You wake up. Your head hurts, and everything is blurry. You're lying on a cold metal table in a messy lab. Broken glass, papers, and broken machines are all around you.
You don't know where you are. You don't even remember who you are. The place looks like it was left in a hurry. You're alone.
<<timed 3s>>
You need to figure out what happened.
<<linkreplace "Take a look around the room">>
You look around the room.<br>
<<timed 1s>>
[[There is a mirror in the corner->mirror]]
<<set $mirror to false>>
<<set $testtubes to false>>
<<set $desk to false>>
<<set $test to false>>
<<set $breast to 1>>
<<set $hair to 0>>
<<set $vaginahair to 0>>
<<set $vagina to 0>>
<<set $body to 0>>
<<set $puffy to false>>
<<set $tatto to 0>>
<<set $lips to 0>>
<<set $hips to 0>>
<<set $eyes to 0>>
<<set $weight to false>>
<<set $buff to false>>
<<set $chubby to false>>
<<set $succ to false>>
<<set $cat to false>>
<<set $freckles to 0>>
<<set $panty to 0>>
<<set $vial to false>>
<<set $open to false>>
<<set $leftdoor to false>>
<<set $rightdoor to false>>
<<set $usb to false>>
<<set $inf1 to false>>
<<set $ID to false>>
<<set $ct to 0>>
<<set $creme to false>>
<<set $light to true>>
<<set $keycard to false>>
<<set $power = 1>>
<<set $door3D to false>>
<<set $door1A to false>>
<<set $door2C to false>>
<<set $door4 to false>>
<<set $blastDoor to false>>
<<set $juice to false>>
<<set $screwdriver to false>>
<<set $id2 to false>>
<<set $food to false>>
<<set $beetrans to false>>
<<set $beedoor to false>>
<<set $beehoneyglass to false>>
<<set $vagbee to false>>
<<set $beestun to false>>
<<set $battery to false>>
<<set $freezervial to false>>
<<set $freezer to true>>
<<set $creature to false>>
<<set $creaturechoice to false>>
<<set $wallassbig to false>>
<<set $keys to 1>>
<<set $userInput to "">>
<<set $pw to false>>
<<set $pwcode to false>>
<<set $airduck2 to false>>
<<set $vine to false>>
<<set $tube to false>>
<<set $vinevisit to false>>
<<set $marble to false>>
<<set $marblesex to false>>
<<set $will to 0>>
<<set $colors to false>>
<<set $potionass to false>>
<<set $avisit to false>>
<<set $first to "">>
<<set $second to "">>
<<set $thirth to "">>
<<set $paint to false>>
<<set $p1 to "">>
<<set $p2 to "">>
<<set $p3 to "">>
<<set $hasPotion to true>>
<<set $py2 to false>>
<<set $bby to false>>
<<set $lubricant to false>>
<<set $lvl4hub to false>>
<<set $lvl4start to false>>
<<set $test1 to false>>
<<set $test3 to false>>
<<set $test2 to false>>
<<set $destroyer to false>>
<<set $leave4 to false>>
<<set $ask to false>>
<<set $playerInput to "">>
<<set $wronganswere to false>>
<<set $rightanswere to false>>
<<set $drink to 0>>
<<set $coins to 0>>
<<set $liquid to false>>
<<set $contact to false>>
<<set $mom to false>>
<<set $sand to 0>>
<<set $tail to false>>
<div class="image-overlay">
<<if $mirror is true>>
<img src="./images/base/base.png" alt="Base Image" class="base-image">
<<if $cat is true>>
<img src="./images/body/cat.png" alt="Overlay Image" class="overlay-image">
<<if $succ is true>>
<img src="./images/body/succ.png" alt="Overlay Image" class="overlay-image">
<<if $tatto is 1>>
<img src="./images/other/tatto1.png" alt="Overlay Image" class="overlay-image">
<<if $tatto is 2>>
<img src="./images/other/tatto11.png" alt="Overlay Image" class="overlay-image">
<<if $hair is 1>>
<img src="./images/hair/short.png" alt="Overlay Image" class="overlay-image">
<<if $hair is 2>>
<img src="./images/hair/medium.png" alt="Overlay Image" class="overlay-image">
<<if $hair is 3>>
<img src="./images/hair/long.png" alt="Overlay Image" class="overlay-image">
<<if $hair >=4>>
<img src="./images/hair/verylong.png" alt="Overlay Image" class="overlay-image">
<<if $chubby is true>>
<img src="./images/body/chubby.png" alt="Overlay Image" class="overlay-image">
<<if $buff is true>>
<img src="./images/body/buff.png" alt="Overlay Image" class="overlay-image">
<<if $breast is 0>>
<img src="./images/breast/bsmall.png" alt="Overlay Image" class="overlay-image">
<<if $breast is 2>>
<img src="./images/breast/bmedium.png" alt="Overlay Image" class="overlay-image">
<<if $breast is 3>>
<img src="./images/breast/bbig.png" alt="Overlay Image" class="overlay-image">
<<if $breast is 4>>
<img src="./images/breast/bextrabig.png" alt="Overlay Image" class="overlay-image">
<<if $breast >=5>>
<img src="./images/breast/bbigbig.png" alt="Overlay Image" class="overlay-image">
<<if $breast is 0 && $puffy is true >>
<img src="./images/breast/puffy0.png" alt="Overlay Image" class="overlay-image">
<<if $breast is 1 && $puffy is true >>
<img src="./images/breast/puffy1.png" alt="Overlay Image" class="overlay-image">
<<if $breast is 2 && $puffy is true >>
<img src="./images/breast/puffy2.png" alt="Overlay Image" class="overlay-image">
<<if $breast is 3 && $puffy is true >>
<img src="./images/breast/puffy3.png" alt="Overlay Image" class="overlay-image">
<<if $breast is 4 && $puffy is true >>
<img src="./images/breast/puffy4.png" alt="Overlay Image" class="overlay-image">
<<if $breast >=5 && $puffy is true >>
<img src="./images/breast/puffy5.png" alt="Overlay Image" class="overlay-image">
<<if $vaginahair is 1>>
<img src="./images/vagina/hairylight.png" alt="Overlay Image" class="overlay-image">
<<if $vaginahair is 2>>
<img src="./images/vagina/hairy.png" alt="Overlay Image" class="overlay-image">
<<if $vaginahair is 3>>
<img src="./images/vagina/hairyheavy.png" alt="Overlay Image" class="overlay-image">
<<if $vaginahair is 4>>
<img src="./images/vagina/extreamhairy.png" alt="Overlay Image" class="overlay-image">
<<if $vagina is 1>>
<img src="./images/vagina/clitsmall.png" alt="Overlay Image" class="overlay-image">
<<if $vagina is 2>>
<img src="./images/vagina/mediumclit.png" alt="Overlay Image" class="overlay-image">
<<if $vagina is 3>>
<img src="./images/vagina/bigclit.png" alt="Overlay Image" class="overlay-image">
<<if $vagina is 4>>
<img src="./images/vagina/verybigclit.png" alt="Overlay Image" class="overlay-image">
<<if $vagina >=5 && $bby is false>>
<img src="./images/vagina/penis.png" alt="Overlay Image" class="overlay-image">
<<if $vagina >=5 && $bby is true>>
<img src="./images/vagina/penis2.png" alt="Overlay Image" class="overlay-image">
<<if $panty is 2>>
<img src="./images/cloth/panty2.png" alt="Overlay Image" class="overlay-image">
<<if $freckles is 1>>
<img src="./images/body/freckles1.png" alt="Overlay Image" class="overlay-image">
<<if $freckles >=2>>
<img src="./images/body/freckles2.png" alt="Overlay Image" class="overlay-image">
<<if $freckles is 3 && $breast is 0>>
<img src="./images/body/freckles3small.png" alt="Overlay Image" class="overlay-image">
<<if $freckles is 3 && $breast is 1>>
<img src="./images/body/freckles3normal.png" alt="Overlay Image" class="overlay-image">
<<if $freckles is 3 && $breast is 2>>
<img src="./images/body/freckles3normal.png" alt="Overlay Image" class="overlay-image">
<<if $freckles is 3 && $breast is 3>>
<img src="./images/body/freckles2bbig.png" alt="Overlay Image" class="overlay-image">
<<if $lips is 2>>
<img src="./images/body/lips1.png" alt="Overlay Image" class="overlay-image">
<<if $lips is 3>>
<img src="./images/body/lips2.png" alt="Overlay Image" class="overlay-image">
<<if $weight is true>>
<img src="./images/body/weight1.png" alt="Overlay Image" class="overlay-image">
<<if $eyes is 1>>
<img src="./images/body/blueeyes1.png" alt="Overlay Image" class="overlay-image">
<<if $eyes is 2>>
<img src="./images/body/greeneyes1.png" alt="Overlay Image" class="overlay-image">
<<if $eyes is 3>>
<img src="./images/body/purpleeyes.png" alt="Overlay Image" class="overlay-image">
<<if $hips is 1>>
<img src="./images/body/hip1.png" alt="Overlay Image" class="overlay-image">
<<if $hips is 2>>
<img src="./images/body/hip2.png" alt="Overlay Image" class="overlay-image">
<<if $hips is 3>>
<img src="./images/body/hip3.png" alt="Overlay Image" class="overlay-image">
<<link "Patreon">><<script>>'')<</script>><</link>>
<<link "Give Feedback">><<script>>'')<</script>><</link>>
You find a messy desk, cluttered with broken test tubes. Strange, colorful liquids have spilled across the surface, forming small, shimmering pools. The glass fragments glint under the dim light, reflecting the odd colors of the liquid.
The liquid looks oddly enticing. Against your better judgment, you feel a strange pull to try it.<br>
[[A small drop wont hurt, would it? ->testtubedrink]]<br>
[[Leave the liquid alone. Drinking some random liquid is probably not the best idea. Who knows what it does?->start1]]<br>
<<set $mirror to true>>
<br> set hair to +1 <<button [[Buy it->test]]>><br>
<<set $hair to $hair +1>>
<br> set hair to -1 <<button [[Buy it->test]]>><br>
<<set $hair to $hair -1>>
<br> set breast to -1 <<button [[Buy it->test]]>><br>
<<set $breast to $breast -1>>
<br> set breast to +1 <<button [[Buy it->test]]>><br>
<<set $breast to $breast +1>>
<<if $chubby is false>>
<br> set chubby to true <<button [[Buy it->test]]>><br>
<<set $buff to false>>
<<set $chubby to true>>
<<if $buff is false>>
<br> set buff to true <<button [[Buy it->test]]>><br>
<<set $buff to true>>
<<set $chubby to false>>
<br> set vagina to +1 <<button [[Buy it->test]]>><br>
<<set $vagina to $vagina +1>>
<br> set vagina to -1 <<button [[Buy it->test]]>><br>
<<set $vagina to $vagina -1>>
<br> set vaginahair to +1 <<button [[Buy it->test]]>><br>
<<set $vaginahair to $vaginahair +1>>
<br> set vaginahair to -1 <<button [[Buy it->test]]>><br>
<<set $vaginahair to $vaginahair -1>>
<br> set puffy true <<button [[Buy it->test]]>><br>
<<set $puffy to true>>
<br> set puffy false <<button [[Buy it->test]]>><br>
<<set $puffy to false>>
<br> baby pp true <<button [[Buy it->test]]>><br>
<<set $bby to true>>
<br> baby pp false <<button [[Buy it->test]]>><br>
<<set $bby to true>>
<</button>>You walk to the mirror
The mirror seems a bit dusty, but you still can see yourself in it.
<<linkreplace"you take a look at yourself">>
<img src="./images/base/base.png" alt="Base Image" style="width: 249px; height: 512px;">
It seems you are a young woman with no remarkable features and a bald head.
<<timed 2s>>Also, you are naked.
You can't remember why you are here, or why you are naked.
[[Try to find anything usefull->start1]]
<<set $mirror to true>>
You scan your surroundings.
What was once a laboratory now lies in ruins. Shattered glass litters the floor, and overturned equipment clings to life with flickering lights. The air smells faintly of burnt circuits and chemicals.
<<if $testtubes is false>>
[[A cluttered desk catches your eye, with an assortment of test tubes scattered across its surface->test tubes]]<br><br>
Drinking random liquids from a desk was not your brightes idea. You should not push your luck<br><br>
<<if $desk is false>>
[[Stacks of papers are strewn across another desk, disorganized and chaotic->paperstack]]<br><br>
[[You spot a door at the end of the room. Maybe a way out?->door]]
The table is scattered with papers, each scribbled with chaotic handwriting. Some pages are filled with strange symbols and intricate diagrams that you can’t make sense of, but they seem important.
<<linkreplace "Try to decifer the writings">>You sift through the papers, trying to understand the bizarre contents, but it’s all incomprehensible. Still, there's a sense that they hold some meaning, even if it escapes you right now.<br>
<<linkreplace "you notice a small tablet on the desk">><br>
Among the clutter, you spot a small tablet. Its screen flickers to life as you tap it.<br>
[[Check if the tablet holds any useful information->tablet1]]<</linkreplace>>
[[Take a moment to explore the room further->start1]]<</linkreplace>>
You drink the liquid.
Instantly you feel sick.
You bend over and vomit on the floor.
When you fell better again, you noticed your breast have reduced in size.
Not that they were a lot to begins with.
You really should probably not drink random gone bad liquids,
<<set $breast to $breast -1>>
[[Try to find more useful things->start1]]
<<set $testtubes to true>>You walk up to the door.
<<linkreplace"try to open the door">>
You step up to the door and grip the cold metal handle, giving it a firm twist.
It resists, refusing to budge.
You press your weight into it, hoping it might shift, but it’s no use the door is securely locked.
<<if $code is false>>
[[try a different way->start1]]
[[look around more->start1]]
<</if>>You turn on the tablet.
<<timed 1s>>
.<<timed 1s>>
..<<timed 1s>>
...<<timed 1s>>
<<linkreplace "Scientist 40603-D. Please submit your Test results">>
The tablet prompts you for the test results of the scientist whose papers you found earlier.
<<linkreplace "try to figure out if the tablet can unlock the door">>
.<<timed 1s>>
.. unlocking laboratory door<<timed 1s>>
... Door can't be unlocked due to Dr. Bowers' request: "It saddens me to say this, but until you finally put in the work you are contractually obligated to do, this door will be locked. Dr. Nova"
You wonder what Dr. Nove has done to recive such harsh treatment.
<<timed 3s>>
The same message repeats: "Scientist 40603-D. Please submit your Test results."
<<linkreplace "It seems it needs the research result before you can do anything with it">>Without the test results, you can’t proceed. The tablet won’t unlock its features.
[[Take another look at the papers. Maybe the results are there->research1]]<</linkreplace>>
You take a look at the research papers. Behind all the nonsens written by hand, you spot a note, with printet letters.
Scientist: Dr. Elysia Nova
Lab: Genomica Labs
Version 159.05
We used gene editing and tiny nanobots to control how fast and thick hair grows. Instead of waiting weeks for hair to grow, we can make it happen in hours. At least this what should happen.
So far, all tests have resulted in failure.
I have sent some vials to R&D for testing.
A single Vial is left here in the lab. I put it under the table for Subject 157-F to test.
[[Check under the table->research2]] You reach under the table to actually find a vial of green liquid.
With the green vial in your hand you ask yourself, if you should do the experiment or if you should just write down something.
[[just make up some results. The Tablet will never know.->tablet3]]
<<linkreplace"drink the vial to get the tablet the result it wants. What is the worst thing hat could happen">>
You gulp down the liquid.
<<timed 1s>>
.<<timed 1s>>
..<<timed 1s>>
...<<timed 1s>>
It seems that nothing happend. Maybe the potion was defect or maybe out of date.
<<set $hair to $hair +1>><<set $vaginahair to $vaginahair +1>>
[[As you want to put the results into the tabled as you feel a sudden pain->tablet2]]<</timed>>
You notice an unusual sensation across your scalp and body. As you run your fingers over your head, you realize that hair has sprouted on it. But it’s not just your hair on your head unexpected patches of hair have sprouted in other areas too.
You now have short hair and some public hair.
[[You should report the results back to the tablet->tablet3]]You decide to report the results back to the tablet. As you approach the tablet, you notice it flickers to life, displaying a series of prompts and data logs. It seems to be waiting for your input.
<<linkreplace"Enter the data you found">>
.<<timed 1s>>
..<<timed 1s>>
...<<timed 1s>>
A message pops up: “Data received"
"I am sorry that it had to come to this, but it was the only way I could ensure that you finish your work. I know this seems rash and I am sorry for this.
You should come to my office, where we can discuss the next steps"
You now have access to the tablet
[[check out the tablet->tablet4]]
You open the tableds menues.
There are two points that stands out to you.
One is about some other research documents other scientists have uploaded and the other one is the control unit for the door.
<<linkreplace"check the documents">>
<<linkreplace"Project Log #27: Subject Analysis">>
Project Log #27: Subject Analysis
Project: Honeybee
Scientist: Dr. Felix Mercer
Lab: Xenobiology Division, Hive Research Center
Log Entry: #27
Version: 4.2
We've been studying Apis dulcis, the species known for producing honey of extraordinary sweetness and possessing a venom with unexplored potential. Our primary focus has been on understanding the biochemical mechanisms behind these phenomena.
We recently started to modify the part of the bee that is linked to the sweetness of the honey in order to make the honey more sweet.
Some colleagues had concern that changing the bee we might also change the chemical that makes up the venom.
<<linkreplace"Project Log #22: Containment Breach">>
Scientist: Dr. Elara Jensen
Lab: Bioengineering Sector, Nexus Research Facility
Log Entry: #1
Version: 1
We have found a strange microorganism in one of our test chamber.
The strange part, we did not place it there. It just was there somehow.
We will start test with the Subject next week
<<linkreplace"check the control pannel">>
You check the control pannel, where now the option for unlocking the door is now green.
[[unlock the door->door0.5]]
<</linkreplace>>You walk trough the door.
After the door you see a corridor leading to an elevator and a few doors.
A heavy metal door marked “Lab 6B” with a small window revealing a dark room beyond. A faint blue light flickers inside. [[take the door to Lab 6B->take the door on your to Lab 6B]]
A door labeled “Storage 3A.” You can see a bunch of shelfes [[into the storage]]
A door is labeld [[Medical Evaluation Bay]]
The door infront of you seems to be taped off. A sign reads "do not enter. Contaminated room" [[Enter the Contamination room->contamination]]
[[there is a door labeled Infarmery->infarmery]]
[[check out the elevator]]<<if $light is false>>
You notice a door embedded seamlessly into the wall, with no visible gaps along its edges. A faint red glow outlines its frame, making it stand out starkly from the surrounding wall.
Above the door, bold red letters read: *"Emergency Use Only"* [[press the red button->emergency door]]
You press the button of the elevator.
<<timed 1s>>
nothing happens
<<if $keycard is false>>
It seems you need some kind of keycard.
<<linkreplace"use the keycard">>
You use the keycard.
The elevator is now unlocked.
<<linkreplace"press up">>
Nothing happens
[[press down->floor2]]
[[leave the elevator->door1]]
You quietly approach the door on the left, marked "Lab 6B." As you push it open, the faint blue light from inside grows brighter, revealing a room filled with advanced lab equipment. The air is cool, and the hum of machines fills the space.
In the center of the room, a large glass chamber dominates your view. Inside, a strange, luminescent substance pulsates with a rhythm that almost seems alive. Several monitors display complex data streams, but it’s all in a code you don’t recognize.
A workstation nearby has a console with a blinking prompt, awaiting a command. To your right, a small cabinet is slightly open, revealing a few vials of what appears to be the same substance from the chamber.
[[Inspect the glass chamber->glass chamber]]
[[Examine the workstation]]
[[Check the cabinet]]
[[Leave the lab->door1]]You decide to check the storage room with the large electrical cable hanging from the ceiling. The door creaks open as you step inside, revealing a dimly lit space filled with shelves of various equipment and supplies.
[[Take a look at the cable->cable]]
[[look if there is something useful on the shelves->shelfs]]
[[leave the storage->door1]] You approach the workstation, where a blinking console prompt awaits your input.
The monitor displays complex data streams, and nearby, a stack of notes.
[[Look at the notes->notes6b]]
[[Leave the notes->take the door on your to Lab 6B]] <<if $vial is false && $open is false>>
You walk over to the small cabinet, its door slightly open.
<<linkreplace"open the cabinet fully">>
You open the cabinet completely and a sea of paper and glass liquids fall on top of you.
One of the glas jars breaks, and you get covered in a blue-green substance.
Your skin is burning and itching.
[[The itching is slowing down->cabinet]]
<<set $breast to $breast +1>>
<<set $open to true>>
<<elseif $vial is false && $open is true>>
[[You take another look into the cabinet->cabinet]]
You take another look into the cabinet.
It is completly empty exept the notes
[[Read the notebook->Read more of the notebook]]
<</if>>You carefully reach for the vial marked "Subject 43-X: Unstable," feeling the pulsating energy through the glass.
Maybe this could become useful in the future.
[[Go back to the lab->take the door on your to Lab 6B]]
<<set $vial to true>>You pick up the notebook, its pages worn and filled with hurriedly written notes. As you flip through, several entries stand out:
Entry 9: "Subject 32 Has shown to increase mammal glands in mice during early testing.
Will request to test the Subject on other mammals ."
Entry 12: "Initial tests show promise. Substance 43-X exhibits remarkable energy potential, but it remains highly unstable. Further containment measures required."
Entry 18: "Subject 43-X reacts violently when exposed to open air. Any breach in containment could lead to catastrophic results. Immediate isolation protocols enforced."
Entry 23: "Attempts to stabilize 43-X have failed. Increasingly erratic behavior observed. Recommend halting further experiments until safety protocols are revised."
Final Entry: "Urgent: Vial 43-X to be transferred to secure storage. Extreme caution advised. Handle only with full protective gear. Possible applications still under review, but the risk is substantial."
As you close the notebook, you can't help but feel a sense of unease. The glowing vial in the cabinet seems even more ominous now, its unstable energy quietly pulsing.
<<if $vial is false>>
[[Take the glowing vial]]<br><</if>>
[[close the cabinet->take the door on your to Lab 6B]]
<<if $light is true>>
The chamber is large and encased in thick, reinforced glass. Inside, the luminescent substance pulses rhythmically, its light shifting through various hues of blue and green. It appears to be in a state of constant motion, swirling and undulating as if alive.<br>
You can spot a Keycard inside the liquid.<br>
There’s a control panel on the side of the chamber with a few buttons and a keypad. <br>The panel looks like it could be used to adjust settings.<br>
[[Leave the glass chamber be->take the door on your to Lab 6B]]<br>
[[press some buttons->buttons]]<br>
You step close to the chamber.<br>
The dim emergency lights paint it in a red color.<br>
To your surprise, the chamber is completely empty except the keycard.<br>
The subject that was before in the chamber is now gone.<br>
<<linkreplace"turn the leaver">><br>
You reach for the leaver and turn it.<br>
It snaps into place with a loud snap, and slowly the glass container recedes.<br>
<<linkreplace" take the keycard">><br>
<<set $keycard to true>>
[[step back from the chamber->take the door on your to Lab 6B]]
<</nobr>>You press some buttons.
<<timed 2s>>
Nothing happens. A message is flashing on a console:
*Access denied.*
There is a lever at the bottom.
<<linkreplace "Try to turn the lever">>
<<timed 2s>>
It does not move. Maybe if you turn off the electricity, it would move.
[[Leave the chamber be->take the door on your to Lab 6B]]
<</timed>>You read some handwritten notes.
"We’ve tried to isolate its energy patterns, but they’re too erratic, too... purposeful. The substance seems to anticipate our actions, altering its state before we can even make adjustments. It’s almost like it’s one step ahead of us, thinking."
[[Go back to the workstation->Examine the workstation]] You direct your attention to the large electrical cable running along the ceiling. It’s thick and heavily insulated, clearly designed to carry a significant amount of power.
<<linkreplace "Try to move it">>
<<timed 2s>>
<<if $buff is false>>
You are not strong enough to move it.<br>
[[Check out the rest of the storage->into the storage]]
<<else>> With your newly found muscle, you rip out the cable.<br>
The lights go out, and the emergency lights switch on.<br><br>
While you turn around you move one of the shelves.
You bet you can now use the lever to get the keycard.<br>
[[All of a sudden, you feel some spasms returning->cable2]]<br>
<<set $buff to false>>
<<set $light to false>>
You look at the shelfs.
The top shelf is filled with alot of electrical junk
<<linkreplace"check out the shelfs">>
You cant tell if anything is usefull here or not.<</linkreplace>>
<<if $light is false>>
The moves shelfs reveals a small airduck.
If you are carfull enaugh you could squeez yourself into the next room.
[[squeez yourself trough->infarmery]] <<set $inf1 to true>><</if>>
The bottom shelf, filled with dusty, old manuals and binders. They look like they haven’t been touched in a long time
<<linkreplace" check out the old binders">>
You kneel down to inspect the old manuals and binders. The covers are thick with dust, and the pages inside are yellowed with age.
<<if $ID is false>>
You flip through the pages, but its just a bunch of old spreadsheets about finances.
When you want to put the binder back you see an ID Card on the floor.
<<linkreplace"take the ID Card">>
You took the ID Card with you<<set $ID to true>><</linkreplace>>
[[check out the rest of the storage->into the storage]] You open the door that and go into the room.
To your surprise, the room is clean and not, like the other parts of the lap, completely destroyed.
There is a door on the right and on the left side, while in the middle a small computer screen is placed.
[[Check out the left door->leftdoor]]
[[Check out the left door->rightdoor]]
[[Check out the computer->cpu]]
[[Leave the room->door1]] It seems the liquid had some effect on your body as your breast grew.
You take a look at what is left in the cabinet.
One vial seems to be left. It glows, almost pulsating in a yellow greenish tone. A small tag attached to it reads: "Subject 43-X: Unstable."
Next to the vials, you notice a small notebook with hastily scribbled notes. Flipping through it, you find references to various tests conducted on the substance, with warnings about its volatility and potential side effects.
<<if $vial is false>>
[[Take the glowing vial]]<br>
[[Read more of the notebook]]<br>
[[Close the cabinet->take the door on your to Lab 6B]]<br>
[[Leave the lab->door1]]
<</nobr>><<if $leftdoor is false>>
You try to open the door, but it seems to be locked
[[try something else->contamination]]
<</if>><<if $rightdoor is false>>
You try to open the door, but it seems to be locked
[[try something else->contamination]]
<</if>>You approach the flickering control panel on the side of the containment unit. The screen crackles with static, and for a moment, it seems like nothing more than a damaged terminal. But as you reach out to touch the controls, the screen flickers to life, and a distorted voice crackles through the speakers.
“...Identify yourself...”<br><<if $ID is false>>
<<linkreplace "Hello?">><br>
"...Researcher, identify yourself..."<br>
It seems you need some kind of ID card for this terminal.<br>
[[Leave the terminal alone->contamination]]<br>
<<elseif $usb is true>>
You could put the usb you found into the computer
[[put the usb into the computer->cpukill]]
<<linkreplace "Show the ID card you found">>
"...Identified: Researcher 517 Dr. Maya Wong..."<br>
...initializing B.O.B...<br>
<<timed 1s>>
A smiley face pops up on the monitor.<br>
B.O.B loaded.<br>
[[It looks at you->cpu1]]
[[leave the computer->contamination]] <<nobr>>
You are standing in front of the Console.<br>
"...Dr. Wong, what can I do for you?"<br>
<<timed 2s>>
"...You are not Dr. Wong..."<br>
<div id="options">
<<linkreplace "You sure? This is my ID.">><br>
<<replace "#options">>
"You show your ID. The voice pauses before responding."<br>
<<timed 2s>>
<<replace "#response">>
"...This is correct, this is the ID of Dr. Wong, but you do not really look like her. Also, she normally wears clothes..."<br>
<<linkreplace "I did some experiments and now I look like this.">><br>
<<replace "#options">>
<<replace "#response">>"...Experiments? That sounds plausible, but still, you should be wearing something. Dr. Wong, except you want to 'take a break with Dr. Green in the Storage' again...."<br>
So. What can I do for you, Dr. Wong?"<br>
<<linkreplace"I need to get into the contaminated room">><br>
"...Dr. Wong, there is currently no need to go into these rooms, as they contain extremely dangerous subjects...."<br>
The Console shuts itself off.<br>
[[Try something else->cpu]]<br>
<br> <<linkreplace "Have you looked around? Everything is destroyed.">> <br>
<<replace "#options">>
<<replace "#response">>"...There has been no damage recorded in my memory or an emergency been declared..."<br>
The Console shuts itself off.<br>
[[try something else->cpu]]<br>
<br> <<linkreplace "I have a very unstable subject that I need to seal away.">><br>
<<replace "#options">>
<<if $vial is true>>
<<replace "#response">>[[District A->confinment]]<br>
You wonder why whatever is District B is so important the Computer cant talk about it
"...Alright, proceed with caution. But this is highly irregular... The safety of the Laboratory has priority..."<br>
"...Currently only District A is available. District B is currently sealed off duo to [Redacted]"<br>
<<replace "#response">>"You do not have such a thing on you. You could try to find an unstable subject or try a different way to convince him."<br>
[[exit the current conversation with the console->cpu]]<br>
<br> <<linkreplace "Does that matter?">><br>
<<replace "#options">>
<<replace "#response">>"...It does. Only a few people are allowed to enter the containment area..."<br>
The Console shuts itself off.<br>
[[try something else->cpu]]<br>
<br> <<linkreplace "Can you let me through the door?">><br>
<<replace "#options">>
<<replace "#response">>"...Behind these doors are multiple dangerous subjects. I can't let anybody inside without a valid reason..."<br>
"...My Database shows that you currently do not have an active experiment that is in the..."<br>
The Console shuts itself off.<br>
[[try something else->cpu]]<br>
<div id="response"></div><<if $buff is false>>
You step into the room.
Green light reflects off metal shelving units, each lined with containers marked with biohazard symbols and various warning labels. The floor is cluttered with damaged crates and barrels, some of which have leaked unknown substances that have pooled and congealed into a sticky, toxic mess.
The air inside is heavy with a chemical stench, likely from various failed experiments that got out of its containment.
The organic growths on the walls and the pulsating light give the room an eerie, almost alive feeling, but you know they’re just the result of contamination left unchecked.
As you take in the sight, your eyes are drawn to a small, handheld device partially buried under a spill of this toxic material. It looks like it might have been used to monitor or manage the waste here.
[[Check out the device->device]]
[[store the Subject 43-X->store]]
You have gained a huge amount of muscles, you feel like you could punch a hole into the fall.
This maybe with this you can disable the electric connection in the storage.
[[Make your way towards the storage unit->door1]]
<</if>>You carefully make your way through the clutter and reach for the handheld device partially buried.
<div id="options">
<<linkreplace "Check out the device">>
<<replace "#options">>
You try to turn it on.<br>
A small flicker goes over the screen. It seems to be damaged but still operational.<br><br>
<!-- Presenting the options after checking the device -->
<<linkreplace "Try security disable">>
<<replace "#options">>
You attempt to disable the security features...<br>
The device does not react.<br>
[[Try something else->device]]
<<linkreplace "Check out Serum 134b">>
<<replace "#options">>
Initializing test...<br>
<<timed 1s>>
The device sprays you with some gas.<br>
You fall to the floor as your whole body spasms.<br>
[[The spasms subside->confinment]]<br>
<<set $buff to true>>
You walk towards an open locker where you could deposit the vial.
<div id="options">
[[Leave the locker alone->confinment]]
<<linkreplace "Deposit the Vial">>
<<replace "#options">>
You put the vial into the locker.<br>
<<timed 1s>>
The locker closes.<br>
..... Specimen contained......<br>
[[Step away from the locker->confinment]]<br>
<<set $vial to false>>
</div>It seems the muscle growth was just temporary.
Lucky you could use it before it subsided.
[[Leave the storage->door1]] The Elevator slowly starts moving down.
<<timed 2s>>
the Evelvator stops.
[[the door opens->level2]]
<</timed>>You step into a large, dimly lit room dominated by a central console, its numerous controls and screens glowing faintly in the low light. Surrounding the console are several doors, each placed methodically around the room. At the far end, a massive blast door looms.
[[Check out the door labeled 1A->1A]]
[[Check out the door labeled 2C->2C]]
[[Check out the door labeled 3D->3D]]
[[Check out the door, which label you can't read->4]]
[[Check out the Door, that is not labeld at all->5]]
[[Take a look at the massive blast door->blastdoor]]
[[Take a look at the console in the middle->take a look at the console in the middle]]<<nobr>>
<<if $door1A is false>>
You try to open the door, but it won't move a bit. <br>
It seems the door is somehow locked.
[[Leave the room->level2]]
You step through the door and find yourself in a cafeteria, its once bustling atmosphere now silent. Tables and chairs are scattered haphazardly, as though abandoned in a hurry. The air is stale, carrying the faint scent of old food and cleaning chemicals.<br>
In the far corner, a vending machine hums faintly, the only sound breaking the silence. The lights on it flicker slightly, casting uneven shadows across the room.<br>
The note about misplaced power batteries comes to mind as you scan the room. If they’re here, they’re probably in one of these storage areas or near the vending machine.<br>
[[Inspect the buzzing vending machine->vending machine]]<br>
[[Inspect the food court->food]]<br>
[[Leave the room->level2]] <br>
<</nobr>><<if $door2C is true>>
You walk into the room, and your eyes are immediately drawn to the red tape stretching across the middle, dividing the space into two identical sections. On both sides of the tape, identical workstations sit neatly arranged, each equipped with similar-looking lamps, papers, and scattered tools.
In the center, there’s a large, industrial-grade freezer, its metallic surface gleaming faintly under the dim lights. The air is cooler here, and a low hum emanates from the freezer.
There is a piece of paper hung to the fridge.
[[Read the piece of paper->paper]]
[[Check out the right half->rhalf]]
[[Check out the left half->lhalf]]
[[Leave the room->level2]]
You try to open the door, but it won't move a bit.
[[Leave the room->level2]]
<</if>><<if $door3D is true>>You step into the room, and immediately your eyes are drawn to the enormous beehive in the far corner. It’s massive, far larger than any hive you've ever seen, pulsating softly behind a thick glass partition. The glass is reinforced, with a door to the left that appears to lead inside the hive's containment area. The hive hums faintly, and you can see the constant movement of bees inside, swarming in and out of intricate tunnels.
On your side of the room, there's a large machine with various dials, switches, and a screen displaying unknown data. A long, coiled tube seems to connect the machine to the hive, possibly feeding or monitoring it. Next to the machine is a simple table, cluttered with papers, some of which are scrawled with diagrams and handwritten notes.
You can spot a massive machine next to the hive, they probably extract the honey with that machine.
This machine probably consumes a lot of power.
The hum of the hive fills the room, adding to the unsettling atmosphere.
[[Check out the machine->machine]]
[[Go to the door->doorbee]]
[[Check out the desk->desk]]
[[Leave the room->level2]]
<<else >>
You try to open the door, but it won't move a bit. <br>
It seems the door is somehow locked.
[[Leave the room->level2]]
<</if>><<if $door4 is true>>
You make your way to the door with the unreadable label, its surface worn and scratched, obscuring whatever identification it once had. Unlike the other doors, this one is noticeably sturdier, reinforced with thick steel plating and heavy bolts. It looks as though it was built to withstand something, or perhaps keep something securely contained within.
<<if $creature is false>>
[[enter the room->4r]]<<elseif $creaturechoice is true>>
[[You walk up to the creature->shadow2]] <<else>>
there is nothing left in the room<</if>>
[[leave the room->level2]]
You try to open the door, but it won't move a bit.
[[leave the room->level2]]
<</if>>You approach the massive blast door at the end of the room. It's towering, made of reinforced steel, with thick bolts securing it in place.
Whatever is behind it can't get in here.
Or whatever is in here can't get out.
There is a console on the right of the door.
Maybe this console can open the door.
<<linkreplace "Inspect the console">>
You press some buttons on the console...
<<timed 2s>>
<<if $blastDoor is false>>
Nothing happens.
It seems the console currently does not have any power.
The blast door starts to open.
[[move through the door->lv3]]
[[Leave the door alone->level2]]
Approaching the central console, you study the monitor displaying the facility’s power grid. It’s clear this console controls the flow of power to the various doors around the room.
The schematic shows which doors have power, and there are options to reroute the electricity. Currently, only one door is powered, and you notice that the blast door requires four power units, meaning you’ll need to find more power.
The switches below the monitor correspond to each door in the room. With a few adjustments, it looks like you can redistribute the facility’s power as needed.
There are some documents on the console
[[Read the documents->cd]]
[[Reroute the power to a door->power]]
[[Leave the console->level2]] You push open the heavy door, revealing a small, dimly lit room. The air is cold and still, with a faint musty smell. A thick glass partition divides the space, similar to the kind you’ve seen in interrogation rooms from old cop movies. The glass is slightly fogged, making it hard to see clearly.
On the other side of the glass, you notice a small, shadowy figure. It’s sitting motionless in the darkness, its form indistinct. The size suggests it could be human, but you can’t be sure. The dim light flickers slightly, casting long shadows across the room, adding to the unsettling atmosphere.
You see a power battery next to the shadow.
There is a little podium in front of the glass with a button.
<div id="options">
<<linkreplace "Press the button">>
<<replace "#options">>
You press the button.<br>
You see a flash in the body of the shadow.
The button seems to control a shocking device.
The shadow seems to coming closer to the glass.
You can make out a human form, but it's clouded by darkness, so you can really make out the exact details.
<span style="color: violet;">Yes.................what..........want</span>
The shadow just talked.
[[Can you give me the battery?->shadow2]]
<<linkreplace "Try to talk to the shadow">>
You say hello to the shadow.
<<timed 2s>>
the shadow does not even move a bit.
</div>You sift through the scattered documents on the console, their pages crumpled and worn from use. One particular report catches your attention. It’s a note from a worker complaining about the facility’s power grid. The handwriting is hurried and frustrated:
"The power grid’s a mess. Half the doors aren’t functioning, and rerouting power takes forever. I told them we need more batteries, but no one’s listening! Now we’re down a few units, and I think I left some of the spare power batteries in the break room.
They told us to use them to use them to when the power is out.
What bullshit, we need a more stable power grid and not some god dammed batteries.
Someone should grab them if they’re needed, but I’m done trying to fix this on my own."
You should maybe try to find the extra battery. It could be useful.
[[Take a look at the console again->take a look at the console in the middle]] A small command prompt is flashing on the screen.<br>
.....Waiting for input.......<br>
You currently have $power
<<if $door1A is true>>
<br>Door 1A is open
<<if $door2C is true>>
<br>Door 2C is open
<<if $door3D is true>>
<br>Door 3D is open
<<if $door4 is true>>
<br>The unreadable door is open
<<if $blastdoor is true>>
<br>The Blast door is unlocked
<<if $door1A is false>>
<br><br> <<button [[Open door 1A->power]]>><br>
<<if $power <1>>
You don't have enough power<br><br>
<<set $power to $power -1>>
<<set $door1A to true>>
<<if $door1A is true>>
Door 1A is currently open. <br>
<<button [[Close door 1A->power]]>>
<<set $power to $power +1>>
<<set $door1A to false>>
Door 1A is now closed.<br><br>
<<if $door2C is false>>
<br><br> <<button [[Open door 2C->power]]>><br>
<<if $power <1>>
You don't have enough power<br><br>
<<set $power to $power -1>>
<<set $door2C to true>>
<<if $door2C is true>>
Door 2C is currently open. <br>
<<button [[Close door 2C->power]]>>
<<set $power to $power +1>>
<<set $door2C to false>>
Door 2C is now closed.<br><br>
<<if $door3D is false>>
<br><br> <<button [[Open door 3D->power]]>><br>
<<if $power <1>>
You don't have enough power<br><br>
<<set $power to $power -1>>
<<set $door3D to true>>
<<if $door3D is true>>
<br> Door 3D is currently open. <br>
<<button [[Close door 3D->power]]>>
<<set $power to $power +1>>
<<set $door3D to false>>
Door 3D is now closed.<br><br>
<<if $door4 is false>>
<br><br> <<button [[Open door the unreadable door->power]]>><br>
<<if $power <1>>
You don't have enough power<br><br>
<<set $power to $power -1>>
<<set $door4 to true>>
<<if $door4 is true>>
Door 4 is currently open. <br>
<<button [[Close unreadable door->power]]>>
<<set $power to $power +1>>
<<set $door4 to false>>
the unreadable door is now closed.<br><br>
<<if $blastDoor is false>>
<br><br> <<button [[Open the blast doors->power]]>><br>
<<if $power <3>>
You don't have enough power<br><br>
<<set $power to $power -3>>
<<set $blastDoor to true>>
<<if $blastDoor is true>>
The blast doors are currently open. <br>
<<button [[Close the Blast doors->power]]>>
<<set $power to $power +3>>
<<set $blastDoor to false>>
The blast doors are now closed.<br><br>
<br>[[leave the console alone->take a look at the console in the middle]]
<</nobr>>You approach the vending machine, its faint buzzing growing louder as you get closer. The machine is old, with its glass front smudged and scratched, making it hard to see inside clearly. Faded snack labels line the inside, most of the items long expired.
As you examine it, you notice something unusual: the buzzing isn’t just from the machine operating normally. There’s a compartment at the bottom, slightly open.
Maybe you can open it.
<<linkreplace"try to buy something">>
You don't have any money
<<if $juice is false && $screwdriver is true>>
<<linkreplace"open the compartment">>
There are a lot of wires behind the compartment. You rip out a couple wires<<timed 2s>>
You hear a loud sound.
It seems the machine dispersed something
You got a can of some kind of juice.<</timed>><<set $juice to true>><</linkreplace>>
<<elseif $screwdriver is false>>
<<linkreplace"open the compartment">>
You try to open the compartment, but it's held together by a set of screws that just won't budge.
[[leave the machine alone->1A]]You make your way to the food court section of the cafeteria. The area looks frozen in time, as if the workers left in a sudden rush. Trays of half-eaten meals sit abandoned on the tables, and food still rests in the food servers along the counter,
Plates, utensils, and cups are scattered across the counters, some knocked over in the apparent haste to leave.
<<if $food is false>>
There is still left food on an oven
[[check out the food->food2]]
[[a sign shows a way to the toilets->toilet]]
<<linkreplace"there seems to be a card on one of the tables">>
You pick up the card. It seems to be some sort of ID <<set $id2 to true>><</linkreplace>>
[[leave the foodcourt->1A]]You glance down at the food resting on top of the oven.. Unlike the cold, congealed trays scattered around, this dish appears fresh
still steaming slightly as if it was just cooked. The aroma is unexpectedly appetizing, with a savory scent that doesn't match the abandoned, stale environment around it.
There is a note hanging on the stove
[[eat the food->food3]]
[[read the note->note]]
[[leave the food be->food]] You take a small bite of the food. To your surprise, it tastes fresh and flavorful, just as it looks. There’s nothing immediately unusual about it no strange aftertaste, no sudden discomfort. For a moment, you feel reassured that perhaps the warnings were exaggerated.
[[The room starts to slightly turn->food4]]The note on the stove reads more like a practical reminder for the kitchen staff, written in clear, direct language:
"If you're using food from Subject 19A, do not reuse leftovers for the next day. A fresh batch will be provided daily. DO NOT SERVE 19A FOOD AFTER 24 HOURS."
[[Turn back to the food->food2]] A strange sensation creeps over you. It starts as a slight tingling at the back of your throat, spreading slowly to your chest and limbs. The room seems to grow dimmer, and a low hum fills your ears. Your vision blurs for a moment before returning to focus, though the room now feels subtly off, like the walls are shifting ever so slightly.
It subsides as quickly as it came, to your surprise you notice that your hair has grown.
<<set $hair to $hair +1>> <<set $vaginahair to $vaginahair +1>>
[[leave the food court->1A]]
<<set $food to true>>You approach the machine, its interface flickering with various options. The controls are complex but seem to revolve around conducting tests on the hive. A large button labeled "Begin Test Sequence" stands out, along with several sliders and dials indicating different variables, such as temperature, substance input, and hive response monitoring. There's also a small hatch where substances can be inserted for feeding into the hive.
<<if $beetrans is false>>
On the screen, a menu offers test options:
[[Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide->puffy]]
nothing is showing on the screen
[[leave the machine alone->3D]]
<</if>><<if $beedoor is false>>
You try to open the door to the beehive, but it is closed.
[[Go back->3D]]
<<elseif $beedoor is true and $beestun is true>>
You open the door to the beehive, which is now completely silent, with all the bees stunned. You make your way toward the machine nestled in the corner of the hive’s containment area. Carefully, you grip the lever and pull it down, deactivating the machine with a soft click. The gentle hum of the device fades away.
Your eyes catch a glass container nearby, filled with a small amount of the modified honey.
<<linkreplace "take the honey">>
You take a glass of the honey with you.
<<set $beehoneyglass to true>>
<<set $power to $power + 1>>
<<set $beedoor to false>>
<<set $beetrans to true>>
<<set $battery to false>>
[[Leave the room->3D]]
<<elseif $beedoor is true and $beestun is false>>
You step into the bee chamber and hear angry buzzing bees. Before you can react, they swarm toward you, stinging you repeatedly. Pain shoots through your body as the venom quickly spreads. You stagger forward, desperate, and rush to the machine.
With trembling hands, you grab the lever and yank it down, deactivating the machine.
You stumble back toward the door, each step heavier than the last. You stumble through the door, your legs give out, and you collapse onto the floor, darkness creeping in at the edges of your vision as the venom takes hold.
<<if $vagbee is true>>
<<set $vagina += 1>>
<<set $power to $power + 1>>
<<elseif $puffybee is true>>
<<set $puffy = true>>
<<set $power to $power + 1>>
[[Wake up->beewakeup]]
<</if>>Project: Honeybee
Scientist: Dr. Felix Mercer
Lab: Xenobiology Division, Hive Research Center
Log Entry: #28
Version: 5.1
"After initial trials, the genetic modifications to the Apis dulcis have succeeded in enhancing the sweetness of the honey. Early taste tests confirm that the sweetness levels have increased by 30%. However, there are some unforeseen consequences."
"In conjunction with the increase in sweetness, the bees' venom composition has indeed been altered, as feared by my colleagues. The venom is now exhibiting unpredictable properties, including mild hallucinogenic effects in smaller doses, and severe neurotoxic reactions in higher concentrations. Several lab assistants have reported vivid visual and auditory hallucinations after minor stings."
"Furthermore, the bees themselves seem to be undergoing behavioral changes. They’ve become more aggressive and protective of the hive. Even approaching the glass barrier without protective gear has caused them to try to swarm you."
"We will try to change up the chemicals that we feed them in order to get different results."
[[Leave the desk be->3D]] The machine hums quietly, ready to deliver the substance to the hive.
You press the "Begin Test Sequence" button. A soft whirring sound fills the room as the machine activates, sending the chemical into the hive through the coiled tube. The bees immediately react, within seconds, the hive becomes a flurry of activity. You watch as the bees move in rapid, synchronized patterns, their buzzing intensifying.
The screen asks:
should bee stunning process be activated?
<<linkreplace"dont activate the process">>
[[walk to the bee door->doorbee]] <</linkreplace>>
<<linkreplace"activate the bee stunning process">>
<<if $battery is true>>
You activate the stunning process, and the machine quietly begins pumping gas into the hive. Within moments, the frantic buzzing dies down, and the hive falls eerily silent. The bees' movements slow until the entire hive goes completely still, as if frozen in place.<<set $beestun to true>>
[[enter the beechamper->doorbee]]
You don't have a battery on hand. You could go in anyway or try to find one.
[[Go into the beehive->doorbee]]
[[Leave the machine alone and try to find a battery->3D]]
<<set $puffybee to true>>
<<set $beedoor to true>>The machine hums quietly, ready to deliver the substance to the hive.
You press the "Begin Test Sequence" button. A soft whirring sound fills the room as the machine activates, sending the chemical into the hive through the coiled tube. The bees immediately react, within seconds, the hive becomes a flurry of activity. You watch as the bees move in rapid, synchronized patterns, their buzzing intensifying.
The screen asks:
should bee stunning process be activated?
<<linkreplace"dont activate the provess">>
[[walk to the bee door->doorbee]] <</linkreplace>>
<<linkreplace"activate the bee stunning process">>
<<if $battery is true>>
You activate the stunning process, and the machine quietly begins pumping gas into the hive. Within moments, the frantic buzzing dies down, and the hive falls eerily silent. The bees' movements slow until the entire hive goes completely still, as if frozen in place.<<set $beestun to true>>
[[enter the beechamper->doorbee]]
You don't have a battery on hand. You could go in anyway or try to find one.
[[go into the beehive->doorbee]]
[[leave the machine alone and try to find a battery->3D]]
<<set $vagbee to true>>
<<set $beedoor to true>><<if $vagbee is true>>
After some time, you slowly regain consciousness, your senses returning in a disoriented haze. As you sit up and try to steady yourself, you notice an odd sensation between your legs. Reaching up to touch it, you realize your once ordinary pussy has undergone transformation. It is now noticeably swollen, sitting prominently between your legs.
When you move, your pussy seems to wiggle slightly, responding to even the faintest motions. Tentatively, you press your fingers to it, and a sharp jolt of sensation shoots through you. The surface is intensely sensitive, the lightest touch sending a tingling ripple down your nerves. It's as though the venom from the bees has heightened every nerve ending, leaving the skin tender yet strangely alive with sensation.
<<elseif $puffybee is true>>
After some time, you slowly regain consciousness, your senses returning in a disoriented haze. As you sit up and try to steady yourself, you notice an odd sensation on your chest. Reaching up to touch it, you realize your once ordinary areolas have undergone transformation. They are now noticeably swollen, sitting prominently on your breasts.
When you move, your areolas seems to wiggle slightly, responding to even the faintest motions. Tentatively, you press your fingers to it, and a sharp jolt of sensation shoots through you. The surface is intensely sensitive, the lightest touch sending a tingling ripple down your nerves. It's as though the venom from the bees has heightened every nerve ending, leaving the skin tender yet strangely alive with sensation.
[[stand up->3D]]
<<set $beetrans to true>>
<<set $beedoor to false>>You approach the freezer and notice a note hastily taped to its door. As you read, it becomes clear that this is no ordinary experiment:
Rules of the Competition: Participants: Dr. Fiona and Dr. Marcus
Objective: Create the best transformation potion to enhance our sex life.
No permanent changes! All potions must wear off within 24 hours.
Equal dosages. Both participants must drink the same amount, no cheating!
No interfering with the other's potion. That means no sabotaging ingredients, Marcus!
Must be safe for consumption. Lab-grade only, no toxic mutations.
Winner gets to choose the next fantasy scenario.
Test potions go in the freezer. Label clearly with effects and warnings.
The note ends with a playful scrawl:
"You're going down, Marcus! 😉"
[[open the freezer->freezer]]
[[leave the freezer be->2C]] You go to the left part of the laboratory.
There is nothing standing out to you, as it is filled with beakers, and coils.
On a desk in the middle there are some documents.
<<linkreplace" read the documents">>
"The serum worked even better than expected! Marcus's... ahem, member grew significantly longer, and the texture was surprisingly pleasant. It felt amazing firm, yet with just the right amount of flexibility. He didn't complain, obviously, and we both enjoyed the results thoroughly."
"I'm starting to wonder if I can take this further. Maybe some slight modifications next time, like bumps or ridges? That might add an interesting sensation, something more... intense. I’ll have to tweak the formula. I can’t wait to test this on him again."
"Need to run more trials... for science, of course."
Beneath this vivid description, you see a detailed hand-drawn picture of Marcus’s altered anatomy. The sketch is surprisingly meticulous, showing not only the size but potential future additions like small bumps and textures, complete with notes on how they might improve the overall experience.
You must admit that it looks appealing, and you feel a little tingle in your nether region while looking at the drawing.
[[leave this side of the lab->2C]] You go to the right part of the laboratory.
There is nothing standing out to you, as it is filled with beakers, and coils.
On a desk in the middle there are some documents.
<<linkreplace"read the paper">>
"I’ll admit it
Fiona’s potion worked far better than mine. I was aiming for something similar, but the results were... underwhelming. My idea to enhance her sensitivity didn't have the desired effect, and frankly, it didn't work as expected. They work only a little bit with some side effects.."
"Meanwhile, she's basking in her victory. I’ll need to up my game if I’m going to compete with her on this one."<<if $freezervial is false>>
You see under some papers a vial.
[[Drink the vial->freezerdrink]]<</if>><</linkreplace>>
[[Leave this side->2C]]You open the freezer, expecting to see the mysterious vials, but to your surprise, it's completely empty. Inside, there’s only a small note taped to the back wall. The message is stern and official:
Notice: This experiment was not authorized by the facility. All vials have been confiscated and transferred to secure storage for safety reasons. For further inquiries, please contact the administration.
However, just below the note, sitting on the cold metal shelf, is a screwdriver, almost as if it had been left behind by someone in a hurry.
[[Leave the freezer alone->2C]] <<if $freezer is true>>
[[see if you maybe can turn the freezer off->freezeroff]]
<</if>><<linkreplace"take the screwdriver">>
You took the screwdriver
<<set $screwdriver to true>>
<</linkreplace>>You look behind the freezer. The buzzing sound grows louder as you approach. Bending down, you spot the plug tucked behind the freezer. With a firm tug, you pull it out of the socket. The hum of the machine stops abruptly, and the room falls into a silence.
[[Step away from the freezer->2C]]
<<set $freezer to false>>
<<set $power to $power +1>>You uncork the vial, the liquid inside emitting a faint, chemical scent. Without hesitation, you down the potion. Almost instantly, a wave of heat courses through your body. It starts slowly but quickly intensifies, radiating outward from your core. You fall to your knees, gasping as the heat concentrates in your lower abdomen and nether regions.
Your muscles tense as if responding to some internal surge, and you feel a strange heaviness spreading throughout your body. It’s not just in your chest and limbs, your entire form seems to be gaining weight. Every sensation is heightened, but the overwhelming heat pulsating through your groin is unlike anything you’ve ever felt.
You groan as your body continues to change, the effects of the potion twisting through you.
<<set $chubby to true>>
[[Try to stand and examine yourself->drinkfre2]]
<<set $breast to $breast +1>>As you struggle to stand, you notice the changes in your body. You’ve gained noticeable weight, your form now softer and chubbier. The heat coursing through you has settled intensely in your lower abdomen, particularly around your vagina, which feels like it's burning with overwhelming sensitivity.
Curiosity and the overwhelming sensation push you to explore the changes further. Your hands roam over your altered body, tracing the new curves, until you reach your vagina. The heat and sensitivity are unbearable, and without thinking, you begin touching yourself, tracing the edges of your vagina and massage your swollen breasts
The intensity grows rapidly, each touch sending waves of pleasure through your entire body. Before you know it, you’re consumed by the sensation, and in a moment of overwhelming release, you erupt in a massive, shuddering orgasm, leaving you breathless on the floor.
[[Bathe in the afterglow->drinkfre3]]After it's over, you find yourself lying on the floor, basking in the afterglow. Your body feels exhausted, your breathing slowly returning to normal as the sensations fade. Once you've recovered, you notice that your weight has returned to normal, the strange heat that had consumed you now completely gone.
A flush of embarrassment creeps over you as you think back on what just happened, and you can't help but blush a bit.
<<set $freezervial to true>>
[[stand up->2C]]
<<set $breast to $breast -1>>
<<set $chubby to false>>The shadow looks at you strangely, as it does not really understand what you want from it.
<span style="color: violet;">You...............want?</span>
<<linkreplace "Yes!">>
<span style="color: violet;"></span>
<<if $juice is true>>
<<linkreplace "Give it the juice you have">>
The creature walks into a corner and comes back, handing you a pair of panties.
<<set $panty to 2>>
<<linkreplace "No, not that. I want the battery">>
The creature looks at you strangely.
<span style="color: violet;">You...............want...........shiny?</span>
<<linkreplace "Yes!">>
<span style="color: violet;">You...............stop.................hurt!</span>
It seems it wants you to disable the machine.
[[Disable the machine->m4]]
[[Leave the shadow be->l4]]
You have nothing to give.
As you hold up the delicate white panties, you notice they are made from a sheer, almost translucent fabric, you decide to try them on, as they are better than wearing nothing.
Carefully, you slide them up your legs, feeling the cool, smooth material against your skin. The panties fit snugly but comfortably, their transparency revealing most of your sensitive part.
You somehow feel more exposed than before.
While wearing your panties. You discover a small, hidden button on the side of the panties, partially obscured by the fabric. Next to it is a sticky note that reads, “Do not press.” Despite the warning, your curiosity gets the better of you, and you press the button.
Immediately, the room plunges into darkness. The silence is profound, and you’re left in complete uncertainty about what might happen next.
When the lights flicker back on, you find that the creature has vanished without a trace. You glance around, disoriented but resolute.
You are not sure if that was the right call to make
With the room now empty, you walk into the containment cell and retrieve the battery that was previously housed there.
<<set $battery to true>>
<<set $creaturechoice to true>>
<<set $creature to true>>
[[leave the room->level2]] As you hold up the delicate white panties, you notice they are made from a sheer, almost translucent fabric, you decide to try them on, as they are better than wearing nothing.
Carefully, you slide them up your legs, feeling the cool, smooth material against your skin. The panties fit snugly but comfortably, their transparency revealing most of your sensitive part.
You somehow feel more exposed than before.
[[You leave the creature behind and walk out of the room.->level2]]
<<set $panty to 2>>
<<set $creaturechoice to true>>this game contains nudity, aswell as written adult sex,mastubation and others.
If you are under the age of 18 do not play this game.
[[proceed->start]] You currently have the following items on you:
<<if $panty >0>>you have some pantys<</if>>
<<if $vial is true>>you have a vial<</if>>
<<if $usb is true>>you have an usb stick<</if>>
<<if $ID is true>>you have an researcher ID<</if>>
<<if $keycard is true>>you have a keycard for the elevator<</if>>
<<if $juice is true>>you have a juice pack<</if>>
<<if $screwdriver is true>>you have a screwdriver<</if>>
<<if $id2 is true>>you have a second researcher ID<</if>>
<<if $battery is true>>you have battery<</if>>
<<if $beehoneyglass is true>>you have a glass of honey<</if>>
<<if $keys >0>>you have $keys keys<</if>>
<<if $marble is true>>you have a marble dick<</if>>
<<if $lubricant is true>>you have a small can of oil lubricant<</if>>
<<if $destroyer is true>>you have a small emergency hammer.<</if>>
You click the option.
<<timed 1s>>
You hear in the distancs the door unlocking.
[[time to get out of this lab->door1]]
<</timed>>You press the button, and the door opens with a loud hiss, releasing a rush of cool air. It swings inward smoothly, revealing what looks like a small operating room. Inside, you see an emergency plan posted on the wall, listing procedures in bold, clear steps. Beside it, there’s a small locker, plain and unmarked, with its door slightly open.
[[look at the emergency plan->emergencyplan]]
[[completly open the locker->locker]]
[[leave the emergency room->door1]] You step closer to the emergency procedures posted on the wall, hoping for useful instructions. Instead, the message is surprisingly sparse, saying only:
"In case of an emergency, please secure yourself within this area and remain calm. If an breach or other sort of contimination has accured, the Vanguard Retrieval Unit will be dispatched."
The phrasing leaves you uneasy the term "retrieval unit" sounds more like something that collects remains of whatever survives donw here than a team dedicated to rescuing survivors.
Maybe they know that if something goes wrong, that there is a very slim changse that anything would survive it.
[[leave the map be->emergency door]]
You focus on the small locker beside them. As you pull it open, the contents seem disappointingly sparse. There’s an first aid box, a cracked flashlight that flickers but doesn’t stay on, and a tangled mess of wires that look like they were hastily shoved inside.
It seems that the survival of the scientist was just an afterthought
Amid the clutter, a small USB drive catches your eye. It’s labeled "Kill Switch" in bold, almost ominous lettering. The name alone suggests this drive wasn’t intended for casual use perhaps it’s a last-resort measure, meant to ensure that whatever went on here stays hidden.
<<linkreplace" take a look into the first aid box">>
You take a look into the first aid box, but to your dismay, there are only a bunch of tubes inside which all contain a grey liquid.
Next to it is a small diagramm, showing the state of the tubes, under grey it lists "expired do not use"
<<linkreplace" take the usb stick, maybe it will come in handy">>
You take the usb drive, maybe you can find a place to put the stick.<<set $usb to true>><</linkreplace>>
[[leave the locker be->emergency door]] You push the usb stick into one of the free slots that are exposed at the back of the console.
<<timed 1s>>
.<<timed 1s>>
..<<timed 1s>>
...<<timed 1s>>
It seems nothing happend.
The second you want to turn away, you see smoke coming from the console.
It seems it really was a "killer" usb.
with the console out of service you go towards the left door, which now seems to be unlocked.
<<set $usb to false>>
[[go through the door->doorb]]
<</timed>>You step into the room, and your eyes are immediately drawn to the center. A dark pyramid sits on a low pedestal, tangled in a web of thick cables that snake outward, connecting it to machines around the room. The pyramid is pretty big, but yet seems small, but something about it seems deeply unsettling.
The surface of the pyramid is etched with intricate patterns that almost seem to shift as you look at them, as though the design itself is alive. A faint, dark aura surrounds it, almost like a subtle shadow that pulses with each passing second. The aura makes the air around it feel heavy, thick with an energy that’s impossible to describe like a dull hum resonating just beneath the range of your hearing.
There’s something distinctly off about the pyramid. Though it looks almost human-made, the angles and materials seem slightly wrong, as if someone had tried to replicate a foreign design without fully understanding it. The overall effect is chilling, like looking at something trying to imitate a relic from another world, but missing a piece of its essence.
[[there is a page on a table]]
[[reach out to the pyramid->ppy]]Research Log: Project Obelisk | Log #389-B
Researcher: [Classivied]
Location: [REDACTED]
Security Classification: Level 5 Access Required
Object codename "Obelisk-07" (informally referred to as "The Veiled Pyramid") is a small, black, metallic pyramid approximately 200 cm in height and weighing roughly 32 kg.
We found it after [REDACTED] in [REDACTED], after the tests of [REDACTED].
Initial scans reveal its structure to be mostly hollow, with a core of [REDACTED] material. While it superficially resembles human-engineered constructs, analysis suggests the design is inconsistent with any known technological or cultural markers. This object does not conform to any typical classification within found [REDACTED] artifacts.
The pyramid’s exterior is etched with shifting, iridescent symbols. Despite extensive efforts, we have been unable to document the symbols in their entirety, as each attempt yields different patterns. [REDACTED].
It seems to radiate small electrical impulses. I suggest we expose the Object codename "Slime" to it, which we where able to extract from [REDACTED], because they also emit electricity, even tho we could not yet harness this electtricit.
[[leave the dokument be->doorb]] As you cautiously reach out to touch the pyramid, a sudden spark leaps from the object, surging through the air and making contact with your hand. A strange, tingling sensation spreads rapidly across your skin, as if every nerve is momentarily electrified. It's not painful, but the feeling is intense, like something is awakening within you.
You pull your hand back, but the tingling persists, almost as if the pyramid’s energy is lingering in your body. The sensation is fleeting, but when you look down at your hand, you notice something startling. On the skin of your palm, a design has appeared a series of intricate, dark lines, forming a small black tattoo.
It’s like no design you’ve ever seen before, both alien and familiar at once. It almost seems to shift slightly when you stare at it, as though it is alive, constantly moving just under the surface of your skin.
<<set $tatto to $tatto +1>>
[[turn back to the room->rr2]]As you pull your hand back, the pyramid shudders slightly, and a fine crack snakes along its surface. You watch in stunned silence as the structure, once so ominous and solid, begins to crumble before your eyes. The dark, metallic-looking surface disintegrates, flaking away like ash.
Within seconds, the pyramid collapses completely, leaving behind only a pile of fine dust where it once stood. The room falls quiet, the hum of the machinery seeming to dull as the last remnants of the pyramid settle. A faint, dark mist rises from the pile, lingering in the air before dissipating. You feel an odd sense of release, as though whatever force the pyramid held over the room has been released with its collapse.
But as you glance down at your hand, the black tattoo remains. It’s a quiet reminder that, though the pyramid itself is gone, its influence may not be.
[[leave the room behind, as nothing is left here->door1]] You go over to the toilett.
The Toilet is seperated by male and female.
<<linkreplace"enter the male sektion">>
Why should you go into the male toilet?
[[enter the womans toilet->wt]]You step into the women’s restroom, noting the clean, orderly appearance. The soft scent of citrus lingers in the air, refreshing and faintly sharp. It’s a standard restroom setup, with polished sinks and spotless mirrors reflecting the soft, overhead light.
On the wall, a dispenser offers various hygiene products neatly arranged for easy access.
[[see if there is anything in the dispenser->dispenser]]
[[leave the toilet->food]] You approach the hygiene dispenser, noticing the range of options displayed. Various products are listed, including period supplies, but most appear to be marked with a red “Out of Stock” light. However, there’s a small compartment at the bottom containing a few basic items that haven’t run out. Among them are a handful of disposable razors, neatly stacked in their wrappers.
<<linkreplace "take one razor">>
You got a disposable razor.
<<if $vaginahair > 0>>
<<linkreplace "time to clean up the bushes">> <<set $vaginahair to 0>>
You decide to take a moment to freshen up and remove the hair that has sprouted around your pussy. Using the razor, you carefully shave around your pussy to avoid cuts. After a few well-placed strokes, your pussy is completely smooth again. You feel a bit more in control of your body and a bit more comfortable.
[[leave the toilet->food]] <</linkreplace>><</if>><<if $vaginahair >= 1>>
<<linkreplace "time to trim up the bushes">><<set $vaginahair to $vaginahair -1>>
Using the razor, you carefully trim down the hair around your pussy. After a few well-placed strokes, your hair is neatly trimmed, making you feel a bit more comfortable and in control.
[[leave the toilet->food]]
[[leave the toilet->food]]
You walk up to the sturdy, unlabeled door. It stands apart from the others, reinforced and humming softly as if powered by its own system. An ID reader glows faintly beside it, waiting for input.
<<if $id2 is false>>
<<linkreplace" show the ID from Dr.Wong you found earlier">>
<<timed 1s>>
.<<timed 1s>>
..<<timed 1s>>
..<<timed 1s>>
Dr. Wong your access to this level has been revoked.
Seems you have to find a different ID for this door.
[[leave the door be... for now->level2]]
<<linkreplace" show the ID you found">>
<<timed 1s>>
.<<timed 1s>>
..<<timed 1s>>
..<<timed 1s>>
The door unlocks with a click
[[open the door->5door]]
[[leave the room->level2]] <<if $py2 is false>>You step inside the room,
Inside, dim lights cast a strange glow on the object at the room's center—a small pyramid, slick and dark, with an otherworldly sheen. Thick black goo seeps from its apex, dripping steadily down into a complex network of tubes that snake away into the walls. The goo seems to pulse with a faint rhythm, giving the room an unsettling energy.
As you look closer, you notice an array of strange symbols etched into the center of the pyramid, each one intricate yet unfamiliar. The top and bottom, however, are completely smooth, as if intentionally left blank.
Below are a set of arrows on a small console.
[[take alook at the arrows->5door2]]
[[leave the room->level2]]
inside is just the destroyed Pyramid
[[leave the room->5]]
<</if>>The arrows catch your eye, and you notice a bright yellow Post-it note stuck just below them. In hurried, almost frantic handwriting, it reads: "DO NOT ROTATE IT!"
[[rotate it anyways->r1]]
[[leave the pyramid alone->5door]] The arrows catch your eye, and you notice a bright yellow Post-it note stuck just below them. In hurried, almost frantic handwriting, it reads: "DO NOT ROTATE IT!"
You press the button, and with a low, mechanical hum, the pyramid slowly rotates, aligning two of its faces. The symbols on the middle section glow faintly, casting strange shadows that dance across the walls. A subtle vibration fills the room, making the air feel heavier.
As the faces align, you hear a soft clicking sound within the pyramid.
<<if $tatto is 1>>
[[you want to rotate it again->r2]]
[[you could rotate it again completing the symbols on the pyramid->r2]]
[[leave the pyramid be->5door]]
<</if>>With a bit of hesitation, you press the button again. The pyramid completes its rotation, and the symbols on its faces all align. Suddenly, the air thickens with a crackling charge as a pulse of energy fills the room. Small arcs of electricity dance along the cables connected to the pyramid, illuminating everything with an eerie glow.
You feel an almost magnetic pull toward the pyramid, a strange compulsion urging you to reach out and touch it. The air around it shimmers, and every nerve in your hand tingles in anticipation as you draw closer. The pyramid’s surface seems to beckon, its dark aura pulsing softly as if it’s alive, waiting for your touch.
<<set $tatto to $tatto +1>>
[[touch it->r3]] <<if $tatto is 1>>
As you cautiously reach out to touch the pyramid, a sudden spark leaps from the object, surging through the air and making contact with your hand. A strange, tingling sensation spreads rapidly across your skin, as if every nerve is momentarily electrified. It's not painful, but the feeling is intense, like something is awakening within you.
You pull your hand back, but the tingling persists, almost as if the pyramid’s energy is lingering in your body. The sensation is fleeting, but when you look down at your hand, you notice something startling. On the skin of your palm, a design has appeared a series of intricate, dark lines, forming a small black tattoo.
It’s like no design you’ve ever seen before, both alien and familiar at once. It almost seems to shift slightly when you stare at it, as though it is alive, constantly moving just under the surface of your skin.
Your fingers graze the pyramid, and the instant they make contact, a searing white light fills the room. Blinded, you feel a strange sensation surge through your body a pulse, as though you’re briefly transported somewhere else.
For a split second, you glimpse an ominous altar shrouded in shadow, lined with symbols similar to those on the pyramid. The vision fades as quickly as it came, and the light in the room returns to normal.
When you look down, you notice something new a second tattoo, now marked on your other wrist. The design mirrors the one on your first wrist, forming a pair. You’re left with a sense of unease, as though the pyramid’s influence has marked you in some way, tethering you to whatever strange power it holds.
The second you want to turn away, the pyramid crumbles.<<set $py2 to true>>
[[you leave the room->5]] You step into the Medical Evaluation Bay and are immediately struck by the large, cylindrical machine dominating the room, its structure resembling a CT scan. Soft, sterile lighting casts a clean glow over the machine, highlighting its metallic frame and a curved bed that slides in and out of the tube.
A control panel is set beside it, dotted with buttons and a small monitor displaying diagnostic symbols and readouts. The machine hums faintly, as if it’s on standby, waiting for the next patient.
<<linkreplace "inspect the monitors">>
You step up to the control panel, which glows with a soft blue light. The screen displays the message:
"Awaiting Next Patient. Please Input Identification."
There’s a small keypad, a card reader, and a prompt blinking on the monitor. The interface appears straightforward. There is a button that says "Run Comprehensive Scan."
It seems the system is ready to proceed, but only once it has identified the "patient."
<<if $ct is 0>>
[[You could scan yourself, maybe with that you can figure out more about yourself->ct1]]
<<elseif $ct is 1 && $ID is true>>
You now have an ID. Perhaps you should investigate whether researchers here undergo regular check-ups. If not, it could mean that you’re a test subject, but a subject for what?
[[use the ID->ct3]]
You don’t see a reason to initiate a new scan.
[[leave the room->door1]]
You decide that stepping into the scanning unit might be worth a try. After all, maybe it could help you remember something, or at least give you more information about your condition.
You press the "Initiate Self-Scan" button on the panel, and a low hum fills the room as the unit powers up. The tube’s entrance glides open smoothly, revealing a padded surface inside. You step in, lying down and aligning yourself as best as possible.
With a gentle click, the machine seals around you, and a soothing voice from an unseen speaker instructs, "Remain still. Beginning diagnostics."
A soft light begins to move over you, and faint patterns flash on the inside of the scanner, casting a glow that feels strangely calming.
<<linkreplace"close your eyes">>
You close your eyes, as the machine does it work.
After some time you hear sound a micro wave would do, when its done.
The machine opens.
[[look at the results->ct2]]
<</linkreplace>>You step out of the machine and glance at the monitor, eager to see what it has uncovered.
<<linkreplace" press the button show results">>
...<<timed 1s>>Blood Pressure: 118/76 - Normal
...<<timed 1s>>Heart Rate: 67 BPM - Resting, Normal Range
..<<timed 1s>>Neurological Activity: Normal
...<<timed 1s>>Adrenal Levels: Elevated, indicative of recent stress - Above Normal
...<<timed 1s>>The machine’s summary blinks on the screen in green text:
All primary vitals stable. No mayor change to last scan.
Do you want to see last scans?
<<linkreplace" Maybe there is something interesting about your last scan">>
You click the button.
...<<timed 1s>>retrieving Data
...<<timed 1s>>unable to retrieving Data. Data has been corrupted.
<<timed 1s>>
Seems like your file is corrupted. That does not help you. Not sure, if the researcher get regular check ups, or the subjects.
Maybe if you could find an ID or something, you could try, if there are records of the researcer.<<set $ct to 1>>
<</linkreplace>>You press the button for the file.
<<linkreplace" press the button show results">>
...<<timed 1s>>92 BPM - Above Resting Range, Slightly Elevated
...<<timed 1s>>Heart Rate: 67 BPM - Resting, Normal Range
..<<timed 1s>>Neurological Activity: Normal
...<<timed 1s>>Adrenal Levels: Elevated, indicative of recent stress - Above Normal
...<<timed 1s>>The machine’s summary blinks on the screen in green text:
Hormonal Indicators: Elevated, consistent with early-stage pregnancy (4-8 weeks)
HR has been notified and a meeting has been sheduled.
By the files it seems that Dr. Wong got regular check ups.
Sadly that does not help you to figure out if you are a subject or researcher.
[[leave the room->door1]]
<<set $ct to 2>>
<</linkreplace>><<if $inf1 is false>>You try to open the door, but the door seems to be locked from the inside.
[[try to find a different way in->door1]]
You step into the infirmary, the sterile smell of antiseptic filling the air.
To your surprise, the infirmary is nearly empty. The shelves, once neatly stocked with medical supplies, now look bare. A few stray bottles of disinfectant or Qtips are lying around but nothing that could help you now.
On one of the beds, you spot a small cream box with a note stuck to it that reads: "For Jeane."
The box is small, a pale white color, and the label is vague no clear instructions or details on what it’s meant for.
You consider your options. The cream could be useful in some way, but you're unsure where or how to apply it. There are a few places on your body where you could use something soothing.
<<if $creme is false>>
[[use the cream on your face->cf]]
[[use the cream on your hands->cf]]
[[use it on your to torso->cf]]
[[leave the room->door1]]
<</if>>As you gently apply the cream to your skin, a cool sensation spreads across the area. Within moments, you start to feel a wave of relaxation washing over you. The smooth texture of the cream glides effortlessly, and as it absorbs into your skin, a soothing warmth begins to spread beneath the surface.
The tension in your muscles melts away, and your body feels lighter, as if the weight of the world has been lifted from your shoulders. Your mind begins to clear, and a sense of calm washes over you, making everything seem quieter and more manageable. The room feels more peaceful, and you take a deep breath, feeling at ease.
It's as if the cream has tapped into some hidden part of you, offering a deep sense of comfort and well-being. The sensation isn't overwhelming, but it’s deeply comforting, like being wrapped in a soft embrace. It feels as though every breath you take brings you deeper into a state of tranquility.
You wonder what was in the cremse.
Sadly you used all of it. <<set $creme to true>>
[[leave the infarmy->shelfs]] You steel yourself and step cautiously down the newly revealed pathway. The air grows cooler as you descend, and the faint hum of machinery becomes louder with each step. The corridor is dimly lit, with flickering lights that occasionally spark, casting shadows on the walls.
As you reach the bottom, a chamber opens before you. The space is a symphony of industry intricate machinery working in perfect synchronization, with gears turning, pistons pumping. Massive pipes snake across the walls and ceiling, some emitting faint hisses of steam or occasional bursts of glowing mist.
It seems that you found the part of the laboratory that normal scientists never see.
You saw some very strange stuff in the lavatory, but it seems the need for water and heating seems universal for every building, even if the structures you are look like they are in here for a long time already.
There is a small table in one corner.
[[Check out the table->table]]
[[Go back->lv4]]
As the blast door groans and begins to slowly open, the heavy steel grinding against the floor, you feel a rush of air sweep through the room. The dim light from the console barely illuminates what lies beyond, casting eerie shadows across the widening gap.
The ceiling stretches high above, crisscrossed with steel beams and industrial piping. The floor is lined with heavy tracks, likely for transporting massive machinery.
It feels like a hangar bay. A place meant to house large vehicles or heavy machinery. The distant hum of ventilation systems fills the air, and faint echoes suggest the room extends far beyond what you can immediately see.
In the distance, you spot what looks like a door, next to it there seems to be a small cabin.
In the distance, you spot the silhouette of something that looks human
[[enter the cabin->cabine]]
[[check out the siluett->figure]]
[[enter the door->lv3door]] As it slides open with a faint hiss, you step into a hallway lined with small laboratories. Each lab is compact, with glass walls allowing you to peer inside. The rooms are cluttered with various instruments, beakers, and half-completed experiments.
These laboratories are way smaller than the ones you have seen earlier, there are also not big machines or big beakers around, everything looks smaller and less decked out.
Some of the labs are dark and quiet, while a few flickers with dim light, indicating minimal power. You notice some handwritten notes scattered on desks.
[[Enter the first laboratory->lab1]]
[[Enter the second laboratory->lab2]]
[[Enter the one big laboratory->labbig]]
[[Enter the small laboratory at the side->labb3]]
[[There is a small door on the side, it looks like a maintenance door->maintanace]]
[[go back to the big hanger->lv3]] You enter the nearest lab, the sterile air tinged with a faint floral scent. The cluttered workspace suggests ongoing cosmetic experiments. On the desk, you spot a few open notebooks filled with scientific diagrams and formulations for different beauty products.
Among the scattered notes is a small container of makeup, its label handwritten, reading: "Experimental Formula #19: Rejected."
<<if $freckles is 0>>
[[open the makeup container->frec1]]
<<elseif $freckles is 1>>
[[open the makeup container->frecles2]]
<<elseif $freckles is 2>>
[[open the makeup container->frecles3]]
<<elseif $freckles is 3>>
[[open the makeup container->frecles4]]
[[read the notes->noteslv3]]
[[leave the lab->lv3door]] You open the makeup container, and suddenly, a fine powder bursts out, engulfing your face in a light cloud of smoke. You cough lightly, waving your hands to clear the air. As the smoke dissipates, you notice a mirror on the top half of the makeup container.
Looking into it, you're startled to see your reflection. Your skin is now dotted with delicate freckles across your cheeks and nose. The freckles look completely natural, as if they've always been there.
[[Close the makeup case->lab1]]
[[Close and open it again->frecles2]]
<<set $freckles to $freckles + 1>>You search the lab and come across a crumpled note on one of the desks. It seems to be written by a frustrated scientist:
"I can't believe I'm stuck in this cramped lab, testing makeup for some ridiculous company contract. This is what it’s come to? From groundbreaking research to cosmetic nonsense. If I have to run another batch of tests on their 'miracle beauty powder,' I might lose it."
The tone of the note reveals just how annoyed they were with this task. It seems the makeup powder you found was part of this ill-fated experiment.
[[Return->lab1]] Curious about what just happened, you close the makeup container and open it again. Once more, a puff of powder erupts from it, enveloping your face in the smoky cloud. You cough, bracing for whatever change it might bring this time.
As the smoke clears, and you look into the mirror again, the freckles have multiplied, spreading further across your face and down your neck. They’re more pronounced now, giving your reflection an even more dramatic transformation.
[[Close the makeup case->lab1]]
[[Close and open it again->frecles3]]
<<set $freckles to $freckles + 1>>Determined to see what happens, you close the makeup container and open it yet again. The familiar puff of powder explodes into your face, this time with even more force. You brace yourself as the smoke settles, and a tingling sensation spreads down your body.
Glancing at the mirror once more, you notice the freckles have not only spread across your face and neck but have now extended to your torso and breasts. They form a constellation of spots across your skin, giving you a completely transformed appearance.
[[Close the makeup case->lab1]]
[[Close and open it again->frecles4]]
<<set $freckles to $freckles + 1>>You close the makeup case one more time, hoping for another puff of powder. As you open it again, nothing happens. The case seems empty now, the last of the strange powder spent. You glance into the mirror one final time, noting the freckles that now cover your face, neck, torso, and breasts. It seems the transformation is complete, and there’s no more powder left to continue.
[[Close the makeup case->lab1]] <<if $vinevisit is false>>You enter the control cabin and notice the main console, featuring a large mechanism that requires three separate keys to activate whatever system it's connected to. It seems important, but without the keys, you can't do much with it for now.
Next to it, a small security monitor shows a live feed of various labs. You can see the rooms you've already explored, and a few others you haven't. Some labs appear to be in disrepair, with flickering lights or overturned furniture.
There’s a sense that something significant is locked away behind this three-key system. You'll have to find those keys to unlock whatever this place is hiding.
[[Check out the monitors->monitors]]
[[Examine the keyholes->keyholes]]
[[Leave the hut->lv3]]
<<elseif $marble is false>>
You step out of the airduct and into the familiar room with the console and security monitors, but your attention is immediately drawn to something unusual on the table. Resting there is a small marble object, you turn it around a bit to figure out what is supposed to be, until you realize it is a marble penis.
You wonder who left it here.
Beside it, a note is scrawled in chaotic, barely legible handwriting:
The single word is scribbled with a kind of childlike enthusiasm, the letters jagged and uneven.
You have no clue who or what left it here, but you seem to not be alone.
If that is a good thing, you are not so sure yet.
<<set $marble to true>>
[[check out the monitors->monitors]]
[[examine the keyholes->keyholes]]
[[leave the hut->lv3]]
You enter the control cabin and notice the main console, featuring a large mechanism that requires three separate keys to activate whatever system it's connected to. It seems important, but without the keys, you can't do much with it for now.
Next to it, a small security monitor shows a live feed of various labs. You can see the rooms you've already explored, and a few others you haven't. Some labs appear to be in disrepair, with flickering lights or overturned furniture.
There’s a sense that something significant is locked away behind this three-key system. You'll have to find those keys to unlock whatever this place is hiding.
[[Check out the monitors->monitors]]
[[Examine the keyholes->keyholes]]
[[Leave the hut->lv3]]
<</if>>You step into the next small lab, noticing several vials neatly arranged on the counter. Each vial is labeled with a code and contains various colored liquids, their vibrant hues catching the light. Nearby, a stack of handwritten documents lies scattered across the desk. The handwriting is hurried, with scribbles and notes in the margins.
[[Read the documents->lab2doku]]
[[Leave the lab->lv3door]] You step into the lab, the cool, sterile air adding a chill to the already unsettling atmosphere. The centerpiece of the room is a large cryo capsule positioned in one corner. A faint blue light emanates from within, casting an eerie glow across the room. The capsule hums quietly.
In the middle of the room, a whiteboard stands cluttered with equations, diagrams, and notes scribbled in haste.
In the corner, you spot a door with a reinforced frame, slightly different from the other entries you've encountered. A small, worn sign on it reads, Authorized Personnel Only. Judging by the heavy-duty lock, it appears to be a restricted section of the lab.
[[Leave the room->lv3door]]
<<linkreplace "check out the door">><<if $airduck2 is false>>
You try to open the door, but it seems to be locked.
The door seems to be open
[[open the door->airducktroom]]
<</linkreplace>>You approach the maintenance room door, reaching for the handle, only to find it’s locked. A small keypad is mounted just beside it, glowing faintly in the dim light, indicating that a code is required for entry.
The keypad looks well-used, and you can see faint smudges on a few of the numbers. Maybe you’ve come across the code somewhere in your exploration.
<<if $pw is true>>
You remember that you saw "Password=Password" somewhere.<</if>><<if $pwcode is true>>
The code pannel blinks green.
[[Walk through the door->ass]]<</if>>
<<textbox "$userInput" "">>
<<button "Submit">>
<<if $userInput == "Password">>
<<set $pwcode to true>>
<<goto "maintanace">>
Incorrect. Try again.
[[leave the door be->lv3door]] You pick up the documents and start reading. The notes quickly take a personal turn, far from the usual clinical precision expected in a lab.
"I've been watching her for months now—Dr. Elena, with her perfect smile and graceful presence. She barely notices me, always focused on her research. But soon, she will. I’ve begun working on a formula that, once applied, will allow me to emit pheromones that she can’t resist. It’s subtle, undetectable, but powerful."
"Trial #12: The cream works, but not strong enough yet. I need more of Compound B. If I can get the concentration right, she’ll be unable to ignore me."
"Trial #23: She smiled at me today. I wonder if the cream is already having an effect. Just a little more and she’ll finally be mine."
The tone grows more obsessive with each entry, showing the scientist's descent into desperation as he tries to manipulate his feelings into reality through science. He’s completely fixated on making Dr. Elena fall for him through artificial means.
A chill runs down your spine as you realize how far he’s willing to go for his misguided infatuation.
There is a small tube marked with an X taped to one of the documents.
<<if $tube is false>>
<<linkreplace"take the tube">><<set $tube to true>><</linkreplace>><</if>>
[[put down the research paper->lab2]]
You approach the security system, noticing a playback feature. The interface is a bit outdated but functional. After a few taps on the screen, you begin reviewing past recordings from the labs and hallways.
There is nothing out of the ordinary to see on most of them just some scientist working, sometimes a glass tube would explore but nothing interesting.
Except some recordings which seems to be taken in the night.
<<linkreplace "play the first recording">>
You play the first recording, and the scene unfolds in a sterile lab. The lighting flickers, casting an eerie glow over the room. In the center of the lab is a cryo capsule, its glass slightly fogged from the cold within. Inside, you see a naked woman with unnaturally large breasts, her body perfectly preserved in frozen stillness.
Before the capsule stands a man, disheveled and frantic. His voice, though distorted by the poor quality of the recording, is filled with raw emotion.
"Why did you do this?!" he shouts, pounding his fist against the glass. "We were so close... I can't believe you ruined everything!" He pauses, breathing heavily, his frustration and grief palpable. "We could've been together... but now... now you're trapped in this thing."
He steps back, running his hands through his hair, his face a mixture of rage and despair. He paces, seemingly talking to himself, though it's clear his words are meant for the woman inside the capsule. "This wasn’t how it was supposed to go... You were supposed to be mine!"
The tape stops at this part.
[[Leave the monitor be->cabine]] You turn to the maintenance console, and your eyes land on the three keyholes, each requiring a key to activate the system. Only one key is currently inserted, its dull metallic sheen catching the low light of the room. The console is quiet, waiting for the other two keys to be placed.
It’s clear that without all three keys, you won't be able to fully activate whatever this system controls.
It seems you’ll need to track down the other two keys to proceed.
Currently, there is $keys keys in the console. It seems to need 3
You currently have $keys keys.
<<linkreplace" try to turn the keys">>
<<if $keys >=3>>
You approach the machine in the hut, your heart racing with anticipation. The console has three slots for keys, and you can see that only one key is already in place. You take a moment to gather your thoughts, then reach into your pocket to pull out the two remaining keys.
With steady hands, you insert the first key into its slot. The metal clicks into place, and you feel a sense of accomplishment. Next, you take the second key and slide it into the last slot. The moment both keys are in place, the machine whirs to life, lights blinking and beeping in a rhythmic pattern.
[[Turn the keys->lv4]]
[[Leave the console be->cabine]]
You try to turn the keys, that you have, but it seems you need all the keys.
[[Leave the console be->cabine]]
<</linkreplace>>You play the second tape, and it begins in the same lab as before. The man from the previous recording stands beside the cryo pod, but his demeanor has changed drastically. No longer filled with grief and rage, he now seems excited, almost manic.
A whiteboard behind him is covered in hastily scribbled calculations, equations and notes you can't quite make out. However, one number stands out — 14.6 seconds — circled multiple times in bold red ink.
The man grins, his eyes wild with enthusiasm. "I've done it!" he exclaims, his voice brimming with confidence. "I’ve found the exact window — 14.6 seconds! That’s how long I can keep her out... before the body starts to degrade. It’s perfect!"
He turns to the cryo capsule, gently placing his hand on the glass. "You won’t have to stay in there forever... I can bring you out, just for a moment... just long enough for us to be together again." His words are tender, but there’s an unsettling edge to his excitement, like he’s trying to convince himself as much as her.
[[Play tape 3->tap3]]You play the third tape, and the man appears in the same lab, pacing frantically in front of the cryo pod. His face is twisted with an unnatural grin, and he clutches a small vial in his hand.
"I took this from that insufferable couple," he mutters under his breath, clearly agitated. "Always so happy... always bragging about their perfect results. It’s nauseating." He waves the vial in the air, sneering. "But I’ll show them. I know how to make this work."
With a quick motion, he pulls down his pants, revealing is dick, which seems to be so small, the camera can't even pick it up properly. It looks like it would belong to a child. His expression hardens. "I know that this is not enough for you, but with this I will be able to give you the pleasure you deserve" He turns to the cryo pot.
"Just wait and see, my love".
Without hesitation, he plunges the needle from the vial into his small dick, injecting the substance with a determined expression. For a moment, nothing happens. Then, his dick begins to swell and grow rapidly. His initial excitement returns as he watches it expand.
"Yes! Yes, it’s working!" he exclaims, marveling at the leg's newfound size. But his smile fades quickly as the leg continues to grow uncontrollably. It balloons to an enormous size, far beyond anything natural, until it’s grotesquely oversized. More looking like the equipment you would expect from a horse.
"No, no, no!" he curses, writhing in pain and frustration. "It’s too much, too fast!" His face is contorted with desperation, but after a moment, he seems to regain his composure, a twisted grin forming on his lips. "It’s not all lost... I just have to... make sure it will fit... stretch enough so it’ll fit..."
"Don't worry, my love. It may not be the conventional way, but pleasure can be found in many ways".
The tape ends with the man turning away from the cryo pod, showing his extreme member to the camera.
Looking at his member, you kinda feel flustered.
[[Tape 4->tape4]]You watch the fourth tape.
It seems to take place a few months later, as the scientist now sports a small beard. He looks excited, almost giddy, exclaiming that today marks the first test run. He mentions how he's been preparing her for this momentous day.
You notice a key hanging from a Key on a band on his wrist.
The scientist approaches the cryo pod, opening it with a dramatic flourish. Inside, the woman remains motionless, and you can't help but notice a massive butt plug in her ass. The sight of it catches your attention. It’s almost absurdly large, creating a strange fascination.
With a satisfied grin, the scientist removes the Plug with a loud "pop" that echoes through the lab. Her Anus remains slightly open afterward.
His excitement builds as he carefully slides his entire hand into her Ass, and for a moment, he seems enthralled by what he's doing.
Suddenly, alarms blare across the lab, the sharp sound startling you even through the recording. The man’s excitement immediately turns to frustration, and he screams in anger, cursing at the interruption. "What now?" he yells, slamming the pod shut again. "Don't worry, my love, I am sure just some small fry from the lower levels escaped again. Why can't these idiots do one thing right."
The man leaves the lab, cursing. When he is at the exit, he turns around to blow a kiss to the cryo pod.
"I will be back, wait for me, my love".
Shivers go over your spine.
What a creep.
The tape ends, remaining at the last frame it played.
You spot at the whiteboard something interesting.
You wonder if that could mean something
[[leave the monitor be->cabine]]
<<set $pw to true>>You leave the maintenance hut and step into the dimly lit open space beyond. In the distance, you notice a silhouette standing motionless. Intrigued, you move closer to investigate. As you approach, the figure becomes clearer it's a white doll, unnervingly human in its proportions.
Upon closer inspection, you notice its features: smooth and featureless. The doll stands upright, its face blank, with no eyes or mouth. It feels as though it’s waiting for something or someone.
You notice that the genital area are missing, where the parts should be there is just a hole, ready to be filled.
<<if $marble is true and $marblesex is false>>[[insert the marble you found->statue2]]<</if>>
[[leave the statue be->lv3]] You step into the maintenance room, greeted by the low hum of machinery and a maze of air conditioning ducts snaking across the ceiling and walls. As you glance around, you notice an unusual sight a sizable ass is protruding from one of the air ducts near the floor, as though someone tried to squeeze in but got stuck halfway.
The person’s lower half is motionless, and they're wedged tightly within the duct. Dust and scattered tools lie nearby, suggesting they have attempted to escape through the ventilation.
There is also another airduckt across the room, which stands open, you wonder where it leads
[[go to the ass->assview]]
[[take a look at one of the airducks->airduck]]
[[exit the maintenance room->maintanace]] <<if $lubricant is true>>
You go back to the lady, with the lubrication in hand, hopeing that you can get her out the hole.
To your surpriese the hole is empty.
You look around and it seems that she could get herself free by herself.
On the ground is edgede into the vent a small note saying.
"I got free on my own."
You look up the vent, but you think its not a good idea to climb up that thing, as you dont want to get stuck aswell.
You hope that the woman can escape this place via the vents.
[[leave the vent be->ass]]
You walk over to that majestic behind lodged inside the vent; its anus seems a bit loose.
<img src="./images/other/ass.png">
<span class="blue-text">"Hello? Is there somebody?"</span>
<<if $will is 1>>
<<linkreplace "Damn, look at that beauty.">>
You proceed to slap the ass, which wiggles erotically, and the person moans a bit.
<span class="blue-text">"I am pleased that you like my behind, but could you please not? It's embarrassing."</span>
<</linkreplace>><</if>><<if $potionass is false && $avisit is false>><div id="options"> <<linkreplace "Ehm, hi.">><<replace "#options">>
<span class="blue-text">"Oh my god, another human! I thought I would be stuck here for ages."</span>
<<linkreplace "Why are you stuck in this vent?">>
<<replace "#options">>
<span class="blue-text">"Well, I was trying to escape, but I got stuck. It seems my behind is a bit too large for this vent, and I can't get out with my breasts in the way. Can you help me out?"</span>
<<linkreplace "What do you need?">>
<<replace "#options">>
<span class="blue-text">"In my laboratory, in one of my storage rooms, there’s a machine that can create a mixture to help me slim down. The combination is Yellow, Blue, Blue. Got it?"</span>
<<linkreplace "Got it.">>
[[Make your way to the lab->ass]]
<<set $colors to true>>
<<linkreplace "I want to talk about something else.">>
<<goto "assview">>
<<linkreplace "Do you know what happened to this place?">>
<<replace "#options">>
<span class="blue-text">"What do you mean? Happened? Isn't it Sunday or something, and everyone is just at home?"</span>
<<linkreplace "The lab is destroyed, and it seems to have been that way for ages.">>
<<replace "#options">>
<span class="blue-text">"Oh no, then my cryonic capsule froze me for too long."</span>
<<linkreplace "You were in that cryonic capsule?">>
<<replace "#options">>
<span class="blue-text">"Yes, I was doing some research on cryonic preservation of humans."</span>
<<linkreplace "I saw videos of you and your... 'lover.'">>
<<replace "#options">>
<span class="blue-text">"I don't know what you mean. Can you maybe help me out?"</span>
<<linkreplace "What do you need?">>
<<replace "#options">>
<span class="blue-text">"In my laboratory, in one of my storage rooms, there's a machine that can create a mixture to help me slim down. The combination for the potion is Yellow, Green, Red, Blue. Got it?"</span>
<<linkreplace "Got it.">>
[[Make your way to the lab->ass]]
<<set $colors to true>>
<<linkreplace "I want to talk about something else.">>
<<goto "assview">>
<<linkreplace "Can you tell me where we are?">>
<<replace "#options">>
<span class="blue-text">"We're in the minor laboratories. But shouldn't you know that? Unless... you're one of the... Never mind. Can you help me out?"</span>
<<linkreplace "What do you need?">>
<<replace "#options">>
<span class="blue-text">"In my laboratory, in one of my storage rooms, there’s a machine that can create a mixture to help me slim down. The combination is Yellow, Green, Red, Blue. Got it?"</span>
<<linkreplace "Got it.">>
[[Make your way to the lab->ass]]
<<set $colors to true>>
<<linkreplace "I want to talk about something else.">>
<<goto "assview">>
<<elseif $avisit is true>>
You look at the ass, blushing, thinking about what you did.
Currently, you are to embarrass to talk to her.
<div id="options">
<span class="blue-text">"Oh my god, you are back. Did you get the potion?"</span>
<<linkreplace "Yes, I got it right here.">>
<<replace "#options">>
<span class="blue-text">"Perfect, give it to me."</span>
You look at the floating ass and ask yourself how you could give the potion to her.
<<linkreplace "Administer the potion.">>
<<replace "#options">>
You pull out the potion you got from the machine. With her gaping asshole wide open, you know where you should put the bottle, as it is the most effective way to absorb a liquid. Or so you heard.
Carefully, you uncork the bottle with a soft "pop." You gently guide the bottle toward the open space.
<span class="blue-text">"Wait, what are you doing? You don't have to."</span>
But you already started to push part of the bottle into her ass.
The bottle glides in without a problem, and you hear a soft moan coming from behind the wall.
<span class="blue-text">"Holy shit, why did that feel so good? I think I came a bit."</span>
You know why, but you concentrate your attention on the bottle.
[[Shake the bottle a bit, so the liquid flows in better->asseat]]
<<linkreplace "No, I have not gotten it yet. I will be back.">>
<<goto "assview">>
[[Leave the ass be->ass]]
<</if>>You decide to squeeze yourself through the airduck.
Luckily for you, this one seems wide enough, so you do not get stuck.
You start to crawl through the narrow, metallic air duct, the sound of your movements echoes softly around you. The further you go, the cooler and more damp it feels, and soon you begin to notice faint trails of something slick and shiny coating the bottom and sides of the duct.
The slimy paths are unusual, as though something or someone has been here recently, leaving a residue behind. The substance is slightly sticky, making your hands and knees feel unsteady as you navigate further.
After a few more feet, you spot a faint glow up ahead, hinting that you’re nearing an opening into the next room.
[[Squeeze yourself through the airduck->airducktroom]]You manage to wriggle through the narrow opening into the next room, landing softly on the floor below. Just as you straighten up, you hear a metallic click behind you.
The air duct panel has snapped shut, sealing off the way you came. There's no going back that way.
<<set $airduck2 to true>>
Taking in your surroundings, you see that this room is dimly lit, filled with various instruments and shelves cluttered with scientific equipment. Shadows from the shelves cast patterns on the walls. The quiet hum of machinery in the background adds an unsettling vibe to the room.
The room looks like it was used to create various chemicals
In the back of the room you can see a smaller Airducts. The Airducts is glowing in a small blue hue.
[[Check out the big machine->machineairduct]]
[[Make your way to the airduckt->airduck2]]
[[Open the door->labbig]] You squeeze yourself into the airduct.
<<if $vinevisit is false && $panty is not 2>>
As you wriggle further into the air duct, the surrounding walls press tighter than you expected. You notice the strange liquid trails on the walls again, glistening faintly in the dim light filtering from the lab behind.
Suddenly, you feel a soft, almost tickling sensation against your leg. Startled, you try to look back, only to realize that the air duct is not wide enough for you to turn your head. The tickling grows more persistent, and you realize thin vines have begun curling around your ankle, snaking up your calf. The vines are smooth, with an almost warm, pulsing feeling as they tighten slightly. Tugging at your leg does little to dislodge them, and your movements only seem to encourage them to wind tighter, inching higher.
<<linkreplace "Struggle against the vines">>
You struggle as the vines creep up, holding your legs firmly and wrapping around your waist. Their warm touch feels oddly soothing at first, spreading a comforting heat along your skin. But as they move closer to your face, one vine brushes against your clit, releasing a strange sensation, almost like an intense tickle.
A rush of heat courses through you, and you feel your face flush as your clit begins to itch and tingle. The vine has taken a liking to your clit and is attacking it vigorously. Despite yourself, trying to fight the vine, you let out an involuntary moan as the sensation of having your clit squeezed and pulled by small vines overwhelms you.
<<linkreplace "Try to break free">>
You try to break free, but the vines persist, their warm tendrils gently massaging and tugging at your clit, the sensation intensifying with each movement. You try to hold back, but before you know it, another orgasm erupts, even stronger this time, leaving you momentarily breathless.
You fear that the vines would strike again, but it seems that the vines have retracted. Your lower region feels different, heavier. The sensation lingers, unfamiliar yet oddly grounding, as you take a moment to recover.
As you move slowly through the airduct and, after a while, you find another exit.
<<set $vagina to $vagina +1>>
<<set $vinevisit to true>>
[[Move through the exit->cabine]]
<<elseif $vinevisit is false && $panty is 2>>
<<set $vinevisit to true>>
As you wriggle further into the air duct, the surrounding walls press tighter than you expected. You notice the strange liquid trails on the walls again, glistening faintly in the dim light filtering from the lab behind.
Suddenly, you feel a soft, almost tickling sensation against your leg. Startled, you try to look back, only to realize that the air duct is not wide enough for you to turn your head. The tickling grows more persistent, and you realize thin vines have begun curling around your ankle, snaking up your calf. The vines are smooth, with an almost warm, pulsing feeling as they tighten slightly. Tugging at your leg does little to dislodge them, and your movements only seem to encourage them to wind tighter, inching higher.
<<linkreplace "Struggle against the vines">>
you struggle to get away from the vines and you manage to get free, but the vines hold on to your pantys, leaving you exposed once again.
[[Move through the exit->cabine]]
<<set $vinevisit to true>>
<<set $panty to 0>>
[[Move through the exit->cabine]]
<</if>>You step up to the massive machine, its purpose obscured by the lack of labels or instructions. Its dull metal exterior has seen years of use, and a faint hum indicates it's already powered on. Three buttons sit in a row on its panel: a yellow one, a red one, and a blue one, each covered with dust.
<<if $color is false>>
<<linkreplace"press the buttons">>
You press the buttons, but nothing happens
<<elseif $potionass is false>>
That must be the machine, where you can make the potion.
You have to choose which button to press.
<<linkreplace "Select the red button">>
<<set $first to "red">>
<<goto "choice 2">>
<<linkreplace "Select the yellow button">>
<<set $first to "yellow">>
<<goto "choice 2">>
<<linkreplace "Select the blue button">>
<<set $first to "blue">>
<<goto "choice 2">>
the machine seems to be broken
[[leave the machine be->airducktroom]]
You take the dick and place it where it belongs.
As the marble nose clicks firmly into place on the statue. A few seconds nothing happens, but after some time very slowly a viscous liquid begins to trickle from its shaft, releasing an unexpectedly sweet and almost intoxicating aroma.
The scent is inviting, almost overwhelmingly so, stirring a sudden, intense urge to taste it.
[[Try the drops that are on the floor->floordrop]]
[[Get it from the source->penisdrop]]You kneel down to inspect the drops on the floor, curious about their strange, shimmering quality. As you touch a finger to the liquid, it feels unexpectedly warm, almost alive, with a slight pulse. Bringing it closer, you notice a faint, sweet scent—similar to the aroma you encountered earlier. You decide to take a small taste.
As the liquid touches your tongue, a gentle warmth spreads through your mouth, and then down your throat. It’s as though the warmth is unfurling within, bringing a subtle, soothing energy with each heartbeat. A calmness settles over you, and any tension or fatigue you felt earlier seems to melt away.
The sensation is subtle but invigorating, as if the drops had some kind of restorative property, boosting your focus and sharpening your senses. However, the warmth fades gradually, leaving only the faintest hint of sweetness. You feel refreshed, yet you sense there might be more secrets hidden in this place, urging you to explore further.
<<linkreplace"grab the dick">>
As you reach out to grab the marble dick, your fingers wrap around it, but just as you start to pull, it snaps away with a soft, unsettling crack. The sudden break catches you off guard, and the piece crumbles in your hand, scattering fragments across the floor.
The sweet-smelling liquid that had been contained within the dick begins to ooze out, pooling around your feet. The scent intensifies, and you can feel its warm aroma wrapping around you like a comforting blanket.
As you stand there, the remnants of the nose still in your grip, you notice a subtle shift in the surrounding air. The scent of the liquid fills the room, making you feel a mix of exhilaration and unease. Despite the initial disappointment of the broken nose, you can't help but feel drawn to the puddle forming on the ground, a warm, inviting glow shimmering in its depths.
You bend down to examine the drops that have fallen onto the floor. As you bring your finger closer, the liquid glimmers in the dim light, looking almost inviting. Curiosity piqued, you decide to taste it, leaning down to take a small lick. A warm sensation spreads through you, filling you with a sense of excitement and wonder.
But the puddle starts to fade quickly, the liquid soaking into the floor beneath you.
[[Turn to the statue->floordrop2]]
<</linkreplace>>After giving in to the sweet aroma, you press your lips to the marble nose, feeling the warm liquid flow down your throat, sending a soothing warmth that radiates through your body and settles in your belly.
It does not take long, until your pussy gets moist and your juices running down your legs.
The sensation is oddly comforting, and every shift in position or angle you take intensifies it.
As you drink eagerly, the liquid flows faster, and the warmth spreads. Your pussy is now fully soaked, your clit pressing deliciously against the wet fabric, squelching softly with each movement. You instinctively reach down, rubbing your wet pussy, feeling the satisfying pressure and squish between your fingers as you caress your clit. Each stroke brings a heady rush, as if drawing you deeper into a trance.
After some time the flow of the liquids slows down, in your frustration to be robbed of the sweet nectar, you start to take the marble dick deeper in your mouth, rewarding you with more and more of the sweet juice
But suddenly the flow of liquid stops, then erupting in a massive spray, It's so much you can't swallow it all, and it rinses over your body
But when it stops, leaving dick dry, the warmth leaves with it. Desperation mounts as you keep trying to draw more, sucking on the dick harder, even trying to stroke it at the same time, until it snaps off in your hand, leaving you with an unsatisfied longing, as you were not able to have an orgasm on your own.
You take the broken off dick into your hand, sadly you realize, that it got damaged while falling to the ground, and now it has a sharp end, where the tip used to be.
There is a small key sticking out of the remains of the dick.
You lodge the key free, maybe you can use it somewhere.
<span style="color: pink;">You are now more subjective to perverted actions</span>
<span style="color: pink;">You have gained experience in giving a blowjob</span>
<<set $keys to $keys +1>> <<set $will to $will +1>>
[[leave the statue be->lv3]]
<<set $marble to true>>
<<set $marblesex to true>>Determined to get more, you turn back to the statue and give it a shake, hoping to coax out more of the mysterious liquid. To your surprise, the statue responds! With a sudden burst, it releases a massive stream of the liquid, splattering your upper body with the warm, shimmering substance.
You stumble backward, landing on your ass. A strange tingling sensation spreads across your upper body, and you instinctively reach up to touch your breast. To your surprise, they feel different, bigger and sensitive to touch. As you gently prod them, a shiver runs down your spine as you grase your nipples, making you acutely aware of this new change.
Feeling a mixture of confusion and curiosity, your gaze shifts to the broken-off marble dick. Amid the remnants, you notice something glimmering. Leaning closer, you see that a small key is nestled inside the broken piece. The key catches the dim light, suggesting it might be important for unlocking something nearby.
With your cheeks still tingling, you carefully retrieve the key from the marble fragments.
<span style="color: pink;">Your breast and nipple have increased in sensitivity dramatically </span>
<<set $keys to $keys +1>>
[[leave the statue be->lv3]]
<<set $marble to true>>
<<set $marblesex to true>>The Machine rumbles and expects the second choice
<<linkreplace "Select the red button">>
<<set $second to "red">>
<<goto "choice 3">>
<<linkreplace "Select the yellow button">>
<<set $second to "yellow">>
<<goto "choice 3">>
<<linkreplace "Select the blue button">>
<<set $second to "blue">>
<<goto "choice 3">>
The Machine rumbles and expects your last choice
<<linkreplace "Select the red button">>
<<set $thirth to "red">>
<<goto "result">>
<<linkreplace "Select the yellow button">>
<<set $thirth to "yellow">>
<<goto "result">>
<<linkreplace "Select the blue button">>
<<set $thirth to "blue">>
<<goto "result">>
<<if $first == "yellow" && $second == "blue" && $thirth == "blue">>
The machine whirs to life, lights flickering on as it begins to hum softly. You watch in fascination as various mechanical components shift and rotate inside. A small compartment opens up, and a vial slides out, filled with a shimmering liquid that glows faintly in the dim light.
[[Leave the machine be->airducktroom]]
<<if $tube is true>>
<<linkreplace "put in the liquid you found earlier">>
You open the vial you found earlier, its contents still shimmering faintly. With a steady hand, you pour the mysterious liquid into the potion the machine just dispensed. For a moment, nothing happens as the liquid from the vial mingles with the potion, still and silent.
Suddenly, the mixture begins to swirl violently, the colors blending together in a mesmerizing dance. Before you can react, the potion overflows, spilling out and splashing onto your body. You feel the warm, thick liquid settle on your breasts, and almost immediately, an odd sensation starts to spread.
Your breasts begin to swell, not painfully, but noticeably, as if filling with warmth. The skin feels tingly and sensitive, the sudden change almost dizzying. The potion inside the vial now transforms into a stunning rainbow hue, swirling with vivid, iridescent colors.
You touch your breasts, feeling their new fullness, and are taken aback by how big they’ve become.
[[Leave the machine be->airducktroom]]
<<set $potionass to true>>
<<set $breast to $breast +1>>
<<set $tube to false>>
The machine hums and whirs, but something seems off. The steady hum is interrupted by strange clicking and groaning noises from its inner workings.
A faint, uneasy feeling washes over you as the machine struggles to complete the potion. Just as you're about to step back, it lets out a loud clank, and before you can react, the machine erupts. A gush of liquid bursts out from every seam, covering you from head to toe.
The liquid is thick and warm, coating your skin in a slick layer that clings tightly to you. You wipe your face and blink through the dripping liquid, but you realize it’s all over soaking your body, dripping down your arms, and pooling at your feet. It almost feels like the liquid is buzzing against your skin, giving off a faint, tingling sensation.
Your breasts begin to swell, not painfully, but noticeably, as if filling with warmth. The skin feels tingly and sensitive, the sudden change almost dizzying.
You look at the machine, and to your luck, it was able to create the liquid before exploding. <<set $potionass to true>> <<set $breast to $breast +1>>
[[leave the machine be->airducktroom]]
<</if>><img src="./images/other/assbig.png">
You shake the bottle a bit, and instantly you hear a heavy moan from behind the wall.
You notice that her pussy has become extremely wet, and a small trail of liquid has started running down her legs.
You pull out the bottle slowly, trying to give the woman as much pleasure as possible.
The second you pull out the last bit of the bottle, her pussy explodes with juices, covering the floor in a small puddle of pussy juice.
<span class="blue-text">"AAH. That was not supposed to happen! Can you forget what happened? This is extremely embarrassing for me."</span>
<<linkreplace "Shouldn't something happen or so?">>
<span class="blue-text">"You are right. Wait, I can feel a warmth inside me rising. It feels so warm, so good, so..."</span>
Before she could finish her sentence, she erupts again in an even bigger orgasm, moaning heavily.
As you watch her cheeks grow rounder and plumper, there's something oddly alluring about the transformation. The way her features shift gives her an unexpected charm, as her massive ass wiggles with every movement she makes, drawing you further into its spell, but her words seem to fade into the background.
<span class="blue-text">"How did this happen? Did you put in the right code?"</span>
You want to answer her, but you find yourself entranced by her alluring cheeks, which have taken on a rosy hue, giving her a captivating and almost ethereal appearance. The sweetness in the air intensifies, emanating from her pussy and drawing you closer, as if it holds a promise of something delightful.
The sweet smell becomes irresistible, tugging at your senses and filling you with a curious desire to explore this strange new experience further. Each breath you take seems to pull you deeper into the moment, and you can’t help but want to savor the enchanting scent that surrounds her.
As you take a step closer, the world around you seems to fade, leaving only the mesmerizing sight of her cheeks and the captivating aroma that beckons you.
<<linkreplace "Step closer.">>
Unable to resist, you step closer, the alluring scent beckoning you. You lean in for a moment and take a small lick of her enchanting pussy.
The woman lets out a surprised yelp. <span class="blue-text">"What are you doing?"</span> but you find yourself lost in the delightful experience of this unexpected potion.
With each lick, you savor the rich taste, feeling a rush of happiness as the delightful nectar continues to swirl and blend together. But just a lick is no longer enough for you. You place your mouth on her wet pussy and start to suck on it, eager to get more of her juice.
Loud moans escape her lips every time you suck out the sweet juices from her pussy.
You take your finger and hover it around her loose ass, tracing around her hole.
The second you start this, more juices flow, showing just how sensitive her asshole is.
<<linkreplace "Push yourself into her ass.">>
You push your fingers into her ass, which go in without any problem, rewarding you with loud moans.
You push further and further until your whole hand is inside her; you can feel that she is close to her climax, as her whole body is shivering with excitement.
You decide to push her over the line to give her the pleasure she deserves.
With a decisive push, you pull out your hand and fist her with much vigor.
You feel the pressure building and a massive stream of juice squirts into your face.
Behind the wall, you hear heavy panting.
<span class="blue-text">"Wow. That was amazing. I am normally not into girls, but if I get out of here, I will surely return that favor. But still, it’s so fascinating what happened: the increase in mass in my ass and the pheromones effect of my juices. I have to investigate this."</span>
While the woman is talking, you notice that a small key lies on the floor; it was probably hidden in her ass. You wonder how it got there.
<span class="blue-text">"Anyway, can you maybe find a different way to get me out of here?"</span>
Realizing now what you just did, you blush and shyly say:
<<linkreplace "Sure, I will come back.">>
[[Leave her be for the time->ass]]
<<set $keys to $keys + 1>>
<<set $potionass to false>>
<<set $avisit to true>>
<</linkreplace>>You grasp each key firmly and turn them simultaneously. A loud mechanical noise fills the hut as the machine shakes and trembles, sending vibrations through the floor beneath you. The sounds of machinery echo in the confined space.
Suddenly, a loud clunk resonates from outside the hut, drawing your attention. You step back from the machine, which continues to emit a low hum, and make your way to the door. As you step outside into the hangar bay, you notice that the ground has opened like a massive door, revealing a pathway that descends into the darkness below.
The flickering lights from the opening cast shadows across the hangar, and you feel a cold breeze wafting up from the passage. It’s a stark contrast to the warmth of the hut. The noise you heard earlier seems to be coming from this new route, a combination of machinery whirring and the distant sound of something moving below.
[[Move down->lvl4start]]
[[explore a bit more->keyholes]] You step into the lab, surprised by the unexpected sight of paint buckets scattered around and a partially finished mural covering one of the walls. The room has an oddly artistic feel to it, contrasting sharply with the usual clinical atmosphere of the facility. The mural itself is intriguing a mix of abstract shapes and symbols, almost hypnotic in their design.
<<if $paint is false>>
It looks as though someone left the painting incomplete in a hurry faint footprints lead away from the work. You can't help but feel a pull towards it, as if there's more to this painting than meets the eye.
Each place that still is not covered by paint has a small number in it, like a mandala.
[[finish the painting->paint]]
<<linkreplace"You see a not on one of the paint buckets">>
The note reads 1 red, 4 blue, 7 p the rest is not readable, as it has been drenched in paint<</linkreplace>><</if>>
[[leave the room->lv3door]]
There are multiple faces of the painting not colored in fully.
Each part has a number, it is probably important that the right color gets choosen for the right number.
[[start painting->p]]
[[dont paint anything->labb3]] You look over the paint buckets, considering colors for the sections labeled "1." There’s a range of choices. Choosing the right color could set the tone for the entire piece, so you pause, imagining how each color might transform the unfinished painting.
<<set $paint to true>>
<<linkreplace"choose the blue color">>
<<set $p1 to "blue">>
<<goto "p2">>
<<linkreplace "choose the red color">>
<<set $p1 to "red">>
<<goto "p2">>
<<linkreplace "choose the purple color">>
<<set $p1 to "purple">>
<<goto "p2">>
<<linkreplace "choose the pearl color">>
<<set $p1 to "pearl">>
<<goto "p2">>
<</linkreplace>>You look over the paint buckets, considering colors for the sections labeled "4." There’s a range of choices. Choosing the right color could set the tone for the entire piece, so you pause, imagining how each color might transform the unfinished painting.
<<linkreplace"choose the blue color">>
<<set $p2 to "blue">>
<<goto "p3">>
<<linkreplace "choose the red color">>
<<set $p2 to "red">>
<<goto "p3">>
<<linkreplace "choose the purple color">>
<<set $p2 to "purple">>
<<goto "p3">>
<<linkreplace "choose the pearl color">>
<<set $p2 to "pearl">>
<<goto "p3">>
<</linkreplace>>You look over the paint buckets, considering colors for the sections labeled "4." There’s a range of choices. Choosing the right color could set the tone for the entire piece, so you pause, imagining how each color might transform the unfinished painting.
<<linkreplace"choose the blue color">>
<<set $p3 to "blue">>
<<goto "p4">>
<<linkreplace "choose the red color">>
<<set $p3 to "red">>
<<goto "p4">>
<<linkreplace "choose the purple color">>
<<set $p3 to "purple">>
<<goto "p4">>
<<linkreplace "choose the pearl color">>
<<set $p3 to "pearl">>
<<goto "p4">>
<</linkreplace>><<if $p1 is "red" and $p2 is "blue" and $p3 is "purple">>
As you take a step back to admire the completed mural, a strange sensation begins to wash over you. The colors in the painting seem to shimmer, swirling softly as if caught in a gentle current. Your eyes stay fixed on it, feeling drawn deeper into the pattern, unable to look away.
Suddenly, the room around you fades, replaced by an unfamiliar landscape. You're now standing in what looks like the world depicted in the mural. The colors from the wall have bled into reality, creating a surreal and vivid scene a place both beautiful and strange.
A distant hum reaches your ears, resonating from the ground beneath your feet, almost as if the painted world itself has a heartbeat. Shadows in the distance take shape, shifting and moving. They seem to beckon, as if they’re waiting for you to follow. You feel a pull, something deep within urging you to explore this place further, even though you know it shouldn’t be possible.
You take a step forward, and the hum grows louder. Whatever lies ahead is hidden in a hazy mist of color.
You take another step and the mist conentrates into [[a woman->p5w]] [[a man->p5m]]
You look at your finished work.
It defenetly looks strange but nothing else happens. Maybe you did something wrong.
You are not sure if that is a good thing or not.
[[leave the wall be->labb3]]
As the mist swirls and condenses, it begins to take on the form of a beautiful, elegantly shaped woman. Her features emerge slowly graceful and striking, with an air of mystery. She stands before you, her form radiating warmth and quiet strength, as though she’s part of the vivid colors around her.
Her eyes meet yours, filled with a gentle curiosity, and though she says nothing, her presence is captivating. The painted world around you seems to pulse in rhythm with her breathing, as if she’s woven into its very fabric. You feel drawn toward her, a sense of calm and familiarity mingling with the thrill of the unknown.
You step closer to hear, looking at her aple shaped breasts and inviting smile.
Before you can react, the woman steps closer, closing the distance between you. Her heartbeat is audible a steady, rhythmic pulse that seems to fill the air around you, grounding you in the moment. There's a warmth radiating from her presence, and each beat feels almost like a pull, drawing you further into the strange and surreal encounter.
The woman takes your hand intersecting it with her own before she guides your hand to her ampel behind.
Your fingers burrow in her big ass, as she goes on to hug you.
Her breasts pressing against your own, you feel the plumbness of hers on your body, sends you into an extactiv shiver.
She leans to your ear and wispers
<span style="color: lightblue;">If a bird lays an egg, it grows a foot </span>
<span style="color: lightblue;">A pear sometimes has the same color as the watermelon tree </span>
Confused by this random phrase, you find yourself back in the room with the painting.
You are not sure what happend, but you are confidet, that pussy is extreamly wet.
You look at the wall again, but it just seems like random painted parts.
[[there is a piece of paper on the floor that you have not yet seen->p6]]
[[leave the wall be->lv3door]] As the mist begins to swirl and coalesce, it slowly takes on a human shape, revealing a tall, well-built figure. The figure materializes with sharp features, a calm yet intense expression, and an otherworldly quality in his gaze. His presence radiates strength, almost as if he's carved from the same vibrant colors that surround you.
He steps forward, each movement smooth and purposeful. Despite his imposing figure, there’s something gentle in the way he looks at you, an unspoken invitation to approach. He doesn’t speak, but a sense of warmth and familiarity washes over you, as though he’s been expecting you here, in this strange, painted realm.
The world around you feels charged, as if waiting for the next step. You can feel your heart race in response to the moment, both exhilarating and surreal.
The men steps forward slowly, yet powerful. Closing the gap between you.
He reaches out to you and softly touches your chin. The place where he touches you makes you feel safe and lets your belly feel warm.
You fell wanted.
Then the men looks at you with a beautiful smile.
<span style="color: lightblue;">Rabbits have 6 legs and 4 eyes. </span>
<span style="color: lightblue;">If you rotate yourself around a tree, a carpet will apear </span>
Confused by this random phrase, you find yourself back in the room with the painting.
You are not sure what happend, but you are confidet, that pussy is extreamly wet.
You look at the wall again, but it just seems like random painted parts.
[[there is a piece of paper on the floor that you have not yet seen->p6]]
[[leave the wall be->lv3door]]
Researcher: Dr. Michael Raines
Project: EchoWall Hypnotics, Revision 7.3
We successfully encoded subliminal prompts within the mural to induce personal visions in viewers, pulling out desires or memories unique to the individual. The effect appears to trigger immediately upon observing the painted symbols in sequence, but it seems to only work once per painting.
Issue: Subject experiences remain inconsistent. While the encoded messages do initiate a trance state, the manifestations projected figures, voices, or scenarios repeatedly diverge from the intended vision. Common patterns include figures talking in unrelated, wrong or nonsensical phrases, which then disrupt the trance.
[[put down the dokument->labb3]] You approach the small table in the corner, its surface layered thickly with cobwebs and dust. The faint scent of mildew hangs in the air, a testament to how long this place has been undisturbed. Your footsteps echo softly against the metal floor as you step closer, brushing away some of the grime to get a better look.
On the table lies a faded and slightly crumpled map, meticulously drawn to detail the building’s network of pipes and conduits. The lines and labels are precise, but your attention is drawn to one specific section circled in bold red ink. Next to it, scrawled in hurried handwriting, are the ominous words: “MUST BE FIXED OR IT WILL BLOW.”
At the edge of the table sits a small canister with the label “Oil Lubricant” peeling off its side. The can is speckled with rust and feels slightly sticky to the touch, suggesting it hasn’t been used in years. Whatever task required, it was clearly abandoned, leaving the map and the warning behind.
[[Try to find the place, where the pipes might burst, maybe they blew a way out of here->lv41]]
<<linkreplace" take the lubricant with you">>
You take the lubricant with you<<set $lubricant to true>><</linkreplace>>
[[Leave the table be->lvl4start]] You navigate the dimly lit corridors, following the twists and turns as outlined on the map. The air grows heavier with every step, a mix of rust and dampness clinging to your senses. After what feels like an eternity of echoing footsteps and distant mechanical groans, you arrive at the marked point on the blueprint.
The scene is one of abandonment and decay. The repair that had been so urgently needed was never completed. A tangle of broken pipes dominates the area, their jagged edges crusted with residue. Steam hisses softly from a few ruptures, and a faint dripping sound punctuates the oppressive silence.
The burst pipes have wreaked havoc on the structure, carving a small hole in the wall nearby. Through the opening, a faint light flickers, casting strange shadows into the corridor.
[[Squeeze yourself into the hole->lvl4hub]]
[[Turn back->table]] <<if $lvl4hub is false>>You squeeze through the jagged hole, feeling the rough edges scrape lightly against you. On the other side, what you imagined might be your way out turns to be something entirely unexpected, a white room. The walls are so bright they almost seem to glow, creating a stark contrast to the grimy corridor you left behind.<</if>>
<<set $lvl4hub to true>>
The room is eerily sterile, like something out of another laboratory. To your left is a sleek door, its smooth surface completely unmarked. Against one wall stands a small vending machine, humming faintly, as if in defiance of the surrounding stillness.
Opposite the vending machine, there’s a small counter, except it's empty.
Three other doors are spaced evenly along the far wall. Each is identical, their surfaces devoid of any markings or clues as to where they might lead.
In the center of the room is a small table, with a small see through box on it.
[[Check out the single door->door41]]
[[Check out the vending machine->vendingmachine]]
[[Check out the counter->counter]]
[[Check out the table->table4]]
[[Check out door Nr. 1->Nr.1]]
[[Check out door Nr. 2->Nr.2]]
[[Check out door Nr. 3->Nr.3]]<<if $leave4 is false>>
You walk over to the lone door, its smooth, seamless surface inviting curiosity. As you grip the handle, you give it a firm pull.
Nothing happens.
The door doesn’t budge, not even a slight creak to indicate it’s locked or stuck. It’s as if the door isn’t meant to open at all. There’s no keypad, no visible mechanism, nothing to suggest how it might function.
[[Leave the door be->lvl4hubstart]] <<set $lvl4start to true>>
<<elseif $test1 && $test2 && $test3 is true>>
You walk to the door.
The Voice comes on "Thank you for participating in our study. The compensation has been sent to your account. The door is now unlocked. We hope to see you again".
You push open the heavy door, and it creaks loudly on its hinges before opening.
You are blinded by the bright sunlight.
After your vision adjusts, you revealing an unexpected sight, a small, serene yard bathed in gentle sunlight. You step forward, leaving the stark, clinical white of the facility behind, only to find yourself in a courtyard enclosed by the same towering walls of the building. The yard is surrounded on all sides, with no visible exit or path beyond its confines.
In the center stands a large, majestic tree, its thick trunk twisting upward into a broad canopy of leaves. The vibrant green of the foliage seems almost out of place, a natural wonder juxtaposed against the cold, oppressive architecture encasing the yard. Above, the sky appears as a flawless blue dome, its vastness an illusion of freedom that feels strangely at odds with the reality of your confinement.
Sunlight filters through the branches, dappling the grass with shifting patterns of light and shadow. The air feels warmer, fresher than inside the facility, carrying a faint, earthy scent that tickles your senses. But as you take cautious steps forward, the weight of the enclosing walls presses down on you, a silent reminder that this space, no matter how beautiful, is still a cage.
You glance around, searching for a door, a gate, or any possible escape, but there’s nothing. As this is the end of this version.
I thank you for playing.
The next update will be an Art update, where I will add interactive hubs.
the door is still locked
[[Leave the door be->lvl4hub]]
<</if>>You approach the vending machine, its metallic surface gleaming faintly under the sterile lighting of the room. A hastily affixed note catches your attention, written in blocky handwriting that seems almost rushed:
Notice: All items within this vending machine are prototypes currently undergoing market testing. Please be advised that their effects are experimental and may vary significantly. By using this machine, you acknowledge that the company cannot be held accountable for any outcomes resulting from their use. Proceed at your own discretion.
You look at the items at display
You Currently have $coins
<<if $contact is false>>
<<if $coins >= 2>>
<br>A set of contact lenses 2 coins
<<button "Buy it">>
<<set $coins to $coins - 2>>
<<set $contact to true>>
<<goto "contacts">>
<br>A set of contact lenses 2 coins
<<button "Buy it">>
<<goto "vendingmachine">>
<<if $destroyer is false>>
<<if $coins >= 1>>
<br>a small emergency hammer. You wonder why its here 1 coin
<<button "Buy it">>
<<set $coins to $coins - 1>>
<<set $destroyer to true>>
<<goto "hammer">>
<br>a small emergency hammer. You wonder why its here 1 coin
<<button "Buy it">>
<<goto "vendingmachine">>
<<if $mom is false>>
<<if $coins >= 3>>
<br>A package labeled Mom+ 3 coins
<<button "Buy it">>
<<set $coins to $coins - 3>>
<<set $mom to true>>
<<goto "hips">>
<br>A package labeled Mom+ 3 coins
<<button "Buy it">>
<<goto "vendingmachine">>
<<if $weight is false>>
<<if $coins >= 2>>
<br>A package called EvoShape 2 coins
<<button "Buy it">>
<<set $coins to $coins - 2>>
<<set $weight to true>>
<<goto "weight">>
<br>A package called EvoShape 2 coins
<<button "Buy it">>
<<goto "vendingmachine">>
[[Leave the machine be->lvl4hub]] You approach the counter, noting the small shield perched on its edge with the words "Items for Coins" engraved on it in bold, slightly worn lettering. The surface of the counter itself is polished to a near mirror-like finish, reflecting the dim light of the room and giving it an oddly pristine quality compared to the rest of the facility.
Curiosity gets the better of you, and you lean forward, craning your neck to peek behind the counter. The space beyond is shadowed, revealing no obvious objects or people.
You can sell
<<if $beehoneyglass is true>><<linkreplace" a glass of honey">>
You sold the glass of honey for 3 coins<<set $coins to $coins +3>> <<set $beehoneyglass to false>><</linkreplace>><</if>>
<<if $lubricant is true>><<linkreplace"a small can of oil lubricant">>
You sold the glass of honey for 2 coins <<set $lubricant to false>><<set $coins to $coins +2>><</linkreplace>><</if>>
[[Leave->lvl4hub]] <<if $leave4 is false>>
You walk over to the lone door, its smooth, seamless surface inviting curiosity. As you grip the handle, you give it a firm pull.
Nothing happens.
The door doesn’t budge, not even a slight creak to indicate it’s locked or stuck. It’s as if the door isn’t meant to open at all. There’s no keypad, no visible mechanism, nothing to suggest how it might function.
[[Leave the door be->lvl4hubstart]] <<set $lvl4start to true>>
<<elseif $test1 is false>>
You step into the first room, finding it eerily similar to the previous one, white, and devoid of any distinct features. The fluorescent lights above cast a uniform glow, making every surface appear clinically clean and devoid of shadows.
In the center of the room stands a small, metallic table. Its minimalist design matches the room’s cold aesthetic. Atop the table are two glasses, each filled with a different liquid. The glasses are identical in shape, perfectly clear, and arranged in a precise row.
[[Take a look at the glasses->glasses]]
[[Take a look at the rest of the room->room1check]]
[[Leave the door be->lvl4hub]]
You enter the room again.
[[Check out the room->room1check]]
[[Leave the room->lvl4hub]]
<</if>><<if $leave4 is false>>
You walk over to the lone door, its smooth, seamless surface inviting curiosity. As you grip the handle, you give it a firm pull.
Nothing happens.
The door doesn’t budge, not even a slight creak to indicate it’s locked or stuck. It’s as if the door isn’t meant to open at all. There’s no keypad, no visible mechanism, nothing to suggest how it might function.
[[Leave the door be->lvl4hubstart]] <<set $lvl4start to true>>
You step into the room.
This room, is predominantly beige. The ceiling is pretty low, and the air feels cool. A single chair sits in the center, bolted to the floor. In front of the chair is a small table.
On it are a few labeled boxes.
In the back is a small cupboard
[[Sit on the chair->lv21]]
[[Look at the cupboard->Lvl21cup]]
[[Leave the door be->lvl4hub]]
<</if>><<if $leave4 is false>>
You walk over to the lone door, its smooth, seamless surface inviting curiosity. As you grip the handle, you give it a firm pull.
Nothing happens.
The door doesn’t budge, not even a slight creak to indicate it’s locked or stuck. It’s as if the door isn’t meant to open at all. There’s no keypad, no visible mechanism, nothing to suggest how it might function.
[[Leave the door be->lvl4hubstart]] <<set $lvl4start to true>>
You step through the door into the next test chamber, the air feeling a touch cooler as it seals shut behind you.
In the middle of the room stands a tall pedestal, and resting on top is a metallic sphere. Its surface is polished to a mirror-like sheen, reflecting the soft light in strange, distorted patterns.
The announcer’s voice cuts through the stillness, calm and detached:
“Welcome. Your objective: Tell me what is the sphere in front of you"
[[step closer to the sphere->lvl33]]
[[leave the experiment->lvl4hub]]
<</if>>You turn back toward the room. Suddenly, a soft chime echoes through the space, followed by a calm, automated voice:
"Welcome. We are pleased to have you participate in our Clinical Product Testing Program. Your cooperation is essential to advancing the forefront of innovation and well-being."
The voice is unnervingly cheerful, carrying a tone of forced optimism that doesn’t quite match the cold, clinical atmosphere of the room.
"Please take a moment to familiarize yourself with your surroundings. Each station has been carefully designed to provide you with a unique experience."
The vending machine hums slightly louder, as if coming to life in response to the announcement, while the doors seem to remain unmoving, their purpose still unclear.
"Participation is mandatory. Your feedback ensures the continued success of our cutting-edge advancements. Remember: every contribution you make today paves the way for a better tomorrow. Thank you for your service to progress."
<<set $leave4 to true>>
[[Continue->lvl4hub]]You lean in closer to inspect the glasses, their contents shimmering faintly under the light.
As you consider the strange substances, an announcement blares from unseen speakers, causing you to jolt slightly.
“Welcome to the Clinical Sensory Enhancement Experiment. Our aim is to revolutionize how we experience flavor! In this phase, you will ingest one of the provided liquids. Shortly after, you will be presented with a selection of candy to evaluate the effectiveness of the enhancement process. Your feedback is essential to our mission of perfecting the candy experience.”
The voice is upbeat yet clinical, devoid of warmth. You glance back at the glasses. The announcement makes the liquids seem slightly less ominous, but not by much. Still, the idea of heightened candy flavors, not the worst thing you have seen in here.
<<linkreplace" look at the room">>
You look at the room and cant see anything out of place. You don't spot any cameras or speakers. At least they are not obvious to you.
One wall looks a bit strange, You assume that there might be a viewing room behind it, so the scientist can watch you, while you do the experiment.
If any was left in this building.
<<linkreplace"look at the first glass">>
You pick up the first glass and inspect it closely. The liquid is clear and unassuming, its lack of color making it seem harmless, but you have learned, that nothing is harmless in this facility.
You glance around the room. Despite the announcement earlier, you don’t see any cameras or obvious monitoring devices. Could they really be tracking your every move? Maybe the room is rigged with sensors you can’t see, or maybe it’s just a psychological experiment to see what you’d do.
The thought crosses your mind, you could easily fake it. Just tip the glass up, pretend to drink, and avoid whatever bizarre effects these liquids might have. After all, who would know?
[[Drink all->drink all]]
[[Pretend to drink->pretentdrink]]
<</linkreplace>>You take a deep breath and down the entire glass in one go. The liquid is surprisingly cool and smooth, with no discernible flavor. For a brief moment, you wonder if it’s nothing more than water, but that thought vanishes as a strange sensation courses through you.
A tingling spreads across your tongue, quickly intensifying into a rush of heat and cold at the same time. It’s as if your taste buds are waking up for the first time, firing signals to your brain in rapid bursts. You can feel the sensation spreading, making your entire mouth hyper-aware of even the faintest details the air tastes metallic, the lingering moisture feels sharper than usual.
Your head buzzes slightly, and the sensation doesn’t stop there. You can feel the effects in your throat and even into your nose. Every breath feels charged with a new layer of sensory input, almost overwhelming in its intensity.
The announcement clicks on again, startling you.
“Excellent! You’ve completed the first phase. Please proceed to the candy selection, and let us know if the enhancement has revolutionized your experience. We strive for perfection, and your feedback is invaluable.”
You glance at candy, the announcement echoing in your mind. The tingling in your mouth hasn’t faded, and you wonder just how much more intense your sense of taste might be now.
<<set $drink to $drink +1>>
<<set $lips to $lips +1>>
[[eat the candy->candy11]]You raise the glass to your lips, tilting it slightly to create the illusion of drinking. The liquid touches the edge of the glass, but you expertly avoid letting any of it enter your mouth. With a subtle motion, you lower the glass again and place it back on the table.
You pause, listening for any reactions an announcement, a beep, anything that might indicate someone or something noticed your deception. The room remains silent, the stillness amplifying your heartbeat in your ears.
You look at the table and a small hole opens. In it are a handful of candies.
<<linkreplace"take a look at the candies">>
You approach the candy. The pieces are long, cylindrical, and a vivid, almost unnatural shade of red that seems to shimmer slightly under the sterile white light of the room. They’re neatly lined up, each one identical to the next.
As you lean closer, you notice a faint fruity scent emanating from them, though you can’t quite place what fruit it might be if it’s a fruit at all. The surface of the candy is glossy, reflecting the light like a polished gemstone.
As you continue to eye the candy, the soft chime of the announcement system echoes through the room, followed by the familiar, calm yet clinical voice.
"Subject, please proceed to consume one of the provided confections. Following ingestion, you are required to describe the flavor profile and assign a rating from one to ten, based on your subjective experience. Your feedback is vital for the advancement of our sensory enhancement research. Thank you for your cooperation."
The voice clicks off, leaving the room in silence again.
You glance back at the bright red candies.
[[Eat one of the candies->candy1]]
<</linkreplace>>You hesitantly bring the bright red candy to your tongue and take a small lick. The texture is smooth but unremarkable. As for the taste, it’s underwhelming. There’s a faint hint of something fruity, but it’s so distant that you’re not even sure if it’s your imagination filling in the blanks.
You pull the candy away and glance at it, baffled. "This is supposed to be candy?" you mutter to yourself, shaking your head in disbelief. It lacks the rich sweetness or satisfying tang you’d expect, feeling more like an afterthought than a treat.
You rate the candy a 1
[[Take the second glass->glass2]]You pick up the second glass, holding it carefully as you inspect it. The liquid inside appears identical to the first, clear, odorless, and completely unremarkable.
It’s almost eerie how there’s no variation at all. No bubbles, no subtle tint, not even the faintest scent to hint at what it makes it different from the first one.
You tilt the glass slightly, watching the liquid swirl as you consider your next move.
<<if $drink is 0>>
[[Drink all->drink all22]]<<elseif $drink is 1>>
[[Drink all->drink all2]]<</if>>
[[Pretent to drink->pretentdrink2]]You cautiously lift the second glass, its contents identical in appearance to the first clear, odorless, and seemingly harmless. With a steady breath, you take a sip.
Almost immediately, a burning sensation spreads across your mouth, but also your lips, It seems some of the liquid touched your lips. It's not painful but undeniably intense. You bring a hand to your mouth, feeling the unfamiliar fullness as your lips begin to swell slightly, tingling as if tiny sparks are dancing along their surface.
As the liquid slides down your throat, the effect intensifies. Everything in your mouth feels amplified, each taste, texture, and sensation heightened to an almost euphoric degree. Even the act of breathing feels strange. The cool air rushing into your lungs sends an unexpected ripple of warmth to your abdomen, making you shiver involuntarily.
Your stomach twists, not unpleasantly, but enough to make you aware of every internal sensation, from the rhythm of your breathing to the slight gurgle of digestion. It’s as though the drink is rewiring your awareness of your body, drawing your attention to every detail you would otherwise ignore.
“Please proceed to taste the candy,” the voice chimes in again, clinical yet upbeat, as if unaware of the strange transformations taking place within you.
You glance at the red candy on the table, now, hesitating for just a moment before picking it up. The liquid’s effects have left you acutely aware of how the candy will feel against your heightened senses, but there’s no turning back now.
<<set $drink to $drink +1>>
<<set $lips to $lips +1>>
[[Eat the candy->candy2]] You raise the glass to your lips, tilting it slightly to create the illusion of drinking. The liquid touches the edge of the glass, but you expertly avoid letting any of it enter your mouth. With a subtle motion, you lower the glass again and place it back on the table.
Nothing happens.
You still have to eat one of the candies. Not that you expect them to taste any different.
[[Eat one of the candys->candy2]]<<if $drink is 0>>
You hesitantly bring the bright red candy to your tongue and take a small lick.
It still tastes like nothing.
You give it a bad score once again.
[[The voice comes on again->end1]]
<<elseif $drink is 2>>
You lift the red candy to your lips, the previous hesitation fading as curiosity and the drink’s effects take hold. The moment your tongue brushes against the surface, an explosion of flavor floods your senses.
It’s not just sweet, it’s a symphony of taste, blending sharp tastinies, vibrant fruity notes, and an almost creamy richness that sends tingles across your palate. Every lick feels electric, like your mouth has become hyperaware of every texture and nuance of the candy.
As you take it deeper into your mouth, rolling it against your tongue, the sensations intensify. There’s a strange, almost euphoric pleasure in the act itself, like the candy is designed not just to be tasted but experienced.
Your nose feels damp, as if your body is responding instinctively to the overwhelming stimulation. The warmth from earlier spreads through your face and neck, amplifying the bizarrely intimate experience of consuming this candy.
It feels like your mouth has been transformed into a heightened sensory zone, attuned to every shift in the candy’s texture and flavor. The effect is both exhilarating and disorienting, a sensory overload that leaves you breathless but craving more.
You’re vaguely aware of the voice chiming in again, acknowledging your progress, but it feels distant. For now, all you can focus on is the overwhelming, all-consuming act of tasting.
[[The voice comes on again->end1]]
<<elseif $drink is 1>>
You pick up one of the bright red candies and pop it into your mouth, the tingling sensation on your tongue amplifying the moment it makes contact.
At first, the flavor seems almost too intense to process. A wave of sweetness crashes over your taste buds, followed by an explosion of tangy citrus that feels sharp enough to make your jaw tighten. You can detect subtle undertones hints of berry, maybe even a floral note, all hitting at once with vivid clarity.
The texture is equally overwhelming. The outer layer dissolves with a slight crackle, revealing a chewy center that feels soft yet oddly dense. It’s as though every sensation is magnified a hundredfold, making it impossible to focus on anything else.
You close your eyes for a moment, letting the kaleidoscope of flavors take over. It’s almost too much, bordering on uncomfortable, but there’s something addictive about it.
When the candy finally melts away, leaving a lingering sweetness behind, the announcement chimes in again.
“Thank you for your participation! Please rate your experience on a scale from 1 to 10, considering both flavor and sensory intensity.”
You exhale, still processing the overwhelming sensations. Whatever they’ve done to enhance your senses worked, perhaps too well.
You rate the candy well.
[[The voice comes on again->end1]]
<</if>>"Congratulations! You have successfully completed the flavor assessment test. As a token of appreciation, you have been rewarded two coins for the vending machine. Thank you for your participation!"
<<set $test1 to true>>
<<set $coins to $coins +2>>
[[Leave the room->lvl4hub]]You take a closer look at the room. Your gaze sweeping over its stark whiteness. The table in the center, with two glasses.
As your eyes adjust to the uniform brightness, you notice something peculiar about one of the walls. Unlike the others, which are a flawless, blinding white, this one has a faint grayish tint. The subtle difference wonders you, and you step closer to inspect it.
The surface is smooth, almost too perfect, and when you tap it lightly with your knuckles, it emits a dull, hollow sound, not the solid thud you'd expect from a concrete or plaster wall. A suspicion takes root in your mind.
This isn’t a wall at all, it’s a pane of one-way glass.
If anybody would actually be watching these experiments, they would probably be behind this wall.
[[Go back to the table->Nr.1]] <<if $destroyer is true>>
[[Try to break the glass wall->breakwall]]<</if>>Without hesitation, you step back, gripping the tool tightly. With a sharp swing, the device connects with the wall, the sound of shattering glass exploding through the room. Shards rain down, revealing the hidden space beyond a now broken one way mirror.
Stepping through the broken remains of the glass, you find yourself in a small, cramped space. A counter stretches along one side, cluttered with equipment. On the counter sits a single cup, identical to the ones in the experiment room. The liquid inside is still clear, untouched, and you can’t help but wonder if this was part of an unfinished experiment.
The air here is different, carrying the faint smell of stale coffee and metallic undertones. A few monitors line the wall, showing the room from different angles.
[[There is a desk with some crumbled paper->paper1]]<<if $liquid is false>>
<<linkreplace"drink the cup">><<set $lips to $lips +1>>
<<goto "breakwall2">><</linkreplace>><</if>>
You settle into the chair at the table, your eyes drawn to the three boxes neatly arranged before you. Each box is identical plain, matte gray with, except a single letter marking. Beside the boxes sits a grip strength meter, its steel handle polished and cold to the touch. It’s the kind of equipment you’ve seen in physical fitness tests, though its purpose here isn’t entirely clear.
The room is quiet for a moment, save for the faint hum of machinery hidden behind the walls. Then, the familiar mechanical voice echoes from the speakers above, clinical and detached:
“Welcome to Strength Aptitude Assessment 42. In this phase, we are evaluating the relationship between grip strength and the changes that will ensure. All changes will be temporary.
Please remain seated. A nurse will be with you shortly to assist in calibrating the equipment and providing instructions.”
You glance around the room, as you expected, nobody comes.
[[Take a look at the grip tester->gib]]You move closer to the sphere.
[[Inspect the Sphere]]
[[Press the Sphere’s Surface]]
[[Try to Lift the Sphere]]
[[Speak to the Sphere]]
[[Circle Around the Sphere]]
[[Ignore the Sphere]]
[[Touch the Sphere]]
<<if $ask is true>>
[[Try to solve the question->lvl333]]
<</if>>You press your palm firmly against the sphere.
For a brief second, the colors of the sphere change into a mostly blue, mixed with green and some yellow and white.
If you had to guess, you would estimate that the sphere is around 70% blue.
[[Try something different->lvl33]]
<<set $ask to true>>You step closer to the pedestal, peering at the sphere intently. The smooth metallic surface gleams faintly under the chamber’s dim light, its glow pulsating like a heartbeat. As you watch, strange symbols flicker across its surface, cryptic shapes that seem almost familiar but dissolve before you can decipher them.
You don't know what most of the shapes mean, but there is a long line around the sphere in the middle.
[[Do something else->lvl33]]
<<set $ask to true>>You grip the sphere with both hands and attempt to lift it from its perch. The sphere refuses to move, as though it weighs far more than its size suggests. It’s clear the sphere is bound to the pedestal.
[[Try something different->lvl33]]
<<set $ask to true>>"Can you hear me?" you ask, the absurdity of the moment striking you even as you speak.
Sadly, the sphere does not give an answer back
[[Try something different->lvl33]]
<<set $ask to true>>You pace around the pedestal cautiously, keeping the sphere in your peripheral vision.
You notice that the color seems to be a little bit different on the top and the bottom of the sphere.
You are not sure, but you think it's a bit lighter, going into the white a bit.
[[Try something different->lvl33]]
<<set $ask to true>>You take a step back, ignoring the strange object, and instead turn to examine the rest of the chamber. The room is silent.
Around the sphere is nothing really of note, but you notice that on the walls are 7 spheres. Some are bigger than others, while one has rings around it and one is painted in a bright yellow.
[[Try something different->lvl33]]
<<set $ask to true>>Your hand hovers over the sphere before finally making contact. The surface is both unnervingly cold and strangely warm.
The closer you get to the center, the warmer it gets, while at the top and bottom it is the coldest.
You can also feel, that the sphere has different heights.
[[Try something different->lvl33]]
<<set $ask to true>>You tell the voice the sphere is
<<textbox "$playerInput" "">>
<<button "Submit">>
<<if $playerInput.toLowerCase() == "earth">>
<<goto "lvl3333">>
<<set $rightanswere to true>>
<<goto "lvl3333">>
<<set $wronganswere to true>>
[[You need to think a bit more->lvl33]]<<if $rightanswere is true>>
After you answered, you hear a small cheering sound.
“That is correct, the sphere is a representation of earth
We thank you for your contribution"
The sphere slowly lowers itself into the pedestal, and in its stead 5 coins appear.
<<set $coins to $coins +5>> <<set $test3 to true>>
[[Leave the chamber->lvl4hub]]
<<elseif $wronganswere is true>>
<<set $test3 to true>>
The Voice comes back on
"We thank you for your contribution"
The sphere slowly lowers itself into the pedestal and in its stead 1 coin appears.
[[Leave the chamber->lvl4hub]] <<set $coins to $coins +1>>
<<set $test3 to true>>
<</if>>You pick up one of the bright red candies and pop it into your mouth, the tingling sensation on your tongue amplifying the moment it makes contact.
At first, the flavor seems almost too intense to process. A wave of sweetness crashes over your taste buds, followed by an explosion of tangy citrus that feels sharp enough to make your jaw tighten. You can detect subtle undertones hints of berry, maybe even a floral note, all hitting at once with vivid clarity.
The texture is equally overwhelming. The outer layer dissolves with a slight crackle, revealing a chewy center that feels soft yet oddly dense. It’s as though every sensation is magnified a hundredfold, making it impossible to focus on anything else.
You close your eyes for a moment, letting the kaleidoscope of flavors takes over. It’s almost too much, bordering on uncomfortable, but there’s something addictive about it.
When the candy finally melts away, leaving a lingering sweetness behind, the announcement chimes in again.
“Thank you for your participation! Please rate your experience on a scale from 1 to 10, considering both flavor and sensory intensity.”
You exhale, still processing the overwhelming sensations. Whatever they’ve done to enhance your senses worked, perhaps too well.
You rate the candy well.
[[Take the second glass->glass2]]You take a deep breath and down the entire glass in one go. The liquid is surprisingly cool and smooth, with no discernible flavor. For a brief moment, you wonder if it’s nothing more than water, but that thought vanishes as a strange sensation courses through you.
A tingling spreads across your tongue, quickly intensifying into a rush of heat and cold at the same time. It’s as if your taste buds are waking up for the first time, firing signals to your brain in rapid bursts. You can feel the sensation spreading, making your entire mouth hyper-aware of even the faintest details the air tastes metallic, the lingering moisture feels sharper than usual.
Your head buzzes slightly, and the sensation doesn’t stop there. You can feel the effects in your throat and even into your nose. Every breath feels charged with a new layer of sensory input, almost overwhelming in its intensity.
The announcement clicks on again, startling you.
“Excellent! You’ve completed the first phase. Please proceed to the candy selection, and let us know if the enhancement has revolutionized your experience. We strive for perfection, and your feedback is invaluable.”
You glance at candy, the announcement echoing in your mind. The tingling in your mouth hasn’t faded, and you wonder just how much more intense your sense of taste might be now.
<<set $lips to $lips +1>>
<<set $drink to $drink +1>>
[[Eat the candy->candy111]]You pick up one of the bright red candies and pop it into your mouth, the tingling sensation on your tongue amplifying the moment it makes contact.
At first, the flavor seems almost too intense to process. A wave of sweetness crashes over your taste buds, followed by an explosion of tangy citrus that feels sharp enough to make your jaw tighten. You can detect subtle undertones hints of berry, maybe even a floral note, all hitting at once with vivid clarity.
The texture is equally overwhelming. The outer layer dissolves with a slight crackle, revealing a chewy center that feels soft yet oddly dense. It’s as though every sensation is magnified a hundredfold, making it impossible to focus on anything else.
You close your eyes for a moment, letting the kaleidoscope of flavors take over. It’s almost too much, bordering on uncomfortable, but there’s something addictive about it.
When the candy finally melts away, leaving a lingering sweetness behind, the announcement chimes in again.
“Thank you for your participation! Please rate your experience on a scale from 1 to 10, considering both flavor and sensory intensity.”
You exhale, still processing the overwhelming sensations. Whatever they’ve done to enhance your senses worked, perhaps too well.
You rate the candy well.
[[The voice comes on again->end1]]<<set $liquid to true>><<if $lips is 3>>You take the leftover sample from the counter, eyeing the liquid with a mix of curiosity and trepidation. With a deep breath, you tilt the cup and let the liquid flow past your lips. The taste is unremarkable at first, but the effect is immediate and overpowering.
A fiery sensation blossoms across your lips, spreading into your mouth with an intensity that makes you gasp. The heat is not painful but maddeningly electric, sparking every nerve.
You inhale sharply, and the simple act of breathing feels euphoric each breath sends a tingling wave cascading down your spine, pooling in your core with a thrill that’s impossible to ignore.
Your lips feel swollen, hyper-sensitive to every movement, as if every brush of air is if somebody would gently kiss you. The sensation spreads, through your mouth into your throat, filling it with a warm electric feeling.
Your eyes land on a large candy cane sitting nearby on the counter.
<<linkreplace"Take a candy cane">>
Your trembling fingers curl around the sleek, polished curve of the candy cane, its cool surface sending shivers of contrast against the warmth radiating from your hands. As you bring it to your lips, a spark ignites the moment they meet, the sensation electric, irresistible. Slowly, deliberately, your tongue glides along its length, savoring the flavor that floods your senses sweet, sharp, and utterly consuming. It’s as if the world around you has disappeared, leaving only the candy and the waves of sensation coursing through you.
Each deliberate lick fans the growing heat inside, a fire kindled by every fleeting taste. The cane’s smooth surface feels impossibly perfect against your lips as you draw it further in, deeper, pressing it against the roof of your mouth. A ripple of euphoria spreads down your spine, lighting every nerve like a string of tiny, explosive fireworks. Your chest tightens, your breath coming quicker, each inhale fueling the molten anticipation pooling deep inside.
You close your eyes, letting the sensations take over as you push the candy deeper, your tongue swirling around it, tasting, teasing, drawing out every tantalizing note of its flavor. The sweetness intensifies, wrapping around you like a silken embrace, and every nerve in your body seems to hum, vibrating with anticipation. The room feels alive with energy, the air electric, charged with your every movement, every shuddering breath.
And then, with one final, deliberate swirl of your tongue, the intensity crescendos. A wave of pleasure crashes through you, leaving you gasping, trembling, overwhelmed. The candy slips from your lips, its taste lingering like a secret whispered only to you, and you collapse back, spent and shaking, as the room seems to pulse around you in the afterglow of the experience. It’s as though the very act of tasting has unlocked something primal, something raw and euphoric, leaving you basking in the aftermath of an unbridled climax of sensation.
<<linkreplace"you can feel that you need more">>
Lying in a small puddle of your own making, a quiet sigh escapes your lips as the sensation lingers, a delicate reminder of the need still building inside you. Your body hums with an ache that refuses to be ignored, an undeniable pull to seek more, to explore deeper into the sensations that have only begun to unfold. The candy sits before you, a tantalizing temptation, gleaming with the promise of indulgence. You reach for it again, your fingers trembling with anticipation as you bring it to your lips, letting the sweetness flood your senses. The richness envelops you, teasing your taste buds and sending a warmth cascading through your entire body.
The candy meets your lips with an undeniable intensity, its cool surface a striking contrast to the heat radiating within. You push the candy deep into your throat, engulfing the complete candy, you raptly pull out the candy and push it back in quick suck session, pushing every single time deeper into your throat, which emits a pleasure, as you would push the candy into your pussy.
Your hands begin to move instinctively, tracing soft, deliberate paths across your skin. They glide over your chest, your touch gentle at first, teasing, before growing more intentional. The rhythm of your pulse syncs with the growing tension, every brush of your fingertips stoking the flames of desire that burn within
But it’s not enough, and you let your hands continue their journey, gliding downward across your stomach, to your eagerly wet pussy. The anticipation is almost overwhelming, every inch of exploration stirring a deeper longing within you. You start to caress your engorged clit, slowly massage it in a circular motion, sending waves of pleasure.
Your breath comes faster now, shallow and uneven, as the sensations consume you. You close your eyes, allowing the world to fall away, focusing only on the electric charge coursing through your body. The hunger grows, pressing you to venture further, to lose yourself completely in the indulgence. Your hands move with a quiet urgency, exploring the deeper parts of your pussy as, the ache inside you pulling you toward a place of complete surrender.
The tension tightens with each second, a crescendo that builds steadily, relentlessly. You feel yourself reaching a peak, a wave of bliss that crashes over you, leaving you trembling, breathless, and completely overwhelmed. The candy falls from your lips, the sweetness lingering on your tongue like a secret whispered only to you. The room feels charged, alive with the energy of what’s just passed, and you collapse back, spent yet content, as the warmth of the moment washes over you like a gentle tide.
[[Bask in the afterglow of the orgasm->breakwall3]]
<<elseif $lips is 0>>
You drink the liquid. It has no effect on you
<<elseif $lips is 1>>
You drink the liquid. You feel a small heat on your lips.
You touch your lips with your fingers and they feel a bit bigger maybe
<<set $lips to $lips +1>>
<</if>>The papers appear to be research notes and reports on the experiment you’ve just participated in. The first few pages detail the sensory enhancement trials, with bold headers like "Phase 3: Oral Sensory Amplification" and "Controlled Chemical Reactions to Stimulate Neural Responses."
One section stands out, underlined and marked with a note in red pen:
"The compound’s effectiveness increases exponentially with repeated doses. Participants report heightened sensitivity not only to taste but to external stimuli, including touch and temperature. Unexpected side effects include prolonged euphoria and hyper-awareness of physical sensations."
You continue flipping through and find detailed observations about test subjects:
Subject 152-A 100ml: Reported "overwhelming sweetness" but failed to articulate further descriptions.
Subject 157-C 200ml: Displayed erratic behavior post-ingestion, including repetitive sucking of objects. Described the sensation as "intensely pleasurable."
Subject 157-C 300ml: Subject exhibited erratic and heightened emotional responses.. Notable increase in salivary secretion and reported heightened lubrication in genital regions.
The subject demonstrated compulsive fixation on the provided candy, engaging in continuous licking behavior, while pleasuring herself vaginally.
When tried to remove candy from the subject, the subject assaulted the researcher orally to "make her mouth pussy feel good"
There is a handwritten note under the text.
"Note for future experiments. Do not supply more than 200ml"
It seems you know why there was a leftover cup in this room
[[leave the papers be->breakwall]]You lie on the ground for a while, your breath slowing as you process the lingering sensations that radiated so deeply from your lips, mouth, and throat. The fiery heat that had consumed you has ebbed, leaving behind a quiet hum of warmth, a memory of the intensity you just experienced.
Your fingers drift to your lips, brushing over their surface, and you notice something strange they feel swollen, softer, fuller. The touch sends a subtle ripple through you
It’s faint but unmistakable, every touch feels good.
<span style="color: pink;">Anything you put in your mouth will make you feel good</span>
[[stand up->breakwall]]You slide a few coins into the vending machine. The display flashes for a moment, and then another item drops into the collection tray with a soft clatter. Reaching down, you pull out a small, sleek box.
On the box is a woman with big eyes, showing a peace sign.
There is a fine print.
Usage might lead to:
Allergy to light, dizziness, diarrhea. High blood pressure or bleeding eyes. Use with caution.
You open the box and inside are 3 different lenses.
[[Use the pink one->pink]]
[[Use the blue one->blue]]
[[Use the green one->green]]You insert the coins into the vending machine, hearing a series of mechanical whirs and clicks as it processes your payment. After a brief pause, a small object drops into the collection tray with a dull clunk. You crouch down to retrieve it.
You now own a bright red emergency hammer, the kind you’d typically find on buses for breaking glass in emergencies.
[[Leave->vendingmachine]] You feed the coins into the vending machine. The screen flickers briefly before the Mom+ package tumbles into the collection tray with a gentle thud. You retrieve it, revealing a small, elegant package.
On the package, an image of a woman in the mid 40s with an inviting smile.
In fine print at the bottom, it warns:
Usage might lead to:
Midlife crises
Emotional overload
Temporary loss of reality perception
Heightened libido or unexpected attachments
higher risks of diabetes and Lipoedema
Use with discretion.
You carefully open the package to find two distinct pills resting inside: one a deep, comforting brown; the other a vibrant, fiery red.
[[Eat the brown one->hips1]]
[[Eat the red one->hips2]]
[[Take them both->hips3]]<<set $weight to true>>
You insert the required amount of credits, and with a soft hum, the EvoShape package falls into the tray.
On the package is a round smiley face.
You open the package to find a single, shimmering capsule inside. Without hesitation, you swallow it.
For some time nothing happens, until you feel a bit bloated, but nothing else happens.
You look at your reflection in the vending machine and it seems you have gained a bit of weight.
[[Leave->vendingmachine]] <<set $eyes to 3>>Inside the eerie stillness of the station, you carefully lay the green contact over your eye, expecting the usual slight discomfort of a lens. Instead, a chilling sensation invades your eye, followed by an intense burning that makes you wince and blink furiously. The pain escalates, your eyes feeling as if they're on fire, the irritation unlike anything you've experienced before.
You try to remove the lens, your fingers probing for an edge, but there's nothing there. Panic edges into your mind as you rub your eyes, only to feel the raw touch of your own skin. With a mix of dread and curiosity, you approach the dimly lit vending machine, its glass surface marred but still reflective.
Looking into the reflection, you're met with eyes that are now a striking, luminous pink, as if lit from within. It's clear the contact has vanished, leaving behind this permanent alteration.
[[leave->vendingmachine]] <<set $eyes to 1>>Inside the eerie stillness of the station, you carefully lay the green contact over your eye, expecting the usual slight discomfort of a lens. Instead, a chilling sensation invades your eye, followed by an intense burning that makes you wince and blink furiously. The pain escalates, your eyes feeling as if they're on fire, the irritation unlike anything you've experienced before.
You try to remove the lens, your fingers probing for an edge, but there's nothing there. Panic edges into your mind as you rub your eyes, only to feel the raw touch of your own skin. With a mix of dread and curiosity, you approach the dimly lit vending machine, its glass surface marred but still reflective.
Looking into the reflection, you're met with eyes that are now a striking, luminous blue, as if lit from within. It's clear the contact has vanished, leaving behind this permanent alteration.
[[leave->vendingmachine]] <<set $eyes to 2>>Inside the eerie stillness of the station, you carefully lay the green contact over your eye, expecting the usual slight discomfort of a lens. Instead, a chilling sensation invades your eye, followed by an intense burning that makes you wince and blink furiously. The pain escalates, your eyes feeling as if they're on fire, the irritation unlike anything you've experienced before.
You try to remove the lens, your fingers probing for an edge, but there's nothing there. Panic edges into your mind as you rub your eyes, only to feel the raw touch of your own skin. With a mix of dread and curiosity, you approach the dimly lit vending machine, its glass surface marred but still reflective.
Looking into the reflection, you're met with eyes that are now a striking, luminous green, as if lit from within. It's clear the contact has vanished, leaving behind this permanent alteration.
[[Leave->vendingmachine]] <<set $hips to 1>>You decide on the brown pill.
As you pop it into your mouth, a bitter taste washes over your tongue, like warm eating soap.
Almost immediately, a sensual wave courses through your body, starting from your core and radiating outward. You feel your hips begin to expand, the sensation both strange and intoxicating erotic.
You look into the reflection of yourself in the vending machine glass.
Looking at your body, you see that you now have way more pronounced hips.
As you look back at the packaging you notice that the woman on the cover also has pretty big hips, hers are a bit bigger, but you can see the resemblance.
[[Leave->vendingmachine]] <<set $hips to 2>>You decide to take the red pill, its vibrant color hinting at the intensity of the experience to come. As you swallow it, the pill tastes like soap.
A fiery warmth spreads from your core, igniting every nerve ending with a pulsating desire.
The transformation begins almost immediately.
Your hips start to expand, growing significant.
It's as if an invisible force is sculpting you, adding generous, voluptuous curves to your frame.
Looking at yourself in the reflection of the vending machine, you see the reflection of a woman transformed, your hips now significantly larger.
The change is dramatic, making you feel like an embodiment of desire and a desire to buy a very fast cabrio.
<<set $hips to 3>>You open both package, the contrasting colors of the pills seeming to pulse with promise. Without hesitation, you take both, to your surprise they taste like soap.
The effects are immediate and overwhelming. Your body begins to change,
Your hips begin to swell each time your hips expand it added feels like a caress, a bold stroke of desire sculpting your form.
You stand, feeling the weight and sway of your newly shaped body, an embodiment of both nurturing warmth and unbridled passion.
You look into the reflection of yourself in the vending machine's glas. Your reflection now shows a figure of profound allure, your hips so big, even a porn star would be envious.
[[Leave->vendingmachine]] You walk to the table.
On the table is a small see though box. Inside is a lot of black sand.
There are some buttons next to the box, as well as a small hole, where you could insert a vial.
You suspect that this is a small distraction for people taking the tests to play around with.
[[Inspect the sand->sand]]
[[Press a button->button]]
[[Insert a vial->vial]]
[[Leave->lvl4hub]] You take a closer look at the sand.
<<if $sand is 0>>The sand is resting on the bottom of the sphere.<</if>>
<<if $sand is 1>>The sand is clumped together to a small ball<</if>>
<<if $sand is 2>>The sand has clumped together to a small figure<</if>>
[[Leave->table4]] You examine the two buttons that are next to the cube.
There is one button, which can be turned and one that is a simple button you can press.
<<linkreplace"turn the first button">>
A soft hum resonates from within the cube, and the black sand begins to stir violently. Swirling and spinning, the grains defy gravity, rising into the air.
<<set $sand to 1>>
The movement is mesmerizing, like watching a storm contained within a tiny world. Slowly but purposefully, the sand converges in the center of the cube, clumping together until it forms a perfect, smooth sphere no larger than a marble.
<<linkreplace"press the button">>
A soft hum resonates from within the cube, the black sand within the cube begins to stir violently, the sand is being thrown around in a miniature tornado.
<<set $sand to 2>>
After some time, the sand takes on a new shape. The grains shift and compact, rising into a vaguely humanoid figure. Piece by piece, the form begins to take on startling detail a small head, slender limbs, and a torso emerge from the swirling mass.
Within seconds, the sand has transformed into a tiny, human-like creature no taller than your hand. It stands perfectly still, its black surface smooth yet shimmering faintly
[[Leave->table4]] You currently do not have a vial that fits.
[[Leave->table4]] <<if $tail is false>>You step over to the small cupboard, its wooden frame creaking softly as you open it. Inside, tucked neatly on the middle shelf, is a sleek, polished case. Its metallic surface reflects the dim light of the room, giving it an almost clinical air.
Curiosity piqued, you lift the case carefully, feeling its weight in your hands. With a click, the latch releases, and the lid opens smoothly to reveal its contents. Nestled within the velvet-lined interior lies a single syringe.
The syringe is delicate, almost elegant, with a slim glass barrel holding a shimmering liquid. The liquid catches the light, shifting colors ever so slightly as you tilt the case. A faint label is etched onto the glass, but it’s too small to read without bringing it closer.
[[Use the syringe->usesyringe]]
[[But it away->Nr.2]]
There is nothing in the cupboard.
<</if>>You reach for the grip strength meter, wrapping your fingers around its cool steel handle. It feels sturdy and unyielding in your hand, almost challenging you to give it your best.
You take a deep breath, steadying yourself before you squeeze. At first, you apply gentle pressure, testing its resistance. The meter barely registers movement.
You scored a 55.
<<linkreplace "look at the boxes">>
You take one of the boxes and open them.
<<timed 2s>>
Inside the box is nothing.
You check the other boxes, but they are also empty.
<<linkreplace "look around if, you may be missing something">>
You take up the box and spin them around, looking around if, you might have missed something, but you don’t find anything.
After a bit, the voice comes on.
“Thank you for your participation. You have been credited 2 Coins."
<<set $coins to $coins +1>> <<set $test2 to true>>
You are not sure what this is about. But it seems you cleared this one.
<</linkreplace>>You take a deep breath, your body tense with anticipation, as you press the needle of the syringe against your skin. The cool metal against your flesh sends a shiver racing through you as you push the plunger down. The shimmering liquid flows into your veins, and for a moment, there's calm until a sudden, intense warmth blooms at the base of your spine.
This warmth intensifies, spreading like liquid fire, transforming into an electrifying tingle that feels like both a tickle and a deep, sensual massage. You gasp, your back arching involuntarily as the sensation concentrates right above your ass, where the warmth now feels almost unbearably pleasurable.
Your hand moves to touch the spot, and the moment your fingers make contact, waves of euphoric pleasure radiate through you, each touch sending shockwaves of bliss from your lower back, spreading through your entire body. The sensation is overwhelming, making you gasp louder, your body trembling as it reacts to this new, intense pleasure.
[[Give in to the pleasure->succ]]
[[Resist the pleasure->cat]]<<set $succ to true>> Unable to resist the overwhelming sensations any longer, your hand slips down, fingers teasing and exploring, your breath quickening as you start to masturbate. Each touch sends pulses of pleasure through you, your body responding with eager, hungry movements.
Just as you're lost in this wave of ecstasy, a sharp, sudden pain stabs just above your ass, snapping you back to reality. You look over your shoulder in shock to see a slender, dark tail emerging, its tip pointed and adorned with a small, sharp barb formed to a little hearth. The tail, sleek and sinuous, seems to have a life of its own, swaying with an almost hypnotic rhythm.
Before you can fully comprehend this new addition, the tail moves with purpose, curling around your thigh making its way to your wet pussy, its tip teasingly circling around your pussy gently massaging your aroused cunt. With an almost possessive intent, it pushes forward, forcing its way inside you. The sensation is unlike anything you've ever felt part pain, part pleasure, all consuming.
The tail begins to move, thrusting with a rhythm that matches your own desperate need, filling you up in ways that make you cry out. Each movement of the tail inside you sends shockwaves of pleasure.
The tail, a part of you yet acting with its own will, invades your body in a dance of dark desire. It moves with an almost sentient rhythm, each thrust delving deeper, exploring and claiming every inch, while hitting all the correct spots to send you in an array of pleasure.
You cry out, the sound raw and primal, the pleasure so intense it borders on pain, a sensation so profound it blurs the lines between ecstasy and agony. Waves of pleasure crash over you, relentless, each one stronger than the last, making you feel as though you're being remade from the inside out. The tail continues its relentless pace, drawing out the orgasm until you're left breathless, your body shuddering in the aftermath.
After you recover, you take a second look at your now newly wound tail.
You still have trouble controlling it, as if the tail has its own mid.
<<set $tail to true>>
[[Leave->Nr.2]]<<set $cat to true>>Finally, the warmth and tingling shift, focusing into a single point as though something just beneath your skin is stirring. You bite your lip, forcing yourself to stay grounded as the pressure builds. Then, with a soft, almost audible pop, something begins to emerge. A tuft of soft, silken fur brushes against your fingers, and you let out a shaky breath as the fur grows thicker and longer. The feeling is surreal, the weight of the new appendage becoming noticeable as it unfurls into a slender, fully formed tail.
You blink in astonishment as the tail moves on its own, flicking slightly before curling gently behind you. The fur is impossibly soft under your fingertips as you trace its length, marveling at the strange yet oddly natural way it responds to your thoughts.
A fluffy, cat tail now sways effortlessly with every small shift of your body-
<<set $tail to true>>