
<<ru "За последние несколько дней ты приобрел некоторый опыт в кулинарии. Поэтому для тебя не составило труда приготовить легкий завтрак и красиво разложить его составляющие на подносе.">>
<<en "Over the past few days, you have gained some experience in cooking, and you have also learned more about your wife's preferences. Therefore, it was not difficult for you to prepare a light breakfast and arrange its ingredients on the tray.">>
<<ru "За последние несколько дней ты приобрел некоторый опыт в кулинарии, а также узнал больше о предпочтениях своей жены. Поэтому для тебя не составило труда приготовить легкий завтрак и красиво разложить его составляющие на подносе.">>
<<dlg_en 1 "Not so hard, is it, Mr. $mc.name? Your wife will be pleased with you.">>
<<dlg_ru 1 "Не так уж и сложно, мистер $mc.name? Ваша жена будет довольна вами.">>
<<btnEventLink "Take the tray to the bedroom/Отнести поднос в спальню" "Wife MBedroom Events" "sleeping wife(emorning)(breakfast mc 2)">>
<<case "sleeping wife(emorning)(breakfast maid)">>
<<set $WifeServing.BedBreakfast.countOverall += 1>>
<<set $WifeServing.BedBreakfast.countMaidCooked += 1>>
<<set $NPCdaymemory[1].emorning = "cooking bed breakfast">>
<<LocImg "misc" "breakfast on table">>
<<set _maidtakeover = false>>
<<if $NPCstat[1].obedience <= -18 and $WifeServing.BedBreakfast.countMaidServed > 0>>
<<set _maidtakeover = true>>
<<elseif $NPCstat[1].obedience <= -28 and $WifeServing.BedBreakfast.countMaidCooked > 1>>
<<set _maidtakeover = true>>
<<elseif $NPCstat[1].obedience <= -18 and $WifeServing.BedBreakfast.countMaidCooked > 2>>
<<set _maidtakeover = true>>
<<if _maidtakeover and $MaidCookingLessons.lessonsStatus == "">>
<<set $MaidCookingLessons.lessonsStatus = "ready to talk">>
<<if _maidtakeover and $WifeServing.BedBreakfast.countMaidServed == 0>>
<<en "You go down to the first floor and enter the kitchen.">>
<<ru "Ты спускаешься на первый этаж и заходишь на кухню.">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "Samantha, take a short break. I want you to make breakfast for $NPCstat[0].name and put it on the tray.">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Саманта, прервись на минуту. $NPCstat[0].name сегодня будет завтракать наверху, так что, будь добра, положи все на поднос.">>
<<dlg_en 1 "You want to bring her breakfast in bed? That's so sweet. But maybe Mrs. $NPCstat[0].name would like it better if you made some of your own.">>
<<dlg_ru 1 "Вы хотите принести ей завтрак в постель? Это так мило. Но, может быть, вашей жене понравилось больше, если бы приготовили что-то своими руками?">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "I'm no cook at all. So please do what I ask.">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Я совсем не умею готовить. Так что, пожалуйста, сделай то, о чем я прошу.">>
<<dlg_en 1 "All right, Mr. $mc.name. But since I'm going to make breakfast, I'm going to serve it.">>
<<dlg_ru 1 "Хорошо, мистер $mc.name. Но раз уж я буду готовить завтрак, то и подавать его буду я.">>
<<en "Your maid starts running around the kitchen gathering all the ingredients for breakfast.">>
<<ru "Твоя горничная начинает носиться по кухне, собирая все ингредиенты для завтрака.">>
<<dlg_en 1 "dom" "And don't try to argue with me, you know I'm right.">>
<<dlg_ru 1 "dom" "И не пытайтесь со мной спорить, вы знаете, что я права.">>
<<en "When Samantha is done cooking, she takes the tray and walks past you as if you weren't here.">>
<<ru "Закончив готовить, Саманта берет поднос и проходит мимо тебя, как будто тебя здесь и не было.">>
<<if $MaidCookingLessons.lessonsactive == false>>
<<dlg_en 1 "If you have something to object to, find me in the kitchen later and we'll talk about it.">>
<<dlg_ru 1 "Если вам есть что возразить, найдите меня на кухне позже, и мы поговорим об этом.">>
<<elseif $MaidCookingLessons.lessonscount == 0>>
<<dlg_en 1 "You can always start taking lessons from me, Mr. $mc.name. Then making breakfast for your lovely wife won't be a problem for you.">>
<<dlg_ru 1 "Вы всегда можете начать брать у меня уроки, мистер $mc.name. Тогда приготовить завтрак для вашей любимой жены не будет для вас проблемой.">>
<<elseif $MaidCookingLessons.lessonscount > 0>>
<<dlg_en 1 "You can always continue taking lessons from me, Mr. $mc.name. Then making breakfast for your lovely wife won't be a problem for you.">>
<<dlg_ru 1 "Вы всегда можете продолжать брать у меня уроки, мистер $mc.name. Тогда приготовить завтрак для вашей любимой жены не будет для вас проблемой.">>
<<set _link = getLinkName("Leave it/Забыть об этом")>>
<<btnEventLink "Silently follow her/Идти за ней" "Wife MBedroom Events" "sleeping wife(emorning)(breakfast maid)(follow her)">>
<center>@@.btnWide;<<button _link "Kitchen">>
<<set $EventMark = "">>
<<set $WifeServing.BedBreakfast.countMaidServed += 1>>
<<set $MaidToWife.influence = max(25, ($MaidToWife.influence + 1))>>
<<elseif _maidtakeover and $WifeServing.BedBreakfast.countMaidServed > 0>>
<<en "You go down to the first floor and enter the kitchen.">>
<<ru "Ты спускаешься на первый этаж и заходишь на кухню.">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "Samantha, take a short break. I want you to make breakfast for $NPCstat[0].name and put it on the tray.">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Саманта, прервись на минуту. $NPCstat[0].name сегодня будет завтракать наверху, так что, будь добра, положи все на поднос.">>
<<dlg_en 1 "You know what that means, right?">>
<<dlg_ru 1 "Вы ведь понимаете, что это означает?">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "That you want to bring her breakfast, right?">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Что ты также захочешь отнести ей завтрак?">>
<<dlg_en 1 "Want is the wrong word. I will do it. But I'll give you a chance to reform and make breakfast for your lovely wife yourself. What do you say?">>
<<dlg_ru 1 "Захочу - неправильное слово. Я сделаю это. Но я дам ваш шанс исправиться и приготовить завтрак для вашей любимой жены самостоятельно. Что скажете?">>
<<if $mcSkill.cooking >= 10>>
<<btnEventLink "Make breakfast for your wife/Приготовить завтрак самому" "Wife MBedroom Events" "sleeping wife(emorning)(breakfast mc)(under maid)">>
<<btnEventLink "Let Samantha to do everything/Позволить Саманте все сделать" "Wife MBedroom Events" "sleeping wife(emorning)(breakfast maid 2)">>
<<elseif $NPCstat[1].obedience <= -18>>
<<en "You go down to the first floor and enter the kitchen.">>
<<ru "Ты спускаешься на первый этаж и заходишь на кухню.">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "Samantha, take a short break. I want you to make breakfast for $NPCstat[0].name and put it on the tray.">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Саманта, прервись на минуту. $NPCstat[0].name сегодня будет завтракать наверху, так что, будь добра, положи все на поднос.">>
<<dlg_en 1 "You want to bring her breakfast in bed? That's so sweet. But maybe Mrs. $NPCstat[0].name would like it better if you made some of your own.">>
<<dlg_ru 1 "Вы хотите принести ей завтрак в постель? Это так мило. Но, может быть, вашей жене понравилось больше, если бы приготовили что-то своими руками?">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "I'm no cook at all. So please do what I ask.">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Я совсем не умею готовить. Так что, пожалуйста, сделай то, о чем я прошу.">>
<<dlg_en 1 "All right, Mr. $mc.name.">>
<<dlg_ru 1 "Хорошо, мистер $mc.name.">>
<<en "Your maid begins to run around the kitchen fulfilling your request. Frankly, you don't often see her this enthusiastic. After a while, she hands you a tray with all kinds of goodies, plus berries, skim milk, and juice.">>
<<ru "Твоя горничная начинает носиться по кухне, выполняя твою просьбу. Честно говоря, ты не часто видишь ее такой увлеченной. Через некоторое время она протягивает тебе поднос со всевозможными вкусностями, а также ягодами, обезжиренным молоком и соком.">>
<<dlg_en 1 "Here! Mrs. $NPCstat[0].name will be pleased.">>
<<dlg_ru 1 "Вот! Миссис $NPCstat[0].name будет довольна.">>
<<btnEventLink "Take the tray to the bedroom/Отнести поднос в спальню" "Wife MBedroom Events" "sleeping wife(emorning)(breakfast mc 2)">>
<<en "You go down to the first floor and enter the kitchen.">>
<<ru "Ты спускаешься на первый этаж и заходишь на кухню.">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "Samantha, take a short break. I want you to make breakfast for $NPCstat[0].name and put it on the tray.">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Саманта, прервись на минуту. $NPCstat[0].name сегодня будет завтракать наверху, так что, будь добра, положи все на поднос.">>
<<dlg_en 1 "You want to bring her breakfast in bed? That's so sweet. Sure, I'll do it.">>
<<dlg_ru 1 "Вы хотите принести ей завтрак в постель? Это так мило. Конечно, я сделаю это.">>
<<en "Your maid begins to run around the kitchen fulfilling your request. Frankly, you don't often see her this enthusiastic. After a while, she hands you a tray with all kinds of goodies, plus berries, skim milk, and juice.">>
<<ru "Твоя горничная начинает носиться по кухне, выполняя твою просьбу. Честно говоря, ты не часто видишь ее такой увлеченной. Через некоторое время она протягивает тебе поднос со всевозможными вкусностями, а также ягодами, обезжиренным молоком и соком.">>
<<dlg_en 1 "Here! Mrs. $NPCstat[0].name will be pleased.">>
<<dlg_ru 1 "Вот! Миссис $NPCstat[0].name будет довольна.">>
<<btnEventLink "Take the tray to the bedroom/Отнести поднос в спальню" "Wife MBedroom Events" "sleeping wife(emorning)(breakfast mc 2)">>
<<case "sleeping wife(emorning)(breakfast maid 2)">>
<<LocImg "misc" "breakfast on table">>
<<dlg_en 1 "All right, Mr. $mc.name.">>
<<dlg_ru 1 "Хорошо, мистер $mc.name.">>
<<en "Your maid starts running around the kitchen gathering all the ingredients for breakfast.">>
<<ru "Твоя горничная начинает носиться по кухне, собирая все ингредиенты для завтрака.">>
<<dlg_en 1 "dom" "And don't try to argue with me, you know I'm right.">>
<<dlg_ru 1 "dom" "И не пытайтесь со мной спорить, вы знаете, что я права.">>
<<en "When Samantha is done cooking, she takes the tray and walks past you as if you weren't here.">>
<<ru "Закончив готовить, Саманта берет поднос и проходит мимо тебя, как будто тебя здесь и не было.">>
<<if $MaidCookingLessons.lessonsactive == false>>
<<dlg_en 1 "If you have something to object to, find me in the kitchen later and we'll talk about it.">>
<<dlg_ru 1 "Если вам есть что возразить, найдите меня на кухне позже, и мы поговорим об этом.">>
<<elseif $MaidCookingLessons.lessonscount == 0>>
<<dlg_en 1 "You can always start taking lessons from me, Mr. $mc.name. Then making breakfast for your lovely wife won't be a problem for you.">>
<<dlg_ru 1 "Вы всегда можете начать брать у меня уроки, мистер $mc.name. Тогда приготовить завтрак для вашей любимой жены не будет для вас проблемой.">>
<<elseif $MaidCookingLessons.lessonscount > 0>>
<<dlg_en 1 "You can always continue taking lessons from me, Mr. $mc.name. Then making breakfast for your lovely wife won't be a problem for you.">>
<<dlg_ru 1 "Вы всегда можете продолжать брать у меня уроки, мистер $mc.name. Тогда приготовить завтрак для вашей любимой жены не будет для вас проблемой.">>
<<set _link = getLinkName("Leave it/Забыть об этом")>>
<<btnEventLink "Silently follow her/Идти за ней" "Wife MBedroom Events" "sleeping wife(emorning)(breakfast maid)(follow her)">>
<center>@@.btnWide;<<button _link "Kitchen">>
<<set $EventMark = "">>
<<set $WifeServing.BedBreakfast.countMaidServed += 1>>
<<set $MaidToWife.influence = max(25, ($MaidToWife.influence + 1))>>
<<case "sleeping wife(emorning)(breakfast mc 2)">>
<<set $NPCmood[0].tiredness = 0>>
<<set $WifeServing.BedBreakfast.countHeroServed += 1>>
<<NPCmedia "wife" "sleeping(approach)" 0>>
<<en "When you return to the bedroom, your wife is still asleep. You carefully climb onto the bed and press your lips to hers. Your tongue enters her mouth and, to your surprise, she responds without even opening her eyes. Your tongues struggle against each other and only when you break the kiss does your wife open her eyes.">>
<<ru "Когда ты возвращаешься в спальню, твоя жена еще спит. Ты осторожно забираешься на кровать и касаешься ее губ своими. Твой язык проникает в ее рот, и, к твоему удивлению, она отвечает, даже не открывая глаз. Ваши языки сплетаются друг с другом, и только когда вы разрываете поцелуй, ваша жена открывает глаза.">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "Good morning, baby.">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Доброе утро, детка.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "Good morning, honey. What time is it?">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Доброе утро, милый. Сколько сейчас времени?">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "It's time for you to get out of bed.">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Достаточно, чтобы проснуться и подняться с постели.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "I feel so tired, honey. Let me sleep.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Я так устала, милый. Дай мне поспать.">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "Wait! Look what I got for you.">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Подожди! Посмотри, что я тебе принес.">>
<<LocImg "misc" "breakfast in bed">>
<<if $WifeServing.BedBreakfast.countOverall == 1>>
<<en "You show her the tray with food and $NPCstat[0].name gasps in surprise.">>
<<ru "Ты показываешь ей поднос с едой, и $NPCstat[0].name удивленно ахает.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "$mc.name, that's so sweet. I can't remember the last time you brought me breakfast in bed.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "$mc.name, это так мило. Я уже и не помню, когда ты в последний раз приносил мне завтрак в постель.">>
<<en "You show her the tray with food, and $NPCstat[0].name perks up immediately.">>
<<ru "Ты показываешь ей поднос с едой, и $NPCstat[0].name сразу же оживляется.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "$mc.name, that's so sweet. You've shown me so much care lately.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "$mc.name, это так мило. В последнее время ты проявляешь столько заботы обо мне.">>
<<en "She gently runs her hand down your cheek.">>
<<ru "Она нежно проводит рукой по твоей щеке.">>
<<set _berryplay = false>>
<<if $WifeServing.BedBreakfast.countOverall >= 3 and $WifeScenes.BedBreakfast.variation <= 6>>
<<if $NPCsexmemory[0].pussylicking >= 3 and $NPCstat[0].assertiveness >= 18>>
<<set _berryplay = true>>
<<set _legmassage = false>>
<<if $WifeServing.BedBreakfast.countOverall >= 3 and $WifeScenes.BedBreakfast.variation >= 7 and $WifeScenes.BedBreakfast.variation <= 14>>
<<if $NPCsexmemory[0].footmassage >= 2 and $NPCstat[0].assertiveness >= 16>>
<<set _legmassage = true>>
<<if $WifeToMaid.patronage and $time.weekday == 5>>
<<dlg_en 0 "Thank you, honey.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Спасибо, милый.">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "No problem, baby. Enjoy.">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Без проблем, детка. Наслаждайся.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "By the way, it's time for the weekly report. So call Samantha, honey.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Кстати, настало время для еженедельного отчета. Так что, позови Саманту, милый.">>
<<btnEventLink "Call Samantha/Позвать Саманту" "Wife Patronage Scenes" "weekly report(mc call maid)">>
<<elseif _berryplay>>
<<dlg_en 0 "Come on, sit next to me.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Давай, садись рядом со мной.">>
<<en "You do as she says. $NPCstat[0].name places the tray next to her, takes a large berry from it, and puts it in her mouth. As your wife eats it, she stares at you.">>
<<ru "Ты делаешь, как она говорит. $NPCstat[0].name ставит поднос рядом с собой, берет с него крупную ягоду и кладет ее в рот. Пока ваша жена ест, она неотрывно смотрит на тебя.">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "I can tell you're up to something.">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Я могу сказать, что ты что-то замышляешь.">>
<<en "She squints her eyes slightly.">>
<<ru "Она слегка прищуривает глаза.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "I just want to give you a strawberry.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Я просто хочу угостить тебя клубникой.">>
<<en "The woman takes another berry from the tray and hands it to you.">>
<<ru "Девушка берет с подноса еще одну ягоду и протягивает ее тебе.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "Open your mouth, honey.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Открой рот, милый.">>
<<en "After you have eaten one berry, $NPCstat[0].name offers you the next one, but as soon as you open your mouth, she move it away.">>
<<ru "После того как ты съедаешь одну ягоду, $NPCstat[0].name предлагает тебе следующую, но как только ты открываешь рот, она убирает ее.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "How about taking it yourself this time?">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Может, на этот раз возьмешь сам?">>
<<en "With these words, your wife spreads her legs and presses the strawberries against her panties.">>
<<ru "С этими словами твоя жена раздвигает ноги и прижимает клубнику к своим трусикам.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "Come on, honey.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Давай, милый.">>
<<set $WifeServing.BedBreakfast.berryCount = 0>>
<<btnEventLink "Bend over for the berry/Наклониться за ягодой" "Wife MBedroom Events" "(breakfast in bed)(berry teasing)">>
<<elseif _legmassage>>
<<dlg_en 0 "Thank you, honey.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Спасибо, милый.">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "No problem, baby. Enjoy.">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Без проблем, детка. Наслаждайся.">>
<<en "You leave the tray on the bed and stand up.">>
<<ru "Ты оставляешь поднос с едой на кровати и встаешь.">>
<<if $NPCstat[0].lordliness >= 28>>
<<dlg_en 0 "Hold on, honey.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Постой, милый.">>
<<en "She stretches out her legs.">>
<<ru "Она вытягивает ноги.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "It's not nice to leave without offering your lovely wife a massage.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Не вежливо уходить, не предложив массаж своей любимой жене.">>
<<elseif $NPCstat[0].lordliness >= 14>>
<<dlg_en 0 "Hold on, honey.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Постой, милый.">>
<<en "She stretches out her legs.">>
<<ru "Она вытягивает ноги.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "I wouldn't mind a massage.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Я бы не отказалась от массажа.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "Hold on, honey. I have a favor to ask.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Постой, милый. Вообще-то у меня есть одна просьба.">>
<<en "She stretches out her legs.">>
<<ru "Она вытягивает ноги.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "Could you give me a quick massage?">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Не мог бы ты сделать мне небольшой массаж?">>
<<btnEventLink "Massage her legs/Сделать ей массаж ног" "Wife MBedroom Events" "(breakfast in bed)(leg massage)">>
<<btnEventLink "Say you don't have time/Сказать что у тебя нет времени" "Wife MBedroom Events" "(breakfast in bed)(leg massage)(refuse)">>
<<if $NPCstat[0].assertiveness >= 12 and not $WifeServing.BedBreakfast.askedHeroForCooking>>
<<if $WifeServing.BedBreakfast.countOverall >= 2 and $WifeServing.BedBreakfast.countHeroCooked == 0>>
<<dlg_en 0 "Thanks, honey. But next time, why don't you cook it yourself instead of asking Samantha?">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Спасибо, милый. Но, может в следующий раз ты приготовишь что-то своими руками, а не будешь просить Саманту?">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "You know I'm not good at cooking.">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Ты же знаешь, что повар из меня никакой.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "I'm not asking for anything fancy, honey. Just make a simple breakfast. You could ask Samantha. I'm sure she can give you some tips.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Я не прошу чего-то необычного, милый. Сделай что-нибудь простое. В конце концов, ты можешь обратиться к Саманте. Она непременно даст тебе пару подсказок.">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "I'll think about it, baby.">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Я подумаю на этим, крошка.">>
<<en "You leave the tray on the bed and stand up.">>
<<ru "Ты оставляешь поднос с едой на кровати и встаешь.">>
<<set $WifeServing.BedBreakfast.askedHeroForCooking = true>>
<<btnEventLink "Leave/Уйти" "Hallway" "">>
<<elseif $NPCdaymemory[1].emorning == "cooking bed breakfast" and ($WifeServing.BedBreakfast.countMaidCooked - $WifeServing.BedBreakfast.countHeroCooked) >= 2>>
<<dlg_en 0 "Thanks, honey. But next time, why don't you cook it yourself instead of asking Samantha?">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Спасибо, милый. Но, может в следующий раз ты приготовишь что-то своими руками, а не будешь просить Саманту?">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "You know I'm not good at cooking.">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Ты же знаешь, что повар из меня никакой.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "I'm not asking for anything fancy, honey. Just make a simple breakfast. You could ask Samantha. I'm sure she can give you some tips.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Я не прошу чего-то необычного, милый. Сделай что-нибудь простое. В конце концов, ты можешь обратиться к Саманте. Она непременно даст тебе пару подсказок.">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "I'll think about it, baby.">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Я подумаю на этим, крошка.">>
<<en "You leave the tray on the bed and stand up.">>
<<ru "Ты оставляешь поднос с едой на кровати и встаешь.">>
<<set $WifeServing.BedBreakfast.askedHeroForCooking = true>>
<<btnEventLink "Leave/Уйти" "Hallway" "">>
<<dlg_en 0 "Thank you, honey.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Спасибо, милый.">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "No problem, baby. Enjoy.">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Без проблем, детка. Наслаждайся.">>
<<en "You leave the tray on the bed and stand up.">>
<<ru "Ты оставляешь поднос с едой на кровати и встаешь.">>
<<if $mansion.mbedroom.makebedWifeCatch and $NPCstat[0].lordliness >= 22>>
<<dlg_en 0 "By the way, don't forget to return later and make the bed. Since that's your responsibility now.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Кстати, не забудь потом вернуться и заправить кровать. Раз уж это теперь твоя обязанность.">>
<<btnEventLink "Leave/Уйти" "Hallway" "">>
<<dlg_en 0 "Thank you, honey.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Спасибо, милый.">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "No problem, baby. Enjoy.">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Без проблем, детка. Наслаждайся.">>
<<en "You leave the tray on the bed and stand up.">>
<<ru "Ты оставляешь поднос с едой на кровати и встаешь.">>
<<if $mansion.mbedroom.makebedWifeCatch and $NPCstat[0].lordliness >= 22>>
<<dlg_en 0 "By the way, don't forget to return later and make the bed. Since that's your responsibility now.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Кстати, не забудь потом вернуться и заправить кровать. Раз уж это теперь твоя обязанность.">>
<<btnEventLink "Leave/Уйти" "Hallway" "">>
<<case "(breakfast in bed)(berry teasing)">>
<<if $WifeServing.BedBreakfast.berryCount == 0>>
<<set $WifeServing.BedBreakfast.berryCount = random(4,6)>>
<<NPCmedia "wife" "teasing with berry" 0>>
<br>You slide off the bed and kneel down. $NPCstat[0].name playfully runs the strawberry up and down her panties, as if to lure you in. For some reason, your cock begins to swell.
<br>You lean forward and try to catch the berry with your lips, but at the last moment the girl takes it right out from under your nose. As a result, you simply give your wife's pussy a kiss. Even if it was through her panties.
<br><<PHR 0 "I'm sorry, honey. I couldn't resist.">>
<br>$NPCstat[0].name gently takes you by the chin and feeds you the berry.
<<set $WifeServing.BedBreakfast.berryCount -= 1>>
<br><<PHR 0 "It won't happen again. I promise.">>
<br>She takes another berry. But this time, she moves her panties aside and presses the berry right against her labia.
<br><<PHR 0 "I'll even give you a choice. So, your decision, strawberries or pussy?">>
<center>@@.btnWide;<<button "Choose the berry" "Wife MBedroom Events">>
<<set $WifeServing.BedBreakfast.berryCount -= 1>>
<center>@@.btnWide;<<button "Choose her pussy" "Wife MBedroom Events">>
<<set $EventMark = "(breakfast in bed)(berry teasing)(cuni)">>
<<set $WifeServing.BedBreakfast.berryCount = -1>>
<<elseif $WifeServing.BedBreakfast.berryCount > 1>>
<<NPCmedia "wife" "teasing with berry" 0>>
<br>You lean forward and catch the strawberry with your mouth. Your wife strokes your head, and takes another berry.
<br><<PHR 0 "The rules are the same.">>
<center>@@.btnWide;<<button "Choose the berry" "Wife MBedroom Events">>
<<set $WifeServing.BedBreakfast.berryCount -= 1>>
<<btnEventLink "Choose her pussy" "Wife MBedroom Events" "(breakfast in bed)(berry teasing)(cuni)">>
<<elseif $WifeServing.BedBreakfast.berryCount == 1>>
<<NPCmedia "wife" "teasing with berry" 0>>
<br>You lean forward and catch the strawberry with your mouth. Your wife strokes your head, and takes another berry.
<br><<PHR 0 "The rules are the same.">>
<span id="dialog">
<center>@@.btnWide;<<button "Choose the berry">>
<<set $WifeServing.BedBreakfast.berryCount -= 1>>
<<replace "#dialog">>
<br>You lean forward again, but $NPCstat[0].name removes the berry at the final moment.
<br><<PHR 0 "It's the last berry, can you believe it? So this time I gotta break my promise, honey.">>
<br>Your wife picturesquely puts the strawberry in her mouth and eats it.
<<NPCmedia "wife" "strawberry eating(mini)" 0>>
<br><<PHR 0 "I hope you're not too mad at me, honey. Come on, you still have my pussy.">>
<br>She points to her crotch, hinting at your next move.
<<btnEventLink "Start licking her pussy" "Wife MBedroom Events" "(breakfast in bed)(berry teasing)(cuni)">>
<<btnEventLink "Choose her pussy" "Wife MBedroom Events" "(breakfast in bed)(berry teasing)(cuni)">>
<<case "(breakfast in bed)(berry teasing)(cuni)">>
<<set $NPCmood[0].arousal -= 50>>
<<if $NPCmood[0].arousal < 0>><<set $NPCmood[0].arousal = 0>><</if>>
<<set $NPCsexmemory[0].pussylicking += 1>>
<<set $NPCdaymemory[0].emorning = "bedroom cuni">>
<<NPCmedia "wife" "wake up cuni" 1>>
<<if $WifeServing.BedBreakfast.berryCount < 0>>
<br><<PHR 0 "Straight to action? Awww, I was hoping for a little playtime.">>
<br>Despite her words, $NPCstat[0].name falls back, giving you freedom of action.
<<elseif $WifeServing.BedBreakfast.berryCount == 0>>
<br>$NPCstat[0].name falls back, giving you freedom of action.
<<elseif $WifeServing.BedBreakfast.berryCount > 0>>
<br><<PHR 0 "Tired of games? I don't mind.">>
<br>$NPCstat[0].name falls back, giving you freedom of action.
Your tongue runs along her labia and then begins circling along her clit. You hear $NPCstat[0].name's breathing quicken, and she puts one of her legs on your back.
<br>You spread her labia and begin caressing her exposed flesh. The heat of her body and the smell of her love juices drive you up and make your tongue swirl faster. You capture her clit with your lips and begin to suck it, causing your wife's muffled moans to turn into uncontrolled gasps that fill the bedroom.
<br><<PHR 0 "Yeah, just like that, honey. That feels... so-o good!">>
<br>Soon you feel her muscles begin tightening. It looks like $NPCstat[0].name is close to orgasm.
<br><<PHR 0 "I'm so close, honey! I'm so... F-fuck!">>
<br>A tight stream of squirt hits you right in the face. Your wife's entire body continuously shudders, and each spasm is accompanied by a loud moan.
<br>Finally, $NPCstat[0].name comes to her senses, and you feel her hand start stroking your hair. She lifts herself up and pulls you closer for a kiss.
<br><<PHR 0 "Thank you for such a wonderful start to the day, honey. I will look forward to the next time.">>
<<if $mansion.mbedroom.makebedWifeCatch and $NPCstat[0].lordliness >= 22>>
<<en "You take the tray and head towards the bedroom exit, but your wife stops you.">>
<<ru "Ты берешь поднос и направляешься к выходу из спальни, но твоя жена останавливает тебя.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "By the way, don't forget to return and make the bed. Since that's your responsibility now.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Кстати, не забудь вернуться и заправить кровать. Раз уж это теперь твоя обязанность.">>
<<AddStat 0 "assertiveness" 2 30>>
<<btnEventLink "Finish" "Master Bedroom" "">>
<<case "sleeping wife(emorning)(breakfast maid)(follow her)">>
<<set $WifeServing.BedBreakfast.countMaidServed += 1>>
<<set $MaidToWife.bedbreakfast += 1>>
<<set $MaidToWife.influence = max(25, ($MaidToWife.influence + 1))>>
<<LocImg "mc_house" "open door">>
<<en "You follow your maid and stop at the ajar bedroom door to eavesdrop on their conversation.">>
<<ru "Ты следуешь за горничной и останавливаешься у приоткрытой двери спальни, чтобы подслушать их разговор.">>
<<dlg_en 1 "door" "Mrs. $NPCstat[0].name, wake up.">>
<<dlg_ru 1 "door" "Миссис $NPCstat[0].name, проснитесь.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "door" "Oh, Samantha, it's you.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "door" "Ох, Саманта, это ты.">>
<<dlg_en 1 "door" "Your husband said you were feeling a little tired this morning, so I thought it would be a good idea to bring you breakfast in bed.">>
<<dlg_ru 1 "door" "Ваш муж сказал, что вы чувствуете себя немного усталой сегодня утром, поэтому я подумала, что будет отличной идеей принести вам завтрак в постель.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "door" "Thank you, Samantha. That's so sweet of you.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "door" "Спасибо, Саманта. Это так любезно с твоей стороны.">>
<<dlg_en 1 "door" "Enjoy it, Mrs. $NPCstat[0].name.">>
<<dlg_ru 1 "door" "Приятного аппетита, миссис $NPCstat[0].name.">>
<<if $WifeToMaid.patronage and $time.weekday == 5>>
<<dlg_en 0 "By the way, could you find him? It's time for the weekly report.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Кстати, не могла бы ты его найти? Настало время для еженедельного отчета. ">>
<<dlg_en 1 "Of course, Mrs. $NPCstat[0].name.">>
<<dlg_ru 1 "Конечно, миссис $NPCstat[0].name.">>
<<en "You hear footsteps approaching and decide to pretend that you've just gone up to the second floor.">>
<<ru "Ты слышишь приближающиеся шаги и решаешь сделать вид, что только что поднялся на второй этаж.">>
<<dlg_en 1 "Oh, it's you, Mr. $mc.name. Follow me.">>
<<dlg_ru 1 "Ох, это вы, мистер $mc.name. Следуйте за мной.">>
<<btnEventLink "Follow her/Идти за ней" "Wife Patronage Scenes" "weekly report(maid call mc)">>
<<en "You hear footsteps approaching.">>
<<ru "Ты слышишь приближающиеся шаги.">>
<<th_en "It's time to go.">>
<<th_ru "Пора уходить.">>
<<btnEventLink "Leave/Уйти" "Hallway" "">>
<<case "(breakfast in bed)(leg massage)">>
<<set $WifeFootFetish.emorningMassage += 1>>
<<set $NPCsexmemory[0].footmassage += 1>>
<<set $WifeFootFetish.massagedesire = 0>>
<<NPCmedia "wife" "leg massage(mbedroom)" 0>>
<<en "You sit down on the bed near your wife's feet. You take her right shin with both hands and begin to massage it. $NPCstat[0].name moans with pleasure. You look in her direction and your wife smiles at you. She then picks up the breakfast tray and places it in front of her.">>
<<ru "Ты садишься на кровать возле ног своей жены. Ты берешь ее правую голень двумя руками и начинаешь массировать. $NPCstat[0].name издает легкий стон удовольствия. Ты бросаешь взгляд в ее сторону, и твоя жена улыбается тебе. Затем она берет поднос с завтраком и ставит перед собой.">>
<<if $NPCdaymemory[1].emorning == "cooking bed breakfast">>
<<dlg_en 0 "Let's see what you brought me.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Посмотрим, что ты мне тут принес.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "Let's see what you made for me.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Посмотрим, что ты мне тут приготовил.">>
<<en "You continue to massage the brunette's shin, moving lower and lower. Then you take her foot and begin massaging it with your thumbs in a circular motion. $NPCstat[0].name quietly enjoys her breakfast. You finish by stretching each of her toes in turn, and every time you look up, you notice the woman's eyes narrowing in pleasure.">>
<<ru "Ты продолжаешь массировать голень брюнетки, постепенно спускаясь ниже. Затем ты берешь ее ступню и начинаешь массировать ее круговыми движениями больших пальцем. $NPCstat[0].name все это время молча наслаждается завтраком. Заканчиваешь ты тем, что разминаешь каждый ее пальчик по очереди, и каждый раз, когда ты поднимаешь глаза, ты замечаешь, как девушка жмурится от удовольствия.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "I like to start the day like this.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Такое начало дня мне по душе.">>
<<en "You switch to the other foot and start the whole massage cycle over again. Meanwhile, $NPCstat[0].name puts the tray down, leans back and closes her eyes. You finish the massage and then gently tickle her foot.">>
<<ru "Ты переходишь на другу ногу и начинаешь весь цикл массажа по-новой. Тем временем, $NPCstat[0].name откладывает поднос в сторону, откидывается назад и закрывает глаза. Ты доводишь массаж до конца и затем легонько щекочешь ее ступню.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "Oh, honey, I almost fell asleep again. It is time to get up.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Ох, милый, я едва не заснула, снова. Пора вставать.">>
<<en "She motions for you to take the tray back to the kitchen, and as you bend down to pick it up, your wife suddenly reaches up and gives you a quick kiss.">>
<<ru "Она указывает тебе поднос, предлагая тебе вернуть его на кухню, и когда ты наклоняешься за ним, твоя жена неожиданно приподнимается и дарит тебе быстрый поцелуй.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "Thank you again.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Еще раз раз спасибо.">>
<<if $mansion.mbedroom.makebedWifeCatch and $NPCstat[0].lordliness >= 22>>
<<en "You take the tray and head towards the bedroom exit, but your wife stops you.">>
<<ru "Ты берешь поднос и направляешься к выходу из спальни, но твоя жена останавливает тебя.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "By the way, don't forget to return and make the bed. Since that's your responsibility now.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Кстати, не забудь вернуться и заправить кровать. Раз уж это теперь твоя обязанность.">>
<<AddStat 0 "lordliness" 1 20>>
<<btnEventLink "Leave/Уйти" "Hallway" "">>
<<case "(breakfast in bed)(leg massage)(refuse)">>
<<LocImg "misc" "breakfast in bed">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "Sorry, baby. I'm really in a hurry.">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Прости, крошка. Я очень спешу.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "That's a pity. I hope we'll continue this next time.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Очень жаль. Надеюсь, мы продолжим в следующий раз.">>
<<RemoveStat 0 "mood" 20 -100>>
<<btnEventLink "Leave/Уйти" "Hallway" "">>
<</switch>><<set $location.sub = "">>
<<if $EventMark == "ask out(get rest)">>
<<set $EventMark = "ask out">>
<<set _scene = "get rest">>
<<elseif $EventMark == "ask out(tanning)">>
<<set $EventMark = "ask out">>
<<set _scene = "tanning">>
<<elseif $EventMark == "ask out(drink coffee)">>
<<set $EventMark = "ask out">>
<<set _scene = "drink coffee">>
<<switch $EventMark>>
<<case "ask out">>
<<if _scene == "get rest">>
<<NPCmedia "wife" "lying on bed" 0>>
<<elseif _scene == "tanning">>
<<if MaidAtHome()>>
<<NPCmedia "wife" "sunbathing(mini)" 0>>
<<NPCmedia "wife" "sunbathing(topless)(mini)" 0>>
<<elseif _scene == "drink coffee">>
<<NPCmedia "wife" "drinking coffee(kitchen)" 0>>
<br><<PHR "mc" "Baby, how about we spend this day together?">>
<br><<PHR 0 "Of course, I'd love to spend some time with you. What's on your mind?">>
<span id="dialog">
<center>@@.btnWide;<<button "Invite her to the lake">>
<<replace "#dialog">>
<<if $time.daytime <= 3>>
<br><<PHR "mc" "I'm thinking about going to the lake.">>
<br><<PHR 0 "Okay, wait till I change.">>
<<btnEventLink "Go to the lake" "Wife Lake Dates" "date(start)">>
<br><<PHR "mc" "I'm thinking about going to the lake.">>
<br><<PHR 0 "I'm afraid it's a bit late for walks around the lake.">>
<br><<TH "Yeah, she's right about that. It's easy to bump into some driftwood in the dark.">>
<<btnEventLink "Invite her to the restaurant instead" "Wife Dates Hub" "ask out(alt)">>
<<btnEventLink "Let her rest" "Master Bedroom" "">>
<center>@@.btnWide;<<button "Invite her to the restaurant">>
<<replace "#dialog">>
<br><<PHR "mc" "I'm thinking about going to the restaurant.">>
<br><<PHR 0 "Okay, wait till I change.">>
<<btnEventLink "Go to the restaurant" "Wife Restaurant Dates" "date(start)">>
<<case "ask out(alt)">>
<<NPCmedia "wife" "lying on bed" 0>>
<br><<PHR "mc" "Then how about the restaurant?">>
<br><<PHR 0 "Okay, wait till I change.">>
<<btnEventLink "Go to the restaurant" "Wife Restaurant Dates" "date(start)">>
<</switch>><<switch $EventMark>>
/* ------------------------------ TENNIS SCENES ------------------------------ */
<<case "tennis(suggest)">>
<<set $WifeTennis.mcinvite = true>>
<<NPCmedia "wife" "in hallway" 0>>
<<en "In the hallway, you run into your wife.">>
<<ru "Ты сталкиваешься со своей женой в коридоре.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "Hey, $mc.name, I'm going to play tennis. Wanna come with me?">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Эй, $mc.name, я собираюсь поиграть в теннис. Присоединишься?">>
<span id="dialog">
<<set _txt = getLinkName("Agree to play tennis with her/Поехать на теннисный корт вместе с ней")>>
<center>@@.btnWide;<<button _txt>>
<<set $WifeTennis.mcdrive = true>>
<<replace "#dialog">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "That's a great idea. Grab your backpack and let's go.">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Это отличная идея. Хватай свою сумку и погнали.">>
<<en "You take your car and ride $NPCstat[0].name to the tennis club.">>
<<ru "Ты отвозишь свою жену на теннисный корт.">>
<<LocImg "local" "road">>
<<en "You get changed and go out on the court.">>
<<ru "Вы переодеваетесь и выходите на корт.">>
<<set _txt = getLinkName("Play tennis with your wife/Играть в теннис со своей женой")>>
<center>@@.btnWide;<<button _txt "Tennis Court Play">>
<<set _stdice = random(1)>>
<<if _stdice == 0>><<set $PlayTennis.serve = false>><</if>>
<<if _stdice == 1>><<set $PlayTennis.serve = true>><</if>>
<<set $PlayTennis.opponent = $NPCstat[0].name>>
<<set $PlayTennis.opskill = $WifeTennis.skill>>
<<set $EventMark = "start game">>
<<set _txt = getLinkName("Say you don't have a time/Сказать что у тебя нет времени")>>
<center>@@.btnWide;<<button _txt>>
<<replace "#dialog">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "I'm so busy today, baby. I'll join you next time.">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Милая, я занят сегодня. Я схожу с тобой в следующий раз.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "Oh, okay.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Ох, ладно.">>
<<en "$NPCstat[0].name throws her sports backpack over her shoulder and leaves.">>
<<ru "$NPCstat[0].name перекидывает сумку через плечо и выходит из дома.">>
<<btnEventLink "Leave/Закончить" "Hallway" "">>
<<case "tennis(return)">>
<<SkipTimeBlock 1>>
<<NPCmedia "wife" "play tennis" 1>>
<<en "$NPCstat[0].name finds another girl and starts a match with her. You take out your phone and, leaning back, start flipping idly through entertaining videos. At times, you cast glances in your wife's direction.">>
<<ru "$NPCstat[0].name находит другую девушку и начинает матч с ней. Ты вытаскиваешь свой телефон и, откинувшись назад, начинаешь просматривать забавные видео. Времея от времени, ты бросаешь взгляды в сторону твоей жены.">>
<<en "Finally, their match is over. Your wife gives you a hand signal.">>
<<ru "Наконец, их матч заканчивается. Твоя жена жестом привлекает твое внимание.">>
<<if $NPCstat[0].lordliness >= 14>>
<<dlg_en 0 "$mc.name, I'm gonna take a shower. Can you pack my stuff?">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "$mc.name, я пошла в душ. Можешь пока собрать мои вещи?">>
<<elseif $NPCstat[0].lordliness >= 28>>
<<dlg_en 0 "$mc.name, I'm gonna take a shower. Pack my stuff at this time.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "$mc.name, я пошла в душ. Собери пока что мои вещи.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "$mc.name, I'm gonna take a shower.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "$mc.name, я пошла в душ.">>
<<if $NPCstat[0].lordliness >= 14>>
<<btnEventLink "Pack her stuff/Собрать ее вещи" "Wife Overall Events" "tennis(return 2.2)">>
<<btnEventLink "Wait for her/Просто подождать" "Wife Overall Events" "tennis(return 2.1)">>
<<btnEventLink "Wait for her/Просто подождать" "Wife Overall Events" "tennis(return 2.1)">>
<<case "tennis(return 2.1)">>
<<LocImg "local" "road">>
<<en "Then you take $NPCstat[0].name home. As soon as you pull into the garage, she jumps out of the car and disappears into the house.">>
<<ru "Затем, ты отвозишь свою жену домой. Как только ты заводишь машину в гараж, $NPCstat[0].name выпрыгивает из нее и скрывается в доме.">>
<<btnEventLink "Finish/Закончить" "Hallway" "">>
<<case "tennis(return 2.2)">>
<<set $WifeTennis.mcpackstuff += 1>>
<<LocImg "local" "road">>
<<en "You pack your wife's stuff. Then you take $NPCstat[0].name home. As soon as you pull into the garage, she jumps out of the car and disappears into the house.">>
<<ru "Ты собираешь вещи своей жены. Затем, ты отвозишь ее домой. Как только ты заводишь машину в гараж, $NPCstat[0].name выпрыгивает из нее и скрывается в доме.">>
<<btnEventLink "Finish/Закончить" "Hallway" "">>
/* ------------------------------ AFTER JENNY ------------------------------ */
<<case "morning(after Jenny watch you)">>
<<set $WifeQueen.active = true>>
<<SkipTimeBlock 1>>
<<LocImg "mc_house" "awakening">>
<<en "When you open your eyes, you see your wife coming out of the bathroom wearing only a robe and walking to the dressing room. You get up.">>
<<ru "Открыв глаза, ты видишь свою жену, которая выходит из ванной в одном лишь халате и направляется в гардеробную. Ты поднимаешься.">>
<<th_en "I need to freshen up.">>
<<th_ru "Мне нужно освежиться.">>
<<en "After washing your face, you regain some of your senses and immediately remember the events of the night before.">>
<<ru "Умывшись, ты немного приходишь в себя и тут же вспонимаешь события предыдущей ночи.">>
<<th_en "Damn it! I think $NPCstat[0].name wants to talk.">>
<<th_ru "Черт! Думаю, $NPCstat[0].name хочет поговорить.">>
<<btnEventLink "Go to the dressing room/Идти в гардеробную" "Wife Overall Events" "morning(after Jenny watch you)(talk)">>
<<case "morning(after Jenny watch you)(talk)">>
<<NPCmedia "wife" "dressing up" 0>>
<<en "You walk into the dressing room and find your wife sitting on the ottoman looking through her underwear. She turns to you.">>
<<ru "Зайдя в гардеробную, ты обнаруживаешь свою жену, сидящую на пуфике и перебирающую белье. Она поворачивается к тебя.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "You're up, honey! How are you feeling? Hangover's not too bad?">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Ты проснулся, милый! Как ты? Голова не сильно болит?">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "I'm fine. But, you know, we should be more careful with alcohol in the future. We're lucky Jenny didn't start recording.">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Я в порядке. Но, знаешь, в будущем нам следует быть осторожнее с алкоголем. Нам повезло, что Дженни ничего не стала снимать.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "Honey, before we talk about this, could you grab my panties from the drawer over there?">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Милый, прежде чем мы поговорим об этом, не мог бы ты взять мои трусики из вон того ящика?">>
<<en "Without a second thought, you comply with her request and walk over to the drawer. You take the first pair of panties you see and show them to your wife.">>
<<ru "Без всякой задней мысли, ты исполняешь ее просьбу и направляешься к ящику. Взяв из него первую попавшуюся пару, ты демонстрируешь их своей жене.">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "These?">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Вот эти?">>
<<dlg_en 0 "Yes, take them and also the white ones with the flower pattern.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Да, возьми эти, а также белые, со цветочным узором.">>
<<en "You turn back to the woman. $NPCstat[0].name rises from the ottoman and pulls down her panties.">>
<<ru "Ты возвращаешься к девушке. $NPCstat[0].name поднимается с пуфика и стягивает с себя трусики.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "Sit down, honey.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Садись, милый.">>
<<en "You do as she says while the brunette picks up the white panties to try them on.">>
<<ru "Ты делаешь, как она говорит, в то время как брюнетка берет белые трусики, чтобы примерить их.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "No, they don't match.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Нет, эти не подходят.">>
<<en "She takes another pair from your hands.">>
<<ru "Она берет другую пару из твоих рук.">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "$NPCstat[0].name, I want to talk to you. Doesn't what happened yesterday bother you?">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "$NPCstat[0].name, я хочу поговорить. Неужели то, что случилось вчера, тебя не волнует?">>
<<dlg_en 0 "I understand how you feel, honey. But the thing is, when I was in the shower this morning, it was clear to me that last night was something we've been on a journey toward for a long time. And we can't stop now. I can't stop.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Я понимаю твои чувства, милый. Но, когда я принимала душ этим утром, я поняла, что вчерашний вечер - это то, к чему мы шли долгое время. И мы уже не можем остановиться. Я не могу остановиться.">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "I don't even know what to say.">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Я даже не знаю, что ответить.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "Because you don't have to.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Потому что тебе и не нужно отвечать.">>
<<en "With those words she grabs you by the hair and pulls you to her pussy.">>
<<ru "С этими словами, она хватает тебя за волосы и притягивает к своей киске.">>
<<NPCmedia "wife" "cuni(dressing room)(standing)" 1>>
<<dlg_en 0 "That's much better. Come on, honey, stop being ashamed of your nature.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Так гораздо лучше. Давай, милый, прекрати стесняться своей природы.">>
<<en "As if hypnotized, you pull out your tongue and begin to slowly stroke it up and down. $NPCstat[0].name sighs with relief.">>
<<ru "Словно завороженный ты вытаскиваешь язык и начинаешь медленно водить им вверх-вниз. $NPCstat[0].name облегченно вздыхает.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "I like the kind of $mc.name who thinks of new ways to satisfy me much better than the one who's always complaining about something. Think back to the first few months of our marriage. You were literally carrying me in your arms.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Мне куда больше нравится тот $mc.name, который думает о новых способах удовлетворить меня, чем тот, который постоянно жалуется на что-то. Вспомни наши первые месяцы после свадьбы. Ты буквально носил меня на руках.">>
<<en "You remember your honeymoon and how you moved into this mansion right after it. You also remember slapping your wife's ass the first time you went up to the second floor. Eventually, these thoughts lead you to wrap your arms around your wife's hips at that very moment. But to your surprise, she pushes you away.">>
<<ru "Ты вспоминаешь ваш медовый месяц, а также как вы приехали в этот особняк сразу после него. Ты также вспоминаешь, как шлепнул свою жену по заднице, когда вы в первый раз поднимались на второй этаж. В итоге, эти мысли приводят к тому, что ты прямо сейчас обхватываешь свою жену за бедра. Однако, к твоему удивлению, она отталкивает тебя.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "Don't get carried away, honey. Jenny must be waiting for me downstairs.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Не увлекайся, милый. Дженни должно быть уже ждет меня внизу.">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "But...">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Но...">>
<<dlg_en 0 "Don't worry. We'll finish this next time.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Не волнуйся. Мы обязательно закончим начатое, в следующий раз.">>
<<en "$NPCstat[0].name chooses the right pair of panties and puts it on. Then she leans down and kisses you on the forehead.">>
<<ru "$NPCstat[0].name наконец выбирает подходящие трусики и одевает их. Затем, она наклоняется и целует тебя в лоб.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "Love you, honey.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Люблю тебя, милый.">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "Love you too.">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Я тебя тоже люблю.">>
<<AddStat 0 "assertiveness" 10 100>>
<<AddStat 0 "lordliness" 10 100>>
<<btnEventLink "Finish/Закончить" "Master Bedroom" "">>
/* ------------------------------ BUY THRONE ------------------------------ */
<<case "buy throne">>
<<set $NPCplans[2].noon = "wandering(downtown)">>
<<set $NPCplans[2].anoon = "wandering(downtown)">>
<<set $NPCplans[2].evening = "wandering(downtown)">>
<<NPCmedia "wife" "dressing up" 0>>
<<en "$NPCstat[0].name is sitting on the pouffe and picking out an outfit for today.">>
<<ru "$NPCstat[0].name сидит на пуфике и подбирает наряд для сегодняшнего дня.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "It's good you came, honey. Jenny just called and said she can't go shopping with me. Would you like to come with me?">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Хорошо, что ты появился, милый. Дженни только что позвонила и сказала, что не сможет пойти со мной по магазинам. Не хочешь отправиться со мной?">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "If it's just the two of us without Jenny, why not?">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Если мы будем только вдвоем, без Дженни, то почему бы и нет?">>
<<dlg_en 0 "That's fine. Give me ten minutes and we'll be on our way.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Отлично. Дай мне десять минут, и мы отправляемся.">>
<<btnEventLink "Go to the mall/Отправиться в торговый центр" "Wife Overall Events" "buy throne 2" 1>>
<<case "buy throne 2">>
<<LocImg "mall" "facade">>
<<en "After spending a whole fifteen minutes looking for a free space, you finally park the car.">>
<<ru "Потратив целых пятнадцать минут на поиски свободного места, ты наконец припарковываешь машину.">>
<<set $EventMark = "">>
<<set $JennyShopping.malldesire = "buy dresses">>
<<btnLink "Dive into shopping hell/Начать прогулку по торговому центру" "Wife Overall Events" "buy throne(mall hub)">>
<<case "buy throne(buy dress A)">>
<<NPCmedia "wife" "buying ouftit 1" 0>>
<<dlg_en 0 "What do you think, honey?">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Как тебе, милый?">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "I like it. Black looks good on you, as always.">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Мне нравится. Черный, как всегда, хорошо на тебе смотрится.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "That's why I have so many black clothes. Maybe I should try something else.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "И поэтому у меня столько черных вещей. Может, мне стоит попробовать что-то другое.">>
<<en "$NPCstat[0].name goes into the dressing room.">>
<<ru "$NPCstat[0].name уходит в примерочную кабинку.">>
<<btnEventLink "Wait for her next outfit/Подождать следующий наряд" "Wife Overall Events" "buy throne(buy dress B)">>
<<case "buy throne(buy dress B)">>
<center><table style="width:100%">
<td style="width:50%;">
<td style="width:50%;">
<<NPCmedia "wife" "buying ouftit 2" 0>>
<td style="vertical-align:top">
<<dlg_en 0 "What about this dress, honey?">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Как насчет этого платья, милый?">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "I don't know. It looks pretty plain to me.">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Не знаю. Как по мне, оно довольно простое.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "I guess you're right. It looked much better in the window.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Думаю, ты прав. На витрине оно смотрелось намного лучше.">>
<<en "Your wife is back in the dressing room.">>
<<ru "Твоя жена вновь скрывается в примерочной.">>
<<btnEventLink "Wait for her next outfit/Подождать следующий наряд" "Wife Overall Events" "buy throne(buy dress C)">>
<<case "buy throne(buy dress C)">>
<center><table style="width:100%">
<td style="width:50%;">
<td style="width:50%;">
<<NPCmedia "wife" "buying ouftit 3" 0>>
<td style="vertical-align:top">
<<en "After a while you hear your wife's voice.">>
<<ru "Спустя некоторое время ты слышишь голос своей жены.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "Honey, can you help me?">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Милый, не мог ты мне помочь?">>
<<en "You enter the dressing room and see $NPCstat[0].name holding a folded dress in front of you.">>
<<ru "Ты заходишь в примерочную кабинку и видишь, что $NPCstat[0].name протягивает тебе свернутое платье.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "This next dress is a little too small for me. Could you get the same one, but one size bigger?">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Следующеее платье оказалось мне маловато. Не мог бы ты взять такое же, но на размер больше.">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "No problem, baby.">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Нет проблем, крошка.">>
<<en "In the end, your wife chooses a couple outfits to buy and you both leave the store.">>
<<ru "В итоге, твоя жена выбирает для покупки пару нарядов и вы вдвоем покидаете магазин.">>
<<btnEventLink "Continue/Продолжить" "Wife Overall Events" "buy throne 3">>
<<case "buy throne 3">>
<<SkipTimeBlock 1>>
<<LocImg "mall" "hallway">>
<<en "As you leave the boutique, you head further down the corridor. The flow of people moves mostly towards you. Soon, your wife pulls you over.">>
<<ru "Выйдя из бутика, вы направляетесь дальше по коридору. Людской поток двигается преимущественно вам навстречу. Вскоре, твоя жена останавливает тебя.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "$mc.name, let's stop in here.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "$mc.name, давай заглянем сюда.">>
<<en "You lift your head and see a sex shop sign.">>
<<ru "Ты поднимаешь голову и видишь вывеску секс-шопа.">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "Do you want to buy something here?">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Ты хочешь что-то купить здесь?">>
<<dlg_en 0 "No, just to have a look around. But if Jenny finds something here that interests her, maybe we can, too. Who knows, maybe we'll discover something new for ourselves.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Нет, просто осмотреться. Но, если Дженни находит здесь что-то интересное для себя, может и мы сможем? Кто знает, может мы откроем для себя что-то новое?">>
<<btnEventLink "Come inside/Зайти внутрь" "Wife Overall Events" "buy throne 4">>
<<case "buy throne 4">>
<<LocImg "mall" "sex shop">>
<<en "You walk into the store. Your wife's attention is immediately drawn to the latex suits and leather accessories worn by mannequins.">>
<<ru "Вы заходите внутрь магазина. Внимание твоей жены сразу же привлекают латексные костюмы и кожаные аксессуары, в которые облачены манекены.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "What do you think, honey? Would I look good in something like this?">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Что думаешь, милый? Я бы хорошо смотрелась в подобном?">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "You look best with nothing on, baby.">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Лучше всего ты смотришься без одежды, крошка.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "Oh, shut up.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Ох, помолчи.">>
<<en "$NPCstat[0].name walks around one of the mannequins.">>
<<ru "$NPCstat[0].name обходит один из манекенов.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "Jenny has a suit like that. She says it's really uncomfortable.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "У Дженни есть подобный костюм. По ее заверениям, он дико неудобный.">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "Maybe she bought the wrong size? Or maybe she eats too much?">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Может, она просто купила не свой размер? Или, она слишком много ест?">>
<<en "$NPCstat[0].name sighs.">>
<<ru "$NPCstat[0].name вздыхает.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "I don't think it's the size. Anyway, I've spent enough time in the fitting room for one shopping trip. Let's see what else they sell besides slutty outfits.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Думаю, дело не в размере. В любом случае, я провела достаточно времени в примерочной кабинке для одного похода по магазинам. Давай посмотрим, что они тут продают, помимо костюмов.">>
<<LocImg "mall" "sex shop(stand)">>
<<en "You go to the back of the shop. Here, leather belts, whips and spanking boards are displayed in all their variety. You hope you won't stay too long, but $NPCstat[0].name decides to take a look around. She even runs her hand over these instruments of punishment, as if to see what effect they might have on a person's skin. Then she takes a step to the side and spots the collars and mouth gags. Your wife turns to you and smiles.">>
<<ru "Вы проходите вглубь магазина. Здесь со всем своим разнообразием представлены кожаные ремни и плетки, а также доски для шлепков. Ты надеешься, что вы не задержитесь здесь надолго, но $NPCstat[0].name решает осмотреться. Она даже проводит рукой по этим инструментам для наказаний, словно желая понять, какой эффект они могут произвести при соприкосновении с кожей. Затем она делает шаг в сторону и обнаруживает ошейники и кляпы для рта. Твоя жена поворачивается в твою сторону и улыбается.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "No, I prefer to hear your voice and feel your tongue.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Нет, я предпочитаю слышать твой голос и чувствовать твой язычок. Пойдем дальше, милый.">>
<<btnEventLink "Continue/Продолжить" "Wife Overall Events" "buy throne 5">>
<<case "buy throne 5">>
<<LocImg "mall" "sex shop(stand)">>
<<en "At this point, the salesgirl, apparently sensing your confusion, comes out from behind the counter.">>
<<ru "В этот момент, продавщица, видимо, почувствовав вашу неуверенность, выходит из-за прилавка.">>
<<dlg_en 32 "Looks like you need some advice?">>
<<dlg_ru 32 "Похоже, что вам нужна консультация?">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "We're just looking around.">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Мы просто осматриваемся.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "In fact, we could use some help. We're looking for a way to, ahem, spice up our games.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Вообще-то, мы бы не отказались от помощи. Мы ищем способ, кхм, как немного разнообразить наши игры.">>
<<en "The salesgirl takes a quick look at you.">>
<<ru "Продавщица бегло осматривает вас.">>
<<dlg_en 32 "How about this?">>
<<dlg_ru 32 "Как насчет этого?">>
<<en "The girl picks up a leather collar with a leash attached to it by a metal carabiner. She holds it out to your wife, but then freezes.">>
<<ru "Девушка берет кожаный ошейник, к которому с помощью металлического карабина пристегнут поводок. Она было протягивает его твоей жене, но затем замирает.">>
<<dlg_en 32 "I take it you're in charge of your relationship?">>
<<dlg_ru 32 "Я так понимаю, в отношениях ведете вы?">>
<<th_en "She seems to have already realized that $NPCstat[0].name is in the dominant position in your sex life, but just in case, she decided to make that fact clear.">>
<<th_ru "Похоже, что она уже поняла, что $NPCstat[0].name занимает доминирующую позицию в вашей сексуальной жизни, но, на всякий случай, решила уточнить данный факт.">>
<<en "Your wife takes the lead and grabs the collar out of the salesgirl's hands.">>
<<ru "Твоя жена перехватывает инициативу и забирает ошейник из рук продавщицы.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "I wouldn't say there's anyone in the lead. $mc.name is just the kind of guy who'd do anything to make his wife happy. Right, honey?">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Я бы не сказала, что у нас кто-то лидирует. Просто $mc.name из тех мужчин, которые пойдут на все, что бы их женщина осталась довольной. Верно, милый?">>
<<en "You can feel your face getting all red.">>
<<ru "Ты чувствуешь, как твое лицо заливается краской.">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "Of course, my love. Anything for you.">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Конечно, любимая. Все для тебя.">>
<<en "$NPCstat[0].name gives the leash back.">>
<<ru "$NPCstat[0].name возвращает поводок.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "So I don't need any extra tools to make him do my bidding.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Так что мне не нужны дополнительные инструменты, что заставлять его выполнять мои капризы.">>
<<en "The salesgirl nods.">>
<<ru "Продавщица кивает.">>
<<dlg_en 32 "I see your point. But you don't have to turn playing with restraints into trying to dominate him.">>
<<dlg_ru 32 "Я вас понимаю. Хотя, вам не обязательно превращать игру с ограничителями в попытку подчинить своего партнера.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "We'll think about it. Wait, what is this?">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Мы подумаем. Погоди, а что это такое?">>
<<en "You look in the direction your wife is pointing and see a carved wooden chair, with leather trim.">>
<<ru "Ты смотришь в сторону, в которую указывает твоя жена и видишь резное деревянное кресло, с кожаной отделкой.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "Is it available for sale?">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Оно продается?">>
<center><table style="width:100%">
<td style="width:50%;">
<td style="width:50%;">
<<LocImg "mall" "sex shop(throne)">>
<td style="vertical-align:top">
<<dlg_en 32 "I see you're interested in the throne? Yes, it is available for sale.">>
<<dlg_ru 32 "Вас заинтересовал трон? Да он продается.">>
<<dlg_en 32 "However, it's only a model. If you decide to buy it, you'll have to wait a few days for the throne to arrive from the warehouse.">>
<<dlg_ru 32 "Правда, это всего лишь образец. Если вы решите купить его, то вам придется подождать несколько дней, пока тро не прибудет со склада.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "That's not a problem. What do you think, honey?">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Это не проблема. Что думаешь, милый?">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "I like it. A fitting piece of furniture for the Queen.">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Мне нравится. Подходящая вещь для Королевы.">>
<<en "$NPCstat[0].name approaches the chair to feel its material. Then she sits down and crosses her legs.">>
<<ru "$NPCstat[0].name подходит креслу, чтобы попробовать его материал на ощупь. Затем она садится на него, скрестив ноги.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "Honey, come over here.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Милый, стань рядом.">>
<<en "You do as she asks, and your wife turns to the salesgirl.">>
<<ru "Ты делаешь, как она просит, и твоя жена обращается уже к продавщице.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "How do we look?">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Как мы смотримся?">>
<<dlg_en 32 "You look great. Why don't you try some other positions? For example, your husband can kneel in front of you and you can extend your hand for a kiss.">>
<<dlg_ru 32 "Чудесно. Может попробуем несколько других поз? Например, ваш муж может преклонить перед вами колено, а вы можете протянуть ему руку для поцелуя.">>
<<en "You examine the shop floor.">>
<<ru "Ты опускаешь взгляд на пол.">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "Yeah, you're right. We can test the throne later, because we're definitely buying it.">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Да, ты прав. У нас будет время опробовать этот трон, потому что мы определенно покупаем его.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "How do we look?">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Как мы смотримся?">>
<<dlg_en 32 "Oh, that's great. All we have to do is pick out the right color from the catalog.">>
<<dlg_ru 32 "Замечательно. Остается только выбрать подходящую расцветку из каталога.">>
<<btnEventLink "Continue/Продолжить" "Wife Overall Events" "buy throne 6">>
<<case "buy throne 6">>
<<SkipTimeBlock 1>>
<<set $WifeQueen.throneBought = true>>
<<LocImg "mall" "sex shop">>
<<en "You pay for the throne and its delivery and leave the store.">>
<<ru "Вы оплачиваете трон и его доставку и выходите из магазина.">>
<<set $EventMark = "">>
<<set $JennyShopping.malldesire = "take break">>
<<btnLink "Continue/Продолжить" "Wife Overall Events" "buy throne(mall hub)">>
<<case "buy throne(feet massage)">>
<<set $WifeFootFetish.mallmassage += 1>>
<<set $NPCsexmemory[0].footmassage += 1>>
<<set $NPCsexmemory[0].footlicking += 1>>
<<NPCmedia "wife" "foot massage(mall)" 1>>
<<en "Your wife lifts her legs and places her feet on your lap. You gently take them in your hands and begin kneading her tired muscles. $NPCstat[0].name can't help but let out a contented sigh.">>
<<ru "Твоя жена поднимает ноги и кладет свои ступни на твои колени. Ты аккуратно берешь их в руки и начинаешь разминать ее уставшие мускулы. $NPCstat[0].name не может сдержать довольный вздох.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "Yes, that's it, honey.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Да, вот так, милый.">>
<<en "You continue to massage, with firm and deliberate moves. As a result, you feel the tension in her feet melt away.">>
<<ru "Ты продолжаешь массировать, твердыми и уверенными движениями. Как результат, ты чувствуешь, как напряжение в ее ступнях растворяется.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "Honey, I want you to suck my toes. I really love it when you do that during a massage.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Милый, я хочу, чтобы ты пососал мои пальцы. Я просто обожаю, когда ты делаешь это во время массажа.">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "Right here?">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Прямо здесь?">>
<<dlg_en 0 "Yeah. Don't worry, no one will see us.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Да. Не бойся, никто нас не увидит.">>
<<en "You are deep in thought. The whole situation turns you on, but you've never shown such submission to your wife in public before. This is definitely a new step in your relationship. Another one.">>
<<ru "Ты погружаешься в раздумья. Вся эта ситуация возбуждает тебя, но до этого ты никогда не проявлял такого подчинения к своей жене на публике. Это определенно новый шаг в ваших отношениях. Еще один.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "Come on, honey. I know you want to.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Давай, милый. Ты же этого хочешь.">>
<<en "You look around again to make sure there are no prying eyes and take her big toe in your mouth. This time you can taste the salty taste of her sweat, but for some reason it tastes good to you, and you enthusiastically start sucking on her toe.">>
<<ru "Ты еще раз оглядываешься по сторонам, дабы убедиться, что рядом нет посторонних глаз, и берешь большой палец ее ступни в рот. В этот раз, ты чувствуешь соленоватый привкус ее пота, но почему-то этот вкус кажется тебе приятным, и ты с энтузиазмом начинаешь посасывать ее палец.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "That's it, honey. Squeeze your lips tighter.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Вот так, милый. Сожми свои губы посильнее.">>
<<en "You continue to lick and suck her toes, not forgetting to massage her feet. $NPCstat[0].name is lying on the couch in absolute bliss. Her eyes are closed.">>
<<ru "Ты продолжаешь облизывать и посасывать ее пальцы, не забывая при этом массировать ее ступни. $NPCstat[0].name лежит на диване, погруженная в абсолютную него. Ее глаза закрыты.">>
<<btnEventLink "Continue/Продолжить" "Wife Overall Events" "buy throne(feet massage 2)">>
<<case "buy throne(feet massage 2)">>
<<NPCmedia "wife" "foot massage(mall)" 1>>
<<en "Fifteen minutes later, your wife stops you.">>
<<ru "Спустя четверть часа, твоя жена останавливает тебя.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "Thank you, honey. I feel completely refreshed.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Спасибо, милый. Чувствую себя полностью обновленной.">>
<<en "$NPCstat[0].name puts on her shoes and gets up from the couch. Then she winks at you.">>
<<ru "$NPCstat[0].name одевает туфли и поднимается с дивана. Затем она подмигивает тебе.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "If you want me to do anything for you, just say the word.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Если хочешь, чтобы я сделал что-то для тебя, только скажи.">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "No need, baby. As long as you're satisfied.">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Не стоит, крошка. Главное, чтобы ты была удовлетворена.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "Look at you. You never used to be so shy.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Ну и ну. Раньше ты так не стеснялся.">>
<<en "She's staring at you.">>
<<ru "Она пристально смотрит на тебя.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "All right. Let's go home.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Ладно. Поедем домой.">>
<<AddStat 0 "assertiveness" 3 100>>
<<AddStat 0 "lordliness" 3 100>>
<<set $JennyShopping.malldesire = "">>
<<btnEventLink "Go home/Ехать домой" "Hallway" "" 1>>
<<case "first throne scene(delivery)">>
<<set $WifeQueen.throneDelivered = true>>
<<set $NPCplans[0].night = "get rest(mansion)">>
<<LocImg "mc_house" "hallway(delivery)">>
<<en "As you enter the hallway, you see two workers carrying a large wooden crate into the mansion. Your wife follows them, and one of the workers holds out a clipboard for her to sign for the delivery. Then $NPCstat[0].name spots you.">>
<<ru "Зайдя в коридор, ты видишь двух рабочих, которые затаскивают в особняк огромный деревянный ящик. Твоя жена идет вслед за ними, один из рабочих протягивает ей планшет, чтобы она расписалась за доставку. Затем $NPCstat[0].name замечает тебя.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "Honey, our throne has finally arrived. Show these guys to our bedroom.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Милый, наш трон наконец приехал. Покажи этим ребятам путь в нашу спальню.">>
<<en "You lead the workers into the master bedroom, where they disassemble the box with a tire iron. As one of them removes a side panel, the packing foam spills out of the crate. The workers carefully pull the chair out of the crate and then begin to stuff the foam back into the crate.">>
<<ru "Ты ведешь рабочих за собой в главную спальню, где они разбирают ящик с помощью монтировки. Стоит одному из них снять боковую панель, как из ящика высыпается поролон для упаковки. Рабочие аккуратно достают кресло, и затем начинают запихивать поролон обратно в ящик.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "No, no, no, no. Set it down in front of the bed.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Нет-нет-нет. Поставьте его напротив кровати.">>
<<en "You turn at the sound of your wife's voice. She walks by, touches your shoulder, and goes over to the workers to give them precise instructions. When they are finished and leave the room, $NPCstat[0].name approaches you.">>
<<ru "Ты оборачиваешься на голос своей жены. Она проходит мимо, касаясь твоего плеча, и направляется к рабочим, чтобы дать им точные инструкции. После того, как они заканчивают и выходят из комнаты, $NPCstat[0].name подходит к тебе.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "How about we try it tonight? Take a walk while I get ready.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Как насчет того, чтобы опробовать его этим вечером? Погуляй немного, а я пока что подготовлюсь.">>
<<btnEventLink "Leave/Уйти" "Hallway" "">>
<<case "first throne scene">>
<<NPCmedia "wife" "first throne scene initiate" 0>>
<<en "You enter the bedroom and see your wife standing by the throne.">>
<<ru "Ты заходишь в спальню, и видишь свою жену, стоящую возле трона.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "Honey, you're early. I'm still picking out my outfit for tonight.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Милый, ты пришел слишком рано. Я все еще выбираю наряд для сегодняшнего вечера.одняшнего вечера.">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "I told you, your best outfit is no outfit at all.">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Я же говорил, твой лучший наряд - это отсутствие любого наряда.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "Oh, shut up. It's more fun when I have options to tease you. So you sit on the bed while I get dressed.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Ох, замолчи. Будет куда интереснее, если у меня будут опции для того, чтобы подразнить тебя. Так что садись на кровать, а я пока оденусь.">>
<<btnEventLink "Sit on the bed/Сесть на кровать" "Wife Overall Events" "first throne scene 2">>
<<case "first throne scene 2">>
<center><table style="width:100%">
<td style="width:50%;">
<td style="width:50%;">
<<NPCmedia "wife" "first throne scene initiate 2" 0>>
<td style="vertical-align:top">
<<dlg_en 0 "So, honey, how do I look?">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Итак, милый, как я выгляжу?">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "Like a mob boss. Where'd you get that cane?">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Cловно босс мафии. Откуда ты взяла эту трость?">>
<<dlg_en 0 "You don't remember? You used it in a fraternity play.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Ты не помнишь? Ты учавствовал с ней в постановке в университетском братстве.">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "Oh, yeah, now I remember. I played King Richard.">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Ах да, теперь я вспомнил. Я играл короля Ричарда.">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "Although, after all these years, I doubt the real Richard used to walk with a cane.">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Правда, спустя столько лет у меня возникают сомнения, что настоящий Ричард ходил с тростью.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "So it was Paul's idea! Even now, I can still picture him trying to show you how cool you'd look.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Так это была идея Пола! Даже сейчас в моей голове всплывает сцена, как он пытался показать тебе, как круто ты будешь выглядеть.">>
<<en "$NPCstat[0].name taps the cane on the floor a few times, then passes it from hand to hand, then points it in your direction. Seeing your wide smile, the woman is confused and puts the cane down.">>
<<ru "$NPCstat[0].name несколько раз стучит тростью о пол, затем перекидывает ее из руки в руку, чтобы затем направить ее в твою сторону. Однако, увидев твою широкую улыбку, девушка смущается и убирает трость.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "I thought it would complete my character, but I see you find the idea amusing. So let's forget about the stupid cane.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Я думала, что она завершит мой образ, но, я смотрю, тебя эта идея забавляет. Так что обойдемся без этот дурацкой трости.">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "I'm sorry, honey, I couldn't help myself.">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Прости, милая, я не смог удержаться.">>
<<en "Your wife hides the cane behind the throne.">>
<<ru "Твоя жена прячет трость позади трона.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "All right, all right. Maybe I have to punish you for your behavior.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Ладно-ладно. Может, мне придется наказать тебя за твое поведение.">>
<<en "The woman sits on the throne, cross-legged, and waves her finger at you. You approach her,but $NPCstat[0].name puts her finger down, suggesting that you should kneel down, which you do. She reaches forward with her right foot and touches your chin. You try to catch her toes with your mouth, but her foot slips away.">>
<<ru "Девушка садится на трон, скрестив ноги, и подзывает тебя пальцем. Ты подходишь к ней, но $NPCstat[0].name опускает палец вниз, намекая что тебе стоит опуститься на колени, что ты и делаешь. Она вытягивает вперед свою правую ногу и касается ей твоего подбородка. Ты пытаешь поймать ее пальцы своим ртом, но ее ступня ускользает от тебя.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "Slow down, honey. Let's get your clothes off first.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Не спеши, милый. Сперва избавимся от твоей одежды.">>
<<btnEventLink "Continue/Продолжить" "Wife Overall Events" "first throne scene 3">>
<<case "first throne scene 3">>
<<set $NPCsexmemory[0].footlicking += 1>>
<<NPCmedia "wife" "first throne scene feet worship" 1>>
<<en "$NPCstat[0].name lowers her foot and tries to catch the button of your shirt with her toes.">>
<<ru "$NPCstat[0].name опускает ногу и пытается зацепить пальцами пуговицу на твоей рубашке.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "Why is that so hard?">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Почему это так сложно?">>
<<en "You want to help your wife and unbutton your shirt, but $NPCstat[0].name slaps her foot on your palms.">>
<<ru "Ты хочешь помочь своей жене и расстегнуть рубашку, но $NPCstat[0].name шлепает ступней по твоим ладоням.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "Don't interrupt, I'll do it myself. And anyway, you could have thought about it before and put on a shirt that wasn't so hard to unbutton.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Не мешай, я сама справлюсь. И вообще, ты мог подумать об этом заранее и надеть рубашку с кнопками.">>
<<en "Finally, the woman gives up trying to undress you and lifts her foot to your face again.">>
<<ru "Наконец, девушка оставляет попытки раздеть тебя, и она снова поднимает ногу к твоему лицу.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "As a punishment for your shortsightedness, you have to lick each of my toes thoroughly.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "В наказание за это тебе придется тщательно облизать каждый из моих пальчиков.">>
<<en "Her foot approaches your lips, and you open your mouth to let her toes in. You start sucking on each toe in turn, not forgetting to run your tongue between them. $NPCstat[0].name is watching you intently the whole time.">>
<<ru "Ее ступня приближается к твоим губам, и ты открываешь рот, чтобы впустить ее пальчики внутрь. Ты начинаешь обсасывать каждый палец по очереди, не забывая проводить язычком между ними. $NPCstat[0].name все это время неотрывно наблюдает за тобой.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "Enough. Help me get these pants off.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Достаточно. Помоги мне снять эти брюки.">>
<<en "Your wife rises from the throne and turns back to you. You grab her pants and pull them down.">>
<<ru "Твоя жена поднимается с трона и разворачивается спиной к тебе. Ты хватаешь ее брюки и тянешь вниз.">>
<<NPCmedia "wife" "first throne scene undress her" 1>>
<<btnEventLink "Start licking her pussy/Начать лизать ее киску" "Wife Overall Events" "first throne scene 4">>
<<case "first throne scene 4">>
<<set $NPCsexmemory[0].pussylicking += 1>>
<<NPCmedia "wife" "first throne scene pussylicking" 1>>
<<en "You lean forward and begin to work your tongue furiously, teasing her clit with quick, firm strokes. $NPCstat[0].name watches you, smiling broadly. Her hands are on the armrests.">>
<<ru "Ты наклоняешься вперед и начинаешь яростно работать своим языком, дразня ее клитор быстрыми и напористыми движениями. $NPCstat[0].name смотрит на тебя, широко улыбаясь. Ее руки покоятся на подлокотниках.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "You know, I remember when you used to lick me under the table in my bakery. Only this time there's no table, and if anyone comes in, they'll see what we're doing.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Знаешь, я вспомнила, как ты отлизывал мне под столом в моей булочной. Только в этот раз никакого стола нет, и если кто-то войдет, то сразу увидит, чем мы здесь занимаемся.">>
<<en "You continue to pleasure your wife's pussy.">>
<<ru "Ты продолжаешь ублажать киску своей жены.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "Maybe we shouldn't hide anymore. How would you like to show everyone how you treat your wife?">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Может, нам больше не стоит прятаться? Что думаешь о том, чтобы показать всем, как ты относишься к своей жене?">>
<<en "Your pulse is racing just thinking about it.">>
<<ru "Твой пульс учащается, только об одной мысли о подобном.">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "It's better not to share it with everyone.">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Лучше не рассказывать об этом всем подряд.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "Do you think you have the choice?">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Думаешь, у тебя есть возможность решать?">>
<<en "Her right hand comes down on your head and $NPCstat[0].name presses down on you, indicating that you need to keep licking.">>
<<ru "Ее правая рука опускается тебе на голову, и $NPCstat[0].name придавливает тебя, намекая, что тебе нужно продолжать лизать.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "The best part of being Queen is making sure everyone knows about it, you know?">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Лучшая часть бытия Королевой в том, чтобы все об этом знали, знаешь ли?">>
<<en "The woman throws her head back and lets out a moan of pleasure.">>
<<ru "Девушка запрокидывает голову и издает стон удовольствия.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "But if you're so scared, we can postpone this conversation. But don't think you have much time.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Впрочем, если ты так боишься, то мы можем отложить этот разговор. Однако, не думай, что у тебя есть много времени.">>
<<en "Her fingers grip your hair.">>
<<ru "Ее пальцы сжимают твои волосы.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "Now it's time to work your tongue.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "А теперь тебе пора хорошенько поработать язычком.">>
<<en "After a while, your wife stops you and says she wants to change positions. $NPCstat[0].name rises from the throne and, with her back to you, leans over and rests her knee on the throne seat.">>
<<ru "Спустя некоторое время, твоя жена останавливает тебя и говорит, что хочет сменить позицию. $NPCstat[0].name поднимается с трона и, развернувшись спиной к тебе, наклоняется и упирает коленом в сиденье трона.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "You know what to do, honey.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Ты знаешь, что делать, милый.">>
<<btnEventLink "Start licking her ass/Начать лизать ее зад" "Wife Overall Events" "first throne scene 5">>
<<case "first throne scene 5">>
<<set $NPCmood[0].arousal = 50>>
<<set $NPCsexmemory[0].asslicking += 1>>
<<NPCmedia "wife" "first throne scene asslicking" 1>>
<<en "You place your hands on her buttocks and lean forward to start licking the ring of her anus. Your wife notices your hesitation and decides to spur you on.">>
<<ru "You place your hands on her buttocks and lean forward to start licking the ring of her anus. Your wife notices your hesitation and decides to spur you on.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "More pressure, honey. I can barely feel your tongue.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "More pressure, honey. I can barely feel your tongue.">>
<<en "You start licking more vigorously, and $NPCstat[0].name's body immediately responds to your actions.">>
<<ru "You start licking more vigorously, and $NPCstat[0].name's body immediately responds to your actions.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "That's it, honey. I know you like licking my ass.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "That's it, honey. I know you like licking my ass.">>
<<en "$NPCstat[0].name reaches back and grabs your hair to push your head between her buttocks. You begin to lick more furiously and your wife relaxes her grip.">>
<<ru "$NPCstat[0].name reaches back and grabs your hair to push your head between her buttocks. You begin to lick more furiously and your wife relaxes her grip.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "Don't forget about my pussy, too..">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Don't forget about my pussy, too.">>
<<en "You reach lower and start licking your wife's pussy. Soon, her muscles tighten visibly, signaling the imminent finish. You try to maintain as much pace as possible, and soon $NPCstat[0].name starts squirming in orgasmic convulsions.">>
<<ru "You reach lower and start licking your wife's pussy. Soon, her muscles tighten visibly, signaling the imminent finish. You try to maintain as much pace as possible, and soon $NPCstat[0].name starts squirming in orgasmic convulsions.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "This was amazing, honey!">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "This was amazing, honey!">>
<<btnEventLink "Continue/Продолжить" "Wife Overall Events" "first throne scene 6">>
<<case "first throne scene 6">>
<<set $NPCsexmemory[0].worshipping += 1>>
<<NPCmedia "wife" "first throne scene end" 0>>
<<dlg_en 0 "Come here, honey.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Иди ко мне, милый.">>
<<en "You lean forward and rest your head on her thigh. $NPCstat[0].name begins to rub your hair.">>
<<ru "Ты наклоняешься вперед и кладешь голову на ее бедро. $NPCstat[0].name начинает теребить твои волосы.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "Thank you for tonight, honey. I love how obedient you're getting as we play. But you know what I love even more?">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Спасибо за сегодняшний вечер, милый. Мне нравится, каким послушным ты становишься в наших играх. Но знаешь, что мне нравится еще больше?">>
<<en "You give her a perplexed look.">>
<<ru "Ты поднимаешь на нее недоуменный взгляд.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "That you are still my strong and brave man. The fact that you are ready to fight anyone and win, but at the same time, in front of me, your assertiveness disappears completely. This makes me feel even more powerful.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "То, что ты остаешься моим сильным и храбрым мужчиной. То, что ты готов сразиться с любым и одержать победу, но, в то же время, передо мной твоя напористость полностью пропадает. Это заставляет меня чувствовать себя еще более могущественной.">>
<<en "You spend a little more time in this position, then $NPCstat[0].name raises her hand, indicating that it's time for you to get up.">>
<<ru "Вы проводите еще немного времени в этой позиции, затем $NPCstat[0].name поднимает руку, намекая, что тебе пора подниматься.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "If you wish to continue, we can move to the bed.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Если хочешь продолжить, то мы можем переместиться на кровать.">>
<<AddStat 0 "assertiveness" 5 100>>
<<AddStat 0 "lordliness" 5 100>>
<<btnEventLink "Finish/Закончить" "Master Bedroom" "">>
<<switch $location.sub>>
/* ------------------------------ BUY THRONE ------------------------------ */
<<case "buy throne(mall hub)">>
<<LocImg "mall" "hallway">>
<<if $JennyShopping.malldesire == "buy dresses">>
<<dlg_en 0 "Follow me, honey. I want to buy a new dress.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Иди за мной милый. Я хочу купить новое платье.">>
<<elseif $JennyShopping.malldesire == "take break">>
<<dlg_en 0 "Let's take a break, honey.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Давай передохнем, милый.">>
<<set $NavigationSlot = []>>
<<set $NavigationSlotName = []>>
<<set $NavigationSlotSub = []>>
<<set $NavigationSlot[0] = "Shoe Shop">>
<<set $NavigationSlotName[0] = "Kitty Paws">>
<<set $NavigationSlotSub[0] = "buy throne(shoe shop)">>
<<set $NavigationSlot[1] = "Fashion Shop A">>
<<set $NavigationSlotName[1] = "Gift Ribbon">>
<<set $NavigationSlotSub[1] = "buy throne(fashion shop a)">>
<<set $NavigationSlot[2] = "Fashion Shop B">>
<<set $NavigationSlotName[2] = "Bilbo'n Me">>
<<set $NavigationSlotSub[2] = "buy throne(fashion shop b)">>
<<set $NavigationSlot[3] = "Sex Shop">>
<<set $NavigationSlotName[3] = "Maiden's Pleasure">>
<<set $NavigationSlotSub[3] = "buy throne(sex shop)">>
<<set $NavigationSlot[4] = "Recreation Area">>
<<set $NavigationSlotName[4] = "Recreation Area">>
<<set $NavigationSlotSub[4] = "buy throne(recreation)">>
<<NavigationTable 4>>
<<case "buy throne(shoe shop)">>
<<LocImg "mall" "shoe shop">>
<<dlg_en 0 "Did you get your eye on something, honey?">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Ты что-то присмотрел, милый?">>
<<btnLink "Leave/Выйти" "Wife Overall Events" "buy throne(mall hub)">>
<<case "buy throne(fashion shop a)">>
<<LocImg "mall" "fashion shop a">>
<<if $JennyShopping.malldesire == "buy dresses">>
<<en "You enter the boutique. After a long search, $NPCstat[0].name chooses a few outfits and goes to the dressing room.">>
<<ru "Вы заходите в бутик. После продолжительных поисков, $NPCstat[0].name выбирает несколько нарядов и направляется в примерочную.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "Wait a little, honey.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Подожди немного, милый.">>
<<set $location.sub = "">>
<<btnEventLink "Wait for her first outfit/Подождать ее первый наряд" "Wife Overall Events" "buy throne(buy dress A)">>
<<dlg_en 0 "Did you get your eye on something, honey?">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Ты что-то присмотрел, милый?">>
<<btnLink "Leave/Выйти" "Wife Overall Events" "buy throne(mall hub)">>
<<case "buy throne(fashion shop b)">>
<<LocImg "mall" "fashion shop b">>
<<dlg_en 0 "Did you get your eye on something, honey?">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Ты что-то присмотрел, милый?">>
<<btnLink "Leave/Выйти" "Wife Overall Events" "buy throne(mall hub)">>
<<case "buy throne(sex shop)">>
<<LocImg "mall" "sex shop">>
<<dlg_en 0 "Find something interesting, honey?">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Нашел что-то интересное, милый">>
<<btnLink "Leave/Выйти" "Wife Overall Events" "buy throne(mall hub)">>
<<case "buy throne(recreation)">>
<<LocImg "mall" "recreation area">>
<<if $JennyShopping.malldesire == "take break">>
<<en "You enter the lounge area, which you are already familiar with. As soon as you sit down on the couch, your wife stretches out her legs and kicks off her shoes. You know where this is going, but $NPCstat[0].name says it out loud anyway.">>
<<ru "Вы доходите до уже знакомой тебе зоны для отдыха. Стоит вам сесть на диван, как твоя жена вытягивает ноги и сбрасывает свои туфли. Ты уже понимаешь, к чему все идет, но $NPCstat[0].name все-таки озвучивает все вслух.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "Honey, can you please give me a massage? My feet are killing me.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Милый, сделай мне, пожалуйста, массаж. Мои ноги убивают меня.">>
<<set $location.sub = "">>
<<btnEventLink "Give her a foot massage/Сделать ей массаж ног" "Wife Overall Events" "buy throne(feet massage)">>
<<dlg_en 0 "It's no time to rest, honey.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Не время отдыхать, милый.">>
<<btnLink "Leave/Выйти" "Wife Overall Events" "buy throne(mall hub)">>
<</switch>><<switch $EventMark>>
<<case "wife(main)">>
<<NPCmedia "wife" "tennis court" 0>>
<<if $WifeTennis.mcinvite>>
<<dlg_en 0 "$mc.name, you decided to come after all? Grab a racket and join me on the court.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "$mc.name, ты все-таки решил поиграть? Хватай ракетку и пошли на корт.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "Looking for me, $mc.name? Grab a racket and join me on the court.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Ты искал меня, $mc.name? Хватай ракетку и пошли на корт.">>
<span id="dialog">
<<set _linkA = getLinkName("Play tennis with your wife/Сыграть со своей женой")>>
<<set _linkB = getLinkName("Say you need to go/Сказать, что тебе надо идти")>>
<center>@@.btnWide;<<button _linkA "Tennis Court Play">>
<<set _stdice = random(1)>>
<<if _stdice == 0>><<set $PlayTennis.serve = false>><</if>>
<<if _stdice == 1>><<set $PlayTennis.serve = true>><</if>>
<<set $PlayTennis.opponent = $NPCstat[0].name>>
<<set $PlayTennis.opskill = $WifeTennis.skill>>
<<set $EventMark = "start game">>
<center>@@.btnWide;<<button _linkB>>
<<set $WifeTennis.opponent = "female">>
<<replace "#dialog">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "I need to go, baby.">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Мне надо идти, милая">>
<<dlg_en 0 "All right, I'll look for someone on the court.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Ладно, тогда поищу кого-нибудь еще">>
<<btnEventLink "Leave/Уйти" "Tennis Court" "">>
<<case "wife(watch her)">>
<<NPCmedia "wife" "play tennis" 1>>
<<en "You watch your wife play tennis for a while.">>
<<ru "Ты наблюдаешь за тем, как твоя жена играет в теннис.">>
<<if $time.daytime == 2>>
<<btnEventLink "Wait for end of their match/Дождаться окончания ее матча" "Tennis Court Events" "wife(watch her)(end)" 1>>
<<elseif $time.daytime == 3>>
<<if $WifeTennis.opponent == "Everly" and $NPCstat[17].introduced == false and $time.date >= 8>>
<<btnEventLink "Wait for end of their match" "Tennis Court Events" "wife(watch her)(Everly meet)" 1>>
<<btnEventLink "Wait for end of their match" "Tennis Court Events" "wife(watch her)(end alt)" 1>>
<<btnEventLink "Leave/Уйти" "Tennis Court" "">>
<<case "wife(watch her)(end)">>
<<NPCmedia "wife" "tennis court" 0>>
<<en "Finally, the match ends, $NPCstat[0].name and her opponent shake hands, and your wife heads your way.">>
<<ru "Наконец, их матч заканчиватся, $NPCstat[0].name и ее оппонент пожимают друг другу руки, и твоя жена направляется к тебе.">>
<<if $WifeTennis.mcinvite>>
<<dlg_en 0 "$mc.name, you decided to come after all? Grab a racket and join me on the court.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "$mc.name, ты все-таки решил поиграть? Хватай ракетку и пошли на корт.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "Looking for me, $mc.name? Grab a racket and join me on the court.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Ты искал меня, $mc.name? Хватай ракетку и пошли на корт.">>
<<set _linkA = getLinkName("Play tennis with your wife/Сыграть со своей женой")>>
<<set _linkB = getLinkName("Say you need to go/Сказать, что тебе надо идти")>>
<span id="dialog">
<center>@@.btnWide;<<button _linkA "Tennis Court Play">>
<<set _stdice = random(1)>>
<<if _stdice == 0>><<set $PlayTennis.serve = false>><</if>>
<<if _stdice == 1>><<set $PlayTennis.serve = true>><</if>>
<<set $PlayTennis.opponent = $NPCstat[0].name>>
<<set $PlayTennis.opskill = $WifeTennis.skill>>
<<set $EventMark = "start game">>
<center>@@.btnWide;<<button _linkB>>
<<set $WifeTennis.opponent = "female">>
<<replace "#dialog">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "I need to go, baby.">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Мне надо идти, милая">>
<<dlg_en 0 "All right, I'll look for someone on the court.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Ладно, тогда поищу кого-нибудь еще">>
<<btnEventLink "Leave/Уйти" "Tennis Court" "">>
<<case "wife(watch her)(end alt)">>
<<NPCmedia "wife" "tennis court" 0>>
<<en "Finally, the match ends, $NPCstat[0].name and her opponent shake hands, and your wife heads your way.">>
<<ru "Наконец, их матч заканчиватся, $NPCstat[0].name и ее оппонент пожимают друг другу руки, и твоя жена направляется к тебе.">>
<<if $WifeTennis.mcinvite>>
<<dlg_en 0 "$mc.name, you decided to come after all? Sadly, I'm finished for today.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "$mc.name, ты все-таки решил поиграть? К сожалению, я закончила на сегодня.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "Looking for me, $mc.name? Sadly, I'm finished for today.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Ты искал меня, $mc.name? К сожалению, я закончила на сегодня.">>
<<en "She places the racket on the bench.">>
<<ru "Она кладет ракетку на лавку.">>
<<set _txt_en = "$mc.name, I'm gonna take a shower. ">>
<<set _txt_ru = "$mc.name, я иду в душ. ">>
<<if $NPCstat[0].lordliness >= 28>>
<<set _txt_en += "Pack my stuff at this time.">>
<<set _txt_ru += "Собери пока что мои вещи.">>
<<elseif $NPCstat[0].lordliness >= 14>>
<<set _txt_en += "Can you pack my stuff?">>
<<set _txt_ru += "Не мог бы ты пока что собрать мои вещи?">>
<<dlg_en 0 _txt_en>>
<<dlg_ru 0 _txt_ru>>
<<if $NPCstat[0].lordliness >= 14>>
<<btnEventLink "Pack her stuff/Собрать ее вещи" "Tennis Court Events" "wife(pack her stuff)">>
<<btnEventLink "Leave/Уйти" "Tennis Court" "">>
<<btnEventLink "Leave/Уйти" "Tennis Court" "">>
<<case "wife(pack her stuff)">>
<<set $WifeTennis.mcpackstuff += 1>>
<<LocImg "local" "tennis court">>
<<en "You pack your wife's stuff. Soon $NPCstat[0].name returns from the shower. She thanks you for your help and heads for the exit.">>
<<ru "Ты собираешь вещи своей жены в ее сумку. Вскоре, $NPCstat[0].name возвращается из душевой. Она благодарит тебя за помощь и направляется к выходу.">>
<<btnEventLink "Finish/Закончить" "Tennis Court" "">>
/* ***************** EVERLY ***************** */
<<case "wife(watch her)(Everly meet)">>
<<set $NPCstat[17].introduced = true>>
<<set $NPCplans[17].evening = "">>
<<LocImg "local" "tennis court">>
<<if $NPCstat[17].meet == false>>
<<set $NPCstat[17].meet = true>>
<br>Finally, the match ends. $NPCstat[0].name and her opponent shake hands. Your wife says something to the girl she was playing with, and they both head toward you.
<<if $WifeTennis.mcinvite>>
<<set _txt = $mc.name + ", you decided to come after all? Sadly, I'm finished for today. But I want to introduce you to one of my regular partners.">>
<br><<PHR 0 _txt>>
<<set _txt = "Looking for me, " + $mc.name + "? Sadly, I'm finished for today. But I want to introduce you to one of my regular partners.">>
<br><<PHR 0 _txt>>
<br><<PHR 17 "It's a nice to meet you. I'm Everly.">>
<br><<PHR 0 "My husband plays sometimes too, so feel free to ask him for a match.">>
<br>Everly looks you over from head to toe.
<<set _txt = "I'll certainly do that. " + $mc.name + ", right? You can find me here every Wednesday or Saturday.">>
<br><<PHR 17 _txt>>
<br>After this little talk, the girls head to the shower room.
<br>Finally, the match ends. $NPCstat[0].name and her opponent shake hands. Your wife says something to the girl she was playing with, and they both head toward you.
<<if $WifeTennis.mcinvite>>
<<set _txt = $mc.name + ", you decided to come after all? Sadly, I'm finished for today. But I want to introduce you to one of my regular partners.">>
<br><<PHR 0 _txt>>
<<set _txt = "Looking for me, " + $mc.name + "? Sadly, I'm finished for today. But I want to introduce you to one of my regular partners.">>
<br><<PHR 0 _txt>>
<<set _txt = "There's no need for that, " + $NPCstat[0].name + ". I've played with " + $mc.name + " recently.">>
<br><<PHR 17 _txt>>
<br><<PHR 0 "And how was he?">>
<br><<PHR 17 "His skills need a little more polishing. But it was quite fun to play with him.">>
<br><<PHR 0 "I see.">>
<br>After this little talk, the girls head to the shower room.
<<btnEventLink "Finish" "Tennis Court" "">>
<<case "Everly(first meet)">>
<<set $NPCstat[17].meet = true>>
<<NPCmedia "everly" "tennis court" 0>>
<br>On the court, a girl with blond hair comes up to you.
<br><<PHR 17 "Hey, are you looking for a partner to play with, by any chance?">>
<br><<PHR "mc" "You want a match? I don't mind.">>
<br><<PHR 17 "Great. I'm Everly, by the way.">>
<<set _txt = $mc.name + ".">>
<br><<PHR "mc" _txt>>
<br>You shake hands and start the match.
<center>@@.btnWide;<<button "Play tennis with her" "Tennis Court Play">>
<<set _stdice = random(1)>>
<<if _stdice == 0>><<set $PlayTennis.serve = false>><</if>>
<<if _stdice == 1>><<set $PlayTennis.serve = true>><</if>>
<<set $PlayTennis.opponent = "Everly">>
<<set $PlayTennis.opskill = $EverlyTennis.skill>>
<<set $EventMark = "start game">>
<<case "Everly(main)">>
<<NPCmedia "everly" "tennis court" 0>>
<<if $NPCstat[17].obedience >= 0 or $NPCstat[17].obedience <= -10>>
<<set _txt = "Hey, " + $mc.name + "! Wanna match?">>
<br><<PHR 17 _txt>>
<center>@@.btnWide;<<button "Play tennis with her" "Tennis Court Play">>
<<set _stdice = random(1)>>
<<if _stdice == 0>><<set $PlayTennis.serve = false>><</if>>
<<if _stdice == 1>><<set $PlayTennis.serve = true>><</if>>
<<set $PlayTennis.opponent = "Everly">>
<<set $PlayTennis.opskill = $EverlyTennis.skill>>
<<set $EventMark = "start game">>
<<btnEventLink "Don't play" "Tennis Court" "">>
<<elseif $NPCstat[17].obedience == -5>>
<<set _txt = "Hey, " + $mc.name + "! I wanna apologize for last time. I don't know what came over me. How about a fresh start?">>
<br><<PHR 17 _txt>>
<<btnEventLink "Fresh start is good idea" "Tennis Court Events" "Everly(main)(forgive)">>
<<btnEventLink "You don't like that" "Tennis Court Events" "Everly(main)(no forgive)">>
<<case "Everly(main)(forgive)">>
<<set $NPCstat[17].obedience -= 5>>
<<NPCmedia "everly" "tennis court" 0>>
<br><<PHR "mc" "I think fresh start is good idea.">>
<br><<PHR 17 "Great! Then how about a match?">>
<center>@@.btnWide;<<button "Play tennis with her" "Tennis Court Play">>
<<set _stdice = random(1)>>
<<if _stdice == 0>><<set $PlayTennis.serve = false>><</if>>
<<if _stdice == 1>><<set $PlayTennis.serve = true>><</if>>
<<set $PlayTennis.opponent = "Everly">>
<<set $PlayTennis.opskill = $EverlyTennis.skill>>
<<set $EventMark = "start game">>
<<btnEventLink "Don't play" "Tennis Court" "">>
<<case "Everly(main)(no forgive)">>
<<NPCmedia "everly" "tennis court" 0>>
<br><<PHR "mc" "I don't want to talk about that.">>
<br><<PHR 17 "Then why did you come to me? Get lost.">>
<br><<TH "I guess I don't have a choice.">>
<<btnEventLink "Leave" "Tennis Court" "">>
<<case "Everly(ask for sex)">>
<<set $NPCplans[17].anoon = "">>
<<set $NPCplans[17].evening = "">>
<<NPCmedia "everly" "tennis court" 0>>
<<if $NPCstat[17].obedience == 0>>
<br>You're about to leave when Everly stops you.
<<set _txt = $mc.name + ", check around. It looks like we're the only ones left in the whole club.">>
<br><<PHR 17 _txt>>
<br><<PHR "mc" "There are always not many people here. So there's nothing surprising about that.">>
<br><<PHR 17 "That's not what I'm talking about. After all, it gives us wide scope for action.">>
<br>Everly approaches you closely, so you have to bow your head to keep looking into her eyes. The girl's hand goes down to your groin.
<br><<PHR 17 "For instance, I can thank you for our last match match.">>
<<btnEventLink "Let her blow you" "Tennis Court Events" "Everly(blowjob)">>
<<if $NPCsexmemory[17].blowjob == 1>>
<<btnEventLink "You want to fuck her now" "Tennis Court Events" "Everly(doggy)">>
<<btnEventLink "Reject her" "Tennis Court Events" "Everly(reject)">>
<<elseif $NPCstat[17].obedience < 0>>
<<if $EverlyTennis.mcpackstuff == 0 or $EverlyTennis.mcpackstuff == 1>>
<br>You're about to leave when Everly stops you.
<<set _txt = $mc.name + ", wait.">>
<br><<PHR 17 _txt>>
<br>You turn around.
<br><<PHR 17 "Will you help me pack my stuff? Pretty please.">>
<br>She locks her hands together and leans forward slightly, as if begging you.
<span id="dialog">
<<btnEventLink "Help her pack her stuff" "Tennis Court Events" "Everly(pack stuff)">>
<center>@@.btnWide;<<button "Don't help her">>
<<set $EverlyTennis.mcpackstuff -= 1>>
<<replace "#dialog">>
<br><<PHR "mc" "You're a big girl. I think you can handle it yourself.">>
<br><<PHR 17 "Sorry, I didn't mean anything bad.">>
<br>Everly starts packing her stuff.
<<btnEventLink "Leave her" "Tennis Court" "">>
<<elseif $EverlyTennis.mcpackstuff >= 2>>
<br>You're about to leave when Everly stops you.
<<set _txt = $mc.name + ", wait.">>
<br><<PHR 17 _txt>>
<br>You turn around.
<br><<PHR 17 "Did you forget that you have to pack my stuff?">>
<<btnEventLink "Help her pack her stuff" "Tennis Court Events" "Everly(pack stuff)">>
<<case "Everly(blowjob)">>
<<set $NPCsexmemory[17].blowjob += 1>>
<<set $NPCsexmemory[17].vaginal += 1>>
<<NPCmedia "everly" "blowjob(tennis court)" 1>>
<br>She falls to her knees and pulls your shorts down. Your cock falls out of your underpants.
<<if $NPCsexmemory[17].blowjob == 1>>
<br><<PHR 17 "Wow, I like your size.">>
<br>Everly takes your cock in her hand and starts slowly stroking it. Your cock hardens quickly from her deft fingers. The girl sticks out her tongue and runs it along your prick. Then she takes one of your balls in her mouth and starts sucking it.
<br><<PHR "mc" "Oh, yeah. Serve those balls!">>
<br>You can see the twinkle in her eyes. Everly takes turns sucking your balls, while she's jacking your piston.
<br><<PHR "mc" "Now suck my dick!">>
<br>She obediently takes your monster in her mouth and starts bobbing her head back and forth. You stand quietly with your hands on your sides and enjoy her lips and tongues.
<br><<PHR "mc" "Swallow deeper, bitch!">>
<br>The girl follows your advice and begins to choke on your cock. Her saliva covers your cock profusely. You put your hands on her head and start fucking her in your mouth.
<br>After a few minutes, you stop and quickly pull your cock out of her mouth. Everly starts jerking you off and you begin to cum on her pretty face. When you finish, the girl starts picking your cum off her face and sending it into her mouth.
<br><<PHR 17 "So?">>
<br><<PHR "mc" "Fuck, you're really good in this. I think we should play together more often.">>
<br>The girl smiles and gets to her feet.
<br><<PHR 17 "I'm off to the shower.">>
<<btnEventLink "Finish" "Tennis Court" "">>
<<case "Everly(doggy)">>
<<set $NPCsexmemory[17].vaginal += 1>>
<<NPCmedia "everly" "doggy(tennis court)" 1>>
<br><<PHR "mc" "This time I want your pussy.">>
<br>You turn Everly around and lean forward. The girl has to grab hold of the net. Pulling up her skirt, you yank her panties down.
<br><<PHR 17 "Hey! Slow down. There's nobody around to interrupt us.">>
<br>You raise your hand and give her ass a resounding slap.
<br><<PHR "mc" "Don't tell me what to do.">>
<br>Then you get behind her and thrust your cock into her tight pussy.
<br><<PHR 17 "Oh, fuck!">>
<br>Without wasting time, you start banging her rhythmically. Everly covers her mouth with her hand to muffle her moans, but soon her legs fail her and she has to hold on to the net with both hands.
<br><<PHR "mc" "At first glance it was clear that you are a slut who is controlled by her own cunt. Oh, fuck!">>
<br>You speed up and start to spurt into her throbbing pussy. The girl's body starts trembling, and Everly slips off your piston onto the tennis court. Your cum leaks from her cunt right onto the court.
<br><<PHR "mc" "Come on, clean my cock.">>
<br>The blonde comes to her senses after her orgasm and start licking your prick.
<br><<PHR "mc" "Yeah, that's it. Good girl.">>
<br>After she finishes, you pull on your shorts and head for the exit.
<<btnEventLink "Finish" "Tennis Court" "">>
<<case "Everly(reject)">>
<<if $NPCsexmemory[17].vaginal == 0 or $NPCsexmemory[17].blowjob == 0>>
<<set $NPCstat[17].obedience -= 5>>
<<NPCmedia "everly" "tennis court" 0>>
<br>You gently push her away.
<br><<PHR "mc" "I have a wife, you know?">>
<br><<PHR 17 "So? Tell me you've never cheated on her.">>
<br><<PHR "mc" "I said no!">>
<br>The smile disappears from Everly's face.
<br><<PHR 17 "Your loss.">>
<br>She turns and heads toward the shower room.
<<NPCmedia "everly" "tennis court" 0>>
<br><<PHR "mc" "Not today. I need to go.">>
<br>The smile disappears from Everly's face.
<br><<PHR 17 "What a pity. But I will look forward to our next meeting.">>
<br>She turns and heads toward the shower room.
<<btnEventLink "Finish" "Tennis Court" "">>
<<case "Everly(pack stuff)">>
<<if $EverlyTennis.mcpackstuff < 0>><<set $EverlyTennis.mcpackstuff = 0>><</if>>
<<set $EverlyTennis.mcpackstuff += 1>>
<<if $EverlyTennis.mcpackstuff == 1>>
<<NPCmedia "everly" "pack her stuff" 0>>
<br>You help Everly pack her things.
<<set _txt = "Thank you, " + $mc.name + ". See you next time.">>
<br><<PHR 17 _txt>>
<<btnEventLink "Finish" "Tennis Court" "">>
<<elseif $EverlyTennis.mcpackstuff == 2>>
<<NPCmedia "everly" "pack her stuff" 0>>
<br>You help Everly pack her things.
<<set _txt = "Thank you, " + $mc.name + ". See you next time.">>
<br><<PHR 17 _txt>>
<br>The girl puts her bag on the bench, and a tennis ball falls out of the side compartment and rolls toward you. You squat down to pick it up, and Everly comes up to you. Her white sneaker steps next to the ball.
<br><<PHR 17 "You like this?">>
<br>You look up.
<br><<PHR "mc" "What?">>
<br><<PHR 17 "Doing things for girls. You like this, don't you?">>
<<btnEventLink "Admit it" "Tennis Court Events" "Everly(pack stuff)(admit)">>
<<btnEventLink "Deny it" "Tennis Court Events" "Everly(pack stuff)(deny)">>
<<NPCmedia "everly" "pack her stuff" 0>>
<br>You help Everly pack her things.
<<set _txt = "Thank you, " + $mc.name + ". See you next time.">>
<br><<PHR 17 _txt>>
<<btnEventLink "Finish" "Tennis Court" "">>
<<case "Everly(pack stuff)(admit)">>
<<NPCmedia "everly" "tennis court" 0>>
<br><<PHR 17 "I knew it! I always dreamed of meeting someone like you. We could have a lot of fun together, you know?">>
<br>With the toe of her sneaker, she pushes the ball aside.
<br><<PHR 17 "Oops, my bad. Can you bring it back?">>
<br>You reach for the ball, but Everly steps forward again and pushes it away.
<br><<PHR 17 "I'm so clumsy. I hope you're not mad at me.">>
<br>Finally, after a few tries, you manage to grab the ball. The blonde giggles. You hold the ball out to her, and she accepts it only to throw it over her shoulder right away.
<<set _txt = "Don't overdo it, " + $mc.name + ". It's just a tennis ball.">>
<br><<PHR 17 _txt>>
<br>Everly looks down.
<br><<PHR 17 "I think my shoelace is untied. Can you give me a hand with this?">>
<br>You lean forward and start tying the laces on her sneakers. Your fingers are trembling, and you don't get the knot right away.
<br><<TH "Why am I so nervous? It's just an easy girl. I must have a hundred of them in my employ.">>
<br>This affirmation calms you down a bit, and you finally finish with the laces on her sneakers.
<<set _txt = "You're a godsend, " + $mc.name + ". I look forward to our next meeting.">>
<br><<PHR 17 _txt>>
<br>With these words, the blonde grabs her bag and heads toward the shower room.
<<btnEventLink "Finish" "Tennis Court" "">>
<<case "Everly(pack stuff)(deny)">>
<<set $EverlyTennis.mcpackstuff = -2>>
<<NPCmedia "everly" "tennis court" 0>>
<br>You rise sharply to your feet.
<br><<PHR "mc" "I think you got me twisted.">>
<br><<PHR 17 "Sorry, I didn't mean anything bad.">>
<br>She picks up the dropped ball on her own and puts it in her bag.
<<btnEventLink "Leave her" "Tennis Court" "">>
<</switch>><<switch $EventMark>>
<<case "start game">>
<<set $PlayTennis.stage = 0>>
<<set $PlayTennis.handicap = 0>>
<<if $PlayTennis.serve>>
<<LocImg "actions" "serve ball">>
<<en "You take your racket and you go out on the court. You serve first.">>
<<ru "Ты берешь ракетку и идешь к корту. Ты подаешь первый.">>
<<set _link = getLinkName("Serve the ball/Подать мяч")>>
<<LocImg "actions" "receive serve">>
<<en "You take your racket and you go out on the court. $PlayTennis.opponent serve first.">>
<<ru "Ты берешь ракетку и идешь к корту. $PlayTennis.opponent подает первой.">>
<<set _link = getLinkName("Receive the serve/Принять подачу")>>
<center>@@.btnWide;<<button _link "Tennis Court Play">>
<<set _handicap = $mcSkill.tennis - $PlayTennis.opskill>>
<<if _handicap >= 60>>
<<set $PlayTennis.mcsetscore = 2>>
<<set $PlayTennis.opsetscore = 0>>
<<set _stdice = random(19)>>
<<if _stdice >= 15>><<set $PlayTennis.opsetscore += 1>><</if>>
<<elseif _handicap >= 20>>
<<set $PlayTennis.mcsetscore = 2>>
<<set $PlayTennis.opsetscore = 1>>
<<set _stdice = random(19)>>
<<if _stdice >= 10>><<set $PlayTennis.opsetscore += 1>><</if>>
<<elseif _handicap >= -20>>
<<set $PlayTennis.mcsetscore = 1>>
<<set $PlayTennis.opsetscore = 1>>
<<set _stdice = random(19)>>
<<if _stdice >= 10>><<set $PlayTennis.mcsetscore += 1>><</if>>
<<set _stdice = random(19)>>
<<if _stdice >= 10>><<set $PlayTennis.opsetscore += 1>><</if>>
<<elseif _handicap >= -60>>
<<set $PlayTennis.mcsetscore = 1>>
<<set $PlayTennis.opsetscore = 2>>
<<set _stdice = random(19)>>
<<if _stdice >= 10>><<set $PlayTennis.mcsetscore += 1>><</if>>
<<set $PlayTennis.mcsetscore = 0>>
<<set $PlayTennis.opsetscore = 2>>
<<set _stdice = random(19)>>
<<if _stdice >= 15>><<set $PlayTennis.mcsetscore += 1>><</if>>
<<set _stdice = random(3)>>
<<if _stdice == 0>><<set $PlayTennis.mcgamescore = 0>><</if>>
<<if _stdice == 1>><<set $PlayTennis.mcgamescore = 15>><</if>>
<<if _stdice == 2>><<set $PlayTennis.mcgamescore = 30>><</if>>
<<if _stdice == 3>><<set $PlayTennis.mcgamescore = 40>><</if>>
<<set _stdice = random(3)>>
<<if _stdice == 0>><<set $PlayTennis.opgamescore = 0>><</if>>
<<if _stdice == 1>><<set $PlayTennis.opgamescore = 15>><</if>>
<<if _stdice == 2>><<set $PlayTennis.opgamescore = 30>><</if>>
<<if _stdice == 3>><<set $PlayTennis.opgamescore = 40>><</if>>
<<set _stdice = random(5)>>
<<if _stdice == 0>><<set $EventMark = "stage(op close to net)">><</if>>
<<if _stdice == 1>><<set $EventMark = "stage(op close to line)">><</if>>
<<if _stdice == 2>><<set $EventMark = "stage(shot exchange)">><</if>>
<<if _stdice == 3>><<set $EventMark = "stage(op slow shot)">><</if>>
<<if _stdice == 4>>
<<set $PlayTennis.mcgamescore = 0>>
<<set $PlayTennis.opgamescore = 40>>
<<set $EventMark = "stage(mc loses game)">>
<<if _stdice == 5>><<set $EventMark = "stage(mc serves)">><</if>>
/* ---------- **************** ---------- */
<<case "stage(op close to net)">>
<<set $PlayTennis.stage += 1>>
<<LocImg "actions" "op close to net">>
<<set _function = "score">>
<<include "Tennis Court Play Function">>
<<en "You continue the match. At one point $PlayTennis.opponent comes dangerously close to the net.">>
<<ru "Матч продолжается. В один момент $PlayTennis.opponent подходит довольно близко к сетке.">>
<<set _linkA = getLinkName("Try to put the ball behind her/Попытаться перебросить мяч через нее")>>
<<set _linkB = getLinkName("Play it safe/Сыграть осторожно")>>
<center>@@.btnWide;<<button _linkA "Tennis Court Play">>
<<if $mcSkill.tennis < 40>><<set $PlayTennis.handicap -= 20>><</if>>
<<if $mcSkill.tennis >= 40>><<set $PlayTennis.handicap += 10>><</if>>
<<if $mcSkill.tennis >= 70>><<set $PlayTennis.handicap += 30>><</if>>
<<if $PlayTennis.opskill >= 40>><<set $PlayTennis.handicap -= 10>><</if>>
<<if $PlayTennis.opskill >= 60>><<set $PlayTennis.handicap -= 40>><</if>>
<<set _stdice = random(99)>>
<<set _stdice += $PlayTennis.handicap>>
<<if _stdice < 50>><<set $PlayTennis.opsetscore += 1>><</if>>
<<if _stdice >= 50>><<set $PlayTennis.mcsetscore += 1>><</if>>
<<set _function = "scoring">>
<<include "Tennis Court Play Function">>
<<set _stdice = random(5)>>
<<if _stdice == 0>><<set $EventMark = "stage(op drink water)">><</if>>
<<if _stdice == 1>><<set $EventMark = "stage(op close to line)">><</if>>
<<if _stdice == 2>><<set $EventMark = "stage(shot exchange)">><</if>>
<<if _stdice == 3>><<set $EventMark = "stage(op slow shot)">><</if>>
<<if _stdice == 4>>
<<set $PlayTennis.mcgamescore = 0>>
<<set $PlayTennis.opgamescore = 40>>
<<set $EventMark = "stage(mc loses game)">>
<<if _stdice == 5>><<set $EventMark = "stage(mc serves)">><</if>>
<<set _function = "winning">>
<<include "Tennis Court Play Function">>
<center>@@.btnWide;<<button _linkB "Tennis Court Play">>
<<if $mcSkill.tennis < 30>><<set $PlayTennis.handicap += 10>><</if>>
<<if $mcSkill.tennis < 50>><<set $PlayTennis.handicap += 10>><</if>>
<<if $PlayTennis.opskill >= 30>><<set $PlayTennis.handicap -= 20>><</if>>
<<if $PlayTennis.opskill >= 60>><<set $PlayTennis.handicap -= 40>><</if>>
<<set _stdice = random(99)>>
<<set _stdice += $PlayTennis.handicap>>
<<if _stdice < 50>><<set $PlayTennis.opsetscore += 1>><</if>>
<<if _stdice >= 50>><<set $PlayTennis.mcsetscore += 1>><</if>>
<<set _function = "scoring">>
<<include "Tennis Court Play Function">>
<<set _stdice = random(5)>>
<<if _stdice == 0>><<set $EventMark = "stage(op drink water)">><</if>>
<<if _stdice == 1>><<set $EventMark = "stage(op close to line)">><</if>>
<<if _stdice == 2>><<set $EventMark = "stage(shot exchange)">><</if>>
<<if _stdice == 3>><<set $EventMark = "stage(op slow shot)">><</if>>
<<if _stdice == 4>>
<<set $PlayTennis.mcgamescore = 0>>
<<set $PlayTennis.opgamescore = 40>>
<<set $EventMark = "stage(mc loses game)">>
<<if _stdice == 5>><<set $EventMark = "stage(mc serves)">><</if>>
<<set _function = "winning">>
<<include "Tennis Court Play Function">>
/* ---------- **************** ---------- */
<<case "stage(op close to line)">>
<<set $PlayTennis.stage += 1>>
<<LocImg "actions" "op close to line">>
<<set _function = "score">>
<<include "Tennis Court Play Function">>
<<en "You continue the match. You take a good shot, but $PlayTennis.opponent manages to return the ball to your side.">>
<<ru "Матч продолжается. Ты делаешь хорошую подачу, но $PlayTennis.opponent в последний момент отбивает мяч.">>
<<set _linkA = getLinkName("Show her your slam/Ударить со всей силой")>>
<<set _linkB = getLinkName("Perfom your usual stroke/Ударить аккуратно")>>
<center>@@.btnWide;<<button _linkA "Tennis Court Play">>
<<if $mcSkill.tennis < 25>><<set $PlayTennis.handicap -= 15>><</if>>
<<if $mcSkill.tennis >= 25>><<set $PlayTennis.handicap += 10>><</if>>
<<if $mcSkill.tennis >= 50>><<set $PlayTennis.handicap += 25>><</if>>
<<if $PlayTennis.opskill >= 30>><<set $PlayTennis.handicap -= 10>><</if>>
<<if $PlayTennis.opskill >= 60>><<set $PlayTennis.handicap -= 30>><</if>>
<<set _stdice = random(99)>>
<<set _stdice += $PlayTennis.handicap>>
<<if _stdice < 50>><<set $PlayTennis.opsetscore += 1>><</if>>
<<if _stdice >= 50>><<set $PlayTennis.mcsetscore += 1>><</if>>
<<set _function = "scoring">>
<<include "Tennis Court Play Function">>
<<set _stdice = random(5)>>
<<if _stdice == 0>><<set $EventMark = "stage(op close to net)">><</if>>
<<if _stdice == 1>><<set $EventMark = "stage(op drink water)">><</if>>
<<if _stdice == 2>><<set $EventMark = "stage(shot exchange)">><</if>>
<<if _stdice == 3>><<set $EventMark = "stage(op slow shot)">><</if>>
<<if _stdice == 4>>
<<set $PlayTennis.mcgamescore = 0>>
<<set $PlayTennis.opgamescore = 40>>
<<set $EventMark = "stage(mc loses game)">>
<<if _stdice == 5>><<set $EventMark = "stage(mc serves)">><</if>>
<<set _function = "winning">>
<<include "Tennis Court Play Function">>
<center>@@.btnWide;<<button _linkB "Tennis Court Play">>
<<if $mcSkill.tennis < 30>><<set $PlayTennis.handicap += 20>><</if>>
<<if $mcSkill.tennis < 60>><<set $PlayTennis.handicap += 10>><</if>>
<<if $PlayTennis.opskill >= 30>><<set $PlayTennis.handicap -= 10>><</if>>
<<if $PlayTennis.opskill >= 60>><<set $PlayTennis.handicap -= 30>><</if>>
<<set _stdice = random(99)>>
<<set _stdice += $PlayTennis.handicap>>
<<if _stdice < 50>><<set $PlayTennis.opsetscore += 1>><</if>>
<<if _stdice >= 50>><<set $PlayTennis.mcsetscore += 1>><</if>>
<<set _function = "scoring">>
<<include "Tennis Court Play Function">>
<<set _stdice = random(5)>>
<<if _stdice == 0>><<set $EventMark = "stage(op close to net)">><</if>>
<<if _stdice == 1>><<set $EventMark = "stage(op drink water)">><</if>>
<<if _stdice == 2>><<set $EventMark = "stage(shot exchange)">><</if>>
<<if _stdice == 3>><<set $EventMark = "stage(op slow shot)">><</if>>
<<if _stdice == 4>>
<<set $PlayTennis.mcgamescore = 0>>
<<set $PlayTennis.opgamescore = 40>>
<<set $EventMark = "stage(mc loses game)">>
<<if _stdice == 5>><<set $EventMark = "stage(mc serves)">><</if>>
<<set _function = "winning">>
<<include "Tennis Court Play Function">>
/* ---------- **************** ---------- */
<<case "stage(shot exchange)">>
<<set $PlayTennis.stage += 1>>
<<LocImg "actions" "shot exchange">>
<<set _function = "score">>
<<include "Tennis Court Play Function">>
<<en "You continue the match. One game goes long and turns into a nonstop exchange of strokes.">>
<<ru "Матч продолжается. Один гейм затягивается и превращается в непрекращающийся обмен ударами.">>
<<set _linkA = getLinkName("Go till the end/Идти до конца")>>
<<set _linkB = getLinkName("Slow the pace/Постараться замедлить темп")>>
<center>@@.btnWide;<<button _linkA "Tennis Court Play">>
<<if $mcSkill.tennis < 30>><<set $PlayTennis.handicap -= 15>><</if>>
<<if $mcSkill.tennis >= 30>><<set $PlayTennis.handicap += 15>><</if>>
<<if $mcSkill.tennis >= 60>><<set $PlayTennis.handicap += 35>><</if>>
<<if $PlayTennis.opskill >= 30>><<set $PlayTennis.handicap -= 20>><</if>>
<<if $PlayTennis.opskill >= 60>><<set $PlayTennis.handicap -= 40>><</if>>
<<if $mc.endurance < 30>><<set $PlayTennis.handicap -= 15>><</if>>
<<if $mc.endurance >= 60>><<set $PlayTennis.handicap += 15>><</if>>
<<set _stdice = random(99)>>
<<set _stdice += $PlayTennis.handicap>>
<<if _stdice < 50>><<set $PlayTennis.opsetscore += 1>><</if>>
<<if _stdice >= 50>><<set $PlayTennis.mcsetscore += 1>><</if>>
<<set _function = "scoring">>
<<include "Tennis Court Play Function">>
<<set _stdice = random(5)>>
<<if _stdice == 0>><<set $EventMark = "stage(op close to net)">><</if>>
<<if _stdice == 1>><<set $EventMark = "stage(op close to line)">><</if>>
<<if _stdice == 2>><<set $EventMark = "stage(op drink water)">><</if>>
<<if _stdice == 3>><<set $EventMark = "stage(op slow shot)">><</if>>
<<if _stdice == 4>>
<<set $PlayTennis.mcgamescore = 0>>
<<set $PlayTennis.opgamescore = 40>>
<<set $EventMark = "stage(mc loses game)">>
<<if _stdice == 5>><<set $EventMark = "stage(mc serves)">><</if>>
<<set _function = "winning">>
<<include "Tennis Court Play Function">>
<center>@@.btnWide;<<button _linkB "Tennis Court Play">>
<<if $mcSkill.tennis < 30>><<set $PlayTennis.handicap += 10>><</if>>
<<if $mcSkill.tennis < 60>><<set $PlayTennis.handicap += 5>><</if>>
<<if $PlayTennis.opskill >= 30>><<set $PlayTennis.handicap -= 10>><</if>>
<<if $PlayTennis.opskill >= 60>><<set $PlayTennis.handicap -= 25>><</if>>
<<set _stdice = random(99)>>
<<set _stdice += $PlayTennis.handicap>>
<<if _stdice < 50>><<set $PlayTennis.opsetscore += 1>><</if>>
<<if _stdice >= 50>><<set $PlayTennis.mcsetscore += 1>><</if>>
<<set _function = "scoring">>
<<include "Tennis Court Play Function">>
<<set _stdice = random(5)>>
<<if _stdice == 0>><<set $EventMark = "stage(op close to net)">><</if>>
<<if _stdice == 1>><<set $EventMark = "stage(op close to line)">><</if>>
<<if _stdice == 2>><<set $EventMark = "stage(op drink water)">><</if>>
<<if _stdice == 3>><<set $EventMark = "stage(op slow shot)">><</if>>
<<if _stdice == 4>>
<<set $PlayTennis.mcgamescore = 0>>
<<set $PlayTennis.opgamescore = 40>>
<<set $EventMark = "stage(mc loses game)">>
<<if _stdice == 5>><<set $EventMark = "stage(mc serves)">><</if>>
<<set _function = "winning">>
<<include "Tennis Court Play Function">>
/* ---------- **************** ---------- */
<<case "stage(op slow shot)">>
<<set $PlayTennis.stage += 1>>
<<LocImg "actions" "op slow shot">>
<<set _function = "score">>
<<include "Tennis Court Play Function">>
<<en "You continue the match. $PlayTennis.opponent takes a particularly unlucky shot and gives you a chance to counterattack.">>
<<ru "Матч продолжается. $PlayTennis.opponent неудачно отбивает мяч, и для тебя открывается шанс на контратаку.">>
<<set _linkA = getLinkName("Run to the net/Выйти к сетке")>>
<<set _linkB = getLinkName("Play it safe/Сыграть осторожно")>>
<center>@@.btnWide;<<button _linkA "Tennis Court Play">>
<<if $mcSkill.tennis < 25>><<set $PlayTennis.handicap -= 15>><</if>>
<<if $mcSkill.tennis >= 25>><<set $PlayTennis.handicap += 15>><</if>>
<<if $mcSkill.tennis >= 50>><<set $PlayTennis.handicap += 30>><</if>>
<<if $PlayTennis.opskill >= 30>><<set $PlayTennis.handicap -= 15>><</if>>
<<if $PlayTennis.opskill >= 60>><<set $PlayTennis.handicap -= 30>><</if>>
<<set _stdice = random(99)>>
<<set _stdice += $PlayTennis.handicap>>
<<if _stdice < 50>><<set $PlayTennis.opsetscore += 1>><</if>>
<<if _stdice >= 50>><<set $PlayTennis.mcsetscore += 1>><</if>>
<<set _function = "scoring">>
<<include "Tennis Court Play Function">>
<<set _stdice = random(5)>>
<<if _stdice == 0>><<set $EventMark = "stage(op close to net)">><</if>>
<<if _stdice == 1>><<set $EventMark = "stage(op close to line)">><</if>>
<<if _stdice == 2>><<set $EventMark = "stage(shot exchange)">><</if>>
<<if _stdice == 3>><<set $EventMark = "stage(op drink water)">><</if>>
<<if _stdice == 4>>
<<set $PlayTennis.mcgamescore = 0>>
<<set $PlayTennis.opgamescore = 40>>
<<set $EventMark = "stage(mc loses game)">>
<<if _stdice == 5>><<set $EventMark = "stage(mc serves)">><</if>>
<<set _function = "winning">>
<<include "Tennis Court Play Function">>
<center>@@.btnWide;<<button _linkB "Tennis Court Play">>
<<if $mcSkill.tennis < 30>><<set $PlayTennis.handicap += 10>><</if>>
<<if $mcSkill.tennis < 60>><<set $PlayTennis.handicap += 10>><</if>>
<<if $PlayTennis.opskill >= 30>><<set $PlayTennis.handicap -= 15>><</if>>
<<if $PlayTennis.opskill >= 60>><<set $PlayTennis.handicap -= 30>><</if>>
<<set _stdice = random(99)>>
<<set _stdice += $PlayTennis.handicap>>
<<if _stdice < 50>><<set $PlayTennis.opsetscore += 1>><</if>>
<<if _stdice >= 50>><<set $PlayTennis.mcsetscore += 1>><</if>>
<<set _function = "scoring">>
<<include "Tennis Court Play Function">>
<<set _stdice = random(5)>>
<<if _stdice == 0>><<set $EventMark = "stage(op close to net)">><</if>>
<<if _stdice == 1>><<set $EventMark = "stage(op close to line)">><</if>>
<<if _stdice == 2>><<set $EventMark = "stage(shot exchange)">><</if>>
<<if _stdice == 3>><<set $EventMark = "stage(op drink water)">><</if>>
<<if _stdice == 4>>
<<set $PlayTennis.mcgamescore = 0>>
<<set $PlayTennis.opgamescore = 40>>
<<set $EventMark = "stage(mc loses game)">>
<<if _stdice == 5>><<set $EventMark = "stage(mc serves)">><</if>>
<<set _function = "winning">>
<<include "Tennis Court Play Function">>
/* ---------- **************** ---------- */
<<case "stage(mc loses game)">>
<<set $PlayTennis.stage += 1>>
<<LocImg "actions" "receive serve">>
<<set _function = "score">>
<<include "Tennis Court Play Function">>
<<en "You continue the match. You didn't take a single point in this game, and $PlayTennis.opponent is making possibly the last serve in this game.">>
<<ru "Матч продолжается. У тебя не получилось взять ни одного очка в этом гейме, и $PlayTennis.opponent делает, возможно, последнюю подачу.">>
<<set _linkA = getLinkName("Play more aggressive/Играть агрессивно")>>
<<set _linkB = getLinkName("Play defense/Сыграть от защиты")>>
<center>@@.btnWide;<<button _linkA "Tennis Court Play">>
<<if $mcSkill.tennis < 40>><<set $PlayTennis.handicap -= 20>><</if>>
<<if $mcSkill.tennis >= 40>><<set $PlayTennis.handicap += 25>><</if>>
<<if $mcSkill.tennis >= 80>><<set $PlayTennis.handicap += 35>><</if>>
<<if $PlayTennis.opskill >= 30>><<set $PlayTennis.handicap -= 10>><</if>>
<<if $PlayTennis.opskill >= 70>><<set $PlayTennis.handicap -= 30>><</if>>
<<set _stdice = random(99)>>
<<set _stdice += $PlayTennis.handicap>>
<<if _stdice < 50>><<set $PlayTennis.opsetscore += 1>><</if>>
<<if _stdice >= 50>><<set $PlayTennis.mcsetscore += 1>><</if>>
<<set _function = "scoring">>
<<include "Tennis Court Play Function">>
<<set _stdice = random(5)>>
<<if _stdice == 0>><<set $EventMark = "stage(op close to net)">><</if>>
<<if _stdice == 1>><<set $EventMark = "stage(op close to line)">><</if>>
<<if _stdice == 2>><<set $EventMark = "stage(shot exchange)">><</if>>
<<if _stdice == 3>><<set $EventMark = "stage(op slow shot)">><</if>>
<<if _stdice == 4>><<set $EventMark = "stage(op drink water)">><</if>>
<<if _stdice == 5>><<set $EventMark = "stage(mc serves)">><</if>>
<<set _function = "winning">>
<<include "Tennis Court Play Function">>
<center>@@.btnWide;<<button _linkB "Tennis Court Play">>
<<if $mcSkill.tennis >= 50>><<set $PlayTennis.handicap += 15>><</if>>
<<if $mcSkill.tennis >= 80>><<set $PlayTennis.handicap += 25>><</if>>
<<if $PlayTennis.opskill >= 30>><<set $PlayTennis.handicap -= 15>><</if>>
<<if $PlayTennis.opskill >= 60>><<set $PlayTennis.handicap -= 30>><</if>>
<<set _stdice = random(99)>>
<<set _stdice += $PlayTennis.handicap>>
<<if _stdice < 50>><<set $PlayTennis.opsetscore += 1>><</if>>
<<if _stdice >= 50>><<set $PlayTennis.mcsetscore += 1>><</if>>
<<set _function = "scoring">>
<<include "Tennis Court Play Function">>
<<set _stdice = random(5)>>
<<if _stdice == 0>><<set $EventMark = "stage(op close to net)">><</if>>
<<if _stdice == 1>><<set $EventMark = "stage(op close to line)">><</if>>
<<if _stdice == 2>><<set $EventMark = "stage(shot exchange)">><</if>>
<<if _stdice == 3>><<set $EventMark = "stage(op slow shot)">><</if>>
<<if _stdice == 4>><<set $EventMark = "stage(op drink water)">><</if>>
<<if _stdice == 5>><<set $EventMark = "stage(mc serves)">><</if>>
<<set _function = "winning">>
<<include "Tennis Court Play Function">>
/* ---------- **************** ---------- */
<<case "stage(mc serves)">>
<<set $PlayTennis.stage += 1>>
<<LocImg "actions" "serve ball">>
<<set _function = "score">>
<<include "Tennis Court Play Function">>
<<en "You continue the match. It's your turn to serve the ball.">>
<<ru "Матч продолжается. Сейчас твоя очередь подавать мяч.">>
<<set _linkA = getLinkName("Try a new serve/Попробовать новую подачу")>>
<<set _linkB = getLinkName("Play it safe/Сделать обычную подачу")>>
<center>@@.btnWide;<<button _linkA "Tennis Court Play">>
<<if $mcSkill.tennis < 25>><<set $PlayTennis.handicap -= 15>><</if>>
<<if $mcSkill.tennis >= 25>><<set $PlayTennis.handicap += 10>><</if>>
<<if $mcSkill.tennis >= 60>><<set $PlayTennis.handicap += 30>><</if>>
<<if $PlayTennis.opskill >= 40>><<set $PlayTennis.handicap -= 20>><</if>>
<<if $PlayTennis.opskill >= 70>><<set $PlayTennis.handicap -= 10>><</if>>
<<set _stdice = random(99)>>
<<set _stdice += $PlayTennis.handicap>>
<<if _stdice < 50>><<set $PlayTennis.opsetscore += 1>><</if>>
<<if _stdice >= 50>><<set $PlayTennis.mcsetscore += 1>><</if>>
<<set _function = "scoring">>
<<include "Tennis Court Play Function">>
<<set _stdice = random(5)>>
<<if _stdice == 0>><<set $EventMark = "stage(op close to net)">><</if>>
<<if _stdice == 1>><<set $EventMark = "stage(op close to line)">><</if>>
<<if _stdice == 2>><<set $EventMark = "stage(shot exchange)">><</if>>
<<if _stdice == 3>><<set $EventMark = "stage(op drink water)">><</if>>
<<if _stdice == 4>>
<<set $PlayTennis.mcgamescore = 0>>
<<set $PlayTennis.opgamescore = 40>>
<<set $EventMark = "stage(mc loses game)">>
<<if _stdice == 5>><<set $EventMark = "stage(op drink water)">><</if>>
<<set _function = "winning">>
<<include "Tennis Court Play Function">>
<center>@@.btnWide;<<button _linkB "Tennis Court Play">>
<<if $mcSkill.tennis < 25>><<set $PlayTennis.handicap += 10>><</if>>
<<if $mcSkill.tennis < 60>><<set $PlayTennis.handicap += 10>><</if>>
<<if $PlayTennis.opskill >= 30>><<set $PlayTennis.handicap -= 15>><</if>>
<<if $PlayTennis.opskill >= 60>><<set $PlayTennis.handicap -= 25>><</if>>
<<set _stdice = random(99)>>
<<set _stdice += $PlayTennis.handicap>>
<<if _stdice < 50>><<set $PlayTennis.opsetscore += 1>><</if>>
<<if _stdice >= 50>><<set $PlayTennis.mcsetscore += 1>><</if>>
<<set _function = "scoring">>
<<include "Tennis Court Play Function">>
<<set _stdice = random(5)>>
<<if _stdice == 0>><<set $EventMark = "stage(op close to net)">><</if>>
<<if _stdice == 1>><<set $EventMark = "stage(op close to line)">><</if>>
<<if _stdice == 2>><<set $EventMark = "stage(shot exchange)">><</if>>
<<if _stdice == 3>><<set $EventMark = "stage(op slow shot)">><</if>>
<<if _stdice == 4>>
<<set $PlayTennis.mcgamescore = 0>>
<<set $PlayTennis.opgamescore = 40>>
<<set $EventMark = "stage(mc loses game)">>
<<if _stdice == 5>><<set $EventMark = "stage(op drink water)">><</if>>
<<set _function = "winning">>
<<include "Tennis Court Play Function">>
/* ---------- **************** ---------- */
<<case "stage(op drink water)">>
<<set $PlayTennis.stage += 1>>
<<if $PlayTennis.opponent == $NPCstat[0].name>><<set _npcid = 0>><</if>>
<<if $PlayTennis.opponent == "Everly">><<set _npcid = 17>><</if>>
<<LocImg "actions" "op drink water">>
<<set _function = "score">>
<<include "Tennis Court Play Function">>
<<if $PlayTennis.opponent == "Everly" and $EverlyTennis.mcpackstuff >= 2>>
<hr>You continue the match. $PlayTennis.opponent take a break and go for a bottle with water. She takes a couple of sips, then comes up to you.
<br><<PHR _npcid "Want a drink?">>
<br>You nod, but Everly is in no hurry to hand you the bottle. Instead, she brings it to her mouth and sticks her tongue out. A thin trickle of her saliva drops straight down into the bottle neck. Repeating this procedure a couple of times, the blonde finally hands you the bottle.
<br><<PHR _npcid "Here you go!">>
<br>You hesitate to do it, but Everly's direct gaze hypnotizes you, and you bring the bottle to your mouth.
<<set _txt = "Don't be shy, " + $mc.name + ". A few sips will give you energy, I assure you.">>
<br><<PHR _npcid _txt>>
<br>You decide to take a big sip so that her saliva will go straight away with the flow of water into your stomach, and it looks like Everly is content with that. She goes back to the bench, grabs her racket, and returns to her half of the court.
<<en "You continue the match. $PlayTennis.opponent take a break and go for a bottle with water. She takes a few sips and returns to the court.">>
<<ru "Матч продолжается. $PlayTennis.opponent берет перерыв, чтобы попить воды. Она делает несколько глотков и возвращается на корт.">>
<<dlg_en _npcid "Are you ready?">>
<<dlg_ru _npcid "Готов?">>
<<en "You nod your head.">>
<<ru "Ты киваешь, показывая, что готов.">>
<<set _linkA = getLinkName("Continue/Продолжить")>>
<center>@@.btnWide;<<button _linkA "Tennis Court Play">>
<<set _stdice = random(99)>>
<<set _stdice += $PlayTennis.handicap>>
<<if _stdice < 50>><<set $PlayTennis.opsetscore += 1>><</if>>
<<if _stdice >= 50>><<set $PlayTennis.mcsetscore += 1>><</if>>
<<set _function = "scoring">>
<<include "Tennis Court Play Function">>
<<set _stdice = random(5)>>
<<if _stdice == 0>><<set $EventMark = "stage(op close to net)">><</if>>
<<if _stdice == 1>><<set $EventMark = "stage(op close to line)">><</if>>
<<if _stdice == 2>><<set $EventMark = "stage(shot exchange)">><</if>>
<<if _stdice == 3>><<set $EventMark = "stage(op slow shot)">><</if>>
<<if _stdice == 4>>
<<set $PlayTennis.mcgamescore = 0>>
<<set $PlayTennis.opgamescore = 40>>
<<set $EventMark = "stage(mc loses game)">>
<<if _stdice == 5>><<set $EventMark = "stage(mc serves)">><</if>>
<<set _function = "winning">>
<<include "Tennis Court Play Function">>
/* ---------- **************** ---------- */
<<case "game ends(win)">>
<<SkipTimeBlock 1>>
<<set _npc = LowerCase($PlayTennis.opponent)>>
<<if $PlayTennis.opponent == $NPCstat[0].name>><<set _npc = "wife">><</if>>
<<NPCmedia _npc "tennis court" 0>>
<<set _function = "score">>
<<include "Tennis Court Play Function">>
<<en "You win the match. $PlayTennis.opponent congratulates you.">>
<<ru "Ты побеждаешь в матче. $PlayTennis.opponent поздравляет тебя.">>
<<if $PlayTennis.opponent == "Amanda" and $time.daytime == 3>>
<<dlg_en 0 "I want rematch, honey.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Я требую реванша, милый.">>
<span id="dialog">
<<btnEventLink "Play another match with her/Сыграть еще один матч с ней" "Tennis Court Play" "start game">>
<<if $WifeTennis.mcdrive>>
<<set _linkA = getLinkName("Say you need a break/Сказать, что тебе нужен перерыв")>>
<center>@@.btnWide;<<button _linkA>>
<<replace "#dialog">>
<br><<PHR "mc" "I need a break, baby.">>
<br><<PHR 0 "All right, I'll look for someone on the court.">>
<br>You sit down on a bench and open a bottle of water.
<<btnEventLink "Watch your wife" "Wife Overall Events" "tennis(return)">>
<<set _linkA = getLinkName("Say you need to go/Сказать, что тебе нужно идти")>>
<center>@@.btnWide;<<button _linkA>>
<<set $WifeTennis.opponent = "female">>
<<replace "#dialog">>
<br><<PHR "mc" "I need to go, baby.">>
<br><<PHR 0 "All right, I'll look for someone on the court.">>
<<btnEventLink "Leave" "Tennis Court" "">>
<<elseif $PlayTennis.opponent == "Everly">>
<<if $NPCstat[17].corruption < 10>>
<<set $NPCstat[17].corruption += 5>>
<<if $EverlyTennis.mcpackstuff <= -2>>
<<btnEventLink "Leave" "Tennis Court" "">>
<<elseif $NPCstat[17].corruption >= 10 and $time.daytime == 5>>
<<btnEventLink "Leave" "Tennis Court Events" "Everly(ask for sex)">>
<<btnEventLink "Leave" "Tennis Court" "">>
<<btnEventLink "Leave" "Tennis Court" "">>
<<case "game ends(lose)">>
<<SkipTimeBlock 1>>
<<set _npc = LowerCase($PlayTennis.opponent)>>
<<if $PlayTennis.opponent == $NPCstat[0].name>><<set _npc = "wife">><</if>>
<<NPCmedia _npc "tennis court" 0>>
<<set _function = "score">>
<<include "Tennis Court Play Function">>
<<en "You lose the match. $PlayTennis.opponent bounces happily on the spot.">>
<<ru "Ты проигрываешь в матче. $PlayTennis.opponent радостно прыгает на месте.">>
<<if $PlayTennis.opponent == "Amanda" and $time.daytime == 3>>
<<dlg_en 0 "Wanna rematch, honey?">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Хочешь реванша, милый?">>
<span id="dialog">
<<btnEventLink "Play another match with her/Сыграть еще один матч с ней" "Tennis Court Play" "start game">>
<<if $WifeTennis.mcdrive>>
<<set _linkA = getLinkName("Say you need a break/Сказать, что тебе нужен перерыв")>>
<center>@@.btnWide;<<button _linkA>>
<<replace "#dialog">>
<br><<PHR "mc" "I need a break, baby.">>
<br><<PHR 0 "All right, I'll look for someone on the court.">>
<br>You sit down on a bench and open a bottle of water.
<<btnEventLink "Watch your wife" "Wife Overall Events" "tennis(return)">>
<<set _linkA = getLinkName("Say you need to go/Сказать, что тебе нужно идти")>>
<center>@@.btnWide;<<button _linkA>>
<<set $WifeTennis.opponent = "female">>
<<replace "#dialog">>
<br><<PHR "mc" "I need to go, baby.">>
<br><<PHR 0 "All right, I'll look for someone on the court.">>
<<btnEventLink "Leave" "Tennis Court" "">>
<<elseif $PlayTennis.opponent == "Everly">>
<<if $NPCstat[17].corruption < 10>>
<<set $NPCstat[17].corruption += 5>>
<<if $EverlyTennis.mcpackstuff <= -2>>
<<btnEventLink "Leave" "Tennis Court" "">>
<<elseif $NPCstat[17].corruption >= 10 and $time.daytime == 5>>
<<btnEventLink "Leave" "Tennis Court Events" "Everly(ask for sex)">>
<<btnEventLink "Leave" "Tennis Court" "">>
<<btnEventLink "Leave/ Закончить" "Tennis Court" "">>
<</switch>><<if _function == "score">>
<center><table style="width:30%">
<tr><th style="width:50%">
<th style="width:25%">
<th style="width:25%">
<tr><td style="background-color:Maroon">
<td style="background-color:BlueViolet">
<td style="background-color:Maroon">
<tr><td style="background-color:Indigo">
<td style="background-color:BlueViolet">
<td style="background-color:Indigo">
<<if _function == "scoring">>
<<set _handicap = $mcSkill.tennis - $PlayTennis.opskill>>
<<if _handicap >= 60>>
<<set _stdice = random(19)>>
<<if _stdice < 16>><<set $PlayTennis.mcsetscore += 1>><</if>>
<<if _stdice >= 16>><<set $PlayTennis.opsetscore += 1>><</if>>
<<elseif _handicap >= 20>>
<<set _stdice = random(19)>>
<<if _stdice < 12>><<set $PlayTennis.mcsetscore += 1>><</if>>
<<if _stdice >= 12>><<set $PlayTennis.opsetscore += 1>><</if>>
<<elseif _handicap >= -20>>
<<set _stdice = random(19)>>
<<if _stdice < 8>><<set $PlayTennis.mcsetscore += 1>><</if>>
<<if _stdice >= 8>><<set $PlayTennis.opsetscore += 1>><</if>>
<<elseif _handicap >= -60>>
<<set _stdice = random(19)>>
<<if _stdice < 4>><<set $PlayTennis.mcsetscore += 1>><</if>>
<<if _stdice >= 4>><<set $PlayTennis.opsetscore += 1>><</if>>
<<set _stdice = random(19)>>
<<if _stdice < 0>><<set $PlayTennis.mcsetscore += 1>><</if>>
<<if _stdice >= 0>><<set $PlayTennis.opsetscore += 1>><</if>>
<<set _stdice = random(3)>>
<<if _stdice == 0>><<set $PlayTennis.mcgamescore = 0>><</if>>
<<if _stdice == 1>><<set $PlayTennis.mcgamescore = 15>><</if>>
<<if _stdice == 2>><<set $PlayTennis.mcgamescore = 30>><</if>>
<<if _stdice == 3>><<set $PlayTennis.mcgamescore = 40>><</if>>
<<set _stdice = random(3)>>
<<if _stdice == 0>><<set $PlayTennis.opgamescore = 0>><</if>>
<<if _stdice == 1>><<set $PlayTennis.opgamescore = 15>><</if>>
<<if _stdice == 2>><<set $PlayTennis.opgamescore = 30>><</if>>
<<if _stdice == 3>><<set $PlayTennis.opgamescore = 40>><</if>>
<<if $PlayTennis.mcgamescore == 0 and $PlayTennis.opgamescore == 40>>
<<set $PlayTennis.mcgamescore = 15>>
<<if $PlayTennis.mcgamescore == 40 and $PlayTennis.opgamescore == 0>>
<<set $PlayTennis.opgamescore = 15>>
<<set _function = "">>
<<if _function == "winning">>
<<if $PlayTennis.mcsetscore == 6 and $PlayTennis.opsetscore <= 4>>
<<set $EventMark = "game ends(win)">>
<<elseif $PlayTennis.mcsetscore == 7 and $PlayTennis.opsetscore <= 4>>
<<set $PlayTennis.mcsetscore -= 1>>
<<set $EventMark = "game ends(win)">>
<<elseif $PlayTennis.mcsetscore == 7 and $PlayTennis.opsetscore == 5>>
<<set $EventMark = "game ends(win)">>
<<elseif $PlayTennis.mcsetscore == 7 and $PlayTennis.opsetscore == 6>>
<<set $PlayTennis.mcsetscore += 1>>
<<set $EventMark = "game ends(win)">>
<<elseif $PlayTennis.mcsetscore == 7 and $PlayTennis.opsetscore == 7>>
<<set $PlayTennis.mcsetscore += 1>>
<<set $PlayTennis.opsetscore -= 1>>
<<set $EventMark = "game ends(win)">>
<<elseif $PlayTennis.mcsetscore == 8 and $PlayTennis.opsetscore <= 6>>
<<set $EventMark = "game ends(win)">>
<<elseif $PlayTennis.mcsetscore == 8 and $PlayTennis.opsetscore > 6>>
<<set $PlayTennis.opsetscore = 6>>
<<set $EventMark = "game ends(win)">>
<<if $EventMark == "game ends(win)">>
<<set $PlayTennis.mcgamescore = 40>>
<<if $PlayTennis.opgamescore == 30 or $PlayTennis.opgamescore == 40>><<set $PlayTennis.opgamescore = 15>><</if>>
<<if ($PlayTennis.mcsetscore - $PlayTennis.opsetscore) == 3>>
<<set $PlayTennis.opsetscore += 1>>
<<if $PlayTennis.mcsetscore <= 4 and $PlayTennis.opsetscore == 6>>
<<set $EventMark = "game ends(lose)">>
<<elseif $PlayTennis.mcsetscore <= 4 and $PlayTennis.opsetscore == 7>>
<<set $PlayTennis.opsetscore -= 1>>
<<set $EventMark = "game ends(lose)">>
<<elseif $PlayTennis.mcsetscore == 5 and $PlayTennis.opsetscore == 7>>
<<set $EventMark = "game ends(lose)">>
<<elseif $PlayTennis.mcsetscore == 6 and $PlayTennis.opsetscore == 7>>
<<set $PlayTennis.opsetscore += 1>>
<<set $EventMark = "game ends(lose)">>
<<elseif $PlayTennis.mcsetscore == 7 and $PlayTennis.opsetscore == 7>>
<<set $PlayTennis.mcsetscore -= 1>>
<<set $PlayTennis.opsetscore += 1>>
<<set $EventMark = "game ends(lose)">>
<<elseif $PlayTennis.mcsetscore <= 6 and $PlayTennis.opsetscore == 8>>
<<set $EventMark = "game ends(lose)">>
<<elseif $PlayTennis.mcsetscore > 6 and $PlayTennis.opsetscore == 8>>
<<set $PlayTennis.mcsetscore = 6>>
<<set $EventMark = "game ends(lose)">>
<<if $EventMark == "game ends(lose)">>
<<set $PlayTennis.opgamescore = 40>>
<<if $PlayTennis.mcgamescore == 30 or $PlayTennis.mcgamescore == 40>><<set $PlayTennis.mcgamescore = 15>><</if>>
<<if ($PlayTennis.opsetscore - $PlayTennis.mcsetscore) == 3>>
<<set $PlayTennis.mcsetscore += 1>>
<<set _function = "">>
<</if>><<set $EventMark = "">>
<<if $location.sub == "eventlock">>
<<set $location.sub = "">>
/* ------------------------------ MAIN STORY ------------------------------ */
<<if passage() == "Your Office" and $time.date == 3 and $WifeSchedule[1].anoon == "work(bakery)">>
<<set $EventMark = "day 2(visit wife bakery)">>
<<set _eventloc = "Week 1">>
<<if passage() == "Your Office" and $time.date >= 4 and $NPCstat[6].meet == false>>
<<set $EventMark = "Claire introduction">>
<<set _eventloc = "Claire Work Events">>
<<if passage() == "Your Office" and $time.date == 4 and $time.daytime == 2>>
<<set $location.sub = "">>
<<set $EventMark = "flower delivery">>
<<set _eventloc = "Wife Bakery Events">>
<<if passage() == "Your Office" and $time.date == 5 and $time.daytime == 3>>
<<set $location.sub = "">>
<<set $EventMark = "day 5(decison)">>
<<set _eventloc = "Week 1">>
<<if passage() == "Your Office" and $time.date == 8 and $time.daytime == 0>>
<<set $location.sub = "">>
<<set $EventMark = "day 8(psy first meet)">>
<<set _eventloc = "Week 2">>
/* ------------------------------ WIFE MAIN STORY ------------------------------ */
<<if passage() == "Your Office" and $time.date >= 11 and $time.daytime == 2>>
<<if $PaulaParty.stage == 0>>
<<set $EventMark = "visit to Paula(baby shower)(alt)">>
<<set _eventloc = "Paula Baby Shower Events">>
/* ------------------------------ SECRETARY ------------------------------ */
<<if passage() == "Secretary Desk" and $NPCstat[$SecretaryId].location == "Secretary Desk">>
<<if $PsyTopic[0].stage >= 1 and $SecretaryActivity.rsask == false>>
<<set $location.sub = "">>
<<set $EventMark = "ask about game">>
<<set _eventloc = "Secretary Role Reverse">>
<<if passage() == "Secretary Desk" and $NPCstat[$SecretaryId].location == "Secretary Desk">>
<<if $PsyTopic[0].stage >= 1 and $SecretaryActivity.rscoffee == false and $NPCstat[$SecretaryId].obedience <= -12>>
<<set $location.sub = "">>
<<set $EventMark = "make coffee(out session)">>
<<set _eventloc = "Secretary Role Reverse">>
<<if passage() == "Secretary Desk" and $NPCstat[$SecretaryId].location == "Secretary Desk">>
<<if $PsyTopic[0].stage >= 2 and $SecretaryActivity.rswipetable == false and $NPCstat[$SecretaryId].obedience <= -22>>
<<set $location.sub = "">>
<<set $EventMark = "wipe table(out session)">>
<<set _eventloc = "Secretary Role Reverse">>
<<if passage() == "Secretary Desk" and $NPCstat[$SecretaryId].location == "Secretary Desk">>
<<if $PsyTopic[0].stage >= 5 and $SecretaryActivity.rsteasing == false and $NPCstat[$SecretaryId].obedience <= -30>>
<<set $location.sub = "">>
<<set $EventMark = "teasing(check skirt)">>
<<set _eventloc = "Secretary Role Reverse">>
<<if passage() == "Your Office" and $NPCstat[$SecretaryId].location == "Your Office">>
<<if $PsyTopic[0].stage == 4 and $PsyTopic[0].counter == 0 and $NPCstat[$SecretaryId].obedience <= -30>>
<<set $location.sub = "">>
<<set $EventMark = "second interview">>
<<set _eventloc = "Secretary Role Reverse">>
<<if passage() == "Your Office" and $NPCstat[$SecretaryId].location == "Your Office" and $NPCstat[18].location == "Your Office">>
<<if $PsyTopic[0].counter == 0 and $NPCstat[$SecretaryId].obedience <= -35>>
<<if $PsyTopic[0].stage == 5>>
<<set $location.sub = "">>
<<set $EventMark = "about her business">>
<<set _eventloc = "Secretary Role Reverse">>
<<elseif $PsyTopic[0].stage == 6>>
<<set $location.sub = "">>
<<set $EventMark = "about her business(alt)">>
<<set _eventloc = "Secretary Role Reverse">>
/* ------------------------------ PSY ------------------------------ */
<<if passage() == "HR Department" and $time.date >= 8 and $time.daytime <= 4 and $NPCstat[18].meet == false>>
<<set $location.sub = "">>
<<set $EventMark = "first meet">>
<<set _eventloc = "Psy First Meet">>
/* ------------------------------ BELINDA ------------------------------ */
<<if $BelindaStory.status == "" and $BelindaStory.stage == 0 and passage() == "Post Department" and $time.date >= 9>>
<<set $location.sub = "">>
<<set $EventMark = "first meet">>
<<set _eventloc = "Belinda Storyline">>
<<if $BelindaStory.status == "active" and $BelindaStory.stage == 0 and $BelindaStory.counter == 0>>
<<if passage() == "Your Office" and $location.sub == "just work">>
<<set $location.sub = "">>
<<set $EventMark = "first meet 3">>
<<set _eventloc = "Belinda Storyline">>
<<if $BelindaStory.status == "active" and $BelindaStory.stage == 2 and $BelindaStory.counter == 0>>
<<if passage() == "Post Department">>
<<set $location.sub = "">>
<<set $EventMark = "work hours">>
<<set _eventloc = "Belinda Storyline">>
<<if $BelindaStory.status == "active" and $BelindaStory.stage == 3 and $BelindaStory.counter == 0>>
<<if passage() == "Post Department">>
<<set $location.sub = "">>
<<set $EventMark = "personal office">>
<<set _eventloc = "Belinda Storyline">>
<<if $BelindaStory.status == "active" and $BelindaStory.stage == 5 and $BelindaStory.counter == 0>>
<<if passage() == "Post Department" and $location.sub == "belinda office" and $NPCstat[16].location == "Belinda Office">>
<<set $location.sub = "">>
<<set $EventMark = "florism(meet)">>
<<set _eventloc = "Belinda Storyline">>
<<if $BelindaStory.status == "active" and $BelindaStory.stage == 6 and $BelindaStory.counter == 0 and $JolenePresence.status == "active">>
<<if passage() == "Post Department" and $location.sub == "belinda office" and $NPCstat[16].location == "Belinda Office">>
<<set $location.sub = "">>
<<set $EventMark = "florism(reward)">>
<<set _eventloc = "Belinda Storyline">>
<<if $BelindaStory.status == "active" and $BelindaStory.stage == 6 and $JolenePresence.status == "">>
<<if passage() == "Post Department" and $location.sub == "belinda office" and $NPCstat[16].location == "Belinda Office">>
<<set $location.sub = "">>
<<set $EventMark = "florism(angry)">>
<<set _eventloc = "Belinda Storyline">>
<<if $BelindaDrive.letdrive >= 2 and $BelindaDrive.givecar == false and $BelindaDrive.nogivecar == false and $BelindaStory.counter == 0>>
<<if passage() == "Post Department" and $location.sub == "belinda office" and $NPCstat[16].location == "Belinda Office">>
<<set $location.sub = "">>
<<set $EventMark = "driver(finish)">>
<<set _eventloc = "Belinda Storyline">>
<<if $BelindaStory.status == "active" and $BelindaStory.stage == 8 and $BelindaStory.counter == 0>>
<<if passage() == "Your Office" and $NPCstat[16].location == "Belinda Office">>
<<set $location.sub = "">>
<<set $EventMark = "vacation(ask)">>
<<set _eventloc = "Belinda Storyline">>
<<if $BelindaStory.status == "active" and $BelindaStory.stage == 8 and $BelindaStory.counter == 0>>
<<if passage() == "Your Office" and $NPCstat[16].location == "Post Department">>
<<set $location.sub = "">>
<<set $EventMark = "vacation(ask)">>
<<set _eventloc = "Belinda Storyline">>
<<if $BelindaStory.status == "active" and $BelindaMaxVacation > 0 and $BelindaVacation <= ($BelindaMaxVacation - 5) and $BelindaGiveAdress == false>>
<<if passage() == "Your Office" and $time.daytime >= 2 and $time.daytime <= 4>>
<<set $location.sub = "">>
<<set $EventMark = "ask about car">>
<<set _eventloc = "Belinda Storyline Vacation">>
<<if $BelindaStory.office and passage() == "Post Department" and $BelindaDrive.ask == false>>
<<if ($NPCplans[16].anoon == "tanning" or $NPCplans[16].anoon == "shopping") and $BelindaDrive.nocounter <= 2>>
<<if $time.daytime == 2 and $location.sub == "belinda office">>
<<set $location.sub = "">>
<<set $EventMark = "driver(ask)">>
<<set _eventloc = "Belinda Regular Events">>
<<elseif $time.daytime == 3 and $location.sub == "">>
<<set $location.sub = "">>
<<set $EventMark = "driver(ask) alt">>
<<set _eventloc = "Belinda Regular Events">>
<<if $BelindaStory.comm and passage() == "Your Office" and $location.sub == "just work" and $BelindaDrive.ask == false>>
<<if ($NPCplans[16].anoon == "tanning" or $NPCplans[16].anoon == "shopping") and $BelindaDrive.nocounter <= 2>>
<<if $time.daytime == 3 or $time.daytime == 4>>
<<set $location.sub = "">>
<<set $EventMark = "driver(ask) call">>
<<set _eventloc = "Belinda Regular Events">>
<<if $BelindaStory.status == "active" and $BelindaMaxVacation > 0 and $BelindaVacation <= 10 and $JoleneVisit == 0>>
<<if passage() == "Your Office" and ($time.daytime == 2 or $time.daytime == 3)>>
<<set $location.sub = "">>
<<set $EventMark = "vacation return(Jolene visit)">>
<<set _eventloc = "Belinda Storyline">>
/* ------------------------------ BRANDY ------------------------------ */
<<if $NPCstat[20].meet and $BrandyStory.status == "" and $BrandyStory.counter == 0>>
<<if passage() == "Your Office" and $time.weekday <= 4 and $time.daytime == 2>>
<<set $location.sub = "">>
<<set $EventMark = "offer about secretary">>
<<set _eventloc = "Brandy Events Hub">>
<<elseif passage() == "Secretary Desk" and $time.weekday <= 4 and $time.daytime == 2>>
<<if $NPCstat[$SecretaryId].obedience <= -24>>
<<set $location.sub = "">>
<<set $EventMark = "offer about secretary(alt)">>
<<set _eventloc = "Brandy Events Hub">>
<<if $BrandyStory.status == "active" and $BrandyStory.stage == 1 and $BrandyStory.counter == 0>>
<<if passage() == "Secretary Desk" and $NPCstat[20].location == "Secretary Desk">>
<<set $location.sub = "">>
<<set $EventMark = "complain about phone">>
<<set _eventloc = "Brandy Events Hub">>
<<if $BrandyStory.status == "active" and $BrandyStory.stage == 2 and $BrandyStory.counter == 0>>
<<if passage() == "Your Office" and BrandyCurrentPlan() == "shopping">>
<<set $location.sub = "">>
<<set $EventMark = "buying new underwear">>
<<set _eventloc = "Brandy Events Hub">>
<<if $BrandyStory.status == "active" and $BrandyStory.stage == 3 and $BrandyStory.counter == 0>>
<<if passage() == "Your Office" and BrandyCurrentPlan() == "working">>
<<set $location.sub = "">>
<<set $EventMark = "testing new underwear">>
<<set _eventloc = "Brandy Events Hub">>
/* ------------------------------ PAUL ------------------------------ */
<<if passage() == "Finance Department" and $location.sub == "head office">>
<<if PaulCurrentPlan() == "working" and PaulCurrentEvent() == "watch fight">>
<<set $location.sub = "">>
<<set $EventMark = "watch fight">>
<<set _eventloc = "Paul Office Events">>
/* ------------------------------ KENDALL ------------------------------ */
<<if passage() == "IT Department" and $time.date >= 11 and $time.daytime <= 4 and $NPCstat[30].meet == false>>
<<set $EventMark = "first meet">>
<<set _eventloc = "Kendall Office Events">>
<<if passage() == "IT Department" and $location.sub == "kendall office" and $NPCstat[30].location == "IT Kendall Office">>
<<if $KendallGames.Boxes.played == false>>
<<set $location.sub = "">>
<<set $EventMark = "first game">>
<<set _eventloc = "Kendall Office Events">>
/* ------------------------------ OTHERS ------------------------------ */
<<if $WorkIncident.archivelesbianactive and passage() == "HR Department" and $time.daytime == $WorkIncident.archivelesbiantime>>
<<if $WorkIncident.archivelesbiancount == 0>>
<<set $location.sub = "">>
<<set $EventMark = "lesbian in archive(first)">>
<<set _eventloc = "Wander Around Office Events">>
<<elseif $WorkIncident.archivelesbiancount == 1>>
<<set $location.sub = "">>
<<set $EventMark = "lesbian in archive(main)">>
<<set _eventloc = "Wander Around Office Events">>
<<if $WorkIncident.archivelesbianactive and passage() == "Your Office" and $time.daytime == $WorkIncident.archivelesbiantime>>
<<if $WorkIncident.archivelesbiancount >= 0>>
<<set $location.sub = "">>
<<set $EventMark = "lesbian in archive(you office)">>
<<set _eventloc = "Wander Around Office Events">>
<<if passage() == "Your Office" and $NPCstat[27].location == "Your Office" and $NPCstat[28].location == "Your Office">>
<<set $location.sub = "">>
<<set $EventMark = "lesbian in archive(you office)(closed)">>
<<set _eventloc = "Wander Around Office Events">>
/* ------------------------------ RESET ------------------------------ */
<<if passage() == "Your Office" and not $UpdateResetFlag>>
<<set $EventMark = "reset route">>
<<set _eventloc = "Reset Passage">>
/* ------------------------------ END ------------------------------ */
<<if $EventMark != "">>
<<set $location.sub = "eventlock">>
<<include _eventloc>>
<</if>><<widget "AddStat">>
<<set _npc = $args[0]>>
<<set _stat = $args[1]>>
<<set _app = $args[2]>>
<<set _limit = $args[3]>>
<<if (_app < 10) or (_stat == "mood" and _app < 60)>>
<<set _degree_en = "">>
<<set _degree_ru = " ">>
<<set _degree_en = "significantly.">>
<<set _degree_ru = "значительно">>
/* ------------------------------ NPC ------------------------------ */
<<if _npc != "mc">>
<<if _stat == "corruption">>
<<if (_limit - $NPCstat[_npc].corruption) < 10>>
<<set _degree_en = "">>
<<set _degree_ru = " ">>
<<if $NPCstat[_npc].corruption < _limit>>
<<set $NPCstat[_npc].corruption = min(_limit, ($NPCstat[_npc].corruption + _app))>>
<<if $GameLang == "eng">>
<b><i>$NPCstat[_npc].name's corruption was increased _degree_en</i></b>
<b><i>$NPCstat[_npc].name стала _degree_ruболее развратной</i></b>
<<if $GameLang == "eng">>
<b><i>This action can't increase $NPCstat[_npc].name's corruption further</i></b>
<b><i>$NPCstat[_npc].name не может стать более развратной от этого действия</i></b>
<<if _stat == "trust">>
<<if (_limit - $NPCstat[_npc].trust) < 10>>
<<set _degree_en = "">>
<<set _degree_ru = " ">>
<<if $NPCstat[_npc].trust < _limit>>
<<set $NPCstat[_npc].trust = min(_limit, ($NPCstat[_npc].trust + _app))>>
<<if $GameLang == "eng">>
<b><i>$NPCstat[_npc].name's trust was increased _degree_en</i></b>
<b><i>$NPCstat[_npc].name стала доверять вам _degree_ruбольше</i></b>
<<if $GameLang == "eng">>
<b><i>This action can't increase $NPCstat[_npc].name's trust further</i></b>
<b><i>$NPCstat[_npc].name не может начать доверять вам больше от этого действия</i></b>
<<if _stat == "obedience">>
<<if (_limit - $NPCstat[_npc].obedience) < 10>>
<<set _degree_en = "">>
<<set _degree_ru = " ">>
<<if $NPCstat[_npc].obedience < _limit>>
<<set $NPCstat[_npc].obedience = min(_limit, ($NPCstat[_npc].obedience + _app))>>
<<if $GameLang == "eng">>
<b><i>$NPCstat[_npc].name's obedience was increased _degree_en</i></b>
<b><i>$NPCstat[_npc].name стала _degree_ruболее послушной</i></b>
<<if $GameLang == "eng">>
<b><i>This action can't increase $NPCstat[_npc].name's obedience further</i></b>
<b><i>$NPCstat[_npc].name не может стать более послушной от этого действия</i></b>
<<if _stat == "openness">>
<<if (_limit - $NPCstat[_npc].openness) < 10>>
<<set _degree_en = "">>
<<set _degree_ru = " ">>
<<if $NPCstat[_npc].openness < _limit>>
<<set $NPCstat[_npc].openness = min(_limit, ($NPCstat[_npc].openness + _app))>>
<<if $GameLang == "eng">>
<b><i>$NPCstat[_npc].name's openness was increased _degree_en</i></b>
<b><i>$NPCstat[_npc].name стала _degree_ruболее открытой к новому</i></b>
<<if $GameLang == "eng">>
<b><i>This action can't increase $NPCstat[_npc].name's openness further</i></b>
<b><i>$NPCstat[_npc].name сохраняет свою открытость на прежнем уровне</i></b>
<<if _stat == "lordliness">>
<<if (_limit - $NPCstat[_npc].lordliness) < 10>>
<<set _degree_en = "">>
<<set _degree_ru = " ">>
<<if $NPCstat[_npc].lordliness < _limit>>
<<set $NPCstat[_npc].lordliness = min(_limit, ($NPCstat[_npc].lordliness + _app))>>
<<if $GameLang == "eng">>
<b><i>$NPCstat[_npc].name's lordliness was increased _degree_en</i></b>
<b><i>$NPCstat[_npc].name стала _degree_ruболее властной</i></b>
<<if $GameLang == "eng">>
<b><i>This action can't increase $NPCstat[_npc].name's lordliness further</i></b>
<b><i>$NPCstat[_npc].name не может стать более властной от этого действия</i></b>
<<if _stat == "assertiveness">>
<<if (_limit - $NPCstat[_npc].assertiveness) < 10>>
<<set _degree_en = "">>
<<set _degree_ru = " ">>
<<if $NPCstat[_npc].assertiveness < _limit>>
<<set $NPCstat[_npc].assertiveness = min(_limit, ($NPCstat[_npc].assertiveness + _app))>>
<<if $GameLang == "eng">>
<b><i>$NPCstat[_npc].name's assertiveness was increased _degree_en</i></b>
<b><i>$NPCstat[_npc].name стала _degree_ruболее напористой</i></b>
<<if $GameLang == "eng">>
<b><i>This action can't increase $NPCstat[_npc].name's assertiveness further</i></b>
<b><i>$NPCstat[_npc].name не может стать более напористой от этого действия</i></b>
<<if _stat == "playfulness">>
<<if (_limit - $NPCstat[_npc].playfulness) < 10>>
<<set _degree_en = "">>
<<set _degree_ru = " ">>
<<if $NPCstat[_npc].playfulness < _limit>>
<<set $NPCstat[_npc].playfulness = min(_limit, ($NPCstat[_npc].playfulness + _app))>>
<<if $GameLang == "eng">>
<b><i>$NPCstat[_npc].name's playfulness was increased _degree_en</i></b>
<b><i>$NPCstat[_npc].name стала _degree_ruболее игривой</i></b>
<<if $GameLang == "eng">>
<b><i>This action can't increase $NPCstat[_npc].name's playfulness further</i></b>
<b><i>$NPCstat[_npc].name не может стать более игривой от этого действия</i></b>
<<if _stat == "hate">>
<<if (_limit - $NPCstat[_npc].hate) < 10>>
<<set _degree_en = "">>
<<set _degree_ru = " ">>
<<if $NPCstat[_npc].hate < _limit>>
<<set $NPCstat[_npc].hate = min(_limit, ($NPCstat[_npc].hate + _app))>>
<<if $GameLang == "eng">>
<b><i>$NPCstat[_npc].name's hate was increased _degree_en</i></b>
<b><i>$NPCstat[_npc].name стала ненавидеть вас _degree_ruбольше</i></b>
<<if $GameLang == "eng">>
<b><i>This action can't increase $NPCstat[_npc].name's hate further</i></b>
<b><i>$NPCstat[_npc].name не может начать ненавидеть вас больше от этого действия</i></b>
<<if _stat == "gambling">>
<<if (_limit - $NPCstat[_npc].gambling) < 10>>
<<set _degree_en = "">>
<<set _degree_ru = " ">>
<<if $NPCstat[_npc].gambling < _limit>>
<<set $NPCstat[_npc].gambling = min(_limit, ($NPCstat[_npc].gambling + _app))>>
<<if $GameLang == "eng">>
<b><i>$NPCstat[_npc].name's gambling was increased _degree_en</i></b>
<b><i>$NPCstat[_npc].name стала интересоваться вами _degree_ruбольше</i></b>
<<if $GameLang == "eng">>
<b><i>This action can't increase $NPCstat[_npc].name's gambling further</i></b>
<b><i>$NPCstat[_npc].name не может начать интересоваться вами больше от этого действия</i></b>
<<if _stat == "mood">>
<<if (_limit - $NPCmood[_npc].mood) < 60>>
<<set _degree_en = "">>
<<set _degree_ru = " ">>
<<if $NPCmood[_npc].mood < _limit>>
<<set $NPCmood[_npc].mood = min(_limit, ($NPCmood[_npc].mood + _app))>>
<<if $GameLang == "eng">>
<b><i>$NPCstat[_npc].name's mood was improved _degree_en</i></b>
<b><i>$NPCstat[_npc].name чувствует, как ее настроение _degree_ruулучшается</i></b>
<<if $GameLang == "eng">>
<b><i>This action can't improve $NPCstat[_npc].name's mood further</i></b>
<b><i>$NPCstat[_npc].name и так в хорошем настроении, чтобы оно могло улучшиться еще больше</i></b>
/* ------------------------------ MC ------------------------------ */
<<if _stat == "confidence">>
<<if (_limit - $mc.confidence) < 10>>
<<set _degree_en = "">>
<<set _degree_ru = " ">>
<<if $mc.confidence < _limit>>
<<set $mc.confidence = min(_limit, ($mc.confidence + _app))>>
<<if $GameLang == "eng">>
<b><i>You confidence was increased _degree_en</i></b>
<b><i>Вы стали _degree_ruболее уверенными в себе</i></b>
<<if $GameLang == "eng">>
<b><i>This action can't increase your confidence further</i></b>
<b><i>Вы не можете стать более уверенным от этого действия</i></b>
<<if _stat == "shape">>
<<if (_limit - $mc.shape) < 10>>
<<set _degree_en = "">>
<<set _degree_ru = " ">>
<<if $mc.shape < _limit>>
<<set $mc.shape = min(_limit, ($mc.shape + _app))>>
<<if $GameLang == "eng">>
<b><i>Your shape was improved _degree_en</i></b>
<b><i>Ты стал _degree_ruсильнее</i></b>
<<if $GameLang == "eng">>
<b><i>You need more advanced trainings to get stronger.</i></b>
<b><i>Ты нужны продвинутые тренировки, чтобы стать сильнее</i></b>
<<widget "RemoveStat">>
<<set _npc = $args[0]>>
<<set _stat = $args[1]>>
<<set _app = $args[2]>>
<<set _limit = $args[3]>>
<<if (_app < 10) or (_stat == "mood" and _app < 60)>>
<<set _degree_en = "">>
<<set _degree_ru = " ">>
<<set _degree_en = "significantly.">>
<<set _degree_ru = "значительно">>
/* ------------------------------ NPC ------------------------------ */
<<if _npc != "mc">>
<<if _stat == "corruption">>
<<if (_limit - $NPCstat[_npc].corruption) < 10>>
<<set _degree_en = "">>
<<set _degree_ru = " ">>
<<if $NPCstat[_npc].corruption > _limit>>
<<set $NPCstat[_npc].corruption = max(_limit, ($NPCstat[_npc].corruption - _app))>>
<<if $GameLang == "eng">>
<b><i>$NPCstat[_npc].name's corruption was decreased _degree_en</i></b>
<b><i>$NPCstat[_npc].name стала _degree_ruменее развратной</i></b>
<<if $GameLang == "eng">>
<b><i>This action can't decrease $NPCstat[_npc].name's corruption further</i></b>
<b><i>$NPCstat[_npc].name не может стать менее развратной от этого действия</i></b>
<<if _stat == "trust">>
<<if (_limit - $NPCstat[_npc].trust) < 10>>
<<set _degree_en = "">>
<<set _degree_ru = " ">>
<<if $NPCstat[_npc].trust > _limit>>
<<set $NPCstat[_npc].trust = max(_limit, ($NPCstat[_npc].trust - _app))>>
<<if $GameLang == "eng">>
<b><i>$NPCstat[_npc].name's trust was decreased _degree_en</i></b>
<b><i>$NPCstat[_npc].name стала доверять вам _degree_ruменьше</i></b>
<<if $GameLang == "eng">>
<b><i>This action can't decrease $NPCstat[_npc].name's trust further</i></b>
<b><i>$NPCstat[_npc].name не может начать доверять вам меньше от этого действия</i></b>
<<if _stat == "obedience">>
<<if (_limit - $NPCstat[_npc].obedience) < 10>>
<<set _degree_en = "">>
<<set _degree_ru = " ">>
<<if $NPCstat[_npc].obedience > _limit>>
<<set $NPCstat[_npc].obedience = max(_limit, ($NPCstat[_npc].obedience - _app))>>
<<if $GameLang == "eng">>
<b><i>$NPCstat[_npc].name's obedience was decreased _degree_en</i></b>
<b><i>$NPCstat[_npc].name стала _degree_ruменее послушной</i></b>
<<if $GameLang == "eng">>
<b><i>This action can't decrease $NPCstat[_npc].name's obedience further</i></b>
<b><i>$NPCstat[_npc].name не может стать менее послушной от этого действия</i></b>
<<if _stat == "openness">>
<<if (_limit - $NPCstat[_npc].openness) < 10>>
<<set _degree_en = "">>
<<set _degree_ru = " ">>
<<if $NPCstat[_npc].openness > _limit>>
<<set $NPCstat[_npc].openness = max(_limit, ($NPCstat[_npc].openness - _app))>>
<<if $GameLang == "eng">>
<b><i>$NPCstat[_npc].name's openness was decreased _degree_en</i></b>
<b><i>$NPCstat[_npc].name стала _degree_ruменее открытой к новому</i></b>
<<if $GameLang == "eng">>
<b><i>This action can't decrease $NPCstat[_npc].name's openness further</i></b>
<b><i>$NPCstat[_npc].name не может стать менее открытой к новому от этого действия</i></b>
<<if _stat == "lordliness">>
<<if (_limit - $NPCstat[_npc].lordliness) < 10>>
<<set _degree_en = "">>
<<set _degree_ru = " ">>
<<if $NPCstat[_npc].lordliness > _limit>>
<<set $NPCstat[_npc].lordliness = max(_limit, ($NPCstat[_npc].lordliness - _app))>>
<<if $GameLang == "eng">>
<b><i>$NPCstat[_npc].name's lordliness was decreased _degree_en</i></b>
<b><i>$NPCstat[_npc].name стала _degree_ruменее властной</i></b>
<<if $GameLang == "eng">>
<b><i>This action can't decrease $NPCstat[_npc].name's lordliness further</i></b>
<b><i>$NPCstat[_npc].name не может стать менее властной от этого действия</i></b>
<<if _stat == "assertiveness">>
<<if (_limit - $NPCstat[_npc].assertiveness) < 10>>
<<set _degree_en = "">>
<<set _degree_ru = " ">>
<<if $NPCstat[_npc].assertiveness > _limit>>
<<set $NPCstat[_npc].assertiveness = max(_limit, ($NPCstat[_npc].assertiveness - _app))>>
<<if $GameLang == "eng">>
<b><i>$NPCstat[_npc].name's assertiveness was decreased _degree_en</i></b>
<b><i>$NPCstat[_npc].name стала _degree_ruменее напористой</i></b>
<<if $GameLang == "eng">>
<b><i>This action can't decrease $NPCstat[_npc].name's assertiveness further</i></b>
<b><i>$NPCstat[_npc].name не может стать менее напористой от этого действия</i></b>
<<if _stat == "playfulness">>
<<if (_limit - $NPCstat[_npc].playfulness) < 10>>
<<set _degree_en = "">>
<<set _degree_ru = " ">>
<<if $NPCstat[_npc].playfulness > _limit>>
<<set $NPCstat[_npc].playfulness = max(_limit, ($NPCstat[_npc].playfulness - _app))>>
<<if $GameLang == "eng">>
<b><i>$NPCstat[_npc].name's playfulness was decreased _degree_en</i></b>
<b><i>$NPCstat[_npc].name стала _degree_ruменее игривой</i></b>
<<if $GameLang == "eng">>
<b><i>This action can't decrease $NPCstat[_npc].name's playfulness further</i></b>
<b><i>$NPCstat[_npc].name не может стать менее игривой от этого действия</i></b>
<<if _stat == "hate">>
<<if (_limit - $NPCstat[_npc].hate) < 10>>
<<set _degree_en = "">>
<<set _degree_ru = " ">>
<<if $NPCstat[_npc].hate > _limit>>
<<set $NPCstat[_npc].hate = max(_limit, ($NPCstat[_npc].hate - _app))>>
<<if $GameLang == "eng">>
<b><i>$NPCstat[_npc].name's hate was decreased _degree_en</i></b>
<b><i>$NPCstat[_npc].name стала ненавидеть вас _degree_ruменьше</i></b>
<<if $GameLang == "eng">>
<b><i>This action can't decrease $NPCstat[_npc].name's hate further</i></b>
<b><i>$NPCstat[_npc].name не может начать ненавидеть вас меньше от этого действия</i></b>
<<if _stat == "gambling">>
<<if (_limit - $NPCstat[_npc].gambling) < 10>>
<<set _degree_en = "">>
<<set _degree_ru = " ">>
<<if $NPCstat[_npc].gambling > _limit>>
<<set $NPCstat[_npc].gambling = max(_limit, ($NPCstat[_npc].gambling - _app))>>
<<if $GameLang == "eng">>
<b><i>$NPCstat[_npc].name's gambling was decreased _degree_en</i></b>
<b><i>$NPCstat[_npc].name стала интересоваться вами _degree_ruменьше</i></b>
<<if $GameLang == "eng">>
<b><i>This action can't decrease $NPCstat[_npc].name's gambling further</i></b>
<b><i>$NPCstat[_npc].name не может начать интересоваться вами меньше от этого действия</i></b>
<<if _stat == "mood">>
<<if (_limit - $NPCmood[_npc].mood) < 10>>
<<set _degree_en = "">>
<<set _degree_ru = " ">>
<<if $NPCmood[_npc].mood > _limit>>
<<set $NPCmood[_npc].mood = max(_limit, ($NPCmood[_npc].mood - _app))>>
<<if $GameLang == "eng">>
<b><i>$NPCstat[_npc].name's mood worsened _degree_en</i></b>
<b><i>$NPCstat[_npc].name чувствует, как ее настроение _degree_ruухудшается</i></b>
<<if $GameLang == "eng">>
<b><i>This action can't worsens $NPCstat[_npc].name's mood further</i></b>
<b><i>$NPCstat[_npc].name и так в плохом настроении, чтобы оно могло ухудшиться еще больше</i></b>
/* ------------------------------ MC ------------------------------ */
<<if _stat == "confidence">>
<<if (_limit - $mc.confidence) < 10>>
<<set _degree_en = "">>
<<set _degree_ru = " ">>
<<if $mc.confidence > _limit>>
<<set $mc.confidence = max(_limit, ($mc.confidence - _app))>>
<<if $GameLang == "eng">>
<b><i>You confidence was decreased _degree_en</i></b>
<b><i>Вы стали _degree_ruменее уверенными в себе</i></b>
<<if $GameLang == "eng">>
<b><i>This action can't decrease your confidence further</i></b>
<b><i>Вы не можете стать менее уверенным от этого действия</i></b>
<<if _stat == "shape">>
<<if (_limit - $mc.shape) < 10>>
<<set _degree_en = "">>
<<set _degree_ru = " ">>
<<if $mc.shape > _limit>>
<<set $mc.shape = max(_limit, ($mc.shape - _app))>>
<<if $GameLang == "eng">>
<b><i>You shape was decreased _degree_en</i></b>
<b><i>Вы стали _degree_ruменее сильными</i></b>
<<if $GameLang == "eng">>
<b><i>This action can't decrease your shape further</i></b>
<b><i>Вы не можете стать менее сильными от этого действия</i></b>
<<widget "ChangeFeatures">>
<<set _npc = $args[0]>>
<<set _sporty = $args[1]>>
<<set _party = $args[2]>>
<<set _classy = $args[3]>>
<<set _house = $args[4]>>
<<if _npc == 0>>
<<if _sporty >= 0>>
<<set $WifeCharacter.sporty = min(100, ($WifeCharacter.sporty + _sporty))>>
<<set $WifeCharacter.sporty = max(0, ($WifeCharacter.sporty + _sporty))>>
<<if _party >= 0>>
<<set $WifeCharacter.party = min(100, ($WifeCharacter.party + _party))>>
<<set $WifeCharacter.party = max(0, ($WifeCharacter.party + _party))>>
<<if _classy >= 0>>
<<set $WifeCharacter.classy = min(100, ($WifeCharacter.classy + _classy))>>
<<set $WifeCharacter.classy = max(0, ($WifeCharacter.classy + _classy))>>
<<if _house >= 0>>
<<set $WifeCharacter.house = min(100, ($WifeCharacter.house + _house))>>
<<set $WifeCharacter.house = max(0, ($WifeCharacter.house + _house))>>
<<if $WifeCharacter.party >= 40>>
<<set $WifeSchedule[0].anoon = "salon(downtown)">>
<<set $WifeSchedule[0].evening = "salon(downtown)">>
<<elseif $WifeCharacter.party < 30>>
<<if $WifeSchedule[0].anoon == "salon(downtown)">>
<<set $WifeSchedule[0].anoon = "work(bakery)">>
<<if $WifeSchedule[0].anoon == "salon(downtown)">>
<<set $WifeSchedule[0].evening = "watch tv(mansion)">>
<<if $WifeCharacter.sporty >= 40>>
<<set $WifeSchedule[1].dusk = "training(mansion)">>
<<set $WifeSchedule[3].dusk = "training(mansion)">>
<<elseif $WifeCharacter.sporty < 30>>
<<if $WifeSchedule[1].dusk == "training(mansion)">>
<<set $WifeSchedule[1].dusk = "watch tv(mansion)">>
<<if $WifeSchedule[3].dusk == "training(mansion)">>
<<set $WifeSchedule[3].dusk = "watch tv(mansion)">>
/* ------------------------------ MONEY ------------------------------ */
<<widget "SpendMoney">>
<<set _card = $args[0]>>
<<set _amount = $args[1]>>
<<if _card == "golden" and goldenowner == "mc">>
<<set $money.golden -= _amount>>
<<elseif _card == "common" and commonowner == "mc">>
<<set $money.common -= _amount>>
<<set $money.pocket -= _amount>>
<<widget "GainMoney">>
<<set _card = $args[0]>>
<<set _amount = $args[1]>>
<<if _card == "golden">>
<<set $money.golden += _amount>>
<<elseif _card == "common">>
<<set $money.common += _amount>>
<<set $money.pocket += _amount>>
<</widget>><<switch $EventMark>>
<<case "meet Jenny(hallway)">>
<<run setWifeNextBlockEvent(0, "")>>
<<NPCmedia "jenny" "first meet" 0>>
<<en "As you enter the foyer, you hear the lock on the front door open. Your wife appears on the doorstep with Jenny.">>
<<ru "Как только ты входишь в фойе, ты слышишь, как открывается замок на входной двери. На пороге появляется твоя жена вместе с Дженни.">>
<<dlg_en 2 "$mc.name! Are you planning on leaving? That's a shame.">>
<<dlg_ru 2 "$mc.name! Неужели ты собираешься уходить? Какая жалость.">>
<<en "$NPCstat[0].name shushes her friend and she silences.">>
<<ru "$NPCstat[0].name шикает в сторону своей подруги, и та замолкает.">>
<<if WifeCurrentPlan() == "meet Jenny(kitchen)">>
<<dlg_en 0 "We're planning on having some coffee, honey. You can join us if you want.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Мы планируем выпить немного кофе, дорогой. Можешь присоединиться, если хочешь.">>
<<en "The girls head towards the kitchen.">>
<<ru "Девушки направляются в сторону кухни.">>
<<elseif WifeCurrentPlan() == "meet Jenny(mbedroom)">>
<<dlg_en 0 "We'll be upstairs, honey.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Мы будем наверху, дорогой.">>
<<en "The girls head towards the stairs to the second floor.">>
<<ru "Девушки направляются к лестнице на второй этаж.">>
<<btnEventLink "Finish/Закончить" "Hallway" "">>
<<case "meet Jenny(master bedroom)">>
<<run setWifeNextBlockEvent(0, "")>>
<<NPCmedia "jenny" "enter room" 0>>
<<en "Your wife walks into the bedroom with Jenny.">>
<<ru "В спальню заходит твоя жена вместе с Дженни.">>
<<dlg_en 2 "Why am I not surprised that $mc.name didn't find anything better to do than lie on the bed all day?">>
<<dlg_ru 2 "И почему я не удивлена, что $mc.name не нашел ничего лучше, чем весь день валяться на кровати?">>
<<en "$NPCstat[0].name shushes her friend and she silences.">>
<<ru "$NPCstat[0].name шикает в сторону своей подруги, и та замолкает.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "Honey, we need to change. Could you come outside for a second?">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Милый, нам нужно переодеться. Не мог бы ты выйти ненадолго?">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "Uh, okay.">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Окей.">>
<<btnEventLink "Leave/Уйти" "Hallway" "">>
<<case "meet Jenny(living room)">>
<<run setWifeNextBlockEvent(0, "")>>
<<NPCmedia "jenny" "enter room" 0>>
<<en "Your wife walks into the room with Jenny.">>
<<ru "В комнату заходит твоя жена вместе с Дженни.">>
<<dlg_en 2 "Why am I not surprised that $mc.name didn't find anything better to do than sit on the couch all day?">>
<<dlg_ru 2 "И почему я не удивлена, что $mc.name не нашел ничего лучше, чем весь день валяться на диване?">>
<<en "$NPCstat[0].name shushes her friend and she silences.">>
<<ru "$NPCstat[0].name шикает в сторону своей подруги, и та замолкает.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "Honey, we'll be in the kitchen.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Милый, мы будем на кухне.">>
<<en "The girls leave the room.">>
<<ru "Девушки выходят из комнаты.">>
<<btnEventLink "Finish/Закончить" "Living Room" "">>
<<case "meet Jenny(kitchen)">>
<<run setWifeNextBlockEvent(0, "")>>
<<NPCmedia "jenny" "enter room" 0>>
<<en "$NPCstat[0].name enters the room with Jenny. Your wife's friend sits down at the table while your wife heads for the coffee machine.">>
<<ru "В комнату заходит $NPCstat[0].name вместе с Дженни. Подруга твоей жены садится за стол, в то время как твоя жена направляется к кофе-машине.">>
<<btnEventLink "Finish/Закончить" "Living Room" "">>
<<case "kitchen(drinking coffee)(main)">>
<<NPCmedia "wife" "drinking coffee(with Jenny)(mini)" 0>>
<<en "$NPCstat[0].name and Jenny turn to you.">>
<<ru "$NPCstat[0].name и Дженни поворачиваются к вам.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "You want some coffee too, honey?">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Тоже захотел кофе, милый?">>
<<if not $JennyVisitScenes.Kitchen.interact and $JennyVisitScenes.Kitchen.variation <= 3 and $NPCplans[0].dusk == "meet Jenny(pool bar)">>
<<btnEventLink "Spend time here/Провести с ними время" "Jenny Visits" "kitchen(drinking coffee)(hat scene)" 1>>
<<btnEventLink "Spend time here/Провести с ними время" "Jenny Visits" "kitchen(drinking coffee)(common)" 1>>
<<btnEventLink "Leave/Уйти" "Hallway" "">>
<<case "kitchen(drinking coffee)(common)">>
<<NPCmedia "wife" "drinking coffee(with Jenny)(mini)" 0>>
<<en "You spend your time talking to women.">>
<<ru "Ты проводишь время, разговаривая с девушками.">>
<<if WifeCurrentPlan() == "meet Jenny(living room)">>
<<dlg_en 0 "We're going to watch TV. Are you with us, honey?">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Мы собираемся отдохнуть перед телевизором. Ты с нами, милый?">>
<<btnEventLink "Go with them" "Living Room" "">>
<<btnEventLink "Stay here" "Kitchen" "">>
<<elseif WifeCurrentPlan() == "meet Jenny(pool bar)">>
<<dlg_en 0 "We're going to the backyard. Are you with us, honey?">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Мы идем на задний двор. Ты с нами, милый?">>
<<btnEventLink "Go with them" "MChouse Pool Bar" "">>
<<btnEventLink "Stay here" "Kitchen" "">>
/* ---------- WATCH TV SCENES ---------- */
<<case "living room(watch tv)">>
<<NPCmedia "wife" "watching tv(with Jenny)(mini)" 0>>
<br><<PHR 0 "Honey, you decided to join us? There' s not much space here, but you can take a chair.">>
<<if $NPCstat[0].lordliness >= 22 and $NPCsexmemory[0].footlicking >= 1 and $WifeQueen.active>>
<br><<PHR 0 "Or you can sit here.">>
<br>$NPCstat[0].name points to the floor in front of the couch.
<<btnEventLink "Sit on the floor" "Jenny Visits" "living room(watch tv)(floor)" 1>>
<<btnEventLink "Sit in the chair" "Jenny Visits" "living room(watch tv)(chair)" 1>>
<<btnEventLink "Leave" "Hallway" "">>
<<case "living room(watch tv)(chair)">>
<<LocImg "mc_house" "stupid show">>
<<if WifeCurrentPlan() == "meet Jenny(pool bar)">>
<<en "As the onscreen action comes to an end, the women devote more and more time to chatting with each other. At one point, $NPCstat[0].name turns to you.">>
<<ru "По мере того как действие на экране подходит к концу, девушки все больше времени уделяют общению друг с другом. В какой-то момент $NPCstat[0].name поворачивается к тебе.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "We're going to the backyard. Are you with us, honey?">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Мы идем на задний двор. Ты с нами, милый?">>
<<btnEventLink "Go with them/Пойти с ними" "MChouse Pool Bar" "">>
<<btnEventLink "Stay here/Остаться здесь" "Living Room" "">>
<<elseif WifeCurrentPlan() == "meet Jenny(living room)">>
<<en "You're watching TV with the women, and their stupid show doesn't want to end.">>
<<ru "Ты смотришь телевизор вместе с девушками, и их дурацкое шоу никак не хочет заканчиваться.">>
<<btnEventLink "Continue to watch" "Jenny Visits" "living room(watch tv)(chair)" 1>>
<<btnEventLink "Leave" "Hallway" "">>
<<elseif JennyCurrentPlan() == "sleeping(mansion gbedroom)">>
<<en "As the onscreen action comes to an end, the women devote more and more time to chatting with each other. At one point, $NPCstat[0].name turns to you.">>
<<ru "По мере того как действие на экране подходит к концу, девушки все больше времени уделяют общению друг с другом. В какой-то момент $NPCstat[0].name поворачивается к тебе.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "$mc.name, can you please tell Samantha to prepare the guest bedroom for Jenny?">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "$mc.name, не мог бы ты сказать Саманте, чтобы она подготовила гостевую спальню для Дженни?">>
<<dlg_en 2 "Actually, I thought we'd share a bed, like in the good old days. We have so much to talk about!">>
<<dlg_ru 2 "Вообще-то я думала, что мы могли бы разделить постель, как в старые добрые времена. Нам так много нужно обсудить!">>
<<en "It's clear from the look on your wife's face that she's seriously considering Jenny's proposal.">>
<<ru "По выражению лица вашей жены понятно, что она всерьез обдумывает предложение Дженни.">>
<<if $JennyVisitSleepover.active == false>>
<<set $JennyVisitSleepover.active = true>>
<<dlg_en 0 "I don't know. Maybe next time.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Даже не знаю. Может в следующий раз.">>
<<dlg_en 2 "Okay, girl.">>
<<dlg_ru 2 "Окей.">>
<<en "The women leave the living room and head to the second floor.">>
<<ru "Девушки выходят из комнаты и направляются на второй этаж.">>
<<btnEventLink "Finish/Закончить" "Living Room" "">>
<<dlg_en 2 "Or are you and $mc.name up to doing something fun while I sleep in the next room?">>
<<dlg_ru 2 "Или вы с $mc.name собираетесь поразвлечься, пока я сплю в соседней комнате?">>
<<th_en "I don't want to sleep in the guest bedroom, but $NPCstat[0].name would be happy if I let them have a girls' night.">>
<<th_ru "Я не хочу спать в гостевой спальне, но $NPCstat[0].name будет рада, если я позволю им устроить небольшой девичник.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "What do you think, $mc.name?">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Что думаешь, $mc.name?">>
<<btnEventLink "Send Jenny sleep in the guest bedroom" "Jenny Visits" "let sleep(guest)">>
<<btnEventLink "Let Jenny sleep in the main bedroom" "Jenny Visits" "let sleep(main)">>
<<elseif WifeCurrentPlan() == "sleep(mansion)">>
<<en "As the onscreen action comes to an end, the women devote more and more time to chatting with each other. At one point, $NPCstat[0].name turns to you.">>
<<ru "По мере того как действие на экране подходит к концу, девушки все больше времени уделяют общению друг с другом. В какой-то момент $NPCstat[0].name поворачивается к тебе.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "I'm going to walk Jenny out, honey.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Я собираюсь проводить Дженни, милый.">>
<<btnEventLink "Finish/Закончить" "Living Room" "">>
<<case "let sleep(guest)">>
<<LocImg "mc_house" "living room">>
<<dlg_en 0 "Don't be too upset, Jenny. We can do it next time.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Не расстраивайся так сильно, Дженни. Мы сделаем это в следующий раз.">>
<<en "The women leave the living room and head to the second floor.">>
<<ru "Девушки выходят из комнаты и направляются на второй этаж.">>
<<btnEventLink "Go sleep/Идти спать" "Master Bedroom" "">>
<<case "let sleep(main)">>
<<set $NPCplans[2].mnight = "sleeping(mansion mbedroom)">>
<<LocImg "mc_house" "living room">>
<<dlg_en 0 "Thanks, honey.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Спасибо, милый.">>
<<en "The women leave the living room and head to the second floor.">>
<<ru "Девушки выходят из комнаты и направляются на второй этаж.">>
<<btnEventLink "Go sleep/Идти спать" "Guest Bedroom" "">>
<<case "living room(watch tv)(floor)">>
<<NPCmedia "wife" "watching tv(with Jenny)(mini)" 0>>
<<set $JennyFootFetish.active = true>>
<<if $JennyFootFetish.active == false>>
<<set $JennyFootFetish.active = true>>
<br>You sit down on the floor near the couch. Jenny yawns and stretches her legs out, as if she wants you to look at them.
<br><<PHR 2 "I'm sorry, my muscles become a bit stiffy.">>
<br>You instantly recall the scene of massaging your wife's feet. Your thoughts involuntarily drift to an image in which Jenny also offers you help to relax her feet.
<<set _txt = $NPCstat[0].name + ", would you mind if I borrow " + $mc.name + "? I want him to take care of my feet.">>
<br><<PHR 2 _txt>>
<br><<PHR 0 "No problem, girl. I'm ready to share anything with you, including my husband.">>
<br><<PHR 2 "Really?">>
<br><<PHR 0 "Of course! You can have him for the whole week! At the same time you could improve his discipline the way only you know.">>
<br><<PHR 2 "Thank you, but for now all I need is his deft fingers.">>
<br>Using your will, you push those thoughts away and concentrate on the TV screen. As the onscreen action comes to an end, the girls devote more and more time to chatting with each other. At one point, $NPCstat[0].name turns to you.
<<PHR 0 "We're going to the backyard. Are you with us, honey?">>
<<btnEventLink "Go with them" "MChouse Pool Bar" "">>
<<btnEventLink "Stay here" "Living Room" "">>
<br>You sit down on the floor near the couch. Jenny yawns and stretches her legs out, as if she wants you to look at them. Your mind again imagines the picture of you taking Jenny's feet in your hands and starting to massage them. However, this time your thoughts are interrupted by the phone call.
<br><<PHR 0 "Anna calls... I think something happened at the bakery.">>
<br>Your wife picks up her phone and walks out of the room, leaving you alone with Jenny. She immediately speaks up.
<br><<PHR 2 "You want it, don't you?">>
<br>You turn around and see the smirk on Jenny's face.
<br><<PHR "mc" "What do you mean?">>
<br><<PHR 2 "That you want to taste my legs, of course.">>
<br><<PHR "mc" "Do you realize what you're talking about?">>
<<dlg_en 2 " You don't need to deny it. $NPCstat[0].name's already told me how eagerly you licked her feet.">>
<<dlg_ru 2 " You don't need to deny it. $NPCstat[0].name's already told me how eagerly you licked her feet.">>
<br>You cast a quick glance toward the doorway, then on Jenny's legs.
<<NPCmedia "jenny" "on couch(mansion)" 0>>
<br><<PHR 2 "Don't blame your beloved wife. She's new, too, and just wanted advice from a more experienced friend.">>
<br>Her hand rests on your shoulder.
<<dlg_en 2 " I know you don't like me that much, but come to think of it, I'm the only one who completely accepts your and $NPCstat[0].name's hobby. Imagine what your subordinates or your business partners would say if they knew how you spend your free time.">>
<<dlg_ru 2 " I know you don't like me that much, but come to think of it, I'm the only one who completely accepts your and $NPCstat[0].name's hobby. Imagine what your subordinates or your business partners would say if they knew how you spend your free time.">>
<br><<PHR "mc" "Everyone has their hobbies...">>
<br><<PHR 2 "But some of them are not accepted to talk aloud. With me, on the other hand, you can not only share them, but also learn something new.">>
<<dlg_en 2 " When $NPCstat[0].name comes back, just play along.">>
<<dlg_ru 2 " When $NPCstat[0].name comes back, just play along.">>
<<btnEventLink "Wait for your wife" "Jenny Visits" "living room(watch tv)(foot massage)">>
<<case "living room(watch tv)(foot massage)">>
<<NPCmedia "wife" "watching tv(with Jenny)(mini)" 0>>
<br> $NPCstat[0].name comes back and sits on the couch.
<br><<PHR "mc" "Is everything okay?">>
<br><<PHR 0 "It's just a problem with the supplier. Nothing I can't solve tomorrow.">>
<br>The three of you go back to watching TV. As the onscreen action comes to an end, the girls devote more and more time to chatting with each other.
<br><<PHR 2 "Girl, I noticed a red streak on your ankle. That's from the new heels.">>
<br><<PHR 0 "Hell, yeah. It takes me a while to get used to them.">>
<<dlg_en 2 "I think $mc.name can help you. You know, with his finger.">>
<<dlg_ru 2 "I think $mc.name can help you. You know, with his finger.">>
<br><<PHR 0 "Well, I don't know... What do you think, honey?">>
<br><<PHR 2 "I'm sure he'd agree.">>
<<btnEventLink "Agree to massage your wife feet" "Jenny Visits" "living room(watch tv)(foot massage) 2" 1>>
<<btnEventLink "Refuse and leave the room" "Hallway" "">>
<<case "living room(watch tv)(foot massage) 2">>
<<set $WifeFootFetish.livingroommassage += 1>>
<<set $NPCsexmemory[0].footmassage += 1>>
<<set $WifeFootFetish.massagedesire = 0>>
<<NPCmedia "wife" "living room feet massage" 1>>
<br><<PHR 2 "Let's start already!">>
<br><<PHR 0 "Well, if you don't mind, honey.">>
<br>Your wife extends her leg toward you, and you automatically take her foot. There is a hovering silence, in which you hear $NPCstat[0].name's deep breathing and Jenny fidgeting on the couch. She seems to assume the position from which she is most comfortable watching your actions.
<<set _txt = "Press harder, " + $mc.name + ". I can see from here that you don't use enough force.">>
<br><<PHR 2 _txt>>
<br><<PHR 0 "I think he's just uncomfortable with the position. It would be more easy if he moved to the couch.">>
<br><<PHR 2 "Okay, I'll shift.">>
<<btnEventLink "Move to the couch" "Jenny Visits" "living room(watch tv)(foot massage) 3">>
<<case "living room(watch tv)(foot massage) 3">>
<<NPCmedia "wife" "living room feet massage" 1>>
<br>You climb up on the couch and continue to massage your wife's feet.
<<set _txt = "You have such beautiful legs, " + $NPCstat[0].name + ". And really smooth skin. If I were your husband, I would jump on you right now.">>
<br><<PHR 2 _txt>>
<br><<PHR 0 "Oh, Jenny, why do you say that?">>
<<dlg_en 2 "Because it's truth. You're a queen, $NPCstat[0].name, and you know it. You deserve to be treated like queen.">>
<<dlg_ru 2 "Because it's truth. You're a queen, $NPCstat[0].name, and you know it. You deserve to be treated like queen.">>
<br>Jenny pokes you in the shoulder.
<<set _txt = "Right, " + $mc.name + "?">>
<br><<PHR 2 _txt>>
<br><<PHR "mc" "Yeah.">>
<br><<PHR 0 "Believe me, he treat very well.">>
<br>As if to confirm her words, $NPCstat[0].name lets out a light moan.
<br><<PHR 2 "You know, I still have my doubts. I'd be more convinced if he demonstrated his skills on my feet.">>
<br>Your wife is raised on her elbows.
<<dlg_en 0 "Is that why you offered me a massage from your boyfriend? You wanted me to share $mc.name with you later?">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Is that why you offered me a massage from your boyfriend? You wanted me to share $mc.name with you later?">>
<br><<PHR "mc" "Her boyfriend gave you a massage?">>
<br><<PHR 0 "Don't worry, honey. You're the only man I'll let touch my body. But as for Jenny's proposal...">>
<br>Your wife thinks about it for a while.
<br><<PHR 0 "Okay. I don't mind if you give her a foot massage, but on one condition. From now on, you must get along.">>
<br>$NPCstat[0].name looks at her friend.
<br><<PHR 2 "Okay, okay, I promise to be more nice to your husband.">>
<br><<PHR 0 "This applies to both of you. Stop acting like a pair of kiddies.">>
<br>Jenny stretches her legs out toward you in impatience.
<<btnEventLink "Massage her legs" "Jenny Visits" "living room(watch tv)(foot massage) 4">>
<<case "living room(watch tv)(foot massage) 4">>
<<set $JennyFootFetish.livingroommassage += 1>>
<<set $NPCsexmemory[2].footmassage += 1>>
<<NPCmedia "jenny" "living room both massage" 1>>
<br>You tentatively take Jenny's foot in your hands.
<<set _txt = "Don't hold yourself back, " + $mc.name + ". I'm not as fragile as I look..">>
<br><<PHR 2 _txt>>
<br>You start kneading her foot, just as you massaged your wife's feet a moment ago. Jenny throws her head back.
<<set _txt = "Do you realize how lucky you are? Two beautiful girls sitting on each side of you.">>
<br><<PHR 2 _txt>>
<<set _txt = "That's right, " + $mc.name + ". And there' s a blonde and a brunette. Can you imagine a more classic combination?">>
<br><<PHR 0 _txt>>
<br><<PHR 2 "I think it's a win-win situation. You take care of our sore feet, and in return, you can feel practically like you own a harem.">>
<br>$NPCstat[0].name gently pokes her friend's foot with her own foot.
<br><<PHR 0 "Jenny, calm down!">>
<br><<PHR 2 "Sorry, girl. But we should definitely repeat tonight's session in the future.">>
<<set _txt = "Of course, I think " + $mc.name + " will be happy to.">>
<br><<PHR 0 _txt>>
<br>$NPCstat[0].name stretches and yawns.
<<dlg_en 0 "$mc.name, can you please tell Samantha to prepare the guest bedroom for Jenny?">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "$mc.name, не мог бы ты сказать Саманте, чтобы она подготовила гостевую спальню для Дженни?">>
<<dlg_en 2 "Actually, I thought we'd share a bed, like in the good old days. We have so much to talk about!">>
<<dlg_ru 2 "Вообще-то я думала, что мы могли бы разделить постель, как в старые добрые времена. Нам так много нужно обсудить!">>
<<en "It's clear from the look on your wife's face that she's seriously considering Jenny's proposal.">>
<<ru "По выражению лица вашей жены понятно, что она всерьез обдумывает предложение Дженни.">>
<<dlg_en 2 "Or are you and $mc.name up to doing something fun while I sleep in the next room?">>
<<dlg_ru 2 "Или вы с $mc.name собираетесь поразвлечься, пока я сплю в соседней комнате?">>
<<th_en "I don't want to sleep in the guest bedroom, but $NPCstat[0].name would be happy if I let them have a girls' night.">>
<<th_ru "Я не хочу спать в гостевой спальне, но $NPCstat[0].name будет рада, если я позволю им устроить небольшой девичник.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "What do you think, $mc.name?">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Что думаешь, $mc.name?">>
<<btnEventLink "Send Jenny sleep in the guest bedroom" "Jenny Visits" "let sleep(guest)">>
<<btnEventLink "Let Jenny sleep in the main bedroom" "Jenny Visits" "let sleep(main)">>
/* ---------- DRINK IN POOL BAR SCENES ---------- */
<<case "pool bar(main)">>
<<LocImg "mc_house" "pool bar">>
<<dlg_en 0 "Hey, honey, wanna join us?">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Присоединишься к нам, милый?">>
<<dlg_en 2 "I think he doesn't. Who wanna listen to a women's talk?">>
<<dlg_ru 2 "Не думаю, что он хочет слушать наши женские разговоры.">>
<<btnEventLink "Drink with them/Выпить с ними" "Jenny Visits" "pool bar(drink)" 2>>
<<btnEventLink "Leave them alone/Оставить их в покое" "Backyard" "">>
<<case "pool bar(drink)">>
<<set $JennyVisitSleepover.active = true>>
<<if $WifeFootFetish.poolbarmassage == 1 and $NPCstat[0].assertiveness >= 28 and $NPCstat[0].openness >= 10>>
<<set $WifeFootFetish.poolbarmassage += 1>>
<<set $NPCsexmemory[0].footmassage += 1>>
<<LocImg "mc_house" "pool bar">>
<<en "You spend the evening talking and drinking. This time a bottle of whiskey. Then a new bottle takes the place of the first, and you unwittingly find yourself in the role of pouring the drink into glasses. And if your wife just thanks you heartily, Jenny will give you something like...">>
<<ru "Вы проводите вечер за разговорами и бутылкой виски. Затем в ход идет вторая бутылка, и ты невольно оказываешься в роли того, кто разливает напиток по стаканам. И если твоя жена просто тепло благодарит тебя, то Дженни каждый раз выдает что-то вроде...">>
<<dlg_en 2 "Just in time!">>
<<dlg_ru 2 "Как раз вовремя!">>
<<en "Soon your wife asks you to warm her up, just like last time, and you don't have the strength to refuse. This time you don't forget to take the alcohol with you, and the brunette doesn't need to give you a drink from her glass. Instead, $NPCstat[0].name continues to chat with Jenny, occasionally pointing out a spot for you to focus on.">>
<<ru "Вскоре, твоя жена просит тебя согреть ее, как и в прошлый раз, и ты не находишь в себе сил отказать ей. В этот раз, ты не забываешь взять бутылку с собой, и брюнетке не приходится поить тебя из ее стакана. Вместо этого, $NPCstat[0].name продолжает болтать с Дженни, время от времени указывая на место, на котором тебе стоит сосредоточиться.">>
<<NPCmedia "wife" "pool bar(foot rub)" 1>>
<<en "After a while, the second bottle is empty. Normally, you should go for the next one, but you don't want to get up at all. You just keep massaging your wife's feet and listening to the chatter of the women, who are also noticeably tipsy. Jenny giggles incessantly while $NPCstat[0].name tells the same story for the third time. Gradually, you stop following the conversation and your thoughts drift away.">>
<<ru "Спустя некоторое время, пустеет и вторая бутылка. По идее, тебе надо идти за следующей, но ты совершенно не хочешь подниматься. Ты просто продолжаешь массировать ноги своей жены и слушать болтовню девушек, которые также заметно опьянели. Дженни постоянно хихикает, в то время как $NPCstat[0].name уже третий раз рассказывает одну и ту же историю. Постепенно, ты перестаешь следить за ходом беседы, и твои мысли уносятся куда-то вдаль.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "I'm in the mood to get a little crazy. What do you think, honey?">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "У меня есть настроение немного пошалить. Что скажешь, милый?">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "What are you talking about?">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "О чем ты говоришь?">>
<<en "You glance over to the opposite corner and go to a whisper.">>
<<ru "Ты бросаешь взгляд в противоположный угол и переходишь на шепот.">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "Jenny's still here.">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Дженни еще здесь.">>
<<dlg_en 2 "Just pretend I'm not here.">>
<<dlg_ru 2 "Просто притворитесь, что меня здесь нет.">>
<<en "You try to think of an answer, but words in your head disappear faster than you can form a proper sentence. It seems that the alcohol has hit you harder than you thought it would.">>
<<ru "Ты пытаешься придумать ответ, но слова в твоей голове исчезают быстрее, чем тебе удается сформировать из них полноценное предложение. Похоже, что алкоголь подействовал на тебя куда сильнее, чем тебе казалось до этого.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "$mc.name, are you in?">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Ну так что, милый?">>
<<en "You shake your head. However, $NPCstat[0].name continues to stare at you intently. She bites her lower lip slightly.">>
<<ru "Ты качаешь головой. Однако, $NPCstat[0].name продолжает пристально смотреть на тебя. Она слегка прикусывает свою нижнюю губу.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "This is the moment you agree, honey.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Это тот момент, когда ты соглашаешься, милый.">>
<<en "You turn toward Jenny and notice that she has run her hands under the blanket.">>
<<ru "Ты поворачиваешься в сторону Дженни и замечаешь, что она запустила руки под одеяло.">>
<<th_en "Is she going to masturbate?!">>
<<th_ru "Она собирается мастурбировать?!">>
<<dlg_en 0 "Hey, I'm here!">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Я здесь, милый.">>
<<en "Your wife slowly pulls up her dress and moves the thin line of panties aside.">>
<<ru "Твоя жена медленно задирает свое платье и отводит тонкую полоску трусиков в сторону.">>
<<th_en "This is not the $NPCstat[0].name I'm used to seeing. Is it the alcohol, or did she and Jenny plan this whole thing together?">>
<<th_ru "Это не та $NPCstat[0].name, к которой я привык. Это все из-за алкоголя, или они с Дженни придумали все заранее?">>
<<en "You lower your wife's legs and she immediately spreads them wider, as if offering you to dive in without a second thought. You feel hypnotized under the women's gaze. You feel trapped as if you were in a terrarium, alone with two predators. Something inside you hints at the falsity, the unreality of the situation, but your body leans forward as if on its own.">>
<<ru "Ты отпускаешь ноги своей жены, и она тут же раздвигает их шире, словно предлагая тебе приступить к действию, без всякой задней мысли. Под пристальными взглядами девушек, ты чувствуешь себя загипнотизированным, запертым, словно бы в террариуме, наедине с двумя хищницами. Что-то внутри тебя намекает на неправильность, нереалистичность ситуации, но твое тело словно было само наклоняется вперед.">>
<<btnEventLink "Start licking/Начать лизать" "Jenny Visits" "pool bar(cuni)(Jenny watch)">>
<<elseif $WifePussyWorship.mansionpoolbar >= 1 and $WifeFootFetish.poolbarmassage == 0 and $NPCstat[0].assertiveness >= 28>>
<<LocImg "mc_house" "pool bar">>
<<en "You spend the evening talking and drinking. This time a bottle of wine. Then a new bottle takes the place of the first, and you involuntarily find yourself in the role of pouring the drink into glasses. And if your wife just thanks you heartily, Jenny will give you something like...">>
<<ru "Вы проводите вечер за разговорами и бутылкой вина. Затем в ход идет вторая бутылка, и ты невольно оказываешься в роли того, кто разливает напиток по бокалам. И если твоя жена просто тепло благодарит тебя, то Дженни каждый раз выдает что-то вроде...">>
<<dlg_en 2 "Just in time!">>
<<dlg_ru 2 "Как раз вовремя!">>
<<en "Since the girls have taken chairs in different corners of the bar, you find nothing better than to lean against the table in the middle. Next to you, you place a bottle of wine and a glass. This way you form a triangle where everyone can see the others.">>
<<ru "Из-за того, что девушки заняли кресла, стоящие в разных углах бара, ты не находишь ничего лучше, как опереться на стоящий в центре стол. Рядом с собой ты ставишь бутылку вина и бокал. Таким образом, вы образуете треугольник, где каждый может видеть остальных.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "It's colder than usual tonight, isn't it, honey?">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Сегодня холоднее, чем обычно, не так ли, милый?">>
<<en "You can actually feel the evening chill getting under your pants. Jenny is shivering too. You remember that there might be something suitable in the bar and find a woollen plaid, but only one.">>
<<ru "Ты действительно ощущаешь, как вечерний холодок пробирается под твои штаны. Дженни также поеживается. Ты вспоминаешь, что в барной стойке может храниться что-то подходящее и находишь там шерстяной плед, однако, в единственном экземпляре.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "Give it to Jenny, honey.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Отдай его Дженни, дорогой.">>
<<en "You look at your wife uncertainly, but $NPCstat[0].name answers you firmly.">>
<<ru "Ты неуверенно смотришь на свою жену, но $NPCstat[0].name дает тебе четкий ответ.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "Come on, honey.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Ну же, милый.">>
<<en "Reluctantly, you approach Jenny and hand her the plaid. However, the blonde is in no hurry to take it. Instead, she sips from the glass and then spreads her arms out to the sides, suggesting that you should cover her with the plaid yourself. There's an awkward pause, during which you and Jenny glare at each other.">>
<<ru "Медленно ты приближаешь к Дженни и протягиваешь ей плед. Однако, блондинка не спешит забирать его. Вместо этого она отпивает из бокала, а затем расставляет руки в стороны, намекая на то, что ты должен самолично укрыть ее пледом. Повисает неловкая пауза, во время которой вы с Дженни неотрывно сверлите друг друга взглядом.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "What are you guys doing?">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Что там у вас происходит?">>
<<dlg_en 2 "I'm waiting for $mc.name to help me with the plaid.">>
<<dlg_ru 2 "Я жду, когда $mc.name поможет мне с пледом.">>
<<en "You turn to your wife and she gestures for you to hurry up and do something. With no other options, you move closer to Jenny and throw the plaid over her lap.">>
<<ru "Ты поворачиваешься к своей жене, и она жестом показывает тебе, чтобы ты действовал быстрее. Не имея других вариантов, ты приближаешься к Дженни и накидываешь плед на ее колени.">>
<<dlg_en 2 "You think that's enough? My legs are barely covered.">>
<<dlg_ru 2 "Думаешь, этого достаточно? Мои ноги почти не прикрыты.">>
<<en "With a heavy sigh, you lean over and begin to carefully spread the plaid, tucking the edges of it between the armrests of the chair and the woman's thighs. Then you move lower and cover the rest of her legs.">>
<<ru "Тяжело вздохнув, ты наклоняешься и принимаешься аккуратно расправлять плед, засовывая его края между подлокотниками кресла и бедрами девушки. Затем ты опускаешься ниже и прикрываешь оставшуюся часть ее ног.">>
<<dlg_en 2 "That's much better.">>
<<dlg_ru 2 "Так гораздо лучше.">>
<<en "You decide not to answer her. Instead, you straighten up and turn toward your wife.">>
<<ru "Ты решаешь не отвечать ей. Вместо этого ты выпрямляешься и поворачиваешься к своей жене.">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "What about you, baby? Maybe I should go to the mansion and get another plaid.">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Что насчет тебя, крошка? Может, мне стоит сходить в особняк и принести еще один плед?">>
<<dlg_en 0 "No, that's okay, because I figured out a way you can keep me warm. Come here, honey.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Не стоит, потому что я придумала, как ты можешь меня согреть. Иди сюда, милый.">>
<<btnEventLink "Come to her/Подойти к ней" "Jenny Visits" "pool bar(drink)(warm her)">>
<<LocImg "mc_house" "pool bar">>
<<en "You spend the evening talking and drinking. This time a bottle of wine. Then a new bottle takes the place of the first, and you unwittingly find yourself in the role of pouring the drink into glasses. And if your wife just thanks you heartily, Jenny will give you something like...">>
<<ru "Вы проводите вечер за разговорами и бутылкой вина. Затем в ход идет вторая бутылка, и ты невольно оказываешься в роли того, кто разливает напиток по бокалам. И если твоя жена просто тепло благодарит тебя, то Дженни каждый раз выдает что-то вроде...">>
<<dlg_en 2 "Just in time!">>
<<dlg_ru 2 "Как раз вовремя!">>
<<en "Since the girls have taken chairs in different corners of the bar, you find nothing better than to lean against the table in the middle. Next to you, you place a bottle of wine and a glass. This way you form a triangle where everyone can see the others. Finally, it starts getting dark.">>
<<ru "Из-за того, что девушки заняли кресла, стоящие в разных углах бара, ты не находишь ничего лучше, как опереться на стоящий в центре стол. Рядом с собой ты ставишь бутылку вина и бокал. Таким образом, вы образуете треугольник, где каждый может видеть остальных. Наконец начинает темнеть.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "$mc.name, can you please tell Samantha to prepare the guest bedroom for Jenny?">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "$mc.name, не мог бы ты сказать Саманте, чтобы она подготовила гостевую спальню для Дженни?">>
<<dlg_en 2 "Actually, I thought we'd share a bed, like in the good old days. We have so much to talk about!">>
<<dlg_ru 2 "Вообще-то я думала, что мы могли бы разделить постель, как в старые добрые времена. Нам так много нужно обсудить!">>
<<en "It's clear from the look on your wife's face that she's seriously considering Jenny's proposal.">>
<<ru "По выражению лица вашей жены понятно, что она всерьез обдумывает предложение Дженни.">>
<<dlg_en 2 "Or are you and $mc.name up to doing something fun while I sleep in the next room?">>
<<dlg_ru 2 "Или вы с $mc.name собираетесь поразвлечься, пока я сплю в соседней комнате?">>
<<th_en "I don't want to sleep in the guest bedroom, but $NPCstat[0].name would be happy if I let them have a girls' night.">>
<<th_ru "Я не хочу спать в гостевой спальне, но $NPCstat[0].name будет рада, если я позволю им устроить небольшой девичник.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "What do you think, $mc.name?">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Что думаешь, $mc.name?">>
<<btnEventLink "Send Jenny sleep in the guest bedroom" "Jenny Visits" "let sleep(guest)(after drink)">>
<<btnEventLink "Let Jenny sleep in the main bedroom" "Jenny Visits" "let sleep(main)(after drink)">>
<<case "let sleep(guest)(after drink)">>
<<LocImg "mc_house" "pool bar">>
<<dlg_en 0 "Don't be too upset, Jenny. We can do it next time.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Не расстраивайся так сильно, Дженни. Мы сделаем это в следующий раз.">>
<<en "The women rise from their chairs and head inside the mansion.">>
<<ru "Девушки поднимаются с кресел и направляются внутрь особняка.">>
<<btnEventLink "Go sleep/Идти спать" "Master Bedroom" "">>
<<case "let sleep(main)(after drink)">>
<<set $NPCplans[2].mnight = "sleeping(mansion mbedroom)">>
<<LocImg "mc_house" "pool bar">>
<<dlg_en 0 "Thanks, honey.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Спасибо, милый.">>
<<en "The women rise from their chairs and head inside the mansion.">>
<<ru "Девушки поднимаются с кресел и направляются внутрь особняка.">>
<<btnEventLink "Go sleep/Идти спать" "Guest Bedroom" "">>
<<case "pool bar(drink)(warm her)">>
<<set $WifeFootFetish.poolbarmassage += 1>>
<<set $NPCsexmemory[0].footmassage += 1>>
<center><table style="width:100%">
<td style="width:50%;">
<td style="width:50%;">
<<NPCmedia "wife" "pool bar(Jenny visit)" 0>>
<td style="vertical-align:top">
<<en "$NPCstat[0].name picks up one of the pillows from the chair and places it on the floor in front of her.">>
<<ru "$NPCstat[0].name берет одну из подушек, что лежат на кресле, и кладет ее на пол перед собой.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "Have a seat, honey.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Садись, милый.">>
<<en "You sit cross-legged on the cushion. Your wife throws off her sandals and places her feet on your legs.">>
<<ru "Ты садишься на подушку, скрестив ноги. Твоя жена скидывает сандали и кладет ступни на твои ноги.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "This will keep me much warmer. And it's even better if you rub them a little.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Так мне будет гораздо теплее. А будет еще лучше, если ты немного разотрешь их.">>
<<en "The girl stares at you expectantly, letting you know that her words, while not a direct order, are not a simple plead. You take her feet in your hands, feeling how much colder they are than your palms, and begin to rub them. Your wife lets out a sigh of satisfaction.">>
<<ru "Девушка выжидающе смотрит на тебя, всем своим видом давая понять, что ее слова хоть и не являются прямым приказом, но также и не являются простой просьбой. Ты берешь ее ступни в руки, ощущая насколько они холоднее твоих ладоней и принимаешься растирать их. Твоя жена издает вздох удовлетворения.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "There you go, honey. You have such warm hands.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Вот так, милый. У тебя такие теплые руки.">>
<<en "You continue to rub your wife's legs while she chats with Jenny and enjoys the wine. When you turn your head to the side, you realize that you've left both your glass and the half-empty bottle on the table.">>
<<ru "Ты продолжаешь согревать свою жену, в то время как она болтает с Дженни и наслаждается вином. Повернув голову в сторону, ты понимаешь, что оставил на столе как и свой бокал, так и наполовину пустую бутылку.">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "Hold on a second, I'll take the wine.">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Обожди секунду, я заберу вино.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "No! I'm just getting warm and I don't want you to stop. You can drink from my glass if you like.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Нет! Я только-только согрелась и не хочу, чтобы ты останавливался. Можешь выпить из моего бокала, если хочешь.">>
<<en "$NPCstat[0].name holds out the glass to you, you raise your hand to intercept it, but in the same instant, the girl takes it aside.">>
<<ru "$NPCstat[0].name протягивает бокал к тебе, ты поднимаешь руку, чтобы перехватить его, но в это же мгновение, девушка отводит бокал в сторону.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "$mc.name, I told you not to stop.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "$mc.name, я же попросила тебя не прерываться.">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "But how do I...">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Но как мне...">>
<<dlg_en 0 "I'll help you, don't worry.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Я тебе помогу, не бойся.">>
<<en "She reaches out again and touches your lips with the rim of the glass. You open your mouth and $NPCstat[0].name tilts the glass slightly, allowing the sweet wine to pour in. However, a thin trickle finds its way down your lower lip to your chin. Noticing this, the brunette removes the glass and wipes the wine from your face with her free hand. The girl then slowly licks her fingers as she looks intently into your eyes.">>
<<ru "Она снова вытягивает руку и касается твоих губ краем бокала. Ты приоткрываешь рот, и $NPCstat[0].name слегка наклоняет бокал, отчего сладкое вино начинает вливаться внутрь. Однако, тонкая струйка находит свой путь по твоей нижней губе на твой подбородок. Заметив это, брюнетка убирает бокал и свободной рукой стирает вино с твоего лица. Затем девушка медленно облизывает пальцы, при этом пристально глядя тебе в глаза.">>
<<dlg_en 2 "This is so sweet. You two are made for each other.">>
<<dlg_ru 2 "Это так мило. Вы вдвоем созданы для этого.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "Jenny, can you skip the comments this time?">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Дженни, можно в этот раз без твоих комментариев?">>
<<dlg_en 2 "Sorry, girl. When I see a scene like this, I can't help myself. Don't even ask.">>
<<dlg_ru 2 "Извини, но когда я вижу подобную сцену, я не могу сдерживать себя. Даже не проси об этом.">>
<<en "$NPCstat[0].name laughs almost silently, then leans back in her chair.">>
<<ru "$NPCstat[0].name почти беззвучно смеется, а затем откидывается на спинку кресла.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "All right, I'll put up with it. As long as $mc.name doesn't stop.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Так и быть, я потерплю тебя. Главное, чтобы $mc.name не останавливался.">>
<<btnEventLink "Continue/Продолжить" "Jenny Visits" "pool bar(drink)(warm her 2)">>
<<case "pool bar(drink)(warm her 2)">>
<<NPCmedia "wife" "pool bar(foot rub)" 1>>
<<dlg_en 0 "I think that's enough for my feet.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Думаю, с моих ступней достаточно.">>
<<en "You understand what she means and start to rub her ankles.">>
<<ru "Ты понимаешь, к чему она клонит, и начинаешь растираешь ее лодыжки.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "Would you like some more wine, honey?">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Хочешь еще вина, милый?">>
<<en "You nod and your wife offers you the glass again, and this time she doesn't bring it to your lips, but stops it at her hip level.">>
<<ru "Ты киваешь, и твоя жена снова протягивает тебе бокал, однако, в этот раз она не подносит его прямиком к твоим губам, а останавливает его на уровне своих бедер.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "It would be more convenient if you lean over a little.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Будет куда удобнее, если ты немного наклонишься.">>
<<en "Continuing to massage her legs, you lean forward, your gaze resting on the hem of her dress, barely covering her thighs. You put your lips to the glass and $NPCstat[0].name tilts it so that the wine flows into your mouth.">>
<<ru "Не прекращая массировать ее ноги, ты наклоняешься вперед, так что твой взгляд невольно упирается в край ее платья, которое едва прикрывает ее бедра. Ты касаешься бокала губами, и $NPCstat[0].name наклоняет его, позволяя вину затекать в твой рот.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "Try not to spill the wine this time, honey. Otherwise you'll have to lick it off, and I'm not sure I can resist from...">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Попытайся не пролить вино в этот раз, милый. Иначе тебе придется его слизывать, и я не уверена, что смогу удержаться от того...">>
<<en "She interrupts her sentence as a slight giggle comes from Jenny's side. You feel the heat of embarrassment spread across your face.">>
<<ru "Она замолкает на полуслове, в то время как со стороны Дженни доносится легкий смешок. Ты чувствуешь, как по твоему лицу начинает распространятся тепло от смущения.">>
<<dlg_en 2 "You know, I can barely keep my eyes open. I think I'll leave you two alone and go to bed.">>
<<dlg_ru 2 "Знаете, мои глаза начинают слипаться. Пожалуй, я оставлю вас наедине и пойду спать.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "Wait, Jenny, we'll finish soon and go in together.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Погоди, Дженни, мы скоро закончим и зайдем все вместе.">>
<<dlg_en 2 "You don't have to ruin your fun because of me. I can find a bed on my own.">>
<<dlg_ru 2 "Не стоит прерывать ваше веселье из-за меня. Я и сама смогу найти кровать.">>
<<en "Saying that, your wife's friend gets up, carelessly tosses the plaid over the seat, and walks to the entrance of the mansion. On the way, she places her empty glass on the table and looks directly at you. With a wink, she turns and walks away.">>
<<ru "С этими словами подруга твоей жены поднимается с кресла, небрежно кидает плед на его спинку и направляется к входу в особняк. По пути она ставит пустой бокал на стол и бросает взгляд прямо на тебя. Подмигнув, она разворачивается и уходит.">>
<<btnEventLink "Continue/Продолжить" "Jenny Visits" "pool bar(drink)(warm her 3)">>
<<case "pool bar(drink)(warm her 3)">>
<<NPCmedia "wife" "pool bar(foot rub)" 1>>
<<dlg_en 0 "So we're finally alone.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Итак, мы наконец-то одни.">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "I think we should call it a night, too. Wait. You're not trying to pull the same trick you did last time, are you?">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Думаю, нам тоже пора закругляться. Погоди... Ты ведь не пытаешься провернуть тот же трюк, что и в прошлый раз?">>
<<dlg_en 0 "You got me!">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Ты меня раскрыл!">>
<<en "With these words, she grabs you by your shirt and pulls you in for a kiss. Her tongue penetrates your mouth and intertwines with yours.">>
<<ru "С этими словами она хватает тебя за рубашку и притягивает к себе для поцелуя. Ее язык проникает в твой рот и переплетается с твоим.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "What do you think, honey?">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Что думаешь, милый?">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "Jenny might see us.">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Дженни может увидеть нас.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "Honey, I know her better than anyone else. Jenny's very weak when it comes to drinking. So she's surely asleep.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Милый, я знаю ее лучше, чем кто-либо еще. Дженни очень слаба, когда речь заходит о выпивке. Так что она наверняка спит.">>
<<en "$NPCstat[0].name pulls up her dress, exposing her lace panties.">>
<<ru "$NPCstat[0].name задирает платье, обнажая свои кружевные трусики.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "So don't fill your head with that stuff. Better show me how you can use your tongue.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Так что не забивай голову ерундой. Лучше покажи, как умеешь работать язычком.">>
<<btnEventLink "Lick her pussy/Вылизать ее киску" "Jenny Visits" "pool bar(drink)(warm her 4)">>
<<case "pool bar(drink)(warm her 4)">>
<<set $WifePussyWorship.mansionpoolbar += 1>>
<<set $NPCsexmemory[0].pussylicking += 1>>
<<set $NPCsexmemory[0].pussyworshipping += 1>>
<<set $NPCmood[0].arousal = 0>>
<<NPCmedia "wife" "pool bar(cuni)" 1>>
<<en "$NPCstat[0].name throws her leg over you, so you end up trapped between her hips. You wrap your arms around your wife's legs and start covering the inside of her thighs with kisses, gradually moving closer to her pussy. The girl slides her panties to the side and pulls you closer. You stick out your tongue and start licking her clit.">>
<<ru "$NPCstat[0].name перекидывает ногу через тебя, таким образом, ты оказываешься заперт между ее бедер. Ты обхватываешь ноги своей жены и начинаешь покрывать поцелуями внутреннюю часть ее бедер, постепенно приближаясь к ее киске. Девушка сдвигает свои трусики в сторону и притягивает тебя ближе. Ты высовываешь язык и начинаешь лизать ее клитор.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "Yeah, that's it. I like the pace you've taken.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Да, вот так. Мне нравится темп, который ты взял.">>
<<en "Your wife puts her leg on your back and bends it at the knee. Her fingers continue to rub your hair.">>
<<ru "Твоя жена кладет ногу тебе на спину и сгибает ее в колене. Ее пальцы продолжают теребить твои волосы.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "You're fantastic as always, honey. Maybe next time, we should skip the foreplay and get right to the action.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Ты превосходен как и всегда, милый. Может, в следующий раз, нам стоит пропустить прелюдию и перейти сразу к веселью?">>
<<en "You try to respond, but $NPCstat[0].name won't let you move your head back even an inch.">>
<<ru "Ты пытаешься ответить, но $NPCstat[0].name не позволяет тебе откинуть голову даже на дюйм.">>
<<if $NPCstat[0].openness >= 10>>
<<dlg_en 0 "I'm just kidding, honey. No worries. Although lately, the thought of someone watching us doesn't scare me that much.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Я же шучу, милый. Не переживай. Хотя в последнее время, мысль о том, чтобы за нами кто-то наблюдал, не так сильно пугает меня.">>
<<en "The brunette takes a sip from the glass.">>
<<ru "Девушка делает глоток из бокала.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "I even think this could be pretty hot. What do you think, $mc.name?">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Я даже думаю, это может быть весьма горячо. Как ты считаешь милый?">>
<<dlg_en 0 "I'm just kidding, honey. No worries.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Я же шучу, милый. Не переживай.">>
<<en "The brunette takes a sip from the glass.">>
<<ru "Девушка делает глоток из бокала.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "But who knows? Maybe we'll find it interesting. And kinda hot too. What do you think, $mc.name?">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Но, кто знает. Может нам даже понравится? Как ты считаешь милый?">>
<<btnEventLink "Bob your head up and down/Покачать головой верх-вниз" "Jenny Visits" "pool bar(drink)(warm her 5)">>
<<btnEventLink "Shake your head left to right/Помотать головой влево-вправо" "Jenny Visits" "pool bar(drink)(warm her 5)">>
<<case "pool bar(drink)(warm her 5)">>
<<NPCmedia "wife" "pool bar(cuni 2)" 1>>
<<en "You try to respond somehow, but your wife seems to understand your actions in her own way.">>
<<ru "Ты пытаешься ответить хоть как-то, но твоя жена, похоже, понимает твои действия по своему.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "Oh, is that your new technique? I like that you're taking the initiative.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "О, это твоя новая техника? Мне нравится, что ты проявляешь инициативу.">>
<<en "$NPCstat[0].name finishes the rest of the wine from her glass, throws her head back, and relaxes. Her fingers holding your hair finally unclench, allowing you to move more freely.">>
<<ru "$NPCstat[0].name допивает остаток вина из бокала, откидывает голову назад и расслабляется. Ее пальцы, державшие твои волосы, наконец, разжимаются, позволяя тебе двигаться более свободно.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "Just don't stop, honey. Otherwise, we'll be stuck here for a long.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Только не останавливайся, милый. Иначе, мы здесь застрянем надолго.">>
<<en "You continue pleasuring her, and even add your hands to the process. Your wife moans softly, enjoying your actions. After a while, $NPCstat[0].name squeezes your head tightly between her thighs, and then she begins to squirm in a powerful orgasm. You continue to lick her pussy, not stopping for a moment. Her love juices fill your mouth.">>
<<ru "Ты продолжаешь ублажать ее, и даже подключаешь для этого свои руки. Твоя жена тихонько постанывает, наслаждаясь твоими действиями. Спустя некоторое время $NPCstat[0].name крепко зажимает твою голову между своих бедер, затем ее начинает содрогаться от мощного оргазма. Ты продолжаешь лизать ее киску, ни останавливаясь ни на мгновение. Ее любовные соки заполняют твой рот.">>
<<en "You look up and your gazes meet.">>
<<ru "Ты поднимаешь глаза и ваши взгляды встречаются.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "That was amazing! But now you're gonna have to help me up.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Это было чудесно! Но теперь тебе придется помочь мне подняться.">>
<<en "$NPCstat[0].name holds out her hand to you, but instead of helping her, you jump to your feet and lift your wife out of the chair. She cries out in surprise, but then wraps her arms around you.">>
<<ru "$NPCstat[0].name протягивает тебе руку, но вместо того, чтобы помочь ей, ты подскакиваешь на ноги и поднимаешь свою жену с кресла. Она удивленно вскрикивает, но затем обвивает свои руки вокруг тебя.">>
<<btnEventLink "Take her to the bedroom/Отнести ее в спальню" "Master Bedroom" "">>
/* ---------- JENNY WATCHES ---------- */
<<case "pool bar(cuni)(Jenny watch)">>
<<set $WifePussyWorship.mansionpoolbar += 1>>
<<set $NPCsexmemory[0].pussylicking += 1>>
<<set $NPCsexmemory[0].pussyworshipping += 1>>
<<set $NPCmood[0].arousal = 0>>
<<NPCmedia "wife" "pool bar(cuni)" 1>>
<<en "You stick your tongue out and run it over your wife's labia. Then again and again. You start licking the brunette's pussy, not focusing on her clit just yet. $NPCstat[0].name doesn't take any action yet. In this position you can't see what Jenny is doing, but you are sure for sure that she is enjoying herself as much as your wife.">>
<<ru "Ты высовываешь язык и проводишь им по нижним губам своей жены. Затем еще раз и еще раз. Ты начинаешь лизать киску брюнетки, стараясь пока что не концентрироваться на клиторе. $NPCstat[0].name пока что не предпринимает никаких действий. В этой позиции тебе не видно, чем занимается Дженни, но ты уверен наверняка, что она получает не меньшее удовольствие, чем твоя жена.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "Jenny, you think I can't see what you're doing?">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Дженни, думаешь, я не вижу, чем ты занимаешься?">>
<<dlg_en 2 "You got me, girl. But watching you, it's hard to resist.">>
<<dlg_ru 2 "Ты раскусила меня. Но, наблюдая за вами, сложно удержаться.">>
<<en "With your head tucked between your wife's thighs, Jenny's voice is muffled.">>
<<ru "Из-за того, что твоя голова зажата между бедрами твоей жены, голос Дженни звучит приглушенно.">>
<<dlg_en 2 "Remember those videos I showed you?">>
<<dlg_ru 2 "Помнишь те видео, что я показывала тебе?">>
<<dlg_en 0 "The ones of a girl riding a guy's face? They were quite educational.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "На которых девушка ездит на лице у парня? Они оказались весьма познавательными.">>
<<dlg_en 2 "Ha, that's right. And you're turning out to be a gifted student. Just wait, and we'll switch roles, and you'll be the one giving me tips.">>
<<dlg_ru 2 "Ха, так и есть. И ты оказалась способной ученицей. Того и гляди, мы поменяемся ролями, и уже ты будешь давать подсказывать мне.">>
<<en "$NPCstat[0].name moves, apparently sipping whiskey from a glass.">>
<<ru "$NPCstat[0].name двигается, по всей видимости, отпивая виски из стакана.">>
<<dlg_en 2 "But now I realize how natural it is. You were built to be served, you know? You were born to be cared for by men, to have men run to fulfill your every whim, to fight for your attention, to be called Queen...">>
<<dlg_ru 2 "Но теперь я понимаю, насколько это естественно. Ты рождена, чтобы тебе прислуживали, понимаешь? Ты рождена, чтобы мужчины заботились о тебе, чтобы они бежали исполнять любой твой каприз, сражались за твое внимание, чтобы они называли тебя Королевой...">>
<<dlg_en 0 "Enough, Jenny. It would be enough if the man I love did it.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Хватит, Дженни. Мне достаточно, если это сделает мой любимый мужчина.">>
<<en "The girl gently touches your face, hinting you to stop.">>
<<ru "Девушка нежно касается твоего лица, намекая тебе остановиться.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "What do you think, honey? Will you be my knight? My servant?">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Что ты думаешь, милый? Хочешь быть моим рыцарем? Моим слугой?">>
<<en "You try to speak, but the words catch in your throat. You feel the blood pounding in your temples.">>
<<ru "Ты пытаешься что-то сказать, но слова встают комом в твоем горле. Ты чувствуешь, как кровь стучит в твоих висках.">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "Yes...">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Да...">>
<<dlg_en 0 "That doesn't sound very convincing.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Звучит не очень убедительно.">>
<<th_en "I think I know what she wants.">>
<<th_ru "Кажется, я понимаю, что она хочет.">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "Yes, my Queen.">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Да, моя Королева.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "That's much better. I like the sound of that.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Так гораздо лучше. Мне нравится, как это звучит.">>
<<en "Your cock is rock hard by now.">>
<<ru "Между тем, твой член стоит как каменный.">>
<<dlg_en 2 "That was so hot, girl. Fuck, I almost came.">>
<<dlg_ru 2 "Это было так горячо, подруга. Я, бля, чуть не кончила.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "You've got plenty of time because $mc.name isn't going anywhere until we're both satisfied.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "У тебя еще будет время, потому что $mc.name не уйдет отсюда, пока мы обе не будем удовлетворены.">>
<<en "You can't see Jenny, but you're sure the smug smirk never leaves her face. Your cheeks are burning with embarrassment, but at the same time, you realize that if right now $NPCstat[0].name asked you to go over to your friend and start kissing her feet, you wouldn't be able to refuse her. So you hurry back to pleasuring your wife's pussy.">>
<<ru "Ты не можешь видеть Дженни, но ты уверен, что с ее лица не сходит самодовольная ухмылка. Твои щеки горят от смущения, но в то же время, ты понимаешь, что если прямо сейчас $NPCstat[0].name попросит тебя подойти к своей подруге и начать целовать ее ноги, ты не сможешь ей отказать. Поэтому ты спешишь вернуться к ублажению киски своей жены.">>
<<btnEventLink "Continue/Продолжить" "Jenny Visits" "pool bar(cuni)(Jenny watch 2)">>
<<case "pool bar(cuni)(Jenny watch 2)">>
<<NPCmedia "wife" "pool bar(cuni 2)" 1>>
<<dlg_en 0 "That's it, honey. Don't you dare stop. The evening is just beginning and I hope you have the energy for it.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Вот так, милый. Не вздумай останавливаться. Вечер только начинается, и я надеюсь, что у тебя хватит сил для этого.">>
<<en "The brunette runs her fingers through your hair.">>
<<ru "Брюнетка запускает пальцы в твои волосы.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "Although I'm already well acquainted with your skills. If you had the chance, you'd enjoy my pussy all day long.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Хотя, я и так прекрасно знаю твои способности. Была бы у тебя возможность, ты бы ублажал мою киску весь день.">>
<<en "A spasm runs through the woman's body and she clenches her fingers tightly around your head.">>
<<ru "По телу девушки пробегает судорога и она крепко сжимает пальцы на твоей голове.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "What is that? I've never felt that before.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Что это? Я никогда подобного не чувствовала.">>
<<dlg_en 2 "It's called waking up, girl. You'll soon get used to that feeling.">>
<<dlg_ru 2 "Это называется пробуждение, подруга. Скоро ты привыкнешь в этому чувству.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "Ohh.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Ох.">>
<<en "$NPCstat[0].name starts moving her hips, spreading her love juices all over your face. After a while, the girl clamps your head firmly between her thighs, then she begins to shake with a powerful orgasm. You continue licking her pussy without stopping for a moment. Her love juices fill your mouth.">>
<<ru "$NPCstat[0].name начинает двигать бедрами, размазывая свои любовные соки по твоему лицу. Спустя некоторое время девушка крепко зажимает твою голову между своих бедер, затем ее начинает содрогаться от мощного оргазма. Ты продолжаешь лизать ее киску, ни останавливаясь ни на мгновение. Ее любовные соки заполняют твой рот.">>
<<en "You raise your eyes and your gazes meet.">>
<<ru "Ты поднимаешь глаза и ваши взгляды встречаются.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "Come here, honey.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Иди сюда, милый.">>
<<en "The woman touches your face, but instead of kissing you, she hugs you so that your head ends up on her chest. You feel her heartbeat slowly return to normal after her orgasm.">>
<<ru "Девушка касается твоего лица, но вместо того, чтобы поцеловать, обнимает тебя так, что твоя голова оказывается на ее груди. Ты чувствуешь, как ее сердцебиние постепенно приходит в норму после оргазма.">>
<<dlg_en 2 "I'll leave you to spoon.">>
<<dlg_ru 2 "Оставлю вас поворковать.">>
<<en "It looks like Jenny is finished, too. The blonde rises from her chair, adjusts her clothes, and walks off in the direction of the mansion. You and $NPCstat[0].name remain in the same position. Despite the fact that you were the one who had satisfied your wife, you somehow feel strangely grateful to her.">>
<<ru "Похоже, что Дженни тоже закончила. Блондинка поднимается с кресла, поправляет свою одежду и уходит в сторону особняка. Ты и $NPCstat[0].name остается в том же самом положении. Несмотря на то, что именно ты удовлетворил свою жену, ты почему-то ощущаешь к ней странную благодарность.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "Do you want to cum, honey?">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Хочешь кончить, милый?">>
<<en "You lean back, staying on your knees. $NPCstat[0].name lifts herself up in the chair. She stretches out her leg and touches your crotch with her toes.">>
<<ru "Ты отклоняешься назад, оставаясь при этом на коленях. $NPCstat[0].name приподнимается в кресле. Она вытягивает ногу и касается пальцами твоей промежности.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "There may not be another offer like this next time.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "В следующий раз подобного предложения может и не быть.">>
<span id="dialog">
<<set _linkA = getLinkName("Tell you want to cum/Сказать что ты хочешь кончить")>>
<<set _linkB = getLinkName("Say it's not necessary/Сказать что в этом нет необходимости")>>
<center>@@.btnWide;<<button _linkA>>
<<replace "#dialog">>
<<dlg_en 0 "Great, then take off your pants.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Хорошо, тогда снимай штаны.">>
<<btnEventLink "Take off your pants/Снять штаны" "Jenny Visits" "pool bar(footjob)">>
<center>@@.btnWide;<<button _linkB>>
<<replace "#dialog">>
<<dlg_en 0 "Then help me up, honey.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Тогда помоги мне подняться, милый.">>
<<en "You take her hand and support her as she rises from the chair.">>
<<ru "Ты берешь ее за руку и поддерживаешь, пока она поднимается с кресла.">>
<<btnEventLink "Take her to the bedroom/Отнести ее в спальню" "Master Bedroom" "">>
<<case "pool bar(footjob)">>
<<set $NPCsexmemory[0].footjob += 1>>
<<NPCmedia "wife" "pool bar(footjob)" 1>>
<<en "You open your zipper and pull down your pants and briefs. Your cock immediately spring out.">>
<<ru "Ты расстегиваешь молнию и спускаешь штаны вместе с трусами. Твой член сразу же выпрыгивает на свободу.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "I like what I see.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Мне нравится, что я вижу.">>
<<en "With these words she stretches out her legs and touches your cock, making it twitch immediately. She clamps the shaft between her feet and slowly runs it from the base to the head.">>
<<ru "С этими словами, она вытягивает свои ноги и касается ими твоего члена, отчего тот сразу дергается. Она зажимает ствол между своими ступнями и медленно проводит от основания к головке.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "Don't move.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Не двигайся.">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "Is this another trick Jenny has taught you?">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Это еще один трюк, который тебе показала Дженни?">>
<<en "$NPCstat[0].name chuckles.">>
<<ru "$NPCstat[0].name посмеивается.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "Actually, no. I found out about it on my own. It's called footjob. They say it's a good way to reward your man.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Вообще-то, нет. Я сама узнала про него. Это называется футджоб. Говорят, что это хороший способ наградить своего мужчину.">>
<<if $NPCsexmemory[1].footjob > 1>>
<<th_en "For a moment, I thought Samantha had told her something, but it looks like $NPCstat[0].name just saw some videos online.">>
<<th_ru "На мгновение, я подумал, что Саманта что-то рассказала ей, но похоже, что $NPCstat[0].name просто увидела несколько видео в сети.">>
<<en "The woman grips your cock tighter and starts to move her legs up and down.">>
<<ru "Девушка крепче сжимает твой член и начинает двигать ногами верх-вниз.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "It's not as easy as it sounds. You like that, honey?">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Это не так просто, как кажется. Тебе нравится, милый?">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "Yes, baby.">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Да, крошка.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "Don't hesitate to tell me if you feel uncomfortable. Wait, I want to try a trick I saw in a video.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Не стесняйся говорить, если тебе некомфортно. Погоди, я хочу попробовать один трюк, который я видела в видео.">>
<<en "She puts her left foot under your dick and the other one starts to caress your dick in a circular motion. For some reason, this motion turns you on even more. It's almost like your wife is in control of your cock.">>
<<ru "Она подкладывает левую ступню под твой поршень, а другой начинает ласкать твой член круговыми движениями. Почему-то, это движение заводит тебя больше. Твоя жена словно бы контролирует твой член.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "You seem to really enjoy this.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Похоже, тебе действительно нравится.">>
<<en "The brunette squeezes your cock between her feet again and speeds up her movements a bit.">>
<<ru "Брюнетка снова сжимает твой член между ее ступней и немного ускоряется свои движения.">>
<<dlg_en 0 'But you forgot something. There is no more "baby" for you.'>>
<<dlg_ru 0 'Но ты кое о чем забыл. Я больше не "крошка" для тебя.'>>
<<dlg_en "mc" "Uh, I'm sorry.">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Ох, прости.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "So, you like my feet?">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Так что, тебе нравятся мои ножки?">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "Yes, my Queen.">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Да, моя Королева.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "That's much better. Let's help you blow your load faster.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Так гораздно лучше. Давай поможем тебе разрядиться побыстрее.">>
<<en "$NPCstat[0].name starts jerking your cock with maximum intensity, and soon you start shooting volleys of cum all over her legs. Your wife smiles satisfied as she watches the process.">>
<<ru "$NPCstat[0].name начинает дрочить твой член с максимальной интенсивностью, и вскоре ты начинаешь выстреливать залпы спермы на ее ножки. Твоя жена довольно улыбается, наблюдая за результатом.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "Whew, that was something. Come on, help me up.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Фух, это было нечто. Давай, помоги мне подняться.">>
<<en "You take her hand and support her as she rises from the chair.">>
<<ru "Ты берешь ее за руку и поддерживаешь, пока она поднимается с кресла.">>
<<RemoveStat 0 "lordliness" 5>>
<<btnEventLink "Take her to the bedroom/Отнести ее в спальню" "Master Bedroom" "">>
/* ---------- MINI SCENES ---------- */
<<case "before first sleepover">>
<<set $JennyVisitSleepover.active = true>>
<<SkipTimeBlock 1>>
<<LocImg "mc_house" "master bedroom">>
<<th_en "Strange, $NPCstat[0].name usually goes to bed around this time.">>
<<th_ru "Странно, обычно $NPCstat[0].name уже приходит спать в это время.">>
<<en "You decide to check where your wife is and run into the women in the second floor hallway. They're standing by the door to the guest bedroom.">>
<<ru "Ты решаешь проверить, где находится твоя жена, и в коридоре второго этажа сталкиваешься с девушками. Они стоят возле двери в гостевую спальню.">>
<<dlg_en 2 "What do I see? $mc.name can't sleep without his beloved wife? That's so sweet. Don't worry, I'll give her back to you.">>
<<dlg_ru 2 "Что я вижу? $mc.name не может заснуть без своей любимой жены? Это так мило. Не переживай, я возвращаю ее тебе.">>
<<en "With these words, Jenny goes into the guest bedroom and closes the door.">>
<<ru "С этими словами Дженни заходит в гостевую спальню и закрывает дверь.">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "What's going on here?">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Что здесь происходит?">>
<<dlg_en 0 "Jenny is staying over. I hope you don't mind.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Дженни остается на ночь. Надеюсь, ты не против?">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "Since you arranged it, I won't mind.">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Раз уж вы договорились об этом, то я не стану возражать.">>
<<btnEventLink "Finish/Закончить" "Hallway" "">>
<<case "before first sleepover alt">>
<<set $JennyVisitSleepover.active = true>>
<<LocImg "mc_house" "hallway">>
<<en "You decide to check where your wife is and run into the women in the second floor hallway. They're standing by the door to the guest bedroom.">>
<<ru "Ты решаешь проверить, где находится твоя жена, и в коридоре второго этажа сталкиваешься с девушками. Они стоят возле двери в гостевую спальню.">>
<<dlg_en 2 "What do I see? $mc.name can't sleep without his beloved wife? That's so sweet. Don't worry, I'll give her back to you.">>
<<dlg_ru 2 "Что я вижу? $mc.name не может заснуть без своей любимой жены? Это так мило. Не переживай, я возвращаю ее тебе.">>
<<en "With these words, Jenny goes into the guest bedroom and closes the door.">>
<<ru "С этими словами Дженни заходит в гостевую спальню и закрывает дверь.">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "What's going on here?">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Что здесь происходит?">>
<<dlg_en 0 "Jenny is staying over. I hope you don't mind.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Дженни остается на ночь. Надеюсь, ты не против?">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "Since you arranged it, I won't mind.">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Раз уж вы договорились об этом, то я не стану возражать.">>
<<btnEventLink "Finish/Закончить" "Hallway" "">>
<<case "kitchen(drinking coffee)(hat scene)">>
<<set $JennyVisitScenes.Kitchen.interact = true>>
<<NPCmedia "wife" "drinking coffee(with Jenny)(mini)" 0>>
<<dlg_en 2 "Wait, $mc.name. Before you sit down, could you go to my car? I left my hat in it. We are going to relax in the garden and I will need it.">>
<<dlg_ru 2 "Погоди, $mc.name. Прежде, чем ты сядешь, не мог бы ты сходить к моей машине? Я забыла в ней свою шляпу. Мы хотим отдохнуть на заднем дворе, и она мне понадобится.">>
<<en "$NPCstat[0].name nods at you, motioning for you to follow her friend's request.">>
<<ru "$NPCstat[0].name кивает тебе, предлагая тебе выполнить просьбу ее подруги.">>
<<btnEventLink "Continue/Продолжить" "Jenny Visits" "kitchen(drinking coffee)(hat scene 2)">>
<<case "kitchen(drinking coffee)(hat scene 2)">>
<<NPCmedia "jenny" "hat in her car" 0>>
<<en "You go outside. Jenny's car is parked a little farther away from the front door, as if she had planned for you to waste as much time as possible. Her hat is on the back seat, and when you pick it up, you discover a note underneath.">>
<<ru "Ты выходишь наружу. Автомобиль Дженни стоит чуть поодаль от парадной двери, словно бы она спланировала все так, чтобы ты потратил как можно больше времени. Шляпа лежит на заднем сиденьи, и подняв ее, ты обнаруживает под ней записку.">>
<<en "Picking up the note, you turn it over and see a message written in lipstick.">>
<<ru "Взяв этот листок бумаги в руки, ты переворачиваешь его и видишь написанное губной помадой послание.">>
<<if $JennyVisitScenes.Kitchen.hatMessageId <= 5 and $NPCsexmemory[2].footmassage > 0>>
<<dlg_en 2 "note" "Doormat!">>
<<dlg_ru 2 "note" "Коврик!">>
<<elseif $JennyVisitScenes.Kitchen.hatMessageId <= 10 and $NPCstat[2].hate >= 50>>
<<dlg_en 2 "note" "Dickhead!">>
<<dlg_ru 2 "note" "Членоголовый!">>
<<dlg_en 2 "note" "Donkey ears!">>
<<dlg_ru 2 "note" "Ослиные уши!">>
<<btnEventLink "Take the hat to Jenny/Отнести шляпу Дженни" "Jenny Visits" "kitchen(drinking coffee)(hat scene 3.1)">>
<<btnEventLink "Throw the hat away/Выкинуть шляпу" "Jenny Visits" "kitchen(drinking coffee)(hat scene 3.2)">>
<<case "kitchen(drinking coffee)(hat scene 3.1)">>
<<NPCmedia "wife" "drinking coffee(with Jenny)(mini)" 0>>
<<if $NPCstat[2].hate >= 50>>
<<en "You grab your hat and head back to the mansion. As you enter the kitchen, you notice how a smile come to Jenny's face. The woman stares at you intently, waiting for you to hand her the hat.">>
<<ru "Ты берешь шляпу и возвращаешься в особняк. Зайдя на кухню, ты замечаешь, как лицо Дженни расплывается в улыбке. Девушка пристально смотрит на тебя, ожидая когда ты передаешь ей шляпу.">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "Perhaps you should thank me first?">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Может для начала поблагодаришь меня?">>
<<en "Jenny waits a little.">>
<<ru "Дженни выжидает немного, прежде чем что-то сказать.">>
<<dlg_en 2 "You're right, $mc.name. Thank you!">>
<<dlg_ru 2 "Ты прав, $mc.name. Спасибо!">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "That's better.">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Так-то лучше.">>
<<en "You grab your hat and head back to the mansion. As you enter the kitchen, you notice how a smile come to Jenny's face.">>
<<ru "Ты берешь шляпу и возвращаешься в особняк. Зайдя на кухню, ты замечаешь, как лицо Дженни расплывается в улыбке.">>
<<dlg_en 2 "Thank you, $mc.name!">>
<<dlg_ru 2 "Спасибо, $mc.name!">>
<<en "You hand her the hat and sit down at the table. You spend some time talking to the girls.">>
<<ru "Ты отдаешь ей шляпу и садишься за стол. Ты проводишь время, разговаривая с девушками.">>
<<if WifeCurrentPlan() == "meet Jenny(living room)">>
<<dlg_en 0 "We're going to watch TV. Are you with us, honey?">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Мы собираемся отдохнуть перед телевизором. Ты с нами, милый?">>
<<btnEventLink "Go with them" "Living Room" "">>
<<btnEventLink "Stay here" "Kitchen" "">>
<<elseif WifeCurrentPlan() == "meet Jenny(pool bar)">>
<<dlg_en 0 "We're going to the backyard. Are you with us, honey?">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Мы идем на задний двор. Ты с нами, милый?">>
<<btnEventLink "Go with them" "MChouse Pool Bar" "">>
<<btnEventLink "Stay here" "Kitchen" "">>
<<case "kitchen(drinking coffee)(hat scene 3.2)">>
<<NPCmedia "wife" "drinking coffee(with Jenny)(mini)" 0>>
<<en "You grab the hat and throw it away, giving it a good swing first. With a sense of accomplishment, you walk back to the mansion. As you enter the kitchen, you see Jenny's face break into a smile, but it doesn't last long as she quickly realizes that you've returned with nothing.">>
<<ru "Ты хватаешь шляпу и запускаешь ее вдаль, хорошенько перед этим замахнувшись. С чувством выполненного долга, ты возвращаешься в особняк. Зайдя на кухню, ты замечаешь, как лицо Дженни расплывается в улыбке, однако длится она недолго, посколько девушка быстро понимает, что ты вернулся ни с чем.">>
<<dlg_en 2 "What's wrong, $mc.name? Did you forget what you were doing?">>
<<dlg_ru 2 "Что случилось, $mc.name? Ты забыл, зачем ходил?">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "I couldn't find your hat. I think the wind blew it away.">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Я не нашел, твою шляпу. Похоже, что ее унесло ветром.">>
<<dlg_en 2 "That's impossible! I definitely remember it being in the back seat.">>
<<dlg_ru 2 "Это невозможно! Я точно помню, она должна лежать на заднем сиденье.">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "In that case you can go and look for yourself.">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "В таком случае, можешь сходить и проверить сама.">>
<<en "Jenny goes. She soon returns with the hat in her hand. She brushes the dust off it defiantly, then gives you an annoyed look, but decides not to say anything. You leave the kitchen, feeling inwardly superior.">>
<<ru "Дженни действительно уходит и вскоре возвращается, со своей шляпой руках. Она демонстративно смахивает с нее пыль, затем бросает на тебя недовольный взгляд, но решает ничего не говорить. Ты же выходишь из кухни, чувствуя внутреннее превосходство.">>
<<AddStat 2 "hate" 10 100>>
<<btnEventLink "Leave/Уйти" "Hallway" "">>
<<case "write">>
- talk about massage and strong hands
- talk about cleaning
- talk abou nothing
<</switch>> <<switch $EventMark>>
/* ---------- FIRST SCENE ---------- */
<<case "first facesitting">>
<<NPCmedia "wife" "facesitting(suggest)" 0>>
<<en "You wake up to the fact that $NPCstat[0].name is gently pushing you. You open your eyes and see your wife smiling face.">>
<<ru "Ты просыпаешься от того, что $NPCstat[0].name легонько толкает тебя в бок. Ты открываешься глаза и видишь улыбающееся лицо своей жены.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "Good morning, honey!">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Доброе утро, милый!">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "What happened? Why did you wake me up?">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Что случилось? Почему ты меня разбудила?">>
<<dlg_en 0 "I wanna show you something.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Я хочу тебе кое-что показать.">>
<<en "Only now you notice the phone in her hands. $NPCstat[0].name turns the phone screen toward you and tap on it to start a video. You see a famous pornstar riding on some guy's face. At one moment the camera gets close to the girl's face and she licks her lips, showing how much she enjoys the ride.">>
<<ru 'Только сейчас ты замечаешь телефон в ее руках. $NPCstat[0].name поворачивает его экраном к тебе и нажимает на него, запуская видео. Ты видишь известную порноактрису, сидящую на лице какого-то парня. В один момент камера берет крупным планом лицо девушки, и ты видишь, как она прикусывает нижнюю губу, показывая как она наслаждает "поездкой".'>>
<center><div class="phoneHor">
<<set _back = "data/overall/phone_hor.png">>
<img class="background" @src="_back">
<center><table class="table">
<<PhoneMedia "wife" "jenny fs video" 1>>
<<dlg_en "mc" "What is it?">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Что это?">>
<<dlg_en 0 "Jenny called it facesitting. It looks pretty hot, isn't it?">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Дженни назвала это фейсситтингом. Выглядит довольно горячо, правда?">>
<<en "Your wife clicks the screen again.">>
<<ru "Твоя жена снова нажимает на экран.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "Here's another one. I don't know what got into me, but I've been watching these clips all morning.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Вот еще одно. Не знаю, что на меня нашло, но я смотрю их все утро.">>
<<en "She takes your hand and moves it between her legs. Your fingers are immediately covered with her love juices.">>
<<ru "Она берет твою руку и заводит ее между своих ног. Твои пальцы мгновенно покрываются ее флюидами.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "And they made me really horny.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "И они реально меня заводят.">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "I don't know, this... facesitting stuff looks strange to me. I'm prefer the classic way.">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Не знаю, этот... фейсситтинг выглядит странно для меня. Я все же предпочитаю классику.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "I think it's a good way to express your love for your chosen one. I'd like to try something like this with you. What do you think, honey?">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Я думаю, это прекрасный способ выразить свою любовь к партнеру. Я бы хотела попробовать что-то подобное с тобой. Что думаешь, милый?">>
<<btnEventLink "Give in to her persuasions/Поддаться на ее уговоры" "Wife Facesitting Events" "first facesitting(agree)">>
<<btnEventLink "Tell you're not interested/Сказать, что тебе неинтересно" "Wife Facesitting Events" "first facesitting(reject)">>
<<case "first facesitting(agree)">>
<<set $WifeFacesitting.status = "agree">>
<<set $WifeFacesitting.style = "gentle">>
<<set $WifeFacesitting.counter = 7>>
<<NPCmedia "wife" "facesitting(agree)" 0>>
<<dlg_en "mc" "I think we can give it a try. At least it could be fun.">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Я думаю, мы можем попробовать. По-крайней мере, это может быть весело.">>
<<en "Your wife is almost jumps up with joy.">>
<<ru "Твоя жена едва ли не подпрыгивает от удовольствия.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "I promise I'll be very careful. Lie on your back.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Обещаю, я буду осторожна. Давай, ложись на спину.">>
<<th_en "Wow, she suddenly became so active.">>
<<th_ru "Ого, она внезапно стала такой активной.">>
<<en "You do as she says, while $NPCstat[0].name throws one leg over you. Her round plump ass land on your stomach. Looking at her huge breasts hanging over you, you begin to think that this whole idea, proposed by your wife, is not so bad.">>
<<ru "Ты делаешь, как она говорит, и $NPCstat[0].name перекидыват свою ногу через тебя. Ее круглый зад приземляется на твой живот. Когда ты видишь ее большие сиськи, нависающие над тобой, ты начинаешь думать, что идея, предложенная твоей женой, не так уж и плоха.">>
<<NPCmedia "wife" "facesitting(start)" 0>>
<<dlg_en 0 "I guess I should move higher now.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Полагаю, я должна передвинуться немного выше.">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "I have no idea, it was your initiative, after all.">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Без понятия. Это была твоя идея, в конце концов.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "Okay, I'm starting.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Хорошо, я начинаю.">>
<<en "With these words, $NPCstat[0].name rests her hands on the bed and starts to shift her hips, gradually getting closer to your head. Not knowing what to do with your hands, you put them behind your head, but your wife's knees end up hitting them.">>
<<ru "С этими словами, $NPCstat[0].name упирается в кровать и начинает перемещать свои бедра по направлению к твоей голове. Не знаю, куда деть свои руки, ты заводишь их за голову, но в итоге колени твоей жены упираются в них.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "I think it would be better if you stretched your arms along your body.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Думаю, будет лучше, если ты вытянешь руки вдоль тела.">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "I feel like one of those boy scouts, honestly.">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Я чувствую себя каким-то бойскаутом, ей-богу.">>
<<en "$NPCstat[0].name giggles.">>
<<ru "$NPCstat[0].name хихикает.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "Be serious, honey.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Будь немного серьезнее, милый.">>
<<en "You do as she says and put your hands under her hips.">>
<<ru "Ты делаешь как она говорит, и распологаешь руки вдоль тела, под ее бедрами.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "Damn, now this headboard... Honey, could you move lower?">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Теперь мне мешает изголовье. Милый, ты можешь чутка подвинуться?">>
<<en "You slide a little lower to give her more space. Finally, her pussy is right above your face, but none of you can take the first step. $NPCstat[0].name is the first to break the awkward silence.">>
<<ru "Ты скользишь вниз, давая девушке пространство для маневра. Наконец, ее киска нависает прямо над твоим лицом, но ни один из вас не решается сделать первый шаг. $NPCstat[0].name первой нарушает неловкую тишину.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "I'm ready, honey.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Я готова, милый.">>
<<btnEventLink "Lick her/Начать лизать ее киску" "Wife Facesitting Events" "first facesitting(agree 2)">>
<<case "first facesitting(agree 2)">>
<<NPCmedia "wife" "facesitting" 1>>
<<en "Her phrase brings you out of your stupor and you start caressing her pussy with your tongue. $NPCstat[0].name keeps her posture immobile and watches closely on your actions, but quickening of her breathing shows she is definitely starts enjoying what is happening. However, her thighs are still tense.">>
<<ru "Ее фраза выводит тебя из ступора и ты начинаешь ласкать ее киску своим языком. $NPCstat[0].name остается неподвижной и наблюдает за твоими действиями, но постепенно ее дыхание учащается, - похоже, она начинает наслаждаться процессом. Тем не менее, ее бедра все еще остаются напряженными.">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "What's wrong, baby?">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Что не так, крошка?">>
<<dlg_en 0 "Everything is fine, honey. I'm just not quite sure how I should... act.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Все в порядке, милый. Просто, я не уверена... как мне стоит действовать.">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "Maybe, you should start moving your hips. A little bit.">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Думаю, ты должна подвигать бедрами. Немного.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "I'm afraid I might hurt you.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Я боюсь, что могу навредить тебе.">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "Don't worry, I'm a tough guy.">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Не переживай, я крепкий парень.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "All right.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Ладно.">>
<<en "Your wife grabs the headboard of the bed and begins to move her bottom slowly. You put your hands on her buttocks to encourage her to act bolder. Her pussy starts strolling in front of your face, sometimes touching your nose and leaving some wetness on it.">>
<<ru "Твоя жена хватается за изголовье кровати и начинает аккуратно двигать тазом. Ты кладешь руки на ее ягодицы, подзадоривая ее. Ее киска начинает ходить перед твоим лицом, иногда касаясь твоего носа, и оставляя на нем немного влаги.">>
<<en "You get back to worshiping her pussy. It got easier in this position, but you still have to tilt your head forward to reach her flesh with your tongue. When your wife sees it, she reaches for a pillow and puts it under your head. This allows you to give yourself completely to your slippery task, and gradually your wife's moans become louder and louder.">>
<<ru "Ты возвращаешься к ублажению ее киски. В этой позиции это становится легче, но тебе все ще приходится приподнимать голову, чтобы достигнуть ее разгоряченной плоти своим языком. Заметив это, твоя жена тянется за подушкой и кладет ее тебе под голову. Это позволяет тебе полностью погрузиться в свою задачу, и постепенно стоны твоей жены становятся все громче и громче.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "Oh, that's pretty good. I'm starting to like this pose.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Это довольно приятно. Мне начинает нравится эта поза.">>
<<en "$NPCstat[0].name caresses your hair. Her mouth is slightly open, her chest heaving with every breath. However, even after a few minutes, you still feel that your wife is holding back. Finally, she stops you and moves back.">>
<<ru "$NPCstat[0].name гладит твои волосы. Ее рот слегка приоткрыт, ее грудь высоко вздымается с каждым вздохом. Тем не менее, ты все еще можешь сказать, что твоя жена все еще сдерживается. Наконец, девушка останавливается и отодвигается назад.">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "What's wrong, baby? It looks like you're holding yourself back from coming.">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Что не так, крошка? Не сдерживайся.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "I don't know. Something inside my head is blocking me. I think it was a bad idea, after all.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Не знаю, милый. Мне кажется, это была плохая затея.">>
<<en "She gets off you and sits on the edge of the bed.">>
<<ru "Она слезает с тебя и садится на край кровати.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "Okay, I need to take a shower to... calm myself down.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Ладно, мне нужно принять душ, чтобы... успокоить себя.">>
<<btnEventLink 'Offer to release her using the "old-fashioned" pussylicking/Предложить ей старый добрый куни' "Wife Facesitting Events" "first facesitting(cuni)">>
<<btnEventLink "Offer a quickie to get rid of her tension/Предложить ей успокоиться с помощью секса" "Wife Facesitting Events" "first facesitting(sex)">>
<<btnEventLink "Let her go/Отпустить ее" "Master Bedroom" "">>
<<case "first facesitting(cuni)">>
<<set $NPCsexmemory[0].pussylicking += 1>>
<<set $NPCmood[0].arousal = 0>>
<<NPCmedia "wife" "bedroom(cuni)" 1>>
<<en "You get up and hug your wife from behind. After kissing her neck a couple of times, you bring your lips to her ear.">>
<<ru "Ты поднимаешься и обнимаешь свою жену сзади. Ты несколько раз целуешь ее в шею, а затем перемещаешь свои губы к ее уху.">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "We can do it the way we used to.">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Мы можем сделать это более привычным способом.">>
<<en "$NPCstat[0].name turns to you and you see doubt in her eyes, but only for a moment, because almost instantly the woman loosens up in your arms, signaling her consent. You start making out, and you gently lay your wife down on the bed. You spread her legs and start flicking your tongue over her pussy.">>
<<ru "$NPCstat[0].name поворачивается к тебе, и ты видишь сомнение в ее глазах, но только на мгновение, поскольку девушка почти сразу расслабляется в твоих руках, сигнализируя о своем согласии. Вы начинаете целоваться, и ты аккуратно кладешь свою жену на кровать. Ты раздвигаешь ее ноги и начинаешь порхать своим языком по ее киске.">>
<<en "It doesn't take long, and $NPCstat[0].name comes hard, squirting her love fluids all over your face. You lie down next to your wife. She turns to you and starts rubbing your pecs.">>
<<ru "Это не занимает много времени, и $NPCstat[0].name мощно кончает, выплескивая ее любовные соки прямо на твое лицо. Ты ложишься рядом со своей женой. Она поворачиваятся к тебе и начинает ласкать твои грудные мышцы.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "Thanks, honey. You're the best.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Спасибо, милый. Ты лучший!">>
<<en "Then she gets up.">>
<<ru "Затем она поднимается.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "But I still have to take a shower.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Но мне все еще нужно принять душ.">>
<<btnEventLink "Finish/Закончить" "Master Bedroom" "">>
<<case "first facesitting(sex)">>
<<set $NPCsexmemory[0].vaginal += 1>>
<<set $NPCmood[0].arousal = 0>>
<<NPCmedia "wife" "bedroom(missionary)" 1>>
<<en "You get up and hug your wife from behind. After kissing her neck a couple of times, you bring your lips to her ear.">>
<<ru "Ты поднимаешься и обнимаешь свою жену сзади. Ты несколько раз целуешь ее в шею, а затем перемещаешь свои губы к ее уху.">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "We can do it the way we used to.">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Мы можем сделать это более привычным способом.">>
<<en "$NPCstat[0].name turns to you and you see doubt in her eyes, but only for a moment, because almost instantly the woman loosens up in your arms, signaling her consent. You start making out, and you gently lay your wife down on the bed. You pull her legs up and slide your cock inside her pussy.">>
<<ru "$NPCstat[0].name поворачивается к тебе, и ты видишь сомнение в ее глазах, но только на мгновение, поскольку девушка почти сразу расслабляется в твоих руках, сигнализируя о своем согласии. Вы начинаете целоваться, и ты аккуратно кладешь свою жену на кровать. Ты раздвигаешь ее ноги и проникаешь в нее своим членом.">>
<<en "It doesn't take long, and $NPCstat[0].name comes hard, squirting her love fluids all over your pubes. You lie down next to your wife. She turns to you and starts rubbing your pecs.">>
<<ru "Это не занимает много времени, и $NPCstat[0].name мощно кончает, выплескивая ее любовные соки прямо на твой пах. Ты ложишься рядом со своей женой. Она поворачиваятся к тебе и начинает ласкать твои грудные мышцы.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "Thanks, honey. You're the best.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Спасибо, милый. Ты лучший!">>
<<en "Then she gets up.">>
<<ru "Затем она поднимается.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "But I still have to take a shower.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Но мне все еще нужно принять душ.">>
<<btnEventLink "Finish/Закончить" "Master Bedroom" "">>
<<case "first facesitting(reject)">>
<<set $WifeFacesitting.status = "reject">>
<<NPCmedia "wife" "facesitting(reject)" 0>>
<<dlg_en "mc" "Baby, these videos are made only for all sorts of freaks to jerk off on it. Normal couples don't do things like that.">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Крошка, эти видео созданы исключительно для всяких извращенцев. Нормальные пары не занимаются подобным.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "But Jenny's boyfriend did it for her.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Но парень Дженни делает это для нее.">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "Because Jenny's boyfriend is a whimp. Seriously, you should stop talking to her.">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Потому что парень - лузер. Серьезно, ты должна прекратить общаться с ней.">>
<<en "You get out of bed.">>
<<ru "Ты встаешь с кровати.">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "I have to go to work. And don't bother me with such requests anymore.">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Мне пора на работу. И не приставай больше ко мне с подобными предложениями.">>
<<en "$NPCstat[0].name pouts, but decides not to argue with you.">>
<<ru "$NPCstat[0].name обиженно надувает губы, но решает не пререкаться с тобой.">>
<<btnEventLink "Leave bedroom/Выйти из спальни" "Hallway" "">>
/* ---------- SECOND SCENE ---------- */
<<case "second facesitting">>
<<set $WifeFacesitting.active = true>>
<<set $NPCsexmemory[0].facesitting += 1>>
<<set $NPCmood[0].arousal = 0>>
<<NPCmedia "wife" "facesitting(suggest)" 0>>
<<en "You wake up to your wife poking you in the side. You immediately get a strange sense of deja vu, as if a similar morning had already happened to you quite recently.">>
<<ru "Ты просыпаешься от того, что твоя жена легонько толкает тебя в бок. Тебя тут же посещает чувство дежавю, как будто подобное уже случалось с тобой совсем недавно.">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "What happened, baby?">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Что случилось, милая?">>
<<dlg_en 0 "You'll probably laugh, but I've been looking all week for any tips on facesitting. And, you may not believe it, but it's a pretty popular fetish.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Ты возможно будешь смеяться, но целую неделю я собирала и изучала разные советы для фейсситтинга. И, ты можешь мне не верить, это оказался весьма популярный фетиш.">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "Maybe. But no one in my social circle practices this thing, as far as I know.">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Возможно. Но я что-то не слышал, чтобы кто-то из моих знакомых практиковал его.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "Don't you think they're just afraid to admit it. After all, you men would rather brag about how you let some girl blow you at a club toilet.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Я не думаю, что о таком говорят в обычных беседах. К тому же, мужчины предпочитают хвастаться тем, как поцепили очередную девку в клубном туалете.">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "Come on, baby, you know that's not about me.">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Ладно тебе, крошка. Это не про меня, ты же знаешь.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "Yeah, honey, I know.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Конечно, милый.">>
<<en "Her hand starts stroking your chest.">>
<<ru "Ее рука принимается поглаживать твои грудные мышцы.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "But if we go back to the topic we started with, Jenny assured me that her and all of her friends practice facesitting with their boyfriends and husbands.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Но, если мы все же вернемся к началу разговора, то тебе может быть интересно узнать, что Дженни заверила меня, что и она, и все ее друзья практикуют фейсситтинг со своими мужьями и парнями.">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "Babe, we're not going to repeat everything Jenny does, are we?">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Крошка, мы же не будем повторять все, чем занимается твоя подруга?">>
<<dlg_en 0 "Of course not. But we're gonna find our own way to have fun.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Конечно же нет. Но мы определенно найдем свой способ повеселиться.">>
<<en "$NPCstat[0].name throws her leg over you and sits on your chest, as if afraid that you try to run away.">>
<<ru "$NPCstat[0].name перекидывает свою ногу через тебя и садится на твою грудную клетку, словно бы не давая тебе убежать от разговора.">>
<<NPCmedia "wife" "facesitting(start)" 0>>
<<set _txt_en = 'Besides, you already gave your "yes" last time, didn' + "'" + "'t you? Are you planning to keep your word?">>
<<set _txt_ru = "К тому же, ты уже дал свое согласие в прошлый раз. Ты же хозяин своего слова?">>
<<dlg_en 0 _txt_en>>
<<dlg_ru 0 _txt_ru>>
<<en "You nod.">>
<<ru "Ты киваешь.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "Good, then let's get started.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Славно. Тогда мы начинаем.">>
<<btnEventLink "Wait for her actions/Ждать ее действий" "Wife Facesitting Events" "second facesitting 2">>
<<case "second facesitting 2">>
<<set $WifeUniqueCase[1] = true>>
<<NPCmedia "wife" "facesitting(start)" 0>>
<<dlg_en 0 "So, the first step. Tell me, I'm not too heavy?">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Итак, первый шаг. Скажи мне, я не слишком тяжелая?">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "What a question? Of course not!">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Что за вопрос? Конечно же нет!">>
<<dlg_en 0 "The advice I found says that I have to figure out that you can handle my weight. But even now, I'm still worried about you.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "В совете, который я нашла, говорилось, что я должна осознать, что мой партнер способен выдержать мой вес. Хотя, я все равно переживаю за тебя.">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "Pfft, baby, I carried you into the bedroom in these arms, remember?">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Милая, я же поднимал тебя в эту спальню на руках, помнишь?">>
<<dlg_en 0 "On our wedding night? Of course I remember. Too bad you stopped doing that after then.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "В нашу брачную ночь? Конечно, я помню. Жаль, что это был последний раз, когда ты это делал.">>
<<en "Your wife's pouting, pretending to be upset.">>
<<ru "Твоя жена надувает губки, изображая обиду.">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "I promise I'll do it again after our next date.">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Я обещаю, что понесу тебя на руках после нашего следующего свидания.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "You will? I look forward to it, honey. Now let's pick up where we left off.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Правда? Буду ждать с нетерпением. А теперь давай вернемся к тому, с чего начинали.">>
<<en "Your wife's face grows sterner for a moment, and you shut up, letting her take the initiative.">>
<<ru "Выражения лица твоей жены становится строже на несколько мгновений, и ты замолкаешь, позволяя ей взять лидерство.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "That's it! Now we need to think of some kind of signal you can give if you get uncomfortable.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Так-то! Теперь мы должны обсудить сигнал, который ты бы смог подать, когда почувствуешь себя некомфортно.">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "How about a slap on your thigh?">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Как насчет шлепка по твоему бедру?">>
<<dlg_en 0 "That's too simple. Let it be a double slap. But not a hard one.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Это слишком просто, и ты можешь сделать это случайно. Пусть это будет двойно шлепок. Но не сильный.">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "Okay, baby.">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Хорошо, милая.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "Great, now we can move on to the main event.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Отлично, теперь перейдем к самому основному.">>
<<btnEventLink "Continue/Продолжить" "Wife Facesitting Events" "second facesitting 3">>
<<case "second facesitting 3">>
<<NPCmedia "wife" "facesitting" 1>>
<<en "$NPCstat[0].name lands on your face. Because she's, you might say, on her knees, you don't fully feel her weight. You look up and your eyes meet. A slight nod from your wife signals you to start serving her pussy. Unlike ordinary cunnilingus, in this position you can't take your face away, moreover, the sensation of your wife towering over you makes you feel as if her pussy is shrinking you. And those thoughts raise a sail in your panties. Meanwhile, $NPCstat[0].name leans forward and rests on the headboard.">>
<<ru "$NPCstat[0].name приземляется на твое лицо. Из-за того, что она сидит на коленях, ты ощущуешь ее вес не полностью. Ты смотришь вверх и ваши взгляды встречаются. Легкий кивой от твоей жены сигнализирует тебе, чтобы начала ублажать ее киску. В отличие от обычно куни, в этой позиции ты не можешь убрать свое лицо в сторону, более того, ощущение того, как твоя жена возвышается над тобой, вызывает внутри тебя ощущение того, что ее киска уменьшает тебя. От подобных мыслей в твоих трусах вырастает парус. Тем временем, $NPCstat[0].name наклоняется вперед и опирается на изголовье кровати.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "This should help you breathe a little easier.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Это даст тебе дышать свободнее.">>
<<en "The woman begins to move her hips, gradually picking up the pace and increasing the amplitude. Her breathing is quickening. Her pussy is sliding over your face, already wet from her love fluids.">>
<<ru "Девушка начинает двигать своими бедрами, постепенно наращивая темп и увеличивая амплитуду. Ее дыхание учащается. Ее киска легко скользит по твоему лицу, уже мокрому от флюидов твоей жены.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "Keep going, honey! Don't stop! Put your tongue in my pussy!">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Продолжай, милый! Не останавливайся! Засунь свой язык в мою киску!">>
<<th_en "Wow, she starts going off the rails.">>
<<th_ru "Воу, она начинает входить во вкус.">>
<<en "The woman's moans grow louder and louder. She loosens up, allowing herself to transfer more weight to your head, her legs spread apart and her pussy pressed tighter against your face.">>
<<ru "Стоны девушки становтся все громче и громче. Она расслабляется, позволяя себе перенести больше веса на твою голову, ее ноги разъезжаются и ее киска теснее прижимается к твоему лицу.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "Yes, that's much better!">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Да, так гораздо лучше!">>
<<en "You involuntarily grab her hips as if wanting to slow her pace, but $NPCstat[0].name takes this as a signal to start riding your face even more furiously.">>
<<ru "Ты невольно хватаешься за бедра твоей жены, словно бы желая замедлить ее темп, но $NPCstat[0].name воспринимает это как сигнал, что начать ездить на твоем лице еще яростнее.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "Oh my God, honey! I'm so close!">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Боже, милый! Я уже близко!">>
<<en "Her body begins to shake with the powerful orgasm, but she doesn't try to slow down. Finally, your wife's orgasm subsides and she freezes.">>
<<ru "Ее тело начинает содрогаться от мощного оргазма, девушка даже не думает замедлятся. Наконец, оргазм утихает и твоя жена замирает.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "Wow, that was intense!">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Воу, это было круто!">>
<<en "She slides off you and her gaze falls on the bump in your underpants. A mischievous sparkle lights up in her eyes.">>
<<ru "Она сползает с тебя и ее взгляд упирается в бугор в твоих труса. В ее глазах мелькает задорная искорка.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "I can see you like it, too.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Я вижу, тебе тоже понравилось.">>
<<en "$NPCstat[0].name puts her hand on your briefs and begins to stroke your cock through the fabric.">>
<<ru "$NPCstat[0].name кладет свою руку на твой пах и начинает ласкать твой член через твои трусы.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "Now it's my turn to reward you.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Теперь я должна вознаградить тебя.">>
<<AddStat 0 "assertiveness" 2 25>>
<<btnEventLink 'Let her "reward" you/Позволить ей "вознаградить" тебя' "Wife Facesitting Events" "second facesitting(jerk off)">>
<<btnEventLink "Say you can survive without reward/Сказать что ты можешь обойтись без этого" "Wife Facesitting Events" "second facesitting(no jerk off)">>
<<case "second facesitting(jerk off)">>
<<set $WifeFacesitting.jerking = true>>
<<set $NPCsexmemory[0].handjob += 1>>
<<NPCmedia "wife" "jerking you" 1>>
<<en "$NPCstat[0].name frees your cock and starts slowly jerking it off.">>
<<ru "$NPCstat[0].name освобождает твой член и начинает медленно дрочить его.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "That's a lot of ooze! I guess I can finish pretty quickly.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Здесь так много смазки. Думаю, это не займет много времени.">>
<<en "She rapidly accelerates the pace and amplitude of her hand.">>
<<ru "Она резко ускоряет амплитуду своей руки.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "Do you like it, honey?">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Как тебе, милый?">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "Yes, you got magic hands.">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "У тебя просто волшебные руки.">>
<<en "Your wife smiles broadly, never stopping to stroke your cock for a second. Just as she claimed, you cum in no time at all.">>
<<ru "Твоя жена улыбается, ни на секунду не прекращая дрочить тебя. Как она и говорила, у тебя уходит меньше минуты, чтобы кончить.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "Wow, you really need to take a shower now. But not before me.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Ого, теперь тебе придется принять душ. Но, только после меня.">>
<<en "$NPCstat[0].name leans to you and gives you a kiss. Then she gets out of bed and goes to the bathroom, wiggling her hips.">>
<<ru "$NPCstat[0].name наклоняется к тебя и дарит тебе поцелуй. Затем она поднимается с кровати и направляется в ванную, виляя бедрами.">>
<<btnEventLink "Finish/Закончить" "Master Bedroom" "">>
<<case "second facesitting(no jerk off)">>
<<NPCmedia "wife" "facesitting(end)" 0>>
<<dlg_en "mc" "No need, baby. I have to hurry to work.">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Не стоит, милая. Я спешу на работу.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "You sure? I think it would be a problem for you to slip into your pants right now.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Ты уверен? Прямо сейчас тебе будет проблематично надеть твои брюки.">>
<<en "$NPCstat[0].name giggles.">>
<<ru "$NPCstat[0].name хихикает.">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "Everything is all right. I can relax.">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Не переживай, я быстро остыну.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "If you say so. Then I'm going to take a shower. And you might want to wash up before you go to work, too.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Как знаешь. Тогда, я в душ. И тебе не помешало бы, перед тем, как пойти на работу.">>
<<en "Your wife leans to you and gives you a kiss. Then she gets out of bed and goes to the bathroom, wiggling her hips.">>
<<ru "$NPCstat[0].name наклоняется к тебя и дарит тебе поцелуй. Затем она поднимается с кровати и направляется в ванную, виляя бедрами.">>
<<btnEventLink "Finish/Закончить" "Master Bedroom" "">>
/* ---------- THIRD SCENE ---------- */
<<case "third facesitting">>
<<set $WifeFacesitting.status = "active">>
<<set $NPCsexmemory[0].facesitting += 1>>
<<set $NPCmood[0].arousal = 0>>
<<NPCmedia "wife" "facesitting(start)" 0>>
<<en "You wake up to the fact that your wife hand gently carresing your chest.">>
<<ru "Ты просыпаешься от того, что твоя жена ласкает твои грудные мышцы.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "You're finally awake.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Ты наконец проснулся.">>
<<en "With that, $NPCstat[0].name jumps on top of you. You notice that she's not wearing her panties. The woman runs her hand through her hair and throws it back. You look over her body, starting with her belly, slowly moving up, past her heavy breasts, all the way to her beautiful face.">>
<<ru "With that, $NPCstat[0].name запрыгивает на тебя. Ты замечаешь, что на ней нет трусиков. Девушка проводит рукой по своим волосам и откидывает их назад.jumps on top of you. Ты проводишь взглядом по ее телу, начинаея с животика, медленно поднимаясь выше, мимо ее тяжелой груди, прямиком к ее прекрасному лицу.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "Enjoying the view?">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Наслаждаешься видом?">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "It's only natural, baby. You are the most beautiful woman on the planet, and I am happy to have you as my wife.">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Это естественная реакция, милая. Ты самая красивая женщина на планете, и я безумно счастлив, что ты моя жена.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "Oh, honey, I love it when you shower me with compliments, but today you should save your breath for something else.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Ох, милый, я обожаю когда ты осыпаешь меня комплиментами, но сегодня тебе лучше сберечь воздух для кое-чего другого.">>
<<en "With that, she starts to move her bottom closer to your face.">>
<<ru "С этими словами, она начинает двигать свой зад ближе к твоему лицу.">>
<<btnEventLink "Continue/Закончить" "Wife Facesitting Events" "third facesitting 2">>
<<case "third facesitting 2">>
<<NPCmedia "wife" "facesitting" 1>>
<<en "You stick your tongue out and start licking your wife's pussy. $NPCstat[0].name in turn leans against the headboard of the bed and begins to move her hips toward you.">>
<<ru "Ты высовываешь свой язык и начинаешь лизать киску своей жены. $NPCstat[0].name опирается на изголовье кровати и начинает двигать своими бедрами навстречу тебе.">>
<<if $NPCstat[0].assertiveness >= 20>>
<<dlg_en 0 "Lick faster, honey! Work your tongue!">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Лижи быстрее, милый! Работай своим язычком!">>
<<dlg_en 0 "Lick faster, honey! Ple-ease!">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Лижи быстрее, милый! Прошу!">>
<<en "You do as she says and even start bobbing your head to quicken the pace. Her moans are echoing through the bedroom, and you feel rewarded for your efforts.">>
<<ru "Ты делаешь, как она говорит и даже начинаешь двигать все головой, дабы ускорить темп. Ее стоны эхом разносятся по спальне, и ты чувствуешь некое удовлетворения от того, что доводишь ее до этого состояния.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "This is so good, honey! Don't stop!">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Мне так хорошо, милый! Не останавливайся!">>
<<en "Her hips are smearing her pussy juices all over your face, the warmth of her private part is turning your skin red, and the slight smell of sweat from her constantly moving body is entering your nostrils. At one point your wife stops and slides over to your chest.">>
<<ru "Ее бердра размазывают ее любовные соки по твоей лицу, твоя кожа нагревается от ее прикосновений, и легкий запах пота, исходящий от твоей жены, проникает в твои ноздри. Ты можешь сказать, что твоя жена приближается к оргазму, но внезапно она останавливается и наклоняется назад, упираясь ладонями в кровать.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "Phew, that was close. But I want to stretch out the fun a little bit.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Фух, это было близко. Твой язычок настолько хорош, что будет преступлением не растянуть удовольствие на подольше.">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "I see you like our new pose very much.">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Я смотрю ты полюбила нашу новую позу.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "So do you, honey. Do you think I can't see the bump in your underwear as you lick my pussy?">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Как и ты, милый. Ты думаешь, я не заметила бугор в твоих трусах?">>
<<en "Only now do you realize that your cock is hard as a rock.">>
<<ru "Только сейчас ты понимаешь, что твой член тверд, словно камень.">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "It's a natural reaction.">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Это естественная реакция.">>
<<en "$NPCstat[0].name smiles predatorily and lands her ass on your face again. She starts grinding against your face.">>
<<ru "$NPCstat[0].name хищно улыбается и снова опускает свою задницу на твою голову. Девушка начинает тереться о твое лицо.">>
<<if $NPCstat[0].lordliness < 25>>
<<dlg_en 0 "Fuck, honey, I could do this all day long. Come on, honey, jerk you cock, while you're licking my pussy.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Милый, я могла бы ездить на твоем лице целыми днями. Может ты будешь дрочить себе, пока ты лижешь мою киску.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "Fuck, honey, I could use you face all day long. Come on, honey, jerk you cock, while you're licking my pussy.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Милый, я могла бы ездить на твоем лице целыми днями. Давай, дрочи твой член, пока ты лижешь мою киску.">>
<<btnEventLink "Start jerking your cock/Начать дрочить себе" "Wife Facesitting Events" "third facesitting(you jerk off)">>
<<btnEventLink "Make a sign that you want her to do it instead/Показать ей, что ты хочешь, чтобы она сделал это" "Wife Facesitting Events" "third facesitting(she jerk off)">>
<<btnEventLink "All you need is to please her your wife/Тебе достаточно того, что ты удовлетворяешь ее" "Wife Facesitting Events" "third facesitting(no jerk off)">>
<<case "third facesitting(you jerk off)">>
<<set $WifeFacesitting.jerking = true>>
<<set $NPCsexmemory[0].handjob += 1>>
<<NPCmedia "wife" "facesitting" 1>>
<<en "You pull your dick out of your briefs and start to slowly jerk it off, without stopping to lick your wife's pussy.">>
<<ru "Ты достаешь свой член из штанов и начинает медленно водить по стволу, при это не переставая вылизывать киску своей жены.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "There you go, honey. Now we're both enjoying it.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Вот так, милый. Теперь мы оба наслаждаемся процессом.">>
<<en "$NPCstat[0].name lets herself drown in the sensations and starts moving her hips furiously. Her moans echo through the bedroom.">>
<<ru "$NPCstat[0].name позволяет себе полностью утонуть в собственных ощущения. Ее бедра начинают неистово двигатся, ее стоны эхом разносятся по спальне.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "I feel... a connection between us, honey. It's like we share all our feelings! Come on, let's cum together!">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Я чувствую... связь между нами... Будто бы наши чувства перемешиваются! Давай, кончим вместе!">>
<<en "Your wife's body begins to shake with the powerful orgasm, but she doesn't try to slow down. Her love juices start squirting in your face in a powerful flow. Finally, your wife's orgasm subsides and she freezes. You also start shooting jets of cum on your hand and on your stomach. And you can't deny that it was one of the greatest orgasms of your life.">>
<<ru "Тело твоей жены начинает содрогаться от мощнейшей оргазма, но она даже не пытается замедлиться. Ее флюиды мощным потоком выстреливаются прямо в твое лицо. Наконец, ее оргазм стихает и твоя жена замирает. Ты также делаешь несколько залпов семени на твою руку и на твой живот. И ты не можешь не признать, что это был один из ярчайших оргазмов в твоей жизни.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "Wow, that was intense! You know, honey, we should do it more often.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Воу, это было круто. Знаешь, милый, нам стоит практиковать этот фейсситинг почаще.">>
<<NPCmedia "wife" "facesitting(end)" 0>>
<<en "$NPCstat[0].name sits up, still looking down at you. From this angle, she looks like a amazon, towering over her prey.">>
<<ru "$NPCstat[0].name поднимается на ноги, продолжая смотреть вниз, на тебя. С этого ракурса, она выглядит амазонкой, возвыщающийся над своей добычей.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "Ok, I'm going to take a shower.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Я в душ.">>
<<AddStat 0 "assertiveness" 3 30>>
<<btnEventLink "Get up/Подняться" "Master Bedroom" "">>
<<case "third facesitting(she jerk off)">>
<<set $WifeFacesitting.jerking = true>>
<<set $NPCsexmemory[0].handjob += 1>>
<<NPCmedia "wife" "facesitting" 1>>
<<dlg_en 0 "What's wrong, honey? Oh, I see. Do you want me to do it? Well, then you'll have to earn it!">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Что не так, милый? А, вижу. Ты хочешь чтобы я это сделала? В таком случае тебе нужно это заслужить!">>
<<en "$NPCstat[0].name begins to grind against your face, gradually picking up the pace, until finally she gives herself over completely to her own sensations. From time to time her fingers tightly grip your hair, and then your wife raises her hand and squeezes her breasts. Her moans echo through the bedroom.">>
<<ru "$NPCstat[0].name начинает ездить на твоем лице, постепенно набирая темп, пока наконец полностью не отдает собственным ощущениям. Время от времени ее пальцы крепко сжимают твои волосы, в то время как другая ее рука продолжает теребить ее сосок. Ее стоны разносятся по спальне.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "I'm so close, honey!">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Я уже близко, милый!">>
<<en "Your wife's body begins to shake with the powerful orgasm, but she doesn't try to slow down. Her love juices start squirting in your face in a powerful flow. Finally, your wife's orgasm subsides and she freezes.">>
<<ru "Тело твоей жены начинает содрогаться от мощнейшей оргазма, но она даже не пытается замедлиться. Ее флюиды мощным потоком выстреливаются прямо в твое лицо. Наконец, ее оргазм стихает и твоя жена замирает.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "Wow, that was intense! You know, honey, we should do it more often.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Воу, это было круто. Знаешь, милый, нам стоит практиковать этот фейсситинг почаще.">>
<<NPCmedia "wife" "facesitting(end)" 0>>
<<en "$NPCstat[0].name sits up, still looking down at you. From this angle, she looks like a amazon, towering over her prey.">>
<<ru "$NPCstat[0].name поднимается на ноги, продолжая смотреть вниз, на тебя. С этого ракурса, она выглядит амазонкой, возвыщающийся над своей добычей.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "So, now it's time to take care of you.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Итак, пришла пора позаботиться о тебе.">>
<<en "$NPCstat[0].name frees your cock and starts slowly jerking it off.">>
<<ru "">>
<<dlg_en 0 "That's a lot of ooze! I guess I can finish pretty quickly.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Здесь так много смазки. Думаю, это не займет много времени.">>
<<en "She rapidly accelerates the pace and amplitude of her hand.">>
<<ru "Она резко ускоряет амплитуду своей руки.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "Do you like it, honey?">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Как тебе, милый?">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "Yes, you got magic hands.">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "У тебя просто волшебные руки.">>
<<en "Your wife smiles broadly, never stopping to stroke your cock for a second. Just as she claimed, you cum in no time at all.">>
<<ru "Твоя жена улыбается, ни на секунду не прекращая дрочить тебя. Как она и говорила, у тебя уходит меньше минуты, чтобы кончить.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "Wow, you really need to take a shower now. But not before me.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Ого, теперь тебе придется принять душ. Но, только после меня.">>
<<en "$NPCstat[0].name leans to you and gives you a kiss. The she gets out of bed and goes to the bathroom, wiggling her hips.">>
<<ru "$NPCstat[0].name наклоняется к тебя и дарит тебе поцелуй. Затем она поднимается с кровати и направляется в ванную, виляя бедрами.">>
<<AddStat 0 "assertiveness" 3 30>>
<<RemoveStat 0 "lordliness" -10>>
<<btnEventLink "Get up/Закончить" "Master Bedroom" "">>
<<case "third facesitting(no jerk off)">>
<<set $WifeFacesitting.jerking = false>>
<<NPCmedia "wife" "facesitting" 1>>
<<dlg_en 0 "What's wrong, honey? Oh, I see. You want to concentrate on my pleasure? Well, I don't mind.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Что не так, милый? А, вижу. Ты хочешь отдать все силы на то, чтобы удовлетворить меня? Что ж, я не против.">>
<<en "$NPCstat[0].name begins to grind against your face, gradually picking up the pace, until finally she gives herself over completely to her own sensations. From time to time her fingers tightly grip your hair, and then your wife raises her hand and squeezes her breasts. Her moans echo through the bedroom.">>
<<ru "$NPCstat[0].name начинает ездить на твоем лице, постепенно набирая темп, пока наконец полностью не отдает собственным ощущениям. Время от времени ее пальцы крепко сжимают твои волосы, в то время как другая ее рука продолжает теребить ее сосок. Ее стоны разносятся по спальне.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "I'm so close, honey!">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Я уже близко, милый!">>
<<en "Your wife's body begins to shake with the powerful orgasm, but she doesn't try to slow down. Her love juices start squirting in your face in a powerful flow. Finally, your wife's orgasm subsides and she freezes.">>
<<ru "Тело твоей жены начинает содрогаться от мощнейшей оргазма, но она даже не пытается замедлиться. Ее флюиды мощным потоком выстреливаются прямо в твое лицо. Наконец, ее оргазм стихает и твоя жена замирает.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "Wow, that was intense! You know, honey, we should do it more often.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Воу, это было круто. Знаешь, милый, нам стоит практиковать этот фейсситинг почаще.">>
<<NPCmedia "wife" "facesitting(end)" 0>>
<<en "$NPCstat[0].name sits up, still looking down at you. From this angle, she looks like a amazon, towering over her prey.">>
<<ru "$NPCstat[0].name поднимается на ноги, продолжая смотреть вниз, на тебя. С этого ракурса, она выглядит амазонкой, возвыщающийся над своей добычей.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "Ok, I'm going to take a shower.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Я в душ.">>
<<AddStat 0 "assertiveness" 3 30>>
<<AddStat 0 "lordliness" 2 25>>
<<btnEventLink "Get up/Закончить" "Master Bedroom" "">>
/* ---------- FABRIC SCENE ---------- */
<<case "first fabric facesitting">>
<<set $NPCsexmemory[0].facesitting += 1>>
<<set $NPCplans[0].emorning = "take shower(mansion)">>
<<set $WifeFacesitting.desire = 0>>
<<set $NPCmood[0].arousal = 0>>
<<NPCmedia "wife" "facesitting(suggest)" 0>>
<<en "You wake up to your wife poking you in the side. You open your eyes and see your wife smiling face. You already know where this is going.">>
<<ru "Ты просыпаешься от того, что твоя жена легонько толкает тебя в бок. Ты открываешь глаза и видишь улыбающееся лицо своей жены. Ты сразу же понимаешь, к чему все идет.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "Good morning, honey!">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Доброе утро, милый!">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "What's happened, honey? You usually prefer to sit on me first.">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Что случилось, крошка? Обычно ты сначала садишься на меня, а потом будишь.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "Let's just say I'm a little lazy today. But if you insist...">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Скажем, я захотела немного полениться сегодня. Но, если ты настаиваешь.">>
<<en "$NPCstat[0].name hops on you. Her hips begin slowly moving to your face direction.">>
<<ru "$NPCstat[0].name запрыгивает на тебя. Ее бедра начинают медленно приближатся к твоему лицу.">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "Baby, aren't you forgetting something?">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Милая, ты ничего не забыла?">>
<<en "You direct your gaze to her grey panties.">>
<<ru "Ты взглядом указываешь на ее трусики.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "Oh, about that. I don't really wanna take them off. I told you I'm a little lazy today, didn't I?">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Ох, ты об этом. Знаешь, мне не очень хочется их снимать. Как я и сказала, сегодня я буду слегка ленивой девочкой.">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "But... You want me to lick your pussy through your panties?">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Но,.. ты хочешь, что я полизал тебе через трусики?">>
<<dlg_en 0 "I saw a video with a guy doing it and I wanted to try it with you.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Я видела, как один порноактер делал это на видео, и решила попробовать это с тобой.">>
<span id="dialog">
<<btnEventLink "Agree to do it/Согласиться" "Wife Facesitting Events" "first fabric facesitting 2">>
<<set _txt = getLinkName("Say that it's too weird/Сказать что это странно для тебя")>>
<center>@@.btnWide;<<button _txt>>
<<replace "#dialog">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "I don't know, baby. It's too weird for me.">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Не знаю, милая. Это уж слишком необычно.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "Well, it was worth a try.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Что ж, стоило попробовать.">>
<<en "$NPCstat[0].name takes off her panties and throws them aside.">>
<<ru "$NPCstat[0].name снимает свои трусики и откидывает их сторону.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "But that doesn't mean l'll let you go so easily.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Но это не значит, что я отпущу тебя так просто.">>
<<btnEventLink "Continue/" "Wife MBedroom Events" "morning facesitting 2">>
<<case "first fabric facesitting 2">>
<<set $WifeFacesitting.fabric = true>>
<<NPCmedia "wife" "facesitting(grey panties)" 1>>
<<en "$NPCstat[0].name carefully lowers her bottom onto your face.">>
<<ru "$NPCstat[0].name осторожно опускается на твое лицо.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "Ok, let's go.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Ну, погнали.">>
<<en "You stick out your tongue and run it through the fabric of her panties, once, then again. Your wife sits motionless, with her head down, watching your movements.">>
<<ru "Ты высовываешь свой язык и проводишь им по ее трусикам. Твоя жена остается неподвижной и наблюдает за твоими действиями.">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "How does it feel, baby?">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Ну и как тебе?">>
<<dlg_en 0 "Well, so far I haven't really felt anything.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Если честно, я почти ничего не почувствовала.">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "Maybe we should take your panties off, then.">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Может, тебе все-таки стоит снять трусики?">>
<<dlg_en 0 "Don't give up so fast, honey.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Не сдавайся так рано, милый.">>
<<en "She grabs your hand and puts it on her breast.">>
<<ru "Она хватает твою руку и кладет на свою грудь.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "Can you feel my heart beating so fast? I don't know why, but I'm really excited right now. So let's keep going.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Ты чувствуешь, как быстро бьется мое сердце? Не знаю почему, но я возбуждена сейчас. Так что, давай продолжим.">>
<<en "You start licking her pussy again.">>
<<ru "Ты начинаешь отлизывать своей жене снова.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "Press harder, honey! Let me help you.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Сильнее, милый! Позволь мне помочь тебе.">>
<<en "$NPCstat[0].name begins to move her hips gently. After a while her panties become wet and her breathing intensifies. Your wife is definitely enjoying the process.">>
<<ru "$NPCstat[0].name начинает осторожно двигать своими бедрами. Спустя некоторое время, ее трусики становятся влажными, а ее дыхание учащается. Твоя жена определенно наслаждается процессом.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "I really feel your tongue, honey! Don't stop!">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Я действительно чувствую твоя язык! Не останавливайся!">>
<<en "However, such stimulation is still not enough and, after a while, $NPCstat[0].name lifts her bottom and slides her panties to the side.">>
<<ru "Тем не менее, подобной стимуляции оказывается недостаточно, и $NPCstat[0].name приподнимается и сдвигает свои трусики в сторону.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "Let's continue like this, honey.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Давай продолжим так, милый.">>
<<en "You breathe a sigh of relief. Or at least you try to breathe, because your wife immediately lands on your face and, without giving you a break, starts grinding against it.">>
<<ru "Ты вздыхаешь с облегчением. Или, вернее, пытаешься вздохнуть, потому как твоя жена тут же призмеляется на твое лицо и, не давая тебе опомниться, начинает яростно ездить на нем.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "Oh, that's much better!">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Так гораздо лучше!">>
<<en "Your wife's body begins to shake with the powerful orgasm, but she doesn't try to slow down. Finally, your wife's orgasm subsides and she freezes. She moves to your chest and runs her palm over your cheek.">>
<<ru "Тело твоей жены начинает содрогаться от мощного оргазма, но девушка даже и не думает замедлятся. Наконец, ее оргазм стихает и твоя жена замирает. Она сползает с тебя и проводит рукой по твоей щеке.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "What do you think of our experiment, honey?">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Итак, что думаешь насчет нашего эксперимента?">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "Honestly, you surprise me every time. You've changed a lot in the last few days.">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Признаюсь, честно. Ты удивляешь меня каждый раз. Ты сильно изменилась за последние дни.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "Then you need to get used to the new me.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Что же, тогда тебе стоит привыкнуть к новой мне.">>
<<en "She gets off of you and leans forward and gives you a deep kiss.">>
<<ru "Она наклоняется вперед и дарит тебе крепкий поцелуй.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "Ok, I'm going to take a shower.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Я в душ.">>
<<AddStat 0 "assertiveness" 2 40>>
<<AddStat 0 "lordliness" 2 20>>
<<btnEventLink "Finish/Закончить" "Master Bedroom" "">>
<</switch>><<if $EventMark == "main scene">>
<<if $MaidCleaning.wipecounter == 0>>
<<set $EventMark = "first scene">>
<<elseif $MaidCleaning.wipecounter == 1>>
<<set $EventMark = "second scene">>
<<elseif $MaidCleaning.wipemethod == "chair">>
<<set $EventMark = "chair(main)">>
/* ---------- FIRST SCENES ---------- */
<<switch $EventMark>>
<<case "first scene">>
<<set $MaidCleaning.wipecounter += 1>>
<<LocImg "mc_house" "sport show">>
<<en "You're relaxing on the sofa and watching the game while Samantha is cleaning the room. At one moment you realize that your maid is calling you.">>
<<ru "Ты отдыхаешь на диване и смотришь за игрой, в то время как Саманта убирает комнату. В один момент, ты слышишь, как твоя горничная зовет тебя.">>
<<dlg_en 1 "Mr. $mc.name... Mr. $mc.name, can you help me?">>
<<dlg_ru 1 "Мистер $mc.name... Мистер $mc.name, не могли бы вы помочь мне?">>
<<en "You turn around and see her standing near the large cupboard with glass doors.">>
<<ru "Ты поворачиваешься и видишь ее, стоящей возле большого шкафа со стеклянными дверцами.">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "What do you want, Samantha?">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Саманта, чего ты хочешь?">>
<<dlg_en 1 "I'm having trouble with the tops shelves. Would you mind helping me?">>
<<dlg_ru 1 "Я не могу достать до верхних полок. Не могли бы вы помочь мне?">>
<<th_en "What should I do? I can take the opportunity to get handsy with her.">>
<<th_ru "Как мне поступить? Это отличная возможность полапать ее.">>
<<btnEventLink "Lift her up/Приподнять свою горничную" "Maid Wiping Shelves Events" "lift up(start)">>
<<th_en "On the other hand, it's a lot easier to wipe down the damn shelves myself and go back to watching the game. Tonight's match is so exciting.">>
<<th_ru "С другой стороны, будет намного проще протереть чертовы полки самому и вернуться к просмотру игры. Сегодняшний матч весьма увлекательный.">>
<<btnEventLink "Wipe the shelves yourself/Протереть полки самому" "Maid Wiping Shelves Events" "wipe(start)">>
<<th_en "But I'm afraid I might miss a big moment.">>
<<th_ru "Но я боюсь, что могу пропустить яркий момент.">>
<<btnEventLink "Tell her to use a chair/Сказать ей использовать стул" "Maid Wiping Shelves Events" "chair(start)">>
<<case "second scene">>
<<set $MaidCleaning.wipecounter += 1>>
<<LocImg "mc_house" "sport show">>
<<en "You're relaxing on the sofa and watching the game while Samantha is cleaning the room. At one moment you realize that your maid is calling you.">>
<<ru "Ты отдыхаешь на диване и смотришь за игрой, в то время как Саманта убирает комнату. В один момент, ты слышишь, как твоя горничная зовет тебя.">>
<<if $MaidCleaning.wipechair == 1>>
<<dlg_en 1 "Mr. $mc.name... Mr. $mc.name, can you help me?">>
<<dlg_ru 1 "Мистер $mc.name... Мистер $mc.name, не могли бы вы помочь мне?">>
<<en "You turn around and see her standing near the large cupboard with glass doors.">>
<<ru "Ты поворачиваешься и видишь ее, стоящей возле большого шкафа со стеклянными дверцами.">>
<<dlg_en 1 "I'm sorry to bother you again, but I feel uncomfortable when I use a chair. I keep worrying that I might fall over.">>
<<dlg_ru 1 "Мне так неловко беспокоить вас снова, но я чувствую себя некомфортно, когда использую стул. Я постоянно переживаю, что я могу свалиться с него.">>
<<en "You sigh heavily.">>
<<ru "Ты тяжело вздыхаешь.">>
<<th_en "Should I help her this time? Or tell her not to disturb me with it again?">>
<<th_ru "Стоит ли мне помочь ей в этот раз?">>
<<btnEventLink "Tell her to use a chair anyway/Сказать ей все равно использовать стул" "Maid Wiping Shelves Events" "chair(start)">>
<<btnEventLink "Lift her up/Приподнять ее" "Maid Wiping Shelves Events" "lift up(start)">>
<<btnEventLink "Wipe the shelves yourself/Протереть полки самому" "Maid Wiping Shelves Events" "wipe(start)">>
<<elseif $MaidCleaning.wipestandart == 1>>
<<dlg_en 1 "Mr. $mc.name... Mr. $mc.name, can you help me?">>
<<dlg_ru 1 "Мистер $mc.name, не могли бы вы помочь мне?">>
<<en "You turn around and see her standing near the large cupboard with glass doors.">>
<<ru "Ты поворачиваешься и видишь ее, стоящей возле большого шкафа со стеклянными дверцами.">>
<<dlg_en 1 "Last time you handled the top shelf so deftly.">>
<<dlg_ru 1 "В прошлый раз вы так ловко справились с полками.">>
<<th_en "What should I do this time?">>
<<th_ru "Как мне поступить в этот раз?">>
<<btnEventLink "Wipe the shelves yourself/Протереть полки самому" "Maid Wiping Shelves Events" "wipe(start)">>
<<btnEventLink "Lift her up/Приподнять ее" "Maid Wiping Shelves Events" "lift up(start)">>
<<btnEventLink "Tell her to use a chair/Сказать ей использовать стул" "Maid Wiping Shelves Events" "chair(start)">>
<<elseif $MaidCleaning.wipeliftup == 1>>
<<dlg_en 1 "Mr. $mc.name... Mr. $mc.name, can you help me?">>
<<dlg_ru 1 "Мистер $mc.name, не могли бы вы помочь мне?">>
<<en "You turn around and see her standing near the large cupboard with glass doors.">>
<<ru "Ты поворачиваешься и видишь ее, стоящей возле большого шкафа со стеклянными дверцами.">>
<<dlg_en 1 "I'm sorry to bother you again.">>
<<dlg_ru 1 "Мне так неловко просить вас снова.">>
<<th_en "What should I do this time?">>
<<th_ru "Как мне поступить в этот раз?">>
<<btnEventLink "Wipe the shelves yourself/Протереть полки самому" "Maid Wiping Shelves Events" "wipe(start)">>
<<btnEventLink "Lift her up/Приподнять ее" "Maid Wiping Shelves Events" "lift up(start)">>
<<btnEventLink "Tell her to use a chair/Сказать ей использовать стул" "Maid Wiping Shelves Events" "chair(start)">>
/* ---------- MAIN SCENES ---------- */
<<case "main scene">>
<<set $MaidCleaning.wipecounter += 1>>
<<LocImg "mc_house" "sport show">>
<<en "You're relaxing on the sofa and watching the game while Samantha is cleaning the room. At one moment you realize that your maid is calling you.">>
<<ru "Ты отдыхаешь на диване и смотришь за игрой, в то время как Саманта убирает комнату. В один момент, ты слышишь, как твоя горничная зовет тебя.">>
<<if $WifeToMaid.patronage and $NPCstat[1].obedience < -14>>
<<dlg_en 1 "How long are you gonna sit on the couch? How about you help me?">>
<<dlg_ru 1 "Как долго вы еще собираетесь сидеть на диване? Как насчет того, чтобы помочь мне?">>
<<btnEventLink "Help her/Помочь ей" "Maid Wiping Shelves Events" "patronage(main)" 1>>
<<set $location.sub = "watch tv(alone)">>
<<btnEventLink "Continue to watch tv/Продолжить просмотр матча" "Living Room" "">>
<<elseif $NPCstat[1].obedience > -10>>
<<dlg_en 1 "Mr. $mc.name, can you help me?">>
<<dlg_ru 1 "Мистер $mc.name, не могли бы вы помочь мне?">>
<<en "You turn around and see her standing near the large cupboard with glass doors.">>
<<ru "Ты поворачиваешься и видишь ее, стоящей возле большого шкафа со стеклянными дверцами.">>
<<dlg_en 1 "There's the same problem with the top shelves. I would be very grateful if you could help me.">>
<<dlg_ru 1 "У меня все та же проблема с верхними полками. Я была бы очень признательна, если бы вы мне помогли.">>
<<th_en "What should I do this time?">>
<<th_ru "Как мне поступить в этот раз?">>
<<btnEventLink "Lift her up/Приподнять ее" "Maid Wiping Shelves Events" "lift up(main)">>
<<btnEventLink "Wipe the shelves yourself/Протереть полки самому" "Maid Wiping Shelves Events" "wipe(main)">>
<<btnEventLink "Tell her to use a chair/Сказать ей использовать стул" "Maid Wiping Shelves Events" "chair(main)">>
<<elseif $NPCstat[1].obedience > -20>>
<<dlg_en 1 "Mr. $mc.name, I need your help again.">>
<<dlg_ru 1 "Мистер $mc.name, мне снова нужна ваша помощь.">>
<<en "You turn around and see that she is standing by the same cupboard as last time. Her hand stretched forward, holding a damp washcloth.">>
<<ru "Ты поворачиваешься и видишь твою горничную, стоящей возле того же шкафа, что и в прошлый раз. Она держит в руке влажную тряпку и протягивает ее по направлению к тебе.">>
<<th_en "What should I do this time?">>
<<th_ru "Как мне поступить в этот раз?">>
<<btnEventLink "Lift her up/Приподнять ее" "Maid Wiping Shelves Events" "lift up(main)">>
<<btnEventLink "Wipe the shelves yourself/Протереть полки самому" "Maid Wiping Shelves Events" "wipe(main)">>
<<btnEventLink "Tell her to use a chair/Сказать ей использовать стул" "Maid Wiping Shelves Events" "chair(main)">>
<<dlg_en 1 "Mr. $mc.name, I need your help again.">>
<<dlg_ru 1 "Мистер $mc.name, мне снова нужна ваша помощь.">>
<<en "You turn around and see that she is standing by the same cupboard as last time. Her hand stretched forward, holding a damp washcloth.">>
<<ru "Ты поворачиваешься и видишь твою горничную, стоящей возле того же шкафа, что и в прошлый раз. Она держит в руке влажную тряпку и протягивает ее по направлению к тебе.">>
<<th_en "What should I do this time?">>
<<th_ru "Как мне поступить в этот раз?">>
<<btnEventLink "Lift her up/Приподнять ее" "Maid Wiping Shelves Events" "lift up(main)">>
<<btnEventLink "Wipe the shelves yourself/Протереть полки самому" "Maid Wiping Shelves Events" "wipe(main)">>
<<btnEventLink "Tell her to use a chair/Сказать ей использовать стул" "Maid Wiping Shelves Events" "chair(main)">>
/* ---------- LIFT UP ---------- */
<<case "lift up(start)">>
<<if $MaidCleaning.wipecounter == 1 or $MaidCleaning.wipechair == 1 or $MaidCleaning.wipestandart == 1>>
<<set $MaidCleaning.wipeliftup += 1>>
<<LocImg "mc_house" "living room">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "Fine.">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Ладно.">>
<<en "You get up from the couch and walk over to the maid.">>
<<ru "Ты поднимаешься с дивана и подходишь к горничной.">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "Turn around!">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Повернись-ка!">>
<<en "Once she's facing the shelves, you move in close and lift her by the waist.">>
<<ru "Стоит ей повернуться к шкафу, как ты обхватываешь ее за талию и приподнимаешь.">>
<<dlg_en 1 "Mr. $mc.name, what are you doing?">>
<<dlg_ru 1 "Мистер $mc.name, что вы делаете?">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "Helping you. Hurry up and clean these shelves, I can't hold you forever.">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Помогаю тебе. Поторопись и протри эти полки, - я не могу держать тебя вечно.">>
<<en "She's visibly tense, but starts dusting nonetheless. After a while, Samantha stops.">>
<<ru "Ты чувствуешь, что ей немного некомфортно в твоих руках, но все же она начинает протирать пыль. Вскоре, Саманта останавливается.">>
<<dlg_en 1 "I'm done, Mr. $mc.name.">>
<<dlg_ru 1 "Я закончила, мистер $mc.name.">>
<<en "You put her back on her feet. She thanks you and leaves the room.">>
<<ru "Ты ставишь горничную обратно на ноги. Она благодарит тебя и покидает комнату.">>
<<AddStat 1 "playfulness" 2 20>>
<<set $location.sub = "watch tv(alone)">>
<<btnEventLink "Back to watching tv/Вернуться к просмотру матча" "Living Room" "">>
<<elseif $MaidCleaning.wipeliftup == 1>>
<<set $MaidCleaning.wipeliftup += 1>>
<<LocImg "mc_house" "living room">>
<<en "You get up from the couch and walk over to the maid.">>
<<ru "Ты поднимаешься с дивана и подходишь к горничной.">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "Turn around!">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Повернись-ка!">>
<<en "Once she's facing the shelves, you move in close and lift her by the waist.">>
<<ru "Стоит ей повернуться к шкафу, как ты обхватываешь ее за талию и приподнимаешь.">>
<<dlg_en 1 "Mr. $mc.name, again?">>
<<dlg_ru 1 "Мистер $mc.name, снова?">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "Don't fuss and clean these shelves, I can't hold you forever.">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Не нервничай и протирай полки. Я не могу держать тебя вечно.">>
<<en "She's visibly tense, but starts dusting nonetheless. After a while, Samantha stops.">>
<<ru "Ты чувствуешь, что ей немного некомфортно в твоих руках, но все же она начинает протирать пыль. Вскоре, Саманта останавливается.">>
<<dlg_en 1 "I'm done, Mr. $mc.name.">>
<<dlg_ru 1 "Я закончила, мистер $mc.name.">>
<<en "You put her back on her feet. She thanks you and leaves the room.">>
<<ru "Ты ставишь горничную обратно на ноги. Она благодарит тебя и покидает комнату.">>
<<AddStat 1 "playfulness" 2 20>>
<<set $location.sub = "watch tv(alone)">>
<<btnEventLink "Back to watching tv/Вернуться к просмотру матча" "Living Room" "">>
<<case "lift up(main)">>
<<set $MaidCleaning.wipeliftup += 1>>
<<LocImg "mc_house" "living room">>
<<en "You get up from the couch and walk over to the maid.">>
<<ru "Ты поднимаешься с дивана и подходишь к горничной.">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "Turn around!">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Повернись-ка!">>
<<en "Once she's facing the shelves, you move in close and lift girl by the waist. She's visibly tense, but starts dusting nonetheless. After a while, Samantha stops.">>
<<ru "Стоит ей повернуться к шкафу, как ты обхватываешь ее за талию и приподнимаешь. Ты чувствуешь, что ей немного некомфортно в твоих руках, но все же она начинает протирать пыль. Вскоре, Саманта останавливается.">>
<<dlg_en 1 "I'm done, Mr. $mc.name.">>
<<dlg_ru 1 "Я закончила, мистер $mc.name.">>
<<en "You put her back on her feet. She thanks you and leaves the room.">>
<<ru "Ты ставишь горничную обратно на ноги. Она благодарит тебя и покидает комнату.">>
<<AddStat 1 "playfulness" 2 20>>
<<set $location.sub = "watch tv(alone)">>
<<btnEventLink "Back to watching tv/Вернуться к просмотру матча" "Living Room" "">>
/* ---------- WIPE SHELVES ---------- */
<<case "wipe(start)">>
<<set $MaidCleaning.wipestandart += 1>>
<<NPCmedia "samantha" "wipe shelves" 0>>
<<dlg_en "mc" "Fine.">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Ладно.">>
<<en "You get up from the couch and walk over to the maid. You take the rag from her hands and start wiping the top shelves.">>
<<ru "Ты поднимаешься с дивана и подходишь к горничной. Ты берешь тряпку из ее рук и начинаешь протирать верхние полки шкафа.">>
<<en "It takes a minute or two, but once finished, you return the rag to her upturned hand. Your maid thanks you, then gathers her things and leaves the room.">>
<<ru "Это занимает чуть более минуты, и затем ты возвращаешь тряпку своей горничной. Саманта благодарит тебя и выходит из комнаты.">>
<<RemoveStat 1 "obedience" 2 -20>>
<<set $location.sub = "watch tv(alone)">>
<<btnEventLink "Back to watching tv/Вернуться к просмотру матча" "Living Room" "">>
<<case "wipe(main)">>
<<set $MaidCleaning.wipestandart += 1>>
<<NPCmedia "samantha" "wipe shelves" 0>>
<<dlg_en "mc" "Fine.">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Ладно.">>
<<en "You get up from the couch and walk over to the maid. You take the rag from her hands and start wiping the top shelves.">>
<<ru "Ты поднимаешься с дивана и подходишь к горничной. Ты берешь тряпку из ее рук и начинаешь протирать верхние полки шкафа.">>
<<if $mcSkill.cleaning >= 2>>
<<btnEventLink "Wipe the shelves thoroughly/Протереть полки тщательно" "Maid Wiping Shelves Events" "wipe(clean)">>
<<btnEventLink "Wipe the shelves/Протереть полки" "Maid Wiping Shelves Events" "wipe(casual)">>
<<case "wipe(casual)">>
<<if $GameLang == "eng">>
<<if $NPCstat[1].obedience > -10>>
<<NPCmedia "samantha" "wipe shelves" 0>>
<br>It takes a minute or two, but once finished, you return the rag to her upturned hand. Your maid thanks you, then gathers her things and leaves the room.
<<RemoveStat 1 "obedience" 2 -20>>
<<set $location.sub = "watch tv(alone)">>
<<btnEventLink "Back to watching tv" "Living Room" "">>
<<if $MaidCleaning.wipescold == 0>>
<<set $MaidCleaning.wipescold += 1>>
<<NPCmedia "samantha" "wipe shelves" 0>>
<br>Samantha is watching you closely while you work. Finishing, you turn to give her the rag, but freeze once you see the raised eyebrow and displeased look.
<<NPCmedia "samantha" "wipe pissed" 1>>
<<set _txt = "Mr. " + $mc.name + ", you'll need to wipe that again. Look, you see the dust you missed?">>
<br><<PHR 1 "dom" _txt>>
<br>You look closely where Samantha is pointing. There's an occasional piece of dust. You're about to offer a retort, but she speaks first.
<br><<PHR 1 "dom" "If you want to help me, do it properly.">>
<<btnEventLink "Wipe the shelves once again" "Maid Wiping Shelves Events" "wipe(casual again)">>
<<btnEventLink "Put her in her place" "Maid Wiping Shelves Events" "fight(wipe shelves)">>
<<set $MaidCleaning.wipescold += 1>>
<<NPCmedia "samantha" "wipe shelves" 0>>
<br>Samantha is watching you closely while you work. Finishing, you take a step back and permit her to inspect your work.
<<set _txt = "Mr. " + $mc.name + ", here is the same problem as last time. Look at that dust in the corner and the streaks on the glass.">>
<br><<PHR 1 "dom" _txt>>
<br>You look closely where Samantha is pointing. There's an occasional piece of dust and very small streaks on the glass. You're about to offer a retort, but she speaks first.
<br><<PHR 1 "dom" "If you want to help me, do it properly.">>
<<btnEventLink "Wipe the shelves once again" "Maid Wiping Shelves Events" "wipe(casual again)">>
<<btnEventLink "Put her in her place" "Maid Wiping Shelves Events" "fight(wipe shelves)">>
<<elseif $GameLang == "rus">>
<<if $NPCstat[1].obedience > -10>>
<<NPCmedia "samantha" "wipe shelves" 0>>
<br>Это занимает чуть более минуты, и затем ты возвращаешь тряпку своей горничной. Саманта благодарит тебя и выходит из комнаты.
<<RemoveStat 1 "obedience" 2 -20>>
<<set $location.sub = "watch tv(alone)">>
<<btnEventLink "Вернуться к просмотру матча" "Living Room" "">>
<<if $MaidCleaning.wipescold == 0>>
<<set $MaidCleaning.wipescold += 1>>
<<NPCmedia "samantha" "wipe shelves" 0>>
<br>Саманта пристально наблюдает за тем, как ты работаешь. Закончив, ты поворачиваешься, чтобы вернуть ей тряпку, но замираешь, увидев ее приподнятые брови и недовольный взгляд.
<<NPCmedia "samantha" "wipe pissed" 1>>
<<set _txt = "Мистер " + $mc.name + ", вам придется протереть их еще раз. Разве вы не видите сколько пыли вы пропустили?">>
<br><<PHR 1 "dom" _txt>>
<br>Ты внимательно изучаешь то место, на которое указывает Саманта и видишь тонкий слой пыли. Ты уже собираешься возразить, но она опережает тебя.
<br><<PHR 1 "dom" "Если вы хотите помочь мне, делайте это должным образом.">>
<<btnEventLink "Протереть полки снова" "Maid Wiping Shelves Events" "wipe(casual again)">>
<<btnEventLink "Поставить ее на место" "Maid Wiping Shelves Events" "fight(wipe shelves)">>
<<set $MaidCleaning.wipescold += 1>>
<<NPCmedia "samantha" "wipe shelves" 0>>
<br>Саманта пристально наблюдает за тем, как ты работаешь. Закончив, ты отходишь в сторону, позволяя ей оценить результат твоих стараний.
<<set _txt = "Мистер " + $mc.name + ", здесь та же проблема, что и в прошлый раз. Только взгляните на эту пыль в углах и пятна на стекле.">>
<br><<PHR 1 "dom" _txt>>
<br>Ты внимательно изучаешь то место, на которое указывает Саманта и видишь тонкий слой пыли. Ты уже собираешься возразить, но она опережает тебя.
<br><<PHR 1 "dom" "If you want to help me, do it properly.">>
<br><<PHR 1 "dom" "Если вы хотите помочь мне, делайте это должным образом.">>
<<btnEventLink "Протереть полки снова" "Maid Wiping Shelves Events" "wipe(casual again)">>
<<btnEventLink "Поставить ее на место" "Maid Wiping Shelves Events" "fight(wipe shelves)">>
<<case "wipe(casual again)">>
<<NPCmedia "samantha" "wipe shelves" 0>>
<<if $GameLang == "eng">>
<br>Once again you're cleaning the shelves for Samantha. This time you leave no room for error, being extra careful to clean every spot. Once you're done, Samantha thanks you and leaves the room.
<<RemoveStat "mc" "confidence" 1 0>>
<<RemoveStat 1 "obedience" 2 -20>>
<<if $mcSkill.cleaning < 10>>
<<set $mcSkill.cleaning += 1>>
<<set $location.sub = "watch tv(alone)">>
<<btnEventLink "Back to watching tv" "Living Room" "">>
<<elseif $GameLang == "rus">>
<br>Ты еще раз протираешь полки, как того требует Саманта. В этот раз ты не позволяешь себе расслабиться, с особой тщательностью проходя каждую точку. После того, как ты заканчиваешь, Саманта благодарит тебя и выходит из комнаты.
<<RemoveStat "mc" "confidence" 1 0>>
<<RemoveStat 1 "obedience" 2 -20>>
<<if $mcSkill.cleaning < 10>>
<<set $mcSkill.cleaning += 1>>
<<set $location.sub = "watch tv(alone)">>
<<btnEventLink "Вернуться к просмотру матча" "Living Room" "">>
<<case "wipe(clean)">>
<<NPCmedia "samantha" "wipe shelves" 0>>
<br>Samantha is watching you intently.
<br>You remember that the last few times Samantha scolded you for not trying hard enough. Not wanting to hear her complain, you clean the shelves more thoroughly, paying special attention to the corners where dust tends to accumulate.
<<if $mcSkill.cleaning < 4>>
<br>Once done, you turn to your maid and place the rag in her open hand. She looks quite pleased.
<<set _txt = "Thank you for a great job, Mr. " + $mc.name + ".">>
<br><<PHR 1 _txt>>
<br>She waits until you give her the washcloth back, then leaves the room.
<<RemoveStat 1 "obedience" 2 -20>>
<<if $mcSkill.cleaning < 10>>
<<set $mcSkill.cleaning += 1>>
<<set $location.sub = "watch tv(alone)">>
<<btnEventLink "Back to watching tv" "Living Room" "">>
<<elseif $MaidLazinessDesires.watchtv >= 100>>
<<set _alan = "Alan">>
<<if $mc.name == "Alan">><<set _alan = "Mark">><</if>>
<<set _price = "Price">>
<<if $mc.lastname == "Price">><<set _price = "Jett">><</if>>
<br><<PHR 1 "I think you can manage on your own, so I can take care of other things.">>
<br>Your maid heads toward the opposite side of the room, but suddenly stops to watch the TV.
<<if $MaidLivingRoom.watchtv == 0>>
<br><<PHR 1 "Wow, that's a club from my hometown.">>
<br><<PHR "mc" "Are you interested in football?">>
<br><<PHR 1 "Not really. My brother used to make me watch matches with him and his friends. But I do remember one player on our team that I really liked.">>
<br>Samantha leans on the back of the couch and watches the game intently.
<<set _txt = "And there he is. Look, Mr. " + $mc.name + "!">>
<br><<PHR 1 _txt>>
<br>She points to the TV as it shows a close-up of the player _alan _price.
<<set _txt = "Oh, he's so tall and athletic. Do you mind if I watch the game with you, Mr. " + $mc.name + "?">>
<br><<PHR 1 _txt>>
<br>Before she's finished speaking she's moving to take a seat on the sofa. You freeze, not knowing how to react.
<br><<PHR "mc" "Um... Sure.">>
<<btnEventLink "Watch match with her" "Maid Living Room Events" "afternoon(after clean)">>
<<set _txt = "Wow, club from my hometown is playing again. I hope that " + _alan + " will be on the field today.">>
<br><<PHR 1 _txt>>
<br>Samantha leans on the back of the couch and watches the game intently.
<<set _txt = "And there he is. Look, Mr. " + $mc.name + "!">>
<br><<PHR 1 _txt>>
<br>She points to the TV as it shows a close-up of the player _alan _price.
<<set _txt = "I absolutely have to watch tonight's game. Come on, Mr." + $mc.name + ", wipe off this shelves and join in.">>
<br><<PHR 1 _txt>>
<<btnEventLink "Watch match with her" "Maid Living Room Events" "afternoon(after clean)">>
<br>Once done, you turn to your maid and place the rag in her open hand. She looks quite pleased.
<<if $mcSkill.cleaning < 8>>
<<set _txt = "Your cleaning skills continue to improve, Mr. " + $mc.name + ". Keep it up and I may have to use you as my assistant.">>
<br><<PHR 1 _txt>>
<br>She laughs at her joke, and you chuckle along with her as she thanks you, gathers her things, and leaves the room.
<<set _txt = "Spotless, as always, Mr. " + $mc.name + ". I'm starting to wonder if my presence in this mansion is necessary, especially when its owner is already handle my job perfectly.">>
<br><<PHR 1 _txt>>
<br>She laughs at her joke, and you chuckle along with her as she thanks you, gathers her things, and leaves the room.
<<RemoveStat 1 "obedience" 2 -20>>
<<if $mcSkill.cleaning < 10>>
<<set $mcSkill.cleaning += 1>>
<<set $location.sub = "watch tv(alone)">>
<<btnEventLink "Back to watching tv/Вернуться к просмотру матча" "Living Room" "">>
/* ---------- USE CHAIR ---------- */
<<case "chair(start)">>
<<if $MaidCleaning.wipecounter == 1>>
<<set $MaidCleaning.wipechair += 1>>
<<LocImg "mc_house" "stool">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "Samantha, just use a chair if you can't reach some places.">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Саманта, если ты не можешь дотянуться до каких-то участков, просто используй стул.">>
<<dlg_en 1 "Are you sure, Mr. $mc.name? What if it breaks?">>
<<dlg_ru 1 "Вы уверены, мистер $mc.name? А что, если он сломается?">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "These chairs are sturdier than you think.">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Эти стулья прочнее, чем ты думаешь.">>
<<dlg_en 1 "If you say so...">>
<<dlg_ru 1 "Если вы так говорите...">>
<<en "Samantha follows your advice, finishes cleaning then leaves the room.">>
<<ru "Саманта следует твоему совету, заканчивает уборку и выходит из комнаты.">>
<<AddStat 1 "obedience" 2 20>>
<<set $location.sub = "watch tv(alone)">>
<<btnEventLink "Back to watching tv/Вернуться к просмотру матча" "Living Room" "">>
<<elseif $MaidCleaning.wipechair == 1>>
<<set $MaidCleaning.wipechair += 1>>
<<set $MaidCleaning.wipemethod = "chair">>
<<LocImg "mc_house" "stool">>
<br><<PHR "mc" "Samantha, I already told you, this chair will hold anyone. If you're still afraid, you can look for a stepladder in the storeroom. And don't bother me with such trifles again.">>
<<set _txt = "Okay, " + $mc.name + ".">>
<br><<PHR 1 _txt>>
<br>Samantha takes the chair again, finishes cleaning then leaves the room.
<<AddStat 1 "obedience" 2 20>>
<<set $location.sub = "watch tv(alone)">>
<<btnEventLink "Back to watching tv/Вернуться к просмотру матча" "Living Room" "">>
<<elseif $MaidCleaning.wipecounter == 2 and $MaidCleaning.wipechair == 0>>
<<set $MaidCleaning.wipechair += 1>>
<<LocImg "mc_house" "stool">>
<br><<PHR "mc" "Samantha, you can use a chair if you can't reach some places.">>
<<set _txt = "Are you sure, " + $mc.name + "? What if it breaks?">>
<br><<PHR 1 _txt>>
<br><<PHR "mc" "These chairs are sturdier than you think. Just use one of them.">>
<br><<PHR 1 "If you say so...">>
<br>Samantha follows your advice, finishes cleaning then leaves the room.
<<AddStat 1 "obedience" 2 20>>
<<set $location.sub = "watch tv(alone)">>
<<btnEventLink "Back to watching tv/Вернуться к просмотру матча" "Living Room" "">>
<<case "chair(main)">>
<<if $NPCstat[1].obedience <= -18>>
<<LocImg "mc_house" "sport show">>
<br>She looks at you with undisguised surprise.
<<set _txt = "Mr. " + $mc.name + ", it's too dangerous! Do you want me to fall off the stool and break something?">>
<br><<PHR 1 _txt>>
<br><<PHR "mc" "Not at all. The stool isn't that tall, you'll be fine.">>
<<set _txt = "Mr. " + $mc.name + ", I'm not going to take any risk. In addition, you can perfectly handle it.">>
<br><<PHR 1 "dom" _txt>>
<br>She attempts to hand you the cleaning rag.
<<btnEventLink "Lift her up instead" "Maid Wiping Shelves Events" "lift up(main)">>
<<btnEventLink "Wipe the shelves yourself" "Maid Wiping Shelves Events" "wipe(main)">>
<<elseif $MaidCleaning.method == "chair">>
<<LocImg "mc_house" "sport show">>
<br>You're relaxing on the sofa and watching the game while Samantha is cleaning the room. Out of the corner of your eye, you notice your maid taking a chair and heading to the cupboard.
<<AddStat 1 "obedience" 1 20>>
<<set $location.sub = "watch tv(alone)">>
<<btnEventLink "Back to watching tv/Вернуться к просмотру матча" "Living Room" "">>
<<set $MaidCleaning.wipechair += 1>>
<<if $MaidCleaning.wipechair > $MaidCleaning.wipecounter>>
<<set $MaidCleaning.wipemethod = "chair">>
<<LocImg "mc_house" "sport show">>
<br><<PHR "mc" "Samantha, just use a chair if you can't reach some places.">>
<<set _txt = "Of course, Mr. " + $mc.name + ", I'm sorry to have bothered you.">>
<br><<PHR 1 _txt>>
<br>Samantha finishes cleaning then leaves the room.
<<AddStat 1 "obedience" 2 20>>
<<set $location.sub = "watch tv(alone)">>
<<btnEventLink "Back to watching tv/Вернуться к просмотру матча" "Living Room" "">>
/* -------------------- FIGHTS -------------------- */
<<case "fight(wipe shelves)">>
<<LocImg "mc_house" "living room">>
<br><<PHR "mc" "Samantha, you're crossing the line. You're in no position to tell me what to do">>
<<set _txt = "I'm sorry, Mr. " + $mc.name + ", I just want everything to be perfectly clean.">>
<br><<PHR 1 _txt>>
<br><<PHR "mc" "Your intentions are laudable, but don't forget who owns this house.">>
<<set _txt = "I'm sorry again, Mr. " + $mc.name + ".">>
<br><<PHR 1 _txt>>
<br>Samantha quickly wipes the shelves and runs out of the room
<<AddStat 1 "obedience" 3 0>>
<<set $location.sub = "watch tv(alone)">>
<<btnEventLink "Back to watching tv/Вернуться к просмотру матча" "Living Room" "">>
/* -------------------- PATRONAGE -------------------- */
<<case "patronage(main)">>
<<set $mansion.livingroom.cleanliness = 100>>
<<set $mansion.livingroom.cleanCount += 1>>
<<set $mansion.livingroom.cleanWeekCount += 1>>
<<if $mcSkill.cleaning < 25>>
<<set $mcSkill.cleaning += 1>>
<<set $location.sub = "">>
<<if $NPCstat[1].obedience > -10>>
<<NPCmedia "samantha" "wipe shelves" 0>>
<<en "Together with Samantha, you quickly tidy up the room. Afterwards, your maid thanks you and leaves.">>
<<ru "Вдвоем с Самантой вы быстро наводите порядок в комнате. После, твоя горничная благодарит тебя и уходит.">>
<<btnEventLink "Finish/Закончить" "Living Room" "">>
<<elseif $NPCstat[1].obedience > -20>>
<<NPCmedia "samantha" "living cleaning" 0>>
<<dlg_en 1 "Great! In that case, I can make dinner a little early.">>
<<dlg_ru 1 "Отлично! В таком случае, я могу приготовить ужин пораньше.">>
<<en "With these words, Samantha leaves the room. You have no choice but to grab a cloth and continue what your maid has started. You wipe the dust off the furniture, the carpet and the open areas of the floor. After looking around the room, you are satisfied with the result.">>
<<ru "С этими слова, Саманта выходит из комнаты. Тебе не остается ничего другого, кроме как взять тряпку и продолжить начатое твоей горничной. Ты вытираешь пыль с мебели, пылесосишь ковер и открытые участки пола. Осмотрев комнату, ты остаешься доволен результатом.">>
<<btnEventLink "Finish/Закончить" "Living Room" "">>
<<NPCmedia "samantha" "wipe pissed" 1>>
<<dlg_en 1 "Oh, great! In that case, why don't you finish the rest of the room? While I supervise you.">>
<<dlg_ru 1 "Отлично! В таком случае, почему бы вам не закончить с остальной частью комнаты? А я пока понаблюдаю за вами.">>
<<dlg_en 1 "After all, it's my responsibility to train you.">>
<<dlg_ru 1 "В конце концов, обучить вас - это моя обязанность.">>
<<btnEventLink "Clean up the room/Навести порядок в комнате" "Maid Wiping Shelves Events" "patronage(cleaning)">>
<<case "patronage(cleaning)">>
<<NPCmedia "samantha" "wipe shelves" 0>>
<<if $MaidLazinessDesires.watchtv >= 70>>
<<en "You have no choice but to grab a cloth and continue what your maid has started. You wipe the dust off the furniture, the carpet and the open areas of the floor. Samantha watches you for a while, then sits down on the sofa and turns on the television. Noticing your gaze, she stretches out her shapely legs and lies down completely on the sofa.">>
<<ru "Тебе не остается ничего другого, кроме как взять тряпку и продолжить начатое твоей горничной. Ты вытираешь пыль с мебели, пылесосишь ковер и открытые участки пола. Саманта некоторое время наблюдает за тобой, а затем садится на диван и включает телевизор. Заметив твой взгляд, она вытягивает свои стройные ноги и ложится на диван полностью.">>
<<dlg_en 1 "It feels so good to finally get some rest.">>
<<dlg_ru 1 "Так хорошо наконец-то отдохнуть.">>
<<en "You decide not to comment on her words and continue cleaning. After you finish, the woman stands up from the couch and examines the room.">>
<<ru "Ты решаешь не комментировать ее слова и продолжаешь уборку. После того, как заканчиваешь, девушка поднимается с дивана и осматривает комнату.">>
<<dlg_en 1 "I'm pleased with the result, Mr $mc.name.">>
<<dlg_ru 1 "Я довольна результатом, мистер $mc.name.">>
<<en "With these words, Samantha leaves the room.">>
<<ru "С этими слова, Саманта выходит из комнаты.">>
<<btnEventLink "Finish/Закончить" "Living Room" "">>
<<elseif $NPCstat[1].obedience <= -40 and $MaidCleaningScenes.LivingRoom.variation <= 5>>
<<en "You have no choice but to grab a cloth and continue what your maid has started. You wipe the dust off the furniture, the carpet and the open areas of the floor. All the time Samantha is watching you.">>
<<ru "Тебе не остается ничего другого, кроме как взять тряпку и продолжить начатое твоей горничной. Ты вытираешь пыль с мебели, пылесосишь ковер и открытые участки пола. Все это время, Саманта наблюдает за тобой.">>
<<dlg_en 1 "Mr. $mc.name, there's a lot of dirt under this table, don't be lazy and wipe it off.">>
<<dlg_ru 1 "Мистер $mc.name, под этим столиком осталась пыль. Не будьте такими ленивыми и протрите все тщательно.">>
<<btnEventLink "Do as she told/Сделать как она говорит" "Maid Wiping Shelves Events" "patronage(maid shoes)">>
<<en "You have no choice but to grab a cloth and continue what your maid has started. You wipe the dust off the furniture, the carpet and the open areas of the floor. All the time Samantha is watching you.">>
<<ru "Тебе не остается ничего другого, кроме как взять тряпку и продолжить начатое твоей горничной. Ты вытираешь пыль с мебели, пылесосишь ковер и открытые участки пола. Все это время, Саманта наблюдает за тобой.">>
<<dlg_en 1 "I'm pleased with the result, Mr $mc.name.">>
<<dlg_ru 1 "Я довольна результатом, мистер $mc.name.">>
<<en "With these words, Samantha leaves the room.">>
<<ru "С этими слова, Саманта выходит из комнаты.">>
<<btnEventLink "Finish/Закончить" "Living Room" "">>
<<case "patronage(maid shoes)">>
<<NPCmedia "samantha" "wipe under table" 0>>
<br>You have to get down on your knees and crawl under the table. You hear Samantha coming closer, and soon her legs in black tights appear beside you.
<<NPCmedia "samantha" "shoes under table" 0>>
<<set _txt = "Since you're already on this level, Mr. " + $mc.name + ", could you see if there're any stains on my shoes? It seems to me that they are a little dirty.">>
<br><<PHR 1 _txt>>
<br><<PHR "mc" "You're right, I see a small spot on one shoe.">>
<<set _txt = "Oh, Mr. " + $mc.name + ", please, clean it.">>
<br><<PHR 1 _txt>>
<<btnEventLink "Clean her shoes" "Maid Wiping Shelves Events" "patronage(maid shoes)(agree)">>
<<btnEventLink "Don't clean her shoes" "Maid Wiping Shelves Events" "patronage(maid shoes)(disagree)">>
<<case "patronage(maid shoes)(agree)">>
<<NPCmedia "samantha" "shoes under table" 0>>
<br>Without any second thought, you reach out and run a washcloth over her shoe. Samantha jumps sharply to the side.
<br><<PHR 1 "I meant with a clean rag!">>
<br>Only now do you notice that now you left a dirty stripe on her shoes.
<br><<PHR "mc" "I don't have another one.">>
<br><<PHR 1 "You should have said so!">>
<br>She puts her soiled shoe forward.
<br><<PHR 1 "dom" "Now you really have to clean those shoes! And as a preventive measure, you do it with your tongue.">>
<br><<PHR "mc" "What?">>
<br><<PHR 1 "Don't pretend you don't want to. I know very well that this will be a reward, not a punishment for you. So get down to business.">>
<<btnEventLink "Lick her shoes" "Maid Wiping Shelves Events" "patronage(maid shoes)(agree 2)">>
<<case "patronage(maid shoes)(agree 2)">>
<<NPCmedia "samantha" "lick shoes" 1>>
<br><<PHR "mc" "She's not kidding about that.">>
<br>You crawl forward a little, closer to her feet. Her dirty shoe is right in front of your face. You cautiously stick your tongue out and lean closer, but you still hesitate to go any further.
<<set _txt = "Mr. " + $mc.name + ", I can't feel your tongue.">>
<br><<PHR 1 _txt>>
<br><<TH "As if you could feel it through your shoes.">>
<br>However, you decide not to delay and run your tongue over the lacquered surface of her shoes. Your mouth immediately fills with the disgusting taste of dirt, something literally crunches on your teeth, and your face crinkles in a grimace of disgust.
<<set _txt = "You actually did it, Mr. " + $mc.name + "!">>
<br><<PHR 1 _txt>>
<br>Samantha starts laughing out loud.
<br><<PHR 1 "That was a joke! I just wanted to check your reaction. But now that you've started polishing my shoes, I wanna see this to the end.">>
<br>After overpowering yourself, you continue to lick her shoe until not a single speck of dirt remains on it. Samantha removes her foot from your face and scrutinizes her shoe.
<<set _txt = "Good job, Mr. " + $mc.name + ". Don't forget to clean your mouth after that.">>
<br><<PHR 1 _txt>>
<<btnEventLink "Finish/Закончить" "Living Room" "">>
<<case "patronage(maid shoes)(disagree)">>
<<NPCmedia "samantha" "shoes under table" 0>>
<br><<PHR "mc" "I don't have a clean washcloth for that.">>
<<set _txt = "Oh, you're right, Mr. " + $mc.name + ". Okay, I'll wipe them myself later.">>
<br><<PHR 1 _txt>>
<<btnEventLink "Finish/Закончить" "Living Room" "">>
<<case "living room(maid patronage fffff)">>
massage - <<if $WifeFootFetish.maidseen and $NPCstat[1].obedience <= -30>>
<<if $MaidFootFetish.livingroommassage == 0>>
<<set $MaidFootFetish.livingroommassage += 1>>
<<set $NPCsexmemory[1].footmassage += 1>>
<<set $MaidFootFetish.active = true>>
<<set $MaidCleaningScenes.LivingRoom.interact = false>>
<<set $MaidCleaningScenes.LivingRoom.variation = random(1, 20)>>
<<set $MaidCleaningScenes.LivingRoom.wipeShelvesGap = max(0, ($MaidCleaningScenes.LivingRoom.wipeShelvesGap - 1))>>
<</switch>><<switch $EventMark>>
<<case "take bath(message mc)">>
<<set $WifeBath.messageMC = true>>
<<LocImg "misc" "get message">>
<<en "You hear a message sound and pick up the phone.">>
<<ru "Ты слышишь сигнал входящего сообщения и смотришь в телефон.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "msg" "Honey, are you home? I'll be there soon.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "msg" "Милый, ты дома? Я скоро буду.">>
<<en "Before you can put your phone away, you get another message.">>
<<ru "Прежде чем ты убираешь телефон, ты получаешь еще одно сообщение.">>
<<if $WifeQueen.active or $NPCstat[0].lordliness >= 28>>
<<dlg_en 0 "msg" "And I expect a warm relaxing bath to be waiting for me.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "msg" "И я ожидаю, что меня будет ждать теплая расслабляющая ванна.">>
<<th_en "Guess, I don't have a choice.">>
<<th_ru "Думаю, у меня нет выбора.">>
<<btnEventLink "Answer that you'll do it/Ответить что сделаешь это" "Wife MBathroom Events" "take bath(message mc)(agree)">>
<<dlg_en 0 "msg" "I want to ask you a small favor. Could you prepare a bath for me, please?">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "msg" "Я хочу попросить тебя о небольшой услуге. Не мог бы ты наполнить ванну для меня?">>
<<dlg_en 0 "msg" "I'm just dying to soak in warm water. Pretty please, honey?">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "msg" "Пожалуйста, милый. Я просто умираю, как хочу понежиться в теплой в водичке.">>
<<btnEventLink "Answer that you'll do it/Ответить что сделаешь это" "Wife MBathroom Events" "take bath(message mc)(agree)">>
<<btnEventLink "Answer that you don't have time/Ответить что у тебя нет времени" "Wife MBathroom Events" "take bath(message mc)(disagree)">>
<<case "take bath(message mc)(agree)">>
<<LocImg "misc" "get message">>
<<en "With a sigh, you type a return message.">>
<<ru "Вздохнув, ты печатаешь ответное сообщение.">>
<<dlg_en "mc_msg" "Okay, baby.">>
<<dlg_ru "mc_msg" "Хорошо, милая.">>
<<en "In response, your wife sends you a kissing smiley.">>
<<ru "Твоя жена присылает тебе смайлик с поцелуем в ответ.">>
<<btnEventLink "Go to the bathroom/Идти в ванную" "Wife MBathroom Events" "take bath(mc prepare)">>
<<if MaidAtHome()>>
<<btnEventLink "Ask Samantha to prepare the bath./Попросить Саманту подготовить ванну" "Wife MBathroom Events" "take bath(ask maid)">>
<<th_en "Samantha isn't home, so I can't ask her to do it.">>
<<th_ru "Саманты нет дома, так что я не могу попросить сделать это.">>
<<case "take bath(message mc)(disagree)">>
<<if MaidAtHome()>>
<<run setMaidNextBlockPlan(0, "prepare bath(master bathroom)")>>
<<if $NPCstat[0].obedience <= -22>>
<<run setMaidNextBlockPlan(1, "assist wife(master bathroom)")>>
<<LocImg "misc" "get message">>
<<en "With a sigh, you type a return message.">>
<<ru "Вздохнув, ты печатаешь ответное сообщение.">>
<<dlg_en "mc_msg" "Sorry, baby, I'm busy right now.">>
<<dlg_ru "mc_msg" "Прости, крошка, я немного занят.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "msg" "Uh, okay. I'll ask Samantha to do it.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "msg" "Ладно. Я попрошу Саманту сделать это.">>
<<btnEventLink "Finish/Закончить" $location.main "">>
<<case "take bath(mc prepare)">>
<<LocImg "mc_house" "master bathroom">>
<<en "You go into the bathroom and turn on the water, presetting the desired temperature on the faucet.">>
<<ru "Ты заходишь в ванную и включаешь воду, предварительно выставив нужную температуру на смесителе.">>
<<th_en "Should I add something into the water? Maybe salt or oil?">>
<<th_ru "Может мне стоит добавить что-нибудь в воду? К примеру, соль или ароматическое масло.">>
<<btnEventLink "Find something/Поискать что-нибудь" "Wife MBathroom Events" "take bath(mc add oil)">>
<<btnEventLink "Just wait for your wife/Просто подождать свою жену" "Wife MBathroom Events" "take bath(mc prepare end)" 1>>
<<case "take bath(mc prepare end)">>
<<LocImg "mc_house" "master bathroom">>
<<en "You decide that you did enough. A few minutes later, you hear the sound of footsteps coming from the bedroom and come out to meet your wife.">>
<<ru "Ты решаешь, что сделал достаточно. Несколько минут спустя ты слышишь шаги, доносящиеся из спальни, и выходишь, чтобы встретить свою жену.">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "Your bath is ready, baby.">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Твоя ванна готова, милая.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "Thanks, $mc.name. You have no idea how tired I am today.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Спасибо, $mc.name. Ты даже не представляешь, как я устала сегодня.">>
<<en "She strips down to her underwear and goes into the bathroom.">>
<<ru "Она раздевается до нижнего белья и уходит в ванную.">>
<<btnEventLink "Finish/Закончить" "Master Bedroom" "">>
<<case "take bath(mc add oil)">>
<<LocImg "mc_house" "bathroom cabinet">>
<<en "You open the cabinet and find several bottles of oil inside. You open each one in turn and inhale the fragrance. Finally choosing one that $NPCstat[0].name should like, you put the others back in their place and head back to the bathtub.">>
<<ru "Ты открываешь шкафчик и находишь несколько флаконов с маслом. Ты по очереди открываешь каждый из них и нюхаешь. Наконец, ты выбираешь тот, который предпочитает $NPCstat[0].name (по твоему мнению). Вернув остальные флаконы на место, ты направляешься к ванной.">>
<<th_en "I also saw candles inside the cabinet. Maybe add a little romance?">>
<<th_ru "Я видел несколько свечей внутри шкафчика. Может добавить немного романтики?">>
<<btnEventLink "Set the candles/Расставить свечи" "Wife MBathroom Events" "take bath(mc set candles)" 1>>
<<btnEventLink "Just wait for your wife/Просто подождать свою жену" "Wife MBathroom Events" "take bath(mc prepare end)" 1>>
<<case "take bath(mc set candles)">>
<<LocImg "misc" "candles">>
<<en "You dim the bathroom lights and set out the candles. As soon as you burn them, you hear the sound of footsteps coming from the bedroom. A few minutes later, $NPCstat[0].name enters the bathroom in her underwear.">>
<<ru "Ты приглушаешь свет и расставляешь свечи. Стоит тебе зажечь их, как ты слышишь шаги, доносящиеся из спальни. Спустя минут, $NPCstat[0].name входит в ванную в нижнем белье.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "Wow, $mc.name, I didn't even expect such a nice surprise.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Ого, $mc.name, я не ожидала подобного сюрприза.">>
<<en "She comes up to you and give you a sweet kiss.">>
<<ru "Она подходит к тебе и сладко целует.">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "Enjoy, baby.">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Все для тебя, милая.">>
<<en "$NPCstat[0].name walks slowly toward the bathroom, dropping her bra and panties as she goes.">>
<<ru "$NPCstat[0].name медленно идет к ванной, сбрасывая по пути свой лифчик и свои трусики.">>
<<NPCmedia "wife" "bathroom undress" 1>>
<<th_en "She's definitely teasing me.">>
<<th_ru "Она определенно дразнит меня.">>
<<en "Your wife, meanwhile, rest on the edge of the tub and leans in to taste the water. Your pulse quickens at the sight of her ass.">>
<<ru "Твоя жена, тем временем, опирается на край ванны и наклоняется, чтобы потрогать воду. Твой пульс учащается, стоит тебе бросить взгляд на ее зад.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "A glass of champagne in here, and I'd be the happiest woman in the world.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Для полного счастья не хватает только бокала с шампанским.">>
<<btnEventLink "Bring her a champagne/Принести ей шампанское" "Wife MBathroom Events" "take bath(mc bring champagne)">>
<<btnEventLink "Let it slide/Пропустить ее реплику мимо ушей" "Wife MBathroom Events" "take bath(mc prepare end alt)">>
<<case "take bath(mc prepare end alt)">>
<<LocImg "mc_house" "master bathroom">>
<<en "You decide not to pay much attention to what she says. Taking one more look at your wife, you leave the bathroom.">>
<<ru "Ты решаешь пропустить последнюю фразу своей жены мимо ушей и выходишь из ванной.">>
<<btnEventLink "Finish/Закончить" "Master Bedroom" "">>
<<case "take bath(mc bring champagne)">>
<<NPCmedia "wife" "bathing" 1>>
<<dlg_en "mc" "Why not? I can bring a bottle.">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "А почему нет. Я могу принести бутылку.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "You don't have to, $mc.name. After all, we don't even have an occasion.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Не стоит, $mc.name. У нас ведь даже нет повода для этого.">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "My lovely wife wants to relax. I don't need another occasion.">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Моя жена хочет отдохнуть. Зачем нам искать какой-то повод?">>
<<en "$NPCstat[0].name sighs.">>
<<ru "$NPCstat[0].name вздыхает.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "Fine. Then bring some snacks, too.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Хорошо. Но тогда, принеси и что-нибудь для закуски.">>
<<en "You go down to the basement to get a bottle champagne. On the way back you go into the kitchen to add cheese and fruit to the tray.">>
<<ru "Ты спускаешь в подвал и берешь бытулку шампанского. На обратном пути ты заглядываешь на кухню и добавляешь сыр и фрукты на поднос.">>
<<LocImg "misc" "champagne">>
<<en "With all this, you return to your wife. With a loud pop, you open the bottle and fill the flute for $NPCstat[0].name. She takes a small sip and returns the glass to you.">>
<<ru "Красиво расставив все на подносе, ты возвращаешься к своей жене. С громким хлопком, ты открываешь бытулку и наполняешь бокал для нее. $NPCstat[0].name делает небольшой глоток и возвращает бокал тебе.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "Thank you, honey. You're the best.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Спасибо, милый. Ты лучше всех.">>
<<en "She stretches out sweetly in the tub.">>
<<ru "Она сладко потягивается.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "Can you stay with me for a while?">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Останься со мной ненадолго.">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "Sure.">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Хорошо">>
<<btnEventLink "Stay with her/Остаться с ней" "Wife MBathroom Events" "take bath(mc bring champagne 2)" 1>>
<<case "take bath(mc bring champagne 2)">>
<<NPCmedia "wife" "bathing" 1>>
<<en "You stay in the bathroom and watch your wife soaking in the water. From time to time you pour champagne into her glass and bring a piece of cheese or a grape to her lips. $NPCstat[0].name, for her part, gradually begins to get into character, throwing playful glances at you, stroking her body - basically, showing you how much she enjoys the process.">>
<<ru "Ты остаешься и наблюдаешь за тем, как твоя жена расслабляется в горячей воде. Время от времени ты подливаешь шампанское в ее бокал или подносишь кусочек сыра или виноградину к ее губам. $NPCstat[0].name, в свою очередь, постепенно распаляется, начинает строить тебе глазки, поглаживать свое тело и всем своим видом показывать, как она наслаждается процессом.">>
<<en "However, you don't feel humiliated. After all, there is nothing wrong with treating your wife like a queen.">>
<<ru "Однако, ты не видишь в этом ничего унизительного. В конце концов, нет ничего плохого в том, чтобы относится к своей жене, как к настоящей королеве.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "I think that's enough for today. $mc.name, would you be a dear and hand me a towel?">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Думаю, на сегодня достаточно. $mc.name, будь так любезен, передай мне полотенце.">>
<<en "You obediently take a towel from the locker and bring it to your wife. She extends her hand to you, and you help her out of the tub.">>
<<ru "Ты послушно берешь полотенце из шкафчика и приносишь его своей жене. Она протягивает тебе руку, и ты помогаешь ей выбраться из ванны.">>
<<NPCmedia "wife" "bathing towel" 1>>
<<dlg_en 0 "Oh, honey, you are so thoughtful today.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Ты такой заботливый сегодня.">>
<<en "She takes the towel from your hands and starts wiping her gorgeous body. You, in turn, take the tray with the champagne and carry it to the kitchen.">>
<<ru "Она берет полотенце из твоих руку и начинает вытирать свое роскошное тело. Ты, в свою очередь, берешь поднос с шампанским и оставшимися закусками и относишь его на кухню.">>
<<AddStat 0 "lordliness" 1 15>>
<<btnEventLink "Finish/Закончить" "Hallway" "">>
<<case "take bath(ask maid)">>
<<LocImg "mc_house" "master bathroom">>
<<en "You send a message to Samantha.">>
<<ru "Ты отправляешь сообщение Саманте.">>
<<dlg_en "mc_msg" "$NPCstat[0].name will be home from work soon. I want you to prepare a bath for her.">>
<<dlg_ru "mc_msg" "$NPCstat[0].name скоро вернется с работы. Я хочу, чтобы ты приготовила ванну для нее.">>
<<if $NPCstat[1].obedience > -30>>
<<run setMaidNextBlockPlan(0, "prepare bath(master bathroom)")>>
<<if $NPCstat[1].obedience <= -22>>
<<run setMaidNextBlockPlan(1, "assist wife(master bathroom)")>>
<<dlg_en 1 "msg" "All right, Mr. $mc.name.">>
<<dlg_ru 1 "msg" "Хорошо, мистер $mc.name.">>
<<btnLink "Finish/Закончить" $location.main "">>
<<dlg_en 1 "msg" "Mrs. $NPCstat[0].name texted you, which means she wants you to do it.">>
<<dlg_ru 1 "msg" "Миссис $NPCstat[0].name написала именно вам, значит она хочет, чтобы этим занялись именно вы.">>
<<dlg_en 1 "msg" "So do your best.">>
<<dlg_ru 1 "msg" "Так что постарайтесь там.">>
<<th_en "Damn!">>
<<th_ru "Вот черт!">>
<<btnEventLink "Go to the bathroom/Идти в ванную" "Wife MBathroom Events" "take bath(mc prepare)">>
<<case "take bath(maid prepare)">>
<<NPCmedia "samantha" "bathroom cleaning" 0>>
<<en "You come closer to Samantha.">>
<<ru "Ты подходишь к Саманте.">>
<<if $WifeBath.messageMC>>
<<dlg_en 1 "Oh, Mr. $mc.name, it's you.">>
<<dlg_ru 1 "Ох, мистер $mc.name, это вы.">>
<<dlg_en 1 "Oh, Mr. $mc.name, it's you. Mrs. $NPCstat[0].name texted me and asked me to prepare a bath for her.">>
<<dlg_ru 1 "Ох, мистер $mc.name, это вы. Миссис $NPCstat[0].name попросила меня приготовить ванну к ее возвращению.">>
<<btnEventLink "Give her some instructions/Дать ей нужные инструкции" "Wife MBathroom Events" "take bath(maid prepare)(oil)">>
<<btnEventLink "Leave her/Оставить ее" "Master Bathroom" "">>
<<case "take bath(maid prepare)(oil)">>
<<LocImg "mc_house" "master bathroom">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "You know, you should make a really soothing bath. Get some bath salts from the cabinet.">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Тебе стоит приготовить действительно успокаивающую ванну. Достань из шкафа соль для ванн.">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "Oh, and light some aromatic candles, too.">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "И еще зажги ароматические свечи.">>
<<if $NPCstat[1].obedience <= -30>>
<<en "Samantha continues to stand motionless, as if doubting something. But soon her face clears up.">>
<<ru "Саманта продолжает стоять неподвижно, словно сомневаясь в чем-то. Но вскоре ее лицо проясняется.">>
<<dlg_en 1 "That's a great idea, Mr. $mc.name!">>
<<dlg_ru 1 "Это отличная идея, мистер $mc.name!">>
<<en "Your maid does exactly what you suggested, and the bathroom is starting to transform. Now it's more like you're planning a romantic evening rather than waiting for your wife to come home from work.">>
<<ru "Твоя горничная делает все так, как ты просишь, и ванная комната начинает преображаться. Теперь это больше похоже на то, что ты планируешь романтический вечер, а не ждешь, когда жена вернется с работы.">>
<<th_en "Maybe also bring wine and some snacks?">>
<<th_ru "Может, в таком случае, принести вина и закусок?">>
<<btnEventLink "Tell Samantha to bring wine/Сказать Саманте принести вина" "Wife MBathroom Events" "take bath(maid prepare)(champagne)">>
<<case "take bath(maid prepare)(champagne)">>
<<LocImg "mc_house" "master bathroom">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "Samantha, go down to the cellar and get a bottle of champagne. Also, make some appetizers for it.">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Саманта, спустись в погреб и принеси бутылку шампанского. А также приготовь какие-нибудь закуски к нему.">>
<<if $NPCstat[1].playfulness >= 18>>
<<dlg_en 1 "I was just about to suggest that, Mr. $mc.name.">>
<<dlg_ru 1 "Я как раз хотела это предложить, мистер $mc.name.">>
<<dlg_en 1 "Okay, Mr. $mc.name.">>
<<dlg_ru 1 "Хорошо, мистер $mc.name.">>
<<en "After a while, your maid returns with a tray containing a bottle of champagne, two glasses, and a platter of fruit. She puts it by the bathtub and turns to you.">>
<<ru "Через некоторое время твоя горничная возвращается с подносом, на котором стоят бутылка шампанского, два бокала и тарелка с фруктами. Она ставит их у ванны и поворачивается к тебе.">>
<<if $NPCstat[1].obedience <= -30>>
<<dlg_en 1 "Can I go now, Mr. $mc.name?">>
<<dlg_ru 1 "Могу я теперь идти, мистер $mc.name?">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "Yes, Samantha, you are free to go.">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Да, Саманта, ты свободна.">>
<<en "The woman silently walks out of the room.">>
<<ru "Девушка молча выходит из комнаты.">>
<<btnEventLink "Wait for your wife/Подождать свою жену" "Wife MBathroom Events" "take bath(maid prepare)(evening)" 1>>
<<dlg_en 1 "Well, Mr. $mc.name, you're free to go.">>
<<dlg_ru 1 "Итак, мистер $mc.name, вы можете идти.">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "What are you talking about, Samantha?">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "О чем ты говоришь, Саманта?">>
<<dlg_en 1 "Don't you see? I've prepared the bathtub, set up the candles and brought the wine. It's only fair that I stay here and help your wife take her bath.">>
<<dlg_ru 1 "Разве вы не понимаете? Я приготовила ванну, поставила свечи и принесла вино. Будет справедливо, если я останусь здесь и помогу вашей жене принять ванну.">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "Actually, I was planning to spend time with her.">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Вообще-то, я планировал провести с ней время.">>
<<dlg_en 1 "If you like, you can do it after we're done.">>
<<dlg_ru 1 "И вы можете сделать это, после того, как мы с ней закончим здесь.">>
<<en "She steps forward as if to challenge you.">>
<<ru "Она делает шаг вперед, словно бы провоцируя тебя.">>
<<dlg_en 1 "Then next time you should do all the work yourself. And there won't be any arguments between us.">>
<<dlg_ru 1 "Тогда в следующий раз вы должны сделать всю работу сами. И между нами не будет никаких споров.">>
<<btnEventLink "Give up and leave/Сдаться и уйти" "Wife MBathroom Events" "take take bath(maid prepare)(give up)" 1>>
<<case "take take bath(maid prepare)(give up)">>
<<set $MaidToWife.bathserve += 1>>
<<run setMaidNextBlockPlan(0, "assist wife(master bathroom)")>>
<<LocImg "mc_house" "master bedroom">>
<<en "Walking out of the bathroom, you run into your wife.">>
<<ru "Выходя из ванной, ты сталкиваешься со своей женой.">>
<<if $WifeBath.messageMC>>
<<dlg_en 0 "Honey, did you do what I asked?">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Милый, ты выполнил мою просьбу?">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "Yeah. Samantha helped me. She's inside now.">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Да. Саманта помогла мне. Она сейчас внутри.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "Oh, thank goodness. You have no idea how tired I am.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "О, слава богу. Ты не представляешь, как я устала.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "Honey, Samantha start filling the bath yet?">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Милый, Саманта уже начала наполнять ванну?">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "Yeah, she's inside right now.">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Да, она сейчас внутри.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "Oh, thank goodness. You have no idea how tired I am.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "О, слава богу. Ты не представляешь, как я устала.">>
<<en "$NPCstat[0].name strips down to her underwear and goes into the bathroom. From the open door, you can hear her surprised gasp.">>
<<ru "$NPCstat[0].name раздевается до нижнего белья и заходит в ванную. Через открытую дверь ты слышишь ее удивленный вздох.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "Wow, Samantha, I didn't expect that. Did $mc.name ask you to do all of this?">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Ого, Саманта, я не ожидала подобного. Это $mc.name попросил тебя сделать все это?">>
<<dlg_en 1 "Actually, it was my idea. Mr. $mc.name just helped me.">>
<<dlg_ru 1 "На самом деле, это была моя идея. Мистер $mc.name просто помог мне.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "Oh, I'm speechless.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Я просто поражена.">>
<<dlg_en 1 "Mrs. $NPCstat[0].name, you can always count on me. Let me help you undress.">>
<<dlg_ru 1 "Миссис $NPCstat[0].name, вы всегда можете положиться на меня. Давайте я помогу вам раздеться.">>
<<th_en "Oh, for fuck's sake!">>
<<th_ru "О, ради всего святого!">>
<<btnEventLink "Finish/Закончить" "Master Bedroom" "">>
<<case "take bath(maid prepare)(evening)">>
<<LocImg "mc_house" "master bathroom">>
<<en "A few minutes later, $NPCstat[0].name enters the bathroom in her underwear.">>
<<ru "Через несколько минут $NPCstat[0].name входит в ванную в нижнем белье.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "Wow, $mc.name, I didn't even expect such a nice surprise.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Ого, $mc.name, я не ожидала подобного сюрприза.">>
<<en "She comes up to you and give you a sweet kiss.">>
<<ru "Она подходит к тебе и дарит сладкий поцелуй.">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "Enjoy, baby.">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Наслаждайся, милая.">>
<<en "$NPCstat[0].name walks slowly toward the bathroom, dropping her bra and panties as she goes.">>
<<ru "$NPCstat[0].name медленно идет к ванной, на ходу сбрасывая лифчик и трусики.">>
<<NPCmedia "wife" "bathroom undress" 1>>
<<th_en "She's definitely teasing me.">>
<<th_ru "Она определенно дразнит меня.">>
<<en "Your wife, meanwhile, leans on the edge of the tub and leans in to taste the water. Your pulse quickens at the sight of her ass.">>
<<ru "Твоя жена тем временем опирается на край ванны и наклоняется, чтобы почувствовать воду. Твой пульс учащается при виде ее попки.">>
<<btnEventLink "Continue/Продолжить" "Wife MBathroom Events" "take bath(maid prepare)(evening 2)">>
<<case "take bath(maid prepare)(evening 2)">>
<<NPCmedia "wife" "bathing" 1>>
<<en "With a loud pop, you open the bottle and fill the flute for $NPCstat[0].name. She takes a small sip and returns the glass to you. You have a nice time with your wife, drinking champagne and talking about this and that.">>
<<ru "С громким хлопком, ты открываешь бытулку и наполняешь бокал для нее. $NPCstat[0].name делает небольшой глоток и возвращает бокал тебе. Ты приятно проводишь время с женой, пьешь шампанское и разговариваешь о том, о сем.">>
<<AddStat 0 "lordliness" 1 15>>
<<btnEventLink "Finish" "Master Bathroom" "">>
/* ------------------------------ SHE FREES SHOWER ------------------------------ */
<<case "free shower(suggest)">>
<<set $WifeScenes.Shower.interact = true>>
<<NPCmedia "wife" "taking shower(finish)" 0>>
<<en "When you walk into the bathroom, you see your wife stepping out of the shower. Droplets of water running down her skin.">>
<<ru "Когда ты заходишь в ванную, ты видишь свою жену, выходящую из душа. По ее коже стекают капли воды.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "The shower's free, honey.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Душ свободен, милый.">>
<<en "$NPCstat[0].name starts to rub a towel over her body.">>
<<ru "$NPCstat[0].name принимается обтирать свое тело полотенцем.">>
<<btnEventLink "Finish/Закончить" "Master Bathroom" "">>
/* ------------------------------ SHE DEMANDS SHOWER ------------------------------ */
<<case "demand shower(she wake up)">>
<<set $WifeScenes.Shower.interact = true>>
<<if WifeNextBlockPlan(1) == "take shower(mansion)">>
<<run setWifeNextBlockPlan(1, "get rest(mansion)")>>
<<NPCmedia "wife" "taking shower(finish)" 0>>
<<en "As you walk into the bathroom, you hear footsteps behind you. Someone slaps you lightly on the ass, causing you to turn around to see your wife. $NPCstat[0].name walks past you and stops by the mirror and begins to undress.">>
<<ru "Стоит тебе зайти в ванную, как ты слышишь позади себя шаги. Кто-то несильно шлепает тебя по заднице, отчего ты оборачиваешься, чтобы увидеть свою жену. $NPCstat[0].name проходит мимо тебя и, остановившись возле зеркала, принимается раздеваться.">>
<<if $NPCstat[0].lordliness <= 14>>
<<dlg_en 0 "Honey, do you mind if I shower first? I really need to perk up.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Милый, не возражаешь, если я приму душ первой? Мне реально нужно взбодриться.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "I'll shower first. I really need to perk up.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Я приму душ первой. Мне реально нужно взбодриться.">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "No problem, baby.">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Хорошо, милая.">>
<<btnEventLink "Finish/Закончить" "Master Bathroom" "">>
<<case "take shower(wife watch)">>
<<set $WifeScenes.Shower.interact = true>>
<<LocImg "mc_house" "master bathroom">>
<<en "You take a quick shower. $NPCstat[0].name glances in your direction from time to time, and for some reason you feel uncomfortable under her gaze.">>
<<ru "Ты принимаешь быстрый душ. Время от времени $NPCstat[0].name поглядывает в твою сторону, и по какой-то причине ты чувствуешь себя неуютно под ее взглядом.">>
<<btnEventLink "Finish/Закончить" "Master Bathroom" "">>
<</switch>><<set $EventMark = "">>
<<if $location.sub == "eventlock">>
<<set $location.sub = "">>
/* ------------------------------ PAULA ------------------------------ */
<<if passage() == "Paula House Hallway" and $NPCstat[31].meet>>
<<if $PaulaParty.stage == 0 and $PaulaParty.husbandsTheme and $PaulaParty.wifesTheme>>
<<set $location.sub = "">>
<<set $EventMark = "talk with wife(hallway)">>
<<set _eventloc = "Paula Baby Shower Events">>
/* ------------------------------ EVERLY ------------------------------ */
<<if passage() == "Tennis Court" and $NPCstat[17].location == "Tennis Court" and $NPCstat[0].location != "Tennis Court" and $NPCstat[17].meet == false>>
<<set $location.sub = "">>
<<set $EventMark = "Everly(first meet)">>
<<set _eventloc = "Tennis Court Events">>
/* ------------------------------ NEIGHBORS ------------------------------ */
<<if passage() == "Crypto House First Floor" and $NPCstat[28].location != "Crypto House Backyard">>
<<set $EventMark = "nobody home">>
<<set _eventloc = "Crypto House Events">>
<<if passage() == "Crypto House First Floor" and $NPCstat[28].location == "Crypto House Backyard">>
<<if $NPCstat[29].meet == false>>
<<set $EventMark = "gloria first meet">>
<<set _eventloc = "Neighbors First Meet">>
<<set $EventMark = "backyard barbecue">>
<<set _eventloc = "Crypto House Events">>
/* ------------------------------ END ------------------------------ */
<<if $EventMark != "">>
<<set $location.sub = "eventlock">>
<<include _eventloc>>
<</if>><<switch $EventMark>>
<<case "interview">>
<<set $NPCstat[$SecretaryId].meet = true>>
<<LocImg "local" "road">>
<<en "This time you decide to go straight to work. The weather is gorgeous, just like yesterday, and you don't notice how you get to the city and then to the office.">>
<<ru "На этот раз ты решаешь сразу отправиться на работу. Погода, как и вчера, великолепна, и ты не замечаешь, как добираешься до города, а затем и до офиса.">>
<<LocImg "work" "your office">>
<<en "As soon as you walk into the office, you got a message that calls applicant for secretary position is already waiting for you.">>
<<ru "Как только ты заходишь в офис, тебе приходит сообщение, что тебя уже ждет претендент на должность секретаря.">>
<<btnEventLink "Call her/Вызвать ее" "Secretary Interview" "interview 2">>
<<case "interview 2">>
<<NPCmedia $NPCstat[$SecretaryId].style "first meet" 0>>
<<if $SecretaryId == 3>>
<<en "A few minutes later, a blonde walks into your office. You point her to a chair, inviting to sit across from you.">>
<<ru "Через несколько минут в твой кабинет заходит блондинка. Ты указываешь ей на кресло, приглашая сесть напротив тебя.">>
<<en "A few minutes later, a brunette walks into your office. You point her to a chair, inviting to sit across from you.">>
<<ru "Через несколько минут в твой кабинет заходит брюнетка. Ты указываешь ей на кресло, приглашая сесть напротив тебя.">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "Good afternoon, please introduce yourself.">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Добрый день, пожалуйста, представься.">>
<<dlg_en $SecretaryId "Good afternoon, my name is $NPCstat[$SecretaryId].name.">>
<<dlg_ru $SecretaryId "Добрый день, меня зовут $NPCstat[$SecretaryId].name.">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "Nice to meet you, $Secretary. You can call me Mr. $mc.lastname.">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Очень приятно, $Secretary. Можешь называть меня мистер $mc.lastname.">>
<<th_en "She's visibly nervous. Should I follow tradition and have a little fun with her? She has experience, so she must know the rules.">>
<<th_ru "Она заметно нервничает. Стоит ли мне следовать традициям и немного повеселиться с ней? У нее есть опыт, поэтому она должна знать правила.">>
<<btnEventLink "Be handsy with her/Распустить руки" "Secretary Interview" "interview 3.1">>
<<btnEventLink "Just interview her/Просто взять интервью" "Secretary Interview" "interview 3.2">>
/* ------------------------------ Tutorial ------------------------------ */
<<if $TutorialOn>>
<center><b><font size="5"><<en "Tutorial">></font></b></center>
<center><b><font size="5"><<ru "Обучение">></font></b></center>
<<en "In addition to NPCs stats, whether or not you have had sexual intimacy with them is also important. Sometimes (as in this scene) sex can change future events with that NPC. In other cases, however, having sex with an NPC can completely block or unlock a whole route.">>
<<ru "Помимо характеристик НПС, также важное значение имеет то, имели ли вы с ними сексуальную близость или нет. Иногда (как в случае с секретаршей) секс может изменить будущие эвенты с данным НПС. Однако, в некоторых случаях, секс с НПС может полностью заблокировать или открыть череду событий.">>
<<case "interview 3.1">>
<<NPCmedia $NPCstat[$SecretaryId].style "first meet" 0>>
<<dlg_en "mc" "I've looked over your resume. Basically, I'm fine with it, but there's one small detail I'd like to clarify.">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Я просмотрел твое резюме. В принципе, меня все устраивает, но я хочу уточнить еще одну маленькую деталь.">>
<<en "You get up from your chair, walk around the table, and put your hand on her shoulder. She flinches, but doesn't shows obvious displeasure. Your hand begins to slide slowly down toward her chest.">>
<<ru "Ты встаешь со стула, обходишь стол и кладешь руку ей на плечо. Она вздрагивает, но не выказывает явного недовольства. Твоя рука начинает медленно спускаться к ее груди.">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "Our company offers so many opportunities for personal and professional growth like no other in the city. So I need to make sure you are ready to work under my guidance.">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Наша компания предоставляет столько возможностей для личного и профессионального роста, сколько нет ни в одной другой в городе. Поэтому я должен убедиться, что ты готова работать под моим руководством.">>
<<dlg_en $SecretaryId "Mr. $mc.lastname, please stop.">>
<<dlg_ru $SecretaryId "Не надо, мистер $mc.lastname. Пожалуйста.">>
<<en "You take your hand off her body.">>
<<ru "Ты убираешь руку с ее тела.">>
<<th_en "Maybe I was wrong?">>
<<th_ru "Может я ошибся?">>
<<btnEventLink "Be more insistent/Быть настойчивее" "Secretary Interview" "interview 4">>
<<btnEventLink "Stop it and just interview her/Остановиться и продолжить интервью" "Secretary Interview" "interview 3.2">>
<<case "interview 4">>
<<set $NPCsexmemory[$SecretaryId].blowjob += 1>>
<<NPCmedia $NPCstat[$SecretaryId].style "show boobs" 0>>
<<en "You place both of your palms on $NPCstat[$SecretaryId].name's shoulders.">>
<<ru "Ты кладешь ладони на плечи девушки.">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "You must prove your loyalty to our company and to me as its director.">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Ты должна продемонстрировать свою лояльность нашей компании и мне как ее директору.">>
<<en "Your fingers run under her blouse and you realize she's not wearing a bra.">>
<<ru "Твои пальцы проникают под ее блузку, и ты понимаешь, что на ней нет бюстгальтера.">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "I see you've prepared for the interview.">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Вижу, ты подготовилась.">>
<<en "Her heart rate's increasing and you can feel it under her hot skin.">>
<<ru "Ее сердцебиение учащается, и ты чувствуешь это под ее горячей кожей.">>
<<dlg_en $SecretaryId "Mr. $mc.lastname, is this really necessary?">>
<<dlg_ru $SecretaryId "Мистер $mc.lastname, это действительно необходимо?">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "Of course, my future secretary must be perfect in every way.">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Конечно, моя будущая секретарша должна быть идеальной во всех отношениях.">>
<<en "One by one you undo the buttons on her blouse and open it up, exposing her round boobs.">>
<<ru "Одну за другой ты расстегиваешь пуговицы на ее блузке и распахиваешь ее, обнажая круглую грудь.">>
<<th_en "They are perfect.">>
<<th_ru "Они чудесны.">>
<<if $SecretaryId == 3>>
<<en "You lift her firm tits and squeeze them, enjoying how they responds to your actions. You release her boobs and they bounce back. There are bright red marks from your fingers on her skin. Then you turn the blonde sharply toward you.">>
<<ru "Ты поднимаешь ее упругие сиськи и сжимаешь их, наслаждаясь тем, как они реагируют на твои действия. Ты отпускаешь ее груди, и они отскакивают назад. На коже девушки остаются ярко-красные следы от твоих пальцев. Затем ты резко разворачиваешь блондинку к себе.">>
<<en "You lift her firm tits and squeeze them, enjoying how they responds to your actions. You release her boobs and they bounce back. There are bright red marks from your fingers on her skin. Then you turn the brunette sharply toward you.">>
<<ru "Ты поднимаешь ее упругие сиськи и сжимаешь их, наслаждаясь тем, как они реагируют на твои действия. Ты отпускаешь ее груди, и они отскакивают назад. На коже девушки остаются ярко-красные следы от твоих пальцев. Затем ты резко разворачиваешь брюнетку к себе.">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "A final test remains.">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Время для финального теста.">>
<<btnEventLink "Whip out your cock/Вытащить член" "Secretary Interview" "interview 5">>
<<case "interview 5">>
<<NPCmedia $NPCstat[$SecretaryId].style "interview blow" 1>>
<<en "You unzip the fly and pull out your cock. $NPCstat[$SecretaryId].name's eyes round with surprise.">>
<<ru "Ты расстегиваешь ширинку и достаешь свой член. Глаза секретарши округляются от удивления.">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "Yeah, I can tell you like it. I bet your last boss's dick was a much shorter?">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Вижу, что тебе это нравится. Бьюсь об заклад, у твоего предыдущего босса член был куда короче.">>
<<dlg_en $SecretaryId "It can't even compare... Wait, how am I supposed to know what size my last boss had?">>
<<dlg_ru $SecretaryId "Он даже не сравнится... Подождите, откуда мне знать, какой размер был у моего предыдущего босса?">>
<<th_en "I'm sure her previous boss was a fat, sweaty midget. That's okay, soon she'll be thinking only about my dick.">>
<<th_ru "Я уверен, что ее предыдущий босс был толстым, потным карликом. Ничего, скоро она будет думать только о моем члене.">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "Stop acting like you're nun. You know what to do.">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Перестань вести себя как монашка. Ты знаешь, что делать.">>
<<en "You put your hands on her shoulders and press down. She kneels obediently and her face is in front of your cock. Reluctantly taking it in her hands, she starts jerking it off.">>
<<ru "Ты кладешь руки ей на плечи и давишь вниз. Она послушно опускается на колени, и ее лицо оказывается перед твоим членом. Неохотно взяв его в руки, она начинает дрочить его.">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "Open your mouth.">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Открой рот.">>
<<en "She obeys your command and you immediately drive your piston into her mouth. $Secretary starts gagging, and you have no choice but to pull your cock out.">>
<<ru "Она повинуется твоему приказу, и ты тут же вгоняешь свой поршень ей в рот. Секретарша начинает задыхаться, и тебе ничего не остается, как вытащить член.">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "Okay, let's try it slower.">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Ладно, попробуем медленнее.">>
<<en "$NPCstat[$SecretaryId].name swallows the head of your cock and starts moving her head back and forth.">>
<<ru "Секретарша заглатывает головку твоего члена и начинает двигать головой вперед-назад.">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "Yeah, take it deeper.">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Вот так бери глубже.">>
<<en "You're moving your hips toward her, pushing your cock deeper into her mouth with each thrust. Soon, she chokes again and you pull your cock out. It's covered with a mixture of her saliva and your precum, and there's a thin line of fluid connecting your dick tip and her mouth.">>
<<ru "Ты двигаешь бедрами ей навстречу, с каждым толчком проталкивая свой член все глубже в ее рот. Вскоре она снова начинает задыхаться, и ты вытаскиваешь свой член. Он покрыт смесью ее слюны и твоих выделений, и тонкая слизистая нить соединяет кончик твоего члена с ее ртом.">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "Looks like we're going to have to get serious about your training. Get back to work.">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Похоже, нам придется серьезно заняться твоим обучением. Возвращайся к работе.">>
<<en "She starts sucking you again, and soon you ejaculate, shooting thick gushes of semen down her throat. After holding your withering cock inside her warm mouth a little longer, you take it out.">>
<<ru "Она снова начинает отсасывать, и вскоре ты эякулируешь, выплескивая густые струи спермы ей в горло. Подержав еще немного свой опадающий член в ее теплом рту, ты вынимаешь его.">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "Now that's what I call a job interview. Well, you're hired, albeit with some reservations. You're free to go.">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Вот это я называю собеседованием. Что ж, ты принята на работу, хотя и с некоторыми оговорками. Можешь идти.">>
<<en "$NPCstat[$SecretaryId].name buttons her blouse and runs out of your office.">>
<<ru "Секретарша застегивает блузку и выбегает из твоего кабинета.">>
<<AddStat $SecretaryId "obedience" 10 100>>
<<set _link = getLinkName("Continue/Продолжить")>>
@@.btnWide;<<button _link "Your Office">>
<<SkipTimeBlock 1>>
<<set $EventMark = "">>
<<set $NewNPC = true>>
<<case "interview 3.2">>
<<LocImg "work" "documents">>
<<en "You ask her a couple standard questions and make sure she fits the position of secretary.">>
<<ru "Ты задаешь ей пару стандартных вопрос и убеждаешься, что она подходит для должности секретаря.">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "All right, you're hired. See you tomorrow at your workplace.">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Хорошо, ты принята на работу. Жду тебя завтра на твоем рабочем месте.">>
<<dlg_en $SecretaryId "Thank you, Mr. $mc.lastname.">>
<<dlg_ru $SecretaryId "Спасибо, мистер $mc.lastname.">>
<<en "$Secretary walk out of the office, leaving you alone with your thoughts.">>
<<ru "$Secretary выходит из кабинета, оставляя тебя наедине со своими мыслями.">>
<<set _link = getLinkName("Continue/Продолжить")>>
@@.btnWide;<<button _link "Your Office">>
<<SkipTimeBlock 1>>
<<set $EventMark = "">>
<<set $NewNPC = true>>
<</switch>><<switch $EventMark>>
/* ---------- FIRST MEET ---------- */
<<case "first meet">>
<<SkipTimeBlock 1>>
<<LocImg "mc_house" "master bedroom">>
<<en "You wake up to some noise. When you open your eyes, you see your maid.">>
<<ru "Ты просыпаешься от шума. Открыв глаза, ты видишь свою горничную.">>
<<dlg_en 1 "Oh, I'm sorry, Mr. $mc.name. I just wanted to get the laundry, and I didn't mean to wake you.">>
<<dlg_ru 1 "Простите, мистер $mc.name. Я всего лишь хотела пройти в ванную и не хотела будить вас.">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "That's all right. ">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Все в порядке. ">>
<<en "You wait for Samantha to disappear into the bathroom and get out of bed. You dress quickly.">>
<<ru "Ты ждешь, пока Саманта зайдет в ванную, и поднимаешься с кровати. Ты быстро одеваешься.">>
<<th_en "How about checking if $NPCstat[0].name's home?">>
<<th_ru "Стоит проверить, дома ли $NPCstat[0].name.">>
<<btnEventLink "Go to the kitchen/Идти на кухню" "Jenny First Meet" "first meet 2">>
<<case "first meet 2">>
<<NPCmedia "wife" "drinking coffee(kitchen)" 0>>
<<en "When you enter the kitchen, you find your wife there in her bathrobe and with a cup of coffee in her hands. There is an empty plate in front of her.">>
<<ru "Ты находишь свою жену на кухне, одетую в один лишь халат. В руках она держит чашку с кофе. Прямо перед ней стоит пустая тарелка.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "You almost missed the breakfast, honey.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Сегодня ты припозднился, милый.">>
<<en "You head straight to the coffee machine.">>
<<ru "Ты направляешься прямиком к кофе-машине.">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "I'm feeling a little wrecked this morning. I guess I'll just spend the afternoon at home.">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Чувствую себя слегка разбитым с утра. Пожалуй, проведу этот день дома.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "So you can meet Jenny with me.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Значит, ты сможешь встретиться с Дженни вместе со мной.">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "Jenny?">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Дженни?">>
<<dlg_en 0 "Yeah, she's visiting us today.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Да, она заедет к нам сегодня.">>
<<en "Jenny is your wife's friend from university. They were separated after $NPCstat[0].name followed you to this town, but Jenny also moved here this year. She was already at your mansion a couple months ago, and you haven't crossed paths with her after that.">>
<<ru "Дженни - это подруга твоей жены из университета. Они были разделены после того, как $NPCstat[0].name последовала за тобой в этот город, но в этом году Дженни так же переехала сюда. Она уже была в вашем особняке пару месяцев назад, и с тех пор ты больше не пересекался с ней.">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "You should have warned me.">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Ты должна была предупредить меня.">>
<<en "Hot coffee fills the cup in your hands. You turn around and walk over to the table.">>
<<ru "Горячий кофе заполняет чашку в твоих руках. Ты разворачиваешься и подходишь к столу.">>
<<LocImg "misc" "coffee">>
<<en "$NPCstat[0].name let out a sigh.">>
<<ru "$NPCstat[0].name тяжело вздыхает.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "I'm starting to think you're against having my friend in our house.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Я начинаю думать, что ты не хочешь видеть мою подругу в нашем доме.">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "Baby, you're exaggerating. It's just,.. we had a little fight on her first visit, if you remember.">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Милая, ты преувеличиваешь. Просто... мы немного поцапались во время ее первого визита.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "She said she would try to be more restrained this time. So I want you to show a bit of friendliness as well.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Она сказала, что постарается быть более сдержанной в этот раз. Поэтому я хочу, чтобы ты также проявил немного дружелюбия.">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "Can't promise anything.">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Не могу ничего обещать.">>
<<en "The woman gives you a stern look.">>
<<ru "Девушка строго смотрит на тебя.">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "All right, all right. I'll just leave you two alone and go watch the match.">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Хорошо, хорошо. Я просто оставлю вас вдвоем и пойду смотреть матч.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "I'm not suggesting that you avoid Jenny. At least greet her and show her you're welcoming her into our home.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Я не требую, чтобы ты избегал Дженни. Хотя бы поприветствуй ее и покажи, что рад видеть ее в нашем доме.">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "Okay.">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Ладно.">>
<<en "Your wife takes one last sip from her cup and rises from the table.">>
<<ru "Твоя жена делает последний глоток из чашки и поднимается из-за стола.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "I'm gonna go put on something more suitable. Can you ask Samantha to bake something before Jenny arrives?">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Пойду оденусь во что-то более подходящее. Можешь пока попросить Саманту испечь что-нибудь перед тем, как Дженни приедет.">>
<<en "You summon your maid with the call pad, and soon she shows up at the kitchen. Now all that's left is to wait for Jenny.">>
<<ru "Ты вызываешь горничную с помощью панели вызова, и вскоре она появляется на кухне. Осталось только дождаться Дженни.">>
<<btnEventLink "Wait for Jenny/Подождать Дженни" "Jenny First Meet" "first meet 3" 2>>
<<case "first meet 3">>
<<NPCmedia "jenny" "first meet" 0>>
<<en "You finish your coffee and go to watch TV. Around eleven o'clock you hear a car pull up in front of the house. $NPCstat[0].name comes down from the second floor to meet her friend. You get up from the couch and walk to the front door.">>
<<ru "Ты допиваешь кофе и отправляешься смотреть телевизор. Около одиннадцати часов ты слышишь, как к дому подъезжает машина. $NPCstat[0].name спускается со второго этажа, чтобы встретить ее подругу. Ты поднимаешься с дивана и идешь ко входной двери.">>
<<en "$NPCstat[0].name opens the door and hugs her friend. When they break their hug, your wife looks at you reproachfully, suggesting that you should say something.">>
<<ru "$NPCstat[0].name открывает дверь и обнимает свою подругу. После этого, твоя жена поворачивается и смотрит на тебя выжидающе. Похоже, что она хочет, чтобы ты сказал что-нибудь.">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "It's nice to have you in my house, Jenny.">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Рад видеть тебя в своем доме, Дженни.">>
<<dlg_en 2 "I must be dreaming. $mc.name decided to greet me instead of making a snide comment. $NPCstat[0].name, what did you do with your husband?">>
<<dlg_ru 2 "Я, должно быть, сплю. $mc.name решил поприветствовать меня вместо того, чтобы вставить ехидный комментарий. $NPCstat[0].name, что ты сделала со своим мужем?">>
<<btnEventLink "Make a snide comment/Вставить ехидный комментарий" "Jenny First Meet" "first meet 3.1">>
<<btnEventLink "Control yourself/Сдержаться" "Jenny First Meet" "first meet 3.2">>
<<case "first meet 3.1">>
<<NPCmedia "jenny" "first meet" 0>>
<<dlg_en "mc" "I was just surprised by your dress. It must be hard to choose something so tasteless.">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Твое платье сбило меня с толку. Наверное, трудно было подобрать что-то настолько безвкусное.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "$mc.name! That's rude.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "$mc.name! Это грубо.">>
<<dlg_en 2 "Let $mc.name practice his sarcasm. Maybe in a couple of decades he'll come up with something decent.">>
<<dlg_ru 2 "Позволь ему попрактиковаться в сарказме. Может, лет через двадцать, он придумает что-нибудь приличное.">>
<<en "You frantically try to think of a suitable answer, but the look in your wife's eyes cuts you off. But Jenny herself decides not to continue the conversation and escapes toward the kitchen.">>
<<ru "Ты судорожно пытаешься придумать подходящий ответ, но взгляд жены обрывает тебя. Однако, Дженни сама решает не продолжать разговор и уходит в сторону кухни.">>
<<dlg_en 2 "Let's go, girl. I have so much to tell you.">>
<<dlg_ru 2 "Пойдем, подруга. Мне надо столько тебе рассказать.">>
<<AddStat 2 "hate" 2 250>>
<<btnEventLink "Follow the women/Идти за девушками" "Jenny First Meet" "first meet(kitchen)">>
<<btnEventLink "Go to the living room/Уйти в другую комнату" "Jenny First Meet" "first meet(living room)">>
<<case "first meet 3.2">>
<<NPCmedia "jenny" "first meet" 0>>
<<dlg_en "mc" "$NPCstat[0].name's waiting for you, and she'll be really sad if we have a fight and you leave.">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "$NPCstat[0].name ждала тебя, и она очень расстроится, если мы поцапаемся и тебе придется уехать.">>
<<dlg_en 2 "That's so sweet, I'm gonna...">>
<<dlg_ru 2 "Это так мило, что я сейчас...">>
<<en "$NPCstat[0].name pokes her friend in the side.">>
<<ru "$NPCstat[0].name толкает свою подругу в бок.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "Jenny! You said you'd keep your quips to yourself.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Дженни! Ты сказала, что воздержишься от своей колкостей.">>
<<dlg_en 2 "Okay, okay. I apologize. Besides, I didn't come here to spar with your husband.">>
<<dlg_ru 2 "Ладно, ладно. Извини. К тому же, я приехала не для того, чтобы препираться с твоим мужем.">>
<<en "Jenny's turning to you.">>
<<ru "Дженни поворачивается к тебе.">>
<<dlg_en 2 "And you should listen to $NPCstat[0].name more often. It affects you in a positive way.">>
<<dlg_ru 2 "А тебе следует почаще прислушиваться к тому, что хочет $NPCstat[0].name. Это положительно на тебя влияет.">>
<<en "You try to think of a suitable answer, but the look in your wife's eyes cuts you off. But Jenny herself decides not to continue the conversation and escapes toward the kitchen.">>
<<ru "Ты пытаешься придумать подходящий ответ, но взгляд жены обрывает тебя. Однако, Дженни сама решает не продолжать разговор и уходит в сторону кухни.">>
<<dlg_en 2 "Let's go, girl. I have so much to tell you.">>
<<dlg_ru 2 "Пойдем, подруга. Мне надо столько тебе рассказать.">>
<<btnEventLink "Follow the women/Идти за девушками" "Jenny First Meet" "first meet(kitchen)">>
<<btnEventLink "Go to the living room/Уйти в другую комнату" "Jenny First Meet" "first meet(living room)">>
<<case "first meet(kitchen)">>
<<LocImg "mc_house" "kitchen">>
<<en "When you enter the kitchen, Samantha is just taking the tray out of the oven. You immediately smell the sweet aroma of freshly baked goods.">>
<<ru "Когда вы входите на кухню, Саманта как раз вынимает противень из духовки. Ты сразу чувствуешь сладкий аромат свежей выпечки.">>
<<dlg_en 2 "$NPCstat[0].name, honestly, you shouldn't have bothered.">>
<<dlg_ru 2 "$NPCstat[0].name, не стоило так беспокоиться.">>
<<en "Jenny drops her purse on the table and sits in the chair, her back to the window.">>
<<ru "Дженни бросает сумочку на стол и садится в кресло, спиной к окну.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "Samantha, make us some coffee.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Саманта, сделай нам кофе.">>
<<en "The maid puts the tray of baked goods on the table and returns to the coffee machine. You gesture to her not to make coffee for you and to stop at just two cups for the girls. Your wife, meanwhile, sits down next to her friend.">>
<<ru "Горничная ставит поднос с выпечкой на стол и возвращается к кофе-машине. Ты подаешь ей знак, чтобы она не готовила кофе для тебя и ограничилась лишь двумя чашками для девушек. Твоя жена тем временем садится рядом со своей подругой.">>
<<dlg_en 2 "So, girl, did you check the collection I texted you yesterday?">>
<<dlg_ru 2 "Итак, ты оценила ту коллекцию, что я скинула тебе вчера.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "No, I was in town all day, dealing with business matters.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Не было времени. Весь день работала в булочной.">>
<<dlg_en 2 "Okay, I'll show you it right now. Come on, move closer.">>
<<dlg_ru 2 "Не страшно, посмотрим ее прямо сейчас. Давай, садись ближе.">>
<<en "Jenny takes out her phone and shows your wife something. Meanwhile, Samantha approaches the girls. First she puts a cup of coffee in front of your wife.">>
<<ru "Дженни достает свой телефон и что-то показывает твоей жене. Тем временем к девушкам подходит Саманта. Сначала она ставит чашку кофе перед твоей женой.">>
<<dlg_en 2 "So this is your new maid?">>
<<dlg_ru 2 "Это твоя новая горничная?">>
<<en "Jenny turns to Samantha.">>
<<ru "Дженни поворачивается к Саманте.">>
<<dlg_en 2 "You are so fruity, girl.">>
<<dlg_ru 2 "Ты выглядишь такой сладенькой.">>
<<dlg_en 1 "Thank you, ma'am.">>
<<dlg_ru 1 "Спасибо, мэм.">>
<<en "The maid circles the women and puts the coffee in front of Jenny.">>
<<ru "Горничная обходит девушек и ставит кофе перед Дженни.">>
<<dlg_en 1 "Be careful, ma'am. The coffee can be really hot.">>
<<dlg_ru 1 "Осторожнее, мэм. Кофе может быть очень горячим.">>
<<en "Your wife's friend stares at Samantha mutely for a while, then starts laughing.">>
<<ru "Подруга твоей жены некоторое время молча смотрит на Саманту, а потом начинает смеяться.">>
<<dlg_en 2 "I already like her, $NPCstat[0].name. I think I'm gonna start visiting your mansion more often.">>
<<dlg_ru 2 "Она мне уже нравится, $NPCstat[0].name. Думаю, я начну чаще посещать ваш особняк.">>
<<en "Samantha takes a step back and nods to your wife.">>
<<ru "Саманта делает шаг назад и кивает вашей жене.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "Thank you, Samantha, you can go.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Спасибо, Саманта, ты можешь идти.">>
<<th_en "Maybe I should leave, too.">>
<<th_ru "Может тоже стоит уйти?">>
<<btnEventLink "Go to the living room/Уйти в другую комнату" "Jenny First Meet" "first meet(living room)">>
<<btnEventLink "Stay here/Остаться здесь" "Jenny First Meet" "first meet(kitchen 3)">>
<<case "first meet(kitchen 3)">>
<<SkipTimeBlock 1>>
<<LocImg "mc_house" "kitchen">>
<<en "You decide to stay in the kitchen. The women continue to discuss fashion, and you, in turn, decide to surf the web.">>
<<ru "Ты решаешь остаться на кухне. Девушки продолжают обсуждать моду, а ты, в свою очередь, решаешь посмотреть что-нибудь в сети.">>
<<dlg_en 2 "By the way, do you remember Paula?">>
<<dlg_ru 2 "Кстати, ты помнишь Паулу?">>
<<dlg_en 0 "You mean Paula from college?">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Ты имеешь в виду Паулу из колледжа?">>
<<dlg_en 2 "Exactly. She and Thomas are holding a baby shower next week. We should go.">>
<<dlg_ru 2 "Именно. Они с Томасом устраивают вечеринку в честь рождения ребенка через пару недель. Мы должны пойти.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "I don't know, Jenny. I haven't had any contact with her in a long time.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Не знаю, Дженни. Мы с ней давно не общались.">>
<<dlg_en 2 "That's totally okay. I met with her last week, and she spoke very highly of you.">>
<<dlg_ru 2 "Да все нормально. Я встречалась с ней на прошлой неделе, и она очень хорошо о тебе отзывалась.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "Well, if you say so. Oh, then we have to pick a gift.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Ну, раз ты так говоришь. Тогда нам нужно выбрать подарок.">>
<<dlg_en 2 "Don't worry, I think $mc.name will find something. Right, $mc.name?">>
<<dlg_ru 2 "Не волнуйтесь, я думаю, что $mc.name что-нибудь придумает. Верно, $mc.name?">>
<<en "You don't realize right away that she's talking to you.">>
<<ru "Ты не сразу понимаешь, что она обращается к тебе.">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "Sure.">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Конечно.">>
<<en "Only now, you realize you've agreed to something you don't want to do at all. However, you can't step back so as not to disappoint your wife.">>
<<ru "Только сейчас ты понимаешь, что согласился на что-то, чего тебе совсем не хочется делать. Однако, теперь ты не можешь отступить, чтобы не разочаровать жену.">>
<<th_en "I hope that Jenny doesn't come up with anything else.">>
<<th_ru "Надеюсь, что Дженни не придумает что-нибудь еще.">>
<<en "Lucky for you, this thorn that ruined your day decides to change the direction of the conversation.">>
<<ru "К счастью для тебя, эта заноза, испортившая тебе день, решает изменить направление разговора.">>
<<dlg_en 2 "By the way, I took my new bikini with me. How about a little sunbathing?">>
<<dlg_ru 2 "Кстати, я взяла с собой свое новое бикини. Как насчет того, чтобы немного позагорать?">>
<<dlg_en 0 "I like this idea. We can change upstairs.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Я не против. Мы можем переодеться наверху.">>
<<en "With that, the women get up from the table and leave the kitchen.">>
<<ru "После этого девушки встают из-за стола и выходят из кухни.">>
<<btnEventLink "Go to backyard with the women/Пойти на задний двор с девушками" "Jenny First Meet" "first meet(backyard)">>
<<btnEventLink "Go watch TV/Пойти смотреть телевизор" "Jenny First Meet" "first meet(finish)">>
<<case "first meet(backyard)">>
<<LocImg "mc_house" "backyard">>
<<en "You go out to the backyard while the women go up to the second floor.">>
<<ru "Ты выходишь на задний двор, а девушки поднимаются на второй этаж.">>
<<th_en "I definitely need a drink.">>
<<th_ru "Мне определенно нужно выпить.">>
<<en "Once inside the pool bar, you start looking through the shelves for something good to drink. Soon you hear women's voices, and your wife and her friend come out of the mansion. $NPCstat[0].name is wearing the blue bikini you've seen her wear several times before. She is also wearing a straw hat to protect her face from the sun. Jenny, on the other hand, is wearing a pink polka dot bikini.">>
<<ru "Зайдя в бар у бассейна, ты начинаешь перебирать полки в поисках чего-нибудь покрепче. Вскоре ты слышишь женские голоса, и из особняка выходят твоя жена с подругой. $NPCstat[0].name одета в голубое бикини, которое ты уже не раз видел на ней. На ней также надета соломенная шляпа, защищающая лицо от солнца. Дженни, в свою очередь, одета в розовое бикини в горошек.">>
<<btnEventLink "Look at the women/Посмотреть на девушек" "Jenny First Meet" "first meet(backyard 2)">>
<<case "first meet(backyard 2)">>
<center><table style="width:100%">
<td style="width:50%;">
<td style="width:50%;">
<<NPCmedia "jenny" "pink bikini(stand)" 0>>
<td style="vertical-align:top">
<<en "You run your eyes over the curves of your wife, and her friend, as well. Noticing you, Jenny grins wryly.">>
<<ru "Ты пробегаешь глазами по изгибам своей жены, а также ее подруги. Заметив это, Дженни ехидно усмехается.">>
<<dlg_en 2 "Of course, $mc.name decided to see me in my new bikini. Typical man.">>
<<dlg_ru 2 "Конечно, $mc.name решил посмотреть на меня в новом бикини. Типичный мужчина.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "Please, Jenny, don't start...">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Пожалуйста, Дженни, не начинай...">>
<<en "You hate to admit it, but Jenny has really hot body.">>
<<ru "Как ни неприятно это признавать, но у Дженни действительно шикарное тело.">>
<<dlg_en 2 "Don't worry. Let him stare all he wants, but only if he has to make us a couple cocktails.">>
<<dlg_ru 2 "Не переживай. Пусть пялится сколько хочет, но за это он должен сделать нам парочку коктейлей.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "That's a great idea. Just don't make them too alcoholic, honey. I don't want us to get sicked in the sun.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Это отличная идея. Только не делай их слишком крепкими, милый. Я не хочу, чтобы нас разморило на солнце.">>
<<th_en "Hell, whenever $NPCstat[0].name spends even a hour with Jenny, she starts changing for the worse.">>
<<th_ru "Всякий раз, когда $NPCstat[0].name проводит с Дженни хотя бы час, она начинает меняться в худшую сторону.">>
<<btnEventLink "Make cocktails for the women/Сделать коктейли для девушек" "Jenny First Meet" "first meet(backyard 3)">>
<<btnEventLink "Go back to the mansion/Вернуться в особняк" "Jenny First Meet" "first meet(living room alt 2)">>
<<case "first meet(backyard 3)">>
<<LocImg "actions" "pour drink">>
<<en "You make your wife's favorite cocktail, in duplicate. For yourself, you pour a glass of brandy, and leave it on the bar for now. Approaching the women, you hold out the drinks to them.">>
<<ru "Ты готовишь любимый коктейль своей жены в двух экземплярах. Для себя ты наливаешь рюмку бренди и пока оставляешь ее на барной стойке. Подойдя к девушкам, ты протягиваешь им бокалы.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "Honey, we forgot a sunscreen in the bedroom. Can you look for it, please?">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Милый, мы забыли солнцезащитный крем в спальне. Ты не мог бы принести его, пожалуйста?">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "Fine.">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Ладно.">>
<<en "You go up to the bedroom and have no trouble finding the sunscreen on the bed.">>
<<ru "Ты поднимаешься в спальню и без труда находишь солнцезащитный крем на кровати.">>
<<btnEventLink "Bring it to the women/Принести его девушкам" "Jenny First Meet" "first meet(backyard 4)">>
<<case "first meet(backyard 4)">>
<<NPCmedia "jenny" "pink bikini(give oil)" 0>>
<<en "When you come back, $NPCstat[0].name is already lying there with her eyes closed and her hat over her face. Jenny holds out her hand and you have no choice but to give her the sunscreen.">>
<<ru "Когда ты возвращаешься, $NPCstat[0].name уже лежит с закрытыми глазами и надвинутой на лицо шляпой. Дженни протягивает руку, и тебе ничего не остается, кроме как отдать ей солнцезащитный крем.">>
<<dlg_en 2 "All right, you can go. Or did you think I was gonna ask you to put it on me? Are you really that eager to feel my body?">>
<<dlg_ru 2 "Ладно, можешь идти. Или ты думал, что я попрошу тебя нанести его на меня? Тебе действительно так хочется полапать меня?">>
<<th_en "Fuck her!">>
<<th_ru "Черт с ней!">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "That's the last thing I'd want to do!">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Это последняя вещь, которую я хотел бы сделать!">>
<<en "You turn around abruptly and walk away to Jenny's laughter. $NPCstat[0].name, on the other hand, doesn't react at all. You grab a glass of brandy and go into the mansion.">>
<<ru "Ты резко разворачиваешься и уходишь под смех Дженни. $NPCstat[0].name, напротив, никак не реагирует. Ты берешь бокал с бренди и идешь в особняк.">>
<<btnEventLink "Go watch TV/Пойти смотреть телевизор" "Jenny First Meet" "first meet(finish)">>
<<case "first meet(backyard alt)">>
<<LocImg "mc_house" "backyard">>
<<en "As you enter the backyard, you see the women near the sunbeds. $NPCstat[0].name, dressed in a blue bikini, stands with her back to you and leans forward to adjust the recliner. You don't miss the chance to admire her round ass. Her friend, on the other hand, is already sprawled out on the recliner. Noticing you, Jenny grins wryly.">>
<<ru "Войдя на задний двор, ты видишь девушек возле шезлонгов. $NPCstat[0].name, одетая в голубое бикини, стоит спиной к тебе и наклоняется вперед, чтобы отрегулировать шезлонг. Ты не упускаешь случая полюбоваться ее круглой попкой. Ее подруга, напротив, уже раскинулась на кресле. Заметив тебя, Дженни хитро улыбается.">>
<<dlg_en 2 "Of course, $mc.name decided to see me in my new bikini. Typical man.">>
<<dlg_ru 2 "Конечно, $mc.name решил посмотреть на меня в новом бикини. Типичный мужчина.">>
<<en "Your wife straightens up and turns around.">>
<<ru "Твоя жена выпрямляется и оборачивается.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "Please, Jenny, don't start...">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Пожалуйста, Дженни, не начинай...">>
<<en "You hate to admit it, but Jenny has really hot body.">>
<<ru "Как ни неприятно это признавать, но у Дженни действительно шикарное тело.">>
<<dlg_en 2 "Don't worry. Let him stare all he wants, but only if he has to make us a couple cocktails.">>
<<dlg_ru 2 "Не переживай. Пусть пялится сколько хочет, но за это он должен сделать нам парочку коктейлей.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "That's a great idea. Just don't make them too alcoholic, honey. I don't want us to get sicked in the sun.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Это отличная идея. Только не делай их слишком крепкими, милый. Я не хочу, чтобы нас разморило на солнце.">>
<<th_en "Hell, whenever $NPCstat[0].name spends even a hour with Jenny, she starts changing for the worse.">>
<<th_ru "Всякий раз, когда $NPCstat[0].name проводит с Дженни хотя бы час, она начинает меняться в худшую сторону.">>
<<btnEventLink "Make cocktails for the women/Сделать коктейли для девушек" "Jenny First Meet" "first meet(backyard 3)">>
<<btnEventLink "Go back to the mansion/Вернуться в особняк" "Jenny First Meet" "first meet(living room alt 2.1)">>
<<case "first meet(living room)">>
<<SkipTimeBlock 1>>
<<LocImg "mc_house" "sport show">>
<<en "You go into the living room and turn on the sports channel. After a while you hear women's laughter from the hallway and hear the $NPCstat[0].name and Jenny go up to the second floor. A little while later the footsteps resume and you realize that the women have gone to the backyard.">>
<<ru "Ты идешь в гостиную и включаешь спортивный канал. Через некоторое время из прихожей раздается женский смех, и ты слышишь, как $NPCstat[0].name и Дженни поднимаются на второй этаж. Через некоторое время шаги возобновляются, и ты понимаешь, что девушки отправились на задний двор.">>
<<btnEventLink "Go to backyard with the women/Отправиться на задний двор за девушками" "Jenny First Meet" "first meet(backyard alt)">>
<<btnEventLink "Continue watching tv/Продолжать смотреть телевизор" "Jenny First Meet" "first meet(finish)">>
<<case "first meet(living room alt 2)">>
<<LocImg "actions" "pour drink">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "I just wanted to pour myself some brandy.">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Я просто хотел налить себе немного бренди.">>
<<en "You take a glass out from under the bar and fill it with alcohol. Then you return to the mansion.">>
<<ru "Ты достаешь из-под барной стойки стакан и наполняешь его алкоголем. Затем ты возвращаешься в особняк.">>
<<btnEventLink "Go watch TV/Пойти смотреть телевизор" "Jenny First Meet" "first meet(finish)">>
<<case "first meet(living room alt 2.1)">>
<<LocImg "actions" "pour drink">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "I just wanted to pour myself some brandy.">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Я просто хотел налить себе немного бренди.">>
<<en "Walking into a pool bar, you take a glass out from under the counter and fill it with alcohol. Then you return to the mansion.">>
<<ru "Зайдя в бар у бассейна, ты достаешь из-под стойки стакан и наполняешь его алкоголем. Затем ты возвращаешься в особняк.">>
<<btnEventLink "Go watch TV/Пойти смотреть телевизор" "Jenny First Meet" "first meet(finish)">>
<<case "first meet(finish)">>
<<SkipTimeBlock 1>>
<<set $WifeFacesitting.status = "Jenny show">>
<<set $NPCplans[0].evening = "">>
<<set $NPCplans[0].dusk = "watch tv(mansion)">>
<<set $NPCplans[0].night = "prepare to sleep(mansion)">>
<<set $NPCplans[2].evening = "">>
<<set $NPCplans[2].dusk = "">>
<<set $NPCplans[2].night = "">>
<<LocImg "mc_house" "sport show">>
<<en "You don't notice how you fall asleep while watching and wake up to someone shaking your shoulder.">>
<<ru "Ты не замечаешь, как засыпаешь во время просмотра и просыпаешься от того, что кто-то трясет тебя за плечо.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "Honey, are you okay?">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Милый, ты в порядке?">>
<<en "When you open your eyes, you see your wife's face. When you look around, you notice that the sky outside the window is starting to get dark, and that there is a talk show on TV instead of a game.">>
<<ru "Открыв глаза, ты видишь лицо своей жены. Оглядевшись вокруг, ты замечаешь, что небо за окном уже начало темнеть, а по телевизору вместо игры идет какое-то ток-шоу.">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "I'm good. Just fell asleep.">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Я в порядке. Просто уснул.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "Boring game?">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Скучная игра?">>
<<en "$NPCstat[0].name chuckles.">>
<<ru "$NPCstat[0].name посмеивается.">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "Yes, the players were barely trying.">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Да, игроки почти не старались.">>
<<en "You get up off the couch and stretch.">>
<<ru "Ты встаешь с дивана и потягиваешься.">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "Jenny already left?">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Дженни уже ушла?">>
<<dlg_en 0 "Yes, a few minutes ago.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Да, несколько минут назад.">>
<<btnEventLink "Finish/Закончить" "Living Room" "">>
<</switch>><<if $location.sub == "mall hub" and $time.daytime == 5>>
<<set $location.sub = "">>
<<set $EventMark = "finish shopping">>
<<switch $EventMark>>
/* ------------------------------ FIRST TRIP ------------------------------ */
<<case "first mall trip">>
<<SkipTimeBlock 1>>
<<LocImg "mc_house" "awakening">>
<<en "When you wake up, you stretch relaxedly. Feeling the half of the bed where $NPCstat[0].name usually sleeps, you find it empty.">>
<<ru "Проснувшись, ты сладко потягиваешься. Ощупав ту половину кровати, на которой обычно спит $NPCstat[0].name, ты обнаруживаешь, что она пуста.">>
<<th_en "She must be in the bathroom.">>
<<th_ru "Должно быть, она в ванной.">>
<<en "But when you go into the bathroom to wash your face, you don't find your wife there.">>
<<ru "Однако, после того, как ты заходишь в ванную, чтобы умыться, ты не находишь там свою жену.">>
<<btnEventLink "Check the dressing room/Проверить гардеробную" "Jenny Mall Trips" "first mall trip 2">>
<<case "first mall trip 2">>
<<NPCmedia "wife" "dressing up" 0>>
<<en "$NPCstat[0].name is sitting on the pouffe and picking out an outfit for today.">>
<<ru "$NPCstat[0].name сидит на пуфике и подбирает наряд для сегодняшнего дня.">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "Are you going somewhere, baby?">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Ты куда-то собираешься, милая?">>
<<dlg_en 0 "Jenny and I are planning to go shopping. But you know what? Jenny's boyfriend is coming with us today. Why don't you join us as well?">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Мы с Дженни планируем отправиться за покупками. Кстати, ее парень отправляется с нами. Может быть, ты тоже присоединишься?">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "I dunno, baby.">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Даже не знаю.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "Please?">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Пожалуйста?">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "Okay, just for you.">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Ладно, исключительно ради тебя.">>
<<en "Your wife hugs you happily.">>
<<ru "Твоя жена обнимает тебя.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "I'm so glad you're coming with us! I know you don't like Jenny, but please try not to fight with her this time.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Я так рада, что ты пойдешь с нами! Я знаю, что ты не любишь Дженни, но, пожалуйста, постарайся не ссориться с ней в этот раз.">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "It won't be easy, but I'll try.">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Я постараюсь, но ничего не обещаю.">>
<<btnEventLink "Go to mall/Отправиться за покупками" "Jenny Mall Trips" "first mall trip 3">>
<<case "first mall trip 3">>
<<set $JennyShopping.mallcount += 1>>
<<SkipTimeBlock 1>>
<<LocImg "mall" "main">>
<br>After spending a whole fifteen minutes looking for a free parking space, you finally park the car. You go inside the building and look around. Your wife pulls out her phone and starts typing something.
<br><<PHR 0 "It looks like Jenny is gonna be late again. She texts that she'll be there soon.">>
<br><<PHR "mc" "Here we go again. Okay, let's wait for them.">>
<br>You sit down on one of the couches that set up around.
<<btnEventLink "Wait for Jenny" "Jenny Mall Trips" "first trip 3">>
<<case "first trip 3">>
<<LocImg "mall" "main">>
<<set _txt = $NPCstat[0].name + "!">>
<br><<PHR 2 _txt>>
<br>You look up and see Jenny hurrying toward you from the entrance. Behind her is an unsightly, puny boy, apparently her boyfriend. $NPCstat[0].name jumps up from the couch and greets her friend with a warm hug. You get up, too, and walk over to them.
<br>After shaking the guy's hand, you turn to Jenny. She opens her arms welcomingly toward you. $NPCstat[0].name throws an angry look at you, hinting to you that it's best to hold back your emotions.
<<btnEventLink "Hug Jenny" "Jenny Mall Trips" "first trip 4.1">>
<<btnEventLink "Complain about her lateness" "Jenny Mall Trips" "first trip 4.2">>
<<case "first trip 4.1">>
<<LocImg "mall" "main">>
<br>You decide not to ruin your wife's mood and hug Jenny. She wraps her arms tightly around you and pulls you close to her.
<br><<PHR 2 "See, there's nothing to be afraid of.">>
<br>Her hand slides down and grabs your ass. You rush to break the hug, and Jenny bursts into laughter in response.
<<set _txt = "It's so funny to see how " + $mc.name + " blushes.">>
<br><<PHR 2 _txt>>
<br><<PHR 0 "Jenny! He's trying to be nice, don't push him.">>
<br><<PHR 2 "Okay dear, let's go shopping.">>
<<set $EventMark = "">>
<<set $JennyShopping.malldesire = "buy shoes(Jenny)">>
<<btnLink "Dive into shopping hell" "Jenny Mall Trips" "mall hub">>
<<case "first trip 4.2">>
<<LocImg "mall" "main">>
<br><<TH "I'm not going to accept it.">>
<br><<PHR "mc" "Jenny, don't you think you owe $NPCstat[0].name an apology? We had to wait for you for almost an hour.">>
<br>Your wife gives you an angry look, while Jenny's boyfriend's eyes widen with surprise. It looks like he can't even in his dreams imagine raising his voice at his precious girlfriend.
<<set _txt = $mc.name + ", you didn't spend this time in the nowhere, you were with your beloved wife. Or is there something you don't like about her company?">>
<br><<PHR 2 _txt>>
<br><<PHR "mc" "What I don't like is that you're not even trying to admit your guilt.">>
<br><<PHR 2 "Why is that? I don't deny that I'm late. And I'm gonna make it up to $NPCstat[0].name later.">>
<br>Jenny turns to your wife and winks at her.
<br><<PHR 0 "Guys, come on! We're here to have a fun. So let's put this controversy aside.">>
<<set _txt = "Sounds reasonable, doesn't it, " + $mc.name + "?">>
<br><<PHR 2 _txt>>
<br><<PHR "mc" "Fine, I think we can forget about this incident.">>
<<AddStat "mc" "confidence" 1 100>>
<<AddStat 2 "hate" 2 250>>
<<set $EventMark = "">>
<<set $JennyShopping.malldesire = "buy shoes(Jenny)">>
<<btnLink "Dive into shopping hell" "Jenny Mall Trips" "mall hub">>
/* ------------------------------ SEX SHOP TRIP ------------------------------ */
<<case "sex shop mall trip">>
<<SkipTimeBlock 1>>
<<LocImg "mc_house" "awakening">>
<<en "When you wake up, you stretch. The first thing you do is take your mobile phone from the bedside table and check the time. Just then, your wife comes out of the bathroom, wearing only a short bathrobe.">>
<<ru "Проснувшись, ты сладко потягиваешься. Первым делом ты берешь телефон с прикроватной тумбы и проверяешь время. В этот момент, твоя жена выходит из ванной, одетая лишь в короткий халат.">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "Baby, how about coming back to bed and lying next to me?">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Крошка, как насчет того, чтобы вернуться в кровать и лечь рядом со мной?">>
<<en "$NPCstat[0].name turns to you and you see a playful smile on her face. The brunette walks around the bed and leans over you. You reach out to grab her, but the girl is quicker and pulls the covers off you.">>
<<ru "$NPCstat[0].name поворачивается к тебе, и на ее лице ты видишь игривую улыбку. Брюнетка обходит кровать и склоняется над тобой. Ты было вытягиваешь руки, чтобы схватить ее, но девушка оказывается быстрее и сдергивает с тебя одеяло.">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "Hey!">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Хей!">>
<<en "Your wife laughs with glee.">>
<<ru "Твоя жена задорно смеется.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "Get up, sleepyhead. It's your turn to shower.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Поднимайся, соня. Твоя очередь принимать душ.">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "No, give me my blanket back. I want to take a much longer nap today.">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Нет, верни одеяло. Сегодня я хочу поваляться подольше.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "We're going to the mall today. Jenny and I need some male company.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Мы сегодня едем в торговый центр. Мне и Дженни понадобиться помощь мужчины.">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "Oh, not again, baby. Let her call her boyfriend.">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Ох, только не это, крошка. Пусть она позовет своего парня.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "dom" "$mc.name! I promised you'd be with us. You've got half an hour.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "dom" "$mc.name! Я уже пообещала, что ты будешь с нами. У тебя есть полчаса.">>
<<en "You sigh unhappily.">>
<<ru "Ты недовольно вздыхаешь.">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "All right, all right.">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Ладно-ладно.">>
<<btnEventLink "Go to the bathroom/Идти в ванную" "Jenny Mall Trips" "sex shop mall trip 2">>
<<case "sex shop mall trip 2">>
<<set $JennyShopping.mallcount += 1>>
<<set $JennyShopping.mallmistakes = 0>>
<<LocImg "mc_house" "master bathroom">>
<<en "You take a quick shower and head to the dressing room to get dressed. $NPCstat[0].name is already waiting for you.">>
<<ru "Ты быстро принимаешь в душ и направляешься в гардеробную, чтобы одеться. $NPCstat[0].name уже ожидает тебя.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "dom" "And remember, don't fight with Jenny.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "dom" "И помни, не ссорься с Дженни.">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "All right, I'll try.">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Я попытаюсь.">>
<<btnEventLink "Go to mall" "Jenny Mall Trips" "start trip">>
/* ------------------------------ REGULAR TRIP ------------------------------ */
<<case "main">>
<<set $JennyShopping.mallcount += 1>>
<<set $JennyShopping.mallmistakes = 0>>
<<NPCmedia "wife" "date start" 0>>
<<if $NPCstat[0].assertiveness >= 24>>
<<if $NPCstat[0].lordliness >= 25>>
<br><<PHR 0 "Great! And remember, don't fight with Jenny. You don't want me to be spoiled by your squabbles, do you?">>
<br><<PHR "mc" "All right, I'll try.">>
<br><<PHR 0 "Great! And remember, don't fight with Jenny. I have no desire to break in every time you two argue.">>
<br><<PHR "mc" "All right, I'll try.">>
<<if $NPCstat[0].lordliness >= 25>>
<br>Your wife hugs you tightly.
<br><<PHR 0 "I knew you would agree to come with us! After all, it's impossible for you to refuse me.">>
<br><<PHR "mc" "Yeah...">>
<br>Your wife hugs you happily.
<br><<PHR 0 "I'm so glad you're coming with us! I know you don't like Jenny, but please try not to fight with her this time.">>
<br><<PHR "mc" "It won't be easy, but I'll try.">>
<<btnEventLink "Go to mall" "Jenny Mall Trips" "start trip">>
<<case "start trip">>
<<if $time.daytime == 0>><<SkipTimeBlock 2>><</if>>
<<if $time.daytime == 1>><<SkipTimeBlock 1>><</if>>
<<LocImg "mall" "hallway">>
<br>After spending a whole fifteen minutes looking for a free parking space, you finally park the car. You go inside the building and look around. Your wife pulls out her phone and starts typing something.
<br><<PHR 0 "It looks like Jenny is gonna be late again. She texts that she'll be there soon.">>
<br><<PHR "mc" "Here we go again. Okay, let's wait for them.">>
<br>You sit down on one of the couches that set up around.
<<btnEventLink "Wait for Jenny" "Jenny Mall Trips" "start trip 2">>
<<case "start trip 2">>
<<LocImg "mall" "main">>
<<set _txt = $NPCstat[0].name + "!">>
<br><<PHR 2 _txt>>
<br>You look up and see Jenny hurrying toward you from the entrance. Behind her is an unsightly, puny boy, apparently her boyfriend. $NPCstat[0].name jumps up from the couch and greets her friend with a warm hug. You get up, too, and walk over to them.
<br><<PHR 2 "Let's not waste any time!">>
@@.btnWide;<<button "Dive into shopping hell" "Jenny Mall Trips">>
<<set $EventMark = "">>
<<set $location.sub = "mall hub">>
<<if $time.daytime == 2>><<set _stdice = random(5)>><</if>>
<<if $time.daytime == 3>><<set _stdice = random(8)>><</if>>
<<if $time.daytime == 4>><<set _stdice = random(8)>><</if>>
<<if $NPCstat[0].lordliness >= 15 and $WifeDenial.active == false>>
<<set $JennyShopping.malldesire = "buy cage(Jenny)">>
<<elseif _stdice <= 2>>
<<set $JennyShopping.malldesire = "buy shoes(Jenny)">>
<<elseif _stdice <= 5>>
<<set $JennyShopping.malldesire = "buy dresses(Jenny)">>
<<set _stdice = random(5)>>
<<if _stdice <= 3>><<set $JennyShopping.malltype = "saleswoman">><</if>>
<<if _stdice > 4>><<set $JennyShopping.malltype = "salesman">><</if>>
<<elseif _stdice <= 8>>
<<set $JennyShopping.malldesire = "take break(Jenny)">>
<<case "finish shopping">>
<<set $JennyShopping.malldesire = "">>
<<set $JennyShopping.malltype = "">>
<<run setWifeNextBlockPlan(0, "after shopping(mansion)")>>
<<LocImg "mall" "main">>
<br>Finally, the shopping comes to an end. Jenny hugs your wife, and you part ways.
<<btnEventLink "Go home" "Master Bedroom" "">>
<<case "navigate mistakes">>
<<set $JennyShopping.mallmistakes = 0>>
<<LocImg "mall" "main">>
<br>Once you're back in the hallway, Jenny steps right up to you. Her eyebrows arched with anger.
<<set _txt = "What are you doing, " + $mc.name + "?">>
<br><<PHR 2 "dom" _txt>>
<br>You could swear you could hear a hiss in her voice.
<br><<PHR 2 "dom" "When I tell you, you need to listen carefully, and lead us to the right place.">>
<<set $EventMark = "">>
<<btnLink "Continue" "Jenny Mall Trips" "mall hub">>
/* ************ MALL HUB ************ */
<<switch $location.sub>>
<<case "mall hub">>
<<LocImg "mall" "hallway">>
<<if $JennyShopping.malldesire == "buy shoes(Jenny)">>
<<PHR 2 "I wanna buy new shoes now!">>
<<elseif $JennyShopping.malldesire == "buy dresses(Jenny)">>
<<PHR 2 "I want to take a look at the latest collection.">>
<<elseif $JennyShopping.malldesire == "buy purse(Jenny)">>
<<PHR 2 "I want to buy a new purse.">>
<<elseif $JennyShopping.malldesire == "buy cage(Jenny)">>
<<PHR 2 "I want to stop by the sex shop. It is located on the second floor.">>
<<elseif $JennyShopping.malldesire == "take break(Jenny)">>
<<PHR 2 "I wanna rest. Let's find a place to sit down.">>
<<PHR 2 "Follow me, guys!">>
<<set $NavigationSlot = []>>
<<set $NavigationSlotName = []>>
<<set $NavigationSlotSub = []>>
<<set $NavigationSlot[0] = "Shoe Shop">>
<<set $NavigationSlotName[0] = "Kitty Paws">>
<<set $NavigationSlotSub[0] = "mall hub(shoe shop)">>
<<set $NavigationSlot[1] = "Fashion Shop A">>
<<set $NavigationSlotName[1] = "Gift Ribbon">>
<<set $NavigationSlotSub[1] = "mall hub(fashion shop a)">>
<<set $NavigationSlot[2] = "Fashion Shop B">>
<<set $NavigationSlotName[2] = "Bilbo'n Me">>
<<set $NavigationSlotSub[2] = "mall hub(fashion shop b)">>
<<set $NavigationSlot[3] = "Sex Shop">>
<<set $NavigationSlotName[3] = "Maiden's Pleasure">>
<<set $NavigationSlotSub[3] = "mall hub(sex shop)">>
<<set $NavigationSlot[4] = "Recreation Area">>
<<set $NavigationSlotName[4] = "Recreation Area">>
<<set $NavigationSlotSub[4] = "mall hub(recreation)">>
<<NavigationTable 4>>
/* ************ SHOE SHOP ************ */
<<case "mall hub(shoe shop)">>
<<if $JennyShopping.mallcount == 1>>
<<if $time.daytime == 2>>
<<SkipTimeBlock 1>>
<<LocImg "mall" "shoe shop">>
<br>As soon as you enter the store, a salesman comes straight to you. It's a black guy, tall and athletic. He looks more like he stepped off a poster of a basketball star than like she works in a shoe store.
<br><<PHR "m_shoeman" "Salesman" "Good evening, ladies. Good evening, gentlemen. What can I do for you?">>
<br><<PHR 2 "I was here this week and spotted cute shoes from the latest collection.">>
<br>Jenny describes the shoes in detail, and while the salesman goes to get them, she sits down on a pouffe and cross her legs. There are still two empty seats, and your wife takes one of them without delay.
@@.btnWide;<<button "Take the remaining seat" "Jenny Mall Trips">>
<<set $location.sub = "shoe shop(first trip)">>
<<set $JennyShopping.malltype = "take seat">>
<<btnLink "Leave it to Jenny's boyfriend" "Jenny Mall Trips" "shoe shop(first trip)">>
<<LocImg "mall" "shoe shop">>
<br><<PHR 2 "I already bought everything I wanted here.">>
<<btnLink "Leave" "Jenny Mall Trips" "mall hub">>
<<elseif $JennyShopping.malldesire == "buy shoes(Jenny)">>
<<SkipTimeBlock 1>>
<<LocImg "mall" "shoe shop">>
<br>This round of shopping went off without incident.
@@.btnWide;<<button "Finish" "Jenny Mall Trips">>
<<set $location.sub = "mall hub">>
<<if $time.daytime == 2>><<set _stdice = random(2)>><</if>>
<<if $time.daytime == 3>><<set _stdice = random(5)>><</if>>
<<if $time.daytime == 4>><<set _stdice = random(5)>><</if>>
<<if $NPCstat[0].lordliness >= 15 and $WifeDenial.active == false>>
<<set $JennyShopping.malldesire = "buy cage(Jenny)">>
<<elseif _stdice <= 2>>
<<set $JennyShopping.malldesire = "buy dresses(Jenny)">>
<<set _stdice = random(5)>>
<<if _stdice <= 3>><<set $JennyShopping.malltype = "saleswoman">><</if>>
<<if _stdice > 4>><<set $JennyShopping.malltype = "salesman">><</if>>
<<elseif _stdice <= 5>>
<<set $JennyShopping.malldesire = "take break(Jenny)">>
<<set $JennyShopping.mallmistakes += 1>>
<<LocImg "mall" "shoe shop">>
<br><<PHR 2 "I don't wanna buy anything here.">>
<<btnLink "Leave" "Jenny Mall Trips" "mall hub">>
<<case "shoe shop(first trip)">>
<<LocImg "mall" "shoe shop">>
<<if $JennyShopping.malltype == "take seat">>
<<set $JennyShopping.malltype = "">>
<br>You also sit down on the pouffe, leaving Jenny's boyfriend standing. However, you don't care about him.
<<AddStat "mc" "confidence" 1 100>>
<br>To your surprise, Jenny's boyfriend takes his time occupying the vacant pouffe. Instead, he stands next to her, with his head bowed.
<br>Finally, the salesman returns. He hands Jenny a pair of red shoes with high heels and lots of straps. Your wife's friend extends her free leg toward him.
<br><<PHR 2 "Can you help me try them on?">>
<br><<PHR "m_shoeman" "Salesman" "Sure, ma'am.">>
<br>He gets down on one knee, takes her ankle, and carefully removes her old shoe.
<br><<PHR 2 "Your hands are so big and strong. I'm afraid you might hurt my fragile and thin ankle.">>
<br><<PHR "m_shoeman" "Salesman" "Don't worry, ma'am, I'm a professional. Nevertheless, you have very beautiful legs.">>
<br><<PHR 2 "Thank you.">>
<br>After the salesman puts the shoe on her foot, Jenny puts it on the floor and stretches out her other foot. The guy repeats the whole procedure.
<<btnLink "Continue" "Jenny Mall Trips" "shoe shop(first trip 2)">>
<<case "shoe shop(first trip 2)">>
<<LocImg "mall" "shoe shop">>
<br>Jenny gets up to walk around in her new shoes.
<<set _txt = "Not bad, I think I'll take them. But one pair isn't enough for me. " + $NPCstat[0].name + ", let's go check those shelves.">>
<br><<PHR 2 _txt>>
<br>The girls head deep into the store, and the salesman follows them. You turn toward Jenny's boyfriend. He continues to stand, idly looking at everything that is going on.
<br>Meanwhile, you hear the laughter of your wife and her friend. You take a glance in their direction and see that Jenny is holding the salesman's shoulder and smiling, looking him straight in the eye.
<br><<TH "Fuck!">>
<<btnLink "Intervene" "Jenny Mall Trips" "shoe shop(first trip 3)">>
<<case "shoe shop(first trip 3)">>
<<if $mc.name == "Jeremy" or $mc.name == "Jerome">>
<<set _salesman = "Mark">>
<<set _salesmanId = "shoemanM">>
<<set _salesman = "Jeremy">>
<<set _salesmanId = "shoemanJ">>
<<LocImg "mall" "shoe shop">>
<br>You walk up to them at a brisk pace. Jenny makes a disgruntled grimace when she sees you.
<br><<PHR "mc" "So, baby, you got your eye on anything? How about that pair?">>
<<set _txt = $mc.name + ", we don't need your help because we have a real professional here. Right, " + _salesman + "?">>
<br><<PHR 2 _txt>>
<br>The guy's stammering, apparently not knowing what to say.
<br><<PHR "mc" "Oh, Jenny, you do need help from a professional. Only of a different kind.">>
<br><<PHR 0 "Stop it, both of you!">>
<br>$NPCstat[0].name discreetly pokes you in the stomach with her elbow.
<<set _txt = $mc.name + ", let's go see the shoes by the other wall.">>
<br><<PHR 0 _txt>>
<br>You step back against the opposite side of the wall, and your wife turns sharply toward you. You see reproach in her eyes.
<<set _txt = $mc.name + ", I ask you not to make a scene.">>
<br><<PHR 0 _txt>>
<br><<PHR "mc" "Baby, you can see she's provoking me. Look, she's literally rubbing herself on this guy.">>
<br><<PHR 0 "Are you jealous, honey?">>
<br><<PHR "mc" "I'm just worried that she might have a bad influence on you.">>
<<set _txt = $mc.name + ", I've known her since high school. She's already spent every way she can influence me.">>
<br><<PHR 0 _txt>>
<br>$NPCstat[0].name suddenly puts her arm around your waist.
<br><<PHR 0 "I know, she's a little flirty. But she's never planning anything bad.">>
<br><<PHR "mc" "All right, I'll try to put up with her a little longer.">>
<<btnLink "Continue" "Jenny Mall Trips" "shoe shop(first trip 4)">>
<<case "shoe shop(first trip 4)">>
<<set $JennyShopping.malldesire = "buy dresses(Jenny)">>
<<LocImg "mall" "shoe shop">>
<br>Finally, Jenny buys all the shoes she has her eye on. She hands the bags to her boyfriend and walks out of the store.
<<btnLink "Continue" "Jenny Mall Trips" "mall hub">>
/* ************ DRESSES SHOP ************ */
<<case "mall hub(fashion shop a)">>
<<if $JennyShopping.mallcount == 1>>
<<if $time.daytime == 2>>
<<LocImg "mall" "fashion shop a">>
<br><<PHR 2 "First of all, I wanna buy shoes.">>
<<btnLink "Leave" "Jenny Mall Trips" "mall hub">>
<<elseif $time.daytime == 3>>
<<SkipTimeBlock 1>>
<<LocImg "mall" "fashion shop a">>
<br>You go into a dress store.
<<set _txt = $NPCstat[0].name + ", look. I don't recall this dress being here before. I wanna try it on right now.">>
<br><<PHR 2 _txt>>
<br>Jenny summons the saleswoman and the three girls head to the fitting booths. You're alone with her boyfriend again.
<br><<TH "Maybe I should talk to him.">>
<br><<PHR "mc" "Hey, man! Where do you work?">>
<br><<PHR "m_Jboy" "Jenny's boyfriend" "At the Interval Company. I.T. Department. And you?">>
<br>You tell him the name.
<br><<PHR "m_Jboy" "Jenny's boyfriend" "That's so cool. I tried to get a job there, but I was tanked at the interview.">>
<br><<PHR "mc" "I'm sorry to hear that.">>
<br><<TH "To tell the truth, that's fucking great. I'd hate to find out that one of my employees is spending his paycheck on this bitch.">>
<br><<PHR "mc" "Listen, man, doesn't it bother you that Jenny is playing you any way she wants to?">>
<br><<PHR "m_Jboy" "Jenny's boyfriend" "What do you mean?">>
<br><<PHR "mc" "That you do what she wants while she does what she wants. Didn't you see her flirting with that black guy?">>
<br><<PHR "m_Jboy" "Jenny's boyfriend" "I trust her, and we're equals...">>
<br><<PHR 2 "Hey, boys, it would be better if you spent your words to describe how gorgeous I am in this dress.">>
<<btnLink "Look at her" "Jenny Mall Trips" "fashion shop a(first trip)">>
<<LocImg "mall" "fashion shop a">>
<br><<PHR 2 "I already bought everything I wanted here.">>
<<btnLink "Leave" "Jenny Mall Trips" "mall hub">>
<<elseif $JennyShopping.malldesire == "buy dresses(Jenny)">>
<<SkipTimeBlock 1>>
<<LocImg "mall" "fashion shop a">>
<<if $JennyShopping.malltype == "salesman">>
<<set $JennyShopping.malltype = "saleswoman">>
<<if $JennyShopping.malltype == "saleswoman">>
<br>The girls enter the dress store. This time they are greeted by a salesgirl. The three of them head to the hangers, while you sit down on the couch for customers to rest. Jenny's boyfriend stands nearby and doesn't make a sound.
<br><<PHR "mc" "Why don't you sit down?">>
<br><<PHR "m_Jboy" "Jenny's boyfriend" "Jenny might want to rest at any time, so I shouldn't take her place.">>
<br><<PHR "mc" "That's ridiculous. Why do you let her treat you that way?">>
<br><<PHR 2 "Hey, boys, what are you chatting about?">>
<br>You turn around and see all three girls looking at you.
<<set _txt = "If you don't know how to occupy yourself, why don't you bring us something to drink? Lemonade on the rocks, for instance. What flavor do you prefer, " + $NPCstat[0].name + "?">>
<br><<PHR 2 _txt>>
<br>You already know what your wife loves. Gooseberry and mint.
<br><<PHR 2 "And what flavor would you like?">>
<br><<PHR "f_fashion_salesgirl" "Salesgirl" "Miss! I'm at my shift.">>
<br>Jenny pushes the salesgirl lightly to the side.
<br><<PHR 2 "I insist. After all, the customer's desire is law. And I desire that the three of us discuss the latest collection, while enjoying some fresh lemonade.">>
<br><<PHR 0 "Yes, honey, it would be so nice if you brought us something to drink.">>
<br><<PHR 2 "He should bring lemonade, girl. When you demand something from a man, you have to be as specific as possible, or he's bound to screw it up.">>
<br>The salesgirl finally finds the courage.
<br><<PHR "f_fashion_salesgirl" "Salesgirl" "I prefer raspberry and passion fruit.">>
<br><<PHR 2 "Oh, great, I like it too. Boys, we'll have two raspberry lemonades and one gooseberry.">>
@@.btnWide;<<button "Buy lemonades for the girls" "Jenny Mall Trips">>
<<set $location.sub = "fashion shop a(lemonade)">>
<<set $JennyShopping.malltype = "">>
<<set _stdice = random(8)>>
<<if _stdice <= 3>>
<<set $JennyShopping.malltype = "no for Jenny">>
<<elseif _stdice <= 6>>
<<set $JennyShopping.malltype = "no for wife">>
<<elseif _stdice <= 8>>
<<set $JennyShopping.malltype = "">>
<<elseif $JennyShopping.malltype == "salesman">>
Man meet
<<btnLink "Continue" "Jenny Mall Trips" "shoe shop(first trip 4)">>
<br>This round of shopping went off without incident.
@@.btnWide;<<button "Finish" "Jenny Mall Trips">>
<<set $location.sub = "mall hub">>
<<if $time.daytime == 2>><<set _stdice = random(2)>><</if>>
<<if $time.daytime == 3>><<set _stdice = random(5)>><</if>>
<<if $time.daytime == 4>><<set _stdice = random(5)>><</if>>
<<if $NPCstat[0].lordliness >= 15 and $WifeDenial.active == false>>
<<set $JennyShopping.malldesire = "buy cage(Jenny)">>
<<elseif _stdice <= 2>>
<<set $JennyShopping.malldesire = "buy dresses(Jenny)">>
<<set _stdice = random(5)>>
<<if _stdice <= 3>><<set $JennyShopping.malltype = "saleswoman">><</if>>
<<if _stdice > 4>><<set $JennyShopping.malltype = "salesman">><</if>>
<<elseif _stdice <= 5>>
<<set $JennyShopping.malldesire = "take break(Jenny)">>
<<set $JennyShopping.mallmistakes += 1>>
<<LocImg "mall" "fashion shop a">>
<br><<PHR 2 "I don't wanna buy anything here.">>
<<btnLink "Leave" "Jenny Mall Trips" "mall hub">>
<<case "fashion shop a(first trip)">>
<<LocImg "mall" "fashion shop a">>
<br>Jenny walks out of the stall, dressed in a tight emerald-colored dress. Her boyfriend immediately runs up to her.
<br><<PHR "m_Jboy" "Jenny's boyfriend" "You look amazing in it. No other girl compares to you.">>
<br><<PHR 2 "I know it, silly. You'd better tell me if it matches my new shoes.">>
<br>She moves her right leg slightly forward.
<br><<PHR "m_Jboy" "Jenny's boyfriend" "They match perfectly.">>
<br><<PHR 2 "Great, then we'll take it. How much is it in there?">>
<br><<PHR "f_fashion_salesgirl" "Salesgirl" "$6 000.">>
<br>The guy's eyes widen in surprise.
<br><<PHR "m_Jboy" "Jenny's boyfriend" "Jenny, my love, I don't think my card limit will allow us to buy it.">>
<br><<PHR 2 "Oh, it's such a shame. When I saw this dress, I immediately thought about going straight to your house wearing it, drinking some wine, relaxing and having a little fun, maybe.">>
<br>The guy visibly gulps.
<br><<PHR "m_Jboy" "Jenny's boyfriend" "Jenny, I really don't have enough money...">>
<br><<PHR 2 "How about the money your brother sent you. You can take the remaining part from it.">>
<br><<PHR "m_Jboy" "Jenny's boyfriend" "You know he might need it soon.">>
<br><<PHR 2 "Come on, it's the end of the month and you'll get your paycheck soon. Besides, think about the airport. Yes, your brother really screwed up that time.">>
<br>She starts stroking this poor fellow's arm.
<br><<PHR 2 "I can be re-eally grateful, you know.">>
<br>The guy is still a little hesitant, but you can see that he has already made his decision, and he is just trying to convince himself that it is the right one.
<br><<PHR "m_Jboy" "Jenny's boyfriend" "Okay, we'll take it.">>
<br><<PHR 2 "Yay!">>
<br>Jenny hugs her boyfriend, but their embrace doesn't last long. With much more enthusiasm, she heads to the cash register.
<<btnLink "Continue" "Jenny Mall Trips" "fashion shop a(first trip 2)">>
<<case "fashion shop a(first trip 2)">>
<<set $JennyShopping.malldesire = "take break(Jenny)">>
<<LocImg "mall" "fashion shop a">>
<br>Finally, all the purchases are paid for and the shopping can continue.
<<btnLink "Continue" "Jenny Mall Trips" "mall hub">>
<<case "fashion shop a(lemonade)">>
<<NPCmedia "jenny" "lemonade" 0>>
<<if $JennyShopping.malltype == "">>
<br>You buy lemonade and bring it to the girls. They thank you and go back to looking at dresses.
<<btnLink "Continue" "Jenny Mall Trips" "fashion shop a(finish)">>
<<elseif $JennyShopping.malltype == "no for wife">>
<br>You walk into a café and find there's no gooseberry and mint lemonade left.
<<set _txt = "I hope " + $NPCstat[0].name + " doesn't get too upset.">>
<br><<TH _txt>>
<<btnLink "Return to the girls" "Jenny Mall Trips" "fashion shop a(lemonade)(no wife)">>
<<elseif $JennyShopping.malltype == "no for Jenny">>
<br>You walk into a café and find that they have the last portion of raspberry lemonade left.
<br><<TH "If I take that cup and give it to the salesgirl, I can enjoy watching Jenny swell with anger. On the other hand, I feel a little pity for her boyfriend.">>
<<btnLink "Give it to salesgirl" "Jenny Mall Trips" "fashion shop a(lemonade)(give salesgirl)">>
<<case "fashion shop a(finish)">>
<<LocImg "mall" "fashion shop a">>
<br>Finally, all the purchases are paid for and the shopping can continue.
<<if $JennyShopping.malltype == "no for Jenny">>
Jenny lets her boyfriend leave the corner and hangs all the shopping on him.
@@.btnWide;<<button "Finish" "Jenny Mall Trips">>
<<set $JennyShopping.malltype = "">>
<<set $location.sub = "mall hub">>
<<if $time.daytime == 2>><<set _stdice = random(2)>><</if>>
<<if $time.daytime == 3>><<set _stdice = random(5)>><</if>>
<<if $time.daytime == 4>><<set _stdice = random(5)>><</if>>
<<if $NPCstat[0].lordliness >= 15 and $WifeDenial.active == false>>
<<set $JennyShopping.malldesire = "buy cage(Jenny)">>
<<elseif _stdice <= 2>>
<<set $JennyShopping.malldesire = "buy shoes(Jenny)">>
<<elseif _stdice <= 5>>
<<set $JennyShopping.malldesire = "take break(Jenny)">>
<<case "fashion shop a(lemonade)(give Jenny)">>
<<LocImg "mall" "fashion shop a">>
<<if $JennyShopping.lemonadepunish == 0>>
<<btnLink "Give it to Jenny" "Jenny Mall Trips" "fashion shop a(lemonade)(give Jenny)">>
<<btnLink "Give it to salesgirl" "Jenny Mall Trips" "fashion shop a(lemonade)(give Jenny)">>
<<case "fashion shop a(lemonade)(no wife)">>
<<LocImg "mall" "fashion shop a">>
<br>You return to the store.
<br><<PHR "mc" "Sorry, baby, I returned empty-handed.">>
<br><<PHR 0 "Oh, don't worry.">>
<br><<PHR 2 "Is that your reaction, girl? He couldn't even follow through on a simple request?">>
<br><<PHR 0 "Jenny, relax. Let's not spoil the day.">>
<br><<PHR 2 "All right, we'll talk about it later.">>
<br>The girls go back to looking at dresses.
<<btnLink "Continue" "Jenny Mall Trips" "fashion shop a(finish)">>
<<case "fashion shop a(lemonade)(give salesgirl)">>
<<set $JennyShopping.lemonadepunish += 1>>
<<LocImg "mall" "fashion shop a">>
<<if $JennyShopping.lemonadepunish == 1>>
<br>Despite the guy's protests, you take both glasses, and on your return to the store, you hand them to your wife and the salesgirl.
<br><<PHR "mc" "Sorry, girls, you were the only one with raspberry.">>
<br><<PHR "m_Jboy" "Jenny's boyfriend" "Jenny, I was trying to...">>
<br>Your wife's friend gestures with her hand to stop his attempt to justify himself.
<br><<PHR 2 "You do realize that I have to punish you, right?">>
<br>Jenny extends her arm.
<br><<PHR 2 "Go to the corner, sweetie, and think about your behavior. And you have to stand on your tiptoes.">>
<br>The boy walks dejectedly to the corner, and Jenny immediately switches to you.
<br><<PHR 2 "I bet that's your idea.">>
<br><<PHR 0 "Jenny, why are you so upset? It's just lemonade.">>
<br><<PHR "f_fashion_salesgirl" "Salesgirl" "Have mine, ma'am.">>
<<set _txt = "We gave them a simple task, and they failed. " + $NPCstat[0].name + ", I expected you to at least lecture your husband">>
<br><<PHR 2 _txt>>
<br><<PHR 0 "Jenny, relax. Let's not spoil the day.">>
<br><<PHR 2 "All right, we'll talk about it later.">>
<br>The girls go back to looking at dresses.
<<btnLink "Continue" "Jenny Mall Trips" "fashion shop a(finish)">>
<<elseif $JennyShopping.lemonadepunish == 2>>
<br>Despite the guy's protests, you take both glasses, and on your return to the store, you hand them to your wife and the salesgirl.
<br><<PHR "mc" "Sorry, girls, you were the only one with raspberry.">>
<br><<PHR "m_Jboy" "Jenny's boyfriend" "Jenny, I was trying to...">>
<br>Your wife's friend gestures with her hand to stop his attempt to justify himself.
<br><<PHR 2 "You do realize that I have to punish you, right? This time you won't get away with just standing in the corner. Follow me.">>
<br>Jenny drags her boyfriend to a pouffe.
<br><<PHR 2 "Bend over.">>
<br><<PHR "m_Jboy" "Jenny's boyfriend" "But, Jenny.">>
<br><<PHR 2 "dom" "Listen carefully. You have two choices. Take your punishment now, or face much harsher ones after we get home.">>
<br><<PHR "m_Jboy" "Jenny's boyfriend" "Okay, my love, I'll do as you say.">>
<br><<PHR 2 "Good boy.">>
<br>Your wife's friend turns to the salesgirl.
<br><<PHR 2 "Can I borrow a hanger from you?">>
<br><<PHR "f_fashion_salesgirl" "Salesgirl" "I'm not sure we should do that...">>
<br><<PHR 2 "Come on, girl. We're not leaving until we deal with these guys.">>
<<NPCmedia "jenny" "mall hanger" 0>>
<br>The salesgirl sighs and delivers a hanger for Jenny. She examines it carefully, as if wanting to ensure that it can survive a few strokes, and swings the first strike on her boyfriend's ass. She strikes quickly, with no self-restraint or sympathy at all. The guy flinches, and Jenny delivers another hit.
<br><<PHR 2 "Now you understand, sweetie, that you have to do what I say.">>
<br>She keeps torturing his ass.
<br><<PHR 2 "And don't look for any excuses!">>
<br>After giving her boyfriend about ten strokes with the hanger, Jenny stops.
<br><<PHR 2 "I hope you don't embarrass me like that again, and I won't have to punish you twice. You can straighten up now.">>
<br>The boy straightens up, and your wife's friend gently runs her hand down his cheek.
<br><<PHR 2 "Remember, I'm teaching you for your own good. It's the only way you can be the perfect man.">>
<br><<PHR "m_Jboy" "Jenny's boyfriend" "I understand, my love. Thank you for that.">>
<br><<PHR 2 "Good boy. Now go to the corner and stay there until we're done shopping.">>
<<btnLink "Continue" "Jenny Mall Trips" "fashion shop a(finish)">>
<<elseif $JennyShopping.lemonadepunish > 2>>
<br>Despite your efforts, Jenny's boyfriend won't give you her portion. He says he doesn't want to be spanked a second time, so you decide to let him relax. You go back to the girls.
<br><<PHR "mc" "Sorry, girls, you were the only one with raspberry.">>
<br><<PHR "f_fashion_salesgirl" "Salesgirl" "Don't worry, sir. I'm not thirsty.">>
<<set _txt = "You shouldn't leave it like that. We gave them a simple task, and they failed. " + $NPCstat[0].name + ", would you say something?">>
<br><<PHR 2 _txt>>
<br><<PHR 0 "Jenny, relax. Let's not spoil the day.">>
<br><<PHR 2 "No way, I let it slide. Sweetie, go to this pouffe.">>
<br><<PHR "m_Jboy" "Jenny's boyfriend" "But I didn't do anything wrong.">>
<br>Your wife's friend stares at him, and he reluctantly heads for the pouffe. The salesgirl brings a hanger, but Jenny drags the girl after her.
<<NPCmedia "jenny" "mall hanger" 0>>
<br><<PHR 2 "Go ahead, punish him.">>
<br><<PHR "f_fashion_salesgirl" "Salesgirl" "What?">>
<br><<PHR 2 "He didn't do what you asked, did he? Do it, I insist.">>
<br>The girl takes her hand to the side and makes a weak hit.
<br><<PHR 2 "Come on, that doesn't count. You've got to put more strength into it.">>
<br><<PHR "f_fashion_salesgirl" "Salesgirl" "I can't. I don't know why I ever agreed to this.">>
<br><<PHR 2 "That's what he wants, believe me. Isn't that right, sweetie?">>
<br><<PHR "m_Jboy" "Jenny's boyfriend" "Salesgirl" "Yes, my love.">>
<br><<PHR 2 "See? Now punish him properly. Just like I've demonstrated it last time.">>
<br>Jenny raises the salesgirl's hand with the hanger clutched in it.
<br><<PHR 2 "Squeeze harder and pretend you're punishing the annoying customer who's been fraying your nerves, or your stupid boss. Simply put, you can blow off steam.">>
<br>The girl's eyes light up. She raises her hand and slaps his ass. Then again and again.
<br><<PHR 2 "Whoa, girl! You must be really pissed off at your boss.">>
<br><<PHR "f_fashion_salesgirl" "Salesgirl" "Of course I am. She's so arrogant.">>
<br><<PHR 2 "Your boss is a woman? However, my sweetie pie is pretty subtle and could pass for a girl. So enjoy.">>
<br>After the spanking is over, Jenny sends her boyfriend to the corner and the girls go back to you and $NPCstat[0].name. The salesgirl's face visibly flushed and her breathing quickened.
<<btnLink "Continue" "Jenny Mall Trips" "fashion shop a(finish)">>
/* ************ PURSES SHOP ************ */
<<case "mall hub(fashion shop b)">>
<<if $JennyShopping.mallcount == 1>>
<<if $time.daytime >= 2>>
<<LocImg "mall" "fashion shop b">>
<br><<PHR 2 "I don't wanna buy anything here.">>
<<btnLink "Leave" "Jenny Mall Trips" "mall hub">>
<<elseif $JennyShopping.malldesire == "buy purses(Jenny)">>
<<SkipTimeBlock 1>>
<<LocImg "mall" "fashion shop b">>
<br>This round of shopping went off without incident.
@@.btnWide;<<button "Finish" "Jenny Mall Trips">>
<<set $location.sub = "mall hub">>
<<if $time.daytime == 2>><<set _stdice = random(5)>><</if>>
<<if $time.daytime == 3>><<set _stdice = random(8)>><</if>>
<<if $time.daytime == 4>><<set _stdice = random(8)>><</if>>
<<if $NPCstat[0].lordliness >= 15 and $WifeDenial.active == false>>
<<set $JennyShopping.malldesire = "buy cage(Jenny)">>
<<elseif _stdice <= 2>>
<<set $JennyShopping.malldesire = "buy shoes(Jenny)">>
<<elseif _stdice <= 5>>
<<set $JennyShopping.malldesire = "buy dresses(Jenny)">>
<<set _stdice = random(5)>>
<<if _stdice <= 3>><<set $JennyShopping.malltype = "saleswoman">><</if>>
<<if _stdice > 4>><<set $JennyShopping.malltype = "salesman">><</if>>
<<elseif _stdice <= 8>>
<<set $JennyShopping.malldesire = "take break(Jenny)">>
<<set $JennyShopping.mallmistakes += 1>>
<<LocImg "mall" "fashion shop b">>
<br><<PHR 2 "I don't wanna buy anything here.">>
<<btnLink "Leave" "Jenny Mall Trips" "mall hub">>
/* ************ SEX SHOP ************ */
<<case "mall hub(sex shop)">>
<<if $JennyShopping.mallcount == 1>>
<<if $time.daytime >= 2>>
<<LocImg "mall" "sex shop">>
<<set _txt = $mc.name + ", is there something you want to buy here?">>
<br><<PHR 2 _txt>>
<<btnLink "Leave" "Jenny Mall Trips" "mall hub">>
<<elseif $JennyShopping.malldesire == "buy cage(Jenny)">>
<<SkipTimeBlock 1>>
<<set $WifeDenial.active = true>>
<<LocImg "mall" "sex shop">>
<br>Jenny leads you to a sex shop.
<br><<PHR 2 "Don't make such surprised faces, I need to buy something for my sweetie pie.">>
<br>The four of you go inside. Jenny's boyfriend remains standing at the entrance. If it weren't for the semi-darkness inside the store, you could have sworn his face turned red to the tips of his ears. Your wife's friend, meanwhile, heads toward the counter.
<br><<PHR 2 "Hey, Rosalyn! I'm here to pick up a new cage.">>
<br><<PHR 32 "Jenny! I'm so glad to see you. I'll get it right away.">>
<br>The saleswoman disappears into the back room and soon returns with the box in her hands.
<br><<PHR 32 "Do you want to try it right here?">>
<br>The girl nods toward the back room.
<br><<PHR 2 "Oh, no. I don't want to clean my hands afterwards. I've been teasing him all the morning today, so I'm sure his shorts are already wet.">>
<br>Jenny picks up the box and turns to you.
<br><<PHR 2 "We can go now.">>
<<btnLink "Leave the shop" "Jenny Mall Trips" "sex shop(about cage)">>
<<set $JennyShopping.mallmistakes += 1>>
<<LocImg "mall" "sex shop">>
<<set _txt = $mc.name + ", is there something you want to buy here?">>
<br><<PHR 2 _txt>>
<<btnLink "Leave" "Jenny Mall Trips" "mall hub">>
<<case "sex shop(about cage)">>
<<LocImg "mall" "hallway">>
<br><<PHR 2 "This is something new. What is this cell?">>
<br><<PHR 2 "It's a chastity cage. Perfect for disciplining your man.">>
<br><<TH "Damn, she's crazy.">>
@@.btnWide;<<button "Continue" "Jenny Mall Trips">>
<<set $location.sub = "mall hub">>
<<if $time.daytime == 2>><<set _stdice = random(5)>><</if>>
<<if $time.daytime == 3>><<set _stdice = random(8)>><</if>>
<<if $time.daytime == 4>><<set _stdice = random(8)>><</if>>
<<if _stdice <= 2>>
<<set $JennyShopping.malldesire = "buy shoes(Jenny)">>
<<elseif _stdice <= 5>>
<<set $JennyShopping.malldesire = "buy dresses(Jenny)">>
<<set _stdice = random(5)>>
<<if _stdice <= 3>><<set $JennyShopping.malltype = "saleswoman">><</if>>
<<if _stdice > 4>><<set $JennyShopping.malltype = "salesman">><</if>>
<<elseif _stdice <= 8>>
<<set $JennyShopping.malldesire = "take break(Jenny)">>
/* ************ RECREATION ************ */
<<case "mall hub(recreation)">>
<<if $JennyShopping.mallcount == 1>>
<<if $time.daytime < 4>>
<<LocImg "mall" "recreation area">>
<<set _txt = $mc.name + ", are you exhausted already?">>
<br><<PHR 2 _txt>>
<<btnLink "Continue" "Jenny Mall Trips" "mall hub">>
<<LocImg "mall" "hallway">>
<br>The second hour of shopping and boutiques browsing is over, but Jenny can't seem to get enough of it. Her boyfriend is sagging under a lot of shopping bags, and from the outside it might look like the few bags in your wife's hands are Jenny's, too. They just don't fit in her boyfriend's hands.
<br><<PHR 2 "It looks like we've reached the end of the mall. Look, there are some empty couches in the corner over there.">>
<<btnLink "Continue" "Jenny Mall Trips" "recreation(first trip)">>
<<elseif $JennyShopping.malldesire == "take break(Jenny)">>
<<SkipTimeBlock 1>>
<<LocImg "mall" "recreation area">>
<br>Finally, Jenny has satisfied her appetites for dresses, shoes, and accessories, and the four of you find yourselves near the recreation area you already know. Jenny and her boyfriend sit on the same couch as last time, and you and $NPCstat[0].name sit across from them. Your wife's friend immediately places her legs on her boyfriend's lap.
<br><<PHR 2 "Massage, sweetie.">>
<br>The guy throws an unsure look in your direction and starts to take his girlfriend's shoes off. Jenny sighs in relief as her feet become free. She wiggles her toes.
<br><<PHR 2 "Go ahead, sweetie.">>
<br>Her boyfriend starts massaging her right foot, and your wife's friend leans back on the couch, enjoying herself. All you and $NPCstat[0].name have to do is watch.
@@.btnWide;<<button "Continue" "Jenny Mall Trips">>
<<set $location.sub = "take break(massage)">>
<<set _stdice = random(2)>>
<<if _stdice == 0>><<set $JennyShopping.malltype = "shoes">><</if>>
<<if _stdice == 1>><<set $JennyShopping.malltype = "pamper">><</if>>
<<if _stdice == 2>><<set $JennyShopping.malltype = "desire">><</if>>
<<set $JennyShopping.mallmistakes += 1>>
<<LocImg "mall" "recreation area">>
<<set _txt = $mc.name + ", are you exhausted already?">>
<br><<PHR 2 _txt>>
<<btnLink "Leave" "Jenny Mall Trips" "mall hub">>
<<case "recreation(first trip)">>
<<LocImg "mall" "recreation area">>
<br>Jenny and her boyfriend sit on the couches in the corner, while you and your wife sit across from them. There is a small glass table between you, and next to it is an decorative palm tree in a wooden tub.
<br><<PHR 2 "Oh, my feet are killing me. Cuddy, how about a little massage? You want to make me feel good, don't you?">>
<br><<PHR "m_Jboy" "Jenny's boyfriend" "Right here?">>
<<set _txt = "Don't worry, no one will see us in here. " + $mc.name + ", could you move to the right a little bit?">>
<br><<PHR 2 _txt>>
<br>You automatically move to the right.
<br><<PHR 2 "Yeah, that's enough. No one will see us behind your wide back.">>
<br>Jenny puts her right foot on her boyfriend's lap.
<<NPCmedia "jenny" "mall shoe off" 1>>
<br><<PHR 2 "Come on. Don't be shy. $mc.name and $NPCstat[0].name are our friends.">>
<br>He hesitantly takes Jenny's foot in his hands and carefully removes the shoe. Then he does the same with the other foot and begins the massage.
<br><<PHR 2 "Come on, you've done it a thousand times.">>
<br>You can literally feel the guy's embarrassment, but he manages to swallow it. With timidly movements he start to massage his girlfriend's foot. Your wife elbows you in the side, as if she doesn't believe what's happening and wants you to confirm that the scene unfolding in front of you is real.
<br>Jenny's boyfriend gradually immerses himself in the process. He kneads his girlfriend's foot quite vigorously, going from the heel to the tips of her toes. Jenny leaned back and enjoyed his skillful fingers. Jenny's boyfriend clearly has a knack for massage.
<br><<PHR 2 "Yes, right there.">>
<br>After a few minutes, she stops her boyfriend to change her foot.
<<btnLink "Continue" "Jenny Mall Trips" "recreation(first trip 2)">>
<<case "recreation(first trip 2)">>
<<NPCmedia "wife" "mall shoe" 0>>
<<set _txt = $NPCstat[0].name + ", you should try it too. I'm sure " + $mc.name + " would love to take care of your feet.">>
<br><<PHR 2 _txt>>
<br><<PHR 0 "Jenny! He's not gonna do that. They're sweaty.">>
<<set _txt = "Believe me, men like it even more. Right, " + $mc.name + "?">>
<br><<PHR 2 _txt>>
<br>You unintentionally cast a glance at your wife's feet.
<br><<PHR "mc" "It's definitely not for me.">>
<br><<PHR 2 "Oh, please.">>
<br>Jenny takes her feet off her boyfriend's lap.
<br><<PHR 2 "Thank you, sweetie. I feel so refreshed. We can go home now.">>
<<btnLink "Return home" "Jenny Mall Trips" "first trip(return)" 1>>
<<case "first trip(return)">>
<<NPCmedia "wife" "after mall" 0>>
<br>You with your wife return home and go up to the bedroom to change your clothes.
<br><<PHR 0 "I'm gonna take a shower!">>
<br>Your wife removes her shoes and a sigh of relief comes off her lips.
<br><<PHR 0 "I still can't believe Jenny and her boyfriend did it right at the mall.">>
<br><<PHR "mc" "I told you your friend was a bit crazy.">>
<<set _txt = $mc.name + "! Stop being rude.">>
<br><<PHR 0 _txt>>
<br><<PHR "mc" "Okay-okay, calm down.">>
<<NPCmedia "wife" "after mall_2" 0>>
<br>Your wife pulls down her dress and stays in lace underwear.
<br><<PHR 0 "To tell you the truth, I couldn't get that scene out of my head the whole way home. I mean, on the other hand, they didn't do anything vulgar, did they?">>
<br><<PHR "mc" "Really, I don't know.">>
<br><<PHR 0 "Tell me, honey, could you do something like that for me? Of course, in private and after I'd taken a shower.">>
<<btnLink "Tell you can give her massage in private" "Jenny Mall Trips" "first trip(agree)">>
<<btnLink "Tell that's really not your thing" "Jenny Mall Trips" "first trip(refuse)">>
<<case "first trip(refuse)">>
<<NPCmedia "wife" "after mall_3" 0>>
<br><<PHR "mc" "I already told you, I'm not interested in that kind of thing.">>
<br><<PHR 0 "I was just curious. Let's not go back to that conversation again.">>
<<btnLink "Finish" "Master Bedroom" "">>
<<case "first trip(agree)">>
<<set $WifeFootFetish.active = true>>
<<NPCmedia "wife" "after mall_3" 0>>
<br><<PHR "mc" "Well, I'd be a liar if I said I was repelled by such things. More likely, I've never thought about it. But why are you so interested?">>
<br><<PHR 0 "I've just been feeling so much tension in my legs these days. And I thought maybe a massage might help me.">>
<br><<PHR "mc" "If so, we could try it. I just have absolutely no idea how to do it.">>
<br><<PHR 0 "That's okay, you were always quick in learning new skills. Let's rest today and come back to this conversation another day.">>
<br><<PHR "mc" "Fine.">>
<<btnLink "Finish" "Master Bedroom" "">>
<<case "take break(massage)">>
<<NPCmedia "jenny" "mall shoe off" 1>>
<<set _txt = $NPCstat[0].name + ", girl, why don't you ask " + $mc.name + " to do the same for you? I bet your legs are tired after a long walk.">>
<br><<PHR 2 _txt>>
<br>Your wife turns to you, but almost immediately averts her gaze.
<br><<PHR 0 "That's not necessary.">>
<<set _txt = "Come on, no one will see you. ">>
<<if $JennyShopping.malltype == "shoes">><<set _txt += "And, didn't you say before that these shoes were a little tight?">><</if>>
<<if $JennyShopping.malltype == "pamper">><<set _txt += "Why not feel a little pampered?">><</if>>
<<if $JennyShopping.malltype == "desire">><<set _txt += "Maybe that's what " + $mc.name + " wants himself.">><</if>>
<br><<PHR 2 _txt>>
<<if $JennyShopping.malltype == "shoes">>
<br>You cast a glance at your wife's black shoes.
<<if $NPCsexmemory[0].footmassage >= 3>>
<<if $NPCstat[0].lordliness >= 30>>
<<set _txt = "Okay. But hopefully no one will see it. " + $mc.name + ", what do you think?">>
<br><<PHR 0 _txt>>
<<btnLink "Give foot massage to your wife" "Jenny Mall Trips" "take break(massage 2)">>
<<btnLink "Say you're not comfortable with that" "Jenny Mall Trips" "take break(massage)(end alt)">>
<<elseif $NPCstat[0].lordliness >= 15 and $JennyToWifeInfluence.overall >= 60>>
<<set _txt = "Okay. But hopefully no one will see it. " + $mc.name + ", what do you think?">>
<br><<PHR 0 _txt>>
<<btnLink "Give foot massage to your wife" "Jenny Mall Trips" "take break(massage 2)">>
<<btnLink "Say you're not comfortable with that" "Jenny Mall Trips" "take break(massage)(end alt)">>
<<set _txt = "I think I can survive without it. So we'll watch a couple of videos with " + $mc.name + " while you are... busy.">>
<br><<PHR 0 _txt>>
<<btnLink "Continue" "Jenny Mall Trips" "take break(massage)(end)">>
<<set _txt = "I think I can survive without it. So we'll watch a couple of videos with " + $mc.name + " while you are... busy.">>
<br><<PHR 0 _txt>>
<<btnLink "Continue" "Jenny Mall Trips" "take break(massage)(end)">>
<<case "take break(massage)(end)">>
<<LocImg "mall" "recreation area">>
<br>You and $NPCstat[0].name watch some funny videos while Jenny's boyfriend gives her a massage. Finally, your wife's girlfriend is satisfied and you can continue shopping.
@@.btnWide;<<button "Continue" "Jenny Mall Trips">>
<<set $location.sub = "mall hub">>
<<set $JennyShopping.malltype = "">>
<<set _stdice = random(5)>>
<<if _stdice <= 2>>
<<set $JennyShopping.malldesire = "buy shoes(Jenny)">>
<<elseif _stdice <= 5>>
<<set $JennyShopping.malldesire = "buy dresses(Jenny)">>
<<set _stdice = random(5)>>
<<if _stdice <= 3>><<set $JennyShopping.malltype = "saleswoman">><</if>>
<<if _stdice > 4>><<set $JennyShopping.malltype = "salesman">><</if>>
<<case "take break(massage)(end alt)">>
<<LocImg "mall" "recreation area">>
<br><<PHR "mc" "Why don't we watch a couple of videos instead?">>
<br><<PHR 0 "Okey, honey.">>
<br>You and $NPCstat[0].name watch some funny videos while Jenny's boyfriend gives her a massage. Finally, your wife's girlfriend is satisfied and you can continue shopping.
@@.btnWide;<<button "Continue" "Jenny Mall Trips">>
<<set $location.sub = "mall hub">>
<<set $JennyShopping.malltype = "">>
<<set _stdice = random(5)>>
<<if _stdice <= 2>>
<<set $JennyShopping.malldesire = "buy shoes(Jenny)">>
<<elseif _stdice <= 5>>
<<set $JennyShopping.malldesire = "buy dresses(Jenny)">>
<<set _stdice = random(5)>>
<<if _stdice <= 3>><<set $JennyShopping.malltype = "saleswoman">><</if>>
<<if _stdice > 4>><<set $JennyShopping.malltype = "salesman">><</if>>
<<case "take break(massage 2)">>
<<set $WifeFootFetish.mallmassage += 1>>
<<set $NPCsexmemory[0].footmassage += 1>>
<<NPCmedia "wife" "mall shoe off" 1>>
<br>As soon as you agree, your wife swivels to your side and puts her legs on your lap. She also has to move back a little so that her feet rest comfortably on your legs, and her dress is pulled up slightly, revealing the edge of her lacy panties. However, $NPCstat[0].name quickly adjusts her dress.
<br>You take one of her feet in your hands and start rubbing it.
<<if $JennyShopping.malltype == "shoes">>
It looks like your wife wasn't lying when she talked about tight shoes, because her toes are slightly red and swollen.
<br><<PHR 0 "Be gentle, honey.">>
<br>You switch to the bottom of her foot to give her toes a rest.
Your wife follows Jenny's example and closes her eyes, savoring the experience.
<br><<PHR 0 "Just like that, honey.">>
<br>You switch to the bottom of her foot.
<br><<PHR 2 "You're such a master, sweetie. Your hands carry me to heaven. Feels like I'm going to reward you when I get home.">>
<br>Your wife's friend is even starting to moan a little.
<br><<TH "Is she trying to provoke me?">>
<br>Meanwhile, you notice that Jenny's show is also starting to distract your wife, as the muscles on her calves become more tense.
<<btnLink "Try you best and give your wife a proper massage" "Jenny Mall Trips" "take break(massage 3)">>
<<case "take break(massage 3)">>
<<NPCmedia "wife" "foot massage(mall)" 1>>
<br>You use all the experience you've gained from dealing with your wife's feet in the mansion. And it's paying off as you see $NPCstat[0].name close her eyes and bite her lower lip.
<br><<PHR 0 "Yes, honey, this spot.">>
<br>Jenny, in turn, continues.
<br><<PHR 2 "Why aren't you giving compliments on my legs like you usually do? There are only friends here, so you have nothing to be embarrassed about.">>
<br><<PHR "m_Jboy" "Jenny's boyfriend" "You're right, my love. You have lovely legs. I really enjoy admiring them, touching them, and taking care of them.">>
<br><<PHR 2 "Thank you, sweetie.">>
<br>The blonde turns to you.
<br><<PHR 2 "Did you know that my sweetie pie can do pedicures? He took a course specifically for that!">>
<br><<PHR 0 "It's a useful skill.">>
<br><<PHR 2 "Bingo, girl. Sometimes I don't wanna go out of my apartment and make my way to the salon, so I tell my sweetie pie to bring me a cup of coffee and milk and play something on my phone. And then he can spend hours working on my nails.">>
<br>You catch yourself thinking that the recreation area has already become like a salon, where you and the guy opposite are the workers and your wife and Jenny are the guests.
<<set _txt = "By the way, " + $mc.name + ", why aren't you quiet? Don't you like your wife's legs?">>
<br><<PHR 2 _txt>>
<br><<TH "Damn!">>
<<btnLink "Pay some compliments to your wife's feet" "Jenny Mall Trips" "take break(massage 4)">>
<<case "take break(massage 4)">>
<<NPCmedia "wife" "foot massage(mall)" 1>>
<<set _txt = "Of course, I like " + $NPCstat[0].name + "'s legs. Sometimes I stare at them in the morning when she's still sleeping.">>
<br><<PHR "mc" _txt>>
<br><<PHR 0 "Wow! I didn't suspect that.">>
<br><<PHR "m_Jboy" "Jenny's boyfriend" "And my Jenny has such smooth skin! I just love to touch it.">>
<br>Jenny strokes his hair approvingly.
<br><<PHR 2 "Good boy! Sometimes you do it right. Can you tell me why my feet are so smooth?">>
<br>Her boyfriend falters slightly before he begins to speak.
<br><<PHR "m_Jboy" "Jenny's boyfriend" "Because I make baths for your feet every night.">>
<br><<PHR 2 "That's right. You're such a good boy. Okay, I think my feet had enough rest.">>
<br>She turns to your wife.
<br><<PHR 2 "You ready to go?">>
<br><<PHR 0 "Yeah, let's go.">>
<<AddStat 0 "lordliness" 4 40>>
@@.btnWide;<<button "Finish" "Jenny Mall Trips">>
<<set $location.sub = "mall hub">>
<<set $JennyShopping.malltype = "">>
<<set _stdice = random(5)>>
<<if _stdice <= 2>>
<<set $JennyShopping.malldesire = "buy shoes(Jenny)">>
<<elseif _stdice <= 5>>
<<set $JennyShopping.malldesire = "buy dresses(Jenny)">>
<<set _stdice = random(5)>>
<<if _stdice <= 3>><<set $JennyShopping.malltype = "saleswoman">><</if>>
<<if _stdice > 4>><<set $JennyShopping.malltype = "salesman">><</if>>
<</switch>><<if _WTableId == 1 and _WTableCheck == false>>
<<if $time.daytime <= 3 and WifeAtHome()>>
<<set _WTableId += 1>>
<<set _WTableCheck = true>>
<<set _img = "data/locations/downtown/restaurant.jpg">>
<a data-passage="Wife Restaurant Dates" data-setter="$EventMark to 'start'" class="btnImg">
<p class="btnText">Invite $NPCstat[0].name to a restaurant</p>
<img class="btnImage" @src="_img">
<<set _WTableId += 1>>
<<if _WTableId == 2 and _WTableCheck == false>>
<<if $time.daytime <= 3 and WifeAtHome()>>
<<set _WTableId += 1>>
<<set _WTableCheck = true>>
<<set _img = "data/locations/local/lake.jpg">>
<a data-passage="Wife Lake Dates" data-setter="$EventMark to 'start'" class="btnImg">
<p class="btnText">Invite $NPCstat[0].name to the lake</p>
<img class="btnImage" @src="_img">
<<set _WTableId += 1>>
<<include "Downtown Event Hub">>
<<switch $location.sub>>
<<case "">>
<<LocImg "downtown" "hotel(facade)">>
<<if $MilaApartment.rented and $MilaApartment.rent == 0>>
<<TH "Mila rents a room at this hotel.">>
<<btnEventLink "Go up to her room" "Mila Apartment Events" "rent apartment">>
<<btnLink "Leave" "Downtown Map" "">>
<</switch>><<switch $EventMark>>
<<case "meet">>
<<set $NPCstat[8].meet = true>>
<<LocImg "club" "bar counter">>
<br>You find $NPCstat[5].name in the company of two girls. There are several cocktails in front of them.
<<set _txt = $mc.name + ", you're late. This is Mila.">>
<br><<PHR 5 _txt>>
<br>He points you to a skinny brunette wearing a mini-dress. You sit down next to her and signal to the bartender. He puts a shot in front of you and immediately fills it up.
<<btnEventLink "Some time later" "Mila First Meet" "meet 2">>
<<case "meet 2">>
<<LocImg "club" "bar counter">>
<br>The alcohol has hit your brain pretty well, and everything around you is a blur. There was no sign of $NPCstat[5].name, perhaps he is somewhere on the dance floor or in the private zone with other girl.
<br><<PHR 8 "Let's go on the dance floor!">>
<br>You look at Mila. She can barely stand.
<br><<PHR "mc" "I need to take a leak.">>
<<LocImg "club" "toilet">>
You awkwardly get up from your chair and wander towards toilets. Already near it, someone grabs you by the shirt and pulls you inside.
<br>It's Mila. She gets down on her knees and tries to unzip your pants.
<<btnEventLink "Let her continue" "Mila First Meet" "Mila let">>
<<btnEventLink "Push her away" "Mila First Meet" "Mila push">>
<<case "Mila let">>
<<set $NPCsexmemory[8].blowjob += 1>>
<<set $NPCsexmemory[8].vaginal += 1>>
<<NPCmedia "mila" "club toilet" 1>>
<br>Mila unzips fly on your pants and pulls out your cock. She eagerly swallows it, but apparently due to lack of experience with such huge size, she can only reach a couple of inches after the head. You begin to move your hips toward her, enjoying the tightness of her throat. She's almost gaging on your cock.
<br><<PHR "mc" "Lick my balls, slut!">>
<<NPCmedia "mila" "club toilet_2" 1>>
You pull your penis out of her mouth, and she starts sucking on one of your balls while you jerk your rod. Mila takes a moment to clear her throat, and you immediately drive your stretcher back into her little sweet mouth.
<br><<PHR "mc" "Use your tongue!">>
<br>She tries to follow your instructions, but only for a few seconds. Looks like she's too drunk to satisfy you with just blowjob.
<<btnEventLink "Fuck her" "Mila First Meet" "Mila let 2">>
<<case "Mila let 2">>
<<NPCmedia "mila" "club toilet_3" 1>>
<br>You pull her to her feet in one quick motion and turn around to face the wall. Mila does not resist at all and, moreover, invitingly spreads her legs. You pull up her dress and discover a complete lack of underwear. After treating her ass to a juicy slap, you line your cock against her pussy. It's already wet enough so you can push your rod inside with one mighty move.
<br><<PHR 8 "Ooh, f-fuck!">>
<br>You grab Mila by the hips and start hammering her as fast as you can. She doesn't even try to hide her moans, and for one moment you're afraid that security might hear you and throw out of the club. But arousal takes over and you only accelerate your thrusts, almost pressing your partner into the tile wall.
<br>You hear footsteps and see a drunk man go to the bathroom. He freezes in place, dumbfounded by the scene before him.
<br><<PHR "mc" "Get out, you freak!">>
<br>Shocked, he storms out of the restroom.
<<btnEventLink "Continue fuck her" "Mila First Meet" "Mila let_3">>
<<case "Mila let_3">>
<<NPCmedia "mila" "club toilet_4" 1>>
<br>You pick her up and put it on the sinks counter. Mila wraps her hips around you and you continue your crazy rally.
<br><<PHR 8 "Please, don't stop! Fuck me like the dirty whore I am!">>
<br>You pick up the pace, slightly changing the angle to reach all her sensitive points. She pulls you up by your tie and hits you with a kiss. From way her insides are throbbing, you realize she's close to orgasm.
<br><<PHR "mc" "You like getting fucked in place like that, don't you? You love dicks so much that you ready to bang with the first person you meet?">>
<<set _txt = "Yes, I love dicks! I love your dick, " + $mc.name + "! Your cock is the best I ever try!">>
<br><<PHR 8 _txt>>
<br>She practically screams as she climaxes on your hard penis. You feel like you won't last long either.
<<btnEventLink "Cum on her" "Mila First Meet" "Mila let_4">>
<<case "Mila let_4">>
<<NPCmedia "mila" "club toilet_5" 1>>
<br>You pull out your cock and cover her belly with cum. Mila breathes heavily, taking a rest away from a powerful orgasm. You shove your cock back into your pants and lift the girl to her feet. She straightens her dress, not even bothering to wipe the semen off her body.
<br><<PHR 8 "Uh, looks like I've had enough for today. Call me sometime.">>
<br>She staggers out of the restroom.
<<btnEventLink "Go home" "Mila First Meet" "Go home">>
<<case "Mila push">>
<<NPCmedia "mila" "push" 0>>
<br>You lift her and slightly push away. She takes a step back, as if trying to stay on her feet.
<br><<PHR 8 "What are you doing?">>
<br><<PHR "mc" "Listen... I'm just not in the mood.">>
<br>Mila looks at you with glazed eyes.
<br><<PHR 8 "You're boring.">>
<br>She staggered out of the restroom. Looks like it's time to go home.
<<btnEventLink "Go home" "Mila First Meet" "Go home">>
/* GO HOME */
<<case "Go home">>
<<SkipTimeBlock 2>>
<<LocImg "mc_house" "living room">>
When you enter the house, you almost stumble on the threshold.
<<set _txt = "Better not worry " + $NPCstat[0].name + ".">>
<br><<TH _txt>>
<br>You walk into the living room and collapse on the couch.
<center>@@.btnWide;<<button "Sleep" "Living Room">>
<<set $EventMark = "">>
<<set $location.sub = "">>
<</switch>><<switch $EventMark>>
<<case "meet rhea">>
<<set $NPCstat[9].meet = true>>
<<LocImg "club" "tablezone">>
<br>You decide to walk around. On your way to the table zone, you see a blonde sitting at a table, and across from her, a guy with his head down on the tabletop.
<<NPCmedia "rhea" "first meet" 0>>
<br>When the blonde notices you, she waves her hand, inviting you to come in.
<br><<PHR 9 "Hi, handsome. I haven't seen you at our club before.">>
<br><<PHR "mc" "I just didn't know I could meet you here.">>
<br><<PHR 9 "Oh, you're such a flatterer.">>
<br>The guy sitting at the table sighs noisily and mutters something in his sleep.
<br><<PHR 9 "Look at him. Got drunk on the first date.">>
<br><<PHR "mc" "Some people don't know how to handle alcohol.">>
<br>The girl looks at you with an appraising look.
<br><<PHR 9 "Listen, how about to buy the lady a drink?">>
<<btnEventLink "Buy her a drink" "Rhea First Meet" "meet rhea 2">>
<<case "meet rhea 2">>
<<LocImg "club" "tablezone">>
<br>You buy two cocktails and go back to her. You put one in front of her and wait for her to move over and make room for you. But she is in no hurry to do so and hints for you to sit across from her, next to the sleeping guy. You nod questioningly toward his motionless body, as if asking what to do with it.
<br><<PHR 9 "Oh, don't worry about him. Just move that dork to the side.">>
<br>With no other choice, you push him to the side, which makes him raise his head, as if he's coming to his senses for a moment, but then fall to the side, sprawled all over the couch. The blonde encourages you, waving her palms, indicating that you should push him futher.
<br>Finally, you make enough room for yourself and sit down. You feel a little uncomfortable about sitting on the very edge, but your new acquaintance doesn't seem to care.
<br><<PHR 9 "What's your name, handsome? Mine is Rhea">>
<<set _txt = $mc.name + ".">>
<br><<PHR "mc" _txt>>
<br><<PHR 9 "Nice to meet you.">>
<br>You clink your glasses to celebrate it. You take the straw in your mouth and sip your cocktail, sweet but also strong.
<<set _txt = "So, what do you do for a living, " + $mc.name + "?">>
<br><<PHR 9 _txt>>
<br><<PHR "mc" "Nothing special. Mostly solving other people's problems.">>
<br>You spend some time having casual conversation until Rhea starts swinging her glass in her hands.
<<set _txt = "I thought you're quick-witted guy, " + $mc.name + ". Can't you see the girl's out of booze?">>
<br><<PHR 9 _txt>>
<br><<TH "She starts getting a little cocky.">>
<<btnEventLink "Buy her another coctail" "Rhea First Meet" "meet rhea 3">>
<<set _inf = "Say goodbye and find " + $NPCstat[5].name>>
<<btnEventLink _inf "Rhea First Meet" "find paul 2">>
<<case "meet rhea 3">>
<<NPCmedia "rhea" "first meet" 0>>
<br>You buy another pair of cocktails and go back to Rhea. After she finishes this cocktail too, you sit up wishing to buy another one, but the girl stops you.
<br><<PHR 9 "I have to go to the restroom.">>
<br>A few steps away from the table, she turns over her shoulder and shakes her head playfully, hinting for you to follow her. You don't have to be persuaded for long, and you catch up with the girl.
<br>To your surprise she enters the men's room. After a little hesitation, you go in after her. Rhea is standing in front of the mirror and doesn't seem to notice you, but as soon as you walk up behind her and touch her, she turns around and presses a kiss to your lips.
<<NPCmedia "rhea" "restroom kiss" 1>>
<br>You grab her by the waist, lift her up, and set her down on the sink counter. She unbuttons her blouse, exposing her firm breasts encased in a red bra. You try to take your shirt off too, without breaking the kiss. She slides the bra cups down and, grabbing you by the hair, pulls you down to her full breasts. You don't really try to resist and start sucking on her breasts.
<br><<PHR 9 "How do you like my babies?">>
<br><<PHR "mc" "They're wonderful.">>
<br>You squeeze the hard nipple firmly with your lips and pull it away. Then you release it, causing the girl to flinch, as if an electric shock had passed through her body.
<br><<PHR "mc" "Oh, baby. My cock is hard like a rock.">>
<br>You throw off your shirt and try to unzip your pants, but Ria stops you.
<br><<PHR 9 "Easy, stud. Ladies first.">>
<br>She seems to be insinuating that you should lick her pussy.
<br><<TH "Am I really going to do this here? This may be my last chance to leave.">>
<<btnEventLink "Refuse to do it" "Rhea First Meet" "rhea_push">>
<<btnEventLink "Go down on her" "Rhea First Meet" "rhea_lick">>
<<case "rhea_push">>
<<LocImg "club" "toilet">>
<br><<PHR "mc" "I'm not going to do that.">>
<br><<PHR 9 "So when a girl sucks you off kneeling on a dirty floor, pretty normal to you? And when she asks you to do something in return for her, you immediately screw up your face.">>
<br><<PHR "mc" "It's natural for a whore.">>
<br><<PHR 9 "Do you mistake me for a whore? You know what, fuck you!">>
<br>She throws your shirt at you and runs out of the bathroom, buttoning her blouse on the way.
<<set _inf = "Find " + $NPCstat[5].name>>
<<btnEventLink _inf "Rhea First Meet" "find paul 2">>
<<case "rhea_lick">>
<<set $NPCsexmemory[9].pussylicking += 1>>
<<NPCmedia "rhea" "restroom cuni" 1>>
<br>You slowly kneel down until your head is between her hips. She pulls up her skirt, and you see the red strip of panties. Rhea shifts it to the side and puts her hand on the back of your head, pulling you closer.
<br>You stick your tongue out and run it over her labia. Her pussy is already wet.
<br><<PHR 9 "Go ahead, stud. Lick that slit.">>
<br>You realize it's too late to back out and start working your tongue hard. Rhea throws her hips over your shoulders and runs her fingers through your hair.
<br><<PHR 9 "Yes, like that!">>
<br>A chill runs down your back when you hear heavy footsteps that suddenly stop. It sounds like someone walked into the restroom and, upon seeing what is going on, went into a stupor. However, the owner of the footsteps quickly came to his senses.
<br><<PHR 5 "What are we have here? Mind if I join you?">>
<<set _txt = "Shit, it's " + $NPCstat[5].name + ". I can't let him see me like this.">>
<br><<TH _txt>>
<br><<PHR 9 "Of course, my pussy doesn't refuse a double dose of attention.">>
<br>Rhea looks down and you shake your head fearfully, showing your disagreement.
<br><<PHR 9 "But it looks like this man has no intention of sharing.">>
<br><<PHR 5 "I have something better to offer.">>
<br><<TH "He's getting closer!">>
<br><<PHR 9 "Well, let's see what you can offer me.">>
<br>There was the sound of a unzipping fly. Rhea take her time and examines what $NPCstat[5].name shows her.
<br><<PHR 9 "Not bad, not bad, at all. Come closer.">>
<br>You violently shake your head in an attempt to get her to chase your financial director away, but Rhea just puts her finger to her mouth in a sign of silence, and then puts that finger down, pointing at her pussy.
<br><<TH "I can't let him see my face!">>
<br>With no way out, you burries into her mound and your lips make contact with her "lips". You feel Rhea pulling the fabric of her skirt over your head, apparently to hide you from $NPCstat[5].name's eyes.
<br><<PHR 5 "looks like I couldn't drag him away even if I wanted to.">>
<br>They're laughing while you're almost burning with embarrassment.
<br><<PHR 9 "In fact, he's crazy about my pussy. Sometimes I even question who he loves more.">>
<br>She hit you on the back with her heel.
<br><<TH "She wants me to play along. I guess I don't have a choice.">>
<<btnEventLink "Lick that pussy" "Rhea First Meet" "rhea_lick_2">>
<<case "rhea_lick_2">>
<<NPCmedia "rhea" "restroom cuni_2" 1>>
<br>You make a couple of chuckling noises, imitating pleasure. However, you realize that's not enough and you go back to servicing her pussy. You run your tongue inside her and start drilling her vagina. Your mouth begins to fill with a salty mixture of her fluids and your saliva. You hear a distinct moan, and her fingers claw tightly in your hair.
<br><<PHR 5 "This guy clearly knows a thing or two about it. So how about taking care of me while he takes care of you.">>
<br><<TH "She's going to jerk his dick off!">>
<br>However, Rhea apparently had plans of her own.
<br><<PHR 9 "Easy, I wanna see full picture first. Remove your shirt.">>
<br>You hear the rustling of clothes.
<br><<PHR 9 "Wow, look at this abs.">>
<br><<PHR 5 "Yeah, I don't spend so much time in the gym for nothing. You can touch it.">>
<br><<PHR 9 "It's good that you're keeping your body in shape. But are you exercising your glutes?">>
<br><<PHR 5 "Excuse me?">>
<br><<PHR 9 "I like when my man has a nice ass. Turn around.">>
<br><<PHR 5 "All right.">>
<br>You can hear $NPCstat[5].name shifting from foot to foot, turning around.
<br><<PHR 9 "Now pull down your pants..">>
<br><<PHR 5 "What?">>
<br><<PHR 9 "Are you deaf? Why do I need to repeat everything twice?">>
<br><<PHR 5 "You know what? You're a crazy bitch! Fuck you and your faggot boyfriend.">>
<br>He grab his shirt and comes out of the bathroom.
<<btnEventLink "Try to get up" "Rhea First Meet" "rhea_lick_3">>
<<case "rhea_lick_3">>
<<NPCmedia "rhea" "restroom cuni_3" 1>>
<br>You try to get up, but Rhea squeezes her hips and hold you down.
<br><<PHR 9 "You should finish what you started. Remember, I just saved your reputation by not letting your friend see you.">>
<br><<TH "How does she know?">>
<br><<PHR 9 "Yeah, I saw you and him at this club the other night. And there were two other girls with you. Imagine what would happen if they found out what you did.">>
<br>She begins to move toward you, pushing her pussy against your tongue.
<br><<PHR 9 "Maybe they would just laugh at you. Or maybe they wanted you to serve their pussy as well.">>
<br><<PHR 9 "That's it, keep moving that tongue.">>
<br>You can feel the pulses of pleasure running through her hips, making her body shudder.
<br><<PHR 9 "Just imagine how you would lick these little sluts dirty cunts. Oh, fuck!">>
<br>Rhea starts to shake, her hips squeezing your head like a vise. A tight stream of liquid comes out of her vagina. She presses against you, forcing you to swallow her love fluids, while a powerful orgasm pierces her body. Finally, her grip loosens sharply, and you bounce back on inertia. Rhea rolls backwards, leaning against the mirror and breathing heavily.
<br><<PHR 9 "Phew, that was intense.">>
<br>You slowly rise to your feet.
<br><<PHR 9 "It's time for the main dish. Pull out your boy. And he better be excited.">>
<br>You unzip and find your cock...
<<btnEventLink "...excited and ready for action" "Rhea First Meet" "rhea_fuck">>
<<case "rhea_fuck">>
<<set $NPCsexmemory[9].vaginal += 1>>
<<NPCmedia "rhea" "restroom fuck" 1>>
<br>To your surprise, your cock sticks out like a goddamn tower. Ria looks at him with greedy eyes.
<br><<PHR 9 "Looks like I didn't make a mistake picking you. Come on, stud, pound that pussy.">>
<br>She pulls her skirt up to her waist and beckons you with her index finger. You can feel the anger boiling up inside you. You walk up to Rie and drive your cock into her dripping pussy in one fell swoop. Rhea takes you by the shoulder and tilts you closer to her.
<br><<PHR 9 "That's it, look straight in my eyes. It's time for your revenge. Remember when you were on your knees on this dirty floor, gather all your anger and rage and destroy this pussy.">>
<br>You pick up the pace, driving your cock inside her to the root with each thrust. From this pressure, the girl begins to slide down the slippery rack toward the wall, and she has to rest her elbows on it.
<br><<PHR 9 "Yeah, like this! Don't stop.">>
<br>The flow of her love juices intensifies. Her insides begin to pulsate and soon the first orgasmic spasm pierces her body. She stretches out like a string, her hands scraping haphazardly against the wall behind her head, and a long moan escapes her lips.
<br>Suddenly she pushes you away, her body relaxes, and Rhea sprawls out on the sink counter. She slowly comes to her senses. Her chest heaves high with every breath.
<br>At a complete loss, you stand in the middle of the bathroom with your dick erect. Ria raises her head and looks at you with a hazy look.
<br><<PHR 9 "Wow, that was one of the strongest orgasms of my life.">>
<br>She notices your cock still hard.
<<set _txt = "Oh, poor " + $mc.name + ". You must be desperate to cum. Well, you deserve it. You can ask permission.">>
<br><<PHR 9 _txt>>
<br><<PHR "mc" "I'm sorry, what?">>
<br><<PHR 9 "Ask my permission to cum.">>
<br>You realize you have no other choice.
<br><<PHR "mc" "Can I cum? Please.">>
<br>The girl's looking pensive.
<br><<PHR 9 "Mmm, I don't know. Okay, I won't torture you. Come here.">>
<br>You come closer, and she points her fingers to her stomach.
<br><<PHR 9 "Come on, you can jerk your dick here.">>
<<btnEventLink "Stroke your cock" "Rhea First Meet" "rhea_fuck_2">>
<<case "rhea_fuck_2">>
<<NPCmedia "rhea" "restroom cum" 1>>
<br>You start stroking your penis while Rhea looks at you mockingly. It doesn't take long, and there you are already shooting accumulated semen on her belly.
<br><<PHR 9 "Wow, what a mess. Get some tissues from my purse over there.">>
<br>You take her purse and rummage through it for a package of tissues.
<br><<PHR 9 "Go ahead and wipe it off my stomach.">>
<br>You cast a surprised look at her.
<br><<PHR 9 "Or so you wanted to use your tongue.">>
<br>You literally go into a stupor. Rhea starts laughing.
<br><<PHR 9 "You should see your face right now. Okay, give me the bag, I'll do it myself this time.">>
<br>She grabs the bag from your hands and pulls out a package of tissues.
<<set _txt = "You're an interesting guy, " + $mc.name + ".. We should definitely meet again. You can go now, I have to get cleaned up.">>
<br><<PHR 9 _txt>>
<br>You're coming out of the bathroom. You're not in the mood to search for $NPCstat[5].name, so you decide to go home.
<<RemoveStat "mc" "confidence" 5 -100>>
<<btnEventLink "Go home" "Hallway" "">>
/* GIRLS */
<<case "find paul">>
<<SkipTimeBlock 2>>
<<set $location.sub = "">>
<<LocImg "club" "tablezone">>
<br>You find $NPCstat[5].name in the company of two girls. He introduces you to the girls and, after a short conversation, walks away with you to the bar.
<br><<PHR 5 "So, you choose which one you prefer.">>
<<btnEventLink "Look at blonde" "Rhea First Meet" "girls(blonde)">>
<<btnEventLink "Look at brunette" "Rhea First Meet" "girls(brunette)">>
<<case "girls(blonde)">>
<<NPCmedia "club" "lily(meet)" 0>>
<<btnEventLink "Choose her" "Rhea First Meet" "pick blonde">>
<<btnEventLink "Return" "Rhea First Meet" "girls">>
<<case "girls(brunette)">>
<<NPCmedia "club" "kylie(meet)" 0>>
<<btnEventLink "Choose her" "Rhea First Meet" "pick brunette">>
<<btnEventLink "Return" "Rhea First Meet" "girls">>
<<case "pick blonde">>
<<LocImg "actions" "pill dissolve">>
<br><<PHR 5 "Great. Now we're going to add some fun.">>
<br>You walk up to the bar where you order four cocktails. $NPCstat[5].name hands you two and then takes a couple of pills out of his pocket and tosses them into the drinks. The pills dissolve with a loud hiss.
<br><<PHR "mc" "What is this?">>
<br><<PHR 5 "Don't fuss, man, it's an harmless stimulant to help our ladies relax.">>
<br><<PHR 5 "You'll see, the effect won't be long in coming.">>
<br>$NPCstat[5].name grabs the cocktails and heads back to the girls.
<<set _txt = "Keep up, " + $mc.name + ".">>
<br><<PHR 5 _txt>>
<<btnEventLink "Follow him" "Rhea First Meet" "meet rhea">>
<<case "pick brunette">>
<<LocImg "actions" "pill dissolve">>
<br><<PHR 5 "Great. Now we're going to add some fun.">>
<br>You walk up to the bar where you order four cocktails. $NPCstat[5].name hands you two and then takes a couple of pills out of his pocket and tosses them into the drinks. The pills dissolve with a loud hiss.
<br><<PHR "mc" "What is this?">>
<br><<PHR 5 "Don't fuss, man, it's an harmless stimulant to help our ladies relax.">>
<br><<PHR 5 "You'll see, the effect won't be long in coming.">>
<br>$NPCstat[5].name grabs the cocktails and heads back to the girls.
<<set _txt = "Keep up, " + $mc.name + ".">>
<br><<PHR 5 _txt>>
<<btnEventLink "Follow him" "Rhea First Meet" "meet rhea">>
<<case "find paul 2">>
<<set $money.pocket -= 200>>
<<LocImg "club" "tablezone">>
<br>When you return to $NPCstat[5].name, you find him unconscious, face down on the table. The girls seem to have figured out his plan, and spiked him with something stronger. You call security and give them a small bribe to take care of your finance director.
<<btnEventLink "Go home" "Hallway" "">>
<<switch $EventMark>>
/* ---------- COMMON SCENES ---------- */
<<case "watch tv(old episode)(sport)">>
<<if WifeCurrentPlan() == "watch tv(mansion)">>
<<run setWifeNextBlockPlan(0, "get rest(mansion)")>>
<<LocImg "mc_house" "sport show">>
<<en "You change the channel. $NPCstat[0].name watches the match with you for a while, then gets up from the couch">>
<<ru "Ты переключаешь канал. $NPCstat[0].name некоторое время смотрит матч с тобой, затем поднимается с дивана.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "If you come looking for me, I'll be upstairs.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Если будешь искать меня, я буду наверху.">>
<<en "She leaves the room">>
<<ru "Она выходит из комнаты.">>
<<btnLink "Finish/Закончить" "Living Room" "">>
<<case "watch tv(old episode)(news)">>
<<if WifeCurrentPlan() == "watch tv(mansion)">>
<<run setWifeNextBlockPlan(0, "get rest(mansion)")>>
<<LocImg "mc_house" "news channel">>
<<en "You change the channel. $NPCstat[0].name watches the news with you for a while, then gets up from the couch">>
<<ru "Ты переключаешь канал. $NPCstat[0].name некоторое время смотрит новости с тобой, затем поднимается с дивана.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "If you come looking for me, I'll be upstairs.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Если будешь искать меня, я буду наверху.">>
<<en "She leaves the room.">>
<<ru "Она выходит из комнаты.">>
<<btnLink "Turn it off/Закончить" "Living Room" "">>
<<case "watch tv(old episode)(cancel)">>
<<LocImg "mc_house" "stupid show">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "Actually, I don't have any particular plans. I just want to spend time with you.">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Для меня нет особой разницы, что смотреть. Я просто хочу провести время с тобой.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "In that case, I wouldn't mind watching the episode again.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "В таком случае, я не против посмотреть этот эпизод еще раз.">>
<<en "$NPCstat[0].name snuggles up to you. You both watch TV for a while.">>
<<ru "$NPCstat[0].name прижимается к тебе. Вы смотрите телевизор некоторое время.">>
<<btnLink "Turn it off/Закончить" "Living Room" "">>
/* ---------- FOOT MASSAGES ---------- */
<<case "first foot massage">>
<<LocImg "mc_house" "stupid show">>
<<en "$NPCstat[0].name flexes her legs at the knees, making room for you, but after a while she straightens them out again. Thus, her feet end up on your hips.">>
<<ru "$NPCstat[0].name сгибает ноги в коленях, освобождая для тебя место, но через некоторое время снова выпрямляет их. Таким образом, ее ступни оказываются на твоих бедрах.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "Honey, do you remember our little talk after we went to the mall?">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Дорогой, помнишь наш разговор после торгового центра?">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "Of course I do. I guess you want me to make good on my promise, don't you?">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Конечно, помню. Думаю, ты хочешь, чтобы я выполнил свое обещание, не так ли?">>
<<dlg_en 0 "That would be nice. My legs are killing me these days.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Было бы неплохо. Мои ноги просто убивают меня в эти дни.">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "Well, how about we go up to the bedroom. I wouldn't want Samantha to walk in unexpectedly.">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Тогда, как насчет того, чтобы подняться в спальню. Мне бы не хотелось, чтобы Саманта внезапно вошла в комнату.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "Yes, that would be embarrassing. But...">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Да, это было бы неловко. Но...">>
<<en "$NPCstat[0].name lowers her voice to a whisper, as if she is afraid the maid might actually hear her.">>
<<ru "$NPCstat[0].name переходит на шепот, словно опасаясь, что ваша горничная действительно может услышать вас.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "From this position I can see the hallway perfectly, so I can warn you if there is any danger.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "С этой позиции я прекрасно вижу коридор, так что я смогу предупредить тебя в случае опасности.">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "I don't know, I still feel a little uncomfortable.">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Не знаю, мне все еще немного неловко.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "Come on. honey. You made a promise, remember?.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Ты обещал, милый. Помнишь?">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "Okay, let's give it a try.">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Ладно, давай попробуем.">>
<<btnEventLink "Massage her feet/Сделать ей массаж ног" "Wife Living Room Events" "first foot massage 2">>
<<case "first foot massage 2">>
<<set $WifeFootFetish.livingroommassage += 1>>
<<set $NPCsexmemory[0].footmassage += 1>>
<<set $location.sub = "">>
<<if WifeCurrentPlan() == "watch tv(mansion)">>
<<run setWifeNextBlockPlan(0, "get rest(mansion)")>>
<<NPCmedia "wife" "living room feet massage" 1>>
<br>You take one of her feet in your hands. For a moment you wonder, because you've never performed this kind of massage. You have to start, however, and you begin slowly kneading her foot. $NPCstat[0].name is lying relaxed, resting her head on a colorful cushion.
<br>You remember techniques that Jenny's boyfriend used at mall trip and try to copy them. You take both of her feet in your hands and massage them with your thumbs, moving them in a circle. $NPCstat[0].name's breathing quickens, signaling that you're on the right way.
<br>You increase the amplitude of your movements, going almost all the way from bottom to toe at once. $NPCstat[0].name tucks her toes in, as if trying to contain the pain, but you know that's a sign she's enjoying your actions.
<br><<PHR "mc" "Wow, I didn't know your feet so sensitive.">>
<br><<PHR 0 "I didn't realize it either. Although, if you think about it, when I was a kid I loved walking barefoot, especially on wet grass after the rain.">>
<br><<PHR "mc" "Really? That's interesting.">>
<br>You change tactics and start looking for the most sensitive points on her feet so you can focus on them later. $NPCstat[0].name is no longer paying attention to what's happening on the TV screen, she's just enjoying the work of your fingers.
<br>You yourself are absorbed by the process and you don't notice how time passes. You hear Samantha's voice from the hallway, telling you that she is going home. You interrupt the massage and glance at your wife. She realizes that the massage is over and sighs sweetly.
<br><<PHR 0 "Thank you, honey. That was wonderful.">>
<br><<PHR "mc" "I like it myself in a way.">>
<br><<PHR 0 "You did? Well, if you wanna continue, I'll be in the bedroom.">>
<br>With these words, $NPCstat[0].name leaves the room to say goodbye to your maid.
<<btnEventLink "Finish" "Living Room" "">>
<<case "first massage(oil)">>
<<set $WifeFootFetish.oiluse = true>>
<<NPCmedia "wife" "living room feet massage" 1>>
<br>You take the bottle from your wife's hands, open it, and bring it to your nose. A mild woody aroma with hints of vanilla and coconut fills your nostrils.
<br>Applying some oil on your hands you start rubbing it over $NPCstat[0].name's smooth skin. As your strokes become more intense, the oil warms up and its odor intensifies. Gradually another scent mingles with this, that of a woman's body.
<br>You feel a tremor in your body. Against your will, you lift $NPCstat[0].name's foot to smell this fragrance even deeper. Her toes capture your attention.
<<btnEventLink "Resist the urge" "Wife Living Room Events" "main scene(dry)">>
<<btnEventLink "Kiss her feet" "Wife Living Room Events" "main scene(kiss)">>
<<case "main scene">>
<<set $WifeFootFetish.livingroommassage += 1>>
<<set $NPCsexmemory[0].footmassage += 1>>
<<set $WifeFootFetish.massagedesire = 0>>
<<set $location.sub = "">>
<<if WifeCurrentPlan() == "watch tv(mansion)">>
<<run setWifeNextBlockPlan(0, "get rest(mansion)")>>
<<NPCmedia "wife" "living room feet massage" 1>>
<br>You start by gently rubbing her feet with delicate, soft touches in order to relax her muscles and speed up blood circulation. After you realize that $NPCstat[0].name is relaxed, you begin a deeper massage.
<br>While rubbing her feet, you occasionally glance over at your wife. She's liying on couch with her eyes closed and her hands folded on her stomach. Then you focus your attention back on her feet.
<br>Unnoticeably, you begin admiring the lines of her feet, and you want to look at them more closely. This desire arouses contradictory feelings in you, because you have never been turned on by a woman's feet before.
<<if $NPCsexmemory[0].footmassage >= 2 and $WifeFootFetish.oiluse == false>>
<br><<PHR 0 "Hold on, honey. I completely forgot about one thing.">>
<br>$NPCstat[0].name reaches into her purse and pulls out a miniature bottle.
<br><<PHR 0 "It's aromatic massage oil. Jenny brought it to me on her last visit.">>
<br>You stop immediately.
<br><<PHR "mc" "Wait. You told Jenny about it?">>
<br><<PHR 0 "I'm sorry, honey. You know she can make even a mute person talk.">>
<br><<PHR "mc" "It's unbelievable. Now she won't miss a chance to make fun of me.">>
<br><<PHR 0 "You're overdramatising, honey. In fact, she said she starts feeling more respect for you and thinks that you've finally begun to treat your wife properly.">>
<br>$NPCstat[0].name winks at you and holds out the oil.
<br><<PHR 0 "Let's continue our session, shall we?">>
<<btnEventLink "Use the massage oil" "Wife Living Room Events" "first massage(oil)">>
<<elseif $WifeFootFetish.oiluse>>
<<btnEventLink "Use a massage oil" "Wife Living Room Events" "main scene(oil)">>
<<btnEventLink "Continue dry massage" "Wife Living Room Events" "main scene(dry)">>
<<if MaidAtHome()>>
<br>You manage to suppress this feeling, and just keep massaging your wife's feet. This time, too, you don't notice a good half-hour pass, and only Samantha's loud voice, signaling her intention to leave, interrupts your session.
<br>You manage to suppress this feeling, and just keep massaging your wife's feet. This time, too, you don't notice a good half-hour pass, and only $NPCstat[0].name's phone ringing interrupts your session.
<br><<PHR 0 "Thank you, honey. You're great, as always.">>
<br>$NPCstat[0].name thanks you and leaves the room.
<<btnEventLink "Finish" "Living Room" "">>
<<case "main scene(oil)">>
<<NPCmedia "wife" "living room feet massage" 1>>
<br>Applying some oil on your hands you start rubbing it over $NPCstat[0].name's smooth skin. As your strokes become more intense, the oil warms up and its odor intensifies. Gradually another scent mingles with this, that of a woman's body.
<br>You feel a strange tremor inside you. Against your will, you lift $NPCstat[0].name's foot to smell this fragrance even deeper. Her toes capture your attention.
<<btnEventLink "Resist the urge" "Wife Living Room Events" "main scene(dry)">>
<<if $NPCsexmemory[0].footlicking >= 2>>
<<btnEventLink "Suck her toe" "Wife Living Room Events" "main scene(lick)">>
<<btnEventLink "Kiss her feet" "Wife Living Room Events" "main scene(kiss)">>
<<case "main scene(dry)">>
<<NPCmedia "wife" "living room feet massage" 1>>
<<if $WifeFootFetish.livingroommassage >= 4 and $WifeFootFetish.maidseen == false>>
<<set $WifeFootFetish.maidseen = true>>
<br>You manage to suppress this feeling, and just keep massaging your wife's feet. This time, too, you don't notice a good half-hour pass.
<<set _txt = "Mrs. " + $NPCstat[0].name + ", Mr. " + $mc.name + ", I'm about to leave.">>
<br><<PHR 1 _txt>>
<br>With terror you realize that your maid's voice is not coming from somewhere in the hallway, but from right behind you. You drop $NPCstat[0].name's foot and turn sharply to make sure that your maid has indeed caught you.
<<if $NPCstat[1].obedience > - 15>>
<br>Samantha covers her eyes with her hands.
<br><<PHR 1 "Sorry, I should have asked before I came in.">>
<br>Continuing to apologize, she flees the room.
<br><<PHR 1 "It's not something I was expecting to see. Don't worry, I'm on my way out, you can carry on.">>
<br>You see the smirk on Samantha's face before she turns around and leaves the room.
<br><<PHR "mc" "Damn, it was bound to happen sooner or later.">>
<br><<PHR 0 "I hope she doesn't think we're perverts.">>
<br><<PHR "mc" "Me too. I think we should end our session.">>
<br><<PHR 0 "You're right. Thanks for the massage.">>
<<elseif MaidAtHome()>>
<br>You manage to suppress this feeling, and just keep massaging your wife's feet. This time, too, you don't notice a good half-hour pass, and only Samantha's loud voice, signaling her intention to leave, interrupts your session.
<br><<PHR 0 "Thank you, honey. You're great, as always.">>
<br>$NPCstat[0].name thanks you and leaves the room.
<br>You manage to suppress this feeling, and just keep massaging your wife's feet. This time, too, you don't notice a good half-hour pass, and only $NPCstat[0].name's phone ringing interrupts your session.
<br><<PHR 0 "Thank you, honey. You're great, as always.">>
<br>$NPCstat[0].name thanks you and leaves the room.
<<AddStat 0 "lordliness" 2 20>>
<<btnEventLink "Finish" "Living Room" "">>
<<case "main scene(kiss)">>
<<set $WifeFootFetish.livingroomlick += 1>>
<<set $NPCsexmemory[0].footlicking += 1>>
<<NPCmedia "wife" "living room feet massage" 1>>
<<if $WifeFootFetish.livingroomlick == 1>>
<br>You lean forward and kiss the big toe on her foot. A quick glance at $NPCstat[0].name reveals that your wife is still lying with her eyes closed. You kiss the other toe, at which point your wife's eyes open.
<br><<PHR 0 "What was that, honey?">>
<br><<PHR "mc" "Nothing. Can't I feel my wife's skin?">>
<br><<PHR 0 "Of course you can.">>
<br>$NPCstat[0].name's mouth spreads into a smile.
<br><<PHR 0 "Just don't forget to work with your hands.">>
<br>You continue to massage, occasionally pressing your lips to her toes. $NPCstat[0].name is watching you uninterruptedly.
<<set _txt = "It's so hot, " + $mc.name + ".">>
<br><<PHR 0 _txt>>
<br>Suddenly your wife's other foot moves to your groin and begins stroking your cock through the fabric of your pants. Your heart immediately begins to beat faster. You get the urge to pounce on your wife right now.
<br>You lean forward and kiss the big toe on her foot. You hear a murmuring from your wife's side and her other leg immediately moves toward your groin. Your heart immediately begins to beat faster. You get the urge to pounce on your wife right now.
<<if $NPCsexmemory[0].footlicking >= 2>>
<br>But beyond that, there's a new, unexpected feeling deep inside you. You want to sink those toes into your mouth and suck them well.
<<if $NPCsexmemory[0].footlicking >= 2>>
<<btnEventLink "Suck her toe" "Wife Living Room Events" "main scene(lick)">>
<<btnEventLink "Continue massage" "Wife Living Room Events" "main scene(kiss end)">>
<<case "main scene(kiss end)">>
<<NPCmedia "wife" "living room feet massage" 1>>
<<if $WifeFootFetish.livingroommassage >= 4 and $WifeFootFetish.maidseen == false>>
<<set $WifeFootFetish.maidseen = true>>
<br>You manage to suppress this feeling, and just keep massaging your wife's feet. This time, too, you don't notice a good half-hour pass.
<<set _txt = "Mrs. " + $NPCstat[0].name + ", Mr. " + $mc.name + ", I'm about to leave.">>
<br><<PHR 1 _txt>>
<br>With terror you realize that your maid's voice is not coming from somewhere in the hallway, but from right behind you. You drop $NPCstat[0].name's foot and turn sharply to make sure that your maid has indeed caught you.
<<if $NPCstat[1].obedience > - 15>>
<br>Samantha covers her eyes with her hands.
<br><<PHR 1 "Sorry, I should have asked before I came in.">>
<br>Continuing to apologize, she flees the room.
<br><<PHR 1 "It's not something I was expecting to see. Don't worry, I'm on my way out, you can carry on.">>
<br>You see the smirk on Samantha's face before she turns around and leaves the room.
<br><<PHR "mc" "Damn, it was bound to happen sooner or later.">>
<br><<PHR 0 "I hope she doesn't think we're perverts.">>
<br><<PHR "mc" "Me too. I think we should end our session.">>
<br><<PHR 0 "You're right. Thanks for the massage.">>
<<elseif MaidAtHome()>>
<br>You manage to suppress this feeling, and just keep massaging your wife's feet. This time, too, you don't notice a good half-hour pass, and only Samantha's loud voice, signaling her intention to leave, interrupts your session.
<br><<PHR 0 "Thank you, honey. You're great, as always.">>
<br>$NPCstat[0].name thanks you and leaves the room.
<br>You manage to suppress this feeling, and just keep massaging your wife's feet. This time, too, you don't notice a good half-hour pass, and only $NPCstat[0].name's phone ringing interrupts your session.
<br><<PHR 0 "Thank you, honey. You're great, as always.">>
<br>$NPCstat[0].name thanks you and leaves the room.
<<AddStat 0 "lordliness" 2 25>>
<<btnEventLink "Finish" "Living Room" "">>
<<case "main scene(lick)">>
<<set $WifeFootFetish.livingroomlick += 1>>
<<set $NPCsexmemory[0].footlicking += 1>>
<<NPCmedia "wife" "living room feet lick" 1>>
<br>But a quick glance at $NPCstat[0].name is enough to calm your appetite. Her eyes are closed in bliss, her chest is heaving with every breath. Every time your lips land on her skin, her fingers resting on her belly shudder faintly. It would be a real crime to snap her out of her trance.
<br>Finally, you dare and put her big toe in your mouth. Pressing your lips together tightly, you pull her toe out with a slight pop. Your wife isn't reacting to your actions.
<br><<TH "She doesn't seem to understand much about what happened.">>
<br>But as soon as you go back to your regular massage, $NPCstat[0].name opens her eyes.
<br><<PHR 0 "Do it one more time.">>
<br><<PHR "mc" "What are you talking about, baby.">>
<br><<PHR 0 "What you did with my toe. I enjoyed it.">>
<br>You let out a chuckle.
<br><<PHR "mc" "I thought you weren't paying attention.">>
<br><<PHR 0 "No, I was just... expected something like that.">>
<br><<PHR "mc" "Did you?">>
<br><<PHR 0 "Oh, honey, don't ask questions. Just do it again.">>
<<btnEventLink "Do it again" "Wife Living Room Events" "main scene(lick) 2">>
<<case "main scene(lick) 2">>
<<NPCmedia "wife" "living room feet lick" 1>>
<br>You eagerly comply with your wife's whim and start sucking on her toes. $NPCstat[0].name willingly puts both her feet under your tongue. You continue to work your tongue down her foot toward her heel. At this point, $NPCstat[0].name begins to wiggle.
<br><<PHR 0 "I like it more when you, ahem, suck my toes.">>
<br><<PHR "mc" "Alright, everything for you, baby.">>
<<if $WifeFootFetish.livingroommassage >= 4 and $WifeFootFetish.maidseen == false>>
<<set $WifeFootFetish.maidseen = true>>
<br>You keep caressing your wife's feet, both with your hands and your tongue. This time, too, you don't notice a good half-hour pass.
<<set _txt = "Mrs. " + $NPCstat[0].name + ", Mr. " + $mc.name + ", I'm about to leave.">>
<br><<PHR 1 _txt>>
<br>With terror you realize that your maid's voice is not coming from somewhere in the hallway, but from right behind you. You drop $NPCstat[0].name's foot and turn sharply to make sure that your maid has indeed caught you.
<<if $NPCstat[1].obedience > - 15>>
<br>Samantha covers her eyes with her hands.
<br><<PHR 1 "Sorry, I should have asked before I came in.">>
<br>Continuing to apologize, she flees the room.
<br><<PHR 1 "It's not something I was expecting to see. Don't worry, I'm on my way out, you can carry on.">>
<br>You see the smirk on Samantha's face before she turns around and leaves the room.
<br><<PHR "mc" "Damn, it was bound to happen sooner or later.">>
<br><<PHR 0 "I hope she doesn't think we're perverts.">>
<br><<PHR "mc" "Me too. I think we should end our session.">>
<br><<PHR 0 "You're right. Thanks for the massage.">>
<<elseif MaidAtHome()>>
<br>You keep caressing your wife's feet, both with your hands and your tongue. This time, too, you don't notice a good half-hour pass, and only Samantha's loud voice, signaling her intention to leave, interrupts your session.
<br><<PHR 0 "Thank you, honey. You're great, as always.">>
<br>$NPCstat[0].name thanks you and leaves the room.
<br>You keep caressing your wife's feet, both with your hands and your tongue. This time, too, you don't notice a good half-hour pass, and only Samantha's loud voice, signaling her intention to leave, interrupts your session.
<br><<PHR 0 "Thank you, honey. You're great, as always.">>
<br>$NPCstat[0].name thanks you and leaves the room.
<<AddStat 0 "lordliness" 2 30>>
<<btnEventLink "Finish" "Living Room" "">>
/* ---------- TRAINING ---------- */
<<case "wife training(first seen)">>
<<set $WifeTraining.mansionseen = true>>
<<NPCmedia "wife" "training(mansion)" 1>>
<<en "Entering the living room, you see your wife in gym clothes. There is a video on the TV screen in which a well-toned girl is demonstrating some exercises.">>
<<ru "Зайдя в зал, ты видишь свою жену в спортивной одежде. На экране телевизора идет видео, в котором довольно подкачанная девушка демонстрирует какие-то упражнения.">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "Decided to start working out, honey?">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Решила заняться спортом, милая?">>
<<dlg_en 0 "Yeah. Planning to get in shape.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Ага. Решила привести себя в форму.">>
<<en "You're coming closer.">>
<<ru "Ты подходишь ближе.">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "Baby, you look perfect like you already are.">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Крошка, ты и так выглядишь идеально.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "I appreciate that, honey, but I'd rather you help me with my stretching.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Мне приятно слышать это, милый, но лучше помоги мне с растяжкой.">>
<<btnEventLink "Help her/Помочь ей" "Wife Living Room Events" "wife training(help stretch)" 1>>
<<btnLink "Leave/Уйти" "Hallway" "">>
<<case "wife training(help stretch)">>
<<NPCmedia "wife" "stretching(mansion)" 1>>
<<dlg_en "mc" "Sure, I'll help you.">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Конечно, я помогу тебе.">>
<<en "$NPCstat[0].name lies down on her back and tells you to sit down near her feet. The girl asks you to take one of her ankles in your hands, and as soon as you do, she bends that leg.">>
<<ru "$NPCstat[0].name ложится на спину и говорит тебе сесть возле ее ног. Девушка просит тебя взять одну из ее лодыжек в руки, и как только ты делаешь это, она сгибает эту ногу.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "Come on, $mc.name, press it down harder.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Давай, $mc.name, прижми ее посильнее.">>
<<en "You put your other hand on her thigh and start pressing down. You pull her ankle to the side, making her foot involuntarily touch your cheek.">>
<<ru "Ты кладешь другую руку на ее бедро и начинаешь давить вниз. Ты отводишь ее лодыжку в сторону, отчего ее ступня непроизвольно касается твоей щеки.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "No, honey, my foot should be in line with my torso.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Нет, милый, моя нога должна быть на одной линии с торсом.">>
<<en "You follow her instruction, and now her foot is right in front of your face.">>
<<ru "Ты следуешь ее указанием, и теперь ее ступня оказывается прямо перед твоим лицом.">>
<<if $NPCsexmemory[0].footlicking >= 1>>
<<btnEventLink "Kiss her toes/Поцеловать ее пальцы" "Wife Living Room Events" "wife training(help stretch) 2.1">>
<<btnEventLink "Continue/Продолжить" "Wife Living Room Events" "wife training(help stretch) 2">>
<<case "wife training(help stretch) 2">>
<<NPCmedia "wife" "stretching(mansion) 2" 1>>
<<en "After you finish with her other leg, $NPCstat[0].name rolls over onto her stomach. You grab her right foot by the ankle and lift it up.">>
<<ru "После того, как ты заканчиваешь с ее другой ногой, $NPCstat[0].name переворачивается на живот. Ты хватаешь ее правую ногу за лодыжку и поднимаешь вверх.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "Yeah, like that, honey.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Да, вот так милый.">>
<<btnEventLink "Slap her ass/Шлепнуть ее по заднице" "Wife Living Room Events" "wife training(help stretch) 3">>
<<btnEventLink "Continue/Продолжить" "Wife Living Room Events" "wife training(help stretch)(finish)">>
<<case "wife training(help stretch) 2.1">>
<<set $WifeFootFetish.counter += 1>>
<<set $WifeFootFetish.traininglick += 1>>
<<set $NPCsexmemory[0].footlicking += 1>>
<<NPCmedia "wife" "stretching(kiss toes)" 1>>
<<en "You stick out your tongue and run it over your wife's toes.">>
<<ru "Ты высовываешь язык и проводишь им по пальцам ног своей жены.">>
<<if $WifeFootFetish.active>>
<<dlg_en 0 "Hey, what are you doing? They're sweaty!">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Эй, ты что делаешь? Они же потные!">>
<<en "$NPCstat[0].name turns around.">>
<<ru "$NPCstat[0].name оборачивается.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "What's gotten into you, honey?">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Что на тебя нашло, милый?">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "I thought it would be funny.">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Я подумал, что это будет забавно.">>
<<en "She sighs.">>
<<ru "Она вздыхает.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "Don't get distracted.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Не отвлекайся.">>
<<btnEventLink "Continue/Продолжить" "Wife Living Room Events" "wife training(help stretch)(finish)">>
Эй, ты что делаешь? Щекотно же.
Аманда оборачивается.
<<case "wife training(help stretch)(footjob)">>
<<set $NPCsexmemory[0].footjob += 1>>
<<NPCmedia "wife" "stretching(footjob)" 1>>
<<btnLink "Finish/Закончить" "Hallway" "">>
<<case "wife training(help stretch)(finish)">>
<<NPCmedia "wife" "training(mansion)" 0>>
<<en "Your wife thanks you for your help and leaves the living room.">>
<<ru "Твоя жена благодарит тебя за помощь и выходит из зала.">>
<<btnLink "Finish/Закончить" "Hallway" "">>
<<case "wife training(help stretch)(finish alt)">>
<<NPCmedia "wife" "training(mansion)" 0>>
<<dlg_en "mc" "I was just kidding, honey. Let's keep training.">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Я просто пошутил, милая. Давай продолжим тренировку.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "You said you were only joking?">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Говоришь, просто пошутил?">>
<<en "$NPCstat[0].name gets to her feet.">>
<<ru "$NPCstat[0].name поднимается на ноги.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "We're done for the day. But next time, you won't get off that easy.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Мы закончила на сегодня. Но в следующий раз ты так просто не отделаешься.">>
<<btnLink "Finish/Закончить" "Hallway" "">>
<<case "wife training(help stretch) 3">>
<<NPCmedia "wife" "stretching(mansion) 2" 1>>
<<dlg_en 0 "Hey, don't get distracted. All the fun is later.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Эй, не отвлекайся. Все веселье потом.">>
<<en "You laugh and spank her ass again.">>
<<ru "Ты смеешься и шлепаешь ее зад еще раз.">>
<<if $NPCstat[0].assertivness >= 22>>
<<dlg_en 0 "I see you're not going to stop.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Вижу, ты не собираешься останавливаться.">>
<<en "$NPCstat[0].name leans against the floor and raises her torso. Her hand reaches out and grabs your hair.">>
<<ru "$NPCstat[0].name опирается о пол и поднимает свой торс. Ее рука тянется к тебе и хватает тебя за волосы.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "If you can't stop messing with my ass, you'd better show your passion in a proper way.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Если тебе не дает покоя моя задница, тебе лучше показать свою увлеченность должным образом.">>
<<en "She pulls your hair sharply, causing your face to press against her buttock. The fabric of her yoga pants soaks the moisture from your lips.">>
<<ru "Она резко тянет тебя за волосы, отчего твое лицо упирается в ее ягодицу. Ткань ее штанов для йоги тут впитывает влагу с твоих губ.">>
<<btnEventLink "Kiss her ass/Начать целовать ее задницу" "Wife Living Room Events" "wife training(help stretch)(cuni)">>
<<btnEventLink "Turn everything into a joke/Обратить все в шутку" "Wife Living Room Events" "wife training(help stretch)(finish alt)">>
<<dlg_en 0 "Stop it, honey. Please.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Хватит, милый. Пожалуйста.">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "Okay.">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Ладно.">>
<<en "You go back to helping your wife with her stretching. After you finish, she thanks you for your help and leaves the living room.">>
<<ru "Ты возвращаешься к тому, чтобы помочь твоей жене с растяжкой. После того как ты заканчиваешь, она благодарит тебя за помощь и выходит из зала.">>
<<btnLink "Finish/Закончить" "Hallway" "">>
<<case "wife training(help stretch) 3">>
<<set $WifePussyWorship.aftertraining += 1>>
<<set $NPCsexmemory[0].pussyworshipping += 1>>
<<set $NPCsexmemory[0].pussylicking += 1>>
<<NPCmedia "wife" "stretching(cuni)" 1>>
Ты начинаешь покрывать ее задницу поцелуями, заставляя свою жену хихикать. Вскоре Аманда говорит тебе снять с нее штаны, что ты и делаешь, обнаружив что под ними нет никакого белья. Ты кладешь руки на ее ягодицы и крепко сжимаешь их.
Милый, сегодня ты делаешь упражнения для языка, а не для рук.
Ты наклоняешься вперед и запускаешь язык мужду ее булочек. В твои ноздри проникает легкий аромат пота, который покрывает тело твоей жены после тренировки, но по какой-то причине этот запах заводит тебя еще сильнее.
Черт, милый, с тобой я становлюсь одержимой.
<<btnLink "Finish/Закончить" "Hallway" "">>
<</switch>><<switch $EventMark>>
/* ***************** CLUB APPROACH ***************** */
<<case "approach">>
<<set $location.sub = "">>
<<LocImg "club" "bar counter">>
<<if $NPCsexmemory[8].vaginal == 1>>
<br>You take your shot in one gulp and walk up to her.
<br><<PHR "mc" "Hello, beauty!">>
<<set _txt = $mc.name + "! Finally, someone who can save the evening.">>
<br><<PHR 8 _txt>>
<br><<PHR "mc" "How about a drink?">>
<br>You sign to the bartender to pour two more shots. Mila chugs hers down and snatches the second one out of your hands.
<br><<PHR "mc" "Hey!">>
<br><<PHR 8 "You always can take another one. But don't drink too much, you're gonna need your stamina later.">>
<br>She drinks your shot and drags you to the dance floor.
<<btnEventLink "Move a little" "Mila Club Dom Events" "second meet(dance)" 1>>
<<elseif $NPCsexmemory[8].vaginal == 2>>
<<set _txt = "Hey, " + $mc.name + ", join me!">>
<br><<PHR 8 _txt>>
<br>She pushes her shot toward you, so it slides down the bar into your hand.
<br><<PHR 8 "I took yours last time, so now I'm giving it back to you.">>
<br>You smile and drink the shot in one gulp. Mila comes up to you, and you grab her by the waist and pull her close to you. The girl falls into your lips in a passionate kiss. You can smell cheap perfume and alcohol from her.
<br>You call out to the bartender and show him two fingers. He nods at you and hands you two more shots.
<br><<PHR 8 "You know, it's so boring here tonight. Why don't we skip right to the part where you get a room for us?">>
<br>You run your hand up the brunette's skirt and find that she's not wearing panties.
<br><<PHR "mc" "I see.">>
<br>You pull out a couple of bills and throw them on the counter. Together with Mila you head for the exit.
<<set $money.pocket -= 20>>
<<btnEventLink "Head to the hotel" "Mila Club Dom Events" "third meet(her father)">>
<<case "second meet(dance)">>
<<LocImg "club" "death road">>
<br>After the dance floor, you go back to the bar.
<br><<PHR 8 "How about the famous Death Road?">>
<br><<PHR "mc" "Let's do it!">>
<br>The bartender inserts a row of shot glasses on the bar, five in front of you and the same number in front of Mila. The first shot is filled with a mixture of vodka and gin, and he tops it up with liquor, which colors the cocktail raspberry. The second drink is based on strong rum, although there are many other ingredients in addition to it. Gradually all ten shots are filled. The last one - with a special cocktail called "Dark Apple". Its secret is using extra-strength vodka as a base.
<br><<PHR 8 "One, two!">>
<br>You start emptying the shots one by one. Mila keeps up with you. After the last shot your legs suddenly fail you and you grab the bar. Mila just collapses on top of you and you have to hold on to her as well. She wraps both arms around your neck and hangs on top of you, arching her luscious ass toward the dance floor.
<br><<PHR 8 "Kiss me.">>
<br>Her eyes sparkle. You lean in and press a long kiss to her lips.
<br><<PHR "mc" "There is a hotel nearby.">>
<br><<PHR 8 "It's so early, why should we leave?">>
<br><<PHR "mc" "You can hardly stand on your feet anymore, and I have no desire to drag you home, nor to leave you here. I'll buy us some extra drinks.">>
<br><<PHR 8 "All right, then. Get a bottle of sambuca.">>
<<btnEventLink "Leave the club" "Mila Club Dom Events" "second meet(leave club)" 1>>
<<case "second meet(leave club)">>
<<LocImg "club" "facade">>
<br>You leave the club. Mila is hopping along, waving a bottle of sambuca. She takes a big sip and holds the bottle out to you. Suddenly the girl covers her mouth with her hand.
<br><<PHR 8 "Damn, I think I'm gonna puke.">>
<br><<TH "Fuck! That's all I need.">>
<br>You lead her behind the clubhouse, down a dark alley. She bends over, leaning her arm against the wall and breathing noisily. After a minute, though, she still hasn't thrown up.
<br><<PHR 8 "I think I'm feeling better now. Need another drink.">>
<br><<PHR "mc" "No, you need fresh air.">>
<br>Mila tries to take the booze from you, but after several futile attempts she gives up and, pouting with anger, heads toward the hotel.
<<btnEventLink "Follow her" "Mila Club Dom Events" "hotel arrive">>
<<case "hotel arrive">>
<<LocImg "club" "hotel reception">>
<br>You walk into the hotel. The woman at the reception isn't surprised by your condition at all and gives you the keys from a room.
<<btnEventLink "Up to the room" "Mila Club Dom Events" "second meet(hotel check)">>
/* ***************** SECOND MEET ***************** */
<<case "second meet(hotel check)">>
<<set $NPCsexmemory[8].vaginal += 1>>
<<LocImg "club" "hotel room">>
<br>Mila drops her shoes and rushes to the center of the room. You walk up to her, but she grabs the bottle from you and pushes you onto the small couch that stands opposite the bed. She starts dancing, trying to wiggle sexily and sway her hips, but in her current condition it looks more like amusing. She takes another sip and throws the booze back on the bed. She grips the edge of her dress with both hands and begins to slowly lift it up. You, meanwhile, unbuckle your belt and pull down your pants with your briefs. Mila's gaze immediately focuses on your towering cock.
<br><<PHR 8 "Fuck, I forgot how huge it is.">>
<br>She finally pulls off her dress and walks over to you, keeping her eyes on your dick. You reach up and grab her by the waist and turn her around sharply to give her ass a nice spanking. However, it looks like someone has already worked with her ass before you did. You see distinct scarlet streaks from the strokes.
<br><<PHR "mc" "Explain to me what these are.">>
<br><<PHR 8 "It's my stepfather. He won't let me leave the house at night, and he often uses his belt to help me not forget that rule.">>
<br><<PHR "mc" "So you sneaked out of your house.">>
<br><<PHR 8 "Yes! I climbed out the window and went down the tree.">>
<br><<PHR "mc" "I don't really like the fact that other man laid his hand on you.">>
<br><<PHR 8 "But what could I do?">>
<br><<PHR "mc" "Don't know. It's not my problem. I'm here just to dick down one dirty whore.">>
<br><<PHR 8 "That's right, enough of your precepts. Let's fuck!">>
<br>You laugh and lean back, inviting her to ride you. She climbs onto the couch and jumps on your cock, accepting the full length of it inside her.
<<btnEventLink "Continue" "Mila Club Dom Events" "second meet(hotel ride)">>
<<case "second meet(hotel ride)">>
<<NPCmedia "mila" "hotel ride" 1>>
<br>Mila moves her hips furiously, thrusting on your cock right to the root. You hold her by the waist and push her toward you. Her little tits jiggle in sync with your thrusts.
<br><<PHR "mc" "Damn, you're so tight for stupid whore!">>
<br><<PHR 8 "That's... all... cause your... huge cock!">>
<br>You grab her nipple and gently tug it up. She bites her lower lip, and you feel her insides squeeze tighter. She leans back, resting one hand on your hip, while at the same time using her other hand to fix her hair, kept getting in her face.
<br><<PHR 8 "Shit, I left the bottle on the bed.">>
<br><<PHR "mc" "You're a natural slut! All you want to do is get drunk and get banged, don't you?">>
<br>You start lightly spanking her tits.
<br><<PHR 8 "Yes! I wanna fuck every day! Ride your cock every morning and every night!">>
<<btnEventLink "Continue casually" "Mila Club Dom Events" "second meet(hotel ride 2)">>
<<btnEventLink "Continue roughly" "Mila Club Dom Events" "second meet(hotel ride 2.1)">>
<<case "second meet(hotel ride 2)">>
<<NPCmedia "mila" "hotel ride_2" 1>>
<br><<PHR "mc" "Then show me how much you love that cock. Move your fucking hips!">>
<br>Mila obediently follows your instructions while you continue to smack and squeeze her tits.
<br><<PHR "mc" "Faster!">>
<br>You can see the muscles in her skinny body straining, trying to maintain the pace their owner took. Mila's face is flushed, her eyes staring into the void.
<br><<PHR "mc" "Keep it up">>
<br><<PHR 8 "Fu-uck! I'm already close!">>
<br>Her insides begin squeezing around your cock, signaling an incoming orgasm. Nevertheless, she doesn't slow down, even as her body spasms and the juices from her pussy start spurting onto your pubis.
Finally, she collapses on top of you. Lifting up on her hands, the girl tries to catch her breath.
<br><<PHR 8 "It was so dizzying!">>
<br>Suddenly Mila leans toward you and licks the trickle of sweat running down your chest.
<br><<PHR 8 "Mmm, salty!">>
<br>Such a abrupt act awakens some kind of animal instinct insaide you. You grab the girl and throw her onto the couch.
<<btnEventLink "Fuck her" "Mila Club Dom Events" "second meet(hotel cum)">>
<<case "second meet(hotel ride 2.1)">>
<<NPCmedia "mila" "hotel ride_2" 1>>
<br><<PHR "mc" "Then show me how much you love that cock. Move your fucking hips!">>
<br>Mila obediently follows your instructions while you continue to smack and squeeze her tits.
<br><<PHR "mc" "Faster! Move faster, you stupid bitch!">>
<br>You can see the muscles in her skinny body straining, trying to maintain the pace their owner took. But that's not enough for you. You reach out and put your hands around her neck. Squeezing it slightly, you make the girl flinch.
<br><<PHR "mc" "Do you even know how to do that? You're completely useless whore.">>
<<NPCmedia "mila" "hotel ride slap" 1>>
<br>You give her a weighty slap.
<br><<PHR "mc" "Say it!">>
<br><<PHR 8 "I'm completely useless whore!">>
<br><<PHR "mc" "You're just a hole for my cock. Fuck meat.">>
<br>Another slap.
<br><<PHR 8 "I'm a piece of meat! A dripping hole for your dick! Fuck doll!">>
<br><<PHR "mc" "Then do your job properly!">>
<br>Mila docilely nods and goes back to riding. With each movement she tries to thrust herself as deep as she can on your cock.
<br><<PHR "mc" "Keep it up">>
<br><<PHR 8 "Fu-uck! I'm already close!">>
<br>Her insides begin squeezing around your cock, signaling an incoming orgasm. Nevertheless, she doesn't slow down, even as her body spasms and the juices from her pussy start spurting onto your pubis.
Finally, she collapses on top of you. Lifting up on her hands, the girl tries to catch her breath.
<br><<PHR 8 "It was so dizzying!">>
<br><<PHR "mc" "Shut up, whore! We're not done yet.">>
<br>You grab the girl and throw her onto the couch.
<<AddStat 8 "obedience" 10 100>>
<<btnEventLink "Fuck her" "Mila Club Dom Events" "second meet(hotel cum)">>
<<case "second meet(hotel missionary)">>
<<NPCmedia "mila" "hotel missionary" 1>>
<br>You spread her legs in a V-shape and line your cock against her pussy. She looks at you expectantly, but as you slam your cock into her pussy, her eyes widen in shock.
<br>You begin hammering her with sweeping motions, with each thrust plunging your cock to its full length, and then practically pulling it out. Mila throw her arms back and grabs the side back of the couch. It creaks in unison with your strokes, and you can hear its legs cracking even through the girl's loud moans.
<br><<PHR 8 "It feels so good!">>
<br>Your cock stretches her vagina, hitting all her sensitive points. A minute passes and the girl's body arches out in a powerful orgasm. She screams your name while you continue to pound her.
<br>You slow down, giving her a chance to catch her breath. She lies back with her head tilted back and her eyes closed, her exhausted pussy throbbing, pleasantly stimulating your cock.
<<NPCmedia "mila" "hotel missionary_2" 1>>
You speed up again, returning to your previous pace. Her moans begin to turn into a quiet howl.
<<if $NPCstat[6].obedience > 0>>
<br><<PHR "mc" "Tell me how much you love my cock.">>
<br>Mila mumbles something unintelligible in response.
<br><<PHR "mc" "Answer, bitch">>
<br><<PHR 8 "I love... your cock!">>
<br><<PHR "mc" "Louder!">>
<br><<PHR 8 "I love your cock! I love the way it tears my pussy!">>
<br><<PHR "mc" "That's better!">>
You grab her breasts and squeeze hard. Her body is trembling as if electricity is coursing through it.
<br><<PHR "mc" "I'm gonna cum!">>
<<btnEventLink "Continue" "Mila Club Dom Events" "second meet(hotel cum)">>
<<case "second meet(hotel cum)">>
<<NPCmedia "mila" "hotel cum" 1>>
<br>You pull your cock out of her slurping vagina and drag the girl off the couch. You slap her face with your cock a couple of times until Mila instinctively opens her mouth and sticks out her tongue.
<br>You jerk your shaft until torrents of semen start erupting onto her cute little tongue, and Mila eagerly takes the entire load.
<br><<PHR "mc" "Swallow it!">>
<br>She gulps and then opens her mouth again to show off how well she's handled your task.
<<if $NPCstat[8].obedience > 0>>
<<set _txt = "Why do I have to tell you everything you have to do? Clean my dick, you stupid cunt!">>
<<set _txt = "Now you should clean my dick.">>
<br><<PHR "mc" _txt>>
<br>Mila begins to lick the head, looking you straight in the eye.
<br><<PHR "mc" "That' s it. Give it a good cleaning.">>
<br>Satisfied with her work, you lift the girl to her feet and lead her to the bed. She falls on it and almost momentarily passes out. You leisurely get dressed, toss your room key on the bedside table, and leave.
<<btnEventLink "Go home" "Hallway" "">>
/* ***************** THIRD MEET ***************** */
<<case "third meet(her father)">>
<<LocImg "club" "facade">>
<br>You leave the club. Mila is openly fooling around, either running away from you or snuggling up to you. At one point you slap her on her little bum, but this only serves to excite her.
<br><<PHR "m_Mila_father" "Stranger" "Who the hell is that guy?">>
<br>You turn to the voice's direction and see a man in slacks and a striped shirt.
<br><<PHR 8 "Daddy? What are you doing here?">>
<br><<PHR "m_Mila_father" "Mila's father" "What am I doing here? What are you doing here! I told you to stay home.">>
<br><<PHR 8 "I'm an adult, Daddy, and I can go anywhere I want.">>
<br><<PHR "m_Mila_father" "Mila's father" "Don't even start it! You've already earned a good spanking.">>
<br>Mila's father walks up the stairs, while the girl starts slowly backing away. The man pushes you aside and tries to grab the brunette, but at that moment you grab him by the shoulder and turn him around to face you.
<<if $mc.confidence >= 0>>
<br><<PHR "mc" "Hey, nobody pushes me!">>
<br><<PHR "mc" "Do you even know who I am?">>
<br><<PHR "m_Mila_father" "Mila's father" "It's none of your business, asshole.">>
<br>You do not wait for further developments and with a right hook hit him in the jaw.
<<if $mc.shape >= 50>>
He steps back and falls on his tailbone. It seems that the blow was quite strong, because the man is not able to get up for a long time.
He steps back and falls on his tailbone, but almost immediately begins to rise.
A security guard standing outside the club rushes in your direction, and you decide to leave the location. Mila follows you.
<<btnEventLink "Continue" "Mila Club Dom Events" "third meet(her father 2)">>
<<case "third meet(her father 2)">>
<<set $MilaApartment.rented = true>>
<<LocImg "club" "alley">>
<br>After hiding in the nearest alley, you realize that there is no chase after you.
<br><<PHR "mc" "That was your father?">>
<br><<PHR 8 "Yes, and now I'm really gonna get in trouble.">>
<br>Mila squats down and wraps her arms around her head.
<br><<PHR 8 "You don't have a cigarette?">>
<br><<PHR "mc" "I don't smoke.">>
<br>You remember the marks on her skin you saw last time. Not that you feel sorry for Mila, but at the same time you're still pissed about the fight with her father.
<br><<PHR "mc" "Nothing will happen to you. I'll take care of that jerk.">>
<br><<PHR 8 "Don't need it! He's not a bad person. He's just a bit rusty when it comes to discipline.">>
<br>Mila gets to her feet.
<<set _txt = $mc.name + ", can you please rent me a room for the night? I don't wanna face my father right now. But he'll definitely cool off by morning.">>
<br><<PHR 8 _txt>>
<br><<PHR "mc" "I don't think so. Okay, here's the deal. You stay in a hotel for the night, and tomorrow I'll decide what's next.">>
<<set _txt = "Thank you, " + $mc.name + ".">>
<br><<PHR 8 _txt>>
<br>The brunette gives you a hug.
<br><<PHR "mc" "Come on, I'll get you a room and then I'll go home. Whole situation is making me really sick and I wanna rest.">>
<<btnEventLink "Finish" "Hallway" "">>
<</switch>><<switch $EventMark>>
/* ***************** CLUB APPROACH ***************** */
<<case "approach">>
<<set $location.sub = "">>
<<if $NPCstat[10].meet == false>>
<<set $NPCstat[8].obedience -= 5>>
<<set $NPCstat[10].meet = true>>
<<LocImg "club" "bar counter">>
<br>You walk over to the bar to order something for yourself. You try to give a signal to the bartender when you feel a touch on your arm. Turning around you see Mila with another girl.
<<set _txt = $mc.name + ", hi! I kept wondering if it was you or not. You know, we didn't really hit it off last time, so how about we try again?">>
<br><<PHR 8 _txt>>
<br>Another girl intervenes.
<br><<PHR 10 "When Mila told me about your incident, I was shocked. If a girl like her got down on her knees before me, I would give a full experience to her mouth.">>
<br>She pushes her friend to the side with her elbow.
<br><<PHR 10 "Maybe he's embarrassed to show that guy he's got in his pants.">>
<br>Mila giggles.
<br><<PHR 8 "Come on, Nicole. Don't embarrass him any worse.">>
<<set _txt = $mc.name + ", right? Please, don't take my words to heart. It's just a joke.">>
<br><<PHR 10 _txt>>
<<btnEventLink "Say you're not mad at her" "Mila Club Sub Events" "second meet(no mad)">>
<<btnEventLink "Tell her to fuck off" "Mila Club Sub Events" "second meet(mad)">>
<<LocImg "club" "bar counter">>
<<set _txt = "Hey, " + $mc.name + ", I knew you'd show up. Come on, drink with me.">>
<br><<PHR 8 _txt>>
<br>She pushes her shot toward you, so it slides down the bar into your hand.
<br><<PHR 8 "Nicole is busy tonight, though, so if you were hoping for another show, that's a bust for you.">>
<br>She swallows her shot in a gulp.
<br><<PHR 8 "But that doesn't mean we can't have some fun.">>
<<btnEventLink "Drink with her" "Mila Club Sub Events" "third meet(her father)">>
/* ***************** SECOND MEET ***************** */
<<case "second meet(no mad)">>
<<LocImg "club" "bar counter">>
<br><<PHR "mc" "Well, shit happens. Let's just forget about it.">>
<<set _txt = "That's really great, " + $mc.name + ". I suggest we drink to the restoration of our friendship.">>
<br><<PHR 8 _txt>>
<br>Mila looks at you expectantly. Obviously, she assumes you're the one paying for the drink.
<<btnEventLink "Buy them a drink" "Mila Club Sub Events" "second meet(drink)">>
<<case "second meet(mad)">>
<<set $NPCstat[6].obedience += 5>>
<<LocImg "club" "bar counter">>
<br><<PHR "mc" "Listen, don't ever approach me again.">>
<br>The expression on her face changes rapidly.
<br><<PHR 10 "Well, then go fuck yourself. Good luck with your tiny prick. Maybe some real man will pick you up.">>
<br>The girls starts laughing, then they turn around and walk away.
<<set $EventMark = "">>
<<btnLink "Drink alone" "Club Bar" "drink alone">>
<<case "second meet(drink)">>
<<SkipTimeBlock 1>>
<<set $money.pocket -= 200>>
<<LocImg "club" "bar counter">>
<br>You spend your time talking and drinking. Mila's companion turns out to be a dance instructor working at gym, you're visiting from time to time.
<<set _txt = "I can train you too, " + $mc.name + ".">>
<br><<PHR 10 _txt>>
<br>She playfully pokes you in the stomach.
<br><<PHR "mc" "Thanks, I'm a fairly good dancer already.">>
<br>The girls giggle.
<<set _txt = $mc.name + ", you're obviously a terrible dancer.">>
<br><<PHR 10 _txt>>
<br><<PHR 8 "Don't bully him too much, Nicole.">>
<<set _txt = "Okay, okay. But my offer still stands, " + $mc.name + ". We could use a strong man's hand. Especially if they're attached to a brain that's not just thinking about fucking someone. So you're the perfect candidate.">>
<br><<PHR 10 _txt>>
<br>They start laughing again, while your cheeks start to burn with embarrassment. Mila notices this.
<<set _txt = "Relax, " + $mc.name + ". We're just fooling around.">>
<br><<PHR 8 _txt>>
<center>* * *</center>
You continue devouring alcohol. Soon it's time to leave the club.
<b><i>You spend 200$.</i></b>
<<btnEventLink "Get Outside" "Mila Club Sub Events" "second meet(hotel check)">>
<<case "second meet(hotel check)">>
<<LocImg "club" "facade">>
<br>You walk out of the club. Mila and her friend are openly fooling around, playfully pushing and teasing each other.
<br><<PHR 10 "There's a hotel nearby, we could continue our party there.">>
<<set _txt = "That's a great idea. " + $mc.name + ", are you in?">>
<br><<PHR 8 _txt>>
<br><<PHR 10 "But I must warn you, all you can do is stand and watch.">>
<<btnEventLink "Go with them" "Mila Club Sub Events" "second meet(hotel room)">>
<<btnEventLink "Go home" "Hallway" "">>
<<case "second meet(hotel room)">>
<<LocImg "club" "hotel room">>
<br>You go into the hotel. You leave your credit card information at the front desk and you go up to your room.
<br>As soon as you enter the room, Mila immediately pushes Nicole against the wall and starts kissing her. Without wasting any time, she starts undressing her.
<<set _txt = "Mila, don't you think " + $mc.name + " will be jealous?">>
<br><<PHR 10 _txt>>
<br><<PHR 8 "He shouldn't be. Or did he think things might be different?">>
<br>Mila pulls Nicole's skirt and panties down.
<<set _txt = "Normally, I prefer cocks, but today I'll make an exception. " + $mc.name + ", you can take a seat on the bed for now.">>
<br><<PHR 8 _txt>>
<br>Looks like this is your last chance to leave.
<<btnEventLink "Sit on the bed and watch their actions" "Mila Club Sub Events" "second meet(hotel watch)">>
<<btnEventLink "Turn around and go home" "Hallway" "">>
<<case "second meet(hotel watch)">>
<<NPCmedia "mila" "hotel lesbian" 1>>
<br>Mila drops to her knees and buries into Nicole's mound. The blonde groans and puts her hand on Mila's head.
<br><<PHR 10 "You're really craving this, girl.">>
<br>Then she looks up and your eyes meet. A smug smirk appears on her face.
<<set _txt = "If only you knew how fierce her tongue is, " + $mc.name + ". Just imagine what she could do to your cock.">>
<br><<PHR 10 _txt>>
<br>Mila puts her hands on Nicole's hips as if trying to press her pussy closer to her face.
<<set _txt = "Oh, " + $mc.name + ", she's damn good at it.">>
<br><<PHR 10 _txt>>
<br>She squeezes Mila's hair in her fingers.
<br><<PHR 10 "Look at me, girl. The mere sight of your whorey eyes makes me wet.">>
<br>Nicole drops her vest and pulls down her top. She unhooks her lace bra, exposing her full breasts.
<<NPCmedia "mila" "hotel lesbian 2" 1>>
<<set _txt = "Do you like my boobs, " + $mc.name + "?">>
<br><<PHR 10 _txt>>
<br>Mila immediately raises her hands and grabs Nicole's tits, literally digging her fingers into them.
<br><<PHR 8 "They're only mine. Mine.">>
<br><<PHR 10 "Don't be so greedy, girl. Can he at least see them?">>
<br><<PHR 8 "All right, let him look. But he should keep his mouth shut. I don't want to hear any dirty comments from him.">>
<br>After these words, Mila continues to devour her friend's pussy. Nicole closes her eyes and enjoys the process. Her fingers are incessantly rubbing Mila's dark hair.
<br>You feel your cock beginning to swell. You put your hand on your groin and squeeze it lightly.
<br><<PHR 10 "Lick my cunt, girl. Fuck, I'm burning.">>
<<set _txt = "Don't worry, I'll take care of you. Cause " + $mc.name + " sure can't do that.">>
<br><<PHR 8 _txt>>
<br>They're both giggling.
<<set _txt = "Let's go to bed girl. " + $mc.name + ", it's time for you to get up.">>
<br><<PHR 10 _txt>>
<<btnEventLink "Get up" "Mila Club Sub Events" "second meet(hotel watch 2)">>
<<case "second meet(hotel watch 2)">>
<<NPCmedia "mila" "hotel lesbian 3" 1>>
<br>You get up off the bed without a word, and the girls immediately jump on it, stripping each other in the process. They start kissing, and then Mila leans down and grabs Nicole's tits.
<<set _txt = "Look at that, " + $mc.name + "! I bet you'd pay a lot to feel them.">>
<br><<PHR 8 _txt>>
<br>She closes her lips on one of the nipples and starts sucking on it. From the side, it looks like she's making out with Nicole's breasts. With her free hand she teases the nipple on the other breast. Then she presses her cheek against it.
<<set _txt = "Just look at that slut, " + $mc.name + ". She's in love with my boobs, I'm telling you.">>
<br><<PHR 10 _txt>>
<br>She grabs Mila by the waist and pushes her down on the bed.
<br><<PHR 10 "Now I wanna taste you.">>
<br>Nicole lowers her face to Mila's pussy and, looking at you, sticks her tongue out and slowly runs it over labia.
<br><<PHR 10 "So, what do you think she tastes like?">>
<br>You hesitate with your answer and get another round of laughter from the girls. Without waiting for your reply, Nicole starts working on Mila's pussy. The brunette leans back, so that her head is now hanging off the bed. Her eyes focus on your hand rubbing your crotch.
<<set _txt = "Enjoying the view, " + $mc.name + "?">>
<br><<PHR 8 _txt>>
<br>Her tongue licks her lips.
<br><<PHR 8 "I love the way Nicole acts with her tongue, but to tell you truth, if I had a big veiny cock in front of my face right now, I would immediately jump on it.">>
<br>Nicole's hand moves up and slaps her friend's boobs pretty hard. The brunette gives a low moan and bites her lower lip.
<br><<PHR 10 "You, naughty girl!">>
<<btnEventLink "Continue" "Mila Club Sub Events" "second meet(hotel watch 3)">>
<<case "second meet(hotel watch 3)">>
<<NPCmedia "mila" "hotel lesbian 4" 1>>
<br>Nicole stops and rises higher. She lifts Mila's head and they begin passionately making out. At the same time, the girls are furiously grinding their hips against each other.
<br><<PHR 10 "Fuck, you make me crazy! I'm gonna taste every part of your body.">>
<br><<PHR 8 "What about him?">>
<br>Mila nods in your direction.
<<set _txt = "I think it's time for him to leave. " + $mc.name + ", I think you've seen enough.">>
<br><<PHR 10 _txt>>
<br><<PHR 8 "Yeah, maybe next time you will be luckier.">>
<br>They start making out again. Looks like they're not interested in you anymore. You turn around and walk out of the room.
<<btnEventLink "Go home" "Hallway" "">>
/* ***************** THIRD MEET ***************** */
<<case "third meet(her father)">>
<<LocImg "club" "death road">>
<br>You drink your shot, and the strong alcohol burns your throat. The brunette looks at you expectantly.
<br><<TH "Apparently, she suggests that I pay for the other ones.">>
<br>You sign to the bartender to pour two more shots. Mila chugs hers down and snatches the second one out of your hands.
<br><<PHR "m_Mila_father" "Stranger" "Who the hell is that guy?">>
<br>You turn around and see a man in slacks and a striped shirt.
<br><<PHR 8 "Daddy? What are you doing here?">>
<br><<PHR "m_Mila_father" "Mila's father" "What am I doing here? What are you doing here! I told you to stay home.">>
<br><<PHR 8 "I'm an adult, Daddy, and I can go anywhere I want.">>
<br><<PHR "m_Mila_father" "Mila's father" "Don't even start it! You've already earned a good spanking.">>
<br>Mila's father starts to approach threateningly, but at that moment some drunken guy appears between him and you and Mila.
<br><<PHR "m_drunkguy" "Drunk guy" "Hey, old man, why are you so gloomy? Drink with me.">>
<br>The old man pushes the clingy drunkard away, but he clings to his shirt and won't let him pass.
<br><<PHR "m_Mila_father" "Mila's father" "Get lost, asshole!">>
<br>The two of them start bickering, and you feel someone pulling on your sleeve. It's Mila.
<br><<PHR 8 "Let's go, quickly!">>
<<btnEventLink "Go with her" "Mila Club Sub Events" "third meet(her father 2)">>
<<case "third meet(her father 2)">>
<<set $MilaApartment.rented = true>>
<<LocImg "club" "alley">>
<br>You rush out of the club. When you get a hundred yards away, you stop.
<br><<PHR "mc" "That was your father? He seemed really angry with you.">>
<br><<PHR 8 "He told me not to leave the house. But I escaped through the window.">>
<br><<PHR "mc" "And how often do you do that?">>
<br><<PHR 8 "All the fucking time!">>
<br>The blonde's face shines with a smug smile.
<br><<PHR 8 "Though my ass often becomes red after that.">>
<br>Mila suddenly snuggles up to you.
<br><<PHR 8 "Look, I can't go home tonight. Can you get me a hotel room for a couple of days?">>
<br>Not that her charms worked on you, but somewhere in the back of your mind, you think it's a man's duty to help girl in trouble.
<br><<PHR "mc" "Okay, let's go.">>
<br><<PHR 8 "That's awesome! I knew you would help me.">>
<br>You two are heading toward the hotel.
<<set _txt = "In fact, I've wanted to move out of my father for a long time. I'm sick of his rules and restrictions. You know, " + $mc.name + ", you could rent me an apartment. Just for a couple of months. Then I'll figure it out.">>
<br><<PHR 8 _txt>>
<br><<PHR 8 "You don't want me to go back to my old man, do you? Believe me, it would be enough for you to see our apartment to get me out of there immediately. It's like living in a cave, you know?">>
<br><<PHR "mc" "Okay, I'll think about it.">>
<br>You rent a hotel room for the girl, and then you go back home.
<<btnEventLink "Finish" "Hallway" "">>
<<include "Work Event Hub">>
<<switch $location.sub>>
<<case "">>
<<LocImg "work" "secretary desk">>
<<if $NPCstat[$SecretaryId].meet and ($PositionId[1] == 3 or $PositionId[1] == 4)>>
<<if $NPCstat[$SecretaryId].location == "Secretary Desk">>
<<if $PsyTopic[0].stage == 8 and $SecretaryWarehouses.active == false>>
<<dlg_en $SecretaryId "Good morning, Mr. $mc.lastname. Have you found something good for my business yet? You might want to look on the Web.">>
<<dlg_ru $SecretaryId "Доброе утро, мистер $mc.lastname. Вы уже нашли что-то подходящее для моего бизнеса? Возможно, стоит поискать в Интернете.">>
<<elseif $PsyTopic[0].stage == 5 and not mcHaveThongs()>>
<<dlg_en $SecretaryId "Good morning, Mr. $mc.lastname. Have you bought anything sexy for our next sessions yet? I think you can find something at the mall.">>
<<dlg_ru $SecretaryId "Доброе утро, мистер $mc.lastname. Вы уже купили что-нибудь сексуальное для наших следующий сессий? Думаю, в торговом центре можно найти что-нибудь.">>
<<dlg_en $SecretaryId "Good morning, Mr. $mc.lastname. What can I do for you?">>
<<dlg_ru $SecretaryId "Доброе утро, мистер $mc.lastname. Что я могу для вас сделать?">>
<<if $PsyTopic[0].stage == 7>>
<<btnEventLink "Talk about her business offer/Поговорить насчет ее бизнеса" "Secretary Role Reverse" "about her business(last)(start)">>
<<th_en "$NPCstat[$SecretaryId].name is not at her workplace.">>
<<th_ru "$NPCstat[$SecretaryId].name не на своем рабочем месте.">>
<<elseif $BrandyStory.status == "active">>
<<if $NPCstat[20].location == "Secretary Desk">>
<<en "Brandy is sitting at her desk, chatting on her phone. When she sees you, all she does is lift her head up.">>
<<ru "Брэнди сидит на своем рабочем месте и болтает по телефону. Завидев тебя, она всего лишь поднимает голову.">>
<<dlg_en 20 "Good morning, boss.">>
<<dlg_ru 20 "Доброе утро, босс.">>
<<en "After greeting you, she returns to her conversation.">>
<<ru "Поприветствовав тебя, девушка возвращается к своему разговору.">>
<<th_en "Brandy is not at her workplace.">>
<<th_ru "Брэнди не на своем рабочем месте.">>
<<th_en "I haven't hired a new secretary yet.">>
<<th_ru "Я еще не нанял новую секретаршу.">>
<<set _navid = 0>>
<<set $NavigationSlot = []>>
<<set $NavigationSlotName = []>>
<<set $NavigationSlotSub = []>>
<<set $NavigationSlot[0] = "Your Office">>
<<set $NavigationSlotName[0] = "Your Office">>
<<set $NavigationSlotSub[0] = "">>
<<NavigationTable _navid>>
<<btnLink "Leave/Уйти" "Your Office" "">>
<<include "Work Event Hub">>
<<switch $location.sub>>
<<case "">>
<<LocImg "work" "finance department">>
<<en "The workflow goes on as usual.">>
<<ru "Рабочий процесс идет как обычно.">>
<<set $NavigationSlot = []>>
<<set $NavigationSlotName = []>>
<<set $NavigationSlotSub = []>>
<<set $NavigationSlot[0] = "Finance Head Office">>
<<set $NavigationSlotName[0] = "Head department office">>
<<set $NavigationSlotSub[0] = "head office">>
<<NavigationTable 0>>
<<btnLink "Leave/Уйти" "Your Office" "">>
<<case "head office">>
<<LocImg "work" "paul office">>
<<if $NPCstat[5].location == "Finance Head Office">>
<<if $NPCstat[8].meet and $NPCstat[9].meet == false and $time.date > 14>>
<<set _txt = $mc.name + "! I met two hot chicks. How about going clubbing with them this Friday?">>
<br><<PHR $PositionId[3] _txt>>
<br><<PHR "mc" "I'll think about it.">>
<<set _txt = $mc.name + "! How are you?">>
<br><<PHR $PositionId[3] _txt>>
<<btnLink "Leave" "Finance Department" "">>
<<include "Work Event Hub">>
<<switch $location.sub>>
<<case "">>
<<LocImg "work" "hr department">>
<<en "The workflow goes on as usual.">>
<<ru "Рабочий процесс идет как обычно.">>
<<set _navid = 0>>
<<set $NavigationSlot = []>>
<<set $NavigationSlotName = []>>
<<set $NavigationSlotSub = []>>
<<set $NavigationSlot[_navid] = "HR Head Office">>
<<set $NavigationSlotName[_navid] = "Head department office">>
<<set $NavigationSlotSub[_navid] = "head office">>
<<set _navid += 1>>
<<set $NavigationSlot[_navid] = "HR Psy Office">>
<<set $NavigationSlotName[_navid] = "Psychologist office">>
<<set $NavigationSlotSub[_navid] = "psy office">>
<<set _navid += 1>>
<<set _navid -= 1>>
<<NavigationTable _navid>>
<<btnLink "Leave/Уйти" "Your Office" "">>
<<case "head office">>
<<LocImg "work" "simple office">>
<<dlg_en $PositionId[2] "Good morning, Mr. $mc.lastname!">>
<<dlg_ru $PositionId[2] "Доброе утро, мистер $mc.lastname!">>
<<if mcHaveItem("Louise employment order")>>
<<btnLink "Talk about Louise/Поговорить о Луизе" "HR Department" "">>
<<btnLink "Leave/Уйти" "HR Department" "">>
<<case "psy office">>
<<if $NPCstat[18].location == "HR Psy Office" and $NPCstat[$SecretaryId].location == "HR Psy Office">>
<<LocImg "work" "closed office">>
<<set _txt = "Louise has a session with " + $NPCstat[$SecretaryId].name + ". It's best not to disturb them.">>
<br><<TH _txt>>
<<btnLink "Leave" "HR Department" "">>
<<elseif $NPCstat[18].location == "HR Psy Office">>
<<if $time.date == 8>>
<<LocImg "work" "simple office">>
<<en "The office move-in process is in full swing. It's better to come here the next day.">>
<<ru "Процесс заселения в офис идет полным ходом. Лучше заглянуть сюда на следующий день.">>
<<LocImg "work" "simple office">>
<<set _txt = "Good morning, Mr " + $mc.lastname + "! Please make yourselves comfortable.">>
<br><<PHR $PositionId[7] _txt>>
<br>She points to the chair next to her desk.
<<btnEventLink "Sit in the chair" "Psy Main Topics" "main">>
<<btnLink "Leave" "HR Department" "">>
<<if $NPCstat[18].meet>>
<<LocImg "work" "closed office">>
<br>You try the door, but it won't budge.
<<btnLink "Leave" "HR Department" "">>
<<LocImg "work" "closed office">>
<br>You try the door, but it won't budge.
<br><<TH "I think I should check it again next week.">>
<<btnLink "Leave" "HR Department" "">>
<<include "Work Event Hub">>
<<switch $location.sub>>
<<case "">>
<<LocImg "work" "it department">>
<<en "The workflow goes on as usual.">>
<<ru "Рабочий процесс идет как обычно.">>
<<set _navid = 0>>
<<set $NavigationSlot = []>>
<<set $NavigationSlotName = []>>
<<set $NavigationSlotSub = []>>
<<set $NavigationSlot[0] = "IT Head Office">>
<<set $NavigationSlotName[0] = "Head department office">>
<<set $NavigationSlotSub[0] = "head office">>
<<set _navid += 1>>
<<if $NPCstat[30].meet>>
<<set $NavigationSlot[_navid] = "IT Kendall Office">>
<<set $NavigationSlotName[_navid] = "Kendall's office">>
<<set $NavigationSlotSub[_navid] = "kendall office">>
<<set _navid += 1>>
<<set _navid -= 1>>
<<NavigationTable _navid>>
<<btnLink "Leave/Уйти" "Your Office" "">>
<<case "head office">>
<<LocImg "work" "simple office">>
<<dlg_en $PositionId[6] "Good morning, Mr. $mc.lastname!">>
<<dlg_ru $PositionId[6] "Доброе утро, мистер $mc.lastname!">>
<<btnLink "Leave/Выйти" "IT Department" "">>
<<case "kendall office">>
<<LocImg "work" "simple office">>
<<if $NPCstat[30].location == "IT Kendall Office">>
<<dlg_en 30 "Good morning, Mr. $mc.lastname!">>
<<dlg_ru 30 "Доброе утро, мистер $mc.lastname!">>
<<en "Kendall is not here.">>
<<ru "Кендалл здесь нет.">>
<<btnLink "Leave/Выйти" "IT Department" "">>
<<include "Work Event Hub">>
<<switch $location.sub>>
<<case "">>
<<LocImg "work" "post department">>
<<en "The workflow goes on as usual.">>
<<ru "Рабочий процесс идет как обычно.">>
<<set _navid = 0>>
<<set $NavigationSlot = []>>
<<set $NavigationSlotName = []>>
<<set $NavigationSlotSub = []>>
<<set $NavigationSlot[0] = "Post Head Office">>
<<set $NavigationSlotName[0] = "Head department office">>
<<set $NavigationSlotSub[0] = "head office">>
<<set _navid += 1>>
<<if $BelindaStory.office>>
<<set $NavigationSlot[1] = "Belinda Office">>
<<set $NavigationSlotName[1] = "Belinda's office">>
<<set $NavigationSlotSub[1] = "belinda office">>
<<set _navid += 1>>
<<set _navid -= 1>>
<<NavigationTable _navid>>
<<btnLink "Leave/Уйти" "Your Office" "">>
<<case "head office">>
<<LocImg "work" "simple office">>
<<dlg_en $PositionId[5] "Good morning, Mr. $mc.lastname!">>
<<dlg_ru $PositionId[5] "Доброе утро, мистер $mc.lastname!">>
<<btnLink "Leave/Выйти" "Post Department" "">>
<<case "belinda office">>
<<if $BelindaStory.stage == 4 and $BelindaStory.counter > 0>>
<<LocImg "work" "messy office">>
<<if $NPCstat[16].location == "Belinda Office">>
<br>The office is being set up for Belinda's move-in. A couple of big, strong men carry out boxes full of documents and unnecessary furniture. Belinda pretentiously commands them. On seeing you, she waves cheerfully.
<br><<PHR 16 "Good morning, boss!">>
<br>The office is empty and dark.
<<if $time.daytime < 2>>
<br><<TH "I don't think she's an early bird. Perhaps it's better to check her office at noon or later.">>
<br><<TH "I think she's already left.">>
<<btnLink "Leave" "Post Department" "">>
<<LocImg "work" "simple office">>
<<if $NPCstat[16].location == "Belinda Office">>
<br><<PHR 16 "Good morning, boss!">>
<br>Belinda's office is empty.
<<if $time.daytime < 2>>
<br><<TH "I don't think she's an early bird. Perhaps it's better to check her office at noon or later.">>
<br><<TH "I think she's already left.">>
<<btnLink "Leave" "Post Department" "">>
<</switch>><<switch $EventMark>>
/* ---------- FIRST MEET ---------- */
<<case "first meet">>
<<set $NPCstat[16].meet = true>>
<<set $BelindaStory.status = "active">>
<<NPCmedia "belinda" "first meet" 0>>
<br>While walking through the postal department, you watch a fight between two female employees.
<br><<PHR "female_img" "Female worker" "Belinda, you should've done this yesterday.">>
<br><<PHR 16 "I need more time, don't you get it? I had an appointment at the tanning salon, a visit from friend... After all, you shouldn't give such a difficult task to an intern!">>
<br><<PHR "female_img" "Female worker" "This is the easiest task I could give you. Oh, shit!">>
<br>The girl notices you and immediately disappears into the back of the room. At the same time, the "culprit" of the conflict goes to you without any hesitation.
<<set _txt = "Mr. " + $mc.lastname + "! You're Mr. " + $mc.lastname + ", aren't you?">>
<br><<PHR 16 _txt>>
<br>You confirm her thought.
<br><<PHR 16 "I'm so glad to meet you in person.">>
<br>She lower her voice.
<br><<PHR 16 "We need to talk. In private.">>
<br>On the one hand, you are taken aback by her brusqueness, on the other - looking at her cleavage, you realize the conversation can turn into something more interesting.
<<btnEventLink "Take her to your office" "Belinda Storyline" "first meet 2">>
<<btnEventLink "Say you're not interested" "Belinda Storyline" "first meet r">>
<<case "first meet r">>
<<set $BelindaStory.counter = 3>>
<<NPCmedia "belinda" "first meet" 0>>
<br><<PHR "mc" "If you have any information, give it to Mr. Harry. If it's important, he'll let me know.">>
<br><<PHR 16 "But really important! Let me tell it directly to you.">>
<br><<PHR "mc" "Follow the subordination. You have your own boss.">>
<br>You turn around and head for the exit.
<<btnEventLink "Return to your office" "Your Office" "">>
<<case "first meet 2">>
<<LocImg "work" "your office">>
<br><<PHR "mc" "All right, follow me.">>
<br>You take her to your office. She keeps looking around.
<<set _txt = "You have such a lit office, Mr. " + $mc.lastname + ". I hope to get a similar one someday.">>
<br><<PHR 16 _txt>>
<br>You sit in the chair.
<<btnEventLink "Ask her what she wanted to talk about" "Belinda Storyline" "about internship">>
<<case "first meet 3">>
<<LocImg "work" "your office">>
<br>You secretary is calling you.
<<set _txt = "Mr. " + $mc.lastname + ", there's a Belinda from the post office waiting for you. She says you promised to talk to her.">>
<br><<PHR $SecretaryId _txt>>
<br><<TH "What a pesky brat!">>
<<btnEventLink "Let her in" "Belinda Storyline" "first meet 3.1">>
<<btnEventLink "Say you don't wanna talk to her" "Belinda Storyline" "first meet 3.2">>
<<case "first meet 3.1">>
<<LocImg "work" "your office">>
<br>Belinda walks into your office, constantly looking around.
<<set _txt = "You have such a lit office, Mr. " + $mc.lastname + ". I hope to get a similar one someday.">>
<br><<PHR 16 _txt>>
<<btnEventLink "Ask her what she wanted to talk about" "Belinda Storyline" "about internship">>
<<case "first meet 3.2">>
<<set $BelindaStory.counter = 2>>
<<LocImg "work" "your office">>
<<set _txt = "Alright, Mr. " + $mc.lastname + ", I'll let her know.">>
<br><<PHR $SecretaryId _txt>>
<<btnEventLink "Return to work" "Your Office" "">>
/* *** */
<<case "about internship">>
<<set $BelindaStory.stage = 1>>
<<LocImg "work" "your office">>
<br><<PHR "mc" "So what did you want to talk about?">>
<br>Belinda immediately perks up.
<<set _txt = "I wanna say that Mr. " + $NPCstat[14].name + " is super biased towards employees. We have another intern in there, and he get easier tasks then me everytime. I think Mr. Harry is trying to take me down.">>
<br><<PHR 16 _txt>>
<br><<PHR "mc" "It's his job to choose the best of the best.">>
<br><<PHR 16 "I'm superior at everything! Tell him to choose me, not this Robert.">>
<br>Belinda lightly slams the table, pretending to look angry.
<br><<PHR 16 "Look at me! I'm prettier and more cheerful, and I keep the team's morale high, while all Robert does is walking around with pompous face and talking about weird stuff. I sat down with him at lunch once... Imagine, he doesn't know anything about modern music or fashion. I told him about a couple of famous singers, he hadn't even heard their names.">>
<br><<PHR "mc" "So, we're not a production agency.">>
<<set _txt = "Mr. " + $mc.lastname + ", working with people like that is terrible. Please tell Mr. " + $NPCstat[14].name + " to fire Robert and approve my candidacy. You don't want to be known as a backward company, do you?">>
<br><<PHR 16 _txt>>
<<btnEventLink "To say that she should earn it" "Belinda Storyline" "about internship 2">>
<<case "about internship 2">>
<<LocImg "work" "your office">>
<<set _txt = "But, Mr. " + $mc.lastname + ", I'm earned it. Ask anyone in our department, everyone would prefer to work with me. Maybe with the exception of a few girls. But they're just jealous!">>
<br><<PHR 16 _txt>>
<br>Belinda takes out her phone, makes a few clicks on its screen, and walks over to you.
<br><<PHR 16 "Here, look!">>
<br>She holds the phone in front of you, while her breasts is pressing against your shoulder and you feel your cock is slowly swelling in your pants.
<<set _number = 0>>
<center><div class="phoneHor">
<<set _back = "data/overall/phone_hor.png">>
<img class="background" @src="_back">
<center><table class="table">
<<set _picture = "phone picture_" + _number>>
<span id="img">
<<PhoneMedia "belinda" _picture 0>>
<span id="act">
<center>@@.btnChoice;<<button "Scroll further">>
<<if _number < 3>>
<<set _number += 1>>
<<set _picture = "phone picture_" + _number>>
<<replace "#img">>
<<PhoneMedia "belinda" _picture 0>>
<<set _number += 1>>
<<set _picture = "phone picture_" + _number>>
<<replace "#img">>
<<PhoneMedia "belinda" _picture 0>>
<<replace "#act">>
<<replace "#dlg">>
<<PHR 16 "Oh, shit, I forgot to delete it!">>
<br>She hastily hides her phone and walks away from you.
<br><<PHR 16 "What do you say, boss? You want me to work for you, don't you? I can see it in the glint in your eyes.">>
<br>Belinda leans forward slightly, as if deliberately giving you a better view of her huge boobs.
<<btnEventLink "Tell she needs to give you more to earn the position" "Belinda Storyline" "about internship 3.1">>
<<btnEventLink "Say that you will give her this position" "Belinda Storyline" "about internship 3.2">>
<span id="dlg">
<br><<PHR 16 "Scroll further, do not hesitate. You know how much effort it costs to make such a body. And then they say that I'm not capable of anything serious. I'm working harder than anyone in this company!">>
<br>She breaks off in mid-sentence, noticing that she has said something inappropriate.
<br><<PHR 16 "Of course, except you, boss!">>
<<case "about internship 3.2">>
<<LocImg "work" "your office">>
<br>Belinda almost jumps with happiness.
<<set _txt = "Thank you, Mr. " + $mc.lastname + ". You are really bad boss.">>
<br><<PHR 16 _txt>>
<br><<PHR "mc" "Calm down, Belinda. And go back to your workplace.">>
<br><<PHR 16 "Aye, boss!">>
<br>She leaves the office.
<<btnEventLink "Return to work" "Your Office" "">>
<<case "about internship 3.1">>
<<NPCmedia "belinda" "boobs tease" 0>>
<br>Belinda thinks for a moment.
<br><<PHR 16 "All right, boss, just for you...">>
<br>She undoes a few buttons on her blouse and opens it. Your eyes are presented with two delightful hills hidden in a lace bra. Belinda unbuttons her blouse further, revealing her flat stomach.
<br><<PHR 16 "Hire me, boss, and I'll give you an unforgettable show.">>
<<btnEventLink "Tell you wanna touch her" "Belinda Storyline" "about internship 4.1">>
<<btnEventLink "Say that you will hire her" "Belinda Storyline" "about internship 4.2">>
<<case "about internship 4.1">>
<<set $BelindaStory.tease += 1>>
<<set $BelindaStory.grope += 1>>
<<NPCmedia "belinda" "first strip" 1>>
<br>Belinda thinks for a moment.
<br><<PHR 16 "Fine, I can let you get intimate for a little.">>
<br>She comes closer to you and throws her leg over you. Then she sits down on the table, so that her groin is at the level of your face. She spreads her legs wide and you can see her lacy panties.
<br><<PHR 16 "Higher, boss!">>
<br>You look up and see her unbuttoning her bra, releasing her delicious tits with protruding nipples. She pinches them lightly and licks her lips.
<br><<PHR 16 "How do you like my boobs, boss?">>
<br><<PHR "mc" "Incredible!">>
<br>You get up from the chair and put your hands on her chest. You try to lift and squeeze them, they hardly give in to your advances. You pinch her erect nipples and rub them in a circular motion. Belinda flinches slightly, and a small moan escapes her lips.
<br><<PHR 16 "How do you like my boobs, boss?">>
<br><<PHR "mc" "I wanna to see your ass.">>
<<NPCmedia "belinda" "grope ass" 1>>
<br>Belinda she jumps to the floor and turns back to you, sticking out her ass. In small moves, she is lifting her skirt until, finally, her magnificent buttcheeks are completely in your field of view. She even moves the edges of her panties to the center, wanting to show you as much bare skin as possible.
<br>You immediately give her a savory slap.
<br><<PHR "mc" "You're a naughty girl, aren't you?">>
<br><<PHR 16 "Yes, boss!">>
<br>You slap her other buttock.
<br><<PHR "mc" "That's enough for today. But we'll definitely continue it">>
<br>Belinda begins to set herself up.
<br><<PHR 16 "Anything for you, boss!">>
<br>She leaves your office.
<<btnEventLink "Return to work" "Your Office" "">>
<<case "about internship 4.2">>
<<set $BelindaStory.tease += 1>>
<<NPCmedia "belinda" "first strip" 1>>
<br>Belinda almost jumps with happiness.
<br><<PHR 16 "Thanks, boss, I knew I could count on you.">>
<br>She comes closer to you and throws her leg over you. Then she sits down on the table, so that her groin is at the level of your face. She spreads her legs wide and you can see her lacy panties.
<br><<PHR 16 "Higher, boss!">>
<br>You look up and see her unbuttoning her bra, releasing her delicious tits with protruding nipples. She pinches them lightly and licks her lips.
<br><<PHR 16 "How do you like my boobs, boss?">>
<br><<PHR "mc" "Incredible!">>
<<NPCmedia "belinda" "ass tease" 0>>
<br>She smiles contentedly as she continues to play with her breasts. Then she jumps to the floor and turns back to you, sticking out her ass. In small moves, she is lifting her skirt until, finally, her magnificent buttcheeks are completely in your field of view. She even moves the edges of her panties to the center, wanting to show you as much bare skin as possible.
<br><<PHR 16 "Wouldn't you like to see this every day, boss?">>
<br>She wags her ass while your cock is already getting ready to jump out of your pants. Belinda turns to you again and her breasts practically touch your face. You go crazy with the desire to squeeze them and sink your lips into her nipples.
<br><<PHR 16 "That's enough for today, boss.">>
<br>Belinda begins to set herself up.
<br><<PHR "mc" "Not bad, We'll have to do it again.">>
<br><<PHR 16 "Anything for you, boss!">>
<br>She leaves your office.
<<btnEventLink "Return to work" "Your Office" "">>
<<case "call her boss">>
<<LocImg "misc" "phone">>
<br>You call head of postal department.
<br><<PHR "mc" "How is the work going?">>
<<set _txt = "Everything is fine, Mr. " + $mc.lastname + ".">>
<br><<PHR 14 _txt>>
<<if $BelindaStory.status == "active" and $BelindaStory.stage <= 2>>
<<btnEventLink "Ask him about new interns" "Belinda Storyline" "call her boss 2">>
<<btnEventLink "Back to work" "Your Office" "">>
<<case "call her boss 2">>
<<LocImg "misc" "phone">>
<br><<PHR "mc" "Mr. Harry, I hear you have two new interns working in your department. Tell me more from them.">>
<br><<PHR 14 "There's not even much to talk about, one of them is completely out of work. I'm thinking of firing her one of these days.">>
<span id="dialog">
<<if $BelindaStory.stage == 1>>
<center>@@.btnWide;<<button "Tell him to hire Belinda instead of another intern">>
<<set $BelindaStory.stage = 2>>
<<set $BelindaStory.counter = 3>>
<<replace "#dialog">>
<br><<PHR "mc" "You should choose her and fire the other intern.">>
<<set _txt = "But, Mr. " + $mc.lastname + "...">>
<br><<PHR 14 _txt>>
<br><<PHR "mc" "No buts, she's a full-time employee starting tomorrow.">>
<br><<PHR 14 "All right, I'll let her know.">>
<<btnEventLink "Back to work" "Your Office" "">>
<center>@@.btnWide;<<button "Tell him fire her immediately <font color='red'>- End Belinda storyline</font>">>
<<set $NPCstat[16].infoImg = "none">>
<<set $BelindaStory.status = "fail">>
<<replace "#dialog">>
<br><<PHR "mc" "Don't delay it. I want her to be out of the company tomorrow.">>
<<set _txt = "Alright, Mr. " + $mc.lastname + ".">>
<br><<PHR 14 _txt>>
<<btnEventLink "Back to work" "Your Office" "">>
<<btnEventLink "End the conversation" "Your Office" "">>
/* ---------- FREE SCHEDULE ---------- */
<<case "work hours">>
<<set $BelindaStory.stage = 3>>
<<set $BelindaStory.counter = 4>>
<<NPCmedia "belinda" "first meet" 0>>
<br>While inspecting the post office, you hear a familiar voice.
<br><<PHR 16 "Boss, boss! I was looking for you!">>
<br>Belinda appears behind you, as if she was waiting for you in an ambush.
<br><<PHR "mc" "Omg, you scared me. What is it this time?">>
<br><<PHR 16 "Sorry, boss. I want to talk to you alone again. There's a storage room nearby.">>
<<LocImg "work" "storage">>
<br>You and Belinda close yourself in the storage room.
<br><<PHR "mc" "So what did you want to talk about?">>
<<set _txt = "It's about " + $NPCstat[14].name + " again! This is the third time he's fined me for allegedly leaving work earlier than I should.">>
<br><<PHR 16 _txt>>
<br><<PHR "mc" "Did you really do that?">>
<br><<PHR 16 "I had good reasons everytime! After all, I can't sit indoors all day, it's bad for my skin.">>
<br><<PHR "mc" "So what do you want from me? To legalize your truancy?">>
<br><<PHR 16 "No truancy, boss! I was hoping that at least you would understand me.">>
<br>She presses tightly against your forearm, making you feel the firmness of her breasts, and switches her voice to a insinuating whisper.
<<set _txt = "Mr. " + $mc.lastname + ", make a free schedule for me. I promise you'll not be disappointed">>
<br><<PHR 16 _txt>>
<<if $BelindaStory.grope == 0>>
<<btnEventLink "Give her a free schedule" "Belinda Storyline" "work hours 2.2">>
<<btnEventLink "First you want to view what the girl offers" "Belinda Storyline" "work hours 2.1">>
<<btnEventLink "First you want to view what the girl offers" "Belinda Storyline" "work hours 2.1">>
<<btnEventLink "Give her a free schedule" "Belinda Storyline" "work hours 2.2">>
<<case "work hours 2.2">>
<<LocImg "work" "storage">>
<br>You reluctantly agree, and Belinda happily hugs you.
<br><<PHR 16 "Thanks, boss! You are the best! You know exactly what a girl needs.">>
<br>She storms out of the storage room, apparently about to leave work at the same moment.
<<btnEventLink "Return to work" "Your Office" "">>
<<case "work hours 2.1">>
<<set $BelindaStory.tease += 1>>
<<NPCmedia "belinda" "storage tease" 1>>
<br><<PHR 16 "Okey, boss. Prepare for the best show of your life!">>
<br>You sit down on a nearby chair and wait for the show. Belinda slowly unbuttons her blouse, releasing her huge boobs. You look at her hungrily. Her fingers tease one of the nipples, and her tongue constantly licks her lips. She approaches you and sits on your lap.
<<if $BelindaStory.grope == 0>>
<<btnEventLink "Just enjoy the show" "Belinda Storyline" "work hours 3.2">>
<<btnEventLink "Take initiative" "Belinda Storyline" "work hours 3.1">>
<<btnEventLink "Take initiative" "Belinda Storyline" "work hours 3.1">>
<<btnEventLink "Just enjoy the show" "Belinda Storyline" "work hours 3.2">>
<<case "work hours 3.1">>
<<set $BelindaStory.grope += 1>>
<<set $NPCsexmemory[16].fingering += 1>>
<<NPCmedia "belinda" "storage tease_2" 1>>
<br>You grab her breasts and start massaging them with both hands. Belinda tilts her head back, her eyes closed. Her hand is stroking your hair. You dig your lips into her invitingly protruding nipple, its hardness making you lose control.
<br>With your other hand, you lift up her skirt.
<br><<PHR 16 "Oops, I think I forgot to put my panties on.">>
<br>Belinda giggles, but soon her laugh is drowned out by light moans as you run your fingers over her labia. You can barely restrain yourself from pouncing on her right now and fucking her like a whore. However, the risk of being caught cools your ardor a little.
<br><<PHR "mc" "That's enough for today, you can get ready.">>
<br>Belinda starts straightening her clothes.
<br><<PHR 16 "So what about my request, boss?">>
<br><<PHR "mc" "Fine, you have a free schedule from now.">>
<br>Belinda jumps with happines and storms out of the pantry, apparently about to leave work at the same moment.
<<btnEventLink "Return to work" "Your Office" "">>
<<case "work hours 3.2">>
<<NPCmedia "belinda" "storage tease" 1>>
<br>Belinda continues to play with her tits, squeezing and lifting them. You feel your mouth beginning to fill with saliva. Then her hand slides down and pulls up her skirt.
<br><<PHR 16 "Oops, I think I forgot to put my panties on.">>
<br>The blonde rises from your lap and, turning back to you, continues to lift her skirt, wiggling her round ass relentlessly.
<br><<PHR 16 "So what about my request, boss?">>
<br>You gulp.
<br><<PHR "mc" "Fine, you have a free schedule from now.">>
<br><<PHR 16 "I knew I could count on you, boss.">>
<br>Belinda starts straightening her clothes.
<br><<PHR 16 "That's enough for today.">>
<br>Before you can understand it, she storms out of the pantry, apparently about to leave work at the same moment.
<<btnEventLink "Return to work" "Your Office" "">>
/* ---------- PERSONAL OFFICE ---------- */
<<case "personal office">>
<<set $BelindaStory.stage = 4>>
<<NPCmedia "belinda" "first meet" 0>>
<br>You meet Belinda again. This time, she doesn't waste time on prelude and instantly drags you into some room. Inside, there is an oval table with numerous chairs around it. There is a planning board near the wall.
<br><<PHR "mc" "So what is it this time?">>
<br><<PHR 16 "Look at this mess, boss!">>
<<LocImg "work" "messy office">>
<br>You look around and notice a pile of boxes in the far corner. It's obvious they contain archive documents. There, too, you find some empty palm-tree pots that were used in the post office last year.
<<set _txt = "It's a conference room, but Mr. " + $NPCstat[14].name + " never uses it. To be honest, I doubt that he is suitable for a his position.">>
<br><<PHR 16 _txt>>
<br><<PHR "mc" "What are you going to suggest?">>
<br><<PHR 16 "Give this room to me. I've always dreamed of a small personal office.">>
<br><<PHR "mc" "Out of the question!">>
<br>Belinda snuggles up to you and looks directly into your eyes.
<br><<PHR 16 "Boss, you've already done so much for me. Give me this room, and everyone gonna understand that you are really bad boss and know how to encourage hard working employees.">>
<br><<TH "Hard working employees, she says.">>
<<btnEventLink "Say that she should earn this office" "Belinda Storyline" "personal office 2.1">>
<<btnEventLink "Give her this office" "Belinda Storyline" "personal office 2.2">>
<center>@@.btnWide;<<button "Put her in her place <font color='red'>- End Belinda storyline</font>" "Belinda Storyline">>
<<set $EventMark = "personal office(abort)">>
<<case "personal office(abort)">>
<<set $NPCstat[16].infoImg = "none">>
<<set $BelindaStory.status = "fail">>
<<LocImg "work" "messy office">>
<br><<PHR "mc" "You're crossing the line. You're just an ordinary employee.">>
<<set _txt = "You remind me of Mr. " + $NPCstat[14].name + " right now, boss. You don't want to be like Mr. " + $NPCstat[14].name + ", do you?">>
<br><<PHR 16 _txt>>
<br><<PHR "mc" "Don't interrupt me! You're just an common whore I can hire in parties to suck my dick.">>
<br>Belinda's eyes widened.
<br><<PHR 16 "How are you... I'm leaving! I'm quitting!">>
<br>She runs out of the room.
<br><<TH "Hell with her!">>
<<btnEventLink "Return to work" "Your Office" "">>
<<case "personal office 2.1">>
<<set $BelindaStory.counter = 5>>
<<set $BelindaStory.office = true>>
<<NPCmedia "belinda" "office blow" 1>>
<br><<PHR 16 "Boss, I'll do anything for you!">>
<br>You without any word unzip your pants and pull your cock out.
<br><<PHR "mc" "It's time for serious business.">>
<br>Belinda doesn't hesitate, gets down on her knees and takes your cock in her hand.
<br><<PHR 16 "Wow, what a monster! Now I understand why you're the boss here. With such a dick, you're just supposed to dominate other.">>
<br>Your penis slowly get harder in her hands. She pulls out her tongue and repeatedly hits it with your cock.
<br><<PHR 16 "I don't even know if it can fit in my mouth.">>
<br>Despite her words, Belinda easily swallows your cock. You let out a growl of pleasure as soon as your rod hits her throat.
<<btnEventLink "Just enjoy" "Belinda Storyline" "personal office 3">>
<<case "personal office 2.2">>
<<set $BelindaStory.counter = 5>>
<<set $BelindaStory.office = true>>
<<if $BelindaStory.grope <= 1>>
<<set $BelindaStory.panties = true>>
<<LocImg "misc" "pink panties">>
<br>Her eyes widen in surprise. It seems like she didn't expect you to agree so easily. However, she quickly comes to her senses and pounces on you with hugs.
<br><<PHR 16 "Thank you, boss, you're the best!">>
<br>Finally, she lets go of her grip.
<br><<PHR 16 "You know, boss, you always help me without even asking for anything in return. I wanna reward you somehow.">>
<br>Belinda runs her hands up her skirt and takes off her panties. Then she shoves them in your pocket.
<br><<PHR 16 "Here, you can keep them. They will remind you of me when I'm not around.">>
<br>She slowly runs her hand down your cheek
<br><<PHR 16 "Tell me, boss, do you wanna see it?">>
<br><<PHR "mc" "See what?">>
<br><<PHR 16 "My pussy.">>
<br>Belinda sits down on the table, keeping her legs as close together as possible.
<br><<PHR 16 "Say you wanna see my pussy.">>
<<btnEventLink "Say it" "Belinda Storyline" "personal office 4">>
<<btnEventLink "Gather your will and leave" "Belinda Storyline" "personal office 4.2">>
<<NPCmedia "belinda" "office blow" 1>>
<br>Her eyes widen in surprise. It seems like she didn't expect you to agree so easily. However, she quickly comes to her senses and pounces on you with hugs.
<br><<PHR 16 "Thank you, boss, you're the best!">>
<br>Finally, she lets go of her grip.
<br><<PHR 16 "You deserve a reward, boss!">>
<br>Her skilful fingers unzip your pants and pull your cock out. Belinda doesn't hesitate, gets down on her knees and takes your cock in her hand.
<br><<PHR 16 "Wow, what a monster! Now I understand why you're the boss here. With such a dick, you're just supposed to dominate other.">>
<br>Your penis slowly get harder in her hands. She pulls out her tongue and repeatedly hits it with your cock.
<br><<PHR 16 "I don't even know if it can fit in my mouth.">>
<br>Despite her words, Belinda easily swallows your cock. You let out a growl of pleasure as soon as your rod hits her throat.
<<btnEventLink "Just enjoy" "Belinda Storyline" "personal office 3">>
<<case "personal office 3">>
<<set $NPCsexmemory[16].blowjob += 1>>
<<NPCmedia "belinda" "office blow_2" 1>>
<br>Belinda sucks your penis, looking you straight in the eye and not hiding the fact she gets real pleasure from the process.
<br><<PHR "mc" "Deeper!">>
<br>She follows your order and, leaning on your hips, starts moving her head back and forth, trying to swallow your cock to the root. She undoubtedly has a lot of experience in that, but apparently not enough for her to be able to swallow your cock whole size.
<<NPCmedia "belinda" "office blow_3" 1>>
<br>You decide to help her and start moving your hips towards her. At the same time, you press your hand on her head, thereby pushing your cock into depths of her throat. Finally, it gives in, and you feel Belinda's lips pressing against your pubis. You hold her like this for a few seconds, and then abruptly pull out your cock. Belinda is gasping for air, a thin line of saliva running from her lips all the way to the tip of your cock.
<br>The girl swallows your cock again and begins sucking it intensely. You can feel your orgasm coming.
<<btnEventLink "Cum on her face" "Belinda Storyline" "personal office 3.1">>
<<case "personal office 3.1">>
<<NPCmedia "belinda" "office blow_cum" 1>>
<br>You're stroking your cock while Belinda is waiting with her tongue out. Finally, you start shooting your cum over her face. Shot by shot, the semen is painting her face.
<br>Belinda licks the rest of the semen off your cock.
<br><<PHR 16 "Thanks for everything, boss!">>
<br>Time to get back to work.
<<btnEventLink "Return to work" "Your Office" "">>
<<case "personal office 4.2">>
<<LocImg "work" "messy office">>
<br>You swallow, looking at her bare thighs, but you still hold back the urge.
<br><<PHR "mc" "I should go.">>
<br><<PHR 16 "All right, boss, you can go if you wanna. And thank you for the office.">>
<<btnEventLink "Return to work" "Your Office" "">>
<<case "personal office 4.3">>
<<LocImg "work" "messy office">>
<br>Gathering your will, you rise to your feet. As you do so, you don't stop looking at her naked pussy.
<br><<PHR "mc" "I should go.">>
<br><<PHR 16 "All right, boss, you can go if you wanna. And thank you for the office.">>
<<btnEventLink "Return to work" "Your Office" "">>
<<case "personal office 4">>
<<NPCmedia "belinda" "office pussy tease" 0>>
<br>You nod slowly. A strange excitement is coming over of you. You want to fall on your knees and start kissing this girl's thighs. Belinda definitely feels it and spreads her legs slightly, as if teasing you.
<br><<PHR "mc" "I wanna see your pussy.">>
<br><<PHR 16 "Fine.">>
<br>Without wasting a second, she spreads her legs as wide as possible. She lifts up her skirt and you can see her shaved pussy.
<br><<PHR 16 "You like it, boss? You can take a closer look.">>
<br>As if enchanted, you drop to your knees. The scent of her pussy makes it impossible for you to resist.
<br><<PHR 16 "Come on, boss, kiss her already!">>
<<btnEventLink "Kiss her pussy" "Belinda Storyline" "personal office 4.1">>
<<btnEventLink "Gather your will and leave" "Belinda Storyline" "personal office 4.3">>
<<case "personal office 4.1">>
<<set $NPCsexmemory[16].pussylicking += 1>>
<<NPCmedia "belinda" "office pussy lick" 1>>
<br>You move closer to her pussy and give it a quick kiss. Belinda giggles as her hand lands on your head, hinting at you to be a little braver. You run your tongue over her labia and focus your attention on her clit. You're stroking it with quick flicks of your tongue. Belinda is tugging at your hair and moaning with pleasure. The juices from her pussy is flowing down to your chin.
<br>Without slowing down, you move lower. From time to time, your tongue gets inside her.
<br><<PHR 16 "I've been waiting for this boss! I often imagined how your tongue brings me to orgasm.">>
<br>She throws her leg over your back. Her hips move towards you.
<br><<PHR 16 "Ooh, f-fuck!">>
<br>She is squirting, rubbing her pussy on your face nonstop. Finally, she loosens her grip and collapses onto the table, panting. Her pussy doesn't stop throbbing.
<br><<PHR 16 "This was terrible! Boss, I'll stay here for a while, so you can go about your business.">>
<br>You get to your feet and wipe her love juices from your face.
<<RemoveStat 16 "obedience" 10 -100>>
<<btnEventLink "Return to your office" "Belinda Storyline" "personal office 5.1">>
<<case "personal office 5.1">>
<<LocImg "work" "your office">>
<br>You return to your office and remember about Belinda's panties lying in your pocket.
<br><<TH "I need to hide them someplace.">>
<br>However, you can't think of anything better to do than to put them in your desk drawer.
<<btnEventLink "Return to work" "Your Office" "">>
/* ---------- FLORISM ---------- */
<<case "florism(meet)">>
<<set $BelindaStory.stage = 6>>
<<set $BelindaStory.counter = 1>>
<<set $NPCstat[19].meet = true>>
<<set $locAtt[38].discovered = true>>
<<LocImg "work" "simple office">>
<br>When you enter the office, you find Belinda in the company of another blonde. They are discussing something, and laughing all the time. Then Belinda notices you.
<<set _txt = "Mr. " + $mc.lastname + "! Good morning to you!">>
<br><<PHR 16 _txt>>
<br>Other woman turns in your direction, and you can't help but notice that she has a pretty face, as well as huge breasts.
<br><<TH "A fitting friend for Belinda.">>
<br><<PHR 16 "Boss, meet Jolene.">>
<br><<PHR 19 "Wow, Belinda said you're an impressive man, but in reality you just radiate an overbearing aura. It's nice to meet you.">>
<br><<TH "Aura?">>
<br><<PHR 16 "Jolene work as yoga insructor and also does spiritual practices. That's why I invited her. I wanna redesign my office so that it becomes an attractor that can catch a positive energy.">>
<br>Belinda casts a quick glance at her friend, as if wanting to make sure she picked the right wording.
<<set _txt = "That's right. I usually work with big clients, but for my girl's sake I made an exception. Maybe you've heard of my company, Mr. " + $mc.lastname + "? It's right downtown.">>
<br><<PHR 19 _txt>>
<br>Jolene tells you the name of her company.
<br><<TH "Never ever heard about it.">>
<br><<PHR "mc" "Sound familiar. I think I drive past it sometimes.">>
<br><<PHR 16 "Of course you've heard of her company! Jolene has lots of rich and powerful clients.">>
<br><<PHR 19 "Belinda, as you know, it's not about money. I just like to help people.">>
<<set _txt = "By the way, Mr. " + $mc.lastname + ", Jolene can take a look at your office, too. I mean, your office is awesome, but if there's a chance to make it a perfection, why not give it a try?">>
<br><<PHR 16 _txt>>
<<btnEventLink "Take them to your office" "Belinda Storyline" "florism(meet) 2">>
<<case "florism(meet) 2">>
<<LocImg "work" "your office">>
<br>You go into your office.
<br><<PHR 19 "Now I see what Belinda was talking about. The design is classic, but whoever made it was only concerned with materiality.">>
<br><<PHR "mc" "It looks very well done from my point of view.">>
<<set _txt = "That's because you don't care about the subtle matters yourself, Mr. " + $mc.lastname + ". However, there's nothing that can't be fixed. After I've worked with your office and directly with you, you'll feel a very different atmosphere here.">>
<br><<PHR 19 _txt>>
<br>Jolene begins to explore your office, while Belinda goes straight to the couch and plops down on it.
<<set _txt = "You have such a soft couch, Mr. " + $mc.lastname + ". Come on, sit next to me.">>
<br><<PHR 16 _txt>>
<<btnEventLink "Sit next to Belinda" "Belinda Storyline" "florism(meet) 3">>
<<case "florism(meet) 3">>
<<NPCmedia "belinda" "boobs tease" 0>>
<br>You sit down next to Belinda, and she immediately crawls up to you.
<<set _txt = "Were you thinking of me today, Mr. " + $mc.lastname + "? I know you were, otherwise you wouldn't come to my office. Tell me, which part of my body were you thinking about?">>
<br><<PHR 16 _txt>>
<br>She squeezes her breasts slightly.
<br><<PHR 16 "Maybe you were thinking about my huge bouncy tits?">>
<br>The blonde lowers her hands and runs them along her legs, causing the pleasant sound of her palms rubbing against the fabric of her pantyhose.
<br><<PHR 16 "Or about my thick hips and round ass?">>
<<if $NPCsexmemory[16].pussylicking > 0>>
<br>Then her hand slides between her legs, right under her skirt.
<br><<PHR 16 "I know. You've been thinking about my sweet honey pussy all day. Just admit it.">>
<br>At that moment Jolene's voice booms out from the other end of the office.
<<if $BelindaStory.panties>>
<br><<PHR 19 "Look what I found here.">>
<br>You turn to her and see her standing by your desk with Belinda's panties in her hands.
<br><<TH "Oh fuck! I totally forgot about it.">>
<br><<PHR "mc" "Why the hell are you digging into my desk?">>
<br><<PHR 19 "To get a better picture of you. And these panties are the strongest proof of my theory.">>
<br><<PHR 16 "What theory, tell me! What do these panties mean?">>
<br>Belinda is clearly enjoying this scene and bouncing on the couch cheerfully.
<br><<PHR 19 "I just finished examination and it seems that my theory is confirmed.">>
<br><<PHR 16 "What theory, tell me!">>
<<set _txt = "Mr. " + $mc.lastname + ", you are woefully lacking in feminine energy. No wonder, since your office is located so high above the ground that you are completely cut off from this irreplaceable source of energy, and you have to look for substitutes for this source. That's why your office simulates a mother's womb.">>
<<if $BelindaStory.panties>>
<<set _txt = _txt + " And that's why you collect things that remind you of a female vagina. Like these used panties.">>
<br><<PHR 19 _txt>>
<br><<PHR 16 "Wow, Jolene, you are so smart.">>
<br><<PHR "mc" "That theory sounds like nonsense to me.">>
<br><<PHR 16 "Typical man.">>
<<set _txt = "Accepting the truth is hard, Mr. " + $mc.lastname + ". But if you agree to work with me, you'll see your life transformed. I'll leave the contacts of your secretary, so that you can visit my office, where we can discuss everything.">>
<br><<PHR 19 _txt>>
<br>Belinda jumps up off the couch.
<br><<PHR 16 "That's just wonderful! We need to celebrate it!">>
<<set _txt = "Wait, before Mr. " + $mc.lastname + " pays for my consultation.">>
<br><<PHR 19 _txt>>
<<set _txt = "That's right! Mr. " + $mc.lastname + ", you will be a gentleman, won't you?">>
<br><<PHR 16 _txt>>
<br><<TH "I didn't even ask for it.">>
<br><<PHR "mc" "Well, how much am I supposed to pay for your consultation?">>
<br><<PHR 19 "3000$">>
<br>Your eyes are popping up in surprise.
<br><<PHR 19 "That's the usual price for this kind of service.">>
<<set _txt = "Mr. " + $mc.lastname + ", that's a pittance for you. You can't even go shopping with that kind of money.">>
<br><<PHR 16 _txt>>
<<btnEventLink "Pay her" "Belinda Storyline" "florism(meet) 4.1">>
<<btnEventLink "Don't pay her" "Belinda Storyline" "florism(meet) 4.2">>
<<case "florism(meet) 4.1">>
<<set $JolenePresence.status = "active">>
<<LocImg "work" "your office">>
<br><<PHR "mc" "Okay, hopefully it would be worth it in the end.">>
<br><<PHR 19 "Of course it would. Just don't wait too long to visit my center.">>
<<set _txt = "You did it right, Mr. " + $mc.lastname + ". You're totally bad boss!">>
<br><<PHR 16 _txt>>
<br>Excited girls come out of your office.
<font color=OrangeRed><b><i>You wired $3,000 to Jolene</i></b></font>
<<set $money.pocket -= 3000>>
<<btnEventLink "Return to work" "Your Office" "">>
<<case "florism(meet) 4.2">>
<<LocImg "work" "your office">>
<br><<PHR "mc" "I'm not going to pay for nothing!">>
<<set _txt = "I am so disappointed in you, Mr. " + $mc.lastname + "!">>
<br><<PHR 16 _txt>>
<br><<PHR 19 "There's no need to be angry, Belinda. Sometimes it can be hard to accept the truth.">>
<br>Jolene turns to you.
<br><<PHR 19 "I'll wait for you at my center after you've made up your mind.">>
<br>The excited girls come out of your office.
<<btnEventLink "Return to work" "Your Office" "">>
<<case "florism(angry)">>
<<LocImg "work" "simple office">>
<br>When you walk into her office, Belinda's loud voice makes you freeze in place.
<<set _txt = "Don't take another step, Mr. " + $mc.lastname + ". I don't wanna talk to you.">>
<br><<PHR 16 _txt>>
<br><<TH "It seems like she wants me to pay Jolene.">>
<<btnEventLink "Leave" "Post Department" "">>
<<btnEventLink "Kick her out of the office <font color='red'>- End Belinda storyline</font>" "Belinda Storyline" "florism(kick her)">>
<<case "florism(kick her)">>
<<set $BelindaStory.status = "fail">>
<<set $BelindaStory.office = false>>
<<set $BelindaStory.comm = false>>
<<LocImg "work" "simple office">>
<br><<PHR "mc" "I'm tired of your tricks, Belinda. Get out of here.">>
<<set _txt = "But, Mr. " + $mc.lastname + "...">>
<br><<PHR 16 _txt>>
<br><<PHR "mc" "No buts!">>
<br>You grab her by the arm and drag her out of the office.
<br><<PHR 16 "Boss, let me take my stuff...">>
<br><<PHR "mc" "They'll send it to you in the mail.">>
<br>You hand Belinda over to the guards.
<<btnEventLink "Finish" "Post Department" "">>
<<case "florism(reward)">>
<<set $BelindaStory.stage = 7>>
<<set $BelindaStory.counter = 1>>
<<LocImg "work" "simple office">>
<br>When you walk into Belinda's office, you find her sitting on her desk. She seems to have been expecting you, as she doesn't say a word and points to the chair in front of her. и
<br><<PHR 16 "Please take a seat, boss.">>
<br>You sit down in the chair and Belinda immediately spreads her legs. Her short skirt is pulled up and you can see her transparent black panties.
<br><<PHR 16 "Do you like the view?">>
<br>Her foot slides to your groin and starts stroking your cock through your pants.
<br><<PHR 16 "I'm so glad you started working with Jolene. You see how helpful an employee I can be.">>
<br>Her movements become more intense.
<br><<PHR 16 "Such a helpful worker deserves a raise, don't you think?">>
<<if $BelindaStory.panties>>
<<btnEventLink "Let her continue" "Belinda Storyline" "florism(reward)(tease)">>
<<btnEventLink "Don't play her games" "Belinda Storyline" "florism(reward)(blow)">>
<<btnEventLink "Don't play her games" "Belinda Storyline" "florism(reward)(blow)">>
<<btnEventLink "Let her continue" "Belinda Storyline" "florism(reward)(tease)">>
<<case "florism(reward)(tease)">>
<<LocImg "work" "simple office">>
<br>Slowly she moves her foot higher until it rests on your shoulder.
<br><<PHR 16 "Today's lesson is about how to properly warm up a woman.">>
<br>Her hand carefully strokes the fabric of her panties.
<br><<PHR 16 "And you have to work hard to reach this girl!">>
<br>She pushes her foot lightly against your shoulder.
<br><<PHR 16 "Let's start with the kissing.">>
<<btnEventLink "Start kissing her foot" "Belinda Storyline" "florism(reward)(lesson)">>
<<btnEventLink "Stop playing her games" "Belinda Storyline" "florism(reward)(blow)">>
<<case "florism(reward)(lesson)">>
<<set $BelindaStory.tease += 1>>
<<set $NPCsexmemory[16].footlicking += 1>>
<<NPCmedia "belinda" "office foot lick" 1>>
<br><<PHR 16 "Start with the foot and slowly work your way up.">>
<br>You do everything exactly as she says. Belinda watches you with her mouth slightly open and seems to be enjoying it immensely. As soon as you get close to her knee, she lowers her leg and puts the other one in front of your face. You start kissing that foot, too.
<<set _txt = "You're quick learner, Mr. " + $mc.lastname + ". Now you should say that I have beautiful legs.">>
<br><<PHR 16 _txt>>
<br><<PHR "mc" "You have beautiful le... hmph.">>
<br>Belinda doesn't let you finish by shoving her foot into your mouth.
<br><<PHR 16 "Sorry, boss, ca-an't hear you. But if you like my feet so much, I don't mind. You can lick them all you want!">>
<<btnEventLink "Continue" "Belinda Storyline" "florism(reward)(lesson) 2">>
<<case "florism(reward)(lesson) 2">>
<<NPCmedia "belinda" "office foot lick" 1>>
<br>Belinda starts jerking her foot with your mouth.
<br><<PHR 16 "Wow, boss, I had no idea you liked my sweet little feet so much.">>
<br>At this time her other foot begins stroking your groin.
<br><<PHR 16 "Feel free to shove your tongue between my toes. Yes, like that. Your enthusiasm deserves to be praised.">>
<br>At the same time, the blonde is rubbing her pussy through her panties.
<<btnEventLink "Continue" "Belinda Storyline" "florism(reward)(lesson) 3">>
<<case "florism(reward)(lesson) 3">>
<<NPCmedia "belinda" "office foot lick" 1>>
<br>Her fingers begin to move more and more furiously. Belinda completely forgets about stroking your cock, albeit through the tight fabric of your pants, and concentrates entirely on her pleasure.
<br>She pushes her panties aside and runs her fingers inside her. At the same time, her toes energize in your mouth.
<br><<PHR 16 "Yes, suck my toes, boss!">>
<br>The blonde's moans grow louder, and in one moment her body arching. You see her fluids gushing from her pussy.
<<btnEventLink "Continue" "Belinda Storyline" "florism(reward)(lesson) 4">>
<<case "florism(reward)(lesson) 4">>
<<LocImg "work" "simple office">>
<br>Belinda soon recovers and assumes a sitting position.
<br><<PHR 16 "Oops, I completely forgot about you, boss. But I'm so exhausted, so I suggest we continue this next time.">>
<br>She starts to adjust her clothes.
<<if $BelindaStory.panties>>
<br><<PHR 16 "Or you can help yourself. For example, you can use my panties that are in your desk.">>
<br>The girl giggles and slides off the table
<<btnEventLink "Leave" "Post Department" "">>
<<case "florism(reward)(blow)">>
<<NPCmedia "belinda" "office blow" 1>>
<br><<PHR "mc" "Stop teasing me and get down to business!">>
<br>Belinda slides off the table and lands on your lap. Her breasts, covered in the white fabric of her blouse, are in front of your eyes.
<br><<PHR 16 "But teasing is the best appetizer before the main dish.">>
<br><<PHR "mc" "I'm not interested in your games. On your knees!">>
<br><<PHR 16 "I love it when you order me around, boss.">>
<br>The blonde kneels down and unzips the fly on your pants. Soon your cock is in her hands. She wet her fingers with saliva and starts to jerk you off. With her free hand she begins unbuttoning her blouse and soon her breasts are free.
<br>Belinda starts slapping your cock on her firm breasts.
<br><<PHR 16 "Your cock is so hard, boss. I love the way he pulses in my hands. And he can't wait to slide inside my pussy. You want it, boss?">>
<br><<PHR "mc" "You're talking too much.">>
<br><<PHR 16 "You're right, boss.">>
<br>The blonde immediately swallows your cock and begins enthusiastically sucking it.
<<btnEventLink "Continue" "Belinda Storyline" "florism(reward)(blow) 2">>
<<case "florism(reward)(blow) 2">>
<<NPCmedia "belinda" "fuck on table" 1>>
<br>You enjoy her skillful blowjob for a while, but then you lift her up and start undressing her unceremoniously.
<<set _txt = "You are so rude, Mr. " + $mc.lastname + ".">>
<br><<PHR 16 _txt>>
<br><<PHR "mc" "Shut up!">>
<br>You put her back on the table and, pulling up her skirt, move her panties to the side. She rises on her elbows and, wetting her fingers with saliva, begins to tease her clit.
<br><<TH "What a slut!">>
<br>You enter her with a quick movement and start banging her.
<br><<PHR 16 "I'm feeling you, boss! You're so deep!">>
<br>The blonde wraps her legs around you and starts to help you by moving your pelvis toward herself.
<br><<PHR "mc" "You want that promotion so bad, huh?">>
<<set _txt = "I do want, ah!.. only your hard cock, Mr. " + $mc.lastname + ". You're like a wild stallion, boss. That's the best sex I ever had.">>
<br><<PHR 16 _txt>>
<br><<PHR "mc" "Well, you've earned that money.">>
<br>You notice a marker lying on her desk and a great idea pops into your head. You grab the marker and hold it up to the girl's stomach. Then you stamp your signature on the right side of her belly button in a polished gesture.
<br><<PHR "mc" "Show this initial to the finance department as a sign that I've approved a raise for you.">>
<br><<PHR 16 "That is so mean, boss! If you keep treating me like that, I just... Fu-uck!">>
<br>Her insides start squeezing around your rod. Belinda tilts her head back, letting out wild moans.
<br><<PHR 16 "I'm cumming!">>
<br>You pull your cock out of her feverish pussy and shoot streams of seed onto her belly and onto her huge meat hills
<<btnEventLink "Continue" "Belinda Storyline" "florism(reward)(blow) 3">>
<<case "florism(reward)(blow) 3">>
<<set $NPCsexmemory[16].blowjob += 1>>
<<set $NPCsexmemory[16].vaginal += 1>>
<<LocImg "work" "simple office">>
<br>You clean yourself up. Belinda continues to lie on the table, breathing heavily.
<br><<TH "Oddly enough, I feel noticeably better.">>
<<btnEventLink "Leave her office" "Post Department" "">>
/* ---------- GIVE CAR ---------- */
<<case "driver(finish)">>
<<LocImg "work" "simple office">>
<br><<PHR 16 "Please take a seat, boss.">>
<br>You sit in the chair across from her.
<br><<PHR 16 "You and I have formed a wonderful tandem these days, don't you think? How about strengthening our cooperation?">>
<br><<PHR "mc" "What do you mean?">>
<br><<PHR 16 "I'm talking about our rides. You must be spending a lot of precious time on them, and I'm so grateful to you for that. But wouldn't it be better if I did it myself?">>
<br><<PHR "mc" "What do you mean?">>
<br>The girl leans forward slightly and lowers her voice.
<br><<PHR 16 "If you give me the keys to one of your cars, I won't have to bother you anymore with such insignificant things. I'm sure you have a car that you don't use anymore.">>
<br><<PHR "mc" "Are you suggesting to gift you a car?">>
<br><<PHR 16 "Just temporary, boss. Just temporary.">>
<<btnEventLink "Give her a car" "Belinda Storyline" "driver(finish) 2">>
<<btnEventLink "Don't give her a car" "Belinda Storyline" "driver(finish)(reject)">>
<<case "driver(finish)(reject)">>
<<set $BelindaDrive.nogivecar = true>>
<<LocImg "work" "simple office">>
<br><<PHR "mc" "This is absolutely unacceptable.">>
<<set _txt = "But, Mr. " + $mc.lastname + "...">>
<br><<PHR 16 _txt>>
<br><<PHR "mc" "Enough! Don't ever bring it up again.">>
<br>You get up from the chair and head for the exit of the office.
<<btnEventLink "Leave" "Post Department" "">>
<<case "driver(finish) 2">>
<<set $BelindaDrive.givecar = true>>
<<LocImg "work" "simple office">>
<br>Belinda shoots to her full height and claps her hands cheerfully, as if she can't believe is happening.
<br><<PHR 16 "It's totally... awesome! Come on, let's go to your house.">>
<br>She circles the table and grabs your arm trying to pull you out of the chair.
<<btnEventLink "Go to the parking" "Belinda Storyline" "driver(finish) 3">>
<<case "driver(finish) 3">>
<<LocImg "work" "parking">>
<br>You go down to the parking lot and walk up to your car. Belinda settles into the passenger seat.
<<btnEventLink "Drive to your mansion" "Belinda Storyline" "driver(finish) 4" 1>>
<<case "driver(finish) 4">>
<<LocImg "mc_house" "garage">>
<br>You arrive at your mansion.
<<set _txt = "Whoa, Mr. " + $mc.lastname + ". Why have I never been to your mansion before? I bet it' a beautiful view from here.">>
<br><<PHR 16 _txt>>
<br>You enter the garage that houses your small collection of sports cars.
<br><<PHR 16 "I'm like a kid in a candy store.">>
<br>Belinda walks around the cars, stroking their bodies, until she finally stops by a white Porsche.
<br><<PHR 16 "I think I've found my favorite.">>
<br><<PHR "mc" "The keys are in the glove box.">>
<br>The girl hops into the driver's seat and starts feeling around the interior.
<br><<PHR 16 "This is fucking lit! Get in, Mr. Jett, I'll give you a ride.">>
<<btnEventLink "Get in the car" "Belinda Storyline" "driver(finish)(test drive)">>
<<case "driver(finish)(test drive)">>
<<LocImg "local" "road">>
<br>As soon as the garage door opens, Belinda immediately puts her foot hard down. She drive down the road toward town. Her blonde hair flutters in the wind.
<<set _txt = "I'm so glad I started working with you, Mr. " + $mc.lastname + ".">>
<br><<PHR 16 _txt>>
<br>You can barely hear her words. At that moment, Belinda suddenly turns off the road and there you are, driving through the woods.
<<btnEventLink "Continue" "Belinda Storyline" "driver(finish)(test drive 2)">>
<<case "driver(finish)(test drive 2)">>
<<LocImg "local" "cliff">>
<br>Soon the trees thin out and you end up on some kind of bluff. From here you have a great view of the skyscrapers; you can even make out your company's tower. Not far from the edge you see a compacted area. This place must be quite popular.
<br>Belinda stops the car exactly at this spot.
<<set _txt = "Swell view, isn't it, Mr. " + $mc.lastname + "?">>
<br><<PHR 16 _txt>>
<br><<PHR "mc" "True enough. But how did you find out about this place exactly?">>
<br>Belinda's laughing with glee.
<br><<PHR 16 "I don't know. I just took a random turn.">>
<br><<TH "Oh, dear.">>
<br><<PHR 16 "Actually, I just wanted to be alone with you. But it turned out to be better than I imagined.">>
<br>Belinda's leaning closer to you.
<<set _txt = "Mr. " + $mc.lastname + ", this trip has turned me on so much. Here, try this.">>
<br><<PHR 16 _txt>>
<br>Without warning, she grabs your hand and leads it to her crotch. Your fingertips feel the wetness on her panties. Then the blonde raises your hand and you see her love juices glistening on your fingers.
<<set _txt = "Would you like a taste of my honey, Mr. " + $mc.lastname + "?">>
<br><<PHR 16 _txt>>
<<btnEventLink "Follow her lead" "Belinda Storyline" "driver(finish)(lick)">>
<<case "driver(finish)(lick)">>
<<LocImg "local" "cliff">>
<br>As if hypnotized, you either let the blonde guide your hand. Or maybe it moves at your will.
<<set _txt = "So how do you like the taste, Mr. " + $mc.lastname + "?">>
<br><<PHR 16 _txt>>
<br>She slowly pulls your fingers out of your mouth and loosens her grip. Then, playfully running her fingers over, she slides down until she reaches your groin. Belinda lightly squeezes your cock through your pants.
<br><<PHR 16 "You've done so much for me, boss. How about ending this day neatly?">>
<br>She takes her hand off the bump in your pants.
<br><<PHR 16 "So, boss, are you ready to work your tongue?">>
<<btnEventLink "Slowly nod" "Belinda Storyline" "driver(finish)(lick 2)">>
<<btnEventLink "Insist she give you a blowjob first" "Belinda Storyline" "driver(finish)(blow)">>
<<case "driver(finish)(lick 2)">>
<<set $BelindaStory.tease += 1>>
<<set $NPCsexmemory[16].pussylicking += 1>>
<<NPCmedia "belinda" "cuni in car" 1>>
<br>She pushes the car seat back and spreads her legs, pulling up her skirt.
<<set _txt = "I've made room for you, Mr. " + $mc.lastname + ".">>
<br><<PHR 16 _txt>>
<br>You crawl into the space between the steering wheel and the seat, trying to place your legs comfortably. Then you lean toward Belinda's groin, but she stops you.
<<set _txt = "Mr. " + $mc.lastname + ", don't you know that a girl has to be warmed up first? I love it when my partner teases me, so you start with my thighs first.">>
<br><<PHR 16 _txt>>
<br>You start covering her thighs with kisses, gradually moving higher. But as soon as you get close to her pussy, the girl pushes you away again and closes her legs.
<br><<PHR 16 "Do you wanna taste my pussy so badly?">>
<br>You nod your head slowly.
<br><<PHR 16 "Then tell me about it.">>
<br><<PHR "mc" "I wanna taste your pussy.">>
<br><<PHR 16 "My sweet, honey pussy? Then you need to open this lock.">>
<br>Belidna points a finger at her right knee. Realizing what she's hinting at, you lay a kiss on that spot. She giggles and points to your left knee, which you kiss immediately.
<<set _txt = "Hehe, I like controlling you, Mr. " + $mc.lastname + ". It's like I have the strings of a puppet in my hands.">>
<br><<PHR 16 _txt>>
<br>The blonde moves her right leg to the side and points to the inner side of her thigh. Following her finger, you trace a trail of kisses across her smooth skin. Then you repeat the same with her left leg. Finally Belinda's patience reaches its limit and, putting her hand on the back of your head, the blonde draws your head toward her mound.
<<set _txt = "It's time for some tongue work, Mr. " + $mc.lastname + ".">>
<br><<PHR 16 _txt>>
<br>Just as you start licking her clit, a loud moan escapes her lips.
<br><<PHR 16 "That's what I call a good warm-up!">>
<br>The girl wraps her legs around you and runs her fingers through your hair.
<br><<PHR 16 "Yeah, boss, lick my girl. That feels so-o good.">>
<br>Her juices pour profusely on your face and her inner heat pulses from her pussy. At the same time, despite your seemingly humiliating position, your cock is already hard as a rock.
<<btnEventLink "Continue" "Belinda Storyline" "driver(finish)(lick 3)">>
<<case "driver(finish)(lick 3)">>
<<NPCmedia "belinda" "cuni in car" 1>>
<br>Soon her body starts shaking with orgasm. Belinda squeezes your head tightly with her strong hips.
<br><<PHR 16 "Just like that, don't stop! Don't dare to stop!">>
<br>Finally, her convulsions end and she releases you.
<<if $NPCsexmemory[16].pussylicking >= 2>>
<br><<PHR 16 "Whew, boss, that was great as always.">>
<br><<PHR 16 "Whew, boss, that was great.">>
<br>You start to unbutton your shirt, but suddenly Belinda stops you.
<br><<PHR 16 "Fuck, it looks like someone's watching us!">>
<br><<PHR "mc" "What? Where?">>
<br><<PHR 16 "I saw the lights on that skyscraper. Someone's up there with binoculars.">>
<br>The girl starts the car and moves it around.
<br><<PHR 16 "We need to get out here as fast as we can.">>
<<btnEventLink "Continue" "Belinda Storyline" "driver(finish)(finish)">>
<<case "driver(finish)(blow)">>
<<LocImg "local" "cliff">>
<br><<PHR 16 "All right, boss">>
<br>Belinda is about to lean forward, but then she abruptly straightens up.
<br><<PHR 16 "Fuck, it looks like someone's watching us!">>
<br><<PHR "mc" "What? Where?">>
<br><<PHR 16 "I saw the lights on that skyscraper. Someone's up there with binoculars.">>
<br>The girl starts the car and moves it around.
<br><<PHR 16 "We need to get out here as fast as we can.">>
<<btnEventLink "Continue" "Belinda Storyline" "driver(finish)(finish)">>
<<case "driver(finish)(finish)">>
<<LocImg "local" "road">>
<br>Belinda drops you off near your house.
<br><<PHR 16 "Thanks again for the car, boss. See you at work!">>
<<btnEventLink "Finish" "Hallway" "">>
/* -------------------- VACATION -------------------- */
<<case "vacation(ask)">>
<<LocImg "work" "your office">>
<br>As soon as you walk into your office, your secretary says Belinda wants to see you. But you don't have time to answer because the blonde already bursts into your office.
<br><<PHR 16 "Sup, boss.">>
<br>She walks over to your desk and without any restraint sits down on it.
<br><<PHR 16 "It's been so long since we've spent time together. How about we have a little fun?">>
<<btnEventLink "Agree to have some fun" "Belinda Storyline" "vacation(start)">>
<<btnEventLink "Tell her you're busy" "Belinda Storyline" "vacation(busy)">>
<<case "vacation(busy)">>
<<set $BelindaStory.counter = 3>>
<<LocImg "work" "your office">>
<br><<PHR "mc" "Can't you see I'm busy?">>
<<if $BelindaStory.tease >= 5>>
<<set _txt = "Mr. " + $mc.lastname + ", boss, you think I can't see how you undress me with your eyes? It's about time you admitted you can't resist my charms.">>
<br><<PHR 16 _txt>>
<br>She pulls her foot forward, so that the tip of her shoe is pointed right at your face.
<br><<PHR 16 "Take it off.">>
<<btnEventLink "Take off her shoe" "Belinda Storyline" "vacation(feet play)">>
<br>Belinda sighs disappointedly and leaves.
<<btnEventLink "Return to work" "Your Office" "">>
<<case "vacation(start)">>
<<LocImg "work" "your office">>
<br><<PHR 16 "Yay! I bet you can't wait to undress me.">>
<br>She pulls her foot forward, so that the tip of her shoe is pointed right at your face.
<br><<PHR 16 "Start with my shoes.">>
<<btnEventLink "Take off her shoe" "Belinda Storyline" "vacation(feet play)">>
<<case "vacation(stop)">>
<<LocImg "work" "your office">>
<br>You drop her foot.
<br><<PHR "mc" "I'd better start with that blouse of yours.">>
<br>You extend your arms toward the blonde, but she immediately dodges you and bounces off the table.
<<set _txt = "You're ruining the atmosphere, Mr. " + $mc.lastname + ".">>
<br><<PHR 16 _txt>>
<br><<PHR "mc" "I don't care about that. Strip, now!">>
<br>Belinda hesitates a little.
<br><<PHR 16 "I have another suggestion. What do you say if I bring you one of my friends? You want to have sex with two girls?">>
<br><<PHR "mc" "Sounds good to me.">>
<br><<PHR 16 "Then all you have to do is sign the document I sent you in the mail.">>
<br><<PHR "mc" "What kind of document?">>
<br><<PHR 16 "It's just a vacation request. I want to visit France. What do you say? Approve my vacation and I promise you an unforgettable night.">>
<<btnEventLink "Give her a vacation" "Belinda Storyline" "vacation(dom give)">>
<<btnEventLink "Don't give her a vacation" "Belinda Storyline" "vacation(dom no give)">>
<<case "vacation(dom give)">>
<<set $BelindaStory.stage = 9>>
<<set $BelindaVacation = 21>>
<<set $BelindaMaxVacation = $BelindaVacation>>
<<for _i to 0; _i <= 6; _i++>>
<<set $BelindaSchedule[_i].noon = "">>
<<set $BelindaSchedule[_i].anoon = "">>
<<LocImg "work" "your office">>
<br><<PHR "mc" "All right, I'll do it.">>
<br><<PHR 16 "Excellent! Then come to the hotel downtown tomorrow night. My friend and I will wait for you there.">>
<br>Not letting you get your bearings, Belinda runs out of the office.
<<btnEventLink "Return to work" "Your Office" "">>
<<case "vacation(dom no give)">>
<<set $BelindaStory.stage = 9>>
<<LocImg "work" "your office">>
<br><<PHR "mc" "People work for months to earn it. I can't do that.">>
<br><<PHR 16 "But boss.">>
<br><<PHR "mc" "No buts. Get out here.">>
<br>Upset Belinda leaves your office
<<btnEventLink "Return to work" "Your Office" "">>
<<case "vacation(feet play)">>
<<NPCmedia "belinda" "her shoes" 0>>
<<if $NPCsexmemory[16].footlicking > 0>>
<br>You take off her shoe. Belinda looks at you expectantly.
<br><<TH "She likes when her partner starts slowly.">>
<br><<PHR 16 "There's no need to hurry. Start with the foot and slowly work your way up.">>
<<btnEventLink "Start licking her foot" "Belinda Storyline" "vacation(feet play)(lick)">>
<<if $NPCsexmemory[16].footlicking == 0>>
<<btnEventLink "Stop this" "Belinda Storyline" "vacation(stop)">>
<<case "vacation(feet play)(lick)">>
<<set $BelindaStory.stage = 9>>
<<set $BelindaStory.tease += 1>>
<<set $NPCsexmemory[16].footlicking += 1>>
<<NPCmedia "belinda" "office foot lick" 1>>
<<if $NPCsexmemory[16].footlicking == 1>>
<br>You do everything exactly as she says. Belinda watches you with her mouth slightly open and seems to be enjoying it immensely. As soon as you get close to her knee, she lowers her leg and puts the other one in front of your face. You take the shoe off that foot as well.
<br>You run your tongue along her foot, and then you start sucking on her toes, not forgetting to put your tongue between them. There's a slight, salty taste in your mouth.
<br><<PHR 16 "You remembered, boss! Yeah, that's it. You've gotta clean there real good.">>
<br>She brings her other foot to your face and soon you're licking both of her feet. Meanwhile, the blond unbuttons her blouse, pulls down her bra cups and starts fondling her breasts.
<<btnEventLink "Continue" "Belinda Storyline" "vacation(feet play)(lick 2)">>
<<case "vacation(feet play)(lick 2)">>
<<NPCmedia "belinda" "office foot lick" 1>>
<<if $BelindaStory.tease >= 5>>
<br><<TH "I think she would like it if I gave her legs a compliment.">>
<<set _txt = "Mr. " + $mc.lastname + ", you lick like a robot. How about you give me a compliment on my legs?">>
<br><<PHR 16 _txt>>
<br><<PHR "mc" "You have truly beautiful legs.">>
<br><<PHR 16 "I know. But you haven't said anything about their taste.">>
<br>You blush with embarrassment, but Belinda just laughs mischievously.
<br><<PHR 16 "Look at my tits, boss. If I gave you the choice of playing with them or continuing to lick my feet, which would you choose?">>
<span id="dialog">
<center>@@.btnWide;<<button "Say you prefer her boobs">>
<<replace "#dialog">>
<<PHR 16 "Oh, come on, you need to learn to be honest with yourself. How about I put your whole foot in your mouth? I bet your dick just twitched at the thought of it.">>
<br>You shake your head uncertainly.
<br><<PHR 16 "Well, I'll do it anyway.">>
<<btnEventLink "Continue" "Belinda Storyline" "vacation(feet play)(lick 3)">>
<center>@@.btnWide;<<button "Say you prefer her feet">>
<<replace "#dialog">>
<<PHR 16 "I am glad that you have finally become honest with yourself. Now, how about I put your whole foot in your mouth? I bet your dick just twitched at the thought of it.">>
<br>You nod slowly.
<br><<PHR 16 "I knew you would appreciate my idea.">>
<<btnEventLink "Continue" "Belinda Storyline" "vacation(feet play)(lick 3)">>
<<case "vacation(feet play)(lick 3)">>
<<NPCmedia "belinda" "office foot lick" 1>>
<br>Belinda doesn't keep you waiting and immediately fulfills her promise. Your lips stretch, letting her foot enter your mouth. Her toes touch your palate and trigger a slight gag reflex. It passes quickly, however, as the girl begins to move her foot back and forth, as if she wanted to destroy your mouth.
<br><<PHR 16 "Oh, boss, when I see a expression like that, I can't help myself.">>
<br>Her fingers crawl under her skirt and start moving vigorously there.
<br><<PHR 16 "Fuck, boss, I am about ready to cum.">>
<br>She jerks her foot out of your mouth.
<br><<PHR 16 "But I wanna extend my pleasure.">>
<<btnEventLink "Continue" "Belinda Storyline" "vacation(pussy lick)">>
<<case "vacation(pussy lick)">>
<<NPCmedia "belinda" "boobs self" 1>>
<br>Belinda hurriedly pulls down her blouse and removes her bra. Then she takes a position in front of you and spreads her legs, causing her skirt to pull up.
<<if $BelindaStory.tease >= 5 and $NPCsexmemory[16].pussylicking >= 2>>
<br><<PHR 16 "You know what to do, boss.">>
<br><<PHR 16 "Let me quickly explain what to do, boss. Start with my knee and then slowly work your way forward. And don't forget to say something nice.">>
<br>You lean forward and kiss her right knee. Then you move a little deeper and kiss the inner side of her thigh.
<br><<PHR "mc" "Your skin is so smooth.">>
<br><<PHR 16 "Oh boss, you are such a charmer.">>
<br>You gradually move higher until you get close to her panties. The smell of her fluids hits your nostrils.
<br><<PHR 16 "Don't get overexcited, boss. You're not done with the other leg yet.">>
<br>You shake off obsessive thoughts and move to her left knee. But just as you get your lips close to the girl's skin, her hand grabs your hair and draws your head toward her crotch.
<br><<PHR 16 "You know, I changed my mind. It's time for you to please my girl.">>
<br>In spite of her words, Belinda is in no hurry to take off her panties.
<<btnEventLink "Remove her panties" "Belinda Storyline" "vacation(pussy lick)(hand)">>
<<btnEventLink "Remove her panties with your mouth" "Belinda Storyline" "vacation(pussy lick)(mouth)">>
<<case "vacation(pussy lick)(hand)">>
<<NPCmedia "belinda" "sit on table" 0>>
<br>You take off the girl's panties and, looking up, you meet her disappointed look.
<<set _txt = "You could show a little more imagination, Mr. " + $mc.lastname + ". However, sooner or later, you'll learn how to do it right.">>
<br><<PHR 16 _txt>>
<<btnEventLink "Continue" "Belinda Storyline" "vacation(pussy lick 2)">>
<<case "vacation(pussy lick)(mouth)">>
<<set $BelindaStory.tease += 1>>
<<NPCmedia "belinda" "sit on table(full nude)" 0>>
<br>You manage to take her hint, and, clawing your teeth at the edge of her panties, you try to pull them down. Belinda lifts up slightly to make it easier for you, but even so, you only manage to move her panties down a little. You try to do the same on the other side, but you fail here, too.
<br><<PHR 16 "It seems like the movies lie about how easy you can do it. Okay, you can use your hands this time.">>
<<btnEventLink "Continue" "Belinda Storyline" "vacation(pussy lick 2)">>
<<case "vacation(pussy lick 2)">>
<<set $NPCsexmemory[16].pussylicking += 1>>
<<NPCmedia "belinda" "office pussy lick" 1>>
<br>You bury in her mound and start caressing her clitoris and labia with quick tongue twists. Belinda stares down at you.
<<set _txt = "Mr. " + $mc.lastname + ", you're like a kitten who's finally got sour cream in her bowl.">>
<br><<PHR 16 _txt>>
<br>You can feel her legs locking together on your back.
<br><<PHR 16 "Don't be offended. I'm glad my pussy gives you such pleasure. And not everyone gets that privilege, you know.">>
<br>Her fingers squeeze her protruding nipple tightly.
<br><<PHR 16 "That's right, put your tongue inside my girl.">>
<<btnEventLink "Continue" "Belinda Storyline" "vacation(pussy lick 3)">>
<<case "vacation(pussy lick 3)">>
<<NPCmedia "belinda" "office pussy lick" 1>>
<br><<PHR 16 "You know, boss, I'm gonna miss that tongue, cause I came into your office for a reason. Lately, I keep thinking about taking a little vacation. I'd really like to visit France, for example.">>
<br>You keep pleasuring her pussy, but you know what she's getting at.
<br><<PHR 16 "I think you would willingly comply with my request.">>
<br>Belinda tilts her head back.
<br><<PHR 16 "Yeah, boss, don't stop. Lick my pussy.">>
<br>Her pelvis begins to move in parallel with your tongue. The girl literally rubs her crotch against your face, and her love fluids drip down your chin.
<br><<PHR 16 "Don't dare to stop, I'm close.">>
<br>Her body is pierced with a powerful orgasm, and Belinda squeezes you so tightly with her hips that for a moment you see stars. Then she abruptly straightens her legs and leans back, scattering your office stuff all over the table.
<br><<PHR 16 "Whew, that was intense.">>
<<btnEventLink "Continue" "Belinda Storyline" "vacation(deal)">>
<<case "vacation(deal)">>
<<set $money.goldenstatus = "taken">>
<<set $money.goldenowner = "Belinda">>
<<for _i to 0; _i <= 6; _i++>>
<<set $BelindaSchedule[_i].noon = "">>
<<set $BelindaSchedule[_i].anoon = "">>
<<NPCmedia "belinda" "sit on table(full nude)" 0>>
<br>Belinda assumes a sitting position again and takes an intrigued look at your face, covered in her juices and your saliva.
<br><<PHR 16 "Let's take a short break and talk business. We have two more things to discuss. And the first is vacation pay.">>
<br><<PHR "mc" "You should have it billed to your account.">>
<br><<PHR 16 "It's too small, Mr. $mc.lastname. It would be better if you lent me your credit card.">>
<br>She holds out her hand to you, but you hesitate.
<br><<PHR 16 "That's fair enough, boss. You know perfectly well you can't refuse me now. Especially when you're covered in my cum.">>
<br>You pull out your wallet and the girl immediately snatches it out of your hands. She starts digging inside.
<br><<PHR 16 "I think I'll take the gold one.">>
<br>She takes out the card and tosses the wallet aside.
<br><<PHR 16 "It's time to book a hotel. Do you mind if I use your laptop.">>
<br>Without any delay, she gets off the table and turns her back to you. Her gorgeous ass is right in front of your eyes. Without bothering to adjust her skirt, the blonde leans forward and starts browsing through your laptop.
<<btnEventLink "Continue" "Belinda Storyline" "vacation(ass lick)">>
<<case "vacation(ass lick)">>
<<set $NPCsexmemory[16].asslicking += 1>>
<<set $BelindaFrustraion = 0>>
<<set $BelindaVacation = 14>>
<<NPCmedia "belinda" "her ass" 0>>
<<set _txt = "Mr. " + $mc.lastname + ", are you tired already? I, for instance, don't mind continuing the fun.">>
<br><<PHR 16 _txt>>
<br>She wiggles her ass as if to invite you in.
<<btnEventLink "Kiss her ass" "Belinda Storyline" "vacation(ass lick 2)">>
<<case "vacation(ass lick 2)">>
<<NPCmedia "belinda" "office ass kiss" 1>>
<br>Remembering that she likes to start it slow, you just begin to cover her buttocks with kisses. Belinda lets out a light moan.
<<set _txt = "Don't stop, Mr. " + $mc.lastname + ".">>
<br><<PHR 16 _txt>>
<br>You grab her hips to make you more comfortable, but the girl pushes them away.
<br><<PHR 16 "No hands, boss. Just your lips and my ass.">>
<<btnEventLink "Kiss her ass" "Belinda Storyline" "vacation(ass lick 3)">>
<<case "vacation(ass lick 3)">>
<<NPCmedia "belinda" "office ass kiss" 1>>
<br>You keep landing kisses on her ass.
<br><<PHR 16 "So, as for the second thing I wanted to talk about. I don't like the fact that your company vacations are only two weeks long at all.">>
<br><<PHR "mc" "That's the standard len...">>
<br>She grabs your hair and literally presses you into her buttock.
<<set _txt = "Don't interrupt me, Mr. " + $mc.lastname + ".">>
<br><<PHR 16 _txt>>
<br>After holding you like that for a while, she unclenches her fingers.
<br><<PHR 16 "So, I want you to give me a much longer vacation.">>
<br><<PHR "mc" "How many extra da..?">>
<br>She shuts you up with her ass again.
<<set _txt = "Are you trying to talk when you're not asked again, Mr. " + $mc.lastname + "? I thought I'd finally developed the ideal boss, but it looks like you'll have to be punished. I forbid you to speak until I leave your office.">>
<br><<PHR 16 _txt>>
<br>She pauses for a moment, as if to make sure you get her words right.
<br><<PHR 16 "Good. Now tell me how many weeks you want to add to my vacation. Oh, yes, I just told you not to speak. How silly of me.">>
<br>She thinks for a moment.
<br><<PHR 16 "Oh, I know. We'll measure the number of days you add to my vacation in kisses. Give me a sign if you get it.">>
<<btnEventLink "Kiss her ass one time" "Belinda Storyline" "vacation(ass lick 4)">>
<<case "vacation(ass lick 4)">>
<<set $BelindaVacation = 21>>
<<NPCmedia "belinda" "office ass kiss" 1>>
<br>You land one kiss on her ass as an affirmation that you're ready to go on.
<br><<PHR 16 "Great. Now how about giving me seven kisses as a sign that you're giving me an extra week off.">>
<br>You kiss her ass precisely seven times.
<br><<PHR 16 "Oh, you didn't even hesitate. How about a second week, boss?">>
<br><<TH "This could go on forever.">>
<<btnEventLink "Give her ass another portion of kisses" "Belinda Storyline" "vacation(add)">>
<<btnEventLink "Stop with three weeks of her vacation" "Belinda Storyline" "vacation(no add)">>
<<case "vacation(add)">>
<<set $BelindaVacation += 7>>
<<NPCmedia "belinda" "office ass kiss" 1>>
<<if ($BelindaVacation == 28 or $BelindaVacation == 35)>>
<br>Seven more kisses reach her ass. Belinda is either purring or humming something under her breath.
<br><<PHR 16 "How about another week, boss?">>
<<btnEventLink "Give her ass another portion of kisses" "Belinda Storyline" "vacation(add)">>
<<if $BelindaFrustraion < 4>>
<<btnEventLink "Stop at this point" "Belinda Storyline" "vacation(no add)">>
<<elseif $BelindaVacation == 42>>
<br>Seven more kisses reach her ass. Belinda is either purring or humming something under her breath.
<<if $BelindaFrustraion == 0>>
<br><<PHR 16 "Enough, boss. If we continue like this, I will stay in France forever. I must confess I'm a little disappointed that you gave me these weeks so easily. Don't worry, I don't really plan on being away that long, and I'll be back in a month.">>
<<elseif $BelindaFrustraion <= 2>>
<br><<PHR 16 "Enough, boss. I'm glad we were finally able to decide on a length of my vacation, albeit with some trouble. Don't worry, I don't really plan on being away that long, and I'll be back in a month.">>
<br><<PHR 16 "Enough, boss. I'm glad we were finally able to decide on a length of my vacation, even though you acted as if you wanna piss me off. Don't worry, I don't really plan on being away that long, and I'll be back in a month.">>
<<btnEventLink "Continue" "Belinda Storyline" "vacation(end)">>
<<case "vacation(no add)">>
<<set $BelindaFrustraion += 1>>
<<NPCmedia "belinda" "her ass" 0>>
<<if $BelindaFrustraion == 1>>
<br><<PHR 16 "What happened, boss? You suddenly decided to play hard to get? We both know that's what we both want.">>
<br><<PHR 16 "Even if you had to give me a thousand dollars for every kiss, you'd still fall to your knees every time I pulled up my skirt.">>
<<elseif $BelindaFrustraion == 2>>
<br><<PHR 16 "I know, boss, that I taught you to extend pleasure. And you're doing the right thing in enjoying our intimacy to the fullest. But it's time to give my ass another dose of kisses.">>
<<elseif $BelindaFrustraion == 3>>
<br><<PHR 16 "Boss, are you still here? Or are you too captivated by my ass?">>
<br>She giggles
<br><<PHR 16 "Be careful, or my ass might start controlling you.">>
<<elseif $BelindaFrustraion == 4>>
<br><<PHR 16 "Enough, boss. Your right to choose is over. Kiss my ass and we'll close the deal.">>
<<btnEventLink "Give her ass another portion of kisses" "Belinda Storyline" "vacation(add)">>
<<if $BelindaFrustraion < 4>>
<<btnEventLink "Wait futher" "Belinda Storyline" "vacation(no add)">>
<<case "vacation(end)">>
<<set $BelindaMaxVacation = $BelindaVacation>>
<<NPCmedia "belinda" "sit on table(full nude)" 0>>
<<if $BelindaFrustraion <= 2>>
<br>Belinda turns to you again.
<br><<PHR 16 "I'm gonna miss our meetings, boss. I hope you will, too.">>
<br>She adjusts her skirt and begins to put on her blouse.
<br><<PHR 16 "I hope you'll buy a big present for my return.">>
<br>With those words, the blonde walks out of the office.
<<btnEventLink "Return to work" "Your Office" "">>
<br>Belinda turns to you again.
<br><<PHR 16 "I'm gonna miss our meetings, boss. I hope you will, too.">>
<br>She adjusts her skirt and begins to put on her blouse.
<br><<PHR 16 "However, we are not done for today. You have disobeyed me many times, so it is the hour of your punishment.">>
<br>Belinda looks around.
<br><<PHR 16 "What can I think of?">>
<br>Her gaze stops at some spot and her face brightens up.
<br><<PHR 16 "I've an idea! Look at that corner.">>
<br>You turn in the direction she's pointing.
<br><<PHR 16 "I want you to stand in that corner facing the wall. While I sit in your chair and finish the hotel reservation.">>
<<btnEventLink "Go to the corner" "Belinda Storyline" "vacation(corner)">>
<<case "vacation(corner)">>
<<NPCmedia "belinda" "office corner" 0>>
<br>You walk to the corner, physically feeling Belinda's gaze on you.
<br><<PHR 16 "In addition, I want you to drop your pants. You've seen my ass today, but I haven't seen yours. So it's only fair. And of course, you're not allowed to touch yourself.">>
<br>You do as she commands you and you hear her satisfied hum.
<<btnEventLink "Continue" "Belinda Storyline" "vacation(corner 2)">>
<<case "vacation(corner 2)">>
<<NPCmedia "belinda" "office corner" 0>>
<br>You hear Belinda plopping down in your chair, but you don't have the courage to turn around, even though she probably can't see you.
<br><<PHR 16 "So, what do we have here? Credit card information is required. Well, we have that.">>
<br>You hear the keyboard click as Belinda enters your card information and literally feel your money drain away.
<<set _txt = "And, it's done. I think it's worth celebrating. You have booze here, don't you, Mr. " + $mc.lastname + "?">>
<br><<PHR 16 _txt>>
<br>You hear her open the desk drawer. This is followed by a light clatter as the glass lands on the table, and then you hear her fill that glass with your cognac.
<br><<PHR 16 "Cheers to me!">>
<br>She takes a sip and starts coughing.
<br><<PHR 16 "Ugh, gross. I think you should refresh the assortment when I return, boss. All right, I've been sitting around. Time to start packing.">>
<br>After a while, you hear the front door slam.
<<btnEventLink "Return to work" "Your Office" "">>
/* -------------------- VACATION RETURN -------------------- */
<<case "vacation return(Jolene visit)">>
<<set $JoleneVisit += 1>>
<<if $PositionId[1] == 3 or $PositionId[1] == 4>>
<<LocImg "misc" "phone">>
<<en "Your secretary calls you and tells you that a woman named Jolene wants to meet with you.">>
<<ru "Твоя секретарша звонит тебе и сообщает, что с тобой хочет встретиться женщина по имени Джолин.">>
<<btnEventLink "Tell her to let Jolene in/Сказать ей впустить Джолин" "Belinda Storyline" "vacation return(Jolene visit)(alt)">>
<<elseif $PositionId[1] == 20>>
<<LocImg "work" "your office">>
<<en "The door to your office opens and Brandy and Jolene enter.">>
<<ru "Дверь в твой офис открывается и внутрь входят Брэнди и Джолин.">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "Why didn't you tell me about the visitor?">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Почему ты не предупредила меня о посетителе?">>
<<dlg_en 20 "Aren't you glad to see us, boss? We're like family now.">>
<<dlg_ru 20 "Разве вы не рады нас видеть, босс? Мы же теперь, как семья.">>
<<dlg_en 19 "Besides, I have some great news for you. As you may recall, Belinda's coming back from vacation soon...">>
<<dlg_ru 19 "К тому же у меня для вас отличная новость. Как вы помните, Белинда скоро возвращается из отпуска...">>
<<dlg_en 20 "And we have found the perfect gift for her.">>
<<dlg_ru 20 "И мы нашли идеальный подарок для нее.">>
<<dlg_en 19 "Don't interrupt me.">>
<<dlg_ru 19 "Не перебивай меня.">>
<<en "Jolene begins to move parallel to your desk.">>
<<ru "Джолин начинает двигаться параллельно твоему столу.">>
<<dlg_en 19 "You know, I recently discovered a little bakery downtown, two blocks from my center. Amazing coffee, amazing pastries. And I thought it would be wonderful if it wasn't someone else's bakery, but my friend Belinda's bakery.">>
<<dlg_ru 19 "Знаете, недавно я открыла для себя небольшую булочную в центре города, в двух кварталах от моего центра. Замечательный кофе, чудесная выпечка. И я подумала, что было бы прекрасно, если бы это была не чья-то булочная, а булочная моей подруги Белинды.">>
<<en "Jolene pauses.">>
<<ru "Джолин замирает.">>
<<dlg_en 19 "I'm sure with your resources you can convince the owner of that bakery to sell it to you. And we'll be sure to reward you for your generosity.">>
<<dlg_ru 19 "Уверена, с вашими возможностями, вы сможете уговорить владельца этой булочной продать ее вам. А мы уж точно отблагодим вас за такой щедрый поступок.">>
<<th_en "Wait. Is she talking about $NPCstat[0].name's bakery?">>
<<th_ru "Стоп. Она говорит о булочной моей жены?">>
<<dlg_en 20 "What do you think, boss?">>
<<dlg_ru 20 "Что скажете, босс?">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "I don't think Belinda would be interested in a gift like that.">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Не думаю, что Белинде будет интересен подобный подарок.">>
<<dlg_en 19 "Don't make any hasty conclusions, $mc.name. How about you think about it for a couple of days, then call me and we'll go to the bakery together. I'm sure you'll fall in love with it.">>
<<dlg_ru 19 "Не делайте поспешных выводов, $mc.name. Давайте договоримся так. Вы подумаете несколько дней, а затем позвоните мне, и мы вместе сходим в эту булочную. Уверена, вы в нее влюбитесь.">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "Okay, I'll think about it.">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Ладно, я подумаю.">>
<<th_en "What have I signed up for?">>
<<th_ru "На что я только подписался?">>
<<dlg_en 19 "Great.">>
<<dlg_ru 19 "Отлично.">>
<<en "The women leave your office.">>
<<ru "Девушки покидают твой офис.">>
<font color=OrangeRed>This is final scene for Belinda's route(for now).</font>
<<btnEventLink "Return to work" "Your Office" "">>
<<case "vacation return(Jolene visit)(alt)">>
<<LocImg "work" "your office">>
<<en "The door to your office opens and Jolene enters.">>
<<ru "Дверь в твой офис открывается и внутрь входит Джолин.">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "To what do I owe this visit?">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Чем обязан визиту?">>
<<dlg_en 19 "I just wanted to see how you were following up on my recommendations. Also, as you may recall, Belinda's coming back from vacation soon. And I have found the perfect gift for her.">>
<<dlg_ru 19 "Решила проверить, как выполняете мои рекомендации. К тому же, как вы помните, Белинда скоро возвращается из отпуска. И я нашла идеальный подарок для нее.">>
<<en "Jolene begins to move parallel to your desk.">>
<<ru "Джолин начинает двигаться параллельно твоему столу.">>
<<dlg_en 19 "You know, I recently discovered a little bakery downtown, two blocks from my center. Amazing coffee, amazing pastries. And I thought it would be wonderful if it wasn't someone else's bakery, but my friend Belinda's bakery.">>
<<dlg_ru 19 "Знаете, недавно я открыла для себя небольшую булочную в центре города, в двух кварталах от моего центра. Замечательный кофе, чудесная выпечка. И я подумала, что было бы прекрасно, если бы это была не чья-то булочная, а булочная моей подруги Белинды.">>
<<en "Jolene pauses.">>
<<ru "Джолин замирает.">>
<<dlg_en 19 "I'm sure with your resources you can convince the owner of that bakery to sell it to you. And we'll be sure to reward you for your generosity.">>
<<dlg_ru 19 "Уверена, с вашими возможностями, вы сможете уговорить владельца этой булочной продать ее вам. А мы уж точно отблагодим вас за такой щедрый поступок.">>
<<th_en "Wait. Is she talking about $NPCstat[0].name's bakery?">>
<<th_ru "Стоп. Она говорит о булочной моей жены?">>
<<dlg_en 19 "What do you think, $mc.name?">>
<<dlg_ru 19 "Что скажете, $mc.name?">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "I don't think Belinda would be interested in a gift like that.">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Не думаю, что Белинде будет интересен подобный подарок.">>
<<dlg_en 19 "Don't make any hasty conclusions. How about you think about it for a couple of days, then call me and we'll go to the bakery together. I'm sure you'll fall in love with it.">>
<<dlg_ru 19 "Не делайте поспешных выводов. Давайте договоримся так. Вы подумаете несколько дней, а затем позвоните мне, и мы вместе сходим в эту булочную. Уверена, вы в нее влюбитесь.">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "Okay, I'll think about it.">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Ладно, я подумаю.">>
<<th_en "What have I signed up for?">>
<<th_ru "На что я только подписался?">>
<<dlg_en 19 "Great.">>
<<dlg_ru 19 "Отлично.">>
<<en "The woman leaves your office.">>
<<ru "Девушка покидает твой офис.">>
<font color=OrangeRed>This is final scene for Belinda's route(for now).</font>
<<btnEventLink "Return to work" "Your Office" "">>
<</switch>><<switch $EventMark>>
/* ---------- DRIVER ---------- */
<<case "driver(ask)">>
<<set $BelindaDrive.ask = true>>
<<NPCmedia "belinda" "first meet" 0>>
<<if $NPCstat[16].location == "Belinda Office">>
<br>The office is being set up for Belinda's move-in. A couple of big, strong men carry out boxes full of documents and unnecessary furniture. At that moment, someone grabs you by the arm. When you turn around, you see Belinda.
<<if $NPCplans[16].anoon == "tanning">>
<br><<PHR 16 "Boss, boss! You must help me out! I got so caught up and forgot about my appointment at the tanning salon. Please give me a lift to it.">>
<<elseif $NPCplans[16].anoon == "shopping">>
<br><<PHR 16 "Boss, boss! You must help me out! I got so caught up and forgot about my meeting with my friend. Please give me a lift to the mall.">>
<br>She makes a puppy eyes and purses her lips.
<br>As soon as you walk into the office, Belinda jumps out of her chair and runs up to you.
<<if $NPCplans[16].anoon == "tanning">>
<br><<PHR 16 "Boss, boss! You must help me out! I got so caught up and forgot about my appointment at the tanning salon. Please give me a lift to it.">>
<<elseif $NPCplans[16].anoon == "shopping">>
<br><<PHR 16 "Boss, boss! You must help me out! I got so caught up and forgot about my meeting with my friend. Please lift me a lift to the mall.">>
<br>She makes a puppy eyes and purses her lips.
<<btnEventLink "Give her a ride" "Belinda Regular Events" "driver(agree)">>
<<btnEventLink "Don't give her a ride" "Belinda Regular Events" "driver(disagree)">>
<<case "driver(ask) alt">>
<<set $BelindaDrive.ask = true>>
<<NPCmedia "belinda" "first meet" 0>>
<br>In the post department you almost collide with Belinda.
<<set _txt = "Oh, sorry, Mr. " + $mc.lastname + ", I'm running late.">>
<br><<PHR 16 _txt>>
<br>She heads for the exit, but suddenly and stops and turns to you.
<<if $NPCplans[16].anoon == "tanning">>
<br><<PHR 16 "Actually, I have a favor for you, boss. I got so caught up and forgot about my appointment at the tanning salon. Please give me a lift to it.">>
<<elseif $NPCplans[16].anoon == "shopping">>
<br><<PHR 16 "Actually, I have a favor for you, boss. I got so caught up and forgot about my meeting with my friend. Please give me a lift to the mall.">>
<br>She makes a puppy eyes and purses her lips.
<<btnEventLink "Give her a ride" "Belinda Regular Events" "driver(agree)">>
<<btnEventLink "Don't give her a ride" "Belinda Regular Events" "driver(disagree)">>
<<case "driver(ask) call">>
<<set $BelindaDrive.ask = true>>
<<set $BelindaDrive.callcomm += 1>>
<<set _skip = 2 - $time.daytime>>
<<SkipTimeBlock _skip>>
<<LocImg "misc" "phone">>
<br>Around noon, a phone call sounds in your office.
<<set _txt = "Mr. " + $mc.lastname + ", there's a Ms. Belinda from the post department on the phone for you.">>
<br><<PHR $PositionId[1] _txt>>
<br><<PHR "mc" "Connect us">>
<br>Soon Belinda's voice rings through the receiver.
<<set _txt = "Mr. " + $mc.lastname + ", where are you? You're usually in my office by this time.">>
<br><<PHR 16 _txt>>
<<if $BelindaDrive.callcomm == 1>>
<br><<PHR "mc" "Where did you get that line?">>
<<set _txt = "Mr. " + $NPCstat[14].name + " helped... it doesn't really matter. Please come to my office, it's a disaster.">>
<br><<PHR 16 _txt>>
<br><<PHR "mc" "Fine.">>
<br><<PHR "mc" "What's happened, Belinda?">>
<br><<PHR 16 "Please come to my office, it's a disaster.">>
<br><<PHR "mc" "Fine.">>
<<btnEventLink "Go to her office" "Belinda Regular Events" "driver(ask) call 2">>
<<case "driver(ask) call 2">>
<<LocImg "work" "simple office">>
<br>You go down to the postal department and enter Belinda's office. The blonde immediately jumps out of her chair when she sees you.
<<if $NPCplans[16].anoon == "tanning">>
<br><<PHR 16 "Boss, boss! You must help me out! I got so caught up and forgot about my appointment at the tanning salon. Please give me a lift to it.">>
<<elseif $NPCplans[16].anoon == "shopping">>
<br><<PHR 16 "Boss, boss! You must help me out! I got so caught up and forgot about my meeting with my friend. Please give me a lift to the mall.">>
<br>She makes a puppy eyes and purses her lips.
<<btnEventLink "Give her a ride" "Belinda Regular Events" "driver(ask) call 3">>
<<btnEventLink "Don't give her a ride" "Belinda Regular Events" "driver(disagree)">>
<<case "driver(ask) call 3">>
<<LocImg "work" "simple office">>
<br><<PHR 16 "Perfect! Then I have an extra little favor for you.">>
<br>She holds out her pink purse to you.
<br><<PHR 16 "Please carry my purse, boss. I'm so-o tired today.">>
<br>With a heavy sigh, you take her purse and accompany Belinda out of her office.
<br>The employees at the post office turn to you, and you see mixed emotions on their faces, from jealousy to pity with contempt. Belinda, on the other hand, walks with her head held high, as if to show everyone that you are her prey.
<<btnEventLink "Go to the parking" "Belinda Regular Events" "driver(agree)">>
<<case "driver(disagree)">>
<<NPCmedia "belinda" "boobs tease" 0>>
<br>Not willing to give up, Belinda pulls your arm toward her and literally presses your forearm into her cleavage.
<br><<PHR 16 "Pretty please! I'll send you a special photo afterwards.">>
<<btnEventLink "Give her a ride" "Belinda Regular Events" "driver(agree)">>
<<btnEventLink "Don't give her a ride" "Belinda Regular Events" "driver(disagree) 2">>
<<if $BelindaDrive.nocounter >= 2>>
<<btnEventLink "Tell her not asking about it anymore" "Belinda Regular Events" "driver(disagree) 3">>
<<case "driver(disagree) 2">>
<<if $BelindaDrive.nocounter < 2>>
<<set $BelindaDrive.nocounter += 1>>
<<NPCmedia "belinda" "first meet" 0>>
<br>Belinda plays hurt, but gives up trying to persuade you.
<<btnEventLink "Finish" "Post Department" "">>
<<case "driver(disagree) 3">>
<<set $BelindaDrive.nocounter += 1>>
<<NPCmedia "belinda" "first meet" 0>>
<br><<PHR "mc" "Belinda, can't you see that your tricks aren't working?">>
<<set _txt = "But, Mr. " + $mc.lastname + "...">>
<br><<PHR 16 _txt>>
<br><<PHR "mc" "Enough! Don't ever bring it up again.">>
<<btnEventLink "Finish" "Post Department" "">>
<<case "driver(agree)">>
<<if $BelindaDrive.counter < 0>>
<<set $BelindaDrive.counter = 0>>
<<if $NPCplans[16].anoon == "tanning">>
<<set _inf = "Drive her to the tanning salon">>
<<elseif $NPCplans[16].anoon == "shopping">>
<<set _inf = "Drive her to the mall">>
<<if $BelindaDrive.counter == 0>>
<<set $BelindaDrive.counter += 1>>
<<LocImg "work" "parking">>
<br>You go down to the parking lot and walk up to your car. Belinda settles into the passenger seat without any hesitation.
<br><<PHR 16 "This car is totally awesome! But I bet it's not the best in your collection.">>
<br><<TH "Well, that's true.">>
<<btnEventLink _inf "Belinda Regular Events" "driver(finish)">>
<<elseif $BelindaDrive.counter < 4>>
<<set $BelindaDrive.counter += 1>>
<<LocImg "work" "parking">>
<br>You go down to the parking lot and walk up to your car. Belinda settles into the passenger seat without any hesitation.
<<btnEventLink _inf "Belinda Regular Events" "driver(finish)">>
<<elseif $BelindaDrive.noletdrive <= 2>>
<<set $BelindaDrive.counter += 1>>
<<LocImg "work" "parking">>
<br>You go down to the parking lot and walk up to your car. But this time Belinda is in no hurry to take the passenger chair. Wiggling her magnificent ass, she heads for the driver's seat.
<<if $BelindaDrive.letdrive == 0>>
<<set _txt = "Mr. " + $mc.lastname + ", let me drive, pretty please! Don't worry, I have a license.">>
<br><<PHR 16 _txt>>
<br><<PHR 16 "I'm driving today, boss.">>
<<btnEventLink "Let her drive" "Belinda Regular Events" "driver(let drive)">>
<<btnEventLink "Don't let her drive" "Belinda Regular Events" "driver(don't let drive)">>
<<set $BelindaDrive.counter += 1>>
<<LocImg "work" "parking">>
<br>You go down to the parking lot and walk up to your car. Belinda settles into the passenger seat without any hesitation.
<<btnEventLink _inf "Belinda Regular Events" "driver(finish)">>
<<case "driver(let drive)">>
<<set $BelindaDrive.letdrive += 1>>
<<LocImg "work" "parking">>
<br>You give in to her persuasion and give the girl the keys. She squeals happily and hops into the seat.
<<btnEventLink "Take the passenger seat" "Belinda Regular Events" "driver(finish) alt">>
<<case "driver(don't let drive)">>
<<LocImg "work" "parking">>
<br><<PHR 16 "You're so boring, boss! Imagine - a babe like me driving your car. That would be so hot!">>
<br>As if to prove her point, she undoes two more buttons on her blouse, and now you can see the bottom edge of her black bra.
<br><<PHR 16 "Give me a chance, boss!">>
<<btnEventLink "Let her drive" "Belinda Regular Events" "driver(let drive)">>
<<btnEventLink "Don't let her drive" "Belinda Regular Events" "driver(don't let drive) 2">>
<<case "driver(don't let drive) 2">>
<<if $BelindaDrive.noletdrive < 2>>
<<set $BelindaDrive.noletdrive += 1>>
<<if $NPCplans[16].anoon == "tanning">>
<<set _inf = "Drive her to the tanning salon">>
<<elseif $NPCplans[16].anoon == "shopping">>
<<set _inf = "Drive her to the mall">>
<<LocImg "work" "parking">>
<br><<PHR "mc" "I'm not going to trust my car to anyone.">>
<br>Belinda pouts resentfully, but finally gives in.
<<btnEventLink _inf "Belinda Regular Events" "driver(finish)">>
<<case "driver(finish)">>
<<if $time.daytime == 2>>
<<SkipTimeBlock 1>>
<<if $NPCplans[16].anoon == "tanning">>
<<LocImg "downtown" "tanning salon">>
<<elseif $NPCplans[16].anoon == "shopping">>
<<LocImg "mall" "facade">>
<<if $NPCplans[16].anoon == "tanning">>
<br>You take your employee to the tanning salon.
<<elseif $NPCplans[16].anoon == "shopping">>
<br>You take your employee to the mall.
<<if $BelindaDrive.counter >= 3 and $NPCplans[16].anoon == "shopping" and $NPCstat[20].meet == false>>
It looks like Belinda's friend is already waiting for her outside the entrance. When she sees you, she hurries to her car.
<<PHR 16 "Brandy!">>
<br><<PHR 20 "Hey, sis, I'm so happy to see you!">>
<<set $NPCstat[20].meet = true>>
<<set $BrandyStory.counter = 4>>
<br>The girls take turns kissing each other on the cheeks, and it seems to go on forever. Finally, Belinda's friend turns her attention to you.
<br><<PHR 20 "Who's the handsome man? Why aren't you introducing us already?">>
<<set _txt = "That's my boss, Mr. " + $mc.lastname + ". He was kind enough to give me a ride.">>
<br><<PHR 16 _txt>>
<br><<PHR 20 "What a gentleman. You're lucky with him, sis.">>
<br>Belinda leans against the window, so you get a view of her cleavage.
<<set _txt = "Thank you, Mr. " + $mc.lastname + "!">>
<br><<PHR 16 _txt>>
<br><<PHR 20 "So maybe your boss comes with us? I'm sure we can pick up a pair of new shirts for him.">>
<<set _txt = "That's a terrific idea! What do you say, Mr. " + $mc.lastname + "?">>
<br><<PHR 16 _txt>>
<<btnEventLink "Go with the girls" "Belinda Regular Events" "shopping(start)">>
<<btnEventLink "Say you don't have a time" "Belinda Regular Events" "shopping(refuse)">>
<<elseif $BelindaDrive.counter >= 2 and $NPCplans[16].anoon == "tanning" and $NPCstat[23].meet == false>>
<<set _txt = "Yay, I'm practically not late. Thank you, Mr. " + $mc.lastname + ", you're an amazing boss.">>
<br><<PHR 16 _txt>>
<br>Belinda gets out of the car and bumps into a woman at the front of the salon.
<br><<PHR 23 "Belinda! It's been a long time.">>
<br><<PHR 16 "Cecilia! I'm so glad to see you.">>
<br><<PHR 23 "Finally get your own personal driver?">>
<br>The blonde chuckles.
<br><<PHR 16 "No, that's my boss. He was kind enough to give me a ride.">>
<br>Another woman heads towards you.
<br><<PHR 23 "Nice to meet you. You can call me Cecilia.">>
<<set $NPCstat[23].meet = true>>
<<set $NPCstat[23].name = "Cecilia">>
<<set _txt = $mc.name + ".">>
<br><<PHR "mc" _txt>>
<br>She smiles.
<br><<PHR 23 "You better watch out for Belinda. She's got a mouth on her.">>
<br><<PHR 16 "Hey, don't try to accuse me.">>
<br>She turns to you again.
<<set _txt = "By the way, " + $mc.name + ", why don't you help me, too? I need to get to the flower store, three blocks down.">>
<br><<PHR 23 _txt>>
<<btnEventLink "Agree to drive her too" "Belinda Regular Events" "tanning(start)">>
<<btnEventLink "Say that you don't have a time" "Belinda Regular Events" "tanning(refuse)">>
<<set _txt = "Yay, I'm practically not late. Thank you, Mr. " + $mc.lastname + ", you're an amazing boss.">>
<br><<PHR 16 _txt>>
<br>Belinda gets out of the car, leaving you alone with your thoughts.
<<btnEventLink "Finish" "Downtown Map" "">>
<<case "driver(finish) alt">>
<<if $time.daytime == 2>>
<<SkipTimeBlock 1>>
<<if $NPCplans[16].anoon == "tanning">>
<<LocImg "downtown" "tanning salon">>
<<elseif $NPCplans[16].anoon == "shopping">>
<<LocImg "mall" "facade">>
<br>Belinda turns out to be a reckless driver. One time you even run a red light.
<br><<PHR "mc" "What the hell are you doing?">>
<br><<PHR 16 "Rules are for walmart people, boss. Not for us.">>
<br>However, you reach your destination without incident.
<br><<PHR 16 "That was incredible. I hope I get a car like that someday.">>
<<if $BelindaDrive.counter >= 3 and $NPCplans[16].anoon == "shopping" and $NPCstat[20].meet == false>>
It looks like Belinda's friend is already waiting for her outside the entrance. When she sees you, she hurries to her car.
<<PHR 16 "Brandy!">>
<br><<PHR 20 "Hey, sis, I'm so happy to see you!">>
<<set $NPCstat[20].meet = true>>
<br>The girls take turns kissing each other on the cheeks, and it seems to go on forever. Finally, Belinda's friend turns her attention to you.
<br><<PHR 20 "Who's the handsome man? Why aren't you introducing us already?">>
<<set _txt = "That's my boss, Mr. " + $mc.lastname + ". He was kind enough to give me his car so I wouldn't be late.">>
<br><<PHR 16 _txt>>
<br><<PHR 20 "What a gentleman. You're lucky with him, sis.">>
<br>Belinda leans against the window, so you get a view of her cleavage.
<<set _txt = "Thank you, Mr. " + $mc.lastname + "!">>
<br><<PHR 16 _txt>>
<br><<PHR 20 "So maybe your boss comes with us? I'm sure we can pick up a pair of new shirts for him.">>
<<set _txt = "That's a terrific idea! What do you say, Mr. " + $mc.lastname + "?">>
<br><<PHR 16 _txt>>
<<btnEventLink "Go with the girls" "Belinda Regular Events" "shopping(start)">>
<<btnEventLink "Say you don't have a time" "Belinda Regular Events" "shopping(refuse)">>
<<elseif $BelindaDrive.counter >= 2 and $NPCplans[16].anoon == "tanning" and $NPCstat[23].meet == false>>
<<set _txt = "Yay, I'm practically not late. Thank you, Mr. " + $mc.lastname + ", you're an amazing boss.">>
<br><<PHR 16 _txt>>
<br>Belinda gets out of the car and bumps into a woman at the front of the salon.
<br><<PHR 23 "Belinda! It's been a long time.">>
<br><<PHR 16 "Cecilia! I'm so glad to see you.">>
<br><<PHR 23 "Finally get your own car?">>
<br>The blonde chuckles.
<br><<PHR 16 "Nah, that's my boss's car. In fact, he's sitting in the front seat.">>
<br>Another woman heads towards you.
<br><<PHR 23 "Nice to meet you. You can call me Cecilia.">>
<<set $NPCstat[23].meet = true>>
<<set $NPCstat[23].name = "Cecilia">>
<<set _txt = $mc.name + ".">>
<br><<PHR "mc" _txt>>
<br>She smiles.
<br><<PHR 23 "You better watch out for Belinda. She's got a mouth on her.">>
<br><<PHR 16 "Hey, don't try to accuse me.">>
<br>She turns to you again.
<<set _txt = "By the way, " + $mc.name + ", why don't you help me, too? I need to get to the flower store, three blocks down.">>
<br><<PHR 23 _txt>>
<<btnEventLink "Agree to drive her too" "Belinda Regular Events" "tanning(start)">>
<<btnEventLink "Say that you don't have a time" "Belinda Regular Events" "tanning(refuse)">>
<br>Belinda gets out of the car, leaving you alone with your thoughts.
<<btnEventLink "Finish" "Downtown Map" "">>
/* ---------- FRIENDLY EVENTS ---------- */
<<case "shopping(refuse)">>
<<LocImg "mall" "facade">>
<br><<PHR "mc" "Sorry, girls, I have some business to do">>
<br><<PHR 16 "Oh, that's unfortunate, but I hope you can do it next time.">>
<<set _txt = "Is was a pleasure to meet you, Mr. " + $mc.lastname + ".">>
<br><<PHR 20 _txt>>
<br>The girls leave you alone.
<<btnEventLink "Finish" "Downtown Map" "">>
<<case "shopping(start)">>
<<LocImg "mall" "main">>
<br>You enter the mall.
<br><<PHR 20 "So, sister, where should we go first?">>
<br><<PHR 16 "You even ask? Of course, we're gonna buy new shoes!">>
<<btnEventLink "Go to the shoe shop" "Belinda Regular Events" "shopping(shoe)">>
<<case "shopping(shoe)">>
<<LocImg "mall" "shoe shop">>
In the shoe store, the girls walk between the stands for a long time until they finally stop at a pair of shoes for each.
<br><<PHR 20 "I tell you, you have to choose a more coral tone.">>
<br><<PHR 16 "But it doesn't match my purse at all.">>
<br><<PHR 20 "So you need to buy a new one.">>
<br><<PHR 16 "What about this pair?">>
<br><<PHR 20 "They're too pink for you. In a word, tasteless.">>
<br>You get closer, and the girls turn to you.
<br><<PHR 16 "What do you think, boss?">>
<br><<TH "I didn't understand a word they were saying.">>
<<btnEventLink "Agree with Belinda" "Belinda Regular Events" "shopping(shoe) 2.1">>
<<btnEventLink "Agree with Brandy" "Belinda Regular Events" "shopping(shoe) 2.2">>
<<case "shopping(shoe) 2.1">>
<<LocImg "mall" "shoe shop">>
<br>Brandy sighs.
<br><<PHR 20 "Men...">>
<br><<PHR 16 "You can't face the fact that you're mistaken, as usual.">>
<br><<PHR 20 "Whatever. After all, he's the one who pays for it.">>
<br><<TH "This is taking a bad turn.">>
<br><<PHR "mc" "I didn't promise to pay for anything.">>
<br>Belinda snuggles up to you and for some reason starts adjusting your jacket.
<br><<PHR 16 "Boss, you yourself agreed to go to the mall with two gorgeous girls. And now you're trying to tell us we're not good enough to buy us some shoes?">>
<br>Belinda's friend also clings to you.
<br><<PHR 20 "I think he still can't believe he's in the company of such lovely blondes.">>
<br><<PHR 16 "Exactly.">>
<br>The girls are shoving shoes into your hands.
<<if $money.golden >= 1600>>
<<btnEventLink "Pay for them (1600$)" "Belinda Regular Events" "shopping(shoe pay)">>
<<set _inf = "Pay for them (1600$) - ">>
<<set _inf += "<font color=OrangeRed>You don't have enough money</font>">>
<<btnDisabledLink _inf>>
<<btnEventLink "Don't pay" "Belinda Regular Events" "shopping(shoe no pay)">>
<<case "shopping(shoe) 2.2">>
<<LocImg "mall" "shoe shop">>
<br>Belinda sighs.
<br><<PHR 16 "Men...">>
<br><<PHR 20 "You can't face the fact that you're mistaken, as usual.">>
<br><<PHR 16 "Whatever. After all, he's the one who pays for it.">>
<br><<TH "This is taking a bad turn.">>
<br><<PHR "mc" "I didn't promise to pay for anything.">>
<br>Belinda snuggles up to you and for some reason starts adjusting your jacket.
<br><<PHR 16 "Boss, you yourself agreed to go to the mall with two gorgeous girls. And now you're trying to tell us we're not good enough to buy us some shoes?">>
<br>Belinda's friend also clings to you.
<br><<PHR 20 "I think he still can't believe he's in the company of such lovely blondes.">>
<br><<PHR 16 "Exactly.">>
<br>The girls are shoving shoes into your hands.
<<if $money.golden >= 1600>>
<<btnEventLink "Pay for them (1600$)" "Belinda Regular Events" "shopping(shoe pay)">>
<<set _inf = "Pay for them (1600$) - ">>
<<set _inf += "<font color=OrangeRed>You don't have enough money</font>">>
<<btnDisabledLink _inf>>
<<btnEventLink "Don't pay" "Belinda Regular Events" "shopping(shoe no pay)">>
<<case "shopping(shoe no pay)">>
<<LocImg "mall" "shoe shop">>
<br>You hand your shoes back to the girls and pull yourself out of their persistent arms.
<br><<TH "I think it's useless to argue with them.">>
<br><<PHR "mc" "I'm not going to pay for your whims, nor am I going to continue this conversation.">>
<br>After these words, you head for the exit of the store.
<br><<PHR 20 "Jesus! Belinda, your boss is so odd.">>
<br><<PHR 16 "Maybe he just got up on the wrong foot.">>
<<btnEventLink "Finish" "Downtown Map" "">>
<<case "shopping(shoe pay)">>
<<SkipTimeBlock 1>>
<<LocImg "mall" "shoe shop">>
<<set _txt = "Mr. " + $mc.lastname + ", don't pretend you don't want it.">>
<br><<PHR 16 _txt>>
<br><<PHR 20 "Indeed, doesn't a man enjoy showing his largesse?">>
<br><<PHR 16 "Especially when two ravishing ladies accompany him. Come on, boss, don't you want to see my feet in those shoes?">>
<br>Keeping you entertained, the girls lead you to the cash register, where you hold out your credit card to the smiling saleswoman.
<font color=OrangeRed><b><i>You paid $1,600 for their shoes</i></b></font>
<<set $money.golden -= 1600>>
<br><<PHR 16 "Yahoo! Now I want to take a look at the dresses from the latest collection.">>
<br>You spend all day with Belinda and her friend paying for all their whims. Toward the end of the day, you stop in the recreation area and sit on the couches.
<<LocImg "mall" "recreation area">>
<br><<PHR 16 "Oh, my feet are killing me.">>
<br><<TH "I have a weird feeling of deja vu.">>
<<set _txt = "Mr. " + $mc.lastname + ", thank you for a wonderful day. I can't wait to see you next time.">>
<br><<PHR 20 _txt>>
<br><<PHR 16 "I told you he is totally lit.">>
<font color=OrangeRed><b><i>You paid $6,200 for their another whims</i></b></font>
<<set $money.golden -= 6200>>
<<btnEventLink "Finish" "Downtown Map" "">>
<<case "tanning(refuse)">>
<<LocImg "downtown" "tanning salon">>
<br><<PHR "mc" "Sorry, but I still have unfinished business.">>
<br><<PHR 23 "I understand. People are waiting while you take your bird to have her feathers cleaned.">>
<br><<PHR "mc" "What are you talking about?">>
<br>Instead of a reply, Cecilia takes a few steps back and makes a farewell wave with her hand.
<<btnEventLink "Leave her alone" "Downtown Map" "">>
<<case "tanning(start)">>
<<LocImg "downtown" "tanning salon">>
<br>Cecilia gets in the car and you drive off.
<br><<PHR 23 "So, is Belinda good?">>
<br><<PHR "mc" "What are you talking about?">>
<br><<PHR 23 "Oh, come on, favoritism is very common in our world. But I prefer to keep my birds in a golden cage.">>
<br><<TH "I see. She's not an ordinary woman.">>
<<btnEventLink "Continue" "Belinda Regular Events" "tanning(start) 2">>
<<case "tanning(start) 2">>
<<LocImg "downtown" "flower store">>
<br>Finally, you arrive at the flower store. Before getting out of the car, Cecilia hands you her business card.
<<set _txt = "I hope we meet again, " + $mc.name + ".">>
<br><<PHR 23 _txt>>
<br>A few steps away, she turns and makes a farewell wave with her hand.
<<btnEventLink "Finish" "Downtown Map" "">>
<</switch>><<switch $EventMark>>
/* -------------------- AFTERNOON -------------------- */
<<case "afternoon">>
<<set $MaidLivingRoom.watchtv += 1>>
<<set $MaidLazinessDesires.watchtv = 0>>
<<NPCmedia "samantha" "on couch" 0>>
<br>You enter the living room and see the maid reclined on the sofa as she watches TV.
<<set _txt = "Mr." + $mc.name + ", do you wanna watch the match? I decided to relax a little, too.">>
<br><<PHR 1 _txt>>
<br><<PHR "mc" "Aren't you worried about finishing your work on time? As I recall, when you last did this I had to help you finish.">>
<br><<PHR 1 "I'm ahead of schedule today. Besides, it's nice knowing I can count on you if every I need help.">>
<br><<PHR 1 "Oh, by the way, I haven't touched your favorite spot.">>
<br><<TH "Favorite spot? You're lying on my favorite spot!">>
<br><<PHR "mc" "Favorite spot?">>
<br><<PHR 1 "I mean the top shelves. They're waiting for you.">>
<br>To reinforce her request, Samantha points you to the bucket with the rag that stands by the couch.
<<set _txt = "Don't be afraid, Mr." + $mc.name + ", you already know what to do.">>
<br><<PHR 1 _txt>>
<br>As she's speaking she stretches in a slow and languid manner which reveals more of her shapely legs.
<<btnEventLink "Wipe shelves" "Maid Living Room Events" "afternoon(wipe shelves)">>
<<case "afternoon(wipe shelves)">>
<<NPCmedia "samantha" "wipe shelves" 0>>
<br>As you're cleaning you can't help but question your actions. The unresolved inner turmoil you feel because of your response to her commands is secondary to the enticing image you saw on the couch.
<br><<TH "But I can always say no, right?">>
<br>Finally you finish your part of the cleaning and go back to the couch with the bucket in your hands.
<<set _txt = "Mr." + $mc.name + ", would you be so kind as to take the those supplies to the utility closet? Thank you.">>
<br><<PHR 1 _txt>>
<center>@@.btnWide;<<button "Go to storage room" "Maid Living Room Events">>
<<set _rng = random(1)>>
<<if _rng == 0>>
<<set $EventMark = "afternoon(meet wife)">>
<<set $EventMark = "afternoon(no meet wife)">>
<<case "afternoon(meet wife)">>
<<LocImg "mc_house" "hallway">>
<br>Just as you enter the foyer, you hear the lock on the front door click open. You're momentarily frozen as you watch your wife enter. As she places the mail and her keys on the hall stand, she notices you standing there with cleaning supplies in hand.
<br><<PHR 0 "What are you doing, honey?">>
<br><<PHR "mc" "I just, um... spilled coffee on the floor.">>
<br>You see little disbelief in your wife's eyes, but it lasts only a few moments.
<br><<PHR 0 "Did you drink coffee in front of the TV again?">>
<br><<PHR "mc" "Yeah.">>
<br><<TH "If you only knew...">>
<br>$NPCstat[0].name finally manages with her boots.
<br><<PHR 0 "You could have asked Samantha to take care of that for you.">>
<br><<PHR "mc" "Well, I didn't want to distract her from her other duties. And I wanted to wipe the stain off before it soaks into the wood.">>
<br><<PHR 0 "It's the right decision. It would be problematic, buying a new couch to cover another stain.">>
<br>Walking past you, $NPCstat[0].name kisses you on the cheek.
<br><<PHR 0 "I'm going to take a shower. And by the way, you look good holding that bucket. You may continue with your chores.">>
<br>She giggles and walks up the stairs. You feel yourself blush as you finally begin to move towards the utility room and a bit of privacy.
<<set $WifeToMaid.suspicion += 5>>
<<btnEventLink "Return to the living room" "Maid Living Room Events" "afternoon(meet wife) 2">>
<<case "afternoon(meet wife) 2">>
<<LocImg "mc_house" "living room">>
<br>As you're retreating from the hall, you notice Samantha has left the living room.
<<set _txt = "It looks like she heard " + $NPCstat[0].name + " come home.">>
<br><<TH _txt>>
<br>You sit down on the couch.
<br><<TH "I can finally watch the game in peace.">>
<<RemoveStat 1 "obedience" 2 -30>>
<<btnEventLink "Finish" "Living Room" "">>
<<case "afternoon(no meet wife)">>
<<LocImg "mc_house" "hallway">>
<br>You reach the storage room, open the door and put the bucket inside.
<<btnEventLink "Return to the living room" "Maid Living Room Events" "afternoon(no meet wife) 2">>
<<case "afternoon(no meet wife) 2">>
<<NPCmedia "samantha" "on couch" 0>>
<br>Your maid is still lying on the couch. When you approach her, she turns her head toward you.
<<set _txt = "Thank you for your help, Mr." + $mc.name + ". Look, I saved you a seat.">>
<br><<PHR 1 _txt>>
<br>She bends her legs at the knees, making room for you at the end of the sofa - the opposite end of where you usually sit.
<<if $MaidLivingRoom.watchtv >= 2 and $NPCstat[1].obedience <= -28>>
<<btnEventLink "Sit on the corner" "Maid Living Room Events" "afternoon(no meet wife) 3.1">>
<<btnEventLink "Sit on the corner" "Maid Living Room Events" "afternoon(no meet wife) 3">>
<<btnEventLink "Reign her in" "Maid Living Room Events" "afternoon(no meet wife fight)">>
<<case "afternoon(no meet wife) 3">>
<<LocImg "mc_house" "sport show">>
<br>You sit down on the corner of the couch to finally enjoy watching the match. After a while, you feel your maid's toes touching your leg. When you turn to her, you see that her attention is completely captivated by the tv. It looks like she just wants to relax her legs a little.
<br>Deciding not to pay much attention to this, you turn to the screen again. After the match is over, Samantha hurries to the kitchen.
<<RemoveStat 1 "obedience" 2 -30>>
<<btnEventLink "Finish" "Living Room" "">>
<<case "afternoon(no meet wife fight)">>
<<LocImg "mc_house" "hallway">>
<br><<PHR "mc" "Samantha, that's a bit presumptious, don't you think?">>
<br>Your maid immediately switches to a sitting position. It appears she didn't expect such a reaction from you.
<<set _txt = "My apology, Mr." + $mc.name + ", I was just having a little fun. Let's not take things too seriously.">>
<br><<PHR 1 _txt>>
<br><<TH "She seems to be speaking sincerely.">>
<<btnEventLink "Tell her to go to the kitchen" "Maid Living Room Events" "afternoon(no meet wife fight) 2.1">>
<<btnEventLink "Forget about the incident" "Maid Living Room Events" "afternoon(no meet wife fight) 2.2">>
<<case "afternoon(no meet wife fight) 2.1">>
<<LocImg "mc_house" "hallway">>
<br><<PHR "mc" "It's time for you to make dinner.">>
<<set _txt = "Of course, Mr." + $mc.name + ".">>
<br><<PHR 1 _txt>>
<br>Samantha gets up from the couch and hurries to the kitchen. You can finally watch the match in peace.
<<AddStat 1 "obedience" 3 0>>
<<btnEventLink "Finish" "Living Room" "">>
<<case "afternoon(no meet wife fight) 2.2">>
<<LocImg "mc_house" "sport show">>
<br><<PHR "mc" "Okay, let's forget about it.">>
<br><<PHR 1 "Right, we don't need to spoil our great relationship. Sit next to me.">>
<br>You sit beside your maid and you both watch the match in peace.
<<RemoveStat "mc" "confidence" 1 0>>
<<RemoveStat 1 "obedience" 2 -35>>
<<btnEventLink "Finish" "Living Room" "">>
<<case "afternoon(after clean)">>
<<set $MaidLivingRoom.watchtv += 1>>
<<set $MaidLazinessDesires.watchtv = 0>>
<<if $mc.name == "Alan">>
<<set _alan = "Mark">>
<<set _alan = "Alan">>
<<LocImg "mc_house" "sport show">>
<br>You finish wiping the shelves and return to the couch. As the match progresses you find yourself paying more attention to your maid than the game. She seems to be enamored with _alan, cheering him on and complimenting his looks and physique. At some point you notice feelings of jealousy begin to creep into your thoughts.
<br>As the game nears its end, Samantha suddenly stands.
<<set _txt = "Look at the time, Mr. " + $mc.name + ". I completely forgot about finishing my work.">>
<br><<PHR 1 _txt>>
<<if $NPCstat[1].obedience > -18>>
<br>She jumps up from the couch and grabs her cleaning supplies and runs out of the room.
<<set $location.sub = "watch tv">>
<<btnEventLink "Continue watching tv" "Living Room" "">>
<br>She turns to you.
<<set _txt = "Mr. " + $mc.name + ", you need to help me finish or dinner will be late.">>
<br><<PHR 1 _txt>>
<br><<PHR "mc" "Relax, Samantha. You can do it tomorrow.">>
<br><<PHR 1 "dom" "No. I'm not waiting until tomorrow. I want to finish and start on dinner or your wife will not be happy.">>
<br>She grabs your arm and starts pulling you off the couch.
<<set _txt = "Come on, Mr." + $mc.name + ".">>
<br><<PHR 1 _txt>>
<<btnEventLink "Go with her" "Maid Living Room Events" "guest bedroom(clean)">>
/* ---------- GUEST BEDROOM ---------- */
<<case "guest bedroom(clean)">>
<<LocImg "mc_house" "guest bedroom">>
<br>Samantha leads you to the guest bedroom.
<<set _txt = "Mr." + $mc.name + ", vacuum this room while I prepare dinner.">>
<br><<PHR 1 _txt>>
<br>Giving you no opportunity to reply, she turns and leaves the room.
<br><<TH "What the...? Why am I putting up with this?">>
<<btnEventLink "Start vacuum the room" "Maid Living Room Events" "guest bedroom(clean) 2">>
<<case "guest bedroom(clean) 2">>
<<if $mcSkill.cleaning < 10>>
<<set $mcSkill.cleaning += 1>>
<<LocImg "actions" "vacuum">>
After a brief internal conversation, you think it best to quickly vacuum the room.
<<set _txt = "I wonder what " + $NPCstat[0].name + " would say if she see what I'm doing? Better get it done before she gets home.">>
<br><<TH _txt>>
<br>You finish cleaning and put the vacuum cleaner aside.
<<btnEventLink "Find Samantha" "Maid Living Room Events" "guest bedroom(clean reward)">>
<<case "guest bedroom(clean reward)">>
<<if $MaidGuestBedroom.vacuum == 0>>
<<LocImg "mc_house" "kitchen">>
<br>Afterwards, you find your maid in the kitchen.
<<set _txt = "Mr." + $mc.name + ", you're done already. Thanks for helping me out. Here's a small reward for you.">>
<br><<PHR 1 _txt>>
<<LocImg "misc" "donuts">>
<br>She puts a plate of donuts and a cup of coffee in front of you.
<br><<PHR "mc" "Thank you, Samantha.">>
<br>You take one of the glazed donuts and take a careful bite. It has a surprisingly solid consistency, but a cheese flavor that blends amazingly well with the cream it's covered in.
<br><<PHR "mc" "Wow, this is really good. Why haven't you made them before?">>
<br><<PHR 1 "To tell you the truth, I only recently mastered this recipe. But now I'm going to make them more often. Especially if you keep helping me like you did today.">>
<br><<PHR "mc" "I'm looking forward to it.">>
<br><<PHR 1 "Looking forward to eating my donuts or for the opportunity to help me?">>
<br><<TH "Fuck! She caught me.">>
<br><<PHR "mc" "Well, maybe a bit of both.">>
<br>Samantha giggles.
<<set _txt = "You're such a nice guy, Mr. " + $mc.name + ".">>
<br><<PHR 1 _txt>>
<br>Your maid goes back to cooking, and you snatch another donut before you leave.
<<RemoveStat 1 "obedience" 2 -40>>
<<btnEventLink "Finish" "Hallway" "">>
<<LocImg "mc_house" "kitchen">>
<br>You find your maid in the kitchen.
<<set _txt = "Mr." + $mc.name + ", you're done. Thank you for your help. Here is your reward.">>
<br><<PHR 1 _txt>>
<br>Smiling, she pushes a plate of fresh donuts towards you until it's next to a large mug of coffee.
<br><<PHR "mc" "Thank you, Samantha.">>
<br>Your maid returns to preparing dinner while you enjoy your reward.
<<RemoveStat 1 "obedience" 2 -40>>
<<btnEventLink "Finish" "Hallway" "">>
/* ---------- FOOT MASSAGE ---------- */
<<case "afternoon(no meet wife) 3.1">>
<<if $MaidFootFetish.livingroommassage == 0>>
<<LocImg "mc_house" "sport show">>
<br>You sit down on the corner of the couch to finally enjoy watching the match. After a while, you feel your maid's toes touching your leg. When you turn to her, you see that her attention is completely captivated by the tv. It looks like she just wants to relax her legs a little.
<<set _txt = "Mr." + $mc.name + ", would you mind if I put my feet on your hips? My legs are literally killing me. After all, you've seen how hard I've been working these days.">>
<br><<PHR 1 _txt>>
<<btnEventLink "Let her do it" "Maid Living Room Events" "afternoon(foot massage)">>
<<LocImg "mc_house" "sport show">>
<br>You sit down on the corner of the couch to finally enjoy watching the match. After a while, you feel your maid's toes touching your leg.
<<set _txt = "How about another massage, Mr. " + $mc.name + "? You were terrific last time.">>
<br><<PHR 1 _txt>>
<<btnEventLink "Give your maid a foot massage" "Maid Living Room Events" "afternoon(foot massage) 2">>
<<case "afternoon(foot massage)">>
<<if $WifeFootFetish.maidseen and $NPCstat[1].obedience <= -30>>
<<LocImg "mc_house" "sport show">>
<br>You watch TV in silence for a while, but then your maid starts moving again.
<<set _txt = "Your hips are so hard, Mr. " + $mc.name + ", I'm even feeling a bit uncomfortable.">>
<br><<PHR 1 _txt>>
<br><<PHR "mc" "You can always change your position.">>
<br><<PHR 1 "Actually, I have a better idea. How about you rub my feet a little.">>
<br><<PHR "mc" "Rub your feet?">>
<<set _txt = "Yeah, massage them. I know you know a lot about foot massages. Pretty please, Mr. " + $mc.name + ", it wouldn't distract you from watching the game.">>
<br><<PHR 1 _txt>>
<br><<PHR 1 "Plus, my feet are super soft. I bet you've been wanting to touch them for a long time.">>
<br>Samantha wiggles her toes as if to invite you.
<<btnEventLink "Give your maid a foot massage" "Maid Living Room Events" "afternoon(foot massage) 2">>
<<btnEventLink "Reign her in" "Maid Living Room Events" "afternoon(no meet wife fight)">>
<<LocImg "mc_house" "sport show">>
<br>After the match is over, Samantha hurries to the kitchen.
<<RemoveStat 1 "obedience" 2 -32>>
<<btnEventLink "Finish" "Living Room" "">>
<<case "afternoon(foot massage) 2">>
<<set $MaidFootFetish.livingroommassage += 1>>
<<set $NPCsexmemory[1].footmassage += 1>>
<<set $MaidFootFetish.active = true>>
<<NPCmedia "samantha" "on couch" 0>>
<<if $MaidFootFetish.livingroommassage == 1>>
<br>You carefully take one of her feet in your hand. Samantha stares at you intently, as if wanting to make sure you don't change your mind at the last moment, but just as you start massaging her foot, your maid tilts her head back and lets out a sweet moan.
<<set _txt = "Yeah, this spot! Press harder, Mr. " + $mc.name + ". I'm not your wife, so you don't need to be careful.">>
<br><<PHR 1 _txt>>
<br>You take her advice and begin to work harder, kneading her feet in a circular motion. Your maid sighs in relief.
<<set _txt = "This is what I'm talking about. Keep going, Mr. " + $mc.name + ", you're doing great.">>
<br><<PHR 1 _txt>>
<<btnEventLink "Continue" "Maid Living Room Events" "afternoon(foot massage) 3">>
<br>You take one of her feet in your hand and start kneading it in a circular motion. Your maid tilts her head back and lets out a sweet moan.
<<set _txt = "This is what I'm talking about. Keep going, Mr. " + $mc.name + ", you're doing great.">>
<br><<PHR 1 _txt>>
<<btnEventLink "Continue" "Maid Living Room Events" "afternoon(foot massage) 3">>
<<case "afternoon(foot massage) 3">>
<<NPCmedia "samantha" "on couch" 0>>
<<if $MaidFootFetish.livingmassage == 1>>
<br>You continue to massage your maid's feet. After a while, she stops you.
<<set _txt = "Thank you, Mr. " + $mc.name + ". The tension is really gone. I'd like to stay a little longer, but your wife could come back any minute.">>
<br><<PHR 1 _txt>>
<br>Samantha rises from the couch and leaves the room.
<<RemoveStat 1 "obedience" 2 -40>>
<<btnEventLink "Finish" "Living Room" "">>
<<elseif $MaidFootFetish.livingroomlick == 0>>
<<if $NPCstat[1].obedience <= -35>>
<br>You continue to massage your maid's feet. Samantha quietly watches the match, occasionally complimenting your actions. After a while, she stops you.
<br>Surprised, you let her foot out of your hands. But your maid isn't confused at all. She rises up, leaning on her elbows. She stretches her leg up and touches your chin with her toes.
<br><<PHR 1 "We both know that if I order you to do this, you will obey me. But I want you to say for yourself, yes or no.">>
<<btnEventLink "Say yes" "Maid Living Room Events" "afternoon(foot lick yes)">>
<<btnEventLink "Say no" "Maid Living Room Events" "afternoon(foot lick no)">>
<br>You continue to massage your maid's feet. After a while, she stops you.
<<set _txt = "Thank you, Mr. " + $mc.name + ". The tension is really gone. I'd like to stay a little longer, but your wife could come back any minute.">>
<br><<PHR 1 _txt>>
<br>Samantha rises from the couch and leaves the room.
<<RemoveStat 1 "obedience" 2 -40>>
<<btnEventLink "Finish" "Living Room" "">>
<br>You continue to massage your maid's feet. After a while, she stops you.
<<set _txt = "Thank you, Mr. " + $mc.name + ". The tension is really gone. I'd like to stay a little longer, but your wife could come back any minute.">>
<br><<PHR 1 _txt>>
<br>Samantha rises from the couch and leaves the room. Already in the doorway, she turns around.
<br><<PHR 1 "If you wanna try something more interesting, come to my bedroom tonight.">>
<<RemoveStat 1 "obedience" 2 -40>>
<<btnEventLink "Finish" "Living Room" "">>
<<case "afternoon(foot lick yes)">>
<<set $MaidFootFetish.livingroomlick += 1>>
<<set $NPCsexmemory[1].footlicking += 1>>
<<NPCmedia "samantha" "on couch" 0>>
<br>You lift her foot and run your tongue over it. Your maid leans back while you start sucking on her toes, one by one.
<<set _txt = "I'm starting to like it. Your mouth is so moist and warm, Mr " + $mc.name + ".">>
<br><<PHR 1 _txt>>
<br>She brings her other foot to your face.
<br><<PHR 1 "Keep going. And don't forget to use your fingers, too.">>
<br>You wrap your fingers around her foot and begin massaging it again. Samantha openly enjoys the process.
<<btnEventLink "Continue" "Maid Living Room Events" "afternoon(foot lick end)">>
<<case "afternoon(foot lick no)">>
<<NPCmedia "samantha" "on couch" 0>>
<br><<PHR 1 "Well, it looks like I was mistaken.">>
<br>Samantha rises from the couch and leaves the room.
<<btnEventLink "Finish" "Living Room" "">>
<<case "afternoon(foot lick end)">>
<<NPCmedia "samantha" "on couch" 0>>
<br>After a while, you hear the front door open. It sounds like $NPCstat[0].name has returned from work.
<<set _txt = "I need to go, Mr" + $mc.name + ".">>
<br><<PHR 1 _txt>>
<br>You release your maid's feet and she hurries out of the room. Already in the doorway, she turns around.
<br><<PHR 1 "If you want to continue, come to my bedroom tonight.">>
<<RemoveStat "mc" "confidence" 1 0>>
<<RemoveStat 1 "obedience" 2 -50>>
<<btnEventLink "Leave the room" "Hallway" "">>
/* -------------------- TAKEOVER -------------------- */
<<case "living room(main)">>
<<set $mansion.livingroom.cleanliness = 100>>
<<set $mansion.livingroom.cleanCount += 1>>
<<set $mansion.livingroom.cleanWeekCount += 1>>
<<if $mcSkill.cleaning < 25>>
<<set $mcSkill.cleaning += 1>>
<<NPCmedia "samantha" "wipe shelves" 0>>
<<en "You clean the living room.">>
<<ru "Ты наводишь порядок в комнате.">>
<<btnEventLink "Finish/Закончить" "Living Room" "">>
<<case "living room(maid shoes)">>
<<set $mansionCleanliness.livingroom = 100>>
<<if $mcSkill.cleaning < 25>>
<<set $mcSkill.cleaning += 1>>
<<NPCmedia "samantha" "wipe shelves" 0>>
<<en "As you start to tidy up the room, Samantha walks in. She observes you for a while.">>
<<ru "Когда ты начинаешь наводить порядок в комнате, в нее входит Саманта. Некоторое время она наблюдает за тобой.">>
<<dlg_en 1 "Mr. $mc.name, there's a lot of dirt under this table, don't be lazy and wipe it off.">>
<<dlg_ru 1 "Мистер $mc.name, под этим столиком осталась пыль. Не будьте такими ленивыми и протрите все тщательно.">>
<<btnEventLink "Do as she told/Сделать как она говорит" "Maid Living Room Events" "living room(maid shoes) 2">>
<<case "living room(maid shoes) 2">>
<<NPCmedia "samantha" "wipe under table" 0>>
<br>You have to get down on your knees and crawl under the table. You hear Samantha coming closer, and soon her legs in black tights appear beside you.
<<NPCmedia "samantha" "shoes under table" 0>>
<<set _txt = "Since you're already on this level, Mr. " + $mc.name + ", could you see if there're any stains on my shoes? It seems to me that they are a little dirty.">>
<br><<PHR 1 _txt>>
<br><<PHR "mc" "You're right, I see a small spot on one shoe.">>
<<set _txt = "Oh, Mr. " + $mc.name + ", please, clean it.">>
<br><<PHR 1 _txt>>
<<btnEventLink "Clean her shoes" "Maid Living Room Events" "living room(maid shoes)(agree)">>
<<btnEventLink "Don't clean her shoes" "Maid Living Room Events" "living room(maid shoes)(disagree)">>
<<case "living room(maid shoes)(agree)">>
<<NPCmedia "samantha" "shoes under table" 0>>
<br>Without any second thought, you reach out and run a washcloth over her shoe. Samantha jumps sharply to the side.
<br><<PHR 1 "I meant with a clean rag!">>
<br>Only now do you notice that now you left a dirty stripe on her shoes.
<br><<PHR "mc" "I don't have another one.">>
<br><<PHR 1 "You should have said so!">>
<br>She puts her soiled shoe forward.
<br><<PHR 1 "dom" "Now you really have to clean those shoes! And as a preventive measure, you do it with your tongue.">>
<br><<PHR "mc" "What?">>
<br><<PHR 1 "Don't pretend you don't want to. I know very well that this will be a reward, not a punishment for you. So get down to business.">>
<<btnEventLink "Lick her shoes" "Maid Living Room Events" "living room(maid shoes)(agree) 2">>
<<case "living room(maid shoes)(agree) 2">>
<<NPCmedia "samantha" "lick shoes" 1>>
<br><<PHR "mc" "She's not kidding about that.">>
<br>You crawl forward a little, closer to her feet. Her dirty shoe is right in front of your face. You cautiously stick your tongue out and lean closer, but you still hesitate to go any further.
<<set _txt = "Mr. " + $mc.name + ", I can't feel your tongue.">>
<br><<PHR 1 _txt>>
<br><<TH "As if you could feel it through your shoes.">>
<br>However, you decide not to delay and run your tongue over the lacquered surface of her shoes. Your mouth immediately fills with the disgusting taste of dirt, something literally crunches on your teeth, and your face crinkles in a grimace of disgust.
<<set _txt = "You actually did it, Mr. " + $mc.name + "!">>
<br><<PHR 1 _txt>>
<br>Samantha starts laughing out loud.
<br><<PHR 1 "That was a joke! I just wanted to check your reaction. But now that you've started polishing my shoes, I wanna see this to the end.">>
<br>After overpowering yourself, you continue to lick her shoe until not a single speck of dirt remains on it. Samantha removes her foot from your face and scrutinizes her shoe.
<<set _txt = "Good job, Mr. " + $mc.name + ". Don't forget to clean your mouth after that.">>
<br><<PHR 1 _txt>>
<<btnEventLink "Finish/Закончить" "Living Room" "">>
<<case "clean shoes(disagree)">>
<<NPCmedia "samantha" "shoes under table" 0>>
<br><<PHR "mc" "I don't have a clean washcloth for that.">>
<<set _txt = "Oh, you're right, Mr. " + $mc.name + ". Okay, I'll wipe them myself later.">>
<br><<PHR 1 _txt>>
<<btnEventLink "Finish/Закончить" "Living Room" "">>
<<case "takeover cleaning(role swap)">>
<<NPCmedia "samantha" "on couch" 0>>
<<en "As you start to tidy up the room, Samantha walks in. Without a word, she sits down on the sofa and turns on the TV. You continue cleaning, glancing occasionally in your maid's direction.">>
<<ru "Когда ты начинаешь наводить порядок в комнате, в нее входит Саманта. Не говоря ни слова, она садится на диван и включает телевизор. Ты продолжаешь уборку, время от времени поглядывая в сторону своей горничной.">>
<<en "Samantha won't pay any attention to you until you get close to the cupboard near the entrance to the room.">>
<<ru "Саманта не обращает на тебя внимания, пока ты не подходишь к шкафу возле входа.">>
<<dlg_en 1 "Mr. $mc.name, I can help you with the top shelves.">>
<<dlg_ru 1 "Мистер $mc.name, я могу помочь вам с верхними полками.">>
<<en "The woman gets up from the couch and walks towards you.">>
<<ru "Девушка поднимается с дивана и направляется к тебе.">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "Are you sure about this?">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Ты уверена в этом?">>
<<dlg_en 1 "Everything's fine. Get me that stool.">>
<<dlg_ru 1 "Все в порядке. Дайте мне вот тот стул.">>
<<en "You turn and see a low stool with a padded seat.">>
<<ru "Ты оборачиваешься и видишь невысокую табуретку с мягким сиденьем.">>
<<dlg_en 1 "But you have to push down on my hips. I don't want to fall off and hit the floor.">>
<<dlg_ru 1 "Только вам придется придержать меня. Я не хочу свалиться и удариться о пол.">>
<<en "You move the stool. Samantha takes the rag from your hands and steps onto the stool. After she turns to face the shelves, you grab her hips and the woman begins to clean.">>
<<ru "Ты передвигаешь табуретку. Саманта забирает у тебя тряпку и поднимается на табуретку. После того, как она поворачивается лицом к полкам, ты берешь ее за бедра, и девушка начинает протирать пыль.">>
<center><table style="width:100%">
<td style="width:50%;">
<td style="width:50%;">
<<NPCmedia "samantha" "showing ass" 0>>
<td style="vertical-align:top">
<<dlg_en 1 "Gosh, I forgot how boring cleaning can be. Good thing it's your responsibility now.">>
<<dlg_ru 1 "Конечно, $mc.name решил посмотреть на меня в новом бикини. Типичный мужчина.">>
<<en "Her chubby thighs tremble slightly as she moves.">>
<<ru "Ее пухлые бедра слегка дрожат, когда она двигается.">>
<<dlg_en 1 "But you have to keep me entertained, Mr. $mc.name. Otherwise I won't be able to finish.">>
<<dlg_ru 1 "Но вы должны развлечь меня, мистер $mc.name. Иначе, я не смогу закончить.">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "And what do you suggest I do?">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "И что ты предлагаешь мне сделать?">>
<<dlg_en 1 "I don't know. Use your imagination. Or you could just kiss my ass in gratitude for my help.">>
<<dlg_ru 1 "Не знаю. Проявите фантазию. Или вы просто может поцеловать мою задницу в качестве благодарности за помощь.">>
<<if $NPCsexmemory[1].assworshipping >= 1>>
<<dlg_en 1 "And I'm not joking this time.">>
<<dlg_ru 1 "И я не шучу в этот раз.">>
<<btnEventLink "Kiss her ass/Поцеловать ее задницу" "Maid Living Room Events" "takeover cleaning(role swap)(kiss ass)">>
<<btnEventLink "Say you can't think of anything/Сказать что ты не можешь ничего придумать" "Maid Living Room Events" "takeover cleaning(role swap)(no kiss ass)">>
<<case "takeover cleaning(role swap)(kiss ass)">>
<<set $NPCsexmemory[1].assworshipping += 1>>
<<NPCmedia "samantha" "kissing ass(non nude)" 1>>
<<en "You lean forward and kiss your maid's ass through the thin fabric of her skirt. Samantha freezes, but after a moment you hear her laugh with glee.">>
<<ru "Ты наклоняешься вперед и целуешь задницу своей горничной через тонкую ткань юбки. Саманта замирает, но через мгновение ты слышишь ее заливистый смех.">>
<<if $NPCsexmemory[1].assworshipping >= 2>>
<<dlg_en 1 "Keep going. One kiss is not enough.">>
<<dlg_ru 1 "Продолжайте. Одного поцелуя недостаточно.">>
<<dlg_en 1 "It was a joke, Mr. $mc.name. But I liked it.">>
<<dlg_ru 1 "Это была шутка, мистер $mc.name. Но мне понравилось.">>
<<en "Her hips start to shake again, showing that she's back to wiping the dust.">>
<<ru "Ее бедра снова начинают трястись, показывая, что она вернулась к вытиранию пыли.">>
<<dlg_en 1 "So, keep going. One kiss is not enough.">>
<<dlg_ru 1 "Поэтому, продолжайте. Одного поцелуя недостаточно.">>
<<en "You kiss her butt one more time and Samantha starts giggling again.">>
<<ru "Ты целуешь ее зад еще раз, и Саманта снова начинает хихикать.">>
<<dlg_en 1 "Go on, Mr. $mc.name.">>
<<dlg_ru 1 "Продолжайте, мистер $mc.name.">>
<<en "You continue to cover your maid's bottom with kisses until at one point her hand lands on your head.">>
<<ru "Ты продолжаешь покрывать задницу своей горничной поцелуями, пока в один момент ее рука не ложится тебе на голову.">>
<<dlg_en 1 "You're getting a bit carried away, Mr. $mc.name. You're not doing this for your own pleasure, you're doing it to thank me.">>
<<dlg_ru 1 "Что-то вы увлеклись, мистер $mc.name. Вы ведь делаете это не для своего удовольствия, а чтобы поблагодарить меня.">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "I am grateful to you.">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Я благодарен тебе.">>
<<dlg_en 1 "For what?">>
<<dlg_ru 1 "За что?">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "For helping me with the cleaning.">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "За то, что помогла мне с уборкой.">>
<<dlg_en 1 "That's better. First of all, you should feel gratitude and not give in to your dirty thoughts.">>
<<dlg_ru 1 "Вот так-то лучше. Прежде всего вы должны чувствовать благодарность, а не давать волю своим грязным мыслям.">>
<<en "The blonde starts to get down from the chair and you hold her by the waist. Samantha turns to you and gives you the rag back.">>
<<ru "Блондинка начинает спускаться со стула, и ты придерживаешь ее за талию. Саманта поворачивается к тебе и возвращает тряпку.">>
<<dlg_en 1 "You try to imprint this on your brain, okay?">>
<<dlg_ru 1 "Постарайтесь выбить это у себя в голове, окей?">>
<<en "You nod and the maid leaves the room.">>
<<ru "Ты киваешь, и твоя горничная выходит из комнаты.">>
<<AddStat 1 "playfulness" 2 30>>
<<btnEventLink "Finish/Закончить" "Living Room" "">>
<<case "takeover cleaning(role swap)(no kiss ass)">>
<center><table style="width:100%">
<td style="width:50%;">
<td style="width:50%;">
<<NPCmedia "samantha" "showing ass" 0>>
<td style="vertical-align:top">
<<en "You say nothing, and your maid takes that as a sign that you won't play her games.">>
<<ru "Ты молчишь, и твоя горничная воспринимает это, как сигнал, что ты не собираешься играть в ее игры.">>
<<dlg_en 1 "All right, Mr. $mc.name. I'm done. But you still have a chance to kiss my ass.">>
<<dlg_ru 1 "Хорошо, мистер $mc.name. Я закончила. Но у вас еще есть шанс подарить моей заднице пару поцелуев.">>
<<en "She leans forward slightly, bringing her bottom closer to your face.">>
<<ru "Она слегка наклоняется вперед, отчего ее зад приближается к твоему лицу.">>
<<dlg_en 1 "Just hold me tight.">>
<<dlg_ru 1 "Только держите меня крепче.">>
<<en "As if hypnotised, you lean forward. The image of you covering her buttocks with kisses flashes through your mind. It seems you're only moments away from losing control.">>
<<ru "Словно под гипнозом, ты наклоняешься вперед. В твоей голове возникает образ того, как ты покрываешь ее ягодицы поцелуями. Похоже, лишь мгновение отделяет тебя от того, чтобы потерять контроль над собой.">>
<<btnEventLink "Kiss her ass/Поцеловать ее задницу" "Maid Living Room Events" "takeover cleaning(role swap)(kiss ass)">>
<<btnEventLink "Take control of yourself/Взять контроль над собой" "Maid Living Room Events" "takeover cleaning(role swap)(no kiss ass 2)">>
<<case "takeover cleaning(role swap)(no kiss ass 2)">>
<<LocImg "mc_house" "living room">>
<<en "You control yourself and help Samantha down from the stool.">>
<<ru "Ты берешь над собой контроль и помогаешь Саманте спуститься с табуретки.">>
<<dlg_en 1 "I can see you're not in the mood. That's okay, as long as the room is clean.">>
<<dlg_ru 1 "Вижу вы не в настроении. Ну и ладно, главное, что комната чиста.">>
<<en "With that she leaves the room.">>
<<ru "С этими словами, она выходит из комнаты.">>
<<btnEventLink "Finish/Закончить" "Living Room" "">>
<</switch>><<switch $EventMark>>
/* ---------- MAIN SCENE ---------- */
<<case "main scene">>
<<set $NPCdaymemory[0].emorning = "ask about breakfast">>
<<NPCmedia "samantha" "cooking" 0>>
<<en "You move closer to your maid.">>
<<ru "Ты подходишь ближе к своей горничной.">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "What do we have for breakfast today?">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Что у нас сегодня на завтрак?">>
<<if $MaidCooking.breakfast == 0>>
<<dlg_en 1 "Pancakes.">>
<<dlg_ru 1 "Оладьи.">>
<<elseif $MaidCooking.breakfast == 1>>
<<dlg_en 1 "Scrambled eggs and bacon.">>
<<dlg_ru 1 "Яичница с беконом.">>
<<elseif $MaidCooking.breakfast == 2>>
<<dlg_en 1 "Scrambled egg sandwiches.">>
<<dlg_ru 1 "Сэндвичи с яичницей.">>
<<elseif $MaidCooking.breakfast == 3>>
<<dlg_en 1 "Chicken wraps.">>
<<dlg_ru 1 "Рулетики с курицей.">>
<<if $MaidCooking.eventcall>>
<<set _stdice = 0>>
<<if $NPCstat[1].obedience < -22>>
<<set _stdice = random(1)>>
<<if $NPCstat[1].obedience > -10>>
<<en "At this moment, Samantha's phone on the table starts ringing. She looks at the screen and then declines the call.">>
<<ru "В этот момент телефон Саманты, лежащий на столе, начинает звонить. Она смотрит на экран и отклоняет звонок.">>
<<dlg_en 1 "It's my friend. I'll call her back after I finish making breakfast.">>
<<dlg_ru 1 "Это моя подруга. Я перезвоню ей, когда закончу готовить завтрак.">>
<<btnEventLink "Ask her to make you a cup of coffee/Попросить ее сделать кофе" "Maid Cooking Breakfast" "coffee(for you)">>
<<btnEventLink "Leave her alone/Оставить ее в покое" "Kitchen" "">>
<<elseif _stdice == 0>>
<<en "At this moment, Samantha's phone on the table starts ringing. Looking at the screen, she grabs the phone and hurries out of the kitchen. On the doorstep, she turns and asks you.">>
<<ru "В этот момент телефон Саманты, лежащий на столе, начинает звонить. Взглянув на экран, она хватает телефон и поспешно выходит из кухни. На пороге она оборачивается и обращается к тебе.">>
<<dlg_en 1 "Mr. $mc.name, this is an important call. Please, watch the stove for a moment.">>
<<dlg_ru 1 "Мистер $mc.name, это важный звонок. Пожалуйста, присмотрите пока за плитой.">>
<<en "Unbelievable. She just left you here like that. It's not like you have any trouble making sure breakfast doesn't burn, but is it wise to tolerate such behavior?">>
<<ru "Невероятно. Она вот так просто оставила тебя здесь. Не то чтобы у тебя есть трудности с тем, чтобы проследить за готовкой, но разумно ли терпеть такое поведение?">>
<<btnEventLink "Wait for her/Подождать ее" "Maid Cooking Breakfast" "call(start)">>
<<en "Samantha wipes her hands on her apron.">>
<<ru "Саманта вытирает руки о фартук.">>
<<dlg_en 1 "Mr. $mc.name, I need to call my friend. Please, watch the stove for a moment.">>
<<dlg_ru 1 "Мистер $mc.name, мне нужно позвонить моей подруге. Пожалуйста, присмотрите пока за плитой.">>
<<en "With these words, she takes her phone from the table and leaves the kitchen.">>
<<ru "С этими словами, она берет телефон со стола и выходит из кухне..">>
<<btnEventLink "Wait for her/Подождать ее" "Maid Cooking Breakfast" "call(start)">>
<<elseif $MaidCooking.eventhelp>>
<<if $NPCstat[1].obedience > -20>>
<br>You about to sit down at the table as Samantha stops you.
<<set _txt = "Mr. " + $mc.name + ", wait. I can't remember if I put fresh towels in your bathroom last night.">>
<br><<PHR 1 _txt>>
<br><<PHR 1 "Please, watch the stove for a moment, and I'll check if I did it.">>
<br>She hurries out of the kitchen.
<<btnEventLink "Wait for her" "Maid Cooking Breakfast" "help(start)">>
<br>You about to sit down at the table as Samantha stops you.
<<set _txt = "Mr. " + $mc.name + ", wait. I can't remember if I put fresh towels in your bathroom last night.">>
<br><<PHR 1 _txt>>
<br><<PHR 1 "Please, watch the stove for a moment, and I'll check if I did it.">>
<br>She hurries out of the kitchen.
<<btnEventLink "Wait for her" "Maid Cooking Breakfast" "help(start)">>
<<btnEventLink "Ask her to make you a cup of coffee/Попросить ее сделать кофе" "Maid Cooking Breakfast" "coffee(for you)">>
<<btnEventLink "Leave her alone/Оставить ее в покое" "Kitchen" "">>
/* ---------- COFFEE ---------- */
<<case "coffee(for you)">>
<<set $MaidCoffeeMaking.count += 1>>
<<LocImg "misc" "coffee">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "Samantha, I'd like a cup of coffee, please.">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Саманта, сделай мне, пожалуйста, чашку кофе.">>
<<dlg_en 1 "One moment, Mr. $mc.name.">>
<<dlg_ru 1 "Одну минуту, мистер $mc.name.">>
<<en "Soon she puts a cup of espresso in front of you.">>
<<ru "Вскоре она ставит перед тобой чашку эспрессо.">>
<<btnEventLink "Compliment her/Похвалить ее" "Maid Cooking Breakfast" "coffee(praise)">>
<<btnEventLink "Grab her ass/Схватить ее за задницу" "Maid Cooking Breakfast" "coffee(groping)">>
<<case "coffee(praise)">>
<<LocImg "misc" "coffee">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "I love your coffee, Samantha.">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Я обожаю твой кофе, Саманта">>
<<dlg_en 1 "Thank you, Mr. $mc.name.">>
<<dlg_ru 1 "Спасибо, мистер $mc.name.">>
<<en "She can't hide her smile.">>
<<ru "Она не может сдержать улыбку.">>
<<AddStat 1 "mood" 5 80>>
<<btnEventLink "Finish/Закончить" "Kitchen" "">>
<<case "coffee(groping)">>
<<set $MaidCoffeeMaking.gropeHerAss += 1>>
<<NPCmedia "samantha" "kitchen grab ass" 0>>
<<if $NPCstat[1].obedience <= -25>>
<<if $MaidCoffeeMaking.gropeHerAss >= 2>>
<<en "You grab her ass, but Samantha doesn't seem to react to your insolence. Instead, a wide smile appears on you maid's face.">>
<<ru "Ты хватаешь ее за задницу, но Саманта как будто не реагирует на твою наглость. Вместо этого на лице твоей горничной появляется широкая улыбка.">>
<<dlg_en 1 "You enjoy it? Let's make this even more interesting.">>
<<dlg_ru 1 "Вам нравится? Давайте сделаем это еще интереснее.">>
<<en "The woman walks around the chair you're sitting in and stands behind you. Her hands rest on your shoulders, only to immediately slide lower. A moment later, you feel her hot breath against your right ear.">>
<<ru "Девушка обходит стул, на котором ты сидишь, и оказывается позади тебя. Ее руки ложатся на твои плечи, чтобы сразу же соскользнуть ниже. Спустя мгновение ты чувствуешь ее горячее дыхание возле твоего правого уха.">>
<<dlg_en 1 "Focus on my hands.">>
<<dlg_ru 1 "Сфокусируйтесь на моих движениях.">>
<<en "Her hand moves lower, down to your groin. Suddenly, Samantha grabs your groin and squeezes your balls hard. You jerk in pain, but the woman holds you tight, preventing you from pulling away.">>
<<ru "Ее рука спускается ниже, к твоему паху. Внезапно, Саманта хватает тебя за пах и крепко сжимает твои яйца. Ты резко дергаешься от боли, но девушка крепко прижимает тебя сверху, не давая вырваться.">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "What are you doing?">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Что ты творишь?">>
<<dlg_en 1 "Is something wrong, Mr. $mc.name? Why don't you enjoy your coffee to the fullest?">>
<<dlg_ru 1 "Вам что-то не нравится, мистер $mc.name? Почему бы вам не насладиться вашим кофе на полную?">>
<<en "Your wife's footsteps are heard in the hallway, and Samantha finally releases your balls.">>
<<ru "В коридоре слышатся шаги твоей жены, и Саманта наконец отпускает твои яйца.">>
<<dlg_en 1 "You got lucky this time, Mr. $mc.name">>
<<dlg_ru 1 "В этот раз вам повезло, мистер $mc.name.">>
<<RemoveStat 1 "obedience" 1 -40>>
<<btnEventLink "Finish/Закончить" "Kitchen" "">>
<<en "You grab your maid's ass, but she immediately steps aside.">>
<<ru "Ты хватаешь ее за задницу, но Саманта тут же далает шаг в сторону.">>
<<dlg_en 1 "Mr. $mc.name, stop doing that!">>
<<dlg_ru 1 "Мистер $mc.name, прекратите так делать!">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "Samantha, I just want to praise you for a good job.">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Саманта, я всего лишь хочу поблагодарить тебя за хорошую работу.">>
<<dlg_en 1 "Keep your hands to yourself, or you will be punished.">>
<<dlg_ru 1 "Следите за своими руками, иначе вы будете наказаны.">>
<<en "She goes back to the stove.">>
<<ru "Она возвращается к плите.">>
<<if $NPCstat[1].playfulness < 15>>
<<RemoveStat 1 "mood" 20 -100>>
<<btnEventLink "Finish/Закончить" "Kitchen" "">>
<<elseif $NPCstat[1].obedience <= -10>>
<<en "You grab your maid's ass, but she immediately steps aside.">>
<<ru "Ты хватаешь ее за задницу, но Саманта тут же далает шаг в сторону.">>
<<dlg_en 1 "Mr. $mc.name, stop doing that!">>
<<dlg_ru 1 "Мистер $mc.name, прекратите так делать!">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "Samantha, I just want to praise you for a good job.">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Саманта, я всего лишь хочу поблагодарить тебя за хорошую работу.">>
<<dlg_en 1 "Keep your hands to yourself, or you won't get your breakfast.">>
<<dlg_ru 1 "Следите за своими руками, иначе вы лишитесь своего завтрака.">>
<<en "She goes back to the stove.">>
<<ru "Она возвращается к плите.">>
<<if $NPCstat[1].playfulness < 15>>
<<RemoveStat 1 "mood" 20 -100>>
<<btnEventLink "Finish/Закончить" "Kitchen" "">>
<<elseif $NPCstat[1].playfulness < 15>>
<<if $NPCmood[1].mood >= 20>>
<<en "You grab your maid's ass. She faintly flinches, but doesn't push you away.">>
<<ru "Ты хватаешь ее за круглый зад. Она вздрагивает, но тем не менее не отталкивает тебя.">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "I love your coffee, Samantha.">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Я обожаю твой кофе, Саманта">>
<<dlg_en 1 "Thank you, Mr. $mc.name, but your wife could walk in here any moment.">>
<<dlg_ru 1 "Спасибо, мистер $mc.name, но ваша жена может войти в любую минуту.">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "Don't worry, she always takes long showers. Let me enjoy my morning coffee to the very fullest.">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Не волнуйся, она всегда принимает долгий душ. А сейчас, позволь мне насладиться утренним кофе в полной мере.">>
<<en "You drink your coffee leisurely, all the while fondling Samantha's butt. At one point, your hand slides down to her hips.">>
<<ru "Ты неторопливо пьешь кофе, все это время лаская попку Саманты. В какой-то момент твоя рука скользит вниз, к ее бедрам.">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "Samantha, you have fantastic thighs. Maybe you should try skirts. Preferably shorter ones.">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Саманта, у тебя потрясающие бедра. Может, тебе стоит начать носить юбки? Желательно покороче.">>
<<dlg_en 1 "I'll think about it, Mr. $mc.name.">>
<<dlg_ru 1 "Я подумаю об этом, мистер $mc.name.">>
<<en "Your maid finally manages to escape your arms and goes back to the stove.">>
<<ru "Твоей горничной, наконец, удается вырваться из твоих рук и вернуться к плите.">>
<<AddStat 1 "playfulness" 3 20>>
<<RemoveStat 1 "mood" 20 -100>>
<<btnEventLink "Finish/Закончить" "Kitchen" "">>
<<en "You grab your maid's ass, but she immediately steps aside.">>
<<ru "Ты хватаешь ее за задницу, но Саманта тут же далает шаг в сторону.">>
<<dlg_en 1 "What are you doing, Mr. $mc.name?">>
<<dlg_ru 1 "Что вы делаете, мистер $mc.name?">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "Samantha, I just want to praise you for a good job.">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Саманта, я всего лишь хочу поблагодарить тебя за хорошую работу.">>
<<dlg_en 1 "I have to make breakfast.">>
<<dlg_ru 1 "Мне нужно готовить завтрак.">>
<<en "She goes back to the stove.">>
<<ru "Она возвращается к плите.">>
<<RemoveStat 1 "mood" 20 -100>>
<<btnEventLink "Finish/Закончить" "Kitchen" "">>
<<elseif $NPCstat[1].playfulness < 25>>
<<en "You grab your maid's ass. She faintly flinches, but doesn't move away.">>
<<ru "Ты хватаешь ее за круглый зад. Она вздрагивает, но тем не менее не отталкивает тебя.">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "I love your coffee, Samantha.">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Я обожаю твой кофе, Саманта">>
<<dlg_en 1 "Thank you, Mr. $mc.name, but your wife could walk in here any moment.">>
<<dlg_ru 1 "Спасибо, мистер $mc.name, но ваша жена может войти в любую минуту.">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "Don't worry, she always takes long showers. Let me enjoy my morning coffee to the very fullest.">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Не волнуйся, она всегда принимает долгий душ. А сейчас, позволь мне насладиться утренним кофе в полной мере.">>
<<en "You drink your coffee leisurely, all the while fondling Samantha's butt. At one point, your hand slides down to her hips.">>
<<ru "Ты неторопливо пьешь кофе, все это время лаская попку Саманты. В какой-то момент твоя рука скользит вниз, к ее бедрам.">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "Samantha, you have fantastic thighs. Maybe you should try skirts. Preferably shorter ones.">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Саманта, у тебя потрясающие бедра. Может, тебе стоит начать носить юбки? Желательно покороче.">>
<<dlg_en 1 "I'll think about it, Mr. $mc.name.">>
<<dlg_ru 1 "Я подумаю об этом, мистер $mc.name.">>
<<en "Your maid finally manages to escape your arms and goes back to the stove.">>
<<ru "Твоей горничной, наконец, удается вырваться из твоих рук и вернуться к плите.">>
<<AddStat 1 "playfulness" 2 30>>
<<AddStat 1 "mood" 15 100>>
<<btnEventLink "Finish/Закончить" "Kitchen" "">>
<<en "You grab your maid's ass. She faintly flinches, but doesn't move away.">>
<<ru "Ты хватаешь ее за круглый зад. Она вздрагивает, но тем не менее не отталкивает тебя.">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "I love your coffee, Samantha.">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Я обожаю твой кофе, Саманта">>
<<dlg_en 1 "Thank you, Mr. $mc.name!">>
<<dlg_ru 1 "Спасибо, мистер $mc.name!">>
<<en "You drink your coffee leisurely, all the while fondling Samantha's butt. She patiently waits, occasionally glancing at the stove. After you finish your coffee, you hand the empty cup to your maid. She gently bumps you with a playful swing of her hips and returns to the stove.">>
<<ru "Ты неторопливо пьешь кофе, одновременно лаская попку Саманты. Она терпеливо ждет, изредка бросая взгляд на плиту. Допив кофе, ты протягиваешь пустую чашку своей горничной. Она игриво толкает тебя бедром и возвращается к плите.">>
<<AddStat 1 "mood" 15 100>>
<<btnEventLink "Finish/Закончить" "Kitchen" "">>
<<case "coffee(make yourself)">>
<<LocImg "misc" "coffee">>
<<if $time.daytime == 0>>
<<if MaidCurrentPlan() == "sleep(gardener)" and $MaidActivity.gymcounter >= 2 and $MaidPunish.kitchenspank == 0>>
<<set $MaidPunish.kitchenspank += 1>>
<br>Just as the coffee machine starts to work, Samantha walks into the kitchen.
<<set _txt = "Mr. " + $mc.name + ", make some coffee for me, too.">>
<br><<PHR 1 _txt>>
<br>She reaches into the kitchen cabinets, pulls out a cup, and approaches you.
<br><<PHR 1 "And make a couple of sandwiches, please.">>
<br><<PHR "mc" "Aren't you going to cook breakfast?">>
<<set _txt = "You know, Mr. " + $mc.name + ", I think I overtrained yesterday. So I need to get some rest.">>
<br><<PHR 1 _txt>>
<br>You hum.
<br><<PHR "mc" "So, how is training working for you?">>
<br><<PHR 1 "Better than I imagined. Would you wanna test it?">>
<br>Your maid draws her hand to the side and suddenly slaps your ass with all her might. You practically jump up.
<br><<PHR 1 "How's that feel? Trained enough for you?">>
<br><<PHR "mc" "What are you doing?">>
<<set _txt = "What's wrong, Mr. " + $mc.name + "? I think any master wishes he could spank his maid. Think about it as a role reversal.">>
<br><<PHR 1 _txt>>
<br>She lets out a short chuckle and, leaving the cup beside you, heads to the table and plops down in the chair.
<<btnEventLink "Make sandwiches for her" "Maid Cooking Breakfast" "coffee(make sandwiches)">>
<<btnEventLink "She can make it herself" "Maid Cooking Breakfast" "coffee(don't make sandwiches)">>
<<elseif MaidCurrentPlan() == "sleep(gardener)" and $MaidPunish.kitchenspank > 0>>
<br>Just as the coffee machine starts to work, Samantha walks into the kitchen.
<<set _txt = "Mr. " + $mc.name + ", make some coffee for me, too.">>
<br><<PHR 1 _txt>>
<br>She reaches into the kitchen cabinets, pulls out a cup, and approaches you.
<br><<PHR 1 "And make a couple of sandwiches, please.">>
<<btnEventLink "Make sandwiches for her" "Maid Cooking Breakfast" "coffee(make sandwiches)">>
<<btnEventLink "She can make it herself" "Maid Cooking Breakfast" "coffee(don't make sandwiches)">>
<br>You make yourself a cup of coffee and drink it with relish.
<br><<TH "I love the aroma of fresh coffee.">>
<<btnEventLink "Finish" "Kitchen" "">>
<br>You make yourself a cup of coffee and drink it with relish.
<br><<TH "I shouldn't drink coffee after midday, but I really can't help myself.">>
<<btnEventLink "Finish" "Kitchen" "">>
<<case "coffee(make sandwiches)">>
<<set $NPCplans[1].emorning = "drink coffee">>
<<if $mcSkill.cooking < 8>>
<<set $mcSkill.cooking += 1>>
<<LocImg "misc" "egg sandwich">>
<br>You quickly make the regular sandwiches for your maid. After placing a plate of sandwiches and a cup of steaming coffee in front of Samantha, you are expecting her reaction.
<<set _txt = "Thank you, Mr. " + $mc.name + ". Now I'm ready to start my day">>
<br><<PHR 1 _txt>>
<<btnEventLink "Finish" "Kitchen" "">>
<<case "coffee(don't make sandwiches)">>
<<LocImg "misc" "coffee">>
<br><<PHR "mc" "If you want sandwiches, go ahead and make them yourself. I don't have time for that.">>
<<set _txt = "Mr. " + $mc.name + ", do you want another spank?">>
<br><<PHR 1 _txt>>
<br><<PHR "mc" "What?">>
<br><<PHR 1 "You've already seen the power of my spanks. Would you dare stand up to me after this?">>
<br>You gulp involuntarily.
<<btnEventLink "Make sandwiches for her" "Maid Cooking Breakfast" "coffee(make sandwiches)">>
<<btnEventLink "Put her in her place" "Maid Cooking Breakfast" "coffee(don't make sandwiches) 2">>
<<case "coffee(don't make sandwiches) 2">>
<<set $NPCplans[1].emorning = "make breakfast">>
<<LocImg "misc" "coffee">>
<br><<PHR "mc" "Samantha, you're presuming too much lately.">>
<<set _txt = "Relax, Mr. " + $mc.name + ". I'm just kidding. Let me finish my coffee and then I'll start making breakfast.">>
<br><<PHR 1 _txt>>
<<btnEventLink "Finish" "Kitchen" "">>
/* ---------- SUB EVENTS ---------- */
<<case "call(start)">>
<<set $MaidCooking.eventcallcount += 1>>
<<if $MaidCooking.breakfast == 0>>
<<LocImg "misc" "pancakes">>
<<elseif $MaidCooking.breakfast == 1>>
<<LocImg "misc" "eggs and bacon">>
<<elseif $MaidCooking.breakfast == 2>>
<<LocImg "misc" "fried eggs">>
<<elseif $MaidCooking.breakfast == 3>>
<<LocImg "mc_house" "oven">>
<<if $MaidCooking.breakfast == 0>>
<<en "A minute passes, but Samantha doesn't return. Pancakes are softly sizzling in the pan.">>
<<ru "Проходит минута, но Саманта не возвращается. В то же время, оладьи продолжают скворчать на сковороде.">>
<<th_en "Should I turn them?">>
<<th_ru "Стоит ли мне перевернуть их?">>
<<btnEventLink "Turn pancakes over/Перевернуть оладьи" "Maid Cooking Breakfast" "pancakes(turn over)(call)">>
<<btnEventLink "Just wait/Продолжать ждать" "Maid Cooking Breakfast" "pancakes(wait)(call)">>
<<elseif $MaidCooking.breakfast == 1>>
<<if $NPCstat[1].obedience <= -16>>
<br>A minute passes, but Samantha doesn't return. Eggs and bacon are softly sizzling in the pan. Leaning on the countertop, you wait patiently, breathing in the scents of the cooking. Suddenly, Samantha's head appears in the doorway. After making sure that everything is all right, she again disappears from sight.
<br>A few more minutes pass, but your maid doesn't even think about coming back.
<br><<TH "If this continues, the eggs will burn.">>
<br>You decide to turn off the stove and put the pan aside. Then you take a seat and wait for Samantha's return. As you wait, the sizzle fades as the bacon cools.
<br>Soon you hear footsteps approaching, but contrary to your expectations, your wife appears in the doorway.
<br><<PHR 0 "Honey, are you still there? And where is Samantha?">>
<br><<PHR "mc" "She had an important call, so she walked outside.">>
<br><<PHR 0 "Okay.">>
<br>$NPCstat[0].name sits on a stool and starts tapping her fingers on the countertop.
<br><<TH "Looks like I'll have to do everything myself.">>
<<btnEventLink "Serve the breakfast" "Maid Cooking Breakfast" "eggs and bacon(serve for wife)">>
<br>A minute passes, but Samantha doesn't return. Eggs and bacon are softly sizzling in the pan. Leaning on the countertop, you wait patiently, breathing in the scents of the cooking. Suddenly, Samantha's head appears in the doorway. After making sure that everything is all right, she again disappears from sight.
<br>Finally, when breakfast is almost ready, the maid returns to the kitchen.
<<set _txt = "Thank you for your help, Mr. " + $mc.name + ".">>
<br><<PHR 1 _txt>>
<<btnEventLink "Leave kitchen" "Hallway" "">>
<<elseif $MaidCooking.breakfast == 2>>
<br>A minute passes, but Samantha doesn't return. Eggs are softly sizzling in the pan. Leaning on the countertop, you wait patiently, breathing in the scents of the cooking. Suddenly, Samantha's head appears in the doorway. She presses the phone to her ear, points to the stove and motions for you to turn off the range. After you do so, she again disappears from sight.
<br><<TH "How much longer is she going to blab? Nobody wants cold sandwiches.">>
<<btnEventLink "Try to make the sandwiches yourself" "Maid Cooking Breakfast" "sandwiches(make youself)">>
<<btnEventLink "Just wait" "Maid Cooking Breakfast" "sandwiches(wait)">>
<<elseif $MaidCooking.breakfast == 3>>
<<if $NPCstat[1].obedience <= -20>>
<br>A minute passes, but Samantha doesn't return. Leaning on the countertop, you watch as the timer on the oven counts down. Soon, Samantha returns, but she is still holding the phone and talking to someone.
<br><<PHR 1 "Yeah, told you.">>
<br>She removes the phone from her ear.
<<set _txt = "Mr. " + $mc.name + ", the timer has expired. I think you can take the rolls out of the oven now.">>
<br><<PHR 1 _txt>>
<br>After making this remark, Samantha returns to the interrupted call.
<<set _txt = "Yes, we should definitely meet up. What? Who was I just talking to? This is Mr. " + $mc.name + ", I told you about him. Hold on, let me turn on the camera.">>
<br><<PHR 1 _txt>>
<br>Your maid is pointing the phone in your direction.
<br><<PHR 1 "See? Yeah, he's handsome.">>
<br>Then she makes a stern face.
<<set _txt = "Mr. " + $mc.name + ", if you overheat the rolls, they'll be dry. Get an oven mitt next to the stove and take the tray out.">>
<br><<PHR 1 "dom" _txt>>
<<btnEventLink "Take the rolls out of the oven" "Maid Cooking Breakfast" "rolls(take out)">>
<br>A minute passes, but Samantha doesn't return. Leaning on the table, you watch as the timer on the oven decreases. Suddenly, Samantha's head appears in the doorway. After making sure that everything is alright, she disappears from sight again.
<br>Finally, when breakfast is almost ready, the maid returns to the kitchen.
<<set _txt = "Thank you for your help, Mr. " + $mc.name + ".">>
<br><<PHR 1 _txt>>
<<btnEventLink "Leave kitchen" "Hallway" "">>
<<case "help(start)">>
<<set $MaidCooking.eventhelpcount += 1>>
<<if $MaidCooking.breakfast == 0>>
<<LocImg "misc" "pancakes">>
<<elseif $MaidCooking.breakfast == 1>>
<<LocImg "misc" "eggs and bacon">>
<<elseif $MaidCooking.breakfast == 2>>
<<LocImg "misc" "fried eggs">>
<<elseif $MaidCooking.breakfast == 3>>
<<LocImg "mc_house" "oven">>
<<if $MaidCooking.breakfast == 0>>
<br>A few minutes passes, but Samantha doesn't return. Pancakes are softly sizzling in the pan.
<br><<TH "Should I turn them?">>
<<btnEventLink "Turn pancakes over" "Maid Cooking Breakfast" "pancakes(turn over)(help)">>
<<btnEventLink "Just wait" "Maid Cooking Breakfast" "pancakes(wait)(help)">>
<<elseif $MaidCooking.breakfast == 1>>
<<if $NPCstat[1].obedience <= -16>>
<br>A few minutes passes, but Samantha doesn't return. Eggs and bacon are softly sizzling in the pan. Leaning on the countertop, you wait patiently, breathing in the scents of the cooking. Suddenly, Samantha's head appears in the doorway. After making sure that everything is all right, she again disappears from sight.
<br>A few more minutes pass, but your maid doesn't even think about coming back.
<br><<TH "If this continues, the eggs will burn.">>
<br>You decide to turn off the stove and put the pan aside. Then you take a seat and wait for Samantha's return. As you wait, the sizzle fades as the bacon cools.
<br>Soon you hear footsteps approaching, but contrary to your expectations, your wife appears in the doorway.
<br><<PHR 0 "Honey, are you still there? And where is Samantha?">>
<br><<PHR "mc" "She had an important call, so she walked outside.">>
<br><<PHR 0 "Okay.">>
<br>$NPCstat[0].name sits on a stool and starts tapping her fingers on the countertop.
<br><<TH "Looks like I'll have to do everything myself.">>
<<btnEventLink "Serve the breakfast" "Maid Cooking Breakfast" "eggs and bacon(serve for wife)">>
<br>A few minutes passes, but Samantha doesn't return. Eggs and bacon are softly sizzling in the pan. Leaning on the countertop, you wait patiently, breathing in the scents of the cooking. Suddenly, Samantha's head appears in the doorway. After making sure that everything is all right, she again disappears from sight.
<br>Finally, when breakfast is almost ready, the maid returns to the kitchen.
<<set _txt = "Thank you for your help, Mr. " + $mc.name + ".">>
<br><<PHR 1 _txt>>
<<btnEventLink "Leave kitchen" "Hallway" "">>
<<elseif $MaidCooking.breakfast == 2>>
<br>A few minutes passes, but Samantha doesn't return. Eggs are softly sizzling in the pan. Leaning on the countertop, you wait patiently, breathing in the scents of the cooking.
<br><<TH "How long is she going to do this? Nobody wants cold sandwiches.">>
<<btnEventLink "Try to make the sandwiches yourself" "Maid Cooking Breakfast" "sandwiches(make youself)">>
<<btnEventLink "Just wait" "Maid Cooking Breakfast" "sandwiches(wait)">>
<<elseif $MaidCooking.breakfast == 3>>
<<if $NPCstat[1].obedience <= -20>>
<br>A few minutes passes, but Samantha doesn't return. Leaning on the countertop, you watch as the timer on the oven counts down. Soon, Samantha returns, but she is holding the phone and talking to someone.
<br><<PHR 1 "Yeah, told you.">>
<br>She removes the phone from her ear.
<<set _txt = "Mr. " + $mc.name + ", the timer has expired. I think you can take the rolls out of the oven now.">>
<br><<PHR 1 _txt>>
<br>After making this remark, Samantha returns to the interrupted call.
<<set _txt = "Yes, we should definitely meet up. What? Who was I just talking to? This is Mr. " + $mc.name + ", I told you about him. Hold on, let me turn on the camera.">>
<br><<PHR 1 _txt>>
<br>Your maid is pointing the phone in your direction.
<br><<PHR 1 "See? Yeah, he's handsome.">>
<br>Then she makes a stern face.
<<set _txt = "Mr. " + $mc.name + ", if you overheat the rolls, they'll be dry. Get an oven mitt next to the stove and take the tray out.">>
<br><<PHR 1 "dom" _txt>>
<<btnEventLink "Take the rolls out of the oven" "Maid Cooking Breakfast" "rolls(take out)">>
<br>A few minutes passes, but Samantha doesn't return. Leaning on the table, you watch as the timer on the oven decreases. Suddenly, Samantha's head appears in the doorway. After making sure that everything is alright, she disappears from sight again.
<br>Finally, when breakfast is almost ready, the maid returns to the kitchen.
<<set _txt = "Thank you for your help, Mr. " + $mc.name + ".">>
<br><<PHR 1 _txt>>
<<btnEventLink "Leave kitchen" "Hallway" "">>
/* ---------- PANCAKES ---------- */
<<case "pancakes(turn over)(call)">>
<<LocImg "misc" "pancakes flip">>
<br>You flip the pancakes so they don't burn. Leaning on the countertop, you wait patiently, breathing in the scents of the cooking. Suddenly, Samantha's head appears in the doorway. She presses the phone to her ear with her shoulder and uses her freed hand to imitate flipping a pan. You show her that you've already taken care of it, and she nods contentedly and disappears from sight again.
<<btnEventLink "Keep waiting for your maid" "Maid Cooking Breakfast" "pancakes(wait 2)">>
<<case "pancakes(wait)(call)">>
<<LocImg "misc" "pancakes flip">>
<br>Leaning on the countertop, you wait patiently, breathing in the scents of the cooking. Suddenly, Samantha's head appears in the doorway. She presses the phone to her ear with her shoulder and uses her freed hand to imitate flipping a pan.
<br>You raise your hands as if you don't understand what she wants from you, but the maid repeats previous gesture more insistently. With an exasperated sigh, you flip the pancakes. Samantha nods and disappears from sight again.
<<btnEventLink "Keep waiting for your maid" "Maid Cooking Breakfast" "pancakes(wait 2)">>
<<case "pancakes(turn over)(help)">>
<<LocImg "misc" "pancakes flip">>
<br>You flip the pancakes so they don't burn. Leaning on the countertop, you wait patiently, breathing in the scents of the cooking. Finally, when breakfast is almost ready, the maid returns to the kitchen.
<<set _txt = "Thank you for your help, Mr. " + $mc.name + ". Since you helped me with cooking, why don't you try them?">>
<br><<PHR 1 _txt>>
<<btnEventLink "Taste the pancakes" "Maid Cooking Breakfast" "pancakes(wait taste)">>
<<btnEventLink "Leave kitchen" "Hallway" "">>
<<case "pancakes(wait)(help)">>
<<LocImg "misc" "pancakes flip">>
<br>Leaning on the countertop, you wait patiently, breathing in the scents of the cooking. Suddenly, Samantha's head appears in the doorway.
<<set _txt = "Mr. " + $mc.name + ", can't you see that the pancakes are burning?">>
<br><<PHR 1 _txt>>
<br>Your maid rushes to the stove and turns it off.
<br><<PHR 1 "Damn, I'll have to cook again.">>
<br>Samantha turns to you.
<br><<PHR 1 "Please, leave. You're only making it worse.">>
<<btnEventLink "Leave kitchen" "Hallway" "">>
<<case "pancakes(wait 2)">>
<<NPCmedia "samantha" "kitchen thanks" 0>>
<br>Finally, when breakfast is almost ready, the maid returns to the kitchen.
<<set _txt = "Thank you for your help, Mr. " + $mc.name + ". Since you helped me with cooking, why don't you try them?">>
<br><<PHR 1 _txt>>
<<btnEventLink "Taste the pancakes" "Maid Cooking Breakfast" "pancakes(wait taste)">>
<<btnEventLink "Leave kitchen" "Hallway" "">>
<<case "pancakes(wait taste)">>
<<LocImg "misc" "pancakes_2">>
<<if $NPCstat[1].obedience > -15>>
<br><<PHR 1 "Great. Get syrup from the fridge, while I prepare everything else.">>
<br>Samantha stacks pancakes on a small plate and grabbing the jar of syrup you brought, liberally pours it over them. Then she holds out a fork to you. With it, you take a weighty slice of pancakes and put it in your mouth.
<br><<PHR 1 "How is it?">>
<br><<PHR "mc" "It's delicious.">>
<br>You quickly finish the rest.
<<btnEventLink "Leave kitchen" "Hallway" "">>
<<elseif $NPCstat[1].obedience > -30>>
<br><<PHR 1 "Great. Get syrup from the fridge, while I prepare everything else.">>
<br>You take the syrup and when you close the fridge door, you see two small plates on the table with pancakes stacked on them.
<br><<PHR 1 "To tell you the truth, they smell so tasty that I couldn't help but wanna try them, too. Hurry up and pour the syrup over them.">>
<br>You comply with your maid's request. She pulls out two forks and holds one out to you. With it you take a weighty slice of pancakes and put it in your mouth.
<br><<PHR 1 "How is it?">>
<br><<PHR "mc" "It's delicious.">>
<br>You quickly finish the rest.
<<btnEventLink "Leave kitchen" "Hallway" "">>
<br><<PHR 1 "Great. Get syrup from the fridge, while I prepare everything else.">>
<br>You take the syrup and when you close the fridge door you see two small plates on the table with pancakes stacked on them.
<br><<PHR 1 "To tell you the truth, they smell so tasty that I couldn't help but wanna try them, too. Hurry up and pour the syrup over them.">>
<br>You comply with your maid's request. She pulls out two forks and holds one out to you. With it you take a weighty slice of pancakes and put it in your mouth.
<br><<PHR 1 "How is it?">>
<br><<PHR "mc" "It's delicious.">>
<br>You quickly finish the rest. Samantha, however, is taking her time eating her portion. Instead, she begins to stare at you intently, as if examining you. You cast a questioning look at her.
<<set _txt = "Mr. " + $mc.name + ", don't you think you're too tall?">>
<br><<PHR 1 _txt>>
<br><<PHR "mc" "What do you mean?">>
<br><<PHR 1 "I've been obsessed with this feeling lately that you should be shorter. And that feeling makes me feel really uncomfortable.">>
<br><<PHR 1 "I think I know what to do.">>
<br>Placing her hands on the countertop and with a bit of effort, Samantha pushes up so that she's now sitting on top of the counter, eye level with you.
<br><<PHR 1 "Wow, that's much better now.">>
<<LocImg "misc" "syrup drop">>
<br>While you're trying to process what's going on, your maid takes a plate of pancakes in her hand and tries to cut off a piece with a fork. She succeeds, but just as she brings the piece to her mouth, a long, thick drop of syrup drips and falls on her ankle.
<br><<PHR 1 "Shit!">>
<br>Samantha sets the plate aside and looks around for something to wipe the syrup away. Finally, her gaze stops on you.
<<set _txt = "Mr. " + $mc.name + ", there is a sponge behind you. Would you pass it to me, please?">>
<br><<PHR 1 _txt>>
<br>You try to hand her the sponge, but she is in no hurry to take it. Instead, she keeps complaining.
<<set _txt = "And I'm just getting comfortable. Mr. " + $mc.name + ", since you're standing already, why don't you clean the damn syrup off? It won't take more than a few seconds.">>
<br><<PHR 1 _txt>>
<<btnEventLink "Clean the syrup stain" "Maid Cooking Breakfast" "pancakes(wipe maid leg)">>
<<btnEventLink "Leave kitchen" "Hallway" "">>
<<case "pancakes(wipe maid leg)">>
<<set $MaidUniqueCase[0] = true>>
<<NPCmedia "samantha" "tower at you" 0>>
<br>You get down on one knee and take Samantha's ankle in your hand. When sponge touches her skin, your maid flinches slightly.
<br><<PHR 1 "Oh, it's so scratchy.">>
<br>Despite her comment, you continue.
<<set _txt = "You know, Mr. " + $mc.name + ", When I look down at you, the feeling that has been bugging me all these days completely disappears, and I feel surprisingly calm. For a second, I had a urge to spill the syrup on my other leg , too.">>
<br><<PHR 1 _txt>>
<br>Samantha giggles.
<br><<PHR 1 "It's weird, don't you think?">>
<br><<PHR "mc" "Uh-huh">>
<br>You get to your feet and lay your sponge by the sink.
<br><<PHR "mc" "I have to go to work.">>
<br><<PHR 1 "Okay, you don't have to ask my permission.">>
<br>She smiles broadly at you, letting you know she's only teasing you.
<<RemoveStat 1 "obedience" 2 -40>>
<<RemoveStat "mc" "confidence" 1 -50>>
<<btnEventLink "Leave kitchen" "Hallway" "">>
/* ---------- SANDWICHES ---------- */
<<case "sandwiches(make youself)">>
<<LocImg "misc" "egg sandwich">>
<br>You take a packet of toast out of the breadbox and coat a couple of them with sauce. You gently lift the fried eggs with a spatula and place them on the toasts. Then you top the eggs with the slices of cheese Samantha made before she left the kitchen. A bit of black pepper is next followed by the other piece of bread. Then you place the sandwiches into the toaster oven and wait for the bread to brown.
<br>Finally, when breakfast is ready and you've already put the sandwiches on a plate, the maid returns to the kitchen.
<<set _txt = "What a wonderful fragrance Mr. " + $mc.name + ". You surprised me.">>
<br><<PHR 1 _txt>>
<br>She comes closer.
<br><<PHR 1 "Let's try them.">>
<br>Before you answer, she takes a bite out of one of the sandwiches.
<<NPCmedia "samantha" "kitchen blab" 1>>
<br><<PHR 1 "Mmm, wonderful. You certainly know how to make sandwiches.">>
<br>She quickly finishes her sandwich.
<<if $NPCstat[1].obedience <= -14>>
<br><<PHR 1 "It's such an unusual feeling for me to come into your kitchen and find breakfast prepared for me. If someone would also make a cup of coffee for me this would be an ideal morning.">>
<span id="action">
<center>@@.btnWide;<<button "Laugh at her joke">>
<<replace "#action">>
<br>You laugh and she echoes you.
<<set _txt = "Thank you for your help, Mr. " + $mc.name + ".">>
<br><<PHR 1 _txt>>
<<btnEventLink "Leave kitchen" "Hallway" "">>
<<btnEventLink "Actually make her a coffee" "Maid Cooking Breakfast" "sandwiches(coffee for maid)">>
<<set _txt = "Thank you for your help, Mr. " + $mc.name + ".">>
<br><<PHR 1 _txt>>
<<btnEventLink "Leave kitchen" "Hallway" "">>
<<case "sandwiches(coffee for maid)">>
<<LocImg "misc" "coffee">>
<br><<PHR "mc" "It's not very difficult. Otherwise, why did I pay a bunch of money for this coffee machine?">>
<br><<PHR 1 "Oh yeah, your machine is really cool. Although I prefer to make coffee the old fashioned way as the process seems to relax me.">>
<br><<PHR "mc" "What kind of coffee would you like?">>
<br><<PHR 1 "A latte grande will do nicely. Oh, and please add a touch of pumpkin spice flavoring.">>
<br>You follow all the instructions and soon a steaming cup appears in front of your maid. She takes a sip.
<<set _txt = "Thank you, Mr. " + $mc.name + ". I literally feel my body filling up with energy for the day's work.">>
<br><<PHR 1 _txt>>
<<RemoveStat 1 "obedience" 1 -25>>
<<btnEventLink "Leave kitchen" "Hallway" "">>
<<case "sandwiches(wait)">>
<<NPCmedia "samantha" "kitchen thanks" 0>>
<br>Finally, when breakfast is almost ready, the maid returns to the kitchen.
<<set _txt = "Thank you for your help, Mr. " + $mc.name + ".">>
<br><<PHR 1 _txt>>
<<btnEventLink "Leave kitchen" "Hallway" "">>
/* ---------- ROLLS ---------- */
<<case "rolls(take out)">>
<<LocImg "misc" "chicken rolls">>
<br>You take an oven mitt and open the stove. Samantha keeps filming you and commenting on what's going on the whole time.
<<set _txt = "Be careful, Mr. " + $mc.name + ". If you get burned, you're going to have a hard time signing papers at work.">>
<br><<PHR 1 _txt>>
<br>You pull out the tray and put it on the stove. The aroma of meat and spices starts flooding the kitchen.
<br><<PHR 1 "Just in time. Place them on plates while I finish my conversation.">>
<br>You're taking directions from your maid while she's on the phone with her friend.
<br><<PHR 1 "Yeah, I heard about that.">>
<br>Samantha interrupts the conversation and turns to you.
<<set _txt = "Thank you, Mr. " + $mc.name + ", I can handle it from here.">>
<br><<PHR 1 _txt>>
<<btnEventLink "Leave kitchen" "Hallway" "">>
/* ---------- EGGS AND BACON ---------- */
<<case "eggs and bacon(serve for wife)">>
<<if $mcSkill.cooking < 5>>
<<set $mcSkill.cooking += 1>>
<<LocImg "misc" "eggs and bacon">>
You get up silently and start putting food on plates. $NPCstat[0].name looks at you in surprise.
<br><<PHR 0 "Maybe we should wait, Samantha?">>
<br><<PHR "mc" "It will be cold by the time she gets back. Or maybe you don't want me to touch your breakfast?">>
<<if $WifeServing.BedBreakfast.countOverall == 0>>
<<set _txt = "Actually, I'm happy when my husband takes care of me. I can't remember the last time you cooked something for me, let alone brought me breakfast in bed.">>
<<set _txt = "Actually, I'm happy when my husband takes care of me. Like the last time you brought me breakfast in bed.">>
<br><<PHR 0 _txt>>
<br>You choose to remain silent in response to her remark. Instead, you place a plate of food in front of your wife.
<br><<PHR 0 "Honey, can you serve some more sauce, please?">>
<br>You take the sauce out of the fridge and hand it to $NPCstat[0].name. Then, after preparing a plate for yourself, you join her at the table.
<<btnEventLink "Eat breakfast" "Maid Cooking Breakfast" "eggs and bacon(serve for wife) 2">>
<<case "eggs and bacon(serve for wife) 2">>
<<SkipTimeBlock 1>>
<<LocImg "mc_house" "kitchen">>
<br>After breakfast is over, $NPCstat[0].name thanks you and leaves the kitchen. However, Samantha hasn't returned.
<<btnEventLink "Find your maid" "Maid Cooking Breakfast" "eggs and bacon(serve for wife) 3">>
<<case "eggs and bacon(serve for wife) 3">>
<<LocImg "mc_house" "hallway">>
<br>You search the entire first floor of your home, but you don't find Samantha anywhere. Fairly certain she's not upstairs, you choose to look for her outdoors.
<<btnEventLink "Check the backyard" "Maid Cooking Breakfast" "eggs and bacon(serve for wife) 4">>
<<case "eggs and bacon(serve for wife) 4">>
<<NPCmedia "samantha" "backyard sit" 0>>
<br>You eventually find her in the backyard. She's sitting on a wooden bench, looking at something on her phone. You walk closer to her.
<br><<PHR "mc" "Samantha, what were you doing all this time?">>
<br>Your maid barely flinches and lifts her head.
<<set _txt = "Oh, Mr. " + $mc.name + ", I'm sorry. I've been stuck on the phone.">>
<br><<PHR 1 _txt>>
<br>She turns the phone toward you. On the screen you see an Instagram of some model.
<center><div class="phoneHor">
<<set _back = "data/overall/phone_hor.png">>
<img class="background" @src="_back">
<center><table class="table">
<<PhoneMedia "samantha" "phone model" 0>>
<br><<PHR 1 "What do you think?">>
<br><<PHR "mc" "Well, she's quite attractive. But that's not what we were talking about.">>
<br>Samantha ignores your assertion.
<<if $MaidActivity.gymstatus>>
<br><<PHR 1 "She's so slim and fit. I hope I can look like that someday.">>
<br><<PHR 1 "She's so slim and fit. I hope that gym visits will help me to achieve the same result.">>
<br><<PHR "mc" "Samantha, I had to do your duty and serve breakfast to my wife.">>
<br>A smug smile appears on your maid's face.
<br><<PHR 1 "She was satisfied, I hope?">>
<br><<PHR "mc" "What? Of course she was happy...">>
<br><<PHR 1 "That's nice, isn't it?">>
<br>Samantha rises from the bench and stretches lazily.
<br><<PHR 1 "I think it's time for the two of us to get back to work.">>
<br>With these words, she goes inside the mansion.
<<set $WifeToMaid.suspicion += 5>>
<<btnEventLink "Finish" "Backyard" "">>
<</switch>><<switch $EventMark>>
/* SUB PATH */
<<case "clean routine(sub)">>
<<set $MaidLazinessDesires.slacking = 0>>
<<LocImg "misc" "mop">>
<br>In the hallway, you almost trip over a bucket of water. You look around for your maid, but see no sign of her presence.
<br><<TH "Is she slacking off again?">>
<br>Next to the bucket you see a mop resting on the wall. A puddle of water has already formed near the mop.
<br><<TH "Should I put it back in the bucket?">>
<<if $mcSkill.cleaning >= 4>>
<<btnEventLink "First, wipe the formed puddle" "Samantha Hallway Events" "clean routine(sub) 2">>
<<btnEventLink "Put the mop in the bucket" "Samantha Hallway Events" "clean routine(sub) 1.2">>
<<btnEventLink "Leave everything as it is" "Samantha Hallway Events" "clean routine(sub) 1.3">>
<<case "clean routine(sub) 1.2">>
<<LocImg "misc" "mop">>
<br>You put the mop in the bucket and walk away.
<<btnEventLink "Finish" "Hallway" "">>
<<case "clean routine(sub) 1.3">>
<<LocImg "misc" "mop">>
<br>You walk away, not paying attention to this.
<<btnEventLink "Finish" "Hallway" "">>
<<case "clean routine(sub) 2">>
<<if $mcSkill.cleaning < 15>>
<<set $mcSkill.cleaning += 1>>
<<LocImg "actions" "mop floor">>
<br>Just as you start mopping the floor, you hear soft footsteps behind you and someone's arms wrap around you.
<<set _txt = "Oh, Mr. " + $mc.name + "! You decided to help me? That's so kind of you.">>
<br><<PHR 1 _txt>>
<br>Samantha snuggles up to you harder and grabs your wrists. You feel her boobs pressing against your back.
<br><<PHR 1 "But you need to work more intensely and move your hands with a greater amplitude. Like this.">>
<br>She squeezes your wrists tighter and begins to control your hands. You have no choice but follow her.
<br><<PHR 1 "That's better. Now you have no trouble scrubbing the entire floor.">>
<br>She releases you and steps aside.
<<set _txt = "You have so much energy, Mr. " + $mc.name + ". You even find time to help your maid because you know how tired she gets after a whole week.">>
<br><<PHR 1 _txt>>
<br>Samantha almost jumps with happiness.
<br><<PHR 1 "All right, I'll leave you to it.">>
<br>With these words, she leaves you alone.
<<btnEventLink "Clean the hallway" "Samantha Hallway Events" "clean routine(sub) 3" 1>>
<<case "clean routine(sub) 3">>
<<LocImg "actions" "mop floor">>
<br>It takes you about an hour to mop the entire hallway floor. You stop to catch your breath and wipe away the drops of sweat on your forehead.
<br><<TH "What am I doing? I need to find Samantha and talk to her.">>
<<btnEventLink "Find your maid" "Samantha Hallway Events" "clean routine(sub) 4">>
<<case "clean routine(sub) 4">>
<<NPCmedia "samantha" "on couch" 0>>
<br>You find Samantha in the living room. She's lying on the couch watching TV.
<<set _txt = "Mr. " + $mc.name + "! Have you finished with the hallway? Don't forget to change the water before you start cleaning here.">>
<br><<PHR 1 _txt>>
<br>You are speechless for a moment, because there is not even a shadow of doubt or embarrassment in your maid's voice. As if it was routine for her to lie on that couch and give you orders.
<br><<PHR "mc" "Samantha, actually, I...">>
<<set _txt = "Oh, don't worry, Mr. " + $mc.name + ". This room is the last one I wanted to clean today. So after you're done with it, you'll get a well-deserved rest.">>
<br><<PHR 1 _txt>>
<<btnEventLink "Change the water" "Samantha Hallway Events" "clean routine(sub) 5">>
<<case "clean routine(sub) 5">>
<<if $mcSkill.cleaning < 15>>
<<set $mcSkill.cleaning += 1>>
<<LocImg "mc_house" "boiler">>
<br>You go down to the basement and fill the bucket with clean water.
<<btnEventLink "Return to the living room" "Samantha Hallway Events" "clean routine(sub) 6">>
<<case "clean routine(sub) 6">>
<<NPCmedia "samantha" "on couch" 0>>
<br>Samantha continues to lie on the couch.
<<set _txt = "It's best to start cleaning at the far end of the room, Mr. " + $mc.name + ". That way when you're done, you don't have to go back across the room and risk getting something dirty along the way.">>
<br><<PHR 1 _txt>>
<<btnEventLink "Start cleaning the room" "Samantha Hallway Events" "clean routine(sub) 7">>
<<case "clean routine(sub) 7">>
<<LocImg "misc" "dust brush">>
<br>You're wiping the dust off the many pieces of furniture in the living room.
<br><<TH "Why do we need all these tables and chairs if no one uses them?">>
<br>Finally, you walk up to the television set and feel a gaze on you.
<<set _txt = "Mr. " + $mc.name + ", please be careful not to block the TV screen.">>
<br><<PHR 1 _txt>>
<br>You do as she asks and bend around so you can wipe the area under the TV without closing the view for your maid. At one point you have to get down on all fours, and you hear a slight chuckle from her side.
<<set _txt = "Mr. " + $mc.name + ", you definitely have a talent!">>
<br><<PHR 1 _txt>>
<br>Confused, you continue cleaning while Samantha watches you, smiling contentedly. She rises from the couch only after you wipe down the last shelf. Taking a voluptuous stretch, she walks over to you and lays a hand on your shoulder.
<<set _txt = "Thank you for your help, Mr. " + $mc.name + ". I'd stay with you longer, but Mrs. " + $NPCstat[0].name + " will be home soon, and I need to make dinner for her.">>
<br><<PHR 1 _txt>>
<br>With that, your maid leaves the room.
<<RemoveStat 1 "obedience" 3 -40>>
<<btnEventLink "Finish" "Hallway" "">>
<<case "help with gymbag">>
<<set $MaidActivity.gympreparedesire = 0>>
<<NPCmedia "samantha" "mansion hallway(approach)" 0>>
<<if $NPCstat[1].obedience > -6>>
<<en "In the hallway you cross paths with your maid. You notice that she is clearly dressed to go into town. There is also a gym bag on the girl’s shoulder.">>
<<ru "В коридоре ты сталкиваешься со своей горничной. Ты замечаешь, что она явно одета для того, чтобы отправиться в город. Также на плече девушки висит спортивная сумка.">>
<<dlg_en 1 "Oh, Mr. $mc.name, it's you. I'm late for the gym, so I don't have time to talk to you.">>
<<dlg_ru 1 "Ох, мистер $mc.name, это вы. Я опаздывают в спортзал, так что у меня нет времени с вами разговаривать.">>
<<en "With those words, Samantha exits the mansion.">>
<<ru "С этими словами Саманта выходит из особняка.">>
<<btnEventLink "Finish/Закончить" "Hallway" "">>
<<elseif $NPCstat[1].obedience > -15>>
<<en "As you walk down the hall, you notice a gym bag by the kitchen entrance. Almost immediately, Samantha appears in the doorway. The girl is breathing heavily.">>
<<ru "Идя по коридору, ты замечаешь спортивную сумку возле прохода в кухню. Практически сразу, в дверном проходе появляется Саманта. Девушка тяжело дышит.">>
<<dlg_en 1 "Oh, Mr. $mc.name, it's good you showed up. I think I forgot to get my towel. Can you go to my house and get it?">>
<<dlg_ru 1 "Ох, мистер $mc.name, хорошо, что вы появились. Кажется, я забыла взять свое полотенце. Можете сходить за ним в мой домик?">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "Why don't you do it yourself?">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Почему ты сама это не сделаешь?">>
<<dlg_en 1 "I have to finish dinner, and I'm already late for the gym. So, will you help me?">>
<<dlg_ru 1 "Мне нужно закончить ужин, а я и так опаздываю в спортзал. Ну что, вы поможете мне?">>
<span id="dialog">
<<set _txt = getLinkName("Help her/Помочь ей")>>
@@.btnWide;<<button _txt>>
<<replace "#dialog">>
<<dlg_en 1 "Great. It's a blue towel. You can find it in the bathroom cabinet.">>
<<dlg_ru 1 "Отлично. Это синее полотенце. Вы найдете его в шкафчике в ванной.">>
<<btnEventLink "Go to the gardener house/Идти в дом для прислуги" "Samantha Hallway Events" "help with gymbag(get towel)">>
<<set _txt = getLinkName("Don't help her/Не помогать ей")>>
@@.btnWide;<<button _txt>>
<<replace "#dialog">>
<<en "Samantha pouts resentfully and disappears into the kitchen.">>
<<ru "Саманта обиженно надувает губы и скрывается на кухне.">>
<<btnEventLink "Finish/Закончить" "Hallway" "">>
<<en "In the hallway you see your maid. She's wiping the floor and, judging by the intense swipe of her mop, Samantha is clearly in a hurry to finish cleaning quickly. You get closer, and the girl turns around.">>
<<ru "В коридоре ты видишь свою горничную. Она протирает пол и, судя по тому, как интенсивно она двигает шваброй, Саманта явно спешит закончить уборку побыстрее. Ты подходишь ближе, и девушка оборачивается.">>
<<dlg_en 1 "Oh, Mr. $mc.name, good of you to show up. Could you go to my house and get my gym bag? It's right by the bed in the bedroom.">>
<<dlg_ru 1 "Ох, мистер mc.name, хорошо, что вы появились. Не могли бы вы сходить в мой домик и взять мою спортивную сумку? Она лежит возле кровати в спальне.">>
<span id="dialog">
<<btnEventLink "Get her gym bag/Принести ей сумку" "Samantha Hallway Events" "help with gymbag(get gymbag)">>
<<set _txt = getLinkName("Don't help her/Не помогать ей")>>
@@.btnWide;<<button _txt>>
<<replace "#dialog">>
<<en "Samantha pouts resentfully and goes back to cleaning. Quickly finished, she rushes out of the mansion.">>
<<ru "Саманта обиженно надувает губы и возвращается к уборке. Быстро со всем закончив, она вылетает из особняка.">>
<<btnEventLink "Finish/Закончить" "Hallway" "">>
<<case "help with gymbag(get towel)">>
<<set $MaidActivity.gympreparecount += 1>>
<<LocImg "mc_house" "bathroom (gardener)">>
<<en "You go to the gardener house and find a towel in the bathroom. When you return back, your maid is already waiting for you on the doorstep of the mansion. She grabs the towel from your hands and puts it in her bag.">>
<<ru "Ты идешь в домик садовника и находишь полотенце в ванной. Когда ты возвращаешься обратно, твоя горничная уже ждет тебе на пороге особняка. Она выхватывает полотенце из твоих рук и кладет его в сумку.">>
<<dlg_en 1 "Thank you, Mr. $mc.name.">>
<<dlg_ru 1 "Спасибо, мистер $mc.name.">>
<<en "With those words, Samantha leaves.">>
<<ru "С этими словами Саманта уходит.">>
<<btnEventLink "Finish/Закончить" "Hallway" "">>
<<case "help with gymbag(get gymbag)">>
<<set $MaidActivity.gympreparecount += 1>>
<<LocImg "mc_house" "bedroom (gardener)">>
<<en "You go to the gardener house and pick up Samantha's gym bag. When you return back, your maid is already waiting for you on the doorstep of the mansion. She takes the bag from your hands, thanks you, and leaves.">>
<<ru "Ты идешь в домик садовника и берешь спортивную сумку Саманты. Когда ты возвращаешься обратно, твоя горничная уже ждет тебе на пороге особняка. Она берет сумку из твоих рук, благодарит тебя и уходит.">>
<<btnEventLink "Finish/Закончить" "Hallway" "">>
<</switch>><<switch $EventMark>>
<<case "tanning(laziness)">>
<<if $NPCdaymemory[1].noon == "tanning">>
<<NPCmedia "samantha" "backyard sunbath" 1>>
<br>You walk up to your maid.
<<set _txt = "I don't need anything right now, Mr. " + $mc.name + ".">>
<br><<PHR 1 _txt>>
<<btnEventLink "Leave" "Backyard" "">>
<<set $MaidLazinessDesires.tanning = 0>>
<<NPCmedia "samantha" "backyard sunbath" 1>>
<br>You walk up to your maid.
<<set _txt = "Mr. " + $mc.name + ", have you decided to sunbathe as well?">>
<br><<PHR 1 _txt>>
<br><<TH "Isn't Samantha letting herself go a little too much during last days? Maybe I should do something?">>
<<btnEventLink "Let it pass" "Samantha Backyard Events" "tanning(laziness)(pass)">>
<<btnEventLink "Talk with her about it" "Samantha Backyard Events" "tanning(laziness)(fight)">>
<<case "tanning(laziness)(pass)">>
<<set $NPCdaymemory[1].noon = "tanning">>
<<NPCmedia "samantha" "backyard sunbath" 1>>
<br><<PHR "mc" "No, I'm just taking a walk.">>
<br><<PHR 1 "That's nice.">>
<br>She reclines on the lounger again. You already want to leave her, but at that moment your maid rises again.
<<if $NPCstat[1].obedience > -20>>
<<set _stdice = 0>>
<<set _stdice = random(2)>>
<<if _stdice <= 1>>
<<set _txt = "Mr. " + $mc.name + ", would you be so kind as to bring me a glass of orange juice?">>
<br><<PHR 1 _txt>>
<<btnEventLink "Bring her a glass of juice" "Samantha Backyard Events" "tanning(laziness)(bring juice)">>
<<btnEventLink "Complain to her" "Samantha Backyard Events" "tanning(laziness)(complain)">>
<<set _txt = "Mr. " + $mc.name + ", would you be so kind as to put sunscreen on me?">>
<br><<PHR 1 _txt>>
<<btnEventLink "Put sunscreen on her" "Samantha Backyard Events" "tanning(laziness)(put sunscreen)">>
<<btnEventLink "Complain to her" "Samantha Backyard Events" "tanning(laziness)(complain)">>
<<case "tanning(laziness)(bring juice)">>
<<LocImg "misc" "orange juice">>
<br>You go to the pool bar and pour a glass of juice for your maid.
<<set _txt = "That's so nice of you, Mr. " + $mc.name + ".">>
<br><<PHR 1 _txt>>
<br>She puts the straw in her mouth and sips a little.
<br><<PHR 1 "Dinner will be a little late today.">>
<<RemoveStat 1 "obedience" 1 -32>>
<<btnEventLink "Finish" "Backyard" "">>
<<case "tanning(laziness)(put sunscreen)">>
<<set $MaidUniqueCase[1] = true>>
<<NPCmedia "samantha" "put sunscreen" 1>>
<<set _txt = "Thank you, Mr. " + $mc.name + ".">>
<br><<PHR 1 _txt>>
<br>She rolls over on her belly and unties her bikini strap, exposing her back completely. You rub the sunscreen in your palms and start spreading it evenly on her skin.
<<set _txt = "You can push harder, Mr. " + $mc.name + ".">>
<br><<PHR 1 _txt>>
<br>You follow her requests and begin applying more pressure. Samantha is lying with her eyes closed and smiling contentedly.
<<set _txt = "There you go. You're so good, Mr. " + $mc.name + ". Put some oil on my lower half, too.">>
<br><<PHR 1 _txt>>
<br>You swallow your saliva while your hands slowly slide lower. They gently outline her ass in a circle and move to her luscious thighs. After covering her hips with sunscreen, you finally switch to her ass. Gently squeezing her buttocks, you begin carefully rubbing cream over. After a while, your maid stops you.
<<set _txt = "I think that's enough, Mr. " + $mc.name + ".">>
<br><<PHR 1 _txt>>
<<RemoveStat 1 "obedience" 1 -36>>
<<btnEventLink "Finish" "Backyard" "">>
<<case "tanning(ask put sunscreen)(alt)">>
<<set $MaidLazinessDesires.tanning = 0>>
<<NPCmedia "samantha" "bikini" 0>>
<br>You meet your maid in the hallway.
<<set _txt = "Mr. " + $mc.name + ", I'm planning on sunbathing for a while. Would you like to help me with sunscreen?">>
<br><<PHR 1 _txt>>
<span id="dialog">
<<btnEventLink "Help her" "Samantha Backyard Events" "tanning(ask put sunscreen)(alt) 2">>
<center>@@.btnWide;<<button "Tell her you don't have time">>
<<replace "#dialog">>
<br><<PHR "mc" "I don't have time for this.">>
<br><<PHR 1 "What a pity.">>
<br>Samantha leaves you.
<<btnEventLink "Finish" "Hallway" "">>
<<case "tanning(ask put sunscreen)(alt) 2">>
<<set $MaidUniqueCase[1] = true>>
<<set $NPCdaymemory[1].noon = "tanning">>
<<NPCmedia "samantha" "put sunscreen" 1>>
<br>With your maid, you go out to the backyard and walk to loungers. Samantha lies down on one of them, belly down, and unties her bikini strap, exposing her back completely. You rub the sunscreen in your palms and start spreading it evenly on her skin.
<<set _txt = "You can push harder, Mr. " + $mc.name + ".">>
<br><<PHR 1 _txt>>
<br>You follow her requests and begin applying more pressure. Samantha is lying with her eyes closed and smiling contentedly.
<<set _txt = "There you go. You're so good, Mr. " + $mc.name + ". Put some oil on my lower half, too.">>
<br><<PHR 1 _txt>>
<br>You swallow your saliva while your hands slowly slide lower. They gently outline her ass in a circle and move to her luscious thighs. After covering her hips with sunscreen, you finally switch to her ass. Gently squeezing her buttocks, you begin carefully rubbing cream over. After a while, your maid stops you.
<<set _txt = "I think that's enough, Mr. " + $mc.name + ".">>
<br><<PHR 1 _txt>>
<br>You rise to your feet.
<<set _txt = "One more request, " + $mc.name + ". Would you be so kind as to bring me a glass of orange juice?">>
<br><<PHR 1 _txt>>
<<btnEventLink "Bring her a glass of juice" "Samantha Backyard Events" "tanning(ask put sunscreen)(alt) 3">>
<<case "tanning(ask put sunscreen)(alt) 3">>
<<LocImg "misc" "orange juice">>
<br>You go to the pool bar and pour a glass of juice for your maid.
<<set _txt = "That's so nice of you, Mr. " + $mc.name + ".">>
<br><<PHR 1 _txt>>
<br>She puts the straw in her mouth and sips a little.
<br><<PHR 1 "Dinner will be a little late tonight.">>
<<RemoveStat 1 "obedience" 1 -36>>
<<btnEventLink "Finish" "Backyard" "">>
<<case "tanning(laziness)(fight)">>
<<NPCmedia "samantha" "tanning seduce" 1>>
<br><<PHR "mc" "Samantha, don't you think you should be doing the cleaning?">>
<<set _txt = "I finished it already, Mr. " + $mc.name + ".">>
<br><<PHR 1 _txt>>
<br><<PHR "mc" "That doesn't mean you have to lie here doing nothing!">>
<br>Samantha gets up from the sun lounge and comes over to you.
<<set _txt = "Mr. " + $mc.name + ", you sound just like my brother. But you're not like him, you're a nice guy, aren't you?">>
<br><<PHR 1 _txt>>
<br><<PHR "mc" "I'm just...">>
<br>You stop in mid-sentence when her hand touches you.
<<set _txt = "Mr. " + $mc.name + ", are you a nice guy?">>
<br><<PHR 1 _txt>>
<br><<PHR "mc" "I guess I am.">>
<br><<PHR 1 "That's great. Wait a little while, and I'll make you dinner.">>
<br>Samantha removes her hand and returns to the lounger.
<<btnEventLink "Finish" "Backyard" "">>
<<case "tanning(laziness)(complain)">>
<<NPCmedia "samantha" "tanning seduce" 1>>
<br><<PHR "mc" "Samantha, don't you think you're crossing the line?">>
<br><<PHR 1 "What are you talking about? It's just an innocent favor.">>
<br><<PHR "mc" "Don't forget who is your boss!">>
<br>Samantha gets up from the sun lounge and comes over to you.
<<set _txt = "Mr. " + $mc.name + ", you sound just like my brother. But you're not like him, you're a nice guy, aren't you?">>
<br><<PHR 1 _txt>>
<br><<PHR "mc" "I'm just...">>
<br>You stop in mid-sentence when her hand touches you.
<<set _txt = "Mr. " + $mc.name + ", are you a nice guy?">>
<br><<PHR 1 _txt>>
<br><<PHR "mc" "I guess I am.">>
<br><<PHR 1 "That's great. Wait a little while, and I'll make you dinner.">>
<br>Samantha removes her hand and heads to the pool bar to pour herself some juice.
<<btnEventLink "Finish" "Backyard" "">>
<</switch>><<switch $EventMark>>
/* -------------------- MAIN -------------------- */
<<case "main">>
<<LocImg "mc_house" "office">>
<<if $WifeToMaid.patronage>>
<<dlg_en 1 "Oh, Mr. $mc.name! It's you. Do you want to help me?">>
<<dlg_ru 1 "Мистер $mc.name, это вы! Вы хотите помочь мне?">>
<<btnEventLink "Help her/Помочь ей" "Samantha Home Office Events" "patronage(main)" 1>>
<<btnLink "Leave her alone/Оставить ее в покое" "Home Office" "">>
<<dlg_en 1 "Oh, Mr. $mc.name! It's you.">>
<<dlg_ru 1 "Мистер $mc.name, это вы!">>
<<btnLink "Leave her alone/Оставить ее в покое" "Home Office" "">>
/* -------------------- SUB -------------------- */
<<case "little things">>
<<set $MaidLazinessDesires.annoying = 0>>
<<LocImg "mc_house" "office">>
<br>Once you become focused, Samantha's voice pulls you out of the flow.
<<set _txt = "Mr. " + $mc.name + "! Mr. " + $mc.name + "!">>
<br><<PHR 1 _txt>>
<br>The voice sounds like it's coming from somewhere downstairs.
<br><<TH "What the hell does she want?">>
<<btnEventLink "Come and check what she wants" "Samantha Home Office Events" "little things(cookies)">>
<<btnEventLink "Continue to work" "Samantha Home Office Events" "little things(ignore)">>
<<case "little things(ignore)">>
<<LocImg "mc_house" "office">>
<br>You try to ignore your maid, but she doesn't seem to be going to stop.
<<set _txt = "Mr. " + $mc.name + "! Mr. " + $mc.name + "!">>
<br><<PHR 1 _txt>>
<<set _stdice = random(1)>>
<<btnEventLink "Come and check what she wants" "Samantha Home Office Events" "little things(cookies) 1.1">>
<<btnEventLink "Continue to work" "Samantha Home Office Events" "little things(ignore) 2">>
<<case "little things(ignore) 2">>
<<LocImg "work" "documents">>
<br>Finally, Samantha gets tired of calling you, and you can continue working in peace.
<<btnEventLink "Finish" "Home Office" "">>
<<case "little things(cookies)">>
<<LocImg "mc_house" "hallway">>
<br>You walk out of the office and try to figure out where Samantha's voice is coming from. It sounds like she is in the kitchen right now.
<<btnEventLink "Go to the kitchen" "Samantha Home Office Events" "little things(cookies) 2">>
<<case "little things(cookies) 1.1">>
<<LocImg "mc_house" "hallway">>
<br>You walk out of the office and try to figure out where Samantha's voice is coming from. It sounds like she is in the kitchen right now.
<<btnEventLink "Go to the kitchen" "Samantha Home Office Events" "little things(cookies) 2.1">>
<<case "little things(cookies) 2">>
<<LocImg "mc_house" "kitchen">>
<br>You walk into the kitchen and find your maid sitting at the table looking at the phone screen.
<<set _txt = "Mr. " + $mc.name + ", you're finally here!">>
<br><<PHR 1 _txt>>
<br><<PHR "mc" "What did you want?">>
<br><<PHR 1 "Nothing special, just some cookies that are in the top section. Could you get it for me?">>
<br><<TH "Unbelievable.">>
<br><<PHR "mc" "Why don't you get it yourself?">>
<br><<PHR 1 "I just got hooked on these videos with healthy food recipes. It's so captivating.">>
<<btnEventLink "Get her a cookie" "Samantha Home Office Events" "little things(cookies) 3">>
<<btnEventLink "Tell her to do it herself" "Samantha Home Office Events" "little things(cookies) 3.1">>
<<case "little things(cookies) 2.1">>
<<LocImg "mc_house" "kitchen">>
<br>You walk into the kitchen and find your maid sitting at the table looking at the phone screen.
<<set _txt = "Mr. " + $mc.name + ", you're finally here! What took you so long?">>
<br><<PHR 1 _txt>>
<br><<PHR "mc" "Actually, I'm working, Samantha.">>
<<set _txt = "Mr. " + $mc.name + ", the more I get to know you, the less I believe you devote at least one day a week to business.">>
<br><<PHR 1 _txt>>
<br><<PHR "mc" "What did you want?">>
<br><<PHR 1 "Nothing much, just some cookies that are in the top section. Could you get it for me?">>
<br><<TH "Unbelievable.">>
<br><<PHR "mc" "Why don't you get it yourself?">>
<br><<PHR 1 "I just got hooked on these videos with healthy food recipes. It's so captivating.">>
<<btnEventLink "Get her a cookie" "Samantha Home Office Events" "little things(cookies) 3">>
<<btnEventLink "Tell her to do it herself" "Samantha Home Office Events" "little things(cookies) 3.1">>
<<case "little things(cookies) 3">>
<<LocImg "misc" "cookies(cabinet)">>
<br>You open the cabinet and pull out a packet of cookies.
<br><<PHR 1 "Oh, and please take a yogurt pack from the fridge.">>
<br>You also comply with this request of your maid and bring her yogurt and cookies.
<<set _txt = "Thank you, Mr. " + $mc.name + ", you may go. If I need anything else, I'll be sure to call you.">>
<br><<PHR 1 _txt>>
<<RemoveStat 1 "obedience" 1 -40>>
<<btnEventLink "Leave" "Hallway" "">>
<<case "little things(cookies) 3.1">>
<<NPCmedia "samantha" "stare at you" 0>>
<br><<PHR "mc" "If you want cookies, get them yourself.">>
<<set _txt = "Mr. " + $mc.name + ", right now you are closer to it than I am.">>
<br><<PHR 1 _txt>>
<br>You look at her reproachfully, and your maid rises from the table, deliberately slow. The girl comes so close to you that your shoes almost touch each other and looks at you defiantly. A few seconds pass before your maid turns her gaze to the sideboard and tiptoes to the cookies she wants.
<br>Then she looks at you again and even leans a little closer, so you can feel her breathing.
<<btnEventLink "Stand still" "Samantha Home Office Events" "little things(cookies) 4">>
<<btnEventLink "Take a step back" "Samantha Home Office Events" "little things(cookies) 4.1">>
<<case "little things(cookies) 4">>
<<LocImg "mc_house" "kitchen">>
<br>You continue to hold your position, and after a while Samantha steps back, returns to her chair, and starts looking at her phone again, crunching cookies.
<<btnEventLink "Leave" "Hallway" "">>
<<case "little things(cookies) 4.1">>
<<NPCmedia "samantha" "stare at you" 0>>
<br>You take a step back, but your maid keeps advancing, forcing you back against the wall. You swallow involuntarily as your back touches the cold surface of the wall.
<br><<PHR "mc" "What are you doing, Samantha?">>
<<set _txt = "Nothing, Mr. " + $mc.name + ". Just wanna get something from the fridge.">>
<br><<PHR 1 _txt>>
<br>As if to prove her point, she opens the fridge door and takes out a package of yogurt.
<<set _txt = "Relax, Mr. " + $mc.name + ".">>
<br><<PHR 1 _txt>>
<br>Giggling, your maid returns to her chair, and starts looking at her phone again, crunching cookies. All you can do is look at her blankly.
<<RemoveStat 1 "obedience" 1 -40>>
<<RemoveStat "mc" "confidence" 1 -50>>
<<btnEventLink "Leave" "Hallway" "">>
/* -------------------- MAIN -------------------- */
<<case "takeover cleaning(main)">>
<<set $mansionCleanliness.office = 100>>
<<set $mansion.office.cleanliness = 100>>
<<set $mansion.office.cleanCount += 1>>
<<set $mansion.office.cleanWeekCount += 1>>
<<if $mcSkill.cleaning < 25>>
<<set $mcSkill.cleaning += 1>>
<<LocImg "mc_house" "office">>
<<en "You clean the home office.">>
<<ru "Ты наводишь порядок в комнате.">>
<<btnEventLink "Finish/Закончить" "Home Office" "">>
<<case "takeover cleaning(maid bossing around)">>
<<set $mansionCleanliness.office = 100>>
<<set $mansion.office.cleanliness = 100>>
<<set $mansion.office.cleanCount += 1>>
<<set $mansion.office.cleanWeekCount += 1>>
<<if $mcSkill.cleaning < 25>>
<<set $mcSkill.cleaning += 1>>
<<LocImg "mc_house" "office">>
<<en "As soon as you start cleaning, your maid enters the room.">>
<<ru "Стоит тебе начать уборку, как в комнату входит твоя горничная.">>
<<dlg_en 1 "Decided to clean your office? That's a great idea. I think I'm gonna supervise you for a while.">>
<<dlg_ru 1 "Решили убрать свой офис? Отличная идея. Пожалуй, я понаблюдаю за вами.">>
<<en "Samantha walks over to your desk and sits down.">>
<<ru "Саманта подходит к вашему рабочему столу и садится за него.">>
<<dlg_en 1 "I think this is the perfect position for it. Now, do your work, Mr. $mc.name.">>
<<dlg_ru 1 "Думаю, это идеальная позиция для этого. Теперь, приступайте к делу, мистер $mc.name.">>
<<btnEventLink "Continue/Продолжить" "Samantha Home Office Events" "takeover cleaning(maid bossing around 2)">>
<<case "takeover cleaning(maid bossing around 2)">>
<<LocImg "mc_house" "office">>
<<en "Samantha watches you tidy the room for a while, but soon gets bored. You can hear her sigh in frustration.">>
<<ru "Саманта некоторое время наблюдает за тем, как ты наводишь порядок в комнате, но вскоре ей это наскучивает. Ты слышишь ее недовольный вздох.">>
<<dlg_en 1 "Do you know what's missing on your desk, Mr $mc.name? A biscuit tin.">>
<<dlg_ru 1 "Знаете чего не хватает на вашем столе, мистер $mc.name? Вазы для печенья.">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "I don't really like to snack while I work.">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Я не очень люблю перекусывать во время работы.">>
<<dlg_en 1 "I wouldn't mind a chocolate chip cookie right now. Would you be so kind as to go into the kitchen and get it?">>
<<dlg_ru 1 "А я бы сейчас не отказалась от печенья с шоколадом. Будьте так добры, сходите на кухню за ним.">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "I'm in the middle of cleaning.">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Я сейчас занят уборкой.">>
<<dlg_en 1 "Mr $mc.name, you don't want me to get angry, do you? Do as I say, or I'll have you polishing this desk until morning.">>
<<dlg_ru 1 "Мистер $mc.name, вы же не хотите, чтобы я разозлилась? Делайте, что я скажу, или я заставлю вас полировать этот стол до следующего утра.">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "Fine.">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Ладно.">>
<<dlg_en 1 "Oh, and make me a cup of coffee too.">>
<<dlg_ru 1 "И сделайте также и чашечку кофе для меня.">>
<<btnEventLink "Go to the kitchen/Идти на кухню" "Samantha Home Office Events" "takeover cleaning(coffee for maid)">>
<<case "takeover cleaning(coffee for maid)">>
<<LocImg "misc" "coffee">>
<<en "You go downstairs and into the kitchen to make a cup of coffee for your maid. You put the coffee and a biscuit tin on a tray.">>
<<ru "Ты спускаешься на первый этаж и идешь на кухню, чтобы сделать чашечку кофе для своей горничной. Ты ставишь кофе и вазу с печеньем на поднос.">>
<<btnEventLink "Take the tray to the home office/Отнести поднос в офис" "Samantha Home Office Events" "takeover cleaning(coffee for maid 2)">>
<<case "takeover cleaning(coffee for maid 2)">>
<<LocImg "mc_house" "office">>
<<dlg_en 1 "Thank you, Mr Mark. You're a real sweetheart.">>
<<dlg_ru 1 "Спасибо, мистер Марк. Вы просто душка.">>
<<en "You continue to clean. Your maid enjoys a biscuit and coffee. After a while she calls to you.">>
<<ru "Ты продолжаешь уборку, пока твоя горничная наслаждается печеньем и кофе. Спустя некоторое время, она зовет тебя.">>
<<dlg_en 1 "I don't think there's any point in me sitting here any longer. Don't forget to take the tray to the kitchen when you're finished.">>
<<dlg_ru 1 "Думаю, мне больше нет смысла сидеть здесь. Не забудьте отнести поднос на кухню, когда закончите.">>
<<RemoveStat 1 "obedience" 1 -60>>
<<btnEventLink "Finish/Закончить" "Home Office" "">>
<<case "patronage(main)">>
<<set $mansionCleanliness.office = 100>>
<<set $mansion.office.cleanliness = 100>>
<<set $mansion.office.cleanCount += 1>>
<<set $mansion.office.cleanWeekCount += 1>>
<<if $mcSkill.cleaning < 25>>
<<set $mcSkill.cleaning += 1>>
<<LocImg "mc_house" "office">>
<<if $NPCstat[1].obedience > -20>>
<<en "Together with the maid, you clean up the room.">>
<<ru "Вдвоем с горничной, вы наводите порядок в комнате.">>
<<set $location.sub = "">>
<<btnEventLink "Finish/Закончить" "Home Office" "">>
<<dlg_en 1 "Oh, great! In that case, why don't you finish the rest of the room? While I supervise you.">>
<<dlg_ru 1 "Отлично! В таком случае, почему бы вам не закончить с остальной частью комнаты? А я пока понаблюдаю за вами.">>
<<en "Samantha walks over to your desk and sits down.">>
<<ru "Саманта подходит к вашему рабочему столу и садится за него.">>
<<dlg_en 1 "I think this is the perfect position for it. Now, do your work, Mr. $mc.name.">>
<<dlg_ru 1 "Думаю, это идеальная позиция для этого. Теперь, приступайте к делу, мистер $mc.name.">>
<<btnEventLink "Clean up the room/Навести порядок в комнате" "Samantha Home Office Events" "patronage(cleaning)">>
<<case "patronage(cleaning)">>
<<LocImg "mc_house" "office">>
<<en "Samantha watches you tidy the room for a while, but soon gets bored. You can hear her sigh in frustration.">>
<<ru "Саманта некоторое время наблюдает за тем, как ты наводишь порядок в комнате, но вскоре ей это наскучивает. Ты слышишь ее недовольный вздох.">>
<<dlg_en 1 "Do you know what's missing on your desk, Mr $mc.name? A biscuit tin.">>
<<dlg_ru 1 "Знаете чего не хватает на вашем столе, мистер $mc.name? Вазы для печенья.">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "I don't really like to snack while I work.">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Я не очень люблю перекусывать во время работы.">>
<<dlg_en 1 "I wouldn't mind a chocolate chip cookie right now. Would you be so kind as to go into the kitchen and get it?">>
<<dlg_ru 1 "А я бы сейчас не отказалась от печенья с шоколадом. Будьте так добры, сходите на кухню за ним.">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "I'm in the middle of cleaning.">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Я сейчас занят уборкой.">>
<<dlg_en 1 "Mr $mc.name, cleaning is only one of a maid's many duties. You've agreed to be trained by me, so follow my instructions.">>
<<dlg_ru 1 "Мистер $mc.name, уборка - это лишь одна из немногих обязанностей горничной. Вы сами согласились, чтобы я обучала вас, так что следуйте моим указанием.">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "Fine.">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Ладно.">>
<<dlg_en 1 "Oh, and make me a cup of coffee too.">>
<<dlg_ru 1 "И сделайте также и чашечку кофе для меня.">>
<<btnEventLink "Go to the kitchen/Идти на кухню" "Samantha Home Office Events" "patronage(coffee for maid)">>
<<case "patronage(coffee for maid)">>
<<LocImg "misc" "coffee">>
<<en "You go downstairs and into the kitchen to make a cup of coffee for your maid. You put the coffee and a biscuit tin on a tray.">>
<<ru "Ты спускаешься на первый этаж и идешь на кухню, чтобы сделать чашечку кофе для своей горничной. Ты ставишь кофе и вазу с печеньем на поднос.">>
<<btnEventLink "Take the tray to the home office/Отнести поднос в офис" "Samantha Home Office Events" "patronage(coffee for maid 2)">>
<<case "patronage(coffee for maid 2)">>
<<LocImg "mc_house" "office">>
<<dlg_en 1 "Thank you, Mr Mark. You're a real sweetheart.">>
<<dlg_ru 1 "Спасибо, мистер Марк. Вы просто душка.">>
<<en "You continue to clean. Your maid enjoys a biscuit and coffee. After a while she calls to you.">>
<<ru "Ты продолжаешь уборку, пока твоя горничная наслаждается печеньем и кофе. Спустя некоторое время, она зовет тебя.">>
<<dlg_en 1 "I don't think there's any point in me sitting here any longer. Don't forget to take the tray to the kitchen when you're finished.">>
<<dlg_ru 1 "Думаю, мне больше нет смысла сидеть здесь. Не забудьте отнести поднос на кухню, когда закончите.">>
<<RemoveStat 1 "obedience" 2 -40>>
<<btnEventLink "Finish/Закончить" "Home Office" "">>
<<include "Downtown Event Hub">>
<<switch $location.sub>>
<<case "">>
<<LocImg "downtown" "jolene center">>
<<if $JolenePresence.status == "active">>
<br><<TH "I have nothing to do here.">>
<<btnLink "Pay for Jolene's services" "Jolene Center" "pay">>
<<btnLink "Leave" "Downtown Map" "">>
<<case "pay">>
<<set $JolenePresence.status = "active">>
<<LocImg "actions" "credit card">>
<br>Jolene wasn't there, but her secretary said you can pay any way you want.
<font color=OrangeRed><b><i>You wired $3,000 to Jolene</i></b></font>
<<set $money.pocket -= 3000>>
<<btnLink "Leave" "Downtown Map" "">>
<</switch>><<switch $EventMark>>
/* MAIN */
<<case "main">>
<<NPCmedia $NPCstat[$SecretaryId].style "work talk" 0>>
<<en "You call your secretary and she shows up at your office.">>
<<ru "Ты вызываешь свою секретаршу и вскоре она появляется в твоем офисе.">>
<<dlg_en $SecretaryId "Do you need anything, Mr. $mc.lastname?">>
<<dlg_ru $SecretaryId "Что вам угодно, мистер $mc.lastname?">>
<<btnEventLink "Ask her to make you a cup of coffee/Попросить ее сделать тебе чашку кофе" "Secretary Office Events" "make coffee">>
<<if $NPCdaymemory[$SecretaryId].morning != "office blow" and $NPCdaymemory[$SecretaryId].morning != "office sex" and $NPCdaymemory[$SecretaryId].morning != "office role swap">>
<<if $NPCstat[$SecretaryId].obedience <= -28>>
<<btnEventLink "Tell her to suck your cock/Приказать ее отсосать тебе" "Secretary Role Reverse" "ask about blowjob">>
<<elseif $NPCsexmemory[$SecretaryId].blowjob == 0>>
<<btnEventLink "Tell her to suck your cock/Приказать ее отсосать тебе" "Secretary Office Events" "blowjob(first)">>
<<btnEventLink "Tell her to suck your cock/Приказать ее отсосать тебе" "Secretary Office Events" "blowjob(main)">>
<<if $NPCsexmemory[$SecretaryId].blowjob > 0>>
<<if $NPCstat[$SecretaryId].obedience <= -28>>
<<btnEventLink "Tell her that you wanna fuck her/Сказать ей что хочешь трахнуть ее" "Secretary Role Reverse" "ask about blowjob">>
<<btnEventLink "Tell her that you wanna fuck her/Сказать ей что хочешь трахнуть ее" "Secretary Office Events" "sex(main)">>
<<if $NPCsexmemory[$SecretaryId].anal == 1 and $SecretarySkill.anal <= 10>>
<<if $PsyTopic[0].stage < 5>>
<<btnEventLink "Train her asshole/Тренировать ее зад" "Secretary Training" "anal training">>
<<TH "I've already had fun with her.">>
<<if $PsyTopic[0].stage < 4>>
<<if $SecretaryTrait[0]>>
<<btnEventLink "Tell her to start wearing panties again/Приказать ей снова носить трусики" "Secretary Training" "panties">>
<<btnEventLink "Tell her to stop wearing panties/Приказать ей не надевать трусики на работу" "Secretary Training" "panties">>
<<btnEventLink "Tell her to stop wearing panties/Приказать ей не надевать трусики на работу" "Secretary Role Reverse" "drop panties">>
<<if $NPCsexmemory[$SecretaryId].blowjob > 0>>
<<if $SecretaryTrait[2] == false>>
<<btnEventLink "Tell her to buy anal lube" "Secretary Training" "anal lube">>
<<elseif $SecretaryTrait[2] and $SecretaryTrait[1]>>
<<btnEventLink "Tell her to stop using butt plug" "Secretary Training" "butt plug">>
<<elseif $SecretaryTrait[2] and $NPCsexmemory[$SecretaryId].anal > 0>>
<<btnEventLink "Tell her to start using butt plug" "Secretary Training" "butt plug">>
<<btnEventLink "Let her go/Отпустить ее" "Your Office" "">>
<<case "make coffee">>
<<LocImg "misc" "coffee">>
<<set _txt = $Secretary + ", make me a coffee, please.">>
<br><<PHR "mc" _txt>>
<<set _txt = "Just a moment, Mr. " + $mc.lastname + ".">>
<br><<PHR $SecretaryId _txt>>
<br>Soon, your secretary walks into your office with a tray with a steaming cup of coffee on it.
<<set _txt = "Your coffee, Mr. " + $mc.lastname + ".">>
<br><<PHR $SecretaryId _txt>>
<br><<PHR "mc" "Thank you!">>
<br>She sets the tray down on the table and stands still, waiting for further instructions.
<<if $NPCdaymemory[$SecretaryId].morning != "office blow" and $NPCdaymemory[$SecretaryId].morning != "office sex" and $NPCdaymemory[$SecretaryId].morning != "office role swap">>
<<if $PsyTopic[0].stage >= 5>>
<<btnEventLink "Tell her to suck your cock" "Secretary Role Reverse" "ask about blowjob">>
<<elseif $NPCsexmemory[$SecretaryId].blowjob == 0>>
<<btnEventLink "Tell her to suck your cock" "Secretary Office Events" "blowjob(first)">>
<<btnEventLink "Tell her to suck your cock" "Secretary Office Events" "blowjob(main)">>
<<if $NPCsexmemory[$SecretaryId].blowjob > 0>>
<<if $PsyTopic[0].stage >= 5>>
<<btnEventLink "Tell her to suck your cock" "Secretary Role Reverse" "ask about sex">>
<<btnEventLink "Tell her that you wanna fuck her" "Secretary Office Events" "sex(main)">>
<<if $NPCsexmemory[$SecretaryId].anal == 1 and $SecretarySkill.anal <= 10>>
<<if $PsyTopic[0].stage < 5>>
<<btnEventLink "Train her asshole" "Secretary Training" "anal training">>
<<TH "I've already had fun with her.">>
<<if $PsyTopic[0].stage < 4>>
<<if $SecretaryTrait[0]>>
<<btnEventLink "Tell her to start wearing panties again/Приказать ей снова носить трусики" "Secretary Training" "panties">>
<<btnEventLink "Tell her to stop wearing panties/Приказать ей не надевать трусики на работу" "Secretary Training" "panties">>
<<btnEventLink "Tell her to stop wearing panties/Приказать ей не надевать трусики на работу" "Secretary Role Reverse" "drop panties">>
<<if $NPCsexmemory[$SecretaryId].blowjob > 0>>
<<if $SecretaryTrait[2] == false>>
<<btnEventLink "Tell her to buy anal lube" "Secretary Training" "anal lube">>
<<elseif $SecretaryTrait[2] and $SecretaryTrait[1]>>
<<btnEventLink "Tell her to stop using butt plug" "Secretary Training" "butt plug">>
<<elseif $SecretaryTrait[2] and $NPCsexmemory[$SecretaryId].anal > 0>>
<<btnEventLink "Tell her to start using butt plug" "Secretary Training" "butt plug">>
<<btnEventLink "Let her go" "Your Office" "">>
<<case "main(not here)">>
<<LocImg "misc" "phone">>
<<if $time.date == 2>>
<br><<TH "She starts working tomorrow.">>
<br>You try to call your secretary, but nobody answers you.
<<btnEventLink "Finish" "Your Office" "">>
/* DOM PATH */
<<case "blowjob(first)">>
<<NPCmedia $NPCstat[$SecretaryId].style "work talk" 0>>
<<set _txt = "Come closer, " + $Secretary + ".">>
<br><<PHR "mc" _txt>>
<br>Your secretary hesitantly near you.
<<set _txt = $Secretary + ", remind me, what is the primary duty of a secretary?">>
<br><<PHR "mc" _txt>>
<br><<PHR $SecretaryId "Helping her boss?">>
<br><<PHR "mc" "The main duty of a secretary is keeping her boss happy.">>
<<set _txt = "That's right, Mr. " + $mc.lastname + ".">>
<br><<PHR $SecretaryId _txt>>
<br>You place your right hand on her ass.
<br><<PHR "mc" "And you know what would make me happy this moment? Your lips on my dick.">>
<<btnEventLink "Whip out your cock" "Secretary Office Events" "blowjob(first)_2">>
<<case "blowjob(first_a)">>
<<NPCmedia $NPCstat[$SecretaryId].style "work talk" 0>>
<<set _txt = $Secretary + ", remind me, what is the primary duty of a secretary?">>
<br><<PHR "mc" _txt>>
<br><<PHR $SecretaryId "Helping her boss?">>
<br><<PHR "mc" "The main duty of a secretary is keeping her boss happy.">>
<<set _txt = "That's right, Mr. " + $mc.lastname + ".">>
<br><<PHR $SecretaryId _txt>>
<br>You place your right hand on her ass.
<br><<PHR "mc" "And you know what would make me happy this moment? Your lips on my dick.">>
<<btnEventLink "Whip out your cock" "Secretary Office Events" "blowjob(first)_2">>
<<case "blowjob(first)_2">>
<<NPCmedia $NPCstat[$SecretaryId].style "interview blow" 1>>
You unzip your fly and pull out your cock. $Secretary's eyes round with surprise.
<br><<PHR "mc" "Yeah, I can tell you like it. Was your last boss's dick shorter?">>
<br><<PHR $SecretaryId "It can't even compare... Wait, how am I supposed to know what size my last boss had?">>
<br><<TH "Got her">>
<br><<PHR "mc" "Stop acting like you're nun. You know what to do.">>
<br>You put your hands on her shoulders and press down. She kneels obediently and her face is in front of your cock. Reluctantly taking it in her hands, she starts jerking it off.
<br><<PHR "mc" "Open your mouth.">>
<br>She obeys your command and you immediately drive your piston into her mouth. $Secretary starts gagging, and you have no choice but to pull your cock out.
<br><<PHR "mc" "Okay, let's try it slower.">>
<br>$Secretary swallows the head of your cock and starts moving her head back and forth.
<br><<PHR "mc" "Yeah, take it deeper.">>
<br>You're moving your hips toward her, pushing your cock deeper into her mouth with each thrust. Soon, she chokes again and you pull your cock out. It's covered with a mixture of her saliva and your precum, and there's a thin line of fluid connecting your dick tip and her mouth.
<br><<PHR "mc" "Looks like we're going to have to get serious about your training. Get back to work.">>
<br>She starts sucking you again, and soon you ejaculate, shooting thick gushes of semen down her throat. After holding your withering cock inside her warm mouth a little longer, you take it out.
<br><<PHR "mc" "Now I see that you really wanna make your boss happy.">>
<br>$Secretary buttons her blouse and runs out of your office.
<br><<TH "I should try her other holes next time.">>
<<AddStat $SecretaryId "obedience" 10 100>>
<<AddStat "mc" "confidence" 4 100>>
<<set $NPCsexmemory[$SecretaryId].blowjob += 1>>
<<set $NPCdaymemory[$SecretaryId].morning = "office blow">>
<<btnEventLink "Finish" "Your Office" "">>
<<case "blowjob(main)">>
<<NPCmedia $NPCstat[$SecretaryId].style "office blow" 1>>
You move your chair back to free space for $Secretary. Your secretary near you and kneels down. You lean back, letting her her decide how to act.
<br>She unzips your pants and pulls out your cock. The girl takes it in her mouth and starts sucking it gently.
<br><<PHR "mc" "Just like that. Suck it.">>
<br>You lightly touch her head.
<br><<PHR "mc" "Look into my eyes, girl.">>
<br>She obeys your command and looks up at you, continuing to warm your cock in her mouth. Her lips are sliding over your cock, smearing her saliva and your pre-cum all over its length.
<br><<TH "It would be great to work like this all day. But some of my subordinates could object if they saw this scene.">>
<br>You start pushing on her head, signaling to your secretary that she should swallow your piston deeper. She obeys your command and increases amplitude. Every time she gulps, you feel your cockhead touch her throat, and the sensation drives you crasy.
<br><<PHR "mc" "I'm close.">>
<<btnEventLink "Cum in her mouth" "Secretary Office Events" "blowjob(cum)">>
<<case "blowjob(cum)">>
<<NPCmedia $NPCstat[$SecretaryId].style "office blow end" 1>>
With a sharp movement you drive your cock into her throat. Holding your secretary by the head and not letting her retreat, you're jizzing inside her. This continues for quite a long time, and after you release the girl, she immediately starts coughing from lack of air.
<br><<PHR "mc" "Don't you dare spit on the floor! Or you'll have to lick it.">>
<br>Finally, $Secretary regains her breath and turns to you. You look at her intently.
<br><<PHR "mc" "Now you have to clean my dick.">>
<<set _txt = "Yes, Mr. " + $mc.lastname + ".">>
<br><<PHR $SecretaryId _txt>>
<br>She starts to lick your cock, cleaning it from the remaining saliva and sperm. You look at her smugly.
<br><<PHR "mc" "Good girl.">>
<<NPCmedia $NPCstat[$SecretaryId].style "office blow end" 0>>
$Secretary is waiting for your further instructions
<<set $NPCsexmemory[$SecretaryId].blowjob += 1>>
<<set $NPCdaymemory[$SecretaryId].morning = "office blow">>
<<btnEventLink "Time to fuck her" "Secretary Office Events" "sex(main)">>
<<btnEventLink "Enough for today" "Secretary Office Events" "blowjob(end)">>
<<case "blowjob(end)">>
<<NPCmedia $NPCstat[$SecretaryId].style "office blow end" 0>>
<<set _txt = "Okay, " + $Secretary + ". You're free to go.">>
<br><<PHR "mc" _txt>>
<br>Your secretary hides your dick back in your pants and zippers it up. Then she gets to her feet and leaves your office.
<<btnEventLink "Finish" "Your Office" "">>
<<case "sex(main)">>
<<if $NPCdaymemory[$SecretaryId].morning == "">>
<<NPCmedia $NPCstat[$SecretaryId].style "work talk" 0>>
<<elseif $NPCdaymemory[$SecretaryId].morning == "office blow">>
<<NPCmedia $NPCstat[$SecretaryId].style "office blow end" 0>>
<br><<PHR "mc" "It's time to stretch you holes.">>
<<btnEventLink "Fuck her on the table" "Secretary Office Events" "sex(table)">>
<<btnEventLink "Move to the sofa" "Secretary Office Events" "sex(sofa)">>
<<case "sex(table)">>
<<if $SecretaryTrait[1]>>
<<NPCmedia $NPCstat[$SecretaryId].style "office show ass(plug)" 0>>
<<elseif $SecretaryTrait[0]>>
<<NPCmedia $NPCstat[$SecretaryId].style "office show ass(nopanties)" 0>>
<<NPCmedia $NPCstat[$SecretaryId].style "office show ass(panties)" 0>>
Your secretary puts her hands on the table and sticks out her round ass. You pull up her skirt and slap her firm buttock with all your might, leaving a red mark on it.
<<if $SecretaryTrait[1]>>
She isn't wearing panties, but if you want access to her asshole, you have to pull out the butt plug.
<<elseif $SecretaryTrait[0]>>
Since she's not wearing panties, you have full access to her holes.
You move the narrow strip of her panties aside to access her holes.
<<if $SecretaryTrait[2] == false>>
<<TH "If there was lube here, I could fuck her in the ass.">>
<<elseif $SecretaryTrait[2] == 2>>
<<TH "I should wait until she buys a lubricant.">>
<<elseif $SecretaryTrait[2]>>
<<if $NPCsexmemory[$SecretaryId].anal == 0>>
<<btnEventLink "Fuck her asshole" "Secretary Office Events" "sex(table anal)">>
<<elseif $NPCsexmemory[$SecretaryId].anal == 1 and $SecretarySkill.anal <= 10>>
<<btnEventLink "Train her asshole" "Secretary Training" "anal training">>
<<btnEventLink "Fuck her asshole" "Secretary Office Events" "sex(table anal)">>
<<btnEventLink "Fuck her pussy" "Secretary Office Events" "sex(table pussy)">>
<<case "sex(table pussy)">>
<<NPCmedia $NPCstat[$SecretaryId].style "office table sex_d" 1>>
You put your cock against her pussy and drive it inside in one sharp motion. $Secretary lets out a loud moan. You start fucking her at a steady pace, driving your cock all the way in with each thrust. The office is filling with slapping sounds.
<br><<PHR "mc" "I can see you're enjoying this. You like taking a big dick, huh?">>
<<set _txt = "Yes, Mr. " + $mc.lastname + "!">>
<br><<PHR $SecretaryId _txt>>
<br><<PHR "mc" "I bet you've been thinking about my fat dick all day, haven't you, slut?">>
<<set _txt = "Yes, Mr. " + $mc.lastname + "!">>
<br><<PHR $SecretaryId _txt>>
<br>You spank her one more time.
<br><<PHR "mc" "You're supposed to be thinking about work... Oh, fuck, you're so tight!">>
<br>You grab her by the hips and start hammering her like a porn actor. Droplets of sweat are coming out of your forehead.
<br><<TH "It's time to finish with her.">>
<br>Meanwhile, your secretary's pussy begins to squeeze. Her arms buckle and she bumps her face against the desk. A shiver runs through her body. You stop friction.
<br><<PHR "mc" "Did you just cum? Your main job is to satisfy me, whore!">>
<<set _txt = "I'm sorry, Mr. " + $mc.lastname + ". I couldn't help it.">>
<br><<PHR $SecretaryId _txt>>
<<if $NPCdaymemory[$SecretaryId].morning == "office blow">>
<br><<PHR "mc" "Fine! You did a good job with your mouth today, so you deserve reward.">>
<br><<PHR "mc" "Yeah, you're just a whore who can't control herself. You deserve to be punished.">>
<br>You start continuously spanking her ass. With each slap, her insides tightens around your cock like a vise.
<br><<PHR "mc" "All right. Now it's my turn.">>
You're picking up the pace again. $Secretary is no longer holding back and moaning loudly in pleasure. Finally, you feel your orgasm coming.
<<btnEventLink "Change position" "Secretary Office Events" "sex(table pussy)_2">>
<<btnEventLink "Cum on her" "Secretary Office Events" "sex(end on face)">>
<<case "sex(table pussy)_2">>
<<NPCmedia $NPCstat[$SecretaryId].style "office table sex_m" 1>>
<br>You turn your secretary over on her back and throw her leg over your shoulder. Reaching over, you free her tits and give them a spanking. $Secretary lets out a loud moan and bites her lower lip.
<br>You drive your cock inside her pussy and start fucking her. The girl throws her head back, but you grab the back of her neck and lift her head up.
<br><<PHR "mc" "Look at me while I using you.">>
<br>$Secretary looks at you with eyes filled with lust.
<br><<PHR "mc" "Wanna cum again? You wanna squirt on my cock, huh?">>
<<set _txt = "Yes, Mr. " + $mc.lastname + "! Please let me cum. Oh, fu-uck!">>
<br><<PHR $SecretaryId _txt>>
<br>You're tightening your grip on her neck.
<br><<PHR "mc" "You have a dirty mouth, don't you?">>
<<set _txt = "Oh, Mr. " + $mc.lastname + ", you're so good at it! Your cock is so good!">>
<br><<PHR $SecretaryId _txt>>
<br>The girl begins to wriggle with spasms that pierce her body, but you don't release your grip and keep thrusting her like a wild animal.
<br>Without waiting for her to finish, you pull her to the floor and bring your cock up to her face. Her body is still shaking, but she still manages to focus on the rod in front of her.
<<NPCmedia $NPCstat[$SecretaryId].style "office sex end" 1>>
<br><<PHR "mc" "Open your mouth.">>
<br>$Secretary sticks out her tongue and you immediately start shooting your seed onto her face.
<<set $NPCsexmemory[$SecretaryId].vaginal += 1>>
<<set $NPCdaymemory[$SecretaryId].morning = "office sex">>
<<btnEventLink "Continue" "Secretary Office Events" "sex(end)">>
<<case "sex(table anal)">>
<<if $NPCsexmemory[$SecretaryId].anal == 0>>
<<if $SecretaryTrait[1]>>
<<NPCmedia $NPCstat[$SecretaryId].style "office show ass(plug)" 0>>
<<elseif $SecretaryTrait[0]>>
<<NPCmedia $NPCstat[$SecretaryId].style "office show ass(nopanties)" 0>>
<<NPCmedia $NPCstat[$SecretaryId].style "office show ass(panties)" 0>>
<br><<PHR "mc" "I wanna use your ass today.">>
<<set _txt = "Please, no, Mr. " + $mc.lastname + ". Your cock is too big.">>
<br><<PHR $SecretaryId _txt>>
<br><<PHR "mc" "That's why I told you to buy this.">>
<br>You take a tube of lubricant and squeeze some gel into your hand. Then you start massaging the ring of her anus.
<br>You slowly slide one finger inside the girl, and her body immediately tenses up.
<br><<TH "Damn, she's really tight.">>
<br><<PHR "mc" "Don't tell me you're anal virgin.">>
<br><<PHR $SecretaryId "I've had very little experience.">>
<br>You pull your finger out.
<br><<PHR "mc" "In that case, we're going to have to do your training. You can be dismissed for the day.">>
<br>$Secretary fixes her clothes and walks out of the office.
<<set $NPCsexmemory[$SecretaryId].anal += 1>>
<<set $NPCdaymemory[$SecretaryId].morning = "office sex">>
<<btnEventLink "Finish" "Your Office" "">>
<<NPCmedia $NPCstat[$SecretaryId].style "office table anal_d" 1>>
<br>You put your cock against her anus and start slowly pushing it in. Once you're halfway inside her, you stop and let her catch her breath. Once $Secretary relaxes, you continue, and soon your cock is inside her ass almost full length. Her insides are wrapped tightly around you.
<br><<PHR "mc" "Damn, you're so tight.">>
<br>You start moving smoothly, gradually picking up the pace. Your secretary is breathing hard, trying to get used to the huge rod piercing her insides.
<br>Unable to restrain your urge, you slap the girl's ass. Then you squeeze her buttocks, and start pounding your secretary even faster. It looks like she's starting to enjoy the process and is moaning softly in time with your movements.
<br><<PHR "mc" "The fucking training is finally paid off.">>
<br>A few minutes go by, and you feel that you are close to the edge.
<<set $NPCsexmemory[$SecretaryId].anal += 1>>
<<set $SecretarySkill.anal += 2>>
<<set $NPCdaymemory[$SecretaryId].morning = "office sex">>
<<btnEventLink "Cum on her" "Secretary Office Events" "sex(end on face)">>
<<case "sex(sofa)">>
<<if $NPCdaymemory[$SecretaryId].morning == "">>
<<NPCmedia $NPCstat[$SecretaryId].style "office undress" 0>>
<<elseif $NPCdaymemory[$SecretaryId].morning == "office blow">>
<<NPCmedia $NPCstat[$SecretaryId].style "office undress_2" 0>>
<br><<PHR "mc" "Let's move to a more comfortable place.">>
<br>You get up from your chair and walk toward the couch. Your secretary follows you. You flop down on the black leather and recline on the back.
<br><<PHR "mc" "Take off your clothes.">>
<br>$Secretary begins to lose her clothes, while you unzip your pants and pull them down with your underwear.
<<if $SecretaryTrait[2] == false>>
<<TH "If there was lube here, I could fuck her in the ass.">>
<<elseif $SecretaryTrait[2] == 2>>
<<TH "I should wait until she buys a lubricant.">>
<<elseif $SecretaryTrait[2]>>
<<if $NPCsexmemory[$SecretaryId].anal == 0>>
<<btnEventLink "Fuck her asshole" "Secretary Office Events" "sex(sofa anal)">>
<<elseif $NPCsexmemory[$SecretaryId].anal == 1 and $SecretarySkill.anal <= 10>>
<<btnEventLink "Train her asshole" "Secretary Training" "anal training">>
<<btnEventLink "Fuck her asshole" "Secretary Office Events" "sex(sofa anal)">>
<<btnEventLink "Fuck her pussy" "Secretary Office Events" "sex(sofa pussy)">>
<<case "sex(sofa pussy)">>
<<NPCmedia $NPCstat[$SecretaryId].style "office sofa sex" 1>>
<br>You beckon her with a hand gesture and $Secretary comes closer. She throws her leg over you and you grab her round ass, tugging her down on your lap so that her breasts end up at your face level. You start rubbing them, sucking and nibbling on her nipples.
<br>Finally, after spending some quality time with her tits, you lift the girl slightly and push her onto your rod with one thrust. Her hot insides tightly embrace your cock.
<br>You put your hands on her buttocks and start pounding her pussy. Her breasts bounce in front of your face in time with your friction.
<<set _txt = "Mr. " + $mc.lastname + ", please slow down.">>
<br><<PHR $SecretaryId _txt>>
<br>Instead of answering, you smack $Secretary on the ass and make her squeal.
<<set _txt = "Mr. " + $mc.lastname + ", your cock is too good. I'm gonna cum!">>
<br><<PHR $SecretaryId _txt>>
<<if $NPCdaymemory[$SecretaryId].morning == "office blow">>
<br><<PHR "mc" "Fine! You did a good job with your mouth today, so you deserve reward.">>
<br><<PHR "mc" "Wanna cum before your boss? I'll have to punish you later, you dirty whore.">>
<<set _txt = "I can't hold back, Mr. " + $mc.lastname + ". Oh, fu-uck!">>
<br><<PHR $SecretaryId _txt>>
<br>Her whole body trembles, and that trembling is passed on to your cock, giving you pleasure as well. You don't stop banging your secretary, even as she literally collapses on top of you, exhausted. You feel that you are already close to the edge.
<<btnEventLink "Cum on her" "Secretary Office Events" "sex(end on face)">>
<<case "sex(sofa anal)">>
<<if $NPCsexmemory[$SecretaryId].anal == 0>>
<<set $NPCsexmemory[$SecretaryId].anal += 1>>
<<if $SecretaryTrait[1]>>
<<NPCmedia $NPCstat[$SecretaryId].style "office show ass(plug)" 0>>
<<elseif $SecretaryTrait[0]>>
<<NPCmedia $NPCstat[$SecretaryId].style "office show ass(nopanties)" 0>>
<<NPCmedia $NPCstat[$SecretaryId].style "office show ass(panties)" 0>>
<br><<PHR "mc" "I wanna use your ass today.">>
<<set _txt = "Please, no, Mr. " + $mc.lastname + ". Your cock is too big.">>
<br><<PHR $SecretaryId _txt>>
<br><<PHR "mc" "That's why I told you to buy this.">>
<br>You take a tube of lubricant and squeeze some gel into your hand. Then you start massaging the ring of her anus.
<br>You slowly slide one finger inside the girl, and her body immediately tenses up.
<br><<TH "Damn, she's really tight.">>
<br><<PHR "mc" "Don't tell me you're anal virgin.">>
<br><<PHR $SecretaryId "I've had very little experience.">>
<br>You pull your finger out.
<br><<PHR "mc" "In that case, we're going to have to do your training. You can be dismissed for the day.">>
<br>$Secretary fixes her clothes and walks out of the office.
<<set $NPCsexmemory[$SecretaryId].anal += 1>>
<<set $NPCdaymemory[$SecretaryId].morning = "office sex">>
<<btnEventLink "Finish" "Your Office" "">>
<<NPCmedia $NPCstat[$SecretaryId].style "office sofa anal_r" 1>>
You beckon her with a hand gesture and $Secretary comes closer. She throws her leg over you and you grab her round ass, tugging her down on your lap so that her breasts end up at your face level. You start rubbing them, sucking and nibbling on her nipples.
<br>Finally, after spending some quality time with her tits, you lift the girl slightly and start slowly pushing you cock in. Once you're halfway inside her, you stop and let her catch her breath. Once $Secretary relaxes, you continue, and soon your cock is inside her ass almost full length. Her insides are wrapped tightly around you.
<br><<PHR "mc" "Damn, you're so tight.">>
<br>You start moving smoothly, gradually picking up the pace. Your secretary is breathing hard, trying to get used to the huge rod piercing her insides.
<br>Unable to restrain your urge, you grab the girl's tits again. You squeeze them, and start pounding your secretary even faster. She looks like she's starting to enjoy the process and is moaning softly in time with your movements.
<br><<PHR "mc" "The fucking training is finally paid off.">>
<br>A few minutes go by, and you feel that you are close to the edge.
<<set $NPCsexmemory[$SecretaryId].anal += 1>>
<<set $SecretarySkill.anal += 2>>
<<set $NPCdaymemory[$SecretaryId].morning = "office sex">>
<<btnEventLink "Cum on her" "Secretary Office Events" "sex(end on face)">>
<<case "sex(end on face)">>
<<NPCmedia $NPCstat[$SecretaryId].style "office sex end" 1>>
<br>You pull her to the floor and bring your cock up to her face. Her body is still shaking, but she still manages to focus on the rod in front of her.
<br><<PHR "mc" "Open your mouth.">>
<br>$Secretary sticks out her tongue and you immediately start shooting your seed onto her face.
<<if $NPCdaymemory[$SecretaryId].morning != "office sex">>
<<set $NPCsexmemory[$SecretaryId].vaginal += 1>>
<<set $NPCdaymemory[$SecretaryId].morning = "office sex">>
<<btnEventLink "Continue" "Secretary Office Events" "sex(end)">>
<<case "sex(end)">>
<<NPCmedia $NPCstat[$SecretaryId].style "office blow end" 0>>
<<set _txt = "Okay, " + $Secretary + ". You're free to go.">>
<br><<PHR "mc" _txt>>
<br>Your secretary cleans up, gets dressed, and leaves your office.
<<btnEventLink "Finish" "Your Office" "">>
<</switch>><<switch $EventMark>>
<<case "first meet">>
<<set $NPCstat[18].meet = true>>
<<set $mcItemHave[$mcItem.havecount] = "Louise employment order">>
<<set $mcItem.havecount += 1>>
<<set $NPCplans[18].emorning = "working">>
<<set $NPCplans[18].morning = "working">>
<<set $NPCplans[18].noon = "working">>
<<set $NPCplans[18].anoon = "working">>
<<set $NPCplans[18].evening = "working">>
<<LocImg "work" "hr department">>
<<en "Walking through the department, you notice an open door to one of the empty offices.">>
<<ru "Проходя по отделу, ты замечаешь открытую дверь в один из пустующих кабинетов.">>
<<th_en "As far as I remember, it's supposed to be the psychologist's office.">>
<<th_ru "Насколько я помню, это должен быть кабинет психолога.">>
<<en "When you look inside, you see a tall, blonde woman. She is standing near a table with many boxes on it. The woman is sorting out their contents, mostly books and folders, and then handing newly made stacks to a short man. In his turn, he's putting them on shelves opposite the door.">>
<<ru "Заглянув внутрь, ты видишь высокую светловолосую женщину. Она стоит возле стола, на котором стоит множество коробок. Женщина сортирует их содержимое, состоящее по большей части из книг и папок, а затем передает вновь составленные стопки невысокому мужчине. Тот, в свою очередь, расставляет их на полках напротив двери.">>
<<en "After a while, the woman notices you.">>
<<ru "Спустя некоторое время, девушка замечает тебя.">>
<<if $GameLang == "eng">>
<<set $NPCstat[18].name = "Blonde">>
<<elseif $GameLang == "rus">>
<<set $NPCstat[18].name = "Блондинка">>
<<NPCmedia "louise" "first meet" 0>>
<<dlg_en 18 "Mr. $mc.lastname! Have you come to greet me in person?">>
<<dlg_ru 18 "Мистер $mc.lastname! Вы решили поприветствовать меня лично?">>
<<en "She extends her arms to you.">>
<<ru "Она протягивает к тебе руки.">>
<<dlg_en 18 "A hug?">>
<<dlg_ru 18 "Обнимемся?">>
<<btnEventLink "Hug her/Обнять ее" "Psy First Meet" "first meet(hug)">>
<<btnEventLink "Don't hug her/Не обнимать ее" "Psy First Meet" "first meet(no hug)">>
<<case "first meet(hug)">>
<<set $PsyHugCount += 1>>
<<NPCmedia "louise" "first meet(hug)" 0>>
<<en "You come closer and the woman immediately wraps her arms around you and snuggles you tightly against her. Her large, soft breasts press against your chest. At this time, the man arranging the folders stops and looks at you two with visible jealousy in his eyes.">>
<<ru "Ты подходишь ближе, и женщина тут же обхватывает тебя руками и крепко прижимает к себе. Ее большая и мягкая грудь прижимается к вашей грудной клетке. В это время мужчина, раскладывающий папки, останавливается и смотрит на вас двоих с явной завистью в глазах.">>
<<en "Finally, the blonde releases you.">>
<<ru "Наконец, блондинка отпускает тебя.">>
<<dlg_en 18 "Why are you looking at me like that?">>
<<dlg_ru 18 "Почему вы так на меня смотрите?">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "I feel a little confused. You must be our new corporate psychologist?">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Я чувствую себя слегка сбитым с толку. Ты, должно быть, наш новый корпоративный психолог?">>
<<dlg_en 18 "Mr. $mc.lastname, are you all right? You're the one who signed my employment order. I can show it to you.">>
<<dlg_ru 18 "Мистер $mc.lastname, все в порядке? Вы же подписывали мой приказ о приеме на работу. Я могу показать его вам.">>
<<en "The blonde looks in one of the boxes and after a while pulls out a form. You can actually see your signature on it, and you also discover that your new employee's name is Louise.">>
<<ru "Блондинка заглядывает в один из ящиков и через некоторое время достает бланк. Ты видишь на нем свою подпись, а также узнаешь, что твою новую сотрудницу зовут Луиза.">>
<<th_en "I smell something weird.">>
<<th_ru "Здесь что-то нечисто.">>
<<if $GameLang == "eng">>
<<set $NPCstat[18].name = "Louise">>
<<elseif $GameLang == "rus">>
<<set $NPCstat[18].name = "Луиза">>
<<dlg_en 18 "Don't worry, Mr. $mc.lastname, running a company like that means keeping a lot of information in your head. There's nothing wrong with forgetting about a small person like me. One of my past clients forgot about his own wedding one time.">>
<<dlg_ru 18 "Не волнуйтесь, мистер $mc.lastname, управлять такой компанией - значит держать в голове массу информации. Нет ничего плохого в том, чтобы забыть о таком маленьком человеке, как я. Один из моих прошлых клиентов однажды забыл о собственной свадьбе.">>
<<en "She takes your palm and covers it with her other hand.">>
<<ru "Она берет твою ладонь и накрывает своей второй рукой.">>
<<dlg_en 18 "Well, let's do it this way. I'll finish up with my office today, and tomorrow you'll visit me and we'll talk about your issues. You promise?">>
<<dlg_ru 18 "Что ж, давайте сделаем так. Я сегодня закончу с офисом, а завтра вы придете ко мне, и мы обсудим возникшие у вас вопросы. Обещаете?">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "I'll think about it.">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Я подумаю об этом.">>
<<dlg_en 18 "Great.">>
<<dlg_ru 18 "Отлично.">>
<<btnEventLink "Leave/Уйти" "HR Department" "">>
<<case "first meet(no hug)">>
<<LocImg "work" "simple office">>
<<en "It seems that the woman got sad in response to your avoidance of a hug.">>
<<ru "Похоже, что ваше нежелание обняться, действительно огорчило девушку.">>
<<dlg_en 18 "What's wrong, Mr. $mc.lastname? Are you upset with me?">>
<<dlg_ru 18 "Что случилось, мистер $mc.lastname? Вы на меня обиделись?">>
<<en "She pouts demonstratively.">>
<<ru "Она демонстративно надувает губки.">>
<br> <br>
<<dlg_en "mc" "I feel a little confused. You must be our new corporate psychologist?">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Я чувствую себя слегка сбитым с толку. Ты, должно быть, наш новый корпоративный психолог?">>
<<dlg_en 18 "Mr. $mc.lastname, don't you remember? You're the one who signed my employment order. I can show it to you.">>
<<dlg_ru 18 "Мистер $mc.lastname, разве вы не помните? Вы же подписывали мой приказ о приеме на работу. Я могу показать его вам.">>
<<en "The blonde looks in one of the boxes and after a while pulls out a form. You can actually see your signature on it, and you also discover that your new employee's name is Louise.">>
<<ru "Блондинка заглядывает в один из ящиков и через некоторое время достает бланк. Ты видишь на нем свою подпись, а также узнаешь, что твою новую сотрудницу зовут Луиза.">>
<<th_en "I smell something weird.">>
<<th_ru "Здесь что-то нечисто.">>
<<if $GameLang == "eng">>
<<set $NPCstat[18].name = "Louise">>
<<elseif $GameLang == "rus">>
<<set $NPCstat[18].name = "Луиза">>
<<dlg_en 18 "Don't worry, Mr. $mc.lastname, running a company like that means keeping a lot of information in your head. There's nothing wrong with forgetting about a small person like me. One of my past clients forgot about his own wedding one time.">>
<<dlg_ru 18 "Не волнуйтесь, мистер $mc.lastname, управлять такой компанией - значит держать в голове массу информации. Нет ничего плохого в том, чтобы забыть о таком маленьком человеке, как я. Один из моих прошлых клиентов однажды забыл о собственной свадьбе.">>
<<en "She takes your palm and covers it with her other hand.">>
<<ru "Она берет твою ладонь и накрывает своей второй рукой.">>
<<dlg_en 18 "Well, let's do it this way. I'll finish up with my office today, and tomorrow you'll visit me and we'll talk about your issues. You promise?">>
<<dlg_ru 18 "Что ж, давайте сделаем так. Я сегодня закончу с офисом, а завтра вы придете ко мне, и мы обсудим возникшие у вас вопросы. Обещаете?">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "I'll think about it.">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Я подумаю об этом.">>
<<dlg_en 18 "Great. Now, how about a hug?">>
<<dlg_ru 18 "Отлично. Теперь, как насчет объятий?">>
<<en "<br>She extends her arms to you again, and even pushes her breasts forward a little, as if she's trying to lure you in.">>
<<ru "Она снова протягивает к тебе руки и даже немного выдвигает грудь вперед, словно пытаясь заманить тебя.">>
<<btnEventLink "Hug her/Обнять ее" "Psy First Meet" "hug">>
<<btnEventLink "Don't hug her/Не обнимать ее" "Psy First Meet" "no hug">>
<<case "hug">>
<<set $PsyHugCount += 1>>
<<NPCmedia "louise" "first meet(hug)" 0>>
<<en "You come closer and the woman immediately wraps her arms around you and snuggles you tightly against her. Her large, soft breasts press against your chest. At this time, the man arranging the folders stops and looks at you two with visible jealousy in his eyes.">>
<<ru "Ты подходишь ближе, и женщина тут же обхватывает тебя руками и крепко прижимает к себе. Ее большая и мягкая грудь прижимается к вашей грудной клетке. В это время мужчина, раскладывающий папки, останавливается и смотрит на вас двоих с явной завистью в глазах.">>
<<dlg_en 18 "That's better.">>
<<dlg_ru 18 "Так-то лучше.">>
<<en "Finally, the blonde releases you.">>
<<ru "Наконец, блондинка отпускает тебя.">>
<<dlg_en 18 "Okay, I have work I need to do. Don't forget about your promise, Mr. $mc.lastname.">>
<<dlg_ru 18 "Ладно, мне нужно работать. Не забудьте о своем обещании, мистер $mc.lastname.">>
<<btnEventLink "Leave/Уйти" "HR Department" "">>
<<case "no hug">>
<<LocImg "work" "simple office">>
<<th_en "I have no time for this.">>
<<th_ru "У меня нет на это времени.">>
<<en "You turn around and head for the exit.">>
<<ru "Ты разворачиваешься и направляешься к выходу.">>
<<dlg_en 18 "But hugs!">>
<<dlg_ru 18 "Но обнимашки!">>
<<en "It sounds like she's really upset. However, as you walk out of the office you hear her cheerful voice.">>
<<ru "Кажется, что она очень расстроена. Однако, как только ты выходишь из офиса, слышится ее бодрый голос.">>
<<dlg_en 18 "At least come by my office tomorrow. I'll be waiting.">>
<<dlg_ru 18 "По крайней мере, зайдите ко мне в офис завтра. Я буду ждать.">>
<<th_en "She seems to be a quick-to-get-around type.">>
<<th_ru "Кажется, она из тех, кто быстро отходит.">>
<<btnEventLink "Leave/Уйти" "HR Department" "">>
<</switch>><<switch $EventMark>>
<<case "main">>
<<set $location.sub = "">>
<center><table style="width:100%">
<td style="width:50%;">
<td style="width:50%;">
<<NPCmedia "louise" "consultation" 0>>
<td style="vertical-align:top">
You sit down in the chair next to her desk. As you do so, your eyes involuntarily rest on the neckline on her dress. Louise notices it, but doesn't admonish you about it. She just keeps smiling.
<<set _txt = "So, Mr. " + $mc.lastname + ", what do you want to talk about? Feel free, I'm a professional and anything you say won't leave this office.">>
<br><<PHR 18 _txt>>
<<if $PsyTopic[0].status == "">>
<<btnEventLink "About feeling bored" "Psy Main Topics" "feeling bored">>
<<btnEventLink "Make a small talk" "Psy Main Topics" "small talk">>
<<btnEventLink "Finish" "HR Department" "">>
<<case "small talk">>
<<LocImg "work" "simple office">>
<br><<PHR "mc" "I just came in for a chat.">>
<br><<PHR 18 "It's just great! I'm always glad for your company.">>
<br>You spend some time talking to Louise.
<<btnEventLink "Leave her office" "HR Department" "">>
/* ---------- FEELING BORED ---------- */
<<case "feeling bored">>
<<set $PsyTopic[0].status = "discussed">>
<<set $PsyTopic[0].counter = 1>>
<<LocImg "work" "simple office">>
<br>You tell her that you've been feeling out of sorts for the past few days and that usual things don't make you excited anymore. Louise listens with a smile and assures you that she understands you perfectly.
<<set _txt = "Don't worry, Mr. " + $mc.lastname + ", I'll do my best to restore your good spirits. First, let's try a little test.">>
<br><<PHR 18 _txt>>
<br>She opens a desk drawer and takes out a stack of colorful cards, which she then arranges in front of you.
<br><<PHR 18 "Point to the one that best matches your mood. Don't overthink your choice; there are no wrong choices here.">>
<<set $EventMark = "feeling bored(card picked)">>
<center><table style="width:100%">
<td style="width:25%;">
<<set _img = "data/npc/louise/card(blue).jpg">>
<a data-passage="Psy Main Topics" data-setter="$ThongsColor to 'blue'" class="btnImg">
<img class="btnImage" @src="_img">
<td style="width:25%;">
<<set _img = "data/npc/louise/card(purple).jpg">>
<a data-passage="Psy Main Topics" data-setter="$ThongsColor to 'purple'" class="btnImg">
<img class="btnImage" @src="_img">
<td style="width:25%;">
<<set _img = "data/npc/louise/card(green).jpg">>
<a data-passage="Psy Main Topics" data-setter="$ThongsColor to 'green'" class="btnImg">
<img class="btnImage" @src="_img">
<td style="width:25%;">
<<set _img = "data/npc/louise/card(red).jpg">>
<a data-passage="Psy Main Topics" data-setter="$ThongsColor to 'red'" class="btnImg">
<img class="btnImage" @src="_img">
<td style="width:25%;">
<<set _img = "data/npc/louise/card(gold).jpg">>
<a data-passage="Psy Main Topics" data-setter="$ThongsColor to 'gold'" class="btnImg">
<img class="btnImage" @src="_img">
<td style="width:25%;">
<<set _img = "data/npc/louise/card(silver).jpg">>
<a data-passage="Psy Main Topics" data-setter="$ThongsColor to 'silver'" class="btnImg">
<img class="btnImage" @src="_img">
<td style="width:25%;">
<td style="width:25%;">
<<case "feeling bored(card picked)">>
<<LocImg "work" "simple office">>
<br><<PHR 18 "Great!">>
<br>The psychologist gathers the cards into a stack and puts it aside.
<br><<PHR "mc" "And what do my choice mean?">>
<<set _txt = "Mr. " + $mc.lastname + ", like I said, there are no wrong choices. But your question has given me an idea.">>
<br><<PHR 18 _txt>>
<br>You look at her questioningly.
<br><<PHR 18 "It looks like you are fixated on controlling your own life. You wish every action you take would have a predictable result.">>
<br><<PHR "mc" "But this is how my work looks like.">>
<<set _txt = "Mr. " + $mc.lastname + ", there's nothing wrong with going with the flow sometimes. Enjoying your life and letting the Fate decide. You know, I can help you with that. But we'll need to get your secretary involved. " + $NPCstat[$SecretaryId].name + ", right?">>
<br><<PHR 18 _txt>>
<br><<PHR "mc" "And what do you propose to do?">>
<br><<PHR 18 "This is the newest technique in psychology. Some of your business partners have already tried it, and they are very satisfied.">>
<br><<PHR 18 "It's more of a harmless game where you switch roles with your secretary. Not for real, of course.">>
<br><<PHR "mc" "Admittedly, I had never heard of such a thing.">>
<<set _txt = "I can leave you links to publications if you wish. Please, Mr. " + $mc.lastname + ". I've always dreamed of adding something like this to my portfolio. I promise you won't have to do anything extraordinary.">>
<br><<PHR 18 _txt>>
<<btnEventLink "Try Louise's technique" "Psy Main Topics" "feeling bored(agree)">>
<<btnEventLink "Reject it" "Psy Main Topics" "feeling bored(reject)">>
<<case "feeling bored(agree)">>
<<if $time.daytime == 0>>
<<set $NPCplans[$SecretaryId].emorning = "working(visit psy)">>
<<elseif $time.daytime == 1>>
<<set $NPCplans[$SecretaryId].morning = "working(visit psy)">>
<<elseif $time.daytime == 2>>
<<set $NPCplans[$SecretaryId].noon = "working(visit psy)">>
<<elseif $time.daytime == 3>>
<<set $NPCplans[$SecretaryId].anoon = "working(visit psy)">>
<<elseif $time.daytime == 4>>
<<set $NPCplans[$SecretaryId].evening = "working(visit psy)">>
<<LocImg "work" "simple office">>
<br>Louise jumps up from her chair, walks around the table and wraps her arms around your neck.
<<set _txt = "Thank you, Mr. " + $mc.lastname + ". I promise you won't be disappointed.">>
<br><<PHR 18 _txt>>
<br>She releases you.
<<set _txt = "I still need to talk to your secretary. " + $NPCstat[$SecretaryId].name + ", right? But I think we can start tomorrow.">>
<br><<PHR 18 _txt>>
<br><<PHR "mc" "Well, then let's call it a day.">>
<<btnEventLink "Leave her office" "HR Department" "">>
<<case "feeling bored(reject)">>
<<set $PsyTopic[0].status = "rejected">>
<<set $PsyTopic[0].counter = 0>>
<br>Louise looks quite disappointed.
<br><<PHR 18 "Think about my proposal, though. I promise you won't be disappointed.">>
<br><<PHR "mc" "I'll think about it.">>
<<btnEventLink "Leave her office" "HR Department" "">>
<</switch>><<switch $EventMark>>
<<case "panties">>
<<if $SecretaryTrait[0] == false>>
<<set $SecretaryTrait[0] = true>>
<<NPCmedia $NPCstat[$SecretaryId].style "work talk" 0>>
<<set _txt = $Secretary + ", I want you to stop wearing panties while you're at work.">>
<br><<PHR "mc" _txt>>
<br><<PHR $SecretaryId "Stop wearing panties?">>
<br><<PHR "mc" "Yeah. It will remind you of your primary responsibilities as my secretary.">>
<br>You can see the girl's stuttering for a moment.
<br><<PHR "mc" "Or you wanna disobey me?">>
<<set _txt = "No, Mr. " + $mc.lastname + ".">>
<br><<PHR $SecretaryId _txt>>
<br>She runs her hand up her skirt and pulls down her panties.
<br><<PHR $SecretaryId "Shall I give them to you?">>
<br><<PHR "mc" "What do I need them for, silly? You can put them in your desk.">>
<<btnEventLink "Continue" "Secretary Office Events" "main">>
<<elseif $SecretaryTrait[0]>>
<<set $SecretaryTrait[0] = false>>
<<NPCmedia $NPCstat[$SecretaryId].style "work talk" 0>>
<<set _txt = $Secretary + ", I want you to start wearing panties again.">>
<br><<PHR "mc" _txt>>
<br><<PHR $SecretaryId "If you're sure...">>
<br><<PHR "mc" "I'm always sure of what I say. Wear them as soon as you get back to the workplace.">>
<<btnEventLink "Continue" "Secretary Office Events" "main">>
<<case "anal lube">>
<<set $SecretaryTrait[2] = 2>>
<<NPCmedia $NPCstat[$SecretaryId].style "work talk" 0>>
<<set _txt = $Secretary + ", I want you to buy some lubricant and keep a tube in your desk at all times.">>
<br><<PHR "mc" _txt>>
<<set _txt = "Okay, Mr. " + $mc.lastname + ".">>
<br><<PHR $SecretaryId _txt>>
<br>You put a hundred dollar bill on the table.
<font color=OrangeRed><b><i>You gave $100 to $Secretary</i></b></font>
<<set $money.pocket -= 100>>
<<btnEventLink "Continue" "Secretary Office Events" "main">>
<<case "butt plug">>
<<if $SecretaryTrait[1] == false>>
<<if $NPCstat[$SecretaryId].obedience >= 20>>
<<set $SecretaryTrait[1] = true>>
<<NPCmedia $NPCstat[$SecretaryId].style "work talk" 0>>
<<set _txt = $Secretary + ", I want you to start wearing an butt plug at work. It helps you train your ass.">>
<br><<PHR "mc" _txt>>
<<set _txt = "Mr. " + $mc.lastname + ", I'm not sure about that.">>
<br><<PHR $SecretaryId _txt>>
<br><<PHR "mc" "That's an order.">>
<<set _txt = "All right, Mr. " + $mc.lastname + ", I'll do it.">>
<br><<PHR $SecretaryId _txt>>
<<btnEventLink "Continue" "Secretary Office Events" "main">>
<<NPCmedia $NPCstat[$SecretaryId].style "work talk" 0>>
<<set _txt = $Secretary + ", I want you to start wearing an butt plug at work. It helps you train your ass.">>
<br><<PHR "mc" _txt>>
<<set _txt = "Mr. " + $mc.lastname + ", I'm not sure about that.">>
<br><<PHR $SecretaryId _txt>>
<br><<PHR "mc" "That's an order.">>
<<set _txt = "Mr. " + $mc.lastname + ", I'm sorry, but I can't do that.">>
<br><<PHR $SecretaryId _txt>>
<br><<TH "I guess I should wait until she's more obedient.">>
<<btnEventLink "Continue" "Secretary Office Events" "main">>
<<elseif $SecretaryTrait[1]>>
<<set $SecretaryTrait[1] = false>>
<<NPCmedia $NPCstat[$SecretaryId].style "work talk" 0>>
<<set _txt = $Secretary + ", I think you can stop wearing the butt plug.">>
<br><<PHR "mc" _txt>>
<<set _txt = "All right, Mr. " + $mc.lastname + ".">>
<br><<PHR $SecretaryId _txt>>
<<btnEventLink "Continue" "Secretary Office Events" "main">>
<<case "anal training">>
<<set $NPCdaymemory[$SecretaryId].morning = "office sex">>
<<set $SecretarySkill.anal += 2>>
<<NPCmedia $NPCstat[$SecretaryId].style "anal training" 1>>
Using your fingers and lubricant, you train her asshole. This time she is able to accept
<<if $SecretarySkill.anal < 3>>
one finger.
<<elseif $SecretarySkill.anal < 6>>
two fingers.
three fingers.
<<if $SecretarySkill.anal >= 10>>
<<TH "I think it's time.">>
<<btnEventLink "Fuck her asshole" "Secretary Office Events" "sex(table anal)">>
<<btnEventLink "Finish Training" "Secretary Office Events" "main">>
<</switch>><<switch $EventMark>>
<<case "main">>
<<if $PsyTopic[0].stage == 0 and $PsyTopic[0].counter > 0>>
<<LocImg "work" "your office">>
<br><<TH "I have to wait until Louise talks to my secretary.">>
<<btnEventLink "Finish" "Your Office" "">>
<<elseif $PsyTopic[0].stage > 0 and $PsyTopic[0].counter > 0>>
<<LocImg "work" "your office">>
<br><<TH "I should wait a few days before starting another session.">>
<<btnEventLink "Finish" "Your Office" "">>
<<elseif $NPCstat[$SecretaryId].location != "Secretary Desk">>
<<LocImg "work" "your office">>
<<set _txt = "We can't have a session while " + $NPCstat[$SecretaryId].name + " is not here.">>
<br><<TH _txt>>
<<btnEventLink "Finish" "Your Office" "">>
<<elseif $NPCstat[18].location != "HR Psy Office" and $NPCstat[18].location != "HR Department">>
<<LocImg "work" "your office">>
<br><<TH "We can't have a session while Louise is not here.">>
<<btnEventLink "Finish" "Your Office" "">>
<<elseif $PsyTopic[0].stage == 0>>
<<set $SecretaryActivity.rsask = false>>
<<LocImg "work" "your office">>
<br>After a while, Louise shows up at your office. $NPCstat[$SecretaryId].name follows her.
<br><<PHR 18 "I happened to pick up your lovely secretary on the way to your office. As you understand, this technique won't work without her.">>
<br><<PHR "mc" "All right. So, what do I need to do?">>
<br><<PHR 18 "First things first. Sweetheart, please swap places with your boss.">>
<br>$NPCstat[$SecretaryId].name throws an unsure look at you. You nod at her and rise from your chair. She slowly walks over to your desk, continuing to keep her hands clasped behind her back.
<<set _txt = "You need to grow up confidence, sweetheart. We've already discussed everything with Mr. " + $mc.lastname + ".">>
<br><<PHR 18 _txt>>
<br>You take a few steps aside, letting your secretary take your place.
<<set _txt = "Mr. " + $mc.lastname + ", you must stand beside me. Only then can we begin.">>
<br><<PHR 18 _txt>>
<br>Louise comes closer, as if to make the task easier for you. You go around the table and take your position to the right of the psychologist. When you turn around, $NPCstat[$SecretaryId].name is already sitting in your chair.
<<NPCmedia $NPCstat[$SecretaryId].style "at your table" 0>>
<br><<PHR "mc" "So, what should I do?">>
<<set _txt = "Nothing for now. Everything depends on " + $NPCstat[$SecretaryId].name + ", she's the boss today.">>
<br><<PHR 18 _txt>>
<br>The psychologist turns to your secretary.
<br><<PHR 18 "Don't be afraid, sweetheart. Just imagine how your ideal boss would act. And then give your new secretary some minor errand.">>
<br><<PHR $SecretaryId "I wouldn't mind a cup of coffee.">>
<<set _txt = "You should tell that to Mr. " + $mc.lastname + ".">>
<br><<PHR 18 _txt>>
<br>$NPCstat[$SecretaryId].name turns her gaze to you. You can feel that this whole situation is making her nervous, and frankly, you are feeling the same way. You're beginning to doubt whether this kind of game can help you deal with your stress. But Louise, however, continues to smile broadly, as if she didn't notice the tension in the air.
<<set _txt = "Mr. " + $mc.lastname + ", make me a cup of coffee, please.">>
<br><<PHR $SecretaryId _txt>>
<br>Louise pokes you lightly in the side with her elbow.
<br><<PHR 18 "You have to answer something.">>
<br>You try to think of something appropriate, but all that comes to mind is the phrase $NPCstat[$SecretaryId].name uses all the time when you ask her to make coffee.
<<set _txt = "Just a minute, " + $NPCstat[$SecretaryId].name + ".">>
<br><<PHR "mc" _txt>>
<br><<PHR 18 "Great. I hope you know where the coffee machine is located.">>
<br>You nod in response.
<<set _inf = "Make coffee for " + $NPCstat[$SecretaryId].name>>
<<btnEventLink _inf "Secretary Role Reverse" "make coffee">>
<<elseif $PsyTopic[0].stage == 1 and $PsyTopic[0].counter == 0>>
<<if $NPCstat[$SecretaryId].obedience > -10>>
<<set $SecretaryActivity.rsask = false>>
<<LocImg "work" "your office">>
<br>After a while, Louise shows up at your office. $NPCstat[$SecretaryId].name follows her.
<br><<PHR 18 "I think we should pick up where we left off last time?">>
<<set _txt = "From when Mr. " + $mc.lastname + " was making coffee for me?">>
<br><<PHR $SecretaryId _txt>>
<br><<PHR 18 "Yes, I guess we could start with that.">>
<<set _txt = "That's cool. I was just planning to refresh myself a little bit. And please, Mr. " + $mc.lastname + " bring one more sugar packet this time.">>
<br><<PHR $SecretaryId _txt>>
<<set _inf = "Make coffee for " + $NPCstat[$SecretaryId].name>>
<<btnEventLink _inf "Secretary Role Reverse" "make coffee(common)">>
<<set $SecretaryActivity.rsask = false>>
<<LocImg "work" "your office">>
<br>After a while, Louise shows up at your office. $NPCstat[$SecretaryId].name follows her.
<br><<PHR 18 "First, let's swap positions.">>
<br>You reluctantly rise from your chair.
<br><<PHR "mc" "Making coffee again?">>
<br><<PHR 18 "That would be too boring. Let's think of something new.">>
<br>The girls move closer to your table. $NPCstat[$SecretaryId].name goes around it to sit in a chair, while Louise just leans on it.
<br><<PHR 18 "Hmm, looks like this table is a little dusty.">>
<br><<PHR $SecretaryId "Sorry, I haven't had a chance to clean it yet.">>
<br><<PHR 18 "You don't have to apologize, darling. You're boss now.">>
<br>The psychologist turns to you.
<br><<PHR 18 "You know where a cleaning supplies are, right?">>
<br><<PHR $SecretaryId "They're in the right-hand compartment of my desk.">>
<<set _txt = "Thank you, sweetheart. Mr. " + $mc.lastname + ", would you be so kind as to bring us everything we need?">>
<br><<PHR 18 _txt>>
<<btnEventLink "Bring cleaning supplies to your office" "Secretary Role Reverse" "wipe table">>
<<elseif $PsyTopic[0].stage == 2 and $PsyTopic[0].counter == 0>>
<<if $NPCstat[$SecretaryId].obedience <= -20 and $SecretaryActivity.rscoffeecount >= 3>>
<<set $SecretaryActivity.rsask = false>>
<<LocImg "work" "your office">>
<br>After a while, Louise shows up at your office. $NPCstat[$SecretaryId].name follows her.
<br><<PHR 18 "I think we should pick up where we left off last time?">>
<br><<PHR $SecretaryId "Miss Louise, I hope you won't mind if I take the lead this time.">>
<br><<PHR 18 "Certainly not! After all, making you more confident is one of the goals of our sessions.">>
<br>$NPCstat[$SecretaryId].name turns to you.
<<set _txt = "Okay. Then, " + $mc.lastname + ", I'd like you to clean up your guest space. It's a mess all the time, and it annoys me.">>
<br><<PHR $SecretaryId _txt>>
<br>You turn toward the couch, where you usually have more casual conversations with your guests.
<br><<PHR "mc" "What's actually wrong with it?">>
<br><<PHR $SecretaryId "Let me show you.">>
<br>Your secretary puts her hand on your back and gently pushes you toward the guest zone.
<<LocImg "work" "guest couch">>
<br><<PHR $SecretaryId "Look, cushions should be placed in the corners. Magazines belong on the under shelf, because your guests are likely to be on their phones. And, although I changed the water in the pitcher this morning, do it again.">>
<br><<PHR 18 "Oh, I like your commanding tone.">>
<br><<PHR $SecretaryId "I think our conversations paid off.">>
<<set _txt = "Excellent. Mr. " + $mc.lastname + ", you heard her.">>
<br><<PHR 18 _txt>>
<<btnEventLink "Make cushions" "Secretary Role Reverse" "make cushions">>
<<set $SecretaryActivity.rsask = false>>
<<LocImg "misc" "phone">>
<br>You call your secretary so she can then connect you with Louise.
<<set _txt = "She's already here, Mr. " + $mc.lastname + ".">>
<br><<PHR $SecretaryId "intc" _txt>>
<<set _txt = "Mr. " + $mc.lastname + ", your secretary is lovely, did you know that? Join us, we're waiting.">>
<br><<PHR 18 "intc" _txt>>
<br>After these words, they hang up.
<<btnEventLink "Go to your secretary desk" "Secretary Role Reverse" "wipe table(common)">>
<<elseif $PsyTopic[0].stage == 3 and $PsyTopic[0].counter == 0>>
<<LocImg "work" "your office">>
<br>After a while, Louise shows up at your office. $NPCstat[$SecretaryId].name follows her.
<br><<PHR 18 "So, today is going to be a bit of an unusual session, because we're going to do an interview!">>
<br><<PHR "mc" "An interview?">>
<<set _txt = "That's right! But this time " + $NPCstat[$SecretaryId].name + " will be the boss and you will be the intern. Let's start quickly, shall we?">>
<br><<PHR 18 _txt>>
<br>The girls come closer to your table.
<<set _txt = $NPCstat[$SecretaryId].name + ", sweetheart, take the boss's chair. And you, Mr. " + $mc.lastname + ", take position by the door and pretend this is your first time in this office.">>
<br><<PHR 18 _txt>>
<br><<PHR "mc" "To be honest, it's kind of difficult, since I know every corner here.">>
<br><<PHR 18 "I'm sure you can handle it. You've done great in previous sessions.">>
<<btnEventLink "Take position by the door" "Secretary Role Reverse" "first interview">>
/* ---------- COFFEE MAKING ---------- */
<<case "make coffee(common)">>
<<set $PsyTopic[0].counter = 3>>
<<if $mcSkill.coffeemaking < 3>>
<<set $mcSkill.coffeemaking += 1>>
<<LocImg "work" "secretary desk">>
<br>Once again you enter the room where the coffee machine is located. Louise is leaning on the edge of a table and intently monitoring your actions.
<br><<PHR "mc" "Is something wrong?">>
<<set _txt = "I thought you would remember. " + $NPCstat[$SecretaryId].name + " prefers coffee with milk.">>
<br><<PHR 18 _txt>>
<br><<PHR "mc" "All right, all right.">>
<br>You change the program so that the machine adds powdered milk to the coffee.
<br><<PHR 18 "And don't forget extra sugar packets.">>
<br><<TH "Jesus!">>
<<btnEventLink "Deliver coffee to your secretary" "Secretary Role Reverse" "make coffee(common 2)">>
<<case "make coffee(common 2)">>
<<set $NPCplans[18].morning = "">>
<<set $NPCplans[18].noon = "">>
<<set $NPCplans[18].anoon = "">>
<<set $NPCplans[18].evening = "">>
<<NPCmedia $NPCstat[$SecretaryId].style "drinking coffee" 0>>
<br>$NPCstat[$SecretaryId].name stirs two sugar packets and takes a sip.
<br><<PHR $SecretaryId "Much closer to how I like it.">>
<br>Then she adds the third sugar packet.
<br><<PHR $SecretaryId "This brand isn't really good. That's why you always have to add sugar carefully.">>
<br><<PHR 18 "Maybe you should change your supplier?">>
<br><<PHR "mc" "I've never been interested in such trivia.">>
<br><<PHR 18 "Well, you've learned something new. Unfortunately, we have to interrupt today's session because I have to take my cat to a clinic.">>
<br>With these words, she leaves your office, leaving you alone with your secretary.
<br><<PHR $SecretaryId "Do you mind if I finish my coffee here?">>
<br><<PHR "mc" "No, of course not.">>
<br><<PHR $SecretaryId "Oh, great.">>
<br>You sit in the chair that your guests usually use.
<br><<PHR "mc" "What do you think of the game our therapist is trying to get us into?">>
<br><<PHR $SecretaryId "Honestly, I don't have a clue yet. But I have to say, you have a damn comfortable chair.">>
<br>You're both laughing. After a while $NPCstat[$SecretaryId].name finishes her coffee and you part.
<<RemoveStat $SecretaryId "obedience" 5 -15>>
<<btnEventLink "Finish" "Your Office" "">>
<<case "make coffee(out session)">>
<<if $SecretaryActivity.rsask == false>>
<<set $SecretaryActivity.rsask = -1>>
<<NPCmedia $NPCstat[$SecretaryId].style "work talk" 0>>
<<if $SecretaryActivity.rscoffeecount == 0>>
<<set _txt = "Mr. " + $mc.lastname + ", good morning! I would like to talk about the last session with Louise.">>
<br><<PHR $SecretaryId _txt>>
<br><<PHR "mc" "Is something wrong?">>
<br><<PHR $SecretaryId "It's just that I somehow even liked our first sessions more. When you're making coffee for me, it was kind of light-hearted, you know.">>
<br><<PHR "mc" "And you want me to make you coffee one more time?">>
<br>$NPCstat[$SecretaryId].name exhales.
<br><<PHR $SecretaryId "Yeah!">>
<<btnEventLink "Make coffee for her" "Secretary Role Reverse" "make coffee(out session)(agree)">>
<<btnEventLink "Say you don't have time for it" "Secretary Role Reverse" "make coffee(out session)(disagree)">>
<<elseif $SecretaryActivity.rscoffeecount == 1>>
<<set _txt = "Mr. " + $mc.lastname + ", good morning! I would like to talk about the last session with Louise.">>
<br><<PHR $SecretaryId _txt>>
<br><<PHR "mc" "Is something wrong?">>
<br><<PHR $SecretaryId "I just like that we returned to making coffee. When you did it for me during our first sessions, it was kind of light-hearted, you know.">>
<br><<PHR "mc" "And you want me to make you coffee one more time?">>
<br>$NPCstat[$SecretaryId].name exhales.
<br><<PHR $SecretaryId "Yeah!">>
<<btnEventLink "Make coffee for her" "Secretary Role Reverse" "make coffee(out session)(agree)">>
<<btnEventLink "Say you don't have time for it" "Secretary Role Reverse" "make coffee(out session)(disagree)">>
<<set _txt = "Mr. " + $mc.lastname + ", I'm so glad you showed up.">>
<br><<PHR $SecretaryId _txt>>
<br>She rises from her chair and, leaning slightly forward, rests on her desk.
<br><<PHR $SecretaryId "Could you make me a cup of coffee while I go over the paperwork?">>
<<btnEventLink "Make coffee for her" "Secretary Role Reverse" "make coffee(out session)(agree 2)">>
<<btnEventLink "Say you don't have time for it" "Secretary Role Reverse" "make coffee(out session)(disagree 2)">>
<<case "make coffee(out session)(agree)">>
<<set $SecretaryActivity.rscoffee = random(2,4)>>
<<set $SecretaryActivity.rscoffeecount = 2>>
<<set $SecretaryActivity.rswipetable += 1>>
<<if $mcSkill.coffeemaking < 3>>
<<set $mcSkill.coffeemaking += 1>>
<<LocImg "misc" "coffee(tray)">>
<br>Together with your secretary you go into the room where the coffee machine is located. $NPCstat[$SecretaryId].name hands you a cup and takes out sugar herself.
<br><<PHR "mc" "As I remember, you drink coffee with milk?">>
<br><<PHR $SecretaryId "Yeah, thank you. Can you help me with the tray?">>
<br>You put the cup with the steaming coffee on the tray and carry it to your secretary's desk.
<br><<PHR $SecretaryId "Thank you again. Actually, my mood lifted after that.">>
<br><<PHR "mc" "No problem. I hope this helps you in your work.">>
<<RemoveStat $SecretaryId "obedience" 1 -30>>
<<btnEventLink "Finish" "Your Office" "">>
<<case "make coffee(out session)(agree 2)">>
<<set $SecretaryActivity.rscoffee = random(2,4)>>
<<set $SecretaryActivity.rscoffeecount += 1>>
<<set $SecretaryActivity.rswipetable += 1>>
<<set $SecretaryActivity.rsteasing += 1>>
<<set $SecretaryActivity.rsconference += 1>>
<<if $mcSkill.coffeemaking < 3>>
<<set $mcSkill.coffeemaking += 1>>
<<LocImg "misc" "coffee(tray)">>
<br>You head to the coffee machine. While the coffee is making, you get a chance to think for a while.
<<set _txt = "Louise certainly has an effect on people. Because in the last few days, " + $NPCstat[$SecretaryId].name + " has started to show a lot more initiative.">>
<br><<TH _txt>>
<br>You put the cup with the steaming coffee on the tray and carry it to your secretary's desk.
<<set _txt = "Thank you, Mr " + $mc.lastname + ".">>
<br><<PHR $SecretaryId _txt>>
<br><<PHR "mc" "No problem. I hope this helps you in your work.">>
<<RemoveStat $SecretaryId "obedience" 1 -30>>
<<btnEventLink "Finish" "Your Office" "">>
<<case "make coffee(out session)(disagree)">>
<<set $SecretaryActivity.rscoffee = random(4,6)>>
<<set $SecretaryActivity.wipetable += 1>>
<<NPCmedia $NPCstat[$SecretaryId].style "work talk" 0>>
<<set _txt = "Thank you for the answer, Mr. " + $mc.lastname + ".">>
<br><<PHR $SecretaryId _txt>>
<br><<PHR "mc" "No ploblem. Anything else?">>
<br><<PHR $SecretaryId "No. I'm back to work.">>
<<btnEventLink "Leave her alone" "Your Office" "">>
<<case "make coffee(out session)(disagree 2)">>
<<NPCmedia $NPCstat[$SecretaryId].style "work talk" 0>>
<<set _txt = "Mr. " + $mc.lastname + ", it won't take you long. Come on, you did a lot more during our sessions with Louise.">>
<br><<PHR $SecretaryId _txt>>
<br><<TH "Oh.">>
<<btnEventLink "Make coffee for her" "Secretary Role Reverse" "make coffee(out session)(agree 2)">>
<<case "make coffee">>
<<if $mcSkill.coffeemaking < 3>>
<<set $mcSkill.coffeemaking += 1>>
<<LocImg "work" "secretary desk">>
<br><<PHR 18 "So where is the coffee machine located?">>
<br><<PHR "mc" "Here.">>
<br>You walk over to your secretary's desk and open the door to the small office. Here she keep some documents, and there is a table with a microwave and a coffee machine on it.
<br><<PHR 18 "Have you used it before?">>
<<if $mcSkill.coffeemaking < 2>>
<br><<PHR "mc" "Only a couple of times, during the period when I was looking for a new secretary.">>
<br><<PHR 18 "Then you have to try your best. The most important for you is to clear your mind of other thoughts and focus on making the best coffee.">>
<br><<PHR "mc" "Only a couple of times, during the period when I was looking for a new secretary. But I think there's nothing tricky about it.">>
<br><<PHR 18 "Either way, you have to try your best. The most important for you is to clear your mind of other thoughts and focus on making the best coffee.">>
<br><<TH "She's overexcited.">>
<br>You start making coffee.
<br><<PHR 18 "Look what I found here!">>
<br>You turn around and see Louise twisting the tray in her hands.
<br><<PHR 18 "I think it can be useful.">>
<br><<PHR "mc" "Yeah.">>
<<btnEventLink "Continue" "Secretary Role Reverse" "make coffee 2">>
<<case "make coffee 2">>
<<LocImg "misc" "coffee(tray)">>
<br>After you finish making the coffee, you put the cup and saucer together on the tray. On the saucer you put a teaspoon, and on the other side you put two sugar packets. Then you head into your own office, and Louise even kindly opens the doors on your way back, because your both hands are busy with the tray.
<<set _txt = "And " + $NPCstat[$SecretaryId].name + ", after all, manages to carry a tray in one hand. Even if there's more than one cup on it.">>
<br><<TH _txt>>
<br>You put the tray on the table in front of your secretary. She tries to smile, but because the girl hasn't fully adapted to this new situation yet, her smile looks like $NPCstat[$SecretaryId].name is trying to apologize.
<br><<PHR 18 "You should thank him, darling.">>
<<set _txt = "Oh, of course. Thank you, Mr. " + $mc.lastname + ".">>
<br><<PHR $SecretaryId _txt>>
<br>$NPCstat[$SecretaryId].name puts sugar into the coffee and starts stirring it.
<br><<PHR 18 "Please, don't keep us in suspense, sweetheart. Taste it and give us your opinion.">>
<br><<PHR $SecretaryId "It's too hot. Let me stir it a little more.">>
<br><<PHR 18 "Okay.">>
<br>Louise turns to you.
<br><<PHR 18 "Looks like I'm one of those rare people who prefers their coffee scalding.">>
<br>Finally, your secretary takes a sip.
<<NPCmedia $NPCstat[$SecretaryId].style "drinking coffee" 0>>
<br><<PHR 18 "So-o?">>
<br><<PHR $SecretaryId "It's... It's not bad.">>
<br><<PHR 18 "You gotta be honest, honey.">>
<br><<PHR $SecretaryId "I just prefer coffee with milk.">>
<<set _txt = "I'm sure Mr. " + $mc.lastname + " is gonna remember that.">>
<br><<PHR 18 _txt>>
<br><<PHR $SecretaryId "But I can drink this.">>
<<set _txt = "Sure, sure, sure. Meanwhile, your boss and I are gonna take a look at his new workplace. Chop-chop, Mr. " + $mc.lastname + "!">>
<br><<PHR 18 _txt>>
<<btnEventLink "Go to the secretary desk" "Secretary Role Reverse" "make coffee 3">>
<<case "make coffee 3">>
<<LocImg "work" "secretary desk">>
<br>You leave the office, leaving $NPCstat[$SecretaryId].name to enjoy her coffee alone.
<br><<PHR "mc" "So, what should I do next? Just sit at my secretary's desk and wait?">>
<br><<PHR 18 "What do you think your secretary does when she's not working?">>
<br><<PHR "mc" "I hadn't even thought about that. Talking on the phone? Looking at her fingernails?">>
<br><<PHR 18 "Actually, that's a wonderful idea! I can help you with your nails. Wait here while I go get my manicure set.">>
<br>You try to tell her that all you have to do is go to the salon, but Louise rushes down the hall like a meteor and disappears around the corner.
<br><<TH "How does she manage to move so fast in high heels?">>
<br>After looking around, you decide to sit in your secretary's chair and just wait. After a while, you hear the intercom beep and $NPCstat[$SecretaryId].name's voice.
<<set _txt = "Mr. " + $mc.lastname + ", you can take the tray.">>
<br><<PHR $SecretaryId "intc" _txt>>
<br><<TH "Damn, she's settling into the boss role pretty quick.">>
<<btnEventLink "Return to your office" "Secretary Role Reverse" "make coffee 4">>
<<case "make coffee 4">>
<<LocImg "work" "your office">>
<br>You walk into your office. The tray with the empty cup of coffee is on the corner of your desk, and $NPCstat[$SecretaryId].name is leaning back in her chair, lazily scrolling on her phone screen. As you move closer, she looks up at you.
<br><<TH "I'm wondering if this game was worth starting. If we continue, sooner or later the situation could get out of control.">>
<<btnEventLink "Play along" "Secretary Role Reverse" "make coffee 5.1">>
<<btnEventLink "Stop this game" "Secretary Role Reverse" "make coffee 5.2">>
<<case "make coffee 5.1">>
<<set $PsyTopic[0].stage = 1>>
<<set $PsyTopic[0].counter = 3>>
<<LocImg "work" "your office">>
<br>You decide to continue the game and, without further ado, take the tray with the empty cup and leave the office. You decide to just put it on your secretary's desk, and then you sit in her chair, waiting for Louise
<<RemoveStat $SecretaryId "obedience" 5 -10>>
<<btnEventLink "Wait for Louise" "Secretary Role Reverse" "make coffee 6.1">>
<<case "make coffee 6.1">>
<<LocImg "work" "secretary desk">>
<<set _txt = "Sorry, Mr. " + $mc.lastname + ". I think I left it at the last workplace.">>
<br><<PHR 18 _txt>>
<br>She's looking over your secretary's desk.
<<set _txt = "It's not nice to leave dirty dishes for all to see, Mr. " + $mc.lastname + ". You should wash them.">>
<br><<PHR 18 _txt>>
<br>You curse silently, but luckily for you, the door to your office opens and $NPCstat[$SecretaryId].name comes out of there.
<<set _txt = "Oh, I see our game is starting to bore you, sweetheart. Well, we'll continue next week. However, feel free to come into my office, I'm always ready to talk. Especially with you, Mr. " + $mc.lastname + ".">>
<br><<PHR 18 _txt>>
<br>With these words she turns around and leaves. You can finally go back to your office and to your real role.
<<btnEventLink "Finish" "Your Office" "">>
<<case "make coffee 5.2">>
<<set $PsyTopic[0].status = "canceled">>
<<LocImg "work" "your office">>
<<btnEventLink "Finish" "Your Office" "">>
/* ---------- WIPE TABLE ---------- */
<<case "wipe table(common)">>
<<set $PsyTopic[0].counter = 3>>
<<LocImg "work" "secretary desk">>
<br><<PHR 18 "How about we start with coffee this time?">>
<br><<PHR $SecretaryId "What about you, Louise? I think he might make a cup for you, too.">>
<<set _txt = "Frankly, I wouldn't mind seeing his skills. Then we'll wait for you in your office, Mr. " + $mc.lastname + ".">>
<br><<PHR 18 _txt>>
<<btnEventLink "Continue" "Secretary Role Reverse" "wipe table(common 2)">>
<<case "wipe table(common 2)">>
<<LocImg "work" "your office">>
<br>You make two cups of coffee and head to your office. $NPCstat[$SecretaryId].name is already sitting in your chair, while Louise is occupying the chair across from your secretary.
<br>You put the coffee tray in front of $NPCstat[$SecretaryId].name, and she touches your wrist, as if to express her displeasure.
<<set _txt = "Ahem, Mr. " + $mc.lastname + ", when there's a guest in the room, you have to serve them first.">>
<br><<PHR $SecretaryId _txt>>
<br>You follow her instructions and bring one cup in front of Louise.
<<set _txt = "Thank you, Mr. " + $mc.lastname + ".">>
<br><<PHR 18 _txt>>
<br>Then you serve coffee for your secretary. The tray with the sugar saucer, you leave in the middle of the table.
<<set _txt = "You can sit on the guest couch for now, Mr. " + $mc.lastname + ".">>
<br><<PHR $SecretaryId _txt>>
<<btnEventLink "Wait on the couch" "Secretary Role Reverse" "wipe table(common 3)">>
<<case "wipe table(common 3)">>
<<LocImg "work" "guest couch">>
<br>After a while, the women finish chatting and drinking coffee and call for you.
<<set _txt = "Mr. " + $mc.lastname + ", you can take the tray.">>
<br><<PHR $SecretaryId _txt>>
<br>You walk over to the table and start picking up the dishes.
<br><<PHR 18 "Sorry, I spilled some coffee over here.">>
<<set _txt = "That's all right, Mr. " + $mc.lastname + " will be happy to wipe it clean. Right, Mr. " + $mc.lastname + "?">>
<br><<PHR $SecretaryId _txt>>
<br>You nod.
<br><<PHR $SecretaryId "That's good.">>
<br>You take the tray away and come back with a rag and a spray gun.
<br>You lean over the table on the side where Louise sits. Without delay, she puts her hand on your back.
<<set _txt = "You're doing a great job, Mr. " + $mc.lastname + ".">>
<br><<PHR 18 _txt>>
<<set _txt = "Clean up here as well, Mr. " + $mc.lastname + ".">>
<br><<PHR $SecretaryId _txt>>
<br>You walk around the table and continue to do your job. It's time for $NPCstat[$SecretaryId].name to thank you, but unlike Louise, your secretary unashamedly puts her hand on your ass.
<<set _txt = "Thank you, Mr. " + $mc.lastname + ".">>
<br><<PHR $SecretaryId _txt>>
<br>Louise, meanwhile, rises from her chair.
<br><<PHR 18 "Well, I think we can call it a day.">>
<<RemoveStat $SecretaryId "obedience" 3 -25>>
<<btnEventLink "Finish" "Your Office" "">>
<<case "wipe table(out session)">>
<<if $SecretaryActivity.rsask == false>>
<<set $SecretaryActivity.rsask = -1>>
<<NPCmedia $NPCstat[$SecretaryId].style "work talk" 0>>
<br>When $NPCstat[$SecretaryId].name sees you, she springs up from her seat and, circling the table, grabs you under the elbow.
<<set _txt = "I was expecting you, Mr. " + $mc.name + ".">>
<br><<PHR $SecretaryId _txt>>
<br><<PHR "mc" "What's happened?">>
<br><<PHR $SecretaryId "Come, let me show you.">>
<br>You walk over to your secretary's desk and she points to a small stain on its surface.
<br><<PHR $SecretaryId "I thought you could wipe it off for me.">>
<br><<PHR "mc" "Why didn't you do it yourself?">>
<br>$NPCstat[$SecretaryId].name starts stroking your back.
<br><<PHR $SecretaryId "I was about to, but then I heard your footsteps. Come on, I know you're gonna enjoy this. Just imagine that we're doing another session.">>
<<btnEventLink "Wipe stain she pointed to" "Secretary Role Reverse" "wipe table(out session 2)">>
<<case "wipe table(out session 2)">>
<<set $SecretaryActivity.rswipetable = random(3,5)>>
<<set $SecretaryActivity.rswipetablecount += 1>>
<<set $SecretaryActivity.rscoffee += 1>>
<<set $SecretaryActivity.rsteasing += 1>>
<<set $SecretaryActivity.rsconference += 1>>
<<NPCmedia $NPCstat[$SecretaryId].style "her shoes" 0>>
<br><<PHR "mc" "Ok.">>
<br><<PHR $SecretaryId "I knew you would agree!">>
<br>$NPCstat[$SecretaryId].name immediately releases your hand and returns to her chair. You go around the table and squat down to get the cleaning supplies. You look away for a moment, and your gaze rests on your secretary's feet.
<br><<TH "I bet she's stretching her legs toward me on purpose.">>
<br>You grab a sponge and a spray gun and get to your feet. After spraying on the stain, you easily wipe it off.
<<NPCmedia "mc" "wiping table" 0>>
<br><<PHR "mc" "Done.">>
<<set _txt = "Thank you, Mr. " + $mc.name + ", you've really helped me.">>
<br><<PHR $SecretaryId _txt>>
<br>You squat down again to hide the cleaning supplies, and at that moment the girl's hand falls on your shoulder. You turn around.
<br><<PHR "mc" "Something wrong?">>
<<if mcHaveThongs()>>
<br><<PHR $SecretaryId "I wanna see what underwear you're wearing right now.">>
<br>She leans forward and pulls back the edge of your pants.
<<if not mcWearThongs()>>
<br><<PHR $SecretaryId "Where are thongs that I asked you to wear? Okay, this time I forgive you, you may go now.">>
<<if $ThongsColor == "blue">><<set _color = "Blue">><</if>>
<<if $ThongsColor == "purple">><<set _color = "Purple">><</if>>
<<if $ThongsColor == "green">><<set _color = "Green">><</if>>
<<if $ThongsColor == "red">><<set _color = "Red">><</if>>
<<if $ThongsColor == "gold">><<set _color = "Gold">><</if>>
<<if $ThongsColor == "silver">><<set _color = "Silver">><</if>>
<<set _txt = _color + "? I like it. Ok, you may go now.">>
<br><<PHR $SecretaryId _txt>>
<br>She seems to hesitate for a moment.
<br><<PHR $SecretaryId "No, nothing. You may go now.">>
<<RemoveStat $SecretaryId "obedience" 2 -35>>
<<btnEventLink "Finish" "Your Office" "">>
<<case "wipe table">>
<<set $PsyTopic[0].stage = 2>>
<<set $PsyTopic[0].counter = 3>>
<<LocImg "work" "secretary desk">>
<br>You easily find cleaning supplies.
<br><<TH "What did you let yourself get dragged into? I hope Louise is right and it ends up being something interesting.">>
<br>When you go back to the office, the girls are still in the same positions.
<<set _txt = $NPCstat[$SecretaryId].name + "?">>
<br><<PHR 18 _txt>>
<<set _txt = "Ahem... Mr. " + $mc.lastname + ". My desk got a little dusty. Could you wipe it down, please?">>
<br><<PHR $SecretaryId _txt>>
<<btnEventLink "Wipe the table" "Secretary Role Reverse" "wipe table 2">>
<<case "wipe table 2">>
<<NPCmedia "mc" "wiping table" 0>>
<br><<PHR 18 "Let me help you.">>
<br>Louise takes the sprayer from your hands and splashes some water on the table.
<<set _txt = "Let's do it together, Mr. " + $mc.lastname + ".">>
<br><<PHR 18 _txt>>
<br>She grips the hand in which you are holding the rag and puts it on the table.
<br><<PHR 18 "Focus completely on making that table crystal clear. Let your hand act by itself. Yes, like this. Empty your mind.">>
<br>The psychologist removes her hand.
<br><<PHR 18 "Imagine that there is nothing in this office but you and this desk. Keep that picture in your head. Absolutely white background, and no one but you and this desk.">>
<br>Meanwhile, Louise approaches the chair where your secretary is sitting and grabs the armrest with one hand and the backrest with the other.
<<set _txt = "Sweetheart, you'll have to move a little so as not to obstruct Mr. " + $mc.lastname + ".">>
<br><<PHR 18 _txt>>
<br>The psychologist helps $NPCstat[$SecretaryId].name push the chair back.
<<set _txt = "Don't let yourself get distracted, Mr. " + $mc.lastname + ". Make sure you don't miss a single spot. Remember, there's only you here.">>
<br><<PHR 18 _txt>>
<br>Louise casually puts her hand on your secretary's knee and spreads her legs. The girl's short skirt is tucked up, forcing you to glance in her direction.
<<set _txt = "Think only of your hand sliding across the smooth wooden surface, sweeping all dust away. You like this. You know that after the last speck of dust is gone from this table, you will be rewarded. You want a reward, Mr. " + $mc.lastname + "?">>
<br><<PHR 18 _txt>>
<br>You keep polishing the desk without taking your eyes off your secretary's thighs.
<br><<PHR 18 "There you go. Now go around the other side of the table.">>
<br>As you round the table, Louise goes behind the chair and puts her hands on $NPCstat[$SecretaryId].name's shoulders. The psychologist leans forward toward the sitting girl.
<br><<PHR 18 "You're too tense for your role, sweetheart. The boss of such a big company should look a little more dashing.">>
<br>The psychologist starts unbuttoning your secretary's blouse.
<br><<TH "Is she going to undress her?">>
<br>However, Louise stops at the third button, thus leaving just a slight hint of a cleavage.
<br><<PHR 18 "That's better!">>
<br>Then the psychologist looks up at you.
<<set _txt = "Are you finished, Mr. " + $mc.lastname + "? Wonderful! Now time for your reward, as promised.">>
<br><<PHR 18 _txt>>
<br>Louise leans toward $NPCstat[$SecretaryId].name.
<br><<PHR 18 "Go ahead, sweetheart. Thank him for the work he's done.">>
<<set _txt = "Oh, thank you, Mr. " + $mc.lastname + ". You're doing a great job.">>
<br><<PHR $SecretaryId _txt>>
<br>Oddly enough, her warm words strike a chord in your soul.
<<if $mcSkill.cleaning >= 4>>
Perhaps it's some reflex you have from helping your maid.
<<set _txt = "Yeah, you did a great job, Mr. " + $mc.lastname + ". I think we can go back to our daily duties.">>
<br><<PHR 18 _txt>>
<<RemoveStat $SecretaryId "obedience" 3 -25>>
<<btnEventLink "Finish" "Your Office" "">>
/* ---------- MAKE CUSHIONS ---------- */
<<case "make cushions">>
<<set $PsyTopic[0].stage = 3>>
<<set $PsyTopic[0].counter = 3>>
<<LocImg "work" "guest couch">>
<br>You start putting the guest place in order. After you finish, the girls sit down on the couch and offer you to take a position between them and, as soon as you do so, squeeze you with their bodies. Louise and $NPCstat[$SecretaryId].name put their hands on your lap and start stroking them.
<<set _txt = "You have made such great progress, Mr. " + $mc.lastname + ". I'm so proud of you. And you too, " + $NPCstat[$SecretaryId].name + ".">>
<br><<PHR 18 _txt>>
<br><<PHR $SecretaryId "Oh, come on. It's all my boss's fault. He's so much fun to play with.">>
<br>Louise's hand slowly rises higher until it almost reaches your groin. Then she squeezes your hip tightly.
<<set _txt = "Then next time we'll make something special. Do you want it, Mr. " + $mc.lastname + "?">>
<br><<PHR 18 _txt>>
<br>You find enough strength to nod.
<br><<PHR 18 "Fine. Then we can call it a day.">>
<br>To your disappointment, the girls get up from the couch and head for the exit of the office.
<<RemoveStat $SecretaryId "obedience" 2 -35>>
<<btnEventLink "Finish" "Your Office" "">>
/* ---------- TEASING ---------- */
<<case "teasing(check skirt)">>
<<set $SecretaryActivity.rsteasing = random(5, 8)>>
<<set $SecretaryActivity.rsteasingcount += 1>>
<<set $SecretaryActivity.rscoffee += 1>>
<<set $SecretaryActivity.rswipetable += 1>>
<<set $SecretaryActivity.rsconference += 1>>
<<NPCmedia $NPCstat[$SecretaryId].style "teasing(check skirt)" 0>>
<br>$NPCstat[$SecretaryId].name is standing with her back to you and, leaning slightly, is looking for something on her desk. When she hears your footsteps, she turns around.
<<set _txt = "Mr. " + $mc.lastname + "! It's good that you came. I feel like there's something stuck to my skirt. Can you take a look?">>
<br><<PHR $SecretaryId _txt>>
<br>You look at her bottom.
<br><<PHR "mc" "I don't see anything.">>
<br><<PHR $SecretaryId "Please take a better look. If you need to, get down on the floor.">>
<br>You squat down and take a closer look at her butt. At this point, your secretary begins to wiggle it slightly, causing her skirt to rise obscenely high.
<<set _txt = "See anything, Mr. " + $mc.lastname + "?">>
<br><<PHR $SecretaryId _txt>>
<br><<PHR "mc" "Nope, everything is fine.">>
<br><<PHR $SecretaryId "Well, then get on your feet. Or are you planning something naughty?">>
<br>You rise to your feet accompanied by your secretary's ringing laughter.
<<set _txt = "You're a bit red, Mr. " + $mc.lastname + ". Is everything all right?">>
<br><<PHR $SecretaryId _txt>>
<br><<PHR "mc" "I'm good. Sorry, I've got to go.">>
<<btnEventLink "Finish" "Your Office" "">>
<<case "drop panties">>
<<NPCmedia $NPCstat[$SecretaryId].style "reaction to harass" 0>>
<br><<PHR $SecretaryId "What makes you think I'm wearing panties?">>
<br><<PHR "mc" "Are you not?">>
<br><<PHR $SecretaryId "Well, let's play a little game. Try to guess what you're wearing under this skirt, and you can get any wish you want.">>
<br><<PHR "mc" "And if I make a false bet?">>
<<set _txt = "Well, then I'll make the wish. What do you say, Mr. " + $mc.lastname + "?">>
<br><<PHR $SecretaryId _txt>>
<<btnEventLink "Bet she's wearing panties" "Secretary Role Reverse" "drop panties 2.1">>
<<btnEventLink "Bet she isn't wearing panties" "Secretary Role Reverse" "drop panties 2.2">>
<<case "drop panties 2.1">>
<<NPCmedia $NPCstat[$SecretaryId].style "office show ass(nopanties)" 0>>
<br>She walks over to your chair, turns her back to you and leans on the table.
<br><<PHR $SecretaryId "I'll give you a chance to check your bet. Go ahead, don't miss this chance.">>
<br>You grip the edge of her skirt and start slowly lifting it up, exposing your secretary's well-curved buttocks. Soon, you realize she's not wearing panties.
<br><<PHR $SecretaryId "Oh, it looks like you've lost. What kind of wish should I make up?">>
<br><<PHR $SecretaryId "I know! How about you kiss my ass?">>
<br><<PHR "mc" "I'm not gonna do that!">>
<br><<PHR $SecretaryId "Of course you are. Or do you want to break your word? Come on, it doesn't bite.">>
<<NPCmedia $NPCstat[$SecretaryId].style "kiss her ass" 0>>
<br>You lean forward and give her butt a quick kiss. However, just as you try to move away, $NPCstat[$SecretaryId].name's hand grabs you by the hair and pushes you back in so hard that you barely have a chance to breathe. The girl literally rubs your face against her ass.
<<set _txt = "Give my butt a proper kiss, Mr. " + $mc.lastname + "!">>
<br><<PHR $SecretaryId _txt>>
<br>Finally, she releases you and pulls her skirt down in a swift motion.
<<set _txt = "I caught your kiss, Mr. " + $mc.lastname + ". Now it will keep me warm during my workday.">>
<br><<PHR $SecretaryId _txt>>
<br>Wiggling her hips, $NPCstat[$SecretaryId].name leaves your office.
<<RemoveStat $SecretaryId "obedience" 2 -40>>
<<btnEventLink "Finish" "Your Office" "">>
<<case "drop panties 2.2">>
<<NPCmedia $NPCstat[$SecretaryId].style "office show ass(panties)" 0>>
<br>She walks over to your chair, turns her back to you and leans on the table.
<br><<PHR $SecretaryId "I'll give you a chance to check your bet. Go ahead, don't miss this chance.">>
<br>You grip the edge of her skirt and start slowly lifting it up, exposing your secretary's well-curved buttocks. Almost after the first centimeters you see a thin strip of panties.
<br><<PHR $SecretaryId "Oh, it looks like you've lost. What kind of wish should I make up?">>
<br><<PHR $SecretaryId "I know! How about you kiss my ass?">>
<br><<PHR "mc" "I'm not gonna do that!">>
<br><<PHR $SecretaryId "Of course you are. Or do you want to break your word? Come on, it doesn't bite.">>
<<NPCmedia $NPCstat[$SecretaryId].style "kiss her ass" 0>>
<br>You lean forward and give her butt a quick kiss. However, just as you try to move away, $NPCstat[$SecretaryId].name's hand grabs you by the hair and pushes you back in so hard that you barely have a chance to breathe. The girl literally rubs your face against her ass.
<<set _txt = "Give my butt a proper kiss, Mr. " + $mc.lastname + "!">>
<br><<PHR $SecretaryId _txt>>
<br>Finally, she releases you and pulls her skirt down in a swift motion.
<<set _txt = "I caught your kiss, Mr. " + $mc.lastname + ". Now it will keep me warm during my workday.">>
<br><<PHR $SecretaryId _txt>>
<br>Wiggling her hips, $NPCstat[$SecretaryId].name leaves your office.
<<RemoveStat $SecretaryId "obedience" 2 -40>>
<<btnEventLink "Finish" "Your Office" "">>
/* ---------- INTERVIEW ---------- */
<<case "first interview">>
<<set $SecretaryActivity.rsask = true>>
<<set $PsyTopic[0].stage = 4>>
<<set $PsyTopic[0].counter = 1>>
<<LocImg "work" "your office">>
<br>Louise leans toward your secretary.
<br><<PHR 18 "Act as we rehearsed, sweetheart.">>
<br>$NPCstat[$SecretaryId].name nods and turns her gaze to you. She points to the vacant chair across from her.
<br><<PHR $SecretaryId "Please take a seat.">>
<br>You do as she asks you.
<br><<PHR $SecretaryId "Please introduce yourselves.">>
<<set _txt = "My name is " + $mc.name + ".">>
<br><<PHR "mc" _txt>>
<<set _txt = "Nice to meet you, you can call me Ms. " + $NPCstat[$SecretaryId].name + ".">>
<br><<PHR $SecretaryId _txt>>
<br>Your secretary turns to the psychologist.
<br><<PHR $SecretaryId "That's a kinda weird.">>
<br><<PHR 18 "It's okay, darling, just keep going.">>
<br><<PHR $SecretaryId "Okay.">>
<br>$NPCstat[$SecretaryId].name switches her attention back to you.
<br><<PHR $SecretaryId "As you know our company can provide you as many opportunities for personal and professional growth as no other one in the city. But our demands are also very high.">>
<br><<PHR $SecretaryId "I demand complete obedience from my workers. You must obey every order I give you. Do you accept these terms?">>
<br>You nod.
<br><<PHR $SecretaryId "That's a good answer. Now rise from your chair.">>
<br>You get to your feet hesitantly.
<br><<PHR $SecretaryId "Turn around.">>
<br><<PHR "mc" "Exuse me?">>
<br><<PHR 18 "You said yourself that you would follow any order. Oh, I'm sorry, darling. Carry on.">>
<<set _txt = "You want a place in this company, " + $mc.name + "?">>
<br><<PHR $SecretaryId _txt>>
<br><<PHR "mc" "I do.">>
<br>You turn your back to the girls, somehow expecting them to start laughing right away. But they just barely whisper about something.
<br><<PHR $SecretaryId "Okay, you can sit back down.">>
<br>You return in the chair while $NPCstat[$SecretaryId].name gets up from hers and heads towards you. She goes behind you and puts her hands on your shoulders. Her hands slide down and start feeling your chest. You don't resist.
<br><<PHR $SecretaryId "Okay, you're perfect for this position.">>
<br>Louise starts clapping her hands.
<br><<PHR 18 "Wonderful. You are so good! Let's give each other a hug!">>
<br>The psychologist runs up to you and starts squeezing your secretary.
<<set _txt = "Mr. " + $mc.lastname + "?">>
<br><<PHR 18 _txt>>
<br>You reluctantly stand up and hug her.
<br><<PHR 18 "I think my participation in your sessions is no longer necessary. But if you need anything, you always know where to find me.">>
<<RemoveStat $SecretaryId "obedience" 3 -35>>
<<btnEventLink "Finish" "Your Office" "">>
<<case "second interview">>
<<set $PsyTopic[0].stage = 5>>
<<set $PsyTopic[0].counter += 3>>
<<set $NPCplans[$SecretaryId].emorning = "working">>
<<set $NPCplans[$SecretaryId].morning = "working">>
<<set $NPCplans[$SecretaryId].noon = "working">>
<<set $NPCplans[$SecretaryId].anoon = "working">>
<<LocImg "work" "your office">>
<br>When you walk into your office, you find $NPCstat[$SecretaryId].name lounging imposingly in your chair. She points you to the chair across from her.
<<set _txt = "Have a seat, Mr. " + $mc.lastname + ".">>
<br><<PHR $SecretaryId _txt>>
<br>You look around.
<br><<PHR "mc" "What's going on here?">>
<br><<PHR $SecretaryId "If you're looking for Louise, she's not here. As you may recall, she made it clear that we no longer need an intermediary. So sit down, we need to finish the interview.">>
<<btnEventLink "Take place in the chair" "Secretary Role Reverse" "second interview 2">>
<<case "second interview 2">>
<<LocImg "work" "your office">>
<br>$NPCstat[$SecretaryId].name, on the other hand, rises from her chair, walks around the table and sits right on it so that you have a full view of her gorgeous legs.
<<if $NPCsexmemory[$SecretaryId].blowjob > 0>>
<br><<PHR $SecretaryId "Now that Louise isn't here, we can do a real interview. As you know, bosses often ask their future secretaries to give them blowjobs at their first interview.">>
<br><<PHR $SecretaryId "Now that Louise isn't here, we can do a real interview. You've probably heard, bosses often ask their future secretaries to give them blowjobs at their first interview.">>
<br>She makes a thoughtful face.
<br><<PHR $SecretaryId "Does that mean I have to order you to lick my pussy?">>
<br>With one hand $NPCstat[$SecretaryId].name begins to slowly lift the edge of her miniskirt, but soon stops.
<<if $NPCsexmemory[$SecretaryId].vaginal > 0>>
<br><<PHR $SecretaryId "I guess not. You've surely seen my pussy many times, but now you'll only get it as a reward.">>
<br><<PHR $SecretaryId "I guess not. I like it better if you only get it as a reward.">>
<br><<PHR $SecretaryId "So you have to entertain me first. Start undressing.">>
<<btnEventLink "Start undressing" "Secretary Role Reverse" "second interview 3">>
<<case "second interview 3">>
<<LocImg "work" "your office">>
<br>You start unbuttoning your shirt.
<<set _txt = "You know, Mr. " + $mc.lastname + ", I've always wanted to tell you that it wouldn't hurt to get in shape a little. After all, if all the bosses are looking for sexy secretaries, why can't the secretary want a hot boss?">>
<br><<PHR $SecretaryId _txt>>
<br>You unbutton your shirt and put it on the back of the chair.
<br><<PHR $SecretaryId "Now your pants.">>
<br>You unbuckle your belt and pull your pants down.
<br><<PHR $SecretaryId "Turn around.">>
<br>You do as she says.
<br><<PHR $SecretaryId "But I must say, you have quite a nice ass. How about wiggling it for me?">>
<br><<PHR "mc" "Wiggling?">>
<br><<PHR $SecretaryId "Yeah. Lean forward, butt up, and start.">>
<br>Your face turns red with embarrassment, but you lean back in your chair and start moving your pelvis from side to side.
<br><<PHR $SecretaryId "Yes, that's it. Dance for me. Ugh, stop!">>
<br>You turn around.
<br><<PHR $SecretaryId "Your underwear is totally ruining the mood. Go to the mall and buy something more appropriate. I suggest some sexy thongs. I' ll keep an eye on your office in the meantime.">>
<<RemoveStat $SecretaryId "obedience" 5 -40>>
<<btnEventLink "Finish" "Your Office" "">>
/* ---------- ASKING BETWEEN SESSIONS ---------- */
<<case "ask about blowjob">>
<<set $NPCdaymemory[$SecretaryId].morning = "office role swap">>
<<NPCmedia $NPCstat[$SecretaryId].style "reaction to harass" 0>>
<<if $SecretaryId == 3>>
<<set _txt = "Mr. " + $mc.lastname + ", I thought that after our last interview, we had set some boundaries.">>
<br><<PHR $SecretaryId _txt>>
<br>She's slowly approaching you.
<br><<PHR $SecretaryId "But it looks like I should remind you again.">>
<br>$NPCstat[$SecretaryId].name walks right up to your chair.
<br><<PHR "mc" "But I'm your boss...">>
<br><<PHR $SecretaryId "Shh... Have you ever seen a boss wipe down his desk for his secretary? Or bring her coffee at the snap of her finger?">>
<br>She takes a pen from the desk and start twirling it in her fingers.
<<LocImg "work" "documents">>
<<set _txt = "Tell me, Mr. " + $mc.lastname + ", if I asked you to suck this pen for me, what would you do?">>
<br><<PHR $SecretaryId _txt>>
<br><<PHR "mc" "Of course I wouldn't do that!">>
<br>In response to your words, your secretary moves a pen to your lips.
<br><<PHR $SecretaryId "Are you sure about this?">>
<br>You try to shake your head, but she catches your chin.
<<set _txt = "Open your mouth, Mr. " + $mc.lastname + ".">>
<br><<PHR $SecretaryId _txt>>
<br>You involuntarily do as she says, and the girl immediately shoves the pen between your teeth.
<br><<PHR $SecretaryId "Yeah, like that! Suck it well.">>
<br>She starts moving the pen back and forth, literally fucking your mouth.
<br><<PHR $SecretaryId "And from now on, when you get the idea of asking someone to take your dick in their mouth, you will instead take that pen and perform a nice blowjob on it. Got it?">>
<br>You hum weakly, and $NPCstat[$SecretaryId].name takes advantage of your softness to shove the pen under it's cap. You cough, and your secretary lets you spit the pen out.
<br><<PHR $SecretaryId "Now, if you don't need anything else, I'll leave you with it.">>
<<elseif $SecretaryId == 4>>
<br><<PHR $SecretaryId "Oh you want me to suck your dick?">>
<br>She's slowly approaching you.
<br><<PHR $SecretaryId "Fall to my knees and shove it down my throat?">>
<br>$NPCstat[$SecretaryId].name walks right up to your chair.
<br><<PHR $SecretaryId "Is that what you want?">>
<br><<PHR "mc" "Yeah!">>
<br><<PHR $SecretaryId "Then how about doing a little favor for me first?">>
<br>She takes a pen from the desk and start twirling it in her fingers.
<<LocImg "work" "documents">>
<br><<PHR $SecretaryId "I want your open your mouth and suck this pen for me.">>
<br><<PHR "mc" "Are you crazy? I not gonna do that!">>
<br><<PHR $SecretaryId "Are you sure about this?">>
<br>You try to shake your head, but she catches your chin.
<br><<PHR $SecretaryId "I said open your mouth!">>
<br>You involuntarily do as she says, and the girl immediately shoves the pen between your teeth.
<br><<PHR $SecretaryId "Yeah, like that! Suck it well.">>
<br>She starts moving the pen back and forth, literally fucking your mouth.
<br><<PHR $SecretaryId "And why did you have to play hard to get? You'll do anything I ask, won't you?">>
<br>You hum weakly, and $NPCstat[$SecretaryId].name takes advantage of your softness to shove the pen under it's cap. You cough, and your secretary lets you spit the pen out.
<br><<PHR $SecretaryId "That was fun. As a reward, I could probably look at your cock, but it would be much more amusing to leave you with blue balls.">>
<br>With these words $NPCstat[$SecretaryId].name turns around and leaves your office.
<<btnEventLink "Finish" "Your Office" "">>
/* ---------- ASKING BETWEEN SESSIONS ---------- */
<<case "ask about game">>
<<set $SecretaryActivity.rsask = true>>
<<NPCmedia $NPCstat[$SecretaryId].style "work talk" 0>>
<<set _txt = "Mr. " + $mc.lastname + ", good morning!">>
<br><<PHR $SecretaryId _txt>>
<br><<PHR "mc" "Morning, morning.">>
<br>You can read on her face that she has something to say.
<<set _txt = "What is it, " + $NPCstat[$SecretaryId].name + "?">>
<br><<PHR "mc" _txt>>
<br><<PHR $SecretaryId "Nothing wrong. It's just that I... I just really enjoyed our session with Louise. And I was wondering if you'd like to try again?">>
<<btnEventLink "Say you'd think about it" "Secretary Role Reverse" "ask about game(agree)">>
<<btnEventLink "Say you don't have time for it" "Secretary Role Reverse" "ask about game(disagree)">>
<<case "ask about game(agree)">>
<<if $PsyTopic[0].counter > 0>>
<<set $PsyTopic[0].counter = 1>>
<<NPCmedia $NPCstat[$SecretaryId].style "work talk" 0>>
<<set _txt = "Oh, thank you, Mr. " + $mc.lastname + "!">>
<br><<PHR $SecretaryId _txt>>
<br><<PHR "mc" "No ploblem. Anything else?">>
<br><<PHR $SecretaryId "No. I'm back to work.">>
<<btnEventLink "Leave her alone" "Your Office" "">>
<<case "ask about game(disagree)">>
<<set $PsyTopic[0].counter += 2>>
<<NPCmedia $NPCstat[$SecretaryId].style "work talk" 0>>
<<set _txt = "Thank you for the answer, Mr. " + $mc.lastname + ".">>
<br><<PHR $SecretaryId _txt>>
<br><<PHR "mc" "No ploblem. Anything else?">>
<br><<PHR $SecretaryId "No. I'm back to work.">>
<<btnEventLink "Leave her alone" "Your Office" "">>
/* ---------- ABOUT HER BUSINESS ---------- */
<<case "about her business">>
<<run setSecretaryNextBlockPlan(0, "working")>>
<<run setPsyNextBlockPlan(0, "working")>>
<<if $time.daytime <= 3>>
<<run setSecretaryNextBlockPlan(1, "working")>>
<<run setPsyNextBlockPlan(1, "working")>>
<<if $time.daytime == 2>>
<<run setSecretaryNextBlockPlan(2, "working")>>
<<run setPsyNextBlockPlan(2, "working")>>
<<LocImg "misc" "phone">>
<<en "In the middle of the workday, your secretary informs you that she wants to discuss something with you in your office.">>
<<ru "Посреди рабочего дня секретарша сообщает тебе, что хочет кое-что обсудить с тобой в твоем офисе.">>
<<btnEventLink "Invite her/Пригласить ее" "Secretary Role Reverse" "about her business(start)">>
<<btnEventLink "Say you don't have a time/Сказать что у тебя нет времени" "Secretary Role Reverse" "about her business(postpone)">>
<<case "about her business(alt)">>
<<LocImg "misc" "phone">>
<<en "In the middle of the workday, your secretary informs you that she wants to discuss something with you in your office.">>
<<ru "Посреди рабочего дня секретарша сообщает тебе, что хочет кое-что обсудить с тобой в твоем офисе.">>
<<btnEventLink "Invite her/Пригласить ее" "Secretary Role Reverse" "about her business(alt)(start)">>
<<btnEventLink "Say you don't have a time/Сказать что у тебя нет времени" "Secretary Role Reverse" "about her business(postpone)">>
<<case "about her business(postpone)">>
<<set $PsyTopic[0].counter += 2>>
<<LocImg "misc" "phone">>
<<en "You say you don't have time, and $NPCstat[$SecretaryId].name agrees to postpone the conversation to a couple days later.">>
<<ru "Ты говоришь, что у тебя нет времени, и $NPCstat[$SecretaryId].name соглашается перенести разговор на пару дней позже.">>
<<btnEventLink "Finish" "Your Office" "">>
<<case "about her business(start)">>
<<set $PsyTopic[0].stage = 6>>
<<LocImg "work" "your office">>
<<en "To your surprise, along with your secretary, also Louise walks into your office.">>
<<ru "К твоему удивлению, вместе с твоей секретаршей в твой кабинет заходит еще и Луиза.">>
<<dlg_en 18 "Mr. $mc.lastname, I have wonderful news for you.">>
<<dlg_ru 18 "Мистер $mc.lastname, у меня для вас замечательная новость.">>
<<en "The psychologist walks over to your desk and leans slightly, resting her arms on it. Her huge breasts are at your eye level, blocking a good half of your view.">>
<<ru "Психолог подходит к вашему столу и слегка наклоняется, опираясь о него руками. Ее огромная грудь оказывается на уровне твоих глаз, загораживая добрую половину твоего обзора.">>
<<dlg_en 18 "It's about that little game with your sweet secretary. But since it was her idea, I'll let her explain it.">>
<<dlg_ru 18 "Это касается той небольшой игры с вашей милой секретаршей. Но так, как это ее идея, я предоставлю ей слово.">>
<<btnEventLink "Listen to your secretary/Выслушать свою секретаршу" "Secretary Role Reverse" "about her business(start) 2">>
<<case "about her business(alt)(start)">>
<<LocImg "work" "your office">>
<<en "$NPCstat[$SecretaryId].name and Louise once more try to convince you that your secretary needs her own business.">>
<<ru "$NPCstat[$SecretaryId].name и Луиза снова пытаются убедить вас в том, что вашей секретарше нужен собственный бизнес.">>
<<btnEventLink "Give her time for business/Дать ей время на бизнес" "Secretary Role Reverse" "about her business(start) 3">>
<<btnEventLink "Refuse her/Отказать ей" "Secretary Role Reverse" "about her business(start) 3.1">>
<<case "about her business(last)(start)">>
<<LocImg "work" "secretary desk">>
<<dlg_en $SecretaryId "Have you reconsidered my offer?">>
<<dlg_ru $SecretaryId "Вы передумали насчет моего предложения?">>
<<btnEventLink "Agree and help her with her business/Согласиться и помочь ей с бизнесом" "Secretary Role Reverse" "about her business(start) 4">>
<<btnEventLink "Leave/Уйти" "Secretary Desk" "">>
<<case "about her business(start) 2">>
<<LocImg "work" "your office">>
<<en "$NPCstat[$SecretaryId].name also approaches you.">>
<<ru "$NPCstat[$SecretaryId].name также подходит к вам.">>
<<dlg_en $SecretaryId "Louise and I were recently discussing the development of our game, and she said that I should be more confident at some parts. And I thought that I just lacked real experience.">>
<<dlg_ru $SecretaryId "Мы с Луизой недавно обсуждали прогресс в нашей игре, и она сказала, что в некоторых моментах мне стоит быть более уверенной. И я подумала, что мне просто не хватает реального опыта.">>
<<dlg_en 18 "For someone who has never been in charge, it's hard to pretend to be a strict boss. You have to be a good actor to do that.">>
<<dlg_ru 18 "Тому, кто никогда не руководил людьми, трудно притворяться строгим боссом. Нужно быть хорошим актером для подобного.">>
<<dlg_en $SecretaryId "And then I had this crazy idea. If I got my own business, I wouldn't have to be in character. I'd actually know how to handle it!">>
<<dlg_ru $SecretaryId "И тогда мне в голову пришла сумасшедшая идея. Если у меня появиться собственный бизнесс, то мне не понадобиться вживаться в роль. Я буду знать, как действовать!">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "It takes a lot of time to run your own business, and you already have a lot of duties at this work.">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Для того, чтобы заниматься собственным делом, нужно много времени, а у тебя и так много обязанностей в этом офисе.">>
<<dlg_en 18 "It doesn't have to be a full time business.">>
<<dlg_ru 18 "Это не обязательно должен быть бизнес, которым нужно заниматься все время.">>
<<dlg_en $SecretaryId "Yes, I can be here in the morning and spend the afternoon working on my own.">>
<<dlg_ru $SecretaryId "Да, я могу работать здесь по утрам, а после обеда уделять время своему бизнесу.">>
<<btnEventLink "Give her time for business/Дать ей время на бизнес" "Secretary Role Reverse" "about her business(start) 3">>
<<btnEventLink "Refuse her/Отказать ей" "Secretary Role Reverse" "about her business(start) 3.1">>
<<case "about her business(start) 3">>
<<set $PsyTopic[0].stage = 7>>
<<LocImg "work" "your office">>
<<dlg_en 18 "I knew you'd agree. Your employees are lucky to have such an empathetic boss.">>
<<dlg_ru 18 "Я знала, что вы согласитесь. Вашим сотрудникам повезло, что у них такой понимающий босс.">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "So, what kind of business did you want to start.">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Итак, какой бизнес ты хотела открыть.">>
<<dlg_en $SecretaryId "I was thinking about getting into the rental business. You can do that kind of thing online. Although I would still want to have my own office.">>
<<dlg_ru $SecretaryId "Я думала о том, чтобы заняться арендой. Подобным бизнесом можно заниматься онлайн. Хотя я все равно хотела бы собственный офис.">>
<<dlg_en 18 "But there's a little problem. Our lovely $NPCstat[$SecretaryId].name doesn't have enough money in her bank account to start a large enough business to employ at least a dozen people.">>
<<dlg_ru 18 "Но есть небольшая проблема. Наша милая $NPCstat[$SecretaryId].name не имеет достаточно денег на банковском счету, чтобы начать достаточно крупный бизнес, такой, чтобы у нее в подчинении было хотя бы десяток человек.">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "Why not take out a loan?">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Почему бы тогда не взять кредит?">>
<<dlg_en $SecretaryId "I don't think any bank will lend me enough money. So I thought you might be able to help me.">>
<<dlg_ru $SecretaryId "Не думаю, что какой-то банк выделит мне достаточную сумму. Поэтому я подумала, что вы сможете мне помочь.">>
<<dlg_en 18 "You can buy rental units and put them under your secretary's management. In time, she will buy them from you and become a full-fledged owner of her own business.">>
<<dlg_ru 18 "Вы можете купить помещения для аренды и передать их под управление твоей секретарши. Со временем, она выкупит их и станет полноправной владелицей собственного бизнеса.">>
<<dlg_en $SecretaryId "These units will not be owned by the company, so no one will suspect anything.">>
<<dlg_ru $SecretaryId "Эти помещения не будут в собственности компании, поэтому никто ничего не заподозрит.">>
<<en "You're thinking. It all seems like a big risk, but since you'll be the owner of the units, in case $NPCstat[$SecretaryId].name screws up the management, you can always sell at a better price.">>
<<ru "Ты задумываешься. Все это выглядит большой авантюрой, но раз владельцем помещений будешь ты, то в случае, если $NPCstat[$SecretaryId].name напортачит с руководством, ты всегда сможешь продать по более выгодной цене.">>
<<btnEventLink "Agree and help her/Согласиться и помочь ей" "Secretary Role Reverse" "about her business(start) 4">>
<<btnEventLink "Refuse her/Отказать ей" "Secretary Role Reverse" "about her business(start) 3.1">>
<<case "about her business(start) 4">>
<<set $PsyTopic[0].stage = 8>>
<<LocImg "work" "your office">>
<<en "You agree to help your secretary. Now you need to find a proper place to buy. You can use the computer in your office for this.">>
<<ru "Ты соглашаешься помочь своей секретарше. Теперь тебе необходимо поискать подходящее место для покупки. Для этого можно воспользоваться компьютером в твоем офисе.">>
<<btnEventLink "Finish" "Your Office" "">>
<<case "about her business(start) 3.1">>
<<set $PsyTopic[0].counter += 3>>
<<LocImg "work" "your office">>
<<en "You say it doesn't work for you, and disappointed girls walk out of your office.">>
<<ru "Ты говоришь, что это тебя не устраивает, и разочарованные девушки выходят из твоего офиса.">>
<<btnEventLink "Finish" "Your Office" "">>
<<case "about her business(finish)">>
<<set $SecretarySchedule[0].anoon = "working(warehouses)">>
<<set $SecretarySchedule[0].evening = "working(warehouses)">>
<<set $SecretarySchedule[1].anoon = "working(warehouses)">>
<<set $SecretarySchedule[1].evening = "working(warehouses)">>
<<set $SecretarySchedule[2].anoon = "working(warehouses)">>
<<set $SecretarySchedule[2].evening = "working(warehouses)">>
<<set $SecretarySchedule[3].anoon = "working(warehouses)">>
<<set $SecretarySchedule[3].evening = "working(warehouses)">>
<<set $SecretarySchedule[4].anoon = "working(warehouses)">>
<<set $SecretarySchedule[4].evening = "working(warehouses)">>
<<set $SecretaryWarehouses.active = true>>
<<LocImg "misc" "desktop">>
<<en "You find warehouses in the suburbs and buy them. Now your secretary will run them.">>
<<ru "Ты находишь склады в пригороде и покупаешь их. Теперь твоя секретарша будет управлять ими.">>
<<btnEventLink "Finish" "Your Office" "">>
<<case "about her business(stafffffrt)">>
<<set $SecretaryActivity.rscoffee = random(2,4)>>
<<set $SecretaryActivity.rscoffeecount += 1>>
<<set $SecretaryActivity.rswipetable += 1>>
<<set $SecretaryActivity.rsteasing += 1>>
<<set $SecretaryActivity.rsconference += 1>>
<<btnEventLink "Finish" "Your Office" "">>
<</switch>><<switch $EventMark>>
/* ---------- DRINKING IN POOL BAR ---------- */
<<case "drinking alone">>
<<NPCmedia "wife" "pool bar" 0>>
<<if $time.daytime < 6>>
<<en "$NPCstat[0].name looks up at you. The alcohol has already made her eyes sparkle.">>
<<ru "$NPCstat[0].name поднимает свой взгляд на тебя. Ее глаза слегка блестят от алкоголя.">>
<<en "$NPCstat[0].name looks up at you. You can see that she's already pie-eyed by alcohol.">>
<<ru "$NPCstat[0].name поднимает свой взгляд на тебя. Ее глаза уже затуманены от алкоголя.">>
<<if $WifeScenes.Dinner.drinkrefuse>>
<<dlg_en 0 "Honey. You decided to join after all?">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Милый. Ты все же решил присоединиться?">>
<<dlg_en 0 "Hey, honey. Wanna join me?">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Милый. Хочешь выпить со мной?">>
<<btnEventLink "Drink with her/Выпить с ней" "Wife Pool Bar Events" "drinking alone(drink)">>
<<if $time.weekday == 4>>
<<btnEventLink "Invite her to a restaurant/Пригласить ее в ресторан" "Wife Restaurant Dates" "backyard invite">>
<<btnEventLink "Leave/Уйти" "MChouse Pool Bar" "">>
<<case "drinking alone(main story)">>
<<LocImg "misc" "get message">>
<<en "A message beeps on your phone. You open the messenger to find a text message from your wife.">>
<<ru "На твоем телефоне раздается сигнал сообщения. Открыв мессенджер, ты обнаруживаешь сообщение от твоей жены.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "msg" "Honey, you're home already? Come down to the bar.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "msg" "Милый, ты уже дома? Спустись в наш бар.">>
<<btnEventLink "Go down to the pool bar/Спуститься в бар" "Wife Pool Bar Events" "drinking alone(main story 2)">>
<<case "drinking alone(main story 2)">>
<<NPCmedia "wife" "pool bar" 0>>
<<if $time.daytime < 6>>
<<en "$NPCstat[0].name looks up at you. The alcohol has already made her eyes sparkle.">>
<<ru "$NPCstat[0].name поднимает свой взгляд на тебя. Ее глаза слегка блестят от алкоголя.">>
<<en "$NPCstat[0].name looks up at you. You can see that she's already pie-eyed by alcohol.">>
<<ru "$NPCstat[0].name поднимает свой взгляд на тебя. Ее глаза уже затуманены от алкоголя.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "Hey, honey. Wanna join me? Refusal is not accepted.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Милый. Хочешь выпить со мной? Отказ не принимается.">>
<<th_en "Looks like I can't get out this time. But I don't mind having a drink with her.">>
<<th_ru "Похоже, в этот раз мне не отвертеться. Но я и не против того, чтобы выпить с ней.">>
<<btnEventLink "Drink with her/Выпить с ней" "Wife Pool Bar Events" "drinking alone(drink)">>
<<case "drinking alone(drink)">>
<<LocImg "actions" "pour drink" 0>>
<<en "You head to the bar and get a bottle and a glass. Then you sit down in the chair next to your wife.">>
<<ru "Ты направляешься к бару и берешь бутылку и бокал. Затем ты садишься в кресло рядом со своей женой.">>
<<if $NPCstat[0].lordliness >= 25>>
<<en "$NPCstat[0].name holds out her glass and you fill it.">>
<<ru "$NPCstat[0].name протягивает себе свой бокал и ты наполняешь его.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "Honey, please fill my glass, too.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Милый, пожалуйста, наполни мой бокал тоже.">>
<<en "You do as she says, and $NPCstat[0].name smiles contentedly.">>
<<ru "Ты делаешь, как она говоришь, и $NPCstat[0].name довольно улыбается.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "Thanks, honey">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Спасибо, милый.">>
<<btnEventLink "Continue/Продолжить" "Wife Pool Bar Events" "drinking alone(drink) 2">>
<<case "drinking alone(drink) 2">>
<<if $NPCstat[0].assertiveness >= 16>>
<<set _time = 6 - $time.daytime>>
<<SkipTimeBlock _time>>
<<NPCmedia "wife" "pool bar" 0>>
<<en "You spend time with your wife, chatting about all sorts of stuff and drinking alcohol. Soon, the first bottle is empty, and you go up to get the second one.">>
<<ru "Ты проводишь время со своей женой, болтая о всякой ерунде и попивая алкоголь. Вскоре, первая бутылка пустеет, и ты поднимаешься, чтобы взять вторую.">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "Why don't we try something new?">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Может попробуем, что-нибудь новое?">>
<<en "You take two bottles of different brands and walk over to $NPCstat[0].name and turn them with the labels facing the girl.">>
<<ru "Ты берешь две бутылки разных брендов и, подойдя к девушке, поворачиваешь их этикетками к ней.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "I don't mind. And it doesn't necessarily need to be booze.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Я не против. И это не обязательно должна быть выпивка.">>
<<en "With those words, she grabs your shirt and pulls you in for a kiss. Her tongue penetrates your mouth and intertwines with yours tongue.">>
<<ru "С этими словами она хватает тебя за рубашку и притягивает к себе для поцелуя. Ее язык проникает в твой рот и переплетается с твоим.">>
<<th_en "She is so active.">>
<<th_ru "Она такая активная.">>
<<en "The brunette undoes the buttons on your shirt and runs her fingers over your stomach. You interrupt the kiss to remove your shirt, but as soon as you try to kiss your wife again, she stops you. $NPCstat[0].name leans back in her chair and spreads her legs.">>
<<ru "Брюнетка расстегивает пуговицы на твоей рубашке и проводит пальцами по твоему животу. Ты прерываешь поцелуй для того, чтобы снять рубашку, но стоит тебе снова попытаться поцеловать свою жену, как она останавливает тебя. $NPCstat[0].name откидывается на спинку кресла и раздвигает свои ноги.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "It's time for you to work your tongue.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Пора тебе поработать язычком.">>
<<btnEventLink "Go down on her/Сделать это" "Wife Pool Bar Events" "drinking alone(cuni)">>
<<set _time = 7 - $time.daytime>>
<<SkipTimeBlock _time>>
<<NPCmedia "wife" "pool bar" 0>>
<<en "You spend time with your wife, chatting about all sorts of stuff and drinking alcohol. Soon, the first bottle is empty, and you go up to get the second one. Gradually, dusk turns into night, and you go to sleep.">>
<<ru "Ты проводишь время со своей женой, болтая о всякой ерунде и попивая алкоголь. Вскоре, первая бутылка пустеет, и ты поднимаешься, чтобы взять вторую. Постепенно, сумерки превращаются в ночь, и вы отправляетесь спать.">>
<<btnEventLink "Go to the bedroom/Идти в спальню" "Master Bedroom" "">>
<<case "drinking alone(cuni)">>
<<set $WifePussyWorship.mansionpoolbar += 1>>
<<set $NPCsexmemory[0].pussylicking += 1>>
<<set $NPCsexmemory[0].pussyworshipping += 1>>
<<set $NPCmood[0].arousal = 0>>
<<NPCmedia "wife" "pool bar(cuni)" 1>>
<<en "You kneel down and wrap your arms around your wife's legs. You start kissing the inner side of her thighs, gradually getting closer to her pussy.">>
<<ru "Ты опускаешься на колени и обхватываешь ноги своей жены. Ты начинаешь покрывать поцелуями внутреннюю часть ее бедер, постепенно приближаясь к ее киске.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "Take off my bikini. I don't want anything to distract you.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Сними мое бикини. Не хочу, чтобы тебя что-то отвлекало.">>
<<en "As soon as you comply with her request, $NPCstat[0].name grabs you by the hair and pulls you to her crotch. You stick out your tongue and start licking her clit. The girl unclenches her fingers, but immediately puts her foot on your back, as if she doesn't want to lose control completely.">>
<<ru "Стоит тебе выполнить ее просьбу, как $NPCstat[0].name хватает тебя за волосы и притягивает к своему паху. Ты высовываешь язык и начинаешь лизать ее клитор. Девушка разжимает свои пальцы, но тут же кладет ногу тебе на спину, словно не желая полностью терять контроль.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "Yes, that's it. Move your tongue.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Да, вот так. Двигай своим язычком.">>
<<en "$NPCstat[0].name reaches for the glass and takes a big sip. Judging by the way her breasts are heaving, she's really enjoying this. Then your eyes meet.">>
<<ru "$NPCstat[0].name протягивает руку к бокалу и делает большой глоток. Судя по тому, как часто вздымается ее грудь, происходящее доставляет ей огромное удовольствие. Затем ваши глаза встречаются.">>
<<if $NPCstat[0].assertiveness >= 22>>
<<dlg_en 0 "You probably want a drink, too, don't you? I'll help you.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Ты, наверное, тоже хочешь выпить? Я могу тебе помочь.">>
<<en "She brings the glass with alcohol to you.">>
<<ru "Она подносит бокал с алкоголем к тебе.">>
<<dlg_en 0 'Come on, open your mouth and say "ah."'>>
<<dlg_ru 0 'Давай, открой ротик и скажи "а".'>>
<<en "You lift your head and stick out your tongue, and $NPCstat[0].name pours the contents of the glass into your mouth. Some of the liquid lands on your chin, and from there on your wife's pussy.">>
<<ru "Ты поднимаешь голову и высовываешь язык, и $NPCstat[0].name выливает содержимое бокала в твой рот. Часть жидкости попадает на твой подбородок, а оттуда на киску твоей жены.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "Wow, that is so hot. We should have done this a long time ago.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Воу, это так горячо. Мы должны были сделать это намного раньше.">>
<<btnEventLink "Continue/Продолжить" "Wife Pool Bar Events" "drinking alone(cuni) 2">>
<<case "drinking alone(cuni) 2">>
<<SkipTimeBlock 1>>
<<NPCmedia "wife" "pool bar(cuni 2)" 1>>
<<en "After a while, $NPCstat[0].name squeezes your head tightly between her thighs, and then she begins to squirm in a powerful orgasm. You continue to lick her pussy, not stopping for a moment. Her love juices fill your mouth.">>
<<ru " Спустя некоторое время $NPCstat[0].name крепко зажимает твою голову между своих бедер, затем ее начинает содрогаться от мощного оргазма. Ты продолжаешь лизать ее киску, ни останавливаясь ни на мгновение. Ее любовные соки заполняют твой рот.">>
<<en "Finally, you stop and start gradually moving higher, covering every inch of her body with kisses. $NPCstat[0].name watches your actions, her eyes clouded with alcohol and pleasure. You kiss your wife firmly on her plump lips.">>
<<ru " Наконец, ты останавливаешься и начинаешь постепенно подниматься выше, покрывая каждый дюйм ее тела поцелуями. $NPCstat[0].name наблюдает за твоими действиями, и ее взгляд затуманен алкоголем и удовольствием. Ты крепко целуешь свою жену в ее пухлые губы.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "It looks like you'll have to carry me to the bedroom or leave me here, since I'm not sure I can make it to the bed on my own.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Похоже, что тебе придется отнести меня в спальню или оставить здесь, поскольку я не уверена, что смогу добраться до кровати самостоятельно.">>
<<en "You smile and pick your wife up in your arms.">>
<<ru " Ты улыбаешься и подхватываешь свою жену на руки.">>
<<AddStat 0 "assertiveness" 2 40>>
<<btnEventLink "Take her to the bedroom/Отнести ее в спальню" "Master Bedroom" "">>
<</switch>><<switch $EventMark>>
<<case "bedroom(main)">>
<<SkipTimeBlock 1>>
<<NPCmedia "samantha" "in bathrobe" 0>>
<<if $NPCsexmemory[1].footmassage >= 1 and $NPCsexmemory[1].footlicking >= 1>>
<<set _txt = "Do you need something, Mr. " + $mc.name + "? Or did you come to finish what we were doing in the living room?">>
<<PHR 1 _txt>>
<<set _txt = "Do you need something, Mr. " + $mc.name + "?">>
<<PHR 1 _txt>>
<<if $MaidFootFetish.herbedroomlick >= 6>>
<<btnEventLink "Continue foot massage" "Samantha Gardener Events" "bedroom(foot lick) 3" 1>>
<<elseif $NPCsexmemory[1].footmassage >= 1 and $NPCsexmemory[1].footlicking >= 1>>
<<btnEventLink "Continue foot massage" "Samantha Gardener Events" "bedroom(foot massage)" 1>>
<<btnLink "Leave her" "Bedroom (Gardener)" "">>
<<case "bedroom(foot massage)">>
<<set $MaidFootFetish.herbedroommassage += 1>>
<<set $NPCsexmemory[1].footmassage += 1>>
<<NPCmedia "samantha" "in bathrobe" 0>>
<br>Samantha moves into a sitting position, with her legs hanging off the bed. Her robe is pulled up, and your gaze involuntarily rests on her wide hips. This fact does not escape your maid's attention, and she smiles wryly.
<<set _txt = "It would be more comfortable if you sat on the floor, Mr. " + $mc.name + ".">>
<br><<PHR 1 _txt>>
<<btnEventLink "Kneel down" "Samantha Gardener Events" "bedroom(foot massage) 2">>
<<case "bedroom(foot massage) 2">>
<<NPCmedia "samantha" "feet massage(her bedroom)" 1>>
<br>You move slowly to the floor while Samantha reclines on the cushions. She stretches her beautiful legs toward you. Your maid adjusts her robe so that it covers her private parts, but still allows you to see her legs in all their glory.
<<set _txt = "You may begin, Mr. " + $mc.name + ".">>
<br><<PHR 1 _txt>>
<br>You start kneading her foot, and your maid lets out a soft, muffled moan. It looks like her muscles really need some care.
<<set _txt = "A little higher, Mr. " + $mc.name + ".">>
<br><<PHR 1 _txt>>
<br>You take her leg at another spot and start massaging her calves.
<<if $MaidFootFetish.herbedroommassage == 1>>
<<set _txt = "Yes, that's it. From the moment I saw you and Mrs. " + $NPCstat[0].name + " in the living room, I kept replaying that scene in my head. The way you leaned over her feet, the way she smiled and enjoyed the process... Since then, I have often imagined you doing the same for me.">>
<br><<PHR 1 _txt>>
<<set _txt = "Don't worry, I don't have any plans to steal you away from your wife. Mrs. " + $NPCstat[0].name + " deserves the best. And you can give her the best. You only need a little... guidance.">>
<br><<PHR 1 _txt>>
<<set _txt = "Yes, that's it. I'm starting to like your hands, Mr. " + $mc.name + ". And I also like it when you do what I say.">>
<br><<PHR 1 _txt>>
<br>You keep listening to her like mesmerized.
<<if $MaidFootFetish.herbedroomlick == 0>>
<br><<PHR 1 "Now do the other foot. And don't be afraid to use more strength.">>
<<btnEventLink "Massage her other foot" "Samantha Gardener Events" "bedroom(foot massage) 3">>
<br><<PHR 1 "How about putting your tongue to work?">>
<<btnEventLink "Start licking her feet" "Samantha Gardener Events" "bedroom(foot lick) alt">>
<<case "bedroom(foot massage) 3">>
<<NPCmedia "samantha" "feet massage(her bedroom)" 1>>
<br>You start massaging her other leg. After a while Samantha relaxes completely, and you barely hear her comments during the massage.
<<set _txt = "You do know how to handle a woman's feet, Mr. " + $mc.name + ".">>
<br><<PHR 1 _txt>>
<br>You release her feet, and your maid lifts up to look at you.
<<set _txt = "I hope you didn't lay your eyes where you shouldn't have, Mr. " + $mc.name + ". It would be unfair to Mrs. " + $NPCstat[0].name + ". Helping your maid to relax is one thing, but I never approve of anything naughty.">>
<br><<PHR 1 _txt>>
<br>Your maid starts demonstratively adjusting her robe, but ends up revealing even more of her skin.
<br><<PHR 1 "Or do you want to do something naughty?">>
<<btnEventLink "Nod your head" "Samantha Gardener Events" "bedroom(foot lick)">>
<<btnEventLink "Shake your head" "Samantha Gardener Events" "bedroom(foot massage) end">>
<<case "bedroom(foot massage) end">>
<<NPCmedia "samantha" "in bathrobe" 0>>
<br><<PHR 1 "I'm really surprised. So see you tomorrow, then.">>
<<btnLink "Leave her" "Hallway (Gardener)" "">>
<<case "bedroom(foot lick)">>
<<set $MaidFootFetish.herbedroomlick += 1>>
<<set $NPCsexmemory[1].footlicking += 1>>
<<NPCmedia "samantha" "in bathrobe" 0>>
<br><<PHR 1 "That's what I was talking about. All men are driven solely by their instincts, but none of them are willing to admit it. It's a good thing you did.">>
<br>Your maid raises her foot so that it is level with your face.
<br><<PHR 1 "If you are incapable to restrain your urges, I need to train you.">>
<br>Samantha wiggles her toes, teasing you.
<<set _txt = "You may begin, Mr. " + $mc.name + ".">>
<br><<PHR 1 _txt>>
<<NPCmedia "samantha" "feet licking(her bedroom)" 1>>
<br>You take Samantha's foot and bring it close to your face. You feel an urge to breathe in her scent, but you don't want to seem too odd. You take her big toe into your mouth and start running your tongue over it, as if you were eating a lollipop. Your maid stares at you silently, her face showing no emotion.
<br><<TH "She wants me to bury myself by my own actions.">>
<br>Nevertheless, you continue to suck her toes, one by one. Then you start licking the bottom side of her foot.
<br><<PHR 1 "Go on.">>
<br>Samantha seems to adapt to the situation and allows herself to lean back, resting on her hands. You continue to outline all the curves of your maid's foot with your tongue. After a while, the girl stops you.
<<set _txt = "You got too carried away, Mr. " + $mc.name + ", and forgot about my other foot.">>
<br><<PHR 1 _txt>>
<<btnEventLink "Continue" "Samantha Gardener Events" "bedroom(foot lick) 2">>
<<case "bedroom(foot lick) alt">>
<<set $MaidFootFetish.herbedroomlick += 1>>
<<set $NPCsexmemory[1].footlicking += 1>>
<<NPCmedia "samantha" "feet licking(her bedroom)" 1>>
<br>You take Samantha's foot and bring it close to your face. You feel an urge to breathe in her scent, but you don't want to seem too odd. You take her big toe into your mouth and start running your tongue over it, as if you were eating a lollipop.
<<set _txt = "Can't restrain yourself, Mr. " + $mc.name + "? Don't worry, you have plenty of time to enjoy my feet.">>
<br><<PHR 1 _txt>>
<br>You continue to suck her toes, one by one. Then you start licking the bottom side of her foot. Samantha allows herself to lean back, resting on her hands. You continue to outline all the curves of your maid's foot with your tongue.
<<if $MaidFootFetish.herbedroomlick == 2>>
<br>After a while, your maid raises her other foot. Without saying a word, she begins to lightly slap you in the face with that foot.
<br><<TH "She hints that I need to switch to her other foot.">>
<<btnEventLink "Continue" "Samantha Gardener Events" "bedroom(foot lick) 2">>
<<elseif $MaidFootFetish.herbedroomlick == 3>>
<br><<TH "I think it's time to switch to her other foot.">>
<<btnEventLink "Continue" "Samantha Gardener Events" "bedroom(foot lick) 2">>
<<elseif $MaidFootFetish.herbedroomlick >= 4>>
<<set _txt = "Wait, Mr. " + $mc.name + ", my friend is texting me.">>
<br><<PHR 1 _txt>>
<br>Samantha picks up the phone and starts tapping her fingers on it.
<<set _txt = "Don't mind me, Mr. " + $mc.name + ". Go on.">>
<br><<PHR 1 _txt>>
<<btnEventLink "Continue" "Samantha Gardener Events" "bedroom(foot lick)(phone)">>
<<case "bedroom(foot lick) 2">>
<<NPCmedia "samantha" "feet licking(her bedroom 2)" 1>>
<br>You start licking her other foot, and all your maid has to do is enjoy herself, occasionally throwing in comments about how skillfully you act with your tongue.
<<set _txt = "You do know how to handle a woman's feet, Mr. " + $mc.name + ".">>
<br><<PHR 1 _txt>>
<br>You release her feet, and your maid lifts up to look at you.
<<set _txt = "I really love looking down on you, Mr. " + $mc.name + ". Anyway, thank you for today. See you tomorrow.">>
<br><<PHR 1 _txt>>
<<btnLink "Leave her" "Hallway (Gardener)" "">>
<<case "bedroom(foot lick)(phone)">>
<<NPCmedia "samantha" "feet licking(her bedroom 2)" 1>>
<br>You start licking her other foot. Your maid is just sitting on the phone, occasionally chuckling. You're left wondering if Samantha has told her friend what's going on right now, or if they're just texting about stupid stuff.
<br><<PHR 1 "You know, you behaved well on your last visits, so I think I can trust you again. And now I can relax, and help you at the same time.">>
<br>With these words the girl turns around and lies down on her stomach, stretching her legs in your direction. You get a view of her legs and the plump ass covered by her robe. If you leaned lower, you might be able to see your maid's pussy, but you're afraid Samantha'll get angry.
<br><<PHR 1 "I think it would be much easier for you to enjoy my feet, and I could relax and have a peaceful chat with my friend.">>
<<btnEventLink "Continue" "Samantha Gardener Events" "bedroom(foot lick)(phone) 2">>
<<case "bedroom(foot lick)(phone) 2">>
<<NPCmedia "samantha" "feet licking(her bedroom 3)" 1>>
<br>After a while, you hear the bed creak, and your maid turns her head back to you.
<br><<PHR 1 "Don't you think it's a little hot in here?">>
<br>Your maid lifts her butt a little to untie her robe. Then she opens her robe's gowns.
<<set _txt = "Help me, Mr. " + $mc.name + ".">>
<br><<PHR 1 _txt>>
<br>You get on the bed and she holds out her left hand for you to pull down the sleeve of the robe. Then the girl lifts her right hand and you pull down the other sleeve. Then you tug on the edge of the robe, and the fabric slides over the curves of her body.
<br><<PHR 1 "I hope you're not intending to stare.">>
<br><<PHR "mc" "No-o!">>
<br>You're going back to the floor.
<br><<PHR 1 "That's better! No need to break the bond of trust that's been built between us.">>
<<btnEventLink "Continue" "Samantha Gardener Events" "bedroom(foot lick)(phone) 3">>
<<case "bedroom(foot lick)(phone) 3">>
<<NPCmedia "samantha" "feet licking(her bedroom 4)" 1>>
<br>You lick and massage your maid's legs for a while. If, in the beginning, she still lets herself tapping on her phone, occasionally giving you some praise, then she just folds her hands in front of her, rests her head on them, and enjoys your massage.
<br>Finally, after half an hour, she wiggles her feet a few times, letting you know that it's time for you to leave.
<<set _txt = "Thank you, Mr. " + $mc.name + ". See you tomorrow.">>
<br><<PHR 1 _txt>>
<<btnLink "Leave her" "Hallway (Gardener)" "">>
<<case "bedroom(foot lick) 3">>
<<NPCmedia "samantha" "in bathrobe" 0>>
<<if $MaidFootFetish.herbedroomlick == 6>>
<br>Samantha rises from the bed. There is a short pause.
<<set _txt = "Mr. " + $mc.name + ", why do I always have to tell you what to do? Help me undress.">>
<br><<PHR 1 _txt>>
<br>You come to your senses and begin to untie the belt on her bathrobe. Then your maid turns her back to you and helps you undress her completely. Then she plops down on the bed, leaving you standing there with her bathrobe in your hands.
<<set _txt = "The closet is there, Mr. " + $mc.name + ".">>
<br><<PHR 1 _txt>>
<br>You obediently carry her robe to the closet. When you return to the bed, Samantha is already stuck in her phone.
<<set _txt = "Thanks, Mr. " + $mc.name + ". Now you can use my legs for your pleasure.">>
<br><<PHR 1 _txt>>
<br>Samantha rises from the bed. You help her undress and put her robe in the closet. When you return to the bed, Samantha is already stuck in her phone.
<<set _txt = "Thanks, Mr. " + $mc.name + ". Now you can use my legs for your pleasure.">>
<br><<PHR 1 _txt>>
<br>You kneel down and grab one of your maid's feet. You run your tongue from heel to toe, and Samantha lets out a light chuckle.
<<NPCmedia "samantha" "feet licking(her bedroom 4)" 1>>
<<set _txt = "Courage, Mr. " + $mc.name + ".">>
<br><<PHR 1 _txt>>
<br>You start flicking your tongue over the area under her toes. This time you hear a slight moan of pleasure.
<br><<PHR 1 "This is something new. Don't stop.">>
<<btnEventLink "Continue" "Samantha Gardener Events" "bedroom(foot lick) 4">>
<<case "bedroom(foot lick) 4">>
<<set $MaidFootFetish.herbedroomlick += 1>>
<<set $NPCsexmemory[1].footlicking += 1>>
<<NPCmedia "samantha" "feet licking(her bedroom 5)" 1>>
<br>You lick and massage your maid's legs for a while. If, in the beginning, she still lets herself tapping on her phone, occasionally giving you some praise, then she just folds her hands in front of her, rests her head on them, and enjoys your massage.
<<if $MaidFootFetish.herbedroomlick == 7>>
<br>Finally, after half an hour, she wiggles her feet a few times, letting you know that it's time for you to leave.
<<set _txt = "Thank you, Mr. " + $mc.name + ". See you tomorrow.">>
<br><<PHR 1 _txt>>
<<btnLink "Leave her" "Hallway (Gardener)" "">>
<<if $MaidFootFetish.herbedroomfootjob == 0>>
<br>Finally, after half an hour, she swings her foot a few times, signaling for you to stop. Your maid lifts up slightly and turns her head back to you.
<<set _txt = "You've really worked on your behavior, Mr. " + $mc.name + ". Even now, as I lay before you, completely naked, you can restrain yourself.">>
<br><<PHR 1 _txt>>
<br><<PHR "mc" "I'm...">>
<<set _txt = "Come on, I know you're hard as a rock right now. Why don't you show me the little Mr. " + $mc.name + "?">>
<br><<PHR 1 _txt>>
<<btnEventLink "Show her your cock" "Samantha Gardener Events" "bedroom(foot lick)(show cock)">>
<<btnEventLink "Don't show her your cock" "Samantha Gardener Events" "bedroom(foot lick)(no show cock)">>
<<elseif $NPCmood[1].arousal >= 60>>
<br>Finally, after half an hour, she swings her foot a few times, signaling for you to stop. you get to your feet, awaiting her further action.
<<set _txt = "Thanks for the massage, Mr. " + $mc.name + ". Now lie on your back.">>
<br><<PHR 1 _txt>>
<<btnEventLink "Lie on your back" "Samantha Gardener Events" "bedroom(footjob) alt">>
<br>Finally, after half an hour, she wiggles her feet a few times, letting you know that it's time for you to leave.
<<set _txt = "Thank you, Mr. " + $mc.name + ". See you in tomorrow.">>
<br><<PHR 1 _txt>>
<<btnLink "Leave her" "Hallway (Gardener)" "">>
<<case "bedroom(foot lick)(show cock)">>
<<NPCmedia "samantha" "her bedroom(sitting nude)" 0>>
<br>You pull your pants down with your underwear.
<br><<PHR 1 "Huh, not so little! Come on, sit on the bed.">>
<br>You take a seat on the edge of the bed, while Samantha positions herself behind you and places her hands on your shoulders.
<<set _txt = "If I let you go in this condition, you might be tempted to wake up Mrs. " + $NPCstat[0].name + ". We shouldn't let that happen, right?">>
<br><<PHR 1 _txt>>
<br>Without giving yourself a second thought, you slowly nod.
<br><<PHR 1 "Fine, then lie on your back.">>
<<btnEventLink "Lie on your back" "Samantha Gardener Events" "bedroom(footjob)">>
<<case "bedroom(foot lick)(no show cock)">>
<<LocImg "mc_house" "hallway (gardener)">>
<br>Not knowing what to do, you get to your feet and storm out of the room.
<<btnLink "Go to the mansion" "Hallway" "">>
<<case "bedroom(footjob)">>
<<set $MaidFootFetish.herbedroomfootjob += 1>>
<<set $NPCsexmemory[1].footjob += 1>>
<<set $NPCmood[1].arousal -= 50>>
<<NPCmedia "samantha" "footjob(her bedroom)" 1>>
<br>You lean back. Samantha is at your side, and her big tits hang over your face. This doesn't last long, though, and soon your maid moves closer to your groin. You expect her to start jerking you off, but instead she lies down on the bed perpendicular to you. One of her feet lowers on your cock and begins to slowly stroke it.
<br><<PHR "mc" "What are you doing?">>
<br><<PHR 1 "Helping you to release yourself. My feet are already sticky from your saliva, so it's only natural to use them.">>
<br>With these words, your maid clamps your prick between her feet and starts rubbing it all over its length. You feel deeply embarrassed, but at the same time, due to the strong arousal, you even begin to enjoy what is happening.
<<set _txt = "Don't be afraid to let it all out, Mr. " + $mc.name + ". It will help you get rid of the tension you've accumulated during the day.">>
<br><<PHR 1 _txt>>
<br>Samantha presses your cock against one of her feet, and begins gently stroking it with the toes of her other foot. Her fingers barely touch your skin, which gives you barely perceptible goose bumps on your thighs.
<br>Then your maid clamps your cock between her bent feet again and starts rubbing it with rotating motions. A moan escapes your lips.
<br><<TH "Where did she learn that?">>
<br><<PHR 1 "I can see that you enjoy it. Come on, cum already!">>
<br>Samantha wraps her feet tightly around your piston and starts jerking you off. Soon you can't hold out, and your cock starts shooting spurts of cum on your belly and your maid's legs.
<<NPCmedia "samantha" "footjob(her bedroom)(cum)" 1>>
<<set _txt = "Lie still, Mr. " + $mc.name + ". I'll clean you up.">>
<br><<PHR 1 _txt>>
<br>The girl starts to collect sperm from your belly with her feet.
<<if $MainKinks.selfcumeating>>
<br><<PHR 1 "Now it's your turn to clean me up.">>
<br>Samantha extends her legs, and her feet start to come dangerously close to your face.
<br><<PHR "mc" "What? I'm not gonna do it!">>
<br><<PHR 1 "Do you think you have a choice? After all you've done here?">>
<br>Her foot, covered in your cum, stops in front of your face. Your maid stares at you in silence. The smile on her face slowly dissolves.
<br><<TH "She is quite serious about this. Is she going to threaten me?">>
<br>You open your mouth to ask her that question, and Samantha seizes the moment and shoves her foot inside. Your mouth immediately fills with a salty taste.
<br><<PHR 1 "And next time, try to remember to follow my instructions.">>
<br><<PHR 1 "When I asked you to clean the shelves, you did it. When I asked you to watch the breakfast, you did it. This situation is no different. It's just a routine duty.">>
<<btnEventLink "Continue" "Samantha Gardener Events" "bedroom(footjob)(cum eating)">>
<br><<PHR 1 "Now everything looks all right. You are free to go.">>
<br>You get to your feet and pull up your pants. Throwing a glance at Samantha, you see her wiggling her toes, watching the sticky strings of your cum on them.
<<set _txt = "Go, go, go, Mr. " + $mc.name + ". See you tomorrow.">>
<br><<PHR 1 _txt>>
<<btnLink "Leave her" "Hallway (Gardener)" "">>
<<case "bedroom(footjob) alt">>
<<set $NPCsexmemory[1].footjob += 1>>
<<set $NPCmood[1].arousal -= 50>>
<<NPCmedia "samantha" "footjob(her bedroom)" 1>>
<br>You lean back. Samantha is at your side, and her big tits hang over your face. This doesn't last long, though, and soon your maid moves closer to your groin. She lies down on the bed perpendicular to you. One of her feet lowers on your cock and begins to slowly stroke it.
<<set _txt = "You are so hard, Mr. " + $mc.name + ". Do my feet turn you on so much?">>
<br><<PHR 1 _txt>>
<br>Her strokes become more aggressive.
<<set _txt = "Come on, Mr. " + $mc.name + ". Let it all out.">>
<br><<PHR 1 _txt>>
<br>A wave of arousal takes over your body and you squeeze your lips tightly. Samantha wraps her feet tightly around your piston and starts jerking you off.
<br><<PHR 1 "Don't... hold yourself... back!">>
<br>Soon you can't hold out, and your cock starts shooting spurts of cum on your belly and your maid's legs.
<<NPCmedia "samantha" "footjob(her bedroom)(cum)" 1>>
<<set _txt = "Lie still, Mr. " + $mc.name + ". I'll clean you up.">>
<br><<PHR 1 _txt>>
<br>The girl starts to collect sperm from your belly with her feet.
<<if $MainKinks.selfcumeating>>
<br><<PHR 1 "Now it's your turn to clean me up.">>
<br>Samantha extends her legs, and her foot, covered in your cum, stops in front of your face. Your maid stares at you in silence. You open your mouth, and Samantha seizes the moment and shoves her foot inside. Your mouth immediately fills with a salty taste.
<<btnEventLink "Continue" "Samantha Gardener Events" "bedroom(footjob)(cum eating)">>
<br><<PHR 1 "Now everything looks all right. You are free to go.">>
<br>You get to your feet and pull up your pants. Throwing a glance at Samantha, you see her wiggling her toes, watching the sticky strings of your cum on them.
<<set _txt = "Go, go, go, Mr. " + $mc.name + ". See you tomorrow.">>
<br><<PHR 1 _txt>>
<<btnLink "Leave her" "Hallway (Gardener)" "">>
<<btnLink "Leave her" "Hallway (Gardener)" "">>
<<case "bedroom(footjob)(cum eating)">>
<<NPCmedia "samantha" "cum on feet(her bedroom)" 0>>
<br>You take to sucking her foot shamefully.
<br><<PHR 1 "You don't have to suck it, you have to clean it.">>
<br>Samantha takes her foot out of your mouth.
<br><<PHR 1 "Go ahead, lick between the toes.">>
<br>You begin to work your tongue, and your maid starts to rotate her foot, putting different areas under your tongue.
<br><<PHR 1 "Okay, now the other foot.">>
<br>You clean her other foot in the same way.
<<set _txt = "Now everything looks all right. You are free to go. And don't forget to clean your mouth if you're planning to give Mrs. " + $NPCstat[0].name + " a goodnight kiss.">>
<br><<PHR 1 _txt>>
<br>You get to your feet and pull up your pants.
<<set _txt = "Go, go, go, Mr. " + $mc.name + ". See you tomorrow.">>
<br><<PHR 1 _txt>>
<<btnLink "Leave her" "Hallway (Gardener)" "">>
<</switch>><<switch $EventMark>>
/* ---------- FIRST MEET ---------- */
<<case "first meet">>
<<set $NPCstat[12].meet = true>>
<<set $NPCstat[13].meet = true>>
<<LocImg "mc_house" "hallway">>
<br>As you go down to the first floor, you hear a car honking.
<br><<TH "It must be Miguel. Strange, he usually doesn't beep, when he's arriving">>
<<if $NPCstat[13].meet == false>>
Miguel is the guy who's been delivering fresh groceries from the farms to your mansion for almost a year. More specifically, he works for a company that does such deliveries.
You decide to go out into the front yard and greet him. However, to your surprise, you see a young good-looking girl next to the truck. She notices you almost immediately.
<<set _txt = "Oh, you must be " + $mc.name + "? Nice to meet you, I'm Kelly.">>
<br><<PHR 12 _txt>>
<br>She gives you a surprisingly firm handshake.
<<set _txt = "Mr. " + $mc.name + "!">>
<br><<PHR "mc" _txt>>
<br><<PHR 12 "Oh, there is no need for such formalities. I think we are friends, already.">>
<br>You decide to let it slide, for now.
<br><<PHR "mc" "What happened to Miguel?">>
<br><<PHR 12 "He quit last week. I'll be delivering your food from now on.">>
<br>The girl opens the body door.
<br><<PHR "mc" "I have to admit, it's rather unusual to see a girl in a job like this. That must be pretty exhausting for you?">>
<<set _txt = "Are you kidding, " + $mc.name + "? Just look at those muscles.">>
<br><<PHR 12 _txt>>
<<btnEventLink "Look at her muscles" "Kelly Mansion Events" "first meet 2">>
<<case "first meet 2">>
<<NPCmedia "kelly" "show her muscles" 0>>
<br>She flexes her arms so you can get a better look at her biceps.
<br><<TH "Damn, she's more buff than I am.">>
<br><<PHR 12 "See? This job is just a warm-up for me.">>
<br>To prove her point, Kelly picks up two crates of groceries at once, one in each hand, and heads toward the mansion.
<br><<PHR 12 "But I'd really appreciate it if you'd hold the door for me.">>
<<btnEventLink "Hold front door for Kelly" "Kelly Mansion Events" "first meet 3">>
<<case "first meet 3">>
<<LocImg "mc_house" "hallway">>
<br>You hold the door open, letting Kelly go inside. She immediately heads toward the kitchen, while you eye her ass covered in tight jeans. Before she disappears into the doorway, she turns to you one more time and smiles playfully.
<br><<TH "I like this girl already.">>
<<btnEventLink "Finish" "Hallway" "">>
/* ---------- KITCHEN ---------- */
<<case "main(miguel)">>
<<LocImg "mc_house" "kitchen">>
<<if $NPCstat[13].meet == false>>
<<set $NPCstat[13].meet = true>>
<br>Miguel is the guy who's been delivering fresh groceries from the farms to your mansion for almost a year. More specifically, he works for a company that does such deliveries.
<br>You come closer.
<br><<PHR "mc" "Hello, Miguel. How's your work? How's your family?">>
<<set _txt = "Everything's fine, Mr. " + $mc.lastname + ".">>
<br><<PHR 13 _txt>>
<br>You nod to him. Meanwhile, Samantha finishes looking through the boxes and packages.
<<if $NPCstat[1].obedience <= -12>>
<br><<PHR 1 "Everything looks all right. Miguel, help me sort the groceries.">>
<br><<PHR 1 "Everything looks all right. Miguel, could you help me sort the groceries?">>
<<btnEventLink "Leave them" "Hallway" "">>
<<case "main(kelly)">>
<<set $KellyTraining.deliverytalk = true>>
<<set _topic = random(5)>>
<<LocImg "mc_house" "kitchen">>
<br>You come up to the girls.
<<set _txt = $mc.name + ", I'm so glad to see you. How it's going?">>
<br><<PHR 12 _txt>>
<br><<PHR "mc" "Just great.">>
<<if _topic == 0>>
<<set _txt = "Try that pepino melon, " + $mc.name + ". You'll love it. We changed supplier a short time ago.">>
<br><<PHR 12 _txt>>
<<elseif _topic == 1>>
<<set _txt = "Want some pine nuts, " + $mc.name + "? You should eat a handful of nuts every week.">>
<br><<PHR 12 _txt>>
<<elseif _topic == 2>>
<<set _txt = "Have you heard of taraq, " + $mc.name + "? They use milk from different animals to make it, so it contains a lot of minerals. I'll deliver some for you next time.">>
<br><<PHR 12 _txt>>
<<elseif _topic == 3>>
<br>Kelly takes a small jar out of one of the bags.
<<set _txt = "You should try the pickled artichokes, " + $mc.name + ". We can open a jar right now, so don't hesitate to take one.">>
<br><<PHR 12 _txt>>
<<elseif _topic == 4>>
<<set _txt = "I encourage you to order more foods that contain fiber, " + $mc.name + ". You can look for options in our catalog.">>
<br><<PHR 12 _txt>>
<<elseif _topic == 5>>
<<set _txt = "Do you order so many strawberries for your wife, " + $mc.name + "? Or do you like it too?">>
<br><<PHR 12 _txt>>
<br>Meanwhile, Samantha finishes looking through the boxes and packages.
<<if $NPCstat[1].obedience <= -18 and $MaidCookingLessons.lessonscount >= 2 and $KellyTraining.deliveryask >= 0>>
<br><<PHR 12 "Do you need any help?">>
<<set _txt = "Thank you, but I wanted to ask Mr. " + $mc.name + " to help me. I recently started teaching him how to cook, so it might be helpful for him to remember where the ingredients are.">>
<br><<PHR 1 _txt>>
<<if $KellyTraining.deliveryask == 0>>
<br><<PHR 12 "That's awesome! I hope you will teach him a few healthy recipes.">>
<br><<PHR 1 "I definitely will.">>
<br><<PHR 12 "Then, I'm off.">>
<br>Kelly raises her palm in farewell and leaves the room, whistling quietly to herself.
<<if $NPCstat[1].obedience <= -30>>
<<set _txt = "So, Mr. " + $mc.name + ", take these boxes and follow me. We don't have much time.">>
<br><<PHR 1 _txt>>
<<set _txt = "So, Mr. " + $mc.name + ", are you ready?">>
<br><<PHR 1 _txt>>
<<btnEventLink "Help your maid with the groceries" "Kelly Mansion Events" "help with groceries">>
<<btnEventLink "Protest against it" "Kelly Mansion Events" "no help with groceries">>
<<elseif $mc.shape < 40>>
<br><<PHR 12 "Again? On the other hand, it would be good for him. He absolutely needs to work on his muscles.">>
<br>Kelly walks up to you and unceremoniously starts groping your forearm.
<<btnEventLink "Let her do it" "Kelly Mansion Events" "Kelly touch biceps">>
<<btnEventLink "Protest against it" "Kelly Mansion Events" "Kelly no touch biceps">>
<br><<PHR 12 "Again? At least he's in good shape, so it won't be hard for him. Then, I'm off.">>
<br>Kelly raises her palm in farewell and leaves the room, whistling quietly to herself.
<<if $NPCstat[1].obedience <= -30>>
<<set _txt = "So, Mr. " + $mc.name + ", take these boxes and follow me. We don't have much time.">>
<br><<PHR 1 _txt>>
<<set _txt = "So, Mr. " + $mc.name + ", are you ready?">>
<br><<PHR 1 _txt>>
<<btnEventLink "Help your maid with the groceries" "Kelly Mansion Events" "help with groceries">>
<<btnEventLink "Protest against it" "Kelly Mansion Events" "no help with groceries">>
<br><<PHR 1 "Everything looks all right. Kelly, could you help me sort the groceries?">>
<br><<PHR 12 "Uh, sure.">>
<br><<TH "I guess it's better not distract the girls.">>
<<btnEventLink "Leave" "Hallway" "">>
<<case "Kelly touch biceps">>
<<LocImg "mc_house" "kitchen">>
<<set _txt = $mc.name + ", you should definitely sign up for the gym. Maybe you'll get lucky and meet me there.">>
<br><<PHR 12 _txt>>
<br>Kelly gives your forearm one more firm squeeze and then releases her grip.
<br><<PHR 12 "See you next week.">>
<br>She raises her palm in farewell and leaves the room, whistling quietly to herself.
<<if $NPCstat[1].obedience <= -30>>
<<set _txt = "So, Mr. " + $mc.name + ", take these boxes and follow me. We don't have much time.">>
<br><<PHR 1 _txt>>
<<set _txt = "So, Mr. " + $mc.name + ", are you ready?">>
<br><<PHR 1 _txt>>
<<btnEventLink "Help your maid with the groceries" "Kelly Mansion Events" "help with groceries">>
<<btnEventLink "Protest against it" "Kelly Mansion Events" "no help with groceries">>
<<case "Kelly no touch biceps">>
<<LocImg "mc_house" "kitchen">>
<br><<PHR "mc" "What are you doing?">>
<br>Kelly releases her grip.
<<set _txt = "See, " + $mc.name + "? If you went to the gym, you could blow off steam with a workout and not get offended out of nowhere.">>
<br><<PHR 12 _txt>>
<br>The girl turns to your maid.
<br><<PHR 1 "Let me help you, after all. Your boss seems to be in a bad mood.">>
<br><<TH "I guess it's better to leave now.">>
<<btnEventLink "Leave" "Hallway" "">>
<<case "help with groceries">>
<<SkipTimeBlock 1>>
<<set $KellyTraining.deliveryask += 1>>
<<set $KellyTraining.deliverydid += 1>>
<<LocImg "mc_house" "pantry">>
<<if $KellyTraining.deliverydid == 1>>
<br>You grab a box of groceries and follow your maid. You enter the pantry, and Samantha starts looking around. Finally, she turns to you.
<<set _txt = "Mr. " + $mc.name + ", why did you bring the vegetable box? The vegetables should be stored in the refrigerator. Okay, this time I will be guiding you.">>
<br><<PHR 1 _txt>>
<br>Following your maid's instructions, you take the many boxes and bags into their proper places and sort out their contents. Finally, the work is done, and you feel how your head starts buzzing.
<<set _txt = "Well done, Mr. " + $mc.name + ". I hope you remembered everything.">>
<br><<PHR 1 _txt>>
<br>Your maid puts her hand on your shoulder.
<br><<PHR 1 "Anyway, thank you for your help. I expect you to assist me next Monday as well.">>
<br>Following your maid's instructions, you take the many boxes and bags into their proper places and sort out their contents. Finally, the work is done, and you feel how your head starts buzzing.
<<set _txt = "Well done, Mr. " + $mc.name + ". This time you almost didn't need my instructions..">>
<br><<PHR 1 _txt>>
<br>Your maid puts her hand on your shoulder.
<<if $NPCstat[1].obedience <= -28>>
<<set $KellyTraining.nomaidactive = true>>
<<set $MaidSchedule[0].noon = "watch tv(mansion)">>
<br><<PHR 1 "You know, I think you can accept the delivery yourself next time. And I can take care of more important things.">>
<br>She throws a stern look at you.
<br><<PHR 1 "dom" "And don't argue about it.">>
<br><<PHR 1 "Anyway, thank you for your help. I expect you to assist me next Monday as well.">>
<<btnEventLink "Leave" "Hallway" "">>
<<case "no help with groceries">>
<<set $KellyTraining.deliveryask += 1>>
<br><<PHR "mc" "No, I'm not ready. You should have asked me first if I had the time or desire to do it.">>
<br>You turn around and head for the kitchen exit.
<<btnEventLink "Leave" "Hallway" "">>
<<case "main(no maid)">>
<<set $NPCplans[12].noon = "">>
<<LocImg "mc_house" "kitchen">>
<br>You come up to Kelly.
<<set _txt = $mc.name + ", I'm so glad to see you. Do you know where I can find Samantha? I already unloaded all the groceries.">>
<br><<PHR 12 _txt>>
<br><<PHR "mc" "I'm taking delivery today.">>
<br><<PHR 12 "Oh, that's cool.">>
<br>She looks in one of the bags and takes out a couple of pieces of paper.
<br><<PHR 12 "Let's check out all positions.">>
<br><<TH "She adapted to this situation so quickly!">>
<br>You take the sheets from the girl's hands. It's as if Kelly knows the order of the items by heart and announces in advance which ones you want to name. Thanks to this, you take delivery very quickly. As soon as you put the sheets on the table, Kelly grabs your forearm and starts feeling your biceps.
<<if $mc.shape < 40>>
<<set $KellyTraining.mcactive = true>>
<<set _txt = "So, " + $mc.name + ", have you thought about hitting the gym?">>
<br><<PHR 12 _txt>>
<br><<PHR "mc" "Not yet.">>
<br><<PHR 12 "You know, if you don't have time, I can train you right here. It would also help you get ready for a real training sessions.">>
<br><<PHR "mc" "There's no pressure to do that.">>
<br><<PHR 12 "This is not an optional! I advice you take delivery next time, too, and then we'll talk it over again.">>
<br>Kelly gives your forearm one more firm squeeze and then releases her grip.
<br><<PHR 12 "See you next week.">>
<br>She raises her palm in farewell and leaves the room, whistling quietly to herself.
<<set _txt = "I like your shape, " + $mc.name + ". Maybe we should cross our paths at the gym sometime?">>
<br><<PHR 12 _txt>>
<br><<PHR "mc" "Yeah, that'd be cool.">>
<br>Kelly gives your forearm one more firm squeeze and then releases her grip.
<br><<PHR 12 "We'll deal with that later. See you next week.">>
<br>She raises her palm in farewell and leaves the room, whistling quietly to herself.
<<btnEventLink "Leave" "Hallway" "">>
<<case "training(main)">>
<<set $KellyTraining.mccount += 1>>
<<set $NPCplans[12].noon = "">>
<<LocImg "mc_house" "hallway">>
<<set _stdice = random(9)>>
<<if $KellyTraining.mccount == 1>>
<br>By the time you walk out into the hallway, Kelly is already carrying boxes into the kitchen.
<<set _txt = $mc.name + ", you're late. Follow me.">>
<br><<PHR 12 _txt>>
<<btnEventLink "Follow her" "Kelly Mansion Events" "training(main 2)">>
<<elseif $KellyTraining.mccount == 2 or _stdice <= 4>>
<br>By the time you walk out into the hallway, Kelly is already carrying boxes into the kitchen.
<<set _txt = $mc.name + ", you're late. Again.">>
<br><<PHR 12 _txt>>
<br>She frowns her eyebrows.
<br><<PHR 12 "For this I will increase the max-reps for you. Follow me.">>
<<btnEventLink "Follow her" "Kelly Mansion Events" "training(main 2.1)">>
<br>As you go down to the first floor, you hear a car honking.
<br><<TH "Kelly is here.">>
<<btnEventLink "Meet her" "Kelly Mansion Events" "training(main 2.2)">>
<<case "training(main 2)">>
<<NPCmedia "kelly" "delivery(in truck)" 0>>
<br>You go out into the front yard and follow Kelly to her truck. The truck's body is open, and you see several boxes and paper bags on the edge. It looks like Kelly has already prepared the groceries that need to be unloaded.
<br><<PHR 12 "Okay, now I'll show you what you need to do.">>
<br>She choose one box and takes it by the special slots on the sides. However, instead of the usual grip, she puts her thumbs inside the slots, clutching the edge of the box with the rest of her fingers. Then the girl flexes her arms and lifts the box to the level of her chin.
<br><<PHR 12 "Now keep your back straight and do like this.">>
<br>Kelly straightens her arms and lifts the box over her head.
<br><<PHR 12 "Don't be afraid, it's strong. I've done it hundreds of times.">>
<br>She lowers her improvised workout gear and places it on the metal of the truck's body. Then she takes a step back and points you to the box.
<br><<PHR 12 "Be my guest!">>
<<btnEventLink "Take the box" "Kelly Mansion Events" "training(main 3)">>
<<case "training(main 2.1)">>
<<NPCmedia "kelly" "squatting" 1>>
<br>As she promised, this time your training was much more exhausting. At one point, you even sit down on the porch steps. Kelly, on the other hand, continues to walk beside you, and her strong hips are swaying in front of your eyes.
<<set _txt = "So, are you ready, " + $mc.name + "?">>
<br><<PHR 12 _txt>>
<br><<PHR "mc" "Give me... one more minute.">>
<br><<PHR 12 "Come on, you have to overcome yourself.">>
<br>You reluctantly get up to continue training.
<br><<PHR 12 "Now you're talking! Let's go!">>
<<btnEventLink "Continue" "Kelly Mansion Events" "training(main 6)">>
<<case "training(main 2.2)">>
<<NPCmedia "kelly" "delivery(in truck)" 0>>
<br>You go out into the front yard and greet Kelly. She suggests that there's no time to lose and that we start training right away.
<br>This time the girl had mercy on you, but by the end you were still exhausted.
<<btnEventLink "Continue" "Kelly Mansion Events" "training(main 6)">>
<<case "training(main 3)">>
<<NPCmedia "kelly" "delivery(in truck)" 0>>
<br>You try to repeat her actions. The box is quite heavy, and you involuntarily swallow, remembering how easily Kelly lifted it. At that moment, the girl's hand rests on your back.
<<set _txt = "Remember, " + $mc.name + ", the key is to keep your back straight.">>
<br><<PHR 12 _txt>>
<br>You throw your arms up and lift the box.
<br><<PHR 12 "Great, now lower the box slowly. Do not drop it instantly.">>
<br>You do as she says.
<<set _txt = "Now do nine more reps. One, two, three... Don't worry, " + $mc.name + ", you're doing great.">>
<br><<PHR 12 _txt>>
<br>When you're finished, you try to return the box to the floor of the truck's body, but the girl stops you.
<br><<PHR 12 "No, no, no. We're not done yet.">>
<br>She grabs another box and signs you to follow her.
<<btnEventLink "Follow her" "Kelly Mansion Events" "training(main 4)">>
<<case "training(main 4)">>
<<NPCmedia "kelly" "delivery(in truck)" 0>>
<br>You walk a few yards toward the mansion, and Kelly stops.
<<set _txt = "Okay, " + $mc.name + ", ten more reps.">>
<br><<PHR 12 _txt>>
<br>She starts to lift the box over her head.
<br><<PHR 12 "Come on, don't stand still.">>
<br>You repeat her actions and the girl nods approvingly at you. The next stop happens just before the threshold of the porch.
<<LocImg "mc_house" "porch">>
<br><<PHR 12 "Just one more time.">>
<br>You do another ten reps and finally enter the mansion to put the boxes of groceries in the kitchen.
<br><<PHR 12 "Take a breath if you need to. This was only the first round.">>
<br>A smile never leaves Kelly's face; it looks like the girl is genuinely having fun coaching you.
<<btnEventLink "Continue" "Kelly Mansion Events" "training(main 5)">>
<<case "training(main 5)">>
<<NPCmedia "kelly" "delivery(in truck)" 0>>
<br>You return to the truck.
<br><<PHR 12 "This round will be about squats. Watch me.">>
<br>Kelly takes another box of groceries and begins slowly squatting with it.
<br><<PHR 12 "Make sure your back is straight. Hold on, I'll show you from another side.">>
<br>She turns 180 degrees and continues squatting. Your gaze involuntarily shifts to her ass.
<<NPCmedia "kelly" "squatting" 1>>
<br><<PHR 12 "See? That's how you do this exercise. Now follow me.">>
<br>Along with Kelly, you carry the boxes to your mansion, doing squats every ten yards. Already in the kitchen, near the table, you stop to catch your breath.
<<set _txt = "Take your time, " + $mc.name + ". There are still a lot of boxes.">>
<br><<PHR 12 _txt>>
<<btnEventLink "Continue" "Kelly Mansion Events" "training(main 6)">>
<<case "training(main 6)">>
<<LocImg "mc_house" "kitchen">>
<br>Finally, you've managed to carry all the groceries into the kitchen. You collapse into a chair, and your arms hang along your body. Kelly, on the other hand, looks like she got a boost of energy.
<<set _txt = "All right, " + $mc.name + ". That was a good warm-up. See you next week.">>
<br><<PHR 12 _txt>>
<br>She waves to you and walks out of the kitchen. And you, letting out a heavy sigh, take up sorting groceries.
<<AddStat "mc" "shape" 4 30>>
<<btnEventLink "Finish" "Kitchen" "">>
<</switch>><<switch $EventMark>>
<<case "gym offer">>
<<NPCmedia "samantha" "ask day off" 0>>
<br>In the hallway, you meet your maid, who seems to have been waiting for you.
<<set _txt = "Mr. " + $mc.name + ", I wanna talk to you.">>
<br><<PHR 1 _txt>>
<br>You stop to listen to her.
<br><<PHR 1 "I wanna thank you. After I moved to this town and started working for you, it was like my life started all over again. And I'm starting to temper my backbone.">>
<br><<PHR "mc" "Well, I'm very happy to hear that.">>
<<set _txt = "So I decided to keep rolling and joined a local gym. Mrs. " + $NPCstat[0].name + " tells me you go there, too.">>
<br><<PHR 1 _txt>>
<br><<PHR "mc" "I try to visit it when I have some free time.">>
<br><<PHR 1 "That's great, we could meet there sometimes.">>
<br>She takes a little pause.
<<set _txt = "But, when I come home, I don't really have time to go to the gym. Maybe I could leave early from time to time. What do you say, " + $mc.name + "?">>
<br><<PHR 1 _txt>>
<<btnEventLink "Let her leave early" "Samantha Overall Events" "gym offer(agree)">>
<<btnEventLink "Refuse her offer" "Samantha Overall Events" "gym offer(reject)">>
<<case "gym offer(agree)">>
<<set $MaidActivity.gymactive = true>>
<<set $MaidActivity.gymstatus = "active">>
<<set $MaidSchedule[1].evening = "training(downtown gym)">>
<<set $MaidSchedule[1].dusk = "training(downtown gym)">>
<<set $MaidSchedule[3].evening = "training(downtown gym)">>
<<set $MaidSchedule[3].dusk = "training(downtown gym)">>
<<NPCmedia "samantha" "ask day off" 0>>
<br><<PHR "mc" "If you can manage your chores, why not.">>
<<set _txt = "Thank you, Mr. " + $mc.name + ". I knew you would approve.">>
<br><<PHR 1 _txt>>
<br>Suddenly she runs up to you and kisses you on the cheek. Then she thanks you again and hurries into the kitchen.
<<RemoveStat 1 "obedience" 3 -100>>
<<btnEventLink "Finish" "Hallway" "">>
<<case "gym offer(reject)">>
<<NPCmedia "samantha" "ask day off" 0>>
<br><<PHR "mc" "Samantha, you've already missed a couple of days without even asking for proper permission.">>
<<set _txt = "That's not what you're supposed to say, Mr. " + $mc.name + ".">>
<br><<PHR 1 _txt>>
<br><<PHR "mc" "What?">>
<br><<PHR 1 "The moment I started this conversation, I thought you'd be supportive. But for some reason you wouldn't.">>
<br><<PHR "mc" "I think I've already given you my reasons for saying no.">>
<br>Samantha comes up to you and her hand lays on your shoulder. The girl leans forward slightly, as if trying to give you a better view of her cleavage.
<<NPCmedia "samantha" "ask day off(cl)" 0>>
<<set _txt = "Mr. " + $mc.name + ". I promise I will always consult you from now on if I need to miss a day or leave early. ">>
<br><<PHR 1 _txt>>
<br>She pauses lusciously.
<br><<PHR 1 "Wouldn't you like your maid to have a more toned body? The kind you wanna look at every morning?">>
<<btnEventLink "Give in to her persuasion" "Samantha Overall Events" "gym offer(agree) alt">>
<<btnEventLink "Still say no to her" "Samantha Overall Events" "gym offer(reject) alt">>
<<case "gym offer(agree) alt">>
<<set $MaidActivity.gymactive = true>>
<<set $MaidActivity.gymstatus = "active">>
<<set $MaidSchedule[1].evening = "training(downtown gym)">>
<<set $MaidSchedule[1].dusk = "training(downtown gym)">>
<<set $MaidSchedule[3].evening = "training(downtown gym)">>
<<set $MaidSchedule[3].dusk = "training(downtown gym)">>
<<NPCmedia "samantha" "ask day off" 0>>
<<set _txt = "That's just great, Mr. " + $mc.name + ". You'll see, you made the right decision.">>
<br><<PHR 1 _txt>>
<br>Samantha kisses you on the cheek and hurries into the kitchen.
<<RemoveStat 1 "obedience" 3 -100>>
<<btnEventLink "Finish" "Hallway" "">>
<<case "gym offer(reject) alt">>
<<set $MaidActivity.gymactive = true>>
<<set $MaidActivity.gymstatus = "active">>
<<set $MaidSchedule[1].evening = "training(downtown gym)">>
<<set $MaidSchedule[1].dusk = "training(downtown gym)">>
<<set $MaidSchedule[3].evening = "training(downtown gym)">>
<<set $MaidSchedule[3].dusk = "training(downtown gym)">>
<<set $WifeToMaid.suspicion += 5>>
<<set $MaidToWife.influence += 2>>
<<NPCmedia "samantha" "ask day off" 0>>
<<set _txt = "Mr. " + $mc.name + ", you're so stubborn.">>
<br><<PHR 1 _txt>>
<br>She takes her hand off your shoulder and steps back. Her gaze becomes cold.
<<set _txt = "Fine. Then I'll ask Mrs. " + $NPCstat[0].name + ".">>
<br><<PHR 1 "dom" _txt>>
<br>With those words, she goes into the kitchen, leaving you pondering.
<<RemoveStat 1 "obedience" 5 -100>>
<<AddStat 0 "assertiveness" 3 100>>
<<btnEventLink "Finish" "Hallway" "">>
<<case "cleaning role reversal start">>
<<set $NPCplans[1].emorning = "get rest(gardener)">>
<<LocImg "mc_house" "hallway">>
<br>It's look like your maid is late again
<br><<TH "Lately, Samantha has been very negligent about her job. Maybe I should talk to her about it. But I have a feeling that many things could change dramatically after this conversation.">>
<<btnEventLink "Talk to her" "Samantha Overall Events" "cleaning role reversal start 2">>
<<btnEventLink "Wait for another week" "Samantha Overall Events" "cleaning role reversal postpone">>
<<case "cleaning role reversal start 2">>
<<set $MaidRoleReversal.active = true>>
<<set $MaidRoleReversal.cleaningactive = true>>
<<set $MaidSchedule[0].morning = "get rest(gardener)">>
<<set $MaidSchedule[0].anoon = "watch tv(mansion)">>
<<set $MaidSchedule[1].morning = "get rest(gardener)">>
<<set $MaidSchedule[1].noon = "get rest(gardener)">>
<<set $MaidSchedule[1].anoon = "tanning(backyard)">>
<<set $MaidSchedule[2].morning = "get rest(gardener)">>
<<set $MaidSchedule[2].noon = "use pool(mansion)">>
<<set $MaidSchedule[2].anoon = "watch tv(mansion)">>
<<set $MaidSchedule[3].morning = "get rest(gardener)">>
<<set $MaidSchedule[3].noon = "get rest(gardener)">>
<<set $MaidSchedule[3].anoon = "tanning(hallway)">>
<<set $MaidSchedule[4].morning = "get rest(gardener)">>
<<set $MaidSchedule[4].noon = "get rest(gardener)">>
<<set $MaidSchedule[4].anoon = "watch tv(mansion)">>
<<set $MaidSchedule[5].morning = "get rest(gardener)">>
<<set $MaidSchedule[5].noon = "get rest(gardener)">>
<<set $MaidSchedule[5].anoon = "get rest(gardener)">>
<<set $NPCplans[1].emorning = "get rest(gardener)">>
<<set $NPCplans[1].morning = "get rest(gardener)">>
<<set $NPCplans[1].noon = "get rest(gardener)">>
<<set $NPCplans[1].anoon = "watch tv(mansion)">>
<<set $NPCplans[1].evening = "get rest(gardener)">>
<<set $NPCplans[1].dusk = "get rest(gardener)">>
<<set $NPCplans[1].night = "get rest(gardener)">>
<<set $NPCplans[1].mnight = "get rest(gardener)">>
<<NPCmedia "samantha" "first meet" 0>>
<br>As soon as you pull out your phone to call her, the front door opens and you see Samantha on the doorstep.
<br><<PHR "mc" "Samantha, you're late again.">>
<br><<PHR 1 "But you had it under control, didn't you?">>
<br>She walks past you as if your words carry no weight for her.
<br><<PHR "mc" "Samantha, wait a minute. I want to talk to you about your attitude toward work.">>
<br>Your maid stops and turns to you. A smirk appears on her face.
<<set _txt = "Mr. " + $mc.name + ", I take my job as seriously as possible.">>
<br><<PHR 1 _txt>>
<br>Samantha's slowly approaching you.
<br><<PHR 1 "When I first started working here, I thought I'd be helping a major businessman, taking care of his household chores while he went about more important things at work.">>
<br>You involuntarily start retreating to the wall.
<br><<PHR 1 "dom" "But you stay at home all day and prefer to help me. I appreciate that, of course, but if you have nothing else to do, maybe you don't need a maid.">>
<br><<PHR "mc" "What?">>
<br><<PHR 1 "dom" "I don't wanna do a pointless job.">>
<br><<PHR "mc" "So you want to resign?">>
<br>Your back presses against the cold material of the wall. Samantha, on the other hand, approaches you practically at point-blank range. Even though your maid is shorter than you, you feel your body shrink under her gaze.
<<set _txt = "Of course not. I like your house, I like talking to Mrs. " + $NPCstat[0].name + ". And the salary you're paying me is pretty decent, too.">>
<br><<PHR 1 _txt>>
<br>Her hand rests against the wall, as if to block any escape route for you.
<br><<PHR 1 "But from now on it will be you who will cook the food, keep the house clean, and provide the recreation for your guests. Of course, if you have urgent business at your work, you can always come to me. If I'm not busy and you ask nicely, I'll be happy to return to my maid duties for a couple of days.">>
<<set _txt = "Do you understand me, Mr. " + $mc.name + "?">>
<br><<PHR 1 "dom" _txt>>
<br>You barely find the strength to nod back.
<br><<PHR 1 "That's fine.">>
<br>She takes her hand away and takes a step back.
<br><<PHR 1 "Now, how about making me some coffee?">>
<<btnEventLink "Finish" "Hallway" "">>
<<case "cleaning role reversal postpone">>
<<set $MaidRoleReversal.cleaningcounter = 7>>
<<LocImg "mc_house" "hallway">>
<br>You decide to postpone the conversation until next week.
<<btnEventLink "Finish" "Hallway" "">>
<</switch>><<switch $EventMark>>
<<case "main">>
<<NPCmedia "samantha" "gym" 0>>
<<set _txt = "Nice to see you, Mr. " + $mc.name + ".">>
<br><<PHR 1 _txt>>
<<btnEventLink "Leave her alone" "Fitness Center" "">>
<<if $JournalTheme == "Wife">>
<<if $JournalSubTheme == "">>
Choose the sub-category
<<if $JournalSubTheme == "main routes">>
<center><font size="4"><b>Queen Route</b></font></center>
<center><i>(femdom route)</i></center>
In this route, your wife gradually takes the lead and becomes more dominant. To progress in this route, you need to raise her <b>assertiveness</b>, <b>lordliness</b>, and <b>openness</b>. Also, there are key scenes in this story that you need to see.
<center><font size="4"><b>- - - - - - - - -</b></font></center>
<b>Baby shower event.</b> On the eleventh game day, you and your wife attend a baby shower organised by one of Jenny's friends. After you socialise with the other husbands there, <b>Let her lead</b> option appears in the evening sex scene with your wife. Use this option to raise your wife's stats.
<b>Drinking at the pool bar.</b> After your wife's <b>assertiveness is 16 or higher</b>, she invites you to join her for a drink in the pool bar (this event takes place in the evening). During this event, she asks you to lick her pussy. You must see this event to progress in the Queen Route.
<b>Sex shop discovery.</b> After your wife's <b>lordliness is 15 or higher</b>, your wife takes you on a shopping trip with Jenny (this event takes place on Sunday). During this event, Jenny shows you the location of the sex shop. You must see this event to progress in the Queen Route.
<b>Jenny's address discovery.</b> After your wife's <b>assertiveness is 21 or higher</b>, and after Jenny has slept over at your mansion at least once, your wife asks you to pick up Jenny and take them both to the mall (this event takes place on Sunday). You must see this event to progress in the Queen Route.
<b>Jenny's watching.</b> This event unfolds in two stages.
<br>First, during Jenny's visit, join them as they have a drink at the pool bar (this event takes place on Sunday). If your wife's <b>assertiveness is 28 or higher</b>, she asks you to give her a foot massage while Jenny is watching.
<br>First, during the next Jenny's visit, join them as they have a drink at the pool bar (this event takes place on Sunday). If your wife's <b>assertiveness is 28 or higher</b> and her <b>openness is 28 or higher</b>, she asks you to lick her pussy while Jenny is watching.
<b>Becoming a Queen.</b> After seeing the previous events, you have a conversation with your wife in the morning, during which she finally accepts her role as Queen of your house.
<center><font size="4"><b>- - - - - - - - -</b></font></center>
<b>Facesitting events.</b> Facesitting opens on the eighth game day. As soon as you wake up, your wife will suggest you try it. These scenes are not necessary to progress in the Queen Route, but they help to increase your wife's assertiveness.
<b>Foot massage events.</b> Foot massage opens on the fourteenth game day. After going to the mall, your wife asks if you are willing to give her a foot massage from time to time. You must <b>agree</b> to progress in the Queen Route.
<b>Lake dates events.</b> On weekends, you can invite your wife to visit the lake together. These scenes are not necessary to progress in the Queen Route, but they help to increase your wife's openness.
<center><font size="4"><b>- - - - - - - - -</b></font></center>
<center><font size="4"><b>Normal Route</b></font></center>
<center><i>(vanilla route)</i></center>
In development...
<<if $JournalSubTheme == "common scenes">>
<b>Make bath for her</b>
<br>This scene happens occasionally at Afternoon on weekdays. You must be in the Master Bedroom, Home Office or Corridor.
<b>Play tennis with her</b>
<br>$NPCstat[0].name plays tennis on Wednesday Noon and Afternoon. You can find her at the Tennis Court (Local Map).
<b>Drinking with her</b>
<br>From time to time you can find her at the Pool Bar (Mansion) and have a drink with her.
<b>Breakfast in bed</b>
<br>From time to time, instead of taking an early morning shower, your wife will sleep in. At that time, you can bring her breakfast in bed. You can ask Samantha to make the breakfast or you can do it yourself (you need your <b>сooking skill of 10 or higher</b>).
<br>If your wife <b>assertiveness is 12 or higher</b> and you ask Samantha to make breakfast too often, your wife will ask you to improve your skills and start cooking yourself.
<br>Also see <i>Wife/Pussy Worship</i>
<br>Also see <i>Wife/Foot Worship</i>
<br>Also see <i>Maid/Cooking Scenes</i>
<br>You can ask her out on a weekend date in the first half of the day.
<b>Lake date</b>
<br>The lake is divided into three areas.
<br>Camping area. If your wife <b>openness is higher than 21</b> (higher than 17 if she is aroused), you can have sex with her.
<br>Lake shore. This area have some random encounters. With 60% chance you can meet two girls and follow them to peep on their sex. If your wife <b>openness is higher than 17</b> (higher than 13 if she is aroused), you can have fun with her during that. If you peep at them a second time, the girls may catch you. If your wife <b>openness is higher than 21</b>, she agree to have fun while they watching you. If not - she runs away.
<br>Forest area. If her <b>openness is higher than 9</b> (higher than 7 if she is aroused), you can have sex with her in the forest. With 50% chance, someone can catch you, and if her <b>openness is lower than 17</b> (lower than 13 if she is aroused), she run away.
<br>Also, you can meet straight couple in the seclude area and peep on them.
<b>Restaurant date</b>
<br>You can invite her to the restaurant and have sex with her after this date.
<br>If her <b>assertiveness higher then 15</b> and she has cum from cunnilingus several times before, she may try to dominate you.
<b>Buying a throne</b>
<br>After she becomes Queen, the next trip to the mall will be without Jenny. During this trip, you will visit a sex shop where $NPCstat[0].name will buy a throne for future role-playing.
<<if $JournalSubTheme == "common hot scenes">>
<b>Master Bedroom</b>
<br>You can initiate this scene at Night in the Master Bedroom. There is a chance that she will refuse, then you should try the next day.
<br>Letting her take the initiative is a good way to raise her <b>assertiveness.</b>
<b>Sex Advances</b>
<br>If you dont give $NPCstat[0].name any sexual release for a week, then she can initiate sex by her own. This can happen in the Early Morning or at Night.
<b>Bakery Sex</b>
<br>You can visit $NPCstat[0].name in the Bakery (Downtown Map) and have sex with her.
<br>If her <b>assertiveness higher then 15</b> and you chose option to lick her pussy, she offer to boss-secretary role-play, where she takes a boss role and you move under the table. If you agree to be her "secretary", a random event may occur.
<br>- $NPCstat[0].name may call the barista and ask for cup of coffee. Then, if her arousal is high enough she enjoy your tongue to the fullest, otherwise she talk you to continue in the Master Bedroom at Night.
<br> - She might get a call that a new vendor is coming to visit her. If her <b>lordliness is higher than 28</b>, she will tell you to wait under the table for her return and go talk to the vendor herself. If her <b>lordliness is higher than 18</b> and she is horny enough, she will postpone the meeting with the vendor so you can satisfy her with your tongue. In all other cases, she will postpone your fun for the Night.
<br>- $NPCstat[0].name might get a call from Jenny and talk to her while you work your tongue.
<br>- Jenny might pay a surprise visit, and then $NPCstat[0].name will take her away, giving you a chance to escape.
<br>- No random event.
<<if $JournalSubTheme == "pussy worship">>
<b>Breakfast in bed</b>
<br>From time to time, instead of taking an early morning shower, your wife will sleep in. At that time, you can bring her breakfast in bed or wake her up with a kiss.
<br>If you decide to kiss her, you can continue the scene with cunnilingus. Depending on her stats, your wife can be quiet or more assertive. Also, if you practice facesitting, $NPCstat[0].name may want to change positions to ride your face.
<br>If you decide to bring her breakfast in bed, this is also a chance for you to work your tongue. To do this, your wife <b>assertiveness must be 18 or higher</b> (this is a random scene).
<b>Bakery Pussy Worship</b>
<br>You can visit $NPCstat[0].name in the Bakery (Downtown Map) and have sex with her.
<br>If her <b>assertiveness higher then 14</b> and you chose option to lick her pussy, she offer to boss-secretary role-play, where she takes a boss role and you move under the table. If you agree to be her "secretary", a random event may occur.
<br>- $NPCstat[0].name may call the barista and ask for cup of coffee. Then, if her arousal is high enough she enjoy your tongue to the fullest, otherwise she talk you to continue in the Master Bedroom at Night.
<br> - She might get a call that a new vendor is coming to visit her. If her <b>lordliness is higher than 28</b>, she will tell you to wait under the table for her return and go talk to the vendor herself. If her <b>lordliness is higher than 18</b> and she is horny enough, she will postpone the meeting with the vendor so you can satisfy her with your tongue. In all other cases, she will postpone your fun for the Night.
<br>- $NPCstat[0].name might get a call from Jenny and talk to her while you work your tongue.
<br>- Jenny might pay a surprise visit, and then $NPCstat[0].name will take her away, giving you a chance to escape.
<br>- No random event.
<b>Pool Bar Pussy Worship</b>
<br>From time to time you can find her at the Pool Bar (Mansion) and have a drink with her.
<br>If her <b>assertiveness higher then 16</b> she may ask to lick her pussy while she is drinking.
<br>If you have done it even once, during Jenny next visit, $NPCstat[0].name might suggest you lick her pussy again.
<br>- If her <b>assertiveness is higher than 27</b>, this is only possible after Jenny leaves.
<br>- If her <b>assertiveness is higher than 27</b> and her <b>openness is higher than 9</b>, she will allow Jenny to watch you.
<br>Also see <i>Jenny Common Scenes</i>
<b>Throne Scene</b>
<br>After the throne is delivered, she will ask you to lick her pussy while she sits on it.
<<if $JournalSubTheme == "ass worship">>
<b>First scene</b>
<br>The first scene happens after a restaurant date, if her <b>lordliness is more than 21</b>. After you start licking her pussy, she will suggest to change position. If her <b>assertiveness is higher than 27</b>, she will also ask you to lick her ass.
<b>Second scene</b>
<br>The first scene happens after a restaurant date, if her <b>lordliness is more than 21</b> and you agreed to lick her ass during first scene.
<b>Throne Scene</b>
<br>After the throne is delivered, she will ask you to lick her ass while she leans on it.
<<if $JournalSubTheme == "facesitting">>
<b>First scene</b>
<br>A few days later, after Jenny visits your mansion for the first time, $NPCstat[0].name will show you a video with facesitting and offer to try the same thing. If you refuse, it will block all future facesitting scenes with $NPCstat[0].name.
<b>Second scene</b>
<br>Eight days after the first scene, she will suggest that you try facesitting again. At the end of the scene she will offer to jerk you off, and if you agree, she will be more willing to reward you in the future.
<b>Third scene</b>
<br>This scene happens after you practice facesitting more than five times. Otherwise, this scene is similar to the second one.
<b>Regular scene</b>
<br>After you see the second scene, $NPCstat[0].name will start asking you for facesitting from time to time.
<b>Facesitting with panties</b>
<br>This scene randomly happens after you practice facesitting more than seven times.
<<if $JournalSubTheme == "foot worship">>
<b>First scene</b>
<br>Ask your wife out on Sunday, and when she says she wants to go shopping with Jenny, agree to go with her. During this scene, Jenny will introduce you Foot Worship Kink. If you say this fetish is not for you, all future scenes will be blocked.
<b>Regular scene</b>
<br>Find her in the Living Room at Evening or Dusk. If you agree at the end of the first scene, she may ask you to give her a foot massage. After a few sessions, she will suggest that you use an aromatic oil. After several more sessions, you will have the option of kissing and then licking her feet.
<b>Breakfast in bed</b>
<br>From time to time, instead of taking an early morning shower, your wife will sleep in. At that time, you can bring her breakfast in bed or wake her up with a kiss. If you decide to bring her breakfast in bed, and you practice foot massage, $NPCstat[0].name may ask you to massage her legs while she eats. To do this, your wife <b>assertiveness must be 16 or higher</b> (this is a random scene).
<b>Scenes in the mall</b>
<br>During a shopping trip, Jenny may ask her boyfriend to give her a foot massage. $NPCstat[0].name $NPCstat[0].name must have a <b>lordliness of 30 or higher</b> to ask you to do the same.
<br>Throughout the throne buying scene, she will ask you to give her a foot massage and also suck her toes.
<b>Scenes with Jenny</b>
<br>When Jenny is visiting your mansion, you can find her with $NPCstat[0].name in the Living Room in the Evening. $NPCstat[0].name will offer you to join them. If <b>her lordliness is higher than 21</b>, $NPCstat[0].name may suggest that you sit on the floor near the couch.
<br>If you agree the first time, you will have the fantasy of Jenny asking you to massage her feet.
<br>If you join them the next time, Jenny will actually ask $NPCstat[0].name to share you, to which your wife will willingly agree.
<<if $JournalTheme == "Maid">>
<<if $JournalSubTheme == "">>
Choose the sub-category
<<if $JournalSubTheme == "main routes">>
<center><font size="4"><b>Role Reversal</b></font></center>
<center><i>(femdom route)</i></center>
In this route, your maid is trying to shift her chores to you. Also, she becomes more dominant. To progress in this route, you need to lower her <b>obedience</b>. Also, you need to up your cleaning skill. There are several scenes that can help you progress in this route.
<center><font size="4"><b>- - - - - - - - -</b></font></center>
<b>Wiping shelves.</b> As she is cleaning up the living room, you can watch TV and your maid will ask you to help with the shelves. If you choose to wipe the shelves yourself, it lowers her obedience. You have to help her with the shelves <b>at least 10 times</b> to advance in this route.
<b>Dusting bedroom.</b> As she cleaning up the master bedroom, there is a chance that she asks you to help her with the cleaning. If you do this a few times, this scene will start to lower her obedience. Doing this scene is not necessary to advance in this route.
<b>Helping with mirror.</b> Requires at least <b>3 cleaning skill</b>. As she is cleaning up the master bathroom, you can join her and help with the mirror. If you follow her instructions, it lowers her obedience. You have to see her taking a bath <b>at least 1 time</b> to advance in this route.
<b>Helping with breakfast.</b> Requires her <b>obedience is -10 or lower</b>. As she is making breakfast, there is a chance that she asks you to help her with it. If you agree, it will lower her obedience. You have to help her with cooking <b>at least 8 times</b> to advance in this route.
<b>Going to gym.</b> Requires <b>29th game day or futher</b>. If her <b>obedience is 14 or lower</b>, she asks you for permission to end her workday early so she can go to the gym. You can choose any answer you want, because she starts going to the gym anyway. This action lower her obedience each time.
<center><font size="4"><b>- - - - - - - - -</b></font></center>
<b>Takeover.</b> After you fulfil all the conditions and her <b>obedience is -40 or lower</b>, the takeover scene happens in the early morning at your mansion. After this scene, your maid stops doing cleaning chores and her routine changes. You also get options for cleaning your mansion's rooms.
<center><font size="4"><b>- - - - - - - - -</b></font></center>
<center><font size="4"><b>Playful Maid</b></font></center>
<center><i>(maledom route)</i></center>
In development...
<<if $JournalSubTheme == "common scenes">>
<b>Gym Events</b>
<br>If her <b>obedience is lower then 11</b> and you have played at least 29 days, she can approach you and ask if she could leave early for the purpose to hit the gym.
<br>If <b>you agree</b>, her schedule will change, and she will go to the gym on Tuesday and Thursday evenings.
<br>If <b>you refuse her</b>, she will make an attempt to change your mind and, if you refuse her a second time, she will approach your wife with the request ( this will increase $NPCstat[0].name assertiveness and maid influence on her).
<br>Every time she sucessfully hit the gym, her <b>obedience decrease by 1.</b>
<br>If Samantha starts going to the gym, you will occasionally run into her in the Hallway in the Evening and she will tell you that she is late for the gym. If her <b>obedience is less than -6</b>, she may ask you for a small favor.
<br>If her <b>obedience is less than -19</b>, you may occasionally find her sunbathing in the Backyard at Noon. She may ask you to bring her a glass of juice or put sunscreen on her.
<br>There is a chance that you might meet her in the Hallway as she heads out to the backyard to get a tan.
<b>Pool Bar</b>
<br>After the second week, you can find her at the bar by the pool and offer her a drink. After that, if her <b>obedience drops below -15</b>, she will occasionally start swimming in the pool instead of cleaning. You can find her in the Backyard at Noon.
<b>Home Office</b>
<br>If her <b>obedience is less than -21</b> and you are working in the Home Office, she may call you from the first floor. If you go down to help her, she will ask you to bring her cookies from the top drawer.
<<if $JournalSubTheme == "cooking scenes">>
<br>This scene could happen if you approach her in the Kitchen in the Early Morning (random chance).
<br>- She might get a call from a friend. If her <b>obedience is less than -9</b>, she may ask you to watch the breakfast cooking while she is on the phone.
<br>- If her <b>obedience is less than -9</b>, she can ask you to watch breakfast cooking straight away.
<br>- If breakfast is eggs and bacon and her <b>obedience is less than -15</b>, then after a while $NPCstat[0].name will show up and you will have to serve her breakfast to replace your maid.
<br>- If breakfast is sandwiches, you can finish them while waiting for your maid. If her <b>obedience is less than -13</b>, she may ask you to make coffee for her when she returns.
<br>- If breakfast is chicken rolls and <b>obedience is less than -19</b>, she may come back with her phone in her hands and start teasing you during a conversation with her friend.
<br>- If breakfast is pancakes and you dont let them burn, then when your maid returns, she will offer you to taste the pancakes. During the tasting process, some of the syrup might drip onto her leg. If her <b>obedience is less than -29</b>, she will offer to wipe that stain off and tease you in the process.
<br>If her <b>obedience is less than -19</b>, she may be late and not start making breakfast. In this case, you can make coffee for yourself. If your maid has visited the gym 2 or more times, she will show up in the kitchen and ask you to make coffee for her, too.
<b>Cooking Lessons</b>
<br>After the second week, if you have brought breakfast in bed for your wife at least twice, or let the maid do it at least once, find Samantha in the kitchen and talk to her about cooking lessons. If you agree, from now on, every evening, you can take cooking lessons from her.
<br>You will need to wear an apron during these classes and if her <b>obedience is less than -19</b>, she will make you put your apron on right before class.
<br>After she gives you 5 or more lessons, and if her <b>obedience is less than -27</b>, she will give you your first cooking exam.
<b>Helping with Delivery</b>
<br>You may see her taking a grocery delivery on Monday at Noon. If you have taken at least two cooking lessons from her and her <b>obedience is less than -17</b>, she will ask you to carry the groceries to the pantry. If her <b>obedience is less than -27</b>, she will ask that you take the delivery instead of her from now on.
<<if $JournalSubTheme == "cleaning scenes">>
<center><font size="4"><b>Before Takeover</b></font></center>
<b>Living Room</b>
<br>If you start watching TV in the Living Room in her presence, she might ask you to help her with the top shelves of the cupboard.
<br>- You can lift her up so she can reach them on her own. This will raise her <b>playfulness.</b>
<br>- You can wipe those shelves with your hands. This will decrease her <b>obedience.</b>
<br>- You can tell her to use the chair. This will increase her <b>obedience.</b> If you tell her to use the chair twice, she will no longer ask you for it.
<br>If you decide to wipe down the shelves yourself, Samantha will inspect your work. If her <b>obedience is less than -9</b>, she will remain dissatisfied with your work and ask you to wipe the shelves again. To prevent this, you need to raise your cleaning skill to 2. After that you can wipe the shelves more thoroughly.
<br>Keep improving your cleaning skills until she decides to watch TV instead of checking the result of your work.
<b>Watching TV</b>
<br>After she watches TV with you at least once, from time to time you will start finding her at Afternoon in the Living Room, lying on the couch and watching TV. She may ask you to wipe down the shelves again. If you agree, she will then ask you to take the cleaning supplies to the storage room.
<br>- You can meet your wife on the way, and she will tease you about your appearance.
<br>- You may not meet your wife and then you can watch TV with your maid when you return. Afterwards, she will force you to vacuum the guest bedroom while she cooks dinner.
<br>If her <b>obedience is less than -27</b>, you will occasionally find cleaning supplies in different rooms of the mansion.
<br>- Corridor (Afternoon). You will find a bucket of water and a mop. If your cleaning skill is higher or equal to 4, you can wipe the floor, after which Samantha will appear and thank you for helping her. When you finish cleaning the Hallway, you can find your maid in the Living Room, and she will make you clean that room too.
<b>Master Bathroom</b>
<br>If you approach her in the bathroom and her <b>obedience is less than -9</b> and your cleaning skill is higher or equal to 3, she may ask you to wipe the mirror instead of hers.
<br>If you have helped her with the mirror at least once and her <b>obedience is less than -29</b>, you will find her filling the bathtub the next time. She will ask you to wipe the mirror, and if you agree, she will undress and climb into the tub. After that, she will force you do her chores, reasoning that she does not want to ruin the vibe of the day.
<center><font size="4"><b>- - - - - - - - -</b></font></center>
<center><font size="4"><b>After Takeover</b></font></center>
<b>Living Room</b> <font color=Salmon><i><b>New!</b></i></font>
<br>While you're cleaning the living room, there's a 20% chance that your maid will come in and start supervising you. At the end, she'll start reprimanding you for poor job, leading to a scene where you'll have a option to clean her shoes with your tongue.
<br>While you're cleaning the living room, there's a 20% chance that your maid will come in and start watching TV. She then offers to help you with the top shelves, which may eventually lead to a scene where she asks you to kiss her ass.
<b>Master Bedroom</b>
<br>While you're cleaning your bedroom, there's a 33% chance your maid will come in and start to teach you the etiquette a servant must follow.
<br>While you're cleaning your bedroom, there's a 33% chance your maid will come in and start observing you. Unhappy with your work, she may make you clean up more thoroughly and then kneel down and lick her fingers.
<b>Master Bathroom</b>
<br>While you're cleaning your bathroom, there's a 33% chance your maid will come in to take a bath. After the bath, she gives you a list of tasks you need to do for the day.
<b>Kitchen</b> <font color=Salmon><i><b>New!</b></i></font>
<br>While you're cleaning your kitchen, there's a 40% chance your maid will come in and start observing you. Unhappy with your work, she orders you to undress and clean the room more thoroughly.
<b>Home Office</b> <font color=Salmon><i><b>New!</b></i></font>
<br>While you're cleaning your home office, there's a 40% chance your maid will come in and start bossing you around.
<b>Backyard and Pool Bar</b>
<br>If your maid is in the backyard while you're cleaning up the pool bar, you have the opportunity to peek in on her. But if she catches you, she'll punish you.
<b>Other Scenes</b>
<br>If you decide to watch TV on a Tuesday at afternoon, your maid will come in and demand that you tidy up her room.
<<if $JournalSubTheme == "foot worship">>
<b>Living Room</b>
<br>If she has seen you give your wife a foot massage and <b>obedience is less than -29</b>, she may ask you to give her a foot massage while you are watching TV with her. After a few sessions, if <b>obedience is less than -34</b>, she may also ask you to lick her feet.
<b>Her Bedroom (Gardener House)</b>
<br>If you have given her a foot massage and licked her feet at least once, when you approach her in Her Bedroom, Samantha may ask you to give her a foot massage. During this massage, she may also ask you to lick her feet. Once you have done it at least four times, she will trust you more and start acting more relaxed. After you have done it at least eight times, she will say she can give you footjob and let you cum on her feet. If you agree and <b>selfcumeating kink is on</b>, she will force you lick the sperm off her foot after you cum.
<<if $JournalTheme == "Jenny">>
<<if $JournalSubTheme == "">>
Choose the sub-category
<<if $JournalSubTheme == "common scenes">>
<b>Her Visits</b>
<br>Every Thursday, she visits your mansion. At the beginning of the day, Jenny and $NPCstat[0].name choose what they will do during this visit.
<br>- At first it might be watching TV or sunbathing in the backyard.
<br>- After the third visit, Jenny will start staying overnight at your house. After that, their schedule also includes drinking alcohol at the poolside bar.
<<if $JournalSubTheme == "foot worship">>
<b>Scenes with $NPCstat[0].name</b>
<br>When Jenny is visiting your mansion, you can find her with $NPCstat[0].name in the Living Room in the Evening. $NPCstat[0].name will offer you to join them. If <b>her lordliness is higher than 21</b>, $NPCstat[0].name may suggest that you sit on the floor near the couch.
<br>-This scene only going to happen after Jenny sees you licking $NPCstat[0].name pussy.
<br>- If you agree the first time, you will have the fantasy of Jenny asking you to massage her feet.
<br>- If you join them the next time, Jenny will actually ask $NPCstat[0].name to share you, to which your wife will willingly agree.
<<if $JournalTheme == "Wife and Maid">>
<<if $JournalSubTheme == "">>
Choose the sub-category
<<if $JournalSubTheme == "cooking scenes">>
<b>Cooking exam</b>
<br>If you need to wear an apron during cooking lessons with your maid, your wife can see you (she must be home for this). After that, $NPCstat[0].name can take part in the cooking exam. If the <b>gap between your maid disobedience and your wife assertiveness is higher than 34</b>, then your maid will persuade your wife to help you with the cooking. Otherwise, you will cook alone.
<<if $JournalTheme == "Secretary">>
<<if $JournalSubTheme == "">>
Choose the sub-category
<<if $JournalSubTheme == "common scenes">>
<br>You interview her on the second day of the game. During the interview you have two options. You can hire her without any further questions, or you can ask her to demonstrate her sexual skills. In the second case, you get a blowjob scene.
<<if $JournalSubTheme == "common hot scenes">>
<b>Sex in the office</b>
<br>Every time you call her into your office, you can order her to blow you or have sex with her. However, you should be careful, since if <b>her obedience is less than -27</b>, she will refuse you.
<<if $JournalSubTheme == "training">>
<b>No panties</b>
<br>When you call her into your office, you can tell her to stop wearing panties at work. After that, her obedience will increase by 2 points each workday until you tell her to start wearing panties again.
<b>Anal training</b>
<br>When you call her into your office, you can tell her to buy lube for anal sex. When she does, you can initiate anal sex with her, but you will not succeed the first time. After that, you can tell her to start wearing an anal plug at work (<b>her obedience should be higher than 20</b>)
<br>After she gains enough experience, you can have anal sex with her anytime you want.
<<if $JournalSubTheme == "role reversal">>
<b>First part</b>
<br>To get started on this path, talk to Louise in the HR department. She will offer you a game where you temporarily switch roles with your secretary. After that, you will be able to call Louise into your office.
<<if $JournalTheme == "Mila">>
<<if $JournalSubTheme == "">>
Choose the sub-category
<<if $JournalSubTheme == "common hot scenes">>
<b>First Meet</b>
<br>Visit the Dark Apple on Friday and look for your finance director, $NPCstat[5].name. After he introduces Mila to you, she will find you in the restroom and offer to have sex with you.
<b>Second Meet</b>
<br>If you agreed to have sex with her during the first meet, find her again in the Dark Apple on Friday or Saturday. After that, you can take her to a hotel and fuck her one more time.
<<if $JournalSubTheme == "voyeurism">>
<b>Mila and Nicole</b>
<br>If you turned her down for sex the first time you met her, the next time you have drinks at Dark Apple while she is there, she will come up to you and introduce you to her friend. After that, the girls will invite you to a hotel where they will have sex, offering you the role of a spectator.
<b>Delivery Girl Route</b>
<br>After you rent her an apartment, visit her at noon or after noon. From time to time, you will see scenes with the pizza delivery girl.
<<if $JournalTheme == "Rhea">>
<<if $JournalSubTheme == "">>
Choose the sub-category
<<if $JournalSubTheme == "common scenes">>
In the process...
<<if $JournalTheme == "Belinda">>
<<if $JournalSubTheme == "">>
Choose the sub-category
<<if $JournalSubTheme == "main route">>
<b>First Meet</b>
<br>To meet her, visit the Post Department after the 9th game day. Belinda will approach you and ask for a private conversation in your office. It does not matter if you refuse her or not, because she will still end up in your office.
<br>Every time you meet Belinda, she will ask you for something. The first time, she will ask you to fire another intern they want to hire in her place. Depending on how quickly you agree to her requests, her opinion of you will change from a boss who needs to be manipulated to an obedient dog.
<br>After you meet Belinda for the first time, <b>you need to call $NPCstat[14].name from your office</b> and tell him to hire Belinda specifically. Or you can tell him to fire her and finish her route.
<b>Free schedule</b>
<br>Visit the Post Department three days after you hired Belinda. She will ask you to give her a free schedule.
<b>Personal office</b>
<br>Visit the Post Department four days after giving Belinda a free schedule. This time she will ask you to give her a personal office.
<b>Meet Jolene</b>
<br>Visit the Post Department five days after giving Belinda a free schedule. She will introduce you to her friend Jolene. In order to continue Belinda route, you need to pay Jolene for her services.
<br>After you pay Jolene, visit Belinda office the next day and she will reward you.
<b>Give her a car</b>
<br>If you have let her drive at least twice and paid Jolene for her services, visit Belinda office and she will ask you to gift her a car.
<b>Give her a vacation</b>
<br>A few days later, after you give her the car, she will come to your office to ask for a vacation.
<<if $JournalSubTheme == "common scenes">>
<b>Give her a ride</b>
<br>After you give her a personal office, she will start asking you for a ride to the mall or tanning salon. Visit the Post Office Department at noon or after noon to get these scenes.
<br>After you give her a ride a few times, she will ask you to let her drive. It is recommended that you do this to continue her route.
<b>Meet Brandy</b>
<br>To meet Brandy for the first time, you must give Belinda a ride at least twice. After that, give Belinda a ride on Wednesday or Friday.
<<if $JournalSubTheme == "brandy scenes">>
<b>First Meet</b>
<br>To meet Brandy for the first time, you must give Belinda a ride at least twice. After that, give Belinda a ride on Wednesday or Friday.
<b>Hiring Brandy</b>
<br>Four days after you meet Brandy, Belinda will show up at your office (at noon). She will say that she does not like your secretary and will suggest you hire Brandy instead. To do this, wait one game day and <b>make a decision on Belinda suggestion.</b>
<b>Buying her a phone</b>
<br>A few days after you have hired her, visit the Secretary Desk while Brandy is at work. She will ask you to buy her a new phone.
<b>Buying her a lingerie</b>
<br>A few days later, she will stop by your office and ask you to take her to the mall to help her pick out a lingerie set.
<br>Two days after a trip to the mall, she comes into your office to thank you.
<<if $JournalTheme == "Kelly">>
<<if $JournalSubTheme == "">>
Choose the sub-category
<<if $JournalSubTheme == "training scenes">>
<b>First Meet</b>
<br>$NPCstat[5].name shows up after the second week. You can meet her in the Kitchen at Noon on Monday.
<b>Helping with Delivery</b>
<br>If you have started taking deliveries from her instead of your maid, Kelly may suggest that you train under her supervision.
<<if $JournalTheme == "Dreams">>
<<if $JournalSubTheme == "">>
Choose the sub-category
<<if $JournalSubTheme == "maid">>
<b>Giant Maid</b>
<br>To see this dream, you need to help Samantha with the sunscreen and also see the last segment of the pancake scene.
<br>Also see <i>Maid Cooking Scenes</i>
\n@@`>>/* -------------------- CLEAN MIRROR -------------------- */
<<switch $EventMark>>
<<case "clean mirror">>
<<set $location.sub = "">>
<<set $MaidCleaning.mirrorcounter += 1>>
<<if $mcSkill.cleaning < 10>>
<<set $mcSkill.cleaning += 1>>
<<NPCmedia "samantha" "bathroom cleaning" 0>>
<<dlg_en 1 "Wonderful!">>
<<dlg_ru 1 "Замечательно!">>
<<en "Samantha hands you a sponge and detergent.">>
<<ru "Саманта протягивает вам губку и моющее средство.">>
<<dlg_en 1 "First, you should wash the surface thoroughly. Then remove the foam with cold water.">>
<<dlg_ru 1 "Для начала вам следует тщательно вымыть поверхность. Затем удалить пену холодной водой.">>
<<en "You do everything as she says.">>
<<ru "Ты делаешь все, как она говорит.">>
<<LocImg "actions" "clean mirror">>
<<dlg_en 1 "Try not to miss the slightest stain, Mr. $mc.name. After all, this is the mirror you check yourself in in the morning, so it has to shine.">>
<<dlg_ru 1 "Старайтесь не пропустить ни малейшего пятнышка, мистер $mc.name. В конце концов, именно в это зеркале вы рассматриваете себя по утрам, так что оно должно блестеть.">>
<<dlg_en 1 "All right, now moisten a cloth and polish every inch.">>
<<dlg_ru 1 "Отлично, а теперь смочите салфетку и отполируйте каждый дюйм.">>
<<en "After making sure you're doing everything right, Samantha leaves the bathroom.">>
<<ru "Удостоверившись, что ты все делаешь правильно, Саманта выходит из ванной.">>
<<RemoveStat 1 "obedience" 1 -20>>
<<btnEventLink "Finish/Закончить" "Master Bathroom" "">>
<<case "clean mirror(bath taking)">>
<<NPCmedia "samantha" "bathroom cleaning" 0>>
<<en "As you walk into the bathroom, you hear the sound of water. Samantha is standing by the bathtub, tasting the temperature of the water, obviously. Hearing your footsteps, the girl turns around.">>
<<ru "Зайдя в ванную, ты слышишь шум воды. Саманта стоит возле ванны и, очевидно, пробует температуры воды. Услышав твои шаги, девушка оборачивается.">>
<<dlg_en 1 "Mr. $mc.name, it's good that you showed up. Can you wipe the mirror while I run the bath?">>
<<dlg_ru 1 "Мистер $mc.name, хорошо что вы появились. Можете протереть зеркало, пока я набираю ванну?">>
<<btnEventLink "Clean the mirror/Протереть зеркало" "Samantha Bathroom Events" "clean mirror(bath taking) 2" 1>>
<<btnEventLink "Leave/Уйти" "Master Bathroom" "">>
<<case "clean mirror(bath taking) 2">>
<<set $MaidBath.counter += 1>>
<<if $mcSkill.cleaning < 15>>
<<set $mcSkill.cleaning += 1>>
<<NPCmedia "samantha" "take bath(mansion)(strip)" 0>>
<<en "You take a sponge and start cleaning the mirror. As you wipe off the detergent foam, in the reflection you see Samantha drop her clothes and become completely naked.">>
<<ru "Ты берешь губку и начинаешь протирать зеркало. В тот момент, когда ты стираешь с него пену от моющего средства, в отражении ты видишь, как Саманта скидывает одежду, оказываясь полностью обнаженной.">>
<<dlg_en 1 "I've always wanted to take a bath here. And how nice to know that you are not going to act like a jerk, not going to stare, but just keep doing your chores.">>
<<dlg_ru 1 "Всегда мечтала принять ванну здесь. И как хорошо знать, что вы не станете вести себя, как мужлан, не будете пялиться, а просто продолжите выполнять свои обязанности.">>
<<en "After these words, you involuntarily look away and focus on polishing the mirror to a shine. You hear a light splash of water, signaling that the girl has entered the tub.">>
<<ru "После этих слов, ты невольно отводишь взгляд и фокусируешься на том, чтобы отполировать зеркало до блеска. Ты слышишь легкий всплеск воды, сигнализирующий о том, что девушка зашла в ванну.">>
<<btnEventLink "Continue/Продолжить" "Samantha Bathroom Events" "clean mirror(bath taking) 3">>
<<case "clean mirror(bath taking) 3">>
<<LocImg "actions" "clean mirror">>
<<en "After completely removing the foam, you wipe the mirror one more time and then start polishing it with a napkin. In the reflection, you see the bathtub and Samantha's head peeking out. Your maid completely ignores your presence.">>
<<ru "Полностью убрав пену, ты еще раз протираешь зеркало, а затем начинаешь полировать его с помощью салфетки. В отражении ты видишь ванну и выглядывающую из нее голову Саманты. Твоя горничная полностью игнорирует твое присутствие.">>
<<en "You finish cleaning and are about to leave the room when Samantha calls you over.">>
<<ru "Ты заканчиваешь уборку и уже собираешься выйти из комнаты, как Саманта останавливает тебя.">>
<<dlg_en 1 "Mr. $mc.name, come here, please.">>
<<dlg_ru 1 "Мистер $mc.name, подойдите сюда, пожалуйста.">>
<<btnEventLink "Come to her/Подойти к ней" "Samantha Bathroom Events" "clean mirror(bath taking) 4">>
<<case "clean mirror(bath taking) 4">>
<<NPCmedia "samantha" "take bath(mansion)" 0>>
<<dlg_en 1 "Mr. $mc.name, take my clothes and take them to the laundry room. And on your way back, grab a bathrobe from my house.">>
<<dlg_ru 1 "Мистер $mc.name, возьмите мою одежду и отнесите ее вниз, в прачечную. А на обратном пути, захватите халат из моего домика.">>
<<en "You squat down and start picking up your maid's clothes, piece by piece. After folding everything together, you get up and turn to Samantha. The girl is lying in the tub, eyes closed and not paying any attention to you.">>
<<ru "Ты опускаешься на корточки и начинаешь собирать одежду своей горничной, вещь за вещью. Свернув все вместе, ты поднимаешься и поворачиваешься к Саманте. Девушка лежит в ванне, закрыв глаза и не обращая на тебя никакого внимания.">>
<<en "One part of you begins to wonder why you're letting her do this at all, but there's also the exact opposite feeling inside of you. It's like you want your maid to open her eyes and tell you what to do next. No, you want her to give you an order about your next step. You shake off that feeling and walk out of the bathroom.">>
<<ru "Одна часть тебя начинает задаваться вопросом, почему ты вообще позволяешь ей подобное, однако, внутри тебя есть и прямо противоположное чувство. Словно ты хочешь, чтобы твоя горничная открыла глаза и сказала что тебе делать дальше. Нет, чтобы она приказала тебе, что делать дальше. Ты стряхиваешь это ощущение и выходишь из ванной.">>
<<btnEventLink "Take her things to the laundry/Отнести ее вещи в прачечную" "Samantha Bathroom Events" "clean mirror(bath taking) 5">>
<<case "clean mirror(bath taking) 5">>
<<NPCmedia "samantha" "take bath(mansion)(after)" 0>>
<<en "You return to the bathroom with the robe. Samantha extends her hand to you, and you help her out of the tub. She stands on the mat.">>
<<ru "Ты возвращаешься в ванную с халатом. Саманта протягивает тебе руку, и ты помогаешь ей выбраться из ванной. Она становится на коврик.">>
<<dlg_en 1 "Mr. $mc.name, towel!">>
<<dlg_ru 1 "Мистер $mc.name, полотенце!">>
<<en "You rush to get a towel from the cabinet. Your maid spreads her arms apart, and you realize that she is offering you to dry her body. You walk up to her and touch her shoulder with the towel.">>
<<ru "Ты спешишь взять полотенце из шкафчика. Твоя горничная расставляет руки в стороны, и ты понимаешь, что она предлагает тебе вытереть ее тело. Ты подходишь к ней и касаешься полотенцем ее плеча.">>
<<th_en "She doesn't say anything, so everything is in order.">>
<<th_ru "Она молчит, значит, все в порядке.">>
<<en "After running the towel around her neck and shoulders, you go down to her full breasts.">>
<<ru "Проведя полотенцем по ее шее и плечам, ты спускаешься к ее полным грудям.">>
<<dlg_en 1 "Be more active, Mr. $mc.name. I'm not planning to stand here all day.">>
<<dlg_ru 1 "Будьте активнее, мистер $mc.name. Я не собираюсь стоять здесь весь день.">>
<<en "You wipe her breasts and then her soft belly. Then you get down on one knee to dry her legs. The blond hair on her pubes is at your eye level, causing you to avert your gaze. Samantha makes no comment on your actions. An image emerges in your mind of her hand grabbing your hair and pressing your head against her owner's crotch. The girl doesn't say a word, but she doesn't need to.">>
<<ru "Ты вытираешь ее груди, а затем и ее мягкий животик. Затем ты опускаешься на одно колено, чтобы высушить ее ноги. Светлые волосы на ее лобке оказываются на уровне твоих глаз, и ты отводишь взгляд. Саманта никак не комментирует твои действия. В твоей голове возникает образ, как ее рука хватает твои волосы и прижимает твою голову к промежности своей хозяйки. Девушка не говорит не слова, но этого и не требуется.">>
<<en "Just the thought of licking your maid's pussy makes your cock begin to swell. Samantha notices your confusion.">>
<<ru "От одной только мысли, как ты мог бы вылизывать киску твоей горничной, твой член начинает набухать. Саманта замечает твое замешательство.">>
<<dlg_en 1 "Hurry up, Mr. $mc.name.">>
<<dlg_ru 1 "Быстрее, мистер $mc.name.">>
<<en "You get to your feet and walk around the girl. You dry her back and then her round ass.">>
<<ru "Ты поднимаешься на ноги и обходишь девушку. Ты вытираешь ее спину, а затем и круглую попку.">>
<<dlg_en 1 "Now help me get dressed.">>
<<dlg_ru 1 "Теперь помогите мне одеться.">>
<<en "You help her put the robe on. This time Samantha doesn't bother to thank you. Instead, the girl heads to the mirror and begins to tidy her hair.">>
<<ru "Ты помогаешь ей накинуть халат. В этот раз Саманта не утруждает себя благодарностью. Вместо этого, девушка направляется к зеркалу и начинает приводить в порядок свои волосы.">>
<<NPCmedia "samantha" "take bath(mansion)(mirror)" 1>>
<<dlg_en 1 "Looks like you're having to chores today, Mr. $mc.name. After a nice relaxing bath, I can't do any housework. Follow me.">>
<<dlg_ru 1 "Похоже, вам придется поработать сегодня, мистер $mc.name. Не могу же я заниматься домашними делами после приятной расслабляющей ванной. Идите за мной.">>
<<btnEventLink "Follow her/Идти за ней" "Samantha Bathroom Events" "clean mirror(bath taking) 6">>
<<case "clean mirror(bath taking) 6">>
<<NPCmedia "samantha" "take bath(mansion)(give notes)" 0>>
<<en "You go into the bedroom. Samantha leans over to the bedside table to get a pen and a notebook. The flaps of her robe are pulled up, exposing her huge ass. The girl writes something quickly, rips a piece of paper out of the notepad, and holds it out to you.">>
<<ru "Вы выходите в спальню. Саманта наклонятся к прикроватной тумбочке, чтобы достать из не ручку и блокнот. Полы ее халата задираются, обнажая ее огромную задницу. Девушка что-то быстро пишет, вырывает листок из блокнота и протягивает вам.">>
<<dlg_en 1 "Here's the list. If you have any questions, I'll be downstairs.">>
<<dlg_ru 1 "Вот список. Если у вас возникнут вопросы, я буду внизу.">>
<<en "You hold the sheet up to your face.">>
<<ru "Ты подносишь листок к лицу.">>
<<set $MaidToDoList = addMaidToDoList("-2ndfloor")>>
<<set $MaidToDoList = addMaidToDoList("-stairs")>>
<<set $MaidToDoList = addMaidToDoList("-plants")>>
<<en "<i>-Clean the second floor hallway</i>">>
<<ru "<i>-Помыть коридор второго этажа</i>">>
<<en "<i>-Clean the stairs</i>">>
<<ru "<i>-Помыть лестницу</i>">>
<<en "<i>-Water the plants</i>">>
<<ru "<i>-Полить комнатные растения</i>">>
<<btnEventLink "Clean the second floor hallway/Помыть коридор второго этажа" "Samantha Bathroom Events" "clean mirror(second floor)">>
<<btnEventLink "Clean the stairs/Помыть лестницу" "Samantha Bathroom Events" "clean mirror(stairs)">>
<<btnEventLink "Water the plants/Полить комнатные растения" "Samantha Bathroom Events" "clean mirror(plants)">>
<<case "clean mirror(second floor)">>
<br><<set $MaidToDoList = removeMaidToDoList("-2ndfloor")>>
<<LocImg "actions" "mop floor">>
<<en "You wash the floor of the second floor. You can't say it gets dirty often, but you still need to mop it from time to time.">>
<<ru "Ты моешь пол второго этажа. Нельзя сказать, что он часто загрязняется, но все же, время от времени, необходимо протирать его.">>
<<if $MaidToDoList != "">>
<<if checkMaidToDoList("-stairs")>>
<<btnEventLink "Clean the stairs/Помыть лестницу" "Samantha Bathroom Events" "clean mirror(stairs)">>
<<if checkMaidToDoList("-plants")>>
<<btnEventLink "Water the plants/Полить комнатные растения" "Samantha Bathroom Events" "clean mirror(plants)">>
<<SkipTimeBlock 1>>
<<btnEventLink "Find your maid/Найти Саманту" "Samantha Bathroom Events" "clean mirror(milkshake)">>
<<case "clean mirror(stairs)">>
<br><<set $MaidToDoList = removeMaidToDoList("-stairs")>>
<<LocImg "actions" "clean staircase">>
<<en "You vacuum the stairs and wipe down the railing.">>
<<ru "Ты пылесосишь лестницу и протираешь перила.">>
<<if $MaidToDoList != "">>
<<if checkMaidToDoList("-2ndfloor")>>
<<btnEventLink "Clean the second floor hallway/Помыть коридор второго этажа" "Samantha Bathroom Events" "clean mirror(second floor)">>
<<if checkMaidToDoList("-plants")>>
<<btnEventLink "Water the plants/Полить комнатные растения" "Samantha Bathroom Events" "clean mirror(plants)">>
<<SkipTimeBlock 1>>
<<btnEventLink "Find your maid/Найти Саманту" "Samantha Bathroom Events" "clean mirror(milkshake)">>
<<case "clean mirror(plants)">>
<<set $MaidToDoList = removeMaidToDoList("-plants")>>
<<LocImg "actions" "water plants">>
<<en "You're watering the plants and the thought goes through your head that you didn't know you had so many different plants in your mansion.">>
<<ru "Ты поливаешь растения и в твоей голове крутится мысль о том, что ты и не знал, что в твоем особняке находится столько различных растений.">>
<<if $MaidToDoList != "">>
<<if checkMaidToDoList("-2ndfloor")>>
<<btnEventLink "Clean the second floor hallway/Помыть коридор второго этажа" "Samantha Bathroom Events" "clean mirror(second floor)">>
<<if checkMaidToDoList("-stairs")>>
<<btnEventLink "Clean the stairs/Помыть лестницу" "Samantha Bathroom Events" "clean mirror(stairs)">>
<<SkipTimeBlock 1>>
<<btnEventLink "Find your maid/Найти Саманту" "Samantha Bathroom Events" "clean mirror(milkshake)">>
<<case "clean mirror(milkshake)">>
<<LocImg "mc_house" "kitchen">>
<<en "You walk into the kitchen and see Samantha sitting at the table looking at her phone.">>
<<ru "Ты заходишь на кухню и видищь Саманту, которая сидит за столом и смотрит в телефон.">>
<<dlg_en 1 "Mr. $mc.name, you're finally here. I was just wondering what was taking you so long.">>
<<dlg_ru 1 "Мистер $mc.name, наконец-то вы пришли. Я уже заждалась.">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "What's the problem?">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Что случилось?">>
<<dlg_en 1 "I want a milkshake. Of course, I could make it myself, but then this day's vibe would be irretrievably lost. So, could you keep treating me and make this milkshake for me?">>
<<dlg_ru 1 "Я хочу молочный коктейль. Само собой, я бы могла сделать его сама, но тогда бы тон этого дня был бы безвозвратно утерен. Так что, не могли бы продолжить ухаживать за мной и приготовить для меня этот коктейль?">>
<<if $MaidServing.milkshakecount == 0>>
<<btnEventLink "Make milkshake for her/Сделать коктейль для нее" "Samantha Bathroom Events" "clean mirror(milkshake)(first time)">>
<<btnEventLink "Make milkshake for her/Сделать коктейль для нее" "Samantha Bathroom Events" "clean mirror(milkshake)(main)">>
<<case "clean mirror(milkshake)(first time)">>
<<set $MaidServing.milkshakecount += 1>>
<<set $MaidServing.milkshaketype = "">>
<<set $MaidPunish.kitchenslap += 1>>
<<LocImg "misc" "milkshake">>
<<en "You take fresh strawberries out of the fridge and rinse them under cold water. Then you put the berries in a bowl, pour milk over them, and add the ice cream you found in the freezer. After mixing the contents, you pour the cocktail into a glass and serve it to Samantha.">>
<<ru "Ты достаешь из холодильника свежую клубнику и промываешь ее под холодной водой. Затем ты кладешь ягоды в миску, заливаешь их молоком и добавляешь найденное в морозилке мороженое. Взбив содержимое, ты переливаешь коктейль в стакан и подаешь Саманте.">>
<<en "Samantha puts the straw in her mouth and tastes the milkshake.">>
<<ru "Саманта кладет трубочку в рот и пробует коктейль.">>
<<dlg_en 1 "Mr. $mc.name, do you know what my favorite flavor for milkshakes is?">>
<<dlg_ru 1 "Мистер $mc.name, вы знаете, какой вкус для молочных коктейлей мой любимый?">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "No.">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Нет.">>
<<dlg_en 1 "Then why didn't you ask before you randomly made one?">>
<<dlg_ru 1 "Тогда, почему не поинтересовались перед тем, как бездумно сделать один?">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "I just...">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Просто я...">>
<<dlg_en 1 "I'm tired of having to tell you how to do the simplest things every time.">>
<<dlg_ru 1 "Я устала от того, что мне каждый раз нужно говорить вам, как делать самые простые вещи.">>
<<en "Your maid points to the floor in front of you.">>
<<ru "Твоя горничная указывает на пол перед собой.">>
<<dlg_en 1 "dom" "On your knees!">>
<<dlg_ru 1 "dom" "На колени!">>
<<en "Stunned by her commanding tone, you feel like you're losing control of your body, and your legs buckle. The girl turns around in her chair so that she's facing you. Your gazes meet and you stare at each other for a few seconds before you look away.">>
<<ru "Опешив от ее командного тона, ты словно теряешь контроль на своим телом, и твои ноги сами подгибаются. Девушка разворачивается на стуле таким образом, чтобы оказаться лицом к лицу с вами. Ваши взгляды встречаются, и в течении нескольких секунд вы пристально смотрите друг на друга, прежде чем ты отводишь взгляд.">>
<<NPCmedia "samantha" "tower at you 2" 0>>
<<en "At that moment, the smile from your maid's face disappears, and your face burns with a powerful slap.">>
<<ru "В этот момент улыбка с лица твоей горничной пропадает, и твое лицо обжигает мощной пощечиной.">>
<<dlg_en 1 "This will serve as a reminder to you. Now...">>
<<dlg_ru 1 "Это послужит вам напоминанием. А теперь...">>
<<en "Samantha brings the cocktail to your face. You cast a hesitant look at her, and your maid grabs your chin with her thumb and forefinger.">>
<<ru "Саманта подносит коктейль к твоему лицу. Ты бросаешь на нее нерешительный взгляд, и твоя горничная хватает тебя за подбородок большим и указательным пальцами.">>
<<dlg_en 1 "Open you mouth, Mr. $mc.name.">>
<<dlg_ru 1 "Откройте ротик, мистер $mc.name.">>
<<en "You do as she says, and the girl immediately shoves the tube into your mouth.">>
<<ru "Ты делаешь, как она говорит, и девушка тут же запихивает трубочку тебе в рот.">>
<<dlg_en 1 "Bottoms up!">>
<<dlg_ru 1 "Пейте. До дна!">>
<<en "The girl doesn't stop holding your face while you sip your milkshake. Only when there is a slurping sound, indicating that the glass is empty, does she remove her hand.">>
<<ru "Девушка не прекращает держать тебя за лицо в то время, как ты поглощаешь молочный коктейль. Лишь когда раздается хлюпающий звук, указывающий что стакан опустел, она убирает свою руку.">>
<<dlg_en 1 "Good job. Now make me a new one.">>
<<dlg_ru 1 "Молодец. А теперь сделай мне новый.">>
<<en "You rise to your feet.">>
<<ru "Ты поднимаешься на ноги.">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "What flavor do you prefer?">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Какой вкус ты предпочитаешь?">>
<<dlg_en 1 "I want blueberry today.">>
<<dlg_ru 1 "Сегодня я хочу черничный.">>
<<btnEventLink "Make a new milkshake for her/Сделать новый коктейль для нее" "Samantha Bathroom Events" "clean mirror(milkshake)(end)">>
<<case "clean mirror(milkshake)(main)">>
<<LocImg "misc" "milkshake(blueberry)">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "I can do one. What flavor do you want?">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Я могу сделать один. Какой вкус ты предпочитаешь?">>
<<dlg_en 1 "I want blueberry today.">>
<<dlg_ru 1 "Сегодня я хочу черничный.">>
<<en "You take fresh blueberries out of the fridge and rinse them under cold water. Then you put the berries in a bowl, pour milk over them, and add the ice cream you found in the freezer. After mixing the contents, you pour the cocktail into a glass and serve it to Samantha.">>
<<ru "Ты достаешь из холодильника свежую чернику и промываешь ее под холодной водой. Затем ты кладешь ягоды в миску, заливаешь их молоком и добавляешь найденное в морозилке мороженое. Взбив содержимое, ты переливаешь коктейль в стакан и подаешь Саманте.">>
<<en "Samantha puts the straw in her mouth and tastes the milkshake. Then girl turns around in her chair so that she's facing you.">>
<<ru "Саманта кладет трубочку в рот и пробует коктейль. Затем девушка разворачивается на стуле таким образом, чтобы оказаться лицом к лицу с вами.">>
<<dlg_en 1 "dom" "On your knees!">>
<<dlg_ru 1 "dom" "На колени!">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "But I did...">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Но я же...">>
<<dlg_en 1 "dom" "Don't make me say it twice.">>
<<dlg_ru 1 "dom" "Не заставляйте меня повторять дважды.">>
<<en "You feel the familiar weakness in your knees, and your legs buckle. Samantha stares at you, and her hand moves threateningly closer to your face. You tense involuntarily, expecting a slap, but your maid simply takes you by the chin.">>
<<ru "Ты чувствуешь уже знакомую слабость в коленях, и твои ноги сами подгибаются. Саманта пристально смотрит на тебя, а ее рука начинает угрожающе приближаться к твоему лицу. Ты невольно напрягаешься, ожидая пощечины, но твоя горничная всего лишь берет тебя за подбородок.">>
<<NPCmedia "samantha" "tower at you 2" 0>>
<<dlg_en 1 "What's wrong, Mr. $mc.name? Are you afraid of your own maid?">>
<<dlg_ru 1 "Что не так, мистер $mc.name? Вы боитесь собственной горничной?">>
<<en "She brings a cocktail glass to your face.">>
<<ru "Она подносит бокал с коктейлем к вашему лицу.">>
<<dlg_en 1 "I just wanted to thank you for your excellent service. So you can have a little sip.">>
<<dlg_ru 1 "Я всего лишь хотела поблагодарить вас за отличную работу. Так что, можете сделать небольшой глоток.">>
<<en "As if mesmerized, you put the straw in your mouth and sip from the glass. Samantha's smile grows even wider at this point.">>
<<ru "Словно завороженный, кладешь трубочку в рот и отпиваешь из стакана. Улыбка Саманты в этот момент становится еще шире.">>
<<dlg_en 1 "All right, that's enough. You can go now. And find something useful to do.">>
<<dlg_ru 1 "Ну хватит-хватит. Вы можете идти. И займитесь чем-то полезным.">>
<<RemoveStat 1 "obedience" 2 -50>>
<<btnEventLink "Finish/Закончить" "Hallway" "">>
<<case "clean mirror(milkshake)(end)">>
<<LocImg "misc" "milkshake(blueberry)">>
<<en "You do everything like last time, only this time you add blueberries.">>
<<ru "Ты делаешь все, как в прошлый раз, только в этот раз добавляешь чернику.">>
<<dlg_en 1 "Good job, Mr. $mc.name.">>
<<dlg_ru 1 "Хорошая работа, мистер $mc.name.">>
<<en "The girl sips from her glass.">>
<<ru "Девушка отпивает из стакана.">>
<<dlg_en 1 "You're free to go. And find something useful to do.">>
<<dlg_ru 1 "Вы можете идти. И займитесь чем-то полезным.">>
<<RemoveStat 1 "obedience" 2 -50>>
<<btnEventLink "Finish/Закончить" "Hallway" "">>
<</switch>><<switch $EventMark>>
<<case "after mall(main)">>
<<NPCmedia "wife" "dressing up" 0>>
<br>You walk up to your wife. She flinches slightly.
<br><<PHR 0 "Oh, I'm sorry, honey, I didn't see you.">>
<br><<PHR "mc" "And I'm sorry if I scared you.">>
<br><<PHR 0 "Don't worry about it. You're just in time.">>
<br>$NPCstat[0].name picks up a pair of panties from the pouffe and shows them to you one by one.
<br><<PHR 0 "Which ones do you prefer?">>
<br><<PHR "mc" "Baby, you'll look great in anything.">>
<<if $WifeFacesitting.fabric>>
<br><<PHR 0 "You think so? I'd advise you to choose carefully. Maybe I'll wear them the next time I want to rest on your face.">>
<br>Your cheeks are flushed and your wife is laughing mischievously.
<br><<PHR 0 "I'm sorry, honey. I couldn't resist teasing you. You're not mad?">>
<br><<PHR "mc" "Of course not.">>
<br><<PHR 0 "Then pick a color you like.">>
<span id="dialog">
<center>@@.btnWide;<<button "Pick a white panties">>
<<replace "#dialog">>
<br><<PHR 0 "Interesting. Well, I'll consider your choice.">>
<<btnEventLink "Leave her" "Master Bedroom" "">>
<center>@@.btnWide;<<button "Pick a black panties">>
<<replace "#dialog">>
<br><<PHR 0 "Interesting. Well, I'll consider your choice.">>
<<btnEventLink "Leave her" "Master Bedroom" "">>
<br><<PHR 0 "Thanks, honey.">>
<<btnEventLink "Leave her" "Master Bedroom" "">>
<</switch>><<switch $EventMark>>
/* -------------------- DRINKING SCENES -------------------- */
<<case "main scene">>
<<NPCmedia "samantha" "backyard talk" 0>>
<<en "You walk up to your maid. She notices you and stops.">>
<<ru "Ты подходишь к Саманте. Она замечает тебя и останавливается.">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "How's it going?">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Как работается?">>
<<dlg_en 1 "Everything's fine, Mr. $mc.name.">>
<<dlg_ru 1 "Все в порядке, мистер $mc.name.">>
<<set _link = getLinkName("Ask her to pour you a drink/Попросить ее налить тебе выпить")>>
<<set _link += " [img[$skip_time_img]]">>
<span id="dialog">
<center>@@.btnWide;<<button _link>>
<<if $NPCstat[1].obedience >= -14>>
<<set $EventMark = "you request drink(standart)">>
<<goto "Samantha Pool Bar Events">>
<<replace "#dialog">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "Stop for a moment and pour me a drink.">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Остановись ненадолго и налей мне выпить.">>
<<dlg_en 1 "Are you sure, Mr. $mc.name? Maybe you shouldn't drink in the middle of the day.">>
<<dlg_ru 1 "Вы уверены, мистер $mc.name? Может не стоит выпивать в середине дня?">>
<<btnEventLink "Try to convince her/Попробовать убедить ее" "Samantha Pool Bar Events" "you request drink(meekly)">>
<<btnEventLink "Ask her more strongly/Спросить ее более строго" "Samantha Pool Bar Events" "you request drink(strongly)">>
<<btnEventLink "Leave her/Оставить ее" "MChouse Pool Bar" "">>
<<case "you request drink(standart)">>
<<SkipTimeBlock 1>>
<<LocImg "actions" "pour drink">>
<<en "Samantha takes out a glass and fills it with alcohol. She brings it over to you and then goes back to her work. You drain the glass in a couple of gulps and set it on the counter.">>
<<ru "Саманта достает бокал и наполняет его алкоголем. Она подносит его к тебе, а затем возвращается к своей работе. Ты в пару глотков осушаешь стакан и ставишь его на барную стойку.">>
<<btnEventLink "Ask for another drink/Попросить налить еще один стакан" "Samantha Pool Bar Events" "you request drink(continue)">>
<<btnEventLink "Offer her a drink/Предложить ей попробовать" "Samantha Pool Bar Events" "you offer drink(main)">>
<<case "you request drink(strongly)">>
<<SkipTimeBlock 1>>
<<LocImg "actions" "pour drink">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "It's not for you to decide what I do or don't do. Come on, hurry up.">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Не в твоей позиции решать, что мне делать, а что нет. Давай, поторопись.">>
<<dlg_en 1 "All right, Mr. $mc.name.">>
<<dlg_ru 1 "Хорошо, мистер $mc.name.">>
<<en "Samantha takes out a glass and fills it with alcohol. She brings it over to you and then goes back to her work. You drain the glass in a couple of gulps and set it on the counter.">>
<<ru "Саманта достает бокал и наполняет его алкоголем. Она подносит его к тебе, а затем возвращается к своей работе. Ты в пару глотков осушаешь стакан и ставишь его на барную стойку.">>
<<AddStat 1 "obedience" 5 100>>
<<btnEventLink "Ask for another drink/Попросить налить еще один стакан" "Samantha Pool Bar Events" "you request drink(continue)">>
<<case "you request drink(meekly)">>
<<SkipTimeBlock 1>>
<<LocImg "actions" "pour drink">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "Samantha, please, I don't want to be lectured by you. Just pour me a drink.">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Саманта, пожалуйста, я не хочу выслушивать нравоучения от тебя. Просто налей мне выпить.">>
<<dlg_en 1 "All right, Mr. $mc.name.">>
<<dlg_ru 1 "Хорошо, мистер $mc.name.">>
<<en "Samantha takes out a glass and fills it with alcohol. She brings it over to you and then goes back to her work. You drain the glass in a couple of gulps and set it on the counter.">>
<<ru "Саманта достает бокал и наполняет его алкоголем. Она подносит его к тебе, а затем возвращается к своей работе. Ты в пару глотков осушаешь стакан и ставишь его на барную стойку.">>
<<btnEventLink "Ask for another drink/Попросить налить еще один стакан" "Samantha Pool Bar Events" "you request drink(continue)">>
<<btnEventLink "Offer her a drink/Предложить ей попробовать" "Samantha Pool Bar Events" "you offer drink(main)">>
<<case "you request drink(continue)">>
<<LocImg "actions" "pour drink">>
<<en "You take another drink and decide you've had enough for the day.">>
<<ru "Ты выпиваешь еще один стакан и решаешь, что на сегодня достаточно.">>
<<btnEventLink "Leave/Уйти" "Backyard" "">>
<<case "you offer drink(main)">>
<<NPCmedia "samantha" "backyard talk" 0>>
<<if $NPCstat[1].obedience >= -11>>
<<dlg_en 1 "Mr. $mc.name, I can't. This brand must be very expensive.">>
<<dlg_ru 1 "Мистер $mc.name, эта марка довольно дорогая.">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "Samantha, it's only a bottle of gin. Come on, I insist.">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Это всего лишь бутылка джина. Давай, я настаиваю.">>
<<dlg_en 1 "I don't think you should treat your maid to something like that.">>
<<dlg_ru 1 "Я считаю, что вы не должны угощать свою горничную подобным.">>
<<en "She demonstratively pulls away to clearly show you that she's not going to have a drink with you.">>
<<ru "Она демонстративно отстраняется, дабы твердо показать, что она не собирается выпивать с тобой.">>
<<btnEventLink "Pull her closer/Притянуть ее ближе" "Samantha Pool Bar Events" "you offer drink(strongly)">>
<<btnEventLink "Let her step away/Позволить ей отойти" "Samantha Pool Bar Events" "you offer drink(let her go)">>
<<elseif $NPCstat[1].obedience >= -21>>
<<dlg_en 1 "Mr. $mc.name, I can't. This brand must be very expensive.">>
<<dlg_ru 1 "Мистер $mc.name, эта марка довольно дорогая.">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "Samantha, it's only a bottle of gin. Come on, I insist.">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Это всего лишь бутылка джина. Давай, я настаиваю.">>
<<en "You take out two glasses and fill them with alcohol. You immediately drink yours and look at your maid, waiting for her to drink too. She hesitates at first, but then gives in and downs the glass in one gulp. Her face twists slightly from the strength of the drink, but Samantha manages to get herself under control fairly quickly. She plants the glass on the counter and gives you a strained smile.">>
<<ru "Ты достаешь два бокала и наполняшь их алкоголем. Ты сразу же опустошаешь свой и смотришь на горничную, ожидая ее действий. Она сначала колеблется, но потом сдается и выпивает стакан одним глотком. Ее лицо слегка искривляется от крепости, но Саманте удается быстро взять себя в руки. Она ставит стакан на стойку и натянуто улыбается.">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "What do you think?">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Ну как?">>
<<dlg_en 1 "It's a pretty good gin. But I don't think you should treat your maid to something like that.">>
<<dlg_ru 1 "Это очень хороший джин. Но я считаю, что вы не должны угощать свою горничную подобным.">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "Come on, my bar - my rules. Let's get another drink.">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Мой бар - мои правила. Давай пропустим еще по стаканчику.">>
<<dlg_en 1 "Mr. $mc.name, I'm afraid if I have one more glass, I won't be able to work.">>
<<dlg_ru 1 "Мистер $mc.name, я боюсь, что не смогу работать, если выпью еще немного.">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "Well, then I give you the day off. Come on, don't disappoint me.">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Тогда я просто дам тебе выходной. Давай, я не приемлю отказа.">>
<<en "You fill glasses a second time, but this time you don't rush to drink yours, but wait to see how Samantha acts. This time she struggles longer, but eventually desire wins out and she grabs the glass.">>
<<ru "Ты наполняешь стаканы во второй раз, но на этот раз не спешишь отпить из своего, а ждешь, как поведет себя Саманта. На этот раз она сопротивляется дольше, но в конце концов желание побеждает, и она берет стакан.">>
<<btnEventLink "Continue/Продолжить" "Samantha Pool Bar Events" "you offer drink 2(main)" 1>>
<<dlg_en 1 "It would be foolish to refuse.">>
<<dlg_ru 1 "Было бы глупо отказаться.">>
<<en "She hands you the bottle.">>
<<ru "Она протягивает вам бутылку.">>
<<dlg_en 1 "Since you offered it, you should pour it.">>
<<dlg_ru 1 "Раз вы предложили, вам и наливать.">>
<<en "You take out two glasses and fill them with alcohol. You empty the glasses almost simultaneously. Samantha's face twists slightly at the strength of the drink, but she manages to get herself under control fairly quickly. She puts the glass on the counter and smiles at you rather smugly.">>
<<ru "Ты достаешь два стакана и наполняешь их алкоголем. Вы опустошаете стаканы почти одновременно. Лицо Саманты слегка искажается от крепости напитка, но ей довольно быстро удается совладать с собой. Она ставит стакан на стойку и самодовольно улыбается.">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "What do you think?">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Ну, как тебе?">>
<<dlg_en 1 "It's a very good gin. I'd love to have another glass, but I have to work.">>
<<dlg_ru 1 "Это очень хороший джин. Я бы с удовольствием пропустила еще стаканчик, но мне нужно работать.">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "Come on, my bar, my rules. Let's have another drink.">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Мой бар - мои правила, так что давай продолжать.">>
<<dlg_en 1 "Are you trying to get me drunk, Mr. $mc.name?">>
<<dlg_ru 1 "Вы пытаетесь напоить меня, мистер $mc.name?">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "Of course not. I'm just trying to enhance the employer-employee relationship.">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Разумеется, нет. Я просто хочу укрептить отношения со своей горничной.">>
<<en "Samantha stares at you, as if to study every muscle in your face.">>
<<ru "Саманто пристально смотрит на тебя, словно бы изучая каждый мускул на твоем лице.">>
<<dlg_en 1 "Okay, I'll have a drink with you, but I warn you, don't even try to take advantage of it.">>
<<dlg_ru 1 "Ладно, я выпью с вами, но предупреждаю сразу - не пытайтесь воспользоваться этим.">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "I swear.">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Даю слово.">>
<<en "You fill the glasses a second time.">>
<<ru "Ты наполняешь бокалы еще раз.">>
<<btnEventLink "Continue/Продолжить" "Samantha Pool Bar Events" "you offer drink 2(main)" 1>>
<<case "you offer drink(strongly)">>
<<LocImg "actions" "pour drink">>
<<dlg_en 1 "Mr. $mc.name, what are you doing? I'm telling Mrs. $NPCstat[0].stat about this!">>
<<dlg_ru 1 "Мистер $mc.name, что вы делаете? Я расскажу вашей жене об этом!">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "Okay, okay, don't yell. I'm leaving.">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Ладно-ладно, я ухожу, только не верещи.">>
<<btnEventLink "Leave/Уйти" "Backyard" "">>
<<case "you offer drink(let her go)">>
<<LocImg "actions" "pour drink">>
<<en "You don't insist, letting Samantha do her work. You take another drink and decide that you've had enough for today.">>
<<ru "Ты не настаиваешь, позволяя Саманте заниматься ее работой. Сам же ты выпиваешь еще один стакан и решаешь, что на сегодня достаточно.">>
<<btnEventLink "Leave/Уйти" "Backyard" "">>
<<case "you offer drink 2(main)">>
<<set $MaidBackyard.drinkCount += 1>>
<<if $MaidBackyard.drinkCount == 1>>
<<LocImg "actions" "pour drink">>
<<en "You keep drinking with your maid.">>
<<ru "Ты продолжаешь выпивать со своей горничной">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "You said you had a close friend in your hometown. So what made you move here?">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Итак, я всегда хотел узнать, что побудило тебя переехать в наш штат.">>
<<en "Samantha hesitates for a moment. It sounds like you touched on a very personal subject that she didn't want to talk about. But the alcohol seems to have had an effect, so after a short pause, she begins her story.">>
<<ru "Саманта задумывается на мгновение. Похоже, вы затронули очень личную тему, о которой она не хотела говорить. Но, спасибо действию алкоголя, после небольшой паузы она начинает свой рассказ.">>
<<dlg_en 1 "You know, I'd never worked as a maid before. I used to be a personal assistant in a big company. That's where I met my friend. I was satisfied with my position, but that all turned around when the new CEO came in.">>
<<dlg_ru 1 "Знаете, я никогда раньше не работала горничной. Раньше я была личным помощником в крупной компании. Там я познакомилась со своей лучшей подругой. Я была довольна своей должностью, но все изменилось, когда пришел новый генеральный директор.">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "Let me guess, he started hitting on you?">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Дай угадаю, он начал ухлестывать за тобой.">>
<<dlg_en 1 "Exactly! He's been giving me a hard time.">>
<<dlg_ru 1 "Именно! Он прохода мне не давал.">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "Why didn't you sue him?">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Почему ты не заявила на него?">>
<<dlg_en 1 "He had a lot of powerful friends. For all I know, he even used to play golf with the mayor.">>
<<dlg_ru 1 "У него много влиятельных друзей. Он даже поигрывал в гольф с нашим мэром на выходных.">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "And that's why you decided to move to another state?">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "И ты решила переехать?">>
<<dlg_en 1 "Yes. Unfortunately, my former boss made sure that I had the worst possible references. So I had no choice but to accept your wife's offer.">>
<<dlg_ru 1 "Да. Но мой прошлый босс позаботился о том, чтобы я получила отвратительные рекомендации. Так что у меня не осталось другого выбора, кроме как принять предложение вашей жены.">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "As I recall, you met at her bakery?">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Вы встретелись в ее булочной, насколько я помню?">>
<<dlg_en 1 "Yes, I was pretty depressed at the time, and I thought a cup of good coffee would cheer me up. And then I decided to ask the girl behind the counter if they were looking for workers.">>
<<dlg_ru 1 "Да, я пребывала в удрученной состоянии духа и решила, что чашка хорошего кофе меня взбодрит. И тогда я решила спросить у девушки за стойкой, не ищут ли они работников.">>
<<btnEventLink "Continue/Продолжить" "Samantha Pool Bar Events" "you offer drink 3(main)">>
<<elseif $NPCstat[1].obedience <= -28 and not $MaidBackyard.swimActive>>
<<en "You continue to drink with your maid. You're already starting to feel dizzy from the alcohol you've been drinking, and Samantha is noticeably tipsy, too.">>
<<ru "Ты продолжаешь выпивать со своей служанкой. У тебя уже начинает кружиться голова от выпитого, да и Саманта выглядит весьма пьяной.">>
<<dlg_en 1 "Mr. $mc.name, we should finish up. Your wife will be back soon.">>
<<dlg_ru 1 "Мистер $mc.name, нам пора заканчивать. Ваша жена скоро вернется домой.">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "Yeah, you're right.">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Да, ты права.">>
<<dlg_en 1 "But we should definitely do it again next week. I might even bring my bikini.">>
<<dlg_ru 1 "Но мы обязательно должны повторить на следующей неделе. Я даже могу взять с собой бикини.">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "Yeah, that sounds like a good idea.">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Да, это хорошая идея.">>
<<en "After you finish the bottle, you let Samantha go home.">>
<<ru "После того, как вы опустошаете бутылку, ты отпускаешь Саманту.">>
<<set $MaidBackyard.swimActive = true>>
<<set $MaidLazinessDesires.swimming = 70>>
<<set $NPCplans[1].evening = "take shower(gardener)">>
<<set $NPCplans[1].dusk = "get rest(gardener)">>
<<btnEventLink "Finish/Закончить" "MChouse Pool Bar" "">>
<<NPCmedia "samantha" "backyard talk 2" 0>>
<<en "You continue to drink with your maid. You're already starting to feel dizzy from the alcohol you've been drinking, and Samantha is noticeably tipsy, too.">>
<<ru "Ты продолжаешь выпивать со своей служанкой. У тебя уже начинает кружиться голова от выпитого, да и Саманта выглядит весьма пьяной.">>
<<dlg_en 1 "Mr. $mc.name, we should finish up. Your wife will be back soon.">>
<<dlg_ru 1 "Мистер $mc.name, нам пора заканчивать. Ваша жена скоро вернется домой.">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "Yeah, you're right.">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Да, ты права.">>
<<en "After you finish the bottle, you let Samantha go home.">>
<<ru "После того, как вы опустошаете бутылку, ты отпускаешь Саманту.">>
<<set $NPCplans[1].evening = "take shower(gardener)">>
<<set $NPCplans[1].dusk = "get rest(gardener)">>
<<btnEventLink "Finish/Закончить" "MChouse Pool Bar" "">>
<<case "you offer drink 3(main)">>
<<if $NPCstat[1].obedience <= -28 and not $MaidBackyard.swimActive>>
<<NPCmedia "samantha" "backyard talk 2" 0>>
<<en "You continue to drink with your maid. You're already starting to feel dizzy from the alcohol you've been drinking, and Samantha is noticeably tipsy, too.">>
<<ru "Ты продолжаешь выпивать со своей служанкой. У тебя уже начинает кружиться голова от выпитого, да и Саманта выглядит весьма пьяной.">>
<<dlg_en 1 "Mr. $mc.name, we should finish up. Your wife will be back soon.">>
<<dlg_ru 1 "Мистер $mc.name, нам пора заканчивать. Ваша жена скоро вернется домой.">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "Yeah, you're right.">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Да, ты права.">>
<<dlg_en 1 "But we should definitely do it again next week. I might even bring my bikini.">>
<<dlg_ru 1 "Но мы обязательно должны повторить на следующей неделе. Я даже могу взять с собой бикини.">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "Yeah, that sounds like a good idea.">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Да, это хорошая идея.">>
<<en "After you finish the bottle, you let Samantha go home.">>
<<ru "После того, как вы опустошаете бутылку, ты отпускаешь Саманту.">>
<<set $MaidBackyard.swimActive = true>>
<<set $MaidLazinessDesires.swimming = 70>>
<<set $NPCplans[1].evening = "take shower(gardener)">>
<<set $NPCplans[1].dusk = "get rest(gardener)">>
<<btnEventLink "Finish/Закончить" "MChouse Pool Bar" "">>
<<NPCmedia "samantha" "backyard talk 2" 0>>
<<en "You continue to drink with your maid. You're already starting to feel dizzy from the alcohol you've been drinking, and Samantha is noticeably tipsy, too.">>
<<ru "Ты продолжаешь выпивать со своей служанкой. У тебя уже начинает кружиться голова от выпитого, да и Саманта выглядит весьма пьяной.">>
<<dlg_en 1 "Mr. $mc.name, we should finish up. Your wife will be back soon.">>
<<dlg_ru 1 "Мистер $mc.name, нам пора заканчивать. Ваша жена скоро вернется домой.">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "Yeah, you're right.">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Да, ты права.">>
<<en "After you finish the bottle, you let Samantha go home.">>
<<ru "После того, как вы опустошаете бутылку, ты отпускаешь Саманту.">>
<<set $NPCplans[1].evening = "take shower(gardener)">>
<<set $NPCplans[1].dusk = "get rest(gardener)">>
<<btnEventLink "Finish/Закончить" "MChouse Pool Bar" "">>
<<case "she offers drink(main)">>
<<NPCmedia "samantha" "drinking at pool bar " 0>>
<<en "Samantha perks up when she sees you.">>
<<ru "Заметив тебя, Саманта оживляется.">>
<<dlg_en 1 "Mr. $mc.name! I decided to start without you.">>
<<dlg_ru 1 "Мистер $mc.name! А я решила начать без вас.">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "Shouldn't you be cleaning the bar?">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Разве ты не должна наводить порядок в баре прямо сейчас?">>
<<en "Your maid waves her hand a few times, as if to dismiss your question.">>
<<ru "Твоя горничная пару раз двигает рукой, словно бы отмахиваясь от твоего вопроса.">>
<<dlg_en 1 "I'm already finished. Come on, pour yourself a drink and join me.">>
<<dlg_ru 1 "Я уже все закончила. Давайте, наливайте себе стаканчик и присоединяйтесь.">>
<<btnEventLink "Drink with her/Выпить с ней" "Samantha Pool Bar Events" "you offer drink 3(main)">>
<<btnEventLink "Leave her/Оставить ее одну" "Backyard" "">>
/* -------------------- POOL SCENES -------------------- */
<<case "pool party(main)">>
<<set $MaidBackyard.swimCount += 1>>
<<NPCmedia "samantha" "pool fun" 1>>
<<en "When you walk out into the backyard, you find Samantha already splashing around in the pool. She's wearing a gold bikini, just a few tones different from her skin tone. There's a bottle of wine from your bar and two glasses on the tile by the pool.">>
<<ru "Выйдя на задний двор, ты обнаруживаешь, что Саманта уже плещется в бассейне. На ней золотистое бикини, лишь на несколько тонов отличающееся от цвета ее кожи. На плитке, обрамляющей бассейн, стоит бутылка вина из вашего бара и два бокала.">>
<<dlg_en 1 "Mr. $mc.name, you're finally here. I started without you.">>
<<dlg_ru 1 "Мистер $mc.name, наконец-то вы появились. Мне пришлось начать без вас.">>
<<if $NPCstat[1].obedience > -28>>
<<btnEventLink "Join her/Присоединиться" "Samantha Pool Bar Events" "pool party(join her)" 1>>
<<btnEventLink "Join her/Присоединиться" "Samantha Pool Bar Events" "pool party(get task)" 1>>
<<btnEventLink "Leave/Уйти" "Hallway" "">>
<<case "pool party(join her)">>
<<LocImg "mc_house" "pool side">>
<<en "You undress and jump into the pool. Samantha, meanwhile, fills a glass for you.">>
<<ru "Ты раздеваешься и прыгаешь в бассейн. Саманта тем временем наполняет для тебя стакан.">>
<<dlg_en 1 "You have a great collection here, Mr. $mc.name.">>
<<dlg_ru 1 "У вас чудесная коллекция алкоголя, Мистер $mc.name.">>
<<en "You swim up to her.">>
<<ru "Ты подплываешь к ней.">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "To be honest, I haven't even tasted half of it.">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Честно говоря, я не пробовал даже половину из нее.">>
<<en "Your maid giggles and raises her glass.">>
<<ru "Твоя горничная хихикает и поднимает бокал.">>
<<dlg_en 1 "Cheers!">>
<<dlg_ru 1 "Выпьем!">>
<<btnEventLink "Continue/Продолжить" "Samantha Pool Bar Events" "pool party(join her) 2">>
<<case "pool party(join her) 2">>
<<LocImg "mc_house" "pool side">>
<<en "You continue to drink with your maid until the bottle is empty. After that, she leaves.">>
<<ru "Ты продолжаешь пить со своей служанкой до тех пор, пока бутылка не пустеет. После этого она уходит.">>
<<btnEventLink "Finish/Закончить" "Hallway" "">>
<<case "pool party(get task)">>
<<LocImg "mc_house" "pool side">>
<<en "You're about to undress as Samantha stops you.">>
<<ru "Ты собираешься раздеться, как Саманта останавливает тебя.">>
<<dlg_en 1 "Mr. $mc.name, I forgot to bring the corkscrew. It must be on the bar counter.">>
<<dlg_ru 1 "Мистер $mc.name, я забыла взять штопор. Должно быть, я оставила его на барной стойке.">>
<<btnEventLink "Get the corkscrew/Принести штопор" "Samantha Pool Bar Events" "pool party(get task)(corkscrew)">>
<<case "pool party(get task)(corkscrew)">>
<<LocImg "misc" "corkscrew">>
<<en "You groan annoyedly, but walk over to the bar. The corkscrew is indeed lying on the bar. It looks like your maid was in such a hurry to take a dip in the cool water that she just forgot it. You pick up the corkscrew and return to Samantha. The girl takes the bottle of wine and holds it out towards you, hinting at you to open it.">>
<<ru "Ты раздраженно рычишь, но идешь к бару. Штопор действительно лежит на барной стойке. Похоже, что твоя горничная так спешила окунуться в прохладную воду, что просто забыла его. Ты берешь штопор и возвращаешься к Саманте. Девушка берет бутылку вина и протягивает по направлению к тебе, намекая на то, чтобы ты открыл ее. Ты делаешь это и разливаешь вино по бокалам. Ты уже готовишься снять одежду и зайти в бассейн, но твоя горничная снова не дает тебе это сделать.">>
<<LocImg "actions" "pour drink">>
<<en "You do so and pour the wine into glasses. You prepare to take off your clothes and get into the pool, but your maid again prevents you from doing so.">>
<<ru "Ты делаешь это и разливаешь вино по бокалам. Ты уже готовишься снять одежду и зайти в бассейн, но твоя горничная снова не дает тебе это сделать.">>
<<dlg_en 1 "One more little request, Mr. $mc.name. I put the meat in the oven and now it's time to lower the temperature. I don't want to walk with wet feet on the parquet, so please go to the kitchen and check on the cooking process.">>
<<dlg_ru 1 "Еще одна маленькая просьба, мистер $mc.name. Я поставила мясо в духовку, и сейчас пришло время сбавить температуру. Я не хочу ходить мокрыми ногами по паркету, так что, пожалуйста, загляните на кухню и проверьте, как идет процесс.">>
<<btnEventLink "Go to the kitchen/Сходить на кухню" "Samantha Pool Bar Events" "pool party(get task)(check oven)">>
<<case "pool party(get task)(check oven)">>
<<LocImg "mc_house" "oven">>
<<en "You go into the kitchen and turn down the oven temperature. When you return to the backyard, you see Samantha swim to the edge of the pool and walk up the steps.">>
<<ru "Ты идешь на кухню и сбавляешь температуру в духовке. Когда ты возвращаешься на задний двор, ты видишь как Саманта подплывает к краю бассейна и поднимается по лестнице.">>
<<NPCmedia "samantha" "pool leave" 1>>
<<dlg_en 1 "Where have you been, Mr. $mc.name? I'm getting bored of swimming alone.">>
<<dlg_ru 1 "Куда вы пропали, мистер $mc.name? Мне уже наскучило плескаться одной.">>
<<en "She comes pretty close and starts staring intently into your eyes.">>
<<ru "Она подходит довольно близко и пристально смотрит тебе в глаза.">>
<<NPCmedia "samantha" "tanning seduce" 1>>
<<dlg_en 1 "You want to dry me off, Mr. $mc.name?">>
<<dlg_ru 1 "Хотите вытереть меня, мистер $mc.name?">>
<<en "Without waiting for an answer, she stretches out her arms and nods toward the sunbeds, one of which has a towel on it. You head for the loungers, constantly feeling the girl's gaze on you. When you return, Samantha greets you with a smug smile. After you finish, your maid quickly thanks you.">>
<<ru "Не дожидаясь ответа, она вытягивает руки и кивает в сторону лежаков, на одном из которых лежит полотенце. Ты направляешься к лежакам, непрерывно ощущая на себе взгляд девушки. Когда ты возвращаешься, Саманта встречает тебя самодовольной улыбкой. После того, как ты заканчиваешь, твоя горничная скупо благодарит тебя.">>
<<dlg_en 1 "You are welcome to swim if you want, but I suspect you'd rather follow me and get a tan.">>
<<dlg_ru 1 "Если хотите, можете искупаться, но я подозреваю, что вы предпочтете последовать за мной и позагорать.">>
<<btnEventLink "Follow her/Идти за ней" "Samantha Pool Bar Events" "pool party(get task)(get tan)">>
<<case "pool party(get task)(get tan)">>
<<NPCmedia "samantha" "backyard sunbath" 1>>
<<dlg_en 1 "Don't forget about wine!">>
<<dlg_ru 1 "Не забудьте вино!">>
<<en "Samantha makes herself comfortable on the recliner while you return for the bottle and glasses.">>
<<ru "Саманта поудобнее устраивается на лежаке, в то время как ты возвращаешься за бутылкой вина и бокалами.">>
<<dlg_en 1 "Hold on, Mr. $mc.name. If you pour the wine on weight, it might splash on your clothes. So you should undress first. Unless... I have another idea. How about taking an apron from the storage room?">>
<<dlg_ru 1 "Погодите, мистер $mc.name. Если вы будете наливать вино на весу, то оно может попасть на вашу одежду. Так что для начала вам стоит раздеться. Или... у меня есть другая идея. Как насчет того, чтобы взять фартук из кладовой?">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "I don't think it's necessary. I have a lot of experience in pouring wine, whiskey, gin or any other alcohol.">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Не думаю, что в этом есть необходимость. У меня большой опыт по разливу вина, виски, джина или любого другого алкоголя.">>
<<dlg_en 1 "Please don't argue with me. I want to enjoy my time, and thinking about how I'm gonna get that stain out of your shirt is not part of this.">>
<<dlg_ru 1 "Пожалуйста, не пререкайтесь со мной. Я хочу приятно провести время, а мысли о том, как мне потом придется выводить пятно с вашей рубашки, этому не способствуют.">>
<<btnEventLink "Find the apron/Найти фартук" "Samantha Pool Bar Events" "pool party(get task)(get apron)">>
<<case "pool party(get task)(get apron)">>
<<LocImg "mc_house" "storage room">>
<<en "You go to the storage room and put on an apron. When you return, you see Samantha removing her bikini top. Noticing your appearance, she waves at you. You walk closer, and your gaze involuntarily falls on her large breasts.">>
<<ru "Ты идешь в кладовку и одеваешь фартук. По возвращению, ты видишь как Саманта снимает верхнюю часть бикини. Заметив твое появление, она машет тебе рукой. Ты подходишь ближе, твой взгляд непроизвольно падает на ее большие груди.">>
<<NPCmedia "samantha" "backyard sunbath(topless)" 1>>
<<dlg_en 1 "Staring is so rude, Mr. $mc.name. Why don't you pour me some wine instead?">>
<<dlg_ru 1 "Пялиться - это так некрасиво, мистер $mc.name. Лучше налейте мне вина.">>
<<en "You fill her glass.">>
<<ru "Ты наполняешь ее бокал.">>
<<dlg_en 1 "See you've already stained your apron? You should be grateful that I advised you to wear it.">>
<<dlg_ru 1 "Видите, вы уже запачкали фартук? Вы должны быть благодарны за то, что я посоветовала вам надеть его.">>
<<en "You examine yourself and notice a small red stain. However, you can't tell if it was on your apron before you put it on or if you actually spilled wine on it.">>
<<ru "Ты осматриваешь себя и замечаешь небольшое красное пятно. Однако, ты не можешь сказать, было ли оно на фартуке до того, как ты одел его, или же ты действительно пролил на него вино.">>
<<dlg_en 1 "Mr. $mc.name! I forgot about dinner. Hurry to the kitchen and get the meat out of the oven!">>
<<dlg_ru 1 "Мистер $mc.name! Я совсем забыла об ужине. Поторопитесь на кухню и достаньте мясо из духовки!">>
<<btnEventLink "Run to the kitchen/Бежать на кухню" "Samantha Pool Bar Events" "pool party(get task)(meet wife)">>
<<case "pool party(get task)(meet wife)">>
<<NPCmedia "wife" "return home" 0>>
<<en "When you go inside the mansion, you see your wife standing near the front door. She also notices you, as well as your apron.">>
<<ru "Когда ты заходишь внутрь особняка, ты видишь свою жену, стоящую возле входной двери. Она также замечает тебя, а также твой фартук.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "What's the occasion, sweetheart?">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "В честь чего такой вид, милый?">>
<<en "You frantically try to find an excuse and in the end you find nothing better than to say that you decided to do some cooking. Together with $NPCstat[0].name, you head to the kitchen, where you take the flavorful meat out of the oven.">>
<<ru "Ты лихорадочно пытаешься найти оправдание и, в итоге, не находишь ничего лучше, чем сказать, что ты решил заняться готовкой. $NPCstat[0].name вместе с тобой направляется на кухню, где ты достаешь из духовки ароматное мясо.">>
<<LocImg "misc" "baked meat">>
<<dlg_en 0 "Looks tasty.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Выглядит весьма аппетитно.">>
<<en "At that moment you hear footsteps, and your maid walks into the kitchen. She is still in her bikini and has a towel tied around her waist.">>
<<ru "В этот момент ты слышишь шаги, и на кухню заходит твоя горничная. Она все еще одета в бикини, и вокруг ее талии обвязано полотенце.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "Where have you been, Samantha?">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Где ты была, Саманта?">>
<<dlg_en 1 "I was swimming in the pool. Mr. $mc.name gave me his permission.">>
<<dlg_ru 1 "Я плавала в бассейне. Мистер mc.name дал мне свое разрешение.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "I see...">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Вот как...">>
<<en "Your wife turns to you, while Samantha hurries to leave the kitchen. You shrug.">>
<<ru "Твоя жена поворачивается к тебе, в то время как Саманта спешит покинуть кухню. Ты пожимаешь плечами.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "Can you explain that, $mc.name?">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Можешь объяснить это, $mc.name?">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "There's nothing wrong with her relaxing a little. Besides, she had some free time since I was cooking.">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Нет ничего страшного в том, что она немного расслабиться. К тому же у нее было свободное время, раз уж я занялся готовкой.">>
<<RemoveStat 1 "obedience" 2 -50>>
<<set $WifeToMaid.suspicion += 15>>
<<btnEventLink "Finish/Закончить" "Hallway" "">>
<</switch>><<switch $EventMark>>
<<case "lesbian in archive(first)">>
<<set $WorkIncident.archivelesbianactive = false>>
<<LocImg "work" "closed office">>
<<en "Walking around the building, you find a closed office, with women's voices coming from behind the door. And judging by their intonations, the girls are engaged in something other than work.">>
<<ru "Прогуливаясь по зданию, ты натыкаешься на закрытый офис, из-за двери которого слышатся женские голоса. И судя по их интонациям, девушки увлечены явно не рабочим процессом.">>
<<btnEventLink "Check the door handle/Проверить ручку двери" "Wander Around Office Events" "lesbian in archive(first)(peek)">>
<<btnEventLink "Leave/Уйти" "HR Department" "">>
<<case "lesbian in archive(first)(peek)">>
<<NPCmedia "birdie" "archive lesbian kissing" 1>>
<<en "You gently turn the handle, and the door opens. Through the gap you see the edge of a table and a file cabinet. At that moment, the women's voices change to the slurping sounds of kissing. Trying not to make any noise, you open the door wider and see two girls. They are pressing tightly against each other and shamelessly groping their bodies. One of the girls looks quite young, while the other can be safely given more than forty, though she looks just as hot as the first.">>
<<ru "Ты осторожно поворачиваешь ручку, и дверь открывается. Через образовавшуюся щель ты видишь край стола и шкаф. В этот момент женские голоса сменяются на слюнявые звуки поцелуев. Стараясь не шуметь, ты открываешь дверь шире и видишь двух девушек. Они тесно прижимаются к друг другу и беззастенчиво лапают их тела. Одна из девушек выглядит довольно молодой, в то время как другой можно спокойно дать больше сорока, хотя и выглядит она не менее горячо, чем первая.">>
<<btnEventLink "Come inside/Зайти внутрь" "Wander Around Office Events" "lesbian in archive(first)(peek)(come in)">>
<<btnEventLink "Keep watching/Продолжать смотреть" "Wander Around Office Events" "lesbian in archive(first)(peek 2)">>
<<btnEventLink "Leave/Уйти" "HR Department" "">>
<<case "lesbian in archive(first)(peek 2)">>
<<NPCmedia "birdie" "archive lesbian licking" 1>>
<<if $NPCstat[28].meet == false>>
<<if $GameLang == "eng">>
<<set $NPCstat[28].name = "Mature woman">>
<<elseif $GameLang == "rus">>
<<set $NPCstat[28].name = "Женщина">>
<<en "Meanwhile, one of the girls turns around and rests her hands on the table. She sticks out her round ass, while the other woman begins to slowly pull down her pantyhose. Then she squeezes her lover's buttocks tightly.">>
<<ru "Тем временем одна из девушек разворачивает и опирается руками о стол. Она выпячивает свою круглую попку, в то время как другая женщина начинает медленно стягивать с нее колготки. Затем она крепко сжимает ягодицы своей любовницы.">>
<<dlg_en 28 "I can't wait to taste you.">>
<<dlg_ru 28 "Не могу удержаться от того, чтобы попробовать тебя.">>
<<en "She leans down and runs her tongue between the young girl's buns. In response, she sighs languidly.">>
<<ru "Она наклоняется и запускает свой язык между булочек молодой девушки. В ответ, та томно вздыхает.">>
<<if $NPCstat[28].meet == false>>
<<if $GameLang == "eng">>
<<set $NPCstat[28].name = "Emilia">>
<<elseif $GameLang == "rus">>
<<set $NPCstat[28].name = "Эмилия">>
<<btnEventLink "Come inside/Зайти внутрь" "Wander Around Office Events" "lesbian in archive(first)(peek 2)(come in)">>
<<btnEventLink "Keep watching/Продолжать смотреть" "Wander Around Office Events" "lesbian in archive(first)(peek 3)">>
<<btnEventLink "Leave/Уйти" "HR Department" "">>
<<case "lesbian in archive(first)(peek 3)">>
<<NPCmedia "birdie" "archive lesbian licking 2" 1>>
<<en "Meanwhile, the girls switch roles. Now the mature woman sits in the chair and spreads her legs, showing her shaved pussy. Her lover kneels down so that their eyes are at the same level. The women start kissing passionately, and then the young girl goes lower and takes her lover's nipple in her mouth.">>
<<ru "Тем временем, девушки меняются ролями. Теперь более зрелая женщина садится в кресло и раздвигает ноги, демонстрируя свою гладко выбритую киску. Ее любовница опускается на колени, так что их глаза оказываются на одном уровне. Женщины начинают страстно целоваться, а затем молодая девушка опускается ниже и берет в рот сосок своей любовницы.">>
<<btnEventLink "Come inside/Зайти внутрь" "Wander Around Office Events" "lesbian in archive(first)(peek 3)(come in)">>
<<btnEventLink "Leave/Уйти" "HR Department" "">>
<<case "lesbian in archive(first)(peek)(come in)">>
<<LocImg "work" "simple office">>
<<if $GameLang == "eng">>
<<set $NPCstat[27].name = "Young girl">>
<<set $NPCstat[28].name = "Mature woman">>
<<elseif $GameLang == "rus">>
<<set $NPCstat[27].name = "Девушка">>
<<set $NPCstat[28].name = "Женщина">>
<<en "Once you come inside, the girls step away from each other.">>
<<ru "Стоит тебе зайти внутрь, как девушки отступают друг от друга.">>
<<dlg_en 28 "Mr. $mc.lastname, good afternoon. To what do we owe the pleasure of your visit?">>
<<dlg_ru 28 "Мистер $mc.lastname, добрый день. Чем обязаны вашему визиту?">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "I heard strange noises from behind the door and decided to check what was going on.">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Я услышал странные звуки из-за двери и решил проверить, что происходит.">>
<<dlg_en 27 "I'm... just fixing Emilia's shirt.">>
<<dlg_ru 27 "Я... просто поправляла рубашку Эмилии.">>
<<en "You take a closer look at the girls, but realize you've entered too early for you to blame them for anything.">>
<<ru "Ты пристально осматриваешь девушек, но понимаешь, что зашел слишком рано, чтобы им можно было что-то предъявить.">>
<<set $NPCstat[28].meet = true>>
<<if $GameLang == "eng">>
<<set $NPCstat[27].name = "Birdie">>
<<elseif $GameLang == "rus">>
<<set $NPCstat[27].name = "Берди">>
<<btnEventLink "Leave/Уйти" "HR Department" "">>
<<case "lesbian in archive(first)(peek 2)(come in)">>
<<set $WorkIncident.archivelesbiancount += 1>>
<<LocImg "work" "simple office">>
<<if $GameLang == "eng">>
<<set $NPCstat[27].name = "Young girl">>
<<elseif $GameLang == "rus">>
<<set $NPCstat[27].name = "Девушка">>
<<if $NPCstat[28].meet == false>>
<<if $GameLang == "eng">>
<<set $NPCstat[28].name = "Mature woman">>
<<elseif $GameLang == "rus">>
<<set $NPCstat[28].name = "Женщина">>
<<en "Once you come inside, the girls step away from each other. The young girl fixes her skirt.">>
<<ru "Стоит тебе зайти внутрь, как девушки отступают друг от друга. Молодая девушка поправляет свою юбку.">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "Well, well, well, what do I see.">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Так-так-так, что я вижу.">>
<<dlg_en 28 "Mr. $mc.lastname, it's not what you think.">>
<<dlg_ru 28 "Мистер $mc.lastname, это не то что вы подумали.">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "Don't take me for an idiot. I saw everything with my own eyes.">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Не надо держать меня за идиота. Я все видел своими глазами.">>
<<dlg_en 28 "We don't...">>
<<dlg_ru 28 "Мы не...">>
<<en "At this point, the other girl interrupts your conversation.">>
<<ru "В этот момент другая девушка прерывает ваш разговор.">>
<<dlg_en 27 "And why are you spying on your employees in the first place? If anyone knows about it, your reputation will certainly be damaged.">>
<<dlg_ru 27 "А почему вы вообще подглядываете за своими подчиненными? Если об этом кто-то узнает, ваша репутация может пострадать.">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "Are you trying to threaten me?">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Ты пытаешься угрожать мне?">>
<<dlg_en 27 "Actually, I'd like to make a deal. You will close your eyes to what happened here, and we will not tell anyone that our CEO is a sicko.">>
<<dlg_ru 27 "Наоборот, я хочу договориться. Вы закроете глаза на то, что здесь произошло, а мы не станем никому рассказывать, что наш генеральный директор - извращенец.">>
<<en "The girl takes a couple steps towards you. She reaches out and touches your cheek.">>
<<ru "Девушка делает пару шагов по направлению к вам. Она протягивает руку и касается вашей щеки.">>
<<dlg_en 28 "Birdie, wait!">>
<<dlg_ru 28 "Берди, стой!">>
<<set $NPCstat[27].meet = true>>
<<set $NPCstat[28].meet = true>>
<<if $GameLang == "eng">>
<<set $NPCstat[27].name = "Birdie">>
<<elseif $GameLang == "rus">>
<<set $NPCstat[27].name = "Берди">>
<<if $GameLang == "eng">>
<<set $NPCstat[28].name = "Emilia">>
<<elseif $GameLang == "rus">>
<<set $NPCstat[28].name = "Эмилия">>
<<dlg_en 27 "It's all right, Emilia. I think we've reached an understanding with Mr. $mc.lastname. Let's go get some coffee.">>
<<dlg_ru 27 "Все в порядке, Эмилия. Думаю, мы достигли взаимопонимания с мистером $mc.lastname. Пойдем, выпьем кофе.">>
<<en "The girls walk out of the office, leaving you alone.">>
<<ru "Девушки выходят из офиса, оставляя тебя в одиночестве.">>
<<btnEventLink "Leave/Уйти" "HR Department" "">>
<<case "lesbian in archive(first)(peek 3)(come in)">>
<<set $WorkIncident.archivelesbiancount += 1>>
<<LocImg "work" "simple office">>
<<if $GameLang == "eng">>
<<set $NPCstat[27].name = "Young girl">>
<<elseif $GameLang == "rus">>
<<set $NPCstat[27].name = "Девушка">>
<<if $NPCstat[28].meet == false>>
<<if $GameLang == "eng">>
<<set $NPCstat[28].name = "Mature woman">>
<<elseif $GameLang == "rus">>
<<set $NPCstat[28].name = "Женщина">>
<<en "Once inside, the mature woman pushes her lover away and closes her legs. The young girl doesn't seem to immediately realize what has happened. But when she sees you, she rises sharply to her feet.">>
<<ru "Стоит тебе зайти внутрь, как более зрелая женщина отталкивает свою любовницу и закрывает свои ноги. Молодая девушка, похоже, не сразу понимает, что произошло. Но, увидев тебя, она резко поднимается на ноги.">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "Well, well, well, what do I see.">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Так-так-так, что я вижу.">>
<<dlg_en 28 "Mr. $mc.lastname, it's not what you think.">>
<<dlg_ru 28 "Мистер $mc.lastname, это не то что вы подумали.">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "Don't take me for an idiot. I saw everything with my own eyes.">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Не надо держать меня за идиота. Я все видел своими глазами.">>
<<dlg_en 28 "We don't...">>
<<dlg_ru 28 "Мы не...">>
<<en "At this point, the other girl interrupts your conversation.">>
<<ru "В этот момент другая девушка прерывает ваш разговор.">>
<<dlg_en 27 "And why are you spying on your employees in the first place? If anyone knows about it, your reputation will certainly be damaged.">>
<<dlg_ru 27 "А почему вы вообще подглядываете за своими подчиненными? Если об этом кто-то узнает, ваша репутация может пострадать.">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "Are you trying to threaten me?">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Ты пытаешься угрожать мне?">>
<<dlg_en 27 "Actually, I'd like to make a deal. You will close your eyes to what happened here, and we will not tell anyone that our CEO is a sicko.">>
<<dlg_ru 27 "Наоборот, я хочу договориться. Вы закроете глаза на то, что здесь произошло, а мы не станем никому рассказывать, что наш генеральный директор - извращенец.">>
<<en "The girl takes a couple steps towards you. She reaches out and touches your cheek.">>
<<ru "Девушка делает пару шагов по направлению к вам. Она протягивает руку и касается вашей щеки.">>
<<dlg_en 28 "Birdie, wait!">>
<<dlg_ru 28 "Берди, стой!">>
<<set $NPCstat[27].meet = true>>
<<set $NPCstat[28].meet = true>>
<<if $GameLang == "eng">>
<<set $NPCstat[27].name = "Birdie">>
<<elseif $GameLang == "rus">>
<<set $NPCstat[27].name = "Берди">>
<<if $GameLang == "eng">>
<<set $NPCstat[28].name = "Emilia">>
<<elseif $GameLang == "rus">>
<<set $NPCstat[28].name = "Эмилия">>
<<dlg_en 27 "It's all right, Emilia. I think we've reached an understanding with Mr. $mc.lastname. Let's go get some coffee.">>
<<dlg_ru 27 "Все в порядке, Эмилия. Думаю, я и мистер $mc.lastname достигли взаимопонимания. Пойдем, выпьем кофе.">>
<<en "The girls walk out of the office, leaving you alone.">>
<<ru "Девушки выходят из офиса, оставляя тебя в одиночестве.">>
<<btnEventLink "Leave/Уйти" "HR Department" "">>
<<case "lesbian in archive(main)">>
<<set $WorkIncident.archivelesbianactive = false>>
<<LocImg "work" "closed office">>
<<en "Walking around the building, you find a closed office, with women's voices coming from behind the door. And judging by their intonations, the girls are engaged in something other than work.">>
<<ru "Прогуливаясь по зданию, ты натыкаешься на закрытый офис, из-за двери которого слышатся женские голоса. И судя по их интонациям, девушки увлечены явно не рабочим процессом.">>
<<th_en "Looks like the same lesbians I saw last time.">>
<<th_ru "Похоже, это тем самые лесбиянки, которых я видел в прошлый раз.">>
<<btnEventLink "Check the door handle/Проверить ручку двери" "Wander Around Office Events" "lesbian in archive(main)(peek)">>
<<btnEventLink "Leave/Уйти" "HR Department" "">>
<<case "lesbian in archive(main)(peek)">>
<<NPCmedia "birdie" "archive lesbian licking 3" 1>>
<<en "Looking inside, you catch the girls in the middle of the action. Birdie sits on the table with her legs spread wide while Emilia pleasures her pussy.">>
<<ru "Заглянув внутрь, ты застаешь девушек в самом разгаре действа. Берди сидит на столе, широко раздвинув ноги, в то время как Эмилия ублажает ее киску.">>
<<set _link = getLinkName("Keep watching/Продолжать смотреть")>>
<span id="dialog">
<center>@@.btnWide;<<button _link>>
<<replace "#dialog">>
<<if $MainKinks.blackmailed>>
<<en "You keep peeking, and that's when Birdie turns in your direction.">>
<<ru "Ты продолжаешь подглядывать, и в это время Берди поворачивается в твою сторону.">>
<<dlg_en 27 "I know you're in there, Mr. $mc.lastname. Come in.">>
<<dlg_ru 27 "Я знаю что вы там, мистер $mc.lastname. Идите сюда.">>
<<btnEventLink "Come inside the office/Войти в офис" "Wander Around Office Events" "lesbian in archive(main)(peek 2)">>
<<en "For a while, you keep peeping at the girls.">>
<<ru "Некоторое время ты продолжаешь подглядывать за девушками.">>
<<btnEventLink "Leave/Уйти" "HR Department" "">>
<<btnEventLink "Leave/Уйти" "HR Department" "">>
<<case "lesbian in archive(main)(peek 2)">>
<<set $WorkIncident.archivelesbiancount += 1>>
<<LocImg "work" "simple office">>
<<en "You go inside. Emilia immediately rises to her feet.">>
<<ru "Ты заходишь внутрь. Эмилия тут же поднимается на ноги.">>
<<dlg_en 27 "Seems like I forgot to lock the door.">>
<<dlg_ru 27 "Кажется, я забыла закрыть дверь.">>
<<dlg_en 28 "Sounds like you were really in a hurry to get a taste of my pussy. But that's okay, we got a deal with Mr. $mc.lastname, remember?">>
<<dlg_ru 28 "Похоже, что ты реально торопилась попробовать мою киску. Но ничего страшного, мистер $mc.lastname заключил с нами сделку, помнишь?">>
<<dlg_en 27 "What if it had been someone else?">>
<<dlg_ru 27 "А если бы это был кто-то другой?">>
<<en "Birdie leisurely gets off the table and adjusts her skirt.">>
<<ru "Берди неспеша слезает со стола и поправляют юбку.">>
<<dlg_en 27 "You're right. We should be more careful. And Mr. $mc.lastname can help us.">>
<<dlg_ru 27 "Ты права. Нам следует быть осторожнее. И мистер $mc.lastname может нам в этом помочь.">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "What do you mean?">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Что ты имеешь в виду?">>
<<dlg_en 27 "Well, from now on, we're gonna do our games in your office. Where no one will see us.">>
<<dlg_ru 27 "А то, что с этого момент мы будем заниматься нашими играми в вашем кабинете. Там нас точно никто не увидит.">>
<<dlg_en 28 "Are you sure that's a good idea?">>
<<dlg_ru 28 "Ты уверена, что это хорошая идея?">>
<<dlg_en 27 "Don't worry. Mr. $mc.lastname won't let the office have an unhealthy atmosphere, right?">>
<<dlg_ru 27 "Не дрейфь. Мистер $mc.lastname не допустит того, чтобы в офисе была нездоровая атмосфера, верно?">>
<<en "You have to grit your teeth and agree to her terms.">>
<<ru "Скрепя зубами, тебе приходится согласиться на ее условия.">>
<<btnEventLink "Leave/Уйти" "HR Department" "">>
<<case "lesbian in archive(you office)">>
<<if $time.daytime == 2>>
<<set $NPCplans[27].noon = "lesbian(your office)">>
<<set $NPCplans[28].noon = "lesbian(your office)">>
<<elseif $time.daytime == 3>>
<<set $NPCplans[27].anoon = "lesbian(your office)">>
<<set $NPCplans[28].anoon = "lesbian(your office)">>
<<elseif $time.daytime == 4>>
<<set $NPCplans[27].evening = "lesbian(your office)">>
<<set $NPCplans[28].evening = "lesbian(your office)">>
<<LocImg "work" "your office">>
<<if $NPCstat[$SecretaryId].location == "Secretary Desk">>
<<en "In the middle of the workday, $NPCstat[$SecretaryId].name informs you that two female employees from HR have come to see you. You assume they are Birdie and Emilia and tell your secretary to let them in. A short time later, the girls enter your office.">>
<<ru "Посреди рабочего дня, $NPCstat[$SecretaryId].name сообщает тебе, что к тебе пришли две сотрудницы из отдела кадров. Ты понимаешь, что это Берди и Эмилия и говоришь своей секретарше впустить их. Спустя некоторое время девушки заходят в твой офис.">>
<<en "In the middle of the workday, Birdie and Emilia walk into your office.">>
<<ru "Посреди рабочего дня в твой кабинет заходят Берди и Эмилия.">>
<<dlg_en 27 "It's time for you to leave, Mr. $mc.lastname.">>
<<dlg_ru 27 "Вам пора уходить, мистер $mc.lastname.">>
<<btnEventLink "Leave your office/Выйти из своего офиса" "Office Hallway" "">>
<<case "lesbian in archive(you office)(closed)">>
<<LocImg "work" "closed office">>
<<en "The door to your office is closed.">>
<<ru "Дверь в твой офис закрыта.">>
<<btnEventLink "Leave/Уйти" "Office Hallway" "">>
<</switch>>/* [[Your Office]] */
/* [[Secretary Desk]] */
/* [[Finance Department]] */
/* [[HR Department]] */
/* [[IT Department]] */
/* [[Post Department]] */
/* [[Downtown Map]] */
/* [[Suburb Map]] */
<<include "Work Event Hub">>
<<switch $location.sub>>
<<case "">>
<<LocImg "work" "hallway">>
<<set _navid = 0>>
<<set $NavigationSlot = []>>
<<set $NavigationSlotName = []>>
<<set $NavigationSlotSub = []>>
<<set $NavigationSlot[_navid] = "Your Office">>
<<set $NavigationSlotName[_navid] = "Your Office/Твой офис">>
<<set $NavigationSlotSub[_navid] = "">>
<<set _navid += 1>>
<<set $NavigationSlot[_navid] = "Secretary Desk">>
<<set $NavigationSlotName[_navid] = "Secretary Desk/Стол секретаря">>
<<set $NavigationSlotSub[_navid] = "">>
<<set _navid += 1>>
<<set $NavigationSlot[_navid] = "Finance Department">>
<<set $NavigationSlotName[_navid] = "Finance Department/Финансовый отдел">>
<<set $NavigationSlotSub[_navid] = "">>
<<set _navid += 1>>
<<set $NavigationSlot[_navid] = "HR Department">>
<<set $NavigationSlotName[_navid] = "HR Department/Отдел кадров">>
<<set $NavigationSlotSub[_navid] = "">>
<<set _navid += 1>>
<<set $NavigationSlot[_navid] = "IT Department">>
<<set $NavigationSlotName[_navid] = "IT Department/ИТ отдел">>
<<set $NavigationSlotSub[_navid] = "">>
<<set _navid += 1>>
<<set $NavigationSlot[_navid] = "Post Department">>
<<set $NavigationSlotName[_navid] = "Post Department/Отдел почты">>
<<set $NavigationSlotSub[_navid] = "">>
<<set _navid += 1>>
<<set _navid -= 1>>
<<NavigationTable _navid>>
<<btnLink "Go home/Ехать домой" "Hallway" "">>
<<btnLink "Go to the downtown/Идти в центр города" "Downtown Map" "">>
<<btnLink "Go to the suburb/Ехать в пригород" "Suburb Map" "">>
<</switch>>/* [[Warehouses]] */
<<include "Suburb Event Hub">>
/* CLOSED */
<<CloseLocation "Warehouses">>
<<switch $time.daytime>>
<<case 0>>
<<OpenLocation "Warehouses">>
<<case 1>>
<<OpenLocation "Warehouses">>
<<case 2>>
<<OpenLocation "Warehouses">>
<<case 3>>
<<OpenLocation "Warehouses">>
<<case 4>>
<<OpenLocation "Warehouses">>
<<case 5>>
<<OpenLocation "Warehouses">>
<<case 6>>
<<case 7>>
/* -----------------Exceptions Weekend----------------- */
<<switch $time.weekday>>
<<case 5>>
<<CloseLocation "Warehouses">>
<<case 6>>
<<CloseLocation "Warehouses">>
/* ------------------Exceptions Dates------------------ */
<<switch $time.date>>
<<case 1>>
/* ------------------Exceptions end---------------- */
<<LocImg "suburb" "main">>
/* TABLE */
<<set _navid = 0>>
<<set $NavigationSlot = []>>
<<set $NavigationSlotName = []>>
<<set $NavigationSlotSub = []>>
<<set $NavigationSlot[_navid] = "Warehouses">>
<<set $NavigationSlotName[_navid] = "Warehouses/Склады">>
<<set $NavigationSlotSub[_navid] = "">>
<<set _navid += 1>>
<<set _navid -= 1>>
<<NavigationTable _navid>>
<<btnLink "Go to your mansion/Ехать в свой особняк" "Hallway" "">>
<<btnLink "Go to the downtown/Ехать в центр города" "Downtown Map" "">><<GlobalNavigation>>
<<include "Suburb Event Hub">>
<<switch $location.sub>>
<<case "">>
<<LocImg "suburb" "warehouses">>
<<set $NavigationSlot = []>>
<<set $NavigationSlotName = []>>
<<set $NavigationSlotSub = []>>
<<set $NavigationSlot[0] = "Warehouses Head Office">>
<<set $NavigationSlotName[0] = "Head office">>
<<set $NavigationSlotSub[0] = "head office">>
<<NavigationTable 0>>
<<btnLink "Leave/Уйти" "Suburb Map" "">>
<<case "head office">>
<<if $NPCstat[$SecretaryId].location == "Warehouses Head Office" and $NPCstat[22].location == "Warehouses Head Office">>
<<NPCmedia $NPCstat[$SecretaryId].style "warehouse office(mini)" 0>>
<<en "$NPCstat[$SecretaryId].name and Lucia are here.">>
<<ru "$NPCstat[$SecretaryId].name и Люсия здесь.">>
<<btnEventLink "Work as secretary here/Поработать секретарем" "Secretary Warehouse" "mc as secretary(Nina/Lucia)" 1>>
<<elseif $NPCstat[$SecretaryId].location == "Warehouses Head Office" and $NPCstat[21].location == "Warehouses Head Office">>
<<NPCmedia $NPCstat[$SecretaryId].style "warehouse office(mini)" 0>>
<<en "$NPCstat[$SecretaryId].name and Nina are here.">>
<<ru "$NPCstat[$SecretaryId].name и Нина здесь.">>
<<btnEventLink "Work as secretary here/Поработать секретарем" "Secretary Warehouse" "mc as secretary(Nina/Lucia)" 1>>
<<elseif $NPCstat[$SecretaryId].location == "Warehouses Head Office">>
<<NPCmedia $NPCstat[$SecretaryId].style "warehouse office(mini)" 0>>
<<en "$NPCstat[$SecretaryId].name is here.">>
<<ru "$NPCstat[$SecretaryId].name здесь.">>
<<btnEventLink "Work as secretary here/Поработать секретарем" "Secretary Warehouse" "mc as secretary(main)" 1>>
<<LocImg "suburb" "warehouses head office">>
<<en "Office is closed.">>
<<ru "Офис закрыт.">>
<<btnLink "Leave/Уйти" "Warehouses" "">>
<</switch>><<if $SecretaryWarehouses.mctitle == 0>>
<<if $GameLang == "eng">>
<<set _mctitle = "Mr. $mc.lastname">>
<<elseif $GameLang == "rus">>
<<set _mctitle = "Мистер $mc.lastname">>
<<elseif $SecretaryWarehouses.mctitle == 1>>
<<set _mctitle = "$mc.name">>
<<if $SecretaryWarehouses.hertitle == 0>>
<<set _hertitle = "$NPCstat[$SecretaryId].name">>
<<elseif $SecretaryWarehouses.hertitle == 1>>
<<if $GameLang == "eng">>
<<set _hertitle = "Ms. $NPCstat[$SecretaryId].lastname">>
<<elseif $GameLang == "rus">>
<<set _hertitle = "Мисс $NPCstat[$SecretaryId].lastname">>
<<switch $EventMark>>
<<case "mc as secretary(first)">>
<<NPCmedia $NPCstat[$SecretaryId].style "warehouse office" 0>>
<<en "You walk into $NPCstat[$SecretaryId].name's office.">>
<<ru "Ты заходишь в кабинет.">>
<<dlg_en $SecretaryId "_mctitle, you finally showed up. Are you just visiting me or are you here to work as my secretary?">>
<<dlg_ru $SecretaryId "_mctitle, наконец-то вы появились. Вы просто решили навестить меня или пришли поработать моим секретарем?">>
<<btnEventLink "Work for her/Поработать на нее" "Secretary Warehouse" "mc as secretary(first) 2">>
<<btnEventLink "Leave/Уйти" "Warehouses" "">>
<<case "mc as secretary(first) 2">>
<<set $SecretaryWarehouses.rsworkcount += 1>>
<<LocImg "suburb" "warehouses secretary table">>
<<dlg_en $SecretaryId "Let me show you your workplace. I think you saw it when you came in here. Of course, this desk is no match for yours, nor is this cheap chair, but we are a small company, and we provide for our employees as much as possible. Come on, give it a try.">>
<<dlg_ru $SecretaryId "Давайте, я покажу вам ваше рабочее место. Думаю, вы уже видели его, когда шли сюда. Конечно, этот стол не сравнится с вашим, ровно как и это дешевое кресло, но мы небольшая компания, и обеспечиваем наших сотрудников по мере возможностей. Давайте, опробуйте его.">>
<<en "You sit down in the hard chair and stretch your legs out under the table.">>
<<ru "Ты садишься в жесткое кресло и вытягиваешь ноги под столом.">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "I'm not sure I could work that way.">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Не уверен, что смогу работать в таких условиях.">>
<<dlg_en $SecretaryId "I'm sure you'll be fine. Besides, you only have to work a few hours. To be honest, I don't really need a secretary, but as long as we have a deal, you'll have to do your best. I don't think it's necessary to tell you about the duties of a secretary. It would be better if we just get to know each other as we work.">>
<<dlg_ru $SecretaryId "Я уверена вы справитесь. К тому же вам нужно отработать всего несколько часов. Честно говоря, мне не особо нужен секретарь, но раз уж мы договорились, вам придется постараться. Думаю, нет необходимости рассказывать вам об обязанностях секретаря. Будет лучше, если мы просто притремся друг к другу в процессе работы.">>
<<th_en "She's really trying to speak like a boss who just hired herself a secretary.">>
<<th_ru "Она реально пытается говорить, как босс, который только что нанял себе секретаря.">>
<<en "$NPCstat[$SecretaryId].name heads off to her office, leaving you alone with your thoughts.">>
<<ru "$NPCstat[$SecretaryId].name уходит в свой кабинет, оставляя тебя наедине с твоими мыслями.">>
<<btnEventLink "Continue/Продолжить" "Secretary Warehouse" "mc as secretary(first) 3">>
<<case "mc as secretary(first) 3">>
<<LocImg "suburb" "warehouses secretary table">>
<<en "After a while, a man in overalls enters the room. He takes off his safety helmet and puts it on a metal locker near the entrance. Then he notices you.">>
<<ru "Спустя некоторое время в комнату заходит мужчина в спецодежде. Он снимает каску с головы и кладет ее на металлический шкафчик, стоящий возле входа. Затем он замечает тебя.">>
<<dlg_en "m_Mike_warehouse" "Man" "Who the hell are you?">>
<<dlg_ru "m_Mike_warehouse" "Man" "А вы еще кто такой?">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "I'm $NPCstat[$SecretaryId].name's new secretary.">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "$NPCstat[$SecretaryId].name наняла меня в качестве секретаря.">>
<<dlg_en "m_Mike_warehouse" "Man" "New? We've never had one before. Oh, anyway...">>
<<dlg_ru "m_Mike_warehouse" "Man" "Новый? Да у нас и старого никогда не было. Ох уж эти женские причуды.">>
<<en "The man heads for the door to $NPCstat[$SecretaryId].name's office, but you stop him.">>
<<ru "Мужчина направляется к двери в кабинет, но останавливаешь его.">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "Wait, first I have to warn her about your visit.">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Погодите, сначала я должен предупредить ее о вашем визите.">>
<<dlg_en "m_Mike_warehouse" "Man" "Don't bother. I visit her almost every day.">>
<<dlg_ru "m_Mike_warehouse" "Man" "Да я тут каждый день бываю.">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "Rules are rules.">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Правила есть правила.">>
<<en "You inform $NPCstat[$SecretaryId].name of the visit, and she asks you to let the man in.">>
<<ru "Ты сообщаешь $NPCstat[$SecretaryId].name о визите, и она просит тебя впустить мужчину.">>
<<btnEventLink "Continue/Продолжить" "Secretary Warehouse" "mc as secretary(first) 4">>
<<case "mc as secretary(first) 4">>
<<SkipTimeBlock 1>>
<<LocImg "suburb" "warehouses secretary table">>
<<en "Half an hour later, the man leaves the office and, without saying a word, leaves. Jessica follows him out of the office.">>
<<ru "Спустя полчаса, мужчина выходит из кабинета и, не говоря не слова, уходит. Вслед за ним, из кабинета выходит $NPCstat[$SecretaryId].name.">>
<<dlg_en $SecretaryId "_mctitle, we need to talk. Come into my office.">>
<<dlg_ru $SecretaryId "_mctitle, нам надо поговорить. Зайдите ко мне.">>
<<set $SecretaryWarehouses.mctitle = 1>>
<<set $SecretaryWarehouses.hertitle = 1>>
<<btnEventLink "Go to her/Идти к ней" "Secretary Warehouse" "mc as secretary(first) 5">>
<<case "mc as secretary(first) 5">>
<<set $SecretaryWarehouses.rscoffee = 1>>
<<set $SecretaryWarehouses.rswipetable = 2>>
<<set $SecretaryWarehouses.rsthongcheck = 4>>
<<set $SecretaryWarehouses.rsfootmassage = 8>>
<<set $SecretaryWarehouses.rspussylicking = 5>>
<<set $SecretaryWarehouses.rsangryclient = 10>>
<<NPCmedia $NPCstat[$SecretaryId].style "warehouse office" 0>>
<<dlg_en $SecretaryId "I think we need to talk about authority. It's one thing when we're in your company, but it's another when I work here. I think you should call me _hertitle from now on. What do you say,.. _mctitle?">>
<<dlg_ru $SecretaryId "Думаю, нам надо поговорить о субординации. Одно дело, когда мы находимся в вашей компании, а другое дело, когда я работаю здесь. Думаю, вы впредь должны называть меня не иначе, как _hertitle. Как вы считаете,.. _mctitle?">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "It makes sense.">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Это имеет смысл.">>
<<dlg_en $SecretaryId "I'm glad we both realize that. Now make me a coffee, and you're free for today.">>
<<dlg_ru $SecretaryId "Я рада, что мы оба понимаем это. Теперь сделайте мне кофе, и на сегодня можете быть свободны.">>
<<en "You do as she asks.">>
<<ru "Ты делаешь, как она просит.">>
<<btnEventLink "Finish/Закончить" "Warehouses" "">>
<<case "mc as secretary(main)">>
<<set $location.sub = "">>
<<set _phase = $time.daytime - 3>>
<<set _rscoffee = 0>>
<<if $SecretaryWarehouses.rscoffee == 0>>
<<set _rscoffee = random(_phase, 2)>>
<<set $SecretaryWarehouses.rsworkcount += 1>>
<<NPCmedia $NPCstat[$SecretaryId].style "warehouse office" 0>>
<<dlg_en "mc" "Good afternoon, _hertitle.">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Доброе утро, _hertitle.">>
<<if $SecretaryWarehouses.rsworkcount == 3>>
<<dlg_en $SecretaryId "Good afternoon, _mctitle. I don't have any instructions for you at the moment.">>
<<dlg_ru $SecretaryId "Доброе утро, _mctitle. Пока что у меня нет никаких поручений для тебя.">>
<<en "You head to your workplace.">>
<<ru "Ты оправляешься на свое рабочее место.">>
<<btnEventLink "Continue/Продолжить" "Secretary Warehouse" "mc as secretary(meet Nora)">>
<<elseif $SecretaryWarehouses.rsplantsappear == false and $SecretaryWarehouses.rsworkcount >= 8>>
<<set $SecretaryWarehouses.rsplantsappear = true>>
<<dlg_en $SecretaryId "Good afternoon, _mctitle. Do you notice anything unusual? Maybe there's something different about my office?">>
<<dlg_ru $SecretaryId "Доброе утро, _mctitle. Ты не замечаешь ничего необычного? Может в моем офисе что-то изменилось?">>
<<en "You look around.">>
<<ru "Ты оглядываешься по сторонам.">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "Honestly, I haven't noticed any changes.">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Честно сказать, я не заметил никаких изменений.">>
<<en "$NPCstat[$SecretaryId].name let out a sigh.">>
<<ru "$NPCstat[$SecretaryId].name вздыхает.">>
<<dlg_en $SecretaryId "Plants, _mctitle">>
<<dlg_ru $SecretaryId "Растения, _mctitle.">>
<<LocImg "suburb" "warehouses office plants">>
<<dlg_en $SecretaryId "I thought I'd liven up my office a bit since I spend so much time in it. By the way, it's now your duty to water the plants. In the meantime, you can go.">>
<<dlg_ru $SecretaryId "Я решила немного оживить мой офис, раз уж я провожу в нем столько времени. Кстати, теперь в твои обязанности входит полив растений. А пока что, можешь идти.">>
<<btnEventLink "Continue/Продолжить" "Secretary Warehouse" "mc as secretary(main)(no event)">>
<<elseif $SecretaryWarehouses.rsfootmassage == 0>>
<<dlg_en $SecretaryId "Good afternoon, _mctitle. I don't have any instructions for you at the moment.">>
<<dlg_ru $SecretaryId "Доброе утро, _mctitle. Пока что у меня нет никаких поручений для тебя.">>
<<en "You head to your workplace.">>
<<ru "Ты оправляешься на свое рабочее место.">>
<<btnEventLink "Continue/Продолжить" "Secretary Warehouse" "mc as secretary(foot massage)">>
<<elseif $SecretaryWarehouses.rsangryclient == 0>>
<<dlg_en $SecretaryId "Good afternoon, _mctitle. I don't have any instructions for you at the moment.">>
<<dlg_ru $SecretaryId "Доброе утро, _mctitle. Пока что у меня нет никаких поручений для тебя.">>
<<en "You head to your workplace.">>
<<ru "Ты оправляешься на свое рабочее место.">>
<<btnEventLink "Continue/Продолжить" "Secretary Warehouse" "mc as secretary(angry client)">>
<<elseif $SecretaryWarehouses.rsthongcheck == 0 and $SecretaryWarehouses.rsthongcheckcount == 0>>
<<dlg_en $SecretaryId "Good afternoon, _mctitle. I want to see if you're wearing the right underwear right now.">>
<<dlg_ru $SecretaryId "Доброе утро, _mctitle. Я хочу проверить, надел ли ты правильное белье.">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "Excuse me, what?">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Простите, что?">>
<<dlg_en $SecretaryId "I told you to buy something sexier. So take off your pants and show me what you're wearing now.">>
<<dlg_ru $SecretaryId "Я говорила тебе, чтобы ты купил что-то более сексуальное. Так что снимай брюки и показывай, что сейчас на тебе.">>
<<btnEventLink "Take off your pants/Снять брюки" "Secretary Warehouse" "mc as secretary(thong check)">>
<<elseif $SecretaryWarehouses.rsthongcheck == 0 and $SecretaryWarehouses.rsthongcheckcount > 0>>
<<dlg_en $SecretaryId "Good afternoon, _mctitle. I want to see if you're wearing the right underwear right now.">>
<<dlg_ru $SecretaryId "Доброе утро, _mctitle. Я хочу проверить, надел ли ты правильное белье.">>
<<btnEventLink "Take off your pants/Снять брюки" "Secretary Warehouse" "mc as secretary(thong check)">>
<<elseif $SecretaryWarehouses.rspussylicking == 0 and $SecretaryWarehouses.rsthongcheckcount >= 2>>
<<dlg_en $SecretaryId "Good afternoon, _mctitle. You're gonna have to work with your tongue today.">>
<<dlg_ru $SecretaryId "Доброе утро, _mctitle. Сегодня тебе придется поработать своим язычком.">>
Add for first scene
<<btnEventLink "Get under her table/Залезть под ее стол" "Secretary Warehouse" "mc as secretary(cuni under table)">>
<<elseif _phase == 1 and _rscoffee == 1>>
<<dlg_en $SecretaryId "Good afternoon, _mctitle. I want to start work with a cup of coffee.">>
<<dlg_ru $SecretaryId "Доброе утро, _mctitle. Я хочу начать работу с чашечки кофе.">>
<<btnEventLink "Make her coffee/Сделать для нее кофе" "Secretary Warehouse" "mc as secretary(coffee)">>
<<elseif _phase == 1 and _rscoffee == 2>>
<<dlg_en $SecretaryId "Good afternoon, _mctitle. I don't have any instructions for you at the moment.">>
<<dlg_ru $SecretaryId "Доброе утро, _mctitle. Пока что у меня нет никаких поручений для тебя.">>
<<en "You head to your workplace.">>
<<ru "Ты оправляешься на свое рабочее место.">>
<<btnEventLink "Continue/Продолжить" "Secretary Warehouse" "mc as secretary(phase 2)">>
<<elseif _phase == 2 and _rscoffee == 2>>
<<dlg_en $SecretaryId "Good afternoon, _mctitle. It's nice that you came, I really wanted to get some coffee.">>
<<dlg_ru $SecretaryId "Доброе утро, _mctitle. Хорошо, что вы пришли, я как раз хотела выпить кофе.">>
<<btnEventLink "Make her coffee/Сделать для нее кофе" "Secretary Warehouse" "mc as secretary(coffee)">>
<<dlg_en $SecretaryId "Good afternoon, _mctitle. I don't have any instructions for you at the moment.">>
<<dlg_ru $SecretaryId "Доброе утро, _mctitle. Пока что у меня нет никаких поручений для тебя.">>
<<en "You head to your workplace.">>
<<ru "Ты оправляешься на свое рабочее место.">>
<<btnEventLink "Continue/Продолжить" "Secretary Warehouse" "mc as secretary(main)(no event)">>
<<case "mc as secretary(main)(no event)">>
<<if $time.daytime == 4>>
<<SkipTimeBlock 1>>
<<LocImg "suburb" "warehouses secretary table">>
<<en "This day passes without much incident.">>
<<ru "Этот день проходит без особых происшествий.">>
<<btnEventLink "Finish/Закончить" "Warehouses" "">>
<<case "mc as secretary(phase 2)">>
<<SkipTimeBlock 1>>
<<if $SecretaryWarehouses.rscoffee == 0>>
<<LocImg "suburb" "warehouses secretary table">>
<<en "After a while, $NPCstat[$SecretaryId].name calls you on the intercom and asks you to make her coffee.">>
<<ru "Спустя некоторое время, $NPCstat[$SecretaryId].name вызывает тебя по интеркому и просит сделать ей кофе.">>
<<btnEventLink "Make her coffee/Сделать для нее кофе" "Secretary Warehouse" "mc as secretary(coffee)">>
<<LocImg "suburb" "warehouses secretary table">>
<<en "The rest of the day passes without much incident.">>
<<ru "Остаток дня проходит без особых происшествий.">>
<<btnEventLink "Finish/Закончить" "Warehouses" "">>
<<case "mc as secretary(meet Nora)">>
<<LocImg "suburb" "warehouses secretary table">>
<<en "In the middle of the day, a girl walks into the office with a folder in her right hand.">>
<<ru "Посреди дня в офис заходит девушка с папкой в правой руке.">>
<<dlg_en "f_Nora_warehouse" "Girl" "Good afternoon. May I ask who you are?">>
<<dlg_ru "f_Nora_warehouse" "Девушка" "Добрый день. Могу я узнать, кто вы?">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "I'm _hertitle's secretary.">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Я секретарь _hertitle.">>
<<dlg_en "f_Nora_warehouse" "Girl" "I thought I was doing a pretty good job.">>
<<dlg_ru "f_Nora_warehouse" "Девушка" "Странно, но я думала, что я прекрасно справляюсь со своей работой.">>
<<en "You hesitate for a moment.">>
<<ru "Ты заминаешься на мгновение.">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "You know, I think _hertitle can explain it to you better than me.">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Знаете, я думаю _hertitle вам все объяснит лучше, чем я.">>
<<btnEventLink "Let her in/Позволить ей пройти" "Secretary Warehouse" "mc as secretary(meet Nora) 2">>
<<case "mc as secretary(meet Nora) 2">>
<<set $SecretaryWarehouses.rscoffeecount += 1>>
<<if $SecretaryWarehouses.rscoffeecount <= 2>>
<<NPCmedia $NPCstat[$SecretaryId].style "warehouse coffee(cup)" 0>>
<<NPCmedia $NPCstat[$SecretaryId].style "warehouse coffee(mug)" 0>>
<<en "Some time passes, and $NPCstat[$SecretaryId].name calls you.">>
<<ru "Проходит некоторое время, и $NPCstat[$SecretaryId].name вызывает тебя.">>
<<dlg_en $SecretaryId "_mctitle, would you be a dear and get some coffee for me and Nora?">>
<<dlg_ru $SecretaryId "_mctitle, будь добр, принеси кофе для меня и для Норы.">>
<<en "You make coffee and take it to the girls. You catch them in a lively conversation, looking like they've already discussed everything. Nora takes a sip.">>
<<ru "Ты готовишь кофе и относишь его девушкам. Ты застаешь их за оживленной беседой, похоже, что они уже все обсудили. Нора делает глоток.">>
<<dlg_en "f_Nora_warehouse" "Nora" "Thank you, _hertitle, but I have to go.">>
<<dlg_ru "f_Nora_warehouse" "Нора" "Благодарю вас, _hertitle, но мне нужно уйти.">>
<<en "After Nora leaves the office, you turn to your secretary.">>
<<ru "После того, как Нора покидает кабинет, ты поворачиваешься к своей секретарше.">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "I think she decided I am here to replace her.">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "По-моему, она подумала, что я здесь, чтобы заменить ее.">>
<<dlg_en $SecretaryId "Don't worry about it, _mctitle. Your only responsibility here is to keep me working comfortably and to entertain me.">>
<<dlg_ru $SecretaryId "Не волнуйся, _mctitle. Твоя единственная обязанность здесь - обеспечивать мне комфортные условия для работы, а также развлекать меня.">>
<<dlg_en $SecretaryId "Speaking of the latter, did you buy those thongs I told you about?">>
<<dlg_ru $SecretaryId "Кстати, говоря о последнем, ты купил те стринги, о которых я тебе говорила?">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "Yes.">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Да.">>
<<dlg_en $SecretaryId "Well, then show them to me.">>
<<dlg_ru $SecretaryId "Ну, так покажи их мне.">>
<<btnEventLink "Take off your pants/Снять брюки" "Secretary Warehouse" "mc as secretary(thong check)">>
<<case "mc as secretary(coffee)">>
<<set $SecretaryWarehouses.rscoffeecount += 1>>
<<set $SecretaryWarehouses.rscoffee = random(1, 2)>>
<<if $SecretaryWarehouses.rscoffeecount <= 2>>
<<NPCmedia $NPCstat[$SecretaryId].style "warehouse coffee(cup)" 0>>
<<NPCmedia $NPCstat[$SecretaryId].style "warehouse coffee(mug)" 0>>
<<if $SecretaryWarehouses.rswipetable == 0>>
<<en "You bring coffee. $NPCstat[$SecretaryId].name immediately takes a sip.">>
<<ru "Ты приносишь кофе. $NPCstat[$SecretaryId].name тут же делает глоток.">>
<<dlg_en $SecretaryId "Thanks, _mctitle. Now wipe down my desk, it's a little dusty.">>
<<dlg_ru $SecretaryId "Спасибо, _mctitle. Теперь протри мой стол, он слегка запылился.">>
<<btnEventLink "Wipe down her table/Протереть ее стол" "Secretary Warehouse" "mc as secretary(wipe table)">>
<<elseif $time.daytime == 4>>
<<en "You bring coffee. $NPCstat[$SecretaryId].name thanks you and sends you back to your desk.">>
<<ru "Ты приносишь кофе. $NPCstat[$SecretaryId].name благодарит тебя и отправляет обратно на рабочее место.">>
<<btnEventLink "Continue/Продолжить" "Secretary Warehouse" "mc as secretary(phase 2)">>
<<elseif $time.daytime == 5>>
<<en "You bring coffee. $NPCstat[$SecretaryId].name thanks you and sends you back to your desk. The rest of the day passes without much incident.">>
<<ru "Ты приносишь кофе. $NPCstat[$SecretaryId].name благодарит тебя и отправляет обратно на рабочее место. В остальном, день проходит без особых происшествий.">>
<<btnEventLink "Finish/Закончить" "Warehouses" "">>
<<case "mc as secretary(wipe table)">>
<<set $SecretaryWarehouses.rswipetablecount += 1>>
<<set $SecretaryWarehouses.rswipetable = random(3, 5)>>
<<NPCmedia $NPCstat[$SecretaryId].style "warehouse wipe table" 0>>
<<if $SecretaryWarehouses.rswipetablecount == 1>>
<<en "You take a rag, splash some cleaner on the table and start wiping it down.">>
<<ru "Ты берешь тряпку, брызгаешь на чистящим средством на стол и начинаешь протирать его.">>
<<dlg_en $SecretaryId "_mctitle, what are you doing?">>
<<dlg_ru $SecretaryId "_mctitle, что ты делаешь?">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "I'm wiping the table like you said.">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Протираю стол, как вы и сказали.">>
<<dlg_en $SecretaryId "Do you realize that when the boss asks the secretary to wipe down the desk or dust or water the plants, what he really wants is not only that the secretary do his task, but also to entertain the boss? Look!">>
<<dlg_ru $SecretaryId "Ты же понимаешь, когда босс просит секретаря протереть стол или смахнуть пыль, или полить растения, на самом деле, он хочет не только того, чтобы секретарь выполнил его поручение, но также и развлек своего босса? Смотри!">>
<<en "$NPCstat[$SecretaryId].name gets up from the table and takes the rag from you. She leans over and starts wiping the tabletop. The girl bends her knees alternately, so that her round ass is exposed to view from different angles.">>
<<ru "$NPCstat[$SecretaryId].name встает из-за стола и забирает у тебя тряпку. Она наклоняется и, выпятив свою попку, начинает протирать столешницу, при этом почередно сгибая колени, отчего ее зад открывается для обзора с разных сторон.">>
<<dlg_en $SecretaryId "Try to arch your back, it will make your butt visually bigger and your boss, meaning me, will enjoy watching you performing your duties even more.">>
<<dlg_ru $SecretaryId "Старайся прогибать спину, это сделает твой зад визуально больше, и твоему боссу, то есть мне, будет приятнее смотреть, как ты исполняешь свои обязанности.">>
<<en "Finished, $NPCstat[$SecretaryId].name returns a rag to you.">>
<<ru "Закончив, $NPCstat[$SecretaryId].name возвращает тебе тряпку.">>
<<dlg_en $SecretaryId "Got it? I expect the same from you next time.">>
<<dlg_ru $SecretaryId "Усвоил? В следующий раз я жду от вас того же.">>
<<if $time.daytime == 4>>
<<en "$NPCstat[$SecretaryId].name sends you back to your desk.">>
<<ru "$NPCstat[$SecretaryId].name отправляет тебя обратно на рабочее место.">>
<<btnEventLink "Continue/Продолжить" "Secretary Warehouse" "mc as secretary(phase 2)">>
<<elseif $time.daytime == 5>>
<<en "$NPCstat[$SecretaryId].name sends you back to your desk. The rest of the day passes without much incident.">>
<<ru "$NPCstat[$SecretaryId].name отправляет тебя обратно на рабочее место. В остальном, день проходит без особых происшествий.">>
<<btnEventLink "Finish/Закончить" "Warehouses" "">>
<<if $time.daytime == 4>>
<<en "You wipe down the desk, making sure your ass always stays in your secretary's line of sight. $NPCstat[$SecretaryId].name thanks you with a light slap and sends you back to your workplace.">>
<<ru "Ты протираешь стол, стараясь, чтобы твой зад всегда оставался в поле зрения твоей секретарши. $NPCstat[$SecretaryId].name благодарит тебя легким шлепком и отправляет обратно на рабочее место.">>
<<btnEventLink "Continue/Продолжить" "Secretary Warehouse" "mc as secretary(phase 2)">>
<<elseif $time.daytime == 5>>
<<en "You wipe down the desk, making sure your ass always stays in your secretary's line of sight. Jessica thanks you with a light slap and sends you back to your workplace. The rest of the day passes without much incident.">>
<<ru "Ты протираешь стол, стараясь, чтобы твой зад всегда оставался в поле зрения твоей секретарши. Джессика благодарит тебя легким шлепком и отправляет обратно на рабочее место. В остальном, день проходит без особых происшествий.">>
<<btnEventLink "Finish/Закончить" "Warehouses" "">>
<<case "mc as secretary(thong check)">>
<<set $SecretaryWarehouses.rsthongcheck = random(4, 10)>>
<<set $SecretaryWarehouses.rsthongcheckcount += 1>>
<<NPCmedia $NPCstat[$SecretaryId].style "warehouse office" 0>>
<<if not mcWearThongs()>>
<<en "Placeholder...">>
<<ru "Placeholder...">>
<<if $time.daytime == 4>>
<<btnEventLink "Continue/Продолжить" "Secretary Warehouse" "mc as secretary(phase 2)">>
<<elseif $time.daytime == 5>>
<<btnEventLink "Finish/Закончить" "Warehouses" "">>
<<elseif $SecretaryWarehouses.rsthongcheckcount == 1>>
<<en "You pull down your pants, and $NPCstat[$SecretaryId].name clucks satisfied.">>
<<ru "Ты стягиваешь свои брюки, и $NPCstat[$SecretaryId].name удовлетворенно цокает.">>
<<dlg_en $SecretaryId "You may go, _mctitle.">>
<<dlg_ru $SecretaryId "Можешь идти, _mctitle.">>
<<if $time.daytime == 4>>
<<btnEventLink "Continue/Продолжить" "Secretary Warehouse" "mc as secretary(phase 2)">>
<<elseif $time.daytime == 5>>
<<btnEventLink "Finish/Закончить" "Warehouses" "">>
<<elseif $SecretaryWarehouses.rspussylicking == 0>>
<<en "You pull down your pants, and $NPCstat[$SecretaryId].name clucks satisfied.">>
<<ru "Ты стягиваешь свои брюки, и $NPCstat[$SecretaryId].name удовлетворенно цокает.">>
<<dlg_en $SecretaryId "I want to see every side of you, _mctitle.">>
<<dlg_ru $SecretaryId "Я хочу рассмотреть тебя со всех сторон, _mctitle.">>
<<en "You turn your back to her. After a short pause, you return to your previous position. Turning around, you see that Jessica has already put her hand under the table. She's licking her lips.">>
<<ru "Ты поворачиваешь к ней спиной. После небольшой паузы, ты возвращаешься в прежнюю позицию. Обернувшись, ты видишь, что Джессика уже опустила свою руку под стол. Она облизывает свои губы.">>
<<dlg_en $SecretaryId "Damn, now I want you under my desk.">>
<<dlg_ru $SecretaryId "Черт, теперь я хочу тебя под моим столом.">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "You want me to lick you?">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Ты хочешь, чтобы я отлизал тебе?">>
<<dlg_en $SecretaryId "You know anything else a secretary can do under her boss's desk? So shut the door and crawl in here.">>
<<dlg_ru $SecretaryId "А ты знаешь что-то еще, чем секретарь может заняться под столом у своего босса? Так что закрой дверь и ползи сюда.">>
<<btnEventLink "Get under her table/Залезть под ее стол" "Secretary Warehouse" "mc as secretary(cuni under table)">>
<<en "You pull down your pants, and $NPCstat[$SecretaryId].name clucks satisfied.">>
<<ru "Ты стягиваешь свои брюки, и $NPCstat[$SecretaryId].name удовлетворенно цокает.">>
<<dlg_en $SecretaryId "You may go, _mctitle.">>
<<dlg_ru $SecretaryId "Можешь идти, _mctitle.">>
<<if $time.daytime == 4>>
<<btnEventLink "Continue/Продолжить" "Secretary Warehouse" "mc as secretary(phase 2)">>
<<elseif $time.daytime == 5>>
<<btnEventLink "Finish/Закончить" "Warehouses" "">>
<<case "mc as secretary(cuni under table)">>
<<set $SecretaryWarehouses.rspussylicking = random(4, 6)>>
<<set $SecretaryWarehouses.rspussylickingcount += 1>>
<<set $NPCsexmemory[$SecretaryId].pussylicking += 1>>
<<set _stdice = 0>>
<<if $SecretaryWarehouses.rspussylickingcount > 1 and $SecretaryWarehouses.rsworkcount >= 4>>
<<set _stdice = random(9)>>
<<NPCmedia $NPCstat[$SecretaryId].style "warehouse cuni(under table)" 1>>
<<en "$NPCstat[$SecretaryId].name pushes the chair back, giving you a place to get under the table.">>
<<ru "$NPCstat[$SecretaryId].name отодвигает кресло назад, давая тебе возможность залезть под стол.">>
<<dlg_en $SecretaryId "Take off my panties.">>
<<dlg_ru $SecretaryId "Сними с меня трусики.">>
<<en "You grab the edge of her lacy panties and pull them down. The girl spreads her legs and leans back in the chair. Then she beckons you with her finger, suggesting that you show some initiative. You lean in and start licking her pussy.">>
<<ru "Ты хватаешь край ее кружевных трусиков и стягивает их. Девушка раздвигает ноги и откидывается на спинку кресла. Затем она манит тебя пальцем, предлагая проявить инициативу. Ты наклоняется и начинаешь вылизывать ее киску.">>
<<dlg_en $SecretaryId "Yeah, that feels so good!">>
<<dlg_ru $SecretaryId "Да, как же хорошо!">>
<<en "Her hand starts to stroke your hair.">>
<<ru "Ее рука принимается тормозить твои волосы.">>
<<dlg_en $SecretaryId "Being the boss is fucking awesome.">>
<<dlg_ru $SecretaryId "Быть боссом - просто охеренно.">>
<<if _stdice <= 2>>
<<en "At that moment, her phone rings. $NPCstat[$SecretaryId].name takes the phone with her left hand while her right hand holds you tighter, hinting to you not to stop.">>
<<ru "В этот момент раздается звонок ее телефона. $NPCstat[$SecretaryId].name берет телефон своей левой рукой, в то время как правая прижимает тебя крепче, намекая тебе не останавливаться.">>
<<dlg_en $SecretaryId "Nora? What did you want to talk about? Wait, you're already on your way to my place?">>
<<dlg_ru $SecretaryId "Нора? О чем ты хотела поговорить? Погоди, ты уже идешь ко мне?">>
<<en "Her fingers unclench sharply and $NPCstat[$SecretaryId].name pushes you away gently.">>
<<ru "Ее пальцы резко разжимаются и $NPCstat[$SecretaryId].name легонько отталкивает тебя.">>
<<dlg_en $SecretaryId "Come on, get out. Nora will be here soon.">>
<<dlg_ru $SecretaryId "Давай, вылазь. Нора скоро будет здесь.">>
<<en "You crawl out from under the table and straighten up. At that moment, a smile appears on the girl's face.">>
<<ru "Ты вылезаешь из под стола и выпрямляешься. В этот момент на лице девушки возникает улыбка.">>
<<dlg_en $SecretaryId "You know what? Follow me.">>
<<dlg_ru $SecretaryId "А знаешь что? Иди за мной.">>
<<LocImg "suburb" "warehouses office windows">>
<<en "$NPCstat[$SecretaryId].name rises from her chair and walks hurriedly to the window. She lifts the blinds and opens the window. The girl sticks her head out and looks around.">>
<<ru "$NPCstat[$SecretaryId].name поднимается с кресла и торопливо идет к окну. Она поднимает жалюзи и открывает окно. Девушка высовывается в него и оглядывается по сторонам.">>
<<dlg_en $SecretaryId "Nora! Over here!">>
<<dlg_ru $SecretaryId "Нора! Сюда!">>
<<dlg_en "f_Nora_warehouse" "Nora" "_hertitle? What's happened?">>
<<dlg_ru "f_Nora_warehouse" "Nora" "_hertitle? Что случилось?">>
<<dlg_en $SecretaryId "Uh, nothing. I just thought we could talk like this. If it's not too important, of course.">>
<<dlg_ru $SecretaryId "Ничего. Просто я подумала, то мы можем поговорить прямо так. Если вопрос не слишком важный, конечно же.">>
<<en "$NPCstat[$SecretaryId].name turns to you.">>
<<ru "$NPCstat[$SecretaryId].name поворачивается к тебе.">>
<<dlg_en $SecretaryId "And you can continue what you started.">>
<<dlg_ru $SecretaryId "А ты можешь продолжать то, что начал.">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "Right here?">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Прямо здесь?">>
<<dlg_en $SecretaryId "Sure. Just do it.">>
<<dlg_ru $SecretaryId "Конечно. Давай уже.">>
<<btnEventLink "Lick her/Продолжить" "Secretary Warehouse" "mc as secretary(cuni near window)">>
<<en "$NPCstat[$SecretaryId].name presses your head against her crotch, encouraging you to lick more actively.">>
<<ru "$NPCstat[$SecretaryId].name прижимает твою голову к своей промежности, намекая тебе лизать активнее.">>
<<dlg_en $SecretaryId "Yeah, that's it! Don't think about anything else.">>
<<dlg_ru $SecretaryId "Да, вот так! Не думай не о чем другом.">>
<<en "Her body starts shaking.">>
<<ru "Ее тело начинает дрожать.">>
<<dlg_en $SecretaryId "Pleasing your boss is your first priority.">>
<<dlg_ru $SecretaryId "Ублажать своего босса - вот твоя первоочередная задача.">>
<<en "$NPCstat[$SecretaryId].name cums, spraying her love juices all over your face. She doesn't let you go for a while, still riding her orgasm. Then she orders you to clean her pussy with your tongue, which you eagerly do.">>
<<ru "$NPCstat[$SecretaryId].name кончает, обильно заливая твое лицо любовными соками. Еще некоторое время, она не отпускает тебя, наслаждаясь оргазмом. Затем она приказывает тебе почистить ее киску с помощью языка, что ты охотно выполняешь.">>
<<dlg_en $SecretaryId "Good job. You can go, _mctitle.">>
<<dlg_ru $SecretaryId "Хорошая работа. Ты можешь идти, _mctitle.">>
<<if $time.daytime == 4>>
<<btnEventLink "Continue/Продолжить" "Secretary Warehouse" "mc as secretary(phase 2)">>
<<elseif $time.daytime == 5>>
<<btnEventLink "Finish/Закончить" "Warehouses" "">>
<<case "mc as secretary(cuni near window)">>
<<NPCmedia $NPCstat[$SecretaryId].style "warehouse cuni(near window)" 1>>
<<en "You kneel down and pull up the girl's skirt.">>
<<ru "Ты опускаешься на колени и задираешь юбку девушки.">>
<<dlg_en "f_Nora_warehouse" "Nora" "I need you to sign some papers, _hertitle.">>
<<dlg_ru "f_Nora_warehouse" "Nora" "Мне нужно, чтобы вы подписали несколько документов, _hertitle.">>
<<en "Nora's voice comes from very close by. It sounds like she's standing right under the window.">>
<<ru "Голос Норы раздается совсем близко. Похоже, она стоит прямо под окном.">>
<<dlg_en $SecretaryId "Okay, but it's just that _mctitle is, uh, cleaning up my office right now.">>
<<dlg_ru $SecretaryId "Ладно, но просто _mctitle прямо сейчас, эм, наводит порядок в моем офисе.">>
<<en "$NPCstat[$SecretaryId].name turns to you again.">>
<<ru "$NPCstat[$SecretaryId].name снова поворачивается к вам.">>
<<dlg_en $SecretaryId "_mctitle, can you work faster?">>
<<dlg_ru $SecretaryId "_mctitle, ты можешь работать быстрее?">>
<<en "You place your hands on her buttocks and start licking her pussy vigorously.">>
<<ru "Ты кладешь руки на ее ягодицы и начинаешь активно лизать ее киску.">>
<<dlg_en $SecretaryId "Attaboy.">>
<<dlg_ru $SecretaryId "Молодец.">>
<<en "The girls go back to discussing the documents.">>
<<ru "Девушки продолжают обсуждать документы, как ни в чем не бывало.">>
<<dlg_en $SecretaryId "Change the points I pointed out and come back in an hour or two.">>
<<dlg_ru $SecretaryId "Измени те пункты, на которые я указала, и приходи через час или два.">>
<<dlg_en "f_Nora_warehouse" "Nora" "Okay.">>
<<dlg_ru "f_Nora_warehouse" "Nora" "Хорошо.">>
<<btnEventLink "Continue/Продолжить" "Secretary Warehouse" "mc as secretary(cuni near window) 2">>
<<case "mc as secretary(cuni near window) 2">>
<<NPCmedia $NPCstat[$SecretaryId].style "warehouse cuni(near table)" 1>>
<<en "$NPCstat[$SecretaryId].name turns to you, grabs you by the hair, and pulls you to her crotch.">>
<<ru "$NPCstat[$SecretaryId].name поворачивается к тебе, хватает тебя за волосы и притягивает к своей промежности.">>
<<dlg_en $SecretaryId "Let's finish this.">>
<<dlg_ru $SecretaryId "Давай покончим с этим.">>
<<en "She starts rubbing her pussy against your face, fast and furious, like she's trying to fuck your mouth. Girl cums, spraying her love juices all over your face. She doesn't let you go for a while, still riding her orgasm. Then she orders you to clean her pussy with your tongue, which you eagerly do.">>
<<ru "Она начинает тереться киской о твое лицо, быстро и яростно, словно пытается отыметь твой рот. Девушка кончает, обильно заливая твое лицо любовными соками. Еще некоторое время, она не отпускает тебя, наслаждаясь оргазмом. Затем она приказывает тебе почистить ее киску с помощью языка, что ты охотно выполняешь.">>
<<dlg_en $SecretaryId "Good job. You can go, _mctitle.">>
<<dlg_ru $SecretaryId "Хорошая работа. Ты можешь идти, _mctitle.">>
<<btnEventLink "Continue/Продолжить" "Secretary Warehouse" "mc as secretary(main)(no event)">>
<<case "mc as secretary(foot massage)">>
<<set _stdice = random(9)>>
<<LocImg "suburb" "warehouses secretary table">>
<<en "After a while, $NPCstat[$SecretaryId].name walks out of her office and locks the door.">>
<<ru "Спустя некоторое время, $NPCstat[$SecretaryId].name выходит из своего офиса и запирает дверь.">>
<<dlg_en $SecretaryId "_mctitle, I'll be gone for a while. Write down all visitors and the goals of their visit.">>
<<dlg_ru $SecretaryId "_mctitle, меня не будет некоторое время. Записывай всех посетителей, а также цели их визита.">>
<<en "With those words, she leaves you alone.">>
<<ru "С этими словами она оставляет тебя одного.">>
<<if _stdice <= 1>>
<<btnEventLink "Continue/Продолжить" "Secretary Warehouse" "mc as secretary(foot massage)(no return)">>
<<btnEventLink "Continue/Продолжить" "Secretary Warehouse" "mc as secretary(foot massage) 2">>
<<case "mc as secretary(foot massage)(no return)">>
<<set $SecretaryWarehouses.rsfootmassage = random(3, 4)>>
<<if $time.daytime == 4>>
<<SkipTimeBlock 1>>
<<LocImg "suburb" "warehouses secretary table">>
<<en "Evening comes, but $NPCstat[$SecretaryId].name still hasn't returned. You decide to call it a day.">>
<<ru "Наступает вечер, но $NPCstat[$SecretaryId].name так и не возвращается. Ты решаешь закончить работу на сегодня.">>
<<btnEventLink "Finish/Закончить" "Warehouses" "">>
<<case "mc as secretary(foot massage) 2">>
<<set $SecretaryWarehouses.rsfootmassage = random(7, 9)>>
<<set $SecretaryWarehouses.rsfootmassagecount += 1>>
<<set $NPCsexmemory[$SecretaryId].footmassage += 1>>
<<LocImg "suburb" "warehouses secretary table">>
<<if $SecretaryWarehouses.rsfootmassagecount == 1>>
<<en "A couple hours later, $NPCstat[$SecretaryId].name returns. Judging by her tired look, she had spent those hours working.">>
<<ru "Спустя пару часов, $NPCstat[$SecretaryId].name возвращается. Судя по ее усталому виду, она провела эти часы за работой.">>
<<dlg_en $SecretaryId "Ooh, if I'd known I'd have to walk so much, I would have chosen different shoes today.">>
<<dlg_ru $SecretaryId "Ух, если бы я знала, что мне придется столько ходить, я бы выбрала другие туфли сегодня.">>
<<en "The girl unlocks the door to her office and without further ado hides in it. However, after a while she calls you over the intercom and asks you to come to her office.">>
<<ru "Девушка отпирает дверь в свой офис и без лишних слов скрывается в нем. Впрочем, спустя некоторое время она вызывает тебя по интеркому и просит зайти в ее офис.">>
<<en "A couple hours later, $NPCstat[$SecretaryId].name returns. Judging by her tired look, she had spent those hours working.">>
<<ru "Спустя пару часов, $NPCstat[$SecretaryId].name возвращается. Судя по ее усталому виду, она провела эти часы за работой.">>
<<dlg_en $SecretaryId "Follow me, _mctitle.">>
<<dlg_ru $SecretaryId "Иди за мной, _mctitle.">>
<<btnEventLink "Go to her office/Идти в ее офис" "Secretary Warehouse" "mc as secretary(foot massage) 3">>
<<case "mc as secretary(foot massage) 3">>
<<NPCmedia $NPCstat[$SecretaryId].style "warehouse foot massage(start)" 0>>
<<if $SecretaryWarehouses.rsfootmassagecount == 1>>
<<en "When you enter her office, $NPCstat[$SecretaryId].name is already sitting on the couch, putting her feet up on a small pouffe. Her shoes are next to it, and you can see the girl's bare feet.">>
<<ru "Когда ты заходишь в ее офис, $NPCstat[$SecretaryId].name уже сидит на диване, положив ноги на небольшой пуфик. Ее туфли стоят рядом, и твоему взору открываются голые ступни девушки.">>
<<dlg_en $SecretaryId "_mctitle, do you happen to know how to give a foot massage?">>
<<dlg_ru $SecretaryId "_mctitle, ты случаем не знаешь как делать массаж ног?">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "I have... a little experience.">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "У меня есть... небольшой опыт.">>
<<dlg_en $SecretaryId "Oh, that's wonderful! You just have to rub my feet.">>
<<dlg_ru $SecretaryId "Так это просто замечательно! Ты просто обязан размять мои ступни.">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "I don't think that's part of the secretary's job.">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Не думаю, что это входит в обязанности секретаря.">>
<<dlg_en $SecretaryId "It's not part of a normal secretary's job. But we know it doesn't apply to you. However, if you insist, I can just change your position.">>
<<dlg_ru $SecretaryId "Это не входит в обязанности обычного секретаря. Но мы-то знаем, что это не относится к тебе. Впрочем, если ты настаиваешь, то я могу просто сменить твою должность.">>
<<dlg_en $SecretaryId "How about a servant worker? Foot massages would certainly be on his list of duties.">>
<<dlg_ru $SecretaryId "Как насчет рабочего-слуги? Массаж ног уж точно будет входить в список его обязанностей.">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "There's no need for that.">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Не надо.">>
<<dlg_en $SecretaryId "In that case, don't try to brag about knowing your duties. Your primary responsibility is to satisfy your boss, remember?">>
<<dlg_ru $SecretaryId "В таком случае, не пытайся бравить знанием своих обязанностей. Твоя главная обязанность - удовлетворять своего босса, помнишь?">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "Yes, _hertitle.">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Да, _hertitle.">>
<<en "You walk into her office and $NPCstat[$SecretaryId].name immediately takes a seat on the couch.">>
<<ru "Вы заходите в ее офис, и $NPCstat[$SecretaryId].name тут же садится на диван.">>
<<dlg_en $SecretaryId "The ottoman, _mctitle.">>
<<dlg_ru $SecretaryId "Пуфик, _mctitle.">>
<<en "You move the ottoman closer to the couch, and the girl puts her feet on it.">>
<<ru "Ты двигаешь пуфик ближе к дивану, и девушка кладет на него ноги.">>
<<dlg_en $SecretaryId "Take off my shoes, please.">>
<<dlg_ru $SecretaryId "Сними мои туфли, пожалуйста.">>
<<en "You do as she says, and $NPCstat[$SecretaryId].name sighs in relief.">>
<<ru "Ты делаешь как она говорит, и $NPCstat[$SecretaryId].name вздыхает с облегчением.">>
<<dlg_en $SecretaryId "You know what to do, _mctitle.">>
<<dlg_ru $SecretaryId "Ты знаешь что делать, _mctitle.">>
<<btnEventLink "Start massaging her feet/Начать массировать ее ступни" "Secretary Warehouse" "mc as secretary(foot massage) 4">>
<<case "mc as secretary(foot massage) 4">>
<<set _stdice = random(1, 9)>>
<<NPCmedia $NPCstat[$SecretaryId].style "warehouse foot massage(continue)" 1>>
<<en "You take one of her feet in your hands and begin to massage it.">>
<<ru "Ты берешь одну из ее ступней в руки и начинаешь массировать.">>
<<dlg_en $SecretaryId "A little higher, _mctitle. Yeah, this spot.">>
<<dlg_ru $SecretaryId "Немного выше, _mctitle. Да, вот это место.">>
<<en "You continue, using your skills to give her as much pleasure as possible. $NPCstat[$SecretaryId].name leans back and just enjoys the massage.">>
<<ru "Ты продолжаешь, применяя свои умения для того, чтобы доставить ей как можно больше удовольствия. $NPCstat[$SecretaryId].name откидывается назад и просто наслаждается массажем.">>
<<dlg_en $SecretaryId "You have such strong hands, _mctitle.">>
<<dlg_ru $SecretaryId "У тебя такие сильные руки, _mctitle.">>
<<if _stdice <= 3>>
<<en "By the time you finish, $NPCstat[$SecretaryId].name is already dozing off. You decide not to wake her and leave the office.">>
<<ru "К тому моменту, как ты заканчиваешь, $NPCstat[$SecretaryId].name уже дремлет. Ты решаешь не будить ее и выходишь из кабинета.">>
<<if $time.daytime == 4>>
<<btnEventLink "Continue/Продолжить" "Secretary Warehouse" "mc as secretary(phase 2)">>
<<elseif $time.daytime == 5>>
<<btnEventLink "Finish/Закончить" "Warehouses" "">>
<<elseif _stdice <= 6>>
<<if $time.daytime == 4>>
<<en "By the moment you finish, $NPCstat[$SecretaryId].name is completely relaxed. She sends you back to your desk.">>
<<ru "К тому моменту, как ты заканчиваешь, $NPCstat[$SecretaryId].name уже окончательно расслабляется. Она отправляет тебя обратно на рабочее место.">>
<<btnEventLink "Continue/Продолжить" "Secretary Warehouse" "mc as secretary(phase 2)">>
<<elseif $time.daytime == 5>>
<<en "By the moment you finish, $NPCstat[$SecretaryId].name is completely relaxed. She sends you back to your desk. The rest of the day passes without much incident.">>
<<ru "К тому моменту, как ты заканчиваешь, $NPCstat[$SecretaryId].name уже окончательно расслабляется. Она отправляет тебя обратно на рабочее место. В остальном, день проходит без особых происшествий.">>
<<btnEventLink "Finish/Закончить" "Warehouses" "">>
<<en "By the moment you finish, $NPCstat[$SecretaryId].name is completely relaxed.">>
<<ru "К тому моменту, как ты заканчиваешь, $NPCstat[$SecretaryId].name уже окончательно расслабляется.">>
<<dlg_en $SecretaryId "Thanks, _mctitle. You know, your massage was so good, I wanted to do something in return. Say, maybe your shoulders are a little stiff. I can give you a massage in return.">>
<<dlg_ru $SecretaryId "Спасибо, _mctitle. Знаешь, твой массаж был так хорош, что мне захотелось как-то отблагодарить тебя. Скажи, может у тебя затекли плечи? Я могу сделать тебе ответный массаж.">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "Thanks, _hertitle, I'm fine.">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Спасибо, _hertitle, я в порядке.">>
<<if $time.daytime == 4>>
<<en "$NPCstat[$SecretaryId].name sends you back to your desk.">>
<<ru "$NPCstat[$SecretaryId].name отправляет тебя обратно на рабочее место.">>
<<btnEventLink "Continue/Продолжить" "Secretary Warehouse" "mc as secretary(phase 2)">>
<<elseif $time.daytime == 5>>
<<en "$NPCstat[$SecretaryId].name sends you back to your desk. The rest of the day passes without much incident.">>
<<ru "$NPCstat[$SecretaryId].name отправляет тебя обратно на рабочее место. В остальном, день проходит без особых происшествий.">>
<<btnEventLink "Finish/Закончить" "Warehouses" "">>
<<case "mc as secretary(angry client)">>
<<set $SecretaryWarehouses.rsangryclient = random(7, 11)>>
<<set $SecretaryWarehouses.rsangryclientcount += 1>>
<<LocImg "suburb" "warehouses secretary table">>
<<en "After a while, a woman in a red tight dress enters the office.">>
<<ru "Спустя некоторое время в офис входит женщина в красном облегающем платье.">>
<<dlg_en "f_warehouse_client" "Client" "I want to see _hertitle. Right now.">>
<<dlg_ru "f_warehouse_client" "Client" "Я хочу видеть _hertitle. Немедленно.">>
<<en "You tell about the client, and $NPCstat[$SecretaryId].name asks to let her in. Soon, there are loud cries coming from behind the door of her office, and it sounds like a heated conversation. Then, the door swings open and a client runs past you. $NPCstat[$SecretaryId].name appears in the doorway.">>
<<ru "Ты сообщаешь о клиентке, и $NPCstat[$SecretaryId].name просит впустить ее. Вскоре, из-за двери ее кабинета доносятся громкие возгласы, похоже, разговор происходит на повышенных тонах. Затем, дверь распахивается, и мимо тебя пробегает клиентка. В дверном проеме появляется $NPCstat[$SecretaryId].name.">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "Who was that?">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Кто это был?">>
<<dlg_en $SecretaryId "One of my new clients. To be honest, she really got on my nerves.">>
<<dlg_ru $SecretaryId "Одна из новых клиенток. Честно говоря, она конкретно потрепала мне нервы.">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "Now you realize that business is not funny thing.">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Теперь ты понимаешь, что бизнесс - это не развлечение.">>
<<dlg_en $SecretaryId "I'm not afraid of something like that. You know, I have a favor to ask. Would you let me spank you?">>
<<dlg_ru $SecretaryId "Меня подобным не испугаешь. Знаешь, у меня есть просьба. Ты разрешишь мне отшлепать тебя?">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "I'm sorry, what?">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Прости, что?">>
<<dlg_en $SecretaryId "Don't worry, I'm not blaming you for anything. I just want to blow off some steam.">>
<<dlg_ru $SecretaryId "Я не имею в виду, что ты в чем-то виноват. Просто я хочу сбросить пар.">>
<<btnEventLink "Let her/Продолжить" "Secretary Warehouse" "mc as secretary(angry client)(spank)">>
<<btnEventLink "Finish/Закончить" "Warehouses" "">>
<<case "mc as secretary(angry client)(spank)">>
<<set $SecretaryWarehouses.rsspankingcount += 1>>
<<LocImg "suburb" "warehouses secretary table">>
<<dlg_en $SecretaryId "This is very good. Lock the door and stand by the table.">>
<<dlg_ru $SecretaryId "Очень хорошо. Заприте дверь и становитесь возле стола.">>
<<en "You do as she says. $NPCstat[$SecretaryId].name disappears into her office, but soon comes back out with a metal ruler in her hands.">>
<<ru "Ты делаешь как она говорит. $NPCstat[$SecretaryId].name скрывается в своем офисе, но вскоре выходит обратно, с металлической линейкой в руках.">>
<<dlg_en $SecretaryId "Look what I found. Must have been left over from the previous owner.">>
<<dlg_ru $SecretaryId "Смотрите, что я нашла. Должно быть осталось от предыдущего владельца.">>
<<LocImg "misc" "metal ruler">>
<<en "The girl approaches you and demonstrates the ruler. She takes it from both ends and bends it, showing its elasticity.">>
<<ru "Девушка подходит тебе и демонстрирует линейку. Она берет ее с обоих концов и сгибает, демонстрируя ее упругость.">>
<<dlg_en $SecretaryId "I hope it doesn't hurt you too much. I'd like you to stay functional for the rest of the work day.">>
<<dlg_ru $SecretaryId "Надеюсь, это не слишком навредит тебе. Мне бы хотелось, чтобы ты сохранил работоспособность до конца дня.">>
<<en "$NPCstat[$SecretaryId].name puts her hand on your back.">>
<<ru "$NPCstat[$SecretaryId].name кладет руку тебе на спину.">>
<<dlg_en $SecretaryId "_mctitle, come on, bend over a little more.">>
<<dlg_ru $SecretaryId "_mctitle, наклонитесь посильнее. Ну же!">>
<<en "You lean against the countertop and feel her hand slide lower and stop at your ass. $NPCstat[$SecretaryId].name squeezes your buttock a couple times, then slaps it lightly.">>
<<ru "Ты опираешься о столешницу и чувствуешь, как ее рука скользит ниже и останавливается на твоем заду. $NPCstat[$SecretaryId].name пару раз сжимает твою ягодицу, а затем несильно шлепает ее.">>
<<dlg_en $SecretaryId "Brace yourself, _mctitle.">>
<<dlg_ru $SecretaryId "Приготовьтесь, _mctitle.">>
<<en "You involuntarily tense your muscles in anticipation of the smack. Soon the ruler lands on your butt, but thanks to your pants you hardly feel any pain. $NPCstat[$SecretaryId].name continues to spank you, while simultaneously digging dirt at her client.">>
<<ru "Ты непроизвольно напрягаешь мышцы в ожидание удара. Вскоре линейка приземляется на твой зад, но благодаря брюкам ты почти не чувствуешь боли. $NPCstat[$SecretaryId].name продолжает шлепать тебя, параллельно поливая клиентку грязью.">>
<<dlg_en $SecretaryId "How... She... Dare... To...">>
<<dlg_ru $SecretaryId "Да... Как... Она... Посмела...">>
<<en "After a few hits, $NPCstat[$SecretaryId].name stops to catch her breath.">>
<<ru "После нескольких ударов $NPCstat[$SecretaryId].name останавливается, чтобы отдышаться.">>
<<dlg_en $SecretaryId "How are you, _mctitle?">>
<<dlg_ru $SecretaryId "Как ты, _mctitle?">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "I'm okay. I thought it would be worse.">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Все в порядке. Я думал будет хуже.">>
<<dlg_en $SecretaryId "Are you suggesting I should hit harder?">>
<<dlg_ru $SecretaryId "Ты намекаешь, что мне стоит бить сильнее?">>
<<en "She seems to perk up, and you can see the light in her eyes. The girl takes her hand with the ruler aside and slaps your ass with all her strength. As a result, the ruler flies out of her hands and falls to the floor, with a distinctive metallic sound.">>
<<ru "Она словно оживляется, и ты можешь увидеть огонек в ее глазах. Девушка отводит руку с линейкой в сторону и со всей силы шлепает тебя по заднице. В итоге, линейка вылетает из ее рук и падает на пол, с характерным металлическим звуком.">>
<<dlg_en $SecretaryId "Damn it!">>
<<dlg_ru $SecretaryId "Черт!">>
<<en "$NPCstat[$SecretaryId].name bends down to pick up the fallen instrument of punishment.">>
<<ru "$NPCstat[$SecretaryId].name наклоняется, чтобы поднять упавший инструмент наказания.">>
<<dlg_en $SecretaryId "Okay, that's enough out of you. I'm feeling considerably better already.">>
<<dlg_ru $SecretaryId "Ладно, хватит с тебя. Мне уже стало значительно лучше.">>
<<en "You straighten up with relief.">>
<<ru "Ты выпрямляешься с облегчением.">>
<<dlg_en $SecretaryId "Thanks for this, _mctitle.">>
<<dlg_ru $SecretaryId "Спасибо за это, _mctitle.">>
<<if $time.daytime == 4>>
<<btnEventLink "Continue/Продолжить" "Secretary Warehouse" "mc as secretary(phase 2)">>
<<elseif $time.daytime == 5>>
<<btnEventLink "Finish/Закончить" "Warehouses" "">>
<<case "Nina visit(first)">>
<<set $NPCstat[21].meet = true>>
<<NPCmedia "nina" "first meet" 0>>
<<en "As you approach Maxine's office, you hear women's voices. As you open the door, you see a slim female figure standing with her back to you. You take your time to cast a quick glance at her curves, but Maxine's voice interrupts you.">>
<<ru "Приблизившись к офису Максин, ты слышишь женские голоса. Открыв дверь, ты видишь стройную женскую фигуру, стоящую спиной к тебе. Твой взгляд непроизвольно скользит по ее изгибам, но голос Максин переключает твое внимание.">>
<<dlg_en $SecretaryId "_mctitle, come closer. I want you to meet best friend.">>
<<dlg_ru $SecretaryId "_mctitle, заходи. Я хочу познакомить тебя со своей лучшей подругой.">>
<<en "The other girl turns to you.">>
<<ru "Другая девушка поворачивается к тебе.">>
<<if $GameLang == "eng">>
<<set $NPCstat[21].name = "Maxine's friend">>
<<elseif $GameLang == "rus">>
<<set $NPCstat[21].name = "Подруга Максин">>
<<dlg_en 21 "Wow, your secretary is really handsome.">>
<<dlg_ru 21 "Ого, твой секретарь - настоящий красавчик.">>
<<en "She holds out her hand to you.">>
<<ru "Она протягивает тебе руку.">>
<<if $GameLang == "eng">>
<<set $NPCstat[21].name = "Nina">>
<<elseif $GameLang == "rus">>
<<set $NPCstat[21].name = "Нина">>
<<dlg_en 21 "My name is Nina. You're _mctitle, right?">>
<<dlg_ru 21 "Меня зовут Нина. А вы - _mctitle, верно?">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "Exactly.">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Верно.">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "So, do you need anything, _hertitle?">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Вам что-нибудь нужно, _hertitle?">>
<<dlg_en $SecretaryId "Nope. You may go, _mctitle.">>
<<dlg_ru $SecretaryId "Пока что нет. Ты можешь идти, _mctitle.">>
<<en "You head to your workplace.">>
<<ru "Ты оправляешься на свое рабочее место.">>
<<btnEventLink "Continue/Продолжить" "Secretary Warehouse" "Nina/Lucia visit(first end)">>
<<case "Lucia visit(first)">>
<<set $NPCstat[22].meet = true>>
<<NPCmedia "lucia" "first meet" 0>>
<<en "As you approach Jessica's office, you hear women's voices. As you open the door, you see a slim female figure standing with her back to you. You take your time to cast a quick glance at her curves, but Jessica's voice interrupts you.">>
<<ru "Приблизившись к офису Джессики, ты слышишь женские голоса. Открыв дверь, ты видишь стройную женскую фигуру, стоящую спиной к тебе. Твой взгляд непроизвольно скользит по ее изгибам, но голос Джессики переключает твое внимание.">>
<<dlg_en $SecretaryId "_mctitle, come closer. I want you to meet my daughter.">>
<<dlg_ru $SecretaryId "_mctitle, заходи. Я хочу познакомить тебя со своей дочерью.">>
<<en "The other girl turns to you.">>
<<ru "Другая девушка поворачивается к тебе.">>
<<if $GameLang == "eng">>
<<set $NPCstat[22].name = "Jessica's daughter">>
<<elseif $GameLang == "rus">>
<<set $NPCstat[22].name = "Дочь Джессики">>
<<dlg_en 22 "Wow, your secretary is really handsome.">>
<<dlg_ru 22 "Ого, твой секретарь - настоящий красавчик.">>
<<en "She holds out her hand to you.">>
<<ru "Она протягивает тебе руку.">>
<<if $GameLang == "eng">>
<<set $NPCstat[22].name = "Lucia">>
<<elseif $GameLang == "rus">>
<<set $NPCstat[22].name = "Лусия">>
<<dlg_en 22 "My name is Lucia. You're _mctitle, right?">>
<<dlg_ru 22 "Меня зовут Лусия. А вы - _mctitle, верно?">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "Exactly.">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Верно.">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "So, do you need anything, _hertitle?">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Вам что-нибудь нужно, _hertitle?">>
<<dlg_en $SecretaryId "Nope. You may go, _mctitle.">>
<<dlg_ru $SecretaryId "Пока что нет. Ты можешь идти, _mctitle.">>
<<en "You head to your workplace.">>
<<ru "Ты оправляешься на свое рабочее место.">>
<<btnEventLink "Continue/Продолжить" "Secretary Warehouse" "Nina/Lucia visit(first end)">>
<<case "Nina/Lucia visit(first end)">>
<<SkipTimeBlock 2>>
<<LocImg "suburb" "warehouses secretary table">>
<<en "The rest of the day passes without much incident.">>
<<ru "Остаток дня проходит без особых происшествий.">>
<<btnEventLink "Finish/Закончить" "Warehouses" "">>
<<case "mc as secretary(Nina/Lucia)">>
<<set $location.sub = "">>
<<set _phase = $time.daytime - 3>>
<<set $SecretaryWarehouses.rsworkcount += 1>>
<<NPCmedia $NPCstat[$SecretaryId].style "warehouse office" 0>>
<<dlg_en "mc" "Good afternoon, _hertitle.">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Доброе утро, _hertitle.">>
<<if $SecretaryWarehouses.rscoffee == 0>>
<<dlg_en $SecretaryId "Good afternoon, _mctitle. I want to start work with a cup of coffee.">>
<<dlg_ru $SecretaryId "Доброе утро, _mctitle. Я хочу начать работу с чашечки кофе.">>
<<btnEventLink "Make them coffee/Сделать для них кофе" "Secretary Warehouse" "mc as secretary(Nina/Lucia)(coffee)">>
<<dlg_en $SecretaryId "Good afternoon, _mctitle. I don't have any instructions for you at the moment.">>
<<dlg_ru $SecretaryId "Доброе утро, _mctitle. Пока что у меня нет никаких поручений для тебя.">>
<<en "You head to your workplace.">>
<<ru "Ты оправляешься на свое рабочее место.">>
<<btnEventLink "Continue/Продолжить" "Secretary Warehouse" "mc as secretary(main)(no event)">>
<<case "mc as secretary(Nina/Lucia)(coffee)">>
<<set $SecretaryWarehouses.rscoffeecount += 1>>
<<set $SecretaryWarehouses.rscoffee = random(1, 2)>>
<<if $SecretaryWarehouses.rscoffeecount <= 2>>
<<NPCmedia $NPCstat[$SecretaryId].style "warehouse coffee(cup)" 0>>
<<NPCmedia $NPCstat[$SecretaryId].style "warehouse coffee(mug)" 0>>
<<if $SecretaryWarehouses.rswipetable == 0>>
<<en "You bring coffee. $NPCstat[$SecretaryId].name immediately takes a sip.">>
<<ru "Ты приносишь кофе. $NPCstat[$SecretaryId].name тут же делает глоток.">>
<<dlg_en $SecretaryId "_mctitle, make up the guest couch.">>
<<dlg_ru $SecretaryId "_mctitle, приведи в порядок диван для гостей.">>
<<en "You start arranging cushions in the corners of the couch.">>
<<ru "Ты начинаешь расставлять подушки по углам дивана.">>
<<dlg_en $SecretaryId "Hurry up, _mctitle. Don't make girls wait.">>
<<dlg_ru $SecretaryId "Поторопись, _mctitle. Не заставляй девушек ждать.">>
<<if $SecretaryId == 3>>
<<dlg_en 22 "Aren't you too strict with him?">>
<<dlg_ru 22 "Ты не слишком с ним строга?">>
<<elseif $SecretaryId == 4>>
<<dlg_en 21 "Aren't you too strict with him?">>
<<dlg_ru 21 "Ты не слишком с ним строга?">>
<<dlg_en $SecretaryId "Believe me, he needs it.">>
<<dlg_ru $SecretaryId "Поверь мне, ему это необходимо.">>
<<if $SecretaryId == 3>>
<<en "You end up on the couch, and the girls reposition on it. $NPCstat[$SecretaryId].name slaps you on the ass on the way, making you flinch. And Lucia laughs, watching her mom's actions.">>
<<ru "Ты заканчиваешь с диваном, и девушки перемещаются на него. По пути $NPCstat[$SecretaryId].name не упускает возможности шлепнуть тебя по заднице, чем заставляет тебя испуганно вздрогнуть. Лусия же задорно смеется, наблюдая за действиями своей матери.">>
<<elseif $SecretaryId == 4>>
<<en "You end up on the couch, and the girls reposition on it. $NPCstat[$SecretaryId].name slaps you on the ass on the way, making you flinch. And Nina laughs, watching her friend's actions.">>
<<ru "Ты заканчиваешь с диваном, и девушки перемещаются на него. По пути $NPCstat[$SecretaryId].name не упускает возможности шлепнуть тебя по заднице, чем заставляет тебя испуганно вздрогнуть. Нина же задорно смеется, наблюдая за действиями своей подруги.">>
<<btnEventLink "Continue/Продолжить" "Secretary Warehouse" "mc as secretary(main)(no event)">>
<<en "You bring coffee. $NPCstat[$SecretaryId].name thanks you and sends you back to your desk. The rest of the day passes without much incident.">>
<<ru "Ты приносишь кофе. $NPCstat[$SecretaryId].name благодарит тебя и отправляет обратно на рабочее место. В остальном, день проходит без особых происшествий.">>
<<btnEventLink "Finish/Закончить" "Warehouses" "">>
<</switch>><<set $EventMark = "">>
<<if $location.sub == "eventlock">>
<<set $location.sub = "">>
/* ---------- SECRETARY ---------- */
<<if passage() == "Warehouses" and $location.sub == "head office" and $NPCstat[$SecretaryId].location == "Warehouses Head Office">>
<<if $SecretaryWarehouses.active and $SecretaryWarehouses.rsworkcount == 0>>
<<set $EventMark = "mc as secretary(first)">>
<<set _eventloc = "Secretary Warehouse">>
<<if passage() == "Warehouses" and $location.sub == "head office" and $NPCstat[$SecretaryId].location == "Warehouses Head Office">>
<<if $NPCstat[21].location == "Warehouses Head Office" and $NPCstat[21].meet == false>>
<<set $EventMark = "Nina visit(first)">>
<<set _eventloc = "Secretary Warehouse">>
<<if $NPCstat[22].location == "Warehouses Head Office" and $NPCstat[22].meet == false>>
<<set $EventMark = "Lucia visit(first)">>
<<set _eventloc = "Secretary Warehouse">>
/* ---------- END ---------- */
<<if $EventMark != "">>
<<set $location.sub = "eventlock">>
<<include _eventloc>>
<</if>><<switch $EventMark>>
/* ---------- INITIATE SCENE ---------- */
<<case "cooking lesson(first)">>
<<set $MaidCookingLessons.lessonsactive = true>>
<<set $MaidCookingLessons.lessonsStatus = "active">>
<<LocImg "mc_house" "kitchen">>
<<en "As you walk into the kitchen, your maid calls out to you.">>
<<ru "Стоит тебе зайти на кухню, как твоя горничная обращается к тебе.">>
<<dlg_en 1 "Mr. $mc.name, I want to talk to you.">>
<<dlg_ru 1 "Мистер $mc.name, я хочу поговорить с вами.">>
<<en "Samantha wipes her hands with the kitchen towel and steps closer.">>
<<ru "Саманта вытирает руки полотенцем и подходит ближе.">>
<<if $WifeServing.BedBreakfast.askedHeroForCooking>>
<<dlg_en 1 "I was talking to Mrs. $NPCstat[0].name the other day, and she said she really enjoys it when you bring her breakfast in bed">>
<<dlg_ru 1 "Миссис $NPCstat[0].name говорила со мной недавно, и она сказала, что ей действительно нравится, когда вы приносите ей завтрак в постель.">>
<<en "The woman takes another step forward.">>
<<ru "Девушка делает еще один шаг вперед.">>
<<if $WifeServing.BedBreakfast.countHeroCooked == 0>>
<<dlg_en 1 "But she also said that she would prefer you to cook for her with your own hands.">>
<<dlg_ru 1 "Но она также сказала, что предпочла, если бы готовили для нее своими руками.">>
<<dlg_en 1 "So I have a suggestion for you. I can teach you a thing or two and it won't be a problem for you to make breakfast for your wife on your own. What do you say, Mr. $mc.name?">>
<<dlg_ru 1 "Поэтому, у меня для вас предложение. Я могу дать вам пару уроков, и для вас не будет проблемой приготовить что-нибудь своими руками. Что скажете, мистер $mc.name?">>
<<dlg_en 1 "But she also said that she liked it better when you cooked with your own hands than when you asked me to do it.">>
<<dlg_ru 1 "Но она также сказала, что ей намного больше нравится, когда вы готовите своими руками, а не обращаетесь ко мне.">>
<<dlg_en 1 "So I have a suggestion for you. I can teach you a thing or two to add variety to the dishes you treat your wife to. What do you say, Mr. $mc.name?">>
<<dlg_ru 1 "Поэтому, у меня для вас предложение. Я могу дать вам пару уроков, и вы сможете добавить немного вариативности в блюда, которые вы готовите для своей жены. Что скажете, мистер $mc.name?">>
<<dlg_en 1 "It's about the last time you asked me to make breakfast for Mrs. $NPCstat[0].name. I know you may be upset, I acted quite fairly.">>
<<dlg_ru 1 "Это касается последнего раза, когда вы попросили меня приготовить завтрак для вашей жены. Понимаю, вы можете быть недовольны, но я действовала честно.">>
<<en "The woman takes another step forward.">>
<<ru "Девушка делает еще один шаг вперед.">>
<<dlg_en 1 "So I have a suggestion for you. I can teach you a thing or two and it won't be a problem for you to make breakfast for your wife on your own. What do you say, Mr. $mc.name?">>
<<dlg_ru 1 "Поэтому, у меня для вас предложение. Я могу дать вам пару уроков, и для вас не будет проблемой приготовить что-нибудь своими руками. Что скажете, мистер $mc.name?">>
<<en "She makes a hand gesture as if inviting you to join her and stand by the stove.">>
<<ru "Она делает жест, словно приглашая тебя присоединиться к ней возле плиты.">>
<<btnEventLink "Agree to take cooking lessons from your maid/Согласиться брать уроки у своей горничной" "Samantha Cooking Lessons" "cooking lesson(first agree)">>
<<btnEventLink "Say you need to think about it/Сказать что ты подумаешь об этом" "Samantha Cooking Lessons" "cooking lesson(first disagree)">>
<<case "cooking lesson(first agree)">>
<<LocImg "mc_house" "kitchen">>
<<dlg_en 1 "Great! Then we'll start right away.">>
<<dlg_ru 1 "Отлично! Тогда начнем прямо сейчас.">>
<<btnEventLink "Start first cooking lesson/Начать первый урок" "Samantha Cooking Lessons" "cooking lesson(main)">>
<<case "cooking lesson(first disagree)">>
<<LocImg "mc_house" "kitchen">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "I don't think that's necessary.">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Не думаю, что в этом есть необходимость.">>
<<dlg_en 1 "Don't say no right away, Mr. $mc.name. It won't be difficult, I promise.">>
<<dlg_ru 1 "Не отказывайтесь вот так сразу, мистер $mc.name. Это будет несложно, обещаю.">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "I'll think about it.">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Я подумаю над этим.">>
<<btnEventLink "Leave/Уйти" "Hallway" "">>
<<case "cooking lesson(pre-main)">>
<<if $MaidCookingLessons.lessonsgap > 1>>
<<NPCmedia "samantha" "cooking" 0>>
<<set _txt = "Come back in a couple of days, Mr. " + $mc.name + ".">>
<br><<PHR 1 _txt>>
<<btnEventLink "Leave" "Kitchen" "">>
<<elseif $MaidCookingLessons.lessonsgap == 1>>
<<NPCmedia "samantha" "cooking" 0>>
<<set _txt = "Come back tomorrow, Mr. " + $mc.name + ".">>
<br><<PHR 1 _txt>>
<<btnEventLink "Leave" "Kitchen" "">>
<<elseif $MaidApron.forcooking and $MaidApron.wear>>
<<NPCmedia "samantha" "cooking" 0>>
<br>Samantha examines you from head to toe.
<br><<PHR 1 "I see you're ready. Then we'll start right away.">>
<<btnEventLink "Start another cooking lesson" "Samantha Cooking Lessons" "cooking lesson(main)">>
<<elseif $MaidApron.forcooking>>
<<NPCmedia "samantha" "cooking" 0>>
<<set _txt = "I don't see your apron, Mr. " + $mc.name + ".">>
<br><<PHR 1 _txt>>
<<btnEventLink "Leave" "Kitchen" "">>
<<elseif $MaidApron.forcooking == false>>
<<NPCmedia "samantha" "cooking" 0>>
<br><<PHR 1 "Great! Then we'll start right away.">>
<<btnEventLink "Start another cooking lesson" "Samantha Cooking Lessons" "cooking lesson(main)">>
<<case "cooking lesson(main)">>
<<set $MaidCookingLessons.lessonscount += 1>>
<<set $MaidCookingLessons.lessonsgap += 1>>
<<LocImg "mc_house" "kitchen">>
<<if $MaidCookingLessons.lessonscount == 1>>
<br><<PHR 1 "But first, you'll need an apron.">>
<br>Samantha hurries in the storage room, and soon comes back in, with a rolled-up cloth in her hands.
<<if $NPCstat[1].obedience > -15>>
<<set _txt = "Please move your arms apart, Mr. " + $mc.name + ", so I can put the apron on you.">>
<br><<PHR 1 _txt>>
<<set _txt = "Move your arms apart, Mr. " + $mc.name + ", so I can put the apron on you.">>
<br><<PHR 1 _txt>>
<br><<PHR "mc" "I don't think that's necessary.">>
<<if $NPCstat[1].obedience > -18>>
<<set $MaidApron.color = "apron(black)">>
<br>The girl unwraps the cloth and you see the classic black apron.
<<NPCmedia "mc" $MaidApron.color 0>>
<br><<PHR 1 "You don't want to get your clothes dirty, do you?">>
<br>Without waiting for your answer, your maid throws the top strap over your neck.
<<set $MaidApron.color = "apron(pink dots)">>
<br>The girl unwraps the cloth and you see the black apron with pink dots on it.
<<NPCmedia "mc" $MaidApron.color 0>>
<br><<PHR "mc" "Can you at least choose a different print?">>
<br><<PHR 1 "What's wrong with this one? It's totally unisex.">>
<br>Without waiting for your response, your maid throws the top strap over your neck.
<<if $NPCstat[1].obedience > -15>>
<br><<PHR 1 "Turn around, please.">>
<br><<PHR 1 "Now, turn around!">>
<br>You do as she says, and Samantha ties the apron straps behind your back.
<br><<PHR 1 "Let's try to make something simple to start with. How about a frittata with tuna?">>
<<set _txt = $NPCstat[0].name + " loves it.">>
<br><<PHR "mc" _txt>>
<br><<PHR 1 "Yes, I know, so it's a good choice for the first lesson.">>
<br>Your maid opens the fridge and starts to take out the ingredients.
<<if $NPCstat[1].obedience > -15>>
<<set _txt = "First you should beat the eggs, Mr. " + $mc.name + ".">>
<br><<PHR 1 _txt>>
<<set _txt = "Beat the eggs first, Mr. " + $mc.name + ".">>
<br><<PHR 1 _txt>>
<<btnEventLink "Follow her instructions" "Samantha Cooking Lessons" "cooking lesson(frittata)">>
<<elseif $NPCstat[1].obedience > -18>>
<br><<PHR 1 "But first, let me help you with your apron.">>
<<if $NPCstat[1].playfulness > 15>>
<br>Samantha return with the apron and puts it on you. You feel her palm touch your ass, but not for long, because Samantha steps aside almost immediately. Nevertheless, you can see the satisfied smile on her face.
<br>Samantha return with the apron and puts it on you.
<<elseif $MaidApron.forcooking == false>>
<br><<PHR 1 "Another lesson? That's great! But first you should wear your apron. You can find it in the storage room.">>
<br>Samantha looks at you expectantly. You sigh and walk out of the kitchen to get the apron from the storage room.
<br>Ater taking the apron, you return to your maid. You start putting the apron on in front of her, but have a little trouble tying its straps behind your back.
<<if $NPCstat[1].playfulness > 15>>
<br><<PHR 1 "Wait, I'll help you.">>
<br>Your maid goes behind you and deftly ties the straps of your apron. Then you feel her palm touch your ass, but not for long, because Samantha steps aside almost immediately. Nevertheless, you can see the satisfied smile on her face.
<br>Finally, you cope with them, and your maid nods approvingly at you.
<<NPCmedia "mc" $MaidApron.color 0>>
<<if $NPCstat[1].obedience <= -20>>
<<set $MaidApron.forcooking = true>>
<br><<PHR 1 "Now, when you want me to give you another lesson, you have to wear your apron first. This will be a signal that you are ready to follow my instructions. Do you get it?">>
<br><<PHR "mc" "Yes.">>
<br><<PHR 1 "Great! Then we'll start right away. Come closer.">>
<<elseif $MaidApron.forcooking>>
<br><<PHR 1 "Let's see what we can do today.">>
<<if not $MaidApron.wifeseeyou>>
<<set _stdice = random(1, 10)>>
<<if $WifeToMaid.suspicion >= 30>><<set _stdice += 1>><</if>>
<<if $WifeToMaid.suspicion >= 60>><<set _stdice += 1>><</if>>
<<set _stdice += ($MaidCookingLessons.lessonscount * 2)>>
<<if _stdice >= 10 and WifeAtHome() and not $MaidApron.wifeseeyou>>
<<if $MaidCookingLessons.lessonscount >= 2>>
<<btnEventLink "Follow her instructions" "Samantha Cooking Lessons" "cooking lesson(wife check in)">>
<<if $MaidCookingLessons.lessonscount == 2>>
<<btnEventLink "Follow her instructions" "Samantha Cooking Lessons" "cooking lesson(french crepes)">>
<<elseif $MaidCookingLessons.lessonscount == 3>>
<<btnEventLink "Follow her instructions" "Samantha Cooking Lessons" "cooking lesson(french crepes 2)">>
<<elseif $MaidCookingLessons.lessonscount == 4>>
<<btnEventLink "Follow her instructions" "Samantha Cooking Lessons" "cooking lesson(peaches and cheese)">>
<<elseif $MaidCookingLessons.lessonscount > 4>>
<<if $NPCstat[1].obedience <= -28 and $mcSkill.cooking >= 20 and $MaidCookingLessons.examcount == 0>>
<<btnEventLink "Follow her instructions" "Samantha Cooking Lessons" "cooking lesson(first exam)">>
<<btnEventLink "Follow her instructions" "Samantha Cooking Lessons" "cooking lesson(common)">>
/* ------------------------------ FRITTATA ------------------------------ */
<<case "cooking lesson(frittata)">>
<<set $MaidCookingLessons.lessonsgap += 1>>
<<set $mcSkill.cooking += 4>>
<<NPCmedia "samantha" "cooking lessons" "leek" 0>>
<br><<PHR 1 "After you're done with the eggs, heat a frying pan and add olive oil to it.">>
<br>Samantha enters the role of strict tutor rather quickly.
<br><<PHR 1 "Okay, now chop the leeks and fry them along with the tuna.">>
<br>After a while, your maid tells you to pour the beaten eggs into the pan.
<br><<PHR 1 "All that's left is to put it all in the oven and bake it until done.">>
<<btnEventLink "Continue" "Samantha Cooking Lessons" "cooking lesson(frittata 2)">>
<<case "cooking lesson(frittata 2)">>
<<NPCmedia "samantha" "cooking lessons" "fritatta w tuna" 0>>
<<if $NPCstat[1].playfulness >= 10>>
<br>After a quarter of an hour, you take the frittata out of the oven, and the kitchen immediately fills with a pleasant aroma. Samantha comes up to you. You feel her hand resting on your butt.
<br>After a quarter of an hour, you take the frittata out of the oven, and the kitchen immediately fills with a pleasant aroma. Samantha comes up to you. You feel her hand resting on your waist.
<<set _txt = "Good job, Mr. " + $mc.name + ".">>
<br><<PHR 1 _txt>>
<<if $NPCstat[1].playfulness >= 10>>
<br>She gives you a gentle slap on your ass.
<br>She pats you lightly on the shoulder.
<<btnEventLink "Finish the lesson" "Hallway" "">>
/* ------------------------------ CREPES ------------------------------ */
<<case "cooking lesson(french crepes)">>
<<set $MaidCookingLessons.lessonsgap += 1>>
<<set $mcSkill.cooking += 4>>
<<NPCmedia "samantha" "cooking lessons" "crepes batter" 0>>
<br>You do as she asks and stand next to your maid.
<br><<PHR 1 "Now, if you want to make breakfasts, you absolutely must learn how to make crepe batter.">>
<br>Your maid opens the fridge and starts to take out the ingredients.
<<if $NPCstat[1].obedience > -15>>
<<set _txt = "First you should beat the eggs, Mr. " + $mc.name + ".">>
<br><<PHR 1 _txt>>
<<set _txt = "Beat the eggs first, Mr. " + $mc.name + ".">>
<br><<PHR 1 _txt>>
<br><<PHR 1 "Great, now you can add flour and also the most fundamental ingredient.">>
<br>Samantha puts a small bottle on the table.
<br><<PHR 1 "This is orange water. It's what gives French crepes their unique flavor.">>
<br>After adding the new ingredients, you continue to mix the batter, while your maid puts a glass milk jug and a plate with butter next to you.
<<if $NPCstat[1].obedience > -15>>
<br><<PHR 1 "Now you should to heat the milk and then melt the butter.">>
<br><<PHR 1 "Now heat the milk and then melt the butter.">>
<br>You start to feel noticeably nervous. Cooking lessons turned out to be a lot harder than you thought. It seems that Samantha noticed this and hurried to reassure you.
<<set _txt = "Don't worry, Mr. " + $mc.name + ", you're doing just fine. Remember, it's all for your wife.">>
<br><<PHR 1 _txt>>
<br>Finally, you finish with the crepe batter.
<<set _txt = "Look at your apron, Mr. " + $mc.name + "! It's stained with batter.">>
<br><<PHR 1 _txt>>
<br>You're looking down at your apron.
<<if $NPCstat[1].obedience > -18>>
<br><<PHR 1 "Let me help you take it off so you don't get dirty.">>
<br>Samantha helps you take off the apron. Then she carefully rolls it up.
<br><<PHR 1 "I'll throw it in the wash later.">>
<br><<PHR "mc" "Aren't we going to bake crepes today?">>
<br><<PHR 1 "The batter needs to be kept in the fridge for some time. So we'll do that next time.">>
<<btnEventLink "Finish the lesson" "Hallway" "">>
<br><<PHR 1 "Common, take it off. And try not to get yourself dirty.">>
<br><<PHR "mc" "Aren't we going to bake crepes today?">>
<br><<PHR 1 "The batter needs to be kept in the fridge for some time. So we'll do that next time.">>
<br>You finally get to take the apron off.
<<set _txt = "You know, Mr. " + $mc.name + ", so it's your apron now, you need to keep it clean. So you should throw it in the wash.">>
<br><<PHR 1 _txt>>
<br>Samantha also start untying her apron.
<br><<PHR 1 "Take mine as well. It will be a small payment for today's lesson.">>
<<btnEventLink "Take her apron" "Samantha Cooking Lessons" "cooking lesson(french crepes)(wash apron)">>
<<case "cooking lesson(french crepes)(wash apron)">>
<<LocImg "mc_house" "boiler">>
<br>You obediently take her apron and go to the basement to put both aprons in the washing machine.
<br><<TH "Should I turn it on?">>
<br>After thinking about it for a while, you decide that it's enough that you just put the aprons in the washer.
<<btnEventLink "Finish" "Hallway" "">>
<<case "cooking lesson(french crepes 2)">>
<<set $MaidCookingLessons.lessonsgap += 1>>
<<set $mcSkill.cooking += 4>>
<<NPCmedia "samantha" "cooking lessons" "crepes cooked" 0>>
<<if $NPCstat[1].obedience > -15>>
<br><<PHR 1 "Today I'm going to teach you how to make crepes. Please, get the batter from the fridge.">>
<br><<PHR 1 "Today I'm going to teach you how to make crepes. Get the batter from the fridge.">>
<br>You do as she asks, while Samantha heats up the pan.
<br><<PHR "mc" "I don't think this recipe is ideal for breakfast. I mean, it takes a whole night for the batter to come to a proper condition.">>
<br><<PHR 1 "You can always prepare it in the evening before.">>
<br>Your maid scoops up the batter with a ladle and starts pouring the batter into the pan. As she does so, she deftly angles the pan so that the batter soon forms a perfect crepe.
<<set _txt = "I can't guess every time " + $NPCstat[0].name + " decides to spend more time in bed.">>
<br><<PHR "mc" _txt>>
<br><<PHR 1 "But you can always talk to her ahead of time and pick a special day when you will be delighting her with your culinary skills.">>
<br>Samantha flips the crepe.
<br><<PHR 1 "See, that's easy. Now it's your turn.">>
<br>You take the ladle from her hands and try to reproduce what you've seen before. You succeed at first, but when you try to flip the crepe, it crumples.
<<if $NPCstat[1].playfulness >= 15>>
<<set _txt = "Don't worry, Mr. " + $mc.name + ", first one is always tricky. Let me help you.">>
<br><<PHR 1 _txt>>
<br>Samantha squeezes between you and the stove.
<br><<PHR 1 "Watch my actions.">>
<br>She starts repeating all her previous actions. Occasionally her butt touches your groin, and a couple of times your maid turns to you and smiles temptingly.
<<btnEventLink "Continue" "Samantha Cooking Lessons" "cooking lesson(french crepes 2)(no touch)">>
<<set _txt = "Don't worry, Mr. " + $mc.name + ", first one is always tricky. Don't give up so easily.">>
<br>You make another attempt to make a crepe, then another. Finally, about the tenth time, you get a more or less decent result.
<<set _txt = "You're a fast learner, Mr. " + $mc.name + ". I look forward to our next lesson.">>
<br><<PHR 1 _txt>>
<<btnEventLink "Leave" "Hallway" "">>
<<case "cooking lesson(french crepes 2)(no touch)">>
<<NPCmedia "samantha" "cooking lessons" "crepes cooked" 0>>
<br>Samantha steps aside, letting you come to the stove. You make another attempt to make a crepe, then another. Finally, about the tenth time, you get a more or less decent result.
<<set _txt = "You're a fast learner, Mr. " + $mc.name + ". I look forward to our next lesson.">>
<br><<PHR 1 _txt>>
<<btnEventLink "Leave" "Hallway" "">>
/* ------------------------------ PEACHES ------------------------------ */
<<case "cooking lesson(peaches and cheese)">>
<<set $MaidCookingLessons.lessonsgap += 1>>
<<set $mcSkill.cooking += 4>>
<<NPCmedia "samantha" "cooking lessons" "peaches(fresh)" 0>>
<br><<PHR 1 "Great. Let's make something sweet this time. We just got some delicious peaches this week.">>
<br>Samantha opens the frige.
<<if $NPCstat[1].obedience > -15>>
<br><<PHR 1 "Please take some walnuts from the pantry.">>
<br><<PHR 1 "I want you to get some walnuts from the pantry.">>
<br>By the time you got back to the kitchen, Samantha had already laid out all the ingredients.
<<set _txt = "So, Mr. " + $mc.name + ", first mash the riccotta, honey and nuts. You can mince the basil and add that too.">>
<br><<PHR 1 _txt>>
<br>You follow her instructions, and soon you have a dense cheese paste.
<br><<PHR 1 "Great, now fry the slices of bread in olive oil and put the riccotta on them.">>
<br>You do as she says and end the cooking by slicing the peaches and laying the slices on the bruschetta. Samantha immediately takes one and takes a good bite.
<<NPCmedia "samantha" "cooking lessons" "peaches(ready)" 0>>
<br><<PHR 1 "Mmm, tasty. It just needs a little bit of pepper. Can you pass me some?">>
<br>You give the pepper shaker to your maid. She uses it and proceeds to devour the bruschetta.
<<if $NPCstat[1].obedience > -18>>
<<set _txt = "I'm sorry, Mr. " + $mc.name + ". This is one of my favorite meals, and I couldn't resist trying it in your version. Next time we'll do something your wife will like, I promise.">>
<br><<PHR 1 _txt>>
<<btnEventLink "Leave" "Hallway" "">>
<<set _txt = "I'm sorry, Mr. " + $mc.name + ". This is one of my favorite meals, and I couldn't resist trying it in your version.">>
<br><<PHR 1 _txt>>
<br>Samantha sits down at the table and draws the plate of bruschettas closer to her.
<<set _txt = "Make me some coffee, Mr. " + $mc.name + ". Otherwise, the lesson will be considered unfinished.">>
<br><<PHR 1 _txt>>
<<btnEventLink "Make coffee for your maid" "Samantha Cooking Lessons" "cooking lesson(peaches and cheese)(coffee)">>
<<case "cooking lesson(peaches and cheese)(coffee)">>
<<LocImg "misc" "coffee">>
<br>You spent a few more minutes making coffee for Samantha.
<<set _txt = "You know, Mr. " + $mc.name + ", I feel like you should offer me something more for my lessons than a cup of coffee. Don't you think so?">>
<br><<PHR 1 _txt>>
<br>She takes a sip.
<br><<PHR 1 "Well, we'd better talk about that next time. You're free to go.">>
<<RemoveStat 1 "obedience" 2 -40>>
<<btnEventLink "Leave" "Hallway" "">>
/* ------------------------------ COMMON ------------------------------ */
<<case "cooking lesson(common)">>
<<set $MaidCookingLessons.lessonsgap += 1>>
<<set $mcSkill.cooking = min(40, ($mcSkill.cooking + 2))>>
<<LocImg "mc_house" "kitchen">>
<br>Samantha gives you another cooking lesson. And you definitely learned something new today.
<<set _txt = "See you next time, Mr. " + $mc.name + ".">>
<br><<PHR 1 _txt>>
<<btnEventLink "Leave" "Hallway" "">>
/* ---------- END ---------- */
<<case "cooking lesson(end)">>
<<btnEventLink "Leave" "Hallway" "">>
/* ---------- OTHER ---------- */
<<case "cooking lesson(jenny check in)">>
<<set $MaidCookingLessons.jennycheck = true>>
<<set $MaidApron.jennyseeyou = true>>
<<LocImg "mc_house" "kitchen">>
<br>When you enter the kitchen, you find Jenny chatting with your maid about something.
<<set _txt = $mc.name + "! I' m so glad to see you.">>
<br><<PHR 2 _txt>>
<br><<TH "Yeah, you sure are.">>
<br><<PHR 2 "You know, your maid is such a sweetheart. You should appreciate her talent.">>
<<if $MaidApron.wear == false>>
<br>Your wife's friend winks at Samantha and leaves the kitchen. You walk up to the maid.
<br>Your wife's friend looks you over from head to toe.
<<set _txt = "Nice apron! I like the cut. You know, " + $NPCstat[0].name + " and I are planning to relax by the pool, and we could use a bartender.">>
<br><<PHR 2 _txt>>
<br><<PHR "mc" "I think you know very well where our booze is.">>
<br><<PHR 2 "Oh, chill out. No need to react so badly.">>
<br>Jenny winks at Samantha.
<br><<PHR 2 "I'll leave him to you, girl.">>
<br>With these words she leaves the kitchen. You walk up to the maid.
<br><<PHR "mc" "What were you two talking about?">>
<br><<PHR 1 "Nothing in particular. She wanted to know what town I came from. And you probably want another cooking lesson? Don't worry, I'm free now.">>
<span id="dialog">
<<btnEventLink "Start another cooking lesson" "Samantha Kitchen Events" "cooking lesson(main)">>
<center>@@.btnWide;<<button "Leave the kitchen">>
<<replace "#dialog">>
<br><<PHR "mc" "Maybe another time.">>
<<btnEventLink "Leave" "Hallway" "">>
/* ------------------------------ WIFE CATCH YOU ------------------------------ */
<<case "cooking lesson(wife check in)">>
<<set $MaidApron.wifeseeyou = true>>
<<LocImg "mc_house" "kitchen">>
<<en "At that moment, $NPCstat[0].name walks into the kitchen.">>
<<ru "В этот момент на кухню заходит $NPCstat[0].name.">>
<<if $WifeServing.BedBreakfast.askedHeroForCooking>>
<<dlg_en 0 "I see you agreed to take lessons from Samantha after all, honey.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Смотрю, ты все-таки согласился учиться у Саманты, милый.">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "Yeah.">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Ага.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "Well, then I won't bother you.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Тогда не буду вам мешать.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "Honey, why are you wearing an apron?">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Милый, почему на тебе фартук?">>
<<dlg_en 1 "It's for our lesson, Mrs. $NPCstat[0].name.">>
<<dlg_ru 1 "Это для нашего урока, $NPCstat[0].name .">>
<<dlg_en 0 "Lesson?">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Урока?">>
<<dlg_en 1 "Yes, I'm teaching him how to cook so he can make you the best breakfast.">>
<<dlg_ru 1 "Да. Я учу его готовить, чтобы он мог сделать лучший завтрак для вас.">>
<<en "$NPCstat[0].name turns to you.">>
<<ru "$NPCstat[0].name поворачивается к тебе.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "That's so sweet, $mc.name. Then I'd rather not disturb you.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Это так мило, $mc.name. Тогда не буду вам мешать.">>
<<set $WifeToMaid.suspicion += 5>>
<<if $NPCstat[1].obedience <= -18>>
<<dlg_en 1 "Please stay. Mr. $mc.name can make you a cup of coffee.">>
<<dlg_ru 1 "Пожалуйста, останьтесь. Мистер $mc.name приготовит вам чашечку кофе.">>
<<dlg_en 1 "Please stay. I can make you a cup of coffee.">>
<<dlg_ru 1 "Пожалуйста, останьтесь. Я приготовлю вам чашечку кофе.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "I'd rather keep the content of your lessons a secret. Then $mc.name can surprise me the next time he brings me breakfast in bed.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Я предпочту, чтобы содержание ваших уроков осталось для меня секретом. Тогда $mc.name сможет удивить меня в следующий раз, когда принесет мне завтрак в постель.">>
<<en "With these words, she walks out of the kitchen. Samantha, on the other hand, smiles broadly at you.">>
<<ru "С этими словами, она выходит из комнаты. Саманта, в свою очередь, широко тебе улыбается.">>
<<dlg_en 1 "So, Mr. $mc.name, ready to start another lesson?">>
<<dlg_ru 1 "Итак, мистер $mc.name. Готовы начать очередной урок?">>
<<if $MaidCookingLessons.lessonscount == 2>>
<<btnEventLink "Start another cooking lesson/Начать урок готовки" "Samantha Cooking Lessons" "cooking lesson(french crepes)">>
<<elseif $MaidCookingLessons.lessonscount == 3>>
<<btnEventLink "Start another cooking lesson/Начать урок готовки" "Samantha Cooking Lessons" "cooking lesson(french crepes 2)">>
<<elseif $MaidCookingLessons.lessonscount == 4>>
<<btnEventLink "Start another cooking lesson/Начать урок готовки" "Samantha Cooking Lessons" "cooking lesson(peaches and cheese)">>
<<elseif $MaidCookingLessons.lessonscount > 4>>
<<btnEventLink "Start another cooking lesson/Начать урок готовки" "Samantha Cooking Lessons" "cooking lesson(common)">>
/* ------------------------------ EXAM ------------------------------ */
<<case "cooking lesson(first exam)">>
<<set $MaidCookingLessons.examcount += 1>>
<<set $MaidCookingLessons.examgap += 3>>
<<LocImg "mc_house" "kitchen">>
<<dlg_en 1 "Today will be an unusual lesson. I've wanted to test your skills for a long time, so today you'll have an exam.">>
<<dlg_ru 1 "Сегодня у нас будет необычный урок. Я уже давно хотела проверить ваши навыки, так что сегодня у нас будет экзамен.">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "An exam? We're not on a cooking show.">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Экзамен? Мы же не на кулинарном шоу.">>
<<dlg_en 1 "No, we're not. I take these lessons seriously, and I expect you to do the same. So today you're going to demonstrate everything you've learned.">>
<<dlg_ru 1 "Именно. Я отношусь к этим урокам серьезно, и от вас требуется то же самое. Так что сегодня, вы продемонстрируете все, чему успели научиться.">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "All right. So what do I have to cook?">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Ладно. И что мне надо приготовить?">>
<<dlg_en 1 "Oh, I'm not gonna limit you to anything. Show some creativity. Imagine you're a servant in this mansion and you have to cook breakfast for the owners. I can even play along.">>
<<dlg_ru 1 "Ох, я не собираюсь вас в чем-то ограничивать. Проявите фантазию. Представьте, что вы работаете прислугой в этом особняке, и вам нужно приготовить завтрак для его владельцев. Я могу даже подыграть вам.">>
<<en "Samantha takes a few steps back, then turns around and walks around the table to take a seat across from the cooking area. The woman pauses for a moment, as if getting into character.">>
<<ru "Саманта делает несколько шагов назад, затем разворачивается и обходит стол, дабы занять место напротив зоны для готовки. Девушка выдерживает небольшую паузу, словно входя в роль.">>
<<dlg_en 1 "dom" "$mc.name! Where's my breakfast? Hurry up, I'm late.">>
<<dlg_ru 1 "dom" "$mc.name! Где мой завтрак? Поторопись, я опаздываю.">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "This is ridiculous!">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Это нелепо!">>
<<en "Your maid slams her fist down on the table, making you to jump in surprise.">>
<<ru "Твоя горничная ударяет кулаком по столу, заставляя тебя вздрогнуть от неожиданности.">>
<<dlg_en 1 "dom" "Mr. $mc.name! You agreed to these terms yourself. If you're uncomfortable, I can get Mrs. $NPCstat[0].name. She won't have to pretend to be the lady of the house.">>
<<dlg_ru 1 "dom" "Мистер $mc.name! Вы сами согласились на эти условия. Если вам некомфортно, я могу позвать вашу жену. Ей даже не придется притворяться хозяйком дома.">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "No need. We can continue this alone.">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Не стоит. Я справлюсь и так.">>
<<dlg_en 1 "Good. I knew I could convince you. You can start cooking.">>
<<dlg_ru 1 "Хорошо. Я знала, что мы с вами договоримся. Можете приступать к готовке.">>
<<btnEventLink "Cook something/Приготовить что-нибудь" "Samantha Cooking Lessons" "cooking lesson(first exam 2)">>
<<case "cooking lesson(first exam 2)">>
<<set $mcSkill.cooking = min(50, ($mcSkill.cooking + 4))>>
<<LocImg "mc_house" "fridge">>
<<en "You open the fridge and look inside.">>
<<ru "Ты открываешь холодильник и заглядываешь внутрь.">>
<<th_en "There's so much stuff. It would take me half a day just to figure out how to combine these ingredients.">>
<<th_ru "Так много всякой ерунды. У меня полдня уйдет только на то, что придумать, как можно соединить эти ингридиенты.">>
<<en "For a moment you have the urge to drop everything and leave right now, but to your surprise you are stopped by the thought that your maid will be disappointed.">>
<<ru "На мгновение у тебя появляется желание бросить все и уйти прямо сейчас, но, к своему удивлению, тебя останавливает мысль о том, что твоя горничная будет разочарована.">>
<<th_en "What the hell? Okay, I need to make something quick and easy.">>
<<th_ru "Что за черт? Ладно, надо приготовить что-нибудь простое и быстрое.">>
<<en "You decide to make an omelet with herbs and also make some toast. Once finished, you put the breakfast in front of your maid.">>
<<ru "В итоге, ты решаешь приготовить омлет с травами, а также сделать пару тостов. Закончив, ты ставишь завтрак перед своей горничной.">>
<<NPCmedia "samantha" "cooking lessons" "omelet fines herbes" 0>>
<<dlg_en "mc" "Should I make coffee?">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Стоит ли мне сделать кофе?">>
<<dlg_en 1 "No, I don't want coffee, but I wouldn't say no to something sweet. Like I said, be creative.">>
<<dlg_ru 1 "Нет, я не хочу кофе, но не откажусь от чего-нибудь сладкого. Как я уже сказала, проявите фантазию.">>
<<btnEventLink "Continue/Продолжить" "Samantha Cooking Lessons" "cooking lesson(first exam 3)">>
<<case "cooking lesson(first exam 3)">>
<<NPCmedia "samantha" "cooking lessons" "pumpkin smoothie" 0>>
<<en "You recall that you recently saw a pumpkin in the pantry and decide to make a smoothie. Samantha seems to be pleased with your decision, as she smiles happily when you place a glass of pumpkin smoothie in front of her.">>
<<ru "Ты вспоминаешь, что недавно видел тыкву в кладовой и решаешь сделать смузи. Похоже, что Саманта остается довольна твоим решением, поскольку она радостно улыбается, когда ты ставишь стакан тыквенного смузи перед ней.">>
<<dlg_en 1 "Now this looks like breakfast to me. All that remains is to find out what it tastes like.">>
<<dlg_ru 1 "Вот теперь это похоже на завтрак. Осталось узнать, какого это на вкус.">>
<<en "The woman takes a piece of the omelet with a fork and puts it in her mouth.">>
<<ru "Девушка отделяет кусок омлета с помощью вилки и отправляет себе в рот.">>
<<dlg_en 1 "Not bad.">>
<<dlg_ru 1 "Неплохо.">>
<<en "Then your maid takes a sip of the smoothie.">>
<<ru "Затем твоя горничная делает глоток смузи.">>
<<dlg_en 1 "You did pretty well for your first test. Of course, you still lack serving skills, but that can be fixed in the future.">>
<<dlg_ru 1 "Вы неплохо справились для первого экзамена. Конечно, вам еще не хватает навыков сервировки, но это можно поправить в будущем.">>
<<en "She continues to eat.">>
<<ru "Она продолжает есть.">>
<<dlg_en 1 "You can go now, Mr. $mc.name.">>
<<dlg_ru 1 "Вы можете идти, мистер $mc.name.">>
<<btnEventLink "Leave/Уйти" "Hallway" "">>
<<case "cooking lesson(second exam)">>
<<set $MaidCookingLessons.examcount += 1>>
<<set $MaidCookingLessons.examgap += 3>>
<<LocImg "mc_house" "kitchen">>
<<en "Walking into the kitchen, you find your wife and your maid there. They seem to be waiting for you.">>
<<ru "Зайдя в кухню, ты обнаруживаешь там свою жену и свою горничную. Похоже, что они ожидают тебя.">>
<<if ((-$NPCstat[1].obedience) - $NPCstat[0].assertiveness) >= 35>>
<<dlg_en 1 "You're finally here, Mr. $mc.name. I thought you were going to miss your second exam.">>
<<dlg_ru 1 "Наконец-то вы появились, мистер $mc.name. Я уже подумала, что вы собираетесь пропустить ваш второй экзамен.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "We've been waiting for you, honey. It's your turn to cook dinner tonight.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Мы ждали тебя, милый. Сегодня твоя очередь готовить ужин.">>
<<en "You glance at your maid.">>
<<ru "Ты бросаешь взгляд на свою горничную.">>
<<if $NPCstat[0].lordliness >= 32>>
<br> <br>
<<dlg_en 0 "Don't worry, honey. Samantha told me about your lessons, and even your first exam. And I'm really glad you're trying to find new ways to satisfy me.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Только не переживай, милый. Саманта рассказала о ваших уроках, и даже о твоем первом экзамене. И я очень рада, что ты находишь новые способы, чтобы удовлетворить меня.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "Don't worry, honey. Samantha told me about your lessons, and even your first exam. And I'm really glad you're doing something like this for me.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Только не переживай, милый. Саманта рассказала о ваших уроках, и даже о твоем первом экзамене. И я очень рада, что ты делаешь что-то подобное ради меня.">>
<<en "After her words, you realize there's no way back for you.">>
<<ru "После ее слов, ты понимаешь, что пути назад для тебя уже нет.">>
<<dlg_en 1 "Since Mrs. $NPCstat[0].name has joined us, you must cook something more serious. Something worthy of a candlelight dinner with a bottle of wine.">>
<<dlg_ru 1 "Так как миссис $NPCstat[0].name присоединилась к нам, вам нужно приготовить что-то более серьезное. Что-то, что подошло бы для ужина вдвоем, при свечах и с бутылочкой вина.">>
<<if $NPCstat[0].lordliness >= 32>>
<<dlg_en 0 "That's for sure. You're going to have to work hard, honey.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Это точно. Тебе придется постараться, милый.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "Samantha, don't talk to me like I'm a picky eater. I'm happy with anything $mc.name cooks.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Саманта, не говори так, будто я какая-то привереда. Я буду рада всему, что приговит $mc.name.">>
<<if ((-$NPCstat[1].obedience) - $NPCstat[0].assertiveness) >= 35>>
<<btnEventLink "Start cooking/Начать готовить" "Samantha Cooking Lessons" "cooking lesson(second exam)(maid)">>
<<btnEventLink "Start cooking/Начать готовить" "Samantha Cooking Lessons" "cooking lesson(second exam)(wife and maid)">>
<<case "cooking lesson(second exam)(maid)">>
<<set $MaidToWife.influence += 5>>
<<set $MaidToWife.cookingLessonsActive = true>>
<<NPCmedia "samantha" "cooking lessons" "fish prepare" 0>>
<<en "After some thought, you decide to bake fish. After all, you recently watched several episodes of a cooking show with a notorious chef, and the last episode was about fish. As a side dish, you decide to make a salad.">>
<<ru "Немного поразмыслив, ты решаешь запечь рыбу. Тем более, ты недавно посмотрел несколько выпусков кулинарного шоу с одним скандальным шеф-поваром, и в последнем выпуске речь шла именно о рыбе. В качестве гарнира, ты решаешь порезать салат.">>
<<en "Cooking doesn't always go smoothly. At some point, you hit the lemons on the cutting board with your hand, and they fall to the floor and roll to the far corner of the kitchen.">>
<<ru "Процесс готовки не проходит без происшествий. В один момент, ты задеваешь рукой лимоны, лежащие на разделочной доске, и они падают на пол, чтобы потом покатиться в дальний угол кухни.">>
<<th_en "Damn!">>
<<th_ru "Проклятье!">>
<<dlg_en 1 "Mrs. $NPCstat[0].name, why don't you help your husband?">>
<<dlg_ru 1 "Миссис $NPCstat[0].name, почему вам не помочь своему мужу?">>
<<en "Your wife looks at Samantha uncomprehendingly.">>
<<ru "Твоя жена непонимающе смотрит на Саманту.">>
<<dlg_en 1 "After all, he's doing it for you. Why don't you cook together?">>
<<dlg_ru 1 "В конце концов, он делает это для вас. Почему бы вам не готовить вместе?">>
<<en "Your wife rises from her chair, but still hesitates to take the next step.">>
<<ru "Твоя жена поднимается со стула, но все же не решается сделать следующий шаг.">>
<<dlg_en 1 "I'm sure your husband will be very grateful for your help. Won't you, Mr. $mc.name?">>
<<dlg_ru 1 "Уверена, ваш муж будет очень благодарен вам за помощь. Не так ли, мистер $mc.name?">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "Yeah.">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Да-а.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "All right.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Хорошо.">>
<<en "$NPCstat[0].name comes over to you and stands on your left hand.">>
<<ru "$NPCstat[0].name подходит к тебе и становится по левую руку.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "What would you like me to do, honey?">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Что мне делать, милый?">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "You can chop the vegetables.">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Ты можешь порезать овощи.">>
<<en "The two of you, side by side, do the cooking while your maid watches you sitting at the table. You put the fish in the oven while your wife chops the salad. Finally, after a long cooking time, you place three servings on the table. Samantha, as the examiner, tastes the dish first.">>
<<ru "Вы вдвоем, бок о бок, занимаетесь готовкой, пока ваша горничная наблюдает за вами, сидя за столом. Ты ставишь рыбу в духовку, пока твоя жена нарезает салат. Наконец, после долгой готовки, ты ставишь три порции на стол. Саманта, на правах экзаменатора, пробует блюдо первой.">>
<<dlg_en 1 "It's something new. Where did you find this recipe?">>
<<dlg_ru 1 "Это что-то новое. Где вы взяли этот рецепт?">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "I was watching a cooking show the other day.">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Я просто... Я просто недавно смотрел кулинарное шоу.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "Wow, honey. I can't remember the last time you watched anything but sports channels.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Ого, милый. Я уже и не помню, когда ты смотрел что-то кроме спортивных каналов.">>
<<dlg_en 1 "You know, this is a great idea. Mr. $mc.name, why don't you start watching cooking shows in between our lessons? It would save us a lot of time.">>
<<dlg_ru 1 "Знаете, а ведь это отличная идея. Мистер $mc.name, почему бы вам не начать смотреть кулинарные шоу в перерывах между нашими уроками? Это сэкономит нам кучу времени.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "That sounds interesting.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Это звучит интересно.">>
<<dlg_en 1 "As for the salad, the vegetables are too coarsely chopped. I don't want to offend anyone, but Mrs. $NPCstat[0].name... I could give you some cooking lessons. If you decide to cook for your husband.">>
<<dlg_ru 1 "Что касается салата, то овощи порезаны слишком крупно. Не хочу никого обидеть, но миссис $NPCstat[0].name... Я могу вам дать пару уроков готовки тоже. На случай, если вы решите приготовить для своего мужа.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "I don't really like to cook.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Я не очень люблю готовить...">>
<<dlg_en 1 "It's not that hard, believe me. A few lessons and you can treat your husband as well as Mr. $mc.name treats you.">>
<<dlg_ru 1 "В этом нет ничего сложного, поверьте. Хватит пары занятий, и вы сможете порадовать своего мужа так же, как мистер $mc.name старается порадовать вас.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "Oh. I'll think about it.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Ох. Я подумаю над этим.">>
<<btnEventLink "Leave/Уйти" "Hallway" "">>
<<case "cooking lesson(second exam)(wife and maid)">>
<<NPCmedia "samantha" "cooking lessons" "fish ready" 0>>
<<en "After some thought, you decide to bake fish. After all, you recently watched several episodes of a cooking show with a notorious chef, and the last episode was about fish. As a side dish, you decide to make a salad.">>
<<ru "Немного поразмыслив, ты решаешь запечь рыбу. Тем более, ты недавно посмотрел несколько выпусков кулинарного шоу с одним скандальным шеф-поваром, и в последнем выпуске речь шла именно о рыбе. В качестве гарнира, ты решаешь порезать салат.">>
<<en "Finally, after the long cooking, you place two servings in front of your wife and Samantha.">>
<<ru "Наконец, после долгой готовки, ты ставишь две порции перед своей женой и Самантой.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "Have a seat, honey.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Садись, дорогой.">>
<<dlg_en 1 "Hold on, Mrs. $NPCstat[0].name. We haven't tasted his cooking yet. He may have to redo everything.">>
<<dlg_ru 1 "Погодите, миссис $NPCstat[0].name. Мы еще не попробовали его готовку. Возможно, ему придется все переделывать.">>
<<if $NPCstat[0].lordliness >= 32>>
<<dlg_en 0 "I think you're right. No harm in letting him stand for a while.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Думаю, ты права. Ничего не случится, если он немного постоит.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "We shouldn't be so hard on him. Let him rest.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Не стоит быть настолько строгими с ним. Пусть отдохнет.">>
<<en "The women taste your dish. You eagerly await their reactions.">>
<<ru "Девушки пробуют твое блюдо. Ты с нетерпением ждешь их реакции.">>
<<dlg_en 1 "It's something new. Where did you find this recipe?">>
<<dlg_ru 1 "Это что-то новое. Где вы взяли этот рецепт?">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "I was watching a cooking show the other day.">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Я просто... Я просто недавно смотрел кулинарное шоу.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "Wow, honey. I can't remember the last time you watched anything but sports channels.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Ого, милый. Я уже и не помню, когда ты смотрел что-то кроме спортивных каналов.">>
<<dlg_en 1 "You know, this is a great idea. Mr. $mc.name, why don't you start watching cooking shows in between our lessons? It would save us a lot of time.">>
<<dlg_ru 1 "Знаете, а ведь это отличная идея. Мистер $mc.name, почему бы вам не начать смотреть кулинарные шоу в перерывах между нашими уроками? Это сэкономит нам кучу времени.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "You're right, Samantha. And I want you to keep an eye on him.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Ты права, Саманта. И я хочу чтобы ты проследила за этим.">>
<<en "The women continue to eat.">>
<<ru "Девушки продолжают есть.">>
<<dlg_en 1 "So, Mrs. $NPCstat[0].name, what grade would you give your husband?">>
<<dlg_ru 1 "Итак, миссис $NPCstat[0].name, какую оценку вы поставите своему мужу?">>
<<dlg_en 0 "I think he did a good job today. I look forward to seeing how he does next time.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Думаю, что сегодня он справился. Буду ждать, как он проявит свои навыки в следующий раз.">>
<<dlg_en 1 "I'm also pleased with his cooking. Well, you're free to go, Mr. $mc.name.">>
<<dlg_ru 1 "Я тоже удовлетворена его готовкой. Так что, вы свободны, мистер $mc.name.">>
<<btnEventLink "Leave/Уйти" "Hallway" "">>
/* ------------------------------ SERVING ------------------------------ */
<<case "serving lesson(common)">>
<<set $MaidServing.lessonscount += 1>>
<<set $mcSkill.serving += 1>>
Serving lesson
<<btnEventLink "Leave" "Hallway" "">>
<</switch>>??? При высоком возбуждении и низком желании массажа просит перейти к лизанию
??? Когда Королева просит подобающе попросить
<<if $NPCstat[18].meet and $WorkIncident.archivelesbiancount >= 0>>
<<set $WorkIncident.archivelesbianactive = false>>
<<set _stdice = random(2, 19)>>
<<if _stdice <= 4>>
<<set $WorkIncident.archivelesbianactive = true>>
<<set $WorkIncident.archivelesbiantime = _stdice>>
<<if $WorkIncident.archivelesbianactive and $WorkIncident.archivelesbiancount >= 0>>
<<if $WorkIncident.archivelesbiantime == 2>>
<<set _txt = "noon">>
<<elseif $WorkIncident.archivelesbiantime == 3>>
<<set _txt = "afternoon">>
<<elseif $WorkIncident.archivelesbiantime == 4>>
<<set _txt = "evening">>
Birdie and Emilia are meeting at _txt today.
Birdie and Emilia aren't meeting today.
<center>@@.btnWide;<<button "Make them meet at noon">>
<<set $WorkIncident.archivelesbianactive = true>>
<<set $WorkIncident.archivelesbiantime = 2>>
<<replace "#main_info">>
<<include "Caption Phone">>
<center>@@.btnWide;<<button "Make them meet at afternoon">>
<<set $WorkIncident.archivelesbianactive = true>>
<<set $WorkIncident.archivelesbiantime = 3>>
<<replace "#main_info">>
<<include "Caption Phone">>
<center>@@.btnWide;<<button "Make them meet at evening">>
<<set $WorkIncident.archivelesbianactive = true>>
<<set $WorkIncident.archivelesbiantime = 4>>
<<replace "#main_info">>
<<include "Caption Phone">>
<<widget "FormCharStat">>
<<set _id = $args[0]>>
<<if $args[1] == "corruption">>
<b>Corruption: $NPCstat[_id].corruption</b>
<<elseif $args[1] == "trust">>
<b>Trust: $NPCstat[_id].trust</b>
<<elseif $args[1] == "playfulness">>
<b>Playfulness: $NPCstat[_id].playfulness</b>
<<elseif $args[1] == "obedience">>
<b>Obedience: $NPCstat[_id].obedience</b>
<<elseif $args[1] == "lordliness">>
<b>Lordliness: $NPCstat[_id].lordliness</b>
<<elseif $args[1] == "assertiveness">>
<b>Assertiveness: $NPCstat[_id].assertiveness</b>
<<elseif $args[1] == "openness">>
<b>Openness: $NPCstat[_id].openness</b>
<<elseif $args[1] == "hate">>
<b>Hate: $NPCstat[_id].hate</b>
<<if $DevBuild>>
<<include "Dev NPC Stat">>
<<widget "FormCharSlot">>
<<set _id = $args[0]>>
<<if $NPCstat[_id].meet>>
<<set _img = $NPCstat[_id].infoImg>>
<<set _img = $NPCstat[_id].infoImg>>
<<set _img = _img.slice(0,-4)>>
<<set _img = _img + "(none_meet).jpg">>
<center>@@.infoTable;<table style="width:95%">
<td colspan="3">
<td colspan="6">
<<if $NPCstat[_id].gender == 0>>
Actress: <b>$NPCstat[_id].realname</b>
Actor: <b>$NPCstat[_id].realname</b>
<td colspan="10">
<<if $NPCstat[_id].meet>>
<<set _img = "data/gui/info_border.png">>
<td colspan="10">
<<if $NPCstat[_id].meet>>
<<if _id == 0>><<FormCharStat _id "assertiveness">><</if>>
<<if _id == 1>><<FormCharStat _id "trust">><</if>>
<<if _id == 2>><<FormCharStat _id "hate">><</if>>
<<if _id > 2>><<FormCharStat _id "corruption">><</if>>
<td colspan="10">
<<if $NPCstat[_id].meet>>
<<if _id == 0>><<FormCharStat _id "lordliness">><</if>>
<<if _id == 1>><<FormCharStat _id "playfulness">><</if>>
<td colspan="10">
<<if $NPCstat[_id].meet>>
<<if _id == 0>><<FormCharStat _id "openness">><</if>>
<<if _id != 0>><<FormCharStat _id "obedience">><</if>>
<td colspan="10">
<<set _img = "data/gui/info_border.png">>
<<ShowNPCinfo _id>>
<<widget "FormCharReset">>
<<if $args[0] == "caption">>
<<replace "#captionNPC">>
<<set _txt = getLinkName("Characters/Персонажи")>>
<<if $NewNPC == true>>
<<set _txt += " - <font color=Orange><i>New!</i></font>">>
@@.btnCaption;<<button _txt>>
<<dialog '' ''>>\
<<set $NewNPC = "">>
<<FormCharReset "caption">>
<<include "Caption NPC">>
<<replace "#topperNPC">>
<<set _txt = "<b>">>
<<set _txt += getLinkName("CHARACTERS/ПЕРСОНАЖИ")>>
<<set _txt += "</b><br>">>
<<if $NewNPC == true>>
<<set _txt += "<font color=Orange><i>New!</i></font>">>
<<set _txt += "<br>">>
@@.btnTopperMenu;<<button _txt>>
<<dialog '' ''>>\
<<set $NewNPC = "">>
<<FormCharReset "caption">>
<<include "Caption NPC">>
<<if $args[0] == "journal">>
<<replace "#captionJournal">>
<span id="captionJournal">
<<set _txt = getLinkName("Journal/Журнал")>>
<<if $NewQuestEntry == true>>
<<set _txt += " - <font color=Orange><i>New!</i></font>">>
@@.btnCaption;<<button _txt>>
<<dialog '' ''>>\
<<set $NewQuestEntry = "">>
<<FormCharReset "journal">>
<<include "Caption Journal">>
<<replace "#topperJournal">>
<<set _txt = "<b>">>
<<set _txt += getLinkName("JOURNAL/ЖУРНАЛ")>>
<<set _txt += "</b><br>">>
<<if $NewQuestEntry == true>>
<<set _txt += "<font color=Orange><i>New!</i></font>">>
<<set _txt += "<br>">>
@@.btnTopperMenu;<<button _txt>>
<<dialog '' ''>>\
<<set $NewQuestEntry = "">>
<<FormCharReset "journal">>
<<include "Caption Journal">>
<<widget "DisplayGoals">>
<<widget "DisplayDeals">>
<center><table style="width:100%" border="1">
<<if $NPCstat[_id].meet>>
<<set _img = $NPCstat[_id].infoImg>>
<<set _img = $NPCstat[_id].infoImg>>
<<set _img = _img.slice(0,-4)>>
<<set _img = _img + "(none_meet).jpg">>
<td style="width:30%">
<td style="width:30%">
Actress: <b>$NPCstat[_id].realname</b>
<<if $NPCstat[_id].meet>>
<<if _id == 0>><<FormCharStat _id "assertiveness">><</if>>
<<if _id == 1>><<FormCharStat _id "trust">><</if>>
<<if _id == 2>><<FormCharStat _id "hate">><</if>>
<<if _id > 2>><<FormCharStat _id "corruption">><</if>>
<<if $NPCstat[_id].meet>>
<<if _id == 0>><<FormCharStat _id "lordliness">><</if>>
<<if _id == 1>><<FormCharStat _id "playfulness">><</if>>
<<if $NPCstat[_id].meet>>
<<if _id == 0>><<FormCharStat _id "openness">><</if>>
<<if _id != 0>><<FormCharStat _id "obedience">><</if>>
<<widget "AddStat">>
<<set _npc = $args[0]>>
<<set _stat = $args[1]>>
<<set _app = $args[2]>>
<<set _limit = $args[3]>>
<<if (_app < 10) or (_stat == "mood" and _app < 60)>>
<<set _degree = ".">>
<<set _degree_en = "significantly.">>
<<set _degree_ru = "значительно">>
/* ------------------------------ NPC ------------------------------ */
<<if _npc != "mc">>
<<if _stat == "corruption">>
<<set $NPCstat[0].corruption = min(_limit, ($NPCstat[0].corruption + _app))>>
<<if _limit == 0>>
<<set $NPCstat[_npc].corruption += _app>>
<<if $GameLang == "eng">>
<b><i>$NPCstat[_npc].name's corruption was increased _degree</i></b>
<b><i>$NPCstat[_npc].name стала более развратной</i></b>
<<elseif $NPCstat[_npc].corruption < (_limit - _app)>>
<<set $NPCstat[_npc].corruption += _app>>
<<if $GameLang == "eng">>
<b><i>$NPCstat[_npc].name's corruption was increased _degree</i></b>
<b><i>$NPCstat[_npc].name стала более развратной</i></b>
<<elseif $NPCstat[_npc].corruption < _limit>>
<<set $NPCstat[_npc].corruption = _limit>>
<<if $GameLang == "eng">>
<b><i>$NPCstat[_npc].name's corruption was increased _degree</i></b>
<b><i>$NPCstat[_npc].name стала более развратной</i></b>
<<if $GameLang == "eng">>
<b><i>This action can't increase $NPCstat[_npc].name's corruption further</i></b>
<b><i>$NPCstat[_npc].name не может стать более развратной от этого действия</i></b>
<<if _stat == "trust">>
<<if _limit == 0>>
<<set $NPCstat[_npc].trust += _app>>
<<if $GameLang == "eng">>
<b><i>$NPCstat[_npc].name's trust was increased _degree</i></b>
<b><i>$NPCstat[_npc].name стала доверять вам больше</i></b>
<<elseif $NPCstat[_npc].trust < (_limit - _app)>>
<<set $NPCstat[_npc].trust += _app>>
<<if $GameLang == "eng">>
<b><i>$NPCstat[_npc].name's trust was increased _degree</i></b>
<b><i>$NPCstat[_npc].name стала доверять вам больше</i></b>
<<elseif $NPCstat[_npc].trust < _limit>>
<<set $NPCstat[_npc].trust = _limit>>
<<if $GameLang == "eng">>
<b><i>$NPCstat[_npc].name's obedience was increased _degree</i></b>
<b><i>$NPCstat[_npc].name стала доверять вам больше</i></b>
<<if $GameLang == "eng">>
<b><i>This action can't increase $NPCstat[_npc].name's trust further</i></b>
<b><i>$NPCstat[_npc].name не может начать доверять вам больше от этого действия</i></b>
<<if _stat == "obedience">>
<<if _limit == 0>>
<<set $NPCstat[_npc].obedience += _app>>
<<if $GameLang == "eng">>
<b><i>$NPCstat[_npc].name's obedience was increased _degree</i></b>
<b><i>$NPCstat[_npc].name стала более послушной</i></b>
<<elseif $NPCstat[_npc].obedience < (_limit - _app)>>
<<set $NPCstat[_npc].obedience += _app>>
<<if $GameLang == "eng">>
<b><i>$NPCstat[_npc].name's obedience was increased _degree</i></b>
<b><i>$NPCstat[_npc].name стала более послушной</i></b>
<<elseif $NPCstat[_npc].obedience < _limit>>
<<set $NPCstat[_npc].obedience = _limit>>
<<if $GameLang == "eng">>
<b><i>$NPCstat[_npc].name's obedience was increased _degree</i></b>
<b><i>$NPCstat[_npc].name стала более послушной</i></b>
<<if $GameLang == "eng">>
<b><i>This action can't increase $NPCstat[_npc].name's obedience further</i></b>
<b><i>$NPCstat[_npc].name не может стать более послушной от этого действия</i></b>
<<if _stat == "openness">>
<<if _limit == 0>>
<<set $NPCstat[_npc].openness += _app>>
<<if $GameLang == "eng">>
<b><i>$NPCstat[_npc].name's openness was increased _degree</i></b>
<b><i>$NPCstat[_npc].name стала более открытой к новому</i></b>
<<elseif $NPCstat[_npc].openness < (_limit - _app)>>
<<set $NPCstat[_npc].openness += _app>>
<<if $GameLang == "eng">>
<b><i>$NPCstat[_npc].name's openness was increased _degree</i></b>
<b><i>$NPCstat[_npc].name стала более открытой к новому</i></b>
<<elseif $NPCstat[_npc].openness < _limit>>
<<set $NPCstat[_npc].openness = _limit>>
<<if $GameLang == "eng">>
<b><i>$NPCstat[_npc].name's openness was increased _degree</i></b>
<b><i>$NPCstat[_npc].name стала более открытой к новому</i></b>
<<if $GameLang == "eng">>
<b><i>This action can't increase $NPCstat[_npc].name's openness further</i></b>
<b><i>$NPCstat[_npc].name сохраняет свою открытость на прежнем уровне</i></b>
<<if _stat == "lordliness">>
<<if _limit == 0>>
<<set $NPCstat[_npc].lordliness += _app>>
<<if $GameLang == "eng">>
<b><i>$NPCstat[_npc].name's lordliness was increased _degree</i></b>
<b><i>$NPCstat[_npc].name стала более властной</i></b>
<<elseif $NPCstat[_npc].lordliness < (_limit - _app)>>
<<set $NPCstat[_npc].lordliness += _app>>
<<if $GameLang == "eng">>
<b><i>$NPCstat[_npc].name's lordliness was increased _degree</i></b>
<b><i>$NPCstat[_npc].name стала более властной</i></b>
<<elseif $NPCstat[_npc].lordliness < _limit>>
<<set $NPCstat[_npc].lordliness = _limit>>
<<if $GameLang == "eng">>
<b><i>$NPCstat[_npc].name's lordliness was increased _degree</i></b>
<b><i>$NPCstat[_npc].name стала более властной</i></b>
<<if $GameLang == "eng">>
<b><i>This action can't increase $NPCstat[_npc].name's lordliness further</i></b>
<b><i>$NPCstat[_npc].name не может стать более властной от этого действия</i></b>
<<if _stat == "assertiveness">>
<<if _limit == 0>>
<<set $NPCstat[_npc].assertiveness += _app>>
<<if $GameLang == "eng">>
<b><i>$NPCstat[_npc].name's assertiveness was increased _degree</i></b>
<b><i>$NPCstat[_npc].name стала более напористой</i></b>
<<elseif $NPCstat[_npc].assertiveness < (_limit - _app)>>
<<set $NPCstat[_npc].assertiveness += _app>>
<<if $GameLang == "eng">>
<b><i>$NPCstat[_npc].name's assertiveness was increased _degree</i></b>
<b><i>$NPCstat[_npc].name стала более напористой</i></b>
<<elseif $NPCstat[_npc].assertiveness < _limit>>
<<set $NPCstat[_npc].assertiveness = _limit>>
<<if $GameLang == "eng">>
<b><i>$NPCstat[_npc].name's assertiveness was increased _degree</i></b>
<b><i>$NPCstat[_npc].name стала более напористой</i></b>
<<if $GameLang == "eng">>
<b><i>This action can't increase $NPCstat[_npc].name's assertiveness further</i></b>
<b><i>$NPCstat[_npc].name не может стать более напористой от этого действия</i></b>
<<if _stat == "playfulness">>
<<if _limit == 0>>
<<set $NPCstat[_npc].playfulness += _app>>
<<if $GameLang == "eng">>
<b><i>$NPCstat[_npc].name's playfulness was increased _degree</i></b>
<b><i>$NPCstat[_npc].name стала более игривой</i></b>
<<elseif $NPCstat[_npc].playfulness < (_limit - _app)>>
<<set $NPCstat[_npc].playfulness += _app>>
<<if $GameLang == "eng">>
<b><i>$NPCstat[_npc].name's playfulness was increased _degree</i></b>
<b><i>$NPCstat[_npc].name стала более игривой</i></b>
<<elseif $NPCstat[_npc].playfulness < _limit>>
<<set $NPCstat[_npc].playfulness = _limit>>
<<if $GameLang == "eng">>
<b><i>$NPCstat[_npc].name's playfulness was increased _degree</i></b>
<b><i>$NPCstat[_npc].name стала более игривой</i></b>
<<if $GameLang == "eng">>
<b><i>This action can't increase $NPCstat[_npc].name's playfulness further</i></b>
<b><i>$NPCstat[_npc].name не может стать более игривой от этого действия</i></b>
<<if _stat == "hate">>
<<if _limit == 0>>
<<set $NPCstat[_npc].hate += _app>>
<<if $GameLang == "eng">>
<b><i>$NPCstat[_npc].name's hate was increased _degree</i></b>
<b><i>$NPCstat[_npc].name стала ненавидеть вам больше</i></b>
<<elseif $NPCstat[_npc].hate < (_limit - _app)>>
<<set $NPCstat[_npc].hate += _app>>
<<if $GameLang == "eng">>
<b><i>$NPCstat[_npc].name's hate was increased _degree</i></b>
<b><i>$NPCstat[_npc].name стала ненавидеть вас больше</i></b>
<<elseif $NPCstat[_npc].hate < _limit>>
<<set $NPCstat[_npc].hate = _limit>>
<<if $GameLang == "eng">>
<b><i>$NPCstat[_npc].name's hate was increased _degree</i></b>
<b><i>$NPCstat[_npc].name стала ненавидеть вас больше</i></b>
<<if $GameLang == "eng">>
<b><i>This action can't increase $NPCstat[_npc].name's hate further</i></b>
<b><i>$NPCstat[_npc].name не может начать ненавидеть вас больше от этого действия</i></b>
<<if _stat == "mood">>
<<if _limit == 0>>
<<set $NPCmood[_npc].mood += _app>>
<<if $GameLang == "eng">>
<b><i>$NPCstat[_npc].name's mood was improved _degree</i></b>
<b><i>$NPCstat[_npc].name улучшила свое настроение</i></b>
<<elseif $NPCmood[_npc].mood < (_limit - _app)>>
<<set $NPCmood[_npc].mood += _app>>
<<if $GameLang == "eng">>
<b><i>$NPCstat[_npc].name's mood was improved _degree</i></b>
<b><i>$NPCstat[_npc].name улучшила свое настроение</i></b>
<<elseif $NPCmood[_npc].mood < _limit>>
<<set $NPCmood[_npc].mood = _limit>>
<<if $GameLang == "eng">>
<b><i>$NPCstat[_npc].name's mood was improved _degree</i></b>
<b><i>$NPCstat[_npc].name улучшила свое настроение</i></b>
<<if $GameLang == "eng">>
<b><i>This action can't improve $NPCstat[_npc].name's mood further</i></b>
<b><i>$NPCstat[_npc].name не может улучшить свое настроение от этого действия</i></b>
/* ------------------------------ MC ------------------------------ */
<<if _stat == "confidence">>
<<if _limit == 0>>
<<set $mc.confidence += _app>>
<<if $GameLang == "eng">>
<b><i>You confidence was increased</i></b>
<b><i>Вы стали более уверенными в себе</i></b>
<<elseif $mc.confidence < (_limit - _app)>>
<<set $mc.confidence += _app>>
<<if $GameLang == "eng">>
<b><i>You confidence was increased</i></b>
<b><i>Вы стали более уверенными в себе</i></b>
<<elseif $mc.confidence < _limit>>
<<set $mc.confidence = _limit>>
<<if $GameLang == "eng">>
<b><i>This action can't increase your confidence further</i></b>
<b><i>Вы не можете стать более уверенным от этого действия</i></b>
<<if $GameLang == "eng">>
<b><i>This action can't increase your confidence further</i></b>
<b><i>Вы не можете стать более уверенным от этого действия</i></b>
<<if _stat == "shape">>
<<if _limit == 0>>
<<set $mc.shape += _app>>
<<if $GameLang == "eng">>
<b><i>You feel yourself a little bit stronger</i></b>
<b><i>Ты стал чуточку сильнее</i></b>
<<elseif $mc.shape < (_limit - _app)>>
<<set $mc.shape += _app>>
<<if $GameLang == "eng">>
<b><i>You feel yourself a little bit stronger.</i></b>
<b><i>Ты стал чуточку сильнее</i></b>
<<elseif $mc.shape < _limit>>
<<set $mc.shape = _limit>>
<<if $GameLang == "eng">>
<b><i>You feel yourself a little bit stronger.</i></b>
<b><i>Ты стал чуточку сильнее</i></b>
<<if $GameLang == "eng">>
<b><i>You need more advanced trainings to get stronger.</i></b>
<b><i>Ты нужны продвинутые тренировки, чтобы стать сильнее</i></b>
<<widget "RemoveStat">>
<<set _npc = $args[0]>>
<<set _stat = $args[1]>>
<<set _app = $args[2]>>
<<set _limit = $args[3]>>
<<if _app > 15>>
<<set _degree = "significantly.">>
<<set _degree = ".">>
/* ------------------------------ NPC ------------------------------ */
<<if _npc != "mc">>
<<if _stat == "corruption">>
<<if _limit >= $NPCstat[_npc].corruption>>
<<if $GameLang == "eng">>
<b><i>This action can't decrease $NPCstat[_npc].name's corruption further</i></b>
<b><i>$NPCstat[_npc].name не может стать менее развратной от этого действия</i></b>
<<elseif _limit >= ($NPCstat[_npc].corruption - _app)>>
<<set $NPCstat[_npc].corruption = _limit>>
<<if $GameLang == "eng">>
<b><i>$NPCstat[_npc].name's corruption was decreased _degree</i></b>
<b><i>$NPCstat[_npc].name стала менее развратной</i></b>
<<set $NPCstat[_npc].corruption -= _app>>
<<if $GameLang == "eng">>
<b><i>$NPCstat[_npc].name's corruption was decreased _degree</i></b>
<b><i>$NPCstat[_npc].name стала менее развратной</i></b>
<<if _stat == "trust">>
<<if _limit >= $NPCstat[_npc].trust>>
<<if $GameLang == "eng">>
<b><i>This action can't decrease $NPCstat[_npc].name's trust further</i></b>
<b><i>$NPCstat[_npc].name не может начать доверять вам меньше от этого действия</i></b>
<<elseif _limit >= ($NPCstat[_npc].trust - _app)>>
<<set $NPCstat[_npc].trust = _limit>>
<<if $GameLang == "eng">>
<b><i>$NPCstat[_npc].name's trust was decreased _degree</i></b>
<b><i>$NPCstat[_npc].name стала доверять вам меньше</i></b>
<<set $NPCstat[_npc].trust -= _app>>
<<if $GameLang == "eng">>
<b><i>$NPCstat[_npc].name's trust was decreased _degree</i></b>
<b><i>$NPCstat[_npc].name стала доверять вам меньше</i></b>
<<if _stat == "obedience">>
<<if _limit >= $NPCstat[_npc].obedience>>
<<if $GameLang == "eng">>
<b><i>This action can't decrease $NPCstat[_npc].name's obedience further</i></b>
<b><i>$NPCstat[_npc].name не может стать менее послушной от этого действия</i></b>
<<elseif _limit >= ($NPCstat[_npc].obedience - _app)>>
<<set $NPCstat[_npc].obedience = _limit>>
<<if $GameLang == "eng">>
<b><i>$NPCstat[_npc].name's obedience was decreased _degree</i></b>
<b><i>$NPCstat[_npc].name стала менее послушной</i></b>
<<set $NPCstat[_npc].obedience -= _app>>
<<if $GameLang == "eng">>
<b><i>$NPCstat[_npc].name's obedience was decreased _degree</i></b>
<b><i>$NPCstat[_npc].name стала менее послушной</i></b>
<<if _stat == "openness">>
<<if _limit >= $NPCstat[_npc].openness>>
<<if $GameLang == "eng">>
<b><i>This action can't decrease $NPCstat[_npc].name's openness further</i></b>
<b><i>$NPCstat[_npc].name сохраняет свою открытость на прежнем уровне</i></b>
<<elseif _limit >= ($NPCstat[_npc].openness - _app)>>
<<set $NPCstat[_npc].openness = _limit>>
<<if $GameLang == "eng">>
<b><i>$NPCstat[_npc].name's openness was decreased _degree</i></b>
<b><i>$NPCstat[_npc].name стала менее открытой к новому</i></b>
<<set $NPCstat[_npc].openness -= _app>>
<<if $GameLang == "eng">>
<b><i>$NPCstat[_npc].name's openness was decreased _degree</i></b>
<b><i>$NPCstat[_npc].name стала менее открытой к новому</i></b>
<<if _stat == "lordliness">>
<<if _limit >= $NPCstat[_npc].lordliness>>
<<if $GameLang == "eng">>
<b><i>This action can't decrease $NPCstat[_npc].name's lordliness further</i></b>
<b><i>$NPCstat[_npc].name не может стать менее властной от этого действия</i></b>
<<elseif _limit >= ($NPCstat[_npc].lordliness - _app)>>
<<set $NPCstat[_npc].lordliness = _limit>>
<<if $GameLang == "eng">>
<b><i>$NPCstat[_npc].name's lordliness was decreased _degree</i></b>
<b><i>$NPCstat[_npc].name стала менее властной</i></b>
<<set $NPCstat[_npc].lordliness -= _app>>
<<if $GameLang == "eng">>
<b><i>$NPCstat[_npc].name's lordliness was decreased _degree</i></b>
<b><i>$NPCstat[_npc].name стала менее властной</i></b>
<<if _stat == "assertiveness">>
<<if _limit >= $NPCstat[_npc].assertiveness>>
<<if $GameLang == "eng">>
<b><i>This action can't decrease $NPCstat[_npc].name's assertiveness further</i></b>
<b><i>$NPCstat[_npc].name не может стать менее напористой от этого действия</i></b>
<<elseif _limit >= ($NPCstat[_npc].assertiveness - _app)>>
<<set $NPCstat[_npc].assertiveness = _limit>>
<<if $GameLang == "eng">>
<b><i>$NPCstat[_npc].name's assertiveness was decreased _degree</i></b>
<b><i>$NPCstat[_npc].name стала менее напористой</i></b>
<<set $NPCstat[_npc].assertiveness -= _app>>
<<if $GameLang == "eng">>
<b><i>$NPCstat[_npc].name's assertiveness was decreased _degree</i></b>
<b><i>$NPCstat[_npc].name стала менее напористой</i></b>
<<if _stat == "playfulness">>
<<if _limit >= $NPCstat[_npc].playfulness>>
<<if $GameLang == "eng">>
<b><i>This action can't decrease $NPCstat[_npc].name's playfulness further</i></b>
<b><i>$NPCstat[_npc].name не может стать менее игривой от этого действия</i></b>
<<elseif _limit >= ($NPCstat[_npc].playfulness - _app)>>
<<set $NPCstat[_npc].playfulness = _limit>>
<<if $GameLang == "eng">>
<b><i>$NPCstat[_npc].name's playfulness was decreased _degree</i></b>
<b><i>$NPCstat[_npc].name стала менее игривой</i></b>
<<set $NPCstat[_npc].playfulness -= _app>>
<<if $GameLang == "eng">>
<b><i>$NPCstat[_npc].name's playfulness was decreased _degree</i></b>
<b><i>$NPCstat[_npc].name стала менее игривой</i></b>
<<if _stat == "hate">>
<<if _limit >= $NPCstat[_npc].hate>>
<<if $GameLang == "eng">>
<b><i>This action can't decrease $NPCstat[_npc].name's hate further</i></b>
<b><i>$NPCstat[_npc].name не может начать ненавидеть вас меньше от этого действия</i></b>
<<elseif _limit >= ($NPCstat[_npc].hate - _app)>>
<<set $NPCstat[_npc].hate = _limit>>
<<if $GameLang == "eng">>
<b><i>$NPCstat[_npc].name's hate was decreased _degree</i></b>
<b><i>$NPCstat[_npc].name стала ненавидеть вас меньше</i></b>
<<set $NPCstat[_npc].hate -= _app>>
<<if $GameLang == "eng">>
<b><i>$NPCstat[_npc].name's hate was decreased _degree</i></b>
<b><i>$NPCstat[_npc].name стала ненавидеть вас меньше</i></b>
<<if _stat == "mood">>
<<if _limit >= $NPCmood[_npc].mood>>
<<if $GameLang == "eng">>
<b><i>This action can't decrease $NPCstat[_npc].name's mood further</i></b>
<b><i>$NPCstat[_npc].name не может ухудшить свое настроение еще больше</i></b>
<<elseif _limit >= ($NPCmood[_npc].mood - _app)>>
<<set $NPCmood[_npc].mood = _limit>>
<<if $GameLang == "eng">>
<b><i>$NPCstat[_npc].name's mood was decreased _degree</i></b>
<b><i>$NPCstat[_npc].name ухудшила свое настроение</i></b>
<<set $NPCmood[_npc].mood -= _app>>
<<if $GameLang == "eng">>
<b><i>$NPCstat[_npc].name's mood was decreased _degree</i></b>
<b><i>$NPCstat[_npc].name ухудшила свое настроение</i></b>
/* ------------------------------ MC ------------------------------ */
<<if _stat == "confidence">>
<<if _limit >= $mc.confidence>>
<<if $GameLang == "eng">>
<b><i>This action can't decrease your confidence further.</i></b>
<b><i>Вы не можете стать менее уверенным от этого действия</i></b>
<<elseif _limit >= ($mc.confidence - _app)>>
<<set $mc.confidence = _limit>>
<<if $GameLang == "eng">>
<b><i>Your confidence was decreased.</i></b>
<b><i>Вы стали менее уверенными в себе</i></b>
<<set $mc.confidence -= _app>>
<<if $GameLang == "eng">>
<b><i>Your confidence was decreased.</i></b>
<b><i>Вы стали менее уверенными в себе</i></b>
<<widget "ChangeFeatures">>
<<set _npc = $args[0]>>
<<set _sporty = $args[1]>>
<<set _party = $args[2]>>
<<set _classy = $args[3]>>
<<set _house = $args[4]>>
<<if _npc == 0>>
<<if _sporty >= 0>>
<<set $WifeCharacter.sporty = min(100, ($WifeCharacter.sporty + _sporty))>>
<<set $WifeCharacter.sporty = max(0, ($WifeCharacter.sporty + _sporty))>>
<<if _party >= 0>>
<<set $WifeCharacter.party = min(100, ($WifeCharacter.party + _party))>>
<<set $WifeCharacter.party = max(0, ($WifeCharacter.party + _party))>>
<<if _classy >= 0>>
<<set $WifeCharacter.classy = min(100, ($WifeCharacter.classy + _classy))>>
<<set $WifeCharacter.classy = max(0, ($WifeCharacter.classy + _classy))>>
<<if _house >= 0>>
<<set $WifeCharacter.house = min(100, ($WifeCharacter.house + _house))>>
<<set $WifeCharacter.house = max(0, ($WifeCharacter.house + _house))>>
<<if $WifeCharacter.party >= 40>>
<<set $WifeSchedule[0].anoon = "salon(downtown)">>
<<set $WifeSchedule[0].evening = "salon(downtown)">>
<<elseif $WifeCharacter.party < 30>>
<<if $WifeSchedule[0].anoon == "salon(downtown)">>
<<set $WifeSchedule[0].anoon = "work(bakery)">>
<<if $WifeSchedule[0].anoon == "salon(downtown)">>
<<set $WifeSchedule[0].evening = "watch tv(mansion)">>
<<if $WifeCharacter.sporty >= 40>>
<<set $WifeSchedule[1].dusk = "training(mansion)">>
<<set $WifeSchedule[3].dusk = "training(mansion)">>
<<elseif $WifeCharacter.sporty < 30>>
<<if $WifeSchedule[1].dusk == "training(mansion)">>
<<set $WifeSchedule[1].dusk = "watch tv(mansion)">>
<<if $WifeSchedule[3].dusk == "training(mansion)">>
<<set $WifeSchedule[3].dusk = "watch tv(mansion)">>
<<for _i to 0; _i <= 14; _i++>>
<<set $SaveSlot[_i].saved = false>>
<<set $SaveSlot[_i].title = "">>
<<set $SaveSlot[_i].date = "">>
<<run getSaveData()>>
<span id="save">
<center><b><font size="5"><<en "Saves">></font></b></center>
<center><b><font size="5"><<ru "Сохранения">></font></b></center>
<center><table style="width:100%">
<td style="width:5%">
<td style="width:14%">
<<if $SaveSlot[0].saved>>
@@.btnSave;<<button "Load">>
<<run Save.slots.load(0)>>
<<run Dialog.close()>>
@@.btnSaveDisabled;<<button "Load">>
<td style="width:14%">
@@.btnSave;<<button "Save">>
<<run Save.slots.save(0, null)>>
<<replace "#save">>
<<include "Caption Saves">>
<td style="line-height:100%;">
<br><font size="1.8"> $SaveSlot[0].date</font>
<td style="width:14%">
<<if $SaveSlot[0].saved>>
@@.btnSave;<<button "Delete">>
<<run Save.slots.delete(0)>>
<<replace "#save">>
<<include "Caption Saves">>
@@.btnSaveDisabled;<<button "Delete">>
<td style="width:5%">
<td style="width:14%">
<<if $SaveSlot[1].saved>>
@@.btnSave;<<button "Load">>
<<run Save.slots.load(1)>>
<<run Dialog.close()>>
@@.btnSaveDisabled;<<button "Load">>
<td style="width:14%">
@@.btnSave;<<button "Save">>
<<run Save.slots.save(1, null)>>
<<set $SaveSlot[1].saved = true>>
<<set $SaveSlot[1].title = Save.slots.get(1).title>>
<<set $SaveSlot[1].date = getSaveDate()>>
<<replace "#save">>
<<include "Caption Saves">>
<td style="line-height:100%;">
<br><font size="1.8"> $SaveSlot[1].date</font>
<td style="width:14%">
<<if $SaveSlot[1].saved>>
@@.btnSave;<<button "Delete">>
<<run Save.slots.delete(1)>>
<<replace "#save">>
<<include "Caption Saves">>
@@.btnSaveDisabled;<<button "Delete">>
<<if $MaidBackyard.drink == 0>>
<<en "You walk up to Samantha, who is rearranging the bottles with alcohol. In one moment she picks up a bottle of the finest gin, and stops to examine the label.">>
<<ru "Ты подходишь к Саманте, которая переставляет бутылки с алкоголем. В один момент она берет в руки бутылку превосходного джина и останавливается, чтобы изучить этикетку.">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "Did you see something familiar?">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Нашла что-то знакомое?">>
<<dlg_en 1 "Oh, Mr. $mc.name, you scared me.">>
<<dlg_ru 1 "Ох, мистер $mc.name, вы напугали меня.">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "I'm sorry, I just saw that you were interested in this bottle.">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Я просто заметил, что ты заинтересовалась этой бутылкой.">>
<<dlg_en 1 "Before I moved to this town, my best friend and I would often get together at her house and drink gin. But I had never tried that brand.">>
<<dlg_ru 1 "До того, как я переехала в этот город, мы с моей лучшей подругой часто собирались у нее дома и пили джин. Но я никогда не пробовала эту марку.">>
<<btnEventLink "Offer her a drink/Предложить ей попробовать" "Samantha Pool Bar Events" "first drink offer" 1>>
<<btnEventLink "Leave her alone/Оставить ее" "MChouse Pool Bar" "">>
<<elseif $MaidBackyard.drink >= 1>>
<<en "You walk up to your maid. She notices you and stops.">>
<<ru "Ты подходишь к Саманте. Она замечает тебя и останавливается.">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "How's it going?">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Как работается?">>
<<dlg_en 1 "Everything's fine, Mr. $mc.name.">>
<<dlg_ru 1 "Все в порядке, мистер $mc.name.">>
<<btnEventLink "Leave her/Оставить ее" "MChouse Pool Bar" "">>
<<if passage() == "Kitchen" and $NPCstat[0].location != "Kitchen" and $NPCstat[1].location == "Kitchen">>
<<if $WifeServing.BedBreakfast.countHeroCooked >= 2 and $MaidCookingLessons.lessonsactive == false>>
<<set $EventMark = "cooking lesson(first)">>
<<set _eventloc = "Samantha Cooking Lessons">>
<<if $WifeServing.BedBreakfast.countMaidCooked >= 1 and $WifeServing.BedBreakfast.countMaidServed >= 1 and $MaidCookingLessons.lessonsactive == false>>
<<set $EventMark = "cooking lesson(first)">>
<<set _eventloc = "Samantha Cooking Lessons">>
window.WifeAtHome = function () {
if (State.variables.NPCstat[0].location == "Master Bedroom") {
return true;
} else if (State.variables.NPCstat[0].location == "Master Bathroom") {
return true;
} else if (State.variables.NPCstat[0].location == "Guest Bedroom") {
return true;
} else if (State.variables.NPCstat[0].location == "Kitchen") {
return true;
} else if (State.variables.NPCstat[0].location == "Hallway") {
return true;
} else if (State.variables.NPCstat[0].location == "Home Office") {
return true;
} else if (State.variables.NPCstat[0].location == "Living Room") {
return true;
} else if (State.variables.NPCstat[0].location == "Backyard") {
return true;
} else if (State.variables.NPCstat[0].location == "MChouse Pool Bar") {
return true;
} else if (State.variables.NPCstat[0].location == "MChouse Dressing Room") {
return true;
} else {
return false;
<<switch $EventMark>>
/* -------------------- RENT APARTMENT -------------------- */
<<case "rent apartment">>
<<LocImg "club" "hotel room">>
<<if $NPCsexmemory[8].vaginal > 0>>
<br>When you enter the room, you find Mila lying on the bed, talking on the phone. The brunette immediately jumps to her feet when she sees you.
<br><<PHR 8 "Yes, he's here. I'll call you later.">>
<br><<PHR "mc" "Who was that?">>
<br><<PHR 8 "That was my friend. I'll introduce you later.">>
<br><<PHR "mc" "Okay, then grab your stuff, we're going to see your new apartment.">>
<br><<PHR 8 "New apartment?">>
<br><<PHR "mc" "Yeah, you're moving out of your dad's. I'll pay the rent for the first few months, and then you can figure it out on your own.">>
<br><<PHR 8 "This is so cool! Finally I can do whatever I want and no one will restrict me. But wait! What about the clothes that are left in my house? I can't wear only one outfit, you know?">>
<br><<PHR "mc" "Don't worry, I'll send someone to get your dresses. And if you behave, I can buy you a couple new ones.">>
<br><<PHR 8 "Yay!">>
<br>Mila jumpes on you, but you gently push her away.
<br><<PHR "mc" "Save your energy for later, girl.">>
<<btnEventLink "Go to her new apartment" "Mila Apartment Events" "rent apartment 2">>
<br>When you enter the room, you find Mila lying on the bed, talking on the phone. The brunette immediately jumps to her feet when she sees you.
<br><<PHR 8 "Yes, he's here. I'll call you later.">>
<br><<PHR "mc" "Who was that? Nicole?">>
<br><<PHR 8 "Yeah. And I advise you not to use such a familiar tone with her.">>
<br>Mila straightens out her wrinkled dress.
<br><<PHR 8 "So, did you find me an apartment?">>
<br><<PHR "mc" "Yes, let's go.">>
<<btnEventLink "Go to her new apartment" "Mila Apartment Events" "rent apartment 2">>
<<case "rent apartment 2">>
<<set $MilaApartment.rent = 2000>>
<<if $money.goldenstatus == "">>
<<set $money.golden -= 3000>>
<<set $money.common -= 3000>>
<<for _i to 0; _i <= 6; _i++>>
<<set $MilaSchedule[_i].emorning = "sleeping">>
<<set $MilaSchedule[_i].morning = "sleeping">>
<<set $MilaSchedule[_i].noon = "sleeping">>
<<set $MilaSchedule[_i].anoon = "bathing">>
<<set $MilaSchedule[6].evening = "resting(balcony)">>
<<set $NPCplans[8].emorning = "sleeping">>
<<set $NPCplans[8].morning = "sleeping">>
<<set $NPCplans[8].noon = "sleeping">>
<<set $NPCplans[8].anoon = "bathing">>
<<if $time.weekday == 6>>
<<set $NPCplans[8].evening = "resting(balcony)">>
<<LocImg "downtown" "apartment building">>
<br>You go inside the building. The landlady, a big woman in her forties, shoots you a glance.
<br><<PHR "female_img" "Landlady" "3,000 in advance, then 1,500 each month. Will it be just the two of you?">>
<br><<PHR "mc" "No, only the girl.">>
<br><<PHR "female_img" "Landlady" "I see.">>
<br>You take the elevator to the right floor and the landlady opens the door to the apartment. Mila immediately plops down on the couch and leaves you to inspect the apartment.
<br>After you make sure that everything is in order, the landlady gives you the keys and leaves.
<br><<PHR 8 "I see. Did you hear the tone with which she said that?">>
<br>Mila starts laughing.
<br><<PHR "mc" "Don't you want to look around the apartment?">>
<br><<PHR 8 "I trust you. The most important thing for me is that I finally have my freedom.">>
<br>The brunette sighs sweetly.
<<if $NPCsexmemory[8].vaginal > 0>>
<br><<PHR 8 "But I don't mind inspecting the bed. What do you think?">>
<center>@@.btnWideDisabled;<<button "Go to the bedroom (will be available in the future versions)">>
<<btnEventLink "Leave her" "Downtown Map" "">>
<br><<PHR 8 "And now I want to take a nap. How about you come over in a couple of days while I'm settling in here?">>
<<btnEventLink "Leave her" "Downtown Map" "">>
/* -------------------- DOM -------------------- */
/* -------------------- DELIVERY ROUTE -------------------- */
<<case "delivery route(main)">>
<<set $MilaDelivery.counter = 2>>
<center><table style="width:100%">
<td style="width:50%;">
<td style="width:50%;">
<<if $NPCstat[8].location == "Mila Apartment(Bedroom)">>
<<set $NPCplans[8].noon = "bathing">>
<<NPCmedia "mila" "in apartment bedroom(before shower)" 0>>
<<elseif $NPCstat[8].location == "Mila Apartment(Bathroom)">>
<<NPCmedia "mila" "in apartment hallway(after shower)" 0>>
<td style="vertical-align:top">
<<if $NPCstat[8].location == "Mila Apartment(Bedroom)">>
<<en "You enter Mila's apartment and find her in the bedroom.">>
<<ru "Зайдя в квартиру Милы, ты находишь ее в спальне.">>
<<dlg_en 8 "$mc.name, why are you here so early? I just woke up.">>
<<dlg_ru 8 "$mc.name, почему ты так рано? Я только проснулась.">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "I just wanted to see if everything was okay.">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Я просто зашел убедиться, что все в порядке.">>
<<dlg_en 8 "I see.">>
<<dlg_ru 8 "Ясно.">>
<<en "The brunette stretches, then gets out of bed.">>
<<ru "Брюнетка потягивается, затем поднимается с кровати.">>
<<elseif $NPCstat[8].location == "Mila Apartment(Bathroom)">>
<<en "Entering Mila's apartment, you see her coming from the bathroom.">>
<<ru "Зайдя в квартиру Милы, ты видишь, как она выходит из ванной.">>
<<dlg_en 8 "$mc.name! I didn't expect to see you today.">>
<<dlg_ru 8 "$mc.name! Не ожидала увидеть тебя сегодня.">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "I just wanted to see if everything was okay.">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Я просто зашел убедиться, что все в порядке.">>
<<dlg_en 8 "I see.">>
<<dlg_ru 8 "Ясно.">>
<<en "The brunette goes to the bedroom door.">>
<<ru "Брюнетка направляется к входу в спальню.">>
<<if $NPCstat[8].location == "Mila Apartment(Bedroom)">>
<<dlg_en 8 "I need to take a shower. Can you order a pizza in the meantime?">>
<<dlg_ru 8 "Мне нужно принять душ. Можешь пока что заказать пиццу?">>
<<if $MilaDelivery.stage == 0>>
<<btnEventLink "Order a pizza/Заказать пиццу" "Mila Apartment Events" "delivery route(first)" 1>>
<<elseif $MilaDelivery.stage == 1>>
<<btnEventLink "Order a pizza/Заказать пиццу" "Mila Apartment Events" "delivery route(second)" 1>>
<<elseif $MilaDelivery.stage == 2>>
<<btnEventLink "Order a pizza/Заказать пиццу" "Mila Apartment Events" "delivery route(third)" 1>>
<<btnEventLink "Order a pizza/Заказать пиццу" "Mila Apartment Events" "delivery route(common)" 1>>
<<btnEventLink "Leave/Уйти" "Downtown Map" "">>
<<elseif $NPCstat[8].location == "Mila Apartment(Bathroom)">>
<<dlg_en 8 "I ordered a pizza, by the way. You can stay if you want.">>
<<dlg_ru 8 "Я заказала пиццу. Если хочешь, можешь остаться.">>
<<if $MilaDelivery.stage == 0>>
<<btnEventLink "Wait for a pizza/Дождаться пиццы" "Mila Apartment Events" "delivery route(first)">>
<<elseif $MilaDelivery.stage == 1>>
<<btnEventLink "Wait for a pizza/Дождаться пиццы" "Mila Apartment Events" "delivery route(second)">>
<<elseif $MilaDelivery.stage == 2>>
<<btnEventLink "Wait for a pizza/Дождаться пиццы" "Mila Apartment Events" "delivery route(third)">>
<<btnEventLink "Wait for a pizza/Дождаться пиццы" "Mila Apartment Events" "delivery route(common)">>
<<btnEventLink "Leave/Уйти" "Downtown Map" "">>
<<case "delivery route(common)">>
<<if $NPCstat[8].location == "Mila Apartment(Bedroom)">>
<<set $money.common -= 40>>
<<set $MilaDelivery.counter = random(3, 10)>>
<<set _name = getLinkName("Delivery Man/Курьер")>>
<<NPCmedia "mila" "pizza delivery(door)" 0>>
<<en "After a while there is a knock at the door. You open the door to see the pizza courier.">>
<<ru "Спустя некоторое время раздается звонок в дверь. Ты открываешь дверь и видишь курьера из компании по доставке пиццы.">>
<<dlg_en "m_pizza_courier" _name "Good afternoon, sir. Here is your order.">>
<<dlg_ru "m_pizza_courier" _name "Добрый день, сэр. Вот ваш заказ.">>
<<en "You take the pizza boxes and carry them to the kitchen.">>
<<ru "Ты забираешь коробки с пиццей и относишь их на кухню.">>
<<set $location.sub = "mila apartment(hall)">>
<<btnEventLink "Finish/Закончить" "212 Stone St" "">>
<<case "delivery route(first)">>
<<if $NPCstat[8].location == "Mila Apartment(Bedroom)">>
<<set $money.common -= 40>>
<<set _name = getLinkName("Delivery Girl/Девушка из доставки")>>
<<NPCmedia "mila" "pizza delivery(door)" 0>>
<<en "After a while there is a knock at the door. You open the door to see the pizza delivery girl.">>
<<ru "Спустя некоторое время раздается звонок в дверь. Ты открываешь дверь и видишь девушку из компании по доставке пиццы.">>
<<dlg_en "f_pizza_girl" _name "Good afternoon, sir. Here is your order.">>
<<dlg_ru "f_pizza_girl" _name "Добрый день, сэр. Вот ваш заказ.">>
<<en "She hands you two pizza boxes and turns to leave.">>
<<ru "Она передает тебе две коробки с пиццей и собирается уходить.">>
<<dlg_en 8 "Wait, wait, wait!">>
<<dlg_ru 8 "Подожди, подожди!">>
<<en "Mila squeezes between you and the delivery girl.">>
<<ru "Мила втискивается между тобой и девушкой.">>
<<dlg_en 8 "I bet you want to get a tip. Come with me.">>
<<dlg_ru 8 "Думаю, ты хочешь получить чаевые. Пойдем за мной.">>
<<en "She grabs the girl's arm and literally drags her into the apartment.">>
<<ru "Схватив девушку за руку, она буквально тащит ее внутрь квартиры.">>
<<dlg_en 8 "Don't just stand there, $mc.name. Bring the pizza inside.">>
<<dlg_ru 8 "Не стой столбом, $mc.name. Заноси пиццу внутрь.">>
<<btnEventLink "Continue/Продолжить" "Mila Apartment Events" "delivery route(first 2)">>
<<case "delivery route(first 2)">>
<<NPCmedia "mila" "pizza delivery(kiss)" 0>>
<<en "Mila takes the delivery girl into the apartment and leads her to the couch. Mila takes the girl's hands and looks her straight in the eyes, causing her to avert her eyes.">>
<<ru "Мила заводит девушку-курьера внутрь квартиры и подводит ее к дивану. Мила берет девушку за руки и смотрит ей прямо в глаза, отчего та отводит взгляд в сторону.">>
<<dlg_en 8 "Don't be afraid. Nobody's gonna bite you.">>
<<dlg_ru 8 "Да не бойся ты. Никто тебя не укусит.">>
<<en "You put the pizza on the table by the couch.">>
<<ru "Ты кладешь пиццу на столик возле дивана.">>
<<dlg_en 8 "Especially him. He's completely harmless.">>
<<dlg_ru 8 "Тем более он. Он абсолютно безопасен.">>
<<btnEventLink "Intervene/Вмешаться" "Mila Apartment Events" "delivery route(first 2)(intervene)">>
<<btnEventLink "Let Mila continue/Позволить Миле продолжать" "Mila Apartment Events" "delivery route(first 3)">>
<<case "delivery route(first 2)(intervene)">>
<<set $NPCplans[8].anoon = "eating pizza">>
<<NPCmedia "mila" "pizza delivery(kiss)" 0>>
<<dlg_en "mc" "Mila, let the girl go!">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Мила, отпусти девушку!">>
<<dlg_en 8 "What's wrong? I just want to give her a chance to earn some money.">>
<<dlg_ru 8 "Что не так? Я всего лишь хотела помочь ей подзаработать.">>
<<en "Ignoring Mila, you take a couple of bills out of your wallet and hand them to the delivery girl.">>
<<ru "Не обращая внимания на Милу, ты достаешь пару купюр из кошелька и протягиваешь их девушке-курьеру.">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "You can go now.">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Ты можешь идти.">>
<<en "Her expression changes to one of relief, and the girl hurries out of the apartment.">>
<<ru "Выражение ее лица меняется, демонстрируя чувство облегчения, и девушка спешит покинуть квартиру.">>
<<dlg_en 8 "Okay. Since you didn't want to see the show, the only thing left is the pizza.">>
<<dlg_ru 8 "Ладно. Раз ты не захотел увидеть шоу, нам остается только пицца.">>
<<set $money.pocket -= 20>>
<<set $location.sub = "mila apartment(hall)">>
<<btnEventLink "Finish/Закончить" "212 Stone St" "">>
<<case "delivery route(first 3)">>
<<set $MilaDelivery.stage += 1>>
<<set $NPCplans[8].anoon = "eating pizza">>
<<set _name = getLinkName("Delivery Girl/Девушка из доставки")>>
<<NPCmedia "mila" "pizza delivery(kiss)" 0>>
<<dlg_en 8 "I have a proposition for you. We'll give you $50 if you let me kiss you.">>
<<dlg_ru 8 "У меня есть к тебе предложение. Мы дадим тебе $50, если ты позволишь мне поцеловать тебя.">>
<<dlg_en "f_pizza_girl" _name "Kiss me? I don't think that's appropriate...">>
<<dlg_ru "f_pizza_girl" _name "Поцеловать? Я не думаю, что это уместно...">>
<<dlg_en 8 "Come on! How many months have you been on this job?">>
<<dlg_ru 8 "Да брось! Сколько месяцев ты работаешь?">>
<<dlg_en "f_pizza_girl" _name "Three months.">>
<<dlg_ru "f_pizza_girl" _name "Три месяца...">>
<<dlg_en 8 "Let me guess, you just moved to our town. And maybe our country too. I doubt you don't have any money problems.">>
<<dlg_ru 8 "Дай угадаю, ты совсем недавно переехала в наш город. И, возможно, и в нашу страну. Вряд ли у тебя нет проблем с деньгами.">>
<<en "Mila's got her arm around the girl's waist.">>
<<ru "Мила обхватывает девушку за талию.">>
<<dlg_en 8 "How about we double the amount?">>
<<dlg_ru 8 "Как насчет того, чтобы удвоить сумму?">>
<<en "The delivery girl glances in your direction again, but seeing your inaction, turns her head to Mila and nods.">>
<<ru "Девушка-курьер бросает еще один быстрый взгляд в твою сторону, но, видя твое бездействие, поворачивает голову к Миле и кивает.">>
<<dlg_en 8 "Great. I promise you'll enjoy it.">>
<<dlg_ru 8 "Отлично. Обещаю, тебе понравится.">>
<<en "With those words, she pulls the girl against her and kisses her hard. Their kiss goes on and on. At one point, Mila turns her partner's back to you. Her hand slides down and squeezes the delivery girl's ass firmly, causing her to shudder and pull out of Mila's embrace.">>
<<ru "С этими словами она прижимает девушку к себе и крепко целует. Их поцелуй длится и длится. В какой-то момент, Мила поворачивает свою партнершу спиной к тебе. Ее рука скользит вниз и крепкой сжимает задницу девушки-курьера, отчего та вздрагивает и вырывается из объятий Милы.">>
<<dlg_en 8 "Where are you going? I'm not satisfied yet.">>
<<dlg_ru 8 "Куда же ты? Я еще не насытилась.">>
<<dlg_en "f_pizza_girl" _name "I'm sorry, I have to go. I have many more deliveries to make.">>
<<dlg_ru "f_pizza_girl" _name "Простите, мне нужно идти. У меня еще много заказов.">>
<<dlg_en 8 "All right, all right.">>
<<dlg_ru 8 "Ладно-ладно.">>
<<en "Mila turns to you.">>
<<ru "Мила поворачивается к тебе.">>
<<dlg_en 8 "Did you enjoy the show? I think it's time you gave our contestant a tip.">>
<<dlg_ru 8 "Понравилось шоу? Думаю, тебе пора дать нашей участнице чаевые.">>
<<set _link = getLinkName("Give a tip/Дать чаевые")>>
<span id="dialog">
<center>@@.btnWide;<<button _link>>
<<replace "#dialog">>
<<en "You take a couple of bills out of your wallet and hand them to the delivery girl.">>
<<ru "Ты достаешь пару купюр из кошелька и протягиваешь их девушке-курьеру.">>
<<dlg_en 8 "You can go now.">>
<<dlg_ru 8 "Ты можешь идти.">>
<<en "Her expression changes to one of relief, and the girl hurries out of the apartment.">>
<<ru "Выражение ее лица меняется, демонстрируя чувство облегчения, и девушка спешит покинуть квартиру.">>
<<set $money.pocket -= 100>>
<<set $location.sub = "mila apartment(hall)">>
<<btnEventLink "Finish/Закончить" "212 Stone St" "">>
<<case "delivery route(second)">>
<<if $NPCstat[8].location == "Mila Apartment(Bedroom)">>
<<set $money.common -= 40>>
<<set _name = getLinkName("Delivery Girl/Девушка из доставки")>>
<<NPCmedia "mila" "pizza delivery(door)" 0>>
<<en "After a while, the doorbell rings. You open the door and see the same delivery girl as last time. The girl also seems to have recognized you, because instead of the usual greeting, she clutches the pizza boxes to her and tries to mumble something.">>
<<ru "Спустя некоторое время раздается звонок в дверь. Ты открываешь дверь и видишь уже знакомую девушку из компании по доставке пиццы. Похоже, что девушка также узнала тебя, поскольку она, вместо обычного приветствия, прижимает коробки с пиццей к себе и пытается что-то промямлить.">>
<<dlg_en 8 "Why are you standing there?">>
<<dlg_ru 8 "Что ты там стоишь?">>
<<en "Mila squeezes between you and the delivery girl.">>
<<ru "Мила втискивается между тобой и девушкой.">>
<<dlg_en 8 "Come with me.">>
<<dlg_ru 8 "Пойдем за мной.">>
<<en "She grabs the girl's arm and literally drags her into the apartment. All you are left to do is grab the pizza boxes and follow them.">>
<<ru "Схватив девушку за руку, она буквально тащит ее внутрь квартиры. Тебе остается лишь взять коробки с пиццей и следовать за ними.">>
<<btnEventLink "Continue/Продолжить" "Mila Apartment Events" "delivery route(second 2)">>
<<case "delivery route(second 2)">>
<<set $MilaDelivery.stage += 1>>
<<set $NPCplans[8].anoon = "eating pizza">>
<<set _name = getLinkName("Delivery Girl/Девушка из доставки")>>
<<NPCmedia "mila" "pizza delivery(kiss)" 0>>
<<en "Mila takes the delivery girl into the apartment and leads her to the couch. Mila takes the girl's hands and looks her straight in the eyes, causing her to avert her eyes.">>
<<ru "Мила заводит девушку-курьера внутрь квартиры и подводит ее к дивану. Мила берет девушку за руки и смотрит ей прямо в глаза, отчего та отводит взгляд в сторону.">>
<<dlg_en 8 "I hope you won't be so shy this time.">>
<<dlg_ru 8 "Надеюсь, в этот раз ты будешь не такой стеснительной.">>
<<dlg_en "f_pizza_girl" _name "Wait, you want to kiss me again?">>
<<dlg_ru "f_pizza_girl" _name "Подожди, ты снова хочешь поцеловать меня?">>
<<dlg_en 8 "Of course I do. And so do you. Otherwise you wouldn't have come in here.">>
<<dlg_ru 8 "Конечно. И ты тоже хочешь этого, иначе ты бы не зашла внутрь.">>
<<en "With these words Mila pulls the girl close to her and kisses her hard. The kiss goes on and on. At some point Mila turns her partner's back to you. Her hand slides down and squeezes the delivery girl's ass hard, causing her to shudder and pull out of Mila's embrace. But she's in no hurry to leave the apartment like last time.">>
<<ru "С этими словами Мила прижимает девушку к себе и крепко целует. Их поцелуй длится и длится. В какой-то момент, Мила поворачивает свою партнершу спиной к тебе. Ее рука скользит вниз и крепкой сжимает задницу девушки-курьера, отчего та вздрагивает и вырывается из объятий Милы. Однако, она не спешит покинуть квартиру, как в прошлый раз.">>
<<dlg_en 8 "Again? I thought we agreed on everything.">>
<<dlg_ru 8 "Опять? Мне казалось, мы обо всем договорились.">>
<<dlg_en "f_pizza_girl" _name "I'm sorry. I'm still not comfortable with this.">>
<<dlg_ru "f_pizza_girl" _name "Простите. Мне все еще некомфортно.">>
<<dlg_en 8 "So how about we give you an extra $100. Would that help you relax?">>
<<dlg_ru 8 "Как насчет того, чтобы мы дали тебе на 100$ больше. Это поможет тебе успокоится?">>
<<en "The delivery girl is silent, clearly hesitating to give a definitive answer, but you can see in her eyes that she's close to accepting the offer.">>
<<ru "Девушка-курьер молчит, явно не решаясь дать решительный ответ, но по ее взгляду ты видишь, что она близка к тому, чтобы принять предложение.">>
<<dlg_en 8 "Oh, come on. Come here.">>
<<dlg_ru 8 "Да ладно тебе. Иди сюда.">>
<<NPCmedia "mila" "pizza delivery(fondle)" 1>>
<<en "Mila pulls the girl again and, without too much foreplay, begins to fondle her ass. This time the delivery girl doesn't try to break free. Her hands go up and down as if she doesn't know whether to stop Mila or let her continue.">>
<<ru "Мила снова притягивает девушку и, без лишних прелюдий, начинает лапать ее задницу. В этот раз девушка курьер не пытается вырваться. Ее руки ходят вверх-вниз, словно она не знает, стоит ли ей остановить Милу или позволить ей продолжать.">>
<<dlg_en 8 "You have a nice ass.">>
<<dlg_ru 8 "У тебя отличная задница.">>
<<en "Mila slaps her partner's ass with all her strength, then pulls her close and kisses her.">>
<<ru "Мила со всей силы шлепает по заднице своей партнерши, а затем прижимает к себе и целует.">>
<<dlg_en 8 "That's better. You can go now.">>
<<dlg_ru 8 "Так-то лучше. Теперь можешь идти.">>
<<en "Mila turns to you.">>
<<ru "Мила поворачивается к тебе.">>
<<dlg_en 8 "Did you enjoy the show? I think it's time you gave our contestant a tip.">>
<<dlg_ru 8 "Понравилось шоу? Думаю, тебе пора дать нашей участнице чаевые.">>
<<set _link = getLinkName("Give a tip/Дать чаевые")>>
<span id="dialog">
<center>@@.btnWide;<<button _link>>
<<replace "#dialog">>
<<en "You take a couple of bills out of your wallet and hand them to the delivery girl. Her expression changes to one of relief, and the girl hurries out of the apartment.">>
<<ru "Ты достаешь пару купюр из кошелька и протягиваешь их девушке-курьеру. Выражение ее лица меняется, демонстрируя чувство облегчения, и девушка спешит покинуть квартиру.">>
<<set $money.pocket -= 200>>
<<set $location.sub = "mila apartment(hall)">>
<<btnEventLink "Finish/Закончить" "212 Stone St" "">>
<<case "delivery route(third)">>
<<if $NPCstat[8].location == "Mila Apartment(Bedroom)">>
<<set $money.common -= 40>>
<<set _name = getLinkName("Delivery Girl/Девушка из доставки")>>
<<NPCmedia "mila" "pizza delivery(door)" 0>>
<<en "After a while, the doorbell rings. You open the door and see the same delivery girl as last time. The girl also seems to have recognized you. She tries to look inside the apartment, expecting Mila to appear.">>
<<ru "Спустя некоторое время раздается звонок в дверь. Ты открываешь дверь и видишь уже знакомую девушку из компании по доставке пиццы. Похоже, что девушка также узнала тебя. Она пытается заглянуть внутрь квартиры, ожидая появления Милы.">>
<<set _link = getLinkName("Give a tip and let her go/Дать чаевые и отпустить")>>
<span id="dialog">
<<btnEventLink "Invite her inside/Пригласить ее внутрь" "Mila Apartment Events" "delivery route(third 2)">>
<center>@@.btnWide;<<button _link>>
<<replace "#dialog">>
<<en "You take a couple of bills out of your wallet and hand them to the delivery girl. She thanks you and leaves.">>
<<ru "Ты достаешь пару купюр из кошелька и протягиваешь их девушке-курьеру. Она благодарит тебя и уходит.">>
<<set $money.pocket -= 10>>
<<btnEventLink "Bring the pizza inside/Занести пиццу внутрь" "Mila Apartment Events" "delivery route(third)(reject)">>
<<case "delivery route(third)(reject)">>
<<set $NPCplans[8].anoon = "eating pizza">>
<center><table style="width:100%">
<td style="width:50%;">
<td style="width:50%;">
<<NPCmedia "mila" "in apartment hallway(after shower)" 0>>
<td style="vertical-align:top">
<<en "When you return, you see Mila coming out of the bathroom.">>
<<ru "Вернувшись, ты видишь, как Мила выходит из ванной.">>
<<dlg_en 8 "Is there a different courier this time?">>
<<dlg_ru 8 "Неужели в этот раз был другой курьер?">>
<<en "You put the pizza on the table by the couch.">>
<<ru "Ты кладешь пиццу на столик возле дивана.">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "You should give the poor girl a little break from you.">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Ты должна дать бедной девушке немного отдохнуть от тебя.">>
<<dlg_en 8 "I see. I should be faster next time.">>
<<dlg_ru 8 "Ясно. В следующий раз мне стоит быть расторопнее.">>
<<en "The brunette goes to the bedroom door.">>
<<ru "Брюнетка направляется к входу в спальню.">>
<<dlg_en 8 "Okay. Since you didn't want to see the show, the only thing left is the pizza.">>
<<dlg_ru 8 "Ладно. Раз ты не захотел увидеть шоу, нам остается только пицца.">>
<<set $location.sub = "mila apartment(hall)">>
<<btnEventLink "Finish/Закончить" "212 Stone St" "">>
<<case "delivery route(third 2)">>
<<set $MilaDelivery.stage += 1>>
<<set $NPCplans[8].anoon = "eating pizza">>
<<set _name = getLinkName("Delivery Girl/Девушка из доставки")>>
<center><table style="width:100%">
<td style="width:50%;">
<td style="width:50%;">
<<NPCmedia "mila" "in apartment hallway(after shower)" 0>>
<td style="vertical-align:top">
<<en "The girl follows you into the apartment. At that moment, Mila comes out of the shower and the delivery girl immediately turns away.">>
<<ru "Девушка следует за тобой внутрь квартиры. В этот момент, Мила выходит из душа, и девушка-курьер тут же отворачивается.">>
<<dlg_en 8 "Hey, no need to be shy. I don't mind being looked at. Come on, turn around.">>
<<dlg_ru 8 "Хей, не надо стесняться. Я не против того, когда на меня смотрят. Ну же, повернись.">>
<<en "It seems that the recent encounters with Mila have had their effect, as the girl turns around. However, she still hesitates to look up and stares down at the pizza boxes.">>
<<ru "Похоже, что последние встречи с Милой возымели свой эффект, поскольку девушка поворачивается обратно. Однако, она все еще не решается поднять взгляд и смотрит вниз, на коробки с пиццей.">>
<<dlg_en 8 "Wait for me. I'll change.">>
<<dlg_ru 8 "Подожди меня. Я переоденусь.">>
<<en "With those words, Mila disappears into the bedroom, but soon comes out again. It seems that by the word change, she meant that she would just put on a bra.">>
<<ru "С этими словами Мила скрывается в спальне, но вскоре выходит обратно. Похоже, что под словом переодеться, она имела в виду, что она просто наденет бюстгальтер.">>
<<dlg_en 8 "I had an idea. Since you've seen my tits, why don't you show me yours? Of course, we'll give you a nice tip.">>
<<dlg_ru 8 "У меня появилась идея... Раз уж ты увидела мои сиськи, может покажешь мне свои? Естественно, ты получишь хорошие чаевые.">>
<<dlg_en "f_pizza_girl" _name "What? I won't do it!">>
<<dlg_ru "f_pizza_girl" _name "Что? Я не стану этого делать!">>
<<dlg_en 8 "Don't be such a prude. You won't last long in this town.">>
<<dlg_ru 8 "Не будь такой ханжой. Иначе в этом городе ты долго не протянешь.">>
<<en "The delivery girl looks in your direction.">>
<<ru "Девушка-курьер бросает взгляд в твою сторону.">>
<<dlg_en 8 "I've already told you, he's completely harmless. He's just here to be a spectator.">>
<<dlg_ru 8 "Я уже говорила тебе, что он абсолютно безопасен. Он здесь только для того, чтобы смотреть.">>
<<en "Mila approaches the delivery girl.">>
<<ru "Мила подходит ближе к девушке-курьеру.">>
<<dlg_en 8 "Let's start like last time.">>
<<dlg_ru 8 "Давай начнем с того же, что и в прошлый раз.">>
<<btnEventLink "Continue/Продолжить" "Mila Apartment Events" "delivery route(third 3)">>
<<case "delivery route(third 3)">>
<<set _name = getLinkName("Delivery Girl/Девушка из доставки")>>
<<NPCmedia "mila" "pizza delivery(fondle)" 1>>
<<en "Mila pulls the girl over and, without too much foreplay, begins to fondle her ass. This time the courier doesn't try to break free.">>
<<ru "Мила притягивает девушку и, без лишних прелюдий, начинает лапать ее задницу. В этот раз девушка курьер не пытается вырваться.">>
<<dlg_en 8 "Do you like that?">>
<<dlg_ru 8 "Тебе нравится это?">>
<<en "The girl remains silent and Mila slaps her ass.">>
<<ru "Девушка молчит, и Мила шлепает ее по заднице.">>
<<dlg_en 8 "Answer me. Do you like that?">>
<<dlg_ru 8 "Отвечай. Тебе нравится это?">>
<<en "You can't tell if the girl really likes the way she's being treated or if she just doesn't have the courage to say no to Mila.">>
<<ru "Ты не можешь сказать, действительно ли девушке из доставки нравится, как с нею обращаются, или она просто не находит в себе смелости отказать Миле.">>
<<dlg_en "f_pizza_girl" _name "Yes.">>
<<dlg_ru "f_pizza_girl" _name "Да.">>
<<en "Mila asserts her dominance with a kiss. Wasting no time, she pulls down the girl's top, exposing her tiny breasts. The girl tries to cover herself but Mila grabs her arms and prevents her from doing so.">>
<<ru "Мила закрепляет свое доминирование поцелуем. Не теряя времени, она стягивает топик с девушки, обнажая ее небольшие груди. Девушка пытается прикрыться, но Мила крепко держит ее за руки и не дает этого сделать.">>
<<NPCmedia "mila" "pizza delivery(undress)" 1>>
<<dlg_en 8 "Look at how perky they are! I can't wait to taste them.">>
<<dlg_ru 8 "Только посмотри, какие они упругие! Не могу дождаться, чтобы попробовать их на вкус.">>
<<dlg_en "f_pizza_girl" _name "Please don't.">>
<<dlg_ru "f_pizza_girl" _name "Пожалуйста, не надо.">>
<<dlg_en 8 "Oh, come on. We're on the verge of doing this. How about I just touch them?">>
<<dlg_ru 8 "Да брось ты. Мы уже в шаге от этого. Как насчет того, чтобы я просто потрогала их?">>
<<en "The delivery girl hesitates.">>
<<ru "Девушка-курьер замирает.">>
<<dlg_en "f_pizza_girl" _name "I really have to go. I still have orders left.">>
<<dlg_ru "f_pizza_girl" _name "Мне действительно надо идти. У меня еще остались заказы.">>
<<dlg_en 8 "And how many orders do you have left?">>
<<dlg_ru 8 "И сколько заказов у тебя осталось?">>
<<dlg_en "f_pizza_girl" _name "Two.">>
<<dlg_ru "f_pizza_girl" _name "Два.">>
<<dlg_en 8 "Then I know what to do. Give those orders to $mc.name, and he'll finish them quickly.">>
<<dlg_ru 8 "Тогда я знаю, что делать. Отдай эти заказы ему, и он быстро закончит их.">>
<<dlg_en "f_pizza_girl" _name "I'm not sure I'm allowed to do that.">>
<<dlg_ru "f_pizza_girl" _name "Я не уверена, что вправе делать это.">>
<<dlg_en 8 "I've told you before, you have to be braver in this city $mc.name! Take the bag with the orders, and...">>
<<dlg_ru 8 "Я уже говорила тебе, что в этом городе нужно быть смелее. $mc.name! Забирай сумку с заказами, а...">>
<<en "Mila turns to the girl.">>
<<ru "Мила поворачивается к девушке.">>
<<dlg_en 8 "What's your name, by the way?">>
<<dlg_ru 8 "Кстати, как тебя зовут?">>
<<dlg_en "f_pizza_girl" _name "Mali.">>
<<dlg_ru "f_pizza_girl" _name "Мали.">>
<<dlg_en 8 "And Mali will give you the addresses you need.">>
<<dlg_ru 8 "А Мали сейчас скажет тебе нужные адреса.">>
<<btnEventLink "Continue/Продолжить" "Mila Apartment Events" "delivery route(third 4)">>
<<case "delivery route(third 4)">>
<<set _name = getLinkName("Delivery Girl/Девушка из доставки")>>
<<NPCmedia "mila" "pizza delivery(door)" 0>>
<<en "You pick up the courier's bag and go outside.">>
<<ru "Ты забираешь сумку с заказами и выходишь на улицу.">>
<<LocImg "downtown" "apartment block">>
<<btnEventLink "Go to the first address/Идти по первому адресу" "Mila Apartment Events" "delivery route(third 5)">>
<<case "delivery route(third 5)">>
<<set _name = getLinkName("Weird guy/Странный парень")>>
<<LocImg "downtown" "apartment door(common)">>
<<en "A guy in an oversized sweatshirt opens the door for you. Judging by his hair, he hasn't showered for a weeks and probably hasn't been outside in a while.">>
<<ru "Дверь тебе открывает молодой парень, в растянутой толстовке. Судя по его прическе, он давно не принимал душ и, возможно, давно не выходил на улицу.">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "Here's your pizza.">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Вот твоя пицца.">>
<<en "The guy sticks his head out of the door and checks out the hall.">>
<<ru "Парень высовывается из дверного проема и оглядывается по сторонам.">>
<<dlg_en "m_weird_guy" _name "The stuff I asked for. It's all inside?">>
<<dlg_ru "m_weird_guy" _name "То, о чем я просил, внутри?">>
<<th_en "Is he talking about pizza? Damn, this guy must be some psycho. Better play along.">>
<<th_ru "Он говорит про пиццу? Черт, похоже, это какой-то псих. Лучше подыграть ему.">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "Yeah, everything's in the box.">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Да, все здесь.">>
<<dlg_en "m_weird_guy" _name "That's great. But next time, I'd like to get my order faster.">>
<<dlg_ru "m_weird_guy" _name "Отлично. Но в следующий раз хотелось бы получить заказ быстрее.">>
<<en "He takes the pizza boxes from you and closes the door. You shrug and walk out.">>
<<ru "Он забирает у тебя коробки с пиццей и закрывает дверь. Ты пожимаешь плечами и выходишь на улицу.">>
<<LocImg "downtown" "apartment block">>
<<btnEventLink "Go to the second address/Идти по второму адресу" "Mila Apartment Events" "delivery route(third 6)">>
<<case "delivery route(third 6)">>
<<set _name = getLinkName("Blonde/Блондинка")>>
<<LocImg "downtown" "apartment door(common 2)">>
<<en "A blonde woman dressed in shorts and a tank top opens the door. Judging by the moisture in her hair, she's just finished showering.">>
<<ru "Дверь тебе открывает блондинка, одетая в шорты и топик. Судя по влаге на ее волосах, она недавно вышла из душа.">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "Here's your pizza.">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Вот твоя пицца.">>
<<dlg_en "f_pizza_blonde" _name "Pizza? Oh, I totally forgot I made a delivery.">>
<<dlg_ru "f_pizza_blonde" _name "Пицца? Ох, я совсем забыла, что сделала доставку. Давай ее сюда.">>
<<en "You hand her the boxes. The girl takes them, but is in no hurry to close the door.">>
<<ru "Ты передаешь ей коробки. Девушка принимает их, но не торопится закрывать дверь.">>
<<dlg_en "f_pizza_blonde" _name "Hey, why are you dressed like that?">>
<<dlg_ru "f_pizza_blonde" _name "Эй, почему ты так одет?">>
<<en "You look down and realize that you don't look like a pizza delivery guy at all.">>
<<ru "Ты опускаешь взгляд вниз и только сейчас понимаешь, что совсем не похож на доставщика пиццы.">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "This is our uniform.">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Эта наша форма.">>
<<dlg_en "f_pizza_blonde" _name "Don't be silly. I have seen your uniforms.">>
<<dlg_ru "f_pizza_blonde" _name "Не говори ерунды. Я знаю, как выглядит ваша форма.">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "Okay. I work as a manager, but today I'm filling in for a delivery guy who's sick.">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Ладно. Я работаю менеджером, но сегодня решил заменить курьера, который заболел.">>
<<dlg_en "f_pizza_blonde" _name "Why are you trying to tell me one of those tales again? You know what I think? I think you're just another delivery guy trying to make himself seem better than he really is.">>
<<dlg_ru "f_pizza_blonde" _name "Опять ты пытаешься что-то выдумать. Знаешь, что я думаю? На самом деле, ты обычный курьер, который хочет показаться лучше, чем он есть на самом деле.">>
<<en "Girl laughs.">>
<<ru "Девушка смеется.">>
<<dlg_en "f_pizza_blonde" _name "You think if you wear that suit you can meet the right guy who will offer you a proper job? Don't you?">>
<<dlg_ru "f_pizza_blonde" _name "Ты думаешь, что надев этот костюм, ты сможешь встретить правильного парня, который даст тебе нормальную работу? Ведь так?">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "Are you going crazy?">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Что ты себе позволяешь?">>
<<dlg_en "f_pizza_blonde" _name "Looks like I've hurt your feelings. Come on, admit I'm right. If you continue to be so stubborn, I'll just complain to your manager. I mean, the real manager.">>
<<dlg_ru "f_pizza_blonde" _name "Похоже, я тебя зацепила. Давай, признай что я права. Учти, если ты будешь упираться и дальше, то я просто отправлю на тебя жалобу.">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "If she files a complaint, Mali will lose her job for giving me her orders. But why should I care?">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Если она напишет жалобу, то Мали точно вылетит с работы, из-за того, что отдала мне ее заказы. Впрочем, какое мне есть до этого дело?">>
<<btnEventLink "Admit she's right/Признать что она права" "Mila Apartment Events" "delivery route(third 7)">>
<<btnEventLink "Tell her off/Послать ее" "Mila Apartment Events" "delivery route(third 7.1)">>
<<case "delivery route(third 7.1)">>
<<set _name = getLinkName("Blonde/Блондинка")>>
<<LocImg "downtown" "apartment door(common 2)">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "You know what? I don't care what you think.">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Знаешь что? Мне плевать на то, что ты думаешь.">>
<<en "You turn around and go outside.">>
<<ru "Ты разворачиваешься и выходишь на улицу.">>
<<LocImg "downtown" "apartment block">>
<<btnEventLink "Back to Mila's apartment/Вернуться в квартиру Милы" "Mila Apartment Events" "delivery route(third)(end)">>
<<case "delivery route(third 7)">>
<<set _name = getLinkName("Blonde/Блондинка")>>
<<set _name_a = getLinkName("Brunette/Брюнетка")>>
<<LocImg "downtown" "apartment door(common 2)">>
<<dlg_en "f_pizza_blonde" _name "See, that wasn't so hard. Actually, you got lucky. I have a good job for a man like you. Follow me.">>
<<dlg_ru "f_pizza_blonde" _name "Видишь, это было не так трудно. Вообще, тебе повезло. У меня есть подходящая работа для такого парня, как ты. Иди за мной.">>
<<en "You go inside her apartment. The girl leads you into the bedroom. The room is a mess. There are women's clothes scattered everywhere, as well as bottles and glasses. On the bed, a girl is sleeping in nothing but her panties. When you walk in, she wakes up.">>
<<ru "Ты заходишь внутрь ее квартиры. Девушка ведет тебя в спальню. Комната находится в полнейшем беспорядке. Повсюду раскидана женская одежда, а также бутылки и стаканы. На кровати спит девушка в одних трусиках. Стоит вам зайти, она просыпается.">>
<<dlg_en "f_pizza_brunette" _name_a "Kristin, who's that?">>
<<dlg_ru "f_pizza_brunette" _name_a "Кристин, кто это?">>
<<dlg_en "f_pizza_blonde" _name "It's the pizza delivery guy. I want him to clean up the room.">>
<<dlg_ru "f_pizza_blonde" _name "Это доставщик пиццы. Я хочу, чтобы он навел порядок в этой комнате.">>
<<dlg_en "f_pizza_brunette" _name_a "Okay.">>
<<dlg_ru "f_pizza_brunette" _name_a "Ясно.">>
<<en "The brunette gets out of bed and walks past you. She doesn't seem to care at all that you can see her breasts.">>
<<ru "Брюнетка поднимается с кровати и проходит мимо вас. Кажется, ее совсем не заботит то, что ты можешь видеть ее грудь.">>
<<NPCmedia "mila" "two girls delivery(brunette)" 0>>
<<dlg_en "f_pizza_brunette" _name_a "I'm gonna take a shower.">>
<<dlg_ru "f_pizza_brunette" _name_a "Я в душ.">>
<<en "Kristin turns to you.">>
<<ru "Кристин поворачивается к тебе.">>
<<dlg_en "f_pizza_blonde" _name "You have to clean up all the garbage, collect the dirty clothes and take them to the bathroom, and then change the sheets. You can get fresh ones from the closet over there. If you can do that, you'll get 20 dollars.">>
<<dlg_ru "f_pizza_blonde" _name "Тебе надо убрать весь мусор, собрать грязную одежду и отнести ее в ванную, а затем поменять постельное белье. Свежее можешь взять вон в том шкафу. Если справишься, получишь двадцатку.">>
<<btnEventLink "Clean the room/Убрать комнату" "Mila Apartment Events" "delivery route(third 8)" 1>>
<<case "delivery route(third 8)">>
<<set _name = getLinkName("Blonde/Блондинка")>>
<<set _name_a = getLinkName("Brunette/Брюнетка")>>
<<NPCmedia "mila" "two girls delivery(messy room)" 0>>
<<en "After a while, the girl comes back and gives you a large garbage bag.">>
<<ru "Спустя некоторое время девушка возвращается и протягивает тебе большой мусорный пакет.">>
<<dlg_en "f_pizza_blonde" _name "I'll be in the kitchen.">>
<<dlg_ru "f_pizza_blonde" _name "Я буду на кухне.">>
<<en "You collect all the trash into the bag. It takes a lot longer than you thought it would. It looks like the girls had a nice party last night. Then you take the garbage into the kitchen. The girls are sitting around the table talking about something.">>
<<ru "Ты собираешь весь мусор в мешок. Это занимает куда больше времени, чем ты думал. Похоже, что девушки вчера неплохо погуляли. Затем ты относишь мусор на кухню. Девушки сидят за столом и что-то обсуждают.">>
<<dlg_en "f_pizza_brunette" _name_a "Hey, make us some coffee, please.">>
<<dlg_ru "f_pizza_brunette" _name_a "Эй, приготовь нам кофе, пожалуйста.">>
<<en "You turn to the girls. Kristin nods at you, hinting that you should do it.">>
<<ru "Ты поворачиваешься к девушкам. Кристин кивает тебе, намекая, что тебе стоит приготовить кофе.">>
<<btnEventLink "Make them coffee/Сделать им кофе" "Mila Apartment Events" "delivery route(third 9)">>
<<case "delivery route(third 9)">>
<<set _name = getLinkName("Blonde/Блондинка")>>
<<set _name_a = getLinkName("Brunette/Брюнетка")>>
<<NPCmedia "mila" "two girls delivery(brunette 2)" 0>>
<<en "You place two cups of coffee in front of the girls. The brunette sips some.">>
<<ru "Ты ставишь две чашки кофе перед девушками. Брюнетка отпивает немного.">>
<<if $mcSkil.coffeemaking >= 4>>
<<dlg_en "f_pizza_brunette" _name "It's not bad.">>
<<dlg_ru "f_pizza_brunette" _name "Неплохо.">>
<<dlg_en "f_pizza_brunette" _name_a "Could be better.">>
<<dlg_ru "f_pizza_brunette" _name_a "Могло быть и лучше.">>
<<dlg_en "f_pizza_blonde" _name "You can get back to work.">>
<<dlg_ru "f_pizza_blonde" _name "Ты можешь вернуться к работе.">>
<<btnEventLink "Get back to work/Вернуться к работе" "Mila Apartment Events" "delivery route(third 10)">>
<<case "delivery route(third 10)">>
<<set _name = getLinkName("Blonde/Блондинка")>>
<<set _name_a = getLinkName("Brunette/Брюнетка")>>
<<NPCmedia "mila" "two girls delivery(messy room)" 0>>
<<en "Finally, you finish cleaning up. Christine hands you $20 and leads you out of the apartment.">>
<<ru "Наконец, ты заканчиваешь с уборкой. Кристин протягивает тебе $20, и выводит из квартиры.">>
<<set $money.pocket += 20>>
<<btnEventLink "Back to Mila's apartment/Вернуться в квартиру Милы" "Mila Apartment Events" "delivery route(third)(end)">>
<<case "delivery route(third)(end)">>
<<set _name = getLinkName("Mali/Мали")>>
<<NPCmedia "mila" "eating pizza(mini)" 0>>
<<en "When you come back, Mila is sitting on the couch eating pizza. Mali is sitting next to her. When she sees you, she immediately jumps up and walks towards you.">>
<<ru "Когда ты возвращаешься, Мила сидит на диване и ест пиццу. Мали сидит рядом. Завидев тебя, она немедленно подскакивает и направляется к тебе.">>
<<dlg_en 8 "Looks like she's excited to get a tip.">>
<<dlg_ru 8 "Похоже, ей не терпится получить чаевые.">>
<<if $time.daytime == 3>>
<<dlg_en "f_pizza_girl" _name "No, not at all. I really need to get back to work.">>
<<dlg_ru "f_pizza_girl" _name "Вовсе нет. Мне надо возвращаться к работе.">>
<<dlg_en "f_pizza_girl" _name "No, not at all. I really need to get back to work. And he's... He's been gone for two hours.">>
<<dlg_ru "f_pizza_girl" _name "Вовсе нет. Мне надо возвращаться к работе. А он... А он пропал на два часа.">>
<<dlg_en 8 "Don't worry, he'll compensate you now. Right, $mc.name?">>
<<dlg_ru 8 "Не волнуйся, сейчас он тебе все компенсирует. Правда, $mc.name?">>
<<en "You take a couple of bills out of your wallet and hand them to the delivery girl. Her expression changes to one of relief, and the girl hurries out of the apartment.">>
<<ru "Ты достаешь пару купюр из кошелька и протягиваешь их девушке-курьеру. Выражение ее лица меняется, демонстрируя чувство облегчения, и девушка спешит покинуть квартиру.">>
<<set $money.pocket -= 300>>
<font color=OrangeRed>This is final scene for this route(for now).</font>
<<set $location.sub = "mila apartment(hall)">>
<<btnEventLink "Finish/Закончить" "212 Stone St" "">>
<<include "Downtown Event Hub">>
<<switch $location.sub>>
<<case "">>
<<LocImg "downtown" "apartment building">>
<<set _navid = 0>>
<<set $NavigationSlot = []>>
<<set $NavigationSlotName = []>>
<<set $NavigationSlotSub = []>>
<<set $NavigationSlot[0] = "Mila Apartment">>
<<set $NavigationSlotName[0] = "Mila Apartment">>
<<set $NavigationSlotSub[0] = "mila apartment(hall)">>
<<set _navid += 1>>
<<set _navid -= 1>>
<<NavigationTable _navid>>
<<btnLink "Leave" "Apartment Block" "">>
<<case "mila apartment(hall)">>
<<if $NPCstat[8].location == "Mila Apartment">>
<<if MilaCurrentPlan() == "eating pizza">>
<<NPCmedia "mila" "eating pizza(mini)" 0>>
<<en "Mila is eating pizza.">>
<<ru "Мила ест пиццу.">>
<<LocImg "downtown" "mila apartment(hall)">>
<<set $NavigationSlot = []>>
<<set $NavigationSlotName = []>>
<<set $NavigationSlotSub = []>>
<<set $NavigationSlot[0] = "Mila Apartment(Bedroom)">>
<<set $NavigationSlotName[0] = "Bedroom">>
<<set $NavigationSlotSub[0] = "mila apartment(bedroom)">>
<<set $NavigationSlot[1] = "Mila Apartment(Bathroom)">>
<<set $NavigationSlotName[1] = "Bathroom">>
<<set $NavigationSlotSub[1] = "mila apartment(bathroom)">>
<<set $NavigationSlot[2] = "Mila Apartment(Balcony)">>
<<set $NavigationSlotName[2] = "Balcony">>
<<set $NavigationSlotSub[2] = "mila apartment(balcony)">>
<<NavigationTable 2>>
<<btnLink "Leave" "Apartment Block" "">>
<<case "mila apartment(bedroom)">>
<<if $NPCstat[8].location == "Mila Apartment(Bedroom)">>
<<NPCmedia "mila" "sleeping(mini)" 0>>
<br>Mila is sleeping peacefully.
<<LocImg "downtown" "mila apartment(bedroom)">>
<<btnLink "Return" "212 Stone St" "mila apartment(hall)">>
<<case "mila apartment(bathroom)">>
<<if $NPCstat[8].location == "Mila Apartment(Bathroom)">>
<<NPCmedia "mila" "showering(ready)(mini)" 0>>
<br>Mila is preparing to take a shower.
<<LocImg "downtown" "mila apartment(bathroom)">>
<<btnLink "Return" "212 Stone St" "mila apartment(hall)">>
<<case "mila apartment(balcony)">>
<<if $NPCstat[8].location == "Mila Apartment(Balcony)">>
<<NPCmedia "mila" "resting(balcony)(mini)" 0>>
<br>Mila is sitting in a wicker chair and looks somewhere in the distance.
<<LocImg "downtown" "mila apartment(balcony)">>
<<btnLink "Return" "212 Stone St" "mila apartment(hall)">>
<</switch>><<set $EventMark = "">>
<<if $location.sub == "eventlock">>
<<set $location.sub = "">>
/* ------------------------------ MILA APARTMENT ------------------------------ */
<<if passage() == "212 Stone St" and $time.weekday <= 3 and ($time.daytime == 2 or $time.daytime == 3)>>
<<if $NPCstat[8].location == "Mila Apartment(Bedroom)" or $NPCstat[8].location == "Mila Apartment(Bathroom)" and $MilaDelivery.counter == 0>>
<<set $EventMark = "delivery route(main)">>
<<set _eventloc = "Mila Apartment Events">>
/* ------------------------------ END ------------------------------ */
<<if $EventMark != "">>
<<set $location.sub = "eventlock">>
<<include _eventloc>>
<</if>><<switch $EventMark>>
/* ---------- PREPARE TO CLUB ---------- */
<<case "clubbing(prepare)">>
<<NPCmedia "wife" "dressing up" 0>>
<br>You find $NPCstat[0].name in the dressing room, sitting on the pouffe in just her panties. Several bras are laid out beside her.
<br><<PHR "mc" "And where are you planning to go, at nightfall?">>
<br><<PHR 0 "Jenny invited me to the Dark Apple. Don't worry, I'll be back before midnight.">>
<span id="dialog">
<center>@@.btnWide;<<button "Say you don't like it">>
<<replace "#dialog">>
<br><<PHR "mc" "You had to ask me first. Maybe I have other plans for us tonight.">>
<br><<PHR 0 "So you can disappear all night, and I can't even have fun with my best friend?">>
<<set _txt = "That thought was definitely put into her head by Jenny. But " + $NPCstat[0].name + " had a point. How should I act?">>
<br><<TH _txt>>
<<btnEventLink "Say she's not going anywhere" "Wife Club Events" "clubbing(prepare)(fight)">>
<<btnEventLink "Say you'd like to go with her" "Wife Club Events" "clubbing(prepare)(ask to join)">>
<<btnEventLink "Wish her a good time" "Wife Club Events" "clubbing(prepare)(wish good time)">>
<<btnEventLink "Ask if you can go with her" "Wife Club Events" "clubbing(prepare)(ask to join)">>
<<case "clubbing(prepare)(fight)">>
<<set $NPCplans[0].evening = "watch tv">>
<<set $NPCplans[0].night = "">>
<<set $NPCplans[0].mnight = "">>
<<NPCmedia "wife" "dressing up" 0>>
<br><<PHR "mc" "I said I don't like it. You're not going anywhere!">>
<br><<PHR 0 "But, honey...">>
<br><<PHR "mc" "Don't even try to change my mind. Get dressed and let's go watch TV.">>
<br><<PHR 0 "As you say, honey.">>
<<RemoveStat 0 "assertiveness" 5 -30>>
<br><<RemoveStat 0 "mood" 100>>
<<btnEventLink "Finish" "Hallway" "">>
<<case "clubbing(prepare)(ask to join)">>
<<NPCmedia "wife" "dressing up" 0>>
<br><<PHR 0 "I'd gladly invite you, but it's only girls' night, honey. We can go together next time.">>
<br>You're about to leave, but $NPCstat[0].name calls out to you.
<br><<PHR 0 "But you can help me.">>
<br>You turn to your wife.
<br><<PHR 0 "It looks like I left my black dress on the bed. Could you get it for me?">>
<br>When you return to the dressing room, your wife is already standing in front of the mirror, looking at her gorgeous body.
<<NPCmedia "wife" "her bra(mini)" 0>>
<br>You hand her the dress. She puts it on and takes a couple of turns to see how it fits from different angles.
<<set _txt = "I think it would look better without a bra. What do you think, " + $mc.name + "?">>
<br><<PHR 0 _txt>>
<br><<PHR "mc" "It's pretty transparent, so I think a bra is necessary.">>
<br><<PHR 0 "Oh, feeling jealous? Don't worry, you're the only man in my life.">>
<br>$NPCstat[0].name comes up to you and kisses you on the cheek. Then she turns her back to you.
<br><<PHR 0 "Help me remove my bra.">>
<<btnEventLink "Help her" "Wife Club Events" "clubbing(prepare)(finish)">>
<<case "clubbing(prepare)(wish good time)">>
<<NPCmedia "wife" "dressing up" 0>>
<br><<PHR "mc" "Ok, have fun.">>
<br>You're about to leave, but $NPCstat[0].name calls out to you.
<br><<PHR 0 "But you can help me.">>
<br>You turn to your wife.
<br><<PHR 0 "It looks like I left my black dress on the bed. Could you get it for me?">>
<br>When you return to the dressing room, your wife is already standing in front of the mirror, looking at her gorgeous body.
<<NPCmedia "wife" "her bra(mini)" 0>>
<br>You hand her the dress. She puts it on and takes a couple of turns to see how it fits from different angles.
<<set _txt = "I think it would look better without a bra. What do you think, " + $mc.name + "?">>
<br><<PHR 0 _txt>>
<br><<PHR "mc" "It's pretty transparent, so I think a bra is necessary.">>
<br><<PHR 0 "Oh, feeling jealous? Don't worry, you're the only man in my life.">>
<br>$NPCstat[0].name comes up to you and kisses you on the cheek. Then she turns her back to you.
<br><<PHR 0 "Help me remove my bra.">>
<<btnEventLink "Help her" "Wife Club Events" "clubbing(prepare)(finish)">>
<<case "clubbing(prepare)(finish)">>
<<NPCmedia "wife" "black dress" 0>>
<br>You slide your fingers under her dress and unpin her bra. $NPCstat[0].name stretches her arms forward to help you pull her bra down. Her huge boobs are now visible through the smoky black fabric, but your wife doesn't seem to care.
<br><<PHR 0 "That's much better, don't you think?">>
<br><<PHR "mc" "Honestly, it...">>
<br><<PHR 0 "Come on, I know you like it!">>
<br>The girl kisses you on the cheek, again, and exits the dressing room, leaving you with her bra in your hands.
<<btnEventLink "Finish" "Master Bedroom" "">>
/* ---------- REGULAR SCENES ---------- */
<</switch>><<switch $EventMark>>
<<case "spending time together(bedroom)">>
<<run setWifeNextBlockEvent(0, "")>>
<<NPCmedia "wife" "lying on bed" 0>>
<<en "As soon as you walk into the bedroom, $NPCstat[0].name rolls over on her side to face you. She stretches sweetly.">>
<<ru "Стоит тебе зайти в спальню, как $NPCstat[0].name переворачивается на бок, чтобы оказаться лицом к тебе. Она сладко потягивается.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "What are you planning to do, honey?">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Чем планируешь заняться, милый?">>
<<en "Obviously, your wife wants to spend some time together.">>
<<ru "Очевидно, что твоя жена хочет провести время вместе.">>
<<btnEventLink "Watch a movie together/Посмотреть какой-нибудь фильм вместе" "Wife Mini Events" "spending time together(movie)" 1>>
<<btnEventLink "Spend time at the pool/Поплавать в бассейне" "Wife Mini Events" "spending time together(swimming)" 1>>
<<btnEventLink "Drink with her in the pool bar/Выпить вместе возле бассейна" "Wife Mini Events" "spending time together(drinking)" 1>>
<<btnEventLink "Say you're busy right now/Сказать что ты занят" "Master Bedroom" "">>
<<case "spending time together(hallway)">>
<<run setWifeNextBlockEvent(0, "")>>
<<NPCmedia "wife" "in hallway" 0>>
<<en "You see $NPCstat[0].name coming down the stairs. When she notices you, she leans over the banister.">>
<<ru "Ты видишь, как $NPCstat[0].name спускается по лестнице. Заметив тебя, она перевешивается через перила.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "What are you planning to do, honey?">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Чем планируешь заняться, милый?">>
<<en "Obviously, your wife wants to spend some time together.">>
<<ru "Очевидно, что твоя жена хочет провести время вместе.">>
<<btnEventLink "Watch a movie together/Посмотреть какой-нибудь фильм вместе" "Wife Mini Events" "spending time together(movie)" 1>>
<<btnEventLink "Spend time in the pool/Поплавать в бассейне" "Wife Mini Events" "spending time together(swimming)" 1>>
<<btnEventLink "Drink with her in the pool bar/Выпить вместе возле бассейна" "Wife Mini Events" "spending time together(drinking)" 1>>
<<btnEventLink "Say you're busy right now/Сказать что ты занят" "Master Bedroom" "">>
<<case "spending time together(movie)">>
<<ChangeFeatures 0 -3 -3 -3 5>>
<<if $time.daytime == 4 or $time.daytime == 5>>
<<run setWifeNextBlockPlan(0, "watch tv(mansion)")>>
<<NPCmedia "wife" "watching movie" 0>>
<<en "You and your wife spend time watching a movie together.">>
<<ru "Ты вместе со своей женой проводишь время за просмотром фильма.">>
<<btnEventLink "Finish/Закончить" "Living Room" "">>
<<case "spending time together(swimming)">>
<<ChangeFeatures 0 5 -3 -3 -3>>
<<if $time.daytime == 4>>
<<run setWifeNextBlockPlan(0, "get tan(mansion)")>>
<<NPCmedia "wife" "swimming(mansion)" 1>>
<<en "You and your wife spend time at the pool.">>
<<ru "Ты вместе со своей женой проводишь время в бассейне.">>
<<btnEventLink "Finish/Закончить" "Backyard" "">>
<<case "spending time together(drinking)">>
<<ChangeFeatures 0 -3 -3 5 -3>>
<<if $time.daytime == 4 or $time.daytime == 5>>
<<run setWifeNextBlockPlan(0, "get rest(mansion)")>>
<<NPCmedia "wife" "pool bar" 0>>
<<en "You and your wife are hanging out at the pool bar.">>
<<ru "Ты вместе со своей женой проводишь время в баре возле бассейна.">>
<<btnEventLink "Finish/Закончить" "Backyard" "">>
<<case "hug from behind(living room)">>
<<set $NPCevents[0].evening = "">>
<<set $NPCevents[0].dusk = "">>
<<LocImg "mc_house" "living room">>
<<en "You go into the hall, but you don't see your wife there.">>
<<ru "Ты заходишь в зал, но не обнаруживаешь там свою жену.">>
<<th_en "That's odd, the TV's on. She should definitely be here.">>
<<th_ru "Странно, телевизор включен. Она определенно должна быть здесь.">>
<<en "At that moment, a woman's arms wrap around your waist. $NPCstat[0].name snuggles up behind you and her moist lips touch your ear.">>
<<ru "В этот момет женские руки обвивают твою талию. $NPCstat[0].name прижимается к тебе сзади, и ее влажные губы касаются твоего уха.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "Are you looking for me?">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Ты меня ищешь?">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "Yeah...">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Да-а...">>
<<en "The girl releases you. You turn to her, and at that moment she kisses you deeply. Her hand rests on your chest, and then $NPCstat[0].name easily pushes you away.">>
<<ru "Девушка отпускает тебя. Ты поворачиваешься к ней, и в этот момент она крепко целует тебя. Ее рука ложится не твою грудь, и затем $NPCstat[0].name легко отталкивает тебя.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "Let's go to the couch.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Пошли на диван.">>
<<btnEventLink "Finish/Закончить" "Living Room" "">>
/* ------------------------------ SLIPPERS ------------------------------ */
<<case "slippers scene">>
<<set $WifeScenes.GetRest.interact = true>>
<<NPCmedia "wife" "standing by bed(close)" 0>>
<<en "Your wife is standing beside the bed. Your gaze immediately focuses on her appetizing ass.">>
<<ru "Твоя жена стоит возле кровати. Твой взгляд сразу же концентрируется на ее аппетитной попке.">>
<<btnEventLink "Spank her ass/Шлепнуть ее по заднице" "Wife Mini Events" "slippers scene 2">>
<<btnEventLink "Leave her/Оставить ее" "Hallway" "">>
<<case "slippers scene 2">>
<<NPCmedia "wife" "standing by bed(close)" 0>>
<<if $NPCstat[0].assertiveness < 16>>
<<en "You approach $NPCstat[0].name and spank her ass. She turns around and smiles warmly. You two make out.">>
<<ru "Ты подходишь к своей жене и шлепаешь по заднице. $NPCstat[0].name оборачивается и тепло улыбается. Вы целуетесь.">>
<<btnEventLink "Finish/Закончить" "Master Bedroom" "">>
<<if $WifeFootFetish.active and $NPCstat[0].assertiveness >= 25 and $NPCstat[0].lordliness >= 12>>
<<en "You approach her and spank her ass. She turns around and smiles warmly. Then your wife grabs your ass in return and pulls you to her. You two make out.">>
<<ru "Ты подходишь к ней и шлепаешь по заднице. Она оборачивается и тепло улыбается. Затем твоя жена хватает тебя за задницу в ответ и притягивает к себе. Вы целуетесь.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "You're just in time. One of my slippers is under the bed and I wouldn't mind if you fished it out.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Ты как раз вовремя. Один из моих тапочков залетел под кровать, и я буду не против, если ты достанешь его.">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "Are you serious?">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Ты сейчас серьезно?">>
<<dlg_en 0 "Of course I am. You wouldn't refuse to help your lovely wife, would you?">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Разумеется. Ты ведь не откажешь в помощи любимой жене?">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "Uh, okay.">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Ух, ладно.">>
<<en "You get down on all fours and look under the bed. The slipper is indeed there, and you pull it out into the world.">>
<<ru "Ты опускаешься на четвереньки и заглядываешь под кровать. Тапочек, действительно, оказывается там, и ты вытаскиваешь его на свет.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "Thank you, honey.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Спасибо, милый.">>
<<if $WifeQueen.active>>
<<en "You try to get to your feet, but $NPCstat[0].name takes a big step on the slipper, almost trapping your fingers.">>
<<ru "Ты хочешь подняться на ноги, но в этот момент $NPCstat[0].name со всей силы опускает ногу на тапочек, едва не придавив твои пальцы.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "Oh, I'm sorry, honey. I should be more careful.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Ох, прости, милый. Мне следует быть осторожнее.">>
<<en "You raise your eyes to your wife.">>
<<ru "Ты поднимаешься взгляд на свою жену.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "Aw, don't make that face, honey. How about a kiss to smooth over this incident.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Оу, не делай такое лицо, милый. Как насчет поцелуя, чтобы сгладить этот инцидент.">>
<<en "She points to her foot.">>
<<ru "Она указывает вниз на свою ступню.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "Go ahead, honey.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Смелее, милый.">>
<<btnEventLink "Kiss her foot/Поцеловать ее ступню" "Wife Mini Events" "slippers scene(kiss)">>
<<btnEventLink "Turn everything into a joke/Перевести все в шутку" "Wife Mini Events" "slippers scene(joke)">>
<<en "You get to your feet.">>
<<ru "Ты поднимаешься на ноги.">>
<<btnEventLink "Finish/Закончить" "Master Bedroom" "">>
<<en "You approach her and spank her ass. She turns around and smiles warmly. Then your wife grabs your ass in return and pulls you to her. You two make out.">>
<<ru "Ты подходишь к ней и шлепаешь по заднице. Она оборачивается и тепло улыбается. Затем твоя жена хватает тебя за задницу в ответ и притягивает к себе. Вы целуетесь.">>
<<btnEventLink "Finish/Закончить" "Master Bedroom" "">>
<<case "slippers scene(kiss)">>
<<NPCmedia "wife" "kiss her foot" 0>>
<<en "You gently take her foot in your hand and bring it up to your face to kiss it.">>
<<ru "Ты аккуратно берешь ее ступню в руку и подносишь к своему лицу, чтобы поцеловать.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "Oh, you're a proper knight, $mc.name.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Оу, ты прямо настоящий рыцарь, $mc.name.">>
<<en "$NPCstat[0].name giggles as you kiss her foot again.">>
<<ru "$NPCstat[0].name хихикает, пока ты целуешь ее ступню еще раз.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "All right, that's enough for now. I want to get some rest.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Ну ладно, хватит пока. Я хочу отдохнуть.">>
<<en "You release her foot and rise to your feet.">>
<<ru "Ты отпускаешь ее ступню и поднимаешься на ноги.">>
<<btnEventLink "Finish/Закончить" "Master Bedroom" "">>
<<case "slippers scene(joke)">>
<<LocImg "mc_house" "master bedroom">>
<<en "You laugh and your wife laughs back. Then you rise to your feet.">>
<<ru "Ты смеешься и твоя жена смеется в ответ. Затем ты поднимаешься на ноги.">>
<<btnEventLink "Finish/Закончить" "Master Bedroom" "">>
<</switch>><<switch $EventMark>>
/* -------------------- TAKEOVER -------------------- */
<<case "pool bar(main)">>
<<set $mansionCleanliness.livingroom = 100>>
<<if $mcSkill.cleaning < 25>>
<<set $mcSkill.cleaning += 1>>
<<NPCmedia "mc" "wiping table" 0>>
<<en "You clean the pool bar.">>
<<ru "Ты наводишь порядок в баре.">>
<<btnEventLink "Finish/Закончить" "Backyard" "">>
<<case "pool bar(maid tanning)">>
<<set $mansionCleanliness.livingroom = 100>>
<<if $mcSkill.cleaning < 25>>
<<set $mcSkill.cleaning += 1>>
<<NPCmedia "mc" "wiping table" 0>>
<br>You wipe down the counter, glancing from time to time in Samantha's direction. At one point she takes off her bikini top and starts rubbing sunscreen on her breasts.
<<NPCmedia "samantha" "backyard sunbath(topless)" 1>>
<<btnEventLink "Keep staring at her" "Samantha Takeover Cleaning Events" "pool bar(maid tanning)(peek)">>
<<btnEventLink "Focus on work" "Samantha Takeover Cleaning Events" "pool bar(maid tanning)(finish)">>
<<case "pool bar(maid tanning)(finish)">>
<<NPCmedia "mc" "wiping table" 0>>
<br>You finish cleaning the bar and walk away.
<<btnEventLink "Finish/Закончить" "Backyard" "">>
<<case "pool bar(maid tanning)(peek)">>
<<set $MaidBackyard.catchpeeking += 1>>
<<NPCmedia "samantha" "backyard sunbath(topless) 2" 1>>
<<if $MaidBackyard.catchpeeking == 1>>
<br>You watch as she massages her breasts, and Samantha, sensing your gaze, turns to ypur direction.
<<set _txt = "Oh, Mr. " + $mc.name + ", I never thought you're a peeping Tom. We need to talk about this.">>
<br><<PHR 1 _txt>>
<br>She beckons you with her finger.
<<btnEventLink "Come to her" "Samantha Takeover Cleaning Events" "pool bar(maid tanning)(peek) 2">>
<br>You watch as she massages her breasts, and Samantha, sensing your gaze, turns to ypur direction.
<<set _txt = "Why am I not surprised, Mr. " + $mc.name + "? Come here.">>
<br><<PHR 1 _txt>>
<br>She beckons you with her finger.
<<btnEventLink "Come to her" "Samantha Takeover Cleaning Events" "pool bar(maid tanning)(peek) 3">>
<<case "pool bar(maid tanning)(peek) 2">>
<<NPCmedia "samantha" "backyard sunbath(topless)" 0>>
<br>You approach her.
<<set _txt = "Mr. " + $mc.name + ", this kind of behavior is inappropriate. Imagine that your wife decides to have a pool party and invites her friends. They'll feel very uncomfortable if you stare at them like that.">>
<br><<PHR 1 _txt>>
<br><<PHR "mc" "I just...">>
<<set _txt = "There's no need to make excuses. I completely understand that it's hard for you to accept your new status. That's why next time we're going to make some changes. In the meantime, hurry up and finish cleaning the bar.">>
<br><<PHR 1 _txt>>
<<btnEventLink "Finish" "Samantha Takeover Cleaning Events" "pool bar(maid tanning)(finish)">>
<<case "pool bar(maid tanning)(peek) 3">>
<<NPCmedia "samantha" "backyard sunbath(topless)" 0>>
<<set _txt = "Mr. " + $mc.name + ", it looks like you still haven't learned your lesson. I'm gonna punish you. Wait for me near the bar.">>
<br><<PHR 1 _txt>>
<br>Samantha heads over to the grill and picks up the tongs that are on the pedestal next to it.
<<set _txt = "Put your hands on the counter and bend over, Mr. " + $mc.name + ".">>
<br><<PHR 1 _txt>>
<br><<PHR "mc" "What?">>
<br><<PHR 1 "Don't you get it? I'm planning to spank you. And this time, I'm not going to use my hands.">>
<<btnEventLink "Do as she says" "Samantha Takeover Cleaning Events" "pool bar(maid tanning)(punish)">>
<<case "pool bar(maid tanning)(punish)">>
<<LocImg "mc_house" "pool bar">>
<br>You decide not to make things worse and do exactly what she says. Samantha walks around you.
<br><<PHR 1 "Good, good master. I'm glad you understand your situation and don't fight back. But that doesn't mean I'll go easy on you.">>
<br>She moves her hand with the tongs aside.
<br><<PHR 1 "Brace yourselves.">>
<br>Realizing what's about to happen, you tense your buttocks, but still flinch in pain as the tongs land on your ass. Samant truly didn't lie and put all her strength into that spank.
<br><<PHR 1 "One!">>
<br>The girl draws her hand back again. You squint your eyes to the side watching her actions.
<br><<TH "Damn, she's punishing me for looking at her tits, but she doesn't even think about covering them.">>
<br>The next blow, though, quickly whips all of those thoughts out of your head.
<br><<PHR 1 "Two!">>
<<btnEventLink "Beg for forgiveness" "Samantha Takeover Cleaning Events" "pool bar(maid tanning)(punish) 2">>
<<case "pool bar(maid tanning)(punish) 2">>
<<LocImg "mc_house" "pool bar">>
<br><<PHR "mc" "Please stop, Samantha, I've learned my lesson. It won't happen again, I promise.">>
<br><<PHR 1 "It's great that you're showing remorse. But I'm still going to deliver you the full punishment. Especially since I'm beginning to like it.">>
<br>The girl draws her hand with the tongs back and starts spanking you.
<br><<PHR 1 "Three!">>
<br><<PHR 1 "Four!">>
<br><<PHR 1 "Five!">>
<br>Samantha pauses your execution for a while. A searing pain begins to spread across your buttocks.
<br><<PHR 1 "These tongs spring too much on impact. Not the most useful tool for punishment. Do you think we should get something better next time?">>
<br><<PHR "mc" "Samantha, I promised...">>
<<set _txt = "Shh, Mr. " + $mc.name + ". Do you really expect me to believe your promises? People like you, Mr. " + $mc.name + ", can only be trained, every day, until obedience becomes a conditioned reflex for them.">>
<br><<PHR 1 _txt>>
<br>Your maid grabs you by the chin and turns your head.
<br><<PHR 1 "dom" "Look at me!">>
<br>For a moment you think she's going to spit right in your face, but luckily Samantha isn't that crazy.
<<set _txt = "From now on, I'm going to be as strict as possible with you. For every failure, you will be punished accordingly. Oh, and don't worry, Mrs. " + $mc.name + " will join for your training very soon.">>
<br><<PHR 1 _txt>>
<br>She unclenches her fingers and withdraws her hand to strike again.
<br><<PHR 1 "Six!">>
<br><<PHR 1 "Eight!">>
<br><<PHR 1 "Nine!">>
<br>Samantha throws the tongs on the bar counter.
<<set _txt = "I think that's enough for now. Hurry up and finish cleaning the bar.">>
<br><<PHR 1 _txt>>
<br>As soon as you turn away, Samantha slaps your ass, this time using her palm. But that's enough to make you sprang, to the joy of your maid.
<br><<PHR 1 "Ten!">>
<br><<TH "Ten!">>
<<btnEventLink "Finish/Закончить" "Backyard" "">>
<<case "pool bar(maid swimming)">>
<<set $mansionCleanliness.livingroom = 100>>
<<if $mcSkill.cleaning < 25>>
<<set $mcSkill.cleaning += 1>>
<<NPCmedia "mc" "wiping table" 0>>
<br>You wipe down the counter, glancing from time to time in Samantha's direction.
<<set _txt = "Hey, Mr. " + $mc.name + ", make me some cocktails.">>
<br><<PHR 1 _txt>>
<br><<TH "Fuck, it started.">>
<br>You mix one of the cocktails you remember, bring it to Samantha, and place it on the edge of the pool next to her.
<<set _txt = "Thank you, Mr. " + $mc.name + ".">>
<br><<PHR 1 _txt>>
<br><<TH "She didn't even cast a glance in my direction!">>
<br><<PHR 1 "Sometimes it's so nice to soak in the pool after a hard day. You can take a dip, too, after I'm finished.">>
<br>Samantha says no more, apparently insinuating that it's time for you to leave.
<<btnEventLink "Continue" "Samantha Takeover Cleaning Events" "pool bar(maid swimming) 2">>
<<case "pool bar(maid swimming) 2">>
<<LocImg "mc_house" "pool bar">>
<br>You go back to the bar, where you continue cleaning. After a while you hear a splash of water as Samantha gets out of the pool.
<br>The girl steps into the bar and places an empty glass on the counter. She then rests her hands on the stall and leans forward so that her breasts are squeezed between her forearms. You involuntarily gulp.
<<set _txt = "How is it going, Mr. " + $mc.name + "? You could work a little faster, you know? I think I'll stay here and supervise you.">>
<br><<PHR 1 _txt>>
<<btnEventLink "Continue" "Samantha Takeover Cleaning Events" "pool bar(maid swimming) 3">>
<<case "pool bar(maid swimming) 3">>
<<NPCmedia "samantha" "pool bar(topless)" 0>>
<br>You continue to do your chores under the watchful eye of Samantha. But soon she gets bored and heads for the shelves with alcohol, where she starts rummaging around for something interesting.
<br>Finally she picks up one bottle and puts it on the counter. Turning to the shelves again, she bends over and starts looking for something in the mini-fridge. Her wide and magnificent ass immediately grabs your attention.
<br><<PHR 1 "You're staring at my butt, aren't you?">>
<br><<PHR "mc" "What? Of course not.">>
<<set _txt = "I can see you in the mirror, Mr. " + $mc.name + ".">>
<br><<PHR 1 _txt>>
<br>Your maid straightens up. In her hands, you see a bucket of ice. She starts taking the ice cubes one by one with special tongs and putting them in the glass.
<<if $MaidBackyard.catchpeeking == 0>>
<<set _txt = "Mr. " + $mc.name + ", this kind of behavior is inappropriate. Imagine that your wife decides to have a pool party and invites her friends. They'll feel very uncomfortable if you stare at them like that.">>
<br><<PHR 1 _txt>>
<br><<PHR 1 "Did you forget what I said last time?">>
<br><<PHR "mc" "No.">>
<br>Samantha fills the glass full.
<br><<PHR 1 "If this happens again, I'll have no choice but punish you. Until then, you are free to go.">>
<<btnEventLink "Finish/Закончить" "Backyard" "">>
<<case "mbedroom(main)">>
<<set $mansionCleanliness.mbedroom = 100>>
<<if $mcSkill.cleaning < 25>>
<<set $mcSkill.cleaning += 1>>
<<LocImg "actions" "mop floor">>
<<en "You clean the master bedroom.">>
<<ru "Ты наводишь порядок в комнате.">>
<<btnEventLink "Finish/Закончить" "Master Bedroom" "">>
<<case "mbedroom(maid on bed)">>
<<set $mansionCleanliness.mbedroom = 100>>
<<if $mcSkill.cleaning < 25>>
<<set $mcSkill.cleaning += 1>>
<<LocImg "actions" "mop floor">>
<<en "As you start to tidy up the room, Samantha walks in. She observes you for a while. Then, she walks over to your bed and starts putting the pillows together. Your maid sits down on the bed and leans back, spreading the pile of pillows she has made. Samantha throws her legs up on the bed and sighs in relief. You continue to swish the mop back and forth.">>
<<ru "Когда ты начинаешь наводить порядок в комнате, в нее входит Саманта. Некоторое время она наблюдает за тобой. Затем, она подходит к твоей кровати и начинает складывать подушки вместе. Твоя горничная садится на кровать и отклоняется назад, раздвигая сделанную ею кучу подушек. Саманта закидывает ноги на кровать и вздыхает с облегчением. Ты продолжаешь водить шваброй взад-вперед.">>
<<dlg_en 1 "You have such a comfy bed, Mr. $mc.name. I definitely need a similar one in my bedroom.">>
<<dlg_ru 1 "У вас такая удобная кровать, мистер $mc.name. Мне определенно нужна такая в моей спальне.">>
<<en "You cast a glance at your maid. The woman is lying with her head back, looking up at the ceiling.">>
<<ru "Ты бросаешь взгляд на свою горничную. Девушка лежит, задрав голову и рассматривая потолок.">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "It's custom made, and I don't think the common person can afford the same.">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Она сделана на заказ, и я не думаю, что обычный человек может позволить себе такую же.">>
<<en "Samantha turns to you.">>
<<ru "Саманта поворачивается к вам.">>
<<NPCmedia "samantha" "on mbedroom bed" 0>>
<<dlg_en 1 "In that case, why don't I take yours?">>
<<dlg_ru 1 "В таком случае, почему бы мне не забрать вашу?">>
<<en "Your maid laughs at her own joke. Then her face suddenly turns serious, as if she were a character in a hero movie that, during a dialogue with her friend, realized that the latter had been the main villain all the time.">>
<<ru "Твоя горничная смеется над собственной шуткой. Затем ее лицо внезапно становится серьезным, словно бы она была персонажем фильма про героев, который во время разговора со своим другом, осознал, что тот все время был главный злодеем.">>
<<dlg_en 1 "We'll return to that question. Now, I want to hear why you started a conversation when I didn't give you the signal for it. Such behavior is unacceptable for a servant.">>
<<dlg_ru 1 "Мы еще вернемся к этому вопросу. А сейчас, я хочу узнать, почему вы начали разговор, когда с моей стороны не было сигнала для этого? Подобное поведение неприемлимо для обслуги.">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "A signal? I don't get what you're talking about. And I'm not a servant.">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Сигнала? Я не понимаю, о чем ты говоришь. И я не обслуга.">>
<<dlg_en 1 "Really? Then why are you holding a mop while I'm lying on your bed?">>
<<dlg_ru 1 "Правда? Тогда почему вы держите в руках швабру в то время, как я лежу на вашей кровати?">>
<<en "The woman smiles wryly.">>
<<ru "Женщина ехидно улыбается.">>
<<dlg_en 1 "Though it's a big question as to how long it will remain yours.">>
<<dlg_ru 1 "Хотя это большой вопрос, как долго она будет оставаться вашей.">>
<<en "Samantha gestures to you. You set the mop aside, leaning its handle against the wall, and walk over to your maid. She lifts her head, and you read so much firmness in her sharp gaze that you feel discomfort. Your brain sends signals to your legs, wanting you to kneel beside this woman, but you manage to suppress the urge.">>
<<ru "Саманта жестом подзывает тебя. Ты отставляешь швабру в сторону, прислонив ее ручку к стене, и подходишь к своей горничной. Она поднимает голову, и в ее остром взгляде ты чувствуешь столько твердости, что тебе становится некомфортно. Твой мозг посылает сигналы твоим ногам, желая, чтобы ты стал на колени возле этой женщины, но тебе удается подавить это желание.">>
<<NPCmedia "samantha" "on mbedroom bed(turn)" 0>>
<<dlg_en 1 "I have to give you another lesson. Listen carefully, for very soon you will need to practice it.">>
<<dlg_ru 1 "Мне придется дать вам очередной урок. Слушайте внимательно, ведь очень скоро вам это пригодится.">>
<<en "She raises her hand and brings it up to her face. Her finger points to a spot right above the bridge of her nose.">>
<<ru "Она поднимает руку и подносит ее к своему лицу. Ее палец указывает на точку, прямо на ее переносицей.">>
<<dlg_en 1 "Remember, Mr. $mc.name. A servant can only speak or answer questions when the master is looking at him. In any other case, you can only be silent and agree with everything you hear. Even if for some reason you thought the master or his guests were addressing you. Do you understand that?">>
<<dlg_ru 1 "Запомните, мистер $mc.name. Слуга может говорить или отвечать на вопросы, только когда хозяин смотрит на него. В любом другом случае, вы можете только молчаливо соглашаться со всем, что вы слышите. Даже, если вам по какой-то причине показалось, что хозяин или его гости обращаются к вам. Вы это понимаете?">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "This is crossing all boundaries.">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Это уже переходит все границы.">>
<<dlg_en 1 "I didn't ask for your opinion. Answer the question.">>
<<dlg_ru 1 "Я не спрашивала вашего мнения. Отвечайте на вопрос.">>
<<en "You realize you can't defy this woman anymore.">>
<<ru "Ты понимаешь, что уже не в силах сопротивляться этой женщине.">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "Yes, I understand.">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Да, я понимаю.">>
<<dlg_en 1 "Good. Now, go and clean up some other place. I want to rest for a while.">>
<<dlg_ru 1 "Вот и славно. А теперь, идите наводить порядок куда-нибудь еще. Я хочу немного отдохнуть.">>
<<en "Samantha throws her head back and closes her eyes. It's obvious that she's not even considering any other option than for you to obey her completely and quietly leave your bedroom.">>
<<ru "Саманта откидывает голову назад и закрывает глаза. Очевидно, что она даже не рассматривает иного варианты, кроме того, что вы полностью подчинетесь ей и молчаливо покинете свою спальню.">>
<<btnEventLink "Leave/Уйти" "Hallway" "">>
<<case "mbedroom(maid on balcony)">>
<<set $mansionCleanliness.mbedroom = 100>>
<<if $mcSkill.cleaning < 25>>
<<set $mcSkill.cleaning += 1>>
<<set $MaidRoleReversal.balconyactive = true>>
<<set $mansionCleanliness.mbalconyactive = true>>
<<LocImg "actions" "mop floor">>
<<en "As you start to tidy up the room, Samantha walks in. She observes you for a while. Then she opens the door to the balcony and goes outside. After a while, however, she calls out to you.">>
<<ru "Когда ты начинаешь наводить порядок в комнате, в нее входит Саманта. Некоторое время она наблюдает за тобой. Затем она открывает дверь на балкон и выходит наружу. Однако спустя некоторое время на зовет тебя.">>
<<dlg_en 1 "Mr. $mc.name, come here.">>
<<dlg_ru 1 "Мистер $mc.name, подойдите сюда.">>
<<btnEventLink "Go to the balcony/Идти на балкон" "Samantha Takeover Cleaning Events" "mbedroom(maid on balcony 2)">>
<<case "mbedroom(maid on balcony 2)">>
<<NPCmedia "samantha" "on balcony(upper)" 0>>
<<dlg_en 1 "dom" "Explain to me what this is.">>
<<dlg_ru 1 "dom" "Объясните мне, что это такое.">>
<<en "Samantha swipes her fingers along the balcony railing, then raises her hand showing you the dust caught on it. You try to mumble something, but the woman doesn't give you a chance to defend yourself.">>
<<ru "Саманта проводит пальцами по ограде балкона, а затем поднимает руку демонстрируя вам прилипшую к ней пыль. Ты пытаешься что-то промямлить, но девушка не дает тебе шанса, чтобы оправдать себя.">>
<<dlg_en 1 "dom" "You need to clean it. Now.">>
<<dlg_ru 1 "dom" "Вам нужно почистить это. Сейчас же.">>
<<btnEventLink "Clean it/Протереть ограду" "Samantha Takeover Cleaning Events" "mbedroom(maid on balcony 3)">>
<<case "mbedroom(maid on balcony 3)">>
<<NPCmedia "samantha" "on balcony(upper)" 0>>
<<en "You return with a rag in your right hand and a bucket of soapy water in your left. It takes you about twenty minutes to complete the entire length of the fence. All this time Samanth is watching you intently.">>
<<ru "Ты возвращаешься с тряпкой в правой руке и ведром с мыльной водой в левой. У тебя уходит около двадцати минут, чтобы пройтись вдоль всей протяженности ограды. Все это время Самант пристально наблюдает за собой.">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "All done.">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Все сделано.">>
<<en "Your maid looks at you with a squint.">>
<<ru "Твоя горничная смотрит на тебя с прищуром.">>
<<dlg_en 1 "You forgot the most important part.">>
<<dlg_ru 1 "Вы забыли о самой важной детали.">>
<<en "She shows you her palm, the same palm she used to gather dust from the fence. You reach for your maid to wipe her hand, but she slaps you lightly on the wrist.">>
<<ru "Она показывает вам свою ладонь, ту самую, которой она собрала пыль с ограды. Ты тянешься к своей горничной, чтобы вытереть ее руку, но она легонько шлепает тебя по запястью.">>
<<dlg_en 1 "dom" "Don't even think about touching me with that disgusting thing. You need to use something more appropriate.">>
<<dlg_ru 1 "dom" "Даже не думайте прикоснуться ко мне этой отвратительной вещью. Вам нужно использовать что-то более подходящее.">>
<<th_en "She wants me to lick the dirt off her fingers.">>
<<th_ru "Она хочет, чтобы я слизал грязь с ее пальцев.">>
<<btnEventLink "Kneel/Опуститься на колени" "Samantha Takeover Cleaning Events" "mbedroom(maid on balcony 4)">>
<<case "mbedroom(maid on balcony 4)">>
<<NPCmedia "samantha" "on balcony(lower)" 0>>
<<en "You kneel down, and Samantha immediately extends her hand to you.">>
<<ru "Ты опускаешься на колени, и Саманта сразу же протягивает тебе свою руку.">>
<<dlg_en 1 "Finally, you get into the right position.">>
<<dlg_ru 1 "Наконец-то, вы заняли правильную позицию.">>
<<en "She practically puts her fingers in your mouth, and you have no choice but to start sucking on them. Then you stick your tongue out and start licking her palm.">>
<<ru "Она практически засовывает свои пальцы тебе в рот, и у тебя не остается ничего другого, кроме как начать обсасывать их. Затем ты высовываешь свой язык и начинаешь облизывать ее ладонь.">>
<<dlg_en 1 "Easy, Mr. $mc.name. You're not a dog after all.">>
<<dlg_ru 1 "Полегче, мистер $mc.name. Вы все-таки не собака.">>
<<en "After you finish, Samantha rubs your hair.">>
<<ru "После того, как ты заканчиваешь, Саманта треплет твои волосы.">>
<<dlg_en 1 "Good boy.">>
<<dlg_ru 1 "Хороший мальчик.">>
<<en "Turning around, your maid leaves the balcony.">>
<<ru "Развернувшись, твоя горничная покидает балкон.">>
<<btnEventLink "Leave/Уйти" "Master Bedroom" "">>
<<case "mbathroom(main)">>
<<set $mansionCleanliness.mbathroom = 100>>
<<if $mcSkill.cleaning < 25>>
<<set $mcSkill.cleaning += 1>>
<<LocImg "actions" "clean mirror">>
<<en "You clean the bathroom.">>
<<ru "Ты наводишь порядок в ванной.">>
<<btnEventLink "Finish/Закончить" "Master Bathroom" "">>
<<case "mbathroom(maid taking bath)">>
<<set $mansionCleanliness.mbathroom = 100>>
<<if $mcSkill.cleaning < 25>>
<<set $mcSkill.cleaning += 1>>
<<LocImg "actions" "clean mirror">>
<<en "As you start to tidy up the room, Samantha walks in.">>
<<ru "Когда ты начинаешь наводить порядок в комнате, в нее входит Саманта.">>
<<dlg_en 1 "Don't mind me, Mr. $mc.name. I just want to take a bath.">>
<<dlg_ru 1 "Не обращайте на меня внимания, мистер $mc.name. Я просто хочу принять ванную.">>
<<en "Samantha sets the temperature and begins to fill the tub. Then, without a moment's hesitation, she takes off all of her clothes and walks over to the cabinet, apparently to find some bath salts or something like that.">>
<<ru "Саманта настраивает температуру и начинает наполнять ванну. Затем, недолго думая, она полностью раздевается и подходит к шкафчику, видимо для того, чтобы найти соль для ванн или что-то в этом духе.">>
<<dlg_en 1 "I should have asked you to fill the tub before I came in. I will certainly do that next time.">>
<<dlg_ru 1 "Мне нужно было попросить вас наполнить ванну до того, как я приду. В следующий раз, я определенно так и сделаю.">>
<<btnEventLink "Continue/Продолжить" "Samantha Takeover Cleaning Events" "mbathroom(maid taking bath 2)">>
<<case "mbathroom(maid taking bath 2)">>
<<LocImg "actions" "clean mirror">>
<<en "Soon the tub fills and your maid gets in. You, on the other hand, keep cleaning. You start polishing the mirror with a napkin. In the reflection, you see the bathtub and Samantha's head peeking out. Your maid completely ignores your presence.">>
<<ru "Вскоре, ванна наполняется, и твоя горничная забирается в нее. Ты же продолжаешь уборку. Ты начинаешь полировать зеркало с помощью салфетки. В отражении ты видишь ванну и выглядывающую из нее голову Саманты. Твоя горничная полностью игнорирует твое присутствие.">>
<<en "You finish cleaning and are about to leave the room when Samantha calls you over.">>
<<ru "Ты заканчиваешь уборку и уже собираешься выйти из комнаты, как Саманта останавливает тебя.">>
<<dlg_en 1 "Mr. $mc.name, come here, please.">>
<<dlg_ru 1 "Мистер $mc.name, подойдите сюда, пожалуйста.">>
<<btnEventLink "Come to her/Подойти к ней" "Samantha Takeover Cleaning Events" "mbathroom(maid taking bath 3)">>
<<case "mbathroom(maid taking bath 3)">>
<<NPCmedia "samantha" "take bath(mansion)" 0>>
<<dlg_en 1 "Mr. $mc.name, take my clothes and take them to the laundry room. And on your way back, grab a bathrobe from my house.">>
<<dlg_ru 1 "Мистер $mc.name, возьмите мою одежду и отнесите ее вниз, в прачечную. А на обратном пути, захватите халат из моего домика.">>
<<en "You squat down and start picking up your maid's clothes, piece by piece. After folding everything together, you get up and turn to Samantha. The girl is lying in the tub, eyes closed and not paying any attention to you.">>
<<ru "Ты опускаешься на корточки и начинаешь собирать одежду своей горничной, вещь за вещью. Свернув все вместе, ты поднимаешься и поворачиваешься к Саманте. Девушка лежит в ванне, закрыв глаза и не обращая на тебя никакого внимания.">>
<<btnEventLink "Take her things to the laundry/Отнести ее вещи в прачечную" "Samantha Takeover Cleaning Events" "mbathroom(maid taking bath 4)">>
<<case "mbathroom(maid taking bath 4)">>
<<NPCmedia "samantha" "take bath(mansion)(after)" 0>>
<<en "You return to the bathroom with the robe. Samantha extends her hand to you, and you help her out of the tub. She stands on the mat.">>
<<ru "Ты возвращаешься в ванную с халатом. Саманта протягивает тебе руку, и ты помогаешь ей выбраться из ванной. Она становится на коврик.">>
<<dlg_en 1 "Mr. $mc.name, towel!">>
<<dlg_ru 1 "Мистер $mc.name, полотенце!">>
<<en "You rush to get a towel from the cabinet. Your maid spreads her arms apart, and you realize that she is offering you to dry her body. You walk up to her and touch her shoulder with the towel.">>
<<ru "Ты спешишь взять полотенце из шкафчика. Твоя горничная расставляет руки в стороны, и ты понимаешь, что она предлагает тебе вытереть ее тело. Ты подходишь к ней и касаешься полотенцем ее плеча.">>
<<th_en "She doesn't say anything, so everything is in order.">>
<<th_ru "Она молчит, значит, все в порядке.">>
<<en "After running the towel around her neck and shoulders, you go down to her full breasts.">>
<<ru "Проведя полотенцем по ее шее и плечам, ты спускаешься к ее полным грудям.">>
<<dlg_en 1 "Be more active, Mr. $mc.name. I'm not planning to stand here all day.">>
<<dlg_ru 1 "Будьте активнее, мистер $mc.name. Я не собираюсь стоять здесь весь день.">>
<<en "You wipe her breasts and then her soft belly. Then you get down on one knee to dry her legs. The blond hair on her pubes is at your eye level, causing you to avert your gaze. Samantha makes no comment on your actions. An image emerges in your mind of her hand grabbing your hair and pressing your head against her owner's crotch. The girl doesn't say a word, but she doesn't need to.">>
<<ru "Ты вытираешь ее груди, а затем и ее мягкий животик. Затем ты опускаешься на одно колено, чтобы высушить ее ноги. Светлые волосы на ее лобке оказываются на уровне твоих глаз, и ты отводишь взгляд. Саманта никак не комментирует твои действия. В твоей голове возникает образ, как ее рука хватает твои волосы и прижимает твою голову к промежности своей хозяйки. Девушка не говорит не слова, но этого и не требуется.">>
<<en "Just the thought of licking your maid's pussy makes your cock begin to swell. Samantha notices your confusion.">>
<<ru "От одной только мысли, как ты мог бы вылизывать киску твоей горничной, твой член начинает набухать. Саманта замечает твое замешательство.">>
<<dlg_en 1 "Hurry up, Mr. $mc.name.">>
<<dlg_ru 1 "Быстрее, мистер $mc.name.">>
<<en "You get to your feet and walk around the girl. You dry her back and then her round ass.">>
<<ru "Ты поднимаешься на ноги и обходишь девушку. Ты вытираешь ее спину, а затем и круглую попку.">>
<<dlg_en 1 "Now help me get dressed.">>
<<dlg_ru 1 "Теперь помогите мне одеться.">>
<<en "You help her put the robe on. This time Samantha doesn't bother to thank you. Instead, the girl heads to the mirror and begins to tidy her hair.">>
<<ru "Ты помогаешь ей накинуть халат. В этот раз Саманта не утруждает себя благодарностью. Вместо этого, девушка направляется к зеркалу и начинает приводить в порядок свои волосы.">>
<<NPCmedia "samantha" "take bath(mansion)(mirror)" 1>>
<<dlg_en 1 "You know, I've been walking around the mansion, and you don't seem to be doing a very good job, Mr. $mc.name.">>
<<dlg_ru 1 "Знаете, я немного прошлась по особняку, и похоже, что вы не очень справляетесь со своими обязанностями, мистер $mc.name.">>
<<btnEventLink "Follow her/Идти за ней" "Samantha Takeover Cleaning Events" "mbathroom(maid taking bath 5)">>
<<case "mbathroom(maid taking bath 5)">>
<<NPCmedia "samantha" "take bath(mansion)(give notes)" 0>>
<<en "You go into the bedroom. Samantha leans over to the bedside table to get a pen and a notebook. The flaps of her robe are pulled up, exposing her huge ass. The girl writes something quickly, rips a piece of paper out of the notepad, and holds it out to you.">>
<<ru "Вы выходите в спальню. Саманта наклонятся к прикроватной тумбочке, чтобы достать из не ручку и блокнот. Полы ее халата задираются, обнажая ее огромную задницу. Девушка что-то быстро пишет, вырывает листок из блокнота и протягивает вам.">>
<<dlg_en 1 "Here's the list. If you have any questions, I'll be downstairs.">>
<<dlg_ru 1 "Вот список. Если у вас возникнут вопросы, я буду внизу.">>
<<en "You hold the sheet up to your face.">>
<<ru "Ты подносишь листок к лицу.">>
<<set $MaidToDoList = addMaidToDoList("-2ndfloor")>>
<<set $MaidToDoList = addMaidToDoList("-stairs")>>
<<set $MaidToDoList = addMaidToDoList("-plants")>>
<<en "<i>-Clean the second floor hallway</i>">>
<<ru "<i>-Помыть коридор второго этажа</i>">>
<<en "<i>-Clean the stairs</i>">>
<<ru "<i>-Помыть лестницу</i>">>
<<en "<i>-Water the plants</i>">>
<<ru "<i>-Полить комнатные растения</i>">>
<<btnEventLink "Clean the second floor hallway/Помыть коридор второго этажа" "Samantha Takeover Cleaning Events" "clean mirror(second floor)">>
<<btnEventLink "Clean the stairs/Помыть лестницу" "Samantha Takeover Cleaning Events" "clean mirror(stairs)">>
<<btnEventLink "Water the plants/Полить комнатные растения" "Samantha Takeover Cleaning Events" "clean mirror(plants)">>
<<case "clean mirror(second floor)">>
<br><<set $MaidToDoList = removeMaidToDoList("-2ndfloor")>>
<<LocImg "actions" "mop floor">>
<<en "You wash the floor of the second floor. You can't say it gets dirty often, but you still need to mop it from time to time.">>
<<ru "Ты моешь пол второго этажа. Нельзя сказать, что он часто загрязняется, но все же, время от времени, необходимо протирать его.">>
<<if $MaidToDoList != "">>
<<if checkMaidToDoList("-stairs")>>
<<btnEventLink "Clean the stairs/Помыть лестницу" "Samantha Takeover Cleaning Events" "clean mirror(stairs)">>
<<if checkMaidToDoList("-plants")>>
<<btnEventLink "Water the plants/Полить комнатные растения" "Samantha Takeover Cleaning Events" "clean mirror(plants)">>
<<SkipTimeBlock 1>>
<<btnEventLink "Find your maid/Найти Саманту" "Samantha Takeover Cleaning Events" "clean mirror(milkshake)">>
<<case "clean mirror(stairs)">>
<br><<set $MaidToDoList = removeMaidToDoList("-stairs")>>
<<LocImg "actions" "clean staircase">>
<<en "You vacuum the stairs and wipe down the railing.">>
<<ru "Ты пылесосишь лестницу и протираешь перила.">>
<<if $MaidToDoList != "">>
<<if checkMaidToDoList("-2ndfloor")>>
<<btnEventLink "Clean the second floor hallway/Помыть коридор второго этажа" "Samantha Takeover Cleaning Events" "clean mirror(second floor)">>
<<if checkMaidToDoList("-plants")>>
<<btnEventLink "Water the plants/Полить комнатные растения" "Samantha Takeover Cleaning Events" "clean mirror(plants)">>
<<SkipTimeBlock 1>>
<<btnEventLink "Find your maid/Найти Саманту" "Samantha Takeover Cleaning Events" "clean mirror(milkshake)">>
<<case "clean mirror(plants)">>
<<set $MaidToDoList = removeMaidToDoList("-plants")>>
<<LocImg "actions" "water plants">>
<<en "You're watering the plants and the thought goes through your head that you didn't know you had so many different plants in your mansion.">>
<<ru "Ты поливаешь растения и в твоей голове крутится мысль о том, что ты и не знал, что в твоем особняке находится столько различных растений.">>
<<if $MaidToDoList != "">>
<<if checkMaidToDoList("-2ndfloor")>>
<<btnEventLink "Clean the second floor hallway/Помыть коридор второго этажа" "Samantha Takeover Cleaning Events" "clean mirror(second floor)">>
<<if checkMaidToDoList("-stairs")>>
<<btnEventLink "Clean the stairs/Помыть лестницу" "Samantha Takeover Cleaning Events" "clean mirror(stairs)">>
<<SkipTimeBlock 1>>
<<btnEventLink "Find your maid/Найти Саманту" "Samantha Takeover Cleaning Events" "clean mirror(milkshake)">>
<<case "clean mirror(milkshake)">>
<<LocImg "mc_house" "kitchen">>
<<en "You walk into the kitchen and see Samantha sitting at the table looking at her phone.">>
<<ru "Ты заходишь на кухню и видищь Саманту, которая сидит за столом и смотрит в телефон.">>
<<dlg_en 1 "Mr. $mc.name, you're finally here. I was just wondering what was taking you so long.">>
<<dlg_ru 1 "Мистер $mc.name, наконец-то вы пришли. Я уже заждалась.">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "What's the problem?">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Что случилось?">>
<<dlg_en 1 "I want a milkshake. Of course, I could make it myself, but then this day's vibe would be irretrievably lost. So, could you keep treating me and make this milkshake for me?">>
<<dlg_ru 1 "Я хочу молочный коктейль. Само собой, я бы могла сделать его сама, но тогда бы тон этого дня был бы безвозвратно утерен. Так что, не могли бы продолжить ухаживать за мной и приготовить для меня этот коктейль?">>
<<if $MaidServing.milkshakecount == 0>>
<<btnEventLink "Make milkshake for her/Сделать коктейль для нее" "Samantha Takeover Cleaning Events" "clean mirror(milkshake)(first time)">>
<<btnEventLink "Make milkshake for her/Сделать коктейль для нее" "Samantha Takeover Cleaning Events" "clean mirror(milkshake)(main)">>
<<case "clean mirror(milkshake)(first time)">>
<<set $MaidServing.milkshakecount += 1>>
<<set $MaidServing.milkshaketype = "">>
<<set $MaidPunish.kitchenslap += 1>>
<<LocImg "misc" "milkshake">>
<<en "You take fresh strawberries out of the fridge and rinse them under cold water. Then you put the berries in a bowl, pour milk over them, and add the ice cream you found in the freezer. After mixing the contents, you pour the cocktail into a glass and serve it to Samantha.">>
<<ru "Ты достаешь из холодильника свежую клубнику и промываешь ее под холодной водой. Затем ты кладешь ягоды в миску, заливаешь их молоком и добавляешь найденное в морозилке мороженое. Взбив содержимое, ты переливаешь коктейль в стакан и подаешь Саманте.">>
<<en "Samantha puts the straw in her mouth and tastes the milkshake.">>
<<ru "Саманта кладет трубочку в рот и пробует коктейль.">>
<<dlg_en 1 "Mr. $mc.name, do you know what my favorite flavor for milkshakes is?">>
<<dlg_ru 1 "Мистер $mc.name, вы знаете, какой вкус для молочных коктейлей мой любимый?">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "No.">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Нет.">>
<<dlg_en 1 "Then why didn't you ask before you randomly made one?">>
<<dlg_ru 1 "Тогда, почему не поинтересовались перед тем, как бездумно сделать один?">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "I just...">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Просто я...">>
<<dlg_en 1 "I'm tired of having to tell you how to do the simplest things every time.">>
<<dlg_ru 1 "Я устала от того, что мне каждый раз нужно говорить вам, как делать самые простые вещи.">>
<<en "Your maid points to the floor in front of you.">>
<<ru "Твоя горничная указывает на пол перед собой.">>
<<dlg_en 1 "dom" "On your knees!">>
<<dlg_ru 1 "dom" "На колени!">>
<<en "Stunned by her commanding tone, you feel like you're losing control of your body, and your legs buckle. The girl turns around in her chair so that she's facing you. Your gazes meet and you stare at each other for a few seconds before you look away.">>
<<ru "Опешив от ее командного тона, ты словно теряешь контроль на своим телом, и твои ноги сами подгибаются. Девушка разворачивается на стуле таким образом, чтобы оказаться лицом к лицу с вами. Ваши взгляды встречаются, и в течении нескольких секунд вы пристально смотрите друг на друга, прежде чем ты отводишь взгляд.">>
<<NPCmedia "samantha" "tower at you 2" 0>>
<<en "At that moment, the smile from your maid's face disappears, and your face burns with a powerful slap.">>
<<ru "В этот момент улыбка с лица твоей горничной пропадает, и твое лицо обжигает мощной пощечиной.">>
<<dlg_en 1 "This will serve as a reminder to you. Now...">>
<<dlg_ru 1 "Это послужит вам напоминанием. А теперь...">>
<<en "Samantha brings the cocktail to your face. You cast a hesitant look at her, and your maid grabs your chin with her thumb and forefinger.">>
<<ru "Саманта подносит коктейль к твоему лицу. Ты бросаешь на нее нерешительный взгляд, и твоя горничная хватает тебя за подбородок большим и указательным пальцами.">>
<<dlg_en 1 "Open you mouth, Mr. $mc.name.">>
<<dlg_ru 1 "Откройте ротик, мистер $mc.name.">>
<<en "You do as she says, and the girl immediately shoves the tube into your mouth.">>
<<ru "Ты делаешь, как она говорит, и девушка тут же запихивает трубочку тебе в рот.">>
<<dlg_en 1 "Bottoms up!">>
<<dlg_ru 1 "Пейте. До дна!">>
<<en "The girl doesn't stop holding your face while you sip your milkshake. Only when there is a slurping sound, indicating that the glass is empty, does she remove her hand.">>
<<ru "Девушка не прекращает держать тебя за лицо в то время, как ты поглощаешь молочный коктейль. Лишь когда раздается хлюпающий звук, указывающий что стакан опустел, она убирает свою руку.">>
<<dlg_en 1 "Good job. Now make me a new one.">>
<<dlg_ru 1 "Молодец. А теперь сделай мне новый.">>
<<en "You rise to your feet.">>
<<ru "Ты поднимаешься на ноги.">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "What flavor do you prefer?">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Какой вкус ты предпочитаешь?">>
<<dlg_en 1 "I want blueberry today.">>
<<dlg_ru 1 "Сегодня я хочу черничный.">>
<<btnEventLink "Make a new milkshake for her/Сделать новый коктейль для нее" "Samantha Takeover Cleaning Events" "clean mirror(milkshake)(end)">>
<<case "clean mirror(milkshake)(main)">>
<<LocImg "misc" "milkshake(blueberry)">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "I can do one. What flavor do you want?">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Я могу сделать один. Какой вкус ты предпочитаешь?">>
<<dlg_en 1 "I want blueberry today.">>
<<dlg_ru 1 "Сегодня я хочу черничный.">>
<<en "You take fresh blueberries out of the fridge and rinse them under cold water. Then you put the berries in a bowl, pour milk over them, and add the ice cream you found in the freezer. After mixing the contents, you pour the cocktail into a glass and serve it to Samantha.">>
<<ru "Ты достаешь из холодильника свежую чернику и промываешь ее под холодной водой. Затем ты кладешь ягоды в миску, заливаешь их молоком и добавляешь найденное в морозилке мороженое. Взбив содержимое, ты переливаешь коктейль в стакан и подаешь Саманте.">>
<<en "Samantha puts the straw in her mouth and tastes the milkshake. Then girl turns around in her chair so that she's facing you.">>
<<ru "Саманта кладет трубочку в рот и пробует коктейль. Затем девушка разворачивается на стуле таким образом, чтобы оказаться лицом к лицу с вами.">>
<<dlg_en 1 "dom" "On your knees!">>
<<dlg_ru 1 "dom" "На колени!">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "But I did...">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Но я же...">>
<<dlg_en 1 "dom" "Don't make me say it twice.">>
<<dlg_ru 1 "dom" "Не заставляйте меня повторять дважды.">>
<<en "You feel the familiar weakness in your knees, and your legs buckle. Samantha stares at you, and her hand moves threateningly closer to your face. You tense involuntarily, expecting a slap, but your maid simply takes you by the chin.">>
<<ru "Ты чувствуешь уже знакомую слабость в коленях, и твои ноги сами подгибаются. Саманта пристально смотрит на тебя, а ее рука начинает угрожающе приближаться к твоему лицу. Ты невольно напрягаешься, ожидая пощечины, но твоя горничная всего лишь берет тебя за подбородок.">>
<<NPCmedia "samantha" "tower at you 2" 0>>
<<dlg_en 1 "What's wrong, Mr. $mc.name? Are you afraid of your own maid?">>
<<dlg_ru 1 "Что не так, мистер $mc.name? Вы боитесь собственной горничной?">>
<<en "She brings a cocktail glass to your face.">>
<<ru "Она подносит бокал с коктейлем к вашему лицу.">>
<<dlg_en 1 "I just wanted to thank you for your excellent service. So you can have a little sip.">>
<<dlg_ru 1 "Я всего лишь хотела поблагодарить вас за отличную работу. Так что, можете сделать небольшой глоток.">>
<<en "As if mesmerized, you put the straw in your mouth and sip from the glass. Samantha's smile grows even wider at this point.">>
<<ru "Словно завороженный, кладешь трубочку в рот и отпиваешь из стакана. Улыбка Саманты в этот момент становится еще шире.">>
<<dlg_en 1 "All right, that's enough. You can go now. And find something useful to do.">>
<<dlg_ru 1 "Ну хватит-хватит. Вы можете идти. И займитесь чем-то полезным.">>
<<RemoveStat 1 "obedience" 2 -50>>
<<btnEventLink "Finish/Закончить" "Hallway" "">>
<<case "clean mirror(milkshake)(end)">>
<<LocImg "misc" "milkshake(blueberry)">>
<<en "You do everything like last time, only this time you add blueberries.">>
<<ru "Ты делаешь все, как в прошлый раз, только в этот раз добавляешь чернику.">>
<<dlg_en 1 "Good job, Mr. $mc.name.">>
<<dlg_ru 1 "Хорошая работа, мистер $mc.name.">>
<<en "The girl sips from her glass.">>
<<ru "Девушка отпивает из стакана.">>
<<dlg_en 1 "You're free to go. And find something useful to do.">>
<<dlg_ru 1 "Вы можете идти. И займитесь чем-то полезным.">>
<<RemoveStat 1 "obedience" 2 -50>>
<<btnEventLink "Finish/Закончить" "Hallway" "">>
<<case "cleaning her room">>
<<LocImg "mc_house" "sport show">>
<<en "Shortly after the match begins, Samantha enters the room wearing a bikini. Looks like she just finished sunbathing in the backyard.">>
<<ru "Вскоре после начала матча, в комнату заходит Саманта, одетая в бикини. Судя по всему, она только что закончила загорать на заднем дворе.">>
<<dlg_en 1 "Slacking off again?">>
<<dlg_ru 1 "Снова бездельничаете?">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "What? What are you talking about?">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Что? О чем ты говоришь?">>
<<dlg_en 1 "I've been working here for months and I know it's impossible to clean the entire mansion before the afternoon.">>
<<dlg_ru 1 "Я работаю здесь не первый месяц и точно знаю, что до обеда навести порядок во всем особняке невозможно.">>
<<en "Your maid comes over to the couch and stands in front of you, blocking the TV.">>
<<ru "Твоя горничная подходит к дивану и становится перед тобой, заслоняя телевизор.">>
<<dlg_en 1 "Besides, you haven't cleaned my house yet.">>
<<dlg_ru 1 "К тому же, вы еще не убирались в моем доме.">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "That wasn't part of the deal.">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Мы не договаривались об этом.">>
<<dlg_en 1 "Really? Of course you have to clean my house. In addition...">>
<<dlg_ru 1 "Разве? Само собой, что вы должны обслуживать и мой дом тоже. К тому же...">>
<<en "Samantha leans toward you.">>
<<ru "Саманта наклоняется к тебе.">>
<<dlg_en 1 "You like that, don't you?">>
<<dlg_ru 1 "Вам это нравится не так ли?">>
<<en "She gives you a light slap.">>
<<ru "Она дает тебе несильную пощечину.">>
<<dlg_en 1 "You're my cleaning bitch, right?">>
<<dlg_ru 1 "Вы моя сучка для уборки, верно?">>
<<en "Her palm lands on your cheek again, burning your skin.">>
<<ru "Ее ладонь снова приземляется на твою щеку, обжигая твою кожу.">>
<<dlg_en 1 "Right?">>
<<dlg_ru 1 "Верно?">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "Yes.">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Да.">>
<<en "The girl straightens up.">>
<<ru "Девушка выпрямляется.">>
<<dlg_en 1 "Then follow me.">>
<<dlg_ru 1 "Тогда следуйте за мной.">>
<<btnEventLink "Follow her/Идти за ней" "Samantha Takeover Cleaning Events" "cleaning her room 2">>
<<case "cleaning her room 2">>
<<LocImg "mc_house" "bedroom (gardener)">>
<<en "After entering her house, you go to the bedroom. It doesn't look like the room is in disarray.">>
<<ru "Зайдя в ее домик, вы направляетесь в спальню. Не похоже, что комната находится в беспорядке.">>
<<th_en "She must be continuing to keep her house in order.">>
<<th_ru "Должно быть она продолжает наводить порядок в своем доме.">>
<<en "Nevertheless, Samantha provides you with a rag and detergent, and you start wiping dust off the furniture. Your maid, meanwhile, drops her bikini and walks over to her clothes closet.">>
<<ru "Тем не менее, Саманта предоставляет вам тряпку и моющее средство, и ты принимаешься протирать мебель от пыли. Твоя горничная тем временем, сбрасывает бикини и подходит к шкафу с одеждой.">>
<<dlg_en 1 "It's time for me to go to the gym, so you'll have to do without my instructions.">>
<<dlg_ru 1 "Мне пора отправляться в спортзал, так что вам придется обойтись без моего руководства.">>
<<en "The woman turns to you and smiles.">>
<<ru "Девушка поворачивается к тебе и улыбается.">>
<<NPCmedia "samantha" "her bedroom(undress)" 0>>
<<dlg_en 1 "But I think you'll be fine. You've learned a lot in the last few days.">>
<<dlg_ru 1 "Но, думаю, вы справитесь. Вы многому научились за последние дни.">>
<<en "Samantha takes her underwear out of the closet and sits down on the bed to put it on.">>
<<ru "Саманта достает из шкафа нижнее белье и садиться на кровать, чтобы одеть его.">>
<<th_en "I better get back to work or she'll think I'm staring at her.">>
<<th_ru "Лучше вернуться к работе, иначе она решит, что я пялюсь на нее.">>
<<en "You turn away and continue cleaning. Your maid doesn't comment on your actions, as if she's lost all interest in you. After a while, you do decide to turn around and see that the girl is practically dressed.">>
<<ru "Ты отворачиваешься и продолжаешь уборку. Твоя горничная никак не комментирует твои действия, словно бы она потеряла к тебе всякий интерес. Спустя некоторое время ты все же решаешь развернуться и видишь, что девушка практически оделась.">>
<<dlg_en 1 "Don't forget to also clean the bathroom and do the laundry.">>
<<dlg_ru 1 "Не забудьте также убраться в ванной и постирать мои вещи. Они в стиральной машине.">>
<<en "She puts on a top, grabs her gym bag and leaves the room.">>
<<ru "Она натягивает топ, берет свою спортивную сумку и выходит из комнаты.">>
<<btnEventLink "Finish/Закончить" "Hallway" "">>
<</switch>>/* [[212 Stone St]] */
/* [[Third Avenue]] */
/* [[Fifth Avenue]] */
<<include "Downtown Event Hub">>
<<switch $location.sub>>
<<case "">>
<<LocImg "downtown" "apartment block">>
<<set _navid = 0>>
<<set $NavigationSlot = []>>
<<set $NavigationSlotName = []>>
<<set $NavigationSlotSub = []>>
<<if $MilaApartment.rented>>
<<set $NavigationSlot[_navid] = "212 Stone St">>
<<set $NavigationSlotName[_navid] = "212 Stone St">>
<<set $NavigationSlotSub[_navid] = "">>
<<set _navid += 1>>
<<if $locAtt[80].discovered>>
<<set $NavigationSlot[_navid] = "Third Avenue">>
<<set $NavigationSlotName[_navid] = "Third Avenue">>
<<set $NavigationSlotSub[_navid] = "">>
<<set _navid += 1>>
<<if $BelindaGiveAdress>>
<<set $NavigationSlot[_navid] = "Fifth Avenue">>
<<set $NavigationSlotName[_navid] = "Fifth Avenue">>
<<set $NavigationSlotSub[_navid] = "">>
<<set _navid += 1>>
<<set _navid -= 1>>
<<NavigationTable _navid>>
<<btnLink "Leave" "Downtown Map" "">>
<<include "Downtown Event Hub">>
<<switch $location.sub>>
<<case "">>
<<LocImg "downtown" "apartment avenue">>
<<set _navid = 0>>
<<set $NavigationSlot = []>>
<<set $NavigationSlotName = []>>
<<set $NavigationSlotSub = []>>
<<set $NavigationSlot[0] = "Fifth Avenue Parking">>
<<set $NavigationSlotName[0] = "Parking">>
<<set $NavigationSlotSub[0] = "belinda apartment(parking)">>
<<set _navid += 1>>
<<set _navid -= 1>>
<<NavigationTable _navid>>
<<btnLink "Leave" "Apartment Block" "">>
<<case "belinda apartment(parking)">>
<<LocImg "downtown" "apartment avenue parking">>
<<if $BelindaGiveAdress and $NPCstat[24].meet == false>>
<<btnEventLink "Find Belinda's car" "Belinda Storyline Vacation" "check her car(first)">>
<<btnLink "Leave" "Apartment Block" "">>
<</switch>><<switch $EventMark>>
/* ---------- ASK ABOUT CAR ---------- */
<<case "ask about car">>
<<LocImg "misc" "get message">>
<<en "As soon as you walk into the office, you receive a call from an unknown number. When you answer the call, you hear a woman's voice.">>
<<ru "Стоит тебе зайти в офис, как ты получаешь звонок с незнакомого номера. Приняв звонок, ты слышишь женский голос.">>
<<dlg_en 16 "call" "Boss, boss, do you recognize me?">>
<<dlg_ru 16 "call" "Босс, босс, вы узнали меня?">>
<<en "You try to remember the owner of this voice, but the woman herself rescues you and, almost immediately, reveals her name.">>
<<ru "Ты пытаешься примомнить владелицу этого голоса, но девушка сама приходит тебе на выручку и, практически сразу, называет свое имя.">>
<<dlg_en 16 "call" "It's me, Belinda. I'm surprised you forgot my voice so fast.">>
<<dlg_ru 16 "call" "Это я, Белинда. Я удивлена, что вы так быстро забыли мой голос.">>
<<th_en "You didn't even give me a chance to think about it.">>
<<th_ru "Да ты даже не дала мне опомниться.">>
<<dlg_en 16 "call" "Don't tell me you didn't miss me? I know you're a busy man, but,.. you haven't even called me once. It's really hurting me.">>
<<dlg_ru 16 "call" "Только не говорите мне, что не скучали по мне? Я понимаю, что вы занятой человек, но... вы даже ни разу не позвонили мне. Я очень расстроена.">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "I just...">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" " Я всего лишь...">>
<<dlg_en 16 "call" "Don't interrupt me, boss. I'm calling you for a reason. I need you to...">>
<<dlg_ru 16 "call" "Не перебивайте меня, босс. Я ведь звоню вам не просто так. Мне нужно, чтобы вы...">>
<<en "You're hearing some voices in the background.">>
<<ru "Ты слышишь какие-то голоса на заднем фоне.">>
<<dlg_en 16 "call" "Wait a moment, boss.">>
<<dlg_ru 16 "call" "Погодите минутку, босс.">>
<<btnEventLink "Continue/Продолжить" "Belinda Storyline Vacation" "ask about car 2">>
<<case "ask about car 2">>
<<set $money.golden -= 3000>>
<<set $BelindaGiveAdress = true>>
<<LocImg "misc" "get message">>
<<en "After a while, Belinda continues the talk.">>
<<ru "Спустя некоторое время, Белинда продолжает разговор.">>
<<dlg_en 16 "call" "The waitress brought the bill so I had to pay. Restaurants in France are fancy, but I think you're familiar with that fact. I don't miss American food at all.">>
<<dlg_ru 16 "call" "Официантка принесла счет, и мне нужно было расплатиться. Во Франции просто шикарные рестораны, но вам этот факт знаком. Я совсем не скучаю по американской еде.">>
<<dlg_en 16 "call" "But what I really miss is my new car. Actually, I was just about to ask you to check it out for me. I'll text you the address of my apartment. You'll need to go down to the underground parking lot and see if anything's happened to my baby.">>
<<dlg_ru 16 "call" "Но вот чего мне действительно не хватает, так это моей новой машины. Кстати, я как раз хотела, чтобы вы проверили ее для меня. Я скину вам адре моей квартиры. Вам нужно будет спуститься на подземную парковку и узнать, не случилось ли что с моей малышкой.">>
<<en "There are voices in the background again.">>
<<ru "На задней фоне снова раздаются чьи-то голоса.">>
<<dlg_en 16 "call" "Gotta go, boss. Don't forget to text me when you get there.">>
<<dlg_ru 16 "call" "Мне пора, босс. Не забудьте отписаться мне, когда будете на месте.">>
<<btnEventLink "Finish/Закончить" "Your Office" "">>
<<case "check her car(first)">>
<<NPCmedia "belinda" "her car(parking)" 0>>
<<en 'You send a message to Belinda that the car is fine, but she immediately makes a video call and asks you to switch the camera so she can see how her "baby" is doing.'>>
<<ru 'Ты отсылаешь сообщение Белинде, что с машиной все в порядке, но она тут же делает видеозвонок и просит тебя переключить камеру, чтобы она самолично оценить состояние ее "малышки".'>>
<<dlg_en 16 "call" "Boss, don't you see that stain? Right on the hood.">>
<<dlg_ru 16 "call" "Босс, разве вы не видите это пятно? Прямо на капоте.">>
<<en "You hear some voices in the background.">>
<<ru "Ты слышишь какие-то голоса на заднем фоне.">>
<<dlg_en 16 "call" "I gotta go, boss. Please get rid of that stain. I'll thank you later.">>
<<dlg_ru 16 "call" "Мне нужно идти, босс. Прошу вас, избавьтесь от этого пятна. Я поблагодарю вас позже.">>
<<en "Belinda hangs up.">>
<<ru "Белинда бросает трубку.">>
<<LocImg "downtown" "downtown hypermarket">>
<<set $money.golden -= 4000>>
<<set $money.pocket -= 6>>
<<en "You head to the nearest supermarket and buy a sponge and detergent. Back in the parking lot, you start thinking about next action.">>
<<ru "Ты направляешься в ближайший супермаркет и покупаешь губку и моющее средство. Вернувшись на парковку, ты начинаешь размышлять над следующим шагом.">>
<<if $MainKinks.blackmailed>>
<<btnEventLink "Wash the car yourself/Помыть машину самому" "Belinda Storyline Vacation" "check her car(wash yourself)">>
<<btnEventLink "Wash the car yourself/Помыть машину самому" "Belinda Storyline Vacation" "check her car(wash yourself end)">>
<<btnEventLink "Find someone/Найти кого-нибудь" "Belinda Storyline Vacation" "check her car(find someone)">>
<<btnEventLink "Leave/Уйти" "Fifth Avenue" "">>
<<case "check her car(wash yourself)">>
<<set $NPCstat[24].meet = true>>
<<LocImg "actions" "wash car(white)">>
<<en "You decide it would be quicker and easier to clean the car yourself. However, as you make a few movements with the sponge, you hear footsteps behind you.">>
<<ru "Ты решаешь, что протереть машину самому будет быстрее и проще. Однако, стоит тебе сделать несколько движений губкой, как позади тебя раздаются шаги.">>
<<dlg_en 24 "What are you doing?">>
<<dlg_ru 24 "Что это вы делаете?">>
<<en "You turn around and see a young girl in a short skirt. She is holding a large cup of coffee.">>
<<ru "Ты оборачиваешься и видишь молодую девушку в короткой юбке. В руках она держит большой стаканчик с кофе.">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "Washing my car, if you don't see it.">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Мою свою машину, если ты не видишь.">>
<<dlg_en 24 "But it's not your car. It is owned by my upstairs neighbor.">>
<<dlg_ru 24 "Но это не ваша машина. Она принадлежит моей соседке с верхнего этажа.">>
<<en "You leave the sponge on the hood and turn fully to the girl.">>
<<ru "Ты оставляешь губку на капоте и полностью поворачиваешься девушке.">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "Look, she asked me to check if everything is okay.">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Слушай, она попросила меня проверить, все ли в порядке.">>
<<NPCmedia "chloe" "in parking lot(laughing)" 0>>
<<en "The girl bursts with laughter.">>
<<ru "Девушка прыскает от смеха.">>
<<dlg_en 24 "Then why do you need a sponge? Are you her servant or something?">>
<<dlg_ru 24 "А зачем тогда губка? Ты ее слуга, что ли?">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "Hey, it's none of your business.">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Хей, это не твое дело, чем я занимаюсь.">>
<<dlg_en 24 "Maybe, it's mine. I don't want some creepy guy strolling around my house.">>
<<dlg_ru 24 "А может и мое? Мне не хотелось бы, чтобы какие-то стремные мужики бродили возле моего дома.">>
<<en "You're about to answer her, but at that moment her expression changes and she interrupts you.">>
<<ru "Ты собираешься ей ответить, но в этот момент выражение ее лица изменяется, и она перебивает тебя.">>
<<dlg_en 24 "Wait, I recognize you. You run this company, what's it named... Can't remember.">>
<<dlg_ru 24 "Постой, я тебя узнала. Ты заправляешь этой компанией, как же она называется... Не могу вспомнить.">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "You mistake me for someone else.">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Ты меня с кем-то перепутала.">>
<<dlg_en 24 "No, I saw you on the cover of one of those stupid magazines my mom reads.">>
<<dlg_ru 24 "Да нет же, я недавно видела тебя на обложке одного из этих дебильных журналов, что читает моя мать.">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "And what do you want? Autograph?">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Тебе автограф что ли выписать?">>
<<dlg_en 24 "Why would I need it? I'd be much more interested if you'd tell me how you know my neighbor. Don't tell me she's your employee. Girls like her never work a day in their life.">>
<<dlg_ru 24 "Зачем она мне? Куда более интересно, если ты расскажешь, откуда знаешь мою соседку. Только не говори, что она твоя подчиненная. Такие девушки ни дня в своей жизни не работают.">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "Actually, she is...">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Вообще-то, она как раз моя...">>
<<dlg_en 24 "Are you seriously gonna start making excuses? Look, anyone can realize you bought her that car. For her special skills in bed.">>
<<dlg_ru 24 "Ты что, всерьез собираешься оправдываться? Слушай, тут любой поймет, что ты подарил ей эту машину. За ее особые умение в постели.">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "Don't poke your nose in my business.">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Не суй свой нос не в свое дело.">>
<<en "At this moment, the girl pulls out her cell phone and starts shooting.">>
<<ru "В этот момент девушка достает телефон и начинает снимать.">>
<<btnEventLink "Continue/Продолжить" "Belinda Storyline Vacation" "check her car(wash yourself 2)">>
<<case "check her car(wash yourself 2)">>
<<NPCmedia "chloe" "in parking lot(filming)" 0>>
<<dlg_en 24 "I guess your reputation would be seriously damaged if anyone found out about this. Also, I noticed a ring on your finger, so...">>
<<dlg_ru 24 "Полагаю, твоя репутация серьезно пострадает, если об этом кто-то узнает. Еще, я заметила кольцо на твоем пальце, так что...">>
<<en "You move closer to the girl, causing her to take a couple steps back.">>
<<ru "Ты приближаешься к девушке, отчего она даже делает пару шагов назад.">>
<<dlg_en 24 "And what are you gonna do? Hit me?">>
<<dlg_ru 24 "И что ты сделаешь? Ударишь меня?">>
<<en "You stop, feeling the anger boiling up inside you.">>
<<ru "Ты останавливаешься, чувствуя как в тебе закипает гнев.">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "What do you want?">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Чего ты хочешь?">>
<<dlg_en 24 "A grand.">>
<<dlg_ru 24 "Тысячу.">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "What?">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Чего?">>
<<dlg_en 24 "A grand. And my mouth stays shut.">>
<<dlg_ru 24 "Всего лишь тысячу. И никто ничего не узнает.">>
<<en "Gritting your teeth, you pull a few bills out of your wallet. Without stopping to shoot, the girl holds out the coffee cup to you.">>
<<ru "Скрепя зубами, ты достаешь из кошелька несколько купюр. Не переставая снимать, девушка протягивает тебе стаканчик с кофе.">>
<<dlg_en 24 "Hold it for now.">>
<<dlg_ru 24 "Подержи пока что.">>
<<set $money.pocket -= 1000>>
<<LocImg "misc" "coffee cup">>
<<en "Taking the bills from your hand, she sends them to her purse.">>
<<ru "Взяв купюры из твоей руки, она отправляет в свою сумочку.">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "Now delete the video.">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Теперь удаляй видео.">>
<<dlg_en 24 "Okay, okay.">>
<<dlg_ru 24 "Ладно-ладно.">>
<<en "She shows her phone so you can make sure she didn't save the video.">>
<<ru "Она показывает телефон, чтобы ты мог убедиться в том, что она не сохранила видео.">>
<<dlg_en 24 "It's been a pleasure doing business with you. You can keep the coffee as a bonus.">>
<<dlg_ru 24 "Было приятно иметь с тобой дело. Можешь оставить кофе себе, на память.">>
<<en "She laughs and walks away, wiggling her skinny hips.">>
<<ru "Она смеется и уходит, виляя своими худенькими бедрами.">>
<<btnEventLink "Continue/Продолжить" "Belinda Storyline Vacation" "check her car(wash yourself end)">>
<<case "check her car(wash yourself end)">>
<<LocImg "actions" "wash car(white)">>
<<en "You finish washing the car and send Belinda a picture so she can make sure everything is okay. She replies with a smiley face.">>
<<ru "Ты заканчиваешь мыть машину и отсылаешь Белинде фото, чтобы она могла убедиться, что все в порядке. Она отвечает тебе смайликом.">>
<<btnEventLink "Leave/Уйти" "Fifth Avenue" "">>
<<case "check her car(wash yourself end alt)">>
<<NPCmedia "belinda" "her car(parking)" 0>>
<<en "You sign and send Belinda a picture so she can make sure everything is okay. She replies with a smiley face.">>
<<ru "Ты заканчиваешь мыть машину и отсылаешь Белинде фото, чтобы она могла убедиться, что все в порядке. Она отвечает тебе смайликом.">>
<<btnEventLink "Leave/Уйти" "Fifth Avenue" "">>
<<case "check her car(find someone)">>
<<set $NPCstat[24].meet = true>>
<<NPCmedia "belinda" "her car(parking)" 0>>
<<en "You don't have to look long, as a young girl in a short skirt appears in the parking lot. She is holding a cup of coffee. You point her to Belinda's car and offer her a twenty for cleaning it.">>
<<ru "Долго искать тебе не приходится, так как на парковке вскоре появлется молодая девушка в короткой юбке. В руках она держит стаканчик кофе. Ты показываешь ей на машину Белинды и предлагает двадцатку зха то, чтобы она протерла ее.">>
<<dlg_en 24 "Fifty.">>
<<dlg_ru 24 "Пятьдесят.">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "What?">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Чего?">>
<<dlg_en 24 "Fifty, not a nickel less.">>
<<dlg_ru 24 "Пятьдесят, и ни центом меньше.">>
<<btnEventLink "Give her money/Заплатить ей" "Belinda Storyline Vacation" "check her car(find someone 2)">>
<<btnEventLink "Wash the car yourself/Помыть машину самому" "Belinda Storyline Vacation" "check her car(wash yourself end)">>
<<case "check her car(find someone 2)">>
<<set $money.pocket -= 50>>
<<LocImg "misc" "coffee cup">>
<<en "She hands you the coffee cup.">>
<<ru "Она протягивает вам стаканчик с кофе.">>
<<dlg_en 24 "Hold it for now.">>
<<dlg_ru 24 "Подержите пока что.">>
<<en "Walking over to the car, she takes the sponge in her hand, but doesn't rush to start cleaning.">>
<<ru "Подойдя к машине, она берет губку в руку, но не спешит с тем, чтобы начать чистку.">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "Something wrong?">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Что-то не так?">>
<<dlg_en 24 "I'm not going to wash the car while you're here. Or you think you can look up my skirt when I'm bending over? Take a walk, pops. Everything will be finished in ten minutes.">>
<<dlg_ru 24 "Я не буду мыть машину, пока вы здесь. Или вы думаете, что сможете заглянуть мне под юбку, когда я буду наклоняться? Идите прогуляйтесь, папаша. Через десять минут все будет готово.">>
<<if $MainKinks.blackmailed>>
<<btnEventLink "Continue/Продолжить" "Belinda Storyline Vacation" "check her car(find someone 3)">>
<<btnEventLink "Continue/Продолжить" "Belinda Storyline Vacation" "check her car(find someone 3.1)">>
<<case "check her car(find someone 3)">>
<<NPCmedia "belinda" "her car(parking)" 0>>
<<en "When you return, you see the girl standing near the column. The sponge is lying near the front tire.">>
<<ru "Вернувшись, ты видишь девушку стоящую возле колонны. Губка валяется возле переднего колеса.">>
<<dlg_en 24 "Finally, you're here. We need to talk.">>
<<dlg_ru 24 "Наконец-то, вы пришли. Нам надо поговорить.">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "Is something wrong?">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Что-то не так?">>
<<dlg_en 24 "No, everything's fine. But, I think I recognize you. You run this company, what's it named... Can't remember.">>
<<dlg_ru 24 "Нет, все окей. Но, я вас узнала. Вы заправляете этой компанией, как же она называется... Не могу вспомнить.">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "You mistake me for someone else.">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Ты меня с кем-то перепутала.">>
<<dlg_en 24 "No, I saw you on the cover of one of those stupid magazines my mom reads.">>
<<dlg_ru 24 "Да нет же, я недавно видела вас на обложке одного из этих дебильных журналов, что читает моя мать.">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "And what do you want? Autograph?">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Тебе автограф что ли выписать?">>
<<dlg_en 24 "Why would I need it? I'm more interested in why you want to wash my upstairs neighbor's car. How do you know her?">>
<<dlg_ru 24 "Зачем она мне? Куда более интересно, зачем вам понадобилось мыть авто моей соседки сверху. Откуда вы ее знаете?">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "Don't poke your nose in my business.">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Не суй свой нос не в свое дело.">>
<<dlg_en 24 "You know, in another situation, I wouldn't have made a big deal out of it. But, I noticed a ring on your finger, so...">>
<<dlg_ru 24 "Знаете, в другой ситуации, я бы не придала этому значения. Но, я заметила кольцо на вашем пальце, так что...">>
<<en "At this moment, the girl pulls out her cell phone and starts shooting.">>
<<ru "В этот момент девушка достает телефон и начинает снимать.">>
<<NPCmedia "chloe" "in parking lot(filming)" 0>>
<<dlg_en 24 "I guess your reputation would be seriously damaged if anyone found out about this.">>
<<dlg_ru 24 "Полагаю, твоя репутация серьезно пострадает, если об этом кто-то узнает.">>
<<en "You move closer to the girl, causing her to shrink back against the pillar..">>
<<ru "Ты приближаешься к девушке, отчего та прижимается спиной к колонне.">>
<<dlg_en 24 "And what are you gonna do? Hit me?">>
<<dlg_ru 24 "И что ты сделаешь? Ударишь меня?">>
<<en "You stop, feeling the anger boiling up inside you.">>
<<ru "Ты останавливаешься, чувствуя как в тебе закипает гнев.">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "What do you want?">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Чего ты хочешь?">>
<<dlg_en 24 "A grand.">>
<<dlg_ru 24 "Тысячу.">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "What?">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Чего?">>
<<dlg_en 24 "A grand. And my mouth stays shut.">>
<<dlg_ru 24 "Всего лишь тысячу. И никто ничего не узнает.">>
<<en "Gritting your teeth, you pull a few bills out of your wallet. Without stopping to shoot, the girl holds out the coffee cup to you.">>
<<ru "Скрепя зубами, ты достаешь из кошелька несколько купюр. Не переставая снимать, девушка протягивает тебе стаканчик с кофе.">>
<<dlg_en 24 "Hold it for now.">>
<<dlg_ru 24 "Подержи пока что.">>
<<set $money.pocket -= 1000>>
<<LocImg "misc" "coffee cup">>
<<en "Taking the bills from your hand, she sends them to her purse.">>
<<ru "Взяв купюры из твоей руки, она отправляет в свою сумочку.">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "Now delete the video.">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Теперь удаляй видео.">>
<<dlg_en 24 "Okay, okay.">>
<<dlg_ru 24 "Ладно-ладно.">>
<<en "She shows her phone so you can make sure she didn't save the video.">>
<<ru "Она показывает телефон, чтобы ты мог убедиться в том, что она не сохранила видео.">>
<<dlg_en 24 "It's been a pleasure doing business with you. You can keep the coffee as a bonus.">>
<<dlg_ru 24 "Было приятно иметь с тобой дело. Можешь оставить кофе себе, на память.">>
<<en "She laughs and walks away, wiggling her skinny hips.">>
<<ru "Она смеется и уходит, виляя своими худенькими бедрами.">>
<<btnEventLink "Continue/Продолжить" "Belinda Storyline Vacation" "check her car(wash yourself end alt)">>
<<case "check her car(find someone 3.1)">>
<<NPCmedia "belinda" "her car(parking)" 0>>
<<en "When you return, you thank the girl and, after she leaves, send Belinda a picture so she can make sure everything is okay. She replies with a smiley face.">>
<<ru "Вернушись, ты благодаришь девушку и, после того, как она уходит, отсылаешь Белинде фото, чтобы она могла убедиться, что все в порядке. Она отвечает тебе смайликом.">>
<<btnEventLink "Leave/Уйти" "Fifth Avenue" "">>
<</switch>><img src="data/image_checker.jpg" onload="EnableImage()">
<<goto "Start Game">><<switch $EventMark>>
/* -------------------- DAY 2 -------------------- */
<<case "day 2(visit wife bakery)">>
<<SkipTimeBlock 2>>
<<LocImg "work" "your office">>
<<en "You spend some more time in your office.">>
<<ru "Ты проводишь еще некоторое время в своем кабинете.">>
<<th_en "I should pay $NPCstat[0].name a visit at her work. Looks like she's still holding a grudge.">>
<<th_ru "Похоже, $NPCstat[0].name все еще держит на меня обиду. Надо бы навестить ее на работе.">>
<<btnEventLink "Visit your wife's bakery/Посетить булочную своей жены" "Week 1" "day 2(visit wife bakery 2)">>
<<case "day 2(visit wife bakery 2)">>
<<LocImg "downtown" "bakery">>
<<en "This little bakery shop belongs to your wife. She's usually here two or three hours a day, but sometimes she stays late into the evening.">>
<<ru "Эта небольшая булочная принадлежит твоей жене. Она обычно находится здесь два или три часа в день, но иногда задерживается и до вечера.">>
<<en "The young woman behind the counter smiles warmly at you.">>
<<ru "Стоящая за прилавком молодая девушка тепло улыбается тебе.">>
<<dlg_en $BakeryBaristaId "Good afternoon, Mr. $mc.lastname.">>
<<dlg_ru $BakeryBaristaId "Добрый день, мистер $mc.lastname.">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "Good afternoon, Anna. Is $NPCstat[0].name here?">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Добрый день, Анна. $NPCstat[0].name здесь?">>
<<dlg_en $BakeryBaristaId "No, she went to the tennis court.">>
<<dlg_ru $BakeryBaristaId "Нет, она отправилась на теннисный корт.">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "The tennis court?">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Теннисный корт?">>
<<dlg_en $BakeryBaristaId "Yes, she's been playing tennis for a month. Every Wednesday. Didn't you know that?">>
<<dlg_ru $BakeryBaristaId "Да, она уже как с месяц играет в теннис. Каждую среду. Вы разве не знали?">>
<<en "Only now you remember that $NPCstat[0].name told you about it.">>
<<ru "Только сейчас ты припоминаешь о том, что $NPCstat[0].name рассказывала тебе от этом.">>
<<th_en "Damn it.">>
<<th_ru "Проклятье.">>
<<en "You leave the bakery and take out your cell phone to call your wife. But she doesn't answer.">>
<<ru "Ты выходишь из булочной и достаешь телефон, чтобы позвонить своей жене. Однако, она не отвечает.">>
<<th_en "She's probably got a match going on right now.">>
<<th_ru "Наверное, у нее проходит матч прямо сейчас.">>
<<en "After a short thought, you decide to go home.">>
<<ru "После недолгих раздумий, ты решаешь отправиться домой.">>
<<btnEventLink "Go home/Ехать домой" "Week 1" "day 2(flower store)">>
<<case "day 2(flower store)">>
<<set $money.golden -= 1250>>
<<LocImg "downtown" "flower store">>
<<en "However, on the way you notice the sign of a flower store, and you get an idea to order a huge bouquet for your wife.">>
<<ru "Однако, по дороге ты замечаешь вывеску цветочного магазина, и тебе в голову приходит идея - заказать огромный букет для своей жены.">>
<<en "Once you step inside, a saleswoman greets you. You can sense a strong Russian accent in her voice.">>
<<ru "Стоит тебе зайти внутрь, как продавщица приветствует тебя. В ее голосе ты чувствуешь сильный русский акцент.">>
<<dlg_en "f_flower_salesgirl" "Saleswoman" "Good afternoon, sir.">>
<<dlg_ru "f_flower_salesgirl" "Продавщица" "Добрый день, сэр.">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "Good afternoon. I need a decent bouquet, but not too fancy.">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Добрый день. Мне нужен хороший букет, но не слишком причудливый.">>
<<en "In the end, after consulting with the saleswoman, you decide on a classic bouquet of roses.">>
<<ru "В итоге, после консультаций с продавщицей, ты решаешь остановиться на классическом букете роз.">>
<<dlg_en "f_flower_salesgirl" "Saleswoman" "Excellent choice, sir. But unfortunately, we won't be able to deliver the bouquet until Thursday.">>
<<dlg_ru "f_flower_salesgirl" "Продавщица" "Отличный выбор, сэр. Но, к сожалению, мы сможем доставить букет не раньше четверга.">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "That's fine with me.">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Меня это устраивает.">>
<<en "You give the address of the bakery your wife owns and pay for the bouquet.">>
<<ru "Ты диктуешь адрес булочной, которая принадлежит твоей жене и расплачиваешься за букет.">>
<<btnEventLink "Go home/Ехать домой" "Week 1" "day 2(after work)">>
<<case "day 2(after work)">>
<<LocImg "local" "road">>
<<en "You move briskly along the highway, darting between cars. Soon, you're parking outside your mansion.">>
<<ru "Ты шустро двигаешься по трассе, лаврируя между автомобилями. Вскоре, ты паркуешься возле своего особняка.">>
<<NPCmedia "samantha" "living cleaning(mini)" 0>>
<<en "As you enter your mansion, you remember that there's a match tonight that you've been wanting to watch, so you head into the living room. Once inside, you see your maid cleaning the room.">>
<<ru "Зайдя в свой особняк, ты вспоминаешь, что сегодня должен пройти матч, который ты давно хотел посмотреть, и направляешься в гостиную. Зайдя внутрь, ты видишь свою горничную, которая наводит чистоту в комнате.">>
<<dlg_en 1 "Good afternoon, Mr. $mc.name. Don't worry, I'll be finished soon.">>
<<dlg_ru 1 "Не волнуйтесь, мистер $mc.name. Я уже заканчиваю.">>
<<btnEventLink "Start watching TV/Начать смотреть матч" "Maid Wiping Shelves Events" "main scene" 1>>
/* -------------------- DAY 3 -------------------- */
<<case "day 3(road to work)">>
<<LocImg "local" "road">>
<<en "You head toward the downtown area and soon you're pulling into the parking lot of the skyscraper where the company you manage is located.">>
<<ru "Ты направляешься к центру города и вскоре уже заезжаешь на парковку небоскреба, в котором распологается компания, которой ты управляешь.">>
<<LocImg "work" "parking">>
<<en "You park the car and head for the elevator.">>
<<ru "Ты паркуешь машину и направляешься к лифту.">>
<<btnEventLink "Up to your office/Подняться в свой офис" "Your Office" "">>
/* -------------------- DAY 4 -------------------- */
<<case "day 4(road to work)">>
<<LocImg "local" "road">>
<<en "You head toward the downtown area and soon you're pulling into the parking lot of the skyscraper where the company you manage is located.">>
<<ru "Ты направляешься к центру города и вскоре уже заезжаешь на парковку небоскреба, в котором распологается компания, которой ты управляешь.">>
<<LocImg "work" "parking">>
<<en "You park the car and head for the elevator.">>
<<ru "Ты паркуешь машину и направляешься к лифту.">>
<<btnEventLink "Up to your office/Подняться в свой офис" "Your Office" "">>
/* -------------------- DAY 5 -------------------- */
<<case "day 5(road to work)">>
<<LocImg "local" "road">>
<<en "You head toward the downtown area and soon you're pulling into the parking lot of the skyscraper where the company you manage is located.">>
<<ru "Ты направляешься к центру города и вскоре уже заезжаешь на парковку небоскреба, в котором распологается компания, которой ты управляешь.">>
<<LocImg "work" "parking">>
<<en "You park the car and head for the elevator.">>
<<ru "Ты паркуешь машину и направляешься к лифту.">>
<<btnEventLink "Up to your office/Подняться в свой офис" "Your Office" "">>
<<case "day 5(decison)">>
<<set $NPCplans[5].evening = "clubbing">>
<<set $NPCplans[5].dusk = "clubbing">>
<<set $NPCplans[5].night = "clubbing">>
<<LocImg "work" "your office">>
<<en "In the middle of the day, you get a text message from $NPCstat[5].name.">>
<<ru "Посреди рабочего дня, $NPCstat[5].name присылает тебе сообщение.">>
<<dlg_en 5 "msg" "Hey $mc.name! I'm at the gym two blocks away. Come on over.">>
<<dlg_ru 5 "msg" "Хей, $mc.name! Я в спортзале в двух кварталах отсюда. Подходи.">>
<<dlg_en "mc_msg" "And why would I do that?">>
<<dlg_ru "mc_msg" "И зачем мне это?">>
<<en "It takes a while before $NPCstat[5].name sends you a reply.">>
<<ru "Проходит некоторое время прежде, чем $NPCstat[5].name присылается ответ.">>
<<NPCmedia "paul" "gym asses" 1>>
<<dlg_en 5 "msg" "Just look at this asses, man!">>
<<dlg_ru 5 "msg" "Просто посмотри на эти задницы!">>
<<dlg_en "mc_msg" "Calm down, man.">>
<<dlg_ru "mc_msg" "Успокойся, мужик.">>
<<dlg_en 5 "msg" "How can you calm down in here? Come on, I'm waiting for you. I just have time to take a shower and then you and me are gonna go to the Black Apple and find some bitches.">>
<<dlg_ru 5 "msg" "Как же тут можно успокоиться? Подходи, я буду ждать тебя. Я как раз успею принять душ, а затем мы с тобой отправимся в Черное Яблоко и найдем парочку сучек.">>
<<en "You're deep in thought. $NPCstat[5].name's offer is certainly tempting, but you remember that you wanted to spend a whole evening with your wife.">>
<<ru "Ты погружаешься в раздумья. То, что предлагает $NPCstat[5].name, выглядит весьма заманчиво, но ты вспоминаешь, что хотел провести полноценный вечер вместе со своей женой.">>
<<btnEventLink "Go to your mansion/Ехать домой" "Hallway" "" 1>>
<<btnEventLink "Go to the gym/Идти в спортзал" "Week 1" "day 5(decison 2)">>
<<case "day 5(decison 2)">>
<<LocImg "work" "hallway">>
<<en "Once you get down to the first floor, you get another message.">>
<<ru "Стоит тебе спуститься на первый этаж, как ты получаешь очередное сообщение.">>
<<dlg_en 5 "msg" "I just met two bitches from dance class and I'm on my way to the Black Apple. So head straight there.">>
<<dlg_ru 5 "msg" "Я только что познакомился с двумя сучками из танцевального класса и уже еду в Черное Яблоко. Так что направляйся сразу туда.">>
<<btnEventLink "Go to the Dark Apple/Идти в Черное Яблоко" "Night Club" "" 1>>
<</switch>>- улучшить сцены с протиранием полок
- добавить беспокойство жены
- добавить жену в сцены с уборкой дома
- выходные - основные сцены для подозрительности
- балкон с горничной - начинается раньше
- заправка кровати начинается на 4 неделе
- добавить правила к карточной игре
- добавить просьбы Дженни
- асс воршип к сексу
- асс воршип к альтернативе в ресторан дейт
- сцены в ванной проверить и расширить
- фейсситинг во время ночевки Дженни
- сделать визиты Дженни более последовательными и с услугами главного героя
- массаж ног во время завтрак в постель и требование завтракать
- визит к Пауле
- события Кендалл
- правила игры в карты
- разговор с Клэр о Луизе
- более точное определение локаций
- возможность заигрывать с горничной
- перехват во время ванной
- убрать выпивку в первую неделю и изменить расписание горничной
- разговор с психологом о ней и карточки
- начать линию секретаря по другому
- реакция жены на заправление кровати
- реакция Дженни на заправление кровати
- заполнить и переделать журнал
- траты Белинды в отпуске
- добавить график Белинды в сброс ее рута
- доставка двух пицц
- четвертая сцена с Милой и пиццей
- поход в магазин с Брэнди
- сцена с горничной в спальне
- убрать перезарядку рута Белинды
- клубника активатор сцены с дев билдом
- массаж активатор сцены с дев билдом
- думаю, вам стоит положить больше ягод
сцена в баре возле басейна:
- пробует отговорить при -15 подчинении и меньше +
- наливает при -31 подчинении и больше
- требует чего-то при -35 подчинении и меньше (takeover)
- отказывается выпить и жалуется жене (-11 подчинения)
- соглашается выпить с неохотой (-21 подчинения) +
- охотно соглашается выпить +
- предлагает надеть бикини при -28 подчинения +
- сама инициирует выпивку (становится регулярной сценой) +
- плавание в бассейне +
- подозрительность в сцену с плаванием +
- жена отказывает в свидании при низком настроении +
- жена не предлагает активности при низком настроении +
- регулярная сцена с плаванием
заправление кровати:
- проработать сцену +
- жена может заметить +
- говорит что проиграл в спор +
- просит заправить после завтрака в постель +
- добавить реакцию после того как она находит о горничной и тебе
- сделать массив с локациями особняка +
- переделать функции определения дома ли НПС
- переделать отображение локаций НПС
- переделать влияние и подозрение жены на новые переменные
- подозрительность в старые сцены
- отказывает при низком настроении +
примерные сцены:
- просит сделать что-нибудь в то время как Саманта убирает бассейн, а жена загорает
- сделать сцену уборки в главной спальне
- сцена конфликта<<switch $EventMark>>
<<case "giantess maid">>
<<set $DreamsSection.giantMaidSeen = true>>
<<LocImg "dreams" "giant maid(floor)">>
<<en "You wake up to the cold seeping into your bones. When you open your eyes, you find yourself lying on a hard and very flat material. To top it off, you are completely naked. You jump to your feet and start hopping from foot to foot to warm yourself up. When you have more or less done that, you decide to look around.">>
<<ru "Ты просыпаешься от холода, который пронизывает твое тело. Открыв глаза, ты обнаруживаешь себя, лежащим на твердой и весьма гладкой поверхности. Ко всему прочему, ты абсолютно голый. Ты вскакиваешь на ноги и начинаешь прыгать с ноги на ногу, чтобы согреться. Когда тебе это более-менее удается, ты решаешь оглядеться по сторонам.">>
<<en "In the distance, you can see bizarre structures the size of apartment buildings. Some are made of glass and metal, others seem to be covered with a huge cloth. They look like giant pieces of furniture, and you soon realize that they are. These colossal tables and chairs may be the work of an eccentric architect, but they seem awfully familiar to you.">>
<<ru "Вдалеке ты видишь причудливые конструкции, размером с многоэтажный дом. Одни сделаны из стекла и металла, другие словно бы укрыты огромным полотном ткани. По виду они напоминают исполинские предметы мебели, и вскоре ты понимаешь, что таковыми они и являются. Эти огромные столы и кресла могут сойти за творение экцентричного архитектора, но тебе они кажутся до ужаса знакомыми.">>
<<en "It takes a few minutes before you realize - you're in your own mansion, in the middle of the hallway, but you've shrunk to the size of a bug.">>
<<ru "Проходит еще несколько минут, прежде чем ты осознаешь, - ты оказался в собственном особняке, прямо посреди прихожей, но при этом уменьшился до размеров жука.">>
<<th_en "How is this possible?">>
<<th_ru "Как такое возможно?">>
<<en "You keep turning your head, mesmerized by the changed hallway, when you hear the sound like someone coming out of the bathroom and stepping barefoot on the floor tiles. The sounds of footsteps follow one after the other, and judging by the sound of them, the owner of those feet must be much taller than the average person.">>
<<ru "Ты продолжаешь вертеть головой, словно завороженный разглядывая изменившуюся прихожую, как за твоей спиной раздается шлепок, словно бы кто-то вышел из ванной и ступил босыми ногами на плитку. Шлепки начинают следовать один за другим, и судя по их силе, владелец этих ног должен быть куда крупнее обычного человека.">>
<<th_en "Could it be?">>
<<th_ru "Неужели?">>
<<en "You turn around and, to your horror, see a woman of enormous size enter the room. You can see her clearly from this distance, though you have to lift your head almost to the ceiling to see her. It's your maid. She's wearing her bikini and is apparently on her way to the backyard to sunbathe by the pool.">>
<<ru "Ты оборачиваешься и, к своему ужасу, видишь, как в комнату входит огромных размеров девушка. С такого расстояния, ты можешь полностью разглядеть ее, хоть для этого тебе и приходится задрать голову чуть ли не в потолок. Это твоя горничная. Она одета в свое бикини и, судя по всему, направляется на задний двор, чтобы позагарать возле бассейна.">>
<<th_en "Damn, she's coming right at me!">>
<<th_ru "Черт, она ведь идет прямиком на меня!">>
<<en "You make a wild dash to the side, but it turns out to be your fatal mistake because Samantha, who hadn't noticed you before, reacts to the movement and is beside you in an instant. You press yourself against the wall while your maid looks at you curiously.">>
<<ru "Ты делаешь отчаянный рывок в сторону, но это также оказывается твоей роковой ошибкой, потому как Саманта, которая раньше не замечала тебя, реагирует на движение и, ускорив шаг, через мгновение оказывается возле тебя. Ты прижимаешься к стене, в то время как твоя горничная с интересом рассматривает тебя.">>
<<dlg_en 1 "Mr. $mc.name? I was just looking for you to help me with my sunscreen. But what happened to you?">>
<<dlg_ru 1 "Мистер $mc.name? А я как раз искала вас, чтобы вы помогли мне с кремом для загара. Но что с вами случилось?">>
<<en "You try to answer, but your body is shaking so badly that you can't utter a word. ">>
<<ru "Ты пытаешься что-то ответить, но твое тело дрожит так сильно, что ты не можешь вымолвить и слова.">>
<<dlg_en 1 "Don't be afraid, Mr. $mc.name. I'm not going to hurt you.">>
<<dlg_ru 1 " Не бойтесь, мистер $mc.name. Я не причиню вам вреда.">>
<<en "With those words, your maid squats down and holds out her hand to you. You try to bounce away, but the girl is faster and blocks your path. Her fingers, which look more like huge logs to you, encircle you from both sides. Samantha squeezes them, and you find yourself trapped between her thumb and forefinger.">>
<<ru "С этими слова твоя горничная садиться на корточки и протягивает к вам руку. Ты пытаешься отскочить в сторону, но девушка оказывается быстрее и преграждает тебе путь. Ее пальцы, больше похожие на огромные бревна, окружают тебя с двух сторона. Саманта сжимает их, и ты оказываешься в ловушке между ее большим и указательным пальцами.">>
<<dlg_en 1 "What am I supposed to do with you?">>
<<dlg_ru 1 " Что же мне с вами делать?">>
<<en "She brings you close to her face, and although she does so at her usual speed, you find yourself gasping for breath. At first you try to break free, but soon you realize it's useless.">>
<<ru "Она подносит тебя к своему лицу, и хотя делает она это с привычной ей скоростью, у тебя перехватывает дыхание. Сначала ты пытаешься вырваться, но вскоре понимаешь, что это бесполезно.">>
<<NPCmedia "dreams" "giant maid(eyes)" 0>>
<<dlg_en "mc" "Put me down!">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" " Поставь меня на землю!">>
<<dlg_en 1 "What did you say? I can barely hear you.">>
<<dlg_ru 1 " Что вы сказали? Я едва вас слышу.">>
<<en "The warm air from her mouth envelops you. Samantha's voice practically deafened you and you covered your ears. Your maid notices and lowers her voice to a whisper.">>
<<ru "Теплый воздух, выходящий из ее рта, обволакивает тебя. Голос Саманты едва не оглушает тебя, и ты закрываешь уши. Твоя горничная замечает это и переходит на шепот.">>
<<dlg_en 1 "Oh, I'm sorry, Mr. $mc.name. I'll try to keep my voice down.">>
<<dlg_ru 1 "Ох, простите, мистер $mc.name. Я постараюсь говорить тише.">>
<<en "She continues to examine you, and you see your own reflection in her huge eye. There is a clear look of horror on your face.">>
<<ru "Она продолжает разглядывать тебя, и в ее огромном глазу ты видишь собственное отражение. На твоем лице явственно читается испуг.">>
<<dlg_en 1 "Anyway, how did you get so small? I don't mind that I'm much taller than you now, but this size difference can be quite inconvenient.">>
<<dlg_ru 1 "И все же, как вы стали таким маленьким? Я конечно не против того, что теперь я намного выше вас, но такая разница в размерах может создать немало неудобств.">>
<<en "Samantha smiles broadly.">>
<<ru "Саманта широко улыбается.">>
<<dlg_en 1 "Although I have to admit that you look pretty cute between my fingers. I can do whatever I want to you. And I'm kind of starting to like it.">>
<<dlg_ru 1 "Хотя, стоит признать, вы смотритесь довольно мило между моими пальцами. Я ведь могу сделать с вам все, что захочу. И мне это начинает нравится.">>
<<en "You feel a cold lump rise in your throat. The girl straightens and looks around.">>
<<ru "Ты чувствуешь, как холодный ком подступает к твоему горлу. Девушка выпрямляется и оглядывается по сторонам.">>
<<dlg_en 1 "I have an idea.">>
<<dlg_ru 1 "У меня появилась одна идея.">>
<<en "Your maid turns and walks to the entrance of the backyard.">>
<<ru "Твоя горничная поворачивается и направляется к входу на задний двор.">>
<<btnEventLink "Continue/Продолжить" "Dreams Maid Events" "giantess maid 2">>
<<case "giantess maid 2">>
<<LocImg "dreams" "giant maid(backyard)">>
<<en "Samantha goes over to the sunbeds and places you on a small stone pedestal next to them.">>
<<ru "Саманта подходит к лежакам и ставит тебя на небольшой каменный постамент рядом с ними.">>
<<dlg_en 1 "Don't try to run, Mr. $mc.name. You are safe with me.">>
<<dlg_ru 1 "Не пытайтесь убежать, мистер $mc.name. Со мной вы в безопасности.">>
<<en "You turn around and see a black strip of dirt just behind the pedestal you're standing on. Admittedly, running away was the first idea that came to mind, but you realize that in your current state it wouldn't be difficult for Samantha to catch you. Meanwhile, your maid takes off her bikini top and lies down on the recliner. She then turns to you, and you see a smile on her face that doesn't bode well for you.">>
<<ru "Ты оборачиваешься и видишь черную полосу земли, прямо за постаментом на котором ты стоишь. Признаться, бегство было первой идеей, что пришла тебе в голову, но ты понимаешь, что в твоем нынешнем состоянии, для Саманты не составит труда поймать тебя. Тем временем твоя горничная снимает верх своего бикини и ложится на лежак. Затем она поворачивается к тебя, и на ее лице ты видишь улыбку, которая не предвещает для тебя ничего хорошего.">>
<<dlg_en 1 "Like I said, I need your help.">>
<<dlg_ru 1 "Как я уже сказала, мне нужна ваша помощь.">>
<<en "She demonstrates a tube of sunscreen.">>
<<ru "Она демонстрирует вам тюбик с кремом для загара.">>
<<dlg_en 1 "However, it might not be so easy for you right now.">>
<<dlg_ru 1 "Правда, теперь у вас могут быть некоторые трудности с этим.">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "I'm not going to help you!">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Я не собираюсь тебе помогать!">>
<<en "It looks like Samantha didn't hear your words again, because she silently stretches out her arms to carry you from the pedestal onto her stomach.">>
<<ru "Похоже, что Саманта снова не услышала твоих слов, поскольку она молча вытягивает руки, чтобы перенести тебя с постамента на свой живот.">>
<<dlg_en 1 "What do you think of the view?">>
<<dlg_ru 1 "Ну как вам зрелище?">>
<<NPCmedia "dreams" "giant maid(boobs)" 0>>
<<en 'She is obviously referring to those two huge "hills" in front of you. Her breasts have flattened under their own weight, but they still exceed your height by several times.'>>
<<ru 'Очевидно, что она имеет в виду те два огромных "холма", расположенные перед тобой. Ее груди расплылись под собственной тяжестью, на даже так, они все еще превышают твой рост в несколько раз.'>>
<<dlg_en 1 "I can see that you are at a loss for words. That's totally understandable. Many men would pay a lot of money to be in your place. But you've had enough.">>
<<dlg_ru 1 "Вижу, вы потеряли дар речи. Я вас понимаю. Многие мужчины заплатили бы немалую сумму, чтобы оказаться на вашем месте. Впрочем, хватит с вас.">>
<<en "With these words, Samantha takes the tube and squeezes out its contents right in front of you. A transparent, jelly-like mass begins to approach you, and you jump to the side.">>
<<ru "С этими словами, Саманта берет тюбик и выдавливает его содержимое прямо перед тобой. Полупрозрачная, похожая на желе, масса начинает приближаться к тебе, и ты отскакиваешь в сторону.">>
<<dlg_en 1 "Oh, pardon me.">>
<<dlg_ru 1 "Ох, извините меня.">>
<<en "Your maid closes the tube and sets it aside.">>
<<ru "Твоя горничная закрывает тюбик и откладывает его в сторону.">>
<<dlg_en 1 "Your turn, Mr. $mc.name. Put this cream on my skin. But hurry, I can already feel the sun starting to burn.">>
<<dlg_ru 1 "Ваша очередь, мистер $mc.name. Размажьте это крем по моей коже. Но торопитесь, я уже чувствую, как солнце начинает подпекать.">>
<<th_en "That's impossible.">>
<<th_ru "Это невозможно.">>
<<dlg_en 1 "Come on, Mr. $mc.name, why are you freezing? I'm sure you can do it.">>
<<dlg_ru 1 "Ну же, мистер $mc.name, почему вы застыли? Я уверена, у вас все получится.">>
<<en "The blonde nudges you lightly with her finger, but it feels like a violent push. You lose your balance and fall right into the blob of cream. You try to get up, but only slip and fall on her stomach. Samantha, however, takes it as if you'd actually decided to help her.">>
<<ru "Блондинка легонько подталкивает тебя своим пальцем, но для это ощущается как сильный толчок. Ты теряешь равновесии и падаешь прямо в комок крема. Ты предпринимаешь попытку подняться, но лишь подскальзываешься и падаешь на ее живот. Однако, Саманта воспринимает так, словно ты действительно решил помочь ей.">>
<<dlg_en 1 "That's better, Mr. $mc.name. I like your enthusiasm.">>
<<dlg_ru 1 "Так-то лучше, мистер $mc.name. Мне нравится ваш энтузиазм.">>
<<btnEventLink "Continue/Продолжить" "Dreams Maid Events" "giantess maid 3">>
<<case "giantess maid 3">>
<<NPCmedia "dreams" "giant maid(boobs)" 0>>
<<en "It takes a while, but you finally manage to rub the cream on the upper half of your maid's stomach. Then you walk over to one of her breasts, which now stands above you like a wall. You put your hands on it and try to feel it. Her skin responds to your efforts, though you press with all your might. However, a slight chuckle comes from Samantha's lips, indicating that she does feel something.">>
<<ru "Проходит немало времени, но в конце концов тебе удается размазать крем по верхней половине живота своей горничной. Затем ты подходишь к одной из ее грудей, которая теперь возвышается над тобой словно стена. Ты кладешь на нее руки и пробуешь ее на ощупь. Ее кожа почти не поддается на твои усилия, хоть ты и давишь со всем силы. Тем не менее, со стороны Саманты раздается легкий смешок, намекающий на то, что она все же что-то чувствует.">>
<<en "Finished with one of her breasts, you move to the other, but halfway down you slip.">>
<<ru "Закончив с одной ее грудью, ты направляешься к другой, но на полпути подскальзываешься.">>
<<dlg_en 1 "Careful, Mr. $mc.name. Let me help you.">>
<<dlg_ru 1 "Осторожнее, мистер $mc.name. Давайте я помогу вам.">>
<<en "She rakes you with her fingers and pulls you up. Because you're covered in sunscreen, you slide easily over her skin and end up in front of her giant face. Samantha picks up the tube and squeezes out a fresh batch of cream right in front of you.">>
<<ru "Она сгребает вас своими пальцами и тащит наверх. Из-за того, что ты покрыт кремом от загара, ты легко скользишь по ее коже и, в итоге, оказываешься перед ее гиганстким лицом. Саманта берет тюбик и выдавливает новую порцию крема прямо перед тобой.">>
<<dlg_en 1 "You can continue.">>
<<dlg_ru 1 "Можете продолжать.">>
<<en "You see her jaw move as she speaks. Her white teeth peek out from the darkness of her mouth, startling you.">>
<<ru "Ты видишь, как двигаются ее челюсти, в то время как она говорит. Ее белые зубы выглядывают из темноты ее рта, нагоняя на тебя ужас.">>
<<dlg_en 1 "Mr. $mc.name, what's wrong? You have much work to do.">>
<<dlg_ru 1 "Что случилось, мистер $mc.name? У вас еще много работы.">>
<<en "Her words bring you out of your trance and you begin to spread the cream on her chest. Slowly you move to her right breast, slipping a few times. When you reach the dark nipple that almost reaches your waist, you can't resist touching it.">>
<<ru "Ее слова выводят тебя из транса и ты начинаешь размазывать крем по ее грудной клетке. Постепенно ты поднимаешься на ее правую грудь, пусть и пару раз подскользнувшись в процессе. Добравшись до темного соска, доходящего тебе почти до пояса, ты не можешь удержаться, чтобы не дотронуться до него.">>
<<dlg_en 1 "Hey, I brought you here not to play around.">>
<<dlg_ru 1 "Хей, я взяла вас с собой не для того, чтобы вы развлекались.">>
<<en "You look back up to find Samantha staring right at you. Deciding it would be better not to annoy the giant woman, you bypass the nipple and start applying the cream to the lower half of her breast. The slope is much steeper here, so you tumble down it and land on her stomach.">>
<<ru "Ты оглядываешься и обнаруживаешь, что Саманта смотрит прямо на тебя. Решив, что лучше не раздражать гигансткую женщину, ты обходишь сосок и начинаешь наносит крем на нижнюю половину груди. Склон здесь гораздо круче, поэтому ты, не удержавшись, катишься кубарем вниз и приземляешься на ее живот.">>
<<dlg_en 1 "Seems like you can't do it without me.">>
<<dlg_ru 1 "Похоже, вы совсем ничего без меня не можете.">>
<<en "Samantha holds out her open palm to you, inviting you to climb onto it.">>
<<ru "Саманта подносит к вам раскрытую ладонь, приглашая вас забраться на нее.">>
<<dlg_en 1 "I will hold you.">>
<<dlg_ru 1 "Я подстрахую вас.">>
<<en "You crawl onto her palm, and the woman lifts you up and brings you to her chest as if you were sitting in the bucket of an excavator.">>
<<ru "Ты заползаешь на ее ладонь, и девушка поднимает вас и подносит к своей груди, словно бы сидели в ковше эскаватора.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "$mc.name, honey, where are you?">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "$mc.name, милый, ты где?">>
<<dlg_en 1 "Damn! I can't let her see you.">>
<<dlg_ru 1 "Проклятье! Нельзя, чтобы она увидела вас.">>
<<en "The woman squeezes you tightly so that all the air leaves your lungs.">>
<<ru "Девушка крепко сжимает тебя, так что из твоих легких выходит весь воздух.">>
<<dlg_en 1 "Where should I put you?">>
<<dlg_ru 1 " Куда бы вас деть?">>
<<dlg_en 0 "Honey, where are you?">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Милый, ты где?">>
<<en "Your wife's voice is getting louder, but because you're squeezed into your maid's fist, you can't see exactly where $NPCstat[0].name is.">>
<<ru "Голос жены становится громче, но из-за того, что ты зажат в кулаке твоей горничной, ты не можешь увидеть, где именно находится $NPCstat[0].name.">>
<<dlg_en 1 "Okay, there is no other choice.">>
<<dlg_ru 1 "Ладно, другого выхода нет.">>
<<en "Samantha opens her palm and you see the approaching strip of her bikini. She lifts the edge and pushes you inside. The tight fabric covers you, blocking out the light and your ability to move. You are immediately surrounded by the intense scent of your maid.">>
<<ru "Саманта раскрывает ладонь, и ты видишь приближающуюся полоску ее бикини. Она поднимает край трусиков и запихивает тебя внутрь. Плотная ткань накрывает тебя, лишая света и возможности двигаться. Тебя сразу же окружают интимные запахи твоей горничной.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "Samantha, what are you doing here? And why are you naked?">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Саманта, что ты здесь делаешь? И почему ты раздета?">>
<<dlg_en 1 "Mr. $mc.name was letting me rest, so I decided to get some sun.">>
<<dlg_ru 1 "Мистер $mc.name разрешил мне отдохнуть, и я решила немного позагарать.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "And he told you to remove your bikini?">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "И он сказал тебе снять свое бикини?">>
<<dlg_en 1 "He told me to make myself comfortable. You can ask him yourself. He should be in the basement.">>
<<dlg_ru 1 "Он сказал мне, чтобы я чувствовала себя как дома. Можете сами спросить у него. Он должен быть в подвале.">>
<<en "Your wife is silent, apparently considering her next steps.">>
<<ru "Твоя жена замолкает, видимо. обдумывая следующие действия.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "All right, I'll go check on him.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Ладно, пойду проверю.">>
<<btnEventLink "Continue/Продолжить" "Dreams Maid Events" "giantess maid 4">>
<<case "giantess maid 4">>
<<NPCmedia "dreams" "giant maid(boobs)" 0>>
<<en "After $NPCstat[0].name leaves, Samantha lifts the edge of her bikini and you see the sunlight again. Her fingers reach in and grab you.">>
<<ru "После того, как $NPCstat[0].name уходит, Саманта поднимает край своего бикини, и ты снова видишь солнечный свет. Ее пальцы проникают внутрь и хватают тебя.">>
<<dlg_en 1 "It looks like our fun here is over. Your wife will be back soon and I think I can't twist her round my finger this time. So I'm going to take you back to my house.">>
<<dlg_ru 1 "Похоже, наше веселье здесь закончилось. Скоро ваша жена вернется и в этот раз у меня не получится обвести ее вокруг пальца. Так что я возьму вас с собой в свой домик.">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "Enough of that.">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "С меня хватит.">>
<<en "You start wriggling, and thanks to the sunscreen covering your body, you manage to slip out of her grip. However, you soon realize that you shouldn't have, as you begin to fall. The tiles around the pool are rapidly approaching, and you begin to scream. However, just before the impact, everything around you turns upside down and you jump up in a cold sweat.">>
<<ru "Ты начинаешь извиваться и благодаря крему от загара, покрывающему твое тело, у тебя удается выскользнуть из ее хватки. Однако, вскоре ты понимаешь, что тебе не следовало этого делать, поскольку ты начинаешь падать вниз. Плитка, выложенная вокруг бассейна, стремительно приближается, и ты начинаешь кричать. Однако, за мгновение до удара, все вокруг переворачивается вверх тормашками, и ты подрываешься в холодном поту.">>
<<en "As you look around, you realize that you are sitting on the bed in your bedroom.">>
<<ru "Оглядевшись, ты понимаешь, что сидишь на кровати в своей спальне.">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "It was just a dream?">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Это был сон?">>
<<en "Gradually, your breathing returns to normal and the events of the dream begin to fade from your memory. You decide to get out of bed and freshen up.">>
<<ru "Постепенно твое дыхание приходит в норму, и события сна начинают забываться. Ты решаешь подняться с кровати и пойти освежиться.">>
<<btnLink "Get up/Подняться" $location.main "">>
<</switch>><<switch $EventMark>>
<<case "Claire introduction">>
<<set $NPCstat[6].meet = true>>
<<LocImg "work" "your office">>
<<en "You remember that you have an arranged meeting with Claire today. You decide to send her a message, but it seems that someone has already warned you of your arrival, so she texts you first.">>
<<ru "Ты вспоминаешь, что сегодня у тебя запланирована встреча с Клэр. Ты решаешь послать ей сообщение, но похоже, кто-то уже предупредил о твоем прибытии, так что она пишет тебе первой.">>
<<btnEventLink "Invite her to your office/Пригласить ее в свой офис" "Claire Work Events" "Claire introduction 2">>
<<case "Claire introduction 2">>
<<NPCmedia "claire" "first meet" 0>>
<<en "You point Claire to the guest couch, wanting to make the conversation less formal. She walks over to the couch and begins to rearrange the cushions to make room for herself.">>
<<ru "Ты указываешь Клэр на диван для гостей, желая перевести общение в неформальный формат. Она подходит к дивану и начинает раскладывать подушки, чтобы освободить себе место.">>
<<th_en "Damn, I should have told the secretary to organize the guest area.">>
<<th_ru "Черт, надо было сказать секретарше, чтобы она навела порядок в гостевой зоне.">>
<<en "Claire sits down, cross-legged, but doesn't start a conversation, waiting for you to take a seat across from her.">>
<<ru "Клэр садится, скрестив ноги, но не начинает разговор, ожидая пока ты не сядешь напротив нее.">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "So, about our situation. As you know, we need to make some changes to our company policy in the near future. Some of them are quite significant.">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Итак, касательно нашей ситуации. Как ты знаешь, в ближайшей время нам необходимо внести пару изменений в политику нашей компании. Некоторые из них довольно значительные.">>
<<dlg_en 6 "I assume you're talking about gender balance?">>
<<dlg_ru 6 "Думаю, вы говорите о гендерном балансе?">>
<<en "You nod.">>
<<ru "Ты киваешь.">>
<<dlg_en 6 "To be honest, I myself don't like it when someone is given privileges simply for being born with the right chromosomes. But we're not going to cancel the deal, are we?">>
<<dlg_ru 6 "По правде говоря, мне и самой не нравится, когда кому-то дают привилегии просто за то, что они родились с нужными хромосомами. Тем не менее, мы же не станем отменять сделку?">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "The deal will be made.">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Сделка будет завершена.">>
<<dlg_en 6 "In that case, let's talk about solutions. Right now, our company is 72% male and 28% female. We need to increase the number of female employees to at least 40%.">>
<<dlg_ru 6 "В таком случае, давайте перейдем к решениям. В данный момент в нашей компании работает 72% мужчин и 28% женщин. Нам нужно увеличить количество женского персонала хотя бы до 40%.">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "And what solutions do you propose?">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "И какие решения ты предлагаешь?">>
<<dlg_en 6 "Technically, we have two options. We can fire some employees, which may lead to a loss of reputation, or we can hire new ones, which will definitely lead to more costs.">>
<<dlg_ru 6 "Формально, у нас есть два пути. Мы можем уволить часть сотрудников, что может привести к потере репутации, или же нанять новых, что определенно приведет к большим затратам.">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "I don't feel comfortable with either option. Isn't there another way?">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Мне не по душе оба варианта. Может есть какой-то другой путь?">>
<<dlg_en 6 "Well, we can combine both options. But that would take time. But if you give me more leeway, I'm sure I can do it.">>
<<dlg_ru 6 "Ну, мы можем скомбинировать оба варианта. Однако, это потребует времени. Но, если вы предоставите мне больше свободы в действиях, я уверена, что справлюсь.">>
<<btnEventLink "Fire some people/Одобрить увольнения" "Claire Work Events" "Claire introduction 3.1">>
<<btnEventLink "Hire some people instead/Нанять дополнительных сотрудников" "Claire Work Events" "Claire introduction 3.2">>
<<btnEventLink "Give her the authority to act/Дать ей полномочия действовать" "Claire Work Events" "Claire introduction 3.3">>
<<case "Claire introduction 3.1">>
<<set $CompanyPolicy = 1>>
<<NPCmedia "claire" "first meet" 0>>
<<dlg_en 6 "I hear you, Mr. $mc.lastname.">>
<<dlg_ru 6 "Я вас поняла, мистер $mc.lastname.">>
<<en "You're ending your little meeting.">>
<<ru "Вы заканчиваете ваше небольшое совещание.">>
<<set _link = getLinkName("Continue working/Продолжить работу")>>
@@.btnWide;<<button _link "Your Office">>
<<SkipTimeBlock 2>>
<<set $EventMark = "">>
<<set $NewNPC = true>>
<<case "Claire introduction 3.2">>
<<set $CompanyPolicy = 2>>
<<NPCmedia "claire" "first meet" 0>>
<<dlg_en 6 "I hear you, Mr. $mc.lastname.">>
<<dlg_ru 6 "Я вас поняла, мистер $mc.lastname.">>
<<en "You're ending your little meeting.">>
<<ru "Вы заканчиваете ваше небольшое совещание.">>
<<set _link = getLinkName("Continue working/Продолжить работу")>>
@@.btnWide;<<button _link "Your Office">>
<<SkipTimeBlock 2>>
<<set $EventMark = "">>
<<set $NewNPC = true>>
<<case "Claire introduction 3.3">>
<<set $PositionAuthority[2] += 10>>
<<set $CompanyPolicy = 3>>
<<NPCmedia "claire" "first meet" 0>>
<<dlg_en 6 "I hear you, Mr. $mc.lastname.">>
<<dlg_ru 6 "Я вас поняла, мистер $mc.lastname.">>
<<en "You're ending your little meeting.">>
<<ru "Вы заканчиваете ваше небольшое совещание.">>
<<set _link = getLinkName("Continue working/Продолжить работу")>>
@@.btnWide;<<button _link "Your Office">>
<<SkipTimeBlock 2>>
<<set $EventMark = "">>
<<set $NewNPC = true>>
<</switch>><<switch $EventMark>>
/* ------------------------------ LEAVE MASTER BEDROOM ------------------------------ */
<<case "leave master bedroom(in bathroom)">>
<<run setMaidNextBlockPlan(0, "clean master bathroom")>>
<<run setMaidNextBlockEvent(0, "")>>
<<NPCmedia "samantha" "bump into her" 0>>
<<en "Coming out of the bathroom, you bump into your maid. Looks like she's finished cleaning the bedroom.">>
<<ru "Выходя из ванной, ты сталкиваешься со своей горничной. Похоже, она закончила уборку в спальне.">>
<<if $NPCstat[1].obedience > -12>>
<<dlg_en 1 "Oh, I'm sorry, Mr. $mc.name.">>
<<dlg_ru 1 "Ох, простите, мистер $mc.name..">>
<<elseif $NPCstat[1].obedience > -27>>
<<dlg_en 1 "Careful, Mr. $mc.name..">>
<<dlg_ru 1 "Осторожнее, Мистер $mc.name..">>
<<dlg_en 1 "Careful, Mr. $mc.name.. Otherwise that dirty bucket water will end up on your pants.">>
<<dlg_ru 1 "Осторожнее, Мистер $mc.name.. Иначе эта грязная вода из ведра окажется на ваших брюках.">>
<<btnEventLink "Continue/Продолжить" "Master Bedroom" "">>
<<case "leave master bedroom(in hallway)">>
<<run setMaidNextBlockPlan(0, "clean hallway")>>
<<run setMaidNextBlockEvent(0, "")>>
<<NPCmedia "samantha" "bump into her" 0>>
<<en "Walking into the bedroom, you bump into your maid. Looks like she's finished cleaning the bedroom.">>
<<ru "Заходя в спальню, ты сталкиваешься со своей горничной. Похоже, она закончила уборку в спальне.">>
<<if $NPCstat[1].obedience > -12>>
<<dlg_en 1 "Oh, I'm sorry, Mr. $mc.name.">>
<<dlg_ru 1 "Ох, простите, мистер $mc.name..">>
<<elseif $NPCstat[1].obedience > -27>>
<<dlg_en 1 "Careful, Mr. $mc.name..">>
<<dlg_ru 1 "Осторожнее, Мистер $mc.name..">>
<<dlg_en 1 "Careful, Mr. $mc.name.. Otherwise that dirty bucket water will end up on your pants.">>
<<dlg_ru 1 "Осторожнее, Мистер $mc.name.. Иначе эта грязная вода из ведра окажется на ваших брюках.">>
<<btnEventLink "Continue/Продолжить" "Master Bedroom" "">>
<</switch>><<switch $EventMark>>
<<case "watch fight">>
<<run setPaulNextBlockEvent(0, "")>>
<<set _wilson_en = "Wilson">>
<<set _wilson_ru = "Вилсона">>
<<if $mc.lastname == "Wilson">><<set _wilson_en = "Anderson ">><</if>>
<<if $mc.lastname == "Вилсон" or $mc.lastname == "Вильсон">><<set _wilson_ru = "Андерсона ">><</if>>
<<LocImg "work" "paul office">>
<<dlg_en 5 "$mc.name! How are you? Have you seen _wilson_en's last fight?">>
<<dlg_ru 5 "$mc.name! Как ты? Ты уже смотрел последний матч _wilson_ru?">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "No, not yet.">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Еще не успел.">>
<<dlg_en 5 "You have to watch it! You know what, why don't we do it right now?">>
<<dlg_ru 5 "Ты обязан посмотреть его! Знаешь что, давай сделаем это прямо сейчас?">>
<<btnEventLink "Watch the match with him/Посмотреть с ним матч" "Paul Office Events" "watch fight 2" 1>>
<<btnEventLink "Leave/Уйти" "Finance Department" "">>
<<case "watch fight 2">>
<<LocImg "work" "paul office">>
<<en "You spend time with your finance director discussing the fight.">>
<<ru "Ты проводишь время с твоим финансовым директором, обсуждая бой.">>
<<btnEventLink "Leave/Уйти" "Finance Department" "">>
<</switch>><<switch $EventMark>>
/* ------------------------------ RAYMOND ------------------------------ */
<<case "raymond first meet">>
<<set $NPCstat[28].meet = true>>
<<LocImg "local" "road">>
<<en "As you drive home, you see a car on the side of the road. Judging by the flashing hazard lights, the owner is in some kind of trouble. Normally you would drive by, but today you decide to do something kind.">>
<<ru "Возвращаясь домой, ты видишь машину, стояющую на обочине. Судя по мигающим аварийным огням, с ее владельцем случилась какая-то неприятность. Обычно, ты проезжаешь мимо, но сегодня ты решаешь сделать какое-нибудь доброе дело.">>
<<en "You stop a short distance away and approach the other car. The owner turns to you, and you immediately regret your decision to help him because you recognize this guy. He owns the mansion in the neighborhood and has tried to make friends with you several times. You know he got rich off cryptocurrency, and for some reason that makes you sick.">>
<<ru "Ты останавливаешься чуть поодаль и направляешься к сломанной машине. Ее владец поворачивается к тебе, и ты тут же жалеешь о своем решении помочь ему, потому что узнаешь этого парня. Он владеет особняком по соседству и не раз пытался навязаться тебе в друзья. Ты знаешь, что он разбогател на криптовалюте, и почему-то этот факт вызывает у тебя тошноту.">>
<<dlg_en 28 "$mc.name! I didn't expect to see you.">>
<<dlg_ru 28 "$mc.name! Не ожидал увидеть именно тебя.">>
<<en "You decide to cut to the chase and nod toward the car.">>
<<ru "Ты решаешь перейти сразу к делу и киваешь в сторону автомобиля.">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "What happened?">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Что случилось?">>
<<dlg_en 28 "I don't know. I stopped for a few minutes and now it won't start.">>
<<dlg_ru 28 "Не знаю. Я остановился на пару минут, и теперь она оказывается заводиться.">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "Do you call the service?">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Ну так позвони в сервис.">>
<<dlg_en 28 "I already did, they're running late for some reason. Listen, why don't you drive me to the nearest station?">>
<<dlg_ru 28 "Уже позвонил, они почему-то задерживаются. Слушай, может ты меня подвезешь до ближайшей станции?">>
<<en "You sigh.">>
<<ru "Ты вздыхаешь.">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "All right.">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Ладно.">>
<<btnEventLink "Help him/Помочь ему" "Neighbors First Meet" "raymond first meet 2">>
<<case "raymond first meet 2">>
<<LocImg "local" "road">>
<<en "You drive him to the nearest service station. He gets out of the car and turns to you before closing the door.">>
<<ru "Ты подвозишь его до ближайшей сервисной станции. Он выходит из машины и перед тем, как закрыть дверь, поворачивается к тебе.">>
<<dlg_en 28 "Thanks for your help, $mc.name. Listen, I want to pay you back somehow. How about you come over to my place for a barbecue on the weekend?">>
<<dlg_ru 28 "Спасибо за помощь, $mc.name. Слушай, я хочу как-нибудь отблагодарить тебя. Как насчет того, чтобы ты зашел ко мне на барбекю на выходных?">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "I'll think about it.">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Я подумаю над этим.">>
<<btnEventLink "Drive home/Ехать домой" "Hallway" "">>
/* ------------------------------ GLORIA ------------------------------ */
<<case "gloria first meet">>
<<LocImg "local" "crypto house facade">>
<br>After lunch, you decide to visit your neighbor, $NPCstat[28].name.
<<dlg_en 28 "Finally, you decided to come, $mc.name!">>
<<dlg_ru 28 "Finally, you decided to come, $mc.name!">>
<br>He smiles and invites you to grill the meat.
<<btnEventLink "Go to the backyard/Идти на задний двор" "Neighbors First Meet" "gloria first meet 2">>
<<case "gloria first meet 2">>
<<set $NPCstat[29].meet = true>>
<<set $NPCplans[29].anoon == "backyard barbecue">>
<<set $NPCplans[29].evening == "backyard barbecue">>
<<LocImg "local" "crypto house backyard">>
<center><table style="width:100%">
<td style="width:50%;">
<td style="width:50%;">
<<NPCmedia "gloria" "first meet" 0>>
<td style="vertical-align:top">
$NPCstat[28].name takes an ice-cold beer out of the fridge and treats you to it. At this moment, a brunette comes out of the house and goes toward your small party.
<br><<TH "Wow, she's kinda curvy!">>
<br>Raymond, meanwhile, puts his arm around the girl's waist.
<br><<PHR 28 "This is Gloria. We met during my trip to Europe.">>
Gloria holds out her hand, which you shake without any pause. You can see obvious interest in her eyes. Maybe if you get your neighbor drunk, you could spend more time with this girl.
<<btnEventLink "Continue/Продолжить" "Crypto House First Floor" "">>
<<include "Local Event Hub">>
<<switch $location.sub>>
<<case "">>
<<LocImg "local" "crypto house first floor">>
<<set _navid = 0>>
<<set $NavigationSlot = []>>
<<set $NavigationSlotName = []>>
<<set $NavigationSlotSub = []>>
<<set $NavigationSlot[_navid] = "Crypto House Kitchen">>
<<set $NavigationSlotName[_navid] = "Kitchen">>
<<set $NavigationSlotSub[_navid] = "">>
<<set _navid += 1>>
<<set $NavigationSlot[_navid] = "Crypto House Living Room">>
<<set $NavigationSlotName[_navid] = "Living Room">>
<<set $NavigationSlotSub[_navid] = "">>
<<set _navid += 1>>
<<set $NavigationSlot[_navid] = "Crypto House Backyard">>
<<set $NavigationSlotName[_navid] = "Backyard">>
<<set $NavigationSlotSub[_navid] = "">>
<<set _navid += 1>>
<<set $NavigationSlot[_navid] = "Crypto House Second Floor">>
<<set $NavigationSlotName[_navid] = "Second Floor">>
<<set $NavigationSlotSub[_navid] = "">>
<<set _navid += 1>>
<<set _navid -= 1>>
<<NavigationTable _navid>>
<<btnLink "Go home/Ехать домой" "Hallway" "">>
<<include "Local Event Hub">>
<<switch $location.sub>>
<<case "">>
<<LocImg "local" "crypto house kitchen">>
<<btnLink "Leave/Выйти" "Crypto House First Floor" "">>
<<include "Local Event Hub">>
<<switch $location.sub>>
<<case "">>
<<LocImg "local" "crypto house living room">>
<<btnLink "Leave/Выйти" "Crypto House First Floor" "">>
<<include "Local Event Hub">>
<<switch $location.sub>>
<<case "">>
<<LocImg "local" "crypto house backyard">>
<<btnLink "Leave/Выйти" "Crypto House First Floor" "">>
<<include "Local Event Hub">>
<<switch $location.sub>>
<<case "">>
<<LocImg "local" "crypto house second floor">>
<<set _navid = 0>>
<<set $NavigationSlot = []>>
<<set $NavigationSlotName = []>>
<<set $NavigationSlotSub = []>>
<<set $NavigationSlot[_navid] = "Crypto House First Floor">>
<<set $NavigationSlotName[_navid] = "First Floor">>
<<set $NavigationSlotSub[_navid] = "">>
<<set _navid += 1>>
<<set _navid -= 1>>
<<NavigationTable _navid>>
<</switch>><<switch $EventMark>>
<<case "nobody home">>
<<LocImg "local" "crypto house gate">>
<<en "Looks like no one's home.">>
<<ru "Похоже, никого нет дома.">>
<<btnEventLink "Leave/Уйти" "Local Map" "">>
<<case "backyard barbecue">>
<<LocImg "local" "crypto house backyard">>
<<if $NPCstat[28].location == "Crypto House Backyard" and $NPCstat[29].location == "Crypto House Backyard">>
<<if RaymondCurrentPlan() != "backyard barbecue">>
<br><<PHR 28 "The beer went to my head too much. It's time to go to bed.">>
<br>The neighbor walks you to the door. You promise to visit him again as soon as possible.
<<btnEventLink "Go home" "Hallway" "">>
<<elseif GloriaCurrentPlan() == "backyard barbecue">>
<br>$NPCstat[28].name is standing by the grill. Your neighbor is drinking a beer and turning the meat over from time to time. Gloria is standing right next to him.
<<btnEventLink "Drink beer with $NPCstat[28].name" "Crypto House Events" "backyard barbecue(drink)" 1>>
<<btnEventLink "Flirt with Gloria" "Crypto House Events" "backyard barbecue(flirt)" 1>>
<<elseif GloriaCurrentPlan() == "backyard tanning">>
<br>$NPCstat[28].name is standing by the grill. Your neighbor is drinking a beer and turning the meat over from time to time. Gloria is tanning beside the pool.
<<btnEventLink "Drink beer with $NPCstat[28].name" "Crypto House Events" "backyard barbecue(drink)" 1>>
<<btnEventLink "Look at Gloria" "Crypto House Events" "gloria pool peek" 1>>
<<elseif $NPCstat[28].location == "Crypto House Backyard">>
<br>$NPCstat[28].name is standing by the grill. Your neighbor is drinking a beer and turning the meat over from time to time.
<<set _txt = $mc.name + ", I left the sauce in the fridge. Can you get it, please?">>
<<PHR 28 _txt>>
<<btnEventLink "Return to the house" "Crypto House Events" "gloria kitchen(fruit salad)" 1>>
<<case "backyard barbecue(drink)">>
<<LocImg "misc" "barbecue beer">>
<br><<PHR 28 "Okay, man, let's drink.">>
<br>You clink with bottle necks and empty your bottles. $NPCstat[28].name promptly opens a next pair.
<<btnEventLink "Continue" "Crypto House Events" "backyard barbecue">>
<<case "backyard barbecue(flirt)">>
<<NPCmedia "gloria" "barbecue" 0>>
<br><<PHR "mc" "How do you like our city, Gloria?">>
<br><<PHR 29 "$NPCstat[28].name and I stay at home all day, so I haven't got a chance to look around.">>
<br><<PHR 28 "You didn't lose anything. This town is the borest place on the planet.">>
<br><<PHR "mc" "Man, just because you don't wanna see something doesn't mean it's not exist. I'd love to show Gloria a couple of exciting places.">>
<br>Gloria bites her lower lip while her hand pulls down the neckline of her top. Your neighbor is busy with the grilling and doesn't notice her hints.
<br><<PHR 29 "Whatever. You'll only lose your time.">>
<<btnEventLink "Continue" "Crypto House Events" "backyard barbecue">>
/* ------------------------------ GLORIA POOL ------------------------------ */
<<case "gloria pool peek">>
<<NPCmedia "gloria" "pool peek" 1>>
<br>You steal a glance at Gloria's lithe body. She notices this and calls you out.
<<set _txt = $mc.name + ", help me put on sunscreen!">>
<br><<PHR 29 _txt>>
<br><<PHR 28 "Gloria, can't you see we're busy?">>
<br><<PHR 29 "But, darling, you don't want me to burn my delicate skin, do you?">>
<<set _txt = "Fine. Help her, " + $mc.name + ", but make it quick.">>
<br><<PHR 28 _txt>>
<<if $NPCstat[29].corruption >= 30>>
<<btnEventLink "Help Gloria with sunscreen" "Crypto House Events" "gloria pool massage 2">>
<<btnEventLink "Help Gloria with sunscreen" "Crypto House Events" "gloria pool massage">>
<<case "gloria pool massage">>
<<LocImg "misc" "sunblock tube">>
<br>You don't need to be asked twice. Gloria hands you a tube of sunblock and rolls over. You squeeze a little amount of cream on your palms and start rubbing her back, starting with shoulders.
<br><<PHR 29 "Untie bikini straps!">>
<br>Even though she said it in a whisper, you still look around to see if Raymond is suspecting something. But his interest is focused purely on pork ribs.
<br>You untie straps of her bikini and continue to rub cream into her back. Gloria is lying still. Your hands slide lower until they reach her round ass.
<span id="dialog">
@@.btnWide;<<button "Put sunscreen on her ass">>
<<replace "#dialog">>
<br>You take one more look at Raymond and make sure he doesn't suspect anything, then you put your hands on Gloria ass. She shows no sign of displeasure.
<br>You've finished applying sunscreen to her skin, but don't rush back to the grill and beer. Instead, you keep massaging her bum. Gloria's breath quickens, but she is restraining her moans so as not to attract Raymond's attention. Finally, you hear her whisper, asking you to stop.
<br><<PHR "mc" "Ok, I think we're done here.">>
<<set _txt = "Thanks, " + $mc.name + "! You definitely know how to use your hands.">>
<br><<PHR 29 _txt>>
<<AddStat 29 "corruption" 5 30>>
<<btnEventLink "Continue" "Crypto House First Floor" "">>
@@.btnWide;<<button "Finish">>
<<replace "#dialog">>
<br><<PHR "mc" "I think we're done here.">>
<<set _txt = "Thanks, " + $mc.name + "!">>
<br><<PHR 29 _txt>>
<br>Her voice is laced with disappointment.
<<btnEventLink "Continue" "Crypto House First Floor" "">>
<<case "gloria pool massage 2">>
<<LocImg "misc" "sunblock tube">>
<br>Gloria hands you a tube of cream and looks at you expectantly.
<br><<PHR "mc" "You aren't going to roll over on your back?">>
<br>She shifts her head to the right to see what Raymond is doing behind you. After making sure that your neighbor is interested in the grill, she returns to previous position.
<br><<PHR 29 "Not today.">>
<br>You take her hint and start applying cream on her, starting with her feet. You carefully cover her thighs, then run your hands along her sides, squeezing a little more cream on her stomach and start working with it.
<br><<PHR 29 "Move a little to the right. To block Raymond's view.">>
<<NPCmedia "gloria" "pool peek 2" 1>>
<br>You fulfill her request. At same time, Gloria slides her bikini down, exposing her small, firm breasts. You go into a brief shock, but Gloria smiles joyfully.
<br><<PHR 29 "How do you like my tits?">>
<br><<PHR "mc" "They're wonderful.">>
<br><<PHR 29 "Apply the sunscreen on them too.">>
<<btnEventLink "Massage her boobs" "Crypto House Events" "gloria pool massage 2.1">>
<<case "gloria pool massage 2.1">>
<<NPCmedia "gloria" "pool peek 3" 1>>
<br>You grab her tits without hesitation.
<br><<PHR 29 "Slow down, cowboy. Raymond might notice.">>
<br><<PHR "mc" "If here was just two of us, I'd jump on you by now.">>
<br><<PHR 29 "I can imagine. Tell me, what would you do to me?">>
<br><<PHR "mc" "I'd rip off that bikini and fuck you right here.">>
<br>Gloria it squeezes her tits a little.
<br><<PHR 29 "Calm down, my beast. I don't think this old lounger would withstand your pressure.">>
<br><<PHR "mc" "Then to hell with it. I'd bend you over the fence and fuck you so hard you wouldn't be able to walk for another twenty-four hours.">>
<br><<PHR 29 "But it's so uncomfortable, trying to hold on to a stone fence while you're being fucked like a whore.">>
<br><<PHR "mc" "Stop messing with me!">>
<br><<PHR 28 "What's going on there?">>
<br>Gloria quickly straightens her bikini. You realize that you said that last sentence too loudly.
<br><<PHR 29 "Nothing you need to worry about!">>
<br><<PHR 28 "Have you finished yet?">>
<br><<PHR "mc" "It won't take long now.">>
<br>Gloria represses her laugh, and you can't help but grin, either.
<br><<PHR 29 "It seems that he did not notice anything. But we'd better continue next time.">>
<<AddStat 29 "corruption" 3 35>>
<<btnEventLink "Continue" "Crypto House First Floor" "">>
/* ------------------------------ GLORIA KITCHEN ------------------------------ */
<<case "gloria kitchen(fruit salad)">>
<<NPCmedia "gloria" "kitchen talk" 0>>
<<if $NPCstat[29].corruption < 30>>
<br>You enter the kitchen.
<<set _txt = "Whoa, hi, " + $mc.name + "!">>
<<PHR 29 _txt>>
<br><<PHR "mc" "Hello there. I thought you weren't home. Why didn't you join us?">>
<br><<PHR 29 "Just don't wanna listen to Raymond's endless rant about politics.">>
<br><<PHR "mc" "I know he irritates me sometimes, too.">>
<br>Gloria pours the mix from the blender into a glass.
<br><<PHR 29 "Can you help me cut the strawberries?">>
<<LocImg "misc" "strawberry">>
<br>You come closer and take a pink berry from the basket. It feels pleasantly cool on your fingers, looks like Gloria took it out of the fridge just a minute ago.
<br><<PHR 29 "If you don't like blabing to Raymond, why do you keep visiting us?">>
<br><<PHR "mc" "Who's said I'm visiting you to see Raymond?">>
<br>Gloria grabs a piece of strawberry from under your knife. Dipping it into the cocktail, she brings the berry to her lips and slowly pushes it into her mouth. And she stares at you intently all time.
<br><<PHR 29 "Wow, I can't wait to find out who you come to our house so often for! Promise me you'll tell me about this person next time!">>
<br><<PHR "mc" "I swear.">>
<br>When you're done with the strawberries, you put the knife aside. You grab the sauce for a meat and walk out of the kitchen, not for a moment losing the feeling of Gloria gaze on you.
<<PHR 28 "What took you so long?">>
<br><<PHR "mc" "Gloria asked me to cut strawberries for a cocktail.">>
<br><<PHR 28 "Man, don't let distract you so easily. We're grilling the ribs here.">>
<br>Raymond chuckles and goes back to the grill.
<<btnEventLink "Continue" "Crypto House First Floor" "">>
<<set _txt = $mc.name + "! It's so good to see you. Did you come for the meat sauce?">>
<br><<PHR 29 _txt>>
<br><<PHR "mc" "Yes. Somehow I'm not surprised to see you here.">>
<<set _txt = "To be honest, I'm already thinking about stopping waiting for you here. I thought you were bolder, " + $mc.name + ".">>
<br><<PHR 29 _txt>>
<<btnEventLink "Show her how bold you are" "Crypto House Events" "gloria kitchen(fingering)">>
<<btnEventLink "Make a joke" "Crypto House Events" "gloria kitchen(joke)">>
<<case "gloria kitchen(joke)">>
<<NPCmedia "gloria" "kitchen talk" 0>>
<br><<PHR "mc" "I'm brave enough to make the girl wait another week.">>
<br><<PHR 29 "Don't you think it's not brave, but reckless?">>
<br>With that, Gloria approaches you.
<br><<PHR "mc" "I'm willing to take the risk.">>
<br>You grab her ass and pull her toward you. She keeps looking at you defiantly and grabs your ass in return.
<br><<PHR 29 "Okay, I think I can wait another week.">>
<br>Smiling contentedly, she turns around and goes back to making the salad. You pick up the meat sauce and leave the kitchen.
<<btnEventLink "Continue" "Crypto House First Floor" "">>
<<case "gloria kitchen(fingering)">>
<<NPCmedia "gloria" "kitchen finger" 1>>
<br>You close the fridge door and walk over to Gloria.
<br><<PHR "mc" "You know, it's not about my courage. In fact, I can bend you over this table at any time and fuck like a whore you are.">>
<br>You pull up her dress and your fingers over the wet fabric of her panties.
<br><<PHR "mc" "Like I said, I don't need the courage to take another whore. I do it when it's convenient for me.">>
<br>While you degrade her, your fingers slide into her panties and spread her labia, invading inside vagina. Gloria's eyes widen in surprise, and she wraps her arms around your shoulders. You're stretching her pussy, toughing all her sensitive spots, and Gloria barely can restrain her moans.
<<set _txt = "W-wait! " + $mc.name + ", s-stop...">>
<br><<PHR 29 _txt>>
<br><<PHR "mc" "Too late.">>
<br>Her body stretches out, as if she's trying to move away from you, but her hips are clenched around your arm at the same time, unwilling to let it go. You speed up your motions, and Gloria can no longer hold back her moans. Her hands are circling from grabbing your hair to crumpling your shirt.
<br>You gently wrap your free arm around her neck.
<br><<PHR "mc" "Do you like it, bitch?">>
<br><<PHR 29 "Yes! I like it! Please don't stop!">>
<br>Gradually, the fluids released by her oozing pussy reach your nostrils, causing your cock to swell in your pants.
<br><<PHR "mc" "You're hungry bitch, aren't you?">>
<<btnEventLink "Make her cum with your fingers" "Crypto House Events" "gloria kitchen(fingering) 2">>
<<case "gloria kitchen(fingering) 2">>
<<NPCmedia "gloria" "kitchen finger 2" 1>>
<br><<PHR "mc" "Don't worry, I'll give you what you want.">>
<br>You brashly turn her around to face the table and pull down her panties. After slapping her round ass a couple of times, you drive your fingers inside her pussy again. Gloria leans forward, pressing her belly on the edge of the table. You lean in and move your lips to her ear.
<br><<PHR "mc" "Raymond should see your face now.">>
<br><<PHR 29 "Don't mention... him...">>
<br><<PHR "mc" "Imagine, what if he would come in here and see what kind of cheating whore he invited to his house?">>
<br><<PHR 29 "I'm not... Oh-h!">>
<br>Her pussy starts squeezing around your fingers. Her body is convulsing, while her cunt is squirting on your hand.
<br>After orgasm end, Gloria is left lying on the table. Her bare ass is tempting you, so you can't resist but give it another slap.
<br><<PHR 29 "Oh!">>
<br><<PHR "mc" "Ok, get some rest, we'll continue next time.">>
<br>You pick up the sauce and go back to the backyard.
<<AddStat 29 "corruption" 5 40>>
<<PHR 28 "What took you so long?">>
<br><<PHR "mc" "Gloria asked me to cut strawberries for a cocktail.">>
<br><<PHR 28 "Man, don't let distract you so easily. We're cooking the ribs here.">>
<br>Raymond chuckles and goes back to the grill.
<<btnEventLink "Continue" "Crypto House First Floor" "">>
<</switch>><<switch $location.sub>>
<<case "shuffle">>
<<set $LongshortTurn = 0>>
<<set $LongshortDeckSize = 0>>
<<set $LongshortTurnEnd = false>>
<<set $LongshortGameEnd = false>>
<<set $LongshortRawAcesSwitches[0] = false>>
<<set $LongshortRawAcesSwitches[1] = false>>
<<set $LongshortRawAcesSwitches[2] = false>>
<<set $LongshortRawAcesSwitches[3] = false>>
<<set $LongshortRawKingSwitches[0] = false>>
<<set $LongshortRawKingSwitches[1] = -1>>
<<set $LongshortRawQueenSwitches[0] = false>>
<<set $LongshortRawQueenSwitches[1] = -1>>
<<for _i to 0; _i <= 10; _i++>>
<<set $LongshortYourRaw[_i] = -1>>
<<set $LongshortOpponentRaw[_i] = -1>>
<<for $LongshortDeckSize to 0; $LongshortDeckSize <= 51; $LongshortDeckSize++>>
<<set $LongshortDeckOrder[$LongshortDeckSize] = random(51)>>
<<for _i to 0; _i < $LongshortDeckSize; _i++>>
<<if $LongshortDeckOrder[$LongshortDeckSize] == $LongshortDeckOrder[_i]>>
<<set $LongshortDeckSize -= 1>>
<<set _i = $LongshortDeckSize + 1>>
<<set $LongshortDeckSize -= 1>>
<<set $LongshortYourHand[0] = $LongshortDeckOrder[$LongshortDeckSize]>>
<<set $LongshortDeckSize -= 1>>
<<set $LongshortYourHand[1] = $LongshortDeckOrder[$LongshortDeckSize]>>
<<set $LongshortDeckSize -= 1>>
<<set $LongshortOpponentHand[0] = $LongshortDeckOrder[$LongshortDeckSize]>>
<<set $LongshortDeckSize -= 1>>
<<set $LongshortOpponentHand[1] = $LongshortDeckOrder[$LongshortDeckSize]>>
<<LocImg "misc" "longshort_preview">>
<<btnLink "Start game/Начать игру" "Longshort Game" "">>
<<btnLink "Turn off the PC/Выключить компьютер" "Home Office" "">>
<<case "">>
<center><table style="width:110%">
<td style="width:10%">
<<if $LongshortOpponentHand[0] == -1>>
<<LocImg "cards" "empty">>
<<LocImg "cards" "shirt">>
<td style="width:10%">
<<if $LongshortOpponentHand[1] == -1>>
<<LocImg "cards" "empty">>
<<LocImg "cards" "shirt">>
<td style="width:10%"><<LocImg "cards" "empty">></td>
<td style="width:10%"><<LocImg "cards" "empty">></td>
<td style="width:10%"><<LocImg "cards" "empty">></td>
<td style="width:10%"><<LocImg "cards" "empty">></td>
<td style="width:10%"><<LocImg "cards" "empty">></td>
<td style="width:10%"><<LocImg "cards" "empty">></td>
<td style="width:10%"><<LocImg "cards" "empty">></td>
<td style="width:10%"><<LocImg "cards" "empty">></td>
<td style="width:10%">
<<if $LongshortGameEnd>>
<<elseif $LongshortOpponentRaw[0] >= 44 and $LongshortOpponentRaw[0] < 48>>
<<if $LongshortRawKingSwitches[0]>>
<center>@@.btnWide;<<button "X" "Longshort Game">>
<<set $LongshortRawKingSwitches[0] = false>>
<<set $LongshortRawKingSwitches[1] = -1>>
<center>@@.btnWide;<<button "Kill" "Longshort Game">>
<<set $LongshortRawKingSwitches[0] = true>>
<<set $LongshortRawKingSwitches[1] = 10>>
<td style="width:10%">
<<if $LongshortGameEnd>>
<<elseif $LongshortOpponentRaw[1] >= 44 and $LongshortOpponentRaw[1] < 48>>
<<if $LongshortRawKingSwitches[0]>>
<center>@@.btnWide;<<button "X" "Longshort Game">>
<<set $LongshortRawKingSwitches[0] = false>>
<<set $LongshortRawKingSwitches[1] = -1>>
<center>@@.btnWide;<<button "Kill" "Longshort Game">>
<<set $LongshortRawKingSwitches[0] = true>>
<<set $LongshortRawKingSwitches[1] = 11>>
<td style="width:10%">
<<if $LongshortGameEnd>>
<<elseif $LongshortOpponentRaw[2] >= 44 and $LongshortOpponentRaw[2] < 48>>
<<if $LongshortRawKingSwitches[0]>>
<center>@@.btnWide;<<button "X" "Longshort Game">>
<<set $LongshortRawKingSwitches[0] = false>>
<<set $LongshortRawKingSwitches[1] = -1>>
<center>@@.btnWide;<<button "Kill" "Longshort Game">>
<<set $LongshortRawKingSwitches[0] = true>>
<<set $LongshortRawKingSwitches[1] = 12>>
<td style="width:10%">
<<if $LongshortGameEnd>>
<<elseif $LongshortOpponentRaw[3] >= 44 and $LongshortOpponentRaw[3] < 48>>
<<if $LongshortRawKingSwitches[0]>>
<center>@@.btnWide;<<button "X" "Longshort Game">>
<<set $LongshortRawKingSwitches[0] = false>>
<<set $LongshortRawKingSwitches[1] = -1>>
<center>@@.btnWide;<<button "Kill" "Longshort Game">>
<<set $LongshortRawKingSwitches[0] = true>>
<<set $LongshortRawKingSwitches[1] = 13>>
<td style="width:10%">
<<if $LongshortGameEnd>>
<<elseif $LongshortOpponentRaw[4] >= 44 and $LongshortOpponentRaw[4] < 48>>
<<if $LongshortRawKingSwitches[0]>>
<center>@@.btnWide;<<button "X" "Longshort Game">>
<<set $LongshortRawKingSwitches[0] = false>>
<<set $LongshortRawKingSwitches[1] = -1>>
<center>@@.btnWide;<<button "Kill" "Longshort Game">>
<<set $LongshortRawKingSwitches[0] = true>>
<<set $LongshortRawKingSwitches[1] = 14>>
<td style="width:10%">
<<if $LongshortGameEnd>>
<<elseif $LongshortOpponentRaw[5] >= 44 and $LongshortOpponentRaw[5] < 48>>
<<if $LongshortRawKingSwitches[0]>>
<center>@@.btnWide;<<button "X" "Longshort Game">>
<<set $LongshortRawKingSwitches[0] = false>>
<<set $LongshortRawKingSwitches[1] = -1>>
<center>@@.btnWide;<<button "Kill" "Longshort Game">>
<<set $LongshortRawKingSwitches[0] = true>>
<<set $LongshortRawKingSwitches[1] = 15>>
<td style="width:10%">
<<if $LongshortGameEnd>>
<<elseif $LongshortOpponentRaw[6] >= 44 and $LongshortOpponentRaw[6] < 48>>
<<if $LongshortRawKingSwitches[0]>>
<center>@@.btnWide;<<button "X" "Longshort Game">>
<<set $LongshortRawKingSwitches[0] = false>>
<<set $LongshortRawKingSwitches[1] = -1>>
<center>@@.btnWide;<<button "Kill" "Longshort Game">>
<<set $LongshortRawKingSwitches[0] = true>>
<<set $LongshortRawKingSwitches[1] = 16>>
<td style="width:10%">
<<if $LongshortGameEnd>>
<<elseif $LongshortOpponentRaw[7] >= 44 and $LongshortOpponentRaw[7] < 48>>
<<if $LongshortRawKingSwitches[0]>>
<center>@@.btnWide;<<button "X" "Longshort Game">>
<<set $LongshortRawKingSwitches[0] = false>>
<<set $LongshortRawKingSwitches[1] = -1>>
<center>@@.btnWide;<<button "Kill" "Longshort Game">>
<<set $LongshortRawKingSwitches[0] = true>>
<<set $LongshortRawKingSwitches[1] = 17>>
<td style="width:10%">
<<if $LongshortGameEnd>>
<<elseif $LongshortOpponentRaw[8] >= 44 and $LongshortOpponentRaw[8] < 48>>
<<if $LongshortRawKingSwitches[0]>>
<center>@@.btnWide;<<button "X" "Longshort Game">>
<<set $LongshortRawKingSwitches[0] = false>>
<<set $LongshortRawKingSwitches[1] = -1>>
<center>@@.btnWide;<<button "Kill" "Longshort Game">>
<<set $LongshortRawKingSwitches[0] = true>>
<<set $LongshortRawKingSwitches[1] = 18>>
<td style="width:10%">
<<if $LongshortGameEnd>>
<<elseif $LongshortOpponentRaw[9] >= 44 and $LongshortOpponentRaw[9] < 48>>
<<if $LongshortRawKingSwitches[0]>>
<center>@@.btnWide;<<button "X" "Longshort Game">>
<<set $LongshortRawKingSwitches[0] = false>>
<<set $LongshortRawKingSwitches[1] = -1>>
<center>@@.btnWide;<<button "Kill" "Longshort Game">>
<<set $LongshortRawKingSwitches[0] = true>>
<<set $LongshortRawKingSwitches[1] = 19>>
<td style="width:10%">
<<if $LongshortOpponentRaw[0] == -1>>
<<LocImg "cards" "empty">>
<<set _card = getCardImage($LongshortOpponentRaw[0])>>
<<LocImg "cards" _card>>
<td style="width:10%">
<<if $LongshortOpponentRaw[1] == -1>>
<<if $LongshortOpponentRaw[0] != -1>>
<<set _sum = getRawSum(1)>>
<<LocImg "cards" "empty">>
<<set _card = getCardImage($LongshortOpponentRaw[1])>>
<<LocImg "cards" _card>>
<td style="width:10%">
<<if $LongshortOpponentRaw[2] == -1>>
<<if $LongshortOpponentRaw[1] != -1>>
<<set _sum = getRawSum(1)>>
<<LocImg "cards" "empty">>
<<set _card = getCardImage($LongshortOpponentRaw[2])>>
<<LocImg "cards" _card>>
<td style="width:10%">
<<if $LongshortOpponentRaw[3] == -1>>
<<if $LongshortOpponentRaw[2] != -1>>
<<set _sum = getRawSum(1)>>
<<LocImg "cards" "empty">>
<<set _card = getCardImage($LongshortOpponentRaw[3])>>
<<LocImg "cards" _card>>
<td style="width:10%">
<<if $LongshortOpponentRaw[4] == -1>>
<<if $LongshortOpponentRaw[3] != -1>>
<<set _sum = getRawSum(1)>>
<<LocImg "cards" "empty">>
<<set _card = getCardImage($LongshortOpponentRaw[4])>>
<<LocImg "cards" _card>>
<td style="width:10%">
<<if $LongshortOpponentRaw[5] == -1>>
<<if $LongshortOpponentRaw[4] != -1>>
<<set _sum = getRawSum(1)>>
<<LocImg "cards" "empty">>
<<set _card = getCardImage($LongshortOpponentRaw[5])>>
<<LocImg "cards" _card>>
<td style="width:10%">
<<if $LongshortOpponentRaw[6] == -1>>
<<if $LongshortOpponentRaw[5] != -1>>
<<set _sum = getRawSum(1)>>
<<LocImg "cards" "empty">>
<<set _card = getCardImage($LongshortOpponentRaw[6])>>
<<LocImg "cards" _card>>
<td style="width:10%">
<<if $LongshortOpponentRaw[7] == -1>>
<<if $LongshortOpponentRaw[6] != -1>>
<<set _sum = getRawSum(1)>>
<<LocImg "cards" "empty">>
<<set _card = getCardImage($LongshortOpponentRaw[7])>>
<<LocImg "cards" _card>>
<td style="width:10%">
<<if $LongshortOpponentRaw[8] == -1>>
<<if $LongshortOpponentRaw[7] != -1>>
<<set _sum = getRawSum(1)>>
<<LocImg "cards" "empty">>
<<set _card = getCardImage($LongshortOpponentRaw[8])>>
<<LocImg "cards" _card>>
<td style="width:10%">
<<if $LongshortOpponentRaw[9] == -1>>
<<if $LongshortOpponentRaw[8] != -1>>
<<set _sum = getRawSum(1)>>
<<LocImg "cards" "empty">>
<<set _card = getCardImage($LongshortOpponentRaw[9])>>
<<LocImg "cards" _card>>
<td style="width:10%">
<<if $LongshortYourRaw[0] == -1>>
<<LocImg "cards" "empty">>
<<set _card = getCardImage($LongshortYourRaw[0])>>
<<LocImg "cards" _card>>
<td style="width:10%">
<<if $LongshortYourRaw[1] == -1>>
<<if $LongshortYourRaw[0] != -1>>
<<set _sum = getRawSum(0)>>
<<LocImg "cards" "empty">>
<<set _card = getCardImage($LongshortYourRaw[1])>>
<<LocImg "cards" _card>>
<td style="width:10%">
<<if $LongshortYourRaw[2] == -1>>
<<if $LongshortYourRaw[1] != -1>>
<<set _sum = getRawSum(0)>>
<<LocImg "cards" "empty">>
<<set _card = getCardImage($LongshortYourRaw[2])>>
<<LocImg "cards" _card>>
<td style="width:10%">
<<if $LongshortYourRaw[3] == -1>>
<<if $LongshortYourRaw[2] != -1>>
<<set _sum = getRawSum(0)>>
<<LocImg "cards" "empty">>
<<set _card = getCardImage($LongshortYourRaw[3])>>
<<LocImg "cards" _card>>
<td style="width:10%">
<<if $LongshortYourRaw[4] == -1>>
<<if $LongshortYourRaw[3] != -1>>
<<set _sum = getRawSum(0)>>
<<LocImg "cards" "empty">>
<<set _card = getCardImage($LongshortYourRaw[4])>>
<<LocImg "cards" _card>>
<td style="width:10%">
<<if $LongshortYourRaw[5] == -1>>
<<if $LongshortYourRaw[4] != -1>>
<<set _sum = getRawSum(0)>>
<<LocImg "cards" "empty">>
<<set _card = getCardImage($LongshortYourRaw[5])>>
<<LocImg "cards" _card>>
<td style="width:10%">
<<if $LongshortYourRaw[6] == -1>>
<<if $LongshortYourRaw[5] != -1>>
<<set _sum = getRawSum(0)>>
<<LocImg "cards" "empty">>
<<set _card = getCardImage($LongshortYourRaw[6])>>
<<LocImg "cards" _card>>
<td style="width:10%">
<<if $LongshortYourRaw[7] == -1>>
<<if $LongshortYourRaw[6] != -1>>
<<set _sum = getRawSum(0)>>
<<LocImg "cards" "empty">>
<<set _card = getCardImage($LongshortYourRaw[7])>>
<<LocImg "cards" _card>>
<td style="width:10%">
<<if $LongshortYourRaw[8] == -1>>
<<if $LongshortYourRaw[7] != -1>>
<<set _sum = getRawSum(0)>>
<<LocImg "cards" "empty">>
<<set _card = getCardImage($LongshortYourRaw[8])>>
<<LocImg "cards" _card>>
<td style="width:10%">
<<if $LongshortYourRaw[9] == -1>>
<<if $LongshortYourRaw[8] != -1>>
<<set _sum = getRawSum(0)>>
<<LocImg "cards" "empty">>
<<set _card = getCardImage($LongshortYourRaw[9])>>
<<LocImg "cards" _card>>
<td style="width:10%">
<<if $LongshortGameEnd>>
<<elseif $LongshortYourRaw[0] >= 48>>
<center>@@.btnWide;<<button "10/1" "Longshort Game">>
<<run dropChangeAceValue($LongshortYourRaw[0])>>
<<elseif $LongshortYourRaw[0] >= 44>>
<<if $LongshortRawKingSwitches[0]>>
<center>@@.btnWide;<<button "X" "Longshort Game">>
<<set $LongshortRawKingSwitches[0] = false>>
<<set $LongshortRawKingSwitches[1] = -1>>
<center>@@.btnWide;<<button "Kill" "Longshort Game">>
<<set $LongshortRawKingSwitches[0] = true>>
<<set $LongshortRawKingSwitches[1] = 0>>
<<elseif $LongshortYourRaw[0] >= 40>>
<<if $LongshortRawQueenSwitches[0]>>
<center>@@.btnWide;<<button "X" "Longshort Game">>
<<set $LongshortRawQueenSwitches[0] = false>>
<<set $LongshortRawQueenSwitches[1] = -1>>
<center>@@.btnWide;<<button "Move" "Longshort Game">>
<<set $LongshortRawQueenSwitches[0] = true>>
<<set $LongshortRawQueenSwitches[1] = 0>>
<td style="width:10%">
<<if $LongshortGameEnd>>
<<elseif $LongshortYourRaw[1] >= 48>>
<center>@@.btnWide;<<button "10/1" "Longshort Game">>
<<run dropChangeAceValue($LongshortYourRaw[1])>>
<<elseif $LongshortYourRaw[1] >= 44>>
<<if $LongshortRawKingSwitches[0]>>
<center>@@.btnWide;<<button "X" "Longshort Game">>
<<set $LongshortRawKingSwitches[0] = false>>
<<set $LongshortRawKingSwitches[1] = -1>>
<center>@@.btnWide;<<button "Kill" "Longshort Game">>
<<set $LongshortRawKingSwitches[0] = true>>
<<set $LongshortRawKingSwitches[1] = 1>>
<<elseif $LongshortYourRaw[1] >= 40>>
<<if $LongshortRawQueenSwitches[0]>>
<center>@@.btnWide;<<button "X" "Longshort Game">>
<<set $LongshortRawQueenSwitches[0] = false>>
<<set $LongshortRawQueenSwitches[1] = -1>>
<center>@@.btnWide;<<button "Move" "Longshort Game">>
<<set $LongshortRawQueenSwitches[0] = true>>
<<set $LongshortRawQueenSwitches[1] = 1>>
<td style="width:10%">
<<if $LongshortGameEnd>>
<<elseif $LongshortYourRaw[2] >= 48>>
<center>@@.btnWide;<<button "10/1" "Longshort Game">>
<<run dropChangeAceValue($LongshortYourRaw[2])>>
<<elseif $LongshortYourRaw[2] >= 44>>
<<if $LongshortRawKingSwitches[0]>>
<center>@@.btnWide;<<button "X" "Longshort Game">>
<<set $LongshortRawKingSwitches[0] = false>>
<<set $LongshortRawKingSwitches[1] = -1>>
<center>@@.btnWide;<<button "Kill" "Longshort Game">>
<<set $LongshortRawKingSwitches[0] = true>>
<<set $LongshortRawKingSwitches[1] = 2>>
<<elseif $LongshortYourRaw[2] >= 40>>
<<if $LongshortRawQueenSwitches[0]>>
<center>@@.btnWide;<<button "X" "Longshort Game">>
<<set $LongshortRawQueenSwitches[0] = false>>
<<set $LongshortRawQueenSwitches[1] = -1>>
<center>@@.btnWide;<<button "Move" "Longshort Game">>
<<set $LongshortRawQueenSwitches[0] = true>>
<<set $LongshortRawQueenSwitches[1] = 2>>
<td style="width:10%">
<<if $LongshortGameEnd>>
<<elseif $LongshortYourRaw[3] >= 48>>
<center>@@.btnWide;<<button "10/1" "Longshort Game">>
<<run dropChangeAceValue($LongshortYourRaw[3])>>
<<elseif $LongshortYourRaw[3] >= 44>>
<<if $LongshortRawKingSwitches[0]>>
<center>@@.btnWide;<<button "X" "Longshort Game">>
<<set $LongshortRawKingSwitches[0] = false>>
<<set $LongshortRawKingSwitches[1] = -1>>
<center>@@.btnWide;<<button "Kill" "Longshort Game">>
<<set $LongshortRawKingSwitches[0] = true>>
<<set $LongshortRawKingSwitches[1] = 3>>
<<elseif $LongshortYourRaw[3] >= 40>>
<<if $LongshortRawQueenSwitches[0]>>
<center>@@.btnWide;<<button "X" "Longshort Game">>
<<set $LongshortRawQueenSwitches[0] = false>>
<<set $LongshortRawQueenSwitches[1] = -1>>
<center>@@.btnWide;<<button "Move" "Longshort Game">>
<<set $LongshortRawQueenSwitches[0] = true>>
<<set $LongshortRawQueenSwitches[1] = 3>>
<td style="width:10%">
<<if $LongshortGameEnd>>
<<elseif $LongshortYourRaw[4] >= 48>>
<center>@@.btnWide;<<button "10/1" "Longshort Game">>
<<run dropChangeAceValue($LongshortYourRaw[4])>>
<<elseif $LongshortYourRaw[4] >= 44>>
<<if $LongshortRawKingSwitches[0]>>
<center>@@.btnWide;<<button "X" "Longshort Game">>
<<set $LongshortRawKingSwitches[0] = false>>
<<set $LongshortRawKingSwitches[1] = -1>>
<center>@@.btnWide;<<button "Kill" "Longshort Game">>
<<set $LongshortRawKingSwitches[0] = true>>
<<set $LongshortRawKingSwitches[1] = 4>>
<<elseif $LongshortYourRaw[4] >= 40>>
<<if $LongshortRawQueenSwitches[0]>>
<center>@@.btnWide;<<button "X" "Longshort Game">>
<<set $LongshortRawQueenSwitches[0] = false>>
<<set $LongshortRawQueenSwitches[1] = -1>>
<center>@@.btnWide;<<button "Move" "Longshort Game">>
<<set $LongshortRawQueenSwitches[0] = true>>
<<set $LongshortRawQueenSwitches[1] = 4>>
<td style="width:10%">
<<if $LongshortGameEnd>>
<<elseif $LongshortYourRaw[5] >= 48>>
<center>@@.btnWide;<<button "10/1" "Longshort Game">>
<<run dropChangeAceValue($LongshortYourRaw[5])>>
<<elseif $LongshortYourRaw[5] >= 44>>
<<if $LongshortRawKingSwitches[0]>>
<center>@@.btnWide;<<button "X" "Longshort Game">>
<<set $LongshortRawKingSwitches[0] = false>>
<<set $LongshortRawKingSwitches[1] = -1>>
<center>@@.btnWide;<<button "Kill" "Longshort Game">>
<<set $LongshortRawKingSwitches[0] = true>>
<<set $LongshortRawKingSwitches[1] = 5>>
<<elseif $LongshortYourRaw[5] >= 40>>
<<if $LongshortRawQueenSwitches[0]>>
<center>@@.btnWide;<<button "X" "Longshort Game">>
<<set $LongshortRawQueenSwitches[0] = false>>
<<set $LongshortRawQueenSwitches[1] = -1>>
<center>@@.btnWide;<<button "Move" "Longshort Game">>
<<set $LongshortRawQueenSwitches[0] = true>>
<<set $LongshortRawQueenSwitches[1] = 5>>
<td style="width:10%">
<<if $LongshortGameEnd>>
<<elseif $LongshortYourRaw[6] >= 48>>
<center>@@.btnWide;<<button "10/1" "Longshort Game">>
<<run dropChangeAceValue($LongshortYourRaw[6])>>
<<elseif $LongshortYourRaw[6] >= 44>>
<<if $LongshortRawKingSwitches[0]>>
<center>@@.btnWide;<<button "X" "Longshort Game">>
<<set $LongshortRawKingSwitches[0] = false>>
<<set $LongshortRawKingSwitches[1] = -1>>
<center>@@.btnWide;<<button "Kill" "Longshort Game">>
<<set $LongshortRawKingSwitches[0] = true>>
<<set $LongshortRawKingSwitches[1] = 6>>
<<elseif $LongshortYourRaw[6] >= 40>>
<<if $LongshortRawQueenSwitches[0]>>
<center>@@.btnWide;<<button "X" "Longshort Game">>
<<set $LongshortRawQueenSwitches[0] = false>>
<<set $LongshortRawQueenSwitches[1] = -1>>
<center>@@.btnWide;<<button "Move" "Longshort Game">>
<<set $LongshortRawQueenSwitches[0] = true>>
<<set $LongshortRawQueenSwitches[1] = 6>>
<td style="width:10%">
<<if $LongshortGameEnd>>
<<elseif $LongshortYourRaw[7] >= 48>>
<center>@@.btnWide;<<button "10/1" "Longshort Game">>
<<run dropChangeAceValue($LongshortYourRaw[7])>>
<<elseif $LongshortYourRaw[7] >= 44>>
<<if $LongshortRawKingSwitches[0]>>
<center>@@.btnWide;<<button "X" "Longshort Game">>
<<set $LongshortRawKingSwitches[0] = false>>
<<set $LongshortRawKingSwitches[1] = -1>>
<center>@@.btnWide;<<button "Kill" "Longshort Game">>
<<set $LongshortRawKingSwitches[0] = true>>
<<set $LongshortRawKingSwitches[1] = 7>>
<<elseif $LongshortYourRaw[7] >= 40>>
<<if $LongshortRawQueenSwitches[0]>>
<center>@@.btnWide;<<button "X" "Longshort Game">>
<<set $LongshortRawQueenSwitches[0] = false>>
<<set $LongshortRawQueenSwitches[1] = -1>>
<center>@@.btnWide;<<button "Move" "Longshort Game">>
<<set $LongshortRawQueenSwitches[0] = true>>
<<set $LongshortRawQueenSwitches[1] = 7>>
<td style="width:10%">
<<if $LongshortGameEnd>>
<<elseif $LongshortYourRaw[8] >= 48>>
<center>@@.btnWide;<<button "10/1" "Longshort Game">>
<<run dropChangeAceValue($LongshortYourRaw[8])>>
<<elseif $LongshortYourRaw[8] >= 44>>
<<if $LongshortRawKingSwitches[0]>>
<center>@@.btnWide;<<button "X" "Longshort Game">>
<<set $LongshortRawKingSwitches[0] = false>>
<<set $LongshortRawKingSwitches[1] = -1>>
<center>@@.btnWide;<<button "Kill" "Longshort Game">>
<<set $LongshortRawKingSwitches[0] = true>>
<<set $LongshortRawKingSwitches[1] = 8>>
<<elseif $LongshortYourRaw[8] >= 40>>
<<if $LongshortRawQueenSwitches[0]>>
<center>@@.btnWide;<<button "X" "Longshort Game">>
<<set $LongshortRawQueenSwitches[0] = false>>
<<set $LongshortRawQueenSwitches[1] = -1>>
<center>@@.btnWide;<<button "Move" "Longshort Game">>
<<set $LongshortRawQueenSwitches[0] = true>>
<<set $LongshortRawQueenSwitches[1] = 8>>
<td style="width:10%">
<<if $LongshortGameEnd>>
<<elseif $LongshortYourRaw[9] >= 48>>
<center>@@.btnWide;<<button "10/1" "Longshort Game">>
<<run dropChangeAceValue($LongshortYourRaw[9])>>
<<elseif $LongshortYourRaw[9] >= 44>>
<<if $LongshortRawKingSwitches[0]>>
<center>@@.btnWide;<<button "X" "Longshort Game">>
<<set $LongshortRawKingSwitches[0] = false>>
<<set $LongshortRawKingSwitches[1] = -1>>
<center>@@.btnWide;<<button "Kill" "Longshort Game">>
<<set $LongshortRawKingSwitches[0] = true>>
<<set $LongshortRawKingSwitches[1] = 9>>
<<elseif $LongshortYourRaw[9] >= 40>>
<<if $LongshortRawQueenSwitches[0]>>
<center>@@.btnWide;<<button "X" "Longshort Game">>
<<set $LongshortRawQueenSwitches[0] = false>>
<<set $LongshortRawQueenSwitches[1] = -1>>
<center>@@.btnWide;<<button "Move" "Longshort Game">>
<<set $LongshortRawQueenSwitches[0] = true>>
<<set $LongshortRawQueenSwitches[1] = 9>>
<td style="width:10%">
<<if $LongshortYourHand[0] == -1>>
<<LocImg "cards" "empty">>
<<set _card = getCardImage($LongshortYourHand[0])>>
<<set _card = "data/locations/cards/" + _card +".png">>
@@.btnCards;<<button @@.picCardsWide;[img[_card]]@@ "Longshort Game">>
<<if $LongshortRawKingSwitches[0]>>
<<set _id = $LongshortRawKingSwitches[1]>>
<<if _id <= 9>>
<<set $LongshortYourRaw[_id] = $LongshortYourHand[0]>>
<<set _id -= 10>>
<<set $LongshortOpponentRaw[_id] = $LongshortYourHand[0]>>
<<set $LongshortYourHand[0] = -1>>
<<set $LongshortDeckSize -= 1>>
<<set $LongshortYourHand[0] = $LongshortDeckOrder[$LongshortDeckSize]>>
<<set $LongshortRawKingSwitches[0] = false>>
<<set $LongshortRawKingSwitches[1] = -1>>
<<elseif $LongshortRawQueenSwitches[0]>>
<<set _id = $LongshortRawQueenSwitches[1]>>
<<set _switch_id = $LongshortYourHand[0]>>
<<set $LongshortYourHand[0] = $LongshortYourRaw[_id]>>
<<set $LongshortYourRaw[_id] = _switch_id>>
<<set $LongshortRawQueenSwitches[0] = false>>
<<set $LongshortRawQueenSwitches[1] = -1>>
<<elseif not $LongshortTurnEnd and not $LongshortGameEnd>>
<<set $LongshortYourRaw[$LongshortTurn] = $LongshortYourHand[0]>>
<<set $LongshortYourHand[0] = -1>>
<<set $LongshortTurnEnd = true>>
<td style="width:10%">
<<if $LongshortYourHand[1] == -1>>
<<LocImg "cards" "empty">>
<<set _card = getCardImage($LongshortYourHand[1])>>
<<set _card = "data/locations/cards/" + _card +".png">>
@@.btnCards;<<button @@.picCardsWide;[img[_card]]@@ "Longshort Game">>
<<if $LongshortRawKingSwitches[0]>>
<<set _id = $LongshortRawKingSwitches[1]>>
<<if _id <= 9>>
<<set $LongshortYourRaw[_id] = $LongshortYourHand[1]>>
<<set _id -= 10>>
<<set $LongshortOpponentRaw[_id] = $LongshortYourHand[1]>>
<<set $LongshortYourHand[1] = -1>>
<<set $LongshortDeckSize -= 1>>
<<set $LongshortYourHand[1] = $LongshortDeckOrder[$LongshortDeckSize]>>
<<set $LongshortRawKingSwitches[0] = false>>
<<set $LongshortRawKingSwitches[1] = -1>>
<<elseif $LongshortRawQueenSwitches[0]>>
<<set _id = $LongshortRawQueenSwitches[1]>>
<<set _switch_id = $LongshortYourHand[1]>>
<<set $LongshortYourHand[1] = $LongshortYourRaw[_id]>>
<<set $LongshortYourRaw[_id] = _switch_id>>
<<set $LongshortRawQueenSwitches[0] = false>>
<<set $LongshortRawQueenSwitches[1] = -1>>
<<elseif not $LongshortTurnEnd and not $LongshortGameEnd>>
<<set $LongshortYourRaw[$LongshortTurn] = $LongshortYourHand[1]>>
<<set $LongshortYourHand[1] = -1>>
<<set $LongshortTurnEnd = true>>
<td style="width:10%">
<<if $LongshortTurnEnd and not $LongshortGameEnd>>
<<set _card = "data/locations/cards/end_turn.png">>
@@.btnCards;<<button @@.picCardsWide;[img[_card]]@@ "Longshort Game">>
<<if $LongshortYourHand[0] == -1 or $LongshortYourHand[1] == -1>>
<<if $LongshortYourHand[0] == -1>>
<<set $LongshortDeckSize -= 1>>
<<set $LongshortYourHand[0] = $LongshortDeckOrder[$LongshortDeckSize]>>
<<if $LongshortYourHand[1] == -1>>
<<set $LongshortDeckSize -= 1>>
<<set $LongshortYourHand[1] = $LongshortDeckOrder[$LongshortDeckSize]>>
/* ------------------------------ AI BLOCK ------------------------------ */
<<if $LongshortOpponentHand[0] >= 48 or $LongshortOpponentHand[1] >= 48>>
<<if $LongshortOpponentHand[0] >= 48>>
<<set $LongshortOpponentRaw[$LongshortTurn] = $LongshortOpponentHand[0]>>
<<set $LongshortOpponentHand[0] = -1>>
<<set $LongshortOpponentRaw[$LongshortTurn] = $LongshortOpponentHand[1]>>
<<set $LongshortOpponentHand[1] = -1>>
<<set _left_card = getCardValue($LongshortOpponentHand[0])>>
<<set _right_card = getCardValue($LongshortOpponentHand[1])>>
<<set _hand_sum = _left_card + _right_card>>
<<set _raw_sum = getRawSum(1)>>
<<set _playstyle = "">>
<<if $LongshortTurn <= 1>>
<<if _hand_sum >= 19>>
<<set _playstyle = "aggressive">>
<<set _playstyle = "calm">>
<<elseif $LongshortTurn == 2>>
<<if _raw_sum >= 17>>
<<set _playstyle = "aggressive">>
<<set _playstyle = "calm">>
<<elseif $LongshortTurn == 3>>
<<if _raw_sum >= 25>>
<<set _playstyle = "aggressive">>
<<set _playstyle = "calm">>
<<elseif $LongshortTurn == 4>>
<<if _raw_sum >= 32>>
<<set _playstyle = "aggressive">>
<<set _playstyle = "calm">>
<<set _playstyle = "calm">>
<<if _playstyle == "aggressive">>
<<if _left_card >= _right_card>>
<<set $LongshortOpponentRaw[$LongshortTurn] = $LongshortOpponentHand[0]>>
<<set $LongshortOpponentHand[0] = -1>>
<<set $LongshortOpponentRaw[$LongshortTurn] = $LongshortOpponentHand[1]>>
<<set $LongshortOpponentHand[1] = -1>>
<<if _left_card < _right_card>>
<<set $LongshortOpponentRaw[$LongshortTurn] = $LongshortOpponentHand[0]>>
<<set $LongshortOpponentHand[0] = -1>>
<<set $LongshortOpponentRaw[$LongshortTurn] = $LongshortOpponentHand[1]>>
<<set $LongshortOpponentHand[1] = -1>>
/* ------------------------------ *** ------------------------------ */
<<if $LongshortOpponentHand[0] == -1>>
<<set $LongshortDeckSize -= 1>>
<<set $LongshortOpponentHand[0] = $LongshortDeckOrder[$LongshortDeckSize]>>
<<if $LongshortOpponentHand[1] == -1>>
<<set $LongshortDeckSize -= 1>>
<<set $LongshortOpponentHand[1] = $LongshortDeckOrder[$LongshortDeckSize]>>
<<set $LongshortTurn += 1>>
<<set $LongshortTurnEnd = false>>
<<set $LongshortRawQueenSwitches[0] = false>>
<<set $LongshortRawKingSwitches[0] = false>>
<<set _card = "data/locations/cards/end_turn_inactive.png">>
@@.btnCards;<<button @@.picCardsWide;[img[_card]]@@>>
<td style="width:10%"><<LocImg "cards" "empty">></td>
<td style="width:10%"><<LocImg "cards" "empty">></td>
<td style="width:10%"><<LocImg "cards" "empty">></td>
<td style="width:10%"><<LocImg "cards" "empty">></td>
<td style="width:10%"><<LocImg "cards" "empty">></td>
<td style="width:10%"><<LocImg "cards" "empty">></td>
<td style="width:10%"><<LocImg "cards" "empty">></td>
<td style="width:10%">
<<if $LongshortYourHand[0] >= 36 and $LongshortYourHand[0] < 40>>
<center>@@.btnWide;<<button "Drop" "Longshort Game">>
<<run dropCardUnderDeck($LongshortYourHand[0])>>
<<set $LongshortDeckSize -= 1>>
<<set $LongshortYourHand[0] = $LongshortDeckOrder[$LongshortDeckSize]>>
<td style="width:10%">
<<if $LongshortYourHand[1] >= 36 and $LongshortYourHand[1] < 40>>
<center>@@.btnWide;<<button "Drop" "Longshort Game">>
<<run dropCardUnderDeck($LongshortYourHand[1])>>
<<set $LongshortDeckSize -= 1>>
<<set $LongshortYourHand[1] = $LongshortDeckOrder[$LongshortDeckSize]>>
<td style="width:10%"><br></td>
<td style="width:10%"><br></td>
<td style="width:10%"><br></td>
<td style="width:10%"><br></td>
<td style="width:10%"><br></td>
<td style="width:10%"><br></td>
<td style="width:10%"><br></td>
<td style="width:10%"><br></td>
<<set _your_sum = getRawSum(0)>>
<<set _opp_sum = getRawSum(1)>>
<<if ($LongshortYourRaw[$LongshortTurn] == -1 or $LongshortOpponentRaw[$LongshortTurn] != -1) and ($LongshortYourRaw[$LongshortTurn - 1] != -1 and $LongshortOpponentRaw[$LongshortTurn - 1] != -1)>>
<<if _your_sum >= 42>>
<<if $LongshortYourRaw[5] == -1>>
<<if _opp_sum >= 42>>
<<if _your_sum > _opp_sum>>
<center><b><i>You win!</i></b></center>
<<elseif _your_sum == _opp_sum>>
<center><b><i>It's draw!</i></b></center>
<center><b><i>You lose!</i></b></center>
<center><b><i>You win!</i></b></center>
<<if _opp_sum >= 42>>
<<if _your_sum < _opp_sum>>
<center><b><i>You win!</i></b></center>
<<elseif _your_sum == _opp_sum>>
<center><b><i>It's draw!</i></b></center>
<center><b><i>You lose!</i></b></center>
<center><b><i>You lose!</i></b></center>
<<if not $LongshortGameEnd>>
<<set $LongshortGameEnd = true>>
<<goto "Longshort Game">>
<<elseif _opp_sum >= 42>>
<<if $LongshortOpponentRaw[5] == -1>>
<center><b><i>You lose!</i></b></center>
<center><b><i>You win!</i></b></center>
<<if not $LongshortGameEnd>>
<<set $LongshortGameEnd = true>>
<<goto "Longshort Game">>
<<if $LongshortGameEnd>>
<<btnLink "Finish" "Home Office" "">>
<<btnLink "Finish" "Home Office" "">>
<</switch>><<switch $EventMark>>
/* -------------------- DAY 8 -------------------- */
<<case "day 8(road to work)">>
<<LocImg "local" "road">>
<<en "You head toward the downtown area and soon you're pulling into the parking lot of the skyscraper where the company you manage is located.">>
<<ru "Ты направляешься к центру города и вскоре уже заезжаешь на парковку небоскреба, в котором распологается компания, которой ты управляешь.">>
<<LocImg "work" "parking">>
<<en "You park the car and head for the elevator.">>
<<ru "Ты паркуешь машину и направляешься к лифту.">>
<<btnEventLink "Up to your office/Подняться в свой офис" "Your Office" "">>
<<case "day 8(psy first meet)">>
<<LocImg "work" "your office">>
<<en "As you get up to the office, you remember that it's been a while since you've strolled through the departments, so you decide to start with HR.">>
<<ru "Поднявшись в офис, ты вспоминаешь, что давненько не прогуливался по отделам, и решаешь начать с отдела кадров.">>
<<btnEventLink "Inspect HR Department/Проинспектировать отдел кадров" "HR Department" "" 1>>
<</switch>><<switch $EventMark>>
<<case "first meet">>
<<LocImg "work" "simple office">>
<<en "Today you decide to inspect the IT department. You enter the department head's office and find him in the company of a young girl.">>
<<ru "Сегодня ты решаешь проверить ИТ-отдел. Ты заходишь в кабинет руководителя отдела и обнаруживаешь его в компании молодой девушки.">>
<<dlg_en $PositionId[6] "Good morning, Mr. $mc.lastname!">>
<<dlg_ru $PositionId[6] "Доброе утро, мистер $mc.lastname!">>
<<if $GameLang == "eng">>
<<set $NPCstat[30].name = "Girl">>
<<elseif $GameLang == "rus">>
<<set $NPCstat[30].name = "Девушка">>
<<dlg_en 30 "Wow, now there's the boss.">>
<<dlg_ru 30 "Ого, это же большой босс.">>
<<en "The girl approaches you and extends her hand for a handshake. As you squeeze her palm, something cold touches your skin and you pull your hand away to examine it.">>
<<ru "Девушка подходит к вам и протягивает руку для рукопожатия. Стоит тебе сжать ее ладонь, как твоей кожи касается что-то холодное, и ты отдергиваешь руку, чтобы осмотреть ее.">>
<<NPCmedia "kendall" "first meet" 0>>
<<dlg_en 30 "Oh, I'm sorry, Mr. $mc.lastname.">>
<<dlg_ru 30 "Ох, простите, мистер $mc.lastname.">>
<<en "She opens her palm and shows you a dime.">>
<<ru "Она раскрывает ладонь и демонстрирует вам монету в 10 центов.">>
<<dlg_en 30 "Mr. $NPCstat[15].name and I played a little game. Perhaps you'd like to give it a try as well.">>
<<dlg_ru 30 "Мистер $NPCstat[15].name играл со мной в небольшую игру. Может, вы тоже хотите попробовать?">>
<<dlg_en $PositionId[6] "Kendall, I don't think Mr. $mc.lastname would appreciate you bothering him.">>
<<dlg_ru $PositionId[6] "Кендалл, не думаю, что мистер $mc.lastname оценит твои приставания.">>
<<if $GameLang == "eng">>
<<set $NPCstat[30].name = "Kendall">>
<<elseif $GameLang == "rus">>
<<set $NPCstat[30].name = "Кендалл">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "Actually, I don't mind a little game.">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Вообще, я не против небольшой игры.">>
<<dlg_en 30 "All right, then. Keep your eyes open.">>
<<dlg_ru 30 "Вот и славно. Смотрите внимательно.">>
<<en "Kendall places the coin in her left palm and makes a fist. Then she holds both hands out in front of her.">>
<<ru "Кендалл кладет монету в левую ладонь и сжимает кулак. Затем она вытягивает обе руки перед собой.">>
<<dlg_en 30 "Which hand did I hide the coin in?">>
<<dlg_ru 30 "Как вы думаете, в какой руке я спрятала монетку?">>
<<th_en "It must be some kind of trick.">>
<<th_ru "Это должно быть какая-то уловка.">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "The right hand.">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "В правой.">>
<<en "The girl opens her palm and it is empty.">>
<<ru "Девушка раскрывает ладонь, и она оказывает пустой.">>
<<dlg_en 30 "Oh, come on, Mr. $mc.lastname. I've clearly shown you that the coin is in the other hand. Let's do it again.">>
<<dlg_ru 30 "Ну что же вы, мистер $mc.lastname. Я же явно показала вам, что монета лежит в другой руке. Давайте еще раз.">>
<<en "This time she places the coin in her right palm and holds her hands out in front of her again.">>
<<ru "В это раз она кладет монету в правую ладонь и снова вытягивает руки перед собой.">>
<<btnEventLink "Choose the right hand/Выбрать правую руку" "Kendall Office Events" "first meet 2.1">>
<<btnEventLink "Choose the left hand/Выбрать левую руку" "Kendall Office Events" "first meet 2.2">>
<<case "first meet 2.1">>
<center><table style="width:100%">
<td style="width:50%;">
<td style="width:50%;">
<<NPCmedia "kendall" "empty hands" 0>>
<td style="vertical-align:top">
<<en "Kendall shows you her empty hand.">>
<<ru "Кендалл демонстрирует вам пустую руку.">>
<<dlg_en 30 "Did you really think I was going to do the same trick twice?">>
<<dlg_ru 30 "Неужели вы думали, что я проверну тот же трюк дважды?">>
<<en "She opens her left palm and you see the dime.">>
<<ru "Она раскрывает ладонь левой руки, и ты видишь десятицентовик.">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "That's quite a trick you've got there. You actually have two dimes, and you're just hiding the one I'm pointing at.">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "В ловкости рук тебе не откажешь. На самом деле, у тебе две монеты, и ты просто прячешь ту, на которую я указываю.">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "So I don't think I had a chance.">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Так что, не думаю, что у меня был шанс.">>
<<en "Kendall makes a barely perceptible movement and a second coin appears between the fingers of her right hand.">>
<<ru "Кендалл делает едва заметное движение и между пальцев ее правой руки появляется вторая монета.">>
<<dlg_en 30 "You think simple tricks are all I can do?">>
<<dlg_ru 30 "Вы думаете, простенькие фокусы - это все, на что я способна?">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "I'd like to see the rest of your abilities.">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Я с удовольствием посмотрю на остальные твои навыки.">>
<<dlg_en 30 "This is not the place for it.">>
<<dlg_ru 30 "Здесь не самое подходящее место.">>
<<en "The girl comes as close to you as she can.">>
<<ru "Девушка подходит к вам максимально близко.">>
<<dlg_en 30 "Recently, I finally got a proper place to work. How about visiting me at my office? Say, tomorrow.">>
<<dlg_ru 30 "Недавно у меня наконец-то появилось подходящее для работы место. Как насчет того, чтобы навестить меня в моем офисе? Скажем, завтра.">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "I'll certainly consider your offer.">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Я обязательно рассмотрю твое предложение.">>
<<en "Kendall takes a step back.">>
<<ru "Кендалл делает шаг назад.">>
<<dlg_en 30 "I'm glad. Can I go now? I have a lot of work to do.">>
<<dlg_ru 30 "Я могу идти? У меня еще много работы.">>
<<en "You let your employee go.">>
<<ru "Ты отпускаешь свою сотрудницу.">>
<<AddStat 30 "gambling" 10 100>>
<<set _link = getLinkName("Continue/Продолжить")>>
@@.btnWide;<<button _link "IT Department">>
<<set $NPCstat[30].meet = true>>
<<set $EventMark = "">>
<<set $NewNPC = true>>
<<case "first meet 2.2">>
<center><table style="width:100%">
<td style="width:50%;">
<td style="width:50%;">
<<NPCmedia "kendall" "empty hands" 0>>
<td style="vertical-align:top">
<<en "Kendall shows you her empty hand.">>
<<ru "Кендалл демонстрирует вам пустую руку.">>
<<dlg_en 30 "Mr. $mc.lastname, you just saw where I put it.">>
<<dlg_ru 30 "Мистер $mc.lastname, вы же видели, куда я положила его.">>
<<en "She opens her right palm and you see the dime.">>
<<ru "Она раскрывает ладонь правой руки, и ты видишь десятицентовик.">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "That's quite a trick you've got there. You actually have two dimes, and you're just hiding the one I'm pointing at.">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "В ловкости рук тебе не откажешь. На самом деле, у тебе две монеты, и ты просто прячешь ту, на которую я указываю.">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "So I don't think I had a chance.">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Так что, не думаю, что у меня был шанс.">>
<<en "Kendall makes a barely perceptible movement and a second coin appears between the fingers of her left hand.">>
<<ru "Кендалл делает едва заметное движение и между пальцев ее левой руки появляется вторая монета.">>
<<dlg_en 30 "You think simple tricks are all I can do?">>
<<dlg_ru 30 "Вы думаете, простенькие фокусы - это все, на что я способна?">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "I'd like to see the rest of your abilities.">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Я с удовольствием посмотрю на остальные твои навыки.">>
<<dlg_en 30 "This is not the place for it.">>
<<dlg_ru 30 "Здесь не самое подходящее место.">>
<<en "The girl comes as close to you as she can.">>
<<ru "Девушка подходит к вам максимально близко.">>
<<dlg_en 30 "Recently, I finally got a proper place to work. How about visiting me at my office? Say, tomorrow.">>
<<dlg_ru 30 "Недавно у меня наконец-то появилось подходящее для работы место. Как насчет того, чтобы навестить меня в моем офисе? Скажем, завтра.">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "I'll certainly consider your offer.">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Я обязательно рассмотрю твое предложение.">>
<<en "Kendall takes a step back.">>
<<ru "Кендалл делает шаг назад.">>
<<dlg_en 30 "I'm glad. Can I go now? I have a lot of work to do.">>
<<dlg_ru 30 "Я могу идти? У меня еще много работы.">>
<<en "You let your employee go.">>
<<ru "Ты отпускаешь свою сотрудницу.">>
<<AddStat 30 "gambling" 10 100>>
<<set _link = getLinkName("Continue/Продолжить")>>
@@.btnWide;<<button _link "IT Department">>
<<set $NPCstat[30].meet = true>>
<<set $EventMark = "">>
<<set $NewNPC = true>>
<<case "first game">>
<<NPCmedia "kendall" "in her office" 0>>
<<dlg_en 30 "Good morning, Mr. $mc.lastname!">>
<<dlg_ru 30 "Доброе утро, мистер $mc.lastname!">>
<<en "You look around her small office. Kendall is sitting at her desk, her eyes glued to her laptop.">>
<<ru "Ты оглядываешь ее небольшой офис. Кендалл сидит за столом, не отводя взгляда от ноутбука.">>
<<dlg_en 30 "Sorry about the mess, Mr. $mc.lastname! By the way, if you're bored, you can help me. How about checking those drawers over there?">>
<<dlg_ru 30 "Извините за беспорядок, мистер $mc.lastname! Кстати, если вам скучно, вы можете помочь мне. Как насчет того, чтобы проверить вон те ящики?">>
<<en "The girl points to the filing cabinet to the left of the entrance.">>
<<ru "Девушка указывает на картотечный шкаф, стоящие слева от входа.">>
<<dlg_en 30 "I need a place to stack my papers, and I'm sure one of those drawers must be empty.">>
<<dlg_ru 30 "Мне нужно место, чтобы сложить документы, и я уверена, что один из ящиков должен быть пустым.">>
<<en "You walk over to the cabinet.">>
<<ru "Ты подходишь к шкафу.">>
<<NPCmedia "kendall" "filing cabinet" 0>>
<<dlg_en "mc" "What's in the others?">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "А что в других?">>
<<en "Kendall pauses for a moment.">>
<<ru "Кендалл делает небольшую паузу.">>
<<dlg_en 30 "There's something big in one and something small in the other. That's all I can tell you.">>
<<dlg_ru 30 "В одном из них что-то большое, в другом что-то маленькое. Это все, что могу сказать.">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "Is this another trick of yours?">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Это какой-то очередной твой трюк?">>
<<dlg_en 30 "I'd rather call it a game. Do you want to play a game with me? This time we can add a reward for the winner.">>
<<dlg_ru 30 "Я бы предпочла назвать это игрой. Вы хотите сыграть со мной? В этот раз мы можем добавить награду для победителя.">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "And what do I get?">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "И что я получу?">>
<<dlg_en 30 "Oh, you can ask for anything. Hack someone's social media page, dig up dirt, frame your business rival, et cetera...">>
<<dlg_ru 30 "О, вы можете попросить что угодно. Взломать чью-то страницу в социальных сетях, нарыть компромат, подставить вашего конкурента...">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "Kendall, I have plenty of guys in my department who will do it on my first word.">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Кендалл, у меня полно парней в отделе, которые сделают это по первому моему слову.">>
<<dlg_en 30 "Speaking of those guys. They recently flew to a conference to strengthen cooperation, but it looks like our company got mixed up and they ended up at a lumberjack convention.">>
<<dlg_ru 30 "Кстати, что касается этих парней. Они недавно улетели на конференцию, для укрепления сотрудничества, но похоже, что наша компания кое-что перепутала, и они попали на сходку лесорубов.">>
<<en "The girl turns the laptop around and you see some scared young guys surrounded by beefy, bearded men.">>
<<ru "Девушка поворачивает монитор, и ты видишь несколько напуганных молодых ребят, окруженных накаченными бородатыми мужиками.">>
<<dlg_en 30 "I bet they're having a good time.">>
<<dlg_ru 30 "Бьюсь об заклад, они неплохо проводят время.">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "So you're telling me you've disrupted operations and probably screwed up some business?">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "То есть прямо заявляешь мне, что вмешалась в рабочий процесс и, возможно, сорвала какую-ту сделку?">>
<<dlg_en 30 "Oh, come on, Mr. $mc.lastname. These meetings are a waste of time. I think the trip I organized for our boys will teach them a lot more.">>
<<dlg_ru 30 "Да ладно вам, мистер $mc.lastname. Все эти конференции - пустая трата времени. Думаю, поездка, которую я организовала нашим парням, научит их куда большему.">>
<<dlg_en 30 "At least they'll learn.">>
<<dlg_ru 30 "По крайней мере, они научатся.">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "Okay. So what do you want from me if I don't guess the right box?">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Окей. И что же ты планируешь получить от меня в случае, если я не угадаю правильный ящик.">>
<<dlg_en 30 "That depends on what's in the box you pick. I won't be asking for anything serious though, just a little help with my work.">>
<<dlg_ru 30 "Это зависит от того, что будет в том ящике, который вы выберете. Впрочем, я не потребую чего-то серьезного, всего лишь небольшой помощи в моей работе.">>
<<btnEventLink "Play with her/Сыграть с ней" "Kendall Office Events" "first game 2">>
<<case "first game 2">>
<<set $KendallGames.Boxes.played = true>>
<<NPCmedia "kendall" "filing cabinet" 0>>
<<dlg_en "mc" "So do I just have to guess the right box? Or are you going to give me some kind of clue?">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Так что, мне нужно просто угадать правильный ящик? Или же ты мне дашь какую-то подсказку?">>
<<dlg_en 30 "How about you ask me three questions that can be answered yes or no?">>
<<dlg_ru 30 "Как насчет того, чтобы вы задали мне три вопроса, на которые можно ответить да или нет?">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "Okay. Is there something in the first drawer?">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Хорошо. Есть ли что-то в первом ящике?">>
<<dlg_en 30 "That's not interesting, Mr. $mc.lastname. Be a little more creative.">>
<<dlg_ru 30 "Так не интересно, мистер $mc.lastname. Будьте немного креативнее.">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "We haven't discussed what questions I can and can't ask. So I'm waiting for an answer.">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Мы не обговаривали, какие вопросы можно задавать, а какие нет. Так что, я жду ответа.">>
<<dlg_en 30 "Yes, the answer is yes.">>
<<dlg_ru 30 "Окей, ответ - да.">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "Okay, how about this next question. Is the empty drawer between the other two?">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Ладно, тогда как насчет следующего вопроса. Пустой ящик расположен между другими двумя?">>
<<dlg_en 30 "Mr. $mc.lastname, that's not what I meant by creativity. You could have asked if I was lying or something, but you just restructured the question. I don't think we need to go any further, you can pick a drawer now.">>
<<dlg_ru 30 "Мистер $mc.lastname, под креативностью я имела в виду совсем другое. Вы могли спросить, вру ли я или что-то подобное, но вы просто перестроили вопрос. Не думаю, что нам нужно продолжать, вы уже вполне можете выбрать ящик.">>
<<btnEventLink "Choose the top box/Выбрать верхний ящик" "Kendall Office Events" "first game(win)">>
<<btnEventLink "Choose the middle box/Выбрать средний ящик" "Kendall Office Events" "first game(sticker)">>
<<btnEventLink "Choose the lower box/Выбрать нижний ящик" "Kendall Office Events" "first game(garbage)">>
<<case "first game(win)">>
<<NPCmedia "kendall" "filing cabinet(empty)" 0>>
<<dlg_en 30 "Looks like you guessed right, Mr. $mc.lastname.">>
<<dlg_ru 30 "Похоже, вы угадали, мистер $mc.lastname.">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "So it would seem. Well, I'll let you know when I need your skills.">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Выходит, что так. Что ж, я дам тебе знать, когда мне понадобятся твои услуги.">>
<<AddStat 30 "gambling" 5 100>>
<<btnEventLink "Leave/Уйти" "IT Department" "">>
<<case "first game(sticker)">>
<<NPCmedia "kendall" "filing cabinet(paperclip)" 0>>
<<en "You open the drawer and find a paper clip inside.">>
<<ru "Ты открываешь ящик и обнаруживаешь внутри скрепку.">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "Looks like I got it right. Box is empty.">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Похоже, что я угадал. Ящик пуст.">>
<<dlg_en 30 "Take a closer look, Mr. $mc.lastname. There's definitely something in there.">>
<<dlg_ru 30 "Присмотритесь внимательно, мистер $mc.lastname. Так определенно что-то есть.">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "It's just a little paper clip. It must have fallen out of the package.">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Здесь всего лишь маленькая скрепка. Видимо, она выпала из упаковки.">>
<<en "With that, you take out the paper clip and show it to the girl.">>
<<ru "С этими словами ты достаешь скрепку и демонстрируешь ее девушке.">>
<<dlg_en 30 "See? The box wasn't empty after all. Bring it here.">>
<<dlg_ru 30 "Вот видите. Ящик все же оказался не пустым. Несите ее сюда.">>
<<en "You walk over to Kendall and give her a paper clip.">>
<<ru "Ты подходишь к Кендалл и отдаешь ей скрепку.">>
<<dlg_en 30 "I have a bad habit of putting stickers everywhere. But the walls here aren't really designed for it.">>
<<dlg_ru 30 "У меня есть дурная привычка повсюду клеить стикеры с напоминаниями. Однако, здешние стены совсем не подходят для этого.">>
<<en "The girl pulls out a pack of post-its from her desk and peels one off. Then she asks you to bend over and when you do, she clips it to your costume.">>
<<ru "Девушка достает из своего стола упаковку стикеров и отделяет один. Затем она просит тебя наклонится и, как только ты исполняешь ее просьбу, она закрепляет его на твоем костюме с помощью скрепки.">>
<<NPCmedia "kendall" "sticker board 1" 0>>
<<dlg_en "mc" "Hey, what are you doing?">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Эй, что ты делаешь?">>
<<dlg_en 30 "You lost, remember? So you're going to have to help me with something.">>
<<dlg_ru 30 "Вы проиграли, помните? Так что вам придется помочь мне кое с чем.">>
<<en "She takes another sticker and writes some numbers on it. Then she clips it to your costume, just above the first one.">>
<<ru "Она берет еще один стикер и пишет на нем какие-то цифры. Затем она приклепляет его на вашем костюме, чуть выше первого стикера.">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "Are you going to cover me from head to toe?">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Ты собираешь обвесить меня с головы до ног?">>
<<dlg_en 30 "Of course not. At least it's not necessary.">>
<<dlg_ru 30 "Конечно же нет. По крайней мере, в этом нет необходимости.">>
<<en "It all ends with Kendall putting some more stickers on you.">>
<<ru "Все заканчивается тем, что Кендалл вешает на тебя еще пару стикеров.">>
<<dlg_en 30 "I don't need you right now. You stand by the wall and I'll do some work.">>
<<dlg_ru 30 "Пока что вы не нужны мне. Станьте возле той стены, а я пока немного поработаю.">>
<<btnEventLink "Finish this right now/Закончить это прямо сейчас" "Kendall Office Events" "first game(sticker end)">>
<<btnEventLink "Stand by the wall/Стать возле стены" "Kendall Office Events" "first game(sticker 2)">>
<<case "first game(sticker end)">>
<<NPCmedia "kendall" "sticker board 1" 0>>
<<en "You start taking the stickers off one by one.">>
<<ru "Ты начинаешь срывать стикеры один за другим.">>
<<dlg_en 30 "Mr. $mc.lastname, what are you doing?">>
<<dlg_ru 30 "Мистер $mc.lastname, что вы делаете?">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "Ending this farce.">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Заканчиваю этот фарс.">>
<<en "You toss the pieces of stickers to the floor and turn toward the front door.">>
<<ru "Бросив остатки стикеров на пол, ты поворачиваешься к входной двери.">>
<<RemoveStat 30 "gambling" 10 -100>>
<<btnEventLink "Leave/Уйти" "IT Department" "">>
<<case "first game(sticker 2)">>
<<NPCmedia "kendall" "sticker board 2" 0>>
<<th_en "After all, I agreed to her terms myself.">>
<<th_ru "В конце концов, я сам согласился на ее условия.">>
<<en "You stand with your back to the wall, facing Kendall's desk. From this position, you can see the girl's focused face as she studies something on the screen. Time is passing slowly and you decide to pull out your cell phone.">>
<<ru "Ты становишься спиной к стене, напротив рабочего стола Кендалл. С этой позиции ты можешь видеть сосредоточенное лицо девушки, пока она изучает что-то на экране монитора. Время тянется томительно медленно, и ты решаешь достать телефон.">>
<<dlg_en 30 "Mr. $mc.lastname, hold still. You're distracting me.">>
<<dlg_ru 30 "Мистер $mc.lastname, стойте смирно. Вы меня отвлекаете.">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "Are you suggesting that I just stare at the ceiling?">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Ты предлагаешь мне просто пялится в потолок?">>
<<dlg_en 30 "You can stare anywhere you want, just don't move. I need to be able to see my clipboard anytime.">>
<<dlg_ru 30 "Можете смотреть куда угодно, только не двигайтесь. Мне нужно, чтобы я в любой момент могла взглянуть на мою доску для стикеров.">>
<<btnEventLink "Finish this right now/Закончить это прямо сейчас" "Kendall Office Events" "first game(sticker end)">>
<<btnEventLink "Continue/Продолжить" "Kendall Office Events" "first game(sticker 3)" 1>>
<<case "first game(sticker 3)">>
<<NPCmedia "kendall" "sticker board 3" 0>>
<<en "Some time passes and your legs begin to stiffen. You begin to shift from foot to foot, but Kendall doesn't notice, absorbed in her work. Finally, the girl gets up and walks over to you. She silently sticks a few more stickers on you, then starts to walk around the room, thinking about something.">>
<<ru "Проходит некоторое время, и у тебя начинают затекать ноги. Ты начинаешь потихоньку двигать ими, но Кендалл не замечает этого, погруженная в работу. Наконец, девушка поднимается и подходит к тебя. Она молча приклепляет к тебе еще несколько стикеров, затем начинает ходить по комнате, раздумывая над чем-то.">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "How long do I have to stand like this?">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Сколько мне еще так стоять?">>
<<dlg_en 30 "Quiet, Mr. $mc.lastname. Your job is to show me the stickers. Anything else is just disrupting my work.">>
<<dlg_ru 30 "Тише, мистер $mc.lastname. Ваша задача - показывать мне стикеры. Все остальное лишь мешает моей работе.">>
<<en "She walks around a bit, goes back to the computer and starts typing something quickly.">>
<<ru "Немного походив, она возвращается к компьютеру и начинает что-то ускоренно печатать.">>
<<dlg_en 30 "Yeah, I should have done that in the first place.">>
<<dlg_ru 30 "Да, мне стоило сделать так с самого начала.">>
<<en "After a while she calls out to you.">>
<<ru "Спустя некоторое время она зовет вас.">>
<<dlg_en 30 "Mr. $mc.lastname, come over here.">>
<<dlg_ru 30 "Мистер $mc.lastname, подойдите сюда.">>
<<en "You take a few steps forward.">>
<<ru "Ты делаешь несколько шагов вперед.">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "I hope this game is over by now.">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Надеюсь, эта игра уже закончилась.">>
<<dlg_en 30 "I told you to be quiet. I just need to look at something.">>
<<dlg_ru 30 "Я же попросила вас молчать. Мне всего лишь нужно кое на что взглянуть.">>
<<en "With those words, she begins to look at the stickers on your jacket, occasionally typing on her laptop.">>
<<ru "С этими словами, она принимается разглядывать стикеры на вашем пиджаке, переодически что-то печатая на своем ноутбуке.">>
<<dlg_en 30 "Okay, I'm done. You can go back to your post.">>
<<dlg_ru 30 "Окей, я закончила. Можете возвращаться на место.">>
<<btnEventLink "Continue/Продолжить" "Kendall Office Events" "first game(sticker 4)" 1>>
<<case "first game(sticker 4)">>
<<NPCmedia "kendall" "sticker board 3" 0>>
<<en "Eventually, Kendall rises from her desk and walks to the office exit.">>
<<ru "Наконец, после долгого перерыва, Кендалл поднимается из-за стола и направляется к выходу из офиса.">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "Hey, where are you going?">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Эй, куда ты идешь?">>
<<en "The girl turns and puts her hand to her chest, feigning surprise.">>
<<ru "Девушка оборачивается и прикладывает руку к груди, изображая удивление.">>
<<dlg_en 30 "Oh, Mr. $mc.lastname, you've been standing so quietly, I completely forgot about you. Well done, but you may go now. I hope you enjoyed our game.">>
<<dlg_ru 30 "Ох, мистер $mc.lastname, вы стояли так тихо, что я совсем забыла про вас. Хорошая работа, но вы можете идти. Надеюсь вам понравилась наша игра.">>
<<AddStat 30 "gambling" 5 100>>
<<btnEventLink "Leave/Уйти" "IT Department" "">>
<<case "first game(garbage)">>
<<NPCmedia "kendall" "filing cabinet" 0>>
<<dlg_en 30 "Are you sure, Mr. $mc.lastname?">>
<<dlg_ru 30 "Вы уверены, мистер $mc.lastname?">>
<<btnEventLink "Choose the top box/Выбрать верхний ящик" "Kendall Office Events" "first game(win)">>
<<btnEventLink "Choose the middle box/Выбрать средний ящик" "Kendall Office Events" "first game(sticker)">>
<</switch>><<switch $EventMark>>
/* ------------------------------ FIRST MEET ------------------------------ */
<<case "visit to Paula">>
<<set $NPCstat[31].meet = true>>
<<LocImg "local" "road">>
<<dlg_en 31 "$mc.name!">>
<<dlg_ru 31 "$mc.name!">>
<<AddStat 0 "assertiveness" 2 30>>
<<AddStat 0 "lordliness" 2 30>>
<<btnEventLink "Go home him/Ехать домой" "Hallway" "" 4>>
<</switch>><br>Maid's influence on her - <<print $MaidToWife.influence>>%
<br> Her suspicion toward the maid - <<print $WifeToMaid.suspicion>>%
на следующую версию:
- уборка в гостиной - приходит жена
- отчет об уборке - просьба перенести на вечер
в субботу горничная предлагает послужить жене, когда та загорает
особенно после наказания
<<set $WifeToMaid.suspicion += 5>>
- подозрительность жены падает, когда таймер истекает (временно отключить)
- сцены с подозрительностью
- две сцены разговора
- сцены взятия контроля женой
- сцены взятия контроля женой
- измененные сцены после взятия контроля женой:
- все сцены с подозрительностью
- все сцены с уборкой
- все сцены с готовкой
- сцены отчета
- футджоб при поощрении +
- гостевая спальня при наказании
- горничная видит +
- футджоб при наказании (горничная усиливает количество работ)
- новые сцены
- горничная хочет позагорать с женой
- горничная наказывает героя при присмотре жены в баре
- горничная хочет посмотреть телевизор с женой
- горничная предлагает разрядку если герой наказан
- жена приходит за разрядкой в гостевую спальню
- Дженни автоматом ночует в мастер спальне
- Дженни соблазняет жену
- герой прислуживает жене и Дженни<<switch $EventMark>>
/* ------------------------------ CLEAN UP SCENES ------------------------------ */
<<case "make main bed">>
<<set $mansion.mbedroom.makebedCount += 1>>
<<set $mansion.mbedroom.makebed = true>>
<<LocImg "actions" "make mbedroom bed">>
<<set _wifecatch = 0>>
<<if WifeAtHome() and $mansion.mbedroom.makebedCount >= 2 and not $mansion.mbedroom.makebedWifeCatch>>
<<set _wifecatch = random(($WifeToMaid.suspicion - 20), $WifeToMaid.suspicion)>>
<<if _wifecatch >= 15>>
<<en "You spread out the duvet, making sure the edges hang evenly off the bed. Then you start to fluff the pillows, but your wife's voice makes you freeze. You turn around and there is an awkward pause between you.">>
<<ru "Ты расправляешь одеяло, следя за тем, чтобы его края равномерно свисали с кровати. Затем ты начинаешь взбивать подушки, но голос твоей жены заставляет тебя застыть на месте. Ты поворачиваешься, и между вами повисает неловкая пауза.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "Are you planning something, honey? I've never seen you make the bed before.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Ты что-то замыслил, милый? Я ни разу не видела, чтобы ты заправлял кровать.">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "No, I'm not! It's just, uh... I made a bet with Samantha, and now I have to make my bed for a week.">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Вовсе нет! Просто... я проспорил Саманте, и теперь целую неделю должен заправлять кровать.">>
<<en "$NPCstat[0].name begins to move closer to you.">>
<<ru "$NPCstat[0].name начинает приближаться к тебе.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "Yes? And what was the nature of your bet?">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Да? И в чем же заключался ваш спор?">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "I can't tell you that. According to the terms of the bet.">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Я не могу рассказать об этом. Согласно условиям спора.">>
<<en "Your wife takes a few seconds to consider your words.">>
<<ru "Твоя жена пару секунд обдумывает сказанное тобой.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "Okay, I won't insist. But since you've lost, do your best and be thorough. I might as well check it out.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Ладно, не буду настаивать. Но, раз уж ты проиграл, то постарайся и сделай все тщательно. Я могу и проверить.">>
<<en "The woman lets out a slight chuckle before turning and leaving the room. You, on the other hand, go back to where you left off and arrange the pillows near the headboard. Satisfied with the result, you step away from the bed.">>
<<ru "Девушка издает легкий смешок, прежде чем развернуться и выйти из комнаты. Ты же возвращаешься к тому, на чем остановился, и раскладываешь подушки возле изголовья. Оставшись довольным результатом, ты отходишь от кровати.">>
<<set $mansion.mbedroom.makebedWifeCatch = true>>
<<set $WifeToMaid.suspicion += 10>>
<<en "You spread out the duvet, making sure the edges hang evenly off the bed. Then you fluff the pillows and arrange them near the headboard. Satisfied with the result, you step away from the bed.">>
<<ru "Ты расправляешь одеяло, следя за тем, чтобы его края равномерно свисали с кровати. Затем ты взбиваешь подушки и кладешь их у изголовья. Оставшись довольным результатом, ты отходишь от кровати.">>
<<btnEventLink "Finish/Закончить" "Master Bedroom" "">>
/* ------------------------------ LIVING ROOM ------------------------------ */
<</switch>><<switch $EventMark>>
<<case "maid influence talk">>
<<run setMaidNextBlockEvent(0, "")>>
<<set $MaidToWife.influenceTalk += 1>>
<<LocImg "mc_house" "open door">>
<<en "As you approach the room, you hear female voices behind the half-opened door.">>
<<ru "Подойдя к комнате, ты слышишь за приоткрытой дверью женские голоса.">>
<<dlg_en 1 "door" "Mrs. $NPCstat[0].name, you know I haven't always been a maid. In fact, this is my first experience of this kind of work.">>
<<dlg_ru 1 "door" "Миссис $NPCstat[0].name, вы же знаете, что я не всегда работала горничной. Вообще-то, это мой первый опыт на подобной работе.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "door" "Yes, I remember. You were an assistant or something.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "door" "Да, я припоминаю. Ты была ассистентом или кем-то вроде того.">>
<<en "You hear a rustling.">>
<<ru "Ты слышишь какое-то шуршание.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "door" "Still, you've got a lot of work to do. Or do you think you can handle the extra responsibility?">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "door" "Тем не менее, сейчас у тебя хватает работы. Или ты считаешь, что можешь справиться с дополнительной нагрузкой?">>
<<dlg_en 1 "door" "My tasks were only hard for me at the beginning. Now I've found a good way to make them easier.">>
<<dlg_ru 1 "door" "Мне было тяжело только в начале. Сейчас я нашла хороший способ упростить себе работу.">>
<<btnEventLink "Enter the room/Войти в комнату" "WifeMaid Conflict Scenes" "maid influence talk(enter)">>
<<btnEventLink "Leave them alone/Оставить их наедине" "WifeMaid Conflict Scenes" "maid influence talk(leave)">>
<<case "maid influence talk(enter)">>
<<set $WifeToMaid.suspicion += 5>>
<<LocImg "mc_house" "master bedroom">>
<<en "You go inside, and the women stop talking.">>
<<ru "Ты заходишь внутрь, и девушки сразу замолкают.">>
<<dlg_en 1 "I have to go.">>
<<dlg_ru 1 "Мне пора идти.">>
<<en "You stare at Samantha until she leaves the room. Then you turn to your wife.">>
<<ru "Ты провожаешь Саманту взглядом, пока она не покидает комнату. Затем ты поворачиваешься к своей жене.">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "Is something wrong?">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Что-то случилось?">>
<<dlg_en 0 "No. We were just talking about her performance.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Нет. Мы просто говорили о том, как она справляется со своими обязанностями.">>
<<btnEventLink "Finish/Закончить" $location.main "">>
<<case "maid influence talk(leave)">>
<<set $MaidToWife.influence += 5>>
<<LocImg "mc_house" "open door">>
<<en "You decide not to disturb the women and leave.">>
<<ru "Ты решаешь не мешать девушкам и уходишь.">>
<<btnEventLink "Finish/Закончить" "Hallway" "">>
<<case "confict about cleaning">>
<<set $WifeToMaid.conflict = true>>
<<set $NPCplans[0].emorning = "breakfast in kitchen(mansion)">>
<<if $time.weekday == 2>>
<<set $NPCplans[0].morning = "get rest(mansion)">>
<<elseif $time.weekday >= 5>>
<<set $NPCplans[0].morning = "swimming(mansion)">>
<<set $NPCplans[0].morning = "work(bakery)">>
<<LocImg "mc_house" "master bedroom">>
<<en "You get dressed and go down to the ground floor. Immediately, you hear $NPCstat[0].name calling you from the kitchen.">>
<<ru "Ты одеваешься и спускаешься на первый этаж. Сразу же, ты слышишь, как $NPCstat[0].name зовет тебя из кухни.">>
<<btnEventLink "Go to the kitchen/Идти на кухню" "WifeMaid Conflict Scenes" "confict about cleaning 2">>
<<case "confict about cleaning 2">>
<<NPCmedia "wife" "serious talk(floor)" 0>>
<<en "$NPCstat[0].name and Samantha are standing at the table, but on opposite sides.">>
<<ru "$NPCstat[0].name и Саманта стоят возле стола, но по разные стороны.">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "What's wrong, baby?">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Что случилось, крошка?">>
<<dlg_en 0 "I want to talk to you.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Я хочу поговорить.">>
<<en "You walk towards your wife, but she signals for you to stand next to your maid.">>
<<ru "Ты направляешься к своей жене, но та показывает тебе, чтобы ты встал рядом с горничной.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "I've noticed that you've both been hiding something from me lately. So I demand an explanation as to why I keep finding my husband in the middle of the hallway with a mop in his hand.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Я не могла не заметить, что в последнее время вы оба что-то скрываете от меня. Поэтому я требую объяснений, почему я постоянно нахожу своего мужа посреди коридора со шваброй в руках.">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "You're exaggerating, baby.">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Ты все преувеличиваешь, крошка...">>
<<dlg_en 1 "Mr. $mc.name, I think we should tell her everything.">>
<<dlg_ru 1 "Мистер $mc.name, думаю нам стоит все рассказать.">>
<<en "You turn to your maid in confusion.">>
<<ru "Ты в недоумении поворачиваешься к своей горничной.">>
<<dlg_en 1 "You see, it was your husband's idea.">>
<<dlg_ru 1 "Видите ли, эта была идея вашего мужа.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "Is it true, honey?">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Это правда, милый?">>
<<th_en "Shit, I have no choice.">>
<<th_ru "Черт, у меня нет другого выбора.">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "Yes. I thought it might help to put our relationship in a new perspective.">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Да. Я подумал, что это поможет по-новому взглянуть на наши отношения.">>
<<en "$NPCstat[0].name gives you a sharp look.">>
<<ru "$NPCstat[0].name пристально смотрит на тебя.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "Why'd you have to do it in such a weird way, honey?">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Ну почему ты выбрал такой странный способ, милый?">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "I just thought Samantha was trustworthy enough for me to turn to.">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Я просто посчитал, что Саманта достаточно надежна, чтобы я мог обратиться к ней.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "Trustworthy enough, huh? In that case, would you mind leaving us alone for a moment? There's something I need to discuss with her.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Достаточно надежна, говоришь? В таком случае, не мог бы ты оставить нас наедине? Мне надо кое-что обсудить с ней.">>
<<btnEventLink "Leave/Уйти" "Master Bedroom" "">>
<<case "patronage about cleaning">>
<<set $WifeToMaid.patronage = true>>
<<set $NPCplans[0].emorning = "breakfast in kitchen(mansion)">>
<<if $time.weekday == 2>>
<<set $NPCplans[0].morning = "get rest(mansion)">>
<<elseif $time.weekday >= 5>>
<<set $NPCplans[0].morning = "swimming(mansion)">>
<<set $NPCplans[0].morning = "work(bakery)">>
<<btnEventLink "No Listen/No Listen" "Master Bedroom" "">>
<</switch>><<switch $EventMark>>
<<case "first apartment visit">>
<<SkipTimeBlock 1>>
<<LocImg "mc_house" "awakening">>
<<en "When you wake up, you stretch relaxedly. Feeling the half of the bed where $NPCstat[0].name usually sleeps, you find it empty.">>
<<ru "Проснувшись, ты сладко потягиваешься. Ощупав ту половину кровати, на которой обычно спит $NPCstat[0].name, ты обнаруживаешь, что она пуста.">>
<<th_en "She must be in the bathroom.">>
<<th_ru "Должно быть, она в ванной.">>
<<en "But when you go into the bathroom to wash your face, you don't find your wife there.">>
<<ru "Однако, после того, как ты заходишь в ванную, чтобы умыться, ты не находишь там свою жену.">>
<<btnEventLink "Check the dressing room/Проверить гардеробную" "Visits To Jenny" "first apartment visit 2">>
<<case "first apartment visit 2">>
<<NPCmedia "wife" "dressing up" 0>>
<<en "$NPCstat[0].name is sitting on the pouffe and picking out an outfit for today.">>
<<ru "$NPCstat[0].name сидит на пуфике и подбирает наряд для сегодняшнего дня.">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "Going shopping, baby?">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Собираешься за покупками, крошка?">>
<<dlg_en 0 "Yeah. And you're coming with me.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Да. И ты едешь с мной.">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "Again?">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Снова?">>
<<dlg_en 0 "Jenny's boyfriend can't pick her up, so I promised we'd take her instead.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Парень Дженни не сможет забрать ее, так что я пообещала, что мы за ней заедем.">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "Maybe you can go without me this time?">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Может в этот раз вы обойдетесь без меня?">>
<<dlg_en 0 "dom" "I've made my decision, $mc.name. Hurry up, we don't have much time.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "dom" "Я уже все решила, $mc.name. Так что поторопись, у нас не так много времени.">>
<<btnEventLink "Go to mall/Отправиться за покупками" "Visits To Jenny" "first apartment visit 3">>
<<case "first apartment visit 3">>
<<LocImg "local" "road">>
<<en "You are heading towards the city center. $NPCstat[0].name gives you the address, and soon you're pulling into the parking lot. You park the car and you and your wife go to the entrance of the building.">>
<<ru "Вы направляетесь к центру города. $NPCstat[0].name называет тебе адрес, и вскоре ты уже заезжаешь на парковку. Ты паркуешь машину, и вы с твоей женой направляетесь ко вход в здание.">>
<<LocImg "downtown" "apartment avenue 2">>
<<btnEventLink "Go up to Jenny's apartment/Подняться в квартиру к Дженни" "Visits To Jenny" "first apartment visit 4">>
<<case "first apartment visit 4">>
<<set $JennyApartmentVisits.active = true>>
<<LocImg "downtown" "jenny apartment(hall)">>
<<en "As you expected, Jenny wasn't ready when you arrived. So she takes your wife upstairs to help her pick out her outfit for the day, and you're left standing in the middle of the apartment. With nothing to do, you start to look around the apartment, and your eye falls on an interesting painting.">>
<<ru "Как ты и ожидал, Дженни еще не была готова к вашему прибытию. Так что, она уводит твою жену наверх, чтобы та помогла ей выбрать сегодняшний наряд, а ты остаешься стоять посреди квартиры. От нечего делать, ты начинаешь рассматривать интерьер, и твой взгляд останавливается на необычной картине.">>
<<dlg_en 2 "Can't take your eyes off it, huh?">>
<<dlg_ru 2 "Нашел что-то интересное?">>
<<en "You turn around and see a grinning Jenny. Your wife is standing next to her.">>
<<ru "Ты поворачиваешься и видишь ухмыляющуюся Дженни. Твоя жена стоит рядом с ней.">>
<center><table style="width:100%">
<td style="width:50%;">
<td style="width:50%;">
<<NPCmedia "jenny" "apartment picture" 0>>
<td style="vertical-align:top">
<<dlg_en "mc" "I'm just surprised that you've only hung one portrait of yourself.">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Я просто удивлен, что ты повесила только один свой портрет.">>
<<en "The blonde laughs at your sarcasm.">>
<<ru "Блондинка смеется в ответ на твой сарказм.">>
<<dlg_en 2 "You should have seen the one that hangs in my bedroom. But it is clearly not for your eyes.">>
<<dlg_ru 2 "Тебе стоило бы увидеть картину, которая висит в моей спальне. Впрочем, это зрелище явно не для твоих глаз.">>
<<en "You turn to your wife.">>
<<ru "Ты поворачиваешься к своей жене.">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "Is there really anything special hanging there?">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Там и правда висит нечто особенное?">>
<<dlg_en 0 "Jenny's just trying to tease you, honey.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Дженни просто хочет подразнить тебя, милый.">>
<<en "You notice that $NPCstat[0].name looks away, as if to avoid a direct answer.">>
<<ru "Ты замечаешь, что $NPCstat[0].name отводит взгляд в сторону, словно пытаясь уклониться от прямого ответа.">>
<<dlg_en 2 "Oh, come on, girl. If $mc.name saw my other portrait, he'd be on his knees begging me to give him the number of an artist who would paint your portrait.">>
<<dlg_ru 2 "Да брось, подруга. Если бы $mc.name увидел другой мой портрет, то он бы, стоя на коленях, упрашивал меня дать ему номер художника, чтобы тот нарисовал твой портрет.">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "Well, you know what? I've been wanting to hang some pictures in my office for a long time. What do you think, baby? Would you mind posing a little?">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "А знаешь что? Я давно хотел повесить пару картин в мой офис. Что думаешь, крошка? Не против немного попозировать?">>
<<dlg_en 0 "If you can find a good artist, why not?">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Если ты найдешь хорошего художника, то почему бы и нет?">>
<<dlg_en 2 "I can arrange it. A friend of mine works in an art studio downtown.">>
<<dlg_ru 2 "Я все могу организовать. Моя подруга работает в арт-студии в центре.">>
<<btnEventLink "Leave everything to Jenny/Оставить все на Дженни" "Visits To Jenny" "first apartment visit 5.1">>
<<btnDisabledLink "Tell her you'll find the painter yourself(not available in this update)/Сказать что ты найдешь художника самостоятельно(недоступно в этом обновлении)">>
<<case "first apartment visit 5.1">>
<<set $WifePainting.active = true>>
<<set $WifePainting.status = "jenny find painter">>
<<LocImg "downtown" "jenny apartment(hall)">>
<<dlg_en 2 "You really trust me to find an artist? $mc.name, I don't recognize you.">>
<<dlg_ru 2 "Ты и правда доверишь мне поиск художника? $mc.name, я тебя не узнаю.">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "If you offered to find one for me, I would definitely say no. But I'm sure you'd really try for $NPCstat[0].name.">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Если бы ты предложила поискать его для меня, то я несомненно бы отказался. Но я уверен, что для моей жены, ты действительно постараешься.">>
<<dlg_en 2 "I see. I got excited too soon.">>
<<dlg_ru 2 "Ясно. Я слишком рано обрадовалась.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "Will you stop flirting? We should go.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Может уже прекратите свои заигрывания. Нам пора.">>
<<dlg_en 2 "All right, all right.">>
<<dlg_ru 2 "Ладно-ладно.">>
<<btnEventLink "Head to the mall/Ехать в торговый центр" "Visits To Jenny" "first apartment visit 6">>
<<case "first apartment visit 6">>
<<set $JennyShopping.mallcount += 1>>
<<SkipTimeBlock 1>>
<<LocImg "mall" "facade">>
<<en "After spending a whole fifteen minutes looking for a free space, you finally park the car. Jenny's boyfriend is already waiting for you near the entrance.">>
<<ru "Потратив целых пятнадцать минут на поиски свободного места, ты наконец припарковываешь машину. Парень Дженни уже ждет вас возле входа.">>
<<set $EventMark = "">>
<<set $JennyShopping.malldesire = "buy shoes(Jenny)">>
<<btnLink "Dive into shopping hell" "Jenny Mall Trips" "mall hub">>
<<include "Downtown Event Hub">>
<<switch $location.sub>>
<<case "">>
<<LocImg "downtown" "apartment avenue 2">>
<<set _navid = 0>>
<<set $NavigationSlot = []>>
<<set $NavigationSlotName = []>>
<<set $NavigationSlotSub = []>>
<<set $NavigationSlot[0] = "Jenny Apartment Hall">>
<<set $NavigationSlotName[0] = "Jenny Apartment">>
<<set $NavigationSlotSub[0] = "">>
<<set _navid += 1>>
<<set _navid -= 1>>
<<NavigationTable _navid>>
<<btnLink "Leave" "Apartment Block" "">>
<</switch>><<switch $EventMark>>
<<case "offer about secretary">>
<<set $BrandyStory.status = "offer">>
<<if $NPCstat[$SecretaryId].obedience <= -24>>
<<LocImg "misc" "phone">>
<<en "Your secretary calls you and tells you that Belinda wants to meet with you. You can hear Belinda's annoyed voice in the background.">>
<<ru "Твоя секретарша звонит тебе и сообщает, что с тобой хочет встретиться Белинда. На заднем фоне ты слышишь раздраженный голос последней.">>
<<dlg_en $SecretaryId "intc" "Mr. $mc.lastname, this woman is so annoying. What do you want me to do?">>
<<dlg_ru $SecretaryId "intc" "Мистер $mc.lastname, эта девушка такая назойливая. Что мне сделать?">>
<<btnEventLink "Tell her to let Belinda in/Сказать ей впустить Белинду" "Brandy Events Hub" "offer about secretary 2">>
<<btnEventLink "Refuse Belinda a visit/Отказать Белинде в визите" "Brandy Events Hub" "offer about secretary(postpone)">>
<<LocImg "work" "your office">>
<<en "Your secretary calls and tells you that Belinda wants to meet with you. You don't have time to answer before the door to your office swings open and the blonde bursts in. $NPCstat[$SecretaryId].name appears next.">>
<<ru "Твоя секретарша звонит тебе и сообщает, что с тобой хочет встретиться Белинда. Однако, ты не успеваешь ответить, как дверь в твой офис открывается и блондинка врывается внутрь. Следом появляется $NPCstat[$SecretaryId].name.">>
<<dlg_en $SecretaryId "You haven't gotten permission yet. Leave the office.">>
<<dlg_ru $SecretaryId "Ты еще не получила разрешение. Выйди из офиса.">>
<<en "Ignoring your secretary, Belinda makes her way to your desk.">>
<<ru "Белинда игнорирует твою секретаршу и направляется к твоему столу.">>
<<dlg_en 16 "How it's going, boss? I want to talk to you.">>
<<dlg_ru 16 "Как дела, босс? Я хочу поговорить с вами.">>
<<dlg_en $SecretaryId "I'm sorry, Mr. $mc.lastname. I couldn't stop her.">>
<<dlg_ru $SecretaryId "Простите, мистер $mc.lastname. Я не смогла ее остановить.">>
<<btnEventLink "Tell her everything's okay/Сказать, что все в порядке" "Brandy Events Hub" "offer about secretary 2">>
<<btnEventLink "Tell Belinda you're busy right now/Сказать Белинде, чтобы ты сейчас занят" "Brandy Events Hub" "offer about secretary(postpone)">>
<<case "offer about secretary(alt)">>
<<set $BrandyStory.status = "offer">>
<<LocImg "work" "secretary desk">>
<<btnEventLink "Finish/Закончить" "Your Office" "">>
<<case "offer about secretary(postpone)">>
<<set $BrandyStory.counter = 2>>
<<if $NPCstat[$SecretaryId].obedience <= -24>>
<<LocImg "misc" "phone">>
<<dlg_en $SecretaryId "intc" "As you wish, Mr. $mc.lastname.">>
<<dlg_ru $SecretaryId "intc" "Как скажете, мистер $mc.lastname.">>
<<LocImg "work" "your office">>
<<dlg_en 16 "I see you're not in the mood, boss. I'll swing by tomorrow.">>
<<dlg_ru 16 "Вижу, вы не в настроении, босс. Я зайду через пару дней.">>
<<en "Belinda turns around and heads for the exit. As she passes your secretary, she slows down.">>
<<ru "Белинда разворачивается и направляется к выходу. Проходя мимо твоей секретарши, она замедляется.">>
<<dlg_en 16 "And you're going to regret what you said!">>
<<dlg_ru 16 "А ты еще пожалеешь о своих словах!">>
<<btnEventLink "Finish/Закончить" "Your Office" "">>
<<case "offer about secretary 2">>
<<set $BrandyStory.counter = 1>>
<<if $NPCstat[$SecretaryId].obedience <= -24>>
<<LocImg "misc" "phone">>
<<dlg_en $SecretaryId "intc" "As you wish, Mr. $mc.lastname.">>
<<dlg_ru $SecretaryId "intc" "Как скажете, мистер $mc.lastname.">>
<<en "The door to your office opens and Belinda bursts in. The blonde walks over to your desk, and you can tell by her heavy breathing that her conversation with your secretary has taken on an elevated tone.">>
<<ru "Дверь в твой офис открывается, и Белинда врывается внутрь. Блондинка подходит к твоему столу, по ее тяжелому дыханию, ты понимаешь, что ее разговор с твоей секретаршей прошел на повышенных тонах.">>
<<dlg_en 16 "Your secretary is a real bitch, boss.">>
<<dlg_ru 16 "Ваша секретарша невыносима, босс.">>
<<en "Belinda puts her hands on the desk and leans forward to show you the neckline of her blouse.">>
<<ru "Белинда опирается на стол и наклоняется вперед, демонстрируя тебе вырез ее блузки.">>
<<dlg_en 16 "I think you should replace her. My friend Brandy is looking for a job right now.">>
<<dlg_ru 16 "Я думаю вам стоит найти ей замену. Моя подруга Брэнди как раз подыскивает работу.">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "You're suggesting I fire my secretary just because you two have a conflict?">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Ты предлагаешь мне уволить секретаршу просто потому, что у вас возник конфликт?">>
<<dlg_en 16 "I didn't want to break it to you, boss, but people like her are no asset to a bad boss like you. I mean, look at her and look at my friend.">>
<<dlg_ru 16 "Не планировала говорить вам, босс, но такие как она совсем не подходят для такого босса, как вы. Просто посмотрите на нее и на мою подругу.">>
<<LocImg "work" "your office">>
<<dlg_en $SecretaryId "As you wish, Mr. $mc.lastname.">>
<<dlg_ru $SecretaryId "Как скажете, мистер $mc.lastname.">>
<<en "$NPCstat[$SecretaryId].name leaves your office. The whole time Belinda stares at her.">>
<<ru "$NPCstat[$SecretaryId].name выходит из твоего офиса. Все это время Белинда неотрывно смотрит на нее.">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "So, what did you want to talk about?">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Итак, о чем ты хотела поговорить?">>
<<dlg_en 16 "You're so serious, boss. Aren't you just not happy to see me.">>
<<dlg_ru 16 "Вы такой серьезный, босс. Неужели вы просто не рады меня видеть.">>
<<en "She puts her hands on the desk and leans forward to show you the neckline of her blouse.">>
<<ru "Она опирается на стол и наклоняется вперед, демонстрируя тебе вырез ее блузки.">>
<<dlg_en 16 "To tell you the truth, I forgot what I wanted to discuss. All because of your secretary.">>
<<dlg_ru 16 "По правде говоря, я совсем позабыла, что хотела с вами обсудить. И все из-за вашей секретарши.">>
<<en "The blonde straightens.">>
<<ru "Блондинка выпрямляется.">>
<<dlg_en 16 "I think you should replace her. My friend Brandy is looking for a job right now.">>
<<dlg_ru 16 "Я думаю вам стоит найти ей замену. Моя подруга Брэнди как раз подыскивает работу.">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "You're suggesting I fire my secretary just because you two have a conflict?">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Ты предлагаешь мне уволить секретаршу просто потому, что у вас возник конфликт?">>
<<dlg_en 16 "I didn't want to break it to you, boss, but people like her are no asset to a bad boss like you. I mean, look at her and look at my friend.">>
<<dlg_ru 16 "Не планировала говорить вам, босс, но такие как она совсем не подходят для такого босса, как вы. Просто посмотрите на нее и на мою подругу.">>
<<en "Belinda leans forward again.">>
<<ru "Белинда снова наклоняется вперед.">>
<<NPCmedia "belinda" "boobs tease" 0>>
<<dlg_en 16 "Two hot blondes instead of one, what choice is there? And believe me, my friend knows how to thank a generous man.">>
<<dlg_ru 16 "Две горячих блондинки вместо одной, разве тут вообще может быть выбор? И, уж поверьте, моя подруга знает, как отблагодарить щедрого мужчину.">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "Uh, listen. I'll think about it. Don't distract me.">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Слушай... Я подумаю над этим. А теперь, не отвлекай меня.">>
<<dlg_en 16 "I see you're not in the mood, boss. I'll swing by tomorrow.">>
<<dlg_ru 16 "Вижу, вы не в настроении, босс. Я зайду через пару дней.">>
<<en "Belinda turns and heads for the exit.">>
<<ru "Белинда разворачивается и направляется к выходу.">>
<<btnEventLink "Finish/Закончить" "Your Office" "">>
<<case "offer about secretary 3">>
<<LocImg "work" "documents">>
<<if $BrandyStory.counter > 0>>
<<th_en "I need to think about it for at least 24 hours before I make a decision.">>
<<th_ru "Мне надо подумать хотя бы сутки, прежде чем принять решение.">>
<<btnEventLink "Finish/Закончить" "Your Office" "">>
<<th_en "So, what am I going to do?">>
<<th_ru "Итак, что я должен сделать?">>
<<set _link = getLinkName("Ignore Belindas offer/Проигнорировать предложение Белинды")>>
<<set _link += " <font color='red'>- End Brandy storyline</font>">>
<<btnEventLink "Hire Brandy for the secretary position/Нанять Брэнди на позицию секретаря" "Brandy Events Hub" "offer about secretary 3(hire)">>
<center>@@.btnWide;<<button _link "Brandy Events Hub">>
<<set $EventMark = "offer about secretary 3(reject)">>
<<btnEventLink "Postpone the decision until later/Отложить решение на потом" "Your Office" "">>
<<case "offer about secretary 3(hire)">>
<<set $BrandyStory.status = "active">>
<<set $BrandyStory.counter = 1>>
<<set $SecretarySchedule[0].emorning = "">>
<<set $SecretarySchedule[0].morning = "">>
<<set $SecretarySchedule[0].noon = "">>
<<set $SecretarySchedule[1].emorning = "">>
<<set $SecretarySchedule[1].morning = "">>
<<set $SecretarySchedule[1].noon = "">>
<<set $SecretarySchedule[2].emorning = "">>
<<set $SecretarySchedule[2].morning = "">>
<<set $SecretarySchedule[2].noon = "">>
<<set $SecretarySchedule[3].emorning = "">>
<<set $SecretarySchedule[3].morning = "">>
<<set $SecretarySchedule[3].noon = "">>
<<set $SecretarySchedule[4].emorning = "">>
<<set $SecretarySchedule[4].morning = "">>
<<set $SecretarySchedule[4].noon = "">>
<<if not $SecretaryWarehouses.active>>
<<set $SecretarySchedule[0].anoon = "">>
<<set $SecretarySchedule[0].evening = "">>
<<set $SecretarySchedule[1].anoon = "">>
<<set $SecretarySchedule[1].evening = "">>
<<set $SecretarySchedule[2].anoon = "">>
<<set $SecretarySchedule[2].evening = "">>
<<set $SecretarySchedule[3].anoon = "">>
<<set $SecretarySchedule[3].evening = "">>
<<set $SecretarySchedule[4].anoon = "">>
<<set $SecretarySchedule[4].evening = "">>
<<set $BrandySchedule[0].morning = "working">>
<<set $BrandySchedule[0].noon = "working">>
<<set $BrandySchedule[0].anoon = "working">>
<<set $BrandySchedule[1].morning = "working">>
<<set $BrandySchedule[1].noon = "working">>
<<set $BrandySchedule[1].anoon = "working">>
<<set $BrandySchedule[2].morning = "working">>
<<set $BrandySchedule[2].noon = "working">>
<<set $BrandySchedule[2].anoon = "shopping">>
<<set $BrandySchedule[3].morning = "working">>
<<set $BrandySchedule[3].noon = "working">>
<<set $BrandySchedule[3].anoon = "tanning">>
<<set $BrandySchedule[4].morning = "working">>
<<set $BrandySchedule[4].noon = "working">>
<<set $BrandySchedule[4].anoon = "shopping">>
<<LocImg "work" "your office">>
<<if $SecretaryWarehouses.active>>
<<en "You bring in your secretary and tell her you're firing her.">>
<<ru "Ты приглашаешь свою секретаршу и сообщаешь ей, что собираешься уволить ее.">>
<<dlg_en $SecretaryId "Are you dissatisfied with my work, Mr. $mc.lastname? And what about my business?">>
<<dlg_ru $SecretaryId "Вы недовольны моей работой, мистер $mc.lastname? И что насчет моего бизнеса?">>
<<th_en "Alright.">>
<<th_ru "Ладно.">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "You're doing a great job. But I want you to focus on your business and pay me back as soon as possible.">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Ты делаешь прекрасную работу. Но я хочу, чтобы ты сосредоточилась на своем бизнесе и поскорее выплатила мне долг.">>
<<dlg_en $SecretaryId "As you wish, Mr. $mc.lastname.">>
<<dlg_ru $SecretaryId "Как скажете, мистер $mc.lastname.">>
<<en "You bring in your secretary and tell her you're firing her.">>
<<ru "Ты приглашаешь свою секретаршу и сообщаешь ей, что собираешься уволить ее.">>
<<dlg_en $SecretaryId "Are you dissatisfied with my work, Mr. $mc.lastname?">>
<<dlg_ru $SecretaryId "Вы недовольны моей работой, мистер $mc.lastname?">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "Not at all. But right now I need an assistant with a different skill set. Don't worry, I'll give you a bonus and a good reference.">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Вовсе нет. Но прямо сейчас мне нужен ассистент с навыками другой направленности. Не волнуйся, я выпишу тебе премию и дам хорошие рекомендации.">>
<<dlg_en $SecretaryId "As you wish, Mr. $mc.lastname.">>
<<dlg_ru $SecretaryId "Как скажете, мистер $mc.lastname.">>
<<btnEventLink "Finish/Закончить" "Your Office" "">>
<<case "offer about secretary 3(reject)">>
<<set $BrandyStory.status = "reject">>
<<LocImg "work" "documents">>
<<en "You decide not to hire Brandy.">>
<<ru "Ты решаешь не нанимать Брэнди на работу.">>
<<btnEventLink "Finish/Закончить" "Your Office" "">>
/* ------------------------------ NEW PHONE ------------------------------ */
<<case "complain about phone">>
<<LocImg "work" "secretary desk">>
<<en "$NPCstat[$SecretaryId].name is sitting at her desk, chatting on her phone. When she sees you, all she does is lift her head up.">>
<<ru "$NPCstat[$SecretaryId].name сидит на своем рабочем месте и болтает по телефону. Завидев тебя, она всего лишь поднимает голову.">>
<<dlg_en 20 "Good morning, boss.">>
<<dlg_ru 20 "Доброе утро, босс.">>
<<en "After greeting you, she returns to her conversation.">>
<<ru "Поприветствовав тебя, девушка возвращается к своему разговору.">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "Could you please stop talking on the phone?">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Не могла бы ты перестать разговаривать по телефону?">>
<<dlg_en 20 "What's wrong, boss? Oh, you realized it too?">>
<<dlg_ru 20 "Что не так, босс? Ах, вы тоже заметили?">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "Realized what?">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Заметил что?">>
<<dlg_en 20 "That this model is outdated and that your secretary should use something more modern.">>
<<dlg_ru 20 "Что эта модель устарела, и что ваш секретарь должен пользоваться чем-то более статусным.">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "When I told you to stop talking on the phone, that's what I meant, not that you need a new model.">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Когда я говорил, чтобы ты прекратила говорить по телефону, я имел в виду именно это, а не то, что тебе нужна новая модель.">>
<<dlg_en 20 "I get it, boss. You're just not sure what kind of phone you want to buy for me. Belinda told me you're a little behind the current trends.">>
<<dlg_ru 20 "Я поняла, босс. Вы просто не уверены, какой телефон вы хотите для меня купить. Белинда говорила, что немного отстаете от современных тенденций.">>
<<en "She puts the phone down, gets up from the desk and walks over to you. Brandy puts her right hand on your shoulder and begins to stroke your pecs with her left.">>
<<ru "Она откладывает телефон, поднимается из-за стола и подходит к тебе. Брэнди кладет правую руку тебе на плечо, а левой начинает поглаживать твои грудные мышцы.">>
<<dlg_en 20 "Don'y worry, now you have me. Together with Belinda we'll make you the ideal boss.">>
<<dlg_ru 20 "Не переживайте, теперь у вас есть я. Вместе с Белиндой мы сделаем из вас идеального босса.">>
<<en "Her hand moves down to your stomach and Brandy begins to feel you through your shirt.">>
<<ru "Ее рука спускается на твой живот, и Брэнди начинает ощупывать тебя через рубашку.">>
<<dlg_en 20 "What abs! I can't wait to see what's under that shirt, boss.">>
<<dlg_ru 20 "Какой пресс! Не терпится увидеть что под вашей рубашкой, босс.">>
<<btnEventLink "Let her continue/Позволить ей продолжать" "Brandy Events Hub" "complain about phone 2">>
<<btnEventLink "Stop her/Остановить ее" "Brandy Events Hub" "complain about phone(reject)">>
<<case "complain about phone(reject)">>
<<set $BrandyStory.counter += 2>>
<<LocImg "work" "secretary desk">>
<<en "You take a step to the side and break body contact with her.">>
<<ru "Ты делаешь шаг в сторону и разрываешь контакт с ней.">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "Next time, just stop talking on the phone, okay?">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "В следующий раз просто прекрати разговаривать по телефону, хорошо?">>
<<btnEventLink "Finish/Закончить" "Your Office" "">>
<<case "complain about phone 2">>
<<set $BrandyStory.counter += 1>>
<<set $BrandyStory.stage += 1>>
<<set $NPCsexmemory[16].handjob += 1>>
<<set $NPCsexmemory[20].handjob += 1>>
<<NPCmedia "brandy" "office handjob(standing)" 1>>
<<en "Her hand goes to your groin. The woman unzips your fly and runs her fingers inside your briefs.">>
<<ru "Ее рука перемещается на твой пах. Девушка расстегивает твою ширинку и запускает пальцы в твои трусы.">>
<<dlg_en 20 "Wow, you're so big. I start to getting wet.">>
<<dlg_ru 20 "Ого, вы такой огромный. У меня аж между ног потеплело.">>
<<en "She pulls out your cock and starts jerking it, making it harden quickly. Brandy changes her grip to a more comfortable one and begins to gently jerk you off. You watch her movements as if hypnotized.">>
<<ru "Она вытаскивает твой член и начинает подрачивает его, отчего тот быстро твердеет. Брэнди меняет хватку на более удобную и начинает плавно дрочить тебе. Ты следишь за ее движениями, словно под гипнозом.">>
<<dlg_en 16 "What's going on here?">>
<<dlg_ru 16 "Что здесь происходит?">>
<<en "You turn around and see Belinda coming your way.">>
<<ru "Вы оборачиваетесь, и видите Белинду, которая направляется в вашу сторону.">>
<<dlg_en 16 "Just kidding. I heard the whole thing, so I thought I'd help my friend.">>
<<dlg_ru 16 "Просто шучу. Я все слышала и решила помочь моей подруге.">>
<<en "Belinda grabs your cock at the root and the women continue to jerk it together.">>
<<ru "Белинда обхватывает твой член у основания, и девушки продолжают дрочить его вдвоем.">>
<<dlg_en 16 "But you took the wrong approach with the boss, see?">>
<<dlg_ru 16 "Но ты выбрала неправильный подход к боссу, видишь?">>
<<en "She leans close to your ear and begins to whisper.">>
<<ru "Она наклоняется к вашему уху и начинает шептать.">>
<<dlg_en 16 "Our boss actually prefers legs and asses. He loves to play with them. He loves to lick and kiss them. So you should have offered him something else.">>
<<dlg_ru 16 "Босс, вообще-то, предпочитает ножки и попки. Он обожает играть с ними, лизать и целовать их. Так что тебе стоило предложить ему кое-что другое.">>
<<dlg_en 20 "I'll remember that, sis.">>
<<dlg_ru 20 "Буду знать, подруга.">>
<<en "Women's hot breath burns your ear lobes, their whispers penetrate your head, the heat of their bodies makes your legs become weak.">>
<<ru "Горячее дыхание девушек обжигает твои ушные раковины, их шепот проникает внутрь твоей головы, тепло от их тел делает твои ноги ватными.">>
<<dlg_en 16 "Ready to cum, boss?">>
<<dlg_ru 16 "Готовы кончить, босс?">>
<<en "You can't hold it and start cumming, coating the lacquered surface of the table with your thick sperm.">>
<<ru "Ты не можешь сдержаться и кончаешь, покрывая лакированную поверхность стола своей густой спермой.">>
<<dlg_en 20 "That's a lot. It's like you want to mark your territory, boss.">>
<<dlg_ru 20 "Как много. Вы словно хотите пометить территорию, босс.">>
<<en "Their hands keep milking your cock, making you squirm.">>
<<ru "Их руки продолжают доить твой член, отчего ты никак не можешь придти в себя.">>
<<dlg_en 20 "Yeah, that's it. You're a good boy, boss.">>
<<dlg_ru 20 "Да, вот так. Вы хороший мальчик, босс.">>
<<dlg_en 16 "Hey, don't talk like he's some kind of doggy.">>
<<dlg_ru 16 "Хей, не говори так, словно он какой-то песик.">>
<<dlg_en 20 "I didn't mean he's a dog. He's big and strong. Like a pitbull.">>
<<dlg_ru 20 "Я не говорила, что он песик. Он большой и сильный. Как питбуль.">>
<<dlg_en 16 "So he's a bad boy, not a good boy. A big bad boy.">>
<<dlg_ru 16 "Значит, он плохой мальчик, а не хороший. Большой и плохой мальчик.">>
<<dlg_en 20 "And to get better, he has to help his secretary with a new phone. You'll help me, right, boss?">>
<<dlg_ru 20 "И чтобы исправиться, ему надо помочь его секретарю с новым телефоном. Вы ведь поможете мне, босс?">>
<<en "You nod sluggishly, and the women finally release your cock.">>
<<ru "Ты вяло киваешь, и девушки, наконец, отпускают твой член.">>
<<dlg_en 16 "If you need help in the future, you know who to call, sis.">>
<<dlg_ru 16 "Если в тебе будущем понадобиться помощь, обращайся.">>
<<dlg_en 20 "Thanks, but I think I can handle it from here.">>
<<dlg_ru 20 "Спасибо, думаю, теперь я справлюсь сама.">>
<<en "Belinda says goodbye and walks away, and Brandy stands there, hugging herself to you, watching you take your phone and transfer the money to her account.">>
<<ru "Белинда прощается с тобой и уходит, а Брэнди остается стоять, прижавшись к тебе, и смотрит как ты берешь свой телефон и переводишь деньги на ее счет.">>
<<if $GameLang == "eng">>
<font color=OrangeRed><b><i>You lost $2,000 on your secretary's whim</i></b></font>
<<elseif $GameLang == "rus">>
<font color=OrangeRed><b><i>Ты потерял $2,000 из-за каприза твоей секретарши</i></b></font>
<<set $money.golden -= 2000>>
<<btnEventLink "Finish/Закончить" "Your Office" "">>
/* ------------------------------ NEW PANTIES ------------------------------ */
<<case "buying new underwear">>
<<NPCmedia "brandy" "work talk" 0>>
<<en "In the middle of the workday, Brandy walks into your office.">>
<<ru "Посреди рабочего дня, к тебе в офис заходит Брэнди.">>
<<dlg_en 20 "Boss, how are you? It's a boring day today. How about we get out of here and go shopping?">>
<<dlg_ru 20 "Босс, как вы? Сегодня довольно скучный день. Как насчет того, чтобы свалить отсюда, например, за покупками.">>
<<dlg_en 20 "I'd like to buy some new underwear, and I could use your opinion.">>
<<dlg_ru 20 "Я как раз хотела прикупить себе новый комплект нижнего белья, и мне бы пригодилось ваше мнение.">>
<<btnEventLink "Go shopping with her/Отправиться с ней за покупками" "Brandy Events Hub" "buying new underwear 2">>
<<btnEventLink "Tell her to return to work/Сказать ей вернуться к работе" "Brandy Events Hub" "buying new underwear(reject)">>
<<case "buying new underwear(reject)">>
<<set $BrandyStory.counter += 3>>
<<NPCmedia "brandy" "work talk" 0>>
<<dlg_en 20 "You're no fun, boss.">>
<<dlg_ru 20 "Вы скучный, босс.">>
<<en "Brandy leaves your office.">>
<<ru "Брэнди выходит из твоего офиса..">>
<<btnEventLink "Finish/Закончить" "Your Office" "">>
<<case "buying new underwear 2">>
<<set $BrandyStory.stage += 1>>
<<set $BrandyStory.counter += 2>>
<<LocImg "work" "parking">>
<<en "You go down to the parking lot and walk up to your car. Brandy settles into the passenger seat without any hesitation.">>
<<ru "Вы спускаетесь на парковку и подходите к твоей машине. Брэнди без всяких колебаний усаживается на пассажирское сиденье.">>
<<th_en "Just like Belinda.">>
<<th_ru "Прямо как Белинда.">>
<<btnEventLink "Drive her to the mall/Отвезти ее в торговый центр" "Brandy Events Hub" "buying new underwear 3">>
<<case "buying new underwear 3">>
<<LocImg "mall" "facade">>
<<en "You take Brandy to the mall where you help her pick out a lingerie set.">>
<<ru "Ты отвозишь Брэнди в торговый центр, где помогаешь выбрать ей комплект белья.">>
<<btnEventLink "Finish/Закончить" "Downtown Map" "">>
<<case "testing new underwear">>
<<NPCmedia "brandy" "work talk" 0>>
<<en "In the middle of the workday, Brandy walks into your office.">>
<<ru "Посреди рабочего дня, к тебе в офис заходит Брэнди.">>
<<dlg_en 20 "Boss, how are you? Boss, how are you? I was hoping you'd call me in today.">>
<<dlg_ru 20 "Босс, как вы? Я надеялась, что вы вызовете меня сегодня.">>
<<en "Your secretary comes closer.">>
<<ru "Твоя секретарша подходит ближе.">>
<<dlg_en 20 "It's such a boring day. How about we have a little fun?">>
<<dlg_ru 20 "Сегодня такой скучный день. Как насчет того, чтобы немного развлечься?">>
<<btnEventLink "Ask what she has in mind/Спросить что она имеет в виду" "Brandy Events Hub" "testing new underwear 2">>
<<btnEventLink "Tell her to return to work/Сказать ей вернуться к работе" "Brandy Events Hub" "testing new underwear(reject)">>
<<case "testing new underwear(reject)">>
<<set $BrandyStory.counter += 3>>
<<NPCmedia "brandy" "work talk" 0>>
<<dlg_en 20 "You're no fun, boss.">>
<<dlg_ru 20 "Вы скучный, босс.">>
<<en "Brandy leaves your office.">>
<<ru "Брэнди выходит из твоего офиса..">>
<<btnEventLink "Finish/Закончить" "Your Office" "">>
<<case "testing new underwear 2">>
<<set $BrandyStory.stage += 1>>
<<set $BrandyStory.counter += 2>>
<<NPCmedia "brandy" "office(teasing)" 1>>
<<dlg_en 20 "Let me show you.">>
<<dlg_ru 20 "Давайте, я вам покажу.">>
<<en "Brandy lowers the straps of her dress, exposing her breasts trapped inside the lacy bra.">>
<<ru "Брэнди опускает лямки своего платья, обнажая свои груди, запертые внутри кружевного бюстгальтера.">>
<<dlg_en 20 "Come on, get out of your chair, boss.">>
<<dlg_ru 20 "Ну же, поднимайтесь со своего кресла, босс.">>
<<en "You do as she says and walk over to your secretary.">>
<<ru "Ты делаешь, как она говорит, и подходишь к своей секретарше.">>
<<dlg_en 20 "Remember this? This is one of the sets you bought me. Go ahead, feel it.">>
<<dlg_ru 20 "Помните? Это один из тех комплектов, которые вы мне купили. Давайте, попробуйте его на ощупь.">>
<<en "You place your hand on one of the woman's breasts and squeeze lightly. Brandy lets you enjoy the moment for a while, then takes a step back. Your secretary turns her back to you and begins to pull up her dress.">>
<<ru "Ты кладешь руку на одну из грудей девушки и легонько сжимаешь. Брэнди некоторое время позволяет тебе насладиться процессом, а затем делает шаг назад. Твоя секретарша поворачивается к тебе спиной и начинает задирать платье.">>
<<NPCmedia "brandy" "office(teasing 2)" 1>>
<<dlg_en 20 "It's time to appreciate my panties.">>
<<dlg_ru 20 "Пора заценить мои трусики.">>
<<en "She grabs the hem of the dress with both hands and pulls it up a little. She then begins to move her hips from side to side, as her dress continues to lift up. You follow her as Brandy slowly walks toward the guest couch.">>
<<ru "Она хватается обоими руками за край платья и немного задирает его. Затем она начинает двигать бедрами из стороны в сторону, отчего ее платье продолжает подниматься. Ты следуешь за ней, пока Брэнди медленно идет к дивану для гостей.">>
<<dlg_en 20 "I have an idea.">>
<<dlg_ru 20 "У меня есть идея.">>
<<en "The woman playfully pushes you away, turns around and sits down on the couch. She spreads her legs and runs her hand over her panties.">>
<<ru "Девушка игриво отталкивает тебя, разворачивается и садится на диван. Она раздвигает ноги и проводит рукой по своим трусикам.">>
<<dlg_en 20 "Do you like the view?">>
<<dlg_ru 20 "Нравится вид?">>
<<en "Your secretary closes her legs again, then takes off her panties and throws them in your direction. You catch them in front of your face. You feel the wetness on the fabric and her hot scent and it spurs you to take a step forward, but Brandy lifts her foot and the heel of her shoe bumps against your groin.">>
<<ru "Твоя секретарша вновь смыкает свои ноги, лишь для того, чтобы снять трусики и бросить их в твою сторону. Ты перехватываешь их прямо у своего лица. Ты чувствуешь влагу на ткани и ее горячий запах, и это подстегивает тебя сделать шаг вперед, но Брэнди поднимает ногу и каблук ее туфли упирается в твой пах.">>
<<dlg_en 20 "Slow down, boss. It's your turn, so take your pants off.">>
<<dlg_ru 20 "Не спешите, босс. Сейчас ваша очередь, так что снимайте свои брюки.">>
<<btnEventLink "Take your pants off/Снять брюки" "Brandy Events Hub" "testing new underwear 3">>
<<case "testing new underwear 3">>
<<set $NPCsexmemory[20].footjob += 1>>
<<NPCmedia "brandy" "office(footjob)" 1>>
<<en "You do as she says and your already hard cock is exposed. Brandy slides the toe of her shoe along your shaft.">>
<<ru "Ты делаешь, как она говорит, и твой уже твердый член оказывается на свободе. Брэнди проводит носком туфли вдоль твоего ствола.">>
<<dlg_en 20 "Don't move, boss.">>
<<dlg_ru 20 "Не двигайтесь, босс.">>
<<en "The blonde leans back. She lifts her other leg and squeezes your cock between her feet. She starts to move it, but soon gets tired and asks you to grab her ankles.">>
<<ru "Блондинка откидывается на спинку дивана и, подняв вторую ногу, зажимает твой член между своими ступнями. Она начинает двигать ими, но довольно быстро устает и просит тебя взять ее за щиколотки.">>
<<dlg_en 20 "Yeah, that's it. Jerk yourself off, boss.">>
<<dlg_ru 20 "Да, вот так. Подрочите себе, босс.">>
<<en "You start masturbating with her feet. Brandy looks at you the whole time and smiles.">>
<<ru "Ты начинаешь мастурбировать ее ступнями. Брэнди все это время смотрит на тебя и улыбается.">>
<<dlg_en 20 "Don't stop, boss. Use my shoes to satisfy yourself. Yeah, that's it. Good boy.">>
<<dlg_ru 20 "Не останавливайтесь, босс. Используйте мои туфли, чтобы удовлетворить себя. Да, вот так. Хороший мальчик.">>
<<dlg_en 20 "Belinda's not here, so I can call you a good boy all I want.">>
<<dlg_ru 20 "Белинды здесь нет, так что я могу называть вас хорошим мальчиком сколько захочу.">>
<<en "Your secretary giggles.">>
<<ru "Твоя секретарша хихикает.">>
<<dlg_en 20 "Faster, boss. Show me that you really like my shoes.">>
<<dlg_ru 20 "Быстрее, босс. Покажите мне, что вам действительно нравятся мои туфли.">>
<<en "You speed up as Brandy begins to caress her breasts. Her right hand moves lower and begins to rub her pussy. You feel the arousal and yet a strange anger overcomes you. You want to grab Brandy and fuck her on this couch, but at the same time you can't stop moving your hands and squeezing your cock between her feet.">>
<<ru "Ты ускоряешься, в то время как Брэнди начинает ласкать свои груди. Ее правая рука спускается ниже и начинает тереть ее киску. Ты чувствуешь, как возбуждение и, вместе с тем, странная злоба охватывают тебя. Ты хочешь схватить Брэнди и трахнуть ее на этом диване, но в то же время ты не можешь прекратить двигать своими руками, сдавливая свой член между ее ног.">>
<<btnEventLink "Continue/Продолжить" "Brandy Events Hub" "testing new underwear 4">>
<<case "testing new underwear 4">>
<<NPCmedia "brandy" "office(footjob 2)" 1>>
<<dlg_en 20 "You can take the shoes off if you want to, boss.">>
<<dlg_ru 20 "Вы можете снять эти туфли, если хотите, босс.">>
<<en "You hesitate for a moment and then start to unbuckle one of her shoes. As her foot slips out, Brandy begins to touch your cock with her foot. You pull off the other shoe and it falls to the floor with a thud. Your secretary clamps your piston between her feet and starts moving them up and down. You help her by holding her legs by the ankles.">>
<<ru "Ты замираешь в нерешительности, а затем начинаешь расстегивать ремешок на одной из ее туфель. Стоит ее ступне выскользнуть, как Брэнди принимается трогать своей ступней твой член. Ты снимаешь вторую туфлю, и она с гулким стуком падает на пол. Твоя секретарша зажимает твой поршень между ее ступней и начинает двигать ими верх-вниз. Ты помогаешь ей, придерживая ее ноги за щиколотки.">>
<<dlg_en 20 "I want you to cum on my feet, boss. Like a really good boy.">>
<<dlg_ru 20 "Я хочу, чтобы вы кончили на мои ножки, босс. Как настоящий хороший мальчик.">>
<<en "Brandy doesn't forget to caress herself. You feel your orgasm coming and you speed up your thrusts.">>
<<ru "Брэнди на забывает ласкать себя. Ты чувствуешь приближающийся оргазм и ускоряешь фрикции.">>
<<dlg_en 20 "Don't hold back, boss. Cum all over my legs.">>
<<dlg_ru 20 "Не сдерживайтесь, босс. Обкончайте мои ножки.">>
<<en "You start covering her feet with your semen. Brandy stares at you intently as she continues to caress her pussy. Finally, you release her legs and take a step back, feeling weak in your knees.">>
<<ru "Ты начинаешь покрывать ее ступни своим семенем. Брэнди неотрывно смотрит на тебя, продолжая ласкать свою киску. Наконец, ты отпускаешь ее ноги и делаешь шаг назад, чувствуя слабость в коленях.">>
<<dlg_en 20 "That's it. Good boy!">>
<<dlg_ru 20 "Вот так. Хороший мальчик!">>
<<en "Brandy stops and assumes a sitting position.">>
<<ru "Брэнди останавливается и принимает сидячее положение.">>
<<dlg_en 20 "That was fun, boss. Now I'm going to clean myself up and get back to work.">>
<<dlg_ru 20 "Было весело, босс. Сейчас я приведу себя в порядок и вернусь к работе.">>
<<btnEventLink "Finish/Закончить" "Your Office" "">>
<</switch>><<switch $EventMark>>
<<case "reset route">>
<<set $UpdateResetFlag = true>>
<<LocImg "tech" "warning">>
<<if $DevBuild>>
<<en "This update focuses on Belinda's root and the early events in it. You have the option to reset all progress with Belinda to see these scenes. You can also reset progress for Belinda on her character page, at any time. The reset feature is still under development, so please report any bugs you find.">>
<<ru "Данное обновление посвящено руту Белинды и ранним событиям в нем. У вас есть возможность сбросить весь прогресс с Белиндой, чтобы увидеть эти сцены. Также вы можете сбросить прогресс для Белинды на странице ее персонажа, в любой момент времени. Функция сброса находится в разработке, поэтому прошу сообщать о любых багах, которые вы обнаружите.">>
<<en "This update focuses on Belinda's root and the early events in it. You have the option to reset all progress with Belinda to see these scenes.">>
<<ru "Данное обновление посвящено руту Белинды и ранним событиям в нем. У вас есть возможность сбросить весь прогресс с Белиндой, чтобы увидеть эти сцены..">>
<<set _link = getLinkName("Reset Belinda's route/Сбросить рут Белинды")>>
<center>@@.btnWide;<<button _link "Your Office">>
<<set $NPCstat[16].meet = false>>
<<set $NPCstat[16].corruption = 30>>
<<set $NPCstat[16].obedience = 0>>
<<set $NPCstat[16].location = "">>
<<set $NPCstat[16].vlocation = "">>
<<set $BelindaSchedule[0].noon = "working">>
<<set $BelindaSchedule[0].anoon = "tanning">>
<<set $BelindaSchedule[1].noon = "working">>
<<set $BelindaSchedule[1].anoon = "working">>
<<set $BelindaSchedule[2].noon = "working">>
<<set $BelindaSchedule[2].anoon = "shopping">>
<<set $BelindaSchedule[3].noon = "working">>
<<set $BelindaSchedule[3].anoon = "tanning">>
<<set $BelindaSchedule[4].noon = "working">>
<<set $BelindaSchedule[4].anoon = "shopping">>
<<set $BelindaStory.status = "">>
<<set $BelindaStory.stage = 0>>
<<set $BelindaStory.counter = 0>>
<<set $BelindaStory.tease = 0>>
<<set $BelindaStory.grope = 0>>
<<set $BelindaStory.panties = false>>
<<set $BelindaStory.office = false>>
<<set $BelindaStory.comm = false>>
<<set $BelindaStory.angry = false>>
<<set $BelindaDrive.ask = false>>
<<set $BelindaDrive.counter = 0>>
<<set $BelindaDrive.nocounter = 0>>
<<set $BelindaDrive.letdrive = 0>>
<<set $BelindaDrive.noletdrive = 0>>
<<set $BelindaDrive.callcomm = 0>>
<<set $BelindaDrive.givecar = false>>
<<set $BelindaDrive.nogivecar = false>>
<<set $BelindaVacation = 0>>
<<set $BelindaMaxVacation = 0>>
<<set $BelindaFrustraion = 0>>
<<set $BelindaGiveAdress = false>>
<<set $money.goldenstatus = "">>
<<set $money.goldenowner = "">>
<<set $NPCsexmemory[16].handjob = 0>>
<<set $NPCsexmemory[16].blowjob = 0>>
<<set $NPCsexmemory[16].boobjob = 0>>
<<set $NPCsexmemory[16].footjob = 0>>
<<set $NPCsexmemory[16].fingering = 0>>
<<set $NPCsexmemory[16].pussylicking = 0>>
<<set $NPCsexmemory[16].pussyworshipping = 0>>
<<set $NPCsexmemory[16].asslicking = 0>>
<<set $NPCsexmemory[16].assworshipping = 0>>
<<set $NPCsexmemory[16].worshipping = 0>>
<<set $NPCsexmemory[16].footmassage = 0>>
<<set $NPCsexmemory[16].footlicking = 0>>
<<set $NPCsexmemory[16].facesitting = 0>>
<<set $NPCsexmemory[16].vaginal = 0>>
<<set $NPCsexmemory[16].anal = 0>>
<<set $NPCsexmemory[16].teasing = 0>>
<<set $NPCsexmemory[16].cumeating = 0>>
<<set $NPCstat[19].meet = false>>
<<set $NPCstat[19].corruption = 40>>
<<set $NPCstat[19].obedience = -40>>
<<set $NPCstat[19].location = "">>
<<set $NPCstat[19].vlocation = "">>
<<set $JolenePresence.active = "">>
<<set $NPCstat[20].meet = false>>
<<set $NPCstat[20].corruption = 40>>
<<set $NPCstat[20].obedience = 0>>
<<set $NPCstat[20].location = "">>
<<set $NPCstat[20].vlocation = "">>
<<set $BrandyStory.status = "">>
<<set $BrandyStory.stage = 0>>
<<set $BrandyStory.counter = 0>>
<<set $NPCstat[23].meet = false>>
<<set $NPCstat[23].corruption = 20>>
<<set $NPCstat[23].obedience = -100>>
<<set $NPCstat[23].location = "">>
<<set $NPCstat[23].vlocation = "">>
<<set $SecretarySchedule[0].emorning = "working">>
<<set $SecretarySchedule[0].morning = "working">>
<<set $SecretarySchedule[0].noon = "working">>
<<set $SecretarySchedule[1].emorning = "working">>
<<set $SecretarySchedule[1].morning = "working">>
<<set $SecretarySchedule[1].noon = "working">>
<<set $SecretarySchedule[2].emorning = "working">>
<<set $SecretarySchedule[2].morning = "working">>
<<set $SecretarySchedule[2].noon = "working">>
<<set $SecretarySchedule[3].emorning = "working">>
<<set $SecretarySchedule[3].morning = "working">>
<<set $SecretarySchedule[3].noon = "working">>
<<set $SecretarySchedule[4].emorning = "working">>
<<set $SecretarySchedule[4].morning = "working">>
<<set $SecretarySchedule[4].noon = "working">>
<<if not $SecretaryWarehouses.active>>
<<set $SecretarySchedule[0].anoon = "working">>
<<set $SecretarySchedule[0].evening = "working">>
<<set $SecretarySchedule[1].anoon = "working">>
<<set $SecretarySchedule[1].evening = "working">>
<<set $SecretarySchedule[2].anoon = "working">>
<<set $SecretarySchedule[2].evening = "working">>
<<set $SecretarySchedule[3].anoon = "working">>
<<set $SecretarySchedule[3].evening = "working">>
<<set $SecretarySchedule[4].anoon = "working">>
<<set $SecretarySchedule[4].evening = "working">>
<<set $BrandySchedule[0].morning = "">>
<<set $BrandySchedule[0].noon = "">>
<<set $BrandySchedule[0].anoon = "tanning">>
<<set $BrandySchedule[1].morning = "">>
<<set $BrandySchedule[1].noon = "">>
<<set $BrandySchedule[1].anoon = "">>
<<set $BrandySchedule[2].morning = "">>
<<set $BrandySchedule[2].noon = "">>
<<set $BrandySchedule[2].anoon = "shopping">>
<<set $BrandySchedule[3].morning = "">>
<<set $BrandySchedule[3].noon = "">>
<<set $BrandySchedule[3].anoon = "tanning">>
<<set $BrandySchedule[4].morning = "">>
<<set $BrandySchedule[4].noon = "">>
<<set $BrandySchedule[4].anoon = "shopping">>
<<set _wd = $time.weekday>>
<<set $NPCplans[16].emorning = "">>
<<set $NPCplans[16].morning = "">>
<<set $NPCplans[16].noon = "">>
<<set $NPCplans[16].anoon = "">>
<<set $NPCplans[16].evening = "">>
<<set $NPCplans[16].dusk = "">>
<<set $NPCplans[16].night = "">>
<<set $NPCplans[16].mnight = "">>
<<set $NPCplans[20].emorning = "">>
<<set $NPCplans[20].morning = "">>
<<set $NPCplans[20].noon = "">>
<<set $NPCplans[20].anoon = "">>
<<set $NPCplans[20].evening = "">>
<<set $NPCplans[20].dusk = "">>
<<set $NPCplans[20].night = "">>
<<set $NPCplans[20].mnight = "">>
<<set $NPCplans[$SecretaryId].emorning = $SecretarySchedule[_wd].emorning>>
<<set $NPCplans[$SecretaryId].morning = $SecretarySchedule[_wd].morning>>
<<set $NPCplans[$SecretaryId].noon = $SecretarySchedule[_wd].noon>>
<<set $NPCplans[$SecretaryId].anoon = $SecretarySchedule[_wd].anoon>>
<<set $NPCplans[$SecretaryId].evening = $SecretarySchedule[_wd].evening>>
<<set $NPCplans[$SecretaryId].dusk = $SecretarySchedule[_wd].dusk>>
<<set $NPCplans[$SecretaryId].night = $SecretarySchedule[_wd].night>>
<<set $NPCplans[$SecretaryId].mnight = $SecretarySchedule[_wd].mnight>>
<<btnEventLink "Don't reset Belinda's route/Не сбрасывать рут Белинды" "Your Office" "">>
<</switch>><<switch $EventMark>>
<<case "vending machine girl">>
<<set $RandomMeets.VendingMachineGirl.interact = true>>
<<set $RandomMeets.VendingMachineGirl.count += 1>>
Идя по коридору торгового центра, ты замечаешь девушку возле торгового автомата. Похоже, она чем-то обеспокоена, посколько постоянно оглядывается по сторонам. Завидев тебя, она подбегает к тебе.
Слушай, у тебя есть карта или, может быть, немного наличных? Автомат никак не хочет принимать мою карту.
Вы вдвоем подходите к автомату.
Погоди, сейчас я сделаю заказ.
Девушка нажимает несколько кнопок, и ты видишь как на экране загорается цифра в $30. Ты вставляешь карту.
Ясно. Еще один жмот.
Девушка быстро теряет к тебе интерес и возвращается к автомату.
<</switch>>/* -------------------- CLEAN MASTER MBEDROOM -------------------- */
<<switch $EventMark>>
<<case "dusting mbedroom">>
<<set $MaidCleaningScenes.MasterBedroom.interact = true>>
<<set $MaidLazinessDesires.listeningMusic = 0>>
<<NPCmedia "samantha" "dusting bedroom(mini)" 0>>
<<en "As you enter the bedroom, you see your maid dusting the furniture. She is humming to herself. You approach her and call her name, but she doesn't answer.">>
<<ru "Зайдя в спальню, ты видишь свою горничную, которая смахивает пыль с мебели. При этом она что-то напевает себе под нос. Ты подходишь ближе и зовешь ее по имени, но девушка не отвечает тебе.">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "Samantha!">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Саманта!">>
<<en "Your maid takes a step back and steps on your foot. She jumps up in surprise.">>
<<ru "Твоя горничная делает шаг назад и наступает тебе на ногу. От неожиданности, она подпрыгивает.">>
<<dlg_en 1 "Oh, I'm sorry, Mr. $mc.name. I didn't hear you coming.">>
<<dlg_ru 1 "Ох, простите, мистер $mc.name. Я не услышала, как вы подошли.">>
<<en "You notice the wireless headphones in her ears.">>
<<ru "Ты замечаешь беспроводные наушники в ее ушах..">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "What are you listening to?">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Что ты слушаешь?">>
<<dlg_en 1 "Just rhythmic music that helps me work. Would you like to hear it?">>
<<dlg_ru 1 "Просто ритмичная музыка, которая помогает мне работать. Хотите послушать?">>
<<en "She takes the headphones out of her ears and holds them out to you.">>
<<ru "Она вынимает наушники из ушей и протягивает их тебе.">>
<<set _link = getLinkName("Decline/Отказаться")>>
<span id="dialog">
<<btnEventLink "Take the headphones/Взять наушники" "Samantha Bedroom Events" "dusting mbedroom(main)">>
<center>@@.btnWide;<<button _link>>
<<replace "#dialog">>
<<en "You refuse and tell Samantha to get back to work.">>
<<ru "Ты отказываешься и говоришь Саманте, чтобы она возвращалась к работе.">>
<<btnEventLink "Finish/Закончить" "Master Bedroom" "">>
<<case "dusting mbedroom(main)">>
<<NPCmedia "mc" "airpods(mini)" 0>>
<<en "You put the headphones in your ears and you hear unobtrusive music.">>
<<ru "Ты вставляешь наушники в уши, и слышишь ненавязчивую музыку.">>
<<dlg_en 1 "What do you think, Mr. $mc.name?">>
<<dlg_ru 1 "Ну как вам, мистер $mc.name?">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "It's a little too primitive for me.">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "На мой вкус, слишком примитивно.">>
<<dlg_en 1 "You just don't feel the rhythm of it yet. I've got it! Move to the beat of the music.">>
<<dlg_ru 1 "Просто вы еще не прочувствовали ритм. Знаю! Вам нужно подвигаться в такт музыки.">>
<<en "Samantha hands you a dustpan.">>
<<ru "Саманта протягивает тебе метелку для пыли.">>
<<dlg_en 1 "Come on, try it.">>
<<dlg_ru 1 "Ну же, попробуйте.">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "Try what?">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Попробовать что?">>
<<dlg_en 1 "Repeat after me. Start in this corner and try to dust.">>
<<dlg_ru 1 "Повторить за мной. Начните вон с того угла и попробуйте протереть пыль.">>
<<set _link = getLinkName("Decline/Отказаться")>>
<span id="dialog">
<<btnEventLink "Start dusting/Начать протирать пыль" "Samantha Bedroom Events" "dusting mbedroom(dusting)">>
<center>@@.btnWide;<<button _link>>
<<replace "#dialog">>
<<en "You refuse and tell Samantha to get back to work.">>
<<ru "Ты отказываешься и говоришь Саманте, чтобы она возвращалась к работе.">>
<<btnEventLink "Finish/Закончить" "Master Bedroom" "">>
<<case "dusting mbedroom(dusting)">>
<<set $MaidCleaning.dustingMbedroomCounter += 1>>
<<set $mcSkill.cleaning += 1>>
<<NPCmedia "mc" "dusting up" 0>>
<<if $NPCstat[1].obedience <= -25 and $MaidCleaningScenes.MasterBedroom.variation <= 10>>
<<en "You start sweeping the broom from side to side, and suddenly you realize that your movements are beginning to match the rhythm of the music. You want to keep going, and before you realize it, you've finished the left side of the room. You turn to your maid and see the smile on her face.">>
<<ru "Ты начинаешь водить метелкой из стороны в сторону, и внезапно понимаешь, что твои движения начинают подстраиваться под ритм музыки. Тебе хочется продолжать, и ты, сам того не замечая, заканчиваешь с левой стороной комнаты. Ты поворачиваешься к своей горничной и видишь улыбку на ее лице.">>
<<dlg_en 1 "You're doing great, Mr. $mc.name. Go on.">>
<<dlg_ru 1 "Вы отлично справляетесь, мистер $mc.name. Продолжайте.">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "I've already done more than I wanted to.">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Я и так сделал больше, чем хотел.">>
<<dlg_en 1 "That's not true, Mr. $mc.name. I know you want to continue.">>
<<dlg_ru 1 "Это не так, мистер $mc.name. Я знаю, что вы хотите продолжить.">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "What makes you think that?">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "С чего ты это взяла?">>
<<dlg_en 1 "I've studied you these days. And I can tell you that you're very good at following orders.">>
<<dlg_ru 1 "С того, что я хорошо изучила вас за последние дни. Вы очень хороши в выполнении приказов.">>
<<en "Samantha points to the rest of the room.">>
<<ru "Саманта указывает вам на оставшуюся часть комнаты.">>
<<dlg_en 1 "dom" "So do it.">>
<<dlg_ru 1 "dom" "Так что, сделайте это.">>
<<btnEventLink "Keep dusting/Продолжить смахивать пыль" "Samantha Bedroom Events" "dusting mbedroom(dusting)(continue alt)">>
<<elseif $NPCstat[1].obedience <= -18 and $MaidCleaningScenes.MasterBedroom.variation > 10>>
<<en "You start sweeping the broom from side to side, and suddenly you realize that your movements are beginning to match the rhythm of the music. You want to keep going, and before you realize it, you've finished the left side of the room. You turn to your maid, only to find that she's not in the room.">>
<<ru "Ты начинаешь водить метелкой из стороны в сторону, и внезапно понимаешь, что твои движения начинают подстраиваться под ритм музыки. Тебе хочется продолжать, и ты, сам того не замечая, заканчиваешь с левой стороной комнаты. Ты поворачиваешься к своей горничной, но обнаруживаешь, что ее нет в комнате.">>
<<th_en "Where the hell did she disappear to?">>
<<th_ru "Куда она, черт возьми подевалась?">>
<<en "You look around and see that Samantha has just left the room.">>
<<ru "Ты оглядываешься по сторонам и понимаешь, что Саманта просто вышла из комнаты.">>
<<btnEventLink "Keep dusting/Продолжить смахивать пыль" "Samantha Bedroom Events" "dusting mbedroom(dusting)(continue)">>
<<btnEventLink "Wait for Samantha's return/Подождать возвращения Саманты" "Samantha Bedroom Events" "dusting mbedroom(dusting)(stop)">>
<<en "You start sweeping the broom from side to side, and suddenly you realize that your movements are beginning to match the rhythm of the music. You want to keep going, and before you realize it, you've finished the left side of the room. You turn to your maid and see the smile on her face.">>
<<ru "Ты начинаешь водить метелкой из стороны в сторону, и внезапно понимаешь, что твои движения начинают подстраиваться под ритм музыки. Тебе хочется продолжать, и ты, сам того не замечая, заканчиваешь с левой стороной комнаты. Ты поворачиваешься к своей горничной и видишь улыбку на ее лице.">>
<<dlg_en 1 "Excellent work, Mr. $mc.name. You certainly have talent.">>
<<dlg_ru 1 "Отличная работа, мистер $mc.name. У вас определенно талант.">>
<<en "Samantha takes the dustpan from you and goes back to cleaning.">>
<<ru "Саманта забирает у вас метелку и возвращается к уборке.">>
<<btnEventLink "Finish/Закончить" "Master Bedroom" "">>
<<case "dusting mbedroom(dusting)(continue)">>
<<NPCmedia "mc" "dusting up" 0>>
<<if $MaidCleaningScenes.MasterBedroom.variation <= 5>>
<<en "You decide to continue. After a while you feel a hand on your shoulder. You turn around, expecting to see Samantha, but it is your wife.">>
<<ru "Ты решаешь продолжить. Спустя некоторое время, ты чувствуешь, как на твое плечо ложится чья-то рука. Ты оборачиваешься, ожидая увидеть Саманту, но видишь свою жену.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "What are you doing, honey?">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Что ты делаешь, милый?">>
<<en "You involuntarily hide the broom behind your back.">>
<<ru "Ты невольно прячешь метелку за спину.">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "Nothing. I'm just entertaining myself.">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Ничего. Просто решил развлечь себя.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "Well, that's an unusual way to do it.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Ну, ты выбрал весьма странный способ.">>
<<en "You shrug.">>
<<ru "Ты пожимаешь плечами.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "Well, I have to go to work. Stay entertained.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Ладно, мне пора на работу. Развлекайся.">>
<<en "$NPCstat[0].name goes into the dressing room, and you decide you'd better get out of the bedroom quickly.">>
<<ru "$NPCstat[0].name уходит в гардеробную, а ты решаешь, что лучше по-быстрому покинуть спальню.">>
<<set $WifeToMaid.suspicion += 5>>
<<btnEventLink "Leave/Уйти" "Hallway" "">>
<<en "You decide to continue. Samantha does not return until you are almost finished cleaning. The woman is smiling.">>
<<ru "Ты решаешь продолжить. Саманта возвращается только после того, как ты практически заканчиваешь уборку. Оценив твою работу, девушка улыбается.">>
<<if $MaidCleaning.wipestandart < 2>>
<<dlg_en 1 "Mr. $mc.name, you did such a good job. I should ask for your help more often.">>
<<dlg_ru 1 "Мистер $mc.name, вы так хорошо справились. Надо просить вас о помощи почаще.">>
<<dlg_en 1 "Mr. $mc.name, you did such a good job. Everything comes easier with the right track.">>
<<dlg_ru 1 "Мистер $mc.name, вы так хорошо справились. Все становится проще с правильным треком.">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "Why did you leave me alone?">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Почему ты оставила меня одного?">>
<<dlg_en 1 "Oh, come on. You had your fun, didn't you?">>
<<dlg_ru 1 "Да будет вам. Вы ведь повеселились не так ли?">>
<<en "Your maid gathers cleaning materials.">>
<<ru "Твоя горничная собирает принадлежности для уборки.">>
<<dlg_en 1 "Thanks for your help, Mr. $mc.name.">>
<<dlg_ru 1 "Спасибо за помощь, мистер $mc.name.">>
<<RemoveStat 1 "obedience" 1 -25>>
<<btnEventLink "Finish/Закончить" "Master Bedroom" "">>
<<case "dusting mbedroom(dusting)(stop)">>
<<btnEventLink "Finish/Закончить" "Master Bedroom" "">>
<<case "dusting mbedroom(dusting)(continue alt)">>
<<NPCmedia "mc" "dusting up" 0>>
<<en "You continue to clean under Samantha's watchful eye.">>
<<ru "Ты продолжаешь уборку под пристальным наблюдением Саманты.">>
<<dlg_en 1 "I like how you started working hard after I pushed you a little harder.">>
<<dlg_ru 1 "Мне нравится, как вы начали стараться после того, как я слегка на вас надавила.">>
<<en "You decide not to answer her and try to get on with the cleaning as quickly as possible. You turn to your maid and see the smile on her face.">>
<<ru "Ты решаешь не отвечать ей и стараешься побыстрее справиться с уборкой. Ты поворачиваешься к своей горничной и видишь улыбку на ее лице.">>
<<dlg_en 1 "Excellent work, Mr. $mc.name. You certainly have talent.">>
<<dlg_ru 1 "Отличная работа, мистер $mc.name. У вас определенно талант.">>
<<en "Samantha takes the dustpan from you and goes back to cleaning.">>
<<ru "Саманта забирает у вас метелку и возвращается к уборке.">>
<<RemoveStat 1 "obedience" 2 -50>>
<<btnEventLink "Finish/Закончить" "Master Bedroom" "">>
/* -------------------- MASTER BEDROOM PATRONAGE -------------------- */
<<case "mbedroom patronage(main)">>
<<set $mansionCleanliness.mbedroom = 100>>
<<set $mansionCleanliness.mbedmaked = true>>
<<set $mansion.mbedroom.cleanliness = 100>>
<<set $mansion.mbedroom.cleanCount += 1>>
<<set $mansion.mbedroom.makebed = true>>
<<set $mansion.mbedroom.makebedCount += 1>>
<<set $mansion.mbedroom.cleanWeekCount += 1>>
<<if $mcSkill.cleaning < 25>>
<<set $mcSkill.cleaning += 1>>
<<LocImg "mc_house" "master bedroom">>
<<en "You tidy up the room and also make the bed.">>
<<ru "Ты наводишь порядок в комнате, а также заправляешь кровать.">>
<<set $location.sub = "">>
<<btnEventLink "Finish/Закончить" "Master Bedroom" "">>
/* -------------------- CLEAN GUEST BEDROOM -------------------- */
<<case "gbedroom patronage(main)">>
<<set $mansionCleanliness.gbedroom = 100>>
<<set $mansionCleanliness.gbedmaked = true>>
<<set $mansion.gbedroom.cleanliness = 100>>
<<set $mansion.gbedroom.cleanCount += 1>>
<<set $mansion.gbedroom.makebed = true>>
<<set $mansion.gbedroom.makebedCount += 1>>
<<set $mansion.gbedroom.cleanWeekCount += 1>>
<<if $mcSkill.cleaning < 25>>
<<set $mcSkill.cleaning += 1>>
<<LocImg "mc_house" "guest bedroom">>
<<if $WifePatronage.punishmentGuestCount >= 2>>
<<en "Yeah, that's right. This bedroom is practically yours now, so you need to keep it clean.">>
<<ru "Да, это правильно. Эта спальня уже практически стала вашей, так что вам надо следить за ее чистотой.">>
<<en "You feel your cheeks begin to burn with embarrassment. Samantha just chuckles, and then leaves the room, leaving you alone. You tidy up the room and also make the bed.">>
<<ru "Ты чувствуешь, как твои щеки начинают гореть от смущения. Саманта лишь посмеивается, а затем выходит из комнаты, оставляя тебя в одиночестве. Ты наводишь порядок в комнате, а также заправляешь кровать.">>
<<en "You tidy up the room and also make the bed.">>
<<ru "Ты наводишь порядок в комнате, а также заправляешь кровать.">>
<<set $location.sub = "">>
<<btnEventLink "Finish/Закончить" "Guest Bedroom" "">>
/* -------------------- CLEAN BALCONY -------------------- */
<<case "balcony patronage(main)">>
<<set $mansionCleanliness.balcony = 100>>
<<set $mansion.balcony.cleanliness = 100>>
<<set $mansion.balcony.cleanCount += 1>>
<<set $mansion.balcony.cleanWeekCount += 1>>
<<if $mcSkill.cleaning < 25>>
<<set $mcSkill.cleaning += 1>>
<<LocImg "mc_house" "balcony">>
<<if $NPCstat[0].obedience > -15>>
<<en "Together with Samantha, you wipe down the balcony rail and mop the floor. Afterwards, your maid thanks you and leaves.">>
<<ru "Вдвоем с Самантой вы протираете ограду балкона и моете пол. После, твоя горничная благодарит тебя и уходит.">>
<<en "You start to wipe the balcony railing. A few minutes later, you hear your maid's phone ringing.">>
<<ru "Ты начинаешь протирать ограду балкона. Спустя несколько минут, ты слышишь, как у твоей горничной звонит телефон.">>
<<dlg_en 1 "Hi! You're calling early as usual.">>
<<dlg_ru 1 "Привет! Ты, как обычно, звонишь с утра пораньше.">>
<<dlg_en 1 "No, I'm not busy.">>
<<dlg_ru 1 "Нет, я не занята.">>
<<en "Your maid leans against the railing and continues to talk on the phone, leaving you to scrub the balcony. At one point you lean over to move a ficus pot.">>
<<ru "Твоя горничная облокачивается об перила и продолжает болтать по телефону, пока тебе приходится вымывать балкон. В какой-то момент, тебе приходится наклонится, чтобы передвинуть кашпо с фикусом.">>
<<dlg_en 1 "If only you could see the view I have right now.">>
<<dlg_ru 1 "Если бы только видела, какой сейчас передо мной открывается вид.">>
<<en "You turn at her words, but your maid seems to be looking in a different direction. You continue cleaning, Samantha only joining you at the very end. Afterwards, your maid thanks you and leaves.">>
<<ru "Ты оборачиваешься на ее слова, но, похоже, что твоя горничная смотрит совсем в другую сторону. Ты продолжаешь уборку, Саманта же присоединяется лишь в самом конце. После, твоя горничная благодарит тебя и уходит.">>
<<set $location.sub = "">>
<<btnEventLink "Finish/Закончить" "MChouse Balcony" "">>
<<include "Local Event Hub">>
<<switch $location.sub>>
<<case "">>
<<LocImg "local" "paula house hallway">>
<<set _navid = 0>>
<<set $NavigationSlot = []>>
<<set $NavigationSlotName = []>>
<<set $NavigationSlotSub = []>>
<<set $NavigationSlot[_navid] = "Paula House Living Room">>
<<set $NavigationSlotName[_navid] = "Living Room/Зал">>
<<set $NavigationSlotSub[_navid] = "">>
<<set _navid += 1>>
<<set $NavigationSlot[_navid] = "Paula House Kitchen">>
<<set $NavigationSlotName[_navid] = "Kitchen/Зал">>
<<set $NavigationSlotSub[_navid] = "">>
<<set _navid += 1>>
<<set $NavigationSlot[_navid] = "Paula House Second Floor">>
<<set $NavigationSlotName[_navid] = "Second Floor/Зал">>
<<set $NavigationSlotSub[_navid] = "">>
<<set _navid += 1>>
<<set _navid -= 1>>
<<NavigationTable _navid>>
<<include "Local Event Hub">>
<<switch $location.sub>>
<<case "">>
<<if $PaulaParty.active and $PaulaParty.stage == 0>>
<<LocImg "local" "paula house kitchen(baby shower)">>
<<en "You see a group of men standing around a table of food.">>
<<ru "Ты видишь группу мужчин, стоящих возле стола с едой.">>
<<if not $PaulaParty.husbandsTheme>>
<<btnEventLink "Approach them/Подойти к ним" "Paula Baby Shower Events" "talk with husbands">>
<<btnEventLink "Approach them/Подойти к ним" "Paula Baby Shower Events" "talk with husbands(end)">>
<<btnEventLink "Try the appetizers/Попробовать закуски" "Paula Baby Shower Events" "try snacks">>
<<elseif $PaulaParty.active and $PaulaParty.stage == 1>>
<<LocImg "local" "paula house kitchen(baby shower)">>
<<en "$NPCstat[0].name and Jenny are standing near a table of snacks. You decide that you should look around before approaching them.">>
<<ru "$NPCstat[0].name и Дженни стоят возле стола с закусками. Ты решаешь, что тебе стоит осмотреться, прежде чем подходить к ним.">>
<<elseif $PaulaParty.active and $PaulaParty.stage == 2>>
<<LocImg "local" "paula house kitchen(baby shower)">>
<<en "There aren't many people here.">>
<<ru "Здесь не так много людей.">>
<<LocImg "local" "paula house kitchen">>
<<set _navid = 0>>
<<set $NavigationSlot = []>>
<<set $NavigationSlotName = []>>
<<set $NavigationSlotSub = []>>
<<set $NavigationSlot[_navid] = "Paula House Hallway">>
<<set $NavigationSlotName[_navid] = "Hallway">>
<<set $NavigationSlotSub[_navid] = "">>
<<set _navid += 1>>
<<set _navid -= 1>>
<<NavigationTable _navid>>
<<include "Local Event Hub">>
<<switch $location.sub>>
<<case "">>
<<if $PaulaParty.active and $PaulaParty.stage == 0>>
<<LocImg "local" "paula house living room(baby shower)">>
<<en "Paula is sitting on the couch, between your wife and Jenny. The other women are standing by the window, discussing something.">>
<<ru "Паула сидит на диване, между твоей женой и Дженни. Остальные женщины стоят возле окна и что-то активно обсуждают.">>
<<if not $NPCstat[31].meet>>
<<btnEventLink "Approach your wife/Подойти к своей жене" "Paula Baby Shower Events" "talk with Paula">>
<<btnEventLink "Approach your wife/Подойти к своей жене" "Paula Baby Shower Events" "talk with Paula(end)">>
<<if not $PaulaParty.wifesTheme>>
<<btnEventLink "Listen to women's conversation/Послушать разговор женщин" "Paula Baby Shower Events" "talk with wifes">>
<<btnEventLink "Listen to women's conversation/Послушать разговор женщин" "Paula Baby Shower Events" "talk with wifes(end)">>
<<elseif $PaulaParty.active and $PaulaParty.stage == 1>>
<<LocImg "local" "paula house living room(baby shower)">>
<<en "The room is much more crowded now than it was at the beginning of the event. Most of the women are chatting with their husbands, but Paula is still sitting alone on the sofa. When she notices you, she invites you to sit next to her.">>
<<ru "Сейчас комната гораздо более заполнена, чем в начале вечеринки. Большая часть женщин общаются со своими мужьями, Паула же еще сидит на диване в одиночестве. Заметив тебя, она приглашает тебя сесть рядом.">>
<<if not $PaulaParty.PaulaTheme>>
<<btnEventLink "Approach her/Подойти к ней" "Paula Baby Shower Events" "talk with Paula 2">>
<<btnEventLink "Approach her/Подойти к ней" "Paula Baby Shower Events" "talk with Paula 2(end)">>
<<elseif $PaulaParty.active and $PaulaParty.stage == 2>>
<<LocImg "local" "paula house living room(baby shower)">>
<<en "The room is much more crowded now than it was at the beginning of the event. Most of the women are chatting with their husbands, Paula is still sitting on the sofa with the other mums. Amanda and Jenny are standing near the entrance to the room. It looks like they are ready to leave this place.">>
<<ru "Сейчас комната гораздо более заполнена, чем в начале вечеринки. Большая часть женщин общаются со своими мужьями, Паула же еще сидит на диване в компании остальных мамочек. Аманда и Дженни стоят возле входа в комнату. Похоже, что они готовы покинуть это место.">>
<<btnEventLink "Approach them/Подойти к ним" "Paula Baby Shower Events" "talk with wife 3">>
<<LocImg "local" "paula house living room">>
<<set _navid = 0>>
<<set $NavigationSlot = []>>
<<set $NavigationSlotName = []>>
<<set $NavigationSlotSub = []>>
<<set $NavigationSlot[_navid] = "Paula House Hallway">>
<<set $NavigationSlotName[_navid] = "Hallway">>
<<set $NavigationSlotSub[_navid] = "">>
<<set _navid += 1>>
<<set _navid -= 1>>
<<NavigationTable _navid>>
<<include "Local Event Hub">>
<<switch $location.sub>>
<<case "">>
<<LocImg "local" "paula house second floor">>
<<th_en "I have nothing to do here.">>
<<th_ru "Мне нечего здесь делать">>
<<set _navid = 0>>
<<set $NavigationSlot = []>>
<<set $NavigationSlotName = []>>
<<set $NavigationSlotSub = []>>
<<set $NavigationSlot[_navid] = "Paula House Hallway">>
<<set $NavigationSlotName[_navid] = "First Floor">>
<<set $NavigationSlotSub[_navid] = "">>
<<set _navid += 1>>
<<set _navid -= 1>>
<<NavigationTable _navid>>
<</switch>><<switch $EventMark>>
<<case "visit to Paula(baby shower)">>
<<LocImg "misc" "get message">>
<<en "In the middle of the day, you get a message from your wife.">>
<<ru "Посреди дня ты получаешь сообщение от своей жены.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "msg" "Honey, do you remember? We're going to Paula's tonight.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "msg" "Милый, ты помнишь? Сегодня мы должны появиться у Паулы.">>
<<th_en "Oh, shit!">>
<<th_ru "Вот черт!">>
<<dlg_en "mc_msg" "Of course not. I'm on my way to your bakery.">>
<<dlg_ru "mc_msg" "Конечно же, нет. Я уже выезжаю в сторону твоей булочной.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "msg" "Don't rush. Jenny and I have already left.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "msg" "Не торопись. Мы с Дженни уже уехали.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "msg" "Wait, I'll text you Paula's address.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "msg" "Погоди, я сейчас тебе скину адрес Паулы.">>
<<btnEventLink "Go to the address/Ехать по адресу" "Paula Baby Shower Events" "visit to Paula(baby shower 2)">>
<<case "visit to Paula(baby shower)(alt)">>
<<LocImg "misc" "get message">>
<<en "In the middle of the day, you get a message from your wife.">>
<<ru "Посреди дня ты получаешь сообщение от своей жены.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "msg" "Honey, do you remember? We're going to Paula's tonight.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "msg" "Милый, ты помнишь? Сегодня мы должны появиться у Паулы.">>
<<th_en "Oh, shit!">>
<<th_ru "Вот черт!">>
<<dlg_en "mc_msg" "Of course not. I'm on my way to your bakery.">>
<<dlg_ru "mc_msg" "Конечно же, нет. Я уже выезжаю в сторону твоей булочной.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "msg" "Don't rush. Jenny and I have already left.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "msg" "Не торопись. Мы с Дженни уже уехали.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "msg" "Wait, I'll text you Paula's address.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "msg" "Погоди, я сейчас тебе скину адрес Паулы.">>
<<btnEventLink "Go to the address/Ехать по адресу" "Paula Baby Shower Events" "visit to Paula(baby shower 2)" 1>>
<<case "visit to Paula(baby shower 2)">>
<<set $PaulaParty.active = true>>
<<set $PaulaParty.stage = 0>>
<<LocImg "local" "paula house facade">>
<<en "Arriving at the right address, you walk up to the front door. There are many voices coming from inside the house, it seems that most of the guests have already arrived.">>
<<ru "Прибыв по нужному адресу, ты подходишь ко входной двери. Изнутри дома доносятся множество голосов, похоже, что большинство гостей уже прибыло.">>
<<btnEventLink "Go inside/Войти внутрь" "Paula House Hallway" "">>
<<case "try snacks">>
<<LocImg "misc" "candy table">>
<<en "You try to find something you'd like to try, but find that the appetizers are mostly sweets.">>
<<ru "Ты пытаешься найти что-то, что тебе хотелось бы попробовать, но обнаруживаешь, что закуски представлены, в основном, сладостями.">>
<<th_en "Nah, I'll pass.">>
<<th_ru "Не, я пас.">>
<<btnEventLink "Step away/Отойти" "Paula House Kitchen" "">>
<<case "talk with husbands">>
<<set $PaulaParty.husbandsTheme = true>>
<<NPCmedia "paula" "husbands talking" 0>>
<<en "Men, ranging in age from thirty to mid-forties, are discussing the current championship. They spread out to include you in the circle. Gradually, the conversation becomes more frank, touching on relationships and marriage.">>
<<ru "Мужчины, в возрасте от тридцати до сорока пяти, обсуждают текущий чемпионат. Они расступаются, включая тебя в круг. Постепенно беседа становится более откровенной, затрагивая тему отношений и семейной жизни.">>
<<dlg_en "m_paula_shower_man_A" "Man" "Anyone here have those moments where you just can’t figure out what your wife wants?">>
<<dlg_ru "m_paula_shower_man_A" "Мужчина" "У кого-нибудь здесь бывают моменты, когда вы просто не можете понять, чего хочет ваша жена?">>
<<en "He looks around the group, waiting for a reaction.">>
<<ru "Он оглядывает группу, ожидая реакции.">>
<<dlg_en "m_paula_shower_man_C" "Man" "I can tell. Sometimes it feels like we’re on different pages.">>
<<dlg_ru "m_paula_shower_man_C" "Мужчина" "Это точно. Иногда я думаю, будто мы живем на разных планетах.">>
<<dlg_en "m_paula_shower_man_B" "Man" "You're married to Mindy, right? She seems lively. I saw both of you at Paula's wedding.">>
<<dlg_ru "m_paula_shower_man_B" "Мужчина" "Ты ведь женат на Минди, да? Она кажется бойкой. Я видел вас двоих на свадьбе Паулы.">>
<<dlg_en "m_paula_shower_man_C" "Man" "That was three years ago. Now it's much harder for us to get along.">>
<<dlg_ru "m_paula_shower_man_C" "Мужчина" "Это было три года назад. Сейчас нам куда сложнее договориться.">>
<<dlg_en "m_paula_shower_man_B" "Man" "Sometimes it’s about more than just talking. It’s about letting go of control.">>
<<dlg_ru "m_paula_shower_man_B" "Мужчина" "Иногда, нужно что-то большее, чем разговоры. Иногда, нужно просто отпустить контроль.">>
<<en "The other men look at him questioningly.">>
<<ru "Остальные мужчины вопросительно смотрят на него.">>
<<dlg_en "m_paula_shower_man_B" "Man" "Sometimes, trying something new can fix a marriage. Especially when it comes to intimacy. Have you guys ever let your wives take charge?">>
<<dlg_ru "m_paula_shower_man_B" "Мужчина" "Иногда, что-то новое может исправить отношения. Особенно, когда дело касается сексуальной жизни. Вы, парни, когда-нибудь позволяли своим женам взять контроль?">>
<<th_en "He's talking about it so openly.">>
<<th_ru "Он так открыто говорит об этом.">>
<<dlg_en "m_paula_shower_man_C" "Man" "Doesn’t that just... feel weird? I mean, I’ve always thought that, as the guy, it’s kind of my job to lead.">>
<<dlg_ru "m_paula_shower_man_C" "Мужчина" "Разве это не... не странно? Я имею в виду, я всегда думал, что, как парень, я должен быть лидером.">>
<<dlg_en "m_paula_shower_man_B" "Man" "Not necessarily. In fact, some couples find it refreshing. Switching roles can be a way of rediscovering each other and breaking out of routines.">>
<<dlg_ru "m_paula_shower_man_B" "Мужчина" "Не обязательно. На самом деле, некоторые отношения обретают второе дыхание после такого. Смена ролей может помочь заново открыть друг друга и вырваться из привычной рутины.">>
<<dlg_en "m_paula_shower_man_A" "Man" "Yes, I agree. And I think it's not about losing control, it's about sharing control.">>
<<dlg_ru "m_paula_shower_man_A" "Мужчина" "Да, я согласен. И я думаю, что суть не в том, чтобы потерять контроль, а в том, чтобы поделиться им.">>
<<if $WifeFacesitting.status == "agree">>
<<en "You remember the scene that happened on Monday.">>
<<ru "Ты вспоминаешь ту сцену, что случилась в понедельник.">>
<<th_en "Is that what they're talking about? Maybe that's what Amanda really wants. And there's no influence from Jenny?">>
<<th_ru "Это то, о чем они говорят? Может, это то, что действительно хочет Аманда? И тут нет никакого влияния от Дженни?">>
<<th_en "This conversation is really weird.">>
<<th_ru "Этот разговор реально странный.">>
<<en "You decide to leave this group.">>
<<ru "Ты решаешь покинуть компанию мужчин.">>
<<btnEventLink "Step away/Отойти" "Paula House Kitchen" "">>
<<case "talk with husbands(end)">>
<<NPCmedia "paula" "husbands talking" 0>>
<<th_en "I think I've heard enough.">>
<<th_ru "Думаю, я услышал достаточно.">>
<<btnEventLink "Step away/Отойти" "Paula House Kitchen" "">>
<<case "talk with wifes">>
<<set $PaulaParty.wifesTheme = true>>
<<NPCmedia "paula" "wifes talking" 0>>
<<dlg_en "m_paula_shower_woman_A" "Woman" "I swear, my little one has a sixth sense for when I finally sit down. Just when I think I can relax for five minutes, she’s wide awake!">>
<<dlg_ru "m_paula_shower_woman_A" "Женщина" "Клянусь, моя малышка каким-то шестым чувством понимает, когда я сажусь отдохнуть. Как только я думаю, что могу расслабиться на пять минут, она сразу же начинает сходить с ума!">>
<<dlg_en "m_paula_shower_woman_B" "Woman" "Oh, I know that feeling! I thought once he turned one, things would get easier, but nope! He’s running circles around me now.">>
<<dlg_ru "m_paula_shower_woman_B" "Женщина" "О, я тебя понимаю! Я думала, что когда ему исполнится год, все станет проще, но нет! Он теперь бегает вокруг меня кругами.">>
<<dlg_en "m_paula_shower_woman_C" "Woman" "Right? And don’t even get me started on the tantrums. Last week, he threw a fit because I wouldn’t let him wear my shoes. I mean, they’re heels!">>
<<dlg_ru "m_paula_shower_woman_C" "Женщина" "Верно? И даже не начинайте рассказывать мне об истериках. На прошлой неделе он устроил скандал, потому что я не разрешила ему надеть мои туфли. Они же на каблуках!">>
<<en "The group erupts in laughter.">>
<<ru "Группа разражается хохотом.">>
<<dlg_en "m_paula_shower_woman_A" "Woman" "I’ve found that distraction works wonders. When my daughter starts to melt down, I whip out the bubbles. Instant mood changer!">>
<<dlg_ru "m_paula_shower_woman_A" "Женщина" "Я обнаружила, что отвлечение внимания творит чудеса. Когда моя дочь начинает капризничать, я достаю мыльные пузыри. Ее настроение сразу меняется!">>
<<dlg_en "m_paula_shower_woman_B" "Woman" "Bubbles, huh? I’ll have to try that.">>
<<dlg_ru "m_paula_shower_woman_B" "Женщина" "Пузыри, да? Надо будет попробовать.">>
<<th_en "Nothing interesting here.">>
<<th_ru "Ничего интересного.">>
<<btnEventLink "Step away/Отойти" "Paula House Living Room" "">>
<<case "talk with wifes(end)">>
<<NPCmedia "paula" "wifes talking" 0>>
<<th_en "I think I've heard enough.">>
<<th_ru "Думаю, я услышал достаточно.">>
<<btnEventLink "Step away/Отойти" "Paula House Living Room" "">>
<<case "talk with Paula">>
<<set $NPCstat[31].meet = true>>
<<NPCmedia "paula" "baby shower(with your wife)" 0>>
<<en "Paula is sitting on the sofa between your wife and Jenny.">>
<<ru "Паула сидит на диване между твоей женой и Дженни.">>
<<dlg_en 2 "Finally he shows up.">>
<<dlg_ru 2 "Наконец, он появился.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "Paula, I'd like you to meet my husband.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Паула, познакомься с моим мужем.">>
<<dlg_en 31 "$mc.name, right?">>
<<dlg_ru 31 "$mc.name, верно?">>
<<en "She holds out her hand to you, backside up. It looks as if she's expecting a kiss. You take her palm and touch it lightly with your lips.">>
<<ru "Она протягивает тебе руку, тыльной стороной вверх. Похоже, что она ожидает поцелуя. Ты берешь ее ладонь женщины и легонько касаешься ее губами.">>
<<dlg_en 31 "You are very lucky with your husband, $NPCstat[0].name. Just look at him. So tall and fit. And gallant too.">>
<<dlg_ru 31 "Тебе определенно повезло с мужем, $NPCstat[0].name. Просто посмотри на него. Такой высокий и стройный. И, к тому же, галантный.">>
<<dlg_en 2 "But he doesn't compare to your husband.">>
<<dlg_ru 2 "Но ему не сравниться с твоим мужем.">>
<<dlg_en 31 "My teddy bear is special, but I think $mc.name is very much like him. I can see it in his eyes.">>
<<dlg_ru 31 "Мой медвеженок особенный, но $mc.name, как мне кажется, очень на него похож. Я вижу это в его глазах.">>
<<en "You notice that your wife is giving Paula an angry look.">>
<<ru "Ты замечаешь, как твоя жена бросает недовольный взгляд на Паулу.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "Honey, if you're not interested in women's talk, you can look around for now. Most of the men are in the kitchen.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Милый, если тебе не интересны женские разговоры, ты можешь пока что осмотреться. Большинство мужчин собрались на кухне.">>
<<th_en "I think I should leave them alone.">>
<<th_ru "Думаю, мне стоит оставить их наедине с друг другом.">>
<<btnEventLink "Step away/Отойти" "Paula House Living Room" "">>
<<case "talk with Paula(end)">>
<<NPCmedia "paula" "baby shower(with your wife)" 0>>
<<th_en "I think I should take a look around.">>
<<th_ru "Думаю, мне стоит осмотреться вокруг.">>
<<btnEventLink "Step away/Отойти" "Paula House Living Room" "">>
<<case "talk with wife(hallway)">>
<<set $PaulaParty.stage += 1>>
<<LocImg "local" "paula house hallway">>
<<dlg_en 0 "$mc.name, wait!">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "$mc.name, погоди!">>
<<en "$NPCstat[0].name comes out of the living room and walks towards you.">>
<<ru "$NPCstat[0].name выходит из зала и направляется к тебе.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "Wandering around?">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Слоняешься без дела?">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "Just waiting for this event to be over.">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Просто жду, пока это мероприятие не закончится.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "I understand you. I forgot how unbearable Paula can be. Sorry to drag you into this.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Я тебя понимаю. Я уже и забыла, насколько Паула может быть невыносимой. Прости, что втянула тебя в это.">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "Everything's fine. But I guess we're gonna have to stay a little longer.">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Ничего страшного. Но, я так понимаю, нам придется еще ненадолго задержаться.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "Just for an hour. Jenny and I have an appointment at the beauty parlour.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Всего лишь на час. У нас с Дженни запись в салоне красоты.">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "Okay. Then let's try and have some fun.">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Окей. Тогда, давай попробуем получить хоть какое-то удовольствие.">>
<<btnEventLink "Continue/Продолжить" "Paula House Hallway" "">>
<<case "talk with Paula 2">>
<<set $PaulaParty.PaulaTheme = true>>
<<set $PaulaParty.stage += 1>>
<<NPCmedia "paula" "baby shower(alone)" 0>>
<<en "You sit down beside her. Paula turns to you, a smile on her face.">>
<<ru "Ты садишься рядом с ней. Паулы поворачивается к тебе, на ее лице появляется улыбка.">>
<<dlg_en 31 "What about you? Are you planning on having children?">>
<<dlg_ru 31 "А что насчет вас? Вы с женой уже обсуждали, когда планируете завести ребенка.">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "We haven't thought about it yet.">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Мы еще не думали над этим.">>
<<dlg_en 31 "Maybe $NPCstat[0].name just sees your reluctance and that's why she's not being honest with you?">>
<<dlg_ru 31 "Может, $NPCstat[0].name просто видит твое нежелание и поэтому не достаточно честна с тобой?">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "I don't think so.">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Я так не думаю.">>
<<en "You start to get up, but Paula grabs your arm.">>
<<ru "Ты собираешься подняться, но Паула хватает тебя за руку.">>
<<dlg_en 31 "Hold on. How about touching my belly? Maybe you'll have a change of heart.">>
<<dlg_ru 31 "Погоди. Как насчет того, чтобы потрогать мой живот? Может это повлияет на твое мнение.">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "I don't think that's appropriate.">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Я не думаю, что будет уместно делать это.">>
<<dlg_en 31 "Oh, come on. There's nothing inappropriate about it.">>
<<dlg_ru 31 "Да будет тебе. Здесь нет ничего неприличного.">>
<<en "The woman puts her hand on your thigh and her palm starts to slide up to your crotch.">>
<<ru "Женщина кладет руку на твое бедро, и ее ладонь скользит к твоему паху.">>
<<dlg_en 31 "Come on. No one looks our way.">>
<<dlg_ru 31 "Давай. Никто даже не увидит.">>
<<en "At that moment, $NPCstat[0].name enters the room with Jenny, and Paula immediately removes her hand.">>
<<ru "В этот момент в комнату входит $NPCstat[0].name вместе с Дженни, и Паула тут же убирает руку.">>
<<dlg_en 31 "Okay, you can go now. I hope we'll meet again.">>
<<dlg_ru 31 "Хорошо, можешь идти. Надеюсь, мы еще встретимся.">>
<<btnEventLink "Step away/Отойти" "Paula House Living Room" "">>
<<case "talk with Paula 2(end)">>
<<NPCmedia "paula" "baby shower(alone)" 0>>
<<th_en "I think I should take a look around.">>
<<th_ru "Думаю, мне стоит осмотреться вокруг.">>
<<btnEventLink "Step away/Отойти" "Paula House Living Room" "">>
<<case "talk with wife 3">>
<<LocImg "local" "paula house living room(baby shower)">>
<<dlg_en 0 "Are you ready to leave, honey?">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Ты готов идти, милый?">>
<<btnEventLink "Leave this place/Покинуть это место" "Paula Baby Shower Events" "talk with wife 3(leave)">>
<<btnEventLink "Step away/Отойти" "Paula House Living Room" "">>
<<case "talk with wife 3(leave)">>
<<set $PaulaParty.stage += 1>>
<<LocImg "local" "paula house facade">>
<<en "You leave the house.">>
<<ru "Вы выходите из дома.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "$mc.name, you remember, right? Downtown first.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "$mc.name, ты же помнишь? Сначала - в центр города.">>
<<btnEventLink "Continue/Продолжить" "Paula Baby Shower Events" "talk with wife 3(leave 2)">>
<<case "talk with wife 3(leave 2)">>
<<LocImg "actions" "driving car">>
<<en "You drive the car through the street traffic while the girls chirp in the back seat. From time to time, you look in the rear-view mirror and your gaze keeps stopping on your wife.">>
<<ru "Ты ведешь автомобиль сквозь уличный траффик, пока девушки щебечут на заднем сиденьи. Время от времени, ты смотришь в зеркало заднего вида, и твой взгляд постоянно останавливается на твоей жене.">>
<<th_en "Share control, you say? That's not the kind of thing I was thinking about.">>
<<th_ru "Разделить контроль, ты говоришь? Эта не та вещь, о которой я задумывался.">>
<<th_en "$NPCstat[0].name has shown no desire to take the lead until recently.">>
<<th_ru "$NPCstat[0].name, до недавнего времени, не показывала никакого желания брать лидерство.">>
<<th_en "Or does she just think I'm not ready to talk about it?">>
<<th_ru "Или же она просто не думает, что я открыт для разговора на эту тему?">>
<<en "You look at your wife's friend.">>
<<ru "Ты переводишь взгляд подругу твоей жены.">>
<<th_en "Is that why she asked Jenny for advice?">>
<<th_ru "И поэтому она обратилась к Дженни за советом?">>
<<th_en "Maybe I should try it. It would also help to avoid Jenny's undue influence on her.">>
<<th_ru "Может, мне стоит попробовать? Это также поможет избежать излишнего влияния Дженни на нее.">>
<<btnEventLink "Continue/Продолжить" "Paula Baby Shower Events" "talk with wife 3(leave 3)">>
<<case "talk with wife 3(leave 3)">>
<<set $WifeRouteMiles.leadOption = true>>
<<LocImg "actions" "driving car">>
<<en "Finally, you pull up in front of the beauty parlour. $NPCstat[0].name and Jenny get out of the car, and you drive on, continuing to reflect on recent events.">>
<<ru "Наконец, ты подъезжаешь к салону красоты. $NPCstat[0].name и Дженни выходят из машины, а ты едешь дальше, продолжая размышлять о недавних событиях.">>
<<en "<i>Now, you can let your wife <b>Take lead</b> during sex</i>">>
<<ru "<i>Теперь, ты можешь позволять своей жене <b>Брать лидерство</b> во время секса</i>">>
<<btnEventLink "Finish/Закончить" "Downtown Map" "">>
<</switch>><font size="4"><b><u>Support the game</u></b></font>
@@.btnPatreon;<<button "">>
@@.btnDiscord;<<button "">>
<<switch $EventMark>>
<<case "weekly report(mc leaves mbedroom)">>
<<NPCmedia "wife" "sleeping 2" 0>>
<<en "You're about to leave the bedroom when you hear your wife's voice.">>
<<ru "Ты собираешься выйти из спальни, как слышишь голос своей жены.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "Wait, honey.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Подожди, милый.">>
<<en "You turn round to see $NPCstat[0].name stretching out in bed sweetly.">>
<<ru "Ты оборачиваешься и видишь, как $NPCstat[0].name сладко потягивается.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "I want to have breakfast in bed this morning. Do me a favour and bring me something. And call Samantha too, it's time for her weekly report.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Сегодня мне хочется позавтракать в постели. Будь добр, принеси мне что-нибудь. А также позови Саманту, ей пора делать еженедельный отчет.">>
<<if $WifePatronage.sessionCount == 0>>
<<dlg_en "mc" "But the week isn't over yet, is it?">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Но ведь неделя еще не закончилась?">>
<<dlg_en 0 "I don't want to worry about it over the weekend. So I'll see you both in twenty minutes.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Я не хочу беспокоиться об этом на выходных. Так что, жду вас обоих через двадцать минут.">>
<<btnEventLink "Go to the kitchen/Идти на кухню" "Wife Patronage Scenes" "weekly report(mc leaves mbedroom 2)" 1>>
<<case "weekly report(mc leaves mbedroom 2)">>
<<LocImg "mc_house" "hallway">>
<<en "You walk down to the first floor and consider your next steps.">>
<<ru "Ты спускаешься на первый этаж, по пути раздумывая о своих дальнейших действиях.">>
<<btnEventLink "Make breakfast yourself/Приготовить завтрак самому" "Wife Patronage Scenes" "weekly report(mc leaves mbedroom)(mc cook)">>
<<btnEventLink "Tell Samantha to cook something/Попросить Саманту приготовить что-нибудь" "Wife Patronage Scenes" "weekly report(mc leaves mbedroom)(maid cook)">>
<<case "weekly report(mc leaves mbedroom)(mc cook)">>
<<set $WifeServing.BedBreakfast.countOverall += 1>>
<<set $WifeServing.BedBreakfast.countHeroCooked += 1>>
<<LocImg "mc_house" "kitchen">>
<<if $WifeServing.BedBreakfast.countOverall < 3>>
<<en "Over the past few days, you have gained some experience in cooking. Therefore, it was not difficult for you to prepare a light breakfast and arrange its ingredients on the tray.">>
<<ru "За последние несколько дней ты приобрел некоторый опыт в кулинарии. Поэтому для тебя не составило труда приготовить легкий завтрак и красиво разложить его составляющие на подносе.">>
<<en "Over the past few days, you have gained some experience in cooking, and you have also learned more about your wife's preferences. Therefore, it was not difficult for you to prepare a light breakfast and arrange its ingredients on the tray.">>
<<ru "За последние несколько дней ты приобрел некоторый опыт в кулинарии, а также узнал больше о предпочтениях своей жены. Поэтому для тебя не составило труда приготовить легкий завтрак и красиво разложить его составляющие на подносе.">>
<<btnEventLink "Take the tray to the bedroom/Отнести поднос в спальню" "Wife Patronage Scenes" "weekly report(mc leaves mbedroom)(mc serve)">>
<<case "weekly report(mc leaves mbedroom)(mc serve)">>
<<set $NPCmood[0].tiredness = 0>>
<<set $WifeServing.BedBreakfast.countHeroServed += 1>>
<<LocImg "misc" "breakfast in bed">>
<<en "You take the tray of food upstairs and put it on the bed next to your wife.">>
<<ru "Ты относишь поднос с едой наверх и ставишь его на кровать рядом со своей женой.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "Thank you, honey.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Спасибо, милый.">>
<<en "Samantha follows you into the room. Your wife gestures for you to stand next to your maid.">>
<<ru "Саманта заходит в комнату следом за тобой. Твоя жена жестом руки показывает тебе встать рядом с вашей горничной.">>
<<btnEventLink "Make the weekly report/Сделать еженедельный отчет" "Wife Patronage Scenes" "weekly report(main)">>
<<case "weekly report(mc leaves mbedroom)(maid cook)">>
<<set $WifeServing.BedBreakfast.countOverall += 1>>
<<set $WifeServing.BedBreakfast.countMaidCooked += 1>>
<<set $NPCdaymemory[1].emorning = "cooking bed breakfast">>
<<LocImg "misc" "breakfast on table">>
<<set _maidtakeover = false>>
<<if $NPCstat[1].obedience <= -18 and $WifeServing.BedBreakfast.countMaidServed > 0>>
<<set _maidtakeover = true>>
<<elseif $NPCstat[1].obedience <= -28 and $WifeServing.BedBreakfast.countMaidCooked > 1>>
<<set _maidtakeover = true>>
<<elseif $NPCstat[1].obedience <= -18 and $WifeServing.BedBreakfast.countMaidCooked > 2>>
<<set _maidtakeover = true>>
<<if _maidtakeover and $MaidCookingLessons.lessonsStatus == "">>
<<set $MaidCookingLessons.lessonsStatus = "ready to talk">>
<<if _maidtakeover and $WifeServing.BedBreakfast.countMaidServed == 0>>
<<en "You go down to the first floor and enter the kitchen.">>
<<ru "Ты спускаешься на первый этаж и заходишь на кухню.">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "Samantha, take a short break. I want you to make breakfast for $NPCstat[0].name and put it on the tray.">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Саманта, прервись на минуту. $NPCstat[0].name сегодня будет завтракать наверху, так что, будь добра, положи все на поднос.">>
<<dlg_en 1 "You want to bring her breakfast in bed? That's so sweet. But maybe Mrs. $NPCstat[0].name would like it better if you made some of your own.">>
<<dlg_ru 1 "Вы хотите принести ей завтрак в постель? Это так мило. Но, может быть, вашей жене понравилось больше, если бы приготовили что-то своими руками?">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "I'm no cook at all. So please do what I ask.">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Я совсем не умею готовить. Так что, пожалуйста, сделай то, о чем я прошу.">>
<<dlg_en 1 "All right, Mr. $mc.name. But since I'm going to make breakfast, I'm going to serve it.">>
<<dlg_ru 1 "Хорошо, мистер $mc.name. Но раз уж я буду готовить завтрак, то и подавать его буду я.">>
<<en "Your maid starts running around the kitchen gathering all the ingredients for breakfast.">>
<<ru "Твоя горничная начинает носиться по кухне, собирая все ингредиенты для завтрака.">>
<<dlg_en 1 "dom" "And don't try to argue with me, you know I'm right.">>
<<dlg_ru 1 "dom" "И не пытайтесь со мной спорить, вы знаете, что я права.">>
<<en "When Samantha is done cooking, she takes the tray and walks past you as if you weren't here.">>
<<ru "Закончив готовить, Саманта берет поднос и проходит мимо тебя, как будто тебя здесь и не было.">>
<<if $MaidCookingLessons.lessonsactive == false>>
<<dlg_en 1 "If you have something to object to, find me in the kitchen later and we'll talk about it.">>
<<dlg_ru 1 "Если вам есть что возразить, найдите меня на кухне позже, и мы поговорим об этом.">>
<<elseif $MaidCookingLessons.lessonscount == 0>>
<<dlg_en 1 "You can always start taking lessons from me, Mr. $mc.name. Then making breakfast for your lovely wife won't be a problem for you.">>
<<dlg_ru 1 "Вы всегда можете начать брать у меня уроки, мистер $mc.name. Тогда приготовить завтрак для вашей любимой жены не будет для вас проблемой.">>
<<elseif $MaidCookingLessons.lessonscount > 0>>
<<dlg_en 1 "You can always continue taking lessons from me, Mr. $mc.name. Then making breakfast for your lovely wife won't be a problem for you.">>
<<dlg_ru 1 "Вы всегда можете продолжать брать у меня уроки, мистер $mc.name. Тогда приготовить завтрак для вашей любимой жены не будет для вас проблемой.">>
<<btnEventLink "Follow her/Идти за ней" "Wife Patronage Scenes" "weekly report(mc leaves mbedroom)(maid serve)">>
<<elseif _maidtakeover and $WifeServing.BedBreakfast.countMaidServed > 0>>
<<en "You go down to the first floor and enter the kitchen.">>
<<ru "Ты спускаешься на первый этаж и заходишь на кухню.">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "Samantha, take a short break. I want you to make breakfast for $NPCstat[0].name and put it on the tray.">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Саманта, прервись на минуту. $NPCstat[0].name сегодня будет завтракать наверху, так что, будь добра, положи все на поднос.">>
<<dlg_en 1 "You know what that means, right?">>
<<dlg_ru 1 "Вы ведь понимаете, что это означает?">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "That you want to bring her breakfast, right?">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Что ты также захочешь отнести ей завтрак?">>
<<dlg_en 1 "Want is the wrong word. I will do it. But I'll give you a chance to reform and make breakfast for your lovely wife yourself. What do you say?">>
<<dlg_ru 1 "Захочу - неправильное слово. Я сделаю это. Но я дам ваш шанс исправиться и приготовить завтрак для вашей любимой жены самостоятельно. Что скажете?">>
<<if $mcSkill.cooking >= 10>>
<<btnEventLink "Make breakfast for your wife/Приготовить завтрак самому" "Wife Patronage Scenes" "weekly report(mc leaves mbedroom)(mc cook under maid)">>
<<btnEventLink "Let Samantha to do everything/Позволить Саманте все сделать" "Wife Patronage Scenes" "weekly report(mc leaves mbedroom)(maid cook 2)">>
<<elseif $NPCstat[1].obedience <= -18>>
<<en "You go down to the first floor and enter the kitchen.">>
<<ru "Ты спускаешься на первый этаж и заходишь на кухню.">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "Samantha, take a short break. I want you to make breakfast for $NPCstat[0].name and put it on the tray.">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Саманта, прервись на минуту. $NPCstat[0].name сегодня будет завтракать наверху, так что, будь добра, положи все на поднос.">>
<<dlg_en 1 "Maybe Mrs. $NPCstat[0].name would like it better if you made some of your own.">>
<<dlg_ru 1 "Может быть, вашей жене понравилось больше, если бы приготовили что-то своими руками?">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "I'm no cook at all. So please do what I ask.">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Я совсем не умею готовить. Так что, пожалуйста, сделай то, о чем я прошу.">>
<<dlg_en 1 "All right, Mr. $mc.name.">>
<<dlg_ru 1 "Хорошо, мистер $mc.name.">>
<<en "Your maid begins to run around the kitchen fulfilling your request. Frankly, you don't often see her this enthusiastic. After a while, she hands you a tray with all kinds of goodies, plus berries, skim milk, and juice.">>
<<ru "Твоя горничная начинает носиться по кухне, выполняя твою просьбу. Честно говоря, ты не часто видишь ее такой увлеченной. Через некоторое время она протягивает тебе поднос со всевозможными вкусностями, а также ягодами, обезжиренным молоком и соком.">>
<<btnEventLink "Take the tray to the bedroom/Отнести поднос в спальню" "Wife Patronage Scenes" "weekly report(mc leaves mbedroom)(mc serve)">>
<<en "You go down to the first floor and enter the kitchen.">>
<<ru "Ты спускаешься на первый этаж и заходишь на кухню.">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "Samantha, take a short break. I want you to make breakfast for $NPCstat[0].name and put it on the tray.">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Саманта, прервись на минуту. $NPCstat[0].name сегодня будет завтракать наверху, так что, будь добра, положи все на поднос.">>
<<en "Your maid begins to run around the kitchen fulfilling your request. Frankly, you don't often see her this enthusiastic. After a while, she hands you a tray with all kinds of goodies, plus berries, skim milk, and juice.">>
<<ru "Твоя горничная начинает носиться по кухне, выполняя твою просьбу. Честно говоря, ты не часто видишь ее такой увлеченной. Через некоторое время она протягивает тебе поднос со всевозможными вкусностями, а также ягодами, обезжиренным молоком и соком.">>
<<btnEventLink "Take the tray to the bedroom/Отнести поднос в спальню" "Wife Patronage Scenes" "weekly report(mc leaves mbedroom)(mc serve)">>
<<case "weekly report(mc leaves mbedroom)(maid cook 2)">>
<<LocImg "misc" "breakfast on table">>
<<dlg_en 1 "All right, Mr. $mc.name.">>
<<dlg_ru 1 "Хорошо, мистер $mc.name.">>
<<en "Your maid starts running around the kitchen gathering all the ingredients for breakfast.">>
<<ru "Твоя горничная начинает носиться по кухне, собирая все ингредиенты для завтрака.">>
<<dlg_en 1 "dom" "And don't try to argue with me, you know I'm right.">>
<<dlg_ru 1 "dom" "И не пытайтесь со мной спорить, вы знаете, что я права.">>
<<en "When Samantha is done cooking, she takes the tray and walks past you as if you weren't here.">>
<<ru "Закончив готовить, Саманта берет поднос и проходит мимо тебя, как будто тебя здесь и не было.">>
<<if $MaidCookingLessons.lessonsactive == false>>
<<dlg_en 1 "If you have something to object to, find me in the kitchen later and we'll talk about it.">>
<<dlg_ru 1 "Если вам есть что возразить, найдите меня на кухне позже, и мы поговорим об этом.">>
<<elseif $MaidCookingLessons.lessonscount == 0>>
<<dlg_en 1 "You can always start taking lessons from me, Mr. $mc.name. Then making breakfast for your lovely wife won't be a problem for you.">>
<<dlg_ru 1 "Вы всегда можете начать брать у меня уроки, мистер $mc.name. Тогда приготовить завтрак для вашей любимой жены не будет для вас проблемой.">>
<<elseif $MaidCookingLessons.lessonscount > 0>>
<<dlg_en 1 "You can always continue taking lessons from me, Mr. $mc.name. Then making breakfast for your lovely wife won't be a problem for you.">>
<<dlg_ru 1 "Вы всегда можете продолжать брать у меня уроки, мистер $mc.name. Тогда приготовить завтрак для вашей любимой жены не будет для вас проблемой.">>
<<btnEventLink "Follow her/Идти за ней" "Wife Patronage Scenes" "weekly report(mc leaves mbedroom)(maid serve)">>
<<case "weekly report(mc leaves mbedroom)(maid cook 2)">>
<<set $WifeServing.BedBreakfast.countHeroCooked += 1>>
<<set $WifeServing.BedBreakfast.countMaidCooked -= 1>>
<<set $NPCdaymemory[1].emorning = "">>
<<LocImg "mc_house" "kitchen">>
<<if $WifeServing.BedBreakfast.countOverall < 3>>
<<en "Over the past few days, you have gained some experience in cooking. Therefore, it was not difficult for you to prepare a light breakfast and arrange its ingredients on the tray.">>
<<ru "За последние несколько дней ты приобрел некоторый опыт в кулинарии. Поэтому для тебя не составило труда приготовить легкий завтрак и красиво разложить его составляющие на подносе.">>
<<en "Over the past few days, you have gained some experience in cooking, and you have also learned more about your wife's preferences. Therefore, it was not difficult for you to prepare a light breakfast and arrange its ingredients on the tray.">>
<<ru "За последние несколько дней ты приобрел некоторый опыт в кулинарии, а также узнал больше о предпочтениях своей жены. Поэтому для тебя не составило труда приготовить легкий завтрак и красиво разложить его составляющие на подносе.">>
<<dlg_en 1 "Not so hard, is it, Mr. $mc.name? Your wife will be pleased with you.">>
<<dlg_ru 1 "Не так уж и сложно, мистер $mc.name? Ваша жена будет довольна вами.">>
<<btnEventLink "Take the tray to the bedroom/Отнести поднос в спальню" "Wife Patronage Scenes" "weekly report(mc leaves mbedroom)(mc serve)">>
<<case "weekly report(mc leaves mbedroom)(maid serve)">>
<<set $NPCmood[0].tiredness = 0>>
<<set $WifeServing.BedBreakfast.countMaidServed += 1>>
<<LocImg "misc" "breakfast in bed">>
<<en "Samantha takes the tray of food upstairs and places it on the bed next to your wife. You follow your maid.">>
<<ru "Саманта относит поднос с едой наверх и ставит его на кровать рядом со твоей женой. Ты следуешь за своей горничной.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "I was expecting Mark to bring me breakfast, but whatever. Thank you, Samantha.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Я ожидала, что Марк принест мне завтрак, ну да ладно. Спасибо, Саманта.">>
<<en "Your wife gestures for your maid to stand next to you.">>
<<ru "Твоя жена жестом руки показывает вашей горничной встать рядом с тобой.">>
<<btnEventLink "Make the weekly report/Сделать еженедельный отчет" "Wife Patronage Scenes" "weekly report(main)">>
<<case "weekly report(mc call maid)">>
<<LocImg "mc_house" "master bedroom">>
<<en "After a while, your maid walks into the bedroom. Your wife gestures for Samantha to stand next to you.">>
<<ru "Спустя некоторое время, ваша горничная заходит в спальню. Твоя жена жестом руки показывает Саманте встать рядом с тобой.">>
<<btnEventLink "Make the weekly report/Сделать еженедельный отчет" "Wife Patronage Scenes" "weekly report(main)">>
<<case "weekly report(maid call mc)">>
<<LocImg "mc_house" "master bedroom">>
<<en "Together with your maid, you enter the bedroom. Your wife gestures for you both to stand in front of the bed.">>
<<ru "Вместе с твоей горничной, ты заходишь в спальню. Твоя жена жестом руки показывает вам встать напротив кровати.">>
<<btnEventLink "Make the weekly report/Сделать еженедельный отчет" "Wife Patronage Scenes" "weekly report(main)">>
<<case "weekly report(main)">>
<<set $WifePatronage.sessionCount += 1>>
<<set _overallCount = $mansion.mbedroom.cleanWeekCount + $mansion.gbedroom.cleanWeekCount + $mansion.livingroom.cleanWeekCount + $mansion.hallway.cleanWeekCount + $mansion.backyard.cleanWeekCount + $mansion.poolbar.cleanWeekCount + $mansion.mbathroom.cleanWeekCount + $mansion.gbathroom.cleanWeekCount + $mansion.office.cleanWeekCount + $mansion.kitchen.cleanWeekCount>>
<<dlg_en 0 "You may begin, Samantha.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Можешь начинать, Саманта.">>
<<set _maidReportEng = "Well, let's count it. ">>
<<set _maidReportRus = "Давайте посчитаем. ">>
<<if $mansion.mbedroom.cleanWeekCount > 0>>
<<set _maidReportEng += "Mr. $mc.name helped me with the master bedroom">>
<<set _maidReportRus += "Мистер $mc.name помог мне с главной спальней">>
<<if _maidReportEng == "Well, let's count it. " and $mansion.gbedroom.cleanWeekCount > 0>>
<<set _maidReportEng += "Mr. $mc.name helped me with the guest bedroom.">>
<<set _maidReportRus += "Мистер $mc.name помог мне со спальней для гостей.">>
<<elseif $mansion.gbedroom.cleanWeekCount > 0>>
<<set _maidReportEng += " and with the guest bedroom, as well.">>
<<set _maidReportRus += ", а также со спальней для гостей.">>
<<if _maidReportEng == "Well, let's count it. " and $mansion.livingroom.cleanWeekCount > 0>>
<<set _maidReportEng += "Mr. $mc.name helped me with the living room">>
<<set _maidReportRus += "Мистер $mc.name помог мне с гостиной">>
<<if $mansion.office.cleanWeekCount > 0>>
<<set _maidReportEng += " and with the office, as well.">>
<<set _maidReportRus += ", а также с рабочим кабинетом.">>
<<elseif _maidReportEng == "Well, let's count it. " and $mansion.office.cleanWeekCount > 0>>
<<set _maidReportEng += "Mr. $mc.name helped me with the office">>
<<set _maidReportRus += "Мистер $mc.name помог мне с рабочим кабинетом">>
<<if $mansion.kitchen.cleanWeekCount > 0>>
<<set _maidReportEng += " and with the kitchen, as well.">>
<<set _maidReportRus += ", а также с кухней.">>
<<elseif _maidReportEng == "Well, let's count it. " and $mansion.kitchen.cleanWeekCount > 0>>
<<set _maidReportEng += "Mr. $mc.name helped me with the kitchen.">>
<<set _maidReportRus += "Мистер $mc.name помог мне с кухней.">>
<<elseif _maidReportEng != "Well, let's count it. " and $mansion.gbedroom.cleanWeekCount > 0>>
<<set _maidReportEng += " He also cleaned up the living room">>
<<set _maidReportRus += " Также он навел порядок в гостиной">>
<<if $mansion.office.cleanWeekCount > 0>>
<<set _maidReportEng += " and the office.">>
<<set _maidReportRus += " и в рабочем кабинете.">>
<<elseif _maidReportEng != "Well, let's count it. " and $mansion.office.cleanWeekCount > 0>>
<<set _maidReportEng += " He also cleaned up the office">>
<<set _maidReportRus += " Также он навел порядок в рабочем кабинете">>
<<if $mansion.kitchen.cleanWeekCount > 0>>
<<set _maidReportEng += " and the kitchen.">>
<<set _maidReportRus += " и на кухне.">>
<<elseif _maidReportEng != "Well, let's count it. " and $mansion.kitchen.cleanWeekCount > 0>>
<<set _maidReportEng += " He also cleaned up the kitchen.">>
<<set _maidReportRus += " Также он навел порядок на кухне.">>
<<dlg_en 1 _maidReportEng>>
<<dlg_ru 1 _maidReportRus>>
<<set _maidReportEng = "">>
<<set _maidReportRus = "">>
<<set _tempCount = $mansion.mbedroom.cleanWeekCount + $mansion.gbedroom.cleanWeekCount + $mansion.livingroom.cleanWeekCount + $mansion.office.cleanWeekCount + $mansion.kitchen.cleanWeekCount>>
<<if $MaidToWife.influence >= 20 and $WifePatronage.maidSeen and $NPCsexmemory[1].footjob > 0>>
<<if $mansion.backyard.cleanWeekCount > 0>>
<<set _maidReportEng += "Mr. $mc.name helped me in the backyard">>
<<set _maidReportRus += "Мистер $mc.name помогал мне на заднем дворе">>
<<if $mansion.poolbar.cleanWeekCount > 0>>
<<set _maidReportEng += " and also did some cleaning in the pool bar">>
<<set _maidReportRus += ", а также сделал уборку в баре">>
<<set _maidReportEng += ".">>
<<set _maidReportRus += ".">>
<<elseif $mansion.poolbar.cleanWeekCount > 0>>
<<set _maidReportEng += "Mr. $mc.name did some cleaning in the pool bar.">>
<<set _maidReportRus += "Мистер $mc.name также сделал уборку в баре.">>
<<if _maidReportEng != "">>
<<dlg_en 1 _maidReportEng>>
<<dlg_ru 1 _maidReportRus>>
<<if $mansion.mbathroom.cleanWeekCount > 0 and $mansion.gbathroom.cleanWeekCount > 0>>
<<set _maidReportEng += "Mr. $mc.name helped me with both bathrooms.">>
<<set _maidReportRus += "Мистер $mc.name помог мне с обоими ваннами.">>
<<elseif $mansion.mbathroom.cleanWeekCount > 0>>
<<set _maidReportEng += "Mr. $mc.name helped me with the main bathrooms.">>
<<set _maidReportRus += "Мистер $mc.name помог мне с ванной комнатой.">>
<<set _maidReportEng += "Mr. $mc.name helped me with the guest bathrooms.">>
<<set _maidReportRus += "Мистер $mc.name помог мне с гостевой ванной.">>
<<dlg_en 1 _maidReportEng>>
<<dlg_ru 1 _maidReportRus>>
<<if _overallCount >= 5>>
<<dlg_en 1 "">>
<<dlg_ru 1 "">>
Но, в целом, ваш муж проделал не очень хорошую работу на это неделе. Стоит его хорошенько наказать.
В целом, ваш муж хорошо поработал на это неделе. Но все же я думаю, что можно его и наказать. Для профилактики.
Саманта, я разберусь, что мне делать. Ты можешь идти.
Погодите, миссис Аманда. Я хотела предложить идею для его наказания.
Ты смотришь на свою жену с надеждой. Та задумывается ненадолго.
Что ты предлагаешь?
В прошлый раз, я застала вас за развлечением. Как насчет того, чтобы повторить это?
Вообще-то, это должно быть наградой.
Только если, я не буду при этом присутствовать. Думаю, смущение, которое мистер Марк почувствует при этом, будет достаточно, чтобы припадать ему урок.
К своему ужасу, ты понимаешь, что Аманда всерьез рассматривает предложение Саманты.
Хорошо. Садись на пол, милый.
<<btnEventLink "Sit on the floor/Сесть на пол" "Wife Patronage Scenes" "weekly report(maid punishment)">>
<<elseif _overallCount >= 5>>
<<if _tempCount > 3>>
<<set _maidReportEng += "Overall, your husband did a good job this week.">>
<<set _maidReportRus += "В целом, ваш муж хорошо поработал на это неделе.">>
<<dlg_en 1 _maidReportEng>>
<<dlg_ru 1 _maidReportRus>>
<<if $mansion.backyard.cleanWeekCount > 0>>
<<set _maidReportEng += "Mr. $mc.name helped me in the backyard">>
<<set _maidReportRus += "Мистер $mc.name помогал мне на заднем дворе">>
<<if $mansion.poolbar.cleanWeekCount > 0>>
<<set _maidReportEng += " and also did some cleaning in the pool bar">>
<<set _maidReportRus += ", а также сделал уборку в баре">>
<<set _maidReportEng += ".">>
<<set _maidReportRus += ".">>
<<elseif $mansion.poolbar.cleanWeekCount > 0>>
<<set _maidReportEng += "Mr. $mc.name did some cleaning in the pool bar.">>
<<set _maidReportRus += "Мистер $mc.name также сделал уборку в баре.">>
<<if _maidReportEng != "">>
<<dlg_en 1 _maidReportEng>>
<<dlg_ru 1 _maidReportRus>>
<<if $mansion.mbathroom.cleanWeekCount > 0 and $mansion.gbathroom.cleanWeekCount > 0>>
<<set _maidReportEng += "Mr. $mc.name helped me with both bathrooms.">>
<<set _maidReportRus += "Мистер $mc.name помог мне с обоими ваннами.">>
<<elseif $mansion.mbathroom.cleanWeekCount > 0>>
<<set _maidReportEng += "Mr. $mc.name helped me with the main bathrooms.">>
<<set _maidReportRus += "Мистер $mc.name помог мне с ванной комнатой.">>
<<set _maidReportEng += "Mr. $mc.name helped me with the guest bathrooms.">>
<<set _maidReportRus += "Мистер $mc.name помог мне с гостевой ванной.">>
<<dlg_en 1 _maidReportEng>>
<<dlg_ru 1 _maidReportRus>>
<<dlg_en 1 "Overall, your husband did a good job this week.">>
<<dlg_ru 1 "В целом, ваш муж хорошо поработал на это неделе.">>
<<elseif _overallCount <= 1>>
<<set _maidReportEng += "Honestly, your husband has barely helped me this week.">>
<<set _maidReportRus += "Честно говоря, ваш муж практически не помогал мне на этой неделе.">>
<<dlg_en 1 _maidReportEng>>
<<dlg_ru 1 _maidReportRus>>
<<if _tempCount <= 3>>
<<if $mansion.backyard.cleanWeekCount > 0>>
<<set _maidReportEng += "Mr. $mc.name helped me in the backyard">>
<<set _maidReportRus += "Мистер $mc.name помогал мне на заднем дворе">>
<<if $mansion.poolbar.cleanWeekCount > 0>>
<<set _maidReportEng += " and also did some cleaning in the pool bar">>
<<set _maidReportRus += ", а также сделал уборку в баре">>
<<set _maidReportEng += ".">>
<<set _maidReportRus += ".">>
<<elseif $mansion.poolbar.cleanWeekCount > 0>>
<<set _maidReportEng += "Mr. $mc.name did some cleaning in the pool bar.">>
<<set _maidReportRus += "Мистер $mc.name также сделал уборку в баре.">>
<<if _maidReportEng != "">>
<<dlg_en 1 _maidReportEng>>
<<dlg_ru 1 _maidReportRus>>
<<if $mansion.mbathroom.cleanWeekCount > 0 and $mansion.gbathroom.cleanWeekCount > 0>>
<<set _maidReportEng += "Mr. $mc.name helped me with both bathrooms.">>
<<set _maidReportRus += "Мистер $mc.name помог мне с обоими ваннами.">>
<<elseif $mansion.mbathroom.cleanWeekCount > 0>>
<<set _maidReportEng += "Mr. $mc.name helped me with the main bathrooms.">>
<<set _maidReportRus += "Мистер $mc.name помог мне с ванной комнатой.">>
<<set _maidReportEng += "Mr. $mc.name helped me with the guest bathrooms.">>
<<set _maidReportRus += "Мистер $mc.name помог мне с гостевой ванной.">>
<<dlg_en 1 _maidReportEng>>
<<dlg_ru 1 _maidReportRus>>
<<dlg_en 1 "But all in all, your husband didn't do a very good job this week.">>
<<dlg_ru 1 "Но, в целом, ваш муж проделал не очень хорошую работу на это неделе.">>
<<if _overallCount >= 5>>
<<if $WifePatronage.sessionCount == 1>>
<<dlg_en 0 "Thank you for your report, Samantha. Now, give us some privacy.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Спасибо за твой отчет, Саманта. А теперь, оставь нас наедине.">>
<<en "Your maid leaves the room.">>
<<ru "Ваша горничная покидает комнату.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "Sit next to me, honey.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Сядь рядом со мной, милый.">>
<<btnEventLink "Sit on the bed/Сесть на кровать" "Wife Patronage Scenes" "weekly report(main reward)">>
<<elseif $MaidApron.wifeseeyou and $WifePatronage.rewardFootCount >= 2 and not mcHaveItem("knight apron")>>
<<dlg_en 0 "I've got a special reward for you this time, honey. Samantha, bring it.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "В этот раз у меня для тебя особая награда, милый. Саманта, принеси ее.">>
<<en "Your maid leaves the room and returns after a while with a parcel in her hand. She unwraps it and you see a black apron with a white print on it.">>
<<ru "Твоя горничная выходит из комнаты и, спустя некоторое время, возвращается со свертком в руках. Она разворачивает его, и ты видишь фартук черного цвета с белым принтом на нем.">>
<<NPCmedia "mc" "apron(black sub)" 0>>
<<dlg_en 0 "What do you think, honey? Do you like it?">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Ну как, милый? Тебе нравится?">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "I don't know what to say.">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Даже не знаю, что сказать.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "Oh, come on. Try it on.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Да брось. Примерь его.">>
<<en "Samantha takes a step towards you.">>
<<ru "Саманта делает шаг в твоем направлении.">>
<<dlg_en 1 "Raise your arms, Mr. $mc.name.">>
<<dlg_ru 1 "Расставьте руки, мистер $mc.name.">>
<<if $NPCstat[1].playfulness >= 20>>
<<en "The woman doesn't wait for your reaction and throws the apron over your head. She steps around you and begins to tie the apron. You feel the palm of her hand come down on your ass. Your maid squeezes your bottom a few times, then releases her grip. You glance at your wife. $NPCstat[0].name doesn't seem to have noticed anything.">>
<<ru "Девушка не дожидается твоей реакции и накидывает бретель фартука на твою шею. Она обходит тебя и принимается завязывать пояс фартука. Ты чувствуешь, как ее ладонь опускается на твою задницу. Твоя горничная несколько раз крепко сжимает твою ягодицу, а затем отпускает хватку. Ты бросаешь взгляд на свою жену. Похоже, что $NPCstat[0].name ничего не заметила.">>
<<en "The woman doesn't wait for your reaction and throws the apron over your head. She steps around you and begins to tie the apron.">>
<<ru "Девушка не дожидается твоей реакции и накидывает бретель фартука на твою шею. Она обходит тебя и принимается завязывать пояс фартука.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "It looks great to me. I hope you'll use it.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "По-моему, смотрится чудесно. Надеюсь, ты будешь использовать его.">>
<<dlg_en 1 "Don't worry, Mrs. $NPCstat[0].name. I'll take care of it.">>
<<dlg_ru 1 "Не беспокойтесь, миссис $NPCstat[0].name. Я прослежу за этим.">>
<<en "Your wife looks at Samantha and, after a moment's pause, smiles.">>
<<ru "Твоя жена переводит взгляд на Саманту и, после некоторой паузы, улыбается.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "All right, Samantha. You can go now.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Хорошо, Саманта. Ты можешь идти.">>
<<btnEventLink "Continue/Продолжить" "Wife Patronage Scenes" "weekly report(apron reward)">>
<<dlg_en 0 "Thank you for your report, Samantha. Now, give us some privacy.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Спасибо за твой отчет, Саманта. А теперь, оставь нас наедине.">>
<<en "Your maid leaves the room.">>
<<ru "Ваша горничная покидает комнату.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "Sit next to me, honey.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Сядь рядом со мной, милый.">>
<<btnEventLink "Sit on the bed/Сесть на кровать" "Wife Patronage Scenes" "weekly report(main reward)">>
<<if $WifePatronage.punishmentCount == 0>>
<<dlg_en 0 "Thank you for your report, Samantha. Now, give us some privacy.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Спасибо за твой отчет, Саманта. А теперь, оставь нас наедине.">>
<<en "Your maid leaves the room.">>
<<ru "Ваша горничная покидает комнату.">>
<<btnEventLink "Continue/Продолжить" "Wife Patronage Scenes" "weekly report(main punishment)">>
<<dlg_en 0 "Thank you for your report, Samantha. Now, give us some privacy.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Спасибо за твой отчет, Саманта. А теперь, оставь нас наедине.">>
<<en "Your maid leaves the room.">>
<<ru "Ваша горничная покидает комнату.">>
<<btnEventLink "Continue/Продолжить" "Wife Patronage Scenes" "weekly report(main punishment)">>
<<case "weekly report(main reward)">>
<<set $WifePatronage.rewardCount += 1>>
<center><table style="width:100%">
<td style="width:50%;">
<td style="width:50%;">
<<NPCmedia "wife" "on bed(sitting)" 0>>
<td style="vertical-align:top">
<<en "You sit down on the bed next to your wife. She takes a large berry from the tray and brings it to your mouth. You instinctively open your mouth and $NPCstat[0].name pops the berry in.">>
<<ru "Ты садишься на кровать рядом со своей женой. Она берет с подноса крупную ягоду и подносит ее к твоему рту. Ты инстиктивно открываешь рот, и $NPCstat[0].name запихивает ягоду внутрь.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "You know, honey, I thought it would be nice to reward you.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Знаешь, милый, я подумала, что было бы неплохо вознаградить тебя.">>
<<en "The woman takes another berry and offers it to you.">>
<<ru "Девушка берет другую ягоду и снова предлагает ее тебе.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "But I haven't decided how yet. Any ideas?">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Но я еще не решила, как. Есть идеи?">>
<<en "You try to answer, but as soon as you open your mouth, your wife silences you with the berry. You start chewing while $NPCstat[0].name stares at you. She starts stroking your groin, which makes your cock start to harden.">>
<<ru "Ты пытаешься ответить, но стоит тебе открыть рот, как твоя жена затыкает тебя ягодой. Ты начинаешь жевать, в то время как $NPCstat[0].name неотрывно смотрит на тебя. Она начинает поглаживать твой пах, отчего твой член начинает твердеть.">>
<<if $NPCsexmemory[0].footjob > 0>>
<<dlg_en 0 "How about something sexy?">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Как насчет чего-то сексуального?">>
<<en "Your wife clenches her fist and moves her hand up and down, imitating a masturbation.">>
<<ru "Твоя жена сжимает кулак и двигает рукой вверх-вниз, имитируя дрочку.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "But my fingers are sticky and sweet from these berries...">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Правда мои пальцы липкие и сладкие от этих ягод...">>
<<dlg_en 0 "I got it! But you'll have to get on the floor.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Придумала! Правда тебе придется пересесть на пол.">>
<<en "You begin to realise what she's implying, but decide to follow her instructions.">>
<<ru "Ты начинаешь догадываться к чему она клонит, но решаешь последовать ее указаниям.">>
<<btnEventLink "Sit on the floor/Сесть на пол" "Wife Patronage Scenes" "weekly report(main reward)(footjob)">>
<<dlg_en 0 "I'm sure I'll think of something. But for now, leave me alone.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Уверена, я что-нибудь придумаю. А пока что, оставь меня.">>
<<btnEventLink "Finish/Закончить" "Hallway" "">>
<<case "weekly report(main reward)(footjob)">>
<<en "You sit on the floor with your legs stretched out in front of you.">>
<<ru "Твоя жена сжимает кулак и двигает рукой вверх-вниз, имитируя дрочку.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "A little closer, honey.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Немного ближе, милый.">>
<<en "You slip your feet under the bed and move closer. Your wife's foot lands next to your groin and the brunette begins to tap her toes, moving her foot forward. $NPCstat[0].name takes a cup of coffee from the tray and takes a sip, just as her foot begins to stroke your groin. The woman smiles.">>
<<ru "Ты просовываешь ноги под кровать и двигаешься ближе. Ступня твоей жены приземляется рядом с твоим пахом, и брюнетка начинает перебирать пальцами ноги, двигая свою стопу вперед. $NPCstat[0].name берет с подноса чашку с кофе и делает глоток, и в этот момент ее нога начинает поглаживать твой пах. Девушка улыбается.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "Take your trousers off, honey.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Снимай штаны, милый.">>
<<en "You unzip your trousers and pull them down to your knees. Amanda presses your already erect cock against your stomach and begins to move her foot back and forth. You let out a muffled moan, which must be pleasing to your wife.">>
<<ru "Ты расстегиваешь молнию на своих брюках и стягиваешь их до колен. Аманда прижимает твой уже вставший член к твоему животу и начинает водить своей ступней взад-вперед. Ты издаешь приглушенный стон, чем безусловно радуешь свою жену.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "You like this, honey?">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Тебе нравится, милый?">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "Yes, baby. Your skin feels so smooth.">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Да, крошка. Твоя кожа такая гладкая.">>
<<en "Your wife continues to eat her breakfast, stroking your cock with her foot. From time to time she stops and slaps your shaft. Eventually the tray is empty and $NPCstat[0].name moves it aside.">>
<<ru "Твоя жена продолжает завтракать, одновременно поглаживая твой член своей ступней. Время от времени, она останавливается и шлепает по твоему поршню. Наконец, поднос с едой пустеет, и $NPCstat[0].name отставляет его в сторону.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "All right, honey. We're going to finish this.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Хорошо, милый. Нам пора заканчивать.">>
<<if $WifePatronage.rewardFootCount >= 2 and not $WifePatronage.maidSeen>>
<<set $WifePatronage.maidSeen = true>>
<<dlg_en 1 "Mrs. $NPCstat[0].name, there's something I forgot to tell you...">>
<<dlg_ru 1 "Миссис $NPCstat[0].name, я забыла вам кое-что рассказать...">>
<<en "You turn round. Your maid is standing in the doorway.">>
<<ru "Ты оборачиваешься и видишь вашу горничную, стоящую в дверном проеме.">>
<<dlg_en 1 "Oh, you're busy. I'll come back later then.">>
<<dlg_ru 1 "Ох, вы заняты. Тогда я зайду попозже.">>
<<en "Before Samantha turns and walks away, you notice her lips curve into a smile. No doubt she's planning something.">>
<<ru "Перед тем, как Саманта разворачивается и уходит, ты замечаешь, как ее губы искривляются в улыбке. Безусловно, она что-то задумала.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "Damn, I've lost my temper. Sorry honey, no reward this time.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Черт, у меня пропал весь настрой. Прости, милый, в этот раз обойдемся без награды.">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "That's all right.">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Ничего страшного.">>
<<en "You get up from the floor and pull your trousers back on.">>
<<ru "Ты поднимаешься с пола и натягиваешь штаны обратно.">>
<<set $NPCsexmemory[0].footjob += 1>>
<<set $WifePatronage.rewardFootCount += 1>>
<<en "The woman wraps both feet around your cock and squeezes it tightly. She starts to move them up and down, you wrap your arms around her feet and help your wife. Finally you come, coating her feet with your cum. $NPCstat[0].name lets her feet fall to the floor and sighs loudly.">>
<<ru "Девушка обхватывает твой член обеими ступнями и крепко сжимает его. Она начинает двигать ими вверх-вниз, ты обхватываешь ее ступни и помогаешь своей жене. Наконец, ты кончаешь, обильно покрывая ее ноги своей спермой. $NPCstat[0].name опускает ступни на пол и громко вздыхает.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "Okay, now I need a shower. Take the tray to the kitchen, honey.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Ну вот, теперь мне нужно в душ. Отнеси поднос на кухню, милый.">>
<<en "The brunette gets out of bed and stretches sweetly. Then she heads for the bathroom, wiggling her hips.">>
<<ru "Брюнетка поднимается с кровати и сладко потягивается. Затем, она направляется в сторону ванной, виляя бедрами.">>
<<btnEventLink "Finish/Закончить" "Hallway" "">>
<<case "weekly report(apron reward)">>
<<set $mcItemHave[$mcItem.havecount] = "apron(black sub)">>
<<set $mcItem.havecount += 1>>
apron reward
<<btnEventLink "Finish/Закончить" "Hallway" "">>
<<case "weekly report(main punishment)">>
<<set $WifePatronage.punishmentCount += 1>>
<<set $WifePatronage.punishmentGuestCount += 1>>
<<set $WifePatronage.punishmentGuestActive = true>>
<<dlg_en 0 "I'm sorry, darling, but I must punish you. You know I can't compromise my authority as lady of the house.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Извини, милый, но мне придется тебя наказать. Сам понимаешь, я не могу подрывать авторитет хозяйки нашего дома.">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "Can we do without that, baby?">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Может мы обойдемся без этого, крошка?">>
<<dlg_en 0 "Not any more. You won't get away with it now. What shall I think of?">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Уже нет. Теперь ты не отвертишься. Что бы такого придумать...">>
<<dlg_en 0 "I think a week in the guest bedroom would be enough for the first time.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Думаю, для первого раза будет достаточно недели в гостевой спальне.">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "Are you suggesting that we sleep separately?">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Ты предлагаешь нам спать отдельно?">>
<<dlg_en 0 "It's just a demonstration of my intentions. I'm not being cold to you, but I want you to feel the consequences.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Это всего лишь демонстрация моих намерений. Я не стала относится к тебе холоднее, но все же ты должен почувствовать последствия.">>
<<en "You realise there's no point arguing with her.">>
<<ru "Ты понимаешь, что пререкаться с ней бесполезно.">>
<<dlg_en "mc" "All right, baby.">>
<<dlg_ru "mc" "Хорошо, милая.">>
<<dlg_en 0 "I'm glad you understand. Now let me get some breakfast.">>
<<dlg_ru 0 "Я рада, что ты понимаешь это. А теперь, дай мне позавтракать.">>
<<btnEventLink "Finish/Закончить" "Hallway" "">>
<<case "weekly report(maid punishment)">>
<<set $WifePatronage.punishmentCount += 1>>
<<set $WifePatronage.maidJoinCount += 1>>
<<set $NPCsexmemory[0].footjob += 1>>
<<set $MaidToWife.influence += 5>>
Ты медленно садишься на пол и вытягиваешь ноги.
<<btnEventLink "Finish/Закончить" "Hallway" "">>
<<case "ffff">>
- жена наказывает
- жена наказывает футджобом по просьбе горничной
- горничная говорит слизать, если было
<<set $WifePatronage = {
sessionCount: 0,
rewardCount: 0,
rewardHandCount: 0,
rewardFootCount: 0,
punishmentCount: 0,
punishmentGuestActive: false,
punishmentGuestCount: 0,
maidSeen: false,
maidJoinCount: 0