@@.speech-mc;- I’ll do everything now, little one, don’t be afraid! - you affirm, coming closer to her defenseless body.@@
You place one hand on her soft but firm ass, grabbing onto it. She groans again and you feel it under her skirt. She don't wear any panties.
@@.speech-girl;- What are you doing?!@@
<img class="centered-image" src="img/sis/underbed1.gif" width="400px">
@@.speech-mc;- Quiet, you underbed gnome, - you answer, spanking her ass, - I just need to grab onto something for support! It's your fault you was slut enough to not wear any panties!@@
@@.speech-girl;- But... uh... i just... changed... uf... them! @@
Continuing to enjoy the current situation, you slap her on the ass a couple more times to dissatisfied and indignant exclamations, and then grab her pussy well.
<img class="centered-image" src="img/sis/underbed2.gif" width="400px">
She couldn’t stand this anymore, or at least she shouldn’t have, but instead of exploding and getting out, she just moaned quietly:
@@.speech-girl;- $mcname ... ple-e-ease... ah... stop... oh.. ah... not... oh... not there... no... no... not there...@@
[[Such a sweet moans... maybe we can...|Какие сладкие стоны...]]What's wrong? Quite an honest answer. You're here for it. After all, there is a reward for good deeds, and you have done good deeds in the past. Why doesn't she do something kind for you now? And should this oblige you to anything?
<span class="red-text">Well said! Your thoughts should be in her ears! Or in the pussy... and preferably a dick...</span>
<span class="blue-text">I think that hearing this is as sad for me as it is for her.</span>
<span class="red-text">Pussy!</span>
<span class="blue-text">...</span>
Scarlet turned away from you after your words, but after a couple of minutes she turned back, putting on a fake smile. Her eyes were noticeably shining, but she said:
<img class="centered-image" src="img/scar/shame.gif" width="400px">
@@.speech-girl;- I love honest men. And I must admit, I liked the sex too! You were good! Your tongue works as it should! I didn’t even mind repeating it somehow, if you want!@@
@@.speech-mc;- Of course, baby. Your tongue for my tongue and stuff like this... Now it’s time for me to go. Business, business, business...@@
<img class="centered-image" src="img/scar/degenerate.gif" width="400px">
You shoot at her with your fingers, as probably only a complete degenerate would do in such a situation, and get up and leave. You really have things to do.
<span class="purple-text">Scarlet's love has dropped
Scarlet's submissiveness has increased</span>
[[We need to get out before she starts crying!|Многоэтажка]]Although you didn’t really remember such little things, after Scarlet’s words you really pulled out of your memory how you helped her several times over the past six months. Then it was easier to do this because you had supplies that your uncle got.
However, now you could help her with something else. Having recovered your strength after orgasm, you stood up and took her hand and led her to the sofa. Having fallen on him, you began to take off her clothes, but heard:
@@.speech-girl;- Wait, I’m not ready for this... you’re certainly a great guy, but...@@
<img class="centered-image" src="img/scar/firstkuni1.jpg" width="400px">
@@.speech-mc;- You misunderstood, red. You made me feel good, but even from here I can feel how wet it between your legs. The time has come for me to try you.@@
@@.speech-girl;- It's... possible... - was all she said with slight uncertainty.@@
Such consent was enough for you to push aside her panties and rest your lips on that beautiful fragrant pussy. Her heat hit you in the face. It felt like you could boil water on it. Scarlet immediately put her hand in your hair, pressing your lips into hers.
<img class="centered-image" src="img/scar/firstkuni2.gif" width="400px">
@@.speech-girl;- Right here... - she moaned.@@
You felt the bean of her clitoris and focused on it. The heat of her body became stronger, as did the scent. It seems she didn’t like what was happening much less than you did. While playing with her baby, you felt the hand on the back of your head begin to tighten, threatening to tear out a clump of your hair. Ignoring this feeling, you focused on your goal and continued to lick her hot pussy until her moans became unbearable.
<img class="centered-image" src="img/scar/firstkuni3.gif" width="400px">
@@.speech-girl;- More! Yes! So! MORE! MORE PLEASE!@@
And then an orgasm covered her, and you became aware. You've never seen such a hot pussy before. I even wondered what it would be like to penetrate it.
[[Couple of mins later|Пару минут спустя]]<img class="centered-image" src="img/gina/ginaform.jpg" width="400px">
It turns out to be Gina - one of the waitresses of the establishment and also your little sister's best friend. She is a perky and lively girl in her early twenties and she has absolutely no inhibitions. When talking about such people you usually think, “But they will teach you bad things!” And you and she periodically studied it together in the past.
In response to your greeting, Gina grabs your hand and pulls you a little away from the street. You don’t even have time to understand how you find yourself in the cafe, but only from the service entrance.
@@.speech-girl;- I have a surprise for you! - Gina whispers conspiratorially and too loudly, - You will like it!@@
<<set $kafeday1+=1>>
[[And it's began...|И действительно сюрприз не заставляет себя ждать.]]In her eyes you see sincere joy. It seems she didn’t even count on such an answer. And you yourself understand it. You also didn’t expect how things would end when you wanted to treat her, because you didn’t do it for the sake of a reward.
<span class="red-text">Do we believe? Ye-e-ea-a-ah!</span>
You've both been through a lot of crap in the last six months. The world is in a mess and in general there is little good around. If you look deep enough, you yourself are not sure what you feel towards this girl. But you are sure that now there are not many good people and chances for something real.
@@.speech-mc;- I wish I could tell you what I feel more accurately, but to be honest, I need to think. And I think you too. We’re both in such deep trouble that it’s scary to even think about it, - you smile a little, though it’s a sad smile, - But you... I won’t lie, you make my heart beat faster. So let's try and see?@@
@@.speech-girl;- Um, - she looks at you in a little surprise, - This is not the answer I expected. I thought you would just say “sex was good, sniff next time”...@@
@@.speech-mc;- Fuckling. Fuck-link was good, - you try to play with words while putting on a serious face.@@
<img class="centered-image" src="img/scar/harryface.png" width="400px">
She smile at you.
@@.speech-girl;- That not even a word... and don't interrupt, come on! I didn't interrupt you! In general, yes, I thought that you would say something like that and leave. But since you're so serious, then... yes. Why not! Let's see!@@
<img class="centered-image" src="img/scar/kiss.png" width="400px">
She smiles sincerely and perhaps even joyfully. You pull her towards you, hug her, and then kiss her. Perhaps this is the beginning of something wonderful!
<span class="purple-text">Scarlet's love has increased</span>
[[However, it’s time to get ready and get out - you still have things to do|Многоэтажка]]Тест:
<<set $blabla1=50>>
<<set $prologend=0>>
<<set $jorney=0>>
<<set $day to 0>>
<<set $days_to_rent to 7>>
<<set $loottime=0>>
Главный герой:
<<set $moraleg=0>>
<<set $moraleb=0>>
<<set $energy=3>>
<<set $str=1>>
<<set $dex=1>>
<<set $end=1>>
<<set $per=1>>
<<set $def=0>>
<<set $stes=0>>
<<set $atk=0>>
<<set $deffi=0>>
<<set $atkfi=0>>
<<set $health=0>>
<<set $armor=0>>
<<set $weapon=0>>
<<set $BandRep=0>>
<<set $GuardRep=0>>
<<set $siscorrupt=0>>
<<set $sislove=0>>
<<set $sissub=0>>
<<set $sislust=0>>
<<set $sisblack=0>>
<<set $sisrent=0>>
<<set $morningpeek=0>>
<<set $siscafe=1>>
<<set $sisdebt=0>>
<<set $sisanger=0>>
<<set $givesis=0>>
<<set $sissuckyou=0>>
<<set $sisfuckyou=0>>
<<set $sishome=1>>
<<set $ashcorrupt=0>>
<<set $ashlove=0>>
<<set $ashsub=0>>
<<set $ashtrouble=0>>
<<set $giveash=0>>
<<set $lolacorrupt=0>>
<<set $lolalove=0>>
<<set $lolasub=0>>
<<set $lolatroble=0>>
<<set $lootstash1=0>>
<<set $ginacorrupt=0>>
<<set $ginalove=0>>
<<set $ginasub=0>>
<<set $ginatroble=0>>
<<set $ginadanger1=0>>
<<set $scardad=0>>
<<set $scarlove=0>>
<<set $scarsub=0>>
<<set $scarcorrupt=0>>
<<set $scareat=0>>
<<set $scarproblem=1>>
<<set $seenscar=0>>
<<set $givescarfood=0>>
<<set $scarhunger=0>>
<<set $helpscar=0>>
<<set $scarvirgin=1>>
<<set $anyalove=0>>
<<set $bonnielove=0>>
<<set $bonniestart=0>>
<<set $bonniework=0>>
<<set $bonnieevent1=0>>
<<set $money=0>>
<<set $supplies=3>>
<<set $bullets=6>>
<<set $teddy=0>>
<<set $chocolate=0>>
<<set $coffee=0>>
<<set $junk=0>>
Снаряжение (для боевой системы):
<<set $revolver to 0>>
<<set $bat1=0>> номер 2
<<set $batB=0>> номер 3
<<set $knife=1>> номер 1
<<set $knife2=0>> номер 4
<<set $katana=0>> номер 5
<<set $armor1=0>> номер 10
<<set $helm=0>> номер
<<set $Kenzietalkday1=0>>
<<set $scarlettalkday1=0>>
<<set $magazday1=0>>
<<set $kafeday1=0>>
<<set $problemday1=0>>
<<set $kppday1=0>>
<<set $lootsupplies1=0>>
<<set $lootevent1=0>>
<<set $knowtwobanditos=0>>
<<set $robbed=0>>
<<set $jevent1=0>>
<<set $streetmeet1=0>>
<<set $gymloop=0>>
<<set $worktoday=0>>
<<set $workloop=0>>
<<set $workrep=0>>
<<set $needhelpopen=0>>[[Inventory|Инвентарь]]
[[Love Interests|Releationships]]
<<if $prologend==1>>
[[Return Home|Corridor]]<</if>>by S93<div style="display: flex; align-items: center;">
<div style="flex: 1;">
Warning page! Be careful!
This game contains scenes of a sexual nature, violence, cruelty, self-harm, drug use, alcohol use, harm to kittens, and possibly worse. You must be at least 18 years old to continue, or whatever the legal age is in your country.
All events in the game are fictitious, and any names, appearances, events or actions are fictitious and not real. People don't go around raping and killing in the real world. And by the way, I especially recommend that you don’t do this (unless you walking; walking is nice thing).
Love and respect women (but only if they deserve it, because in our world you have to earn it)!
[[I'm an adult!!|Подготовка игры]]
[[I can’t come here yet, but I still want to!|Жестокий мир]] <div style="flex: 1; display: flex; justify-content: center; align-items: center;">
</div><span class="red-text">After all, what do we have to lose? Nowadays it’s already difficult to survive, and if she’s a freeloader, then even more so!
Besides, they can make her a little more liberated there...</span>
<img class="centered-image" src="img/sis/fantasy1.gif" width="400px">
<span class="blue-text">Stop! No! A good brother should not think about such things!</span>
Having pulled yourself out of lustful thoughts, you return your eyes to your sister, who was just finishing kissing you on the cheek and wishing you good luck, saying something about a revolver...
<span class="purple-text">Karma has dropped</span>
[[She's worrying for nothing!|Коридор]]This is the end. Accept your death.
<img class="centered-image" src="img/story/restinpererony.png" width="400px">
Well, or start over. I think I can pretend I didn't hear you ;DYou will have to pay rent every seven days, and although you live in conditions that are far from ideal, you will have to pay 7 money bills. Don't forget to pay with points otherwise you'll have to pay with your ass (this is not a threat, but the literal words of your landlord)!
Days passed: $day
Days until rent is due: $days_to_rent
Good Karma: $moraleg
Bad Karma: $moraleb
Reputation with the Skulls: $BandRep
Reputation with the Guards: $GuardRep
Strength: $str
Agility: $dex
Endurance: $end
Perception: $per
<<return "Close Notepad" >><<set $posilka-=1>>Ugh... there's money inside! More precisely, the points that can be counted here.
<img class="centered-image" src="img/other/package.png" width="400px">
There are two dozen! You can live peacefully on this amount for several weeks and don’t even have to go anywhere!
<img class="centered-image" src="img/other/package2.gif" width="400px">
And yet - do you really want to ruin your relationship with Vincent? This will probably have bad consequences for you and your sister, because he knows your faces, and probably where you live too.
There is a non-zero chance that this choice will affect your morality and open up new moral perspectives in your moral and immoral life.
[[Don't take money|Отправиться внутрь искать Лолу][$moraleg+=1, $BandRep+=1]]
[[Take some|Отправиться внутрь искать Лолу][$moraleb+=1, $lolatroble+=1, $money+=5]]
[[Take it all|Жадный конец]]<<if $day== 0 and $Kenzietalkday1== 0 >>
Kenziee looks at you with concern. Her eyes sparkle slightly.
<img class="centered-image" src="img/sis/ispug.png" width="400px">
@@.speech-girl;- $mcname are you sure? Maybe you won't go? The cafe pays me well! We can hold out if we try!@@
You remind yourself that one of you needs to be a man, and at the same time you remember what kind of freaks come to this cafe...
@@.speech-mc;- You don't need to work there!@@
[[Or maybe let her work? A little debauchery never hurt anyone?|А может пусть работает? Немного разврата ещё никому не повредило?][$moraleb += 1]]
@@.speech-mc;- Listen, little sister, I know you want what’s best, but let’s do it my way this time, okay? There may be some good people working in this cafe of yours, but mostly only freaks go there!@@
@@.speech-girl;- Don't say that! They are always nice to me, and in general - now there is so much going on around me, and, as I heard, they help maintain order!@@
@@.speech-mc;- Okay... - you snorted under your breath and was about to move Kenziee out of your way, because you shouldn’t contradict the last man in the house.@@
@@.speech-girl;- Are you at least armed? - my sister asked carefully.@@
@@.speech-mc;- Of course! - you announced, not being completely sure of the truth of your words, - I wouldn’t forget such an important thing as a weapon before leaving!@@
The girl sighs slightly with satisfaction and kisses you on the cheek and goes to her room, leaving a parting wish for good luck. You were left alone in the corridor.
[[It's good that you didn't forget your revolver. You haven't forgotten, have you?|Коридор]]
<<set $Kenzietalkday1=1>>
<</if>>And right before your eyes, a picture of a similar nature is gradually approaching its completion. You hear how an unembarrassed man noisily cums right into Anya’s mouth, at the same time pushing her onto his penis, which is why the girl begins to actively puff, but it seems like this is not the first time for her.
<img class="centered-image" src="img/anya/anyasuc2.gif" width="400px">
Her mouth is flooded, and she herself is choking and trying to swallow. It turns out... well... what happens.
Feeling tension below the belt, you realize that you were distracted by what was happening in front of you and gave your body free rein. Poor Gina is now literally hanging on your dick, tightly holding your waist with her hands and either pushing you away or, on the contrary, pulling you towards her.
<img class="centered-image" src="img/gina/ginablow4.gif" width="400px">
Her throat tightens and you feel every friction of her muscles. She seems to be suffocating impaled on your dick. From these thoughts you can’t stand it and pour out straight into her throat.
<img class="centered-image" src="img/gina/ginablow2.gif" width="400px">
A second or two and you let her go, allowing the girl to noisily slide off you onto the floor. She loosens her arms and almost falls. You probably should have caught her, but the problem is that you were attracted by something that you don’t want to see right after a hot blowjob.
You were attracted by the evil look from the man now sitting at the table and looking straight at you.
[[Ooops...|Упс...]]<img class="centered-image" src="img/anya/cumface2.jpg" width="400px">
The risen Anya, with her face smeared with saliva and sperm, looks you up and down and lingers with interest on your penis. The guy she called Vince doesn't seem to notice and continues to scold you.
@@.speech-boy;- You know, fuck, if you were a girl, I would put you in doggy style and fuck you, or I would throw you off to my guys so they could teach you a lesson, but since you are just some kind of fucking moron, I will give you just one chance! Fucked out of here in fear!@@
<img class="centered-image" src="img/vince/treat.gif" width="400px">
Under his threats, you cower and decide to give in when a commanding voice just telling you to get out suddenly stops you.
@@.speech-boy;- Stop! Did you say something about going beyond the walls? - Vince asks you.@@
Not wanting to anger him in vain, you simply nod. For some reason, because of this whole situation, you had absolutely no strength to argue with him. Or maybe it's because of the orgasm you just had? Or maybe the guy just has the right bass?
@@.speech-boy;- And Kenziee... is this a waitress or what? Cute little blonde with sucking lips? - Vince insolently asks.@@
<img class="centered-image" src="img/vince/courage.gif" width="400px">
@@.speech-mc;- My sister actually! - you still can’t stand it.@@
@@.speech-boy;- That’s even better! So it’s a package - now I’ll give you an envelope. You're going to take it to the checkpoint and hand it over to a little whore named Lola, okay? She works there as a secretary. You will say that Vincent from the Skulls sent you, but don’t fuck it up to anyone but her, okay? If you do, I’ll forgive you for the this shit, and if you want to screw up, check the envelope or something else, I’ll give your sister to the guys and let you go around in circles. Frets?@@
The prospects were not encouraging on either side, but having a choice between two evils, you decided to submit. Anya watched what was happening with interest, assessing the dynamics around her. She managed to tidy herself up a little with the help of napkins and now stood as if nothing had happened.
You agreed to a delivery job for which you won’t even get paid, after which you received the envelope and moved away.
<img class="centered-image" src="img/vince/mailman.gif" width="400px">
As you were leaving through the main exit, you noticed Gina giggling in your direction and thought it would be a good idea to teach her a lesson.
<span class="blue-text">But this is not the first such setup from her... and why are we the only ones who always get caught? But okay, I don't blame you for anything. That guy is to blame.</span>
<<set $posilka=1>>
[[Return to streets|Улицы бедного квартала]]You decide that it would be a good idea to pocket the easy money and it... actually turns out to be a good idea!
<img class="centered-image" src="img/other/packbadend1.gif" width="400px">
You return home with Vince’s money and tell your sister that you shouldn’t go anywhere else. She, of course, asks where you got such wealth, but you answer evasively that where you got it - it’s no longer there.
<img class="centered-image" src="img/other/packbadend3.gif" width="400px">
The first day is spent in blissful ignorance and thoughts that everything really turned out well. On the second day, you notice that your sister somehow returned home late, and for some reason she locked herself in her room.
<img class="centered-image" src="img/other/packbadend4.gif" width="400px">
Suspicions creep into your head and then you decide to follow what is happening to her at work from which she refused to leave.
You make your way to the cafe only to see that in retaliation for the stolen money, Vince seems to have actually kept his promise and decided to let your sister pay for you fault. If earlier in the cafe visitors could only count on a blowjob, now a new, juicy and young option has appeared on the menu in the form of Kenzie’s pussy.
<img class="centered-image" src="img/other/packbadend5.gif" width="400px">
In days they rape her and when Vince tired of see you pitiful face - they just sold her and kill you.
<img class="centered-image" src="img/other/packbadend6.gif" width="400px">
Crap. Should have guessed...
<img class="centered-image" src="img/other/packbadend2.gif" width="400px">Sorry, baby, but this world is too cruel for a gentle kitten like you.
<img class="centered-image" src="img/story/kitty.jpg" width="400px">
I'll have to shoot you...
<img class="centered-image" src="img/story/cruelworld.jpg" width="400px">
<table><tr><td style="font-size: 20px;">[[BOOM!|БАХ!]]</td></tr></table>Not very wise way to spend supplies, but enjoyable one. She suck you like a vacuum to get you off as soon as possible and then get home to eat. Well, as soon you cum - you forget that you meet her too.
<img class="centered-image" src="img/other/whoreblow.gif" width="400px">
[[Get out|Улицы бедного квартала]]Not very wise way to spend supplies, but enjoyable one. She suck you like a vacuum to get you off as soon as possible and then get home to eat. Well, as soon you cum - you forget that you meet her too.
<img class="centered-image" src="img/other/whoresex.gif" width="400px">
[[Get out|Улицы бедного квартала]]Gina pulls you to a cafe. Having made her way inside through the employee entrance, the girl forces you to lay low and hide. You follow the squelching sounds and go out to the hall.
You are hiding behind the counter and watching as a man unknown to you and Anya are having fun right in the middle of the hall. They would not be visible through the windows, but given the sign at the entrance, they have time.
<img class="centered-image" src="img/anya/anyasuc.webp" width="400px">
You hear a whisper in your ear, which begins to sink lower and lower:
@@.speech-girl;- Look how this bitch blow... so seductively... now I’m jealous and also want something tasty. You wouldn’t refuse a girl who found herself in a difficult situation, right?@@
A gentle but strong hand fell on your fly, knowing exactly what it was doing. You feel that you are starting to get excited and are not entirely sure what to do next...
<span class="red-text">And I'll take you further, buddy! Rest for now!</span>
<img class="centered-image" src="img/gina/ginablow1.jpg" width="400px">
You put your hands on little Gina’s shoulders, making sure that she is comfortable and that she is definitely not going anywhere, but there is a quiet sound from below.
@@.speech-girl;- Mmm... I love it when you get turned on like that, Daddy...@@
Not even a second has passed, and your friend is already in Gina’s mouth, who begins to skillfully play with him with her hot tongue. Your fingers roughly hold her shoulders, as if you are afraid that she is about to try to escape.
<img class="centered-image" src="img/gina/ginablow3.gif" width="400px">
[[Girl know what to do and start to moan|Девушка лишь пыхтит и активнее начинает работать язычком.]]Food supplies: $supplies Coffee: $coffee
Ammo: $bullets
Money: $money
Teddy: $teddy
Chocolate: $chocolate
Junk: $junk
<<if $revolver == 0>>You are unarmed<<elseif $revolver == 1>>Revolver on the belt<</if>>
<<linkreplace "Melee weapon">><<if $weapon==1>>Your faithful knife is with you<<elseif $weapon==2>>You have a good old bat with you <<elseif $weapon==3>>The cool bat you got from Bonnie weighs your hand down <<elseif $weapon==5>>The katana is so light that you don’t even feel its weight, cool. <<else>>Only bare fists, but no less deadly for that. Joke. Less. Find a weapon.<</if>><</linkreplace>>
<<if $armor==10>>You're wearing a set of leather armor. Creaky.<</if>>
<<return "Close inventory" >><img class="centered-image" src="img/location/checkpoint.jpg" width="400px">
Fortified barricades, high walls made of garbage, cars and metal structures welded together - these are the walls separating your safe zone from the hellish streets where psychos and the infected are rampaging.
The checkpoint building is the only reliable way to leave the safe zone.
[[Return to streets|Улицы бедного квартала]]
[[Open Scav notepad|Открыть памятку мусорщика]]
<<if $kppday1==0>>
There are soldiers on the walls who could give you a light in terms of strength, endurance, agility, and even more so in terms of equipment. They protect us, but you still feel uneasy about the looks they give you and other people. It's like they're appreciating it.
<img class="centered-image" src="img/other/soldier.jpg" width="400px">
You catch the eye of one of them. The look of a predator wondering whether you will be worthy prey. He evaluates, evaluates and spits on the ground, turning away. He doesn't seem interested in you.
It's for the better.
<</if>><<set $kppday1+=1>>
<<if $posilka==1>>The envelope in your pocket reminds you of the task Vincent assigned you. Is it worth passing it on? Or maybe it's better to open it?
[[Open package|Вскрыть конверт]]
[[Go in to find Lola|Отправиться внутрь искать Лолу][$moraleg+=1, $BandRep+=1, $posilka-=1]]<</if>>
[[Go out from Safe Zone|Квартал близ безопасной зоны]]<<set $problemday1+=1>>
<img class="centered-image" src="img/gang/bandito.gif" width="400px">
You became interested in a group of Skull bandits who were coming to meet you. It would be better for you not to do this, because now these guys are also interested in you and, surrounding you on all sides, it seems that they want something from you.
@@.speech-boy;- So, asshole, who did you hit on? - the main one is apparently interested.@@
<img class="centered-image" src="img/gang/bandito2.gif" width="400px">
@@.speech-mc;- Guys, I have nothing and there’s nothing to take, let’s not quarrel out of nowhere? - you are trying to somehow correct the situation.@@
@@.speech-boy;- Did you hear that, guys? The cunt has nothing. Although his ribs seem to be in place! What if they are not there? We should count and check!@@
A group of guys begin to surround you from all sides.
<img class="centered-image" src="img/gang/bandito.jpg" width="400px">
<<if $AshSeen==1>>
[[- Have you seen that busty girl at the store? Maybe it’s better for her to mash something, I heard that she’s very easy to mash!|Решение проблемы][$BandRep+=1, $moraleb+=1, $giveash+=1]]<</if>>
<<if $revolver == 1>>
[[Grab a gun and point it at them|Решение проблемы][$BandRep-=1, $dex+=1]]<</if>>
<<if $moraleb >= 1>>
[[- Listen, I heard that there is a hot waitress in the cafe - maybe you’d better go pester her, eh, guys?|Решение проблемы][$moraleb+=1, $siscorrupt+=1, $givesis=1]]<</if>>
[[It seems that someone will be kicked, perhaps even kicked (and it looks like you)|Решение проблемы][$badend1=1]]<span class="blue-text">Stop right there, puppet of dark forces! I won't let you dishonor this innocent girl!</span>
<img class="centered-image" src="img/sis/batman.gif" width="400px">
The excitement suddenly disappeared from the realization that you really wanted to fuck your own sister. Thank God you pulled yourself together in time! On time...?
You quickly help Kenziee out. She looks at you with a completely red face and pushes you away.<<set $sissub+=1, $moraleb+=1, $sisanger=1>>
<span class="purple-text">Kenzie's submissiveness has increased
Karma has dropped</span>
[[Stop mocking her|Комната Кензи]]<img class="centered-image" src="img/location/cafe.jpg" width="400px">
The cafe called "Underground" and it's never sleeping. It's still quite early, but the regulars are still having fun here. In general, it’s more of a bar, considering that this is where the Skulls gang drinks away all their honestly stolen goods, but everyone calls it a Cafe, because that’s what it once was.
[[Return to streets|Улицы бедного квартала]]
<<if $kafeday1==0>>
The local owner, Anya, is a good lady, but she caved in too quickly to Skulls. She caved in both literally and figuratively. They calmly rule in her establishment, and she also serves them with her mouth from time to time. Well, at least things don’t seem to be going any further...
<img class="centered-image" src="img/anya/face1.jpg" width="400px">
Approaching the door with the "Break" sign, you become curious if she is busy right now when someone jumps out at you from an ambush.
@@.speech-girl;- BOO! - you hear an eccentric female scream behind you.@@
<img class="centered-image" src="img/gina/boo.gif" width="400px">
Startled slightly, you turn around, knowing what you will see.
[[- Hi Gina|- Привет, Джина]]
<</if>><img class="centered-image" src="img/location/citystreet.jpg" width="400px">
The poorest and most looted area in the entire city. Only the lazy haven't rummaged around here. However, who knows - maybe you should dig around too? How to know what surprises life has in store for you.
[[Go back to Сheckpoint|КПП]]
[[Look for supplies|Поискать припасы]]
[[Move further|Университет]]<img class="centered-image" src="img/location/sisroom.jpg" width="400px">
A small girly room. Nothing special, but it smells nice here, and there’s more air than in yours. Plus, everything around is so cute and soft, it’s even surprising.
<<if $morningpeek==0>>
<img class="centered-image" src="img/sis/sispeek.gif" width="400px">
And here she is. Your innocent cutie sister. Kenziee, as always, quickly jumps around the room getting ready. Apparently he is getting ready to go to work. You look at her and your heart feel hot.
<span class="red-text">... and not only heart!</span>
<span class="blue-text"><u>Damn you! Away with vulgar thoughts! Begone!</u></span><</if>><<set $morningpeek=1>><<if $sisanger==0>>
[[Talk to Kenziee|Поговорить с Кензи]]
<<elseif $sisanger==1>>
The door is closed for you now. They don’t want to see you here, even if this doesn’t happen often. However, apparently you yourself are to blame.<</if>>
[[Return to the corridor|Коридор]]It works sparingly, but is connected to the local network of the entire area. At least something here still works. We usually use this local net to exchange news and check if any of our neighbors are dead.
[[Watch some porn|Посмотреть порно]]
[[Look for some news|Поискать новости]]
[[Move away|Моя комната]]<img class="centered-image" src="img/location/corridor.jpg" width="400px">
Walking along the corridor you realize that this place is not falling apart. The smell of dampness reminds you that over the past six months you may have inhaled mold, and the quiet voices of neighbors from somewhere above and below remind you that you are not alone here.
[[Go to the your bedroom|Моя комната]]
[[Go to Kenziee's room|Комната Кензи]]
[[Go to the kitchen|Кухня]]
<<if $revolver == 0>>
[[Look around the corridor|Осмотреть коридор]]
[[Leave the apartment|Многоэтажка]]<img class="centered-image" src="img/location/kitchen.jpg" width="400px">
Your small kitchen. Electricity works and thanks for that. There must be some food in the refrigerator. If it runs out, you will need to buy more, otherwise if you just look into an empty refrigerator, there will be no more food.
...which is strange, right?
When you open the refrigerator you see all its contents.
Quantity of supplies: $supplies pieces
Perhaps we should leave something for the family? On the other hand, it won’t hurt to have some energy before leaving.
<<if $supplies == 0>>There was nothing left, everything was eaten!
[[Take something to eat|Кухня][$supplies -= 1, $energy += 1]]
[[Say goodbye to food|Коридор]]<img class="centered-image" src="img/location/shop.jpg" width="400px">
A shop where you can exchange various junk brought from the city for points, and then use them to buy supplies.
[[Get back to streets|Улицы бедного квартала]]
<<if $magazday1==0>>
The owner of this place is Alison. Hot lady with big tits and sexy form for her age. With an even hotter temperament. Constantly explodes at everyone who is weaker or poorer, and spreads like a tablecloth in front of the strong.
She is nothing but problems, especially for her daughter - Ashley. She's cute, but clearly scared as hell by her crazy mom and her stupid decisions. However, she get the great boobs from her mother.<</if>>
<<if $magazday1==0 & $giveash==0>>
Now the store is closed and you see how poor Ashley is loading heavy boxes that stand in front of the store. She tries to stuff them into the truck standing nearby. Maybe it would be worth helping her? Although you don’t want to waste energy, it can still be useful on a sortie.
<img class="centered-image" src="img/ash/ash1.jpg" width="400px">
<<set $AshSeen=1>>
[[Help Ash|Помочь Эшли]]<</if>>
<<if $magazday1==0 & $giveash==1>>
Returning to the store, you notice that the Skulls are friendly helping the owner lady - Alison - load the boxes into the truck. What nice guys, they should probably get over this very quickly.
<img class="centered-image" src="img/alison/alison1.jpg" width="400px">
True, for some reason they are in no hurry and do everything deliberately slowly. I wonder why? I also wonder where Ashley went, because she was previously assigned to deal with this cargo.
[[Look for Ashley|Продать Эшли]]
<</if>><img class="centered-image" src="img/location/appartametns.jpg" width="400px">
The entrance stinks of alcohol and urine. Someone painted the inscription “NO FUTURE” on the wall, and a little to the side of it there is an equally friendly “END IS HERE”. The elevator was turned off to save energy and you don’t envy those who have to climb to the sixteenth floor.
[[Third floor. Your apartment|Коридор]]
<<if $scarlettalkday1== 0>>
<img class="centered-image" src="img/scar/face1.jpg" width="400px">
On the second floor you make eye contact with your hot red-haired neighbor. Her name is Scarlet and although you are not very close, from time to time she keeps you company chatting about various trifles. You can’t help but notice her appetizing forms, which even at such a time attract glances. Now you are too worried and pass by, only nodding to her. She smiles slightly at you while standing on the stairs with a kind of lost look.<</if>>
[[To the streets|Улицы бедного квартала]]<<set $scarlettalkday1=1>>
<<if $scareat==0>>[[Scarlet is standing on the stairs and looks surprisingly hungry|Скарлет стоит на лестнице и выглядит на удивление голодной]]<</if>><img class="centered-image" src="img/location/youroom.jpg" width="400px">
This is how you live. It's modest and tasteless, but it could be worse, so there's not much to complain about for now.
How about "Go to bed" - really? Now? Hell no!
You can run [[PC|Компьютер]]
You can also look in [[Window|Окно]]
Open [[Armory|Оружейная]]
<<if $Kenzietalkday1== 0>>
[[Get ready and move into the corridor|Встреча в первый день]]
<<if $Kenzietalkday1== 1>>
Or go out to [[Corridor|Коридор]]
<</if>><img class="centered-image" src="img/story/chaos.gif" width="400px">
Your name is $mcname. When all this chaos began, you and Kenziee, your younger sister, managed to make your way through the chaos, the military, the looters and the infected to one of the safe zones located in the city.
This was about six months ago, and during these six months almost everyone had come to terms with the fact that help would not come. There was no connection not only with those who were outside the city, but even with its other districts. The infected, gangs of psychos and criminals ready to kill for a can of peas were rampant everywhere.
<img class="centered-image" src="img/story/looters.gif" width="400px">
In the safe zone, everything was better, but not much. The quarter was fortified, but the chances of a breakthrough or attack were still there. There was also a boom in crime. A bunch of gangs have appeared, among which the Skulls have become the largest in your area.
<img class="centered-image" src="img/story/bands.gif" width="400px">
[[Next|Точнее]]You got dressed, made sure that everything around was calm and quiet, and then went outside. You looked at Gina, who, although she was a little unhappy, seemed to have already resigned herself and said:
@@.speech-mc;- You better come back. You won’t be of any use to me here anyway, but there are enough dangers for your ass here.@@
@@.speech-girl;- Eh... - she sighed with a bit of regret, - It would be better in the ass...@@
@@.speech-mc;- Fool, that’s not what we’re talking about!@@
@@.speech-girl;- Yes, I understood, I understood! Already returning! And yet...@@
She closed the distance and leaned towards you, kissing you on the lips.
<img class="centered-image" src="img/gina/ginakiss.gif" width="400px">
@@.speech-girl;- Thank you for not abandoning me, my knight. I was glad to know that you are not indifferent to me. I'll see you when you get back and don't worry, I won't tell Kensi. It will remain our little secret for now.@@
After that, with a wink, she moved towards the safe zone, and you felt tired. After spending some more time wandering around the area and looking for some junk, you came back. You needed to rest.
[[Go back|End of prologue]]In one of the abandoned buildings you find a hiding place, which is located inside a fallen barrel. You stumble upon it out of pure luck and you can't believe your own eyes. There will be enough supplies and even various rubbish that can be sold upon return! This will make you some money!
<<set $lootstash1+=1>>
Of course these are someone's supplies and this is confirmed by the note on top. It says: “Redhead, don’t lose the goods and smuggle them inside as agreed. If it turns out like last time, you won’t get away with spankings alone. If you try to take something for yourself, you’ll pay with your holes, understand?” At the end there is an emblem in the form of a small shard.
Of course, you are not completely sure, but it seems you can roughly guess what we are talking about here. Perhaps someone needs these supplies more?
<span class="red-text">Of course not! You need them! Who knows what you can get for the money! I'm sure there will be a couple who want to suck you off for them! Yes, and I want to eat properly!</span>
<img class="centered-image" src="img/other/stash.gif" width="400px">
<span class="blue-text">Don't listen to your base desires! If anyone gets in trouble for this, then we shouldn't take it!</span>
[[Take supplies and leave|Квартал близ безопасной зоны][$money+=3, $supplies+=3, $lolatroble+=1, $moraleb+=1]]
[[Leave supplies and leave|Квартал близ безопасной зоны]]You approach this fragile creature and clasp her shoulders with your hands. In them she seems so small and defenseless.
<img class="centered-image" src="img/sis/hug.gif" width="400px">
@@.speech-girl;- What are you doing? - she asks, taken aback.@@
@@.speech-mc;- Don’t worry about anything, little one, I’ll figure it out and everything will be fine with us. Even if my uncle is no longer with us, you have me, and I have you. As long as we are together, everything will be fine!@@
From the confidence in your voice and such warm words, she relaxes and clings closer to you. You feel how small breasts press against your stomach and feel the sweet aroma emanating from her hair.
<span class="blue-text">She so beautiful...</span>
@@.speech-girl;- I know that with you I’m not afraid of anything. You always protected me, even if you used to be such a slacker, - she says with a laugh and gentle reproach in her voice, without opening her hands, - I have the strongest brother in the world!@@
[[You smile|Ты улыбаешься]]<img class="centered-image" src="img/scar/firstsuck.gif" width="400px">
A second or two and then your dick was in her mouth. Hot, wet and tender - this mouth was exactly the place where you wanted to go today. It would be nice to get a little lower, but then you’ll probably need to bring her a cake or something else tasty.
Scarlet seemed to have no intention of wasting time and immediately began to pick up the pace.
@@.speech-girl;- Slurp... squish... - was heard from under the table, while you rested your hands on its wooden covering and sat enjoying it, - You... squish... is so... mmm... delicious...@@
<img class="centered-image" src="img/scar/firstsuck2.jpg" width="400px">
@@.speech-mc;- Don’t talk with your mouth full! - you said, having adjusted to the situation.@@
She didn’t argue and began to work more actively with her tongue along the shaft, either going up and paying special attention to the head, or going down and starting to play with the balls.
@@.speech-mc;- You know what you want, Scar. Ugh... you good ar it... - you said, trying to somehow express in words the pleasure you felt.@@
It didn’t take too much time before she brought you to orgasm and, feeling it approaching, she began to suck more actively. A second later, she placed her beautiful face under the streams of your sperm.
<img class="centered-image" src="img/scar/firstsuck3.gif" width="400px">
@@.speech-mc;- Oh, damn... I should have treated you to dinner earlier...@@
@@.speech-girl;- And you do, - was heard under the table while she crawled out from under it, moving back, - And helped me a lot. Several times already. You're the only one here who care about me, except for dad. That's why I... well... I decided to please you. I hope you liked it.@@
[[- Liked? Hell yeah!|- Понравилось? Не то слово!]]There's nothing interesting to see
[[Move away|Моя комната]]When you get to the room and you assess the "good" condition of the bed, you wonder what Gina usually sleeps on.
However, they don’t give you much time to think. Excitement from murder, constant female touches and now the kisses that Gina presses into your lips - do their job. Your head is spinning, and your penis is erect.
<img class="centered-image" src="img/gina/ginakiss.jpg" width="400px">
@@.speech-girl;- Mmm... my brave hero! And it’s also me... mm... I wanted to come to your aid... ah... if you suddenly find yourself in trouble! - she says in between kisses, - I should... oh! We need to get into trouble more often... um....@@
@@.speech-mc;- Stupid girl, - is all you say.@@
@@.speech-girl;- But i'm yours stupid girl, - she murmuring.@@
<img class="centered-image" src="img/gina/ginakiss.gif" width="400px">
It took a whole bullet to save her. Well it would be worth it, because they are so fucking expensive.
[[Pants off|С тебя наконец-то стягивают штаны]]You continued to rhythmically fuck her hole, while everything between you squelched and splashed with love juices. The moans of the gagged mouth sounded muffled, but they could not be ignored. A few more blows, you felt, just a little and you will no longer have the strength to endure.
However, she was also close. Second by second, Gina will cum without holding back. Her face became increasingly illuminated with pleasure. Hit. Another blow. Wet flesh echoed wet flesh. Finally, you caught this fox by the tail and with one last powerful spank, you drove your friend as deep as you could.
Gina bent under you, no longer able to help or resist - she simply drowned in orgasm. Having finished right inside her, you yourself felt an unprecedented relaxation. Spilling all your pleasure into her loins, you didn’t even think about the consequences. It wasn't that important.
<img class="centered-image" src="img/gina/pussywork4.gif" width="400px">
However, a few seconds later, it became.
@@.speech-girl;- $mcname did you cum in me?! Are you stupid?! Do you know how difficult it is to get fucking birth control when there is no entertainment left in the world other than sex?! - finished Gina, who also understood what happened.@@
@@.speech-mc;- No more difficult than getting the bullet that I spent for you.@@
@@.speech-girl;- You... what a greedy fucker you are! - she exclaimed, pushing you off of her and starting to clean herself up.@@
<img class="centered-image" src="img/gina/ginaangry.gif" width="400px">
[[Well... it was fun|Ну вот и всё]]After searching a little among the things in your corridor, you find a weapon that you really seem to have forgotten before. Well done! It would be very stupid to leave without it!
<<set $revolver = 1>>
<span class="red-text">Deadly stupid, I must say! It would be very easy to die there. And then what would happen to our little sister? With this small, cute and defenseless baby, who is still so naive even in this situation... wow... and it’s scary to think... he-he...</span>
<img class="centered-image" src="img/sis/fantasy2.gif" width="400px">
<span class="blue-text"><u>Luckily this won't happen! We won't allow this, right?</u></span>
[[Take gun|Коридор]]<img class="centered-image" src="img/location/streetfighter.gif" width="400px">
Some people have completely lost their fear. What are they doing! However, considering what a mess we are all in, we need to somehow dispel the melancholy...
You pay attention to the girl in provocative clothes. She seems to be a whore. Maybe this is your chance to relax a little? Looks like she's getting supplies. You've heard something like 1 banknote for a blowjob and 2 for full sex.
<img class="centered-image" src="img/other/whore.gif" width="400px">
[[To hell with this|Улицы бедного квартала]]
<<if $money>=1>>[[Pay a whore for blowjob|Заплатить шлюхе за отсос]]<</if>>
<<if $money>=2>>[[Pay a whore for sex|Заплатить шлюхе за секс]]<</if>><img class="centered-image" src="img/other/tips1.jpeg" width="400px">
Hello buddy! If you have decided to become a scavenger, then congratulations - this is not an easy path and you will be accompanied by many dangers! However, this path will definitely lead you to great success, so here are a couple of tips for you so that the road is not too difficult:
- Always watch how much ENERGY you spend! If you spend it all, you will return home almost immediately, and if you return home with nothing, someone will have to pay for the food so that you do not die of hunger. How do they pay when there is nothing to pay with? You don't want this, do you?
[[Next page|Страница2]]
[[Leave|КПП]]@@.speech-mc;- Hey, hi, is anyone here? My name is $mcname and I'm looking for Lola!@@
When you go inside, you don’t waste any time and when you look around the checkpoint, you immediately call someone. Warm coffeee on the counter at the entrance hints that someone is here, but you don’t see anyone.
Taking another look at everything around you, you are surprised to discover a miniature girl of about twenty. She is holding a folder with something in her hands and looking up at you asks:
<img class="centered-image" src="img/lola/lolaface1.jpg" width="400px">
@@.speech-girl;- How can I help?@@
[[You look at her in fascination|Ты завороженно смотришь на неё]]<<set $scarlove+=1>>You put yourself in order and looked at each other with slight embarrassment, but with complete contentment. You got hard again, but she pretended not to notice anything, clearly not wanting to take things further today.
@@.speech-mc;- It was great, - you began, - You’re just fire, red. I'm not kidding, by the way. I don’t know how fast your heart was beat, but I almost burned there...@@
Her face flushed and you realized that this topic seemed to confuse her.
@@.speech-mc;- Don’t worry about it, everything is fine! As for what happened, I hope you liked it as much as I did.@@
@@.speech-girl;- Of course I liked it, but I just want to say - don’t think that I behave like that with everyone! And don’t think that I did this just because of food or something else! - She hesitated a little, and then added, - I just like you, that’s all!@@
<span class="purple-text">Scarlet's love has increased</span><<set $scareat=1>>
Slightly taken aback, you licked your upper lip. Scarlet didn't seem to understand this gesture because she arched her eyebrow. And yet you said:
[[- I like you a lot too!|- Ты мне тоже!][$scarlove+=1]]
[[- Well... i like how you suck...|- Ну... мне понравился секс...][$scarsub+=2, $scarlove-=1]]She looks at you with the eyes of Bambi and something aches in your chest from the thought that you will have to go on a sortie and you won’t be there. You hope that everything will be fine with her while you look for supplies, but your heart is still not at peace.
<img class="centered-image" src="img/sis/face2.png" width="400px">
<span class="red-text">Of course, considering what kind of environment you will leave her...</span>
@@.speech-girl;- Is there anything else you wanted $mcname ? - she asks with slight concern.@@
@@.speech-mc;- Yes, I’m still worried about who I’ll leave you with, - you honestly admit.@@
She smiles very sweetly and says:
@@.speech-girl;- Don't be discouraged! Since you have decided to go to the end, then why are you worried now? I believe that you will succeed and you will get us out! And I will help as much as I can too! Don't worry, brother, I won't be a burden!@@
These words don’t make it much easier, but don’t bother her here now until the second coming.
[[Move away from your sister|Комната Кензи]]
<<if $moraleb>=1>>[[Tell Kenziee that something fell under her bed|Сказать Кензи что у неё что-то упало под кровать]]<</if>>
<<if $moraleg>=1>>[[Hug Kenziee|Обнять Кензи]]<</if>>You are about to plunge into the cruel life of a nameless city on an unknown land, whose inhabitants have been fatally affected by a little-studied virus.
<img class="centered-image" src="img/story/voices1.gif" width="400px">
You will try on the role of a poorly drawn man who has specific sexual fetishes and hear some little voices telling him what to do in life. At the beginning of your journey, you are on the edge of life, living in a mossy room on the outskirts of a survivors' settlement. Your only joy will be your younger sister, whom you have managed to save so far.
<img class="centered-image" src="img/story/noface.jpg" width="400px">
There are many decisions ahead of you, most of which will lead to fairly predictable consequences. Will your hero become a selfish survivor ready to do anything for himself or will he try to take care of those whom he makes his loved ones? It's up to you to decide. In some way.
<<textbox "$mcname" "Enter the MC name here">>
[[LETS ROLL!|Начало игры]]<img class="centered-image" src="img/gina/watch.gif" width="400px">
Not wanting to take unnecessary risks, you hid and watched what was happening. Quite quickly, the girl gave up without a fight, for which she first received a couple of slaps in the face to the cheerful hooting of her opponents, and a couple of moments later they decided to cover her ass with blows.
Standing at a safe distance, you watched as they undressed her, brought her into combat readiness and gradually began to get use of her. Of course, it was quite a sight, especially considering that you know her.
<img class="centered-image" src="img/gina/tworaiders2.png" width="400px">
<span class="purple-text">Gina's corruption has increased
Karma has dropped</span>
[[Continue observation]]
Nothing new yet. We're still screwed. The world is still on fire. There is no news of rescue, no one cares about our city and we will most likely die here if we don’t do anything.
<img class="centered-image" src="img/other/news.gif" width="400px">
<span class="red-text">However, who did it fuck last?</span>
[[Turn off news|Компьютер]]<img class="centered-image" src="img/other/lookforsup.gif" width="400px">
After rummaging through the already well-trodden surrounding buildings for some time, the thought occurs to you that perhaps it’s not worth it. You're wasting your energy, but you'll only get any benefit if you're lucky. So far you've only managed to find some junk.
<<if $lootsupplies1==0>>
[[Grabs a few cans of canned food|Поискать припасы][$supplies+=2, $lootsupplies1+=1]]<</if>>
<<if $lootstash1==0>>
[[Discover the cache|Обнаружить тайник]]
[[Sadly move on|Квартал близ безопасной зоны]]Ten minutes later you are ready. Just in case, I even managed to wash myself in the sink. YOU NEWER KNOW!
<span class="blue-text">You shouldn't be thinking about this! Be a gentleman! Not everything in life is about sex!</span>
You knock on her apartment, and when it opens, you are thrilled. Scar managed to dress up a little. Either she likes you or she is REALLY hungry.
<img class="centered-image" src="img/scar/face3.jpg" width="400px">
@@.speech-girl;- $mcname ! Finally, I'm so hungry! Come in quickly.@@
Once inside you look around. The apartment is about the same as yours and Kenzie's. And there are a lot of men's things too. It seems that Scarlet has a father, but you don’t know him. It will be nice if he comes back soon, because you don’t even want to think about how lousy it will be for her to be left all alone.
@@.speech-mc;- It’s nice here, - you remark.@@
@@.speech-girl;- Do you think this is nice? - she laughs, having already started fiddling around the stove, - You should have seen our old house! It was just the best there... and mom liked it...@@
She sighs heavily, but it’s hard for everyone right now. You both understand this.
[[After eating|После еды]]<<set $magazday1+=1>><<set $ashlove+=1, $moraleg+=1>>The girl puffs and puffs, trying to lift a box with some rubbish. She seems to be having a hard time, so you decide to come over and help.
@@.speech-mc;- Hey cutie, do you need help?@@
She looks at you confused, but after waiting a couple of seconds she speaks.
<img class="centered-image" src="img/ash/ash2.png" width="400px">
@@.speech-girl;- It wouldn't hurt. Just don’t think... well... all sorts of things, okay?@@
Like a true knight, you nod and, smiling, begin to help her with the boxes.
@@.speech-girl;- Mom is acting weird again. She decided to sell such a large batch of things, but refused to pay the driver for help in loading. She told me “you know what to do! do so and he can help”... - the girl began to explain herself at fault and you seem to understand perfectly well what exactly her mother meant.@@
@@.speech-mc;- Don’t worry, I won’t leave you in trouble! Don't want to see such a cute girl to strain her back, although if you do, you see, I could help stretch it out, heh, - you joke and smile from ear to ear as you throw another box into the truck. @@
The driver grunts to you words.
<img class="centered-image" src="img/ash/helpash.gif" width="400px">
Ashley looks at you embarrassedly and purses her lips and says:
@@.speech-girl;- Listen $mcname thank you. You helped me a lot! If I can give something back, just tell me! Just don’t ask for a discount in the store, okay? But if there’s absolutely nothing to eat, just come and I’ll try to come up with something...@@
@@.speech-mc;- Thank you, Ash, you are golden! But don’t worry - I’ll soon become a famous scavenger, I’ll bring a bunch of goods for sale and you’ll be treated to something!@@
@@.speech-girl;- I would like chocolate... - she dreams quietly, - ... I haven’t tried it for a long time.@@
@@.speech-boy;- ARE YOU FUCKING DONE FUCKING THERE ALREADY? - someone shouts displeasedly from the driver’s cabin.@@
After looking around, you realize that all the boxes are loaded. You are a true hero. The car rumbles away, and Ashley spends a few more minutes thanking you for your help. In the end, she decides to hug you and you feel heroic enough to allow yourself to enjoy this.
<img class="centered-image" src="img/ash/ashhug.jpg" width="400px">
However, it’s time for you - you need to work so as not to die of hunger.
<span class="purple-text">Ashley's love has increased
Karma has increased</span>
[[Finish unloading and return to the streets|Улицы бедного квартала]]@@.speech-mc;- Oh, I'm so full! You have great talent with the food, Scar, - you say, putting down your cutlery and moving away from the table.@@
@@.speech-girl;- I always wanted to be a cook, - one hears from somewhere under the table.@@
<span class="blue-text">What?! From under the table?</span>
@@.speech-girl;- And I’m not at all full, - notes Scarlet, whose face appears at the level of your fly, - I want dessert.@@
@@.speech-mc;- Ahem... um... I don't dare to hold you back...@@
And it really didn’t seem possible to hold her. Her soft hands were already lying on your belt, and her head, which had just emerged from under the table, was already licking itself predatorily, looking straight at your groin.
<img class="centered-image" src="img/scar/firstsuck.jpg" width="400px">
[[One opened fly later|Одну растёгнутую ширинку спустя]]<img class="centered-image" src="img/other/porn2.gif" width="400px">
Why am I doing this? Why now? Why here? The world around me is collapsing, and what am I doing?
<img class="centered-image" src="img/other/porn1.gif" width="400px">
I'm looking at a couple of holes and ti...
<img class="centered-image" src="img/other/porn3.gif" width="400px">
<span class="red-text">Oh... fuck... she got it!</span>
[[Get off porn|Компьютер]]When you reach the next open door, you freeze and watch what is happening. Some two bastards, most likely raiders or maybe even local bandits from the Skulls, cut off the girl’s exit and persuaded her to lay down her arms.
<img class="centered-image" src="img/gina/ginacornered.gif" width="400px">
<<if $kafeday1==1>>Just recently, Gina was blowing you in a cafe, and now she either followed you, or went out to do some business of her own. She was clearly in trouble. And it’s possible that after her last “gift” she deserved to get into trouble herself.<</if>>
Understanding where this is going, Gina seems to be gradually beginning to reconcile. At least these guys were not infected, and although at first she was clearly in the mood to fight, she may have now begun to calm down. You know for sure that Kenziee would not be happy to see such a pathetic and very unpleasant outcome for her best friend. Maybe you should help her?
<img class="centered-image" src="img/gina/ginasad.png" width="400px">
On the other hand, Gina is a pain in the ass and you've already gotten into trouble a few times because of her. True, she fucks all she needs, and she loves this business. So maybe this is what she was counting on?
[[Just watch it happens|Позволить незнакомцам воспользоваться Джиной][$moraleb+=1, $ginacorrupt+=1, $ginatroble+=1]]
<<if $revolver == 1>>
[[Shoot one of the fuckers and save her|Пристрелить одного и угрожать второму чтобы сбежал][$moraleg+=1, $ginalove+=1, $bullets-=1, $BandRep-=1]]<</if>>@@.speech-girl;- Well, no! - she answers smartly, despite her hungry appearance, - Well, that is, I don’t mind if you treat me, but... well... you’d better come to me, otherwise it will be completely embarrassing! I don’t want you to think that I’m an ungrateful fool who will come running to eat and run away! Go ahead, bring the food, and I’ll cook it at my place! I'll feed us both and take care of you, okay?@@
<img class="centered-image" src="img/scar/winkwink.webp" width="400px">
You smile and nod, deciding that there is no point in arguing. She is beautiful, calls you to her and promises to take care of you - what fool would refuse?
<span class="red-text">Especially the part about “taking care.” I hope she does it right away and doesn’t drag it out like some fucking virgin!</span>
<span class="purple-text">Karma has increased</span>
[[Go take grocery and return to Scar|Пойти за продуктами и вернуться к Скар]]<img class="centered-image" src="img/gina/pullthetrigger.gif" width="400px">
You shoot one of the guys in the back when he reaches out to Gina. He screams and falls to the floor dead. The second one turns to you angrily, but seeing the gun in his hands he understands that the jokes are over. You cock the gun and say threateningly:
@@.speech-mc;- Get away, bastard. Thats my girl.@@
<img class="centered-image" src="img/gina/backoff.gif" width="400px">
You try to keep your voice strong, but it still cracks a little when you see the happy smile spreading across Gina’s face.
@@.speech-boy;- No problem, mister, there are plenty of holes in the sea... - mutters the bastard.@@
You go around each other and you keep him at gunpoint. Then you wait for him to run away and only when you are convinced that this has happened do you turn to Gina. It doesn't appear before your eyes.
@@.speech-girl;- My knight in shining armor, - she says from her knees, trying to get to your pants.@@
<img class="centered-image" src="img/gina/myhero.gif" width="400px">
@@.speech-mc;- Why are you completely nuts?! It's time for us to get out of here!@@
@@.speech-girl;- Not until you receive your reward! - says the girl who seems completely unfazed by the body next to her.@@
<img class="centered-image" src="img/gina/revard.gif" width="400px">
<span class="red-text"><u>This cunt is right! Maybe for the first time in my miserable life! Accept your reward, hero!</u></span>
@@.speech-mc;- So... well... let's at least change the location, okay?@@
@@.speech-girl;- Oh. OK. And even though this corpse is warm, it’s somehow not respectful, you’re right! I saw the bed while I was hiding! In good condition, by the way!@@
<span class="purple-text">Gina's love has increased
Karma has increased
You lost the bullet</span>
[[She pull you by hand|Она тянет тебя за собой]]<<set $magazday1+=1>>
Looking into the alley behind the store you see an unpleasant picture. Poor Ashley who was literally pinned to the wall. What did this have to do with the very leader of the Skull gang, whom you sent here?
<img class="centered-image" src="img/ash/ashtrouble1.jpg" width="400px">
There was horror on her face while he pulled off her bra and groped and licked her beautiful tits. At some point, he even began to bite her nipples, but then the girl could not stand it and pushed him away.
@@.speech-girl;- Time's up! - she screamed.@@
@@.speech-boy;- Well, nothing, - the man answered grinning, licking his lips demonstratively, - I’m sure this is not the last time we worked so well together. It seems your mommy needs help at the store quite often, huh, tits? I think we'll meet here again. The main thing to remember is that you shouldn't piss me off. The fact that we managed without rape today is the merit of your accommodating tittys!@@
You turned away and hurried to leave before you noticed. In general, this was the legitimate result of your actions. It's a pity of course Ash, but you avoided problems.
<<set $ashcorrupt+=1>>
<span class="purple-text">Ashley's corruption has increased</span>
[[Go away|Улицы бедного квартала]]You only had enough time to rip off her panties, because you weren’t going to stand it anymore. Her soft skin, her aroma and the heat of her body - all this beckoned you to relax and dissolve in her.
<img class="centered-image" src="img/gina/fingering.gif" width="400px">
With your fingers you made sure that she was flowing like the last bitch and penetrating finger into her pussy give Gina some reasons to moan. Then you pulled out your finger and put it in her mouth so she could lick it.
While she was busy with your finger, you took advantage of her distraction and decided to suddenly enter. He will know how to joke with you.
<img class="centered-image" src="img/gina/pussywork.gif" width="400px">
Gina twisted like a snake more from pleasure than from pain and began to move towards you even before you began to increase the pace. It was as if she really wanted this. Her face was adorned with a mixture of pleasure, lust and... happiness?
<img class="centered-image" src="img/gina/pussywork2.gif" width="400px">
You yourself didn’t even expect to see her so pleased, because usually you didn’t even get to the point of sex, and if it did, it was more like a mixture of animal fucking or an angry fuck. It was a rare case when you were with her not because you WANTED her, but because you wanted HER. Or at least that's what Gina clearly thought.
And she seemed to like it. She liked the idea that now in her wet pussy, shaking from every blow, there was a person who came to her rescue in difficult times. But I could have quit. I also spent a bullet. At least that's what it seemed like.
<img class="centered-image" src="img/gina/pussywork3.gif" width="400px">
Her moans became more and more intense. So much stronger that you even had to shut her mouth with the words:
@@.speech-mc;- You’re a fool, what if the infected hear us?!@@
[[Orgasm is coming|Оргазм близко]]Напоминашка по поводу кодов речи:
@@.speech-mc;ТУТВВОДИТЬТЕКСТ@@ - речь ГГ
@@.speech-girl;ТУТВВОДИТЬ@@ - речь женских персонажей
@@.speech-boy;ТУТ@@ - речь мужских персонажей<<if $giveash==1>>
After a little hesitation, the leader examines you and nods.
<img class="centered-image" src="img/gang/aprove.gif" width="400px">
@@.speech-boy;- Well, okay, you live. Maybe you are still level if you are ready to share such information with the guys. Thanks for the tip, little thing, otherwise it’s hard to find a good pussy these days. We'll go and check what the holes are rubbing in there.@@
He waves his hand and the others part, moving away from you. Looks like Ashley is going to have a fun shift today. However, is this your problem?
<span class="purple-text">Relations with the Skulls have increased
Karma has dropped</span>
[[Continue the journey|Улицы бедного квартала]]
<<elseif $dex==2>>
<img class="centered-image" src="img/gang/afraid.gif" width="400px">
The leader hisses at you, stepping back with his hands raised:
@@.speech-boy;- Don’t wave the barrel, you fucker, not in the bathhouse! We were just joking, right guys? I wish we could get in touch with such a fucking idiot who can barely grab a gun...@@
They separate and walk off in different directions in disappointment.
Apparently they were not ready for eggs of THIS size. Well, you yourself, to be honest, weren’t.
<img class="centered-image" src="img/gang/dealwithit.gif" width="400px">
<span class="purple-text">Agility increased
Relations with the Skulls have decreased</span>
[[Continue the journey|Улицы бедного квартала]]
<<elseif $givesis==1>>
@@.speech-boy;- Waitress, you say? - Skull examines you, - What do we need from that waitress?@@
@@.speech-boy;- Hey, boss, I think I remember who he’s talking about. She's such a cute girl with a stupid expression and a great ass. The tits are small, but rest seems okay.@@
They look at each other and even confer a little, discussing what they could have done with your sister if not for the patronage of a certain Vincent in relation to the cafe and its owner.
@@.speech-boy;- Okay, I’m starting to get hard from these conversations, and to be honest, I don’t really want to talk about this next to this schmuck. Get the fuck out of here and don’t forget to hold your poo on the way, otherwise you’ll drop it!@@
<img class="centered-image" src="img/gang/getpunch.gif" width="400px">
They punch you onse just for fun and send you away, but you leave almost unharmed. However, will everything be okay with Kenziee? Well... they seemed to be talking about some kind of protection, so probably.
<span class="purple-text">Kenziee's corruption has increased
Karma has dropped</span>
[[Continue the journey|Улицы бедного квартала]]
<<elseif $badend1>>
You try to fight back but...
<img class="centered-image" src="img/gang/facepunch.gif" width="400px">
<img class="centered-image" src="img/gang/badend2.gif" width="400px">
They throw you to the ground and start kicking you. While this is happening, you feel worth and misarable. You can't protect even youself. However, you can always try again when they stop, right?
<img class="centered-image" src="img/gang/badend3.gif" width="400px">
<img class="centered-image" src="img/gang/badend4.gif" width="400px">
Alas, this is not entirely true, because at some point they take out the bats while walking around. The bloody pile of meat that was your body is found a few hours later at the very peak of the day, but no one can determine who you are and everyone quickly becomes indifferent.
The fate of your sister turns out to be worst of possible. When her brother disappears after her uncle, poor Kenzie has to be left completely alone and come to terms with the terrible reality in which she is nothing more than a toy for lustful men.
<img class="centered-image" src="img/gang/badend5.jpg" width="400px">
At first they start using her in cafes, and after Skull tired of her - they sell her into slavery to raiders behind the wall.
<img class="centered-image" src="img/gang/badend6.gif" width="400px">
Her future life is an existence in the form of a living hole for dicks. There's nothing more she can do.
<img class="centered-image" src="img/gang/badend7.jpg" width="400px">
<img class="centered-image" src="img/gang/fatality.gif" width="400px">
<</if>>@@.speech-girl;- It’s nice, it’s nice, it’s been a long, long time, - Gina said, parodying the asian woman, kneeling down. - Misa is getting suckie-suckie. Gina is good suckie-suckie.@@
<img class="centered-image" src="img/gina/hornyblowjob.gif" width="400px">
It seems she was tired of playing knight and princess, but it’s good that at least she didn’t lose the desire to play with your “sword”. She took a little notice and swallowed your dick almost without any problems.
<img class="centered-image" src="img/gina/blow1.gif" width="400px">
Feeling the softness of the girl's mouth and the excitement of the fact that you are doing this outside the safe zone - you are seriously turned on. Your hands went to the back of the girl’s head and you began to pound her right in the throat.
<img class="centered-image" src="img/gina/blow3.webp" width="400px">
She almost didn’t gag, she willingly swallowed and pressed on your palms, with the look of her tear-filled eyes as if begging you to treat her more harshly.
<img class="centered-image" src="img/gina/blow2.gif" width="400px">
@@.speech-girl;- Moooa... mooooaaaa... - was all she said with the dick in her mouth when it came out of her throat.@@
With her face covered with the big three (drool, tears and lube) - Gina would have continued to suck further, if not for one “but”. You weren't going to take her that easy. She still owed you for the wasted bullet.
[[Time to strip someone|Раздеть Джину]]Trusting her beloved brother, she crawls under the bed to check what fell there. You can't resist noticing the view.
<img class="centered-image" src="img/sis/bedcheck.gif" width="400px">
Suddenly she yells:
@@.speech-girl;- Ooh! I think I'm stuck! Brother, please help! Damn, of course I can get out, but I’m afraid that then I’ll tear my clothes, and I’ll have to go out soon anyway, so raise the bed, I beg you! - was heard from under the bed.@@
<span class="red-text">You've seen enough porn to know where this is going, or at least where it's supposed to go.</span>
<img class="centered-image" src="img/sis/bedstuck.gif" width="400px">
[["Help me step-brother!" - sounds in your head.|"Help me step-brother!" - звучит в твоей голове.]]You greet her with a small smile, but she seems too hungry to give you anything other than a sad puppy look.
<img class="centered-image" src="img/scar/puppylook.jpeg" width="400px">
@@.speech-girl;- Hello, $mcname, are you in a hurry as always? - she asks.@@
@@.speech-mc;- Not today, Scar, you look kind of sick. Did something happen?@@
@@.speech-girl;- Dad hasn’t returned from the raid yet. Right now I can’t even afford to eat normally. I have to save on everything. But who am I telling - you have recently sacrificed a lot for Kenziee... - she tries to smile, but it looks pitiful.@@
You think that she is generally a good girl. She helped you in the past when she could. And yes, you also helped her in small ways, but still, now she clearly could use someone’s support. Maybe you should help her?
<<if $supplies!=0>>
[[Invite Scarlet to your place and feed her|Пригласить Скарлет к себе и накормить][$moraleg+=1, $supplies-=1]]
@@.speech-mc;- It’s a pity that we don’t have enough supplies ourselves right now. I wish I could help with something but... - you say with thin smile.@@
She look on you with sadness.
[[You say goodbye and leave|Многоэтажка]]<img class="centered-image" src="img/other/tips2.jpeg" width="400px">
- If you encounter an event on your way that does not waste your ENERGY, it means it is something not very important and most likely it will repeat itself more than once in your life. On the other hand, if you encounter any events that waste your energy, it means you get something for them and they can influence something. You shouldn’t roll back and save energy if the event didn’t seem interesting. Maybe it will play later? Who knows...
[[Next page|Страница3]]
[[Leave|КПП]]<img class="centered-image" src="img/other/tips3.jpeg" width="400px">
- Different parts of the city promise different problems, but all of them have the same thing - AMMUNITION is worth its weight in gold because they resolve conflicts sharply, quickly and completely. Take care of your bullets and don’t rush to put them in the heads of those you really don’t want to die.
- Time brings new events and new opportunities. This doesn't mean that every DAY you will encounter a lot of amazing and sexy adventures, but as the story progresses, they will most likely begin to accumulate. Don't forget to explore the locations around you and poke your poke everywhere you can! Don't be afraid to go back, because sometimes back is forward!
[[Next page|Страница4]]
[[Leave|КПП]]<img class="centered-image" src="img/other/tips4.jpeg" width="400px">
- Well, the last thing. Don't be afraid to take responsibility for your decisions even if they seem wrong. You shouldn't run away from them, but if you still decide to do so, I don't judge.
Good luck on your journey, my friend!
<img class="centered-image" src="img/other/salute.gif" width="400px">
[[Leave|КПП]]<<if $blabla1>=50>>
Ты это видишь потому что не сработало!
[[My Room]]
sislust: $sislust
[[Live to win|Fight: Scav]]
<<set _rnd = random(1, 5)>>
<<= _rnd>>
<<if _rnd == 1>>
<<elseif _rnd == 2>>
[[Rape Oral]]
<<elseif _rnd == 3>>
[[Rape Anal]]
[[Rape Gangbang]]
<</if>><img class="centered-image" src="img/location/mall.jpg" width="400px">
Once upon a time there were a lot of shops and a lot of things here. Honestly, right now it doesn't seem like such a bad idea NOT to go here, because if you think about it, this place is too much of a target. Surely too many would like to be here.
[[Go back|Университет]]<img class="centered-image" src="img/story/uncle.gif" width="400px">
You're lucky. Your and Kensi's uncle was cool and strong enough to take care of both of you. He was one of the "scavengers" - people who go outside the walls of the safe zone in order to find at least some supplies. They brought them and sold them for points - the local currency introduced by the Security Guards (the guys who represented the authority of the safe zone).
<img class="centered-image" src="img/story/heisgone.gif" width="400px">
Some time ago he went on a mission and has not returned yet. You started to run out of points and your sister had to start working in a cafe to somehow provide for you. You had a simple choice - either watch her do everything herself, or take matters into your own hands and, after thinking a little, you decided to become a scavenger.
<img class="centered-image" src="img/story/scav.jpeg" width="400px">
Frankly speaking, you know little about how life goes outside the safe zone, but the feeling is that it can’t be worse than here. Plus, you are ready to do a lot to confirm your status as the head of the family and protect your little sister. You have a bunch of supplies left over from your uncle and the intention to become a tough son of a bitch, and we’ll soon find out what happens next.
<img class="centered-image" src="img/story/coolguy.gif" width="400px">
[[It's time to take matter in you own hands!|Моя комната]]<span class="red-text">Such a little body would feel nice on our dick! It would be funny! You can come up with so many poses!</span>
<img class="centered-image" src="img/lola/lolafantasy1.webp" width="400px">
<span class="blue-text"><u>How can you think this way about every poor soul we meet during this damn difficult time...?</u></span>
<img class="centered-image" src="img/lola/lolafantasy2.gif" width="400px">
<span class="red-text">It’s not just possible, but necessary! Imagine what they would do to her during a gangbang!</span>
<img class="centered-image" src="img/lola/lolafantasy3.gif" width="400px">
Following the screams and voices, you find yourself at a fork in the road. It seems that before it was all one big university campus, although now there are only empty buildings, ruins and holes with the infected around.
<img class="centered-image" src="img/gina/runfor.gif" width="400px">
Screams came from a building that once seemed to be residential. You carefully step inside, not understanding what is drawing you to this dangerous place. The first room that you had a chance to examine turned out to be empty, but the deeper you moved, the more clearly you heard what was happening.
<<set $ginadanger1+=1>>
Two male voices were talking and it seemed there was also a female voice shouting at them. A rather familiar female voice, I must say. You can't believe she's here, but it looks like it's Gina!
[[Get closer|Приблизиться к голосам]]@@.speech-mc;- Thank you. It’s nice to hear this, but about the strongest thing, you’re going too far, heh, - you answer contentedly, letting go of Kenziee.@@
Pulling back for a second, she jumps up and pecks you on the cheek. Well, or rather trying to. I accidentally missed and hit your lips, you clumsy fool!
<img class="centered-image" src="img/sis/firstkiss.gif" width="400px">
<span class="red-text">Or was it intended that way...? She took the first step herself! Get it while it's hot and wet!</span>
She pulls away, flushed like a tomato.
<img class="centered-image" src="img/sis/flatteredsis.gif" width="400px">
@@.speech-girl;- I... it's... you... we... I you... oh! OOOOYYY!@@
Her reaction is priceless, but not even a couple of minutes pass before you, having convinced that it was all an accident, are escorted out of the room. Literally being pushed out. And the door closes behind.
The last thing you noticed was Kenziee's gaze, which was looking straight at your boner, which before seemed to be resting on her stomach. Hm.<<set $sislove+=1, $sisanger=1>>
<span class="purple-text">Kenziee's love has increased</span>
[[Kenziee's Room|Комната Кензи]]<img class="centered-image" src="img/location/lowstreets.jpg" width="400px">
And here we are again on the streets. It's still a dump. The quarter is not very rich and there is not much to catch here. Only problems. Of course, there is almost no security - except for the thugs whom someone feeds, or the Skulls who cover the points.
[[Return home|Многоэтажка]]
[[Go to Cafe|Кафе "Росток"]]
[[Go to Store|Магазин]]
[[Go to Сheckpoint|КПП]]
<<if $problemday1==0>>
[[Looks like you see some problems|Кажется ты видишь проблемы]]
[[Look around|Осмотреться]]<img class="centered-image" src="img/location/university.jpg" width="400px">
You even studied here once. A year and a half. I wonder if any of your classmates are still alive? Or maybe, on the contrary, one of them has now become a crazy mutant creature and is running around the university? It would be nice not.
[[Go back|Квартал близ безопасной зоны]]
<<if $ginadanger1==0>>
[[You hear scream, need to check|Ты слышишь крики и решаешь проверить]]
[[Go further|Торговая площадь]]<img class="centered-image" src="img/vince/vinceanger.jpeg" width="400px">
@@.speech-boy;- Why the fuck do we have spectators here? - the man asks angrily.@@
@@.speech-girl;- Oh, Vince, it's... oh, fuck... $mcname is that you? What have you forgotten here?@@
@@.speech-mc;- Um... I just came to see Kenziee before going beyond the wall! - you blurted out the first lie that came to mind to save your ass.@@
@@.speech-boy;- And that’s why now you’re standing with your dick out, watching them suck you off?! - the man still shouted angrily, pointing at you, - I still fucking missed seeing someone’s flaccid pod after a good blowjob, damn it!@@
You look down and realize that Gina seems to have crawled into the kitchen, leaving you in a not very good position.
<img class="centered-image" src="img/gina/ginaleave.gif" width="400px">
<span class="blue-text"><u>Shame! We need to come up with something!</u></span>
@@.speech-mc;- I... I... um... sorry... this is the most... sorry, guys...@@
[[Shit...|Дела...]]Цветовые коды, чтобы не забыть:
- red (красный)
- green (зеленый)
- blue (синий)
- black (черный)
- white (белый)
- yellow (желтый)
- purple (фиолетовый)
- orange (оранжевый)
.purple-text {
color: purple;
.green-background {
background-color: #00FF00;
.blue-text {
color: blue;
.green-background {
background-color: #00FF00;
.red-text {
color: red;
.green-background {
background-color: #00FF00;
:: Пассаж
Выберите цвет текста или фона:
<span class="red-text">Этот текст красный.</span>
<div class="green-background">Этот фон зеленый.</div>@@.speech-girl;- Um... is there something on my face? - the girl asks seeing your autistic reaction.@@
@@.speech-mc;- What? Yes? No! NO! Damn, sorry, I was lost in thought. You're Lola, right?@@
She laughs a little at your reaction and nods.
<img class="centered-image" src="img/lola/lolaface2.jpg" width="400px">
@@.speech-girl;- In the flesh. We don't know each other, right?@@
@@.speech-mc;- No, I’m $mcname and I kind of, - you switch to a whisper, - have to give you this... from Vince. You know him...?@@
Handing her the envelope, you see her face change slightly. At first she seems surprised, but then she becomes serious.
<img class="centered-image" src="img/lola/sadlola.jpg" width="400px">
@@.speech-girl;- You are from “these”... clearly. Thank you, I understood everything. If that's all, you can go. Or they say something else?@@
Her smile disappeared as soon as she saw the envelope, so you think that maybe you did something not very good. Or maybe it's the other way around. Not clear. Either way, this is over and it's time to move on. Perhaps today you will not return home because many more dangers await you.
<<set $lolalove-=1>><span class="purple-text">Lola's love has dropped</span>
[[- Nope, i go!|КПП]]
[[- Well, now when you asked...]]<img class="centered-image" src="img/lola/mcsmirk.gif" width="400px">
<span class="red-text">You found a crack and apparently decided to try to push your finger in there. Keep it up!</span>
@@.speech-mc;- Well... - you say, - Vince owe me some money and say you can work his debt.@@
@@.speech-girl;- WHAT?! I'm not a... - she stop in hesitation and you see opportunity.@@
Grabbing Lola by her face, you pulled her towards you and said in a rude manner:
<img class="centered-image" src="img/lola/lola1.jpg" width="400px">
@@.speech-mc;- He said that you might be a little intractable, but he warned that I just need to remind you of the consequences of your refusal!@@
Of course, you didn’t know all the details, but it was obvious that Vince had some kind of business with her, and given the package, it was probably not very legal. He is a bandit, and she is among the law enforcement guys. So you decided to push.
@@.speech-mc;- I want to get what I'm owed, okay?@@
She don't say a word. Maybe was to scared. It was perfect for you. You decide to turn her and have a feel of something lower.
<img class="centered-image" src="img/lola/lola2.jpg" width="400px">
[[- W-wait...]]She start to hesitate while you freely slap her ass. Lola even don't try to fight back and you quickly realized why. Her panties was wet enough to wipe the floor with.
@@.speech-mc;- Looks like we got here some Guard-Slut, - you say with a grin, - Maybe i should I call your colleagues? Maybe they wanna play too?@@
@@.speech-girl;- No! Please, don't do this! I will cooperate! - she cry with cracking voice.@@
@@.speech-mc;- No, slut, not cooperate - you will submit to me here and now!@@
You start undress the poor girl and then put you dick to her face. Not eve let her time to answer. Just put her on counter and make her suck you cock.
<img class="centered-image" src="img/lola/lola3.gif" width="400px">
Without giving her time to think, you grab her head and begin to help her push herself onto your rock hard-on.
<img class="centered-image" src="img/lola/lola4.gif" width="400px">
@@.speech-mc;- Well done, slut. Not want it at first but look where you go know!@@
@@.speech-girl;- *gwak-gwak-gwak* - was olny answer she can give you know.@@
<img class="centered-image" src="img/lola/lola5.gif" width="400px">
She know her way aroud dick, that's for sure. Not much time she need to take you to the edge. Not wanting to waste you cream you take a coffee cup standing near by.
@@.speech-mc;- I help you to spice you coffee, slut. No need to thanks, - you say while cum in her cup.@@
The girl, still shocked by the situation, continued to lie on the counter. When you got ready you look on Lola who start to clean up. She look at you with shame, fear and anger, but quietly ask:
@@.speech-girl;- You say to Vince i made my part of the deal?@@
@@.speech-mc;- We will see, - you say with a grin.@@
<<set $lolasub+=1, $moraleb+=1>>
<span class="purple-text">Lola's submission has increased
Karma has dropped</span>
[[Go out|КПП]]Throughout the previous part of the game, you made choices and they led to different consequences. These consequences will influence the events in the following parts. And in the next part, mechanics finally appear! There still shouldn't be a lot of grinding, but it feels more like a game now. Have a great adventure!
<img class="centered-image" src="img/other/choise.jpg" width="400px"><br><br>
<<set $revolver=1, $prologend=1>>
The decisions you made led you to:<br><br>
<<if $sislove > $sissub>>You and Kenzie are slowly getting closer. How to know where the fact that you are the only reliable man in her life will lead you...?<br><br><<elseif $sissub > $sislove>>Your authority for your little sister becomes more significant. You take advantage of the current situation for your own pleasure. Why not?<br><br><</if>>
<<if $ginalove > $ginacorrupt>>Thanks to your actions, your and Gina's friendship (with benefits) began to blossom. It might even turn into something more.<br><br><<elseif $ginalove < $ginacorrupt>>You and Gina are still the same sex friends you were before. She might have a little crush on you, but you don't really care.<br><br><</if>>
<<if $scarlove > $scarsub>>Your actions have led to the fact that Scarlet, who liked you before, begins to show more attention to you. Intresting what awaits you in the future?<br><br><<elseif $scarlove < $scarsub>>You may have broken little Scarlet's heart with your decision, but who cares? She seems to want something from you and she will probably have to “pay” to get it.<br><br><</if>>
[[Go to Part 1|Go to bed]]<img class="centered-image" src="img/gina/tworaiders3.jpg" width="400px">
Gina had always been a whore, so now that she was in this situation, her nature began to take over. At first she resisted and was clearly unhappy, but the more actively they heated her, the more she became involved.
And then, after a few minutes and a couple of hot blowjobs, she felt something penetrating her pussy. It seems that one of the Skulls found it too boring to play with her mouth, or maybe there was simply not enough space there... in any case, Gina's pussy met an unexpected friend.
<img class="centered-image" src="img/gina/tworaiders2.jpg" width="400px">
You continued to watch with bated breath. Fortunately there was a reason. It was, right? You probably wanted to make sure that everything would be fine with Gina in the end or something...
[[Yeah! The reason!]]Gina's wet slit was fucked by one guy while the second was pounding his dick in her throat with all his might. Although the girl got involved, she was clearly not happy with this treatment. However, this was an opportunity for you.
<img class="centered-image" src="img/gina/tworaiders.jpg" width="400px">
You noticed the rapists' belongings conveniently scattered around the room. While they were busy, you decided to take advantage of the moment and earn some money. While Gina was moaning, you carefully approached to they things and began to go through pockets. "Willie" and "Dilly", meanwhile, didn’t even pay attention to you.
@@.speech-boy;- Well done, bitch! Good working with that mouth of yours! How lucky for us to find you here! - say one of Skull-boys while you made it not so lucky for them.@@
Having taken the money from their clothes, you took one last look at what was happening. It seems one of the Skulls was a little short on stamina and decided to go for a break. Gina lay there and didn’t look particularly happy while the second one continued to fuck her, but it seems this time he used her ass...
<img class="centered-image" src="img/gina/ginasadsex.jpg" width="400px">
Well... not you problem!
<span class="purple-text">4 money bills looted</span>
<<set $money+=4>>
[[Time to return|End of prologue]]<img class="centered-image" src="img/other/s93.jpg" width="400px">
Dear friend,
I am S93-seko widow of late President Mobutu Sese-seko of Zaire, now known as Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). I am moved to write you this letter. This was in confidence considering my present circumstance and situation. I escaped along with my husband and two of our sons Alfred and Basher out of Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) to Abidjan, Cote d’ivoire where my family and I settled, while we later moved to settled in Morroco where my husband later died of cancer disease.
I have deposited the sum Eighteen Million United State Dollars (US$18,000,000,00.) With a security company for safe keeping. What I want you to do is to indicate your interest that you can assist us in receiving the money on our behalf, so that I can introduce you to my son (Alfred) who has the out modalities for the claim of the said funds. I want you to assist in investing this money, but I will not want my identity revealed. I will also want to acquire real/landed properties and stock in multi-national companies and to engage in other safe and non-speculative investments as advise by your good self.
Yours sincerely,
Mrs. S93 Seseseko.
<<return "Return" >><img class="centered-image" src="img/location/youroom.jpg" width="400px">
This is how you live. It's modest and tasteless, but it could be worse, so there's not much to complain about for now.<br><br>
How about [[Go to bed]]<br><br>
You can run [[PC]]<br><br>
Open [[Armory]]<br><br>
<<if $sisloveq1==1>><<linkreplace "Someone knocking at the door">><img class="centered-image" src="img/sis/face2.png" width="400px"><br><br>
You open the door and see Kenzi. She stands in front of you, looking surprisingly elegant. Considering where you live, she usually prefers not to stand out, but this time...<br><br>
@@.speech-mc;- Hey, are you going somewhere or what? - you ask with slight bewilderment.@@<br><br>
You wouldn't want to let her go like this. Especially considering what's going on in the city.<br><br>
@@.speech-girl;- Well, yes. We should talk... I thought we could go somewhere. Together. You and I... how on... um... - she is clearly embarrassed and you, seeing that she is squeezing out words, prompt her.@@<br><br>
@@.speech-mc;- Date?@@<br><br>
@@.speech-girl;- What?! Well... well... yes. It’s just... we would never have been able to think about something like this before because... we are a family...@@<br><br>
<<if $sislove > $sissub>>@@.speech-mc;- Yes, but you know, little sister, that the world is no longer the same as before. The old rules don't work.@@<br><br>
She smiles and nods at you, after which she asks with slight apprehension:<br><br>
@@.speech-girl;- So... we... uh... we go?@@<br><br>
<span class="blue-text">Love. This is so wonderful! Maybe...</span><br><br>
<span class="purple-text">WARNING: This quest leads to permanent changes in your relationship (at the end there will be a plot fork and you will have to choose)! As a result of some choices, some events may not be available! Move on at your own discretion and risk!</span><br><br><<else>>With a grin on your face you say:<br><br>
@@.speech-mc;- Only people who are equal can go on dates. But we already know that you are not my equal, right? You are my cute little sister who loves to suck my dick... I mean, what does that mean?@@<br><br>
She looks at you a little disappointed and asks:<br><br>
@@.speech-girl;- No date?@@<br><br>
@@.speech-mc;- Exactly. But I can take you for a walk as my pet. How do you like this idea?@@<br><br>
Kenzi looks at you with slight doubt for a moment before nodding uncertainly.<br><br>
@@.speech-mc;- That’s great, - you conclude contentedly.@@<br><br>
<span class="red-text">Well-well, someone grew some ball! Great job taming this brat!</span><br><br>
<span class="purple-text">WARNING: This quest leads to permanent changes in your relationship (at the end there will be a plot fork and you will have to choose)! As a result of some choices, some events may not be available! Move on at your own discretion and risk!</span><br><br><</if>>
[[Agree and go with her|sisloveq1]]<br><br><</linkreplace>><</if>>
Or go out to [[Corridor]]<<if $moraleb>=5 && $moraleg<=4>><<set _rnd = random(1, 5)>><img class="centered-image" @src="'img/dream/d1b/' + _rnd + '.gif'" width="400px"><br><br>
It seems your dreams have become more aggressive lately. You wake up horny and a little dissatisfied that there is no one at hand who could fix it.<<elseif $moraleg>=5 && $moraleb<=4>><<set _rnd = random(1, 3)>><img class="centered-image" @src="'img/dream/d1g/' + _rnd + '.webp'" width="400px"><br><br>
In a dream, you seem to see someone who is not indifferent to you. You wake up with the feeling that you need to do something, but quickly forget what it was. It seems you were thinking about someone, but who exactly?<<elseif $moraleg>=5 && $moraleb>=5>><<set _rnd = random(1, 2)>><img class="centered-image" @src="'img/dream/d1ch/' + _rnd + '.webp'" width="400px"><br><br>
In your dream you see something disturbing... you're not sure what it is. You are carried along like a leaf in a storm and you cannot stop. What's happening to you...?<<else>><<set _rnd = random(1, 5)>>
<img class="centered-image" @src="'img/dream/d1/' + _rnd + '.gif'" width="400px"><br><br>
In a dream you see something very pleasant, but it’s difficult to remember what exactly in the morning. On the other hand, you are sure that there was something pleasant there.<</if>>
<<if $days_to_rent>=1>>
[[Open eyes|My Room]]<</if>>
<<if $days_to_rent==0>>
[[Open eyes|Time to pay rent]]<</if>>
<<if $loandays==0>>
<<goto "loantime">><</if>>
<<if $sislove >= 3 && $sissuckyou==0>>
<<linkreplace "You are having an unusually pleasant and realistic dream">>
You open your eyes slightly and see how Kenziee, red with lust, sucks your dick, and you lower it into her mouth.<br><br>
<img class="centered-image" src="img/sis/sislove7.webp" width="400px">
What is this? Fantasy or dawn miracle? It seems that this is not the first time she has done this, because she acts very confidently.<br><br>
@@.speech-mc;- Kensi...?@@<br><br>
@@.speech-girl;- Oh, damn... $mcname ... this... I... - she is lost in thoughts and coughs slightly, choking on your jizz, - Cof... oh... fuck... kh... @@<br><br>
You help her come to her senses a little, after which you ask what she was doing. She, flushed with embarrassment and excitement, sharply says:<br><br>
@@.speech-girl;- It's all you! I see how excited you are all the time! I understand that you suffer from this and... well... I decided that I could help!@@<br><br>
@@.speech-mc;- Well... - you start, and then you think “what the hell!”, - ... thank you. This really helped. That's why I've been feeling a little better than usual lately!@@<br><br>
You see how the embarrassment and fear on your sister’s face turns into joy.<br><br>
@@.speech-girl;- Is it true?! Really, really? Oh great! I thought you were going to swear!@@<br><br>
@@.speech-mc;- Well... you did this for me. Just ask for permission next time, okay?@@<br><br>
@@.speech-girl;- Oh, I... of course! Next time? Oh... I'll... go, brother! Good night!@@<br><br>
And she runs away. <br><br>
<<set $sissuckyou=1>>
<span class="blue-text">Wow?</span><br><br>
<span class="red-text">Yeah. Wow exactly.</span><</linkreplace>><</if>><br><br>
<<if $day>=10 && $jorney==0 && $sishome==1 || $sishome==2 || $sishome==3 || $sishome==4>><<linkreplace "What is that noize? Stomping?">>Kenzi bursts into your room without really knocking and wakes you up earlier than you would like with a scream:<br><br>
@@.speech-girl;- $mcname you should hear this! @@<br><br>
At first you don't really understand what's going on, but she explains.<br><br>
@@.speech-girl;- Uncle John! He was found! Well... that is... not quite found... one guy in the Cafe yesterday said that he saw him in the city during a long outing! Can you imagine?! Uncle John is alive! I couldn’t sleep all night and wanted to tell you! You'll follow him, right? You are so cool, strong and generally the most important in our house! You will definitely be able to find it if you try! - she looks worried, and no wonder, because your uncle protected you and busted his ass for you long before the epidemic, and even more so after it.@@<br><br>
Of course there are doubts, but we must at least try.<br><br>
@@.speech-mc;- I’ll go to the Cafe and ask your visitors. If someone really saw him, I’ll try to find out something.@@<br><br>
@@.speech-girl;- Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! - your sister rushes at you with hugs, - You are the best! The best!@@<</linkreplace>><</if>>
<<if $ginaloan==1>><<set $loandays-=1>><</if>>
<<if $loan==1>><<set $loandays-=1>><</if>>
<<if $energy < 0>> <<set $energy = 2>> <<elseif $energy <= 4>> <<set $energy += 2>> <</if>>
<<if $givescarfood==0>><<set $scarhunger+=1>><</if>><<if $scarhunger==3 && $scarcorrupt<=5>><<set $scarhunger=0, $scarcorrupt+=1>><<elseif $scarhunger==3 && $scarcorrupt>=6 >><<set $scarhunger=0>><</if>>
<<set $day+=1, $days_to_rent-=1, $morningpeek=0, $sisanger=0, $streetmeet1=0, $seenscar=0, $givescarfood=0, $scartalk=0, $worktoday=0, $workloop=0, $worktodayg=0, $lpuntoday=0>>
<<if $sislust<=90>><<set $sislust+=10>><</if>><<if $sislust>=100>><<set $sislust=100>><</if>>
<<set $girlwork=0>>
<<if $siscafe==1>><<set _rndcafe = random(1, 3)>><</if>>
<<if $siscafe==0>><<set _rndcafe = random(1, 2)>><</if>>
<<set $cafegirl = _rndcafe>><<set $streetmeet = random(1, 5)>>
<<set $timewithsis=0, $sispunish=0, $gymloop=0>>It works sparingly, but is connected to the local network of the entire area. At least something here still works. We usually use this local net to exchange news and check if any of our neighbors are dead.
[[Watch some porn]]
[[Look for some news]]
[[Move away|My Room]]<img class="centered-image" src="img/location/corridor.jpg" width="400px"><br><br>
Walking along the corridor you realize that this place is not falling apart. The smell of dampness reminds you that over the past six months you may have inhaled mold, and the quiet voices of neighbors from somewhere above and below remind you that you are not alone here.<br><br>
[[Go to the your bedroom|My Room]]<br><br>
<<if $sishome==1 || $sishome==0>>[[Go to Kenzie's room]]<<else>>[[Go to Kenzie's room|sisroom2]]<</if>><br><br>
[[Go to the kitchen]]<br><br>
<<if $helpscar>=3 && $scarq1b!=1 && $scarq1g!=1>><<linkreplace "Someone at you door">>
<img class="centered-image" src="img/scar/face2.jpg" width="400px">
Opening the door you come across Scarlett. Looks like she was the one knocking.<br><br>
@@.speech-boy;- Hey! - you greet her.@@<br><br>
@@.speech-girl;- Hi, - she replies with a slight smile.@@<br><br>
There is a short pause. Then you simultaneously start saying something and get confused. The situation is straight out of some cheap romantic comedy.<br><br>
@@.speech-boy;- Listen... - you begin, after you both fall silent, - If you’re worried about what happened between us at that dinner, don’t be. I thought there was something between us, but you've obviously been ignoring me lately, so I decided...@@<br><br>
@@.speech-girl;- Wait! - the redhead interrupts you and slightly pushes you inside the apartment, and then leans on your chest and lowers her lips to yours.@@<br><br>
<img class="centered-image" src="img/scar/kiss.png" width="400px">
When you break the kiss, you look at her with some bewilderment, and she, blushing either from shame or from excitement, begins to say:<br><br>
@@.speech-girl;- Thank you for helping me. I know it was you who left groceries for me. This means a lot to me. I don’t know what I would have done without your help... But you see, I was in trouble. And to be honest, I don't want to drag you into it. My dad disappeared and... I hired someone to find him. I didn't have much money, so I agreed to borrow and... well... now I'm all out. There isn't even enough for food. And they want more. The guy from whom I borrowed turned out to work for Skulls and... I don’t know what to do... the mercenaries brought me information and said that they know where my father is, but... they want more money, and also these people from whom I borrowed before that...@@<br><br>
<span class="red-text">Doesn't want to drag you in, huh? The pussy is clearly cheating you out of money. This is a classic "damsel in distress".</span><br><br>
<span class="blue-text">Looks like she's really in trouble. And we must help her! It is unknown what will happen to her if we leave everything like this!</span><br><br>
<<set $scarans=0>>
Scarlet remains in your arms, pressing her hot body against you. She sobs slightly, clearly trying to hold back her tears.<br><br>
<<linkreplace "Hug her and say you can work something out">><<if $scarans==0>>You hug her gently and stroke her hair with your hand and say:<br><br>
@@.speech-boy;- Don't be afraid, Scarlet. I already realized that you are a problematic lady, but I don’t want this problematic lady to get into problems at all.@@<br><br>
She smiles slightly in your arms and says:<br><br>
@@.speech-girl;- You're talking some kind of nonsense again, $mcname ...@@<br><br>
@@.speech-boy;- I mean, I’ll make sure everything is fine with you. Tell me more about everything that happened, and I'll deal with the rest.@@<br><br>
<span class="red-text">Okay, Mister Generosity, at least show her who's boss. Say "I am the Law".</span><br><br>
<<linkreplace "Say it">>
<img class="centered-image" src="img/scar/low.png" width="400px">
@@.speech-boy;- I am the Law.@@<br><br>
@@.speech-girl;- What? - Scar ask with no idea what you talking about.@@<br><br>
@@.speech-boy;- I am the Law, - you repeat.@@<br><br>
@@.speech-girl;- Ok-a-ay... what kind of weird face are you making? Are you trying to cheer me up? If yes, then you can do it, - she says with a wide smile.@@<br><br>
<img class="centered-image" src="img/scar/law.png" width="400px">
@@.speech-boy;- But... I am the Law...@@<</linkreplace>><br><br>
Scarlet, somewhat cheerful, hugs you back and tells you about her misadventures. After her story, you understand that you will have to contact the Skulls and it is not a fact that everything will be resolved peacefully. However, you shouldn’t let things get bloody if you don’t want problems for all of you. You will have to make concessions or cunning. In addition, she will have to deal with the mercenaries she hired. It's best to use money here. You will need to get about 10 bills, however they can wait. <br><br>
You say goodbye to Scarlet and promise to visit her when you achieve something.<br><br>
<<set $scarq1g=1, $scarlove+=1, $scarans=1>><span class="purple-text">Scarlet's love has increased</span><<else>>You made you choice<</if>><</linkreplace>><br><br>
<<linkreplace "Advise her to start prostitution">><<if $scarans==0>>@@.speech-boy;- Damn, that's lousy Scar. It's a pity that I can only help with advice.@@<br><br>
She sobs a little and pulls away from you, and you continue.<br><br>
@@.speech-boy;- You understand that this is all your stupidity, right? You brought problems on yourself and now it’s like you’re trying to throw everything on me, expecting a big strong man to come and solve everything. That's not how it works. I need to take care of myself and Kenzi, you know. I helped as much as I could, but this is too much.@@<br><br>
As you speak, her eyes fill with despair and tears. However, you continue:<br><br>
@@.speech-boy;- I know that you tried your best, but you got yourself into these problems. And now you have only one choice. You should use what you have to get out.@@<br><br>
@@.speech-girl;- But... I have nothing left... not even an apartment... - she begins, but you interrupt her without listening.@@<br><br>
@@.speech-boy;- Your body. You're damn hot, you know it. I'm sure many would pay for the opportunity to be with such an Irish beauty like you. And times now are such that girls can do a lot with their bodies.@@<br><br>
@@.speech-girl;- I don’t... - she began, but then fell silent under your gaze.@@<br><br>
@@.speech-boy;- You know that I'm right. And you brought this on yourself, I tell you. If you don't want to die from poverty or debt problems, then you will have to accept this opportunity. But I'm ready to help you. If you work for me and not for the tramps from the street, then I think it will be easier for you. And I'll have some fun for myself.@@<br><br>
She looks at you with a frightened and at the same time look of disbelief. She is silent for a while. Then he turns around and leaves.<br><br>
<<set $scarq1b=1, $scarsub+=1, $scarans=1>><span class="purple-text">Scarlet's submission has increased</span><<else>>You made you choice<</if>><</linkreplace>><</linkreplace>><</if>><br><br>
[[Leave the apartment|Apartment]]Nothing new yet. We're still screwed. The world is still on fire. There is no news of rescue, no one cares about our city and we will most likely die here if we don’t do anything.
<img class="centered-image" src="img/other/news.gif" width="400px">
<span class="red-text">However, who did it fuck last?</span>
[[Turn off news|PC]]
<<if $siscorrupt>=4>><<linkreplace "Someone posted a video of a couple fucking in a local bar">>
<img class="centered-image" src="img/sis/sisinter.gif" width="400px">
The girl and her voice are a little familiar to you. Maybe this is actually just a fragment from some porn video that you watched before? Who knows. The scenery is definitely familiar to you. Wait... a local bar... what if...?
<img class="centered-image" src="img/other/osoznanie.gif" width="400px">
<<linkreplace "This can't be...">>
Because you watch so much porn, you'll start getting hard on by dicks?! Oh, no! You need to stop this madness, get girl and fuck her hard! Yeah! It's can work!
<</linkreplace>> <</linkreplace>><</if>><img class="centered-image" src="img/other/porn2.gif" width="400px">
Why am I doing this? Why now? Why here? The world around me is collapsing, and what am I doing?
<img class="centered-image" src="img/other/porn1.gif" width="400px">
I'm looking at a couple of holes and ti...
<img class="centered-image" src="img/other/porn3.gif" width="400px">
<span class="red-text">Oh... fuck... she got it!</span>
[[Get off porn|PC]]<img class="centered-image" src="img/location/sisroom.jpg" width="400px">
A small girly room. Nothing special, but it smells nice here, and there’s more air than in yours. Plus, everything around is so cute and soft, it’s even surprising.
<<if $sishome==1>><<linkreplace "Peek at your sister">>
<<if $morningpeek==0 && $sislust <= 10>>
You look into Kenziee's room and see her slowly fiddling with her mink. It seems the tension is making itself felt and your innocent little sister is gradually coming out of her shell.
<img class="centered-image" src="img/sis/mast1.gif" width="400px">
<<set $morningpeek=1>>
<<elseif $morningpeek==0 && $sislust >= 10 && $sislust <= 20>>
This time she plays her pussy more furiously. Penetrates her with his fingers. Plays with the labia. This kind of sight turns you on, but... you shouldn't. Maybe. Look. Right?
<img class="centered-image" src="img/sis/mast1.gif" width="400px">
<<set $morningpeek=1>>
<<elseif $morningpeek==0 && $sislust >= 20 && $sislust <= 100>>
<img class="centered-image" src="img/sis/mast1.gif" width="400px">
She's there again. Playing with his pussy. Clearly unable to calm her down. You hear your sister’s moans.
@@.speech-girl;- $mcname please... do it... yes, brother... please...@@
<<set $morningpeek=1>>
Yes, this little slut is fantasizing about you! Damn!
<<if $sissub>=3>>
You enter the room. You've already punished her enough to know that she will obey. Especially now when her body is in such a vulnerable state.
@@.speech-mc;- Kenzie! Are you're being naughty again, you little slut?!@@
@@.speech-girl;- Br... brother!? What are you doing here?!@@
@@.speech-mc;- Your moans could be heard throughout the house! - you're lying, - And I'll have to punish you thoroughly! It really looks like the usual methods don’t work anymore! We'll use what we have...@@
You pull her off the bed and put her on her knees.
<img class="centered-image" src="img/sis/mast3.gif" width="400px">
@@.speech-mc;- Now - suck it. If you want to act like a whore so bad, then it's time to teach you how to be one. I'd rather do this than some bastard from the Cafe or somewhere else!@@
She doesn't seem to resist. She just looks at you with a surprised face, and her penis is already clamped between her lips.
@@.speech-girl;- Plap-plap-plap! - is all you hear from her right now.@@
<img class="centered-image" src="img/sis/mast4.gif" width="400px">
No resistance. Only submissiveness. You feel how your younger sister works your penis with her tongue and doesn’t even think about fight back. Is it all about arousal or is it about the fact that she actually loves you?
The difference is not great as long as you can feel that hot and tender mouth on your thick staff.
At first she only sucks hesitantly, but gradually gets involved. You feel that she is starting to like it and then you take her head...
<img class="centered-image" src="img/sis/mast5.gif" width="400px">
@@.speech-mc;- Looks like my sister really grew up to be a whore! - you say, cumming in her mouth, - Well, it’s okay, at least you will be of some use in this case. Only you got it wrong, little sister. It was punishment, and you began to enjoy it! Well, never mind, I’ll also train you to behave correctly and obey me!@@
<<set $morningpeek=1>>
You let go of her and walk away, leaving Kenziee alone. What is she thinking about as she sits with her brother's first drink running down her lips? Who knows...<<set $sissuckyou=1, $sislust-=30, $sissub+=1>>
<span class="purple-text">Kenziee's lust decreased
Kenziee's submission increased</span>
<<else>>You already peeked at her today<</if>>
[[Talk to Kenziee|Talk]]<<elseif $sishome==0>>It's quiet here. Too quiet and unusual... Who can help? Maybe Anya?<</if>>
[[Return to the corridor|Corridor]]<img class="centered-image" src="img/location/kitchen.jpg" width="400px">
Your small kitchen. Electricity works and thanks for that. There must be some food in the refrigerator. If it runs out, you will need to buy more, otherwise if you just look into an empty refrigerator, there will be no more food.
...which is strange, right?
When you open the refrigerator you see all its contents.
Quantity of supplies: $supplies pieces
Perhaps we should leave something for the family? On the other hand, it won’t hurt to have some energy before leaving.
<<if $supplies == 0>>There was nothing left, everything was eaten!
[[Take something to eat|Go to the kitchen][$supplies-=1, $energy+=1]]
<<if $coffee == 0>> There was nothing left, everything already drunk!
[[Make some coffee|Go to the kitchen][$coffee-=1, $energy+=3]]
<<if $sishome==1>><<set _kitchen = random(1, 3)>> <<if $sislust >= 10 && _kitchen == 2>>
<<linkreplace "You witnessed a wonderful spectacle">>
<img class="centered-image" src="img/sis/siskitchen.gif" width="400px">
@@.speech-girl;- $mcname what are you doing here?!@@
@@.speech-mc;- Eating.@@
@@.speech-girl;- Oh my! - she try to run in her room.@@
<<linkreplace "Stop her">>
<<if $sispunish==0>>You grab her hand and say:
@@.speech-mc;- If you want to be a bad girl - then be ready to a punishment!@@
Then you give her a good spank to the bare ass.
<img class="centered-image" src="img/sis/siskitchenass.gif" width="400px">
<span class="purple-text">Kenziee's submission has increased</span><<set $sissub+=1, $sispunish=1>><<else>>
Meh... to tired to care...<</if>>
[[Say goodbye to food|Corridor]]<img class="centered-image" src="img/location/appartametns.jpg" width="400px">
The entrance stinks of alcohol and urine. Someone painted the inscription “NO FUTURE” on the wall, and a little to the side of it there is an equally friendly “END IS HERE”. The elevator was turned off to save energy and you don’t envy those who have to climb to the sixteenth floor.
[[Third floor. Your apartment|Corridor]]
[[Second floor. Scarlet's apartment]]
<<if $scarproblem==1 && $seenscar==0>><<if $scarcorrupt==0>>
<<linkreplace "Look for Scarlet in a hall">>
<img class="centered-image" src="img/scar/scarneed.jpg" width="400px"><br><br>
Looks like Scarlet is still starving. However, she didn’t ask you for help. Maybe pride didn't allow it?<br><br>
<<set $seenscar=1>>
You see her near the apartments. She begs for food. <br><br>
Some guy leaves her and says:<br><br>
@@.speech-boy;- Sooner or later you will agree...@@<br><br>
Seeing you, she is clearly embarrassed. And without saying a word she leaves.<</linkreplace>><br><br>
<<elseif $scarcorrupt==1>><<linkreplace "Look for Scarlet in a hall">>Looking around the corridor in search of Scarlet, you do not find her in the place where she usually begged.<br><br>
However, following the sound of human voices, you come to a nook in which you find her and her... probably a new friend. There is a can of canned food in front of her, and she herself is trying to look seductive in front of a man you don’t know.
<img class="centered-image" src="img/scar/scarprost1.webp" width="400px"><br><br>
@@.speech-girl;- Well, that's enough! - Scarlet says at some point, - Have you seen enough? Can I pick up some canned food?@@<br><br>
@@.speech-boy;- Okay, whore. Eat while I'm in good mood. Maybe when you get hungry again, you’ll agree to show a little more skin. You better satisfy my “hunger” or I can do it myself, heh, - the man answered her.@@<br><br>
The show is over. It's time to go.<</linkreplace>><br><br>
<<elseif $scarcorrupt==2>><<linkreplace "Look for Scarlet in a hall">>Looking around the corridor in search of the same hungry and unhappy Scarlet, you come across an amusing sight. It seems she has learned to use her body to find food.<br><br>
You apparently came at the very climax of the action and lay low watching as Scarlet exposed herself for the sake of several cans of canned food that stood in front of her.
<img class="centered-image" src="img/scar/scarprost2.webp" width="400px"><br><br>
<<set $seenscar=1>>
@@.speech-girl;- Do you like them, mister? - Scarlet asked a man you didn’t know, - Big and soft... guys have always gone crazy about them.@@<br><br>
@@.speech-boy;- Yes, yes, not bad, Miss Slut, but to be honest, I’m more of an ass-man. Could you...?@@<br><br>
Perhaps inspired by the politeness of the client, Scar turned her ass towards him and, throwing off her skirt, began to demonstrate what he so craved.
<img class="centered-image" src="img/scar/scarprost3.webp" width="400px"><br><br>
She started playing with her ass, and then pulled down her panties, showing off all her “goods.”<br><br>
Quickly realizing what she had done, she began to put her panties back when the man who loved ass came. It seems he started jerking off as soon as she turned her back and didn’t last long. However, he had a good time anyway.<br><br>
@@.speech-boy;- Oh. Thank you, miss. Finally relieved the tension. Tomorrow back to work... however, it doesn’t matter! You've earned your supplies! Best wishes!@@<br><br>
And with these words, he left her in the corridor with her ass covered in sperm. You also hurried away before anyone noticed you.<</linkreplace>><br><br>
<<elseif $scarcorrupt==3>><<linkreplace "Look for Scarlet in a hall">>Continuing to watch Scar's constant adventures in the corridor, at some point you meet her on her knees in front of a man.<br><br>
<<set $seenscar=1>>
She plays with her tits, trying to please him. This turns out to be a man you've already seen before. He seemed to enjoy insulting her, so he continued:<br><br>
@@.speech-boy;- Well, bitch, do you like it when you have the opportunity to work for a real man?@@<br><br>
She lets him slide his dick between her beautiful pale tits and replies:<br><br>
@@.speech-girl;- Of course, sir, you are very strong and this huge dick... it’s crazy... - she says and you notice the enthusiasm in her voice.@@<br><br>
With surprise, you think that she might even be starting to like this activity. Damn...maybe she's always been a slut?
<img class="centered-image" src="img/scar/scarprost4.webp" width="400px"><br><br>
At some point, while playing with his penis, she seems unable to stand it and allows herself to taste it. Then he takes it into his mouth and the man remarks with pleasure:<br><br>
@@.speech-boy;- Well, finally! I thought that you would continue to sluggishly play with your tits! At least some variety, whore.@@<br><br>
@@.speech-girl;- *squelch-slurp* Hank hu... - she muttered with her mouth full.@@<br><br>
You watched as your neighbor sucked off some rude guy without much comment. This isn't the first time you've caught her doing something like this, but today she's gone wild about it.
<img class="centered-image" src="img/scar/scarprost5.webp" width="400px"><br><br>
She begins to clumsily suck off her client, but pretty soon it becomes clear that she is not doing her job very well. It gets to the point where the man starts to get indignant.<br><br>
@@.speech-boy;- What the hell is this?! Do you think this is a blowjob?! Am I paying you for this?@@<br><br>
@@.speech-girl;- *sloop* Excuse me sir, - she tortured the penis from her mouth with a helmet, - I’ll practice and I’ll definitely do better!@@<br><br>
@@.speech-boy;- Of course you'll practice, bitch! Let's go to my house! Time to practice, fortunately I live on this floor!@@<br><br>
@@.speech-girl;- But... I... - she doubts, but does not dare refuse and only takes the canned food in her hands.@@<br><br>
You watch as she is taken into one of the neighboring rooms and only after that do you leave your hiding place. Someone has a busy evening ahead of them.<br><br>
<<elseif $scarcorrupt==4>><<linkreplace "Look for Scarlet in a hall">>Continuing to come to find out the details of the new job that Scar apparently decided to take, you find her in a very “pumped up” state. This time she blows one of her clients with obvious knowledge.
<img class="centered-image" src="img/scar/scarprost6.webp" width="400px"><br><br>
<<set $seenscar=1>>
@@.speech-girl;- Do you like it, sir? If you want, I’ll work on your balls... - she began to ask.@@<br><br>
@@.speech-boy;- The only thing I want, you fucking sucker, is not to be distracted during a great blowjob! Suck silently! - he answered her, taking her by the head and starting to push it onto his penis.@@
<img class="centered-image" src="img/scar/scarprost7.webp" width="400px"><br><br>
After fucking her throat for a while, he seemed to forgive Scarlet and slowed down the pace a little to allow her to breathe.<br><br>
@@.speech-boy;- Oh, a great way to recover after a hard day - a personal cocksucker! And you don’t charge much for such great lips! - the man began to accelerate.@@<br><br>
He didn't care too much about putting on a good show or anything. All Scarlet was for him was a thing to relieve tension.<br><br>
It’s not surprising that he pretty soon came straight into her mouth without removing her from his dick.
<img class="centered-image" src="img/scar/scarprost8.webp" width="400px"><br><br>
Pulling his pants back, he patted her on the head and said:<br><br>
@@.speech-boy;- When you start giving it to your pussy or ass, call me. I think I’ll find a lot of delicious canned food and other “protein” for you.@@<br><br>
She sat in the corridor, still recovering from the intense throat fucking, but still said:<br><br>
@@.speech-girl;- *cough* I... *cough* ...I'll think about it.@@<br><br>
You moved on. Looks like she knows what she's doing.<</linkreplace>><<elseif $scarcorrupt==5>>
<<linkreplace "Look for Scarlet in a hall">>This time you don’t find Scarlet right away, and when you do you almost whistle in surprise. At first you think she might be in trouble, but that doesn't seem to be the case. She knelt in front of several members of the Skulls gang at once, and they “treated” her with their goodies.
<img class="centered-image" src="img/scar/scarprost9.webp" width="400px"><br><br>
It looks like she either got a special order, or decided to move to a new level of work and serve several people at a time.<br><br>
<<set $seenscar=1>>
The girl was not at all shy about working in all directions at once, using both her mouth and her hands. On the contrary, she looked like she had gotten the hang of it quite well. And when something didn’t work out for her, they helped her.
<img class="centered-image" src="img/scar/scarprost10.webp" width="400px"><br><br>
@@.speech-boy;- What a pacifier, boss... where did you get it? - one of the guys asked.@@<br><br>
@@.speech-boy;- Yes, a friend shared. Such goodness should not be thrown away. He also works for food... it’s amazing that such a treasure has only just been found,” answered another.@@<br><br>
@@.speech-boy;- Women don’t move around like that from hunger! - the third laughed, - She is a natural whore! It's obvious!@@
<img class="centered-image" src="img/scar/scarprost11.webp" width="400px"><br><br>
The “straight whore” didn’t mind when she was discussed during the blowbang and didn’t even stop to insert an extra word. All that could be heard from her were squelching sounds and excited snoring.<br><br>
<<set $scarfallslut=1>>
When the guys decided to take a photo for memory, you decided not to wait for the end and just left. The last thing you heard was the phrase:
<img class="centered-image" src="img/scar/scarprost12.webp" width="400px"><br><br>
@@.speech-boy;- Say "cheese"!@@<br><br>
<<set $scarskullslut=1>><</linkreplace>>
[[To the streets|Lower streets]]
And now that time of year has come. It's time to pay the bills for you living. Maybe this home suck dicks, but it's only one you have. Mr. Wizzle goes to get his money.
<<set $days_to_rent = 7>>
<img class="centered-image" src="img/other/timetorent.gif" width="400px">
<<if $money >= 7 && $sishome!=0>>[[Pay you rent|My Room]["set $money-=7"]<</if>>
<<if $sishome==1 || $sishome==2 || $sishome==3>>[[See how Kenzie pay rent]]<<else>>Mr. Wizzle is very sympathetic about your sister's disappearance and even gives you a week's reprieve to save her! Go ahead, boy!<</if>>
[[You have somethink to do|My Room]]<img class="centered-image" src="img/other/timetorent2.gif" width="400px"><br><br>
Mr. Wizzle arrived at your house to pick up his money, but upon learning that you don’t have it, he shrugs and goes to your sister’s room.<br><br>
@@.speech-boy;- What kind of kitty do we have here? - he asks entering her room, - It seems your idiot brother didn’t find the money for the fee. Apparently you will have to convince me that you REALLY need a house to stay.@@<br><br>
<img class="centered-image" src="img/sis/sisevic2.png" width="400px"><br><br>
@@.speech-girl;- But Mr. Wizzle! I don't know what to do! What can I do to change you mind?!@@<br><br>
<<if $siscorrupt==0>>
<img class="centered-image" src="img/sis/sisevic.png" width="400px"><br><br>
For some time he suggests various vulgar things to Kensi, but she is only horrified and with tears in her eyes begs him to stop. Realizing that he would achieve nothing for now, he walked away growling, slamming the door on the way out. <br><br>
<img class="centered-image" src="img/sis/sisrentend1.gif" width="400px"><br><br>
It seems like it's gone for now...<br><br>
<<elseif $siscorrupt >= 1 && $siscorrupt <= 2 >>
@@.speech-boy;- Listen here, girl, - he said in a commanding voice, - You know how much your brother pays for your housing, right? It's obvious that the little you earn from your job doesn't even come close to helping him. But even so, you pay VERY little. And considering that your stupid brother didn't find the money for last week, I have no choice but to increase the pay.@@<br><br>
@@.speech-girl;- But... I... what are you... - Kenzi began with fear in her voice.@@<br><br>
@@.speech-boy;- DON'T INTERRUPT! - Mr. Wizzle shouted at her, “I’ve been coming to meet you for a long time already.” And this despite the fact that I’m constantly working as hard as I can! I fucking care about you like family, and you’re setting me up like this! Do you think it's easy for me when I have to report to my superiors?@@<br><br>
@@.speech-girl;- But you’re the boss here... - Kenzi began, but was immediately shut up.@@<br><br>
@@.speech-boy;- DON'T INTERRUPT! I understand that you don’t care about me and my torment, right?! ... Are you silent? Well, you can answer.@@<br><br>
@@.speech-girl;- No, Mr. Weasel. I care about you and I am very grateful to you!@@<br><br>
@@.speech-boy;- Yes, well? And you say that you don’t know how you can convince me! You could help me a little! In fact, I haven’t seen a naked woman for a very long time and it makes me suffer a lot! I'm so lonely!@@<br><br>
Kenzi, a little scared and with some awareness, began to carefully say:<br><br>
@@.speech-girl;- But... I have nothing to do with it... You can... um... you could...@@<br><br>
@@.speech-boy;- I could what?! Do you want me to go watch porn?! Do you know that it damages your eyesight?! That's it, I understand! This is a useless conversation! It's time for you and your brother to pack your things! I'll give you until the end of the day, and then...@@<br><br>
@@.speech-girl;- Wait, please! You said that you get lonely, right? What if I...@@<br><br>
He licks his lips.<br><br>
@@.speech-girl;- ...helped you. I posed a little. You would feel better... - she said with some kind of despair in her voice.@@<br><br>
Then Kenzie lifted her top, slightly exposing her belly.
<img class="centered-image" src="img/sis/002.jpg" width="400px">
@@.speech-boy;- This is clearly not enough! How can I relax in such an environment? Although... - he pulls up a chair and, sitting down in it, unzips his pants, - ... if you don’t mind me RELAXING while watching you, then fine. You can continue.@@<br><br>
She closed her eyes for a second. She sighed heavily. I tried to force a smile. Then she lifted her top a little higher, exposing her small and firm breasts. Her nipple, petrified due to horror or maybe excitement, looked out to say hello.<br><br>
<img class="centered-image" src="img/sis/003.jpg" width="400px">
@@.speech-boy;- Go on, - Mr. Wizzle said, starting to jerk off while looking at Kenzi, - I’m even curious what your brother would say if he saw you now. He would probably be glad that his sister is trying so hard to help him! You know how hard it would be for you without a home... mmm...@@<br><br>
Suppressing her disgust, Kenzi still smiled at him and said:<br><br>
@@.speech-girl;- You're right, Mr. Wizzle. Thank you for this opportunity.@@
<img class="centered-image" src="img/sis/004.jpg" width="400px">
She exposed her breasts and asked hopefully:<br><br>
@@.speech-girl;- Is this enough?@@<br><br>
@@.speech-boy;- Of course not! - he was indignant, - While you are in my pants, I will never cum!@@
<img class="centered-image" src="img/sis/005.jpg" width="400px"><br><br>
With a quiet sob, your sister began to pull down her panties and turned her back to him. The man, feeling that excessive pressure on her could become a problem, began to accelerate and, looking at her neat ass, began to cum. At the same time, he aimed straight at Kenzi’s ass, deliberately dirtying her panties.<br><br>
After that, he stood up, buttoning his pants and looking at Kenzi’s frightened face and said:<br><br>
@@.speech-boy;- Good girl. You helped me, so I'll do you a big favor and let you stay here for free for another week. But remember, don’t you dare contradict me and be disobedient next time, okay?@@<br><br>
She just nodded bashfully, feeling a mixture of guilt and resentment.<br><br>
You realized that they were leaving, so you hurried to leave.<br><br>
<<set $siscorrupt+=1, $sisrentev1=1>><span class="purple-text">Kenzie's corruption has increased</span><br><br>
<<elseif $siscorrupt >= 3 && $sisrentev1==1 >>
You watch your sister pay for your place of residence, but this time the prelude is not so long. It seems that Mr. Wizzle's words and the opportunity to think about everything for a whole week led to Kenzi coming to terms.<br><br>
When he came again and began to demand that she “help him relax” - your sister, without much objection, stripped down to her panties and turned to him.<br><br>
<img class="centered-image" src="img/sis/005.jpg" width="400px">
@@.speech-girl;- Please, Mr. Wizzle, you can watch and... relax.@@<br><br>
@@.speech-boy;- Not bad, little Kenzie, not bad, but I’m afraid that this week I’ve already jerked off so much, remembering your elastic tits and ass, that this won’t help me, - the man said completely brazenly.@@<br><br>
@@.speech-girl;- You... what...? On my... oh... but what then...?@@<br><br>
@@.speech-boy;- Your panties. You'll have to take them off if you don't want you and your brother to end up on the street.@@<br><br>
@@.speech-girl;- I don't want... @@<br><br>
@@.speech-boy;- Look, Kensi, there's nothing wrong with this. I will have fun and leave, and you will stay here to live. Don't you think it's small price? However, if you refuse, I know another girl who could help me, and then you will have to be evicted...@@<br><br>
@@.speech-girl;- No, please... my brother... he risk his life and do so much for us... I... I do it...@@<br><br>
Overcoming some kind of internal barrier, she began to take off her panties and remained completely naked in front of the manager. And defenseless.<br><br>
<img class="centered-image" src="img/sis/006.jpg" width="400px">
He clearly felt it. I felt his claws digging deeper and deeper into her tender girlish flesh...<br><br>
@@.speech-boy;- Great. That's your pussy... that's how I feel from here, how soft and tender it must be...@@<br><br>
@@.speech-girl;- Mr. Wizzle! Please...@@<br><br>
@@.speech-boy;- Yes, yes, of course, you’re right... enough about your pussy - turn around with your ass. And let me take a look at your second hole.@@<br><br>
<img class="centered-image" src="img/sis/007.jpg" width="400px">
Overcoming herself, Kenzie leaned onto the sofa and with a slight trembling began to spread her asscheeks.<br><br>
He jerked off quite leisurely, enjoyed and stretched out the process by forcing the poor girl to pose. However, this was not enough for him. Wizzle clearly wanted to build on his success.<br><br>
@@.speech-boy;- Kenzi, you need to help me with something else. Nothing complicated this time. You have to set an example for me, so to speak. Start fingering your pussy. I want to see how you do it. This will help me cum quickly and I will leave.@@<br><br>
<img class="centered-image" src="img/sis/008.jpg" width="400px">
She pursed her lips at first, but didn’t say anything. She just sat down on the sofa, spread her legs and lowered her fingers to her pussy. <br><br>
From this angle it became clear that her fingers were shining. Glisten from her own juices. It seems that despite all the disgust from what was happening, Kenzi gradually began to get excited.<br><br>
And Wizzle saw it. He began to jerk off more actively right in front of her face, getting closer and closer. At some point, his penis was right in front of her face. Her eyes widened in surprise, her nose absorbed the scent of the man, and Kenzi seemed to be in a trance, carelessly opening her mouth.<br><br>
<img class="centered-image" src="img/sis/sisrentblow1.gif" width="400px">
Taking advantage of her confusion, Mr. Wizzle abruptly inserted his penis into her open mouth and began to use her head as a penis attachment.<br><br>
Kenzi coughed and tried to push him away, but very quickly realized that she was helpless against male strength and gave up. She allowed him to use her mouth, her eyes pleading for help and salvation. Or perhaps, on the contrary, a spark of pleasure flared up in them in which she began to drown? It's so easy to let go of all thoughts and just be a thing for pleasure...<br><br>
Wizzle continued to pound her. He continued to fuck her throat, introducing his penis deeper and deeper. She began to choke and greedily sucked in air through her nose, but there was no escape from Kenzi’s cock clogging her throat.
<img class="centered-image" src="img/sis/sisrentblow2.gif" width="400px"><br><br>
However, her rapist was petty-hearted enough that, having mastered her mouth for the first time, he began to accelerate. Soon he drove his dick as deep as possible into her tender throat and simply came in it.<br><br>
Choking and coughing, Kenzi, who had been freed from the penis, began to greedily gulp for air. A few seconds later, she saw Wizzle getting ready to leave and just said to her one last time:<br><br>
@@.speech-boy;- Great job! See you in a week, unless of course you want to call me earlier!@@<br><br>
You hastened to hide.<br><br>
<<set $siscorrupt+=1, $sisrentev1=2>><span class="purple-text">Kenzie's corruption has increased</span><br><br>
<<elseif $sisrentev1==2 && $siscorrupt >=4 >>
<img class="centered-image" src="img/sis/rent.webp" width="400px">
This time when you looked into the room, you fully understood what you would see. Last time she already sucked him off and although it was only once (right?) now your sister again found herself in the same conditions. She needed to save you from a homeless life and she had only one way to do this...<br><br>
@@.speech-boy;- I've waited enough Kenzie. Your idiot brother never got the money. You know what that means. I need your "help". NOW!@@<br><br>
Kensi stood on her knees in front of the owner of the apartment and waited for his further instructions. It seemed that she already understood where everything was going, but she was not sure, although she smiled out of politeness.<br><br>
@@.speech-boy;- Don’t you dare stop smiling, little devil, because this is what you both wanted, right? You're on your knees before me! And now if you please me, then so be it - I will forgive you this week too! Come on already! Work for uncle!@@<br><br>
With some hesitation, but still smiling, as Mr. Wizzle demanded, Kensi reached for his pants.<br><br>
<img class="centered-image" src="img/sis/rent2.webp" width="400px"><br><br>
Her gentle hand lay on Mr. Wizzle's penis and he exhaled with relief, realizing that the little slut had finally surrendered to his mercy.<br><br>
@@.speech-boy;- Great! You've finally learned! Brother probably taught you this? Admit it!@@<br><br>
@@.speech-girl;- What? No, what are you talking about! I’m just... doing what you say... - she answered, trying not to lose the smile on her face, while she herself began to suck his penis.@@<br><br>
<img class="centered-image" src="img/sis/rent3.webp" width="400px"><br><br>
@@.speech-girl;- Thih... bih... thinh... heally... hcares... me... - she say while sucking, - I neweh... hah... somethinh... thih... bih...@@<br><br>
@@.speech-boy;- Great. Let it scare you. You better be afraid of him, because one day he will tear your tight hole apart. Now continue. Talk with your mouth full. I like to feel your tongue swirling around! - he say and almoust place his hand on her head, but he pull his dick out with a sucking noise.@@<br><br>
<img class="centered-image" src="img/sis/rent4.webp" width="400px"><br><br>
@@.speech-girl;- I can't take it anymore... he's too big... my mouth is tired and I might... accidentally bite him... sorry! Please don't evict us! Next time I'll try better! - Kensi began to beg.@@<br><br>
Mr. Wizzle was clearly unhappy at first, but then he exhaled and apparently figured that she herself suggested continuing next time all by herself. Not too pleased, he left your apartment. Kenziee won the battle, but not the war.<br><br>
<<set $siscorrupt+=1, $sisrentev1=3>><span class="purple-text">Kenzie's corruption has increased</span><br><br>
<<elseif $siscorrupt >= 5 && $sisrentev1==3>>
Not even a couple of minutes passed before Kenzie found herself on her knees in front of Mr. Wizzle, and he was down her throat, happily pushing his dick into her narrow mouth.<br><br>
<br><img class="centered-image" src="img/sis/renta1.webp" width="400px"><br><br>
It seems your irresponsibility has led to the fact that your sister has become enough of a whore to now willingly suck the house manager’s dick. She released him from her mouth and began to jerk off, saying:<br><br>
<img class="centered-image" src="img/sis/renta2.webp" width="400px"><br><br>
@@.speech-girl;- Cum, please, Mr. Wizzle. Cum for me, I beg you...@@<br><br>
@@.speech-boy;- Not like that, you brat! I want you to say “Cum for me, master!”, - he say with a grim of power that he has over your little sister, - Say it or there will be a consequences!@@<br><br>
<<if $sissub >= 3 && $sislust>=20>>
@@.speech-girl;- I... ah... I...@@<br><br>
@@.speech-boy;- Say it, little slut.@@<br><br>
@@.speech-girl;- Cum... master...@@<br><br>
@@.speech-boy;- I say you to do it! You do it all wrong, you human flashlight! Now will be a consequences! On the all four, bitch!@@<br><br>
She obey like good little slave, but then she started whining:<br><br>
@@.speech-girl;- Please, master... Please... Don't... not like that... don't do this...@@<br><br>
She squeaked like a small mouse cornered but it didn’t help. The man took her by the hips, positioned her so that it was convenient for him to use her hole, and then penetrated your sister.<br><br>
<img class="centered-image" src="img/sis/renta4.webp" width="400px"><br><br>
@@.speech-girl;- N-no... - she moaned with pain and at the same time pleasure, which was visible on her face. It seems that she incredibly liked to obey someone who was stronger.@@<br><br>
@@.speech-boy;- I'm not done with your pussy yet. - he said mockingly, - Now I will use it whenever I want, understand? You will be my property and you can live here as long as you want. At least while your hole belongs to me!@@<br><br>
@@.speech-girl;- I’ll do it... - she whispered with a breath, - ... I’ll do it... for the sake of my brother... for the sake of our family... I’ll become your bitch... I’ll be your thing... I’ll be yours... ah... yes... your hole...@@<br><br>
He picked up the pace, but didn't bother working. Kenziee smiled as she pushed herself towards Mr. Wizzle. At some point he lowered himself into her. She continued to moan.<br><br>
<img class="centered-image" src="img/sis/renta5.webp" width="400px"><br><br>
He roughly picked her up, still recovering from her orgasm, and placed her on his lap. Then he shoved his dick right down her throat. <br><br>
@@.speech-boy;- Clean it.@@<br><br><<set $sisrent=1>>
<img class="centered-image" src="img/sis/renta3.webp" width="400px"><br><br>
She did this with the face of a satisfied toy.<br><br>
@@.speech-girl;- I can't sir! And we already late! Brother come any min! We need to stop it! I finish you off another time, sir! I promise! Please!@@<br><br>
With a growl of displeasure, Mr. Wizzle turns around and hastily gets dressed and leaves. He seems very unhappy. Of course, this little devil gave him blue balls. <br><br>
Again. Looks like she start to understand her power over him and use it.<br><br><</if>>
<<set $siscorrupt+=1>><span class="purple-text">Kenzie's corruption has increased</span><br><br>
[[Go away|My Room]]<<set _rnd = random(1, 5)>>
<<= _rnd>>
<<if _rnd == 1>>
<img class="centered-image" src="img/gina/ginablow2.gif" width="400px">
<<elseif _rnd == 2>>
<img class="centered-image" src="img/gina/ginablow3.gif" width="400px">
<<elseif _rnd == 3>>
<img class="centered-image" src="img/gina/ginablow3.gif" width="400px">
[[Rape Gangbang]]
<</if>><img class="centered-image" src="img/scar/ap.jpg" width="400px">
Dirty and dusty corridor on the second floor. Scarlet is not lucky enough to live in a rather ugly place, but at least outside the door everything is changing.
<<if $seenscar==0>>[[Visit to Scarlet|scartalk]]<<else>>No one seems to be home.<</if>>
<<if $scarq2g==1 && $scarq2gtalk1!=1 && $money>=10>><<linkreplace "Talk to Scar about her problems">><<set $scarq2gtalk1=1>>After you tell her about what happened at Spike's, leaving out some details, Scarlet throws herself on your neck and kisses you hard.
@@.speech-girl;- Thank you so much, $mcname! You have no idea how afraid I was that this jerk would do something to me... God, it's so nice to have someone to rely on!@@
You smile proudly, and then hand her the money for the mercenaries. 10 bills that you worked so hard to earn. She smiles even wider. Thanks to you, her problems disappear one after another.
Clinging tightly to you with her whole hot body, Scarlet says:
@@.speech-girl;- You have no idea how glad I am that I have you. I'm afraid to even think what would happen to me without you. Thank you for... well, you know... deciding to be with me.@@
After thinking about it, you decide that she can express her gratitude later, but now is the time. You ask about her father's fate and everything she's learned. She finally shares this information with you. It turns out that her father is lost somewhere in the depths of the city outside the safe zone. He was last seen in a place called "Golgotha". It seems that's where you'll have to go when you're ready to go out into the big world.
In the meantime, enjoy your time together. It looks like it wasn't in vain that you spent so much energy...
<span class="red-text">No. It was in vain. It would have been better to sell this slut to someone. All she does is demand something!</span>
<span class="blue-text">What nonsense! For the sake of true love, you have to try!</span>
<<set $scarq2gdadsave=1>>
<span class="purple-text">You know were to look at Golgotha now, maybe it's not too late?</span><</linkreplace>><</if>>
<<if $needmoney1==1 && $scarmoneyask!=1 && $energy!=0>>
[[Ask Scarlet about money to help save Kenzie|smoneyask]]
<<if $scarproblem==1 && $givescarfood==0 && $supplies>=1>><<linkreplace "Leave some food for Scar">>
You know that she has problems, so sharing what you have will be a very right decision. Especially considering that she has much less chance of earning money without risking her life or butt.
<<set $givescarfood=1, $supplies-=1, $scarhunger-=1, $helpscar+=1>>
Leaving some supplies for Scarlett, you leave, hoping that she will be the one to receive them.
<span class="purple-text">1 Supplies was lost</span><</linkreplace>><</if>>
[[Go out|Apartment]]<img class="centered-image" src="img/location/lowstreets.jpg" width="400px">
And here we are again on the streets. It's still a dump. The quarter is not very rich and there is not much to catch here. Only problems. Of course, there is almost no security - except for the thugs whom someone feeds, or the Skulls who protect, but only their own.
[[Return home|Apartment]]
[[Look around]]
[[Go to Gym|Gym]]
[[Go to Cafe|Cafe]]
[[Go to Store|Store]]
[[Go to Сheckpoint|Checkpoint]]
<img class="centered-image" src="img/location/cafe.jpg" width="400px"><br><br>
The cafe called "Underground" and it's never sleeping. It's still quite early, but the regulars are still having fun here. In general, it’s more of a bar, considering that this is where the Skulls gang drinks away all their honestly stolen goods, but everyone calls it a Cafe, because that’s what it once was.<br><br>
<<if $cafegirl==1>>[[Look how Anya work|anyawork]]<</if>><br><br>
<<if $cafegirl==2>>[[Look how Gina work|ginawork]]<</if>><br><br>
<<if $cafegirl==3 && $sishome==1>>[[Looks how Kenzie work|siswork]]<<elseif $cafegirl==3 && $sishome==2>>[[Looks how Kenzie work|siswork]]<<elseif $cafegirl==3 && $sishome==3>>[[Looks how Kenzie work|siswork]]<</if>><br><br>
<<if $needmoney1==1 && $ginamoneyask!=1 && $energy!=0>>[[Ask Gina about money to help save Kenzie|gmoneyask]]<</if>><br><br>
<<if $day>=10 && $jorney==0>>[[Start asking about uncle John|cafeevent1]]<</if>><br><br>
<<if $sisloveq1==2 && $firstvisit!=1>><<linkreplace "Tell Anya about Kenzie kidnaping and ask for help">><img class="centered-image" src="img/anya/anyashock.jpg" width="400px"><br><br>
When you tell Anya about what happened at night, you see the undisguised shock on her face. She finds out all the details she can and you openly tell her that you know practically nothing. She promises to try to arrange a meeting for you with Vince and says that he is your only chance to help your sister.<br><br>
It seems you really don't have much choice. You agree and allow her to take you to Vince, who you heard is the head of the Skulls gang. Apparently in such a situation he is your straw.<br><br>
<<set $firstvisit=1>>
[[Anya led you to Vince|vince]]<</linkreplace>><</if>><br><br>
<<if $sisloveq1==2 && $firstvisit==1>><<linkreplace "Ask Anya take you to Vince">>You come to Anya again and beg to take you to Vince. She leads without hesitation, realizing that the situation is truly urgent.<br><br>
[[Anya led you to Vince|vince]]<</linkreplace>><</if>><br><br>
<<if $BandRep<=1 && $money>=4>><<linkreplace "Hang out with the guys from the Skulls to mend your relationship">>You decide that problems with the Skulls could cost you too much in the future, and therefore you decide that it’s time to make friends with them. For a while you hang out with them in the Cafe and spend money on them. They suck money like skilled prostitutes. At some point you realize that you spent 4 bills on their entertainment. But the relationship got better.<br><br>
<<set $BandRep+=1, $money-=4>>
<span class="purple-text">Reputation with Skulls has improved</span><br><br><</linkreplace>><</if>>
<<if $scarq1g==1 && $skullscartalk!=1>>[[Ask Skull boys about man who gave Scar money|scarqg1]]<</if>>
[[Return to streets|Lower streets]]<img class="centered-image" src="img/location/shop.jpg" width="400px">
A shop where you can exchange various junk brought from the city for points, and then use them to buy supplies.
<img class="centered-image" src="img/other/workinprogress.png" width="400px">
[[It's shopping time!]]
[[Get back to streets|Lower streets]]<img class="centered-image" src="img/location/checkpoint.jpg" width="400px">
Fortified barricades, high walls made of garbage, cars and metal structures welded together - these are the walls separating your safe zone from the hellish streets where psychos and the infected are rampaging.
The checkpoint building is the only reliable way to leave the safe zone.
<<if $mialove>=1>>[[Meet the girl you save|mia]]<<elseif $mialust>=1>>[[Meet the girl you save|mia]]<</if>>
[[Return to streets|Lower streets]]
[[Listen what Guards talking about|talkg]]
[[Get inside|checkpoint1]]
[[Go out from Safe Zone|Lootzone1]]<img class="centered-image" src="img/location/streetfighter.gif" width="400px">
Some people have completely lost their fear. What are they doing! However, considering what a mess we are all in, we need to somehow dispel the melancholy...
You pay attention to the girl in provocative clothes. She seems to be a whore. Maybe this is your chance to relax a little? Looks like she's getting supplies. You've heard something like 1 banknote for a blowjob and 2 for full sex.
<img class="centered-image" src="img/other/whore.gif" width="400px">
[[To hell with this|Lower streets]]
<<if $money>=1>>[[Pay a whore for blowjob]]<</if>>
<<if $money>=2>>[[Pay a whore for sex]]<</if>>
<<if $streetmeet1==0>><<switch $streetmeet>><<set $streetmeet1=1>>
<<case 1 2>>
You've met Fast Eddie - one of the fastest pickpockets on the streets. They say that he doesn’t mind training someone for money or tender girl lips. And yeah. He like cosplay alot.
<img class="centered-image" src="img/other/blackeddie.gif" width="400px">
<<if $money>=2 && $dex<=5>><<linkreplace "Ask him to train you for 2 bills">>
Eddie train you dexterity and now you better and sneaking. And many more things by the way. Just because dexterity is good base.<<set $money-=2, $dex+=1>>
<span class="purple-text">Agility increased</span>
<</linkreplace>><<elseif $money<=1 && $dex<=5>>He says that training will cost at least 2 bills. Until you get them, he won’t lift a finger.<<elseif $money>=2 && $dex==5>>Eddie said he has nothing left to teach you. You're already pretty cool.<</if>>
<<if $sisblack==0 && $moraleb >= 1 && $sishome >=1 >>
<<linkreplace "Ask him to train you for pair of lips (no homo)">>
<img class="centered-image" src="img/other/eddie.jpg" width="400px">
@@.speech-mc;- Hi bro, heard you can make me better and sneaking and shit, jo? Maybe even for free if I lead you to hot chick, so no homo, bro.@@
@@.speech-boy;- What?@@
@@.speech-mc;- Nothing, bro, just wanna know if you can help me and I can get you some lips. No homo, by the way. @@
@@.speech-boy;- Y-y-yeah... offcourse I can help you if you bring me some hot girl.@@
@@.speech-mc;- Great! I knew you understand me! Black lives matter! @@
@@.speech-boy;- What wrong with you, dude?!@@
@@.speech-mc;- I'm just bit awkward... I'm planning to arrange you meeting with my sister...@@
@@.speech-boy;- Wow, thats hot shit! Think you made youself a deal, man!@@
[[Take Eddie to your house]]
<<case 3>>
<<if $knowtwobanditos == 1>>You met Jay walking Bobbert. It looks like the guys are bored with nothing to do, but will soon go on another outing. They are scavengers no worse than you, so their company drags you into their network. You spend several hours with these idiots suffering through some bullshit.
<<else>>You did not meet anyone. And spent some time to nothing.<</if>>
<<case 4 5>>Walking along the streets you come across an empty newsstand. There's a strange guy standing next to him...
[[Look at man with a strange grin|mrh]]<</switch>><</if>>Not very wise way to spend supplies, but enjoyable one. Her pussy is not so tight anymore, but it's ok with her skills. She make you cum outside and suck all you spunk. As soon as you goodbye - you forget that you meet with her.
<img class="centered-image" src="img/other/whoresex.gif" width="400px">
[[Get out|Lower streets]]Not very wise way to spend supplies, but enjoyable one. She suck you like a vacuum to get you off as soon as possible and then get home to eat. Well, as soon you cum - you forget that you meet her too.
<img class="centered-image" src="img/other/whoreblow.gif" width="400px">
[[Get out|Lower streets]]<img class="centered-image" src="img/location/citystreet.jpg" width="400px">
The poorest and most looted area in the entire city. Only the lazy haven't rummaged around here. However, who knows - maybe you should dig around too? How to know what surprises life has in store for you.
[[Go back to Сheckpoint|Checkpoint]]
[[Look for loot]]
[[Move further|Lootzone2]]<img class="centered-image" src="img/location/lolaoffice.jpg" width="400px">
A small but generally cozy room that seems to have been a locker room before, but now it has been turned into someone’s office. A sofa, an armchair, a table and a workplace - not a lot, but in our time this is not bad.
<<if $lolatroble>=1 && $lpuntoday==0>>[[Check noise from door on other side|lpunish]]<</if>>
[[Go out|Checkpoint]]<img class="centered-image" src="img/location/university.jpg" width="400px">
You even studied here once. A year and a half. I wonder if any of your classmates are still alive? Or maybe, on the contrary, one of them has now become a crazy mutant creature and is running around the university? It would be nice not.
[[Go back|Lootzone1]]
[[Look for something usefull]]
<<if $day>=10 && $energy>=1 && $alexenemy!=1 && $alexfriend!=1>>[[You see someone on the street|alexev]]<</if>>
[[Go further|Lootzone3]]<img class="centered-image" src="img/location/mall.jpg" width="400px">
Once upon a time there were a lot of shops and a lot of things here. Honestly, right now it doesn't seem like such a bad idea NOT to go here, because if you think about it, this place is too much of a target. Surely too many would like to be here.
[[Go back|Lootzone2]]
[[Check surroundings for usefull stuff]]
<<if $bonniestart==1>>[[Go to "Bonny's"|Bonny's]]<</if>>
<<if $jorney==1 && $energy!=0 && $energy>=0>>[[Time to start big jorney|longjorneystart]]<</if>><<set _dream = ["1.gif" , "2.gif" , "3.gif" , "4.gif" , "5.gif"] .random()>>
<img class="centered-image" src="'img/dream/'{{_dream}}" width="400px">
<<set _rnd = random(1, 5)>><<= _rnd>><<if _rnd == 1>>
<img class="centered-image" src="img/dream/1.gif" width="400px">
<<elseif _rnd == 2>>
<img class="centered-image" src="img/dream/2.gif" width="400px">
<<elseif _rnd == 3>>
<img class="centered-image" src="img/dream/3.gif" width="400px">
<<elseif _rnd == 4>>
<img class="centered-image" src="img/dream/4.gif" width="400px">
<img class="centered-image" src="img/dream/5.gif" width="400px">
[[Теста3]]<<if $sissub>=2 && $energy!=0 && $energy>=0>>[[Looks like someone waiting for you like little good girl|Kenzie Sub]]<</if>>
<<set $sisloop=0>>
<<if $sislove>=2 && $energy!=0 && $energy>=0>>[[Hey, looks like Kenzie wanna spend some time with you|Kenzie Love]]<</if>>
<<if $sissuckyou==1 && $siscafe==1>><<linkreplace "Maybe it's time to tell your sister to quit her job?">>@@.speech-mc;- Hey, Kenzie, I think I'm already taking care of our family well enough that you can quit your job. I’m the head of this family, so I can take care of us,” you declare proudly.@@
The sister has no choice but to agree, especially in the current conditions of your relationship.
<<set $siscafe=0>><</linkreplace>><</if>>
<<if $siscafe==0>><<linkreplace "Maybe it's time to tell Kenzie start work again?">>@@.speech-mc;- Hey Kenzie, I don't know if you noticed or not, but we haven't had much money lately. How about getting a job at the Cafe again? You would be a great help with this.@@
She doesn't doubt your words and is ready to help, so she agrees.<<set $siscafe=1>><</linkreplace>><</if>>
<<if $sissuckyou==1 && $sisfuckyou!=1>>
It seems like your relationship has changed for some time now. Or rather, since Kenzie sucked you off.
She lies on the bed and is clearly waiting for something, and when you enter she looks at you with obvious interest.
@@.speech-girl;- Did you come for something specific, brother? Or did you just want to check on me?@@
@@.speech-mc;- I think both. You know that I’m always looking out for you, one way or another.@@
@@.speech-girl;- Oh yeah... you definitely have your eye on me, - she chuckles a little.@@
<<elseif $sisfuckyou==1>>
It seems that your recent adventures have led to the fact that Kenziee has lost all embarrassment in your presence and is now openly showing her feelings.
She meets you in a rather open nightie, clearly hinting that she doesn’t mind spending time together.
@@.speech-girl;- I hope you're doing well, $mcname, because I would like to spend more time together. Especially since we... became so close.@@
You smile. By “close” she means the way you fucked her. This is cute.
@@.speech-mc;- Of course, I have time for you. I'm sure we'll figure out something to do.@@
When you enter, you find your sister lying in very revealing shorts. She better not leave the house with such an outfit, otherwise she will definitely get into trouble.
@@.speech-mc;- Hey, Kenzie, where are you going like this? - you ask in a friendly voice.@@
She chuckles a little and answers.
@@.speech-girl;- Of course, nowhere, - I’m not a fool to dress like that outside - it’s dangerous $mcname ! Just sometimes I want to dress up, you know? To feel beautiful, but without all these looks, - she giggles, - Guys in Cafe make so much fun about my and gina's look.@@
@@.speech-mc;- I hope nothing dangerous? If someone wants to do something to my little sister, I will stop him, - say you with serious face.@@
@@.speech-girl;- Thank you, big bro, - she smile and say with somethink in her voice - You the one I can trust. My protector.@@<</if>>
<<linkreplace "Spend some time with your sister">><<if $timewithsis==0>>
<img class="centered-image" src="img/sis/sistalk.gif" width="400px">
You spend a couple of hours talking together. It's nice to sometimes have free time to spend on someone you love.
<span class="purple-text">Kenzie's love has increased<<set $sislove+=1>>
Energy has decreased<<set $timewithsis=1>></span>
<<else>>You too tired for talking<</if>>
[[Leave her be|Go to Kenzie's room]] With a default case (assume the passage is about a waterfall)
<<switch visited()>>
<<case 1>>
You gaze in wonder at the magnificent waterfall for the first time, awestruck by its natural beauty.
<<case 2 3>>
You once again gaze upon the magnificent waterfall.
<<case 4 5>>
Yet again, you find yourself looking upon the waterfall.
Oh, look. It's that waterfall again. Meh.
<</switch>>Making your way through the abandoned ruins of a building that no one needs, you find yourself getting closer to the sounds. This is probably what animals sound like. A growling, hissing and grunting chorus of voices that are apparently very busy.
Finding yourself in the depths, you realize that these are not animals after all. But not people either. These are the infected. It's rare that they get this far, and it's a good opportunity for you to learn a little more about them.
The creatures gathered around something. They look like people, but most of them are distorted and look like ugly Halloween masks.
<span class="blue-text">They puff, which means they breathe. Interesting information. It's not zombie from the movies. What else they can... oh God!</span>
<img class="centered-image" src="img/other/guard4.webp" width="400px">
You see a girl surrounded by infected people. She doesn't seem to be infected. At least for now. You don't know much about how this disease works, but it is very easily transmitted since it has infected so many people so quickly. And something else pops up in your head from what the Guards told you. You cannot become infected from a person of the opposite sex. If you believe this fact, perhaps the girl still had a chance because you didn’t see infected women nearby.
<img class="centered-image" src="img/other/guard1.webp" width="400px">
But another thought makes you scared. There only males so, one mistake and you could end up among this crowd.
<img class="centered-image" src="img/other/guard2.webp" width="400px">
[[Look around|Lootevent2]]<img class="centered-image" src="img/other/guard3.webp" width="400px">
You look around. The infected look like a crowd of some kind of freaks, but the girl seems to be one of the Security Guards. She's wearing a uniform and everything. It's surprising that she was caught because she should have had a weapon...
<img class="centered-image" src="img/other/guard5.webp" width="400px">
<<set $lootevent1=1>>
Looking around, you really notice the weapons that are lying under the feet of the infected. And what’s even more important is that you notice a bullet that lies not far from the entrance. Looks like this is your caliber!
<<if $dex>=2>><<linkreplace "Sneak in to take bullet">>
Somehow you manage to slip in and out without being noticed. Now you have the bullet. Valuable item!<</linkreplace>>
<<else>>Unfortunately, you can't do anything about it, because going inside with your abilities looks like a very stupid idea!
<span class="red-text">Don’t worry, you clumsy schmuck, we’ll manage without that damn bullet!</span><</if>>
Things are looking grim for this girl. It's unlikely that you can help her yourself. However, maybe it's worth a try?
<<if $dex>=3 && $moraleg>=1>><<linkreplace "Sneak in and kill all infected one by one">><<if $mialoop!=1>>
<img class="centered-image" src="img/other/silentkill2.gif" width="400px">
<img class="centered-image" src="img/other/silentkill1.gif" width="400px">
Your training has paid off and now you can proudly say that you did a great job! A dozen infected corpses that you killed using only your strength and a butter knife. They are now lying lifeless in the room, and next to them is a girl who has lost consciousness from fatigue. Yes, maybe it VERY helped you that they were fucking her very enthusiastically all this time, but the fact remains a fact - you did great!
<<set $mialoop=1>>
You grab girl and wrap her in cloth. Then go towards the checkpoint with her in your arms.
<<set $moraleg+=1, $GuardRep+=2>>
<span class="purple-text">Guard reputation increased
Morale has increased</span>
[[Hand her over to them|Lootevent3]]<<else>>One decision at a time<</if>><</linkreplace>><<else>><span class="purple-text">------Requires: Dexterity 3+ and Good Karma 1+ for this option------</span><</if>>
<<linkreplace "Look at things rationally">><<if $mialoop!=1>>
You can't save her. There's not enough strength. But who has them? Exactly! At the Guards! We need to call these guys and hope that the girl will hold out until they arrive!
<<set $mialoop=1>>
<span class="purple-text">Guard reputation increased</span><<set $GuardRep+=1>>
[[Call for help|Lootevent3.2]]<<else>>One decision at a time<</if>><</linkreplace>>
[[Don't hear + don't care, go out of here|Lootzone1][$moraleb+=1]]Like a damn hero you return to the checkpoint with the rescued girl. First, they search you very thoroughly, taking her to the infirmary, and then they question you even more thoroughly. Having learned how you single-handedly pulled her out of the clutches of the infected, the Guards look at you with respect.
After some time, you find out that the girl you saved has come to her senses. She was a patrolwoman who was unlucky enough that her idiot partner managed to get infected and then led them to her.
She thanks you for saving her and gives you a reward from her personal reserves. It's 5 money bills and 3 cans of canned pineapple. Not bad for risking you own life. After all bureaucracy and tests let you go.
<<set $money+=5, $supplies+=3, $mialove=1, $freepractice=0>>
[[Go home and sleep - you tired as hell|Go to bed]]You quickly arrive at the checkpoint and report through Lola all the information about what you saw. The Guards do not abandon their own, so they quickly move forward to help.
You stay with them as a guide and personally see how they destroy the infected without any pity, moving deeper into the building you indicated.
At the site of a terrifying orgy, you find a girl and her captors. The Guards destroy the infected and free the hostage. You receive a grudging thank you and are escorted back to the checkpoint.
As you will find out after a while, the girl was on patrol, but she was not alone there. Her partner was infected and he attacked her. You know the rest. A sad but very common story these days...
They give you some money for help and let you go. You did a good deed, citizen! <<set $money+=3, $mialust=1, $freepractice=0>>
<img class="centered-image" src="img/other/serve.gif" width="400px">
[[Go home and sleep - you tired as hell|Go to bed]]You’re not entirely sure why you so easily agree to bring home a guy you practically don’t know, promising him the taste of your sister. Maybe it's just who you are. Maybe you just don't wanna die out there and Eddie's lessons may save you life! And you need money. And something else if you need more excuses.
With a guest you came home and found Kenziee on the balcony of her room. She wear some sexy red dress and know you wanna know why? Maybe for you? But now you have no time to retreat...
<img class="centered-image" src="img/sis/sisblacked1.jpg" width="400px">
@@.speech-mc;- Hey, little sister, I want you meet my friend! It's Eddie, - you say with a friendly smile.@@
@@.speech-girl;- W-what? I think you came home and we can have... ew... well... hello, Eddie. Nice to meet you.@@
@@.speech-boy;- Wow, youre one hot peace of ass, - he say with grin.@@
She looks at you try to understand whats going on, but you just say:
@@.speech-mc;- Back in a min! Have fun guys!@@
Then you leave but listen carefly whats going on. When you leave in room fills with tension. Eddie start trying one moves after another, but Kenz was very tence with him. In few minutes he is tired of it and say:
@@.speech-boy;- Listen here, blondie, you brother need something from me. He need it to not die when he again go to the city. He REALLY need it and if i not give it to him - he may die there. You understand it?@@
She looks scared, but nodes.
@@.speech-boy;- Good girl. So, he probably go to find money, but you know... he can save all of it if you just help me with something. Something very little! I just wanna see some tits today. So what do you say? Are you show them to me for sake of youre brother?@@
@@.speech-girl;- I... my breast... what... - she mumble at first, but then she has some thoughts and shut up for almoust minute and when she spoke again her voice fills with determination, - I do. Just this once. For my brother.@@
<span class="red-text">Sweet! Take lessons for free and looks at her fall? Double win!</span>
<span class="blue-text">Shame on you! Both of you!</span>
<img class="centered-image" src="img/sis/sisblacked2.jpg" width="400px">
Girl start to remove her dress and stay only in her underwear. Her little tits with perky pink nipples has see some sun. You see as Eddie look at her with lust. She just defend you with this. Time to end it before somethink bad happens.
<img class="centered-image" src="img/sis/sisblacked3.jpg" width="400px">
You cough and give Kenziee some time to dress. Then go in and ask:
@@.speech-mc;- Eddie? I got what we need, so go! Thanks for keep him a company Kenz! I return later!@@
After this you and Eddie went to the streets. There he keep his word, spend some time trainig you. In the end he ask you to come again. Looks like he like Kenzie alot.
<<set $sisblack+=1, $dex+=1, $siscorrupt+=1>>
<span class="purple-text">Kenzie's corruption has increased
Agility increased</span>
[[Lets go|Lower streets]]<img class="centered-image" src="img/other/looting2.gif" width="400px">
You know why you are here! Let's loot some chips and then bang some chiks!
[[Go back|Lootzone2]]
<<if $energy!=0 && $energy>=0>><<linkreplace "Lets dig in thouse shitty ruins!">>
<<set _rnd = ["1", "2", "3", "4"].random()>><<switch _rnd>>
<<case "1">>
Some books, some magazins and some another useles shit. No one will buy it, so you think the time was lost for nothing.
<<set $loottime+=1>>
<span class="purple-text">Energy has decreased<<set $energy-=1>></span>
<<case "2">>
Wow, thats a chocolate bar! Not bad! It seems that you are unlikely to be able to get enough energy from it, but it seems that one of the girls you know was a big fan of chocolate. Most likely she would be happy with it.
<<set $chocolate+=1, $loottime+=1>>
<span class="purple-text">1 chocolate bar looted
Energy has decreased<<set $energy-=1>></span>
<<case "3">>
<<set $loottime+=1>>
While exploring an abandoned university, you suddenly hear sounds that are familiar to you. Sounds of sex.
Approaching cautiously, you see a young girl who has been tied up by a man and seems to be taking advantage of the moment. And her pussy.
<img class="centered-image" src="img/other/randomrape1.gif" width="400px">
<span class="purple-text">Energy has decreased<<set $energy-=1>></span>
[[Try to save her|Lootevent2-1]]
<<case "4">>
<<if $knowtwobanditos == 0>><<set $loottime+=1>>
You explore the empty corridors in search of something valuable. However, what can you find here? This is a fucking university!
However, it turns out that you are not the only one who is not happy with the search of this place. On the way you are met by a couple of guys from the Skulls. They seem to be quite unhappy with their situation in life.
Looking at you, they approach, seemingly wanting to discuss something.
<span class="purple-text">Energy has decreased<<set $energy-=1>></span>
[[Talk to them|Lootevent3-1]]
<<elseif $knowtwobanditos == 1>>
This is Jay and his slave. As always, they suffer from bullshit and are bored. Maybe it's worth joining them to practice again?
[[Go to them|Lootevent3-1]]
<<elseif $knowtwobanditos == 3>>
It's pretty quiet here. You're not meeting anyone. However, the time was wasted, so we can say that the day was not going well...<</if>>
<<else>>Youre too tired<</if>>You managed to get close to the rapist and with a sharp blow of the knife handle to the back of the head, knocked out the bastard. The crying girl looks at you with hope and horror at the same time. She bellows for help, still helplessly tied up.
<img class="centered-image" src="img/other/tiedgirl1.webp" width="400px">
<span class="red-text">Ugh... poor pussy that was tied up and used for nothing... so sad. Maybe we should finish what this idiot started?</span>
<<set $lootevent21=0>>
<<linkreplace "Use her">><<if $lootevent21==0>>
<img class="centered-image" src="img/other/teethsmile.gif" width="400px">
You smile looking at the unfortunate woman. This smile does not bode well.
<<set $lootevent21=1>>
@@.speech-mc;- I think you want to thanks man who save you, so I use you for a while. Thanks for the treat.@@
<img class="centered-image" src="img/other/tiedgirl2.gif" width="400px">
You enter her roughly and sharply. Fortunately, she was already wet and hot enough not to create any inconvenience for you. Not a very tight hole, but free fun.
<img class="centered-image" src="img/other/tiedgirl3.gif" width="400px">
You fuck her for a while, but there’s no particular reason to linger here, and you don’t want to. Soon you cum and leave this poor cunt lying there. Someone will probably save her in the future. Or maybe the guy you knocked out will wake up and have some more fun with her...
<<if $moraleb<=3>><<set $moraleb+=1>><span class="purple-text">Karma has decreased</span><</if>>
[[Return to you business|Lootzone2]]<<else>>Not both at time, boy!<</if>><</linkreplace>>
<<linkreplace "Free her">><<if $lootevent21==0>>
<<set $lootevent21=0>>
<span class="blue-text">How good it is that there are still good people in the world!</span>
You remove the bonds and help the girl get dressed. Her anger at her captor results in several savory blows to his dignity, but he deserves it, so don’t interfere.
Something like justice has triumphed and you are convinced with a calm soul that you helped this happen. Unfortunately, good deeds are not always rewarded, so the girl only thanks you verbally. No thank you loot, no blowjob, nothing. Well...
<img class="centered-image" src="img/other/goodguy.gif" width="400px">
<<if $moraleg<=3>><<set $moraleg+=1>><span class="purple-text">Karma has increased</span><</if>>
[[Return to you business|Lootzone2]]<<else>>Not both at time, boy!<</if>><</linkreplace>><<set $robbedmoney = $money>><<if $BandRep >= 1 && $knowtwobanditos == 0>>
@@.speech-boy;- Sup, dog. Looks like I know you from somewhere? - say one of them, tall blond guy wearing hoody, - Yeah... how was it... $mcname or something?@@
You don't sure but node to him.
@@.speech-boy;- Yeah, hear about you. Seems like you try to be Big Bad Dick on the streets? Heh, don't mind my jokes! Just messin with ya! Name's Jay. This silent dwarf next to me is Bobbert The Unstopable taller short guy in all community. He is my slave if you wanna know. Do you agree, Bobbert? He is agree.@@
<img class="centered-image" src="img/other/jayandbob.gif" width="400px">
You look at them with a strange feeling of deja vu and ask:
@@.speech-mc;- So what do you guys want from me?@@
@@.speech-boy;- Oh, thats! Nothing really. Just wanna ask - don't you wanna maybe some training with brothers? Skulls need to stay together, like Bobbert stay always by my side! We wanna train aim and gonna smash some windows with rocks! You with us?@@
@@.speech-mc;- Well... - technically you not Skull, but they don't know it so why not, - Yeah, sign me up!@@
@@.speech-boy;- Cool! Cool, god! Get some stones and go with us! @@
@@.speech-mc;- Hey, nice to meet you Bob, - you extend your hand to him but his face changes.@@
<img class="centered-image" src="img/other/bobangry.gif" width="400px">
@@.speech-boy;- Woah, woah! Stop right there you fucking shortstuck lover! Don't touch my dwarf! He don't like it! Sry, bud, hands off and so! Go find you stones and take it to our stones outside! Hurry up, yo!@@
You don't understand what happens but... ok.
<<set $knowtwobanditos = 1>>
You spent a couple of hours together breaking windows in the university building. You've clearly managed to improve your accuracy. This turned out to be some surprisingly useful shit.
<<if $per<=5>>
<<set $per+=1>><span class="purple-text">Perception has increased</span>
[[Time to go|Lootzone2]]
<<elseif $BandRep >= 1 && $knowtwobanditos == 1>>
<img class="centered-image" src="img/other/trowrock.gif" width="400px">
You and the guys are having fun and breaking windows. Well, you are getting wiser, young Padawan, and there are fewer windows.
- Yo-yo-yo, great throw $mcname, my slave should learn from you! Did you hear that, Bobbert? Start trying, bitch!
<<if $per<=5>>
<<set $per+=1>><span class="purple-text">Perception has increased</span>
[[Time to go|Lootzone2]]
<<elseif $BandRep <= 0>>
<img class="centered-image" src="img/other/jayandbobangry.gif" width="400px">
@@.speech-boy;- Stay still you fucking slacker and bastard! Spit out your money otherwise you'll be in trouble! My battle dwarf will beat the crap out of you if you try to move! - say blond guy with Skull hoody.@@
<<linkreplace "Give them all you money">>Well, there's no point in resisting. There are two of them, and you are one. The best thing you can do here is not get fucked.
They rob you, but fairly. They only take money and do not touch weapons, equipment and other garbage.
<<set $money = 0, $robbed=1>>
At the end you see the bastards running away in an unknown direction. You were robbed. Fuck.
[[Time to go|Lootzone2]]<</linkreplace>>
<<linkreplace "Fight back">>Well, you tried. Two people go around you from both sides and take advantage of their numerical advantage to beat the crap out of you.
<img class="centered-image" src="img/other/jayandbobbeatyou.gif" width="400px">
Some time passes and when you come to your senses you realize that you no longer have money. The rest, surprisingly, was left untouched.
<<set $energy=0, $robbed=1>>
[[Time to go|Lootzone2]]<</linkreplace>><</if>><img class="centered-image" src="img/other/shoping.gif" width="400px">
You know why you are here! To shopping or die trying!
<<if $energy!=0 && $energy>=0>><<linkreplace "Be carefull and look around while looting!">>
<<set _rnd = ["1", "2", "3", "4"].random()>><<set _rnd2 = random(1, 6)>>
<<switch _rnd>>
<<case "1">>
<<if $oldmanhelp!=1>><img class="centered-image" src="img/other/trouble.gif" width="400px">
You see a good wanderer. He attacks.
(most likely another scav who decided to rummage through your pockets)
<<set $loottime+=1>>
<span class="purple-text">Energy has decreased<<set $energy-=1>></span>
[[Fight for you life!|Fight: Scav]]<<elseif $oldmanhelp==1>><img class="centered-image" src="img/other/oldsavegirl.jpg" width="400px">
You see a girl waving to you from a destroyed building across the street. She is friendly and even seems pretty. This is very suspicious...<<set $oldsavegirlloop=0>>
<<linkreplace "Talk to her">><<if $oldsavegirlloop!=1>><<set $oldsavegirlloop=1>>Approaching the girl you see that she smiles at you and says:
@@.speech-girl;- Hey, hi handsome. I don’t know your name, but I heard that you helped my grandfather and younger brother, who were left without supplies. I couldn't get back from the city on time and... well... thank you!@@
You answer that it was a trifle and she has nothing to thank you for. She doesn't agree.
@@.speech-girl;- Come with me, hero. I know that now there are mostly only scum left around, so I want the only hero I met to remember that good is rewarded...@@
You go with her and she takes you to a small, lived-in apartment. There is no one here now, but you see traces of a recent lunch on the table. The redhead pulls you into the room and when you find yourself in it, she begins to kiss you and undress.
<img class="centered-image" src="img/other/girlrevard1.webp" width="400px">
When the kisses and clothes are finished, it’s her lips’ turn to work.
@@.speech-girl;- Wow... I didn’t expect to see such a... big... thing... - she says with a breath that pleasantly touches your penis.@@
Stroking your dick with her hands, she very gently covers it with kisses and licks it.
<img class="centered-image" src="img/other/girlrevard2.webp" width="400px">
She sucks very gently. Even when she tries to take it deeper, it doesn’t work out very well. But you feel such warmth and care for your member that it seems as if her life depends on him.
<img class="centered-image" src="img/other/girlrevard3.webp" width="400px">
When it's the turn of the main course, she climbs on top of you. He carefully pushes himself down and moans. The redhead turns out to be damn tight. You are moving but only little by little. You even have to restrain yourself.
Her small neat tits are jumping above you as you continue to penetrate her with your shaft. The room is filled with sweet girlish moans.
<img class="centered-image" src="img/other/girlrevard4.webp" width="400px">
Then you lower her onto the bed and begin to enter her from above. She moans and approaches orgasm. When she finishes, she pats you lightly on the back and says:
@@.speech-girl;- Oh... that... was wonderful... could you give me a little break? I'm not used to such long... um... runs...@@
<img class="centered-image" src="img/other/girlrevard5.webp" width="400px">
The thought of a break doesn't make you too happy, but you decide to give her a little rest. You pull out your dick and start tapping it on her pussy. She moans with pleasure.
<img class="centered-image" src="img/other/girlrevard6.webp" width="400px">
Then you start fucking her doggy style and the girl comes to meet you, taking your dick into her over and over again. You enjoy the process as if you were not yourself. She is gentle and surprisingly kind to you. So unusual and pleasant.
<img class="centered-image" src="img/other/girlrevard7.webp" width="400px">
When she cums for the second time and falls in front of you, you say:
@@.speech-mc;- Work a little more... I'm almost at the limit.@@
Then you put her in front of you and start jerking off right in her face. She obediently stands licking your dick like a succubus.
You can't stand it and drop it right on her face. Jet after jet and now the cutie is all covered with your sperm.
<img class="centered-image" src="img/other/girlrevard8.webp" width="400px">
@@.speech-girl;- It was... - she begins.@@
@@.speech-mc;- Yes. Cool, - you finish.@@
She laughs and after a couple of minutes says that you better get away before her grandfather and brother come back. You rightly reason that she is right and pack your things.
<<set $loottime+=1, $energy-=1>>
<span class="purple-text">Energy has decreased</span><<else>>One decision at a time<</if>><</linkreplace>>
<<linkreplace "Run while you still can! This is definitely a trap!">><<if $oldsavegirlloop!=1>><<set $oldsavegirlloop=1>><img class="centered-image" src="img/battle/running.webp" width="400px">There's no way she can catch up with you now. This red-haired she-devil will not have your soul, supplies, or whatever she was trying to trap you for...<<else>>One decision at a time<</if>><</linkreplace>><</if>>
<<case "2">>
Wow, wow, wow, you find some scrap! This is.. aclually not really cool, but you can sell it, so-o-o... good for you? Not exacly wasted time.
<<set $junk+= _rnd2 , $loottime+=1>>
<span class="purple-text"> _rnd2 junk looted
Energy has decreased<<set $energy-=1>></span>
<<case "3">>
During your wanderings you see something pretty cool. Guard squad that went out to clean up the infected. There is no way to help them, so now the best thing that can be done is to save them from suffering. As a result, the guys clean the area, destroy the infection and return.
<img class="centered-image" src="img/other/guards.gif" width="400px">
For a short time you felt like one of them, watching as they cleaned another hole where you wouldn’t poke your nose. The way they effectively dealt with groups of infected people impresses you. Maybe one day you could join them? Who knows...
You lingered watching their actions, but unfortunately you didn’t find anything on the corpses they left behind. No luck.
<<set $loottime+=1>>
<span class="purple-text">Energy has decreased<<set $energy-=1>></span>
<<case "4">>
For some time you wander without much hope. There is a lot of space here, but most of the valuables are no longer in obvious places. Thinking about where you could make a hiding place, you decide to check out a lingerie store. To your own surprise, you find a real treasure there, although rather spiritual...
<img class="centered-image" src="img/alison/alisonposter.jpg" width="400px">
I think Alison from the store, Ashley's mother, has been in a lingerie commercial before. And you came across a poster with her participation in this store. Crap. This is what they call a MILF. Maybe it would be worth taking him home? But no, your sexual drive is already too wild. You don't need to create dangerous situations at home.
Having left the “treasure”, you move on without finding anything.
<<set $loottime+=1>>
<span class="purple-text">Energy has decreased<<set $energy-=1>></span>
<</linkreplace>><<else>>Youre too tired<</if>>
<<if $bonniestart==0 && $energy!=0 && $energy>=0>><<linkreplace "Wow, something intresting!">>
While wandering around you notice something interesting. Out of the blue, near one of the tents of an abandoned shopping center, you see a girl in a Skulls vest. It would seem like unnecessary problems. That's just...
<img class="centered-image" src="img/bonnie/binniefirstmeet1.jpg" width="400px">
<span class="red-text">Not bad bum you got here, walking hole! Oh... wait... did she hear me or what? Why did this stupid cunt undress?</span>
And yes. Strange, but the girl actually began to undress right in the middle of the corridor. Just... like that. She didn't even need a proposal! True, for some reason the juiciest shots were taken in the direction opposite to you.
<img class="centered-image" src="img/bonnie/binniefirstmeet3.jpg" width="400px">
In a moment she start to masturbate. With no reason at all. Just do it. You think maybe she was horny or something. But it looks strange enough. You felt a suspicious chill of foreboding run down your spine when you heard her first moans of orgasm.
<img class="centered-image" src="img/bonnie/binniefirstmeet2.jpg" width="400px">
Why did you feel them? And all because someone started to echo them. Someone who sounded just like the infected with their eternal crunching and whistling sounds. And these sounds were approaching from the very corridor where the girl was looking.
<span class="blue-text">Maybe she need help!</span>
You saw the infected man appear. He started watching the stranger continue to masturbate. He pulled his hands towards her...
<img class="centered-image" src="img/bonnie/zombie1.gif" width="400px">
...but no luck. She quickly began to move towards you. You hid, and when she ran past, leaving behind her the smell of hot flesh, the infected followed her, leaving only a dirty stench. Meh.
<img class="centered-image" src="img/bonnie/zombie2.gif" width="400px">
[[Lets follow!|Bonnieevent1]]<</linkreplace>><</if>>
[[Go back|Lootzone3]]You follow the lady and the infected into a section of the mall that you have not yet explored and see a very interesting sight here. Someone has prepared a "cunning" trap for the infected. If he continues to follow the girl, he will definitely step on a covered hole in the floor. Brilliant. Few could come up with something so outstanding. One more step and...
<<set $bonniestart+=1>>
<img class="centered-image" src="img/bonnie/trap1.gif" width="400px">
You move closer, finding a small sign by the door not far from the trap. It says "Bonnie's." You're knocking. Surprisingly, the door is not very reinforced, and after just a minute it even opens. The same girl meets you behind her. Looks like she has some time to changes.
<img class="centered-image" src="img/bonnie/bonnie.png" width="400px">
@@.speech-girl;- Hey baby, are you here to shop? This is your first time here, so pay attention to the rules! No harassment, no stealing, no bullshit, okay? If you want something, no problem. Payment with food. I do not accept Guards money. If you don't be naughty, I won't break your balls. @@
She looks confident and clearly knows what she's doing. You look around in surprise, taking a step forward. It looks like this really is a store in one of the most dangerous places in the area.
@@.speech-mc;- Wow... - that's all you can say.@@
@@.speech-girl;- Thanks, sugar dick, I hear that all the time.@@
@@.speech-mc;- So, basically, you have a shop where i can change food for something, you catch infected and do no blowjobs?@@
@@.speech-girl;- Yeah, except for the blowjobs part. I do them alot, but only if someone make me burn for him. Or have some huge dong in his pants! Thats work too.@@
@@.speech-mc;- I have a huge one!@@
@@.speech-girl;- Really?@@
@@.speech-mc;- Well...@@
<img class="centered-image" src="img/bonnie/well.gif" width="400px">
<span class="red-text">I'M SO PROUD THAT WITH ALL SHIT YOU USUALY DO - THERE IS NO PLACE TO LIE! Fucking degenerate...</span>
<span class="blue-text">I am too!</span>
<span class="red-text">Degenerates...</span>
@@.speech-girl;- Think so. But don't worry - it we get along maybe I make an exeption for a honest guy like you, - she wink at you with a smile, - My mother allways say "You can find a good dick, but it's no use if there no good man with it!". And she know all about it! I have five step-dads! And since you're such a nice guy, here's a gift from me! And yes, we haven’t met yet, right? I'm Bonnie! And you... but no, don’t say it - it’s too early for names! At least for yours! And what about the gift - here's some canned food for you so you don't go hungry. And came again, heh.@@
<img class="centered-image" src="img/bonnie/bonnie2.jpg" width="400px">
You look around for a while longer. She has a lot of rubbish here, but there was nothing that you needed. The time was not entirely wasted, because now you know more! Maybe if you look at her another day, you will be able to understand which side is better to approach this lively girl?
<span class="purple-text">2 supplies looted
Energy has decreased<<set $energy-=1, $supplies+=2>></span>
[[Time to go|Lootzone3]]<img class="centered-image" src="img/location/bonnie.jpg" width="400px">
Some kind of store called Bonnie's. Here you can exchange all sorts of junk for other junk. It's a win-win situation.
<<if $bonniework==0>>It looks like the store is closed now, or, to be completely precise, you won’t find anything interesting here. The assortment may be crap, or maybe such a great guy like you simply won’t find anything useful in this trash heap. Or, alternatively, nothing has happened yet where you would need something from the local trash.
<<elseif $bonniework==1>>Looks like someone recently robbed this place. This is probably not surprising, considering where it is located. The sign was torn down and the contents of the store were cleaned out. One can only guess what happened to its owner.
<<elseif $bonniework==2>>Bonnie is glad to see you. Her food supplies has dwindled, so she's willing to offer you some ammo for food. And a couple more little things.
<<if $needmoney1==1 && $bonniemoneyask!=1 && $energy!=0>>
[[Ask Bonnie about money to help save Kenzie|bmoneyask]]
[[Go shopping|bshop]]
<<if $bonnieevent1==0 && $energy!=0 && $energy>=0>>Something doesn't seem right. Strange sounds are heard from the store, and the trap that Bonnie usually used is blocked by a trash can that fell on her.
[[Look inside|bonnieevent1]]<</if>>
[[Get out|Lootzone3]]<div style="text-align: center;">
$mcname VS Oldman
<img class="centered-image" src="img/battle/foldman1.jpg" width="400px">
<<set $health = $end + $def , $atkfi = $str + $atk, $deffi = $dex + $stes>>
<<set $enhealth = 1 , $enatk = 1, $endef = 1>>
Your health: $health Your attack: $atkfi Your defense: $deffi
<<if $health==1>><img class="centered-image" src="img/battle/hp1.jpg" width="400px"><<elseif $health==2>><img class="centered-image" src="img/battle/hp2.jpg" width="400px"><<elseif $health==3>><img class="centered-image" src="img/battle/hp3.jpg" width="400px"><<elseif $health==4>><img class="centered-image" src="img/battle/hp4.jpg" width="400px"><<elseif $health>=5>><img class="centered-image" src="img/battle/hp5.jpg" width="400px"><</if>>
<<linkreplace "Examine your potential opponent">>
<img class="centered-image" src="img/battle/foldman2.jpg" width="400px">
Just an ordinary old man who decided to attack you because... well... don't think about it! He attacked first! Damn dirty, hungry bastard!
<span class="purple-text">Enemy health: 1 Enemy attack: 1 Enemy defense: 1</span>
[[Start the fight!|fightold]]
<<set $fightloop=0>>
<<if $energy!=0>><<linkreplace "Just run away">><<if $fightloop==0>>
<img class="centered-image" src="img/battle/running.webp" width="400px">
The old man can't catch you. Not the most daring move, but it certainly quickly solves this problem.
<<set $fightloop=1>>
<<set $energy-=1>><span class="purple-text">Energy has decreased</span>
[[Time to get out|Lootzone3]]
<<else>>One decision at a time<</if>><</linkreplace>><</if>>
<<if $bullets!=0>><<linkreplace "Shoot the bastard">><<if $fightloop==0>>
<img class="centered-image" src="img/battle/shoot.webp" width="400px">
<span class="blue-text">Bloody hell, did you just shoot an old man for raising his hand to you? You ruthless bastard! He was almost a hundred years old!</span>
<<set $moraleb+=1, $bullets-=1>>
<span class="red-text">Groovy!</span>
<<set $fightloop=1>>
<span class="purple-text">Karma has decreased</span>
[[Time to check his pockets|winold]]<<else>>One decision at a time<</if>><</linkreplace>><</if>>
<<if $moraleg>=2 && $supplies>=2>><<linkreplace "Maybe you could offer him some food?">><<if $fightloop==0>>Suddenly, at your proposal, the old man lowered his crutch in surprise, looked at you with disbelief, but still agreed.
<<set $fightloop=1>>
When you actually gave him a can of canned food, he tearfully apologized and said that you literally saved the life of him and his starving grandson.
After apologizing again, he thanked you and left. We can assume that you have won.
<<set $moraleb+=1, $supplies-=2, $oldmanhelp=1>>
<span class="purple-text">Karma has increased</span>
[[Time to get out|Lootzone3]]<<else>>One decision at a time<</if>><</linkreplace>><</if>><img class="centered-image" src="img/other/trade.jpg" width="400px">
You can sell the following items here:
Food supplies for 2$ <<if $supplies!=0>>[[SELL|It's shopping time!][$supplies-=1, $money+=2]]<</if>>
Ammo for 5$ <<if $bullets!=0>>[[SELL|It's shopping time!][$bullets-=1, $money+=5]]<</if>>
Teddy for 1$ <<if $teddy!=0>>[[SELL|It's shopping time!][$teddy-=1, $money+=1]]<</if>>
Chocolate for 1$<<if $chocolate!=0>>[[SELL|It's shopping time!][$chocolate-=1, $money+=1]]<</if>>
2 Junk for 1$<<if $junk>=2>>[[SELL|It's shopping time!][$junk-=2, $money+=1]]<</if>>
You can buy the following items here:
Food supplies for 3$ <<if $money>=3>>[[BUY|It's shopping time!][$supplies+=1, $money-=3]]<</if>>
Ammo for 10$ <<if $money>=10>>[[BUY|It's shopping time!][$bullets+=1, $money-=10]]<</if>>
Coffee for 5$ <<if $money>=5>>[[BUY|It's shopping time!][$coffee+=1, $money-=5]]<</if>>
Baseball Bat for 3$ <<if $money >= 3 && $bat1==0>>[[BUY|It's shopping time!][$bat1 = 1, $money -= 3]]<</if>>
Leather Armor for 6$ <<if $money >= 6 && $armor1==0>>[[BUY|It's shopping time!][$armor1 = 1, $money -= 6]]<</if>>At first, all you have is a bad feeling and strange sounds, but when you get closer, your doubts disappear completely. There is a dirty stain on the door in the form of a palm print, and from inside you can definitely hear the puffing of the infected person and women’s moans.
<<linkreplace "Looking inside through the window, you see that the trap with the hole seems to have worked, but not quite as Bonnie would have liked.">>
<img class="centered-image" src="img/bonnie/bonnieev2.gif" width="400px">
The infected bent her over in an unsightly position. The girl moans, and it is possible that it is from pain, considering how roughly and deeply the member of this creature enters her ass. Bonnie's face is distorted with a grimace of disgust and fear, because she most likely does not know how exactly this whole situation will end.
<img class="centered-image" src="img/bonnie/bonnieev1.gif" width="400px">
When she tries to break free, the muscular infected only throws her onto another part of the store, tears off some more of her clothes and continues to brutally fuck her without any pity.
<<set $boonieevent=1>>
[[Wait a moment and save Bonnie|bonnieevgood]]
[[Seize the moment and rob Bonnie|bonnieevbad]]
<</linkreplace>>You walk around the infected person, trying not to draw attention to yourself.
<<if $dex==1>>But you stumble clumsily, dropping the bottle standing on the table. Luckily the creature is too distracted to tear itself away from Bonnie's ass.
<<elseif $dex==2>>Somehow you manage not to disturb the monster, although a couple of times you were close to creating problems for yourself.
<<elseif $dex>=3>>Silently you approach the infected rapist like a shadow, ignoring all possible difficulties.<</if>>
Bonnie notices you and hums, apparently trying to ask for help. You nod, but put your finger to your lips. She seems to understand.
You come across her bat. You take it in your hands. Trying it on. The creature is hefty and if you can’t handle it, it will be bad. We need to strengthen ourselves. Squeeze the bat as tightly as possible in your hands and hit as hard as you can...
<<linkreplace "STRIKE! NOW!">>
<img class="centered-image" src="img/bonnie/hit1.gif" width="400px">
<img class="centered-image" src="img/bonnie/hit2.jpg" width="400px">
His skull shatters with a crack, and you look around in horror. Are there any infected pieces? The eyes were closed and the mouth too. It seems you're safe. The girl in front of you was covered in “dirt,” but after getting out from under the body that was still holding its limp penis in her ass, she said with a groan:
@@.speech-girl;- Damn... you obviously really wanted this blow job... - she try to smile, but pait in the ass make it look little miserable, - Wow... thats was a ride and I was a car. Shit. Don't think this fuckers be this annoying. Maybe i need to improve my deffence system.@@
@@.speech-mc;- You welcome, - say you seeng there is no gratitude, - Maybe now you remember that my name is $mcname and be... well... i can't say "nice to me" because you already were, but I wanna discount or something for my help. Okay?@@
@@.speech-girl;- More than okay, big boy. And "something" is thing that I can do, - she say with a roguish smile, - If you wait like... fifteen minutes and guard the store... maybe even clean it - we can figure something out.@@
@@.speech-mc;- O-o-okay, - you say without a confidence, because there can be more trouble this way, - I help you with a store. You get my reward. Fair deal.@@
She gives you a thumbs up and then limps towards the utility room door. It must be said that the sight of her naked body could turn on even a dead man... if not for the sight of a crushed skull and a swollen corpse that belonged to the dead man.
<<linkreplace "Maybe you can really tidy up this place...">>
<span class="red-text">Look at this cute little maiden! Hopes you get youself infected and die in misery... fucking cleaning...</span>
<span class="blue-text">Hey, don't listen the grumpy one! Good job! With girl and infected too. We can't help him, but you save her and even now helping the poor soul!</span>
You really drag your body outside, thinking about everything that happened. Of course, you don’t have enough time to clean up, but tidying up this place a little is enough. She should put locks here... <<set $cleanbonnieshop=1>><</linkreplace>>
After some time you see the owner. Bonnie. She cleaned herself up and, putting on a red top along with short shorts, called you to the clean part of the store.
[[Come to Bonnie|bonnieevgood2]]<</linkreplace>>You are waiting for either the infected to drag her deep into the store so that she does not see your face, or for her to lose consciousness from fatigue.
The second, surprisingly, happened earlier. At some point, the infected began to fuck Bonnie's ass like a machine with his extremely long penis, apparently cleaning her VERY deeply. Maybe she received some injuries? Maybe she will die? It's not your fucking problem!
<img class="centered-image" src="img/bonnie/bonnieev3-1.gif" width="400px">
You, in turn, took advantage of the fact that the creature was immersed in the girl (in every sense) and calmly made your way inside. You managed to steal all her money that was in the cash register and the supplies that were lying nearby. You decided not to go very deep into the store.
<img class="centered-image" src="img/bonnie/bonnieev3-2.gif" width="400px">
On your way out, you turned for the last time to Bonnie, who seemed to have come to her senses again, but no longer saw anything around except the creature that had attracted her attention. The infected man began to stimulate Bonnie's pussy with his hand, and she even seemed to begin to receive some kind of pleasure. However, she is unlikely to be able to sit soon...
<<set $bonniework=1, $money+=10, $supplies+=6, $moraleb+=2, $bonnieevent1=1>>
<span class="purple-text">10 money bills looted
6 supplies looted
Energy has decreased
Karma has decreased<<set $energy-=1>></span>
[[Goodbye, thanks for all the fish!|Lootzone3]]<div id="Choices">
<<set $Choice = "Accept">>
<<radiobutton "$Choice" "Accept" >> Take the Gift
<<radiobutton "$Choice" "Decline">> Decline the Gift
<<radiobutton "$Choice" "Destroy">> Throw the gift on the floor and squash it with your foot
<<button "Commit!">>
<<replace "#Choices">>
<<switch $Choice>>
<<case "Accept">>
hihi you did it!
<<case "Decline">>
you didnt take it
<<case "Destory">>
you crushed the gift, oh no!
</div>You realize that you are alone in this part of the mall, and maybe the entire block. Or at least the only living people. It’s better not to attract attention, but... you’ve already made a splash, so it’s better to be careful.
<<set $bonnieevent1=1>>
However, Bonnie either does not seem to understand this, or may simply ignore this fact. Acting calmly and only periodically rubbing her torn ass, she looks confident. She reeks of alcohol, but on the whole she looks you in the eyes quite soberly and says:
@@.speech-girl;- You wanted a reward. I have one in mind. Think you’ll like it, - she drops to her knees, - However, we’ll make do with the tongue and lips. At least for now. Fucking sick bastard...@@
<<linkreplace "You're excited">>
She rubs her ass and, standing in front of your fly, begins to pull down your pants. Seeing your penis in front of her, she clicks her tongue and says:
@@.speech-girl;- OK. This counts, - after which she begins to play with you dick.@@
<img class="centered-image" src="img/bonnie/bonnieblow1.gif" width="400px">
She held it in front of her face for a couple of moments before opening her mouth and pushing it inside. Her throat and soft flesh grabbed your cock, running her tongue along the base of the penis while the head slid right deep. She clearly wasn't embarrassed by her lack of gag reflex.
<img class="centered-image" src="img/bonnie/bonnieblow2.gif" width="400px">
She worked on your penis with her hands, squeezing the flesh harder, but did not press, letting go when you began to feel the blood rushing to it. At the same time, her tongue came out of her mouth and tried unsuccessfully to reach your balls, but it was clearly not long enough to cover the distance between them.
<img class="centered-image" src="img/bonnie/bonnieblow3.webp" width="400px">
At some point, she decided to give herself a break and, pulling the penis out of her mouth, began tapping herself on the face with it, saying:
@@.speech-girl;- Like? Do you feel like a million dollars fucking my mouth with your huge dick? Probably would like to get to my broken ass right now? But no... not today...@@
@@.speech-mc;- Shut your mouth.@@
@@.speech-girl;- Yes, yes, - she agreed with a smile impaling himself on you again.@@
<img class="centered-image" src="img/bonnie/bonnieblow4.webp" width="400px">
Her words, tongue and actions did their job. It might be worth showing off, but it was a reward, so you relaxed and let her do whatever she wanted. As a result, after just five minutes she brought you to the limit and, feeling that she was bringing you closer to the end, she began to suck the tip of your penis, without letting it out of her mouth. She even deliberately exposed her tits to speed you up.
<img class="centered-image" src="img/bonnie/bonnieblow5.webp" width="400px">
And you finished. He lowered it straight into her mouth, filling her to the brim.
Feeling the relief and pleasure of orgasm, your brain somehow became more sophisticated. You realized that you are not just being sucked off, but are being sucked off by a girl who was recently fucked by an infected person, sucked off near the place where the infected person was killed, and also sucked off in a place where there may be a bunch of other infected people.
<<linkreplace "Better hurry up and leave">>
Having quickly finished getting dressed, you say goodbye to Bonnie, thanking her for the “reward”, but she deliberately asks in surprise:
@@.speech-girl;- What are you talking about? Your reward is here.@@
After that, she hands you a very good baseball bat with spikes and thorns.
<img class="centered-image" src="img/bonnie/bonniebat.png" width="400px">
@@.speech-girl;- Enjoy, $mcname . Thanks again. And no - you don't have to stay for breakfast. I need to find some ice for my ass and then sleep for a week...@@
You take the bat in surprise, thinking about what happened and then leave Bonnie. She literally sucked all the strength out of you.
<<set $bonnielove+=1, $moraleg+=2, $batB+=1, $bonniework=2>>
<span class="purple-text">Bonnie's bat looted
Energy has decreased
Karma has increased
Bonnie's love has increased<<set $energy-=1>></span>
[[Go out|Lootzone3]]<</linkreplace>><</linkreplace>><img class="centered-image" src="img/bonnie/bbuy.jpg" width="400px">
You can buy the following items here:
Ammo for 10 cans <<if $supplies>=10>>[[BUY|bshop][$bullets+=1, $supplies-=10]]<</if>>
Teddy for 1 cans <<if $supplies>=1>>[[BUY|bshop][$teddy+=1, $supplies-=1]]<</if>>
Chocolate for 1 cans <<if $supplies>=1>>[[BUY|bshop][$chocolate+=1, $supplies-=1]]<</if>>
5 Junk for 1 cans <<if $supplies>=1>>[[BUY|bshop][$junk+=5, $supplies-=1]]<</if>>
Katana for 7 cans <<if $supplies>=7 && $katana==0>>[[BUY|bshop][$katana=1, $supplies-=7]]<</if>>
[[Leave|Bonny's]]The way you two have become romantically close lately is not surprising. The only man in her life whom she knows well and who is always there is you. Is it so surprising that over time, the boundaries that society separated you began to crumble?
You spent too much time together. Considering your sexual needs and love for each other, you shouldn’t have expected a different outcome.
<<if $sissuckyou==1>><<linkreplace "Maybe have some nap with Kenzie?">>
After you spent a couple of hours together, you took a shit in her bed. She was lying by your side. Her pleasant aroma relaxed you, and the warmth of her gentle body made you plunge into a world of fantasy.
You were already a little familiar with this, but at some point your fantasies began to become reality...
<img class="centered-image" src="img/sis/sislove3.webp" width="400px">
You began to wake up from the fact that a small hand was gently and carefully jerking your penis, and the naked body of your sister, who had undressed again, lay moaning on your chest.
@@.speech-mc;- Kenzi, - you began to shake her, - Hey, wake up. You seem to be becoming a complete lunatic...@@
@@.speech-girl;- I’m not sleeping, brother, - you heard under your nose.@@
<span class="red-text">Not sleeping? Someone shoud spank that ass. Very hard.</span>
@@.speech-girl;- You was so hard. I think you hurt and wanna help, - she say with innocent but someway lustfull look on her face.@@
<img class="centered-image" src="img/sis/wink.gif" width="400px">
@@.speech-girl;- So, big brother, can I help you with you problem? I wanna do it, pretty please! - she ask in a moment.@@
@@.speech-mc;- Well...@@
<span class="red-text">If you say "no" I will chop off you dick in a sleep. Thats a promise.</span>
@@.speech-mc;- I think if we both want it - why not. Last time I was in heaven thanks to you lips, sis.@@
@@.speech-girl;- Yay! You don't regret it! Soon I learn to suck it like a pro!@@
<span class="red-text">She already do it like a pro, but why not.</span>
<img class="centered-image" src="img/sis/sislove4.webp" width="400px">
Not wasting time - Kenzie start to play with you already hard dick, suck your balls and give you a great handjob. Nothing compares to the pressure of these gentle hands. You can only think of one more tender place in her body that could hug you just as tightly...
<img class="centered-image" src="img/sis/sislove5.webp" width="400px">
@@.speech-girl;- Are you feeling good, brother? - she asks, releasing your penis from her mouth, - Do you like how I do it? Do I need to do something differently to make you feel good?@@
@@.speech-mc;- Take it deeper, honey. I know you can do it. You have already shown me the highest class.@@
<img class="centered-image" src="img/sis/sislove6.webp" width="400px">
Like a good girl, Kenzi starts making you feel good. You feel how her suction begins to increase in intensity and her movements become more confident and even slightly aggressive.
<img class="centered-image" src="img/sis/sislove7.webp" width="400px">
Soon you feel that she has brought you to the peak and, without holding back, you lower yourself straight into her mouth again. She gags slightly and takes your sperm. And ask:
@@.speech-girl;- Feel better?@@
@@.speech-mc;- Yeah, love. Your the best.@@
@@.speech-girl;- L-l-lo... love?! - she ask with a shock and embarrassment.@@
<img class="centered-image" src="img/sis/flatteredsis.gif" width="400px">
@@.speech-mc;- Hey, listen. I... @@
@@.speech-girl;- Nope! Get out! We need to... ah... em... clean! I need to clean this place! And work! Yeah! Work! Get out!@@
You was thrown out. Just like this. Well... at least you cum.<<set $sislove+=1, $energy-=1, $sislust+=20, $sisloveq1=1>>
<span class="purple-text">Energy has decreased
Kenzie's love has increased
Kenzie's lust has increased</span>
<<if $sislust>=20>><<linkreplace "Spend some time with Kenziee, just relaxing next to her">>
She's tired and decides to take a nap while you stay next to your sister. You feel comfortable together and even just sitting next to her you feel better.
<img class="centered-image" src="img/sis/sislove.gif" width="400px">
Half an hour later you are sitting and reading a book when you hear a commotion in the bed. You continue to read, but out of the corner of your eye you notice a blanket falling from the bed, and muffled moans are heard from your little sister.
<img class="centered-image" src="img/sis/sislove2.webp" width="400px">
@@.speech-girl;- $mcname ... $mcname ... please... be gentle... oh... yeah... right there... - you hear from her.@@
You carefully pretend not to notice what is happening. No shliking sounds, no moans, no your name. You're like a rock.
<span class="red-text">Yeah. Something down there is definitely rock hard. Someone need to teach this bitch a lesson!</span>
<span class="blue-text">Don't be stupid! This girl need some love!</span>
<span class="red-text">Yeah, in mouth, ass and pussy!</span>
<span class="blue-text">...</span>
After some time, you cover her naked body with a fallen blanket so that Kenziee doesn’t get cold. At this moment she wakes up and looks around a little warily. Then he notices you and relaxes, asking:
@@.speech-girl;- Didn’t I mumble in my sleep?@@
@@.speech-mc;- Nothing that I wouldn’t know about, little one.@@
She pouts, but smiles. Then he says:
@@.speech-girl;- I'm hungry! Bring some juice. Ple-e-ease!@@
<img class="centered-image" src="img/sis/kawaiisis.gif" width="400px">
You have no choice but to go to the kitchen and check the supplies. It's a pity that the juice has already run out for several months...
<<set $sislove+=1, $energy-=1 , $sislust-=20>>
<span class="purple-text">Energy has decreased
Kenzie's love has increased
Kenzie's lust has decreased</span><</linkreplace>><</if>>
[[Go Out|Corridor]]Your relationship with Kenzie? Well, they are evolving. At some point you decided that maybe it was time to seize control of what was happening. Gradually, you began to use the fact that you are the only one who can protect her, your strength, as well as the position of the man who brings wealth to your home to ensure control over little Kenzie.
Maybe before everything that happened you were an ordinary guy with an ordinary sister, and an ordinary relationship, but now you have been living in completely unusual conditions for more than six months. “Normal” is no longer worth anything and your relationships are also now far from the normality of your old life.
<<linkreplace "Time to train you girl">><<if $sisloop==0>>
<span class="red-text">Her pussy is the main problem that makes the little trash so naughty. You need to rein her in first. The rest of the holes will follow.</span>
You enter the room and see your sister. It's like she's teasing you by wearing a skimpy yoga suit and putting her pussy on display.
<img class="centered-image" src="img/sis/sissub1.webp" width="400px">
Without being too shy, you approach her and allow yourself to touch her. The sister flinches, but just laughs.
<<set $sisloop=1>>
@@.speech-girl;- Again with your jokes, brother! Scared me so much!@@
@@.speech-mc;- No jokes, little one! You're at it again! You provoke me and clearly want to be taught a lesson! I decided that I would do this, - you say in a commanding voice, - So in the next half hour you will obey me in everything if you don’t want to end up on the street, understand?@@
<img class="centered-image" src="img/sis/sissub2.webp" width="400px">
@@.speech-girl;- That is, you don’t have any vulgar thoughts in your head now, right, brother? - Kenzi says, chuckling and spreading her legs so that you can clearly see what you're dealing with.@@
@@.speech-mc;- Doesn't matter! - you answer, - The important thing is that now you lie on your back, spread your legs and masturbate. And not because you are excited or want to make fun of me, but because you will be an obedient girl or I will throw you out on the street. Let's see how long you can last there!@@
<img class="centered-image" src="img/sis/sissub3.webp" width="400px">
She obeys and does as you say, adding:
@@.speech-girl;- Come on, brother! It was just pranks! Nothing serious! You're not serious either, are you? - There is uncertainty in her voice and although she does not yet fully believe in the threat, she decides to obey.@@
You enjoy the spectacle for a while. When she starts to speed up a lot and it becomes obvious to you that she is about to cum, you say:
@@.speech-mc;- ENOUGH! Stop now!@@
Her hand hesitantly tries to rub the small protruding clitoris or plump labia again, but your words still make her stop, albeit not immediately.
<img class="centered-image" src="img/sis/sissub4.webp" width="400px">
@@.speech-girl;- Brother, I was almost... why did you stop me...?@@
@@.speech-mc;- Because if you want to be a good girl, you have to listen to me in everything, okay? Even if it's about your pleasure. I care about you, so I obviously know better what you should do. If you don’t agree with me, you can also start going to the contaminated lands. But you won't, because you're a good girl, right?@@
@@.speech-girl;- I... - she hesitates a little, but then says, -... yes. I'm a good girl. I will obey you, $mcname . If you think it's better this way.@@
You nod in satisfaction. Victory.
<<set $sissub+=1, $energy-=1 , $sislust+=20>>
<span class="purple-text">Energy has decreased
Kenzie's submission has increased
Kenzie's lust has increased</span><<else>>One decision at a time<</if>><</linkreplace>>
<<if $sissuckyou==1>><<linkreplace "Time to train her mouth">><<if $sisloop==0>>
You find Kenzi in her room. She behaves surprisingly quietly and when you go inside, she doesn’t contradict or object. Moreover, she looks at you like a small dog at the alpha of the whole pack. This look is a lot of fun.
You order her to lie on the bed and expose her charms, saying that now you will train her to be a good girl. She has already managed to subjugate you and you have used your sister’s mouth before, but now it’s time to make her a blowjob machine.
<img class="centered-image" src="img/sis/sissub5.webp" width="400px">
@@.speech-girl;- Brother, just please don’t punish me, okay? I listen to you in everything! Please don't be rude to me, okay? - she says looking at you with the eyes of a puppy.@@
@@.speech-mc;- I will decide how I should treat you. We've already decided who's boss, right? So don't be so ungrateful! Women should always submit to those who are stronger, that is, men. Don't you understand yet? This is how the world is now. The strong subjugate the weak, take what they want, kill and rape, and I am the only one who can protect you from all of them, because I am even stronger.@@
She looks at you enchanted. It’s clear in her eyes, “Really, really? Will you protect me?” Without hesitation, you order her to crawl towards you until the effect of the suggestion wears off. When she finds herself on the edge of the bed, you shove your dick in her face and she obediently begins to suck it. It seems that this has already become something normal for her.
<img class="centered-image" src="img/sis/sissub6.webp" width="400px">
Having made sure of her submission, you order her to get down and take a position on her knees. Let him beg and ask you to continue. Let him ask you with his slobbering mouth for the opportunity to give you pleasure. She obeys, albeit a little hesitantly.
@@.speech-girl;- Brother, please. $mcname please! I will do anything for you! You are the most important person in my life! Let me please you! Let me lick your beautiful cock! It's so big that I can't even take it all the way down my little throat... let me try! I will do anything for you! I beg you! - sounds from her plump lips.@@
<span class="red-text">Well said for a living onahole!</span>
You slap her in the face with your dick, and then begin to shove it deep into her open mouth. Straight to the throat. Kenzi begins to choke and cough, because for her narrow throat it’s like trying to stuff a lid into a saucepan.
<img class="centered-image" src="img/sis/sissub7.webp" width="400px">
Her eyes turn red and fill with tears. She clears her throat but continues to jerk you off. Her gentle hands continue to give you pleasure while you roughly fuck her narrow throat. Sometimes you feel like you can continue at this pace forever. Even when her throat begins to convulse helplessly in an attempt to draw in much-needed oxygen. Even when she starts struggling, trying to escape in order not to suffocate...
You are seriously turned on by all these thoughts and, picking up Kenzi in your arms, you simply throw her on the bed. She is now nothing more than a hole that you want to fill simply because its width, wetness and elasticity suit your penis perfectly.
@@.speech-girl;- What are you... ?! Brother sto... - the last thing you hear before the open throat turned towards you accepts your dick and all you can hear next is only, - GULK-GULK-GULK!@@
<img class="centered-image" src="img/sis/sissub8.webp" width="400px">
You continue to fuck her throat, feeling friction and resistance, until you feel an approaching orgasm. You feel as if she is not your sister, but just a piece of meat that you fuck with pleasure. Perhaps that’s why you, without any embarrassment, grab her by the shoulders and, turning her around, sit her in front of you again.
Kenzi's eyes are cloudy. She still hasn't recovered from the powerful pounding of her throat. She's drooling and doesn't understand what's happening. The world is spinning too fast around her little neck.
You sharply enter her mouth again and begin to release your sperm into her. This makes her cum abruptly. You feel how the air then rushes from her mouth to meet your sperm, and when you pull out your penis, it spills out.
<img class="centered-image" src="img/sis/sissub9.webp" width="400px">
Kenzi herself, like a weak-willed doll, goes out right in front of you. Her eyes roll back in ecstasy, her body goes limp and she leans on the bed, as if falling asleep with seed dripping from her mouth.
<<set $sisloop=1>>
<span class="red-text">Great job! We finally showed this little hole who she really is! Just meat for fucking! Maybe we should break it even more, but okay... let's not rush!</span>
<<set $sissub+=1, $energy-=1 , $sislust-=30, $sisloveq1=1>>
<span class="purple-text">Energy has decreased
Kenzie's submission has increased
Kenzie's lust has decreased</span><<else>>One decision at a time<</if>> <</linkreplace>><</if>>
[[Go Out|Corridor]]<img class="centered-image" src="img/sis/siscafe8.gif" width="400px">
The Cafe has a lot of space thanks to its large hall. Plus there is more than one floor and a lot of rooms. You even wonder how Anya could afford all this before the outbreak. There are a lot of guys from the Skulls and just revelers in the hall. You look around for your sister, who should probably be around here too...
<<if $siscorrupt>=1 && $siscorrupt<=2 && $sislust>=20 && $girlwork==0>><<linkreplace "Look you sister find a friend">>
It seems Kenzie decided to make friends with some guy who stopped by the cafe. At least you hope it's just friendship, because she's clearly acting a little provocative. Maybe it's to get a tip?
<img class="centered-image" src="img/sis/siscafe1.gif" width="400px">
Yeah, judging by the specific hints she makes in front of this guy, she really wants a BIG tip. I suppose this bitch Anya taught her how to act in such situations. Fortunately, you notice that Kenzie is clearly not ready for anything more serious than hints and is quickly losing her passion. <<set $girlwork=1>>
<img class="centered-image" src="img/sis/siscafe2.gif" width="400px">
<<elseif $siscorrupt>=3 && $siscorrupt<=4 && $sislust>=20 && $girlwork==0>> <<linkreplace "You did't see Kenzie at Cafe. Where is she?">>
Looking around the cafe, you don’t see your sister among the people in the room. Where could she be? You think it would be nice if she didn't do anything stupid to make extra money for you...
<<linkreplace "...in another room...">>
<<set _rnd = random(1, 2)>>
<img class="centered-image" @src="'img/sis/' + _rnd + '.gif'" width="400px">
After a few minutes of waiting, you meet Kenzie, who smiles when she sees you and gives you some tips she earned today.
<img class="centered-image" src="img/sis/sismoney.gif" width="400px">
<span class="purple-text">_rnd money looted</span>
<<set $money += _rnd , $girlwork+=1>><</linkreplace>><</linkreplace>>
<<elseif $siscorrupt>=5 && $sislust>=20 && $girlwork==0>> <<linkreplace "This place has been getting a lot of customers lately. And why is it so popular?">>
While waiting for your sister, you sit in a cafe for some time, listening to stories about how the waitresses here are just fire and that some of them willingly provide “services.”
You begin to wonder whether they are talking about the accommodating Anya or the wild Gina, but somehow you don’t want to ask strangers about this...
<<linkreplace "...in another room...">><<set _rnd = random(3, 5)>>
<img class="centered-image" @src="'img/sis/' + _rnd + '.gif'" width="400px">
After a few minutes of waiting, you meet Kenzie, who smiles when she sees you and gives you some tips she earned today. You notice that she is limping slightly. In response to your question, she quickly explains that she tripped. What a clumsy fool!
<img class="centered-image" src="img/sis/sismoney.gif" width="400px">
<span class="purple-text">_rnd money looted</span>
<<set $money += _rnd , $girlwork+=1>><</linkreplace>><</linkreplace>><</if>>
[[Time to go|Cafe]]The Cafe has a lot of space thanks to its large hall. Plus there is more than one floor and a lot of rooms. You even wonder how Anya could afford all this before the outbreak. There are a lot of guys from the Skulls and just revelers in the hall. You look around for your Gina, who should probably be around here too and see this...
<img class="centered-image" src="img/gina/ginacafe1.gif" width="400px">
<<if $ginalove>=1 && $girlwork==0>><<linkreplace "You hear the roar">>Before you even understand what is happening, the predator already notices you and goes hunting. You're like a rabbit caught in the clutches of a bigger beast.
<img class="centered-image" src="img/gina/ginakissyou.gif" width="400px">
@@.speech-girl;- Mwack-mwack-mwack! Mwa-a-ack! - a hail of kisses falls on you, which Gina showered you with and when she stop only to say, - I'm happy to see you, baby! What get you here? Came to see me?@@
@@.speech-mc;- Yeah, something like this, - you say and don't add "You or my sis".@@
@@.speech-girl;- Ow-w-w... you so-o-o cute when say something like it. Come on. Say it again. Say you came here to see me.@@
@@.speech-mc;- Well... I'm really here for you. Just wanna check on you. You have a habit of finding trouble, so I decided to check... @@
@@.speech-girl;- Ow-w-w-w-w... tis is so cuti... - she say with very high voice sounded like cartoon, - You was so nice to me. Well. Maybe I can take a little break so we can talk like adults and responsible people who have something to discuss. Things like feelings and all the horrors happening around...@@
@@.speech-mc;- You wanna suck me again?@@
@@.speech-girl;- What?! No-o-o!@@
<img class="centered-image" src="img/gina/ginano.gif" width="400px">
@@.speech-girl;- I want to fuck you, silly! - then she yell, - I'm on my break! Been back in ten minutes! - then she look at you one sec and corrects, - Probably twenty minutes!@@
She takes your hand and pulls you into another room. When you get there, she looks at you and gently clasping your fingers with hers says.
@@.speech-girl;- It’s so nice to hold hands, isn’t it? Especially when you do it with a person who cares about you. Do you know what else is good to do with those people?@@
@@.speech-mc;- I think I can guess... - you say, watching as she deftly pulls her hand out of yours and, like a snake shedding its skin, ends up without panties in front of you.@@
There is not much choice about what to do next, and there is no need for one. You see that she is ready and after a couple of moments you carefully enter her.
<img class="centered-image" src="img/gina/ginacafe2.gif" width="400px">
Once you find yourself in her tender pussy, you speed up. Pleasant narrowness and moderate pressure. She may not be the tightest or hottest girl you've been with, but this one knows exactly what you want and is always ready to give it to you. At least as long as you care about her.
@@.speech-girl;- I know you want to do this faster, baby, - you hear Gina’s slightly confused words, -Don’t hold back. I want you. Faster.@@
<img class="centered-image" src="img/gina/ginacafe3.gif" width="400px">
She wants. You want. Well... there's no point in holding back. You begin to pound her more actively, feeling that with Gina you don’t have to pretend and just have fun. This is what you both want. Right?
@@.speech-girl;- Just not the uniform, $mcname I won’t have time to wash it! Come on, cum in my mouth! Cum for me! Cum for your girl! Drop it straight into my mouth! I beg you, do it! Every time I feel your sperm in my mouth, I can’t stop myself from orgasm! - Gina begins to say when she feels that you are approaching the peak.@@
<img class="centered-image" src="img/gina/ginacafe4.gif" width="400px">
Continuing to enjoy this feeling, you give in to her persuasion and go with the flow, cumming on her face and tongue.
When you are putting yourself in order, Anya looks at the door.
@@.speech-girl;- There you are G! Get your ass to the gym! Break ended five minutes ago! Oh, don’t you $mcname distract her over trifles! This girl still has to make me money! - Anya says and then go back.@@
You say goodbye to Gina and leave. Looks like she still needs to work... Before you leave, she says to you:
@@.speech-girl;- Next time, take me on a date. It seems we haven't been to one yet. Ok, babe?@@
Maybe it would be worth it. Or maybe it’s good for you.
<<set $girlwork=1, $ginalove+=1>>
<span class="purple-text">Gina's love increased</span>
[[Time to go|Cafe]]The Cafe has a lot of space thanks to its large hall. Plus there is more than one floor and a lot of rooms. You even wonder how Anya could afford all this before the outbreak. There are a lot of guys from the Skulls and just revelers in the hall. You look around for your Anya, who should probably be around here too...
<<linkreplace "Spend some time with Anya">>Anya works here and there today. Periodically, she replaces one of the girls in the Cafe, so the best thing you can come up with is to start distracting her whenever she has a free minute.
You notice pretty quickly that she generally doesn’t mind spending time with you. She even seems to enjoy your company. At some point, she even says that she really needs money because of her mother’s illness. You sympathize and even begin to understand why Anya continues to be involved in this place, although she doesn’t seem to be swimming in money.
<span class="blue-text">You should have helped her. She seems like a good girl who got into a bad situation.</span>
<<linkreplace "Offer help with money">><<if $money>=7>>You ask how much she needs and find out that she seems to be missing seven bills this month.When you offer to satisfy her need and hand over money, you see a joyful smile on the woman’s face. She thanks you warmly and asks you to wait for her break.
Well, that means waiting.
About half an hour later she appears and says:
@@.speech-girl;- You know, I heard from Kenzie and Gina that you're a great guy, but I didn't expect you to be so generous. You know, money doesn't grow on trees here. If you are not a scavenger, then it is very difficult to get something, but if you are a scavenger... well... let's just say that your profession has a very high turnover of personnel.@@
You nod, noting:
@@.speech-mc;- Yes, I noticed. Although if you don’t go too deep, the dangers for the most part are represented only by Skulls and rare infected ones.@@
Anya nods as you walk, and then adds:
@@.speech-girl;- It depends on your luck, but I agree that it’s better for girls not to get involved in this profession at all.@@
When you enter her office, you notice the lustful look with which Anya studies your crotch.
@@.speech-girl;- You know, once I noticed you with Gina and since then I can’t forget what I saw. You're not one of those people who refuses sex, are you? How about a worthy reward for your generosity that will also satisfy my curiosity?@@
@@.speech-mc;- Be my guest, - you say pointing to your pants.@@
It seems you both wanted this. However, there is no room for kissing. When Anya pulls your pants off, she immediately begins to work with her mouth and I must say she is good at this. Obviously, she’s already sucked more than one dick, and today she’s using all her accumulated experience for your sake.
<img class="centered-image" src="img/anya/anyawork4.webp" width="400px">
Her blowjob cannot be compared with how passionately Gina usually pounced on you, but Anya’s tongue selects only the most tender areas of your body for its work. She licks the head, tugs at the frenulum and periodically goes down to the balls. And all this is just a warm-up before she starts swallowing your dick.
<img class="centered-image" src="img/anya/anyawork1.webp" width="400px">
When the oral play is over, you rub her pussy to make sure it's wet enough. Yes, that's enough. She clearly enjoys sucking your dick. Then you put her in doggy style and start fucking her, taking advantage of her surprisingly tight pussy. You thought that her profession required her to be broke, but Anya pleasantly surprised you.
<img class="centered-image" src="img/anya/anyawork2.webp" width="400px">
Gradually feeling growing excitement, you change your position and begin to press on top of the woman. She throws her legs over your shoulders so that you can go as deep as possible, and as you continue to pound her, you hear moans of orgasm after which you see Anya’s smile. Soon you will cum yourself.
<img class="centered-image" src="img/anya/anyawork3.webp" width="400px">
<<set $money-=7>>
After sex there is a slight awkwardness. For you, it was a little like going to a prostitute, and Anya seems to have nothing to say either. Politely saying goodbye, you leave her, leaving only traces of your sperm on her sofa as a reminder that you were here. <<else>>Well... it's very sad, but you don't have much money, so-o-o... good luck? Ok.
<img class="centered-image" src="img/anya/poor.gif" width="400px"><</if>><</linkreplace>>
[[Time to go|Cafe]]<img class="centered-image" src="img/location/jorney4.jpg" width="400px"><<set $energy-=1>>
<<set _rnd = random(1, 1)>>
You've gone far enough from the safe zone. Even now you feel that the journey here has exhausted you, and what will happen next? Most likely you should be prepared if you dare to continue. And it’s not a fact that something good awaits you there. Are you ready?
<span class="purple-text">Energy has decreased</span>
<<if $energy!=0 && $energy>=0>>[[Start deep exploration|_rnd]]<</if>>
<<linkreplace "Turn back">>
<img class="centered-image" src="img/longjorney/return.jpg" width="400px">
Frames of dilapidated buildings around you, many abandoned cars, burnt out stalls and decomposed bodies - everything that surrounds you. Perhaps somewhere here in this lonely and cold world you can meet someone other than the infected and the remnants of human lives, but now you don’t think so. You better turn back.
[[Go away while you still can|Lootzone3]]
<</linkreplace>><div style="text-align: center;">
<img class="centered-image" src="img/longjorney/undbri.jpg" width="400px">
<<set _rnd = random(4, 6)>><<set _rnd2 = random(1, 4)>>
<span class="purple-text">Energy has decreased<<set $energy-=1>></span>
<<if $energy<=0>><<goto "cockmanpit">><</if>>
Empty streets appear before you where the carcasses of cars are rotting away. You probably won’t find anything valuable in them anymore, and you don’t want to check if there’s anything there at all. Are you afraid of what might find you if you stay here.
In the distance rises a huge bridge where hundreds of cars are stuck. It’s better not to go there, as they say.
<<if $jevent1==0>><<linkreplace "Look around for clues">>
<img class="centered-image" @src="'img/longjorney/' + _rnd2 + '.jpg'" width="400px">
You carefully explore your surroundings for a while. There seem to be traces of people here, although you can’t say for sure, but there are surprisingly few infected people around.
Suddenly you hear noise and loud footsteps. Exclamations follow. Looking outside you see two girls running through the destroyed city. From where you are watching, you can see that they are running into the ambush of the raiders.
<img class="centered-image" src="img/longjorney/jevent01.jpg" width="400px">
Most likely it will end badly for the girls, but it’s none of your business, right?
However, you can use this to your advantage. While the raiders drag them to their nest, you can follow them and rob them. Or maybe it’s worth helping the girls? Maybe they know something?
<<if $energy!=0 && $energy>=0>>[[It is dangerous to interfere, so it is better to continue the search somewhere else|_rnd]]<</if>>
<<if $moraleg >= 3 && $energy!=0 && $energy>=0>>[[It's worth warning them!|jevent1-good]]<</if>>
<<if $moraleb >= 3 && $energy!=0 && $energy>=0>>[[Let's make bait out of them and try to rob the raiders|jevent1-bad]]<</if>><</linkreplace>><</if>>
<<if $jevent1==1>><<linkreplace "There is some friendly faces">>
<img class="centered-image" src="img/longjorney/jeventg2.jpg" width="400px">
Looking around, you see the girls you recently helped. They call you over and the dark-haired one says:
@@.speech-girl;- Hey, thanks for the help. Without your tip, we would have ended up in very deep trouble. We haven't seen you here before. Do you have any issues with the Spikes or why did you decide to help?@@
@@.speech-mc;- I'm really not from here. Actually, I'm looking for someone. I heard that he should be in the Open Wound area. You don't know where it is?@@
The girl whistles in surprise.
@@.speech-girl;- You clearly chose the wrong route. You'll have to go through the Sump if you want to get there. The main thing is not to mix up the road and don’t poke your nose into the Unholy Garden! It's complete fucked up!@@
@@.speech-girl;- Hey! Watch your language! - the redhead exclaimed.@@
@@.speech-girl;- Sorry, sis, - the girl looks at you and says, - We’re kind of trying not to slide. What about you? You're not one of the fuc... em... crazy ones, are you?@@
@@.speech-mc;- Well... rather no than yes. With oddities, but without excesses.@@
@@.speech-girl;- Fine. Then come with us. I'll show you the way to Need Help. Something like this fancy schmancy Safe Zone I heard about. They say money is still in use there, can you imagine?!@@
@@.speech-mc;- Heh, I can imagine.@@
It's better to keep your distance, but these girls clearly know more than you. So why not take advantage of their hospitality? Everything will be fine if it doesn’t turn out that they are from a tribe of cannibal lesbians. If such exist...
<<set $needhelpopen=1>>
For now, you decide to go with them, and then whatever happens.
The girls took you through the block and showed you several workarounds that could take you to Deadly Market. There they showed the way leading to a place called NeedHelp and, having already led you inside, they disappeared, saying that they had business.
[[Well... let's look around|needhelp]]<</linkreplace>><</if>>
<<if $scarq2gdadsave==1>>Scarlet's dad must be somewhere at Golgotha. And you can reach Golgotha from here. Just need to find correct way to it.<</if>>
<<linkreplace "Maybe time to return?">>
<img class="centered-image" src="img/longjorney/return.jpg" width="400px">
You don't have the strength to continue. You need to come back while you still can...
[[Go away while you still can|longjorneystart]]
<div style="text-align: center;">
<img class="centered-image" src="img/location/jorney2.png" width="400px">
<<set _rnd = random(7, 8)>><<set _rnd2 = random(1, 4)>>
<span class="purple-text">Energy has decreased<<set $energy-=1>></span>
<<if $energy<=0>><<goto "cockmanpit">><</if>>
A wide central street filled with abandoned cars. Traces of fires and destruction are visible here. It seems that when the military was still trying to contain the epidemic, somewhere deeper they burned out several blocks with napalm. This did not help, but there was a serious fire in the city at that time...
<<linkreplace "Move. Go while you can.">>
<img class="centered-image" @src="'img/longjorney/' + _rnd2 + '.jpg'" width="400px">
<<if $energy!=0 && $energy>=0>>[[Continue searching|_rnd]]<</if>><</linkreplace>>
<<linkreplace "Maybe time to return?">>
<img class="centered-image" src="img/longjorney/return.jpg" width="400px">
You don't have the strength to continue. You need to come back while you still can...
[[Go away while you still can|longjorneystart]]
<div style="text-align: center;">
<img class="centered-image" src="img/location/jorney1.png" width="400px">
<<set _rnd = random(9, 10)>><<set _rnd2 = random(1, 4)>>
<span class="purple-text">Energy has decreased<<set $energy-=1>></span>
<<if $energy<=0>><<goto "cockmanpit">><</if>>
This place... you've heard of it. Judging by the number of infected people, you are approaching the nest of infection. These neighborhoods have more or less survived, but the number of infected people here is simply astonishing. It was even rumored that they seemed to be drawn here from all over the city, thanks to which the rest of its parts were more or less safe from these creatures.
<<linkreplace "Move. Go while you can.">>
<img class="centered-image" @src="'img/longjorney/' + _rnd2 + '.jpg'" width="400px">
<<if $energy!=0 && $energy>=0>>[[Continue searching|_rnd]]<</if>><</linkreplace>>
<<linkreplace "Maybe time to return?">>
<img class="centered-image" src="img/longjorney/return.jpg" width="400px">
You don't have the strength to continue. You need to come back while you still can...
[[Go away while you still can|longjorneystart]]
<div style="text-align: center;">
<img class="centered-image" src="img/longjorney/gol.jpg" width="400px">
Once residential areas full of high-rise buildings and their endless inhabitants, this place is now surprisingly quite well populated. For the most part, raiders, psychos and maniacs of all stripes live here. Not the best neighborhood.
<<if $mapsd==1>>[[Use map to reach the Square of the Damned|6]]<</if>>
<<if $scarq2gdadsave==1>>[[Look for Scarlet's dad]]<</if>>
<<if $jevent1==2>>[[Go to Spike's base|spikes]]<</if>>
[[Try to return|1]]<div style="text-align: center;">
Deadly Market
<img class="centered-image" src="img/longjorney/mark.jpg" width="400px">
A place where a variety of shops, cafes, restaurants and many other entertainment venues were located. It is unknown how many of them are still functioning, but most likely most of them have long been abandoned or devastated by raiders.
<<if $jevent1==1>>[[Go to NeedHelp|needhelp]]<</if>>
[[Try to return|1]]<div style="text-align: center;">
Square of the Damned
<img class="centered-image" src="img/longjorney/squ.jpg" width="400px">
Government Square. The municipality buildings are located around, and on the square itself there is a statue of the Patroness of the Lost. Now the statue is covered in graffiti, there are noticeable bullet holes on it, and some smart guys even managed to hang their gang flag on it. True, it is unknown whether they lived long enough to rejoice at their achievement.
[[Go to the Market of Humanity]]
[[Look at the sign near the statue|helpers]]
<<if $mapsd==1>>[[Use map to reach the Golgotha|4]]<</if>>
<<if $meetmegan==1>>[[Use Megan's route to NeedHelp|needhelp]]<</if>>
[[Try to return|1]]<div style="text-align: center;">
Stone Mausoleum
<img class="centered-image" src="img/longjorney/maus.jpg" width="400px">
The city center was where shells that were not always fired accurately would often land. Even at the very beginning of the infection, the battles took place quite far from here, but many people still died here. Until now, no one knows whether this was a mistake or a deliberate decision.
[[Try to return|2]]<div style="text-align: center;">
Open Wounds
<img class="centered-image" src="img/longjorney/wound.jpg" width="400px">
A place with high infection activity where the military once used a variety of weapons. Traces of the use of heavy artillery are still visible here, and craters and dents on the walls make it clear that their targets were often in residential buildings.
[[Try to return|3]]<div style="text-align: center;">
Burned Road
<img class="centered-image" src="img/longjorney/burn.jpg" width="400px">
A terrible wasteland where once they worked especially carefully with napalm. Now there is most likely nothing left here except charred corpses fused with their belongings and the eerie feeling that something is watching you...
[[Try to return|2]]<div style="text-align: center;">
Unholy Garden
<img class="centered-image" src="img/longjorney/wound.jpg" width="400px">
A terrible place where it is better not to linger. Perhaps the air itself is poisoned here. There are strange plants and growths everywhere, and creepy slime flows along the ground, flowing from bursting plants. In dark corners and inside buildings, movement is noticeable and growling and squelching sounds are heard.
[[Try to return|3]]<img class="centered-image" src="img/longjorney/cockmanpit.jpg" width="400px">
You passed out in the streets and don't see any dreams.
You don’t know what happened next, but you came to your senses under the growls of the infected in some abandoned room at the top of a high-rise building.
It was time to get out and you ran away. All your things, surprisingly, were with you. You rested a little and even found yourself on the outskirts of the safe zone. What was that? Who saved you? Why didn't they rob you?
<span class="blue-text">Not time for the questions! Need to get in a safe place and recover!</span>
[[Time to get out|Lootzone3]]
<<if $energy < 0>> <<set $energy = 2>> <<elseif $energy <= 4>> <<set $energy += 2>> <</if>>
<<if $givescarfood==0>><<set $scarhunger+=1>><</if>><<if $scarhunger==3 && $scarcorrupt<=5>><<set $scarhunger=0, $scarcorrupt+=1>><<elseif $scarhunger==3 && $scarcorrupt>=6 >><<set $scarhunger=0>><</if>>
<<set $day+=1, $days_to_rent-=1, $morningpeek=0, $sisanger=0, $streetmeet1=0, $seenscar=0, $givescarfood=0, $scartalk=0, $worktoday=0, $workloop=0>>
<<set $sislust+=10, $girlwork=0>>
<<if $siscafe==1>><<set _rndcafe = random(1, 3)>><</if>>
<<if $siscafe==0>><<set _rndcafe = random(1, 2)>><</if>>
<<set $cafegirl = _rndcafe>><<set $streetmeet = random(1, 5)>>
<<set $timewithsis=0, $sispunish=0, $gymloop=0>>You come to the Cafe full of confidence to get information about your uncle. Unfortunately, you don’t know which of the visitors to ask, but... you’ll think of something.
Suddenly you realize that it looks like several new girls have come here and decided to try themselves as waitresses.
Some of them did very well...
<img class="centered-image" src="img/other/cafefun1.gif" width="400px">
Some of them did not very well, but visitors didn't mind pointing out their mistakes.
<img class="centered-image" src="img/other/cafefun2.gif" width="400px">
<span class="red-text">Uncle can wait! Look at this ass! You need buy it!</span>
You asked around the visitors, but because of the girls, they weren't too interested in talking to you.
What could be done about this?
<<linkreplace "Pay Anya 10 bills so she whore herself and got information for you">>
<<if $money>=10>><<set $money-=10>>
It's good money, so you manage to convince her to "work" a little for it. Anya was not very happy that you considered her a whore, but she took the money and promised to work, so... you apparently were not mistaken.
She did a good job.
<img class="centered-image" src="img/other/cafefun3.gif" width="400px">
She did a great job.
<img class="centered-image" src="img/other/cafefun4.gif" width="400px">
She worked until she lost consciousness.
<img class="centered-image" src="img/other/cafefun5.gif" width="400px">
As a result, she actually came to you in the evening with information. It turns out your uncle was seen in the depths of the city. She even roughly showed you the direction and you realized that it would be damn dangerous. They call this place Open Wound. You heard it was far away from here. Shit...
<<set $jorney=1>>
Was this information worth the money? It’s hard to say, but it’s for the sake of the family!
<img class="centered-image" src="img/other/family.gif" width="400px">
<span class="purple-text">Now you can start a jorney</span>
<<else>>You have no such money,
<<linkreplace "Gina can help you if she wants">><<if $ginalove>=1>>
@@.speech-mc;-Can you help me, Gina? - you ask, describing to her an approximate situation.@@
She bites her lip, looks at you and says, nudging your chin with her cheek:
<img class="centered-image" src="img/other/cafefun9.gif" width="400px">
@@.speech-girl;- And what will I get?@@
Luckily, you had an answer prepared.
<img class="centered-image" src="img/other/cafefun10.gif" width="400px">
@@.speech-mc;- A date for the two of us and a lot of time alone.@@
@@.speech-girl;- I'm in! - she answers cheerfully. @@
After leaving you, Gina begins to flirt furiously with visitors. Poor guys. If only they knew...
<span class="purple-text">Now you can start a jorney</span>
<<set $jorney=1>>
After about an hour, she gets you the information. Your uncle was seen in the depths of the city in place called Open Wound. Do you have an approximate area for searching? All that remains is to prepare for such a dangerous hike, because that zone is damn dangerous...<<else>>You explain to Gina and she says, smiling jokingly:
@@.speech-girl;- Maybe I will, or maybe not... wait here until the evening and find out.@@
You had no choice but to rely on Gina and wait. However, she quickly disappeared from the radar and you were even surprised. What an unreliable girl...
<<linkreplace "Meanwhile in one of the rooms of the Cafe (BBC warning)">>
@@.speech-girl;- Do you know for sure? - asked a female voice.@@
@@.speech-boy;- Exactly, exactly, now let’s get on your knees, as we agreed!@@
@@.speech-girl;- OK then...@@
<img class="centered-image" src="img/other/cafefun6.webp" width="400px">
@@.speech-girl;- Well? Will you tell me now?@@
@@.speech-boy;- No, you stupid bitch! And you did such a bad job that I called my friends!@@
<img class="centered-image" src="img/other/cafefun7.webp" width="400px">
@@.speech-girl;- Well, please, boys, my friend really needs this information... I beg you... @@
@@.speech-boy;- Look how this bitch begs us. Well, guys, let's give her one last piece of information? Cum on her!@@
<img class="centered-image" src="img/other/cafefun8.webp" width="400px"><</linkreplace>>
You really had to wait a long time. Gina eventually showed up all tired, it seemed she was crying because her makeup was running. Maybe she was putting on a show in front of someone, trying to get information out.
She shared with you everything she received completely free of charge. It turned out that your uncle is somewhere in the depths of the city in place called Open Wound. They even showed you an approximate block. All that's left to do is get there. However, it won't be easy...
<span class="purple-text">Now you can start a jorney</span>
<<set $jorney=1>><</if>><</linkreplace>>
<<linkreplace "Send Kensi to find out where your uncle is">><<if $sislove>=3>>
She asked you for 5 bills for the visitors' code. She came up with a plan to quickly and efficiently find out everything from them.
<<if $money>=5>><<linkreplace "Give her money">>
For some time she wanders around the Cafe talking with visitors. She bribes some people and eventually brings you information.
<img class="centered-image" src="img/other/animesis.gif" width="400px">
It looks like you should move deeper into the city. She will even find out what approximate area you need. But the journey will be clearly dangerous...
<span class="purple-text">Now you can start a jorney</span>
<<set $jorney=1>><</linkreplace>><<else>>You don't have such money!<</if>><</if>>
<<if $sissub>=2 && $siscorrupt>=4>><<linkreplace "Say her to use ALL she has to find info">>Obedient little Kenzie runs to do your bidding. She will find someone who has information and will do whatever it takes to get it! You don't even need to do anything, heh.
<<linkreplace "Meanwhile in one of the rooms of the Cafe">>
@@.speech-boy;- Oh, yes, bitch, that same facial expression. Stupid pig face that wants to get a dick! Great! Let's! Keep sucking the dick you love so much! - demanded a male voice.@@
<img class="centered-image" src="img/other/cafefun11.webp" width="400px">
@@.speech-girl;- As you say, sir, I will do everything to get this information, - answered an obedient girl’s voice, and then squelching sounds were heard.@@
And a little later...
@@.speech-girl;- Please, be gentle! You are so deep, sir!@@
<img class="centered-image" src="img/other/cafefun12.webp" width="400px">
@@.speech-boy;- Fuck off, you stupid cunt! We agreed that you do what I want, and then I will do what you want! Now it’s my turn, so I’ll fuck your hole until I get tired of it!@@<</linkreplace>>
Soon your sister showed up. She walked slightly with a waddle and when asked what was wrong with her, she answered that she had sprained her leg. Clumsy as always. However, that’s not what you were interested in anymore.
And she talked about how her uncle was seen in a remote area of the city. She even named the approximate location. Place called Open Wound. Deep in danger zone. Now you had the information - all that was left was to get to him and save him.
<span class="purple-text">Now you can start a jorney</span><</linkreplace>>
<<set $jorney=1>><<else>>You tried to entrust this task to Kenzi, but she couldn't handle it. She never got any information. However, this was expected. Otherwise why did she come to you?
[[Time to leave|Cafe]]@@.speech-mc;- There's an ambush ahead! Turn into the alley and blow as hard as you can! - you shout from your position on the second floor.@@
<<set $moraleg+=2>>
This will give the girls a chance to escape. However, you are giving away your position to the raiders and most likely this will end in problems for you...
<span class="purple-text">Karma has increased</span>
From somewhere outside a woman's voice is heard shouting:
@@.speech-girl;- Thank you!@@
<img class="centered-image" src="img/longjorney/jeventg3.jpg" width="400px">
And then male voices screaming:
@@.speech-boy;- Did you hear that, guys?! We have some extra stuff here! The cunts will wait! Fresh meat has arrived!@@
@@.speech-boy;- Meat! Meat! Meat!@@
<img class="centered-image" src="img/longjorney/jeventg1.jpg" width="400px">
You hear someone breaking into the room below you. Someone is trampling the old dirty floor with their boots.
<<linkreplace "You only have a couple of moments to decide what to do">>
<<if $dex>=3>><<linkreplace "Time to get out, with maximum dexterity in the way">>
<img class="centered-image" src="img/longjorney/jeventg4.gif" width="400px">
Moving so fast that no bastard could keep up with you, you hide in the ruins of the city. This time, the fortunate situation and their confusion played into your hands, so you were able to escape.
<<set $jevent1=1>>
[[Time to move on|1]]
<<if $str>=3 && $bat==1, $batB==1>><<linkreplace "Time to crush some skulls">>
<img class="centered-image" src="img/longjorney/jeventg5.gif" width="400px">
It seems that not everyone followed you. Several unfortunates who rushed upstairs expected to see a rat, but were met with a lion. You crushed their skulls and left the corpses bleeding on the floor - you hurried to leave this place before the others caught up.
<<set $jevent1=1>>
[[Time to move on|1]]
<<if $per>=3>><<linkreplace "Time to find a way around them and escape">>
<img class="centered-image" src="img/longjorney/jeventg6.gif" width="400px">
Hiding in rooms that you had already memorized and determining by hearing where the bastards were approaching from, you managed to get around them all. After that, you disappeared into the city streets.
<<set $jevent1=1>>
[[Time to move on|1]]
<<linkreplace "Take the time to come up with a plan">>
Well, you spent time and even managed to come up with something, but... you're surrounded. They hit.
<img class="centered-image" src="img/longjorney/jeventg7.webp" width="400px">
The blow knocks you towards the window, which was already broken. You can't keep your balance and fall straight down from the second floor.
You fall headfirst and hit the ground. It seems this is the end for you. Although... wait...
You somehow open your eyes, which had closed when you fell. Shots and screams are heard all around.
<<set $jevent1=1>>
The last thing you see before you lose consciousness and plunge into darkness is a man with a rooster mask who appears to be attacking raiders.
<img class="centered-image" src="img/longjorney/cockman1.jpg" width="400px">
[[Welcome darkness|cockmanpit]]
You follow the raiders until they capture their loot. They are too carried away to notice your presence, and when the girls are in their hands, it seems as if their patience is about to end and they will start playing right in the streets.
<img class="centered-image" src="img/longjorney/jeventb.jpg" width="400px">
However, they have enough brains not to do this, although every now and then you hear how they begin to grope the girls, undressing them right along the way, and while they scream and fight back, this only seems to turn on the bastards more.
You continue to move in the shadows as you make your way through the block with the bridge. Then when you shift to a strange place. Along the way, three times you come across signs indicating “Golgotha - turn back” or “Golgotha is ahead - your worst nightmare”. In general, the impression of the local realtor is not very good.
<img class="centered-image" src="img/longjorney/golgotha.jpg" width="400px">
Eventually you get to the auto repair shop. This seems to be some kind of base for these idiots. It's all covered in spikes, and at the entrance it says SPIKES, so you assume that's their name.
The girls are dragged inside and it seems they don’t even leave anyone on guard. The building is small enough that you assume it won't be difficult to navigate inside.
You decide to follow them straight through the main entrance, seeing that they seem to have forgotten to close the door. Well, their stupidity is your luck.
Having made your way inside, you first hear and then see the “meat feast” that the bastards decided to arrange here. The girls were stripped, dressed in cute underwear and forced to play with each other.
<img class="centered-image" src="img/longjorney/jevent02.png" width="400px">
The redhead, who seems younger, only twenty or so, is trying to somehow fit in with her friend, but it’s clearly difficult for her. The raiders are having fun watching her efforts. They cackle and cheer:
@@.speech-boy;- Come on, red one, work your tongue on your girlfriend! You will surely love it!@@
@@.speech-girl;- But she’s my sister, - she began to object, but the raiders liked it even more.@@
@@.speech-boy;- Especially! Show us some sisterly love, you slut, before we break your sister's head in and then force you to play with a corpse! - the chief shouted, demonstrating his bloody bat as a method of persuasion. It worked like a charm.@@
However, tired of the younger one’s attempts, Spikes changed the girls and forced the dark one to work. They also gave her a double dildo.
<img class="centered-image" src="img/longjorney/jevent03.png" width="400px">
You fully understood what would happen next, but you are not here for the show.
<span class="red-text">Why not? This is a damn good show!</span>
At some point, the older sister was forced to stuff a dildo into her little sister and position herself right in front of her. Okay, you really could have looked a little more.
<img class="centered-image" src="img/longjorney/jevent04.png" width="400px">
Their moans were full of humiliation, pain and despair. The girls understood that since they were caught, they would not get out so easily. The Spikes liked it, and it seemed like you did too.
<img class="centered-image" src="img/longjorney/jevent1.gif" width="400px">
However, the bastards obviously quickly got bored just watching and being bored. Men's screams were heard, demanding to decide who would be first. Of course, their boss and his entourage went. The rest waited in disappointment for their turn, watching the three least worthy ones as they lined up with the girls.
<img class="centered-image" src="img/longjorney/jevent07.png" width="400px">
The crazy orgy began to gain momentum. So that the girls would not resist too much, the leader of the raiders stuffed some pills into their mouths. Despite the fact that they had not completely lost the will to resist, their movements nevertheless became somehow more sluggish, and their moans began to sound a little differently. There was still no pleasure in them, but they were no longer as desperate as before.
<img class="centered-image" src="img/longjorney/jevent2.gif" width="400px">
When there was indignation throughout the crowd about why only asses were used, the leader shut up his bastards and said that girls are now a commodity. You realized that the slave trade seems to be thriving somewhere nearby.
The girls were used as they wanted. They could not resist and gradually began to get involved in the process, probably thanks to the pills.
<img class="centered-image" src="img/longjorney/jevent3.gif" width="400px">
Having gradually come to your senses, you remembered why you came here. Moving forward quietly, you began to travel around the raiders' base. You walked around room to room and quickly collected what you could into your bags. It was risky to take too much, so we had to make do with modest supplies. But you found bullets for your revolver.
Apparently the lives of these girls you sacrificed brought results.
Returning back, you were just in time for the end of the first act of the orgy.
<img class="centered-image" src="img/longjorney/jevent4.gif" width="400px">
Taking a last look at what is happening, you notice that some kind of map is peeking out of the pants that are lying right in front of you.
<img class="centered-image" src="img/longjorney/jevent06.png" width="400px">
Having grabbed it, you hastily leave the shelter of the ill-fated Spikes, leaving the unfortunate couple at their discretion. Some people lose, some people find.
<img class="centered-image" src="img/longjorney/jevent08.png" width="400px">
Once you are far enough from the raider's hole, you study the map. Apparently it shows how to get from here to a place called Square of the Damned and the location of the survivor base there. It seems that this is where slaves are traded. Perhaps you can get information there...
<span class="purple-text">Karma has decreased</span>
<<set $moraleb+=2, $mapsd=1, $jevent1=2, $supplies+=5, $bullets+=12>>
[[Let's get out|4]]It's time to check your supplies and arm yourself.
<<if $revolver==1>><img class="centered-image" src="img/armory/revolver.jpg" width="400px">
Your .357 Colt Python. Old, reliable and faithful. You found it in your uncle's equipment. You can't leave home without it.<</if>>
<span class="purple-text">Effect: Might kill someone for you</span>
<<if $bat1==1>><img class="centered-image" src="img/armory/bat1.jpg" width="400px">
An ordinary wooden bat with nails and barbed wire. Modest, but not a bad option.
<span class="purple-text">Effect: give you +2 to Attack</span>
<<linkreplace "Take it with you">><<set $weapon=2, $atk=2>>Feel good it hands.<</linkreplace>><</if>>
<<if $batB==1>><img class="centered-image" src="img/armory/batB.png" width="400px">
A varnished wooden bat covered with thorns, spikes and a metal head. Strong and lethal.
<span class="purple-text">Effect: give you +5 to Attack</span>
<<linkreplace "Take it with you">><<set $weapon=3, $atk=5>>Heavy and deadly.<</linkreplace>><</if>>
<<if $knife==1>><img class="centered-image" src="img/armory/knife1.jpg" width="400px">
Combat knife. These people don’t really want to fight the infected, but it will be useful with people.
<span class="purple-text">Effect: give you +1 to Attack</span>
<<linkreplace "Take it with you">><<set $weapon=1, $atk=1>>Not best but good enough.<</linkreplace>><</if>>
<<if $knife2==0>><</if>>
<<if $katana==1>><img class="centered-image" src="img/armory/katana.jpg" width="400px">
Sharp and light, though it will quickly become dull. But it will allow you to show off before it becomes useless. Animey-y-y!
<span class="purple-text">Effect: give you +6 to Attack</span>
<<linkreplace "Take it with you">><<set $weapon=5, $atk=6>>Feel youself little samurai!<</linkreplace>><</if>>
<<if $bodyarmor==0>><</if>>
<<if $helm==0>><</if>>
<<if $armor1==1>><img class="centered-image" src="img/armory/armor.jpg" width="400px">
Motorcycle jacket and pants, leather gloves. They are restrictive, but provide good protection.
<span class="purple-text">Effect: give you +1 to Health, but -1 Def</span>
<<linkreplace "Take it with you">><<set $armor=10, $def=1, $stes=-1>>It squeaks when walking.<</linkreplace>><</if>>
[[Time to go|My Room]]It's time to check your supplies and arm yourself.
<<if $revolver==1>><img class="centered-image" src="img/armory/revolver.jpg" width="400px">
Your .357 Colt Python. Old, reliable and faithful. You found it in your uncle's equipment. You can't leave home without it.<</if>>
<<if $bat==1>><img class="centered-image" src="img/armory/bat1.jpg" width="400px">
An ordinary wooden bat with nails and barbed wire. Modest, but not a bad option.
<<linkreplace "Take it with you">><<set $weapon=2>>Feel good it hand.<</linkreplace>><</if>>
<<if $batB==1>><img class="centered-image" src="img/armory/batB.png" width="400px">
A varnished wooden bat covered with thorns, spikes and a metal head. Strong and lethal.
<<linkreplace "Take it with you">><<set $weapon=3>>Heavy and deadly.<</linkreplace>><</if>>
<<if $knife==1>><img class="centered-image" src="img/armory/knife1.jpg" width="400px">
Combat knife. These people don’t really want to fight the infected, but it will be useful with people.
<<linkreplace "Take it with you">><<set $weapon=1>>Not best but good enough.<</linkreplace>><</if>>
<<if $knife2==0>><</if>>
<<if $katana==1>><img class="centered-image" src="img/armory/katana.jpg" width="400px">
Sharp and light, though it will quickly become dull. But it will allow you to show off before it becomes useless. Animey-y-y!
<<linkreplace "Take it with you">><<set $weapon=5>>Feel youself little samurai!<</linkreplace>><</if>>
<<if $bodyarmor==0>><</if>>
<<if $helm==0>><</if>>
[[Time to go|Моя комната]]<div style="text-align: center;"><<set $needhelpfirstvisit=0>>
<img class="centered-image" src="img/longjorney/needhelp.jpg" width="400px">
<<if $needhelpfirstvisit==0>>Looking around this place, you understand that you are in a relatively safe zone. A bunch of people living in some kind of anthill - a huge residential block. You don’t know how much better or worse life here is than where you came from, so the most logical thing to do is look around.
<<set $meetmegan=0>>
Below you come across protective structures that allow you to pass through them. You were examined visually and let in quite calmly. The entire first floor was filled with stalls and open in apartments. Perhaps people lived in them. There were a lot of people and security walking around. Everyone was looking around and looking for something for themselves, and transactions were carried out exclusively on barter.
<img class="centered-image" src="img/longjorney/needhelp1.jpg" width="400px">
Continuing your search, you reached a more remote part of this settlement. You didn’t plan to see it all in a couple of hours, but it would be worth at least looking around. On your way you came across a place called "Generally Everything Shop". It seems they really sold everything there.
<img class="centered-image" src="img/longjorney/needhelp2.jpg" width="400px">
Continuing your inspection, you accidentally climbed into someone's apartment. There was no door, so you didn't notice that you had broken into someone's home. The old owner, who apparently earned money by repairing things, phlegmatically asked with a clear English accent:
<img class="centered-image" src="img/longjorney/needhelp3.jpg" width="400px">
@@.speech-boy;- Da fak u wont?@@
<img class="centered-image" src="img/longjorney/needhelp4.jpg" width="400px">
You hurried to clean up and met a funny picture on the stairs. It wasn’t entirely clear which of these two was a hard worker and which was just relaxing, but you didn’t check. Not today.
<<set $needhelpfirstvisit=1>>
From the looks of these people, it seemed that more time had clearly passed here since the outbreak of the epidemic than here. Or maybe life was just so crap here?<</if>>
<<linkreplace "Find a place to rest for 1 bullet">><<if $bullets>=1>>[[Go to you room|nhrest][$bullets-=1]]<<else>>Looks like you don't have enough canned food.<</if>><</linkreplace>>
<<if $jevent1==1 && $meetmegan==0>><<linkreplace "You meet strange woman">>@@.speech-girl;- Hey, - she yell at you.@@
At first you didn’t understand who wanted what from you, but when you turned around you saw a girl in a gas mask with black hair sticking out from under it. She also had a bare belly with the words “We are doomed” written on it. You fixed your gaze on her stomach and immediately received a poke in the side.
<img class="centered-image" src="img/longjorney/prov.jpg" width="400px">
@@.speech-girl;- I said "Hey"! Are you dumb or deaf? - She spoke in a distorted voice due to the mask.@@
@@.speech-mc;- What? Yes... I mean no! What do you want?@@
@@.speech-girl;- Okay, let's assume that he's stupid, - she said to herself, and then turned to you, - My girls said that they returned from their last trip thanks to you. You didn't even ask for anything for help.@@
<span class="red-text">It was worth asking! Girls always have something to give!</span>
<span class="blue-text">Actually, you did the right thing. Saving someone is priceless in itself!</span>
@@.speech-mc;- Hm. Well, yes. Didn't ask. To be honest, I didn’t think about it at all. @@
@@.speech-girl;- Well, yes. Just like I said. He's stupid.@@
@@.speech-mc;- Hey, I'm actually standing here!@@
@@.speech-girl;- Listen here, - she continued, seemingly not paying attention to you, - I found out that you are not local and became interested. Why the hell are you at NeedHelp?@@
@@.speech-mc;- I'm looking for someone. He went on a loot-raid and never returned.@@
She rubs her chin, nods, seems thoughtful, and then says:
@@.speech-girl;- We also have a lot of missing people. I think I can help you. Most likely your man was dragged to the Market of Humanity. To put it simply - a slave market. I can take you there, but you'll need a decent amount of ammo to ransom the man.@@
@@.speech-mc;- Take me there and I'll think of something!@@
@@.speech-girl;- Hm. Why not. You helped the girls - I'll show you the way. We'll get even. My name is Megan by the way.@@
@@.speech-mc;- $mcname .@@
@@.speech-girl;- What? $mcname ?@@
@@.speech-mc;- Yes, what have you heard about me?@@
@@.speech-girl;- No, it's just a stupid name...@@
@@.speech-mc;- Em... okay. Thanks I guess.@@
<<set $meetmegan=1>>
@@.speech-girl;- Well, have we moved?@@
[[Go with Megan|6]]<</linkreplace>><</if>>
[[Go to "Generally Everything Shop"|nhshop]]
<<if $meetmegan==1>>[[Use Megan's route to Square of the Damned|6]]<</if>>
[[Let's go out of here|5]]<img class="centered-image" src="img/longjorney/nhtorg.jpg" width="400px">
You can buy the following items here:
Food supplies for 1 bullets <<if $bullets>=1>>[[BUY|nhshop][$supplies+=1, $bullets-=1]]<</if>>
10 Junk for 1 bullets <<if $bullets>=1>>[[BUY|nhshop][$junk+=10, $bullets-=1]]<</if>>
[[Leave|needhelp]]<img class="centered-image" src="img/longjorney/nhroom.jpg" width="400px">
The place is small and not very clean, but still better than your room in the apartment. It's probably safe enough to rest here.
[[Rest and go to sleep|sleepnh]]
[[Go out and give key back to the owner|needhelp]]<<set _rnd = random(1, 5)>>
<img class="centered-image" @src="'img/dream/d2/' + _rnd + '.gif'" width="400px">
Typical dreams about pleasant and distant things do not leave you even in such a place. Probably in this case, consistency is more good than bad.
[[Time to open your eyes|nhrest]]
<<if $energy < 0>> <<set $energy = 2>> <<elseif $energy <= 4>> <<set $energy += 2>> <</if>>
<<if $givescarfood==0>><<set $scarhunger+=1>><</if>><<if $scarhunger==3 && $scarcorrupt<=5>><<set $scarhunger=0, $scarcorrupt+=1>><<elseif $scarhunger==3 && $scarcorrupt>=6 >><<set $scarhunger=0>><</if>>
<<set $day+=1, $days_to_rent-=1, $morningpeek=0, $sisanger=0, $streetmeet1=0, $seenscar=0, $givescarfood=0, $scartalk=0, $worktoday=0, $workloop=0>>
<<set $sislust+=10, $girlwork=0>>
<<if $siscafe==1>><<set _rndcafe = random(1, 3)>><</if>>
<<if $siscafe==0>><<set _rndcafe = random(1, 2)>><</if>>
<<set $cafegirl = _rndcafe>><<set $streetmeet = random(1, 5)>>
<<set $timewithsis=0, $sispunish=0, $gymloop=0>><div style="text-align: center;">
<img class="centered-image" src="img/longjorney/spikes.jpg" width="400px">
Burrow of the raider gang Spikes. It’s a disgusting place and most likely you won’t be able to enjoy staying here for long.
<<if $jevent1==2>><<linkreplace "Check the windows">>
<img class="centered-image" src="img/longjorney/jevent3.gif" width="400px">
Looks like the orgy is still going on. You won't envy the girls, but... well... not your problem! Get out quickly before they notice you!<</linkreplace>><</if>>
[[Get out|4]]Well... at the moment this is the end of version 0.2, but I really hope that thanks to your opinion, activity and moral support, this will not be the end of the whole game! I still have a lot of stuff in my head and I hope it gets out of there! Thanks everyone for playing and check out our Discord channel!
https://discord.gg/t5HxvT35<img class="centered-image" src="img/mia/mia.jpg" width="400px">
You find a girl on patrol. It seems that after what happened she did not lose her working fuse.
During your first meeting, you learn that her name is Mia and that she is very grateful to you for saving her. You can use this to your advantage. The connections among the Guards are quite useful.
<<if $mialove==1>><<linkreplace "Ask her on a date?">>You hesitate a little, but still suggest to Mia that they go out for a drink together sometime. She certainly had an unpleasant experience, but it doesn’t seem to have affected her much.
To your surprise, she agrees, but insists that you come to the gates of the Upper City tonight, because she has no desire to walk along the Lower Streets.
Well, looks like it's a date.
[[Wait for her and go to the Upper City gate|miadate]]
<<elseif $mialust==1>><<linkreplace "You don't see Mia in her usual place. Maybe look for her?">>
Having looked around a little in the familiar premises, you hear groans and slobbering sounds in the shooting range room, where the door was slightly open. As you get closer, you look inside and see Mia surrounded by male Guards.
<img class="centered-image" src="img/mia/mial1.gif" width="400px">
The girl seems to be in some kind of ecstasy licking, sucking and jerking off several dicks at once, and the guys are talking happily and discussing:
@@.speech-boy;- I always guessed that she was a whore, but after what happened, she seemed to have lost her mind...@@
<img class="centered-image" src="img/mia/mial2.gif" width="400px">
@@.speech-boy;- Well, suck it, don’t shirk. Now you will help us with detente in your free time, pig.@@
@@.speech-girl;- Y-yes... more... more... please... more... - the girl moaned.@@
<img class="centered-image" src="img/mia/mial3.gif" width="400px">
It's not entirely clear what's going on here, but they seem to be having fun. In this case, you should not interfere.
You move away from the door, leaving Mia surrounded by members that she apparently wants so much.
[[Ask her for help with shooting practice|perprac]]
<<if $robbed==1>><<linkreplace "Ask for help with robbers">>
You complain to Mia about a couple of Skulls who robbed you near the University. She sighs, of course, but promises to help. A few hours after she leaves, you actually become a witness to how that same couple is dragged to a checkpoint for interrogation and check. After that, they question you and, as a result, they even return to you what was stolen from you.
<<set $money+= $robbedmoney, $robbed=0>>
<span class="purple-text">$robbedmoney bills looted</span><</linkreplace>><</if>>
[[Go away|Checkpoint]]She takes you to the training ground. You knew that the Guards had their own shooting range, but you didn't expect to be there. In gratitude for your help, she even allows you to practice once for free and promises not to charge too much for training in the future.
<<if $freepractice==0>><<linkreplace "First practice for free">>
<img class="centered-image" src="img/mia/practice1.gif" width="400px">
<span class="red-text">Shoot her! Just for fun!</span>
You try to shoot with a training pistol, but it turns out... not clear. By the end of the training, you manage somehow, but the result is still not very good.
<<set $per+=1, $freepractice=1>><span class="purple-text">Perception increased</span><</linkreplace>><</if>>
<<linkreplace "Let's practice for 5 bills">><<if $money>=5 && $energy>=1 && $per<=5>><img class="centered-image" src="img/mia/practice2.gif" width="400px">
<img class="centered-image" src="img/mia/practice3.gif" width="400px">
You have been practicing at the shooting range for a long time. Some Guards give you advice. Mia is trying to train you as best she can. Your successes are gradually becoming noticeable. Most likely in a real fight this could save your life.
<<set $money-=5, $energy-=1, $per+=1>>
<span class="purple-text">Perception increased
Energy decreased
Money decreased</span><<elseif $money>=5 && $energy==0 && $per<=5>>You're too tired to exercise.<<elseif $money<=4 && $energy>=1 && $per<=5>>Training costs so much money and you don’t seem to have enough.<<elseif $money>=5 && $energy>=1 && $per==5>>You've already mastered the shooting range too well to learn anything here.<</if>>
[[Lets stop and go away|Checkpoint]]
You quickly go home, get yourself in order, tell Kenzi that you will be back late today and head to the gate to the Upper City. To be honest, you haven’t been there yet and you don’t know what awaits you in the Upper City.
There are always a bunch of guards at the gate. And now, when you appear at the entrance in your modest clothes, they glare at you with evil glances.
However, when Mia appears and calls you along, and then introduces you all these gazes disappear.
The Upper City turns out to be almost the same place as... well... like an ordinary city. The same as it was before the epidemic. Just streets, happy people, everyone is well dressed, there is light and pleasant smells all around. Not like the screams and slops of the Lower Streets.
You walk to the bar, having a nice conversation.
@@.speech-girl;- So you're a scav, huh? - Mia asks, - I know that you a scav. Just curious why you decided to do this. Usually your guys don't live long. Not the profession you want to do.@@
@@.speech-mc;- There wasn't much choice. Either that or go to the Skulls, but they are not the guys you want to deal with.@@
@@.speech-girl;- True, true. Have you thought about moving upstairs? Maybe join the Guards? We are paid well. Maybe I could negotiate for you. Work on the outer gates and patrols pays several hundred a month.@@
Your jaw drops a little. You were never interested in prices and took them for granted, but if they are paid in hundreds, then you are really doing badly.
@@.speech-mc;- Maybe it would be worth it, who knows. But now I already have enough worries to think about, so for now I’m not thinking about a new job, - you answer, hesitating a little.@@
<<linkreplace "One date later">>You had a decent drink, had a good chat and at the end, when Mia started to get hot, you got a couple of nice hints.
She dragged you to her apartment. Damn, this place looked a hundred times better than yours. However, this did not attract you as much as the pleasantly smelling and hot female body dropping clothes literally in front of you.
Unable to restrain yourself, you pressed your lips to hers and felt the answer.
<img class="centered-image" src="img/mia/mia6.gif" width="400px">
You both wanted this. She was burning with heat and when your hand slid under her skirt you were convinced that she was already wet.
@@.speech-girl;- Do it rough. I want you to use me. Tear me into pieces, - she whispered breathlessly in your ear when your lips broke the kiss.@@
<span class="blue-text">Oh, not again... why no one want to hold hands?</span>
<span class="red-text">You hear the slut. Break her and make her beg for more.</span>
It’s as if some kind of ban has been lifted from you. You began to undress, periodically enjoying the sight of Mia naked.
She didn’t expect this, but as soon as she pulled down her dress, showing you her soft tits, you threw a noose around her neck in the form of your belt. Judging by the contented rumbling, the girl liked it.
You took her to your dick and began to push her to work.
<img class="centered-image" src="img/mia/mia1.gif" width="400px">
Was she such a slut before her gangrape? Who knows. Maybe she even liked it. In any case - now she is your whore and you celebrate your victory by fucking her throat.
<img class="centered-image" src="img/mia/mia2.gif" width="400px">
When she helped you get into full combat readiness, you threw her naked body on the sofa and lifted her legs and began to fuck her. Mia was light and flexible enough that it was a pleasure to use.
<img class="centered-image" src="img/mia/mia3.gif" width="400px">
Compared to the other girls you fucked, she may have lacked something, but her large tits, firm ass and pussy that seemed to pull you inside made her a real sex bomb.
@@.speech-girl;- Let me be on top, I want to ride you, stallion, - she said.@@
Being a gentleman, you threw her upstairs and then began to fuck her, echoing her own movements. She waved and moaned as best she could, hanging over you, and her divine ass felt just great on you. Her blows on your legs were even somewhat pleasant. Pleasant enough that you want to answer them with ringing spanks.
<img class="centered-image" src="img/mia/mia4.gif" width="400px">
She moaned above you for a while, but you clearly lacked control. You turned her over again and began to enter her from behind.
<img class="centered-image" src="img/mia/mia5.gif" width="400px">
Gradually you increased the pace under her moans. You were both approaching orgasm. Mia came first, and then you came, releasing it onto her beautiful ass.
However, after one orgasm you decided that you shouldn’t stop. She asked her to break it. You spent several more hours fucking her in every possible position. When you finished it was already late at night, and she lay in your hands, all covered with sweat and sperm.
<img class="centered-image" src="img/mia/mia7.gif" width="400px">
<img class="centered-image" src="img/mia/mia8.gif" width="400px">
Somehow, having gathered your strength, you poured a glass of water onto your member, which was dry from fatigue, and began to get dressed. She fell asleep without saying goodbye, and you barely got out of her house and got to yours.
[[Go home|Go to bed]]
<</linkreplace>><img class="centered-image" src="img/location/gym.jpg" width="400px">
This is essentially the Skulls' base. If you have a bad relationship with them, then you risk getting into trouble by coming here. On the other hand, this is the only gym in the area. There isn't much choice.
<<if $money>=3 && $gymloop==0 && $energy!=0>><<linkreplace "Pay 3 bills for training and go work out">>
<img class="centered-image" src="img/other/gym.gif" width="400px">
You spend several hours training. It’s tiring and exhausting, but there is some result.
<<set $str+=1, $gymloop=1, $money-=3, $energy-=1>>
<span class="purple-text">Strength increased
Energy decreased</span><</linkreplace>>
<<elseif $gymloop==1, $energy==0>><<linkreplace "Pay 3 bills for training and go work out">>Bro you're too tired. Take a break.<</linkreplace>>
<<elseif $money<=2>><<linkreplace "Pay 3 bills for training and go work out">>
<img class="centered-image" src="img/other/receptionist.jpg" width="400px">The girl at the checkout shouts that you are stupid and don’t know how to count to three. Apparently you don't have enough money to pay for the gym.<</linkreplace>><</if>>
[[Look at Skulls Board|swork]]
[[Listen to the Skulls talking|talks]]
<<if $BandRep>=5>>[[Talk to Vince|vince]]<</if>>
<<if $BandRep>=2>>[[Go to Arena|arena]]<</if>>
[[Time to go|Lower streets]]<img class="centered-image" src="img/longjorney/heroes.jpg" width="400px">
You see the names of the people who were involved in the founding of this Damned City. Their help was damn valuable one way or another.
<div style="text-align: center;">
Greedium - wonderful mentor
CyniC - my first subscriber
[[Go away|6]]<<widget "Rel-Card">>
<<if _args.length != 5>>
ERROR Releationship Card didnt get enough Parameters!
(ImgPath, Name, Love, Submission, Corruption)
<div class="Rel-Card">
<img @src="_args[0]" class="Rel-Img">
<p>Love: _args[2]</p>
<p>Submission: _args[3]</p>
<p>Corruption: _args[4]</p>
<</widget>>:: Releationships [nobr]
<div id="Rel-Card-Holder">
</div><div id="Rel-Card-Holder">
<<Rel-Card "img/battle/HP5.jpg" $mcname - - ->>
<<linkreplace "Some advise for thouse who need it">>
The quest to find your uncle starts on day 10<br><br>
Having completed the search for loot in any location 5 times, you can encounter a new event in Loot Zone-1 (closest to the Safe Zone)<br><br>
You can level up your Perception with a pair of Skulls in the University location (if you meet them during random searches and have a positive reputation in the gang), or at the security shooting range by completing the event mentioned above<br><br>
If in some situation you suddenly need a lot of money, then three people come to mind that you should ask: Gina, Scarlet and Bonnie (if she’s okay)<br><br>
While looting be kind to old man (1 good Karma require) and then return find him again (maybe you find someone else)<</linkreplace>>
<<Rel-Card "img/sis/face1.png" Kenzie $sislove $sissub $siscorrupt>>
<<linkreplace "Some advise for thouse who need it">>Some of NTR event require Submission 3<br><br>
You can start Blacked events if meet Fast Eddie with Bad Carma<br><br>
For start of dom route: if you've made Kenzi submissive enough (3), try spying on her<br><br>
For start of romance route: if you've made Kenzi love you enough (3), just go to sleep<br><br>
Love and dom routes are block each other<br><br>
Max stat you can use for her 5 more is unnecesarry gring (for now)<</linkreplace>>
<<Rel-Card "img/ash/ash2.png" Ash $ashlove $ashsub $ashcorrupt>>
<<linkreplace "Some advise for thouse who need it">>[Nothing at v0.3 update]<</linkreplace>>
<<Rel-Card "img/gina/face1.png" Gina $ginalove $ginasub $ginacorrupt>>
<<linkreplace "Some advise for thouse who need it">>If you have at least 1 love point with Gina, she may ask for a loan for you (in certain circumstances). If you do not repay the debt in 7 days, it will be bad for her<</linkreplace>>
<<Rel-Card "img/scar/face4.jpg" Scarlet $scarlove $scarsub $scarcorrupt>>
<<linkreplace "Some advise for thouse who need it">>Give Scarlet food every day up to 3 days to progress her quest<br><br>
Not give her food and see what happens in the coridor every 3 days<</linkreplace>>
<<return "Return" >><img class="centered-image" src="img/other/talkg.jpg" width="400px">
<<set _rnd = ["1", "2", "3", "4"].random()>><<switch _rnd>>
You decide to laze around the checkpoint for a bit. Of course you were curious to hear what the guys from Guards were doing. Several of them are just taking a break during their smoke break, or are simply ignoring orders and relaxing nearby.
<<case "1">>
@@.speech-boy;- Have you heard that the amount of smuggling has increased in the city recently? - ask one of guard from his comrade.@@
@@.speech-boy;- Yeah, they say counterfeit bills are flowing from somewhere outside the safe zone, - they say it not loud but you can hear.@@
@@.speech-boy;- Have the bosses decided anything yet?@@
@@.speech-boy;- How should I know? Maybe. So far no orders have been received...@@
Suddenly a woman screams from the wall:
@@.speech-girl;- Addams! Donovan! Stop scratching your balls there! Let's go to your posts!@@
<<case "2">>
A small group of soldiers listens to instructions from their commander. You don't know too much about their position and ranks, but they seem to be privates and their sergeant.
@@.speech-boy;- According to the latest information, over the last month we have noticed an increasing number of infected people in areas close to the safe zone. You all know what this means. Patrol officers - keep an eye on your partners. No “I’ll go take a piss” or “I’ll go have a smoke”! If I hear about at least one such case, you will clean toilets for a week or go on patrol in Lower Streets next week.@@
@@.speech-girl;- It’s better to spend a week with your arm up to your elbow in the toilet than to appear in this rapehole, - commented the girl soldier.@@
@@.speech-boy;- Stop talking! Someone will still have to go there. Now go to your posts!@@
<<case "3">>
You see a couple of soldiers who have moved away from the others and the short one begins to ask the tall one quite loudly.
@@.speech-boy;- So-o-o... I’ve only recently been here, so tell me. What is the best way for me to proceed?@@
@@.speech-boy;- Well... if you meet infected people, shoot them in the head. This usually works best. If you meet aggressive survivors, shoot at the limbs. Even wounded people can be useful.@@
@@.speech-boy;- That's not what I'm talking about! Chicks! What's the best way for me to pick up chicks in this uniform?@@
@@.speech-boy;- Oh, this. If you are not afraid of diseases, go to Lower Streets - you will find enough girls there.@@
@@.speech-boy;- What? Not! I need normal women, and all the normal ones there are either already sucking to Skulls or hiding...@@
@@.speech-boy;- Talkers! Come here! Right fucking now! - shout one of other Guards.@@
Looks like they were heared...
<<case "4">>
Before your eyes, a group of soldiers comes to the gate pushing a cart with some kind of rubbish in front of you. When they stop, one of the guards asks:
@@.speech-girl;- What do you have there?@@
@@.speech-boy;- Yes, we caught an aggressive garbage man who was dragging a whole bunch of things. And I just wanted to find new shoes for my wife...@@
@@.speech-girl;-Are you crazy? Did you just shoot some idiot for a pair of shoes?@@
@@.speech-boy;- There was also a box of warm beer...@@
@@.speech-girl;- What a bastard! Almost injured an officer on duty! Good job guys! Half the box is mine, okay?@@
@@.speech-boy;- As usual, - one nods to the other and they go inside.@@
@@.speech-girl;- By the way, didn’t he have earrings there? I wanted to update my wardrobe, - last thing you hear.@@
Looks like someone had a successful patrol.<</switch>>
[[Time to stop eavesdrop|Checkpoint]]<img class="centered-image" src="img/other/talks.jpg" width="400px">
<<set _rnd = ["1", "2", "3", "4"].random()>><<switch _rnd>>
Hiding in the alley behind the Gym, you decide to listen to the conversations about this and that that are now walking along the city streets.
<<case "1">>
Before your eyes, a couple of Skulls meet some green newcomer. By the look of the guy you can tell that he is shocked by what is happening and you assume that maybe he was recently expelled from the Upper City.
@@.speech-boy;- So? - one of the Skulls asks, - Have you decided? The boss won't wait long. If you now give him one of your Upper friends who still has problems with money, he will find a place for you.@@
@@.speech-boy;- Place? What is it here? Damn... this place... guys, I just want to go home...@@
@@.speech-boy;- Don’t be afraid - the boss will sort everything out. You'll be back before the end of the month! - adds the second Skull.@@
@@.speech-boy;- Yeah, - the first one says again, - Our Boss is a man worth a hundred million bucks. He will put all these Upper cocksuckers to shame!@@
@@.speech-boy;- Is it true... that there are infected people here? Damn, I'm scared to even be here! - the guy continues to ask.@@
@@.speech-boy;- Don't be afraid, don't be afraid! We'll take care of you! - one of the Skulls answers and adds, - The main thing to remember is if you suddenly actually meet infected people. You don’t have to be afraid of chicks and you can even fuck them, but men will make you the same fucking piece of lustful shit like themselves. For women, by the way, the opposite is true. Like you shouldn’t clash with your gender, in short. Something like that.@@
@@.speech-boy;- Yeah, yeah, now let’s make up your mind before the boss changes his mind about helping you!@@
@@.speech-boy;- O-okay... I'll do it... I'll tell him about people with debts...@@
The skulls contentedly slap him on the shoulders and drag him inside. It seems the guys have found a common language.
<<case "2">>
You see the Skulls. It seems to be just a couple of a man and a woman. They are quietly talking about something.
@@.speech-boy;- Any progress, baby?@@
@@.speech-girl;- Of course, baby. I sent this girl to one of the Uppers and she seemed to find something useful.@@
@@.speech-boy;- Great. Vince will be glad to hear. By the way, I missed you...@@
@@.speech-girl;- I know, I know. But I need to stay in touch with the guys in Upper City, and they can smell your stink a mile away, - she laughs.@@
@@.speech-boy;- Ouch. That hurts.@@
She laughs and he pulls her inside with him.
<<case "3">>
You see a couple of girls in an alley kicking a man. The girls are wearing Skull jackets.
@@.speech-girl;- Get stupid!@@
@@.speech-girl;- Get it, faggot!@@
@@.speech-girl;- Get it, the asshole!@@
@@.speech-girl;- Get it, son of a bitch!@@
Suddenly another of the Skulls comes out to them and asks:
@@.speech-boy;- What's up, girls?@@
@@.speech-girl;- Nothing. We're just having fun. This sucker had the nerve to hit on my girl. Now let him shit blood.@@
@@.speech-boy;- Well... why not. When you're done, we've got pizza ready. Pull yourself up.@@
@@.speech-girl;- Thank you, big guy! We'll be there soon! Don't eat everything without us! - says one of the girls. @@
When the man leaves, they continue to beat him as he lies down. You don't think he'll wake up anytime soon. Or ever.
<<case "4">>
You hear someone crying in the alley and go to see what is happening. You see a woman sitting in the corner hugging her knees. A guy in a Skulls jacket stands nearby and, in desperation, beats his clenched kolaks on the wall.
@@.speech-boy;- Fuck... how is it... this can’t be...@@
@@.speech-girl;- I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry... - the girl cries.@@
The guy again hits the wall with his fists in despair, after which he turns to her and asks:
@@.speech-boy;- Are you sure?@@
@@.speech-girl;- Yes... - she answers with a sob, - ...I'm definitely pregnant.@@
Wow. And because of this there is so much drama? Although... now is a time when you are not sure what you would do yourself. Good luck to them.
[[Time to stop eavesdrop|Gym]]<<set $seenscar=1>><<if $helpscar<=2>><img class="centered-image" src="img/scar/face1.jpg" width="400px">
Scarlet greets you with a not very happy expression on her face. You spend some time with her, but despite all attempts to somehow get her into dialogue or just have a pleasant time, so little comes of it. When you leave, you feel that something is wrong. Last time you seemed to get along so well...<</if>>
<<if $scarq1g==1>><img class="centered-image" src="img/scar/face4.jpg" width="400px">
You meet Scarlet and a smile shines on her face. She's clearly happy to see you. When you talk, she often asks about your progress in “her case,” but does not insist.
<img class="centered-image" src="img/scar/scartalk2.jpg" width="400px">
She prepares you a treat from the products that you apparently brought her before. Judging by her appearance, she prepared especially for you. Apparently her sympathy for you became even stronger after she saw her protector in you.
<img class="centered-image" src="img/scar/scartalk1.jpg" width="400px"><img class="centered-image" src="img/scar/scartalk3.jpg" width="400px">
When you finish your meal she suggests moving on to dessert. You even had a couple of thoughts about what she meant by it. Some kind of pleasant nostalgia.
<<linkreplace "Let her please you">><<if $scartalk==0>><img class="centered-image" src="img/scar/scarblow1.jpg" width="400px">
She gets on her knees and shows you her playful tongue, which immediately begins to run across your pants. When your excited member is in her hands, the girl, with a breath, plunges your head into her mouth.
@@.speech-girl;- Mfa... fike it... $msname? - she ask with you penis on her lips.@@
@@.speech-mc;- Yeah, baby, keep going. You're doing a great job as always.@@
<img class="centered-image" src="img/scar/scarblow2.jpg" width="400px">
She changes her position and begins, leaning her hands on your belt, to take your penis deeper into her mouth. Lightly touch your throat with it and release it back. You feel the heat of her body. She's damn hot. Like the damn sun.
<img class="centered-image" src="img/scar/scarblow3.jpg" width="400px">
You enjoy the caress of her mouth. Her hands gently walk over your body. You feel the excitement building up.
<img class="centered-image" src="img/scar/scarbl.gif" width="400px">
She releases your dick from her mouth and with a playful smile begins to play with her tongue on it.
@@.speech-girl;- Come on, honey, do it. You want it, don't you? - she says, taking short breaks during which you feel her hot breath on your dick, - Come on... cum for me... don’t hold back... you do so much for me... let me do it for you...@@
And you do it. You give in to excitement and pleasure. You allow her to give you pleasure that releases everything from you. All the fatigue and all the desire. All this comes out along with your sperm right on Scarlet’s face.
<img class="centered-image" src="img/scar/scarblow4.jpg" width="400px">
@@.speech-girl;- Wow... - she says, continuing to play with her tongue on your penis, -... so much... also in your hair... and in your eye...@@
@@.speech-mc;- Sorry, baby, you asked it yourself, I think you don’t mind, right?@@
@@.speech-girl;- Yeah, don't worry. I need to take a shower. Hope you had a good time, $mcname. I know that you spent a lot of energy helping me. I hope this offsets the costs at least a little.@@
@@.speech-mc;- You don't have to try so hard, Scar. I'm doing this for you, not for sex. You know. I care for you, - and with thouse words you see a blush on her face.@@
<<set $scartalk=1>>
She stand up and go to the bathroom.<<else>>You've already had fun today!<</if>><</linkreplace>>
<<if $scarlove>=3>><<linkreplace "You want her and she is ready">><<if $scartalk==0>>You relax slightly, leaning onto the table. Scarlet lifts her top. She shows you her beautiful pale and soft tits.
<img class="centered-image" src="img/scar/scarfuck1.jpg" width="400px">
<<set $scartalk=1>>
You come together in a kiss. You feel her chest pressing against you, you feel her tongue in your mouth, and her hands on your belt.
She pulls away from you with a smile and says:
@@.speech-girl;- You look at my breasts like that... I even know what you’re thinking...@@
You thought those panties were damn good on her, but she decided otherwise. Kneeling in front of you, she grabbed your excited penis with her tits and began to squeeze it, while stroking.
<img class="centered-image" src="img/scar/scarfuck3.png" width="400px">
Her delicate tits, which were made as if from the most delicate silk, began to press on you. Scarlet, without wasting any time, began to touch your head every now and then with her tongue. Not the brightest feeling in the world, but enough to keep you from calming down. However... how can you “calm down” when such a beauty literally insisted that you fuck her tits.
And you started doing it. He began to put pressure on her breasts, fucking the hollow between her tits. She said something to get you going, but you were too busy by titfucking to pay attention. However, the matter obviously wouldn’t end with just boobs.
<img class="centered-image" src="img/scar/scarfuck1.gif" width="400px">
Looking straight into your eyes, she began to swallow your penis. She clearly worked hard, trying to please you. This was obviously important to her, but you knew that you were far from the most important dish on today’s menu.
<<if $scarvirgin==1>>She was clearly nervous last time when it came to her hole, and this meant that it was possible... not a fact, but possible... that you fell into the hands of a red-haired, big-breasted and excellent sucking virgin.<</if>>
After she completely turned you on, you could no longer hold back. He pulled her towards him, kissed her and then pulled her into the room. Having settled her on the sofa, you began to pull off Scarlet’s panties. She was no longer as nervous as before. Now she was excited and from what you opened behind her pink panties she was burning with heat and completely wet.
<img class="centered-image" src="img/scar/scarfuck0.png" width="400px">
Putting her in doggy style, you come closer. There's no point in using lube or anything like that - Scarlet literally flows like a bitch. You get down on one knee and, despite her wetness, decide to please her. You lightly moisten her pussy and play with her clitoris until you hear moans.
<img class="centered-image" src="img/scar/scarfuck4.png" width="400px">
You touch her firm ass and lightly spank it. A groan escapes her lips. She looks at you with confusion.
<<if $scarvirgin==1>>@@.speech-girl;- Please... gently... I... this is my first time... - she still says, looking at you with her pitiful puppy dog eyes.@@
<img class="centered-image" src="img/scar/scarfuck5.png" width="400px">
You entered her. I did it as carefully as I could, but she still moaned in pain when her hymen was torn by your penis. You saw drops of blood on him, but you knew exactly what to do next.<</if>>
You began to slowly move inside Scarlet, gradually increasing the pace. The girl, who was already completely turned on by the situation, by your tongue, and now also by your dick, began to moan loudly.
<img class="centered-image" src="img/scar/scarfuck6.png" width="400px">
Her movements were a little awkward at first, but you soon found your balance. A couple of times, due to excess moisture, you slipped out of Scarlet, feeling like an electric shock right into your penis. It wasn’t painful, no, but the surprise made you freeze for a second. However, immediately after that, you entered her again, feeling how a tight vagina grabbed you and did not want to let go.
After a couple of minutes, you found the perfect rhythm and you started pounding her tight hole, enjoying the way she moaned in pleasure.
<img class="centered-image" src="img/scar/scarfuck2.gif" width="400px">
You continued to pound her until she came. You felt Scarlet’s body shudder in powerful tension, because of which she began to move towards you even more actively. After her orgasmic moans, you realized that it was time to cum yourself.
<<if $scarvirgin==0>>You took the girl who had just finished off your dick and pulled her mouth to it. She understood without words what was required of her and began to bring you to orgasm with the help of a blowjob. You released it into her mouth with pleasure.
<img class="centered-image" src="img/scar/scarfuck3.gif" width="400px">
@@.speech-girl;- So... my hero... do you like Fuck-link, - she ask with a playfull smile on her lips?@@
<span class="red-text">You know what bitch want to hear! Say "I am the Law" to remind her who is in charge here!</span>
<<linkreplace "Say IT">>
@@.speech-mc;- I AM THE LAW! @@
<img class="centered-image" src="img/scar/harryface.png" width="400px">
Even though you just had sex, she can't help but laugh. It seems that now is one of those rare moments when you both forget about everything in the world and are simply happy to be alive.<</linkreplace>><</if>>
After you both came and the fatigue from sex hit you, you realized two things. The first is that Scarlet is magnificent and perhaps you could even see some kind of future with her. The second thing was many times sadder than the first. You shouldn't fill your stomach before sex, otherwise you risk it.
Suppressing a belch, you looked at the girl lying next to you and stroked her head. You'll have to leave soon, but you still had some time. <<set $scarvirgin=0, $scarlove+=1>>
<span class="purple-text">Scarlet's love has increased</span>
<<else>>You've already had fun today!<</if>><</linkreplace>>
[[Time to go|Apartment]]<img class="centered-image" src="img/other/board.jpg" width="400px">
Before you appears a colossus of job advertisements, advertisements and proclamations about the coolness of the Skulls gang. Having studied this, it would be quite possible to find some income for yourself.
<<set $workloop=0, $workloop1=0>>
<<if $energy!=0 && $worktoday==0>>
<<set _rnd = ["1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6"].random()>><<switch _rnd>>
<<case "1">>
You are offered to be a hired bully. You will stand there, look threatening, and if ordered, you will break a couple of faces. They pay 2 bills for everything. If you get hurt, it's on you. Work for couple of hours.
[[Get to work|swork1.1]]
<<case "2">>
The job they offer you is delivery. You will be given a bag and you will need to give it to a person in a cafe near Upper Town. If you decide to run away with the cargo, retribution will follow immediately. Payment is 3 bills, because there is nothing complicated there. Work for an hour.
[[Get to work|swork1.2]]
<<case "3">>
You are offered to be a security guard during a transaction. If everything goes as it should, you will receive money without much stress. If there are problems and you help solve them, you will receive an additional payment. The minimum payment is 3 bills. Work for several hours.
[[Get to work|swork1.3]]
<<case "4">>
We need to get debts out of one family. You are offered to be a thug capable of intimidating ordinary people. If you succeed, you will receive everything you can get in addition to the 10 bills that you will need to pay for the work. They promise good money, but promising does not mean getting married. Work for the evening.
<<if $moraleb>=5>>[[Get to work|swork1.4]]<<else>>You're not such a bastard for such a disgusting job.<</if>>
<<case "5">>
The traitor must be punished. Details are in place. You will receive 5 bills in total. Work at night, so you come home tired. It will be dirty.
<<if $moraleb>=3>>[[Get to work|swork1.5]]<<else>>You're not such a bastard for such a disgusting job.<</if>>
<<case "6">>
Catch and bring the client's girlfriend. The bitch is off the chain, so someone needs to check her address and a couple other places. If you manage to find and bring her back, you will receive 6 bills. May take time.
<<if $moraleb>=5>>[[Get to work|swork1.6]]<<else>>You're not such a bastard for such a disgusting job.<</if>>
<<set _rnd2 = ["1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6"].random()>><<switch _rnd2>>
<<case "1">>
You are offered to be a hired bully. You will stand there, look threatening, and if ordered, you will break a couple of faces. They pay 3 bills for everything. If you get hurt, it's on you. Work for couple of hours.
[[Get to work|swork1.1]]
<<case "2">>
The job they offer you is delivery. You will be given a bag and you will need to give it to a person in a cafe near Upper Town. If you decide to run away with the cargo, retribution will follow immediately. Payment is 2 bills, because there is nothing complicated there. Work for an hour.
[[Get to work|swork1.2]]
<<case "3">>
You are offered to be a security guard during a transaction. If everything goes as it should, you will receive money without much stress. If there are problems and you help solve them, you will receive an additional payment. The minimum payment is 3 bills. Work for several hours.
[[Get to work|swork1.3]]
<<case "4">>
We need to get debts out of one family. You are offered to be a thug capable of intimidating ordinary people. If you succeed, you will receive everything you can get in addition to the 10 bills that you will need to pay for the work. They promise good money, but promising does not mean getting married. Work for the evening.
<<if $moraleb >= 5>> [[Get to work|swork1.4]] <<else>> You're not such a bastard for such a disgusting job. <</if>>
<<case "5">>
The traitor must be punished. Details are in place. You will receive 5 bills in total. Work at night, so you come home tired. It will be dirty.
<<if $moraleb>=3>>[[Get to work|swork1.5]]<<else>>You're not such a bastard for such a disgusting job.<</if>>
<<case "6">>
Catch and bring the client's girlfriend. The bitch is off the chain, so someone needs to check her address and a couple other places. If you manage to find and bring her back, you will receive 6 bills. May take time.
<<if $moraleb>=5>>[[Get to work|swork1.6]]<<else>>You're not such a bastard for such a disgusting job.<</if>>
<<set _rnd3 = ["1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6"].random()>><<switch _rnd3>>
<<case "1">>
You are offered to be a hired bully. You will stand there, look threatening, and if ordered, you will break a couple of faces. They pay 3 bills for everything. If you get hurt, it's on you. Work for couple of hours.
[[Get to work|swork1.1]]
<<case "2">>
The job they offer you is delivery. You will be given a bag and you will need to give it to a person in a cafe near Upper Town. If you decide to run away with the cargo, retribution will follow immediately. Payment is 2 bills, because there is nothing complicated there. Work for an hour.
[[Get to work|swork1.2]]
<<case "3">>
You are offered to be a security guard during a transaction. If everything goes as it should, you will receive money without much stress. If there are problems and you help solve them, you will receive an additional payment. The minimum payment is 3 bills. Work for several hours.
[[Get to work|swork1.3]]
<<case "4">>
We need to get debts out of one family. You are offered to be a thug capable of intimidating ordinary people. If you succeed, you will receive everything you can get in addition to the 10 bills that you will need to pay for the work. They promise good money, but promising does not mean getting married. Work for the evening.
<<if $moraleb>=5>>[[Get to work|swork1.4]]<<else>>You're not such a bastard for such a disgusting job.<</if>>
<<case "5">>
The traitor must be punished. Details are in place. You will receive 5 bills in total. Work at night, so you come home tired. It will be dirty.
<<if $moraleb>=5>>[[Get to work|swork1.5]]<<else>>You're not such a bastard for such a disgusting job.<</if>>
<<case "6">>
Catch and bring the client's girlfriend. The bitch is off the chain, so someone needs to check her address and a couple other places. If you manage to find and bring her back, you will receive 6 bills. May take time.
<<if $moraleb>=5>>[[Get to work|swork1.6]]<<else>>You're not such a bastard for such a disgusting job.<</if>>
<<else>>You've had enough work for today...<</if>>
[[Leave this place|Gym]]They dress you in the Skull uniform and give you a matching jacket. They say that this way you work not only for yourself, but also for their reputation, so they warn you not to screw up.
<img class="centered-image" src="img/other/swork1.jpg" width="400px">
You arrive at the meeting place with your partner. You don't communicate much, but you find out that he is a mercenary just like you. On the spot they tell you to take the matter seriously and leave you in the corridor near the entrance to a couple of apartments. Several people enter each apartment and you begin your shift.
<span class="red-text">Yeah! Wait them like a good dog! Woof-woof!</span>
<<set _rnd = ["1", "2"].random()>><<switch _rnd>>
<<case "1">>
Not too much time passes. Maybe only half an hour or so. The guys from the apartment on the right appear first. One of them has a bloody hammer in his hands. They walk past you without saying a word. What’s interesting is that four of them came in, but only three left.
After a few more minutes, the situation repeats on the other side, but with a difference. Everyone who entered comes out, but one of them staggers and can barely walk. The others support and praise him. They say that he did a great job and that now a glorious future awaits him. The guy walks with them, coughing and groaning, dropping drops of blood onto the tiled floor.
@@.speech-boy;- What was that? - your partner asks.@@
You shrug. This is none of your business and you are not paid to ask questions.
After a couple of minutes, one of the guys with traces of blood on his gloves and sleeves returns to you. He hands each of you 2 bills and says that you are free. Of course, before leaving, he forces you to give the Skulls jackets. You haven't earned them yet, apparently...
<<set $sworktime+=1>>
<span class="purple-text">2 Money looted<<set $money+=2>></span>
[[Go away|Lower streets]]
<<case "2">>
About five minutes pass before you hear screams from the right apartment. The door is trying to open. On the other side, someone knocks, and the handle begins to be pulled. It becomes obvious that someone is trying to get out.
<img class="centered-image" src="img/other/doorshake.gif" width="400px">
Could it be one of Skull guys? Or is it their enemy? Maybe there was a fire or something else? Your partner froze, not understanding what to do. Your balls turned out to be a little bigger.
<<linkreplace "Don't let the door open">><<if $workloop==0>>
You were hired to look scary, not to solve their problems. However, you still decide to do something. You lean on the door with all your weight and after about a minute the noise stops. From the other side you hear a knock and someone’s voice says to you:
@@.speech-boy;- Great job! You get a bonus guys!@@
After which the fuss behind the door resumes, and you see red liquid begin to ooze from under it.
Your work continues for some time. A little longer than planned, but not much. As a result, when people who went there leave both apartments, both groups are missing one participant. You don’t ask questions, but when they take your jackets, they actually give you one more bill than they promised.
<<set $workloop=1>>
<span class="purple-text">3 Money looted</span><<set $money+=3, $workrep+=1>>
[[Go away|Lower streets]]
<<else>>One decision at a time<</if>><</linkreplace>>
<<linkreplace "Help open the door">><<if $workloop==0>>
You understand that someone on the other side needs help. These guys hired you, so you need to take action.
For your part, you hit the door several times and it, not being too strong, swings open.
A guy who seems familiar to you immediately runs out of the room. It seems that he was in the same group that went inside. His face is covered in bruises, his fists are broken, and he is holding his bloody hand. She seems to be swollen. Behind the door there is a bloody bat lying on the floor.
Pushing you away, he runs towards the stairs, leaving a trail of blood behind him.
When he disappears on the stairs, more guys stagger out of the room. They get out covered in bruises and blood. The bastards can barely walk.
One of them looks at you and says:
@@.speech-boy;- What the fuck? Why did you idiots release him?!@@
@@.speech-boy;- It’s not me, it’s this one here... - your partner immediately fusses.@@
@@.speech-boy;- Fuck... - the man points at you and says, - Take off your jacket and get out of here, you moron! Because of you, this fucker will be blamed on me! Fuck you stupid peace of shit! You won't get any money!@@
It would be possible to start a fight and ruin relations with the Skulls. It would be possible to finish off these bastards who are in bad condition. It would be possible... but it's just a couple of bills. It's not worth it.
You leave in a bad mood. It’s not clear what happened, but apparently we shouldn’t have let that guy out.
<<set $workloop=1>>
[[Go away|Lower streets]]
<<else>>One decision at a time<</if>><</linkreplace>>
<</switch>>Having put on the Skull jacket, which you were told not to take off under any circumstances, you go to a small cafe not far from the gate to the Upper City.
<img class="centered-image" src="img/other/swork2.jpg" width="400px">
To your surprise, you even discover a surprisingly decent establishment. Nice girl waitress, pleasant owner and a lot of visitors. The only thing that reminded you that you were on Lower Streets was the amount of trash on the floor.
The bag was quite heavy, closed with a small combination lock and held your hand the whole way, but letting it go even for a second seemed like a very dangerous decision.
You got there quickly, so you thought that maybe today you could make some money without even breaking a sweat.
<<set _rnd = ["1", "2"].random()>><<switch _rnd>>
<<case "1">>
Having reached a table at which sat a decent-looking girl in a business suit, too well dressed for this place. Damn seductive blonde in a dress who... well... doesn't seem to like panties. You asked:
<img class="centered-image" src="img/other/sky1.gif" width="400px">
@@.speech-mc;- Are you Sky?@@
She spread her legs slightly, as if accidentally showing you her pussy, after which she threw one over the other and exhaled smoke from an electronic cigarette at you and answered:
@@.speech-girl;- Yes.@@
Well... you didn't need more. You placed your heavy load next to her. She looked you over a little. As if she were appraising. Then, shaking her head slightly with dissatisfaction, she nodded towards you to go out and you, obeying like a dog, moved away.
A little later, returning to the employer, you realized that everything went as it should. He confirmed that you worked well and paid you the promised amount.
<span class="purple-text">3 Money looted</span><<set $money+=3>>
[[Go away|Lower streets]]
<<case "2">>
Inside, you did not see the lady described to you, who was supposed to be the target of the transfer. You stood at the counter, deciding to rest a little and wait for her.
Not much more than two minutes passed before you noticed a couple of guys in uniform enter, accompanied by a strange suit. You didn’t have time to say a word when the gun was pointed at you. The rest of the cafe visitors just gasped, but then the suit man announced publicly:
<img class="centered-image" src="img/other/agent.gif" width="400px">
@@.speech-boy;- Everything is fine! We are from the Security Service! Special department! Everyone stay in your seats and don't panic - we'll apprehend the criminal and leave!@@
<span class="blue-text">Pistol looks real. Don't do anything stupid.</span>
You didn’t resist and just silently raised your hands. The suit's mongrels came up to you and handcuffed you. After that, you were taken out of the Cafe in front of everyone and dragged into the car.
Cars were rare in this place, so you knew right away that these guys were tough.
Inside, you saw a guy in a suit open your bag. There were several bricks inside. He looked at you and asked:
@@.speech-boy;- What kind of bullshit is this?@@
@@.speech-mc;- I don’t know anything, - you answered honestly, - They promised me money for delivery.@@
@@.speech-boy;- And they gave you the jacket just like that? - the suit boy asked with skepticism in his eyes.@@
@@.speech-mc;- Well, sort of... yes. Work uniform.@@
<img class="centered-image" src="img/other/agent1.jpg" width="400px">
@@.speech-boy;- Well then, listen here, Mr. Work Uniform. We have two options. We can do it the bad way or the good way. What do you prefer?@@
<span class="blue-text">Say good!</span>
<span class="red-text">Say fuck you motherfucker!</span>
<<linkreplace "Say good. Tell him everything you know.">><<if $workloop==0>>
@@.speech-mc;- Well, okay. I don't need unnecessary problems. I can only tell you who hired me, who they asked me to meet and where... although you already know the latter. Will it do?@@
@@.speech-boy;- Start talking, and we'll see.@@
You spend some time in the car with the suit guy. He listens and doesn't interrupt. Sometimes he asks questions. You tell him everything you know, and then he lets you go.
You go to the guy who hired you, but for some reason he’s not at home, and the door is broken down. Taking advantage of the moment, you grab a couple of bills lying on the floor and leave. The main thing is that it is not associated with you.
<<set $workloop=1>>
<span class="purple-text">2 Money looted</span><<set $money+=2>>
[[Go away|Lower streets]]<<else>>One decision at a time<</if>><</linkreplace>>
<<linkreplace "Say fuck you. You won't get any help from me.">><<if $workloop==0>>@@.speech-mc;- I'm not going to say anything to the fucker from the Upper City. No fucking way.@@
@@.speech-boy;- Well... there are still options. And remember - it was you who decided to use them.@@
With these words the car starts moving. You are taken to some abandoned warehouse where you are thoroughly beaten until you lose consciousness. There is no law or authority that would prohibit them from such methods.
When they finish with you, you are no longer sure what you told them and what you kept silent about. They throw you away late at night. You somehow get home, scare your sister and fall unconscious. It takes a while for you to get straightened out, but soon you really do get better. You were given a good job, but without any serious injuries. It's worth saying thank you to these costumed freaks.
The the next day you still receive money. And not just money. On the streets they heard in what condition you returned and appreciated your dedication.
<img class="centered-image" src="img/other/beaten.webp" width="400px">
You got paid, but the wounds will take some time to heal...
<<set $workloop=1>>
<span class="purple-text">4 Money looted
Skulls reputation increased
Strength decreased</span><<set $money+=4, $BandRep+=1, $str-=1, $workrep+=1>>
[[Time to rest|Go to bed]]
<<else>>One decision at a time<</if>><</linkreplace>>
<</switch>>They give you a jacket. Now you have a jacket with a skull on it. After the mission you will have to return it, but as they say, “at least you will touch greatness.” At the same time, you are introduced to a partner. He looks worse than you - skinny, hungry and seems ready for anything.
You and your partner arrive at the scene. They turn out to be residential apartments located not too far from your home. You took your positions and, waiting for the meeting to begin, only looked at its participants. There are no familiar faces for you, but it’s worth saying that not all of them looked like bandits.
<img class="centered-image" src="img/other/swork3.jpg" width="400px">
<<set _rnd = ["1", "2"].random()>><<switch _rnd>>
<<case "1">>
Time passed and gradually you didn’t notice how several hours passed. Your partner didn’t talk much, and you yourself didn’t really want to talk too much in vain. Work is work. You just stood there waiting for it to end.
Having kept a decent watch, you never encountered any dangers. When the meeting finally ended and the guests began to leave, you and the boy were paid the promised payment and your jackets were taken away.
Everything ended easily and naturally.
<span class="purple-text">3 Money looted
Energy has decreased</span><<set $money+=3, $energy-=1>>
[[Get out of here|Lower streets]]
<<case "2">>
Several hours continue in a somewhat tense atmosphere. From the apartment you can hear loud exclamations, arguments, personalities and even periodically vivid threats.
The enemies from the outside never appears, but you hear the chaos starting inside. First, the voices become louder, and then a short shootout begins. You continue to carry out your patrol as agreed, and your partner only periodically glances at the door with caution.
Ten minutes later, your employer comes out from behind the door with a bodyguard. The man looks you up and down and then says:
@@.speech-boy;- Hand over your jackets and you can rummage through the corpses inside. Maybe you'll find something else. Here's your payment.@@
He throws some bloody bills on the floor and leaves. His bodyguard pauses to take your jackets and stuff them into his heavy bag.
You go inside and your partner looks warily at the bodies left inside. Four people. Shot almost perfectly clean. They lie with their brains scattered on the floor and the thought creeps into your head that now there are only two of you here. And perhaps there is no need to share. You just need to make five out of four shot people.
<span class="red-text">Yeah. Fucker get his money, so you can take it!</span>
<span class="blue-text">Wow! Don't do this! He can have family or so!</span>
<<if $moraleb>=3>><<linkreplace "Shoot him">><<if $bullets>=1 && $workloop==0>>You choose the moment when the poor bastard is bending over the body. Then you take out your pistol and call out to him sharply:
<<set $workloop=1>>
@@.speech-mc;- Hey!@@
<img class="centered-image" src="img/other/shoot.gif" width="400px">
He turns his head. He sees the trunk in front of him. Horror is reflected on his face. He wants to say something. A second that turns into eternity for him. You pull the trigger. A shot rings out in the room and another dead body falls to the floor.
You take his payment, then rob everyone present. Good day and good money. But not for everyone...
<span class="purple-text">8 Money looted
Energy has decreased
Karma is decreased</span><<set $money+=8, $energy-=1, $moraleb+=1, $bullets-=1>>
[[Lets get out here|Lower streets]]
<<elseif $bullets==0>>With what? Your finger? No! Close combat may be to messy and loud...<<else>>One decision at a time<</if>>
<<linkreplace "Just loot dead bodies">><<if $workloop==0>>You and the boy silently collect dead bodies. You're a scavenger, not a murderer. You still have human dignity left.
<<set $workloop=1>>
You don’t stop each other from looting, and when you’ve finished, you disperse without saying a word to each other.
<span class="purple-text">4 Money looted
Energy has decreased</span><<set $money+=4, $energy-=1>>
[[Get out of here|Lower streets]]
<<else>>One decision at a time<</if>><</linkreplace>>
<</switch>>So... yes. Job. You have been assigned to ambush one guy. It seems he deceived someone or stole something... you didn't go into too much detail.
Attack a man who is returning home at night? You've become enough of a heartless creature to not worry too much about such things. These are problems, of course, but not yours. The only problem is the employer demanded NOT to kill the target.
They give you the outfit of a Skull bandit and provide you with a good bat. You are introduced to two more partners who will work with you on this matter. Together you can probably make it through. They promise good money, so the goal is probably not the strongest.
In order not to miss the appointed hour, you got to the point in advance. Several hours of reconnaissance and guard duty passed almost unnoticed. You looked around the area. A back street with no place to wait for help. Your goal will be to pass it in the evening on your way home, without expecting any danger.
As night fell on the city, you sat in the shadows, waiting.
<img class="centered-image" src="img/other/swork5.jpg" width="400px">
When you heard heavy footsteps along the alley, you realized that the target was approaching. The armored bastard, strong and ready to confront you, was already nearby. You began to prepare for the ambush.
<img class="centered-image" src="img/battle/solcome.jpg" width="400px">
<<if $per>=4>><<linkreplace "Find the perfect moment">>You count his steps. When the time finally comes, you prepare to swoop in from the darkness. You arrange the guys so that they are not visible, and you yourself stand in front of the enemy, attracting attention to yourself.
<<set $solwound=1>>
When the bastard gets hit on the back a couple of times early on, before you've even exchanged a few words, you're grinning. It worked as expected.
Jumping in front of him you shout:
@@.speech-mc;- On the ground, bitch! Drop your bag! Raise your hands, bastard!@@
He just cracks his back, then his wrists and says:
@@.speech-boy;- Try force me to!@@
It seems there will be no dialogue. However, he really throws the bag to the side in preparation for battle.
[[You rush to him|solfight]]Work began as usual. The “Skulls” jacket that they give you and demand you return after, the task that was briefly described to you on the board, a meeting with a client. This time some bastard is complaining that his girlfriend ran away. You could say, “What’s wrong with that, you have a scary face,” but you need money.
<<set _rnd = ["1", "2"].random()>><<switch _rnd>>
<<case "1">>
Your goal was to find his "girlfriend". The client spoke of her as if she were a thing, and you quickly understood why she ran away. It’s not a fact that he didn’t kidnap her at all, the damn owner...
However, it's none of your business. Your job is to deliver it back. "It" was a girl named Kelly. The details were not too important, but they gave you several addresses that you needed to check.
Searching point by point, you quickly learned that your target was not at home, did not show up at a friend’s place, and did not meet his brother. It turned out that perhaps she was staying with her ex.
By late afternoon you found the right place and began to wait. It took an hour, but in the end you actually spotted a girl matching the description on the street. Redhead, she was wearing a pink blouse and jeans. Has braided pigtails. There are not so many of them, so when you saw a similar lady, you took her trail.
<img class="centered-image" src="img/other/swork6-1.jpg" width="400px">
After waiting for her to move away from the building, you called her out.
@@.speech-mc;- Hey, Kelly, your boyfriend is looking for you... - you started to say, but she didn’t wait and ran.@@
<img class="centered-image" src="img/other/swork6-2.jpg" width="400px">
The chase wasn't too long. You've been exploring the surrounding streets lately. Plus he clearly ran faster and longer than the frail girl. In the end, you caught up with her when she was exhausted on the street and could not run any further.
Coming closer, you asked, slightly losing your breath:
@@.speech-mc;- And... what all of this... phew... was? - you looked at the girl who was sitting on her knees in front of you, almost crying, - I won’t offend you if you don’t... phew... create problems.@@
She turned her eyes, shining with tears, at you and said:
@@.speech-girl;- I can't go back to him! He's a bastard and a monster! He doesn’t even consider me a person! Please! Don't take me to him!@@
She folded her hands in a prayer gesture while kneeling in front of you and began to ask:
<img class="centered-image" src="img/other/swork6-3.jpg" width="400px">
@@.speech-girl;- Can you not take me to him? Please! You shouldn't do this to me! You have no idea what that asshole made me do... I'll do anything!@@
<<linkreplace "Stick to the task">><<if $workloop==0>>@@.speech-mc;- Sorry, red, but this will somehow happen without me. I was paid for the work - I will do it. No offense and nothing personal, - you say in a calm voice and see how the last ray of hope in her eyes goes out.@@
@@.speech-girl;- Bastard... - she says, sighing, but she doesn’t begin to resist.@@
<img class="centered-image" src="img/other/redcry.webp" width="400px">
You take this Kelly to her "boyfriend" and leave them alone after getting your money. Great job from a great person.
<<set $workloop=1>>
<span class="purple-text">6 Money looted
Skulls reputation increased</span><<set $money+=6, $BandRep+=1, $workrep+=1>>
[[Time to rest|Go to bed]]<<else>>One decision at a time<</if>><</linkreplace>>
<<linkreplace "Use her for fun, task can wait">><<if $workloop==0>>@@.speech-mc;- I don’t want to sound like a heartless bastard, but you can’t really give me anything, can you? You probably have no money, power or position in society. So... okay, I can let you go, but in return you will have to pay me with your body.@@
@@.speech-girl;- Heartless bastard... - she says almost inaudibly, after which she sighs and says, - Okay. But you will leave me alone and won’t tell him where you saw me!@@
<<set $workloop=1, $workloop2=0>>
She agrees to let you go home to her ex, who is not here right now. And there she is ready to be yours for this evening. The girl is truly ready to do anything for freedom. It must have been hard for her.
<span class="red-text">But you will have sex! And even without much effort to get it!</span>
You get to the right place and there you don’t waste time. Even without completely undressing her, you put the bitch in doggy style and, having pulled down her panties, begin to enter.
<img class="centered-image" src="img/other/work6-2.webp" width="400px">
Her hole isn't too tight, it's clearly been used a lot lately. Boobs don't make you so happy either. You even wonder if you understand the guy who treated her so badly, considering the beauties you've seen.
Thinking about this you say:
@@.speech-mc;- Well, bitch, do you like it? Your ex used you, then he probably dumped you, then my client used you, and now it falls to me... you’re obviously just a whore, right?@@
@@.speech-girl;- Hey! Doesn’t say that! - she squeaks, - I just found myself in such a situation...@@
@@.speech-mc;- Yeah, I just found myself in your pussy! What stupid excuses! You probably like it when they use you like that, right?@@
You start to speed up and hear her moaning. It's not very noticeable because she holds her blouse in her mouth to restrain herself, but her wet pussy gives her away as a whore.
<img class="centered-image" src="img/other/work6-3.webp" width="400px">
@@.speech-mc;- Yes, that's what I thought. You've had enough fun! You didn't want to be a whore, did you? - you leave her pussy and turn her over, put her on top of you and say, - Let's work! You're the victim here, right?@@
Having penetrated her ass, you pick up the pace again. Her pussy juices lubricating her anus allow you to pound her without much difficulty.
<img class="centered-image" src="img/other/work6-4.webp" width="400px">
@@.speech-girl;- Yes, yes... yes... yes, yes... I'm just a victim... just a dirty little victim... do what you want... come on... do it... oh yeah... - the redhead began to moan, no longer too shy.@@
Seeing how good she is, you begin to spank her ass, slap her tits and use her to your heart's content. Any doubts or disturbances of conscience completely disappeared. You fuck her, and when you finally get tired, you throw her on the bed and start fucking right in her throat.
<img class="centered-image" src="img/other/work6-1.webp" width="400px">
Either letting her breathe, or fucking her mouth, you enjoy the process for a while. Until you put it on her face and relax and plop down on the bed.
Kelly looks at you tired and satisfied. It seems she wants to say something, but she can’t find the strength.
Now that the job is done, you collect the last remnants of energy and wonder what to do next.
<<linkreplace "Let her be and go">><<if $workloop2==0>><<set $workloop2=1>>You say goodbye to Kelly who kinda smile at you when you leave her.
<img class="centered-image" src="img/other/redsmile.webp" width="400px">
You collect your staff and then leave. She paid for her freedom...
<span class="purple-text">Karma increased</span><<set $moraleg+=1>>
[[Time to rest|Go to bed]]<<else>>One decision at a time<</if>><</linkreplace>>
<<linkreplace "Drag her to her employer and get your money">><<if $workloop2==0>><<set $workloop2=1>>You could probably let her go, right? You could just let the poor thing get away and live happily ever after in the sunset, bu-u-ut there are juicy bills waiting for you to pick up. It would be sad to disappoint them.
Having recovered a little after sex, you sigh and say:
@@.speech-mc;- Well, fucktoy, it's time to return to the owner. I hope he won’t be offended that I used you once...@@
The girl tried to resist at first, but quickly lost her strength. She still needs to train her endurance. Well, it’s okay - they’ll train...
After some time, you dragged her to the employer. Your money is waiting for you. Leaving her, dirty and covered in sperm (there was no time to wash), you set off under the surprised gaze of your employer.
<img class="centered-image" src="img/other/goodbuy.gif" width="400px">
<span class="purple-text">6 Money looted
Karma decreased</span><<set $moraleb+=1, $money+=6, $workrep+=1>>
[[Time to rest|Go to bed]]<<else>>One decision at a time<</if>><</linkreplace>>
<<else>>One decision at a time<</if>><</linkreplace>>
<<case "2">>
Your task was to find this "treacherous whore" who ran away with her "small dick bastard." They indicated to you the places where they should be. You figured out a few things and went to work.
The search took quite a bit of your time. Towards evening, you checked her house, his house, her parents, her girlfriends and this couple was nowhere to be found. There were two options left. Either his brother or her ex.
Approaching the house of your target's brother or her boyfriend (not that you went too deep into their history) your eyes caught a couple. A small Asian woman in a gray jacket and her boyfriend in a hoodie. They seemed to fit the description.
<img class="centered-image" src="img/other/work6-2-1.jpg" width="400px">
You followed them for a while. Walk far enough not to be noticed, but close enough to hear conversations.
@@.speech-boy;- Do you think everything will be fine? - the guy asked with concern in his voice.@@
@@.speech-girl;- Yes, everything will be fine, - the girl answered, - Well... you’re with me, right?@@
@@.speech-boy;- Of course, baby, - her boyfriend answered uncertainly, - I c-can protect you.@@
<span class="red-text">Oh, this will be fun!</span>
It's time for your grand entrance on stage. While the girl is distracted, you close the distance to them, push the guy to the side, so much so that he falls onto the dirt road, after which you grab her hand and say:
<img class="centered-image" src="img/other/work6-2-2.jpg" width="400px">
@@.speech-mc;- No, he obviously won’t protect you. You'll have to come with me.@@
The girl looks at you with confusion, and the guy gets up and says in a trembling voice:
@@.speech-boy;- G-get away from her!@@
You look at him and the whole situation appraisingly, and then say:
@@.speech-mc;- Nice, but...@@
<<linkreplace "Beat up the guy and deliver the girl to the client">><<if $workloop==0>><<set $workloop=1>>@@.speech-mc;-...it's time go to the bed.@@
You beat the crap out of the guy, leaving him unconscious on the road, and then drag the weakly resisting girl to the client. She mutters something, periodically shouts or asks, but you go towards your goal and do not envy anyone who decides to interfere with you. However, no one bothers. Nobody cares.
You deliver the girl to the client and get your money. Another clean job. The client is delighted, he has nothing to complain about. He thanks you for your work and promises to put in a good word for you with the Skulls.
<span class="purple-text">6 Money looted
Skulls reputation increased</span><<set $money+=6, $workrep+=1, $BandRep+=1>>
[[Time to go|Go to bed]]<<else>>One decision at a time<</if>><</linkreplace>>
<<linkreplace "Threaten to shoot a guy to get girl to cooperate">><<if $workloop==0>><<set $workloop=1>><img class="centered-image" src="img/battle/shoot.jpg" width="400px">
@@.speech-mc;- ...if you don't want me to shoot this idiot's balls off, you better cooperate.@@
You see fear on both their faces. The girl turns pale, and the guy begins to shake. Apparently the girl has bigger balls and she says first:
@@.speech-girl;- Please... don't touch him! I'll go with you, okay? I'll go!@@
@@.speech-boy;- Don't, Amber! Please Mister, can we pay you?@@
@@.speech-mc;- Are there 8 bills? - you ask, throwing in a little for the reputation that may suffer and when the guy shakes his head in denial, you continue, - That’s what I thought.@@
@@.speech-girl;- Maybe we can do something else...? - the asian girl begs with puppy dog eyes, - Please! That guy... he kidnapped me... and Ricky saved me... please, mister!@@
You sigh. They beg in such a way that it’s as if they’re running into problems themselves. We could just go with you. Maybe we should have knocked the guy out right away? But now you could...
@@.speech-mc;- Okay, you seem nice, so you can do me a “service.” Right?@@
The girl looks at you with disgust and horror, but after a few moments she nods and says:
@@.speech-girl;- If you let us go and Riki doesn’t get hurt...@@
The guy's eyes widened. He looks from the girl to your gun in horror. Before he can say anything, you nod and say:
@@.speech-mc;- So we decided! Great, you come with me to that abandoned building over there! Both! I don't want the guy to attack me from behind...@@
When you find a suitable place in the building, you put the guy a little to the side and tie him to the radiator with his own jacket. The girl remains in front of you. You command:
<img class="centered-image" src="img/other/work6-2-1.webp" width="400px">
@@.speech-mc;- Well, whoever you are, get on your knees. I hope you do a good job. Work as if your boyfriend's life is at stake.@@
Your revolver and the situation force her to act. Finding herself on her knees, she takes off your pants, horrified by what she finds in them. She looks at the guy as if comparing something, but you don’t give her time and push his dick into your mouth with your free hand:
<img class="centered-image" src="img/other/work6-2-2.webp" width="400px">
@@.speech-mc;- Look at me, not at him. Come on, work! I'm actually showing mercy here! Don’t you dare say a word, you bastard - I don’t want to be distracted from this bitch!@@
She sucked well. You haven't had such a skillful blowjob for a long time. She didn’t seem to have a gag reflex at all, and her teeth weren’t even close to your shaft.
The only problem was the periodic sobs of her boyfriend, who seemed to be quietly crying by his radiator, watching you use his girlfriend. At such moments, she, looking at him, released your dick from her mouth, for which she immediately received it in the face with that same dick.
<img class="centered-image" src="img/other/work6-2-3.webp" width="400px">
@@.speech-mc;- Come on, slut, work off your freedom, - you added, spanking her cheeks, - And don’t forget that this freedom is provided to you not by this frail cocksucker, but by a real man in front of whom you are now kneeling.@@
@@.speech-girl;- Please... be gentle... I need a little...@@
@@.speech-mc;- Are you completely insolent there?! She's clearly become insolent, right guy? - you turned to Ricky, - It seems she wants you to be shot... - you point the gun at the guy and see how he begins to press into the wall, after which you add, - Let’s take off your clothes, since you have the strength to speak. Show us some tits. Maybe i forgive you.@@
<img class="centered-image" src="img/other/work6-2-4.webp" width="400px">
She obeys and begins to take off her clothes, and you slowly lower the barrel. Still, her language work is beyond praise. He works without sparing himself. You've got a skilled cocksucker.
<img class="centered-image" src="img/other/work6-2-5.webp" width="400px">
You didn’t even notice how you came in her mouth for the first time. She continued to work without even stopping, swallowing your penis deeper and deeper, wrapping her lips around you and not releasing a single drop of sperm out.
<img class="centered-image" src="img/other/work6-2-6.webp" width="400px">
Feeling that you are becoming softer, you decide to give yourself strength. You grab the bitch by the head and begin to push her throat onto your dick with strength and confidence. Each blow is like driving a nail into wood. After several such blows, you feel that you get up again and can continue.
You have fun with her for a while. It's hard to even say how much. Maybe an hour? By the end she begins to look dirty, tired and completely dumb. She moans with pleasure when you fuck her throat, swallows everything you put into her and doesn’t resist at all. An obedient little slut - nothing less.
<img class="centered-image" src="img/other/work6-2-7.webp" width="400px">
A couple of times you blow into her mouth, once on her face, and what’s surprising is that you completely forgot that you were just going to start with a blow job. The bitch pulled you into her oral nets so much that you were never able to pull your dick out of them.<<set $workloop1=0>>
Eventually, you're too tired to continue and decide it's time to call it a day.
<<if $moraleb>=7 && $bullets>=1>><<linkreplace "Shoot boy and give girl to client">><<if $workloop1==0>><<set $workloop1=1>>You take your gun, aim it at the tied up idiot's head and... well... shoot. You apparently didn't plan to let him go from the very beginning - you just wanted to have a little fun.
<img class="centered-image" src="img/battle/shoot.webp" width="400px">
The girl immediately raised her head and seeing what happened started shouting:
She runs up and starts hitting you. Apparently anger gave her strength. It’s a pity that all her blows are like pellets to an elephant...
With one hit you knock her out. After which you threw her over your shoulder and dragged her to the employer. He was not very happy with this “unmarketable” appearance and even squeezed one of your bills. Bastard. Maybe it would be worth shooting him too...
But another time. Now is the time to rest.
<span class="purple-text">5 Money looted
Karma decreased
Bullet lost</span><<set $moraleb+=1, $money+=5, $workrep+=1, $bullets-=1>>
[[Time to rest|Go to bed]]<<else>>One decision at a time<</if>><</linkreplace>><</if>>
<<linkreplace "Lets leave boy here and take her to client">><<if $workloop1==0>><<set $workloop1=1>>You approach a guy who is sitting tied up by the radiator and with a stone face looks at the girl who has passed out from fatigue. Sitting down on your knees in front of him you say:
@@.speech-mc;- Hey, Ricky, right? Do you remember this... what's it called... this song... - you began, - Well, what's it like... "never gonna give you up, never gonna let you down"? Rick Astley shit. Well... you're not that Rick, man. You let her down pretty bad. And now I’ll take this PERFECTLY sucking asian slut and take it to a client who will also pay me after all this. Sucks for you, right?@@
<img class="centered-image" src="img/other/rickroll.webp" width="400px">
In impotent anger, he begins to pull homemade ropes on himself. Something is screaming about the fact that he will find you, that he will take revenge... And you just go to the exit, grabbing this Amber of his and humming under your breath:
@@.speech-mc;- Never gonna give you up, never gonna let you down...@@
Half an hour later you hand over the disgustingly sperm-smelling girl to the client. He is not too happy with the result, but he pays the money, because you kept the agreement.
Then you leave him and go home. The bitch really squeezed you dry.
<span class="purple-text">6 Money looted
Karma decreased</span><<set $moraleb+=1, $money+=6, $workrep+=1>>
[[Time to rest|Go to bed]]<<else>>One decision at a time<</if>><</linkreplace>>
<<linkreplace "Be honest and leave her with this loser">><<if $workloop1==0>><<set $workloop1=1>>@@.speech-mc;- Sooo... we're done, right? Hm. I still doubted it, but considering how she sucks, I think she sucked you for a happy future,” you say, catching your breath after one of the best blowjobs of your life.@@
After that, you collect the things that were nearby, give the girl a final slap on the ass and show them the “peace” sign and leave.
You're tired, so it's time to rest. No money, but that's not bad either.
[[Time to rest|Go to bed]]<<else>>One decision at a time<</if>><</linkreplace>>
<<if $moraleg>=3>><<linkreplace "Just leave this couple alone">><<if $workloop==0>><<set $workloop=1>>@@.speech-mc;- Oh, to hell with it... consider that I'm in a good mood today. Everything in this city is already a complete mess. It may not change anything, but you can fuck off. I won't bother you anymore.@@
Well... of course, stopping one step away from victory is quite stupid, but perhaps you were impressed by the sight of these two. Or you remembered your loved ones. In any case, you decide to quit your job and return home with nothing.
The couple looks at you with complete bewilderment, but doesn’t stop you.
<span class="purple-text">Karma increased</span><<set $moraleg+=1>>
[[Time to go|Go to bed]]<<else>>One decision at a time<</if>><</linkreplace>><</if>>
<<else>>One decision at a time<</if>><</linkreplace>>
<</switch>><img class="centered-image" src="img/other/looting.gif" width="400px">
You know why you are here! Let's loot some chips and then bang some chiks!
<<if $energy!=0 && $energy>=0>><<linkreplace "Lets dig in thouse shitty ruins!">>
<<set _rnd = ["1", "2", "3", "4"].random()>>
<<switch _rnd>>
<<case "1">>
You found some shitty Teddy Bear, but it's still looks cute to girls, so-o-o... it's counts?
<<set $teddy+=1, $loottime+=1>>
<span class="purple-text">1 bear looted
Energy has decreased<<set $energy-=1>></span>
<<case "2">>
Hey-hey-hey, it's a jar of canned peas! So much luck for this shitty place!
<<set $supplies+=1, $loottime+=1>>
<span class="purple-text">1 supply looted
Energy has decreased<<set $energy-=1>></span>
<<case "3">>
<<set $loottime+=1, $lootloop=0>>While searching, you hear some noise and come across a girl openly masturbating in one of the buildings. You make eye contact.
<<if $moraleb>=5>><<linkreplace "Take gun and rape woman">><<if $lootloop!=1>>Having assessed the situation, you decided to use it at your own discretion. Why not have fun when you have the opportunity? Pointing the weapon at her you say:
<<set $lootloop=1>>
@@.speech-mc;- Now you will give me pleasure and we will go our separate ways or only I will leave here, understand, whore?@@
She has no choice but to nod chokedly, and you came closer to take advantage of the moment and appreciate the freedom given to you.
<img class="centered-image" src="img/other/randrape1.webp" width="400px">
You quickly finish "look" and start "use". First of all, her mouth is used, which clumsily and without much desire works on your penis. You wave your gun and say:
@@.speech-mc;- If you try hard, you may never get out of here...@@
<img class="centered-image" src="img/other/randrape2.webp" width="400px">
It works, but not well. We have to find other entertainment. And you find it.
And when they are no longer fun, you just start fucking this unlucky lady, allowing yourself do it as wild as you want. She moans and squeaks, but you don't care too much. You just enjoy the process and eventually cum inside her, leaving her lying there.
<img class="centered-image" src="img/other/randrape3.webp" width="400px">
It's time to get out, otherwise you never know who else you'll meet here...<<else>>One decision at a time<</if>><</linkreplace>><<else>><span class="purple-text">------Requires: Bad Karma 5+ for this option------</span><</if>>
<<linkreplace "Maybe she coud use some help?">><<if $lootloop!=1>><<set $lootloop=1>>You walk in and look at a girl who seems too excited to think properly.
@@.speech-mc;- I see you’re missing something, - you say, pointing to the way she’s playing with her pussy with her hand.@@
She smiles and nods saying:
@@.speech-girl;- "Something" could make my day better. And it seems you have such a “thing”.@@
<img class="centered-image" src="img/other/randsex1.webp" width="400px">
<<set $loottime+=1>>
She falls to her knees in front of you and begins to “convince” you to help. It comes out convincing enough that you decide to listen to her and give her what she so passionately desires. Fortunately, her delicious pussy beckons you to penetrate her.
<img class="centered-image" src="img/other/randsex2.webp" width="400px">
You enjoy sex for a while. She cums once, then twice. You yourself don’t notice how the sun begins to set, and your excited friend still doesn’t move away from this feeling.
<img class="centered-image" src="img/other/randsex3.webp" width="400px">
Having finished inside her for the third time, you realized that it was time to get out. This crazy nymphomaniac does not calm down, and you still want to live...<<else>>One decision at a time<</if>><</linkreplace>>
<span class="purple-text">Energy has decreased<<set $energy-=1>></span>
<<case "4">>
<<set $loottime+=1>>
Well... you're out of luck today. However, on the way back you notice an eye-catching picture. Two scav guy and one incredable hot Guard girl. You stop just to see three "B" - big beautiful bouncing tits. Looks like for someone this is not bad day. Not for you.
<img class="centered-image" src="img/other/randomsex1.gif" width="400px">
<span class="purple-text">Energy has decreased<<set $energy-=1>></span>
<</switch>><</linkreplace>><<else>>Youre too tired<</if>>
<<if $energy!=0 && $energy>=0 && $loottime>=5 && $lootevent1==0>><<linkreplace "Something's wrong...">>
You hear growling, puffing and strange noises coming from one of the buildings you are approaching. This doesn't look like a good thing.
[[Go to check sounds|Lootevent1]]<</linkreplace>><</if>>
[[Go back|Lootzone1]]Your energy: $energy
Your money: $money<img class="centered-image" src="img/battle/foldman3.jpg" width="400px">
@@.speech-boy;- Give me your canned goods! - the old man shouts.@@
<<set _rndatk = random (1, 20), _rnddef = random (1, 20), _rndenematk = random (1, 20), _rndenemdef = random (1, 20)>>
<<if $health==1>><img class="centered-image" src="img/battle/hp1.jpg" width="400px"><<elseif $health==2>><img class="centered-image" src="img/battle/hp2.jpg" width="400px"><<elseif $health==3>><img class="centered-image" src="img/battle/hp3.jpg" width="400px"><<elseif $health==4>><img class="centered-image" src="img/battle/hp4.jpg" width="400px"><<elseif $health>=5>><img class="centered-image" src="img/battle/hp5.jpg" width="400px"><</if>>
<<if $health == 0>>Nope! No secound chances!<<elseif $enhealth==0>>You already win!
<<elseif $atkfi + _rndatk > 1 + _rndenemdef>><<if $weapon==2, 3>><img class="centered-image" src="img/battle/hitbat.jpg" width="400px"><<elseif $weapon==1, 4>><img class="centered-image" src="img/battle/hitknife.jpg" width="400px"><<elseif $weapon==5>><img class="centered-image" src="img/battle/hitkatana.jpg" width="400px"><</if>>You deliver a powerful blow and the enemy is unable to defend himself. He recoils having received a serious wound, and you triumph. The main thing is not to lose pace!<<set $enhealth-=1>><<else>>Your attack was unsuccessful and the enemy successfully defended himself.<</if>>
<<if $health == 0>>Nope! No secound chances!<<elseif $enhealth==0>>You already win!<<elseif $deffi + _rnddef > 1 + _rndenematk>>The enemy was unable to break through your deft defenses. You use terrain and speed to your advantage, preventing the enemy from getting to you.<<else>><img class="centered-image" src="img/battle/takehit.jpg" width="400px">The old man hits you powerfully with his crutch right on the head, making you feel like your world has been shaken. The pain grips you tightly.<<set $health-=1>><</if>>
<<if $health!=0 && $enhealth!=0>>[[Prepare for the next round|fightold]]<<elseif $health==0>>[[You lost the fight|lostold]]<<elseif $enhealth==0>>[[You win the fight|winold]]<</if>><img class="centered-image" src="img/battle/oldwin.jpg" width="400px">
You defeat the old man. He lies in front of you, helpless and unconscious. He doesn't have anything useful. Not surprising, but still disappointing.
It's time to move on, unless of course you are thinking about completely depriving the old man of the chance to meet you again on the way...
<<if $moraleb>=3>><<linkreplace "Finish him">>
<img class="centered-image" src="img/battle/finish.webp" width="400px">
You take a few more hits at the defeated old man. You hit until you hear a crunch and the last painful whimper. Now it's over.
<span class="purple-text">Karma has decreased
</span><<set $moraleb+=1>><</linkreplace>><</if>>
[[Time to go|Lootzone3]]<img class="centered-image" src="img/battle/youlose.jpg" width="400px">
You wake up in the mud. You feel pretty lousy. Gradually coming to your senses, you examine yours and realize that it looks like you got it...
<<if $supplies>=4 && $supplies!=0>>You check your equipment and realize that your food supplies have become lighter from those you had with you. The old man took some of your canned food and disappeared in an unknown direction.<<set $supplies-=2>>
<span class="purple-text">2 Supplies was stolen</span>
<<elseif $supplies>=2 && $supplies!=0>>You check your equipment and realize that your food supplies have become lighter from those you had with you. The old man took all your canned goods and disappeared in an unknown direction.<<set $supplies-=2>>
<span class="purple-text">2 Supplies was stolen</span>
<<elseif==1>>You check your equipment and realize that your food supplies have become lighter from those you had with you. Damn grandfather grabbed your last can of beans and disappeared in an unknown direction.<<set $supplies-=1>>
<span class="purple-text">1 Supplies was stolen</span>
To your surprise, you discover that the old man does not seem to have taken any of your property. Apparently I didn't find anything interesting. Or maybe he regretted almost killing you? Who knows...<</if>>
It's time to move from here. You somehow return to the safe zone and get home. Your whole body hurts, but you walk. You are driven forward by the realization that you were kicked by some damn grandfather. It's very disappointing...
Your sister was anxiously waiting for you, and when you returned she brought a first aid kit. She spent the entire night taking care of you and getting you cleaned up. Nothing. You will live.
[[Lets rest|Go to bed]]<div style="text-align: center;">
SkullSquad VS SoldierBoy
<img class="centered-image" src="img/battle/solfight1.jpg" width="400px">
<<set $health = $end + $def + 2, $atkfi = $str + $atk + 4, $deffi = $dex + $stes + 4>>
<<if $solwound==1>><<set $enhealth = 3 , $enatk = 2, $endef = 4>><<else>><<set $enhealth = 4 , $enatk = 3, $endef = 5>><</if>>
Your health: $health Your attack: $atkfi Your defense: $deffi
<<if $health==1>><img class="centered-image" src="img/battle/hp1.jpg" width="400px"><<elseif $health==2>><img class="centered-image" src="img/battle/hp2.jpg" width="400px"><<elseif $health==3>><img class="centered-image" src="img/battle/hp3.jpg" width="400px"><<elseif $health==4>><img class="centered-image" src="img/battle/hp4.jpg" width="400px"><<elseif $health>=5>><img class="centered-image" src="img/battle/hp5.jpg" width="400px"><</if>>
<<linkreplace "Examine your potential opponent">>
<img class="centered-image" src="img/battle/solfight.jpg" width="400px">
A tough bastard who at least knows the basics of close combat and wears medium-heavy armor. Your task is to knock him out and give him a message. Work it well, but don't overdo it.
<span class="purple-text">Enemy health: $enhealth Enemy attack: $enatk Enemy defense: $endef</span>
<<set $cooppower=2>>
[[Start the fight!|fightsol]]<img class="centered-image" src="img/battle/solfight2.jpg" width="400px">
@@.speech-boy;- You will regret it! - the soldier shouts.@@
<<if $enhealth==4>><img class="centered-image" src="img/battle/efull.png" width="400px"><<elseif $enhealth==3>><img class="centered-image" src="img/battle/em1.png" width="400px"><<elseif $enhealth==2>><img class="centered-image" src="img/battle/em2.png" width="400px"><<elseif $enhealth==1>><img class="centered-image" src="img/battle/em3.png" width="400px"><</if>>
<<set _rndatk = random (1, 20), _rnddef = random (1, 20), _rndenematk = random (1, 20), _rndenemdef = random (1, 20)>>
<<if $health==1>><img class="centered-image" src="img/battle/hp1.jpg" width="400px"><<elseif $health==2>><img class="centered-image" src="img/battle/hp2.jpg" width="400px"><<elseif $health==3>><img class="centered-image" src="img/battle/hp3.jpg" width="400px"><<elseif $health==4>><img class="centered-image" src="img/battle/hp4.jpg" width="400px"><<elseif $health>=5>><img class="centered-image" src="img/battle/hp5.jpg" width="400px"><</if>>
<<if $health == 0>>Nope! No secound chances!<<elseif $enhealth==0>>You already win!<<elseif $atkfi + _rndatk > 1 + _rndenemdef>><<if $weapon==2, 3>><img class="centered-image" src="img/battle/hitbat.jpg" width="400px"><<elseif $weapon==1, 4>><img class="centered-image" src="img/battle/hitknife.jpg" width="400px"><<elseif $weapon==5>><img class="centered-image" src="img/battle/hitkatana.jpg" width="400px"><</if>>You deliver a powerful blow and the enemy is unable to defend himself. He recoils having received a serious wound, and you triumph. The main thing is not to lose pace!<<set $enhealth-=1>><<else>>Your attack was unsuccessful and the enemy successfully defended himself.<</if>>
<<if $health == 0>>Nope! No secound chances!<<elseif $enhealth==0>>You already win!<<elseif $deffi + _rnddef > 1 + _rndenematk>>The enemy was unable to break through your deft defenses. You help of boys who distract soldier for you and don't give him time to attack you normally.<<else>><img class="centered-image" src="img/battle/takehit.jpg" width="400px">The soldier hits you powerfully with his fist and you feel maybe knuckles on his hand? Fuck! He punch you in the face and you know - some more of thouse and you maybe go down. Pain and adrenalin rise in your head...<<set $health-=1>><</if>>
<<if $cooppower==2>><<linkreplace "Use boys to take bastard down">>
<img class="centered-image" src="img/battle/shelpstrike.jpg" width="400px">
Your boys surround your opponent and begin to powerfully hit him on the back while you keep the attention on yourself. This will not go in vain for him!<<set $cooppower=0, $enhealth-=1>>
<</linkreplace>><<else>>Boys gather they strength<<set $cooppower+=1>><</if>>
<<if $health!=0 && $enhealth!=0>>[[Prepare for the next round|fightsol]]<<elseif $health==0>>[[You lost the fight|fightsollose]]<<elseif $enhealth==0>>[[You win the fight|fightsolwin]]<</if>><img class="centered-image" src="img/battle/youlose.jpg" width="400px">
The bastard still dealt with you, one by one. He knocked you out first, and then easily dealt with the guys who helped you. When it was all over, you came to your senses with a severe headache. Luck or not, he had no interest in picking your pockets. On the other hand, the injuries he inflicted on you will not heal immediately.
Somehow you made it home. Feeling lousy and having pain in your head have caused you a lot of problems.
The work, of course, was a failure, and although this will not have a good effect on your reputation, at least you didn’t run away. And part of the message was probably conveyed, because now this guy will know that he is not safe at night.
Kenzi took care of you as best she could, but she didn't do it very well. However, even if you have to spend some time on recovery, in the end you will definitely return to normal.
<<set $dex-=1>>
<span class="purple-text">Dexterity has decreased</span>
[[Time to rest|Go to bed]]<img class="centered-image" src="img/battle/sollose.jpg" width="400px">
Having worked well on the soldier, you and the guys are convinced that the bastard is on the verge between life and death. His equipment is broken, and his bones are most likely broken or close to it. You nod with satisfaction at the guys - they did a good job helping you.
Coming closer, you kneel in front of your victim and say:
@@.speech-mc;- Now do you understand what happens to those who interfere with Versetti’s people?@@
@@.speech-boy;- So these bastards sent you...? We decided that... - he coughs, - ... they can’t handle it themselves?@@
<<set $solwinloop=0>>
You shrug. It’s unlikely that you care what they think or what he thinks. However, the guy fought well and maybe even earned a little of your respect?
<<linkreplace "Maybe. He's a tough bastard. Don't overdo it - that was the order. You did what you needed to do.">><<if $solwinloop==0>><<set $solwinloop=1>>
@@.speech-mc;- Listen here, - you begin, - My order was to remind you that interfering with your partners is a bad idea. Don't mess with Vercetti and you'll be fine in the future, okay? I don't really want to beat your metal ass again.@@
<img class="centered-image" src="img/battle/sollose1.jpg" width="400px">
He coughs again and, looking slightly at you through the broken eyepiece of his helmet, nods:
@@.speech-boy;- Consider that I don't need any trouble... from now on.@@
Soon you return to the customer, give him the uniform and report on your success. The others confirm. He says it takes a few hours to check.
You return home and apply ice to the wounds. You will live another day. This can be considered a success.
The next morning you find an envelope under the door. There are 5 promised bills inside. Jobs done.
<span class="purple-text">5 Money looted</span><<set $money+=5, $workrep+=1>>
[[Time to rest|Go to bed]]
<<else>>One decision at a time<</if>><</linkreplace>>
<<linkreplace "Meh. Fucker deserved it. Perhaps there are ways to humiliate him even more?">><<if $solwinloop==0>><<set $solwinloop=1>>You look the pathetic bastard over. You won't envy this. He turned out to be a weakling and is now whimpering on the ground.
Looking around, you notice the bag he was walking with. You take it in your hands, open it and find inside a cake with “Alice” written in cream and the number “11”. Looks like it's someone's birthday.
@@.speech-mc;- Hey guys, no one has a camera or something? - you are interested.@@
One of the guys nods, saying that he brought a camera just in case. You tell him to take it off, but you take out the cake and throw it in the dirt. A trifle, but it will cripple the soldier even more. You crush the chocolate cake several times while the others film you, laughing nastily.
@@.speech-mc;- So, have you learned your lesson? Or should we visit your family? Are you having a holiday there? We are great guests!@@
@@.speech-boy;- Wait... *coff-coff* - he begins to beg with a cough, - ... wait... I understand... everything has become fucking clear... *coff-coff* ... I'm sorry for getting on you ... I'm sorry... I will not contact... the Vercetti people... I will pay whatever they say... please... I'm sorry that I disturbed them...@@
Judging by his voice, he breaks down. If you continue, he may even become hysterical. You feel that you have completed your task and done it quite dirty.
<img class="centered-image" src="img/battle/sollose2.jpg" width="400px">
Having finally kicked the soldier in the ribs, you tell the guys that it’s time to get ready. And at the same time, when you are already going back, you tell him to post a video humiliating this unfortunate idiot on the local network.
At the same time, you will have something to show the employer. Regardless of what the problems were, they have now been resolved.
And you turn out to be right. The employer is impressed. Your work showed him what a heartless bastard he hired. He was pleased and even paid you a bonus. And the video showed the kids in the area that you are not to be trifled with...
Job done. With a taste of blood and humilation.
<span class="purple-text">8 Money looted
Reputation with Skulls increased</span><<set $money+=8, $BandRep+=1, $workrep+=1>>
[[Time to rest|Go to bed]]
<<else>>One decision at a time<</if>><</linkreplace>>While looking around another street full of NOTHING, you come across a stranger who, apparently, is also collecting rubbish.
A small guy, skinny with blond hair, ripped jeans and a black hoodie. Over his shoulders he had a backpack with potentially something valuable.
<img class="centered-image" src="img/battle/alexfight3.jpg" width="400px">
You decide to close the distance to him to chat. You never know. Maybe he knows something useful or can help in some way?
And everything seemed wrong. Maybe in a figure or in a knife that the stranger was holding in his hand. Something was wrong. Having driven away this stupid thought from yourself, you approached and asked:
@@.speech-mc;- Hey, scav, do you have a minute?@@
The guy shuddered, turned to you and answered in a deliberately low voice:
@@.speech-boy;- What did you want?@@
<img class="centered-image" src="img/battle/alexglare.gif" width="400px">
You rub your forehead and, after thinking a little, ask:
@@.speech-mc;- I'm looking for someone. And I'm looking for every clue I can find. Do you know a place called Open Wound?@@
The boy's eyes sparkled a little, after which he turns away and says:
@@.speech-boy;- I don’t know anything. There's nothing for you to do there. Go your way, freak...@@
There's something wrong here. This place you're looking for could be the key to getting your uncle back. And this guy might know something. What to do?
<<linkreplace "Try to push - maybe you get lucky">>@@.speech-mc;- Listen, I really need this information! I see that you are hiding something important!@@
In the eyes of the boy opposite, the light flares up a little brighter:
@@.speech-boy;- What are you up to?! Fuck you! I don't need anything from you, so get out!@@
@@.speech-mc;- Listen, I really need this information! Just tell me something! - you say either in anger or in despair.@@
And then the guy seems to explode.
<img class="centered-image" src="img/battle/alexscream.webp" width="400px">
@@.speech-boy;- SO YOU ARE ONE OF THEM, RIGHT?! DAMN BASTARD! YOU ARE DEFINITELY ONE OF THOSE CORPORATE BASTARDS! THEY SENT YOU, RIGHT?! WHO EXACTLY?! WHO SENT YOU, IT WAS LEWIS OR WHO?! WHO?! WHO?! - he shouts and this scream confuses you with something, although you can’t say exactly what.@@
When you try to raise your hand to say something, he points a knife at you. It seems the negotiations are reaching a dead end. The choice is simple - run away or beat everything you can out of this idiot and ask again.
[[Beat him|alexfight]]<</linkreplace>>
[[There is nothing to be done - go away|Lootzone2]]<div style="text-align: center;">
$mcname VS MadBoy
<img class="centered-image" src="img/battle/alexfight1.jpg" width="400px">
<<set $health = $end + $def, $atkfi = $str + $atk, $deffi = $dex + $stes>>
<<if $solwound==1>><<set $enhealth = 3 , $enatk = 2, $endef = 4>><<else>><<set $enhealth = 2 , $enatk = 3, $endef = 5>><</if>>
Your health: $health Your attack: $atkfi Your defense: $deffi
<<if $health==1>><img class="centered-image" src="img/battle/hp1.jpg" width="400px"><<elseif $health==2>><img class="centered-image" src="img/battle/hp2.jpg" width="400px"><<elseif $health==3>><img class="centered-image" src="img/battle/hp3.jpg" width="400px"><<elseif $health==4>><img class="centered-image" src="img/battle/hp4.jpg" width="400px"><<elseif $health>=5>><img class="centered-image" src="img/battle/hp5.jpg" width="400px"><</if>>
<<linkreplace "Examine your potential opponent">>
<img class="centered-image" src="img/battle/alexfight2.jpg" width="400px">
Skinny and short stranger who, for some strange and far-fetched reason, attacked you. It would be easier to shoot and forget than to waste time.
<span class="purple-text">Enemy health: $enhealth Enemy attack: $enatk Enemy defense: $endef</span>
[[Start the fight!|fightalex]]<img class="centered-image" src="img/battle/alexfight4.jpg" width="400px">
@@.speech-boy;- I'll beat you up and find out everything you know about corporations! - the mad boy shouts.@@
<<if $enhealth==2>><img class="centered-image" src="img/battle/efull.png" width="400px"><<elseif $enhealth==1>><img class="centered-image" src="img/battle/em1.png" width="400px"><</if>>
<<set _rndatk = random (1, 20), _rnddef = random (1, 20), _rndenematk = random (1, 20), _rndenemdef = random (1, 20)>>
<<if $health==1>><img class="centered-image" src="img/battle/hp1.jpg" width="400px"><<elseif $health==2>><img class="centered-image" src="img/battle/hp2.jpg" width="400px"><<elseif $health==3>><img class="centered-image" src="img/battle/hp3.jpg" width="400px"><<elseif $health==4>><img class="centered-image" src="img/battle/hp4.jpg" width="400px"><<elseif $health>=5>><img class="centered-image" src="img/battle/hp5.jpg" width="400px"><</if>>
<<if $health == 0>>Nope! No secound chances!<<elseif $enhealth==0>>You already win!<<elseif $atkfi + _rndatk > 1 + _rndenemdef>><<if $weapon==2, 3>><img class="centered-image" src="img/battle/hitbat.jpg" width="400px"><<elseif $weapon==1, 4>><img class="centered-image" src="img/battle/hitknife.jpg" width="400px"><<elseif $weapon==5>><img class="centered-image" src="img/battle/hitkatana.jpg" width="400px"><</if>>You deliver a powerful blow and the enemy is unable to defend himself. He recoils having received a serious wound, and you triumph. The main thing is not to lose pace!<<set $enhealth-=1>><<else>>Your attack was unsuccessful and the enemy successfully defended himself.<</if>>
<<if $health == 0>>Nope! No secound chances!<<elseif $enhealth==0>>You already win!<<elseif $deffi + _rnddef > 1 + _rndenematk>>The enemy was unable to break through your deft defenses. This is not surprising considering that this is a fragile boy in front of you.<<else>><img class="centered-image" src="img/battle/takehit.jpg" width="400px">
A sharp penetrating pain forces you to pay attention to the knife injection that the crazy guy sharply inflicted on you. After his blow, you freeze for a second, groaning in pain.<<set $health-=1>><</if>>
<<if $bullets!=0 && $enhealth!=0>><<linkreplace "Shoot the bastard, but not lethal">>
<img class="centered-image" src="img/battle/shoot.jpg" width="400px">
You shoot aiming at the leg, trying not to seriously injure and rather scare your opponent. It turns out well. He is clearly stunned by this and the pain that the wound brought.<<set $bullets-=1, $enhealth-=1>><</linkreplace>><<else>>You already win!<</if>>
<<if $health!=0 && $enhealth!=0>>[[Prepare for the next round|fightalex]]<<elseif $health==0>>[[You lost the fight|fightalexlose]]<<elseif $enhealth==0>>[[You win the fight|fightalexwin]]<</if>><img class="centered-image" src="img/battle/youlose.jpg" width="400px">
In a fight, the little bastard still cuts you off successfully enough to make you pass out from pain and blood loss.
<<set $robbedmoneyalex = $money>>
You come to your senses when a patrol of Guards drags you back to the safe zone. They give you first aid, but inform you that your things have been stolen . At least the ones that were with you (in general he take all you money and some supplies).
<<if $supplies>=4 && $supplies!=0>>You check your equipment and realize that your food supplies have become lighter from those you had with you. The mad boy took some of your canned food and disappeared in an unknown direction.<<set $supplies-=2, $money=0>>
<span class="purple-text">2 Supplies was stolen
All money was stolen</span>
<<elseif $supplies>=2 && $supplies!=0>>You check your equipment and realize that your food supplies have become lighter from those you had with you. The mad boy took all your canned goods and disappeared in an unknown direction.<<set $supplies-=2, $money=0>>
<span class="purple-text">2 Supplies was stolen
All money was stolen</span>
<<elseif==1>>You check your equipment and realize that your food supplies have become lighter from those you had with you. Damn boy grabbed your last can of pineapple and disappeared in an unknown direction.<<set $supplies-=1, $money=0>>
<span class="purple-text">1 Supplies was stolen
All money was stolen</span>
Looks like little bastard took only your money.
<span class="purple-text">All money was stolen</span><<set $money=0>><</if>>
After helping and sorting out the supplies, the Guards let you go home. You came back barely alive. Your sister was horrified to find you at the door and took care of you all night. It's been a long time since you scared her like that...
[[Time to rest|Go to bed]]<img class="centered-image" src="img/battle/alexlose.jpg" width="400px">
After you beat his ass, the guy really calms down. Well... more precisely, he loses consciousness and lands right on the ground. There can be no question about any questions now, so you take him in your arms, grabbing a bag with junk, and then drag him to the nearest room that seems safe to you.
There you wait for some time for the boy to wake up, helping him with his wounds. While processing them, you lift up his hoodie and suddenly discover a pair of small, but quite feminine tits under it.
<img class="centered-image" src="img/alex/alexcheck.jpg" width="400px">
Having decided on the last test, you take advantage of your victim’s unconsciousness and pull down his pants then put your hand in his panties and... yes. There can be no mistake. This is not a crazy guy! This is a crazy girl!
<<set $alexloop=0>>
<span class="red-text">What wonderful opportunities for interrogation this opens up! It's rape time!</span>
<span class="blue-text">Hey! No! It's don't change anything! You need info? Just ask!</span>
<<linkreplace "Just talk to her">><<if $alexloop==0>><<set $alexloop=1>>
You are waiting for her to finally come to her senses. The girl feels clearly uncomfortable in your presence, but you have time to think it over a little and find the right words:
@@.speech-mc;- Listen, I know that we started with some kind of fucked-up situation, - you say when you hear her start to move, pretending that she is still unconscious, - But I didn’t touch you. Kicked your ass a little, but nothing more. Agree, if I wanted to, I could harm you more. So now please just shut up and listen, okay? This situation seems strange to me myself. My uncle disappeared in the Open Wound area and I'm looking for any way to get there. OK? I don’t know what you were screaming about before that. I don't work for anyone.@@
And it works. She opens her eyes, sits down opposite you and nods, saying:
<img class="centered-image" src="img/alex/alextalk.png" width="400px">
@@.speech-girl;- Yes, I already see... if you were one of THEM, you would have already finished me off or dragged me to THEM... I'm sorry for starting to fight with you. My name is Alex.@@
@@.speech-mc;- Great. This already looks like a dialogue. I'm $mcname by the way. And you're a crazy girl...@@
@@.speech-girl;- Girl?! What are you talking about? I'm a guy! - she try to make her voise sound lower.@@
@@.speech-mc;- Um... no... I kind of... checked.@@
@@.speech-girl;- What? Are you crazy?! I should have killed you for doing that, you bastard!@@
@@.speech-mc;- Look, I was just trying to help you after the fight. Treat wounds. Nothing like that!@@
@@.speech-girl;- Well, of course, of course, nothing like that, yeah, why... you all say “nothing like that, Alex!”, “everything is fine, Alex!”, “eat some more of these soft French buns Alex!” - You can’t deceive me! - you feel an increase in hostility. Again.@@
@@.speech-mc;-Can we just talk? How are civilized people?@@
@@.speech-girl;- No, no, no! Stop trying to fool me! I'm not as stupid as you think! - She begins to somehow back away and collect her things lying nearby, - Let’s do this - you didn’t kill me and I’ll give you advice. Advice, okay? No more! Don't go into the city center! THEY don't want to see anyone there! Stay away, okay? Or you'll lose an arm or two...@@
The crazy girl grabs a bag and a knife. Holding the blade towards you, she rises and says:
@@.speech-girl;- Don't look for me and don't follow me! We don't know each other! Damn corporations and their minions...@@
She gets ready and storms off, but you still don’t dare to attack. Maybe just talk to her another time? It's unlikely she's gone too far. Maybe look in this or neighboring areas? Perhaps you will be able to meet her during raids for supplies?
<<set $alexfriend=1, $energy-=1, $moraleg+=1>>
<span class="purple-text">Alex less distrustful to you now
Energy has decreased
Karma has increased</span>
[[Time to go|Lootzone2]]
<<else>>One decision at a time<</if>><</linkreplace>>
<<linkreplace "Use her and then ask what you wanna know">><<if $alexloop==0>><<set $alexloop=1>>You decide that a little rape never hurt anyone, so you begin to undress the girl. She will always have time to answer questions after you fill her holes.
Her wounds were still making themselves felt, so when you undressed her and put her in doggy style, she began to moan in pain even before you entered. However, when you started to enter, she almost immediately came to her senses (maybe she was faking it before).
<img class="centered-image" src="img/alex/alexrape1.webp" width="400px">
@@.speech-mc;- Good morning, sunshine, - you said, while penetrating her pussy, - I’m glad you joined me, otherwise fucking a log would be boring.@@
@@.speech-girl;- Bastard... when I break out... you'll be in trouble... I'll cut your... cut you dick off! - she began to make noise while you were regularly pounding her pussy, penetrating her without much difficulty.@@
<img class="centered-image" src="img/alex/alexrape2.webp" width="400px">
You expected her to be dry or to moisturize already in the process, but she accepted you quite freely (which is surprising considering that the girl was quite petite), and besides, she was very wet, as if she was waiting for it.
@@.speech-girl;- Oh, Alex.. what have you gotten yourself into... damn... ah... this... ugh... time... - you heard muttering from the girl, but you didn’t really care.@@
@@.speech-mc;- But all I had to do was answer my questions. Now I have to answer your pussy. And thank me if I stop only with her! - you stated in response to her.@@
<img class="centered-image" src="img/alex/alexrape3.webp" width="400px">
You successfully positioned yourself behind her and successfully fucked her hole, continuing to pound her without any pity. From this side... Alex seemed to hear only squeals, moans and mutterings. At the same time, the moans gradually began to move from painful to moans of pleasure.
@@.speech-girl;- Fucking... corpo... scam... fuck... ah... oh my... kill... you... uh... so big... yah... harder... you bastard... choop of you dick... ah... - she mumble and moan.@@
Her constant muttering and attempts to break free from time to time began to bother you. Taking some of her things lying around, you pulled out a purple scarf and threw it around the bitch’s neck.
<img class="centered-image" src="img/alex/alexrape4.webp" width="400px">
@@.speech-mc;- It’s time for you to shut up, because I don’t intend to listen to your pathetic pig squeals all evening, - you said, tightly squeezing the scarf around her thin neck, causing the girl to start coughing.@@
Tightly squeezing the scarf around the girl’s neck, you turn her over on her back and spanking her tits, you begin to fuck her - lying helplessly in front of you. She just gasps for air like a fish thrown ashore. You watch with pleasure as she begins to choke little by little and receives a new influx of oxygen from you when you let go of the “leash” and then again is forced to rely on your mercy.
<img class="centered-image" src="img/alex/alexrape5.webp" width="400px">
Enjoying the feeling of complete control, you continued to pound her until you felt that you were approaching the finale. How she felt there didn’t bother you much. What was much more disturbing was that you wanted to humiliate her a little more.
Pulling the “leash,” you pulled her face to your penis, which was covered with her juices, and began to jerk it off into her open mouth. A few moments later you released you jizz to the crazy babe mouth, splattering her lips with sperm.
<img class="centered-image" src="img/alex/alexrape6.webp" width="400px">
Too late you noticed that she had become suspiciously motionless. However, the realization was not long in coming. Having quickly untied her scarf, you were shocked by the realization that she didn’t seem to be breathing.
<img class="centered-image" src="img/alex/ooops.webp" width="400px">
Without even having time to get dressed, you moved into the next room, trying to somehow comprehend this. Of course, you were never against hard sexual games, but it never came to this. You were always in control of the situation, but here...
You heard rustling sounds and quick steps. They caught you off guard and literally with your pants down.
Since it could be anyone, you were on guard, but the steps seemed to fade away very quickly.
Looking into the next room, you are surprised and relieved to discover that the little bitch seemed to be just very naturally pretending to be dead. She was fine and ran away with her things.
Phew. You breathe out a sigh of relief. True... no matter how she doesn’t remember it to you now. It might create problems if you go on a raid, and she decides to take revenge for this time. What’s even sadder is that you didn’t receive any information, but you did get laid. We can probably assume that everything is not so bad.
You take some time to recover, then pack up and leave.
<<set $alexenemy=1, $energy-=1, $moraleb-=1>>
<span class="purple-text">Alex is enemy now
Energy has decreased
Karma has decreased</span>
[[Time to go|Lootzone2]]
<<else>>One decision at a time<</if>><</linkreplace>>The time was no longer very early and evening was approaching. You hurried as best you could, but getting ready still took some time. You tried to get yourself into relative order, but you still couldn’t bring yourself to leave the house without your gear. It was too dangerous outside and you didn't want to take any risks.
Kenzi grumbled and whined, saying that you looked too stupid next to her, but as soon as you said once that then maybe it would be better for you not to go - she immediately became quiet and said that this outfit suits you very well.
When it started to get dark you moved. You had to get to the gate to Upper City. Your sister said she already had her eye on a place there. All that was left to do was get there. Considering how cute she was walking next to you, you couldn’t help but feel like this was an escort mission or something. And all the way you were tormented by a bad feeling.
<img class="centered-image" src="img/sis/sisloveq1.jpg" width="400px">
@@.speech-girl;- Maybe stop stressing over trifles? I see that you’re not yourself, - Kenzi asked a little worried, walking behind you.@@
@@.speech-mc;- Sorry, sister, I can’t. And don't worry either. I've always been like this lately.@@
@@.speech-girl;- I know, - she sighed, walking a little behind and you felt her boring gaze on your back, - You constantly take risks. Constantly beaten. You always come back late... I know everything.@@
@@.speech-mc;- You know why I do this, right? - you ask without turning your face to her, - All so that we can live together and not be afraid of what tomorrow will bring.@@
She hesitates a little. Walking behind. She sighs and says:
@@.speech-girl;- I know. Sorry. I'm just worried... I'm trying to pretend that nothing is happening, but it's difficult. You take risks almost every day...@@
<img class="centered-image" src="img/sis/sisloveq2.jpg" width="400px">
You reach back and feel for her small palm, which easily fits in yours. You squeeze it and slowly pull it behind you.
@@.speech-mc;- It's okay, Kenzie. You know that nothing will break me. I myself said that I am the strongest in the world.@@
She follows you by the hand, but a few moments later she answers:
@@.speech-girl;- This is not true. You've been broken for a long time. And... me too. All of us...@@
You're not entirely sure what to answer here. She's essentially right. Something has been wrong with you for a long time. Libido goes crazy. You're used to cruelty. It began to develop. It's not just like that. There's something wrong with you.
<<if $sislove > $sissub>>@@.speech-mc;- You're right. But let's be normal today a little longer, shall we? Let's just pretend.@@
She goes around you. puts his hands on your chest. Removes the protection from your face. He looks you in the eye for a few seconds and then nods a little sadly.
<img class="centered-image" src="img/sis/sisloveq3.jpg" width="400px">
You feel her head resting on your chest, and her small breasts pressing against your stomach. Her hands are cold and you warm her by squeezing them in yours. You would need to get to the date place as soon as possible.
And yet you hesitate. She lies in your hands like a small gem. So much has changed recently. And your relationship has changed too. Is it for the better?
You see her gaze desperately focused on your lips. You decide not to torment her more and, descending towards her, kiss Kenzie.
<img class="centered-image" src="img/sis/siskiss.webp" width="400px">
Her lips melt into yours, and her tongue gently and hesitantly penetrates your mouth. She kisses you very carefully, as if afraid that she will do something wrong.
Perhaps because of your spoiled nature, but you remember that she sucked you in a similar way. It was as if she always protected you from what could harm you. Your little protector...
When you break the kiss you look at her and say:<<else>>And probably the most disturbing thing is that you don’t mind accepting this part of yourself. Especially regarding your sister. You're protecting her, right? Or do you just use it for your own pleasure? It seems it's time to decide... You turn to her and say:
@@.speech-mc;- Kenzi, you remember that even though we are a family, I am its head, right? I think it’s high time for us to seriously talk about this. We are not a couple and we are no longer just brother and sister. You should have understood everything yourself.@@
She stands next to you with a slightly cold hand in yours. You turn and look at her.
@@.speech-mc;- It's time for you to finally decide. I see that you want to be with me, but if you really want this, then be prepared for things to change. For both of us. I won't be your brother anymore, I will be something more to you. And you need to accept it.@@
She hesitates, but still doesn’t take her hand from you and doesn’t move away. What choice does she have?
@@.speech-girl;- I understand, $mcname . I know how many people treat women now and I’m glad... well... rather glad, yes, that you’re not like that. That you care about me. And I... understand... yes, I understand that I need to take care of you needs. About all your needs...@@
Satisfied with this answer, you nod. She seems to want to say something else...<</if>>
<<linkreplace "- Yes. I really...">>
<img class="centered-image" src="img/sis/smash.webp" width="400px">
A sharp pain shoots through your head. For some reason you lose your balance. Kenzi's face, on which you seem to have hit your head very hard, rolled somewhere to the side. The whole world was spinning.
<img class="centered-image" src="img/sis/fall.webp" width="400px">
You fell on the asphalt and saw someone appear nearby. Figure? Or are there several of them? Kenzi seems to be lying nearby too. What's happening? For some reason my head was pounding like hell. You felt bad. You could taste blood in your mouth. The gaze became unfocused...
...you wake up in the middle of the street.
<img class="centered-image" src="img/sis/wakeup.webp" width="400px">
Your head is pounding, you can’t understand anything. It's already deep night. What's happening?
You remember the last thing that happened before you passed out. You kissed Kensi. Then the pain. Then the figures are nearby. This is all.
Rage and fear take over you. What to do next? You don't know where to go and who to turn to. You need to save your sister. You need to save her before someone hurts her, because God knows if they touch her, you...
In fact, you don't even know what you'll do. And you don’t know where to run. And you don't know what to do. But there is no time to waste! We need to find traces! At least some!<<set $kenziekidnapday=$day, $sishome=0, $sisloveq1=2>>
<<if $per>=5>>You notice a few button that apparently fell off someone's jacket. Not sure if it's related or not, but you figure it could be one of the kidnappers' belongings. Having examined them more closely, you notice on the button a pattern in the form of the “anarchy” symbol. It seems you remember that there was a gang with such a symbol. <<set $trace1=1>><<else>><span class="purple-text">------Requires: Perception 5+ for this option------</span><</if>>
[[Lower streets]]<</linkreplace>><img class="centered-image" src="img/vince/vinceoffice.jpg" width="400px">
Perhaps this place can be called an office. There is billiards, darts, posters of women and a lot of booze, not to mention the refrigerator where there is probably more stored. This is someone's life...
<<if $sisloveq1==2 && $firstvvisit!=1>><<linkreplace "Talk with Vince">><img class="centered-image" src="img/vince/vince.jpg" width="400px">
<<set $firstvvisit=1, $needmoney1=1>>When Anya brings you to Vince, you are a little shy in front of him, but still tell him all the crap that happened to you.
@@.speech-boy;- So someone kidnapped your sister? It sucks, of course, but this is not the first time this has happened recently. Any leads?@@
<<if $trace1==1>>You tell him about the button with the symbol of “anarchy” and he nods, wondering something.
@@.speech-boy;- These could be guys from a gang of anarchist psychos. There are few of them here and they usually sit in the deepest and darkest asses of the area. Few people mess with them because they are weirdos, - he considers something and says, - I can send a few guys there, but it will cost money. 50 bills.@@
That amount of money makes your eyes pop out of your head. Seeing your reaction, Vince adds:
@@.speech-boy;- I would have demanded 70, but you saved me the effort and time of searching. Come when you have the money and we will go with the guys to help out your sister. When you get them, let Anya arrange a meeting.@@
<span class="red-text">Shoot the fucker in the face! He just play with you!</span>
<span class="blue-text">Just think were you cood get this much money. Maybe you have someone to ask?</span>
You leave in thought. We need to look for money...<<else>>You tell him what happened and Vince, listening to you thoughtfully, gets up, walks around the room, after which he nods and sits down and says:
@@.speech-boy;- I can find those who did this, but it will take me a day to find them. Then money will be needed to pay the fighters, because there is clearly an organized group operating. I have a couple of these in mind. In general, come back when you have 70 bills. Let Anya organize the meeting and I will help.@@
When you hear the amount your eyes widen.
@@.speech-mc;- How many?!@@
@@.speech-boy;- 70, - he answers calmly, - Payment for scouts to search for bastards, payment to thugs and expenses for equipment... in general, this is a full-fledged operation, and therefore it will be paid accordingly.@@
You hit the table with your fist, unable to contain your anger. That kind of money doesn't grow on trees. However, there is nothing to do. You'll have to pay if you want to save your sister. Rising, you nod to Vince and leave.<</if>><</linkreplace>><</if>>
<<if $sisloveq1==2 && $firstvvisit==1 && $trace1==1>><img class="centered-image" src="img/vince/vince.jpg" width="400px">
@@.speech-boy;- Well? - Vince ask - asks impatiently, - Do you have the money? We need 50 bills to pay for the whole thing.@@
<<if $money>=50>><<linkreplace "Give him money and start operation">>He nods, taking the money and picking up the walkie-talkie. Several teams and now you are already downstairs preparing people. Looks like it's time to move...
<<set $money-=50>>
[[Go save your sister!|sisq1-2]]<</linkreplace>><<else>>You shake your head and see the disappointment in the eyes of the man across from you. He folds his arms across his chest. Without money you won't get anything from him. He tells you:
@@.speech-boy;- You shouldn’t waste my time, - and returns to his business.@@<</if>>
<<elseif $sisloveq1==2 && $firstvvisit==1 && $trace1!=1>><<linkreplace "Talk about mission">><img class="centered-image" src="img/vince/vince.jpg" width="400px">When you enter, you see Vince at the computer. He types something a little awkwardly, and when you arrive he turns and says:
@@.speech-boy;- Great. Are you here. My guys found out that most likely your sister is with the Anarchs. Dread guys. And weirdos. Usually we don't contact them, but if they are behind the disappearances sooner or later... did you bring the money? Until there are 70 bills, the machine will not start working. And who knows what they're doing to your sister at this time. She'll be lucky if they just rape her.@@
<<if $money>=70>><<linkreplace "Give him money and start operation">>He nods, taking the money and picking up the walkie-talkie. Several teams and now you are already downstairs preparing people. Looks like it's time to move...
<<set $money-=70>>
[[Go save your sister!|sisq1-2]]<</linkreplace>><<else>>You shake your head and see the disappointment in the eyes of the man across from you. He folds his arms across his chest. Without money you won't get anything from him. He tells you:
@@.speech-boy;- You shouldn’t waste my time, - and returns to his business.@@<</if>><</linkreplace>>
[[Go out of here|Gym]]
<<set _rnd = ["1", "2"].random()>><<switch _rnd>>
<<case "1">>
<img class="centered-image" src="img/other/karma1.png" width="400px">
You are given a “uniform” and introduced to your partner. She turns out to be a very hot girl in black leather. Normally you wouldn’t be interested in the names of your colleagues, but then you couldn’t resist saying:
@@.speech-mc;- Hey, my name is $mcname, what about you?@@
She looked at you mockingly and smugly, then shook her head and said:
@@.speech-girl;- It’s too early to say what your name is. Especially if you're still introducing yourself.@@
It immediately became clear that your partner is a bitch.
You have gone to your target address. Girl walked ahead of you and acted bossy enough to make you feel irritated. However, you probably felt more than irritation only excitement. Especially when at “random” moments her jacket unzipped, every now and then letting you glance at her gorgeous tits.
<img class="centered-image" src="img/other/karma2.jpg" width="400px">
Judging by the description, your target is a single father who owes money to one of the guys associated with the Skulls. Your task is to restore justice. In some way.
Having reached the desired apartment, you did it. Nobody answered and then you did it again. This time with force. Your partner just laughed, shaking her tits a little again.
<span class="red-text">Bitch tease you and do it only for one purpose. She wants to be fucked to death. Well, or half to death. I recommend you hurry!</span>
When the door opened you saw a man in front of you. Yes, not simple, but hefty. The bastard was taller than you, strong as a piece of rock and you had a bad feeling about it. He looked at you and asked:
@@.speech-boy;- What the hell do you want from me?@@
@@.speech-girl;- We came for a debt, - the girl said, and you nodded in confirmation of her words.@@
@@.speech-boy;- It’s bad for you, because I don’t have money.@@
The man stepped aside to let you inside.
@@.speech-boy;- You can take a look, - he pointed to a door with a rainbow pattern on it and the inscription “Kaylee” and added, - But not there. Disturb my daughter and I will crush you like rats.@@
<img class="centered-image" src="img/other/swork4.2.jpg" width="400px">
You began to look around the room. The big man's words were true. There really was nothing to take from his house. There wasn't even a TV.
Stopping near the bathroom, your companion whispered to you:
@@.speech-girl;- If everything goes like this, we won’t get any money. Listen, $mcname, I have a proposal. Show this bull who's the man here. If you knock him out, we'll search the last room and we'll probably find something there. How do you like the idea?@@
You turn around and look at the man appraisingly. There are chances, but you are not completely sure of success. You turned your gaze to your partner’s newly exposed breasts and asked:
@@.speech-mc;- What is my interest?@@
<img class="centered-image" src="img/other/karma3.jpg" width="400px">
@@.speech-girl;- I'll let you fuck me. I love capable men. You might even be useful to me in the future if you manage here.@@
<<linkreplace "Destroy the fucker and take the girl">><<if $workloop==0>><<if $str<=1>>
<img class="centered-image" src="img/other/loose.gif" width="400px">
You rush at the big guy, but you do it clumsily. You try to resist his strength, but you end up flying out the door. From his throw you hit your head against the wall and lose consciousness.
<<set $workloop=1>>
When you come to your senses, you hear women’s moans and the sounds of flesh hitting flesh.
<img class="centered-image" src="img/other/karma4.gif" width="400px">
Rubbing the bruise, you get up and through the slightly open door you see your partner who is mercilessly fucked by the man who beat the crap out of you.
Well... now it has become completely obvious that you have nothing to do here.
Don't start a massacre because of some random stupid cunt.
You'll have to report that you failed and wish this bitch success with her new friend. They said he was a single father? Maybe he found a mommy for his daughter.
<span class="purple-text">Energy has decreased</span><<set $energy-=1>>
[[Go away|Lower streets]]
<<elseif $str>=2 && $str<=3>>You run into the big guy and shower him with a hail of blows. You try not to let him do anything to oppose you.
<<set $workloop=1>>
Unfortunately, he turns out to be a very tough nut to crack and slams you against the wall, then against the refrigerator.
<img class="centered-image" src="img/other/fight1.webp" width="400px">
At the sound of a fight, the door opens and a little girl looks out of the room screaming:
@@.speech-girl;- Dad! What's happening!?@@
Your partner is immediately next to her and puts a knife to her neck, saying:
@@.speech-girl;- Our money! Give them now if you want little brat to leave! Faster while she still breathing!@@
The man stops and slowly moves away from you, raising his hands:
@@.speech-boy;- Fuck, I don't care of money... Laptop! Take the laptop from her room! I spent all what we have on it!@@
The girl freezes in the hands of a woman with a knife, and she turns to you:
@@.speech-girl;- Are you okay? Can you stand up?@@
<img class="centered-image" src="img/other/fight2.webp" width="400px">
You spit out the blood and get up in an adrenaline rush, ready to continue the fight.
However, it doesn't happen. Your partner shoves a laptop at you, and then throws the crying girl aside and says:
@@.speech-girl;- Let's go! Fast!@@
You follow her and when you finally deliver the laptop, it turns out that it actually costs a little more than it should. You get paid 4 bills, which is also quite good.
When you leave, your now ex-partner calls out to you:
@@.speech-girl;- My name is Karma. And as you will see today, I’m such a bitch.@@
Maybe you would like to tell her something or remember about the promised sex, but you were treated so well that you immediately go to your room and pass out at home.
<span class="purple-text">4 Money looted</span><<set $money+=4, $workrep+=1>>
[[Go home and rest|Go to bed]]
<<elseif $str>=4>><img class="centered-image" src="img/other/rage.gif" width="400px">You turn to the man. Your eyes meet. He realizes something and rushes towards you. You throw him into the kitchen, slam his face into the refrigerator, then take the hammer that was lying around and begin to crush the bastard’s skull with it. You fell into an adrenaline frenzy and until the person in front of you turned into a pile of meat, it was difficult for you to stop. This was the most ancient law in action. Fight or flight. You fight.
Having risen, you examined the murder weapon with disgust, or maybe not with it...? As you placed your hands on the hammer’s handle, you heard children’s screams behind you. A little girl rushed through you towards the body from the opening door with a rainbow. She fell to her knees and began to sob, trying to reach her father, but... it wouldn’t work.
Whether you did it out of rage, lust, or just because you're a damn psycho, in the heat of battle you finished off her old man and that can't be changed.
<img class="centered-image" src="img/other/hammer.webp" width="400px">
You pick your hands, throw the hammer nearby and go to girls room. All this time, your partner is standing behind you, a silent shadow. You take your laptop, take your piggy bank and go out. As you exit, you are met with a look of admiration.
@@.speech-girl;- Damn... that was... hot... and you really are not that simple, $mcname. Let's go. My name is Karma, by the way. And now I'm fucking wet...@@
You look again at the murdered man and his daughter. It's hard to say what you feel right now. It’s probably better not to feel anything at all at such a moment. Or think about something else.
You slap Karma on the ass and say it's time for you to go.
When you return the laptop and piggy bank, you are told that there is enough here for an additional reward.
When you go outside Karma says:
@@.speech-girl;- You... damn... I'll go home now and jerk off like crazy, remembering how you finished off that bastard. Would you like to join me? @@
Something pushes you to refuse, but she offers an alternative.
@@.speech-girl;- Come one of these days, I’ll give you the address. We can have fun together.@@
You nod and leave. Tired.
<<set $workloop=1>>
<span class="purple-text">6 Money looted
Energy has decreased
Karma has decreased</span><<set $money+=6, $energy-=1, $moraleb+=1, $workrep+=1>>
[[Go away|Lower streets]]<<else>>One decision at a time<</if>><</if>><</linkreplace>>
<<linkreplace "Say fuck you, bitch and don't dance to her tune">><<if $workloop==0>>You refuse the girl in a rude manner and she turns away with dissatisfaction, throwing at you:
<<set $workloop=1>>
@@.speech-girl;- Pathetic loser...@@
You had to return having failed the task. You were scolded, your equipment was taken away and you were told to get out. But I didn’t have to strain myself.
[[Go away|Lower streets]]<<else>>One decision at a time<</if>><</linkreplace>>
<<case "2">>
You are given a “uniform” and introduced to your partner. It turns out to be a guy who seems to be a fan of skulls. There were probably even more drawings with skulls on his jacket than on the one he was given for the case.
Your target turns out to be a family of three. The father borrowed money, but if anything he also has a wife and son who can be threatened.
You didn’t say much on the way, but when you got there and started knocking on the doors, you saw a very sad picture.
<img class="centered-image" src="img/other/swork4.jpg" width="400px">
A woman in a poor dress opened the door for you. Their apartment was practically a garbage dump. Hearing from you about money, he just sighed and said:
@@.speech-girl;- Listen, guys, we don't have money. We have to pay for the opportunity to send our son to study in the Upper City and this takes away everything we can earn. We really have NOTHING.@@
She sounds tired and there is desperation in her eyes. Your partner looks at you and winks, saying:
@@.speech-boy;- Well, you still have something. Come on, mommy, if we don't have to get paid for this work, you can at least make it worth our time. Let us play with your body, okay?@@
The woman looks at you with disgust and backs away inside the apartment. She puts her hands forward and says:
@@.speech-girl;- Okay, okay, please! We have 5 bills for next week! This is all we have left! Take them and leave, please!@@
The partner licks his lips and says:
@@.speech-boy;- Let’s better check other places where you could hide money, huh? I know at least a couple...@@
<<linkreplace "Stop it">><<if $workloop==0>>You say:
@@.speech-mc;- Enough, we are here for the money, not for this.@@
The guy looks at you with displeasure and says:
@@.speech-boy;- And what?@@
You put your hand on the belt where the holster with your revolver hangs and say:
@@.speech-mc;- Or we'll have a problem.@@
<<set $workloop=1, $workloop1=0>>
He raises his hands and says:
@@.speech-boy;- Fuck you, you stupid bastard! I don't think we get paid that much for this kind of crap...@@
Your partner leaves, and you are left alone with a woman who has tears in her eyes. She looks at you, sobs several times, takes out a few bills and holds them out and says:
<img class="centered-image" src="img/other/crying.webp" width="400px">
@@.speech-girl;- Thank you. I know you may be in trouble, but thank you for keeping at least a drop of humanity in your heart! Of course, they can send someone else, but... thank you.@@
You take her money and think about what to do next, leaving the apartment of this unfortunate family.
<<linkreplace "You coud pay up her debt">><<if $moraleg>=3 && $money>=5 && $workloop1==0>>
Her family did this for their child. You understand that behaving like an animal in such a situation is beyond your strength. You need money, but now you have it and the opportunity to earn more. But they don’t.
You decide to pay their debt to the employer and be left without a salary. This will solve their problem, although it will cost you some extra effort.
<<set $workloop1=1>>
<span class="purple-text">5 Money wasted
Energy has decreased
Karma has increased</span><<set $money-=5, $energy-=1, $moraleg+=2>>
[[Time to go|Lower streets]]<<elseif $moraleg<=2>>You not gonna do this for
stranger<<else>>One decision at a time<</if>><</linkreplace>>
<<linkreplace "Time to return with failure">><<if $workloop1==0>>
You return to your employer and although he is glad that he received at least part of the money, he still refuses to pay you. You knew what you signed up for, so you end up leaving. A little offensive, but nothing. There will be a new day and a new job.
<<set $workloop1=1>>
<span class="purple-text">Energy has decreased
Karma has increased</span><<set $energy-=1, $moraleg+=1>>
[[Time to go|Lower streets]]<<else>>One decision at a time<</if>><</linkreplace>><<else>>One decision at a time<</if>><</linkreplace>>
<<linkreplace "Let it happen">><<if $workloop==0>>You calmly watch as the woman tries to resist, but rather quickly loses the will to fight when your partner hits her in the ribs several times.
<<set $workloop=1, $workloop1=0>>
- Well... consider it ready! How are you, partner? Shall we work in turns or as a team? We're a team! - He laughs disgustingly.
Of course it's a good question...
<img class="centered-image" src="img/other/thinking.gif" width="400px">
<<linkreplace "I go first">><<if $workloop1==0>>A woman crying and groaning in pain ends up in your arms. Your new friend settles down on a chair nearby and enjoys the spectacle.
You approach her and although there is a plea in her eyes, you are not too interested.
<<set $workloop1=1>>
You spread her legs and look appraisingly. It is surprisingly clean and tidy. You rip her dress off, revealing her nice tits. Here you probably hit the jackpot, although you wouldn’t have thought about it in advance.
You adjust to it and decide... why not - why not pull it all the way? And you insert it into her ass, putting her in a doggy style position.
<img class="centered-image" src="img/other/workrape1.gif" width="400px">
You continue to pound her ass for a while. Your partner periodically comments on something, but the woman herself just moans and cries.
When you finish and she seems relieved, your friend comes up to her and says:
@@.speech-boy;- I liked the spectacle so much that I probably won’t let her ass cool down! I will continue your work, brother!@@
<img class="centered-image" src="img/other/workrape3.gif" width="400px">
You shrug your shoulders as he begins to fuck the lady in the ass and decide to look around the apartment for now. Maybe she was hiding something else after all.
After wandering around the apartment for a while, you realize that there really is nothing here. Even the child's room looks poor and boring - there is nothing to take. You sigh and return, notifying your partner that you are going to leave. He has already started pounding the mommy right into her mouth. She seems to have stopped resisting.
<img class="centered-image" src="img/other/workrape4.gif" width="400px">
@@.speech-boy;- Don't worry, brother, I'll stay. So to speak, I've got your back. I think I still have another hour or two! And you should apologize to your employer for me!@@
Well... you're leaving. Having reached the employer, you give him the bills you received from the woman and apologize for not getting more. He sighs and although he swears that this happened, he doesn’t particularly blame you. However, he still refuses to pay.
Apparently it's time to leave...
<span class="purple-text">Energy has decreased
Karma has decreased</span><<set $energy-=1, $moraleb+=1>>
[[Time to go|Lower streets]]<<else>>One decision at a time<</if>><</linkreplace>>
<<linkreplace "Lets teaming! We are the team after all!">><<if $workloop1==0>>You approach a woman, roughly undress her despite pathetic resistance and whiny moans, and then examine her.
<<set $workloop1=1>>
@@.speech-boy;- Not bad tits, - your partner notes.@@
You just nod and spank her on those very good tits. You line up pincers from which she cannot escape and begin to hammer her into two holes at once.
<img class="centered-image" src="img/other/workrape2.gif" width="400px">
@@.speech-girl;- Please... it hurts... don't... god... no... please... - she moans as you mercilessly penetrate her over and over again.@@
Feeling another man next to you felt strange, so you decide to change your position. You give her a couple of slaps on the face and ask:
@@.speech-mc;- Will you suck? Yes or no, bitch? One bite and you're screwed!@@
She cries and promises to try, after which you move on to her mouth while your partner pounds her pussy. It's a nice break from work.
<img class="centered-image" src="img/other/workrape5.gif" width="400px">
You cum inside her once, then twice, but the situation continues to turn you on again and again. At some point you realize that a couple of hours have already passed.
Her anal, vagina and mouth - all the holes you could use were used. Her tits, face and ass were red from the constant spanking.
She moaned not only from pain, but also from pleasure. There was only one problem. You overdid it a little and it seems you broke her. All the woman did was to be sandwiched between you and take cocks with a blissful smile on her face. It seems like she didn't need anything else at all.
<img class="centered-image" src="img/other/workrape6.gif" width="400px">
However, if you think about it, this problem was no longer yours.
When you finally finished, you threw her body on the floor and got ready.
@@.speech-boy;- If her husband returns soon, then most likely a pleasant surprise awaits him, - your partner says, laughing.@@
After leaving her, you returned the money to the employer as much as you could, and although he was not too happy, you were forgiven. Of course you didn’t pay, but you already received your payment.
You're tired, but you had a great time.
<span class="purple-text">Energy has decreased
Karma has decreased</span><<set $energy-=1, $moraleb+=1>>
[[Time to go|Lower streets]]
<<else>>One decision at a time<</if>><</linkreplace>><</if>><</linkreplace>>
<</switch>><img class="centered-image" src="img/location/arena.jpg" width="400px">
The place smelled of sweat, rust and blood. Things that are far from good are happening here. On the other hand, you can certainly learn a lot here.
<<if $arenafirst!=1>>The gym is separate from the main one. There are mostly men and women here who look very fighting. They train, but not regular wrestling or martial arts. They work on mannequins or with each other, practicing techniques for beating people with weapons. In front of you, the mannequin's entrails were released, after which the man, with a whistle, yelled at the girl with the knife who did this and kicked her out.<<set $arenafirst=1>><</if>>
[[Talk to Coach|coach]]
<<linkreplace "Make bets on fight">><img class="centered-image" src="img/other/bets.jpg" width="400px">
<<if $money>=3 && $energy>=1>><<linkreplace "Bet 3 bills">>
<<set _rnd = ["1", "2"].random()>><<switch _rnd>>
<<case "1">>
<img class="centered-image" src="img/other/winbet.jpg" width="400px">
You watch the fight and in the end the fighter you bet on beats the opponent very badly. Great! For you, not for whose enemy they rolled away from here with serious injuries...
<span class="purple-text">3 Money looted
Energy decreased</span><<set $money+=3, $energy-=1>>
<<case "2">>
<img class="centered-image" src="img/other/losebet.jpg" width="400px">
You watch the fight and in the end the fighter you bet on beats the opponent very badly. Great! For you, not for whose enemy they rolled away from here with serious injuries...
<span class="purple-text">3 Money lost
Energy decreased</span><<set $money-=3, $energy-=1>>
<</switch>><</linkreplace>><<else>>If you have 3 bills you can make bet on fighters<</if>><</linkreplace>>
[[Go out|Lower streets]]<img class="centered-image" src="img/other/Coach.jpg" width="400px">
A large bald man in a judge's uniform. He seems to be in charge here.
<<if $firsttalkcoach!=1>>He turns his attention to you and says:
@@.speech-boy;- Well, well, who brought this here?@@
@@.speech-mc;- Hello, i'm $mcname and you?@@
He examined you in more detail and says:
@@.speech-boy;<<if $str==1>>- And it couldn't have been worse. You are so weak that you could be broken with one hand...<<elseif $str==2>>You should go to the gym more often, wimp. Well, never mind, maybe something will come of you...<<elseif $str==3>>Not bad I must say. Not bad. We could deal with a guy like you.<<elseif $str==4>>
Almost perfect. I also worked on my quadriceps and gait, but well done.<<elseif $str>=5>>I wish I had a son with the same hard muscles... I sense that you are a regular at the rocking chair down there. Why didn't you come to see me before? Well, it doesn't matter...<</if>>@@
Hesitating a little, he adds:
@@.speech-boy;- I'm Coach and I sense that you didn’t come for training. Although your body is too fragile. Even armor won't save you. There is a proposal. Do you want to help me a little and get something for it that will help fix you? You will become as strong as me!@@
@@.speech-mc;- And without training or what? - you ask in surprise, and seeing the response nod you say, - Damn, well... it depends on what you have there.@@
@@.speech-boy;- There is one thing. The drug that our chemist came up with. A popular thing in the city now. Even Guard guys use it. It's called Rust and don't worry - it's not poison. Name because of the color. It costs a lot of money, but I'll give it to you for free if you help me with something.@@
@@.speech-mc;- Why me? - you look around, - It seems like there are a lot of smart guys here, right?@@
@@.speech-boy;- Smart? Yes, they are as dumb as plugs for the most part. They only think about how to fuck someone with this, - he points to his groin, - Or with this, - he points to his fist, - In any case, I need someone not one of ours. You don't seem to be one of the Skulls. So business or not?@@
After thinking, you agree. If you don’t like the job, you’ll quit, and if you like it, well... it’s damn nice to survive. Coach nods, after which he leans towards you conspiratorially and says:
@@.speech-boy;- Bring me a teddy bear and three chocolates.@@
@@.speech-mc;- What?@@
@@.speech-boy;- What? This is all. I need it for my daughter. I just don't want others to know. It's none of their fucking business. And not yours. Do you need Rust? If yes, bring them to me!@@
<<set $coachq=1, $firsttalkcoach=1>>
It seems that's all...<</if>>
<<if $coachq==1>><<linkreplace "Ask about work">><<if $teddy>=1, $chocolate>=3>>You brought him a bag with the ordered goods. Coach looked at them, nodded and said:
@@.speech-boy;- Great, here you go, kid, - after which he handed you a syringe with some orange liquid, - Find yourself a hole and poke around in it. It's better not to do this anywhere, but in any case, have fun. Useful shit, but beyond this dose I’m unlikely to get you much. Unless Vince says so.@@
<img class="centered-image" src="img/other/rust.jpg" width="400px">
You nod and leave and when you go to the toilet, you quickly widen. The sensations are strange, but... do you feel like your body has become stronger...? Or something... strange feeling. One can only hope that the penis does not fall off after such injections.
<span class="purple-text">Endurance increased</span><<set $end+=1, $coachq=0>><<else>>- What did you want? - asks the man.
@@.speech-mc;- Remind me what you needed there?@@
@@.speech-boy;- Fuck, you’re so empty-headed... - he says loudly, and then, lowering his voice, he adds, - 1 Teddy bear and 3 chocolates. Let's get the fuck out already!@@
[[Go away|arena]]
The time has finally come. You have enough strength and allies to kick the asses of the bastards who dared to kidnap your sister. You can return her and everything will be as before. At least that's what you hope.
<span class="red-text">No, it won't. They've probably already let her go in circles!</span>
<span class="blue-text">God, of course not. She's fine. Probably...</span>
Vince's scouts lead you and the rest of the guys in the squad through all of the Lower Streets to the dirtiest, partially destroyed and empty part of them. Garbage, future dead people and those who are trying to hide from everyone else accumulate here.
As if by some invisible command, when you approach the desired place, a detachment of Anarchs appears. These are some painted punks with crazy eyes.
<img class="centered-image" src="img/sis/bigfight2.jpg" width="400px">
Now your task is to break through them to the sewer where their base is located. They meet you right in front of the building so... it's time to show the bastards what you can do.
<img class="centered-image" src="img/sis/bigfight1.jpg" width="400px">
[[Time to kill some bastards|bigfightsq1]]When telling Gina about what happened to Kensi, you mention how much Vincent asked for help. The girl is clearly shocked and puzzled at the same time. When telling Gina about what happened to Kensi, you mention how much Vincent asked for help. The girl is clearly shocked and puzzled at the same time. Her best friend fell into the clutches of some freaks. We need to come up with something.
<<set $ginatalk1loop=0, $ginamoneyask=1>>
@@.speech-girl;- Could we look for someone to borrow money? Getting into debt may not be so scary... the main thing is to pay it back on time, - Gina suggests with slight uncertainty.@@
@@.speech-mc;- If I don’t have money now, then there will be tension with it later. However, you're probably right. Now this only option i have...@@
<<if $ginalove>=1>><<linkreplace "Ask Gina to take loan on 20 bills">><<if $ginatalk1loop==0>><<set $ginatalk1loop=1>>She nods slightly, as if convincing herself:
@@.speech-girl;- Yes, I understand. You don’t have time to do all this yourself right now... I think I can go there for you. But... you'll help me get the money back later, right?@@
@@.speech-mc;- Hey, Gina, you know that I will help!@@
@@.speech-girl;- Yes, of course I know, - she smiles, - You saved me. I'll trust you.@@
And she leaves. It's time for you too.
<<linkreplace "In the loan-shark office">>Gina stood in front of a man in a jumpsuit who listened to her while sitting in a chair with a cigarette in his mouth.
@@.speech-girl;- Sir, - I really need money, - My friend is in trouble, and my... um, sort of... boyfriend is already running all over the city trying to get it...@@
The man blows a stream of smoke into her face and asks:
@@.speech-boy;- And so? This is a large amount. Do you have your own home? Property that you can leave as collateral? Maybe close relatives?@@
@@.speech-girl;- No, but I promise that we will return everything! Honestly!@@
@@.speech-boy;- What are you talking about? Seriously? Oh, well, if you say “honest,” then of course I’ll give you money! Do you want to me give you business and my home too?@@
@@.speech-girl;- For real?!@@
@@.speech-boy;- No, you fool! Of course not. On the other hand... you're dumb, but beautiful... I think we could come to an agreement, if you know what I mean...@@
She looks at him sadly. For several seconds, doubts and responsibility struggle within her. Finally she nods.
@@.speech-boy;- Great. Then let's go to the "debt" room...@@
After some time spent sucking his dick, Gina finally brought the man to orgasm.
<img class="centered-image" src="img/sis/ginaloan.webp" width="400px">
@@.speech-boy;- Ugh... not bad... I think you deserve your loan, but if you don’t pay it back in a week, my guys will take you instead of paying the debt. Keep this in mind.@@
She took the money and cleaned herself up and left.<</linkreplace>>
A few hours later you met again and she gave you the money.
<span class="purple-text">20 Money looted
Energy decreased</span><<set $loandays=7, $ginaloan=1, $money+=20, $energy-=1>>
<<else>>One decision at a time<</if>><</linkreplace>><<else>><span class="purple-text">Gina's love to low for this option</span><</if>>
<<linkreplace "Go and take the loan">><<if $ginatalk1loop==0>><<set $ginatalk1loop=1>>You go to a local loan-shark and enter into an agreement under which he lends you money for 7 days. You'll have to give him back the 25 bills in a week or... well... otherwise he'll have to get the money some other way. And you probably won't like it.
<img class="centered-image" src="img/sis/loan.webp" width="400px">
<span class="purple-text">20 Money looted
Energy decreased</span><<set $loandays=7, $loan=1, $money+=20, $energy-=1>>
<<else>>One decision at a time<</if>><</linkreplace>>
[[Better go away|Lower streets]]Early in the morning someone knocks on your door. You pretend that you didn’t seem to be waiting for anyone, but... oh-oh, it seems that today is the time to repay that loan! <<set $loan=0, $loandays=7>>
<<if $ginaloan==1>><<linkreplace "It's Gina and she need help with loan">>
Gina comes to you and she is not alone. With her is Mr. Loanshark, who apparently expects his money from her. Gina says that you have the money, so now he is waiting for you to give it.
<<if $money>=25>><<linkreplace "Give him money">><<if $loanloop!=1>><<set $loanloop=1>>@@.speech-mc;- Here’s your money, - you say, throwing the man a wad of bills, - Now leave my girl alone.@@
He looks in surprise at the money you return to him, counts it and then nods. He has nothing to complain about, so he just takes them and leaves.
@@.speech-girl;- You did it! - Gina runs up and kisses you, - I knew that you would succeed, but... I doubted it a little. How wonderful you are!@@
You won’t argue, but after a short conversation you still say goodbye to Gina. She has to go to work, and you have things to do...
[[Time to go|Corridor]]<<else>>One decision at a time<</if>><</linkreplace>><</if>>
<<linkreplace "Well... you have no money, but we'll come up with something!">>@@.speech-boy;- So that’s how it is? - says Mr. Loanshark, - Well, there is a solution, don’t worry, guy!@@
He swings and hits you in the face. The world goes dark for a moment.
<img class="centered-image" src="img/sis/hited.webp" width="400px">
You come to your senses already tied up on the sofa. Loanshark is in front of you with Gina on his lap. Her pants are down and he's clearly just given her a good spanking. When you come to your senses he says:
<img class="centered-image" src="img/gina/ginaloan1.webp" width="400px">
@@.speech-boy;- Great! Well, you will see how I deal with debtors. Since it’s not you who owe me, but this whore, just enjoy the show! By the way, do you already feel weakness? - he asks with a smirk, - I gave you a muscle relaxant. Or something like that... The point is that you don't even have to try to escape. Is the bitch here? What she got is even more fun, but just wait and you'll see soon.@@
Seeing Gina's displeased face, he pulls out his dick and starts hitting her in the face with it.
<img class="centered-image" src="img/gina/ginaloan2.webp" width="400px">
@@.speech-boy;- What's wrong, cunty? Don't you like the smell? Your boyfriend won't help you, so relax and have fun.@@
<img class="centered-image" src="img/gina/ginaloan3.webp" width="400px">
You see that Gina doesn't say anything. Or maybe he can't. You're not sure. She sits with her back to you, but from the sounds she makes, it seems her breathing is quite heavy. Is she scared? Or maybe excited? It soon becomes clear that no matter how she feels, excitement still takes over. Perhaps because he gave her drugs? Bastard...
You're trying to break free. You honestly try, but you can’t even move. You and Gina were friends and maybe even had some feelings for each other, but there's nothing you can do for her now. The body simply doesn't listen...
And at this time, having played enough with her mouth, Loanshark throws her on the sofa and begins to attach himself to her pussy.
<img class="centered-image" src="img/gina/ginaloan4.webp" width="400px">
@@.speech-boy;- Let’s see how narrow you are... - he says, after which he turns to you and asks, - Did you know that this pussy here already sucked me once? What does it have to do with you, can you imagine? I begged you to lend you money! That's hilarious! @@
In response, you just hum, unable to really move your tongue.
When you see Gina's face, you can already say with confidence that she is not herself. She doesn’t look around and just rolls her eyes and moans like a bitch in heat. From time to time she whispers something, but you can’t even make out what it is.
<img class="centered-image" src="img/gina/ginaloan5.webp" width="400px">
He turns her over and starts fucking her right in front of you. Gina's eyes roll back in ecstasy and she begins to moan out loud. From time to time you hear your name from her moans:
@@.speech-girl;- Yes, $mcname... that's it... yes... you're the best... you're the best as always... oh yes, $mcname... please... thank you for not leaving me... yes ...@@
<img class="centered-image" src="img/gina/ginaloan6.webp" width="400px">
He turns her over and starts fucking her again. This time she is forced to stand and push herself down on him, while Loanshark just slaps Gina, mad with pleasure, on the ass. You're not sure, but it seems like she's already come several times.
<img class="centered-image" src="img/gina/ginaloan7.webp" width="400px">
You feel the numbness of your body gradually disappear. It seems you can even move your fingers a little. A little more and you will get him...
Loanshark is finally approaching the finish line. He puts Gina on her knees in front of you and starts fucking her throat. When she gets tired, she starts jerking off furiously, cumming right on her face. Pouring her eyes, nose and mouth without any pity.
<img class="centered-image" src="img/gina/ginaloan8.webp" width="400px">
After that, he turns to you and says:
@@.speech-boy;- Well... show's over, boyfriend. I kind of have a fetish for establishing myself at the expense of assholes like you, heh. I am taking the girl for debts under her contract. Happy stay. You don’t have to accompany us and don’t look for her. She will have a lot of work now...@@
You're trying to get your limbs to move. You hear how he pulls Gina’s unresisting body behind him. The hands still don’t obey, and when they finally start, more than half an hour has passed. Maybe it would be worth finding it and returning it to Gina? Although it probably shouldn’t have been put in this position in the first place...
<<set $ginaloanend=1>>
[[Time to go|Corridor]]<</linkreplace>>
<<if $loan==1>><<linkreplace "Time to pay up">>Mr. Loanshark is standing outside the door and he has just one question for you.
@@.speech-boy;- Where is the money $mcname ? Where is the money?@@
<<if $money>=25>><<linkreplace "Give him money">><<if $loanloop!=1>>Say that you have them and give Mr. Loanshark what you owe him.
<<set $loanloop==1>>
He looks a little surprised, but takes the money and calms down and says that everything is fine. After that, for some reason, he says “All clear” into the radio and nods to you and leaves.
[[Say goodbuy|Corridor]]<<else>>One decision at a time<</if>><</linkreplace>><</if>>
<<linkreplace "Maybe you can give him some bullets insted?">><<if $loanloop!=1>>@@.speech-mc;- I don’t have your money, but I have something else...@@
<<set $loanloop==1>>
You reach for a weapon and at that moment something painful pierces your whole world. You fall to the ground and... you are no longer there.
<img class="centered-image" src="img/sis/loangameover.gif" width="400px">
The rest doesn't matter anymore.<<else>>One decision at a time<</if>><</linkreplace>><</linkreplace>><</if>>You had to wait for Scarlet for a while, but when she was finally home, you were finally able to talk. You tell her about what happened to Kenzi and she says that she's very sorry. You don't expect to get much help from her, but... maybe a little?
<<set $scarmoneyask=1>><img class="centered-image" src="img/scar/face2.jpg" width="400px">
<<if $scarskullslut==1 && $scarlove>= $scarsub>>@@.speech-girl;- Of course I will help! Especially now that I have so many... um... sources of income. I just... um... just found a job. Pleasant. They pay well there. And I know we don't spend much time together, but... uh... work. It requires a lot of strength. I'm often tired. Sorry. But I can help with money! I have 10 bills that I can give away. You don't have to return anything! - she answers with some slight nervousness and at the same time enthusiasm.@@
You thank her profusely, take the money and leave. You still have sister to save.
<span class="purple-text">10 Money looted
Energy decreased</span><<set $money+=10, $energy-=1>>
[[Say goodbuy|Apartment]]<<elseif $scarskullslut==1 && $scarsub>= $scarlove>>
@@.speech-girl;- Of course I have money for you. You can always count on me! I simply followed your advice, so it is you who I owe all this income. Thank you for always helping me. Here, take 10 bills.@@
Quite satisfied, you nod at her and thank her for her help, and then leave. Things are still pending. There is little time.
<span class="purple-text">10 Money looted
Energy decreased</span><<set $money+=10, $energy-=1>>
[[Say goodbuy|Apartment]]<<else>>@@.speech-girl;- Sorry, $mcname, I know that your situation is not easy and besides, you helped me with something before, but... well... I don’t have money. You know, I can barely cope without my father. I hope you save Kenzi - she's a nice girl. She clearly didn't deserve such... a fate.@@
You leave in disappointment, slamming the door in anger. It's not Scarlet's fault, of course, but you wasted your time on her.
<span class="purple-text">Energy decreased</span><<set $energy-=1>>
[[Say goodbuy|Apartment]]<</if>><img class="centered-image" src="img/bonnie/bfun.webp" width="400px">
You arrive at Bonnie's shop, who now seems to be in a good mood. After telling her about what happened to your sister, you see her nod slightly in a gesture of understanding.
<<set $bonniemoneyask=1>>
@@.speech-girl;- The story is as old as time, cowboy. Good guy meets good girl, and good girl gets kidnapped by bad guys. All you can do now is fuck them with your huge dick! - she says enthusiastically and then adds, - Damn... what am I...? I've been having some problems with overstimulation lately, handsome. Actually... since you're here... I think we could come to an agreement that would suit both of us. I need a good boost of vitamin D, if you know what I mean. And I will share the papers that I found in the surrounding area. I think ten bills survived the rain.@@
You raise your eyebrow in surprise and ask again:
@@.speech-mc;- Do you want me to be a prostitute for you? Like... taking advantage of my desperate situation to get laid?@@
She looks at you with a slight grin and says:
<img class="centered-image" src="img/bonnie/bonnieslut1.webp" width="400px">
@@.speech-girl;- Well, if that's how you see it, then yes. Why not. Will you be my slut today?@@
<span class="red-text">Will you?</span>
<span class="blue-text">Hey! It's for you sister! And you like to make love with everyone? Why are you still thinking?</span>
<<linkreplace "No - you to you're too proud for that!">><<if $bonnietalkloop1!=1>><<set $bonnietalkloop1=1>>You say that you are deeply offended by her proposal and in general you have not found yourself in the trash heap. It was not for her that such a poppy blossomed and so on. Perhaps pride will cost you something else important, but... it's your decision.
Bonnie laughs at you as you leave her store. But he laughs without much malice, rather as if he were laughing at something stupid.
[[Time to go|Lootzone3]]<<else>>One decision at a time<</if>><</linkreplace>>
<<linkreplace "You do it. For the family.">><<if $bonnietalkloop1!=1>><<set $bonnietalkloop1=1>><img class="centered-image" src="img/other/family.gif" width="400px">
You smile at her. Maybe it was a joke, or maybe she just decided to help you in her own slightly twisted way. You grab her and kiss her. You tear off her clothes and start kissing her breasts. She is big and elastic. Her aroma intoxicates you a little causing an increase in excitement.
<img class="centered-image" src="img/bonnie/bonnieslut2.webp" width="400px">
@@.speech-girl;- Good boy, she says, lowering your head to her pussy. Please me, make this hole gush!@@
You start fucking like wild animals. You fuck her pussy oozing with juices, and she scratches your back, demanding you do it rougher.
<img class="centered-image" src="img/bonnie/bonnieslut3.webp" width="400px">
You pull your dick out of her, see her hot and flushed pussy, rush to her and start licking her clitoris, using your hand to touch her labia for more stimulation.
She moans, growls at you and cums abruptly, splashing your face with her juices.
<img class="centered-image" src="img/bonnie/bonnieslut4.webp" width="400px">
@@.speech-girl;- Yes-ah... handsome... well done...@@
@@.speech-mc;- Prepare your hole for the second round. We’re not done,” you say with juices dripping down your chin.@@
@@.speech-girl;- Mmm... I like the sound of that.@@
You grab her by the hair and pull her towards your dick.
@@.speech-mc;- Now it’s your turn to work with your mouth, - you declare and hear no objections.@@
<img class="centered-image" src="img/bonnie/bonnieslut5.webp" width="400px">
All you hear from Bonnie is “guwk” sounds as she takes your hard cock deep into her throat. Helping her with your hand, you push her onto your dick over and over again, enjoying the pressure of her throat.
After you thoroughly tore her throat, you sat her on your dick and started fucking her in her pussy. Over and over again she moaned while riding you, and you felt her hips hitting your body and enjoyed the process.
<img class="centered-image" src="img/bonnie/bonnieslut6.webp" width="400px">
Her broken ass winked at you while you pounded her until she squirted again. It was obvious that Bonnie was getting tired. But you're not done yet.
You bring her down again and put her mouth on your dick. She gurgles and tries to say something, but you don’t listen and just start literally fucking her mouth. She stops trying and just becomes a reliable toy in your hands.
<img class="centered-image" src="img/bonnie/bonnieslut7.webp" width="400px">
In the end, she gets tired and even at some point seems to lose consciousness from the intense fucking.
<img class="centered-image" src="img/bonnie/bonnieslut8.webp" width="400px">
When you are finished with her body, she lies at your feet, covered with sperm, saliva and her own juices. Moving somehow, you find a bottle of water from her and drink a few sips. Returning to the exhausted Bonnie, you hear:
@@.speech-girl;- Great job, my whore... oh... my poor cunt... Oh, yes... your money is on the nightstand, hehe... someday I need to... ugh... repeat.. - she falls silent, either passed out from fatigue, or simply tired.@@
You take the money and leave the store. You were tired, perhaps wounded and exhausted, but your family's honor was protected. All that remains is to return this very family and in general it will be great. Remembering what happened with Kenzie, you felt uneasy again. It's time to go.
<span class="purple-text">10 Money looted
Energy decreased</span><<set $money+=10, $energy-=1>>
[[Time to go|Lootzone3]]<<else>>One decision at a time<</if>><</linkreplace>><div style="text-align: center;">
BigSkullSquad VS BigAnarchSquad
<img class="centered-image" src="img/battle/bigfightfs2.jpg" width="400px">
<<set $health = $end + $def + 2, $atkfi = $str + $atk, $deffi = $dex + $stes>>
<<set $enhealth = 10 , $enatk = 5, $endef = 0>>
Your health: $health Your attack: $atkfi Your defense: $deffi
<<if $health==1>><img class="centered-image" src="img/battle/hp1.jpg" width="400px"><<elseif $health==2>><img class="centered-image" src="img/battle/hp2.jpg" width="400px"><<elseif $health==3>><img class="centered-image" src="img/battle/hp3.jpg" width="400px"><<elseif $health==4>><img class="centered-image" src="img/battle/hp4.jpg" width="400px"><<elseif $health>=5>><img class="centered-image" src="img/battle/hp5.jpg" width="400px"><</if>>
<<linkreplace "Examine your potential opponent">>
<img class="centered-image" src="img/battle/bigfightfs1.jpg" width="400px">
A bunch of crazy punks who don’t even think death is scary. The bastards laugh when their heads are broken. Something is clearly wrong with them!
<span class="purple-text">Enemy health: $enhealth Enemy attack: $enatk Enemy defense: $endef</span>
<<set $ginasqhelp=1>>
[[Start the fight!|bigfightsq2]]<img class="centered-image" src="img/sis/bigfight2.jpg" width="400px">
@@.speech-boy;- Send them to Strudges! - shouts a punk with a mohawk.@@
<<if $enhealth>=6>><img class="centered-image" src="img/battle/efull.png" width="400px"><<elseif $enhealth==5>><img class="centered-image" src="img/battle/em1.png" width="400px"><<elseif $enhealth==4>><img class="centered-image" src="img/battle/em2.png" width="400px"><<elseif $enhealth==3>><img class="centered-image" src="img/battle/em3.png" width="400px"><<elseif $enhealth==2>><img class="centered-image" src="img/battle/em4.png" width="400px"><</if>>
<<set _rndatk = random (1, 20), _rnddef = random (1, 20), _rndenematk = random (1, 20), _rndenemdef = random (1, 20)>>
<<if $health==1>><img class="centered-image" src="img/battle/hp1.jpg" width="400px"><<elseif $health==2>><img class="centered-image" src="img/battle/hp2.jpg" width="400px"><<elseif $health==3>><img class="centered-image" src="img/battle/hp3.jpg" width="400px"><<elseif $health==4>><img class="centered-image" src="img/battle/hp4.jpg" width="400px"><<elseif $health>=5>><img class="centered-image" src="img/battle/hp5.jpg" width="400px"><</if>>
<<if $health == 0>>Nope! No secound chances!<<elseif $enhealth==0>>You already win!<<elseif $atkfi + _rndatk > 1 + _rndenemdef>><<if $weapon==2, 3>><img class="centered-image" src="img/battle/hitbat.jpg" width="400px"><<elseif $weapon==1, 4>><img class="centered-image" src="img/battle/hitknife.jpg" width="400px"><<elseif $weapon==5>><img class="centered-image" src="img/battle/hitkatana.jpg" width="400px"><</if>>With a powerful blow, you sent one of the fucked Anarchs to his forefathers or to whomever they wanted to go to. His blood sprinkles your weapons and clothes, but there is no time to think about it. Not now.<<set $enhealth-=1>><<else>>In such a crowd it’s damn hard to hit someone, so it’s no wonder that trying not to lose your head you didn’t hit anyone yourself...<</if>>
<<if $health == 0>>Nope! No secound chances!<<elseif $enhealth==0>>You already win!<<elseif $deffi + _rnddef > 1 + _rndenematk>>The Skulls cover you, and you yourself are coping relatively well. The crazy bastards Anarchs have not reached you yet, but they will willingly do so if they have the opportunity!<<else>><img class="centered-image" src="img/battle/takehit.jpg" width="400px">Several powerful blows from baseball bats and fists in brass knuckles made your bones shake and crunch. It seems a little more and blood will flow from wherever it shouldn’t. For now you're holding on, but who knows which of these psychos' blows will knock you out or finish you off...<<set $health-=1>><</if>>
<<if $ginasqhelp==1>><<set $ginasqhelp-=1>><</if>>
<<if $ginasqhelp==0>><<linkreplace "You see a friendly face in the heat of battle">><img class="centered-image" src="img/battle/bigfightg.jpg" width="400px">
This is Gina and she seems to have come to help, secretly sneaking behind you. She has a knife in her hands and, crossing her gaze with you, she begins to skillfully wield it. You didn't expect her to succeed, but she quite successfully pierces one of the Anarchs.<<set $enhealth-=1>>
<<if $health!=0 && $enhealth!=0>>[[Prepare for the next round|bigfightsq2]]<<elseif $health==0>>[[You lost the fight|fightbigsqlose]]<<elseif $enhealth==0>>[[You win the fight|fightbigsqwin]]<</if>><img class="centered-image" src="img/battle/bigfightl.jpg" width="400px">
It's sad, but you were never able to break through the Anarch troops. The bastards turned out to be too strong and you, the Skulls and Gina were captured. Well... those who survived.
Gina's fate was very unenviable. She had to go through brutal training. And yes - there was a lot of fucking in them.
<img class="centered-image" src="img/sis/losebf1.webp" width="400px">
She was kept in a cage day and night. You saw it, but you couldn't do anything about it. They pumped her full of some kind of drug and then fucked her until she not only couldn’t do anything, but couldn’t even say anything. The queues that lined up for her were quite natural. Apparently she angered several guys during the fight...
<img class="centered-image" src="img/sis/losebf2.webp" width="400px">
In the end, she was broken and lowered to such a level that she lost almost everything human that was in her. It was turned into an animal that was used for entertainment at the base.
<img class="centered-image" src="img/sis/losebf1.jpg" width="400px">
Without your help, the fate of your sister ended up in the hands of people who had quite expected and not very friendly plans for her. She was taught submissiveness, fucked, beaten, developed a love for orgasms. They broke her, but not to the same extent as Gina.
<img class="centered-image" src="img/sis/losebf3.webp" width="400px">
In the end, she was trained to be a whore. A pleasure and drug addicted prostitute who could bring good income to the gang. One that couldn’t do anything without them. And she was used to open a brothel where other girls soon ended up...
<img class="centered-image" src="img/sis/losebf2.jpg" width="400px">
As for you... well... you weren't killed. That's good, right? But you got a lobotomy. Such a little adventure when they use a needle to pierce the skull through the gap and hollow out a piece of the brain. Since then, you may have been worried about something, you may have wanted to help someone, but you absolutely couldn’t do anything. He was just an obedient and friendly little lobotomite. You worked for the gang and worked for the benefit of everyone around you. Good boy!
<img class="centered-image" src="img/sis/losebf4.webp" width="400px">
Sad ending...<img class="centered-image" src="img/battle/bigfightw.jpg" width="400px">
The fucking Anarchs were defeated. Their skulls were crushed, and those who remained alive most likely would not survive until dawn without outside help. All that remained was to go down. Those of your allies who survived went with you, but there was such a labyrinth that you decided to split up.
Gina said that she wouldn’t go further, but she’s glad that you coped with it and that she was able to help.
Moving further in splendid loneliness, you felt like they were looking at your back with more respect than before.
<<set $bfightwin=1, $BandRep+=2>>
<span class="purple-text">Skulls reputation increased</span>
[[Search this place and find Kenzie|abasesearch]]<img class="centered-image" src="img/other/anbase1.jpg" width="400px">
The tunnels are well lit and wires run through them. You're not sure where to go, but she definitely has to be here somewhere. You just need to find it. Unfortunately, there is no map on the wall, so you'll just have to look for it.
[[Women's screams are heard from somewhere|abr1]]
[[The sound of pouring water can be heard from behind the metal door|abr2]]
[[Strange... It's like you heard... a roar?|abr3]]
[[A creepy laugh comes from somewhere to the left|abr4]]
[[I think you see a sign that says "Laboratory"|abr5]]
<<if $checkroomlab==1>>[[You notice an inconspicuous door leading further|abr6]]<</if>>You walk along a narrow corridor and come out to a room inside which there is a large cage. Now there is a shackled woman sitting in it, and the moment you approached her they had just finished inserting a gag into her mouth.
<img class="centered-image" src="img/other/basesq5.webp" width="400px">
After that, they began to spank her tits with a whip, and she only muttered muffledly like a cow. You saw a powerful man who was apparently her trainer. He walked up to her cage, took her off and tied her to the bed. He acted with determination and knowledge of the matter. She was once again afraid to squeak in his hands. While you were looking around the room, you noticed that there was a whole arsenal of various sex toys and devices for training girls.
Having finished tying his victim, the man took the anal hook from the wall and began to push it straight into her ass, causing the poor thing to start moaning as if she... well... was having a hook shoved into her ass. All she could do was helplessly drool in pain.
<img class="centered-image" src="img/other/basesq6.webp" width="400px">
Having pushed the hook in, the man grabbed her by the hair and began to fuck the poor thing in her pussy. She puffed, puffed and squeaked while her pussy and ass were torn apart from double penetration. The man, in turn, did not look like he would get tired soon. And in general he didn’t show much emotion. He just kept fucking her.
<img class="centered-image" src="img/other/basesq7.webp" width="400px">
After making sure that your sister is not here, you decide to quietly leave. There was no particular desire to fight again, especially with a big guy. And who knows what will happen if others hear...
[[Go back|abasesearch]]You enter a place that seems to have been converted into a shower room. Or something like that. You stand behind the glass and see a group of girls inside. They are naked and tied up. They also seem very excited...
<img class="centered-image" src="img/other/basesq1.webp" width="400px">
They greedily caress each other, grab their breasts with their mouths, try to untie themselves with their fingers to reach their holes and for some reason very actively catch water with their tongue.
<img class="centered-image" src="img/other/basesq2.webp" width="400px">
A woman in a gas mask stands next to them and periodically hoses them down with a hose. No matter what they are sprayed with, they are simply delighted with what is happening. They literally go crazy with pleasure.
<img class="centered-image" src="img/other/basesq3.webp" width="400px">
You look at how one of them is turned over and they begin to fill her pussy, causing her to moan and scream:
@@.speech-girl;- More! More! MORE! MORE PLEASE!@@
And the rest look enviously.
Regardless, it looks damn hot. You might want to go inside, but you can't. Not now. Besides, who knows what would happen to you if you were also given this “water” to drink.
In any case, you shouldn't linger here.
[[Go back|abasesearch]]You follow the sounds of roars and screams. When you get close enough, you see a row of cells. Most of them have no lights on, but very STRANGE sounds are coming from there. You go to the nearest one and see inside a naked girl covered in bruises and abrasions. When she sees you she immediately says:
@@.speech-girl;- I was good, please... I won't do it anymore... please, sir... no more... let me out... he... I... I can’t see him anymore... he’s too...@@
@@.speech-mc;- What are you talking about? - you ask, peering into her doomed expression.@@
At this moment, someone wakes up in another part of the cell. Some hefty creature crawls out of a dark corner and first grabs a piece of meat lying on the floor, and then goes to the girl.
<img class="centered-image" src="img/other/basesq4.webp" width="400px">
She tries to resist, but a human-like creature grabs her and drags her into a dark corner of the cage. From there, screams, moans and sounds of dirty sex immediately begin to be heard. She is being fucked so badly that she may not be able to walk later... or survive it.
Looking around you don’t see any keys or a control panel that allows you to open the cages. Maybe it’s for the better... for some reason you have a very bad feeling about all this...
[[Go back|abasesearch]]You make your way through a dark corridor into a room that looks like a hospital. Right now, in front of you, a disgustingly giggling woman in some strange nurse costume was caring for a patient. The patient was a young woman hooked up to an drop counter with who knows what.
<img class="centered-image" src="img/other/basesq8.webp" width="400px">
The smell of sewage in this place was especially strong and overwhelmed everything else. The dampness and moldy walls also did not go well with the picture of the hospital. And what the nurse did to the poor girl, even more stood out from the overall picture. She seemed to be conducting something like an examination, but it was completely incomprehensible.
<img class="centered-image" src="img/other/basesq9.webp" width="400px">
Judging by the groans, you were sure that there were other patients around the corner, but you didn’t dare to poke your nose in further and risk scaring the nurse.
Under the vague muttering and vile giggling of the nurse, you walked away. Your sister wasn't here, or so you hoped.
[[Go back|abasesearch]]<img class="centered-image" src="img/other/anbase4.jpg" width="400px">
<<set $checkroomlab=1>>
Having passed through the next passage to what was indicated as a “laboratory”, you heard the rumble of a generator and went out to the room itself. There was no one visible around. The air was filled with the smell of various chemicals and was full of sweetish-acrid aromas.
Walking through the laboratory, you were convinced that a chemist was clearly working here. On the board a little to the side there were some incomprehensible notes, formulas and symbols that you barely remembered from school. There were bottles and mini-zurkas with something colorful all around. There weren't even any inscriptions on them, so one could only guess what was in them. Perhaps this is what the local psychos used to trick their people and girls... who knows...
Having walked around the entire laboratory, you separately noted a table on which, as if on an altar, stood untouched and pure samples of drugs that were unclear to you.
<img class="centered-image" src="img/other/prep.jpg" width="400px">
<<linkreplace "Examine the bottle of pink liquid">><img class="centered-image" src="img/other/bprep.jpg" width="400px"><</linkreplace>>
<<linkreplace "Examine the bottle of red liquid">><img class="centered-image" src="img/other/rprep.jpg" width="400px"><</linkreplace>>
<<linkreplace "Examine the bottle of blue liquid">><img class="centered-image" src="img/other/sprep.jpg" width="400px"><</linkreplace>>
Having examined the bottles, you conclude that you don’t understand at all what they are needed for. And yet you decide to take them with you. You never know...
[[Go back|abasesearch]]<img class="centered-image" src="img/other/anbase2.jpg" width="400px">
Another tunnel that leads you to another disgusting surprise that this place is much like. You walk along it and at the end you find cells for prisoners.
Looking around them you see girls and boys tied to beds. There are not very many of them here - six people. They are tied to beds and given drop counter with something. Among these unfortunate people you finally see her.
<img class="centered-image" src="img/other/sisbedan.jpg" width="400px">
You run up and check her condition. You feel the pulse - she is alive. You check your breathing - weak, but there. What to do now is unknown. Having examined everything in her “room”, which is perhaps more like a “cell”, you find recordings. They are surprisingly easy to read and written quite clearly. You're reading:
"Girl, about 20 years old, a course of S-2, S-4 and S-7 is recommended. It may be worth considering as a candidate for an experiment with B-02. Tests have shown high resistance and surprisingly low impact of the virus. The absence of serious changes after infection suggests presence of partial or complete immunity. It is recommended to use: R-01, if other influences turn out to be useless, then the re-education department will deal with it; S-1 if positive changes with positive physiological growth are noticed; B-01 if traces of negative mutations or the onset of mental degradation are noticeable; Grade: P (promising candidate)"
Throwing away the paper, you grab your head. There is too much information, and all of it is useless. You don't know what to do next...
Although... the names that they indicated on this piece of paper remind you a little about those bottles that you took with you. There was also something like that. The pink one starts with B, the red one with R and the blue one with S. Maybe that's what they were? But then which one should be given...?
Time moves forward, but your sister does not wake up. You try to shake her, you try to do something, but nothing help. You see syringe on the table.
It's time to do something!
<span class="blue-text">Something tells me that I need to give her a red one...</span>
<span class="red-text">Nothing like that! Give her the blue one! Surely there will be something cool!</span>
[[Make her shot with red liquid|redpill]]
[[Make her shot with blue liquid|bluepill]]
[[Make her shot with pink liquid|pinkpill]]You take a syringe, draw up liquid, look for a vein and inject it. Honestly, you know NOTHING about what you are doing and you are breaking out in a cold sweat from the thought that you could lead to the death of your sister.
You look at her, but nothing changes. Suddenly red lights turn on everywhere. Then the siren starts blaring. You hear a recorded woman's voice saying:
You don't know what a "cleansing procedure" is, but you do know that you don't like the sound of it. Having no other options, you grab your sister in your arms and run with her. You run like you've never run before.
At some point you stumble, hearing the sound of breaking glass. You understand that the remaining two bottles are smashed to smithereens, but you’re not particularly worried about it. You just run on.
When explosions are heard behind you, you duck down, but continue to run. Until something is left burning behind you, and you find yourself at the very exit to these damn tunnels...
<img class="centered-image" src="img/other/anbase3.jpg" width="400px">
Kenzi is still unconscious in your arms. She has no clothes on and is simply wrapped in a blanket. She might get sick like that, so you decide that you need to go home.
Having climbed to the surface, you don’t see any particular traces, except for the traces of a recent battle. God knows how long you’ve been underground and God knows what will happen next, but you’re firmly convinced that now you’d better get out.
That's what you do.
<<set $kenzielovepill=1, $sishome=2, $sisloveq1=3>>
Returning home, you put her to bed, and you yourself pass out. Are you sure that tomorrow everything will be exactly the same as just recently. Nothing will change and everything will return to normal. It would be nice...
[[Time to rest, finally|Go to bed]]You take a syringe, draw up liquid, look for a vein and inject it. Honestly, you know NOTHING about what you are doing and you are breaking out in a cold sweat from the thought that you could lead to the death of your sister.
You look at her, but nothing changes. Suddenly red lights turn on everywhere. Then the siren starts blaring. You hear a recorded woman's voice saying:
You don't know what a "cleansing procedure" is, but you do know that you don't like the sound of it. Having no other options, you grab your sister in your arms and run with her. You run like you've never run before.
At some point you stumble, hearing the sound of breaking glass. You understand that the remaining two bottles are smashed to smithereens, but you’re not particularly worried about it. You just run on.
When explosions are heard behind you, you duck down, but continue to run. Until something is left burning behind you, and you find yourself at the very exit to these damn tunnels...
<img class="centered-image" src="img/other/anbase3.jpg" width="400px">
Kenzi is still unconscious in your arms. She has no clothes on and is simply wrapped in a blanket. She might get sick like that, so you decide that you need to go home.
Having climbed to the surface, you don’t see any particular traces, except for the traces of a recent battle. God knows how long you’ve been underground and God knows what will happen next, but you’re firmly convinced that now you’d better get out.
That's what you do.
<<set $kenziesubpill=1, $sishome=3, $sisloveq1=3>>
Returning home, you put her to bed, and you yourself pass out. Are you sure that tomorrow everything will be exactly the same as just recently. Nothing will change and everything will return to normal. It would be nice...
[[Time to rest, finally|Go to bed]]You take a syringe, draw up liquid, look for a vein and inject it. Honestly, you know NOTHING about what you are doing and you are breaking out in a cold sweat from the thought that you could lead to the death of your sister.
You look at her, but nothing changes. Suddenly red lights turn on everywhere. Then the siren starts blaring. You hear a recorded woman's voice saying:
You don't know what a "cleansing procedure" is, but you do know that you don't like the sound of it. Having no other options, you grab your sister in your arms and run with her. You run like you've never run before.
At some point you stumble, hearing the sound of breaking glass. You understand that the remaining two bottles are smashed to smithereens, but you’re not particularly worried about it. You just run on.
When explosions are heard behind you, you duck down, but continue to run. Until something is left burning behind you, and you find yourself at the very exit to these damn tunnels...
<img class="centered-image" src="img/other/anbase3.jpg" width="400px">
Kenzi is still unconscious in your arms. She has no clothes on and is simply wrapped in a blanket. She might get sick like that, so you decide that you need to go home.
Having climbed to the surface, you don’t see any particular traces, except for the traces of a recent battle. God knows how long you’ve been underground and God knows what will happen next, but you’re firmly convinced that now you’d better get out.
That's what you do.
<<set $kenziebimbopill=1, $sishome=4, $sisloveq1=3>>
Returning home, you put her to bed, and you yourself pass out. Are you sure that tomorrow everything will be exactly the same as just recently. Nothing will change and everything will return to normal. It would be nice...
[[Time to rest, finally|Go to bed]]<img class="centered-image" src="img/location/sisroom.jpg" width="400px">
<<if $sishome==2>>You enter your sister's room. Everything seems to be as usual. She meets you a little tired, but joyful.
<<if $sisfirsttalkl!=1>>@@.speech-mc;- Kenzie! - you rush to her and hug her, - How are you feeling?@@
She basks in your arms and says, smiling:
<img class="centered-image" src="img/sis/sisface3.jpg" width="400px">
@@.speech-girl;- It's okay, silly. Why are you so worried? I feel tired because I got up late, and I also have to go to work tomorrow...@@
@@.speech-mc;- What the hell? Work!? I'm talking about what happened to you!@@
She looks at you with narrowed eyes and asks:
@@.speech-girl;- $mcname did you have a bad dream or something? I'm fine, except for this unpleasant itch on my back...@@
You look at her, taken aback, and suddenly it dawns on you. She doesn't seem to remember anything about the kidnapping or anything else!
You spend a little time and tell her about everything that has happened lately. At first she doesn’t believe it, but then with surprise and perhaps even slight shock she says:
@@.speech-girl;- If this is true, then... I don’t even know what to say. I always knew that you could get me out of any danger. And it doesn’t matter whether it’s true or not - thank you. My protector,” she pulls herself up to you and kisses you on the lips.@@
You feel the passion between the two of you boil like never before. Your tongues intertwine like two snakes. Your hands touch each other’s bodies, not shy at all.
Maybe because of the experience, or maybe because of relief, but it’s like you’re finally ready to accept your feelings for each other and Kenzi doesn’t seem to mind at all.
When you had a break from kissing, you looked at her and asked:
@@.speech-mc;- Are you sure you want this?@@
@@.speech-girl;- Of course, - she answered without a doubt, - ...but only with you. I want us to be together. All together. Forever.@@
You kiss her again and begin to undress her little by little, but she boldly stops you and kneels down, pulling down your pants:
@@.speech-girl;- Now I will decide what I want and get it, - she says and you note with some surprise that Kensi seems to have become more confident.@@
<img class="centered-image" src="img/sis/sislover1.webp" width="400px">
She pulls out your dick, looks at it with admiration and starts sucking. Confidently swallows, licks and continues to passionately suck. It seems to you or her movements have become a little different. More passionate.
She takes off her shorts, drops her panties to the side, shows you her beautiful pussy and says:
@@.speech-girl;- Come here $mcname , I’ll help you get ready for what awaits you. And don’t even think that you can leave before we become one.@@
<img class="centered-image" src="img/sis/sislover2.webp" width="400px">
You smile and surrender your cock to her power. She starts to jerk him off while stroking her pussy lips with it help.
You carefully adjust yourself to her pussy, preparing to enter. Take your time. You make sure that she is wet and gradually begin to push yourself inside her pussy. Under your size she is like a virgin and she feels it periodically groaning and screaming.
<img class="centered-image" src="img/sis/sislover3.webp" width="400px">
@@.speech-girl;- I didn’t think it would be so difficult with you, - she says, smiling slightly after another push.@@
<img class="centered-image" src="img/sis/sislover4.webp" width="400px">
You start fucking her and she moans with pleasure as her brother penetrates her tight pussy, oozing with juices from excitement. You feel how she gives in to meet you with her hot body. The narrow walls of her vagina grip you tightly like a glove.
Pretty soon her smile is distorted by the grimace of an unexpectedly approaching orgasm. She didn't seem to expect that she would cum so quickly. You see drool dripping from her chin and Kenzi moaning like crazy.
<img class="centered-image" src="img/sis/sislover5.webp" width="400px">
@@.speech-girl;- Yes, brother, yes... that's it... oh, fuck, yes... it's so good!@@
And you continue to fuck her, enjoying the moans and cries of pleasure of your sister.
After her first orgasm, you change position. She climbs on top of you, kisses you on the lips, and then starts riding you like a skilled rider. Her pussy was already accustomed to your size and you could move without delay. Kenzi moaned and continued to ride you, wrapping her insides tightly around you. You enjoyed the pressure and her love.
<img class="centered-image" src="img/sis/sislover6.webp" width="400px">
You continued for a while. You fucked in different positions. You took her from behind, entered her lying on her side, and pushed her on top of you. By the end you were both tired. The forces with which you bestowed each other with your love finally began to fade away.
<img class="centered-image" src="img/sis/sislover7.webp" width="400px">
You were lying on the sofa, and she was lying in front of you. You've dropped it on her back several times already. And yet the penis continued to stand, even if it was already starting to ache.
@@.speech-mc;- One more time. Do it one last time with your mouth, - you say.@@
<img class="centered-image" src="img/sis/sislover8.webp" width="400px">
She crawls up to you, takes your penis with her hand and starts jerking it. She plays with the shaft with her tongue, and rubs your head with her breath. You can’t stand it for long and shoot it into her mouth again. That's it now. You understand that it's time to rest. You don’t feel the balls, but the penis... well... you feel it, but because of the chafing of the skin, not as much as you would like.
Finally exhaling with your whole body, you look at her face lying on your chest. You hesitate for a few seconds, and then say:
@@.speech-mc;- Love you.@@
She pulls herself towards you with a slight smile. He kisses you on the chin and answers:
<<set $sisfirsttalkl=1>>
@@.speech-girl;- I love you too, $mcname . I hope we will always be together.@@
<<if $sishome==3>>Overall, everything seems almost normal. A room is like a room.<<if $sisfirsttalkl!=1>>You enter Kenzi's room and see her by the wardrobe. She is dressed up in a dress and for some reason sits there doing absolutely nothing.
You come up in surprise and hug her, saying:
@@.speech-mc;- Kenzie, everything is fine, have you come to your senses?@@
She looks at you and says:
@@.speech-girl;- Did something happen, dear $mcname ? Did I inconvenience you?@@
She speaks quite calmly and you are surprised to note that she is not as active as usual.
@@.speech-mc;- Everything is fine? Are you feeling okay? Considering all the things that happened, it's not surprising if you feel bad...@@
@@.speech-girl;- Everything is fine with me, but is there anything I can do to help you, dear brother? - she repeats again, denying all the strangeness.@@
You look at her in some surprise. Something is clearly wrong. That drug is probably to blame...
@@.speech-mc;- Are you feeling well, Kenzi? Maybe you want something?@@
@@.speech-girl;- I want? I want to help you in any way you want. Tell me - I will do everything.@@
@@.speech-mc;- All? - you grin slightly, having recently become accustomed to what this phrase means, - Well, show me what you can. Get up, come on.@@
You extend your hand to help her up. She opens her mouth and starts playfully licking your fingers. He sucks the tip of one of them, and when finished asks:
<img class="centered-image" src="img/sis/sissubr1.webp" width="400px">
@@.speech-girl;- Is this what you wanted, dear $mcname ?@@
You get excited pretty quickly and think that there’s probably nothing wrong with this, you’ve already done this before, so you pull down your pants and watch her reaction.
<img class="centered-image" src="img/sis/sissubr2.webp" width="400px">
She obediently opens her mouth and pulls her tongue towards your penis. He doesn't mind one bit. You begin to help her with your hands. You push her in the right direction.
From her submission, excitement grips you more and more. You grab her by the throat. She doesn't resist. You pull her towards the mirror. She doesn't mind, only moaning when you possibly hurt her. You put it in front of the mirror and say:
@@.speech-mc;- What's wrong with you today, little sister? Since when did you become such an obedient little girl?@@
@@.speech-girl;- B-but... - she says, spitting out the words from behind your hand on her throat, - ... I’ve always been good.@@
You nod. It really was. But not that much. You put your hand under her skirt and don’t feel her panties. It's like she dressed up especially for you. Like a gift in a beautiful package.
Lifting her skirt you expose her pussy in the mirror and checking it with your fingers, you ask:
<img class="centered-image" src="img/sis/sissubr3.webp" width="400px">
@@.speech-mc;- What's wrong with your girl? Why is she so wet?@@
@@.speech-girl;- But this is what you want, brother, right?@@
And again she is right. Smart little bitch. She clearly shows you what she wants. Maybe there is a little pretense here, or maybe she really has turned into a cute little fuckdoll. Apparently there was only one way to check...
You put her on her knees, lower your dick to her face and say:
@@.speech-mc;- Suck it.@@
<img class="centered-image" src="img/sis/sissubr4.webp" width="400px">
She instantly and without objection throws herself on your dick. He begins to suck it, lick it, and soon swallow it as deeply as possible, literally sticking his nose into your stomach.
You fuck her mouth for a while, and then ask:
@@.speech-mc;- And if I want to fuck you, then...?@@
@@.speech-girl;- Brothers and sisters shouldn’t do this, dear $mcname , - she answers, looking up from your dick.@@
You grab her head and pull her towards the mirror. Pointing at her face, smeared in your grease and saliva, you say:
<img class="centered-image" src="img/sis/sissubr5.webp" width="400px">
@@.speech-mc;- I don’t see my sister here. Just a fuckdoll.@@
@@.speech-girl;- Am I just... a fuck doll? - she asks with slight amazement and after a second adds, - Then no objections. Do as you please, because the doll cannot object.@@
You take her in your arms. You throw her own bed and make yourself more comfortable. You've wanted to do this for a long time, but... not against her will. However, now it seems she doesn’t have much will left. We'll think about the consequences later.
You spread her legs apart, enjoy the view of her wet pussy and enter without any delay. This is your pussy now.
<img class="centered-image" src="img/sis/sissubr6.webp" width="400px">
She moans, it seems to hurt because of your size, but she doesn’t resist. She only makes sad faces when you start destroying her pussy by ramming it over and over again with your dick.
Seeing that she is in a lot of pain, you give her a break, but not too much. Having changed your position, you again adjust to her pussy and go inside. She continues to moan and squeal at your movements, and you are already in a rage.
<img class="centered-image" src="img/sis/sissubr7.webp" width="400px">
@@.speech-mc;- Now you are not my sister. Now you are my bitch, my fuck doll and my flashlight. I will use you whenever I want. I'll fuck you whenever I want. I will use any of your holes.@@
@@.speech-girl;- Yes... yes... yes... yes... yes... - she just repeats to your statements, not disputing them one bit and not resisting your pressure in her pussy.@@
Tired of doing all the work, you remove it from your penis and sit it down to suck. While she obeys you command:
@@.speech-mc;- Come on, suck! And remember! From now on I am your master and my word is law! And in front of others, behave as usual, but never forget in your heart who owns you. Did you hear? Who is your boss?@@
<img class="centered-image" src="img/sis/sissubr8.webp" width="400px">
She rolls her eyes and releases the dick from her mouth saying:
@@.speech-girl;- $mcname is my master. You are my master.@@
@@.speech-mc;- Great!@@
You continue this for several more hours. You fuck her in different positions. You eat nonstop. You shift from one position to another and enjoy her holes, even if you save some for dessert. Kensi obeys without hesitation. She is your faithful hole and will serve until you order otherwise.
<img class="centered-image" src="img/sis/sissubr9.webp" width="400px">
Towards the end, when you've already come down on her multiple times and she's already come under you multiple times, your mind begins to clear. You're lying on the bed, and she's lying next to your dick, still sucking your balls. You understand that whether you wanted it or not, you turned your sister into cut of fuckable meat. Let's hope it wasn't a mistake...
<<set $sisfirsttalkl=1>>
<<if $sishome==4>>You enter Kenzi's room and see exactly the same thing as always. Seems.<<if $sisfirsttalkl!=1>>There's no one here. Or at least you don't think so. A slight shock hits you. What happened? Where is your sister?
In amazement, you go to the bed where you left it yesterday. The bed is untidy, and so is Kenzi's closet of clothes. It was as if a storm had passed through here.
Suddenly the door behind you opens and you smell your sister's shampoo as well as the shower. You turn around and see a stranger at the door, standing in only her bra and still steaming from her.
<img class="centered-image" src="img/sis/b-face1.jpg" width="400px">
She sees you and runs to hug you screaming:
@@.speech-girl;- Bro-o-oza! You're alre-e-eady awa-a-ake! I washi-i-id myself! Grea-a-at yea? The wata is so hot! Grea-a-at! Sowwy, I donna help you last time, yea? Wai! Wat was last time? Meh... i donna remember... well...@@
You feel her warm body pressing against you. You hear her chirping. It's like a bird hitting the window with its beak. She's talking nonsense. Part of you thinks that taking advantage of the moment and fucking such a stupid thing would be bestiality, but part of you, feeling her warmth and smell, has already gotten up.
@@.speech-mc;- So-o-o... who are you, beauty? And what are you doing at our house? And where is Kenzie? Did she let you in? Are you her friend or something? - you ask, pulling away a little, you still need to find out what happened to your little sister.@@
@@.speech-girl;- $mcname ... watafak? Wat da u mean were is Kenzie? I'm write hea, dummy! Dummy broza...@@
You once again examine the girl in front of you. Huge tits, gorgeous hips, a round face and... well... except that the hair color is similar. What the fuck is this? Why does she say she's Kenzie?
@@.speech-mc;- Hey! I know what my sister looks like! Don’t pretend to be her, it’s stupid, you don’t look alike at all!@@
@@.speech-girl;- Wata u mean? Oooh... u bout there? - she point on her breast, - Well... yea... I'm kinda surprised too, bro! They grew up! Cool yea? So-o-o big and soft... mmm... touch them! - she took you hand and place it on her breast, you feel hot, - Cool yea? Yea! And my a-a-ass feel so-o-o heavy to... and I'm so-o-o horny... maybe you can... you know... gime-gime?@@
Of course, you had a hard time understanding what she was saying, but you somehow grasped the essence. And now you are faced with a difficult moral dilemma. You didn't know if it was really your sister who might have changed under the influence of the strange drug you gave her before. And if it's her, would it be ethical to have sex with her while she's in this state?
<span class="blue-text">Well no! Obviosly!</span>
<span class="red-text">You know you have no choice here. Look at those tits! Your dick will literally explode if you refuse! Remember the quest from Cyberpunk! You don't want to end up this way!</span>
Unable to resist temptation, you lie down on the sofa. She immediately jumps on top of you and when you extend your hand to her, she begins to suck your finger as if hinting at something. This new version of Kenzie seems to have no doubts at all.
<img class="centered-image" src="img/sis/sisbimbor1.webp" width="400px">
@@.speech-girl;- I like sucky-sucky so mu-u-uch! You so big and stro-o-ong... like you so much... - she say with dumb voise.@@
When you let your beast out of your pants, it is surprisingly in no hurry to get up in all its glory. Perhaps you still haven’t fully accepted this situation for yourself. She's too out of the ordinary...
<img class="centered-image" src="img/sis/sisbimbor2.webp" width="400px">
The new Kenzie doesn’t seem to notice anything and starts sucking on your dick with a squelch. Because of her diligence, you simply have no choice but to get involved in the process. Her plump and soft lips know how to grab your head so that you have no chance for softness.
You can't lie down and rise to your feet. She doesn't even try to say or do anything. Her attention is completely drawn to your cock. It’s like a magnet that pulls her along with him and she just rises up and continues to suck. Soft lips let you inside, but at the same time tightly wrap around your shaft while her tongue continues to run over your head.
<img class="centered-image" src="img/sis/sisbimbor3.webp" width="400px">
Testing the boundaries of what is permitted, you simply silently push Kenzi onto the couch. The member for which she was here has not gone away and she doesn’t even react to you much. You begin to fuck her mouth in a very rough manner, literally fucking her throat, and her only reaction is wet moans and a hand that begins to rub her pussy.
<img class="centered-image" src="img/sis/sisbimbor4.webp" width="400px">
@@.speech-girl;- Mwah... gulk... mwah... so-o-o... go-o-ood... gulk-gulk-gulk... so-o-o... big... mwah... - this all you hear from her.@@
You pull your cock out of her throat, leaving lube and saliva smeared all over her stupid face. She doesn't seem to care at all. You take your place on the sofa again and ask:
@@.speech-mc;- Kensie, what about sex? Do you want me to take care of your hole?@@
@@.speech-girl;- Ufufu... broza wanna fuckie? Well... I kinda hot, so yea. Make me your big girl, I wanna ride on big carousels! Ride! Ride! Ride! - she start to shout and came to you.@@
<img class="centered-image" src="img/sis/sisbimbor5.webp" width="400px">
Her pussy flows like a waterfall, and her huge tits literally fall on your face. You enjoy the warmth of her body and when the soft, tight pussy begins to hug you, you enjoy this body even more.
<img class="centered-image" src="img/sis/sisbimbor6.webp" width="400px">
Although it is clearly difficult for her to accept you, she does it with great zeal and desire. Literally rushes and impales himself on your dick. Pressing him with her pussy all the way.
You spank her gorgeous ass and say:
@@.speech-mc;- Turn around, I want to take a good look at your update! Damn, you can kill with this thing, and how soft it is...@@
<img class="centered-image" src="img/sis/sisbimbor7.webp" width="400px">
@@.speech-girl;- Wa-wa... do you like it? It's so ni-i-ice! Oh... yeah... this nice too... too big... too nice... - she says moaning on your dick.@@
Continuing to fuck her pussy, you held your ass so that she wouldn’t run away. Feeling growing and growing excitement, you understood that today you would fuck this body for a long time, no matter who she ended up being...
Having pushed her onto the sofa and pulled her over onto her tummy, you began to fuck her, pushing her forward. Time after time you enjoyed the sight of her bouncing tits, which became three or even four times larger than they were!
<img class="centered-image" src="img/sis/sisbimbor8.webp" width="400px">
@@.speech-mc;- Do you like it, Kenzie? Like your brother's dick that can get you pregnant?@@
@@.speech-girl;- Yea... broza... you so deep... you... ah... oh... you can make all you... ah... wa-a-ant... - she moan at you.@@
There was no desire to stop and you... well... didn't. You continued fucking her. Fucked in different positions. You tore her into the hole, lowered it into her mouth, and then, charged with her suction, again began to play her tight pussy with everything you had.
<img class="centered-image" src="img/sis/sisbimbor9.webp" width="400px">
Several hours passed before you were finally able to stop, tearing yourself away from this pussy. And this only happened because you realized that she had milked all the strength out of you.
Behind that cute face and blunt head was a predator. A predator who seemed to be after your dick. And you satisfied her hunger, but only for now...
<<set $sisfirsttalkl=1>><</if>><</if>>
[[Go to corridor|Corridor]]<img class="centered-image" src="img/location/checkpoint2.jpg" width="400px">
A room through which you constantly have to go to get out to the infected parts of the city. A place that separates stability from mortal danger. The security here is serious.
[[Go to Lola's office|Lola's office]]
[[Look at Guards Board|gwork]]
[[Go out|Checkpoint]]<img class="centered-image" src="img/other/board2.jpg" width="400px">
This is a decent office job board. The pay is good - the main thing is to do your job. This is generally a good opportunity to earn money and perhaps even establish yourself among the Guards.
<<set $workloop=0, $workloop1=0>>
<<if $energy!=0 && $worktodayg==0>>
<<set _rnd = ["1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6"].random()>><<switch _rnd>>
<<case "1">>
You are offered to work as an assistant in a store where your task will be mainly to carry heavy boxes, arrange goods and, if suddenly necessary, help the owner in protecting the place. The store is located on the Lower Streets territory so you don't have to go far. They promise to pay 3 bills. Work for several hours.
[[Get to work|gwork1]]
<<case "2">>
You are offered a job as a bouncer at a club. You didn’t even know there were clubs here... You’ll just have to stand there and not let any freaks into the establishment. If you succeed, they promise a fee of 7 bills. Work will take up the whole evening and you won't have time to have fun afterwards.
Get to work [WIP]
<<case "3">>
Lucky or not, you are offered a job in the Upper City. You will need to be a security guard at a casino during an important evening. Work for the whole evening and after it you won’t have time anymore, but they pay 10 bills if you don’t mess up. All you have to do is not screw it up.
Get to work [WIP]
<<case "4">>
They offered you a job at the Refugee Acceptance Center. They will need someone who is not afraid to search potentially infected people and those who have just arrived from infected areas. Work for a few hours after which you can be free to go. They pay 4 bills for the entire time of work.
<<if $moraleg>=3>>Get to work [WIP]<<else>>You are not ready to risk yourself for strangers for that amount of money.<</if>>
<<case "5">>
Your task is to raid a point of illegal activity inside the city. After the raid you will receive 7 bills. A task for a couple of hours, quick and not requiring much time, but potentially dangerous.
<<if $GuardRep>=3>>Get to work [WIP]<<else>>The Guards are not trusted enough for this job.<</if>>
<<case "6">>
You are assigned to participate in a Guards patrol that is sent beyond the wall. You will be able to take part in confronting the civilian population with the threat of the infected and help your defenders in fulfilling their task! They pay 10 bills. A job of a couple of hours will most likely end quickly, but is potentially dangerous.
<<if $GuardRep>=3>>Get to work [WIP]<<else>>The Guards are not trusted enough for this job.<</if>>
<<else>>You've had enough work for today...<</if>>
[[Leave this place|Checkpoint]]They give you the address of the store where you needed help and promise to put a gold star in your personal file if you do a good job. They won't pay you much, but you agree anyway. You'll have to get into a routine, but it's probably better than just sitting around doing nothing or risking your ass somewhere outside the safe zone...
A friendly owner greets you at the store and tells you that she really needs help. This woman is not very young, but quite hot. You're even ready to classify her as a MILF, but that's not the point now. The lady gives you an apron and sends you to work. You look at the blue apron with a kitten and go do your thing.
<img class="centered-image" src="img/other/gwork1.jpg" width="400px">
<<set _rnd = ["1", "2"].random()>><<switch _rnd>>
<<case "1">>
For several hours you arrange boxes, clean drains, fasten loose shelves, check the wiring and generally do everything that you are generally not very accustomed to doing. The hostess praises you for all your efforts and is touched when you fail. Just kindness itself.
When freaks from the Skulls gang show up to her and start openly extorting money, you have a choice. You can get yourself into a little trouble and protect a good woman, or you can let them get the money and leave without causing any problems for anyone.
<<linkreplace "Defend the store">><<if $workloop==0>><<set $workloop=1>>You could probably still leave a woman in trouble under some circumstances, but you definitely can’t leave a hot MILF in trouble! Standing between the hostess and the skulls you say:
@@.speech-mc;- You guys have nothing to catch here. If you don't know, the lady in front of you is the mother of Captain Stevenson from the Guards.@@
@@.speech-boy;- So what?@@
@@.speech-mc;- Glad you ask... - you push aside your apron with a picture of a cat and reveal a revolver, - ...captain gave me permission to shoot any trash I want to protect his dear mother. So, do I need to protect her?@@
<img class="centered-image" src="img/other/gwork1-1.jpg" width="400px">
The man in the leather jacket growls slightly at your weapon, then spits at your feet and says:
@@.speech-boy;- Let's get out of here. I don't want to mess with the fucking freaks under the Guards roof.@@
When they, laughing and cackling, so as not to show their anger, run out of the store, knocking over a stand with cans of cans at the exit - you curse and were about to pick them up, when they grab you from behind and hug you tightly.
These turn out to be the warm hands of the hostess, who says:
@@.speech-girl;- Thank you very much... since my husband died there was absolutely no one to help me. I thought that you, like the others, would turn away in such a situation... I'm sorry I thought badly of you. You are a wonderful person!@@
You chuckle a little at her last words and, pulling away, say that you need to clean up this mess that they left. Then you say:
@@.speech-mc;- Don't worry. Every man knows that when it comes to protecting women, he must take a step forward. Otherwise, what kind of man is he?@@
Whether it was just a bravado or you really thought so - it doesn’t matter, because it made a strong impression on her. You step away and go to remove the cans, placing them in their places, but you continue to feel the gaze on you from the cash register.
When you finish working, and this happens quite quickly, the hostess asks you to come to her on the second floor for a reward. By this time, she has already drilled a hole in you with her gaze, so you are definitely hoping for a good reward.
Once on the second floor, you see her in front of you in a tight dress. She is slightly embarrassed, but excited, and when you come closer she says:
@@.speech-girl;- I haven’t felt like a real woman for a long time, but... in your presence this changes. Young, strong and so capable - you make me glow! - she says smiling and pulling herself closer to you.@@
In general, you don't mind. The arousal had been building in your nether regions for some time now. It's time to let him out.
Finding herself on her knees in front of you, this stunning brunette with gorgeous tits begins to suck your dick. And she does it with damn appetite. She is clearly hungry and there is only one thing that can fill the void inside her.
<img class="centered-image" src="img/other/gwork1-1.webp" width="400px">
She sucks skillfully. He takes it deeply, works for your pleasure and seems to want nothing in return. However, you know that this is not so. In return, she wants a good and juicy dick, which you were ready to give her as soon as you saw it. And now she has finally caught up with him.
<img class="centered-image" src="img/other/gwork1-1-1.webp" width="400px">
You grab her by the hair and start pushing it down her throat. You literally drill down to the very foundation, trying to drive it deeper. She just puffs through her nose and starts drooling on your balls.
At some point you feel that she is starting to win. The devil works well, but you don't want to lose. You take your dick out of her mouth, tap her smiling a few times and give yourself a break. She sees this and seems to understand what's what, but does not intend to let you go. Instead, she uses a new weapon - her hefty tits, so temptingly exposed without clothes.
<img class="centered-image" src="img/other/gwork1-1-2.webp" width="400px">
You push your dick between her tits and she starts helping you fuck them. The pleasure grows and you cannot stop, as if you are controlled by these tits, and not by your own mind.
You are sucked into a whirlpool of pleasure and after a few moments you realize that you have already started fucking her pussy. She turns out to be wet and welcoming, as if she was waiting for you here.
<img class="centered-image" src="img/other/gwork1-1-3.webp" width="400px">
You change pose after pose. You continue to fuck her, and in response you hear only sweet moans and gratitude. It seems she needed attention for a long time, but she was not ready for it. It's so good that you got to her...
Eventually, you finally finish. You go down into it. Then again. After the third. At the end, she lies in front of you and licks droplets of sperm from the floor where they fell.
This makes you want to continue, but you realize that you also have other things to do today. Saying goodbye, but without kisses, you take the money that she left you for work and walk with a slight limp. It’s not entirely clear which of you took advantage of whom today...
<span class="purple-text">Energy decreased
3 Money looted
Karma increased</span><<set $money+=3, $energy-=1, $moraleg+=1>>
[[Time to go|Lower streets]]<<else>>One decision at a time<</if>><</linkreplace>>
<<linkreplace "Just do you job and don't interfere">><<if $workloop==0>><<set $workloop=1>>There was nothing written in the contract about you getting into problems, or even more so, fixing them for the unfortunate owner. She knows what she's doing, so you shrug and do your job. Even though the woman glances at you a couple of times with some hint, you decide not to interfere and after some time the Skulls leave, taking with them a wad of cash.
However, your work does not end there, but the hostess’s degree of warmth decreased after that. For about half an hour she asks you for help with various little things, and then lets you go with the agreed payment. Everything is fair.
<span class="purple-text">Energy decreased
3 Money looted</span><<set $money+=3, $energy-=1>>
[[Time to go|Lower streets]]
<<else>>One decision at a time<</if>><</linkreplace>>
<<case "2">>
You work and generally don’t stress too much. The hostess praises you for your efforts and you feel generally pleased. Time slowly flows forward while you are cleaning the store, arranging goods and carrying boxes of junk back and forth.
Some funny music is playing in the store, coming from an old record player. Listening to this melody, you are walking with a box in your hands when you notice that something is wrong. You see a girl who seems to have decided to buy some goods, but seems in no mood to pay. Slowing down a little, you watch as she hides a packet of chips under her sweater. Then the chocolate bar goes there too.
<<linkreplace "Stop her! Now!">><<if $workloop==0>><<set $workloop=1>>
This place need the Law. You stand in front of a girl and literally grab her hand, saying:
@@.speech-mc;- What are you doing? Do you think everyone here is blind? @@
The blonde, looking at you with a surprised and dissatisfied look, slightly tugs her hand trying to pull it out. She doesn’t succeed and says dissatisfied:
@@.speech-girl;- I don’t understand what you’re talking about! Let me go, maniac!@@
You call the hostess and when she comes, the fire of hatred burns in her eyes. It seems this is not the first time this blonde has been stealing here.
@@.speech-girl;- You again?! - she exclaims, - How many times have I demanded that you not go to my store, you dirty thief!@@
@@.speech-girl;- I didn’t take anything! - the girl says, and at that moment you shake her by the sleeve, causing a can of canned food to fall from under her clothes to the ground.@@
The hostess looks at you with great gratitude and says:
@@.speech-girl;- You can take her to the back room if you want. And interrogate there. Confiscate everything that this trash stole from me!@@
Actually, you don't get paid for this, but... you're in a good mood.
<span class="red-text">And a premonition.</span>
You drag the struggling girl into the back room. You look at her very seriously and then say:
@@.speech-mc;- I hope you understand that things are bad with the laws these days. Sometimes we have to decide everything ourselves and even the Guards don’t know anything about it. They don't care. Thieves used to have their hands cut off, have you heard of that? Maybe we can return this good tradition?@@
The blonde looks at you in fear. Her fighting spirit evaporates. It seems your words and the situation she found herself in dramatically changed her mood. She didn't try to lie or fight back anymore.
@@.speech-girl;- I... just took some food. This old bitch still has whole shelves full of goods! And I have nothing to eat!@@
You spank her fat ass and she squeals and you say:
@@.speech-mc;- Something doesn’t look like it. Now take off your clothes. We will conduct a thorough search.@@
She sighs. He thinks for a second. After that he begins to undress. It's better than losing your hand. The girl began to undress, but after each piece of clothing she took off she begged to stop. You were adamant. You cannot be broken in your quest for justice. In the end, it even turned out that the thief stole panties from a clothing store across the street and apparently didn’t even have time to take them off.
<img class="centered-image" src="img/other/gwork1-2-1.webp" width="400px">
When the confiscation and search were over, you put her on her knees, pulled out your penis and said:
@@.speech-mc;- And now it’s time for punishment. Suck to atone for your guilt. @@
She was a little doubtful, but obeyed seeing the revolver on your belt.
<img class="centered-image" src="img/other/gwork1-2-2.webp" width="400px">
She didn't suck in the best or most confident way. She slowed down a lot, she constantly needed the strong hand of the law to show her the right path.
@@.speech-mc;- Swallow deeper, you damn criminal! I saw that you can hide things - hide my dick in your throat!@@
<img class="centered-image" src="img/other/gwork1-2-3.webp" width="400px">
Your demands gradually began to take effect, or maybe she just began to get involved in the process and get excited. Snoring and moaning, the slut began to take your dick deeper and suck with great enthusiasm.
You were in no hurry to finish her punishment, so you pulled her to her feet. It's time to punish her other hole. You bent it in front of you and began to fuck your pussy, feeling that it seemed like she was also hiding various objects in it from time to time. She lacked tightness. However, you didn't stop. You continued in the name of justice.
<img class="centered-image" src="img/other/gwork1-2-4.webp" width="400px">
At some point, you put her on the table and began to fuck her, picking up the pace. She moaned right under you, getting ready to cum.
@@.speech-girl;- Also... yes... punish me! Punish me right here! I was bad... oh yes... so bad, - the thief moaned.@@
And when she was getting ready to cum, you strained all your strength, released your cum straight into her and stopped.
<img class="centered-image" src="img/other/gwork1-2-5.webp" width="400px">
She watched in shock as you first stopped, then pulled out your dick. As if not believing it, she touched him with her hand. Maybe she checked to see if he had disappeared? And then she asked:
@@.speech-girl;- Are you crazy? What the hell?! I'm almost done!@@
@@.speech-mc;- It was a punishment, - you said, - Now pack up your junk and leave while I’m good. Apparently you are not only a thief, but also a whore.@@
Insulted, not having time to cum and leaking sperm from her pussy, she pulled herself together and shamefully fled from the store. You looked after her contentedly, realizing that justice had triumphed.
The hostess was very grateful to you and even gave you a little more money than she promised. You left her with a feeling of accomplishment.
<span class="purple-text">Energy decreased
4 Money looted</span><<set $money+=4, $energy-=1>>
[[Time to go|Lower streets]]<<else>>One decision at a time<</if>><</linkreplace>>
<<linkreplace "Just do you job and don't interfere">><<if $workloop==0>><<set $workloop=1>>Well what can I say... it's none of your business. Just do your job and get your bills. That's what you're here for. Having figured this out in your head, you decide to act honestly and according to your conscience, after which you ignore the thief. Most likely it’s the owner’s fault if she allows something like this to happen.
Some time later you finish all your tasks. The hostess is generally not very pleased with your work, but thanks you for your help and pays as promised. You didn’t expend more energy than necessary, so you quickly pack up and leave. You have other things to do...
<span class="purple-text">Energy decreased
3 Money looted</span><<set $money+=3, $energy-=1>>
[[Time to go|Lower streets]]<<else>>One decision at a time<</if>><</linkreplace>>
<</switch>><img class="centered-image" src="img/other/mrh.jpg" width="400px">
A strange man is standing right in front of you. He grins at you and holds an old newspaper in front of him. His terrible tie fascinates you, as if it try to hypnotizing you. Something about him seems familiar, but what...?
@@.speech-boy;- Do you want to hear something smart? - he asks looking you straight in the eyes and without blinking.@@
Seeing no reason to refuse, you nod. He nods in response. After this he says:
<<set _rnd = ["1", "2", "3"].random()>><<switch _rnd>>
<<case "1">>
@@.speech-boy;- If you're kind enough and give the old man food, the red-haired girl will decide to thank you. She will be waiting for you at the meeting place with the old man.@@
<<case "2">>
@@.speech-boy;- If one of your little girlfriends loves you enough to go into debt for you, you may not repay the debt for her and then something bad will await poor Gina.@@
<<case "3">>
@@.speech-boy;- If you search the trash heaps outside the safe zone several times, you may encounter a woman in trouble. With a sufficient amount of dexterity, you can even save her and receive a reward, or you can let someone else save her and then they will receive the reward...@@
And he calls this smart? Sounds like some kind of nonsense...
[[Go away from this wierdo|Look around]]<img class="centered-image" src="img/location/prison.jpg" width="400px">
A small room with a prison cell. It is clear that the place was originally intended for something else, but thanks to some renovations it is now a prison. I wonder who is being held here, considering that this place is connected to the secretary's office...
<<if $lolatroble>=1>>[[Looks like Lola been bad girl and deserved some punishment|lpun1]]<</if>>
[[Get out|Checkpoint]]You peek into the room secretly, trying to remain unnoticed. A picture of poor little Lola opens before you. She stands in a cage in front of a man who seems to be enjoying what is happening a lot.
@@.speech-girl;- Please Chuck, - Lola begs, - It’s not my fault. I did everything right, but...@@
@@.speech-boy;- I don’t care, - the man snaps, - Your mistakes are my lost money. And you will have to work them out. If you want to continue working here and getting paid, you'll have to stick to the deal.@@
The unfortunate girl, sitting in a cage, understands that she cannot oppose anything to the man opposite her. Perhaps that's why when he grabs her by the neck and lowers her to her knees, she doesn't resist. Just quietly moaning and whimpering.
<img class="centered-image" src="img/lola/lpun1-1.webp" width="400px">
The man, whose name was Chuck, does not hesitate to take out his penis and shove it deep into poor Lola’s mouth. She just tries to fit it in her mouth and mutters something.
@@.speech-boy;- Shut your mouth and suck until I get tired of it. And be glad that so far you only got away with your mouth. Next time I’ll play with some other hole of yours, - he says to her squelching mutterings.@@
It’s obvious that it’s hard for her to swallow this dick deeply. He doesn’t go all the way in, but the hand on the back of Lola’s head and the powerful blows straight to her throat still don’t give her much of a choice. All she can do is stick her tongue out and hope for the best.
<img class="centered-image" src="img/lola/lpun1-2.webp" width="400px">
When Chuck gets tired of fucking her narrow mouth, he pulls out his dick and literally starts hitting Lola in the face with it. Considering what kind of colossus it is, it’s not surprising if bruises remain later...
<img class="centered-image" src="img/lola/lpun1-3.webp" width="400px">
When he finally lowers himself into her mouth, instead of stopping, he shoves his sperm-stained penis into her mouth and continues to fuck him like that. It turns out even better, because there is a little more lubrication.
Not knowing how long this “show” will continue, you decide to leave them alone. All that remains is to wish Lola not to strain her jaw.
[[Go away|Checkpoint]]<<set $skullscartalk=1>>You communicate with some of the cafe's regulars. Among them is a man who tells you about a scammer named Spike, who issues loans and sets damn unfavorable conditions. Either those who are desperate, or those who simply do not understand anything about this matter come to him. There are a lot of bad rumors about Spike, and people who contact him periodically disappear. Especially young girls.
Finding the place you need and getting to it doesn’t become particularly difficult. You find a small office located in an apartment building similar to the one where you live, but a couple of streets away. It stinks of poverty inside. You can easily find the right room, and the sign “Spike’s Loans” once again confirms that you are right. There are no opening hours, so you just knock on the door.
A big guy in a Skulls leather jacket opens the door for you. He examines you and asks in a low, guttural voice:
@@.speech-boy;- Wada do you want?@@
@@.speech-mc;- I’m visiting Spike about paying off the loan, - you say, looking the big man up and down in case you have to fight.@@
Perhaps noticing this gesture of yours, he growls quietly and mutters something under his breath, but in the end decides to let you through, saying:
@@.speech-boy;- Just don't do anything stupid...@@
He leads you through a small corridor into what appears to be an office. There, at a table in a room with poor decoration and pitiful decoration, relatively reminiscent of someone's office, a man is sitting. He's looking at something on the computer with a dirty grin, but when you enter he quickly turns off the monitor and turns to you saying:
<img class="centered-image" src="img/other/spike.jpg" width="400px">
@@.speech-boy;- Oh! Greetings! We don't know each other? Spike Goodguy - loans, bets on fights, hiring bodyguards. And this is not a complete list of my services! I work at the most decent prices, I do not accept anything other than cash, but I am always ready for dialogue. Unfortunately, I don't lend money to single men, so... how can I help you?@@
You cringe slightly at his tirade. Something about her seems especially lousy, but you can't quite put your finger on what. And he himself seems vaguely familiar to you. You tell him that you came about Scarlet’s debt and he immediately stops smiling, wondering:
@@.speech-boy;- So you are the next unfortunate idiot that this girl decided to drag into her affairs?@@
@@.speech-mc;- What do you mean by "next"?@@
He smiles slightly and asks:
@@.speech-boy;- Did you think you were the only one? Before this, guys also came to me with the same request. However, when they heard how much she owed, they immediately forgot what they came for... Believe me, guy, she’s not worth it. You know what? You look kind of capable! Maybe you want to earn money? I could use a man of your skills! I'm ready to give you 10 bills for a simple little thing! - the man opposite you says quickly and then he quickly pulls out a wad of bills and defiantly puts it on the table, This girl, Scarlet, she forgot something the last time she was with me. You return the thing to her and you get ten. How do you like it? There is just a small nuance. This fox shouldn’t know that I found what she was missing. She, how shall I put it... may not understand me that way! In general, help me and make money quickly! Great offer, don't you think? It's a matter of twenty minutes!@@
Damn... this guy talks so much and does it so confidently that you involuntarily even begin to listen to his nonsense. And the more you listen, the more correct it seems. Strange. Or not? Even the voices that usually sound at such moments are surprisingly not shown.
<<linkreplace "Agree and help Mr. Goodguy">><<if $sq1loop!=1>><<set $sq1loop=1>>You can trust this guy - his name is Mr. Goodguy after all! He asks to drop something off at Scarlet's place? Well, he has good reason for that. In addition, you will also receive a reward. So much generosity!
@@.speech-mc;- Well, of course. Why not help. Especially for such an award! - you say enthusiastically.@@
@@.speech-boy;- Excellent, excellent, son, it was immediately clear that you were capable, - he takes out a small bottle with a blue liquid and says, - Here. These are her vitamins that she forgot. Go to her house and fill them with something... Just make sure you add it to the packaged food or drink. Or do you know what's even better? You're her boyfriend or something, right? Prepare her dinner and treat the girl! She will surely be happy with such care!@@
Did she forget her vitamins here? Well... it seems to be true. Should I add them to her food without her noticing? Makes sense. You nod, thank him for the reward, take the money and go outside, knowing what to do next.
@@.speech-boy;- Oh and be sure to come back tomorrow! Tell me how it went! - Spike says when you try to leave.@@
[[Go to Scarlet's place|sqbadend]]<<else>>One decision at a time<</if>><</linkreplace>>
<<linkreplace "What the fuck?! Offcourse not!">><<if $sq1loop!=1>><<set $sq1loop=1>>You shake your head, but it doesn't help. Then, obeying some instinct, you pinch your hand painfully. This surprisingly helps and you understand that for some reason you now wanted to betray Scarlet because of the words of this cunning bastard. You also notice a strange sweetish aroma in the room...
@@.speech-mc;- Listen here freak... I don’t know if you’re a good guy or a bastard, but your tricks won’t work with me. I came to help Scarlet and I’m going to do it, - you go to the closed window and sharply open it to let in fresh air, - And if you think that you can manipulate me with the help of some incense or whatever you were burning here, you can go fuck yourself. I wonder if Vince knows what you're doing on his territory?@@
The grin falls off Spike's face very quickly. You see how his face is distorted by a grimace of anger when you say these words to him and he answers:
@@.speech-boy;- Of course he knows, of course. Why wouldn't he know...? In any case, if you want to pay, I don’t mind. The bitch owes me 30 bills.@@
@@.speech-mc;- Why is this so much?@@
@@.speech-boy;- Well... she borrowed 10 and the interest accrued... you understand how our business works.@@
You casually show the revolver on your belt and say:
<img class="centered-image" src="img/other/gun.jpg" width="400px">
@@.speech-mc;- How about writing off the interest as payment for our “incident”? And then I won't tell Vince anything about your affairs.@@
@@.speech-boy;- Listen here, you little shit, - the man openly hisses at you, - If you think you can talk to me like that, then think again, your girlfriend will get a big fuck-up! The people I work for are much taller than your friend Vince, so I don't need your talk!@@
The situation is starting to heat up. You feel that behind your back something big and dangerous is gradually starting to start. Your sixth sense tells you that one wrong word and you could end up in big trouble. Suddenly the phone rings. You haven’t heard this sound for a long time and when it happens you flinch. Suddenly the tension in the room becomes even more serious.
Spike slowly picks up the mobile phone in his pocket, raising his index finger in front of him as if in a "wait" gesture.
@@.speech-boy;- Y-yes...? - he asks and then after a few seconds adds, - Yes... whatever you say... yes... of course... this second...@@
He hangs up, puts the phone in his pocket, then takes a deep breath and says:
@@.speech-boy;- You're lucky, boy. Now that I think about it - tell the red-haired bitch that the debt has been written off. I’m in a good mood, - he makes a grimace of disgust looking at you, - Now get out before Bob kills you! Go! Get out already!@@
In surprise, even slight shock, you fall out, pushed into the back by the big guy. When you find yourself outside the office, you think. Mobile phone - did it work or did it seem to you? What the hell just happened here? Who called him and what did they say? There shouldn't be any connection...
Lots of questions and no answers. The only good news is that now you can make Scarlet happy by saying that she will no longer have problems with this freak. You just need get 10 bills before it so she can pay up to mercenaries.
<<set $scarq2g=1>>
[[Get out of here|Lower streets]]<<else>>One decision at a time<</if>><</linkreplace>><img class="centered-image" src="img/scar/ap.jpg" width="400px">
You knock on Scarlet's apartment. She opens it, apparently expecting you. You smile at her and say:
@@.speech-mc;- Hello, it looks like I figured out the situation. Mr. Goodguy turned out to be a great guy and agreed to forgive your debt after we talked. Great news, right?@@
@@.speech-girl;- Wow... seriously? I would never have thought, but... since you say so...@@
@@.speech-mc;- So, to celebrate, let me cook you something today?@@
@@.speech-girl;- I didn’t know you could cook, - she says smiling, after which she nods and says, - Of course, come into the kitchen... I honestly still can’t believe it... wow... and I was sure that this guy was up to something bad.. It's true what they say - don't judge a book by its cover!@@
You searched her refrigerator and didn't find anything special. The leftover food you left for her and nothing else. Well, that's not bad either. You decided to warm up some beans for her, but at the same time added a special ingredient - the medicine that you were asked to give her.
<img class="centered-image" src="img/scar/face3.jpg" width="400px">
Scarlet dressed up for you. She was beautiful. You talked a little over dinner. You were surprisingly calm while she ate. It seems she flirted with you at first, but you weren’t in the mood for sex at all. Strange. Or not?
After dinner, Scarlet said that fatigue suddenly fell on her. You weren't surprised. This happens to all of us from time to time.
You went home. It was time to rest.
[[Rest|sqbadend2]]In the morning, you act mostly like normal, but your head is still a bit foggy. You feel like you forgot something and that you needed to do something. You spend the whole day lazily doing nothing and only towards evening you finally remember that you were supposed to visit Spike.
<img class="centered-image" src="img/other/foggy.jpg" width="400px">
You set off and everything seems to slow down along the way. People are in a hurry, but you are not. When you get to him, everything seems normal. Just a bit foggy.
He smiles, thanks you. You nod in response. This guy can be trusted. The pleasant floral scent wafts around you again and you remember the distant times of safety and calm, when everything was fine. You are very grateful to Spike for his help, although you can’t say exactly how he helped you.
In your presence, he contacts someone on the phone and tells them that the test was successful. Then he argues a little and insists that the dough needs one last fixation before the goods are in their hands.
You understand that they are talking about something important and do not interrupt. Calmness and grace envelop you.
When he asks to come the next day, you of course agree, and then go home and rest. Your sister asks if everything is okay, but you just wave it off, saying that you are tired.
[[Mr. Goodguy needs you help - go to him|sqbadend3]]<img class="centered-image" src="img/other/foggy2.jpg" width="400px">
Your next visit to Spike's office is going just fine. You feel great. The air around you has brightened up. It's a great day, a great office, and a great guy right in front of you!
Spike, with his ever-friendly smile, sits across from you and asks you to look at his computer screen. There's a recording playing. Is this some kind of cosplay party or just a costume party? Girls in colorful costumes... wow...
You didn't realize it from the first frames, but when you looked closer, you recognized one of the female actresses. It's Scarlett! Wow. And you didn't even know she was an actress. And she plays so well...
The girls in the video spoke only when the male voice belonging to Spike demanded it. He told them "On your knees and undress" and they obeyed immediately. When he took out his dick, they expected the command, and when he ordered them to suck, they didn't hesitate for a second.
<img class="centered-image" src="img/scar/sqbadend1.webp" width="400px">
They began sucking and licking his manhood, with Scarlett paying special attention to his balls. After a few moments, he began changing girls, literally taking and exchanging their heads one for the other, as if he were using sex toys. No one resisted.
<img class="centered-image" src="img/scar/sqbadend2.webp" width="400px">
He changed his position and placed the girls in front of him. They were like a bouquet of flowers that he decided to pollinate. At first, you might have doubted who you saw, but now you were absolutely sure that Scarlett was in the video.
<img class="centered-image" src="img/scar/sqbadend3.webp" width="400px">
@@.speech-boy;- How do you like the video? - Mr. Goodguy asked, - I filmed it yesterday in my free time. Do you notice anything strange?@@
You hesitate, and then answer:
@@.speech-mc;- I don't think so. It seems like everyone is having fun there.@@
@@.speech-boy;- Ha-ha-ha, you're right, we had a lot of fun there. Look, look, we'll move on to the next part soon!@@
On Spike's orders, the girls in the video began to wet his cock with saliva. And while the others were working on his shaft, he grabbed Scarlet by the hair and asked:
<img class="centered-image" src="img/scar/sqbadend4.webp" width="400px">
@@.speech-boy;- Do you want to tell your boyfriend something?@@
@@.speech-girl;- No, Master.@@
@@.speech-boy;- Really? He's going to watch this. Maybe you could at least say goodbye?@@
@@.speech-girl;- No, Master. I don't care what he thinks. All I want is your cock.@@
@@.speech-boy;- What a clever girl... - he said, cumming with his cock in her throat.@@
The video changed and now you had the same girls in front of you, but in different outfits. Something in the theme of ancient Egypt apparently. They danced sexy dances, and Spike's voice praised them, ordering them to move with more passion. They were like obedient puppets, moving as he wanted.
<img class="centered-image" src="img/scar/sqbadend5.webp" width="400px">
@@.speech-boy;- My favorite part... - he tells you, watching your reaction, - ...is going to start right now. I hope you like it, son.@@
And it's starting. Watching this, something inside you seems to be quietly screaming, but it's too good and comfortable for you to take the strange sensations on the edge of consciousness too close to your heart.
On-screen Spike says to Scarlet:
@@.speech-boy;- And now, red-haired bitch, for all the trouble you've caused me - it's time to pay with your cunt. How long have I waited for the chance to try your hole... but don't worry - this is just the beginning. When I get tired of you - you'll help my people relax. I think you'll be popular.@@
She only agreed to come up to him and spread her legs, giving him full access to her pussy.
<img class="centered-image" src="img/scar/sqbadend6.webp" width="400px">
He entered her without any hesitation and started praising the tightness of her hole. Then he pulled her in and started kissing her. Then he continued fucking her.
You watched this with an autistic smile on your face, but something inside you continued to break.
Spike sat Scarlett on top and she started jumping on him. She was moaning, jumping and saying that she wanted more.
<img class="centered-image" src="img/scar/sqbadend7.webp" width="400px">
You didn't recognize her, but she seemed to be having fun, so everything must have been fine. The other girls were happy too. In fact, everyone seemed to be happy. What a glorious day!
At the end of the video, Spike put all the girls on their knees. He started jerking them off in their faces and then came on them one after another. They just asked for "more" and begged him to pay more attention to them. What an acting game!
When the video ended, the man looked at you with a smile and asked:
@@.speech-boy;- Did you like it?@@
@@.speech-mc;- Well... that was interesting. I didn't know Scar became an actress.@@
@@.speech-boy;- An actress? Haha, that's how you see it, huh? Not bad. Well, an actress and more! Anyway, everything went well, so I think you're ready, son. I have one final task for you. I want you to go home, take your sister and go with her to this address. Your friends will meet you there and help you out a lot. Can you handle it?@@
You nodded without any hesitation. After such an interesting time, how could you refuse this nice man?
After leaving Spike's office, you went to get Kenzi. You took her, explaining that the situation was urgent, and went with her to the address that Mr. Goodguy shared with you. There you were met by strange people and you fell asleep almost immediately, and what happened next... next... next...
Well... a good question. But it's too early to answer it.
However, it seems that for you it's all over. This is a bad ending and there is no continuation waiting for you.
<img class="centered-image" src="img/scar/badend.webp" width="400px">