<img src="Media/Thumbnail.png" width="75%"><br>
Welcome to Corruption World, Player!
In this world, you are the only one with power to make everyone submit to your will.
If you're not over 18, it is suggested for you to leave!
[[Thank you!|Supporters]]
Start by naming the characters!
-Finished secret story
-A little showcase at the end of the story
-Added Police HQ
-Added 2 girls in HQ
-Resized tease gifs
-Changed button layout in neighborhood
-Added 4 threesome levels
-threesome characters:
-Anna + Patricia (NEW)
-Mom + Aunt(NEW)
-Emily + Hilda(NEW)
-Joy + Melissa(NEW)
-Sister + Cousin
-Added tease scenes for all girls
-Added gift option for characters that didn't have it.
-Fixed some gifting problems with some characters.
-Continued Prisoner girl's story.
-Added a hideout.
-Added 2 girls in the hideout.
-Added an airport.
-Added Germany.
-Added Story related and other to Germany.
-Company is divided in ranks
-Added Sweden.
-Added 2 girls in Sweden.
-Added dojo related story in Sweden.
-Buffed affection and corruption gain for all characters (made it much less grindier).
-Made pills more expensive:
-Blue pill - 5K > 30K
-Red pill - 5K > 30K
-Added Cafe in Germany
-Added 3 girls in Germany
-Added the new girls in the book.
-Added a code for skipping the tournament.
-Made he book and Diary a bit more visually appealing.
-Fixed school and maid codes not working.<br><br>
-Aunt and cousin can be leveled up to lvl 3.
-Uncle is now fully implemented.
-Added markelbria police station.
-Added a police officer.
-Added a prisoner.
-Added convenience store.
-Added a girl in the convenience store.
-Added 2 new job types: Hacker and trainer.
-Added 4 new race types for staff: Brunette, Blonde, Redhead and Arab.
-Added a new race for staff: Latina.
-Added a girl that can be obtained after convenience store girl.
-Added a drug dealer.
-Added an entrepreneur that will ask your help with hacking.
-Added an internet shop (it pretty much has everything that other stores offer).
-Added the forgotten laptop in guest room.
-Added sister + cousin (lvl 4) - last level
-Fixed problems with return.
-Fixed aunt/cousin bugs.<br><br>
-Moved bookstore to the mall.
-Added Car dealership in bookstore's place. By buying a car, you can travel outside of your town.
-Added a garage to your house.
-Added a town called "Markelbria".
-Added cousin,aunt and uncle, each benefitting you in their own way. (Not fully implmented the whole way, and max lvl is 2)
-Continued secret story.
-Added more features to your devices.
-Increased upgrades capacity from 5 to 10.
-You can now buy a mansion with a maid that comes along with it.
-You can now corrupt the whole school.
-Made contacts on the phone.
-Added scenes in the parent's house kitchen.
-Added all the girls in the contacts.
-You can now change girls names in the book.
-Fixed bugs including teacher and school girls.
-Fixed bugs including the laptop.<br><br>
-Added more gifs to staff interactions.
-School girls now can be maxed out.
-School can be bought after reaching max level with the teacher.
-Added diary.
-Made it so each building has it's own staff earn amount.
-Made a secret(not really a secret but it will act as a secret, since you will have to follow the secret next update).
-Changed some gifs in bathroom scenes and added peep option, AND changed times, so it's easier join them in the bathroom.<br><br>
-Added Electronics Store
-Added a phone, you can interact with it in your room to call girls to your house.
-Added a laptop, you can buy upgrades and manage staff on it.
-Added a secret, that will cost you a lot but help you earn hundreds of thousands, maybe even millions.
-Added Upgrades such as: Money upgrade, Affection Upgrade and Corruption upgrade, all have max level of 5.
-Added an easier access to managing your staff through laptop, choose a building you want to access and manage your staff through it.
-Added abbrevations for money, it only goes up to a million (will increase it in the future updates, if needed that is).
-Added Cafeteria and WC in the school.
-Remade buttons in neighborhood,city mall and houses.;
-You can now level up school characters (until lvl 2).<br><br>
- Upon reading reviews (Thank you Trono-10 for stating various issues with the game) I fleshed out the characters, every level they will all have different conversations during interactions.
Not only that, but each girl has her own personality, for example, Sister is a bratty nympho, Judy is an affectionate girl, and so on.<br>
- Buffed gifts:
chocolate: 3 > 7 affection
condom: 2 > 5 corruption
alcohol: 6 > 14 corruption
perfume: 9 > 19 affection
lingerie: 24 > 35 corruption
bikini: 30 > 45 affection<br>
- Buffed Interactions for everyone:
Talking: 1 > 2, 2 > 4, 4 > 6 affection
for judy it stays the same.<br>
Sister: 1 cor/2 aff > 2 cor/4 aff, 2 > 3, 2 > 4, 4 > 6 corruption
Mom: 1 cor/2 aff > 2 cor/4 aff, 2 cor/4 aff > 3 cor/6 aff
Judy: 3 > 5, 6 > 8 corruption.<br>
Sister: First kiss - 15 aff/10 cor > 25 aff/16 cor, normal - 4 > 9 affection
Mom: 6 > 10 affection
Judy: First kiss - 15 > 30 affection, normal - 10 > 15 affection.<br>
Sister/Mom: 10 aff/6 cor > 16 aff/10 cor.
judy: 17 aff/14 cor > 24 aff/ 19 cor.<br>
Sister: level up - 30 corruption > 55 corruption, normal - 18 aff/14 cor > 26 aff/20 cor
Mom: level up - 30 aff/20 cor > 60 aff/48 cor, normal - 18 aff/14 cor > 26 aff/20 cor
Judy: level up - 30 aff/24 cor > 65 aff/60 cor, normal - 25 aff/20 cor > 32 aff/28 cor<br>
Sister: 26 aff/18 cor > 37 aff/29 cor
Mom: 26 aff/18 cor > 37 aff/29 cor
Judy: 40 aff/30 cor > 50 aff/38 cor<br>
Sex (cum outside):
Sister/Mom: level up - 40 aff/35 cor > 72 aff/66 cor, normal - 32 aff/25 cor > 46 aff/39 cor
Judy: level up - 80 aff/70 cor > 95 aff/85 cor, normal - stays the same.<br>
Sex (cum inside):
Sister: 40 aff/32 cor > 60 aff/49 cor
Mom: 40 aff/35 cor > 60 aff/55 cor
Judy: 70 aff/60 cor > 79 aff/68 cor<br>
-Increased exp gain from working in a store: 3 > 10<br>
- 2 new gifts:
Cute Dress (800$) = 67 affection
Sexy Dress (800$) = 55 corruption<br>
- Added on/off button for cheats
- New main girl - Rea.
- Added Cafe in mall.
- Made 2 new areas, city and neighborhood.
- Made it so jobexp for staff caps at 100.
- Added Real Estate Agency
- Added 2 buyable properties in Real Estate Agency.
- Added so every property you own/manage has an office, meaning higher daily income.
- Added a button to give a staff member 2K Cash for 10 obedience.
- Added new times to make our lives easier.
- Added Patreon button, not obligated to support me of course, just vote in polls. :D
- Characters now move around.
- Added Bathroom and kitchen for parentshouse (Omg we can poop and eat!)
- Added scenes in Bathroom and Kitchen.
- Added a teacher in main classroom (can only talk to her, due to me wanting to add a plan for the next update)
- Added 2 students, one in hallway, other in classroom (same as teacher)
- Added dates for main girls.
- Added changelogs and supporters in the main menu of the game.
- Fixed some Linux bugs.
- Fixed mom time problems.<br>
The best of the best:<br>
Adonnok, Alexander Neuhold, AMKShadow, Carlos Andre, Chris Widnall, Clint Thomas, Daniel Harris, dead lock, DescendingBalls(I hope they don't descend on me), Dicky5553, dominik bau, Dugelle, Gregory Torres, John B, kilashe, Ludwig Bucher, Midgie, Oliver Flett, RedDevil, Robin Jacobsson, Romulus86, Sagralyn Held, Storyteller, Tristan Dufresne, Tyler, Viktor Krakowski, Vraj Jariwala, warmachine, Will. <br>
Character Creation<br>
Your name:
<label><<textbox" $uname """>></label><br>
Your Sister's name:
<<textbox" $sister.name """>><br>
Your Mom's name:
<<textbox" $mom.name """>><br>
<<if $mom.name == "">>
<<set $mom.name = "Janett">>
<<if $sister.name == "">>
<<set $sister.name = "Jane">>
<<if $uname == "">>
<<set $uname = "John">>
<<set $uname = $uname>>
<<set $sister.name = $sister.name>>
<<set $mom.name = $mom.name>>
Are you okay with these names?<br>
You are: $uname <br>
Your sister: $sister.name <br>
Your mom: $mom.name<br>
<<return >> <<link"Start">>
<<set $customized = true>>
<<set $sisterfirstkiss = false>>
<<set $introducedjudy = false>>
<<set $judyhouse = false>>
<<set $judyfirstkiss = false>>
<<set $store = {
exp: 0,
income: 0,
dincome: 0,
lvl: 0,
Rank : "Unemployed"
<<set $cafe = {
exp: 0,
income: 0,
dincome: 0,
lvl: 0,
Rank : "Unemployed"
<<set $owngym = false>>
<<set $ownclothing = false>>
<<set $strength = 0>>
<<set $intelligence = 0>>
<<set $cash = 50 >>
<<set $day = 1 >>
<<set $time = 0 >>
<<set $version = 1>>
<<set $staffstore = []>>
<<set $staffcafe = []>>
<<set $staffclothing = []>>
<<set $clothing = {
dincome: 0
<<set $staffgym = []>>
<<set $gym = {
dincome: 0
<<goto "Intro">><</link>>
<img src="Media/Intro.webp" width="55%"><br>
@@@@ After a long time you wake up from coma.<br>
You don't know how many years it has been or what has changed while you were gone.<br>
But you know one thing.<br>
The world has changed.<br><br><br><br>
You have gained an ability to corrupt women, therefore you get excited for stuff that awaits you.@@<br>
[[Continue|Inventory Stuff]]
<img src="Media/House/Rooms/Hallway.jpg" width="100%">
<<if $uname == $uname>>
After getting home from the hospital, you are met with your sister, who was much smaller the last time you've seen her.<br>
$sister.name runs up to you and hugs you with tears in her eyes.<br>
@@.speech-sister; Welcome home brother.@@
$sister.name hugs you tightly like she doesn't want to let you go.<br>
@@.speech-mom; Alright, alright, he must be tired both mentally and physically, let him rest and settle in for a while.@@
$sister.name let's go of you and smiles as you go to your room.
<img src="Media/House/Rooms/My Room.jpg" width="100%"><br>
<<if $uname == $uname>>
As you go in your room, you see nothing has changed since the last time you've been here.<br>
Room is really clean, as if someone was cleaning your room everyday.<br>
$mom.name walks in<br>
@@.speech-mom; Does it bring back memories?@@
@@.speech-u; It sure does.<br>
Did you clean my room?@@
@@.speech-mom; No, it was your sister.@@
You look at her surprised from the answer she gave u.<br>
@@.speech-u; $sister.name did?<br>
never imagined her to do the cleaning, in my room especially.@@
@@.speech-mom; She changed after u got into coma after that incident.@@
@@.speech-u; That incident...@@
You look down, as you're trying to remember what happened that day.<br>
@@.speech-mom; Don't bother remembering about it, you're still alive and back home, it's a miracle in itself.@@
You smile.
@@.speech-u; You're right, I will lay down for now.@@
@@.speech-mom; Okay, tell me if you need anything.@@
$mom.name leaves your room and closes the door behind her.
<<set $addstat to function(person, statname, stat) {
if ($Code1 == true) {
stat *= 2;
if (statname === "cor"){
_statname to "corruption";
if ($corupg >=1) {
stat *= $corupg;}
if (statname === "aff"){
_statname to "affection";
if ($affupg >=1){
stat *= $affupg;}
person[statname] += stat;
return "+" + stat + " " +_statname;
<img src="Media/House/Rooms/My Room.jpg" width="100%"><br>
<<if $mom.aff >=0>>
My room<br><br>
<<if $time >=3>>
<<if $sc1 == true>>
[[The book|Book]]<br><<endif>>
<<if $owndiary == true>>
I should get a diary.
<<if $Laptop == true>>
<<if $Phone == true>>
<<set $inmyroom = true >>
<<set $traineerel to function(person, statname, statname2, tournament) {
_limit to 0;
_limit2 to 0;
_limiter to false;
_limiter2 to false;
if (tournament === 0){
_limit to 50;
if (tournament === 1){
_limit to 125;
_limit2 to 75;
if (tournament === 2){
_limit to 250;
_limit2 to 175;
if (tournament === 3){
_limit to 350;
_limit2 to 250;
if (tournament === 4){
_limit to 425;
_limit2 to 350;
if (tournament === 5){
_limit to 525;
_limit2 to 425;
if (tournament === 6){
_limit to 999999999;
_limit2 to 999999999;
if (person[statname] >= _limit) {
person[statname] to _limit;
_limiter to true;
if (person[statname2] >= _limit2) {
person[statname2] to _limit2;
_limiter2 to true;
return [_limiter, _limiter2];
<<set $addob to function(location, Identity) {
if (location === $electronichere){
location to $staffelectronic
if (location === $gymhere){
location to $staffgym
if (location === $clothinghere){
location to $staffclothing
if (location === $storehere){
location to $staffstore
if (location === $cafehere){
location to $staffcafe
if (location === $markelhere){
location to $staffmarkel
return location[Identity];
<<if $customized == true>>
Day: <<print $day>><br>
<<if $time <=0.5>> <<print "Early Morning">>
<<elseif $time <=1>> <<print "Morning">>
<<elseif $time <=1.5>> <<print "Late Morning">>
<<elseif $time <=2>> <<print "Noon">>
<<elseif $time <=2.5>> <<print "afternoon">>
<<elseif $time <=3>> <<print "Early Evening">>
<<elseif $time <=3.5>> <<print "Evening">>
<<elseif $time <=4>> <<print "Late Evening">>
<<elseif $time <=4.5>> <<print "Night">>
<<elseif $time <=5>> <<print "Late Night">>
<<if $cash >= 1000 and $cash <=999999>>
Cash: <<print ($cash/1000).toFixed(2)>>K
<<elseif $cash >= 1000000>>
Cash: <<print ($cash/1000000).toFixed(2)>>M
Cash: <<print $cash>><<endif>><br>
Str: <<print $strength>><br>
Int: <<print $intelligence>><br>
<<if $hacking >0>> Hacking Exp: <<print $hacking>><</if>><br>
<<if $trainer >0>> Trainer Exp: <<print $trainer>><</if>><br><br>
<<if $ownschool == true>>School Corruption: <<print $schoolcor>> <br>
<<if $schoolcor >100>><<set $schoolcor = 100>><<endif>><<endif>>
<<if $ownmansion == true>>Maid's Respect: <<print $maid.respect>><br>
<<if $maid.respect >=100>><<set $maid.respect = 100>><</if>><</if>>
<<if $officer.lvl >=2>>Police Corruption: <<print $policecor>> <br><br>
<<if $policecor >100>><<set $policecor = 100>><</if>><</if>>
<<if $trainee.aff >=1 and $tournament <6>>$trainee.name:<br>
Stamina: $trainee.stats.stamina<br>
Skill: $trainee.stats.skill<br><</if>>
<<if $time >= 5>>
<<goto checkout>>
<br>[[Inventory]]<<if $owndiary == true>> [[Diary]]<</if>><br><br>
<<button "Cheats">><<goto Cheat>><</button>>
<<if $version <1>>
<<button "Update">><<goto "Inventory Stuff">><</button>>
<a href="https://www.patreon.com/user/posts?u=5370237" target="_blank"><<button Patreon>><</button>></a>
Insert the code:<br>
<<textbox "$_code" "">>
<br><<nobr>><<button "Confirm">>
<<set _code = $_code>>
<<if _code == "BetternBiggerRewards!">>
<<set $Code1 = true>>
<<elseif _code == "CorruptedSchool">>
<<if $ownschool == true>>
<<set $schoolcor = 100>>
<<elseif _code == "WhatAMansion!">>
<<if $ownmansion == true>>
<<set $maid.respect = 100>>
<<elseif _code == "GiveMeDaStacks!">>
<<set $Code2 = true>>
<<elseif _code == "TourneyErasion">>
<<set $trainee.stats.skill = 300>>
<<elseif _code == "HaterOfWorks">>
<<set $Code3 = true>>
<<goto Cheat>>
<<if $Code1 == true>>
<<print "2x reward is on">> <<link "off">><<set $Code1 = false>><<set $codehad1 = true>><<goto Cheat>><</link>>
<<if $codehad1 == true>>
<<print "2x reward is off">> <<link "on">><<set $Code1 = true>><<set $codehad1 = false>><<goto Cheat>><</link>>
<<if $Code2 == true>>
<<print "100K Cash">> <<link "Get">><<set $cash +=100000>><<goto Cheat>><</link>><br>
<<if $Code3 == true>>
<<print "3x task exp is on">> <<link "off">><<set $Code3 = false>><<set $codehad3 = true>><<goto Cheat>><</link>>
<<if $codehad3 == true>>
<<print "3x task exp is off">> <<link "on">><<set $Code3 = true>><<set $codehad3 = false>><<goto Cheat>><</link>>
<img src="Media/House/Rooms/Hallway.jpg" width="100%">
<<if $sc1 == false>>
<<if $strength >=150 and $intelligence >=150>>
<<goto "sc1meeting">>
<<button "My room">><<goto myroom>><</button>>
<<set $inmyroom = false >>
<<button "Sister's room">><<goto sisterroom>><</button>><br>
<<button "Mom's room">><<goto "Mom Room">><</button>>
<<button "Bathroom">><<goto "pbathroom">><</button>><br>
<<button "Kitchen">><<goto "pkitchen">><</button>>
<<button "Garage">><<goto garage>><</button>><br>
<<button "Go outside">><<goto "Neighborhood">><</button>>
<img src="Media/House/Rooms/Kitchen.png" width="100%">
<<if $time < 0.5>>
Your mom is in the kitchen.<br>
<<if $mom.lvl >=2>>
<<if $mom.lvl >=3>>
<<if $time >=2 and $time<2.5>>
Your sister is in the kitchen.<br>
<<if $sister.lvl >=2>>
<<if $sister.lvl >=3>>
<<if $time >= 0 and $time <0.5 >>
<img src="Media/House/Locked.jpg" width="100%">
$sister.name is taking a shower.<br>
[[Peep|bathpeep sis]]
<<if $sister.lvl >= 2>>
[[Enter|bath sis]]<br>
<<elseif $time >= 0.5 and $time <1>>
<img src="Media/House/Locked.jpg" width="100%">
$mom.name is taking a shower.<br>
[[Peep|bathpeep mom]]
<<if $mom.lvl >= 2>>
[[Enter|bath mom]]<br>
<img src="Media/House/Rooms/Bathroom.jpg" width="100%">
<<set $time +=0.25>>
<<set _shower = random(0,2)>>
<<set _imagePath = "Media/Sister/Bathroom/" + "/Shower/" + _shower + ".webp">>
<<set _imageTag = '<img src="' + _imagePath + '" width="60%">'>>
[[Leave|parentshouse]] <<if $sister.lvl >=2>>[[Enter|bath sis]]<<endif>>
<<set $time +=0.25>>
<<set _shower = random(0,2)>>
<<set _imagePath = "Media/Mom/Bathroom/" + "/Shower/" + _shower + ".webp">>
<<set _imageTag = '<img src="' + _imagePath + '" width="60%">'>>
[[Leave|parentshouse]] <<if $mom.lvl >=2>>[[Enter|bath mom]];<<endif>>
<img src="Media/House/Rooms/Sister Room.jpg" width="100%">
<<if $sister.lvl >=2 and $mcstudent.aff >=10 and $mcstudent.house == false>>
<<goto "sister talk mcstudent">>
<<if $sister.aff == 0>>
<<goto sisterintro>>
<<if $time == 0.5>>
$sister.name is not in her room.<br>
<<elseif $time >= 1.5 and $time <2.5>>
$sister.name is not in her room.<br>
<<set _chancetobeteased to random(0,100)>>
<<if $sister.aff >=250 and $sister.cor>=150>>
<<if _chancetobeteased >=30>>
<<set _sistease to random(0,6)>>
<<if _sistease == 0>>
<img src="Media/Sister/Room/Tease/TeaseClothed1.webp" width="50%">
<<elseif _sistease == 1>>
<img src="Media/Sister/Room/Tease/TeaseClothed2.webp" width="50%">
<<elseif _sistease == 2>>
<img src="Media/Sister/Room/Tease/TeaseClothed3.webp" width="50%">
<<elseif _sistease == 3>>
<img src="Media/Sister/Room/Tease/TeaseNaked1.webp" width="50%">
<<elseif _sistease == 4>>
<img src="Media/Sister/Room/Tease/TeaseNaked2.webp" width="50%">
<<elseif _sistease == 5>>
<img src="Media/Sister/Room/Tease/TeaseNaked3.webp" width="50%">
<img src="Media/Sister/Room/Tease/TeaseNaked4.webp" width="50%">
<<set _result to $addstat($sister,"cor",1)>>
<<print _result>>
<<elseif $sister.aff >=80 and $sister.cor>=40>>
<<if _chancetobeteased >=50>>
<<set _sistease to random(0,2)>>
<<if _sistease == 0>>
<img src="Media/Sister/Room/Tease/TeaseClothed1.webp" width="50%">
<<elseif _sistease == 1>>
<img src="Media/Sister/Room/Tease/TeaseClothed2.webp" width="50%">
<img src="Media/Sister/Room/Tease/TeaseClothed3.webp" width="50%">
<<set _result to $addstat($sister,"cor",1)>>
<<print _result>>
Sister's room<br><br>
<<if $sister.lvl == 4>>
Affection: <<print Math.ceil($sister.aff)>> Corruption: <<print Math.ceil($sister.cor)>> lvl: $sister.lvl(max)<br>
Affection: <<print Math.ceil($sister.aff)>> Corruption: <<print Math.ceil($sister.cor)>> lvl: $sister.lvl<br>
<<if $sister.lvl == 1 and $sister.aff >=250 and $sister.cor>=150>>
[[Go further with your sister|SeriousSisTalk]]<br>
<<if $sister.lvl == 2 and $sister.aff >=1400 and $sister.cor>=900>>
[[Go even further with your sister|SeriousSisTalk2]]<br>
<<if $cash >= 2500>>
<<link "Date">> <<set $SisDate = true>> <<goto "Dating Menu">><</link>><<endif>><br>
[[Talk|Talk to sister]] <<link "Gift">> <<set $SisGift = true>> <<goto "Inventory">><</link>><br>
<<if $sister.aff >= 20>>
[[Flirt|Flirt to sister]] <<if $sister.aff >= 90 and $sister.cor>=15 >>[[Interact|Interact to sister]]<br>
<<if $time >= 4>>
<<goto Locked>>
<<if $sister.aff == 0>>
<img src="Media/House/Rooms/Sister Room.jpg" width="100%">
You walk in your sister's room.<br>
She keeps walking back and forth and murmuring to herself.<br>
You clear your throat.<br>
Your sister gets spooked.<br>
@@.speech-sister; Uhh... Ahh... H-Hey, I didn't hear you come in, and are you okay?<br>
Are you hurt anywhere?<br>
Does something hurt?<br>@@
@@.speech-u; *she truly has changed* No, I'm fine.@@
Your sister sighs in relief.
@@.speech-sister; Thank god, I thought you were hurt even after coma.@@
@@.speech-u; *what bad luck does she think I have?* No I'm really fine, it's okay.@@
@@.speech-sister; If that's the case... Leave the room.@@
You were shocked how quick she did a 180.
@@.speech-u; What?@@
@@.speech-sister; Get out!@@
Your sister gets closer to try to push you out of the room.<br>
The moment she got much closer, you felt a warm feeling in your chest.<br>
Soon she starts to push you out of the room.
@@.speech-sister; Get the hell out of my room!@@
@@.speech-u; Hey, hey, woah!@@
And so, she pushed you out of the room and shut the door in front of your face.<br>
<img src="Media/House/Locked.jpg" width="75%"><br>
Women, you think to yourself.<br>
@@.speech-u; Well she definitely didn't change.<br>
Mom lied.@@
You leave her alone for now.<br>
<<set _result to $addstat($sister,"aff",1)>>
<<print _result>><br>
<<if $sister.lvl >= 3>>
@@.speech-u; Hey $sister.name, want to play games?@@
@@.speech-sister; Will it include your dick as a reward?@@
@@.speech-u; No.@@
She sighs.
@@.speech-sister; If you won't give me your dick then I don't want to do anything!@@
@@.speech-u; You really can't live without my cock.@@
@@.speech-sister; That's right!@@
@@.speech-u; Maybe later then.@@
<<set _result to $addstat($sister,"aff",25)>>
<<print _result>><br>
<<elseif $sister.lvl ==2>>
@@.speech-u; Hey $sister.name, want to hang out?@@
@@.speech-sister; Maybe later.@@
@@.speech-u; Okay. If I need your services, I will tell you.@@
@@.speech-sister; Sure.@@
<<set _result to $addstat($sister,"aff",15)>>
<<print _result>><br>
<<elseif $sister.aff >=10>>
@@.speech-u; Hey, how are you?@@
@@.speech-sister; I'm alright.@@
@@.speech-u; Don't get too attached to that phone.@@
@@.speech-sister; Oh, shut up.@@
<<set _result to $addstat($sister,"aff",8)>>
<<print _result>><br>
@@.speech-u; Hey, how are you?@@
@@.speech-sister; go away.@@
@@.speech-u; *Damn, she sure hates me.* Be nicer to me sometime.@@
@@.speech-sister; Don't want to, get out.@@
<<set _result to $addstat($sister,"aff",4)>>
<<print _result>><br>
<<set $time +=0.25>><br>
<<if $sister.lvl >= 3 >>
You slap her ass.
@@.speech-u; Guess who is horny?@@
@@.speech-sister; I hope it's you!@@
@@.speech-u; No, it's you!@@
She starts to get mad.
@@.speech-sister; Okay! Get your dick out and fuck me!@@
@@.speech-u; Only if you behave.@@
You smile as you see the annoyance in her face
@@.speech-u; Until then, time to go back to my room.@@
<<set _result to $addstat($sister,"cor",18)>><<print _result>><br>
<<elseif $sister.lvl == 2 >>
@@.speech-u; I'm horny and ready to mingle.@@
@@.speech-sister; I hate your lines, but I love to serve.@@
$sister.name smiles<br>
<<set _result to $addstat($sister,"cor",14)>>
<<print _result>><br>
<<elseif $sister.cor >=25 and $sister.aff>=60 >>
@@.speech-u; I can't stop my thoughts when looking at you.@@
@@.speech-sister; You can let those thoughts run wild if you want.@@
$sister.name winks<br>
<<set _result to $addstat($sister,"cor",10)>>
<<print _result>><br>
<<elseif $sister.cor >=5 and $sister.aff>=30 >>
@@.speech-u; Hey, beautiful.@@
@@.speech-sister; Hey, handsome.@@
@@.speech-u; I wouldn't mind if you were my girlfriend.@@
@@.speech-sister; We are siblings, $uname.@@
<<set _result to $addstat($sister,"cor",7)>>
<<print _result>><br>
@@.speech-u; Looking beautiful today.@@
@@.speech-sister; T-Thanks...?@@
<<set _result to $addstat($sister,"aff",7)>>
<<print _result>>
<<set _result to $addstat($sister,"cor",4)>>
<<print _result>><br>
<<set $time +=0.25>><br>
[[Kiss your sister|Kiss sister]]<br>
<<if $sister.aff >= 180 and $sister.cor>=80 >>
[[Grope your sister|Grope sister]]<br>
<<if $sister.lvl >= 2>>
[[handjob|HJ sister]]<br>
<<if $sister.lvl >= 2 and $sister.aff>=600 and $sister.cor>=450>>
[[blowjob|BJ sister]]<br>
<<if $sister.lvl >= 3>>
[[Sex|Sex sister]]<br>
<<if $sister.lvl ==4 and $cousin.lvl == 4>>
<<link "Have a threesome with cousin.">><<set $sisterint = true>><<goto sisxcous>><</link>><br><</if>>
<<if $inmyroom == true>>
<<elseif $inmansion == true>>
<<elseif $germany == true>>
<<elseif $markel == true>>
<<if $time >= 4.25 and $inmyroom == false>>
<<goto parentshouse>>
<<elseif $time >= 4.25 and $inmyroom == true>>
<<goto myroom>>
<<if $sisterfirstkiss == false>>
@@.speech-u; Hey, want to kiss?@@
She sighs
@@.speech-sister; You really won't leave me alone, now will you?@@
@@.speech-u; Nope, well if you don't want to then I will leave.@@
You start going to the door.
@@.speech-sister; Wait.@@
When you turn around.<br>
She kisses you on the lips.<br>
<<elseif $sister.lvl == 1>>
@@.speech-u; Hey, let's kiss some more.@@
@@.speech-sister; No, I don't want to.@@
@@.speech-u; I will buy you a new phone, if you do.@@
@@.speech-sister; You better buy it.@@
<<elseif $sister.lvl == 2>>
You get closer to $sister.name.
@@.speech-sister; So what do you want?@@
@@.speech-u; A kiss from my cute sister.@@
She giggles.<br>
She pulls you closer with the help of your shirt.
<<elseif $sister.lvl >= 3>>
You walk up to your sister.<br>
Grab her by her hair.
<<set _siskiss = random(0,2)>>
<<if _siskiss == 0>>
<img src="Media/Sister/Kiss/Kiss1.webp" width="100%">
<<elseif _siskiss == 1>>
<img src="Media/Sister/Kiss/Kiss2.webp" width="100%">
<img src="Media/Sister/Kiss/Kiss3.webp" width="100%">
<<if $sisterfirstkiss == false>>
@@.speech-sister; There are you happy?@@
@@.speech-u; Very happy.@@
@@.speech-sister; Okay, now leave me alone.@@
You had no clue that you were her first kiss.<br>
<<set _result to $addstat($sister,"aff",35)>><<print _result>><br>
<<set _result to $addstat($sister,"cor",25)>><<print _result>><br>
<<set $sisterfirstkiss = true>>
<<elseif $sister.lvl == 1>>
$sister.name steps back.
@@.speech-sister; Remember the promise.@@
@@.speech-u; Who said I promised anything?@@
@@.speech-sister; You...!@@
You laugh.
@@.speech-u; I'm joking, I will buy it... someday.@@
<<elseif $sister.lvl == 2>>
She smiles.
@@.speech-sister; See how demanding I can be?@@
@@.speech-u; Good to know, that I'm not the only demanding something.@@
she giggles.
@@.speech-sister; Maybe the next thing I will be demanding is your dick.@@
<<elseif $sister.lvl >= 3 >>
@@.speech-sister; Can't lie, that was kind of hot.@@
You smile.
@@.speech-u; Want me to be more dominant to you?@@
@@.speech-sister; That would be like a dream to me.@@
@@.speech-u; You got it.@@
<<set _result to $addstat($sister,"aff",16)>>
<<print _result>><br>
<<set $time +=0.25>><br>
<<if $sister.lvl == 1 >>
@@.speech-u; I want to touch you.@@
@@.speech-sister; First it was kissing then touching me?@@
You nod.
@@.speech-sister; You still haven't bought me that phone, you know?@@
@@.speech-u; Like I said I will buy it someday.@@
She sighs.
@@.speech-sister; I don't believe you.@@
You feel something burning your chest.<br>
Knowing it does something to the person hearing it, you speak.
@@.speech-u; Listen, when was it ever about the phone?<br>
Maybe you want to see me more than ever?@@
She pauses for a second.
@@.speech-sister; Fine, go ahead. Touch me.@@
<<elseif $sister.lvl == 2>>
@@.speech-u; I've come to touch you, once again.@@
She places down her phone.<br>
Undresses herself.
@@.speech-sister; I'm all yours.@@
@@.speech-u; *well that was rather easy.*@@
<<elseif $sister.lvl >= 3>>
@@.speech-u; I've come to grope.@@
She undresses with excitment.
@@.speech-u; Rather eager are we?@@
She smiles.
@@.speech-sister; For you, anytime.
<<set _gropesis = random(0,7)>>
<<if _gropesis == 0 >>
<img src="Media/Sister/Grope/Grope1.webp" width="75%">
<<elseif _gropesis == 1 >>
<img src="Media/Sister/Grope/Grope2.webp" width="75%">
<<elseif _gropesis == 2 >>
<img src="Media/Sister/Grope/Grope3.webp" width="75%">
<<elseif _gropesis == 3 >>
<img src="Media/Sister/Grope/Grope4.webp" width="75%">
<<elseif _gropesis == 4 >>
<img src="Media/Sister/Grope/Grope5.webp" width="75%">
<<elseif _gropesis == 5 >>
<img src="Media/Sister/Grope/Grope6.webp" width="75%">
<<elseif _gropesis == 6 >>
<img src="Media/Sister/Grope/Grope7.webp" width="75%">
<<else >>
<img src="Media/Sister/Grope/Grope8.webp" width="75%">
<<if $sister.lvl == 1>>
@@.speech-u; Woah, your tits are great.@@
@@.speech-sister; First time touching a woman?@@
@@.speech-u; Well, I couldn't touch any in coma, if you forgot.@@
She looks away in embarrassment.
@@.speech-u; And ass is also great.<br>
Your body is just perfect.@@
She blushes.
@@.speech-sister; Just go away!@@
She slaps your hand away.
@@.speech-u; Woah, woah, sheesh. Okay.<br>
I will come back for more though.@@
<<elseif $sister.lvl == 2>>
@@.speech-u; You are rather quiet, today.@@
@@.speech-sister; Just shut up and grope me.@@
You grin.
@@.speech-u; Okay~@@
You start to massage her clit pussy.
@@.speech-sister; Hey! I didn't say you could touch my pussy.@@
@@.speech-u; You wanted this either way, look how wet you are.@@
she starts to moan.
@@.speech-sister; Okay, okay, stop!@@
@@.speech-u; I guess that's it for today.@@
<<elseif $sister.lvl >= 3>>
You insert a finger in her pussy and start going fast.
@@.speech-sister; Oooh! Yes!@@
@@.speech-u; Jesus, you are leaking quite a bit.@@
@@.speech-sister; I've been waiting.@@
Suddenly, you stop.
@@.speech-sister; Wait what? Why did you stop?@@
@@.speech-u; I'm not here to make you cum, I'm here to grope you.@@
She gets mad and pushes you out of the room.
<<set $time +=0.25>><br>
<<set _result to $addstat($sister,"aff",24)>><<print _result>><br>
<<set _result to $addstat($sister,"cor",17)>><<print _result>><br>
<<if $sister.lvl == 1>>
@@.speech-u; $sister.name I want you to pleasure me.@@
@@.speech-sister; Pleasure you?@@
@@.speech-sister; Why the hell should I do that?@@
You start to use your power to corrupt her even more.
@@.speech-u; Because I'm your older brother, and you will listen to me.@@
@@.speech-sister; Ughh, fine!<br>
But I will do it with my hand, got it?@@
@@.speech-u; Sure.@@
[[Have her pleasure you|HJ sister]]
<<if $sister.lvl == 1>>
You drop down your pants, as she kneels down.<br>
She sees your cock and is stunned by it.
@@.speech-u; What's wrong? Get to work.@@
@@.speech-sister; Oh, right.@@
<<elseif $sister.lvl == 2>>
@@.speech-u; Hey $sister.name, time to jerk me off again.@@
@@.speech-sister; Again? Fine.@@
She pulls down your pants and starts to jerk you off.
<<elseif $sister.lvl >= 3>>
Before you can mutter a world, she already got naked.
@@.speech-u; I came for a handjob.@@
She smiles.
<<set $time +=0.25>><br>
<<set _sisterhj = random(0,5)>>
<<if _sisterhj == 0>>
<img src="Media/Sister/HJ/HJ1.webp" width="75%">
<<elseif _sisterhj == 1>>
<img src="Media/Sister/HJ/HJ2.webp" width="50%">
<<elseif _sisterhj == 2>>
<img src="Media/Sister/HJ/HJ3.webp" width="50%">
<<elseif _sisterhj == 3>>
<img src="Media/Sister/HJ/HJ4.webp" width="50%">
<<elseif _sisterhj == 4>>
<img src="Media/Sister/HJ/HJ5.webp" width="50%">
<img src="Media/Sister/HJ/HJ6.webp" width="50%">
<<if $sister.lvl == 1>>
Her handjob is not even good, you start to wonder if she even had any boyfriend.
@@.speech-u; Is this your first time pleasuring a cock?@@
She gets a little bit angry.
@@.speech-sister; No! I'm quite experienced in it.@@
She starts to stroke faster.
@@.speech-sister; See?@@
You sigh.
@@.speech-u; If stroking faster is what you call experienced, then I'm sorry for your boyfriend.@@
@@.speech-sister; Shut up already, I just haven't done it in a while.@@
@@.speech-u; Sure...@@
<<elseif $sister.lvl == 2>>
@@.speech-u; Oh you have definitely improved since the last time.@@
She smiles and then gets mad.
@@.speech-sister; Oh! So you are telling me last experience was bad!?@@
@@.speech-u; Pretty much.@@
<<elseif $sister.lvl >= 3>>
@@.speech-u; Oh yeah... This is heaven.@@
@@.speech-sister; I can make it feel even better.@@
@@.speech-u; Go ahead.@@
She tightens her grip and goes faster.
[[Cum|HJC sister]]
<<if $sister.lvl == 1>>
@@.speech-sister; When the hell are you going to cum, already?@@
@@.speech-u; Oh I thought you were just playing with my cock.@@
She starts to grip your cock even harder.
@@.speech-u; Oh? See you can do better if you try.@@
@@.speech-sister; Oh, now you are feeling good!?@@
@@.speech-u; That's it, keep it up.@@
<<elseif $sister.lvl == 2>>
@@.speech-u; Oh shit, I'm about to cum soon.@@
She starts to increase the speed.
<<elseif $sister.lvl >= 3>>
You can't even mutter a word, because of the pleasure.<br>
She puts your cock on her lips while jerking you off.<br>
<<set _sisterhjc = random(0,4)>>
<<if _sisterhjc == 0>>
<img src="Media/Sister/HJ/Cum/Cum1.webp" width="50%">
<<elseif _sisterhjc == 1>>
<img src="Media/Sister/HJ/Cum/Cum2.webp" width="60%">
<<elseif _sisterhjc == 2>>
<img src="Media/Sister/HJ/Cum/Cum3.webp" width="65%">
<<elseif _sisterhjc == 3>>
<img src="Media/Sister/HJ/Cum/Cum4.webp" width="50%">
<img src="Media/Sister/HJ/Cum/Cum5.webp" width="50%">
<<if $sister.lvl == 2>>
This time she opened her mouth and you came on her tongue.
@@.speech-u; Did you like the taste from the previous time?@@
@@.speech-sister; It's nothing like that, I just didn't want to get dirty.@@
You grin.
@@.speech-u; Sure... Well I will leave now, thanks for the handjob.@@
<<elseif $sister.lvl >= 3>>
She shows her mouth to you that is full of cum.
@@.speech-u; That sure makes me want to go for another round.@@
She smiles and swallows the cum.
@@.speech-sister; I'm ready whenever.@@
<<if $sister.lvl >=2>>
<<set _result to $addstat($sister,"aff",35)>><<print _result>><br>
<<set _result to $addstat($sister,"cor",30)>><<print _result>><br>
[[return|Interact to sister]]
<<if $sister.lvl == 1>>
She sits there covered in cum.
@@.speech-u; Good job, you learnt how to pleasure a cock with your hand.@@
She looks at your cum on her hand.
@@.speech-u; Do you even hear me?@@
By your surprise, she starts to lick your cum off of her hand.<br>
After doing so, she finally looks up and sees you smile.
@@.speech-u; Had no clue you were such a cum slut.@@
She gets embarrassed.
@@.speech-sister; Shut up! Leave my room!@@
You smile and walk away.
@@.speech-u; I will come back for more.@@
<<set _result to $addstat($sister,"cor",80)>><<print _result>><br>
Now you can ask your sister for more<br>
<<set $sister.lvl = 2>>
<<if $sister.lvl == 2>>
@@.speech-u; Hey $sister.name, I want you to pleasure me with mouth this time.@@
She looks at you with annoyance in her eyes.
@@.speech-u; You won't mind, now would you?
She sighs and kneels down in front of you.<br>
You smile and pull down your pants.<br>
<<elseif $sister.lvl >= 3>>
@@.speech-u; Give me a blowjob.@@
She excitedly takes her clothes off and kneels in front of you.<br>
<<set $time +=0.25>><br>
<<set _sisterbj = random(0,9)>>
<<if _sisterbj == 0>>
<img src="Media/Sister/BJ/BJ1.webp" width="50%">
<<elseif _sisterbj == 1>>
<img src="Media/Sister/BJ/BJ2.webp" width="50%">
<<elseif _sisterbj == 2>>
<img src="Media/Sister/BJ/BJ3.webp" width="50%">
<<elseif _sisterbj == 3>>
<img src="Media/Sister/BJ/BJ4.webp" width="50%">
<<elseif _sisterbj == 4>>
<img src="Media/Sister/BJ/BJ5.webp" width="50%">
<<elseif _sisterbj == 5>>
<img src="Media/Sister/BJ/BJ6.webp" width="50%">
<<elseif _sisterbj == 6>>
<img src="Media/Sister/BJ/BJ7.webp" width="50%">
<<elseif _sisterbj == 7>>
<img src="Media/Sister/BJ/BJ8.webp" width="50%">
<<elseif _sisterbj == 8>>
<img src="Media/Sister/BJ/BJ9.webp" width="50%">
<img src="Media/Sister/BJ/BJ10.webp" width="50%">
<<if $sister.lvl == 2>>
She sucks your cock while looking up at you with anger in her eyes.
@@.speech-u; You know, looking at me like that while sucking my cock, only makes me harder.@@
She looks away.<br>
<<elseif $sister.lvl >= 3>>
She fingers herself while sucking you off.
@@.speech-u; God this is a heavenly blowjob.@@
[[Cum|BJC sister]]
<<if $sister.lvl == 2>>
@@.speech-u; Oh yeah keep sucking, I'm about to cum.@@
She goes from giving a slow blowjob to giving an intense one after hearing you saying that.
<<elseif $sister.lvl >= 3>>
@@.speech-u; I'm about to cum really soon.@@
She speeds up.
<<set _sisterbjc = random(0,6)>>
<<if _sisterbjc == 0>>
<img src="Media/Sister/BJ/Cum/Cum1.webp" width="65%">
<<elseif _sisterbjc == 1>>
<img src="Media/Sister/BJ/Cum/Cum2.webp" width="50%">
<<elseif _sisterbjc == 2>>
<img src="Media/Sister/BJ/Cum/Cum3.webp" width="50%">
<<elseif _sisterbjc == 3>>
<img src="Media/Sister/BJ/Cum/Cum4.webp" width="65%">
<<elseif _sisterbjc == 4>>
<img src="Media/Sister/BJ/Cum/Cum5.webp" width="50%">
<<elseif _sisterbjc == 5>>
<img src="Media/Sister/BJ/Cum/Cum6.webp" width="50%">
<img src="Media/Sister/BJ/Cum/Cum7.webp" width="75%">
<<if $sister.lvl == 2>>
After cumming inside her mouth she swallows all of the cum.
@@.speech-u; I may as well call that your favorite snack.@@
She stares you down and points to the door.
@@.speech-u; Okay, okay, no need to kill me with your glare.@@
<<elseif $sister.lvl >= 3>>
She licks her lips after swallowing your cum.
@@.speech-sister; Thank you for the treat.@@
<<set _result to $addstat($sister,"aff",50)>><<print _result>><br>
<<set _result to $addstat($sister,"cor",40)>><<print _result>><br>
[[return|Interact to sister]]
<<if $sister.lvl == 2>>
@@.speech-u; $sister.name, we have to talk@@
@@.speech-sister; What is it?@@
@@.speech-u; I want to fuck you... hard.@@
@@.speech-sister; Finally you decided to fuck me.@@
$sister.name smiles<br>
@@.speech-u; Someone seems eager.@@
[[insert in her|First Time]]
<<if $sister.lvl == 2>>
You insert your dick inside her.<br>
<img src="Media/Sister/FirstTime.webp" width="65%"><br>
$sister.name groans a little.<br>
You look at your cock and see blood coming of her pussy.
@@.speech-u; Did I just...@@
She puts a finger in front of your lips.
@@.speech-sister; Shhh, just fuck me.@@
And so you do.<br>
[[Fuck her|Sex sister]]
<<set $time +=0.25>><br>
<<set _sistersex = random(0,9)>>
<<if _sistersex == 0>>
<img src="Media/Sister/Sex/Sex1.webp" width="50%">
<<elseif _sistersex == 1>>
<img src="Media/Sister/Sex/Sex2.webp" width="50%">
<<elseif _sistersex == 2>>
<img src="Media/Sister/Sex/Sex3.webp" width="50%">
<<elseif _sistersex == 3>>
<img src="Media/Sister/Sex/Sex4.webp" width="50%">
<<elseif _sistersex == 4>>
<img src="Media/Sister/Sex/Sex5.webp" width="75%">
<<elseif _sistersex == 5>>
<img src="Media/Sister/Sex/Sex6.webp" width="50%">
<<elseif _sistersex == 6>>
<img src="Media/Sister/Sex/Sex7.webp" width="75%">
<<elseif _sistersex == 7>>
<img src="Media/Sister/Sex/Sex8.webp" width="50%">
<<elseif _sistersex == 8>>
<img src="Media/Sister/Sex/Sex9.webp" width="50%">
<img src="Media/Sister/Sex/Sex10.webp" width="50%">
<<if $sister.lvl == 2>>
@@.speech-u; God, never knew fucking a nympho virgin would be so good.@@
She moans harder and harder each thrust.
@@.speech-u; Crazy to think that you were a virgin a moment ago.@@
@@.speech-sister; Just shut up and keep fucking me!@@
<<elseif $sister.lvl >= 3>>
You fuck her in doggystyle, so that she doesn't get too loud, since her face is in the pillow.
@@.speech-u; You feel fucking great!@@
@@.speech-sister; Ywoouu thwoo!@@
<<if $sister.aff >= 1700 and $sister.cor>= 1350>>
[[Cum outside|SexO sister]] [[Cum inside|SexI sister]]
[[Cum|SexO sister]]
<<if $sister.lvl == 2>>
@@.speech-u; I'm going to cum soon, so prepare!@@
You decide to pull out and spray her with your cum.<br>
<<elseif $sister.lvl >= 3 >>
@@.speech-sister; Cum in my mouth! I want to get it all in there.@@
So you do as she asks.<br>
<<set _sistersexO = random(0,6)>>
<<if _sistersexO == 0>>
<img src="Media/Sister/Sex/CumO/Cum1.webp" width="50%">
<<elseif _sistersexO == 1>>
<img src="Media/Sister/Sex/CumO/Cum2.webp" width="65%">
<<elseif _sistersexO == 2>>
<img src="Media/Sister/Sex/CumO/Cum3.webp" width="50%">
<<elseif _sistersexO == 3>>
<img src="Media/Sister/Sex/CumO/Cum4.webp" width="50%">
<<elseif _sistersexO == 4>>
<img src="Media/Sister/Sex/CumO/Cum5.webp" width="50%">
<<elseif _sistersexO == 5>>
<img src="Media/Sister/Sex/CumO/Cum6.webp" width="50%">
<img src="Media/Sister/Sex/CumO/Cum7.webp" width="50%">
You came on her after having a great experience.<br>
<<if $sister.lvl >= 3>>
After cumming in her mouth, she shows you her mouth full of cum, and swallows it.
@@.speech-sister; Want to go another round?@@
@@.speech-u; After a small break.@@
<<if $sister.lvl >=3>>
<<set _result to $addstat($sister,"aff",80)>><<print _result>><br>
<<set _result to $addstat($sister,"cor",70)>><<print _result>><br>
<<if $sister.lvl == 2>>
After cumming on her body, she picks the cum off of her body and puts it in her mouth.
@@.speech-u; You really couldn't wait a second, huh.@@
@@.speech-sister; Nope.@@
After admiring your sister eating your cum, you leave.<br>
You can now take things the furthest.<br>
<<set _result to $addstat($sister,"aff",120)>><<print _result>><br>
<<set _result to $addstat($sister,"cor",100)>><<print _result>><br>
<<set $sister.lvl = 3>>
[[return|Interact to sister]]
<<if $sister.lvl >= 3>>
You get faster and faster.
@@.speech-sister; Yes! Cum inside!@@
@@.speech-u; That was my plan all along!@@
<<set _sistersexI = random(0,7)>>
<<if _sistersexI == 0>>
<img src="Media/Sister/Sex/CumI/Cum1.webp" width="50%">
<<elseif _sistersexI == 1>>
<img src="Media/Sister/Sex/CumI/Cum2.webp" width="50%">
<<elseif _sistersexI == 2>>
<img src="Media/Sister/Sex/CumI/Cum3.webp" width="50%">
<<elseif _sistersexI == 3>>
<img src="Media/Sister/Sex/CumI/Cum4.webp" width="75%">
<<elseif _sistersexI == 4>>
<img src="Media/Sister/Sex/CumI/Cum5.webp" width="75%">
<<elseif _sistersexI == 5>>
<img src="Media/Sister/Sex/CumI/Cum6.webp" width="75%">
<<elseif _sistersexI == 6>>
<img src="Media/Sister/Sex/CumI/Cum7.webp" width="75%">
<img src="Media/Sister/Sex/CumI/Cum8.webp" width="50%">
<<if $sister.lvl >= 3>>
You pull out your dick, amazed by the sight of your cum dripping out of your sister's pussy.
@@.speech-sister; How is the view over there?@@
@@.speech-u; Spectacular.@@
She smiles.<br>
<<set _result to $addstat($sister,"aff",90)>><<print _result>><br>
<<set _result to $addstat($sister,"cor",80)>><<print _result>><br>
[[return|Interact to sister]]
<<if $time >2.5>>
<img src="Media/City/CityNight.webp" width="75%"><br>
<img src="Media/City/City.jpg" width="75%"><br>
<<if $contacts == true and $hackextra == false>>
[[Speak to the contact|contactmeeting]]<br>
<<button "Park">><<goto park>><</button>>
<<button "Real Estate Agency">><<goto realestate>><</button>><br>
<<button "Mall">><<goto Mall>><</button>>
<<button "Car dealership">><<goto dealership>><</button>><br>
<<button "School">><<goto OutSchool>><</button>>
<<button "Apartment Complex">><<goto apartments>><</button>><br>
<<button "Neighborhood">><<goto Neighborhood>><</button>>
<<if $cash >= 2000000 or $ownfactory == true>><<button "Factory">><<goto factory>><</button>><<endif>><br>
<<if $time >2.5>>
<img src="Media/NeighborhoodNight.jpg" width="75%"><br>
<img src="Media/Neighborhood.jpg" width="75%"><br>
<<button "My home">><<goto parentshouse>><</button>>
<<if $judyhouse == true>>
<<button "$judy.name's home">><<goto "judy house">><</button>><br>
<<if $rea.house == true>>
<<button "$rea.name's home">><<goto "rea house">><</button>>
<<if $mcteacher.house == true>>
<<button "$mcteacher.name's home">><<goto "mcteacher house">><</button>><br>
<<button "Local Store">><<goto "Local Store">><</button>>
<<button "City">><<goto City>><</button>><br>
<<if $officer.lvl >= 3>>
<<button "Police HQ">><<goto PoliceHQO>><</button>>
<<if $owncar == true>>
<<button "Leave the city">><<goto Travelling>><</button>>
<img src="Media/City/LocalStore.jpg" width="75%"><br>
Local Store<br><br>
<<if $store.lvl == 5>>
Rank: $store.Rank(max)<br>
Rank: $store.Rank<br>
<<if $time <3>>
<<if $store.lvl == 0>>
[[Apply for work|Applystore]]<br><br>
[[Work|Working store]]<br><br>
<<if $store.lvl == 1>>
<<set $store.Rank = "Newbie">>
<<set $store.income = 30>>
<<elseif $store.lvl == 2>>
<<set $store.Rank = "Rookie">>
<<set $store.income = 50>>
<<elseif $store.lvl == 3>>
<<set $store.Rank = "Hard working store employee">>
<<set $store.income = 80>>
<<elseif $store.lvl == 4>>
<<set $store.Rank = "Store employee of the year">>
<<set $store.income = 120>>
<<elseif $store.lvl == 5>>
<<set $store.Rank = "Store manager">>
<<set $store.income = 175>>
Chocolate ($35) <<if $cash >= 35>><<link "Buy">><<set $chocolate += 1>><<set $cash -= 35>> <<goto "Local Store">><</link>><<else>><<endif>><br>
Condom ($35) <<if $cash >= 35>><<link "Buy">><<set $condom += 1>><<set $cash -= 35>> <<goto "Local Store">><</link>><<else>><<endif>><br>
Alcohol ($80) <<if $cash >= 80>><<link "Buy">><<set $alcohol += 1>><<set $cash -= 80>> <<goto "Local Store">><</link>><<else>><<endif>><br>
Perfume ($80) <<if $cash >= 80>><<link "Buy">><<set $perfume += 1>><<set $cash -= 80>> <<goto "Local Store">><</link>><<else>><<endif>><br>
<img src="Media/City/Working/Office.webp" width="75%"><br>
<<if $staffstore.length <=4>>
<<link "Hire a staff">>
<<set $storehere = true>>
<<goto "staffhiring">>
<<if $staffstore.length >= 1>>
[[Staff|storestaff]] <<endif>><br>
[[return|Local Store]]
<<set $staff = {
name: either("Elle", "Alice", "Samantha", "Judy", "Karen", "Emily", "Hannah", "Ashley", "Madison", "Elizabeth", "Jessica", "Abigail", "Ariyah", "Jane", "Lisa", "Roxy", "Patricia", "Joy"),
race: either("Black", "White", "Asian", "Latina"),
jobexp: random(0, 100),
obedience: 0,
<<if $staff.race == "White">>
<<set $staff.racetype = either("Brunette", "Blonde", "Redhead")>>
<<if $staff.race == "Asian">>
<<set $staff.racetype = either("Arab","Asian")>>
<<if $staff.race == "Black">>
<<set $staff.racetype = "Black">>
<<if $staff.race == "Latina">>
<<set $staff.racetype = "Latina">>
Staff Information:<br>
Name: <<print $staff.name>><br>
Race: <<print $staff.race>> (<<print $staff.racetype>>)<br>
Experience: <<print $staff.jobexp>><br>
<<set $Value = 100*(1+(0.85*$staff.jobexp))>><<set $Value = Math.ceil($Value)>>
<<if $cash >= $Value >>
<<link 'Hire'>>
<<set $cash -= $Value>>
<<if $storehere == true>>
<<set $staffstore.push($staff)>><<goto 'storestaff'>><<set $storehere = false>>
<<elseif $cafehere == true>>
<<set $staffcafe.push($staff)>><<goto 'cafestaff'>><<set $cafehere = false>>
<<elseif $gymhere == true>>
<<set $staffgym.push($staff)>><<goto 'gymstaff'>><<set $gymhere = false>>
<<elseif $clothinghere == true>>
<<set $staffclothing.push($staff)>><<goto 'clothingstaff'>><<set $clothinghere = false>>
<<elseif $electronichere == true>>
<<set $staffelectronic.push($staff)>><<goto 'Estaff'>><<set $electronichere = false>>
<<elseif $markelhere == true>>
<<set $staffmarkel.push($staff)>><<goto 'markelstaff'>><<set $markelhere = false>>
<<endif>><</link>> ($Value)<<else>>
Can't hire ($Value)<<endif>><br>
<<if $storehere == true>>
<<link "return">><<goto storeoffice>><<set $storehere = false>><</link>><<endif>>
<<if $cafehere == true>>
<<link "return">><<goto cafeoffice>><<set $cafehere = false>><</link>><<endif>>
<<if $gymhere == true>>
<<link "return">><<goto gymoffice>><<set $gymhere = false>><</link>><<endif>>
<<if $clothinghere == true>>
<<link "return">><<goto clothingoffice>><<set $clothinghere = false>><</link>><<endif>>
<<if $electronichere == true>>
<<link "return">><<goto EOffice>><<set $electronichere = false>><</link>><<endif>>
<<if $markelhere == true>>
<<link "return">><<goto markeloffice>><<set $markelhere = false>><</link>><<endif>>
Staff Information:<br>
<<for _i = 0; _i < $staffstore.length; _i++>>
<<capture _i>>
<<set _staff = $staffstore[_i]>>
Name: <<print _staff.name>><br>
Race: <<print _staff.race>> (<<print _staff.racetype>>)<br>
<<if _staff.jobexp >100>>
<<set _staff.jobexp = 100>>
Experience: <<print _staff.jobexp>> Obedience: <<print _staff.obedience>><br>
<<link 'Fire'>>
<<set $staffstore.splice(_i,1)>>
<<goto storestaff>>
<<link 'train'>>
<<set $staffstore[_i].jobexp +=3>><<set $time +=0.5>>
<<goto storestaff>>
<<link 'interact'>>
<<set $staffinteractor = _i>>
<<set $staffname = $staffstore[$staffinteractor].name>>
<<set $staffrace = $staffstore[$staffinteractor].race>>
<<set $staffracetype = $staffstore[$staffinteractor].racetype>>
<<set $storehere = true>>
<<goto staffinteract>>
<<link "train all">><<for _i = 0; _i < $staffstore.length; _i++>><<set $staffstore[_i].jobexp +=3>><</for>><<set $time +=1>><<goto storestaff>><<endlink>>
<<set _jincomes = 0>>
<<for _i = 0; _i < $staffstore.length; _i++>>
<<set _jstaff = $staffstore[_i]>>
<<set _jincome = _jstaff.jobexp * (1 + (0.3 * 100))>>
<<set _jincomes += _jincome>>
<<set $store.dincome = _jincomes>>
<<if $Code1 == true>>
<<set _storedincome = _jincomes*2>><<if $cashupg >=1>><<set _storedincome = _jincomes*2*$cashupg>><</if>>
<<set _storedincome = _jincomes >><<if $cashupg >=1>><<set _storedincome = _jincomes*$cashupg>><</if>>
Income: <<print _storedincome>>$<br>
<<if $Laptoping == true>>
<<if $gymhere == true>>
Obedience: <<set _result to $addob($gymhere,$staffinteractor).obedience>><<print _result>><br>
<<if $addob($gymhere,$staffinteractor).obedience >=15>>
<<if $addob($gymhere,$staffinteractor).obedience >=45>>
<<if $addob($gymhere,$staffinteractor).obedience >=100>>
<<if $cash >= 2000>>
<<link "Give money (2K)">><<set $cash -= 2000>><<set $addob($gymhere,$staffinteractor).obedience +=10>><<goto staffinteract>><<endlink>><br>
<<if $storehere == true>>
Obedience: <<set _result to $addob($storehere,$staffinteractor).obedience>><<print _result>><br>
<<if $addob($storehere,$staffinteractor).obedience >=15>>
<<if $addob($storehere,$staffinteractor).obedience >=45>>
<<if $addob($storehere,$staffinteractor).obedience >=100>>
<<if $cash >= 2000>>
<<link "Give money (2K)">><<set $cash -= 2000>><<set $addob($storehere,$staffinteractor).obedience +=10>><<goto staffinteract>><<endlink>><br>
<<if $cafehere == true>>
Obedience: <<set _result to $addob($cafehere,$staffinteractor).obedience>><<print _result>><br>
<<if $addob($cafehere,$staffinteractor).obedience >=15>>
<<if $addob($cafehere,$staffinteractor).obedience >=45>>
<<if $addob($cafehere,$staffinteractor).obedience >=100>>
<<if $cash >= 2000>>
<<link "Give money (2K)">><<set $cash -= 2000>><<set $addob($cafehere,$staffinteractor).obedience +=10>><<goto staffinteract>><<endlink>><br>
<<if $clothinghere == true>>
Obedience: <<set _result to $addob($clothinghere,$staffinteractor).obedience>><<print _result>><br>
<<if $addob($clothinghere,$staffinteractor).obedience >=15>>
<<if $addob($clothinghere,$staffinteractor).obedience >=45>>
<<if $addob($clothinghere,$staffinteractor).obedience >=100>>
<<if $cash >= 2000>>
<<link "Give money (2K)">><<set $cash -= 2000>><<set $addob($clothinghere,$staffinteractor).obedience +=10>><<goto staffinteract>><<endlink>><br>
<<if $electronichere == true>>
Obedience: <<set _result to $addob($electronichere,$staffinteractor).obedience>><<print _result>><br>
<<if $addob($electronichere,$staffinteractor).obedience >=15>>
<<if $addob($electronichere,$staffinteractor).obedience >=45>>
<<if $addob($electronichere,$staffinteractor).obedience >=100>>
<<if $cash >= 2000>>
<<link "Give money (2K)">><<set $cash -= 2000>><<set $addob($electronichere,$staffinteractor).obedience +=10>><<goto staffinteract>><<endlink>><br>
<<if $markelhere == true>>
Obedience: <<set _result to $addob($markelhere,$staffinteractor).obedience>><<print _result>><br>
<<if $addob($markelhere,$staffinteractor).obedience >=15>>
<<if $addob($markelhere,$staffinteractor).obedience >=45>>
<<if $addob($markelhere,$staffinteractor).obedience >=100>>
<<if $cash >= 2000>>
<<link "Give money (2K)">><<set $cash -= 2000>><<set $addob($markelhere,$staffinteractor).obedience +=10>><<goto staffinteract>><<endlink>><br>
<<if $storehere == true>>
<<link "Return">><<goto storestaff>><<set $storehere = false>><</link>>
<<if $cafehere == true>>
<<link "Return">><<goto cafestaff>><<set $cafehere = false>><</link>>
<<if $gymhere == true>>
<<link "Return">><<goto gymstaff>><<set $gymhere = false>><</link>>
<<if $clothinghere == true>>
<<link "Return">><<goto clothingstaff>><<set $clothinghere = false>><</link>>
<<if $electronichere == true>>
<<link "Return">><<goto Estaff>><<set $electronichere = false>><</link>>
<<if $markelhere == true>>
<<link "Return">><<goto markelstaff>><<set $markelhere = false>><</link>>
<<set _gropes = random(0,3)>>
<<set _imagePath = "Media/Staff/" + $staffrace + "/" + $staffracetype + "/Grope/" + _gropes + ".webp">>
<<set _imageTag = '<img src="' + _imagePath + '" width="70%">'>>
You groped $staffname<br>
+2 Obedience<br>
<<if $markelhere == true>>
<<if $addob($markelhere,$staffinteractor).obedience > 100 >>
<<set $addob($markelhere,$staffinteractor).obedience = 100>>
<<set $addob($markelhere,$staffinteractor).obedience +=2>>
<<if $electronichere == true>>
<<if $addob($electronichere,$staffinteractor).obedience > 100 >>
<<set $addob($electronichere,$staffinteractor).obedience = 100>>
<<set $addob($electronichere,$staffinteractor).obedience +=2>>
<<if $gymhere == true>>
<<if $addob($gymhere,$staffinteractor).obedience > 100 >>
<<set $addob($gymhere,$staffinteractor).obedience = 100>>
<<set $addob($gymhere,$staffinteractor).obedience +=2>>
<<if $clothinghere == true>>
<<if $addob($clothinghere,$staffinteractor).obedience > 100 >>
<<set $addob($clothinghere,$staffinteractor).obedience = 100>>
<<set $addob($clothinghere,$staffinteractor).obedience +=2>>
<<if $cafehere == true>>
<<if $addob($cafehere,$staffinteractor).obedience > 100 >>
<<set $addob($cafehere,$staffinteractor).obedience = 100>>
<<set $addob($cafehere,$staffinteractor).obedience +=2>>
<<if $storehere == true>>
<<if $addob($storehere,$staffinteractor).obedience > 100 >>
<<set $addob($storehere,$staffinteractor).obedience = 100>>
<<set $addob($storehere,$staffinteractor).obedience +=2>>
<<set $time +=0.25>>
<<set _hjs = random(0,3)>>
<<set _imagePath = "Media/Staff/" + $staffrace + "/" + $staffracetype + "/HJ/" + _hjs + ".webp">>
<<set _imageTag = '<img src="' + _imagePath + '" width="70%">'>>
You made $staffname give you a handjob<br>
<<set _hjs = random(0,3)>>
<<set _imagePath = "Media/Staff/" + $staffrace + "/" + $staffracetype + "/HJ/Cum/" + _hjs + ".webp">>
<<set _imageTag = '<img src="' + _imagePath + '" width="70%">'>>
You cum on $staffname after she is done serving you.<br>
+3 Obedience<br>
<<if $markelhere == true>>
<<if $addob($markelhere,$staffinteractor).obedience > 100 >>
<<set $addob($markelhere,$staffinteractor).obedience = 100>>
<<set $addob($markelhere,$staffinteractor).obedience +=3>>
<<if $electronichere == true>>
<<if $addob($electronichere,$staffinteractor).obedience > 100 >>
<<set $addob($electronichere,$staffinteractor).obedience = 100>>
<<set $addob($electronichere,$staffinteractor).obedience +=3>>
<<if $gymhere == true>>
<<if $addob($gymhere,$staffinteractor).obedience > 100 >>
<<set $addob($gymhere,$staffinteractor).obedience = 100>>
<<set $addob($gymhere,$staffinteractor).obedience +=3>>
<<if $clothinghere == true>>
<<if $addob($clothinghere,$staffinteractor).obedience > 100 >>
<<set $addob($clothinghere,$staffinteractor).obedience = 100>>
<<set $addob($clothinghere,$staffinteractor).obedience +=3>>
<<if $cafehere == true>>
<<if $addob($cafehere,$staffinteractor).obedience > 100 >>
<<set $addob($cafehere,$staffinteractor).obedience = 100>>
<<set $addob($cafehere,$staffinteractor).obedience +=3>>
<<if $storehere == true>>
<<if $addob($storehere,$staffinteractor).obedience > 100 >>
<<set $addob($storehere,$staffinteractor).obedience = 100>>
<<set $addob($storehere,$staffinteractor).obedience +=3>>
<<set $time +=0.25>>
<<set _bjs = random(0,3)>>
<<set _imagePath = "Media/Staff/" + $staffrace + "/" + $staffracetype + "/BJ/" + _bjs + ".webp">>
<<set _imageTag = '<img src="' + _imagePath + '" width="70%">'>>
You made $staffname give you a blowjob.<br>
<<set _staff = $staffinteract>>
<<set _bjs = random(0,3)>>
<<set _imagePath = "Media/Staff/" + $staffrace + "/" + $staffracetype + "/BJ/Cum/" + _bjs + ".webp">>
<<set _imageTag = '<img src="' + _imagePath + '" width="70%">'>>
You cum in <<print $staffname>>'s mouth after she is done serving you.<br>
+5 Obedience<br>
<<if $markelhere == true>>
<<if $addob($markelhere,$staffinteractor).obedience > 100 >>
<<set $addob($markelhere,$staffinteractor).obedience = 100>>
<<set $addob($markelhere,$staffinteractor).obedience +=5>>
<<if $electronichere == true>>
<<if $addob($electronichere,$staffinteractor).obedience > 100 >>
<<set $addob($electronichere,$staffinteractor).obedience = 100>>
<<set $addob($electronichere,$staffinteractor).obedience +=5>>
<<if $gymhere == true>>
<<if $addob($gymhere,$staffinteractor).obedience > 100 >>
<<set $addob($gymhere,$staffinteractor).obedience = 100>>
<<set $addob($gymhere,$staffinteractor).obedience +=5>>
<<if $clothinghere == true>>
<<if $addob($clothinghere,$staffinteractor).obedience > 100 >>
<<set $addob($clothinghere,$staffinteractor).obedience = 100>>
<<set $addob($clothinghere,$staffinteractor).obedience +=5>>
<<if $cafehere == true>>
<<if $addob($cafehere,$staffinteractor).obedience > 100 >>
<<set $addob($cafehere,$staffinteractor).obedience = 100>>
<<set $addob($cafehere,$staffinteractor).obedience +=5>>
<<if $storehere == true>>
<<if $addob($storehere,$staffinteractor).obedience > 100 >>
<<set $addob($storehere,$staffinteractor).obedience = 100>>
<<set $addob($storehere,$staffinteractor).obedience +=5>>
<<set $time +=0.25>>
<<set _sexs = random(0,3)>>
<<set _imagePath = "Media/Staff/" + $staffrace + "/" + $staffracetype + "/Sex/" + _sexs + ".webp">>
<<set _imageTag = '<img src="' + _imagePath + '" width="70%">'>>
You have sex with $staffname in your office. <br>
<<set _sexs = random(0,3)>>
<<set _imagePath = "Media/Staff/" + $staffrace + "/" + $staffracetype + "/Sex/Cum/" + _sexs + ".webp">>
<<set _imageTag = '<img src="' + _imagePath + '" width="70%">'>>
After you're done, you finish on her.<br>
<<set $time +=0.25>>
<img src="Media/City/Working/LocalStore.jpg" width="75%"><br>
<<if $Code1 == true>>
<<set $cash +=$store.income*4>>
<<set $store.exp +=10*4>>
<<set $cash +=$store.income>>
<<set $store.exp +=10>>
<<set $time +=0.5>>
<<if $time <3>>
[[Work more|Working store]]<br>
<<if $store.exp >= 50 and $store.lvl == 1>>
<<goto StorePromotion>>
<<elseif $store.exp >= 150 and $store.lvl == 2>>
<<goto StorePromotion>>
<<elseif $store.exp >= 300 and $store.lvl == 3>>
<<goto StorePromotion>>
<<elseif $store.exp >= 500 and $store.lvl == 4>>
<<goto StorePromotion>>
[[Stop working|Local Store]]
<img src="Media/House/Sleep.jpg" width="75%"><br>
<<set $time = 0>><br>
<<set $day += 1>><br>
<<if $dincome > 0 >>
<<set $cash += $dincome>>
You earned <<print $dincome>>$ from staff.
<<if $inmansion == true>>
<<if $service == false>>
[[Wake up|Mbmansion]]
<<elseif $service == true>>
[[Wake up|servicer]]
<<elseif $markel == true>>
[[Wake up|markelguest]]
<<elseif $germany == true>>
[[Wake up|GHomeR]]
<<elseif $sweden == true>>
<<link "Wake up">><<set $trainee.stats.stamina = 100>><<goto Dojoback>><</link>>
<<elseif $hideout == true>>
[[Wake up|Hideout]]
[[Wake up|myroom]]
<<if $store.lvl == 0 >>
@@.speech-u; Hello, I would like to apply for a job.@@
@@.speech-storemanager; Since we are in need of workers, it would be a huge help if you worked for the store.
As for your application, you will be paid 30$ starting from now, and as you work it will increase.@@
@@.speech-u; Okay, when can I start?@@
@@.speech-storemanager; You can start now, if you like.@@
<<set $store.lvl = 1 >>
You got hired for a job, you can work until the night.<br>
The more you work,the more money you will earn per shift.<br>
You are now an employee<br>
[[return|Local Store]]
<<set $promote = true>>
<<if $promote == true>>
<<if $store.lvl == 4>>
@@.speech-storemanager; $uname, You have been called here for a special promotion.@@
@@.speech-u; Special promotion?@@
@@.speech-storemanager; Yes. From now on, you will be replacing me as a manager.@@
@@.speech-u; Are you sure, sir?@@
@@.speech-storemanager; I'm 100% sure. You have worked hours upon hours, I don't see how that could be a problem.@@
@@.speech-u; Thank you, sir!@@
@@.speech-storemanager; Do your best in keeping this place up and running.@@
@@.speech-u; I will, sir!@@<br>
<<set $store.lvl += 1>>
You have become a manager of the local store!<br>
@@.speech-storemanager; $uname, You have been working hard enough, I believe you deserve a promotion.@@
@@.speech-u; Thank you sir, I appreciate the promotion.@@
<<set $promote = false>>
<<set $store.lvl += 1>>
You have been promoted.<br>
[[return|Local Store]]
<<if $mom.aff == 0>>
<<goto momintro>>
<img src="Media/House/Rooms/Mom Room.jpg" width="75%"><br>
<<set _chancetobeteased to random(0,100)>>
<<if $mom.aff >=250 and $mom.cor>=150>>
<<if _chancetobeteased >=30>>
<<set _momtease to random(0,7)>>
<<if _momtease == 0>>
<img src="Media/Mom/Room/Tease/TeaseClothed1.webp" width="50%">
<<elseif _momtease == 1>>
<img src="Media/Mom/Room/Tease/TeaseClothed2.webp" width="50%">
<<elseif _momtease == 2>>
<img src="Media/Mom/Room/Tease/TeaseClothed3.webp" width="50%">
<<elseif _momtease == 3>>
<img src="Media/Mom/Room/Tease/TeaseNaked1.webp" width="50%">
<<elseif _momtease == 4>>
<img src="Media/Mom/Room/Tease/TeaseNaked2.webp" width="50%">
<<elseif _momtease == 5>>
<img src="Media/Mom/Room/Tease/TeaseNaked3.webp" width="50%">
<<elseif _momtease == 6>>
<img src="Media/Mom/Room/Tease/TeaseNaked4.webp" width="50%">
<img src="Media/Mom/Room/Tease/TeaseNaked5.webp" width="50%">
<<set _result to $addstat($mom,"cor",1)>><<print _result>><br>
<<elseif $mom.aff >=80 and $mom.cor>=40>>
<<if _chancetobeteased >=50>>
<<set _momtease to random(0,2)>>
<<if _momtease == 0>>
<img src="Media/Mom/Room/Tease/TeaseClothed1.webp" width="50%">
<<elseif _momtease == 1>>
<img src="Media/Mom/Room/Tease/TeaseClothed2.webp" width="50%">
<img src="Media/Mom/Room/Tease/TeaseClothed3.webp" width="50%">
<<set _result to $addstat($mom,"cor",1)>><<print _result>><br>
Mom's room<br><br>
<<if $mom.lvl == 3>>
Affection: <<print Math.ceil($mom.aff)>> Corruption: <<print Math.ceil($mom.cor)>> lvl: $mom.lvl(max)<br>
Affection: <<print Math.ceil($mom.aff)>> Corruption: <<print Math.ceil($mom.cor)>> lvl: $mom.lvl<br>
<<if $mom.lvl == 1 and $mom.aff >=250 and $mom.cor>=150>>
[[Go further with your mom|SeriousmomTalk]]<br>
<<if $mom.lvl == 2 and $mom.aff >=1400 and $mom.cor>=900>>
[[Go even further with your mom|SeriousmomTalk2]]<br>
<<if $mom.lvl == 3 and $aunt.lvl == 3>>
[[Have a talk with your mom|MAMeet1]]<br>
<<if $cash >= 2500>>
<<link "Date">> <<set $MomDate = true>> <<goto "Dating Menu">><</link>><<endif>><br>
[[Talk|Talk Mom]] <<link "Gift">> <<set $MomGift = true>> <<goto "Inventory">><</link>><br>
<<if $mom.aff >= 20>>
[[Flirt|Flirt Mom]] <<if $mom.aff >= 90 and $mom.cor>=15 >>[[Interact|Interact Mom]]<br>
<<if $time >= 4>>
<<goto Locked>>
<img src="Media/House/Rooms/"Mom Room".jpg" width="75%"><br>
<<if $mom.aff == 0>>
You walk in your mom's room.<br>
She is putting clothes in her closet.
@@.speech-u; Hey mom.@@
@@.speech-mom; Oh hey, decided to get up?@@
@@.speech-u; Yeah I feel much better now.@@
@@.speech-mom; That's good, but you should take it easy.<br>
I don't want you to collapse on me.@@
@@.speech-u; No, no I'm good, really.@@
Your mom looks at you and sighs.
@@.speech-mom; Listen, I really worry about you.<br>
After what happened, I don't want anything bad happening to you again.@@
@@.speech-u; I know, I won't worry you, like I said, I'm okay.@@
@@.speech-mom; Okay... Just, just stay safe. Okay?@@
@@.speech-u; Okay, mom.@@
For a moment, you feel heat in your chest.
@@.speech-u; Oh and, if you need any help, do tell me.@@
$mom.name smiles.
@@.speech-mom; Will do.@@
<<set _result to $addstat($mom,"aff",1)>><<print _result>><br>
<<if $mom.lvl == 3>>
@@.speech-u; I want to have sex with you around the house.@@
@@.speech-mom; We can't sadly, your sister will catch us, and who knows that will happen.@@
You sigh.
@@.speech-u; Yeah, I know, but at least we can hope that she won't be home for a day.@@
She smiles.
@@.speech-mom; If that will happen, then I could pleasure you all day, Honey.@@
<<set _result to $addstat($mom,"aff",32)>><<print _result>><br>
<<set _result to $addstat($mom,"cor",20)>><<print _result>><br>
<<elseif $mom.lvl == 2>>
@@.speech-u; You are looking cute today, mom.@@
She smiles.
@@.speech-mom; Oh, thank you honey. You are looking manly today too.@@
You smile.
<<set _result to $addstat($mom,"aff",25)>><<print _result>><br>
<<elseif $mom.aff >=20>>
@@.speech-u; I love you mom.@@
@@.speech-mom; I love you too, honey.@@
<<set _result to $addstat($mom,"aff",10)>><<print _result>><br>
@@.speech-u; Hey mom, can I have a talk with you?@@
@@.speech-mom; Sure honey, what is it?@@
@@.speech-u; I want to help you with your chores.@@
@@.speech-mom; Oh honey, I'm okay, but will tell you when help is needed.@@
@@.speech-u; Okay.@@
<<set _result to $addstat($mom,"aff",5)>><<print _result>><br>
<<set $time +=0.25>>
<<if $mom.lvl == 3 >>
@@.speech-u; Hey, mom, do you think I can last a whole night with you?@@
She is surprised, but interested by that question.
@@.speech-mom; You know, I can't even last a single time, right?@@
@@.speech-u; Really?@@
She nods.
@@.speech-u; Well we better start doing it a lot more.@@
She smiles.
@@.speech-mom; Can't wait.@@
<<set _result to $addstat($mom,"cor",32)>><<print _result>><br>
<<elseif $mom.lvl == 2>>
@@.speech-u; I want you to pleasure me in the morning.@@
She smiles.
@@.speech-mom; You know that can't be done.@@
You sigh.
@@.speech-u; Sadly, can't expect a hot mom to pleasure my morning wood.@@
She giggles.
@@.speech-mom; If that happens just come to me.@@
<<set _result to $addstat($mom,"cor",24)>><<print _result>><br>
<<elseif $mom.lvl == 1 and $mom.cor >= 20>>
@@.speech-u; I want to give you kisses in dad's place.@@
@@.speech-mom; That is so sweet, but you know that can't be done.@@
$mom.name looks away worringly.<br>
<<set _result to $addstat($mom,"aff",13)>><<print _result>><br>
<<set _result to $addstat($mom,"cor",7)>><<print _result>><br>
@@.speech-u; You are looking really beautiful, mom.@@
@@.speech-mom; Oh, thank you, honey.@@
<<set _result to $addstat($mom,"aff",7)>><<print _result>><br>
<<set _result to $addstat($mom,"cor",4)>><<print _result>><br>
<<set $time +=0.25>>
[[Kiss|Kiss Mom]]<br>
<<if $mom.aff >= 180 and $mom.cor>=80 >>
[[Grope|Grope Mom]]<br>
<<if $mom.lvl >= 2>>
[[handjob|HJ mom]]<br>
<<if $mom.lvl >= 2 and $mom.aff>=600 and $mom.cor>=450>>
[[blowjob|BJ mom]]<br>
<<if $mom.lvl >= 3>>
[[Sex|Sex mom]]<br>
<<if $mom.lvl == 4 and $aunt.lvl == 4>>
<<link "Foreplay with $aunt.name">><<set $momhome = true>><<goto MAForeplay>><</link>><br><</if>>
<<if $mom.lvl == 4 and $aunt.lvl == 4 and $mom.aff >=1250 and $aunt.aff >=1250>>
<<link "Sex with $aunt.name">><<set $momhome = true>><<goto MASex>><</link>><br><</if>>
<<if $inmyroom == true>>
<<elseif $inmansion == true>>
<<elseif $germany == true>>
<<elseif $markel == true>>
[[return|Mom Room]]
<<if $time >4>>
<<if $inmyroom == true>>
<<goto myroom>>
<<elseif $inmansion == true>>
<<goto Mbmansion>>
<<elseif $germany == true>>
<<goto GHomeR>>
<<elseif $markel == true>>
<<goto markelguest>>
<<goto parentshouse>>
<<if $mom.lvl == 1>>
@@.speech-u; Hey mom, can I get a kiss?@@
@@.speech-mom; Sure, Honey.@@
You walk up to her.<br>
She wants to give you a kiss on the cheek, but you had other plans.<br>
<<elseif $mom.lvl == 2>>
@@.speech-u; I would like to kiss you.@@
@@.speech-mom; Sure, Honey.@@
<<elseif $mom.lvl == 3>>
You walk up to her.
<<set _momkiss = random(0,2)>>
<<if _momkiss == 0>>
<img src="Media/Mom/Kiss/Kiss1.webp" width="100%">
<<elseif _momkiss == 1>>
<img src="Media/Mom/Kiss/Kiss2.webp" width="100%">
<img src="Media/Mom/Kiss/Kiss3.webp" width="100%">
<<if $mom.lvl == 1>>
She is shocked from your action.
@@.speech-mom; You...@@
You smile.
@@.speech-mom; What are you smiling for? We can't do that.@@
@@.speech-u; Sorry, but I didn't want a kiss on the cheek.@@
She sighs.
@@.speech-mom; Just warn me next time, okay?@@
@@.speech-u; Okay, mom.@@
<<elseif $mom.lvl == 2>>
You kiss each other on the lips.
@@.speech-u; Thanks, mom.@@
@@.speech-mom; Anytime.@@
She smiles.
<<elseif $mom.lvl == 3>>
You give her a french kiss.
@@.speech-mom; Well, that was not what I expected from a kiss.@@
You smile.
@@.speech-u; You should start expecting that from me even more.@@
She smiles.
<<set $time +=0.25>><br>
<<set _result to $addstat($mom,"aff",30)>><<print _result>><br>
You go to her while she is doing laundry.<br>
<<if $mom.lvl == 2>>
@@.speech-u; Hey, mom, can I grope you before doing business as usual?@@
She puts clothes down.
@@.speech-mom; Sure, go ahead.@@
<<elseif $mom.lvl == 3>>
@@.speech-u; Hey, I've come to touch you.@@
@@.speech-mom; Okay, let me turn place this down and you can start.@@
She puts down the basket of clothing.
@@.speech-mom; You can start.@@
<<set _momgrope = random(0,2)>>
<<if _momgrope == 0>>
<img src="Media/Mom/Grope/Grope1.webp" width="100%">
<<elseif _momgrope == 1>>
<img src="Media/Mom/Grope/Grope2.webp" width="100%">
<img src="Media/Mom/Grope/Grope3.webp" width="100%">
<<if $mom.lvl == 1>>
You grab her boobs from behind.
@@.speech-mom; Hey, what are you...@@
@@.speech-u; Sorry, mom, I wanted to know how your body feels in my hands.@@
@@.speech-mom; God, you could have asked me, instead of sneaking up to me.@@
You continue to grope her a bit before leaving the room.
<<elseif $mom.lvl == 2>>
You start to grope her whole body.
@@.speech-u; You feel really soft in my hands.@@
She moans.
@@.speech-u; Is it turning you on?@@
@@.speech-mom; Yeah, but if you feel happy doing it, then I don't mind being left unsatisfied.@@
@@.speech-u; Okay...@@
<<elseif $mom.lvl == 3>>
You touch her boobs with one hand and pussy with other.
@@.speech-u; You're already so wet.@@
She moans.
@@.speech-mom; Because you are making me want you everyday.@@
You smile.
@@.speech-u; Good, then that means you might cum anytime soon, right?@@
@@.speech-mom; It-It's a possibility.@@
You insert a finger in her wet pussy and she cums immediately.<br>
@@.speech-u; Well that sure was fast.@@
She falls down on her knees panting.
@@.speech-u; Thanks mom, for letting me touch you.@@
You leave the room.
<<set $time +=0.25>><br>
<<set _result to $addstat($mom,"aff",25)>><<print _result>><br>
<<set _result to $addstat($mom,"cor",20)>><<print _result>><br>
<<if $mom.lvl == 1>>
@@.speech-u; Mom I can't stand it anymore.@@
@@.speech-mom; What is it honey?@@
@@.speech-u; Whenever I see you, I get hard.@@
@@.speech-mom; Wait, what?@@
@@.speech-u; I can't take it anymore, I want to take things even further.@@
@@.speech-mom; If it's that bad, then let me help you with your problems, honey.@@
[[Have her pleasure you|HJ mom]]
<<set $time +=0.25>><br>
<<if $mom.lvl == 1 >>
She pulls down your pants and grabs your cock and strokes it.
@@.speech-mom; Does it feel good?@@
@@.speech-u; Yeah, it feels better than doing it myself.@@
She smiles.
@@.speech-mom; Glad I can help with giving better experience.@@
<<elseif $mom.lvl == 2>>
You walk into the room as she finishes changing clothes.
@@.speech-mom; What is it, Honey?@@
@@.speech-u; Mom.@@
@@.speech-mom; What is it?@@
@@.speech-u; I want you to jerk me off again.@@
@@.speech-mom; You sure get pent up really quick.@@
You pull down your pants and watch her kneel down.
@@.speech-mom; Alright time to squeeze the cum out of you.@@
She grabs your cock and does long slow strokes.<br>
<<elseif $mom.lvl == 3 >>
$mom.name sees you walk in the room with boxers on while having a boner.
@@.speech-mom; Let me help you out with that.@@
@@.speech-u; Thanks mom.@@
@@.speech-mom; Anytime for a son with a tasty cock.@@
She pulls out your cock and starts stroking it fast.
@@.speech-u; If you stroke it that fast, I will definitely cum soon.@@
She smiles.
<<set _momhj = random(0,7)>>
<<if _momhj == 0>>
<img src="Media/Mom/HJ/HJ1.webp" width="75%">
<<elseif _momhj == 1>>
<img src="Media/Mom/HJ/HJ2.webp" width="75%">
<<elseif _momhj == 2>>
<img src="Media/Mom/HJ/HJ3.webp" width="75%">
<<elseif _momhj == 3>>
<img src="Media/Mom/HJ/HJ4.webp" width="75%">
<<elseif _momhj == 4>>
<img src="Media/Mom/HJ/HJ5.webp" width="75%">
<<elseif _momhj == 5>>
<img src="Media/Mom/HJ/HJ6.webp" width="75%">
<<elseif _momhj == 6>>
<img src="Media/Mom/HJ/HJ7.webp" width="75%">
<img src="Media/Mom/HJ/HJ8.webp" width="75%">
Your mom gave you the best handjob ever.<br>
[[Cum|HJC mom]]
<<if $mom.lvl == 1>>
@@.speech-u; God, it feels too good, I'm about to cum.@@
She starts to jerk you as fast as she can.
@@.speech-mom; Do it. Spray me with it, Honey.@@
@@.speech-u; Here it comes!@@
<<elseif $mom.lvl == 2>>
@@.speech-u; Are you testing out what makes me cum the fastest?@@
She smiles.
@@.speech-mom; Maybe I'am.@@
@@.speech-u; Well this is definitely on the same level as you doing it fast.@@
She goes next to your ear while jerking you off and whispers.
@@.speech-mom; I will do it soo slow, that you won't be able to live without it.@@
She does as she says, her handjobs have becomes much slower, but she starts doing longer strokes.
@@.speech-mom; How is that?@@
@@.speech-u; It... Feels, better.@@
She kisses you while jerking you off.<br>
And after a while stops.
@@.speech-u; Why did you stop.@@
@@.speech-mom; because it's time to spray me with your hot tasty jizz all over my body.@@
She starts going fast all of a sudden.
@@.speech-u; God, I'm cumming.@@
<<elseif $mom.lvl == 3>>
She does fast and long strokes, but not fast enough to make you cum, enough to edge you.
@@.speech-mom; Feeling good?@@
@@.speech-u; Too good, I would say.@@
She stops to jerk you off.
@@.speech-u; I was about to cum.@@
@@.speech-mom; Oh, I know.@@
And then she does it fast, this time enough to make you cum.
@@.speech-u; Ok, I'm about to cum.@@
She smiles.
<<set _momhjc = random(0,7)>>
<<if _momhjc == 0>>
<img src="Media/Mom/HJ/Cum/Cum1.webp" width="75%">
<<elseif _momhjc == 1>>
<img src="Media/Mom/HJ/Cum/Cum2.webp" width="75%">
<<elseif _momhjc== 2>>
<img src="Media/Mom/HJ/Cum/Cum3.webp" width="75%">
<<elseif _momhjc == 3>>
<img src="Media/Mom/HJ/Cum/Cum4.webp" width="75%">
<<elseif _momhjc == 4>>
<img src="Media/Mom/HJ/Cum/Cum5.webp" width="75%">
<<elseif _momhjc == 5>>
<img src="Media/Mom/HJ/Cum/Cum6.webp" width="75%">
<<elseif _momhjc == 6>>
<img src="Media/Mom/HJ/Cum/Cum7.webp" width="75%">
<img src="Media/Mom/HJ/Cum/Cum8.webp" width="75%">
<<if $mom.lvl == 2>>
She starts to lick your cum off her fingers.
@@.speech-u; You are such a tease.@@
She giggles.
@@.speech-mom; Want me to stop doing that?@@
@@.speech-u; I didn't say I didn't enjoy it.@@
@@.speech-mom; Well that is reassuring.@@
She smiles.
@@.speech-mom; If you need more come to me.@@
@@.speech-u; You already know.@@
<<elseif $mom.lvl == 3>>
She catches all of the cum in her mouth.
@@.speech-u; Well you sure have good catching skills with that mouth.@@
@@.speech-mom; You can call that an experience with pleasuring my son.@@
You both smile.
@@.speech-u; Well, blowjob from you sure is the same as this.@@
@@.speech-mom; Good to know, that I can be of help with your cock.@@
<<if $mom.lvl >=2 >>
<<set _result to $addstat($mom,"aff",54)>><<print _result>><br>
<<set _result to $addstat($mom,"cor",45)>><<print _result>><br>
[[return|Interact Mom]]
<<if $mom.lvl == 1>>
She starts to clean it off with a tissue.
@@.speech-u; It felt 10x better than me doing it with my hand.@@
She smiles.
@@.speech-mom; That is good to know, maybe I can jerk you off more sometimes.@@
@@.speech-u; That would be nice.@@
@@.speech-mom; Okay, then it's settled.@@
She stands up.
@@.speech-mom; Come to my room whenever you are horny.@@
@@.speech-u; Will do, mom.@@
<<set _result to $addstat($mom,"aff",80)>><<print _result>><br>
<<set _result to $addstat($mom,"cor",75)>><<print _result>><br>
<<set $mom.lvl =2>>
Now you can go further with your mom<br>
[[return|Mom Room]]
<<if $mom.lvl == 2>>
@@.speech-u; Mom, can you suck me off?@@
@@.speech-mom; Right now?@@
@@.speech-u; Yes.@@
@@.speech-mom; Anything for you, Honey.@@
She pulls down your pants and takes out your cock.
@@.speech-mom; It looks much bigger up close.@@
With no hesitation she puts it in her mouth.<br>
<<elseif $mom.lvl == 3>>
@@.speech-u; Hey mom, I want a blowjob.@@
@@.speech-mom; Oh honey, give me a second.@@
She puts down clothes and kneels in front of you.
@@.speech-mom; God, this cock looks so tasty.@@
Upon hearing those words, you get an even bigger boner.<br>
After her seeing that, she giggles.
@@.speech-mom; Did that turn you on even more?@@
@@.speech-u; A little.@@
@@.speech-mom; Then without further ado, time to suck my son's big juicy cock.@@
<<set $time +=0.25>><br>
<<set _mombj = random(0,6)>>
<<if _mombj == 0>>
<img src="Media/Mom/BJ/BJ1.webp" width="75%">
<<elseif _mombj == 1>>
<img src="Media/Mom/BJ/BJ2.webp" width="75%">
<<elseif _mombj == 2>>
<img src="Media/Mom/BJ/BJ3.webp" width="75%">
<<elseif _mombj == 3>>
<img src="Media/Mom/BJ/BJ4.webp" width="75%">
<<elseif _mombj == 4>>
<img src="Media/Mom/BJ/BJ5.webp" width="75%">
<<elseif _mombj == 5>>
<img src="Media/Mom/BJ/BJ6.webp" width="75%">
<img src="Media/Mom/BJ/BJ7.webp" width="75%">
<<if $mom.lvl ==2 >>
She gives you a blowjob, carefully licking each side of your cock in her mouth.
@@.speech-u; Oh, that feels great.@@
She smiles.
<<elseif $mom.lvl == 3>>
She starts to ferociously give you a blowjob
@@.speech-u; Whoa, hey that's too fast.@@
After hearing that, she starts to deepthroat your cock.
@@.speech-u; You are about to make me cum in seconds.@@
[[Cum|BJC mom]]
<<if $mom.lvl == 2>>
@@.speech-u; I'm about to cum.@@
She increases the speed.
<<elseif $mom.lvl == 3>>
@@.speech-u; Don't stop!@@
She starts going incredibly fast.
<<set _mombjc = random(0,6)>>
<<if _mombjc == 0>>
<img src="Media/Mom/BJ/Cum/Cum1.webp" width="75%">
<<elseif _mombjc == 1>>
<img src="Media/Mom/BJ/Cum/Cum2.webp" width="75%">
<<elseif _mombjc== 2>>
<img src="Media/Mom/BJ/Cum/Cum3.webp" width="75%">
<<elseif _mombjc == 3>>
<img src="Media/Mom/BJ/Cum/Cum4.webp" width="75%">
<<elseif _mombjc == 4>>
<img src="Media/Mom/BJ/Cum/Cum5.webp" width="75%">
<<elseif _mombjc == 5>>
<img src="Media/Mom/BJ/Cum/Cum6.webp" width="75%">
<img src="Media/Mom/BJ/Cum/Cum7.webp" width="75%">
<<if $mom.lvl == 2>>
You cum inside her mouth.<br>
She takes out your cock from her mouth.
@@.speech-u; That was amazing, thank you, mom.@@
She swallows your cum.
@@.speech-mom; No problem, honey.@@
she smiles.
<<elseif $mom.lvl == 3>>
She takes your cock deep in her throat that you ejaculate a fountain worth of cum straight into her stomach.<br>
After you're done cumming, she takes your cock out of her mouth making a pop sound.
@@.speech-u; Holy, that felt too good.@@
She smiles.
@@.speech-mom; I just got horny after doing all that dirty talk... and hungry.@@
@@.speech-u; Yeah, I could tell.@@
<<set _result to $addstat($mom,"aff",70)>><<print _result>><br>
<<set _result to $addstat($mom,"cor",60)>><<print _result>><br>
[[return|Interact Mom]]
<<if $mom.lvl == 2>>
@@.speech-u; Mom, I think blowjobs are not enough to satisfy me anymore.@@
@@.speech-mom; I was afraid it would come to this.@@
$mom.name sighs.<br>
@@.speech-mom; Alright I will have to use my vagina.@@
$uname grins with excitement.<br>
@@.speech-u; I've been waiting for this.@@
@@.speech-mom; Well, that makes me a little bit less embarrassed.@@
[[Have sex with your mom|Sex mom]]
<<if $mom.lvl == 2>>
You insert your cock inside $mom.name.<br>
She moans a little bit.
@@.speech-mom; Be gentle, I haven't done this for a long time.@@
@@.speech-u; I will mom, don't worry.@@
@@.speech-mom; Do cum outside okay?@@
@@.speech-u; Okay, mom.@@
<<elseif $mom.lvl == 3>>
$mom.name moans.
@@.speech-mom; God, it feels so good.@@
@@.speech-u; I can go even harder if you want.@@
@@.speech-mom; Don't tire yourself out, don't want to see you burnt-out the next day.@@
You laugh.
@@.speech-u; Don't worry, I'm full of energy thanks to you.@@
She smiles.
@@.speech-mom; Then don't let me stop you.@@
<<set $time +=0.25>><br>
<<set _momsex = random(0,6)>>
<<if _momsex == 0>>
<img src="Media/Mom/Sex/Sex1.webp" width="90%">
<<elseif _momsex == 1>>
<img src="Media/Mom/Sex/Sex2.webp" width="75%">
<<elseif _momsex== 2>>
<img src="Media/Mom/Sex/Sex3.webp" width="75%">
<<elseif _momsex == 3>>
<img src="Media/Mom/Sex/Sex4.webp" width="90%">
<<elseif _momsex == 4>>
<img src="Media/Mom/Sex/Sex5.webp" width="90%">
<<elseif _momsex == 5>>
<img src="Media/Mom/Sex/Sex6.webp" width="90%">
<img src="Media/Mom/Sex/Sex7.webp" width="90%">
You have sex with MILF.<br>
<<if $mom.aff >= 1700 and $mom.cor >=1350>>
<br>[[Cum outside|SexO mom]] [[Cum inside|SexI mom]]
<br>[[Cum|SexO mom]]
<<if $mom.lvl == 3>>
You go as fast as you can.<br>
Your mom start to moan much louder.
@@.speech-mom; Oh god, honey, I'm about to cum.@@
@@.speech-u; Me too, where do you want me to cum?@@
@@.speech-mom; On my body, I want to feel your love on my body.@@
@@.speech-u; Here I come.@@
<<set _momsexO = random(0,5)>>
<<if _momsexO == 0>>
<img src="Media/Mom/Sex/CumO/Cum1.webp" width="75%">
<<elseif _momsexO == 1>>
<img src="Media/Mom/Sex/CumO/Cum2.webp" width="75%">
<<elseif _momsexO== 2>>
<img src="Media/Mom/Sex/CumO/Cum3.webp" width="75%">
<<elseif _momsexO == 3>>
<img src="Media/Mom/Sex/CumO/Cum4.webp" width="75%">
<<elseif _momsexO == 4>>
<img src="Media/Mom/Sex/CumO/Cum5.webp" width="75%">
<img src="Media/Mom/Sex/CumO/Cum6.webp" width="75%">
You came on her after doing such a divine deed.<br>
<<if $mom.lvl == 3>>
@@.speech-u; Whew, I feel tired.@@
You fall next to her in the bed.
@@.speech-mom; Well, I told you not to tire yourself out.@@
You both laugh.
@@.speech-u; Alright, time to go back to my room, so $sister.name doesn't suspect us.@@
@@.speech-mom; She probably heard my moans, so she is probably suspecting something.@@
@@.speech-u; Or thinks that you're riding a huge dildo.@@
$mom.name laughs.
@@.speech-mom; Or that.@@
@@.speech-u; Goodnight, mom.@@
@@.speech-mom; Goodnight, Honey.@@
<<if $mom.lvl >=3>>
<<set _result to $addstat($mom,"aff",90)>><<print _result>><br>
<<set _result to $addstat($mom,"cor",80)>><<print _result>><br>
[[return|Interact Mom]]
<<if $mom.lvl == 2>>
@@.speech-u; I'm definitely satisfied now.@@
@@.speech-mom; Is that so?<br> You can continue doing me if it continues to satisfy you.@@
@@.speech-u; Really?@@
@@.speech-mom; Yeah, I finally filled the void in my heart, all thanks to you having sex with me.@@
@@.speech-u; Thank you, mom.@@
@@.speech-mom; Your welcome, honey.@@
she smiles.<br>
<<set _result to $addstat($mom,"aff",130)>><<print _result>><br>
<<set _result to $addstat($mom,"cor",110)>><<print _result>><br>
<<set $mom.lvl = 3>>
You can now take things even further.<br>
[[return|Mom Room]]
<<if $mom.lvl == 3>>
You increase your speed.
@@.speech-mom; Yes, keep going, keep going.@@
@@.speech-u; Mom, I'm about to cum.@@
@@.speech-mom; Fill me with your hot jizz, Honey.@@
After hearing those words you start to go full throttle.
@@.speech-mom; Yes! Yes! Yes! Oh my god!@@
@@.speech-u; I'm cumming!@@
<<set _momsexI = random(0,5)>>
<<if _momsexI == 0>>
<img src="Media/Mom/Sex/CumI/Cum1.webp" width="75%">
<<elseif _momsexI == 1>>
<img src="Media/Mom/Sex/CumI/Cum2.webp" width="75%">
<<elseif _momsexI== 2>>
<img src="Media/Mom/Sex/CumI/Cum3.webp" width="75%">
<<elseif _momsexI == 3>>
<img src="Media/Mom/Sex/CumI/Cum4.webp" width="75%">
<<elseif _momsexI == 4>>
<img src="Media/Mom/Sex/CumI/Cum5.webp" width="75%">
<img src="Media/Mom/Sex/CumI/Cum6.webp" width="75%">
You came inside a MILF.<br>
<<if $mom.lvl == 3>>
You fall on her, breasts that act like a pillow.<br>
She pats your head.
@@.speech-mom; Let's stay like that for a while.@@
@@.speech-u; Mhm...@@
@@.speech-mom; That might have been the best feeling I've ever had.@@
@@.speech-u; Same here, I loved every moment of it.@@
She smiles.
@@.speech-mom; That's good to know.@@
You stay like that for few minutes before going back to your room.<br>
<<set _result to $addstat($mom,"aff",100)>><<print _result>><br>
<<set _result to $addstat($mom,"cor",90)>><<print _result>><br>
[[return|Interact Mom]]
<img src="Media/City/School.jpg" width="75%"> <br>
Outside of the school<br><br>
<<if $time >=3>>
School is closed.
<img src="Media/City/School/Hallway.jpg" width="75%"><br>
School's hallway<br>
<<if $time>=3>>
<<goto OutSchool>>
<<if $hstudent.lvl >=2 and $mcstudent.lvl >=2 and $mcteacher.house == false and $mcteacher.aff>=25>>
<<goto teacherinv>>
<<if $time >=0.5 and $time <=2.5>>
<img src="Media/City/School/Characters/Students/hstudent/hallstudent.png" width="30%"><br>
Affection: <<print Math.ceil($hstudent.aff)>> Corruption: <<print Math.ceil($hstudent.cor)>> lvl: <<print $hstudent.lvl>><br>
[[Talk to her|hstudent stalk]]<br>
<<if $schoolcor >=50>>
[[Fuck a schoolgirl|schoolhsex]]<br><</if>>
<<if $ownschool == false and $mcteacher.lvl >=3>>
[[Buy school|Schoolbought]]<br><br><<endif>>
<<if $ownschool == true>>
[[Go outside|OutSchool]]
<img src="Media/House/Locked.jpg" width="75%"><br>
The door is locked.<br><br>
<img src="Media/City/School/Classroom.jpg" width="75%"><br>
<<if $hstudent.aff >=25 and $hstudent.house == false>>
<<goto hhouseinv>>
<<if $mcstudent.aff >=70 and $mcstudent.house == false>>
<<goto mchouseinv>>
<<if $time >=0.5 and $time <=2.5>>
<img src="Media/City/School/Characters/Students/mcstudent/mainclassstudent.jpg" width="30%"><br>
Affection: <<print Math.ceil($mcstudent.aff)>> Corruption: <<print Math.ceil($mcstudent.cor)>> lvl: <<print $mcstudent.lvl>><br>
[[Talk to her|mcstudent stalk]]<br>
<<if $time >=0 and $time <=2.5>>
<img src="Media/City/School/Characters/Teacher/classteacher.jpg" width="30%"><br>
Affection: <<print Math.ceil($mcteacher.aff)>> Corruption: <<print Math.ceil($mcteacher.cor)>> lvl: <<print $mcteacher.lvl>><br>
[[Talk to her|mcteacher stalk]]<br>
<<if $time <=2.5>>
<<if $schoolcor >=10>>
[[Punish schoolgirls|schoolcsex]]<br>
<<if $schoolcor >=50>>
[[Fuck a schoolgirl|schoolcfuck]]<br>
<<if $time>= 0.5 and $time <=2.5>>
<<if $hstudent.lvl == 1>>
<<if $hstudent.aff == 0 >>
@@.speech-u; Hey, I'm new here, do you know where is the principal's classroom?@@
@@.speech-hstudent; Oh yeah, just follow me.@@
@@.speech-u; Okay.@@
She leads you to your class.
@@.speech-hstudent; Here it is.@@
@@.speech-u; Thanks, what's your name by the way?@@
@@.speech-hstudent; $hstudent.name, what's yours?@@
@@.speech-u; I'm $uname.@@
@@.speech-hstudent; Nice to meet you $uname, anyway go inside the class, don't want you to be late on your first day.@@
@@.speech-u; Yeah, you are right, bye $hstudent.name!@@
@@.speech-hstudent; See ya!@@
<<set _result to $addstat($hstudent,"aff",1)>><<print _result>><br>
<<elseif $hstudent.aff >= 1>>
@@.speech-u; Hey $hstudent.name!@@
@@.speech-hstudent; Hi!@@
<<set _result to $addstat($hstudent,"aff",4)>><<print _result>><br>
<<elseif $hstudent.lvl == 2>>
@@.speech-u; Hey Anna, How are you doing?@@
@@.speech-hstudent; I'm great, we shouldn't really talk in here.@@
@@.speech-u; Why not?@@
@@.speech-hstudent; What will my classmates think about us?@@
@@.speech-u; Tell them that we are a couple.@@
She gets flustered from hearing you say that.
@@.speech-hstudent; Okay...@@
@@.speech-u; Anyway, see ya!@@
@@.speech-hstudent; Bye...@@
<<set _result to $addstat($hstudent,"aff",10)>><<print _result>><br>
<<elseif $hstudent.lvl == 3>>
@@.speech-u; Hey there.@@
She comes up to you and kisses you.
@@.speech-hstudent; Good morning.@@
@@.speech-u; You are not so shy about us talking now, are you?@@
@@.speech-hstudent; Nope, not at all.@@
@@.speech-u; Good to know, because you shouldn't be.@@
she smiles.
@@.speech-u; Anyway, I gotta go to the class.@@
@@.speech-hstudent; Okay, bye!@@
@@.speech-u; See ya!@@
<<set _result to $addstat($hstudent,"aff",20)>><<print _result>><br>
<<set $time +=0.25>>
<<if $mcstudent.lvl == 1>>
<<if $mcstudent.aff == 0>>
@@.speech-u; Hey, how are you?@@
@@.speech-mcstudent; Shut up, I'm trying to sleep.@@
@@.speech-u; Uhh, okay.@@
A while passes.
@@.speech-u; So... What's your name?@@
@@.speech-mcstudent; $mcstudent.name, now don't disturb my sleep.@@
@@.speech-u; *Sheesh she is a hard one* my name is $uname, I hope we can get to know each other better.@@
$mcstudent.name sighs.
<<set _result to $addstat($mcstudent,"aff",3)>><<print _result>><br>
<<elseif $mcstudent.aff >=1>>
@@.speech-u; Hey $mcstudent.name, how are you today?@@
$mcstudent.name does not respond.
@@.speech-u; I see.@@
<<elseif $mcstudent.lvl == 2>>
<<if $mcstudent.aff >=10>>
@@.speech-u; Hey, how are you?@@
She looks at you for a second.
@@.speech-mcstudent; I'm great, what was your name again?@@
@@.speech-u; It's $uname.@@
@@.speech-mcstudent; Okay, how are you $uname?@@
@@.speech-u; I'm great, now that you finally decided to talk to me.@@
She smiles.
@@.speech-mcstudent; Through recommendations you can always get me to talk to you.@@
@@.speech-u; *Recommendations?* Good to know.@@
<<set _result to $addstat($mcstudent,"aff",8)>><<print _result>><br>
<<elseif $mcstudent.aff >=40>>
@@.speech-u; You've been talking about recommendations lately, what did you mean by that?@@
@@.speech-mcstudent; Your sister told me to keep it a secret, maybe you will find out about it soon.@@
She smiles.
@@.speech-u; *I wonder what $sister.name told her.* I hope so.@@
@@.speech-mcstudent; If you hang out with me, maybe the secret with unveil itself.@@
@@.speech-u; Uhuh... *Did she talk about my size?* maybe so.@@
<<set _result to $addstat($mcstudent,"aff",15)>><<print _result>><br>
<<elseif $mcstudent.aff >= 100>>
@@.speech-u; Hey ms.recommendation, hope you haven't missed me.@@
@@.speech-mcstudent; Who knows? Maybe I have.@@
@@.speech-u; I highly doubt that, knowing that you meet with other guys.@@
@@.speech-mcstudent; No one is as perfect as you are.@@
You look at her with a doubt in your eyes.
@@.speech-u; Sure am.@@
@@.speech-mcstudent; Since that's the case, come to my place sometime soon.@@
@@.speech-u; I will think about it.@@
<<set _result to $addstat($mcstudent,"aff",24)>><<print _result>><br>
<<elseif $mcstudent.lvl == 3>>
@@.speech-u; Yo.@@
@@.speech-mcstudent; Don't "Yo" me.@@
@@.speech-u; What are you so mad about?@@
@@.speech-mcstudent; You.@@
@@.speech-u; Is being a cocksleeve so uncomfortable for you?@@
@@.speech-mcstudent; A little bit.@@
@@.speech-u; Well you can't do anything about it even if you wanted to.@@
She sighs.<br>
<<set _result to $addstat($mcstudent,"aff",32)>><<print _result>><br>
<<set $time +=0.25>>
<<if $mcteacher.lvl == 1>>
<<if $mcteacher.aff == 0>>
@@.speech-u; Hello teacher, how is your day?@@
@@.speech-teacher; It's great thanks for asking, anyway take your seat before the lesson starts.@@
@@.speech-u; Okay.@@
<<set _result to $addstat($mcteacher,"aff",1)>><<print _result>><br>
<<elseif $mcteacher.aff >=1>>
@@.speech-u; Hello teacher, you look great today.@@
@@.speech-teacher; Thank you $uname.@@
<<set _result to $addstat($mcteacher,"aff",5)>><<print _result>><br>
<<elseif $mcteacher.lvl == 2>>
@@.speech-u; Hello teacher.@@
@@.speech-teacher; Good morning.@@
@@.speech-u; *She doesn't seem embarrassed or shy at all.* How are you doing?@@
@@.speech-teacher; I'm fine, thanks for asking.@@
@@.speech-u; Not your first time doing this?@@
@@.speech-teacher; Speaking about it during work is prohibited.@@
@@.speech-u; Okay, okay.@@
<<set _result to $addstat($mcteacher,"aff",10)>><<print _result>><br>
<<elseif $mcteacher.lvl == 3>>
@@.speech-u; Hey teach.@@
@@.speech-teacher; $uname, please refrain from acting like this at school.@@
@@.speech-u; Oh come on teacher, isn't school supposed to be our second home?@@
@@.speech-teacher; It is, but it's also considered a workplace.@@
@@.speech-u; Who said you can't have fun in a workplace?@@
She sighs.
@@.speech-teacher; Do as you wish.@@
<<set _result to $addstat($mcteacher,"aff",20)>><<print _result>><br>
<<set $time +=0.25>>
<img src="Media/City/School/Read.jpg" width="75%"><br>
You studied.<br>
<<set $time +=0.5>>
<<set $intelligence +=3>>
+3 Intelligence<br>
<img src="Media/City/School/Library.jpg" width="75%"><br>
<<if $time <=0.5 and $time<=3>>
<<if $introducedjudy == true>>
<<set _judylibrary = random(0,2)>>
<<if _judylibrary == 0 and $judy.lvl >=2>>
<img src="Media/Judy/Library/LibraryTease.webp" width="40%">
<br>Judy saw you and flashed you.<br>
<<set _result to $addstat($judy,"cor",8)>><<print _result>><br>
<<elseif _judylibrary == 1 and $judy.lvl >=2>>
<img src="Media/Judy/Library/LibraryBJ.webp" width="40%">
<br>While studying Judy gave you a bj.<br>
<<set _result to $addstat($judy,"cor",15)>><<print _result>><br>
<<elseif _judylibrary == 2 and $judy.lvl >=3>>
<img src="Media/Judy/Library/LibrarySex.webp" width="40%">
<br>While walking around you saw Judy and had sex with her.<br>
<<set _result to $addstat($judy,"cor",32)>><<print _result>><br>
<<if $intelligence >=25 and $introducedjudy == false>>
<<goto "judy introduction">>
<<if $judy.aff >=30 and $judyhouse == false>>
[[Judy wants to talk to you|judy invite]]<br>
<<if $introducedjudy == true>>
[[Talk to Judy|judy talk school]]<br>
<<if $time>=3>>
<<goto OutSchool>>
<img src="Media/City/School/Read.jpg" width="75%"><br>
<<if $time>=3>>
<<goto OutSchool>>
You read a book.
<<set $time +=0.25>>
<<if $time>=3.5>>
<<goto OutSchool>>
<<set $intelligence +=1>>
+1 Intelligence<br>
[[Go back|Library]]
<<if $time <=1.5>>
<img src="Media/City/Park.jpg" width="75%"><br>
<img src="Media/City/ParkNight.jpg" width="75%"><br>
<img src="Media/City/Park/Jog.jpg" width="50%"><br>
You jog in the park.<br>
<<set $time +=0.5>>
<<set $strength +=1>>
+1 strength<br>
<<if $SisGift == false >>
@@.speech-sister; Oh my god! Thank you!@@
<<if $chocgiven == true >>
<<set $chocolate -=1>>
<<set $chocgiven = false>>
<<set _result to $addstat($sister,"aff",7)>><<print _result>><br>
<<set $time +=0.25>>
<<if $congiven == true >>
<<set $condom -=1>>
<<set $congiven = false>>
<<set _result to $addstat($sister,"cor",5)>><<print _result>><br>
<<set $time +=0.25>>
<<if $alcgiven == true >>
<<set $alcohol -=1>>
<<set $alcgiven = false>>
<<set _result to $addstat($sister,"cor",14)>><<print _result>><br>
<<set $time +=0.25>>
<<if $perfgiven == true >>
<<set $perfume -=1>>
<<set $perfgiven = false>>
<<set _result to $addstat($sister,"aff",19)>><<print _result>><br>
<<set $time +=0.25>>
<<if $linggiven == true >>
<<set $lingerie -=1>>
<<set $linggiven = false>>
<<set _result to $addstat($sister,"cor",35)>><<print _result>><br>;
<<set $time +=0.25>>
<<if $bikigiven == true >>
<<set $bikini -=1>>
<<set $bikigiven = false>>
<<set _result to $addstat($sister,"aff",45)>><<print _result>><br>
<<set $time +=0.25>>
<<if $cutedgiven == true >>
<<set $cutedress -=1>>
<<set $cutedgiven = false>>
<<set _result to $addstat($sister,"aff",67)>><<print _result>><br>
<<set $time +=0.25>>
<<if $sexydgiven == true >>
<<set $sexydress -=1>>
<<set $sexydgiven = false>>
<<set _result to $addstat($sister,"cor",55)>><<print _result>><br>
<<set $time +=0.25>>
<<if $MomGift == false >>
@@.speech-mom; Thank you so much, sweetie!@@
<<if $chocgiven == true >>
<<set $chocolate -=1>>
<<set $chocgiven = false>>
<<set _result to $addstat($mom,"aff",7)>><<print _result>><br>
<<set $time +=0.25>>
<<if $congiven == true >>
<<set $condom -=1>>
<<set $congiven = false>>
<<set $mom.cor += 2>>
<<set _result to $addstat($mom,"cor",5)>><<print _result>><br>
<<set $time +=0.25>>
<<if $alcgiven == true >>
<<set $alcohol -=1>>
<<set $alcgiven = false>>
<<set $mom.cor += 6>>
<<set _result to $addstat($mom,"cor",14)>><<print _result>><br>
<<set $time +=0.25>>
<<if $perfgiven == true >>
<<set $perfume -=1>>
<<set $perfgiven = false>>
<<set $mom.aff += 9>>
<<set _result to $addstat($mom,"aff",19)>><<print _result>><br>
<<set $time +=0.25>>
<<if $linggiven == true >>
<<set $lingerie -=1>>
<<set $linggiven = false>>
<<set $mom.cor += 24>>
<<set _result to $addstat($mom,"cor",35)>><<print _result>><br>
<<set $time +=0.25>>
<<if $bikigiven == true >>
<<set $bikini -=1>>
<<set $bikigiven = false>>
<<set $mom.aff += 30>>
<<set _result to $addstat($mom,"aff",45)>><<print _result>><br>
<<set $time +=0.25>>
<<if $cutedgiven == true >>
<<set $cutedress -=1>>
<<set $cutedgiven = false>>
<<set _result to $addstat($mom,"aff",67)>><<print _result>><br>
<<set $time +=0.25>>
<<if $sexydgiven == true >>
<<set $sexydress -=1>>
<<set $sexydgiven = false>>
<<set _result to $addstat($mom,"cor",55)>><<print _result>><br>
<<set $time +=0.25>>
[[return|Mom Room]]
<<if $JudyGift == false >>
@@.speech-judy; Thanks, cutie.@@
<<if $chocgiven == true >>
<<set $chocolate -=1>>
<<set $chocgiven = false>>
<<set _result to $addstat($judy,"aff",7)>><<print _result>><br>
<<set $time +=0.25>>
<<if $congiven == true >>
<<set $condom -=1>>
<<set $congiven = false>>
<<set _result to $addstat($judy,"cor",5)>><<print _result>><br>
<<set $time +=0.25>>
<<if $alcgiven == true >>
<<set $alcohol -=1>>
<<set $alcgiven = false>>
<<set _result to $addstat($judy,"cor",14)>><<print _result>><br>
<<set $time +=0.25>>
<<if $perfgiven == true >>
<<set $perfume -=1>>
<<set $perfgiven = false>>
<<set _result to $addstat($judy,"aff",19)>><<print _result>><br>
<<set $time +=0.25>>
<<if $linggiven == true >>
<<set $lingerie -=1>>
<<set $linggiven = false>>
<<set _result to $addstat($judy,"cor",35)>><<print _result>><br>
<<set $time +=0.25>>
<<if $bikigiven == true >>
<<set $bikini -=1>>
<<set $bikigiven = false>>
<<set _result to $addstat($judy,"aff",45)>><<print _result>><br>
<<set $time +=0.25>>
<<if $cutedgiven == true >>
<<set $cutedress -=1>>
<<set $cutedgiven = false>>
<<set _result to $addstat($judy,"aff",67)>><<print _result>><br>
<<set $time +=0.25>>
<<if $sexydgiven == true >>
<<set $sexydress -=1>>
<<set $sexydgiven = false>>
<<set _result to $addstat($judy,"cor",55)>><<print _result>><br>
<<set $time +=0.25>>
<<if $ReaGift == false >>
@@.speech-rea; How sweet of you!@@
<<if $chocgiven == true >>
<<set $chocolate -=1>>
<<set $chocgiven = false>>
<<set _result to $addstat($rea,"aff",7)>><<print _result>><br>
<<set $time +=0.25>>
<<if $congiven == true >>
<<set $condom -=1>>
<<set $congiven = false>>
<<set _result to $addstat($rea,"cor",5)>><<print _result>><br>
<<set $time +=0.25>>
<<if $alcgiven == true >>
<<set $alcohol -=1>>
<<set $alcgiven = false>>
<<set _result to $addstat($rea,"cor",14)>><<print _result>><br>
<<set $time +=0.25>>
<<if $perfgiven == true >>
<<set $perfume -=1>>
<<set $perfgiven = false>>
<<set _result to $addstat($rea,"aff",19)>><<print _result>><br>
<<set $time +=0.25>>
<<if $linggiven == true >>
<<set $lingerie -=1>>
<<set $linggiven = false>>
<<set _result to $addstat($rea,"cor",35)>><<print _result>><br>
<<set $time +=0.25>>
<<if $bikigiven == true >>
<<set $bikini -=1>>
<<set $bikigiven = false>>
<<set _result to $addstat($rea,"aff",45)>><<print _result>><br>
<<set $time +=0.25>>
<<if $cutedgiven == true >>
<<set $cutedress -=1>>
<<set $cutedgiven = false>>
<<set _result to $addstat($rea,"aff",67)>><<print _result>><br>
<<set $time +=0.25>>
<<if $sexydgiven == true >>
<<set $sexydress -=1>>
<<set $sexydgiven = false>>
<<set _result to $addstat($rea,"cor",55)>><<print _result>><br>
<<set $time +=0.25>>
[[return|rea room]]
<<if $McsGift == false >>
@@.speech-mcstudent; Oh, thanks!@@
<<if $chocgiven == true >>
<<set $chocolate -=1>>
<<set $chocgiven = false>>
<<set _result to $addstat($mcstudent,"aff",7)>><<print _result>><br>
<<set $time +=0.25>>
<<if $congiven == true >>
<<set $condom -=1>>
<<set $congiven = false>>
<<set _result to $addstat($mcstudent,"cor",5)>><<print _result>><br>
<<set $time +=0.25>>
<<if $alcgiven == true >>
<<set $alcohol -=1>>
<<set $alcgiven = false>>
<<set _result to $addstat($mcstudent,"cor",14)>><<print _result>><br>
<<set $time +=0.25>>
<<if $perfgiven == true >>
<<set $perfume -=1>>
<<set $perfgiven = false>>
<<set _result to $addstat($mcstudent,"aff",19)>><<print _result>><br>
<<set $time +=0.25>>
<<if $linggiven == true >>
<<set $lingerie -=1>>
<<set $linggiven = false>>
<<set _result to $addstat($mcstudent,"cor",35)>><<print _result>><br>;
<<set $time +=0.25>>
<<if $bikigiven == true >>
<<set $bikini -=1>>
<<set $bikigiven = false>>
<<set _result to $addstat($mcstudent,"aff",45)>><<print _result>><br>
<<set $time +=0.25>>
<<if $cutedgiven == true >>
<<set $cutedress -=1>>
<<set $cutedgiven = false>>
<<set _result to $addstat($mcstudent,"aff",67)>><<print _result>><br>
<<set $time +=0.25>>
<<if $sexydgiven == true >>
<<set $sexydress -=1>>
<<set $sexydgiven = false>>
<<set _result to $addstat($mcstudent,"cor",55)>><<print _result>><br>
<<set $time +=0.25>>
[[return|mcstudent room]]
<<if $HsGift == false >>
@@.speech-hstudent; Oh, thanks!@@
<<if $chocgiven == true >>
<<set $chocolate -=1>>
<<set $chocgiven = false>>
<<set _result to $addstat($hstudent,"aff",7)>><<print _result>><br>
<<set $time +=0.25>>
<<if $congiven == true >>
<<set $condom -=1>>
<<set $congiven = false>>
<<set _result to $addstat($hstudent,"cor",5)>><<print _result>><br>
<<set $time +=0.25>>
<<if $alcgiven == true >>
<<set $alcohol -=1>>
<<set $alcgiven = false>>
<<set _result to $addstat($hstudent,"cor",14)>><<print _result>><br>
<<set $time +=0.25>>
<<if $perfgiven == true >>
<<set $perfume -=1>>
<<set $perfgiven = false>>
<<set _result to $addstat($hstudent,"aff",19)>><<print _result>><br>
<<set $time +=0.25>>
<<if $linggiven == true >>
<<set $lingerie -=1>>
<<set $linggiven = false>>
<<set _result to $addstat($hstudent,"cor",35)>><<print _result>><br>;
<<set $time +=0.25>>
<<if $bikigiven == true >>
<<set $bikini -=1>>
<<set $bikigiven = false>>
<<set _result to $addstat($hstudent,"aff",45)>><<print _result>><br>
<<set $time +=0.25>>
<<if $cutedgiven == true >>
<<set $cutedress -=1>>
<<set $cutedgiven = false>>
<<set _result to $addstat($hstudent,"aff",67)>><<print _result>><br>
<<set $time +=0.25>>
<<if $sexydgiven == true >>
<<set $sexydress -=1>>
<<set $sexydgiven = false>>
<<set _result to $addstat($hstudent,"cor",55)>><<print _result>><br>
<<set $time +=0.25>>
[[return|hstudent room]]
<<if $MctGift == false >>
@@.speech-teacher; Oh, thanks!@@
<<if $chocgiven == true >>
<<set $chocolate -=1>>
<<set $chocgiven = false>>
<<set _result to $addstat($mcteacher,"aff",7)>><<print _result>><br>
<<set $time +=0.25>>
<<if $congiven == true >>
<<set $condom -=1>>
<<set $congiven = false>>
<<set _result to $addstat($mcteacher,"cor",5)>><<print _result>><br>
<<set $time +=0.25>>
<<if $alcgiven == true >>
<<set $alcohol -=1>>
<<set $alcgiven = false>>
<<set _result to $addstat($mcteacher,"cor",14)>><<print _result>><br>
<<set $time +=0.25>>
<<if $perfgiven == true >>
<<set $perfume -=1>>
<<set $perfgiven = false>>
<<set _result to $addstat($mcteacher,"aff",19)>><<print _result>><br>
<<set $time +=0.25>>
<<if $linggiven == true >>
<<set $lingerie -=1>>
<<set $linggiven = false>>
<<set _result to $addstat($mcteacher,"cor",35)>><<print _result>><br>;
<<set $time +=0.25>>
<<if $bikigiven == true >>
<<set $bikini -=1>>
<<set $bikigiven = false>>
<<set _result to $addstat($mcteacher,"aff",45)>><<print _result>><br>
<<set $time +=0.25>>
<<if $cutedgiven == true >>
<<set $cutedress -=1>>
<<set $cutedgiven = false>>
<<set _result to $addstat($mcteacher,"aff",67)>><<print _result>><br>
<<set $time +=0.25>>
<<if $sexydgiven == true >>
<<set $sexydress -=1>>
<<set $sexydgiven = false>>
<<set _result to $addstat($mcteacher,"cor",55)>><<print _result>><br>
<<set $time +=0.25>>
[[return|mcteacher room]]
<<if $Gcousin == false >>
@@.speech-cousin; Aww! Thanks!@@
<<if $chocgiven == true >>
<<set $chocolate -=1>>
<<set $chocgiven = false>>
<<set _result to $addstat($cousin,"aff",7)>><<print _result>><br>
<<set $time +=0.25>>
<<if $congiven == true >>
<<set $condom -=1>>
<<set $congiven = false>>
<<set _result to $addstat($cousin,"cor",5)>><<print _result>><br>
<<set $time +=0.25>>
<<if $alcgiven == true >>
<<set $alcohol -=1>>
<<set $alcgiven = false>>
<<set _result to $addstat($cousin,"cor",14)>><<print _result>><br>
<<set $time +=0.25>>
<<if $perfgiven == true >>
<<set $perfume -=1>>
<<set $perfgiven = false>>
<<set _result to $addstat($cousin,"aff",19)>><<print _result>><br>
<<set $time +=0.25>>
<<if $linggiven == true >>
<<set $lingerie -=1>>
<<set $linggiven = false>>
<<set _result to $addstat($cousin,"cor",35)>><<print _result>><br>;
<<set $time +=0.25>>
<<if $bikigiven == true >>
<<set $bikini -=1>>
<<set $bikigiven = false>>
<<set _result to $addstat($cousin,"aff",45)>><<print _result>><br>
<<set $time +=0.25>>
<<if $cutedgiven == true >>
<<set $cutedress -=1>>
<<set $cutedgiven = false>>
<<set _result to $addstat($cousin,"aff",67)>><<print _result>><br>
<<set $time +=0.25>>
<<if $sexydgiven == true >>
<<set $sexydress -=1>>
<<set $sexydgiven = false>>
<<set _result to $addstat($cousin,"cor",55)>><<print _result>><br>
<<set $time +=0.25>>
<<if $Gaunt == false >>
@@.speech-aunt; Thank you, nephew!@@
<<if $chocgiven == true >>
<<set $chocolate -=1>>
<<set $chocgiven = false>>
<<set _result to $addstat($aunt,"aff",7)>><<print _result>><br>
<<set $time +=0.25>>
<<if $congiven == true >>
<<set $condom -=1>>
<<set $congiven = false>>
<<set _result to $addstat($aunt,"cor",5)>><<print _result>><br>
<<set $time +=0.25>>
<<if $alcgiven == true >>
<<set $alcohol -=1>>
<<set $alcgiven = false>>
<<set _result to $addstat($aunt,"cor",14)>><<print _result>><br>
<<set $time +=0.25>>
<<if $perfgiven == true >>
<<set $perfume -=1>>
<<set $perfgiven = false>>
<<set _result to $addstat($aunt,"aff",19)>><<print _result>><br>
<<set $time +=0.25>>
<<if $linggiven == true >>
<<set $lingerie -=1>>
<<set $linggiven = false>>
<<set _result to $addstat($aunt,"cor",35)>><<print _result>><br>;
<<set $time +=0.25>>
<<if $bikigiven == true >>
<<set $bikini -=1>>
<<set $bikigiven = false>>
<<set _result to $addstat($aunt,"aff",45)>><<print _result>><br>
<<set $time +=0.25>>
<<if $cutedgiven == true >>
<<set $cutedress -=1>>
<<set $cutedgiven = false>>
<<set _result to $addstat($aunt,"aff",67)>><<print _result>><br>
<<set $time +=0.25>>
<<if $sexydgiven == true >>
<<set $sexydress -=1>>
<<set $sexydgiven = false>>
<<set _result to $addstat($aunt,"cor",55)>><<print _result>><br>
<<set $time +=0.25>>
<<if $Gclerk == false >>
@@.speech-clerk; That's for me? Thank you!@@
<<if $chocgiven == true >>
<<set $chocolate -=1>>
<<set $chocgiven = false>>
<<set _result to $addstat($clerk,"aff",7)>><<print _result>><br>
<<set $time +=0.25>>
<<if $congiven == true >>
<<set $condom -=1>>
<<set $congiven = false>>
<<set _result to $addstat($clerk,"cor",5)>><<print _result>><br>
<<set $time +=0.25>>
<<if $alcgiven == true >>
<<set $alcohol -=1>>
<<set $alcgiven = false>>
<<set _result to $addstat($clerk,"cor",14)>><<print _result>><br>
<<set $time +=0.25>>
<<if $perfgiven == true >>
<<set $perfume -=1>>
<<set $perfgiven = false>>
<<set _result to $addstat($clerk,"aff",19)>><<print _result>><br>
<<set $time +=0.25>>
<<if $linggiven == true >>
<<set $lingerie -=1>>
<<set $linggiven = false>>
<<set _result to $addstat($clerk,"cor",35)>><<print _result>><br>;
<<set $time +=0.25>>
<<if $bikigiven == true >>
<<set $bikini -=1>>
<<set $bikigiven = false>>
<<set _result to $addstat($clerk,"aff",45)>><<print _result>><br>
<<set $time +=0.25>>
<<if $cutedgiven == true >>
<<set $cutedress -=1>>
<<set $cutedgiven = false>>
<<set _result to $addstat($clerk,"aff",67)>><<print _result>><br>
<<set $time +=0.25>>
<<if $sexydgiven == true >>
<<set $sexydress -=1>>
<<set $sexydgiven = false>>
<<set _result to $addstat($clerk,"cor",55)>><<print _result>><br>
<<set $time +=0.25>>
<<if $clerk.lvl <3>>
<<if $Gofficer == false >>
@@.speech-officer; Giving me gifts, won't increase your chances, but thanks.@@
<<if $chocgiven == true >>
<<set $chocolate -=1>>
<<set $chocgiven = false>>
<<set _result to $addstat($officer,"aff",7)>><<print _result>><br>
<<set $time +=0.25>>
<<if $congiven == true >>
<<set $condom -=1>>
<<set $congiven = false>>
<<set _result to $addstat($officer,"cor",5)>><<print _result>><br>
<<set $time +=0.25>>
<<if $alcgiven == true >>
<<set $alcohol -=1>>
<<set $alcgiven = false>>
<<set _result to $addstat($officer,"cor",14)>><<print _result>><br>
<<set $time +=0.25>>
<<if $perfgiven == true >>
<<set $perfume -=1>>
<<set $perfgiven = false>>
<<set _result to $addstat($officer,"aff",19)>><<print _result>><br>
<<set $time +=0.25>>
<<if $linggiven == true >>
<<set $lingerie -=1>>
<<set $linggiven = false>>
<<set _result to $addstat($officer,"cor",35)>><<print _result>><br>;
<<set $time +=0.25>>
<<if $bikigiven == true >>
<<set $bikini -=1>>
<<set $bikigiven = false>>
<<set _result to $addstat($officer,"aff",45)>><<print _result>><br>
<<set $time +=0.25>>
<<if $cutedgiven == true >>
<<set $cutedress -=1>>
<<set $cutedgiven = false>>
<<set _result to $addstat($officer,"aff",67)>><<print _result>><br>
<<set $time +=0.25>>
<<if $sexydgiven == true >>
<<set $sexydress -=1>>
<<set $sexydgiven = false>>
<<set _result to $addstat($officer,"cor",55)>><<print _result>><br>
<<set $time +=0.25>>
<<if $officerwork == true>>
<<if $Gprisoner == false >>
@@.speech-prisoner; Thanks...@@
<<if $chocgiven == true >>
<<set $chocolate -=1>>
<<set $chocgiven = false>>
<<set _result to $addstat($prisoner,"aff",7)>><<print _result>><br>
<<set $time +=0.25>>
<<if $congiven == true >>
<<set $condom -=1>>
<<set $congiven = false>>
<<set _result to $addstat($prisoner,"cor",5)>><<print _result>><br>
<<set $time +=0.25>>
<<if $alcgiven == true >>
<<set $alcohol -=1>>
<<set $alcgiven = false>>
<<set _result to $addstat($prisoner,"cor",14)>><<print _result>><br>
<<set $time +=0.25>>
<<if $perfgiven == true >>
<<set $perfume -=1>>
<<set $perfgiven = false>>
<<set _result to $addstat($prisoner,"aff",19)>><<print _result>><br>
<<set $time +=0.25>>
<<if $linggiven == true >>
<<set $lingerie -=1>>
<<set $linggiven = false>>
<<set _result to $addstat($prisoner,"cor",35)>><<print _result>><br>;
<<set $time +=0.25>>
<<if $bikigiven == true >>
<<set $bikini -=1>>
<<set $bikigiven = false>>
<<set _result to $addstat($prisoner,"aff",45)>><<print _result>><br>
<<set $time +=0.25>>
<<if $cutedgiven == true >>
<<set $cutedress -=1>>
<<set $cutedgiven = false>>
<<set _result to $addstat($prisoner,"aff",67)>><<print _result>><br>
<<set $time +=0.25>>
<<if $sexydgiven == true >>
<<set $sexydress -=1>>
<<set $sexydgiven = false>>
<<set _result to $addstat($prisoner,"cor",55)>><<print _result>><br>
<<set $time +=0.25>>
<<if $prisonmaid == false>>
<<if $Gkayla == false >>
@@.speech-kayla; Oh my!@@
<<if $chocgiven == true >>
<<set $chocolate -=1>>
<<set $chocgiven = false>>
<<set _result to $addstat($kayla,"aff",7)>><<print _result>><br>
<<set $time +=0.25>>
<<if $congiven == true >>
<<set $condom -=1>>
<<set $congiven = false>>
<<set _result to $addstat($kayla,"cor",5)>><<print _result>><br>
<<set $time +=0.25>>
<<if $alcgiven == true >>
<<set $alcohol -=1>>
<<set $alcgiven = false>>
<<set _result to $addstat($kayla,"cor",14)>><<print _result>><br>
<<set $time +=0.25>>
<<if $perfgiven == true >>
<<set $perfume -=1>>
<<set $perfgiven = false>>
<<set _result to $addstat($kayla,"aff",19)>><<print _result>><br>
<<set $time +=0.25>>
<<if $linggiven == true >>
<<set $lingerie -=1>>
<<set $linggiven = false>>
<<set _result to $addstat($kayla,"cor",35)>><<print _result>><br>;
<<set $time +=0.25>>
<<if $bikigiven == true >>
<<set $bikini -=1>>
<<set $bikigiven = false>>
<<set _result to $addstat($kayla,"aff",45)>><<print _result>><br>
<<set $time +=0.25>>
<<if $cutedgiven == true >>
<<set $cutedress -=1>>
<<set $cutedgiven = false>>
<<set _result to $addstat($kayla,"aff",67)>><<print _result>><br>
<<set $time +=0.25>>
<<if $sexydgiven == true >>
<<set $sexydress -=1>>
<<set $sexydgiven = false>>
<<set _result to $addstat($kayla,"cor",55)>><<print _result>><br>
<<set $time +=0.25>>
<<if $Gtrainee == false >>
@@.speech-trainee; Thank you very much, sir!@@
<<if $chocgiven == true >>
<<set $chocolate -=1>>
<<set $chocgiven = false>>
<<set _result to $addstat($trainee,"aff",7)>><<print _result>><br>
<<set $time +=0.25>>
<<if $congiven == true >>
<<set $condom -=1>>
<<set $congiven = false>>
<<set _result to $addstat($trainee,"cor",5)>><<print _result>><br>
<<set $time +=0.25>>
<<if $alcgiven == true >>
<<set $alcohol -=1>>
<<set $alcgiven = false>>
<<set _result to $addstat($trainee,"cor",14)>><<print _result>><br>
<<set $time +=0.25>>
<<if $perfgiven == true >>
<<set $perfume -=1>>
<<set $perfgiven = false>>
<<set _result to $addstat($trainee,"aff",19)>><<print _result>><br>
<<set $time +=0.25>>
<<if $linggiven == true >>
<<set $lingerie -=1>>
<<set $linggiven = false>>
<<set _result to $addstat($trainee,"cor",35)>><<print _result>><br>;
<<set $time +=0.25>>
<<if $bikigiven == true >>
<<set $bikini -=1>>
<<set $bikigiven = false>>
<<set _result to $addstat($trainee,"aff",45)>><<print _result>><br>
<<set $time +=0.25>>
<<if $cutedgiven == true >>
<<set $cutedress -=1>>
<<set $cutedgiven = false>>
<<set _result to $addstat($trainee,"aff",67)>><<print _result>><br>
<<set $time +=0.25>>
<<if $sexydgiven == true >>
<<set $sexydress -=1>>
<<set $sexydgiven = false>>
<<set _result to $addstat($trainee,"cor",55)>><<print _result>><br>
<<set $time +=0.25>>
<<if $GEmily == false >>
@@.speech-emily; That's so sweet of you, thanks!@@
<<if $chocgiven == true >>
<<set $chocolate -=1>>
<<set $chocgiven = false>>
<<set _result to $addstat($emily,"aff",7)>><<print _result>><br>
<<set $time +=0.25>>
<<if $congiven == true >>
<<set $condom -=1>>
<<set $congiven = false>>
<<set _result to $addstat($emily,"cor",5)>><<print _result>><br>
<<set $time +=0.25>>
<<if $alcgiven == true >>
<<set $alcohol -=1>>
<<set $alcgiven = false>>
<<set _result to $addstat($emily,"cor",14)>><<print _result>><br>
<<set $time +=0.25>>
<<if $perfgiven == true >>
<<set $perfume -=1>>
<<set $perfgiven = false>>
<<set _result to $addstat($emily,"aff",19)>><<print _result>><br>
<<set $time +=0.25>>
<<if $linggiven == true >>
<<set $lingerie -=1>>
<<set $linggiven = false>>
<<set _result to $addstat($emily,"cor",35)>><<print _result>><br>;
<<set $time +=0.25>>
<<if $bikigiven == true >>
<<set $bikini -=1>>
<<set $bikigiven = false>>
<<set _result to $addstat($emily,"aff",45)>><<print _result>><br>
<<set $time +=0.25>>
<<if $cutedgiven == true >>
<<set $cutedress -=1>>
<<set $cutedgiven = false>>
<<set _result to $addstat($emily,"aff",67)>><<print _result>><br>
<<set $time +=0.25>>
<<if $sexydgiven == true >>
<<set $sexydress -=1>>
<<set $sexydgiven = false>>
<<set _result to $addstat($emily,"cor",55)>><<print _result>><br>
<<set $time +=0.25>>
<<if $time <2>>
<<if $GReceptionist == false >>
@@.speech-reception; I don't know if I deserved that..., but thanks.@@
<<if $chocgiven == true >>
<<set $chocolate -=1>>
<<set $chocgiven = false>>
<<set _result to $addstat($reception,"aff",7)>><<print _result>><br>
<<set $time +=0.25>>
<<if $congiven == true >>
<<set $condom -=1>>
<<set $congiven = false>>
<<set _result to $addstat($reception,"cor",5)>><<print _result>><br>
<<set $time +=0.25>>
<<if $alcgiven == true >>
<<set $alcohol -=1>>
<<set $alcgiven = false>>
<<set _result to $addstat($reception,"cor",14)>><<print _result>><br>
<<set $time +=0.25>>
<<if $perfgiven == true >>
<<set $perfume -=1>>
<<set $perfgiven = false>>
<<set _result to $addstat($reception,"aff",19)>><<print _result>><br>
<<set $time +=0.25>>
<<if $linggiven == true >>
<<set $lingerie -=1>>
<<set $linggiven = false>>
<<set _result to $addstat($reception,"cor",35)>><<print _result>><br>;
<<set $time +=0.25>>
<<if $bikigiven == true >>
<<set $bikini -=1>>
<<set $bikigiven = false>>
<<set _result to $addstat($reception,"aff",45)>><<print _result>><br>
<<set $time +=0.25>>
<<if $cutedgiven == true >>
<<set $cutedress -=1>>
<<set $cutedgiven = false>>
<<set _result to $addstat($reception,"aff",67)>><<print _result>><br>
<<set $time +=0.25>>
<<if $sexydgiven == true >>
<<set $sexydress -=1>>
<<set $sexydgiven = false>>
<<set _result to $addstat($reception,"cor",55)>><<print _result>><br>
<<set $time +=0.25>>
<<if $time <2>>
<<if $GBarista == false >>
@@.speech-barista; Thank you, handsome!@@
<<if $chocgiven == true >>
<<set $chocolate -=1>>
<<set $chocgiven = false>>
<<set _result to $addstat($barista,"aff",7)>><<print _result>><br>
<<set $time +=0.25>>
<<if $congiven == true >>
<<set $condom -=1>>
<<set $congiven = false>>
<<set _result to $addstat($barista,"cor",5)>><<print _result>><br>
<<set $time +=0.25>>
<<if $alcgiven == true >>
<<set $alcohol -=1>>
<<set $alcgiven = false>>
<<set _result to $addstat($barista,"cor",14)>><<print _result>><br>
<<set $time +=0.25>>
<<if $perfgiven == true >>
<<set $perfume -=1>>
<<set $perfgiven = false>>
<<set _result to $addstat($barista,"aff",19)>><<print _result>><br>
<<set $time +=0.25>>
<<if $linggiven == true >>
<<set $lingerie -=1>>
<<set $linggiven = false>>
<<set _result to $addstat($barista,"cor",35)>><<print _result>><br>;
<<set $time +=0.25>>
<<if $bikigiven == true >>
<<set $bikini -=1>>
<<set $bikigiven = false>>
<<set _result to $addstat($barista,"aff",45)>><<print _result>><br>
<<set $time +=0.25>>
<<if $cutedgiven == true >>
<<set $cutedress -=1>>
<<set $cutedgiven = false>>
<<set _result to $addstat($barista,"aff",67)>><<print _result>><br>
<<set $time +=0.25>>
<<if $sexydgiven == true >>
<<set $sexydress -=1>>
<<set $sexydgiven = false>>
<<set _result to $addstat($barista,"cor",55)>><<print _result>><br>
<<set $time +=0.25>>
<<if $time <2>>
<<if $GSuzy == false >>
@@.speech-suzy; You are a great gentleman for giving me such a gift.@@
<<if $chocgiven == true >>
<<set $chocolate -=1>>
<<set $chocgiven = false>>
<<set _result to $addstat($suzy,"aff",7)>><<print _result>><br>
<<set $time +=0.25>>
<<if $congiven == true >>
<<set $condom -=1>>
<<set $congiven = false>>
<<set _result to $addstat($suzy,"cor",5)>><<print _result>><br>
<<set $time +=0.25>>
<<if $alcgiven == true >>
<<set $alcohol -=1>>
<<set $alcgiven = false>>
<<set _result to $addstat($suzy,"cor",14)>><<print _result>><br>
<<set $time +=0.25>>
<<if $perfgiven == true >>
<<set $perfume -=1>>
<<set $perfgiven = false>>
<<set _result to $addstat($suzy,"aff",19)>><<print _result>><br>
<<set $time +=0.25>>
<<if $linggiven == true >>
<<set $lingerie -=1>>
<<set $linggiven = false>>
<<set _result to $addstat($suzy,"cor",35)>><<print _result>><br>;
<<set $time +=0.25>>
<<if $bikigiven == true >>
<<set $bikini -=1>>
<<set $bikigiven = false>>
<<set _result to $addstat($suzy,"aff",45)>><<print _result>><br>
<<set $time +=0.25>>
<<if $cutedgiven == true >>
<<set $cutedress -=1>>
<<set $cutedgiven = false>>
<<set _result to $addstat($suzy,"aff",67)>><<print _result>><br>
<<set $time +=0.25>>
<<if $sexydgiven == true >>
<<set $sexydress -=1>>
<<set $sexydgiven = false>>
<<set _result to $addstat($suzy,"cor",55)>><<print _result>><br>
<<set $time +=0.25>>
<<if $GAlexia == false >>
@@.speech-alexia; Thanks buddy!@@
<<if $chocgiven == true >>
<<set $chocolate -=1>>
<<set $chocgiven = false>>
<<set _result to $addstat($alexia,"aff",7)>><<print _result>><br>
<<set $time +=0.25>>
<<if $congiven == true >>
<<set $condom -=1>>
<<set $congiven = false>>
<<set _result to $addstat($alexia,"cor",5)>><<print _result>><br>
<<set $time +=0.25>>
<<if $alcgiven == true >>
<<set $alcohol -=1>>
<<set $alcgiven = false>>
<<set _result to $addstat($alexia,"cor",14)>><<print _result>><br>
<<set $time +=0.25>>
<<if $perfgiven == true >>
<<set $perfume -=1>>
<<set $perfgiven = false>>
<<set _result to $addstat($alexia,"aff",19)>><<print _result>><br>
<<set $time +=0.25>>
<<if $linggiven == true >>
<<set $lingerie -=1>>
<<set $linggiven = false>>
<<set _result to $addstat($alexia,"cor",35)>><<print _result>><br>;
<<set $time +=0.25>>
<<if $bikigiven == true >>
<<set $bikini -=1>>
<<set $bikigiven = false>>
<<set _result to $addstat($alexia,"aff",45)>><<print _result>><br>
<<set $time +=0.25>>
<<if $cutedgiven == true >>
<<set $cutedress -=1>>
<<set $cutedgiven = false>>
<<set _result to $addstat($alexia,"aff",67)>><<print _result>><br>
<<set $time +=0.25>>
<<if $sexydgiven == true >>
<<set $sexydress -=1>>
<<set $sexydgiven = false>>
<<set _result to $addstat($alexia,"cor",55)>><<print _result>><br>
<<set $time +=0.25>>
<<if $GMelanie == false >>
@@.speech-melanie; I wasn't asking for a gift, but thanks.@@
<<if $chocgiven == true >>
<<set $chocolate -=1>>
<<set $chocgiven = false>>
<<set _result to $addstat($melanie,"aff",7)>><<print _result>><br>
<<set $time +=0.25>>
<<if $congiven == true >>
<<set $condom -=1>>
<<set $congiven = false>>
<<set _result to $addstat($melanie,"cor",5)>><<print _result>><br>
<<set $time +=0.25>>
<<if $alcgiven == true >>
<<set $alcohol -=1>>
<<set $alcgiven = false>>
<<set _result to $addstat($melanie,"cor",14)>><<print _result>><br>
<<set $time +=0.25>>
<<if $perfgiven == true >>
<<set $perfume -=1>>
<<set $perfgiven = false>>
<<set _result to $addstat($melanie,"aff",19)>><<print _result>><br>
<<set $time +=0.25>>
<<if $linggiven == true >>
<<set $lingerie -=1>>
<<set $linggiven = false>>
<<set _result to $addstat($melanie,"cor",35)>><<print _result>><br>;
<<set $time +=0.25>>
<<if $bikigiven == true >>
<<set $bikini -=1>>
<<set $bikigiven = false>>
<<set _result to $addstat($melanie,"aff",45)>><<print _result>><br>
<<set $time +=0.25>>
<<if $cutedgiven == true >>
<<set $cutedress -=1>>
<<set $cutedgiven = false>>
<<set _result to $addstat($melanie,"aff",67)>><<print _result>><br>
<<set $time +=0.25>>
<<if $sexydgiven == true >>
<<set $sexydress -=1>>
<<set $sexydgiven = false>>
<<set _result to $addstat($melanie,"cor",55)>><<print _result>><br>
<<set $time +=0.25>>
<<if $Glily == false >>
@@.speech-lily; That's for me? Thank you!@@
<<if $chocgiven == true >>
<<set $chocolate -=1>>
<<set $chocgiven = false>>
<<set _result to $addstat($lily,"aff",7)>><<print _result>><br>
<<set $time +=0.25>>
<<if $congiven == true >>
<<set $condom -=1>>
<<set $congiven = false>>
<<set _result to $addstat($lily,"cor",5)>><<print _result>><br>
<<set $time +=0.25>>
<<if $alcgiven == true >>
<<set $alcohol -=1>>
<<set $alcgiven = false>>
<<set _result to $addstat($lily,"cor",14)>><<print _result>><br>
<<set $time +=0.25>>
<<if $perfgiven == true >>
<<set $perfume -=1>>
<<set $perfgiven = false>>
<<set _result to $addstat($lily,"aff",19)>><<print _result>><br>
<<set $time +=0.25>>
<<if $linggiven == true >>
<<set $lingerie -=1>>
<<set $linggiven = false>>
<<set _result to $addstat($lily,"cor",35)>><<print _result>><br>;
<<set $time +=0.25>>
<<if $bikigiven == true >>
<<set $bikini -=1>>
<<set $bikigiven = false>>
<<set _result to $addstat($lily,"aff",45)>><<print _result>><br>
<<set $time +=0.25>>
<<if $cutedgiven == true >>
<<set $cutedress -=1>>
<<set $cutedgiven = false>>
<<set _result to $addstat($lily,"aff",67)>><<print _result>><br>
<<set $time +=0.25>>
<<if $sexydgiven == true >>
<<set $sexydress -=1>>
<<set $sexydgiven = false>>
<<set _result to $addstat($lily,"cor",55)>><<print _result>><br>
<<set $time +=0.25>>
<<if $Gclara == false >>
@@.speech-clara; Wasn't expecting a gift from you, thanks.@@
<<if $chocgiven == true >>
<<set $chocolate -=1>>
<<set $chocgiven = false>>
<<set _result to $addstat($clara,"aff",7)>><<print _result>><br>
<<set $time +=0.25>>
<<if $congiven == true >>
<<set $condom -=1>>
<<set $congiven = false>>
<<set _result to $addstat($clara,"cor",5)>><<print _result>><br>
<<set $time +=0.25>>
<<if $alcgiven == true >>
<<set $alcohol -=1>>
<<set $alcgiven = false>>
<<set _result to $addstat($clara,"cor",14)>><<print _result>><br>
<<set $time +=0.25>>
<<if $perfgiven == true >>
<<set $perfume -=1>>
<<set $perfgiven = false>>
<<set _result to $addstat($clara,"aff",19)>><<print _result>><br>
<<set $time +=0.25>>
<<if $linggiven == true >>
<<set $lingerie -=1>>
<<set $linggiven = false>>
<<set _result to $addstat($clara,"cor",35)>><<print _result>><br>;
<<set $time +=0.25>>
<<if $bikigiven == true >>
<<set $bikini -=1>>
<<set $bikigiven = false>>
<<set _result to $addstat($clara,"aff",45)>><<print _result>><br>
<<set $time +=0.25>>
<<if $cutedgiven == true >>
<<set $cutedress -=1>>
<<set $cutedgiven = false>>
<<set _result to $addstat($clara,"aff",67)>><<print _result>><br>
<<set $time +=0.25>>
<<if $sexydgiven == true >>
<<set $sexydress -=1>>
<<set $sexydgiven = false>>
<<set _result to $addstat($clara,"cor",55)>><<print _result>><br>
<<set $time +=0.25>>
<<if $introducedjudy == false>>
@@.speech-judy;Hey I've heard you've been studying real hard lately.@@
@@.speech-u; Yeah, so what?@@
@@.speech-judy; Name is $judy.name, and you are?@@
@@.speech-u; $uname, now what is it that you want?@@
@@.speech-judy; Nothing, just wanted to introduce myself, because we will be seeing each other more often.@@
@@.speech-u; Well, it's good that some strange girl that I've met in a library is willing to talk to me.@@
@@.speech-judy; Hey! I'm not strange... just a bit interested.@@
@@.speech-u; Interested, huh.@@
@@.speech-judy; Yeah! Just interested.@@
@@.speech-u; Whatever, I will just go home.@@
$uname waves at her as he leaves.<br>
<<set $introducedjudy = true>>
You can now talk to $judy.name in library.<br>
<<if $judy.aff >=5>>
@@.speech-u; Hey I've come to ask you for a suggestion.@@
@@.speech-judy; Oh? What genre do you like?@@
@@.speech-u; Supernatural fiction or mystery genres.@@
@@.speech-judy; Supernatural fiction hm? I wouldn't take you as a guy who would read those.@@
@@.speech-u; What can I say, I got my own share of interests.@@
@@.speech-judy; Well, if it's a supernatural fiction or mystery you are looking for then I would recommend either WaterKick or Who killed Timothy.@@
@@.speech-u; Okay, thank you!@@
@@.speech-judy; Anytime.@@
$judy.name says it with a smile.<br>
<<set _result to $addstat($judy,"aff",12)>><<print _result>><br>
@@.speech-u; Hey $judy.name, what are you reading?@@
@@.speech-judy; A light novel about a boy and a wolf.@@
@@.speech-u; Is it interesting, or...?@@
@@.speech-judy; It's fascinating! You would expect for it to be boring, but no!<br>
There is so much to take in! I have been reading it non-stop today.@@
@@.speech-u; Uhuh... It appears you are too invested in that story.@@
@@.speech-judy; Yeah, I'am. You should read it too.@@
@@.speech-u; No thanks, I don't think I will.@@
@@.speech-judy; Okay, but let me know if you want a suggestion.@@
@@.speech-u; Sure will.@@
<<set _result to $addstat($judy,"aff",4)>><<print _result>><br>
<<endif >>
<<set $time +=0.25>>
<<set $judyhouse = true>>
<<if $judyhouse == true>>
@@.speech-judy; Hey, I wanted to talk to you about something.@@
$judy.name says it with a shy expression on her face.
@@.speech-u; What is it?@@
@@.speech-judy; I-If you want to talk to me after school, you can d-drop by my place.@@
@@.speech-u; I don't know where you live though.@@
$judy.name hands over a note with her home address on it.
@@.speech-judy; Drop by sometime, okay?@@
$uname grins.
@@.speech-u; I will drop by everyday.@@
$judy.name puts a smile on her face.
@@.speech-judy; Can't wait.@@
<<set _result to $addstat($judy,"aff",20)>><<print _result>><br>
<<set $time +=0.25>>
<img src="Media/JudyHouse/hallway.jpg" width="50%"><br>
$judy.name's home<br><br>
<<button "$judy.name's room">><<goto judyroom>><</button>><br>
<<button "Go outside">><<goto Neighborhood>><</button>>
<img src="Media/JudyHouse/Judyroom.jpg" width="50%"><br>
<<if $time >0.5 and $time <2>>
$judy.name is not in her room.<br>
<<set _chancetobeteased to random(0,100)>>
<<if $judy.aff >=350 and $judy.cor>=200>>
<<if _chancetobeteased >=30>>
<<set _judytease to random(0,9)>>
<<if _judytease == 0>>
<img src="Media/Judy/Tease/TeaseClothed1.webp" width="40%">
<<elseif _judytease == 1>>
<img src="Media/Judy/Tease/TeaseClothed2.webp" width="40%">
<<elseif _judytease == 2>>
<img src="Media/Judy/Tease/TeaseClothed3.webp" width="40%">
<<elseif _judytease == 3>>
<img src="Media/Judy/Tease/TeaseNaked1.webp" width="40%">
<<elseif _judytease == 4>>
<img src="Media/Judy/Tease/TeaseNaked2.webp" width="40%">
<<elseif _judytease == 5>>
<img src="Media/Judy/Tease/TeaseNaked3.webp" width="40%">
<<elseif _judytease == 6>>
<img src="Media/Judy/Tease/TeaseNaked4.webp" width="40%">
<<elseif _judytease == 7>>
<img src="Media/Judy/Tease/TeaseNaked5.webp" width="40%">
<<elseif _judytease == 8>>
<img src="Media/Judy/Tease/TeaseNaked6.webp" width="40%">
<img src="Media/Judy/Tease/TeaseNaked7.webp" width="40%">
<<set _result to $addstat($judy,"cor",2)>><<print _result>><br>
<<elseif $judy.aff >=130 and $judy.cor>=90>>
<<if _chancetobeteased >=50>>
<<set _judytease to random(0,2)>>
<<if _judytease == 0>>
<img src="Media/Judy/Tease/TeaseClothed1.webp" width="40%">
<<elseif _judytease == 1>>
<img src="Media/Judy/Tease/TeaseClothed2.webp" width="40%">
<img src="Media/Judy/Tease/TeaseClothed3.webp" width="40%">
<<set _result to $addstat($judy,"cor",2)>><<print _result>><br>
$judy.name's room<br>
<<if $judy.lvl == 3>>
Affection: <<print Math.ceil($judy.aff)>> Corruption: <<print Math.ceil($judy.cor)>> lvl: $judy.lvl(max)<br>
Affection: <<print Math.ceil($judy.aff)>> Corruption: <<print Math.ceil($judy.cor)>> lvl: $judy.lvl<br>
<<if $judy.aff >=350 and $judy.cor>=200 and $judy.lvl == 1>>[[Go further with Judy|furtherjudy1]]<br><<endif>>
<<if $judy.aff >=1250 and $judy.cor>=1100 and $judy.lvl == 2>>[[Go even further with Judy|furtherjudy2]]<br><<endif>>
<<if $cash >= 2500>>
<<link "Date">> <<set $JudyDate = true>> <<goto "Dating Menu">><</link>><<endif>><br>
[[Talk|judy talk]] <<link "Gift">> <<set $JudyGift = true>> <<goto "Inventory">><</link>><br>
<<if $judy.aff >=50>>[[Flirt|judy flirt]]<<endif>> <<if $judy.aff >=80 and $judy.cor >=25>>[[Interact|judy interact]]<<endif>><br>
[[return|judy house]]
<<if $judy.lvl == 1>>
@@.speech-u; Hey, I decided to drop by to check on you.@@
@@.speech-judy; Oh, you really didn't need to.@@
@@.speech-u; I did I would drop by everyday did I not?@@
@@.speech-judy; That you did say.@@
$judy.name smiles
@@.speech-judy; Want to read a book with me?@@
@@.speech-u; Sure.@@
<<set _result to $addstat($judy,"aff",9)>><<print _result>><br>
<<elseif $judy.lvl == 2>>
@@.speech-u; How are you doing, pumpkin?@@
@@.speech-judy; pumpkin? That's an interesting nickname for me.@@
@@.speech-u; You will be hearing it a lot.@@
@@.speech-judy; I don't mind, as long as I can call you mr.potato.@@
<<set _result to $addstat($judy,"aff",16)>><<print _result>><br>
<<elseif $judy.lvl == 3>>
@@.speech-u; Hey pumpkin, want to cuddle all night?@@
@@.speech-judy; Oh yes, please!@@
$judy.name giggles
@@.speech-judy; I hope we will cuddle even tomorrow.@@
@@.speech-u; You never know.@@
<<set _result to $addstat($judy,"aff",24)>><<print _result>><br>
<<set $time +=0.25>>
<<if $judy.cor<25 and $judy.lvl == 1>>
@@.speech-u; If I could, I would take my time to read you like a book all day.@@
@@.speech-judy; Hopefully with as much detail as possible.@@
$judy.name smiles.
@@.speech-u; It appears I'm not the only one who wants that.@@
<<set _result to $addstat($judy,"cor",10)>><<print _result>><br>
<<elseif $judy.cor>=25 and $judy.lvl == 1>>
@@.speech-u; Kissing you all day is what I came here for.@@
@@.speech-judy; You don't have to come to me for that reason, because I can't refuse kisses from you anytime.@@
<<set _result to $addstat($judy,"cor",15)>><<print _result>><br>
<<elseif $judy.lvl == 2>>
@@.speech-u; I'm really horny from looking at you right now.@@
@@.speech-judy; Want me to show myself off even more for you, cutie?@@
You both smile.
@@.speech-u; I won't be able to keep my eye off of you if you do that.@@
<<set _result to $addstat($judy,"cor",24)>><<print _result>><br>
<<elseif $judy.lvl == 3>>
You both lay in the bed.
@@.speech-u; Want to go at it, while we are watching a show?@@
@@.speech-judy; Gosh, you are always horny.@@
@@.speech-u; Yeah, always horny for you.@@
She smiles.
@@.speech-judy; After we finish this episode.@@
@@.speech-u; Okay, pumpkin.@@
<<set _result to $addstat($judy,"cor",35)>><<print _result>><br>
<<set $time +=0.25>>
<<if $judy.cor>=60 and $judy.aff>=150>>[[Grope|judygrope]]<<endif>><br>
<<if $judy.lvl>=2>>[[HJ|judyhj]]<<endif>><br>
<<if $judy.cor>=300 and $judy.aff>=550 and $judy.lvl>=2>>[[BJ|judybj]]<<endif>><br>
<<if $judy.lvl>=3>>[[Sex|judysex]]<<endif>><br>
<<if $inmyroom == true>>
<<elseif $inmansion == true>>
<<elseif $germany == true>>
<<elseif $markel == true>>
<<if $judy.lvl == 1>>
<<if $judyfirstkiss == true>>
@@.speech-u; $judy.name, I want to kiss you again.@@
@@.speech-judy; I've been waiting for that.@@
You and $judy.name are next to each other reading a book together.<br>
As you glance a look at her, you both look each other in the eye.<br>
Sitting in silence you both know what you want to do, but can't seem to make a move.<br><br>
But then, you gather confidence and go for the kiss.<br>
She closes her eyes and waits for the lips to touch.<br>
Once both of your lips come in contact $judy.name relaxes her body as a relief.<br>
<img src="Media/Judy/FirstKiss.webp" width="60%"><br>
You move back and look her in the eye without saying anything.<br>
It's quiet, her eyes are glistening with love.<br>
You don't want to force her to do more than kiss so you stop.<br>
<<set _result to $addstat($judy,"aff",50)>><<print _result>><br>
<<set $time +=0.25>>
<<elseif $judy.lvl == 2 and $judyfirstkiss == true>>
@@.speech-u; Hey pumpkin.@@
You grab her chin.
@@.speech-judy; For another kiss again, cutie?@@
@@.speech-u; Well of course, I can't live without your sweet kisses.@@
$judy.name smiles.<br>
<<elseif $judy.lvl == 3 and $judyfirstkiss == true>>
She comes to me first.
@@.speech-judy; I want to kiss you now.@@
She smiles.
@@.speech-u; I'm here to accept it anytime.@@
<<if $judyfirstkiss == true>>
<<set _judykiss = random(0,2)>>
<<if _judykiss == 0>>
<img src="Media/Judy/Kiss/Kiss1.webp" width="75%">
<<elseif _judykiss == 1>>
<img src="Media/Judy/Kiss/Kiss2.webp" width="75%">
<img src="Media/Judy/Kiss/Kiss3.webp" width="75%">
<<set _result to $addstat($judy,"aff",25)>><<print _result>><br>
<<set $time +=0.25>>
[[return|judy interact]]
<<set $judyfirstkiss = true>>
<<if $judy.lvl == 1>>
@@.speech-u; I've come for a quick grab.@@
@@.speech-judy; Oh, u!@@
<<elseif $judy.lvl == 2>>
@@.speech-u; Hey pumpkin, I'm going to please myself with your body.@@
@@.speech-judy; Oh, in what way, cutie?@@
@@.speech-u; By touching you.@@
She smiles and undresses.
@@.speech-judy; Here I'am, please yourself as much as you want.@@
<<elseif $judy.lvl == 3>>
You walk up to her and she starts groping you first.
@@.speech-judy; I will make my move first, darling.@@
You smile.
@@.speech-u; Then I should make my move.@@
<<set _judygrope = random(0,4)>>
<<if _judygrope == 0>>
<img src="Media/Judy/Grope/Grope1.webp" width="75%">
<<elseif _judygrope == 1>>
<img src="Media/Judy/Grope/Grope2.webp" width="75%">
<<elseif _judygrope == 2>>
<img src="Media/Judy/Grope/Grope3.webp" width="75%">
<<elseif _judygrope == 3>>
<img src="Media/Judy/Grope/Grope4.webp" width="75%">
<img src="Media/Judy/Grope/Grope5.webp" width="75%">
<<if $judy.lvl == 1>>
@@.speech-judy; How was my body?@@
@@.speech-u; It was perfect for my hands to grab.@@
She smiles.
@@.speech-judy; You made me a little bit horny by groping me.@@
You smile.<br>
<<elseif $judy.lvl == 2>>
@@.speech-u; Groping your naked body feels even better.@@
She smiles.
@@.speech-judy; And it made me even more hornier than before.@@
@@.speech-u; Then I should grope you while you are pleasuring me.@@
She giggles.
@@.speech-judy; Maybe you should.@@
<<elseif $judy.lvl == 3>>
@@.speech-judy; I think I came a little.@@
@@.speech-u; And I'm extremely hard from your touch.@@
$judy.name sits down.
@@.speech-judy; I can help you with that boner then.@@
@@.speech-u; Maybe after you've rested a little bit.@@
<<set _result to $addstat($judy,"aff",35)>><<print _result>><br>
<<set _result to $addstat($judy,"cor",24)>><<print _result>><br>
<<set $time +=0.25>>
[[return|judy interact]]
<<if $judy.lvl == 1 >>
@@.speech-u; Hey pumpkin, I want to talk to you about something.@@
@@.speech-judy; What is it mr.potato?@@
@@.speech-u; I want to take things even further with you.@@
@@.speech-judy; Is that so?@@
$judy.name stands still and thinks for a moment.
@@.speech-judy; Well if that's what you want, then I'm all for it.@@
You smile being ready to influence her further than before.<br>
[[go further|judyhj]]
<<if $judy.lvl == 1 >>
She pulls your cock out of your pants and looks at it for a while.
@@.speech-u; Speechless?@@
@@.speech-judy; Who wouldn't be after seeing how big it is?@@
@@.speech-u; I guess you're right.@@
<<elseif $judy.lvl == 2>>
$judy.name pulls out your cock and is still amazed.
@@.speech-judy; I will never get used to how big your cock is.@@
@@.speech-u; You will soon.@@
@@.speech-judy; hopefully.@@
<<elseif $judy.lvl == 3>>
@@.speech-judy; Ready to be given the best handjob?@@
@@.speech-u; From you, always.@@
$judy.name smiles.<br>
<<set _judyhj = random(0,8)>>
<<if _judyhj == 0>>
<img src="Media/Judy/HJ/HJ1.webp" width="50%">
<<elseif _judyhj == 1>>
<img src="Media/Judy/HJ/HJ2.webp" width="50%">
<<elseif _judyhj == 2>>
<img src="Media/Judy/HJ/HJ3.webp" width="50%">
<<elseif _judyhj == 3>>
<img src="Media/Judy/HJ/HJ4.webp" width="50%">
<<elseif _judyhj == 4>>
<img src="Media/Judy/HJ/HJ5.webp" width="50%">
<<elseif _judyhj == 5>>
<img src="Media/Judy/HJ/HJ6.webp" width="50%">
<<elseif _judyhj == 6>>
<img src="Media/Judy/HJ/HJ7.webp" width="50%">
<<elseif _judyhj == 7>>
<img src="Media/Judy/HJ/HJ8.webp" width="50%">
<img src="Media/Judy/HJ/HJ9.webp" width="50%">
<<if $judy.lvl == 1>>
@@.speech-u; God your hand feels good.@@
@@.speech-judy; Does it?@@
@@.speech-u; Yeah, it feels great.@@
She smiles.
@@.speech-judy; Then I should do it more often for you.@@
<<elseif $judy.lvl == 2>>
This time her hand movement is more refined than before.
@@.speech-u; Did you study on how to give handjobs?@@
@@.speech-judy; No, why?@@
@@.speech-u; It just feels 10x better than before.@@
She smiles.
@@.speech-judy; Does it mean, that you will cum sooner?@@
You nod.<br>
<<elseif $judy.lvl == 3>>
You lean back in the bed.
@@.speech-u; This truly is the best handjob.@@
She smiles and leans forward, teasing your nipples with her tongue.
@@.speech-u; This feels, strangely better.@@
<<if $judy.lvl == 1>>
@@.speech-u; I'm going to cum.@@
@@.speech-judy; Go ahead, I will take it on my face like a good girlfriend I'am.@@
<<elseif $judy.lvl == 2 >>
@@.speech-u; Ready to receive my cum, my cute girlfriend?@@
$judy.name smiles.
@@.speech-judy; When have I ever not been ready?@@
@@.speech-u; Here it comes!@@
<<elseif $judy.lvl == 3>>
@@.speech-u; I'm going to cum from this sensation!@@
$judy.name leans back and starts to stroke you faster.
<<set _judyhjc = random(0,5)>>
<<if _judyhjc == 0>>
<img src="Media/Judy/HJ/Cum/Cum1.webp" width="50%">
<<elseif _judyhjc == 1>>
<img src="Media/Judy/HJ/Cum/Cum2.webp" width="50%">
<<elseif _judyhjc == 2>>
<img src="Media/Judy/HJ/Cum/Cum3.webp" width="50%">
<<elseif _judyhjc == 3>>
<img src="Media/Judy/HJ/Cum/Cum4.webp" width="50%">
<<elseif _judyhjc == 4>>
<img src="Media/Judy/HJ/Cum/Cum5.webp" width="50%">
<img src="Media/Judy/HJ/Cum/Cum6.webp" width="50%">
<<if $judy.lvl == 2>>
@@.speech-u; Your handjob felt truly amazing.@@
$judy.name smiles.
@@.speech-judy; Glad I could be of help with that boner of yours, cutie.@@
<<elseif $judy.lvl == 3>>
@@.speech-judy; So how was it?@@
You are left speechless.
@@.speech-judy; So good that you can't talk?@@
She giggles.
@@.speech-u; Kind of, yeah.@@
<<if $judy.lvl >= 2>>
<<set _result to $addstat($judy,"aff",50)>><<print _result>><br>
<<set _result to $addstat($judy,"cor",35)>><<print _result>><br>
<<set $time +=0.25>>
[[return|judy interact]]
<<if $judy.lvl == 1 >>
@@.speech-u; You said girlfriend?@@
@@.speech-judy; Yeah am I not?@@
@@.speech-u; I didn't say that.@@
@@.speech-judy; Then it's settled, we are a couple now.@@
She smiles.<br>
You can now take things further<br>
<<set $judy.lvl =2>>
<<set _result to $addstat($judy,"aff",80)>><<print _result>><br>
<<set _result to $addstat($judy,"cor",75)>><<print _result>><br>
<<if $judy.lvl == 2>>
@@.speech-u; Hey pumpkin, can you give me a blowjob?@@
$judy.name smiles.
@@.speech-judy; I've always wondered if it can fit in my mouth.@@
@@.speech-u; Time to see.@@
<<elseif $judy.lvl == 3>>
$judy.name sees your boner.
@@.speech-judy; Want me to make the boner go away?@@
You look down at your crotch.
@@.speech-u; Oh, I didn't notice I had a boner.@@
@@.speech-judy; Let me deal with that then.@@
She kneels down and grabs your cock out of your pants.<br>
<<set _judybj = random(0,6)>>
<<if _judybj == 0>>
<img src="Media/Judy/BJ/BJ1.webp" width="50%">
<<elseif _judybj == 1>>
<img src="Media/Judy/BJ/BJ2.webp" width="50%">
<<elseif _judybj == 2>>
<img src="Media/Judy/BJ/BJ3.webp" width="50%">
<<elseif _judybj == 3>>
<img src="Media/Judy/BJ/BJ4.webp" width="50%">
<<elseif _judybj == 4>>
<img src="Media/Judy/BJ/BJ5.webp" width="50%">
<<elseif _judybj == 5>>
<img src="Media/Judy/BJ/BJ6.webp" width="50%">
<img src="Media/Judy/BJ/BJ7.webp" width="50%">
<<if $judy.lvl == 2>>
$judy.name sucks your cock with a passion.
@@.speech-u; It feels amazing, keep going.@@
You can see that she got happier from that compliment.<br>
<<elseif $judy.lvl == 3>>
She goes slow with it, from licking the base of your shaft, all the way to licking the tip of your cock.<br>
You can see that she is very passionate with it, and wants to see your reaction.
@@.speech-judy; How is it?@@
@@.speech-u; A way to describe it is... I'm much harder now.@@
She smiles and starts to suck your cock.<br>
<<if $judy.lvl == 2>>
$judy.name looks at you to see if you're close to cumming.<br>
When she sees that you are she speeds up.
@@.speech-u; Oh I'm definitely going to cum now!@@
<<elseif $judy.lvl == 3>>
She starts to speed up out of nowhere.
@@.speech-u; Woah, woah I'm going to cum if you do that.@@
She starts to deepthroat you.
@@.speech-u; Oh damn... I'm cumming.@@
<<set _judybjc = random(0,6)>>
<<if _judybjc == 0>>
<img src="Media/Judy/BJ/Cum/Cum1.webp" width="50%">
<<elseif _judybjc == 1>>
<img src="Media/Judy/BJ/Cum/Cum2.webp" width="50%">
<<elseif _judybjc == 2>>
<img src="Media/Judy/BJ/Cum/Cum3.webp" width="50%">
<<elseif _judybjc == 3>>
<img src="Media/Judy/BJ/Cum/Cum4.webp" width="50%">
<<elseif _judybjc == 4>>
<img src="Media/Judy/BJ/Cum/Cum5.webp" width="50%">
<<elseif _judybjc == 5>>
<img src="Media/Judy/BJ/Cum/Cum6.webp" width="50%">
<img src="Media/Judy/BJ/Cum/Cum7.webp" width="50%">
<<if $judy.lvl == 2>>
$judy.name swallows your load.
@@.speech-u; That felt awesome!@@
$judy.name smiles.
@@.speech-judy; Want me to do that more to you?@@
@@.speech-u; Definitely!@@
<<elseif $judy.lvl == 3>>
$judy.name plays around with your cum and opens her mouth.
@@.speech-judy; Shee Hwoh mwuch chum ihs ihn mhy mwouth? (See how much cum is in my mouth?)@@
@@.speech-u; That's a lot, you can see how much I enjoyed your blowjob.@@
$judy.name swallows your load.
@@.speech-judy; Now come and give me a kiss.@@
@@.speech-u; Nuh-uh!@@
She giggles.<br>
<<set _result to $addstat($judy,"aff",75)>><<print _result>><br>
<<set _result to $addstat($judy,"cor",60)>><<print _result>><br>
<<set $time +=0.25>>
[[return|judy interact]]
<<if $judy.lvl == 2 >>
@@.speech-u; Hey pumpkin, I want to go further with you.<br>
This time, no holding back.@@
@@.speech-judy; mmm~ I've been wet thinking about going much further, you never let me cum.@@
@@.speech-u; This time I will let you and myself cum.@@
@@.speech-judy; What are we waiting for then?<br>
Let's get to it, I'm impatient.@@
[[go even further|judysex]]
<<if $judy.lvl == 2 >>
@@.speech-judy; Just go slow, it's my first time after all.@@
@@.speech-u; Will do, don't worry.@@
<img src="Media/Judy/Sex/Sex1.webp" width="50%">
@@.speech-u; Does it hurt?@@
@@.speech-judy; A little, but you can go as hard as you want.@@
@@.speech-u; *well she is incredibly wet* Sure.@@
<<elseif $judy.lvl == 3>>
As you both kiss naked on the bed, you look at her.
@@.speech-u; Are you ready?@@
$judy.name nods.<br>
<<set _judysex = random(0,9)>>
<<if _judysex == 0>>
<img src="Media/Judy/Sex/Sex1.webp" width="50%">
<<elseif _judysex == 1>>
<img src="Media/Judy/Sex/Sex2.webp" width="50%">
<<elseif _judysex == 2>>
<img src="Media/Judy/Sex/Sex3.webp" width="50%">
<<elseif _judysex == 3>>
<img src="Media/Judy/Sex/Sex4.webp" width="50%">
<<elseif _judysex == 4>>
<img src="Media/Judy/Sex/Sex5.webp" width="50%">
<<elseif _judysex == 5>>
<img src="Media/Judy/Sex/Sex6.webp" width="50%">
<<elseif _judysex == 6>>
<img src="Media/Judy/Sex/Sex7.webp" width="50%">
<<elseif _judysex == 7>>
<img src="Media/Judy/Sex/Sex8.webp" width="50%">
<<elseif _judysex == 8>>
<img src="Media/Judy/Sex/Sex9.webp" width="50%">
<img src="Media/Judy/Sex/Sex10.webp" width="50%">
<<if $judy.lvl == 2>>
@@.speech-u; How are you feeling?@@
@@.speech-judy; I feel amazing! It doesn't hurt anymore, so keep going.@@
@@.speech-u; Okay.@@
<<elseif $judy.lvl == 3>>
She puts her arms around your neck to kiss you.<br>
You push your cock deeper in her pussy.
@@.speech-judy; Ah~ you are such a beast in the bed.@@
@@.speech-u; Your cuteness makes me a beast.@@
She smiles and kisses you.<br>
<<if $judy.aff >=2000 and $judy.cor >=1850 and $judy.lvl >=3>>
[[Cum outside|judyCumO]] [[Cum inside|judyCumI]]
<<if $judy.lvl == 2>>
You start to go faster since you are close to cumming.
@@.speech-u; I'm going to cum soon!@@
She nods.<br>
<<elseif $judy.lvl == 3>>
As you both kiss you pull out while you still can and put it in her mouth.<br>
<<set _judysexO = random(0,4)>>
<<if _judysexO == 0>>
<img src="Media/Judy/Sex/CumO/Cum1.webp" width="65%">
<<elseif _judysexO == 1>>
<img src="Media/Judy/Sex/CumO/Cum2.webp" width="65%">
<<elseif _judysexO == 2>>
<img src="Media/Judy/Sex/CumO/Cum3.webp" width="65%">
<<elseif _judysexO == 3>>
<img src="Media/Judy/Sex/CumO/Cum4.webp" width="65%">
<img src="Media/Judy/Sex/CumO/Cum5.webp" width="65%">
<<if $judy.lvl == 3>>
She swallows your cum and you lay next to her.
@@.speech-judy; Let's lay down like this for a moment.@@
@@.speech-u; Yeah let's do just that.@@
<<if $judy.lvl >=3>>
<<set _result to $addstat($judy,"aff",90)>><<print _result>><br>
<<set _result to $addstat($judy,"cor",85)>><<print _result>><br>
<<set $time +=0.25>>
[[return|judy interact]]
<<if $judy.lvl == 2>>
<<set _result to $addstat($judy,"aff",140)>><<print _result>><br>
<<set _result to $addstat($judy,"cor",120)>><<print _result>><br>
<<set $judy.lvl = 3 >>
You can now take things even further with judy<br>
<<if $judy.lvl == 3>>
While kissing she locks your hips with her legs.
@@.speech-u; Are you sure about that?@@
$judy.name smiles.
@@.speech-judy; Yes, I'm sure about it.@@
<<set _judysexI = random(0,5)>>
<<if _judysexI == 0>>
<img src="Media/Judy/Sex/CumI/Cum1.webp" width="65%">
<<elseif _judysexI == 1>>
<img src="Media/Judy/Sex/CumI/Cum2.webp" width="65%">
<<elseif _judysexI == 2>>
<img src="Media/Judy/Sex/CumI/Cum3.webp" width="65%">
<<elseif _judysexI == 3>>
<img src="Media/Judy/Sex/CumI/Cum4.webp" width="65%">
<<elseif _judysexI == 3>>
<img src="Media/Judy/Sex/CumI/Cum5.webp" width="65%">
<img src="Media/Judy/Sex/CumI/Cum6.webp" width="65%">
<<if $judy.lvl == 3>>
After cumming inside of her you lay next to her.
@@.speech-judy; It feels warm inside of me.@@
@@.speech-u; It felt good cumming inside of you.@@
She smiles and cuddles with you.<br>
<<set _result to $addstat($judy,"aff",100)>><<print _result>><br>
<<set _result to $addstat($judy,"cor",90)>><<print _result>><br>
<<set $time +=0.25>>
[[return|judy interact]]
<img src="Media/City/Mall/Mall.jpg" width="75%"><br>
<<if $time >4>>
Mall is closed.<br>
<<button "Gym">><<goto Gym>><</button>><br>
<<button "Clothing Store">><<goto "Clothing Store">><</button>><br>
<<button "Electronics Store">><<goto "Electronics Store">><</button>><br>
<<button "Cafe">><<goto Cafe>><</button>><br>
<<button "Bookstore">><<goto bookstore>><</button>><br>
<<button "leave">><<goto City>><</button>>
<img src="Media/City/Mall/Gym.webp" width="75%"><br>
<<if $owngym == false>>
<<if $time >=4>>
<<goto Mall>>
<<if $owngym == true>>
<<if $db <10>>
<<link "Increase dumbbell's weight (10K)">> <<set $cash -=10000>><<set $db +=1>><<goto Gym>><</link>>
<<if $strength >=50>>
[[Train someone|trainer]]<br>
<<if $time <=4>>
[[Talk to the gym girl|gym girl talk]]<br>
<img src="Media/City/Mall/ClothingStore.jpg" width="75%"><br>
Clothing store<br><br>
<<if $ownclothing == true>>
<<if $time >=4>>
<<goto Mall>>
<<if $ownclothing == true>>
Bikini ($350) <<if $cash >= 350>><<link "Buy">><<set $bikini += 1>><<set $cash -= 350>> <<goto "Clothing Store">><</link>><<else>><<endif>><br>
Lingerie ($350) <<if $cash >= 350>><<link "Buy">><<set $lingerie += 1>><<set $cash -= 350>> <<goto "Clothing Store">><</link>><<else>><<endif>><br>
Cute Dress ($800) <<if $cash >= 800>><<link "Buy">><<set $cutedress += 1>><<set $cash -= 800>> <<goto "Clothing Store">><</link>><<else>><<endif>><br>
Sexy Dress ($800) <<if $cash >= 800>><<link "Buy">><<set $sexydress += 1>><<set $cash -= 800>> <<goto "Clothing Store">><</link>><<else>><<endif>><br>
<<if $strength <25>>
She ignores you. (you are too weak)<br>
<<elseif $strength >=130>>
@@.speech-u; Let's take a little break.@@
@@.speech-gym; Yeah let's do that.@@
<<set $strength +=7>>
<<set $time +=0.5>>
<<set _sex = random(0,6)>>
<<if _sex == 0>>
<img src="Media/GymGirl/Sex/Sex1.webp" width="75%"><br>
<<if _sex == 1>>
<img src="Media/GymGirl/Sex/Sex2.webp" width="75%"><br>
<<if _sex == 2>>
<img src="Media/GymGirl/Sex/Sex3.webp" width="75%"><br>
<<if _sex == 3>>
<img src="Media/GymGirl/Sex/Sex4.webp" width="75%"><br>
<<if _sex == 4>>
<img src="Media/GymGirl/Sex/Sex5.webp" width="75%"><br>
<<if _sex == 5>>
<img src="Media/GymGirl/Sex/Sex6.webp" width="75%"><br>
<<if _sex == 6>>
<img src="Media/GymGirl/Sex/Sex7.webp" width="75%"><br>
+7 strength<br>
<<elseif $strength >=100>>
@@.speech-u; Let's take a little break.@@
@@.speech-gym; Yeah, let's do that.@@
<<set $strength +=6>>
<<set $time +=0.5>>
<<set _gymbj = random(0,2)>>
<<if _gymbj == 0>>
<img src="Media/GymGirl/BJ/BJ1.webp" width="75%"><br>
<<if _gymbj == 1>>
<img src="Media/GymGirl/BJ/BJ2.webp" width="75%"><br>
<<if _gymbj == 2>>
<img src="Media/GymGirl/BJ/BJ3.webp" width="75%"><br>
+6 strength<br>
<<elseif $strength >=70>>
@@.speech-u; Let's take a little break.@@
@@.speech-gym; Yeah,let's do that.@@
<<set $strength +=5>>
<<set $time +=0.5>>
<<set _gymhj = random(0,1)>>
<<if _gymhj == 0>>
<img src="Media/GymGirl/HJ/HJ1.webp" width="75%"><br>
<<if _gymhj == 1>>
<img src="Media/GymGirl/HJ/HJ2.webp" width="75%"><br>
+5 strength<br>
<<elseif $strength >=40>>
@@.speech-u; Hey, want to train together?@@
@@.speech-gym; Sure, you are strong enough to be considered my rival.@@
<<set $strength +=4>>
<<set $time +=0.5>>
<<set _gymtease = random(0,2)>>
<<if _gymtease == 0>>
<img src="Media/GymGirl/Tease/Tease1.webp" width="75%"><br>
<<if _gymtease == 1>>
<img src="Media/GymGirl/Tease/Tease2.webp" width="75%"><br>
<<if _gymtease == 2>>
<img src="Media/GymGirl/Tease/Tease3.webp" width="75%"><br>
+4 strength<br>
<<elseif $strength >=25>>
@@.speech-u; Hey, want to train together?@@
@@.speech-gym; Sure, you are strong enough to be considered my rival.@@
<<set $strength +=3>>
<<set $time +=0.5>>
<img src="Media/GymGirl/TrainTogether.webp" width="75%"><br>
+3 strength<br>
<img src="Media/City/Mall/Train.jpg" width="75%"><br>
<<set _strgain = 2 + $db>>
<<set $strength +=_strgain>>
<<set $time +=0.5>>
+_strgain strength <br>
<img src="Media/City/Mall/Cafe.jpg" width="75%"><br>
<<if $rea.aff >= 70 and $rea.house == false>>
<<goto "Rea give">>
<<if $rea.aff == 0>>
@@.speech-rea; Hello, is this your first time in the cafe?@@
You are surprised by a cute asian girl who appears to be a ...waitress?
@@.speech-u; Y-Yes it is.@@
@@.speech-rea; Oh great! What would you like, Cappuccino, Americano, Espresso, maybe even Doppio?@@
@@.speech-u; Uhh, *I don't know what capachin-o or American-o or anything of that sort even mean* I will take Espresso please.@@
@@.speech-rea; Okay, Coming right up!@@
After 5 minutes she brings you your coffee.
@@.speech-rea; Here is your Espresso, would you like anything else?@@
@@.speech-u; Yeah do you guys have coffee cake?@@
@@.speech-rea; Yeah we have "Cafe Latte Cake"@@
@@.speech-u; I would like to get that too.@@
@@.speech-rea; Okay, coming right up!@@
You sit and wonder to yourself.
@@.speech-u; When the hell did a cafe become an italian restaurant?@@
After a while she brings you the "Cafe Latte Cake".
@@.speech-u; Thank you, may I ask, what is your name?@@
She smiles.
@@.speech-u; Oh and my name is $uname.@@
@@.speech-rea; I wouldn't mind saying my name first hehe, anyway my name is Rea, nice to meet you $uname.@@
@@.speech-u; Likewise.@@
<<set _result to $addstat($rea,"aff",1)>><<print _result>><br>
<<set $time +=0.25>>
<<if $time <2.5>>
$rea.name is working right now.<br>
Affection: $rea.aff Corruption: $rea.cor lvl: $rea.lvl<br>
[[Talk|Rea cafeTalk]]
<<if $cafe.lvl == 5>>
Rank: $cafe.Rank(max)<br>
<<elseif $cafe.lvl >0 >>
Rank: $cafe.Rank<br>
<<if $time <3>>
<<if $rea.lvl >=2 and $cafe.lvl == 0>>
[[Apply for work|cafeapply]]<br><br>
<<elseif $cafe.lvl >= 1>>
[[Work|Working cafe]]<br><br>
<<if $cafe.lvl == 1>>
<<set $cafe.Rank = "Newbie">>
<<set $cafe.income = 50>>
<<elseif $cafe.lvl == 2>>
<<set $cafe.Rank = "Rookie">>
<<set $cafe.income = 80>>
<<elseif $cafe.lvl == 3>>
<<set $cafe.Rank = "Hard working cafe employee">>
<<set $cafe.income = 110>>
<<elseif $cafe.lvl == 4>>
<<set $cafe.Rank = "Cafe employee of the year">>
<<set $cafe.income = 150>>
<<elseif $cafe.lvl == 5>>
<<set $cafe.Rank = "Cafe manager">>
<<set $cafe.income = 210>>
[[Order a coffee|Drinker]]<br>
<img src="Media/City/Mall/Cafe/drink.webp" width="75%"><br>
You drink coffee while looking at people walking around the mall.<br>
<<if $rea.aff >= 50 and $time <2.5>>
$rea.name brings you a coffee cake with a smile on her face.<br>
<<set _result to $addstat($rea,"aff",2)>><<print _result>><br>
<<set $cash -= 30>>
<img src="Media/City/Mall/Cafe.jpg" width="75%"><br>
You make yourself known to $rea.name.<br>
<<if $rea.aff >=100>>
$rea.name comes to you and kisses you on the cheek.
@@.speech-rea; The usual I take it?@@
$rea.name smiles.
@@.speech-u; Yeah as usual.@@
@@.speech-rea; Okay, espresso and "Cafe Latte Cake" coming right up!@@
She looks at you while walking away.
@@.speech-u; what a girl.@@
<<set _result to $addstat($rea,"aff",15)>><<print _result>><br>
<<elseif $rea.aff <100>>
$rea.name comes to you with a smile on her.
@@.speech-rea; As usual?@@
@@.speech-u; You know it.@@
As $rea.name walks away you start to look around, it feels like a second house for you.<br>
$rea.name comes back with a coffee and a... "Cafe Latte Cake"?
@@.speech-u; I didn't order that.@@
@@.speech-rea; It's on the house, don't worry.@@
@@.speech-u; Thanks Rea, I don't know what to say.@@
@@.speech-rea; Anything for our "special" customer.@@
@@.speech-u; You doing that, sure makes me special.@@
<<set _result to $addstat($rea,"aff",10)>><<print _result>><br>
<<elseif $rea.aff <20>>
@@.speech-rea; Welcome back! What would you like $uname?@@
@@.speech-u; I would like an espresso.@@
@@.speech-rea; It appears that you started to fancy espresso.@@
@@.speech-u; Knowing you are here, will make me fancy anything.@@
$rea.name giggles.
@@.speech-rea; Is that so, anything else?@@
@@.speech-u; No, thank you.@@
@@.speech-rea; Okay!@@
<<set _result to $addstat($rea,"aff",6)>><<print _result>><br>
<<set $time +=0.25>>
<img src="Media/City/Mall/Cafe.jpg" width="75%"><br>
<<if $rea.house == false>>
You walk in the cafe and Rea runs up to you.
@@.speech-rea; Here, take this.@@
She hands you a paper
@@.speech-u; What's in the paper?@@
$rea.name smiles and puts a finger in front of her lips
@@.speech-rea; A secret.@@
She smiles and walks away.
@@.speech-u; I wonder.@@
You open the paper and see an address in it.<br><br>
You can now visit Rea's house.<br>
<<set $rea.house = true>>
<img src="Media/ReaHouse/Hallway.jpg" width="75%"><br>
$rea.name's house<br><br>
<<button "$rea.name's room">><<goto "rea room">><</button>><br>
<<button "Go outside">><<goto Neighborhood>><</button>><br>
<img src="Media/ReaHouse/Room.jpg" width="75%"><br>
$rea.name's room<br><br>
<<if $time >= 2.5>>
$rea.name is in her room<br>
<<if $rea.aff >= 500 and $rea.cor >= 300 and $rea.lvl == 1>><<link "go further with Rea">><<goto reafurther>><</link>><br><<endif>>
<<if $rea.aff >= 1400 and $rea.cor >= 1100 and $rea.lvl == 2>><<link "go even further with Rea">><<goto reafurther2>><</link>><br><<endif>>
<<if $rea.lvl == 3>>
Affection: <<print Math.ceil($rea.aff)>> Corruption: <<print Math.ceil($rea.cor)>> lvl: $rea.lvl(max)<br>
Affection: <<print Math.ceil($rea.aff)>> Corruption: <<print Math.ceil($rea.cor)>> lvl: $rea.lvl<br>
<<if $cash >= 2500>>
<<link "Date">> <<set $ReaDate = true>> <<goto "Dating Menu">><</link>><<endif>><br>
[[Talk|rea talk]] <<link "Gift">> <<set $ReaGift = true>> <<goto "Inventory">><</link>><br>
<<if $rea.aff >= 110>>[[Flirt|rea flirt]]<<endif>> <<if $rea.lvl >=2>>[[Interact|reainteract]]<<endif>>
$rea.name is not in her room
<br><br>[[return|rea house]]
<<if $rea.lvl == 3>>
@@.speech-u; Want to lay down and watch documentary shows?@@
@@.speech-rea; I'd love that!@@
She comes in the bed with you and cuddles.
@@.speech-rea; Now I'm comfortable.@@
You smile and watch documentary shows with Rae. <br>
<<set _result to $addstat($rea,"aff",30)>><<print _result>><br>
<<set _result to $addstat($rea,"cor",15)>><<print _result>><br>
<<elseif $rea.lvl == 2>>
@@.speech-u; Hey, sweetheart.@@
@@.speech-rea; Hey~@@
@@.speech-u; Anything new on the news?@@
@@.speech-rea; Apparently, the latest news articles could be about us.@@
You look at her shocked.
@@.speech-u; What's written in there?@@
@@.speech-rea; That we have a romantic future ahead the line.@@
You laugh.
@@.speech-u; You got me.@@
Rae smiles.
@@.speech-rea; Other than that we can spend our evening laying together in the bed watching movies.@@
@@.speech-u; Sounds great to me!@@
<<set _result to $addstat($rea,"aff",22)>><<print _result>><br>
<<set _result to $addstat($rea,"cor",10)>><<print _result>><br>
<<elseif $rea.lvl == 1>>
You walk in her room.
@@.speech-rea; Oh, hey there.@@
@@.speech-u; Hey.@@
You look at her laptop.
@@.speech-u; So, what are you doing?@@
@@.speech-rea; looking at news articles, checking if there is something interesting.@@
@@.speech-u; Have you found anything interesting before I came?@@
@@.speech-rea; Nope, just usual boring stuff.<br>
But we can do something together if you want, like kiss all day.@@
$rea.name giggles.
@@.speech-u; I could kiss you all day if you want me to.@@
@@.speech-rea; Oh you!@@
<<set _result to $addstat($rea,"aff",14)>><<print _result>><br>
<<set _result to $addstat($rea,"cor",5)>><<print _result>><br>
<<set $time +=0.25>>
<br><br>[[return|rea room]]
<<if $rea.lvl == 3>>
@@.speech-u; Hey Sweetheart, want to spend time together?@@
You kiss her on the cheek and place coffee on the table.
@@.speech-rea; Sure, what do you want to do?@@
@@.speech-u; How about we pleasure each other?@@
$rea.name blushes.
@@.speech-rea; W-We could do that.@@
@@.speech-u; If you want to do that, then do tell me.@@
@@.speech-rea; Okay!@@
You lie down on the bed and watch her do work on her laptop.<br>
<<set _result to $addstat($rea,"cor",30)>><<print _result>><br>
<<elseif $rea.lvl == 2>>
@@.speech-u; I've brought your favourite thing!@@
@@.speech-rea; And that is?@@
@@.speech-u; Me.@@
$rea.name stares at you.
You start to feel embarrassed.
@@.speech-u; Okay, maybe it was a bad joke.@@
@@.speech-rea; Yeah... Or was it?@@
@@.speech-u; What was that?@@
@@.speech-rea; Nothing.@@
It looks like she expected something from you.<br>
<<set _result to $addstat($rea,"cor",23)>><<print _result>><br>
<<elseif $rea.lvl ==1>>
You walk in her room.
@@.speech-u; Hey Sweetheart, I've brought you coffee.@@
@@.speech-rea; Oh thank you!@@
She takes a sip.
@@.speech-rea; Is that espresso?@@
@@.speech-u; Wow, how could you tell?@@
@@.speech-rea; I've tasted every coffee, so I can tell, hehe.@@
@@.speech-u; Well we can do a taste test with something special added to it.@@
$rea.name smiles.
@@.speech-rea; Can't wait.@@
<<set _result to $addstat($rea,"cor",14)>><<print _result>><br>
<<set $time +=0.25>>
<br><br>[[return|rea room]]
<<if $rea.lvl == 1>>
@@.speech-u; I want to speak with you $rea.name.@@
@@.speech-rea; About what?@@
@@.speech-u; About our relationship starting now.@@
$rea.name grins.
@@.speech-rea; I've been waiting for you to talk about it.@@
@@.speech-u; Is that so?<br>
Then I want to do things with you further, I mean sexually.@@
@@.speech-rea; Okay, but I'm not ready to have an intercourse.@@
@@.speech-u; Sure that can wait, but I would like to start doing those things right now.@@
@@.speech-rea; Right now?@@
You pull down your pants.
@@.speech-u; Right now.@@
<<if $rea.lvl >= 2>>
<<if $rea.lvl >= 2 and $rea.aff >= 800 and $rea.cor >=500>>
<<if $rea.lvl >= 3>>
<<if $inmyroom == true>>
<<elseif $inmansion == true>>
<<elseif $germany == true>>
<<elseif $markel == true>>
[[return|rea room]]
<<set $time +=0.25>>
<<if $rea.lvl == 1>>
She covers her eyes.
@@.speech-u; It's okay you can look.@@
$rea.name uncovers her eyes and looks at it.
@@.speech-u; Now you get on the knees and stroke my cock.@@
$rea.name kneels down all confused.
@@.speech-rea; Do I just stroke it until you cum?@@
@@.speech-u; Yeah stroke it till I cum.@@
@@.speech-rea; Okay.@@
<<elseif $rea.lvl == 2>>
She grabs your cock and starts to stroke it.<br>
<<elseif $rea.lvl == 3>>
$rea.name gets naked and grab your cock.
@@.speech-rea; I will make you feel great.@@
<<set _reahj = random(0,3)>>
<<set _imagePath = "Media/Rea/" + "/HJ/" + _reahj + ".webp">>
<<set _imageTag = '<img src="' + _imagePath + '" width="85%">'>>
<<if $rea.lvl == 1>>
@@.speech-rea; Am I doing it right?@@
@@.speech-u; Yeah, just grip it tighter.@@
@@.speech-rea; Okay.@@
She does as she is told.<br>
<<elseif $rea.lvl == 2>>
@@.speech-u; I see You've got the hang of it already.@@
@@.speech-rea; Yeah, I think I'm starting to understand how to pleasure your p-cock.@@
You let her do her own thing.<br>
<<elseif $rea.lvl == 3>>
She puts her tongue on the tip of your cock and starts to lick it while jerking you off.
@@.speech-rea; Does it feel good?@@
@@.speech-u; It feels amazing.@@
$rea.name smiles.<br>
<<if $rea.lvl == 1>>
After a while you reach your limit.
@@.speech-u; I'm going to cum soon, prepare yourself.@@
@@.speech-rea; Umm, okay.@@
She looks all stressed<br>
<<elseif $rea.lvl == 2>>
She starts to increase her speed before you even telling her anything.
@@.speech-u; Did you learn the feeling of me being close to cumming?@@
@@.speech-rea; I think so, I felt you get bigger before and then your sperm came out.@@
@@.speech-u; Well then you were right on the money, because I'm going to cum soon.@@
<<elseif $rea.lvl == 3>>
When $rea.name feels that you are getting closer, she starts to aim your cock towards her mouth and jerk you off as fast as she can.<br>
<<set _reahjc = random(0,3)>>
<<set _imagePath = "Media/Rea/" + "/HJ/Cum/" + _reahjc + ".webp">>
<<set _imageTag = '<img src="' + _imagePath + '" width="70%">'>>
<<if $rea.lvl == 2>>
She does as she did before, eat all of the cum.
@@.speech-u; You know, you don't have to do that.@@
@@.speech-rea; But I feel like I'm obligated to do so, otherwise you won't feel as happy.@@
@@.speech-u; *Did I turn her into my slave?* Okay, do as you want.@@
<<elseif $rea.lvl == 3>>
She swallows your cum after she is done squeezing your cum out of your cock.
@@.speech-u; That felt great.@@
$rea.name smiles.
@@.speech-rea; I'm very happy to hear that.@@
<<if $rea.lvl >=2>>
<<set _result to $addstat($rea,"cor",44)>><<print _result>><br>
<<set _result to $addstat($rea,"aff",50)>><<print _result>><br>
<<if $rea.lvl == 1>>
After cumming on her face she sits there puzzled.
@@.speech-rea; What do I do with this?@@
@@.speech-u; Either swallow it or wash it off.@@
@@.speech-rea; Hmm okay.@@
$rea.name starts to eat your cum.
@@.speech-u; For some reason that turns me on.@@
<<set $rea.lvl =2 >>
<<set _result to $addstat($rea,"cor",80)>><<print _result>><br>
<<set _result to $addstat($rea,"aff",90)>><<print _result>><br>
[[return|rea room]]
<<set $time +=0.25>>
<<if $rea.lvl == 2>>
@@.speech-u; Can you suck my cock this time?@@
She sits there surprised.
@@.speech-rea; Suck your cock?@@
@@.speech-u; Yeah, can you do that for me?@@
@@.speech-rea; If it makes you happy.@@
$rea.name grabs your cock and puts it in her mouth.<br>
<<elseif $rea.lvl == 3>>
@@.speech-u; Hey, Sweetheart can you give me a blowjob?@@
@@.speech-rea; Sure!@@
$rea.name takes off her shirt and puts your cock in her mouth.<br>
<<set _reabj = random(0,4)>>
<<set _imagePath = "Media/Rea/" + "/BJ/" + _reabj + ".webp">>
<<set _imageTag = '<img src="' + _imagePath + '" width="85%">'>>
<<if $rea.lvl == 2>>
You can feel that she has never sucked a cock before.
@@.speech-u; Move your tongue while sucking it.@@
She does as she is told.
@@.speech-u; Yeah, like that... Perfect.@@
<<elseif $rea.lvl == 3>>
@@.speech-u; Oh yeah... Just like that.@@
You grab her head.
@@.speech-u; Remember what I told you?@@
She stops and nods.
@@.speech-u; Try to do that.@@
Judy tries to take your cock all the way, but starts to choke.
@@.speech-u; It's okay do just that.@@
<<if $rea.lvl == 2>>
She keeps doing what you told her to do.
@@.speech-u; I'm going to cum soon.@@
<<elseif $rea.lvl == 3>>
As she keeps deepthroating you, you feel like you're about to cum.
@@.speech-u; Here it comes!@@
<<set _reabjc = random(0,4)>>
<<set _imagePath = "Media/Rea/" + "/BJ/Cum/" + _reabjc + ".webp">>
<<set _imageTag = '<img src="' + _imagePath + '" width="80%">'>>
<<if $rea.lvl == 2>>
$rea.name swallows your cum, and chokes on some too.
@@.speech-u; It felt good, maybe later you will learn how to take my cock even deeper in your mouth.@@
@@.speech-rea; Even deeper?@@
@@.speech-u; Yeah, will you be able to do that?@@
@@.speech-rea; I-I can try next time.@@
<<elseif $rea.lvl == 3>>
$rea.name starts to choke from the cum that's going in her throat.<br>
And after you stop cumming in her throat she pulls out your cock and takes a deep breath.
@@.speech-rea; I came while sucking you off, it felt fantastic.@@
@@.speech-u; Is that so? Your deepthroat also felt amazing.@@
She smiles and stands up.<br>
When you look at the ground, you can see a small puddle.<br>
<<set _result to $addstat($rea,"cor",75)>><<print _result>><br>
<<set _result to $addstat($rea,"aff",85)>><<print _result>><br>
<<if $rea.lvl == 2>>
@@.speech-u; Rea, I think we are ready to go even further with our relationship.@@
She looks at you worringly.
@@.speech-rea; I don't think I'm ready to have sex yet.@@
@@.speech-u; Why not?@@
@@.speech-rea; I'm afraid that it will hurt.@@
You look at her.
@@.speech-u; Trust me, the pain will be momentary, later on it will feel really good.@@
@@.speech-rea; Really?@@
@@.speech-u; Yeah, I'm 100% sure it will feel great.@@
@@.speech-rea; Okay...
<<set $time +=0.25>>
<<if $rea.lvl == 2>>
You both get naked and she lies on her back.
@@.speech-u; Are you ready?@@
$rea.name nods.
@@.speech-u; Okay here I go.@@
<img src="Media/Rea/FirstTime.webp" width="80%"><br>
You stay there for a second.
@@.speech-rea; You can move now.@@
@@.speech-u; Okay.@@
<<elseif $rea.lvl == 3>>
@@.speech-u; Hey Sweetheart, want to have sex?@@
$rea.name smiles, takes off her clothes and positions herself in the bed.
@@.speech-u; I take that as a yes.@@
<<set _reasex = random(0,5)>>
<<set _imagePath = "Media/Rea/" + "/Sex/" + _reasex + ".webp">>
<<set _imageTag = '<img src="' + _imagePath + '" width="85%">'>>
<<if $rea.lvl == 2>>
@@.speech-u; Does it still hurt?@@
@@.speech-rea; No, the pain went away.@@
@@.speech-u; Okay, I will move faster now.@@
$rea.name nods and you increase your speed.<br>
<<elseif $rea.lvl == 3>>
@@.speech-u; How does it feel now?@@
@@.speech-rea; It feels much better than before.@@
You start to increase your speed.
@@.speech-u; Now?@@
$rea.name starts to moan so much that she can't even speak anymore.
@@.speech-u; Got it.@@
<<if $rea.aff >= 1850 and $rea.cor >= 1550>>
[[Cum Outside|reasexO]] [[Cum Inside|reasexI]]
<<if $rea.lvl == 2>>
$rea.name starts to moan.
@@.speech-u; I'm going to cum.@@
@@.speech-rea; Me too!@@
The moment you feel her cum, you pull out before you accidentally cum inside her.<br>
<<elseif $rea.lvl == 3>>
@@.speech-u; Rea, prepare yourself.@@
You pull out of her vagina and go in front of her mouth.<br>
<<set _reasex = random(0,5)>>
<<set _imagePath = "Media/Rea/" + "/Sex/CumO/" + _reasex + ".webp">>
<<set _imageTag = '<img src="' + _imagePath + '" width="80%">'>>
<<if $rea.lvl == 3>>
She swallows your cum and you fall next to her in the bed.
@@.speech-rea; I think, I came twice.@@
She sounds exhausted as she says that.
@@.speech-u; Yeah the bed got a little bit wet.@@
You both laugh.<br>
<<if $rea.lvl >=3>>
<<set _result to $addstat($rea,"cor",90)>><<print _result>><br>
<<set _result to $addstat($rea,"aff",100)>><<print _result>><br>
<<if $rea.lvl == 2>>
Her whole stomach is covered in cum.
@@.speech-u; How was it?@@
@@.speech-rea; It was just as you said, it felt great.@@
You hug her from the back and fall asleep for a moment.<br>
<<set $rea.lvl = 3>>
You can go even further with Rea.<br>
<<set _result to $addstat($rea,"cor",110)>><<print _result>><br>
<<set _result to $addstat($rea,"aff",140)>><<print _result>><br>
<<if $rea.lvl == 3>>
@@.speech-u; Rea, I'm going to cum, can I do it inside you?@@
She closes her mouth and nods.<br>
You take that as an approval.<br>
<<set _reasex = random(0,5)>>
<<set _imagePath = "Media/Rea/" + "/Sex/CumI/" + _reasex + ".webp">>
<<set _imageTag = '<img src="' + _imagePath + '" width="80%">'>>
<<if $rea.lvl == 3>>
In water puddle's place now there is a cum puddle instead.
@@.speech-u; It felt amazing cumming inside of you.@@
@@.speech-rea; It felt amazing in general, I'm exhausted right now, so let's take a break.@@
@@.speech-u; Okay.@@
You both cuddle.<br>
<<set _result to $addstat($rea,"cor",100)>><<print _result>><br>
<<set _result to $addstat($rea,"aff",110)>><<print _result>><br>
<img src="Media/City/Mall/Cafe/Office.jpg" width="75%"><br>
<<if $cafe.lvl == 0>>
@@.speech-storemanager; Hello $uname, I've been told that you want to apply for the work.@@
@@.speech-u; Yes I do, but how did you know, sir?@@
@@.speech-storemanager; Rea told me all about you, since she is the worker of the month, I had to listen to her asking me to let you join the job.@@
You smile.
@@.speech-u; That sure sounds like her.@@
@@.speech-storemanager; Since I'm already growing old, I will be resigning from the seat of a manager.@@
@@.speech-u; Is that so?@@
@@.speech-storemanager; Yes, so here is my offer to you, work hard enough so that I have no choice but to let you take my place as a manager.@@
@@.speech-u; Will do, sir!@@
@@.speech-storemanager; Don't let me down, boy.@@
You can now work in a cafe. (Work hard to become a manager)<br>
<<set $cafe.lvl = 1>>
<<set $promote = true>>
<<if $promote == true>>
<<if $cafe.lvl == 4>>
@@.speech-storemanager; Good job boy, You have truly worked hard enough to take the seat of a manager.@@
@@.speech-u; Thank you sir!@@
@@.speech-storemanager; Now now now, no need to call me "sir" anymore.@@
@@.speech-u; Yes, gramps.@@
@@.speech-storemanager; Ho! Ho! calling me gramps now? Good, because I've stepped down from the seat. Good luck mr.$uname@@
He walks away with a laugh.<br>
<<set $cafe.lvl += 1>>
You have become a manager of the cafe!<br>
@@.speech-storemanager; boy, You have been working really hard, You are one stop away from taking my seat.@@
@@.speech-u; Thank you sir, I'm glad I can be one step closer to both of our goals.@@
<<set $promote = false>>
<<set $cafe.lvl += 1>>
You have been promoted.<br>
<img src="Media/City/Mall/Cafe/Work.jpg" width="75%"><br>
<<if $Code1 == true>>
<<set $cash +=$cafe.income*4>>
<<set $cafe.exp +=12*4>>
<<set $cash +=$cafe.income>>
<<set $cafe.exp +=12>>
<<set $time +=0.5>>
<<if $time <3>>
[[Work more|Working cafe]]<br>
<<if $cafe.exp >= 70 and $cafe.lvl == 1>>
<<goto CafePromotion>>
<<elseif $cafe.exp >= 180 and $cafe.lvl == 2>>
<<goto CafePromotion>>
<<elseif $cafe.exp >= 340 and $cafe.lvl == 3>>
<<goto CafePromotion>>
<<elseif $cafe.exp >= 550 and $cafe.lvl == 4>>
<<goto CafePromotion>>
[[Stop working|Cafe]]
<img src="Media/City/Working/Office.webp" width="75%"><br>
<<if $staffcafe.length <=4>>
<<link "Hire a staff">>
<<set $cafehere = true>>
<<goto "staffhiring">>
<<if $staffcafe.length >= 1>>
[[Staff|cafestaff]] <<endif>><br>
Staff Information:<br>
<<for _i = 0; _i < $staffcafe.length; _i++>>
<<capture _i>>
<<set _staff = $staffcafe[_i]>>
Name: <<print _staff.name>><br>
Race: <<print _staff.race>> (<<print _staff.racetype>>)<br>
<<if _staff.jobexp >100>>
<<set _staff.jobexp = 100>>
Experience: <<print _staff.jobexp>> Obedience: <<print _staff.obedience>><br>
<<link 'Fire'>>
<<set $staffcafe.splice(_i,1)>>
<<goto cafestaff>>
<<link 'train'>>
<<set $staffcafe[_i].jobexp +=3>><<set $time +=0.5>>
<<goto cafestaff>>
<<link 'interact'>>
<<set $staffinteractor = _i>>
<<set $staffname = $staffcafe[$staffinteractor].name>>
<<set $staffrace = $staffcafe[$staffinteractor].race>>
<<set $staffracetype = $staffcafe[$staffinteractor].racetype>>
<<set $staffobedience = $staffcafe[$staffinteractor].obedience>>
<<set $cafehere = true>>
<<goto "staffinteract">>
<<link "train all">><<for _i = 0; _i < $staffcafe.length; _i++>><<set $staffcafe[_i].jobexp +=3>><</for>><<set $time +=1>><<goto cafestaff>><<endlink>>
<<set _jincomes = 0>>
<<for _i = 0; _i < $staffcafe.length; _i++>>
<<set _jstaff = $staffcafe[_i]>>
<<set _jincome = _jstaff.jobexp * (1 + (0.5 * 100))>>
<<set _jincomes += _jincome>>
<<set $cafe.dincome = _jincomes>>
<<if $Code1 == true>>
<<set _cafedincome = $cafe.dincome*2>><<if $cashupg >=1>><<set _cafedincome = $cafe.dincome*2*$cashupg>><</if>>
<<set _cafedincome = $cafe.dincome >><<if $cashupg >=1>><<set _cafedincome = $cafe.dincome*$cashupg>><</if>>
Income: <<print _cafedincome>>$<br>
<<if $Laptoping == true>>
<img src="Media/City/Working/Office.webp" width="75%"><br>
Gym Office<br>
<<if $staffgym.length <=4>>
<<link "Hire a staff">>
<<set $gymhere = true>>
<<goto "staffhiring">>
<<if $staffgym.length >= 1>>
[[Staff|gymstaff]] <<endif>><br>
Staff Information:<br>
<<for _i = 0; _i < $staffgym.length; _i++>>
<<capture _i>>
<<set _staff = $staffgym[_i]>>
Name: <<print _staff.name>><br>
Race: <<print _staff.race>> (<<print _staff.racetype>>)<br>
<<if _staff.jobexp >100>>
<<set _staff.jobexp = 100>>
Experience: <<print _staff.jobexp>> Obedience: <<print _staff.obedience>><br>
<<link 'Fire'>>
<<set $staffgym.splice(_i,1)>>
<<goto gymstaff>>
<<link 'train'>>
<<set $staffgym[_i].jobexp +=3>><<set $time +=0.5>>
<<goto gymstaff>>
<<link 'interact'>>
<<set $staffinteractor = _i>>
<<set $staffname = $staffgym[$staffinteractor].name>>
<<set $staffrace = $staffgym[$staffinteractor].race>>
<<set $staffracetype = $staffgym[$staffinteractor].racetype>>
<<set $staffobedience = $staffgym[$staffinteractor].obedience>>
<<set $gymhere = true>>
<<goto "staffinteract">>
<<link "train all">><<for _i = 0; _i < $staffgym.length; _i++>><<set $staffgym[_i].jobexp +=3>><</for>><<set $time +=1>><<goto gymstaff>><<endlink>>
<<set _jincomes = 0>>
<<for _i = 0; _i < $staffgym.length; _i++>>
<<set _jstaff = $staffgym[_i]>>
<<set _jincome = _jstaff.jobexp * (1 + (0.65 * 100))>>
<<set _jincomes += _jincome>>
<<set $gym.dincome = _jincomes>>
<<if $Code1 == true>>
<<set _gymdincome = _jincomes*2>><<if $cashupg >=1>><<set _gymdincome = _jincomes*2*$cashupg>><</if>>
<<set _gymdincome = _jincomes >><<if $cashupg >=1>><<set _gymdincome = _jincomes*$cashupg>><</if>>
Income: <<print _gymdincome>>$<br>
<<if $Laptoping == true>>
<img src="Media/City/Working/Office.webp" width="75%"><br>
<<if $staffclothing.length <=4>>
<<link "Hire a staff">>
<<set $clothinghere = true>>
<<goto "staffhiring">>
<<if $staffclothing.length >= 1>>
[[Staff|clothingstaff]] <<endif>><br>
[[return|Clothing Store]]
Staff Information:<br>
<<for _i = 0; _i < $staffclothing.length; _i++>>
<<capture _i>>
<<set _staff = $staffclothing[_i]>>
Name: <<print _staff.name>><br>
Race: <<print _staff.race>> (<<print _staff.racetype>>)<br>
<<if _staff.jobexp >100>>
<<set _staff.jobexp = 100>>
Experience: <<print _staff.jobexp>> Obedience: <<print _staff.obedience>><br>
<<link 'Fire'>>
<<set $staffclothing.splice(_i,1)>>
<<goto clothingstaff>>
<<link 'train'>>
<<set $staffclothing[_i].jobexp +=3>><<set $time +=0.5>>
<<goto clothingstaff>>
<<link 'interact'>>
<<set $staffinteractor = _i>>
<<set $staffname = $staffclothing[$staffinteractor].name>>
<<set $staffrace = $staffclothing[$staffinteractor].race>>
<<set $staffracetype = $staffclothing[$staffinteractor].racetype>>
<<set $staffobedience = $staffclothing[$staffinteractor].obedience>>
<<set $clothinghere = true>>
<<goto "staffinteract">>
<<link "train all">><<for _i = 0; _i < $staffclothing.length; _i++>><<set $staffclothing[_i].jobexp +=3>><</for>><<set $time +=1>><<goto clothingstaff>><<endlink>>
<<set _jincomes = 0>>
<<for _i = 0; _i < $staffclothing.length; _i++>>
<<set _jstaff = $staffclothing[_i]>>
<<set _jincome = _jstaff.jobexp * (1 + (0.75 * 100))>>
<<set _jincomes += _jincome>>
<<set $clothing.dincome = _jincomes>>
<<if $Code1 == true>>
<<set _clothingdincome = _jincomes*2>><<if $cashupg >=1>><<set _clothingdincome = _jincomes*2*$cashupg>><</if>>
<<set _clothingdincome = _jincomes >><<if $cashupg >=1>><<set _clothingdincome = _jincomes*$cashupg>><</if>>
Income: <<print _clothingdincome>>$<br>
<<if $Laptoping == true>>
<img src="Media/City/realestate.webp" width="75%"><br>
<<if $time <= 3>>
What building would you like to buy?<br>
<<if $owngym == false>>
Gym ($50K) <<if $cash >= 50000>><<link "Buy">><<set $owngym = true>><<set $cash -= 50000>> <<goto "realestate">><</link>><<else>><<endif>><br><<endif>>
<<if $ownclothing== false>>
Clothing Store ($175K) <<if $cash >= 175000>><<link "Buy">><<set $ownclothing = true>><<set $cash -= 175000>> <<goto "realestate">><</link>><<else>><<endif>><br><<endif>>
<<if $ownelectronic == false>>
Electronics Store ($450K) <<if $cash >= 450000>><<link "Buy">><<set $ownelectronic = true>><<set $cash -= 450000>> <<goto "realestate">><</link>><<else>><<endif>><br><<endif>>
Real Estate Agency is closed.<br>
<<if $sister.lvl >=2>>
You enter the bathroom while your sister is taking a bath.
@@.speech-u; Hey sis, let's take the bath together.@@
@@.speech-sister; Come on in!@@
Not long after you both get horny.<br>
<<if $sister.lvl == 2>>
<<set _bathsbj = random(0,2)>>
<<set _imagePath = "Media/Sister/Bathroom/" + "/BJ/" + _bathsbj + ".webp">>
<<set _imageTag = '<img src="' + _imagePath + '" width="80%">'>>
<<set _result to $addstat($sister,"cor",45)>><<print _result>><br>
<<set _result to $addstat($sister,"aff",36)>><<print _result>><br>
<<elseif $sister.lvl >= 2>>
<<set _bathsbj = random(0,2)>>
<<set _imagePath = "Media/Sister/Bathroom/" + "/BJ/" + _bathsbj + ".webp">>
<<set _imageTag = '<img src="' + _imagePath + '" width="80%">'>>
<<set _bathssex = random(0,2)>>
<<set _imagePath = "Media/Sister/Bathroom/" + "/Sex/" + _bathssex + ".webp">>
<<set _imageTag = '<img src="' + _imagePath + '" width="80%">'>>
<<set _result to $addstat($sister,"cor",56)>><<print _result>><br>
<<set _result to $addstat($sister,"aff",45)>><<print _result>><br>
<<set $time +=0.5>>
<<if $mom.lvl >=2>>
You enter the bathroom while your mom is taking a bath.
@@.speech-u; Mom, can we take a bath together?@@
@@.speech-mom; Sure hun, get on in.@@
Not long after you get horny and ask her for help.<br>
<<if $mom.lvl == 2>>
<<set _bathmbj = random(0,2)>>
<<set _imagePath = "Media/Mom/Bathroom/" + "/BJ/" + _bathmbj + ".webp">>
<<set _imageTag = '<img src="' + _imagePath + '" width="80%">'>>
<<set _result to $addstat($mom,"cor",45)>><<print _result>><br>
<<set _result to $addstat($mom,"aff",36)>><<print _result>><br>
<<elseif $mom.lvl >= 2>>
<<set _bathmbj = random(0,2)>>
<<set _imagePath = "Media/Mom/Bathroom/" + "/BJ/" + _bathmbj + ".webp">>
<<set _imageTag = '<img src="' + _imagePath + '" width="80%">'>>
<<set _bathmsex = random(0,2)>>
<<set _imagePath = "Media/Mom/Bathroom/" + "/Sex/" + _bathmsex + ".webp">>
<<set _imageTag = '<img src="' + _imagePath + '" width="80%">'>>
<<set _result to $addstat($mom,"cor",56)>><<print _result>><br>
<<set _result to $addstat($mom,"aff",45)>><<print _result>><br>
<<set $time +=0.5>>
Where do you want to take the girl on a date?<br>
[[Clothing store|Clothing date]]<br>
<<link "return">><<if $SisDate == true>><<goto "sisterroom">><<elseif $MomDate == true>><<goto "Mom Room">><<elseif $ReaDate == true>><<goto "rea room">>
<<elseif $JudyDate == true>><<goto "judyroom">><<elseif $McsDate == true>><<goto "mcstudent room">><<elseif $HsDate == true>><<goto "hstudent room">>
<<elseif $MctDate == true>><<goto "mcteacher room">><<elseif $Dcousin == true>><<goto "cousinroom">><<elseif $Daunt == true>><<goto "mbedroom">><<endif>><</link>>
<<if $SisDate == true>>
$sister.name runs in there excited.
@@.speech-sister; Oh my god! Look at this dress! Now Look at this!@@
You watch her run around the store until she comes to you with 2 different dresses.
@@.speech-sister; Which one do you want me to get?<br>
<<link "Skimpy dress">><<set $cordress = true>><<goto "Clothing date finish">><</link>>
or <<link "Formal dress">><<set $affdress = true>><<goto "Clothing date finish">><</link>>?@@
<<elseif $MomDate == true>>
$mom.name walks in there interested.
@@.speech-mom; Oh there 2 dresses look like an interesting choice.@@
You watch her go take 2 different dresses and walk up to you.
@@.speech-mom; Which one should I get?<br>
<<link "Skimpy dress">><<set $cordress = true>><<goto "Clothing date finish">><</link>>
or <<link "Formal dress">><<set $affdress = true>><<goto "Clothing date finish">><</link>>?@@
<<elseif $JudyDate == true>>
Judy walks in there excited to see which dress she should pick.<br>
In the end she couldn't decide, so you chose 2 different dresses.
@@.speech-judy; Those 2? We should only get one.@@
@@.speech-u; Hmm which dress should I pick for her?<br>
<<link "Skimpy dress">><<set $cordress = true>><<goto "Clothing date finish">><</link>>
or <<link "Formal dress">><<set $affdress = true>><<goto "Clothing date finish">><</link>>?@@
<<elseif $ReaDate == true>>
Rea walks in there all shy<br>
You decide to pick 2 different dresses for her.
@@.speech-u; I should probably get only one, which one should I get?<br>
<<link "Skimpy dress">><<set $cordress = true>><<goto "Clothing date finish">><</link>>
or <<link "Formal dress">><<set $affdress = true>><<goto "Clothing date finish">><</link>>?@@
<<elseif $McsDate == true>>
$mcstudent.name looks around and comes to you with 2 dresses.<br>
@@.speech-mcstudent; Which one should I get?
<<link "Skimpy dress">><<set $cordress = true>><<goto "Clothing date finish">><</link>>
or <<link "Formal dress">><<set $affdress = true>><<goto "Clothing date finish">><</link>>?@@
<<elseif $HsDate == true>>
@@.speech-hstudent; I don't know what to get.@@
@@.speech-u; What should I choose for her?
<<link "Skimpy dress">><<set $cordress = true>><<goto "Clothing date finish">><</link>>
or <<link "Formal dress">><<set $affdress = true>><<goto "Clothing date finish">><</link>>?@@
<<elseif $MctDate == true>>
$mcteacher.name sees 2 dresses she wants.<br>
@@.speech-mcteacher; What do you think will suit her?
<<link "Skimpy dress">><<set $cordress = true>><<goto "Clothing date finish">><</link>>
or <<link "Formal dress">><<set $affdress = true>><<goto "Clothing date finish">><</link>>?@@
<<elseif $Dcousin == true>>
@@.speech-cousin; Thank you for bringing me here!@@
She runs off happily to pick something.
@@.speech-cousin; Heey, which one do you want to see me in?
<<link "Skimpy dress">><<set $cordress = true>><<goto "Clothing date finish">><</link>>
or <<link "Formal dress">><<set $affdress = true>><<goto "Clothing date finish">><</link>>?@@
<<elseif $Daunt == true>>
@@.speech-aunt; I will have you decide something for me.@@
She goes off somewhere and comes back with 2 dresses.
@@.speech-aunt; So what will it be?
<<link "Skimpy dress">><<set $cordress = true>><<goto "Clothing date finish">><</link>>
or <<link "Formal dress">><<set $affdress = true>><<goto "Clothing date finish">><</link>>?@@
<<if $SisDate == true>>
<<if $cordress == true>>
@@.speech-sister; Hmm, okay.. It is a little bit revealing, but I won't wear it for you at all! Only in your dreams!@@
You hand her the money and she goes to buy the Skimpy dress.<br>
<<set _result to $addstat($sister,"cor",200)>><<print _result>><br>
<<elseif $affdress == true>>
@@.speech-sister; Okay! I will get it right now!@@
You can see that she is really happy right now.<br>
You hand her the money and she runs off to buy it.<br>
<<set _result to $addstat($sister,"aff",250)>><<print _result>><br>
<<set $SisDate = false>>
<<elseif $MomDate == true>>
<<if $cordress == true>>
@@.speech-mom; A little bit revealing... But that is fine, since it's your choice and it makes you happy.@@
You hand her the money and she goes to buy the Skimpy dress.<br>
<<set _result to $addstat($mom,"cor",200)>><<print _result>><br>
<<elseif $affdress == true>>
@@.speech-mom; Sure, let me just get that and I will come back to you.@@
You hand her the money and she goes to buy the formal dress.<br>
<<set _result to $addstat($mom,"aff",250)>><<print _result>><br>
<<set $MomDate = false>>
<<elseif $JudyDate == true>>
<<if $cordress == true>>
@@.speech-judy; You want me to make you horny wearing this, right?@@
Judy smiles.
@@.speech-judy; Sure, let's get it!@@
You hand Judy the money and she goes off to buy the skimpy dress with a smile on her face.<br>
<<set _result to $addstat($judy,"cor",200)>><<print _result>><br>
<<elseif $affdress == true>>
@@.speech-judy; Was not expecting you to choose that, but okay!@@
You hand her the money and she goes to buy the formal dress.<br>
<<set _result to $addstat($judy,"aff",250)>><<print _result>><br>
<<set $JudyDate = false>>
<<elseif $ReaDate == true>>
<<if $cordress == true>>
@@.speech-rea; Umm, are you sure about this dress?@@
You nod.
@@.speech-rea; Umm, okay...@@
You hand Rea the money and she walks off to buy the skimpy dress.<br>
<<set _result to $addstat($rea,"cor",200)>><<print _result>><br>
<<elseif $affdress == true>>
@@.speech-rea; Okay!@@
You hand her the money and she runs off to buy the formal dress.<br>
<<set _result to $addstat($rea,"aff",250)>><<print _result>><br>
<<set $ReaDate = false>>
<<elseif $McsDate == true>>
<<if $cordress == true>>
@@.speech-mcstudent; You sure are a perv.@@
You smile.
You go and buy the skimpy dress for $mcstudent.name.<br>
<<set _result to $addstat($mcstudent,"cor",200)>><<print _result>><br>
<<elseif $affdress == true>>
@@.speech-mcstudent; Aww, really?@@
You go and buy the formal dress.<br>
<<set _result to $addstat($mcstudent,"aff",250)>><<print _result>><br>
<<set $McsDate = false>>
<<elseif $HsDate == true>>
<<if $cordress == true>>
@@.speech-hstudent; I-I don't know about that one.@@
@@.speech-u; It's fine, as long as it pleases my eyes.@@
@@.speech-hstudent; Sure, I guess.@@
You go and buy the skimpy dress for $hstudent.name.<br>
<<set _result to $addstat($hstudent,"cor",200)>><<print _result>><br>
<<elseif $affdress == true>>
@@.speech-hstudent; Thanks!@@
You go and buy the formal dress.<br>
<<set _result to $addstat($hstudent,"aff",250)>><<print _result>><br>
<<set $HsDate = false>>
<<elseif $MctDate == true>>
<<if $cordress == true>>
$mcteacher.name Smiles.
@@.speech-teacher; Dirty kid.@@
she goes and buy the skimpy dress for herself<br>
<<set _result to $addstat($mcteacher,"cor",200)>><<print _result>><br>
<<elseif $affdress == true>>
@@.speech-teacher; Not what I expected from you, but it's always good to make sure.@@
She goes and buys the formal dress.<br>
<<set _result to $addstat($mcteacher,"aff",250)>><<print _result>><br>
<<set $MctDate = false>>
<<elseif $Dcousin == true>>
<<if $cordress == true>>
@@.speech-cousin; Ooh! You naughty cousin!@@
She smiles and goes to the cash register.<br>
<<set _result to $addstat($cousin,"cor",200)>><<print _result>><br>
<<elseif $affdress == true>>
@@.speech-cousin; I like the way you think.@@
She walks away to buy the dress.<br>
<<set _result to $addstat($cousin,"aff",250)>><<print _result>><br>
<<set $Dcousin = false>>
<<elseif $Daunt == true>>
<<if $cordress == true>>
She smiles and walks away without saying anything.<br>
<<set _result to $addstat($aunt,"cor",200)>><<print _result>><br>
<<elseif $affdress == true>>
@@.speech-aunt; You truly are a thoughtful boy.@@
<<set _result to $addstat($aunt,"aff",250)>><<print _result>><br>
<<set $Daunt = false>>
<<set $cash-=2500>>
<<link "Go home">> <<set $affdress = false>> <<set $cordress = false>><<set $time+=1>>>><<if $markel == true>><<goto "cousinhouse">><<else>><<goto parentshouse>><</if>><</link>>
<img src="Media/City/Mall/ElectronicStore.webp" width="75%"><br>
Electronics Store<br><br>
<<if $ownelectronic == true>>
Laptop ($2400) <<if $cash >=2400>><<link "- Buy">><<set $Laptop = true>><<set $cash -=2400 >><<goto "Electronics Store">><</link>><<endif>><br>
Phone ($1100) <<if $cash >=1100>><<link "- Buy">><<set $Phone = true>><<set $cash -=1100 >><<goto "Electronics Store">><</link>><<endif>><br>
Your laptop.<br><br>
<<if $hackextra == true and $hacking >=250 and $email == false>>
<<link "You got an email">><<goto Emailer>><<set $email = true>><</link>><br><</if>>
<<if $trainer >=250 and $email2 == false and $email == true>>
<<link "You got an email">><<goto Emailer4>><<set $email2 = true>><</link>><br><</if>>
<<if $emily.aff == 1 >>
<<link "Text the contact">><<goto Emailer2>><</link>><br><</if>>
<<if $suzy.aff == 1>>
<<link "Text the contact">><<goto Emailer5>><</link>><br><</if>>
<<if $store.lvl == 5 or $cafe.lvl == 5 or $owngym == true or $ownclothing == true or $ownelectronic == true>>
[[Manage staff|MStaff]]<br>
<<if $intelligence >=10>>
[[Internet Shop|ishop]]<br>
<<if $inmansion == true>>
<<elseif $markel == true>>
<<elseif $germany == true>>
<<elseif $sweden == true>>
Your phone.<br><br>
[[Spend time on the phone|phonetime]]<br>
<<if $inmansion == true>>
<<elseif $germany == true>>
<<elseif $sweden == true>>
<<elseif $markel == true>>
<<if $upg1 >= 0 and $upg1 <10>>
Cash Upgrade lvl - <<= $upg1>> <<if $cash >= $cashupgcost>><<link "Level up">><<set $cash -= $cashupgcost>><<set $upg1 +=1>><<goto Upgrades>><</link>><<endif>> ($<<if $upg1 == 0>><<set $cashupgcost = 12500>><<print $cashupgcost>><<else>><<set $cashupgcost = 12500* (1.25*$upg1)>><<print $cashupgcost >><<endif>>)<br>
Cash Multiplier - <<set $cashupg = 1+(0.20*$upg1)>><<print $cashupg>>x<br><br>
<<if $upg2 >= 0 and $upg2 <10>>
Affection Upgrade lvl - <<= $upg2>> <<if $cash >= $affupgcost>><<link "Level up">><<set $cash -= $affupgcost>><<set $upg2 +=1>><<goto Upgrades>><</link>><<endif>> ($<<if $upg2 == 0>><<set $affupgcost = 15000>><<print $affupgcost>><<else>><<set $affupgcost = 15000* (1.25*$upg2)>><<print $affupgcost >><<endif>>)<br>
Affection Multiplier - <<set $affupg = 1+(0.20*$upg2)>><<print $affupg>>x<br><br>
<<if $upg3 >= 0 and $upg3 <10>>
Corruption Upgrade lvl - <<= $upg3>> <<if $cash >= $corupgcost>><<link "Level up">><<set $cash -= $corupgcost>><<set $upg3 +=1>><<goto Upgrades>><</link>><<endif>> ($<<if $upg3 == 0>><<set $corupgcost = 15000>><<print $corupgcost>><<else>><<set $corupgcost = 15000* (1.25*$upg3)>><<print $corupgcost >><<endif>>)<br>
Corruption Multiplier - <<set $corupg = 1+(0.20*$upg3)>><<print $corupg>>x<br><br>
Choose a building you want to manage.<br><br>
<<set $Laptoping = false>>
<<if $store.lvl == 5>>
<<link "Local Store">><<set $Laptoping = true>><<goto storestaff>><</link>><br>
<<if $cafe.lvl == 5>>
<<link "Cafe">><<set $Laptoping = true>><<goto cafestaff>><</link>><br>
<<if $owngym == true>>
<<link "Gym">><<set $Laptoping = true>><<goto gymstaff>><</link>><br>
<<if $ownclothing == true>>
<<link "Clothing Store">><<set $Laptoping = true>><<goto clothingstaff>><</link>><br>
<<if $ownelectronic == true>>
<<link "Electronics Store">><<set $Laptoping = true>><<goto Estaff>><</link>><br>
<<if $clerk.lvl == 3>>
<<link "Convenience Store">><<set $Laptoping = true>><<goto markelstaff>><</link>><br>
<img src="Media/City/Working/Office.webp" width="75%"><br>
Electronics Store Office<br>
<<if $staffelectronic.length <=4>>
<<link "Hire a staff">>
<<set $electronichere = true>>
<<goto "staffhiring">>
<<if $staffelectronic.length >= 1>>
[[Staff|Estaff]] <<endif>><br>
[[return|Electronics Store]]
Staff Information:<br>
<<for _i = 0; _i < $staffelectronic.length; _i++>>
<<capture _i>>
<<set _staff = $staffelectronic[_i]>>
Name: <<print _staff.name>><br>
Race: <<print _staff.race>> (<<print _staff.racetype>>)<br>
<<if _staff.jobexp >100>>
<<set _staff.jobexp = 100>>
Experience: <<print _staff.jobexp>> Obedience: <<print _staff.obedience>><br>
<<link 'Fire'>>
<<set $staffelectronic.splice(_i,1)>>
<<goto Estaff>>
<<link 'train'>>
<<set $staffelectronic[_i].jobexp +=3>><<set $time +=0.5>>
<<goto Estaff>>
<<link 'interact'>>
<<set $staffinteractor = _i>>
<<set $staffname = $staffelectronic[$staffinteractor].name>>
<<set $staffrace = $staffelectronic[$staffinteractor].race>>
<<set $staffracetype = $staffelectronic[$staffinteractor].racetype>>
<<set $staffobedience = $staffelectronic[$staffinteractor].obedience>>
<<set $electronichere = true>>
<<goto "staffinteract">>
<<link "train all">><<for _i = 0; _i < $staffelectronic.length; _i++>><<set $staffelectronic[_i].jobexp +=3>><</for>><<set $time +=1>><<goto Estaff>><<endlink>>
<<set _jincomes = 0>>
<<for _i = 0; _i < $staffelectronic.length; _i++>>
<<set _jstaff = $staffelectronic[_i]>>
<<set _jincome = _jstaff.jobexp * (1 + (0.9 * 100))>>
<<set _jincomes += _jincome>>
<<set $electronic.dincome = _jincomes>>
<<if $Code1 == true>>
<<set _electronicdincome = _jincomes*2>><<if $cashupg >=1>><<set _electronicdincome = _jincomes*2*$cashupg>><</if>>
<<set _electronicdincome = _jincomes >><<if $cashupg >=1>><<set _electronicdincome = _jincomes*$cashupg>><</if>>
Income: <<print _electronicdincome>>$<br>
<<if $Laptoping == true>>
<img src="Media/Factory/Factory.webp" width="75%"><br>
<<if $ownfactory == false>>
Do you want to purchase the factory? ($2M)<br>
<<link "Yes">><<set $cash -=2000000>><<set $ownfactory = true>><<goto factory>><</link>> <<link "No">><<goto City>><</link>>
<<elseif $ownfactory == true>>
<<goto infactory>>
<img src="Media/Factory/inside.webp" width="75%"><br>
Your factory You have: <<print $factory.materials>> materials.<br>
<<if $factory.materials>=1>>
[[Sell materials|sellfactory]]<br>
<img src="Media/Factory/work.jpg" width="75%"><br>
<<set $time +=0.5>>
<<if $strength <10>>
<<set _material = random(1,4)>>
<<elseif $strength <20>>
<<set _material = random(3,7)>>
<<elseif $strength <30>>
<<set _material = random(5,9)>>
<<elseif $strength <40>>
<<set _material = random(7,11)>>
<<elseif $strength <50>>
<<set _material = random(9,13)>>
<<elseif $strength <60>>
<<set _material = random(12,16)>>
<<elseif $strength <70>>
<<set _material = random(14,18)>>
<<elseif $strength <80>>
<<set _material = random(16;20)>>
<<elseif $strength <90>>
<<set _material = random(18,22)>>
<<elseif $strength <100>>
<<set _material = random(20,24)>>
<<elseif $strength >=100>>
<<set _material = random(22,26)>>
You loaded <<print _material>> materials.
<<set $factory.materials += _material>><br>
[[Go back|infactory]]
<<if $cashupg >=1>>
<<if $Code1 == true>>
<<set _reward = $factory.materials * 1750*$cashupg*2>>
<<set _reward = $factory.materials * 1750*$cashupg>>
<<if $Code1 == true>>
<<set _reward = $factory.materials * 1750*2>>
<<set _reward = $factory.materials * 1750>>
You gained <<print _reward>> cash from selling materials<br>
<<set $cash += _reward>>
<<set $factory.materials -= $factory.materials>>
[[Go back|infactory]]
These upgrades will give you daily income.(You can buy them only once.)<br>
Your factory daily income: $<<if $Code1 == true>><<print $factory.dincome*2*$cashupg >><<else>><<print $factory.dincome*$cashupg>><<endif>><br><br>
<<if $factory.upg1 == false>>
Hire people to work in the factory. ($2.5M) <<if $factory.upg1 == false and $cash >= 2500000>> - <<link " Buy ">><<set $cash -= 2500000>><<set $factory.upg1 = true>><<set $factory.dincome += 45000>><<goto upgfactory>><</link>><<endif>><br>
<<elseif $factory.upg1 == true>>
People are working for you now.<br>
<<if $factory.upg1 == true and $factory.upg2 == false>>
Purchase forklifts for your staff. ($7.5M) <<if $factory.upg2 == false and $cash >= 7500000>> - <<link " Buy ">><<set $cash -= 7500000>><<set $factory.upg2 = true>><<set $factory.dincome += 70000>><<goto upgfactory>><</link>><<endif>><br>
<<elseif $factory.upg2 == true>>
Staff are using forklifts now.<br>
<<if $factory.upg1 == true and $factory.upg2 == true and $factory.upg3 == false>>
Purchase machines for your staff. ($25M) <<if $factory.upg3 == false and $cash >= 25000000>> - <<link " Buy ">><<set $cash -= 25000000>><<set $factory.upg3 = true>><<set $factory.dincome += 115000>><<goto upgfactory>><</link>><<endif>><br>
<<elseif $factory.upg3 == true>>
Staff are using machines now.<br>
<<if $factory.upg1 == true and $factory.upg2 == true and $factory.upg3 == true and $factory.upg4 == false>>
Expand your factory ($125M) <<if $factory.upg4 == false and $cash >= 125000000>> - <<link " Buy ">><<set $cash -= 125000000>><<set $factory.upg4 = true>><<set $factory.dincome += 180000>><<goto upgfactory>><</link>><<endif>><br>
<<elseif $factory.upg4 == true>>
Your factory has been expanded.<br>
[[Go back|infactory]]
<img src="Media/City/Apartments.jpg" width="75%"><br>
<<if $mcstudent.house == true>>
<<link "$mcstudent.name's apartment">><<goto mcapartment>><</link>><br>
<<if $hstudent.house == true>>
<<link "$hstudent.name's apartment">><<goto hapartment>><</link>><br>
<<if $kayla.lvl >=2>>
<<link "$kayla.name's apartment">><<goto kaylapartment>><</link>><br>
<img src="Media/City/School/Cafeteria.jpg" width="75%"><br>
<<if $time >=1 and $time <= 1.5>>
Who do you want to sit next to?<br>
<<if $hstudent.aff >= 1>>
<<link "Sit with $hstudent.name">><<set $heat = true>><<goto eatcafeteria>><<endlink>><br>
<<if $mcstudent.aff >=1>>
<<link "Sit with $mcstudent.name">><<set $mceat = true>><<goto eatcafeteria>><<endlink>><br>
<<if $mcteacher.aff >=1>>
<<link "Sit with $mcteacher.name">><<set $mcteat = true>><<goto eatcafeteria>><<endlink>><br>
<<if $heat == true>>
You sit down with $hstudent.name and eat together.<br>
<<set _result to $addstat($hstudent,"aff",2)>><<print _result>><br>
<<set $time +=0.5>>
<<set $heat = false>>
<<elseif $mceat == true>>
You sit down with $mcstudent.name and eat together.<br>
<<set _result to $addstat($mcstudent,"aff",2)>><<print _result>><br>
<<set $time +=0.5>>
<<set $mceat = false>>
<<elseif $mcteat == true>>
You sit down with your teacher and eat together.<br>
<<set _result to $addstat($mcteacher,"aff",2)>><<print _result>><br>
<<set $time +=0.5>>
<<set $mcteat= false>>
[[Go back|InSchool]]
<<if $sister.lvl >=2>>
You go in $sister.name's room.
@@.speech-sister; Hey, I've heard you've been bothering a friend of mine.@@
@@.speech-u; Who could that friend be?@@
@@.speech-sister; $mcstudent.name, She is in the same class as you.@@
@@.speech-u; Oh, her. Yeah I've been bothering her so that she speaks to me.@@
$sister.name sighs.
@@.speech-sister; Just, ask me.@@
@@.speech-u; I had no clue she was your friend.@@
You shrug.
@@.speech-sister; Anyway I will speak to her and tell her to be nicer to you, okay?@@
@@.speech-u; Sure.@@
<<set $mcstudent.lvl = 2>>
<<set $mcstudent.house = true>>
You can now interact normally with $mcstudent.name<br>
You go in the class and see a note on your table.<br>
On the note there is written an address to the apartment complex and the door number on it.<br>
It appears at the very bottom there is a name written, it's from $mcstudent.name.<br><br>
<<set $mcstudent.house = true>>
You can now go to $mcstudent.name's apartment.<br>
<img src="Media/City/mcstudent/mcstudent.avif" width="60%"><br>
<<link "$mcstudent.name's room">><<goto "mcstudent room">><</link>><br>
<img src="Media/City/mcstudent/room.webp" width="55%"><br>
$mcstudent.name's room<br>
<<if $time >=2.5>>
<<set _chancetobeteased to random(0,100)>>
<<if $mcstudent.aff >=250 and $mcstudent.cor>=150>>
<<if _chancetobeteased >=30>>
<<set _mcstease to random(0,4)>>
<<set _imagePath = "Media/City/School/Characters/Students/mcstudent/" + "/Tease/" + _mcstease + ".webp">>
<<set _imageTag = '<img src="' + _imagePath + '" width="50%">'>>
<<set _result to $addstat($mcstudent,"cor",2)>>
<<print _result>>
Affection: <<print Math.ceil($mcstudent.aff)>> Corruption: <<print Math.ceil($mcstudent.cor)>> lvl: <<print $mcstudent.lvl>><br>
<<if $mcstudent.lvl == 2 and $mcstudent.aff >=1450 and $mcstudent.cor>=1100>>
<<link "Go further with $mcstudent.name">><<goto gofurthermcstudent>><</link>><br>
<<if $cash >= 2500>>
<<link "Date">> <<set $McsDate = true>> <<goto "Dating Menu">><</link>><<endif>><br>
[[Talk|mcstudent talk]] <<link "Gift">> <<set $McsGift = true>> <<goto "Inventory">><</link>><br>
<<if $mcstudent.aff >= 90>>
[[Flirt|mcstudent flirt]] <<if $mcstudent.aff >= 200 and $mcstudent.cor>=60 >>[[Interact|mcstudent interact]]
<<set $time +=0.25>>
<<if $mcstudent.lvl == 2>>
<<if $mcstudent.aff>=70 and $mcstudent.aff <200>>
@@.speech-u; So, why are you in underwear?@@
@@.speech-mcstudent; I can't be in my own room with underwear on?@@
@@.speech-u; Well, you were waiting for me in your own room.@@
@@.speech-mcstudent; Yup, now you are going to pull down your pants.@@
@@.speech-u; Going a bit too fast there lady, first we have to go on dates at least.@@
She sighs.
@@.speech-mcstudent; That's not what your sister experienced though.@@
@@.speech-u; How much did she tell you?@@
@@.speech-mcstudent; She said quite a bit.@@
@@.speech-u; Why am I not surprised?@@
She giggles.<br>
<<set _result to $addstat($mcstudent,"aff",15)>><<print _result>><br>
<<elseif $mcstudent.aff >=200>>
@@.speech-u; Now you are naked... Are you just asking to be fucked?@@
@@.speech-mcstudent; No... Just walking around naked in my own room.@@
@@.speech-u; Uhuh, you knew I was coming here too.@@
@@.speech-mcstudent; Nope.@@
@@.speech-u; Whatever, I will have to tell my sister to stop giving you advices.@@
@@.speech-mcstudent; Oh, don't you dare!@@
@@.speech-u; I must, otherwise you will keep on acting like this.@@
@@.speech-mcstudent; I won't if you have sex with me.@@
You sigh.
@@.speech-u; Keep dreaming.@@
<<set _result to $addstat($mcstudent,"aff",20)>><<print _result>><br>
<<set _result to $addstat($mcstudent,"cor",6)>><<print _result>><br>
@@.speech-u; You are naked as always.@@
@@.speech-mcstudent; Yup.@@
@@.speech-u; Anyway, it appears you are nothing but a slut.@@
@@.speech-mcstudent; mostly in my house, so don't worry.@@
@@.speech-u; I never was going to, but sure.@@
@@.speech-mcstudent; Good, because I want to ask you, if you are willing to have sex with me?@@
@@.speech-u; No.@@
She frowns.<br>
<<set _result to $addstat($mcstudent,"aff",35)>><<print _result>><br>
<<set _result to $addstat($mcstudent,"cor",15)>><<print _result>><br>
[[Leave|mcstudent room]]
<<set $time +=0.25>>
<<if $mcstudent.lvl == 2>>
<<if $mcstudent.aff>=90 and $mcstudent.cor <10>>
@@.speech-u; Hey want to have a romantic kiss-out?@@
@@.speech-mcstudent; Is that supposed to turn me on?@@
@@.speech-u; Who knows... Did it?@@
@@.speech-mcstudent; Oh wait, let me see... No.@@
@@.speech-u; Okay, how about this? <br>Is your pussy dry as a safari desert? If so let me flood it with my nile river water.@@
@@.speech-mcstudent; That might have been the worst one yet.@@
You smile.
@@.speech-mcstudent; Get that cute smug out of here, gosh.@@
<<set _result to $addstat($mcstudent,"cor",7)>><<print _result>><br>
<<elseif $mcstudent.cor >=10>>
@@.speech-u; Hey, if you keep walking around naked like that, you might actually make me want to fuck you.@@
@@.speech-mcstudent; Is that so? I might as well keep doing that.@@
She smiles.
@@.speech-u; Is what you expected me to say, right?@@
@@.speech-mcstudent; God damn it! Stop teasing me with that!@@
@@.speech-u; No can do, seeing your cute angry face is what makes my day.@@
@@.speech-mcstudent; Okay, just leave.@@
<<set _result to $addstat($mcstudent,"cor",12)>><<print _result>><br>
You slap her ass.
@@.speech-u; It's time to wake up, baby.@@
@@.speech-mcstudent; Yes daddy, I will wake up.@@
You both stare at each other for a moment.
@@.speech-u; Which one of us got turned on here?@@
@@.speech-mcstudent; Both, I can see that you are hard.@@
@@.speech-u; And you are wet, clearly by looking at your soaked panties.@@
<<set _result to $addstat($mcstudent,"cor",25)>><<print _result>><br>
[[Leave|mcstudent room]]
<<if $mcstudent.aff >=475 and $mcstudent.cor >= 260>>
<<if $mcstudent.lvl >=3>>
<<if $hstudent.lvl == 4 and $mcstudent.lvl == 4>>
<<link "Foreplay with $hstudent.name">><<goto APForeplay>><</link>><br><</if>>
<<if $hstudent.lvl == 4 and $mcstudent.lvl == 4 and $hstudent.aff >=1250 and $mcstudent.aff >=1250>>
<<link "Sex with $hstudent.name">><<goto APSex>><</link>><br><</if>>
<<if $inmyroom == true>>
<<elseif $inmansion == true>>
<<elseif $germany == true>>
<<elseif $markel == true>>
[[return|mcstudent room]]
<<set $time +=0.25>>
<<if $mcstudent.lvl == 2>>
@@.speech-u; It's about time.@@
@@.speech-mcstudent; We get to have sex?@@
@@.speech-u; No, you will have to pleasure me before that even happens.@@
She sighs.
@@.speech-mcstudent; Fine.@@
She unbuttons your pants and grabs your cock.<br>
@@.speech-u; Can you give me a handjob?@@
@@.speech-mcstudent; So straightforward. Sure.@@
She pulls down your pants and grabs your cock. <br>
<<set _mcshj = random(0,3)>>
<<set _imagePath = "Media/City/School/Characters/Students/mcstudent/" + "/HJ/" + _mcshj + ".webp">>
<<set _imageTag = '<img src="' + _imagePath + '" width="70%">'>>
<<if $mcstudent.lvl == 2>>
@@.speech-u; Oh, that sure does feel good.@@
@@.speech-mcstudent; Having sex with me will feel even better.@@
@@.speech-u; Yeah that will have to wait.<br>
Anyway keep stroking.@@
You lay back enjoying the moment.
@@.speech-mcstudent; Am I your personal cocksleeve right now?@@
@@.speech-u; Who knows.@@
<<if $mcstudent.lvl == 2>>
@@.speech-u; I'm going to cum soon.@@
@@.speech-mcstudent; Got it.@@
She starts to stroke you even faster.<br>
@@.speech-u; I'm going to cum.@@
She starts to stroke your cock even faster.<br>
<<set _mcshjc = random(0,3)>>
<<set _imagePath = "Media/City/School/Characters/Students/mcstudent/" + "/HJ/Cum/" + _mcshjc + ".webp">>
<<set _imageTag = '<img src="' + _imagePath + '" width="70%">'>>
<<if $mcstudent.lvl == 2>>
@@.speech-u; That felt good.@@
$mcstudent.name pouts.
@@.speech-u; No sex, for now.@@
@@.speech-mcstudent; I get it, I get it. No need to remind me.@@
<<set _result to $addstat($mcstudent,"aff",30)>><<print _result>><br>
<<set _result to $addstat($mcstudent,"cor",20)>><<print _result>><br>
She licks the cum off of her hand.
@@.speech-u; Yup, that was great.@@
You stand up.
@@.speech-mcstudent; Wait what? That was it?@@
@@.speech-u; Yeah.@@
@@.speech-mcstudent; You're just going to cum and go?@@
@@.speech-u; Pretty much.@@
@@.speech-mcstudent; The hell?@@
<<set _result to $addstat($mcstudent,"aff",55)>><<print _result>><br>
<<set _result to $addstat($mcstudent,"cor",45)>><<print _result>><br>
[[Go back|mcstudent interact]]
<<set $time +=0.25>>
<<if $mcstudent.lvl == 2>>
@@.speech-u; Now you will give me a blowjob.@@
@@.speech-mcstudent; Order after another...@@
@@.speech-u; At least you are getting closer to having sex with me.@@
@@.speech-mcstudent; You are right.<br>
Let's get to work then.@@
She unbuttons your pants and sucks your dick.<br>
@@.speech-u; Hey $mcstudent.name, give me another blowjob.@@
@@.speech-mcstudent; I'm truly starting to think I'm somekind of a cocksleeve for you.@@
@@.speech-u; Because you are.@@
She sighs.
@@.speech-mcstudent; Can't disagree with that, now give me your tasty cock.@@
She pulls down your pants and starts to suck you off.<br>
<<set _mcsbj = random(0,3)>>
<<set _imagePath = "Media/City/School/Characters/Students/mcstudent/" + "/BJ/" + _mcsbj + ".webp">>
<<set _imageTag = '<img src="' + _imagePath + '" width="70%">'>>
<<if $mcstudent.lvl == 2>>
@@.speech-u; God, you sure are eager.@@
@@.speech-mcstudent; I want to have sex with you as soon as possible.@@
@@.speech-u; No need to rush, damn...@@
@@.speech-u; Yeah... Just like that.@@
Patricia looks as if she is tired of this, but at the same time enjoying it.<br>
<<if $mcstudent.lvl == 2>>
@@.speech-u; Get ready to swallow my load.@@
She increases her speed even faster<br>
@@.speech-u; Here comes the load.@@
Without a change in reaction nor speed she continues sucking you off.<br>
<<set _mcsbjc = random(0,3)>>
<<set _imagePath = "Media/City/School/Characters/Students/mcstudent/" + "/BJ/Cum/" + _mcsbjc + ".webp">>
<<set _imageTag = '<img src="' + _imagePath + '" width="70%">'>>
<<if $mcstudent.lvl == 2>>
@@.speech-u; That was something else...@@
@@.speech-mcstudent; Can't wait for sex now.@@
She smiles.<br>
<<set _result to $addstat($mcstudent,"aff",70)>><<print _result>><br>
<<set _result to $addstat($mcstudent,"cor",60)>><<print _result>><br>
Patricia swallows all the cum she had in her mouth.
@@.speech-u; You looked fed up with it.@@
@@.speech-mcstudent; Because I was.@@
You shrug.
@@.speech-u; Nothing can be changed about it.@@
She sighs.<br>
<<set _result to $addstat($mcstudent,"aff",100)>><<print _result>><br>
<<set _result to $addstat($mcstudent,"cor",90)>><<print _result>><br>
[[Go back|mcstudent interact]]
You go in the class and see your teacher coming up to you.<br>
<<if $hstudent.house == false>>
@@.speech-teacher; A student came by and told me to give this note to you.@@
@@.speech-u; From who?@@
She shrugs.
@@.speech-teacher; She did say, that everything is written on the note.@@
@@.speech-u; Hmm, okay.@@
You read the note and it appears that $hstudent.name left this note for you with an address on it.<br>
<<set $hstudent.house = true>>
You can now go to $hstudent.name's apartment.<br>
<img src="Media/City/hstudent/hallway.jpg" width="65%"><br>
$hstudent.name's apartment.<br>
<<link "$hstudent.name's room">><<goto "hstudent room">><</link>><br>
<img src="Media/City/hstudent/room.jpeg" width="60%"><br>
<<if $time >=2.5>>
<<set _chancetobeteased to random(0,100)>>
<<if $hstudent.lvl >=2>>
<<if _chancetobeteased >=30>>
<<set _hstease to random(0,4)>>
<<set _imagePath = "Media/City/School/Characters/Students/hstudent/" + "/Tease/" + _hstease + ".webp">>
<<set _imageTag = '<img src="' + _imagePath + '" width="50%">'>>
<<set _result to $addstat($hstudent,"cor",2)>>
<<print _result>><br>
$hstudent.name's room.<br>
Affection: <<print Math.ceil($hstudent.aff)>> Corruption: <<print Math.ceil($hstudent.cor)>> lvl: <<print $hstudent.lvl>><br>
<<if $hstudent.lvl == 1 and $hstudent.aff >=450 and $hstudent.cor>=325>>
<<link "Go further with $hstudent.name">><<goto gofurtherhstudent>><</link>><br>
<<if $hstudent.lvl == 2 and $hstudent.aff >=1500 and $hstudent.cor>=1000>>
<<link "Go even further with $hstudent.name">><<goto gofurtherhstudent2>><</link>><br>
<<if $hstudent.lvl == 3 and $mcstudent.lvl == 3>>
<<link "Have a talk with $hstudent.name">><<goto APMeet1>><</link>><br><</if>>
<<if $cash >= 2500>>
<<link "Date">> <<set $HsDate = true>> <<goto "Dating Menu">><</link>><<endif>><br>
[[Talk|hstudent talk]] <<link "Gift">> <<set $HsGift = true>> <<goto "Inventory">><</link>><br>
<<if $hstudent.aff >= 90>>
[[Flirt|hstudent flirt]] <<if $hstudent.aff >= 200 and $hstudent.cor>=60 >>[[Interact|hstudent interact]]
<<set $time +=0.25>>
<<if $hstudent.lvl == 1>>
<<if $hstudent.aff >=25 and $hstudent.aff <90>>
@@.speech-u; Hey, I came by to say hi.@@
@@.speech-hstudent; Oh hey, thanks for coming by, it's a first time that someone other than my parents visited me.@@
@@.speech-u; Is that so? Well don't worry, I will come to visit you frequently.@@
She smiles.
@@.speech-hstudent; Thank you, $uname.@@
<<set _result to $addstat($hstudent,"aff",9)>><<print _result>><br>
<<elseif $hstudent.aff >=90>>
@@.speech-u; Hey there, hope I'm not interrupting anything.@@
@@.speech-hstudent; No no, it's fine. Come on in.@@
@@.speech-u; So, what are you watching?@@
@@.speech-hstudent; A documentary about cats and other pets... aren't they cute?@@
You nod.
@@.speech-u; They sure are.@@
@@.speech-hstudent; Wanna watch it with me?@@
@@.speech-u; Sure.@@
<<set _result to $addstat($hstudent,"aff",14)>><<print _result>><br>
<<elseif $hstudent.lvl == 2>>
@@.speech-u; Hey there cutiepie.@@
@@.speech-hstudent; H-Hey...@@
@@.speech-u; Not used to the nickname?@@
@@.speech-hstudent; Not really.@@
@@.speech-u; It's okay, I can just call you by your name.@@
@@.speech-hstudent; No no, it's fine keep calling me that, I don't dislike it.@@
@@.speech-u; Oh, okay.@@
<<set _result to $addstat($hstudent,"aff",20)>><<print _result>><br>
@@.speech-u; Hey, cutiepie.@@
She turns around with a smile.
@@.speech-hstudent; Hey.@@
@@.speech-u; Wanna watch national geographic?@@
@@.speech-hstudent; Okay!@@
@@.speech-u; You better not fall asleep.@@
@@.speech-hstudent; Hey, you are the one always falling asleep.@@
@@.speech-u; Don't know anything.@@
<<set _result to $addstat($hstudent,"aff",30)>><<print _result>><br>
[[Leave|hstudent room]]
<<set $time +=0.25>>
<<if $hstudent.lvl == 1>>
<<if $hstudent.cor >=0 and $hstudent.cor <40>>
@@.speech-u; Hey cutiepie, want to cuddle together?@@
@@.speech-hstudent; Umm, y-yeah sure.@@
@@.speech-u; No need to be tensed up around me.@@
@@.speech-hstudent; I'm sorry, I'm just still shy when I'm around you.@@
@@.speech-u; Don't be, I guess it takes times to get used to this new type of life.@@
@@.speech-hstudent; Maybe so.@@
<<set _result to $addstat($hstudent,"aff",15)>><<print _result>><br>
<<set _result to $addstat($hstudent,"cor",7)>><<print _result>><br>
<<elseif $hstudent.cor >=40>>
@@.speech-u; Hey cutiepie, I've brought you coffee.@@
@@.speech-hstudent; Oh, thanks!@@
@@.speech-u; Need help with homework?@@
@@.speech-hstudent; No, I've already finished my homework actually.@@
@@.speech-u; Oh, not only are you cute, but smart too.@@
$hstudent.name giggles.
@@.speech-hstudent; No need to flatter me.@@
@@.speech-u; Oh but I have to.@@
<<set _result to $addstat($hstudent,"aff",25)>><<print _result>><br>
<<set _result to $addstat($hstudent,"cor",15)>><<print _result>><br>
<<elseif $hstudent.lvl == 2>>
@@.speech-u; Hey.@@
She is focused on something.<br>
You go up to her and kiss her on the cheek.
@@.speech-u; Good morning, cutiepie.@@
@@.speech-hstudent; Oh, good morning, sorry I was just working on something.@@
@@.speech-u; It's okay, as long as you take it easy.@@
@@.speech-hstudent; I do, don't worry.@@
@@.speech-u; Well, I kind of have to sometimes, knowing that you might get emotional about something again.@@
@@.speech-hstudent; Thanks... Really.@@
@@.speech-u; Anything for my cutie.@@
$hstudent.name smiles.<br>
<<set _result to $addstat($hstudent,"aff",35)>><<print _result>><br>
<<set _result to $addstat($hstudent,"cor",25)>><<print _result>><br>
@@.speech-u; Yo, cutiepie.@@
@@.speech-hstudent; Yo? That's new coming from you.@@
You kiss her on the lips.
@@.speech-u; Trying to be cool for a cooliepie.@@
Anna giggles.
@@.speech-hstudent; What is that supposed to mean?@@
You shrug.<br>
<<set _result to $addstat($hstudent,"aff",50)>><<print _result>><br>
<<set _result to $addstat($hstudent,"cor",36)>><<print _result>><br>
[[Leave|hstudent room]]
<<if $hstudent.lvl >=2>>
<<if $hstudent.aff >=900 and $hstudent.cor >= 800 and $hstudent.lvl >= 2>>
<<if $hstudent.lvl >=3>>
<<if $hstudent.lvl == 4 and $mcstudent.lvl == 4>>
<<link "Foreplay with $mcstudent.name">><<set $hstudenthome = true>><<goto APForeplay>><</link>><br><</if>>
<<if $hstudent.lvl == 4 and $mcstudent.lvl == 4 and $hstudent.aff >=1250 and $mcstudent.aff >=1250>>
<<link "Sex with $mcstudent.name">><<set $hstudenthome = true>><<goto APSex>><</link>><br><</if>>
<<if $inmyroom == true>>
<<elseif $inmansion == true>>
<<elseif $germany == true>>
<<elseif $markel == true>>
[[return|hstudent room]]
<<set $time +=0.25>>
<<if $hstudent.firstkiss == false>>
You see $hstudent.name in distress.
@@.speech-u; Hey are you okay?@@
@@.speech-hstudent; Something isn't working! I'm going to fail!@@
You hug her to calm her down.
@@.speech-u; Calm down. You won't fail in anything, you are smart, you can do it.@@
@@.speech-hstudent; *sniff* Really?@@
@@.speech-u; Yeah, so calm down, and trust in yourself more, if you need something just tell me.@@
She looks up at you.<br>
<img src="Media/City/School/Characters/Students/hstudent/firstkiss.webp" width="60%"><br>
@@.speech-u; Did it calm you down?@@
@@.speech-hstudent; Yeah... Can we stay like this for some time?@@
@@.speech-u; Sure.@@
<<set _result to $addstat($hstudent,"aff",40)>><<print _result>><br>
<<set _result to $addstat($hstudent,"cor",30)>><<print _result>><br>
<<set $hstudent.firstkiss = true>>
<<if $hstudent.lvl == 1>>
@@.speech-u; Hey there cutiepie, how is your competition?@@
@@.speech-hstudent; It's great, but still need to work on it.@@
@@.speech-u; Need a kiss?@@
$hstudent.name smiles.
@@.speech-hstudent; Absolutely.@@
<img src="Media/City/School/Characters/Students/hstudent/kiss.webp" width="60%"><br>
@@.speech-hstudent; I appreciate you being here for me.@@
@@.speech-u; Anytime.@@
<<set _result to $addstat($hstudent,"aff",20)>><<print _result>><br>
<<set _result to $addstat($hstudent,"cor",15)>><<print _result>><br>
<<elseif $hstudent.lvl == 2>>
@@.speech-u; Hey want to-@@
She runs up to you and kisses you<br>
<img src="Media/City/School/Characters/Students/hstudent/kiss.webp" width="60%"><br>
@@.speech-u; I didn't even need to ask.@@
@@.speech-hstudent; No, you didn't.@@
She smiles.
@@.speech-u; How is the project?@@
@@.speech-hstudent; Almost done, all thanks to you.@@
@@.speech-u; Good to know.@@
<<set _result to $addstat($hstudent,"aff",30)>><<print _result>><br>
<<set _result to $addstat($hstudent,"cor",20)>><<print _result>><br>
@@.speech-u; Hey there, cutie.@@
@@.speech-hstudent; Hey, what's up?@@
@@.speech-u; I came here to have a kissing session with you.@@
She smiles.
@@.speech-hstudent; How long and how passionate?@@
@@.speech-u; As passionate and long as you can make it.@@
<img src="Media/City/School/Characters/Students/hstudent/kiss.webp" width="60%"><br>
<<set _result to $addstat($hstudent,"aff",40)>><<print _result>><br>
<<set _result to $addstat($hstudent,"cor",30)>><<print _result>><br>
[[return|hstudent interact]]
<<if $hstudent.lvl == 1>>
@@.speech-u; Hey I wanted to speak with you.@@
@@.speech-hstudent; About what?@@
@@.speech-u; Want to push things even further between us?@@
@@.speech-hstudent; Push things even further? Like what?@@
@@.speech-u; Pleasuring each other.@@
You can see her face redden.
@@.speech-hstudent; I-I don't know.@@
@@.speech-u; We can just put sex aside if you want.@@
@@.speech-hstudent; If so, then... I think we could.@@
@@.speech-u; How about we start it now?@@
@@.speech-hstudent; Now? But I'm not sure if I can.@@
@@.speech-u; If you can't now, then we will never be able to do the things that we want.@@
She thinks for a moment.
@@.speech-hstudent; Sure, let's do it now.@@
@@.speech-u; Okay.@@
[[Go further|hstudenthj]]
<<set $time +=0.25>>
<<if $hstudent.lvl == 1>>
@@.speech-u; Okay, so.@@
You pull down your pants, showing your cock to her, $hstudent.name instantly looks away when you do that.
@@.speech-u; We will start with pleasuring my cock with your hands.@@
She still can't look at your cock.
@@.speech-u; It's okay, you can look at it, you will have to later either way.@@
@@.speech-hstudent; It's my first time seeing one.@@
You are surprised after hearing that.
@@.speech-u; Really?@@
@@.speech-hstudent; Yeah, I've never seen one in my life.@@
@@.speech-u; Not even on internet?@@
@@.speech-hstudent; No...@@
You think for a moment.
@@.speech-u; How about you pleasure me without looking at it?@@
@@.speech-hstudent; No, I will look at it.@@
She looks up at your cock, making you embarrassed instead.
@@.speech-u; Okay, now grab my cock with your hand and start to stroke it.@@
@@.speech-hstudent; Okay.@@
<<elseif $hstudent.lvl == 2>>
@@.speech-u; Hey cutiepie, can I get a handjob from you again?@@
@@.speech-hstudent; Sure, let me just send this really quick.@@
She kneels down in front of you after she is done.
@@.speech-u; That didn't take long.@@
@@.speech-hstudent; Wouldn't want to play with a flaccid cock.@@
@@.speech-u; It will never be flaccid as long as you are around.@@
She smiles.<br>
@@.speech-u; Hey cutie, can I get a handjob?@@
@@.speech-hstudent; Okay!@@
<<set _hshj = random(0,3)>>
<<set _imagePath = "Media/City/School/Characters/Students/hstudent/" + "/HJ/" + _hshj + ".webp">>
<<set _imageTag = '<img src="' + _imagePath + '" width="80%">'>>
<<if $hstudent.lvl == 1>>
@@.speech-hstudent; Am I doing it right?@@
@@.speech-u; Yeah, you are doing it correctly, just keep going.@@
@@.speech-hstudent; Okay.@@
<<elseif $hstudent.lvl == 2>>
@@.speech-u; You sure have improved your dick handling skill.@@
@@.speech-hstudent; Why, thank you. I improved it so that I can pleasure you better.@@
You smile.
@@.speech-u; That is good to know.@@
@@.speech-u; God this feels awesome.@@
She smiles.<br>
<<if $hstudent.lvl == 1>>
@@.speech-u; I'm going to cum, soon.@@
@@.speech-hstudent; Come? What is that supposed to mean?@@
@@.speech-u; I will shoot out a white liquid, I hope you know what that is.@@
@@.speech-hstudent; Sperm? Wait you are going to shoot out sperm?@@
@@.speech-u; Yeah.@@
@@.speech-hstudent; Shouldnt I put it inside my vagina now?@@
@@.speech-u; What? No. just keep stroking, you can either catch it with your hand or your mouth.@@
@@.speech-hstudent; Okay.@@
@@.speech-u; Anyway, here it comes.@@
<<elseif $hstudent.lvl == 2>>
@@.speech-u; Here it comes!@@
@@.speech-hstudent; I'm ready!@@
@@.speech-u; I'm going to cum.@@
Anna without a hesitation increases her speed until you ejaculate.<br>
<<set _hshjc = random(0,3)>>
<<set _imagePath = "Media/City/School/Characters/Students/hstudent/" + "/HJ/Cum/" + _hshjc + ".webp">>
<<set _imageTag = '<img src="' + _imagePath + '" width="80%">'>>
<<if $hstudent.lvl == 2>>
@@.speech-hstudent; You came more than usual.@@
@@.speech-u; All thanks to your handjob skills.@@
She smiles.
@@.speech-hstudent; Gonna wash it off now.@@
@@.speech-u; Okay.@@
<<set _result to $addstat($hstudent,"aff",60)>><<print _result>><br>
<<set _result to $addstat($hstudent,"cor",45)>><<print _result>><br>
[[Return|hstudent interact]]
<<elseif $hstudent.lvl >= 3>>
She eat your cum from her hand and swallows it.
@@.speech-u; You started to like it now, huh?@@
@@.speech-hstudent; A little bit.@@
She smiles.<br>
<<set _result to $addstat($hstudent,"aff",70)>><<print _result>><br>
<<set _result to $addstat($hstudent,"cor",60)>><<print _result>><br>
[[Return|hstudent interact]]
<<elseif $hstudent.lvl == 1>>
She caught your cum in her hand.
@@.speech-u; That felt great.@@
@@.speech-hstudent; What do I do with this now?@@
@@.speech-u; Wash it off.@@
@@.speech-hstudent; Okay.@@
<<set $hstudent.lvl = 2>>
<<set _result to $addstat($hstudent,"aff",90)>><<print _result>><br>
<<set _result to $addstat($hstudent,"cor",70)>><<print _result>><br>
[[Return|hstudent room]]
<<set $time +=0.25>>
<<if $hstudent.lvl == 2>>
@@.speech-u; Hey cutiepie, can I get a blowjob from you?@@
@@.speech-hstudent; Blowjob? Oh I have to suck your cock now?@@
@@.speech-u; Yeah.@@
@@.speech-hstudent; Okay, let's do it!@@
She pulls out your cock and put it in her mouth.<br>
@@.speech-u; Hey cutie, can you suck my cock?@@
She looks at your crotch.
@@.speech-hstudent; Sure, since you are eager to get one down there.@@
She pulls down your pants and puts your cock in her mouth. <br>
<<set _bshj = random(0,3)>>
<<set _imagePath = "Media/City/School/Characters/Students/hstudent/" + "/BJ/" + _bshj + ".webp">>
<<set _imageTag = '<img src="' + _imagePath + '" width="80%">'>>
<<if $hstudent.lvl == 2>>
@@.speech-u; Is this really your first time giving a blowjob?@@
@@.speech-hstudent; Yeah, why?@@
@@.speech-u; It feels fantastic.@@
She smiles.<br>
@@.speech-u; I will never get tired of your blowjobs.@@
She smiles.
@@.speech-hstudent; Is that so?@@
<<if $hstudent.lvl == 2>>
@@.speech-u; I'm going to cum, soon.@@
She increases her speed.<br>
She feels you getting close, so she increases her speed to make you cum faster.
@@.speech-u; Oh god.@@
<<set _bshjc = random(0,3)>>
<<set _imagePath = "Media/City/School/Characters/Students/hstudent/" + "/BJ/Cum/" + _bshjc + ".webp">>
<<set _imageTag = '<img src="' + _imagePath + '" width="80%">'>>
<<if $hstudent.lvl == 2>>
She looks at you with her mouth full of cum.
@@.speech-u; You can swallow that, you know?@@
She does just that.
@@.speech-hstudent; It tastes salty, not that I dislike it.@@
@@.speech-u; Well, you will get to taste it even more.@@
<<set _result to $addstat($hstudent,"aff",75)>><<print _result>><br>
<<set _result to $addstat($hstudent,"cor",70)>><<print _result>><br>
She swallows your load and looks at you.
@@.speech-u; I might have seen the gods looking at me from above.@@
She giggles.
@@.speech-hstudent; If it's that good, then I might do it more often for you.@@
@@.speech-u; Please do.@@
<<set _result to $addstat($hstudent,"aff",90)>><<print _result>><br>
<<set _result to $addstat($hstudent,"cor",80)>><<print _result>><br>
[[return|hstudent interact]]
Your teacher comes up to you.
<<if $mcteacher.lvl >= 1>>
@@.speech-teacher; I've heard some stuff about you from the the girls.@@
You stiffen.
@@.speech-u; What stuff, may I ask?@@
Your chest starts to burn.
@@.speech-u; *What is going on? Did I start to corrupt her?*@@
@@.speech-teacher; Is your cock really as great as they say it is?@@
You look up at her, and see someone behind her only for a split second.
@@.speech-u; Maybe.@@
@@.speech-teacher; If, so then come to my house. Here is the address.@@
She gives you the note with an address on it.
@@.speech-teacher; I will be waiting for you.@@
@@.speech-u; Well, that was strange.@@
<<set $mcteacher.house = true>>
You can now go to $mcteacher.name's house.<br>
<img src="Media/City/mcteacher/house.webp" width="65%"><br>
$mcteacher.name's house.<br>
<<if $time >= 2.5 and $mcteacher.lvl == 1>>
<<goto "mcteacher hj">>
<<link "$mcteacher.name's room">><<goto "mcteacher room">><</link>><br>
<img src="Media/City/mcteacher/room.jpg" width="65%"><br>
<<if $time >=2.5>>
$mcteacher.name's room.<br>
Affection: <<print Math.ceil($mcteacher.aff)>> Corruption: <<print Math.ceil($mcteacher.cor)>> lvl: <<print $mcteacher.lvl>><br>
<<if $mcteacher.lvl == 2 and $mcteacher.aff >=1250 and $mcteacher.cor>=950>>
<<link "Go even further with $mcteacher.name">><<goto gofurthermcteacher>><</link>><br>
<<if $cash >= 2500>>
<<link "Date">> <<set $MctDate = true>> <<goto "Dating Menu">><</link>><<endif>><br>
[[Talk|mcteacher talk]] <<link "Gift">> <<set $MctGift = true>> <<goto "Inventory">><</link>><br>
[[Flirt|mcteacher flirt]] [[Interact|mcteacher interact]]
[[Leave|mcteacher house]]
[[HJ|mcteacher hj]]<br>
<<if $mcteacher.aff >= 500 and $mcteacher.cor >= 350>>
[[BJ|mcteacher bj]]<br>
<<if $mcteacher.lvl >=3>>
<<if $inmyroom == true>>
<<elseif $inmansion == true>>
<<elseif $germany == true>>
<<elseif $markel == true>>
[[return|mcteacher room]]
<<set $time +=0.25>>
<<if $mcteacher.lvl == 2>>
@@.speech-u; Hey teacher, can I just not get any homeworks?@@
@@.speech-teacher; If you keep coming here, then sure.@@
@@.speech-u; Awesome!@@
@@.speech-teacher; However, you will have to do tests the normal way.@@
You sigh.
@@.speech-u; Of course.@@
$mcteacher.name smiles.
@@.speech-teacher; Life is not full of unicorns and rainbows, I hope you know that.@@
@@.speech-u; Might be if I keep persuing you.@@
$mcteacher.name giggles.
@@.speech-teacher; You can try.@@
<<set _result to $addstat($mcteacher,"aff",17)>><<print _result>><br>
<<elseif $mcteacher.lvl == 3>>
@@.speech-u; Hey $mcteacher.name, how is the work?@@
@@.speech-teacher; You go to my workplace, so you should know.@@
@@.speech-u; Well, I don't know what goes in your head, now do I?@@
@@.speech-teacher; Fair point.@@
@@.speech-u; Can I do no tests?@@
@@.speech-teacher; Sure.@@
@@.speech-u; Really?@@
@@.speech-teacher; Yeah.@@
@@.speech-u; I love you teacher!@@
You go up to her to hug her.
@@.speech-teacher; Don't touch me.@@
<<set _result to $addstat($mcteacher,"aff",30)>><<print _result>><br>
[[Return|mcteacher room]]
<<set $time +=0.25>>
<<if $mcteacher.lvl == 2>>
@@.speech-u; You look the cutest when you are focused on your work.@@
@@.speech-teacher; Flattering me will get you nowhere.@@
@@.speech-u; It might if I keep doing the same thing over and over again.@@
@@.speech-teacher; It will just get old if you do so.@@
@@.speech-u; You are a mature woman but still pristine.@@
She looks at you.
@@.speech-teacher; Did you come here to compliment me?@@
@@.speech-u; Yes.@@
@@.speech-teacher; Then leave.@@
<<set _result to $addstat($mcteacher,"aff",18)>><<print _result>><br>
<<set _result to $addstat($mcteacher,"cor",10)>><<print _result>><br>
<<elseif $mcteacher.lvl == 3>>
@@.speech-u; You are hot for a widow.@@
@@.speech-teacher; Is that supposed to be an insult or a compliment?@@
@@.speech-u; Depends how you want to take it, I would take it as an compliment, if it was me.@@
@@.speech-teacher; Well, I'm not you, so I will take it as an insult.@@
@@.speech-u; Okay, hot widow.@@
@@.speech-teacher; I assume you will just call me that all the time from now on?@@
@@.speech-u; Maybe.@@
She sighs.
@@.speech-teacher; Do as you wish.@@
<<set _result to $addstat($mcteacher,"aff",26)>><<print _result>><br>
<<set _result to $addstat($mcteacher,"cor",20)>><<print _result>><br>
[[Return|mcteacher room]]
<<set $time +=0.25>>
<<if $mcteacher.lvl == 1>>
@@.speech-teacher; So you've come.@@
@@.speech-u; Did you stand there for the whole day, till I came over?@@
@@.speech-teacher; That doesn't matter. What matters is you.@@
@@.speech-u; I matter? In what way?@@
@@.speech-teacher; Your cock. Give it to me.@@
@@.speech-u; You really are a horny widow.@@
You pull down your pants.
@@.speech-teacher; It's flaccid, maybe with a little stimulation it will go back to it's dominative size.@@
She touches your cock and makes you hard with a single touch.
@@.speech-teacher; There we go. Not a bad size.@@
@@.speech-u; Did you make me come here to look at my cock?@@
@@.speech-teacher; No, you are here to be pleasured by my hand for today.@@
She grabs your cock.
@@.speech-u; For today?@@
@@.speech-teacher; Yes, for today.@@
She begins to stroke your cock.<br>
<<elseif $mcteacher.lvl == 2>>
@@.speech-u; How about you give me another handjob?@@
@@.speech-teacher; So you've come for more, huh.@@
She thinks for a moment.
@@.speech-teacher; Very well.@@
<<elseif $mcteacher.lvl == 3>>
@@.speech-u; Teach, give me a handjob.@@
@@.speech-teacher; I feel like you've started to use me for pleasure.@@
@@.speech-u; I would never.@@
@@.speech-teacher; Mhm... What are you waiting for? Pull down your pants.@@
You do as she says.<br>
<<set _mcthj = random(0,3)>>
<<set _imagePath = "Media/City/School/Characters/Teacher/" + "/HJ/" + _mcthj + ".webp">>
<<set _imageTag = '<img src="' + _imagePath + '" width="85%">'>>
<<if $mcteacher.lvl == 1>>
@@.speech-teacher; So, how is my handjob compared to other girls?@@
@@.speech-u; Well obviously there is a huge age gap, and of course yours is better.@@
@@.speech-teacher; Good.@@
<<elseif $mcteacher.lvl == 2>>
@@.speech-teacher; How is it?@@
@@.speech-u; Right now? Not as good as before.@@
@@.speech-teacher; You are pushing it, kid.@@
You smile.
@@.speech-u; Wouldn't say so.@@
<<elseif $mcteacher.lvl == 3>>
@@.speech-u; Your handjob skill is good as ever.@@
@@.speech-teacher; Just like you said, I'm a hot widow. My sex skills tend to be better than most people.@@
@@.speech-u; It's an honor, to be pleasured by one.@@
She sighs.<br>
[[Cum|mcteacher hjc]]
<<if $mcteacher.lvl == 1>>
@@.speech-u; I'm going to cum.@@
She starts to stroke you even faster.
@@.speech-teacher; Go ahead, cum as much as you want.@@
<<elseif $mcteacher.lvl == 2>>
@@.speech-u; You know, it looks like you aren't as interested in giving me a handjob as you were before.@@
@@.speech-teacher; Shush.@@
She starts to stroke you even faster than before.
@@.speech-u; Oh shit, I'm going to cum like that.@@
@@.speech-teacher; Do so already.@@
<<elseif $mcteacher.lvl == 3>>
@@.speech-teacher; Go ahead, cum.@@
@@.speech-u; *Didn't even have to say anything*@@
<<set _mcthjc = random(0,3)>>
<<set _imagePath = "Media/City/School/Characters/Teacher/" + "/HJ/Cum/" + _mcthjc + ".webp">>
<<set _imageTag = '<img src="' + _imagePath + '" width="85%">'>>
<<if $mcteacher.lvl == 2>>
@@.speech-u; At the end you truly went all out.@@
@@.speech-teacher; Because you wouldn't stop yapping about the past.@@
@@.speech-u; I might as well keep doing just that.@@
She sighs.<br>
<<set _result to $addstat($mcteacher,"aff",40)>><<print _result>><br>
<<set _result to $addstat($mcteacher,"cor",28)>><<print _result>><br>
[[Return|mcteacher interact]]
<<elseif $mcteacher.lvl == 3>>
@@.speech-u; I didn't even have to tell you, that I"m going to cum.@@
@@.speech-teacher; You don't have to.@@
@@.speech-u; Awesome.@@
<<set _result to $addstat($mcteacher,"aff",55)>><<print _result>><br>
<<set _result to $addstat($mcteacher,"cor",40)>><<print _result>><br>
<<elseif $mcteacher.lvl == 1>>
@@.speech-teacher; So? Your thoughts on my handjob?@@
She says as she licks your cum.
@@.speech-u; For today, it is the best. For the future, who knows?@@
@@.speech-teacher; Before that happens I will leave an everlasting effect on that mind of yours.@@
@@.speech-u; *What did she mean by that?*@@
<<set $mcteacher.lvl = 2>>
<<set _result to $addstat($mcteacher,"aff",80)>><<print _result>><br>
<<set _result to $addstat($mcteacher,"cor",70)>><<print _result>><br>
[[Return|mcteacher room]]
<<set $time +=0.25>>
<<if $mcteacher.lvl == 2>>
@@.speech-teacher; Now we will move onto the next stage, blowjob.@@
@@.speech-u; About time.@@
@@.speech-teacher; For this one I will test out your cum flavor as well as your dick taste.@@
@@.speech-u; A bit too specific, no?@@
@@.speech-teacher; Not at all, now get your dick out.@@
You pull out your cock and without a hesitation she puts your cock in her mouth.<br>
<<elseif $mcteacher.lvl == 3>>
@@.speech-u; Can I get a blowjob?@@
@@.speech-teacher; you are clearly using me for your own pleasure.@@
@@.speech-u; I don't know what you mean.@@
@@.speech-teacher; Sure...@@
She pulls down your pants and starts to suck on it.<br>
<<set _mctbj = random(0,3)>>
<<set _imagePath = "Media/City/School/Characters/Teacher/" + "/BJ/" + _mctbj + ".webp">>
<<set _imageTag = '<img src="' + _imagePath + '" width="85%">'>>
<<if $mcteacher.lvl == 2>>
@@.speech-teacher; You have definitely passed the dick flavor.@@
@@.speech-u; Thanks... I guess?@@
@@.speech-teacher; That is something you should be proud of.@@
@@.speech-u; Am I your experiment pig now?@@
@@.speech-teacher; Something like that.@@
<<elseif $mcteacher.lvl == 3>>
@@.speech-teacher; Your dick tastes even sweeter than before.@@
@@.speech-u; What does that mean?@@
@@.speech-teacher; You must have had sex with other girls.@@
@@.speech-u; How could I not? Are you jealous?@@
She starts to suck your cock intensily, as if she is trying to vacuum your cock.
@@.speech-u; Okay, okay. I get it.@@
[[Cum|mcteacher bjc]]
<<if $mcteacher.lvl == 2>>
@@.speech-u; Oh shit I'm about to cum!@@
She increases her speed.<br>
<<elseif $mcteacher.lvl == 3>>
@@.speech-u; I don't have to say anything do I?@@
She shakes her head.
@@.speech-u; Alright.@@
<<set _mctbjc = random(0,3)>>
<<set _imagePath = "Media/City/School/Characters/Teacher/" + "/BJ/Cum/" + _mctbjc + ".webp">>
<<set _imageTag = '<img src="' + _imagePath + '" width="85%">'>>
<<if $mcteacher.lvl == 2>>
$mcteacher.name swallows your cum.
@@.speech-teacher; And you pass cum flavor with flying colors.@@
@@.speech-u; Awesome, what did this test even conclude?@@
@@.speech-teacher; Your chance with getting laid at school.@@
@@.speech-u; With other students?@@
@@.speech-teacher; Mhm.@@
@@.speech-u; Great!@@
<<set _result to $addstat($mcteacher,"aff",70)>><<print _result>><br>
<<set _result to $addstat($mcteacher,"cor",55)>><<print _result>><br>
<<elseif $mcteacher.lvl == 3>>
$mcteacher.name plays with your cum.
@@.speech-u; Enjoying yourself?@@
She swallows it.
@@.speech-teacher; Ehem, I was just testing your cum texture.@@
@@.speech-u; And let me guess, I passed it with flying colors too?@@
@@.speech-teacher; Splendidly.@@
@@.speech-u; Uhuh.@@
<<set _result to $addstat($mcteacher,"aff",85)>><<print _result>><br>
<<set _result to $addstat($mcteacher,"cor",70)>><<print _result>><br>
[[Return|mcteacher interact]]
<img src="Media/City/School/WC.jpg" width="85%"><br>
School bathroom<br><br>
<<if $schoolcor >=25>>
[[Fuck a schoolgirl|schooltfuck]]<br>
<img src="Media/City/Bookstore.png" width="85%"><br>
<<if $owndiary == false>>
Diary ($50) <<if $cash >=50>><<link "- Buy">><<set $cash -=50>><<set $owndiary = true>><<goto bookstore>><</link>><</if>>
Dictionary ($650) <<if $cash >=650>><<link "- Buy">><<set $cash -=650>><<set $Dictionary +=1>><<goto bookstore>><</link>><</if>>
Mom Progression - <<if $mom.lvl == 1>><<if $mom.aff <250 and $mom.cor <150>> Raise your mom's affection to 250 and corruption to 150. <<else>> Go talk to your mom. <</if>><<elseif $mom.lvl == 2>><<if $mom.aff <1400 and $mom.cor <900>> Raise your mom's affection to 1400 and corruption to 900.<<else>> Go talk to your mom.<</if>><<elseif $mom.lvl == 3>><<if $aunt.lvl <3>> Raise Aunt's level to 3<<else>> Talk to Mom.<</if>> <<else>>Mom has reached max lvl.<</if>><br><br>
Sister Progression - <<if $sister.lvl == 1>><<if $sister.aff <250 and $sister.cor <150>> Raise your sister's affection to 250 and corruption to 150. <<else>> Talk to your sister.<</if>><<elseif $sister.lvl == 2>><<if $sister.aff <1400 and $sister.cor <900>> Raise your sister's affection to 1400 and corruption to 900.<<else>> Go talk to your sister.<</if>><<elseif $sister.lvl == 3>><<if $sister.aff <1800 and $sister.cor <1400>> Raise your sister's affection to 1800 and corruption to 1400.<<else>>Talk to your cousin in her room.<</if>><<elseif $sister.lvl == 4>> Sister has reached max level.<</if>><br><br>
Judy Progression - <<if $introducedjudy == false>> Raise your intelligence to 25 and go to the library. <<else>><<if $judyhouse == false>><<if $judy.aff <30 >> Raise Judy's affection to 30. <<else>> Go talk to Judy in the library. <</if>><<elseif $judyhouse == true>><<if $judy.lvl == 1>><<if $judy.aff <350 and $judy.cor <200>> Raise Judy's affection to 350 and corruption to 200. <<else>> Go talk to Judy at her house. <</if>><<elseif $judy.lvl == 2>><<if $judy.aff <1250 and $judy.cor <1100>> Raise Judy's affection to 1250 and corruption to 1100. <<else>> Go talk to Judy. <</if>><<elseif $judy.lvl == 3>> $judy.name has reached max lvl.<</if>><</if>><</if>><br><br>
Rea Progression -<<if $rea.lvl == 1>> <<if $rea.aff == 0 >>Go to cafe.<</if>><<if $rea.house == false>> Raise Rea's affection to 70. <<else>><<if $rea.aff <500 and $rea.cor <300>> Raise Rea's affection to 500 and corruption to 300. <<else>> Go talk to Rea at her house. <</if>><</if>><<elseif $rea.lvl == 2>> <<if $rea.aff <1400 and $rea.cor <1100>> Raise Rea's affection to 1400 and corruption to 1100. <<else>> Go talk to Rea. <</if>><<elseif $rea.lvl == 3>> $rea.name has reached max lvl.<</if>><br><br>
Anna Progression - <<if $hstudent.lvl == 1>><<if $hstudent.house == false>> Interact with Anna in school's hallways.<<else>><<if $hstudent.aff <450 and $hstudent.cor <325>> Raise Anna's affection to 450 and corruption to 325. <<else>> Go talk to Anna at her house. <</if>><</if>><<elseif $hstudent.lvl == 2>><<if $hstudent.aff <1500 and $hstudent.cor <1000>> Raise Anna's affection to 1500 and corruption to 1000.<<else>> Go talk to Anna at her house.<</if>><<elseif $hstudent.lvl == 3>><<if $mcstudent.lvl <3>> Raise $mcstudent.name's level to 3<<else>> Talk to $hstudent.name<</if>> <<else>>$hstudent.name has reached max lvl.<</if>><br><br>
Patricia Progression -
<<if $mcstudent.aff == 0>>
Talk to Patricia in your class.
<<elseif $mcstudent.aff <10>>
Raise Patricia's affection to 10 by talking to her in cafeteria.
<<if $mcstudent.lvl == 1 and $sister.lvl == 1>>
Raise your sister's level to 2
<<elseif $mcstudent.lvl == 1 and $sister.lvl >=2>>
Go to your sister's room.
<<if $mcstudent.house == false>>
<<if $mcstudent.aff <70>>
Raise Patricia's affection to 70
<<else>> Go to your class.
<<if $mcstudent.lvl == 2>>
<<if $mcstudent.aff <1450 and $mcstudent.cor <1100>>
Raise Patricia's affection to 1450 and corruption to 1100.
Go talk to Patricia at her house.
<<elseif $mcstudent.lvl == 3>>
<<if $hstudent.lvl <3>>
Raise $hstudent.name's level to 3.
Talk with $hstudent.name.
$mcstudent.name has reached max level.
<</if>> <</if>><</if>><</if>><br><br>
Eleanor Progression - <<if $mcteacher.lvl == 1>><<if $mcteacher.aff == 0>> Talk to your teacher in your class.<<elseif $mcteacher.aff <25>> Raise your teacher's affection to 25. <</if>><<if $mcteacher.aff >=25 and $mcteacher.house == false>><<if $hstudent.lvl <2 and $mcstudent.lvl <2 >> Raise Anna's and Patricia's level to 2. <<else>> Go to school.<</if>><<elseif $mcteacher.house == true>> Go to Eleanor's house after school.<</if>><<elseif $mcteacher.lvl == 2>><<if $mcteacher.aff <1250 and $mcteacher.cor <950>> Raise Eleanor's affection to 1250 and corruption 950. <<else>> Go talk to Eleanor at her house. <</if>><<elseif $mcteacher.lvl ==3>> $mcteacher.name has reached max lvl.<</if>><br><br>
<<if $owncar == false>>Buy a car.<br>
<<elseif $owncar == true>>
Cousin Progression - <<if $cousin.lvl == 1>><<if $cousin.aff == 0>> Drive to Malkebria and say hi to your relatives<<elseif $cousin.aff <130 and $cousin.cor <90>> Raise cousin's affection to 130 and corruption to 90.<<else>> Talk to your cousin in her room.<</if>><<elseif $cousin.lvl == 2>><<if $cousin.aff <750 and $cousin.cor <660>> Raise cousin's affection to 750 and corruption to 660<<else>> Talk to your cousin in her room.<</if>><<elseif $cousin.lvl == 3>><<if $cousin.aff <1400 and $cousin.cor <1300>> Raise cousin's affection to 1400 and corruption to 1300<<else>><<if $sister.aff <1800 and $sister.cor <1400>>Raise your sister's affection to 1800 and corruption to 1400<<else>>Talk to your cousin.<</if>><</if>><<elseif $cousin.lvl == 4>> Cousin has reached max level.<</if>><br><br>
Aunt Progression - <<if $aunt.lvl == 1>><<if $aunt.aff == 0>> Drive to Malkebria and say hi to your relatives<<elseif $aunt.aff <130 and $aunt.cor <90>> Raise aunt's affection to 130 and corruption to 90.<<else>> Talk to your aunt in her room.<</if>><<elseif $aunt.lvl == 2>><<if $aunt.aff <750 and $aunt.cor <660>> Raise Aunt's affection to 750 and corruption to 660.<<else>> Talk to your aunt in her room.<</if>><<elseif $aunt.lvl == 3>><<if $mom.lvl <3>> Raise Mom's level to 3<<else>> Talk to Mom.<</if>> <<else>>You've reached max level with Aunt.<</if>><br><br>
Officer Progression - <<if $station == false>><<if $uncle <100>> Interact with your uncle.<<else>> Talk to your uncle.<</if>><<else>><<if $officer.lvl == 1>><<if $officer.aff <90 and $officer.cor <70>> Raise officer's affection to 90 and corruption to 70.<<else>>Talk to <<print $officer.name>>.<</if>><<elseif $officer.lvl == 2>><<if $prison <100>>Max out prison's corruption.<<else>><<if $officer.aff <600 and $officer.cor <550>>Raise <<print $officer.name>>'s affection to 600 and corruption to 550<<else>>Talk to <<print $officer.name>>.<</if>><</if>><<elseif $officer.lvl == 3>><<if $prisoner.lvl <3>> Raise $prisoner.name's level to 3<<else>> Talk to $officer.name.<</if>> <<else>>$officer.name has reached max level.<</if>><</if>><br><br>
Prisoner Progression - <<if $policecor <100>>Corrupt the police station to max<<else>><<if $prisoner.lvl == 1>><<if $prisoner.aff <80 and $prisoner.cor <80>>Raise prisoner's affection and corruption to 80.<<else>>Talk to $prisoner.aff.<</if>><<elseif $prisoner.lvl == 2>><<if $prisoner.aff <500 and $prisoner.cor <450>>Raise <<print $prisoner.name>>'s affection to 500 and corruption 450.<<else>> Talk to $prisoner.name<</if>><<elseif $prisoner.lvl == 3>> <<if $officer.lvl <3>> Raise $officer.name's level to 3.<<else>> Talk to $officer.name.<</if>><<else>>$prisoner.name has reached max level.<</if>><</if>><br><br>
Cashier Progression - <<if $clerk.lvl == 1>><<if $clerk.aff <90 and $clerk.cor <80>> Raise cashier's affection to 90 and corruption to 80. <<else>> Talk to $clerk.name<</if>><<elseif $clerk.lvl == 2>><<if $clerk.aff <500 and $clerk.cor <450>> Raise <<print $clerk.name>>'s affection to 500 and corruption to 450.<<else>>Talk to $clerk.name<</if>><<elseif $clerk.lvl == 3>> $clerk.name has reached max level.<</if>><br><br>
Kayla Progression - <<if $kayla.lvl == 1>>
<<if $clerk.lvl <3>> Raise cashier's level to 3
<<else>><<if $clerk.aff <950 and $clerk.cor <900>> Raise $clerk.name's affection to 950 and corruption to 900>>
<<else>> Talk to $clerk.name<</if>><</if>>
<<elseif $kayla.lvl == 2>>
<<if $kayla.aff <230 and $kayla.cor <210>> Raise <<print $kayla.name>>'s affection to 230 and corruption to 210.
<<else>>Talk to $kayla.name<</if>>
<<else>>$kayla.name has reached max level.<</if>><br><br>
<<if $contacts == false>>
Reach lvl 3 with $kayla.name and talk to her.
<<if $hacking <250>>
Raise your hacking exp to 250 and then check your laptop.<br>
CEO Progression -
<<if $emily.lvl == 1>>
<<if $email == false>>Keep working until the contact sends you an email.<<else>>Fly to Germany
<<if $emily.aff ==1>>Send an email to the contact.
<<elseif $emily.aff <=180 and $emily.cor <=200>>Raise $emily.name's affection to 180 and corruption to 200.
<<else>>Talk to $emily.name<</if>><</if>>
<<elseif $emily.lvl == 2>><<if $emily.house == false>>
<<if $emily.aff <300 and $emily.cor <100 and $rank <3>>Raise $emily.name's affection to 300, corruption to 100 and Rank to 3(Vice President)
<<else>>Talk to $emily.name<</if>>
<<else>><<if $emily.aff< 500 and $emily.cor<300 and $rank <4>>Raise $emily.name affection to 500, corruption to 300 and Rank to 4(President)
<<else>> Talk to $emily.name<</if>><</if>>
<<elseif $emily.lvl == 3>>
<<if $reception.lvl <3>>
Raise $reception.name's level to 3.
Talk to $emily.name.
<<else>>$emily.name has reached max level<</if>><br><br>
Receptionist Progression -
<<if $reception.lvl == 1>>
<<if $reception.aff == 0>> Talk to the receptionist
<<if $reception.aff <130 and $emily.lvl <2>> Raise $reception.name's affection to 130 and $emily.name's lvl to 2
<<else>> Talk to $reception.name<</if>><</if>>
<<elseif $reception.lvl == 2>>
<<if $reception.aff <500 and $reception.cor <300>> Raise $reception.name's affection to 500 and corruption to 300
<<else>> Talk to $reception.name at her house<</if>>
<<elseif $reception.lvl == 3>>
<<if $emily.lvl <3>>
Raise $emily.name's level to 3.
Talk to $emily.name.
<<else>>$reception.name is maxed out.<</if>><br><br>
Barista Progression -
<<if $barista.lvl == 1>>
<<if $barista.aff <5>> Keep buying her products
<<else>>Go to her cafe.<</if>>
<<elseif $barista.lvl == 2>>
<<if $barista.house == false>>
<<if $barista.aff <85>>Raise $barista.name's affection to 85
<<else>> Talk to $barista.name<</if>>
<<if $barista.aff <500 and $barista.cor <300>> Raise $barista.name's affection to 500 and corruption to 300
<<else>>Talk to $barista.name<</if>><</if>>
<<else>> $barista.name is maxed out<</if>><br>
<<if $email == true>>
<<if $trainer <250>>
Raise your trainer exp to 250 and check your laptop.<br>
Suzy Progression - <<if $suzy.lvl == 1>> Fly to Sweden.
<<elseif $suzy.lvl == 2>>
<<if $tournament <6>> Have your trainee win the final tournament.<<else>>
<<if $suzy.aff <400 and $suzy.cor <300>>Raise $suzy.name's affection to 400 and corruption to 300
<<else>>Talk to $suzy.name<</if>><</if>><<else>>$suzy.name has reached max level.<</if>><br><br>
Trainee Progression -
<<if $trainee.lvl == 1>>
<<if $trainee.aff == 0>>Go to the dojo and talk to the girl.
<<if $trainee.aff <200 and $trainee.cor <100>>Raise $trainee.name's affection to 200 and corruption to 100
Talk to $trainee.name<</if>><</if>>
<<elseif $trainee.lvl == 2>>
<<if $tournament <6>> Have $trainee.name finish all 6 tournaments
<<if $trainee.aff <700 and $trainee.cor <550>> Raise $trainee.name's affection to 700 and corruption to 550.
Talk to $trainee.name.<</if>><</if>>
$trainee.name has reached max lvl.<</if>>
<<if $alexia.aff == 0>>
After Reaching lvl 3, 900 affection and 800 corruption with $prisoner.name, travel with a car and pick up girls on the side of the road.<br>
Alexia Progression -
<<if $alexia.lvl == 1>>
<<if $alexia.aff <150 and $alexia.cor <100>>
Raise $alexia.name's affection to 150 and corruption to 100
Talk to $alexia.name
<<elseif $alexia.lvl == 2>>
<<if $alexia.aff <750 and $alexia.cor <650>>
Raise $alexia.name's affection to 750 and corruption to 650
Talk to $alexia.name
$alexia.name has reached max lvl.
Melanie Progression -
<<if $melanie.lvl == 1>>
<<if $melanie.aff <150 and $melanie.cor <100>>
Raise $melanie.name's affection to 150 and corruption to 100
Talk to $melanie.name
<<elseif $melanie.lvl == 2>>
<<if $melanie.aff <750 and $melanie.cor <650>>
Raise $melanie.name's affection to 750 and corruption to 650
Talk to $melanie.name
$melanie.name has reached max lvl.
<<if $officer.lvl >=3>>
<h2>Police HQ</h2>
<<if $lily.aff >=1>>
Lily Progression -
<<if $lily.lvl == 1>>
<<if $lily.aff == 1>>
<<if $police.rank <4 >>
Raise your police rank to 4.
Talk to $lily.name at HQ.
<<if $lily.aff < 110 and $lily.cor <80>>
Raise $lily.name's affection to 110 and corruption to 80
Talk to $lily.name
<<elseif $lily.lvl == 2>>
<<if $lily.aff <600 and $lily.cor <540>>
Raise $lily.name's affection to 600 and corruption to 540
Talk to $lily.name.<</if>>
$lily.name has reached max lvl.
Clara Progression -
<<if $clara.lvl == 1>>
<<if $clara.aff == 1>>
<<if $police.rank <7>>
Raise your police rank to 7.
Talk to $clara.name at her office.
<<if $police.rank <10>>
Raise police rank to 10
<<if $clara.aff <110 and $clara.cor <80>>
Raise $clara.name's affection to 110 and corruption to 80.
Talk to $clara.name
<<elseif $clara.lvl == 2>>
<<if $police.rank <15>>
Raise your police rank to 15
<<if $clara.aff <600 and $clara.cor <540>>
Raise $clara.name's affection to 600 and corruption to 540.
Talk to $clara.name.
$clara.name has reached max lvl.
Secret - <<if $scs == 1>>
<<if $strength <150 and $intelligence <150>>
Increase your strength to 150 and intelligence to 150.
Go to your parent's house hallway.
<<elseif $scs == 2>>
<<if $cousin.lvl == 1 and $aunt.lvl == 1>>
<<if $cousin.aff == 0>>
Go to markelbria by car and visit the family.
Raise Cousin's and Aunt's level to 2
Go to the alleyway.
<<elseif $scs == 3>>
Go to the bar.
<<elseif $scs == 4>>
Go to the alleyway.
<<elseif $scs == 5>>
<<if $city == true and $markelbria == true and $germanys == true and $swedens == true and $hideouts == true and $hq == true>>
<<set $target = true>>
Drive somewhere.
<<if $mom.lvl <3 or $sister.lvl <3 or $judy.lvl <3 or $rea.lvl <3 or $mcstudent.lvl <3 or $hstudent.lvl <3 or $mcteacher.lvl <3>>
Level up "City" girls to lvl 3.<br>
<<set $city = true>>
<<if $kayla.lvl <3 or $aunt.lvl <3 or $cousin.lvl <3 or $officer.lvl <3 or $prisoner.lvl <3 or $clerk.lvl <3>>
Level up "Markelbria" girls to lvl 3.<br>
<<set $markelbria = true>>
<<if $trainee.lvl <3 or $suzy.lvl <3>>
Level up "Sweden" girls to lvl 3.<br>
<<set $swedens = true>>
<<if $barista.lvl <3 or $emily.lvl <3 or $reception.lvl <3>>
Level up "Germany" girls to lvl 3.<br>
<<set $germanys = true>>
<<if $alexia.lvl <3 or $melanie.lvl <3>>
Level up "Hideout" girls to lvl 3.<br>
<<set $hideouts = true>>
<<if $lily.lvl <3 or $clara.lvl <3 >>
Level up "HQ" girls to level 3.<br>
<<set $hq = true>>
<<return "Leave">>
<<if $hstudent.lvl == 2>>
@@.speech-u; Hey Anna, I want to speak with you.@@
@@.speech-hstudent; About what?@@
@@.speech-u; It's about your relationship, I want to go further with you than before.@@
@@.speech-hstudent; I don't know... I think it's better if we stick to this level.@@
@@.speech-u; Listen. If we keep going about it like this, we will just keep going in circles and not get anywhere.@@
Anna looks away.
@@.speech-u; So, let's go further today.@@
@@.speech-hstudent; I'm not sure about it.@@
You sigh.
@@.speech-u; Let me take control, and everything will be just fine. Believe me.@@
She thinks for a moment.
@@.speech-hstudent; Okay.@@
[[Go even further|hstudentsex]]
<<set $time +=0.25>>
<<if $hstudent.lvl == 2>>
You both start to kiss.<br>
Before you know it, you both are naked and fall onto the bed.
@@.speech-u; Are you ready?@@
She nods.
@@.speech-u; Okay.@@
<img src="Media/City/School/Characters/Students/hstudent/firsttime.webp" width="85%"><br>
@@.speech-u; Does it hurt?@@
@@.speech-hstudent; A little bit, but I think you can move.@@
@@.speech-u; Alright.@@
@@.speech-u; Let's have sex.@@
Anna's eyes lighten up.
@@.speech-hstudent; Okay!@@
<<set _hssex = random(0,3)>>
<<set _imagePath = "Media/City/School/Characters/Students/hstudent/" + "/Sex/" + _hssex + ".webp">>
<<set _imageTag = '<img src="' + _imagePath + '" width="80%">'>>
<<if $hstudent.lvl == 2>>
She starts to moan with pleasure.
@@.speech-hstudent; It feels, so much better!@@
@@.speech-u; As you can see, there was nothing to be afraid of.@@
@@.speech-hstudent; Yes! Just keep going now!@@
@@.speech-hstudent; Keep going!@@
@@.speech-u; You sure enjoy this a lot.@@
@@.speech-hstudent; Because it's the greatest thing ever.@@
You smile.
@@.speech-u; Oh yeah?@@
As you say that, you start to fuck her harder.
@@.speech-u; How is that?@@
Her moans get louder and louder each thrust.<br>
<<if $hstudent.lvl >=3 and $hstudent.aff >=1850 and $hstudent.cor >=1700>>
[[Cum Outside|hstudentsexcO]] [[Cum Inside|hstudentsexcI]]
<<if $hstudent.lvl == 2>>
You soon feel yourself get closer to ejaculation.
@@.speech-u; Where do you want it?@@
She is shook by your question and doesn't know what to say.
@@.speech-hstudent; W-wait what?@@
You decide that it's better to cum outside due to her response.<br>
So you increase your speed before the final thrust.<br>
@@.speech-u; Where do you want it this time?@@
@@.speech-hstudent; O-Outside!@@
You speed up before pulling out.<br>
<<set _hssexco = random(0,3)>>
<<set _imagePath = "Media/City/School/Characters/Students/hstudent/" + "/Sex/CumO/" + _hssexco + ".webp">>
<<set _imageTag = '<img src="' + _imagePath + '" width="80%">'>>
<<if $hstudent.lvl == 3>>
@@.speech-hstudent; That felt amazing!@@
@@.speech-u; Well, this time you didn't pass out.@@
She giggles.
@@.speech-hstudent; True that.@@
<<set _result to $addstat($hstudent,"aff",90)>><<print _result>><br>
<<set _result to $addstat($hstudent,"cor",80)>><<print _result>><br>
[[Return|hstudent interact]]
<<elseif $hstudent.lvl == 2>>
She lays on the bed with cum on her body.
@@.speech-u; So, how was the experience?@@
She doesn't answer.
@@.speech-u; Hello?@@
It looks like she passed out.
@@.speech-u; Well, that's interesting.@@
<<set $hstudent.lvl = 3>>
<<set _result to $addstat($hstudent,"aff",130)>><<print _result>><br>
<<set _result to $addstat($hstudent,"cor",110)>><<print _result>><br>
Now you can go further with her<br>
[[Return|hstudent room]]
<<if $hstudent.lvl >= 3>>
You soon feel yourself get closer to ejaculation.
@@.speech-u; Where do you want it?@@
She bites her lips.
@@.speech-hstudent; Inside.@@
You start to thrust as hard as you can.<br>
<<set _hssexci = random(0,3)>>
<<set _imagePath = "Media/City/School/Characters/Students/hstudent/" + "/Sex/CumI/" + _hssexci + ".webp">>
<<set _imageTag = '<img src="' + _imagePath + '" width="80%">'>>
<<if $hstudent.lvl >= 3>>
It appears she came and passed out once again.
@@.speech-u; I guess she is not fully used to the new pleasure yet.@@
You decide to lay next to her and cuddle her until she wakes up.<br>
<<set _result to $addstat($hstudent,"aff",100)>><<print _result>><br>
<<set _result to $addstat($hstudent,"cor",90)>><<print _result>><br>
[[Return|hstudent interact]]
<<if $mcstudent.lvl == 2>>
You walk up to Patricia.
@@.speech-u; It's about time.@@
She looks up with a surprise in her eyes.
@@.speech-mcstudent; What time?@@
@@.speech-u; We are going to have sex.@@
As you say that, she gets filled up with excitment.
@@.speech-mcstudent; Finally!@@
With no hesitation she undresses and jumps onto the bed.
@@.speech-u; You really waste no time.@@
@@.speech-mcstudent; Because it's the only thing I've been waiting for. Now, get naked!@@
@@.speech-u; Don't need to tell me what to do.@@
<<set $time +=0.25>>
<<if $mcstudent.lvl == 2>>
You get naked and get onto with her.
@@.speech-mcstudent; Come on! Fuck me already!@@
You sigh.
@@.speech-u; I can just change my mind right now.@@
@@.speech-mcstudent; Please, no!@@
She spreads her legs open.
@@.speech-mcstudent; Please, fuck me.@@
You do as she wishes.<br>
She is laying on her bed already fully naked, so you just insert your cock in her.<br>
<<set _hssex = random(0,3)>>
<<set _imagePath = "Media/City/School/Characters/Students/mcstudent/" + "/Sex/" + _hssex + ".webp">>
<<set _imageTag = '<img src="' + _imagePath + '" width="80%">'>>
<<if $mcstudent.lvl == 2>>
@@.speech-mcstudent; Yes.. Finally! Keep going!@@
@@.speech-u; You are awfully wet, the whole bed is being soaked.@@
She grins.
@@.speech-mcstudent; Can't expect a slut like me to be dry, right?@@
@@.speech-u; Guess you are right.@@
@@.speech-mcstudent; Mmm. Wasn't expecting that from you.@@
You grin.
@@.speech-u; What can I say, I'm full of surprises.@@
@@.speech-mcstudent; I hope one of those surprised is being able to fuck me 24/7.@@
<<if $mcstudent.lvl >=3 and $mcstudent.aff >=1950 and $mcstudent.cor >=1825>>
[[Cum Outside|mcstudentsexcO]] [[Cum Inside|mcstudentsexcI]]
<<if $mcstudent.lvl == 2>>
You feel yourself getting closer to cumming.
@@.speech-u; How do you want the last moment to be?@@
@@.speech-mcstudent; Rough... A-and fast.@@
You pull her hair, and start to go faster before the last thrust.<br>
You increase your speed and thrust even harder before the final climax.<br>
Patricia cannot stop moaning and cumming from your intense thrusts.<br>
<<set _hssexco = random(0,3)>>
<<set _imagePath = "Media/City/School/Characters/Students/mcstudent/" + "/Sex/CumO/" + _hssexco + ".webp">>
<<set _imageTag = '<img src="' + _imagePath + '" width="80%">'>>
<<if $mcstudent.lvl == 3>>
@@.speech-u; Do you ever get thirsty after we are done having sex?@@
@@.speech-mcstudent; A little.@@
@@.speech-u; You are a one ridiculous girl.@@
She giggles.<br>
<<set _result to $addstat($mcstudent,"aff",90)>><<print _result>><br>
<<set _result to $addstat($mcstudent,"cor",80)>><<print _result>><br>
[[Return|mcstudent interact]]
<<elseif $mcstudent.lvl == 2>>
Once you are done, you see the blankets soaked in front of her pussy.
@@.speech-u; Did you pee yourself or are you just a fountain?@@
@@.speech-mcstudent; I'm just a fountain, who feels great.@@
you grin.
@@.speech-u; I bet you could make a pond with all what water in you.@@
She giggles.
@@.speech-mcstudent; Maybe.@@
<<set $mcstudent.lvl = 3>>
<<set _result to $addstat($mcstudent,"aff",120)>><<print _result>><br>
<<set _result to $addstat($mcstudent,"cor",100)>><<print _result>><br>
Now you can go further with her<br>
[[Return|mcstudent room]]
<<if $mcstudent.lvl >= 3>>
As you get closer to ejacluating, Patricia puts you in a leglock.
@@.speech-u; Are you sure about it?@@
She smiles and nods.<br>
After getting her confirmation you increase your speed before cumming inside of her.<br>
<<set _hssexci = random(0,3)>>
<<set _imagePath = "Media/City/School/Characters/Students/mcstudent/" + "/Sex/CumI/" + _hssexci + ".webp">>
<<set _imageTag = '<img src="' + _imagePath + '" width="80%">'>>
<<if $mcstudent.lvl >= 3>>
You both kiss and you pull out to see a big amount of cum dripping down the pussy.
@@.speech-u; That sure was a satisfying view.@@
She smiles.
@@.speech-mcstudent; Glad to be of use.@@
<<set _result to $addstat($mcstudent,"aff",100)>><<print _result>><br>
<<set _result to $addstat($mcstudent,"cor",90)>><<print _result>><br>
[[Return|mcstudent interact]]
<<if $mcteacher.lvl == 2>>
@@.speech-u; Hey teacher, we haven't moved onto the last stage now have we?@@
@@.speech-teacher; I was gonna do it later, but if you insist, we can do it now.@@
@@.speech-u; You sure seemed hesitant at first.@@
@@.speech-teacher; Who do you take me for?@@
@@.speech-u; I don't know, someone who doesn't want to have sex?@@
@@.speech-teacher; I see how it is.@@
<<set $time +=0.25>>
<<if $mcteacher.lvl == 2>>
@@.speech-teacher; Get naked, boy.@@
@@.speech-u; Persistent now are we?@@
@@.speech-teacher; Shut up and get naked.@@
You do as she says.
@@.speech-teacher; Good new get on the bed.@@
Instead of you doing it, she just pushes you and pulls down her pants.
@@.speech-teacher; Now we move onto the last stage, dick power.@@
@@.speech-u; Dick power? That's a weird name.@@
@@.speech-teacher; Shut up. We will see how strong your dick truly is.@@
@@.speech-u; Should have said so.@@
She goes ahead and inserts your cock in her pussy.<br>
<<elseif $mcteacher.lvl == 3>>
@@.speech-u; Can we "test" my cock power again.@@
She sighs.
@@.speech-teacher; You truly never learn.@@
@@.speech-u; This time, I'm going to make you cum.@@
@@.speech-teacher; We will see how that will go.@@
@@.speech-u; I will be in charge this time.@@
@@.speech-teacher; Sure, boy.@@
You both undress and get in action.<br>
<<set _hssex = random(0,3)>>
<<set _imagePath = "Media/City/School/Characters/Teacher/" + "/Sex/" + _hssex + ".webp">>
<<set _imageTag = '<img src="' + _imagePath + '" width="80%">'>>
<<if $mcteacher.lvl == 2>>
@@.speech-u; Your pussy sure is tight.@@
She squeezes her pussy muscles so that you feel even greater pleasure.
@@.speech-u; The hell? This pussy is the real deal.@@
@@.speech-teacher; I'm surprised you are still able to talk.@@
You smirk.
@@.speech-u; I'm just built different.@@
@@.speech-teacher; We will see how long that confidence of yours will last.@@
<<elseif $mcteacher.lvl == 3>>
@@.speech-teacher; Your thrusts sure are better violent, the way I like it.@@
@@.speech-u; Is that so? Then I should up my game.@@
@@.speech-teacher; Bring it on!@@
<<if $mcteacher.aff >=1850 and $mcteacher.cor >= 1550>>
[[Cum outside|mcteachersexO]] [[Cum inside|mcteachersexI]]
<<set $time +=0.25>>
<<if $mcteacher.lvl == 2>>
@@.speech-u; I'm going to cum soon.@@
@@.speech-teacher; You sure did last long.@@
<<elseif $mcteacher.lvl == 3>>
You increase your speed and become even more violent to make her cum.
@@.speech-teacher; That's more like it! Let's see how will cum first!@@
<<set _hssex = random(0,3)>>
<<set _imagePath = "Media/City/School/Characters/Teacher/" + "/Sex/CumO/" + _hssex + ".webp">>
<<set _imageTag = '<img src="' + _imagePath + '" width="80%">'>>
<<if $mcteacher.lvl == 3>>
It appears that you both came at the same time.
@@.speech-u; So we both came.@@
@@.speech-teacher; No winners this round.@@
@@.speech-u; You are right. At least I made you cum though.@@
@@.speech-teacher; Don't get cocky just because of that, that won't happen again.@@
You grin.
@@.speech-u; I doubt that.@@
<<set _result to $addstat($mcteacher,"aff",90)>><<print _result>><br>
<<set _result to $addstat($mcteacher,"cor",80)>><<print _result>><br>
[[Return|mcteacher interact]]
<<elseif $mcteacher.lvl == 2>>
@@.speech-u; That truly was something else.@@
@@.speech-teacher; Never underestimate me again.@@
@@.speech-u; You sure are cocky, yet look at you. You are tired.@@
@@.speech-teacher; Hmph! Anyway your cock power is extraordinary, almost made me cum.@@
@@.speech-u; Very good.@@
<<set $mcteacher.lvl = 3>>
<<set _result to $addstat($mcteacher,"aff",120)>><<print _result>><br>
<<set _result to $addstat($mcteacher,"cor",100)>><<print _result>><br>
Now you can go further with her<br>
[[Return|mcteacher room]]
<<set $time +=0.25>>
<<if $mcteacher.lvl == 3>>
You increase your speed much faster and intend to cum inside her now instead of just making her cum.
@@.speech-teacher; I see you don't intend to stop until you cum inside me with that speed.@@
<<set _hssex = random(0,3)>>
<<set _imagePath = "Media/City/School/Characters/Teacher/" + "/Sex/CumI/" + _hssex + ".webp">>
<<set _imageTag = '<img src="' + _imagePath + '" width="80%">'>>
<<if $mcteacher.lvl == 3>>
You both feel satisfied.<br>
As the cum drips from the pussy, you both laugh.
@@.speech-u; Who would have thought, that we would keep on doing this all day.@@
@@.speech-teacher; You have insane stamina, boy. I will give you that.@@
@@.speech-u; Thanks, and your pussy muscles aren't any better.@@
She pinches your cheek.
@@.speech-teacher; You little!@@
<<set _result to $addstat($mcteacher,"aff",100)>><<print _result>><br>
<<set _result to $addstat($mcteacher,"cor",90)>><<print _result>><br>
[[Return|mcteacher interact]]
<<if $ownschool == false>>
Teacher walks up to you.
@@.speech-teacher; Hey, come to my office.@@
@@.speech-u; Hm? Why?@@
@@.speech-teacher; Just follow me.@@
@@.speech-u; Okay.@@
[[Follow the teacher|Schoolbought2]]
<<if $ownschool == false>>
You both enter the office.<br>
<img src="Media/City/School/Office.jpg" width="75%"><br>
@@.speech-teacher; So I want to talk with you.@@
@@.speech-u; You could have talked to me in the hallway.@@
@@.speech-teacher; No, this is more about the school.@@
@@.speech-u; Okay...?@@
@@.speech-teacher; Do you want to buy it?@@
@@.speech-u; Buy it? I don't think I have that kind of money.@@
@@.speech-teacher; Don't worry, I will give you a huge discount, because of our relationship.@@
@@.speech-u; Okay, but how much will it even cost?@@
@@.speech-teacher; It will cost you 400K.@@
@@.speech-u; 400K even with the discount?@@
@@.speech-teacher; Yeah, normally it would cost you 13M to buy this school.@@
@@.speech-u; I see, that sure is a huge discount.@@
@@.speech-teacher; So are you willing to buy it?@@
@@.speech-u; *Hmm what should I do?*<br> <<if $cash >=400000>>[[Sure|SchoolboughtY]]<<endif>> [[No|SchoolboughtN]]
<<if $ownschool == false>>
<img src="Media/City/School/Office.jpg" width="75%"><br>
You decide to buy it.
@@.speech-u; Sure, I will buy it.@@
@@.speech-teacher; Alright, cash first and then documents.@@
@@.speech-u; Alright.@@
<<set $cash -=400000>>
You hand her 400K cash.<br>
You sign the documents.
@@.speech-teacher; Alright, lovely. This office is yours now.@@
@@.speech-u; Wait what?@@
@@.speech-teacher; Yeah, originally it was my office, but since you bought the school, it's yours now.@@
@@.speech-u; Can I do whatever I want in here?@@
@@.speech-teacher; Yes, you can bring students in here to have sex with them, that's why I tested you.@@
@@.speech-u; Oh... Awesome!@@
<<set $ownschool = true>>
You now own school.<br>
<<if $ownschool == false>>
<img src="Media/City/School/Office.jpg" width="75%"><br>
You decide to not buy the school.
@@.speech-u; I don't have that kind of money right now.@@
@@.speech-teacher; I see, that's fine either way.@@
@@.speech-u; My apologies.@@
@@.speech-teacher; No it's fine, when you do have that kind of money just go to the hallway, once again.@@
@@.speech-u; Alright.@@
<img src="Media/City/School/Office.jpg" width="75%"><br>
School office.<br>
<<if $time <=2.5>>
[[Teach corrupted morals|schoolcor]]<br>
<<if $schoolcor >=25>>
[[Call a girl to your office|schoolofuck]]<br>
<<if $schoolcor == 100>>
[[Have an orgy|schoolorgy]]<br>
<img src="Media/House/Rooms/Hallway.jpg" width="100%">
<<if $strength >=150>>
Someone is knocking at your door, so you go and open it.<br>
You see a strange man in a robe.<br>
<img src="Media/sc1.jpg" width="30%"><br>
@@.speech-u; How can I help you?@@
He points at you.
@@.speech-u; What do you want from me?@@
He brings out a book and hands it to you.<br>
<img src="Media/thebook.jpeg" width="30%"><br>
@@.speech-u; What am I supposed to do with it?@@
He just stands there and watches you.
@@.speech-u; Okay then.@@
You open the book and start to hear sounds.<br>
You try to look back at him, but he is already gone.
@@.speech-mom; Who was there?@@
You look at your mom and see something strange around her. An aura?
@@.speech-u; Some strange guy came here and gave me this book.@@
@@.speech-mom; What book?@@
@@.speech-u; What? Can you not see it?@@
@@.speech-mom; No, Are you okay?@@
@@.speech-u; Yeah, I'm fine. *The hell?*@@
@@.speech-u; I will go back to my room.@@
@@.speech-mom; Okay.@@
[[Go to your room|sc1meeting2]]
You go back to your room and sit down on the bed<br>
<img src="Media/House/Rooms/My Room.jpg" width="100%"><br>
<<if $strength >=150>>
@@.speech-u; What the hell is this book, and why couldn't my mom see it?<br>
No, more importantly who the hell was that man?@@
You open the book once again, before it was just a blank page, but now something is written on it.<br>
"The man in robe, message given. <br>Predecessor find the truth. <br>Power another place. <br>Body strong, Mind strong. <br>Transport receive. <br>Book give answers."
@@.speech-u; The hell is this mumbo jumbo?@@
You place it on the table.
@@.speech-u; Since no one can see it, I should probably find out what it wants me to do, a bit later.@@
You lay down on the bed and go to sleep.
<<set $sc1 = true>>
<<set $scs = 2>>
[[Go to sleep|checkout]]
The mysterious book.<br>
You open the book and it says<br><br>
<<if $scs <3>>
"The man in robe, message given. <br>Predecessor find the truth. <br>Power another place. <br>Body strong, Mind strong. <br>Transport receive. <br>Book give answers."<br><br>
<<elseif $scs >=3>>
"Power gained, <br>
Father full of secrets,<br>
Use book,<br>
Learn truth."<br><br>
[[Change names for the girls|bookchange]]<br>
<<if $inmansion == true>>
[[close the book|Mbmansion]]
<<elseif $markel == true>>
[[Close the book|markelguest]]
<<elseif $germany == true>>
[[Close the book|GHomeR]]
<<elseif $sweden == true>>
[[Close the book|Dojoback]]
[[close the book|myroom]]
<img src="Media/City/dealership.jpg" width="100%"><br>
Car dealership<br><br>
<<if $owncar == false>>
Sedan - $100K <<if $cash>=100000>><<link "Buy">><<set $owncar = true>><<set $cash -=100000>><<goto dealership>><</link>><<endif>><</if>><br>
<img src="Media/House/Rooms/Garage.jpg" width="100%"><br>
<<if $owncar == true>>
[[Go out of town|Travelling]]<br><</if>>
<img src="Media/Fields.jpg" width="100%"><br>
<<if $target == true and $completed == false>>
<<goto ending1>>
<<set $hideout = false>>
Where do you want to travel?<br><br>
<<if $prisoner.lvl >= 3 and $prisoner.aff >=900 and $prisoner.cor >=800 and $melanie.aff == 0>>
You see 2 girls asking for a ride.<br>
<<link "Give them a ride">><<goto meetgang>><</link>><br><</if>>
<<if $melanie.aff >=1>>
[[To Hideout|Hideout]]<br><</if>>
<<set $markel = false>>
[[To Markelbria|Markelbria]]<br>
[[To the mansion|Omansion]]<br>
<<if $email == true>>
[[To Airport|Airport]]<br><</if>>
[[Back home|garage]]
<img src="Media/Markelbria/Town.jpg" width="100%"><br>
<<set $markel = true>>
<<link "Cousin's house">><<goto "Ocousinhouse">><</link>><br>
<<if $officer.lvl >= 3>>
<<link "$officer.name's house">><<goto officerhouse>><</link>><br><</if>>
<<if $clerk.lvl >=2>>
<<link "$clerk.name's house">><<goto outclerkhouse>><</link>><br><</if>>
[[Convenience store|markelconvenience]]<br>
<<if $cousin.lvl >=2 and $aunt.lvl >=2>>
<<if $sc1 == true and $scs == 2>>
You see someone in a robe, looking at you from the alleyway.<br>
<<if $station == true and $police == true>>
[[Police station|markelpolice]]<br><</if>>
[[Out of town|Travelling]]
<img src="Media/Markelbria/house.jpg" width="100%"><br>
Outside of cousin's house<br><br>
[[Go back|Markelbria]]
<img src="Media/Markelbria/cousinhouse/hallway.jpg" width="100%"><br>
Cousin's house<br><br>
<<if $cousin.aff == 0>>
<<goto cousinmeet>>
<<link "Cousin's room">><<goto "cousinroom">><</link>><br>
[[Master bedroom|mbedroom]]<br>
[[Guest Room|markelguest]]<br>
[[Go outside|Ocousinhouse]]
<img src="Media/Markelbria/cousinhouse/cousinroom.jpg" width="100%"><br>
Cousin's room<br><br>
<<set _chancetobeteased to random(0,100)>>
<<if $cousin.aff >=250 and $cousin.cor>=150>>
<<if _chancetobeteased >=30>>
<<set _tease = random(0,5)>>
<<if _tease <=2>>
<<set _imagePath = "Media/Markelbria/Cousin/Tease/" + _tease + ".webp">>
<<set _imageTag = '<img src="' + _imagePath + '" width="65%">'>>
<<if _tease >2>>
<<set _naked = random(0,2)>>
<<set _imagePath = "Media/Markelbria/Cousin/Tease/Naked/" + _naked + ".webp">>
<<set _imageTag = '<img src="' + _imagePath + '" width="65%">'>>
<<set _result to $addstat($cousin,"cor",2)>><<print _result>><br>
<<elseif $cousin.aff >=80 and $cousin.cor>=40>>
<<if _chancetobeteased >=50>>
<<set _tease = random(0,2)>>
<<set _imagePath = "Media/Markelbria/Cousin/Tease/" + _tease + ".webp">>
<<set _imageTag = '<img src="' + _imagePath + '" width="65%">'>>
<<set _result to $addstat($cousin,"cor",1)>><<print _result>><br>
<<if $cousin.lvl <4>>
Affection: <<print Math.ceil($cousin.aff)>> Corruption: <<print Math.ceil($cousin.cor)>> lvl: $cousin.lvl
<<elseif $cousin.lvl >=4>>
Affection: <<print Math.ceil($cousin.aff)>> Corruption: <<print Math.ceil($cousin.cor)>> lvl: $cousin.lvl(max)
<<if $cousin.aff >=130 and $cousin.cor >=90 and $cousin.lvl == 1>>
[[Take things further with your cousin|takecousin]]<</if>><br>
<<if $cousin.aff >=750 and $cousin.cor >=660 and $cousin.lvl == 2>>
[[Take things even further with your cousin|takercousin]]<br><</if>>
<<if $cousin.lvl == 3 and $sister.lvl == 3>>
<<if $cousin.aff >=1400 and $cousin.cor >=1300 and $sister.aff >=1800 and $sister.cor >=1400>>
[[Have a talk about her and sister|sisncousin]]<br><</if>><</if>>
<<link "Date">><<set $Dcousin = true>><<goto "Dating Menu">><</link>><br>
[[Talk|cousintalk]] <<link "Gift">><<set $Gcousin = true>><<goto "Inventory">><</link>><br>
<<if $cousin.aff >=10>>[[Flirt|cousinflirt]]<</if>> <<if $cousin.lvl >=2>>[[Interact|Interact cousin]]<</if>><br><br>
[[Go back|cousinhouse]]
<img src="Media/Markelbria/cousinhouse/mbedroom.webp" width="100%"><br>
Master bedroom<br><br>
<<set _chancetobeteased to random(0,100)>>
<<if $aunt.aff >=250 and $aunt.cor>=150>>
<<if _chancetobeteased >=30>>
<<set _tease = random(0,5)>>
<<if _tease <=2>>
<<set _imagePath = "Media/Markelbria/Aunt/Tease/" + _tease + ".webp">>
<<set _imageTag = '<img src="' + _imagePath + '" width="65%">'>>
<<if _tease >2>>
<<set _naked = random(0,2)>>
<<set _imagePath = "Media/Markelbria/Aunt/Tease/Naked/" + _naked + ".webp">>
<<set _imageTag = '<img src="' + _imagePath + '" width="65%">'>>
<<set _result to $addstat($aunt,"cor",2)>><<print _result>><br>
<<elseif $aunt.aff >=80 and $aunt.cor>=40>>
<<if _chancetobeteased >=50>>
<<set _tease = random(0,2)>>
<<set _imagePath = "Media/Markelbria/Aunt/Tease/" + _tease + ".webp">>
<<set _imageTag = '<img src="' + _imagePath + '" width="65%">'>>
<<set _result to $addstat($aunt,"cor",1)>><<print _result>><br>
<<if $aunt.lvl <3>>
Affection: <<print Math.ceil($aunt.aff)>> Corruption: <<print Math.ceil($aunt.cor)>> lvl: $aunt.lvl
<<elseif $aunt.lvl >=3>>
Affection: <<print Math.ceil($aunt.aff)>> Corruption: <<print Math.ceil($aunt.cor)>> lvl: $aunt.lvl(max)
<<if $aunt.aff >=130 and $aunt.cor >=90 and $aunt.lvl == 1>>
[[Take things further with your aunt|takeaunt]]<</if>><br>
<<if $aunt.aff >=750 and $aunt.cor >=660 and $aunt.lvl == 2>>
[[Take things even further with your aunt|takeraunt]]<</if>><br>
<<link "Date">><<set $Daunt = true>><<goto "Dating Menu">><</link>><br>
[[Talk|aunttalk]] <<link "Gift">><<set $Gaunt = true>><<goto "Inventory">><</link>><br>
<<if $aunt.aff >=10>>[[Flirt|auntflirt]]<</if>> <<if $aunt.lvl >=2>>[[Interact aunt]]<</if>><br><br>
Uncle trust: $uncle<br>
[[Talk|uncletalk]] <<if $beer >0>><<link "Give beer">><<set $gbeer = true>><<goto unclegive>><</link>><</if>> <<if $boxbeer >0>><<link "Give box of beer">><<set $gboxbeer = true>><<goto unclegive>><</link>><</if>>
<<if $police == true and $station == false>>[[Talk to him|unclepolice]]<</if>><br>
[[Go back|cousinhouse]]
<img src="Media/Mansion/Outside.jpg" width="100%"><br>
Outside of the mansion<br><br>
<<if $ownmansion == false>>
Mansion is for sale - (1.2M) <<if $cash >=1200000>><<link "Buy">><<set $ownmansion = true>><<set $cash -=1200000>><<goto "Omansion">><</link>><</if>><br>
<<elseif $ownmansion == true>>
<<set $inmansion = false>>
[[Go back|Travelling]]
<img src="Media/Mansion/Inside.jpg" width="100%"><br>
<<if $time >=0.5 and $time<1>>
$maid.name is cleaning the hallway.<br>
<<set _active = true>>
<img src="Media/Mansion/Maid/hallway.webp" width="75%"><br>
<<if $time >=2 and $time<2.5>>
$maid.name is doing laundry.<br>
<<set _active = true>>
<img src="Media/Mansion/Maid/laundry.webp" width="75%"><br>
<<if _active == true>>
<<link "Talk with $maid.name">><<goto imantalk>><</link>>
<<if $maid.respect >=25>><<link "Call $maid.name">><<goto callhall>><</link>><br><br><</if>><</if>>
<<set $inmansion = true>>
<<if $maid.respect == 0>>
<<goto "maid intro">>
[[Master bedroom|Mbmansion]]<br>
[[Maid's bedroom|maidroom]]<br>
[[Go back|Omansion]]
<img src="Media/Mansion/mbedroom.jpg" width="100%"><br>
Master bedroom<br><br>
<<if $time >=2.5 and $time <3>>
$maid.name is cleaning your room.<br>
<<set _active = true>>
<<if $panty == false>>
<img src="Media/Mansion/Maid/room.webp" width="100%"><br>
<<if _active == true>>
<<link "Talk to $maid.name">><<goto mbmantalk>><</link>>
<<if $maid.respect >=10 and $panty == true>><<link "Have $maid.name clean your room without panties">><<goto pantymaid>><</link>><</if>>
<<if $maid.respect >=25>><<link "Have $maid.name service you">><<goto roomservice>><</link>><</if>>
<<if $maid.respect >=75>><<link "Have sex with $maid.name">><<goto roomsex>><</link>><</if>><br><br><</if>>
<<if $time >=3>>
<<if $sc1 == true>>
[[The book|Book]]<br><<endif>>
<<if $owndiary == true>>
I should get a diary.
<<if $Laptop == true>>
<<if $Phone == true>>
<<if $prisoner.lvl >=2>>
<img src="Media/Markelbria/Police/Prisoner/Maid.jpeg" width="55%"><br>
You see $prisoner.name sitting on the bed.<br>
<<set _chancetobeteased to random(0,100)>>
<<if $prisoner.aff >=250 and $prisoner.cor>=150>>
<<if _chancetobeteased >=30>>
<<set _tease = random(0,5)>>
<<if _tease <=2>>
<<set _imagePath = "Media/Markelbria/Police/Prisoner/Tease/" + _tease + ".webp">>
<<set _imageTag = '<img src="' + _imagePath + '" width="65%">'>>
<<if _tease >2>>
<<set _naked = random(0,2)>>
<<set _imagePath = "Media/Markelbria/Police/Prisoner/Tease/Naked/" + _naked + ".webp">>
<<set _imageTag = '<img src="' + _imagePath + '" width="65%">'>>
<<set _result to $addstat($prisoner,"cor",2)>><<print _result>><br>
<<elseif $prisoner.aff >=80 and $prisoner.cor>=40>>
<<if _chancetobeteased >=50>>
<<set _tease = random(0,2)>>
<<set _imagePath = "Media/Markelbria/Police/Prisoner/Tease/" + _tease + ".webp">>
<<set _imageTag = '<img src="' + _imagePath + '" width="65%">'>>
<<set _result to $addstat($prisoner,"cor",1)>><<print _result>><br>
<<if $prisoner.aff >=500 and $prisoner.cor >=450 and $prisoner.lvl == 2>>
<<link "Go even further with $prisoner.name">><<goto evenfurtherprisoner>><</link>><br><</if>>
Affection: <<print Math.ceil($prisoner.aff)>> Corruption: <<print Math.ceil($prisoner.cor)>> lvl: $prisoner.lvl <br>
[[Talk|Prisonertalk]] <<link "Gift">><<set $Gprisoner = true>><<goto Inventory>><</link>><br>
<<if $prisoner.cor >=10>>[[Flirt|Prisonerflirt]]<</if>> <<if $prisoner.lvl >=2>>[[Interact|Prisonerinteract]]<</if>><br><br>
[[Go back|Imansion]]
<img src="Media/Mansion/maidroom.jpg" width="100%"><br>
Maid's bedroom<br><br>
<<if $time >=1 and $time<1.5>>
$maid.name is taking a break.<br>
<<set _active = true>>
<<if $time >=3.5 and $time<4.5>>
$maid.name is taking a break.<br>
<<set _active = true>>
<<if $time >=4.5 >>
$maid.name is sleeping.<br>
<<if _active == true>>
<<link "Talk to $maid.name">><<goto maidtalk>><</link>>
<<if $maid.respect >=25>><<link "Have $maid.name service you">><<goto maidservice>><</link>> <</if>>
<<if $maid.respect>=75>><<link "Have $maid.name have sex with you">><<goto maidsex>><</link>> <</if>>
<<if $maid.respect>=30 and $service == false>><<link "Ask for morning service">><<goto maidmservice>><</link>> <</if>>
<<if $maid.respect>=80 and $services == false>><<link "Ask for morning sex">><<goto maidmsex>><</link>><</if>><</if>><br>
[[Go back|Imansion]]
You call a girl to your office and have sex with her.<br>
<<set _osex = random(0,5)>>
<<set _imagePath = "Media/City/School/Office/" + _osex + ".webp">>
<<set _imageTag = '<img src="' + _imagePath + '" width="80%">'>>
+5 school corruption
<<set $schoolcor +=5>><br>
<<set $time +=0.25>>
You taught school girls how to be a bad girl.<br>
+1 school corruption
<<set $schoolcor +=1>><br>
<<set $time +=0.25>>
You punished a schoolgirl in your way.<br>
<<set _csex = random(0,4)>>
<<set _imagePath = "Media/City/School/Classroom/" + _csex + ".webp">>
<<set _imageTag = '<img src="' + _imagePath + '" width="75%">'>>
+3 school corruption
<<set $schoolcor +=3>><br>
<<set $time +=0.25>>
You fucked a schoolgirl right there and then.<br>
<<set _hsex = random(0,3)>>
<<set _imagePath = "Media/City/School/Hallway/" + _hsex + ".webp">>
<<set _imageTag = '<img src="' + _imagePath + '" width="75%">'>>
+10 school corruption
<<set $schoolcor +=10>><br>
<<set $time +=0.25>>
You had an orgy with schoolgirls in your office<br>
<<set _orgy = random(0,2)>>
<<set _imagePath = "Media/City/School/Office/Orgy/" + _orgy + ".webp">>
<<set _imageTag = '<img src="' + _imagePath + '" width="75%">'>>
<<set $time +=0.25>>
You fuck a schoolgirl in the classroom<br>
<<set _sexc = random(0,4)>>
<<set _imagePath = "Media/City/School/Classroom/sex/" + _sexc + ".webp">>
<<set _imageTag = '<img src="' + _imagePath + '" width="75%">'>>
+10 school corruption
<<set $schoolcor +=10>><br>
<<set $time +=0.25>>
You fuck a schoolgirl in the restroom<br>
<<set _sext = random(0,3)>>
<<set _imagePath = "Media/City/School/WC/" + _sext + ".webp">>
<<set _imageTag = '<img src="' + _imagePath + '" width="75%">'>>
+5 school corruption
<<set $schoolcor +=5>><br>
<<set $time +=0.25>>
<img src="Media/Mansion/Inside.jpg" width="100%"><br>
You go inside the mansion and see a maid stand next to the door.<br>
<img src="Media/Mansion/Maid/maid.jpeg" width="30%"><br>
What is her name?<br>
<<set $nickname = "god">>
<<textbox" $maid.name """>><br>
<<if $maid.name == "">>
<<set $maid.name = "Crystal">>
<<set $maid.name = $maid.name>>
[[Continue|maid intro 2]]
<img src="Media/Mansion/Inside.jpg" width="100%"><br>
<<if $maid.respect == 0>>
$maid.name bows down before you.
@@.speech-maid; Hello master, my name is $maid.name, I will be serving you from now on.@@
@@.speech-u; Didn't know this mansion came with a maid.@@
@@.speech-maid; It is a special mansion after all, master.@@
@@.speech-u; It sure feels weird being called master.@@
She looks up at you.
@@.speech-maid; Would you like me to call you something else?@@
What would you like her to call you?<br>
<<link "Master">><<set $nickname = "Master">><<goto "maid intro 3">><</link>> <<link "Mister">><<set $nickname = "Mister">><<goto "maid intro 3">><</link>> <<link "O holy one">><<set $nickname = "Holy one">><<goto "maid intro 3">><</link>> <<link "$uname">><<set $nickname = $uname>><<goto "maid intro 3">><</link>>
<img src="Media/Mansion/Inside.jpg" width="100%"><br>
<<if $maid.respect == 0>>
@@.speech-u; Just call me $nickname.@@
<<if $nickname == $uname>>
<<set $nickname = "Mr.$uname">>
@@.speech-maid; Very well, $nickname.@@
@@.speech-u; Now, what do you do?@@
@@.speech-maid; I do the house chores, cook for you, and satisfy your needs.@@
@@.speech-u; Satisfy my needs?@@
@@.speech-maid; Yes.@@
@@.speech-u; Does it include sexual needs?@@
@@.speech-maid; If it's needed and can be done.@@
@@.speech-u; Okay, anything else?@@
@@.speech-maid; No, $nickname.@@
@@.speech-u; Alright, I guess you can go back to what you were doing.@@
@@.speech-maid; Yes, $nickname.@@
<<set $maid.respect +=1>>
<<set $panty = true>>
<<set $service = false>>
<<set $services = false>>
<img src="Media/Mansion/kitchen.jpg" width="75%"><br><br>
<<if $time <0.5>>
$maid.name is making breakfast.<br>
<<set _active = true>>
<<if $time <2 and $time >=1.5>>
$maid.name is making lunch.<br>
<<set _active = true>>
<<if $time <3.5 and $time >=3>>
$maid.name is making dinner.<br>
<<set _active = true>>
<<if _active == true>>
<<link "Talk with $maid.name">><<goto mkittalk>><</link>>
<<if $maid.respect>=5>><<link "Grope $maid.name">><<goto mkitgrope>><</link>><</if>>
<<if $maid.respect>=10>><<link "Ask for boobs">><<goto mkitboobs>><</link>><</if>>
<<if $maid.respect>=25>><<link "Ask for service">><<goto mkitservice>><</link>><</if>>
<<if $maid.respect>=75>><<link "Ask for sex">><<goto mkitsex>><</link>><</if>><br>
[[Go back|Imansion]]
<img src="Media/Mansion/kitchen.jpg" width="75%"><br><br>
<<if $time <0.5>>
@@.speech-u; It smells great.@@
@@.speech-maid; Thank you $nickname, breakfast will be ready soon.@@
@@.speech-u; Can't wait.@@
$maid.name smiles.
<<elseif $time <2 and $time >=1.5>>
@@.speech-u; Lunch looks great!@@
@@.speech-maid; I'm glad my food can please your eyes, $nickname@@
@@.speech-u; You never cease to amaze me with your cooking skills.@@
Looks like it brightened $maid.name's day.
<<elseif $time <3.5 and $time >=3>>
@@.speech-u; Can't wait to eat your food again, when will it be done?@@
@@.speech-maid; Really soon, $nickname.@@
@@.speech-u; Very well.@@
+1 Respect<br>
<<set $maid.respect +=1>>
<<set $time +=0.5>>
[[Go back|mkitchen]]
<img src="Media/Mansion/Inside.jpg" width="75%"><br><br>
<<if $time >=0.5 and $time <1>>
@@.speech-u; You don't have to try so hard, $maid.name.@@
@@.speech-maid; No $nickname, I cannot let myself do nothing when I'm here.@@
@@.speech-u; Okay... Just don't push yourself too hard.@@
$maid.name nods.
<<elseif $time <2.5 and $time >=2>>
@@.speech-u; I like what I see.@@
@@.speech-maid; I'm glad you like my body, $nickname.@@
@@.speech-u; Anyway, go back to what you were doing.@@
@@.speech-maid; Yes, $nickname.@@
+1 Respect<br>
<<set $maid.respect +=1>>
<<set $time +=0.5>>
[[Go back|Imansion]]
<img src="Media/Mansion/maidroom.jpg" width="90%"><br><br>
<<if $time >=1 and $time <1.5>>
@@.speech-u; I see that you are finally taking a break.@@
@@.speech-maid; Yes, I have to take some to not overwork myself.@@
@@.speech-u; Keep doing that, I don't want to see you collapsed on the ground.@@
@@.speech-maid; Yes, $nickname.@@
<<elseif $time <4.5 and $time >=3.5>>
@@.speech-u; You worked hard today, good job.@@
@@.speech-maid; No need for such compliments, $nickname.@@
@@.speech-u; You deserve them, trust me.@@
@@.speech-maid; Yes, $nickname.@@
$maid.name says that with a smile on her face.
+1 Respect<br>
<<set $maid.respect +=1>>
<<set $time +=0.5>>
[[Go back|Imansion]]
<img src="Media/Mansion/mbedroom.jpg" width="90%"><br><br>
<<if $time >=2.5 and $time <3>>
@@.speech-u; You don't have to clean my room.@@
@@.speech-maid; No $nickname, I must fulfill my duties.@@
@@.speech-u; What if you find a porn mag in my room, or maybe a sex toy?@@
@@.speech-maid; I will leave it next to your bed, $nickname.@@
You sigh.
@@.speech-u; Fine, you can clean my room then.@@
@@.speech-maid; Thank you, $nickname.@@
+1 Respect<br>
<<set $maid.respect +=1>>
<<set $time +=0.5>>
[[Go back|Mbmansion]]
<img src="Media/Mansion/kitchen.jpg" width="90%"><br>
<<if $maid.respect >=5>>
You go up to $maid.name and grope her.<br>
<img src="Media/Mansion/Maid/kitchen.webp" width="70%"><br>
@@.speech-u; Your ass is truly amazing.@@
@@.speech-maid; I'm happy to hear that, $nickname.@@
+2 Respect<br>
<<set $maid.respect +=2>>
<<set $time +=0.5>>
[[Go back|mkitchen]]
<img src="Media/Mansion/mbedroom.jpg" width="90%"><br>
<<if $panty == true>>
@@.speech-u; I want you to clean my room without panties on.@@
She looks at you for a while.
@@.speech-maid; Yes, $nickname.@@
$maid.name will now clean your room without panties.<br>
+5 respect<br>
<<set $maid.respect +=5>>
<<set $panty = false>>
[[Go back|Mbmansion]]
<img src="Media/Mansion/kitchen.jpg" width="90%"><br>
<<if $maid.respect >=10>>
@@.speech-u; Hey $maid.name, can you show me your boobs?@@
@@.speech-maid; Yes, $nickname.@@
<img src="Media/Mansion/Maid/kitchen2.webp" width="60%"><br>
@@.speech-u; Thanks.@@
@@.speech-maid; Anything else, $nickname?@@
@@.speech-u; No that's all.@@
+2 Respect<br>
<<set $maid.respect +=2>>
<<set $time +=0.5>>
[[Go back|mkitchen]]
<img src="Media/Mansion/mbedroom.jpg" width="90%"><br>
<<if $maid.respect >=25>>
@@.speech-u; Can you service me sexually?@@
@@.speech-maid; Yes I can, $nickname.@@
@@.speech-u; Then do it right now.@@
@@.speech-maid; Yes, $nickname.@@
<<set _service = random(0,2)>>
<<set _imagePath = "Media/Mansion/Maid/Service/MRoom/" + _service + ".webp">>
<<set _imageTag = '<img src="' + _imagePath + '" width="75%">'>>
+3 Respect<br>
<<set $maid.respect +=3>>
<<set $time +=0.5>>
[[Go back|maidroom]]
<img src="Media/Mansion/maidroom.jpg" width="90%"><br>
<<if $maid.respect >=30>>
@@.speech-u; I want you to wake me up by servicing me.@@
@@.speech-maid; That can be arranged, $nickname.@@
@@.speech-u; Good, that's all.@@
@@.speech-maid; Very well, $nickname.@@
$maid.name will now service you in the morning.<br>
<<set $service = true>>
[[Go back|maidroom]]
<img src="Media/Mansion/maidroom.jpg" width="90%"><br>
<<if $maid.respect >=75>>
@@.speech-u; I want to have sex with you.@@
@@.speech-maid; Anything u wish, $nickname.@@
You smile.<br>
<<set _sex = random(0,3)>>
<<set _imagePath = "Media/Mansion/Maid/Sex/MRoom/" + _sex + ".webp">>
<<set _imageTag = '<img src="' + _imagePath + '" width="75%">'>>
+4 Respect<br>
<<set $maid.respect +=4>>
<<set $time +=0.5>>
[[Go back|maidroom]]
<img src="Media/Mansion/maidroom.jpg" width="90%"><br>
<<if $maid.respect >=80>>
@@.speech-u; I want you to wake me up by using your pussy.@@
@@.speech-maid; Will do, $nickname.@@
@@.speech-u; Good. That is all I wanted to say.@@
@@.speech-maid; Very well, $nickname.@@
$maid.name will now use her whole body to wake you up.<br>
<<set $services = true>>
[[Go back|maidroom]]
<img src="Media/Mansion/mbedroom.jpg" width="90%"><br>
<<if $service == true>>
<<set _service = random(0,2)>>
<<set _imagePath = "Media/Mansion/Maid/Service/Room/wood/" + _service + ".webp">>
<<set _imageTag = '<img src="' + _imagePath + '" width="65%">'>>
<<if $services == true>>
<<set _services = random(0,1)>>
<<set _imagePath = "Media/Mansion/Maid/Sex/Room/wood/" + _services + ".webp">>
<<set _imageTag = '<img src="' + _imagePath + '" width="65%">'>>
[[Go back|Mbmansion]]
<img src="Media/Mansion/Inside.jpg" width="90%"><br>
You call $maid.name over to you.<br>
<img src="Media/Mansion/Maid/hallway2.webp" width="60%"><br>
<<if $maid.respect >=25>>
@@.speech-maid; How can I help you, $nickname?@@
@@.speech-u; I want you to [[Service me|hallservice]] <<if $maid.respect>=75>>[[Pleasure me|hallsex]]<</if>>@@
<img src="Media/Mansion/Inside.jpg" width="90%"><br>
<<if $maid.respect >=25>>
@@.speech-maid; Will do, $nickname.@@
She pulls your cock out of your pants, and starts to service you.<br>
<<set _service = random(0,4)>>
<<set _imagePath = "Media/Mansion/Maid/Service/Hallway/" + _service + ".webp">>
<<set _imageTag = '<img src="' + _imagePath + '" width="65%">'>>
+3 respect<br>
<<set $maid.respect +=3>>
<<set $time +=0.5>>
[[Go back|Imansion]]
<img src="Media/Mansion/Inside.jpg" width="90%"><br>
<<if $maid.respect >=75>>
@@.speech-maid; Yes, $nickname.@@
She gets naked and gets ready for you. Once you are both ready, you insert your cock in her and start having sex.<br>
<<set _sex = random(0,4)>>
<<set _imagePath = "Media/Mansion/Maid/Sex/Hallway/" + _sex + ".webp">>
<<set _imageTag = '<img src="' + _imagePath + '" width="65%">'>>
+4 respect<br>
<<set $maid.respect +=4>>
<<set $time +=0.5>>
[[Go back|Imansion]]
<img src="Media/Mansion/kitchen.jpg" width="90%"><br>
<<if $maid.respect >=25>>
@@.speech-u; I want you to service me.@@
@@.speech-maid; Yes, $nickname.@@
She pulls down your pants and gets ready to service your cock.<br>
<<set _service = random(0,2)>>
<<set _imagePath = "Media/Mansion/Maid/Service/Kitchen/" + _service + ".webp">>
<<set _imageTag = '<img src="' + _imagePath + '" width="65%">'>>
+3 Respect<br>
<<set $maid.respect +=3>>
<<set $time +=0.5>>
[[Go back|mkitchen]]
<img src="Media/Mansion/kitchen.jpg" width="90%"><br>
<<if $maid.respect >=75>>
@@.speech-u; I want to have sex with you right now.@@
@@.speech-maid; Yes, $nickname.@@
You pull down her panty and insert yourself in her pussy.<br>
<<set _sex = random(0,4)>>
<<set _imagePath = "Media/Mansion/Maid/Sex/Kitchen/" + _sex + ".webp">>
<<set _imageTag = '<img src="' + _imagePath + '" width="65%">'>>
+4 Respect<br>
<<set $maid.respect +=4>>
<<set $time +=0.5>>
[[Go back|mkitchen]]
<img src="Media/Mansion/mbedroom.jpg" width="90%"><br>
<<if $maid.respect >=25>>
@@.speech-u; I want you to pleasure me.@@
@@.speech-maid; Yes, $nickname.@@
She kneels down and starts to pleasure your cock.<br>
<<set _service = random(0,5)>>
<<set _imagePath = "Media/Mansion/Maid/Service/Room/" + _service + ".webp">>
<<set _imageTag = '<img src="' + _imagePath + '" width="65%">'>>
+3 Respect<br>
<<set $maid.respect +=3>>
<<set $time +=0.5>>
[[Go back|Mbmansion]]
<img src="Media/Mansion/mbedroom.jpg" width="90%"><br>
<<if $maid.respect >=75>>
@@.speech-u; I want to have sex with you right now.@@
@@.speech-maid; I'm happy to oblige, $nickname.@@
She prepares herself to take in your cock.<br>
<<set _sex = random(0,4)>>
<<set _imagePath = "Media/Mansion/Maid/Sex/Room/" + _sex + ".webp">>
<<set _imageTag = '<img src="' + _imagePath + '" width="65%">'>>
+4 Respect<br>
<<set $maid.respect +=4>>
<<set $time +=0.5>>
[[Go back|Mbmansion]]
<img src="Media/Mansion/mbedroom.jpg" width="90%"><br>
<<if $maid.respect == 100>>
$maid.name comes to your room after you call her.<br>
@@.speech-u; What can I help you with, $nickname?@@
[[Service me|roomservice]] [[Pleasure me|roomsex]]<br>
[[Go back|Mbmansion]]
<img src="Media/House/Rooms/Kitchen.png" width="100%">
<<if $mom.lvl >=2>>
@@.speech-u; Hey mom, I want to get a blowjob from you.@@
@@.speech-mom; Right now? What if your sister sees us?@@
@@.speech-u; It's alright, she is probably busy either way.@@
@@.speech-mom; Fine, but let's be quick about it.@@
@@.speech-u; Alright.@@
<<set _bj = random(0,2)>>
<<set _imagePath = "Media/Mom/Kitchen/BJ/" + _bj + ".webp">>
<<set _imageTag = '<img src="' + _imagePath + '" width="65%">'>>
<<set $time +=0.5>>
[[Go back|pkitchen]]
<img src="Media/House/Rooms/Kitchen.png" width="100%">
<<if $mom.lvl >=3>>
@@.speech-u; Hey mom, I want to have sex with you.@@
@@.speech-mom; You are pushing it too far.@@
@@.speech-u; Like I said it's fine.@@
@@.speech-mom; This time she will definitely hear us.@@
@@.speech-u; No she won't, come on, let's do it.@@
She sighs.
@@.speech-mom; Fine.@@
<<set _sex = random(0,2)>>
<<set _imagePath = "Media/Mom/Kitchen/Sex/" + _sex + ".webp">>
<<set _imageTag = '<img src="' + _imagePath + '" width="65%">'>>
<<set $time +=0.5>>
[[Go back|pkitchen]]
<img src="Media/House/Rooms/Kitchen.png" width="100%">
<<if $sister.lvl >=2>>
@@.speech-u; Hey sis, give me a blowjob.@@
@@.speech-sister; Is mom in her room?@@
@@.speech-u; Yeah she is.@@
@@.speech-sister; Alright give it here.@@
<<set _bj = random(0,2)>>
<<set _imagePath = "Media/Sister/Kitchen/BJ/" + _bj + ".webp">>
<<set _imageTag = '<img src="' + _imagePath + '" width="65%">'>>
<<set $time +=0.5>>
[[Go back|pkitchen]]
<img src="Media/House/Rooms/Kitchen.png" width="100%">
<<if $sister.lvl >=3>>
@@.speech-u; Hey sis, let's fuck.@@
@@.speech-sister; I'm amazed by how you don't feel pressured.@@
@@.speech-u; Why should I?@@
@@.speech-sister; I Guess it doesn't matter with you. Alright let's have sex before mom finds out.@@
<<set _sex = random(0,2)>>
<<set _imagePath = "Media/Sister/Kitchen/Sex/" + _sex + ".webp">>
<<set _imageTag = '<img src="' + _imagePath + '" width="65%">'>>
<<set $time +=0.5>>
[[Go back|pkitchen]]
Your contacts.<br>
<<if $sister.lvl >=2 and $time <3.5>>
[[Call my sister|Interact to sister]]<br>
<<if $mom.lvl >=2 and $time <3.5>>
[[Call my mom|Interact Mom]]<br>
<<if $judy.lvl >=2 and $time <3.5>>
[[Call Judy|judy interact]]<br>
<<if $rea.lvl >=2 and $time <3.5>>
[[Call Rea|reainteract]]<br>
<<if $mcstudent.lvl >=2 and $time <3.5>>
<<link "Call $mcstudent.name">><<goto "mcstudent interact">><</link>> <br>
<<if $hstudent.lvl >=2 and $time <3.5>>
<<link "Call $hstudent.name">><<goto "hstudent interact">><</link>> <br>
<<if $mcteacher.lvl >=2 and $time <3.5>>
<<link "Call $mcteacher.name">><<goto "mcteacher interact">><</link>> <br>
<<if $maid.respect == 100 and $inmansion == true>>
<<link "Call $maid.name">><<goto "maidcall">><</link>><br>
[[Go back|Phone]]
You waste time scrolling through your phone.<br>
<img src="Media/House/phoner.jpg" width="75%"><br>
<<set $time +=0.5>>
[[Go back|Phone]]
<img src="Media/Markelbria/bar.jpg" width="85%"><br>
<img src="Media/Markelbria/drink.jpg" width="85%"><br>
You have a drink in a somewhat empty bar.<br>
<<if $scs == 3>>
All by yourself...<br>
...Thinking about everything...<br>
...The truth...<br>
<img src="Media/Reality.jpg" width="85%"><br>
...It's as if you are falling and falling... and falling... to the depths of hell...<br>
...Wondering to yourself, "Am I still in coma?"...<br>
<<set $scs = 4>>
[[Wake up|Markelway]]
<<set $time +=0.5>>
[[Go back|Markelbar]]
<<if $time <=2.5>>
<img src="Media/Markelbria/alleyd.jpg" width="60%"><br>
<<elseif $time >2.5>>
<img src="Media/Markelbria/alleyn.jpg" width="60%"><br>
<<if $scs == 2 and $aunt.lvl >=2 and $cousin.lvl >=2>>
You run in the alleyway, but find no one here.<br>
You look down and see a letter saying "The truth is closer than you think."<br>
What truth?<br>
You open your book and see a new text.<br>
"Power gained, <br>
Father full of secrets,<br>
Use book,<br>
Learn truth."<br>
Father? The last time I've seen him was 2 years before I got in coma.<br>
Whatever. I'm going back home, maybe I will use this alleyway for something.<br>
<<set $scs = 3>>
<<elseif $scs == 4>>
<<set $time = 0>>
You wake up in the alleyway, confused.<br>
"Strange." you think to yourself.<br>
<<set $scs = 5>>
<<if $contacts == true>>
<img src="Media/Markelbria/dealer.jpg" width="85%"><br>
[[Go back|Markelbria]]
<img src="Media/Markelbria/cousinhouse/hallway.jpg" width="100%"><br>
<<if $cousin.aff >= 0 >>
<<set $uncle = 0>>
You go inside to greet your relatives, and it appears that they were already waiting for you.
@@.speech-cousin; Long time no see!@@
Your cousin runs to you for a hug.
@@.speech-u; Wasn't expecting for you guys to know that I will be arriving.@@
@@.speech-aunt; Your mom told us you were coming.@@
@@.speech-u; Ah I see.@@
@@.speech-uncle; How was the road, big man?@@
@@.speech-u; Nothing to complain about, better than in the city that's for sure.@@
He laughs.<br>
Anyway, if I remember correctly my cousin's name is $cousin.name (green), my aunt's name is $aunt.name(blue) and uncle's name is Jack(red).
@@.speech-uncle; Want some beer?@@
@@.speech-u; Sure, why not.@@
@@.speech-aunt; How long are you gonna stay here?@@
@@.speech-u; No clue, time will tell.@@
@@.speech-cousin; Hopefully for a long time.@@
@@.speech-u; Haha, we will see.@@
It truly is feels great to meet my relatives after a long time... I must make it memorable for everyone.
@@.speech-aunt; Since you will be staying here for a while, you can stay in the guest room till then.@@
@@.speech-u; Okay, thanks.@@
<img src="Media/Markelbria/cousinhouse/guestroom.jpg" width="100%"><br>
<<if $cousin.aff >= 0 >>
You go in the guestroom to settle in for a while.<br>
This room truly looks nice. Anyway time to take it slow.<br>
<<set $aunt.aff +=1>>
<<set $cousin.aff +=1>>
<<set $uncle +=1>>
<img src="Media/Markelbria/cousinhouse/guestroom.jpg" width="100%"><br>
Guest Room.<br>
<<if $time>=2.5>>
[[The Book|Book]]<br>
<<if $Laptop == true>>
<<if $owndiary == true>>
I should get a diary.
<<if $prisoner.lvl >=2 and $prisonmaid == false>>
<img src="Media/Markelbria/Police/Prisoner/House.jpg" width="55%"><br>
You see $prisoner.name sitting on the bed.<br>
<<set _chancetobeteased to random(0,100)>>
<<if $prisoner.aff >=250 and $prisoner.cor>=150>>
<<if _chancetobeteased >=30>>
<<set _tease = random(0,5)>>
<<if _tease <=2>>
<<set _imagePath = "Media/Markelbria/Police/Prisoner/Tease/" + _tease + ".webp">>
<<set _imageTag = '<img src="' + _imagePath + '" width="65%">'>>
<<if _tease >2>>
<<set _naked = random(0,2)>>
<<set _imagePath = "Media/Markelbria/Police/Prisoner/Tease/Naked/" + _naked + ".webp">>
<<set _imageTag = '<img src="' + _imagePath + '" width="65%">'>>
<<set _result to $addstat($prisoner,"cor",2)>><<print _result>><br>
<<elseif $prisoner.aff >=80 and $prisoner.cor>=40>>
<<if _chancetobeteased >=50>>
<<set _tease = random(0,2)>>
<<set _imagePath = "Media/Markelbria/Police/Prisoner/Tease/" + _tease + ".webp">>
<<set _imageTag = '<img src="' + _imagePath + '" width="65%">'>>
<<set _result to $addstat($prisoner,"cor",1)>><<print _result>><br>
<<if $prisoner.aff >=500 and $prisoner.cor >=450 and $prisoner.lvl == 2>>
<<link "Go even further with $prisoner.name">><<goto evenfurtherprisoner>><</link>><br><</if>>
Affection: <<print Math.ceil($prisoner.aff)>> Corruption: <<print Math.ceil($prisoner.cor)>> lvl: $prisoner.lvl <br><br>
[[Talk|Prisonertalk]] <<link "Gift">><<set $Gprisoner = true>><<goto Inventory>><</link>><br>
<<if $prisoner.cor >=10>>[[Flirt|Prisonerflirt]]<</if>> <<if $prisoner.lvl >=2>>[[Interact|Prisonerinteract]]<</if>><br><br>
[[Go back|cousinhouse]]
<<set $time +=0.25>>
<img src="Media/Markelbria/cousinhouse/cousinroom.jpg" width="100%"><br>
<<if $cousin.lvl == 1>>
<<if $cousin.aff <=7>>
@@.speech-u; Hey $cousin.name, how are you?@@
@@.speech-cousin; I'm very happy, since you are here.@@
@@.speech-u; Is that so? Maybe I should also bring $sister.name here.@@
@@.speech-cousin; No.@@
@@.speech-u; Why not?@@
@@.speech-cousin; I hate her.@@
@@.speech-u; Alright then.@@
<<set _result to $addstat($cousin,"aff",5)>><<print _result>><br>
<<elseif $cousin.aff >7 and $cousin.aff <=27>>
@@.speech-u; Want to speak with $sister.name?@@
@@.speech-cousin; Never. She can stay back in that damn city.@@
You smile.
@@.speech-u; She isn't as bad as you think she is.@@
@@.speech-cousin; I don't care, what she did in the past was already bad enough.@@
@@.speech-u; What did she do?@@
$cousin.name shuts her mouth.
@@.speech-cousin; Forget I even said anything.@@
@@.speech-u; Okay, then.@@
<<set _result to $addstat($cousin,"aff",10)>><<print _result>><br>
<<elseif $cousin.aff >27>>
Before you can say something to her, she speaks first.
@@.speech-cousin; $uname, I believe you are trying to make me like $sister.name.@@
@@.speech-u; Who knows, but what caused the hatred between you two?@@
@@.speech-cousin; You don't need to know right now, I will tell you when the time is right.@@
@@.speech-u; Okay, ms.secret.@@
@@.speech-cousin; Oh, shut up! I just don't want to worry you.@@
@@.speech-u; Okay, okay.@@
<<set _result to $addstat($cousin,"aff",18)>><<print _result>><br>
<<elseif $cousin.lvl == 2>>
@@.speech-u; Can you tell me what happened between you two?@@
@@.speech-cousin; No.@@
@@.speech-u; Alright, want to watch something?@@
@@.speech-cousin; Sure.@@
<<set _result to $addstat($cousin,"aff",30)>><<print _result>><br>
<<elseif $cousin.lvl >= 3>>
@@.speech-u; I believe you might want to talk to $sister.name.@@
@@.speech-cousin; Fine. Just give me some time to collect myself.@@
@@.speech-u; Okay, just don't take too long.@@
She gives you a mean side eye.<br>
<<set _result to $addstat($cousin,"aff",40)>><<print _result>><br>
[[Go back|cousinroom]]
<<set $time +=0.25>>
<img src="Media/Markelbria/cousinhouse/cousinroom.jpg" width="100%"><br>
<<if $cousin.lvl == 1>>
<<if $cousin.cor <=5>>
@@.speech-u; That outfit looks good on you, making me want to fall for you.@@
$cousin.name giggles.
@@.speech-cousin; If that's the case, then I might keep wearing it.@@
@@.speech-u; Oh really?@@
@@.speech-cousin; Yeah.@@
@@.speech-u; Then please do.@@
<<set _result to $addstat($cousin,"cor",3)>><<print _result>><br>
<<elseif $cousin.cor >5 and $cousin.cor <=20>>
@@.speech-u; I see you are still wearing that outfit.@@
@@.speech-cousin; Well since you like it, I keep wearing it.@@
@@.speech-u; You truly are a cute one.@@
@@.speech-cousin; Oh, you!@@
<<set _result to $addstat($cousin,"cor",8)>><<print _result>><br>
<<elseif $cousin.cor >20>>
@@.speech-u; Hey cutie.@@
@@.speech-cousin; Hey there.@@
@@.speech-u; Not gonna comment on that?@@
@@.speech-cousin; On what?@@
@@.speech-u; Nevermind, I guess you already got accustomed to the nickname.@@
@@.speech-cousin; Yup! Keep calling me that even more.@@
@@.speech-u; Sure will.@@
<<set _result to $addstat($cousin,"cor",15)>><<print _result>><br>
<<elseif $cousin.lvl == 2>>
@@.speech-u; How's it going, cutie?@@
@@.speech-cousin; Amazing, since you are here.@@
@@.speech-u; Want to spend some time together?@@
@@.speech-cousin; Sexually or casually?@@
@@.speech-u; Whatever you want.@@
@@.speech-cousin; I want both then.@@
You grin.<br>
<<set _result to $addstat($cousin,"cor",20)>><<print _result>><br>
<<elseif $cousin.lvl >= 3>>
@@.speech-u; Want to spend some time in the bed?@@
@@.speech-cousin; I hope it will include your cock.@@
@@.speech-u; It will, if you accept the proposal.@@
$cousin.name grins.<br>
<<set _result to $addstat($cousin,"cor",30)>><<print _result>><br>
[[Go back|cousinroom]]
<<if $cousin.aff >=300 and $cousin.cor >=210>>
<<if $cousin.lvl >=3>>
<<if $cousin.lvl >=4 and $sister.lvl >=4>>
<<link "Have a threesome with sister.">><<set $cousinint = true>><<goto sisxcous>><</link>><br><br><</if>>
[[Go back|cousinroom]]
<img src="Media/Markelbria/cousinhouse/cousinroom.jpg" width="100%"><br>
<<if $cousin.lvl >= 1>>
@@.speech-u; Hey $cousin.name, I want to take things further with you.@@
@@.speech-cousin; Me too!@@
@@.speech-u; Wait what.@@
@@.speech-cousin; I've been waiting for you to say that forever now.@@
@@.speech-u; You said that without hesitation too.@@
@@.speech-cousin; Yeah, why should I hesitate?@@
@@.speech-u; Good point.@@
@@.speech-cousin; Since we are going to take things further, what do you want to do right now?@@
@@.speech-u; I want you to pleasure me.@@
@@.speech-cousin; Pleasure you?@@
@@.speech-u; Yeah with your hands.@@
@@.speech-cousin; Oh, I can do that.@@
<<set $time +=0.25>>
<img src="Media/Markelbria/cousinhouse/cousinroom.jpg" width="100%"><br>
<<if $cousin.lvl == 1>>
She pulls down your pants eager to start.
@@.speech-u; Slow down.@@
@@.speech-cousin; No.@@
After pulling down your pants, all she has in front of her now is your cock.
@@.speech-u; Grab it.@@
She grabs it but too tightly.
@@.speech-u; Ease up!@@
@@.speech-cousin; I'm worry, it's just that I've never done this before.@@
@@.speech-u; It's okay, I will just tell you how to do it.@@
@@.speech-cousin; Okay.@@
She looks calm.
@@.speech-u; Grab it firmly, but not too tight. After you do that, stroke it up and down.@@
@@.speech-cousin; Okay.@@
She begins to do so.<br>
<<elseif $cousin.lvl == 2>>
@@.speech-u; Hey cutie, I want you to pleasure me with your hands.@@
@@.speech-cousin; Will do.@@
She runs up to you and pulls down your pants swiftly.
@@.speech-u; That was fast.@@
@@.speech-cousin; I'm always eager to pleasure you.@@
She grabs your cock and starts to stroke it.<br>
<<elseif $cousin.lvl >= 3>>
@@.speech-u; Hey $cousin.name, can you stroke my cock?@@
@@.speech-cousin; Anytime darling.@@
<<set _hj = random(0,4)>>
<<set _imagePath = "Media/Markelbria/Cousin/HJ/" + _hj + ".webp">>
<<set _imageTag = '<img src="' + _imagePath + '" width="65%">'>>
<<if $cousin.lvl == 1>>
@@.speech-cousin; Like so?@@
@@.speech-u; Yeah that's good.@@
@@.speech-cousin; Okay.@@
<<elseif $cousin.lvl == 2>>
@@.speech-u; I don't think I will ever grow tired of your handjobs.@@
She smiles while she is stroking your cock with a great passion.<br>
<<elseif $cousin.lvl >= 3>>
@@.speech-u; Oh god, I've truly missed your handjob.@@
@@.speech-cousin; I'm glad you miss the stuff that I offer to you.@@
<img src="Media/Markelbria/cousinhouse/cousinroom.jpg" width="100%"><br>
<<if $cousin.lvl == 1>>
@@.speech-u; I'm going to cum soon!@@
@@.speech-cousin; What do I do?@@
@@.speech-u; Just keep stroking.@@
@@.speech-cousin; Okay...@@
Her strokes begin to feel tighter each time.<br>
<<elseif $cousin.lvl == 2>>
@@.speech-u; I'm going to cum!@@
@@.speech-cousin; Very well!@@
She begins to stroke your cock faster than before.<br>
<<elseif $cousin.lvl >= 3>>
@@.speech-u; Get ready to receive a facial.@@
She begins to stroke you faster.<br>
<<set _hjc = random(0,4)>>
<<set _imagePath = "Media/Markelbria/Cousin/HJ/Cum/" + _hjc + ".webp">>
<<set _imageTag = '<img src="' + _imagePath + '" width="65%">'>>
<<if $cousin.lvl == 2>>
@@.speech-u; You truly are amazing at handjobs.@@
@@.speech-cousin; For you I will be amazing at anything.@@
You smile.<br>
<<set _result to $addstat($cousin,"aff",45)>><<print _result>><br>
<<set _result to $addstat($cousin,"cor",35)>><<print _result>><br>
[[Go back|Interact cousin]]
<<elseif $cousin.lvl >= 3>>
@@.speech-cousin; Ready for more?@@
@@.speech-u; You really know me well.@@
<<set _result to $addstat($cousin,"aff",60)>><<print _result>><br>
<<set _result to $addstat($cousin,"cor",50)>><<print _result>><br>
[[Go back|Interact cousin]]
<<elseif $cousin.lvl == 1>>
@@.speech-cousin; It's all over me.@@
@@.speech-u; It's okay, you can just wash it off.@@
@@.speech-cousin; Is it edible?@@
@@.speech-u; I don't see why it shouldn't be.@@
She licks off all the cum from her hands and body.
@@.speech-cousin; Can't wait to do this more for you.@@
You both smile<br>
<<set _result to $addstat($cousin,"aff",70)>><<print _result>><br>
<<set _result to $addstat($cousin,"cor",60)>><<print _result>><br>
You can now take thinks further with your cousin.<br>
<<set $cousin.lvl = 2>>
[[Go back|cousinroom]]
<<set $time +=0.25>>
<img src="Media/Markelbria/cousinhouse/cousinroom.jpg" width="100%"><br>
<<if $cousin.lvl == 2>>
@@.speech-u; Can you pleasure me with your mouth?@@
@@.speech-cousin; Sure!@@
<<elseif $cousin.lvl >= 3>>
@@.speech-u; Hey cutie, can you give me a blowjob?@@
@@.speech-cousin; Of course!@@
<<set _bj = random(0,4)>>
<<set _imagePath = "Media/Markelbria/Cousin/BJ/" + _bj + ".webp">>
<<set _imageTag = '<img src="' + _imagePath + '" width="65%">'>>
<<if $cousin.lvl == 2>>
@@.speech-u; Your mouth feels awesome.@@
She starts to suck your cock even harder.<br>
<<elseif $cousin.lvl >= 3>>
You lean back to enjoy the pleasure that she gives you, without saying a single word.<br>
<img src="Media/Markelbria/cousinhouse/cousinroom.jpg" width="100%"><br>
<<if $cousin.lvl == 2>>
@@.speech-u; I'm going to cum.@@
She starts to suck you off even faster.<br>
<<elseif $cousin.lvl >= 3>>
@@.speech-u; Get ready for more protein dose!@@
Soon she starts to eagerly suck you off.<br>
<<set _bjc = random(0,4)>>
<<set _imagePath = "Media/Markelbria/Cousin/BJ/Cum/" + _bjc + ".webp">>
<<set _imageTag = '<img src="' + _imagePath + '" width="65%">'>>
<<if $cousin.lvl == 2>>
She swallows all of your cum<br>
@@.speech-cousin; I'm getting used to this taste.@@
<<elseif $cousin.lvl >= 3>>
She takes in the protein that you gave her with a smile on her face.
@@.speech-u; You really like what I give you, don't you?@@
@@.speech-cousin; How could I not?@@
<<set _result to $addstat($cousin,"aff",65)>><<print _result>><br>
<<set _result to $addstat($cousin,"cor",50)>><<print _result>><br>
[[Go back|Interact cousin]]
<img src="Media/Markelbria/cousinhouse/mbedroom.webp" width="100%"><br>
<<set $time +=0.25>>
<<if $aunt.lvl == 1>>
<<if $aunt.aff <=7>>
@@.speech-u; Hey $aunt.name, thanks for letting me live here for some time.@@
@@.speech-aunt; I'm always glad to help out a family member.@@
@@.speech-u; I could help you out with something if you want.@@
@@.speech-aunt; No it's fine, no need.@@
@@.speech-u; If you do need help after all, then do tell me.@@
@@.speech-aunt; Sure will.@@
<<set _result to $addstat($aunt,"aff",5)>><<print _result>><br>
<<elseif $aunt.aff >7 and $aunt.aff <=27>>
@@.speech-u; Hey $aunt.name, need any help?@@
@@.speech-aunt; No, but thanks for asking.@@
@@.speech-u; You sure?@@
@@.speech-aunt; You sure worry too much.@@
@@.speech-u; I'm just being considerate.@@
@@.speech-aunt; You really do take after your mom.@@
You smile.<br>
<<set _result to $addstat($aunt,"aff",10)>><<print _result>><br>
<<elseif $aunt.aff >27>>
@@.speech-u; I feel like I'm starting to get used to being here.@@
@@.speech-aunt; Is that so?@@
@@.speech-u; Yeah, feels like this is my home now.@@
She smiles.
@@.speech-aunt; I'm glad to know that.@@
<<set _result to $addstat($aunt,"aff",16)>><<print _result>><br>
<<elseif $aunt.lvl == 2>>
@@.speech-u; Hey $aunt.name, by any chance do you know where I can get a fleshlight.@@
@@.speech-aunt; Fleshlight? Why?@@
@@.speech-u; Just in case you are busy.@@
@@.speech-aunt; No no no, just ask me whenever you need to relieve your stress.@@
@@.speech-u; Okay.@@
<<set _result to $addstat($aunt,"aff",25)>><<print _result>><br>
<<elseif $aunt.lvl == 3>>
@@.speech-u; Hey $aunt.name, I could bring mom over here sometime.@@
@@.speech-aunt; That would be amazing! I hope it will be soon.@@
@@.speech-u; Only time will tell.@@
<<set _result to $addstat($aunt,"aff",35)>><<print _result>><br>
[[Go back|mbedroom]]
<img src="Media/Markelbria/cousinhouse/mbedroom.webp" width="100%"><br>
<<set $time +=0.25>>
<<if $aunt.lvl == 1>>
<<if $aunt.cor <=5>>
@@.speech-u; You are truly beautiful, despite your age.@@
@@.speech-aunt; Didn't have to add that age part, but I appreciate your compliment.@@
@@.speech-u; Were you the same back then?@@
@@.speech-aunt; I was prettier, just like my daughter.@@
@@.speech-u; I see.@@
<<set _result to $addstat($aunt,"cor",3)>><<print _result>><br>
<<elseif $aunt.cor >5 and $aunt.cor <=20>>
@@.speech-u; Are you sometimes jealous of your daughter's beauty?@@
@@.speech-aunt; No, not at all.@@
@@.speech-u; That's good, because you age just like a wine.@@
$aunt.name giggles.
@@.speech-aunt; I don't think you will be saying that 20 years from now.@@
@@.speech-u; You never know.@@
<<set _result to $addstat($aunt,"cor",7)>><<print _result>><br>
<<elseif $aunt.cor >20>>
@@.speech-u; Do you think, we can get sexual from now?@@
@@.speech-aunt; Absolutely not.@@
@@.speech-u; Why not? You are beautiful and I have fallen for you.@@
@@.speech-aunt; That's... I don't know anymore, it's just that we can't.@@
@@.speech-u; Fine.@@
<<set _result to $addstat($aunt,"cor",13)>><<print _result>><br>
<<elseif $aunt.lvl == 2>>
@@.speech-u; Hey $aunt.name, how is the beautiful queen doing?@@
@@.speech-aunt; Don't call me that.@@
@@.speech-u; Why not? Are you getting embarrassed?@@
@@.speech-aunt; Oh shush.@@
<<set _result to $addstat($aunt,"cor",20)>><<print _result>><br>
<<elseif $aunt.lvl == 3>>
@@.speech-u; Hey $aunt.name, need help with your lust?@@
@@.speech-aunt; My lust? Are you sure you aren't the only one horny here?@@
@@.speech-u; No, because I'm completely sure, that your body is asking for it.@@
She looks away from embarrassment.<br>
<<set _result to $addstat($aunt,"cor",30)>><<print _result>><br>
[[Go back|mbedroom]]
<<if $aunt.aff >=300 and $aunt.cor >=210>>
<<if $aunt.lvl >=3>>
<<if $mom.lvl == 4 and $aunt.lvl == 4>>
<<link "Foreplay with $mom.name">><<goto MAForeplay>><</link>><br><</if>>
<<if $mom.lvl == 4 and $aunt.lvl == 4 and $mom.aff >=1250 and $aunt.aff >=1250>>
<<link "Sex with $mom.name">><<goto MASex>><</link>><br><</if>>
[[Go back|mbedroom]]
<img src="Media/Markelbria/cousinhouse/mbedroom.webp" width="100%"><br>
<<if $aunt.lvl >=1>>
@@.speech-u; Hey $aunt.name, I want to take things a step further with our relationship.@@
@@.speech-aunt; We can't, otherwise we will be crossing the line.@@
@@.speech-u; I don't care if we cross the line a little bit. Let's just take it a step further.@@
@@.speech-aunt; Are you sure?@@
@@.speech-u; I'm positive.@@
@@.speech-aunt; Oh god, what will your mother think of us?@@
@@.speech-u; She won't know.@@
She thinks for a moment.
@@.speech-aunt; Alright fine.@@
@@.speech-u; Since you agreed to it, can you service me with your hands?@@
@@.speech-aunt; What? Is that what you meant?@@
@@.speech-u; Yes it is.@@
$aunt.name hesitates before getting down on her knees.<br>
<img src="Media/Markelbria/cousinhouse/mbedroom.webp" width="100%"><br>
<<set $time +=0.25>>
<<if $aunt.lvl ==1>>
She pulls down your pants and grabs your cock.
@@.speech-aunt; Not even Jack is this well-endowed.@@
@@.speech-u; That just shows how impressive I'am.@@
@@.speech-aunt; It really does.@@
After saying that, she begins to stroke your cock with the perfect girth and speed.<br>
<<elseif $aunt.lvl == 2>>
@@.speech-u; Hey $aunt.name, can I get a handjob from you again?@@
@@.speech-aunt; You really want to make me feel guilty.@@
@@.speech-u; Not at all.@@
She gets down on her knees and pulls down your pants grabbing your cock right after.<br>
<<elseif $aunt.lvl == 3>>
@@.speech-u; Hey $aunt.name, can you pleasure me with your hands?@@
@@.speech-aunt; Well of course!@@
<<set _hj = random(0,2)>>
<<set _imagePath = "Media/Markelbria/Aunt/HJ/" + _hj + ".webp">>
<<set _imageTag = '<img src="' + _imagePath + '" width="65%">'>>
<<if $aunt.lvl ==1>>
@@.speech-u; Are you trying to milk me? Because it feels just like that.@@
@@.speech-aunt; Oh, I didn't even notice. I can just slow down if you want me to.@@
@@.speech-u; No no, don't do that, it's fine as is.@@
@@.speech-aunt; Okay.@@
<<elseif $aunt.lvl == 2>>
You are unable to even utter words from the pleasure.
@@.speech-aunt; I can see that you feel really good from my handjob.@@
She smiles as she continues to stroke your cock.<br>
<<elseif $aunt.lvl == 3>>
For some reason, her handjob doesn't feel as if she was milking you anymore.
@@.speech-u; Did you decide to go easy on me?@@
@@.speech-aunt; Can't have you cum too fast, now can I?@@
<img src="Media/Markelbria/cousinhouse/mbedroom.webp" width="100%"><br>
<<if $aunt.lvl ==1>>
@@.speech-u; I'm reaching my limit now.@@
@@.speech-aunt; Oh god.@@
She begins to stroke your cock faster than ever.<br>
<<elseif $aunt.lvl == 2>>
Still being unable to utter a word, you feel yourself reaching your limit.
@@.speech-aunt; Cum.@@
<<elseif $aunt.lvl == 3>>
@@.speech-u; Here it comes!@@
Without saying a word $aunt.name jerks you off faster.<br>
<<set _hjc = random(0,2)>>
<<set _imagePath = "Media/Markelbria/Aunt/HJ/Cum/" + _hjc + ".webp">>
<<set _imageTag = '<img src="' + _imagePath + '" width="65%">'>>
<<if $aunt.lvl ==2>>
@@.speech-u; Holy, that was extreme.@@
@@.speech-aunt; Was it so good, that you couldn't even speak?@@
@@.speech-u; Yeah it was.@@
She giggles.<br>
<<set _result to $addstat($aunt,"aff",45)>><<print _result>><br>
<<set _result to $addstat($aunt,"cor",35)>><<print _result>><br>
[[Go back|Interact aunt]]
<<elseif $aunt.lvl == 3>>
@@.speech-u; That was amazing.@@
@@.speech-aunt; Glad you liked it, now I will go and do some chores.@@
@@.speech-u; Okay.@@
<<set _result to $addstat($aunt,"aff",45)>><<print _result>><br>
<<set _result to $addstat($aunt,"cor",35)>><<print _result>><br>
[[Go back|Interact aunt]]
<<elseif $aunt.lvl == 1>>
@@.speech-u; That felt rejuvenating, it feels like I can do anything now.@@
@@.speech-aunt; Oh yeah? How about helping me out with housework now?@@
You laugh.
@@.speech-u; Sure.@@
<<set _result to $addstat($aunt,"aff",70)>><<print _result>><br>
<<set _result to $addstat($aunt,"cor",60)>><<print _result>><br>
You can now take things further with your aunt.<br>
<<set $aunt.lvl = 2>>
[[Go back|mbedroom]]
<img src="Media/Markelbria/cousinhouse/mbedroom.webp" width="100%"><br>
<<set $time +=0.25>>
<<if $aunt.lvl == 2>>
@@.speech-u; Hey $aunt.name, can you give me a blowjob?@@
@@.speech-aunt; A blowjob now?@@
@@.speech-u; Yeah, please?@@
@@.speech-aunt; Alright.@@
She gets down on her knees and pulls down your pants, to put it in her mouth right after doing so.<br>
<<elseif $aunt.lvl == 3>>
@@.speech-u; Hey $aunt.name, can you suck my cock?@@
@@.speech-aunt; I don't see why not.@@
<<set _bj = random(0,3)>>
<<set _imagePath = "Media/Markelbria/Aunt/BJ/" + _bj + ".webp">>
<<set _imageTag = '<img src="' + _imagePath + '" width="65%">'>>
<<if $aunt.lvl == 2>>
@@.speech-u; It feels amazing.@@
You say that as you lay back.<br>
<<elseif $aunt.lvl == 3>>
@@.speech-u; Your mouth still feels amazing, keep going just like that.@@
<img src="Media/Markelbria/cousinhouse/mbedroom.webp" width="100%"><br>
<<if $aunt.lvl == 2>>
@@.speech-u; I'm going to cum.@@
You grab her head and start thrusting your cock in her throat.
<<elseif $aunt.lvl == 3>>
You grab $aunt.name's head and ejaculate in her throat.<br>
<<set _bjc = random(0,2)>>
<<set _imagePath = "Media/Markelbria/Aunt/BJ/Cum/" + _bjc + ".webp">>
<<set _imageTag = '<img src="' + _imagePath + '" width="65%">'>>
<<if $aunt.lvl ==2>>
As you take your cock out, $aunt.name starts to choke on some of your cum.
@@.speech-u; Sorry, I went a bit too overboard.@@
@@.speech-aunt; No, it's fine. I actually liked it.@@
@@.speech-u; Oh.@@
<<elseif $aunt.lvl == 3>>
She pulls herself away from your cock, and takes a big breath.
@@.speech-aunt; Don't do that again.@@
@@.speech-u; Why not? It looked like you enjoyed it.@@
@@.speech-aunt; Shush.@@
<<set _result to $addstat($aunt,"aff",70)>><<print _result>><br>
<<set _result to $addstat($aunt,"cor",60)>><<print _result>><br>
[[Go back|Interact aunt]]
<<set $time +=0.25>>
<img src="Media/Markelbria/cousinhouse/mbedroom.webp" width="100%"><br>
<<if $uncle >=100>>
@@.speech-u; What's the situation?@@
@@.speech-uncle; We captured the person.@@
@@.speech-u; Perfect.@@
@@.speech-uncle; Tell me, if you want to visit the station.@@
@@.speech-u; Sure.@@
<<set $police = true>>
<<set $uncle = 100>>
<<if $station == false>>
Talk to your uncle when you want to go to the station<br>
<<elseif $uncle >=50>>
@@.speech-u; Is the town still in danger?@@
@@.speech-uncle; Not as much as before, we have cracked some information.@@
@@.speech-u; Does that mean sooner or later, I will be able to visit the station?@@
@@.speech-uncle; Most likely.@@
@@.speech-u; Alright.@@
<<set $uncle +=4>>
+4 trust<br>
<<elseif $uncle >=25>>
@@.speech-u; Hey Jack, do you think you can bring me to the police station, sometime in the near future?@@
@@.speech-uncle; Not right now, kid.@@
@@.speech-u; Why not?@@
@@.speech-uncle; Like I said there are some things going on in the town, I can't just bring you to the station.@@
@@.speech-u; Fine.@@
<<set $uncle +=3>>
+3 trust<br>
<<elseif $uncle >=10>>
@@.speech-u; Hey Jack, I never asked what your profession is.@@
@@.speech-uncle; Oh, I'm a cop.@@
@@.speech-u; A cop? In a small town like this?@@
@@.speech-uncle; Yeah, I chose to be one because it's calm in here, or at least was.@@
@@.speech-u; What happened?@@
@@.speech-uncles; No clue, one thing let to another.@@
@@.speech-u; I see.@@
<<set $uncle +=2>>
+2 trust<br>
<<elseif $uncle >=1>>
@@.speech-u; What's up Jack?@@
@@.speech-uncle; Nothing much nephew. Wanna drink some beer?@@
@@.speech-u; A little bit later, man.@@
@@.speech-uncle; Just saying, be safe on the streets. Lately there have been some stuff happening.@@
@@.speech-u; Will do, thanks for the warning.@@
@@.speech-uncle; You already know.@@
+1 Trust.<br>
<<set $uncle +=1>>
[[Go back|mbedroom]]
Whose name do you want to change?<br>
<<set $momchange = false>><<set $sisterchange = false>><<set $judychange = false>><<set $reachange = false>><<set $annachange = false>><<set $patchange = false>><<set $elechange = false>><<set $maidchange = false>><<set $cousinchange = false>><<set $auntchange = false>><<set $officerchange = false>><<set $prisonerchange = false>><<set $clerkchange = false>><<set $kaylachange = false>><<set $emilychange = false>><<set $receptionchange = false>><<set $baristachange = false>><<set $suzychange = false>><<set $traineechange = false>>
<<link "Mom's">><<set $momchange = true>><<goto bookchanger>><</link>><br>
<<link "Sister's">><<set $sisterchange = true>><<goto bookchanger>><</link>><br>
<<link "Judy's">><<set $judychange = true>><<goto bookchanger>><</link>><br>
<<link "Rea's">><<set $reachange = true>><<goto bookchanger>><</link>><br>
<<link "Anna's">><<set $annachange = true>><<goto bookchanger>><</link>><br>
<<link "Patricia's">><<set $patchange = true>><<goto bookchanger>><</link>><br>
<<link "Eleanor's">><<set $elechange = true>><<goto bookchanger>><</link>><br>
<<if $maid.respect >=1>>
<<link "Maid's">><<set $maidchange = true>><<goto bookchanger>><</link>><br>
<<if $cousin.aff >=1>>
<<link "Cousin's">><<set $cousinchange = true>><<goto bookchanger>><</link>><br>
<<link "Aunt's">><<set $auntchange = true>><<goto bookchanger>><</link>><br>
<<link "Officer's">><<set $officerchange = true>><<goto bookchanger>><</link>><br>
<<link "Prisoner's">><<set $prisonerchange = true>><<goto bookchanger>><</link>><br>
<<link "Cashier's">><<set $clerkchange = true>><<goto bookchanger>><</link>><br>
<<link "Kayla's">><<set $kaylachange = true>><<goto bookchanger>><</link>><br>
<<if $emily.aff >=1>>
<<link "Emily's">><<set $emilychange = true>><<goto bookchanger>><</link>><br>
<<link "Receptionist's">><<set $receptionchange = true>><<goto bookchanger>><</link>><br>
<<link "Barista's">><<set $baristachange = true>><<goto bookchanger>><</link>><br>
<<if $suzy.aff >=1>>
<<link "Suzy's">><<set $suzychange = true>><<goto bookchanger>><</link>><br>
<<link "Trainee's">><<set $traineechange = true>><<goto bookchanger>><</link>><br>
<<if $alexia.aff >=1>>
<<link "Alexia's">><<set $alexiachange = true>><<goto bookchanger>><</link>><br>
<<link "Melanie's">><<set $melaniechange = true>><<goto bookchanger>><</link>><br>
<<if $lily.aff >=1>>
<h2>Police HQ</h2>
<<link "Lily's">><<set $lilychange = true>><<goto bookchanger>><</link>><br>
<<link "Clara's">><<set $clarachange = true>><<goto bookchanger>><</link>><br>
[[Go back|Book]]
Change the name to.<br>
<<textbox" $name """>><br>
<<if $momchange == true>>
<<set $mom.name = $name>>
<<elseif $sisterchange == true>>
<<set $sister.name = $name>>
<<elseif $judychange == true>>
<<set $judy.name = $name>>
<<elseif $reachange == true>>
<<set $rea.name = $name>>
<<elseif $annachange == true>>
<<set $hstudent.name = $name>>
<<elseif $patchange == true>>
<<set $mcstudent.name = $name>>
<<elseif $elechange == true>>
<<set $mcteacher.name = $name>>
<<elseif $maidchange == true>>
<<set $maid.name = $name>>
<<elseif $cousinchange == true>>
<<set $cousin.name = $name>>
<<elseif $auntchange == true>>
<<set $aunt.name = $name>>
<<elseif $officerchange == true>>
<<set $officer.name = $name>>
<<elseif $prisonerchange == true>>
<<set $prisoner.name = $name>>
<<elseif $clerkchange == true>>
<<set $clerk.name = $name>>
<<elseif $kaylachange == true>>
<<set $kayla.name = $name>>
<<elseif $emilychange == true>>
<<set $emily.name = $name>>
<<elseif $receptionchange == true>>
<<set $reception.name = $name>>
<<elseif $baristachange == true>>
<<set $barista.name = $name>>
<<elseif $suzychange == true>>
<<set $suzy.name = $name>>
<<elseif $traineechange == true>>
<<set $trainee.name = $name>>
<<elseif $alexiachange == true>>
<<set $alexia.name = $name>>
<<elseif $melaniechange == true>>
<<set $melanie.name = $name>>
<<elseif $lilychange == true>>
<<set $lily.name = $name>>
<<elseif $clarachange == true>>
<<set $clara.name = $name>>
<<set $clara.name = $clara.name>>
<<set $lily.name = $lily.name>>
<<set $melanie.name = $melanie.name>>
<<set $alexia.name = $alexia.name>>
<<set $officer.name = $officer.name>>
<<set $prisoner.name = $prisoner.name>>
<<set $clerk.name = $clerk.name>>
<<set $kayla.name = $kayla.name>>
<<set $emily.name = $emily.name>>
<<set $reception.name = $reception.name>>
<<set $barista.name = $barista.name>>
<<set $suzy.name = $suzy.name>>
<<set $trainee.name = $trainee.name>>
<<set $aunt.name = $aunt.name>>
<<set $cousin.name = $cousin.name>>
<<set $maid.name = $maid.name>>
<<set $mcteacher.name = $mcteacher.name>>
<<set $mcstudent.name = $mcstudent.name>>
<<set $hstudent.name = $hstudent.name>>
<<set $rea.name = $rea.name>>
<<set $judy.name = $judy.name>>
<<set $sister.name = $sister.name>>
<<set $mom.name = $mom.name>>
The name is: $name<br>
<<link "Confirm">><<goto "bookchange">><</link>> [[Cancel|bookchanger]]
<img src="Media/Markelbria/cousinhouse/cousinroom.jpg" width="100%"><br>
<<if $cousin.lvl >= 2>>
@@.speech-u; Hey $cousin.name, want to take it to the sex level?@@
@@.speech-cousin; Sex level? Wait... You want to have sex?@@
@@.speech-u; That's exactly it.@@
$cousin.name grins widely.
@@.speech-cousin; Of course I do!@@
@@.speech-u; I feel like you are ready to do anything at this point.@@
@@.speech-cousin; Maybe I'am.<br>
Anyway, this will be my first time have sex, and with you. I'm happy that you are my first!@@
@@.speech-u; If you are happy and willing, then I see no problem.@@
<img src="Media/Markelbria/cousinhouse/cousinroom.jpg" width="100%"><br>
<<set $time +=0.25>>
<<if $cousin.lvl == 2>>
@@.speech-cousin; Come on, get naked!@@
@@.speech-u; No need to rush me.@@
From the impatience, she starts to undress you herself.<br>
After fully undressing you, she lays on the bed and waits for you to stick it in.
@@.speech-u; You really waste no time.@@
You grin and insert your cock in her vagina.<br>
<<elseif $cousin.lvl >= 3>>
You go in her room and pull her pants down.
@@.speech-u; It's time to start.@@
$cousin.name bites her lips.<br>
You take it as a sign of approval and insert your cock in her vagina.<br>
<<set _sex = random(0,5)>>
<<set _imagePath = "Media/Markelbria/Cousin/Sex/" + _sex + ".webp">>
<<set _imageTag = '<img src="' + _imagePath + '" width="65%">'>>
<<if $cousin.lvl == 2>>
@@.speech-cousin; Finally!@@
You notice that there isn't any blood, but pay it no mind.
@@.speech-u; You are incredibly tight, are you trying to milk me?@@
She giggles.
@@.speech-cousin; Who knows.@@
<<elseif $cousin.lvl >= 3>>
@@.speech-cousin; Are you enjoying it?@@
$cousin.name smiles as she says that.
@@.speech-u; How could I not? You have the tighest pussy in the world.@@
$cousin.name grins.
@@.speech-cousin; It's that tight all. because. of. you.@@
You increase your speed as a response.<br>
<<if $cousin.aff >=1000 and $cousin.cor >=900>>
[[Cum outside|cousinSexO]] [[Cum inside|cousinSexI]]
<img src="Media/Markelbria/cousinhouse/cousinroom.jpg" width="100%"><br>
<<if $cousin.lvl == 2>>
@@.speech-u; I'm going to cum!@@
@@.speech-cousin; Do it faster, but pull out in the end!@@
You nod as you go faster.<br>
<<elseif $cousin.lvl >= 3>>
@@.speech-cousin; Yes! Keep going like that!@@
@@.speech-u; I will cum on you.@@
@@.speech-cousin; Cover me with your hot cum!@@
<<set _sexo = random(0,3)>>
<<set _imagePath = "Media/Markelbria/Cousin/Sex/CumO/" + _sexo + ".webp">>
<<set _imageTag = '<img src="' + _imagePath + '" width="65%">'>>
<<if $cousin.lvl >= 3>>
You fall in the bed next to her.
@@.speech-cousin; Want to go another round?@@
@@.speech-u; In a sec.@@
$cousin.name smiles.<br>
<<set _result to $addstat($cousin,"aff",90)>><<print _result>><br>
<<set _result to $addstat($cousin,"cor",80)>><<print _result>><br>
[[Go back|Interact cousin]]
<<elseif $cousin.lvl == 2>>
@@.speech-u; You really milked me dry.@@
$cousin.name giggles.
@@.speech-cousin; Well, you satisfied me quite a lot.@@
@@.speech-u; Good trade.@@
@@.speech-cousin; Oh shut up!@@
You can now take things further with $cousin.name.<br>
<<set $cousin.lvl = 3>>
<<set _result to $addstat($cousin,"aff",120)>><<print _result>><br>
<<set _result to $addstat($cousin,"cor",100)>><<print _result>><br>
[[Go back|cousinroom]]
<img src="Media/Markelbria/cousinhouse/cousinroom.jpg" width="100%"><br>
<<if $cousin.lvl >= 3>>
@@.speech-cousin; Yes! Just like that!@@
@@.speech-u; I will cum.@@
@@.speech-cousin; I want to feel your cum in me!@@
<<set _sexo = random(0,4)>>
<<set _imagePath = "Media/Markelbria/Cousin/Sex/CumI/" + _sexo + ".webp">>
<<set _imageTag = '<img src="' + _imagePath + '" width="65%">'>>
<<if $cousin.lvl >= 3>>
@@.speech-u; Well, that sure was something.@@
$cousin.name stays silent.
@@.speech-u; Is everything okay?@@
@@.speech-cousin; Didn't know cumming inside me would tire me out so much.@@
@@.speech-u; You are not the only one.@@
$cousin.name smiles.<br>
<<set _result to $addstat($cousin,"aff",100)>><<print _result>><br>
<<set _result to $addstat($cousin,"cor",90)>><<print _result>><br>
[[Go back|Interact cousin]]
<img src="Media/Markelbria/cousinhouse/mbedroom.webp" width="100%"><br>
<<if $aunt.lvl >=2>>
@@.speech-u; Hey $aunt.name, can we take things further than before?@@
@@.speech-aunt; By that you mean having sex?@@
@@.speech-u; Something like that.@@
@@.speech-aunt; I'm not planning on crossing that line.@@
@@.speech-u; It's just once, I promise.@@
@@.speech-aunt; No, later it won't be "just once" and we both know it.@@
@@.speech-u; Are you sure about that?@@
@@.speech-aunt; Yeah.@@
<img src="Media/Markelbria/cousinhouse/mbedroom.webp" width="100%"><br>
<<set $time +=0.25>>
<<if $aunt.lvl ==2>>
She turns around and walks away, but you don't just let it end like that.<br>
You pull down your pants and chase after her, grabbing her by her arms and be forceful with her.
@@.speech-aunt; Hey! What are you doing?@@
@@.speech-u; Just trust the process.@@
You pull down her panty and slide your cock inside of her.<br>
<<elseif $aunt.lvl == 3>>
@@.speech-u; Hey $aunt.name, want to have sex?@@
@@.speech-aunt; Well, of course I do.<br>
Let me get on the bed and we can get started.@@
She undresses and gets on the bed, waiting for you to do the same.<br>
Once you undress, you go to her and insert your cock in her pussy.<br>
<<set _sex = random(0,3)>>
<<set _imagePath = "Media/Markelbria/Aunt/Sex/" + _sex + ".webp">>
<<set _imageTag = '<img src="' + _imagePath + '" width="65%">'>>
<<if $aunt.lvl ==2>>
@@.speech-aunt; This is so wrong, but why does it feel so good?@@
@@.speech-u; Because your body wants it.@@
@@.speech-aunt; We already crossed the line, so whatever. Fuck me!@@
<<elseif $aunt.lvl == 3>>
@@.speech-u; You are so wet, it feels lubed up.@@
@@.speech-aunt; That's what a natural lube truly does.@@
$aunt.name grins.
@@.speech-u; I'm thankful for it.@@
<<if $aunt.aff >=1000 and $aunt.cor >=900>>
[[Cum outside|auntSexO]] [[Cum inside|auntSexI]]
<img src="Media/Markelbria/cousinhouse/mbedroom.webp" width="100%"><br>
<<if $aunt.lvl ==2>>
@@.speech-u; I'm going to cum.@@
@@.speech-aunt; Go ahead, darling! Just do it outside!@@
You push your final thrusts before pulling out.<br>
<<elseif $aunt.lvl == 3>>
@@.speech-u; I will cum!@@
@@.speech-aunt; Fuck me faster before you do!@@
You listen to her, and fuck her as fast as you can until you cum.<br>
<<set _cum = random(0,2)>>
<<set _imagePath = "Media/Markelbria/Aunt/Sex/CumO/" + _cum + ".webp">>
<<set _imageTag = '<img src="' + _imagePath + '" width="65%">'>>
<<if $aunt.lvl ==3>>
@@.speech-u; Oh yeah, it never ceases to amaze how lusty your body is.@@
@@.speech-aunt; Oh come on! It's not just my body.@@
@@.speech-u; You're right.@@
<<set _result to $addstat($aunt,"aff",90)>><<print _result>><br>
<<set _result to $addstat($aunt,"cor",80)>><<print _result>><br>
[[Go back|Interact aunt]]
<<elseif $aunt.lvl == 2>>
@@.speech-u; It wasn't so bad now, was it?@@
@@.speech-aunt; God, you really went a bit too far with this one.@@
@@.speech-u; Just wanted to make your mind know what your body truly wants.@@
@@.speech-aunt; Okay... Now let's take a small break and return to what we were doing before.@@
@@.speech-u; Okay.@@
<<set _result to $addstat($aunt,"aff",120)>><<print _result>><br>
<<set _result to $addstat($aunt,"cor",100)>><<print _result>><br>
You can now take things further with your aunt.<br>
<<set $aunt.lvl = 3>>
[[Go back|mbedroom]]
<img src="Media/Markelbria/cousinhouse/mbedroom.webp" width="100%"><br>
<<if $aunt.lvl == 3>>
@@.speech-u; I will cum inside you!@@
@@.speech-aunt; Yes do it!@@
You start to thrust her as fast as you can until you ejaculate inside her. <br>
<<set _cum = random(0,2)>>
<<set _imagePath = "Media/Markelbria/Aunt/Sex/CumI/" + _cum + ".webp">>
<<set _imageTag = '<img src="' + _imagePath + '" width="65%">'>>
<<if $aunt.lvl ==3>>
@@.speech-u; I'm sweating, from bottom and above.@@
$aunt.name giggles.
@@.speech-aunt; I can relate.@@
<<set _result to $addstat($aunt,"aff",100)>><<print _result>><br>
<<set _result to $addstat($aunt,"cor",90)>><<print _result>><br>
[[Go back|Interact aunt]]
<<set $time +=0.25>>
<img src="Media/Markelbria/cousinhouse/mbedroom.webp" width="100%"><br>
<<if $gbeer == true>>
@@.speech-uncle; Oh shit, thanks kid!@@
<<set $uncle +=2>>
<<set $beer -=1>>
+2 trust<br>
<<if $gboxbeer == true>>
@@.speech-uncle; You are a madlad, you better hope I bring you one too.@@
<<set $uncle +=8>>
<<set $boxbeer -=1>>
+8 trust<br>
<<set $gbeer = false>>
<<set $gboxbeer = false>>
[[Go back|mbedroom]]
<<if $time >=3>>
<img src="Media/Markelbria/Convenience/closed.jpg" width="100%"><br>
Convenience store is closed.<br>
<img src="Media/Markelbria/Convenience/open.jpeg" width="100%"><br>
Convenience store.<br><br>
<<if $clerk.lvl <3>>
<img src="Media/Markelbria/Convenience/cashier.jpg" width="40%"><br>
<<if $clerk.aff == 0 >>
A cute asian cashier is working here right now.<br>
$clerk.name is working here right now.<br><br>
Affection: <<print Math.ceil($clerk.aff)>> Corruption: <<print Math.ceil($clerk.cor)>> lvl: $clerk.lvl<br>
<<if $clerk.aff >=90 and $clerk.cor >=80 and $clerk.lvl == 1>>
<<link "Go further with $clerk.name">><<goto clerkfurther>><</link>><br><</if>>
[[Talk|clerktalk]] <<link Gift>><<set $Gclerk = true>><<goto Inventory>><</link>><br>
<<if $clerk.cor >=5>>[[Flirt|clerkflirt]]<</if>><br><br>
Beer ($150) <<if $cash >= 150>> - <<link "Buy">><<set $cash -=150>><<set $beer +=1>><<goto markelconvenience>><</link>><</if>><br>
Box of beer ($1150) <<if $cash >= 1150>> - <<link "Buy">><<set $cash -=1150>><<set $boxbeer +=1>><<goto markelconvenience>><</link>><</if>><br><br>
<img src="Media/Markelbria/cousinhouse/mbedroom.webp" width="100%"><br>
<<if $police == true>>
@@.speech-u; Hey Jack, I want to go to the station.@@
@@.speech-uncle; Alright, but don't do anything dumb or something of that sort.@@
@@.speech-u; You don't need to worry about me, I know.@@
He shrugs.
@@.speech-uncle; Well, alright then. Let's go.@@
You both step in the car and drive to the police station.<br>
<img src="Media/Markelbria/Police/station.jpg" width="100%"><br>
<<if $police == true>>
@@.speech-uncle; Alright, we are here.@@
You both step out of the car in front of the police station.
@@.speech-u; I wasn't expecting a town police station to be this big.@@
@@.speech-uncle; Small town, big force.@@
@@.speech-u; I guess so.@@
@@.speech-uncle; Alright, let's not just stand outside, let's go.@@
<img src="Media/Markelbria/Police/inside.jpg" width="100%"><br>
<<if $police == true>>
@@.speech-u; It's... empty.@@
@@.speech-uncle; Yeah, everyone is taking a break, after capturing that criminal.@@
@@.speech-u; Can I go and see the criminal?@@
@@.speech-uncle; Nah, not yet.@@
@@.speech-u; Alright.@@
@@.speech-uncle; But you can come here whenever you want, and interact with officers if you want.@@
@@.speech-u; Sure.@@
You can now go to the police station.<br>
<<set $station = true>>
<img src="Media/Markelbria/Police/station.jpg" width="100%"><br>
Outside of the police station.<br><br>
<img src="Media/Markelbria/Police/inside.jpg" width="80%"><br>
Police station.<br>
<<if $officer.lvl >=2>>
[[Have a officer pleasure you|OfficersForeplay]]<br><</if>>
<<if $policecor >=50>>
[[Have sex with an officer|OfficersSex]]<br><</if>><br>
<<if $officerwork == true>>
<<if $time >=0.5>>
<br><img src="Media/Markelbria/Police/Officer/portrait.jpg" width="40%"><br>
<<if $officer.aff == 0 >>
$officer.name is here <br>
Affection: <<print Math.ceil($officer.aff)>> Corruption: <<print Math.ceil($officer.cor)>> lvl: $officer.lvl <br><br>
<<if $policecor == 100 and $prisoner.aff == 0>>
[[Talk with her about the prison|Prisontalk]]<br><</if>>
<<if $officer.aff >=90 and $officer.cor >=70 and $officer.lvl == 1>>
<<link "Go further with $officer.name">><<goto furtherofficer>><</link>><br><</if>>
<<if $officer.aff >=600 and $officer.cor >=550 and $prison == 100 and $officer.lvl == 2>>
<<link "Go even further with $officer.name">><<goto evenfurtherofficer>><</link>><br><</if>>
[[Talk|Officertalk]] <<link "Gift">><<set $Gofficer = true>><<goto Inventory>><</link>><br>
<<if $officer.aff >=10>>[[Flirt|Officerflirt]]<</if>> <<if $officer.lvl >=2>>[[Interact|Officerinteract]]<</if>><br><br>
<<elseif $officerwork == false>>
<<link "Call $officer.name to work">><<set $officerwork = true>><<goto markelinpolice>><</link>><br>
<<if $prisoner.aff>=1>>
<<if $officerwork == true>>
<img src="Media/Markelbria/Police/inside.jpg" width="100%"><br>
<<elseif $officerwork == false>>
<img src="Media/Markelbria/officerhouse/Room.webp" width="100%"><br>
<<set $time +=0.25>>
<<if $officer.lvl == 1>>
<<if $officer.aff ==0>>
@@.speech-u; Hey, it appears you are the only one working here.@@
@@.speech-officer; Yeah I'am, and I believe you are Jack's nephew, right?@@
@@.speech-u; Yeah, how did you know?@@
@@.speech-officer; He often speaks of you.@@
@@.speech-u; Of course he does, what's your name?@@
@@.speech-officer; My name is $officer.name, and you are $uname, if I remember correctly.@@
@@.speech-u; Yeah, I'am. Anyway, it was nice to meet you, let's speak again some other time.@@
@@.speech-officer; Of course, it was nice to meet you too.@@
You got to know the officer, you can interact with her now just like you do with other characters.<br>
+1 affection.<br>
<<set $officer.aff +=1>>
<<if $officer.aff <=5>>
@@.speech-u; Hey $officer.name, I've heard that you guys captured the criminal.@@
@@.speech-officer; Yeah we did, what about it?@@
@@.speech-u; Can I see the criminal?@@
@@.speech-officer; Are you affiliated with them in any way?@@
@@.speech-u; No, but...@@
@@.speech-officer; Then no, you can't see the criminal.@@
<<set _result to $addstat($officer,"aff",4)>><<print _result>><br>
<<elseif $officer.aff <20>>
@@.speech-u; Hey $officer.name, may I ask you a question?@@
@@.speech-officer; If it's about the criminal, then I won't listen to your question.@@
@@.speech-u; No it's not about that.@@
@@.speech-officer; Then what is it?@@
@@.speech-u; What's your rank?@@
@@.speech-officer; Why does that matter?@@
@@.speech-u; Just curious, that's all.@@
@@.speech-officer; Well, sure I guess. I'm a captain, does that answer your question?@@
@@.speech-u; Oh, it very much does.@@
@@.speech-officer; For some reason, I can feel your ill intentions towards me.@@
@@.speech-u; Don't worry about it.@@
<<set _result to $addstat($officer,"aff",9)>><<print _result>><br>
<<elseif $officer.aff >=20>>
@@.speech-u; Hey $officer.name, how many female prisoners are currently in the prison?@@
@@.speech-officer; Why specifically female?@@
@@.speech-u; Just curious about the ratio between men and women.@@
@@.speech-officer; Well, the ratio is 70/30.@@
@@.speech-u; Is 70% female?@@
@@.speech-officer; Find that out yourself.@@
@@.speech-u; Will have to at this point.@@
$officer.name sighs.<br>
<<set _result to $addstat($officer,"aff",17)>><<print _result>><br>
<<elseif $officer.lvl == 2>>
@@.speech-u; Prison is a nice place to visit.@@
@@.speech-officer; Then you should get locked up in one.@@
@@.speech-u; I said visit not stay in.@@
@@.speech-officer; Same thing.@@
@@.speech-u; Not really, I can visit the prisoners in there and have a good time with them.@@
@@.speech-officer; I wonder why.@@
@@.speech-u; Because they like me.@@
@@.speech-officer; Who doesn't?@@
<<set _result to $addstat($officer,"aff",26)>><<print _result>><br>
<<elseif $officer.lvl >= 3>>
<<if $officerwork == true>>
@@.speech-u; Hey $officer.name, how is work?@@
@@.speech-officer; Awfully quiet and calm.@@
@@.speech-u; See? You don't even need to work.@@
@@.speech-officer; It's just pissing me off, that I don't have to do anything.@@
@@.speech-u; Just let others do stuff for you.@@
@@.speech-officer; At this point I have to.@@
<<elseif $officerwork == false>>
@@.speech-u; Are you enjoying the big break?@@
@@.speech-officer; I mean... Nothing changes between work and home when you already did stuff in there.@@
@@.speech-u; Yeah, it's just so that you don't have to do anything, and have all the time to yourself.@@
@@.speech-officer; I hate it.@@
@@.speech-u; What's there to hate?@@
@@.speech-officer; My body is itching for work, but I can't do anything.@@
@@.speech-u; That's what I'm here for.@@
@@.speech-officer; You really are something else.@@
<<set _result to $addstat($officer,"aff",35)>><<print _result>><br>
<<if $officerwork == true>>
[[Go back|markelinpolice]]
<<elseif $officerwork == false>>
[[Go back|officerroom]]<</if>>
<<if $officerwork == true>>
<img src="Media/Markelbria/Police/inside.jpg" width="100%"><br>
<<elseif $officerwork == false>>
<img src="Media/Markelbria/officerhouse/Room.webp" width="100%"><br>
<<set $time +=0.25>>
<<if $officer.lvl == 1>>
<<if $officer.cor <=5>>
@@.speech-u; Hey $officer.name, don't you feel like you are the only one who is beautiful in this department?@@
@@.speech-officer; Flattering me won't gain you anything.@@
@@.speech-u; You never know, there is always something to gain from flattering a beautiful woman.@@
@@.speech-officer; Like?@@
@@.speech-u; Her passion.@@
@@.speech-officer; Go home.@@
@@.speech-u; Not without you.@@
<<set _result to $addstat($officer,"cor",5)>><<print _result>><br>
<<elseif $officer.cor <=25>>
@@.speech-u; Hey $officer.name, want to catch criminals together? I can show you how strong I'am.@@
@@.speech-officer; No, thank you. You are the least person I want to work with.@@
@@.speech-u; Damn, I didn't know you are the ice queen.@@
@@.speech-officer; Listen, if you are here to interrupt me, then leave.@@
@@.speech-u; I will always interrupt someone that I find beautiful.@@
@@.speech-officer; Suit yourself.@@
<<set _result to $addstat($officer,"cor",9)>><<print _result>><br>
<<elseif $officer.cor >25>>
@@.speech-u; Hey $officer.name, you sure you are okay by yourself?@@
@@.speech-officer; Yes I'm fine.@@
@@.speech-u; I can help you relieve your stress, if you want.@@
@@.speech-officer; Oh, please do!@@
@@.speech-u; Really?@@
@@.speech-officer; No, it was a sarcasm.@@
@@.speech-u; That's what makes you so gorgeous.@@
<<set _result to $addstat($officer,"cor",15)>><<print _result>><br>
<<elseif $officer.lvl == 2>>
@@.speech-u; Hey there cutie, how about we spend some time together?@@
@@.speech-officer; The only time we spend time together is when we do sexual things.@@
@@.speech-u; Oh come on... That isn't the only time.@@
@@.speech-officer; Really? Then when was the other time we spent time together?@@
@@.speech-u; Right now.@@
$officer.name sighs.
@@.speech-officer; Fine, you win.@@
@@.speech-u; So, when and where will we meet?@@
@@.speech-officer; never and nowhere.@@
@@.speech-u; Oh come on, don't be so cold.@@
<<set _result to $addstat($officer,"cor",20)>><<print _result>><br>
<<elseif $officer.lvl >= 3>>
<<if $officerwork == true>>
@@.speech-u; You truly are my favourite girl in this establishment.@@
@@.speech-officer; I don't see anyone else being sane with you.@@
@@.speech-u; That's what I like about you.@@
@@.speech-officer; Just shut up already.@@
@@.speech-u; I know you like it, so don't hide away your feelings.@@
@@.speech-officer; I was never hiding them from you in the first place.@@
@@.speech-u; It's a lie and you know it.@@
<<elseif $officerwork == false>>
@@.speech-u; Hey there sweetie, how's home arrest?@@
@@.speech-officer; Could be better.@@
@@.speech-u; Oh come on, a beautiful girl like you, shouldn't be working in police department in the first place.@@
@@.speech-officer; People like you, should stay far away from police department.@@
@@.speech-u; Yet here I'am.@@
@@.speech-officer; Not that I'm against it.@@
<<set _result to $addstat($officer,"cor",30)>><<print _result>><br>
<<if $officerwork == true>>
[[Go back|markelinpolice]]
<<elseif $officerwork == false>>
[[Go back|officerroom]]<</if>>
<<if $officer.aff >=210 and $officer.cor>=170>>
<<if $officer.lvl >=3>>
<<if $officerwork == true>>
[[Go back|markelinpolice]]
<<elseif $officerwork == false>>
<<if $officer.lvl == 4 and $prisoner.lvl == 4>>
<<link "Foreplay with $prisoner.name">><<set $mofficer = true>><<goto OPForeplay>><</link>><br><</if>>
<<if $prisoner.lvl >=4 and $officer.lvl >=4 and $officer.aff >=900 and $prisoner.aff >=900>>
<<link "Sex with $prisoner.name">><<set $mofficer = true>><<goto OPSex>><</link>><br><</if>>
[[Go back|officerroom]]<</if>>
<img src="Media/Markelbria/Police/inside.jpg" width="100%"><br>
<<if $officer.lvl == 1>>
@@.speech-u; Hey $officer.name, I have a suggestion.@@
@@.speech-officer; What is it?@@
@@.speech-u; Pleasure me and I won't annoy you as much.@@
@@.speech-officer; You are just trying to complete your goal.@@
@@.speech-u; What? No!@@
@@.speech-officer; Mhm, sure.@@
@@.speech-u; So? Will you do it?@@
@@.speech-officer; How about this? I pleasure you once, and let you have your way with other officers?@@
@@.speech-u; Deal.@@
@@.speech-officer; Alright, take off your pants.@@
@@.speech-u; Will do.@@
<<set $time +=0.25>>
<<if $officerwork == true>>
<img src="Media/Markelbria/Police/inside.jpg" width="100%"><br>
<<elseif $officerwork == false>>
<img src="Media/Markelbria/officerhouse/Room.webp" width="100%"><br>
<<if $officer.lvl == 1>>
@@.speech-officer; You are pretty big for someone so annoying.@@
@@.speech-u; I'll take that as a compliment.@@
@@.speech-officer; You really shouldn't.@@
She grabs your cock and starts to jerk you off.<br>
<<set _hj = random(0,3)>>
<<set _imagePath = "Media/Markelbria/Police/Officer/Work/HJ/" + _hj + ".webp">>
<<set _imageTag = '<img src="' + _imagePath + '" width="65%">'>>
<<elseif $officer.lvl == 2>>
@@.speech-u; Hey $officer.name, can you jerk me off?@@
@@.speech-officer; I thought I let you have your way with the other police officers.@@
@@.speech-u; They don't have the beauty you do.@@
@@.speech-officer; If that's the case, then pull down your pants.@@
You do as she says and she starts to stroke your cock.<br>
<<set _hj = random(0,3)>>
<<set _imagePath = "Media/Markelbria/Police/Officer/Work/HJ/" + _hj + ".webp">>
<<set _imageTag = '<img src="' + _imagePath + '" width="65%">'>>
<<elseif $officer.lvl >= 3>>
<<if $officerwork == true>>
@@.speech-u; Hey $officer.name, jerk me off.@@
@@.speech-officer; Okay.@@
She unzips your pants and grabs your cock.<br>
<<set _hj = random(0,3)>>
<<set _imagePath = "Media/Markelbria/Police/Officer/Work/HJ/" + _hj + ".webp">>
<<set _imageTag = '<img src="' + _imagePath + '" width="65%">'>>
@@.speech-u; Jerk me off till I cum.@@
@@.speech-officer; Will do.@@
She pulls down your pants and begins to stroke you off.
<<set _hj = random(0,5)>>
<<set _imagePath = "Media/Markelbria/Police/Officer/Home/HJ/" + _hj + ".webp">>
<<set _imageTag = '<img src="' + _imagePath + '" width="65%">'>>
<<if $officer.lvl == 1>>
@@.speech-u; Oh yeah, just like that.@@
@@.speech-officer; Don't distract me.@@
@@.speech-u; Oh, my bad.@@
<<elseif $officer.lvl == 2>>
@@.speech-u; Just tell me that you like to touch my cock.@@
@@.speech-officer; Quite the opposite, I hate doing it.@@
@@.speech-u; Yet you still willingly make me feel good.@@
@@.speech-officer; Just shut up and enjoy it.@@
<<elseif $officer.lvl >= 3>>
<<if $officerwork == true>>
@@.speech-u; Yeah, just like that.@@
@@.speech-officer; Can you be a little bit quieter please.@@
@@.speech-u; Why? No one will bother us or care about us doing this in the first place.@@
@@.speech-officer; Okay...@@
@@.speech-u; Keep going just like that.@@
@@.speech-officer; Is it pleasing enough?@@
@@.speech-u; Yeah, just right.@@
$officer.name Smiles a little bit.<br>
<<if $officerwork == true>>
<img src="Media/Markelbria/Police/inside.jpg" width="100%"><br>
<<elseif $officerwork == false>>
<img src="Media/Markelbria/officerhouse/Room.webp" width="100%"><br>
<<if $officer.lvl == 1>>
@@.speech-u; I'm going to cum.@@
@@.speech-officer; Okay.@@
She starts stroke you faster.<br>
@@.speech-u; I will cum!@@
@@.speech-officer; Be quieter.@@
She begins to stroke you harder. <br>
<<set _hjc = 0>>
<<set _imagePath = "Media/Markelbria/Police/Officer/Work/HJ/Cum/" + _hjc + ".webp">>
<<set _imageTag = '<img src="' + _imagePath + '" width="65%">'>>
<<elseif $officer.lvl == 2>>
@@.speech-u; Prepare yourself.@@
@@.speech-officer; Mhm...@@
<<set _hjc = 0>>
<<set _imagePath = "Media/Markelbria/Police/Officer/Work/HJ/Cum/" + _hjc + ".webp">>
<<set _imageTag = '<img src="' + _imagePath + '" width="65%">'>>
<<elseif $officer.lvl >=3>>
<<if $officerwork == true>>
@@.speech-u; I'm going to cum.@@
$officer.name prepares herself.@@
<<set _hjc = 0>>
<<set _imagePath = "Media/Markelbria/Police/Officer/Work/HJ/Cum/" + _hjc + ".webp">>
<<set _imageTag = '<img src="' + _imagePath + '" width="65%">'>>
@@.speech-u; I will cum!@@
$officer.name strokes you even faster.<br>
<<set _hjc = random(0,4)>>
<<set _imagePath = "Media/Markelbria/Police/Officer/Home/HJ/Cum/" + _hjc + ".webp">>
<<set _imageTag = '<img src="' + _imagePath + '" width="65%">'>>
<<if $officer.lvl >= 3>>
@@.speech-u; You were amazing today.@@
$officer.name smiles. <br>
<<set _result to $addstat($officer,"aff",55)>><<print _result>><br>
<<set _result to $addstat($officer,"cor",40)>><<print _result>><br>
[[Go back|Officerinteract]]
<<elseif $officer.lvl == 2>>
@@.speech-u; Are you going to leave it on this time?@@
@@.speech-officer; No.@@
She goes to the bathroom.
@@.speech-u; Oh well.@@
<<set _result to $addstat($officer,"aff",40)>><<print _result>><br>
<<set _result to $addstat($officer,"cor",30)>><<print _result>><br>
<<set $policecor +=3>>
+3 police corruption <br>
[[Go back|Officerinteract]]
<<elseif $officer.lvl == 1>>
After you both are done she gets a tissue and cleans cum with it.
@@.speech-u; Could have kept it at least.@@
@@.speech-officer; I don't need your jizz on my face.@@
@@.speech-u; So about that deal.@@
@@.speech-officer; Yeah, yeah. Go have your way with them.@@
@@.speech-u; Thank you very much.@@
You can now corrupt other police officers.<br>
You can interact with $officer.name further than before.<br>
<<set $officer.lvl = 2>>
<<set _result to $addstat($officer,"aff",60)>><<print _result>><br>
<<set _result to $addstat($officer,"cor",40)>><<print _result>><br>
[[Go back|markelinpolice]]
<<set $time +=0.25>>
<<if $officerwork == true>>
<img src="Media/Markelbria/Police/inside.jpg" width="100%"><br>
<<elseif $officerwork == false>>
<img src="Media/Markelbria/officerhouse/Room.webp" width="100%"><br>
<<if $officer.lvl == 2>>
@@.speech-u; Hey $officer.name, I came here to ask you for another thing today.@@
@@.speech-officer; What is it this time?@@
@@.speech-u; Can you give me a blowjob?@@
@@.speech-officer; Now you are asking me to suck your dick?@@
@@.speech-u; Yeah, so what?@@
$officer.name sighs.
@@.speech-officer; Just pull down your pants.@@
As you pull down your pants, she eagerly pulls them down for you, and starts to suck your cock.<br>
<<set _bj = random(0,3)>>
<<set _imagePath = "Media/Markelbria/Police/Officer/Work/BJ/" + _bj + ".webp">>
<<set _imageTag = '<img src="' + _imagePath + '" width="65%">'>>
<<elseif $officer.lvl >= 3>>
<<if $officerwork == true>>
@@.speech-u; Hey $officer.name, give me a blowjob.@@
@@.speech-officer; Okay...@@
$officer.name pulls down your pants leading to a blowjob.<br>
<<set _bj = random(0,3)>>
<<set _imagePath = "Media/Markelbria/Police/Officer/Work/BJ/" + _bj + ".webp">>
<<set _imageTag = '<img src="' + _imagePath + '" width="65%">'>>
@@.speech-u; This time, I want you to give me a blowjob.@@
@@.speech-officer; Will do.@@
$officer.name kneels down and puts your cock in her mouth.<br>
<<set _bj = random(0,5)>>
<<set _imagePath = "Media/Markelbria/Police/Officer/Home/BJ/" + _bj + ".webp">>
<<set _imageTag = '<img src="' + _imagePath + '" width="65%">'>>
<<if $officer.lvl == 2>>
$officer.name starts sucking your cock at a high speed and with a great suction.
@@.speech-u; Woah! Woah! Wait, I will cum extremely quickly if you do that!@@
$officer.name does not listen and keeps on doing it.<br>
<<elseif $officer.lvl >= 3>>
<<if $officerwork == true>>
@@.speech-u; Keep doing just that, if you want to do your work faster.@@
$officer.name does as she is told, but increases her speed in advance.<br>
<<elseif $officerwork == false>>
@@.speech-u; Just like that, you know just what I like.@@
$officer.name starts to eagerly suck your cock.<br>
<<if $officerwork == true>>
<img src="Media/Markelbria/Police/inside.jpg" width="100%"><br>
<<elseif $officerwork == false>>
<img src="Media/Markelbria/officerhouse/Room.webp" width="100%"><br>
<<if $officer.lvl == 2>>
You can't even say a word before you already came from the blowjob.<br>
<<set _bjc = 0>>
<<set _imagePath = "Media/Markelbria/Police/Officer/Work/BJ/Cum/" + _bjc + ".webp">>
<<set _imageTag = '<img src="' + _imagePath + '" width="65%">'>>
<<elseif $officer.lvl >= 3>>
<<if $officerwork == true>>
@@.speech-u; I'm about to cum!@@
She prepares herself while sucking you off.<br>
<<set _bjc = 0>>
<<set _imagePath = "Media/Markelbria/Police/Officer/Work/BJ/Cum/" + _bjc + ".webp">>
<<set _imageTag = '<img src="' + _imagePath + '" width="65%">'>>
You hold her head and ejaculate in her mouth.<br>
<<set _bjc = random(0,1)>>
<<set _imagePath = "Media/Markelbria/Police/Officer/Home/BJ/Cum/" + _bjc + ".webp">>
<<set _imageTag = '<img src="' + _imagePath + '" width="65%">'>>
<<if $officer.lvl == 2>>
She pulls herself away from your cock and rushes to the toilet.<br>
@@.speech-u; I'm not sure if she liked it or wanted to finish it quicker.@@
<<set _result to $addstat($officer,"aff",60)>><<print _result>><br>
<<set _result to $addstat($officer,"cor",50)>><<print _result>><br>
<<set $policecor +=6>>
+6 police corruption <br>
<<elseif $officer.lvl >= 3>>
@@.speech-u; Your blowjob skills truly was magnificent.@@
<<set _result to $addstat($officer,"aff",75)>><<print _result>><br>
<<set _result to $addstat($officer,"cor",65)>><<print _result>><br>
[[Go back|Officerinteract]]
<img src="Media/Markelbria/Police/inside.jpg" width="100%"><br>
You go around and have corrupted police officers pleasure you.<br>
<<set _fore = random(0,7)>>
<<set _imagePath = "Media/Markelbria/Police/Officers/Foreplay/" + _fore + ".webp">>
<<set _imageTag = '<img src="' + _imagePath + '" width="65%">'>>
<<set $policecor +=2>>
+2 police corruption <br>
[[Go back|markelinpolice]]
<img src="Media/Markelbria/Police/inside.jpg" width="100%"><br>
You go around and have sex with corrupted police officers.<br>
<<set _sex = random(0,5)>>
<<set _imagePath = "Media/Markelbria/Police/Officers/Sex/" + _sex + ".webp">>
<<set _imageTag = '<img src="' + _imagePath + '" width="65%">'>>
<<set $policecor +=10>>
+10 police corruption <br>
[[Go back|markelinpolice]]
<img src="Media/Markelbria/Police/inside.jpg" width="100%"><br>
<<if $policecor == 100>>
@@.speech-u; Hey $officer.name, I want to talk to you about the prison.@@
@@.speech-officer; What do you want to know about it?@@
@@.speech-u; Can I get an access to it?@@
@@.speech-officer; Why?@@
@@.speech-u; I want to meet the criminal that you captured.@@
$officer.name sighs.
@@.speech-officer; I will never understand you. Why do you care about that criminal so much, in the first place?@@
@@.speech-u; It's hard to explain.@@
@@.speech-officer; Of course it is.@@
@@.speech-u; So?@@
$officer.name thinks for a moment.
@@.speech-officer; Fine. At least you will hopefully leave me alone even more, if I let you have your way in the prison.@@
@@.speech-u; Who knows.@@
@@.speech-officer; Yeah, yeah. Follow me.@@
@@.speech-u; Alright.@@
<img src="Media/Markelbria/Police/cells.jpg" width="100%"><br>
<<if $policecor == 100>>
Finally you got to see prison, but you realised something interesting. <br>It's a women prison.
@@.speech-u; Who would have thought that I would be getting an access to the women prison.@@
@@.speech-officer; That is what you get for being what you are.@@
@@.speech-u; What's that supposed to mean?@@
@@.speech-officer; Absolutely nothing.<br>
Anyway we are here.@@
<img src="Media/Markelbria/Police/Prisoner/Prisoner.png" width="100%"><br>
You look at the cell, and see a surprisingly young girl just sitting on the bed, looking at you with a smile on her face.
@@.speech-prisoner; Didn't know you guys let men in here.@@
@@.speech-officer; Who we bring here is none of your business, #109943.@@
@@.speech-prisoner; Uhuh, sure.@@
@@.speech-u; Can you leave us alone for a second?@@
$officer.name glances at you and her.
@@.speech-officer; Sure.@@
@@.speech-prisoner; So?@@
@@.speech-u; What crime did you even commit to be known as the most dangerous criminal in here?@@
@@.speech-prisoner; Not much, just killed, robbed, carjacked, and other stuff.@@
@@.speech-u; Wanna get out?@@
@@.speech-prisoner; What do you mean by that?@@
@@.speech-u; What I mean is, I can easily get you out of here.@@
@@.speech-prisoner; Uhuh, what's the catch?@@
@@.speech-u; Become my servant.@@
@@.speech-prisoner; Hah! As if.@@
@@.speech-u; I'am being serious here.@@
@@.speech-prisoner; Yeah, so am I.@@
@@.speech-u; Anyway, if you change your mind, maybe then I will get you out of here.@@
@@.speech-prisoner; Yeah sure, keep dreaming.@@
You can now enter prison.<br>
<<set $prisoner.aff +=1>>
<img src="Media/Markelbria/Police/cells.jpg" width="100%"><br>
<<if $prison >=100>>
<<set $prison = 100>>
<<if $prisoner.lvl <2>>
<<if $prisoner.aff <2>>
<img src="Media/Markelbria/Police/Prisoner/Prisoner.png" width="60%"><br>
Prisoner is just watching you.<br>
<img src="Media/Markelbria/Police/Prisoner/Prisoner.png" width="60%"><br>
$prisoner.name is watching you <br>
<<if $prisoner.aff >=80 and $prisoner.cor >=80>> <<link "go further with $prisoner.name">><<goto Prisonerfurther>><</link>><br><</if>>
Affection: <<print Math.ceil($prisoner.aff)>> Corruption: <<print Math.ceil($prisoner.cor)>> lvl: $prisoner.lvl <br><br>
<<if $prisoner.cor >=10>>[[Flirt|Prisonerflirt]]<br><br><</if>>
<<if $prisoner.lvl >=2>>
Prison corruption: <<print $prison>><br><br>
[[Have an inmate service you.|foreprison]]<br>
<<if $prison >=40>>
[[Have sex with an inmate|sexprison]]
<<if $prisoner.lvl == 1>>
<img src="Media/Markelbria/Police/cells.jpg" width="100%"><br>
<<if $prisoner.aff == 1>>
@@.speech-u; Hey, I never got your name.@@
@@.speech-prisoner; Does my name matter?@@
@@.speech-u; Of course it does, how else am I gonna call you?@@
@@.speech-prisoner; Name's $prisoner.name.@@
@@.speech-u; I'm $uname, now that we know each other's names, I hope we will be able to communicate more freely.@@
@@.speech-prisoner; Sure.@@
<<set _result to $addstat($prisoner,"aff",4)>><<print _result>><br>
<<elseif $prisoner.aff <10>>
@@.speech-u; Hey $prisoner.name, how about we chat for a little?@@
@@.speech-prisoner; I don't see a reason to chat with you.@@
@@.speech-u; Aren't you bored all by yourself?@@
@@.speech-prisoner; Why does that concern you?@@
@@.speech-u; Because I want to establish a good relationship with you.@@
@@.speech-prisoner; Well, I don't. So leave me be.@@
@@.speech-u; Fine.@@
<<set _result to $addstat($prisoner,"aff",9)>><<print _result>><br>
<<elseif $prisoner.aff <30>>
@@.speech-prisoner; I can see that you want to talk with me.@@
@@.speech-u; Of course.@@
@@.speech-prisoner; It truly is interesting how human minds work.@@
@@.speech-u; Why are you becoming philosophical now?@@
@@.speech-prisoner; Who said I was? I was just admiring my reaction, whenever I see you.@@
@@.speech-u; You get exited?@@
@@.speech-prisoner; One way or another.@@
@@.speech-u; You sure, you don't want to get out of prison?@@
@@.speech-prisoner; Not on your conditions at least.@@
@@.speech-u; Well, sooner or later you will agree to them.@@
$prisoner.name smirks.
@@.speech-prisoner; As if.@@
<<set _result to $addstat($prisoner,"aff",15)>><<print _result>><br>
<<set _result to $addstat($prisoner,"cor",3)>><<print _result>><br>
<<elseif $prisoner.aff >=30>>
@@.speech-u; Howdy!@@
@@.speech-prisoner; You always come up with an interesting way to start a conversation.@@
@@.speech-u; Why, thank you. Will you agree on my conditions?@@
@@.speech-prisoner; No way in hell.@@
@@.speech-u; Is that so?@@
You look around.
@@.speech-u; It doesn't look like anyone in here likes you.@@
@@.speech-prisoner; Of course they don't, why would anyone?@@
@@.speech-u; Then that would make me your first.@@
$prisoner.name sits in silence.
@@.speech-u; You won't say anything to that?@@
@@.speech-prisoner; Shut up.@@
<<set _result to $addstat($prisoner,"aff",25)>><<print _result>><br>
<<set _result to $addstat($prisoner,"cor",5)>><<print _result>><br>
<<elseif $prisoner.lvl == 2>>
<<if $prisonmaid == true>>
<img src="Media/Mansion/mbedroom.jpg" width="100%"><br>
@@.speech-u; Enjoying my mansion?@@
@@.speech-prisoner; How could I not?@@
@@.speech-u; You are free to do anything, as long as you follow the duties of a servant.@@
@@.speech-prisoner; Yes, $nickname.@@
@@.speech-u; Good, just wanted to make sure you know that.@@
@@.speech-prisoner; You don't have to worry about it, $nickname.@@
You smile.
<img src="Media/Markelbria/cousinhouse/guestroom.jpg" width="100%"><br>
@@.speech-u; Hey slave.@@
@@.speech-prisoner; I thought, I'm your servant.@@
@@.speech-u; Yeah, but from how it looks, you act and look like a slave right now.@@
@@.speech-prisoner; I suppose you are right.@@
@@.speech-u; Is it not boring, just sitting in the room all the time?@@
@@.speech-prisoner; A little bit, but at least you are here, talking to me, sir.@@
<<set _result to $addstat($prisoner,"aff",35)>><<print _result>><br>
<<set _result to $addstat($prisoner,"cor",10)>><<print _result>><br>
<<elseif $prisoner.lvl >= 3>>
<<if $prisonmaid == true>>
<img src="Media/Mansion/mbedroom.jpg" width="100%"><br>
@@.speech-u; You are already accustomed to this place, I believe you also know your duties very well.@@
@@.speech-prisoner; Yes I do, $nickname.@@
@@.speech-u; Is $maid.name treating you well?@@
@@.speech-prisoner; She is an amazing person, $nickname.@@
@@.speech-u; I'm glad that she is not mistreating you.@@
@@.speech-prisoner; So am I, $nickname.@@
@@.speech-u; Remember, you can do anything you want, if you do the duties.@@
@@.speech-prisoner; Of course, $nickname.@@
<img src="Media/Markelbria/cousinhouse/guestroom.jpg" width="100%"><br>
@@.speech-u; How are you?@@
@@.speech-prisoner; I'm great, sir.@@
@@.speech-u; How is your body? I believe you aren't doing anything else, other than servicing me and sitting in the room.@@
@@.speech-prisoner; Because I have to service you, my body is fine to an extent, sir.@@
@@.speech-u; Good to know, remember to at least walk around in the room.@@
@@.speech-prisoner; Yes, sir.@@
<<set _result to $addstat($prisoner,"aff",50)>><<print _result>><br>
<<set _result to $addstat($prisoner,"cor",15)>><<print _result>><br>
<<if $prisoner.lvl == 1>>
<img src="Media/Markelbria/Police/cells.jpg" width="100%"><br>
<<if $prisoner.cor <30>>
@@.speech-u; Just saying, if you become my servant you will not get so bored.@@
@@.speech-prisoner; It's not about being bored anymore.@@
@@.speech-u; No, but you will have a lot of benefits, if you do become one.@@
@@.speech-prisoner; Like?@@
@@.speech-u; A good time, being able to leave prison and a place to stay.@@
@@.speech-prisoner; Sounds good, but I don't know.@@
@@.speech-u; I will give you some time to think about it, not like you already have a lot it.@@
<<set _result to $addstat($prisoner,"aff",3)>><<print _result>><br>
<<set _result to $addstat($prisoner,"cor",6)>><<print _result>><br>
<<elseif $prisoner.cor >=30>>
@@.speech-u; So cute one, what's your answer?@@
@@.speech-prisoner; My answer still stays the same (handsome one).@@
@@.speech-u; Well, I thought I could save your beauty by getting you out of here, but it appears you wish to rot in here. What a shame.@@
@@.speech-prisoner; Can you stop with that?@@
@@.speech-u; With what, my cute one?@@
@@.speech-prisoner; Forget it.@@
<<set _result to $addstat($prisoner,"aff",5)>><<print _result>><br>
<<set _result to $addstat($prisoner,"cor",12)>><<print _result>><br>
<<elseif $prisoner.lvl == 2>>
<<if $prisonmaid == true>>
<img src="Media/Mansion/mbedroom.jpg" width="100%"><br>
@@.speech-u; Hey, servant.@@
@@.speech-prisoner; Yes?@@
@@.speech-u; Have you gotten your body ready for me?@@
$prisoner.name pauses for a second.
@@.speech-prisoner; Yes, I have, $nickname.@@
@@.speech-u; I will call for your services tonight then.@@
@@.speech-prisoner; Is that it?@@
@@.speech-u; Yeah, unless you wanted your mouth to get violated on the spot?@@
@@.speech-prisoner; That... wouldn't be so bad...@@
<img src="Media/Markelbria/cousinhouse/guestroom.jpg" width="100%"><br>
@@.speech-u; Hey, slave.@@
@@.speech-prisoner; Hello...@@
@@.speech-u; I hope you know, you have to service me for your life.@@
@@.speech-prisoner; I'm happy to do that, sir.@@
@@.speech-u; Is that so?@@
@@.speech-prisoner; Yes...@@
@@.speech-u; Then I want you to get your body ready for me all the time.@@
@@.speech-prisoner; Will do, sir.@@
<<set _result to $addstat($prisoner,"aff",8)>><<print _result>><br>
<<set _result to $addstat($prisoner,"cor",16)>><<print _result>><br>
<<elseif $prisoner.lvl >= 3>>
<<if $prisonmaid == true>>
<img src="Media/Mansion/mbedroom.jpg" width="100%"><br>
@@.speech-u; Hey, want to have a good time?@@
@@.speech-prisoner; Of course, $nickname.@@
@@.speech-u; Not yet.@@
@@.speech-prisoner; Very well, $nickname, when will my body get violated by you today?@@
You smile.
@@.speech-u; When you least expect it.@@
$prisoner.name smiles and bows.<br>
<img src="Media/Markelbria/cousinhouse/guestroom.jpg" width="100%"><br>
@@.speech-u; Hey, slave, are you ready to use your whole body for the whole night?@@
@@.speech-prisoner; I believe, I can have my body to satisfy you the whole, sir...@@
@@.speech-u; I will take that as a challenge.@@
@@.speech-prisoner; I'm already soaked, sir, can we do it now?@@
@@.speech-u; No, wait till the night.@@
@@.speech-prisoner; Yes, sir...@@
<<set _result to $addstat($prisoner,"aff",10)>><<print _result>><br>
<<set _result to $addstat($prisoner,"cor",25)>><<print _result>><br>
<img src="Media/Markelbria/Police/cells.jpg" width="100%"><br>
<<if $prisoner.lvl == 1>>
@@.speech-u; Hey $prisoner.name, are you ready to get out of here for a price?@@
@@.speech-prisoner; At this point sure.@@
@@.speech-u; Really?@@
$prisoner.name nods.
@@.speech-u; Alright, let me just unlock this cell door for you.@@
@@.speech-prisoner; Are you seriously going to trust me, to just not run away from you?@@
@@.speech-u; I don't see why I shouldn't.@@
@@.speech-prisoner; Why?@@
@@.speech-u; You have nowhere to go, no relatives and no one to trust.@@
@@.speech-prisoner; I guess, that makes sense...@@
@@.speech-u; Now come on let's go.@@
You open the door and she sees that no one pays attention to what you are doing.<br><br>
<img src="Media/Markelbria/Police/inside.jpg" width="70%"><br>
<<if $prisoner.lvl == 1>>
@@.speech-prisoner; Do they not care?@@
@@.speech-u; Because of me they don't.@@
@@.speech-prisoner; What did you do to make that happen?@@
@@.speech-u; It's a secret, that you might learn later, if you stay as my servant that is.@@
@@.speech-prisoner; Okay.@@
You continue to walk to the exit until $officer.name stops you.
@@.speech-officer; I never said you could just take a prisoner out of a prison.@@
@@.speech-u; You never said what I can and can't do, now did you?@@
@@.speech-officer; That's... true. Still you can't just let her walk away with what she did.@@
@@.speech-u; Why is that?@@
@@.speech-officer; Because I take accountability for not only the officers, but prisoners too.@@
@@.speech-u; Well, ignore this one then.@@
@@.speech-officer; No, I can't let that happen.@@
@@.speech-prisoner; Oh come on, I bet you knew this was gonna happen. You even gave him the keys.@@
@@.speech-officer; What keys? I never gave them to him.@@
@@.speech-u; You didn't, but others did.@@
@@.speech-officer; What.@@
@@.speech-u; You see, if you did anything to me. How do you think others would feel?@@
@@.speech-officer; What they feel is none of my concern.@@
@@.speech-u; It will be, once you have to explain to the higher ups, why a large margin of officers left the job.@@
@@.speech-officer; Fine. Just go.@@
@@.speech-u; Thank you for understanding.@@
Both you and $prisoner.name walk outside the station.<br><br>
<img src="Media/Markelbria/Police/station.jpg" width="70%"><br>
<<if $prisoner.lvl == 1>>
@@.speech-prisoner; Well, that was something.@@
@@.speech-u; All she needs to do is, let me do what I want to do and she won't lose her job.@@
@@.speech-prisoner; So, you corrupted the whole station?@@
@@.speech-u; You could say that.@@
@@.speech-prisoner; I'm starting to like you more and more.@@
@@.speech-u; What did you think of me before?@@
@@.speech-prisoner; That you are some kind of a boring investigator or a police officer.@@
@@.speech-u; I'm none of them.@@
@@.speech-prisoner; Yeah, I found that out just now. Where are we going?@@
<<if $ownmansion == true>>
@@.speech-u; We are going to my mansion.@@
@@.speech-prisoner; You own a mansion?@@
@@.speech-u; Yeah, and I have a spare room for you in there.@@
@@.speech-prisoner; Then let's go!@@
@@.speech-u; We are going to my cousin's house.@@
@@.speech-prisoner; Will she let me stay?@@
@@.speech-u; I don't see why not.@@
@@.speech-prisoner; Okay.@@
You arrive at the mansion<br><br>
<img src="Media/Mansion/Outside.jpg" width="70%"><br>
<<if $prisoner.lvl >= 1>>
@@.speech-u; We are here.@@
@@.speech-prisoner; You really weren't lying.@@
@@.speech-u; Why would I lie about something like this?@@
@@.speech-prisoner; Well, I never know what's in your mind.@@
@@.speech-u; Anyway, let's go inside.@@
@@.speech-prisoner; Okay!@@
<img src="Media/Mansion/Inside.jpg" width="70%"><br>
<<if $prisoner.lvl >= 1>>
You are greeted by your maid.
@@.speech-maid; Welcome back, $nickname.@@
@@.speech-prisoner; $nickname? Is that what I will have to call you from now on?@@
@@.speech-u; Yup.@@
@@.speech-maid; May I ask who that is?@@
@@.speech-u; Her name is $prisoner.name, and she will be living and working here as a servant.@@
@@.speech-maid; Very well, please follow me $prisoner.name.@@
@@.speech-prisoner; Uhm, okay.@@
<<if $prisoner.lvl == 1>>
<<set $prisoner.lvl = 2>>
You can now go further with $prisoner.name<br>
<<set $prisonmaid = true>>
$prisoner.name now lives in your mansion as a maid, but instead of cleaning your mansion, she will sexually please you in your room.<br>
You arrive at your cousin's house<br><br>
<img src="Media/Markelbria/house.jpg" width="70%"><br>
<<if $prisoner.lvl == 1>>
@@.speech-u; We are here.@@
@@.speech-prisoner; Are you sure, that she will let me live here?@@
@@.speech-u; Don't worry about it.@@
@@.speech-prisoner; It's just that we got this far, and I don't know if I'm even allowed in here.@@
@@.speech-u; Like I said, it will be fine.@@
@@.speech-prisoner; Alright.@@
@@.speech-u; Now let's go in.@@
You go inside and are greeted by your cousin <br><br>
<img src="Media/Markelbria/cousinhouse/hallway.jpg" width="70%"><br>
<<if $prisoner.lvl == 1>>
@@.speech-cousin; Who's she?@@
@@.speech-u; A girl who I saved.@@
@@.speech-cousin; Hmm?@@
$cousin.name gets closer to $prisoner.name.
@@.speech-prisoner; Is something wrong?@@
@@.speech-cousin; Aren't you the criminal?@@
You both get shook.
@@.speech-u; How did you know?@@
@@.speech-cousin; I found a picture of her on my dad's desk.@@
@@.speech-u; I believe that doesn't concern you, does it?@@
@@.speech-cousin; It does a little bit, but if she won't harm anyone, then it's fine.@@
@@.speech-prisoner; I won't cause harm to anyone, if I can live here, then it would be great.@@
@@.speech-cousin; I never said you can't, as long as you stay in my cousin's room you should be fine.@@
@@.speech-prisoner; Thank you.@@
@@.speech-cousin; And as for you $uname, don't forget about me when you are with her.@@
@@.speech-u; Mhm.@@
$cousin.name claps her hands.
@@.speech-cousin; Alright, go to the bedroom both of you.@@
You both do as she says.<br>
You both enter the guest room. <br><br>
<img src="Media/Markelbria/cousinhouse/guestroom.jpg" width="70%"><br>
<<if $prisoner.lvl == 1>>
@@.speech-prisoner; Your cousin is scary.@@
@@.speech-u; She is worried about me that's why.@@
@@.speech-prisoner; What did she mean by "don't forget about me".@@
@@.speech-u; Don't even bother figuring that out.@@
@@.speech-prisoner; Are you both...@@
@@.speech-u; What if we are?@@
@@.speech-prisoner; No, nothing.@@
@@.speech-u; Remember that you are my servant from this day onward.@@
@@.speech-prisoner; I know, and I'm fully committed to it.@@
@@.speech-u; Good.@@
<<set $prisoner.lvl = 2>>
<<set $prisonmaid = false>>
$prisoner.name has become your servant now.<br>
<<if $prisoner.aff >=350 and $prisoner.cor >=300>>
<<if $prisoner.lvl >=3>>
<<if $prisoner.lvl >=4 and $officer.lvl >=4>>
<<link "Foreplay with $officer.name">><<goto OPForeplay>><</link>><br><</if>>
<<if $prisoner.lvl >=4 and $officer.lvl >=4 and $officer.aff >=900 and $prisoner.aff >=900>>
<<link "Sex with $officer.name">><<goto OPSex>><</link>><br><</if>>
<<if $prisonmaid == true>>
[[Go back|Mbmansion]]
[[Go back|markelguest]]
<<if $prisonmaid == true>>
<img src="Media/Mansion/mbedroom.jpg" width="100%"><br>
<<elseif $prisonmaid == false>>
<img src="Media/Markelbria/cousinhouse/guestroom.jpg" width="100%"><br>
<<set $time +=0.25>>
<<if $prisoner.lvl ==2>>
<<if $prisonmaid == true>>
@@.speech-u; Hey servant, I want you to service my cock.@@
@@.speech-prisoner; Is that my first duty?@@
@@.speech-u; Well of course.@@
@@.speech-prisoner; Okay.@@
@@.speech-u; Say yes $nickname, not "okay."@@
@@.speech-prisoner; Yes $nickname.@@
@@.speech-u; Alright, go ahead.@@
$prisoner.name pulls down your pants and starts to stroke your cock.<br>
<<elseif $prisonmaid == false>>
@@.speech-u; Hey $prisoner.name, I want you to stroke my cock.@@
@@.speech-prisoner; Umm, right now?@@
@@.speech-u; When else?@@
@@.speech-prisoner; Nevermind, I apologize for even asking.@@
$prisoner.name gets down on her knees in front of you and pulls down your pants to stroke your cock.<br>
<<elseif $prisoner.lvl >= 3>>
<<if $prisonmaid == true>>
@@.speech-u; I want you to satisfy me with your hands.@@
@@.speech-prisoner; Yes, $nickname.@@
<<elseif $prisonmaid == false>>
@@.speech-u; Jerk me off, will you.@@
@@.speech-prisoner; Yes, sir.@@
<<set _hj = random(0,6)>>
<<set _imagePath = "Media/Markelbria/Police/Prisoner/HJ/" + _hj + ".webp">>
<<set _imageTag = '<img src="' + _imagePath + '" width="65%">'>>
<<if $prisoner.lvl ==2>>
<<if $prisonmaid == true>>
@@.speech-u; Keep going just like that.@@
@@.speech-prisoner; Does it feel good, $nickname?@@
@@.speech-u; It could use some improvement, other than that it's great.@@
@@.speech-prisoner; Okay.@@
<<elseif $prisonmaid == false>>
@@.speech-u; Grip it a little tighter.@@
@@.speech-prisoner; Like this?@@
$prisoner.name manages to improve her grip on your cock a little bit better while stroking you.
@@.speech-u; Yup, just like that.@@
<<elseif $prisoner.lvl >=3>>
<<if $prisonmaid == true>>
@@.speech-u; Oh yeah, your handjob skills sure have improved.@@
@@.speech-prisoner; Thank you, $nickname.@@
<<elseif $prisonmaid == false>>
@@.speech-u; With this kind of skill, you will definitely make me cum faster.@@
@@.speech-prisoner; That is my purpose, sir.@@
<<if $prisonmaid == true>>
<img src="Media/Mansion/mbedroom.jpg" width="100%"><br>
<<elseif $prisonmaid == false>>
<img src="Media/Markelbria/cousinhouse/guestroom.jpg" width="100%"><br>
<<if $prisoner.lvl ==2>>
<<if $prisonmaid == true>>
@@.speech-u; Keep going, I will cum really soon.@@
@@.speech-prisoner; Yes $nickname.@@
$prisoner.name keeps stroking you until you cum.<br>
<<elseif $prisonmaid == false>>
@@.speech-u; Stroke it faster.@@
@@.speech-prisoner; Yes sir.@@
$prisoner.name does as she is told.
@@.speech-u; Alright, prepare for my cum.@@
@@.speech-prisoner; Okay...@@
$prisoner.name keeps looking around for a tissue while stroking you.<br>
<<elseif $prisoner.lvl >=3>>
<<if $prisonmaid == true>>
@@.speech-u; I will cum soon!@@
$prisoner.name starts to jerk you off faster.<br>
<<elseif $prisonmaid == false>>
@@.speech-u; I'm going to cum!@@
$prisoner.name starts to increase her speed.<br>
<<set _hjc = random(0,6)>>
<<set _imagePath = "Media/Markelbria/Police/Prisoner/HJ/Cum/" + _hjc + ".webp">>
<<set _imageTag = '<img src="' + _imagePath + '" width="65%">'>>
<<if $prisoner.lvl ==2>>
<<if $prisonmaid == true>>
@@.speech-u; That was pretty good, keep doing just that.@@
@@.speech-prisoner; Will do $nickname.@@
<<elseif $prisonmaid == false>>
$prisoner.name sits there all confused.
@@.speech-u; What's wrong?@@
@@.speech-prisoner; Was the tissue not needed?@@
@@.speech-u; No, your face is used for receiving my cum.@@
@@.speech-prisoner; Okay...@@
<<set _result to $addstat($prisoner,"aff",40)>><<print _result>><br>
<<set _result to $addstat($prisoner,"cor",30)>><<print _result>><br>
<<elseif $prisoner.lvl >=3>>
<<if $prisonmaid == true>>
@@.speech-u; Your handjob skills are perfect.@@
@@.speech-prisoner; Thank you, $nickname.@@
<<elseif $prisonmaid == false>>
@@.speech-u; Keep going at it just like that next time.@@
@@.speech-prisoner; Yes sir.@@
<<set _result to $addstat($prisoner,"aff",55)>><<print _result>><br>
<<set _result to $addstat($prisoner,"cor",45)>><<print _result>><br>
[[Go back|Prisonerinteract]]
<<if $prisonmaid == true>>
<img src="Media/Mansion/mbedroom.jpg" width="100%"><br>
<<elseif $prisonmaid == false>>
<img src="Media/Markelbria/cousinhouse/guestroom.jpg" width="100%"><br>
<<set $time +=0.25>>
<<if $prisoner.lvl ==2>>
<<if $prisonmaid == true>>
@@.speech-u; Servant, I want you to suck my cock.@@
$prisoner.name looks a bit worried, but still proceeds with the order.
@@.speech-prisoner; Yes $nickname.@@
$prisoner.name gets on her knees and like a good servant, pulls your cock out and starts to suck on it.<br>
<<elseif $prisonmaid == false>>
@@.speech-u; Hey $prisoner.name, it's about time you do something other than jerking off my cock.@@
@@.speech-prisoner; I don't know if I'm ready to suck your cock yet.@@
@@.speech-u; You won't know unless you try.@@
@@.speech-prisoner; I guess so...@@
@@.speech-u; So come on, get on with it.@@
@@.speech-prisoner; Yes sir.@@
$prisoner.name kneels down in front of you and pulls down your cock, proceeding to suck your cock afterwards.<br>
<<elseif $prisoner.lvl >=3>>
<<if $prisonmaid == true>>
@@.speech-u; Come here and suck my cock.@@
@@.speech-prisoner; Yes, $nickname.@@
She pulls down your pants and puts your cock in her mouth.<br>
<<elseif $prisonmaid == false>>
@@.speech-u; Suck me off.@@
@@.speech-prisoner; Yes, sir.@@
She kneels down and begins to suck you off.<br>
<<set _bj = random(0,5)>>
<<set _imagePath = "Media/Markelbria/Police/Prisoner/BJ/" + _bj + ".webp">>
<<set _imageTag = '<img src="' + _imagePath + '" width="65%">'>>
<<if $prisoner.lvl ==2>>
<<if $prisonmaid == true>>
@@.speech-u; Yeah, that's good...@@
$prisoner.name begins to do it a little bit faster.<br>
<<elseif $prisonmaid == false>>
@@.speech-u; Have you been practicing?@@
$prisoner.name pops your cock out of her mouth.
@@.speech-prisoner; Sometimes.@@
@@.speech-u; Is that so? Keep sucking my cock even more then.@@
You guide her head towards your cock.<br>
<<elseif $prisoner.lvl >=3>>
<<if $prisonmaid == true>>
@@.speech-u; Your mouth is truly great for this.@@
As a way of saying thank you, she sucks you off even harder.<br>
<<elseif $prisonmaid == false>>
@@.speech-u; Keep sucking it just like that.@@
You grab her head and have her do deepthroats.<br>
<<if $prisonmaid == true>>
<img src="Media/Mansion/mbedroom.jpg" width="100%"><br>
<<elseif $prisonmaid == false>>
<img src="Media/Markelbria/cousinhouse/guestroom.jpg" width="100%"><br>
<<if $prisoner.lvl ==2>>
<<if $prisonmaid == true>>
@@.speech-u; I'm going to cum!@@
$prisoner.name starts to jerk and suck you off at the same time.<br>
<<elseif $prisonmaid == false>>
@@.speech-u; I will cum!@@
You push $prisoner.name's head all the way to the base of your cock.<br>
<<elseif $prisoner.lvl >=3>>
<<if $prisonmaid == true>>
@@.speech-u; Here it comes!@@
She starts to do tongue work on your cock<br>
<<elseif $prisonmaid == false>>
@@.speech-u; Get ready to swallow it all down.@@
She goes faster and deeper to make you cum faster.<br>
<<set _bjc = random(0,4)>>
<<set _imagePath = "Media/Markelbria/Police/Prisoner/BJ/Cum/" + _bjc + ".webp">>
<<set _imageTag = '<img src="' + _imagePath + '" width="65%">'>>
<<if $prisoner.lvl ==2>>
<<if $prisonmaid == true>>
@@.speech-u; That was great.@@
@@.speech-prisoner; Thank you, $nickname.
<<elseif $prisonmaid == false>>
She pops your cock out of her mouth and coughs for a while.
@@.speech-u; You will have to get used to it.@@
@@.speech-prisoner; Yes... sir.@@
<<set _result to $addstat($prisoner,"aff",60)>><<print _result>><br>
<<set _result to $addstat($prisoner,"cor",50)>><<print _result>><br>
<<elseif $prisoner.lvl >= 3>>
@@.speech-u; Next time do it just like that.@@
@@.speech-prisoner; Will do.@@
<<set _result to $addstat($prisoner,"aff",75)>><<print _result>><br>
<<set _result to $addstat($prisoner,"cor",65)>><<print _result>><br>
[[Go back|Prisonerinteract]]
You have an inmate please you.<br>
<<set _fore = random(0,4)>>
<<set _imagePath = "Media/Markelbria/Police/Prisoners/Foreplay/" + _fore + ".webp">>
<<set _imageTag = '<img src="' + _imagePath + '" width="65%">'>>
<<set $prison +=5>>
+5 prison corruption<br>
[[Go back|markelprison]]
You have sex with an inmate.<br>
<<set _sex = random(0,2)>>
<<set _imagePath = "Media/Markelbria/Police/Prisoners/Sex/" + _sex + ".webp">>
<<set _imageTag = '<img src="' + _imagePath + '" width="65%">'>>
<<set $prison +=10>>
+10 prison corruption<br>
[[Go back|markelprison]]
<img src="Media/Markelbria/Police/inside.jpg" width="100%"><br>
<<if $officer.lvl == 2>>
@@.speech-u; So $officer.name, I believe it's time for you to take a break from work.@@
@@.speech-officer; Why?@@
@@.speech-u; Why? Because there is no need for you anymore.@@
@@.speech-officer; What do you mean by that?@@
@@.speech-u; Inmates are not causing any problems, officers are focused on their job and capturing criminals.@@
@@.speech-officer; That's good, but what does that have to do with me not being needed anymore.@@
@@.speech-u; Because they won't listen to you, and I can always make you get fired from the job.@@
@@.speech-officer; What did you do?@@
@@.speech-u; Nothing much, but if you want to keep your job, do as I say.@@
@@.speech-officer; What stops me from arresting you?@@
@@.speech-u; What stopped you from taking $prisoner.name back to the jail?@@
$officer.name stays silent.
@@.speech-u; Now do the things I ask of you.<br>
1. Tell me where you live.<br>
2. Go to work when you are told.<br>
And 3. Listen to all of my orders, previous ones included.@@
@@.speech-officer; Okay...@@
She does as she is told.<br><br>
You can now visit $officer.name in her house.<br>
You can now interact with her even further.<br>
Interactions between her work and house will be different.<br>
You can visit her house anytime.<br>
<<set $officer.lvl = 3>>
<<set $officerwork = false>>
[[Go back|markelinpolice]]
<img src="Media/Markelbria/officerhouse/Outside.jpeg" width="100%"><br>
outside of $officer.name's house.<br><br>
[[Go back|Markelbria]]
<img src="Media/Markelbria/officerhouse/Inside.jpg" width="100%"><br>
$officer.name's house.<br><br>
<<link "$officer.name's room">><<goto officerroom>><</link>><br>
[[Go back|officerhouse]]
<img src="Media/Markelbria/officerhouse/Room.webp" width="100%"><br>
$officer.name's room.<br><br>
<<if $officerwork == false>>
<img src="Media/Markelbria/officerhouse/portrait.jpg" width="30%"><br>
<<set _chancetobeteased to random(0,100)>>
<<if $officer.aff >=250 and $officer.cor>=150>>
<<if _chancetobeteased >=30>>
<<set _tease = random(0,5)>>
<<if _tease <=2>>
<<set _imagePath = "Media/Markelbria/Police/Officer/Home/Tease/" + _tease + ".webp">>
<<set _imageTag = '<img src="' + _imagePath + '" width="50%">'>>
<<if _tease >2>>
<<set _naked = random(0,2)>>
<<set _imagePath = "Media/Markelbria/Police/Officer/Home/Tease/Naked/" + _naked + ".webp">>
<<set _imageTag = '<img src="' + _imagePath + '" width="50%">'>>
<<set _result to $addstat($officer,"cor",2)>><<print _result>><br>
<<elseif $officer.aff >=80 and $officer.cor>=40>>
<<if _chancetobeteased >=50>>
<<set _tease = random(0,2)>>
<<set _imagePath = "Media/Markelbria/Police/Officer/Home/Tease/" + _tease + ".webp">>
<<set _imageTag = '<img src="' + _imagePath + '" width="50%">'>>
<<set _result to $addstat($officer,"cor",1)>><<print _result>><br>
<<if $officer.lvl == 3 and $prisoner.lvl == 3>>
<<link "Speak to $officer.name">><<goto OPMeet1>><</link>><br><</if>>
$officer.name is here <br>
Affection: <<print Math.ceil($officer.aff)>> Corruption: <<print Math.ceil($officer.cor)>> lvl: $officer.lvl <br><br>
[[Talk|Officertalk]] <<link "Gift">><<set $Gofficer = true>><<goto Inventory>><</link>><br>
<<if $officer.aff >=10>>[[Flirt|Officerflirt]]<</if>> <<if $officer.lvl >=2>>[[Interact|Officerinteract]]<</if>><br><br>
<<elseif $officerwork == true>>
<<link "Call $officer.name home">><<set $officerwork = false>><<goto officerroom>><</link>><br>
[[Go back|inofficerhouse]]
<<set $time +=0.25>>
<<if $officerwork == true>>
<img src="Media/Markelbria/Police/inside.jpg" width="100%"><br>
<<elseif $officerwork == false>>
<img src="Media/Markelbria/officerhouse/Room.webp" width="100%"><br>
<<if $officer.lvl >= 3>>
<<if $officerwork == true>>
@@.speech-u; Hey $officer.name, Let's have sex.@@
@@.speech-officer; In here?@@
@@.speech-u; Yes, in here.@@
@@.speech-officer; Okay..@@
$officer.name gets naked and waits for you to insert your cock.
@@.speech-u; I just love how obedient you are.@@
@@.speech-officer; Shut up and let's get started.@@
You do as she says and insert your cock in her pussy.<br>
<<set _sex = random(0,2)>>
<<set _imagePath = "Media/Markelbria/Police/Officer/Work/Sex/" + _sex + ".webp">>
<<set _imageTag = '<img src="' + _imagePath + '" width="65%">'>>
<<elseif $officerwork == false>>
@@.speech-u; Get naked and let's fuck.@@
@@.speech-officer; You really are thristing for sex.@@
@@.speech-u; Of course I'am.@@
$officer.name gets naked and so do you. You insert your cock in her pussy and begin thrusting.<br>
<<set _sex = random(0,5)>>
<<set _imagePath = "Media/Markelbria/Police/Officer/Home/Sex/" + _sex + ".webp">>
<<set _imageTag = '<img src="' + _imagePath + '" width="65%">'>>
<<if $officer.lvl >= 3>>
<<if $officerwork == true>>
@@.speech-u; You are so insanely tight. Is it because we are doing it at work?@@
@@.speech-officer; No... It isn't... because of that.@@
You already know she's lying.
@@.speech-u; Of course not.@@
<<elseif $officerwork == false>>
@@.speech-u; It appears that I was not the only one hungry for it.@@
@@.speech-officer; Can you not make comments and just fuck me?@@
@@.speech-u; Of course.@@
<<if $officer.aff >=900 and $officer.cor >=850>>
[[Cum outside|OfficerSexO]] [[Cum inside|OfficerSexI]]
<<if $officerwork == true>>
<img src="Media/Markelbria/Police/inside.jpg" width="100%"><br>
<<elseif $officerwork == false>>
<img src="Media/Markelbria/officerhouse/Room.webp" width="100%"><br>
<<if $officer.lvl >= 3>>
<<if $officerwork == true>>
@@.speech-u; Prepare your body for my cum.@@
@@.speech-officer; It's ready.@@
You pull out and ejaculate on her body.<br>
<<set _cum = 0>>
<<set _imagePath = "Media/Markelbria/Police/Officer/Work/Sex/CumO/" + _cum + ".webp">>
<<set _imageTag = '<img src="' + _imagePath + '" width="65%">'>>
<<elseif $officerwork == false>>
@@.speech-u; Here comes a big one!@@
@@.speech-officer; Please, just cover me!@@
<<set _cum = random(0,3)>>
<<set _imagePath = "Media/Markelbria/Police/Officer/Home/Sex/CumO/" + _cum + ".webp">>
<<set _imageTag = '<img src="' + _imagePath + '" width="65%">'>>
<<if $officer.lvl >= 3>>
@@.speech-u; I will never get tired of your body.@@
@@.speech-officer; Same...@@
<<set _result to $addstat($officer,"aff",90)>><<print _result>><br>
<<set _result to $addstat($officer,"cor",80)>><<print _result>><br>
[[Go back|Officerinteract]]
<<if $officerwork == true>>
<img src="Media/Markelbria/Police/inside.jpg" width="100%"><br>
<<elseif $officerwork == false>>
<img src="Media/Markelbria/officerhouse/Room.webp" width="100%"><br>
<<if $officer.lvl >= 3>>
<<if $officerwork == true>>
@@.speech-u; I will gush all my cum into you!@@
@@.speech-officer; Yes, do it! Cum inside me!@@
You thrust as fast as you can until you shoot it all in her womb.<br>
<<set _cum = 0>>
<<set _imagePath = "Media/Markelbria/Police/Officer/Work/Sex/CumI/" + _cum + ".webp">>
<<set _imageTag = '<img src="' + _imagePath + '" width="65%">'>>
<<elseif $officerwork == false>>
@@.speech-u; I will cum so much inside of you, that you will get pregnant.@@
@@.speech-officer; Make me pregnant, please! I want your babies!@@
You soon after reach your limit and shoot all of your cum inside of her.<br>
<<set _cum = random(0,1)>>
<<set _imagePath = "Media/Markelbria/Police/Officer/Home/Sex/CumI/" + _cum + ".webp">>
<<set _imageTag = '<img src="' + _imagePath + '" width="65%">'>>
<<if $officer.lvl >= 3>>
@@.speech-u; You really are different in bed.@@
@@.speech-officer; Oh, shut up.@@
<<set _result to $addstat($officer,"aff",100)>><<print _result>><br>
<<set _result to $addstat($officer,"cor",90)>><<print _result>><br>
[[Go back|Officerinteract]]
<<set $time +=0.25>>
<<if $prisonmaid == true>>
<img src="Media/Mansion/mbedroom.jpg" width="100%"><br>
<<elseif $prisonmaid == false>>
<img src="Media/Markelbria/cousinhouse/guestroom.jpg" width="100%"><br>
<<if $prisoner.lvl >= 3>>
<<if $prisonmaid == true>>
@@.speech-u; Pleasure me with your pussy.@@
@@.speech-prisoner; Yes $nickname.@@
<<elseif $prisonmaid == false>>
@@.speech-u; I want you to use your pussy to pleasure me.@@
@@.speech-prisoner; Will do sir.@@
<<set _sex = random(0,6)>>
<<set _imagePath = "Media/Markelbria/Police/Prisoner/Sex/" + _sex + ".webp">>
<<set _imageTag = '<img src="' + _imagePath + '" width="65%">'>>
<<if $prisonmaid == true>>
@@.speech-u; I'm glad to have you as a servant, because otherwise I would never be able to experience this daily.@@
@@.speech-prisoner; I'm glad you think that, $nickname.@@
<<elseif $prisonmaid == false>>
@@.speech-u; You pussy is really tight.@@
@@.speech-prisoner; I'm trying to give you the best experience I can, sir.@@
@@.speech-u; That's really good of you.@@
<<if $prisoner.aff >=900 and $prisoner.cor >=850>>
[[Cum outside|PrisonerSexO]] [[Cum inside|PrisonerSexI]]
<<if $prisonmaid == true>>
<img src="Media/Mansion/mbedroom.jpg" width="100%"><br>
<<elseif $prisonmaid == false>>
<img src="Media/Markelbria/cousinhouse/guestroom.jpg" width="100%"><br>
<<if $prisoner.lvl >= 3>>
<<if $prisonmaid == true>>
@@.speech-u; Here it comes!@@
@@.speech-prisoner; Spray it all over me, $nickname!@@
<<elseif $prisonmaid == false>>
@@.speech-u; I will spray it all over you.@@
@@.speech-prisoner; Please do sir.@@
<<set _cum = random(0,3)>>
<<set _imagePath = "Media/Markelbria/Police/Prisoner/Sex/CumO/" + _cum + ".webp">>
<<set _imageTag = '<img src="' + _imagePath + '" width="65%">'>>
@@.speech-u; Your body is truly great.@@
@@.speech-prisoner; It makes me happy, that my body could satisfy your needs.@@
<<set _result to $addstat($prisoner,"aff",90)>><<print _result>><br>
<<set _result to $addstat($prisoner,"cor",80)>><<print _result>><br>
[[Go back|Prisonerinteract]]
<<if $prisonmaid == true>>
<img src="Media/Mansion/mbedroom.jpg" width="100%"><br>
<<elseif $prisonmaid == false>>
<img src="Media/Markelbria/cousinhouse/guestroom.jpg" width="100%"><br>
<<if $prisoner.lvl >= 3>>
<<if $prisonmaid == true>>
@@.speech-u; I will cum inside of you, servant.@@
@@.speech-prisoner; Please do $nickname!@@
<<elseif $prisonmaid == false>>
@@.speech-u; Prepare to receive my cum inside of you!@@
@@.speech-prisoner; I can't wait for it, sir!@@
<<set _cum = random(0,3)>>
<<set _imagePath = "Media/Markelbria/Police/Prisoner/Sex/CumI/" + _cum + ".webp">>
<<set _imageTag = '<img src="' + _imagePath + '" width="65%">'>>
@@.speech-prisoner; Having your semen in me makes me happy.@@
@@.speech-u; I'm glad you are so obedient and willing for me.@@
<<set _result to $addstat($prisoner,"aff",100)>><<print _result>><br>
<<set _result to $addstat($prisoner,"cor",90)>><<print _result>><br>
[[Go back|Prisonerinteract]]
<<if $prisonmaid == true>>
<img src="Media/Mansion/mbedroom.jpg" width="100%"><br>
<<elseif $prisonmaid == false>>
<img src="Media/Markelbria/cousinhouse/guestroom.jpg" width="100%"><br>
<<if $prisoner.lvl == 2>>
@@.speech-u; How about we take things further this time?@@
@@.speech-prisoner; As you stated before, I'm your servant. Meaning that you can do with me anything you want.@@
@@.speech-u; Right... I just wanted to make sure you are willing to go further.@@
$prisoner.name nods.
@@.speech-u; Alright, then it's decided. I will not hold back.@@
@@.speech-prisoner; That's what I was waiting for, ever since I became your servant.@@
You can go even further with $prisoner.name <br>
<<set $prisoner.lvl = 3>>
<<if $prisonmaid == true>>
[[Go back|Mbmansion]]
<<elseif $prisonmaid == false>>
[[Go back|markelguest]]
<<set $time +=0.25>>
<<if $clerk.aff == 0>>
<img src="Media/Markelbria/Convenience/open.jpeg" width="100%"><br>
@@.speech-clerk; Hello, how may I help you?@@
@@.speech-u; Just wanted to say hi.@@
@@.speech-clerk; Hold on a minute, it's the first time I see you around here.@@
@@.speech-u; Yeah, I just came here to visit my relatives.@@
@@.speech-clerk; Oh that's interesting, who's relative are you?@@
@@.speech-u; Do you know everyone's name's here?@@
@@.speech-clerk; Well, of course I do.@@
@@.speech-u; Oh, I'm a relative of $cousin.name.@@
@@.speech-clerk; Oh! She speaks a lot about you.@@
@@.speech-u; Really?@@
@@.speech-clerk; Yeah, I've known her since school days.@@
@@.speech-u; Wait, you and $cousin.name went to the same school?@@
@@.speech-clerk; I know right, a big surprise!@@
@@.speech-u; It truly is. Oh right, what's your name?@@
@@.speech-clerk; My name is $clerk.name, what's yours?@@
@@.speech-u; $uname, I will go, don't want to interrupt your job.@@
@@.speech-clerk; Oh, it's okay. I talk to everyone in the town anyway, it's not like in the city y'know.@@
@@.speech-u; Haha, I guess so, anyway see you later!@@
@@.speech-clerk; Bye!@@
You got to know $clerk.name<br>
<<set _result to $addstat($clerk,"aff",5)>>
[[Go back|markelconvenience]]
<<if $clerk.lvl == 1>>
<img src="Media/Markelbria/Convenience/open.jpeg" width="100%"><br>
<<if $clerk.aff <15>>
@@.speech-u; Hey $clerk.name, how's work?@@
@@.speech-clerk; Oh hi! The work is as usual... boring, but fun when customers come here to chat.@@
@@.speech-u; I feel bad for you.@@
$clerk.name giggles.
@@.speech-clerk; That's how it goes in life.@@
@@.speech-u; You said you went to school, right?@@
@@.speech-clerk; Mhm...@@
@@.speech-u; Did you not follow your career path?@@
@@.speech-clerk; No, I always found school to be a place where you communicate with people. Well I got a job where you can do that, but it's mostly sitting around and doing nothing.@@
@@.speech-u; I bet in a city, it would be more interesting.@@
@@.speech-clerk; I'd rather not work in a city, because in town you know everyone, but in a city... You can't really chat with everyone.@@
@@.speech-u; I wouldn't really say that.@@
@@.speech-clerk; How so?@@
@@.speech-u; Some people are busy or shy to talk to people, but a lot of people would like to get their mind off of work, and talk to someone like here.@@
@@.speech-clerk; I don't know, city seems like a scary place.@@
@@.speech-u; I can't argue with that.@@
<<set _result to $addstat($clerk,"aff",7)>><<print _result>><br>
<<elseif $clerk.aff <40>>
@@.speech-u; Hey $clerk.name, missed me?@@
@@.speech-clerk; How could I not?@@
@@.speech-u; Anything new these past few days?@@
@@.speech-clerk; Not really, only thing that's new, is you in town.@@
@@.speech-u; And this newbie is already accustomed to this town.@@
@@.speech-clerk; Is that so?@@
@@.speech-u; Of course, why would I lie about that?@@
@@.speech-clerk; In a few days?@@
@@.speech-u; It is a small town, yet beautiful town.@@
@@.speech-clerk; Have you been to the abandoned hospital?@@
@@.speech-u; Abandoned hospital?@@
@@.speech-clerk; Yeah, it's really spooky. Sometimes you can even hear screams.@@
@@.speech-u; Now you are getting me intrigued.@@
@@.speech-clerk; Maybe sometime we can go there.@@
@@.speech-u; Is that a date?@@
@@.speech-clerk; Not yet.@@
You grin.<br>
<<set _result to $addstat($clerk,"aff",12)>><<print _result>><br>
<<set _result to $addstat($clerk,"cor",5)>><<print _result>><br>
<<elseif $clerk.aff >=40>>
@@.speech-u; Hey $clerk.name, how's your day?@@
@@.speech-clerk; It got better, when you arrived.@@
@@.speech-u; Trying to flatter me?@@
@@.speech-clerk; Who knows.@@
@@.speech-u; Do you have any friends outside of work?@@
@@.speech-clerk; I have your cousin, and some other friend.@@
@@.speech-u; Care to introduce me to your other friend?@@
@@.speech-clerk; Sometime in the future I will.@@
@@.speech-u; Is that a promise?@@
@@.speech-clerk; You can count on it.@@
@@.speech-u; Always so mysterious.@@
@@.speech-clerk; It would be boring otherwise, don't you agree?@@
@@.speech-u; You cheeky girl, you are not wrong though.@@
@@.speech-clerk; See?@@
<<set _result to $addstat($clerk,"aff",20)>><<print _result>><br>
<<set _result to $addstat($clerk,"cor",8)>><<print _result>><br>
[[Go back|markelconvenience]]
<<elseif $clerk.lvl == 2>>
<<if $time <3>>
<img src="Media/Markelbria/Convenience/open.jpeg" width="100%"><br>
@@.speech-u; Hey $clerk.name, are you feeling okay?@@
@@.speech-clerk; Yeah I've calmed down for now.@@
@@.speech-u; Want me to visit you later?@@
@@.speech-clerk; Yeah, you help me calm down quite a lot.@@
@@.speech-u; Alright, I will visit you when you're home.@@
$clerk.name grins.
@@.speech-clerk; Okay!@@
<<set _result to $addstat($clerk,"aff",30)>><<print _result>><br>
<<set _result to $addstat($clerk,"cor",12)>><<print _result>><br>
[[Go back|markelconvenience]]
<img src="Media/Markelbria/clerkhouse/room.jpg" width="100%"><br>
@@.speech-u; Hey there, cutie.@@
@@.speech-clerk; Hey handsome.@@
@@.speech-u; Wanna watch a horror movie?@@
@@.speech-clerk; Definitely not. Never.@@
You laugh.
@@.speech-u; I'm just joking, I wanted to see that cute mad face once again.@@
@@.speech-clerk; Do as you wish!@@
$clerk.name throws a pillow at you.<br>
<<set _result to $addstat($clerk,"aff",35)>><<print _result>><br>
<<set _result to $addstat($clerk,"cor",20)>><<print _result>><br>
[[Go back|clerkroom]]
<<elseif $clerk.lvl == 3>>
<img src="Media/Markelbria/clerkhouse/room.jpg" width="100%"><br>
@@.speech-u; Hey $clerk.name, how's your bed?@@
@@.speech-clerk; Really comfy, how work?@@
@@.speech-u; Managable... You could have hired staff, y'know.@@
@@.speech-clerk; I didn't really want to.@@
@@.speech-u; Well, I already did that for you.@@
@@.speech-clerk; Meaning, you will have more time to spend with me?@@
@@.speech-u; Exactly.@@
@@.speech-clerk; Great! We pretty much just sit home and make love now, huh?@@
@@.speech-u; Well... I wouldn't really say it like that, but yeah.@@
<<set _result to $addstat($clerk,"aff",40)>><<print _result>><br>
<<set _result to $addstat($clerk,"cor",25)>><<print _result>><br>
[[Go back|clerkroom]]
<<set $time +=0.25>>
<<if $clerk.lvl == 1>>
<img src="Media/Markelbria/Convenience/open.jpeg" width="100%"><br>
<<if $clerk.cor <40>>
@@.speech-u; Hey $clerk.name, you are looking awfully beautiful today.@@
@@.speech-clerk; Awww! You do too, handsome.@@
@@.speech-u; I came here to boost your mood.@@
@@.speech-clerk; Well it certainly worked, keep it up like that and I might fall for you.@@
@@.speech-u; You are giving me a goal to strive for, I hope you know that.@@
@@.speech-clerk; You are free to try, or free to make me fall for you.@@
@@.speech-u; Challenge accepted, beautiful.@@
$clerk.name grins.<br>
<<set _result to $addstat($clerk,"cor",10)>><<print _result>><br>
<<elseif $clerk.cor >=40>>
@@.speech-u; Hey beautiful, how about we go to that abandoned hospital sometime?@@
@@.speech-clerk; So that I can jump into your arms?@@
You grin.
@@.speech-u; Maybe.@@
@@.speech-clerk; Sounds like a great idea, I like it.@@
@@.speech-u; Then it's a date?@@
@@.speech-clerk; Of course it is, remember to bring diapers... For yourself.@@
$clerk.name giggles.
@@.speech-u; If I have to embarrass myself in front of a beautiful lady, then I will.@@
@@.speech-clerk; Oh, is that so?@@
@@.speech-u; Once that happens, we will know.@@
$clerk.name smiles.
@@.speech-clerk; I can't wait.@@
<<set _result to $addstat($clerk,"cor",16)>><<print _result>><br>
[[Go back|markelconvenience]]
<<elseif $clerk.lvl ==2>>
<<if $time <3>>
<img src="Media/Markelbria/Convenience/open.jpeg" width="100%"><br>
@@.speech-u; Hey $clerk.name, after the hospital I couldn't forget your hug.@@
@@.speech-clerk; Don't remind me... With those strong arms.@@
@@.speech-u; Well, clearly you enjoyed it too.@@
@@.speech-clerk; Shut up!@@
You laugh.
@@.speech-u; Okay, okay!@@
@@.speech-clerk; Jerk...@@
<<set _result to $addstat($clerk,"cor",20)>><<print _result>><br>
[[Go back|markelconvenience]]
<img src="Media/Markelbria/clerkhouse/room.jpg" width="100%"><br>
@@.speech-u; Hey, sleeping beauty.@@
@@.speech-clerk; You were watching me sleep?@@
@@.speech-u; How could I resist?@@
She puts pillow on her face.
@@.speech-u; You can't hide your face from my mind.@@
@@.speech-clerk; Oh, shut up!@@
<<set _result to $addstat($clerk,"cor",30)>><<print _result>><br>
[[Go back|clerkroom]]
<<elseif $clerk.lvl == 3>>
<img src="Media/Markelbria/clerkhouse/room.jpg" width="100%"><br>
@@.speech-u; Hey, cutie.@@
@@.speech-clerk; Hey there handsome, got anything for me today?@@
@@.speech-u; Well, I don't have anything for you except for my love.@@
$clerk.name smiles.
@@.speech-clerk; Then I can't wait for you to give it to me right now.@@
@@.speech-u; My love is ready for you anytime.@@
@@.speech-clerk; So is mine.@@
<<set _result to $addstat($clerk,"cor",35)>><<print _result>><br>
[[Go back|clerkroom]]
<img src="Media/Markelbria/Convenience/open.jpeg" width="100%"><br>
<<if $clerk.lvl == 1>>
@@.speech-u; Ready to go to the abandoned hospital?@@
@@.speech-clerk; Always have been.@@
@@.speech-u; Very well, what are you bringing with yourself?@@
@@.speech-clerk; Hmm, flashlight and few more stuff.@@
@@.speech-u; I brought diapers, for you.@@
@@.speech-clerk; Did you really?@@
@@.speech-u; No, of course.@@
@@.speech-clerk; Awww! Would have been funny if you did.@@
@@.speech-u; Alright, let's go.@@
You both go to the abandonded hospital.<br>
<img src="Media/Markelbria/abandoned.jpg" width="100%"><br>
<<if $clerk.lvl == 1>>
You both arrive in front of the abandoned hospital.
@@.speech-clerk; Ready to piss your pants?@@
@@.speech-u; Ready to hold my arm tightly?@@
@@.speech-clerk; It appears we are both ready to see something interesting happen.@@
@@.speech-u; Who wouldn't be?@@
$clerk.name giggles.
@@.speech-clerk; True, alright. Let's go!@@
You both head in.<br>
<img src="Media/Markelbria/inabandoned.webp" width="100%"><br>
<<if $clerk.lvl == 1>>
As you both enter the hospital, you are met with an ominous feeling.
@@.speech-u; It got really tense really quick.@@
@@.speech-clerk; Yeah... Let's go deeper.@@
@@.speech-u; You really don't trust your gut feelings.@@
@@.speech-clerk; Where would the fun be in that?@@
You sigh.
@@.speech-u; Fine, let's go.@@
You venture deeper into the hospital with $clerk.name.<br>
Until you both hear something.
@@.speech-clerk; Did you hear that?@@
@@.speech-u; Yeah, sounded like a slamming noise.@@
@@.speech-clerk; Mhm... It is starting to get scary.@@
@@.speech-u; Want to hold my arm?@@
@@.speech-clerk; As if!@@
@@.speech-u; *Well that lightened the mood a little bit.* Wanna go further?@@
@@.speech-clerk; How about we just explore these rooms and just go?@@
@@.speech-u; Alright.@@
$clerk.name started to get closer to you the more time passed.<br>
Little did you know, she started to hug your arm.
@@.speech-u; Do you want to leave?@@
$clerk.name nods.
@@.speech-u; Alright, let's go.@@
You look behind you one last time before you head out, and see only cursed hallway.<br>
<img src="Media/Markelbria/abandoned.jpg" width="100%"><br>
<<set $time = 3>>
<<if $clerk.lvl == 1>>
@@.speech-u; Alright we are out.@@
It appears to be a night time, how long were you there? an hour or two?
@@.speech-u; Are you going to be fine on your way home?@@
$clerk.name shakes her head.
@@.speech-u; Do you want me to accompany you?@@
She nods.
@@.speech-u; Okay, just grab my hand and lead me to your house.@@
She does just that. $clerk.name is too scared to mutter a word, and her "pride" was left in the hospital.<br>
You both make your way to $clerk.name's house.<br>
<img src="Media/Markelbria/clerkhouse/night.jpg" width="100%"><br>
<<if $clerk.lvl == 1>>
You both arrive in front of her house.
@@.speech-u; Alright, here we are. Just go inside and try to fall asleep.@@
You try to go home, but she doesn't let you go.
@@.speech-clerk; Please... sleep together with me...@@
After seeing how scared she is, you just can't say no.
@@.speech-u; Okay.@@
You both enter the house and sleep in the same bed, comforting $clerk.name.<br>
<img src="Media/Markelbria/clerkhouse/room.jpg" width="100%"><br>
<<if $clerk.lvl == 1>>
<<set $day +=1>>
<<set $time = 0>>
You wake up and see $clerk.name in your arms, you pat her head.<br>
She wakes up not long after.
@@.speech-u; Good morning.@@
@@.speech-clerk; Hey...@@
@@.speech-u; Did you sleep well?@@
$clerk.name nods.
@@.speech-clerk; I don't want to go to abandoned building anymore.@@
@@.speech-u; Yeah, that place was something else.@@
@@.speech-clerk; Thank you for everything.@@
@@.speech-u; No need to thank me, a beautiful girl is my duty to take care of.@@
$clerk.name giggles.
@@.speech-clerk; Thank you, white knight in a shining armor.@@
You grin.
@@.speech-u; Anytime for a princess.@@
You can go further with $clerk.name.<br>
You can visit her house now.<br>
<<set $clerk.lvl = 2>>
<img src="Media/Markelbria/clerkhouse/outside.jpg" width="100%"><br>
Outside of $clerk.name's house.<br><br>
[[Go back|Markelbria]]
<img src="Media/Markelbria/clerkhouse/hallway.jpg" width="75%"><br>
$clerk.name's house.<br><br>
<<link "$clerk.name's room">><<goto clerkroom>><</link>><br>
<img src="Media/Markelbria/clerkhouse/room.jpg" width="100%"><br>
$clerk.name's room.<br><br>
<<if $clerk.lvl <3>>
<<if $time >=3>>
$clerk.name is here.<br>
<<set _chancetobeteased to random(0,100)>>
<<if $clerk.aff >=250 and $clerk.cor>=150>>
<<if _chancetobeteased >=30>>
<<set _tease = random(0,5)>>
<<if _tease <=2>>
<<set _imagePath = "Media/Markelbria/Clerk/Tease/" + _tease + ".webp">>
<<set _imageTag = '<img src="' + _imagePath + '" width="65%">'>>
<<if _tease >2>>
<<set _naked = random(0,2)>>
<<set _imagePath = "Media/Markelbria/Clerk/Tease/Naked/" + _naked + ".webp">>
<<set _imageTag = '<img src="' + _imagePath + '" width="65%">'>>
<<set _result to $addstat($clerk,"cor",2)>><<print _result>><br>
<<elseif $clerk.aff >=80 and $clerk.cor>=40>>
<<if _chancetobeteased >=50>>
<<set _tease = random(0,2)>>
<<set _imagePath = "Media/Markelbria/Clerk/Tease/" + _tease + ".webp">>
<<set _imageTag = '<img src="' + _imagePath + '" width="65%">'>>
<<set _result to $addstat($clerk,"cor",1)>><<print _result>><br>
Affection: <<print Math.ceil($clerk.aff)>> Corruption: <<print Math.ceil($clerk.cor)>> lvl: $clerk.lvl<br>
<<if $clerk.aff >=500 and $clerk.cor >=450 and $clerk.lvl == 2>>
<<link "Go even further with $clerk.name">><<goto "clerkevenfurther">><</link>><br><</if>>
[[Talk|clerktalk]] <<link Gift>><<set $Gclerk = true>><<goto Inventory>><</link>><br>
<<if $clerk.cor >=5>>[[Flirt|clerkflirt]]<</if>> <<if $clerk.lvl >=2>>[[Interact|clerkinteract]]<</if>><br><br>
<<set _chancetobeteased to random(0,100)>>
<<if $clerk.aff >=250 and $clerk.cor>=150>>
<<if _chancetobeteased >=30>>
<<set _tease = random(0,5)>>
<<if _tease <=2>>
<<set _imagePath = "Media/Markelbria/Clerk/Tease/" + _tease + ".webp">>
<<set _imageTag = '<img src="' + _imagePath + '" width="50%">'>>
<<if _tease >2>>
<<set _naked = random(0,2)>>
<<set _imagePath = "Media/Markelbria/Clerk/Tease/Naked/" + _naked + ".webp">>
<<set _imageTag = '<img src="' + _imagePath + '" width="50%">'>>
<<set _result to $addstat($clerk,"cor",2)>><<print _result>><br>
<<elseif $clerk.aff >=80 and $clerk.cor>=40>>
<<if _chancetobeteased >=50>>
<<set _tease = random(0,2)>>
<<set _imagePath = "Media/Markelbria/Clerk/Tease/" + _tease + ".webp">>
<<set _imageTag = '<img src="' + _imagePath + '" width="50%">'>>
<<set _result to $addstat($clerk,"cor",1)>><<print _result>><br>
$clerk.name is here.<br>
Affection: <<print Math.ceil($clerk.aff)>> Corruption: <<print Math.ceil($clerk.cor)>> lvl: $clerk.lvl<br>
<<if $clerk.aff >=950 and $clerk.cor >=900 and $clerk.lvl == 3 and $kayla.lvl == 1>>
<<link "Talk about $clerk.name's friend">><<goto "clerkfriend">><</link>><br><</if>>
[[Talk|clerktalk]] <<link Gift>><<set $Gclerk = true>><<goto Inventory>><</link>><br>
<<if $clerk.cor >=5>>[[Flirt|clerkflirt]]<</if>> <<if $clerk.lvl >=2>>[[Interact|clerkinteract]]<</if>><br><br>
[[Go back|clerkhouse]]
<<if $clerk.aff >=250 and $clerk.cor >=225>>
<<if $clerk.lvl >=3>>
[[Go back|clerkroom]]
<img src="Media/Markelbria/clerkhouse/room.jpg" width="100%"><br>
<<set $time +=0.25>>
<<if $clerk.lvl == 2>>
@@.speech-u; Hey $clerk.name, can you give me a handjob?@@
@@.speech-clerk; Well that came out of nowhere.@@
@@.speech-u; I've just been thinking, we haven't really done anything yet.@@
@@.speech-clerk; I guess so.@@
@@.speech-u; So... Can you do it?@@
@@.speech-clerk; Well, if you want it that much, I will have to oblige.@@
She pulls down your pants.
@@.speech-clerk; Well that sure is a nice size.@@
She grabs your cock and begins to stroke it.<br>
<<elseif $clerk.lvl == 3>>
@@.speech-u; Hey darling, can you stroke my cock?@@
@@.speech-clerk; For you anytime.@@
She pulls out your cock and begins to stroke it.<br>
<<set _hj = random(0,5)>>
<<set _imagePath = "Media/Markelbria/Clerk/HJ/" + _hj + ".webp">>
<<set _imageTag = '<img src="' + _imagePath + '" width="65%">'>>
<<if $clerk.lvl == 2>>
@@.speech-clerk; Does it feel good?@@
@@.speech-u; It feels amazing.@@
$clerk.name giggles.
@@.speech-clerk; Maybe I should do it more often.@@
@@.speech-u; I would be more than happy if you did.@@
<<elseif $clerk.lvl == 3>>
@@.speech-u; You have become much better at this.@@
@@.speech-clerk; Well of course, to satisfy you better.@@
@@.speech-u; I like that.@@
<img src="Media/Markelbria/clerkhouse/room.jpg" width="100%"><br>
<<if $clerk.lvl == 2>>
@@.speech-clerk; Your cock is twitching, are you about to cum?@@
@@.speech-u; Yeah.@@
@@.speech-clerk; Be free to let it all out, anywhere on my body.@@
$clerk.name starts to stroke you faster.<br>
<<elseif $clerk.lvl == 3>>
She feels your cock twitching and begins to stroke it faster.<br>
<<set _cum = random(0,4)>>
<<set _imagePath = "Media/Markelbria/Clerk/HJ/Cum/" + _cum + ".webp">>
<<set _imageTag = '<img src="' + _imagePath + '" width="65%">'>>
<<if $clerk.lvl == 2>>
@@.speech-u; That felt amazing.@@
@@.speech-clerk; If you need it again, tell me.@@
@@.speech-u; You can count on it, that's for sure.@@
$clerk.name smiles.<br>
<<set _result to $addstat($clerk,"aff",50)>><<print _result>><br>
<<set _result to $addstat($clerk,"cor",40)>><<print _result>><br>
<<elseif $clerk.lvl == 3>>
@@.speech-u; Thank you for satisfying at the moment.@@
@@.speech-clerk; Of course it's only for a moment, because I know it's never enough.@@
@@.speech-u; You know me very well.@@
@@.speech-clerk; How can I not?@@
<<set _result to $addstat($clerk,"aff",60)>><<print _result>><br>
<<set _result to $addstat($clerk,"cor",50)>><<print _result>><br>
[[Go back|clerkinteract]]
<img src="Media/Markelbria/clerkhouse/room.jpg" width="100%"><br>
<<set $time +=0.25>>
<<if $clerk.lvl == 2>>
@@.speech-u; Hey $clerk.name, can you this time give me a blowjob?@@
@@.speech-clerk; Don't worry, I would have given you that sooner or later anyway.@@
@@.speech-u; Is that so?@@
@@.speech-clerk; How could I not after jerking you off so much?@@
@@.speech-u; Then please do.@@
$clerk.name grins and takes off your pants to suck your cock.<br>
<<elseif $clerk.lvl == 3>>
@@.speech-u; Hey darling, can you suck my cock?@@
@@.speech-clerk; Of course.@@
She grabs your cock and starts to suck it<br>
<<set _bj = random(0,5)>>
<<set _imagePath = "Media/Markelbria/Clerk/BJ/" + _bj + ".webp">>
<<set _imageTag = '<img src="' + _imagePath + '" width="65%">'>>
<<if $clerk.lvl == 2>>
$clerk.name is clearly trying to milk you dry by using her mouth.
@@.speech-u; I can see that you, really were hungry for my cock.@@
<<elseif $clerk.lvl == 3>>
$clerk.name is still sucking you off like she wants to milk you.
@@.speech-u; You have not eased up from before, but that's what's so great about it.@@
<img src="Media/Markelbria/clerkhouse/room.jpg" width="100%"><br>
<<if $clerk.lvl == 2>>
@@.speech-u; I will cum!@@
She starts to stroke your cock while sucking you off.<br>
<<elseif $clerk.lvl == 3>>
@@.speech-u; Get ready to swallow!@@
She begins to suck you off faster.<br>
<<set _cum = random(0,4)>>
<<set _imagePath = "Media/Markelbria/Clerk/BJ/Cum/" + _cum + ".webp">>
<<set _imageTag = '<img src="' + _imagePath + '" width="65%">'>>
<<if $clerk.lvl == 2>>
$clerk.name swallows all of your cum without a problem.
@@.speech-clerk; Was it so good, that you couldn't speak?@@
@@.speech-u; If only you knew.@@
$clerk.name giggles.
@@.speech-clerk; Can't wait to see a reaction like that again.@@
<<set _result to $addstat($clerk,"aff",60)>><<print _result>><br>
<<set _result to $addstat($clerk,"cor",50)>><<print _result>><br>
<<elseif $clerk.lvl == 3>>
$clerk.name pulls away and shows her mouth full of cum to you, swallowing it afterwards.
@@.speech-u; You made me hard yet again.@@
$clerk.name giggles.
@@.speech-clerk; Want another blowjob?@@
@@.speech-u; You will just do that again.@@
@@.speech-clerk; You never know.@@
<<set _result to $addstat($clerk,"aff",70)>><<print _result>><br>
<<set _result to $addstat($clerk,"cor",60)>><<print _result>><br>
[[Go back|clerkinteract]]
<img src="Media/Markelbria/clerkhouse/room.jpg" width="100%"><br>
<<if $clerk.lvl == 2>>
@@.speech-u; Hey $clerk.name, I want to talk with you.@@
@@.speech-clerk; What is it?@@
@@.speech-u; Do you think we can go further with our relationship?@@
@@.speech-clerk; Of course we can, and I always wanted to take things further with you.@@
@@.speech-u; Really?@@
@@.speech-clerk; Yeah, lately my manager assigned me as the manager, so if you want, as a sign of our love... I could give the convenience store to you.@@
@@.speech-u; But what do I give you?@@
@@.speech-clerk; Your attention to me.@@
You grin.
@@.speech-u; You are unbelievable.@@
$clerk.name giggles.
@@.speech-clerk; We both are.@@
You can now take things further with $clerk.name.<br>
You gained ownership of the convenience store.<br>
Increase $clerk.name's stats to meet another character.<br>
$clerk.name will now always be in her room.<br>
<<set $clerk.lvl = 3>>
<<set $time += 0.25>>
<img src="Media/Markelbria/clerkhouse/room.jpg" width="100%"><br>
<<if $clerk.lvl == 3>>
@@.speech-u; Hey $clerk.name, want to have sex?@@
@@.speech-clerk; Yes, I do!@@
She excitedly gets naked and waits for you to insert in her vagina.
@@.speech-u; Well, here I go.@@
You follow her lead and start having sex <br>
<<set _sex = random(0,5)>>
<<set _imagePath = "Media/Markelbria/Clerk/Sex/" + _sex + ".webp">>
<<set _imageTag = '<img src="' + _imagePath + '" width="65%">'>>
<<if $clerk.lvl == 3>>
@@.speech-clerk; Oh my god! Sex is amazing!@@
@@.speech-u; Your body is amazing!@@
$clerk.name laughs.
@@.speech-clerk; No... Our compatibility is amazing!@@
<<if $clerk.aff >=800 and $clerk.cor >=750>>
[[Cum Inside|clerksexI]] [[Cum Outside|clerksexO]]
<<set $time += 0.25>>
<img src="Media/Markelbria/clerkhouse/room.jpg" width="100%"><br>
<<if $clerk.lvl == 3>>
@@.speech-u; I'm going to cum!@@
@@.speech-clerk; Cum on my body!@@
<<set _cum = random(0,3)>>
<<set _imagePath = "Media/Markelbria/Clerk/Sex/CumO/" + _cum + ".webp">>
<<set _imageTag = '<img src="' + _imagePath + '" width="65%">'>>
<<if $clerk.lvl == 3>>
@@.speech-u; It really was amazing.@@
@@.speech-clerk; I'm tired... I will take a shower and go sleep next to you.@@
@@.speech-u; Be careful that I don't ravage you in your sleep.@@
@@.speech-clerk; You can do that anytime, and you know that I will be wet.@@
You grin.<br>
<<set _result to $addstat($clerk,"aff",90)>><<print _result>><br>
<<set _result to $addstat($clerk,"cor",80)>><<print _result>><br>
[[Go back|clerkinteract]]
<<set $time += 0.25>>
<img src="Media/Markelbria/clerkhouse/room.jpg" width="100%"><br>
<<if $clerk.lvl == 3>>
@@.speech-u; I'm going to cum!@@
@@.speech-clerk; Cum Inside me, please!@@
<<set _cum = random(0,3)>>
<<set _imagePath = "Media/Markelbria/Clerk/Sex/CumI/" + _cum + ".webp">>
<<set _imageTag = '<img src="' + _imagePath + '" width="65%">'>>
<<if $clerk.lvl == 3>>
You both lay down, drenched in sweat.
@@.speech-u; You sure about that?@@
@@.speech-clerk; Absolutely, I don't mind having your babies.@@
@@.speech-u; Then everything is fine.@@
<<set _result to $addstat($clerk,"aff",100)>><<print _result>><br>
<<set _result to $addstat($clerk,"cor",90)>><<print _result>><br>
[[Go back|clerkinteract]]
<img src="Media/Markelbria/office.jpg" width="100%"><br>
Convenience store office.<br><br>
<<if $staffmarkel == undefined>>
<<set $staffmarkel = []>>
<<if $staffmarkel.length <=4>>
<<link "Hire a staff">>
<<set $markelhere = true>>
<<goto "staffhiring">>
<<if $staffmarkel.length >= 1>>
[[Staff|markelstaff]] <<endif>><br>
[[Go back|markelconvenience]]
Staff Information:<br>
<<for _i = 0; _i < $staffmarkel.length; _i++>>
<<capture _i>>
<<set _staff = $staffmarkel[_i]>>
Name: <<print _staff.name>><br>
Race: <<print _staff.race>> (<<print _staff.racetype>>)<br>
<<if _staff.jobexp >100>>
<<set _staff.jobexp = 100>>
Experience: <<print _staff.jobexp>> Obedience: <<print _staff.obedience>><br>
<<link 'Fire'>>
<<set $staffmarkel.splice(_i,1)>>
<<goto markelstaff>>
<<link 'train'>>
<<set $staffmarkel[_i].jobexp +=3>><<set $time +=0.5>>
<<goto markelstaff>>
<<link 'interact'>>
<<set $staffinteractor = _i>>
<<set $staffname = $staffmarkel[$staffinteractor].name>>
<<set $staffrace = $staffmarkel[$staffinteractor].race>>
<<set $staffracetype = $staffmarkel[$staffinteractor].racetype>>
<<set $markelhere = true>>
<<goto staffinteract>>
<<link "train all">><<for _i = 0; _i < $staffmarkel.length; _i++>><<set $staffmarkel[_i].jobexp +=3>><</for>><<set $time +=1>><<goto markelstaff>><<endlink>>
<<set _jincomes = 0>>
<<for _i = 0; _i < $staffmarkel.length; _i++>>
<<set _jstaff = $staffmarkel[_i]>>
<<set _jincome = _jstaff.jobexp * (1 + (0.3 * 100))>>
<<set _jincomes += _jincome>>
<<set $convenience.dincome = _jincomes>>
<<if $Code1 == true>>
<<set _markeldincome = _jincomes*2>><<if $cashupg >=1>><<set _markeldincome = _jincomes*2*$cashupg>><</if>>
<<set _markeldincome = _jincomes >><<if $cashupg >=1>><<set _markeldincome = _jincomes*$cashupg>><</if>>
Income: <<print _markeldincome>>$<br>
<<if $Laptoping == true>>
<img src="Media/Markelbria/clerkhouse/room.jpg" width="100%"><br>
<<if $clerk.lvl == 3>>
@@.speech-u; Hey $clerk.name, can I meet your friend that you told me about?@@
@@.speech-clerk; My friend? Oh! Yeah sure.@@
@@.speech-u; What's wrong?@@
@@.speech-clerk; It's just that, I haven't talked to her in years.@@
@@.speech-u; Why is that?@@
@@.speech-clerk; After highschool, she moved to the city, and I haven't seen or talked to her ever since.@@
@@.speech-u; Were you both good friends?@@
@@.speech-clerk; We were besties.@@
@@.speech-u; Then there shouldn't be a problem in calling her.@@
@@.speech-clerk; Yeah, but... I don't know what to say to her.@@
@@.speech-u; Just start with the basics.@@
@@.speech-clerk; Basics... okay.@@
$clerk.name calls her friend.<br>
<img src="Media/call.png" width="100%"><br>
<<if $clerk.lvl == 3>>
Her friend picks up and she begins talking.
@@.speech-clerk; H-Hey, we haven't really talked a long time have we?@@
You can hear what the girl is saying on the phone.
@@.speech-kayla; No need to be so nervous $clerk.name, what's up?@@
@@.speech-clerk; I'm great, I was just thinking if we can meet sometime.@@
@@.speech-kayla; Sure, I could come over if you want.@@
@@.speech-clerk; Do you remember where I live?@@
@@.speech-kayla; Yeah, of course I do.@@
@@.speech-clerk; Alright, I will be waiting for you.@@
@@.speech-kayla; Alright.@@
@@.speech-clerk; Oh and... Code pink.@@
@@.speech-kayla; Really???@@
$clerk.name starts to smile.
@@.speech-clerk; You will see once you get here.@@
@@.speech-kayla; Well, I better rush then.@@
$clerk.name laughs.
@@.speech-clerk; Pink is not going anywhere, don't worry.@@
@@.speech-kayla; Better not, I will be there in an hour.@@
@@.speech-clerk; Okay! See you then!@@
@@.speech-kayla; Bye!@@
$clerk.name hangs up her phone.
@@.speech-u; It sounds like everything went well.@@
@@.speech-clerk; Yeah, the moment I started talking to her. I went back to how I usually talk with her.@@
@@.speech-u; That's the bestie power.@@
@@.speech-clerk; That sounded sooo corny.@@
@@.speech-u; May I ask you something?@@
@@.speech-clerk; Sure.@@
@@.speech-u; What is code pink?@@
$clerk.name smiles and doesn't say a word.<br>
<img src="Media/Markelbria/clerkhouse/hallway.jpg" width="80%"><br>
<<if $clerk.lvl == 3>>
An hour passes and your hear a knock on the door.<br>
$clerk.name goes to the door to open it and you hear the same voice you heard on the phone.
@@.speech-kayla; Heeeey! You look even hotter than before, the hell?@@
$clerk.name giggles.
@@.speech-clerk; Come on! You look better than me.@@
@@.speech-kayla; Impossible, anyway...@@
She looks around.
@@.speech-kayla; Where is code pink?@@
@@.speech-clerk; In my room.@@
@@.speech-kayla; I assume that you both...@@
$clerk.name begins to whisper.
@@.speech-clerk; Come on! Don't say that out loud.@@
She laughs.
@@.speech-kayla; I won't, I won't! Let's go to your room and meet pink then.@@
@@.speech-clerk; Yeah!@@
<img src="Media/Markelbria/clerkhouse/room.jpg" width="80%"><br>
<<if $clerk.lvl == 3>>
The girls go in the bedroom and behind $clerk.name you see a black beautiful girl.
@@.speech-kayla; Well aren't you handsome.@@
$clerk.name looks down.
@@.speech-u; My cutie's friend I assume.@@
@@.speech-kayla; Cutie! Oh my god! You both really did it together.@@
$clerk.name hides her face in embarrassment.
@@.speech-kayla; Anyway... My name is $kayla.name, sorry for the first impression.@@
@@.speech-u; $uname, and it's okay.@@
@@.speech-clerk; Alright, since you both met, I can finally take it easy.@@
@@.speech-kayla; So...@@
$kayla.name smiles.
@@.speech-kayla; How many times did you guys do it?@@
@@.speech-clerk; Why do you have to be so dirty minded!@@
@@.speech-u; I lost count.@@
@@.speech-clerk; $uname!@@
$kayla.name laughs.
@@.speech-kayla; I always knew $clerk.name was a hornball! I like you $uname!@@
@@.speech-clerk; I'm not a hornball!@@
@@.speech-u; Oh, but you are.@@
@@.speech-clerk; I'm not!@@
$clerk.name begins to pout.
@@.speech-kayla; Look how cute you look now!@@
You both laugh.<br>
You continue talking with them both for few hours, until $kayla.name has to go.<br>
<img src="Media/Markelbria/clerkhouse/hallway.jpg" width="80%"><br>
<<if $clerk.lvl == 3>>
@@.speech-kayla; It was nice meeting you $uname.@@
You both exchange contacts.
@@.speech-kayla; I will send you my address, so you can visit me.@@
@@.speech-u; Alright, will do.@@
@@.speech-kayla; Oh right, if you need some stuff to have that energy up for the whole night, I can give you a number if you want.@@
@@.speech-u; Thanks, I will keep that in mind, while we are fucking like rabbits.@@
$kayla.name laughs.
@@.speech-kayla; Good, just so you know I'm always available.@@
@@.speech-u; Is that an invitation?@@
@@.speech-kayla; You tell me. I have to go, bye handsome. Bye $clerk.name!@@
She doesn't answer.
@@.speech-u; Must be annoyed.@@
$kayla.name grins.
@@.speech-kayla; It's always like that with her, keep her safe and... satisfied.@@
@@.speech-u; You already know.@@
$kayla.name giggles.
@@.speech-kayla; Alright.@@
$kayla.name leaves.<br>
You can now visit $kayla.name in apartments.<br>
$kayla.name is now level 2, due to all that talk you had today with her and $clerk.name.<br>
<<set $kayla.lvl = 2>>
<img src="Media/Markelbria/kaylahouse/hall.webp" width="80%"><br>
$kayla.name's apartment.<br><br>
<<link "$kayla.name's room">><<goto kaylaroom>><</link>><br>
<img src="Media/Markelbria/kaylahouse/room.webp" width="80%"><br>
$kayla.name's bedroom.<br><br>
$kayla.name is here.<br>
<<set _chancetobeteased to random(0,100)>>
<<if $kayla.aff >=250 and $kayla.cor>=150>>
<<if _chancetobeteased >=30>>
<<set _tease = random(0,5)>>
<<if _tease <=2>>
<<set _imagePath = "Media/Markelbria/Kayla/Tease/" + _tease + ".webp">>
<<set _imageTag = '<img src="' + _imagePath + '" width="50%">'>>
<<if _tease >2>>
<<set _naked = random(0,2)>>
<<set _imagePath = "Media/Markelbria/Kayla/Tease/Naked/" + _naked + ".webp">>
<<set _imageTag = '<img src="' + _imagePath + '" width="50%">'>>
<<set _result to $addstat($kayla,"cor",2)>><<print _result>><br>
<<elseif $kayla.aff >=80 and $kayla.cor>=40>>
<<if _chancetobeteased >=50>>
<<set _tease = random(0,2)>>
<<set _imagePath = "Media/Markelbria/Kayla/Tease/" + _tease + ".webp">>
<<set _imageTag = '<img src="' + _imagePath + '" width="50%">'>>
<<set _result to $addstat($kayla,"cor",1)>><<print _result>><br>
Affection: <<print Math.ceil($kayla.aff)>> Corruption: <<print Math.ceil($kayla.cor)>> lvl: $kayla.lvl<br>
<<if $kayla.aff >=230 and $kayla.cor >=210 and $kayla.lvl == 2>>
<<link "Go further with kayla">><<goto kaylafurther>><</link>><br><</if>>
[[Talk|kaylatalk]] <<link Gift>><<set $Gkayla = true>><<goto Inventory>><</link>><br>
<<if $kayla.aff >=10>>[[Flirt|kaylaflirt]] <</if>><<if $kayla.cor >=20>>[[Interact|kaylainteract]]<</if>><br><br>
<<set $time += 0.25>>
<img src="Media/Markelbria/kaylahouse/room.webp" width="80%"><br>
<<if $kayla.lvl == 2>>
@@.speech-u; Hey $kayla.name, I wanted to ask if you can give me the number of the person you mentioned.@@
@@.speech-kayla; I could, if you do stuff for me.@@
@@.speech-u; Like?@@
@@.speech-kayla; You know, let me enjoy your cock.@@
@@.speech-u; So that's what you were after all this time.@@
@@.speech-kayla; Of course, and I asked $clerk.name if I can do it with you.@@
@@.speech-u; And I assume that she was against it at first.@@
@@.speech-kayla; Yup, but I managed to convince her, what do you say?@@
@@.speech-u; You already know the answer.@@
@@.speech-kayla; It's a yes.@@
@@.speech-u; Give me time to think about it.@@
@@.speech-kayla; Okay..@@
<<set _result to $addstat($kayla,"aff",7)>><<print _result>><br>
<<set _result to $addstat($kayla,"cor",4)>><<print _result>><br>
<<elseif $kayla.lvl == 3>>
@@.speech-u; So about that person, can you give me his number now?@@
@@.speech-kayla; Sure, because you satisfied me to the fullest.@@
@@.speech-u; Glad to know.@@
@@.speech-kayla; Are you free later?@@
@@.speech-u; I don't know, time will tell.@@
@@.speech-kayla; Okay...@@
$kayla.name gives you the number.
@@.speech-kayla; You will meet him in the alleyway. Not only that, he will give you some contact to the person he knows, if you buy enough of his stuff.@@
@@.speech-u; What kind of person?@@
@@.speech-kayla; You will know, once you meet him.@@
@@.speech-u; Alright.@@
<<if $contacts == true>>
Have to meet the person.<br>
<<set $contacts = true>>
You have been given the number.<br>
<<set _result to $addstat($kayla,"aff",14)>><<print _result>><br>
<<set _result to $addstat($kayla,"cor",7)>><<print _result>><br>
[[Go back|kaylaroom]]
<<set $time += 0.25>>
<img src="Media/Markelbria/kaylahouse/room.webp" width="80%"><br>
<<if $kayla.lvl == 2>>
@@.speech-u; Hey $kayla.name, want to have a great time together?@@
@@.speech-kayla; You don't have to ask, because you know the answer already.@@
You smile.
@@.speech-u; I want you to say it.@@
@@.speech-kayla; You really know how to get a girl riled up.@@
@@.speech-u; That's not the only thing I know how to do.@@
@@.speech-kayla; I bet you do.@@
<<set _result to $addstat($kayla,"aff",4)>><<print _result>><br>
<<set _result to $addstat($kayla,"cor",10)>><<print _result>><br>
<<elseif $kayla.lvl == 3>>
@@.speech-u; Hey baby, want to fuck?@@
@@.speech-kayla; Not right now, but I could pleasure you in other ways.@@
@@.speech-u; Oh yeah?@@
@@.speech-kayla; Yeah... That's if you like.@@
@@.speech-u; If you keep talking like that, I might accept your proposal.@@
$kayla.name laughs.<br>
<<set _result to $addstat($kayla,"aff",9)>><<print _result>><br>
<<set _result to $addstat($kayla,"cor",20)>><<print _result>><br>
[[Go back|kaylaroom]]
<<if $kayla.aff >=90 and $kayla.cor >=80>>
<<if $kayla.lvl == 3>>
[[Go back|kaylaroom]]
<<set $time += 0.25>>
<img src="Media/Markelbria/kaylahouse/room.webp" width="80%"><br>
<<if $kayla.lvl == 2>>
@@.speech-u; Hey, want to give me a handjob?@@
@@.speech-kayla; You bet your sweet ass I do.@@
@@.speech-u; Always willing.@@
$kayla.name walks up to you and guides her hand towards your pants, to pull it down and stroke your cock.<br>
<<elseif $kayla.lvl == 3>>
@@.speech-u; May I get a handjob, m'lady?@@
@@.speech-kayla; You don't have to do that, just makes it weird.@@
You grin.
@@.speech-kayla; But handjob shall be given.@@
You hastily pull down your pants, and $kayla.name starts to stroke you cock.<br>
<<set _hj = random(0,6)>>
<<set _imagePath = "Media/Markelbria/Kayla/HJ/" + _hj + ".webp">>
<<set _imageTag = '<img src="' + _imagePath + '" width="65%">'>>
<<if $kayla.lvl == 2>>
@@.speech-kayla; How are my hands?@@
@@.speech-u; They are strangely soft.@@
@@.speech-kayla; Mhm... That's the work of my hand cream... and skills.@@
@@.speech-u; You are quite the girl then.@@
@@.speech-kayla; You bet I'am.@@
<<elseif $kayla.lvl == 3>>
@@.speech-u; The feeling of your handjob is still the same.@@
@@.speech-kayla; It won't get worse, since I have to pleasure you everyday.@@
@@.speech-u; Had enough of it?@@
@@.speech-kayla; Why would I?@@
<img src="Media/Markelbria/kaylahouse/room.webp" width="80%"><br>
<<if $kayla.lvl == 2>>
@@.speech-u; I'm going to cum.@@
@@.speech-kayla; Ok, don't worry. I already know.@@
<<elseif $kayla.lvl == 3>>
$kayla.name strokes you faster to make you cum sooner.<br>
<<set _hjc = random(0,4)>>
<<set _imagePath = "Media/Markelbria/Kayla/HJ/Cum/" + _hjc + ".webp">>
<<set _imageTag = '<img src="' + _imagePath + '" width="65%">'>>
<<if $kayla.lvl == 2>>
@@.speech-kayla; So, how was it?@@
@@.speech-u; Strangely seducing and great at the same time.@@
@@.speech-kayla; Good to know.@@
<<elseif $kayla.lvl == 3>>
@@.speech-kayla; You came a lot this time.@@
@@.speech-u; All because you are so good at handjobs.@@
@@.speech-kayla; I don't think that's the only reason.@@
@@.speech-u; You never know.@@
<<set _result to $addstat($kayla,"aff",40)>><<print _result>><br>
<<set _result to $addstat($kayla,"cor",30)>><<print _result>><br>
[[Go back|kaylainteract]]
<<set $time += 0.25>>
<img src="Media/Markelbria/kaylahouse/room.webp" width="80%"><br>
<<if $kayla.lvl == 2>>
@@.speech-u; This time, I demand a blowjob.@@
@@.speech-kayla; Oh you are demanding now, big boy?@@
@@.speech-u; You obviously won't say no to that.@@
@@.speech-kayla; Of course not.@@
$kayla.name pulls down your pants and teases your cock before sucking it.<br>
<<elseif $kayla.lvl == 3>>
@@.speech-u; Hey $kayla.name, give me a blowjob.@@
@@.speech-kayla; Straight to the point are we?@@
@@.speech-u; Just can't wait to get another one from you.@@
$kayla.name smiles.
@@.speech-kayla; At this point, just shove your cock up my mouth.@@
@@.speech-u; Good idea.@@
$kayla.name sighs and pulls down your pants to suck your cock.<br>
<<set _bj = random(0,5)>>
<<set _imagePath = "Media/Markelbria/Kayla/BJ/" + _bj + ".webp">>
<<set _imageTag = '<img src="' + _imagePath + '" width="65%">'>>
<<if $kayla.lvl == 2>>
@@.speech-u; Your handjob skills and blowjobs skills are too great for just a normal girl.@@
Maybe she did this type of thing as a job, you think to yourself.<br>
<<elseif $kayla.lvl == 3>>
You grab her head and thrust your cock deeper in the throat.<br>
<img src="Media/Markelbria/kaylahouse/room.webp" width="80%"><br>
<<if $kayla.lvl == 2>>
Knowing that you don't need to tell her anything, you pull her head towards the base of your cock.<br>
<<elseif $kayla.lvl == 3>>
@@.speech-u; Time to swallow!@@
You keep her head still and cum down her throat.<br>
<<set _bjc = random(0,3)>>
<<set _imagePath = "Media/Markelbria/Kayla/BJ/Cum/" + _bjc + ".webp">>
<<set _imageTag = '<img src="' + _imagePath + '" width="65%">'>>
<<if $kayla.lvl == 2>>
$kayla.name swallows all of your cum.
@@.speech-kayla; You are right, I'm not a normal girl, I'm above the normal girl.@@
You laugh.
@@.speech-u; You truly are.@@
<<elseif $kayla.lvl == 3>>
$kayla.name coughs after all that.
@@.speech-kayla; I almost passed out.@@
@@.speech-u; And you are soaked.@@
$kayla.name looks under her.
@@.speech-kayla; I didn't even notice... Wanna fuck?@@
@@.speech-u; A bit later.@@
<<set _result to $addstat($kayla,"aff",60)>><<print _result>><br>
<<set _result to $addstat($kayla,"cor",50)>><<print _result>><br>
[[Go back|kaylainteract]]
<img src="Media/Markelbria/kaylahouse/room.webp" width="80%"><br>
<<if $kayla.lvl == 2>>
@@.speech-u; So I've been thinking.@@
@@.speech-kayla; Mhm...@@
@@.speech-u; Whether or not we should have sex.@@
@@.speech-kayla; So your answer is...?@@
@@.speech-u; Let's roll with it.@@
$kayla.name claps her hands.
@@.speech-kayla; Great! Not now though, I'm kinda tired.@@
@@.speech-u; Alright.@@
@@.speech-kayla; It's reassuring to know, that you are willing to have sex with me.@@
@@.speech-u; If $clerk.name already allowed it, I don't see why we shouldn't do it.@@
$kayla.name smiles.
@@.speech-kayla; You are right.@@
You can now have sex with $kayla.name.<br>
<<set $kayla.lvl = 3>>
[[Go back|kaylaroom]]
<<set $time += 0.25>>
<img src="Media/Markelbria/kaylahouse/room.webp" width="80%"><br>
<<if $kayla.lvl == 3>>
@@.speech-u; Hey, want to fuck?@@
@@.speech-kayla; Always wanted.@@
@@.speech-u; Then let's begin.@@
You both get naked and she teases your cock until you insert your cock in her pussy.<br>
<<set _sex = random(0,5)>>
<<set _imagePath = "Media/Markelbria/Kayla/Sex/" + _sex + ".webp">>
<<set _imageTag = '<img src="' + _imagePath + '" width="65%">'>>
<<if $kayla.lvl == 3>>
@@.speech-kayla; Goddamn, your cock is pretty good!@@
@@.speech-u; I could say the same thing about your pussy.@@
$kayla.name smiles.
@@.speech-kayla; Don't hesitate to fuck me hard.@@
@@.speech-u; Wasn't planning to.@@
<<if $kayla.aff >=380 and $kayla.cor >=350>>
[[Cum Inside|kaylasexi]] [[Cum Outside|kaylasexo]]
<img src="Media/Markelbria/kaylahouse/room.webp" width="80%"><br>
<<if $kayla.lvl == 3>>
@@.speech-u; I'm going to cum!@@
@@.speech-kayla; Spray it all over my body!@@
You fuck her till you cum.<br>
<<set _cum = random(0,5)>>
<<set _imagePath = "Media/Markelbria/Kayla/Sex/CumO/" + _cum + ".webp">>
<<set _imageTag = '<img src="' + _imagePath + '" width="65%">'>>
<<if $kayla.lvl == 3>>
$kayla.name plays with your cum that's on her body.
@@.speech-kayla; You are not half bad.@@
@@.speech-u; I will take that as a compliment.@@
@@.speech-kayla; You should, because not everyone can make me cum.@@
<<set _result to $addstat($kayla,"aff",90)>><<print _result>><br>
<<set _result to $addstat($kayla,"cor",80)>><<print _result>><br>
[[Go back|kaylainteract]]
<img src="Media/Markelbria/kaylahouse/room.webp" width="80%"><br>
<<if $kayla.lvl == 3>>
@@.speech-u; Where do you want it?@@
$kayla.name pulls you closer.
@@.speech-kayla; Inside. All of it!@@
You increase your speed and do just that.<br>
<<set _cum = random(0,4)>>
<<set _imagePath = "Media/Markelbria/Kayla/Sex/CumI/" + _cum + ".webp">>
<<set _imageTag = '<img src="' + _imagePath + '" width="65%">'>>
<<if $kayla.lvl == 3>>
@@.speech-kayla; You really wasted no time.@@
@@.speech-u; You said inside, so I did it inside.@@
@@.speech-kayla; Not that I was complaining...@@
<<set _result to $addstat($kayla,"aff",100)>><<print _result>><br>
<<set _result to $addstat($kayla,"cor",90)>><<print _result>><br>
[[Go back|kaylainteract]]
<img src="Media/Markelbria/dealer.jpg" width="70%"><br>
<<if $dealer == 0>>
@@.speech-u; I've heard you sell pills, that can help me out.@@
Dealer looks around in suspicion.
@@.speech-u; I'm not a cop or anything.@@
He looks you up and down.
@@.speech-u; Don't have anything on me.@@
Dealer finally brings out his ware.<br>
<<elseif $dealer <5>>
@@.speech-u; Can I get more pills?@@
Dealer still doesn't trust you.<br>
You show him that you don't have anything on you.<br>
He shows you his wares.<br>
<<elseif $dealer <10>>
@@.speech-u; Can I get another boost?@@
He nods and shows you his wares.<br>
<<elseif $dealer >=10>>
@@.speech-u; What's good.@@
You dab each other up and he shows you see his wares.<br>
<<if $dealer == 10>>
He hands you a piece of paper, containing a location.<br>
<<set $person = true>>
Red Pill(30k) <<if $cash >=30000>> - <<link "Buy and Use">><<set $cash -=30000>><<set $strength +=25>><<set $time +=0.25>><<set $dealer +=1>><<goto Markelway>><</link>><</if>><br>
Gives 25 Strength.<br><br>
Blue Pill(30k) <<if $cash >=30000>> - <<link "Buy and Use">><<set $cash -=30000>><<set $intelligence +=25>><<set $time +=0.25>><<set $dealer +=1>><<goto Markelway>><</link>><</if>><br>
Gives 25 Intelligence.<br><br>
<img src="Media/House/hacking.jpg" width="70%"><br>
<<set $time +=0.25>>
You started hacking for fun<br>
<<set _earned = 125 * (1 + (($intelligence/50) + ($hacking/50)))>>
<<set _earned = Math.ceil(_earned)>>
You earned: $<<print _earned>>.<br>
<<set $cash += _earned>>
<<set _hack = 1 + Math.ceil($intelligence/10)>>
You gained _hack hacking exp.<br>
<<set $hacking += _hack>>
<<if $hackextra == true>>
<<set _extraearned = 1500 * (1 + ($hacking/50))>>
You earned $<<print _extraearned>> from the contact.<br>
<<set $cash += _extraearned>>
[[Go back|Laptop]]
<img src="Media/City/Mall/Teach.jpg" width="70%"><br>
<<set $time +=0.25>>
You started training people.<br>
<<set _earned = 125 * (1 + (($strength/50) + ($trainer/50)))>>
<<set _earned = Math.ceil(_earned)>>
You earned: $<<print _earned>>.<br>
<<set $cash += _earned>>
<<set _train = 1 + Math.ceil($strength/10)>>
You gained _train trainer exp.<br>
<<set $trainer += _train>>
[[Go back|Gym]]
<img src="Media/House/ishop.jpg" width="70%"><br>
Internet shop.<br><br>
Chocolate ($35) <<if $cash >= 35>> - <<link "Buy">><<set $chocolate += 1>><<set $cash -= 35>> <<goto "ishop">><</link>><<endif>><br>
Condom ($35) <<if $cash >= 35>> - <<link "Buy">><<set $condom += 1>><<set $cash -= 35>> <<goto "ishop">><</link>><<endif>><br>
Alcohol ($80) <<if $cash >= 80>> - <<link "Buy">><<set $alcohol += 1>><<set $cash -= 80>> <<goto "ishop">><</link>><<endif>><br>
Perfume ($80) <<if $cash >= 80>> - <<link "Buy">><<set $perfume += 1>><<set $cash -= 80>> <<goto "ishop">><</link>><<endif>><br>
Bikini ($350) <<if $cash >= 350>> - <<link "Buy">><<set $bikini += 1>><<set $cash -= 350>> <<goto "ishop">><</link>><<else>><<endif>><br>
Lingerie ($350) <<if $cash >= 350>> - <<link "Buy">><<set $lingerie += 1>><<set $cash -= 350>> <<goto "ishop">><</link>><<else>><<endif>><br>
Cute Dress ($800) <<if $cash >= 800>> - <<link "Buy">><<set $cutedress += 1>><<set $cash -= 800>> <<goto "ishop">><</link>><<else>><<endif>><br>
Sexy Dress ($800) <<if $cash >= 800>> - <<link "Buy">><<set $sexydress += 1>><<set $cash -= 800>> <<goto "ishop">><</link>><<else>><<endif>><br>
Beer ($150) <<if $cash >= 150>> - <<link "Buy">><<set $cash -=150>><<set $beer +=1>><<goto ishop>><</link>><</if>><br>
Box of beer ($1150) <<if $cash >= 1150>> - <<link "Buy">><<set $cash -=1150>><<set $boxbeer +=1>><<goto ishop>><</link>><</if>><br>
Dictionary ($650) <<if $cash >=650>> - <<link "Buy">><<set $cash -=650>><<set $Dictionary +=1>><<goto ishop>><</link>><</if>><br>
[[Go back|Laptop]]
<img src="Media/City/contact.jpg" width="70%"><br>
<<if $contacts == true>>
You approach the man.
@@.speech-u; Are you the contact?@@
@@.speech-contact; Indeed, I'am.@@
@@.speech-u; What do you need of me?@@
@@.speech-contact; I need you to work for me.@@
@@.speech-u; I'm not going to get associated with any criminal activity.@@
@@.speech-contact; Oh, but you already have.@@
@@.speech-u; What?@@
@@.speech-contact; And I'm not asking much from you, just work as a hacker for me and I will pay you a great sum.@@
@@.speech-u; Hack huh?@@
@@.speech-contact; Yes, that's all you need to do.@@
@@.speech-u; How much am I getting for hacking?@@
@@.speech-contact; Depends on your skill, but if you're a beginner, the initial payment is 1.5k@@
@@.speech-u; That is a good amount of cash.@@
@@.speech-contact; Indeed it is, so what do you say?@@
@@.speech-u; Don't even need to think about it, I'm in.@@
@@.speech-contact; Good. You don't have to go anywhere, just work from home and you will get paid an extra from me.@@
@@.speech-u; Okay.@@
When you do hacking, you will get paid extra from the contact.<br><br>
<<set $hackextra = true>>
[[Go back|City]]
<img src="Media/Markelbria/cousinhouse/cousinroom.jpg" width="70%"><br>
<<if $cousin.lvl == 3>>
@@.speech-u; Hey sweetie, I've called $sister.name over.@@
@@.speech-cousin; What?@@
@@.speech-u; Listen... I want you both to get along, can you do that for me at least.@@
$cousin.name thinks for a moment.
@@.speech-cousin; Fine. When is she arriving?@@
@@.speech-u; Really soon.@@
@@.speech-cousin; Wanna do something while wait?@@
@@.speech-u; Like?@@
@@.speech-cousin; Sex.@@
@@.speech-u; It will take us hours to finish having sex, let's just sit and wait.@@
$cousin.name sighs.
@@.speech-cousin; You are so boring.@@
You both sit and wait for $sister.name to arrive.<br>
<img src="Media/Markelbria/cousinhouse/hallway.jpg" width="70%"><br>
<<if $cousin.lvl == 3>>
You hear knocks on the door and go to open the door.
@@.speech-u; Welcome to malkebria.@@
@@.speech-sister; It was hard to find this place, but at least it's worth the difficulty.@@
@@.speech-u; Do you know why you're here?@@
@@.speech-sister; Not really...@@
$cousin.name walks to the door.
@@.speech-cousin; Hey.@@
$sister.name glances at you.
@@.speech-sister; Is this what you meant by a surprise?@@
@@.speech-u; Yeah, I want you both to get along.@@
Both replied.
@@.speech-sister; Impossible.@@
@@.speech-cousin; Impossible.@@
@@.speech-u; You both want to have sex with me, so I don't see why this isn't convenient.@@
They both look surprised.
@@.speech-sister; $uname, did you sleep with her?@@
@@.speech-cousin; I have the same question, did you both have sex?@@
@@.speech-u; To answer both of your questions... Yes.@@
They don't look angry, just lost.
@@.speech-u; This is why I want both of you to get along, so that we can have threesome.@@
@@.speech-sister; Can I come in?@@
@@.speech-cousin; Go ahead.@@
@@.speech-u; How about we discuss it in your room.@@
@@.speech-cousin; Sure...@@
<img src="Media/Markelbria/cousinhouse/cousinroom.jpg" width="70%"><br>
<<if $cousin.lvl == 3>>
@@.speech-u; So what do both of you say?@@
@@.speech-sister; I have a question.@@
@@.speech-u; What is it?@@
@@.speech-sister; Won't we be too much for you?@@
@@.speech-u; Have I ever gotten tired fucking you?@@
@@.speech-sister; No... but.@@
@@.speech-u; $cousin.name is in the same situation here, so believe me when I say this. I can handle both of you.@@
$cousin.name grins.
@@.speech-cousin; I would love to see you handle us.@@
@@.speech-u; It appears that you both are now partners in sex.@@
@@.speech-cousin; If it means that we both can get satisfied at the same time, I will have a threesome with you.@@
@@.speech-u; $sister.name?@@
@@.speech-sister; I'm all in.@@
@@.speech-u; Great. Whenever you both are ready I will call for you and we will have a threesome.@@
@@.speech-sister; Okay.@@
@@.speech-cousin; Can't wait.@@
You can now have a threesome with $sister.name and $cousin.name.<br>
<<set $sister.lvl = 4>>
<<set $cousin.lvl = 4>>
<<if $cousin.aff >=1600 and $sister.aff >=2000>>
<<if $sisterint == true>>
<<link "Go back">><<set $sisterint = false>><<goto "Interact to sister">><</link>>
<<elseif $cousinint == true>>
<<link "Go back">><<set $cousinint = false>><<goto "Interact cousin">><</link>><</if>>
<<set $time +=0.25>>
<<if $cousinint == true>>
<img src="Media/Markelbria/cousinhouse/cousinroom.jpg" width="80%"><br>
<<elseif $sisterint == true>>
<img src="Media/House/Rooms/Sister Room.jpg" width="80%"><br>
<<if $cousin.lvl == 4>>
@@.speech-u; Hey girls, can you pleasure me?@@
They both look at each other and go in front of you, pulling down your pants and playing around with your cock.<br>
<<set _three = random(0,5)>>
<<set _imagePath = "Media/Threesome/SC/Foreplay/" + _three + ".webp">>
<<set _imageTag = '<img src="' + _imagePath + '" width="65%">'>>
@@.speech-u; This is much hotter than doing it with just one girl.@@
They both smile and keep playing around with your cock.<br>
<<if $cousinint == true>>
<img src="Media/Markelbria/cousinhouse/cousinroom.jpg" width="80%"><br>
<<elseif $sisterint == true>>
<img src="Media/House/Rooms/Sister Room.jpg" width="80%"><br>
<<if $cousin.lvl == 4>>
@@.speech-u; I'm going to cum, girls!@@
They become aggressive and make you cum just by doing so.<br>
<<set _cum = random(0,4)>>
<<set _imagePath = "Media/Threesome/SC/Foreplay/Cum/" + _cum + ".webp">>
<<set _imageTag = '<img src="' + _imagePath + '" width="65%">'>>
@@.speech-sister; How was it?@@
@@.speech-u; Amazing.@@
$cousin.name laughs.
@@.speech-cousin; Maybe it really was a good decision.@@
<<set _result to $addstat($sister,"aff",50)>>$sister.name <<print _result>><br>
<<set _result to $addstat($sister,"cor",45)>>$sister.name <<print _result>><br>
<<set _result to $addstat($cousin,"aff",50)>>$cousin.name <<print _result>><br>
<<set _result to $addstat($cousin,"cor",45)>>$cousin.name <<print _result>><br>
[[Go back|sisxcous]]
<<set $time +=0.25>>
<<if $cousinint == true>>
<img src="Media/Markelbria/cousinhouse/cousinroom.jpg" width="80%"><br>
<<elseif $sisterint == true>>
<img src="Media/House/Rooms/Sister Room.jpg" width="80%"><br>
<<if $cousin.lvl == 4>>
@@.speech-u; Hey girls, let's have a threesome sex.@@
@@.speech-sister; About time.@@
@@.speech-cousin; Who will you fuck first?@@
@@.speech-u; You will see.@@
Girls get naked and are ready for your cock, you insert your cock in one of the girls and start fucking her.<br>
<<set _three = random(0,5)>>
<<set _imagePath = "Media/Threesome/SC/Sex/" + _three + ".webp">>
<<set _imageTag = '<img src="' + _imagePath + '" width="65%">'>>
@@.speech-u; From this view alone, I feel like I will cum instantly.@@
You can't keep your eyes away from the view you're seeing.<br>
<<if $cousinint == true>>
<img src="Media/Markelbria/cousinhouse/cousinroom.jpg" width="80%"><br>
<<elseif $sisterint == true>>
<img src="Media/House/Rooms/Sister Room.jpg" width="80%"><br>
<<if $cousin.lvl == 4>>
@@.speech-u; I'm going to cum!@@
You start fucking the girls faster and faster until you cum.<br>
<<set _cum = random(0,3)>>
<<set _imagePath = "Media/Threesome/SC/Sex/Cum/" + _cum + ".webp">>
<<set _imageTag = '<img src="' + _imagePath + '" width="65%">'>>
@@.speech-cousin; I don't know why, but I came sooner than usual.@@
@@.speech-sister; Me too!@@
@@.speech-u; I guess this isn't only affecting me.@@
<<set _result to $addstat($sister,"aff",60)>>$sister.name <<print _result>><br>
<<set _result to $addstat($sister,"cor",52)>>$sister.name <<print _result>><br>
<<set _result to $addstat($cousin,"aff",60)>>$cousin.name <<print _result>><br>
<<set _result to $addstat($cousin,"cor",52)>>$cousin.name <<print _result>><br>
[[Go back|sisxcous]]
<<if $email == true>>
You receive an email from an unknown person.
@@.speech-contact; Hello, this is entrepreneur speaking.<br>
I have a job for you to do in another country.<br>
You will be working under a company as a programmer, worry not, they pay a good amount for people like you.<br>
I have already sent a flight ticket to you, you can go there any time you want, as long as you do the job.<br>
They will explain the rest to you, once you get there.<br><br>
Hope to hear from you when you get there.<br>
~ The Entrepreneur.@@<br>
@@.speech-u; A job in another country, I wonder where?@@
You check the ticket and see that the flight is to Germany.<br>
@@.speech-u; Can't wait.@@
- Use your car to get to the airport.<br><br>
<img src="Media/Airport.jpg" width="80%"><br>
<<set $germany = false>>
[[Fly to Germany|Germany]]<br>
<<if $email2 == true>>
[[Fly to Sweden|Sweden]]<br>
<<set $sweden = false>>
[[Go back|Travelling]]
<img src="Media/Germany/City.jpg" width="80%"><br>
<<set $germany = true>>
<<if $emily.aff == 0>>
<<goto Germanymeet>>
<<if $reception.aff >=1>>
<<if $barista.house == true>>
<<link "$barista.name's house">><<goto Baristahouse>><</link>><br><</if>>
<<if $reception.house == true>>
<<link "$reception.name's house">><<goto Receptionhouse>><</link>><br><</if>>
<<if $emily.house == true>>
<<link "$emily.name's house">><<goto Emilyhouse>><</link>><br><</if>>
[[Fly back|Airport]]
<img src="Media/Germany/City.jpg" width="80%"><br>
<<if $email == true>>
You arrive in Germany and a person in a suit approaches you.
@@.speech-contact; I've been informed, that you will arrive today. Please follow me to the company.@@
@@.speech-u; Okay.@@
You follow him to the car, no questions asked.<br>
<img src="Media/Germany/Company.webp" width="60%"><br>
<<if $email == true>>
You arrive at the company's building and step out of the car.<br>
A woman stands in front of you, looking you up and down.
@@.speech-emily; Welcome to Germany... And to our company.@@
@@.speech-u; Thank you, wasn't expecting to instantly go to your company after landing.@@
@@.speech-emily; Well, I want it to be done the moment opportunity arrives.@@
@@.speech-u; I see.@@
@@.speech-emily; My name is $emily.name, and I assume you are $uname, right?@@
@@.speech-u; That's right.@@
@@.speech-emily; Well $uname, let's head inside, shall we.@@
You nod and follow her inside.<br>
<img src="Media/Germany/Office.jpeg" width="60%"><br>
<<if $email == true>>
@@.speech-emily; This is the office, where you'll be working.@@
@@.speech-u; I'm not entirely sure, what it is that I do.@@
@@.speech-emily; Well, you will be a programmer, as I believe the contact told you.@@
@@.speech-u; Yeah...@@
@@.speech-emily; And what you will be doing is, protect our company from getting attacked digitally.@@
@@.speech-u; So a network system administrator.@@
@@.speech-emily; Yes.@@
@@.speech-u; Okay... I can do that, but how much am I getting paid?@@
@@.speech-emily; 15K per work, but if you take your experience into account, you will be getting much more than that.@@
@@.speech-u; What about housing?@@
@@.speech-emily; We've made sure to provide you one near our company.<br>
It's a big 2-story house, and here are the keys.@@
She hands you the keys to the house.
@@.speech-u; I see, anything else that I need to know?@@
@@.speech-emily; Not at the moment.@@
@@.speech-u; Okay, thanks.@@
@@.speech-emily; You can begin your work at any time.@@
<<set $emily.aff = 1>>
<img src="Media/Germany/Office.jpeg" width="75%"><br>
Main Office<br><br>
<<if $emily.lvl <2>>
<<if $emily.aff >=2>>
Emily is here.<br>
<<if $emily.aff >=180 and $company.exp >=200 and $emily.lvl == 1>>
<<link "$emily.name wants to talk to you">><<goto Emilyfurther>><</link>><br><</if>>
Affection: <<print Math.ceil($emily.aff)>> Corruption: <<print Math.ceil($emily.cor)>> lvl: $emily.lvl<br>
[[Talk|Emilytalk]] <<if $emily.lvl ==2>>[[Flirt|Emilyflirt]]<</if>><br><br>
Job experience: $company.exp<br>
[[Your office|office]]<br>
<<link "$emily.name's office">><<goto ceoffice>><</link>><br>
<img src="Media/Germany/Home/Home.webp" width="75%"><br>
Front of your house<br><br>
<img src="Media/Germany/Network.jpg" width="75%"><br>
You do your usual work.<br><br>
<<if $emily.lvl >=3>>
<<set _chance = random(0,100)>>
<<if _chance <=50>>
$emily.name has come into your office and went under your desk.<br>
[[Let her service you|CeoService]]<br>
<<set _earn = Math.ceil(15000 * (1+($hacking/100) + ($company.exp/75)))>>
<<set _exp = Math.ceil($emily.aff/35)>>
<<if $rank == 2>><<set _rank = 1.25>><<elseif $rank == 3>><<set _rank = 1.75>><<elseif $rank == 4>><<set _rank = 2.5>><<else>><<set _rank = 1>><</if>>
<<set _earnedexp = (4 + _exp)*(1+$company.workers) * _rank>>
+<<print _earnedexp>> company exp<br>
<<set $company.exp += _earnedexp>>
+$<<print _earn>>
<<set $cash += _earn>><br>
<<set $time +=0.5>>
<<if $emily.lvl <2>>
<img src="Media/Germany/Home/Hallway.jpg" width="75%"><br>
Your house<br><br>
[[Your Room|GHomeR]]<br>
[[Go to your office|office]]<br>
<img src="Media/Germany/Home/Room.jpg" width="75%"><br>
Your Room<br><br>
<<if $time >=2.5>>
<<if $sc1 == true>>
[[The book|Book]]<br><<endif>>
<<if $owndiary == true>>
I should get a diary.
<<if $Laptop == true>>
<<if $Phone == true>>
<<if $emily.aff >= 1>>
You write an email to the contact, containing,
@@.speech-u; Hello Mr.Contact,<br>
I have arrived to the company and have been given a job.<br>
May I ask, what it is that I need to do?<br>
Best regards, $uname.@@<br>
You send the email to him and not long after get a reply.<br>
<<if $emily.aff >= 1>>
@@.speech-contact; Good to know, you contacted me, Mr.$uname.<br>
What I ask of you is nothing but simple, work for the company and get acquainted with the CEO.<br>
When you have earned the CEO's trust, aim for the higher rankings in the company, until you yourself become a CEO.<br>
Your job, is to rise in the ranks of the company.<br>
Reward, the company itself.<br>
Hope that answered your question, if you have any more questions, ask them any time.<br>
Take care,<br>
The contact.@@<br>
@@.speech-u; Rise in ranks... That will be difficult to do.@@
<<set $emily.aff = 2>>
You can now interact with $emily.name.<br>
<<set $time +=0.25>>
<<if $emily.lvl == 1>>
<img src="Media/Germany/Office.jpeg" width="75%"><br>
<<if $company.exp <=30>>
@@.speech-u; Hey $emily.name, can I ask you something?@@
@@.speech-emily; Sure, what is it?@@
@@.speech-u; What do you know about the contact?@@
@@.speech-emily; Not much, but he is a trustworthy person.@@
@@.speech-u; What makes you think that?@@
@@.speech-emily; He always accomplishes stuff that benefits us, for example you are working here and earning more than you would before.@@
@@.speech-u; I guess that's true.@@
@@.speech-emily; Yeah, he got me this far, so I don't see a reason not to trust him.@@
<<set _result to $addstat($emily,"aff",3)>><b><<print _result>></b><br>
<<elseif $company.exp <=80>>
@@.speech-u; Hey $emily.name, is there anything I can help out with?@@
@@.speech-emily; There are some interns you can help out with.@@
@@.speech-u; How many interns do you guys have?@@
@@.speech-emily; Every year we get 30-50 interns, right now we have 5.@@
@@.speech-u; What are their specialities?@@
@@.speech-emily; Data analysis, Program development, and few others.@@
@@.speech-u; Alright, I will see what I can do.@@
@@.speech-emily; Okay.@@
<<set _result to $addstat($emily,"aff",6)>><b><<print _result>></b><br>
<<elseif $company.exp <=150>>
@@.speech-u; Hey $emily.name, need help with paperworks?@@
@@.speech-emily; Not at all, it appears that you are already done with your work.@@
@@.speech-u; Pretty much.@@
@@.speech-emily; Well, how about we chat until the end of our shifts?@@
@@.speech-u; I would gladly take you on that offer.@@
$emily.name giggles.<br>
<<set _result to $addstat($emily,"aff",10)>><b><<print _result>></b><br>
@@.speech-u; How's it going?@@
@@.speech-emily; It's okay, so far.@@
@@.speech-u; Just okay?@@
@@.speech-emily; Yeah, because of some staff having problems.@@
@@.speech-u; Do they need help?@@
@@.speech-emily; They said they can handle it, so I don't think so.@@
@@.speech-u; I see... Do you need help?@@
@@.speech-emily; Could use your help to relieve that headache of mine.@@
@@.speech-u; I would be glad to help with that.@@
<<set _result to $addstat($emily,"aff",15)>><b><<print _result>></b><br>
[[Go back|COffice]]
<<elseif $emily.lvl == 2>>
<<if $time >=2>>
<img src="Media/Germany/ceohome/bedroom.jpg" width="75%"><br>
@@.speech-u; Hey beautiful, I came to see you.@@
@@.speech-emily; I'm glad you did, I missed you.@@
@@.speech-u; Is that so?@@
@@.speech-emily; Well yeah, because I can't talk to you as often at work.@@
@@.speech-u; True, you can't.@@
@@.speech-emily; So, what do you want to talk about.@@
@@.speech-u; About you and me.@@
@@.speech-emily; I like the sound of that.@@
@@.speech-u; You will like the sound of more stuff than just that.@@
$emily.name smiles.
@@.speech-emily; Can't say I wasn't expecting.@@
<<set _result to $addstat($emily,"aff",30)>><b><<print _result>></b><br>
<<set _result to $addstat($emily,"cor",4)>><b><<print _result>></b><br>
[[Go back|Emilyroom]]
<img src="Media/Germany/CEO.jpg" width="75%"><br>
@@.speech-u; Hey $emily.name, how are you?@@
@@.speech-emily; I'm fine, what do you want to talk about?@@
@@.speech-u; How do the ranks work?@@
@@.speech-emily; Hmm, do you want to rise up in them?@@
@@.speech-u; Yeah.@@
@@.speech-emily; Well, they work like this, Hire more and more workers for yourself and keep working together with them to be better than anyone.@@
@@.speech-u; So, get as much help as you can to rise the ranks.@@
@@.speech-emily; Pretty much.@@
@@.speech-u; I see.@@
@@.speech-emily; And of course, by spending time with me as well.@@
@@.speech-u; I don't have to worry about that one.@@
@@.speech-emily; Of course you don't.@@
$emily.name giggles.
@@.speech-u; I will surpass you, just so you know.@@
@@.speech-emily; Impossible!@@
@@.speech-u; We will see about that.@@
You both smile.<br>
<<set _result to $addstat($emily,"aff",25)>><b><<print _result>></b><br>
[[Go back|ceoffice]]
<<if $time >=2>>
<img src="Media/Germany/ceohome/bedroom.jpg" width="75%"><br>
@@.speech-u; Hey beautiful, want to spend some time together?@@
@@.speech-emily; Oh! Mr.handsome came here.@@
@@.speech-u; Mr.handsome missed you greatly.@@
$emily.name giggles.
@@.speech-emily; So, you want to spend some time together?@@
@@.speech-u; Yeah, can we?@@
@@.speech-emily; Well, of course we can.@@
@@.speech-u; Amazing.@@
<<set _result to $addstat($emily,"aff",40)>><b><<print _result>></b><br>
[[Go back|Emilyroom]]
<img src="Media/Germany/CEO.jpg" width="75%"><br>
@@.speech-u; Hey $emily.name, how's work?@@
@@.speech-emily; Since you becoming the CEO, it has been better.@@
@@.speech-u; Really?@@
@@.speech-emily; Yeah, you made good decisions related the business.@@
@@.speech-u; Was that a problem before?@@
@@.speech-emily; It was hard for me to make decisions relating the company.@@
@@.speech-u; Oh, so that's why the contact wanted me to do something about it.@@
@@.speech-emily; Yeah, I guess so.@@
<<set _result to $addstat($emily,"aff",35)>><b><<print _result>></b><br>
[[Go back|ceoffice]]
<<set $time +=0.25>>
<<if $emily.lvl == 2>>
<<if $time >=2>>
<img src="Media/Germany/ceohome/bedroom.jpg" width="75%"><br>
@@.speech-u; Hey cutie, need some cuddles?@@
@@.speech-emily; Your cuddles could help me a lot.@@
@@.speech-u; Do you need kisses as a bonus as well?@@
@@.speech-emily; You are just giving me the premium care.@@
@@.speech-u; How could I not, when there a cutie sitting in her room alone.@@
$emily.name smiles.
@@.speech-emily; How could I refuse, when a handsome man is asking me to do these things for me.@@
<<set _result to $addstat($emily,"cor",14)>><b><<print _result>></b><br>
[[Go back|Emilyroom]]
<img src="Media/Germany/CEO.jpg" width="75%"><br>
@@.speech-u; Hey there beautiful.@@
@@.speech-emily; Are we moving onto flirty relationship now?@@
@@.speech-u; If you want.@@
@@.speech-emily; I would be happy to, handsome.@@
@@.speech-u; You are getting me fired up now.@@
@@.speech-emily; You started it, so someone has to end it.@@
You grab her by her chin.
@@.speech-u; And I hope it will never end.@@
$emily.name's eyes widen and she smiles.
@@.speech-emily; Anyway, it's time to go back to work.@@
@@.speech-u; Yeah, let's do that.@@
<<set _result to $addstat($emily,"cor",9)>><b><<print _result>></b><br>
[[Go back|ceoffice]]
<<if $time >=2>>
<img src="Media/Germany/ceohome/bedroom.jpg" width="75%"><br>
@@.speech-u; Hey beautiful, what are you up to?@@
@@.speech-emily; Nothing much, want to watch a movie with me?@@
@@.speech-u; Is that a date?@@
@@.speech-emily; You know well enough, that we are past that point.@@
@@.speech-u; You are right.@@
@@.speech-emily; Unless you want to fuck...@@
@@.speech-u; You sly fox! I will definitely join you on that one.@@
$emily.name giggles.<br>
<<set _result to $addstat($emily,"cor",23)>><b><<print _result>></b><br>
[[Go back|Emilyroom]]
<img src="Media/Germany/CEO.jpg" width="75%"><br>
@@.speech-u; Hey beautiful, did you miss me?@@
@@.speech-emily; How could I not miss you?@@
You smile.
@@.speech-u; I know, that you are wet just from looking at me.@@
@@.speech-emily; Is that why my seat is always drenched?@@
@@.speech-u; I believe so.@@
$emily.name smiles
@@.speech-emily; Well? Come here and fuck me then.@@
@@.speech-u; You can wait for tomorrow.@@
@@.speech-emily; You bastard!@@
You both laugh.<br>
<<set _result to $addstat($emily,"cor",20)>><b><<print _result>></b><br>
[[Go back|ceoffice]]
<<if $emily.lvl == 1>>
<img src="Media/Germany/Office.jpeg" width="75%"><br>
You arrive at $emily.name's office
@@.speech-u; I'm here.@@
@@.speech-emily; Okay, I wanted to tell you that you are being promoted to a manager for your hard work.@@
@@.speech-u; Thank you.@@
@@.speech-emily; From now on, you will be taking care of the employees, don't disappoint me.@@
@@.speech-u; You already know I won't.@@
$emily.name smiles.
@@.speech-emily; You can do much more in the company now as well, just so you know.@@
@@.speech-u; Okay.@@
@@.speech-emily; Keep visiting me though, okay?@@
You grin.
@@.speech-u; I will never stop visiting you.@@
@@.speech-emily; Good, anyway go on.@@
@@.speech-u; Alright, see you later.@@
@@.speech-emily; Yup.@@
<<set $emily.lvl = 2>>
You can interact with emily even further.<br>
You have been promoted to a manager within the company.<br>
<<set $rank = 1>>
You can interact with the staff, differently than before.<br>
You have more access to the company building.<br>
You now have your own office.<br><br>
<img src="Media/Germany/Manager.webp" width="75%"><br>
Your office<br><br>
Company exp: $company.exp<br>
<<if $company.workers <10>>
<<set _workprice = 250000 + 125000 *$company.workers>>
<<if $cash >=_workprice>>
<<link "Hire a worker">><<set $company.workers +=1>><<set $cash -= _workprice>><<goto office>><</link>> ($<<print _workprice>>)<br><</if>><</if>>
<img src="Media/Germany/CEO.jpg" width="75%"><br>
$emily.name's office<br><br>
<<if $time <2>>
<<if $rank >= 3 and $emily.aff >=300 and $emily.cor>= 100 and $emily.house == false>>
<<link "$emily.name wants to talk to you">><<goto Emilyhometalk>><</link>><br><</if>>
<<if $rank == 4 and $emily.aff >=500 and $emily.cor>= 300>>
<<link "Go further with $emily.name">><<goto Emilyfurther2>><</link>><br><</if>>
Affection: <<print Math.ceil($emily.aff)>> Corruption: <<print Math.ceil($emily.cor)>> lvl: $emily.lvl<br>
[[Talk|Emilytalk]] <<link "Gift">><<set $GEmily = true>><<goto Inventory>><</link>><br>
<<if $emily.lvl >=2 and $emily.house == true>><<link "Have $emily.name pleasure you">><<goto CeoForeplay>><</link>><</if>> <<if $emily.lvl >= 3>><<link "Have sex with $emily.name">><<goto CeoSex>><</link>><</if>><<if $emily.house == true>><br><</if>>
<img src="Media/Germany/Reception.jpg" width="75%"><br>
Reception desk<br><br>
<<if $time <2>>
<<if $reception.aff >=130 and $emily.lvl >=2 and $reception.lvl == 1>>
<<link "Talk to $reception.name">><<goto "Receptionfurther">><</link>><br><</if>>
<<if $reception.aff >=280 and $reception.lvl ==2 and $reception.house == false>>
<<link "$reception.name wants to talk to you">><<goto Receptionhometalk>><</link>><br><</if>>
<<if $reception.aff <1>>
Receptionist is here<br>
$reception.name is here<br>
Affection: <<print Math.ceil($reception.aff)>> Corruption: <<print Math.ceil($reception.cor)>> lvl: $reception.lvl<br>
<<if $CaBp == true>>
<<link "Give her Coffee and snacks">><<set $CaBp = false>><<set _result to $addstat($reception,"aff",6)>><<goto reception>><</link>><br><</if>>
[[Talk|Receptiontalk]] <<link "Gift">><<set $GReceptionist = true>><<goto Inventory>><</link>><br>
<<set $time +=0.25>>
<<if $reception.lvl == 1>>
<img src="Media/Germany/Reception.jpg" width="75%"><br>
<<if $reception.aff == 0 >>
@@.speech-u; Hey there, what's your name?@@
@@.speech-reception; My name is $reception.name.@@
@@.speech-u; I'm $uname, nice to meet you.@@
@@.speech-reception; Nice to meet you too, I heard you just started working here.@@
@@.speech-u; Yeah, so far I like it here.@@
@@.speech-reception; That's good to know, our CEO is a great person, hopefully she isn't making you work too hard.@@
@@.speech-u; Not really, there are some difficulties here and there, but other than that everything is nice.@@
@@.speech-reception; It's good to know, u like it here.@@
@@.speech-u; Yeah, anyway gotta go, bye.@@
@@.speech-reception; Bye!@@
<<set _result to $addstat($reception,"aff",1)>><b><<print _result>></b><br>
<<elseif $reception.aff <=25>>
@@.speech-u; Hey $reception.name, are you free to talk?@@
@@.speech-reception; Yeah I'm free right now.@@
@@.speech-u; Cool, do you perhaps know a good cafe around here?@@
@@.speech-reception; Well, there is one that is near the company building.@@
@@.speech-u; There is?@@
@@.speech-reception; Yeah, they serve amazing coffee and bakery products.@@
@@.speech-u; Wow, I definitely want to go there now.@@
@@.speech-reception; You won't regret it.@@
@@.speech-u; Well, thank you.@@
@@.speech-reception; No problem.@@
<<set _result to $addstat($reception,"aff",4)>><b><<print _result>></b><br>
<<elseif $reception.aff <=70>>
@@.speech-u; Hey $reception.name, the cafe you recommended to me is the best cafe I've ever been to.@@
@@.speech-reception; I know right? I wish I could just stay there forever.@@
@@.speech-u; I can bring you some stuff from there if you want.@@
@@.speech-reception; Really? I would appreciate that, so much.@@
@@.speech-u; Anyway, how's your receptionist work?@@
@@.speech-reception; It's good, as you can even see right now, I love socializing with my coworkers.@@
@@.speech-u; Yeah, always motivating us.@@
@@.speech-reception; Exactly.@@
<<set _result to $addstat($reception,"aff",7)>><b><<print _result>></b><br>
<<elseif $reception.aff >70>>
@@.speech-u; Hey $reception.name, wanna hang out some time? We could go to the cafe.@@
@@.speech-reception; Absolutely! Let's do that when we have a break.@@
@@.speech-u; Sure, anything else you want to do after we go to the cafe?@@
@@.speech-reception; Get to know each other more. Because you seem like an interesting guy.@@
@@.speech-u; I would love to do that.@@
@@.speech-reception; Great! Wait... does this mean we are going on a date?@@
@@.speech-u; If you want to think of it that way, then yeah.@@
@@.speech-reception; You are making me feel a little bit nervous.@@
@@.speech-u; It's okay...@@
<<set _result to $addstat($reception,"aff",10)>><b><<print _result>></b><br>
[[Go back|reception]]
<<elseif $reception.lvl == 2>>
<<if $time >=2>>
<img src="Media/Germany/receptionisthome/bedroom.jpeg" width="75%"><br>
@@.speech-u; Hey $reception.name, did I interrupt something?@@
@@.speech-reception; No, not really.@@
@@.speech-u; You are completely lax outside of work.@@
@@.speech-reception; Haha... Yeah, at work I have to be ready at all times.@@
@@.speech-u; Really? I thought receptionists can take it easy.@@
@@.speech-reception; Yeah, sometimes... Anyway can we talk about something other than work?@@
@@.speech-u; Oh yeah sure.@@
@@.speech-reception; First, what made you come to my house?@@
@@.speech-u; To get to know you better... and to spend some time with each other.@@
@@.speech-reception; I see... Well we can do that right now.@@
You smile.<br>
@@.speech-u; Yes we can.@@
<<set _result to $addstat($reception,"aff",25)>><b><<print _result>></b><br>
[[Go back|Receptionroom]]
<img src="Media/Germany/Reception.jpg" width="75%"><br>
@@.speech-u; Hey $reception.name, need some motivational speech or are you fine?@@
$reception.name giggles.
@@.speech-reception; I believe I will give you that speeech in the end myself.@@
@@.speech-u; You may be right.@@
@@.speech-reception; So, how's work?@@
@@.speech-u; Got better when I saw you.@@
@@.speech-reception; Is that so?@@
@@.speech-u; Yup.@@
@@.speech-reception; Having you flatter me like that gets my heart racing, you know.@@
@@.speech-u; Don't worry, talking to you does the same for me.@@
$reception.name smiles.
@@.speech-reception; Go back to work, you're going to make me fall for you.@@
@@.speech-u; That's the goal.@@
<<set _result to $addstat($reception,"aff",20)>><b><<print _result>></b><br>
[[Go back|reception]]
<<if $time >=2>>
<img src="Media/Germany/receptionisthome/bedroom.jpeg" width="75%"><br>
@@.speech-u; Hey $reception.name, how are you doing?@@
@@.speech-reception; Terrible.@@
@@.speech-u; How so?@@
@@.speech-reception; Apparently some asshole made a report on our company, saying that we are bunch of frauds.@@
@@.speech-u; Is it taking an effect on your company's reputation?@@
@@.speech-reception; A little bit.@@
@@.speech-u; Well, Ignore them and act normal.@@
@@.speech-reception; What, why?@@
@@.speech-u; These things tend to happen once your company grows big.@@
@@.speech-reception; I see... Thanks.@@
@@.speech-u; No problem.@@
<<set _result to $addstat($reception,"aff",35)>><b><<print _result>></b><br>
[[Go back|Receptionroom]]
<img src="Media/Germany/Reception.jpg" width="75%"><br>
@@.speech-u; Hey $reception.name, need some coffee for those nerves?@@
@@.speech-reception; Is it that obvious?@@
@@.speech-u; Extremely.@@
@@.speech-reception; Oh god...@@
@@.speech-u; So?@@
@@.speech-reception; Yes please, bring me 2 while you are at it.@@
@@.speech-u; Roger that.@@
You leave and bring her 2 cups of coffee<br>
<<set _result to $addstat($reception,"aff",30)>><b><<print _result>></b><br>
[[Go back|reception]]
<img src="Media/Germany/Cafe.jpg" width="75%"><br>
<<if $time <2>>
<<if $barista.lvl == 1>>
A cute barisa is working here<br>
<<if $barista.aff >=5>>
<<link "She wants to talk to you">><<goto "Baristaintro">><</link>><br><</if>>
<<if $barista.aff >=85 and $barista.house == false>>
<<link "She wants to talk to you again">><<goto "Baristahometalk">><</link>><br><</if>>
$barista.name is working here.<br>
Affection: <<print Math.ceil($barista.aff)>> Corruption: <<print Math.ceil($barista.cor)>> lvl: $barista.lvl<br>
[[Talk|Baristatalk]]<<if $barista.lvl >=2 and $barista.house == true>> <<link "Gift">><<set $GBarista = true>><<goto Inventory>><</link>><br>
<<link "Have $barista.name pleasure you">><<goto CafeForeplay>><</link>><</if>><<if $barista.lvl >= 3>> <<link "Have sex with $barista.name">><<goto CafeSex>><</link>><</if>><br>
<<if $CaBp == false>>
<<link "Buy Coffee and Bakery products ($100)">><<set $CaBp = true>><<set $cash -=100>><<set $barista.aff +=1>><<goto GCafe>><</link>><br><</if>><</if>>
<img src="Media/Germany/Reception.jpg" width="75%"><br>
<<if $reception.lvl == 1 >>
@@.speech-u; Hey $reception.name, how about we go on a date now?@@
@@.speech-reception; You really had to say that out loud.@@
@@.speech-u; My apologies, so shall we go?@@
@@.speech-reception; Of course.@@
You both leave the building and head to the cafe.<br>
<img src="Media/Germany/Cafe.jpg" width="75%"><br>
<<if $reception.lvl == 1 >>
As you enter the cafe, you are greeted by the barista.
@@.speech-barista; Hello, what would you like to order?@@
@@.speech-u; The usual, but for two.@@
@@.speech-barista; Okie Dokie!@@
@@.speech-reception; What's the usual?@@
@@.speech-u; You will see.@@
You both get to know each other, until your order has been served.
@@.speech-barista; Here is your usual.@@
@@.speech-u; Thanks.@@
@@.speech-reception; This is the usual?@@
@@.speech-u; Mhm, macchiato, honey buns and cinnamon bread.@@
@@.speech-reception; Wow... And you eat this in the breakfast?@@
@@.speech-u; Yup, have to keep that energy up.@@
$reception.name giggles.
@@.speech-reception; With this, you will have enough energy for the whole day.@@
You both chat until you get back to work.<br><br>
You can interact with $reception.name even further.<br>
You can invite her to your house.<br>
<<set $reception.lvl = 2>>
Company ranks<br><br>
<<if $rank == 5>>
<<if $rank == 4>>
President (6000 exp)<<if $company.exp >=6000 and $rank == 3>> <<link "Rank Up">><<set $rank = 4>><<goto Ranks>><</link>><</if>>
<<if $rank == 3>>
<b>Vice President</b>
Vice President (2500 exp)<<if $company.exp >=2500 and $rank == 2>> <<link "Rank Up">><<set $rank = 3>><<goto Ranks>><</link>><</if>>
<<if $rank == 2>>
Director (700 exp) <<if $company.exp >=700 and $rank == 1>> <<link "Rank Up">><<set $rank = 2>><<goto Ranks>><</link>><</if>>
<<if $rank == 1>>
[[Go back|office]]
<img src="Media/Germany/Cafe.jpg" width="75%"><br>
<<if $barista.lvl == 1 >>
@@.speech-barista; Hey, I see that you are a regular here and always buy a great amount of food.@@
@@.speech-u; Yeah, what about it?@@
@@.speech-barista; Just want to say that we pretty much do the same thing.@@
@@.speech-u; Really?@@
@@.speech-barista; Yeah, I love to buy a lot of bakery products and 1 cup of coffee with it.@@
@@.speech-u; Now that you mention it, we do seem alike.@@
@@.speech-barista; I know right?@@
@@.speech-u; So what's your name?@@
@@.speech-barista; I'm $barista.name, and yours?@@
@@.speech-u; $uname.@@
@@.speech-barista; Nice to meet you, $uname. Where do you work?@@
@@.speech-u; Oh at the company nearby.@@
@@.speech-barista; Oh! You're a big shot.@@
@@.speech-u; I wouldn't really say that.@@
@@.speech-barista; Oh come on! Anyone who gets to work there are mostly professionals.@@
@@.speech-u; Is that so?@@
@@.speech-barista; Yeah!@@
@@.speech-u; I had no clue, thanks for informing me about that.@@
@@.speech-barista; No problem, anyway enjoy your day, said what I wanted to say.@@
@@.speech-u; You too.@@
You can interact with the barista girl.<br>
<<set $barista.lvl = 2>>
<<set $time +=0.25>>
<<if $barista.lvl == 2 >>
<<if $time >=2>>
<img src="Media/Germany/baristahome/bedroom.jpg" width="75%"><br>
@@.speech-u; Wassup.@@
@@.speech-barista; Hey bro, I'm doing amazing.@@
@@.speech-u; Good to know, what are you doing?@@
@@.speech-barista; Oh I'm just sketching some stuff.@@
@@.speech-u; Those are sketches?@@
@@.speech-barista; Mhm.@@
@@.speech-u; They look extremely good for a sketch.@@
@@.speech-barista; That's how skilled I'am.@@
@@.speech-u; I can see why you became a barista.@@
@@.speech-barista; Yeah, because I can show some of my art to customers.@@
@@.speech-u; Yeah, I had no clue.@@
@@.speech-barista; Now you know.@@
<<set _result to $addstat($barista,"aff",15)>><b><<print _result>></b><br>
[[Go back|Baristaroom]]
<img src="Media/Germany/Cafe.jpg" width="75%"><br>
@@.speech-u; Hey $barista.name, how are you?@@
@@.speech-barista; I'm doing great, do you want something?@@
@@.speech-u; The usual.@@
@@.speech-barista; Okay!@@
@@.speech-u; There aren't that many people here lately.@@
@@.speech-barista; Yeah, because a new restaurant opened and everyone is going there.@@
@@.speech-u; That's a shame, your cafe is really good itself.@@
@@.speech-barista; Thanks, it's probably because the menu never changes.@@
@@.speech-u; Is that so?@@
@@.speech-barista; Yeah, I could add some stuff to it, but I don't know if I should.@@
@@.speech-u; I think you should.@@
@@.speech-barista; Really?@@
@@.speech-u; Yeah, add some decorations on cookies or cupcakes depending on the season or event.@@
@@.speech-barista; That sounds like a good idea, thank you.@@
@@.speech-u; Glad I could be of help.@@
@@.speech-barista; Oh and here is your usual.@@
@@.speech-u; Thank you.@@
<<set _result to $addstat($barista,"aff",10)>><b><<print _result>></b><br>
<<if $time >=2>>
<img src="Media/Germany/baristahome/bedroom.jpg" width="75%"><br>
@@.speech-u; Hey, how ya doin?@@
@@.speech-barista; Just fine, what about you?@@
@@.speech-u; You don't feel amazing anymore?@@
@@.speech-barista; Well, not until you came here.@@
@@.speech-u; I see, so you missed me.@@
@@.speech-barista; Maybe...@@
@@.speech-u; Do you need help with the papers?@@
@@.speech-barista; Oh, no I can do them myself.@@
@@.speech-u; Okay.@@
<<set _result to $addstat($barista,"aff",25)>><b><<print _result>></b><br>
[[Go back|Baristaroom]]
<img src="Media/Germany/Cafe.jpg" width="75%"><br>
@@.speech-u; Hey Ms.Barista, anything good happened lately?@@
@@.speech-barista; Hmm, well there is one thing.@@
@@.speech-u; Which is?@@
@@.speech-barista; You coming here to talk to me.@@
You smile.
@@.speech-u; I guess you just can't live without me.@@
@@.speech-barista; Neither can you.@@
@@.speech-u; Why do you think I come here?@@
@@.speech-barista; To talk to me.@@
@@.speech-u; Exactly.@@
$barista.name smiles.<br>
<<set _result to $addstat($barista,"aff",20)>><b><<print _result>></b><br>
<<set $time +=0.25>>
<img src="Media/Germany/baristahome/bedroom.jpg" width="75%"><br>
<<if $barista.lvl == 2 >>
@@.speech-u; Hey hotso!@@
@@.speech-barista; Sounds like a bully is calling out to me.@@
@@.speech-u; Well, if I'm the bully, then you are the one I'm going to bully for attention.@@
@@.speech-barista; Sounds romantical.@@
@@.speech-u; It sure is, so will you be my target?@@
@@.speech-barista; If you are willing to be lover, bully.@@
You smile.
@@.speech-u; I take it as a yes.@@
<<set _result to $addstat($barista,"cor",6)>><b><<print _result>></b><br>
@@.speech-u; Hey hottie, care for a romantic night?@@
@@.speech-barista; If we cuddle all night, maybe.@@
@@.speech-u; Want me to bring you coffee with rose petals then?@@
$barista.name giggles.
@@.speech-barista; If that makes it feel more romantical then, I wouldn't mind.@@
<<set _result to $addstat($barista,"cor",13)>><b><<print _result>></b><br>
[[Go back|Baristaroom]]
<img src="Media/Germany/Cafe.jpg" width="75%"><br>
<<if $barista.lvl == 2 >>
@@.speech-barista; Hey $uname, can I talk to you?@@
@@.speech-u; Sure what is it?@@
@@.speech-barista; I know we've known each other not that long, but I wanted to know if you want to drop by my house sometime.@@
@@.speech-u; I don't see why not.@@
@@.speech-barista; Really?@@
@@.speech-u; Yeah, give me your address and I will drop by.@@
@@.speech-barista; Okay!@@
She gives you her address.
@@.speech-barista; Can't wait for your visit.@@
<b> You can now visit $barista.name. </b><br>
<<set $barista.house = true>>
[[Go back|GCafe]]
<img src="Media/Germany/CEO.jpg" width="75%"><br>
<<if $emily.lvl == 2 >>
@@.speech-u; called me?@@
@@.speech-emily; Mhm.@@
@@.speech-u; So, what's wrong?@@
@@.speech-emily; I would like to keep our relationship away from work.@@
@@.speech-u; I see.@@
@@.speech-emily; But I'm willing to continue our ongoing relationship outside of work.@@
@@.speech-u; Wait you mean...@@
@@.speech-emily; Mhm, after work come to my house.@@
@@.speech-u; Alright.@@
$emily.name sends you her address.
@@.speech-emily; I will be waiting.@@
<b> You can now visit $emily.name </b><br>
<<set $emily.house = true>>
[[Go back|ceoffice]]
<img src="Media/Germany/Reception.jpg" width="75%"><br>
<<if $reception.lvl == 2 >>
@@.speech-reception; Hey $uname, can I talk to you for a second?@@
@@.speech-u; Sure, what is it?@@
@@.speech-reception; Can you uhm, visit me after work?@@
@@.speech-u; To... do what?@@
@@.speech-reception; Don't get ahead of yourself! Just to spend some time together, that's it.@@
@@.speech-u; Is that really it?@@
@@.speech-reception; Yes.@@
@@.speech-u; Sure, why not.@@
$reception.name smiles.
@@.speech-reception; Then here is my address, come visit me.@@
$reception.name gives you her address.
@@.speech-u; Sure will.@@
<b> You can now visit $reception.name </b><br>
<<set $reception.house = true>>
[[Go back|reception]]
<img src="Media/Germany/receptionisthome/house.webp" width="75%"><br>
Outside of $reception.name's house<br><br>
<img src="Media/Germany/receptionisthome/hallway.jpg" width="60%"><br>
$reception.name's house<br><br>
<<link "$reception.name's room">><<goto Receptionroom>><</link>><br>
<img src="Media/Germany/receptionisthome/bedroom.jpeg" width="75%"><br>
$reception.name's bedroom<br><br>
<<if $time >=2>>
$reception.name is here<br>
<<set _chancetobeteased to random(0,100)>>
<<if $reception.aff >=250 and $reception.cor>=150>>
<<if _chancetobeteased >=30>>
<<set _tease = random(0,5)>>
<<if _tease <=2>>
<<set _imagePath = "Media/Germany/Receptionist/Tease/" + _tease + ".webp">>
<<set _imageTag = '<img src="' + _imagePath + '" width="50%">'>>
<<if _tease >2>>
<<set _naked = random(0,2)>>
<<set _imagePath = "Media/Germany/Receptionist/Tease/Naked/" + _naked + ".webp">>
<<set _imageTag = '<img src="' + _imagePath + '" width="50%">'>>
<<set _result to $addstat($reception,"cor",2)>><<print _result>><br>
<<elseif $reception.aff >=80 and $reception.cor>=40>>
<<if _chancetobeteased >=50>>
<<set _tease = random(0,2)>>
<<set _imagePath = "Media/Germany/Receptionist/Tease/" + _tease + ".webp">>
<<set _imageTag = '<img src="' + _imagePath + '" width="50%">'>>
<<set _result to $addstat($reception,"cor",1)>><<print _result>><br>
<<if $reception.aff >=500 and $reception.cor >=300 and $reception.lvl == 2>>
<<link "Go further with $reception.name">><<goto Receptionevenfurther>><</link>><br>
Affection: <<print Math.ceil($reception.aff)>> Corruption: <<print Math.ceil($reception.cor)>> lvl: $reception.lvl<br>
[[Talk|Receptiontalk]] <<link "Gift">><<set $GReceptionist = true>><<goto Inventory>><</link>><br>
<<if $reception.cor >=30>>[[Interact|Receptioninteract]]<</if>><br><br>
$reception.name is at work<br>
<img src="Media/Germany/ceohome/house.jpg" width="75%"><br>
Outside of $emily.name's house<br><br>
<img src="Media/Germany/ceohome/hallway.webp" width="60%"><br>
$emily.name's house<br><br>
<<link "$emily.name's room">><<goto Emilyroom>><</link>><br>
<img src="Media/Germany/ceohome/bedroom.jpg" width="75%"><br>
$emily.name's bedroom<br><br>
<<if $time >=2>>
$emily.name is here<br>
<<set _chancetobeteased to random(0,100)>>
<<if $emily.aff >=250 and $emily.cor>=150>>
<<if _chancetobeteased >=30>>
<<set _tease = random(0,5)>>
<<if _tease <=2>>
<<set _imagePath = "Media/Germany/Emily/Home/Tease/" + _tease + ".webp">>
<<set _imageTag = '<img src="' + _imagePath + '" width="50%">'>>
<<if _tease >2>>
<<set _naked = random(0,2)>>
<<set _imagePath = "Media/Germany/Emily/Home/Tease/Naked/" + _naked + ".webp">>
<<set _imageTag = '<img src="' + _imagePath + '" width="50%">'>>
<<set _result to $addstat($emily,"cor",2)>><<print _result>><br>
<<elseif $emily.aff >=80 and $emily.cor>=40>>
<<if _chancetobeteased >=50>>
<<set _tease = random(0,2)>>
<<set _imagePath = "Media/Germany/Emily/Home/Tease/" + _tease + ".webp">>
<<set _imageTag = '<img src="' + _imagePath + '" width="50%">'>>
<<set _result to $addstat($emily,"cor",1)>><<print _result>><br>
<<if $emily.lvl == 3 and $reception.lvl == 3>>
<<link "Talk to $emily.name about threesome">><<goto ERMeet1>><</link>><br>
Affection: <<print Math.ceil($emily.aff)>> Corruption: <<print Math.ceil($emily.cor)>> lvl: $emily.lvl<br>
[[Talk|Emilytalk]] <<link "Gift">><<set $GEmily = true>><<goto Inventory>><</link>><br>
<<if $emily.cor >=30>>[[Interact|Emilyinteract]]<</if>><br><br>
$emily.name is at work<br>
<img src="Media/Germany/baristahome/house.jpg" width="75%"><br>
Outside of $barista.name's house<br><br>
<img src="Media/Germany/baristahome/hallway.jpg" width="60%"><br>
$barista.name's house<br><br>
<<link "$barista.name's room">><<goto Baristaroom>><</link>><br>
<img src="Media/Germany/baristahome/bedroom.jpg" width="75%"><br>
$barista.name's bedroom<br><br>
<<if $time >=2>>
$barista.name is here<br>
<<set _chancetobeteased to random(0,100)>>
<<if $barista.aff >=250 and $barista.cor>=150>>
<<if _chancetobeteased >=30>>
<<set _tease = random(0,5)>>
<<if _tease <=2>>
<<set _imagePath = "Media/Germany/Barista/Home/Tease/" + _tease + ".webp">>
<<set _imageTag = '<img src="' + _imagePath + '" width="50%">'>>
<<if _tease >2>>
<<set _naked = random(0,2)>>
<<set _imagePath = "Media/Germany/Barista/Home/Tease/Naked/" + _naked + ".webp">>
<<set _imageTag = '<img src="' + _imagePath + '" width="50%">'>>
<<set _result to $addstat($barista,"cor",2)>><<print _result>><br>
<<elseif $barista.aff >=80 and $barista.cor>=40>>
<<if _chancetobeteased >=50>>
<<set _tease = random(0,2)>>
<<set _imagePath = "Media/Germany/Barista/Home/Tease/" + _tease + ".webp">>
<<set _imageTag = '<img src="' + _imagePath + '" width="50%">'>>
<<set _result to $addstat($barista,"cor",1)>><<print _result>><br>
<<if $barista.aff >=500 and $barista.cor >=300 and $barista.lvl == 2>>
<<link "Go further with $barista.name">><<goto Baristafurther>><</link>><br>
Affection: <<print Math.ceil($barista.aff)>> Corruption: <<print Math.ceil($barista.cor)>> lvl: $barista.lvl<br>
[[Talk|Baristatalk]] <<link "Gift">><<set $GBarista = true>><<goto Inventory>><</link>><br>
<<if $barista.cor >=30>>[[Interact|Baristainteract]]<</if>><br><br>
$barista.name is at work<br>
<<if $barista.aff >=240 and $barista.cor>=100>>
<<if $barista.lvl >=3>>
[[Go back|Baristaroom]]
<<if $emily.aff >=240 and $emily.cor>=100>>
<<if $emily.lvl >= 3>>
<<if $emily.lvl == 4>>
<<link "Foreplay with $reception.name">><<set $emilyhome = true>><<goto ERForeplay>><</link>><br><</if>>
<<if $reception.lvl == 4 and $reception.aff >=1250 and $emily.aff >=1250>>
<<link "Sex with $emily.name">><<set $emilyhome = true>><<goto ERSex>><</link>><br><</if>><br>
[[Go back|Emilyroom]]
<<if $reception.aff >=240 and $reception.cor>=100>>
<<if $reception.lvl >= 3>>
<<if $reception.lvl == 4>>
<<link "Foreplay with $emily.name">><<goto ERForeplay>><</link>><br><</if>>
<<if $reception.lvl == 4 and $reception.aff >=1250 and $emily.aff >=1250>>
<<link "Sex with $emily.name">><<goto ERSex>><</link>><br><</if>><br>
[[Go back|Receptionroom]]
<<set $time +=0.25>>
<img src="Media/Germany/ceohome/bedroom.jpg" width="75%"><br>
<<if $emily.lvl == 2>>
@@.speech-u; Hey $emily.name, can I ask you for something?@@
@@.speech-emily; Sure, what is it?@@
@@.speech-u; Can you pleasure me with your hand?@@
@@.speech-emily; I don't see why not.@@
$emily.name kneels in front of you, pulls down your pants and beings to jerks you off.<br>
@@.speech-u; Hey $emily.name, can I get a handjob?@@
@@.speech-emily; Absolutely.@@
She gets on her knees, pulls down your pants and begins to jerk you off.<br>
<<set _HJ = random(0,3)>>
<<set _imagePath = "Media/Germany/Emily/Home/HJ/" + _HJ + ".webp">>
<<set _imageTag = '<img src="' + _imagePath + '" width="65%">'>>
<<if $emily.lvl == 2>>
@@.speech-emily; How does it feel?@@
@@.speech-u; It feels amazing.@@
$emily.name smiles
@@.speech-emily; I can make you feel even better.@@
@@.speech-emily; Does it still feel amazing?@@
@@.speech-u; Of course, I don't see why that would change.@@
$emily.name smiles.<br>
<img src="Media/Germany/ceohome/bedroom.jpg" width="75%"><br>
<<if $emily.lvl == 2>>
@@.speech-u; I'm going to cum.@@
@@.speech-emily; Go ahead.@@
She strokes you faster.
@@.speech-emily; Cum all over my hand.@@
Not long after you cum from her handjob<br>
@@.speech-emily; I see that you are close, cum.@@
She strokes your cock faster than ever, causing you to cum.<br>
<<set _HJC = random(0,3)>>
<<set _imagePath = "Media/Germany/Emily/Home/HJ/Cum/" + _HJC + ".webp">>
<<set _imageTag = '<img src="' + _imagePath + '" width="65%">'>>
<<if $emily.lvl == 2>>
@@.speech-emily; You sure came a lot.@@
@@.speech-u; Couldn't help it.@@
@@.speech-emily; It makes me happy.@@
@@.speech-emily; Your balls sure are packed with cum.@@
@@.speech-u; Yet, I'm still not done.@@
@@.speech-emily; You never are.@@
<<set _result to $addstat($emily,"aff",40)>><b><<print _result>></b><br>
<<set _result to $addstat($emily,"cor",16)>><b><<print _result>></b><br>
[[Go back|Emilyinteract]]
<<set $time +=0.25>>
<img src="Media/Germany/ceohome/bedroom.jpg" width="75%"><br>
<<if $emily.lvl == 2>>
@@.speech-u; Hey $emily.name, can you give me a blowjob?@@
@@.speech-emily; A blowjob huh?@@
@@.speech-u; Mhm.@@
@@.speech-emily; You are something else.@@
$emily.name gets on her knees to suck you off<br>
@@.speech-u; Hey $emily.name, can you suck my cock?@@
@@.speech-emily; Time to savour this cock again.@@
She licks her lips while saying that.<br>
$emily.name gets on her knees and begins to give you a blowjob.<br>
<<set _BJ = random(0,3)>>
<<set _imagePath = "Media/Germany/Emily/Home/BJ/" + _BJ + ".webp">>
<<set _imageTag = '<img src="' + _imagePath + '" width="65%">'>>
<<if $emily.lvl == 2>>
@@.speech-u; Your mouthwork is the best.@@
@@.speech-u; Maybe you should wake me up with a blowjob too, because this is heavenly.@@
<img src="Media/Germany/ceohome/bedroom.jpg" width="75%"><br>
<<if $emily.lvl == 2>>
@@.speech-u; I'm going to cum!@@
$emily.name begins to suck you off even faster until you cum.<br>
@@.speech-u; I believe that I don't need to tell you, what's about to happen.@@
$emily.name sucks you off faster, making you cum.<br>
<<set _BJC = random(0,2)>>
<<set _imagePath = "Media/Germany/Emily/Home/BJ/Cum/" + _BJC + ".webp">>
<<set _imageTag = '<img src="' + _imagePath + '" width="65%">'>>
<<if $emily.lvl == 2>>
@@.speech-emily; So, how was it?@@
@@.speech-u; It was better than I expected.@@
$emily.name smiles.<br>
@@.speech-emily; So about that waking up part.@@
@@.speech-u; Yeah?@@
@@.speech-emily; I could do that.@@
@@.speech-u; I would love it.@@
$emily.name smiles.<br>
<<set _result to $addstat($emily,"aff",55)>><b><<print _result>></b><br>
<<set _result to $addstat($emily,"cor",25)>><b><<print _result>></b><br>
[[Go back|Emilyinteract]]
<<set $time +=0.25>>
<img src="Media/Germany/baristahome/bedroom.jpg" width="75%"><br>
<<if $barista.lvl == 2>>
@@.speech-u; Hey $barista.name, are you willing to sexually please me?@@
@@.speech-barista; Of course I'am.@@
@@.speech-u; Okay, can you give me a handjob then?@@
@@.speech-barista; Is that it?@@
@@.speech-u; Yeah.@@
@@.speech-barista; Okay!@@
$barista.name pulls down your pants and grabs your cock to jerk you off.<br>
@@.speech-u; Hey $barista.name, a handjob please.@@
@@.speech-barista; This isn't a cafe.@@
She giggles.
@@.speech-u; I know.@@
$barista.name pulls down your pants and plays with your cock.<br>
<<set _HJ = random(0,3)>>
<<set _imagePath = "Media/Germany/Barista/Home/HJ/" + _HJ + ".webp">>
<<set _imageTag = '<img src="' + _imagePath + '" width="65%">'>>
<<if $barista.lvl == 2>>
@@.speech-barista; Does it feel good?@@
@@.speech-u; Yeah, keep going.@@
$barista.name smiles.
@@.speech-barista; Okay.@@
@@.speech-barista; I wonder, how many times have you fucked me with it.@@
@@.speech-u; Too many to count.@@
@@.speech-barista; That's true.@@
<img src="Media/Germany/baristahome/bedroom.jpg" width="75%"><br>
<<if $barista.lvl == 2>>
@@.speech-barista; I can feel your cock throbbing, are you going to cum?@@
@@.speech-u; Yeah.@@
Upon hearing your answer $barista.name begins to stroke you off even faster until you cum.<br>
Out of nowhere she begins to jerk you off much faster than before, which causes you to cum instantly.<br>
<<set _HJC = random(0,3)>>
<<set _imagePath = "Media/Germany/Barista/Home/HJ/Cum/" + _HJC + ".webp">>
<<set _imageTag = '<img src="' + _imagePath + '" width="65%">'>>
<<if $barista.lvl == 2>>
@@.speech-u; That was great.@@
@@.speech-barista; If you want some more then do ask.@@
@@.speech-u; Will do.@@
@@.speech-barista; What a great snack that was.@@
@@.speech-u; Well... that definitely wasn't weird.@@
$barista.name giggles.
@@.speech-barista; I can make it weirder.@@
@@.speech-u; Please don't.@@
<<set _result to $addstat($barista,"aff",40)>><b><<print _result>></b><br>
<<set _result to $addstat($barista,"cor",16)>><b><<print _result>></b><br>
[[Go back|Baristainteract]]
<<set $time +=0.25>>
<img src="Media/Germany/baristahome/bedroom.jpg" width="75%"><br>
<<if $barista.lvl == 2>>
@@.speech-u; $barista.name, can you give me a blowjob?@@
@@.speech-barista; So straightforward, of course I will give you a blowjob, how could I not?@@
$barista.name pulls down your pants and begins to suck your cock.<br>
@@.speech-u; $barista.name, I require a blowjob.@@
@@.speech-barista; This is not a hotel, or a mansion.@@
@@.speech-u; Maybe it is.@@
$barista.name sighs while containing her laugh.<br>
She kneels down to pull down your pants and suck your cock.<br>
<<set _BJ = random(0,3)>>
<<set _imagePath = "Media/Germany/Barista/Home/BJ/" + _BJ + ".webp">>
<<set _imageTag = '<img src="' + _imagePath + '" width="65%">'>>
<<if $barista.lvl == 2>>
$barista.name continues giving you a blowjob without you muttering a word.<br>
@@.speech-u; This is the most passionate blowjob you can ask for.@@
You already feel on edge.<br>
<img src="Media/Germany/baristahome/bedroom.jpg" width="75%"><br>
<<if $barista.lvl == 2>>
@@.speech-u; I'm going to cum!@@
$barista.name begins to deepthroat you, from a surprise you cum inside her throat.<br>
Before you can even mutter a word out of your mouth, $barista.name already took your cock inside her throat and made you cum.<br>
<<set _BJC = random(0,3)>>
<<set _imagePath = "Media/Germany/Barista/Home/BJ/Cum/" + _BJC + ".webp">>
<<set _imageTag = '<img src="' + _imagePath + '" width="65%">'>>
<<if $barista.lvl == 2>>
@@.speech-u; Wasn't expecting you to suddenly start deepthroating me.@@
$barista.name giggles.
@@.speech-barista; I wanted to see if I can fit all inside my mouth.@@
$barista.name starts to choke.
@@.speech-u; I guess you surprised both of us.@@
$barista.name giggles.
@@.speech-barista; I guess I did.@@
<<set _result to $addstat($barista,"aff",55)>><b><<print _result>></b><br>
<<set _result to $addstat($barista,"cor",25)>><b><<print _result>></b><br>
[[Go back|Baristainteract]]
<<set $time +=0.25>>
<img src="Media/Germany/receptionisthome/bedroom.jpeg" width="75%"><br>;
<<if $reception.lvl == 2>>
@@.speech-u; Hey $reception.name, can you give me a handjob?@@
@@.speech-reception; I was expecting something more, but if it's just a handjob, I can definitely do it for you.@@
$reception.name waits for you to pull your pants down and strokes your cock.<br>
@@.speech-u; Hey cutie, can I get a handjob?@@
@@.speech-reception; Why of course, my dear man.@@
She gets down and begins to jerk you off.<br>
<<set _HJ = random(0,3)>>
<<set _imagePath = "Media/Germany/Receptionist/HJ/" + _HJ + ".webp">>
<<set _imageTag = '<img src="' + _imagePath + '" width="65%">'>>
<<if $reception.lvl == 2>>
@@.speech-reception; I'm not as experienced as other girls, so don't get mad at me if I can't do it that well.@@
@@.speech-u; Don't worry, it feels good.@@
@@.speech-reception; Okay.@@
$reception.name jerks you off with a smile on her face.<br>
@@.speech-reception; I bet your cock feels the greatest pleasure, it could ever feel.
@@.speech-u; You aren't wrong about that.@@
<img src="Media/Germany/receptionisthome/bedroom.jpeg" width="75%"><br>
<<if $reception.lvl == 2>>
@@.speech-u; Here it comes.@@
@@.speech-reception; Wha- Okay.@@
$reception.name jerks you off with long and slow strokes to make you cum.<br>
@@.speech-u; I'm about-@@
@@.speech-reception; I know.@@
$reception.name begins to jerk you off with hard and fast strokes until you cum.<br>
<<set _HJC = random(0,3)>>
<<set _imagePath = "Media/Germany/Receptionist/HJ/Cum/" + _HJC + ".webp">>
<<set _imageTag = '<img src="' + _imagePath + '" width="65%">'>>
<<if $reception.lvl == 2>>
@@.speech-reception; That was a lot.@@
@@.speech-u; Because you put some love in pleasuring me.@@
$reception.name smiles.
@@.speech-reception; I'm glad I did.@@
@@.speech-u; Thank you for the great love, that you gave me.@@
@@.speech-reception; My love is only yours to take, so don't even thank me, darling.@@
<<set _result to $addstat($reception,"aff",40)>><b><<print _result>></b><br>
<<set _result to $addstat($reception,"cor",16)>><b><<print _result>></b><br>
[[Go back|Receptioninteract]]
<<set $time +=0.25>>
<img src="Media/Germany/receptionisthome/bedroom.jpeg" width="75%"><br>
<<if $reception.lvl == 2>>
@@.speech-u; $reception.name, can you suck me off?@@
@@.speech-reception; I will put some love in that as well.@@
You smile.
@@.speech-u; Can't wait.@@
$reception.name pulls down your pants to suck your cock.<br>
@@.speech-u; Hey cutie, can you give me a blowjob?@@
@@.speech-reception; Of course, darling.@@
Before $reception.name begins to suck your cock, she seductively takes off her clothes<br>
After she is done, then she sucks your cock.<br>
<<set _BJ = random(0,3)>>
<<set _imagePath = "Media/Germany/Receptionist/BJ/" + _BJ + ".webp">>
<<set _imageTag = '<img src="' + _imagePath + '" width="65%">'>>
<<if $reception.lvl == 2>>
$reception.name gives a sloppy blowjob to make you feel good.
@@.speech-u; I can definitely feel your love from it.@@
She takes your cock up to her throat
@@.speech-u; First the tease and then the great deepthroat, you are something else.@@
<img src="Media/Germany/receptionisthome/bedroom.jpeg" width="75%"><br>
<<if $reception.lvl == 2>>
@@.speech-u; I'm going to cum.@@
Instead of sucking you off, $reception.name licks your cock inside her mouth.<br>
$reception.name begins to take your cock deeper in her throat before making you cum.<br>
<<set _BJC = random(0,2)>>
<<set _imagePath = "Media/Germany/Receptionist/BJ/Cum/" + _BJC + ".webp">>
<<set _imageTag = '<img src="' + _imagePath + '" width="65%">'>>
<<if $reception.lvl == 2>>
@@.speech-reception; How was my love?@@
@@.speech-u; Fully received and amazing.@@
$reception.name smiles.<br>
@@.speech-u; You are one great seductress.@@
$reception.name giggles.
@@.speech-reception; Just wanted to get your full potential out.@@
<<set _result to $addstat($reception,"aff",55)>><b><<print _result>></b><br>
<<set _result to $addstat($reception,"cor",25)>><b><<print _result>></b><br>
[[Go back|Receptioninteract]]
<<set $time +=0.25>>
<img src="Media/Germany/receptionisthome/bedroom.jpeg" width="75%"><br>
<<if $reception.lvl == 2>>
@@.speech-u; Hey there cutie.@@
@@.speech-reception; Oh! You are here!@@
@@.speech-u; Came to see you because I missed you.@@
@@.speech-reception; Aww, you!@@
@@.speech-u; Want to spend some time together?@@
@@.speech-reception; With you anytime, big boy.@@
@@.speech-u; I feel like we will spend more than just cuddling.@@
$reception.name giggles.
@@.speech-reception; Maybe so.@@
<<set _result to $addstat($reception,"cor",9)>><b><<print _result>></b><br>
@@.speech-u; Hey cutie, want to hang out?@@
@@.speech-reception; Around the bed or actually hang out?@@
You smile.
@@.speech-u; I believe you know the answer yourself.@@
$reception.name smiles.
@@.speech-reception; You don't even have to say it.@@
@@.speech-u; Oh I know.@@
<<set _result to $addstat($reception,"cor",20)>><b><<print _result>></b><br>
[[Go back|Receptionroom]]
<<set $time +=0.25>>
<img src="Media/Germany/Cafe.jpg" width="75%"><br>
<<if $barista.lvl >= 2>>
@@.speech-u; Hey $barista.name, can you pleasure me in the back?@@
@@.speech-barista; Oh you! I love the thought of that.@@
You both go to the back and have her pull down your pants and pleasure you.<br>
<<set _foreplay = random(0,1)>>
<<set _imagePath = "Media/Germany/Barista/Cafe/Foreplay/" + _foreplay + ".webp">>
<<set _imageTag = '<img src="' + _imagePath + '" width="65%">'>>
<<set $time +=0.25>>
<img src="Media/Germany/Cafe.jpg" width="75%"><br>
<<if $barista.lvl >= 3>>
@@.speech-u; Hey $barista.name, want to have sex in the back?@@
@@.speech-barista; It already makes me wet from the thought of that.@@
You smile.<br>
$barista.name grabs you by your hand and leads you to the back to have sex with you.<br>
<<set _sex = random(0,2)>>
<<set _imagePath = "Media/Germany/Barista/Cafe/Sex/" + _sex + ".webp">>
<<set _imageTag = '<img src="' + _imagePath + '" width="65%">'>>
<img src="Media/Germany/Cafe.jpg" width="75%"><br>
<<if $barista.lvl >= 2>>
@@.speech-u; I'm going to cum!@@
@@.speech-barista; Go ahead, cum all over me!@@
$barista.name grabs your cock and makes you cum.<br>
<<set _cum = random(0,1)>>
<<set _imagePath = "Media/Germany/Barista/Cafe/Cum/" + _cum + ".webp">>
<<set _imageTag = '<img src="' + _imagePath + '" width="65%">'>>
<<if $barista.lvl == 2>>
<<set _result to $addstat($barista,"aff",40)>><b><<print _result>></b><br>
<<set _result to $addstat($barista,"cor",20)>><b><<print _result>></b><br>
<<set _result to $addstat($barista,"aff",60)>><b><<print _result>></b><br>
<<set _result to $addstat($barista,"cor",30)>><b><<print _result>></b><br>
[[Go back|GCafe]]
<<set $time +=0.25>>
<img src="Media/Germany/CEO.jpg" width="75%"><br>
<<if $emily.lvl >= 2>>
@@.speech-u; Hey $emily.name, can you service me?@@
@@.speech-emily; No one but you comes to my office, so sure.@@
$emily.name pulls down your pants and services your cock.<br>
<<set _foreplay = random(0,3)>>
<<set _imagePath = "Media/Germany/Emily/Work/Foreplay/" + _foreplay + ".webp">>
<<set _imageTag = '<img src="' + _imagePath + '" width="65%">'>>
<img src="Media/Germany/CEO.jpg" width="75%"><br>
<<if $emily.lvl >= 2>>
@@.speech-u; I'm going to cum!@@
$emily.name starts to pleasure you faster to make you cum.<br>
<<set _cum = random(0,2)>>
<<set _imagePath = "Media/Germany/Emily/Work/Foreplay/Cum/" + _cum + ".webp">>
<<set _imageTag = '<img src="' + _imagePath + '" width="65%">'>>
<<set _result to $addstat($emily,"aff",40)>><b><<print _result>></b><br>
<<set _result to $addstat($emily,"cor",20)>><b><<print _result>></b><br>
[[Go back|ceoffice]]
<<set $time +=0.25>>
<img src="Media/Germany/CEO.jpg" width="75%"><br>
<<if $emily.lvl >= 3>>
@@.speech-u; Hey $emily.name, can we have sex?@@
@@.speech-emily; We already went this far, so why not.@@
$emily.name gets naked and gets ready for you to fuck her.<br>
<<set _sex = random(0,3)>>
<<set _imagePath = "Media/Germany/Emily/Work/Sex/" + _sex + ".webp">>
<<set _imageTag = '<img src="' + _imagePath + '" width="65%">'>>
<img src="Media/Germany/CEO.jpg" width="75%"><br>
<<if $emily.lvl >=3>>
@@.speech-u; I'm going to cum!@@
@@.speech-emily; Go ahead, cum!@@
<<set _cum = random(0,3)>>
<<set _imagePath = "Media/Germany/Emily/Work/Sex/Cum/" + _cum + ".webp">>
<<set _imageTag = '<img src="' + _imagePath + '" width="65%">'>>
<<set _result to $addstat($emily,"aff",60)>><b><<print _result>></b><br>
<<set _result to $addstat($emily,"cor",30)>><b><<print _result>></b><br>
[[Go back|ceoffice]]
<img src="Media/Germany/Manager.webp" width="75%"><br>
<<if $emily.lvl >= 3>>
@@.speech-emily; If you don't mind, then I will begin.@@
@@.speech-u; Go ahead.@@
<<set _service = random(0,3)>>
<<set _imagePath = "Media/Germany/Emily/Work/Service/" + _service + ".webp">>
<<set _imageTag = '<img src="' + _imagePath + '" width="65%">'>>
<img src="Media/Germany/Manager.webp" width="75%"><br>
<<if $emily.lvl >= 3>>
@@.speech-u; I'm cumming.@@
$emily.name gets ready for your cum to catch it all.<br>
<<set _cum = random(0,3)>>
<<set _imagePath = "Media/Germany/Emily/Work/Service/Cum/" + _cum + ".webp">>
<<set _imageTag = '<img src="' + _imagePath + '" width="65%">'>>
<<set _result to $addstat($emily,"aff",50)>><b><<print _result>></b><br>
<<set _result to $addstat($emily,"cor",25)>><b><<print _result>></b><br>
[[Go back|office]]
<img src="Media/Germany/baristahome/bedroom.jpg" width="75%"><br>
<<if $barista.lvl >= 2>>
@@.speech-u; Hey $barista.name, how about we take things further from now on?@@
@@.speech-barista; Further?@@
@@.speech-u; Yeah, I want to take things further with you.@@
@@.speech-barista; Umm...@@
@@.speech-u; If you don't want to it's fine.@@
@@.speech-barista; No. No. I've always wanted to do that.@@
@@.speech-u; Is that so?@@
@@.speech-barista; Yeah, so if you really mean what you said, then... I'm ready to take it further with you.@@
You smile.
@@.speech-u; I'm glad you said that.@@
You both kiss as an approval of taking things further from now on.<br>
<b> You can now take things further with $barista.name </b><br>
<<set $barista.lvl = 3>>
[[Go back|Baristaroom]]
<img src="Media/Germany/receptionisthome/bedroom.jpeg" width="75%"><br>
<<if $reception.lvl >= 2>>
@@.speech-u; Hey $reception.name, I want to talk with you about something.@@
@@.speech-reception; What is it?@@
@@.speech-u; I want to take our relationship further than before.@@
@@.speech-reception; You mean as in boyfriend and girlfriend?@@
@@.speech-u; Something like that.@@
@@.speech-reception; I don't see why not.@@
@@.speech-u; Really?@@
@@.speech-reception; Yeah, you are the only person I spend the time with.@@
@@.speech-u; I see.@@
<b> You can take things further with $reception.name</b><br>
<<set $reception.lvl = 3>>
[[Go back|Receptionroom]]
<img src="Media/Germany/CEO.jpg" width="75%"><br>
<<if $emily.lvl >= 2>>
@@.speech-u; Hey $emily.name, can I speak with you for a moment?@@
@@.speech-emily; Sure.@@
@@.speech-u; Want to take things further between us?@@
$emily.name smiles.
@@.speech-emily; It took you so long to ask that.@@
@@.speech-u; So, you were waiting for this moment.@@
@@.speech-emily; Yeah, because I was wondering how do I make you take my position as a CEO.@@
@@.speech-u; Wait what?@@
@@.speech-emily; Mhm, you give me love, I give you the highest rank you can get.@@
@@.speech-u; Sounds like a good deal.@@
@@.speech-emily; Glad we agree on that.@@
<b>You can now take things further with $reception.name</b><br>
<b>You are now a CEO</b><br>
<<set $rank = 5>>
<<set $emily.lvl = 3>>
[[Go back|ceoffice]]
<<set $time +=0.25>>
<img src="Media/Germany/ceohome/bedroom.jpg" width="75%"><br>
<<if $emily.lvl >= 3>>
@@.speech-u; Hey $emily.name, want to have sex?@@
@@.speech-emily; You know I always want it.@@
@@.speech-u; What would you do without me.@@
$emily.name smiles while she undresses herself and gets ready to take your cock.<br>
<<set _sex = random(0,3)>>
<<set _imagePath = "Media/Germany/Emily/Home/Sex/" + _sex + ".webp">>
<<set _imageTag = '<img src="' + _imagePath + '" width="65%">'>>
<<if $emily.lvl >=3>>
@@.speech-u; Your pussy is so tight, it's like you're trying to drain me dry.@@
@@.speech-emily; Maybe I'am.@@
$emily.name smiles.<br>
<<if $emily.aff >800 and $emily.cor >550>>
[[Cum Outside|EmilySexO]] [[Cum Inside|EmilySexI]]
<img src="Media/Germany/ceohome/bedroom.jpg" width="75%"><br>
<<if $emily.lvl >= 3>>
@@.speech-u; I'm going to cum!@@
@@.speech-emily; Cover me with it!@@
You fuck $emily.name until you are about to cum, when you do you pull out and cum on her.<br>
<<set _cum = random(0,3)>>
<<set _imagePath = "Media/Germany/Emily/Home/Sex/CumO/" + _cum + ".webp">>
<<set _imageTag = '<img src="' + _imagePath + '" width="65%">'>>
<<if $emily.lvl >=3>>
@@.speech-u; I came too fast.@@
@@.speech-emily; You weren't the only one.@@
$emily.name giggles.<br>
<<set _result to $addstat($emily,"aff",70)>><b><<print _result>></b><br>
<<set _result to $addstat($emily,"cor",40)>><b><<print _result>></b><br>
[[Go back|Emilyroom]]
<img src="Media/Germany/ceohome/bedroom.jpg" width="75%"><br>
<<if $emily.lvl >=3>>
@@.speech-u; I'm going to cum!@@
@@.speech-emily; Cum inside me!@@
You go as fast as you can until you cum inside her.<br>
<<set _cum = random(0,2)>>
<<set _imagePath = "Media/Germany/Emily/Home/Sex/CumI/" + _cum + ".webp">>
<<set _imageTag = '<img src="' + _imagePath + '" width="65%">'>>
<<if $emily.lvl >=3>>
@@.speech-u; Your pussy is still not letting me go.@@
@@.speech-emily; Because she wants more.@@
$emily.name smiles.<br>
<<set _result to $addstat($emily,"aff",80)>><b><<print _result>></b><br>
<<set _result to $addstat($emily,"cor",50)>><b><<print _result>></b><br>
[[Go back|Emilyroom]]
<<set $time +=0.25>>
<img src="Media/Germany/baristahome/bedroom.jpg" width="75%"><br>
<<if $barista.lvl >= 3>>
@@.speech-u; $barista.name, I want to have sex with you.@@
@@.speech-barista; Say no more.@@
$barista.name gets naked right in front of you and gets closer to you and whispers.
@@.speech-barista; Do with me whatever you want.@@
You, without hesitation jam your cock in $barista.name's pussy and start ramming.<br>
<<set _sex = random(0,3)>>
<<set _imagePath = "Media/Germany/Barista/Home/Sex/" + _sex + ".webp">>
<<set _imageTag = '<img src="' + _imagePath + '" width="65%">'>>
<<if $barista.lvl >=3>>
The room is filled with the sound of $barista.name's loud moans and your cock going in and out of her drenched pussy.<br>
<<if $barista.aff >800 and $barista.cor >550>>
[[Cum Outside|BaristaSexO]] [[Cum Inside|BaristaSexI]]
<img src="Media/Germany/baristahome/bedroom.jpg" width="75%"><br>
<<if $barista.lvl >= 3>>
You keep thrusting your cock in $barista.name's pussy without asking if she wants it outside or inside<br>
You decide to do it outside instead.<br>
<<set _cum = random(0,3)>>
<<set _imagePath = "Media/Germany/Barista/Home/Sex/CumO/" + _cum + ".webp">>
<<set _imageTag = '<img src="' + _imagePath + '" width="65%">'>>
<<if $barista.lvl >=3>>
You look at $barista.name and see that she had passed out from the pleasure with cum on her body.<br>
<<set _result to $addstat($barista,"aff",70)>><b><<print _result>></b><br>
<<set _result to $addstat($barista,"cor",40)>><b><<print _result>></b><br>
[[Go back|Baristaroom]]
<img src="Media/Germany/baristahome/bedroom.jpg" width="75%"><br>
<<if $barista.lvl >= 3>>
You keep thrusting your cock in $barista.name's pussy without asking if she wants it outside or inside<br>
You decide to do it inside instead.<br>
<<set _cum = random(0,3)>>
<<set _imagePath = "Media/Germany/Barista/Home/Sex/CumI/" + _cum + ".webp">>
<<set _imageTag = '<img src="' + _imagePath + '" width="65%">'>>
<<if $barista.lvl >=3>>
You look at $barista.name and see that she had passed out from the pleasure with cum leaking out of her pussy.<br>
<<set _result to $addstat($barista,"aff",80)>><b><<print _result>></b><br>
<<set _result to $addstat($barista,"cor",50)>><b><<print _result>></b><br>
[[Go back|Baristaroom]]
<<set $time +=0.25>>
<img src="Media/Germany/receptionisthome/bedroom.jpeg" width="75%"><br>
<<if $reception.lvl >= 3>>
@@.speech-u; Hey $reception.name, want to have sex?@@
$reception.name looks at you and without a word she begins to undress herself.
@@.speech-u; I will take it as yes.@@
You do the same and have sex with $reception.name<br>
<<set _sex = random(0,3)>>
<<set _imagePath = "Media/Germany/Receptionist/Sex/" + _sex + ".webp">>
<<set _imageTag = '<img src="' + _imagePath + '" width="65%">'>>
<<if $reception.lvl >=3>>
@@.speech-u; God... You are so wet and tight.@@
@@.speech-reception; I've been wet since you came in the room.@@
You smile.
@@.speech-u; Is that so?@@
<<if $reception.aff >=800 and $reception.cor >=550>>
[[Cum Outside|ReceptionSexO]] [[Cum Inside|ReceptionSexI]]
<img src="Media/Germany/receptionisthome/bedroom.jpeg" width="75%"><br>
<<if $reception.lvl >= 3>>
@@.speech-u; I'm going to cum!@@
@@.speech-reception; Cum outside!@@
You do as she requests<br>
<<set _cum = random(0,3)>>
<<set _imagePath = "Media/Germany/Receptionist/Sex/CumO/" + _cum + ".webp">>
<<set _imageTag = '<img src="' + _imagePath + '" width="65%">'>>
<<if $reception.lvl >=3>>
@@.speech-u; This is the cutest you have ever been.@@
@@.speech-reception; Oh shut up!@@
<<set _result to $addstat($reception,"aff",70)>><b><<print _result>></b><br>
<<set _result to $addstat($reception,"cor",40)>><b><<print _result>></b><br>
[[Go back|Receptionroom]]
<img src="Media/Germany/receptionisthome/bedroom.jpeg" width="75%"><br>
<<if $reception.lvl >= 3>>
@@.speech-u; I'm going to cum!@@
@@.speech-reception; Please do it inside!@@
Without hesitation, you cum inside her.<br>
<<set _cum = random(0,3)>>
<<set _imagePath = "Media/Germany/Receptionist/Sex/CumI/" + _cum + ".webp">>
<<set _imageTag = '<img src="' + _imagePath + '" width="65%">'>>
<<if $reception.lvl >=3>>
@@.speech-reception; You sure came a lot inside me.@@
@@.speech-u; Wanted to make sure you feel it.@@
@@.speech-reception; Or you just want to make me pregnant.@@
@@.speech-u; Who knows.@@
$reception.name smiles.<br>
<<set _result to $addstat($reception,"aff",80)>><b><<print _result>></b><br>
<<set _result to $addstat($reception,"cor",50)>><b><<print _result>></b><br>
[[Go back|Receptionroom]]
<<if $email2 == true>>
@@.speech-contact; I got another job for you, kid.<br><br>
This time, you will be travelling to Sweden and work there as a fitness trainer.<br>
Of course, as before you will be compensated a lot for it.<br>
A plane ticket to Sweden has already been bought for you to use.<br>
Contact me once you get there,<br>
The Contact.@@<br>
@@.speech-u; Another job?<br>
He really likes to put me to work.<br>@@
<b> You can travel to Sweden</b><br>
[[Go back|Laptop]]
<img src="Media/Sweden/City.jpg" width="75%"><br>
<<set $sweden = true>>
<<if $suzy.aff == 0>>
<<goto SwedenIntro>>
<<if $trainee.house == true>>
<<link "$trainee.name's house">><<goto Traineehouse>><</link>><br><</if>>
[[Fly back|Airport]]
<img src="Media/Sweden/City.jpg" width="75%"><br>
When you leave the airport, you are met with a woman waving at you.<br>
<<if $suzy.aff == 0 >>
You walk up to her.
@@.speech-suzy; Hello, I'm $suzy.name.<br>
I assume you are $uname.@@
@@.speech-u; Yeah, that's me.@@
@@.speech-suzy; Great, what has the contact told you?@@
@@.speech-u; Not much, other than me being a fitness trainer.@@
@@.speech-suzy; Fitness trainer?@@
@@.speech-u; Yeah.@@
@@.speech-suzy; You won't be a fitness trainer, you will be a martial arts instructor and an owner of dojo.@@
@@.speech-u; A martial arts instructor?@@
@@.speech-suzy; Mhm.@@
@@.speech-u; What martial arts do I have to teach?@@
@@.speech-suzy; Any you see fit.@@
@@.speech-u; Okay...@@
@@.speech-suzy; Let's go to the dojo now.@@
@@.speech-u; Alright.@@
<img src="Media/Sweden/Dojo.jpg" width="75%"><br>
<<if $suzy.aff == 0>>
You enter the dojo with $suzy.name.
@@.speech-u; It looks good.@@
@@.speech-suzy; Right?@@
@@.speech-u; So when will I have to teach stuff?@@
@@.speech-suzy; Whenever you are ready, but you will have your own trainee.@@
@@.speech-u; Is that so?@@
@@.speech-suzy; She will be here tomorrow, once she arrives you can start then. <br>For now just rest.@@
@@.speech-u; Okay, where do I live?@@
@@.speech-suzy; Here.@@
@@.speech-u; In the dojo?@@
@@.speech-suzy; Yeah, there is a room in the back. <br>
It's pretty spacey and convenient.@@
@@.speech-u; I see.@@
@@.speech-suzy; I will also come by sometimes, to see how you're doing.@@
@@.speech-u; I have a question though.@@
@@.speech-suzy; What is it?@@
@@.speech-u; Aren't dojos supposed to be a Japan thing?<br>
Why am I the one teaching it without knowing it's history?@@
@@.speech-suzy; We had a Japanese martial artist training kids here.<br>
Before he left, he renovated the dojo and the backroom for the next person.<br>
Last thing he said was not to worry about the history of the dojo or it's existence.@@
@@.speech-u; Okay, that puts my mind at ease to some extent.@@
@@.speech-suzy; Good to know, anyway I have to go.@@
@@.speech-u; Alright.@@
@@.speech-suzy; See you tomorrow.@@
@@.speech-u; Mhm.@@
<<set $suzy.aff = 1>>
<b>You now have a dojo of your own, take good care of it.</b><br>
<img src="Media/Sweden/Dojo.jpg" width="75%"><br>
<<if $trainee.stats == undefined>>
<<set $trainee.stats = {
stamina: 100,
skill: 0,
<<if $tournament == 6 and $trainee.aff == 0>>
<<set $tournament = 0>>
<<set _limit to $traineerel($trainee, "aff", "cor", $tournament)>>
<<if $tournament == 6>>
<<if $time >=1 and $time <3>>
<<if $trainee.aff == 0>>
You see a girl standing.<br>
<<link "Talk to her">><<goto Traineeintro>><</link>><br>
$trainee.name is here <br>
<<if $trainee.aff >=200 and $trainee.cor >=100 and $trainee.lvl == 1>>
<<link "Go further with $trainee.name">><<goto Traineefurther>><</link>><br><</if>>
<<if $trainee.stats.skill >=15 and $tournament == 0 and _limit[0] == true>>
<<link "Have $trainee.name participate in the first tournament">><<goto Tournament>><</link>><br>
<<elseif $trainee.stats.skill >=40 and $tournament == 1 and _limit[0,1] == true>>
<<link "Have $trainee.name participate in the second tournament">><<goto Tournament>><</link>><br>
<<elseif $trainee.stats.skill >=70 and $tournament == 2 and _limit[0,1] == true>>
<<link "Have $trainee.name participate in the third tournament">><<goto Tournament>><</link>><br>
<<elseif $trainee.stats.skill >=105 and $tournament == 3 and _limit[0,1] == true>>
<<link "Have $trainee.name participate in the fourth tournament">><<goto Tournament>><</link>><br>
<<elseif $trainee.stats.skill >=155 and $tournament == 4 and _limit[0,1] == true>>
<<link "Have $trainee.name participate in the fifth tournament">><<goto Tournament>><</link>><br>
<<elseif $trainee.stats.skill >=200 and $tournament == 5 and _limit[0,1] == true>>
<<link "Have $trainee.name participate in the last tournament">><<goto Tournament>><</link>><br>
Affection: <<print Math.ceil($trainee.aff)>> Corruption: <<print Math.ceil($trainee.cor)>> lvl: $trainee.lvl<br>
<<if $tournament == 0>>
<<if $trainee.stats.stamina >=25>>
<<if _limit[0] == false>>
[[Talk|Traineetalk]] <<link Gift>><<set $Gtrainee = true>><<goto Inventory>><</link>><br>
You must finish a tournament to interact with $trainee.name further.<br>
<<if $trainee.stats.stamina >=25>>
[[Train|Traineetrain]]<</if>> <<if $trainee.stats.stamina >=35>>[[Spar|Traineespar]]<</if>><br>
<<if _limit[0] == false>>
[[Talk|Traineetalk]] <<link Gift>><<set $Gtrainee = true>><<goto Inventory>><</link>><br>
You must finish a tournament to increase $trainee.name's affection any further<br><</if>>
<<if _limit[1]== false>>
<<if $tournament >=1>>[[Flirt|Traineeflirt]]<br><</if>>
You must finish a tournament to increase $trainee.name's corruption any further<br>
<img src="Media/Sweden/Dojobed.jpg" width="75%"><br>
Dojo's backroom.<br><br>
<<if $suzy.lvl >=2>>
<<if $time<=2.5>>
<<set _chancetobeteased to random(0,100)>>
<<if $suzy.aff >=250 and $suzy.cor>=150>>
<<if _chancetobeteased >=30>>
<<set _tease = random(0,5)>>
<<if _tease <=2>>
<<set _imagePath = "Media/Sweden/Suzy/Tease/" + _tease + ".webp">>
<<set _imageTag = '<img src="' + _imagePath + '" width="50%">'>>
<<if _tease >2>>
<<set _naked = random(0,2)>>
<<set _imagePath = "Media/Sweden/Suzy/Tease/Naked/" + _naked + ".webp">>
<<set _imageTag = '<img src="' + _imagePath + '" width="50%">'>>
<<set _result to $addstat($suzy,"cor",2)>><<print _result>><br>
<<elseif $suzy.aff >=80 and $suzy.cor>=40>>
<<if _chancetobeteased >=50>>
<<set _tease = random(0,2)>>
<<set _imagePath = "Media/Sweden/Suzy/Tease/" + _tease + ".webp">>
<<set _imageTag = '<img src="' + _imagePath + '" width="50%">'>>
<<set _result to $addstat($suzy,"cor",1)>><<print _result>><br>
<<if $tournament == 6 and $suzy.aff >=400 and $suzy.cor >=300 and $suzy.lvl == 2>>
<<link "Go further with $suzy.name">><<goto Suzyfurther>><</link>><br><</if>>
$suzy.name is here.<br>
Affection: <<print Math.ceil($suzy.aff)>> Corruption: <<print Math.ceil($suzy.cor)>> lvl: $suzy.lvl<br>
[[Talk|Suzytalk]] <<link "Gift">><<set $GSuzy = true>><<goto Inventory>><</link>><br>
<<if $suzy.aff >=15>>[[Flirt|Suzyflirt]]<</if>><br>
<<if $suzy.aff >=100 and $suzy.cor >=50>>[[Interact|Suzyinteract]]<</if>><br><br>
<<if $time>=2.5>>
[[The Book|Book]]<br>
<<if $Laptop == true>>
<<if $Phone == true>>
<<if $owndiary == true>>
I should get a diary.
<<if $suzy.lvl == 1>>
You write an email to the contact.
@@.speech-u; Hello, I've arrived in Sweden.<br><br>
It appears that my job is not to be a fitness instructor, but a martial arts instructor.<br>
Due to the knowledge passed down to the next place owner, I know the principles of the martial arts that need to be taught.<br>
That is all I have to inform you about.<br>
You send the email to the contact and of course as usual he responds back quickly.
@@.speech-contact; Good to know, you arrived to Sweden safely.<br><br>
Yes, you were not assigned as a fitness instructor but a martial arts instructor, don't let that thought meddle with your job.<br>
You are tasked with gaining full ownership over the dojo and have your trainee fully master martial arts.<br>
Do your work well and you will be paid handsomely,<br>
The contact.@@
<<set $suzy.lvl = 2>>
<<set $suzy.aff = 2>>
<b>You can now full operate the Dojo</b><br>
<img src="Media/Sweden/Dojo.jpg" width="75%"><br>
<<if $trainee.aff == 0>>
@@.speech-u; Are you the trainee I've been told about?@@
@@.speech-trainee; Yes.@@
@@.speech-u; What's your name?@@
@@.speech-trainee; $trainee.name, yours?@@
@@.speech-u; $uname, nice to meet you.@@
@@.speech-trainee; Nice to meet you...@@
@@.speech-u; No need to be so pressured, this is a place where you can relax and become a better version of yourself.@@
@@.speech-trainee; Okay.@@
@@.speech-u; Go change and then we will begin our training session.@@
@@.speech-trainee; Yes, sensei.@@
<<set $trainee.aff = 1>>
<b>$trainee.name has stamina and skill.<br>
Stamina is used for training and sparring. Replenished by sleeping.<br>
Skill is used for tournaments. Increased by training or sparring.<br>
Each tournament will set a limit for relationship with $trainee.name, once completed the limit increases (Until lvl 3).<br></b>
[[Go back|Dojo]]
<<set $time +=0.5>>
You have a training session with $trainee.name
<img src="Media/Sweden/Training.jpg" width="75%"><br>
<<set _chance = random(0,100)>>
<<if _chance <=25>>
$trainee.name had a poor training session.<br>
+1 skill<br>
<<set $trainee.stats.skill +=1>>
<<elseif _chance <=60>>
$trainee.name had a regular training session.<br>
+2 skill<br>
<<set $trainee.stats.skill +=2>>
$trainee.name had an amazing training session.<br>
+3 skill<br>
<<set $trainee.stats.skill +=3>>
<<set $trainee.stats.stamina -=25>>
[[Go back|Dojo]]
<<set $time +=0.25>>
<<if $trainee.lvl == 1>>
<img src="Media/Sweden/Dojo.jpg" width="75%"><br>
<<if $trainee.aff <10>>
@@.speech-u; You are doing pretty good.@@
@@.speech-trainee; Thank you, will I be able to participate in a tournament anytime soon?@@
@@.speech-u; If you try hard enough, you will.@@
@@.speech-trainee; Okay.@@
<<set _result to $addstat($trainee,"aff",3)>><b><<print _result>></b><br>
<<elseif $trainee.aff <30>>
@@.speech-u; The tournament is approaching. Do you think you are ready?@@
@@.speech-trainee; Not at all, Sensei.@@
@@.speech-u; Why is that?@@
@@.speech-trainee; I feel like, I'm missing something.@@
@@.speech-u; Could it be confidence?@@
$trainee.name nods.
@@.speech-u; Don't worry, when you get the taste of the win, your confidence will go unwavered.@@
$trainee.name smiles.
@@.speech-trainee; I sure hope so.@@
<<set _result to $addstat($trainee,"aff",6)>><b><<print _result>></b><br>
<<elseif $trainee.aff <70>>
@@.speech-u; Remember to take breaks, don't want you to pass out during the training session.@@
@@.speech-trainee; Yes, Sensei.@@
@@.speech-u; Do you sleep well at home?@@
@@.speech-trainee; Yeah, I do.@@
@@.speech-u; Alright, just wanted to know, because you are my precious student.@@
$trainee.name smiles.
@@.speech-trainee; And you are my generous Sensei.@@
<<set _result to $addstat($trainee,"aff",11)>><b><<print _result>></b><br>
<<elseif $trainee.aff <140>>
@@.speech-u; Congratulations on your first victory.@@
@@.speech-trainee; Thank you, Sensei.@@
@@.speech-u; Remember, this is only the beginning. It will get harder each tournament.@@
@@.speech-trainee; I know.@@
@@.speech-u; Don't let that stop you.@@
@@.speech-trainee; Yes, Sensei!@@
You smile.<br>
<<set _result to $addstat($trainee,"aff",18)>><b><<print _result>></b><br>
<<elseif $trainee.aff >=140>>
@@.speech-u; Hey $trainee.name, want to take a break with me?@@
@@.speech-trainee; Aren't I supposed to be focused on getting better?@@
@@.speech-u; You can have breaks, no?@@
@@.speech-trainee; I guess so.@@
@@.speech-u; Come, eat.@@
$trainee.name comes over to you.
@@.speech-trainee; Why do you want to eat together with me?@@
@@.speech-u; Why not? We are pretty much a family at this point.@@
@@.speech-trainee; A family...@@
@@.speech-u; Don't you think so too?@@
@@.speech-trainee; Oh, no I do.@@
@@.speech-u; Then what's wrong?@@
@@.speech-trainee; It's just that I've never had a good relationship with my family members.@@
@@.speech-u; Oh... In this family, we always put our family members first.@@
$trainee.name smiles.
<<set _result to $addstat($trainee,"aff",25)>><b><<print _result>></b><br>
<<elseif $trainee.lvl == 2>>
<<if $time <1 or $time >=3>>
<img src="Media/Sweden/Traineehouse/room.jpg" width="75%"><br>
@@.speech-u; How is my sweet trainee doing?@@
@@.speech-trainee; I'm doing great, what's up?@@
@@.speech-u; Wanted to come by and hang out with you for the night.@@
@@.speech-trainee; Aww, did you miss me?@@
@@.speech-u; No, it's just that I wanted to make sure you're okay.@@
@@.speech-trainee; Sure... You look a little bit embarrassed yourself, $uname@@
She giggles.
<img src="Media/Sweden/Dojo.jpg" width="75%"><br>
@@.speech-u; Hey $trainee.name, you have truly become strong.@@
@@.speech-trainee; It's all thanks to a good trainer.@@
@@.speech-u; A good trainer is nothing without a good disciple.@@
$trainee.name smiles.
@@.speech-trainee; Maybe so.@@
<<set _result to $addstat($trainee,"aff",35)>><b><<print _result>></b><br>
<img src="Media/Sweden/Traineehouse/room.jpg" width="75%"><br>
@@.speech-u; Hey sweetie, how are you?@@
@@.speech-trainee; I miss training...@@
@@.speech-u; Want to go back?@@
@@.speech-trainee; No, absolutely not. I'm done with it.@@
@@.speech-u; Why not?@@
@@.speech-trainee; My goal was to win the national tournament, and so I did.@@
@@.speech-u; I see.@@
@@.speech-trainee; But it sure is nice to see you coming over to my house.@@
@@.speech-u; Well, how could I not go to my sweet girl's house.@@
$trainee.name smiles.<br>
<<set _result to $addstat($trainee,"aff",42)>><b><<print _result>></b><br>
[[Go back|Dojo]]
<img src="Media/Sweden/Dojo.jpg" width="75%"><br>
<<if $tournament == 0>>
@@.speech-u; Hey $trainee.name, are you ready to participate in your first tournament?@@
@@.speech-trainee; I'm not sure, what do you think Sensei?@@
@@.speech-u; I think you are absolutely ready to take on the rookie tournament.@@
@@.speech-trainee; Okay.@@
<<elseif $tournament == 1>>
@@.speech-u; Are you ready for the second tournament?@@
@@.speech-trainee; Yes I'am.@@
@@.speech-u; Good. Let's go!@@
<<elseif $tournament == 2>>
@@.speech-u; Ready to destroy opponents in the third tournament?@@
@@.speech-trainee; Of course!@@
@@.speech-u; Very well, let's go!@@
<<elseif $tournament == 3>>
@@.speech-u; How do you feel about the fourth tournament?@@
@@.speech-trainee; I think, I can win.@@
@@.speech-u; Alright, then let's go.@@
<<elseif $tournament == 4>>
@@.speech-u; We are almost there, can you do it?@@
@@.speech-trainee; Yes.@@
@@.speech-u; If so then let the fifth tournament begin!@@
@@.speech-u; This will be the final tournament, we have to win this one.@@
@@.speech-trainee; I won't let you down.@@
@@.speech-u; I know you won't. Let's go!@@
<img src="Media/Sweden/Tournament.jpg" width="75%"><br>
<<if $tournament == 0>>
You enter the arena with your student and see the arena where she will fight 4 opponents.
@@.speech-u; Are you ready?@@
$trainee.name takes a big deep breath.
@@.speech-trainee; Yes, I'm ready.@@
@@.speech-u; Alright, go ahead.@@
You see her go on the arena and she begins to fight her first opponent.<br>
<<if $trainee.stats.skill >=10>>
She defeats her first opponent.<br>
She comes back to you happy.
@@.speech-trainee; I did it!@@
@@.speech-u; Good job, but there are 3 more opponents remaining.@@
$trainee.name looks more confident now.
@@.speech-trainee; I will defeat them!@@
You smile.<br><br>
Round 2 begins against the second opponent.
<<if $trainee.stats.skill >=15>>
She defeats her second opponent.<br>
@@.speech-trainee; Did you see that sensei? I won against my second opponent!@@
@@.speech-u; Yeah, I saw.@@
@@.speech-trainee; I will come back to you with another victory, Sensei.@@
@@.speech-u; Don't let me down.@@
She runs off happily.<br><br>
Round 3 begins against the third opponent.
<<if $trainee.stats.skill >=20>>
She defeats her third opponent.<br>
This time she doesn't come to you, she looks like she is in zone.<br><br>
<<if $trainee.stats.skill >=25>>
Round 4 begins<br>
$trainee.name looks at the opponent with bloodthirst in her eyes.<br>
She delivers the final blow and wins the tournament.
@@.speech-trainee; I did it! I won!@@
@@.speech-u; Good job, $trainee.name.@@
@@.speech-trainee; I can't believe that I won!@@
And so this marked as her first tournament victory.<br>
<<set $tournament = 1>>
Round 4 begins<br>
$trainee.name gets knocked out and looses the tournament.<br>
She walks up to you, all sad.
@@.speech-trainee; I lost...@@
@@.speech-u; You were very close, don't let that loss get to your head.@@
@@.speech-trainee; I know but...@@
@@.speech-u; It's okay, the reason why you got this far was because of your hard work. <br>Next time you will definitely win.@@
@@.speech-trainee; Okay!@@
$trainee.name lost to her third opponent and comes back to you<br>
@@.speech-trainee; I lost...@@
@@.speech-u; It's okay, you will be ready in the next tournament.@@
@@.speech-trainee; Will I?@@
@@.speech-u; Yeah, it's only a single tournament, you will probably win in the next one.@@
@@.speech-trainee; Okay...@@
<<elseif $tournament == 1>>
You enter the tournament arena with $trainee.name and see that she is prepared to fight all 4 opponents.<br>
Round 1 begins.<br>
$trainee.name goes after her first opponent in the tournament and comes out victorious.
@@.speech-trainee; I can do this, can't I?@@
@@.speech-u; Of course, you can.@@
$trainee.name smiles and goes back.<br><br>
Round 2 begins.<br>
Her second opponent is fast, but she takes him down faster than he can attack.<br>
As she goes to you, she breathes heavily.
@@.speech-u; Take deep breaths.@@
@@.speech-trainee; Yes, Sensei.@@
She recuperates until the third round begins.<br><br>
Round 3 begins.<br>
<<if $trainee.stats.skill >=45>>
She goes in fast and throws an obliterating kick to the chin<br>
The opponent cannot stand up anymore and she wins by K.O.
@@.speech-u; Good job, you're almost there.@@
@@.speech-trainee; Yes, Sensei!@@
<<if $trainee.stats.skill >=50>><br><br>
Round 4 begins.<br>
Her opponent acts cocky and lets her throw the punches at him.<br>
The opponent got hit in the solar plexus and then got hit with an uppercut.<br>
$trainee.name wins the tournament once again.<br>
She comes to you with a smile on her face.
@@.speech-trainee; I did really well, didn't I?@@
@@.speech-u; You did amazingly well.@@
$trainee.name giggles.<br>
<<set $tournament = 2>>
[[Go back|checkout]]
Round 4 begins, and the opponent charges in with a ferocious punch, that leads to a knockout.<br>
$trainee.name lost and is disappointed in herself.
@@.speech-trainee; I will try harder, next time.@@
@@.speech-u; Take it easy, the opponent was only better this time, next time you will crush him.@@
@@.speech-trainee; Of course, Sensei.@@
That lifted up her spirit.<br>
She tries to go after the opponent, but gets outskilled and loses the fight.
@@.speech-u; It's okay, you did well enough.@@
@@.speech-trainee; I almost got him too.@@
She is mad at herself<br>
<<elseif $tournament == 2>>
You and your trainee arrive at the third tournament.<br>
$trainee.name looks excited to fight her opponents.
@@.speech-u; You think you can beat them all up?@@
@@.speech-trainee; I think I can.@@
You smile.
@@.speech-u; If so, then go ahead, champ.@@
Round 1 begins.<br>
$trainee.name waits for her opponent to attack her.<br>
Once he does, she goes for the counter to knock the opponent down.<br>
The plan succeeds and she wins the round 1.<br>
$trainee.name gives you a high five when she comes back.<br><br>
Round 2 begins.<br>
$trainee.name is being cautious while fighting the opponent.<br>
Due to being cautious, she wins a match by K.O.<br>
You can see, that she is a little bit exhausted, but it doesn't look like she is ready to give up yet.<br><br>
Round 3 begins.<br>
<<if $trainee.stats.skill >=75>>
Due to her exahustion, she plans on ending things quick.<br>
She goes in and defeats her opponent, winning round 3.<br><br>
<<if $trainee.stats.skill >=80>>
Round 4 begins.<br>
She has recovered some stamina and can fight against her opponent hand to hand without being hasty.<br>
After a while, she goes for a final blow and knocks her opponent, winning the tournament.<br>
$trainee.name falls on her knees and looks at you with a smile on her face, showing thumbs up.<br>
You both go home with a victory.<br>
<<set $tournament = 3>>
Round 4 begins.<br>
She hasn't recovered her stamina at all and without being able to fight back loses the tournament.<br>
After some time she comes back still exhausted.
@@.speech-trainee; Can we go home?@@
@@.speech-u; Sure.@@
You both begin to go home.<br>
Her exhaustion takes over her whole body and loses due to her being slow and tired.<br>
$trainee.name comes back to you panting.
@@.speech-u; Take deep breaths, and lay down.@@
She nods.<br>
After she has recovered her stamina, you both go home.<br>
<<elseif $tournament == 3>>
Fourth tournament begins and $trainee.name looks excited to fight.<br>
And so the round 1 begins.<br>
$trainee.name being skilled enough, fights her opponent on the equal ground and defeats him.<br>
First opponent was a warmup for her, so she won against her opponent flawlessly.<br><br>
Round 2 begins.<br>
$trainee.name tries to weave and counter her opponent's attack.<br>
In succeeding doing so, she defeats her opponent once again.<br><br>
Round 3 begins.<br>
<<if $trainee.stats.skill >=115>>
$trainee.name, warmed up, goes against her opponent and has a difficult time fighting against her opponent, but still comes out victorious.<br>
She raises her arms upon victory.<br><br>
<<if $trainee.stats.skill >=125>>
Round 4 begins.<br>
$trainee.name, dashes forward, causing her opponent to step back and hesitate before, she gives an uppercut to the opponent.<br>
Whilst the opponent is staggered, she lands a finishing blow to the opponent causing him to be knocked out.<br>
The bell rings and $trainee.name wins the tournament once again.
@@.speech-trainee; You saw that?@@
@@.speech-u; I sure did.@@
$trainee.name smiles.
@@.speech-trainee; What did you think?@@
@@.speech-u; You did a good job, perfect dash by the way.@@
@@.speech-trainee; Thanks, Sensei.@@
<<set $tournament = 4>>
Round 4 begins.<br>
$trainee.name goes in, but her opponent was faster than her, knocking her on the ground.<br>
Despite her hard effort to get up, she loses by time.<br>
She comes back to you, sad.<br>
Without saying a word, you both leave the building and go home.<br>
$trainee.name, not fully warmed up, takes her opponent easy.<br>
Due to underestimating her opponent she loses the fight.<br>
@@.speech-trainee; I should have taken him more seriously, shouldn't I?@@
@@.speech-u; Yeah, It's okay though, you can always participate in another tournament.@@
$trainee.name, not fully warmed up, takes her opponent easy.<br>
Due to underestimating her opponent she loses the fight.<br>
@@.speech-trainee; I should have taken him more seriously, shouldn't I?@@
@@.speech-u; Yeah, It's okay though, you can always participate in another tournament.@@
<<elseif $tournament == 4>>
Upon your and $trainee.name's arrival, you are greeted by people.<br>
Some asked for a picture from your trainee and others for tips.<br>
Fifth tournament is here.<br>
Round 1 begins.<br>
$trainee.name goes in as aggressive as she can to put the opponent on the ground.<br>
She succeeds doing so and wins.<br><br>
Round 2 begins.<br>
This time, $trainee.name waits for the opponent to charge at her, this is the same exact thing she did in the previous tournament.<br>
Of course she counters the opponent multiple times, but the opponent is tough.<br>
She begins to barrage him with attacks until he falls on the ground.<br>
The opponent finally falls on the ground and she wins by K.O<br><br>
Round 3 begins.<br>
<<if $trainee.stats.skill >=160>>
They both charge in, but $trainee.name was faster, causing the opponent to be struck by a liver blow.<br>
Next upcoming punch was a hook to the jaw, the opponent got knocked out and $trainee.name wins.<br><br>
<<if $trainee.stats.skill >=170>>
Round 4 begins.<br>
$trainee.name is close to victory, so she is being cautious.<br>
Due to her being cautious, the opponent can't land a single attack on her.<br>
Not long after, she strikes him with powerful blows until the opponent falls on the ground flat.<br>
$trainee.name raises her arms high and celebrates her victory.
@@.speech-trainee; Next tournament will be the last one, right?@@
@@.speech-u; Yeah.@@
@@.speech-trainee; I will defeat every last one of them in there as well.@@
@@.speech-u; Don't get too cocky.@@
$trainee.name smiles.<br>
<<set $tournament = 5>>
Round 4 begins.<br>
$trainee.name's previous victories gets to her head and gets hit by an unexpected blow, causing her to fall on the ground and being unable to get up.<br>
She loses the final round by K.O.<br>
@@.speech-u; You did good.@@
@@.speech-trainee; Thanks.@@
They both charge in, but the opponent was faster and she got hit with an uppercut, causing her legs to shake.<br>
The opponent landed another punch, causing her to fall on the ground and lose.<br>
You both leave, with fans cheers.<br>
<<elseif $tournament == 5>>
The final tournament is finally here, $trainee.name can't hold in her excitement, neither can the fans.<br>
Without further ado, the final tournament begins.<br>
Round 1 begins.<br>
$trainee.name with her footwork confuses the enemy, causing him to lose sight of her.<br>
Before the opponent knows it, he gets hit with the hook, causing him to fall on the ground and lose the round.<br><br>
Round 2 begins.<br>
$trainee.name dashes towards the opponent and lands a liver blow.<br>
The opponent recovered before $trainee.name could land any other blow.<br>
It caused $trainee.name to panic and get hit, but she took it well and hit back with another punch.<br>
The opponent fell and she won.<br><br>
Round 3 begins.<br>
<<if $trainee.stats.skill >=210>>
$trainee.name decides to take it easy against the opponent.<br>
The opponent seeing that, decides to engage her aggressively.<br>
Due to $trainee.name taking it easy, she avoids the punches and counters him multiple times.<br>
She kept doing that until the opponent got K.O'd.<br>
<<if $trainee.stats.skill >=220>>
Round 4 begins.<br>
The opponent looks strong, but $trainee.name's confidence goes unwavered.<br>
The fight looks tough for both of them, $trainee.name hits him, and he hits her.<br>
Suddenly, $trainee.name's knees begin to wobble.<br>
The opponent seeing that, decides to charge in to land the finishing blow.<br>
It appears, it was a trap for the opponent and she counters the opponent with an uppercut, leading it to K.O.<br>
The bell rings and a moment of realization hits her.<br>
She raises her arms up and screams with joy.<br>
And so her martial arts carrer ends with the greatest victory in her life.<br>
<<set $tournament = 6>>
<b>$trainee.name won't go to the dojo anymore.</b>
Round 4 begins.<br>
Her and the opponent began to brawl, but her opponent was too strong for her.<br>
She got knocked out and the bell rang.<br>
It was a defeat for her. <br>
She was so close, yet so far.<br>
$trainee.name decides to go aggressive against the opponent.<br>
The opponent already anticipated that and ended the round with a loud bang.<br>
She got knocked out by a hook.<br>
<<if $trainee.lvl == 1>>
<img src="Media/Sweden/Dojo.jpg" width="75%"><br>
<<if $trainee.cor <10>>
You approach $trainee.name and guide her.
@@.speech-trainee; What made you guide me, Sensei?@@
@@.speech-u; To admire your form and beauty.@@
$trainee.name looks at u with big eyes.
@@.speech-u; What's wrong?@@
@@.speech-trainee; N-No, nothing.@@
@@.speech-u; Okay.@@
<<set _result to $addstat($trainee,"cor",3)>><b><<print _result>></b><br>
<<elseif $trainee.cor <30>>
@@.speech-trainee; Sensei, can you guide me some more?@@
@@.speech-u; Sure I can.@@
You guide her again, just like the last time.
@@.speech-trainee; Thank you, and umm... Please admire me more.@@
@@.speech-u; I have always been admiring you since you came here.@@
@@.speech-trainee; Really?@@
$trainee.name looks at the ground and plays with her hair.
@@.speech-u; Yeah, anyway time to go back to training.@@
@@.speech-trainee; Right.@@
<<set _result to $addstat($trainee,"cor",6)>><b><<print _result>></b><br>
<<elseif $trainee.cor <70>>
@@.speech-u; Hey $trainee.name, come eat with me.@@
@@.speech-trainee; Again?@@
@@.speech-u; What's wrong with that?@@
@@.speech-trainee; Nothing.@@
She comes over to you.
@@.speech-u; Yeah... Up close you will always be the cutest.@@
@@.speech-trainee; Umm... Can... I take the food.@@
@@.speech-u; Sure.@@
$trainee.name takes the food from the table and walks away embarrassed.<br>
<<set _result to $addstat($trainee,"cor",10)>><b><<print _result>></b><br>
<<elseif $trainee.cor >=70>>
@@.speech-trainee; Sensei, can I ask you a question?@@
@@.speech-u; Sure, what is it?@@
@@.speech-trainee; Do you really find me attractive?@@
@@.speech-u; Of course.@@
@@.speech-trainee; Why?@@
@@.speech-u; You are hard-working, gorgeous and always look like a cute kitten when angry.@@
She looks at you with embarrassment.
@@.speech-trainee; I see...@@
<<set _result to $addstat($trainee,"cor",15)>><b><<print _result>></b><br>
[[Go back|Dojo]]
<<elseif $trainee.lvl == 2>>
<<if $time <1 or $time >=3>>
<img src="Media/Sweden/Traineehouse/room.jpg" width="75%"><br>
@@.speech-u; How is my cute trainee doing?@@
@@.speech-trainee; You are just throwing words at me.@@
@@.speech-u; Sorry, sorry. I just can't express the love that I have for you.@@
@@.speech-trainee; Smooth, really smooth.@@
@@.speech-u; Aren't I supposed to be smooth with you?@@
$trainee.name giggles.
@@.speech-trainee; Maybe so.@@
<<set _result to $addstat($trainee,"cor",24)>><b><<print _result>></b><br>
[[Go back|Traineeroom]]
<img src="Media/Sweden/Dojo.jpg" width="75%"><br>
@@.speech-u; Hey $trainee.name, does my cute and awesome trainee need any help?@@
$trainee.name smiles.
@@.speech-trainee; Not right now, handsome and cool trainer.@@
@@.speech-u; Not with pleasure related as well?@@
@@.speech-trainee; You are just trying to find an excuse to use the backroom in another way, aren't you?@@
@@.speech-u; Maybe...@@
@@.speech-trainee; You are such a hornball, but that's what I like about you.@@
<<set _result to $addstat($trainee,"cor",24)>><b><<print _result>></b><br>
[[Go back|Dojo]]
<img src="Media/Sweden/Traineehouse/room.jpg" width="75%"><br>
@@.speech-u; Hey there pookie bear, can we cuddle?@@
@@.speech-trainee; Pookie bear? What the hell...@@
@@.speech-u; What's wrong pookie bear? do you not want to cuddle with me?@@
$trainee.name sighs.
@@.speech-trainee; I can't with you, come here.@@
She invites you to a cuddling session.
@@.speech-u; That's why you're my beloved pookie bear.@@
@@.speech-trainee; What's with the pookie bear?@@
@@.speech-u; I see nothing wrong.@@
@@.speech-trainee; Of course you don't.@@
$trainee.name smiles.<br>
<<set _result to $addstat($trainee,"cor",30)>><b><<print _result>></b><br>
<<set $time +=0.5>>
You have a sparring session with $trainee.name
<img src="Media/Sweden/Sparring.jpg" width="75%"><br>
<<set _chance = random(0,100)>>
<<if _chance <=25>>
$trainee.name had a poor sparring session.<br>
+4 skill<br>
<<set $trainee.stats.skill +=4>>
<<elseif _chance <=60>>
$trainee.name had a regular sparring session.<br>
+7 skill<br>
<<set $trainee.stats.skill +=7>>
$trainee.name had an amazing sparring session.<br>
+10 skill<br>
<<set $trainee.stats.skill +=10>>
<<set $trainee.stats.stamina -=35>>
[[Go back|Dojo]]
<img src="Media/Sweden/Dojo.jpg" width="75%"><br>
<<if $trainee.lvl == 1>>
@@.speech-u; Hey $trainee.name, can I talk to you for a moment?@@
@@.speech-trainee; Sure, what is it, Sensei?@@
@@.speech-u; I wanted to know, if you want to take things outside of dojo?@@
@@.speech-trainee; Outside of dojo?@@
@@.speech-u; Yeah.@@
@@.speech-trainee; Like dating?@@
You nod.
@@.speech-trainee; I would love to.@@
@@.speech-u; Really?@@
@@.speech-trainee; Yeah, since we started to talk more, I've come to like you more.@@
@@.speech-u; I feel the same way.@@
$trainee.name smiles.<br>
She gives you her address so you can visit her.<br>
<<set $trainee.lvl = 2>>
<<set $trainee.house = true>>
<b> You can now visit $trainee.name's house.</b><br>
<b> You can now interact with $trainee.name further </b><br>
[[Go back|Dojo]]
<img src="Media/Sweden/Traineehouse/house.jpg" width="75%"><br>
Outside of $trainee.name's house.<br><br>
[[Go back|Sweden]]
<img src="Media/Sweden/Traineehouse/hallway.jpg" width="60%"><br>
$trainee.name's house.<br><br>
<<link "$trainee.name's bedroom">><<goto Traineeroom>><</link>><br>
[[Go back|Traineehouse]]
<img src="Media/Sweden/Traineehouse/room.jpg" width="75%"><br>
$trainee.name's room.<br><br>
<<set _limit to $traineerel($trainee, "aff", "cor", $tournament)>>
<<if $tournament == 6>>
$trainee.name is here.<br>
<<set _chancetobeteased to random(0,100)>>
<<if $trainee.aff >=250 and $trainee.cor>=150>>
<<if _chancetobeteased >=30>>
<<set _tease = random(0,5)>>
<<if _tease <=2>>
<<set _imagePath = "Media/Sweden/Trainee/Tease/" + _tease + ".webp">>
<<set _imageTag = '<img src="' + _imagePath + '" width="50%">'>>
<<if _tease >2>>
<<set _naked = random(0,2)>>
<<set _imagePath = "Media/Sweden/Trainee/Tease/Naked/" + _naked + ".webp">>
<<set _imageTag = '<img src="' + _imagePath + '" width="50%">'>>
<<set _result to $addstat($trainee,"cor",2)>><<print _result>><br>
<<elseif $trainee.aff >=80 and $trainee.cor>=40>>
<<if _chancetobeteased >=50>>
<<set _tease = random(0,2)>>
<<set _imagePath = "Media/Sweden/Trainee/Tease/" + _tease + ".webp">>
<<set _imageTag = '<img src="' + _imagePath + '" width="50%">'>>
<<set _result to $addstat($trainee,"cor",1)>><<print _result>><br>
<<if $trainee.aff >=700 and $trainee.cor >=550 and $trainee.lvl == 2>>
<<link "Go even further with $trainee.name">><<goto Traineeevenfurther>><</link>><br><</if>>
Affection: <<print Math.ceil($trainee.aff)>> Corruption: <<print Math.ceil($trainee.cor)>> lvl: $trainee.lvl<br>
[[Talk|Traineetalk]] [[Flirt|Traineeflirt]]<br>
<<if $time <1 or $time >=3>>
$trainee.name is here.<br>
Affection: <<print Math.ceil($trainee.aff)>> Corruption: <<print Math.ceil($trainee.cor)>> lvl: $trainee.lvl<br>
<<if _limit[0] == false>>
[[Talk|Traineetalk]] [[Flirt|Traineeflirt]]<br>
You must finish a tournament to increase $trainee.name's affection any further<br><</if>>
<<if _limit[1]== false>>
You must finish a tournament to increase $trainee.name's corruption any further<br>
[[Go back|Traineehallway]]
<<if $trainee.aff >=400 and $trainee.cor >=300>>
<<if $trainee.lvl >=3>>
[[Go back|Traineeroom]]
<<set $time +=0.25>>
<img src="Media/Sweden/Traineehouse/room.jpg" width="75%"><br>
<<if $trainee.lvl == 2>>
@@.speech-u; Hey $trainee.name, can I ask you for something?@@
@@.speech-trainee; What is it?@@
@@.speech-u; Can you pleasure me by using your hand?@@
@@.speech-trainee; You want me to give you a handjob?@@
@@.speech-u; Yeah.@@
$trainee.name thinks for a moment.
@@.speech-trainee; Fine.@@
She seductively puts her hand inside your pants and grabs your cock, not long after pulls down your pants and gets on the knees to begin jerking you off.<br>
@@.speech-u; Can you give me a handjob?@@
@@.speech-trainee; So sudden, sure.@@
She pulls down your pants and begins to stroke your cock.<br>
<<set _hj = random(0,3)>>
<<set _imagePath = "Media/Sweden/Trainee/HJ/" + _hj + ".webp">>
<<set _imageTag = '<img src="' + _imagePath + '" width="55%">'>>
<<if $trainee.lvl == 2>>
@@.speech-u; Just like that.@@
@@.speech-trainee; I bet it feels amazing having your cock jerked off by a cute girl.@@
@@.speech-u; You bet it does.@@
$trainee.name smiles.<br>
@@.speech-u; Keep going like that.@@
@@.speech-trainee; Want me to do it as usual?@@
@@.speech-u; Definitely.@@
She does long and slow strokes due to your request.<br>
<img src="Media/Sweden/Traineehouse/room.jpg" width="75%"><br>
<<if $trainee.lvl == 2>>
@@.speech-u; $trainee.name.@@
@@.speech-trainee; Yeah?@@
@@.speech-u; I'm going to cum.@@
@@.speech-trainee; Heard you loud and clear.@@
$trainee.name gives you slow strokes until you cum.<br>
@@.speech-u; I'm going to cum.@@
@@.speech-trainee; Don't worry, I already know.@@
$trainee.name begins to jerk you off faster until you cum.<br>
<<set _hjc = random(0,3)>>
<<set _imagePath = "Media/Sweden/Trainee/HJ/Cum/" + _hjc + ".webp">>
<<set _imageTag = '<img src="' + _imagePath + '" width="55%">'>>
<<if $trainee.lvl == 2>>
@@.speech-u; Thanks, that felt great.@@
@@.speech-trainee; If you need another one, tell me again.@@
@@.speech-u; Noted.@@
<<set _result to $addstat($trainee,"cor",35)>><b><<print _result>></b><br>
<<set _result to $addstat($trainee,"aff",45)>><b><<print _result>></b><br>
@@.speech-u; Keep doing these things more for me and I might seriously become too addicted to this.@@
@@.speech-trainee; Don't worry, I already am.@@
$trainee.name smiles.<br>
<<set _result to $addstat($trainee,"cor",43)>><b><<print _result>></b><br>
<<set _result to $addstat($trainee,"aff",50)>><b><<print _result>></b><br>
[[Go back|Traineeinteract]]
<<set $time +=0.25>>
<img src="Media/Sweden/Traineehouse/room.jpg" width="75%"><br>
<<if $trainee.lvl == 2>>
@@.speech-u; Hey $trainee.name, can you give me a blowjob?@@
@@.speech-trainee; Hmm... You really want me to give you upgrade?@@
@@.speech-u; Please?@@
$trainee.name giggles.
@@.speech-trainee; Of course I will give you a blowjob.@@
With a smile on her face she pulls down your pants and begins to suck your cock <br>
@@.speech-u; Hey sweetie, can you suck my cock?@@
@@.speech-trainee; Any time.@@
She pulls down your pants with a smile on her face and begins to slowly suck your cock. <br>
<<set _bj = random(0,4)>>
<<set _imagePath = "Media/Sweden/Trainee/BJ/" + _bj + ".webp">>
<<set _imageTag = '<img src="' + _imagePath + '" width="55%">'>>
<<if $trainee.lvl == 2>>
@@.speech-u; Holy shit...@@
$trainee.name gives you a blowjob so good, that you are unable to even think straight.<br>
@@.speech-u; You are such a tease.@@
$trainee.name's eyes widen.<br>
<img src="Media/Sweden/Traineehouse/room.jpg" width="75%"><br>
<<if $trainee.lvl == 2>>
@@.speech-u; I'm going to cum!@@
$trainee.name begins to suck your cock harder until you cum in her mouth.<br>
You hold her head still and cum inside her mouth.<br>
<<set _bjc = random(0,4)>>
<<set _imagePath = "Media/Sweden/Trainee/BJ/Cum/" + _bjc + ".webp">>
<<set _imageTag = '<img src="' + _imagePath + '" width="55%">'>>
<<if $trainee.lvl == 2>>
@@.speech-u; That was a whole other experience.@@
@@.speech-trainee; Was it now?@@
@@.speech-u; Yeah, I had to control my breathing to not even pass out from pleasure.@@
$trainee.name laughs.<br>
<<set _result to $addstat($trainee,"cor",55)>><b><<print _result>></b><br>
<<set _result to $addstat($trainee,"aff",75)>><b><<print _result>></b><br>
She gasps as she takes your cock out of her mouth.
@@.speech-trainee; That was tasty.@@
She licks her lips.<br>
<<set _result to $addstat($trainee,"cor",64)>><b><<print _result>></b><br>
<<set _result to $addstat($trainee,"aff",83)>><b><<print _result>></b><br>
[[Go back|Traineeinteract]]
<<if $trainee.lvl == 2>>
@@.speech-u; Hey sweetie, can we talk?@@
@@.speech-trainee; What's wrong?@@
@@.speech-u; I believe it's time, that we take it further a notch between us.@@
@@.speech-trainee; So... You want to have sex?@@
@@.speech-u; Yeah.@@
$trainee.name smiles.
@@.speech-trainee; I believe it is time that we do just that.@@
You smile.
@@.speech-u; Good to know, that's all I wanted to know.@@
$trainee.name giggles.
@@.speech-trainee; Is that so? Well I can't wait for the request then.@@
@@.speech-u; It won't take long.@@
<b>You can go even further with $trainee.name </b><br>
<<set $trainee.lvl = 3>>
[[Go back|Traineeroom]]
<<set $time +=0.25>>
<img src="Media/Sweden/Traineehouse/room.jpg" width="75%"><br>
<<if $trainee.lvl == 3>>
@@.speech-u; Hey sweetie, want to have sex?@@
$trainee.name smiles.
@@.speech-trainee; About time.@@
She gets naked and prepares for your cock.<br>
<<set _sex = random(0,4)>>
<<set _imagePath = "Media/Sweden/Trainee/Sex/" + _sex + ".webp">>
<<set _imageTag = '<img src="' + _imagePath + '" width="55%">'>>
<<if $trainee.lvl == 3>>
@@.speech-trainee; You will
<<if $trainee.aff >=1100 and $trainee.cor >=1000>>
[[Cum Outside|TraineeSexO]] [[Cum Inside|TraineeSexI]]
<img src="Media/Sweden/Traineehouse/room.jpg" width="75%"><br>
<<if $trainee.lvl == 3>>
@@.speech-u; Here it comes.@@
@@.speech-trainee; Go ahead, cover me!@@
<<set _cum = random(0,4)>>
<<set _imagePath = "Media/Sweden/Trainee/Sex/CumO/" + _cum + ".webp">>
<<set _imageTag = '<img src="' + _imagePath + '" width="55%">'>>
<<if $trainee.lvl == 3>>
@@.speech-u; So... another round?@@
@@.speech-trainee; Give me a break, you sex fiend.@@
You both laugh.<br>
<<set _result to $addstat($trainee,"cor",76)>><b><<print _result>></b><br>
<<set _result to $addstat($trainee,"aff",92)>><b><<print _result>></b><br>
[[Go back|Traineeinteract]]
<img src="Media/Sweden/Traineehouse/room.jpg" width="75%"><br>
<<if $trainee.lvl == 3>>
@@.speech-u; Here it comes.@@
@@.speech-trainee; Do it inside!@@
<<set _cum = random(0,4)>>
<<set _imagePath = "Media/Sweden/Trainee/Sex/CumI/" + _cum + ".webp">>
<<set _imageTag = '<img src="' + _imagePath + '" width="55%">'>>
<<if $trainee.lvl == 3>>
@@.speech-u; I will not pull out, to make sure you feel my warmth.@@
@@.speech-trainee; How romantic of you.@@
<<set _result to $addstat($trainee,"cor",84)>><b><<print _result>></b><br>
<<set _result to $addstat($trainee,"aff",100)>><b><<print _result>></b><br>
[[Go back|Traineeinteract]]
<<set $time +=0.25>>
<img src="Media/Sweden/Dojobed.jpg" width="75%"><br>
<<if $suzy.lvl == 2>>
<<if $suzy.aff <15>>
@@.speech-u; Hey $suzy.name, how are you doing?@@
@@.speech-suzy; I'm doing great and hey, it appears that you've been doing some stuff to the dojo.@@
@@.speech-u; Yeah I've changed some things here and there.@@
@@.speech-suzy; I see. How is $trainee.name doing?@@
@@.speech-u; Oh, she is doing fine. Really hard-working by the way.@@
@@.speech-suzy; Oh, you bet she is!@@
@@.speech-u; Where did you find her?@@
@@.speech-suzy; She was working at a cafe and seemed really bored.@@
@@.speech-u; So you asked if she wants to learn martial arts and participate in a tournament.@@
@@.speech-suzy; Pretty much.@@
@@.speech-u; Well, aren't you something.@@
<<set _result to $addstat($suzy,"aff",5)>><b><<print _result>></b><br>
<<elseif $suzy.aff <40>>
@@.speech-u; Hey $suzy.name, anything new?@@
@@.speech-suzy; Nope, but I bet you have something new for me.@@
@@.speech-u; What do you want to know?@@
@@.speech-suzy; What's new with your trainee?@@
@@.speech-u; Nothing much, she is taking her time practicing and becoming stronger.@@
@@.speech-suzy; And you?@@
@@.speech-u; I've learnt what I could, so now I'm just waiting for her to surpass me.@@
@@.speech-suzy; You haven't fought in a tournament now have you?@@
@@.speech-u; No, but we do spar.@@
@@.speech-suzy; Oh okay.@@
<<set _result to $addstat($suzy,"aff",9)>><b><<print _result>></b><br>
<<elseif $suzy.aff <90>>
@@.speech-u; Good day.@@
@@.speech-suzy; G'day, I heard she has become a spectacular fighter.@@
@@.speech-u; You bet she has.@@
@@.speech-suzy; What did it look like to you?@@
@@.speech-u; The tournaments?@@
@@.speech-suzy; Yeah.@@
@@.speech-u; She was clearly confident in her strength.@@
@@.speech-suzy; So she has finally become confident.@@
@@.speech-u; Yeah.@@
@@.speech-suzy; That is very good to know.@@
<<set _result to $addstat($suzy,"aff",15)>><b><<print _result>></b><br>
@@.speech-u; Coming here to see her before she goes in the final tournament.@@
@@.speech-suzy; Yeah, I wanted to see her strength myself.@@
@@.speech-u; Well, I can assure you, that she is pretty powerful now.@@
@@.speech-suzy; Can you fight her on the equal grounds?@@
@@.speech-u; Barely.@@
$suzy.name smiles.
@@.speech-suzy; So she's that good now, huh?@@
@@.speech-u; I bet she will come out victorious.@@
@@.speech-suzy; Things can go the way you don't want it to go, y'know.@@
@@.speech-u; Don't worry, I know that the best.@@
<<set _result to $addstat($suzy,"aff",25)>><b><<print _result>></b><br>
@@.speech-u; Hey $suzy.name, it looks like you're confused about something.@@
@@.speech-suzy; Yeah... Where is $trainee.name?@@
@@.speech-u; She said that she won't go to dojo anymore.@@
@@.speech-suzy; What, why?@@
@@.speech-u; It has her dream to win a national tournament and quit her carrer after that.@@
@@.speech-suzy; I see... So that means, you're all alone here.@@
@@.speech-u; Not with you here.@@
$suzy.name smiles.
@@.speech-suzy; Of course not.@@
<<set _result to $addstat($suzy,"aff",32)>><b><<print _result>></b><br>
[[Go back|Dojoback]]
<<set $time +=0.25>>
<img src="Media/Sweden/Dojobed.jpg" width="75%"><br>
<<if $suzy.lvl == 2>>
<<if $suzy.cor <20>>
@@.speech-u; Hey $suzy.name, don't wander off to far, don't want you to fall in the traps that I've set for you.@@
@@.speech-suzy; Too far? Like to your bed?@@
@@.speech-u; That's right.@@
@@.speech-suzy; You dream of a lot of things, don't you?@@
@@.speech-u; Maybe I do.@@
@@.speech-suzy; So do I.@@
$suzy.name taps your chest.
@@.speech-suzy; Let's leave that for another day.@@
@@.speech-u; Definitely.@@
<<set _result to $addstat($suzy,"cor",6)>><b><<print _result>></b><br>
<<elseif $suzy.cor <80>>
@@.speech-u; Are you ready for my bed now?@@
@@.speech-suzy; You will never see me in your bed.@@
@@.speech-u; You really think that a beautiful woman like you, won't fall in my bed soon?@@
@@.speech-suzy; I do think that, yeah.@@
@@.speech-u; Maybe I won't, unless you change your mind that is.@@
$suzy.name smiles.
@@.speech-suzy; I will never change my mind about that one.@@
@@.speech-u; Keep hoping.@@
She sighs.<br>
<<set _result to $addstat($suzy,"cor",14)>><b><<print _result>></b><br>
@@.speech-u; So, beautiful.@@
@@.speech-suzy; What is it?@@
@@.speech-u; Did you come to see me or $trainee.name?@@
@@.speech-suzy; Both.@@
@@.speech-u; Both?@@
@@.speech-suzy; Yeah, because you won't calm down with your bed.@@
@@.speech-u; Well, what can I say? I want to keep my bed warm.@@
@@.speech-suzy; Or half broken.@@
@@.speech-u; Can't disagree with that one.@@
$suzy.name giggles.
@@.speech-suzy; Let's hope you have a higher chance achieving that in the future.@@
<<set _result to $addstat($suzy,"cor",22)>><b><<print _result>></b><br>
@@.speech-u; Hey there, it appears that you are sitting on my bed now.@@
@@.speech-suzy; Well, we do have sex now.@@
@@.speech-u; You're right, but that means that I win.@@
@@.speech-suzy; Oh come on, this is just childish at this point.@@
@@.speech-u; Not really, I have a beautiful woman on my bed, who wouldn't want that?@@
$suzy.name sighs.
@@.speech-suzy; You are just unbelieveable.@@
<<set _result to $addstat($suzy,"cor",30)>><b><<print _result>></b><br>
[[Go back|Dojoback]]
<<if $suzy.aff >=250 and $suzy.cor >=170>>
<<if $suzy.lvl >=3>>
[[Go back|Dojoback]]
<<set $time +=0.25>>
<img src="Media/Sweden/Dojobed.jpg" width="75%"><br>
<<if $suzy.lvl == 2>>
@@.speech-u; Hey $suzy.name, can you jerk me off?@@
@@.speech-suzy; First step of yours, huh?@@
@@.speech-u; Well of course.@@
$suzy.name smiles.
@@.speech-suzy; I don't see why not.@@
She kneels down and pulls down your pants to jerk you off.<br>
@@.speech-u; Hey $suzy.name, can you give me a handjob?@@
@@.speech-suzy; I don't see why I shouldn't help out this pent up cock.@@
She gets on her knees and strokes your cock through your pants, until she pulls it out and gives you a handjob.<br>
<<set _hj = random(0,4)>>
<<set _imagePath = "Media/Sweden/Suzy/HJ/" + _hj + ".webp">>
<<set _imageTag = '<img src="' + _imagePath + '" width="55%">'>>
<<if $suzy.lvl == 2>>
@@.speech-u; That feels great.@@
@@.speech-suzy; I can make you feel even better.@@
$suzy.name says that as she jerks you off slowly.<br>
@@.speech-u; Your handjob has not changed at all.@@
@@.speech-suzy; That's because, you keep seeking for it.@@
@@.speech-u; Because I can't get enough of it.@@
$suzy.name giggles.
@@.speech-suzy; Then keep being desperate.@@
<img src="Media/Sweden/Dojobed.jpg" width="75%"><br>
<<if $suzy.lvl == 2>>
@@.speech-u; I'm going to cum!@@
@@.speech-suzy; Go ahead, don't keep it all in.@@
She begins to speed up, until you cum.<br>
@@.speech-u; I'm going to cum!@@
@@.speech-suzy; Yes... Let it all out.@@
$suzy.name starts giving you hard strokes to make you cum.<br>
<<set _hjc = random(0,1)>>
<<set _imagePath = "Media/Sweden/Suzy/HJ/Cum/" + _hjc + ".webp">>
<<set _imageTag = '<img src="' + _imagePath + '" width="55%">'>>
<<if $suzy.lvl == 2>>
@@.speech-u; I take this as u getting used to me.@@
@@.speech-suzy; Take it anyway you want, but don't be afraid to ask me for more.@@
@@.speech-u; Oh I won't, don't worry.@@
<<set _result to $addstat($suzy,"cor",30)>><b><<print _result>></b><br>
<<set _result to $addstat($suzy,"aff",40)>><b><<print _result>></b><br>
@@.speech-u; Wasn't expecting such hard strokes to make me cum.@@
@@.speech-suzy; Well, what can I say? I'm full of surprises.@@
<<set _result to $addstat($suzy,"cor",36)>><b><<print _result>></b><br>
<<set _result to $addstat($suzy,"aff",45)>><b><<print _result>></b><br>
[[Go back|Suzyinteract]]
<<set $time +=0.25>>
<img src="Media/Sweden/Dojobed.jpg" width="75%"><br>
<<if $suzy.lvl == 2>>
@@.speech-u; Hey $suzy.name, can I get a blowjob this time?@@
@@.speech-suzy; You sure are demanding for a lot.@@
@@.speech-u; Is that so?@@
@@.speech-suzy; Yeah, but whatever, give me your cock.@@
$suzy.name pulls down your pants and puts your cock in her mouth, beginning to suck you off.<br>
@@.speech-u; Hey beautiful, can you suck my cock?@@
@@.speech-suzy; Maybe next time slap my face with your cock, to notify me.@@
You smile.
@@.speech-u; I could do that.@@
You pull down your pants and bring your cock closer to $suzy.name, who's sitting on the bed, making her to suck your cock.<br>
<<set _bj = random(0,3)>>
<<set _imagePath = "Media/Sweden/Suzy/BJ/" + _bj + ".webp">>
<<set _imageTag = '<img src="' + _imagePath + '" width="55%">'>>
<<if $suzy.lvl == 2>>
@@.speech-u; Just like that...@@
She a nice long blowjob.<br>
She gives you cumsqueezing blowjob due to her thirst.
@@.speech-u; I guess you truly were thirsty for my cock.@@
<img src="Media/Sweden/Dojobed.jpg" width="75%"><br>
<<if $suzy.lvl == 2>>
@@.speech-u; Oh shit, I'm going to cum!@@
$suzy.name doesn't stop sucking you off and gets all that cum on her and in her mouth.<br>
@@.speech-u; If you keep on going like this, I'm going to cum.@@
She doesn't stop, so you push her head all the way to the base of your cock and cum, she quickly pulls back causing you to cum on her face.<br>
<<set _bjc = random(0,2)>>
<<set _imagePath = "Media/Sweden/Suzy/BJ/Cum/" + _bjc + ".webp">>
<<set _imageTag = '<img src="' + _imagePath + '" width="55%">'>>
<<if $suzy.lvl == 2>>
@@.speech-u; You are amazing at everything.@@
$suzy.name giggles.
@@.speech-suzy; When it comes to pleasure, I can do so much for you.@@
<<set _result to $addstat($suzy,"cor",45)>><b><<print _result>></b><br>
<<set _result to $addstat($suzy,"aff",55)>><b><<print _result>></b><br>
@@.speech-suzy; Didn't know you were willing to choke me out with your delicious cock.@@
@@.speech-u; It's all because of you being thirsty for my cum.@@
<<set _result to $addstat($suzy,"cor",50)>><b><<print _result>></b><br>
<<set _result to $addstat($suzy,"aff",60)>><b><<print _result>></b><br>
[[Go back|Suzyinteract]]
<img src="Media/Sweden/Dojobed.jpg" width="75%"><br>
<<if $suzy.lvl == 2>>
@@.speech-u; Hey $suzy.name, how about we take things a bit further?@@
@@.speech-suzy; So you are finally thinking about sex.@@
@@.speech-u; That's right.@@
$suzy.name smiles
@@.speech-suzy; Since you trained $trainee.name hard enough, making her win the final national tournament, I'm willing to go further with you.@@
@@.speech-u; Really?@@
@@.speech-suzy; Absolutely.@@
@@.speech-u; Then I will ask for you to be in my bed, when I feel like having sex.@@
@@.speech-suzy; Very well.@@
<b>You can now go further with $suzy.name</b><br>
<<set $suzy.lvl = 3>>
[[Go back|Dojoback]]
<<set $time +=0.25>>
<img src="Media/Sweden/Dojobed.jpg" width="75%"><br>
<<if $suzy.lvl == 3>>
@@.speech-u; Hey $suzy.name, want to have sex?@@
@@.speech-suzy; Why, of course.@@
She jumps onto the bed all excited and spreads her pussy, you take the signal and thrust as hard as you can inside her.<br>
<<set _sex = random(0,2)>>
<<set _imagePath = "Media/Sweden/Suzy/Sex/" + _sex + ".webp">>
<<set _imageTag = '<img src="' + _imagePath + '" width="55%">'>>
<<if $suzy.lvl == 3>>
@@.speech-suzy; Holy shit... Keep going like that!@@
@@.speech-u; You are squeezing me so tight.@@
<<if $suzy.aff >=700 and $suzy.cor >=650>>
[[Cum Outside|SuzySexO]] [[Cum Inside|SuzySexI]]
<img src="Media/Sweden/Dojobed.jpg" width="75%"><br>
<<if $suzy.lvl == 3>>
@@.speech-u; Oh shit, I'm going to cum!@@
@@.speech-suzy; Do it outside!@@
You thrust as hard as you can and pull out at the very last moment.<br>
<<set _cum = random(0,4)>>
<<set _imagePath = "Media/Sweden/Suzy/Sex/CumO/" + _cum + ".webp">>
<<set _imageTag = '<img src="' + _imagePath + '" width="55%">'>>
<<if $suzy.lvl == 3>>
@@.speech-suzy; You surprised me at the start and at the end there.@@
@@.speech-u; What can I say? I'm full of surprises.@@
@@.speech-suzy; Cliche...@@
<<set _result to $addstat($suzy,"cor",80)>><b><<print _result>></b><br>
<<set _result to $addstat($suzy,"aff",90)>><b><<print _result>></b><br>
[[Go back|Suzyinteract]]
<img src="Media/Sweden/Dojobed.jpg" width="75%"><br>
<<if $suzy.lvl == 3>>
@@.speech-u; Oh shit, I'm going to cum!@@
@@.speech-suzy; Do it inside!@@
You thrust as hard as you can and cum inside of her.<br>
<<set _cum = random(0,3)>>
<<set _imagePath = "Media/Sweden/Suzy/Sex/CumI/" + _cum + ".webp">>
<<set _imageTag = '<img src="' + _imagePath + '" width="55%">'>>
<<if $suzy.lvl == 3>>
@@.speech-suzy; Let's stay like this for a while, I need to rest.@@
@@.speech-u; Agreed.@@
<<set _result to $addstat($suzy,"cor",90)>><b><<print _result>></b><br>
<<set _result to $addstat($suzy,"aff",100)>><b><<print _result>></b><br>
[[Go back|Suzyinteract]]
<img src="Media/Fields.jpg" width="100%"><br>
<<if $alexia.lvl == 1>>
You stop next to them.
@@.speech-u; Hey, do you girls need a ride?@@
The girl on the left answers.
@@.speech-alexia; Yeah, we do.@@
@@.speech-u; Where to?@@
@@.speech-alexia; Hmm... Let's see.@@
The other girl goes around the car.
@@.speech-alexia; To our base?@@
@@.speech-u; What?@@
You suddenly feel pain on your neck.
@@.speech-u; What did you do?@@
@@.speech-melanie; Don't worry about it.@@
You see that she is holding a syringe in her hand.
@@.speech-u; You little...@@
You pass out.<br>
<img src="Media/Base/base.jpg" width="100%"><br>
<<if $alexia.lvl == 1>>
You wake up with your hands chained up to a ceiling and a headache.<br>
@@.speech-alexia; Good morning.@@
@@.speech-u; Where the hell am I?@@
@@.speech-alexia; Our little hideout.@@
@@.speech-u; Okay, but what do you want with me?@@
The other girl comes out.
@@.speech-melanie; We want to ask you some questions. Depending on your answers, we will let you live.@@
You smirk.
@@.speech-u; Oh yeah?@@
@@.speech-melanie; What's so funny?@@
@@.speech-u; Nothing. Give me your questions.@@
You can see anger on the girl's face.
@@.speech-melanie; Have you seen this girl?@@
She shows you a picture of $prisoner.name.
@@.speech-u; Who knows.@@
@@.speech-melanie; Answer me!@@
@@.speech-u; Yes, I have.@@
@@.speech-melanie; Where is she?@@
@@.speech-u; In my <<if $ownmansion == true>> mansion<<else>> relative's house<</if>>, as my servant.@@
She looks at you with a disgust in her face.
@@.speech-melanie; As your servant?@@
@@.speech-u; Yeah.@@
@@.speech-melanie; You better not be joking about it.@@
@@.speech-u; I'm dead serious.@@
The first girl begins speaking
@@.speech-alexia; If that's the case, why not bring us to her?@@
@@.speech-u; If you unchain me, then I will.@@
She does just that and handcuffs you while the other girl is pointing a gun at you.
@@.speech-u; You girls sure are not playing around.@@
They lead you to your car and put you in the backseat to guide one of the girls.<br>
<<if $ownmansion == true>>
<img src="Media/Mansion/Outside.jpg" width="100%"><br>
@@.speech-alexia; Is this it?@@
@@.speech-u; Yup.@@
All 3 of you step out of the car and head inside.<br>
The first girl opens the door and your maid looks at you in distress.
@@.speech-u; Don't worry, it will be quick.@@
@@.speech-maid; Y-Yes... $nickname.@@
$maid.name keeps her distance.
@@.speech-u; And don't call police.@@
$maid.name nods.
@@.speech-u; Is $prisoner.name in my room?@@
@@.speech-maid; Y-Yes.@@
@@.speech-u; Alright, you two follow me then.@@
All 3 of you go to the master bedroom.<br>
<img src="Media/Mansion/mbedroom.jpg" width="100%"><br>
As you open the door, $prisoner.name greets you.
@@.speech-prisoner; Hello, M-... What are you both doing to him?@@
@@.speech-melanie; What do you mean? We are saving you from him.@@
@@.speech-prisoner; Saving me?@@
$prisoner.name laughs.
@@.speech-prisoner; I'm perfectly fine as is, so can you uncuff him?@@
They both look at each other and uncuff you.
@@.speech-u; About time.@@
You have a nice long chat, about the recent events.
@@.speech-alexia; So, he got you out of prison and made you into his slave.@@
@@.speech-prisoner; Servant.@@
@@.speech-alexia; Right... I guess we should apologize.@@
@@.speech-u; No need.@@
@@.speech-alexia; Are you sure? We pretty much kidnapped you, and forced you against your will.@@
@@.speech-u; Like I said, it's fine.@@
@@.speech-alexia; Okay...@@
You spend the rest of the time talking to the girls.
<img src="Media/Markelbria/cousinhouse/hallway.jpg" width="100%"><br>
@@.speech-alexia; Is this it?@@
@@.speech-u; Yup.@@
All 3 of you step out of the car and head inside.<br>
You open the door and see $cousin.name in front of it.
@@.speech-cousin; What's this?@@
@@.speech-u; Can we head to my room really quick?@@
You point to the gun that one of the girls is holding.
@@.speech-cousin; Yeah...@@
All 3 of you head to the guest room.<br>
<img src="Media/Markelbria/cousinhouse/guestroom.jpg" width="100%"><br>
When you open the door, you can see $prisoner.name sitting on the bed.
@@.speech-prisoner; Hello S-... Why are you both holding him hostage?@@
@@.speech-alexia; We thought you are in danger.@@
@@.speech-prisoner; Since when?@@
@@.speech-alexia; Since someone got you out of prison without contacting us.@@
@@.speech-prisoner; Because, I wanted cut you both off.@@
@@.speech-melanie; What?! Why would you want to do something like that?@@
@@.speech-prisoner; I don't want to participate in criminal activities.@@
@@.speech-alexia; Could have just told us.@@
@@.speech-prisoner; I know...@@
You cough.
@@.speech-prisoner; Right... uncuff him.@@
They do as they are told and uncuff you.
@@.speech-u; So, you are not going to go back to the gang?@@
@@.speech-prisoner; No, I want to stay with you.@@
You smile.
@@.speech-u; Very well.@@
All 3 of you sit down and have a chat for the whole day.<br>
<<set $melanie.aff = 1>>
<<set $alexia.aff = 1>>
<b>You can now access the gang hideout in the fields.</b><br>
<img src="Media/Base/base.jpg" width="100%"><br>
<<set $hideout = true>>
$alexia.name is here<br>
<<if $alexia.aff >=750 and $alexia.cor >=600 and $alexia.lvl == 2>>
<<link "Go even further with $alexia.name">><<goto Alexiaevenfurther>><</link>><br><</if>>
<<if $alexia.aff >=150 and $alexia.cor >=100 and $alexia.lvl == 1>>
<<link "Go further with $alexia.name">><<goto Alexiafurther>><</link>><br><</if>>
Affection: <<print Math.ceil($alexia.aff)>> Corruption: <<print Math.ceil($alexia.cor)>> lvl: $alexia.lvl<br>
[[Talk|Alexiatalk]] <<link "Gift">><<set $GAlexia = true>><<goto Inventory>><</link>><br>
<<if $alexia.aff >=15>>[[Flirt|Alexiaflirt]]<</if>><br>
<<if $alexia.lvl >=2>>[[Interact|Alexiainteract]]<</if>><br><br>
$melanie.name is here<br>
<<if $melanie.aff >=750 and $melanie.cor >=600 and $melanie.lvl == 2>>
<<link "Go even further with $melanie.name">><<goto Melanieevenfurther>><</link>><br><</if>>
<<if $melanie.aff >=150 and $melanie.cor >=100 and $melanie.lvl == 1>>
<<link "Go further with $melanie.name">><<goto Melaniefurther>><</link>><br><</if>>
Affection: <<print Math.ceil($melanie.aff)>> Corruption: <<print Math.ceil($melanie.cor)>> lvl: $melanie.lvl<br>
[[Talk|Melanietalk]] <<link "Gift">><<set $GMelanie = true>><<goto Inventory>><</link>><br>
<<if $melanie.aff >=15>>[[Flirt|Melanieflirt]]<</if>><br>
<<if $melanie.lvl >=2>>[[Interact|Melanieinteract]]<</if>><br><br>
<<set $time +=0.25>>
<img src="Media/Base/base.jpg" width="100%"><br>
<<if $alexia.lvl == 1>>
<<if $alexia.aff <=15>>
@@.speech-u; Hey $alexia.name, how did you even join this gang?@@
@@.speech-alexia; I didn't join it, I made it together with the other girls.@@
@@.speech-u; With $prisoner.name and $malenie.name?@@
@@.speech-alexia; Yup. We were delinquents in highschool, so we just decided to make a gang for ourselves.@@
@@.speech-u; Is the gang well-known in the underground?@@
@@.speech-alexia; Not really, we are just some backwater gang in it.@@
@@.speech-u; I see.@@
<<set _result to $addstat($alexia,"aff",4)>><b><<print _result>></b><br>
<<elseif $alexia.aff <=40>>
@@.speech-u; Hey $alexia.name, wanna spend some time talking about you and gang again?@@
@@.speech-alexia; I don't see why not, at least someone is interested in our little gang.@@
@@.speech-u; You bet I'am.@@
$alexia.name smiles.
@@.speech-u; So, do you think I will be able to join your little gang?@@
@@.speech-alexia; Oh? Are you sure you want to join it?@@
@@.speech-u; I don't see how it could be bad for me.@@
@@.speech-alexia; There are many things, that could go wrong in a gang.@@
@@.speech-u; That's if it gets big, right?@@
@@.speech-alexia; Pretty much, but there still are some problems with cops.@@
@@.speech-u; I see, since you are still criminals.@@
@@.speech-alexia; Yeah, that's how $prisoner.name got in the jail in the first place.@@
@@.speech-u; Makes sense.@@
<<set _result to $addstat($alexia,"aff",9)>><b><<print _result>></b><br>
<<elseif $alexia.aff <= 90>>
@@.speech-u; Hey $alexia.name, what's up with $melanie.name always bitching around?@@
@@.speech-alexia; She's always been like that, just get used to it.@@
@@.speech-u; Even you have to put up with it?@@
@@.speech-alexia; Sadly so.@@
@@.speech-u; I thought she like that only to me.@@
@@.speech-alexia; No, she's like a child. Something doesn't go how she wants, she gets mad about it.@@
@@.speech-u; I see, what about you? Are you the same?@@
$alexia.name smiles.
@@.speech-alexia; Not at all.@@
@@.speech-u; Thank god, because I wouldn't want 2 people bitching in one place.@@
<<set _result to $addstat($alexia,"aff",15)>><b><<print _result>></b><br>
@@.speech-u; Anything new gang related?@@
@@.speech-alexia; Got interested in our gang again?@@
@@.speech-u; Maybe, I did.@@
@@.speech-alexia; Uhuh, well listen, don't try to join my gang or any gang in general.@@
@@.speech-u; What if I want to?@@
@@.speech-alexia; I know you want to, but the underground world is not a world you want to be in.@@
@@.speech-u; I assume for the great risk of getting arrested or assassinated.@@
@@.speech-alexia; So you do know the risk, yet you still want to join a gang?@@
@@.speech-u; Pretty much.@@
$alexia.name sighs.
@@.speech-alexia; Whatever, do what you want.@@
<<set _result to $addstat($alexia,"aff",20)>><b><<print _result>></b><br>
<<elseif $alexia.lvl == 2>>
@@.speech-u; Hey beautiful, want to hang out?@@
@@.speech-alexia; For some reason this is less irritating than usual.@@
@@.speech-u; Have you started to warm up to me?@@
@@.speech-alexia; Absolutely not.@@
@@.speech-u; How so?@@
@@.speech-alexia; I can't stand you, so there is no shot, that I've warmed up to you.@@
@@.speech-u; Maybe you just don't know it.@@
@@.speech-alexia; Oh, I know it just perfectly.@@
@@.speech-u; I don't know, you are smiling right now.@@
@@.speech-alexia; Oh, shut up!@@
<<set _result to $addstat($alexia,"aff",30)>><b><<print _result>></b><br>
@@.speech-u; Hey $alexia.name, how are you?@@
@@.speech-alexia; Not calling me beautiful anymore?@@
@@.speech-u; I don't need to, since you already know you are one.@@
@@.speech-alexia; So... Want to hang out?@@
@@.speech-u; Absolutely.@@
@@.speech-alexia; How about we call $melanie.name over?@@
@@.speech-u; No, I want it to be only with 2 of us.@@
$alexia.name smiles.
@@.speech-alexia; Very well.@@
<<set _result to $addstat($alexia,"aff",40)>><b><<print _result>></b><br>
[[Go back|Hideout]]
<<set $time +=0.25>>
<img src="Media/Base/base.jpg" width="100%"><br>
<<if $melanie.lvl == 1>>
<<if $melanie.aff <=15>>
@@.speech-u; Hey $melanie.name, how are you?@@
@@.speech-melanie; 10x worse when you came here.@@
@@.speech-u; What did I do?@@
@@.speech-melanie; Everything that is related to $prisoner.name, you made her into your personal cock-sleeve.@@
@@.speech-u; It was a deal.@@
@@.speech-melanie; So what? It doesn't give you rights to own her.@@
@@.speech-u; I thought you knew, what you're getting yourself into when joining a gang.@@
@@.speech-melanie; Still...@@
@@.speech-u; There are no excuses, she simply gave herself away for exchange of freedom from law.@@
@@.speech-melanie; Fine.@@
<<set _result to $addstat($melanie,"aff",4)>><b><<print _result>></b><br>
<<elseif $melanie.aff <=40>>
@@.speech-u; Hey $melanie.name, have you calmed down?@@
@@.speech-melanie; I've been calm.@@
@@.speech-u; Doesn't really look like it though.@@
@@.speech-melanie; Shut up! You have no right to say anything, because of $prisoner.name.@@
@@.speech-u; Are you still dwelling on that?@@
@@.speech-melanie; Yes, because she got in trouble thanks to us.@@
@@.speech-u; And she paid the price for both of you.@@
@@.speech-melanie; But... that's just not fair.@@
@@.speech-u; When has anything been fair the moment you joined the gang?@@
$melanie.name sits there in silence.
@@.speech-u; Exactly, so just don't think too much about it.@@
<<set _result to $addstat($melanie,"aff",9)>><b><<print _result>></b><br>
<<elseif $melanie.aff <=90>>
@@.speech-u; Hey $melanie.name, how are you doing?@@
@@.speech-melanie; Could've been better.@@
@@.speech-u; That's good to know.@@
@@.speech-melanie; How is that good? I still want to know why you did what you did.@@
@@.speech-u; She was in trouble, so she had to pay the price to get out. Is that still hard to process?@@
@@.speech-melanie; But why make her a slave? You could have just let her out and that's it.@@
@@.speech-u; I had to ensure she wouldn't do anything that would get her back in the jail again.@@
@@.speech-melanie; So you made her into your slave?@@
@@.speech-u; That was the safest way.@@
$melanie.name sighs.
@@.speech-melanie; Wouldn't that put you at risk though?@@
@@.speech-u; No it won't, markelbria's police station is already under my command.@@
@@.speech-melanie; What? How?@@
@@.speech-u; I will leave that conversation for later.@@
@@.speech-melanie; Fine.@@
<<set _result to $addstat($melanie,"aff",15)>><b><<print _result>></b><br>
@@.speech-u; So, do you want to continue the conversation?@@
@@.speech-melanie; Absolutely. So, how did you do it?@@
@@.speech-u; Just had to corrupt the whole station, it's as simple as that?@@
@@.speech-melanie; And you had to leave it for later? How did you even corrupt them? Money? Status?@@
@@.speech-u; None of that.@@
@@.speech-melanie; Then how?@@
@@.speech-u; It's all thanks to my persuasion.@@
@@.speech-melanie; Your persuasion? Really? It could have been something else, but you chose to persuade them?@@
@@.speech-u; Mhm.@@
@@.speech-melanie; And that's how you corrupted the whole police station?@@
@@.speech-u; Pretty much.@@
@@.speech-melanie; You have to be joking, there is no way you can do that by just persuading people.@@
@@.speech-u; You would be surprised, what I'm capable of.@@
@@.speech-melanie; I'm already surprised by that fact.@@
You smile.
@@.speech-u; Good to know.@@
<<set _result to $addstat($melanie,"aff",20)>><b><<print _result>></b><br>
<<elseif $melanie.lvl == 2>>
@@.speech-u; Hey sexy, want to spend the rest of your time in a cell?@@
@@.speech-melanie; I see how it is, now you want to put me in the slammer.@@
@@.speech-u; Yeah, to have you all for myself.@@
@@.speech-melanie; Keep dreaming, because that will never happen.@@
@@.speech-u; It slowly is though.@@
@@.speech-melanie; It absolutely is not.@@
@@.speech-u; You never know until it happens.@@
@@.speech-melanie; With you, obviously.@@
@@.speech-u; So, want to hang out?@@
@@.speech-melanie; You know what? Sure.@@
@@.speech-u; Alright.@@
<<set _result to $addstat($melanie,"aff",30)>><b><<print _result>></b><br>
@@.speech-u; Hey $melanie.name, I never asked much about you.@@
@@.speech-melanie; Yeah, you did not.@@
@@.speech-u; So, how did you drop out of highschool?@@
@@.speech-melanie; I was aggressive, well I still am, but back then there would be no way of stopping me.@@
@@.speech-u; Uhuh, is that the only reason?@@
@@.speech-melanie; No, I don't know if $alexia.name or $prisoner.name mentioned this, but we dropped out at the last year for sexual reasons.@@
@@.speech-u; So I've heard.@@
@@.speech-melanie; I was never really into the sexual ideas.@@
@@.speech-u; Then how did you drop out?@@
@@.speech-melanie; A principal saw me flash someone.@@
@@.speech-u; Just for that?@@
@@.speech-melanie; Well I didn't do it just once, he caught me 3 times doing it.@@
@@.speech-u; Well, that explains it.@@
@@.speech-melanie; Mhm...@@
@@.speech-u; So you haven't had any sexual intercourses in highschool?@@
@@.speech-melanie; More like never.@@
@@.speech-u; Then was your first time... With me?@@
@@.speech-melanie; Yes.@@
@@.speech-u; There was no blood though.@@
@@.speech-melanie; I accidentally popped it with a pen.@@
@@.speech-u; So, that means your first time was special, right?@@
@@.speech-melanie; You could say that.@@
<<set _result to $addstat($melanie,"aff",40)>><b><<print _result>></b><br>
[[Go back|Hideout]]
<<set $time +=0.25>>
<img src="Media/Base/base.jpg" width="100%"><br>
<<if $alexia.lvl == 1>>
<<if $alexia.cor <=10>>
@@.speech-u; Hey $alexia.name, what are you up to?@@
@@.speech-alexia; Not much, just sitting and wondering what to do next.@@
@@.speech-u; Well, why don't we have a long chat then?@@
@@.speech-alexia; Are you trying to get in my pants?@@
@@.speech-u; Who knows.@@
@@.speech-alexia; You have $prisoner.name, are you not satisfied with her?@@
@@.speech-u; Well, I want to have a great time with all of you.@@
@@.speech-alexia; That is just absurd, but whatever I will go along with your game.@@
You smile.
@@.speech-u; Very well.@@
<<set _result to $addstat($alexia,"cor",3)>><b><<print _result>></b><br>
<<elseif $alexia.cor <=30>>
@@.speech-u; Hey $alexia.name, would you like to spend some time with me?@@
@@.speech-alexia; As long as it doesn't include your motives.@@
@@.speech-u; Oh don't worry, for a girl as cautious and beautiful as you, I wouldn't do anything like that.@@
@@.speech-alexia; It sounds the exact opposite of what you are trying to say.@@
@@.speech-u; Absolutely not.@@
@@.speech-alexia; Sure... Let's say I agree to your motives, what happens then?@@
@@.speech-u; You will have to find it out yourself.@@
@@.speech-alexia; You are the most deceiving person I've ever met.@@
You smile.
@@.speech-u; And you are the hardest girl to crack, that I've met.@@
@@.speech-alexia; Have to be one for others.@@
@@.speech-u; Of course.@@
<<set _result to $addstat($alexia,"cor",7)>><b><<print _result>></b><br>
<<elseif $alexia.cor <=70>>
@@.speech-u; So, are you sure you want to keep it up like this?@@
@@.speech-alexia; keeping what up? Being reasonable?@@
@@.speech-u; I don't think you are being reasonable with me.@@
@@.speech-alexia; If I wasn't, then I would fall in your hands.@@
@@.speech-u; Maybe so, but what gives you an idea that you are able to escape from my grasp?@@
@@.speech-alexia; You being within our territory, we can easily kill you on the spot.@@
@@.speech-u; Do you think that would please $prisoner.name?@@
@@.speech-alexia; Probably not...@@
@@.speech-u; See? If you really care about her, then maybe you should just let it play out in my favor.@@
@@.speech-alexia; So, you are trying to get a so called "harem"?@@
@@.speech-u; Maybe.@@
$alexia.name laughs.
@@.speech-alexia; That is the most absurd thing I've ever head, but sure, do what you want.@@
<<set _result to $addstat($alexia,"cor",12)>><b><<print _result>></b><br>
@@.speech-u; Hey there beauty, how are you doing?@@
$alexia.name sighs.
@@.speech-alexia; I can't believe I have to put up with this.@@
@@.speech-u; You will have to put up with a lot of things.@@
@@.speech-alexia; Yeah, I can see that.@@
@@.speech-u; So beauty, do you want to hang out?@@
@@.speech-alexia; No, but I want to put a gun down your throat and pull the trigger.@@
@@.speech-u; Woah, a feisty one.@@
@@.speech-alexia; Just, shut up.@@
@@.speech-u; Don't want to. I will keep going.@@
@@.speech-alexia; I wish you wouldn't.@@
@@.speech-u; There is absolutely nothing you can do.@@
You smile.
@@.speech-alexia; Sadly.@@
<<set _result to $addstat($alexia,"cor",17)>><b><<print _result>></b><br>
<<elseif $alexia.lvl == 2>>
@@.speech-u; Hey beauty, want to spend some time laying in the bed together?@@
@@.speech-alexia; You know that I can't stand you, so why try?@@
@@.speech-u; Because there might be a chance that you will agree.@@
@@.speech-alexia; In your dreams.@@
@@.speech-u; Oh come on! Just give me one chance.@@
@@.speech-alexia; Never.@@
@@.speech-u; Why not?@@
@@.speech-alexia; I know how you do stuff, I won't get manipulated by you.@@
@@.speech-u; Yet it already seems like you did.@@
@@.speech-alexia; I did not.@@
@@.speech-u; Negligence is not a good thing, you know?@@
@@.speech-alexia; Oh in this situation it is.@@
@@.speech-u; Whatever you say, beautiful.@@
<<set _result to $addstat($alexia,"cor",25)>><b><<print _result>></b><br>
@@.speech-u; Hey $alexia.name, have you changed your mind yet?@@
@@.speech-alexia; I will give you a chance just this one time, happy?@@
@@.speech-u; Of course, I'am.@@
@@.speech-alexia; I'm not surprised.@@
@@.speech-u; Well then, let's go in the bed.@@
@@.speech-alexia; Just saying, I won't do anything sexual with you right now.@@
@@.speech-u; That's what you always hope for.@@
@@.speech-alexia; Shut up, it's all because of you that it happens.@@
@@.speech-u; Sure, sure, can't hide your desires from your body.@@
@@.speech-alexia; Oh, shut up.@@
<<set _result to $addstat($alexia,"cor",35)>><b><<print _result>></b><br>
[[Go back|Hideout]]
<<set $time +=0.25>>
<img src="Media/Base/base.jpg" width="100%"><br>
<<if $melanie.lvl == 1>>
<<if $melanie.cor <=10>>
@@.speech-u; Hey $melanie.name, want to hang out?@@
@@.speech-melanie; Hang out with the person who took my friend as a slave?@@
@@.speech-u; I believe, that doesn't stop us from hanging out.@@
@@.speech-melanie; Well, I believe, that you shouldn't take someone as a slave, just because you got them out of prison.@@
@@.speech-u; Like I said before, we made a deal. If you don't like it, then I can't help you.@@
@@.speech-melanie; No, you can help definitely help me with that. Free her.@@
@@.speech-u; I will never do that. What I will do instead, is either enslave you as well or let you be.@@
@@.speech-melanie; You evil bastard!@@
@@.speech-u; You can join her if you want, I won't stop you.@@
$melanie.name clicks her tongue.
@@.speech-melanie; I don't want to be enslaved.@@
@@.speech-u; Then let it be, and let's go back to zero.@@
@@.speech-melanie; Fine.@@
<<set _result to $addstat($melanie,"cor",3)>><b><<print _result>></b><br>
<<elseif $melanie.cor <=30>>
@@.speech-u; Hey $melanie.name, do you want to hang out now?@@
@@.speech-melanie; If that's what will keep me from me becoming a slave, sure.@@
@@.speech-u; I don't want to force it on you.@@
@@.speech-melanie; No, it's fine.@@
@@.speech-u; If you say so, you don't really look like you are happy with that.@@
$melanie.name keeps looking away.
@@.speech-melanie; I just need more time to process it.@@
@@.speech-u; If that's the case, then I will leave you be for some time.@@
@@.speech-melanie; Okay...@@
<<set _result to $addstat($melanie,"cor",7)>><b><<print _result>></b><br>
<<elseif $melanie.cor <=70>>
@@.speech-u; Are you ready to hang out now?@@
@@.speech-melanie; If a handsome man asks me to hang out, then of course I'm ready.@@
@@.speech-u; It appears that we are off to a good start.@@
$melanie.name smiles.
@@.speech-melanie; I hope we are, because I'm ready to hang out with you whenever.@@
@@.speech-u; Don't get too ahead of yourself now.@@
@@.speech-melanie; I'm sorry, I just can't control myself.@@
@@.speech-u; It's okay, as long as you know where to stop.@@
@@.speech-melanie; I hope I didn't sound or look like a slut.@@
@@.speech-u; No, you didn't.@@
@@.speech-melanie; Okay, so... Can we continue with it another day?@@
@@.speech-u; Sure we can.@@
@@.speech-melanie; Okay...@@
<<set _result to $addstat($melanie,"cor",12)>><b><<print _result>></b><br>
@@.speech-u; Hey-@@
$melanie.name puts her hand on your chest.
@@.speech-melanie; Hey handsome, care to give me your time?@@
@@.speech-u; What happened, since the last time?@@
@@.speech-melanie; Nothing much, just been yearning for you.@@
@@.speech-u; Yearning for me? Very interesting.@@
@@.speech-melanie; How could I not? I just want you.@@
@@.speech-u; You are one hell of a seductress.@@
$melanie.name starts laughing.
@@.speech-melanie; I'm sorry, I just wanted to see your reaction.@@
@@.speech-u; I figured, because it was too sudden.@@
@@.speech-melanie; I bet you believed it for a second.@@
@@.speech-u; You aren't wrong.@@
<<set _result to $addstat($melanie,"cor",17)>><b><<print _result>></b><br>
<<elseif $melanie.lvl == 2>>
@@.speech-u; Hey seductive girl, want to spend some time together?@@
@@.speech-melanie; Seductive? Absolutely not, I'm just sensual.@@
@@.speech-u; That you are.@@
$melanie.name smiles.
@@.speech-melanie; What do you expect from a quiet girl, am I right?@@
@@.speech-u; You know what? You are right.@@
@@.speech-melanie; So of course, I will try to seduce you or maybe flirt a little.@@
@@.speech-u; You quiet girls are the most perverted ones.@@
$melanie.name giggles.
@@.speech-melanie; I could say the same about you.@@
@@.speech-u; I'm different.@@
@@.speech-melanie; Sure you are.@@
<<set _result to $addstat($melanie,"cor",25)>><b><<print _result>></b><br>
@@.speech-u; Hey sexy, what are you up to?@@
@@.speech-melanie; I'm up to giving you kisses on your arrival.@@
@@.speech-u; I can't say no to that.@@
$melanie.name smiles.
@@.speech-melanie; Of course you can't.@@
She pokes the tip of your nose and walks away.
@@.speech-u; No kisses?@@
@@.speech-melanie; A bit later.@@
@@.speech-u; You better not break your promise.@@
@@.speech-melanie; Don't worry, I wont.@@
<<set _result to $addstat($melanie,"cor",35)>><b><<print _result>></b><br>
[[Go back|Hideout]]
<img src="Media/Base/base.jpg" width="100%"><br>
<<if $alexia.lvl == 1>>
@@.speech-u; Hey $alexia.name, want to hang out with me even more?@@
@@.speech-alexia; Even more? So you want me to do something with you?@@
@@.speech-u; You said it not me.@@
$alexia.name sighs.
@@.speech-alexia; Whatever, as long as you leave everyone else alone.@@
@@.speech-u; Of course.@@
@@.speech-alexia; Then I guess it's a deal.@@
@@.speech-u; Sure is.@@
<<set $alexia.lvl = 2>>
<b>You can go further with $alexia.name now</b><br>
<img src="Media/Base/base.jpg" width="100%"><br>
<<if $melanie.lvl == 1>>
@@.speech-u; Hey $melanie.name, do you want to take things now seriously?@@
@@.speech-melanie; Umm, sure I guess.@@
@@.speech-u; I hope you know, that you will have to do things for me now.@@
@@.speech-melanie; I know, I was prepared for that anyway.@@
@@.speech-u; Then I guess, I can ask you for sexual stuff now.@@
@@.speech-melanie; If I agree on them that is.@@
@@.speech-u; Of course, we won't go instantly to intercouse.@@
@@.speech-melanie; Okay, then I will do stuff for you.@@
@@.speech-u; Very well.@@
<<set $melanie.lvl = 2>>
<b>You can go further with $melanie.name now</b><br>
<<if $alexia.aff >=375 and $alexia.cor >=325>>
<<if $alexia.lvl >=3>>
<br>[[Go back|Hideout]]
<<if $melanie.aff >=375 and $melanie.cor >=325>>
<<if $melanie.lvl >=3>>
<br>[[Go back|Hideout]]
<<set $time +=0.25>>
<img src="Media/Base/base.jpg" width="100%"><br>
<<if $alexia.lvl == 2>>
@@.speech-u; Hey $alexia.name, can you give me a handjob?@@
@@.speech-alexia; A handjob? Really?@@
@@.speech-u; What?@@
@@.speech-alexia; I expected something more sexual, but that's... the least thing I expected.@@
@@.speech-u; Did you expect me to instantly have sex with you?@@
@@.speech-alexia; Yeah.@@
@@.speech-u; Well, I want to take it slowly.@@
$alexia.name smiles
@@.speech-alexia; I like the sound of that.@@
@@.speech-u; So, let's get started.@@
@@.speech-alexia; Yeah, let's go ahead.@@
$alexia.name kneels down and pulls your cock out.
@@.speech-alexia; I see why $prisoner.name stays as your slave now.@@
@@.speech-u; Don't let it get to your head.@@
She begins to jerk you off.<br>
@@.speech-u; Hey $alexia.name, give me a handjob.@@
@@.speech-alexia; Eager for it, huh?@@
@@.speech-u; Well of course.@@
$alexia.name smiles and pulls down your pants to jerk you off.<br>
<<set _hj = random(0,4)>>
<<set _imagePath = "Media/Base/Alexia/HJ/" + _hj + ".webp">>
<<set _imageTag = '<img src="' + _imagePath + '" width="55%">'>>
<<if $alexia.lvl == 2>>
@@.speech-u; Damn, you are good.@@
@@.speech-alexia; Wasn't expecting that now, were you?@@
@@.speech-u; Absolutely not.@@
$alexia.name giggles.
@@.speech-alexia; Now you know.@@
@@.speech-alexia; Do my hands still feel good?@@
@@.speech-u; I don't think they will stop feeling good with your skills.@@
$alexia.name smiles.
@@.speech-alexia; That's good to know.@@
<img src="Media/Base/base.jpg" width="100%"><br>
<<if $alexia.lvl == 2>>
@@.speech-u; I'm going to cum.@@
@@.speech-alexia; Go ahead.@@
@@.speech-u; I'm going to cum!@@
$alexia.name whispers in your ear.
@@.speech-alexia; Let it all out, cum all over me.@@
<<set _cum = random(0,4)>>
<<set _imagePath = "Media/Base/Alexia/HJ/Cum/" + _cum + ".webp">>
<<set _imageTag = '<img src="' + _imagePath + '" width="55%">'>>
<<if $alexia.lvl == 2>>
@@.speech-u; Well... That was unexpected.@@
@@.speech-alexia; You learn stuff in highschool.@@
@@.speech-u; In highschool?@@
@@.speech-alexia; Yeah, last year is the year when we dropped out.@@
@@.speech-u; I see, I assume it was due to sexual reasons.@@
@@.speech-alexia; Yup.@@
@@.speech-u; You were really something else this time.@@
@@.speech-alexia; Want me to continue doing it?@@
@@.speech-u; Yes, please.@@
$alexia.name smiles.<br>
<<set _result to $addstat($alexia,"aff",40)>><b><<print _result>></b><br>
<<set _result to $addstat($alexia,"cor",30)>><b><<print _result>></b><br>
[[Go back|Alexiainteract]]
<<set $time +=0.25>>
<img src="Media/Base/base.jpg" width="100%"><br>
<<if $melanie.lvl == 2>>
@@.speech-u; Hey $melanie.name, can I ask you to do something?@@
@@.speech-melanie; Sure...?@@
@@.speech-u; Can you jerk me off?@@
@@.speech-melanie; J-Jerk you off?@@
@@.speech-u; That's for all the teasing you gave me.@@
@@.speech-melanie; I don't know...@@
@@.speech-u; It's only fair.@@
$melanie.name thinks for a moment.
@@.speech-melanie; Fine, I will do it.@@
@@.speech-u; Good.@@
You pull down your pants and wait for her to jerk you off.<br>
She gets down on her knees and begins to jerk you off.<br>
@@.speech-u; Hey $melanie.name, can you give me a handjob?@@
@@.speech-melanie; Of course, I wanted to pleasure you in one way or another.@@
@@.speech-u; I'm glad you want to do this.@@
$melanie.name smiles while getting on her knees and pulls down your pants to give you a handjob.<br>
<<set _hj = random(0,4)>>
<<set _imagePath = "Media/Base/Melanie/HJ/" + _hj + ".webp">>
<<set _imageTag = '<img src="' + _imagePath + '" width="55%">'>>
<<if $melanie.lvl == 2>>
@@.speech-u; Not bad, is this your first time?@@
@@.speech-melanie; Yeah...@@
@@.speech-u; Then prepare to learn a thing or two.@@
@@.speech-melanie; Okay...@@
@@.speech-u; You are getting better at this.@@
@@.speech-melanie; Am I?@@
@@.speech-u; Yeah, much better.@@
That gives $melanie.name happiness of accomplishment, and she proceeds to give you a handjob while laying next to you.<br>
<img src="Media/Base/base.jpg" width="100%"><br>
<<if $melanie.lvl == 2>>
@@.speech-u; Jerk me off faster.@@
@@.speech-melanie; Okay.@@
$melanie.name increases her speed, making you reach your limit.
@@.speech-u; Alright, I'm going to cum.@@
@@.speech-melanie; What do I do?@@
@@.speech-u; Keep jerking me off.@@
@@.speech-melanie; Okay...@@
While she continues jerking you off, you cum on her.<br>
@@.speech-u; I'm going to cum!@@
@@.speech-melanie; Go ahead honey... cum.@@
She says it in a soothing voice causing you to cum instantly.<br>
<<set _cum = random(0,4)>>
<<set _imagePath = "Media/Base/Melanie/HJ/Cum/" + _cum + ".webp">>
<<set _imageTag = '<img src="' + _imagePath + '" width="55%">'>>
<<if $melanie.lvl == 2>>
$melanie.name sits there confused.
@@.speech-melanie; What am I supposed to do with this?@@
@@.speech-u; Eat it.@@
@@.speech-melanie; Umm, okay...@@
She starts eating your cum that was on her body.
@@.speech-u; Good.@@
@@.speech-u; That last one gave me comforting chills.@@
$melanie.name giggles.
@@.speech-melanie; Maybe I should just keep doing that to make you cum.@@
@@.speech-u; Would be great.@@
<<set _result to $addstat($melanie,"aff",40)>><b><<print _result>></b><br>
<<set _result to $addstat($melanie,"cor",30)>><b><<print _result>></b><br>
[[Go back|Melanieinteract]]
<<set $time +=0.25>>
<img src="Media/Base/base.jpg" width="100%"><br>
<<if $alexia.lvl == 2>>
@@.speech-u; Hey $alexia.name, let's take a step forward and have you suck me off.@@
@@.speech-alexia; I like the sound of that.@@
@@.speech-u; Oh? Already getting used to it?@@
$alexia.name smiles
@@.speech-alexia; Maybe.@@
She gets down on her knees and pulls down your pants to suck you off.<br>
@@.speech-u; Hey $alexia.name, can you give me a blowjob?@@
@@.speech-alexia; Since I'm laying down, just insert your cock in my mouth.@@
@@.speech-u; Alright.@@
You pull down your pants and walk towards $alexia.name, who is laying on the bed and put your cock in her mouth.<br>
<<set _bj = random(0,4)>>
<<set _imagePath = "Media/Base/Alexia/BJ/" + _bj + ".webp">>
<<set _imageTag = '<img src="' + _imagePath + '" width="55%">'>>
<<if $alexia.lvl == 2>>
@@.speech-u; Oh yeah... Just like that.@@
You put your hand on $alexia.name's head to guide her even further.<br>
You begin to deepthroat her in her lying pose.
@@.speech-u; If you are at loss of breath, tap my thigh.@@
<img src="Media/Base/base.jpg" width="100%"><br>
<<if $alexia.lvl == 2>>
Not long after, you begin to reach your limit.
@@.speech-u; I'm going to cum!@@
You have $alexia.name deepthroat you with the help of your hand.<br>
You continue deepthroating her, but once you are close to your limit you increase your speed and cum inside of her throat.<br>
<<set _cum = random(0,4)>>
<<set _imagePath = "Media/Base/Alexia/BJ/Cum/" + _cum + ".webp">>
<<set _imageTag = '<img src="' + _imagePath + '" width="55%">'>>
<<if $alexia.lvl == 2>>
$alexia.name coughs.
@@.speech-alexia; Too much cum.@@
@@.speech-u; Sorry, I just enjoyed it that much.@@
@@.speech-alexia; So did I.@@
@@.speech-u; Damn, you didn't cough this time.@@
$alexia.name smiles
@@.speech-alexia; I got used to it.@@
<<set _result to $addstat($alexia,"aff",60)>><b><<print _result>></b><br>
<<set _result to $addstat($alexia,"cor",50)>><b><<print _result>></b><br>
[[Go back|Alexiainteract]]
<<set $time +=0.25>>
<img src="Media/Base/base.jpg" width="100%"><br>
<<if $melanie.lvl == 2>>
@@.speech-u; Hey $melanie.name, this time I want you to suck me off.@@
@@.speech-melanie; Can we keep it at handjob level?@@
@@.speech-u; No, I won't be satisfied with just that.@@
$melanie.name sighs.
@@.speech-melanie; Okay...@@
This time $melanie.name pulls down your pants and kneels before you, guiding your cock with her hand to her mouth.<br>
@@.speech-u; Hey $melanie.name, can you give me a blowjob?@@
@@.speech-melanie; Will you go rough on me?@@
@@.speech-u; If you want me to.@@
@@.speech-melanie; Then please do so.@@
$melanie.name excitedly pulls down your pants and begins to suck your cock.<br>
<<set _bj = random(0,4)>>
<<set _imagePath = "Media/Base/Melanie/BJ/" + _bj + ".webp">>
<<set _imageTag = '<img src="' + _imagePath + '" width="55%">'>>
<<if $melanie.lvl == 2>>
@@.speech-u; Yeah, this is much better.@@
$melanie.name looks at you while sucking you off.
@@.speech-u; Keep looking at me while giving me a blowjob, that will help me cum faster.@@
@@.speech-u; Since you wanted it rough, I will give it to you rough.@@
You put your hand on her hand and push your cock deeper in her throat.<br>
You continue doing that for a while.<br>
<img src="Media/Base/base.jpg" width="100%"><br>
<<if $melanie.lvl == 2>>
You reach your limit.
@@.speech-u; I'm going to cum!@@
You begin to thrust your cock deeper in her throat, causing her to gag.<br>
After few seconds you begin cumming down her throat.<br>
@@.speech-u; Prepare for my cum!@@
You push her head all the way to the base of your cock and cum.<br>
<<set _cum = random(0,4)>>
<<set _imagePath = "Media/Base/Melanie/BJ/Cum/" + _cum + ".webp">>
<<set _imageTag = '<img src="' + _imagePath + '" width="55%">'>>
<<if $melanie.lvl == 2>>
$melanie.name coughs.
@@.speech-u; That was much better.@@
@@.speech-melanie; Can you please not do that?@@
@@.speech-u; Can't do, you made me want to do it from your beauty.@@
@@.speech-u; So was that good enough?@@
$melanie.name begins to cough a little.@@
@@.speech-melanie; It was perfect.@@
@@.speech-u; Good.@@
<<set _result to $addstat($melanie,"aff",60)>><b><<print _result>></b><br>
<<set _result to $addstat($melanie,"cor",50)>><b><<print _result>></b><br>
[[Go back|Melanieinteract]]
<img src="Media/Base/base.jpg" width="100%"><br>
<<if $alexia.lvl == 2>>
@@.speech-u; Hey $alexia.name, I believe we have to take this further than usual.@@
@@.speech-alexia; Is that so?@@
@@.speech-u; Yeah.@@
@@.speech-alexia; I believe we want the same thing, don't we?@@
@@.speech-u; Which is?@@
@@.speech-alexia; Don't play dumb, I know exactly why you want to take things further.@@
@@.speech-u; Which would be?@@
@@.speech-alexia; To have sex with me, isn't that it?@@
@@.speech-u; No, I just wanted to make our relationship better.@@
@@.speech-alexia; Really?@@
@@.speech-u; No. I 100% want to have sex with you.@@
$alexia.name smiles.
@@.speech-alexia; I know, so do I.@@
<<set $alexia.lvl = 3>>
<b>You can go even further with $alexia.name now</b><br>
<img src="Media/Base/base.jpg" width="100%"><br>
<<if $melanie.lvl == 2>>
@@.speech-u; Hey $melanie.name, can I speak with you for a moment?@@
@@.speech-melanie; Umm, sure.@@
@@.speech-u; What do you say about us taking things further than usual?@@
$melanie.name thinks for a moment.
@@.speech-melanie; I think it's a great idea.@@
@@.speech-u; Is that so?@@
@@.speech-melanie; Yeah, we both want to have sex, don't we?@@
@@.speech-u; Uhuh.@@
@@.speech-melanie; And because of you, I've been striving for more.@@
@@.speech-u; Then I will give you what you dream of.@@
$melanie.name smiles.
@@.speech-melanie; I can't wait.@@
<<set $melanie.lvl = 3>>
<b>You can go even further with $melanie.name now</b><br>
<<set $time +=0.25>>
<img src="Media/Base/base.jpg" width="100%"><br>
<<if $alexia.lvl == 3>>
@@.speech-u; Hey $alexia.name, let's have sex.@@
@@.speech-alexia; Right now?@@
@@.speech-u; Yes, right now.@@
@@.speech-alexia; As you say.@@
She gets naked and presents herself to you, you without hesitation pull out your cock and insert it in her pussy.<br>
<<set _sex = random(0,4)>>
<<set _imagePath = "Media/Base/Alexia/Sex/" + _sex + ".webp">>
<<set _imageTag = '<img src="' + _imagePath + '" width="55%">'>>
<<if $alexia.lvl == 3>>
@@.speech-u; Damn, you are tight.@@
@@.speech-alexia; That's because of how eager I was to get fucked.@@
@@.speech-u; I can feel that.@@
<<if $alexia.aff >=1000 and $alexia.cor >=900>>
[[Cum Inside|AlexiaSexI]] [[Cum outside|AlexiaSexO]]
<img src="Media/Base/base.jpg" width="100%"><br>
<<if $alexia.lvl == 3>>
@@.speech-u; I'm going to cum, where do you want it?@@
@@.speech-alexia; Outside!@@
You thrust as hard as you can until you reach your limit and pull out.<br>
<<set _cum = random(0,4)>>
<<set _imagePath = "Media/Base/Alexia/Sex/CumO/" + _cum + ".webp">>
<<set _imageTag = '<img src="' + _imagePath + '" width="55%">'>>
<<if $alexia.lvl == 3>>
@@.speech-u; Want to go another round?@@
$alexia.name giggles.
@@.speech-alexia; Later.@@
@@.speech-u; As you say.@@
<<set _result to $addstat($alexia,"aff",90)>><b><<print _result>></b><br>
<<set _result to $addstat($alexia,"cor",80)>><b><<print _result>></b><br>
[[Go back|Alexiainteract]]
<img src="Media/Base/base.jpg" width="100%"><br>
<<if $alexia.lvl == 3>>
@@.speech-u; I'm going to cum, where do you want it?@@
@@.speech-alexia; Shoot it all inside of me!@@
When she says that, you begin to thrust as hard as you can, to make sure she experiences the greatest pleasure when you cum inside her.<br>
You begin to reach your limit and cum inside her.<br>
<<set _cum = random(0,4)>>
<<set _imagePath = "Media/Base/Alexia/Sex/CumI/" + _cum + ".webp">>
<<set _imageTag = '<img src="' + _imagePath + '" width="55%">'>>
<<if $alexia.lvl == 3>>
@@.speech-u; Your body is the best.@@
$alexia.name smiles.
@@.speech-alexia; I could say the same thing about your cock.@@
<<set _result to $addstat($alexia,"aff",100)>><b><<print _result>></b><br>
<<set _result to $addstat($alexia,"cor",90)>><b><<print _result>></b><br>
[[Go back|Alexiainteract]]
<<set $time +=0.25>>
<img src="Media/Base/base.jpg" width="100%"><br>
<<if $melanie.lvl == 3>>
@@.speech-u; Hey $melanie.name, want to have sex?@@
@@.speech-melanie; Sex?@@
@@.speech-u; Yeah.@@
@@.speech-melanie; Umm...@@
Something flipped inside of her at that moment, she comes to you and caresses your cock through your pants and whispers in your ear.
@@.speech-melanie; Fuck me like you mean it.@@
$melanie.name then gets naked lays on the bed and waits for you to fuck her, you do as she wishes and insert your cock in her pussy.<br>
<<set _sex = random(0,4)>>
<<set _imagePath = "Media/Base/Melanie/Sex/" + _sex + ".webp">>
<<set _imageTag = '<img src="' + _imagePath + '" width="55%">'>>
<<if $melanie.lvl == 3>>
@@.speech-u; Your pussy is so wet, it's incredible.@@
$melanie.name giggles.
@@.speech-melanie; It's been wet for a loooong time.@@
<<if $melanie.aff >=1000 and $melanie.cor >=900>>
[[Cum Inside|MelanieSexI]] [[Cum outside|MelanieSexO]]
<img src="Media/Base/base.jpg" width="100%"><br>
<<if $melanie.lvl == 3>>
You fuck her like you mean it and pull out at the very last moment.<br>
<<set _cum = random(0,4)>>
<<set _imagePath = "Media/Base/Melanie/Sex/CumO/" + _cum + ".webp">>
<<set _imageTag = '<img src="' + _imagePath + '" width="55%">'>>
<<if $melanie.lvl == 3>>
@@.speech-melanie; Could have kept going.@@
@@.speech-u; Don't want to impregnate you yet.@@
$melanie.name smiles.
@@.speech-melanie; Maybe you should.@@
<<set _result to $addstat($melanie,"aff",90)>><b><<print _result>></b><br>
<<set _result to $addstat($melanie,"cor",80)>><b><<print _result>></b><br>
[[Go back|Melanieinteract]]
<img src="Media/Base/base.jpg" width="100%"><br>
<<if $melanie.lvl == 3>>
You begin fucking her like a rabbit in heat, she locks her legs around you, giving you no escape this time.<br>
It doesn't take long for you to reach your limit and cum inside of her.<br>
<<set _cum = random(0,4)>>
<<set _imagePath = "Media/Base/Melanie/Sex/CumI/" + _cum + ".webp">>
<<set _imageTag = '<img src="' + _imagePath + '" width="55%">'>>
<<if $melanie.lvl == 3>>
@@.speech-u; I sure came a lot.@@
@@.speech-melanie; I still feel full, but that's because you are still inside of me, with your cock and cum.@@
@@.speech-u; I just don't want to let go of you.@@
@@.speech-melanie; How sweet of you.@@
$melanie.name smiles.<br>
<<set _result to $addstat($melanie,"aff",100)>><b><<print _result>></b><br>
<<set _result to $addstat($melanie,"cor",90)>><b><<print _result>></b><br>
[[Go back|Melanieinteract]]
<img src="Media/Markelbria/officerhouse/Room.webp" width="100%"><br>
<<if $officer.lvl == 3>>
@@.speech-u; Hey $officer.name, want to come over to my <<if $prisonmaid == true>>mansion? <<else>>house?<</if>>@@
@@.speech-officer; Finally inviting me to your place I see.@@
@@.speech-u; Not only that, but I have a surprise for you there as well.@@
@@.speech-officer; A surprise?@@
@@.speech-u; Yeah.@@
$officer.name smiles.
@@.speech-officer; Let's see the surprise you have waiting for me.@@
Both of you go to your place.<br>
<<if $prisonmaid == true>>
<img src="Media/Mansion/Inside.jpg" width="100%"><br>
@@.speech-officer; Nice mansion you got here.@@
@@.speech-u; Thanks.@@
@@.speech-maid; Another visitor, $nickname?@@
@@.speech-u; Yeah, but don't bring or prepare anything.@@
@@.speech-maid; Yes, $nickname.@@
@@.speech-officer; A maid? Fancy.@@
@@.speech-u; A maid should always come in package with a mansion.@@
@@.speech-officer; I guess you are right.@@
@@.speech-u; Anyway, it's time to show you the surprise.@@
@@.speech-officer; Let's see it.@@
You both go to the master bedroom.<br>
<img src="Media/Markelbria/cousinhouse/hallway.jpg" width="100%"><br>
@@.speech-officer; What a fancy house.@@
@@.speech-u; You've never seen it?@@
@@.speech-officer; Not from inside, no.@@
@@.speech-u; Oh.@@
@@.speech-cousin; Who's that?@@
@@.speech-u; Oh just a coworker.@@
@@.speech-cousin; A coworker...@@
@@.speech-u; Yeah.@@
$cousin.name keeps suspecting something, but shrugs it off.
@@.speech-cousin; Whatever, coworker it is.@@
@@.speech-u; Anyway, if you don't mind us, we are going to my room.@@
@@.speech-cousin; Want me to bring something? To keep you guys going for the whole night?@@
@@.speech-u; Funny. No we don't.@@
@@.speech-cousin; Okay...@@
@@.speech-officer; You have a fun relative.@@
@@.speech-u; Sometimes she acts like my sister.@@
@@.speech-officer; I can imagine.@@
@@.speech-u; So, shall we get going?@@
@@.speech-officer; Yes please.@@
You both go to your room.
<<if $prisonmaid == true>>
<img src="Media/Mansion/mbedroom.jpg" width="100%"><br>
@@.speech-u; And here we are.@@
$officer.name and $prisoner.name stares at each other.
@@.speech-prisoner; $nickname, I mean... $uname, what's going on here?@@
<img src="Media/Markelbria/cousinhouse/guestroom.jpg" width="100%"><br>
@@.speech-officer; What a fancy house.@@
@@.speech-u; You've never seen it?@@
@@.speech-officer; Not from inside, no.@@
@@.speech-u; Oh.@@
<<if $officer.lvl == 3>>
@@.speech-officer; She's your servant??!!@@
@@.speech-u; Yeah, and my surprise to you is... her@@
@@.speech-officer; I don't think I get it.@@
@@.speech-prisoner; Please explain, what is she doing here?@@
@@.speech-u; Okay, okay... I want all 3 of us to have a threesome.@@
$officer.name and $prisoner.name say the same thing at the same time.
@@.speech-officer; What?@@
@@.speech-prisoner; What?@@
@@.speech-u; I know you both had your differences, but I want to have threesome with both of the beautiful women in this room.@@
@@.speech-officer; She is a criminal!@@
@@.speech-u; She was one, but what does that change for you?@@
@@.speech-officer; Everything! I never thought you would make her into a servant.@@
@@.speech-u; What else did you think I was going to do with her?@@
@@.speech-officer; I don't know! Just let her go.@@
$prisoner.name laughs.
@@.speech-prisoner; You wish, I bet you are in the same situation as I'am.@@
@@.speech-officer; What do you mean?@@
@@.speech-prisoner; Aren't you also his "Sex slave"?@@
@@.speech-officer; I guess...@@
@@.speech-prisoner; Then what's the problem with all 3 of us enjoying the time together?@@
@@.speech-officer; Weren't you against it just now?@@
@@.speech-prisoner; Yeah, but I changed my mind.@@
@@.speech-officer; God, this is so frustrating... Fine.@@
@@.speech-u; glad you girls got along.@@
<b>You can now have threesome with $officer.name and $prisoner.name</b><br>
<<set $officer.lvl = 4>>
<<set $prisoner.lvl = 4>>
<<if $prisonmaid == true>>
<<if $prisonmaid == true>>
<img src="Media/Mansion/mbedroom.jpg" width="100%"><br>
<img src="Media/Markelbria/cousinhouse/guestroom.jpg" width="100%"><br>
<<if $officer.lvl == 4>>
@@.speech-u; Alright, how about you two start with a foreplay for now.@@
@@.speech-prisoner; Seems easy enough.@@
@@.speech-officer; I know right?@@
@@.speech-u; Well, you both have to learn to share with each other.@@
@@.speech-prisoner; I see...@@
You pull down your pants and show your cock to them.
@@.speech-u; So, let's get started.@@
They both crawl to you and begin to pleasure your cock.<br>
<<set _foreplay = random(0,4)>>
<<set _imagePath = "Media/Threesome/OP/Foreplay/" + _foreplay + ".webp">>
<<set _imageTag = '<img src="' + _imagePath + '" width="90%">'>>
@@.speech-officer; See? We can work together if we want to.@@
@@.speech-u; Yeah, and it's not bad, I will give you that.@@
@@.speech-prisoner; I guess that will suffice.@@
<<if $prisonmaid == true>>
<img src="Media/Mansion/mbedroom.jpg" width="100%"><br>
<img src="Media/Markelbria/cousinhouse/guestroom.jpg" width="100%"><br>
<<if $officer.lvl == 4>>
As they keep trying to pleasure you to the best they can, you slowly begin to reach your limit.
@@.speech-officer; Going to cum, are we?@@
@@.speech-u; Well, I can't hold it back when 2 gorgeous girls are pleasuring my cock.@@
@@.speech-prisoner; Then cum for us.@@
They increase their speed and make you cum.<br>
<<set _cum = random(0,4)>>
<<set _imagePath = "Media/Threesome/OP/Foreplay/Cum/" + _cum + ".webp">>
<<set _imageTag = '<img src="' + _imagePath + '" width="90%">'>>
@@.speech-prisoner; You came a lot more than usual.@@
@@.speech-u; It just felt that good.@@
@@.speech-officer; That amount is something that, I even haven't seen.@@
<<set _result to $addstat($prisoner,"aff",110)>><b>$prisoner.name <<print _result>></b><br>
<<set _result to $addstat($officer,"aff",110)>><b>$officer.name <<print _result>></b><br>
<<set _result to $addstat($prisoner,"cor",100)>><b>$prisoner.name <<print _result>></b><br>
<<set _result to $addstat($officer,"cor",100)>><b>$officer.name <<print _result>></b><br>
<<if $mofficer == true>>
<<link "Go back">><<set $mofficer = false>><<goto Officerinteract>><</link>>
[[Go back|Prisonerinteract]]
<<if $prisonmaid == true>>
<img src="Media/Mansion/mbedroom.jpg" width="100%"><br>
<img src="Media/Markelbria/cousinhouse/guestroom.jpg" width="100%"><br>
<<if $officer.lvl == 4>>
@@.speech-u; Alright girls, now we are going to have sex together.@@
@@.speech-officer; About time, I've been wet and dissatisfied just pleasuring you.@@
@@.speech-prisoner; I don't mind being left dissatisfied, if it's him that I'm going to pleasure.@@
@@.speech-officer; That's because you're his servant.@@
While they are talking to each other, you pull down your pants and clear your throat.
@@.speech-u; What are you girls waiting for?@@
@@.speech-officer; You really waste no time.@@
They both get naked and get ready for you to fuck them, so you fulfill their wish.<br>
<<set _sex = random(0,4)>>
<<set _imagePath = "Media/Threesome/OP/Sex/" + _sex + ".webp">>
<<set _imageTag = '<img src="' + _imagePath + '" width="90%">'>>
@@.speech-officer; Holy shit! Why does this feel so much better than doing it alone with you?@@
@@.speech-u; Because you are being watched by my cute servant.@@
@@.speech-prisoner; Less talking more fucking, please.@@
@@.speech-u; Of course.@@
<<if $prisonmaid == true>>
<img src="Media/Mansion/mbedroom.jpg" width="100%"><br>
<img src="Media/Markelbria/cousinhouse/guestroom.jpg" width="100%"><br>
<<if $officer.lvl == 4>>
@@.speech-u; Oh shit, I'm going to cum.@@
@@.speech-officer; Just keep fucking us!@@
@@.speech-prisoner; What she said!@@
<<set _cum = random(0,4)>>
<<set _imagePath = "Media/Threesome/OP/Sex/Cum/" + _cum + ".webp">>
<<set _imageTag = '<img src="' + _imagePath + '" width="90%">'>>
All three of you lay down on the bed and take a breath.
@@.speech-u; Round 2?@@
@@.speech-officer; If you want.@@
@@.speech-prisoner; If that is what you wish for.@@
<<set _result to $addstat($prisoner,"aff",130)>><b>$prisoner.name <<print _result>></b><br>
<<set _result to $addstat($officer,"aff",130)>><b>$officer.name <<print _result>></b><br>
<<set _result to $addstat($prisoner,"cor",115)>><b>$prisoner.name <<print _result>></b><br>
<<set _result to $addstat($officer,"cor",115)>><b>$officer.name <<print _result>></b><br>
<<if $mofficer == true>>
<<link "Go back">><<set $mofficer = false>><<goto Officerinteract>><</link>>
[[Go back|Prisonerinteract]]
<img src="Media/Germany/ceohome/bedroom.jpg" width="100%"><br>
<<if $emily.lvl == 3>>
@@.speech-u; Hey $emily.name, I have a question for you.@@
@@.speech-emily; What is it?@@
@@.speech-u; Do you want to have threesome with $reception.name?@@
@@.speech-emily; Going for my sweet receptionist now are you?@@
@@.speech-u; Of course, I would love to see both of you girls around my cock.@@
@@.speech-emily; Male fantasies are something else.@@
@@.speech-u; So, are you up for it?@@
@@.speech-emily; How can I refuse such an offer?@@
@@.speech-u; Alright, let me just make a phone call then.@@
@@.speech-emily; Okay!@@
You call $reception.name and ask her to come over to $emily.name's house.<br>
<img src="Media/Germany/ceohome/bedroom.jpg" width="100%"><br>
<<if $emily.lvl == 3>>
$reception.name comes over and goes in the bedroom with both of you.
@@.speech-reception; What have I been called here for?@@
She looks in distress.
@@.speech-emily; Don't worry, you aren't in trouble.@@
@@.speech-reception; I'm not? Oh thank god!@@
@@.speech-u; It's something that you will enjoy.@@
@@.speech-reception; Oh really? What is it?@@
@@.speech-u; A threesome with us.@@
@@.speech-reception; What?@@
$reception.name looks confused.
@@.speech-reception; Are you sure about this $emily.name?@@
@@.speech-emily; 100%.@@
@@.speech-reception; Umm... I guess if she's sure about this whole threesome thing, then so am I.@@
@@.speech-u; Perfect.@@
<b>You can now have a threesome with $emily.name and $reception.name.</b><br>
<<set $reception.lvl = 4>>
<<set $emily.lvl = 4>>
<<if $emilyhome == true>>
<img src="Media/Germany/ceohome/bedroom.jpg" width="100%"><br>
<img src="Media/Germany/receptionisthome/bedroom.jpeg" width="100%"><br>
<<if $emily.lvl == 4>>
@@.speech-u; Alright girls, pleasure my cock.@@
@@.speech-emily; Just pleasure it?@@
@@.speech-u; Yeah.@@
@@.speech-reception; I was expecting to instantly get to action.@@
@@.speech-u; I need you both to learn to work together.@@
@@.speech-emily; Oh trust me, we know how to work together.@@
@@.speech-reception; Yeah.@@
They begin to pleasure you.<br>
<<set _foreplay = random(0,4)>>
<<set _imagePath = "Media/Threesome/ER/Foreplay/" + _foreplay + ".webp">>
<<set _imageTag = '<img src="' + _imagePath + '" width="90%">'>>
They work together very well, giving you simultaneous foreplay.
@@.speech-u; Alright... Maybe I underestimated both of you.@@
@@.speech-emily; You really shouldn't have.@@
@@.speech-reception; Your biggest mistake.@@
<<if $emilyhome == true>>
<img src="Media/Germany/ceohome/bedroom.jpg" width="100%"><br>
<img src="Media/Germany/receptionisthome/bedroom.jpeg" width="100%"><br>
<<if $emily.lvl == 4>>
You soon reach your limit and they notice it.
@@.speech-emily; Go ahead, cum.@@
@@.speech-reception; Cum all over us.@@
You do just that and cum all over the girls.@@
<<set _cum = random(0,2)>>
<<set _imagePath = "Media/Threesome/ER/Foreplay/Cum/" + _cum + ".webp">>
<<set _imageTag = '<img src="' + _imagePath + '" width="90%">'>>
@@.speech-emily; Never underestimate co-workers.@@
@@.speech-u; Haha, I learned that pretty late.@@
<<set _result to $addstat($emily,"aff",110)>><b>$emily.name <<print _result>></b><br>
<<set _result to $addstat($reception,"aff",110)>><b>$reception.name <<print _result>></b><br>
<<set _result to $addstat($emily,"cor",100)>><b>$emily.name <<print _result>></b><br>
<<set _result to $addstat($reception,"cor",100)>><b>$reception.name <<print _result>></b><br>
<<if $emilyhome == true>>
<<link "Go back">><<set $emilyhome = false>><<goto Emilyinteract>><</link>>
[[Go back|Receptioninteract]]
<<if $emilyhome == true>>
<img src="Media/Germany/ceohome/bedroom.jpg" width="100%"><br>
<img src="Media/Germany/receptionisthome/bedroom.jpeg" width="100%"><br>
<<if $emily.lvl == 4>>
@@.speech-u; Are you girls ready for the main course?@@
@@.speech-emily; Always have been.@@
@@.speech-reception; Just give us your cock already.@@
They get naked in a blink.
@@.speech-emily; What's the hold up?@@
@@.speech-u; Oh, my apologies.@@
You get naked and have sex with them.<br>
<<set _sex = random(0,4)>>
<<set _imagePath = "Media/Threesome/ER/Sex/" + _sex + ".webp">>
<<set _imageTag = '<img src="' + _imagePath + '" width="90%">'>>
@@.speech-u; I just love seeing this view.@@
@@.speech-emily; And I love having your cock inside me, but this is better than usual.@@
@@.speech-reception; This is arousing me so much, I'm already wet.@@
<<if $emilyhome == true>>
<img src="Media/Germany/ceohome/bedroom.jpg" width="100%"><br>
<img src="Media/Germany/receptionisthome/bedroom.jpeg" width="100%"><br>
<<if $emily.lvl == 4>>
You feel yourself reach the limit and give a warning to the girls, but they don't seem to care about the warning, so you thrust harder until you cum.<br>
<<set _cum = random(0,3)>>
<<set _imagePath = "Media/Threesome/ER/Sex/Cum/" + _cum + ".webp">>
<<set _imageTag = '<img src="' + _imagePath + '" width="90%">'>>
@@.speech-emily; You went really hard at the end, I thought I would die.@@
@@.speech-reception; Seriously...@@
@@.speech-u; Just wanted to spice things up.@@
@@.speech-emily; I like that.@@
<<set _result to $addstat($emily,"aff",130)>><b>$emily.name <<print _result>></b><br>
<<set _result to $addstat($reception,"aff",130)>><b>$reception.name <<print _result>></b><br>
<<set _result to $addstat($emily,"cor",115)>><b>$emily.name <<print _result>></b><br>
<<set _result to $addstat($reception,"cor",115)>><b>$reception.name <<print _result>></b><br>
<<if $emilyhome == true>>
<<link "Go back">><<set $emilyhome = false>><<goto Emilyinteract>><</link>>
[[Go back|Receptioninteract]]
<img src="Media/House/Rooms/Mom Room.jpg" width="75%"><br>
<<if $mom.lvl == 3>>
@@.speech-u; Hey mom, can I talk to you about you something?@@
@@.speech-mom; Sure hon, what is it?@@
@@.speech-u; Do you want to have a threesome together with $aunt.name?@@
@@.speech-mom; With your aunt?@@
@@.speech-u; Yeah.@@
@@.speech-mom; I don't know... We are both much older than you.@@
@@.speech-u; It doesn't concern me.@@
@@.speech-mom; Well... If you say so. Let me call her over.@@
@@.speech-u; Okay.@@
$mom.name gets on the phone with $aunt.name and talks about the offer you gave them.
<img src="Media/House/Rooms/Mom Room.jpg" width="75%"><br>
<<if $mom.lvl == 3>>
After she is done with the phone call, she comes back to you.
@@.speech-mom; She agreed, and is coming over.@@
@@.speech-u; Perfect.@@
And so you both wait for your aunt to arrive.<br><br>
After 15 minutes she arrives at your house and comes in to your mother's bedroom, where you both await her.
@@.speech-u; Hello there.@@
@@.speech-aunt; I see you both have been waiting for me.@@
@@.speech-u; Well of course, how could we not?@@
@@.speech-aunt; So you both do fuck.@@
@@.speech-mom; Sometimes...@@
@@.speech-aunt; How often is sometimes?@@
@@.speech-mom; 2 times a day...@@
She says it embarrassingly.
@@.speech-aunt; And he is able to keep us with all the girls around him?@@
@@.speech-u; Yup.@@
@@.speech-aunt; You are something else!@@
@@.speech-u; That's why I asked my mom if she wants to have a threesome with you. <br>You both are experienced, maybe you can finally put my lust to rest.@@
@@.speech-aunt; Boy, I'm not even sure myself, but I'm definitely in.@@
@@.speech-mom; Me too.@@
@@.speech-u; This is why I love both of you.@@
<<set $mom.lvl = 4>>
<<set $aunt.lvl = 4>>
<b> You can now have a threesome with $aunt.name and $mom.name</b><br>
[[Continue|Mom Room]]
<<if $momhome == true>>
<img src="Media/House/Rooms/Mom Room.jpg" width="75%"><br>
<img src="Media/Markelbria/cousinhouse/mbedroom.webp" width="100%"><br>
<<if $mom.lvl == 4>>
@@.speech-u; Alright, let's see if you both beautiful women, can drain me by servicing me.@@
@@.speech-aunt; Is that a challenge?@@
@@.speech-mom; Sounds like one.@@
@@.speech-u; Take it as you will.@@
Without further ado, they pull down your pants and begin to service you.<br>
<<set _foreplay = random(0,4)>>
<<set _imagePath = "Media/Threesome/MA/Foreplay/" + _foreplay + ".webp">>
<<set _imageTag = '<img src="' + _imagePath + '" width="90%">'>>
@@.speech-u; Shit... I'm already going to cum.@@
@@.speech-mom; Go ahead, honey. Cum.@@
@@.speech-aunt; Yeah. Don't hold it in.@@
<<if $momhome == true>>
<img src="Media/House/Rooms/Mom Room.jpg" width="75%"><br>
<img src="Media/Markelbria/cousinhouse/mbedroom.webp" width="100%"><br>
<<if $mom.lvl == 4>>
@@.speech-u; Here it comes!@@
They both start going at it to make you cum faster.<br>
<<set _cum = random(0,1)>>
<<set _imagePath = "Media/Threesome/MA/Foreplay/Cum/" + _cum + ".webp">>
<<set _imageTag = '<img src="' + _imagePath + '" width="90%">'>>
@@.speech-u; If we keep going at it, I will definitely be drained.@@
They both laugh.
@@.speech-aunt; Then why don't we continue?@@
@@.speech-mom; Yeah, let's flood the room with your cum.@@
<<set _result to $addstat($mom,"aff",110)>><b>$mom.name <<print _result>></b><br>
<<set _result to $addstat($aunt,"aff",110)>><b>$aunt.name <<print _result>></b><br>
<<set _result to $addstat($mom,"cor",100)>><b>$mom.name <<print _result>></b><br>
<<set _result to $addstat($aunt,"cor",100)>><b>$aunt.name <<print _result>></b><br>
<<if $momhome == true>>
<<link "Go back">><<set $momhome = false>><<goto "Interact Mom">><</link>>
[[Go back|Interact aunt]]
<<if $momhome == true>>
<img src="Media/House/Rooms/Mom Room.jpg" width="75%"><br>
<img src="Media/Markelbria/cousinhouse/mbedroom.webp" width="100%"><br>
<<if $mom.lvl == 4>>
@@.speech-u; Let's have sex, shall we?@@
@@.speech-mom; I've been wet thinking about it.@@
@@.speech-aunt; Someone's a little slut.@@
@@.speech-mom; Oh, shut up!@@
$aunt.name giggles and gets naked together with $mom.name
@@.speech-aunt; Come on.@@
You get naked as well and have sex with both of them.<br>
<<set _sex = random(0,4)>>
<<set _imagePath = "Media/Threesome/MA/Sex/" + _sex + ".webp">>
<<set _imageTag = '<img src="' + _imagePath + '" width="90%">'>>
@@.speech-u; Yeah, this is manageable...@@
@@.speech-aunt; Oh is it now?@@
@@.speech-mom; It seems we are not doing enough.@@
After saying that, they find multiple ways to pleasure you while one is busy with your cock.<br>
<<if $momhome == true>>
<img src="Media/House/Rooms/Mom Room.jpg" width="75%"><br>
<img src="Media/Markelbria/cousinhouse/mbedroom.webp" width="100%"><br>
<<if $mom.lvl == 4>>
@@.speech-u; I'm going to cum!@@
@@.speech-aunt; Go ahead!@@
So they begin to pleasure you so much, that you can't hold it in anymore and cum<br>
<<set _cum = random(0,1)>>
<<set _imagePath = "Media/Threesome/MA/Sex/Cum/" + _cum + ".webp">>
<<set _imageTag = '<img src="' + _imagePath + '" width="90%">'>>
@@.speech-u; That really drained me.@@
@@.speech-mom; It appears that we can tire out.@@
@@.speech-aunt; We can go for another round.@@
@@.speech-u; I thought the youth were supposed to be the energetic ones.@@
<<set _result to $addstat($mom,"aff",130)>><b>$mom.name <<print _result>></b><br>
<<set _result to $addstat($aunt,"aff",130)>><b>$aunt.name <<print _result>></b><br>
<<set _result to $addstat($mom,"cor",115)>><b>$mom.name <<print _result>></b><br>
<<set _result to $addstat($aunt,"cor",115)>><b>$aunt.name <<print _result>></b><br>
<<if $momhome == true>>
<<link "Go back">><<set $momhome = false>><<goto "Interact Mom">><</link>>
[[Go back|Interact aunt]]
<img src="Media/City/hstudent/room.jpeg" width="100%"><br>
<<if $hstudent.lvl == 3>>
@@.speech-u; Hey $hstudent.name, can I talk to you for a second?@@
@@.speech-hstudent; Of course!@@
@@.speech-u; Do you want to have sex with my classmate?@@
@@.speech-hstudent; You are having sex with other girls?@@
@@.speech-u; Yeah... Is that a problem?@@
@@.speech-hstudent; Not really... Since you are inviting me to a threesome with your classmate, it makes me happy that you didn't forget about me.@@
@@.speech-u; I would never forget about you.@@
@@.speech-hstudent; Call her here.@@
@@.speech-u; Sure will.@@
You call $mcstudent.name over.<br>
<<if $hstudent.lvl == 3>>
<img src="Media/City/hstudent/room.jpeg" width="100%"><br>
$mcstudent.name knocks on the door and you invite her in to $hstudent.name's room.
@@.speech-mcstudent; Damn girl! Your room looks nice.@@
@@.speech-hstudent; Thank you.@@
@@.speech-u; Now that you both met each other, how about we get started?@@
@@.speech-mcstudent; Woah, Woah, big man. We need to get to know each other a bit.@@
@@.speech-hstudent; We do?@@
@@.speech-mcstudent; Of course. Did you think, that we would instantly begin?@@
@@.speech-hstudent; Well... I kinda thought, that when we begin, we will use our instincts during it.@@
@@.speech-mcstudent; And this is the girl you choose to have threesome instead of $sister.name?@@
@@.speech-u; I can tell you one thing... She is wild in bed.@@
@@.speech-mcstudent; Is she now?@@
$mcstudent.name smiles.
@@.speech-mcstudent; You know what? Let's do as you say, what's your name?@@
@@.speech-hstudent; I'm $hstudent.name...@@
@@.speech-mcstudent; $mcstudent.name, can't wait to have threesome with you.@@
<b> You can now have threesome with $mcstudent.name and $hstudent.name</b><br>
<<set $mcstudent.lvl = 4>>
<<set $hstudent.lvl = 4>>
[[Continue|hstudent room]]
<<if $hstudenthome == true>>
<img src="Media/City/hstudent/room.jpeg" width="100%"><br>
<img src="Media/City/mcstudent/room.webp" width="100%"><br>
<<if $hstudent.lvl == 4>>
@@.speech-u; Alright girls, I want you to give me the service of the life.@@
@@.speech-mcstudent; So you want to feel good from our hands, huh?@@
@@.speech-u; Of course.@@
@@.speech-hstudent; Will we be able to fuck later?@@
@@.speech-u; Definitely.@@
@@.speech-mcstudent; You want it more than me, girl.@@
$hstudent.name smiles shyly.<br>
They both get down on their knees and get to work on your cock.<br>
<<set _foreplay = random(0,4)>>
<<set _imagePath = "Media/Threesome/AP/Foreplay/" + _foreplay + ".webp">>
<<set _imageTag = '<img src="' + _imagePath + '" width="90%">'>>
@@.speech-u; Oh yeah... Just like that.@@
@@.speech-hstudent; Tell us how much you like it.@@
$mcstudent.name looks at $hstudent.name with surprise.
@@.speech-mcstudent; Are you a closet slut?@@
@@.speech-u; Yeah, she is.@@
<<if $hstudenthome == true>>
<img src="Media/City/hstudent/room.jpeg" width="100%"><br>
<img src="Media/City/mcstudent/room.webp" width="100%"><br>
<<if $hstudent.lvl == 4>>
@@.speech-u; I'm going to cum!@@
$hstudent.name whispers in your ear.
@@.speech-hstudent; Cum all over us.@@
After that, it doesn't take long to make you cum.<br>
<<set _cum = random(0,1)>>
<<set _imagePath = "Media/Threesome/AP/Foreplay/Cum/" + _cum + ".webp">>
<<set _imageTag = '<img src="' + _imagePath + '" width="90%">'>>
@@.speech-u; Your whispers always make me cum quick.@@
$hstudent.name smiles.
@@.speech-hstudent; I'm glad it does.@@
@@.speech-mcstudent; I never thought the quiet girl would be a closet perv.@@
@@.speech-u; What a world we live in, am I right?@@
<<set _result to $addstat($hstudent,"aff",110)>><b>$hstudent.name <<print _result>></b><br>
<<set _result to $addstat($mcstudent,"aff",110)>><b>$mcstudent.name <<print _result>></b><br>
<<set _result to $addstat($hstudent,"cor",100)>><b>$hstudent.name <<print _result>></b><br>
<<set _result to $addstat($mcstudent,"cor",100)>><b>$mcstudent.name <<print _result>></b><br>
<<if $hstudenthome == true>>
<<link "Go back">><<set $hstudenthome = false>><<goto "hstudent interact">><</link>>
[[Go back|mcstudent interact]]
<<if $hstudenthome == true>>
<img src="Media/City/hstudent/room.jpeg" width="100%"><br>
<img src="Media/City/mcstudent/room.webp" width="100%"><br>
<<if $hstudent.lvl == 4>>
@@.speech-u; Are you girls ready to fuck?@@
@@.speech-hstudent; I can't wait anymore.@@
$hstudent.name gets naked first.
@@.speech-mcstudent; You desperate slut!@@
$mcstudent.name gets naked aswell.
@@.speech-hstudent; Come on! I'm dripping wet over here.@@
@@.speech-mcstudent; Of course you are! Fuck me first, so that she has to suffer.@@
You get naked and make your choice and begin to fuck.<br>
<<set _sex = random(0,4)>>
<<set _imagePath = "Media/Threesome/AP/Sex/" + _sex + ".webp">>
<<set _imageTag = '<img src="' + _imagePath + '" width="90%">'>>
@@.speech-u; You girls are both tight as fuck.@@
@@.speech-mcstudent; What can I say, we've been waiting for a long time.@@
@@.speech-hstudent; Yeah...@@
@@.speech-u; Well... Then I shouldn't hold back.@@
<<if $hstudenthome == true>>
<img src="Media/City/hstudent/room.jpeg" width="100%"><br>
<img src="Media/City/mcstudent/room.webp" width="100%"><br>
<<if $hstudent.lvl == 4>>
@@.speech-u; I'm going to cum!@@
@@.speech-hstudent; Yes! Cum!@@
@@.speech-mcstudent; Spray it all over us!@@
You reach your limit and cum.<br>
<<set _cum = random(0,1)>>
<<set _imagePath = "Media/Threesome/AP/Sex/Cum/" + _cum + ".webp">>
<<set _imageTag = '<img src="' + _imagePath + '" width="90%">'>>
@@.speech-u; Sex with 2 sluts, sure is something else.@@
@@.speech-mcstudent; The best sex you've ever had, right?@@
@@.speech-u; Of course.@@
<<set _result to $addstat($hstudent,"aff",130)>><b>$hstudent.name <<print _result>></b><br>
<<set _result to $addstat($mcstudent,"aff",130)>><b>$mcstudent.name <<print _result>></b><br>
<<set _result to $addstat($hstudent,"cor",115)>><b>$hstudent.name <<print _result>></b><br>
<<set _result to $addstat($mcstudent,"cor",115)>><b>$mcstudent.name <<print _result>></b><br>
<<if $hstudenthome == true>>
<<link "Go back">><<set $hstudenthome = false>><<goto "hstudent interact">><</link>>
[[Go back|mcstudent interact]]
<img src="Media/HQ/outside.jpg" width="100%"><br>
Outside of police HQ<br><br>
<<if $police.rank == undefined>>
<<set $police = {
rank: 0,
task: [],
tasks: 0
<<if $Code3 == true>>
<<set $taskexp = 3>>
<<set $taskexp = 1>>
<<if $clara.aff == 0>><<goto Policeintro>><</if>>
<img src="Media/HQ/inside.jpg" width="100%"><br>
Police HQ<br><br>
<b>Rank: <<print $police.rank>>(<<print $police.tasks>>)</b><br><br>
<<if $police.tasks >=10>>
You've been called to the chief's office.<br>
<<if $police.rank <3>>
$lily.name is watching you.<br>
<<if $lily.aff <2>>
<<link "Speak with $lily.name">><<goto lilyhousetalk>><</link>><</if>>
<<for _i = 0; _i < $police.task.length; _i++>>
<<set _task = $police.task[_i]>>
<<capture _i>>
<<if _task.goal == "Clean">>
<<link "Clean the office">><<set $police.tasks += $taskexp>><<set $cash += _task.reward>><<set $police.task.splice(_i,1)>><<goto PoliceHQ>><<set $time +=0.25>><</link>><br><</if>>
<<if _task.goal == "Refill">>
<<link "Refill the water tank">><<set $police.tasks += $taskexp>><<set $cash += _task.reward>><<set $police.task.splice(_i,1)>><<goto PoliceHQ>><<set $time +=0.25>><</link>><br><</if>>
<<if _task.goal == "Carry">>
<<link "Carry some papers">><<set $police.tasks += $taskexp>><<set $cash += _task.reward>><<set $police.task.splice(_i,1)>><<goto PoliceHQ>><<set $time +=0.25>><</link>><br><</if>>
<<if _task.goal == "Paper">>
<<link "Do paperworks">><<set $police.tasks +=$taskexp>><<set $cash += _task.reward>><<set $police.task.splice(_i,1)>><<goto PoliceHQ>><<set $time +=0.25>><</link>><br><</if>>
<<if _task.goal == "Work">>
<<link "Work at the desk">><<set $police.tasks +=$taskexp>><<set $cash += _task.reward>><<set $police.task.splice(_i,1)>><<goto PoliceHQ>><<set $time +=0.25>><</link>><br><</if>>
<<if _task.goal == "Search">>
<<link "Search information on criminals">><<set $police.tasks +=$taskexp>><<set $cash += _task.reward>><<set $police.task.splice(_i,1)>><<goto PoliceHQ>><<set $time +=0.25>><</link>><br><</if>>
<<if _task.goal == "Help">>
<<link "Help police chief with assignments">><<set $police.tasks +=$taskexp>><<set $cash += _task.reward>><<set $police.task.splice(_i,1)>><<goto PoliceHQ>><<set $time +=0.25>><</link>><br><</if>>
<<if _task.goal == "Command">>
<<link "Command police officers">><<set $police.tasks +=$taskexp>><<set $cash += _task.reward>><<set $police.task.splice(_i,1)>><<goto PoliceHQ>><<set $time +=0.25>><</link>><br><</if>>
<<if _task.goal == "Teach">>
<<link "Teach new recruits">><<set $police.tasks +=$taskexp>><<set $cash += _task.reward>><<set $police.task.splice(_i,1)>><<goto PoliceHQ>><<set $time +=0.25>><</link>><br><</if>>
<<if _task.goal == "Interrogate">>
<<link "Interrogate criminals">><<set $police.tasks +=$taskexp>><<set $cash += _task.reward>><<set $police.task.splice(_i,1)>><<goto PoliceHQ>><<set $time +=0.25>><</link>><br><</if>>
[[Task board|Tasks]]<br>
[[Chief office|chiefoffice]]<br>
<<if $lily.aff >=2>>
[[Police dorm|dorms]]<br>
<<if $clara.aff == 0>>
<img src="Media/HQ/inside.jpg" width="100%"><br>
You go inside the headquarters and are greeted by an officer, as if she knows you.
@@.speech-lily; Chief officer would like to meet you $uname.@@
@@.speech-u; Why is that?@@
@@.speech-lily; We've heard about your contributions in markelbria, and would like to speak with you at the chief's office.@@
@@.speech-u; Very well.@@
You follow the police officer to the office.<br>
<<if $clara.aff == 0>>
<img src="Media/HQ/chief.jpg" width="100%"><br>
You enter the office and see police chief sitting on the chair.
@@.speech-clara; Please sit.@@
You do as she says.
@@.speech-clara; No need to be on edge, you are not in trouble.@@
@@.speech-u; Then why am I in the office?@@
@@.speech-clara; We would like to hire you.@@
@@.speech-u; What? I have no experience to even be working here.@@
@@.speech-clara; No need to worry about that, we will have you do tasks for us and get rewarded for them.@@
@@.speech-u; What kind of tasks?@@
@@.speech-clara; At your current rank, you will be helping around the office.@@
@@.speech-u; If I may ask something, how many ranks are there?@@
@@.speech-clara; 10, you will be able to command forces at that rank.@@
@@.speech-u; So a police chief?@@
@@.speech-clara; Lower than a police chief.@@
@@.speech-u; I see.@@
@@.speech-clara; So, are you in?@@
@@.speech-u; Sure, I don't mind joining you guys.@@
@@.speech-clara; Great.@@
She hands you the papers.
@@.speech-clara; My name is $clara.name, and the officer behind you is $lily.name, she will be your supervisor until rank 3.@@
@@.speech-lily; Nice to meet you.@@
@@.speech-u; Likewise.@@
<<set $police.rank = 1>>
<<set $lily.aff +=1>>
<<set $clara.aff +=1>>
<b>You are now rank 1, you are only able to do office work, as you rank up, you will be able to do more tasks and eventually interact with your supervisor.<br>
Max rank is 10.<br>
You can get tasks from the task board.</b><br>
<img src="Media/HQ/chief.jpg" width="100%"><br>
Police chief's office.<br><br>
<<if $police.tasks >=10>>
<<link "Rank up">><<set $police.tasks = 0>><<set $police.rank +=1>><<goto PoliceHQ>><</link>><br><</if>>
<<if $lily.lvl >=2 and $police.rank >=7>>
<<if $clara.aff <2>>
<<link "Speak with $clara.name">><<goto clarahousetalk>><</link>><br>
$clara.name is doing her paperwork.<br>
<h2>Tasks </h2>
<<for _i = 0; _i < $police.task.length; _i++>>
<<set _task = $police.task[_i]>>
<<print _task.goal>> $<<print _task.reward>><br>
[[Leave|PoliceHQ]]<<if $police.task.length == 0>> <<link "Get tasks">><<goto Tasknew>><</link>><</if>>
<<set _amount = random(1,3)>>
<<for _i = 0; _i < _amount; _i++>>
<<if $police.rank >=1 and $police.rank <=2>>
<<set _task = {
goal: either("Clean","Refill","Carry","Paper"),
reward: random(5000,10000)
<<elseif $police.rank >=3 and $police.rank <=5>>
<<set _task = {
goal: either("Help","Work","Search"),
reward: random(20000,70000)
<<set _task = {
goal: either("Command","Teach","Interrogate"),
reward: Math.ceil(random(150000,500000) *(1+$police.rank/100))
<<set $police.task.push(_task)>>
<<goto Tasks>>
<img src="Media/HQ/inside.jpg" width="100%"><br>
<<if $lily.aff <2>>
@@.speech-u; Hey $lily.name, if you don't mind, can we hang out after work?@@
@@.speech-lily; Sure, but i'd rather not be seen hanging around with a co-worker.@@
@@.speech-u; Why is that?@@
@@.speech-lily; For security reasons.@@
@@.speech-u; Very well, can we hang out at your place then?@@
@@.speech-lily; Sure, I don't mind. However, I live in dorms.@@
@@.speech-u; Dorms? I thought you are supposed to graduate the academy to work here.@@
@@.speech-lily; Police HQ have their own dorms, for convenient reasons.@@
@@.speech-u; Very well, I will meet you at your dorm room.@@
@@.speech-lily; Okay!@@
<b> You can now visit $lily.name's dorm room.</b><br>
<<set $lily.aff +=1>>
<img src="Media/HQ/Dorms/dorms.webp" width="100%"><br>
<<if $lily.aff >=2>>
<<link "$lily.name's dorm">><<goto lilydorm>><</link>><br>
<<if $clara.aff >=2>>
<<link "$clara.name's dorm">><<goto claradorm>><</link>><br>
[[Go back|PoliceHQ]]
<img src="Media/HQ/Dorms/lily.webp" width="100%"><br>
$lily.name's dorm<br><br>
<<if $lily.lvl == 1 and $lily.aff >=110 and $lily.cor >=80>>
<<link "Go further with $lily.name">><<goto lilyfurther>><</link>><br><</if>>
<<if $clara.lvl >= 2 and $lily.lvl == 2 and $lily.aff >=600 and $lily.cor >=540>>
<<link "Go even further with $lily.name">><<goto lilyfurther2>><</link>><br><</if>>
Affection: <<print Math.ceil($lily.aff)>> Corruption: <<print Math.ceil($lily.cor)>> lvl: $lily.lvl<br>
[[Talk|lilytalk]] <<link "Gift">><<set $Glily = true>><<goto Inventory>><</link>><br>
<<if $lily.aff >=25>>[[Flirt|lilyflirt]]<</if>>
<<if $lily.lvl >=2>> [[Interact|lilyinteract]]<</if>><br><br>
[[Go back|dorms]]
<img src="Media/HQ/Dorms/lily.webp" width="100%"><br>
<<set $time +=0.25>>
<<if $lily.lvl == 1>>
<<if $lily.aff <15>>
@@.speech-u; Hey, nice dorm you got here.@@
@@.speech-lily; No need for compliments, I just recently moved here.@@
@@.speech-u; Still, in such a short time, you made this place look cozy.@@
@@.speech-lily; Sure.@@
@@.speech-u; Am I bothering you?@@
@@.speech-lily; Not really.@@
@@.speech-u; Did you want company?@@
@@.speech-lily; A little...@@
You smile.
@@.speech-u; You are so cute.@@
@@.speech-lily; Well that came out of nowhere.@@
@@.speech-u; Sorry, just slipped out of my mouth.@@
<<set _result to $addstat($lily,"aff",3)>><b><<print _result>></b><br>
<<elseif $lily.aff <50>>
@@.speech-u; Hey there, hope you don't mind me coming here out of nowhere.@@
@@.speech-lily; It's okay, I expected you to come by anyways.@@
@@.speech-u; Good, because I will keep coming by... unless you don't want me to.@@
@@.speech-lily; No, please do. I do feel kind of lonely here.@@
@@.speech-u; If that's the case, then I will do so.@@
$lily.name smiles.
@@.speech-lily; Thank you.@@
<<set _result to $addstat($lily,"aff",7)>><b><<print _result>></b><br>
@@.speech-u; What's new today?@@
@@.speech-lily; if we are talking about today specifically, then you being here is new.@@
@@.speech-u; Now I can see why I called you cute.@@
@@.speech-lily; Stop with that...@@
@@.speech-u; Don't you like it?@@
@@.speech-lily; I do, but it just makes me feel strange.@@
@@.speech-u; Strange in what way?@@
@@.speech-lily; As in making my face feel hot.@@
@@.speech-u; Well...@@
You look at $lily.name's face and see her blush.
@@.speech-u;...Your face is pretty red.@@
She gets shy and turns her back to you.
@@.speech-u; No need to be embarrassed, I like you even in your reddest moments.@@
@@.speech-lily; Oh, shut up.@@
<<set _result to $addstat($lily,"aff",12)>><b><<print _result>></b><br>
<<elseif $lily.lvl == 2>>
@@.speech-u; Hey cutie, how are you doing in this fine day?@@
@@.speech-lily; A bit worse than previous days, due to work.@@
@@.speech-u; How so?@@
@@.speech-lily; There's been a case and chief wants me to investigate the crime scenes.@@
@@.speech-u; Isn't that for detectives?@@
@@.speech-lily; The case is fresh and not that big, so we are the ones that have to do the investigation right now.@@
@@.speech-u; That's... weird.@@
@@.speech-lily; Yeah, but there was one detective that came by and told us new information about the case.@@
@@.speech-u; I assume that was a long time ago.@@
@@.speech-lily; Yeah, 2 days ago.@@
@@.speech-u; If you need any help with the case, then do ask.@@
@@.speech-lily; Thanks, will do.@@
<<set _result to $addstat($lily,"aff",18)>><b><<print _result>></b><br>
@@.speech-u; Hey cutie, have you missed me?@@
@@.speech-lily; Yeah I have, it was strangely lonely over here.@@
@@.speech-u; My apologies for leaving you for... a day.@@
@@.speech-lily; Felt like a year to me.@@
@@.speech-u; I will try to not leave you even for a second from now on.@@
$lily.name smiles.
@@.speech-lily; Okay.@@
<<set _result to $addstat($lily,"aff",25)>><b><<print _result>></b><br>
<img src="Media/HQ/Dorms/lily.webp" width="100%"><br>
<<set $time +=0.25>>
<<if $lily.lvl == 1>>
<<if $lily.cor <15>>
@@.speech-u; Hey cutie, did you miss me?@@
@@.speech-lily; Cutie?@@
@@.speech-u; That's right, you are a cutie, are you not?@@
@@.speech-lily; Umm... I don't think I'am.@@
@@.speech-u; You absolutely are.@@
@@.speech-lily; If you say so.@@
<<set _result to $addstat($lily,"cor",3)>><b><<print _result>></b><br>
<<elseif $lily.cor <40>>
@@.speech-u; Hey cutie, how's it going?@@
@@.speech-lily; Will I have to get used to this now?@@
@@.speech-u; That's right, you will.@@
$lily.name sighs.
@@.speech-lily; I feel like I'm starting to like being called a "cutie".@@
@@.speech-u; Your welcome.@@
@@.speech-lily; Only by you, I won't let anyone else call me that.@@
@@.speech-u; Of course.@@
<<set _result to $addstat($lily,"cor",6)>><b><<print _result>></b><br>
@@.speech-u; Hey cutie, what are you up to?@@
@@.speech-lily; Nothing really.@@
@@.speech-u; How so?@@
@@.speech-lily; You aren't here.@@
@@.speech-u; Want me to keep you company? Even in the bed?@@
$lily.name smiles.
@@.speech-lily; That doesn't sound so bad.@@
@@.speech-u; Too soon?@@
@@.speech-lily; A little bit.@@
@@.speech-u; Then I will ask you again in the future.@@
$lily.name giggles.
@@.speech-lily; I sure hope so.@@
<<set _result to $addstat($lily,"cor",10)>><b><<print _result>></b><br>
<<elseif $lily.lvl == 2>>
@@.speech-u; Hey cutie, want to cuddle in the bed as a relaxation method?@@
@@.speech-lily; With you, it will be more than just a relaxation method.@@
@@.speech-u; You never know.@@
@@.speech-lily; You are right, maybe you can give me a massage, or I can massage you in the specific places?@@
@@.speech-u; I like the sound of that.@@
$lily.name smiles.
@@.speech-lily; Then let's get to it.@@
@@.speech-u; You really are ready to do stuff whenever.@@
<<set _result to $addstat($lily,"cor",15)>><b><<print _result>></b><br>
@@.speech-u; Hey cutie, are you free for another cuddle?@@
@@.speech-lily; I don't think we want to just cuddle, now do we?@@
@@.speech-u; So you also want to have a great time?@@
@@.speech-lily; Of course, I want to feel as much pleasure as I can get from you.@@
@@.speech-u; I like how you think.@@
@@.speech-lily; Shall we get started?@@
@@.speech-u; Of course.@@
<<set _result to $addstat($lily,"cor",22)>><b><<print _result>></b><br>
<img src="Media/HQ/Dorms/lily.webp" width="100%"><br>
<<if $lily.lvl == 1>>
@@.speech-u; Hey $lily.name, can we talk about something?@@
@@.speech-lily; I hope it doesn't have to be with me not seeing you again.@@
@@.speech-u; No, it's the exact opposite.@@
@@.speech-lily; Really?@@
@@.speech-u; Yeah. I was wondering if you want to take things further between us.@@
@@.speech-lily; Umm... How much further?@@
@@.speech-u; Just enough to give pleasure to one another, without vaginal sex that is.@@
@@.speech-lily; Sure! I would love that.@@
@@.speech-u; Good, at least someone is enthusiastic on going further.@@
@@.speech-lily; Are you not?@@
@@.speech-u; Now I'am.@@
<<set $lily.lvl = 2>>
<b> You can go further with $lily.name now.</b><br>
<<if $lily.aff >=240 and $lily.cor >= 190>>
<<if $lily.lvl >=3>>
<img src="Media/HQ/Dorms/lily.webp" width="100%"><br>
<<set $time +=0.25>>
<<if $lily.lvl == 2>>
@@.speech-u; Hey $lily.name, can you jerk me off?@@
@@.speech-lily; Jerk you off? I'm not really good at it.@@
@@.speech-u; It's fine, I just want to feel your touch on my cock.@@
@@.speech-lily; If that's what you want, then I can do it. Just for you.@@
$lily.name pulls down your pants and grabs your cock to stroke it soon after.<br>
@@.speech-u; Hey $lily.name, give me a handjob.@@
@@.speech-lily; Okay.@@
$lily.name she does as she is told and begins to jerk you off. <br>
<<set _hj = random(0,3)>>
<<set _imagePath = "Media/HQ/Characters/lily/HJ/" + _hj + ".webp">>
<<set _imageTag = '<img src="' + _imagePath + '" width="55%">'>>
<<if $lily.lvl == 2>>
@@.speech-lily; Does this suffice?@@
@@.speech-u; You are not that bad, you can definitely make me cum with your hands.@@
@@.speech-lily; That does put me at ease.@@
$lily.name smiles.<br>
@@.speech-u; Just like that, you have gotten better at this.@@
$lily.name smiles.
@@.speech-lily; I'm glad that I did.@@
<img src="Media/HQ/Dorms/lily.webp" width="100%"><br>
<<if $lily.lvl == 2>>
@@.speech-u; I'm going to cum.@@
@@.speech-lily; What should I do?@@
@@.speech-u; Keep jerking me off, you can do whatever you want with my cum afterwards.@@
@@.speech-lily; Okay.@@
$lily.name continues to jerk you off until you cum.<br>
@@.speech-u; I'm going to cum!@@
@@.speech-lily; Spray it all over me.@@
$lily.name begins to jerk you off until you cum.<br>
<<set _hjc = random(0,3)>>
<<set _imagePath = "Media/HQ/Characters/lily/HJ/Cum/" + _hjc + ".webp">>
<<set _imageTag = '<img src="' + _imagePath + '" width="55%">'>>
<<if $lily.lvl == 2>>
@@.speech-u; See, you aren't bad at it.@@
@@.speech-lily; I guess... Maybe I do stuff better with someone I like.@@
@@.speech-u; Most likely.@@
@@.speech-lily; Was that much better?@@
@@.speech-u; 10x better.@@
$lily.name smiles.<br>
<<set _result to $addstat($lily,"aff",30)>><b><<print _result>></b><br>
<<set _result to $addstat($lily,"cor",22)>><b><<print _result>></b><br>
[[Go back|lilyinteract]]
<img src="Media/HQ/Dorms/lily.webp" width="100%"><br>
<<set $time +=0.25>>
<<if $lily.lvl == 2>>
@@.speech-u; Hey $lily.name, can you suck me off?@@
@@.speech-lily; Suck you off? I'm not sure if I can do a lot of stuff at once.@@
@@.speech-u; It's gonna be the same as when you jerked me off.@@
@@.speech-lily; You really think so?@@
@@.speech-u; Yeah, 100%.@@
@@.speech-lily; Okay, I will try.@@
$lily.name pulls down your pants and begins to give you a blowjob.<br>
@@.speech-u; Hey $lily.name, can you give me a blowjob?@@
@@.speech-lily; I hope you will fuck me afterwards.@@
@@.speech-u; Only if you do good.@@
@@.speech-lily; A servant is getting her reward.@@
@@.speech-u; We will see about that.@@
$lily.name smiles and gets down on her knees and begins to suck you off.<br>
<<set _hj = random(0,3)>>
<<set _imagePath = "Media/HQ/Characters/lily/BJ/" + _hj + ".webp">>
<<set _imageTag = '<img src="' + _imagePath + '" width="55%">'>>
<<if $lily.lvl == 2>>
@@.speech-u; Keep going just like that...@@
$lily.name is much better at it, than she said she is.
@@.speech-u; You will make me cum in no time, if you keep going at it just like that.@@
@@.speech-u; You are definitely getting a reward with this one.@@
You can see $lily.name's eyes glow up after you said that.<br>
<img src="Media/HQ/Dorms/lily.webp" width="100%"><br>
<<if $lily.lvl == 2>>
@@.speech-u; I'm cumming!@@
You pull out your cock out of her mouth and cum on her.<br>
You soon reach your limit.
@@.speech-u; I'm going to cum.@@
After warning her you push her head all the way to the base of your cock and cum in her throat.<br>
<<set _hjc = random(0,3)>>
<<set _imagePath = "Media/HQ/Characters/lily/BJ/Cum/" + _hjc + ".webp">>
<<set _imageTag = '<img src="' + _imagePath + '" width="55%">'>>
<<if $lily.lvl == 2>>
@@.speech-lily; Why did you pull it out?@@
@@.speech-u; Because you look better covered in my cum.@@
@@.speech-lily; Are you trying to make me into your dirty whore?@@
@@.speech-u; Maybe I'am.@@
$lily.name smiles.<br>
$lily.name coughs.
@@.speech-lily; Some things never change.@@
@@.speech-u; I guess they don't.@@
@@.speech-lily; Now, my reward.@@
@@.speech-u; You have earned it.@@
<<set _result to $addstat($lily,"aff",50)>><b><<print _result>></b><br>
<<set _result to $addstat($lily,"cor",40)>><b><<print _result>></b><br>
[[Go back|lilyinteract]]
<img src="Media/HQ/chief.jpg" width="100%"><br>
<<if $clara.aff <2>>
@@.speech-u; Hey chief, can we hang out after work?@@
@@.speech-clara; You can just call me $clara.name.@@
@@.speech-u; Oh, sure.@@
@@.speech-clara; And yes, I would love to hang out with you.@@
@@.speech-u; Really?@@
@@.speech-clara; Yeah, but let's meet up in my dorm room.@@
@@.speech-u; You live in dorms as well?@@
@@.speech-clara; Of course, it's much more convenient, and my room is the biggest in the dorms.@@
@@.speech-u; I see... Let's meet again in your room.@@
@@.speech-clara; Sure.@@
<b> You can now visit $clara.name's dorm room.</b><br>
<<set $clara.aff +=1>>
<img src="Media/HQ/Dorms/clara.webp" width="100%"><br>
$clara.name's dorm<br><br>
<<if $police.rank >=10 and $clara.lvl == 1 and $clara.aff >=110 and $clara.cor >=80>>
<<link "Go further with $clara.name">><<goto clarafurther>><</link>><br><</if>>
<<if $police.rank >=15 and $clara.lvl == 2 and $clara.aff >=600 and $clara.cor>=540>>
<<link "Go even further with $clara.name">><<goto clarafurther2>><</link>><br><</if>>
Affection: <<print Math.ceil($clara.aff)>> Corruption: <<print Math.ceil($clara.cor)>> lvl: $clara.lvl<br>
[[Talk|claratalk]] <<link "Gift">><<set $Gclara = true>><<goto Inventory>><</link>><br>
<<if $clara.aff >=25>>[[Flirt|claraflirt]]<</if>>
<<if $clara.lvl >=2>> [[Interact|clarainteract]]<</if>><br><br>
[[Go back|dorms]]
<img src="Media/HQ/Dorms/clara.webp" width="100%"><br>
<<set $time +=0.25>>
<<if $clara.lvl == 1>>
<<if $clara.aff <15>>
@@.speech-u; Hey $clara.name, you really weren't kidding about your room being the biggest?@@
@@.speech-clara; Right?@@
@@.speech-u; Did you get this room thanks to your position?@@
@@.speech-clara; That also played a part in it. I was the a police chief when they built this dorm, and I chose this room just for myself.@@
@@.speech-u; They just allowed it?@@
@@.speech-clara; Yeah, they said "Pick any room you want", so I did just that.@@
@@.speech-u; You got lucky then.@@
@@.speech-clara; I guess so.@@
<<set _result to $addstat($clara,"aff",3)>><b><<print _result>></b><br>
<<elseif $clara.aff <50>>
@@.speech-u; Hey $clara.name, how's it going?@@
@@.speech-clara; Thank god, you aren't so casual to me at work.@@
@@.speech-u; Well, we aren't at work right now, so there is no need to be polite.@@
@@.speech-clara; Yeah, but I'm still in higher position than you.@@
@@.speech-u; Oh come on, not like that matters to you.@@
$clara.name smiles.
@@.speech-clara; Maybe you are right.@@
<<set _result to $addstat($clara,"aff",7)>><b><<print _result>></b><br>
@@.speech-u; $clara.name, I have a question for you.@@
@@.speech-clara; What is it?@@
@@.speech-u; What do you think about $lily.name?@@
@@.speech-clara; Why are you asking?@@
@@.speech-u; Just curious.@@
$clara.name looks at you with a smug on her face.
@@.speech-clara; Are you trying to ask me for permission to date her?@@
@@.speech-u; What? No, I'm just curious.@@
@@.speech-clara; Sure... I think positively of her, she is hard-working and passionate in what she does.@@
@@.speech-u; I see... It's just that she lately has been on a case and is at a dead end.@@
@@.speech-clara; Yeah, I've heard of it, not the best case for her.@@
<<set _result to $addstat($clara,"aff",12)>><b><<print _result>></b><br>
<<elseif $clara.lvl == 2>>
@@.speech-u; Hey $clara.name, any news?@@
@@.speech-clara; Like?@@
@@.speech-u; Did the case get solved or is there any progress?@@
@@.speech-clara; Not really, the track is slowly getting cold now.@@
@@.speech-u; So, the murderer is getting away with it?@@
@@.speech-clara; We don't think it was just any murderer, had to be a hitman, with the way the murderer disappeared.@@
@@.speech-u; So you guys are just chasing a ghost.@@
@@.speech-clara; Pretty much.@@
<<set _result to $addstat($clara,"aff",18)>><b><<print _result>></b><br>
@@.speech-u; Hey $clara.name, I've heard everything is doing fantastic.@@
@@.speech-clara; Well... I wouldn't really call it that, but it is going great.@@
@@.speech-u; Could it be... all because of me?@@
@@.speech-clara; I wouldn't go that far, but you did help us a tiny bit.@@
@@.speech-u; Now you are just putting me under the dirt.@@
$clara.name giggles.
@@.speech-clara; Maybe next time don't brag.@@
@@.speech-u; Noted.@@
<<set _result to $addstat($clara,"aff",25)>><b><<print _result>></b><br>
<img src="Media/HQ/Dorms/clara.webp" width="100%"><br>
<<set $time +=0.25>>
<<if $clara.lvl == 1>>
<<if $clara.cor <15>>
@@.speech-u; Hey $clara.name, how are you?@@
@@.speech-clara; A little bit frustrated, but other than that, I'm fine.@@
@@.speech-u; Want me to hug you all day long?@@
@@.speech-clara; I bet you have ill intentions behind those hugs, don't you?@@
@@.speech-u; No, I'm just a person you can hug to get rid of the frustration.@@
@@.speech-clara; Uhuh, will keep that in mind.@@
<<set _result to $addstat($clara,"cor",3)>><b><<print _result>></b><br>
<<elseif $clara.cor <40>>
@@.speech-u; Hey $clara.name, want to watch a movie?@@
@@.speech-clara; In bed?@@
@@.speech-u; Well... You are the one that suggested it.@@
$clara.name giggles.
@@.speech-clara; And you are the one that thought about it.@@
@@.speech-u; We both are guilty in this, but you really do want to do stuff like that, huh?@@
@@.speech-clara; Won't tell you.@@
@@.speech-u; Tease.@@
<<set _result to $addstat($clara,"cor",6)>><b><<print _result>></b><br>
@@.speech-u; Do you want to cuddle up together and watch movies?@@
@@.speech-clara; Bringing back the last conversation, I see.@@
@@.speech-u; Couldn't get it out of my mind.@@
@@.speech-clara; That's good, because I love it when you think about it.@@
@@.speech-u; I could say the same to you.@@
$clara.name giggles.<br>
<<set _result to $addstat($clara,"cor",10)>><b><<print _result>></b><br>
<<elseif $clara.lvl == 2>>
@@.speech-u; Hey, want to relax with me?@@
@@.speech-clara; If relaxation is just cuddling, then no.@@
@@.speech-u; It's something more than just cuddling.@@
@@.speech-clara; Is that so?@@
@@.speech-u; Yeah, like kisses and other intimate stuff.@@
@@.speech-clara; I like the sound of that.@@
@@.speech-u; I know you do, that's why you should get over here.@@
$clara.name smiles.
@@.speech-clara; Don't mind if I do.@@
<<set _result to $addstat($clara,"cor",15)>><b><<print _result>></b><br>
@@.speech-u; Hey $clara.name, stop thinking about work and join me in the bed.@@
@@.speech-clara; Is that what you desire?@@
@@.speech-u; Of course it is, I want to enjoy my time with a beautiful woman like you.@@
@@.speech-clara; You can try.@@
@@.speech-u; I don't need to try if it always happens.@@
$clara.name smiles.
@@.speech-clara; I will join you soon.@@
<<set _result to $addstat($clara,"cor",22)>><b><<print _result>></b><br>
<img src="Media/HQ/Dorms/clara.webp" width="100%"><br>
<<if $clara.lvl == 1>>
@@.speech-u; Can I talk with you about something?@@
@@.speech-clara; Sure, what is it?@@
@@.speech-u; I was wondering, if we can take our relationship a bit further.@@
@@.speech-clara; You want us to get into a sexual relationship?@@
@@.speech-u; Yes, I do.@@
@@.speech-clara; We can't, we are not in a position where that can happen.@@
@@.speech-u; Who cares about what position we are in?@@
@@.speech-clara; I do.@@
@@.speech-u; Just, stop restraining yourself with all the bothersome stuff.@@
@@.speech-clara; But I can't.@@
@@.speech-u; You have to, how else do you expect to find happiness in this world?@@
$clara.name thinks to herself for some time.
@@.speech-clara; Fine, I agree to your proposal.@@
@@.speech-u; Awesome.@@
<<set $clara.lvl = 2>>
<b> You can go further with $clara.name now.</b><br>
<<if $clara.aff >=240 and $clara.cor >= 190>>
<<if $clara.lvl >=3>>
<img src="Media/HQ/Dorms/clara.webp" width="100%"><br>
<<set $time +=0.25>>
<<if $clara.lvl == 2>>
@@.speech-u; Hey $clara.name, can you give me a handjob?@@
@@.speech-clara; One step closer to us fucking.@@
@@.speech-u; Well, of course.@@
@@.speech-clara; I don't mind giving you a handjob, so come here.@@
$clara.name pulls down your pants and takes your cock out to jerk you off.<br>
@@.speech-u; Hey $clara.name, can you give me a handjob?@@
@@.speech-clara; Of course, I don't see why I couldn't give you one.@@
$clara.name pulls down your pants and begins to stroke your cock.<br>
<<set _hj = random(0,3)>>
<<set _imagePath = "Media/HQ/Characters/clara/HJ/" + _hj + ".webp">>
<<set _imageTag = '<img src="' + _imagePath + '" width="55%">'>>
<<if $clara.lvl == 2>>
@@.speech-clara; How is it?@@
@@.speech-u; It's great.@@
@@.speech-clara; That's it?@@
@@.speech-u; Just loss at words.@@
$clara.name smiles.
@@.speech-clara; If you say so.@@
@@.speech-u; So, how is your day.@@
@@.speech-clara; Is this really the right time to be asking things like that?@@
@@.speech-u; I don't see why it shouldn't be.@@
$clara.name sighs.
@@.speech-clara; Things are doing fine, thanks for asking.@@
<img src="Media/HQ/Dorms/clara.webp" width="100%"><br>
<<if $clara.lvl == 2>>
@@.speech-u; I'm going to cum!@@
@@.speech-clara; Don't stop yourself from cumming all over me.@@
@@.speech-u; I'm going to cum, prepare yourself!@@
@@.speech-clara; Don't need to warn me.@@
$clara.name strokes your cock as fast as she can to make you cum.<br>
<<set _hjc = random(0,3)>>
<<set _imagePath = "Media/HQ/Characters/clara/HJ/Cum/" + _hjc + ".webp">>
<<set _imageTag = '<img src="' + _imagePath + '" width="55%">'>>
<<if $clara.lvl == 2>>
@@.speech-u; At the start you caught me off guard.@@
@@.speech-clara; Glad that you couldn't handle my skill.@@
@@.speech-u; I guess police work isn't the only thing you are skilled that.@@
@@.speech-clara; Of course not.@@
@@.speech-clara; Don't ask these type of questions during handjobs again.@@
@@.speech-u; Can't promise you that one.@@
$clara.name sighs.<br>
<<set _result to $addstat($clara,"aff",30)>><b><<print _result>></b><br>
<<set _result to $addstat($clara,"cor",22)>><b><<print _result>></b><br>
[[Go back|clarainteract]]
<img src="Media/HQ/Dorms/clara.webp" width="100%"><br>
<<set $time +=0.25>>
<<if $clara.lvl == 2>>
@@.speech-u; Hey $clara.name, can you give me a blowjob?@@
@@.speech-clara; When are we going to reach the point, where you will ask me to fuck?@@
@@.speech-u; Soon, don't you worry.@@
@@.speech-clara; Good, because I just can't wait.@@
You smile.
@@.speech-u; Neither can I.@@
$clara.name kneels down and pulls down your pants, beginning to suck you off afterwards.<br>
@@.speech-u; Hey $clara.name, give me a blowjob.@@
@@.speech-clara; Sure.@@
$clara.name gets down on her knees and begins to suck you off.<br>
<<set _hj = random(0,3)>>
<<set _imagePath = "Media/HQ/Characters/clara/BJ/" + _hj + ".webp">>
<<set _imageTag = '<img src="' + _imagePath + '" width="55%">'>>
<<if $clara.lvl == 2>>
@@.speech-u; This is out of this world.@@
$clara.name sucks your cock with great skill, that could make you cum any second now.<br>
@@.speech-u; I'm getting used to this now, try harder if you want to make me cum.@@
$clara.name begins to suck you off even better and you feel like you wouldn't last long.
@@.speech-u; I take that back.@@
<img src="Media/HQ/Dorms/clara.webp" width="100%"><br>
<<if $clara.lvl == 2>>
@@.speech-u; I'm cumming!@@
You grab $clara.name's head and push it down to the base of your cock.<br>
@@.speech-u; I'm going to cum!@@
$clara.name takes your cock even deeper and makes you cum in her throat.<br>
<<set _hjc = random(0,3)>>
<<set _imagePath = "Media/HQ/Characters/clara/BJ/Cum/" + _hjc + ".webp">>
<<set _imageTag = '<img src="' + _imagePath + '" width="55%">'>>
<<if $clara.lvl == 2>>
@@.speech-u; Sorry for making you deepthroat me.@@
@@.speech-clara; It's fine, just got surprised for a second.@@
@@.speech-u; Wasn't expecting you to make me cum almost instantly at the start.@@
$clara.name laughs.
@@.speech-clara; I have many great skills, that I can show off when you want me to.@@
@@.speech-u; I will keep that in mind.@@
@@.speech-u; You took it upon yourself to make me cum in your throat.@@
@@.speech-clara; I wanted to see if I can do it myself.@@
@@.speech-u; Good job on doing that.@@
@@.speech-clara; I don't need your praises.@@
<<set _result to $addstat($clara,"aff",50)>><b><<print _result>></b><br>
<<set _result to $addstat($clara,"cor",40)>><b><<print _result>></b><br>
[[Go back|clarainteract]]
<img src="Media/HQ/Dorms/lily.webp" width="100%"><br>
<<if $lily.lvl == 2>>
@@.speech-u; Hey $lily.name, I was wondering about something.@@
@@.speech-lily; what is it?@@
@@.speech-u; Are you willing to go further with me?@@
@@.speech-lily; Further? Have we not gone further enough?@@
@@.speech-u; I meant as in having sex.@@
@@.speech-lily; Oh.@@
@@.speech-u; So?@@
@@.speech-lily; Sure, I don't mind.@@
@@.speech-u; Really?@@
@@.speech-lily; Yeah, I was wondering when you were going to ask me that.@@
@@.speech-u; Lovely.@@
<<set $lily.lvl = 3>>
<b> You can go even further with $lily.name now.</b><br>
<<if $clara.lvl == 2>>
@@.speech-u; Hey $clara.name, do you want to go even further with our relationship?@@
@@.speech-clara; Obviously, yes.@@
@@.speech-u; I assume that you've been waiting for it.@@
@@.speech-clara; Not really, but since you were asking about it, I will have to accept your proposal.@@
@@.speech-u; I'm glad you did.@@
$clara.name smiles.
@@.speech-clara; I wonder when we will start.@@
<<set $clara.lvl = 3>>
<b> You can go even further with $clara.name now.</b><br>
<img src="Media/HQ/Dorms/lily.webp" width="100%"><br>
<<set $time +=0.25>>
<<if $lily.lvl >= 3>>
@@.speech-u; Hey cutie, do you want to have sex?@@
@@.speech-lily; I was worried you would never ask.@@
$lily.name strips right in front of you, teasing you and getting ready for you in bed.<br>
You follow her lead and do the same, you insert your cock in her pussy and begin to fuck her.<br>
<<set _sex = random(0,3)>>
<<set _imagePath = "Media/HQ/Characters/lily/Sex/" + _sex + ".webp">>
<<set _imageTag = '<img src="' + _imagePath + '" width="55%">'>>
<<if $lily.lvl >= 3>>
@@.speech-lily; Holy shit, go hard on me!@@
@@.speech-u; Well, then don't mind if I do.@@
You begin to thrust hard as you can.<br>
<<if $lily.aff >=1100 and $lily.cor >=1000>>
[[Cum outside|lilysexo]] [[Cum inside|lilysexi]]
<img src="Media/HQ/Dorms/lily.webp" width="100%"><br>
<<if $lily.lvl >= 3>>
@@.speech-u; I'm going to cum!@@
@@.speech-lily; Cum on me!@@
You do as she says.<br>
<<set _hjc = random(0,3)>>
<<set _imagePath = "Media/HQ/Characters/lily/Sex/CumO/" + _hjc + ".webp">>
<<set _imageTag = '<img src="' + _imagePath + '" width="55%">'>>
<<if $lily.lvl >= 3>>
@@.speech-lily; I'm getting hooked to this.@@
@@.speech-u; I'm getting hooked to your pussy as well.@@
$lily.name giggles.
@@.speech-lily; You won't lose it, since it's $uname exclusive.@@
@@.speech-u; Good.@@
<<set _result to $addstat($lily,"aff",90)>><b><<print _result>></b><br>
<<set _result to $addstat($lily,"cor",80)>><b><<print _result>></b><br>
[[Go back|lilyinteract]]
<img src="Media/HQ/Dorms/lily.webp" width="100%"><br>
<<if $lily.lvl >= 3>>
@@.speech-u; I'm going to cum!@@
@@.speech-lily; Inside!@@
You begin to thrust even harder and pump her pussy full of cum.<br>
<<set _hjc = random(0,3)>>
<<set _imagePath = "Media/HQ/Characters/lily/Sex/CumI/" + _hjc + ".webp">>
<<set _imageTag = '<img src="' + _imagePath + '" width="55%">'>>
<<if $lily.lvl >= 3>>
@@.speech-lily; I feel so good from your cum.@@
@@.speech-u; Don't try to fly yet.@@
$lily.name giggles.
@@.speech-lily; I won't, don't you worry.@@
<<set _result to $addstat($lily,"aff",100)>><b><<print _result>></b><br>
<<set _result to $addstat($lily,"cor",90)>><b><<print _result>></b><br>
[[Go back|lilyinteract]]
<img src="Media/HQ/Dorms/clara.webp" width="100%"><br>
<<set $time +=0.25>>
<<if $clara.lvl >= 3>>
@@.speech-u; Hey $clara.name, let's fuck.@@
@@.speech-clara; Straight to action, huh?@@
@@.speech-u; Of course, I want to feel it as much as I can.@@
@@.speech-clara; You don't have to say much more.@@
$clara.name undresses and gets ready for your cock.<br>
You go to her and insert your cock in her pussy and begin fucking her.<br>
<<set _sex = random(0,3)>>
<<set _imagePath = "Media/HQ/Characters/clara/Sex/" + _sex + ".webp">>
<<set _imageTag = '<img src="' + _imagePath + '" width="55%">'>>
<<if $clara.lvl >= 3>>
@@.speech-clara; You are good.@@
@@.speech-u; So are you, you just keep clamping down on me.@@
@@.speech-clara; Great to know that we are both feeling good.@@
<<if $clara.aff >=1100 and $clara.cor >=1000>>
[[Cum outside|clarasexo]] [[Cum inside|clarasexi]]
<img src="Media/HQ/Dorms/clara.webp" width="100%"><br>
<<if $clara.lvl >= 3>>
@@.speech-u; I'm going to cum!@@
@@.speech-clara; Yes! Go ahead! Do it outside!@@
You pull out at the last moment, covering her body white.<br>
<<set _hjc = random(0,3)>>
<<set _imagePath = "Media/HQ/Characters/clara/Sex/CumO/" + _hjc + ".webp">>
<<set _imageTag = '<img src="' + _imagePath + '" width="55%">'>>
<<if $clara.lvl >= 3>>
@@.speech-clara; Were you trying to breed my body?@@
@@.speech-u; It sure looks like it, doesn't it?@@
$clara.name smiles.
@@.speech-clara; A little bit.@@
<<set _result to $addstat($clara,"aff",90)>><b><<print _result>></b><br>
<<set _result to $addstat($clara,"cor",80)>><b><<print _result>></b><br>
[[Go back|clarainteract]]
<img src="Media/HQ/Dorms/clara.webp" width="100%"><br>
<<if $clara.lvl >= 3>>
@@.speech-u; I'm going to cum!@@
@@.speech-clara; Do it inside! Breed me!@@
You do as she says and don't stop until you cum.<br>
<<set _hjc = random(0,3)>>
<<set _imagePath = "Media/HQ/Characters/clara/Sex/CumI/" + _hjc + ".webp">>
<<set _imageTag = '<img src="' + _imagePath + '" width="55%">'>>
<<if $clara.lvl >= 3>>
@@.speech-u; Cumming in you felt amazing.@@
@@.speech-clara; Receiving your cum felt amazing too.@@
<<set _result to $addstat($clara,"aff",100)>><b><<print _result>></b><br>
<<set _result to $addstat($clara,"cor",90)>><b><<print _result>></b><br>
[[Go back|clarainteract]]
<img src="Media/End/drive.png" width="90%">
<<if $scs == 5>>
You drive your car in the field without a single thought in your mind.
That is until a person suddenly appears in front of you in a robe, once again.
<img src="Media/End/man.jpeg" width="40%">
@@.speech-u; Oh shit!@@You swerve into the field causing you to hit a tree.
Once you get out of the car and look behind you, the man is gone.
You look inside the car and see that your phone is gone and you are stuck until a car stops by and picks you up.
<<if $scs == 5>>
Knowing that the city is not far from you, you go deeper into the forest.
<img src="Media/End/forest.jpg" width="60%">
You feel as if you are not alone, you feel... paranoid.
After walking for a while, you wonder if you really are going the right way, not only that, but you hear something cracking behind you.
You take a glance behind you and see nothing there, you begin to think to yourself.
@@.speech-u; The hell is going on?
I am stranded in this damn forest now, and someone is haunting me in this fucking place!
I need to get the hell out of here as soon as I can.@@ Suddenly, you see a shade of a man standing in front of you.
<img src="Media/End/shade.png" width="25%">
@@.speech-u; The hell do you want!?@@It doesn't answer you and dissipates.
<<if $scs == 5>>
<img src="Media/End/forest.jpg" width="60%">
You feel as if it's been hours since you've been here, yet the light still remains the same.
After walking for so long, you sit down and take a breather to think to yourself.
Before being even given a chance to do that, the same man who appeared on the road, now stands in front of you.
<img src="Media/End/man.jpeg" width="25%">
@@.speech-u; Who are you? What do you want from me?@@ You scream at him, yet it seems futile.
The man points at you and only says few words.
@@.speech-end; The end is near.@@ You sit there puzzled, as he approaches you and grabs you by your neck.
You hear a sound behind you, a sound of a laser, it seems.
Before you have a chance to look behind you, the man pushes you back.
You begin to fall into a portal, but before the portal closes the man says something to you.
@@.speech-end; See you, in another world.@@
The portal closes and you begin to endlessly fall.
<<if $scs == 5>>
<img src="Media/End/portal.png" width="60%">
As you fall, you start to forget everything bit by bit.
Your name, your friends, your family... your power, you forget them all in this long fall.
You become a shell for someone else to use, you become a tool for other's fantasy.
Your body goes numb and your eyes go blank, as if you were dead.
<<if $scs == 5>>
After you can finally open your eyes, you see a different type of forest, not that you remember you were in a forest anyway.
<img src="Media/End/fantasy.jpg" width="60%">
Could this be the fantasy forest? Maybe a forest you are familiar with?
No one knows, but maybe you will know someday what this forest holds, what secrets it has and what powers can be uncovered.
<<if $scs == 5>>
<<timed 1.5s t8n>><h1>The end</h1><</timed>><br>
<<set $completed = true>>
<<set $scs = 6>>
<<timed 2.5s t8n>>Corruption World is finally finished with this update, next game that I will be working on will be Fantasy World.<br>
Ending was just a bit of a showcase for the other game and it will be a completely different game than this one, an rpg game.<br>
Fantasy World will have a little bit of a demo release Either in February or March, stay tuned for that.<</timed>><br>
<<timed 8s t8n>>[[Go back to start|myroom]]<</timed>>
<<set $time = 0>>
<<if $cashupg >=1>>
<<if $Code1 == true>>
<<set _stored = $store.dincome*2*$cashupg>>
<<set _cafed = $cafe.dincome*2*$cashupg>>
<<set _clothingd = $clothing.dincome*2*$cashupg>>
<<set _gymd = $gym.dincome*2*$cashupg>>
<<set _electronicd = $electronic.dincome*2*$cashupg>>
<<set _factoryd = $factory.dincome*2*$cashupg>>
<<set _markeld = $convenience.dincome*2*$cashupg>>
<<set _stored = $store.dincome*$cashupg>>
<<set _cafed = $cafe.dincome*$cashupg>>
<<set _clothingd = $clothing.dincome*$cashupg>>
<<set _gymd = $gym.dincome*$cashupg>>
<<set _electronicd = $electronic.dincome*$cashupg>>
<<set _factoryd = $factory.dincome*$cashupg>>
<<set _markeld = $convenience.dincome*$cashupg>>
<<if $Code1 == true>>
<<set _stored = $store.dincome*2>>
<<set _cafed = $cafe.dincome*2>>
<<set _clothingd = $clothing.dincome*2>>
<<set _gymd = $gym.dincome*2>>
<<set _electronicd = $electronic.dincome*2>>
<<set _factoryd = $factory.dincome*2>>
<<set _markeld = $convenience.dincome*2>>
<<set _stored = $store.dincome>>
<<set _cafed = $cafe.dincome>>
<<set _clothingd = $clothing.dincome>>
<<set _gymd = $gym.dincome>>
<<set _electronicd = $electronic.dincome>>
<<set _factoryd = $factory.dincome>>
<<set _markeld = $convenience.dincome>>
<<set $dincome = _stored + _cafed + _clothingd + _gymd +_electronicd + _factoryd + _markeld>>
<<set $dincome = Math.ceil($dincome)>>
<<goto sleep>>
<<set $mom = {
aff: 0,
cor: 0,
lvl: 1,
name: "",
<<set $sister = {
aff: 0,
cor: 0,
lvl: 1,
name: "",
<<set $judy = {
aff: 0,
cor: 0,
lvl: 1,
name: "Judy"
<<set $rea = {
aff: 0,
cor: 0,
lvl: 1,
name: "Rea",
house: false,
firstkiss: false,
<<set $hstudent = {
name: "Anna",
lvl: 1,
aff: 0,
cor: 0,
house: false,
firstkiss: false
<<set $mcstudent = {
name: "Patricia",
lvl: 1,
aff: 0,
cor: 0,
house: false,
<<set $mcteacher = {
name: "Eleanor",
lvl: 1,
aff: 0,
cor: 0,
house: false
<<set $cousin = {
name: "Lucy",
lvl: 1,
aff: 0,
cor: 0,
<<set $aunt = {
name: "Daphne",
lvl: 1,
aff: 0,
cor: 0,
<<set $maid = {
name: "",
respect: 0,
<<set $officer = {
name: "Joy",
aff: 0,
cor: 0,
lvl: 1,
<<set $prisoner = {
name: "Melissa",
aff: 0,
cor: 0,
lvl: 1,
<<set $clerk = {
name: "Janice",
aff: 0,
cor: 0,
lvl: 1,
<<set $kayla = {
name: "Kayla",
aff: 0,
cor: 0,
lvl: 1,
<<set $emily = {
name: "Emily",
aff: 0,
cor: 0,
lvl: 1,
house: false,
<<set $reception = {
name: "Hilda",
aff: 0,
cor: 0,
lvl: 1,
house: false,
<<set $barista = {
name: "Alice",
aff: 0,
cor: 0,
lvl: 1,
house: false,
<<set $suzy = {
name: "Suzy",
aff: 0,
cor: 0,
lvl: 1,
house: false,
<<set $trainee = {
name: "Astrid",
aff: 0,
cor: 0,
lvl: 1,
house: false,
stats: {
stamina: 100,
skill: 0,
<<set $alexia = {
name: "Alexia",
aff: 0,
cor: 0,
lvl: 1,
<<set $melanie = {
name: "Melanie",
aff: 0,
cor: 0,
lvl: 1,
<<set $clara = {
name: "Clara",
aff: 0,
cor: 0,
lvl: 1,
<<set $lily = {
name: "Lily",
aff: 0,
cor: 0,
lvl: 1,
<<goto Customize>>
Your Inventory.<br><br>
<<if $chocolate>0>>
Chocolate: <<print $chocolate>> <<if $SisGift == true>><<link "Give">><<set $SisGift = false>><<set $chocgiven = true>><<goto "SisGift">><</link>>
<<endif>><<if $MomGift == true>><<link "Give">><<set $MomGift = false>><<set $chocgiven = true>><<goto "MomGift">><</link>><<endif>>
<<if $JudyGift == true>><<link "Give">><<set $JudyGift = false>><<set $chocgiven = true>><<goto "JudyGift">><</link>><<endif>>
<<if $ReaGift == true>><<link "Give">><<set $ReaGift = false>><<set $chocgiven = true>><<goto "ReaGift">><</link>><<endif>>
<<if $McsGift == true>><<link "Give">><<set $McsGift = false>><<set $chocgiven = true>><<goto "McsGift">><</link>><<endif>>
<<if $HsGift == true>><<link "Give">><<set $HsGift = false>><<set $chocgiven = true>><<goto "HsGift">><</link>><<endif>>
<<if $MctGift == true>><<link "Give">><<set $MctGift = false>><<set $chocgiven = true>><<goto "MctGift">><</link>><<endif>>
<<if $Gcousin == true>><<link "Give">><<set $Gcousin = false>><<set $chocgiven = true>><<goto "Gcousin">><</link>><<endif>>
<<if $Gaunt == true>><<link "Give">><<set $Gaunt = false>><<set $chocgiven = true>><<goto "Gaunt">><</link>><<endif>>
<<if $Gclerk == true>><<link "Give">><<set $Gclerk = false>><<set $chocgiven = true>><<goto "Gclerk">><</link>><<endif>>
<<if $Gofficer == true>><<link "Give">><<set $Gofficer = false>><<set $chocgiven = true>><<goto "Gofficer">><</link>><<endif>>
<<if $Gprisoner == true>><<link "Give">><<set $Gprisoner = false>><<set $chocgiven = true>><<goto "Gprisoner">><</link>><<endif>>
<<if $Gkayla == true>><<link "Give">><<set $Gkayla = false>><<set $chocgiven = true>><<goto "Gkayla">><</link>><<endif>>
<<if $Gtrainee == true>><<link "Give">><<set $Gtrainee = false>><<set $chocgiven = true>><<goto "Gtrainee">><</link>><<endif>>
<<if $GEmily == true>><<link "Give">><<set $GEmily = false>><<set $chocgiven = true>><<goto "GEmily">><</link>><<endif>>
<<if $GReceptionist == true>><<link "Give">><<set $GReceptionist = false>><<set $chocgiven = true>><<goto "GReceptionist">><</link>><<endif>>
<<if $GBarista == true>><<link "Give">><<set $GBarista = false>><<set $chocgiven = true>><<goto "GBarista">><</link>><<endif>>
<<if $GSuzy == true>><<link "Give">><<set $GSuzy = false>><<set $chocgiven = true>><<goto "GSuzy">><</link>><<endif>>
<<if $GAlexia == true>><<link "Give">><<set $GAlexia = false>><<set $chocgiven = true>><<goto "GAlexia">><</link>><<endif>>
<<if $GMelanie == true>><<link "Give">><<set $GMelanie = false>><<set $chocgiven = true>><<goto "GMelanie">><</link>><<endif>>
<<if $Glily == true>><<link "Give">><<set $Glily = false>><<set $chocgiven = true>><<goto "Glily">><</link>><<endif>>
<<if $Gclara == true>><<link "Give">><<set $Gclara = false>><<set $chocgiven = true>><<goto "Gclara">><</link>><<endif>>
<<endif >>
<<if $condom>0>>
Condom: <<print $condom>> <<if $SisGift == true>><<link "Give">><<set $SisGift = false>><<set $congiven = true>><<goto "SisGift">><</link>>
<<endif>><<if $MomGift == true>><<link "Give">><<set $MomGift = false>><<set $congiven = true>><<goto "MomGift">><</link>><<endif>>
<<if $JudyGift == true>><<link "Give">><<set $JudyGift = false>><<set $congiven = true>><<goto "JudyGift">><</link>><<endif>>
<<if $ReaGift == true>><<link "Give">><<set $ReaGift = false>><<set $congiven = true>><<goto "ReaGift">><</link>><<endif>>
<<if $McsGift == true>><<link "Give">><<set $McsGift = false>><<set $congiven = true>><<goto "McsGift">><</link>><<endif>>
<<if $HsGift == true>><<link "Give">><<set $HsGift = false>><<set $congiven = true>><<goto "HsGift">><</link>><<endif>>
<<if $MctGift == true>><<link "Give">><<set $MctGift = false>><<set $congiven = true>><<goto "MctGift">><</link>><<endif>>
<<if $Gcousin == true>><<link "Give">><<set $Gcousin = false>><<set $congiven = true>><<goto "Gcousin">><</link>><<endif>>
<<if $Gaunt == true>><<link "Give">><<set $Gaunt = false>><<set $congiven = true>><<goto "Gaunt">><</link>><<endif>>
<<if $Gclerk == true>><<link "Give">><<set $Gclerk = false>><<set $congiven = true>><<goto "Gclerk">><</link>><<endif>>
<<if $Gofficer == true>><<link "Give">><<set $Gofficer = false>><<set $congiven = true>><<goto "Gofficer">><</link>><<endif>>
<<if $Gprisoner == true>><<link "Give">><<set $Gprisoner = false>><<set $congiven = true>><<goto "Gprisoner">><</link>><<endif>>
<<if $Gkayla == true>><<link "Give">><<set $Gkayla = false>><<set $congiven = true>><<goto "Gkayla">><</link>><<endif>>
<<if $Gtrainee == true>><<link "Give">><<set $Gtrainee = false>><<set $congiven = true>><<goto "Gtrainee">><</link>><<endif>>
<<if $GEmily == true>><<link "Give">><<set $GEmily = false>><<set $congiven = true>><<goto "GEmily">><</link>><<endif>>
<<if $GReceptionist == true>><<link "Give">><<set $GReceptionist = false>><<set $congiven = true>><<goto "GReceptionist">><</link>><<endif>>
<<if $GBarista == true>><<link "Give">><<set $GBarista = false>><<set $congiven = true>><<goto "GBarista">><</link>><<endif>>
<<if $GSuzy == true>><<link "Give">><<set $GSuzy = false>><<set $congiven = true>><<goto "GSuzy">><</link>><<endif>>
<<if $GAlexia == true>><<link "Give">><<set $GAlexia = false>><<set $congiven = true>><<goto "GAlexia">><</link>><<endif>>
<<if $GMelanie == true>><<link "Give">><<set $GMelanie = false>><<set $congiven = true>><<goto "GMelanie">><</link>><<endif>>
<<if $Glily == true>><<link "Give">><<set $Glily = false>><<set $congiven = true>><<goto "Glily">><</link>><<endif>>
<<if $Gclara == true>><<link "Give">><<set $Gclara = false>><<set $congiven = true>><<goto "Gclara">><</link>><<endif>>
<<endif >>
<<if $alcohol>0>>
Alocohol: <<print $alcohol>> <<if $SisGift == true>><<link "Give">><<set $SisGift = false>><<set $alcgiven = true>><<goto "SisGift">><</link>>
<<endif>><<if $MomGift == true>><<link "Give">><<set $MomGift = false>><<set $alcgiven = true>><<goto "MomGift">><</link>><<endif>>
<<if $JudyGift == true>><<link "Give">><<set $JudyGift = false>><<set $alcgiven = true>><<goto "JudyGift">><</link>><<endif>>
<<if $ReaGift == true>><<link "Give">><<set $ReaGift = false>><<set $alcgiven = true>><<goto "ReaGift">><</link>><<endif>>
<<if $McsGift == true>><<link "Give">><<set $McsGift = false>><<set $alcgiven = true>><<goto "McsGift">><</link>><<endif>>
<<if $HsGift == true>><<link "Give">><<set $HsGift = false>><<set $alcgiven = true>><<goto "HsGift">><</link>><<endif>>
<<if $MctGift == true>><<link "Give">><<set $MctGift = false>><<set $alcgiven = true>><<goto "MctGift">><</link>><<endif>>
<<if $Gcousin == true>><<link "Give">><<set $Gcousin = false>><<set $alcgiven = true>><<goto "Gcousin">><</link>><<endif>>
<<if $Gaunt == true>><<link "Give">><<set $Gaunt = false>><<set $alcgiven = true>><<goto "Gaunt">><</link>><<endif>>
<<if $Gclerk == true>><<link "Give">><<set $Gclerk = false>><<set $alcgiven = true>><<goto "Gclerk">><</link>><<endif>>
<<if $Gofficer == true>><<link "Give">><<set $Gofficer = false>><<set $alcgiven = true>><<goto "Gofficer">><</link>><<endif>>
<<if $Gprisoner == true>><<link "Give">><<set $Gprisoner = false>><<set $alcgiven = true>><<goto "Gprisoner">><</link>><<endif>>
<<if $Gkayla == true>><<link "Give">><<set $Gkayla = false>><<set $alcgiven = true>><<goto "Gkayla">><</link>><<endif>>
<<if $Gtrainee == true>><<link "Give">><<set $Gtrainee = false>><<set $alcgiven = true>><<goto "Gtrainee">><</link>><<endif>>
<<if $GEmily == true>><<link "Give">><<set $GEmily = false>><<set $alcgiven = true>><<goto "GEmily">><</link>><<endif>>
<<if $GReceptionist == true>><<link "Give">><<set $GReceptionist = false>><<set $alcgiven = true>><<goto "GReceptionist">><</link>><<endif>>
<<if $GBarista == true>><<link "Give">><<set $GBarista = false>><<set $alcgiven = true>><<goto "GBarista">><</link>><<endif>>
<<if $GSuzy == true>><<link "Give">><<set $GSuzy = false>><<set $alcgiven = true>><<goto "GSuzy">><</link>><<endif>>
<<if $GAlexia == true>><<link "Give">><<set $GAlexia = false>><<set $alcgiven = true>><<goto "GAlexia">><</link>><<endif>>
<<if $GMelanie == true>><<link "Give">><<set $GMelanie = false>><<set $alcgiven = true>><<goto "GMelanie">><</link>><<endif>>
<<if $Glily == true>><<link "Give">><<set $Glily = false>><<set $alcgiven = true>><<goto "Glily">><</link>><<endif>>
<<if $Gclara == true>><<link "Give">><<set $Gclara = false>><<set $alcgiven = true>><<goto "Gclara">><</link>><<endif>>
<<endif >>
<<if $perfume>0>>
Perfume: <<print $perfume>> <<if $SisGift == true>><<link "Give">><<set $SisGift = false>><<set $perfgiven = true>><<goto "SisGift">><</link>>
<<endif>><<if $MomGift == true>><<link "Give">><<set $MomGift = false>><<set $perfgiven = true>><<goto "MomGift">><</link>><<endif>>
<<if $JudyGift == true>><<link "Give">><<set $JudyGift = false>><<set $perfgiven = true>><<goto "JudyGift">><</link>><<endif>>
<<if $ReaGift == true>><<link "Give">><<set $ReaGift = false>><<set $perfgiven = true>><<goto "ReaGift">><</link>><<endif>>
<<if $McsGift == true>><<link "Give">><<set $McsGift = false>><<set $perfgiven = true>><<goto "McsGift">><</link>><<endif>>
<<if $HsGift == true>><<link "Give">><<set $HsGift = false>><<set $perfgiven = true>><<goto "HsGift">><</link>><<endif>>
<<if $MctGift == true>><<link "Give">><<set $MctGift = false>><<set $perfgiven = true>><<goto "MctGift">><</link>><<endif>>
<<if $Gcousin == true>><<link "Give">><<set $Gcousin = false>><<set $perfgiven = true>><<goto "Gcousin">><</link>><<endif>>
<<if $Gaunt == true>><<link "Give">><<set $Gaunt = false>><<set $perfgiven = true>><<goto "Gaunt">><</link>><<endif>>
<<if $Gclerk == true>><<link "Give">><<set $Gclerk = false>><<set $perfgiven = true>><<goto "Gclerk">><</link>><<endif>>
<<if $Gofficer == true>><<link "Give">><<set $Gofficer = false>><<set $perfgiven = true>><<goto "Gofficer">><</link>><<endif>>
<<if $Gprisoner == true>><<link "Give">><<set $Gprisoner = false>><<set $perfgiven = true>><<goto "Gprisoner">><</link>><<endif>>
<<if $Gkayla == true>><<link "Give">><<set $Gkayla = false>><<set $perfgiven = true>><<goto "Gkayla">><</link>><<endif>>
<<if $Gtrainee == true>><<link "Give">><<set $Gtrainee = false>><<set $perfgiven = true>><<goto "Gtrainee">><</link>><<endif>>
<<if $GEmily == true>><<link "Give">><<set $GEmily = false>><<set $perfgiven = true>><<goto "GEmily">><</link>><<endif>>
<<if $GReceptionist == true>><<link "Give">><<set $GReceptionist = false>><<set $perfgiven = true>><<goto "GReceptionist">><</link>><<endif>>
<<if $GBarista == true>><<link "Give">><<set $GBarista = false>><<set $perfgiven = true>><<goto "GBarista">><</link>><<endif>>
<<if $GSuzy == true>><<link "Give">><<set $GSuzy = false>><<set $perfgiven = true>><<goto "GSuzy">><</link>><<endif>>
<<if $GAlexia == true>><<link "Give">><<set $GAlexia = false>><<set $perfgiven = true>><<goto "GAlexia">><</link>><<endif>>
<<if $GMelanie == true>><<link "Give">><<set $GMelanie = false>><<set $perfgiven = true>><<goto "GMelanie">><</link>><<endif>>
<<if $Glily == true>><<link "Give">><<set $Glily = false>><<set $perfgiven = true>><<goto "Glily">><</link>><<endif>>
<<if $Gclara == true>><<link "Give">><<set $Gclara = false>><<set $perfgiven = true>><<goto "Gclara">><</link>><<endif>>
<<endif >>
<<if $bikini>0>>
Bikini: <<print $bikini>> <<if $SisGift == true>><<link "Give">><<set $SisGift = false>><<set $bikigiven = true>><<goto "SisGift">><</link>>
<<endif>><<if $MomGift == true>><<link "Give">><<set $MomGift = false>><<set $bikigiven = true>><<goto "MomGift">><</link>><<endif>>
<<if $JudyGift == true>><<link "Give">><<set $JudyGift = false>><<set $bikigiven = true>><<goto "JudyGift">><</link>><<endif>>
<<if $ReaGift == true>><<link "Give">><<set $ReaGift = false>><<set $bikigiven = true>><<goto "ReaGift">><</link>><<endif>>
<<if $McsGift == true>><<link "Give">><<set $McsGift = false>><<set $bikigiven = true>><<goto "McsGift">><</link>><<endif>>
<<if $HsGift == true>><<link "Give">><<set $HsGift = false>><<set $bikigiven = true>><<goto "HsGift">><</link>><<endif>>
<<if $MctGift == true>><<link "Give">><<set $MctGift = false>><<set $bikigiven = true>><<goto "MctGift">><</link>><<endif>>
<<if $Gcousin == true>><<link "Give">><<set $Gcousin = false>><<set $bikigiven = true>><<goto "Gcousin">><</link>><<endif>>
<<if $Gaunt == true>><<link "Give">><<set $Gaunt = false>><<set $bikigiven = true>><<goto "Gaunt">><</link>><<endif>>
<<if $Gclerk == true>><<link "Give">><<set $Gclerk = false>><<set $bikigiven = true>><<goto "Gclerk">><</link>><<endif>>
<<if $Gofficer == true>><<link "Give">><<set $Gofficer = false>><<set $bikigiven = true>><<goto "Gofficer">><</link>><<endif>>
<<if $Gprisoner == true>><<link "Give">><<set $Gprisoner = false>><<set $bikigiven = true>><<goto "Gprisoner">><</link>><<endif>>
<<if $Gkayla == true>><<link "Give">><<set $Gkayla = false>><<set $bikigiven = true>><<goto "Gkayla">><</link>><<endif>>
<<if $Gtrainee == true>><<link "Give">><<set $Gtrainee = false>><<set $bikigiven = true>><<goto "Gtrainee">><</link>><<endif>>
<<if $GEmily == true>><<link "Give">><<set $GEmily = false>><<set $bikigiven = true>><<goto "GEmily">><</link>><<endif>>
<<if $GReceptionist == true>><<link "Give">><<set $GReceptionist = false>><<set $bikigiven = true>><<goto "GReceptionist">><</link>><<endif>>
<<if $GBarista == true>><<link "Give">><<set $GBarista = false>><<set $bikigiven = true>><<goto "GBarista">><</link>><<endif>>
<<if $GSuzy == true>><<link "Give">><<set $GSuzy = false>><<set $bikigiven = true>><<goto "GSuzy">><</link>><<endif>>
<<if $GAlexia == true>><<link "Give">><<set $GAlexia = false>><<set $bikigiven = true>><<goto "GAlexia">><</link>><<endif>>
<<if $GMelanie == true>><<link "Give">><<set $GMelanie = false>><<set $bikigiven = true>><<goto "GMelanie">><</link>><<endif>>
<<if $Glily == true>><<link "Give">><<set $Glily = false>><<set $bikigiven = true>><<goto "Glily">><</link>><<endif>>
<<if $Gclara == true>><<link "Give">><<set $Gclara = false>><<set $bikigiven = true>><<goto "Gclara">><</link>><<endif>>
<<endif >>
<<if $lingerie>0>>
Lingerie: <<print $lingerie>> <<if $SisGift == true>><<link "Give">><<set $SisGift = false>><<set $linggiven = true>><<goto "SisGift">><</link>>
<<endif>><<if $MomGift == true>><<link "Give">><<set $MomGift = false>><<set $linggiven = true>><<goto "MomGift">><</link>><<endif>>
<<if $JudyGift == true>><<link "Give">><<set $JudyGift = false>><<set $linggiven = true>><<goto "JudyGift">><</link>><<endif>>
<<if $ReaGift == true>><<link "Give">><<set $ReaGift = false>><<set $linggiven = true>><<goto "ReaGift">><</link>><<endif>>
<<if $McsGift == true>><<link "Give">><<set $McsGift = false>><<set $linggiven = true>><<goto "McsGift">><</link>><<endif>>
<<if $HsGift == true>><<link "Give">><<set $HsGift = false>><<set $linggiven = true>><<goto "HsGift">><</link>><<endif>>
<<if $MctGift == true>><<link "Give">><<set $MctGift = false>><<set $linggiven = true>><<goto "MctGift">><</link>><<endif>>
<<if $Gcousin == true>><<link "Give">><<set $Gcousin = false>><<set $linggiven = true>><<goto "Gcousin">><</link>><<endif>>
<<if $Gaunt == true>><<link "Give">><<set $Gaunt = false>><<set $linggiven = true>><<goto "Gaunt">><</link>><<endif>>
<<if $Gclerk == true>><<link "Give">><<set $Gclerk = false>><<set $linggiven = true>><<goto "Gclerk">><</link>><<endif>>
<<if $Gofficer == true>><<link "Give">><<set $Gofficer = false>><<set $linggiven = true>><<goto "Gofficer">><</link>><<endif>>
<<if $Gprisoner == true>><<link "Give">><<set $Gprisoner = false>><<set $linggiven = true>><<goto "Gprisoner">><</link>><<endif>>
<<if $Gkayla == true>><<link "Give">><<set $Gkayla = false>><<set $linggiven = true>><<goto "Gkayla">><</link>><<endif>>
<<if $Gtrainee == true>><<link "Give">><<set $Gtrainee = false>><<set $linggiven = true>><<goto "Gtrainee">><</link>><<endif>>
<<if $GEmily == true>><<link "Give">><<set $GEmily = false>><<set $linggiven = true>><<goto "GEmily">><</link>><<endif>>
<<if $GReceptionist == true>><<link "Give">><<set $GReceptionist = false>><<set $linggiven = true>><<goto "GReceptionist">><</link>><<endif>>
<<if $GBarista == true>><<link "Give">><<set $GBarista = false>><<set $linggiven = true>><<goto "GBarista">><</link>><<endif>>
<<if $GSuzy == true>><<link "Give">><<set $GSuzy = false>><<set $linggiven = true>><<goto "GSuzy">><</link>><<endif>>
<<if $GAlexia == true>><<link "Give">><<set $GAlexia = false>><<set $linggiven = true>><<goto "GAlexia">><</link>><<endif>>
<<if $GMelanie == true>><<link "Give">><<set $GMelanie = false>><<set $linggiven = true>><<goto "GMelanie">><</link>><<endif>>
<<if $Glily == true>><<link "Give">><<set $Glily = false>><<set $linggiven = true>><<goto "Glily">><</link>><<endif>>
<<if $Gclara == true>><<link "Give">><<set $Gclara = false>><<set $linggiven = true>><<goto "Gclara">><</link>><<endif>>
<<endif >>
<<if $cutedress>0>>
Cute Dress: <<print $cutedress>> <<if $SisGift == true>><<link "Give">><<set $SisGift = false>><<set $cutedgiven = true>><<goto "SisGift">><</link>>
<<endif>><<if $MomGift == true>><<link "Give">><<set $MomGift = false>><<set $cutedgiven = true>><<goto "MomGift">><</link>><<endif>>
<<if $JudyGift == true>><<link "Give">><<set $JudyGift = false>><<set $cutedgiven = true>><<goto "JudyGift">><</link>><<endif>>
<<if $ReaGift == true>><<link "Give">><<set $ReaGift = false>><<set $cutedgiven = true>><<goto "ReaGift">><</link>><<endif>>
<<if $McsGift == true>><<link "Give">><<set $McsGift = false>><<set $cutedgiven = true>><<goto "McsGift">><</link>><<endif>>
<<if $HsGift == true>><<link "Give">><<set $HsGift = false>><<set $cutedgiven = true>><<goto "HsGift">><</link>><<endif>>
<<if $MctGift == true>><<link "Give">><<set $MctGift = false>><<set $cutedgiven = true>><<goto "MctGift">><</link>><<endif>>
<<if $Gcousin == true>><<link "Give">><<set $Gcousin = false>><<set $cutedgiven = true>><<goto "Gcousin">><</link>><<endif>>
<<if $Gaunt == true>><<link "Give">><<set $Gaunt = false>><<set $cutedgiven = true>><<goto "Gaunt">><</link>><<endif>>
<<if $Gclerk == true>><<link "Give">><<set $Gclerk = false>><<set $cutedgiven = true>><<goto "Gclerk">><</link>><<endif>>
<<if $Gofficer == true>><<link "Give">><<set $Gofficer = false>><<set $cutedgiven = true>><<goto "Gofficer">><</link>><<endif>>
<<if $Gprisoner == true>><<link "Give">><<set $Gprisoner = false>><<set $cutedgiven = true>><<goto "Gprisoner">><</link>><<endif>>
<<if $Gkayla == true>><<link "Give">><<set $Gkayla = false>><<set $cutedgiven = true>><<goto "Gkayla">><</link>><<endif>>
<<if $Gtrainee == true>><<link "Give">><<set $Gtrainee = false>><<set $cutedgiven = true>><<goto "Gtrainee">><</link>><<endif>>
<<if $GEmily == true>><<link "Give">><<set $GEmily = false>><<set $cutedgiven = true>><<goto "GEmily">><</link>><<endif>>
<<if $GReceptionist == true>><<link "Give">><<set $GReceptionist = false>><<set $cutedgiven = true>><<goto "GReceptionist">><</link>><<endif>>
<<if $GBarista == true>><<link "Give">><<set $GBarista = false>><<set $cutedgiven = true>><<goto "GBarista">><</link>><<endif>>
<<if $GSuzy == true>><<link "Give">><<set $GSuzy = false>><<set $cutedgiven = true>><<goto "GSuzy">><</link>><<endif>>
<<if $GAlexia == true>><<link "Give">><<set $GAlexia = false>><<set $cutedgiven = true>><<goto "GAlexia">><</link>><<endif>>
<<if $GMelanie == true>><<link "Give">><<set $GMelanie = false>><<set $cutedgiven = true>><<goto "GMelanie">><</link>><<endif>>
<<if $Glily == true>><<link "Give">><<set $Glily = false>><<set $cutedgiven = true>><<goto "Glily">><</link>><<endif>>
<<if $Gclara == true>><<link "Give">><<set $Gclara = false>><<set $cutedgiven = true>><<goto "Gclara">><</link>><<endif>>
<<endif >>
<<if $sexydress>0>>
Sexy Dress: <<print $sexydress>> <<if $SisGift == true>><<link "Give">><<set $SisGift = false>><<set $sexydgiven = true>><<goto "SisGift">><</link>>
<<endif>><<if $MomGift == true>><<link "Give">><<set $MomGift = false>><<set $sexydgiven = true>><<goto "MomGift">><</link>><<endif>>
<<if $JudyGift == true>><<link "Give">><<set $JudyGift = false>><<set $sexydgiven = true>><<goto "JudyGift">><</link>><<endif>>
<<if $ReaGift == true>><<link "Give">><<set $ReaGift = false>><<set $sexydgiven = true>><<goto "ReaGift">><</link>><<endif>>
<<if $McsGift == true>><<link "Give">><<set $McsGift = false>><<set $sexydgiven = true>><<goto "McsGift">><</link>><<endif>>
<<if $HsGift == true>><<link "Give">><<set $HsGift = false>><<set $sexydgiven = true>><<goto "HsGift">><</link>><<endif>>
<<if $MctGift == true>><<link "Give">><<set $MctGift = false>><<set $sexydgiven = true>><<goto "MctGift">><</link>><<endif>>
<<if $Gcousin == true>><<link "Give">><<set $Gcousin = false>><<set $sexydgiven = true>><<goto "Gcousin">><</link>><<endif>>
<<if $Gaunt == true>><<link "Give">><<set $Gaunt = false>><<set $sexydgiven = true>><<goto "Gaunt">><</link>><<endif>>
<<if $Gclerk == true>><<link "Give">><<set $Gclerk = false>><<set $sexydgiven = true>><<goto "Gclerk">><</link>><<endif>>
<<if $Gofficer == true>><<link "Give">><<set $Gofficer = false>><<set $sexydgiven = true>><<goto "Gofficer">><</link>><<endif>>
<<if $Gprisoner == true>><<link "Give">><<set $Gprisoner = false>><<set $sexydgiven = true>><<goto "Gprisoner">><</link>><<endif>>
<<if $Gkayla == true>><<link "Give">><<set $Gkayla = false>><<set $sexydgiven = true>><<goto "Gkayla">><</link>><<endif>>
<<if $Gtrainee == true>><<link "Give">><<set $Gtrainee = false>><<set $sexydgiven = true>><<goto "Gtrainee">><</link>><<endif>>
<<if $GEmily == true>><<link "Give">><<set $GEmily = false>><<set $sexydgiven = true>><<goto "GEmily">><</link>><<endif>>
<<if $GReceptionist == true>><<link "Give">><<set $GReceptionist = false>><<set $sexydgiven = true>><<goto "GReceptionist">><</link>><<endif>>
<<if $GBarista == true>><<link "Give">><<set $GBarista = false>><<set $sexydgiven = true>><<goto "GBarista">><</link>><<endif>>
<<if $GSuzy == true>><<link "Give">><<set $GSuzy = false>><<set $sexydgiven = true>><<goto "GSuzy">><</link>><<endif>>
<<if $GAlexia == true>><<link "Give">><<set $GAlexia = false>><<set $sexydgiven = true>><<goto "GAlexia">><</link>><<endif>>
<<if $GMelanie == true>><<link "Give">><<set $GMelanie = false>><<set $sexydgiven = true>><<goto "GMelanie">><</link>><<endif>>
<<if $Glily == true>><<link "Give">><<set $Glily = false>><<set $sexydgiven = true>><<goto "Glily">><</link>><<endif>>
<<if $Gclara == true>><<link "Give">><<set $Gclara = false>><<set $sexydgiven = true>><<goto "Gclara">><</link>><<endif>>
<<endif >>
<<if $Dictionary>0>>
Dictionary: <<print $Dictionary>> <<link "Use">><<set $Dictionary -=1>><<set $intelligence +=7>><<set $time +=0.25>><<goto Inventory>><</link>><</if>><br>
<<if $beer>0>>
Beer: <<print $beer>><</if>><br>
<<if $boxbeer>0>>
Box of beer: <<print $boxbeer>><</if>><br>
<<link "return">><<set $SisGift = false>><<set $MomGift = false>><<set $JudyGift = false>><<set $ReaGift = false>><<set $McsGift = false>><<set $HsGift = false>>
<<set $MctGift = false>><<set $Gcousin = false>><<set $Gaunt = false>><<set $Gclerk = false>><<set $Gofficer = false>><<set $Gprisoner = false>><<set $Gkayla = false>><<set $Gtrainee = false>>
<<set $GEmily = false>><<set $GReceptionist = false>><<set $GBarista = false>><<set $GSuzy = false>><<set $GAlexia = false>><<set $GMelanie = false>>
<<set $Glily = false>><<set $Gclara = false>>
<<if $markel == true>><<goto cousinhouse>><<elseif $germany == true>><<goto GHomeR>><<elseif $inmansion == true>><<goto Mbmansion>><<elseif $sweden == true>><<goto Dojoback>><<else>><<goto parentshouse>><</if>><</link>>
<<if $version == 1 >>
<<set $sc1 = false>>
<<set $scs = 1>>
<<set $ownschool = false>>
<<set $schoolcor = 0>>
<<set $db = 0>>
<<set $Dictionary = 0 >>
<<set $chocolate =0>>
<<set $germany = false>>
<<set $condom =0>>
<<set $alcohol = 0>>
<<set $perfume = 0>>
<<set $tournament = 0>>
<<set $lingerie = 0>>
<<set $bikini = 0>>
<<set $cutedress = 0>>
<<set $dealer = 0>>
<<set $hacking = 0>>
<<set $trainer = 0>>
<<set $person = false>>
<<set $city = false>>
<<set $markelbria = false>>
<<set $germanys = false>>
<<set $swedens = false>>
<<set $hideouts = false>>
<≪set $hq = false>>
<<set $completed = false>>
<<set $contacts = false>>
<<set $hackextra = false>>
<<set $email = false>>
<<set $email2 = false>>
<<set $police = {
rank: 0,
task: [],
tasks: 0
<<set $company = {
exp: 0,
cor: 0,
workers: 0,
<<set $CaBp = false>>
<<set $sexydress = 0>>
<<set $convenience = {
dincome: 0,
<<set $cafe = {
exp: 0,
income: 0,
dincome: 0,
lvl: 0,
Rank : "Unemployed"
<<set $owngym = false>>
<<set $ownclothing = false>>
<<set $ownelectronic = false>>
<<set $staffelectronic = []>>
<<set $staffcafe = []>>
<<set $staffclothing = []>>
<<set $staffmarkel = []>>
<<set $staffgym = []>>
<<set $electronic = {
dincome: 0
<<set $gym = {
dincome: 0
<<set $clothing = {
dincome: 0
<<set $upg1 = 0>>
<<set $upg2 = 0>>
<<set $upg3 = 0>>
<<set $ownfactory = false>>
<<set $factory = {
dincome: 0,
upg1: false,
upg2: false,
upg3: false,
upg4: false,
materials: 0
<<set $owndiary = false>>
<<set $owncar = false>>
<<set $ownmansion = false>>
<<set $beer = 0>>
<<set $boxbeer = 0>>
<<set $station = false>>
<<set $policecor = 0>>
<<set $prison = 0>>
<<set $officerwork = false>>
<<goto Intro2>>
<<elseif $version == 0.1>>
<<set $rea = {
aff: 0,
cor: 0,
lvl: 1,
name: "Rea",
house: false,
firstkiss: false,
<<set $cafe = {
exp: 0,
income: 0,
dincome: 0,
lvl: 0,
Rank : "Unemployed"
<<set $owngym = false>>
<<set $ownclothing = false>>
<<set $ownelectronic = false>>
<<set $staffelectronic = []>>
<<set $staffcafe = []>>
<<set $staffclothing = []>>
<<set $staffgym = []>>
<<set $electronic = {
dincome: 0
<<set $gym = {
dincome: 0
<<set $clothing = {
dincome: 0
<<set $cutedress = 0>>
<<set $sexydress = 0>>
<<set $version = 0.2>>
<<goto myroom>>
<<elseif $version == 0.2>>
<<set $ownelectronic = false>>
<<set $staffelectronic = []>>
<<set $electronic = {
dincome: 0
<<set $upg1 = 0>>
<<set $upg2 = 0>>
<<set $upg3 = 0>>
<<set $ownfactory = false>>
<<set $factory = {
dincome: 0,
upg1: false,
upg2: false,
upg3: false,
upg4: false,
materials: 0
<<set $hstudent = {
name: "Anna",
lvl: 1,
aff: 0,
cor: 0,
house: false,
firstkiss: false
<<set $mcstudent = {
name: "Patricia",
lvl: 1,
aff: 0,
cor: 0,
house: false,
<<set $mcteacher = {
name: "Eleanor",
lvl: 1,
aff: 0,
cor: 0,
house: false
<<set $version = 0.3>>
<<goto myroom>>
<<elseif $version == 0.3>>
<<set $owndiary = false>>
<<set $Dictionary = 0 >>
<<set $db = 0>>
<<set $ownschool = false>>
<<set $sc1 = false>>
<<goto myroom>>
<<set $version = 0.35>>
<<elseif $version == 0.35>>
<<set $owncar = false>>
<<set $scs = 2>>
<<set $ownmansion = false>>
<<set $cousin = {
name: "Lucy",
lvl: 1,
aff: 0,
cor: 0,
<<set $aunt = {
name: "Daphne",
lvl: 1,
aff: 0,
cor: 0,
<<set $maid = {
name: "",
respect: 0,
<<set $schoolcor = 0>>
<<set $version = 0.4>>
<<goto myroom>>
<<elseif $version == 0.4>>
<<set $beer = 0>>
<<set $boxbeer = 0>>
<<set $station = false>>
<<set $policecor = 0>>
<<set $officer = {
name: "Joy",
aff: 0,
cor: 0,
lvl: 1,
<<set $prisoner = {
name: "Melissa",
aff: 0,
cor: 0,
lvl: 1,
<<set $prison = 0>>
<<set $officerwork = false>>
<<set $clerk = {
name: "Janice",
aff: 0,
cor: 0,
lvl: 1,
<<set $kayla = {
name: "Kayla",
aff: 0,
cor: 0,
lvl: 1,
<<set $convenience = {
dincome: 0,
<<set $staffmarkel = []>>
<<set $contacts = false>>
<<set $dealer = 0>>
<<set $hacking = 0>>
<<set $hackextra = false>>
<<set $trainer = 0>>
<<set $person = false>>
<<set $version = 0.5>>
<<goto myroom>>
<<elseif $version == 0.5>>
<<set $email = false>>
<<set $company = {
exp: 0,
cor: 0,
workers: 0,
<<set $CaBp = false>>
<<set $barista = {
name: "Alice",
aff: 0,
cor: 0,
lvl: 1,
house: false,
<<set $reception = {
name: "Hilda",
aff: 0,
cor: 0,
lvl: 1,
house: false,
<<set $emily = {
name: "Emily",
aff: 0,
cor: 0,
lvl: 1,
house: false,
<<set $email2 = false>>
<<set $suzy = {
name: "Suzy",
aff: 0,
cor: 0,
lvl: 1,
house: false,
<<set $trainee = {
name: "Astrid",
aff: 0,
cor: 0,
lvl: 1,
house: false,
stats: {
stamina: 100,
skill: 0,
<<set $tournament = 0>>
<<set $version = 0.6>>
<<goto myroom>>
<<elseif $version == 0.55>>
<<set $email2 = false>>
<<set $suzy = {
name: "Suzy",
aff: 0,
cor: 0,
lvl: 1,
house: false,
<<set $trainee = {
name: "Astrid",
aff: 0,
cor: 0,
lvl: 1,
house: false,
stats: {
stamina: 100,
skill: 0,
<<set $tournament = 0>>
<<set $version = 0.6>>
<<goto myroom>>
<<elseif $version == 0.6>>
<<set $alexia = {
name: "Alexia",
aff: 0,
cor: 0,
lvl: 1,
<<set $melanie = {
name: "Melanie",
aff: 0,
cor: 0,
lvl: 1,
<<set $version = 0.65>>
<<goto myroom>>
<<elseif $version == 0.65>>
<<set $version = 0.7>>
<<goto myroom>>
<<elseif $version == 0.7>>
<<set $clara = {
name: "Clara",
aff: 0,
cor: 0,
lvl: 1,
<<set $lily = {
name: "Lily",
aff: 0,
cor: 0,
lvl: 1,
<<set $police = {
rank: 0,
task: [],
tasks: 0
<<set $version = 0.75>>
<<goto myroom>>
<<elseif $version == 0.75>>
<<set $city = false>>
<<set $markelbria = false>>
<<set $germanys = false>>
<<set $swedens = false>>
<<set $hideouts = false>>
<≪set $hq = false>>
<<set $completed = false>>
<<set $version = 1>>
<<goto myroom>>
Welcome to Corruption World, Player! In this world, you are the only one with power to make everyone submit to your will.
If you're not over 18, it is suggested for you to leave!