<img src="images/1.jpg" width="367" height="367">
<div id="lg">My name is Nikolay.
Let me tell you my story...
I'm just a regular 18 years old guy, and I am a student.
<img src="images/2.jpg" width="467" height="467">
I've lived my whole life alone with my dad.
I have no memory of my mother, she left us soon after I was born.
And a couple of weeks ago my dad disappeared too, leaving me all alone.
I have no idea why he did this...
One day I came home and discovered that he took most of his stuff... Clothes, documents and he even took all the money that we've had.
<img src="images/3.jpg" width="467" >
I didn't know what to do... I had no job, and I certainly couldn't sustain myself...
I have no other relatives except my dad, so the only person who could help me was Amanda.
<img src="images/amanda.gif" width="390" >
She is my dad's closest friend and while I was growing up, she was like a mother figure to me...
When she found out that my dad left, she insisted that I stay living with her and her daughter.
As for her daughter, Jennifer, she is the same age as me and she is a really nice girl.
<img src="images/5.jpg">
We were best friends with her since childhood, so she was really happy when she found out, that I'll move in with them.</div>
<table><tr><td style="font-size: 20px;"> [[Next|Intro 2]]</td></tr></table>
<<set $story to "Intro">> <<set $weekday to "Saturday">> <<set $wday to "6">> <<set $dtime to 1>> <<set $day to 2>>
<<set $money to 0>> <<set $bj to 0>> <<set $bdsm to 0>>
<<set $feminity to 0>> <<set $arousal to 0>>
<div id ="lg">I've lived with Amanda and Jenifer for two weeks already and I really didn't want to be a burden, so I've been trying to find a part time job.
For some reason, I didn't have any luck with it, nobody wanted to hire me.
<img src="images/22.jpg" width="367" >
And right when I was going home from another job interview at the local cafe...
...a car pulled over right near me and two big guys came out of it.</div>
<span id="b">Big dude:</span> "You will go with us, boy.
<span id="th">Think:</span> They don't look like I should try running or fighting.
<span id="s"></span>This is not going to end well.
<img src="images/7.jpg" width="367" >
<span id="th">Think:</span> Now I'm having a ride with them. And I have no idea where we are going.
<span id="s"></span>I've never been so scared before!
<span id="s"></span>I hope it's all just a mistake, and I'm not the one they were looking for."
<div id ="lg">After a while we've stopped.</div>
<span id="b">Big dude:</span> "We have arrived, let's go."
<div id ="lg">One of the big guys took me out of the car and led me inside some building.
<img src="images/8.jpg" width="367" >
Then we went up by the elevator and entered a room.</div>
<span id="b">Big dude:</span> "We got him boss."
<span id="b">Boss:</span> "Good... You can go now. And take that bag off his head."
<table><tr><td style="font-size: 20px;"> [[Meet the Boss|Boss encounter]]</td></tr></table>
<<set $story to "story2">>
[[Your room]]
[[clothes shop]]
[[Beauty salon]]
[[Glory Hole]]
[[Fuck Wall]]
[[Boss office]]
money: $money
weekday = $weekday
wday = $wday
dtime = $dtime
day = $day
bj = $bj
arousal = $arousal
Feminity = $feminity
BDSM = $bdsm
<span id="Y">You: </span>"Who are you? Why am I here?"
<span id="b">Boss:</span>"Hello, Nikolay"
<img src="images/9.jpg" width="367" >
<span id="b">Boss:</span> "You are here because of your dad. He owes me a lot of money."
<span id="Y">You: </span>"My dad? But what do I have to do with this?! I haven't seen for weeks.
<span id="s"></span>I don't know where he is."
<span id="b">Boss:</span> "Oh, I'm sure, you don't know where he is, that is not why my boys brought you here."
<span id="b">Boss:</span> "You see, I don't like when people don't pay back and disappear like that..."
<span id="b">Boss:</span> "As I haven't found your dad yet, I've decided that you will give me all the money, that he owes me."
<span id="Y">You:</span>"Me?! But I'm just a student, I have no money!"
<span id="b">Boss:</span> "Calm down, I'm sure such a nice boy like you will be able to earn enough."
<span id="Y">You:</span> "But how? And how much do you expect me to earn for you?
<span id="s"></span>As I've said, I'm just a student, I can't even find a job."
<span id="b">Boss:</span>"Your dad owes me one hundred thousand dollars, and
<span id="s"></span>I'll give you the opportunity to earn the money for me."
<span id="Y">You:</span>"You must be kidding, right?"
<span id="s"></span>Where can I make so much money?"
<span id="b">Boss:</span> "Right in this building..."
<span id="s"></span> You see, we are in the biggest brothel in the country, and I own it.
<span id="s"></span>And you will work right here for me."
<span id="Y">You:</span> "Brothel... Really? You want me to have sex with women for money?
<span id="s"></span>That's crazy!
<span id="s"></span>You are crazy! I'm not gay and I'm not going to work for you!
<span id="s"></span>If you don't let me go, police will start looking for me, and they will find me and arrest you!"
<span id="b">Boss:</span> "Haha! Police? Why would they be looking for you?"
<span id="Y">You:</span> "I don't live alone, and if they see that I didn't return home, they will go to the police!"
<span id="b">Boss:</span> "Not alone, ha? You think Amanda or Jenifer will help you?"
<div id="lg">And right after he asked that, you hear a knock on the door and then...
A couple of big guys lead tied up Amanda into the office...</div>
<span id="l">Amanda:</span> "Mmmm..."
<img src="images/tiedup.gif" width="650" >
<span id="Y">You:</span> "God! You kidnapped her too?"
<span id="b">Boss:</span> "Of course! And I'm sure your friend Jenifer will join us soon too."
<span id="Y">You:</span> "You sick bastards! Couldn't you at least let her put on some clothes before bringing her here?"
<span id="b">Boss:</span> "Oh, she won't need any, she'll be working here like you,
<span id="s"></span>I'm sure that the three of you will earn my money much faster than you alone..."
<span id="Y">You:</span> "You are crazy! We won't work for you! People will start looking for us, we can't just dissapear like that!"
<span id="b">Boss:</span> "Such a funny boy... You think this is the first time we make someone work for us?
<span id="s"></span> I'm sure my guys made her send some messages about "an unexpected family trip" and
<span id="s"></span>leave a voice recorder message for those who might be interested where you are.
<span id="s"></span> So leave your hopes, nobody will look for you!"
<span id="Y">You:</span> "You can't do this! Please! Let us go!
<span id="s"></span>At least leave Amanda and Jenifer out of this! They have nothing to do with my dad's debt!
<span id="s"></span>They were just helping me out."
<img src="images/10.jpg" width="367" >
<span id="b">Boss:</span> "Hmmm... Might not be fair to them...
<span id="s"></span> Let's have a deal then...
<span id="s"></span> I'll let them both go on one condition.
<span id="s"></span>You suck my dick right here right now, and they are free to go.
<span id="Y">You:</span> "What?!
<span id="s"></span>Is this some kind of a fucked up joke?"
<span id="b">Boss:</span> "No, I'm serious.
<span id="s"></span>If you really want to leave them out of this, this is your chance."
<table><tr><td style="font-size: 22px;">[["...suck his dick"]]</td><td style="font-size: 22px;"> [["Refuse"]] </td></tr></table>
<span id="Y">You: </span> "I'm not doing that! I'm not gay! And I'm not going to suck any dicks!"
<span id="s"> </span>"And I'm sure you would never let them go, even if I did it."
<span id="b">Boss: </span>"Well, maybe you are smarter than I thought you are.
<span id="s"></span>Okay, if you are that smart, you sould also understand that the best option for you is
<span id="s"></span>to do what you are told to..."
<div id="lg">Right after he said that, a tall blonde woman comes in...</div>
<span id="b">Boss: </span>"Meet Alex, she'll be your superviser
<span id="s"></span>Go with her, she'll show you everything..."
<img src="images/alex.gif" width="520" >
<div id="lg"> And the next moment, Alex grabs you by your hand and takes you to the hallway.</div>
<table><tr><td style="font-size: 20px;"> [[Go with alex|jump after_intro_boss]]</td></tr></table>
<div id="lg">Seeing that this is your only chance to save Amanda and Jenifer, you sigh and come closer to the boss...</div>
<span id="th">Think:</span> I can't believe what I'm about to do...
<span id="s"></span> But I have no choice, I have to do it for Amanda and Jenifer.
<span id="s"></span>I can't let this monster keep them here as prostitutes!
<span id="s"></span>And if he'll let them go, I'm sure Amanda will go to the police and will rescue me...
<div id="lg">Trying not to look at Amanda, you drop down to your knees in front of the Boss.
He's just standing and looking at you, apparently he's expecting you to do everything, so you slowly start to unbuckle his pants.
You pull his pants down and now you can see his huge fat uncut cock pointing right into your face...
You hesitate for a while, prolonging the inevitable and trying to think of any way how you could avoid sucking his cock. </div>
<span id="b">Boss:</span> "It's time to start, boy."
<img src="images/scene/1/1.gif" width="420" >
<div id="lg">You slowly reach out to his cock and touch it with your hand, moving the foreskin back, revealing the tip of his cock.</div>
<span id="th">Think:</span> I should just do it quickly and get it over with.
<div id="lg">So, you wrap your lips around his cock and start moving your head back and forth.
It's so thick, that you can hardly put more that the tip into your mouth...
<img src="images/scene/1/4.gif" width="420" >
You try not to think about anything, and do it as quickly as possible, but millions of thoughts go through your mind...
<span id="th">Think:</span> How half an hour ago, you were just a regular guy, living his regular life...
<span id="s"></span> and now you are standing on your knees and sucking a dick of some brothel boss!
<span id="s"></span> You haven't even had sex with a girl yet, but you've already touched a dick...
<img src="images/scene/1/2.gif" width="420" >
<div id="lg">You feel how his big hot tip goes in and out of your mouth, pulsating right on your tongue...
And the worst part about this all... is that it happens right in front of Amanda...</div>
<img src="images/tiedup2.gif" width="420" >
<span id="th">Think: </span>What will she think about me?! How will I look into her eyes?
<span id="s"></span>What if she thinks that I shouldn't have done it? And what if she'll think that I like it?!
<span id="s"></span>Thought I can't believe that I'm actually doing it!
<span id="s"></span>It feels so strange...
<span id="s"></span>Another man's cock is in my mouth.
<span id="s"></span>So big and so hot...
<div id="lg">You don't ejoy it... but to your surprise you thought that it would feel much worse...
You try your best to give as much pleasure as you can to the boss as you realize, the better you do it, the faster he cums and the faster you can get free and forget about all of this.
After some minutes, that seems like eternity, you feel his cock twitching.
You pause, and take it out from your mouth, and then he suddenly starts shooting his cum all over your face!</div>
<img src="images/scene/1/3.gif" width="420" >
<span id="Y">You: </span> "This is disgusting!"
<div id="lg">You quickly grab the nearby napkins from his table and wipe all the cum from your face.
Even though, you removed it all, your face still smells like cum...
<<set $bj to 1>>
You rise from your feet and avoid looking into Amanda's eyes...</div>
<img src="images/amandalook.jpg " width="420" >
<span id="th">Think:</span> After what have just happened, I don't think I can look into her eyes...
<span id="s"></span>At least they haven't brought Jenifer here yet,
<span id="s"></span>and I'm sure Amanda won't tell her about what I just did.
<span id="Y">You: </span> "Happy now?! I did what you said! Now let them free."
<span id="b">Boss:</span> "Hahaha! How naive are you? You really thought that I'll let them go? And only for some blowjob?"
<span id="Y">You: </span> "We've had a deal! You can't do this!"
<span id="b">Boss:</span>"Oh, I surely can."
<span id="b">Boss:</span> "Now, you'll be taken to your room and you'll start working soon."
<span id="s"></span> And seeing how ready you are to suck dick, I'm sure you'll do fine here..."
<div id="lg">Right after that a tall blonde woman comes in...</div>
<span id="b">Boss:</span> "Meet Alex, she'll be your SUPERVISER"
<span id="s"></span> "Go with her, she'll show you everything..."
<img src="images/alex.gif" width="520" >
<div id="lg">And the next moment, Alex grabs you by your hand and takes you to the hallway.</div>
<table><tr><td style="font-size: 20px;"> [[Go with alex|jump after_intro_boss]]</td></tr></table>
<img src="images/elevator.jpg" width="520" >
<div id="lg">As soon as you both get out of the office, Alex starts talking like like she is giving you a routine tour or somthing...
It seems that this is a usual part of her job...
<span id="l">Alex:</span> "Here is the elevators area, from here you can get to any place you like, if you have access, of course."
<span id="s"></span> "I will give you a key card for that."
<span id="s"></span> "Now let's go, I'll show you the places where you can work to get money."
<img src="images/routine.gif" width="520" >
<span id="Y">You: </span>"I don't need to see any places where I can "work".
<span id="s"></span> "I've said to your boss already, I'm not going to have sex with men, you won't make me!"
<span id="l">Alex:</span> "I wouldn't be so sure about that... I have plenty of ways how to motivate you. Come with me, I'll show you something, it will help you understand how things work here..."
<div id="lg">And once again she just grabs you without waiting for you to reply and takes you to the elevator.
After that you go to one of the lower floors together.
<table><tr><td style="font-size: 20px;">[[Go to the next room|Butt-wall room introduction]]</td></tr></table>
<img src="images/pantystore.gif" width="520" >
<span id="l">Alex:</span> "Here is a clothes shop where you can get something cute or sexy to put on.
<span id="s"></span> Why don't you choose something for yourself now? And don't worry, this time it's on me.
<span id="s"></span> Consider it a welcome gift."
<span id="Y">You: </span> "Thank you, but I prefer my own clothes."
<span id="l">Alex:</span> "You see, it is not an option, when you start working here, you need to wear something
<span id="s"></span> completely different from what you have on you now, so your clothes won't do.
<span id="s"></span>That is why, you will go to a fitting room, take off all your clothes and underwear and give it to me."
<span id="s"></span> "Don't worry, I will keep it until you finish working here and you'll be able to take all your clothes back."
<span id="s"></span> "Now go and do what I say."
<table><tr><td style="font-size: 20px;">[[Choosing new clothes]]</td></tr></table>
<div id="lg">You don't want to end up with your naked butt hanging from the hole in the wall, so you decide just to do what she wants and enter one of the fitting rooms, while Alex is waiting outside.
You take off your clothes and pass them to Alex.</div>
<img src="images/naked2.jpg" width="420" >
<span id="Y">You: </span>"I can't believe that I'm giving her all my clothes."
<span id="l">Alex:</span> "Now you can choose something to wear, I'll give you some options."
<span id="Y">You: </span>"You must be kidding..."
<span id="s"> </span>"These clothes are for women!"
<span id="l">Alex:</span> "If you don't like the clothes I gave you, you always have an option to walk around naked, it's allowed here."
<span id="l">Alex:</span> "What else did you expect?"
<span id="Y">You: </span>"Why is it happening to me?
<span id="s"></span>Can you at least give me some pants or shorts?
<span id="s"></span>Why do I have to walk around wearing only panties?"
<span id="l">Alex:</span> "If you want to get some other clothes, you'll have to earn them."
<span id="s"></span> "And besides, these clothes will help you undestand your place sooner."
<span id="Y">You: </span>"I guess I have to pick something, if I don't want to walk around naked."
<div id="lg">You put on a pair of panties for the first time in your life.</div>
<span id="Y">You: </span> "I'd never think that panties would feel so comfortable.
<span id="s"></span>And the fabric is so nice on my skin."
<span id="s"></span>This underwear is for women. I shouldn't enjoy it!
<span id="s"></span>"This is so embarrassing..."
<span id="l">Alex:</span> "Are you sure you've finished choosing the clothes?"
<div id="T">
<a data-passage="Pink Outfit" class="link-internal link-image"><img src="images/pinkoutfit.jpg" width="420" ></a>
[[Pink Outfit]]
+1 Feminity
<a data-passage="Red Outfit" class="link-internal link-image"><img src="images/redoutfit.jpg" width="420" ></a>
[[Red Outfit]]
+10 Arousal
<a data-passage="Black Outfit" class="link-internal link-image">
<img src="images/blackoutfit2.jpg" width="420" ></a>
[[Black Outfit]]
<img src="images/yroom.gif" width="420" >
<span id="l">Alex:</span> "This is your room, you will live here. Also, this is your main work place, you will receive clients here."
<span id="l">Alex:</span> "But there is always a lot of work around the building, so you can find something else to do if you are not in the mood to work in your room."
<span id="l">Alex:</span> "Generally, you can do whatever you like and you choose how you spend time. The only thing that matters is that you have to make money."
<span id="l">Alex:</span> "Boss doesn't want to wait for long, so you'll start earning tomorrow, as for today, you can rest and just go to sleep."
<span id="l">Alex:</span> "I will collect payments from you weekly. We'll start from... let's say $30 a day, so $210 a week."
<span id="l">Alex:</span> "And always remember what happens to bad girls who don't want to work."
<span id="l">Alex:</span> "Okay, see you in the morning, tomorrow is a big day for you."
<div id="lg">The door closes and you start thinking what to do.</div>
<span id="th">Think:</span> What should I do?
<table><tr><td style="font-size: 20px;"> [["Try to escape"]]</td><td style="font-size: 20px;"> [["Stay here for now"]]</td></tr></table>
<span id="th">Think:</span>It wasn't a dream... I'm still here.
<span id="l">Alex:</span> "Oh, good, you are already up."
<span id="Y">You: </span>"I'm basically a prisoner here, how would you sleep if you were me?!"
<span id="l">Alex:</span> "Don't worry, honey. You'll like it here."
<span id="s"> "So, are you ready for your first client?"
<img src="images/alexcall.jpg" width="420" >
<span id="Y">You: </span>"No, I'm not, I can't have sex with men, I'm not gay!"
<span id="l">Alex:</span> "Oh, I see... would you rather prefer to end up with your naked ass through the wall, maybe?"
<span id="Y">You: </span>"No, please, I don't want that."
<span id="s"></span>"Yesterday you've told me that there is a lot of work around here, maybe there is something I could do?"
<span id="s"></span>"Like repairing or cleaning stuff or anything else?"
<span id="l">Alex:</span> "We already have people for that..."
<span id="s"></span> "... but I have an idea what you could do, it would be a much easier start for you..."
<span id="s"></span>"Come on, follow me."
<table><tr><td style="font-size: 20px;">[[Follow Alex|First time in gh booth]]</td></tr></table>
<span id="th">Think:</span> I can't stay here. Those people are crazy, I need to run.
<div id="lg">You leave your room and go to the elevator.
But every time you try going down to the main floor it says \"No access\"."
You leave the elevator and start thinking what to do, and then, you see a fire escape door. </div>
<span id="th">Think: </span>"I hope it'll work."
<div id="lg">You go to the fire escape stairway.</div>
<span id="th">Think:</span> I hope they won't see me on all those security cameras.
<span id="s"></span>I need to hurry up.
<div id="lg">You go down as quickly as you can and soon enough you are on the main floor and can see the exit.
There are some clients and some of the girls who work here, and some security men...
You try to blend in with the other people and slowly go to the exit...
It seems that security isn't really interested in you, so soon enough you are outside...</div>
<span id="th">Think: </span>I can't believe it. It was so easy to escape."
<span id="s"></span> hope I have some time until morning before they start looking for me again. I need to go to the police."
<div id="lg">As you are still wearing all those girlish clothes, people start to look at you as you pass them on the street and you think maybe it would be better to stay away from the busy streets so you don't draw any unwanted attention.
So you take a turn to an alley trying to find a way to the police station.
But as soon as you go there, five men come out from around the corner and notice you.</div>
<span id="b">Stranger 1:</span> "Hey! Look who's here..."
<span id="b">Stranger 2:</span> "Oh look at that little bitch all dressed up like that."
<span id="b">Stranger 3:</span> "I bet you want to have some fun. Don't you?"
<span id="th">Think: </span> Oh fuck... I shouldn't have gone here...
<div id="lg">In a second you are standing on a dark alley surrounded by five men..</div>
<span id="b">Stranger 2:</span> "Hey sissy, what are you doing here? Did you come to suck our dicks?"
<span id="Y">You: </span>"No, please, I'm running away from bad people, please help me."
<span id="b">Stranger 4:</span> "Haha... you are so funny. Do we look like we would help you?"
<span id="b">Stranger 5:</span> "I think it's time to have some fun..."
<div id="lg">After that, one of them comes closer to you and pushes you down to your knees.
They surround you and drop their pants revealing their huge dicks.</div>
<span id="Y">You: </span> "No, please! I'm a normal guy, I was forced to wear these clothes. I'm not a girl."
<span id="b">Stranger 5:</span> "We know that you are not a girl. You are a little sissy."
<span id="b">Stranger 3:</span> "And sissies like you have to service men. So why don't you shut up and start doing what you have to do."
<div id="lg">With those words he just points his big cock at your mouth.</div>
<span id="th">Think: </span> I can't believe that it's actually happening to me.
<span id="s"> </span> Surrounded by these men, pointing their dicks at my face."
<span id="s"> </span> I need to escape!
<div id="lg">But a second later the guy in front of you just forces his big cock into your mouth.</div>
<span id="b">Stranger 2:</span> "He is so funny! Just look at that, he's trying to speak with your cock in his mouth."
<span id="b">Stranger 3:</span> "What was that, sissy? Wanted to tell me something?"
<span id="s"> </span> "I think it's time to fuck your mouth really good."
<div id="lg">And then he just starts forcing his big cock into your mouth.
But it is so big that you can't even take a even a quarter of it.</div>
<img src="images/alley.gif" width="420" >
<span id="b">Stranger 3:</span> "How do you like it sissy? Do you like my big cock in your mouth?"
<span id="b">Stranger1:</span> "We'll have so much fun with you today."
<img src="images/gifcandy-gangbang-30.gif" width="420" >
<div id="lg">He starts to increase the speed more and more and you can't do anything except trying to open your mouth even more.
Presenting it for him to use as a fuck toy.
After a while they start passing you around and fucking your mouth as deep and hard as possible.
After what seemed like an hour of rough face fucking they've had enough...</div>
...and they start cumming all over your face one by one.
<span id="b">Stranger 2:</span> "That was fun..."
<span id="b">Stranger 4:</span> "Maybe next time we'll use both of your holes, sissy."
<div id="lg">They left...</div>
<span id="th">Think: </span>I can't believe that it's just happened.
<span id="s"> </span>"They just fucked my mouth, like I'm some kind of a slut..."
<span id="s"></span>Wait... What is that sound?"
<div id="lg">You hear a car stopping not far away from you...</div>
<span id="th">Think: </span>Fuck! It's those guys again, who kidnapped me the first time!
<span id="s"> </span>They somehow tracked me down.
<span id="s"> </span>I can't believe I ran away just to get raped in a dark alley..
<div id="lg">Next thing you know, you are going back to the brothel all covered in cum.
You take a shower as soon as you arrive. Trying to wash out all of that cum from your hair. And then just fall asleep as you are very exhausted from running away and then getting used by those big dicks. </div>
<table><tr><td style="font-size: 20px;"> [[Sleep|jump day 1 esp]]</td></tr></table>
<div id="lg">You go to one of the lower floors by an elevator, and you step into a long corridor with a lot of doors.
She opens one of them and leads you inside.
You see a small empty room with a hole in the wall. </div>
<span id="l">Alex:</span> "First, you'll need to take off all of your clothes."
<span id="Y">You: </span>"Why do I need to do that?"
<span id="l">Alex:</span> "You'll thank me later, just do it."
<span id="Y">You: </span>"I'm not going to undress in front of you."
<span id="l">Alex:</span> "Yes, you will. Do I have to remind you, that you don't have many options here.
<span id="s"></span> Either you'll take off your clothes now and go sit there on the floor,
<span id="s"></span>or I'll call the guys and they will do something much worse."
<span id="Y">You: </span>"I hate you!"
<div id="lg">You start slowly taking off your clothes trying to cover your private parts with your hands.</div>
<span id="l">Alex:</span> "Just stop that, like there is something to hide there."
<span id="s"></span> "Now, sit."
<span id="s"></span> "Good boy."
<span id="Y">You: </span>"Now what?"
<div id="lg">Right at that moment a big cock appears through the hole.</div>
<img src="images/glory.gif" width="320" >
<span id="Y">You: </span>"What is happening?"
<span id="l">Alex:</span> "Look at i. Do you like what you see?"
<span id="s"></span>"Look how big it is."
<span id="Y">You: </span>"It is actually pretty big. It's like ten times bigger than mine. How can it be that big?!"
<span id="l">Alex:</span> "Why don't you touch it?"
<span id="s"></span> "I bet you are curious how it feels."
<span id="th">Think:</span>"No, I'm not. I don't want to touch another man's cock."
<span id="l">Alex:</span>"Why not? There is nothing wrong about that."
<span id="s"></span> "You want to finish all of this, get yourself free and go home, right?"
<span id="s"></span> "The only way to do it is to earn enough money, so my boss can let you go."
<span id="s"></span> "And I'm showing you the easiest way, you don't have to do anything except touching it with your hand."
<span id="s"></span> "Just give him some pleasure and forget about all this, it doesn't make you gay."
<span id="s"></span> "Look at all this as a job."
<span id="s"></span> "Just take it in your hand and hold it."
<span id="th">Think:</span> I can't believe what I'm about to do...
<div id="lg">You slowly reach for the cock and grab it with your hand.</div>
<span id="th">Think:</span>"It is so strange to touch someone else's cock."
<span id="s"></span> It feels so warm and hard.
<span id="s"></span> And it is so big.
<span id="l">Alex:</span> "Very good."
<span id="s"></span> "Now tell me, how does it feel to hold a real cock in your hand?"
<span id="Y">You: </span>"It's gross! I want to stop it!"
<span id="l">Alex:</span> "You don't have to act like you don't like it in front of me."
<span id="Y">You: </span>"I'm not acting, I want to stop it."
<span id="l">Alex:</span> "Ok, then. If you want to stop it all, just finish what you've started, and you can be free for today."
<span id="Y">You: </span>"What do you mean? What should I finish?!"
<span id="l">Alex:</span> "You know what. Just make him cum and you can go."
<span id="s"></span> "Try moving your hand up and down, come on."
<span id="th">Think:</span>I'm doing it only to get it over with and get free.
<span id="s"></span>I'm not gay.
<div id="lg">You start moving your hand on the cock.</div>
<span id="th">Think:</span> The skin feels so nice and warm.
<span id="l">Alex:</span> "You see, nothing to be afraid of."
<span id="s"></span> "Why don't you try doing it faster?" enjoy every moment of it."
<span id="s"></span> "Now, try doing it even faster!"
<div id="lg">You feel the cock getting even harder in your hand and it starts twitching.
<img src="images/gay_glory_hole-3464.gif" width="420" >
In a second you start to realize that the guy has just cum all over your body and all over your face.</div>
<span id="th">Think:</span>... I'm all covered in cum...
<span id="s"></span>... Someone else's cum.
<span id="l">Alex:</span>"Wow, that was nice. Congratulations with your first cumshot!"
<span id="s"></span>"That was very exciting."
<div id="lg">You sit there frozen, covered in cum and don't know what to say or what to do.
You've just made another man cum...
You've pleased a cock. Like some kind of a slut.
And all the situation starts making you aroused for some reason...
In a second you feel your cock getting hard.</div>
<span id="th">Think:</span>Oh no! Why am I getting hard?! Please, don't get hard!
<span id="l">Alex:</span> "Look at that! We have a little cum slut here!"
<span id="s"></span>"I knew you'd like it."
<span id="s"></span>"Now I'm sure you'll enjoy your stay here."
<span id="Y">You:</span>"I'm not a cum slut! I don't know why I got hard! I'm not enjoying this!"
<span id="s"></span>Look, I've done what you've told me! Can I go back to my room now? I need to take a shower right now."
<span id="l">Alex:</span> "Yeah, and you did great! Like you've done it many times before. And look, what's that in the hole? You should take that."
<span id="Y">You:</span> "Seriously? I get only ten dollars? For this?"
<span id="l">Alex:</span> "It was just a handjob... Did you want him to give you a thousand dollars for that?"
<span id="s"></span> "If you want to get more, you should do more."
<span id="s"></span> "If you've used your mouth, you'd get twice as much!"
<span id="Y">You:</span> "Not going to happen! I'm not sucking cocks!"
<span id="l">Alex:</span> "Yeeeah, we'll see about that..."
<div id="lg">While you were talking, another cock appeared from the hole.</div>
<span id="Y">You:</span> "Seriously? Another one? I don't want to do it again!"
<span id="s"></span>""I want to go."
<span id="l">Alex:</span> "Oh, you are free to go... But if you decide to please one more cock, I might give you a small present."
<span id="s"></span> "How do you feel about that?"
<span id="Y">You: </span> "what are you talking about? What present?"
<span id="l">Alex:</span> "How about a small box of napkins, ha? I see you need them right now."
<span id="Y">You:</span> "Why do you have to be so cruel?"
<span id="l">Alex:</span>"I'm not cruel, I'm helping you! Just giving you some motivation. But it's up to you."
<span id="s"></span> "You can stay here, please this beautiful cock, get some napkins, clean yourself and go to your room..."
<span id="s"></span> "... or, you'll have to go to your room naked and covered in cum and all the people you meet, will see what a dirty cum slut you are."
<span id="s"></span> :"I'm sure you won't put your clothes on over all this cum, you have nothing else to wear, and all your clothes will be dirty."
<span id="s"></span> "Also, if you decide to stay, you'll earn more money!"
<span id="s"></span> "So what will it be?"
<span id="th">Think:</span> What should I do?
<<set $money to $money + 10>>
<table><tr><td style="font-size: 22px;"> [["Please one more cock"]]</td></tr></table>
<table><tr><td style="font-size: 22px;"> [["Put on clothes anyway and go to the room"]]</td></tr></table>
<table><tr><td style="font-size: 22px;"> [[Go to your room naked and covered in cum]]</td></tr></table>
<div id="lg">You enter a room with quite a lot of naked butts poking out of the walls and judging by the amount of cum leaking from their holes it is obvious that all of them have been fucked a lot.</div>
<img src="images/sexwall.gif" width="560" >
<span id="l">Alex:</span> "You see, here is a place for those who did not want to work and tried to escape.
<span id="s"></span> And now all of them are here, getting fucked even more."
<span id="s"></span> Also, here are some natural sluts who just like to be used this way.
<span id="s"></span> So, if you don't want to work, the guys who brought you here,
<span id="s"></span> will take you and get you fixed on the other side of the wall with your sweet little ass on this side of the wall.
<span id="s"></span> And as you can see boy-holes are quite popular here.
<span id="s"></span> That is why, I would advise you to do it a good way and stop all this "You won't make me" crap.
<span id="s"></span> Because you can be sure that I will make you do anything I want."
https://www.flyflv.com/movies/55500/pay_your_price_and_pick_your_pussy (ends)
<span id="Y">You: </span>"It can't be true, I don't want to end up like this. I don't deserve all this."
<span id="l">Alex:</span> "So, will you cooperate with me now?"
<span id="Y">You: </span>"Yes..."
<span id="l">Alex:</span> "Good boy, if you'll be as obedient as you are now, <span id="s"></span> maybe I'll show you how to make money here without getting fucked in your ass."
<span id="s"></span> "Now let's get back to our tour."
<table><tr><td style="font-size: 20px;">[[Go to the next room|Clothes shop introduction]] </td></tr></table>
<div id="lg">As soon as you close the door ang get outside, you see a cute girl looking at you.</div>
<span id="a">Ashley: </span>"Hey! You must be new here, I
<span id="s"> </span> think you are the one who moved in right near me, so we are neighbors now."
<span id="s"> </span>"I'm Ashley. What is your name, cutie?"
<img src="images/ashley.jpeg" width="520" >
<span id="Y">You: </span> "Hi, Ashley, I'm Nikolay. Yeah, I've just got here."
<span id="a">Ashley: </span> "That is so cool, we can be friends!
<span id="s"> </span>You must be so happy to be here, you are really lucky."
<span id="Y">You: </span> "You are joking, right? How can I be lucky if I've ended up here?"
<span id="a">Ashley: </span> "Because it's the best place where you can work, it's not that easy to get a room here to live.
<span id="s"> </span> That's because a lot of people would love to work here."
<span id="Y">You: </span>"Maybe, but I'm a guy, I don't belong here, I like women."
<span id="a">Ashley: </span> "Women clients can visit you from time to time too, if that's what you want. Just give it some time, you'll like it here.
<span id="s"> </span> I'm so happy to be here and I believe you'll feel the same way."
<span id="Y">You: </span>"That's because you are a girl, not a guy, otherwise you'd hate being here."
<span id="a">Ashley: </span> "You don't have to be a woman to enjoy living here.
<span id="s"> </span> Let me show you something."
<div id="lg">With those words she just grabs her dress and pulls it up a little, so you can see what is underneath.</div>
<img src="images/ashley cage.jpeg" width="520" >
<span id="Y">You: </span>"...I can't believe my eyes, I would never say that you are a guy."
<span id="a">Ashley: </span> "Haha! Only beacause I don't have a pussy between my legs, doesn't mean that I'm a guy."
<span id="s"> </span> "I'd better say, I'm a girl with a little surprise under my dress."
<span id="Y">You: </span>"Oh... Ok. And what is that blue thing on your... mmmm... penis?
<span id="a">Ashley: </span>: "It's my little chastity cage, you should get one too, it keeps you horny all the time as you can't do anything with your little clitty and
<span id="s"> </span> you start being more creative when it comes to finding a way to get pleasure."
<span id="s"> </span> "I love to put it on from time to time."
<span id="s"> </span> "Sorry, I have to go now, but it was really nice talking to you.
<span id="s"> </span> If you'd like to chat again, just come knock my door, my room number is 1720."
<table><tr><td style="font-size: 22px;"> [[Go to your room|In the room after gh]]</td></tr></table>
The rest of the path to your room was uneventful and you didn't meet anyone else.
<img src="images/before sleep.jpg" width="520" >
<span id="th">Think:</span> "This was too much for one day, or just too much at all...
<span id="s"></span>Why am I still so hard?
<span id="s"></span>I should better do something about it.
<span id="s"></span>And it might also help me release some stress.
<span id="th">Think:</span> Should I masturbate?
<table><tr><td style="font-size: 22px;"> [["Yes"]] </td></tr></table>
<table><tr><td style="font-size: 22px;"> [[TAKE SHOWER]] </td></tr></table> arousel +20 <span id="th">Think:</span> It would be too risky trying to escape from here, maybe it would be better to stay and see how it goes..."
<span id="s"></span>They still have Amanda and Jenifer, I can't just leave them here.
<div id="lg">You fall on the bed and start crying.</div>
<span id="th">Think:</span>"I don't deserve it..."
<img src="images/sleep.jpg" width="420" >
<span id="th">Think:</span> I don't want to be here. I wish it was just a nightmare.
<div id="lg">Time passes and eventually you are asleep.</div>
<table><tr><td style="font-size: 20px;">[[Sleep|jump day1]]</td></tr></table>
<span id="Y">You: </span>"Please one more cock
<span id="s"></span>Ok, but only one and after that you give me those napkins!"
<span id="l">Alex:</span> "Good choice!"
<span id="s"></span> "Now show me, how you'll please this one."
<img src="images/gloryD.jpg" width="420" >
You grab the next cock and for some reason it feels very good again.
<div id="lg">This one is also so warm and pleasant to touch...</div>
<span id="th">Think: </span>Why does it feels so nice?
<span id="s"></span>It shouldn't be like that. It is so wrong.
<span id="s"></span>And why my cock is still so hard?
<div id="lg">Without thinking about it, you start to move your hand up and down.
You start increasing your speed, trying to make him cum.
You feel the cock becoming even harder and it starts twitching.
Now you know what that means and you want to move away, so you don't get covered in cum again...
But before you can react...</div>
<img src="images/gloryH.gif" width="420" >
<span id="th">Think:</span> "Fuck, again!"
<span id="l">Alex:</span> "What a show!"
You see another bill appearing from the hole.
<<set $Money to $money + 10>>
<span id="l">Alex:</span> "Also, don't forget these, I think you've earned them."
<div id="lg">And she gives you a box of napkins.</div>
<span id="Y">You: </span>"Thank you."
<div id="lg">You clean yourself from all the cum.
It was so much of it, that you've had to use almost half a pack of napkins.</div>
<span id="l">Alex:</span> "Your little cock is still so hard,
<span id="s"></span>next time you should try playing with yourself while you jerk off the cocks here.
<span id="s"></span> Now you are free to do whatever you like.
<span id="s"></span> You can go look around if you wish, maybe find some other work for yourself
<span id="s"></span> or you can just start receiving clients right in your room, they will pay more than if you'll work here.
<span id="s"></span> I'll see you when I'll come to collect money from you. I do that every Sunday morning.
<span id="s"></span> If you'll have any questions, you can call me from your room."
<<set $money to $money + 10>>
<table><tr><td style="font-size: 22px;"> [["You put on your clothes and go back to your room."]]</td></tr></table>
<span id="Y">You: </span>"I don't care! I'll put on my clothes and will wash them later."
<span id="l">Alex:</span> "I like that. Walking around in clothes soaked in cum, that's hot."
<span id="s"></span> "Anyways, if you'll decide to come back to earn some more money, you know what to do.
<span id="s"></span>Or you can just start receiving clients in your room, they'll pay more than if you'll work here."
<span id="s"></span>"Also, you can go look around if you wish, maybe find some other work for yourself."
<span id="s"></span>"I'll see you when I'll come to collect money from you. I do that every Sunday morning.
<span id="s"></span>If you'll have any questions, you can call me from your room."
<div id="lg">You are quite nervous now as you may meet some people on your way back and it would be really embarrassing if they'll see you with cum all over you.</div>
<span id="th">Think:</span> Maybe it isn't the best idea to put on the clothes while I'm covered in cum.
<span id="s"></span>All my clothes will be dirty and will smell like cum and I'll have nothing else to wear.
<span id="s"></span>But I don't have a choice, I definitely don't want to go there naked.
<div id="lg">So, you just put on your clothes and go to your room.
As soon as you close the door ang get outside, you see a cute girl looking at you.</div>
<span id="th">Think:</span> Oh, fuck... Why do I have to be covered in cum when I meet her for the first time?
<div id="lg">She will definitely see that I have cum all over my face and clothes.
For some reason she acts like you look perfectly normal and like she doesn't notice all the cum.</div>
<span id="th">Think:</span> I guess it is normal to walk around here covered in cum.
<span id="a">Ashley: </span> Hey! You must be new here, I think you are the one who moved in right near me, so we are neighbors now.
<span id="s"></span>I'm Ashley. What is your name, cutie
<img src="images/ashley.jpeg" width="520" >
<span id="Y">You: </span>"Hi, Ashley. Yeah, I've just got here."
<span id="a">Ashley: </span> "Oh, what is that all over your face and your clothes? Did you just have some fun?"
<div id="lg">Without waiting for you to reply, she just comes right near you and looks closely at your cum covered face.
<img src="images/cum on face.jpg" width="520" >
Then she moves her face even closer to you and puts her hand on your face...
You are very surprised by her actions but you stand still just wondering what is happening now. Without waiting for you to reply, she just comes right near you and looks closely at your cum covered face. Then she moves her face even closer to you and puts her hand on your face...
You are very surprised by her actions but you stand still just wondering what is happening now.</div>
<span id="a">Ashley: </span> "Sorry about that! I just can't help myself, I love cum so much..."
<span id="Y">You: </span>"That was quite strange.
<span id="s"></span> But thank you, I guess.
<span id="s"></span> I'm not very happy about it being all over my face."
<span id="a">Ashley: </span> "You just have to get used to it, you'll like it.
<span id="s"></span>I love having cum all over myself. Yummy!
<span id="s"></span> I'm so happy that you live here too now, we can be friends!
<span id="s"></span> You must be so happy to be here, you are really lucky."
<span id="Y">You: </span>"You are joking, right? How can I be lucky if I've ended up here?"
<span id="a">Ashley: </span> "Because it's the best place where you can work, it's not that easy to get a room here to live.
<span id="s"></span>That's because a lot of people would love to work here."
<span id="Y">You: </span>"Maybe, but I'm a guy, I don't belong here, I like women."
<span id="a">Ashley: </span> "Women clients can visit you from time to time too,
<span id="s"></span>if that's what you want. Just give it some time, you'll like it here."
<span id="s"></span> I'm so happy to be here and I believe you'll feel the same way."
<span id="Y">You: </span> "That's because you are a girl, not a guy, otherwise you'd hate being here."
<span id="a">Ashley: </span> "You don't have to be a woman to enjoy living here.
<span id="s"></span> Let me show you something."
<img src="images/ashley cage.jpeg" width="520" >
<div id="lg">With those words she just grabs her dress and pulls it up a little, so you can see what is underneath.</div>
<span id="Y">You: </span> "... I can't believe my eyes, I would never say that you are a guy."
<span id="a">Ashley: </span> "Haha! Only beacause I don't have a pussy between my legs,
<span id="s"></span>doesn't mean that I'm a guy.
<span id="s"></span> I'd better say, I'm a girl with a little surprise under my dress.
<span id="Y">You: </span> Oh... Ok.
<span id="s"></span> And what is that blue thing on your... mmmm... penis?"
<span id="a">Ashley: </span> "It's my little chastity cage, you should get one too, it keeps you horny all the time
<span id="s"></span>as you can't do anything with your little clitty
<span id="s"></span>and you start being more creative when it comes to finding a way to get pleasure.
<span id="s"></span> I love to put it on from time to time.
<span id="s"></span>Sorry, I have to go now, but it was really nice talking to you.
<span id="s"></span>If you'd like to chat again, just come knock my door, my room number is 1720."
<table><tr><td style="font-size: 22px;"> [[Go to your room|In the room after gh]]</td></tr></table>
<div id="lg">You lay in bed completely naked and start playing with your small dick."
<img src="images/naked2.jpg" width="520" >
You are so aroused that you feel like you won't need much time before you cum.
You decide to start slowly as you don't want to cum too fast and want to prolong the pleasure.
Slowly you start to increase the speed, feeling more and more pleasure.
You mind wonders and you start thinking about... </div>
[[ALEX]] BDSM +1
[[Ashley]] Affection +1
[["Your glory hole experience today"]] Slut+1
[[Your new girly clothes]] Feminization +1
[[You start thinking about Amanda for some reason.]] Affection +1
[[JENIFER]] Affection +1
<div id="lg">You take a shower and spend the rest of the day inside your room trying to relax and not to think about what happened to you today."
<img src="images/shoerbath.jpg" width="520" >
"When the night comes you go to sleep hoping that tomorrow you will wake up at home and see that all of this was just a nightmare.</div>
<table><tr><td style="font-size: 22px;"> [[Go to sleep|label day2]] </td></tr></table>
<span id="Y">You: </span> "I'm not going to jerk off another cock!"
<span id="s"> </span>I'm going to my room!"
<span id="l">Alex:</span> "No problem, if you want to walk around naked and covered in cum, it's up to you."
<span id="s"></span> "Anyways, if you'll decide to come back to earn some more money, you know what to do. Or you can just start receiving clients in your room, they'll pay more than if you'll work here."
<span id="s"></span>"Also, you can go look around if you wish, maybe find some other work for yourself."
<span id="s"></span> "I'll see you when I'll come to collect money from you. I do that every
<img src="images/naked.jpg" width="520" >
<div id="lg">You take your clothes and go to your room.
You are quite nervous as you may meet some people on your way and it would be really embarrassing if they'll see you like this.
As soon as you close the door ang get outside, you see a cute girl looking at you.</div>
<span id="th">Think:</span> Oh, fuck... Why do I have to be naked and covered in cum when I meet her for the first time?
<div id="lg">You try to cover yourself as much as you can, but even if she can't see you cock, she still can clearly see that you have cum all over your face and body.
For some reason she acts like you are not naked and if you looked perfectly normal.</div>
<span id="th">Think:</span> I guess it is normal to walk around here naked... and covered in cum."
<span id="a">Ashley: </span> "Hey! You must be new here, I
<span id="s"></span> think you are the one who moved in right near me, so we are neighbors now.
<span id="s"></span> "I'm Ashley. "
<img src="images/ashley.jpeg" width="520" >
<span id="Y">You: </span>"Hi, Ashley. Yeah, I've just got here."
<span id="a">Ashley: </span> "Oh, what is that all over your face and your body? Did you just have some fun?"
<img src="images/cum on face.jpg" width="520" >
<div id="lg">Without waiting for you to reply, she just comes right near you and looks closely at your cum covered face.
Then she moves her face even closer to you and puts her hand on your face...
You are very surprised by her actions but you stand still just wondering what is happening now. </div>
<span id="a">Ashley: </span> "Sorry about that! I just can't help myself, I love cum so much..."
<span id="Y">You: </span> That was quite strange."
<span id="s"></span> But thank you, I guess."
<span id="s"></span> I'm not very happy about it being all over my face."
<span id="a">Ashley: </span>"You just have to get used to it, you'll like it.
<span id="s"></span> I love having cum all over myself. Yummy!
<span id="s"></span> I'm so happy that you live here too now, we can be friends!
<span id="s"></span> You must be so happy to be here, you are really lucky."
<span id="Y">You: </span>"You are joking, right? How can I be lucky if I've ended up here?"
<span id="a">Ashley: </span> "Because it's the best place where you can work, it's not that easy to get a room here to live. That's because a lot of people would love to work here."
<span id="Y">You: </span>"Maybe, but I'm a guy, I don't belong here, I like women."
<span id="a">Ashley: </span> "Women clients can visit you from time to time too, if that's what you want. Just give it some time, you'll like it here."
<span id="s"></span> "I'm so happy to be here and I believe you'll feel the same way."
<span id="Y">You: </span>"That's because you are a girl, not a guy, otherwise you'd hate being here."
<span id="a">Ashley: </span>: "You don't have to be a woman to enjoy living here."
<span id="s"></span> "Let me show you something."
<img src="images/ashley cage.jpeg" width="520" >
<div id="lg">With those words she just grabs her dress and pulls it up a little, so you can see what is underneath. </div>
<span id="Y">You: </span>"...I can't believe my eyes, I would never say that you are a guy."
<span id="a">Ashley: </span> "Haha! Only beacause I don't have a pussy between my legs, doesn't mean that I'm a guy."
<span id="s"></span> "I'd better say, I'm a girl with a little surprise under my dress."
<span id="Y">You: </span>"Oh... Ok. And what is that blue thing on your... mmmm... penis?"
<span id="a">Ashley: </span> "It's my little chastity cage, you should get one too,
<span id="s"></span> it keeps you horny all the time as you can't do anything with your little clitty
<span id="s"></span> and you start being more creative when it comes to finding a way to get pleasure.
<span id="s"></span> I love to put it on from time to time.
<span id="s"></span>Sorry, I have to go now, but it was really nice talking to you.
<span id="s"> </span> Sorry, I have to go now, but it was really nice talking to you.
<span id="s"></span> If you'd like to chat again, just come knock my door, my room number is 1720."
<table><tr><td style="font-size: 22px;"> [[Go to your room|In the room after gh]]</td></tr></table>
<div id="lg">New day comes and you wake up refreshed.
Even though you are still in this awful place, you've had a really good night sleep.</div>
<span id="th">Think:</span> Now it's time to think what to do as it is already Saturday,
<span id="s"></span> so i should expect Alex to come tomorrow to collect the weekly payment."
<span id="s"></span>She said that for now it will be 210 dollars a week
<span id="s"></span> and i hope she will only take money for two days that you've been here.
<span id="s"></span> So, i need to have 60 dollars by the end of the day and now i have only $money dollars"
<table><tr><td style="font-size: 22px;"> [[Leave the room|leave the room2]] </td></tr></table>
<div id="lg">You start thinking about what have happened to you today.</div>
<span id="th">Think:</span>How you had to touch those cocks, jerk them off...
<span id="th">Think:</span> Pleasing them for money...
<span id="s"></span>Pleasing it for money...
<span id="s"></span>}Have I became a slut?
<span id="s"></span>A really cheap slut... I've only made $money for that
<div id="lg">ll these thoughts make you even more aroused."
All these thoughts make you even more aroused.</div>
<img src="images/gay_glory_hole-3464.gif" width="420" >
<span id="th">Think:</span>What else will I do for money?
<span id="s"></span>What will be next?
<span id="s"></span>What if I'll have to suck a cock? Some random guy's big dirty cock?
<span id="s"></span>I can't think about it anymore I want to cum!
[[CUMS]] <div id="lg">You start thinking about Jenifer for some reason. </div>
<span id="th">Think:</span> I'm sure I'm thinking about her because I'm worried.
<span id="s"></span>She got here too. But why am I thinking about her now?
<span id="s"></span>Is it because this thought also makes me aroused?
<span id="s"></span>Imagining her forced to fuck for money...
<div id="lg">...just thinking about it makes you even more aroused.</div>
<img src="images/5.jpg">
<span id="th">Think:</span> But it is so wrong, she's like a sister to me,
<span id="s"></span> we very together since we were little kids...
<span id="s"></span> And she's so innocent, I don't even know if she's still a virgin...
<span id="s"></span> What if she will have sex here for the first time?
<span id="s"></span> And will loose her virginity with some random guy for money...
<span id="s"></span> I can't think about it anymore I want to cum!
[[CUMS]]<div id="lg">All these thoughts make you even more aroused.</div>
<span id="th">Think:</span> And I could just wash myself as soon as I got to my room.
<span id="th">Think:</span> But for some reason I enjoy this. I want more! I want to be covered in cum... someone else's cum.
<span id="s"></span>I want it all over me... feeling it on my skin, knowing that I aroused them so much that they came right on my body and face.
<span id="s"></span>This is so wrong! I can't think about it anymore I want to cum!
<span id="s"></span>You feel so much pleasure that you can't hold it any longer."
<img src="images/cums.jpg" width="520" >
<div id="lg"> You start cumming, feeling the most intense and amazing orgasm in your life.</div>
<span id="th">Think:</span> It. Was. Amazing.
<span id="s"></span>I've never felt so much pleasure in my life.
<span id="s"></span>I've masturbated so many times before, even while watching some really hot porn
<span id="s"></span> but it has never been as good as it was this time.
<span id="s"></span> And I wasn't even watching anything now.
<span id="s"></span>I hope it wasn't so good because of what I was thinking about...
<span id="s"></span>Those were some really strange thoughts...
<span id="s"></span>At least I'm not thinking about all that perverted stuff anymore.
<span id="s"></span>I just need to take a shower and have some rest."
<div id="lg"> After the shower you spend the rest of the day in your room as you have no desire to go outside.
When the night comes you fall asleep trying not to think what tomorrow will bring you.</div>
<table><tr><td style="font-size: 22px;"> [[Asleep|label day2]] </td></tr></table>
<div id="lg">You start thinking about Alex.</div>
<span id="th">Think:</span> I can't stop thinking about her.
<span id="s"></span>But why? She makes me do all this disgusting stuff.
<span id="s"></span>Why does she have so much power over me?
<span id="s"></span>She even made me touch another man's cock!
<div id="lg">Thinking about that makes you aroused even more and you start increasing the speed.</div>
<img src="images/alex.gif" width="520" >
<span id="th">Think:</span> I want Alex so bad...
<span id="s"></span>But for some reason I want to obey her.
<span id="s"></span>What if next time she will make me do something more lewd like sucking cock instead of jerking it off?
<span id="s"></span>I can't do it any longer I want to cum!
<a data-passage="Your room" class="link-internal link-image">
<img src="https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRz9aIE2GG8khVUdIKW6SfI0RyMVq2EpIyOHg&s" style="max-height: 300px">
</a><a data-passage="clothes shop" class="link-internal link-image">
<img src="https://thumbs.dreamstime.com/b/sexy-women-lingerie-underwear-store-fashion-36897703.jpg" style="max-height: 300px">
</a><a data-passage="Beauty salon" class="link-internal link-image">
<img src="https://www.1stformationsblog.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2024/03/Shutterstock_1573404154.jpg" style="max-height: 300px">
</a><a data-passage="Glory Hole" class="link-internal link-image">
<img src="https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTAGAzkqGVyNMaUXq_yANMQBxqabsc6S1GPvQ&s" style="max-height: 300px">
</a><a data-passage="Fuck Wall" class="link-internal link-image">
<img src="https://imggen.eporner.com/9314802/854/480/7.jpg" style="max-height: 300px">
</a><a data-passage="Boss office" class="link-internal link-image">
<img src="https://www.shutterstock.com/image-photo/happy-senior-50-years-old-600nw-2482326697.jpg" style="max-height: 300px">
</a><a data-passage="Outside" class="link-internal link-image">
<img src="https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/798740592144578426/4600DC4EBC49F8E60A5851260AC87058A00DD592/?imw=5000&imh=5000&ima=fit&impolicy=Letterbox&imcolor=%23000000&letterbox=false" style="max-height: 300px">
<span id="l">Alex:</span> "Oh, you are so cute. I really like how you look."
<span id="l">Alex:</span> "Wow, I would've never thought that you'll choose the red one!"
<img src="images/redoutfit.gif" width="420" >
<span id="l">Alex:</span> "You look so sexy!"
<span id="l">Alex:</span> "I bet you like your new outfit too."
<span id="l">Alex:</span> "You can come back here any time you want if you decide to buy something new for yourself."
<span id="red">Notice:</span> you will unlock clothes as you progress through the game.
<span id="l">Alex:</span> "We also have a beauty salon, which you could visit if you'd like to change your hairstyle or to put on some makeup."
"Why would I want to use makeup?"
<span id="l">Alex:</span> "Oh, I'm sure you'll want that. I bet today in the morning you didn't think that you'll be wearing panties, but look at you now. I think I'll start calling you a girl, it would suit you more."
"Stop that, I'm not a girl! I'm wearing all of these clothes because you gave me no choice!"
<span id="l">Alex:</span> "You're so cute when you are angry."
<span id="l">Alex:</span> "Ok, let's go, I'll show you your room."
<<set $arousal to 10>>
<table><tr><td style="font-size: 20px;">[[First time in your room]]</td></tr></table>
<span id="l">Alex:</span> "Oh, you are so cute. I really like how you look."
<span id="l">Alex:</span> "Wow, I would've never thought that you'll choose the pink transparent one!"
<img src="images/pinkoutfit.gif" width="420" >
<span id="l">Alex:</span> "You look so sexy!"
<span id="l">Alex:</span> "I bet you like your new outfit too."
<span id="l">Alex:</span> "You can come back here any time you want if you decide to buy something new for yourself."
<span id="red">Notice:</span> you will unlock clothes as you progress through the game.
<span id="l">Alex:</span> "We also have a beauty salon, which you could visit if you'd like to change your hairstyle or to put on some makeup."
"Why would I want to use makeup?"
<span id="l">Alex:</span> "Oh, I'm sure you'll want that. I bet today in the morning you didn't think that you'll be wearing panties, but look at you now. I think I'll start calling you a girl, it would suit you more."
"Stop that, I'm not a girl! I'm wearing all of these clothes because you gave me no choice!"
<span id="l">Alex:</span> "You're so cute when you are angry."
<span id="l">Alex:</span> "Ok, let's go, I'll show you your room."
<<set $feminity to 1>>
<table><tr><td style="font-size: 20px;">[[First time in your room]]</td></tr></table>
<span id="l">Alex:</span> "Oh, you are so cute. I really like how you look."
<img src="images/blackoutfit.gif" width="420" >
<span id="l">Alex:</span> "Wow, I would've never thought that you'll choose the black transparent one!"
<span id="l">Alex:</span> "You look so sexy!"
<span id="l">Alex:</span> "I bet you like your new outfit too."
<span id="l">Alex:</span> "You can come back here any time you want if you decide to buy something new for yourself."
<span id="red">Notice:</span> you will unlock clothes as you progress through the game.
<span id="l">Alex:</span> "We also have a beauty salon, which you could visit if you'd like to change your hairstyle or to put on some makeup."
"Why would I want to use makeup?"
<span id="l">Alex:</span> "Oh, I'm sure you'll want that. I bet today in the morning you didn't think that you'll be wearing panties, but look at you now. I think I'll start calling you a girl, it would suit you more."
"Stop that, I'm not a girl! I'm wearing all of these clothes because you gave me no choice!"
<span id="l">Alex:</span> "You're so cute when you are angry."
<span id="l">Alex:</span> "Ok, let's go, I'll show you your room."
<<set $bdsm to 1>>
<table><tr><td style="font-size: 20px;">[[First time in your room]]</td></tr></table>
<div id="lg">You start thinking about Ashley.</div>
<span id="th">Think:</span>She is so hot...
<span id="s"></span>I can't stop thinking how she licked cum from my face.
<span id="s"></span>It was so hot and I really enjoyed it for some reason.
<span id="s"></span>I want more...
<span id="s"></span>What if we'd jerk off cocks together at that room and then they would cum all over my face and
<span id="s"></span>Ashley would lick all that cum from my face...
<span id="s"></span>She is so sexy! I want her so bad.
<img src="images/ashley cage.jpeg" width="520" >
<div id="lg">But then, you remember what she showed you...</div>
<span id="s"></span>Wait, she's got a dick!
<span id="s"></span>Does it make me gay that I want her?
<span id="s"></span>But she's not a guy...
<span id="s"></span>And I wouldn't really call that a dick... Like she's said, it's more like a clitty...
<div id="lg">Thinking about Ashley makes you even more aroused.</div>
<span id="th">Think:</span>I'm not even sure that I have ever been attracted to any other girl like I'm attracted to her.
<span id="s"></span>What if Alex wants me to become like Ashley? Wearing dresses and enjoying eating cum?!
<span id="s"></span>And why thinking about it makes me even hornier?!
<span id="s"></span>I can't think about it anymore I want to cum!
You wake up in your new room...
<span id="th">Think:</span> It wasn't a dream... I'm still here...
<span id="s"></span> I can't believe that I've sucked other men's dicks.
<span id="s"></span>Does it make me gay now?
<span id="s"></span>But I didn't want to do it, they just forced me to do it
<span id="s"></span>and used me like some dirty cheap slut..."
<span id="l">Alex:</span> "I've heard you've had a fun night, ha?"
<span id="s"></span> "Usually I'd get mad if someone would try to escape, but considering what happend to you..."
<span id="s"></span> "I'll let it slide, you've had your punishment."
<span id="s"></span> "So, tell me, did you sleep well?"
<span id="Y">You: </span> "I'm basically a prisoner here, how would you sleep if you were me?!"
<span id="l">Alex:</span> "Don't worry, honey. You'll like it here."
<span id="s"></span> "So, are you ready for your first client?"
<span id="Y">You: </span>"I'm basically a prisoner here, how would you sleep if "No, I'm not, I can't have sex with men, I'm not gay!"
<span id="l">Alex:</span> "Oh, I see... would you rather prefer to end up with your naked ass through the wall, maybe?"
<img src="images/alexcall.jpg" width="420" >
<span id="Y">You: </span> "No, please, I don't want that.
<span id="s"></span> Yesterday you've told me that there is a lot of work around here, maybe there is something I could do?
<span id="s"></span>Like repairing or cleaning stuff or anything else?"
<span id="l">Alex:</span> "We already have people for that...
<span id="s"></span> ... but I have an idea what you could do, it would be a much easier start for you..."
<span id="s"></span> "Come on, follow me."
<table><tr><td style="font-size: 20px;"> [[Follow Alex|First time in gh booth]]</td></tr></table>
<div id="lg"> You start thinking about your new clothes, how you aren't allowed to wear your normal clother and forced to wear all these clothes for girls."</div>
<span id="th">Think:</span>Why is this thought making me so hard?
<span id="s"></span>I shouldn't enjoy this! I'm not a girl...
<span id="s"></span>But it feels so nice to wear them, the fabric is so pleasant
<span id="s"></span>and these panties are so comfortable for some reason.
<span id="s"></span>Wearing all this feel right.
<div id="lg">All these thoughts make you even more aroused.</div>
<img src="images/pinkoutfit.gif" width="420" >
<span id="th">Think:</span>I feel so sexy and beautiful while I wear those clothes.
<span id="s"></span>For some reason, I want more...
<span id="s"></span>Want to dress up and look sexy...
<span id="s"></span>...sexy like a girl.
<span id="s"></span>I can't do it any longer I want to cum!
[[CUMS]] <div id="lg"> "You start thinking about Amanda for some reason.</div>
<span id="th">Think:</span>Maybe I think about her because I'm worried.
<span id="s"></span>She got here too. But why am I thinking about her now?
<span id="s"></span>Is it because this thought also makes me aroused?
<span id="s"></span>Imagining her forced to fuck for money...
<div id="lg"> "...thinking about that makes you even more aroused.</div>
<img src="images/tiedup2.gif" width="420" >
<span id="th">Think:</span>But it is so wrong, she so close to me... She's always been there for me...
<span id="s"></span>She's like mother to me, I can't think about her this way...
<span id="s"></span>But it would be so hot to see what she's doing now,
<span id="s"></span>maybe she's sucking and getting fucked by big cocks right now.
<span id="s"></span>With cum leaking from all her holes.
<span id="s"></span>I can't think about it anymore I want to cum!