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<h1><center><img src="images\resources\Logo Disruption.png" width="850px" height="250px">
Version <span style="color:#E94F2E;">0.36</span>
<span style="color:#E94F2E;">•If you are an owner of an image or images in this game and you want them removed, please contact me via f95zone or anywhere and I'll remove them. (gaaby)
• This game contains pornographic content
• All characters in the game are at least 18 years of age
• This version is completely free, however if you want newer updates you can head to <a href="" target="_blank">gaaby</a>
• This game is <u>NOT COMPLETE</u>. It is in early development and you are playing v0.36</span>
<b>Are you atleast 18 years old? </b>
[[• Yes, I am at least 18 years of age.• ->Boomboom]]
[[• No •->No]]
<center><b><red>•Special thanks to my Ultimate Disruption patreon members;Alex;Alex Fielding;alex9996;Aylize;bake;bion247;Bob123456789;Brooklyn Edmudson;Casper;Cassandra Taylor;crunchyking95;Dr.Coos;Dragonraelms;Drew;gregorious;Handofdeath31;I.F.S Riemens;Imar Pleite;inSync;Iwa;J B;jack88johnosn;Jacob Neale;Joe Bihari;Justin Matheson;Kasper;Kermit_nor;Leon Schmitt;Marco Pietzuch;mark;Markus Mela;MASH 36;Mitchel van Zon;nat;Negromancer;NotThurny;patoch barb;Per Stening;Rarach;Red Teddy Entertainment;Rudy;Rupert Giefing;sicre;Skatanic;Sora625;Steve;Steven Knisel;Tabond;TAIGA;TDF13;thre ghh;Trace-114;WMAF Enjoyer;영주 김.</red></b></center>
<b><i></i></b><<set $submissive to 0>>
<<set $dominant to 0>>
<<set $feminization to 0>>
<<set $masculinity to 0>>
<<set $homosexuality to 0>>
<<set $day to 1>>
<<set $day2 to 0>>
<<set $day3 to 0>>
<<set $day4 to 0>>
<<set $money to 800>>
<<set $money2 to 0>>
<<set $time2 to 0>>
<<set $time to 0>>
<<set $dayy to 1>>
<<set $showname to false>>
<<set $orientation to 0>>
<<set $equip to 1>>
<<set $showbar to false>>
<<set $phonetutorial to false>>
<<set $sisdom to 0>>
<<set $showbuttons to false>>
<<set $tutorialpop to true>>
<<set $sissub to 0>>
<<set $dreams to true>>
<<set $tutorial to true>>
<<set $tutorialskip2 to true>>
<<set $tutorialskip3 to true>>
<<set $tutorialall to true>>
<<set $phonetutorialevent to true>>
<<set $dress1 to false>>
<<set $outfit2 to false>>
<<set $outfit3 to false>>
<<set $outfit4 to true>>
<<set $outfit5 to true>>
<<set $outfit6 to false>>
<<set $outfit7 to false>>
<<set $outfit8 to false>>
<<set $outfit9 to false>>
<<set $outfit10 to false>>
<<set $underwear1 to true>>
<<set $underwear2 to true>>
<<set $underwear6 to false>>
<<set $panties1 to false>>
<<set $panties2 to false>>
<<set $panties3 to false>>
<<set $panties4 to false>>
<<set $mompanties to false>>
<<set $bra1 to false>>
<<set $bra2 to false>>
<<set $bra3 to false>>
<<set $bra4 to false>>
<<set $bottom1 to true>>
<<set $bottom2 to false>>
<<set $bottom3 to false>>
<<set $bottom4 to true>>
<<set $bottom5 to true>>
<<set $shoes1 to true>>
<<set $shoes2 to false>>
<<set $shoes3 to false>>
<<set $shoes4 to true>>
<<set $shoes5 to true>>
<<set $equip to 1>>
<<set $underwear to 1>>
<<set $shoes to 1>>
<<set $bottom to 1>>
<<set $bra to 0>>
<<set $chastity to false>>
<<set $toys to 0>>
<<set $toys1 to 0>>
<<set $outfit2value to 80>>
<<set $waxed to false>>
<<set $mname to "Robert">>
<<set $roughporn to false>>
<<set $roughpornfind to true>>
<<set $pussylickingporn to false>>
<<set $pussylickingfind to true>>
<<set $bbcpornfind to true>>
<<set $bbcporn to false>>
<<set $test to true>>
<<set $hired to false>>
<<set $siseventdom1 to true>>
<<set $siseventsub1 to true>>
<<set $momeventsub1 to true>>
<<set $phoneeventsub1 to true>>
<<set $teachereventsub1 to true>>
<<set $phoneeventsub2 to true>>
<<set $siseventsub2 to true>>
<<set $mompantiesfound to false>>
<<set $sisterbrafound to false>>
<<set $lipstickfound to false>>
<<set $watchtvporn to true>>
<<set $phoneeventsub1repeat to false>>
<<set $phoneeventsub2repeat to false>>
<<set $phoneeventsub3repeat to false>>
<<set $phoneeventsub4repeat to false>>
<<set $phoneeventsub5repeat to false>>
<<set $phoneitem to true>>
<<set $hassisterpanties to false>>
<<set $weekend to false>>
<<set $dadintro to true>>
<<set $gfbeachmsg to false>>
<<set $phoneeventsub3 to true>>
<<set $phoneeventsub4 to true>>
<<set $phoneeventsub5 to true>>
<<set $siseventsub3 to true>>
<<set $dadshower to true>>
<<set $therapistsubevent1 to true>>
<<set $therapistsubevent2 to true>>
<<set $momeventdom1 to true>>
<<set $bodycheckfem1 to true>>
<<set $detentionwax to true>>
<<set $detentionwax2 to false>>
<<set $bfintroduction to true>>
<<set $givecard to true>>
<<set $mombodychecktalk to true>>
<<set $dadbodychecktalk to true>>
<<set $sisbodychecktalk to true>>
<<set $gfbodychecktalk to true>>
<<set $classmatescene to true>>
<<set $classmatename to "Sasha">>
<<set $gfsubevent1 to true>>
<<set $siseventsub4 to true>>
<<set $gfhappened to false>>
<<set $makeup to false>>
<<set $therapistsubevent3 to true>>
<<set $therapistsub3seen to false>>
<<set $gfeventdom1 to true>>
<<set $trymakeupon to true>>
<<set $teacherfirstask to false>>
<<set $sunday3seen to false>>
<<set $firstdress to false>>
<<set $task1 to false>>
<<set $task2 to false>>
<<set $taskintro to true>>
<<set $firsttimetask1 to false>>
<<set $dadmakeupreaction to true>>
<<set $gfsubevent2 to true>>
<<set $gfbreakup to false>>
<<set $bfsubevent1 to true>>
<<set $dream4 to false>>
<<set $gfsubevent3 to true>>
<<set $siseventdom2 to true>>
<<set $bfbodychecktalk to true>>
<<set $sisunderwearoff to true>>
<<set $removemaleunder to false>>
<<set $sexshopfirst to true>>
<<set $teacherdildotask to false>>
<<set $dildo1 to false>>
<<set $nothiredwarning to false>>
<<set $seenhired to false>>
<<set $newtask1 to false>>
<<set $task3 to false>>
<<set $meetbfjob to true>>
<<set $worked to 0>>
<<set $firsttimework to true>>
<<set $seentask1 to false>>\
<<set $seentask2 to false>>\
<<set $bothtasks to false>>\
<<set $momeventsub2 to true>>
<<set $timer to 0>>
<<set $workgeneralevent1 to true>>
<<set $workgeneralevent2 to true>>\
<<set $workgeneralevent3 to true>>\
<<set $workgeneralevent4 to true>>\
<<set $workgeneralevent5 to true>>\
<<set $workgeneralevent6 to true>>\
<<set $worksubevent1 to true>>\
<<set $worksubevent2 to true>>\
<<set $worksubevent3 to true>>\
<<set $worksubevent4 to true>>\
<<set $worksubevent5 to true>>\
<<set $worksubevent6 to true>>\
<<set $workdomevent1 to true>>\
<<set $therapistsubevent4 to true>>
<<set $threetasks to false>>
<<set $seentask3 to false>>
<<set $teacherbuttplugtask to true>>
<<set $buttplugintro to true>>
<<set $buttplug1 to false>>
<<set $task4 to false>>
<<set $seentask4 to false>>
<<set $seentask5 to false>>
<<set $task5 to false>>
<<set $boughtplug to false>>
<<set $bfdomevent1 to true>>
<<set $bfend to false>>
<<set $maledomfind to true>>
<<set $maledomporn to false>>
<<set $femdomfind to true>>
<<set $femdomporn to false>>
<<set $momeventsub3 to true>>
<<set $momeventsub4 to true>>
<<set $mcmaid to false>>
<<set $mcmaidsis to true>>
<<set $mcmaiddad to true>>
<<set $siseventsub5 to true>>
<<set $mcchastity to false>>
<<set $chastitycheck to true>>
<<set $therapistsubevent5 to true>>
<<set $worksubevent7 to true>>\
<<set $dadshowerws to true>>\
<<set $chastityreaction to false>>
<<set $momeventsub5 to true>>
<<set $bfchastityreaction to true>>
<<set $bfdomevent2 to true>>
<<set $classmateglory to true>>
<<set $glorydone to 0>>
<<set $momdomevent2 to true>>
<<set $siseventsub6 to true>>
<<set $gfsubevent5 to true>>
<<set $gfsubevent5pt2 to false>>\
<<set $momdomevent3 to true>>
<<set $siswsud to true>>
<<set $classmatedom2 to true>>
<<set $bfeventdom3 to true>>
<<set $worksubevent8 to true>>\
<<set $parkguy to true>>\
<<set $parkguydate to true>>\
<<set $parksubguy1 to true>>\
<<set $teacherstrap to true>>\
<<set $bfsubevent4 to true>>
<<set $dadsubevent1 to true>>
<<set $momeventsub6 to true>>
<<set $siseventsub7 to true>>
<<set $classmatedom3 to true>>
<<set $momdomevent4 to true>>
<<set $gfsubevent4 to true>>
<<set $teacherud to true>>
<<set $lubequest to true>>
<<set $lubequestactive to false>>
<<set $lubebought to false>>
<<set $analtrainingstat to false>>
<<set $fatiguestat to 0>>
<<set $analstat to 5>>
<<set $analevel to 1>>
<<set $analevelup1 to false>>
<<set $analevelup2 to false>>
<<set $oraltraining to false>>
<<set $momeventsub7 to true>>
<<set $oralstat to 0>>
<<set $oralevel to 1>>
<<set $oralevelup1 to false>>
<<set $momdildo to false>>
<<set $therapistsubevent6 to true>>
<<set $momdomevent5 to true>>
<<set $teacherdom1 to true>>\
<<set $dress2 to false>>
<<set $dress3 to false>>
<<set $dress4 to false>>
<<set $dress5 to false>>
<<set $dress6 to false>>
<<set $dress7 to false>>
<<set $dress8 to false>>
<<set $top1 to false>>
<<set $top2 to false>>
<<set $top3 to false>>
<<set $top4 to false>>
<<set $top5 to false>>
<<set $skirt1 to false>>
<<set $skirt2 to false>>
<<set $skirt3 to false>>
<<set $skirt4 to false>>
<<set $skirt5 to false>>
<<set $sluttyshorts1 to false>>
<<set $heels1 to false>>
<<set $heels2 to false>>
<<set $heels3 to false>>
<<set $heels4 to false>>
<<set $heels5 to false>>
<<set $femaletop1 to false>>
<<set $femaletjeans1 to false>>
<<set $mombigdildo to false>>\
<<set $worksubevent10 to true>>\
<<set $daddildoreact to true>>\
<<set $gfsubevent6 to true>>\
<<set $oralevelup2 to false>>\
<<set $mombbcdildo to false>>\
<<set $siseventsub8 to true>>\
<<set $momdomevent6 to true>>
<<set $bfsubevent5 to true>>
<<set $denybully to false>>
<<set $teachercuck to true>>
<<set $teacherud2 to true>>
<<set $gloryholejob to false>>
<<set $worksubevent11 to true>>\
<<set $dadsubevent2 to true>>\
<<set $emailsub1 to true>>\
<<set $bnwoevent1 to true>>\
<<set $momeventsub8 to true>>
<<set $momdomevent7 to true>>
<<set $dadeventdom1 to true>>
<<set $hypnotized to 0>>
<<set $dadgayoff to false>>
<<set $dadeventdom2 to true>>
<<set $dadeventdom3 to true>>
<<set $teacherdom2 to true>>
<<set $bfsubevent6 to true>>
<<set $bnwoevent2 to true>>
<<set $emailsub2 to true>>\
<<set $hypnotizedlevel to 1>>
<<set $emailsub3 to true>>\
<<set $hypnotizedfalse to false>>\
<<set $bnwofalse to false>>\
<<set $bnwoevent3 to true>>
<<set $momeventsub9 to true>>
<<set $emailsub4 to true>>\
<<set $thirdwatchemail to false>>\
<<set $worksubevent12 to true>>\
<<set $gfsubevent7 to true>>\
<<set $teacheruniformtask to true>>\
<<set $teacheruniformbought to false>>\
<<set $teacheruniformreaction to true>>\
<<set $namechange to false>>\
<<set $gfsubevent8 to true>>\
<<set $dadeventdom4 to true>>
<<set $dadfeminized to false>>
<<set $teacherdom3 to true>>
<<set $momdomevent8 to true>>
<<set $siseventsub9 to true>>\
<<set $secondfemchange to true>>\
<<set $bnwoevent4 to true>>
<<set $schoolfemreaction1 to true>>
<<set $dadeventdomfem1 to true>>
<<set $teacherdom4 to true>>
<<set $bfeventdom4 to true>>
<<set $worksubevent13 to true>>\
<<set $firstcock to false>>\
<<set $siswsud2 to true>>\
<<set $dadeventdomdom1 to true>>\
<<set $giveanallubetask to true>>\
<<set $buyanallube to true>>\
<<set $ballgagbought to false>>\
<<set $peggedteacher to true>>\
<<set $dadeventdomfem2 to true>>
<<set $siseventdom3 to true>>
<<set $siseventsub10 to true>>\
<<set $momeventsub10 to true>>
<<set $mombnwoquest1 to true>>
<<set $dadeventdomfem3 to true>>
<<set $bfeventdom5 to true>>
<<set $teacherdom5 to true>>
<<set $subheadmaster to false>>
<<set $therapistsubevent7 to true>>
<<set $mombnwobuy1 to true>>
<<set $mombnwobought to false>>
<<set $lip to 0>>
<<set $lipsdone to false>>
<<set $emailsub5 to true>>\
<<set $dadeventdomfem4 to true>>
<<set $gfeventdom2 to true>>
<<set $sispetplayevent to true>>
<<set $teacherschooltask to true>>
<<set $nailsalontask to true>>
<<set $nailsalontaskstart to false>>
<<set $nails to 0>>
<<set $dadeventdomdom2 to true>>\
<<set $teacherdom6 to true>>
<<set $bnwoevent5 to true>>
<<set $workdomeventgay1 to true>>
<<set $mombnwobought2 to true>>
<<set $analbleachdone to false>>
<<set $bnwoevent6 to true>>
<<set $dadeventdomfem5 to true>>
<<set $dadeventdomfem6 to true>>
<<set $dadeventdomfem7 to true>>
<<set $workdomevent2 to true>>
<<set $mcchastity2 to false>>
<<set $siseventsub11 to true>>\
<<set $dadfemreaction to true>>\
<<set $femdad to "Alicia">>\
<<set $dadeventdomfem8 to true>>
<<set $bnwoeventsister to true>>
<<set $qospanties to false>>
<<set $qostop to false>>
<<set $qosshorts to false>>
<<set $gaypornfind to true>>
<<set $gayporn to false>>
<<set $dadexp to 0>>
<<set $dadlvl to 1>>
<<set $momexp to 0>>
<<set $momlvl to 1>>
<<set $workdomevent3 to true>>
<<set $xmassub to true>>
<<set $sissyporn to false>>
<<set $sissypornfind to true>>
<<set $bnwoevent7 to true>>
<<set $xmasdom to true>>
<<set $facialfem to false>>\
<<set $therapistsubevent8 to true>>
<<set $bnwoevent8 to true>>
<<set $exgfsubeventbnwo to true>>\
<<set $sisexp to 0>>
<<set $sislvl to 1>>
<<set $sisreactiondadfem to true>>
<<set $momreactiondadfem to true>>
<<set $stableexp to 0>>
<<set $stablelvl to 1>>
<<set $siseventsub12 to true>>\
<<set $makeupsis to false>>\
<<set $gfsubevent9 to true>>\
<<set $emailsub6 to true>>\
<<set $dadeventdomfem9 to true>>
<<set $workdomevent4 to true>>
<<set $momdomevent9 to true>><<if $tutorialpop is true>>
Dialog.setup("Welcome to Disruption", "charsheet");"DisruptionIntro").processText());;
<</if>><p style="font-family:Courier New"><b>It's illegal to play this game.. wait till you're older young man/woman</b></p>
<<link "• Close the game">><<script>>window.close()<</script>><</link>><<if $showbar is true>>\
<<if $dominant >= 12 and $siseventdom1 is true>>\
<span class='mini'><img src="images\resources\eventwarning.png" height="150px">\
<<elseif $dominant >= 17 and $momeventdom1 is true and $siseventdom1 is false>>\
<span class='mini'><img src="images\resources\eventwarning.png" height="150px">\
<<elseif $dominant >= 21 and $gfeventdom1 is true and $momeventdom1 is false>>\
<span class='mini'><img src="images\resources\eventwarning.png" height="150px">\
<<elseif $dominant >= 24 and $siseventdom2 is true and $gfeventdom1 is false>>\
<span class='mini'><img src="images\resources\eventwarning.png" height="150px">\
<<elseif $dominant >= 27 and $masculinity is 1 and $timer is 2 and $bfdomevent1 is true>>
<span class='mini'><img src="images\resources\eventwarning.png" height="150px">\
<<elseif $dominant >= 30 and $masculinity is 1 and $timer is 2 and $bfdomevent2 is true and $bfdomevent1 is false and $bfend is false>>
<span class='mini'><img src="images\resources\eventwarning.png" height="150px">\
<<elseif $classmateglory is true and $glorydone is 1>>\
<span class='mini'><img src="images\resources\eventwarning.png" height="150px">\
<<elseif $momdomevent2 is true and $momeventdom1 is false and $timer is 2>>\
<span class='mini'><img src="images\resources\eventwarning.png" height="150px">\
<<elseif $momdomevent3 is true and $momdomevent2 is false and $timer is 2>>\
<span class='mini'><img src="images\resources\eventwarning.png" height="150px">\
<<elseif $dominant >= 30 and $glorydone == 3 and $classmatedom2 is true and $classmateglory is false and $timer is 2>>\
<span class='mini'><img src="images\resources\eventwarning.png" height="150px">\
<<elseif $bfeventdom3 is true and $dominant >=32 and $bfdomevent2 is false and $timer is 2 and $bfend is false>>\
<span class='mini'><img src="images\resources\eventwarning.png" height="150px">\
<<elseif $dominant >= 35 and $glorydone >= 3 and $classmatedom3 is true and $classmatedom2 is false and $timer is 2>>\
<span class='mini'><img src="images\resources\eventwarning.png" height="150px">\
<<elseif $momdomevent4 is true and $momdomevent3 is false and $timer is 2>>\
<span class='mini'><img src="images\resources\eventwarning.png" height="150px">\
<<elseif $momdomevent6 is true and $momdomevent5 is false and $timer is 2>>\
<span class='mini'><img src="images\resources\eventwarning.png" height="150px">\
<<elseif $dominant >=38 and $dadeventdom1 is true and $masculinity >=1 and $timer is 2>>\
<span class='mini'><img src="images\resources\eventwarning.png" height="150px">\
<<elseif $masculinity <=1 and $dadeventdom2 is true and $dadgayoff is false and $dadeventdom1 is false and $seendadgayporn is true and $timer is 2>>\
<span class='mini'><img src="images\resources\eventwarning.png" height="150px">\
<<elseif $masculinity <=1 and $dadeventdom3 is true and $dadgayoff is false and $dadeventdom2 is false and $seendadgayporn is true and $timer is 2>>\
<span class='mini'><img src="images\resources\eventwarning.png" height="150px">\
<<elseif $masculinity == 1 and $teacherdom1 is false and $teacherdom2 is true and $seendetention2dom is true and $timer is 2>>\
<span class='mini'><img src="images\resources\eventwarning.png" height="150px">\
<<elseif $masculinity <=1 and $dadeventdom4 is true and $dadgayoff is false and $dadeventdom3 is false and $seendadgayporn is true and $timer is 2>>\
<span class='mini'><img src="images\resources\eventwarning.png" height="150px">\
<<elseif $masculinity == 1 and $teacherdom2 is false and $teacherdom3 is true and $seendetention2dom is true and $timer is 2>>\
<span class='mini'><img src="images\resources\eventwarning.png" height="150px">\
<<elseif $momdomevent8 is true and $momdomevent7 is false and $timer is 2>>\
<span class='mini'><img src="images\resources\eventwarning.png" height="150px">\
<<elseif $masculinity <=1 and $dadeventdomfem1 is true and $dadgayoff is false and $dadeventdom4 is false and $seendadgayporn is true and $timer is 2 and $dadfeminized is true>>\
<span class='mini'><img src="images\resources\eventwarning.png" height="150px">\
<<elseif $masculinity == 1 and $teacherdom3 is false and $teacherdom4 is true and $seendetention2dom is true and $timer is 2>>\
<span class='mini'><img src="images\resources\eventwarning.png" height="150px">\
<<elseif $bfeventdom4 is true and $dominant >=32 and $bfeventdom3 is false and $timer is 2 and $bfend is false>>\
<span class='mini'><img src="images\resources\eventwarning.png" height="150px">\
<<elseif $masculinity <=1 and $dadeventdomfem2 is true and $dadeventdomfem1 is false and $dadgayoff is false and $dadeventdom4 is false and $seendadgayporn is true and $timer is 2 and $dadfeminized is true>>\
<span class='mini'><img src="images\resources\eventwarning.png" height="150px">\
<<elseif $masculinity <=1 and $dadeventdomdom1 is true and $dadgayoff is false and $dadeventdom4 is false and $seendadgayporn is true and $timer is 2 and $dadfeminized is false>>\
<span class='mini'><img src="images\resources\eventwarning.png" height="150px">\
<<elseif $dominant >= 32 and $siseventdom3 is true and $siseventdom2 is false and $masculinity >=1 and $timer is 2>>\
<span class='mini'><img src="images\resources\eventwarning.png" height="150px">\
<<elseif $masculinity <=1 and $dadeventdomfem3 is true and $dadeventdomfem2 is false and $dadgayoff is false and $dadeventdom4 is false and $seendadgayporn is true and $timer is 2 and $dadfeminized is true>>\
<span class='mini'><img src="images\resources\eventwarning.png" height="150px">\
<<elseif $bfeventdom5 is true and $dominant >=34 and $bfeventdom4 is false and $timer is 2 and $bfend is false and $gfbreakup is false>>\
<span class='mini'><img src="images\resources\eventwarning.png" height="150px">\
<<elseif $masculinity >= 1 and $teacherdom5 is false and $subheadmaster is true and $headmasterdom1 is true and $seendetention2dom is true and $timer is 2>>\
<span class='mini'><img src="images\resources\eventwarning.png" height="150px">\
<<elseif $masculinity >=1 and $dadeventdomfem4 is true and $dadeventdomfem3 is false and $dadgayoff is false and $seendadgayporn is true and $timer is 2 and $dadfeminized is true>>\
<span class='mini'><img src="images\resources\eventwarning.png" height="150px">\
<<elseif $masculinity >= 1 and $teacherdom4 is false and $teacherdom5 is true and $seendetention2dom is true and $timer is 2>>\
<span class='mini'><img src="images\resources\eventwarning.png" height="150px">\
<<elseif $gfeventdom2 is true and $dominant >=34 and $bfeventdom5 is false and $timer is 2 and $bfend is false and $gfbreakup is false>>\
<span class='mini'><img src="images\resources\eventwarning.png" height="150px">\
<<elseif $masculinity <=1 and $dadeventdomdom2 is true and $dadgayoff is false and $dadeventdomdom1 is false and $seendadgayporn is true and $timer is 2 and $dadfeminized is false>>\
<span class='mini'><img src="images\resources\eventwarning.png" height="150px">\
<<elseif $masculinity >= 1 and $teacherdom5 is false and $teacherdom6 is true and $seendetention2dom is true and $timer is 2>>\
<span class='mini'><img src="images\resources\eventwarning.png" height="150px">\
<<elseif $masculinity >=1 and $dadeventdomfem5 is true and $dadeventdomfem4 is false and $dadgayoff is false and $seendadgayporn is true and $timer is 2 and $dadfeminized is true and $teacherdom6 is false>>\
<span class='mini'><img src="images\resources\eventwarning.png" height="150px">\
<<elseif $masculinity >=1 and $dadeventdomfem6 is true and $dadeventdomfem5 is false and $dadgayoff is false and $seendadgayporn is true and $timer is 2 and $dadfeminized is true and $teacherdom6 is false>>\
<span class='mini'><img src="images\resources\eventwarning.png" height="150px">\
<<elseif $masculinity >=1 and $dadeventdomfem7 is true and $dadeventdomfem6 is false and $dadgayoff is false and $seendadgayporn is true and $dadfeminized is true and $teacherdom6 is false and $drugdone is true and $drugdad is 3 and $time is 0>>\
<span class='mini'><img src="images\resources\eventwarning.png" height="150px">\
<<elseif $masculinity >=1 and $dadeventdomfem8 is true and $dadeventdomfem7 is false and $dadfemreaction is false and $dadgayoff is false and $seendadgayporn is true and $dadfeminized is true and $teacherdom6 is false and $drugdone is true and $drugdad is 3 and $time is 0>>\
<span class='mini'><img src="images\resources\eventwarning.png" height="150px">\
<<elseif $masculinity >=1 and $siseventdom2 is false and $momdomevent5 is false and $xmasdom is true>>\
<span class='mini'><img src="images\resources\eventwarning.png" height="150px">\
<<elseif $dadfemreaction is false and $sisreactiondadfem is true and $dadeventdomfem7 is false>>\
<span class='mini'><img src="images\resources\eventwarning.png" height="150px">\
<<elseif $dadfemreaction is false and $momreactiondadfem is true and $dadeventdomfem7 is false>>\
<span class='mini'><img src="images\resources\eventwarning.png" height="150px">\
<<elseif $masculinity >=1 and $dadeventdomfem9 is true and $dadeventdomfem8 is false and $dadfemreaction is false and $dadgayoff is false and $seendadgayporn is true and $dadfeminized is true and $teacherdom6 is false and $drugdone is true and $drugdad is 3 and $sisreactiondadfem is false>>\
<span class='mini'><img src="images\resources\eventwarning.png" height="150px">\
<<elseif $momdomevent9 is true and $momdomevent8 is false and $timer is 2 and $dadfeminized is false>>\
<span class='mini'><img src="images\resources\eventwarning.png" height="150px">\
<<elseif $time == 0 and $dayy <6 and $equip == 5 and $bottom == 5 and $shoes == 5 and $underwear !== 0 and $underwear !== 6 and $underwear !==11 and $feminization == 0 and $bra == 0 and $masculinity == 1 and $classmatedom3 is false and $teacherdom1 is true>>\
<span class='mini'><img src="images\resources\eventwarning.png" height="150px">\
<<if $submissive >= 12 and $momeventsub1 is true and $tutorial is false>>\
<span class='mini'><img src="images\resources\eventwarning.png" height="150px">\
<<elseif $submissive >= 16 and $siseventsub1 is true and $tutorial is false>>\
<span class='mini'><img src="images\resources\eventwarning.png" height="150px">\
<<elseif $phoneeventsub1 is true and $submissive >=14 and $tutorial is false>>\
<span class='mini'><img src="images\resources\phonelogonotification.png" height="150px">\
<<elseif $submissive >=20 and $teachereventsub1 is true and $siseventsub1 is false and $time == 0 and $weekend is false>>
<span class='mini'><img src="images\resources\eventwarning.png" height="150px">\
<<elseif $phoneeventsub2 is true and $submissive >= 20 and $teachereventsub1 is false>>\
<span class='mini'><img src="images\resources\phonelogonotification.png" height="150px">\
<<elseif $phoneeventsub2repeat is true and $submissive >=20 and $dayy == 2>>
<span class='mini'><img src="images\resources\phonelogonotification.png" height="150px">\
<<elseif $phoneeventsub2repeat is true and $submissive >=20 and $dayy == 4>>
<span class='mini'><img src="images\resources\phonelogonotification.png" height="150px">\
<<elseif $phoneeventsub2repeat is true and $submissive >=20 and $dayy == 6>>
<span class='mini'><img src="images\resources\phonelogonotification.png" height="150px">\
<<elseif $phoneeventsub2repeat is true and $submissive >=20 and $dayy == 1>>
<span class='mini'><img src="images\resources\phonelogonotification.png" height="150px">\
<<elseif $siseventsub2 is true and $submissive >=24 and $teachereventsub1 is false>>\
<span class='mini'><img src="images\resources\eventwarning.png" height="150px">\
<<elseif $siseventsub3 is true and $submissive >= 30 and $phoneeventsub3 is false>>\
<span class='mini'><img src="images\resources\eventwarning.png" height="150px"></span>\
<<elseif $therapistsubevent1 is true and $time == 0 and $siseventsub3 is false and $dayy ==2 and $givecard is false>>
<span class='mini'><img src="images\resources\eventwarning.png" height="150px">
<<elseif $therapistsubevent1 is true and $time == 1 and $siseventsub3 is false and $dayy ==2 and $givecard is false>>
<span class='mini'><img src="images\resources\eventwarning.png" height="150px">
<<elseif $gfsubevent1 is true and $feminization >=2 and $submissive >=41 and $time == 0>>\
<span class='mini'><img src="images\resources\eventwarning.png" height="150px">\
<<elseif $gfsubevent1 is true and $feminization >=2 and $submissive >=41 and $time == 1>>\
<span class='mini'><img src="images\resources\eventwarning.png" height="150px">\
<<elseif $therapistsubevent2 is true and $time == 0 and $dayy == 2 and $therapistsubevent1 is false>>\
<span class='mini'><img src="images\resources\eventwarning.png" height="150px">\
<<elseif $therapistsubevent2 is true and $time == 1 and $dayy == 2 and $therapistsubevent1 is false>>\
<span class='mini'><img src="images\resources\eventwarning.png" height="150px">\
<<elseif $therapistsubevent3 is true and $time ==0 and $dayy == 2 and $therapistsubevent2 is false and $therapistsub3seen is false>>\
<span class='mini'><img src="images\resources\eventwarning.png" height="150px">\
<<elseif $therapistsubevent3 is true and $time == 1 and $dayy == 2 and $therapistsubevent2 is false and $therapistsub3seen is false>>\
<span class='mini'><img src="images\resources\eventwarning.png" height="150px">\
<<elseif $therapistsubevent4 is true and $therapistsub3seen is true and $time == 0 and $dayy == 2 and $therapistsubevent3 is false>>\
<span class='mini'><img src="images\resources\eventwarning.png" height="150px">\
<<elseif $therapistsubevent4 is true and $therapistsub3seen is true and $time == 1 and $dayy == 2 and $therapistsubevent3 is false>>\
<span class='mini'><img src="images\resources\eventwarning.png" height="150px">\
<<elseif $time == 0 and $dayy == 2 and $therapistsubevent3 is false and $therapistsubevent4 is false and $therapistsub3seen is true>>\
<span class='mini'><img src="images\resources\eventwarning.png" height="150px">\
<<elseif $time == 1 and $dayy == 2 and $therapistsubevent3 is false and $therapistsubevent4 is false and $therapistsub3seen is true>>\
<span class='mini'><img src="images\resources\eventwarning.png" height="150px">\
<<elseif $feminization >= 3 and $bodycheckfem1 is true and $therapistsubevent2 is false>>\
<span class='mini'><img src="images\resources\eventwarning.png" height="150px">\
<<elseif $feminization ==3 and $detentionwax is true>>\
<span class='mini'><img src="images\resources\eventwarning.png" height="150px">\
<<elseif $detentionwax2 is true and $feminization >=3>>\
<span class='mini'><img src="images\resources\eventwarning.png" height="150px">\
<<elseif $feminization >= 4 and $siseventsub4 is true and $submissive >=50 and $gfhappened is true and $dayy >=2>>\
<span class='mini'><img src="images\resources\eventwarning.png" height="150px">\
<<elseif $feminization >= 4 and $siseventsub4 is false and $trymakeupon is true>>\
<span class='mini'><img src="images\resources\eventwarning.png" height="150px">\
<<elseif $feminization >=5 and $teacherfirstask is true and $sunday3seen is true and $firstdress is false>>\
<span class='mini'><img src="images\resources\eventwarning.png" height="150px">\
<<elseif $makeup is true and $dadmakeupreaction is true>>\
<span class='mini'><img src="images\resources\eventwarning.png" height="150px">\
<<elseif $gfsubevent2 is true and $feminization >=5 and $submissive >=45 and $time == 0 and $gfsubevent1 is false>>\
<span class='mini'><img src="images\resources\eventwarning.png" height="150px">\
<<elseif $gfsubevent2 is true and $feminization >=5 and $submissive >=45 and $time == 1 and $gfsubevent1 is false>>\
<span class='mini'><img src="images\resources\eventwarning.png" height="150px">\
<<elseif $gfsubevent2 is true and $feminization >=5 and $submissive >=45 and $time == 1 and $gfsubevent1 is false>>
<span class='mini'><img src="images\resources\eventwarning.png" height="150px">\
<<elseif $submissive >=48 and $gfsubevent3 is true and $gfsubevent2 is false and $gfbreakup is false>>\
<span class='mini'><img src="images\resources\eventwarning.png" height="150px">\
<<elseif $feminization >= 6 and $momeventsub3 is true and $submissive >=60 and $buttplug1 is true and $timer is 2>>\
<span class='mini'><img src="images\resources\eventwarning.png" height="150px">\
<<elseif $feminization >= 6 and $momeventsub4 is true and $submissive >=60 and $buttplug1 is true and $timer is 2 and $momeventsub3 is false>>\
<span class='mini'><img src="images\resources\eventwarning.png" height="150px">\
<<elseif $bfchastityreaction is true and $mcchastity is true and $time is 1>>\
<span class='mini'><img src="images\resources\eventwarning.png" height="150px">\
<<elseif $gfsubevent4 is true and $feminization >=6 and $submissive >=60 and $time == 0 and $gfbreakup is false and $timer is 2>>\
<span class='mini'><img src="images\resources\eventwarning.png" height="150px">\
<<elseif $gfsubevent4 is true and $feminization >=6 and $submissive >=60 and $time == 1 and $gfbreakup is false and $timer is 2>>\
<span class='mini'><img src="images\resources\eventwarning.png" height="150px">\
<<elseif $bfsubevent1 is true and $bfintroduction is false and $time is 1>>\
<span class='mini'><img src="images\resources\eventwarning.png" height="150px">\
<<elseif $sisunderwearoff is true and $feminization >= 5 and $siseventsub4 is false and $time is 0>>\
<span class='mini'><img src="images\resources\eventwarning.png" height="150px">\
<<elseif $time == 1 and $feminization >=5 and $momeventsub2 is true>>\
<span class='mini'><img src="images\resources\eventwarning.png" height="150px">\
<<elseif $feminization >= 6 and $siseventsub5 is true and $submissive >=60 and $buttplug1 is true and $timer is 2 and $momeventsub4 is false>>\
<span class='mini'><img src="images\resources\eventwarning.png" height="150px">\
<<elseif $feminization >=7 and $momeventsub5 is true and $momeventsub4 is false and $timer is 2>>\
<span class='mini'><img src="images\resources\eventwarning.png" height="150px">\
<<elseif $feminization >= 7 and $siswsud is true and $siseventsub6 is false and $timer is 2>>\
<span class='mini'><img src="images\resources\eventwarning.png" height="150px">\
<<elseif $siseventsub6 is true and $feminization >= 7 and $mcchastity is true and $siseventsub5 is false and $timer is 2>>\
<span class='mini'><img src="images\resources\eventwarning.png" height="150px">\
<<elseif $gfsubevent5 is true and $feminization >=6 and $submissive >=60 and $gfsubevent4 is false and $gfbreakup is false and $timer is 2>>\
<span class='mini'><img src="images\resources\eventwarning.png" height="150px">\
<<elseif $gfsubevent5pt2 is true and $feminization >=6 and $submissive >=60 and $gfsubevent5 is false and $gfbreakup is false and $timer is 2>>\
<span class='mini'><img src="images\resources\eventwarning.png" height="150px">\
<<elseif $gfsubevent6 is true and $feminization >=7 and $gfbreakup is false and $timer is 2 and $gfsubevent5 is false>>\
<span class='mini'><img src="images\resources\eventwarning.png" height="150px">\
<<elseif $parksubguy1 is true and $feminization >=6 and $submissive >=50 and $timer is 2 and $parkguy is true and $gfbreakup is true>>\
<span class='mini'><img src="images\resources\eventwarning.png" height="150px">\
<<elseif $bfchastityreaction is false and $bfsubevent4 is true and $time is 1>>\
<span class='mini'><img src="images\resources\eventwarning.png" height="150px">\
<<elseif $feminization >= 7 and $dadsubevent1 is true and $mcchastity is true and $timer is 2>>\
<span class='mini'><img src="images\resources\eventwarning.png" height="150px">\
<<elseif $feminization >= 7 and $teacherud is true and $seentask5 is true>>\
<span class='mini'><img src="images\resources\eventwarning.png" height="150px">\
<<elseif $momeventsub5 is false and $feminization >=7 and $timer is 2 and $mcchastity is true and $momeventsub6 is true>>\
<span class='mini'><img src="images\resources\eventwarning.png" height="150px">\
<<elseif $mcchastity is true and $siseventsub7 is true and $siseventsub6 is false and $timer is 2>>\
<span class='mini'><img src="images\resources\eventwarning.png" height="150px">\
<<elseif $mcchastity is true and $siseventsub7 is false and $lubequest is true and $timer is 2>>\
<span class='mini'><img src="images\resources\eventwarning.png" height="150px">\
<<elseif $lubequest2 is true>>\
<span class='mini'><img src="images\resources\eventwarning.png" height="150px">\
<<elseif $momeventsub6 is false and $feminization >=7 and $timer is 2 and $mcchastity is true and $momeventsub7 is true>>\
<span class='mini'><img src="images\resources\eventwarning.png" height="150px">\
<<elseif $therapistsubevent6 is true and $therapistsub3seen is true and $therapistsubevent5 is false and $oralstat == 50>>\
<span class='mini'><img src="images\resources\eventwarning.png" height="150px">\
<<elseif $siseventsub8 is true and $feminization >= 7 and $mcchastity is true and $siseventsub7 is false and $timer is 2 and $oralevel >=2>>\
<span class='mini'><img src="images\resources\eventwarning.png" height="150px">\
<<elseif $bfchastityreaction is false and $bfsubevent5 is true and $time is 1 and $timer is 2 and $bfsubevent4 is false and $oralevel >=2>>\
<span class='mini'><img src="images\resources\eventwarning.png" height="150px">\
<<elseif $teacherud2 is true and $feminization >=7>>\
<span class='mini'><img src="images\resources\eventwarning.png" height="150px">\
<<elseif $feminization >= 7 and $dadsubevent2 is true and $mcchastity is true and $timer is 2 and $dadsubevent1 is false and $oralevel >=2>>\
<span class='mini'><img src="images\resources\eventwarning.png" height="150px">\
<<elseif $feminization >=7 and $oralevel >=3 and $analevel >=3 and $emailsub1 is true>>\
<span class='mini'><img src="images\resources\emailnoti.png" height="150px">\
<<elseif $teachercuck is false and $feminization >=7 and $timer is 2 and $bnwoevent1 is true>>\
<span class='mini'><img src="images\resources\eventwarning.png" height="150px">\
<<elseif $momeventsub7 is false and $feminization >=7 and $timer is 2 and $mcchastity is true and $oralevel >=3 and $momeventsub8 is true>>\
<span class='mini'><img src="images\resources\eventwarning.png" height="150px">\
<<elseif $denybully is true and $feminization >=7 and $timer is 2 and $bfsubevent5 is false and $bfsubevent6 is true>>\
<span class='mini'><img src="images\resources\eventwarning.png" height="150px">\
<<elseif $teachercuck is false and $feminization >=7 and $timer is 2 and $bnwoevent2 is true and $bnwoevent1 is false>>\
<span class='mini'><img src="images\resources\eventwarning.png" height="150px">\
<<elseif $hypnotized ==5 and $emailsub1 is false and $emailsub2 is true and $fatiguestat <=20>>\
<span class='mini'><img src="images\resources\emailnoti.png" height="150px">\
<<elseif $hypnotized ==5 and $emailsub2 is false and $emailsub3 is true and $timer is 2 and $hypnotizedfalse is false>>\
<span class='mini'><img src="images\resources\eventwarning.png" height="150px">\
<<elseif $feminization >=7 and $timer is 2 and $bnwoevent3 is true and $bnwoevent2 is false and $bnwofalse is false>>\
<span class='mini'><img src="images\resources\eventwarning.png" height="150px">\
<<elseif $momeventsub8 is false and $feminization >=7 and $timer is 2 and $mcchastity is true and $oralevel >=3 and $momeventsub9 is true>>\
<span class='mini'><img src="images\resources\eventwarning.png" height="150px">\
<<elseif $hypnotized ==10 and $emailsub3 is false and $emailsub4 is true and $fatiguestat <=20>>\
<span class='mini'><img src="images\resources\emailnoti.png" height="150px">\
<<elseif $gfsubevent7 is true and $feminization >=7 and $gfbreakup is false and $timer is 2 and $gfsubevent6 is false>>\
<span class='mini'><img src="images\resources\eventwarning.png" height="150px">\
<<elseif $gfsubevent8 is true and $feminization >=7 and $gfbreakup is false and $timer is 2 and $gfsubevent7 is false and $bnwofalse is false and $bnwoevent3 is false>>\
<span class='mini'><img src="images\resources\eventwarning.png" height="150px">\
<<elseif $exgfsubeventbnwo is true and $feminization >=7 and $gfbreakup is true and $timer is 2 and $bnwofalse is false and $bnwoevent3 is false>>\
<span class='mini'><img src="images\resources\eventwarning.png" height="150px">\
<<elseif $siseventsub9 is true and $siseventsub8 is false and $feminization >= 7 and $mcchastity is true and $timer is 2 and $analevel >=3>>\
<span class='mini'><img src="images\resources\eventwarning.png" height="150px">\
<<elseif $feminization >= 8 and $secondfemchange is true and $siseventsub9 is false and $timer >=1>>\
<span class='mini'><img src="images\resources\eventwarning.png" height="150px">\
<<elseif $feminization >=8 and $timer is 2 and $bnwoevent4 is true and $bnwoevent3 is false and $bnwofalse is false and $secondfemchange is false and $exgfsubeventbnwo is false and $gfbreakup is true>>\
<span class='mini'><img src="images\resources\eventwarning.png" height="150px">\
<<elseif $feminization >=8 and $timer is 2 and $bnwoevent4 is true and $bnwoevent3 is false and $bnwofalse is false and $secondfemchange is false and $gfsubevent8 is false>>\
<span class='mini'><img src="images\resources\eventwarning.png" height="150px">\
<<elseif $feminization >=7 and $timer >=1 and $secondfemchange is false and $schoolfemreaction1 is true>>\
<span class='mini'><img src="images\resources\eventwarning.png" height="150px">\
<<elseif $feminization >= 8 and $siswsud2 is true and $siseventsub6 is false and $timer is 2>>\
<span class='mini'><img src="images\resources\eventwarning.png" height="150px">\
<<elseif $giveanallubetask is false and $ballgagbought is false>>\
<span class='mini'><img src="images\resources\eventwarning.png" height="150px">\
<<elseif $siseventsub10 is true and $siseventsub9 is false and $feminization >= 8 and $mcchastity is true and $timer is 2 and $analevel >=3 and $time is 2>>\
<span class='mini'><img src="images\resources\eventwarning.png" height="150px">\
<<elseif $momeventsub9 is false and $feminization >=8 and $timer is 2 and $mcchastity is true and $oralevel >=3 and $momeventsub10 is true>>\
<span class='mini'><img src="images\resources\eventwarning.png" height="150px">\
<<elseif $feminization >=8 and $timer is 2 and $mombnwoquest1 is false and $mombnwobuy1 is true and $bnwofalse is false and $gfsubevent8 is false>>\
<span class='mini'><img src="images\resources\eventwarning.png" height="150px">\
<<elseif $feminization >=8 and $timer is 2 and $bnwoevent4 is false and $mombnwoquest1 is true and $bnwofalse is false and $gfsubevent8 is false>>\
<span class='mini'><img src="images\resources\eventwarning.png" height="150px">\
<<elseif $feminization >=8 and $timer is 2 and $mombnwobuyactive is false and $mombnwobought2 is true and $bnwofalse is false>>\
<span class='mini'><img src="images\resources\eventwarning.png" height="150px">\
<<elseif $hypnotizedlevel == 3 and $emailsub4 is false and $emailsub5 is true and $timer is 2>>\
<span class='mini'><img src="images\resources\eventwarning.png" height="150px">\
<<elseif $sispetplayevent is true and $siseventsub9 is false and $timer is 2>>\
<span class='mini'><img src="images\resources\eventwarning.png" height="150px">\
<<elseif $feminization >=8 and $timer is 2 and $bnwoevent5 is true and $bnwoevent4 is false and $mombnwobought2 is false and $bnwofalse is false and $secondfemchange is false>>\
<span class='mini'><img src="images\resources\eventwarning.png" height="150px">\
<<elseif $feminization >=8 and $timer is 2 and $bnwoevent6 is true and $bnwoevent5 is false and $mombnwobought2 is false and $bnwofalse is false and $secondfemchange is false>>\
<span class='mini'><img src="images\resources\eventwarning.png" height="150px">\
<<elseif $siseventsub11 is true and $siseventsub10 is false and $feminization >= 8 and $mcchastity is true and $timer is 2 and $analevel >=3 and $time is 2>>\
<span class='mini'><img src="images\resources\eventwarning.png" height="150px">\
<<elseif $feminization >=8 and $timer is 2 and $bnwoeventsister is true and $bnwoevent3 is false and $bnwofalse is false and $secondfemchange is false and $siseventsub8 is false>>\
<span class='mini'><img src="images\resources\eventwarning.png" height="150px">\
<<elseif $feminization >=8 and $siseventsub9 is false and $xmassub is true>>\
<span class='mini'><img src="images\resources\eventwarning.png" height="150px">\
<<elseif $feminization >=8 and $timer is 2 and $bnwoevent7 is true and $bnwoevent6 is false and $bnwofalse is false>>\
<span class='mini'><img src="images\resources\eventwarning.png" height="150px">\
<<elseif $feminization >=8 and $timer is 2 and $bnwoevent8 is true and $bnwoevent7 is false and $bnwofalse is false and $teacheruniformreaction is false>>\
<span class='mini'><img src="images\resources\eventwarning.png" height="150px">\
<<elseif $feminization >=8 and $timer is 2 and $bnwoevent9 is true and $bnwoevent8 is false and $bnwofalse is false and $teacheruniformreaction is false>>\
<span class='mini'><img src="images\resources\eventwarning.png" height="150px">\
<<elseif $siseventsub12 is true and $siseventsub11 is false and $feminization >= 8 and $mcchastity2 is true and $timer is 2>>
<span class='mini'><img src="images\resources\eventwarning.png" height="150px">\
<<elseif $gfsubevent9 is true and $feminization >=7 and $gfbreakup is false and $timer is 2 and $gfsubevent8 is false and $bnwofalse is false and $bnwoevent4 is false>>\
<span class='mini'><img src="images\resources\eventwarning.png" height="150px">\
<<elseif $hypnotizedlevel == 3 and $emailsub5 is false and $emailsub6 is true and $timer is 2 and $worksubevent12 is false>>\
<span class='mini'><img src="images\resources\emailnoti.png" height="150px">\
<<elseif $phoneeventsub1repeat is true and $submissive >=14 and $dayy is 1>>\
<span class='mini'><img src="images\resources\phonelogonotification.png" height="150px">\
<<elseif $phoneeventsub1repeat is true and $submissive >=14 and $dayy is 3>>\
<span class='mini'><img src="images\resources\phonelogonotification.png" height="150px">\
<<elseif $phoneeventsub1repeat is true and $submissive >=14 and $dayy is 5>>\
<span class='mini'><img src="images\resources\phonelogonotification.png" height="150px">\
<<elseif $phoneeventsub1repeat is true and $submissive >=14 and $dayy is 7>>\
<span class='mini'><img src="images\resources\phonelogonotification.png" height="150px">\
<<elseif $phoneeventsub3 is true and $submissive >= 26 and $siseventsub2 is false>>\
<span class='mini'><img src="images\resources\phonelogonotification.png" height="150px">\
<<elseif $phoneeventsub3repeat is true and $submissive >=26 and $dayy is 1>>\
<span class='mini'><img src="images\resources\phonelogonotification.png" height="150px"></span>\
<<elseif $phoneeventsub3repeat is true and $submissive >=26 and $dayy is 3>>\
<span class='mini'><img src="images\resources\phonelogonotification.png" height="150px"></span>\
<<elseif $phoneeventsub3repeat is true and $submissive >=26 and $dayy is 5>>\
<span class='mini'><img src="images\resources\phonelogonotification.png" height="150px">\
<<elseif $phoneeventsub3repeat is true and $submissive >=26 and $dayy is 7>>
<span class='mini'><img src="images\resources\phonelogonotification.png" height="150px"></span>\
<<elseif $phoneeventsub4 is true and $waxed is true and $dayy == 1>>
<span class='mini'><img src="images\resources\phonelogonotification.png" height="150px"></span>\
<<elseif $phoneeventsub4repeat is true and $waxed is true and $dayy is 2>>\
<span class='mini'><img src="images\resources\phonelogonotification.png" height="150px"></span>\
<<elseif $phoneeventsub4repeat is true and $waxed is true and $dayy is 4>>
<span class='mini'><img src="images\resources\phonelogonotification.png" height="150px"></span>\
<<elseif $phoneeventsub4repeat is true and $waxed is true and $dayy is 6>>
<span class='mini'><img src="images\resources\phonelogonotification.png" height="150px"></span>\
<<elseif $phoneeventsub5 is true and $dream4 is true and $dayy == 1>>\
<span class='mini'><img src="images\resources\phonelogonotification.png" height="150px"></span>\
<<elseif $phoneeventsub5repeat is true and $dream4 is true and $dayy is 3>>
<span class='mini'><img src="images\resources\phonelogonotification.png" height="150px"></span>\
<<elseif $phoneeventsub5repeat is true and $dream4 is true and $dayy is 5>>
<span class='mini'><img src="images\resources\phonelogonotification.png" height="150px"></span>\
<<elseif $phoneeventsub5repeat is true and $dream4 is true and $dayy is 7>>
<span class='mini'><img src="images\resources\phonelogonotification.png" height="150px"></span>\
<you><<if $dayy is 1>> Monday <<elseif $dayy is 2>> Tuesday <<elseif $dayy is 3>> Wednesday <<elseif $dayy is 4>> Thursday <<elseif $dayy is 5>> Friday <<elseif $dayy is 6>> Saturday <<elseif $dayy is 7>> Sunday<</if>><<if $time is 0>> Morning <<elseif $time is 1>> Evening <<elseif $time is 2>> Night <</if>></you>\
<<if $time is 2>>\
<span class='mini'><img src="images\resources\moon.png" height="150px">
<<elseif $time is 1>>\
<span class='mini'><img src="images\resources\midday.png" height="150px">\
<<elseif $time is 0>>\
<span class='mini'><img src="images\resources\sun.png" height="150px">
<<if $dominant<$submissive and $tutorial is false>>\
<b><pink><<print "Submissive">></pink></b>\
<<if $submissive<$dominant and $tutorial is false>>\
<b><blue><<print "Dominant">></blue></b>\
<<if $submissive==$dominant and $tutorial is false>>\
<span class="phone">\
<a data-passage="clock" class="link-internal link-image">\
<img src="images\resources\clock.png" style="max-height: 50px">\
<span class="phone">\
<a data-passage="phone" class="link-internal link-image">\
<img src="images\resources\phone.png" style="max-height: 100px">\
<span class="phone">\
<a data-passage="homebutton" class="link-internal link-image">\
<img src="images\resources\homebutton.png" style="max-height: 75px">\
<span class="phone">\
<a data-passage="skiptimer" class="link-internal link-image">\
<img src="images\resources\timer.png" style="max-height: 150px">\
<<if $time is 2>>\
<b>You are feeling sleepy.</b>
Go [[home|Room]]
<green>Money:</green> <<print $money>> €
<<if $showname is true and $bodycheckfem1 is true and $namechange is false>>\
<b><span style="color: #ADD8E6;"><<print $name>></span></b>
<img src="images\avatars\youavatar.png" height="150px">
<<elseif $showname is true and $bodycheckfem1 is true and $namechange is true>>\
<b><span style="color: #FFC0CB;"><<print $girlname>></span></b>
<img src="images\avatars\youavatar.png" height="150px">
<<elseif $showname is true and $bodycheckfem1 is false and $makeup is false and $namechange is false>>\
<b><span style="color: #ADD8E6;"><<print $name>></span></b>
<img src="images\avatars\femavatar1.png" height="150px">
<<elseif $showname is true and $bodycheckfem1 is false and $makeup is false and $namechange is true and $secondfemchange is true>>\
<b><span style="color: #FFC0CB;"><<print $girlname>></span></b>
<img src="images\avatars\femavatar1.png" height="150px">
<<elseif $showname is true and $bodycheckfem1 is false and $makeup is false and $namechange is true and $secondfemchange is false and $facialfem is false and $makeupsis is false>>\
<b><span style="color: #FFC0CB;"><<print $girlname>></span></b>
<img src="images\avatars\femavatar2.png" height="150px">
<<elseif $showname is true and $bodycheckfem1 is false and $makeup is false and $namechange is true and $secondfemchange is false and $facialfem is true and $makeupsis is false>>\
<b><span style="color: #FFC0CB;"><<print $girlname>></span></b>
<img src="images\avatars\mcmakeupofffemface.png" height="150px">
<<elseif $showname is true and $bodycheckfem1 is false and $makeup is true and $namechange is false>>\
<b><span style="color: #ADD8E6;"><<print $name>></span></b>
<img src="images\avatars\mcmakeupon.jpg" height="150px">
<<elseif $showname is true and $bodycheckfem1 is false and $makeup is true and $namechange is true and $secondfemchange is true>>\
<b><span style="color: #FFC0CB;"><<print $girlname>></span></b>
<img src="images\avatars\mcmakeupon.jpg" height="150px">
<<elseif $showname is true and $bodycheckfem1 is false and $makeup is true and $namechange is true and $secondfemchange is false and $facialfem is false>>\
<b><span style="color: #FFC0CB;"><<print $girlname>></span></b>
<img src="images\avatars\mcmakeupon2.png" height="150px">
<<elseif $showname is true and $bodycheckfem1 is false and $makeup is false and $namechange is true and $secondfemchange is false and $facialfem is false and $makeupsis is true>>\
<b><span style="color: #FFC0CB;"><<print $girlname>></span></b>
<img src="images\avatars\mcsismakeupfem1.png" height="150px">
<<elseif $showname is true and $bodycheckfem1 is false and $makeup is true and $namechange is true and $secondfemchange is false and $facialfem is true>>\
<b><span style="color: #FFC0CB;"><<print $girlname>></span></b>
<img src="images\avatars\mcmakeuponfemface.png" height="150px">
<<elseif $showname is true and $bodycheckfem1 is false and $makeup is false and $namechange is true and $secondfemchange is false and $facialfem is true and $makeupsis is true>>\
<b><span style="color: #FFC0CB;"><<print $girlname>></span></b>
<img src="images\avatars\mcsismakeupfem2.png" height="150px">
<<if $orientation is 0 and $showorientation is true>>\
<b><blue><<print "Heterossexual">></blue></b>
<<if $orientation is 1 and $showorientation is true>>\
<b><teacher><<print "Bisexual">></teacher></b>
<<if $orientation is 2 and $showorientation is true>>\
<b><pink><<print "Homossexual">></pink></b>
<div class="vertical-grid">\
<div class="grid-item-vertical">
<<if $equip is 0 and $bodycheckfem1 is true>>\
<img src="images\bodyparts\androbody1.png" width="100px">
<<elseif $equip is 0 and $bodycheckfem1 is false and $secondfemchange is true>>
<img src="images\bodyparts\fembody1.png" width="100px">
<<elseif $equip is 0 and $bodycheckfem1 is false and $secondfemchange is false>>
<img src="images\bodyparts\fembody2.png" width="100px">
<<if $equip == 1>>\
<img src="images\clothes\casualshirt.png">\
<<elseif $equip == 2>>\
<img src="images\clothes\suit.png" width="150px">
<<elseif $equip == 3>>\
<img src="images\clothes\sportstopmale.png"
<<elseif $equip == 4>>\
<img src="images\clothes\pyjamatopmale.png"
<<elseif $equip == 5>>\
<img src="images\clothes\uniformtop.png"
<<elseif $equip == 6>>\
<img src="images\clothes\pinkdress.png"
<<elseif $equip == 7>>\
<img src="images\clothes\pinktop.png"
<<elseif $equip == 8>>\
<img src="images\clothes\whitetop.png"
<<elseif $equip == 9>>\
<img src="images\clothes\redtop.png"
<<elseif $equip == 10>>\
<img src="images\clothes\blacktop.png"
<<elseif $equip == 11>>\
<img src="images\clothes\sluttytop.png"
<<elseif $equip == 12>>\
<img src="images\clothes\whitedress.png"
<<elseif $equip == 13>>\
<img src="images\clothes\reddress.png"
<<elseif $equip == 14>>\
<img src="images\clothes\bluedress.png"
<<elseif $equip == 15>>\
<img src="images\clothes\sluttydress.png"
<<elseif $equip == 16>>\
<img src="images\clothes\sluttydress2.png"
<<elseif $equip == 17>>\
<img src="images\clothes\sluttydress3.png"
<<elseif $equip == 18>>\
<img src="images\clothes\sluttydress4.png"
<<elseif $equip == 19>>\
<img src="images\clothes\professionalfemaletop.png"
<<elseif $equip == 20>>\
<img src="images\clothes\schoolgirltop1.png"
<<elseif $equip == 99>>\
<img src="images\clothes\qostop.png"
<div class="grid-item-vertical">\
<<if $bra is 0>>\
<img src="images\clothes\placeholder.png" width="100px">\
<<elseif $bra is 1>>\
<img src="images\clothes\bra1.png" width="100px">\
<<elseif $bra is 2>>\
<img src="images\clothes\bra2.png" width="100px">\
<<elseif $bra is 3>>\
<img src="images\clothes\bra3.png" width="100px">\
<<elseif $bra is 4>>\
<img src="images\clothes\bra4.png" width="100px">\
<<elseif $bra is 5>>\
<img src="images\clothes\sisterbra.png" width="100px">\
<<elseif $bra is 69>>\
<img src="images\clothes\bra69.png" width="100px">\
<div class="grid-item-vertical">\
<<if $bottom is 0 and $bodycheckfem1 is true>>\
<img src="images\bodyparts\legs.png" width="100px">\
<<elseif $bottom is 0 and $bodycheckfem1 is false and $waxed is false>>
<img src="images\bodyparts\femhairylegs1.png" width="100px">\
<<elseif $bottom is 0 and $bodycheckfem1 is false and $waxed is true>>
<img src="images\bodyparts\femlegs1.png" width="100px">\
<<elseif $bottom is -1>>\
<img src="images\clothes\placeholder.png" width="100px">\
<<elseif $bottom is 1>>\
<img src="images\clothes\jeans.png" width="100px">\
<<elseif $bottom is 2>>\
<img src="images\clothes\professionalpants.png" width="100px">\
<<elseif $bottom is 3>>\
<img src="images\clothes\sportshorts.png" width="150px">\
<<elseif $bottom is 4>>\
<img src="images\clothes\pyjamapants.png" width="100px">\
<<elseif $bottom is 5>>\
<img src="images\clothes\uniformpants.png" width="100px">\
<<elseif $bottom is 6>>\
<img src="images\clothes\pinkskirt.png" width="100px">\
<<elseif $bottom is 7>>\
<img src="images\clothes\whiteskirt.png" width="100px">\
<<elseif $bottom is 8>>\
<img src="images\clothes\redskirt.png" width="100px">\
<<elseif $bottom is 9>>\
<img src="images\clothes\blueskirt.png" width="100px">\
<<elseif $bottom is 10>>\
<img src="images\clothes\blackskirt.png" width="100px">\
<<elseif $bottom is 11>>\
<img src="images\clothes\sluttyshorts.png" width="100px">\
<<elseif $bottom is 12>>\
<img src="images\clothes\femaleskinnyjeans.png" width="100px">\
<<elseif $bottom is 13>>\
<img src="images\clothes\schoolgirlbottom1.png" width="100px">\
<<elseif $bottom is 99>>\
<img src="images\clothes\qosshorts.png" width="100px">\
<div class="grid-item-vertical">\
<<if $underwear is 0 and $bodycheckfem1 is true>>\
<img src="images\bodyparts\smallpenis.png" width="100px">\
<<elseif $underwear is 0 and $bodycheckfem1 is false and $waxed is false>>
<img src="images\bodyparts\femhairycock1.png" width="100px">\
<<elseif $underwear is 0 and $bodycheckfem1 is false and $waxed is true and $mcchastity is false>>
<img src="images\bodyparts\femcock1.png" width="100px">\
<<elseif $underwear is 0 and $bodycheckfem1 is false and $waxed is true and $mcchastity is true>>
<img src="images\bodyparts\cageon.png" width="100px">\
<<if $underwear is 1>>\
<img src="images\clothes\boxers.png" width="100px">\
<<elseif $underwear is 2>>\
<img src="images\clothes\briefs.png" width="150px">\
<<elseif $underwear is 6>>\
<img src="images\clothes\sisterpinkpanties.png" width="100px">\
<<elseif $underwear is 7>>\
<img src="images\clothes\panties1.png" width="100px">\
<<elseif $underwear is 8>>\
<img src="images\clothes\panties2.png" width="100px">\
<<elseif $underwear is 9>>\
<img src="images\clothes\panties3.png" width="100px">\
<<elseif $underwear is 10>>\
<img src="images\clothes\panties4.png" width="100px">\
<<elseif $underwear is 11>>\
<img src="images\clothes\mompanties.png" width="200px">\
<<elseif $underwear is 69>>\
<img src="images\clothes\underwear69.png" width="200px">\
<<elseif $underwear is 99>>\
<img src="images\clothes\qospanties.png" width="200px">\
<div class="grid-item-vertical">\
<<if $shoes is 1>>\
<img src="images\clothes\shoes1.png" width="150px">\
<<elseif $shoes is 2>>\
<img src="images\clothes\professionalshoes.png" width="150px">\
<<elseif $shoes is 3>>\
<img src="images\clothes\sportshoes.png" width="150px">\
<<elseif $shoes is 4>>\
<img src="images\clothes\pyjamashoes.png" width="150px">\
<<elseif $shoes is 5>>\
<img src="images\clothes\schooluniformshoes.png" width="150px">\
<<elseif $shoes is 6>>\
<img src="images\clothes\flats.png" width="150px">\
<<elseif $shoes is 7>>\
<img src="images\clothes\heels.png" width="150px">\
<<elseif $shoes is 8>>\
<img src="images\clothes\pinkboots.png" width="150px">\
<<elseif $shoes is 9>>\
<img src="images\clothes\stilettos.png" width="150px">\
<<elseif $shoes is 10>>\
<img src="images\clothes\stripperheels.png" width="150px">\
<<elseif $shoes is 11>>\
<img src="images\clothes\schoolgirlshoes.png" width="150px">\
<<elseif $shoes is 69>>\
<img src="images\clothes\shoes69.png" width="150px">\
<<if $mcchastity is true>>\
<center><red> You are locked in chastity!</red></center>
<<if $showbuttons is true>>\
<span class="tips">\
<<button "Tips">>
Dialog.setup("Tips", "charsheet");"Tips").processText());;
<span class="stats">\
<<button "Stats">>
Dialog.setup("Stats", "charsheet");"stats").processText());;
<span class="inventory">\
<<button "Inventory">>
Dialog.setup("Inventory", "charsheet");"inventory").processText());;
<span class="info">\
<<button "Info">>
Dialog.setup("Info", "charsheet");"info").processText());;
<span class="changelog">\
<<button "Changelog">>
Dialog.setup("Changelog", "charsheet");"changelog").processText());;
<span class="events">\
<<button "Events">>
Dialog.setup("events", "charsheet");"events").processText());;
<yellow><b><center> Special thanks to my Sponsors: <u>Lucyshaw</u> <u>jackie lynnerup</u><u> Jeffrey C.</u><u> chang lee</u> <u>Microayse</u> <u> Alexandar04</u></center></b></yellow> \
<</if>><<set $tutorialpop to false>>\
<<if $tutorialpop is false>>\
<p style="font-family:Courier New"><font size ="+2"><center><b><red>Before continuing, please set the names you desire for your characters or just proceed with the presetted names!</red></b></center></font></p>
<span style="color: #ADD8E6;"><center>♂︎</center></span>
<center><img src="images\avatars\youavatar.png" height="150px"></center><center><b>You</b></center>
<center><<textbox "$name" "Rodrygo">></center>
<span style="color: #ADD8E6;"><center>♂︎</center></span>
<center><img src="images\avatars\dadavatar.png" height="150px"></center><center><b>Dad</b></center>
<center><<textbox "$dadname" "Will">></center>
<center><img src="images\avatars\remyavatar.png" height="150px"></center><center><b>Girlfriend</b></center>
<center><<textbox "$gfname" "Remy">></center>
<center><img src="images\avatars\momavatar.png" height="150px"></center><center><b>Mom</b></center>
<center><<textbox "$momname" "Sophie">></center>
<center><img src="images\avatars\teacheravatar.png" height="150px"></center><center><b>Teacher</b></center>
<center><<textbox "$nameteacher" "Ash">></center>
<<set $showname to true>>\
<center><img src="images\avatars\sisteravatar.png" height="150px"></center><center><b>Sister</b></center>
<center><<textbox "$sistername" "Charlotte">></center>
<<set $showname to true>>
<<set $showorientation to true>>
<<set $showclothes to true>>
<<set $showbar to true>>
<center>[[• Show Intro •|Intro2]]</center>
<center><u><b>I recommended playing through the intro but if you want to skip it, choose your outcome!</b></u></center>
<center>[[• Start more submissive •|TutorialSkipSub]]</center>
<center>[[• Start more dominant •|TutorialSkipDom]]</center>
Developed by <b>gaaby</b>
<div class="middle">Version: v0.36</div>\
<a target="_blank" href="">\
<img src="images\resources\patreon.png" height="25px" width="25px"
<img src="images\resources\Logo Disruption small.png" width="100%" height="150px">
<hr><span class='fadeIn'>
<p style="font-family:Courier New"><b><red><font size ="+5"><center>Budapest</center></font></red></b></p>
<center><img src="images\city\Budapest.jpg"></center>
<center><b>You live in the wonderful city of Budapest, Hungary. You were born and raised here with your family.</b>
<b><center> Your family was always seen as a normal family, but like every family, there are some underlying issues going around</center></b>
<b>You were always a medium-class family, never rich nor poor, enough to live comfortably and always have what you needed</b>
<b>Currently attending Bornemisza Péter High School, you are 18 years of age freshly made, people always called you boring and nonchalant, no one really cares about you in highschool but you have a beautiful girlfriend you met there, <pink><u>$gfname</u></pink></b>
[[• Next •|Intro3]]
<<set $tutorial to true>><span class='fadeIn'>
<p style="font-family:Courier New"><b><red><font size ="+5"><center>School</center></font></red></b></p>
<center><img src="images\city\school.jpg"></center>
<center><b> This is your school, you are currently roaming around just waiting for the next class when you see your girlfriend <pink>$gfname</pink> in the distance coming over to you.</b></center>
<b><gf> -"Hey babe! Finally I found you on campus, I was missing you already.. were you waiting for someone?"</gf></b> - you girlfriend says, excited to see you.
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\Remyhappy.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><center> This is your girlfriend <gf>$gfname</gf>, she's the typical pretty girl at school with good grades, she's loyal to you in every way possible and loves you the way you are, shes always been caring and considerate to you because you treat her well</center></b>
<b><center> You look at your girlfriend and answer her question</center></b>
<you><b> - Hi hun, no I was just wandering around making time for next class, I'm having Chemistry with <teacher>Ms.$nameteacher</teacher> next.. you know how I feel about her..</b></you> - you say, feeling anxious.
<b><gf> -"Babe.. I know she gives you an hard time but that's because she wants you to suceed, you will be fine!</gf></b> - your girlfriend is smiling at you.
<b><you> - Alright.. Im going to class then, I'll catch you after it.</you></b>
<b><gf> - "Mkay babe, see you later, love you!".</gf></b> - she says, kissing you.
<center><img src="images\events\remykiss.jpg" width ="250px">
[[• Head to Class• |Intro4]]</center>
<span class='fadeIn'>
<p style="font-family:Courier New"><b><red><font size ="+5"><center>Chemistry Classroom</center></font></red></b></p>
<center><img src="images\city\chemistryclassroom.jpg" width = "550px"></center>
<b> As soon as you enter your classroom, you come across your teacher <teacher><b>Ms.$nameteacher</b></teacher> sitting on her desk waiting for people to sit down, you feel a chill down your spine as she coldly looks at you with no emotion.</b>
<center><img src="images\events\teachersitting.png" width = "550px"></center>
<b><center> This is your teacher <teacher>Ms.$nameteacher</teacher>, she is a natural born feminist, she believes that women are superior to men, the truth is, she kinda scares you and doesn't like you for some reason, rumors are that she believes in a utopia where submissive men are servants and domimant men are the ones who rule, but you are not quite sure that is true..</center></b>
<b><center>Even though you are afraid of her, you gather some courage and say good morning to your teacher.</center></b>
<b><you>- G.. Good morning </you> <teacher>Ms.$nameteacher</teacher></b> - You say, stumbling on your words.
<teacher><b> - "Go to your seat <you>$name</you>."</b></teacher> - your teacher says in a cold manner.
<b><center> You listen to your teacher and in a quick pace you rush towards your seat, not wanting to upset your teacher since class is about to start.</center></b>
<teacher><b> - "Good morning students, today we are going to talk about atoms and their constitution....."</b></teacher> - your teacher voice starts to grow distant
<b><center> As your teacher is teaching about chemistry you slowly start zoning out to the sound of her voice and you feel your eyes slowly closing...</center></b>
<center><img src="images\events\sleepingclass.jpg" width = "550px">
<font size ="+5"><center><b>.</b><b>.</b><b>.</b></center></font>
<red><u><center> <font size = "+5">$name!!</font></center></u></red>
<center><img src="images\events\teacherlooking.png" width = "550px"></center>
<b><center>Startled, you open your eyes and look up to see your teacher screaming at you, [[infuriated|intro5]] </center></b>
<span class='fadeIn'>
<p style="font-family:Courier New"><b><red><font size ="+5"><center>Chemistry Classroom</center></font></red></b></p>
<center><img src="images\city\chemistryclassroom.jpg" width = "550px"></center>
<center><img src="images\events\teacherhovering.jpg" width = "250px">
<b>Your teacher slowly comes to you and stops, towering over you and looking in your eyes with disgust she says</b></center>
<b><teacher><font size ="-1"> -"this fucking moron.."</font></teacher></b> - she mumbles under her breath
<teacher><b> -" $name, this behaviour is unacceptable, its not the first time this happens nor the second, I will not tolerate such attitudes in my classroom, pack up your things and leave, you are dismissed for today."</b></teacher> - <teacher>Ms.$nameteacher</teacher> says sternly while looking at you, not breaking eye contact at any point.
<div id="choice">
<b><center>You look at your teacher and</center></b>
<<linkreplace "<pink> • Yes <teacher>Ms.$nameteacher</teacher> I'm sorry..</pink>">>
<<replace "#choice">>
<you><b> - Yes.. <teacher>Ms.$nameteacher</teacher> I'm sorry..</b></you> - you say nervously thinking of what u have just done.
<teacher><b> I dont want your apologies <you>$name</you> I will have a word with you one of these days, expect it.</b></teacher> - your teacher declares while pointing at the door.
<<set $submissive to $submissive+1>>\
<pink><b><center>Submissiveness +1!</center></b></pink>
[[Leave classroom|Intro6]]
<div id ="choice">\
<<linkreplace "<blue> • I think you're overreacting..</blue>">>
<<replace "#choice">>
<b><you>- I think you're overreacting <teacher>Ms.$nameteacher</teacher> and I dont know why you seem to hate me, but dont think you can abuse me for too long.</you></b> - You respond, looking <teacher>Ms.$nameteacher</teacher> in the eyes.
<b> Your teacher looks at you with her eyes wide open in suprise and says
<teacher>- "Leave the classroom <you>$name"</you></teacher></b>
<b><you> A'ight..</you></b><you><font size ="-1"> whore..</font></you> - you whisper as you head towards the door.
<<set $dominant to $dominant+1>>
<blue><b> Dominance +1! </b></blue>
[[Leave classroom|Intro6]]
<span class='fadeIn'>
<p style="font-family:Courier New"><b><red><font size ="+5"><center>School Hallway</center></font></red></b></p>
<center><img src="images\city\schoolhall.jpg" width = "550px"></center>
<b><center>You leave the classroom as quickly as you can, pondering what you should do now</center></b>
<b><you> - I think I'll go home but I'll send a message to <gf><b>$gfname</b></gf> first</you></b>
[[Grab your phone|phone]]
<<set $phonetutorial to true>><center><span class ="logophone"><img src="images\resources\phonelogo.png">
<<if $submissive <=20>>
<<set $phoneeventsub1repeat to true>>
<<elseif $submissive >=20>>
<<set $phoneventsub1repeat to false>>
<center><span class ="phoneframe"><img src="images\resources\phoneframe.png" width="550px" height= "750px">
<span class ="Whatsappimage"> <a data-passage="Whatsapp" class="link-internal link-image">
<img src="images\resources\whatsapplogo.png">
<span class ="email"> <a data-passage="Email" class="link-internal link-image">
<img src="images\resources\gmail.png">
<<if $tutorial is false>>
<span class ="phoneback"> <a data-passage="$return" class="link-internal link-image">
<img src="images\resources\backbutton.png" style="max-height: 100px">
<center><span class ="logophone"><img src="images\resources\whatsapplogotop.png">
<center><span class ="phonebackground"><img src="images\resources\phoneframe.png" width="550px" height= "750px">
<span class='phonegf'><a data-passage="Remyphone" class="link-internal link-image">
<img src="images\avatars\remyavatar.png" style="max-height: 100px"></a>
<span class='phonemom'><a data-passage="Momphone" class="link-internal link-image">
<img src="images\avatars\momavatar.png" style="max-height: 100px"></a>
<span class='phonesis'><a data-passage="Sisphone" class="link-internal link-image">
<img src="images\avatars\sisteravatar.png" style="max-height: 100px"></a>
<span class='phonedad'><a data-passage="Dadphone" class="link-internal link-image">
<img src="images\avatars\dadavatar.png" style="max-height: 100px"></a>
<span class ="phoneback"> <a data-passage="phone" class="link-internal link-image">
<img src="images\resources\backbutton.png" style="max-height: 100px">
<center><span class ="phonebackground"><img src="images\resources\phoneframe.png" width="550px" height= "750px">
<span class='phonetext2'><center><img src="images\avatars\remyavatar.png" style="max-height: 200px"></center></span>
<span class='phonetext'>
<<if $submissive is 1 and $phonetutorialevent is true>>\
<span class ="phonevent"><center>[[Babe..|phoneintrosub]]</center></span>\
<<elseif $dominant is 1 and $phonetutorialevent is true>>
<span class ="phonevent"><center>[[What's up babe|phoneintrodom]]</center></span>
<<elseif $submissive >=48 and $gfsubevent3 is true and $gfsubevent2 is false and $gfbreakup is false>>\
<span class ="phonevent"><center>[[Your girlfriend sent you a picture..|gfeventsub3]]</center></span>
<<elseif $gfsubevent5 is true and $feminization >=6 and $submissive >=60 and $gfsubevent4 is false and $gfbreakup is false and $timer is 2>>\
<span class ="phonevent"><center>[[• Your girlfriend sent you a text message•|gfsubevent5]]</center></span>\
<span class ="phoneback2"> <a data-passage="phone" class="link-internal link-image">
<img src="images\resources\backbutton.png" style="max-height: 100px">
<span class='phonetextdefaultremy'><green><b>No new messages</b></green></span>
<span class ="phoneback2"> <a data-passage="phone" class="link-internal link-image">
<img src="images\resources\backbutton.png" style="max-height: 100px">
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\bedroom.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<<if $submissive >= 20>>\
<<set $phoneeventsub1repeat to false>>\
<<if $submissive >= 26>>\
<<set $phoneeventsub2repeat to false>>\
<<if $seentask1 is true and $seentask2 is true>>\
<<set $bothtasks to true>>\
<<if $seentask1 is true and $seentask2 is true and $seentask3 is true>>\
<<set $threetasks to true>>\
<<if $time > 2>>\
<<set $time to $time-1>>\
<<if $time == 1>>\
<center><img src="images\city\bedroom.jpg" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>\
<b><center> As you enter your bedroom you decide to..</center></b>\
<<elseif $time is 0>>\
<center><img src="images\city\bedroom.jpg" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>\
<b><center> As you enter your bedroom you decide to..</center></b>\
<<elseif $time is 2>>\
<center><img src="images\city\bedroomnight.jpg" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>\
<b><center> You enter your room and you are starting to feel sleepy as its night time, so you decide to..</center></b>
<<if $task4 is true>>\
<center><u><span class="eventdaily">[[Finger yourself like Mistress said.|dotasksub4]]</span></u></center>\
<<if $hired is true and $firsttimework is true and $time is 1 and $worked is 0 and $dayy <=5>>\
<span class="eventmixed"><center><u>[[• Go to work •|firsttimejob]]</u></center></span>\
<<elseif $time is 1 and $hired is true and $dayy <=5>>\
<span class="eventmixed"><center><u>[[• Head towards the Sex Shop to work •|SexShop]]</u></center></span>\
<<if $masculinity is 1 and $time is 0 and $dayy is 6 and $momdomevent5 is true>>\
<span class="eventdom"><center><b><u>[[You should take a bath..|DomSaturday]]</u></b></center></span>\
<<elseif $masculinity is 1 and $time is 0 and $dayy is 6 and $momdomevent5 is false and $momdomevent8 is true>>\
<span class="eventdom"><center><b><u>[[Beach time..!|DomSaturday2]]</u></b></center></span>\
<<elseif $masculinity is 1 and $time is 0 and $dayy is 6 and $momdomevent8 is false>>\
<span class="eventdom"><center><b><u>[[You get a surge of horniness..|DomSaturday3]]</u></b></center></span>\
<<elseif $masculinity is 1 and $time is 0 and $dayy is 7 and $momdomevent8 is true>>
<span class="eventdom"><center><b><u>[[You go out with your girlfriend.|DomSunday]]</u></b></center></span>\
<<elseif $masculinity is 1 and $time is 0 and $dayy is 7 and $momdomevent8 is false and $dadeventdomfem7 is true>>
<span class="eventdom"><center><b><u>[[You go grocery shopping with your mother|DomSunday2]]</u></b></center></span>\
<<elseif $masculinity is 1 and $time is 0 and $dayy is 7 and $momdomevent8 is false and $dadeventdomfem7 is false>>
<span class="eventdom"><center><b><u>[[You go out shopping with your sissy dad to get her some clothes!|DomSunday3]]</u></b></center></span>\
<<if $masculinity <=1 and $dadeventdomdom1 is true and $dadgayoff is false and $dadeventdom4 is false and $seendadgayporn is true and $timer is 2 and $dadfeminized is false>>\
<span class="eventdom"><center><b><u>[[Your dad comes to your bedroom upset|dadeventdommasc]]</u></b></center></span>\
<<if $sisunderwearoff is true and $feminization >= 5 and $siseventsub4 is false and $time is 0>>
<span class="eventsub"><center><u>[[You enter your closet and notice your underwear is gone...|sisunderwearoff]]</u></center></span>\
<<if $siseventsub6 is true and $feminization >= 7 and $mcchastity is true and $siseventsub5 is false and $timer is 2>>\
<span class="eventsub"><center><u>[[You need to ask your sister for release..|siseventsub6]]</u></center></span>\
<<if $siseventsub10 is true and $siseventsub9 is false and $feminization >= 8 and $mcchastity is true and $timer is 2 and $analevel >=3 and $time is 2>>\
<span class="eventsub"><center><u>[[Your sister enters your room with a bag of clothes..|siseventsub10]]</u></center></span>\
<<if $siseventsub8 is true and $feminization >= 7 and $mcchastity is true and $siseventsub7 is false and $timer is 2 and $oralevel >=2>>\
<span class="eventsub"><center><u>[[Your sister enters your room..|siseventsub8]]</u></center></span>\
<<if $feminization >=8 and $timer is 2 and $mombnwoquest1 is false and $mombnwobuy1 is true and $bnwofalse is false and $gfsubevent8 is false and $gfbreakup is false>>\
<span class="eventsub"><center><u>[[• Keep influencing your mom into the BNWO.. •|mombnwobuy1]]
<<if $feminization >=8 and $timer is 2 and $mombnwoquest1 is false and $mombnwobuy1 is true and $bnwofalse is false and $exgfsubeventbnwo is false and $gfbreakup is true>>\
<span class="eventsub"><center><u>[[• Keep influencing your mom into the BNWO.. •|mombnwobuy1]]
<<if $task3 is true>>\
<center><u><span class="eventdaily">[[Record the video for your teacher..|dotasksub3]]</span></u></center>\
<<if $submissive >=16 and $siseventsub1 is true and $momeventsub1 is false>>\
<span class="eventsub"><center><u>[[Take out your dirty clothes|siseventsub1]]</u></center></span>\
<<if $dayy == 6 and $time == 0 and $feminization ==3 and $masculinity is 0>>\
<center><b><u>[[• It's the weekend! •|WeekendSaturday]]</u></b></center>\
<<set $weekend to true>>\
<<elseif $dayy ==7 and $time == 0 and $feminization ==3 and $masculinity is 0>>\
<center><b><u>[[• It's the weekend! •|WeekendSunday]]</u></b></center>\
<<set $weekend to true>>\
<<elseif $dayy !==6 or $dayy !==7>>\
<<set $weekend to false>>\
<<if $dayy == 6 and $time == 0 and $feminization ==2 and $masculinity is 0>>\
<center><b><u>[[• It's the weekend! •|WeekendSaturday]]</u></b></center>\
<<set $weekend to true>>\
<<elseif $dayy ==7 and $time == 0 and $feminization ==2 and $masculinity is 0>>\
<center><b><u>[[• It's the weekend! •|WeekendSunday]]</u></b></center>\
<<set $weekend to true>>\
<<elseif $dayy !==6 or $dayy !==7>>\
<<set $weekend to false>>\
<<if $dayy == 6 and $time == 0 and $feminization ==1 and $masculinity is 0>>\
<center><b><u>[[• It's the weekend! •|WeekendSaturday]]</u></b></center>\
<<set $weekend to true>>\
<<elseif $dayy ==7 and $time == 0 and $feminization ==1 and $masculinity is 0>>\
<center><b><u>[[• It's the weekend! •|WeekendSunday]]</u></b></center>\
<<set $weekend to true>>\
<<elseif $dayy !==6 or $dayy !==7>>\
<<set $weekend to false>>\
<<if $dayy == 6 and $time == 0 and $feminization >=4 and $mcchastity is false>>\
<center><b><u>[[• Head down to your living room.. Weekend time! •|WeekendSaturday2]]</u></b></center>\
<<set $weekend to true>>\
<<elseif $dayy ==7 and $time == 0 and $feminization ==4 and $masculinity is 0>>\
<center><b><u>[[• Go on a date with your girlfriend •|WeekendSunday2event]]</u></b></center>\
<<set $weekend to true>>\
<<elseif $time == 0 and $feminization >=5 and $momeventsub2 is true>>\
<center><b><u><span class="eventsub">[[• Your mother wants go to shopping •|WeekendSunday3event]]</span></u></b></center>\
<<elseif $dayy == 7 and $feminization ==5 and $time == 0>>\
<center><b><u>[[• Watch sissy porn all day •|WeekendSunday4event]]</u></b></center>\
<<set $weekend to true>>\
<<elseif $dayy == 7 and $feminization >=6 and $time == 0 and $analevel == 1 and $oralevel == 1>>\
<center><b><u>[[• You hear your sister call you from her room •|WeekendSunday5subevent]]</u></b></center>\
<<set $weekend to true>>\
<<elseif $dayy == 7 and $feminization >=8 and $time == 0 and $siseventsub11 is false and $mcchastity2 is true>>\
<center><b><u>[[• Time to go shopping with your mother again! •|WeekendSunday7subevent]]</u></b></center>\
<<set $weekend to true>>\
<<elseif $dayy == 6 and $time == 0 and $feminization >=7 and $mcchastity is true and $analevel == 1 and $oralevel == 1>>\
<center><b><u>[[• Go buy some panties at the mall! •|WeekendSaturdaySub3]]</u></b></center>\
<<set $weekend to true>>\
<<elseif $dayy == 6 and $time == 0 and $feminization ==7 and $mcchastity is true and $analevel >= 2 and $oralevel >= 2>>\
<center><b><u>[[• Go to the beach with your family.. again! •|WeekendSaturdaySub4]]</u></b></center>\
<<set $weekend to true>>\
<<elseif $dayy == 6 and $time == 0 and $feminization >=8 and $mcchastity is true and $analevel >= 3 and $oralevel >= 3 and $siseventsub9 is false>>\
<center><b><u>[[• Head to your sisters room.. weekend event! •|WeekendSaturdaySub5]]</u></b></center>\
<<set $weekend to true>>\
<<elseif $dayy == 7 and $time == 0 and $feminization >=7 and $mcchastity is true and $analevel >= 2 and $oralevel >= 2 and $mcchastity2 is false>>\
<center><b><u>[[• Someone is at your door.. •|WeekendSundaySub6]]</u></b></center>\
<<set $weekend to true>>\
<<elseif $dayy !==6 or $dayy !==7>>\
<<set $weekend to false>>\
<<if $dominant >= 21 and $gfeventdom1 is true and $momeventdom1 is false>>\
<span class="eventdom"><center><b><u>[[Your girlfriend came over|gfeventdom1]]</u></b></center></span>\
<<if $submissive >=20 and $teachereventsub1 is true and $siseventsub1 is false and $time == 0 and $dayy == 1>>\
<span class="eventsub"><center><u>[[Dress up for school|teachereventsub1]]</u></center></span>\
<<elseif $submissive >=20 and $teachereventsub1 is true and $siseventsub1 is false and $time == 0 and $dayy == 2>>\
<span class="eventsub"><center><u>[[Dress up for school|teachereventsub1]]</u></center></span>\
<<elseif $submissive >=20 and $teachereventsub1 is true and $siseventsub1 is false and $time == 0 and $dayy == 3>>\
<span class="eventsub"><center><u>[[Dress up for school|teachereventsub1]]</u></center></span>\
<<elseif $submissive >=20 and $teachereventsub1 is true and $siseventsub1 is false and $time == 0 and $dayy == 4>>\
<span class="eventsub"><center><u>[[Dress up for school|teachereventsub1]]</u></center></span>\
<<elseif $submissive >=20 and $teachereventsub1 is true and $siseventsub1 is false and $time == 0 and $dayy == 5>>\
<span class="eventsub"><center><u>[[Dress up for school|teachereventsub1]]</u></center></span>\
<<if $time == 0 and $dayy <6 and $equip == 5 and $bottom == 5 and $shoes == 5 and $underwear !== 0 and $underwear !== 6 and $underwear !==11 and $feminization == 0 and $bra == 0 and $masculinity == 1 and $classmatedom3 is false and $teacherdom1 is true>>\
<span class="eventdom"><center>[[• Go to class •|teacherdom1]]</center></span>\
<<if $time == 0 and $dayy <6 and $equip == 5 and $bottom == 5 and $shoes == 5 and $underwear !== 0 and $underwear !== 6 and $underwear !==11 and $feminization == 0 and $bra == 0>>\
<center>[[• Go to class •|Class]]</center>\
<<elseif $time == 0 and $dayy <6 and $equip == 5 and $bottom == 5 and $shoes == 5 and $underwear !== 0 and $feminization == 1 and $bra == 0>>\
<center>[[• Go to class •|Class]]</center>\
<<elseif $time == 0 and $dayy <6 and $equip == 5 and $bottom == 5 and $shoes == 5 and $underwear !== 0 and $feminization >= 2 and $teacheruniformbought is false>>\
<center>[[• Go to class •|Class]]</center>\
<<elseif $time == 0 and $dayy <6 and $equip == 20 and $bottom == 13 and $shoes == 11 and $underwear !== 0 and $feminization >= 2 and $teacheruniformbought is true>>\
<center>[[• Go to class •|Class]]</center>\
<<elseif $underwear == 0 and $dayy <6 and $time == 0>>\
<b><center><red>[[• You can't go commando to school! •|Clothing]]</red></center></b>\
<<elseif $feminization == 0 and $underwear == 6 and $dayy <6 and $time == 0>>\
<b><center><red>[[• You can't wear panties to school..•|Underwear]]</red></center></b>\
<<elseif $feminization == 0 and $underwear ==11 and $dayy <6 and $time == 0>>\
<b><center><red>[[• You can't wear panties to school..•|Underwear]]</red></center></b>\
<<elseif $feminization <=1 and $bra == 5 and $dayy <6 and $time == 0>>\
<center><b>[[You can't wear a bra to school..!|Underwear]]</b></center>\
<<elseif $dayy <6 and $time == 0 and $equip !==5 and $teacheruniformbought is false>>\
<b><center><red>[[• You need to wear your uniform! •|Outfits]]</red></center></b>\
<<elseif $dayy <6 and $time == 0 and $equip !==20 and $teacheruniformbought is true>>\
<b><center><red>[[• You need to wear your uniform! •|Outfits]]</red></center></b>\
<<elseif $dayy <6 and $time == 0 and $bottom !==5 and $teacheruniformbought is false>>\
<b><center><red>[[• You need to wear your uniform! •|Outfits]]</red></center></b>\
<<elseif $dayy <6 and $time == 0 and $bottom !==13 and $teacheruniformbought is true>>\
<b><center><red>[[• You need to wear your uniform! •|Outfits]]</red></center></b>\
<<elseif $dayy <6 and $time == 0 and $shoes !==5 and $teacheruniformbought is false>>\
<b><center><red>[[• You need to wear your uniform! •|Outfits]]</red></center></b>\
<<elseif $dayy <6 and $time == 0 and $shoes !==11 and $teacheruniformbought is true>>\
<b><center><red>[[• You need to wear your uniform! •|Outfits]]</red></center></b>\
<center>[[• Enter your PC •|PC]]</center>\
<center>[[• Change your clothing •|Clothing]]</center>\
<<if $time is 1>>\
<center>[[• Wait a bit •|Pass time room]]</center>\
<<if $dayy == 6 or $dayy == 7>>\
<center><u>[[• Skip the weekend •|SkipWeekend]]</u></center>\
<<if $time == 2 and $phoneeventsub2 is true and $masculinity is 0>>\
<center>[[• It's time to go to bed •|Sleep]]</center>\
<<elseif $time == 2 and $masculinity >=1 and $teacherdom5 is true>>\
<center>[[• It's time to go to bed •|SleepDom]]</center>\
<<elseif $time == 2 and $masculinity >=1 and $teacherdom5 is false>>\
<center>[[• It's time to go to bed •|SleepDom2]]</center>\
<<elseif $time ==2 and $phoneeventsub2 is false and $phoneeventsub3 is true>>\
<center>[[• It's time to go to bed •|Sleep2]]</center>\
<<elseif $time ==2 and $phoneeventsub3 is false and $dream4 is false>>\
<center>[[• It's time to go to bed •|Sleep3]]</center>\
<<elseif $time ==2 and $dream4 is true and $feminization <=7>>\
<center>[[• It's time to go to bed •|Sleep4]]</center>\
<<elseif $time ==2 and $siseventsub9 is false and $feminization >=8>>\
<center>[[• It's time to go to bed •|Sleep5]]</center>\
<<if $equip == 0>>\
<center><b>[[You can't go outside naked!|Clothing]]</b></center>\
<<elseif $feminization == 0 and $underwear ==6>>\
<center><b> You can't go outside wearing panties..!</b></center>\
<<elseif $feminization == 0 and $underwear ==7>>\
<center><b> You can't go outside wearing panties..!</b></center>\
<<elseif $feminization == 0 and $underwear ==8>>\
<center><b> You can't go outside wearing panties..!</b></center>\
<<elseif $feminization == 0 and $underwear ==9>>\
<center><b> You can't go outside wearing panties..!</b></center>\
<<elseif $feminization == 0 and $underwear ==10>>\
<center><b> You can't go outside wearing panties..!</b></center>\
<<elseif $feminization == 0 and $underwear ==11 >>\
<center><b> You can't go outside wearing panties..!</b></center>\
<<elseif $feminization <=1 and $bra == 5>>\
<center><b> You can't go outside wearing a bra..!</b></center>\
<<elseif $feminization <=2>>\
<center>[[• Go back to the hallway •|Upstairs Hall]]</center>\
<<elseif $feminization <=4>>\
<center>[[• Go back to the hallway •|PreUpstairs Hall]]</center>\
<<elseif $feminization <=6>>\
<center>[[• Go back to the hallway •|PreUpstairs Hall2]]</center>\
<<elseif $feminization <=7>>\
<center>[[• Go back to the hallway •|PreUpstairs Hall2]]</center>\
<<elseif $feminization >=7>>\
<center>[[• Go back to the hallway •|PreUpstairs Hall2]]</center>\
<<set $showbuttons to true>>
<<if $tutorialskip is true>>
<</if>>\<span class='fadeIn'>
<p style="font-family:Courier New"><b><red><font size ="+5"><center>School Hall</center></font></red></b></p>
<center><img src="images\city\schoolhall.jpg" width = "550px"></center>
<b> You are a little weirded out by the fact that <gf>$gfname</gf> didn't say love you back but you decide to go home.</b>
<b><you> Well.. time to go </you></b>[[home |Intro8]]
<span class='fadeIn'>
<p style="font-family:Courier New"><b><red><font size ="+5"><center>School Hall</center></font></red></b></p>
<center><img src="images\city\schoolhall.jpg" width = "550px"></center>
<b> You feel a little bad by the way you talked to <gf>$gfname</gf> she is always supportive of you but today you are having a bad day, you'll apologize later</b>
<b><you> Well.. time to go </you></b>[[home|Intro8]]
<span class='fadeIn'>
<p style="font-family:Courier New"><b><red><font size ="+5"><center>Home</center></font></red></b></p>
<center><img src="images\city\house.jpg"></center>
<b><center> This is your lovely home, you grew up here with your mom, <mom>$momname</mom>, your sister <sister>$sistername</sister>. and your dad, <dad>$dadname</dad> and you were always an happy family, obviously you have your troupes but every family has them.. but you are concerned about some of the issues going on as of late.</center></b>
<b><center> As you arrive near your home, you remember that your mom and sister stayed at home today and they will ask why you arrived so early.</center></b>
<<if $submissive is 1>>
<b><you> -Oh no.. I forgot they are home, well.. hopefully my mom won't scold me..</you></b> - you say as you head towards the door
[[Enter your house|tutorialhome]]
<<elseif $dominant is 1>>
<b><you> -Shit. I forgot <sister>$sistername</sister> and <mom>$momname</mom> are home, I'm having a bad day already and they are only gonna make it worse I bet..</you></b> - you say as you head towards the door
[[• Enter your house •|tutorialhome]]
<span class='fadeIn'>
<p style="font-family:Courier New"><b><red><font size ="+5"><center>Hall</center></font></red></b></p>
<center><img src="images\city\househall.jpg"></center>
<center><b>As soon as you enter your house, your mom comes rushing to see who has arrived so early and looking at you suprised she asks</b></center>
<center><img src="images\events\mom1.png"></center>
<b><you>- "$name?</you> <mom> What are you doing home so soon hun?"</mom></b> - she says, questioningly.
<b><center> This is your mom <mom>$momname</mom>, she has always been a loving and caring mother however sometimes you get the feeling that your mother isn't really the person she shows to be, she almost seems like a tool because of your overly dominant dad who doesn't allow her to do anything she wants.. almost as shes lacking her own will, but you get the feeling that underneath all those layers.. there's someone else waiting to come out.</center></b>
<<if $submissive is 1>>\
<b><you> - Hi Mom.. Ehm.. <teacher>Ms.$nameteacher</teacher> sent me home because I fell asleep in her class.. so I did..</you></b> - you say to your mom with a loud gulp.
<<elseif $dominant is 1>>\
<b><you> - Hey Mom, <teacher>Ms.$nameteacher</teacher> sent me home because she couldnt handle me sleeping a litle.. whatever</you></b><</if>>
<b><you>- "$name..</you> <mom> You need to start focusing on your classes, this is unacceptable. You are grounded for today, go to your room."</mom></b> - your mom says in a stern tone.
<div id="choice">
<<linkreplace "<pink> • Yes mom.. I'm sorry..</pink>">>
<<replace "#choice">>
<b><you> - Yes mom.. I'm sorry.. I'll try to behave better in school..</you></b> - you say looking down.
<b><mom> - "Go on baby.. Mommy still loves you, just focus on doing better at school."</mom></b> - your mom says, as she comes forward to hug you
<b><you> Thanks mom.. love you too.</you></b> - you respond, hugging her back.
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\Momhug.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<<set $submissive to $submissive+2>>\
<b><pink>Submissiveness +2!</pink></b>
[[• Go to your room• |SisMeet1sub]]
<div id="choice">\
<<linkreplace "<blue> • I'm not going to my room ..</blue>">>
<<replace "#choice">>
<b><you>I'm not going to my room just because <teacher>Ms.$nameteacher</teacher> can't handle a little sleeping in her class.</you></b> - you say laughing, mocking your teacher.
<b><mom> What are those manners <you>$name?</you> Respect your teacher, I will not allow such mannerism in this house!</mom></b> - your mom says screaming at you.
<b><center> You are thrown off by your moms screaming, you werent expecting that, but ultimately you decide that you can't really handle all this today</center></b>
<b><you> Well I ain't staying here then for today then. I'm out.</you></b> - you say you head towards the door.
<b><you>$name!</you><mom> Get back here now!</mom></b> - your mom screams at you
<b><center> As you head towards the door, you look back at your mom and see her visually infuriated</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\Madmom.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<<set $dominant to $dominant+2>>
<b><blue> Dominance +2!</blue></b>
[[• Leave your house •|SisMeet2dom]]
<span class='fadeIn'>
<p style="font-family:Courier New"><b><red><font size ="+5"><center>Hallway</center></font></red></b></p>
<center><img src="images\city\hallway.png" width="500" height="500"></center>
<b><center> As you're heading towards your room, you stumble across your sister <sister>$sistername</sister> in the middle of the Hallway looking at her phone.</center></b>
<b><center> You've always had a somewhat troublesome relationship with <sister>$sistername</sister>, not that you hated eachother but as she grew older she always seemed to enjoy mocking you and teasing you, you have somewhat of an idea from where this atitude of her towards you comes from, your dad always backed up you and believes men are meant to lead and women to follow, so he always backs you up whenever theres a decision to be made, and your sister seems to hold a grudge towards you because of that, so every chance she has, she tries to put you down.</center></b>
<b><center> She goes to the same school as you and she is one grade above you, but she is your polar opposite, <i>popular</i>, everyone <i>worships</i> her and wants to be her friend, so you somewhat envy her and wonder why you cant be like her.</center></b>
<b><center>She glances at you and with one of her eyesbrows raised she asks</center></b>
<center><img src="images\events\sisterimg2.jpg"></center>
<b><sister> - "What's up retard, why are you back so early? Missed your favourite sister?"</sister></b>- she says with a smirk in her face.
<b><you> - Hi sis..<teacher> Ms.$nameteacher</teacher> sent me home for sleeping in class..</you></b> - you respond avoiding eye contact with her.
<b><sister> - "Oh I know, I heard Mom downstairs I just wanted you to say it again.. <you><i>"love you mommy"</i></you> haha aren't you embarassed? You're 18 for fuck sake."</sister></B> - your sister says teasing and making fun of you.
<div id="choice">
<<linkreplace "<pink> • I'm not..</pink>">>
<<replace "#choice">>
<b><pink> - I'm not.. leave me alone <sister>$sistername..</sister></pink></b> - you say looking at the floor.
<center><b><pink> Submissiveness +2!</pink></b></center>
<b><sister> - "Oh my god you're such a fragile dork, stand up for yourself dumbass.. How does dad even like you</sister></b> <font size ="-1"><sister>fucking <u>beta.."</u></sister></font> - your sister shouts at you, but she whispers something at the end that you're unable to hear.
<<set $sisdom to $sisdom+1>>
<center><img src="images\events\sisterlaughing.jpg"></center>
<b><you> - L..Leave me alone.. I'm going to my room..</you></b> - you say, as you enter your [[room|TutorialAll]]
<<set $submissive to $submissive+2>>
<div id="choice">\
<<linkreplace "<blue> • Stop being a bitch for once ..</blue>">>
<<replace "#choice">>
<b><you> - Stop being a bitch for once <b><sister>$sistername</sister></b> I seriously couldn't care less about what you're saying right now.</you></b> - you confidently say with ur chest as you look your <sister>sister</sister> in the eyes.
<b><sister> - "W.. who do you think you're talking to dork?!"</sister></b> - your sister responds, confused and shocked with what you just said.
<center><img src="images\events\sistershocked.jpg" height ="500px"></center>
<b><you> - I'm talking to you <sister>$sistername</sister> i'm tired of your shit and I had a bad day, I'm going to my room, dont even think of bothering me.</you></b> - you declare as you head towards your room.
<b><sister> - "Humph.. decided to grow a backspine the little loser.."</sister></b> - your sister says in a low voice as she watches you go away.
<<set $dominant to $dominant+2>>\
<<set $sissub to $sissub+1>>\
<center><b><blue> Dominance +2!!</blue></b></center>
<center>[[• Enter your room •|TutorialAll]]</center>
<span class='fadeIn'>
<p style="font-family:Courier New"><b><red><font size ="+5"><center>Outside of your House</center></font></red></b></p>
<center><img src="images\city\house.jpg"></center>
<b><center> As you step outside, you run into your sister <sister>$sistername</sister>, who you thought was inside.</center></b>
<center><img src="images\events\sisteroutside.jpg" height ="500px"></center>
<b><center> You've always had a somewhat troublesome relationship with <sister>$sistername</sister>, not that you hated eachother but as she grew older she always seemed to enjoy mocking you and teasing you, you have somewhat of an idea from where this atitude of her towards you comes from, your dad always backed up you and believes men are meant to lead and women to follow, so he always backs you up whenever theres a decision to be made, and your sister seems to hold a grudge towards you because of that, so every chance she has, she tries to put you down.</center></b>
<b><center> She goes to the same school as you and she is one grade above you, but she is your polar opposite, <i>popular</i>, everyone <i>worships</i> her and wants to be her friend, so you somewhat envy her and ponder why you cant be like her</center></b>
<b><center> As you are passing by her she stops you and asks</center></b>
<b><sister> - "Hey dork, what are you doing coming out of home and so soon? Weren't you at school?"</sister></b> - she questions you.
<b><you> - Hey sis, <teacher>Ms.$nameteacher</teacher> kicked me out because I fell asleep in her class.</you></b> - you explain to your sister.
<b><sister> - "Aw poor baby let me guess, instead of responding back you just accepted and went back, right loser?</sister></b> - your sister responds, trying to get a reaction from you.
<b><you> - What? No, I responded but I went home, the fuck you wanted me to do, beat her ass? She's a teacher..</you></b> - you tell her, confused.
<b><sister> - "Mhm sure you did.."</sister></b> - your sister looks at you and smirks, clearly thinking of something.
<b><sister> - "Can you do me a favor? My shoelace is untied and I hurt my back in P.E Class today, can you tie it for me <font size="-1">loser..</font></sister></b>
<center><img src="images\events\laceshoe.jpg" height ="500px"></center>
<b><center> You stop and look down at her shoe and you..</center></b>
<div id="choice">\
<<linkreplace "<pink> • Ehm.. sure..</pink>">>\
<<replace "#choice">>\
<b><pink> - Ehm.. sure sis.. If you really can't do it on your own..</pink></b> - you tell your sister while kneeling and starting to tie her shoe.
<<set $submissive to $submissive+2>>
<b><sister> - "Haha.. I knew it.. there's no way you'd change so much in a single day.. </sister></b><font size ="-1"><sister><u>little beta.."</u></sister></font> - you listen to your sister but you cant really understand what she says in the end.
<b><you> - Alright it's done sis.. I'm going to walk for a bit and chill on the park.. I'll see you later..</you></b> - you tell your sister as you get up from her shoe.
<b><sister> - "Mkay loser I don't care, hopefully no one asks you to tie their shoes or you'll be doing it all day HAHAHA..</sister></b> - your sister says while laughing at you and heading towards the door.
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\Sisterlaughing.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><you> - Wh..What? That's because it was you.. Whatever..</you></b> - you say as you head towards the [[park|Park]]
<div id="choice">\
<<linkreplace "<blue> • Fuck off..</blue>">>
<<replace "#choice">>
<b><you> - Fuck off <sister>$sistername</sister> do it on your own or take it off I don't care, I'm too pissed for this.</you></b> - you shout at your sister.
<<set $dominant to $dominant+2>>
<b><sister> - "W.. who do you think you're talking to dork?!"</sister></b> - your sister responds, confused and shocked with what you just said.
<center><img src="images\events\sistershocked.jpg" height ="500px"></center>
<b><you> - I'm talking to you <sister>$sistername</sister> i'm tired of your shit and I had a bad day, I'm going to the park, I dont have the patience to deal with you right now.</you></b> - as you pass by her you look her right in the eyes and smirk.
<b><sister> - "Humph.. decided to grow a backspine the little loser.."</sister></b> - your sister says in a low voice as she watches you go away.
<b><center> Head towards the [[Park|TutorialAll]]</center></b>
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\tips.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>\
<<if $weekend is true>> \
<b><center> It's the weekend!</center></b>\
<b><center><red> • Increase your submissive or domination stats to unlock main story events, if all the events are done, you get an End of content message here!</red> </center></b>
<b><center> • Make sure you visit all the places you can go at different times of the day, the game is full of random events that wont show up here and will increase your submissiveness and dominance to continue the main story make sure you also play the weekend saturday and sunday events and ultimately go to class and to work!</center></b>\
<red><b><center> The "You are ready for a new event if available" message on the Tips button does not mean necessarily that you have a new event to play, it means you have slept three days which is the necessary to be able to play a new event pending, however if there is a End of Content message at the bottom, all events are done for the version.</center></b></red>
<<if $timer == 0>>\
<center><b><red> You aren't ready for a new event. Wait two days</red></b></center>\
<<elseif $timer == 1>>\
<center><b><red> You aren't ready for a new event. Wait a day</red></b></center>\
<<elseif $timer == 2>>\
<center><b><red> You are ready for a new event if available.</red></b></center>\
<<if $nothiredwarning is true and $dayy <=5>>\
<b><center><you> • You should go to the Sex Shop on the Redlight District to apply for the job..</you></center></b>\
<<if $submissive >= 12 and $momeventsub1 is true >>\
<b><center><pink> • You should probably check your PC..</pink></center></b>
<<elseif $submissive >= 16 and $siseventsub1 is true>>\
<b><center><pink> • You should probably go to your room and take the dirty clothing to the bathroom..</pink></center></b>\
<<elseif $phoneeventsub1 is true and $submissive >=14>>\
<b><center><pink> • You should probably check your email in your phone..</pink></center></b>\
<<elseif $submissive >=20 and $teachereventsub1 is true and $siseventsub1 is false and $time == 0 and $dayy == 1>>\
<b><center><pink> • You should probably go to your room and dress up for school..</pink></center></b>\
<<elseif $submissive >=20 and $teachereventsub1 is true and $siseventsub1 is false and $time == 0 and $dayy == 2>>\
<b><center><pink> • You should probably go to your room and dress up for school..</pink></center></b>\
<<elseif $submissive >=20 and $teachereventsub1 is true and $siseventsub1 is false and $time == 0 and $dayy == 3>>\
<b><center><pink> • You should probably go to your room and dress up for school..</pink></center></b>\
<<elseif $submissive >=20 and $teachereventsub1 is true and $siseventsub1 is false and $time == 0 and $dayy == 4>>\
<b><center><pink> • You should probably go to your room and dress up for school..</pink></center></b>\
<<elseif $submissive >=20 and $teachereventsub1 is true and $siseventsub1 is false and $time == 0 and $dayy == 5>>\
<b><center><pink> • You should probably go to your room and dress up for school..</pink></center></b>\
<<elseif $phoneeventsub2 is true and $submissive >= 20 and $teachereventsub1 is false>>\
<b><center><pink> • You should probably go to your email in your phone..</pink></center></b>\
<<elseif $siseventsub2 is true and $submissive >=24 and $teachereventsub1 is false>>\
<b><center><pink> • You should probably go to your wardrobe..</pink></center></b>\
<<elseif $phoneeventsub3 is true and $submissive >= 26 and $siseventsub2 is false>>\
<b><center><pink> • You should probably go to your email in your phone..</pink></center></b>\
<<elseif $siseventsub3 is true and $submissive >= 30 and $phoneeventsub3 is false>>\
<b><center><pink> • You should probably go to the mall and buy the panties your sister asked.</pink></center></b>\
<<elseif $therapistsubevent1 is true and $time == 0 and $siseventsub3 is false and $dayy ==2 and $givecard is false>>\
<b><center><pink> • You should probably go outside of your house.. you have an appointment to attend.</pink></center></b>\
<<elseif $therapistsubevent1 is true and $time == 1 and $siseventsub3 is false and $dayy ==2 and $givecard is false>>\
<b><center><pink> • You should probably go outside of your house.. you have an appointment to attend.</pink></center></b>\
<<elseif $gfsubevent1 is true and $feminization >=2 and $submissive >=41 and $time == 0>>\
<b><center><pink> • You should probably go outside of your house or see your girlfriend at campus.. go out for lunch with your girlfriend</pink></center></b>\
<<elseif $gfsubevent1 is true and $feminization >=2 and $submissive >=41 and $time == 1>>\
<b><center><pink> • You should probably go outside of your house or see your girlfriend at campus.. go out for lunch with your girlfriend</pink></center></b>\
<<elseif $therapistsubevent2 is true and $time == 0 and $dayy == 2 and $therapistsubevent1 is false>>\
<b><center><pink> • You should probably go outside of your house.. you have an appointment to attend.</pink></center></b>\
<<elseif $therapistsubevent2 is true and $time == 1 and $dayy == 2 and $therapistsubevent1 is false>>\
<b><center><pink> • You should probably go outside of your house.. you have an appointment to attend.</pink></center></b>\
<<elseif $feminization >= 3 and $bodycheckfem1 is true and $therapistsubevent2 is false>>\
<b><center><pink> • You should probably go to your bathroom..</pink></center></b>\
<<elseif $feminization ==3 and $detentionwax is true>>\
<b><center><pink> • You should probably go to class.. your teacher wants to speak with you..</pink></center></b>\
<<elseif $detentionwax2 is true and $feminization >=3>>\
<b><center><pink> • You need to go to the city center and look for the beauty salon..</pink></center></b>\
<<elseif $phoneeventsub4 is true and $waxed is true and $dayy == 1>>\
<b><center><pink> • You should probably go to your email in your phone..</pink></center></b>\
<<elseif $therapistsubevent6 is true and $therapistsub3seen is true and $therapistsubevent5 is false and $oralstat == 50>>\
<b><center><mom> • On Tuesday, head outside of your house and go to the therapist appointment..</mom></center></b>\
<<elseif $feminization >=4 and $siseventsub4 is true and $submissive >=50 and $gfhappened is true and $dayy >=2>>\
<b><center><pink> • You should probably to the upstairs hall in your home..</pink></center></b>\
<<elseif $therapistsubevent3 is true and $time == 1 and $dayy == 2 and $therapistsubevent2 is false and $therapistsub3seen is false>>\
<b><center><pink> • You should go outside of your home, you have an appointment with the therapist</pink></center></b>\
<<elseif $therapistsubevent3 is true and $time ==0 and $dayy == 2 and $therapistsubevent2 is false and $therapistsub3seen is false>>\
<b><center><pink> • You should go outside of your home, you have an appointment with the therapist</pink></center></b>\
<<elseif $therapistsubevent4 is true and $therapistsub3seen is true and $time == 0 and $dayy == 2 and $therapistsubevent3 is false>>\
<b><center><pink> • You should go outside of your home, you have an appointment with the therapist</pink></center></b>\
<<elseif $therapistsubevent4 is true and $therapistsub3seen is true and $time == 1 and $dayy == 2 and $therapistsubevent3 is false>>\
<b><center><pink> • You should go outside of your home, you have an appointment with the therapist</pink></center></b>\
<<elseif $time == 0 and $dayy == 2 and $therapistsubevent3 is false and $therapistsubevent4 is false and $therapistsub3seen is true>>\
<b><center><pink> • You should go outside of your home, you have an appointment with the therapist</pink></center></b>\
<<elseif $time == 1 and $dayy == 2 and $therapistsubevent3 is false and $therapistsubevent4 is false and $therapistsub3seen is true>>\
<b><center><pink> • You should go outside of your home, you have an appointment with the therapist</pink></center></b>\
<<elseif $therapistsubevent5 is true and $therapistsub3seen is true and $time == 0 and $dayy == 2 and $therapistsubevent4 is false>>\
<b><center><pink> • You should go outside of your home, you have an appointment with the therapist</pink></center></b>\
<<elseif $therapistsubevent5 is true and $therapistsub3seen is true and $time == 1 and $dayy == 2 and $therapistsubevent4 is false>>\
<b><center><pink> • You should go outside of your home, you have an appointment with the therapist</pink></center></b>\
<<elseif $feminization >= 4 and $siseventsub4 is false and $trymakeupon is true>>\
<b><center><pink> • You should go to your bathroom</pink></center></b>\
<<elseif $time ==1 and $bodycheckfem1 is false and $gfbodychecktalk is true>>\
<<elseif $feminization >=5 and $teacherfirstask is true and $sunday3seen is true and $firstdress is false>>\
<b><center><pink> • You need to go buy a dress and send it to your teacher.. mall time!</pink></center></b>\
<<elseif $makeup is true and $dadmakeupreaction is true>>\
<b><center><pink> • Head outside of your room.. upstairs hall</pink></center></b>\
<<elseif $gfsubevent2 is true and $feminization >=5 and $submissive >=45 and $time == 0 and $gfsubevent1 is false>>\
<b><center><pink> • Talk with your girlfriend in the school campus..</pink></center></b>\
<<elseif $gfsubevent2 is true and $feminization >=5 and $submissive >=45 and $time == 1 and $gfsubevent1 is false>>\
<b><center><pink> • Talk with your girlfriend in the school campus..</pink></center></b>\
<<elseif $submissive >=48 and $gfsubevent3 is true and $gfsubevent2 is false and $gfbreakup is false>>\
<b><center><pink> • Check <gf>$gfname</gf> Whatsapp, she sent you a message..</pink></center></b>\
<<elseif $gfsubevent4 is true and $feminization >=6 and $submissive >=60 and $time == 0 and $gfbreakup is false and $timer is 2>>\
<b><center><pink> • Go outside of your home and have lunch with <gf>$gfname</gf> again..</pink></center></b>\
<<elseif $gfsubevent4 is true and $feminization >=6 and $submissive >=60 and $time == 1 and $gfbreakup is false and $timer is 2>>\
<b><center><pink> • Go outside of your home and have lunch with <gf>$gfname</gf> again..</pink></center></b>\
<<elseif $bfsubevent1 is true and $bfintroduction is false and $time is 1>>\
<b><center> • <pink>You should check</pink> <blue>out the school hallway..</blue></center></b>\
<<elseif $sisunderwearoff is true and $feminization >= 5 and $siseventsub4 is false and $time is 0>>\
<b><center> • <pink>You should check your room..</pink></center></b>\
<<elseif $feminization >= 6 and $momeventsub3 is true and $submissive >=60 and $buttplug1 is true and $timer is 2>>\
<b><center> • <pink>You should go upstairs hall, mom wants to talk with you.</pink></center></b>\
<<elseif $feminization >= 6 and $momeventsub4 is true and $submissive >=60 and $buttplug1 is true and $timer is 2 and $momeventsub3 is false>>\
<b><center> • <pink>You should go upstairs hall, mom wants to talk with you.. again.</pink></center></b>\
<<elseif $feminization >=7 and $momeventsub5 is true and $momeventsub4 is false and $timer is 2>>\
<b><center> • <pink>You should go to the kitchen and help your <mom>mom</mom></pink></center></b>\
<<elseif $bfchastityreaction is true and $mcchastity is true and $time is 1>>\
<b><center> • <pink> Talk with <bf>$bfname</bf> in the school hallway.. ask for her help..</pink></center></b>\
<<elseif $feminization >= 6 and $siseventsub5 is true and $submissive >=60 and $buttplug1 is true and $timer is 2 and $momeventsub4 is false>>\
<b><center> • <pink>You should go upstairs hall, you may stumble upon a certain sister who wants to change you..</pink></center></b>\
<<elseif $teacherdildotask is true and $dildo1 is false>>\
<b><center> • <pink>You should go to the Sexshop and buy the small dildo..</pink></center></b>\
<<elseif $time == 1 and $feminization >=5 and $momeventsub2 is true>>\
<b><center> • <pink> You should check your bedroom.. Mom out time!</pink></center></b>\
<<elseif $buttplugintro is false>>\
<b><center><pink> • Go buy the buttplug in the Sex Shop that <teacher>Ms.$nameteacher</teacher> asked you to buy</pink></center></b>\
<<elseif $siseventsub6 is true and $feminization >= 7 and $mcchastity is true and $siseventsub5 is false and $timer is 2>>
<b><center><pink> • You should ask your sister for release.. go to your room.</pink></center></b>\
<<elseif $feminization >= 7 and $siswsud is true and $siseventsub6 is false and $timer is 2>>\
<b><center><yellow> • Head to the bathroom.. you have a wet suprise waiting for you.</yellow></center></b>\
<<elseif $feminization >= 8 and $siswsud2 is true and $siseventsub6 is false and $timer is 2>>\
<b><center><yellow> • Head to the bathroom.. your sister needs your help..</yellow></center></b>\
<<elseif $gfsubevent5 is true and $feminization >=6 and $submissive >=60 and $gfsubevent4 is false and $gfbreakup is false and $timer is 2>>\
<b><center><pink> • You should go to your phone, you got a message from <gf>$gfname</gf></pink></center></b>\
<<elseif $gfsubevent5pt2 is true and $feminization >=6 and $submissive >=60 and $gfsubevent5 is false and $gfbreakup is false and $timer is 2>>\
<b><center><pink> • Go outside of your home to visit <gf>$gfname</gf></pink></center></b>\
<<elseif $gfsubevent6 is true and $feminization >=7 and $gfbreakup is false and $timer is 2 and $gfsubevent5 is false>>\
<b><center><pink> • Go outside of your home to visit <gf>$gfname</gf></pink></center></b>\
<<elseif $bfchastityreaction is false and $bfsubevent4 is true and $time is 1>>\
<b><center><pink> • Go to your school hallway and see what is your bestie is doing.</pink></center></b>\
<<elseif $feminization >= 7 and $dadsubevent1 is true and $mcchastity is true and $timer is 2>>\
<b><center><pink> • Go take a shower</pink></center></b>\
<<elseif $momeventsub5 is false and $feminization >=7 and $timer is 2 and $mcchastity is true and $momeventsub6 is true>>\
<b><center><pink> • Head upstairs to your <mom>mom's</mom> bedroom</pink></center></b>\
<<elseif $mcchastity is true and $siseventsub7 is true and $siseventsub6 is false and $timer is 2>>\
<b><center><pink> • Head to your sisters bedroom</pink></center></b>
<<elseif $mcchastity is true and $siseventsub7 is false and $lubequest is true and $timer is 2>>\
<b><center><pink> • Go to your sisters room..</pink></center></b>
<<elseif $lubequestactive is true>>\
<b><center><sister> • Head to the Sex Shop and buy lube to continue the story.</sister></center></b>\
<<elseif $lubequest2 is true>>
<b><center><sister> • Go talk with your <sister>sister</sister> to tell her you've bought the lube</sister></center></b>\
<<elseif $momeventsub6 is false and $feminization >=7 and $timer is 2 and $mcchastity is true and $momeventsub7 is true>>\
<b><center><mom> • Go to your mothers room</mom></center></b>
<<elseif $siseventsub8 is true and $feminization >= 7 and $mcchastity is true and $siseventsub7 is false and $timer is 2 and $oralevel >=2>>\
<b><center><pink> • Go to your room..</pink></center></b>
<<elseif $bfchastityreaction is false and $bfsubevent5 is true and $time is 1 and $timer is 2 and $bfsubevent4 is false and $oralevel >=2>>\
<b><center><bf> • Your best friend wants to see you in the school hallway..</bf></center></b>
<<elseif $feminization >= 7 and $dadsubevent2 is true and $mcchastity is true and $timer is 2 and $dadsubevent1 is false and $oralevel >=2>>\
<b><center><pink> • Visit your dad in the living room</pink></center></b>
<<elseif $teachercuck is false and $feminization >=7 and $timer is 2 and $bnwoevent1 is true>>\
<b><center><pink> • Go to the school hallway.. <brown>Mr Jackson</brown> is roaming around.</pink></center></b>
<<elseif $momeventsub7 is false and $feminization >=7 and $timer is 2 and $mcchastity is true and $oralevel >=3 and $momeventsub8 is true>>\
<b><center><pink> • Go to your moms room.. she wants to go out with you</pink></center></b>
<<if $mcmaid is true and $dayy is 6 and $time is 1>>\
<b><center><pink> • Go to the hallway and put your sissy maid outfit on time to clean.</pink></center></b>
<<elseif $mcmaid is true and $dayy is 7 and $time is 1>>\
<b><center><pink> • Go to the hallway and put your sissy maid outfit on time to clean.</pink></center></b>\
<<if $feminization >= 6 and $dadshowerws is true and $dadmakeupreaction is false>>\
<b><center><yellow> • Your dad will be showering at night after work..</yellow></center></b>\
<<if $feminization >= 7 and $teacherud is true and $seentask5 is true>>\
<b><center><yellow> • Your <teacher>teacher</teacher> wants to see you in the school hallway.</yellow></center></b>\
<<if $feminization >=7 and $oralevel >=3 and $analevel >=3 and $emailsub1 is true>>\
<b><center><pink> • You should probably go to your email in your PC..</pink></center></b>\
<<if $feminization >=8 and $timer is 2 and $bnwoevent5 is true and $bnwoevent4 is false and $mombnwobought2 is false and $bnwofalse is false and $secondfemchange is false>>\
<b><center><brown> • You should head to the school hallway and talk with Mr.Jackson about your mother</brown></center></b>\
<<if $teacherud2 is true and $feminization >=7>>\
<b><center><yellow> • Your <teacher>teacher</teacher> wants to see you in the school hallway.</yellow></center></b>\
<<if $denybully is true and $feminization >=7 and $timer is 2 and $bfsubevent5 is false and $bfsubevent6 is true>>\
<b><center><pink> • Go to your school hallway.. bully is waiting for you</pink></center></b>\
<<if $teachercuck is false and $feminization >=7 and $timer is 2 and $bnwoevent2 is true and $bnwoevent1 is false>>\
<b><center><pink> • Go to your PC and google what's the BNWO</pink></center></b>\
<<if $hypnotized ==5 and $emailsub1 is false and $emailsub2 is true and $fatiguestat <=20>>\
<b><center><pink> • Go to your PC and check the new email</pink></center></b>\
<<if $hypnotized ==5 and $emailsub2 is false and $emailsub3 is true and $timer is 2 and $hypnotizedfalse is false>>\
<b><center><pink> • Go to your front door and get the package</pink></center></b>\
<<if $feminization >=7 and $timer is 2 and $bnwoevent3 is true and $bnwoevent2 is false and $bnwofalse is false>>\
<b><center><pink> • Go to your school hallway and speak with <brown>Mr.Jackson</brown> about the <brown>BNWO</brown></pink></center></b>\
<<if $exgfsubeventbnwo is true and $feminization >=7 and $gfbreakup is true and $timer is 2 and $bnwofalse is false and $bnwoevent3 is false>>\
<b><center><pink> • Go to your house and speak with your ex-girlfriend about the <brown>BNWO</brown></pink></center></b>\
<<if $feminization >=8 and $timer is 2 and $bnwoevent4 is true and $bnwoevent3 is false and $bnwofalse is false and $secondfemchange is false and $exgfsubeventbnwo is false and $gfbreakup is true>>\
<b><center><pink> • Go to your school hallway and show <brown>Mr.Jackson</brown> your ex-girlfriend QOS Tattoo</pink></center></b>\
<<if $momeventsub8 is false and $feminization >=7 and $timer is 2 and $mcchastity is true and $oralevel >=3 and $momeventsub9 is true>>\
<b><center><pink> • Head to your moms room she has a suprise for you</pink></center></b>\
<<if $hypnotized ==10 and $emailsub3 is false and $emailsub4 is true and $fatiguestat <=20>>\
<b><center><pink> • Head to your PC.. new email</pink></center></b>\
<<if $gfsubevent7 is true and $feminization >=7 and $gfbreakup is false and $timer is 2 and $gfsubevent6 is false>>\
<b><center><pink> • Your girlfriend is outside of your home..</pink></center></b>\
<<if $gfsubevent8 is true and $feminization >=7 and $gfbreakup is false and $timer is 2 and $gfsubevent7 is false and $bnwofalse is false and $bnwoevent3 is false>>\
<b><center><pink> • Your girlfriend is outside of your home..</pink></center></b>\
<<if $siseventsub9 is true and $siseventsub8 is false and $feminization >= 7 and $mcchastity is true and $timer is 2 and $analevel >=3>>\
<b><center><pink> • Your <sister>sister</sister> is calling you to her room</pink></center></b>\
<<if $feminization >= 8 and $secondfemchange is true and $siseventsub9 is false and $timer >=1>>\
<b><center><pink> • You should check your body in the bathroom again</pink></center></b>\
<<if $feminization >=8 and $timer is 2 and $bnwoevent4 is true and $bnwoevent3 is false and $bnwofalse is false and $secondfemchange is false and $gfsubevent8 is false and $gfbreakup is false>>\
<b><center><pink> • Head to the school hallway to see <brown>Mr.Jackson</brown></pink></center></b>\
<<if $feminization >=7 and $timer >=1 and $secondfemchange is false and $schoolfemreaction1 is true>>\
<b><center><pink> • Head to the school hallway.. you are about to get some unique reactions</pink></center></b>\
<<if $giveanallubetask is false and $ballgagbought is false>>\
<b><center><teacher> • Head to the Sex Shop and get the ballsgag your teacher ordered you to buy..</teacher></center></b>\
<<if $teacheruniformbuy is true>>\
<b><center><teacher> • Head to Happy Girls and get the Schoolgirl outfit your teacher ordered for you.</teacher></center></b>\
<<if $siseventsub10 is true and $siseventsub9 is false and $feminization >= 8 and $mcchastity is true and $timer is 2 and $analevel >=3 and $time is 2>>\
<b><center><sister> • Head to your bedroom.. your sister wants to take you out</sister></center></b>\
<<if $momeventsub9 is false and $feminization >=8 and $timer is 2 and $mcchastity is true and $oralevel >=3 and $momeventsub10 is true>>\
<b><center><pink> • Go to your parents bedroom and see what they want</pink></center></b>\
<<if $feminization >=8 and $timer is 2 and $bnwoevent4 is false and $mombnwoquest1 is true and $bnwofalse is false and $gfsubevent8 is false>>\
<b><center><brown> • Go to your living room and start corrupting your mom into the BNWO..</brown></center></b>\
<<if $feminization >=8 and $timer is 2 and $mombnwoquest1 is false and $mombnwobuy1 is true and $bnwofalse is false and $gfsubevent8 is false>>\
<b><center><brown> • Head to your room to start a quest to keep converting your mom into the BNWO..</brown></center></b>\
<<if $mombnwobuyactive is true>>\
<b><center><brown> • Head to the sex shop and buy the bnwo magazine!</brown></center></b>\
<<if $feminization >=8 and $timer is 2 and $mombnwobuyactive is false and $mombnwobought2 is true and $bnwofalse is false>>\
<b><center><brown> • Plant the BNWO magazine in the kitchen for your mom to see..</brown></center></b>\
<<if $hypnotizedlevel == 3 and $emailsub4 is false and $emailsub5 is true and $timer is 2>>\
<b><center><pink> • Go check your PC.. you have something waiting for you from your Master..</pink></center></b>\
<<if $emailsub5task is true>>\
<b><center><pink> • Head to the park and do your masters task..</pink></center></b>\
<<if $sispetplayevent is true and $siseventsub9 is false and $timer is 2>>\
<b><center><pink> • You hear a weird noise coming from your sisters room upstairs..</pink></center></b>\
<<if $feminization >=8 and $timer is 2 and $bnwoevent6 is true and $bnwoevent5 is false and $mombnwobought2 is false and $bnwofalse is false and $secondfemchange is false>>\
<b><center><brown> • Your mother visits your school to talk with Mr.Jackson..</brown></center></b>\
<<if $siseventsub11 is true and $siseventsub10 is false and $feminization >= 8 and $mcchastity is true and $timer is 2 and $analevel >=3 and $time is 2>>\
<b><center><pink> • Head to your sisters room.. your cage has too much space already..</pink></center></b>\
<<if $feminization >=8 and $timer is 2 and $bnwoeventsister is true and $bnwoevent3 is false and $bnwofalse is false and $secondfemchange is false and $siseventsub8 is false>>\
<b><center><brown> • Head upstairs and see what your sister is up to</brown></center></b>\
<<if $feminization >=8 and $siseventsub9 is false and $xmassub is true>>\
<b><center><red> • Christmas event in the Hallway!</red></center></b>\
<<if $feminization >=8 and $timer is 2 and $bnwoevent7 is true and $bnwoevent6 is false and $bnwofalse is false>>\
<b><center><brown> • Head outside of your house and buy your mom the QOS tattoo..</brown></center></b>\
<<if $feminization >=8 and $timer is 2 and $bnwoevent8 is true and $bnwoevent7 is false and $bnwofalse is false and $teacheruniformreaction is false>>\
<b><center><brown> • Show Mr.Jackson your mothers tattoo at school.</brown></center></b>\
<<if $feminization >=8 and $timer is 2 and $bnwoevent9 is true and $bnwoevent8 is false and $bnwofalse is false and $teacheruniformreaction is false>>\
<b><center><brown> • Head to your parents room to see your dads reaction to your mothers new tattoo.</brown></center></b>\
<<if $siseventsub12 is true and $siseventsub11 is false and $feminization >= 8 and $mcchastity2 is true and $timer is 2>>\
<b><center><pink> • Head to your sisters room.. she has plans for your appearence..</pink></center></b>\
<<if $gfsubevent9 is true and $feminization >=7 and $gfbreakup is false and $timer is 2 and $gfsubevent8 is false and $bnwofalse is false and $bnwoevent4 is false>>\
<b><center><brown> • Go to your school hallway.. your girlfriend is hanging out with Mr.Jackson</brown></center></b>\
<<if $hypnotizedlevel == 3 and $emailsub5 is false and $emailsub6 is true and $timer is 2 and $worksubevent12 is false>>\
<b><center><pink> • Go to your PC and check the new email you got from Master</pink></center></b>\
<<if $task1 is true>>\
<b><center><red><u> Daily Task</u></red></center></b>\
<b><center><teacher> • Put your pink dress on and head to the park, do your teachers task.</teacher></center></b>\
<<if $task2 is true>>\
<b><center><red><u> Daily Task</u></red></center></b>\
<b><center><teacher> • Time to go to the hallway and clean your house like a good litte maid</teacher></center></b>\
<<if $feminization >=5 and $nailsalontask is false and $sunday3seen is true and $firstdress is true and $nailsalontaskstart is true>>\
<b><center><teacher> • Head downtown and get your nails done</teacher></center></b>\
<<if $task3 is true>>\
<b><center><red><u> Daily Task</u></red></center></b>\
<b><center><teacher> • Go to your Room and record a video of you sucking your dildo for </teacher><teacher>Mistress</teacher></center></b>\
<<if $task4 is true>>\
<b><center><red><u> Daily Task</u></red></center></b>\
<b><center><teacher> • Go to your Room and finger yourself.</teacher></center></b>\
<<if $task5 is true>>\
<b><center><red><u> Daily Task</u></red></center></b>\
<b><center><teacher> • Go to the park with your dress and buttplug inserted, take a walk.</teacher></center></b>\
<<if $teacherschooltaskactive is true>>\
<b><center><teacher> • Head to your school hallway and do your teachers task</teacher></center></b>\
<<if $phoneeventsub5 is true and $dream4 is true and $dayy == 1>>\
<b><center><pink> • You should probably go to your email in your phone..</pink></center></b>\
<<if $momeventsub10 is false and $momdadtask is true and $dayy == 1>>\
<b><center><mom> You have kinky daily chores to do for your parents in your Hallway!</mom></center></b>
<<if $worksubevent13 is true and $feminization >=2 and $hired is true>>\
<b><center><red> You have new work events to see!</red></center></b>\
<<elseif $worksubevent13 is false and $feminization >=2 and $hired is true>>\
<b><center><red> All work events played.</red></center></b>\
<!-- not break up gf and bnwo on-->\
<<if $momeventsub1 is false and $siseventsub1 is false and $teachereventsub1 is false and $siseventsub2 is false and $siseventsub3 is false and $therapistsubevent1 is false and $therapistsubevent2 is false and $bodycheckfem1 is false and $detentionwax is false and $detentionwax2 is false and $gfsubevent1 is false and $siseventsub4 is false and $therapistsub3seen is true and $trymakeupon is false and $firstdress is true and $dadmakeupreaction is false and $gfsubevent2 is false and $bfsubevent1 is false and $gfsubevent3 is false and $sisunderwearoff is false and $teacherdildotask is true and $newtask1 is true and $hired is true and $meetbfjob is false and $sisunderwearoff is false and $momeventsub2 is false and $worksubevent6 is false and $momeventsub3 is false and $momeventsub4 is false and $mcmaidsis is false and $siseventsub5 is false and $therapistsubevent5 is false and $worksubevent7 is false and $chastityreaction is true and $momeventsub5 is false and $bfchastityreaction is false and $siseventsub6 is false and $gfsubevent5 is false and $gfsubevent5pt2 is false and $gfbreakup is false and $bfsubevent4 is false and $dadsubevent1 is false and $momeventsub6 is false and $siseventsub7 is false and $lubequest is false and $momeventsub7 is false and $therapistsubevent6 is false and $worksubevent10 is false and $daddildoreact is false and $gfsubevent6 is false and $siseventsub8 is false and $bfsubevent5 is
false and $teachercuck is false and $dadsubevent2 is false and $emailsub1 is false and $bnwoevent1 is false and $momeventsub8 is false and $bnwoevent2 is false and $emailsub2 is false and $emailsub3 is false and $bnwoevent3 is false and $momeventsub9 is false and $emailsub4 is false and $worksubevent12 is false and $gfsubevent7 is false and $teacheruniformtaskdone is true and $teacheruniformreaction is false and $gfsubevent8 is false and $siseventsub9 is false and $secondfemchange is false and $bnwoevent4 is false and $schoolfemreaction1 is false and $worksubevent13 is false and $ballgagbought is true and $peggedteacher is false and $siseventsub10 is false and $momeventsub10 is false and $mombnwoquest1 is false and $therapistsubevent7 is false and $mombnwobuy1 is false and $mombnwobuyactive is false and $emailsub5 is false and $emailsub5task is false and $sispetplayevent is false and $teachertaskleashdone is true and $nailstaskdone is true and $bnwoevent5 is false and $bnwoevent6 is false and $siseventsub11 is false and $bnwoeventsister is false and $bnwoevent7 is false and $bnwoevent8 is false and $bnwoevent9 is false and $siseventsub12 is false and $gfsubevent9 is false and $emailsub6 is false>>\
<b><center> • End of main <pink>sub</pink> content, feel free to explore the map and see if you missed anything!</center></b>\
<!-- not break up gf and bnwo off-->
<<if $momeventsub1 is false and $siseventsub1 is false and $teachereventsub1 is false and $siseventsub2 is false and $siseventsub3 is false and $therapistsubevent1 is false and $therapistsubevent2 is false and $bodycheckfem1 is false and $detentionwax is false and $detentionwax2 is false and $gfsubevent1 is false and $siseventsub4 is false and $therapistsub3seen is true and $trymakeupon is false and $firstdress is true and $dadmakeupreaction is false and $gfsubevent2 is false and $bfsubevent1 is false and $gfsubevent3 is false and $sisunderwearoff is false and $teacherdildotask is true and $newtask1 is true and $hired is true and $meetbfjob is false and $sisunderwearoff is false and $momeventsub2 is false and $worksubevent6 is false and $momeventsub3 is false and $momeventsub4 is false and $mcmaidsis is false and $siseventsub5 is false and $therapistsubevent5 is false and $worksubevent7 is false and $chastityreaction is true and $momeventsub5 is false and $bfchastityreaction is false and $siseventsub6 is false and $gfsubevent5 is false and $gfsubevent5pt2 is false and $gfbreakup is false and $bfsubevent4 is false and $dadsubevent1 is false and $momeventsub6 is false and $siseventsub7 is false and $lubequest is false and $momeventsub7 is false and $therapistsubevent6 is false and $worksubevent10 is false and $daddildoreact is false and $gfsubevent6 is false and $siseventsub8 is false and $bfsubevent5 is
false and $teachercuck is false and $dadsubevent2 is false and $emailsub1 is false and $bnwoevent1 is false and $momeventsub8 is false and $bnwofalse is true and $emailsub2 is false and $emailsub3 is false and $momeventsub9 is false and $emailsub4 is false and $worksubevent12 is false and $gfsubevent7 is false and $teacheruniformtaskdone is true and $teacheruniformreaction is false and $siseventsub9 is false and $secondfemchange is false and $schoolfemreaction1 is false and $worksubevent13 is false and $ballgagbought is true and $peggedteacher is false and $siseventsub10 is false and $momeventsub10 is false and $therapistsubevent7 is false and $emailsub5 is false and $emailsub5task is false and $sispetplayevent is false and $teachertaskleashdone is true and $nailstaskdone is true and $siseventsub11 is false and $siseventsub12 is false and $emailsub6 is false>>\
<b><center> • End of main <pink>sub</pink> content, feel free to explore the map and see if you missed anything!</center></b>\
<<if $parksubguy1 is true and $feminization >=6 and $submissive >=50 and $timer is 2 and $parkguy is true and $gfbreakup is true>>\
<b><center><pink> • Go outside of your home for a date with a guy..</pink></center></b>\
<!-- break up gf and bnwo event on-->
<<if $momeventsub1 is false and $siseventsub1 is false and $teachereventsub1 is false and $siseventsub2 is false and $siseventsub3 is false and $therapistsubevent1 is false and $therapistsubevent2 is false and $bodycheckfem1 is false and $detentionwax is false and $detentionwax2 is false and $gfsubevent1 is false and $siseventsub4 is false and $therapistsub3seen is true and $trymakeupon is false and $firstdress is true and $dadmakeupreaction is false and $gfsubevent2 is false and $bfsubevent1 is false and $sisunderwearoff is false and $teacherdildotask is true and $newtask1 is true and $hired is true and $meetbfjob is false and $sisunderwearoff is false and $momeventsub2 is false and $worksubevent6 is false and $momeventsub3 is false and $momeventsub4 is false and $mcmaidsis is false and $siseventsub5 is false and $therapistsubevent5 is false and $worksubevent7 is false and $chastityreaction is true and $momeventsub5 is false and $bfchastityreaction is false and $siseventsub6 is false and $gfbreakup is true and $parksubguy1 is false and $bfsubevent4 is false and $dadsubevent1 is false and $momeventsub6 is false and $siseventsub7 is false and $lubequest is false and $momeventsub7 is false and $therapistsubevent6 is false and $worksubevent10 is false and $daddildoreact is false and $siseventsub8 is false and $bfsubevent5 is
false and $teachercuck is false and $dadsubevent2 is false and $emailsub1 is false and $bnwoevent1 is false and $momeventsub8 is false and $bnwoevent2 is false and $emailsub2 is false and $emailsub3 is false and $bnwoevent3 is false and $momeventsub9 is false and $emailsub4 is false and $worksubevent12 is false and $teacheruniformtaskdone is true and $teacheruniformreaction is false and $siseventsub9 is false and $secondfemchange is false and $bnwoevent4 is false and $schoolfemreaction1 is false and $worksubevent13 is false and $ballgagbought is true and $peggedteacher is false and $siseventsub10 is false and $momeventsub10 is false and $mombnwoquest1 is false and $therapistsubevent7 is false and $mombnwobuy1 is false and $mombnwobuyactive is false and $emailsub5 is false and $emailsub5task is false and $sispetplayevent is false and $teachertaskleashdone is true and $nailstaskdone is true and $bnwoevent5 is false and $bnwoevent6 is false and $siseventsub11 is false and $bnwoeventsister is false and $bnwoevent7 is false and $bnwoevent8 is false and $bnwoevent9 is false and $siseventsub12 is false and $gfsubevent9 is false and $emailsub6 is false>>\
<b><center> • End of main <pink>sub</pink> content, feel free to explore the map and see if you missed anything!</center></b>\
<!-- break up gf and bnwo event off-->
<<if $momeventsub1 is false and $siseventsub1 is false and $teachereventsub1 is false and $siseventsub2 is false and $siseventsub3 is false and $therapistsubevent1 is false and $therapistsubevent2 is false and $bodycheckfem1 is false and $detentionwax is false and $detentionwax2 is false and $gfsubevent1 is false and $siseventsub4 is false and $therapistsub3seen is true and $trymakeupon is false and $firstdress is true and $dadmakeupreaction is false and $gfsubevent2 is false and $bfsubevent1 is false and $sisunderwearoff is false and $teacherdildotask is true and $newtask1 is true and $hired is true and $meetbfjob is false and $sisunderwearoff is false and $momeventsub2 is false and $worksubevent6 is false and $momeventsub3 is false and $momeventsub4 is false and $mcmaidsis is false and $siseventsub5 is false and $therapistsubevent5 is false and $worksubevent7 is false and $chastityreaction is true and $momeventsub5 is false and $bfchastityreaction is false and $siseventsub6 is false and $gfbreakup is true and $parksubguy1 is false and $bfsubevent4 is false and $dadsubevent1 is false and $momeventsub6 is false and $siseventsub7 is false and $lubequest is false and $momeventsub7 is false and $therapistsubevent6 is false and $worksubevent10 is false and $daddildoreact is false and $siseventsub8 is false and $bfsubevent5 is
false and $teachercuck is false and $dadsubevent2 is false and $emailsub1 is false and $bnwoevent1 is false and $momeventsub8 is false and $bnwofalse is true and $emailsub2 is false and $emailsub3 is false and $momeventsub9 is false and $emailsub4 is false and $worksubevent12 is false and $teacheruniformtaskdone is true and $teacheruniformreaction is false and $siseventsub9 is false and $secondfemchange is false and $schoolfemreaction1 is false and $worksubevent13 is false and $ballgagbought is true and $peggedteacher is false and $siseventsub10 is false and $momeventsub10 is false and $therapistsubevent7 is false and $emailsub5 is false and $emailsub5task is false and $sispetplayevent is false and $teachertaskleashdone is true and $nailstaskdone is true and $siseventsub11 is false and $siseventsub12 is false and $emailsub6 is false>>\
<b><center> • End of main <pink>sub</pink> content, feel free to explore the map and see if you missed anything!</center></b>\
<<if $feminization == 2 and $givecard is false and $therapistsubevent1 is true>>\
<b><center><pink> • Go to therapy on <u>Tuesday!</u></pink></center></b>\
<<elseif $feminization >= 2 and $therapistsubevent1 is false and $therapistsubevent2 is true>>\
<b><center><pink> • Go to therapy on <u>Tuesday!</u></pink></center>\</b>\
<<elseif $feminization >= 4 and $therapistsubevent3 is true>>\
<<if $masculinity == 1 and $teacherdom2 is false and $teacherdom3 is true and $seendetention2dom is true and $timer is 2>>\
<b><center><blue> • Wait for your teacher outside of your classroom</blue></center></b>\
<<if $momdomevent8 is true and $momdomevent7 is false and $timer is 2>>\
<b><center><blue> • Go to the kitchen</blue></center></b>\
<<if $dominant >= 12 and $siseventdom1 is true>>\
<b><center><blue> • Head upstairs hall to your room, you might stumble upon someone..</blue></center></b>\
<<elseif $dominant >= 17 and $momeventdom1 is true and $siseventdom1 is false>>\
<b><center><blue> • Head to the living room..</blue></center></b>\
<<elseif $dominant >= 21 and $gfeventdom1 is true and $momeventdom1 is false>>\
<b><center><blue> • Head to your room</blue></center></b>\
<<elseif $dominant >= 24 and $siseventdom2 is true and $gfeventdom1 is false>>\
<b><center><blue> • Head to your living room</blue></center></b>\
<<elseif $dominant >= 27 and $masculinity is 1 and $timer is 2 and $bfdomevent1 is true>>\
<b><center><blue> • Talk with your bestfriend in school campus</blue></center></b>\
<<elseif $dominant >= 30 and $masculinity is 1 and $timer is 2 and $bfdomevent2 is true and $bfdomevent1 is false and $bfend is false>>\
<b><center><blue> • Go see your girlfriend outside of your house.</blue></center></b>\
<<elseif $classmateglory is true and $glorydone is 1>>\
<b><center><blue> • Perhaps you should visit the gloryhole in the school bathroom..</blue></center></b>\
<<elseif $momdomevent2 is true and $momeventdom1 is false and $timer is 2>>\
<b><center><blue> • You should go to your sisters bedroom and ask for her help with your mom..</blue></center></b>\
<<elseif $momdomevent3 is true and $momdomevent2 is false and $timer is 2>>\
<b><center><blue> • Go upstairs hall, time to corrupt your mother even further</blue></center></b>\
<<elseif $momdomevent5 is true and $momdomevent4 is false and $timer is 2>>\
<b><center><blue> • Head towards the bathroom.. your <mom>mom</mom> is showering.</blue></center></b>\
<<elseif $dominant >= 30 and $glorydone == 3 and $classmatedom2 is true and $classmateglory is false and $timer is 2>>\
<b><center><blue> • Go to your school hallway, time to confront <classmate>Sasha</classmate></blue></center></b>\
<<elseif $bfeventdom3 is true and $dominant >=32 and $bfdomevent2 is false and $timer is 2 and $bfend is false>>\
<b><center><blue> • Go to your school hallway, talk with <bf>$bfname</bf> to go to her home</blue></center></b>\
<<elseif $dominant >= 35 and $glorydone >= 3 and $classmatedom3 is true and $classmatedom2 is false and $timer is 2>>\
<b><center><blue> • Go to your school hallway and wait for Sasha</blue></center></b>\
<<elseif $momdomevent4 is true and $momdomevent3 is false and $timer is 2>>\
<b><center><blue> • Go to your living room and tease your mother..</blue></center></b>\
<<elseif $momdomevent6 is true and $momdomevent5 is false and $timer is 2>>\
<b><center><blue> • Go to mothers room to talk about last time..</blue></center></b>\
<<elseif $dominant >=38 and $dadeventdom1 is true and $masculinity >=1 and $timer is 2>>\
<b><center><blue> • Go take a shower..</blue></center></b>\
<<elseif $masculinity <=1 and $dadeventdom2 is true and $dadgayoff is false and $dadeventdom1 is false and $seendadgayporn is true and $timer is 2>>\
<b><center><blue> • Go to your living room and wait for your <dad>dad</dad></blue></center></b>\
<<elseif $masculinity <=1 and $dadeventdom3 is true and $dadgayoff is false and $dadeventdom2 is false and $seendadgayporn is true and $timer is 2>>\
<b><center><blue> • Go outside to your home and meet your <dad>dad</dad></blue></center></b>\
<<elseif $masculinity == 1 and $teacherdom1 is false and $teacherdom2 is true and $seendetention2dom is true and $timer is 2>>\
<b><center><blue> • Head to your school hallway to meet your <teacher>teacher</teacher></blue></center></b>\
<<elseif $masculinity <=1 and $dadeventdomfem1 is true and $dadgayoff is false and $dadeventdom4 is false and $seendadgayporn is true and $timer is 2 and $dadfeminized is true>>\
<b><center><blue> • Go feminize your dad in your living room</blue></center></b>\
<<elseif $masculinity == 1 and $teacherdom3 is false and $teacherdom4 is true and $seendetention2dom is true and $timer is 2>>\
<b><center><blue> • Meet your headmaster at the school</blue></center></b>\
<<elseif $bfeventdom4 is true and $dominant >=32 and $bfeventdom3 is false and $timer is 2 and $bfend is false>>\
<b><center><blue> • Head outside your house to go to your best friends house</blue></center></b>\
<<elseif $masculinity <=1 and $dadeventdomfem2 is true and $dadeventdomfem1 is false and $dadgayoff is false and $dadeventdom4 is false and $seendadgayporn is true and $timer is 2 and $dadfeminized is true>>\
<b><center><blue> • Go to your parents room to feminize your dad.. panties time</blue></center></b>\
<<elseif $masculinity <=1 and $dadeventdomdom1 is true and $dadgayoff is false and $dadeventdom4 is false and $seendadgayporn is true and $timer is 2 and $dadfeminized is false>>\
<b><center><blue> • Go to your bedroom.. your dad is coming for you.</blue></center></b>\
<<elseif $time == 0 and $dayy <6 and $equip == 5 and $bottom == 5 and $shoes == 5 and $underwear !== 0 and $underwear !== 6 and $underwear !==11 and $feminization == 0 and $bra == 0 and $masculinity == 1 and $classmatedom3 is false and $teacherdom1 is true>>\
<b><center><blue> • Go to class..</blue></center></b>\
<<elseif $masculinity <=1 and $dadeventdom4 is true and $dadgayoff is false and $dadeventdom3 is false and $seendadgayporn is true and $timer is 2>>\
<b><center><blue> • Go to your living room.</blue></center></b>\
<<elseif $dominant >= 32 and $siseventdom3 is true and $siseventdom2 is false and $masculinity >=1 and $timer is 2>>\
<b><center><blue> • Go to your living room, test your sisters limits</blue></center></b>\
<<elseif $masculinity <=1 and $dadeventdomfem3 is true and $dadeventdomfem2 is false and $dadgayoff is false and $dadeventdom4 is false and $seendadgayporn is true and $timer is 2 and $dadfeminized is true>>\
<b><center><dad> • Go to your living room and blackmail your dad</dad></center></b>\
<<elseif $bfeventdom5 is true and $dominant >=34 and $bfeventdom4 is false and $timer is 2 and $bfend is false and $gfbreakup is false>>\
<b><center><dad> • Go outside of your house.. time to call your best friend and girl friend</dad></center></b>\
<<elseif $masculinity >= 1 and $teacherdom4 is false and $teacherdom5 is true and $seendetention2dom is true and $timer is 2>>\
<b><center><teacher> • Go to your school hallway and talk with your teacher</teacher></center></b>\
<<elseif $masculinity >= 1 and $teacherdom5 is false and $subheadmaster is true and $headmasterdom1 is true and $seendetention2dom is true and $timer is 2>>\
<b><center><headmaster> • Go to your school hallway and talk with your headmaster</headmaster></center></b>\
<<elseif $masculinity >=1 and $dadeventdomfem4 is true and $dadeventdomfem3 is false and $dadgayoff is false and $seendadgayporn is true and $timer is 2 and $dadfeminized is true>>\
<b><center><dad> • Go to your bathroom to feminize your dad further</dad></center></b>\
<<elseif $gfeventdom2 is true and $dominant >=34 and $bfeventdom5 is false and $timer is 2 and $bfend is false and $gfbreakup is false>>\
<b><center><gf> • Go to school and talk with your girlfriend</gf></center></b>\
<<elseif $masculinity <=1 and $dadeventdomdom2 is true and $dadgayoff is false and $dadeventdomdom1 is false and $seendadgayporn is true and $timer is 2 and $dadfeminized is false>>\
<b><center><dad> • Go to your sisters room and make your dad submit to you even further</dad></center></b>
<<elseif $masculinity >= 1 and $teacherdom5 is false and $teacherdom6 is true and $seendetention2dom is true and $timer is 2>>\
<b><center><teacher> •Go to your school and cuck your husbands teacher</teacher></center></b>
<<elseif $masculinity >=1 and $dadeventdomfem5 is true and $dadeventdomfem4 is false and $dadgayoff is false and $seendadgayporn is true and $timer is 2 and $dadfeminized is true and $teacherdom6 is false>>\
<b><center><dad> • Go to your school and talk with your teacher about a harder feminization drug for your dad</dad></center></b>
<<elseif $masculinity >=1 and $dadeventdomfem6 is true and $dadeventdomfem5 is false and $dadgayoff is false and $seendadgayporn is true and $timer is 2 and $dadfeminized is true and $teacherdom6 is false>>\
<b><center><dad> • Go outside of your house.. you got a package waiting for you.</dad></center></b>
<<elseif $masculinity >=1 and $drugdad is 0 and $dadeventdomfem6 is false and $dadgayoff is false and $seendadgayporn is true and $dadfeminized is true and $teacherdom6 is false and $drugdone is false and $time is 0>>\
<b><center><dad> • Feed your dad the feminization drug in the kitchen</dad></center></b>
<<elseif $masculinity >=1 and $drugdad is 1 and $dadeventdomfem6 is false and $dadgayoff is false and $seendadgayporn is true and $dadfeminized is true and $teacherdom6 is false and $drugdone is false and $time is 0>>\
<b><center><dad> • Feed your dad the feminization drug in the kitchen</dad></center></b>
<<elseif $masculinity >=1 and $drugdad is 2 and $dadeventdomfem6 is false and $dadgayoff is false and $seendadgayporn is true and $dadfeminized is true and $teacherdom6 is false and $drugdone is false and $time is 0>>\
<b><center><dad> • Feed your dad the feminization drug in the kitchen</dad></center></b>
<<elseif $masculinity >=1 and $dadeventdomfem7 is true and $dadeventdomfem6 is false and $dadgayoff is false and $seendadgayporn is true and $dadfeminized is true and $teacherdom6 is false and $drugdone is true and $drugdad is 3 and $time is 0>>\
<b><center><dad> • Go to your bathroom and see your dad's body changes</dad></center></b>
<<elseif $masculinity >=1 and $dadeventdomfem8 is true and $dadeventdomfem7 is false and $dadfemreaction is false and $dadgayoff is false and $seendadgayporn is true and $dadfeminized is true and $teacherdom6 is false and $drugdone is true and $drugdad is 3 and $time is 0>>\
<b><center><dad> • Go upstairs.. your sissies dad horniness is taking over her..</dad></center></b>
<<elseif $masculinity >=1 and $siseventdom2 is false and $momdomevent5 is false and $xmasdom is true>>\
<b><center><red> • Christmas event in the Hallway!</red></center></b>\
<<elseif $dadfemreaction is false and $sisreactiondadfem is true and $dadeventdomfem7 is false>>\
<b><center><dad> • Go to your living room and see your sisters reaction to your dad feminized</dad></center></b>
<<elseif $dadfemreaction is false and $momreactiondadfem is true and $dadeventdomfem7 is false>>\
<b><center><dad> • Go to your parents bedroom and see your mothers reaction to your dad feminized</dad></center></b>
<<elseif $masculinity >=1 and $dadeventdomfem9 is true and $dadeventdomfem8 is false and $dadfemreaction is false and $dadgayoff is false and $seendadgayporn is true and $dadfeminized is true and $teacherdom6 is false and $drugdone is true and $drugdad is 3 and $sisreactiondadfem is false>>\
<b><center><dad> • Go to your kitchen and talk with your sister to further break your feminized dad's will</dad></center></b>
<<elseif $momdomevent9 is true and $momdomevent8 is false and $timer is 2 and $dadfeminized is false>>\
<b><center><blue> • Go to your kitchen to eat lunch with your dad and mom</blue></center></b>\
<!-- trans content off and dad gay on and dad feminized-->\
<<if $siseventdom1 is false and $momeventdom1 is false and $gfeventdom1 is false and $siseventdom2 is false and $workdomevent1 is false and $bfdomevent1 is false and $bfend is true and $classmateglory is false and $momdomevent2 is false and $momdomevent3 is false and $classmatedom2 is false and $classmatedom3 is false and $momdomevent4 is false and $momdomevent5 is false and $teacherdom1 is false and $momdomevent6 is false and $momdomevent7 is false and $dadeventdom1 is false and $dadeventdom2 is false and $dadeventdom3 is false and $teacherdom2 is false and $dadeventdom4 is false and $teacherdom3 is false and $momdomevent8 is false and $dadeventdomfem1 is false and $teacherdom4 is false and $dadfeminized is true and $dadeventdomfem2 is false and $siseventdom3 is false and $dadeventdomfem3 is false and $teacherdom5 is false and $dadeventdomfem4 is false and $gfeventdom2 is false and $teacherdom6 is false and $dadeventdomfem5 is false and $dadeventdomfem6 is false and $drugdone is true and $dadeventdomfem7 is false and $dadeventdomfem8 is false and $momreactiondadfem is false and $sisreactiondadfem is false and $dadeventdomfem9 is false>>\
<b><center> • End of main <blue>dom</blue> events content, feel free to explore the map and see if you missed anything! There's alot of random dom events around!</center></b>\
<!-- trans content off and dad gay on and dad masculine-->\
<<elseif $siseventdom1 is false and $momeventdom1 is false and $gfeventdom1 is false and $siseventdom2 is false and $workdomevent1 is false and $bfdomevent1 is false and $bfend is true and $classmateglory is false and $momdomevent2 is false and $momdomevent3 is false and $classmatedom2 is false and $classmatedom3 is false and $momdomevent4 is false and $momdomevent5 is false and $teacherdom1 is false and $momdomevent6 is false and $momdomevent7 is false and $dadeventdom1 is false and $dadeventdom2 is false and $dadeventdom3 is false and $teacherdom2 is false and $dadeventdom4 is false and $teacherdom3 is false and $momdomevent8 is false and $teacherdom4 is false and $dadfeminized is false and $dadeventdomdom1 is false and $siseventdom3 is false and $teacherdom5 is false and $gfeventdom2 is false and $dadeventdomdom2 is false and $teacherdom6 is false and $momdomevent9 is false>>\
<b><center> • End of main <blue>dom</blue> events content, feel free to explore the map and see if you missed anything! There's alot of random dom events around!</center></b>\
<!-- trans content on dad gay off-->\
<<elseif $siseventdom1 is false and $momeventdom1 is false and $gfeventdom1 is false and $siseventdom2 is false and $workdomevent1 is false and $bfdomevent1 is false and $bfdomevent2 is false and $bfend is false and $classmateglory is false and $momdomevent2 is false and $momdomevent3 is false and $classmatedom2 is false and $bfeventdom3 is false and $classmatedom3 is false and $momdomevent4 is false and $momdomevent5 is false and $teacherdom1 is false and $momdomevent6 is false and $momdomevent7 is false and $dadeventdom1 is false and $dadgayoff is true and $teacherdom2 is false and $teacherdom3 is false and $momdomevent8 is false and $teacherdom4 is false and $bfeventdom4 is false and $siseventdom3 is false and $bfeventdom5 is false and $teacherdom5 is false and $gfeventdom2 is false and $teacherdom6 is false and $momdomevent9 is false>>\
<b><center> • End of main <blue>dom</blue> events content, feel free to explore the map and see if you missed anything! There's alot of random dom events around!</center></b>\
<!-- dad gay on trans content on and dad feminized-->\
<<elseif $siseventdom1 is false and $momeventdom1 is false and $gfeventdom1 is false and $siseventdom2 is false and $workdomevent1 is false and $bfdomevent1 is false and $bfdomevent2 is false and $bfend is false and $classmateglory is false and $momdomevent2 is false and $momdomevent3 is false and $classmatedom2 is false and $bfeventdom3 is false and $classmatedom3 is false and $momdomevent4 is false and $momdomevent5 is false and $teacherdom1 is false and $momdomevent6 is false and $momdomevent7 is false and $dadeventdom1 is false and $dadeventdom2 is false and $dadgayoff is false and $dadeventdom3 is false and $teacherdom2 is false and $dadeventdom4 is false and $teacherdom3 is false and $momdomevent8 is false and $dadeventdomfem1 is false and $teacherdom4 is false and $bfeventdom4 is false and $dadfeminized is true and $dadeventdomfem2 is false and $siseventdom3 is false and $dadeventdomfem3 is false and $bfeventdom5 is false and $teacherdom5 is false and $dadeventdomfem4 is false and $gfeventdom2 is false and $teacherdom6 is false and $dadeventdomfem5 is false and $dadeventdomfem6 is false and $drugdone is true and $dadeventdomfem7 is false and $dadeventdomfem8 is false and $momreactiondadfem is false and $sisreactiondadfem is false and $dadeventdomfem9 is false>>\
<b><center> • End of main <blue>dom</blue> events content, feel free to explore the map and see if you missed anything! There's alot of random dom events around!</center></b>\
<!-- dad gay on trans content on and dad masculine-->\
<<elseif $siseventdom1 is false and $momeventdom1 is false and $gfeventdom1 is false and $siseventdom2 is false and $workdomevent1 is false and $bfdomevent1 is false and $bfend is false and $classmateglory is false and $momdomevent2 is false and $momdomevent3 is false and $classmatedom2 is false and $classmatedom3 is false and $momdomevent4 is false and $momdomevent5 is false and $teacherdom1 is false and $momdomevent6 is false and $momdomevent7 is false and $dadeventdom1 is false and $dadeventdom2 is false and $dadeventdom3 is false and $teacherdom2 is false and $dadeventdom4 is false and $teacherdom3 is false and $momdomevent8 is false and $teacherdom4 is false and $bfeventdom4 is false and $dadfeminized is false and $dadeventdomdom1 is false and $siseventdom3 is false and $bfeventdom5 is false and $teacherdom5 is false and $gfeventdom2 is false and $dadeventdomdom2 is false and $teacherdom6 is false and $momdomevent9 is false>>\
<b><center> • End of main <blue>dom</blue> events content, feel free to explore the map and see if you missed anything! There's alot of random dom events around!</center></b>\
<!-- trans content off dad gay off-->\
<<elseif $siseventdom1 is false and $momeventdom1 is false and $gfeventdom1 is false and $siseventdom2 is false and $workdomevent1 is false and $bfdomevent1 is false and $bfend is true and $classmateglory is false and $momdomevent2 is false and $momdomevent3 is false and $classmatedom2 is false and $classmatedom3 is false and $momdomevent4 is false and $momdomevent5 is false and $teacherdom1 is false and $momdomevent6 is false and $momdomevent7 is false and $dadeventdom1 is false and $dadgayoff is true and $teacherdom2 is false and $teacherdom3 is false and $momdomevent8 is false and $teacherdom4 is false and $siseventdom3 is false and $teacherdom5 is false and $gfeventdom2 is false and $teacherdom6 is false and $momdomevent9 is false>>>>\
<b><center> • End of main <blue>dom</blue> events content, feel free to explore the map and see if you missed anything! There's alot of random dom events around!</center></b>\
<</if>>\<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\stats.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><b><you>• Homosexuality •</you></b>:</center>\
<font size = "+5"><center><b><<print $homosexuality>></b></center></font>\
<<if $submissive <=100>>\
<center><b><pink>• Submissiveness •</pink></b>:</center>\
<font size = "+5"><center><b><<print $submissive>></b></center></font>\
<<elseif $submissive >=100>>\
<center><b><pink>• Submissiveness •</pink></b>:</center>\
<font size = "+5"><center><b><<print $submissive>></b></center></font>\
<font size = "-1"><center><b><u><pink>MAX</pink></u></b></center></font>\
<<if $feminization <=7>>\
<center><b><hotpink>• Feminization •</hotpink></b>:</center>\
<font size = "+5"><center><b><<print $feminization>></b></center></font>\
<<elseif $feminization ==8>>\
<center><b><hotpink>• Feminization •</hotpink></b>:</center>\
<font size = "+5"><center><b><<print $feminization>></b></center>\
<font size = "-1"><center><b><U><hotpink>MAX</hotpink></U></b></center></font>\
<<if $dominant <=100>>\
<center><b><blue>• Dominance •</blue></b>:</center>\
<font size = "+5"><center><b><<print $dominant>></b></center></font>\
<<elseif $dominant >=100>>\
<center><b><blue>• Dominance •</blue></b>:</center>\
<font size = "+5"><center><b><<print $dominant>></b></center></font>\
<font size = "-1"><center><b><u><blue>MAX</blue></u></b></center></font>\
<center><b><red>• Masculinity •</red></b>:</center>\
<font size = "+5"><center><b><<print $masculinity>></b></center></font>\
<<if $hypnotizedlevel == 1>>\
<center><b><hotpink>• Hypnotized •</hotpink></b>:</center>\
<font size = "+5"><center><b><<print $hypnotized>>/5</b></center></font>\
<<elseif $hypnotizedlevel == 2>>\
<center><b><hotpink>• Hypnotized •</hotpink></b>:</center>\
<font size = "+5"><center><b><<print $hypnotized>>/10</b></center></font>\
<<elseif $hypnotizedlevel == 3>>\
<center><b><hotpink>• Hypnotized •</hotpink></b>:</center>\
<font size = "+5"><center><b><<print $hypnotized>>/15</b></center></font>\
<<if $oraltraining is true>>\
<<if $oralevel == 1>>\
<center><b><mom>• Oral Skill •</mom></b>:</center>\
<font size = "+5"><center><b><<print $oralstat>>/50</b></center></font>\
<mom><u><font size = "-1"><center><b>LVL:<<print $oralevel>></b></center></font></u></mom>\
<<elseif $oralevel == 2 and $oralstat <150>>\
<center><b><mom>• Oral Skill •</mom></b>:</center>\
<font size = "+5"><center><b><<print $oralstat>>/150</b></center></font>\
<mom><u><font size = "-1"><center><b>LVL:<<print $oralevel>></b></center></font></u></mom>\
<<elseif $oralevel == 2 and $oralstat ==150>>\
<center><b><mom>• Oral Skill •</mom></b>:</center>\
<font size = "+5"><center><b><<print $oralstat>>/150</b></center></font>\
<mom><u><font size = "-1"><center><b>LVL:<<print $oralevel>></b></center></font></u></mom>\
<<elseif $oralevel == 3 and $oralstat <200>>\
<center><b><mom>• Oral Skill •</mom></b>:</center>\
<font size = "+5"><center><b><<print $oralstat>>/200</b></center></font>\
<mom><u><font size = "-1"><center><b>LVL:<<print $oralevel>></b></center></font></u></mom>\
<<elseif $oralevel == 3 and $oralstat ==200>>\
<center><b><mom>• Oral Skill •</mom></b>:</center>\
<font size = "+5"><center><b><<print $oralstat>>/200</b></center></font>\
<mom><u><font size = "-1"><center><b>LVL:MAX</b></center></font></u></mom>\
<<if $oralstat == 50 and $oralevel == 1 and $oralevelup1 is false>>\
<span class="eventoral"><mom><u><font size = "-1"><center><b>Level up available!</b></center></font></u></mom></span>\
<<elseif $oralstat == 150 and $oralevel == 2 and $oralevelup2 is false>>\
<span class="eventoral"><mom><u><font size = "-1"><center><b>Level up available!</b></center></font></u></mom></span>\
<<if $analtrainingstat is true>>\
<<if $analevel == 1>>\
<center><b><sister>• Anal Skill •</sister></b>:</center>\
<font size = "+5"><center><b><<print $analstat>>/50</b></center></font>\
<sister><u><font size = "-1"><center><b>LVL:<<print $analevel>></b></center></font></u></sister>\
<<elseif $analevel == 2>>\
<center><b><sister>• Anal Skill •</sister></b>:</center>\
<font size = "+5"><center><b><<print $analstat>>/150</b></center></font>\
<sister><u><font size = "-1"><center><b>LVL:<<print $analevel>></b></center></font></u></sister>\
<<elseif $analevel ==3>>\
<center><b><sister>• Anal Skill •</sister></b>:</center>\
<font size = "+5"><center><b><<print $analstat>>/200</b></center></font>\
<sister><u><font size = "-1"><center><b>LVL:MAX</b></center></font></u></sister>\
<<if $analstat == 50 and $analevel == 1 and $analevelup1 is false>>
<span class="eventanal"><sister><u><font size = "-1"><center><b>Level up available!</b></center></font></u></sister></span>\
<<elseif $analstat ==150 and $analevel == 2 and $analvelup2 is false>>\
<span class="eventanal"><sister><u><font size = "-1"><center><b>Level up available!</b></center></font></u></sister></span>\
<center><b><green>• Fatigue •</green></b>:</center>\
<font size = "+5"><center><b><<print $fatiguestat>>/30</b></center></font>\
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\inventory.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<<if $phoneitem is true>>\
<div id="index-gallery">\
<div class="itemcheck">\
<img src="images\resources\phone.png" width="250px" height="250px" alt=""/>\
<b><center> A phone</center></b>\
<p> </p>\
<<if $hassisterpanties is true>>\
<div id="index-gallery">\
<div class="itemcheck">\
<img src="images\clothes\sisterpinkpanties.png" height="250px" alt=""/>
<b><center> <sister>$sistername</sister> panties</center></b>\
<p> </p>\
<<if $mompanties is true>>\
<div id="index-gallery">\
<div class="itemcheck">\
<img src="images\clothes\mompanties.png" height="150px" alt=""/>
<b><center> <mom>$momname</mom> panties</center></b>\
<p> </p>\
<<if $sisterbra is true>>\
<div id="index-gallery">\
<div class="itemcheck">\
<img src="images\clothes\sisterbra.png" height="150px" alt=""/>
<b><center> <sister>$sistername</sister> bra</center></b>\
<p> </p>\
<<if $dildo1 is true>>\
<div id="index-gallery">\
<div class="itemcheck">\
<img src="images\toys\smalldildo.png" height="150px" alt=""/>
<b><center> A small dildo</center></b>\
<p> </p>\
<<if $buttplug1 is true>>\
<div id="index-gallery">\
<div class="itemcheck">\
<img src="images\toys\smallbuttplug.png" height="150px" alt=""/>
<b><center> A small buttplug</center></b>\
<p> </p>\
<<if $lubebought is true>>\
<div id="index-gallery">\
<div class="itemcheck">\
<img src="images\toys\anallube.png" height="150px" alt=""/>
<b><center> Anal lube</center></b>\
<p> </p>\
<<if $analtrainingstat is true>>\
<div id="index-gallery">\
<div class="itemcheck">\
<img src="images\toys\sisterbuttplug.png" height="150px" alt=""/>
<b><center> <sister>$sistername</sister> buttplug</center></b>\
<p> </p>\
<<if $sisterrealisticdildo is true>>\
<div id="index-gallery">\
<div class="itemcheck">\
<img src="images\toys\sisterdildo.png" height="150px" alt=""/>
<b><center> <sister>$sistername</sister> realistic dildo</center></b>\
<p> </p>\
<<if $sisterbbcdildo is true>>\
<div id="index-gallery">\
<div class="itemcheck">\
<img src="images\toys\sisterbbcdildo.png" height="150px" alt=""/>
<b><center> <sister>$sistername</sister> <brown>BBC</brown> dildo</center></b>\
<p> </p>\
<<if $momdildo is true>>\
<div id="index-gallery">\
<div class="itemcheck">\
<img src="images\toys\momdildo.png" height="150px" alt=""/>
<b><center> <mom>$momname</mom> realistic pink dildo</center></b>\
<p> </p>\
<<if $mombigdildo is true>>\
<div id="index-gallery">\
<div class="itemcheck">\
<img src="images\toys\mombigdildo.png" height="150px" alt=""/>
<b><center> <mom>$momname</mom> big dildo</center></b>\
<p> </p>\
<<if $mombbcdildo is true>>\
<div id="index-gallery">\
<div class="itemcheck">\
<img src="images\toys\bbcdildomom.png" height="150px" alt=""/>
<b><center> <mom>$momname</mom> <brown>BBC</brown> dildo</center></b>\
<p> </p>\
<<if $ballgagbought is true>>\
<div id="index-gallery">\
<div class="itemcheck">\
<img src="images\toys\ballgag.png" height="150px" alt=""/>
<b><center> <teacher>$nameteacher</teacher> ballgag</center></b>\
<p> </p>\
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\info.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<b><center><red> VERSION v0.36</red></center></b>
Game created and developed by <a href="" target="_blank">gaaby</a>
If you see this image
<span class='mini'><img src="images\resources\eventwarning.png" height="150px">
That means you have a new event pending! Check tips to know how to get to it!
And if you see this one
<span class='mini'><img src="images\resources\phonelogonotification.png" height="150px">
That means you have a phone notification either in Whatsapp, or email!
Beware that phone events are repetitive, so the notification might keep appearing!
<span class='mini'><img src="images\resources\timer.png" height="150px">
This button in the sidebar as it says skips the timer needed between events to play a new event which is usually 3 days, this is designed for players who wish for a faster playthrough! If you want to see how many days are left for a new event to be triggered, see it in Info!
<span class='mini'><img src="images\resources\homebutton.png" height="150px">
The home button will send you back to your room from wherever you are in the game, be careful to not click it in an event or you may miss the content of the event or have to replay it!
<red><b><center> The "You are ready for a new event if available" message on the Tips button does not mean necessarily that you have a new event to play, it means you have slept three days which is the necessary to be able to play a new event pending, however if there is a End of Content message at the bottom, all events are done for the version.</center></b></red>
<b><center><yellow> Events that are in yellow are requested by Sponsor and Ultimate Disruption members they can have specific kinks so beware when playing them, they can also not like very well to the main story.</yellow></center></b>
<center><b><red>•Special thanks to my Ultimate Disruption patreon members;Alex;Alex Fielding;alex9996;Aylize;bake;bion247;Bob123456789;Brooklyn Edmudson;Casper;Cassandra Taylor;crunchyking95;Dr.Coos;Dragonraelms;Drew;gregorious;Handofdeath31;I.F.S Riemens;Imar Pleite;inSync;Iwa;J B;jack88johnosn;Jacob Neale;Joe Bihari;Justin Matheson;Kasper;Kermit_nor;Leon Schmitt;Marco Pietzuch;mark;Markus Mela;MASH 36;Mitchel van Zon;nat;Negromancer;NotThurny;patoch barb;Per Stening;Rarach;Red Teddy Entertainment;Rudy;Rupert Giefing;sicre;Skatanic;Sora625;Steve;Steven Knisel;Tabond;TAIGA;TDF13;thre ghh;Trace-114;WMAF Enjoyer;영주 김.</red></b></center>
<div class="middle"><span class='fadeIn4'><img src="images\resources\Logo Disruption.png" width="850px" height="250px">
<span class='fadeIn'></span>
<p style="font-family:Courier New"><font size ="+10"><div class="middle"><span class='fadeIn4'><center><b>Welcome to Disruption, a story of changes.</b></center></span></div></font></p>
<span class='fadeIn3'><b><center> Couple of warnings before you proceed to the intro:
This game currently has two paths, dominant and submissive, the intro will have choices where depending on what you decide, you will start either more dominant or more submissive, so I highly advise you to play through the intro if you are a first time player.
The game is not intended for a switch path, if you choose alot of sub and dom options in the same playthrough it's highly likely the game will bug!
If you still prefer to skip the intro, you will be able to in the next page and choose if you prefer to start more submissive or dominant.
If you want to make any suggestions or advice, please consider subscribing to my patreon where you will have a voting choice in the story and its focus!
<red>Please set the names for your characters in the next page!</red>
<div class="middle"><span class='fadeIn3'>[[Proceed->Intro1]]</span>
</div><<if $time ==3>>\
<<set $time to $time-1>>\
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\park.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<<if $time is 1>>\
<center><img src="images\city\park.png" height = "400px" width = "750px">
<b><center> You hear sounds of birds chirping around and feel the fresh wave on your face and decide to..</center></b>\
<<elseif $time is 0>>\
<center><img src="images\city\park.png" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>\
<b><center> You hear sounds of birds chirping around and feel the fresh wave on your face and decide to..</center></b>
<<elseif $time is 2>>\
<center><img src="images\city\parknight.png" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>\
<b><center> You feel the breeze of the cold night on your face and you decide to..</center></b>
<<set $showbuttons to true>>\
<<if $tutorial is true>>\
Dialog.setup("Tutorial Ended", "charsheet");"TutorialAll").processText());;
<<set $tutorial to false>>\
<<if $task1 is true>>\
<center><u><span class="eventdaily">[[Take a walk in the park wearing a dress..|dotasksub1]]</span></u></center>\
<<if $task5 is true>>\
<center><u><span class="eventdaily">[[Take a walk in the park wearing a dress and the buttplug..|dotasksub5]]</span></u></center>\
<<if $time == 0 and $homosexuality >=5>>\
<center><<linkreplace"• Walk around the park •">>\
<<goto `either("NormalWalk", "MasturbationPark", "GayParkSex","DomCucking")`>>\
<<elseif $time == 0 and $homosexuality <=4>>\
<center><<linkreplace"• Walk around the park •">>\
<<goto `either("NormalWalk", "MasturbationPark","DomCucking")`>>\
<<elseif $time == 1>>\
<center><<linkreplace"• Walk around the park •">>\
<<goto `either("NormalWalk", "MasturbationPark","DomCucking")`>>\
<<elseif $time == 2>>\
<center><<linkreplace"• Walk around the park •">>\
<<goto `either("NormalWalkNight", "MasturbationParkNight","DomCucking")`>>\
<<if $time == 2>>\
<center><u>[[• You hear a sound near the bushes.. •|NightSex]]</u></center>\
<<if $hypnotizedlevel == 3 and $emailsub5 is false and $emailsub5task is true>>\
<span class="eventsub"><center><b><u>[[Search for someone to whore yourself to for your Master|emailsub5task]]</u></b></center></span>\
<center>[[• Pass time •|Pass time park]]</center>\
<center>[[• Home •|Home]]</center>\
<center>[[• City Center •|City]]</center>\
<center><span class ="phonebackground"><img src="images\resources\phoneframe.png" width="550px" height= "750px">
<span class='phonetext2'><center><img src="images\avatars\momavatar.png" style="max-height: 200px"></center></span>
<span class='phonetextdefault'><green><b>No new messages</b></green></span>
<span class ="phoneback"> <a data-passage="phone" class="link-internal link-image">
<img src="images\resources\backbutton.png" style="max-height: 100px">
</a></span><center><span class ="phonebackground"><img src="images\resources\phoneframe.png" width="550px" height= "750px">
<span class='phonetext2'><center><img src="images\avatars\dadavatar.png" style="max-height: 200px"></center></span>
<span class='phonetextdefault'><green><b>No new messages</b></green></span>
<span class ="phoneback"> <a data-passage="phone" class="link-internal link-image">
<img src="images\resources\backbutton.png" style="max-height: 100px">
</a></span><center><span class ="phonebackground"><img src="images\resources\phoneframe.png" width="550px" height= "750px">
<span class='phonetext2'><center><img src="images\avatars\sisteravatar.png" style="max-height: 200px"></center></span>
<span class='phonetextdefault'><green><b>No new messages</b></green></span>
<span class ="phoneback"> <a data-passage="phone" class="link-internal link-image">
<img src="images\resources\backbutton.png" style="max-height: 100px">
</a></span><<if $time < 2>>
<<set $time to $time+1>>
<<if $time == 3>>\
<<set $time to $time-1>>\
<<goto "Park">><center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\outside.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<<if $time is 0>>\
<center><img src="images\city\house.jpg" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>
<b><center> You hear the cars passing by as you stand in the porch of your house.</center></b>
<<elseif $time is 1>>\
<center><img src="images\city\house.jpg" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>
<b><center> You hear the cars passing by as you stand in the porch of your house.</center></b>
<<elseif $time is 2>>\
<center><img src="images\city\housenight.jpg" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>\
<b><center> You hear the silence of the night as you stand in the porch of your house.</center></b>
<center>[[• Enter your house •|Hallway]]</center>\
<center><<linkreplace"• Park •">>\
<<goto `either("Park", "ParkRandom")`>>\
<<if $therapistsubevent1 is true and $time == 0 and $siseventsub3 is false and $dayy == 2 and $givecard is false>>\
<span class="eventsub"><center>[[• Go to the therapist's appointment •|pretherapistevent]]</center></span>\
<<elseif $therapistsubevent1 is true and $time == 1 and $siseventsub3 is false and $dayy ==2 and $givecard is false>>\
<span class="eventsub"><center>[[• Go to the therapist's appointment •|pretherapistevent]]</center></span>\
<<elseif $therapistsubevent2 is true and $time == 0 and $dayy == 2 and $therapistsubevent1 is false>>\
<span class="eventsub"><center>[[• Go to the therapist's appointment •|therapistsubeventpt2]]</center></span>\
<<elseif $therapistsubevent2 is true and $time == 1 and $dayy == 2 and $therapistsubevent1 is false>>\
<span class="eventsub"><center>[[• Go to the therapist's appointment •|therapistsubeventpt2]]</center></span>\
<<elseif $therapistsubevent3 is true and $time == 0 and $dayy == 2 and $therapistsubevent2 is false>>\
<span class="eventsub"><center>[[• Go to the therapist's appointment •|therapistsubevent3rd]]</center></span>\
<<elseif $therapistsubevent3 is true and $time == 1 and $dayy == 2 and $therapistsubevent2 is false>>\
<span class="eventsub"><center>[[• Go to the therapist's appointment •|therapistsubevent3rd]]</center></span>\
<<elseif $therapistsubevent4 is true and $therapistsub3seen is true and $time == 0 and $dayy == 2 and $therapistsubevent3 is false>>\
<span class="eventsub"><center>[[• Go to the therapist's appointment •|therapistsubevent4th]]</center></span>\
<<elseif $therapistsubevent4 is true and $therapistsub3seen is true and $time == 1 and $dayy == 2 and $therapistsubevent3 is false>>\
<span class="eventsub"><center>[[• Go to the therapist's appointment •|therapistsubevent4th]]</center></span>\
<<elseif $therapistsubevent5 is true and $therapistsub3seen is true and $time == 0 and $dayy == 2 and $therapistsubevent4 is false>>\
<span class="eventsub"><center>[[• Go to the therapist's appointment •|therapistsubevent5th]]</center></span>\
<<elseif $therapistsubevent5 is true and $therapistsub3seen is true and $time == 1 and $dayy == 2 and $therapistsubevent4 is false>>\
<span class="eventsub"><center>[[• Go to the therapist's appointment •|therapistsubevent5th]]</center></span>\
<<elseif $therapistsubevent6 is true and $therapistsub3seen is true and $dayy == 2 and $therapistsubevent5 is false and $oralstat >= 50 and $time == 0>>\
<span class="eventoral"><center>[[• Head to the therapist •|therapistsubevent6th]]</center></span>\
<<elseif $therapistsubevent6 is true and $therapistsub3seen is true and $dayy == 2 and $therapistsubevent5 is false and $oralstat >= 50 and $time >= 1>>\
<span class="eventoral"><center>[[• Head to the therapist •|therapistsubevent6th]]</center></span>\
<<elseif $therapistsubevent7 is true and $therapistsub3seen is true and $dayy == 2 and $therapistsubevent6 is false and $oralstat >= 50 and $time == 0 and $feminization >=8>>\
<span class="eventoral"><center>[[• Head to the therapist •|therapistsubevent7th]]</center></span>\
<<elseif $therapistsubevent7 is true and $therapistsub3seen is true and $dayy == 2 and $therapistsubevent6 is false and $oralstat >= 50 and $time >= 1 and $feminization >=8>>\
<span class="eventoral"><center>[[• Head to the therapist •|therapistsubevent7th]]</center></span>\
<<elseif $therapistsubevent8 is true and $therapistsub3seen is true and $dayy == 2 and $therapistsubevent7 is false and $oralstat >=200 and $time >= 0 and $feminization >=8>>\
<span class="eventsub"><center>[[• Head to the therapist •|therapistsubevent8th]]</center></span>\
<<elseif $therapistsubevent8 is true and $therapistsub3seen is true and $dayy == 2 and $therapistsubevent7 is false and $oralstat >=200 and $time >= 1 and $feminization >=8 and $siseventsub9 is false>>\
<span class="eventsub"><center>[[• Head to the therapist •|therapistsubevent8th]]</center></span>\
<<elseif $therapistsub3seen is true and $time == 0 and $dayy == 2>>\
<span class="eventsub"><center>[[• Go to the therapist's appointment •|therapistsubeventrepeat]]</center></span>\
<<elseif $therapistsub3seen is true and $time == 1 and $dayy == 2>>\
<span class="eventsub"><center>[[• Go to the therapist's appointment •|therapistsubeventrepeat]]</center></span>\
<<if $gfsubevent1 is true and $feminization >=2 and $submissive >=41 and $time == 0>>\
<span class="eventsub"><center>[[• Go out for lunch with your girlfriend•|gfsubevent1]]</center></span>\
<<elseif $gfsubevent1 is true and $feminization >=2 and $submissive >=41 and $time == 1>>\
<span class="eventsub"><center>[[• Go out for lunch with your girlfriend•|gfsubevent1]]</center></span>\
<<if $gfsubevent4 is true and $feminization >=6 and $submissive >=60 and $time == 0 and $gfbreakup is false and $timer is 2>>\
<span class="eventsub"><center>[[• Go out for lunch with your girlfriend again•|gfsubevent4]]</center></span>\
<<elseif $gfsubevent4 is true and $feminization >=6 and $submissive >=60 and $time == 1 and $gfbreakup is false and $timer is 2>>\
<span class="eventsub"><center>[[• Go out for lunch with your girlfriend•|gfsubevent4]]</center></span>\
<<elseif $gfsubevent5pt2 is true and $feminization >=6 and $submissive >=60 and $gfsubevent5 is false and $gfbreakup is false and $timer is 2>>\
<span class ="eventsub"><center>[[• Go visit your girlfriend to see her suprise•|gfsubevent5pt2]]</center></span>\
<<elseif $gfsubevent6 is true and $feminization >=7 and $gfbreakup is false and $timer is 2 and $gfsubevent5 is false>>\
<span class="eventsub"><center>[[• Your girlfriend is at your doorway..•|gfsubevent6]]</center></span>\
<<elseif $gfsubevent7 is true and $feminization >=7 and $gfbreakup is false and $timer is 2 and $gfsubevent6 is false>>\
<span class="eventsub"><center>[[• Your girlfriend came visit again..•|gfsubevent7]]</center></span>\
<<elseif $gfsubevent8 is true and $feminization >=7 and $gfbreakup is false and $timer is 2 and $gfsubevent7 is false and $bnwofalse is false and $bnwoevent3 is false>>\
<span class="eventsub"><center>[[• Your girlfriend came to see you•|gfsubevent8]]</center></span>\
<<elseif $exgfsubeventbnwo is true and $feminization >=7 and $gfbreakup is true and $timer is 2 and $bnwofalse is false and $bnwoevent3 is false>>\
<span class="eventsub"><center>[[• Your ex-girlfriend came to see you•|exgfsubeventbnwo]]</center></span>\
<<if $feminization >=8 and $timer is 2 and $bnwoevent7 is true and $bnwoevent6 is false and $bnwofalse is false and $teacheruniformreaction is false>>\
<span class="eventsub"><center><u>[[• Time to buy your mother a QOS tattoo.. •|bnwoevent7]]
<<if $parksubguy1 is true and $feminization >=6 and $submissive >=50 and $timer is 2 and $parkguy is true and $gfbreakup is true>>\
<span class ="eventsub"><center>[[• Consider going on a date with the park guy•|parkguysub1]]</center></span>\
<<if $hypnotized ==5 and $emailsub2 is false and $emailsub3 is true and $timer is 2 and $hypnotizedfalse is false>>\
<span class="eventsub"><center><b><u>[[You receive a package on your front door|emailsub3]]</u></b></center></span>\
<<if $dominant >= 30 and $masculinity is 1 and $timer is 2 and $bfdomevent2 is true and $bfdomevent1 is false and $bfend is false>>\
<span class="eventdom"><b><u>[[Your girlfriend is waiting for you|bfeventdom2]]</u></b></span>\
<<if $masculinity <=1 and $dadeventdom3 is true and $dadgayoff is false and $dadeventdom2 is false and $seendadgayporn is true and $timer is 2>>\
<span class="eventdom"><center><b><u>[[Your dad just got home from the gym|dadeventdom3]]</u></b></center></span>\
<<if $bfeventdom4 is true and $dominant >=32 and $bfeventdom3 is false and $timer is 2 and $bfend is false>>\
<span class="eventdom"><center><b><u>[[Go to your best friends house to talk|bfeventdom4]]</u></b></center></span>\
<<if $bfeventdom5 is true and $dominant >=34 and $bfeventdom4 is false and $timer is 2 and $bfend is false and $gfbreakup is false>>\
<span class="eventdom"><center><b><u>[[Call your bestfriend and girlfriend to talk about things.|bfeventdom5]]</u></b></center></span>\
<<if $masculinity >=1 and $dadeventdomfem6 is true and $dadeventdomfem5 is false and $dadgayoff is false and $seendadgayporn is true and $timer is 2 and $dadfeminized is true and $teacherdom6 is false>>\
<span class="eventdom"><center><b><u>[[You receive a package from your teacher|dadeventdomfem6]]</u></b></center></span>\
<<if $time is 0 and $dayy <6>>\
<center>[[• School •|School]]</center>\
<<if $time is 1 and $dayy <6>>\
<center>[[• School •|School]]</center>\
<center><<linkreplace"• City Center •">>
<<goto `either("City", "CityRandom", "CityDom")`>>\
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\hallway.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><img src="images\city\househall.jpg" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>
<b><center>You enter your house and decide to head to the</center></b>
<<if $feminization <=2>>\
<center>[[• Upstairs Hall •|Upstairs Hall]]</center>\
<<elseif $feminization <=4>>\
<center>[[• Upstairs Hall •|PreUpstairs Hall]]</center>\
<<elseif $feminization <=6>>\
<center>[[• Upstairs Hall •|PreUpstairs Hall2]]</center>\
<<elseif $feminization <=7>>\
<center>[[• Upstairs Hall •|PreUpstairs Hall2]]</center>\
<<elseif $feminization >=7>>\
<center>[[• Upstairs Hall •|PreUpstairs Hall2]]</center>\
<<if $feminization >=8 and $siseventsub9 is false and $xmassub is true>>\
<center><span class="eventxmas"><u>[[• Christmas time! •|xmassub]]
<<if $masculinity >=1 and $siseventdom2 is false and $momdomevent5 is false and $xmasdom is true>>\
<center><span class="eventxmas"><u>[[• Christmas time! •|xmasdom]]
<<if $masculinity <=1 and $dadeventdom1 is true>>\
<center>[[• Living Room •|Living Room]]</center>\
<<elseif $masculinity <=1 and $dadeventdom1 is false and $dadgayoff is false>>\
<center>[[• Living Room •|PreLiving RoomDom]]</center>\
<<elseif $masculinity <=1 and $dadgayoff is true>>\
<center>[[• Living Room •|Living Room]]</center>\
<center>[[• Kitchen •|Kitchen]]</center>\
<<if $feminization >=8 and $siseventsub10 is false>>\
<center>[[• Basement •|BasementSub]]</center>\
<center>[[• Basement •|Basement]]</center>\
<<if $momeventsub10 is false and $momdadtask is true and $dayy == 1>>\
<center><u><span class="eventdaily">[[Do the chores your dad and mom set up for you|momdadtask]]</span></u></center>\
<<if $task2 is true>>\
<center><u><span class="eventdaily">[[Clean your house like your teacher told you to|task2sub]]</span></u></center>\
<<if $mcmaid is true and $mcmaiddad is true and $dayy is 6 and $time is 1>>\
<center><u><span class="eventsub">[[Put on the maid outfit and clean the house|dadmaidreaction]]</span></u></center>\
<<if $mcmaid is true and $mcmaidsis is true and $dayy is 7 and $time is 1>>\
<center><u><span class="eventsub">[[Put on the maid outfit and clean the house|sismaidreaction]]</span></u></center>\
<<if $mcmaid is true and $mcmaiddad is false and $dayy is 6 and $time is 1>>\
<center><u><span class="eventsub">[[Put on the maid outfit and clean the house|maidcleaning]]</span></u></center>\
<<elseif $mcmaid is true and $dayy is 7 and $time is 1 and $mcmaidsis is false>>\
<center><u><span class="eventsub">[[Put on the maid outfit and clean the house|maidcleaning]]</span></u></center>\
<<if $equip == 4>>\
<center><b> [[You can't go outside in your pyjamas!|Clothing]]</b></center>
<<elseif $underwear== 0 and $feminization <=7>>\
<center><b> [[You can't go outside without underwear!|Clothing]]</b></center>
<<elseif $equip == 0>>\
<center><b> [[You can't go outside without a top!|Clothing]]</b></center>
<<elseif $bottom == 0>>\
<center><b> [[You can't go outside without pants!|Clothing]]</b></center>
<<elseif $shoes == 0>>\
<center><b> [[You can't go outside without shoes!|Clothing]]</b></center>
<<elseif $firsttimetask1 is false and $equip ==6 and $task1 is false>>\
<center><b> [[You aren't brave enough to go outside wearing a dress..|Clothing]]</b></center>\
<center>[[• Outside •|Home]]</center>\
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\school.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><img src="images\city\school.jpg" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>\
<b><center>As you stand outside of your school, you decide to</center></b>
<<if $feminization <=5>>\
<center>[[• Enter school •|School Hallway]]</center>\
<<elseif $feminization >=6>>\
<center>[[• Enter school •|PreSchool Hallway]]</center>\
<<if $hired is true and $firsttimework is true and $time is 1 and $worked is 0 and $dayy <=5>>\
<span class="eventmixed"><center><u>[[• Go to work •|firsttimejob]]</u></center></span>\
<<elseif $time is 1 and $hired is true and $dayy <=5>>\
<span class="eventmixed"><center><u>[[• Head towards the Sex Shop to work •|SexShop]]</u></center></span>\
<center>[[• Home •|Home]]</center>\
<center>[[• Pass time •|Pass time school]]</center>\
<center>[[• City Center •|City]]</center>\
<hr>\<<if $time < 2>>
<<set $time to $time+1>>
<<if $time == 3>>\
<<set $time to $time-1>>\
<<goto "Room">><center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\schoolhallway.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><img src="images\city\schoolhall.jpg" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>
<b><center> As you hear the sound of students roaming around and whispering to each other you decide to</center></b>
<<if $time == 0 and $dayy <6 and $equip == 5 and $bottom == 5 and $shoes == 5 and $underwear !== 0 and $underwear !== 6 and $underwear !==11 and $feminization == 0 and $bra == 0>>\
<center>[[• Go to class •|Class]]</center>\
<<elseif $time == 0 and $dayy <6 and $equip == 5 and $bottom == 5 and $shoes == 5 and $underwear !== 0 and $feminization == 1 and $bra == 0>>\
<center>[[• Go to class •|Class]]</center>\
<<elseif $time == 0 and $dayy <6 and $equip == 5 and $bottom == 5 and $shoes == 5 and $underwear !== 0 and $feminization >= 2>>\
<center>[[• Go to class •|Class]]</center>\
<<if $feminization >= 7 and $teacherud is true and $seentask5 is true>>\
<span class="eventud"><center><u>[[Your teacher wants to have a walk with you..|teacherud]]</u></center></span>\
<<if $classmatescene is true and $feminization >= 2>>
<center><u>[[• Your classmate is calling you over.. •|classmatescene]]</u></center>\
<<if $masculinity >=1 and $dadeventdomfem5 is true and $dadeventdomfem4 is false and $dadgayoff is false and $seendadgayporn is true and $timer is 2 and $dadfeminized is true and $teacherdom6 is false>>\
<span class="eventdom"><center><b><u>[[Talk with your teacher about a feminization drug|dadeventdomfem5]]</u></b></center></span>\
<<if $masculinity == 1 and $teacherdom1 is false and $teacherdom2 is true and $seendetention2dom is true and $timer is 2>>\
<span class="eventdom"><center><b><u>[[Go out with your teacher|teacherdom2]]</u></b></center></span>\
<<if $masculinity == 1 and $teacherdom2 is false and $teacherdom3 is true and $seendetention2dom is true and $timer is 2>>\
<span class="eventdom"><center><b><u>[[Your teacher wants to talk with you|teacherdom3]]</u></b></center></span>\
<<if $masculinity == 1 and $teacherdom3 is false and $teacherdom4 is true and $seendetention2dom is true and $timer is 2>>\
<span class="eventdom"><center><b><u>[[You talk with the headmaster..|teacherdom4]]</u></b></center></span>\
<<if $masculinity >= 1 and $teacherdom4 is false and $teacherdom5 is true and $seendetention2dom is true and $timer is 2>>\
<span class="eventdom"><center><b><u>[[You talk with your teacher for the threesome..|teacherdom5]]</u></b></center></span>\
<<if $masculinity >= 1 and $teacherdom5 is false and $subheadmaster is true and $headmasterdom1 is true and $seendetention2dom is true and $timer is 2>>\
<span class="eventdom"><center><b><u>[[Head upstairs and talk with your headmaster about the threesome..|subheadmasterdom1]]</u></b></center></span>\
<<if $dominant >= 30 and $glorydone == 3 and $classmatedom2 is true and $classmateglory is false and $timer is 2>>\
<span class="eventdom"><center><b><u>[[Confront Sasha|classmatedom2]]</u></b></center></span>\
<<if $dominant >= 35 and $glorydone >= 3 and $classmatedom3 is true and $classmatedom2 is false and $timer is 2>>\
<span class="eventdom"><center><b><u>[[Wait for Sasha|classmatedom3]]</u></b></center></span>\
<<if $bfeventdom3 is true and $dominant >=32 and $bfdomevent2 is false and $timer is 2 and $bfend is false>>\
<span class="eventdom"><center><b><u>[[Confront your best friend about your thoughts|bfeventdom3]]</u></b></center></span>\
<<if $gfeventdom2 is true and $dominant >=34 and $bfeventdom5 is false and $timer is 2 and $bfend is false and $gfbreakup is false>>\
<span class="eventdom"><center><b><u>[[Your girlfriend comes to talk with you after last time with your best friend|gfeventdom2]]</u></b></center></span>\
<<if $masculinity >= 1 and $teacherdom5 is false and $teacherdom6 is true and $seendetention2dom is true and $timer is 2>>\
<span class="eventdom"><center><b><u>[[Head to your teachers house and cuck her husband|teacherdom6]]</u></b></center></span>\
<<if $bfintroduction is true>>\
<center>[[• You see your best friend near the lockers.. •|bfintroduction]]
<<if $bfsubevent1 is true and $bfintroduction is false and $time is 1>>\
<span class="eventsub"><center><u>[[• You see someone dragging your best friend to the bathroom.. •|bfsubevent1]]
<<if $teachercuck is false and $feminization >=7 and $timer is 2 and $bnwoevent1 is true>>\
<span class="eventsub"><center><u>[[• You see a weird poster on the bulletin board •|bnwoevent1]]
<<if $feminization >=7 and $timer is 2 and $bnwoevent3 is true and $bnwoevent2 is false and $bnwofalse is false>>\
<span class="eventsub"><center><u>[[• Talk with Mr.Jackson about the BNWO •|bnwoevent3]]
<<if $feminization >=8 and $timer is 2 and $bnwoevent4 is true and $bnwoevent3 is false and $bnwofalse is false and $secondfemchange is false and $gfsubevent8 is false and $gfbreakup is false>>\
<span class="eventsub"><center><u>[[• Talk with Mr.Jackson about your girlfriend being a QOS •|bnwoevent4]]
<<if $feminization >=8 and $timer is 2 and $bnwoevent4 is true and $bnwoevent3 is false and $bnwofalse is false and $secondfemchange is false and $exgfsubeventbnwo is false and $gfbreakup is true>>\
<span class="eventsub"><center><u>[[• Talk with Mr.Jackson about your ex-girlfriend being a QOS •|bnwoevent4exgf]]
<<if $feminization >=7 and $timer >=1 and $secondfemchange is false and $schoolfemreaction1 is true>>\
<span class="eventsub"><center><u>[[• You notice people looking at you due to your new school outfit.. •|femchangereaction1]]
<<if $denybully is true and $feminization >=7 and $timer is 2 and $bfsubevent5 is false and $bfsubevent6 is true>>\
<span class="eventsub"><center><u>[[• You see a commotion in the hallway •|bfsubevent6]]
<<if $feminization >=8 and $timer is 2 and $bnwoevent5 is true and $bnwoevent4 is false and $mombnwobought2 is false and $bnwofalse is false and $secondfemchange is false>>\
<span class="eventsub"><center><u>[[• Talk with Mr.Jackson about your mothers corruption.. •|bnwoevent5]]
<<if $feminization >=8 and $timer is 2 and $bnwoevent6 is true and $bnwoevent5 is false and $mombnwobought2 is false and $bnwofalse is false and $secondfemchange is false>>\
<span class="eventsub"><center><u>[[• Your mother visits Mr.Jackson.. •|bnwoevent6]]
<<if $feminization >=8 and $timer is 2 and $bnwoevent8 is true and $bnwoevent7 is false and $bnwofalse is false and $teacheruniformreaction is false>>\
<span class="eventsub"><center><u>[[• Show Mr.Jackson your moms new QOS Tattoo.•|bnwoevent8]]
<<if $teacherud2 is true and $feminization >=7>>\
<span class="eventud"><center><u>[[Your teacher is signaling you inside the bathroom|teacherud2]]</u></center></span>\
<<if $bfchastityreaction is false and $bfsubevent4 is true and $time is 1>>\
<span class="eventsub"><center><u>[[• Your best friend is being dragged.. again. •|bfsubevent4]]
<<if $bfchastityreaction is false and $bfsubevent5 is true and $time is 1 and $timer is 2 and $bfsubevent4 is false and $oralevel >=2>>\
<span class="eventsub"><center><u>[[• Your best friend is calling you over •|bfsubevent5]]
<<if $feminization >=8 and $teacherfirstask is true and $sunday3seen is true and $teacherschooltask is false and $teacherschooltaskactive is true>>\
<span class="eventsub"><center><u>[[• Do your teachers school task with the leash.. •|DetentionTeacher12SchoolTaskLeash]]
<<if $bfchastityreaction is true and $mcchastity is true and $time is 1>>\
<center><u><span class="eventsub">[[• You ask your best friend for help regarding your chastity... •|bfsubevent3]]
<<if $gfsubevent9 is true and $feminization >=7 and $gfbreakup is false and $timer is 2 and $gfsubevent8 is false and $bnwofalse is false and $bnwoevent4 is false>>\
<span class="eventsub"><center>[[• You see your girlfriend following Mr.Jackson into his office •|gfsubevent9]]</center></span>\
<<if $bodycheckfem1 is false and $bfbodychecktalk is true>>\
<center><u>[[ • Your best friend wants to talk with you • |bftalkbodycheckcampus]]</u></center>\
<<elseif $bfintroduction is false and $bfsubevent1 is false>>\
<center>[[• Talk with your best friend •|bf]]</center>\
<center>[[• Go towards the Campus•|Campus]]</center>\
<center>[[• Enter the Bathroom •|SchoolBathroom]]</center>\
<center>[[• Go outside •|School]]</center>\
<hr>\<<if $time < 2>>
<<set $time to $time+1>>
<<if $time == 3>>\
<<set $time to $time-1>>\
<<goto "School">><<if $time is 0>>
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\city.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>\
<center><img src="images\city\budapestcenterday.jpg" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>\
<b><center> You arrive at the center of Budapest and decide to head to</center></b>\
<<if $time is 1>>\
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\city.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>\
<center><img src="images\city\budapestcenterday.jpg" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>\
<b><center> You arrive at the center of Budapest and decide to head to</center></b>\
<<if $time is 2>>\
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\city.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><img src="images\city\budapestcenternight.jpg" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>
<b><center> You feel the breeze of the night in the center of the city and decide to</center></b>\
<<if $time ==2>>\
<center><u>[[• You hear grunts in the alleyway •|SexAlleyway]]</u></center>\
<center>[[• Home •|Home]]</center>\
<center><<linkreplace"• Park •">>\
<<goto `either("Park", "ParkRandom")`>>\
<<if $time is 0>>\
<center>[[• Shopping Mall •|Mall]]</center>\
<<if $time is 1>>\
<center>[[• Shopping Mall •|Mall]]</center>\
<center><<linkreplace"• Beach Bus •">>\
<<goto `either("BusBeach", "BusBeachSex","BusTits")`>>\
<center>[[• Red Light District •|RedlightDistrict]]</center>\
<<if $time is 0>>\
<center>[[• Beauty Salon •|BeautySalon]]</center>\
<<elseif $time is 1>>\
<center>[[• Beauty Salon •|BeautySalon]]</center>\
<<if $time is 0>>\
<center>[[• Pasarét Clinic •|Clinic]]</center>\
<<elseif $time is 1>>\
<center>[[• Pasarét Clinic •|Clinic]]</center>\
<center>[[• Outskirts •|Outskirts]]
<center>[[• Wait a bit •|Pass time city]]</center>\
<<if $time < 2>>
<<set $time to $time+1>>
<<if $time == 3>>\
<<set $time to $time-1>>\
<<goto "City">><center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\mall.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><img src="images\city\mall.jpg" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>
<b><center> You arrive at the Mall and decide to</center></b>
<<if $siseventsub3 is true and $submissive >= 30 and $phoneeventsub3 is false>>\
<span class="eventsub"><center><u>[[Buy the panties you sister ordered and take a picture|siseventsub3]]</u></center></span>\
<center>[[• Happy Girls •|Happy Girls shop]]</center>\
<center>[[• Baci Lingerie •|LingerieShop]]</center>\
<center>[[• Zara Cothing •|ClothesShop]]</center>\
<center>[[• Futureal •|ShoeShop]]</center>\
<center>[[• Bathroom •|MallBathroom]]</center>\
<center>[[• Sit down on a couch and wait a bit• |Pass time mall]]</center>\
<<if $bnwofalse is false and $feminization >=5 and $bnwoevent1 is false and $time is 1>>\
<center><u>[[• A black woman is calling you.. •|BNWOFemdomPublic]]</u></center>\
<center>[[• City Center • |City]]</center>\
<hr>\<<if $time < 2>>
<<set $time to $time+1>>
<<if $time == 3>>\
<<set $time to $time-1>>\
<<goto "Mall">><center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\livingroom.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><img src="images\city\livingroom.jpg" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>
<<if $dadfemreaction is true and $dadeventdomfem7 is false>>\
<<goto "dadfemreaction">>\
<b><center>You enter your living room and decide to</center></b>
<<if $dadintro is true>>\
<center><u>[[• You see your dad sitting on the couch •|IntroDad]]</u></center>\
<<if $watchtvporn is true>>\
<center><u> [[• Watch TV •|tvpornevent]]</u></center>\
<center> [[• Watch TV •|tv]]</center>\
<<if $dadfemreaction is false and $sisreactiondadfem is true and $dadeventdomfem7 is false>>\
<span class="eventdom"><center><b><u>[[See your sisters reaction to your feminized dad|sisreactiondadfem]]</u></b></center></span>\
<<if $dominant >= 17 and $momeventdom1 is true and $siseventdom1 is false>>\
<span class="eventdom"><center><b><u>[[You see your mom in the livingroom..|momeventdom1]]</u></b></center></span>\
<<if $momdomevent4 is true and $momdomevent3 is false and $timer is 2>>\
<span class="eventdom"><center><b><u>[[Tease your mother..|momeventdom4]]</u></b></center></span>\
<<if $dominant >= 24 and $siseventdom2 is true and $gfeventdom1 is false>>\
<span class="eventdom"><center><b><u>[[You see your sister on the couch..|siseventdom2]]</u></b></center></span>\
<<if $dominant >= 32 and $siseventdom3 is true and $siseventdom2 is false and $masculinity >=1 and $timer is 2>>\
<span class="eventdom"><center><b><u>[[You want to test your sisters limits...|siseventdom3]]</u></b></center></span>\
<<if $feminization >=8 and $timer is 2 and $bnwoevent4 is false and $mombnwoquest1 is true and $bnwofalse is false and $gfsubevent8 is false and $gfbreakup is false>>\
<span class="eventsub"><center><u>[[• Begin converting your mother to be a BBC QOS.. •|mombnwoquest1]]
<<if $feminization >=8 and $timer is 2 and $bnwoevent4 is false and $mombnwoquest1 is true and $bnwofalse is false and $exgfsubeventbnwo is false and $gfbreakup is true>>\
<span class="eventsub"><center><u>[[• Begin converting your mother to be a BBC QOS.. •|mombnwoquest1]]
<<if $feminization >= 7 and $dadsubevent2 is true and $mcchastity is true and $timer is 2 and $dadsubevent1 is false and $oralevel >=2>>\
<span class="eventsub"><center><u>[[Your dad is watching TV..|dadsubevent2]]</u></center></span>\
<<if $masculinity <=1 and $dadeventdom2 is true and $dadgayoff is false and $dadeventdom1 is false and $seendadgayporn is true and $timer is 2>>\
<span class="eventdom"><center><b><u>[[You wait for your dad watching TV|dadeventdom2]]</u></b></center></span>\
<<if $masculinity <=1 and $dadeventdom4 is true and $dadgayoff is false and $dadeventdom3 is false and $seendadgayporn is true and $timer is 2>>\
<span class="eventdom"><center><b><u>[[Your dad is sleeping|dadeventdom4]]</u></b></center></span>\
<<if $masculinity <=1 and $dadeventdomfem1 is true and $dadgayoff is false and $dadeventdom4 is false and $seendadgayporn is true and $timer is 2 and $dadfeminized is true>>\
<span class="eventdom"><center><b><u>[[Time to feminize your dad..|dadeventdom5]]</u></b></center></span>\
<<if $masculinity <=1 and $dadeventdomfem3 is true and $dadeventdomfem2 is false and $dadgayoff is false and $dadeventdom4 is false and $seendadgayporn is true and $timer is 2 and $dadfeminized is true>>\
<span class="eventdom"><center><b><u>[[Blackmail your dad with the picture you took before..|dadeventdomfem3]]</u></b></center></span>\
<center>[[• Go back to the hallway •|Hallway]]</center>\
<hr>\<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\kitchen.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><img src="images\city\kitchen.jpg" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>
<b><center>You enter your kitchen and decide to</center></b>
<<if $time ==1>>\
<center><u>[[• Your mom is cooking dinner •|momDinner]]</u></center>\
<<if $time ==0 and $bodycheckfem1 is false and $dadbodychecktalk is true>>\
<center><u>[[• Your dad wants to talk with you.. •|dadbodychecktalk]]</u>
<<elseif $time == 0>>\
<center>[[• Talk to Dad •|dadtalk]]</center>\
<<if $feminization >=7 and $momeventsub5 is true and $momeventsub4 is false and $timer is 2>>\
<span class="eventsub"><center><b><u>[[You see your mother in the kitchen|momeventsub5]]</u></b></center></span>\
<<if $feminization >=8 and $timer is 2 and $mombnwobuyactive is false and $mombnwobought2 is true and $bnwofalse is false>>\
<span class="eventsub"><center><u>[[• Leave the BNWO magazine in the kitchen for your mom to find.. •|mombnwo2]]
<<if $momdomevent8 is true and $momdomevent7 is false and $timer is 2>>\
<span class="eventdom"><center><b><u>[[Your mom is chilling in the kitchen..|momeventdom8]]</u></b></center></span>\
<<if $momdomevent9 is true and $momdomevent8 is false and $timer is 2 and $dadfeminized is false>>\
<span class="eventdom"><center><b><u>[[Your mom is cooking lunch for your and your father.|momeventdom9]]</u></b></center></span>\
<<if $masculinity >=1 and $drugdad is 0 and $dadeventdomfem6 is false and $dadgayoff is false and $seendadgayporn is true and $dadfeminized is true and $teacherdom6 is false and $drugdone is false and $time is 0>>\
<span class="eventdom"><center><b><u>[[Feed your dad the feminization drug|drugfemdad1]]</u></b></center></span>\
<<elseif $masculinity >=1 and $drugdad is 1 and $dadeventdomfem6 is false and $dadgayoff is false and $seendadgayporn is true and $dadfeminized is true and $teacherdom6 is false and $drugdone is false and $time is 0>>\
<span class="eventdom"><center><b><u>[[Feed your dad the feminization drug|drugfemdad2]]</u></b></center></span>\
<<elseif $masculinity >=1 and $drugdad is 2 and $dadeventdomfem6 is false and $dadgayoff is false and $seendadgayporn is true and $dadfeminized is true and $teacherdom6 is false and $drugdone is false and $time is 0>>\
<span class="eventdom"><center><b><u>[[Feed your dad the feminization drug|drugfemdad3]]</u></b></center></span>\
<<if $masculinity >=1 and $dadeventdomfem9 is true and $dadeventdomfem8 is false and $dadfemreaction is false and $dadgayoff is false and $seendadgayporn is true and $dadfeminized is true and $teacherdom6 is false and $drugdone is true and $drugdad is 3 and $sisreactiondadfem is false>>\
<span class="eventdom"><center><b><u>[[You find your sister in the kitchen and ask her help to break your dad|dadeventdomfem9]]</u></b></center></span>\
<center>[[• Eat something •|eat]]</center>\
<center>[[• Go back to the hallway •|Hallway]]</center>\
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\basement.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><img src="images\city\basement.jpg" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>
<b><center>You enter your basement and decide to</center></b>
<<if $momdomevent8 is false and $time is 0>>\
<center><b><u>[[Your mother is doing the laundry|mombasementsquirt]]</u></b></center>\
<center>[[• Go back upstairs •|Hallway]]</center>\
<hr>\<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\upstairshall.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><img src="images\city\upstairshall.jpg" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>
<b><center>You go upstairs and head into your</center></b>
<<if $hired is false and $seenhired is false and $time is 1>>\
<<goto "nothired">>\
<<if $masculinity >=1 and $dadeventdomfem8 is true and $dadeventdomfem7 is false and $dadfemreaction is false and $dadgayoff is false and $seendadgayporn is true and $dadfeminized is true and $teacherdom6 is false and $drugdone is true and $drugdad is 3 and $time is 0>>\
<span class="eventdom"><center><b><u>[[You hear slurping noises from the bathroom..|dadeventdomfem8]]</u></b></center></span>\
<<if $dominant >= 12 and $siseventdom1 is true>>\
<span class="eventdom"><center><b><u>[[You stumble upon your sister in the hallway|siseventdom1]]</u></b></center></span>\
<<if $feminization >= 4 and $siseventsub4 is true and $submissive >=50 and $gfhappened is true and $dayy >=2>>\
<span class="eventsub"><center><b><u>[[You hear your sister calling you from her room|siseventsub4]]</u></b></center></span>\
<<if $makeup is true and $dadmakeupreaction is true>>\
<center><u>[[• You pass by your dad.. wearing makeup..|dadreactionmakeup]]</u></center>\
<<if $feminization >= 6 and $momeventsub3 is true and $submissive >=60 and $buttplug1 is true and $timer is 2>>\
<span class="eventsub"><center><b><u>[[You hear your mother calling you from her room|momeventsub3]]</u></b></center></span>\
<<if $feminization >= 6 and $momeventsub4 is true and $submissive >=60 and $buttplug1 is true and $timer is 2 and $momeventsub3 is false>>\
<span class="eventsub"><center><b><u>[[You hear your mother calling you from her room... again.|momeventsub4]]</u></b></center></span>\
<<if $feminization >= 6 and $siseventsub5 is true and $submissive >=60 and $buttplug1 is true and $timer is 2 and $momeventsub4 is false>>\
<span class="eventsub"><center><b><u>[[You stumble upon your sister..|siseventsub5]]</u></b></center></span>\
<<if $sispetplayevent is true and $siseventsub9 is false and $timer is 2>>\
<span class="eventsub"><center><u>[[You hear a weird noise coming from your sisters bedroom|sispetplayevent]]</u></center></span>\
<<if $feminization >=8 and $timer is 2 and $bnwoeventsister is true and $bnwoevent3 is false and $bnwofalse is false and $secondfemchange is false and $siseventsub8 is false>>\
<span class="eventsub"><center><u>[[• You hear moans from your sisters room •|bnwoeventsister]]
<<if $momdomevent3 is true and $momdomevent2 is false and $timer is 2>>\
<span class="eventdom"><center><b><u>[[Use your sister to corrupt your mother|momeventdom3]]</u></b></center></span>\
<span class="bedroom"><center>[[• Bedroom •|Room]]</center></span>\
<span class="sisterroom"><center>[[• Sisters bedroom •|Sister room]]</center></span>\
<span class="dual-color"><center>[[• Parents bedroom •|Parents room]]</center></span>\
<center>[[• Bathroom •|Bathroom]]</center>\
<center>[[• Downstairs •|Hallway]]</center>\
<hr>\<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\sistersroom.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><img src="images\city\sisterbedroom.png" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>
<b><center>As you enter your sisters bedroom, you look around and decide to..</center></b>
<<if $time ==2>>
<center><u>[[ • Peek at your sister sleeping• |Sispeek]]</u></center>\
<<if $time ==1 and $bodycheckfem1 is false and $sisbodychecktalk is true>>\
<center><u>[[ • Your sister wants to talk with you • |sisbodychecktalk]]</u></center>\
<<elseif $time == 1>>\
<center>[[ • Talk with your sister • |sistalk]]</center>\
<<if $time is 0>>
<center><u>[[ •Search the room• |SearchSisterRoom]]</u></center>\
<<if $siseventsub9 is true and $siseventsub8 is false and $feminization >= 7 and $mcchastity is true and $timer is 2 and $analevel >=3>>\
<span class="eventsub"><center><u>[[Your sister calls you to her room|siseventsub9]]</u></center></span>\
<<if $siseventsub11 is true and $siseventsub10 is false and $feminization >= 8 and $mcchastity is true and $timer is 2 and $analevel >=3>>\
<span class="eventsub"><center><u>[[Your sister calls you to her room with a bag of clothes..|siseventsub11]]</u></center></span>\
<<if $siseventsub12 is true and $siseventsub11 is false and $feminization >= 8 and $mcchastity2 is true and $timer is 2>>\
<span class="eventsub"><center><u>[[Your sister wants do to a makover on you..|siseventsub12]]</u></center></span>\
<<if $mcchastity is true and $siseventsub7 is true and $siseventsub6 is false and $timer is 2>>\
<span class="eventsub"><center><u>[[See what your sister wants|siseventsub7]]</u></center></span>\
<<if $mcchastity is true and $siseventsub7 is false and $lubequest is true and $timer is 2>>\
<span class="eventsub"><center><u>[[Your sister wants to talk with you|lubequestsis]]</u></center></span>\
<<if $lubequest2 is true>>\
<span class="eventsub"><center><u>[[Tell your sister you've bought the lube|analtrainingstart]]</u></center></span>\
<<if $momdomevent2 is true and $momeventdom1 is false and $timer is 2>>\
<span class="eventdom"><center><b><u>[[Ask your sister for help to corrupt your mom|momeventdom2]]</u></b></center></span>\
<<if $masculinity <=1 and $dadeventdomdom2 is true and $dadgayoff is false and $dadeventdomdom1 is false and $seendadgayporn is true and $timer is 2 and $dadfeminized is false>>\
<span class="eventdom"><center><b><u>[[Train your dad for your sake|dadeventdommasc2]]</u></b></center></span>\
<center>[[• Wait a bit •|Pass time sisterroom]]</center>\
<center>[[• Go back to the hallway •|Upstairs Hall]]</center>\
<hr>\<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\parentsroom.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><img src="images\city\parentsbedroom.jpg" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>
<b><center>As you enter your parents bedroom, you look around and decide to..</center></b>
<<if $time ==2>>\
<center><u>[[ • Peek at your mom sleeping • |mompeek]]</u></center>\
<<if $time ==2 and $feminization >=2>>\
<center><u>[[ • Peek at your dad sleeping • |dadpeek]]</u></center>\
<<if $momeventsub5 is false and $feminization >=7 and $timer is 2 and $mcchastity is true and $momeventsub6 is true>>\
<span class="eventsub"><center><u>[[ • Your mom calls you to her room • |momeventsub6]]</u></center></span>\
<<if $momeventsub6 is false and $feminization >=7 and $timer is 2 and $mcchastity is true and $momeventsub7 is true>>\
<span class="eventsub"><center><u>[[ • Your mom wants to keep training you • |momeventsub7]]</u></center></span>\
<<if $masculinity <=1 and $dadeventdomfem2 is true and $dadeventdomfem1 is false and $dadgayoff is false and $dadeventdom4 is false and $seendadgayporn is true and $timer is 2 and $dadfeminized is true>>\
<span class="eventdom"><center><b><u>[[Leave a pair of your sisters panties for your dad..|dadeventdomfem2]]</u></b></center></span>\
<<if $momeventsub7 is false and $feminization >=7 and $timer is 2 and $mcchastity is true and $oralevel >=3 and $momeventsub8 is true>>\
<span class="eventsub"><center><u>[[ • Your mom wants to go out with you •|momeventsub8]]</u></center></span>\
<<if $momeventsub8 is false and $feminization >=7 and $timer is 2 and $mcchastity is true and $oralevel >=3 and $momeventsub9 is true>>\
<span class="eventsub"><center><u>[[ • Your mom calls you over for something special •|momeventsub9]]</u></center></span>\
<<if $momeventsub9 is false and $feminization >=8 and $timer is 2 and $mcchastity is true and $oralevel >=3 and $momeventsub10 is true>>\
<span class="eventsub"><center><u>[[ • Your mom and dad call you over to their room •|momeventsub10]]</u></center></span>\
<<if $feminization >=8 and $timer is 2 and $bnwoevent9 is true and $bnwoevent8 is false and $bnwofalse is false and $teacheruniformreaction is false>>\
<span class="eventsub"><center><u>[[• Your dad reacts to your mothers new tattoo •|bnwoevent9]]
<<if $momdomevent6 is true and $momdomevent5 is false and $timer is 2>>\
<span class="eventdom"><center><u>[[Confront your mom about last time|momeventdom6]]</u></center></span>\
<<if $dadfemreaction is false and $momreactiondadfem is true and $dadeventdomfem7 is false>>\
<span class="eventdom"><center><b><u>[[See your mothers reaction to your feminized dad|momreactiondadfem]]</u></b></center></span>\
<<if $time ==0 and $bodycheckfem1 is false and $mombodychecktalk is true>>
<center><u>[[ • Your mom wants to talk with you • |momtalkbodycheck]]</u></center>\
<<elseif $time == 0>>\
<center>[[ • Talk with Mom • |momtalk]]</center>\
<center>[[ •Wait a bit• |Pass time parentsbedroom]]</center>\
<<if $time is 1>>\
<center><u>[[ •Search the room• |SearchParentsRoom]]</u></center>\
<center>[[ •Go back to the hallway• |Upstairs Hall]]</center>\
<hr>\<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\bathroom.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><img src="images\city\bathroom.jpg" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>
<b><center>As you enter the bathroom, you look around and decide to..</center></b>
<<if $feminization >=5 and $trymakeupon is false and $makeup is false>>\
<center>[[• Put on makeup •|Makeupon]]</center>\
<<elseif $feminization >=5 and $trymakeupon is false and $makeup is true>>\
<center>[[• Take off your makeup •|Makeupoff]]</center>\
<<if $feminization >=8 and $siseventsub12 is false and $makeupsis is false>>\
<center>[[• Put on your sisters special makeup •|Makeuponsister]]</center>\
<<elseif $feminization >=8 and $siseventsub12 is false and $makeupsis is true>>\
<center>[[• Take off your sisters special makeup •|Makeupoffsister]]</center>\
<<if $feminization >= 4 and $siseventsub4 is false and $trymakeupon is true>>\
<span class="eventsub"><center><u>[[You remember when your sister used make up on you....|trymakeupsub]]</u></center></span>\
<<if $feminization >= 7 and $dadsubevent1 is true and $mcchastity is true and $timer is 2>>\
<span class="eventsub"><center><u>[[Your dad enters when you are showering|dadsubevent1]]</u></center></span>\
<<if $feminization >= 3 and $bodycheckfem1 is true and $therapistsubevent2 is false>>\
<span class="eventsub"><center><u>[[You notice some changes in your body..|bodycheckfem1]]</u></center></span>\
<<if $feminization >= 8 and $secondfemchange is true and $siseventsub9 is false and $timer >=1>>\
<span class="eventsub"><center><u>[[Your body changed again..|bodycheckfem2]]</u></center></span>\
<<if $time == 2 and $dadshower is true>>\
<center><u>[[• Your dad came from work and is taking a shower•|dadshower]]</u></center>\
<<if $feminization >= 6 and $dadshowerws is true and $dadmakeupreaction is false and $time is 2>>\
<span class="eventud"><center><u>[[You catch your dad showering after work again..|dadwsud]]</u></center></span>\
<<if $feminization >= 7 and $siswsud is true and $siseventsub6 is false and $timer is 2>>\
<span class="eventud"><center><u>[[Your sister calls you to the bathroom|siswsud]]</u></center></span>\
<<if $feminization >= 8 and $siswsud2 is true and $siseventsub6 is false and $timer is 2>>\
<span class="eventud"><center><u>[[Your sister calls you to the bathroom|siswsud2]]</u></center></span>\
<<if $mcchastity is true and $chastitycheck is true>>\
<span class="eventsub"><center><u>[[Look at the mirror in chastity..|chastitycheck]]</u></center></span>\
<<if $momdomevent5 is true and $momdomevent4 is false and $timer is 2>>\
<span class="eventdom"><center><u>[[Check your mom showering..|momeventdom5]]</u></center></span>\
<<if $dominant >=38 and $dadeventdom1 is true and $masculinity >=1 and $timer is 2>>\
<span class="eventdom"><center><u>[[You stumble upon your dad after shower|dadeventdom1]]</u></center></span>\
<<if $masculinity >=1 and $dadeventdomfem4 is true and $dadeventdomfem3 is false and $dadgayoff is false and $seendadgayporn is true and $timer is 2 and $dadfeminized is true>>\
<span class="eventdom"><center><b><u>[[Call your dad to the bathroom.. depilation time|dadeventdomfem4]]</u></b></center></span>\
<<if $masculinity >=1 and $dadeventdomfem7 is true and $dadeventdomfem6 is false and $dadgayoff is false and $seendadgayporn is true and $dadfeminized is true and $teacherdom6 is false and $drugdone is true and $drugdad is 3 and $time is 0>>\
<span class="eventdom"><center><b><u>[[Look at your dad's body changes.|dadeventdomfem7]]</u></b></center></span>\
<<if $time == 0>>\
<center><u>[[• Your sister is taking a shower •|sistershower]]</u></center>\
<center>[[• Check yourself out in the mirror •|checkyourself]]</center>\
<center><u>[[ •Search the bathroom• |SearchBathroom]]</u></center>\
<center>[[• Go back to the hallway •|Upstairs Hall]]</center>\
<hr>\<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\pc.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><img src="images\other\PC.png" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>
<b><center>As you open your computer you decide to..</center></b>
<<if $oralstat == 50 and $oralevel == 1 and $oralevelup1 is false>>\
<span class="eventoral"><center><b><u>[[• You feel like your throat pussy is ready for more..•|OralLevelup1]]</u></b></center></span>\
<<elseif $oralstat == 150 and $oralevel == 2 and $oralevelup2 is false>>\
<span class="eventoral"><center><b><u>[[• You feel like your throat pussy is ready for more..•|OralLevelup2]]</u></b></center></span>\
<<if $analstat >=50 and $analevelup1 is false and $analevel == 1>>\
<span class="eventanal"><center><b><u>[[• You feel like your boipussy is ready for more..•|AnalLevelup1]]</u></b></center></span>\
<<elseif $analstat >=150 and $analevelup2 is false and $analevel == 2>>\
<span class="eventanal"><center><b><u>[[• You feel like your boipussy is ready for more..•|AnalLevelup2]]</u></b></center></span>\
<<if $oraltraining is true and $fatiguestat <30>>\
<span class="eventoral"><center><b>[[• Train your throat pussy •|TrainingMenuOral]]</b></center></span>\
<<elseif $fatiguestat >=30>>\
<center><grey><i><u> You are too tired to train your <pink>throat pussy</pink></u></i></grey></center>\
<<if $analtrainingstat is true and $fatiguestat <30>>\
<span class="eventanal"><center><b>[[• Train your boipussy •|TrainingMenu]]</b></center></span>\
<<elseif $fatiguestat >=30>>\
<center><grey><i><u> You are too tired to train your <pink>boipussy</pink></u></i></grey></center>\
<center><b>[[• Watch porn •|Porn]]</b></center>\
<<if $submissive >= 12 and $momeventsub1 is true>>\
<span class="eventsub"><center><b><u>[[You recieve an anonymous link|momeventsub1]]</u></b></center></span>\
<<if $teachercuck is false and $feminization >=7 and $timer is 2 and $bnwoevent2 is true and $bnwoevent1 is false>>\
<span class="eventsub"><center><u>[[• Google what's the BNWO •|bnwoevent2]]
<<if $feminization >=7 and $oralevel >=3 and $analevel >=3 and $emailsub1 is true>>\
<span class="eventsub"><center><b><u>[[You recieve an anonymous email..|emailsub1]]</u></b></center></span>\
<<if $feminization >=7 and $oralevel >=3 and $analevel >=3 and $emailsub1 is false and $secondwatchemail1 is true and $fatiguestat <=20 and $hypnotized <=4>>\
<span class="eventsub"><center><b><u>[[You watch the email again..|emailsub1repeat]]</u></b></center></span>\
<<elseif $hypnotized ==5 and $emailsub1 is false and $emailsub2 is true and $fatiguestat <=20>>\
<span class="eventsub"><center><b><u>[[You receive a new email..|emailsub2]]</u></b></center></span>\
<<elseif $feminization >=7 and $emailsub3 is false and $thirdemailwatched is true and $fatiguestat <=20 and $hypnotized <=9>>\
<span class="eventsub"><center><b><u>[[Record another video for Master|emailsub3repeat]]</u></b></center></span>\
<<elseif $hypnotized ==10 and $emailsub3 is false and $emailsub4 is true and $fatiguestat <=20>>\
<span class="eventsub"><center><b><u>[[You receive a new email..|emailsub4]]</u></b></center></span>\
<<elseif $feminization >=7 and $emailsub4 is false and $thirdwatchemail is true and $fatiguestat <=20 and $hypnotized <=15>>\
<span class="eventsub"><center><b><u>[[Record another video for Master|emailsub4repeat]]</u></b></center></span>\
<<elseif $fatiguestat >=30>>\
<center><grey><i><u> You are too tired to watch the hypno emails..</u></i></grey></center>\
<<if $hypnotizedlevel == 3 and $emailsub4 is false and $emailsub5 is true and $timer is 2>>\
<span class="eventsub"><center><b><u>[[You have something opened up on your PC...|emailsub5]]</u></b></center></span>\
<<if $hypnotizedlevel == 3 and $emailsub5 is false and $emailsub6 is true and $timer is 2 and $worksubevent12 is false>>\
<span class="eventsub"><center><b><u>[[You have a new email from your Master..|emailsub6]]</u></b></center></span>\
<center><b>[[• Turn off your computer •|Room]]</b></center>\
<hr>\<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\wardrobe.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><img src="images\city\wardrobe.png" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>
<b><center> You enter your wardrobe and after looking around you decide to</center></b>
<span class ="wardrobeimage"> <a data-passage="Outfits" class="link-internal link-image">
<img src="images\resources\outfits.png">
<span class ="wardrobeimage2"> <a data-passage="Underwear" class="link-internal link-image">
<img src="images\resources\underwear.png">
<span class ="wardrobeimage3"> <a data-passage="Shoes" class="link-internal link-image">
<img src="images\resources\shoes.png">
<span class ="clothesoff"> <a data-passage="Naked" class="link-internal link-image">
<img src="images\resources\clothesoff.png">
<span class ="backwardrobe2"> <a data-passage="Room" class="link-internal link-image">
<img src="images\resources\back.png">
<<if $submissive >=24 and $siseventsub2 is true and $phoneeventsub2 is false>>\
<span class="eventsub"><center><u>[[Try the panties one more time|siseventsub2]]</u></center></span>\
<<set $momdadtask to true>>\
<<set $fatiguestat to 0>>
<<set $day to $day+1>>
<<set $time to 0>>
<<if $dayy == 7>>
<<set $dayy to 1>>
<<set $dayy to $dayy+1>>
<<if $timer < 2>>
<<set $timer to $timer+1>>
<<if $timer == 3>>\
<<set $timer to $timer-1>>\
<<goto `either("Dream1", "Dream2", "Dream3")`>>\
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\dreaming.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><img src="images\events\dream1.jpg"></center>
<center><<timed 2s>><b> You dream about your childhood, when you used to play baseball with your father in the park.. Good times..</b><</timed>></center>
<<timed 3s>>\
<center>[[• Wake up •|Room]]</center>
<center><img src="images\resources\tutorialcompleted.png"></center>
<b><center> You decided to skip the tutorial and start more submissive. That's fine! From now on the game will be in sandbox mode and you will be able to roam around the map, you will notice you have four buttons on your sidebar, if you feel like you don't know what to do, click on the <u>Tips</u> bar and as you progress new tips will appear!</center></b>
<b><center> As the versions progress the bars will develop and look better I promise!</center></b>
<b><center> This game is still in early development and this is my first game so I'm learning as I'm writing, if you like what you are playing, please consider supporting me over on <a href="" target="_blank">Patreon</a></center></b>
<b><center> [[Proceed to the game|Room]]!</center></b>
<center><img src="images\resources\tutorialcompleted.png"></center>
<b><center> You decided to skip the tutorial and start more dominant. That's fine! From now on the game will be in sandbox mode and you will be able to roam around the map, you will notice you have four buttons on your sidebar, if you feel like you don't know what to do, click on the <u>Tips</u> bar and as you progress new tips will appear!</center></b>
<b><center> As the versions progress the bars will develop and look better I promise!</center></b>
<b><center> This game is still in early development and this is my first game so I'm learning as I'm writing, if you like what you are playing, please consider supporting me over on <a href="" target="_blank">Patreon</a></center></b>
<b><center> [[Proceed to the game|Room]]!</center></b>
<<set $showbuttons to true>>
<<set $submissive to 5>>
<<set $phonetutorial to true>>
<<set $showbuttons to true>>
<<set $sisdom to 1>>
<<set $tutorial to false>>
<<set $phonetutorialevent to false>>
<<if $tutorialskip2 is true>>
Dialog.setup("Skipped tutorial", "charsheet");"TutorialEndSkipSub").processText());;
<<set $tutorialskip2 to false>>
<<set $tutorialskip to true>>
<<set $showbuttons to true>>
<<set $dominant to 5>>
<<set $submissive to 0>>
<<set $phonetutorial to true>>
<<set $showbuttons to true>>
<<set $sisdom to 0>>
<<set $tutorial to false>>
<<set $phonetutorialevent to false>>
<<if $tutorialskip3 is true>>
Dialog.setup("Skipped tutorial", "charsheet");"TutorialEndSkipDom").processText());;
<<set $tutorialskip3 to false>>
<<set $tutorialskip to true>>
<center><img src="images\resources\tutorialcompleted.png"></center>
<<set $dayy to $dayy+1>>
<b><center> This is the end of the tutorial! From now on the game will be in sandbox mode and you will be able to roam around the map, you will notice you have four buttons on your sidebar now, if you feel like you don't know what to do, click on the <u>Tips</u> bar and as you progress new tips will appear!</center></b>
<b><center> As the versions progress the bars will develop and look better I promise!</center></b>
<b><center> This game is still in early development and this is my first game so I'm learning as I'm writing, if you like what you are playing, please consider supporting me over on <a href="" target="_blank">Patreon</a></center></b>
<b><center> Thank you for playing the tutorial to Disrupted, enjoy your game!</center></b>
<b><center> [[Proceed to the game|Room]]!</center></b>
<<set $tutorial to false>><<set $tutorialskip to false>>
<<set $tutorialskip2 to false>>
<<set $tutorialskip3 to false>>
<<set $tutorial to false>>
<<if $tutorialall is true>>
Dialog.setup("Tutorial Ended", "charsheet");"TutorialAllRoutes").processText());;
<<set $tutorialall to false>>
<<set $tutorialskip to true>>
<</if>><<set $equip to 1>>
<<goto "Tops">><<set $equip to 2>>
<<goto "Tops">><<set $equip to 3>>
<<goto "Tops">><<set $equip to 4>>
<<goto "Tops">><<set $equip to 0>>
<<set $shoes to 0>>
<<set $underwear to 0>>
<<set $bottom to 0>>
<<set $bra to 0>>
<<goto "Clothing">><center><img src="images\resources\roughsexlogo.png"></center>
<b><center> Today you are feeling a little bit more dominant and you decide that you want to watch some bitches get destroyed.</center></b>
<b><you> - Oh yeah.. I'm so ready for this.. I'm gonna imagine it's <teacher>Ms.$nameteacher</teacher> getting destroyed by me..</you></b> - you mumble to yourself.
<center><img src="images\porn\roughporn1.gif" height="600px"></center>
<<if $dominant <$submissive>>
<b><center> You grab your small penis harder as you come closer to cumming and loudly you whimper</center></b>
<b><you> - F..f..FUUCK.. I was needing that so bad..</you></b> - you say to yourself as you cum some tiny droplets.
<img src="images\porn\smallpeniscumming.gif">
[[• Clean and close the website •->Porn]]
<b><center> You grab your massive penis harder as you come closer to cumming and loudly you scream to anywhere near you to hear</center></b>
<b><you> -OHHHHhhhhhHH FUUUCK..!! I.. I was really needing that</you></b> - you scream to yourself as you start cleaning up.
<b><you> - One day it's gonna be you.. <teacher>Ms.$nameteacher</teacher></you></b> - you tell yourself, exhausted.
<img src="images\porn\bigpeniscumming.gif">
[[• Clean up •->Porn]]
</center><center><img src="images\resources\roughsexlogo.png"></center>
<b><center> Today you are feeling a little bit more dominant and you decide that you want to watch some bitches get destroyed.</center></b>
<b><you> - Oh yeah.. I'm so ready for this.. I'm gonna imagine it's <teacher>Ms.$nameteacher</teacher> getting destroyed by me..</you></b> - you mumble to yourself.
<center><img src="images\porn\roughporn2.gif" height="600px"></center>
<<if $dominant <$submissive>>
<b><center> You grab your small penis harder as you come closer to cumming and loudly you whimper</center></b>
<b><you> - F..f..FUUCK.. I was needing that so bad..</you></b> - you say to yourself as you cum some tiny droplets.
<img src="images\porn\smallpeniscumming.gif">
[[• Clean and close the website •->Porn]]
<b><center> You grab your massive penis harder as you come closer to cumming and loudly you scream to anywhere near you to hear</center></b>
<b><you> -OHHHHhhhhhHH FUUUCK..!! I.. I was really needing that</you></b> - you scream to yourself as you start cleaning up.
<b><you> - One day it's gonna be you.. <teacher>Ms.$nameteacher</teacher></you></b> - you tell yourself, exhausted.
<img src="images\porn\bigpeniscumming.gif">
[[• Clean up •->Porn]]
</center><center><img src="images\resources\roughsexlogo.png"></center>
<b><center> Today you are feeling a little bit more dominant and you decide that you want to watch some bitches get destroyed.</center></b>
<b><you> - Oh yeah.. I'm so ready for this.. I'm gonna imagine it's <teacher>Ms.$nameteacher</teacher> getting destroyed by me..</you></b> - you mumble to yourself.
<center><img src="images\porn\roughporn3.gif" height="600px"></center>
<<if $dominant <$submissive>>
<b><center> You grab your small penis harder as you come closer to cumming and loudly you whimper</center></b>
<b><you> - F..f..FUUCK.. I was needing that so bad..</you></b> - you say to yourself as you cum some tiny droplets.
<img src="images\porn\smallpeniscumming.gif">
[[• Clean and close the website •->Porn]]
<b><center> You grab your massive penis harder as you come closer to cumming and loudly you scream to anywhere near you to hear</center></b>
<b><you> -OHHHHhhhhhHH FUUUCK..!! I.. I was really needing that</you></b> - you scream to yourself as you start cleaning up.
<b><you> - One day it's gonna be you.. <teacher>Ms.$nameteacher</teacher></you></b> - you tell yourself, exhausted.
<img src="images\porn\bigpeniscumming.gif">
[[• Clean up •->Porn]]
</center><center><img src="images\resources\roughsexlogo.png"></center>
<b><center> Today you are feeling a little bit more dominant and you decide that you want to watch some bitches get destroyed.</center></b>
<b><you> - Oh yeah.. I'm so ready for this.. I'm gonna imagine it's <teacher>Ms.$nameteacher</teacher> getting destroyed by me..</you></b> - you mumble to yourself.
<center><img src="images\porn\roughporn4.gif" height="600px"></center>
<<if $dominant <$submissive>>
<b><center> You grab your small penis harder as you come closer to cumming and loudly you whimper</center></b>
<b><you> - F..f..FUUCK.. I was needing that so bad..</you></b> - you say to yourself as you cum some tiny droplets.
<img src="images\porn\smallpeniscumming.gif">
[[• Clean and close the website •->Porn]]
<b><center> You grab your massive penis harder as you come closer to cumming and loudly you scream to anywhere near you to hear</center></b>
<b><you> -OHHHHhhhhhHH FUUUCK..!! I.. I was really needing that</you></b> - you scream to yourself as you start cleaning up.
<b><you> - One day it's gonna be you.. <teacher>Ms.$nameteacher</teacher></you></b> - you tell yourself, exhausted.
<img src="images\porn\bigpeniscumming.gif">
[[• Clean up •->Porn]]
</center><center><img src="images\resources\vanillalogo.png"></center>
<b><center> You click on a random sex video and you immediately take your cock out, hornier than ever</center></b>
<b><you> - Oh yeah.. this about to be good..</you></b> - you mumble to yourself.
<center><img src="images\porn\vanilla1.gif" height="600px"></center>
<<if $dominant <$submissive>>
<b><center> You grab your small penis harder as you come closer to cumming and loudly you whimper</center></b>
<b><you> - F..f..FUUCK.. I was needing that so bad..</you></b> - you say to yourself as you cum some tiny droplets.
<img src="images\porn\smallpeniscumming.gif">
[[• Clean and close the website• ->Porn]]
<b><center> You grab your massive penis harder as you come closer to cumming and loudly you scream to anywhere near you to hear</center></b>
<b><you> -OHHHHhhhhhHH FUUUCK..!! I.. I was really needing that</you></b> - you scream to yourself as you start cleaning up.
<img src="images\porn\bigpeniscumming.gif">
[[• Clean up •->Porn]]
</center><center><img src="images\resources\vanillalogo.png"></center>
<b><center> You click on a random sex video and you immediately take your cock out, hornier than ever</center></b>
<b><you> - Oh yeah.. this about to be good..</you></b> - you mumble to yourself.
<center><img src="images\porn\vanilla2.gif" height="600px"></center>
<<if $dominant <$submissive>>
<b><center> You grab your small penis harder as you come closer to cumming and loudly you whimper</center></b>
<b><you> - F..f..FUUCK.. I was needing that so bad..</you></b> - you say to yourself as you cum some tiny droplets.
<img src="images\porn\smallpeniscumming.gif">
[[• Clean and close the website• ->Porn]]
<b><center> You grab your massive penis harder as you come closer to cumming and loudly you scream to anywhere near you to hear</center></b>
<b><you> -OHHHHhhhhhHH FUUUCK..!! I.. I was really needing that</you></b> - you scream to yourself as you start cleaning up.
<img src="images\porn\bigpeniscumming.gif">
[[• Clean up• ->Porn]]
</center><center><img src="images\resources\vanillalogo.png"></center>
<b><center> You click on a random sex video and you immediately take your cock out, hornier than ever</center></b>
<b><you> - Oh yeah.. this about to be good..</you></b> - you mumble to yourself.
<center><img src="images\porn\vanilla3.gif" height="600px"></center>
<<if $dominant <$submissive>>
<b><center> You grab your small penis harder as you come closer to cumming and loudly you whimper</center></b>
<b><you> - F..f..FUUCK.. I was needing that so bad..</you></b> - you say to yourself as you cum some tiny droplets.
<img src="images\porn\smallpeniscumming.gif">
[[• Clean and close the website• ->Porn]]
<b><center> You grab your massive penis harder as you come closer to cumming and loudly you scream to anywhere near you to hear</center></b>
<b><you> -OHHHHhhhhhHH FUUUCK..!! I.. I was really needing that</you></b> - you scream to yourself as you start cleaning up.
<img src="images\porn\bigpeniscumming.gif">
[[• Clean up• ->Porn]]
</center><center><img src="images\resources\vanillalogo.png"></center>
<b><center> You click on a random sex video and you immediately take your cock out, hornier than ever</center></b>
<b><you> - Oh yeah.. this about to be good..</you></b> - you mumble to yourself.
<center><img src="images\porn\vanilla4.gif" height="600px"></center>
<<if $dominant <$submissive>>
<b><center> You grab your small penis harder as you come closer to cumming and loudly you whimper</center></b>
<b><you> - F..f..FUUCK.. I was needing that so bad..</you></b> - you say to yourself as you cum some tiny droplets.
<img src="images\porn\smallpeniscumming.gif">
[[• Clean and close the website •->Porn]]
<b><center> You grab your massive penis harder as you come closer to cumming and loudly you scream to anywhere near you to hear</center></b>
<b><you> -OHHHHhhhhhHH FUUUCK..!! I.. I was really needing that</you></b> - you scream to yourself as you start cleaning up.
<img src="images\porn\bigpeniscumming.gif">
[[• Clean up •->Porn]]
</center><p style="font-family:Courier New"><b><red><font size ="+5"><center>Porn</center></font></red></b></p>
<center><img src="images\other\pornhub.png" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>
<center><b> You enter your favourite website and search for a category to watch</b></center>
<<if $mcchastity is false>>\
<center>• <<linkreplace"Vanilla">>
<<goto `either("VanillaPorn1", "VanillaPorn2", "VanillaPorn3", "VanillaPorn4")`>>\
<<elseif $mcchastity is true>>\
<center>• <<linkreplace"Vanilla">>
<<goto `either("VanillaPornChastity1", "VanillaPornChastity2", "VanillaPornChastity3", "VanillaPornChastity4")`>>\
<<if $mcchastity is false>>\
<center>• <<linkreplace"Anal">>
<<goto `either("AnalPorn1", "AnalPorn2", "AnalPorn3", "AnalPorn4")`>>\
<<elseif $mcchastity is true>>\
<center>• <<linkreplace"Anal">>
<<goto `either("AnalPornChastity1", "AnalPornChastity2", "AnalPornChastity3", "AnalPornChastity4")`>>\
<<if $mcchastity is false>>\
<center>• <<linkreplace"Blowjob">>
<<goto `either("BlowjobPorn1", "BlowjobPorn2", "BlowjobPorn3", "BlowjobPorn4")`>>\
<<elseif $mcchastity is true>>\
<center>• <<linkreplace"Blowjob">>
<<goto `either("BlowjobPornChastity1", "BlowjobPornChastity2", "BlowjobPornChastity3", "BlowjobPornChastity4")`>>\
<<if $dominant >= 10 and $roughpornfind is true>>\
<b><center><u><blue><span class="blink" style="color: blue;">[[Search new porn!|RoughPornFound]]</span></blue></u></center></b>\
<<if $roughporn is true>>\
<center>• <<linkreplace"Rough Porn">>
<<goto `either("RoughPorn1", "RoughPorn2", "RoughPorn3", "RoughPorn4")`>>\
<<if $masculinity >=1 and $maledomfind is true>>\
<b><center><u><blue><span class="blink" style="color: blue;">[[Search new porn!|MaledomPornFound]]</span></blue></u></center></b>\
<<if $maledomporn is true>>\
<center>• <<linkreplace"Maledom Porn">>
<<goto `either("MaleDomPorn1", "MaleDomPorn2", "MaleDomPorn3", "MaleDomPorn4")`>>\
<<if $submissive >= 10 and $pussylickingfind is true>>\
<b><center><u><pink><span class="blink" style="color: pink;">[[Search new porn!|PussylickingPornFound]]</span></pink></u></center>
<<if $homosexuality >= 5 and $gaypornfind is true and $feminization >=1>>\
<b><center><u><pink><span class="blink" style="color: pink;">[[Search new porn!|GayPornFoundSub]]</span></pink></u></center>\
<<if $homosexuality >= 5 and $gaypornfind is true and $feminization == 0>>\
<b><center><u><pink><span class="blink" style="color: pink;">[[Search new porn!|GayPornFound]]</span></pink></u></center>\
<<if $gayporn is true and $mcchastity is false and $feminization >=1>>\
<center>• <<linkreplace"Gay Porn">>
<<goto `either("GayPornSub1", "GayPornSub2", "GayPornSub3")`>>\
<<elseif $gayporn is true and $feminization ==0 and $masculinity >=0>>\
<center>• <<linkreplace"Gay Porn">>
<<goto `either("GayPornDom1", "GayPornDom2", "GayPornDom3")`>>\
<<elseif $gayporn is true and $mcchastity is true>>\
<center>• <<linkreplace"Gay Porn">>
<<goto `either("GayPornChastity1", "GayPornChastity2", "GayPornChastity3")`>>\
<<if $pussylickingporn is true and $mcchastity is false>>\
<center>• <<linkreplace"Pussylicking Porn">>
<<goto `either("PussylickingPorn1", "PussylickingPorn2", "PussylickingPorn3", "PussylickingPorn4")`>>\
<<elseif $pussylickingporn is true and $mcchastity is true>>\
<center>• <<linkreplace"Pussylicking Porn">>
<<goto `either("PussylickingPornChastity1", "PussylickingPornChastity2", "PussylickingPornChastity3", "PussylickingPornChastity4")`>>\
<<if $feminization >=1 and $bbcpornfind is true>>\
<b><center><u><pink><span class="blink" style="color: pink;">[[Search new porn!|BBCpornfind]]</span></pink></u></center>\
<<if $feminization >=2 and $sissypornfind is true>>\
<b><center><u><span class="blink" style="color: pink;">[[Search new porn!|sissypornfind]]</span></u></center></b>\
<<if $sissyporn is true and $mcchastity is false>>\
<center>• <<linkreplace"Sissy Porn">>\
<<goto `either("SissyPorn1", "SissyPorn2", "SissyPorn3")`>>\
<<elseif $sissyporn is true and $mcchastity is true>>\
<center>• <<linkreplace"Sissy Porn">>
<<goto `either("SissyPornChastity1", "SissyPornChastity2", "SissyPornChastity3")`>>\
<<if $bbcporn is true and $mcchastity is false>>\
<center>• <<linkreplace"BBC Cuckold Porn">>
<<goto `either("BBCPorn1", "BBCPorn2", "BBCPorn3", "BBCPorn4")`>>\
<<elseif $bbcporn is true and $mcchastity is true>>\
<center>• <<linkreplace"BBC Cuckold Porn">>
<<goto `either("BBCCuckoldPornChastity1", "BBCCuckoldPornChastity2", "BBCCuckoldPornChastity3", "BBCCuckoldPornChastity4")`>>\
<<if $feminization >=2 and $femdomfind is true>>\
<b><center><u><pink>[[Search new porn!|femdompornfind]]</pink></u></center>
<<if $femdomporn is true and $mcchastity is false>>\
<center>• <<linkreplace"Femdom Porn">>
<<goto `either("FemdomPorn1", "FemdomPorn2", "FemdomPorn3", "FemdomPorn4")`>>\
<<elseif $femdomporn is true and $mcchastity is true>>\
<center>• <<linkreplace"Femdom Porn">>
<<goto `either("FemdomPornChastity1", "FemdomPornChastity2", "FemdomPornChastity3", "FemdomPornChastity4")`>>\
<center><b> [[Leave Pornhub|PC]]</b></center><span class='fadeIn'>
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\dreaming.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\Dream2.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<center><<timed 2s>><b> You start dreaming that you are superman, incredibly powerful, flying around to save people.. how you wish that was you. </b><</timed>></center>
<<timed 3s>>\
<center>[[• Wake up •|Room]]</center>
<</timed>>\<span class='fadeIn'>
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\dreaming.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\Dream3.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<center><<timed 2s>><b> You are in the middle of the ocean, struggling to breathe and stay afloat.. you desperately want to wake up but you cant..</b><</timed>></center>
<<timed 5s>>\
<center>[[• Wake up •|Room]]</center>
<</timed>>\<center><img src="images\resources\analogo.png"></center>
<b><center> As you're searching what to watch today for your fapping session, you notice a really hot anal sex video and decide to click on it</center></b>
<b><you> - Oh yeah.. this bitch about take it so deep in her arse..</you></b> - you mumble to yourself.
<center><img src="images\porn\analporn1.gif" height="600px"></center>
<<if $dominant <$submissive>>
<b><center> You grab your small penis harder as you come closer to cumming and loudly you whimper</center></b>
<b><you> - F..f..FUUCK.. I was needing that so bad..</you></b> - you say to yourself as you cum some tiny droplets.
<img src="images\porn\smallpeniscumming.gif">
[[• Clean and close the website •->Porn]]
<b><center> You grab your massive penis harder as you come closer to cumming and loudly you scream to anywhere near you to hear</center></b>
<b><you> -OHHHHhhhhhHH FUUUCK..!! I.. I was really needing that</you></b> - you scream to yourself as you start cleaning up.
<img src="images\porn\bigpeniscumming.gif">
[[• Clean up •->Porn]]
</center><center><img src="images\resources\analogo.png"></center>
<b><center> As you're searching what to watch today for your fapping session, you notice a really hot anal sex video and decide to click on it</center></b>
<b><you> - Oh yeah.. this bitch about take it so deep in her arse..</you></b> - you mumble to yourself.
<center><img src="images\porn\analporn2.gif" height="600px"></center>
<<if $dominant <$submissive>>
<b><center> You grab your small penis harder as you come closer to cumming and loudly you whimper</center></b>
<b><you> - F..f..FUUCK.. I was needing that so bad..</you></b> - you say to yourself as you cum some tiny droplets.
<img src="images\porn\smallpeniscumming.gif">
[[• Clean and close the website •->Porn]]
<b><center> You grab your massive penis harder as you come closer to cumming and loudly you scream to anywhere near you to hear</center></b>
<b><you> -OHHHHhhhhhHH FUUUCK..!! I.. I was really needing that</you></b> - you scream to yourself as you start cleaning up.
<img src="images\porn\bigpeniscumming.gif">
[[• Clean up •->Porn]]
</center><center><img src="images\resources\analogo.png"></center>
<b><center> As you're searching what to watch today for your fapping session, you notice a really hot anal sex video and decide to click on it</center></b>
<b><you> - Oh yeah.. this bitch about take it so deep in her arse..</you></b> - you mumble to yourself.
<center><img src="images\porn\analporn3.gif" height="600px"></center>
<<if $dominant <$submissive>>
<b><center> You grab your small penis harder as you come closer to cumming and loudly you whimper</center></b>
<b><you> - F..f..FUUCK.. I was needing that so bad..</you></b> - you say to yourself as you cum some tiny droplets.
<img src="images\porn\smallpeniscumming.gif">
[[• Clean and close the website •->Porn]]
<b><center> You grab your massive penis harder as you come closer to cumming and loudly you scream to anywhere near you to hear</center></b>
<b><you> -OHHHHhhhhhHH FUUUCK..!! I.. I was really needing that</you></b> - you scream to yourself as you start cleaning up.
<img src="images\porn\bigpeniscumming.gif">
[[• Clean up •->Porn]]
</center><center><img src="images\resources\analogo.png"></center>
<b><center> As you're searching what to watch today for your fapping session, you notice a really hot anal sex video and decide to click on it</center></b>
<b><you> - Oh yeah.. this bitch about take it so deep in her arse..</you></b> - you mumble to yourself.
<center><img src="images\porn\analporn4.gif" height="600px"></center>
<<if $dominant <$submissive>>
<b><center> You grab your small penis harder as you come closer to cumming and loudly you whimper</center></b>
<b><you> - F..f..FUUCK.. I was needing that so bad..</you></b> - you say to yourself as you cum some tiny droplets.
<b><you> - How was she taking two cocks in her ass...</you></b> - you question yourself.
<img src="images\porn\smallpeniscumming.gif">
[[• Clean and close the website •->Porn]]
<b><center> You grab your massive penis harder as you come closer to cumming and loudly you scream to anywhere near you to hear</center></b>
<b><you> -OHHHHhhhhhHH FUUUCK..!! I.. I was really needing that</you></b> - you scream to yourself as you start cleaning up.
<img src="images\porn\bigpeniscumming.gif">
[[• Clean up •->Porn]]
</center><center><img src="images\resources\blowjoblogo.png"></center>
<b><center> As you're searching what to watch today for your fapping session, you notice a really hot girl sucking on some dick and decide to click on it</center></b>
<b><you> - Oh yeah.. this bitch about choke on it so bad.. I wish she did that to me..</you></b> - you mumble to yourself.
<center><img src="images\porn\blowjobporn1.gif" height="600px"></center>
<<if $dominant <$submissive>>
<b><center> You grab your small penis harder as you come closer to cumming and loudly you whimper</center></b>
<b><you> - F..f..FUUCK.. I was needing that so bad..</you></b> - you say to yourself as you cum some tiny droplets.
<img src="images\porn\smallpeniscumming.gif">
[[• Clean and close the website •->Porn]]
<b><center> You grab your massive penis harder as you come closer to cumming and loudly you scream to anywhere near you to hear</center></b>
<b><you> -OHHHHhhhhhHH FUUUCK..!! I.. I was really needing that</you></b> - you scream to yourself as you start cleaning up.
<img src="images\porn\bigpeniscumming.gif">
[[• Clean up •->Porn]]
</center><center><img src="images\resources\blowjoblogo.png"></center>
<b><center> As you're searching what to watch today for your fapping session, you notice a really hot girl sucking on some dick and decide to click on it</center></b>
<b><you> - Oh yeah.. this bitch about choke on it so bad.. I wish she did that to me..</you></b> - you mumble to yourself.
<center><img src="images\porn\blowjobporn2.gif" height="600px"></center>
<<if $dominant <$submissive>>
<b><center> You grab your small penis harder as you come closer to cumming and loudly you whimper</center></b>
<b><you> - F..f..FUUCK.. I was needing that so bad..</you></b> - you say to yourself as you cum some tiny droplets.
<img src="images\porn\smallpeniscumming.gif">
[[• Clean and close the website •->Porn]]
<b><center> You grab your massive penis harder as you come closer to cumming and loudly you scream to anywhere near you to hear</center></b>
<b><you> -OHHHHhhhhhHH FUUUCK..!! I.. I was really needing that</you></b> - you scream to yourself as you start cleaning up.
<img src="images\porn\bigpeniscumming.gif">
[[• Clean up •->Porn]]
</center><center><img src="images\resources\blowjoblogo.png"></center>
<b><center> As you're searching what to watch today for your fapping session, you notice a really hot girl sucking on some <brown>big black dick</brown> and decide to click on it</center></b>
<b><you> - Oh yeah.. this bitch about choke on it so bad.. I wish she did that to me..</you></b> - you mumble to yourself.
<center><img src="images\porn\blowjobporn3.gif" height="600px"></center>
<<if $dominant <$submissive>>
<b><center> You grab your small penis harder as you come closer to cumming and loudly you whimper</center></b>
<b><you> - F..f..FUUCK.. I was needing that so bad..</you></b> - you say to yourself as you cum some tiny droplets.
<b><you> - Jesus.. that <brown>black cock</brown> was so big..</you></b> - you whisper to yourself, as you stare into the <brown>black cock</brown>
<b><you> - W..whatever.. Let me wipe myself..</you></b> - you tell yourself shaking your head.
<img src="images\porn\smallpeniscumming.gif">
[[• Clean and close the website •->Porn]]
<b><center> You grab your massive penis harder as you come closer to cumming and loudly you scream to anywhere near you to hear</center></b>
<b><you> -OHHHHhhhhhHH FUUUCK..!! I.. I was really needing that</you></b> - you scream to yourself as you start cleaning up.
<img src="images\porn\bigpeniscumming.gif">
[[• Clean up •->Porn]]
</center><center><img src="images\resources\blowjoblogo.png"></center>
<b><center> As you're searching what to watch today for your fapping session, you notice a really hot girl sucking on some dick and decide to click on it</center></b>
<b><you> - Oh yeah.. this bitch about choke on it so bad.. I wish she did that to me..</you></b> - you mumble to yourself.
<center><img src="images\porn\blowjobporn4.gif" height="600px"></center>
<<if $dominant <$submissive>>
<b><center> You grab your small penis harder as you come closer to cumming and loudly you whimper</center></b>
<b><you> - F..f..FUUCK.. I was needing that so bad..</you></b> - you say to yourself as you cum some tiny droplets.
<img src="images\porn\smallpeniscumming.gif">
[[• Clean and close the website •->Porn]]
<b><center> You grab your massive penis harder as you come closer to cumming and loudly you scream to anywhere near you to hear</center></b>
<b><you> -OHHHHhhhhhHH FUUUCK..!! I.. I was really needing that</you></b> - you scream to yourself as you start cleaning up.
<img src="images\porn\bigpeniscumming.gif">
[[• Clean up •->Porn]]
</center><<set $roughpornfind to false>>
<<set $roughporn to true>>
<center><img src="images\resources\roughsexlogo.png"></center>
<b><center> As you are searching for porn you stumble upon a new category that you never were interested in watching before, but for some reason after the recent events you feel like a change.</center></b>
<b><you> - Rough sex huh? I wonder what that looks like</you></b> - you ponder to yourself.
<b><center> You click the video and after a few minutes you are really aroused by what you are watching</center></b>
<center><img src="images\porn\roughporn1.gif" height="600px"></center>
<b><you> - How come I've never watched this shit? This is good stuff, one day I'm gonna fuck a slut like this.</you></b> - you say while masturbating and smiling
<b><center> You feel yourself growing closer to cumming and you just let a big one out</center></b>
<<if $dominant <$submissive>>
<b><center> You grab your small penis harder as you come closer to cumming and loudly you whimper</center></b>
<b><you> - F..f..FUUCK.. I was needing that so bad..</you></b> - you say to yourself as you cum some tiny droplets.
<img src="images\porn\smallpeniscumming.gif">
[[• Clean and close the website• ->Porn]]
<b><center> You grab your massive penis harder as you come closer to cumming and loudly you scream to anywhere near you to hear</center></b>
<b><you> -OHHHHhhhhhHH FUUUCK..!! I.. I was really needing that</you></b> - you scream to yourself as you start cleaning up.
<img src="images\porn\bigpeniscumming.gif">
[[• Clean up •->Porn]]
<center><img src="images\resources\pussylickinglogo.png"></center>
<b><center> Lately you've been thinking of how good it must feel to kneel and just make a beautiful woman cum with your tongue.. so you research some pussylicking videos.</center></b>
<b><you> - Ehm.. What if I think I'm doing this to <teacher>Ms.$nameteacher</teacher> ? That would be so hot..</you></b> - you mumble to yourself.
<center><img src="images\porn\pussylickingporn1.gif" height="600px"></center>
<<if $dominant <$submissive>>
<b><center> You grab your small penis harder as you come closer to cumming and loudly you whimper</center></b>
<b><you> - F..f..FUUCK.. I was needing that so bad..</you></b> - you say to yourself as you cum some tiny droplets.
<b><you> - I hope I can worship <teacher>Ms.$nameteacher</teacher> like that one day.. that would make me so happy..</you></b> - you talk to yourself while thinking of the video you just watched.
<img src="images\porn\smallpeniscumming.gif">
[[• Clean and close the website •->Porn]]
<b><center> You grab your massive penis harder as you come closer to cumming and loudly you scream to anywhere near you to hear</center></b>
<b><you> - OHHHHhhhhhHH FUUUCK..!! I.. I was really needing that</you></b> - you scream to yourself as you start cleaning up.
<b><you> - One day it's gonna be you.. <teacher>Ms.$nameteacher</teacher></you></b> - you tell yourself, exhausted.
<img src="images\porn\bigpeniscumming.gif">
[[• Clean up •->Porn]]
</center><center><img src="images\resources\pussylickinglogo.png"></center>
<b><center> Lately you've been thinking of how good it must feel to kneel and just make a beautiful woman cum with your tongue.. so you research some pussylicking videos.</center></b>
<b><you> - Ehm.. What if I think I'm doing this to <teacher>Ms.$nameteacher</teacher> ? That would be so hot..</you></b> - you mumble to yourself.
<center><img src="images\porn\pussylickingporn2.gif" height="600px"></center>
<<if $dominant <$submissive and $submissive>=15>>
<b><center> You grab your small penis harder as you come closer to cumming and loudly you whimper</center></b>
<b><you> - What was that liquid oozing out of her vagina..? Was that..? Surely not.. why would he lick it.. </you></b> - you think to yourself yourself as you cum some tiny droplets.
<b><you> - That was really hot tho.. Maybe I wouldn't be opposed to trying it one day.. </you></b> - you tell yourself as you get horny again from the idea.
<img src="images\porn\smallpeniscumming.gif">
[[• Clean and close the website •->Porn]]
<<elseif $dominant <$submissive>>\
<b><center> You grab your small penis harder as you come closer to cumming and loudly you whimper</center></b>
<b><you> - What was that liquid oozing out of her vagina..? Was that..? Surely not.. why would he lick it.. </you></b> - you think to yourself yourself as you cum some tiny droplets.
<b><you> - I hope I can worship <teacher>Ms.$nameteacher</teacher> like that one day.. that would make me so happy..</you></b> - you talk to yourself while thinking of the video you just watched.
<img src="images\porn\smallpeniscumming.gif">
[[• Clean and close the website •->Porn]]
<center><img src="images\resources\pussylickinglogo.png"></center>
<b><center> Lately you've been thinking of how good it must feel to kneel and just make a beautiful woman cum with your tongue.. so you research some pussylicking videos.</center></b>
<b><you> - Ehm.. What if I think I'm doing this to <teacher>Ms.$nameteacher</teacher> ? That would be so hot..</you></b> - you mumble to yourself.
<center><img src="images\porn\pussylickingporn3.gif" height="600px"></center>
<<if $dominant <$submissive>>
<b><center> You grab your small penis harder as you come closer to cumming and loudly you whimper</center></b>
<b><you> - F..f..FUUCK.. I was needing that so bad..</you></b> - you say to yourself as you cum some tiny droplets.
<b><you> - I hope I can worship <teacher>Ms.$nameteacher</teacher> like that one day.. that would make me so happy..</you></b> - you talk to yourself while thinking of the video you just watched.
<img src="images\porn\smallpeniscumming.gif">
[[• Clean and close the website •->Porn]]
<b><center> You grab your massive penis harder as you come closer to cumming and loudly you scream to anywhere near you to hear</center></b>
<b><you> - OHHHHhhhhhHH FUUUCK..!! I.. I was really needing that</you></b> - you scream to yourself as you start cleaning up.
<b><you> - One day it's gonna be you.. <teacher>Ms.$nameteacher</teacher></you></b> - you tell yourself, exhausted.
<img src="images\porn\bigpeniscumming.gif">
[[• Clean up •->Porn]]
</center><center><img src="images\resources\pussylickinglogo.png"></center>
<b><center> Lately you've been thinking of how good it must feel to kneel and just make a beautiful woman cum with your tongue.. so you research some pussylicking videos.</center></b>
<b><you> - Ehm.. What if I think I'm doing this to <teacher>Ms.$nameteacher</teacher> ? That would be so hot..</you></b> - you mumble to yourself.
<center><img src="images\porn\pussylickingporn4.gif" height="600px"></center>
<<if $dominant <$submissive>>
<b><center> You grab your small penis harder as you come closer to cumming and loudly you whimper</center></b>
<b><you> - F..f..FUUCK.. I was needing that so bad..</you></b> - you say to yourself as you cum some tiny droplets.
<b><you> - I hope I can worship <teacher>Ms.$nameteacher</teacher> like that one day.. that would make me so happy..</you></b> - you talk to yourself while thinking of the video you just watched.
<img src="images\porn\smallpeniscumming.gif">
[[• Clean and close the website •->Porn]]
<b><center> You grab your massive penis harder as you come closer to cumming and loudly you scream to anywhere near you to hear</center></b>
<b><you> - OHHHHhhhhhHH FUUUCK..!! I.. I was really needing that</you></b> - you scream to yourself as you start cleaning up.
<b><you> - One day it's gonna be you.. <teacher>Ms.$nameteacher</teacher></you></b> - you tell yourself, exhausted.
<img src="images\porn\bigpeniscumming.gif">
[[• Clean up •->Porn]]
</center><<set $pussylickingfind to false>>
<<set $pussylickingporn to true>>
<center><img src="images\resources\pussylickinglogo.png"></center>
<b><center> With the recent events you been feeling a little bit towards the submissive side and as you open your favourite porn site to search for some porn to masturbate, you think to yourself</center></b>
<b><you> - What if I see a different type of porn today? Let me see what's popular..</you></b> - you think to yourself while scrolling
<b><you> - Pussylicking porn? Hmm.. this looks.. i.. interesting, I wonder what it is like..</you></b> - you say as you click the video
<center><img src="images\porn\pussylickingporn.gif" height="600px"></center>
<b><center> As you watch the video you see yourself getting visually aroused really quickly</center></b>
<b><you> - Ehm.. This is really.. hot.. What if it was me kneeling under <teacher>Ms.$nameteacher</teacher> and licking her.. what if she.. ordered me to do it..</you></b> - you think to yourself as you stroke your small cock faster and faster
<center><img src="images\porn\smallcockmasturbating.gif" height="600px"></center>
<b><center> As you come closer to cumming you decide to just let it out and</center></b>
<b><center> You grab your small penis even harder while cumming and loudly you whimper</center></b>
<b><you> - F..f..FUUCK.. I was needing that so bad..</you></b> - you say to yourself as you cum some tiny droplets.
<b><you> - I hope I can worship <teacher>Ms.$nameteacher</teacher> like that one day.. that would make me so happy..</you></b> - you talk to yourself while thinking of the video you just watched.
<img src="images\porn\smallpeniscumming.gif">
<b><pink> Submissiveness +1</pink></b>
<<set $submissive to $submissive+1>>
[[• Clean and close the website •->Porn]]
</center><<if $time < 2>>
<<set $time to $time+1>>
<<if $time == 3>>\
<<set $time to $time-1>>\
<<goto "Sister room">><<if $time < 2>>
<<set $time to $time+1>>
<<if $time == 3>>\
<<set $time to $time-1>>\
<<goto "Parents room">><center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\mirror.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><img src="images\other\mirror.png" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>\
<b><center> You look at the mirror and see your:</center></b>\
<<if $bodycheckfem1 is true>>
<div id="index-gallery">\
<div class="itemcheck">\
<span class="facecheck"><img src="images\bodyparts\youavatar.png" width="450px" height="250px" alt=""/></span>
<span class="facechecktext"><b><center> Your face</center></b></span>\
<p> </p>\
<div id="index-gallery">\
<div class="itemcheck">\
<span class="asscheck"><img src="images\bodyparts\nakedass1.png" width="450px" height="250px" alt=""/></span>
<span class="asschecktext"><b><center> Your unimpressive ass</center></b></span>\
<p> </p>\
<div id="index-gallery">\
<div class="itemcheck">\
<span class="penischeck"><img src="images\bodyparts\normalsizedpenis.jpg" width="450px" height="250px" alt=""/></span>\
<span class="penischecktext"><b><center> Your normal sized cock</center></b></span>\
<p> </p>\
<div id="index-gallery">\
<div class="itemcheck">\
<span class="bodycheck"><img src="images\bodyparts\androbody1.png" width="450px" height="250px" alt=""/></span>\
<span class="bodychecktext"><b><center> Your thin body</center></b></span>\
<p> </p>\
<span class ="gobackcheck"><center>[[ •Go back •|Bathroom]]</center></span>
<<elseif $bodycheckfem1 is false and $waxed is false>>
<div id="index-gallery">\
<div class="itemcheck">\
<span class="facecheck"><img src="images\bodyparts\femavatar1.png" width="450px" height="250px" alt=""/></span>
<span class="facechecktext2"><b><center> androgynous face</center></b></span>\
<p> </p>\
<div id="index-gallery">\
<div class="itemcheck">\
<span class="asscheck"><img src="images\bodyparts\femass1.png" width="450px" height="250px" alt=""/></span>
<span class="asschecktext2"><b><center> <pink>petite</pink> ass</center></b></span>\
<p> </p>\
<div id="index-gallery">\
<div class="itemcheck">\
<span class="penischeck"><img src="images\bodyparts\femhairycock1.png" width="450px" height="250px" alt=""/></span>\
<span class="penischecktext2"><b><center> below average cock</center></b></span>\
<p> </p>\
<div id="index-gallery">\
<div class="itemcheck">\
<span class="bodycheck"><img src="images\bodyparts\fembody1.png" width="450px" height="250px" alt=""/></span>\
<span class="bodychecktext2"><b><center> slightly <pink>feminine</pink> body</center></b></span>\
<p> </p>\
<span class ="gobackcheck"><center>[[ •Go back •|Bathroom]]</center></span>
<<elseif $bodycheckfem1 is false and $waxed is true and $mcchastity is false and $secondfemchange is true>>
<div id="index-gallery">\
<div class="itemcheck">\
<span class="facecheck"><img src="images\bodyparts\femavatar1.png" width="450px" height="250px" alt=""/></span>
<span class="facechecktext2"><b><center> androgynous face</center></b></span>\
<p> </p>\
<div id="index-gallery">\
<div class="itemcheck">\
<span class="asscheck"><img src="images\bodyparts\femass1.png" width="450px" height="250px" alt=""/></span>
<span class="asschecktext2"><b><center> <pink>petite</pink> ass</center></b></span>\
<p> </p>\
<div id="index-gallery">\
<div class="itemcheck">\
<span class="penischeck"><img src="images\bodyparts\femcock1.png" width="450px" height="250px" alt=""/></span>\
<span class="penischecktext2"><b><center> below average cock</center></b></span>\
<p> </p>\
<div id="index-gallery">\
<div class="itemcheck">\
<span class="bodycheck"><img src="images\bodyparts\fembody1.png" width="450px" height="250px" alt=""/></span>\
<span class="bodychecktext2"><b><center> slightly <pink>feminine</pink> body</center></b></span>\
<p> </p>\
<span class ="gobackcheck"><center>[[ •Go back •|Bathroom]]</center></span>
<<elseif $bodycheckfem1 is false and $waxed is true and $mcchastity is true and $secondfemchange is true>>
<div id="index-gallery">\
<div class="itemcheck">\
<span class="facecheck"><img src="images\bodyparts\femavatar1.png" width="450px" height="250px" alt=""/></span>
<span class="facechecktext2"><b><center> androgynous face</center></b></span>\
<p> </p>\
<div id="index-gallery">\
<div class="itemcheck">\
<span class="asscheck"><img src="images\bodyparts\femass1.png" width="450px" height="250px" alt=""/></span>
<span class="asschecktext2"><b><center> <pink>petite</pink> ass</center></b></span>\
<p> </p>\
<div id="index-gallery">\
<div class="itemcheck">\
<span class="penischeck"><img src="images\bodyparts\cageon.png" width="450px" height="250px" alt=""/></span>\
<span class="penischecktext2"><b><center> small locked <pink>clit</pink></center></b></span>\
<p> </p>\
<div id="index-gallery">\
<div class="itemcheck">\
<span class="bodycheck"><img src="images\bodyparts\fembody1.png" width="450px" height="250px" alt=""/></span>\
<span class="bodychecktext2"><b><center> slightly <pink>feminine</pink> body</center></b></span>\
<p> </p>\
<span class ="gobackcheck"><center>[[ •Go back •|Bathroom]]</center></span>
<<elseif $bodycheckfem1 is false and $waxed is true and $mcchastity is true and $secondfemchange is false and $mcchastity2 is false>>
<div id="index-gallery">\
<div class="itemcheck">\
<<if $facialfem is false>>\
<span class="facecheck"><img src="images\bodyparts\femavatar2.png" width="450px" height="250px" alt=""/></span>
<<elseif $facialfem is true>>\
<span class="facecheck"><img src="images\bodyparts\mcfemfacemakeupoff.jpg" width="450px" height="250px" alt=""/></span>
<span class="facechecktext2"><b><center> feminine face</center></b></span>\
<p> </p>\
<div id="index-gallery">\
<div class="itemcheck">\
<span class="asscheck"><img src="images\bodyparts\femass2.png" width="450px" height="250px" alt=""/></span>
<span class="asschecktext2"><b><center> <pink>stretched</pink> ass</center></b></span>\
<p> </p>\
<div id="index-gallery">\
<div class="itemcheck">\
<span class="penischeck"><img src="images\bodyparts\cageon.png" width="450px" height="250px" alt=""/></span>\
<span class="penischecktext2"><b><center> tiny locked <pink>clit</pink></center></b></span>\
<p> </p>\
<div id="index-gallery">\
<div class="itemcheck">\
<span class="bodycheck"><img src="images\bodyparts\fembody2.png" width="450px" height="250px" alt=""/></span>\
<span class="bodychecktext2"><b><center> feminized <pink>sissy</pink> body</center></b></span>\
<p> </p>\
<span class ="gobackcheck"><center>[[ •Go back •|Bathroom]]</center></span>
<<elseif $bodycheckfem1 is false and $waxed is true and $mcchastity is true and $secondfemchange is false and $mcchastity2 is true>>
<div id="index-gallery">\
<div class="itemcheck">\
<<if $facialfem is false>>\
<span class="facecheck"><img src="images\bodyparts\femavatar2.png" width="450px" height="250px" alt=""/></span>
<<elseif $facialfem is true>>\
<span class="facecheck"><img src="images\bodyparts\mcfemfacemakeupoff.jpg" width="450px" height="250px" alt=""/></span>
<span class="facechecktext2"><b><center> feminine face</center></b></span>\
<p> </p>\
<div id="index-gallery">\
<div class="itemcheck">\
<span class="asscheck"><img src="images\bodyparts\femass2.png" width="450px" height="250px" alt=""/></span>
<span class="asschecktext2"><b><center> <pink>stretched</pink> ass</center></b></span>\
<p> </p>\
<div id="index-gallery">\
<div class="itemcheck">\
<span class="penischeck"><img src="images\bodyparts\cageon2.jpg" width="450px" height="250px" alt=""/></span>\
<span class="penischecktext2"><b><center> micro caged <pink>clit</pink></center></b></span>\
<p> </p>\
<div id="index-gallery">\
<div class="itemcheck">\
<span class="bodycheck"><img src="images\bodyparts\fembody2.png" width="450px" height="250px" alt=""/></span>\
<span class="bodychecktext2"><b><center> feminized <pink>sissy</pink> body</center></b></span>\
<p> </p>\
<span class ="gobackcheck"><center>[[ •Go back •|Bathroom]]</center></span>
<<if $lips == 0>>\
<div id="index-gallery">\
<div class="itemcheck">\
<span class="lipscheck"><img src="images\bodyparts\normallips.png" width="450px" height="250px" alt=""/></span>\
<span class="lipschecktext"><b><center>normal looking lips</center></b></span>\
<p> </p>\
<<elseif $lips == 1>>\
<div id="index-gallery">\
<div class="itemcheck">\
<span class="lipscheck"><img src="images\bodyparts\naturallipfiller.png" width="450px" height="250px" alt=""/></span>\
<span class="lipschecktext"><b><center>natural looking <pink>filled</pink> lips</center></b></span>\
<p> </p>\
<<elseif $lips == 2>>\
<div id="index-gallery">\
<div class="itemcheck">\
<span class="lipscheck"><img src="images\bodyparts\mediumfilled.png" width="450px" height="250px" alt=""/></span>\
<span class="lipschecktext"><b><center><pink>bimbo looking lips</pink></center></b></span>\
<p> </p>\
<<elseif $lips == 3>>\
<div id="index-gallery">\
<div class="itemcheck">\
<span class="lipscheck"><img src="images\bodyparts\biglipfiller.png" width="450px" height="250px" alt=""/></span>\
<span class="lipschecktext"><b><center><hotpink>cocksucking fluffy lips</hotpink></center></b></span>\
<p> </p>\
<<if $nails == 0>>\
<div id="index-gallery">\
<div class="itemcheck">\
<span class="nailscheck"><img src="images\bodyparts\normalnails.png" width="450px" height="250px" alt=""/></span>\
<span class="nailschecktext"><b><center>normal looking nails</center></b></span>\
<p> </p>\
<<elseif $nails == 1>>\
<div id="index-gallery">\
<div class="itemcheck">\
<span class="nailscheck"><img src="images\bodyparts\pinknailsdone.jpg" width="450px" height="250px" alt=""/></span>\
<span class="nailschecktext"><b><center>permanent <pink>pink</pink> nails</center></b></span>\
<p> </p>\
<<elseif $nails == 2>>\
<div id="index-gallery">\
<div class="itemcheck">\
<span class="nailscheck"><img src="images\bodyparts\blacknailsdone.jpg" width="450px" height="250px" alt=""/></span>\
<span class="nailschecktext"><b><center>permanent <black>black</black>nails</center></b></span>\
<p> </p>\
<<elseif $nails == 3>>\
<div id="index-gallery">\
<div class="itemcheck">\
<span class="nailscheck"><img src="images\bodyparts\rednailsdone.jpg" width="450px" height="250px" alt=""/></span>\
<span class="nailschecktext"><b><center>permanent <red>red</red> nails</center></b></span>\
<p> </p>\
<<if $analbleachdone is false>>\
<div id="index-gallery">\
<div class="itemcheck">\
<span class="analbleachcheck"><img src="images\bodyparts\assholenotbleached.png" width="450px" height="250px" alt=""/></span>\
<span class="analbleachchecktext"><b><center>normal looking anus</center></b></span>\
<p> </p>\
<<elseif $analbleachdone is true>>\
<div id="index-gallery">\
<div class="itemcheck">\
<span class="analbleachcheck"><img src="images\bodyparts\analbleached.jpg" width="450px" height="250px" alt=""/></span>\
<span class="analbleachchecktext"><b><center><hotpink>bleached anus</hotpink></center></b></span>\
<p> </p>\
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\eating.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><img src="images\other\eating.gif" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>\
<<set $time to $time+1>>\
<<if $time == 3>>\
<<set $time to $time-1>>\
<center>[[• Done! •|Kitchen]]</center>
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\watchingtv.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><img src="images\other\watchingtv.gif" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>\
<<set $time to $time+1>>\
<<if $time == 3>>
<<set $time to $time-1>>
<center><b>[[• Done! •|Living Room]]</b></center><<set $time to $time+1>>\
<<if $time <= 4>>\
<<set $time to $time-1>>\
<span class='fadeIn'>\
<<set $momeventsub1 to false>>\
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\event1.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<b><center> You are browsing around in your computer when you recieve an email from an anonymous sender, curious of what it is you decide to open the email and read it.</center></b>
<u><center><b><grey> Hope you enjoy what is indexed</grey></b></center>
<b><you> - Huh? I wonder what it is..</you></b>- you tell yourself, curious.
<b><center> As your curiosity grows, you decide to scroll and see what's in the index and you notice an image, you decide to click it</center>
</b><<linkreplace "<center><b>open the image.</b></center>">>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\sissycaption1.jpg"></span></center>
<b><center> When you see the image, alot of thoughts and emotions come rushing in at the same time but the one that stands out is confusion</center></b>
<b><you> - Wh.. What the hell is this?? Who sent me this??</you></b> - you question yourself, shocked at the image
<b><you> - Is he.. wearing panties? What.. why? He's a man..</you></b> - you tell yourself visibly confused.
<b><center> You notice there is also a text underneath the image, as you're reading it one word stands out.. <pink><b><u> SISSY .. </u></b></pink> so you decide to google what it is.</center></b>
<b><you> - What's a <pink><b><u> sissy</u></b></pink>..?</you></b> - you ask while typing.
<b><center>As you're researching the word, a bunch of weird and pink colored images keep appearing..</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\sissycaption2.jpg"></span></center>
<b><center>You get so indulged in them that you</center></b>
<<linkreplace "<b><center> zone out..</center></b>">>
<center><<timed 1s>><font size ="-1"><you>$name ..</you></font><</timed>></center>\
<center><<timed 2s>><font size ="3"><you>$name ..</you></font><</timed>></center>\
<<timed 3s>><center><font size ="6"><you>$name !!</you></font></center>\
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\Momquestion.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<<timed 4s>>
<b><you> - "$name</you>? <mom>What are you doing? are you okay hun you seem really focused on your computer, you didn't even hear me calling you!"</mom></b> - your mom screams at you, confused as she looks at your screen.
<b><you> - MOOM!! Heeey I was just.. watching something.. ehm.. Did you need something? </you></b> - you tell your mom as you quickly change the browser tab, embarassed.
<b><mom> - "I wanted you to take your dirty clothes to laundry basket in the bathroom hun.. but I guess you can do that later.."</mom></b> - your mom says as she leaves the room confused
<b><you> - Fuck did she see that..? Now she's gonna think im into that.. well.. I'm done for today..</you></b> - you tell yourself in distress.
<b><you> - I wonder who's <grey>Anonymous</grey> why would someone send me this..?</you></b> - you say as you take on last look at what you searched.
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\sissycaption3.jpg"></span></center>
<b><you> - This is really weird.. whatever.. I'm going to close this </you></b> - you shake your head and look at the browser
<b><center> As you're going to close the browser and leave the computer, you look down and notice you have a boner.</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\hardonboxers.jpg"></span></center>
<b><you> - Why do I..?</you></b> - you ponder as you look at your tiny cock
<<set $submissive to $submissive+2>>
<b><pink><center> Submissiveness +2!</center></pink></b>
<center>[[Shut down the PC|Room]]</center>
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\classroom.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><img src="images\city\chemistryclassroom.jpg" width = "550px"></center>
<b><center> You enter your classroom and you see <teacher>Ms.$nameteacher</teacher> sitting in her desk looking as confident as ever.</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\teachersitting.png"></span></center>
<b><you> - Good morning <teacher>Ms.$nameteacher</teacher></you></b> - you say, looking at your teacher.
<b><center> <teacher>Ms.$nameteacher</teacher> looks at you but doesnt say a single word and just looks back to her papers, ignoring you.</center></b>
<center><img src="images\events\teacherlookingmad.jpg" height ="610px" width ="516px"></center>
<b><you> Well okay..</you></b> - you whisper to yourself as you head towards you place and sit down.
<b><center> You sit down and look outside the window</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\sittingintheclassroom.jpg"></span></center>
<b><you> - Why does <teacher>Ms.$nameteacher</teacher> hate me so much..</you></b> - you think to yourself.
<b><center> As time passes you get distracted and stay looking outside the window quite a lot and <teacher>Ms.$nameteacher</teacher> notices that.
<b><teacher> <you>- $name</you> , you've been staring outside for 30 minutes straight almost, if my lesson isn't interesting to you, I will see you in detention after class.</teacher></b> - your teacher says, looking at you.
<center><img src="images\events\detentionstare.jpg" width ="416px" height="510px"></center>
<b><you> - Wha.. did I zone out for that long..?</you></b> - you tell yourself surprised.
<<if $feminization == 0 and $masculinity == 0>>
<center>[[Go to detention|Detention1]]</center>\
<<elseif $feminization ==1>>\
<center>[[Go to detention|Detention1Sub]]</center>\
<<elseif $feminization <=2 and $givecard is true and $masculinity == 0>>\
<center>[[Go to detention|Detention2SubCard]]</center>\
<<elseif $feminization <=2 and $givecard is false and $therapistsubevent1 is true>>\
<center>[[Go to detention|Detention2SubNotYet]]</center>\
<<elseif $feminization <=2 and $givecard is false>>\
<center>[[Go to detention|Detention2Sub]]</center>\
<<elseif $feminization <=3 and $detentionwax is true and $masculinity == 0>>\
<center>[[Go to detention|Detention2Wax]]</center>\
<<elseif $feminization <=3 and $detentionwax is false>>\
<center>[[Go to detention|Detention2WaxNotYet]]</center>\
<<elseif $feminization <=4 and $detentionwax is false and $sunday3seen is false>>\
<center>[[Go to detention|Detention3Sub]]</center>\
<<elseif $feminization >=5 and $teacherfirstask is false and $sunday3seen is true>>\
<center>[[Go to detention|Detention4Subdress]]</center>\
<<elseif $feminization >=5 and $nailsalontask is true and $sunday3seen is true and $firstdress is true>>\
<center>[[Go to detention|Detention4NailSalonTask]]</center>\
<<elseif $feminization >=5 and $nailsalontask is false and $sunday3seen is true and $firstdress is true and $nailsalontaskstart is true>>\
<center>[[Go to detention|Detention4NailSalonTasknotyet]]</center>\
<<elseif $feminization >=5 and $teacherfirstask is true and $sunday3seen is true and $firstdress is false>>\
<center>[[Go to detention|Detention4Subdressnotyet]]</center>\
<<elseif $feminization >=5 and $teacherfirstask is true and $sunday3seen is true and $firstdress is true and $taskintro is true>>\
<center>[[Go to detention|taskintro]]</center>\
<<elseif $feminization >=5 and $teacherfirstask is true and $sunday3seen is true and $firstdress is true and $taskintro is false and $teacherdildotask is false and $bothtasks is false>>\
<center>[[Go to detention|Detention4Subdressdone]]</center>\
<<elseif $feminization >=6 and $teacherfirstask is true and $sunday3seen is true and $firstdress is true and $taskintro is false and $teacherdildotask is false and $bothtasks is true>>\
<center>[[Go to detention|DetentionTeacherDildo]]</center>\
<<elseif $feminization >=6 and $teacherfirstask is true and $sunday3seen is true and $firstdress is true and $taskintro is false and $teacherdildotask is true and $dildo1 is false>>\
<center>[[Go to detention|DetentionDildoNotYet]]</center>\
<<elseif $feminization >=6 and $teacherfirstask is true and $sunday3seen is true and $firstdress is true and $taskintro is false and $teacherdildotask is true and $dildo1 is true and $threetasks is false>>\
<center>[[Go to detention|DetentionTeacher5Sub]]</center>\
<<elseif $feminization >=6 and $teacherfirstask is true and $sunday3seen is true and $firstdress is true and $taskintro is false and $teacherbuttplugtask is true and $threetasks is true and $buttplugintro is true and $boughtplug is false>>\
<center>[[Go to detention|DetentionTeacherButtPlug]]</center>\
<<elseif $feminization >=6 and $teacherfirstask is true and $sunday3seen is true and $firstdress is true and $taskintro is false and $teacherbuttplugtask is true and $threetasks is true and $buttplugintro is false and $buttplug1 is false>>\
<center>[[Go to detention|DetentionTeacherButtPlugNotYet]]</center>\
<<elseif $feminization >=6 and $teacherfirstask is true and $sunday3seen is true and $firstdress is true and $taskintro is false and $teacherbuttplugtask is true and $buttplug1 is true and $threetasks is true and $mcchastity is false>>\
<center>[[Go to detention|DetentionTeacher6Sub]]</center>\
<<elseif $feminization >=6 and $teacherfirstask is true and $sunday3seen is true and $firstdress is true and $taskintro is false and $teacherbuttplugtask is true and $buttplug1 is true and $threetasks is true and $mcchastity is true and $chastityreaction is false>>\
<center>[[Go to detention|DetentionTeacherChastity]]</center>\
<<elseif $feminization >=7 and $teacherfirstask is true and $sunday3seen is true and $firstdress is true and $taskintro is false and $teacherbuttplugtask is true and $buttplug1 is true and $threetasks is true and $mcchastity is true and $chastityreaction is true and $teacherstrap is true and $mcchastity is true>>\
<center>[[Go to detention|DetentionTeacher7Strap]]</center>\
<<elseif $feminization >=7 and $teacherfirstask is true and $sunday3seen is true and $firstdress is true and $taskintro is false and $teacherbuttplugtask is true and $buttplug1 is true and $threetasks is true and $mcchastity is true and $chastityreaction is true and $teachercuck is true and $mcchastity is true and $oralevel >=3>>\
<center>[[Go to detention|DetentionTeacher8Cuck]]</center>\
<<elseif $feminization >=7 and $teacherfirstask is true and $sunday3seen is true and $firstdress is true and $taskintro is false and $teacherbuttplugtask is true and $buttplug1 is true and $threetasks is true and $mcchastity is true and $chastityreaction is true and $teachercuck is false and $mcchastity is true and $oralevel >=3 and $teacheruniformtask is true>>\
<center>[[Go to detention|DetentionTeacher9UniformTask]]</center>\
<<elseif $feminization >=7 and $teacherfirstask is true and $sunday3seen is true and $firstdress is true and $taskintro is false and $teacherbuttplugtask is true and $buttplug1 is true and $threetasks is true and $mcchastity is true and $chastityreaction is true and $teachercuck is false and $mcchastity is true and $oralevel >=3 and $teacheruniformbought is true and $equip is 20 and $shoes is 11 and $bottom is 13 and $teacheruniformreaction is true>>\
<center>[[Go to detention|DetentionTeacher10UniformReact]]</center>\
<<elseif $feminization >=8 and $teacherfirstask is true and $sunday3seen is true and $firstdress is true and $taskintro is false and $teacherbuttplugtask is true and $buttplug1 is true and $threetasks is true and $mcchastity is true and $chastityreaction is true and $teachercuck is false and $mcchastity is true and $oralevel >=3 and $siseventsub9 is false and $buyanallube is true and $giveanallubetask is true>>\
<center>[[Go to detention|DetentionTeacher11AnalLube]]</center>\
<<elseif $feminization >=8 and $teacherfirstask is true and $sunday3seen is true and $firstdress is true and $taskintro is false and $teacherbuttplugtask is true and $buttplug1 is true and $threetasks is true and $mcchastity is true and $chastityreaction is true and $teachercuck is false and $mcchastity is true and $oralevel >=3 and $siseventsub9 is false and $buyanallube is true and $giveanallubetask is false>>\
<center>[[Go to detention|DetentionTeacher11AnalLubeWaiting]]</center>\
<<elseif $feminization >=8 and $teacherfirstask is true and $sunday3seen is true and $firstdress is true and $taskintro is false and $teacherbuttplugtask is true and $buttplug1 is true and $threetasks is true and $mcchastity is true and $chastityreaction is true and $teachercuck is false and $mcchastity is true and $oralevel >=3 and $siseventsub9 is false and $buyanallube is false and $giveanallubetask is false and $ballgagbought is true and $peggedteacher is true>>\
<center>[[Go to detention|DetentionTeacher11Pegged]]</center>\
<<elseif $feminization >=8 and $teacherfirstask is true and $sunday3seen is true and $firstdress is true and $taskintro is false and $teacherbuttplugtask is true and $buttplug1 is true and $threetasks is true and $mcchastity is true and $chastityreaction is true and $teachercuck is false and $mcchastity is true and $peggedteacher is false and $teacherschooltask is true>>\
<center>[[Go to detention|DetentionTeacher12SchoolTask]]</center>\
<<elseif $feminization >=8 and $teacherfirstask is true and $sunday3seen is true and $firstdress is true and $taskintro is false and $teacherbuttplugtask is true and $buttplug1 is true and $threetasks is true and $mcchastity is true and $chastityreaction is true and $teachercuck is false and $mcchastity is true and $peggedteacher is false and $teacherschooltaskactive is true>>\
<center>[[Go to detention|DetentionTeacher12SchoolTaskWaiting]]</center>\
<<elseif $feminization >=6 and $teacherfirstask is true and $sunday3seen is true and $firstdress is true and $taskintro is false and $teacherbuttplugtask is true and $buttplug1 is true and $threetasks is true and $mcchastity is true and $chastityreaction is true>>\
<center>[[Go to detention|DetentionTeacher6Sub]]</center>\
<<elseif $masculinity == 1 and $teacherdom1 is true>>\
<center>[[Go to detention|Detention1Dom]]</center>\
<<elseif $masculinity == 1 and $teacherdom1 is false>>\
<center>[[Go to detention|Detention2Dom]]</center>\
<center>[[Go to detention|SentYouHome]]</center>\
<span class='fadeIn'>
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\dreaming.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\Sissyhypno1.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<center><<timed 2s>><b> You start dreaming about that time <grey>Anonymous</grey> sent you an email and you discovered what a <pink><u>Sissy</u></pink> is..</b><</timed>></center>
<<timed 3s>>\
<center>[[• Wake up •|Room]]</center>
<span class='fadeIn'>
<<set $siseventsub1 to false>>
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\event2.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><b> You take a look at your bed and you realize your mom asked two days ago to take the dirty clothes to the laundry basket in your bathroom but you completely forgot.</b></center>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\messybed.jpg"></span></center>
<b><you> - I should probably take that to the </you></b>[[bathroom|BathroomEventSub1]] - you say as you head towads the bathroom with all the dirty clothes.
<<set $hassisterpanties to true>>
<span class='fadeIn'>
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\event2.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><img src="images\city\bathroom.jpg" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>
<b><center> You enter the bathroom with your hands full of dirty clothing, t-shirts, underwear, socks.. and before you put it in the basket, you decide to take a glimpse inside of the basket</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\laundrybasket.jpg"></span></center>
<b><center> When you look inside of it.. you notice a pair of used panties, probably owned by your sister <sister>$sistername</sister> and you start thinking to yourself.</center></b>
<b><you> - When that <grey>Anonymous</grey> sender sent me those weird images.. the guy was wearing a pair of panties.. does it feel.. good?</you></b> - you ponder.
<b><center> You start thinking if it would feel good, and after thinking twice, curiosity wins and you decide to pick them up and <<linkreplace "wear them"</center></b>>>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\guyinpanties.jpg"></span></center>
<b><center> You take a look in the mirror and see yourself in panties</center></b>
<b><you> It's not the prettiest of sights.. it's definitely not like when a woman wears it but.. why is it so.. comfortable and silky.. and it's kinda.. nice</you></b> - you say while growing a small hard on
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\pinkpantieshardon.jpg"></span></center>
<b><center> You realize you are in the middle of your bathroom wearing a pair of pink panties from you sister and you quickly decide to take them off before you get caught.</center></b>
<<linkreplace "Take the panties off"</center></b>>>
<b><you> - I should take these off.. I don't want <mom>$momname</mom> or <sister>$sistername</sister> to see me wearing them.. that would be horrendous..</you></b> - you say as you take them off.
<b><center> You take one last good look at the pair of panties and you think to yourself</center></b>
<b><you> - Maybe.. maybe I should keep them for the future.. I'm sure they wont miss this pair.. it's just one pair.. </you></b> - you say, convincing yourself, grabbing the pair of panties and keeping it in your pocket.
<b><center> You take a look at the mirror and you are currently naked and you notice your small cock is hard as rock and dripping fluids</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\Smallcockprecum.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><you> - I wasn't expecting this to turn me on so much.. ehm.. I should put the clothes in the laundry basket and go back to my room..</you></b> - you say as you put the laundry in the basket and go back to your [[room|Room]]
<<set $submissive to $submissive +2>>
<center><b><pink> Submissiveness +2!!</pink></b></center>
<center><span class ="logophone"><img src="images\resources\emailtop.png">
<center><span class ="phonebackground"><img src="images\resources\phoneframe.png" width="550px" height= "750px">
<<if $phoneeventsub1repeat is true and $submissive >=14 and $dayy is 1>>
<span class="eventsubmail"><center><b><u>[[You recieve an anonymous email(1)|phoneeventsub1]]</u></b></center></span>
<span class ="phoneback"> <a data-passage="phone" class="link-internal link-image">
<img src="images\resources\backbutton.png" style="max-height: 100px">
<<elseif $phoneeventsub1repeat is true and $submissive >=14 and $dayy == 3>>
<span class="eventsubmail"><center><b><u>[[You recieve an anonymous email(1)|phoneeventsub1]]</u></b></center></span>
<span class ="phoneback"> <a data-passage="phone" class="link-internal link-image">
<img src="images\resources\backbutton.png" style="max-height: 100px">
<<elseif $phoneeventsub1repeat is true and $submissive >=14 and $dayy == 5>>
<span class="eventsubmail"><center><b><u>[[You recieve an anonymous email(1)|phoneeventsub1]]</u></b></center></span>
<span class ="phoneback"> <a data-passage="phone" class="link-internal link-image">
<img src="images\resources\backbutton.png" style="max-height: 100px">
<<elseif $phoneeventsub1repeat is true and $submissive >=14 and $dayy is 7 >>
<span class="eventsubmail"><center><b><u>[[You recieve an anonymous email(1)|phoneeventsub1]]</u></b></center></span>
<span class ="phoneback"> <a data-passage="phone" class="link-internal link-image">
<img src="images\resources\backbutton.png" style="max-height: 100px">
<<elseif $phoneeventsub1 is true and $submissive >= 14 >>
<span class="eventsubmail"><center><b><u>[[You recieve an anonymous email|phoneeventsub1]]</u></b></center></span>
<span class ="phoneback"> <a data-passage="phone" class="link-internal link-image">
<img src="images\resources\backbutton.png" style="max-height: 100px">
<<elseif $phoneeventsub2repeat is true and $submissive >=20 and $dayy == 2>>
<span class="eventsubmail"><center><b><u>[[You recieve an anonymous email(2)|phoneventsub2]]</u></b></center></span>
<span class ="phoneback"> <a data-passage="phone" class="link-internal link-image">
<img src="images\resources\backbutton.png" style="max-height: 100px">
<<elseif $phoneeventsub2repeat is true and $submissive >=20 and $dayy == 4>>
<span class="eventsubmail"><center><b><u>[[You recieve an anonymous email(2)|phoneventsub2]]</u></b></center></span>
<span class ="phoneback"> <a data-passage="phone" class="link-internal link-image">
<img src="images\resources\backbutton.png" style="max-height: 100px">
<<elseif $phoneeventsub2repeat is true and $submissive >=20 and $dayy == 6>>
<span class="eventsubmail"><center><b><u>[[You recieve an anonymous email(2)|phoneventsub2]]</u></b></center></span>
<span class ="phoneback"> <a data-passage="phone" class="link-internal link-image">
<img src="images\resources\backbutton.png" style="max-height: 100px">
<<elseif $phoneeventsub2repeat is true and $submissive >=20 and $dayy == 1>>
<span class="eventsubmail"><center><b><u>[[You recieve an anonymous email(2)|phoneventsub2]]</u></b></center></span>
<span class ="phoneback"> <a data-passage="phone" class="link-internal link-image">
<img src="images\resources\backbutton.png" style="max-height: 100px">
<<elseif $phoneeventsub2 is true and $submissive >= 20 >>
<span class="eventsubmail"><center><b><u>[[You recieve an anonymous email(2)|phoneventsub2]]</u></b></center></span>
<span class ="phoneback"> <a data-passage="phone" class="link-internal link-image">
<img src="images\resources\backbutton.png" style="max-height: 100px">
<<elseif $phoneeventsub3 is true and $submissive >= 26 >>
<span class="eventsubmail"><center><b><u>[[You recieve an anonymous email(3)|phoneventsub3]]</u></b></center></span>
<span class ="phoneback"> <a data-passage="phone" class="link-internal link-image">
<img src="images\resources\backbutton.png" style="max-height: 100px">
<<elseif $phoneeventsub3repeat is true and $submissive >=26 and $dayy == 1>>
<span class="eventsubmail"><center><b><u>[[You recieve an anonymous email(3)|phoneventsub3]]</u></b></center>
<span class ="phoneback"> <a data-passage="phone" class="link-internal link-image">
<img src="images\resources\backbutton.png" style="max-height: 100px">
<<elseif $phoneeventsub3repeat is true and $submissive >=26 and $dayy == 3>>
<span class="eventsubmail"><center><b><u>[[You recieve an anonymous email(3)|phoneventsub3]]</u></b></center>
<span class ="phoneback"> <a data-passage="phone" class="link-internal link-image">
<img src="images\resources\backbutton.png" style="max-height: 100px">
<<elseif $phoneeventsub3repeat is true and $submissive >=26 and $dayy == 5>>
<span class="eventsubmail"><center><b><u>[[You recieve an anonymous email(3)|phoneventsub3]]</u></b></center>
<span class ="phoneback"> <a data-passage="phone" class="link-internal link-image">
<img src="images\resources\backbutton.png" style="max-height: 100px">
<<elseif $phoneeventsub3repeat is true and $submissive >=26 and $dayy == 7>>
<span class="eventsubmail"><center><b><u>[[You recieve an anonymous email(3)|phoneventsub3]]</u></b></center>
<span class ="phoneback"> <a data-passage="phone" class="link-internal link-image">
<img src="images\resources\backbutton.png" style="max-height: 100px">
<<if $phoneeventsub4 is true and $waxed is true and $dayy == 1>>
<span class="eventsubmail"><center><b><u>[[You recieve an anonymous email(4)|phonesubevent4]]</u></b></center></span>
<span class ="phoneback"> <a data-passage="phone" class="link-internal link-image">
<img src="images\resources\backbutton.png" style="max-height: 100px">
<<elseif $phoneeventsub4repeat is true and $waxed is true and $dayy == 2>>
<span class="eventsubmail"><center><b><u>[[You recieve an anonymous email(4)|phonesubevent4]]</u></b></center></span>
<span class ="phoneback"> <a data-passage="phone" class="link-internal link-image">
<img src="images\resources\backbutton.png" style="max-height: 100px">
<<elseif $phoneeventsub4repeat is true and $waxed is true and $dayy == 4>>
<span class="eventsubmail"><center><b><u>[[You recieve an anonymous email(4)|phonesubevent4]]</u></b></center></span>
<span class ="phoneback"> <a data-passage="phone" class="link-internal link-image">
<img src="images\resources\backbutton.png" style="max-height: 100px">
<<elseif $phoneeventsub4repeat is true and $waxed is true and $dayy == 6>>
<span class="eventsubmail"><center><b><u>[[You recieve an anonymous email(4)|phonesubevent4]]</u></b></center></span>
<span class ="phoneback"> <a data-passage="phone" class="link-internal link-image">
<img src="images\resources\backbutton.png" style="max-height: 100px">
<<elseif $phoneeventsub5 is true and $dream4 is true and $dayy == 1>>
<span class="eventsubmail"><center><b><u>[[You recieve an anonymous email(5)|phonesubevent5]]</u></b></center></span>
<span class ="phoneback"> <a data-passage="phone" class="link-internal link-image">
<img src="images\resources\backbutton.png" style="max-height: 100px">
<<elseif $phoneeventsub5repeat is true and $dream4 is true and $dayy == 3>>
<span class="eventsubmail"><center><b><u>[[You recieve an anonymous email(5)|phonesubevent5]]</u></b></center></span>
<span class ="phoneback"> <a data-passage="phone" class="link-internal link-image">
<img src="images\resources\backbutton.png" style="max-height: 100px">
<<elseif $phoneeventsub5repeat is true and $dream4 is true and $dayy == 5>>
<span class="eventsubmail"><center><b><u>[[You recieve an anonymous email(5)|phonesubevent5]]</u></b></center></span>
<span class ="phoneback"> <a data-passage="phone" class="link-internal link-image">
<img src="images\resources\backbutton.png" style="max-height: 100px">
<<elseif $phoneeventsub5repeat is true and $dream4 is true and $dayy == 7>>
<span class="eventsubmail"><center><b><u>[[You recieve an anonymous email(5)|phonesubevent5]]</u></b></center></span>
<span class ="phoneback"> <a data-passage="phone" class="link-internal link-image">
<img src="images\resources\backbutton.png" style="max-height: 100px">
<span class ="phoneback"> <a data-passage="phone" class="link-internal link-image">
<img src="images\resources\backbutton.png" style="max-height: 100px">
<span class='fadeIn'>
<<set $phoneeventsub1 to false>>
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\event3.png">
<b><center> As you open the email for an Anonymous sender immediately images start popping up in your screen and you just watch them.. almost drooling over them</center></b>
<<timed 1s>>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\Sissyhypno2.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<<timed 2s>>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\Sissyhypno3.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<<timed 3s>>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\Sissyhypno4.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<<timed 4s>>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\Sissyhypno5.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<<timed 5s>>
<center><b><you> - What was all that..? Who sent me this stuff..? And why do I find it arousing..?</you></b> - you think to yourself while your small penis is rock hard.</center>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\Smallcockprecum.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<center>[[Close the email|$return]]</center>
<<set $teachereventsub1 to false>>
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\event4.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><img src="images\city\wardrobe.png" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>
<<set $equip to 4>>\
<b><center> You enter your wardrobe, ready to dress up as it is time for school and you are currently in your pyjamas, when you notice that you currently have no clean underwear available.</center></b>
<b><you> - Wait what.. how did this happen?? I can't go commando to school!</you></b> - you tell yourself as you desperately look for a piece of underwear you can use.
<b><center> You keep searching and searching and you stumble upon a pair of used panties by your sister <sister>$sistername</sister>, the one you took back 2 days ago in the laundry basket</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\clothes\sisterpinkpanties.png"></span></center>
<b><you> - No.. surely there's something else.. Fuck.. Is this really my only option..?</you></b> - You tell yourself looking at the pair of used panties.
<b><you> - Fuck.. I hope nobody notices this..</you></b> - you say as you start putting on the pair of pink panties.
<center><<linkreplace "Put panties on"</center> >>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\wearingsisterpantiesshow.png"></span></center>
<b><center> You look down and immediately you notice a reaction when you put them on</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\hardonpinkpanties.jpg"></span></center>
<b><you> - Goddamn.. why does it feel so good to wear them.. it's so much better than regular boxers..</you></b> - you mumble to yourself, horny.
<b><center> You dress up the rest of your clothes and go to the bathroom and look at your back and notice your panties are totally visible</center></b>
<<set $underwear to 6>>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\pantiesvisiblebathroom.jpg"></span></center>
<b><you> - Fuck.. I have to be careful at school or I'll definitely show my <pink> panties..</pink></you></b> - you say as you leave your bathroom, ready for a spicy day at school.
<center>[[Go to school|teachereventsub2]]</center>
<<set $teachereventsub1 to false>>
<<set $time to $time+1>>
<<set $equip to 1>>
<span class='fadeIn'>
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\event4.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><img src="images\city\chemistryclassroom.jpg" width = "550px"></center>
<b><center> You are currently in the middle of your class having chemistry with <teacher>$nameteacher</teacher> and so far you think no one noticed the fact that you are wearing a pair of pink panties underneath your pants.</center></b>
<b><you> - Thank god no one noticed.. I think my life would end if someone found out.. specially someone like <teacher>$nameteacher</teacher>..</you></b> - you think, fidgetting in your seat and adjusting your panties.
<b><center> Unfortunately for you, you have a very attentive teacher, and she has noticed that you are extra fidgety today</center></b>
<b><teacher> - "Why is that .. imbecile moving so much in his seat today.. hmm..?"</teacher></b> - you teacher says while looking at you
<center><img src="images\events\teacherlookingatyou.jpg" height="410px" width="400px"></center>
<b><teacher> - "<you>$name</you>, could you please come and solve this equation on the board?" </teacher></b> - your teacher tells you, looking at you with a smirk on her face
<b><center> You can't get up.. there's no way.. you have to come up with an excuse! Why today of all days?</center></b>
<b><you> - Ehm.. <teacher>Ms.$nameteacher</teacher> I cant.. I have.. stomach pain..?</you></b> - you respond to your teacher, not confidently.
<b><teacher> - "Oh I'm sorry.. let me rephrase this.. <you>$name</you> Get up and solve this equation <red><u>NOW.</u></red> it's not a request, it's an order.</teacher></b> - you teacher orders you in a loud voice while everyone looks at you.
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\teacherorder.jpg"></span></center>
<b><you> - S..s...sorry <teacher>Ms.$nameteacher</teacher> right away..</you></b> - you shriek in your seat and get up immediately without thinking
<<linkreplace "Get up and head towards the board">>
<b><center> You head towards the board and start solving the equation and remember that you are using panties, and anyone who looks at your ass right now.. will notice that.. you decide to look back and you see your teacher smiling at you, as if covering you from the rest of the class</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\pantiesvisible.jpg"></span></center>
<b><you> - It's.. done <teacher>Ms.$nameteacher</teacher></you></b> - you tell your teacher turning around and looking at her
<b><teacher> - "You can sit down <you>$name</you>"</teacher></b>
<b><center> You start going towards your seat but as you're in your way, your teacher grabs your arm and whispers to you.</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\Armgrab.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<font size ="-1"><teacher><b> Nice panties <you>$name</you>.. didnt know you were this kind of boi.. great to know.</b></teacher></font> - <teacher>Ms.$nameteacher</teacher> looks right into your soul as she says those words.
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\teacherstaringsoul.png"></span></center>
<b><you> - I'm not..! I really am not.. it's hard to explain..</you></b> - you tell your teacher as she turns away ignoring you.
<b><you> - I don't like.. whatever..</you></b> - you turn around and head towards your seat.
<<linkreplace "Head towards your seat">>
<b><center> As you're heading towards your seat one of your girl classmates looks at you and says</center></b>
<b><classmate> - "Nice panties, <pink><u>sissy.</u></pink></classmate></b> - your classmate tells you.
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\classmate.jpg"></span></center>
<b><you> - I'm not a <pink><u>sissy..</u></pink></you></b>- you tell your classmate while sitting down.
<b><classmate> -"Then why are you wearing panties?</classmate></b> - she asks smiling at you
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\Classmatelooking.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<div id="choice">
<<linkreplace "<pink><center> • They are comfortable that's all...</center></pink>">>
<<replace "#choice">>
-<b><you> They're comfortable... that's all there is to it</you></b> - You tell her.
-<b><classmate> "Hahaha.. thats what a sissy would say."</classmate></b> - she says smiling at you.
-<b><you> "I already told you, I'm not a sissy.."</you></b> - you respond to your classmate, now wishing she would just leave you alone.
- <b><classmate> "Maybe not yet.. But you will be."</classmate></b> - she says with a devious grin
<b><center>The way she said that makes you shutter a bit, she looked at you like she was looking at a prey. She seemed so sure and you can't help but feel a slight thrill of excitement from it. Not to be a sissy but because a pretty girl is taking a interest in you... right?</center></b>
<b><you> - Fuck.. what am I gonna do now.. <teacher>Ms.$nameteacher</teacher> this I like wearing panties..</you></b> - you say heading towards the school hallway.
<b><you> - I don't like panties.. right? </you></b> - you question yourself and head home.
<<set $submissive to $submissive+2>>
<<set $feminization to $feminization+1>>
<center><pink>Submissiveness +2!!</pink></center>
<center><hotpink>You just increased your feminization, you can now wear panties outside.</hotpink></center>
<center>[[Go outside|School Hallway]]</center>
<div id="choice">\
<<linkreplace "<center><white> • There was nothing else clean...</white></center>">>\
<<replace "#choice">>\
-<b><you> There was nothing else to wear.. it all went to clean..</you></b> - you explain to your classmate
-<b><classmate> "Hahaha.. why didn't you just go commando then? Hmm... nah we both know you wanted to wear panties... just like a sissy."</classmate></b> - she says smiling at you.
-<b><you> I already told you, I'm not a sissy..</you></b> - you respond to your classmate, but you still blush bright red as you realize she is right, you didn't need to wear any underwear.
-<b><classmate> "Maybe not yet.. But you will be."</classmate></b> - she says with a devious grin
<b><center>That makes you shutter a bit, the way she said it and the way she looked at you. She seemed so sure and you can't help but feel a slight thrill of excitement from it. Not to be a sissy but because a pretty girl is taking a interest in you... right?</center></b>
<b><you> - Fuck.. what am I gonna do now.. <teacher>Ms.$nameteacher</teacher> this I like wearing panties..</you></b> - you say heading towards the school hallway.
<b><you> - I don't like panties.. right? </you></b> - you question yourself and head home.
<<set $submissive to $submissive+1>>
<<set $feminization to $feminization+1>>
<center><pink>Submissiveness +2!!</pink></center>
<center><hotpink>You just increased your feminization, you can now wear panties outside.</hotpink></center>
<center>[[Go outside|School Hallway]]</center>
<</linkreplace>><span class='fadeIn'>
<<set $phoneeventsub1repeat to false>>
<<set $phoneeventsub2repeat to true>>
<<set $phoneeventsub2 to false>>
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\event3.png">
<b><center> As you open the email for an Anonymous sender immediately images start popping up in your screen and you just watch them.. almost drooling over them</center></b>
<<timed 1s>>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\Chastityhypno1.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<<timed 2s>>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\chastityhypno2.jpg"></span></center>
<<timed 3s>>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\Chastityhypno3.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<<timed 4s>>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\Chastityhypno4.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<<timed 5s>>
<center><b><you> - What was all that..? Who sent me this stuff..? And why do I find it arousing..?</you></b> - you think to yourself while your small penis is rock hard.</center>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\Smallcockprecum.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<center>[[Close the email|$return]]</center>
<</timed>><span class='fadeIn'>
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\dreaming.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\chastityhypno3.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<center><<timed 2s>><b> You start dreaming about that time <grey>Anonymous</grey> sent you an email with all those chastities</b><</timed>></center>
<<timed 3s>>\
<center>[[• Wake up •|Room]]</center>
<</timed>>\<<set $siseventsub2 to false>>
<span class='fadeIn'>
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\event5.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><img src="images\city\wardrobe.png" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>
<b><center> You remember the last day you used a pair of panties to school and how good it felt to wear them.. maybe it's starting to get addictive, the more you think of it, the bigger the urge to try them again</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\wearingsisterpanties.jpg"></span></center>
<b><you> - Why not try them again.. just one last time and I'll put them to wash and put it back on my sisters wardrobe..</you></b> - you say out loud, trying to convince yourself.
<center><<linkreplace "Search the panties"</center>>>
<b><center> You search for the used pair of panties in your wardrobe and you go to the place where you last left them, hidden.</center></b>
<b><you> - Aha, found them!</you></b> - you say, radiating with a smile
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\pantiesfound.png"></span></center>
<b><center> As soon as you find them, you undress and starting putting them on, ready to feel that horniness and silk smooth feeling around your small cock again.</center></b>
<b><you> F..ff.. fuck.. why do they have to feel so goddamn.. good..!</you></b> - you tell yourself immediately getting an hard-on as soon as you throw them on
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\hardonpanties.png"></span></center>
<b><center> You get really aroused from wearing them.. and you decide to go back to your room and sit down in your chair, clouded with horniness and not thinking clearly</center></b>
<center><<linkreplace "Masturbate"</center>>>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\Pantiesmasturbation.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><center> You sit down and quickly start stroking your small pathetic penis through the fabric of the panties, feeling extreme arousal, you quickly get close to cumming.</center></b>
<b><you> - Humph.. hmm.. yes.. f..FUUCK..</you></b> - you scream out loud as you start cumming through the panties
<center><<linkreplace "CUM!!"</center>>>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\Pantiescummingsissy.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><you> - Fuck.. that felt really really good..</you></b> - you think to yourself, relaxing in your chair with your sisters panties completely soaked in your cum.
<b><center> As you relax and relax.. you completely forgot your sister <sister>$sistername</sister> is next to your room and you just screamed really loudly when you came.. worried you look behind you to see your sister looking at you holding her phone.</center></b>
<center><img src="images\events\sisterholdingphone.png" width ="410px"
height ="410px"></center>
<b><you> - I.. i c..can.. explain <sister>$sistername</sister></you></b> - you tell your sister, worried and stumbling on your words.
<b><sister> - " Oh you can.. I see.. I'm not surprised in the slightest.. I always knew you were a pathetic sissy boi.. I just didn't expect you'd have the <font size ="+2"><red>AUDACITY</red></font> to steal my <pink><font size ="+2">PANTIES</font></pink> and cum on them.. pathethic.</sister></b> - your sister screams at you while getting closer to you
<center><img src="images\events\sisterclose.jpg" width ="410px"
height ="410px"></center>
<b><sister> - " I don't care what you have to say <you>$name</you>, from now on.. you will enter a new road in your life.. one you've just stepped into and I will help you evolve.. you clearly want to.. you'll be the best sissy ever whem we're done.</sister></b> - <sister>$sistername</sister> tells you as she grabs you by the chin.
<b><you> -! I'm not going to do that.. I told you I can explain.. it was just a one time thing.. I'll wash these and give it back to you and we're done.. okay?</you></b> - you try to fight back
<b><sister> - " Aw.. poor little boi.. what part of I don't care what you have to say didn't you get? I have this beautiful picture of you, and unless you want everyone at school to see it, you're gonna do what I tell you to, got it?</sister></b> - <sister>$sistername</sister>tells you as she shows you a picture in her phone
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\picturetaken.png"></span></center>
<b><you> - You.. you took a picture of me?! Delete that! please! I'll do anything!</you></b> - you beg your sister
<b><sister> - " Anything..? Alright then.. I want you to go the Mall and buy me a new pair of pink panties and while you're there, I want you to try them on, send me a picture, if you do that, I'll delete this picture.</sister></b> - your sister orders you.
<center><img src="images\events\sisterthinking.jpg" width ="410px"
height ="510px"></center>
<center><<linkreplace "Obey her orders"</center>>>
<b><you> - Oo..okay.. I'll do that just.. give me a while and I'll do it I promise.. dont show it to anyone..!</you></b> - you plead to your sister.
<b><sister> - " I won't.. if you do what you're told.. go now.. atta boi..!</sister></b> - your sister dispaches of you shooing you away.
<<set $submissive to $submissive+2>>
<center><pink>Submissiveness +2!!</pink></center>
<b><i><center>(Increase your submissiviness for this event, you don't have to go buy them directly at the mall)</center></i></b>
<<set $equip to 5>>
<<goto "Tops">><center><img src="images\resources\lingerieshoplogo.png"></center>
<span class ="newhr">\
<<if $feminization < 2>>\
<div id="index-gallery">\
<div class="item">\
<img src="images\clothes\panties1.png" width="100px" height="100px" alt=""/>\
<center><b><grey><i> Why would I want panties? </i></grey></b></center>\
<p> </p>\
<<elseif $panties1 is false and $money<=50>>\
<div id="index-gallery">\
<div class="item">\
<img src="images\clothes\panties1.png" width="100px" height="100px" alt=""/>\
<center> You can't afford this. </center>\
<p> </p>\
<<elseif $panties1 is false and $money>=50>>\
<div id="index-gallery">\
<div class="item">\
<img src="images\clothes\panties1.png" width="100px" height="100px" alt=""/>\
<center><b>50<green> €</green></b></center>\
<p><center>[[• Buy •|Panties1Buy]]</center></p>\
<<elseif $panties1 is true>>\
<div id="index-gallery">\
<div class="item">\
<img src="images\clothes\panties1.png" width="100px" height="100px" alt=""/>
<center> <green>• Bought •</green> </center>\
<p> </p>\
<<if $feminization < 2>>\
<div id="index-gallery">\
<div class="item">\
<img src="images\clothes\panties2.png" width="100px" height="100px" alt=""/>\
<center><b><grey><i> Why would I want panties? </i></grey></b></center>\
<p> </p>\
<<elseif $panties2 is false and $money<=50>>\
<div id="index-gallery">\
<div class="item">\
<img src="images\clothes\panties2.png" width="100px" height="100px" alt=""/>\
<center> You can't afford this. </center>\
<p> </p>\
<<elseif $panties2 is false and $money>=50>>\
<div id="index-gallery">\
<div class="item">\
<img src="images\clothes\panties2.png" width="100px" height="100px" alt=""/>\
<center><b>50<green> €</green></b></center>\
<p><center>[[• Buy •|Panties2Buy]]</center></p>\
<<elseif $panties2 is true>>\
<div id="index-gallery">\
<div class="item">\
<img src="images\clothes\panties2.png" width="100px" height="100px" alt=""/>
<center> <green>• Bought •</green> </center>\
<p> </p>\
<<if $feminization < 2>>\
<div id="index-gallery">\
<div class="item">\
<img src="images\clothes\panties3.png" width="100px" height="100px" alt=""/>\
<center><b><grey><i> Why would I want panties? </i></grey></b></center>\
<p> </p>\
<<elseif $panties3 is false and $money<=50>>\
<div id="index-gallery">\
<div class="item">\
<img src="images\clothes\panties3.png" width="100px" height="100px" alt=""/>\
<center> You can't afford this. </center>\
<p> </p>\
<<elseif $panties3 is false and $money>=50>>\
<div id="index-gallery">\
<div class="item">\
<img src="images\clothes\panties3.png" width="100px" height="100px" alt=""/>\
<center><b>50<green> €</green></b></center>\
<p><center>[[• Buy •|Panties3Buy]]</center></p>\
<<elseif $panties3 is true>>\
<div id="index-gallery">\
<div class="item">\
<img src="images\clothes\panties3.png" width="100px" height="100px" alt=""/>
<center> <green>• Bought •</green> </center>\
<p> </p>\
<<if $feminization < 2>>\
<div id="index-gallery">\
<div class="item">\
<img src="images\clothes\panties4.png" width="100px" height="100px" alt=""/>\
<center><b><grey><i> Why would I want panties? </i></grey></b></center>\
<p> </p>\
<<elseif $panties4 is false and $money<=50>>\
<div id="index-gallery">\
<div class="item">\
<img src="images\clothes\panties4.png" width="100px" height="100px" alt=""/>\
<center> You can't afford this. </center>\
<p> </p>\
<<elseif $panties4 is false and $money>=50>>\
<div id="index-gallery">\
<div class="item">\
<img src="images\clothes\panties4.png" width="100px" height="100px" alt=""/>\
<center><b>50<green> €</green></b></center>\
<p><center>[[• Buy •|Panties4Buy]]</center></p>\
<<elseif $panties4 is true>>\
<div id="index-gallery">\
<div class="item">\
<img src="images\clothes\panties4.png" width="100px" height="100px" alt=""/>
<center> <green>• Bought •</green> </center>\
<p> </p>\
<span class ="newhr">\
<<if $feminization < 2>>\
<div id="index-gallery">\
<div class="item">\
<img src="images\clothes\bra1.png" width="100px" height="100px" alt=""/>\
<center><b><grey><i> Why would I want a bra? </i></grey></b></center>\
<p> </p>\
<<elseif $bra1 is false and $money<=50>>\
<div id="index-gallery">\
<div class="item">\
<img src="images\clothes\bra1.png" width="100px" height="100px" alt=""/>\
<center> You can't afford this. </center>\
<p> </p>\
<<elseif $bra1 is false and $money>=50>>\
<div id="index-gallery">\
<div class="item">\
<img src="images\clothes\bra1.png" width="100px" height="100px" alt=""/>\
<center><b>50<green> €</green></b></center>\
<p><center>[[• Buy •|Bra1Buy]]</center></p>\
<<elseif $bra1 is true>>\
<div id="index-gallery">\
<div class="item">\
<img src="images\clothes\bra1.png" width="100px" height="100px" alt=""/>
<center> <green>• Bought •</green> </center>\
<p> </p>\
<<if $feminization < 2>>\
<div id="index-gallery">\
<div class="item">\
<img src="images\clothes\bra1.png" width="100px" height="100px" alt=""/>\
<center><b><grey><i> Why would I want a bra? </i></grey></b></center>\
<p> </p>\
<<elseif $bra2 is false and $money<=50>>\
<div id="index-gallery">\
<div class="item">\
<img src="images\clothes\bra2.png" width="100px" height="100px" alt=""/>\
<center> You can't afford this. </center>\
<p> </p>\
<<elseif $bra2 is false and $money>=50>>\
<div id="index-gallery">\
<div class="item">\
<img src="images\clothes\bra2.png" width="100px" height="100px" alt=""/>\
<center><b>50<green> €</green></b></center>\
<p><center>[[• Buy •|Bra2Buy]]</center></p>\
<<elseif $bra2 is true>>\
<div id="index-gallery">\
<div class="item">\
<img src="images\clothes\bra2.png" width="100px" height="100px" alt=""/>
<center> <green>• Bought •</green> </center>\
<p> </p>\
<<if $feminization < 2>>\
<div id="index-gallery">\
<div class="item">\
<img src="images\clothes\bra3.png" width="100px" height="100px" alt=""/>\
<center><b><grey><i> Why would I want a bra? </i></grey></b></center>\
<p> </p>\
<<elseif $bra3 is false and $money<=50>>\
<div id="index-gallery">\
<div class="item">\
<img src="images\clothes\bra3.png" width="100px" height="100px" alt=""/>\
<center> You can't afford this. </center>\
<p> </p>\
<<elseif $bra3 is false and $money>=50>>\
<div id="index-gallery">\
<div class="item">\
<img src="images\clothes\bra3.png" width="100px" height="100px" alt=""/>\
<center><b>50<green> €</green></b></center>\
<p><center>[[• Buy •|Bra3Buy]]</center></p>\
<<elseif $bra3 is true>>\
<div id="index-gallery">\
<div class="item">\
<img src="images\clothes\bra3.png" width="100px" height="100px" alt=""/>
<center> <green>• Bought •</green> </center>\
<p> </p>\
<<if $feminization < 2>>\
<div id="index-gallery">\
<div class="item">\
<img src="images\clothes\bra4.png" width="100px" height="100px" alt=""/>\
<center><b><grey><i> Why would I want a bra? </i></grey></b></center>\
<p> </p>\
<<elseif $bra4 is false and $money<=50>>\
<div id="index-gallery">\
<div class="item">\
<img src="images\clothes\bra4.png" width="100px" height="100px" alt=""/>\
<center> You can't afford this. </center>\
<p> </p>\
<<elseif $bra4 is false and $money>=50>>\
<div id="index-gallery">\
<div class="item">\
<img src="images\clothes\bra4.png" width="100px" height="100px" alt=""/>\
<center><b>50<green> €</green></b></center>\
<p><center>[[• Buy •|Bra4Buy]]</center></p>\
<<elseif $bra4 is true>>\
<div id="index-gallery">\
<div class="item">\
<img src="images\clothes\bra4.png" width="100px" height="100px" alt=""/>
<center> <green>• Bought •</green> </center>\
<p> </p>\
<center>[[• Leave the shop •|Mall]]</center>
<center><img src="images\resources\shoeshoplogo.png"></center>
<span class ="newhr">\
<b><center><you>Men Shoes</you></center></b>
<<if $shoes2 is false and $money<=80>>\
<div id="index-gallery">\
<div class="item">\
<img src="images\clothes\professionalshoesgrey.png" width="150px" height="150px" alt=""/>\
<center> You can't afford this. </center>\
<p> </p>\
<<elseif $shoes2 is false and $money>=80>>\
<div id="index-gallery">\
<div class="item">\
<img src="images\clothes\professionalshoesgrey.png" width="150px" height="150px" alt=""/>\
<center><b>80<green> €</green></b></center>\
<p><center>[[• Buy •|SuitBuyShoe]]</center></p>\
<<elseif $shoes2 is true>>\
<div id="index-gallery">\
<div class="item">\
<img src="images\clothes\professionalshoes.png" width="150px" height="150px" alt=""/>
<center> <green>• Bought •</green> </center>\
<p> </p>\
<<if $shoes3 is false and $money<=40>>\
<div id="index-gallery">\
<div class="item">\
<img src="images\clothes\sportshoesgrey.png" width="150px" height="150px" alt=""/>\
<center><red> You can't afford this. </red></center>\
<p> </p>\
<<elseif $shoes3 is false and $money>=40>>\
<div id="index-gallery">\
<div class="item">\
<img src="images\clothes\sportshoesgrey.png" width="150px" height="150px" alt=""/>\
<center><b>40<green> €</green></b></center>\
<p><center>[[• Buy •|SportsBuyShoe]]</center></p>\
<<elseif $shoes3 is true>>\
<div id="index-gallery">\
<div class="item">\
<img src="images\clothes\sportshoes.png" width="150px" height="150px" alt=""/>\
<center> <green>• Bought •</green> </center>\
<p> </p>\
<span class="newhr">
<b><center><hotpink style="font-family: Courier New;">Female Shoes</hotpink></center></b>
<<if $firstdress is false>>\
<div id="index-gallery">
<div class="item">\
<img src="images\clothes\flatsgrey.png" style="width: 100px; height: 150px; margin-bottom: 20px; margin-top: -1px;" alt=""/>\
<center><b><grey><i> Why would I want flats? </i></grey></b></center>\
<<elseif $heels1 is false and $money<=60>>\
<div id="index-gallery">
<div class="item">\
<img src="images\clothes\flatsgrey.png" style="width: 100px; height: 150px; margin-bottom: 20px; margin-top: -1px;" alt=""/>\
<center><b>60<green> €</green></b></center>\
<center> You can't afford this. </center>\
<<elseif $heels1 is false and $money>=60 and $teacherfirstask is true and $firstdress is true>>\
<div id="index-gallery">
<div class="item">\
<img src="images\clothes\flats.png" style="width: 100px; height: 150px; margin-bottom: 20px; margin-top: -1px;" alt=""/>\
<center><b>60<green> €</green></b></center>\
<p><center>[[• Buy •|BuyFlats]]</center></p>\
<<elseif $heels1 is true>>\
<div id="index-gallery">
<div class="item">\
<img src="images\clothes\flats.png" style="width: 100px; height: 150px; margin-bottom: 20px; margin-top: -1px;" alt=""/>\
<center> <green>• Bought •</green> </center>\
<<if $firstdress is false>>\
<div id="index-gallery">
<div class="item">\
<img src="images\clothes\heelsgrey.png" style="width: 100px; height: 150px; margin-bottom: 20px; margin-top: -50px;" alt=""/>\
<center><b><grey><i> Why would I want heels? </i></grey></b></center>\
<<elseif $heels2 is false and $money<=60>>\
<div id="index-gallery">
<div class="item">\
<img src="images\clothes\heelsgrey.png" style="width: 100px; height: 150px; margin-bottom: 20px; margin-top: -50px;" alt=""/>\
<center><b>60<green> €</green></b></center>\
<center> You can't afford this. </center>\
<<elseif $heels2 is false and $money>=60 and $teacherfirstask is true and $firstdress is true>>\
<div id="index-gallery">
<div class="item">\
<img src="images\clothes\heels.png" style="width: 100px; height: 150px; margin-bottom: 20px; margin-top: -50px;" alt=""/>\
<center><b>60<green> €</green></b></center>\
<p><center>[[• Buy •|BuyHeels]]</center></p>\
<<elseif $heels2 is true>>\
<div id="index-gallery">
<div class="item">\
<img src="images\clothes\heels.png" style="width: 100px; height: 150px; margin-bottom: 20px; margin-top: -50px;" alt=""/>\
<center> <green>• Bought •</green> </center>\
<<if $firstdress is false>>\
<div id="index-gallery">
<div class="item">\
<img src="images\clothes\pinkbootsgrey.png" style="width: 100px; height: 150px; margin-bottom: 20px; margin-top: -102px;" alt=""/>\
<center><b><grey><i> Why would I want pink boots? </i></grey></b></center>\
<<elseif $heels3 is false and $money<=60>>\
<div id="index-gallery">
<div class="item">\
<img src="images\clothes\pinkbootsgrey.png" style="width: 100px; height: 150px; margin-bottom: 20px; margin-top: -102px;" alt=""/>\
<center><b>60<green> €</green></b></center>\
<center> You can't afford this. </center>\
<<elseif $heels3 is false and $money>=60 and $teacherfirstask is true and $firstdress is true>>\
<div id="index-gallery">
<div class="item">\
<img src="images\clothes\pinkboots.png" style="width: 100px; height: 150px; margin-bottom: 20px; margin-top: -102px;" alt=""/>\
<center><b>60<green> €</green></b></center>\
<p><center>[[• Buy •|BuyPinkBoots]]</center></p>\
<<elseif $heels3 is true>>\
<div id="index-gallery">
<div class="item">\
<img src="images\clothes\pinkboots.png" style="width: 100px; height: 150px; margin-bottom: 20px; margin-top: -102px;" alt=""/>\
<center> <green>• Bought •</green> </center>\
<<if $feminization <=6>>\
<div id="index-gallery">
<div class="item">\
<img src="images\clothes\stilettosgrey.png" style="width: 100px; height: 150px; margin-bottom: 20px; margin-top: -160px;" alt=""/>\
<center><b><grey><i> It's too slutty for me.. </i></grey></b></center>\
<<elseif $heels4 is false and $money<=80>>\
<div id="index-gallery">
<div class="item">\
<img src="images\clothes\stilettosgrey.png" style="width: 100px; height: 150px; margin-bottom: 20px; margin-top: -160px;" alt=""/>\
<center><b>80<green> €</green></b></center>\
<center> You can't afford this. </center>\
<<elseif $heels4 is false and $money>=80 and $teacherfirstask is true and $firstdress is true>>\
<div id="index-gallery">
<div class="item">\
<img src="images\clothes\stilettos.png" style="width: 100px; height: 150px; margin-bottom: 20px; margin-top: -160px;" alt=""/>\
<center><b>80<green> €</green></b></center>\
<p><center>[[• Buy •|BuyStilettos]]</center></p>\
<<elseif $heels4 is true>>\
<div id="index-gallery">
<div class="item">\
<img src="images\clothes\stilettos.png" style="width: 100px; height: 150px; margin-bottom: 20px; margin-top: -160px;" alt=""/>\
<center> <green>• Bought •</green> </center>\
<<if $feminization <=6>>\
<div id="index-gallery">
<div class="item">\
<img src="images\clothes\stripperheelsgrey.png" style="width: 100px; height: 150px; margin-bottom: 20px; margin-top: -1px;" alt=""/>\
<center><b><grey><i> It's too slutty for me.. </i></grey></b></center>\
<<elseif $heels5 is false and $money<=80>>\
<div id="index-gallery">
<div class="item">\
<img src="images\clothes\stripperheelsgrey.png" style="width: 100px; height: 150px; margin-bottom: 20px; margin-top: -1px;" alt=""/>\
<center><b>80<green> €</green></b></center>\
<center> You can't afford this. </center>\
<<elseif $heels5 is false and $money>=80 and $teacherfirstask is true and $firstdress is true>>\
<div id="index-gallery">
<div class="item">\
<img src="images\clothes\stripperheels.png" style="width: 100px; height: 150px; margin-bottom: 20px; margin-top: -1px;" alt=""/>\
<center><b>80<green> €</green></b></center>\
<p><center>[[• Buy •|BuyStripperHeels]]</center></p>\
<<elseif $heels5 is true>>\
<div id="index-gallery">
<div class="item">\
<img src="images\clothes\stripperheels.png" style="width: 100px; height: 150px; margin-bottom: 20px; margin-top: -1px;" alt=""/>\
<center> <green>• Bought •</green> </center>\
<center>[[Leave the shop|Mall]]</center>
<center><img src="images\resources\zaralogo.png"></center>
<span class ="newhr">\
<<if $outfit2 is false and $money<=80>>\
<div id="index-gallery">\
<div class="item">\
<img src="images\clothes\suitgrey.png" width="150px" height="150px" alt=""/>\
<center> You can't afford this. </center>\
<p> </p>\
<<elseif $outfit2 is false and $money>=80>>\
<div id="index-gallery">\
<div class="item">\
<img src="images\clothes\suitgrey.png" width="150px" height="150px" alt=""/>\
<center><b>80<green> €</green></b></center>\
<p><center>[[• Buy •|SuitBuy]]</center></p>\
<<elseif $outfit2 is true>>\
<div id="index-gallery">\
<div class="item">\
<img src="images\clothes\suit.png" width="150px" height="150px" alt=""/>
<center> <green>• Bought •</green> </center>\
<p> </p>\
<<if $outfit3 is false and $money<=40>>\
<div id="index-gallery">\
<div class="item">\
<img src="images\clothes\sportstopmalegrey.png" width="150px" height="150px" alt=""/>\
<center><red> You can't afford this. </red></center>\
<p> </p>\
<<elseif $outfit3 is false and $money>=40>>\
<div id="index-gallery">\
<div class="item">\
<img src="images\clothes\sportstopmalegrey.png" width="150px" height="150px" alt=""/>\
<center><b>40<green> €</green></b></center>\
<p><center>[[• Buy •|SportsBuy]]</center></p>\
<<elseif $outfit3 is true>>\
<div id="index-gallery">\
<div class="item">\
<img src="images\clothes\sportstopmale.png" width="150px" height="150px" alt=""/>\
<center> <green>• Bought •</green> </center>\
<p> </p>\
<<if $firstdress is false>>\
<div id="index-gallery">
<div class="item">\
<img src="images\clothes\professionalfemaletopgrey.png" style="width: 100px; height: 150px; margin-bottom: 20px; margin-top: -84px;" alt=""/>\
<center><b><grey><i> Why would I want a female top? </i></grey></b></center>\
<<elseif $femaletop1 is false and $money<=60>>\
<div id="index-gallery">
<div class="item">\
<img src="images\clothes\professionalfemaletopgrey.png" style="width: 100px; height: 150px; margin-bottom: 20px; margin-top: -84px;" alt=""/>\
<center><b>60<green> €</green></b></center>\
<center> You can't afford this. </center>\
<<elseif $femaletop1 is false and $money>=60 and $teacherfirstask is true and $firstdress is true>>\
<div id="index-gallery">
<div class="item">\
<img src="images\clothes\professionalfemaletop.png" style="width: 100px; height: 150px; margin-bottom: 20px; margin-top: -84px;" alt=""/>\
<center><b>60<green> €</green></b></center>\
<p><center>[[• Buy •|BuyFemaleTop]]</center></p>\
<<elseif $femaletop1 is true>>\
<div id="index-gallery">
<div class="item">\
<img src="images\clothes\professionalfemaletop.png" style="width: 100px; height: 150px; margin-bottom: 20px; margin-top: -84px;" alt=""/>\
<center> <green>• Bought •</green> </center>\
<span class ="newhr">\
<<if $bottom2 is false and $money<=80>>\
<div id="index-gallery">\
<div class="item">\
<img src="images\clothes\professionalpantsgrey.png" width="150px" height="150px" alt=""/>\
<center> You can't afford this. </center>\
<p> </p>\
<<elseif $bottom2 is false and $money>=80>>\
<div id="index-gallery">\
<div class="item">\
<img src="images\clothes\professionalpantsgrey.png" width="150px" height="150px" alt=""/>\
<center><b>80<green> €</green></b></center>\
<p><center>[[• Buy •|PantsSuitBuy]]</center></p>\
<<elseif $bottom2 is true>>\
<div id="index-gallery">\
<div class="item">\
<img src="images\clothes\professionalpants.png" width="150px" height="150px" alt=""/>
<center> <green>• Bought •</green>. </center>\
<p> </p>\
<<if $bottom3 is false and $money<=40>>\
<div id="index-gallery">\
<div class="item">\
<img src="images\clothes\sportshortsgrey.png" width="150px" height="150px" alt=""/>\
<center><red> You can't afford this. </red></center>\
<p> </p>\
<<elseif $bottom3 is false and $money>=40>>\
<div id="index-gallery">\
<div class="item">\
<img src="images\clothes\sportshortsgrey.png" width="150px" height="150px" alt=""/>\
<center><b>40<green> €</green></b></center>\
<p><center>[[• Buy •|PantsSportsBuy]]</center></p>\
<<elseif $bottom3 is true>>\
<div id="index-gallery">\
<div class="item">\
<img src="images\clothes\sportshorts.png" width="150px" height="150px" alt=""/>\
<center> <green>• Bought •</green> </center>\
<p> </p>\
<<if $firstdress is false>>\
<div id="index-gallery">
<div class="item">\
<img src="images\clothes\femaleskinnyjeansgrey.png" style="width: 100px; height: 150px; margin-bottom: 20px; margin-top: -96px;" alt=""/>\
<center><b><grey><i> Why would I want female skinny jeans? </i></grey></b></center>\
<<elseif $femalejeans1 is false and $money<=60>>\
<div id="index-gallery">
<div class="item">\
<img src="images\clothes\femaleskinnyjeansgrey.png" style="width: 100px; height: 150px; margin-bottom: 20px; margin-top: -96px;" alt=""/>\
<center><b>60<green> €</green></b></center>\
<center> You can't afford this. </center>\
<<elseif $femalejeans1 is false and $money>=60 and $teacherfirstask is true and $firstdress is true>>\
<div id="index-gallery">
<div class="item">\
<img src="images\clothes\femaleskinnyjeans.png" style="width: 100px; height: 150px; margin-bottom: 20px; margin-top: -96px;" alt=""/>\
<center><b>60<green> €</green></b></center>\
<p><center>[[• Buy •|BuyFemaleJeans]]</center></p>\
<<elseif $femalejeans1 is true>>\
<div id="index-gallery">
<div class="item">\
<img src="images\clothes\femaleskinnyjeans.png" style="width: 100px; height: 150px; margin-bottom: 20px; margin-top: -96px;" alt=""/>\
<center> <green>• Bought •</green> </center>\
<center>[[Leave the shop|Mall]]</center>
<center><span class ="logooutfit"><img src="images\resources\outfitslogo.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<span class ="wardrobetops"> <a data-passage="Tops" class="link-internal link-image">
<img src="images\resources\tops.png">
<span class ="wardrobebottom"> <a data-passage="Bottoms" class="link-internal link-image">
<img src="images\resources\bottoms.png">
<<if $teacheruniformbought is false>>\
<span class ="uniformpreset"> <a data-passage="Uniform" class="link-internal link-image">
<img src="images\resources\uniform.png">
<<elseif $teacheruniformbought is true>>\
<span class ="uniformpreset"> <a data-passage="UniformGirl" class="link-internal link-image">
<img src="images\resources\uniform.png">
<span class ="casualpreset"> <a data-passage="Casual" class="link-internal link-image">
<img src="images\resources\casual.png">
<<if $outfit2 is true and $bottom2 is true and $shoes2 is true>>
<span class ="classypreset"> <a data-passage="Classy" class="link-internal link-image">
<img src="images\resources\classy.png">
<span class ="pyjamaspreset"> <a data-passage="Pyjamas" class="link-internal link-image">
<img src="images\resources\pyjamas.png">
<<if $outfit3 is true and $bottom3 is true and $shoes3 is true>>
<span class ="sportspreset"> <a data-passage="Sports" class="link-internal link-image">
<img src="images\resources\sports.png">
<span class ="backwardrobe"> <a data-passage="Clothing" class="link-internal link-image">
<img src="images\resources\back.png">
</a></span><center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\underwearlogo.png" style="max-height: 130px">
<span class ="backwardrobeontop"> <a data-passage="Outfits" class="link-internal link-image">\
<img src="images\resources\back.png">\
<span class ="newhr">\
<<if $removemaleunder is false>>\
<div id="index-gallery">\
<div class="item">\
<img src="images\clothes\boxers.png" width="150px" height="150px" alt=""/>
<p><<if $underwear !==1>>[[Wear your boxers|Underwear1]]<<elseif $underwear == 1>>Wearing<</if>></p>\
<<if $underwear2 is false>>\
<div id="index-gallery">\
<div class="item">
<img src="images\clothes\briefs.png" width="150px" height="150px" alt=""/>
<center> You don't own this</center>
<p> </p>\
<div id="index-gallery">\
<div class="item">
<img src="images\clothes\briefs.png" width="150px" height="150px" alt=""/>
<p><<if $underwear!==2>>[[Wear your briefs|Underwear2]]<<elseif $underwear == 2>>Wearing<</if>></p>\
<<if $hassisterpanties is true and $submissive>=$dominant>>\
<div id="index-gallery">\
<div class="item">
<img src="images\clothes\sisterpinkpanties.png" width="150px" height="150px" alt=""/>
<p><<if $underwear !==6>>[[Wear your sisters panties|SisterPanties1]]<<elseif $underwear == 6>>Wearing<</if>></p>\
<<if $mompanties is true and $submissive>=$dominant>>\
<div id="index-gallery">\
<div class="item">
<img src="images\clothes\mompanties.png" width="200px" height="150px" alt=""/>
<p><<if $underwear !==11>>[[Wear your mom panties|MomPanties1]]<<elseif $underwear == 11>>Wearing<</if>></p>\
<span class ="newhr">\
<<if $panties1 is true>>\
<div id="index-gallery">\
<div class="item">
<img src="images\clothes\panties1.png" width="150px" height="150px" alt=""/>
<p><<if $underwear !==7>>[[Wear your pink panties|Underwear7]]<<elseif $underwear == 7>>Wearing<</if>></p>\
<<if $panties2 is true>>\
<div id="index-gallery">\
<div class="item">
<img src="images\clothes\panties2.png" width="150px" height="150px" alt=""/>
<p><<if $underwear !==8>>[[Wear your black panties|Underwear8]]<<elseif $underwear == 8>>Wearing<</if>></p>\
<<if $panties3 is true>>\
<div id="index-gallery">\
<div class="item">
<img src="images\clothes\panties3.png" width="150px" height="150px" alt=""/>
<p><<if $underwear !==9>>[[Wear your red panties|Underwear9]]<<elseif $underwear == 9>>Wearing<</if>></p>\
<<if $panties4 is true>>\
<div id="index-gallery">\
<div class="item">
<img src="images\clothes\panties4.png" width="150px" height="150px" alt=""/>
<p><<if $underwear !==10>>[[Wear your blue panties|Underwear10]]<<elseif $underwear == 10>>Wearing<</if>></p>\
<span class ="newhr">\
<<if $qospanties is true>>\
<div id="index-gallery">\
<div class="item">
<img src="images\clothes\qospanties.png" width="150px" height="150px" alt=""/>
<p><<if $underwear !==99>>[[Wear your QOS panties|QosPantiesWear]]<<elseif $underwear == 99>>Wearing<</if>></p>\
<span class ="newhr">\
<<if $bra1 is true>>\
<div id="index-gallery">\
<div class="item">
<img src="images\clothes\bra1.png" width="150px" height="150px" alt=""/>
<p><<if $bra !==1>>[[Wear your pink bra|Bra1]]<<elseif $bra == 1>>Wearing<</if>></p>\
<<if $bra2 is true>>\
<div id="index-gallery">\
<div class="item">
<img src="images\clothes\bra2.png" width="150px" height="125px" alt=""/>
<p><<if $bra !==2>>[[Wear your black bra|Bra2]]<<elseif $bra == 2>>Wearing<</if>></p>\
<<if $bra3 is true>>\
<div id="index-gallery">\
<div class="item">
<img src="images\clothes\bra3.png" width="150px" height="150px" alt=""/>
<p><<if $bra !==3>>[[Wear your red bra|Bra3]]<<elseif $bra == 3>>Wearing<</if>></p>\
<<if $bra4 is true>>\
<div id="index-gallery">\
<div class="item">
<img src="images\clothes\bra4.png" width="150px" height="150px" alt=""/>
<p><<if $bra !==4>>[[Wear your blue bra|Bra4]]<<elseif $bra == 4>>Wearing<</if>></p>\
<span class ="newhr">\
<<if $sisterbra is true and $submissive>=$dominant>>\
<div id="index-gallery">\
<div class="item">
<img src="images\clothes\sisterbra.png" width="200px" height="250px" alt=""/>
<p><<if $bra !==5>>[[Wear your sister bra|SisterBra]]<<elseif $bra == 5>>Wearing<</if>></p>\
<span class ="backwardrobe3"> <a data-passage="Clothing" class="link-internal link-image">
<img src="images\resources\back.png">
<span class ="underwearoff"> <a data-passage="Underwearoff" class="link-internal link-image">
<img src="images\resources\underwearoff.png">
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\shoeslogo.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<span class ="backwardrobeontop"> <a data-passage="Outfits" class="link-internal link-image">\
<img src="images\resources\back.png">\
<span class ="newhr">\
<div id="index-gallery">\
<div class="item">\
<img src="images\clothes\shoes1.png" width="150px" height="150px" alt=""/>
<p><<if $shoes !==1>>[[Wear your casual shoes|Shoes1]]<<elseif $shoes == 1>>Wearing<</if>></p>\
<<if $shoes2 is false>>\
<div id="index-gallery">\
<div class="item">
<img src="images\clothes\professionalshoesgrey.png" width="150px" height="150px" alt=""/>
<center> You don't own this</center>
<p> </p>\
<div id="index-gallery">\
<div class="item">
<img src="images\clothes\professionalshoes.png" width="150px" height="150px" alt=""/>
<p><<if $shoes!==2>>[[Wear your classy shoes|Shoes2]]<<elseif $shoes == 2>>Wearing<</if>></p>\
<<if $shoes3 is false>>\
<div id="index-gallery">\
<div class="item">
<img src="images\clothes\sportshoesgrey.png" width="150px" height="150px" alt=""/>
<center>You don't own this</center>
<p> </p>\
<div id="index-gallery">\
<div class="item">
<img src="images\clothes\sportshoes.png" width="150px" height="150px" alt=""/>
<p><<if $shoes !==3>>[[Wear your sports shoes|Shoes3]]<<elseif $shoes == 3>>Wearing<</if>></p>\
<<if $shoes4 is false>>\
<div id="index-gallery">\
<div class="item">
<img src="images\clothes\pyjamashoesgrey.png" width="150px" height="150px" alt=""/>
<center>You don't own this.</center>
<p> </p>\
<div id="index-gallery">\
<div class="item">
<img src="images\clothes\pyjamashoes.png" width="150px" height="150px" alt=""/>
<p><<if $shoes !==4>>[[Wear your pyjama shoes|Shoes4]]<<elseif $shoes == 4>>Wearing<</if>></p>\
<span class ="newhr">
<<if $shoes5 is false>>\
<div id="index-gallery">\
<div class="item">
<img src="images\clothes\schooluniformshoesgrey.png" width="150px" height="150px" alt=""/>
<center> You don't own this</center>
<p> </p>\
<span class ="newhr">
<div id="index-gallery">
<div class="item">
<img src="Images\clothes\schooluniformshoes.png" width="150px" height="150px" alt=""/>
<p><<if $shoes !==5>>[[Wear your uniform shoes|Shoes5]]<<elseif $shoes == 5>>Wearing<</if>></p>\
<div id="index-gallery">
<div class="item">
<<if $heels1 is true>>\
<img src="Images\clothes\flats.png" style="width: 100px; height: 150px; margin-bottom: 20px; margin-top: -53px;" alt=""/>\
<p><<if $shoes !==6 and $heels1 is true>>[[Wear your flats|EquipFlats]]
<<elseif $shoes == 6>>Wearing<</if>></p>\
<div class="item">
<<if $heels2 is true>>\
<img src="Images\clothes\heels.png" style="width: 100px; height: 150px; margin-bottom: 20px; margin-top: -53px;" alt=""/>\
<p><<if $shoes !==7 and $heels2 is true>>[[Wear your heels|EquipHeels]]
<<elseif $shoes == 7>>Wearing<</if>></p>\
<div class="item">
<<if $heels3 is true>>\
<img src="Images\clothes\pinkboots.png" style="width: 100px; height: 150px; margin-bottom: 20px; margin-top: -53px;" alt=""/>\
<p><<if $shoes !==8 and $heels3 is true>>[[Wear your pink boots|EquipPinkBoots]]
<<elseif $shoes == 8>>Wearing<</if>></p>\
<span class ="newhr">
<div class="item">
<<if $heels4 is true>>\
<img src="Images\clothes\stilettos.png" style="width: 100px; height: 150px; margin-bottom: 20px; margin-top: -53px;" alt=""/>\
<p><<if $shoes !==9 and $heels4 is true>>[[Wear your stilettos|EquipStilettos]]
<<elseif $shoes == 9>>Wearing<</if>></p>\
<div class="item">
<<if $heels5 is true>>\
<img src="Images\clothes\stripperheels.png" style="width: 100px; height: 150px; margin-bottom: 20px; margin-top: -53px;" alt=""/>\
<p><<if $shoes !==10 and $heels5 is true>>[[Wear your stripper heels|EquipStripperHeels]]
<<elseif $shoes == 10>>Wearing<</if>></p>\
<div class="item">
<<if $teacheruniformbought is true>>\
<img src="Images\clothes\schoolgirlshoes.png" style="width: 100px; height: 150px; margin-bottom: 20px; margin-top: -53px;" alt=""/>\
<p><<if $shoes !==11 and $teacheruniformbought is true>>[[Wear your schoolgirl heels|EquipSchoolgirlHeels]]
<<elseif $shoes == 11>>Wearing<</if>></p>\
<span class ="backwardrobeshoes"> <a data-passage="Clothing" class="link-internal link-image">
<img src="images\resources\back.png">
<span class ="shoesoff1"> <a data-passage="Shoesoff" class="link-internal link-image">
<img src="images\resources\shoesoff.png">
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\topslogo.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>\
<span class ="backwardrobeontop"> <a data-passage="Outfits" class="link-internal link-image">\
<img src="images\resources\back.png">\
<span class ="newhr">\
<div id="index-gallery">\
<div class="item">\
<img src="Images\clothes\casualshirt.png" width="134px" height="134px" alt=""/>
<p><<if $equip !==1>>[[Wear your casual shirt|Equip 1]]<<elseif $equip == 1>>Wearing<</if>></p>\
<<if $outfit2 is false>>\
<div id="index-gallery">\
<div class="item">
<img src="images\clothes\suitgrey.png" width="150px" height="150px" alt=""/>
<center> You don't own this</center>
<p> </p>\
<div id="index-gallery">\
<div class="item">
<img src="images\clothes\suit.png" width="150px" height="150px" alt=""/>
<p><<if $equip !==2>>[[Wear your suit|Equip 2]]<<elseif $equip == 2>>Wearing<</if>></p>\
<<if $outfit3 is false>>\
<div id="index-gallery">\
<div class="item">
<img src="images\clothes\sportstopmalegrey.png" width="150px" height="150px" alt=""/>
<center>You don't own this</center>
<p> </p>\
<div id="index-gallery">\
<div class="item">
<img src="images\clothes\sportstopmale.png" width="150px" height="150px" alt=""/>
<p><<if $equip !==3>>[[Wear your sports top|Equip 3]]<<elseif $equip == 3>>Wearing<</if>></p>\
<<if $outfit4 is false>>\
<div id="index-gallery">\
<div class="item">
<img src="images\clothes\pyjamatopmale.png" width="150px" height="150px" alt=""/>
<center>You don't own this.</center>
<p> </p>\
<div id="index-gallery">\
<div class="item">
<img src="images\clothes\pyjamatopmale.png" width="150px" height="150px" alt=""/>
<p><<if $equip !==4>>[[Wear your pyjama shirt|Equip 4]]<<elseif $equip == 4>>Wearing<</if>></p>\
<span class ="newhr">
<div id="index-gallery">
<div class="item">
<img src="Images\clothes\uniformtop.png" width="150px" height="150px" alt=""/>
<p><<if $equip !==5>>[[Wear your uniform suit|Equip 5]]<<elseif $equip == 5>>Wearing<</if>></p>\
<<if $outfit5 is false>>\
<div id="index-gallery">\
<div class="item">
<img src="images\clothes\uniformtop.png" width="50px" height="150px" alt=""/>
<center> You don't own this</center>
<p> </p>\
<div id="index-gallery">
<div class="item">
<<if $dress1 is true>>\
<img src="Images\clothes\pinkdress.png" width="100px" height="150px" alt=""/>
<p><<if $equip !==6 and $dress1 is true>>[[Wear your pink dress|Equip 6]]
<<elseif $equip == 6>>Wearing<</if>></p>\
<div id="index-gallery">
<div class="item">
<<if $femaletop1 is true>>\
<img src="Images\clothes\professionalfemaletop.png" style="width: 100px; height: 150px; margin-bottom: 20px; margin-top: -53px;" alt=""/>\
<p><<if $equip !==19 and $femaletop1 is true>>[[Wear your professional female top|EquipFemaleTop1]]
<<elseif $equip == 19>>Wearing<</if>></p>\
<div id="index-gallery">
<div class="item">
<<if $teacheruniformbought is true>>\
<img src="Images\clothes\schoolgirltop1.png" style="width: 100px; height: 125px; margin-bottom: 20px; margin-top: -53px;" alt=""/>\
<p><<if $equip !==20 and $teacheruniformbought is true>>[[Wear your schoolgirl top|EquipSchoolGirlTop1]]
<<elseif $equip == 20>>Wearing<</if>></p>\
<div id="index-gallery">
<div class="item">
<<if $top1 is true>>\
<img src="Images\clothes\pinktop.png" style="width: 100px; height: 150px; margin-bottom: 20px; margin-top: 59px;" alt=""/>\
<p><<if $equip !==7 and $top1 is true>>[[Wear your pink top|EquipTop1]]
<<elseif $equip == 7>>Wearing<</if>></p>\
<span class ="newhr">\
<div id="index-gallery">
<div class="item">
<<if $top2 is true>>\
<img src="Images\clothes\whitetop.png" style="width: 100px; height: 150px; margin-bottom: 20px; margin-top: 51px;" alt=""/>\
<p><<if $equip !==8 and $top2 is true>>[[Wear your white top|EquipTop2]]
<<elseif $equip == 8>>Wearing<</if>></p>\
<div id="index-gallery">
<div class="item">
<<if $top3 is true>>\
<img src="Images\clothes\redtop.png" style="width: 100px; height: 150px; margin-bottom: 20px; margin-top: 24px;" alt=""/>\
<p><<if $equip !==9 and $top3 is true>>[[Wear your red top|EquipTop3]]
<<elseif $equip == 9>>Wearing<</if>></p>\
<div id="index-gallery">
<div class="item">
<<if $top4 is true>>\
<img src="Images\clothes\blacktop.png" style="width: 100px; height: 150px; margin-bottom: 20px; margin-top: -3px;" alt=""/>\
<p><<if $equip !==10 and $top4 is true>>[[Wear your black top|EquipTop4]]
<<elseif $equip == 10>>Wearing<</if>></p>\
<span class ="newhr">\
<div id="index-gallery">
<div class="item">
<<if $top5 is true>>\
<img src="Images\clothes\sluttytop.png" style="width: 100px; height: 150px; margin-bottom: 20px; margin-top: 76px;" alt=""/>\
<p><<if $equip !==11 and $top5 is true>>[[Wear your slutty top|EquipTop5]]
<<elseif $equip == 11>>Wearing<</if>></p>\
<div id="index-gallery">
<div class="item">
<<if $dress2 is true>>\
<img src="Images\clothes\whitedress.png" style="width: 100px; height: 150px; margin-bottom: 20px; margin-top: 51px;" alt=""/>\
<p><<if $equip !==12 and $dress2 is true>>[[Wear your white dress|EquipWhiteDress]]
<<elseif $equip == 12>>Wearing<</if>></p>\
<div id="index-gallery">
<div class="item">
<<if $dress3 is true>>\
<img src="Images\clothes\reddress.png" style="width: 100px; height: 150px; margin-bottom: 20px; margin-top: 24px;" alt=""/>\
<p><<if $equip !==13 and $dress3 is true>>[[Wear your red dress|EquipRedDress]]
<<elseif $equip == 13>>Wearing<</if>></p>\
<div id="index-gallery">
<div class="item">
<<if $dress4 is true>>\
<img src="Images\clothes\bluedress.png" style="width: 100px; height: 150px; margin-bottom: 20px; margin-top: -3px;" alt=""/>\
<p><<if $equip !==14 and $dress4 is true>>[[Wear your blue dress|EquipBlueDress]]
<<elseif $equip == 14>>Wearing<</if>></p>\
<div id="index-gallery">
<span class ="newhr">\
<div class="item">
<<if $dress5 is true>>\
<img src="Images\clothes\sluttydress.png" style="width: 100px; height: 150px; margin-bottom: 20px; margin-top: 35px;" alt=""/>\
<p><<if $equip !==15 and $dress5 is true>>[[Wear your slutty dress|EquipSluttyDress1]]
<<elseif $equip == 15>>Wearing<</if>></p>\
<div id="index-gallery">
<div class="item">
<<if $dress6 is true>>\
<img src="Images\clothes\sluttydress2.png" style="width: 100px; height: 150px; margin-bottom: 20px; margin-top: 12px;" alt=""/>\
<p><<if $equip !==16 and $dress6 is true>>[[Wear your slutty dress|EquipSluttyDress2]]
<<elseif $equip == 16>>Wearing<</if>></p>\
<div id="index-gallery">
<div class="item">
<<if $dress7 is true>>\
<img src="Images\clothes\sluttydress3.png" style="width: 100px; height: 150px; margin-bottom: 20px; margin-top: -15px;" alt=""/>\
<p><<if $equip !==17 and $dress7 is true>>[[Wear your slutty dress|EquipSluttyDress3]]
<<elseif $equip == 17>>Wearing<</if>></p>\
<div id="index-gallery">
<div class="item">
<<if $dress8 is true>>\
<img src="Images\clothes\sluttydress4.png" style="width: 100px; height: 150px; margin-bottom: 20px; margin-top: -41px;" alt=""/>\
<p><<if $equip !==18 and $dress8 is true>>[[Wear your slutty dress|EquipSluttyDress4]]
<<elseif $equip == 18>>Wearing<</if>></p>\
<span class ="newhr">\
<div class="item">
<<if $qostop is true>>\
<img src="Images\clothes\qostop.png" style="width: 100px; height: 150px; margin-bottom: 20px; margin-top: 35px;" alt=""/>\
<p><<if $equip !==99 and $qostop is true>>[[Wear your QOS Top|EquipQosTop]]
<<elseif $equip == 99>>Wearing<</if>></p>\
<div id="index-gallery">
<div class="item">
<span class ="backwardrobetop"> <a data-passage="Outfits" class="link-internal link-image">
<img src="images\resources\back.png">
<span class ="topoff"> <a data-passage="Topoff" class="link-internal link-image">
<img src="images\resources\topoff.png">
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\bottomslogo.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>\
<span class ="backwardrobeontop"> <a data-passage="Outfits" class="link-internal link-image">\
<img src="images\resources\back.png">\
<span class ="newhr">\
<div id="index-gallery">\
<div class="item">\
<img src="Images\clothes\jeans.png" width="50px" height="150px" alt=""/>
<p><<if $bottom !==1>>[[Wear your casual jeans|Pants1]]<<elseif $bottom == 1>>Wearing<</if>></p>\
<<if $bottom2 is false>>\
<div id="index-gallery">\
<div class="item">
<img src="images\clothes\professionalpantsgrey.png" width="150px" height="150px" alt=""/>
<center> You don't own this</center>
<p> </p>\
<div id="index-gallery">\
<div class="item">
<img src="images\clothes\professionalpants.png" width="50px" height="150px" alt=""/>
<p><<if $bottom !==2>>[[Wear your classy pants|Pants2]]<<elseif $bottom == 2>>Wearing<</if>></p>\
<<if $bottom3 is false>>\
<div id="index-gallery">\
<div class="item">
<img src="images\clothes\sportshortsgrey.png" width="150px" height="150px" alt=""/>
<center>You don't own this</center>
<p> </p>\
<div id="index-gallery">\
<div class="item">
<img src="images\clothes\sportshorts.png" width="150px" height="150px" alt=""/>
<p><<if $bottom !==3>>[[Wear your sports pants|Pants3]]<<elseif $bottom == 3>>Wearing<</if>></p>\
<<if $bottom4 is false>>\
<div id="index-gallery">\
<div class="item">
<img src="images\clothes\pyjamapantsgrey.png" width="50px" height="150px" alt=""/>
<center>You don't own this.</center>
<p> </p>\
<div id="index-gallery">\
<div class="item">
<img src="images\clothes\pyjamapants.png" width="100px" height="150px" alt=""/>
<p><<if $bottom !==4>>[[Wear your pyjama pants|Pants4]]<<elseif $bottom == 4>>Wearing<</if>></p>\
<span class ="newhr">
<<if $bottom5 is false>>\
<div id="index-gallery">\
<div class="item">
<img src="images\clothes\uniformpantsgrey.png" width="150px" height="150px" alt=""/>
<center> You don't own this</center>
<p> </p>\
<span class ="newhr">
<div id="index-gallery">
<div class="item">
<img src="Images\clothes\uniformpants.png" style="width: 100px; height: 150px; margin-bottom: 20px; margin-top: -53px;" alt=""/>\
<p><<if $bottom !==5>>[[Wear your uniform pants|Pants5]]<<elseif $bottom == 5>>Wearing<</if>></p>\
<div class="item">
<<if $skirt1 is true>>\
<img src="Images\clothes\pinkskirt.png" style="width: 100px; height: 150px; margin-bottom: 20px; margin-top: -53px;" alt=""/>\
<p><<if $bottom !==6 and $skirt1 is true>>[[Wear your pink skirt|EquipSkirt1]]
<<elseif $bottom == 6>>Wearing<</if>></p>\
<div class="item">
<<if $skirt2 is true>>\
<img src="Images\clothes\whiteskirt.png" style="width: 100px; height: 150px; margin-bottom: 20px; margin-top: -53px;" alt=""/>\
<p><<if $bottom !==7 and $skirt2 is true>>[[Wear your white skirt|EquipSkirt2]]
<<elseif $bottom == 7>>Wearing<</if>></p>\
<div class="item">
<<if $skirt3 is true>>\
<img src="Images\clothes\redskirt.png" style="width: 100px; height: 150px; margin-bottom: 20px; margin-top: -53px;" alt=""/>\
<p><<if $bottom !==8 and $skirt3 is true>>[[Wear your red skirt|EquipSkirt3]]
<<elseif $bottom == 8>>Wearing<</if>></p>\
<span class ="newhr">
<div class="item">
<<if $skirt4 is true>>\
<img src="Images\clothes\blueskirt.png" style="width: 100px; height: 150px; margin-bottom: 20px; margin-top: -53px;" alt=""/>\
<p><<if $bottom !==9 and $skirt4 is true>>[[Wear your blue skirt|EquipSkirt4]]
<<elseif $bottom == 9>>Wearing<</if>></p>\
<div class="item">
<<if $skirt5 is true>>\
<img src="Images\clothes\blackskirt.png" style="width: 100px; height: 150px; margin-bottom: 20px; margin-top: -53px;" alt=""/>\
<p><<if $bottom !==10 and $skirt5 is true>>[[Wear your black skirt|EquipSkirt5]]
<<elseif $bottom == 10>>Wearing<</if>></p>\
<div class="item">
<<if $sluttyshorts1 is true>>\
<img src="Images\clothes\sluttyshorts.png" style="width: 100px; height: 150px; margin-bottom: 20px; margin-top: -53px;" alt=""/>\
<p><<if $bottom !==11 and $sluttyshorts1 is true>>[[Wear your slutty shorts|EquipSluttyShorts]]
<<elseif $bottom == 11>>Wearing<</if>></p>\
<<if $femalejeans1 is true>>\
<img src="Images\clothes\femaleskinnyjeans.png" style="width: 100px; height: 150px; margin-bottom: 20px; margin-top: -11px;" alt=""/>\
<p><<if $bottom !==12 and $femalejeans1 is true>>[[Wear your female jeans|EquipFemaleJeans]]
<<elseif $bottom == 12>>Wearing<</if>></p>\
<span class ="newhr">
<div class="item">
<<if $teacheruniformbought is true>>\
<img src="Images\clothes\schoolgirlbottom1.png" style="width: 100px; height: 125px; margin-bottom: 20px; margin-top: -53px;" alt=""/>\
<p><<if $bottom !==13 and $teacheruniformbought is true>>[[Wear your schoolgirl skirt|EquipSchoolGirlSkirt]]
<<elseif $bottom == 13>>Wearing<</if>></p>\
<div class="item">
<<if $qosshorts is true>>\
<img src="Images\clothes\qosshorts.png" style="width: 100px; height: 125px; margin-bottom: 20px; margin-top: -53px;" alt=""/>\
<p><<if $bottom !==99 and $qosshorts is true>>[[Wear your QOS shorts|EquipQosShorts]]
<<elseif $bottom == 99>>Wearing<</if>></p>\
<span class ="backwardrobebottom"> <a data-passage="Outfits" class="link-internal link-image">
<img src="images\resources\back.png">
<span class ="bottomoff1"> <a data-passage="Bottomsoff" class="link-internal link-image">
<img src="images\resources\bottomsoff.png">
<<set $bottom to 0>>
<<goto "Bottoms">><<set $underwear to 0>>
<<set $bra to 0>>
<<goto "Underwear">><<set $equip to 0>>
<<goto "Tops">><<set $shoes to 0>>
<<goto "Shoes">><<set $bottom to 1>>
<<if $equip ==6>>
<<set $equip to 0>>
<<elseif $equip ==12>>
<<set $equip to 0>>
<<elseif $equip ==13>>
<<set $equip to 0>>
<<elseif $equip ==14>>
<<set $equip to 0>>
<<elseif $equip ==15>>
<<set $equip to 0>>
<<elseif $equip ==16>>
<<set $equip to 0>>
<<elseif $equip ==17>>
<<set $equip to 0>>
<<elseif $equip ==18>>
<<set $equip to 0>>
<<goto "Bottoms">><<set $bottom to 2>>
<<if $equip ==6>>
<<set $equip to 0>>
<<elseif $equip ==12>>
<<set $equip to 0>>
<<elseif $equip ==13>>
<<set $equip to 0>>
<<elseif $equip ==14>>
<<set $equip to 0>>
<<elseif $equip ==15>>
<<set $equip to 0>>
<<elseif $equip ==16>>
<<set $equip to 0>>
<<elseif $equip ==17>>
<<set $equip to 0>>
<<elseif $equip ==18>>
<<set $equip to 0>>
<<goto "Bottoms">><<set $bottom to 3>>
<<if $equip ==6>>
<<set $equip to 0>>
<<elseif $equip ==12>>
<<set $equip to 0>>
<<elseif $equip ==13>>
<<set $equip to 0>>
<<elseif $equip ==14>>
<<set $equip to 0>>
<<elseif $equip ==15>>
<<set $equip to 0>>
<<elseif $equip ==16>>
<<set $equip to 0>>
<<elseif $equip ==17>>
<<set $equip to 0>>
<<elseif $equip ==18>>
<<set $equip to 0>>
<<goto "Bottoms">><<set $bottom to 4>>
<<if $equip ==6>>
<<set $equip to 0>>
<<elseif $equip ==12>>
<<set $equip to 0>>
<<elseif $equip ==13>>
<<set $equip to 0>>
<<elseif $equip ==14>>
<<set $equip to 0>>
<<elseif $equip ==15>>
<<set $equip to 0>>
<<elseif $equip ==16>>
<<set $equip to 0>>
<<elseif $equip ==17>>
<<set $equip to 0>>
<<elseif $equip ==18>>
<<set $equip to 0>>
<<goto "Bottoms">><<set $bottom to 5>>
<<if $equip ==6>>
<<set $equip to 0>>
<<elseif $equip ==12>>
<<set $equip to 0>>
<<elseif $equip ==13>>
<<set $equip to 0>>
<<elseif $equip ==14>>
<<set $equip to 0>>
<<elseif $equip ==15>>
<<set $equip to 0>>
<<elseif $equip ==16>>
<<set $equip to 0>>
<<elseif $equip ==17>>
<<set $equip to 0>>
<<elseif $equip ==18>>
<<set $equip to 0>>
<<goto "Bottoms">><<set $shoes to 1>>
<<goto "Shoes">><<set $shoes to 2>>
<<goto "Shoes">><<set $shoes to 3>>
<<goto "Shoes">><<set $shoes to 4>>
<<goto "Shoes">><<set $shoes to 5>>
<<goto "Shoes">><<set $underwear to 1>>
<<goto "Underwear">><<set $underwear to 2>>
<<goto "Underwear">><<set $underwear to 7>>
<<goto "Underwear">><<set $underwear to 8>>
<<goto "Underwear">><<set $underwear to 9>>
<<goto "Underwear">><<set $underwear to 6>>
<<goto "Underwear">><<set $equip to 5>>
<<set $shoes to 5>>
<<set $bottom to 5>>
<<goto "Outfits">>
<<set $equip to 1>>
<<set $shoes to 1>>
<<set $bottom to 1>>
<<goto "Outfits">><<set $equip to 2>>
<<set $shoes to 2>>
<<set $bottom to 2>>
<<goto "Outfits">><<set $equip to 3>>
<<set $shoes to 3>>
<<set $bottom to 3>>
<<goto "Outfits">><<set $equip to 4>>
<<set $shoes to 4>>
<<set $bottom to 4>>
<<goto "Outfits">><<set $outfit2 to true>>
<<set $money to $money-80>>
<<goto "ClothesShop">><<set $outfit3 to true>>
<<set $money to $money-40>>
<<goto "ClothesShop">><<set $shoes3 to true>>
<<set $money to $money-40>>
<<goto "ShoeShop">><<set $shoes2 to true>>
<<set $money to $money-80>>
<<goto "ShoeShop">><<set $panties1 to true>>
<<set $money to $money-50>>
<<goto "LingerieShop">><<set $panties2 to true>>
<<set $money to $money-50>>
<<goto "LingerieShop">><<set $panties3 to true>>
<<set $money to $money-50>>
<<goto "LingerieShop">><<set $panties4 to true>>
<<set $money to $money-50>>
<<goto "LingerieShop">><<set $bra1 to true>>
<<set $money to $money-50>>
<<goto "LingerieShop">><<set $bra2 to true>>
<<set $money to $money-50>>
<<goto "LingerieShop">><<set $bra3 to true>>
<<set $money to $money-50>>
<<goto "LingerieShop">><<set $bra4 to true>>
<<set $money to $money-50>>
<<goto "LingerieShop">><<set $bottom2 to true>>
<<set $money to $money-40>>
<<goto "ClothesShop">><<set $bottom3 to true>>
<<set $money to $money-40>>
<<goto "ClothesShop">><<set $underwear to 10>>
<<goto "Underwear">><<set $bra to 1>>
<<goto "Underwear">><<set $bra to 4>>
<<goto "Underwear">><<set $bra to 2>>
<<goto "Underwear">><<set $bra to 3>>
<<goto "Underwear">><center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\parentsroom.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><img src="images\city\parentsbedroom.jpg" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>
<b><center> Searching..</center></b>
<<if $mompantiesfound is false>>
<<goto "mompantiesfound">>
<<elseif $mompantiesfound is true and $money <= 200>>
<<goto `either("Moneyfound", "Nothingfound")`>>\
<<goto "Nothingfound">>
<</if>><center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\parentsroom.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><img src="images\city\parentsbedroom.jpg" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>
<b><center> As you're searching through your moms belongings, you stumble upon a pair of panties that she left on top of the shelf, you grab them and take a whiff and realize they are not used.</center></b>
<center><img src="images\clothes\mompanties.png" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>
<b><you> - What should I do with these?</you></b> - you think to yourself.
<div id="choice">
<<linkreplace "<pink><center> • Try them on in your room</center></pink>">>\
<<replace "#choice">>\
<<goto "RoomRandomEvent">>
<div id="choice">
<<linkreplace "<blue><center> • Take them to your room and use it as fap material</center></blue>">>
<<replace "#choice">>
<<goto "RoomRandomEventDom">>
<center>[[Back|Parents room]]</center>
<div id="choice">
<<linkreplace "<center><white> • just put them where they were</white></center>">>
<<replace "#choice">>
<b><center> You just put the panties back where they were and leave, not wanting to alarm your mother.</center></b>
<center>[[Back|Parents room]]</center>
<<set $mompantiesfound to false>>
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\parentsroom.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><img src="images\city\parentsbedroom.jpg" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>
<b><center> You search your moms belongings and find a <green>5€</green> bill sitting around and decide to take it.</center></b>
<center><img src="images\events\5eurosbill.png"></center>
<b><center><green> +5 Euros!</green></center></b>
<<set $money to $money+5>>
<center>[[Back|Parents room]]</center><center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\parentsroom.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><img src="images\city\parentsbedroom.jpg" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>
<b><center> You look around in the room but you find nothing of use to you.</center></b>
<center>[[Back|Parents room]]</center><center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\bedroom.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><img src="images\city\bedroom.jpg" height = "400px" width = "750px">
<b><center> You enter your room and take another good look at the panties in your hand and get the urge to try them on to see what they feel like, are they any different from male underwear?</center></b>\
<b><center> Slowly you undress in your room and start putting the panties on.</center></b>\
<center><img src="images\events\wearingmompanties.png" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>\
<b><you> - They feel.. interesting.. definitely different from male underwear, they are more.. silky? It gives a feeling of freedom that you dont get from male underwear.</you></b> - you analyze and think about what you're feeling.
<<set $submissive to $submissive+1>>\
<b><center><pink> Submissiveness +1!</pink></center></b>\
<b><center> When you're done wearing them, you ponder what you're going to do with them now</center></b>
<div id="choice">
<<linkreplace "<pink><center> • Keep them</center></pink>">>\
<<replace "#choice">>\
<b><you> - I think I'll keep them for later.. who knows if they wont be useful.. and surely <mom>$momname</mom> won't miss a pair..</you></b> - you tell yourself as you store the panties in a hidden place.
<<set $submissive to $submissive+1>>\
<<set $mompantiesfound to true>>
<b><center><pink> Submissiveness +1!</pink></center></b>\
<b><center><mom> Mom panties added to inventory.</mom></center></b>
<<set $mompanties to true>>\
<div id="choice">
<<linkreplace "<white><center> • Put them back where they were in your mom's room</center></white>">>\
<<replace "#choice">>\
<<goto "MomPantiesPutBack">>
</div><center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\parentsroom.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><img src="images\city\parentsbedroom.jpg" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>
<b><you> - I don't want <mom>$momname</mom> to miss a pair of panties and come questioning something.. and what do I want panties for..?</you></b> - you tell yourself as you go back to your moms room and put the panties back where they were.
<<set $mompanties to false>>
<center>[[Go back to your room|Room]]</center><<set $underwear to 11>>
<<goto "Underwear">><center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\bedroom.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><img src="images\city\bedroom.jpg" height = "400px" width = "750px">
<b><center> As you enter your bedroom, you quickly undress your pants and lay on your bed, ready to use your moms panties as fap fuel</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\Fappingtopanties.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><you> - Fuck.. I wish these were used, they feel incredible around my cock.. it feels kinda wrong to do this.. but it's arousing..</you></b> - you tell yourself as you get ready to blast on your <mom>$momname</mom> panties.
<b><you> - Hmph... I'm close.. I'm gonna fucking blast with them.. it's so wrong to imagine my own mom but.. it's so good at the same time.. F..fF..Fuuck!!</you></b> - you scream as you cum with the panties wrapped around your cock.
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\Masturbationpantiesdom.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<<set $dominant to $dominant+1>>\
<b><center><blue> Dominant +1!</blue></center></b>\
<b><center> As you finish cumming you look at the panties and decide to
<div id="choice">
<<linkreplace "<blue><center> • Keep them</center></blue>">>\
<<replace "#choice">>\
<b><you> - I think I'll keep them for later.. who knows if they wont be useful again.. and surely <mom>$momname</mom> won't miss a pair..</you></b> - you tell yourself as you store the panties in a hidden place.
<<set $dominant to $dominant+1>>\
<b><center><blue> Dominant +1!</blue></center></b>\
<b><center> Mom panties added to inventory.</center></b>
<<set $mompanties to true>>\
<div id="choice">
<<linkreplace "<white><center> • Put them back where they were in your mom's room</center></white>">>\
<<replace "#choice">>\
<<goto "MomPantiesPutBack">>
</div><center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\sistersroom.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><img src="images\city\sisterbedroom.png" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>
<b><center> Searching..</center></b>
<<if $sisterbrafound is false>>
<<goto "sisterbrafound">>
<<elseif $sisterbrafound is true and $money <= 200>>
<<goto `either("sistermoneyfound", "sisternothingfound")`>>\
<<goto "sisternothingfound">>
<</if>><center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\sistersroom.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><img src="images\city\sisterbedroom.png" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>
<b><center> As you're searching through your sisters belongings, you stumble upon a black bra that she left on top of her bed, you grab them and smell them, noticing they smell freshly washed.</center></b>
<center><img src="images\clothes\sisterbra.png" height = "400px" width = "450px"></center>
<b><you> - What should I do with these?</you></b> - you think to yourself.
<div id="choice">
<<linkreplace "<pink><center> • Try them on in your room</center></pink>">>\
<<replace "#choice">>\
<<goto "RoomRandomEventSis">>
<div id="choice">
<<linkreplace "<blue><center> • Take them to your room and use it as fap material</center></blue>">>
<<replace "#choice">>
<<goto "RoomRandomEventSisDom">>
<div id="choice">
<<linkreplace "<center><white> • just put them where they were</white></center>">>
<<replace "#choice">>
<b><center> You just put the bra back where they were and leave, not wanting to alarm your sister.</center></b>
<center>[[Back|Sister room]]</center>
<<set $sisterbrafound to false>>
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\sistersroom.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><img src="images\city\sisterbedroom.png" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>
<b><center> You search your sisters belongings and find a <green>5€</green> bill sitting around and decide to take it.</center></b>
<center><img src="images\events\5eurosbill.png"></center>
<b><center><green> +5 Euros!</green></center></b>
<<set $money to $money+5>>
<center>[[Back|Sister room]]</center><center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\sistersroom.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><img src="images\city\sisterbedroom.png" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>
<b><center> You look around in the room but you find nothing of use to you.</center></b>
<center>[[Back|Sister room]]</center><center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\bedroom.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><img src="images\city\bedroom.jpg" height = "400px" width = "750px">
<b><center> You enter your room and take another good look at the bra in your hand and get the urge to try them on to see what they feel like around your chest.</center></b>\
<b><center> Slowly you undress in your room and start trying to put on the bra but you struggle a little since you have no experience , but eventually you manage to put them on.</center></b>\
<b><you> - Why is this so hard to put on jesus.. you need a goddamn course..</you></b> - you say, tired.
<b><center> You take a look at the mirror to see how it looks on you</center></b>
<center><img src="images\events\wearingsisterbra.png" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>\
<b><you> - They feel.. kinda uncomfortable theres really no reason for me to use this I have no boobs, but it looks interesting.. kinda hot..</you></b> - you analyze and think about what you're feeling.
<<set $submissive to $submissive+1>>\
<b><center><pink> Submissiveness +1!</pink></center></b>\
<b><center> When you're done wearing them, you ponder what you're going to do with them now</center></b>
<div id="choice">
<<linkreplace "<pink><center> • Keep them</center></pink>">>\
<<replace "#choice">>\
<b><you> - I think I'll keep them for later.. who knows if they wont be useful.. and surely <sister>$sistername</sister> won't miss a pair..</you></b> - you tell yourself as you store the bra in a hidden place.
<<set $submissive to $submissive+1>>\
<<set $sisterbrafound to true>>
<b><center><pink> Submissiveness +1!</pink></center></b>\
<b><center><mom> Sisters bra added to inventory.</mom></center></b>
<<set $sisterbra to true>>\
<div id="choice">
<<linkreplace "<white><center> • Put them back where they were in your sisters room</center></white>">>\
<<replace "#choice">>\
<<goto "SisterBraPutBack">>
</div><center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\bedroom.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><img src="images\city\bedroom.jpg" height = "400px" width = "750px">
<b><center> You enter your bedroom and lock the door making sure no one enters in the middle of you using <sister>$sistername</sister> bra as fapping material</center></b>
<b><center> You quickly undress and lay the bra in your desk, you wrap your hands around your cock and start to masturbate furiously to them </center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\masturbationtobra.png"></span></center>
<b><you> - God.. what if I blast cum on them and let it dry and put it back in place.. that would be so hot.. bet she wouldn't notice, jut walking around with my dried on cum on her tits</you></b> - you dirty talk to yourself, while continuously fapping.
<b><you> - Hmph... I'm close.. I'm gonna fucking spray all over them.. that little slut doesn't know what's coming for her...!</you></b> - you scream as you spray cum all over your sisters bra
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\sisterbracum.png"></span></center>
<<set $dominant to $dominant+1>>\
<b><center><blue> Dominant +1!</blue></center></b>\
<b><center> As you finish cumming you look at the bra and decide to
<div id="choice">
<<linkreplace "<blue><center> • Keep it</center></blue>">>\
<<replace "#choice">>\
<b><you> - I think I'll keep it for later.. who knows if they wont be useful again.. and surely <sister>$sistername</sister> won't miss a pair..</you></b> - you tell yourself as you store the bra in a hidden place.
<<set $dominant to $dominant+1>>\
<b><center><blue> Dominant +1!</blue></center></b>\
<b><center> Sister bra added to inventory.</center></b>
<<set $sisterbra to true>>\
<div id="choice">
<<linkreplace "<white><center> • Put them back where they where in your sisters room</center></white>">>\
<<replace "#choice">>\
<<goto "SisterBraPutBack">>
</div><center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\sistersroom.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><img src="images\city\sisterbedroom.png" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>
<b><you> - Better put <sister>$sistername</sister>'s bra back in place, I know how she acts if something gets stolen from her and she will come looking, either way what do I want a bra for?</you></b> - you tell yourself as you go back to your sisters room and put the bra back where it was
<<set $sisterbra to false>>
<center>[[Go back to your room|Room]]</center><<set $bra to 5>>
<<goto "Underwear">><center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\bathroom.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><img src="images\city\bathroom.jpg" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>
<b><center> Searching..</center></b>
<<if $lipstickfound is false>>
<<goto "lipstickfound">>
<<elseif $lipstickfound is true and $money <= 200>>
<<goto `either("bathroomMoneyfound", "bathroomNothingfound")`>>\
<<goto "bathroomNothingfound">>
<</if>><center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\bathroom.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><img src="images\city\bathroom.jpg" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>
<b><center> You start roaming around the bathroom looking for anything that might interest you when you notice a red lipstick belonging to <mom>$momname</mom></center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\momlipstick.png"></span></center>
<b><you> - I wonder what it's like to put lipstick on, is it hard? Probably gonna look pretty bad on me but..</you></b>
<b><center> You take another glimpse at it and decide to</center></b>
<div id="choice">
<<linkreplace "<pink><center> • Try it on</center></pink>">>\
<<replace "#choice">>\
<<goto "lipsticktry">>
<div id="choice">
<<linkreplace "<center><white> • Just leave it there</white></center>">>
<<replace "#choice">>
<b><center> You realize that would be really weird to put make up on as a guy and decide to just leave it there, your mom will put it back in place eventually.</center></b>
<<set $lipstickfound to false>>
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\bathroom.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><img src="images\city\bathroom.jpg" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>
<b><center> You search around the bathroom <green>5€</green> bill sitting around and decide to take it.</center></b>
<center><img src="images\events\5eurosbill.png"></center>
<b><center><green> +5 Euros!</green></center></b>
<<set $money to $money+5>>
<center>[[Back|Bathroom]]</center><center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\bathroom.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><img src="images\city\bathroom.jpg" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>
<b><center> You look around in the room but you find nothing of use to you.</center></b>
<center>[[Back|Bathroom]]</center><center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\bathroom.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><img src="images\city\bathroom.jpg" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>
<b><center> You grab the lipstick and start applying it on your lips carefully, trying to make it as good as possible</center></b>
<b><you> - Careful.. If I smear it, I'm gonna look like a goddamn Joker and that's not the objective here..</you></b>
<b><center> You are clearly inexperienced on putting it on and struggle quite a bit, but eventually you manage to put it on and take a look at the mirror</center></b>
<b><you> - Jesus how do women manage to do this so well? This is really hard.. but you know what it doesn't look that bad.. I did a pretty satisfactory job..</you></b> - you tell yourself while smiling at the mirror
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\redlipstickguy.jpg"></span></center>
<b><center> After taking a good look and enjoying yourself, you feel kinda different from putting on makeup for the first time, but eventually just wipe it off</center></b>
<b><you> - That was fun.</you></b> - you declare.
<<set $lipstickfound to true>>
<<set $submissive to $submissive+1>>\
<b><center><pink> Submissiveness +1!</pink></center></b>\
<center>[[Leave|Bathroom]]</center><center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\watchingtv.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><img src="images\other\watchingtv.gif" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>\
<b><center> As you are watching tv and zapping around, you come across an ad on the TV that is different from what you are used to</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\Sissyad.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<div id="choice">
<<linkreplace "<pink><center> • Keep watching the ad</center></pink>">>\
<<replace "#choice">>\
<<goto "sissyad">>
<div id="choice">
<<linkreplace "<blue><center> • Switch the channel and put some porn you like more</center></blue>">>
<<replace "#choice">>
<<goto "domporn">>
<div id="choice">
<<linkreplace "<center><white> • Just shut the TV down and go to your room</white></center>">>
<<replace "#choice">>
<b><you> - Weird ass ad.. I'm going to my room whatever..</you></b> - you say as you get up and head upstairs to your room.
<<set $watchtvporn to false>>
<center>[[Go to your room|Room]]</center>
<<set $time to $time+1>>\
<<if $time == 3>>
<<set $time to $time-1>>
<</if>><center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\watchingtv.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><img src="images\other\watchingtv.gif" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>\
<b><center> You decide to keep watching the ad to see where this leads to, intrigued by the imagery on the screen.
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\Sissyhypno6.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><you> - Wh..what is this..? On daylight television..? Is he a guy..? Ehm.. </you></b> - you say, embarassed.
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\Sissyhypno7.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><center> More images keep playing but you decide it's enough and plug the TV off</center></b>
<b><center> You look down and see a tent in your pants</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\tentinpants.jpg"></span></center>
<b><you> - Huh.. weird..</you></b> - you say as you get up and head upstairs to your room.
<<set $watchtvporn to false>>
<<set $submissive to $submissive+1>>\
<b><center><pink> Submissiveness +1!</pink></center></b>\
<center>[[Go to your room|Room]]</center><center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\watchingtv.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><img src="images\other\watchingtv.gif" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>\
<b><center> You decide the ad that was playing was really weird and decide to swap to the next channel, where rough porn is playing and you quickly get aroused.
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\Roughporn.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><you> Oh yeah this is the stuff, choke that bitch..</you></b> - you say as you start unzipping your pants, getting ready to masturbate in the living room
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\Unzipping.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><center> You take your member out and start masturbating to the porn you are watching</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\Roughporn2.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><center> You get lost in the pleasure when seemingly outta nowhere, you hear your <mom>$momname</mom> entering the living room and catching you red handed.
<b><mom> - " <you>$name</you>??! What are you doing? Are you masturbating in the living room..?</mom></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\Momquestion.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><center> You think of how to respond to your mom and..</center></b>
<div id="choice">
<<linkreplace "<blue><center> • Keep your calm, stop masturbating and leave your cock out</center></blue>">>\
<<replace "#choice">>\
<b><you> - Oh hey <mom>$momname</mom> my bad, yeah, this really cool porn started playing and I couldn't control myself.</you></b> - you tell to your mom, with your cock out and pointing at the playing porn.
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\cockhangingout.jpeg"></span></center>
<b><mom> - " <you>$name</you> c..can you please shut the TV off and do that in your room.. uhm.. I'll get going.. please don't do that again..</mom></b> - your mom says, with her eyes focused on your cock, clearly flustered.
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\momembarassed.jpg"></span></center>
<b><you> - Sure mom, my bad! </you></b> - you tell your mom.
<b><center> The porn keeps playing in the background, and you decide to ignore your moms orders and just keep masturbating to the porn.
<b><you> - Like I care..</you></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\Roughporn3.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<<set $dominant to $dominant+2>>\
<b><center><blue> Dominant +2!</blue></center></b>\
<<set $watchtvporn to false>>
<center>[[Go back|Living Room]]</center>
<div id="choice">
<<linkreplace "<white><center> • Pull your pants up and head to your room</center></white>">>\
<<replace "#choice">>\
<b><you> - I'm sorry Mom..! I'll go upstairs.. this is embarassing..</you></b> - you say as you pass by your mom storming-
<b><mom> - "It's okay.. hun.. well, bye I guess..</mom></b> - your mom says shocked.
<center>[[Go to your room|Room]]</center>
<<set $watchtvporn to false>>
<<set $time to $time+1>>
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\detention.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><img src="images\city\detention.jpg" width = "550px"></center>
<b><center> As you enter the detention room, you see your teacher, <teacher>Ms.$nameteacher</teacher> waiting for you.</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\teachersitting.png"></span></center>
<b><teacher> - "Hello <you>$name</you>, please take a seat."</teacher></b> - your teacher tells you.
<b><center> You go ahead and do what she says and take a seat on the nearest seat to you possible.</center></b>
<b><teacher> - "So, you've been quite distracted on my classes and I didn't want to do this but it seems it's unevitable, I will need to punish you in some sorta way so you start behaving a little better and pay more attention alright?" </teacher></b> - your teacher speaks clearly looking at you.
<b><you> - Alright.. what do you need me to do <teacher>Ms.$nameteacher ?</teacher></you></b> - you ask your teacher
<<if $feminization == 0>>
<b><teacher> - "Please come up to the board and write <red> "I will obey <teacher>Ms.$nameteacher</teacher>" 10 times.</red></teacher></B> - your teacher orders you pointing to the board.
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\teacherdetentionwaiting.jpeg"></span></center>
<b><center> You are suprised by what she asks of you, and ultimately you decide to</center></b>
<div id="choice">
<<linkreplace "<pink><center> • Obey</center></pink>">>\
<<replace "#choice">>\
<b><you> - Alright.. I'll do it <teacher>Ms.$nameteacher</teacher></you></b> - you say as you head towards the board.
<b><teacher><font size ="-1"> - "Good boy.."</font></teacher></b> - your teacher whispers but you cant hear.
<b><center> As you arrive on the board you obediently write <red> "I will obey <teacher>Ms.$nameteacher"</teacher></red> and it makes you feel a little submissive..</center></b>
<<if $submissive <=30>>
<<set $submissive to $submissive+1>>\
<b><center><pink> Submissiveness +1!</pink></center></b>\
<b><center><white><u> This action won't increase your <pink>submission</pink> anymore.</u></white></center></b>
<b><center> You look back at your teacher and ask</center></b>
<b><you> - May I go now..?</you></b> - you ask <teacher>Ms.$nameteacher</teacher>
<b><teacher> - Yes, you have my permission.</teacher></b> - your teacher says with a devious smile in her face
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\devioussmile.png"></span></center>
<center>[[Leave and go back to the school hallway|School Hallway]]</center>\
<div id="choice">
<<linkreplace "<blue><center> • You won't write such thing, it's too much.</center></blue>">>\
<<replace "#choice">>\
<b><center> You look at your teacher and raise your eyebrow, and say to her</center></b>
<b><you> - I'm not writing that <teacher>Ms.$nameteacher</teacher> "obey" ? Can't you use some other word, I'm not some dog to be obeying an owner.</you></b> - you tell your teacher, smirking.
<b><center> Your teacher takes a good look at you up and down, sighs and says</center></b>
<b><teacher> - "Fine, just write <red>I will pay attention to <teacher>Ms.$nameteacher</teacher> classes</red> 10 times and you can go."</teacher></b> - your teacher tells you, clearly disappointed with your response.
<b><center> You head towards the board and write <red>"I will pay attention to <teacher>Ms.$nameteacher"</teacher> classes</red> 10 times and look at your teacher when you're done.</center></b>
<b><you> - Are we done here?</you></b> - you ask your teacher.
<b><teacher> - "Yes you may leave now, close the door as you leave.</teacher></b> - your teacher declares.
<<if $dominant <=20>>
<<set $dominant to $dominant+1>>\
<b><center><blue> Domination+1!</blue></center></b>\
<b><center><white><u> This action won't increase your <blue>domination anymore.</blue></u></white></center></b>
<center>[[Leave and go back to the school hallway|School Hallway]]</center>\
<</if>><<set $time to $time+1>>
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\detention.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><img src="images\city\detention.jpg" width = "550px"></center>
<b><center> As you enter the detention room, you see your teacher, <teacher>Ms.$nameteacher</teacher> smoking a cigarette waiting for you</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\smokingteacher.png"></span></center>
<b><teacher> - "Hello <you>$name</you>, please take a seat."</teacher></b> - your teacher tells you as she takes a puff
<b><center> You go ahead and do what she says and take a seat on the nearest seat to you possible.</center></b>
<b><teacher> - "So, you've been quite distracted on my classes and I didn't want to do this but it seems it's unevitable, I will need to punish you in some sorta way so you start behaving a little better and pay more attention alright?" </teacher></b> - your teacher speaks clearly looking at you.
<b><teacher> - "Well since last time you chose to come to school wearing panties I think it's fitting that you write <pink>"I like to wear panties to school"</pink> 10 times on the board, don't you agree </teacher><you>$name</you> ?</b> - your teacher says looking at you with a teasing smile on her face.
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\teasingsmile.jpg"></span></center>
<b><you> - That.. has an explanation..</you></b> - you try to explain to your teacher
<b><teacher> - "I don't care <you>$name</you>, just do it.</teacher></b> - she orders you
<b><center> You are embarassed by what your teacher asked you to do, but ultimately you decide to</center></b>
<div id="choice">
<<linkreplace "<pink><center> • Obey</center></pink>">>\
<<replace "#choice">>\
<b><you> - Just 10 times right..? <teacher>Ms.$nameteacher</teacher></you></b> - you say as you head towards the board.
<b><teacher> Yes, just 10 times..</teacher><font size ="-1"> - <teacher>"Good boy.."</teacher></font></b> - your teacher whispers but you cant hear.
<b><center> As you arrive on the board you obediently write <pink> "I like to wear panties to school"</pink> and it makes you feel a little submissive..</center></b>
<<if $submissive <=30>>
<<set $submissive to $submissive+1>>\
<b><center><pink> Submissiveness +1!</pink></center></b>\
<b><center><white><u> This action won't increase your <pink>submission</pink> anymore.</u></white></center></b>
<b><center> You look back at your teacher and ask</center></b>
<b><you> - May I go now..?</you></b> - you ask <teacher>Ms.$nameteacher</teacher>
<b><teacher> - Yes, you have my permission.</teacher></b> - your teacher says with a devious smile in her face
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\devioussmile.png"></span></center>
<center>[[Leave and go home|Room]]</center>
<div id="choice">
<<linkreplace "<blue><center> • You won't write such thing, it's too much.</center></blue>">>\
<<replace "#choice">>\
<b><center> You look at your teacher and raise your eyebrow, and say to her</center></b>
<b><you> - I'm not writing that <teacher>Ms.$nameteacher</teacher> that situation has an explanation, I didnt have anything else to wear and I had to use my sisters panties, it was a one time thing.</you></b> - you explain to your teacher.
<b><center> Your teacher takes a good look at you up and down, sighs and says</center></b>
<b><teacher> - "Fine, just write <red>I will pay attention to <teacher>Ms.$nameteacher</teacher> classes</red> 10 times and you can go."</teacher></b> - your teacher tells you, clearly disappointed with your response.
<b><center> You head towards the board and write <red>"I will pay attention to <teacher>Ms.$nameteacher"</teacher> classes</red> 10 times and look at your teacher when you're done.</center></b>
<b><you> - Are we done here?</you></b> - you ask your teacher.
<b><teacher> - "Yes you may leave now, close the door as you leave.</teacher></b> - your teacher declares.
<<if $dominant <=20>>
<<set $dominant to $dominant+1>>\
<b><center><blue> Domination+1!</blue></center></b>\
<b><center><white><u> This action won't increase your <blue>domination anymore.</blue></u></white></center></b>
<center>[[Leave and go back to the school hallway|School Hallway]]</center>
<<set $dadintro to false>>\
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\livingroom.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><img src="images\city\livingroom.jpg" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>
<b><center> As you enter the living room, you see your dad <dad>$dadname</dad> sitting on the couch watching some football game on the TV.</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\dadmeet.png"></span></center>
<b><center> This is your dad, a buff strong dude, always walking around without his shirt at home, you never understood why he does it but he's an extremely dominant man, he follows the old ways that his father taught him that men are supposed to lead and women to follow and since you were a kid, he has been educating you to be like him, so he always has your back and defends you whenever your mom scolds you, but over the time you have noticed that rubs off wrong in your mother even tho she doesn't say anything because she is extremely submissive to him, you never understood why he always has to put this macho atitude off.. maybe there's something hidden in him.</center></b>
<b><center> You look at your dad and greet him</center></b>
<b><you> - Hey dad, what are you watching?</you></b> - you ask your dad while taking a sit on coach near him.
<b><dad> - "Hey kid, just watching a Champions League game from yesterday, couldn't watch it because of work, you know how it is.. always working to provide for y'all." </dad></b> - your dad says as he shifts a little bit away from you when you sit.
<b><center> Even though you love your dad, you barely see him because of his work, he's the head of a construction site, he's always at his job and your mother doesn't have a job because he decided it'd be better that way, so he's the bread provider for the family and always has been.</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\Goal.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><you> - Oh I see dad, can I watch with you?</you></b> - you ask your dad
<b><dad> - "Sure kid lets spend some bonding time, hey, how's school going? Got the girls after you? You better have, I didn't raise any pansy"</dad></b> - your dad asks you looking at you questioning you.
<b><center> Your dad is also kinda.. homophobic, or atleast that's what he shows, he's always making jokes that he'll desert you if you aren't the typical macho man like him so you've always been scared of that and try to be his ideal in front of him</center></B>
<b><you> - Haha of course dad! Got them all lining up for me you know how it is</you></b> - you tell your dad, blatantly lying.
<b><dad> - "Hahaha that's my boy!"</dad></b> - your dad says as he hits your chest hard and laughs off
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\dadlaughing.png"></span></center>
<b><center> As you two are watching the football game, you notice he's in his underwear and he's messing around with his hand inside the boxers.. you look at it and</center></B>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\dadboxersmove.png"></span></center>
<div id="choice">
<<linkreplace "<pink><center> • Imagine what his dick looks like</center></pink>">>\
<<replace "#choice">>\
<<goto "DickImagineDad">>
<div id="choice">
<<linkreplace "<white><center> • Just ignore it and watch the game</center></white>">>
<<replace "#choice">>
<b><you><i> - What, why would I want to imagine my dads dick? That would be kinda weird..</i></you></b>
<b><center> After watching the game for a while you get kinda bored and decide that it's time go upstairs, you enjoyed your time with your dad.</center></b>
<b><you> - Im going upstairs pops, I'll see you later!</you></b>
<b><dad> - "See ya kid"</dad></b>
<center>[[Go upstairs|Room]]</center>
</div><center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\livingroom.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><img src="images\city\livingroom.jpg" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>
<b><center> You see your dad moving around his cock and you start seeing the outline of it.
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\cockoutline.jpg"></span></center>
<b><you><i> - I definitely didn't get my dads genes.. what is that.. it's nothing like mine..</i></you></b>
<b><center> You imagine what it would look like without the boxers on and an image comes to your mind
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\dadcockout.png"></span></center>
<b><you><i> - From the outline.. it's probably something massive like that.. why am I imaging this anyways..? It's my dad..</i></you></b> - you say as you zone back in, when you look back at your dad he notices you were looking and asks you.
<b><dad> - "You alright kid, you zoned out a little bit there"</dad></b> - you dad asks you with an eyebrow raised
<b><you> - Yeah I'm okay, lets watch the game!</you></b> - you say pointing at the tv and shifting comfortably on the couch.
<<set $submissive to $submissive +1>>
<b><pink><center> Submissiveness +1!</center></pink></b>
<center>[[Go back|Living Room]]</center>
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\kitchen.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><img src="images\city\kitchen.jpg" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>
<b><center> As you enter the kitchen you notice your mom is cooking dinner</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\momcooking.png"></span></center>
<b><you> - Hey mom, what are you cooking for dinner?</you></b> - you say as you sit on a chair and look at your mom cooking
<b><center> Your mom turns around and looking at you she says</center></b>
<center><img src="images\events\momcooking2.jpg" width ="416px" height ="510px"></center>
<b><mom> - "Hey hun, we're having roasted beef with potatoes, you're gonna watch mom cook like good old times?"</mom></b> - your mom says excited that you're watching
<b><you> - Ehh.. Sure I can stay for a while and keep you company</you></b> - you answer your mom reluctantly
<b><center> As your mom is cooking you look at her from behind and </center></b>
<div id="choice">
<<linkreplace "<blue><center> • Imagine her cooking in her underwear</center></blue>">>\
<<replace "#choice">>\
<<goto "ImagineMomCooking">>
<div id="choice">
<<linkreplace "<pink><center> • Imagine yourself as an housewife cooking for your husband</center></pink>">>
<<replace "#choice">>
<<goto "ImagineHouseWife">>
</div><center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\kitchen.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><img src="images\city\kitchen.jpg" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>
<b><center> You zone out and start imaging your mother $momname in her underwear cooking for you</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\imaginemomcook.png"></span></center>
<b><center> As you keep imaging you feel your cock get hard in your pants and you start rubbing it</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\cockrubbing.jpg"></span></center>
<b><center> You decide it's time for you to jerk one off and tell your mom you're going upstairs.</center></b>
<b><you> - Hey ma, I'm going upstairs I have to do something I forgot to do earlier, call me when dinner is done</you></b> - you tell your mom as you get up.
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\momgap.jpg"></span></center>
<b><center> When you get up you notice your mom doesnt answer you immediately and instead is staring at your crotch with her mouth slightly open, looking down you notice your hard cock is completely visible through your pants</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\cockhardthrupants.jpg"></span></center>
<b><mom> - "S..sure hun, go ahead.. you clearly got alot to do on your hands.."</mom></b> - your mom says visibly embarassed while switching between staring at your crotch and at you
<b><you> - Ehm.. Yeah see you later mom.</you></b> - you say, flustered while leaving the kitchen
<<if $dominant <=25>>
<<set $dominant to $dominant+1>>\
<b><center><blue> Domination+1!</blue></center></b>\
<b><center><white><u> This action won't increase your <blue>domination anymore.</blue></u></white></center></b>
<<set $time to $time+1>>
<center>[[Go upstairs to your room|Room]]</center>
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\kitchen.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><img src="images\city\kitchen.jpg" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>
<b><center> As you watch your mom cook you start zoning out and imagine a situation where you are in her shoes, cooking for your husband waiting for him to get home</center></b>
<center><img src="images\events\sissycooking.png" width="416px"
<b><center> You imagine him coming home and as he arrives, he'd add his own special sauce to your plate</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\Specialsauce.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><center> Your mom drops something in the kitchen and you snap out but when you look down you notice you have a huge boner and decide it's time to go jerk one off upstairs</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\cockhardthrupants2.jpg"></span></center>
<b><you> - Hey ma, I'm going upstairs, I just remembered I have something to finish upstairs, call me when dinner is ready.</you></b> - you say you start heading upstairs.
<b><mom> - "Oh okay, I'll call you down soon</mom></b> - your mom says smiling at you.
<center><img src="images\events\momsmiling.jpg" width="416px"
<<if $submissive <=20>>
<<set $submissive to $submissive+1>>
<center><pink><b> Submissiveness +1!</b></pink></center>
<b><center><white><u> This action won't increase your <pink>submission</pink> anymore.</u></white></center></b>
<<set $time to $time+1>>
<center>[[Go upstairs to your room|Room]]</center>
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\mall.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><img src="images\city\mall.jpg" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>
<b><center> It's Saturday! And as per usual when it's Saturday you, <mom>$momname</mom> and <sister>$sistername</sister> go to the Budapest Mall to buy groceries and anything any of you need.</center></b>
<b><mom> - "We're here! <you>$name</you>, <sister>$sistername</sister> I want you two to get along okay? No more fighting over who wants what and where we are going, we have time for everything! Behave in front of everyone please don't embarass me.</mom></b> - your mom says looking at both of you
<center><span class="eventimg"><img src="images\events\mommall.png" height = "400px" width = "750px"></span></center>\
<b><sister> - "Humph, I don't do anything, if <you>$name</you> wasn't so stupid perhaps we could get things done sooner that's all</sister></b> - your sister says while looking away from you.
<center><span class="eventimg"><img src="images\events\sisterlookingaway.jpg" height = "400px" width = "750px"></span></center>\
<b><mom> - "<sister>$sistername</sister>! This is exactly what I'm talking about, be nice to your brother.</mom></b> - your mom scolds your sister.
<b><sister> - "Pfft, whatever..</sister></b> - your sister just shrugs your mom.
<b><center> You start walking through the mall and your mom goes into a store and leaves you and your sister together alone.</center></b>
<b><center> As if taking the chance that your mom isn't here, your sister turns to you and says <center>
<center><span class="eventimg"><img src="images\events\sisterorder.jpg" height = "400px" width = "750px"></span></center>\
<b><sister> - "Hey dork, carry my purse and my bags for me, it's really heavy and my arm hurts.</sister></b> - your sister says, making it sound like a demand instead of a favor.
<b><center> You look at her and decide to</center></b>
<div id="choice">\
<<linkreplace "<pink><center> •Obey her and hold her purse and her bags</center></pink>">>\
<<replace "#choice">>\
<<goto "HoldingPurse">>\
<div id="choice">
<<linkreplace "<blue><center> • Don't hold her purse and her bags</center></blue>">>\
<<replace "#choice">>\
<<goto "NotHoldingPurse">>\
</div><center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\beach.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><img src="images\city\beach.png" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>
<b><center> As per tradition, on Sundays you and your family go to the lovely Beach in Budapest to enjoy the good weather.</center></b>
<b><dad> - "Here we are girls, enjoy your time, don't stray away too much and be careful if you go to the water, if anything happens, call me or <you>$name</you> and we will come running, right kid?"</dad></b> - your dad says slapping your back
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\Slapontheback.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><you> - Right.. right..</you></b> - you say adjusting your back.
<b><center> You stop for a minute to ogle your sister and your mother in their bikinis</center></b>
<center><span class="eventimg"><img src="images\events\mombikini.jpg" height = "400px" width = "750px"></span></center>\
<center><span class="eventimg"><img src="images\events\sisterbikini.jpg" height = "400px" width = "750px"></span></center>\
<b><you> - They look really hot..</you></b> - you mumble to yourself.
<b><center> Some time passes by and you recieve a message from your girlfriend</center></b>
<<set $gfbeachmsg to true>>
<center>[[Open the message|gfbeachmsg]]</center><center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\mall.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><img src="images\city\mall.jpg" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>
<b><center> You cave in and accept <sister>$sistername</sister> orders.</center></b>
<b><you> - Fine.. Hand them to me..</you></b> - you tell your sister.
<<if $submissive <=45>>
<<set $submissive to $submissive+1>>\
<b><center><pink> Submissiveness +1!</pink></center></b>\
<b><center><white><u> This action won't increase your <pink>submission</pink> anymore.</u></white></center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\holdingsisterbags.jpg" height = "400px" width = "750px"></span></center>\
<b><sister> - "Haha.. good boy.. I love it when you do what I tell you to do like a good puppy."</sister></b> - your sister teases you like always.
<b><you> - Don't stretch it <sister>$sistername</sister>.. It's a one time thing.</you></b> - you tell your sister, trying to refute.
<b><sister> - "Sure it is.. one time becomes two times, then two times three times and when you see it, you do everything I tell you to"</sister></b> - your sister responds with a devious smile in her face.
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\devioussmilesister.png" height = "400px" width = "750px"></span></center>\
<b><center> You decide to just ignore her and keep going, you're not gonna win this fight, your sister always gets the best of you somehow</center></b>
<b><center> Eventually your mom comes out of the store and looks at you and sees you carrying your sisters bags and purse and says</center></b>
<b><mom> -"How considerate of you <you>$name</you>! You decided to carry <sister>$sistername</sister> things! Lovely!</mom></b> - your mother tells you, happy.
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\momsmiling2.jpg" height = "400px" width = "750px"></span></center>\
<b><sister> -"Hahaha.. Of course he did! <font size ="-1">definitely wasn't ordered around like a little bitch boi..</font></sister></b> - your sister says, whispering the last part.
<b><mom> -"Great! Shall we get going?"</mom></b> - your mother asks you both
<b><center> You look at your mom and say
<div id="choice">\
<<linkreplace "<pink><center> •Take it one step further and carry your moms bags aswell</center></pink>">>\
<<replace "#choice">>\
<<goto "HoldingMomPurse">>\
<div id="choice">
<<linkreplace "<white><center> • Just go home carrying your sisters belongings is enough</center></white>">>\
<<replace "#choice">>\
<b><center> You wonder if you could carry your moms belongings aswell but it's too much for you so you just agree with your mom and head home.
<b><you> - Yeah, lets go.</you></b> - you answer and head home for the day
<<set $time to $time+1>>
<center>[[Go home|Room]]</center>
</div><center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\mall.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><img src="images\city\mall.jpg" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>
<b><center> You look at your sister and with a repulsive look in your eyes you tell her</center></b>
<b><you> - What do you mean? You want me to carry all of your stuff? Are you insane, if it hurts, shouldn't have bought so many things don't you think?</you></b> - you tell your sister as you come closer to her
<b><sister> - "Oh come on, I'm not asking that much, aren't you a gentleman? Carry them for me!</sister></B> - your sister says, insisting.
<b><center> As you come closer and closer to her, almost to the point where you're face to face, you don't know why but you get this impulse and just grab your sisters face and look her in the eyes </center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\grabface.jpg" height = "400px" width = "750px"></span></center>\
<b><you> - Who do you think you are? Chill down I'm not your errand boy, I'm not holding your stuff and carrying them around, end of story <sister>$sistername</sister>. </you></b>- you say as you look your sister in the soul
<b><center> As you're about to let go off her, you give a tiny harmless slap and grab her hair </center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\sistershocked2.png" height = "400px" width = "750px"></span></center>\
<b><you> - Are we done here? Got any more requests?</you></b> - you ask your sister
<b><sister> -"</sister></b> - That's all she says, flustered and shocked.
<b><center> By the time your done, your mother comes out of the store and she looks at you both and sees your sister still kinda shocked and looking down and asks her.</center></b>
<b><mom> - "What's wrong honey? Did something happen?"</mom></b> - your mom comes closer to her and questions her
<b><center> Before your sister responds to your mom, she takes a glimpse at you and you make a stone cold face as if telling her to shut up about what happened</center></b>
<b><sister> -" mom.. I just want to go home, please.</sister></b> - your sister says
<b><mom> -"Okay baby lets go, we're done here anyways.</mom></b> - your mom says as she heads towards the car
<b><center> Feeling good about yourself, you smirk and head home.
<<if $dominant <=40>>
<<set $dominant to $dominant+2>>\
<b><center><blue><font size="6"> Domination+2!</font></blue></center></b>\
<b><center><white><u> This action won't increase your <blue>domination anymore.</blue></u></white></center></b>
<<set $time to $time+1>>
<center>[[Go home|Room]]</center>
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\mall.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><img src="images\city\mall.jpg" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>
<b><center> You look at what your mom is holding and decide to take it one step further and ask to hold her things for her aswell</center></b>
<b><you> - Hey mom, I can hold your things aswell I don't mind..</you></b> - you tell your mom.
<b><center> She looks at you and with a smile in her face she says</center></b>
<b><mom> - "Oh you're such a good boy! Of course darling, come here let mommy give you a kiss</mom></b> - your mom says as she comes close to you and kisses you on the lips
<center><span class="eventimg"><img src="images\events\momkiss.jpg" height = "400px" width = "750px"></span></center>\
<b><you> - Mom! You need to lose this habit.. I'm 18 now.. You did that when I was young..</you></b> - you tell your mom as you wipe your lips
<b><mom> - "Oh honey you don't need to be embarassed, I'm your mom! It's natural!"</mom></b> - your mom tells you while laughing
<center><span class="eventimg"><img src="images\events\momlaughing.jpg" height = "400px" width = "750px"></span></center>\
<b><center> You break it off and holding everyones bags like a good boy, you head home.
<<if $submissive <=50>>
<<set $submissive to $submissive+1>>\
<b><center><pink> Submissiveness +1!</pink></center></b>\
<b><center><white><u> This action won't increase your <pink>submission</pink> anymore.</u></white></center></b>
<<set $time to $time+1>>
<center>[[Go home|Room]]</center><span class='phonetext3'><center><img src="images\avatars\remyavatar.png" style="max-height: 200px"></center></span>
<<timed 1s>><span class='phonegf1'><b><gf> - "Hey boo"</gf></b></span><</timed>>
<<timed 3s>><b><you><span class='phone1'> "Hey babe! What's up?</span></you></b><</timed>>
<<timed 5s>><span class='phonegf2'><b><gf> - "Just checking in babe, how's the beach?"</gf></b></span><</timed>>
<<timed 7s>><b><you><span class='phone2'> - It's really nice babe, you should've came! There was space
in the car for you</span></you></b><</timed>>
<<timed 9s>><span class='phonegf3'><b><gf> - "Oh babe.. you just wanted to
see me in a bikini, admit it"</gf></b></span><</timed>>
<<timed 11s>><b><you><span class='phone3'> - Not only but that was part of the reason.. </span></you></b><</timed>>
<<timed 13s>><span class='phonegf4'><b><gf> - "Oh my god you're so naughty..
Here, take this instead so you don't
forget me"</gf></b></span><</timed>>
<span class="remyimg"><<timed 13s>><center><a data-passage="gfpicture" class="link-internal link-image">
<img src="images\events\gfpicture.png" style="max-height: 168px">
<<timed 13s>><b><center> You click the image to see it better</center></b><</timed>>
<center><span class="eventimg"><img src="images\events\gfpicture.png" height = "400px" width = "750px"></span></center>\
<<if $dominant<$submissive>>
<b><center> You look at the picture of <gf>$gfname</gf> ass and you get instantly hard.. but it leaves you pondering.. shes not holding her phone.. who took the picture..?</center></b>
<center>[[Go back to the chat|gfbeachmsgsub]]</center>
<b><center> You look at the picture of <gf>$gfname</gf> ass and you get instantly hard.. she's so hot and you really wish she came with you today, you havent had sex with her in a good while now, you'll destroy her next time.</center></b>
<center>[[Go back to the chat|gfbeachmsgdom]]</center>
<</if>>\<span class='phonetext3'><center><img src="images\avatars\remyavatar.png" style="max-height: 200px"></center></span>
<<timed 1s>><b><you><span class='phone1'> - Babe who took this picture? </span></you></b><</timed>>\
<<timed 3s>><span class='phonegfpt1'><b><gf> "What? Oh.. just a friend babe" - </gf></b></span><</timed>>\
<<timed 5s>><b><you><span class='phone2'> - Female friend? </span></you></b><</timed>>\
<<timed 7s>><span class='phonegfpt2'><b><gf> "Eh sure yeah!" -</gf></b></span><</timed>>\
<<timed 8s>><span class='phonegfpt3'><b><gf> "Look babe I gotta go, we'll speak later
love you!" - </gf></b></span><</timed>>\
<<timed 10s>><b><you><span class='phone3'> - Eh bye babe.. </span></you></b><</timed>>
<<timed 11s>><b><span class='phone4'> That was weird..</span></b><</timed>>
<<timed 11s>><center><span class='phonesender'>[[Leave the phone|WeekendSunday2]]</span></center><</timed>>\
<span class='phonetext3'><center><img src="images\avatars\remyavatar.png" style="max-height: 200px"></center></span>
<<timed 1s>><b><you><span class='phone1'> - Babe you look so hot, I wish I was there to touch you </span></you></b><</timed>>\
<<timed 3s>><span class='phonegfpt1'><b><gf> - "Heehee, maybe later babe,
I have stuff to do now.."</gf></b></span><</timed>>\
<<timed 5s>><b><you><span class='phone2'> - Oh what are you up to? </span></you></b><</timed>>\
<<timed 7s>><span class='phonegfpt4'><b><gf> - "This talk got me hot and bothered..
I'll talk to you later"</gf></b></span><</timed>>\
<<timed 9s>><b><you><span class='phone3'> - Oh I see, naughty girl
I'll see you later babe.</span></you></b><</timed>>
<<timed 11s>><b><span class='phone4'> That was hot</span></b><</timed>>
<<timed 11s>><center><span class='phonesender'>[[Leave the phone|WeekendSunday2]]</span></center><</timed>>\<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\beach.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><img src="images\city\beach.png" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>
<b><center> As you leave your phone, your sister notices you're done messaging your phone</center></b>
<b><sister> - "Finally, thought you were going to be there forever.. I need your help, come put sunscreen on me."</sister></b> - your sister orders you
<center><span class="eventimg"><img src="images\events\sisterlaying.png" height = "400px" width = "750px"></span></center>\
<b><center> You look at your sister laying on the towel and head towards her to apply the sunscreen</center></b>
<b><you> - Alright fine.. going..</you></b> - you say.
<b><center> As you lay near her and start applying it all over her body.. you start applying it on her feet and she notices it.</center></b>
<center><span class="eventimg"><img src="images\events\feetsunscreen.png" height = "400px" width = "750px"></span></center>\
<b><sister> - "Hey loser, since you like to touch my feet so much.. why don't you give it a little kiss? I'll let you.</sister></b> - your sister says, looking curiously at you to see your reaction.
<b><center> You are surprised by her request and you decide to</center></b>
<div id="choice">\
<<linkreplace "<pink><center> •Do what she says and kiss her foot</center></pink>">>\
<<replace "#choice">>\
<b><center> You bow down and get close to her feet and start kissing it.. but you let yourself go and by the time you notice.. you're licking her toes</center></b>
<center><span class="eventimg"><img src="images\events\feetlick.jpg" height = "400px" width = "750px"></span></center>\
<b><sister> - "Calm down bitch, I knew you were a feet lover but I didnt realize you liked it so much"</sister></b> - your sister tells you as she takes her foot away.
<<if $submissive <=45>>
<<set $submissive to $submissive+1>>\
<b><center><pink> Submissiveness +1!</pink></center></b>\
<b><center><white><u> This action won't increase your <pink>submission</pink> anymore.</u></white></center></b>
<<set $time to $time+1>>
<center>[[Go home after the beach|Room]]</center>
<div id="choice">
<<linkreplace "<blue><center> • Dont do it.</center></blue>">>\
<<replace "#choice">>\
<b><you> - What the hell are you saying <sister>$sistername</sister>, I'm not gonna do that, and you know what, put the sunscreen yourself.</you></b> - you say as you get up
<b><center> When you get up you look at your sisters ass just standing there and you decide to punish her for even thinking of asking to kiss her feet, and you slap her ass.</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\Slapass.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><sister> - "Hey asshole! GET BACK HERE."</sister></b> - your sister screams as you head back running to your towel
<<if $dominant <=40>>
<<set $dominant to $dominant+2>>\
<b><center><blue><font size="6"> Domination+2!</font></blue></center></b>\
<b><center><white><u> This action won't increase your <blue>domination anymore.</blue></u></white></center></b>
<<set $time to $time+1>>
<center>[[Go home|Room]]</center>
</div><center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\bathroom mall.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><img src="images\city\bathroommall.jpg" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>
<center><u>[[• Take a piss •|PissBathroom]]</u></center>\
<center>[[• Pass time •|Pass time bathroommall]]</center>\
<center>[[• Go back to the Mall •|Mall]]</center>\
<<if $time < 2>>
<<set $time to $time+1>>
<<if $time == 3>>\
<<set $time to $time-1>>\
<<goto "MallBathroom">><center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\bathroom mall.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<b><center> You decide that you need to piss really badly and go to the nearest urinal and take a piss.</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\Mallbathroompiss.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><center> As you start peeing, someone decides that it's a good idea to come next to your urinal and piss aswell, you look next to you and you see a huge black man, taking his cock out, ready to piss.</center></b>
<b><center> You decide to</center></b>
<div id="choice">
<<linkreplace "<pink><center> • Look at it</center></pink>">>\
<<replace "#choice">>\
<b><center> You get really curious of how the black mans cock is like since you hear alot that they usually have larger members and you take a look at it</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\blackcockurinal.jpg"></span></center>
<b><you> - Jesus...</you></b> - you say in a low voice, whispering to yourself
<b><center> The black man next to you hears you and looks at you</center></b>
<b><brown> - "Haha, typical white bois.. never seen one this big I bet, wanna touch it?</brown></b> - the black man tells you
<<if $feminization >=2 and $siseventsub9 is true>>
<b><center> You look at the black man thinking if he's serious and you see a pervy smile on his face, you think to yourself that this is a once in a lifetime chance and you're very curious</center></b>
<b><you> - Can.. I really hold it..?</you></b> - you ask the black man nervously
<b><brown> - "Oh I wasn't expecting you to actually wanna do it whiteboi, of course you can, feel the difference in weight from yours to mine, come on</brown></b> - he says as he forcefully grabs your hand and puts it on his cock.
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\Jerkblackcockurinal.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><center> You involuntarily start to jerk his cock slowly as you feel the size and weight of his <brown>BBC</brown></center></B>
<b><you> - It's so.. big.. and.. heavy.. jesus..</you></b> - you say, eyes fixated on his cock
<b><brown> - "Since you love it so much, why not give it a little kiss huh?</brown></b> the black man tells you
<b><you> Wh..what no.. sorry, ehm..</you></b> - you stumble on your words as you zip up quickly and leave the bathroom running.
<b><brown> - "Hahaha.. he'll come back around I bet.. they always do.</brown></b>
<<if $submissive <=25>>
<<set $submissive to $submissive+1>>\
<b><center><pink> Submissiveness +1!</pink></center></b>\
<b><center><white><u> This action won't increase your <pink>submission</pink> anymore.</u></white></center></b>
<center>[[Leave the bathroom|Mall]]</center>
<<elseif $feminization >=8>>\
<b><center> You look at the black man thinking if he's serious and you see a pervy smile on his face, you think to yourself that this is a once in a lifetime chance and you're very curious</center></b>
<b><you> - Can.. I really hold it..?</you></b> - you ask the black man nervously
<b><brown> - "Oh I wasn't expecting you to actually wanna do it whiteboi, of course you can, feel the difference in weight from yours to mine, come on</brown></b> - he says as he forcefully grabs your hand and puts it on his cock.
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\Jerkblackcockurinal.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><center> You involuntarily start to jerk his cock slowly as you feel the size and weight of his <brown>BBC</brown></center></b>
<b><you> - It's so.. big.. and.. heavy.. jesus..</you></b> - you say, eyes fixated on his cock
<b><brown> - "Since you love it so much, why not give it a little kiss huh?</brown></b> the black man tells you
<b><center>Usually you would say no but looking at it and how it feels on your hand you can't help but have the urge to submit and do what he says..</center></b>
<div id="choice">
<<linkreplace "<pink><center> • Kneel and suck his big black cock</center></pink>">>\
<<replace "#choice">>\
-<b><pink> Mkay.. </pink></b> - is all you say as you kneel in front of him
<b><center> As soon as you kneel you now realize something.. he has just pissed and you interrupted him.. you can feel the stench of piss on his black cock however you don't find it necessarily bad.. you dive in and start sucking his <brown>big black cock</brown> as you feel the salty taste invade your mouth, you lick his balls and everything.. they are so heavy</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\bbcpublicsuckmall.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><brown> "Goddamn.. you are one hell of a sissy slut huh.. didn't realize that at first hungry whore.. since you are hungry.. why don't you open your mouth for me so I can finish what I was doing before?"</brown></b> - he says hinting at the fact he wants to piss in your mouth
<b><center> You look up at him while sucking his big black cock and you have to come to a decision quickly.. will you let him piss in your mouth like a dirty whore or will you back off?</center></b>
<div id="choice">
<<linkreplace "<yellow><center> • Open your mouth like a good little whore (WATERSPORTS CONTENT)</center></yellow>">>\
<<replace "#choice">>\
-<b><pink> Ahhhhhh..</pink></b> - you say as you open up your mouth as wide as you can looking at him into his eyes
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\bbcpublicpissface1.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><center> He gives you a smirk and quickly after he starts pissing all over your mouth and face.. some of it gets into your eyes and you can tell he doesn't drink enough water.. it's burning your eyes but you keep your mouth open like a good little piss whore..</center></b>
-<b><brown> "Clean me up, rag."</brown><b> - he humiliates you treating you like you were toilet paper..
<b><center> However you don't care.. you just obey him and start sucking him again, cleaning the rest of piss that was left on his cock obediently..</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\bbcpublicpissface2.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><brown> "Fuck.. turn around.. I want a piece of that <pink>sissy ass</pink>..!"</brown></b> - he says going crazy
<b><center> However you don't feel quite ready to get fucked by a random black guy in a public bathroom.. you blow him a kiss and get up, leaving him horny</center></b>
-<b><pink> Hehee..</pink></B> - you laugh as you run out with your mouth smelling of piss
<<if $submissive <=60>>
<<set $submissive to $submissive+1>>\
<b><center><pink> Submissiveness +1!</pink></center></b>\
<b><center><white><u> This action won't increase your <pink>submission</pink> anymore.</u></white></center></b>
<center>[[Leave the bathroom|Mall]]</center>
<div id="choice">
<<linkreplace "<white><center> • It's too much for you.. just stand up and leave</center></white>">>\
<<replace "#choice">>\
<b><you> Wh..what no.. sorry, ehm..</you></b> - you stumble on your words as you zip up quickly and leave the bathroom running.
<b><brown> - "Hahaha too much for that sissy I guess. </brown></b>
<<if $submissive <=45>>
<<set $submissive to $submissive+1>>\
<b><center><pink> Submissiveness +1!</pink></center></b>\
<b><center><white><u> This action won't increase your <pink>submission</pink> anymore.</u></white></center></b>
<center>[[Leave the bathroom|Mall]]</center>
<div id="choice">
<<linkreplace "<white><center> • Just leave and say no</center></white>">>\
<<replace "#choice">>\
<b><you> Wh..what no.. sorry, ehm..</you></b> - you stumble on your words as you zip up quickly and leave the bathroom running.
<b><brown> - "Hahaha.. he'll come back around I bet.. they always do.</brown></b>
<<if $submissive <=35>>
<<set $submissive to $submissive+1>>\
<b><center><pink> Submissiveness +1!</pink></center></b>\
<b><center><white><u> This action won't increase your <pink>submission</pink> anymore.</u></white></center></b>
<center>[[Leave the bathroom|Mall]]</center>
<b><you> Wh..what no.. sorry, ehm..</you></b> - you stumble on your words as you zip up quickly and leave the bathroom running.
<b><brown> - "Hahaha.. he'll come back around I bet.. they always do.</brown></b>
<<if $submissive <=40>>
<<set $submissive to $submissive+1>>\
<b><center><pink> Submissiveness +1!</pink></center></b>\
<b><center><white><u> This action won't increase your <pink>submission</pink> anymore.</u></white></center></b>
<center>[[Leave the bathroom|Mall]]</center>
<div id="choice">
<<linkreplace "<white><center> • Just look in front and ignore the guy besides you.</center></white>">>
<<replace "#choice">>
<b><center> You decide you're not curious about the black man member and just do what you have to do and leave.</center></b>
<center>[[Leave the bathroom|Mall]]</center>
<center>[[Go back|MallBathroom]]</center>
</div>\<<goto `either("Parkbj1", "Parkbj2")`>>\
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\park.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<<if $time is 1>>\
<center><img src="images\city\park.png" height = "400px" width = "750px">
<b><center> You follow the rustling sound you hear near the bushes and come across a couple having fun with one another</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\Suckingcocknight.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><you> - Oh.. I don't know if I should be watching this..</you></b> - you tell yourself
<b><center> You hide behind a tree and as you watch the couple you feel your arousal growing</center></b>
<b><you> - It'd be kinda hot if I just masturbated here watching.. it's kinda like porn but in real life..</you></B> - you say as you zip out your cock and start masturbing.
<b><center> You watch the couple and you imagine yourself as the</center></b>
<div id="choice">
<<linkreplace "<pink><center> • Girl</center></pink>">>\
<<replace "#choice">>\
<<goto "imaginesub">>
<div id="choice">
<<linkreplace "<blue><center> • Guy</center></blue>">>
<<replace "#choice">>
<<goto "imaginedom">>
<div id="choice">
<<linkreplace "<center><white> • Neither, you regret your decision and go home.</white></center>">>
<<replace "#choice">>
<b><you> - It feels kinda wrong to do this.. and I might get caught, I'll just head home</you></b> - you say as you head home
<center>[[Go home|Room]]</center>
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\park.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<<if $time is 1>>\
<center><img src="images\city\park.png" height = "400px" width = "750px">
<b><center> You follow the rustling sound you hear near the bushes and come across a couple having fun with one another</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\suckingcocknight2.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><you> - Oh.. I don't know if I should be watching this..</you></b> - you tell yourself
<b><center> You hide behind a tree and as you watch the couple you feel your arousal growing</center></b>
<b><you> - It'd be kinda hot if I just masturbated here watching.. it's kinda like porn but in real life..</you></B> - you say as you zip out your cock and start masturbing.
<b><center> You watch the couple and you imagine yourself as the</center></b>
<div id="choice">
<<linkreplace "<pink><center> • Girl</center></pink>">>\
<<replace "#choice">>\
<<goto "imaginesub">>
<div id="choice">
<<linkreplace "<blue><center> • Guy</center></blue>">>
<<replace "#choice">>
<<goto "imaginedom">>
<div id="choice">
<<linkreplace "<center><white> • Neither, you regret your decision and go home.</white></center>">>
<<replace "#choice">>
<b><you> - It feels kinda wrong to do this.. and I might get caught, I'll just head home</you></b> - you say as you head home
<center>[[Go home|Room]]</center>
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\park.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<<if $time is 1>>
<center><img src="images\city\park.png" height = "400px" width = "750px">
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\masturbatepublic.png"></span></center>
<b><center> As you furiously masturbate behind a tree looking at the couple, you start imaging yourself as the girl, imagining yourself in her shoes, kneeling and submitting completely to a black man</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\Imaginesucking.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><you> - I wonder what it would be like to be her.. just kneeling and servicing a bbc like that..</you></b> - you say as you watch and masturbate
<<if $feminization >=2>>
<b><center> You're watching when out of nowhere the black man looks at you in the eyes and notices you masturbating</center>
<b><brown><font size="5"> - "Hey whiteboi</font>, wanna come watch closer?</brown></b> - the black man screams at you.
<b><center> You decide that you want to</center>
<div id="choice">
<<linkreplace "<pink><center> • Go closer</center></pink>">>\
<<replace "#choice">>\
<<goto "gocloser">>
<div id="choice">
<<linkreplace "<center><white> • Run and go home.</white></center>">>
<<replace "#choice">>
<b><you> - I'm not going there.. jesus I'm going home..</you></b> - you say as you head home
<center>[[Go home|Room]]</center>
<b><center> You're getting close to cumming, and as you start cumming, the black man also cums in the girls mouth and you imagine yourself getting all that cum on your mouth</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\Cumminginmouth.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\Cumminginpark.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><you> - Fuck.. that was really hot.. but it's just a fantasy.. it'll never happen..</you></b> - you tell yourself convincingly as you head back home.
<<if $submissive <=40>>
<<set $submissive to $submissive+1>>\
<b><center><pink> Submissiveness +1!</pink></center></b>\
<b><center><white><u> This action won't increase your <pink>submission</pink> anymore.</u></white></center></b>
<center>[[Go back home|Room]]</center>
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\park.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<<if $time is 1>>\
<center><img src="images\city\park.png" height = "400px" width = "750px">
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\masturbatepublic.png"></span></center>
<b><center> As you furiously masturbate while watching the couple, you imagine yourself as the black man, fucking the hot blonde chick at night in the middle of the park</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\Fuckingimagine.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><you> - Fuck I wish that was me.. she's so hot..</you></b> - you say as you masturbate..
<b><center> You start getting close to cumming and masturbate even faster, as you start cumming the black man also cums all over the girls face, and you imagine that was you shooting all over her</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\Cumminginpark.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\Bbccumminginface.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><you> - Fuck.. That was better than porn.. one day I'm gonna do that to <sister>$sistername</sister></you></b> - you say as you imagine yourself cumming on your sisters face.
<b><center> You pull your pants up and head back home</center></b>
<<if $dominant <=40>>
<<set $dominant to $dominant+2>>\
<b><center><blue><font size="6"> Domination+2!</font></blue></center></b>\
<b><center><white><u> This action won't increase your <blue>domination anymore.</blue></u></white></center></b>
<center>[[Go back home|Room]]</center>\
<span class='fadeIn'>
<<set $phoneeventsub2repeat to false>>
<<set $phoneeventsub3repeat to true>>
<<set $phoneeventsub3 to false>>
<b><center> As you open the email for an Anonymous sender immediately images start popping up in your screen and you just watch them.. almost drooling over them</center></b>
<<timed 1s>>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\Bbchypno1.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<<timed 2s>>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\Bbchypno2.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<<timed 3s>>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\Bbchypno3.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<<timed 4s>>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\Bbchypno4.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<<timed 5s>>
<center><b><you> - What was all that..? Who sent me this stuff..? And why do I find it arousing..?</you></b> - you think to yourself while your small penis is rock hard.</center>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\Smallcockprecum.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<center>[[Close the email|$return]]</center>
<</timed>><span class='fadeIn'>
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\dreaming.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\Bbchypno5.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<center><<timed 2s>><b> You start dreaming about that time <grey>Anonymous</grey> sent you an email with all those black cocks</b><</timed>></center>
<<timed 3s>>\
<center>[[• Wake up •|Room]]</center>
<</timed>>\<span class='fadeIn'>
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\dreaming.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><img src="images\events\sissycaption4.jpg"></center>
<center><<timed 2s>><b> You start dreaming about that time <grey>Anonymous</grey> sent you an email and you discovered what a <pink><u>Sissy</u></pink> is..</b><</timed>></center>
<<timed 3s>>\
<center>[[• Wake up •|Room]]</center>
<</timed>>\<span class='fadeIn'>
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\dreaming.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\Chastityhypno5.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<center><<timed 2s>><b> You start dreaming about that time <grey>Anonymous</grey> sent you an email with all those chastities</b><</timed>></center>
<<timed 3s>>\
<center>[[• Wake up •|Room]]</center>
<</timed>>\<center><img src="images\resources\bbcporn.png"></center>
<b><center> As of late you have been seeing alot of black guys for some reason, you don't know if it's just you paying more attention to them, or that there are more and more.. as if they are overpopulating..</center></b>
<b><you> Why is BBC Porn so hot..?</you></b> - you think to yourself, getting ready to jack off to the same content you saw last time.
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\Bbcporn6.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><center> You quickly get close to cumming and just let it go</center></b>
<b><center> You grab your small penis harder as you come closer to cumming and loudly you whimper</center></b>
<b><you> - F..f..FUUCK.. I was needing that so bad..</you></b> - you say to yourself as you cum some tiny droplets.
<img src="images\porn\smallpeniscumming.gif">
[[• Clean and close the website •->Porn]]
<</linkreplace>><center><img src="images\resources\bbcporn.png"></center>
<b><center> As of late you have been seeing alot of black guys for some reason, you don't know if it's just you paying more attention to them, or that there are more and more.. as if they are overpopulating..</center></b>
<b><you> Why is BBC Porn so hot..?</you></b> - you think to yourself, getting ready to jack off to the same content you saw last time.
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\Bbcporn7.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><center> You quickly get close to cumming and just let it go</center></b>
<b><center> You grab your small penis harder as you come closer to cumming and loudly you whimper</center></b>
<b><you> - F..f..FUUCK.. I was needing that so bad..</you></b> - you say to yourself as you cum some tiny droplets.
<img src="images\porn\smallpeniscumming.gif">
[[• Clean and close the website •->Porn]]
<</linkreplace>><center><img src="images\resources\bbcporn.png"></center>
<b><center> As of late you have been seeing alot of black guys for some reason, you don't know if it's just you paying more attention to them, or that there are more and more.. as if they are overpopulating..</center></b>
<b><you> Why is BBC Porn so hot..?</you></b> - you think to yourself, getting ready to jack off to the same content you saw last time.
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\Bbcporn8.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><center> You quickly get close to cumming and just let it go</center></b>
<b><center> You grab your small penis harder as you come closer to cumming and loudly you whimper</center></b>
<b><you> - F..f..FUUCK.. I was needing that so bad..</you></b> - you say to yourself as you cum some tiny droplets.
<img src="images\porn\smallpeniscumming.gif">
[[• Clean and close the website •->Porn]]
<</linkreplace>><center><img src="images\resources\bbcporn.png"></center>
<b><center> As of late you have been seeing alot of black guys for some reason, you don't know if it's just you paying more attention to them, or that there are more and more.. as if they are overpopulating..</center></b>
<b><you> Why is BBC Porn so hot..?</you></b> - you think to yourself, getting ready to jack off to the same content you saw last time.
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\Bbcporn9.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><center> You quickly get close to cumming and just let it go</center></b>
<b><center> You grab your small penis harder as you come closer to cumming and loudly you whimper</center></b>
<b><you> - F..f..FUUCK.. I was needing that so bad..</you></b> - you say to yourself as you cum some tiny droplets.
<img src="images\porn\smallpeniscumming.gif">
[[• Clean and close the website •->Porn]]
<</linkreplace>><center><img src="images\resources\bbcporn.png"></center>
<<set $bbcpornfind to false>>
<<set $bbcporn to true>>
<b><center> As of late you have been seeing alot of black guys for some reason, you don't know if it's just you paying more attention to them, or that there are more and more.. as if they are overpopulating..</center></b>
<b><center> You are about to jerk off and you decide you are in need of something new, and with the recent events and experiences, you notice a category you've never touched, BBC.</center></b>
<b><you> - BBC Porn.. I've never really watched black guys.. and as of late.. for some reason they seem more dominant than white boys.. I wonder how porn looks like..</you></b> - you say thinking.
<b><center> You put just a normal video with three black guys fucking a white snowbunny and start masturbating</center>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\Bbcporn.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\porn\smallcockmasturbating.gif" height = "400px" width = "750px"></span></center>\
<b><you> - Oh.. this is really hot.. they are so big.. and dominant, she looks so tiny compared to them..</you></b> - you say looking at the black guys.
<b><center> You are going to change video when something called BBC Cuckold Captions appears and you start scrolling it</center></b>
<b><you> - Oh shit I missclicked but.. what is this..?</you></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\Bbcporn1.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\Bbcporn2.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\Bbcporn3.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><center> You take a look at the imagery and you notice they all have something in common, someones girlfriend is being taken and getting railed by strong black guys, you can't help but imagine <gf>$gfname</gf> in the girls shoes.</center></b>
<b><you> - Nah.. not my <gf>$gfname</gf> she would never agree on this..</you></b> - you tell yourself while shaking your head
<b><center> You keep watching the captions and you get very close to cumming really fast, they are super hot</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\Bbcporn4.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\Bbcporn5.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><center> As you come closer to cumming you decide to just let it out and</center></b>
<b><center> You grab your small penis even harder while cumming and loudly you whimper</center></b>
<b><you> - F..f..FUUCK.. I was needing that so bad..</you></b> - you say to yourself as you cum some tiny droplets.
<img src="images\porn\smallpeniscumming.gif">
<b><pink> Submissiveness +1</pink></b>
<<set $submissive to $submissive+1>>
[[• Clean and close the website •->Porn]]
</center><center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\bathroom.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><img src="images\city\bathroom.jpg" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>
<b><center> You enter the bathroom and you didn't notice that your sister is taking a morning shower, but she hasn't noticed you yet either</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\Sistershower.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><center> You look at her tight naked body and you start to get hard, you start rubbing your pants and you decide to</center></b>
<div id="choice">
<<linkreplace "<blue><center> • Masturbate while looking at her naked body</center></blue>">>\
<<replace "#choice">>\
<<goto "sistershowerdom">>
<div id="choice">
<<linkreplace "<white><center> • Just leave and respect her privacy</center></white>">>
<<replace "#choice">>
<b><center> You decide it's best that you leave and respect her privacy as you don't want to get in trouble.</center></b>
<center>[[Go back|Room]]</center>
</div><center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\bathroom.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><img src="images\city\bathroom.jpg" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>
<b><center> While looking at your sister still showering, you whip your cock out and you're already hard so you start to masturbate</center></b>
<center><span class="eventimg"><img src="images\events\masturbatingshower.png" height = "400px" width = "750px"></span></center>\
<b><you> - She's so hot.. I'm gonna fucking destroy you one day <sister>$sistername</sister> I promise..</you></b> - you mumble as you masturbate, dirty talking to yourself
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\Masturbateshower.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><center> You didn't realize but your sister also started masturbating, but she didn't even notice, she just did it because she wanted to</center></b>
<b><center> Suddenly, your sister stops masturbating because she hears your grunts, turns around and looks at you with your cock in your hands</center></B>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\Sistershockedshower.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><sister> - " <you>$name!!!!</you> WHAT ARE YOU DOING! ARE YOU SERIOUS YOU FUCKING PERVERT!</sister></b> - you sister screams at you
<b><center> You clearly fucked up, so you throw it all away and just keep going and tease her</center></b>
<b><you> - Hey sis, looking good this morning haha</you></b> - you tell your sister with your hand on your cock.
<center><span class="eventimg"><img src="images\events\holdingcock.png" height = "400px" width = "750px"></span></center>\
<b><center> You notice your sister goes silent and she has got her eyes fixated on your cock.</center></B>
<B><you> - See something you like down here?</you></b> - you tease your sister.
<b><sister> - "NO! LEAVE. NOW."</sister></B> - your sister tells you, completely red
<b><you> - Alright alright, sorry, you looking fit tho. <font size ="-1"> one day i'll have you.</font></you></b> - you say as you head back to your room.
<<if $dominant <=20>>
<<set $dominant to $dominant+1>>\
<b><center><blue><font size="6"> Domination+1!</font></blue></center></b>\
<b><center><white><u> This action won't increase your <blue>domination anymore.</blue></u></white></center></b>
<center>[[Go back to your room|Room]]</center><center><img src="images\events\momsleeping.png" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>
<b><center> As you enter your moms room at night, you realize she's sleeping very deeply and you decide it's the perfect time to try and do something to her</center></b>
<div id="choice">
<<linkreplace "<blue><center> • Pull the blankets and touch her boobs</center></blue>">>
<<replace "#choice">>
<b><center> You go near your mom as calmly as possible and without making any noise and you take her blankets off</center></b>
<b><center> As you take them off, you realize your mom sleeps completely naked and you ogle her naked body, getting instantly hard</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\momnakedbed.jpg"></span></center>
<b><center> You get really horny and you decide you're going to jerk off to your moms body, so you grab your cock and whip it and immediately start masturbating without making any noise</center></b>
<b><you><font size ="-1"> Fuck.. you're so hot <mom>$momname</mom></font></you></b> - you whisper to yourself.
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\Masturbatingtomom.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><center> While you're masturbating furiously, you start getting close and you decide to risk it all and grab one of her boobs as calmy and harmlessly as possible</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\gropesleeping.jfif"></span></center>
<b><center> That action is enough to send you cumming, and without thinking, you come all over your mom's breasts</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\Cummingonboobs.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<<if $dominant <=25>>
<<set $dominant to $dominant+1>>\
<b><center><blue><font size="6"> Domination+1!</font></blue></center></b>\
<b><center><white><u> This action won't increase your <blue>domination anymore.</blue></u></white></center></b>
<center><b> You had enough fun for the night, you head back to your room, leaving your mom with your cum on her boobs</b></center>\
<center>[[Go to your room|Room]]</center>
<div id="choice">
<<linkreplace "<center><white> • Regret your decision and go back to your room</white></center>">>
<<replace "#choice">>
<b><you> - This is too dangerous.. She might wake up, im going back to my room..</you></b>
<center>[[Go to your room|Room]]</center>
</div><center><img src="images\events\sistersleeping.png" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>
<b><center> As you enter your sisters room at night, you realize she's sleeping very deeply and you decide it's the perfect time to try and do something to her</center></b>
<div id="choice">
<<linkreplace "<blue><center> • Pull the blankets and touch her</center></blue>">>
<<replace "#choice">>
<b><center> You head towards your sister and confirm that she is indeed sleeping deeply, very carefully you start taking her blankets off to appreciate her tight teen body</center></b>
<b><center> You sucessfully take them off and your sister has her back turns towards you, and you appreciate her tight round ass</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\sistersleepingnaked.jpg"></span></center>
<b><center> You get really horny and you decide you're gonna jerk off to your sisters ass</center></B>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\Masturbatingtomom.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><you><font size ="1"> - God you're so hot <sister>$sistername</sister> why you gotta be such a bitch..</font></you></b> - you whisper to yourself
<b><center> As you're getting close to cumming, you decide to go all for it and grab your sisters ass with one hand as you jerk off</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\grabbingsisterass.jpg"></span></center>
<b><center> As you fondle it, you get very close to cumming and you just spray your cum all over your sisters sleeping ass</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\cumonass.png"></span></center>
<b><center> You decide that's enough for you and you head back to your room, leaving your sister with dried cum on her ass</center></b>
<<if $dominant <=25>>
<<set $dominant to $dominant+1>>\
<b><center><blue><font size="6"> Domination+1!</font></blue></center></b>\
<b><center><white><u> This action won't increase your <blue>domination anymore.</blue></u></white></center></b>
<center>[[Go to your room|Room]]</center>
<div id="choice">
<<linkreplace "<center><white> • Regret your decision and go back to your room</white></center>">>
<<replace "#choice">>
<b><you> - This is too dangerous.. She might wake up, im going back to my room..</you></b>
<center>[[Go to your room|Room]]</center>
</div><span class='fadeIn'>
<<set $siseventdom1 to false>>
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\hallwayincident.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><img src="images\city\upstairshall.jpg" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>
<b><center> As you're walking upstairs getting ready to go to your room, you see your sister <sister>$sistername</sister> coming out of her room and you already know she's gonna do something, she always does.</center></b>
<b><center> She sees you coming and immediately her face lights into a smirk</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\sisterhallway.jpg"></span></center>
<b><sister> - "Hey dumbass, going to your room to jerk off? Don't stain the sheets hahaha..</sister></b> - your sister says laughing at you
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\sisterlaughing2.png"></span></center>
<b><center> Last time, she mocked you because of your teacher.. now she's teasing you for no reason, you take a deep breath and you don't say nothing, you start heading towards her</center></b>
<b><center>As you reach near her, she looks up at you and you're towering over her</center></b>
<b><sister> - "What are you looking at stupid? Get away from me"</sister></b> - your sister says, trying to get away from you
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\sisterlookingup.jpg"></span></center>
<b><center> Without saying nothing, you feel an adrenaline rush passing through your veins, and with a stone cold voice, you grab your sister by the hair and her neck, look closely in her eyes and start slapping her in the face</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\Sisterslapping.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><center> Suprisingly, your sister doesn't really complain much, as if all this time, she was teasing you so you would explode..</center></b>
<b><you> - I'm sick of your shit <sister>$sistername</sister>, you better start treating me with respect or I'm going to do alot worse than this.. and I mean it.</you></b> - you tell your sister as she looks shocked and lost for breath
<b><center> She comes back to her senses and almost sumbling over her words she says</center></b>
<b><sister> - "W..wh..who do you th..think you are!? You can't slap me.. I'm gonna tell!!</sister></b> - your sister says very nervous and she passes by you and heads downstairs.
<b><center> As she storms over you, you take a glimpse at her legs and you see some fluid dripping down her leg.</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\sisterlegsdripping.jpg"></span></center>
<b><you> - Interesting..</you></b> - you say, as you turn around and go to your room.
<b><yellow> You can now tease your sister in the evenings in her room!</yellow></b>
<<set $dominant to $dominant+1>>
<center><b><blue> Dominance +1!</blue></b></center>
<center>[[Go to your room|Room]]</center><<set $siseventsub3 to false>>
<span class='fadeIn'>
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\buypinkpanties.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><img src="images\resources\lingerieshoplogo.png"></center>
<b><center> You head inside the Baci's Lingerie Shop and you recieve a wave of perfume and typical girl smell all around the shop, you feel seriouslly out of place</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\lingerieshopinside.png"></span></center>
<b><you> - Jesus.. It's all so.. girly..</you></b> - you tell yourself as you head deeper into the store.
<b><center> You're roaming around looking for what your sister asked you to buy when a shop clerk notices you're kinda lost and out of place and comes to you</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\shopclerk.jpg"></span></center>
<b><clerk> - "Hi sir! You seem a little lost, can I help you with anything?</clerk></b> - the nice clerk asks you
<b><center> You start to get nervous, you realize you have to admit to a random person that you have to buy a pair of panties.. for you, you can't do that..</center></b>
<b><you> - Ehm.. Hi! I need.. to buy a pair of pink panties for.. for my girlfriend! She asked for a specific pair..!</you></b> - you say as you navigate through your words, trying not to sound suspiscious.
<b><center> The clerk looks at you with a suprised look and quickly realizes what's going on and smirks</center></b>
<b><clerk> - "Right.. So a pair of pink panties for your "girlfriend" <font size ="-1"> haha..</font> just head down towards that aisle and turn right and you'll find all the panties you need.</clerk></b> - the clerk says, amused
<b><you> - Thanks..! That was kind of you..!</you></b> - you say as you head towards the aisle
<b><clerk> - "They always think they aren't noticeable.. these sissies.. hahaha.."</clerk></B> - the clerk says as you go away
<center>[[Arrive on the aisle|siseventsub3part2]]</center><span class='fadeIn'>
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\buypinkpanties.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<b><center> You arrive at the aisle and it's even more girly than before, it's <pink>PINK!</pink> everywhere..</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\showcasepanties.jpg"></span></center>
<b><you> - Jesus christ.. It's a pink explosion over here.. it's all so <pink>girly..</pink> - you say as you look around</you></b>
<b><center> After admiring the place for a bit, you head towards the panties and you grab a pair of pink panties, the one you think looks the best</center></b>
<b><you> - Now comes the hard part.. I have to try them on and take a picture with them.. I can't believe this..</you></b> - you say shaking your head as you head towards the fitting room
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\fittingroom.png"></span></center>
<b><center> You choose a random cubicle and just head in as quickly as you can, hiding the pair of panties so no one notices</center></b>
<b><you> - Alright.. Let's do this quickly, I need <sister>$sistername</sister> to delete that picture.. She will have dirt on me for the rest of my life if I don't do this.. and I dont want to be her puppet..</you></b> - you say as you start undressing and putting the panties over your cock
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\lookingatmirror.png"></span></center>
<b><center> You take a look at the mirror and see yourself with a pair of pink panties and you start to get aroused</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\Hardpinkpanties.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><you> - I don't get it.. Why does this kind of stuff arouse me..? It's just <pink>girly</pink> clothing.. Whatever.. let's get this done and over with..</you></b> - you say as you take your cellphone out and take a quick picture.
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\picturetosis.png"></span></center>
<center>[[Send the picture|phonesisterpicture]]</center><span class='phonetext3'><center><img src="images\avatars\sisteravatar.png" style="max-height: 200px"></center></span>
<<timed 1s>><span class='phone1'><b><you> - "Here's the picture you asked.."</you></b></span><</timed>>
<<timed 1s>><center><a data-passage="mcsissypic" class="link-internal link-image">
<img src="images\events\picturetosis.png" style="max-height: 168px">
<center>(Click the image)</center>
<center><span class="eventimg"><img src="images\events\picturetosis.png" height = "400px" width = "750px"></span></center>\
<<timed 1s>><b><sister><span class='phonesis1'> - "HAHAHAHAHA I can't believe you actually
did it, you look fucking pathetic."</span></sister></b><</timed>>
<<timed 3s>><b><you><span class='phone1'> - Whatever.. delete the picture
now please.</span></you></b><</timed>>
<<timed 5s>><span class='phonesis2'><b><sister> - "Oh my god.. did you actually
believe I was gonna do that?"</sister></b></span><</timed>>
<<timed 7s>><b><you><span class='phone2'> - What do you mean..? </span></you></b><</timed>>
<<timed 9s>><span class='phonesis3'><b><sister> - "HAHAHA you're so retarded
you beta bitch, now I have two pictures
of you."</sister></b></span><</timed>>
<<timed 11s>><center><a data-passage="sispicture" class="link-internal link-image">
<img src="images\events\sismiddlefinger.png" style="max-height: 168px">
<<timed 13s>><b><center> You click the video to see it better</center></b><</timed>><center><span class="eventimg"><img src="images\events\sismiddlefinger.gif" height = "400px" width = "750px"></span></center>\
<<timed 1s>><b><sister><span class='phonesis1'> - "You better keep doing what I tell you,
come home. NOW."</span></sister></b><</timed>>
<<timed 3s>><b><you><span class='phone1'> - I hate you.. Why do you do this to me..</span></you></b><</timed>>
<<timed 5s>><span class='phonesis2'><b><sister> - "Because I enjoy it, and you want it.."</sister></b></span><</timed>>
<<timed 7s>><b><you><span class='phone2'> - What do you mean..? </span></you></b><</timed>>
<<timed 9s>><span class='phonesis3'><b><sister> - "Doesn't matter bitch,
come home wearing your new panties."</sister></b></span><</timed>>
<<timed 9s>>
<center>[[Close the phone|siseventsub3part3]]</center><</timed>>
<span class='fadeIn'>
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\buypinkpanties.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\fittingroom.png"></span></center>
<b><center> You close the phone, look in the mirror and scream</center></b>
<b><you> - FUCK! She fucking tricked me again.. how didn't I think of the possibility of her just keeping both pictures..</you></b> - you say as you start to get teary.
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\Teary.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><you> - I hate <sister>$sistername</sister> so much..</you></b> - you say and look down.. when you look down you notice you're sporting the biggest boner you ever had in your panties
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\Hardonpanties2.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><you> - Wh..what? Why am I so hard right now..? There's no way this situation arouses me right..?</you></b> - you say confused as you get out of the dressing room, wearing the panties underneath your pants.
<b><center> With the situation, you completely forgot you are buying panties and just head home with the panties on, stealing them without knowing</center></b>
<b><center> You see the clerk as you pass by the entrance and she looks at you confused</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\Confusedclerk.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<clerk><b> - "Did he just.. steal a pair of panties.. Oh he's gonna get punished for this when he comes back.. I know he will come back, they always do..</b></clerk> - the clerk says smiling, but not ratting you out.
<<set $submissive to $submissive+2>>
<<set $feminization to $feminization+1>>
<center><pink>Submissiveness +2!!</pink></center>
<center><hotpink>You just increased your feminization, you can now buy panties and bras.</hotpink></center>
<b><yellow><center> Your sister can now tease you in her room when you interact with her!</center></yellow></b>
<<set $underwear to 7>>
<<set $panties1 to true>>
<center>[[Go back to the mall|Mall]]</center><<set $time to $time+1>>
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\detention.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><img src="images\city\detention.jpg" width = "550px"></center>
<b><center> As you enter the detention room, you see your teacher, <teacher>Ms.$nameteacher</teacher> lighting up a cigarette as she waits for you</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\lightingup.jpg"></span></center>
<b><teacher> - "Hello <you>$name</you>, please take a seat."</teacher></b> - your teacher tells you as she takes a puff
<b><center> You go ahead and do what she says and take a seat on the nearest seat to you possible.</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\wearingpanties.png"></span></center>
<b><center> Your teacher looks at you as you head to your seat as you take a seat and notices you're wearing panties again and smiles, clearly thinking of something</center></b>
<b><teacher> - "Wearing panties again <you>$name</you>? You're becoming bolder and bolder everytime I see you..</teacher></b> - your teacher tells you smiling
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\teachersmirk.jpg"></span></center>
<b><you> - Ehm.. yeah they are just more comfortable as of late..</you></b> - you admit to your teacher embarassed
<b><teacher> - "Good boy.. I like your progression..</teacher></b> - your teacher says as she comes close to you and smiles
<b><center> As she comes closer to you, she lets her pen drop on the ground</center></b>
<b><teacher> - "Whoops. Pick up the pen from the ground for me, <you>$name</you>"</teacher></b> - your teacher orders you looking down
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\lookingdown.png"></span></center>
<b><center> You are a little confused.. She didnt even ask you, she just ordered you to do so.. but for some reason, you can't disobey her and do what she says</center></b>
<B><you> - Okay..</you></b> - you tell your teacher
<b><teacher> - "Today, quick."</teacher></b> - she hurries you, impacient.
<b><center> You get up from your chair and kneel in front of your teacher to grab the pen</center></b>
<b><center> As you are kneeling in front of your teacher, you look up and notice the position you are in, completely at your teachers mercy, feeling like an ant, you feel inferior to her</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\Lookingup.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><center> As your teacher is smoking her cigarette, ashes fall on her heel, she notices how well you are in her knees and goes one step forward.</center></b>
<b><teacher> - "Clean my heels, with your mouth, now."</teacher></b> - she orders you.
<b><center> You look at her heel and decide to </center></b>
<div id="choice">
<<linkreplace "<pink><center> • Obey her</center></pink>">>\
<<replace "#choice">>\
<b><center> For some reason.. you just can't come to disobey <teacher> Mistress $nameteacher</teacher> right now.. You'd do anything she says.. So you start by kissing her foot.</center></B>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\kissingheelteacher.png"></span></center>
<b><teacher> - "I said lick my heels, boy. Not kiss my foot, are you retarded? Can't you follow simple orders?"</teacher></b> - your teacher says, mad at you for not doing the right job.
<b><center> You take a glimpse at her and look back down, as you start licking her heels.</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\lickingheels.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><teacher> - "Goood little bitch.. You're coming along nicely, I knew you'd accept your place in society.. that's enough, you can grab your things and leave now."</teacher></b> - your teacher says, taking her feet from your face
<b><center> You grow a little sad that it has ended, but you get up and gather your things.
<B><teacher> - "And don't forget about your appointment next Tuesday boy, you better not miss it."</teacher></B> - your teacher says as you head outside
<<if $submissive <=45>>
<<set $submissive to $submissive+1>>\
<b><center><pink> Submissiveness +1!</pink></center></b>\
<b><center><white><u> This action won't increase your <pink>submission</pink> anymore.</u></white></center></b>
<center>[[ Go outside|School Hallway]]</center>
<div id="choice">
<<linkreplace "<center><white> • Get up and give her the pen, it's too much for you..</white></center>">>
<<replace "#choice">>
<b><you> - I'm not gonna do that.. Here's your pen..</you></b> - you say as you get up and give your teacher the pen.
<b><teacher> - "Humph.. Disobeying me comes with costs, maybe you won't lick it now, but I know one day you will, leave this room now, and don't forget about the next therapy appointment."</teacher></b> - your teacher says, as you head outside.
<center>[[ Go outside|School Hallway]]</center>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\resources\girlhappy.gif"></span></center>
<b><center> This is the end of the main <pink>sub</pink> content for v0.3! Hopefully you enjoyed this update more than the first release, I made sure to change alot of things and hopefully you enjoyed the outcome!</center></b>
<b><center> If you did, consider supporting me over at <a href="" target="_blank">patreon</a></center></b>
If you feel there's content you still havent played, feel free to explore the rest of the game! Check tips!
<center><clerk> See you in v0.4!</clerk></center><<set $version = 0.36>>
/* Version 0.2 --> 0.3 */
<<if ndef $dadshower>>
<<set $dadshower to true>>
<<if !$homosexuality>>
<<set $homosexuality to 0>>
<<if ndef $therapistsubevent1>>
<<set $therapistsubevent1 to true>>
<<if ndef $therapistname>>
<<set $therapistname to "Lisa">>
<<if ndef $momeventdom1>>
<<set $momeventdom1 to true>>
/* Version 0.3 --> 0.4 */
<<if ndef $phoneeventsub4>>
<<set $phoneeventsub4 to true>>
<<if ndef $phoneeventsub4repeat>>
<<set $phoneeventsub4repeat to false>>
<<if ndef $therapistsubevent2>>
<<set $therapistsubevent2 to true>>
<<if ndef $bodycheckfem1>>
<<set $bodycheckfem1 to true>>
<<if ndef $detentionwax>>
<<set $detentionwax to true>>
<<if ndef $detentionwax2>>
<<set $detentionwax2 to false>>
<<if ndef $waxed>>
<<set $waxed to false>>
<<if ndef $bfintroduction>>
<<set $bfintroduction to true>>
<<if ndef $givecard>>
<<set $givecard to true>>
/* Version 0.4 --> 0.5 */
<<if ndef $mombodychecktalk>>
<<set $mombodychecktalk to true>>
<<if ndef $dadbodychecktalk>>
<<set $dadbodychecktalk to true>>
<<if ndef $sisbodychecktalk>>
<<set $sisbodychecktalk to true>>
<<if ndef $gfbodychecktalk>>
<<set $gfbodychecktalk to true>>
<<if ndef $classmatescene>>
<<set $classmatescene to true>>
<<if ndef $classmatename>>
<<set $classmatename to "Sasha">>
<<if ndef $gfsubevent1>>
<<set $gfsubevent1 to true>>
<<if ndef $siseventsub4>>
<<set $siseventsub4 to true>>
<<if ndef $gfhappened>>
<<set $gfhappened to false>>
<<if ndef $makeup>>
<<set $makeup to false>>
<<if ndef $therapistsubevent3>>
<<set $therapistsubevent3 to true>>
<<if ndef $therapistsub3seen>>
<<set $therapistsub3seen to false>>
<<if ndef $gfeventdom1>>
<<set $gfeventdom1 to true>>
/* Version 0.5 --> 0.6 */
<<if ndef $trymakeupon>>
<<set $trymakeupon to true>>
<<if ndef $dress1>>
<<set $dress1 to false>>
<<if ndef $teacherfirstask>>
<<set $teacherfirstask to false>>
<<if ndef $sunday3seen>>
<<set $sunday3seen to false>>
<<if ndef $firstdress>>
<<set $firstdress to false>>
<<if ndef $task1>>
<<set $task1 to false>>
<<if ndef $task2>>
<<set $task2 to false>>
<<if ndef $taskintro>>
<<set $taskintro to true>>
<<if ndef $firsttimetask1>>
<<set $firsttimetask1 to false>>
<<if ndef $dadmakeupreaction>>
<<set $dadmakeupreaction to true>>
<<if ndef $gfsubevent2>>
<<set $gfsubevent2 to true>>
<<if ndef $gfbreakup>>
<<set $gfbreakup to false>>
/* Version 0.6 --> 0.7 */
<<if ndef $bfsubevent1>>
<<set $bfsubevent1 to true>>
<<if ndef $dream4>>
<<set $dream4 to false>>
<<if ndef $phoneeventsub5>>
<<set $phoneeventsub5 to true>>
<<if ndef $phoneeventsub5repeat>>
<<set $phoneeventsub5repeat to false>>
<<if ndef $gfsubevent3>>
<<set $gfsubevent3 to true>>
<<if ndef $siseventdom2>>
<<set $siseventdom2 to true>>
<<if ndef $bfbodychecktalk>>
<<set $bfbodychecktalk to true>>
/* Version 0.7 --> 0.8 */
<<if ndef $sisunderwearoff>>
<<set $sisunderwearoff to true>>
<<if ndef $removemaleunder>>
<<set $removemaleunder to false>>
<<if ndef $sexshopfirst>>
<<set $sexshopfirst to true>>
<<if ndef $teacherdildotask>>
<<set $teacherdildotask to false>>
<<if ndef $dildo1>>
<<set $dildo1 to false>>
<<if ndef $hired>>
<<set $hired to false>>
<<if ndef $nothiredwarning>>
<<set $nothiredwarning to false>>
<<if ndef $seenhired>>
<<set $seenhired to false>>
<<if ndef $newtask1>>
<<set $newtask1 to false>>
<<if ndef $task3>>
<<set $task3 to false>>
<<if ndef $meetbfjob>>
<<set $meetbfjob to true>>
<<if !$worked>>
<<set $worked to 0>>
<<if ndef $firsttimework>>
<<set $firsttimework to true>>
<<if ndef $seentask1>>
<<set $seentask1 to false>>\
<<if ndef $seentask2>>
<<set $seentask2 to false>>\
<<if ndef $bothtasks>>
<<set $bothtasks to false>>\
<<if ndef $momeventsub2>>
<<set $momeventsub2 to true>>
/* Version 0.8 --> 0.9 */
<<if !$timer>>
<<set $timer to 0>>
<<if ndef $workgeneralevent1>>
<<set $workgeneralevent1 to true>>\
<<if ndef $workgeneralevent2>>
<<set $workgeneralevent2 to true>>\
<<if ndef $workgeneralevent3>>
<<set $workgeneralevent3 to true>>\
<<if ndef $workgeneralevent4>>
<<set $workgeneralevent4 to true>>\
<<if ndef $workgeneralevent5>>
<<set $workgeneralevent5 to true>>\
<<if ndef $workgeneralevent6>>
<<set $workgeneralevent6 to true>>\
<<if ndef $worksubevent1>>
<<set $worksubevent1 to true>>\
<<if ndef $worksubevent2>>
<<set $worksubevent2 to true>>\
<<if ndef $worksubevent3>>
<<set $worksubevent3 to true>>\
<<if ndef $worksubevent4>>
<<set $worksubevent4 to true>>\
<<if ndef $worksubevent5>>
<<set $worksubevent5 to true>>\
<<if ndef $worksubevent6>>
<<set $worksubevent6 to true>>\
<<if ndef $workdomevent1>>
<<set $workdomevent1 to true>>\
/* Version 0.9 --> 0.10 */
<<if ndef $therapistsubevent4>>
<<set $therapistsubevent4 to true>>
<<if ndef $gfsubevent4>>
<<set $gfsubevent4 to true>>
<<if ndef $threetasks>>
<<set $threetasks to false>>
<<if ndef $seentask3>>
<<set $seentask3 to false>>
<<if ndef $teacherbuttplugtask>>
<<set $teacherbuttplugtask to true>>
<<if ndef $buttplugintro>>
<<set $buttplugintro to true>>
<<if ndef $buttplug1>>
<<set $buttplug1 to false>>
<<if ndef $task4>>
<<set $task4 to false>>
<<if ndef $task5>>
<<set $task5 to false>>
<<if ndef $seentask4>>
<<set $seentask4 to false>>
<<if ndef $seentask5>>
<<set $seentask5 to false>>
<<if ndef $boughtplug>>
<<set $boughtplug to false>>
<<if ndef $bfdomevent1>>
<<set $bfdomevent1 to true>>
<<if ndef $bfend>>
<<set $bfend to false>>
<<if ndef $maledomfind>>
<<set $maledomfind to true>>
<<if ndef $maledomporn>>
<<set $maledomporn to false>>
<<if ndef $femdomfind>>
<<set $femdomfind to true>>
<<if ndef $femdomporn>>
<<set $femdomporn to false>>
/* Version 0.10 --> 0.11 */
<<if ndef $momeventsub3>>
<<set $momeventsub3 to true>>
<<if ndef $momeventsub4>>
<<set $momeventsub4 to true>>
<<if ndef $mcmaid>>
<<set $mcmaid to false>>
<<if ndef $mcmaiddad>>
<<set $mcmaiddad to true>>
<<if ndef $mcmaidsis>>
<<set $mcmaidsis to true>>
<<if ndef $siseventsub5>>
<<set $siseventsub5 to true>>
<<if ndef $mcchastity>>
<<set $mcchastity to false>>
<<if ndef $chastitycheck>>
<<set $chastitycheck to true>>
<<if ndef $therapistsubevent5>>
<<set $therapistsubevent5 to true>>
<<if ndef $worksubevent7>>
<<set $worksubevent7 to true>>\
<<if ndef $dadshowerws>>
<<set $dadshowerws to true>>\
/* Version 0.11 --> 0.12 */
<<if ndef $chastityreaction>>
<<set $chastityreaction to false>>
<<if ndef $momeventsub5>>
<<set $momeventsub5 to true>>
<<if ndef $bfchastityreaction>>
<<set $bfchastityreaction to true>>
<<if ndef $bfdomevent2>>
<<set $bfdomevent2 to true>>
<<if ndef $classmateglory>>
<<set $classmateglory to true>>
<<if !$glorydone>>
<<set $glorydone to 0>>
<<if ndef $momdomevent2>>
<<set $momdomevent2 to true>>
/* Version 0.12 --> 0.13 */
<<if ndef $siseventsub6>>
<<set $siseventsub6 to true>>
<<if ndef $gfsubevent5>>
<<set $gfsubevent5 to true>>
<<if ndef $gfsubevent5pt2>>
<<set $gfsubevent5pt2 to false>>\
<<if ndef $momdomevent3>>
<<set $momdomevent3 to true>>
<<if ndef $siswsud>>
<<set $siswsud to true>>
<<if ndef $classmatedom2>>
<<set $classmatedom2 to true>>
<<if ndef $bfeventdom3>>
<<set $bfeventdom3 to true>>
/* Version 0.13 --> 0.14 */
<<if ndef $worksubevent8>>
<<set $worksubevent8 to true>>\
<<if ndef $worksubevent9>>
<<set $worksubevent9 to true>>\
<<if ndef $parkguy>>
<<set $parkguy to true>>\
<<if ndef $parkguydate>>
<<set $parkguydate to true>>\
<<if ndef $parksubguy1>>
<<set $parksubguy1 to true>>\
<<if ndef $teacherstrap>>
<<set $teacherstrap to true>>\
<<if ndef $bfsubevent4>>
<<set $bfsubevent4 to true>>
/* Version 0.14 --> 0.15 */
<<if ndef $dadsubevent1>>
<<set $dadsubevent1 to true>>
<<if ndef $momeventsub6>>
<<set $momeventsub6 to true>>
<<if ndef $siseventsub7>>
<<set $siseventsub7 to true>>
<<if ndef $classmatedom3>>
<<set $classmatedom3 to true>>
<<if ndef $momdomevent4>>
<<set $momdomevent4 to true>>
/* Version 0.15 --> 0.16 */
<<if ndef $teacherud>>
<<set $teacherud to true>>
<<if ndef $lubequest>>
<<set $lubequest to true>>
<<if ndef $lubequestactive>>
<<set $lubequestactive to false>>
<<if ndef $lubebought>>
<<set $lubebought to false>>
<<if ndef $analtrainingstat>>
<<set $analtrainingstat to false>>
<<if !$analstat>>
<<set $analstat to 5>>
<<if !$analevel>>
<<set $analevel to 1>>
<<if !$fatiguestat>>
<<set $fatiguestat to 0>>
<<if ndef $analevelup1>>
<<set $analevelup1 to false>>
<<if ndef $analevelup2>>
<<set $analevelup2 to false>>
<<if ndef $momeventsub7>>
<<set $momeventsub7 to true>>
<<if ndef $oraltraining>>
<<set $oraltraining to false>>
<<if !$oralstat>>
<<set $oralstat to 0>>
<<if !$oralevel>>
<<set $oralevel to 1>>
<<if ndef $momdildo>>
<<set $momdildo to false>>
<<if ndef $therapistsubevent6>>
<<set $therapistsubevent6 to true>>
<<if ndef $momdomevent5>>
<<set $momdomevent5 to true>>
<<if ndef $teacherdom1>>
<<set $teacherdom1 to true>>
/* Version 0.16 --> 0.17 */
<<if ndef $dress2>>
<<set $dress2 to false>>
<<if ndef $dress3>>
<<set $dress3 to false>>
<<if ndef $dress4>>
<<set $dress4 to false>>
<<if ndef $dress5>>
<<set $dress5 to false>>
<<if ndef $dress6>>
<<set $dress6 to false>>
<<if ndef $dress7>>
<<set $dress7 to false>>
<<if ndef $dress8>>
<<set $dress8 to false>>
<<if ndef $top1>>
<<set $top1 to false>>
<<if ndef $top2>>
<<set $top2 to false>>
<<if ndef $top3>>
<<set $top3 to false>>
<<if ndef $top4>>
<<set $top4 to false>>
<<if ndef $top5>>
<<set $top5 to false>>
<<if ndef $skirt1>>
<<set $skirt1 to false>>
<<if ndef $skirt2>>
<<set $skirt2 to false>>
<<if ndef $skirt3>>
<<set $skirt3 to false>>
<<if ndef $skirt4>>
<<set $skirt4 to false>>
<<if ndef $skirt5>>
<<set $skirt5 to false>>
<<if ndef $heels1>>
<<set $heels1 to false>>
<<if ndef $heels2>>
<<set $heels2 to false>>
<<if ndef $heels3>>
<<set $heels3 to false>>
<<if ndef $heels4>>
<<set $heels4 to false>>
<<if ndef $heels5>>
<<set $heels5 to false>>
<<if ndef $sluttyshorts1>>
<<set $sluttyshorts1 to false>>
<<if ndef $femaletop1>>
<<set $femaletop1 to false>>
<<if ndef $femalejeans1>>
<<set $femalejeans1 to false>>
<<if ndef $oralevelup1>>
<<set $oralevelup1 to false>>
<<if ndef $mimbigdildo>>
<<set $mombigdildo to false>>\
<<if ndef $worksubevent10>>
<<set $worksubevent10 to true>>\
<<if ndef $daddildoreact>>
<<set $daddildoreact to true>>\
/* Version 0.17 --> 0.18 */
<<if ndef $gfsubevent6>>
<<set $gfsubevent6 to true>>\
<<if ndef $oralevelup2>>
<<set $oralevelup2 to false>>
<<if ndef $mombbcdildo>>
<<set $mombbcdildo to false>>\
<<if ndef $siseventsub8>>
<<set $siseventsub8 to true>>\
<<if ndef $momdomevent6>>
<<set $momdomevent6 to true>>
/* Version 0.18 --> 0.19 */
<<if ndef $bfsubevent5>>
<<set $bfsubevent5 to true>>
<<if ndef $denybully>>
<<set $denybully to false>>
<<if ndef $teachercuck>>
<<set $teachercuck to true>>
<<if ndef $teacherud2>>
<<set $teacherud2 to true>>
<<if ndef $gloryholejob>>
<<set $gloryholejob to false>>
<<if ndef $worksubevent11>>
<<set $worksubevent11 to true>>\
<<if ndef $dadsubevent2>>
<<set $dadsubevent2 to true>>\
/* Version 0.19 --> 0.20 */
<<if ndef $emailsub1>>
<<set $emailsub1 to true>>\
<<if ndef $momeventsub8>>
<<set $momeventsub8 to true>>
<<if ndef $momdomevent7>>
<<set $momdomevent7 to true>>
<<if ndef $dadeventdom1>>
<<set $dadeventdom1 to true>>
<<if !$hypnotized>>
<<set $hypnotized to 0>>
<<if ndef $dadgayoff>>
<<set $dadgayoff to false>>
<<if ndef $bnwoevent1>>
<<set $bnwoevent1 to true>>
/* Version 0.20 --> 0.21 */
<<if ndef $dadeventdom2>>
<<set $dadeventdom2 to true>>
<<if ndef $dadeventdom3>>
<<set $dadeventdom3 to true>>
<<if ndef $teacherdom2>>
<<set $teacherdom2 to true>>
<<if ndef $bfsubevent6>>
<<set $bfsubevent6 to true>>
<<if ndef $bnwoevent2>>
<<set $bnwoevent2 to true>>
<<if ndef $emailsub2>>
<<set $emailsub2 to true>>\
<<if !$hypnotizedlevel>>
<<set $hypnotizedlevel to 1>>
<<if ndef $emailsub3>>
<<set $emailsub3 to true>>\
<<if ndef $hypnotizedfalse>>
<<set $hypnotizedfalse to false>>\
<<if ndef $bnwofalse>>
<<set $bnwofalse to false>>\
/* Version 0.21 --> 0.22 */
<<if ndef $bnwoevent3>>
<<set $bnwoevent3 to true>>
<<if ndef $momeventsub9>>
<<set $momeventsub9 to true>>
<<if ndef $emailsub4>>
<<set $emailsub4 to true>>\
<<if ndef $thirdwatchemail>>
<<set $thirdwatchemail to false>>
<<if ndef $worksubevent12>>
<<set $worksubevent12 to true>>\
<<if ndef $gfsubevent7>>
<<set $gfsubevent7 to true>>\
/* Version 0.22 --> 0.23 */
<<if ndef $teacheruniformtask>>
<<set $teacheruniformtask to true>>\
<<if ndef $teacheruniformbought>>
<<set $teacheruniformbought to false>>\
<<if ndef $teacheruniformreaction>>
<<set $teacheruniformreaction to true>>\
<<if ndef $namechange>>
<<set $namechange to false>>\
<<if ndef $gfsubevent8>>
<<set $gfsubevent8 to true>>\
<<if ndef $dadeventdom4>>
<<set $dadeventdom4 to true>>
<<if ndef $dadfeminized>>
<<set $dadfeminized to false>>
<<if ndef $teacherdom3>>
<<set $teacherdom3 to true>>
<<if ndef $momdomevent8>>
<<set $momdomevent8 to true>>
/* Version 0.23 --> 0.24 */
<<if ndef $siseventsub9>>
<<set $siseventsub9 to true>>\
<<if ndef $secondfemchange>>
<<set $secondfemchange to true>>\
<<if ndef $bnwoevent4>>
<<set $bnwoevent4 to true>>
<<if ndef $schoolfemreaction1>>
<<set $schoolfemreaction1 to true>>
<<if ndef $dadeventdomfem1>>
<<set $dadeventdomfem1 to true>>
<<if ndef $teacherdom4>>
<<set $teacherdom4 to true>>
<<if ndef $bfeventdom4>>
<<set $bfeventdom4 to true>>
/* Version 0.24 --> 0.25 */
<<if ndef $worksubevent13>>
<<set $worksubevent13 to true>>\
<<if ndef $firstcock>>
<<set $firstcock to false>>\
<<if ndef $siswsud2>>
<<set $siswsud2 to true>>\
<<if ndef $dadeventdomdom1>>
<<set $dadeventdomdom1 to true>>\
<<if ndef $buyanallube>>
<<set $buyanallube to true>>\
<<if ndef $giveanallubetask>>
<<set $giveanallubetask to true>>\
<<if ndef $ballgagbought>>
<<set $ballgagbought to false>>\
<<if ndef $peggedteacher>>
<<set $peggedteacher to true>>\
<<if ndef $dadeventdomfem2>>
<<set $dadeventdomfem2 to true>>
<<if ndef $siseventdom3>>
<<set $siseventdom3 to true>>
/* Version 0.25 --> 0.26 */
<<if ndef $siseventsub10>>
<<set $siseventsub10 to true>>\
<<if ndef $momeventsub10>>
<<set $momeventsub10 to true>>
<<if ndef $mombnwoquest1>>
<<set $mombnwoquest1 to true>>
<<if ndef $dadeventdomfem3>>
<<set $dadeventdomfem3 to true>>
<<if ndef $bfeventdom5>>
<<set $bfeventdom5 to true>>
<<if ndef $teacherdom5>>
<<set $teacherdom5 to true>>
<<if ndef $subheadmaster>>
<<set $subheadmaster to false>>
/* Version 0.26 --> 0.27 */
<<if ndef $therapistsubevent7>>
<<set $therapistsubevent7 to true>>
<<if ndef $headmasterdom1>>
<<set $headmasterdom1 to true>>
/* Version 0.27 --> 0.28 */
<<if ndef $mombnwobuy1>>
<<set $mombnwobuy1 to true>>
<<if ndef $mombnwobought>>
<<set $mombnwobought to false>>
<<if !$lip>>
<<set $lip to 0>>
<<if ndef $lipsdone>>
<<set $lipsdone to false>>
<<if ndef $emailsub5>>
<<set $emailsub5 to true>>\
<<if ndef $dadeventdomfem4>>
<<set $dadeventdomfem4 to true>>
<<if ndef $gfeventdom2>>
<<set $gfeventdom2 to true>>
/* Version 0.28 --> 0.29 */
<<if ndef $sispetplayevent>>
<<set $sispetplayevent to true>>
<<if ndef $teacherschooltask>>
<<set $teacherschooltask to true>>
<<if ndef $teacherschooltaskactive>>
<<set $teacherschooltaskactive to false>>
<<if ndef $nailsalontask>>
<<set $nailsalontask to true>>
<<if ndef $nailsalontaskstart>>
<<set $nailsalontaskstart to false>>
<<if !$nails>>
<<set $nails to 0>>
<<if ndef $nailstaskdone>>
<<set $nailstaskdone to false>>
<<if ndef $dadeventdomdom2>>
<<set $dadeventdomdom2 to true>>\
<<if ndef $teacherdom6>>
<<set $teacherdom6 to true>>
<<if ndef $bnwoevent5>>
<<set $bnwoevent5 to true>>
<<if ndef $workdomeventgay1>>
<<set $workdomeventgay1 to true>>
<<if ndef $mombnwobought2>>
<<set $mombnwobought2 to true>>
/* Version 0.29 --> 0.30 */
<<if ndef $analbleachdone>>
<<set $analbleachdone to false>>
<<if ndef $bnwoevent6>>
<<set $bnwoevent6 to true>>
<<if ndef $dadeventdomfem5>>
<<set $dadeventdomfem5 to true>>
<<if ndef $dadeventdomfem6>>
<<set $dadeventdomfem6 to true>>
<<if ndef $dadeventdomfem7>>
<<set $dadeventdomfem7 to true>>
<<if ndef $workdomevent2>>
<<set $workdomevent2 to true>>
/* Version 0.30 --> 0.31 */
<<if ndef $siseventsub11>>
<<set $siseventsub11 to true>>\
<<if ndef $mcchastity2>>
<<set $mcchastity2 to false>>\
<<if ndef $dadfemreaction>>
<<set $dadfemreaction to true>>\
<<if ndef $femdad>>
<<set $femdad to "Alicia">>\
<<if ndef $dadeventdomfem8>>
<<set $dadeventdomfem8 to true>>
/* Version 0.31 --> 0.32 */
<<if ndef $bnwoeventsister>>
<<set $bnwoeventsister to true>>
<<if ndef $qospanties>>
<<set $qospanties to false>>
<<if ndef $qostop>>
<<set $qostop to false>>
<<if ndef $qosshorts>>
<<set $qosshorts to false>>
<<if ndef $gayporn>>
<<set $gayporn to false>>
<<if ndef $gaypornfind>>
<<set $gaypornfind to true>>
<<if !$dadexp>>
<<set $dadexp to 0>>
<<if !$dadlvl>>
<<set $dadlvl to 1>>
<<if !$momexp>>
<<set $momexp to 0>>
<<if !$momlvl>>
<<set $momlvl to 1>>
<<if ndef $workdomevent3>>
<<set $workdomevent3 to true>>
/* Version 0.32 --> 0.33 */
<<if ndef $xmassub>>
<<set $xmassub to true>>
<<if ndef $sissyporn>>
<<set $sissyporn to false>>
<<if ndef $sissypornfind>>
<<set $sissypornfind to true>>
<<if ndef $bnwoevent7>>
<<set $bnwoevent7 to true>>
<<if ndef $xmasdom>>
<<set $xmasdom to true>>
/* Version 0.33 --> 0.34 */
<<if ndef $facialfem>>
<<set $facialfem to false>>\
<<if ndef $therapistsubevent8>>
<<set $therapistsubevent8 to true>>
<<if ndef $bnwoevent8>>
<<set $bnwoevent8 to true>>
<<if ndef $exgfsubeventbnwo>>
<<set $exgfsubeventbnwo to true>>
<<if !$sisexp>>
<<set $sisexp to 0>>
<<if !$sislvl>>
<<set $sislvl to 1>>
<<if ndef $momreactiondadfem>>
<<set $momreactiondadfem to true>>
<<if ndef $sisreactiondadfem>>
<<set $sisreactiondadfem to true>>
/* Version 0.34 --> 0.35 */
<<if ndef $momdadtask>>
<<set $momdadtask to true>>
<<if ndef $bnwoevent9>>
<<set $bnwoevent9 to true>>
<<if !$stableexp>>
<<set $stableexp to 0>>
<<if !$stablelvl>>
<<set $stablelvl to 1>>
/* Version 0.35 --> 0.36 */
<<if ndef $siseventsub12>>
<<set $siseventsub12 to true>>\
<<if ndef $makeupsis>>
<<set $makeupsis to false>>\
<<if ndef $gfsubevent9>>
<<set $gfsubevent9 to true>>\
<<if ndef $emailsub6>>
<<set $emailsub6 to true>>\
<<if ndef $dadeventdomfem9>>
<<set $dadeventdomfem9 to true>>
<<if ndef $workdomevent4>>
<<set $workdomevent4 to true>>
<<if ndef $momdomevent9>>
<<set $momdomevent9 to true>>
<</if>><<set $momdadtask to true>>\
<<set $fatiguestat to 0>>
<<set $day to $day+1>>
<<set $time to 0>>
<<if $dayy == 7>>
<<set $dayy to 1>>
<<set $dayy to $dayy+1>>
<<if $timer < 2>>
<<set $timer to $timer+1>>
<<if $timer == 3>>\
<<set $timer to $timer-1>>\
<<goto `either("Dream1", "Dream2", "Dream3", "SubDream1","ChastityDream1",)`>>\
<<set $momdadtask to true>>\
<<set $fatiguestat to 0>>
<<set $day to $day+1>>
<<set $time to 0>>
<<if $dayy == 7>>
<<set $dayy to 1>>
<<set $dayy to $dayy+1>>
<<if $timer < 2>>
<<set $timer to $timer+1>>
<<if $timer == 3>>\
<<set $timer to $timer-1>>\
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\city.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><img src="images\city\budapestcenternight.jpg" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>
<b><center> You imagine yourself in the shoes of the man fucking the guy in the ass, grabbing him by the neck and getting railed</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\Roughgaysex.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><center> You would then turn him around and put him in his knees and make him suck your cock</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\Alleywaybj.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><center> And finally you would cum all over his face</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\Cuminfacegay.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><center> As you come back to reality you realise the gay couple has already finished and you are sporting the biggest boner you ever had, maybe you should've masturbated or even better.. joined in..
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\bonergay.png"></span></center>
<<if $dominant <=25>>\
<<set $dominant to $dominant+1>>\
<b><center><blue><font size="6"> Domination+1!</font></blue></center></b>\
<b><center><white><u> This action won't increase your <blue>domination anymore.</blue></u></white></center></b>
<<set $homosexuality to $homosexuality+1>>
<b><center><you><font size="6"> Homosexuality+1!</font></you></center></b>\
<center>[[Go back home|Room]]</center><center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\city.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><img src="images\city\budapestcenternight.jpg" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>
<b><center> You imagine yourself in the shoes of the man getting fucked in the ass, being grabbed by the neck and completely destroyed</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\Roughgaysex.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><center> He would turn you around after fucking you deeply and make you suck his cock with the taste of your own ass in his cock</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\Alleywaybj.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><center> And finally he would cum all over your face</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\Cuminfacegay.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><center> As you come back to reality you realise the gay couple has already finished and you are sporting the biggest boner you ever had, maybe you should've masturbated or even better.. joined in..
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\bonergay.png"></span></center>
<<if $submissive <=25>>
<<set $submissive to $submissive+1>>\
<b><center><pink><font size="6">Submissive+1!</font></pink></center></b>\
<b><center><white><u> This action won't increase your <pink>submission anymore</pink></u></white></center></b>
<<set $homosexuality to $homosexuality+1>>
<b><center><you><font size="6"> Homosexuality+1!</font></you></center></b>\
<center>[[Go back home|Room]]</center><center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\city.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><img src="images\city\budapestcenternight.jpg" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>
<center><red>((M/M CONTENT!))</red></center>
<b><center> You are calmly strolling along the beautiful city of Budapest at night when you pass by an alleyway and hear male grunts, confused, you stop and head deeper into the alleyway</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\Gaysexalleyway.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><center> When you finally have vision of what's going on, you see two guys clearly fucking in the alleyway, you are not used to seeing two men fucking so you stay and watch</center></b>
<b><you> - This is kinda interesting tho.. I should find it disgusting but I don't for some reason.. it's kinda arousing actually just seeing such rough sex..</you></b> - you think to yourself, suprisingly getting hard
<b><center> As you watch, you start imagining yourself in the shoes of the guys, specifically you imagine yourself as the
<div id="choice">
<<linkreplace "<pink><center> • Bottom</center></pink>">>\
<<replace "#choice">>\
<<goto "Imaginebottom">>
<div id="choice">
<<linkreplace "<blue><center> • Top</center></blue>">>
<<replace "#choice">>
<<goto "Imaginetop">>
<div id="choice">
<<linkreplace "<center><white> • Neither, you regret your decision and go home.</white></center>">>
<<replace "#choice">>
<b><you> - It feels kinda wrong to do this.. and I might get caught, I'll just head home</you></b> - you say as you head home
<center>[[Go home|Room]]</center>
<<set $dadshower to false>>\
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\bathroom.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><img src="images\city\bathroom.jpg" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>
<center><red>((M/M CONTENT!))</red></center>
<b><center> You realize it's 11pm and you have school tomorrow, you always take showers at night but this time you decided to let it a little later since you thought you'd have time.. what you forgot was that you father arrives around this time and he always take a shower, so you storm in into the bathroom</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\Dadshower.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>\
<b><center> When you enter you stumble upon your dad, fully naked, taking a shower.</center></b>
<b><you> - Oh shit.. sorry <dad>$dadname</dad> didn't mean to come in like that</you></b> - you tell your dad
<b><dad> - "Oh hey kid, it's fine, you wanted to take a piss or what?</dad></b> - your dad asks, while cleaning his fat cock
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\Dadcleaningdick.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><you> - Eh no.. I was gonna take a shower actually but I'll wait till you're done or just take it tomorrow I guess..</you></b> - you say to your dad, as you start going away
<b><dad> - "Hey, why don't you join me in the shower like good old times? There's space for the two of us"</dad></b> - your dad asks you
<b><center> You look at him and thinking you decide</center></b>
<div id="choice">
<<linkreplace "<you><center> •Accept and join</center></you>">>\
<<replace "#choice">>\
<<goto "dadshoweraccept">>
<div id="choice">
<<linkreplace "<white><center> • That would be weird.. just wait</center></white>">>
<<replace "#choice">>
<b><center> You decide it's too weird to take a shower with your dad when you're this old, so you just tell him you'll take a shower later and go back to your room.</center></b>
<center>[[Go to your room|Room]]</center>\
</div><center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\bathroom.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><img src="images\city\bathroom.jpg" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>
<b><center> You decide to accept your fathers offer and join in</center></b>
<b><you> - Sure dad why not, we spend less water even haha..</you></b> - you say as you start undressing.
<b><dad> - "Come on, I'll clean your back and you clean mine, join in"</dad></b>
<b><center> You do what your dad says and enter the shower.</center></b>
<b><you> - Jesus the temperature is really hot dad.. you like it like that?</you></b> - you say as you get almost burnt from the temperature
<b><dad> - "That's what happens when your so skinny boy, you need to get some muscles."</dad></b> - your dad says as he flexes.
<b><dad> - "Here, let me clean your back."</dad></b> - your dad says and starts washing your back.
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\Dadcleaningback.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><center> As he starts cleaning your back.. you start to imagine things a son and a father should do, would you</center></B>
<div id="choice">
<<linkreplace "<pink><center> • Imagine yourself getting fucked</center></pink>">>\
<<replace "#choice">>\
<<goto "gettingfuckedshower">>
<div id="choice">
<<linkreplace "<blue><center> • Imagine yourself fucking</center></blue>">>
<<replace "#choice">>
<<goto "imaginefuckingshower">>
</div><center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\bathroom.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><img src="images\city\bathroom.jpg" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>
<b><center> You start imaging your dad rubbing your back, he'd go lower and start rubbing your ass, cleaning it, and you'd learn forward to give him easier access</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\Dadcleaningass.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><center> After that, he'd go deeper in your ass and clean near your asshole as he grabs your cock from the front</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\Dadcleaningassdeeper.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><center> Eventually you wouldn't resist anymore, turning around, you'd kiss your dad deeply in the lips</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\Dadkissing.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><center> You'd stroke his cock while kissing him</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\Strokedad.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><center> And then, you'd kneel in the shower and take your dad's fat large member in your mouth and suck it to your best ability</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\Suckdad.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><center> Once he was done with your mouth, he'd pick you up, turn you around and plunge his big cock inside your asshole, fucking you with muffled moans from the water</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\Dadfucking.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><center> When he is about to cum, he takes his cock from your ass, makes you kneel again and starts cumming in your face.</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\Dadcuminface.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<<if $submissive <=25>>
<<set $submissive to $submissive+1>>\
<b><center><pink><font size="6">Submissive+1!</font></pink></center></b>\
<b><center><white><u> This action won't increase your <pink>submission anymore</pink></u></white></center></b>
<b><center>[[Snap back to reality|realityback]]</center></b>
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\bathroom.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><img src="images\city\bathroom.jpg" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>
<b><center> You start imaging you rubbing your dad's back, making him lean so you can occasionally rub his ass</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\Dadcleaningass.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><center> After that, you'd go deeper in his ass and start cleaning more intimately</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\Dadcleaningassdeeper.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><center> Eventually you wouldn't resist anymore, turning your dad around, you'd kiss him on the lips</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\Dadkissing.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><center> He would stroke your cock while you kiss him</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\Strokedad.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><center> And then, you'd make him kneel in the shower make him suck your fat cock.</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\Suckdad.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><center> Once he was done with your cock, you'd pick him up, turn him around and plunge your cock inside his asshole, fucking him with muffled moans from the water</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\Dadfucking.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><center> When you're about to cum, you'd takes your cock from his ass, makes him kneel again and start cumming in his face.</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\Dadcuminface.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<<if $dominant <=25>>
<<set $dominant to $dominant+1>>\
<b><center><blue><font size="6">Dominance+1!</font></blue></center></b>\
<b><center><white><u> This action won't increase your <blue>domination anymore</blue></u></white></center></b>
<b><center>[[Snap back to reality|realityback]]</center></b>
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\bathroom.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><img src="images\city\bathroom.jpg" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>
<b><center> You suddenly come back to reality after snapping and zoning out with your father washing back and you realize your cock is completely hard with your father in the shower</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\Hardinshower.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><center> Your dad, clearly notices this and with a weird look he looks at you and asks</center></B>
<b><dad> - "Little guy woke up eh, how's that happened then?"</dad></b> - your dad says laughing
<b><you> - OMG.. Sorry dad.. it's just that.. I'm very touch deprived right now.. this is really embarassing..</you></B> - you tell your father while your face is crimson red.
<b><dad> - "Hehehe, it's fine bud, it happens no need to be embarassed, I'm your dad come on..</dad></b> - your dad says comforting you.
<b><you> - I.. I'm done here anyways.. I'll just go..</you></b> - you say as you rinse the soap quickly and leave to grab a towel.
<b><center> As you are drying yourself with a towel, you take a look back at your father and you notice something odd.. he's got a boner aswell..</center></B>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\dadhard.png"></span></center>
<<set $homosexuality to $homosexuality+1>>
<b><center><you><font size="6"> Homosexuality+1!</font></you></center></b>\
<b><you> - Weird..</you></B> - you say, as you head to your room.
<center>[[Go to your room|Room]]</center><center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\park.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><img src="images\city\park.png" height = "400px" width = "750px">
<b><center> As you're slowly walking towards the bushes with your cock out, you arrive near the couple and you notice he's deep inside her mouth, the white girl, giggling is looking at your cock</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\Publicbbcbj.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><center> Suddenly the man turns to you and says</center></b>
<b><brown> - "This is such typical whiteboi behaviour, jerking off from far away watching a BBC enter a snowbunny mouth, tell me, are you one of those whitebois?</brown></b> - the black man asks you
<b><center> You don't know what to say, realistically that is what you were doing so you just agree with him</center></b>
<b><you> - Y..yeah I am.. I was enjoying watching you two.. it was really hot</you></b> - you admit to the black man
<b><brown> - "HAHAHA.. I knew it, I can smell cucks from far away, tell me whiteboi, were you imaging yourself fucking her.. or were you imaging you were her huh? I can see it in your face.</brown></b> - the black man says with a large smile in his face
<b><you> - Ehm.. N..neither..</you></b> - you lie, not being able to admit that you were thinking that you were in her shoes
<b><brown> - "hHAHAHA fine don't admit it.. but it's written in your face since you are literally looking at my <brown>BBC</brown> as you think.. tell me whiteboi, why don't you come EVEN closer to her and kneel </brown></b> - he orders you
<b><center> You look at him and you are really curious of doing what he's saying.. so you just obey</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\Cuckoldnearbbc.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><brown> - "Goood whiteboi, doing what you're told by your superiors" - he says as the girl starts patting your face while she sucks his bbc</brown></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\facecaress.png"></span></center>
<b><brown> - "Say what.. why don't you fluff me and give my BBC some sucking huh? I wanna stick it back into her.</brown></b> - he tells you from above, looking into your eyes
<<if $feminization >=6>>
<div id="choice">
<<linkreplace "<pink><center> • Fluff him</center></pink>">>\
<<replace "#choice">>\
<b><center> You decide you will loose a big opportunity here if you don't fluff him.. it's your chance to finally get a taste of <brown>BBC</brown> for the first time... even if it's just for a bit.</center></b>
-<b><you> Okay...</you></b> - you say as you grab his cock and start sucking it.
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\fluff.png"></span></center>
<b><brown> - "Good fucking cuck.. How about I get a taste of that boipussy?"</brown></b> - he asks slapping your ass as you stop sucking.
<b><center> You decide it's too much and get up and run away.</center></b>
-<b><brown> "Oh come on whiteboi! I know you want it!"</brown></b>
<<if $submissive <=60>>
<<set $submissive to $submissive+1>>\
<b><center><pink> Submissiveness +1!</pink></center></b>\
<b><center><white><u> This action won't increase your <pink>submission</pink> anymore.</u></white></center></b>
<center>[[Run towards home|Room]]</center>
<div id="choice">
<<linkreplace "<white><center> • Leave and run away</center></white>">>
<<replace "#choice">>
<b><center> You look at the black man and you get scared of what's saying, it's too much for you, so you get up and run away, your heart beating at 300 mph</center></b>
<b><brown> - "Oh we scared the whiteboi away, i'm sure he'll come back one day HAHAHA</brown></B> - the man laughs loudly, you hear him laugh as you run away.
<<if $submissive <=50>>
<<set $submissive to $submissive+1>>\
<b><center><pink> Submissiveness +1!</pink></center></b>\
<b><center><white><u> This action won't increase your <pink>submission</pink> anymore.</u></white></center></b>
<center>[[Run towards home|Room]]</center>
<b><center> You look at the black man and you get scared of what's saying, it's too much for you, so you get up and run away, your heart beating at 300 mph</center></b>
<b><brown> - "Oh we scared the whiteboi away, i'm sure he'll come back one day HAHAHA</brown></B> - the man laughs loudly, you hear him laugh as you run away.
<<if $submissive <=50>>
<<set $submissive to $submissive+1>>\
<b><center><pink> Submissiveness +1!</pink></center></b>\
<b><center><white><u> This action won't increase your <pink>submission</pink> anymore.</u></white></center></b>
<center>[[Run towards home|Room]]</center>
<</if>>\<<if $time is 0>>
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\city.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>\
<center><img src="images\city\budapestcenterday.jpg" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>\
<<if $time is 1>>\
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\city.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>\
<center><img src="images\city\budapestcenterday.jpg" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>\
<<if $time is 2>>\
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\city.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><img src="images\city\budapestcenternight.jpg" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>
<b><center> You are heading towards the city when you walk by a car and notice something weird going on inside of it</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\Trannycummingcar.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><center> You notice a transwoman cumming everywhere inside her vehicle, you find it really arousing for some reason</center></b>
<<if $oralevel >=3 and $feminization >=7>>
<b><center> She seems to notice you and smiles at you, waving her cock full of cum at you, she then proceeds to roll down her window and talk to you</center></b>
-<b><purple> "Hi honey.. would you like to clean this up?"</purple></b> - she says waving her big cock
<div id="choice">
<<linkreplace "<pink><center> • Suck her cum glazzed cock</center></pink>">>\
<<replace "#choice">>\
<b><center> You can't help but accept her invitation, hopping in the passanger seat quickly without being noticed, you immediately feel the smell of cum all over her car it's so intense.. you can even see droplets of cum on her legs.. you take her big fat thick cock into your mouth and suck the rest of the cum out.. feeling it invade your mouth</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\transsuckcar.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><pink> mhmmMmm.. tasty</pink></b> - you say slurping it and swallowing it
-<b><purple> "Glad you enjoyed honey.. next time you have to be early so you can completely suck me off.. leave now slut"</purple></b> - she says kicking you out of the car
<b><center> You leave the car and head your way towards the city</center></b>
<<if $submissive <=65>>\
<<set $submissive to $submissive+1>>\
<b><center><pink> Submissiveness +1!</pink></center></b>\
<b><center><white><u> This action won't increase your <pink>submission</pink> anymore.</u></white></center></b>
<center><b>[[Arrive at the city center|City]]</b></center>
<div id="choice">
<<linkreplace "<white><center> • Say no and leave</center></white>">>
<<replace "#choice">>
-<b><you> I'm good thanks..</you></b> you say as you leave and head towards the city
<center><b>[[Arrive at the city center|City]]</b></center>
<center><b>[[Arrive at the city center|City]]</b></center>
<</if>>\<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\park.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><img src="images\city\park.png" height = "400px" width = "750px">
<b><center> You're heading towards the park when you see a blond chick blowing a random dude in the middle of the park</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\Randombjpark.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<center>[[Arrive at the park|Park]]</center>\<<if $time ==3>>\
<<set $time to $time-1>>\
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\beach.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>\
<<if $time == 0>>\
<center><img src="images\city\beach.png" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>\
<b><center> You arrive at the beautiful beach of Budapest, see plenty people around tanning and having fun, and you decide to</center></b>\
<<elseif $time == 1>>\
<center><img src="images\city\beach.png" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>\
<b><center> You arrive at the beautiful beach of Budapest, see plenty people around tanning and having fun, and you decide to</center></b>\
<<elseif $time == 2>>\
<center><img src="images\city\beachnight.png" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>\
<b><center> You arrive at the beautiful beach of Budapest at night, you feel the breeze of the night and listen to the waves of the ocean in the calm night, and you decide to</center></b>\
<<if $time == 0>>\
<center><<linkreplace"• Take a stroll on the beach •">>\
<<goto `either("NormalStroll", "SexStrollDay", "BBCSexStroll")`>>\
<<elseif $time == 1>>\
<center><<linkreplace"• Take a stroll on the beach •">>\
<<goto `either("NormalStroll", "SexStrollDay","BBCSexStroll")`>>\
<<elseif $time==2>>\
<center><<linkreplace"• Take a stroll on the beach •">>\
<<goto `either("NormalStrollNight", "SexStrollNight")`>>\
<<if $time==0>>\
<center>[[• Tan for a bit •|Tanning]]</center>\
<<elseif $time==1>>\
<center>[[• Tan for a bit •|Tanning]]</center>\
<center>[[• Pass time •|Pass time beach]]</center>\
<center><<linkreplace"• Take the bus back to the city •">>\
<<goto `either("BusCity", "ShowDickBus")`>>\
<hr>\<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\beach.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><img src="images\city\beach.png" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>
<b><center> You felt like walking for a bit around the beach since there's such good weather</center></b>
<b><center> As you're walking by and appreciating the views, you start listening to some moaning from far away behind the rocks, curious, you decide to go and check it out</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\Masturbatingbeach.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><center> When you get there you see a really hot girl all naked masturbating openly to the ocean, enjoying her time</center></b>
<b><you> - Fuck.. she's really hot..</you></b> - you tell yourself
<b><center> Unfortunately, you are not brave enough nor corageous enough to go and give her what she's needing.. yet..</center></b>
<center>[[Go back to your towel|Beach]]</center><center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\beach.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><img src="images\city\beach.png" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>
<b><center> You decide you want to take a walk around the beach for a bit and pass some time, as you feel the breeze of the ocean passing by your face, you feel the urge to just start running so you do</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\Walkinthebeach.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<<set $time to $time+1>>
<center><b> [[Go back to the beach|Beach]]</b></center><<if $time ==3>>
<<set $time to $time-1>>
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\beach.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><img src="images\city\beach.png" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>
<b><center> You decide you want to tan for a bit and pass some time on the beach chilling, so you take a sit on the sand and chill for a bit</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\Chillingbeach.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<<set $time to $time+1>>
<center><b> [[Go back to the beach|Beach]]</b></center><center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\beach.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<b><center> You enter the bus that is heading towards the beach and take a sit</center></b>
<b><center> You look to your right and see a random dude making a sandwich in the middle of the bus.. weirdo..</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\Normalbus.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<center>[[Arrive at the beach|Beach]]</center><center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\beach.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<b><center> You are heading towards the beach when you start hearing rustling sounds and noises behind you, looking back you see an exhibitionist couple having sex casually in the bus</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\bussex.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><you> - Wow.. they are crazy..</you></b> - you think.
<center>[[Arrive at the beach|Beach]]</center><center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\beach.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><img src="images\city\beachnight.png" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>\
<b><center> You decide you want to take a walk around the beach at night for a bit and pass some time, you feel the breeze of the ocean passing by your face, and you feel very relaxed.</center></b>
<center><span class="eventimg"><img src="images\events\walknightbeach.png" height = "400px" width = "750px"></span></center>\
<b><center> As you're walking by you see a couple having rough sex on the beach in the middle of the night, you decide it's better you turn away and go towards the other side.. don't wanna interrupt.</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\Beachsexnight.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<center><b> [[Go back to the beach|Beach]]</b></center><center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\beach.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><img src="images\city\beachnight.png" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>\
<b><center> You decide you want to take a walk around the beach at night for a bit and pass some time, you feel the breeze of the ocean passing by your face, and you feel very relaxed.</center></b>
<center><span class="eventimg"><img src="images\events\walknightbeach.png" height = "400px" width = "750px"></span></center>\
<center><b> [[Go back to the beach|Beach]]</b></center><center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\beach.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<b><center> You enter the bus that is heading towards the beach when suddenly you see a girl looking at you and smiling, she takes her tits out and flashes you and leaves at the stop</center></B>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\Showtitsbus.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><you> - Sweet..</you></B> - you say, happily.
<center>[[Arrive at the beach|Beach]]</center>\<<if $time < 2>>
<<set $time to $time+1>>
<<if $time == 3>>\
<<set $time to $time-1>>\
<<goto "Beach">><center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\beach.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<b><center> You take the bus back to the city</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\Buscity.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<center>[[Arrive at the City Center|City]]</center>
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\beach.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<b><center> You take the bus back to the city</center></b>
<b><center> Out of nowhere, the guy next to you calls you.</center></b>
<b><blue> - "Hey pal, look here, just for you"</blue></b> - the guy says, flashing his hard cock at you while smiling
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\Showdickbus.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><blue> - "Wanna touch it?"</blue></b> - he asks
<<if $feminization >= 2 and $feminization <=4>>
<<linkreplace "<pink><center> • Yes..</center></pink>">>\
<b><center> You look at the guy and embarassed you nod, and slowly start heading towards his cock with ur hand, eventually grabbing it and feeling the size of his cock on your hand, it's massive..</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\Grabdick.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><you> - Wow.. it's so big..</you></b> - you say, eyes fixated on his cock.
<b><blue> - "Haha, glad you like it baby, maybe you want to give it a lick?</blue></b>
<b><center> You look up and think about it for a second, but you can't bring yourself to do it yet.. you say sorry, get up and arrive at the city center</center></b>
<<if $submissive <=25>>\
<<set $submissive to $submissive+1>>\
<b><center><pink> Submissiveness +1!</pink></center></b>\
<b><center><white><u> This action won't increase your <pink>submission</pink> anymore.</u></white></center></b>
<<if $homosexuality <=10>>\
<<set $homosexuality to $homosexuality+1>>\
<b><center><you><font size="6"> Homosexuality+1!</font></you></center></b>\
<b><center><white><u> This action won't increase your <you>Homosexuality</you> anymore.</u></white></center></b>
<center>[[Arrive at the city center|City]]</center>
<<elseif $feminization >=5>>
<b><center> You look at the handsome guy and nod smiling, grabbing his cock with ur hand confidently, feeling the size of his cock, it's massive and mouth watering... you wanna suck it so bad, you'd never want this few months back...</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\Grabbingcock2.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><you> - Fuck I love your fat cock...</you></b> - you say licking your lips, eyes fixated on his cock.
-<b><blue> "Haha, glad you like it baby, maybe you want to give it a lick?</blue></b>
<<linkreplace "<pink><center> • Kneel and suck it</center></pink>">>\
<b><center> You take his offer and kneel in the middle of the bus next to him, taking his fat long into your mouth greedily, like it was the last meal of your life</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\Busbj.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><blue> "Fuck you're such a good cocksucker... I wanna marry you after this..."</blue></b> - the random guy says, completely in love with your cock sucking skills.
<b><center> Eventually you arrive at your destination and stop sucking his cock, you were unable to make him finish, perhaps you need more training... you lick your lips savoring his cock one last time and leaving towards the city center</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\Lipslick.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<<if $submissive <=25>>\
<<set $submissive to $submissive+1>>\
<b><center><pink> Submissiveness +1!</pink></center></b>\
<b><center><white><u> This action won't increase your <pink>submission</pink> anymore.</u></white></center></b>
<<if $homosexuality <=10>>\
<<set $homosexuality to $homosexuality+1>>
<b><center><you><font size="6"> Homosexuality+1!</font></you></center>
<b><center><white><u> This action won't increase your <you>Homosexuality</you> anymore.</u></white></center></b>\
<center>[[Arrive at the city center|City]]</center>
<b><center> You look at the guy weirdly and even tho you are curious.. you can't bring yourself to do such thing and just get up and switch seats, eventually arriving at the city center.</center></b>
<center>[[Arrive at the city center|City]]</center>
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\beach.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><img src="images\city\beach.png" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>
<b><center> You felt like walking for a bit around the beach since there's such good weather</center></b>
<b><center> As you're walking by and appreciating the views, you start listening to some really hard moaning, curious, you decide to go and check it out</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\Bbcsexbeach.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><center> When you get there, you see an interracial couple having some really passionate sex in public in a more excluded place from the beach</center></b>
<b><you> - Damn.. he's giving it to her really hard.. and look at the size of that <brown>BBC..</brown></you></b> - you say, looking at his cock.
<b><center> Eventually you give them privacy and head back</center></b>
<center>[[Go back|Beach]]</center><center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\park.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><img src="images\city\park.png" height = "400px" width = "750px">
<b><center> You decide to talk a walk in the park, appreciating the beauty of nature around you.</center></b>
<b><center> As you're walking, you take a detour to a more secluded place where usually no one decides to go because it could be dangerous, when out of nowhere you come across a guy in a bench, jerking his cock, fully naked</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\Masturbatingpark.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><center> He notices you and says</center></b>
<b><blue> - "Finally, took you long enough, come on, I've been waiting all day for you to come suck me off, just do it like we said on chat"</blue></b> - he says, clearly mistaking you for someone.
<<if $feminization >=4>>\
<b><center> You think you could take advantage of this situation and maybe do what he says..</center></b>
<div id="choice">\
<<linkreplace "<pink><center> • Go next to him, pretending to be someone else</center></pink>">>\
<<replace "#choice">>\
<b><center> The man has clearly mistaken you for someone else.. he said something about a chat.. probably a meetup just for someone to suck him off.. you look at his massive cock and you can't lie to yourself.. you are curious, you decide to pretend being someone else and come close to him.. you want to see it closer</center></b>
-<b><blue> "Fuck I didn't think you'd be such a hottie Sam.. you are so hot you should change your name to Samantha actually, look at those lips."</blue></b> - the man says, being more forward and putting a finger on your lips
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\Lipsrubbing.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><center> He's rubbing your lips with the hand he was jerking off.. you can smell the musk from his cock on his hand.. it's the closest you've ever been to having a cock in your mouth and it arouses you immensily..</center></b>
-<b><blue> "Open your mouth.. I want to see your sucking skills on my finger.."</blue></B> - he says, placing his thumb on the opening of your lips
<b><center> You smell his cock all over that finger.. you should be disgusted right now.. but your body says otherwise and you can't control it.. you just open your mouth and start sucking his finger</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\Suckingfinger.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><center> You feel a salty taste.. it's a weird taste but for some reason it arouses you alot aswell.. his finger was probably smeared in precum.. and you're obediently sucking it, giving it your all</center></b>
-<b><blue> "Shiiit.. You are one hella of a cocksucker, so much passion for a finger..? I need those on my cock ASAP!"</blue></b> - he says, laying back on the bench with his cock out, waiting for you.
<b><center> Suck him off..? You can't do that.. but you want to touch his cock really badly.. so you sit on the bench next to him and get a hold of his fat cock.. feeling it's girth on your hand</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\Jerkoffpark1.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><you> It's so thick.. and heavy..</you></b> - you mumble to yourself, fixated on his cock
-<B><blue> "Eh thanks, I see you are a cock lover, appreciating it like it's a paiting on the museum."</blue></B> - the man teases you, but he's right.. you are obsessed right now.
<b><center> After feeling it for a while.. you look at it and involuntarily you start jerking him up and down.. feeling his cock get harder and harder on your hand</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\Jerkoffpark2.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><center> The man starts moaning next to you.. he's enjoying your handjob.. wait.. you're giving a random man an handjob in the middle of the park.. since when have you became so depraved..? As you're having these thoughts, you feel an hand on the back of your head.. he's trying to pull you to his cock</center></b>
<<if $feminization >=7>>\
<div id="choice">
<<linkreplace "<pink><center> • Suck him off</center></pink>">>\
<<replace "#choice">>\
<b><center> The man has clearly mistaken you for someone else.. he said something about a chat.. probably a meetup just for someone to suck him off.. you look at his massive cock and you can't lie to yourself.. you are curious, you decide to pretend being someone else and come close to him.. you want to see it closer</center></b>
-<b><blue> "Fuck I didn't think you'd be such a hottie Sam.. you are so hot you should change your name to Samantha actually, look at those lips."</blue></b> - the man says, being more forward and putting a finger on your lips
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\Lipsrubbing.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><center> He's rubbing your lips with the hand he was jerking off.. you can smell the musk from his cock on his hand.. it's the closest you've ever been to having a cock in your mouth and it arouses you immensily..</center></b>
-<b><blue> "Open your mouth.. I want to see your sucking skills on my finger.."</blue></B> - he says, placing his thumb on the opening of your lips
<b><center> You smell his cock all over that finger.. you should be disgusted right now.. but your body says otherwise and you can't control it.. you just open your mouth and start sucking his finger</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\Suckingfinger.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><center> You feel a salty taste.. it's a weird taste but for some reason it arouses you alot aswell.. his finger was probably smeared in precum.. and you're obediently sucking it, giving it your all</center></b>
-<b><blue> "Shiiit.. You are one hella of a cocksucker, so much passion for a finger..? I need those on my cock ASAP!"</blue></b> - he says, laying back on the bench with his cock out, waiting for you.
<b><center> Suck him off..? You can't do that.. but you want to touch his cock really badly.. so you sit on the bench next to him and get a hold of his fat cock.. feeling it's girth on your hand</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\Jerkoffpark1.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><you> It's so thick.. and heavy..</you></b> - you mumble to yourself, fixated on his cock
-<B><blue> "Eh thanks, I see you are a cock lover, appreciating it like it's a paiting on the museum."</blue></B> - the man teases you, but he's right.. you are obsessed right now.
<b><center> After feeling it for a while.. you look at it and involuntarily you start jerking him up and down.. feeling his cock get harder and harder on your hand</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\Jerkoffpark2.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><center> The man starts moaning next to you.. he's enjoying your handjob.. wait.. you're giving a random man an handjob in the middle of the park.. since when have you became so depraved..? As you're having these thoughts, you feel an hand on the back of your head.. he's trying to pull you to his cock</center></b>
<b><center> You submit and let him pull towards his cock, taking it into your greedy mouth as you happily accept his large member into your mouth.. he takes his phone and starts recording you</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\gayblowjobpark1.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><blue> "Hey guys look at my new slut.. just found him on the street and he's sucking me off like a pro.. aren't you whore?"</blue></b> - he says talking to you
-<b><you> Y..yeah I love it.. mhmm..</you></b> - you moan back as you suck
<b><center> He takes his cock out of your mouth and hangs his balls over your face, making you lick them, to which you do.. they are sweaty from the sun.. yet you love the manly musk..</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\gayblowjobpark2.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><blue> "Yeah shut up now you whore and suck my balls and once you're done, back to my cock now."</blue></b> - he orders you
<b><center> And you obey, playing with the head of his cock teasing him..</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\gayblowjobpark3.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><blue> "Oh I see slut you want to tease me.. let me get a taste of that boipussy then, bend over.."</blue></b> - he says grabbing your hips
<<if $feminization >=8 and $siseventsub9 is false>>\
<div id="choice">
<<linkreplace "<pink><center> • Get fucked</center></pink>">>\
<<replace "#choice">>\
<b><center> The man has clearly mistaken you for someone else.. he said something about a chat.. probably a meetup just for someone to suck him off.. you look at his massive cock and you can't lie to yourself.. you are curious, you decide to pretend being someone else and come close to him.. you want to see it closer</center></b>
-<b><blue> "Fuck I didn't think you'd be such a hottie Sam.. you are so hot you should change your name to Samantha actually, look at those lips."</blue></b> - the man says, being more forward and putting a finger on your lips
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\Lipsrubbing.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><center> He's rubbing your lips with the hand he was jerking off.. you can smell the musk from his cock on his hand.. it's the closest you've ever been to having a cock in your mouth and it arouses you immensily..</center></b>
-<b><blue> "Open your mouth.. I want to see your sucking skills on my finger.."</blue></B> - he says, placing his thumb on the opening of your lips
<b><center> You smell his cock all over that finger.. you should be disgusted right now.. but your body says otherwise and you can't control it.. you just open your mouth and start sucking his finger</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\Suckingfinger.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><center> You feel a salty taste.. it's a weird taste but for some reason it arouses you alot aswell.. his finger was probably smeared in precum.. and you're obediently sucking it, giving it your all</center></b>
-<b><blue> "Shiiit.. You are one hella of a cocksucker, so much passion for a finger..? I need those on my cock ASAP!"</blue></b> - he says, laying back on the bench with his cock out, waiting for you.
<b><center> Suck him off..? You can't do that.. but you want to touch his cock really badly.. so you sit on the bench next to him and get a hold of his fat cock.. feeling it's girth on your hand</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\Jerkoffpark1.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><you> It's so thick.. and heavy..</you></b> - you mumble to yourself, fixated on his cock
-<B><blue> "Eh thanks, I see you are a cock lover, appreciating it like it's a paiting on the museum."</blue></B> - the man teases you, but he's right.. you are obsessed right now.
<b><center> After feeling it for a while.. you look at it and involuntarily you start jerking him up and down.. feeling his cock get harder and harder on your hand</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\Jerkoffpark2.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><center> The man starts moaning next to you.. he's enjoying your handjob.. wait.. you're giving a random man an handjob in the middle of the park.. since when have you became so depraved..? As you're having these thoughts, you feel an hand on the back of your head.. he's trying to pull you to his cock</center></b>
<b><center> You submit and let him pull towards his cock, taking it into your greedy mouth as you happily accept his large member into your mouth.. he takes his phone and starts recording you</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\gayblowjobpark1.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><blue> "Hey guys look at my new slut.. just found him on the street and he's sucking me off like a pro.. aren't you whore?"</blue></b> - he says talking to you
-<b><you> Y..yeah I love it.. mhmm..</you></b> - you moan back as you suck
<b><center> He takes his cock out of your mouth and hangs his balls over your face, making you lick them, to which you do.. they are sweaty from the sun.. yet you love the manly musk..</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\gayblowjobpark2.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><blue> "Yeah shut up now you whore and suck my balls and once you're done, back to my cock now."</blue></b> - he orders you
<b><center> And you obey, playing with the head of his cock teasing him..</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\gayblowjobpark3.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><blue> "Oh I see slut you want to tease me.. let me get a taste of that boipussy then, bend over.."</blue></b> - he says grabbing your hips
<b><center> You look back at him and bite your lip.. you know it is wrong to just get fucked by a random pervert in the middle of the park.. specially when it wasn't supposed to be you in this position but someone else.. but you are far too horny to resist right now.. you just bend over and quickly he positions himself behind you, pulling your pants down and lining up his cock with your <pink>boipussy</pink>.. soon after you can feel his huge cock enter you..</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\gaysexpark1.webm" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><you> Oh god.. you are filling me.. uuupp..!</you></B> - you moan as you feel him increasingly penetrate you from behind while breathing on your neck
-<b><blue> "Fuck you are so tight hgmhmm.. I'm gonna speed up slut.."</blue></B> - and he does, fucking you hard in the middle of the park
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\gaysexpark2.webm" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><center> God his cock feels so good in your boipussy.. it's completely stretching you out and rubbing perfectly on your prostate.. he definitely has been around the block before, the way he thrusts in you feels so damn good.. you start throwing it back on him as he fucks you and you can hear him whimper as his breath grows increasingly, signaling that he's getting close to cum, suddenly he penetrates you deeply and leaves it there</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\gaysexpark3.webm" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><blue> "FFFUCCK.. I'M GOING TO BUST INSIDE OF YOU..!"</blue></B> - he announces it to the world
-<b><you> Hmhmhm do it.. fill me up.. mark me..</you></b> - you say as you feel his cum fill you.. you push it and it slowly comes out of your pounded asshole
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\gaysexpark4.webm" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><blue> "God.. that was amazing.. can I have your nu..-"</blue></B> - he was about to say something when he gets cut off by someone appearing
-<b><yellow> "What the hell!? I'm late and you're already fucking someone else?!"</yellow></b> - another guy says shocked, probably the Sam he was waiting for.
<center><span class="eventimg"><img src="images\events\shockedpark.jpg" height = "400px" width = "750px"></span></center>\
-<b><blue> "Wait what? Who are you?"</blue></b> - the park perv asks the guy who just arrived
-<b><yellow> "I'm Sam! The guy who you agreed to meet up here to fuck!"</yellow></b> - he says mad
<b><center> Oops.. looks like you've been found out.</center></b>
-<b><blue> "If you're Sam then who are you?"</blue></b> - the guy turns to you
-<b><you> That's a secret.. thanks for the dicking, have fun guys..</you></B> - you say as you get up and leave, some cum remaining inside your asshole as you head home
-<b><blue> "Wait give me your number..!"</blue></B> - the park perv screams at you as you leave
<b><center> Looks like he'll remember you for sure.. and you'll remember him too..</center></b>
<<if $submissive <=80>>\
<<set $submissive to $submissive+1>>\
<b><center><pink> Submissiveness +1!</pink></center></b>\
<b><center><white><u> This action won't increase your <pink>submission</pink> anymore.</u></white></center></b>\
<<if $homosexuality <=10>>\
<<set $homosexuality to $homosexuality+1>>\
<b><center><you> Homosexuality +1!</you></center></b>\
<b><center><white><u> This action won't increase your <you>Homosexuality</you> anymore.</u></white></center></b>\
<center>[[Go back to the park|Park]]</center>\
<div id="choice">
<<linkreplace "<white><center> • Leave before getting plowed</center></white>">>
<<replace "#choice">>
<b><center> The man has clearly mistaken you for someone else.. he said something about a chat.. probably a meetup just for someone to suck him off.. you look at his massive cock and you can't lie to yourself.. you are curious, you decide to pretend being someone else and come close to him.. you want to see it closer</center></b>
-<b><blue> "Fuck I didn't think you'd be such a hottie Sam.. you are so hot you should change your name to Samantha actually, look at those lips."</blue></b> - the man says, being more forward and putting a finger on your lips
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\Lipsrubbing.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><center> He's rubbing your lips with the hand he was jerking off.. you can smell the musk from his cock on his hand.. it's the closest you've ever been to having a cock in your mouth and it arouses you immensily..</center></b>
-<b><blue> "Open your mouth.. I want to see your sucking skills on my finger.."</blue></B> - he says, placing his thumb on the opening of your lips
<b><center> You smell his cock all over that finger.. you should be disgusted right now.. but your body says otherwise and you can't control it.. you just open your mouth and start sucking his finger</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\Suckingfinger.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><center> You feel a salty taste.. it's a weird taste but for some reason it arouses you alot aswell.. his finger was probably smeared in precum.. and you're obediently sucking it, giving it your all</center></b>
-<b><blue> "Shiiit.. You are one hella of a cocksucker, so much passion for a finger..? I need those on my cock ASAP!"</blue></b> - he says, laying back on the bench with his cock out, waiting for you.
<b><center> Suck him off..? You can't do that.. but you want to touch his cock really badly.. so you sit on the bench next to him and get a hold of his fat cock.. feeling it's girth on your hand</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\Jerkoffpark1.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><you> It's so thick.. and heavy..</you></b> - you mumble to yourself, fixated on his cock
-<B><blue> "Eh thanks, I see you are a cock lover, appreciating it like it's a paiting on the museum."</blue></B> - the man teases you, but he's right.. you are obsessed right now.
<b><center> After feeling it for a while.. you look at it and involuntarily you start jerking him up and down.. feeling his cock get harder and harder on your hand</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\Jerkoffpark2.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><center> The man starts moaning next to you.. he's enjoying your handjob.. wait.. you're giving a random man an handjob in the middle of the park.. since when have you became so depraved..? As you're having these thoughts, you feel an hand on the back of your head.. he's trying to pull you to his cock</center></b>
<b><center> You submit and let him pull towards his cock, taking it into your greedy mouth as you happily accept his large member into your mouth.. he takes his phone and starts recording you</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\gayblowjobpark1.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><blue> "Hey guys look at my new slut.. just found him on the street and he's sucking me off like a pro.. aren't you whore?"</blue></b> - he says talking to you
-<b><you> Y..yeah I love it.. mhmm..</you></b> - you moan back as you suck
<b><center> He takes his cock out of your mouth and hangs his balls over your face, making you lick them, to which you do.. they are sweaty from the sun.. yet you love the manly musk..</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\gayblowjobpark2.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><blue> "Yeah shut up now you whore and suck my balls and once you're done, back to my cock now."</blue></b> - he orders you
<b><center> And you obey, playing with the head of his cock teasing him..</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\gayblowjobpark3.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><blue> "Oh I see slut you want to tease me.. let me get a taste of that boipussy then, bend over.."</blue></b> - he says grabbing your hips
<b><center> Things escalate a little bit too much and you aren't quite sure you want to be fucked by a random perv in the park.. you push him away and leave running</center></b>
-<b><blue> "What the hell man! You can't leave me with blue balls like this..! Fucking slut!"</blue></B> - the man insults you as you run away
<<if $submissive <=60>>\
<<set $submissive to $submissive+1>>\
<b><center><pink> Submissiveness +1!</pink></center></b>\
<b><center><white><u> This action won't increase your <pink>submission</pink> anymore.</u></white></center></b>\
<<if $homosexuality <=5>>\
<<set $homosexuality to $homosexuality+1>>\
<b><center><you> Homosexuality +1!</you></center></b>\
<b><center><white><u> This action won't increase your <you>Homosexuality</you> anymore.</u></white></center></b>\
<center>[[Go back to the park|Park]]</center>\
<div id="choice">
<<linkreplace "<white><center> • It's too much.. leave</center></white>">>
<<replace "#choice">>
<b><center> The man has clearly mistaken you for someone else.. he said something about a chat.. probably a meetup just for someone to suck him off.. you look at his massive cock and you can't lie to yourself.. you are curious, you decide to pretend being someone else and come close to him.. you want to see it closer</center></b>
-<b><blue> "Fuck I didn't think you'd be such a hottie Sam.. you are so hot you should change your name to Samantha actually, look at those lips."</blue></b> - the man says, being more forward and putting a finger on your lips
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\Lipsrubbing.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><center> He's rubbing your lips with the hand he was jerking off.. you can smell the musk from his cock on his hand.. it's the closest you've ever been to having a cock in your mouth and it arouses you immensily..</center></b>
-<b><blue> "Open your mouth.. I want to see your sucking skills on my finger.."</blue></B> - he says, placing his thumb on the opening of your lips
<b><center> You smell his cock all over that finger.. you should be disgusted right now.. but your body says otherwise and you can't control it.. you just open your mouth and start sucking his finger</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\Suckingfinger.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><center> You feel a salty taste.. it's a weird taste but for some reason it arouses you alot aswell.. his finger was probably smeared in precum.. and you're obediently sucking it, giving it your all</center></b>
-<b><blue> "Shiiit.. You are one hella of a cocksucker, so much passion for a finger..? I need those on my cock ASAP!"</blue></b> - he says, laying back on the bench with his cock out, waiting for you.
<b><center> Suck him off..? You can't do that.. but you want to touch his cock really badly.. so you sit on the bench next to him and get a hold of his fat cock.. feeling it's girth on your hand</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\Jerkoffpark1.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><you> It's so thick.. and heavy..</you></b> - you mumble to yourself, fixated on his cock
-<B><blue> "Eh thanks, I see you are a cock lover, appreciating it like it's a paiting on the museum."</blue></B> - the man teases you, but he's right.. you are obsessed right now.
<b><center> After feeling it for a while.. you look at it and involuntarily you start jerking him up and down.. feeling his cock get harder and harder on your hand</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\Jerkoffpark2.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><center> The man starts moaning next to you.. he's enjoying your handjob.. wait.. you're giving a random man an handjob in the middle of the park.. since when have you became so depraved..? As you're having these thoughts, you feel an hand on the back of your head.. he's trying to pull you to his cock</center></b>
<b><center> You aren't ready for this yet.. it's too much for you.. you take his hand off and run away, your hand full of his precum and smell of his cock all over you hand.. you run with an enormous boner.. As you're running you pass by someone else going to the bench.. probably Sam.</center></b>
-<b><blue> "What the hell man! You can't leave me with blue balls like this..! Fucking slut!"</blue></B> - the man insults you as you run away
<<if $submissive <=60>>\
<<set $submissive to $submissive+1>>\
<b><center><pink> Submissiveness +1!</pink></center></b>\
<b><center><white><u> This action won't increase your <pink>submission</pink> anymore.</u></white></center></b>\
<<if $homosexuality <=5>>\
<<set $homosexuality to $homosexuality+1>>\
<b><center><you> Homosexuality +1!</you></center></b>\
<b><center><white><u> This action won't increase your <you>Homosexuality</you> anymore.</u></white></center></b>\
<center>[[Go back to the park|Park]]</center>\
<div id="choice">\
<<linkreplace "<white><center> • You tell him he's mistaken you for someone else</center></white>">>\
<<replace "#choice">>\
<b><center>You look at the guy jerking off in the middle of the perk and feel embarassed.. who would this in broad daylight.. You have to say he thought you were someone else.</center></b>\
-<b><blue> "So? It's not gonna suck itself Sam.. hurry up, I'm fucking pent up here, you were such a good slutty manwhore on text you're not gonna run away now are ya?"</blue></b> - the man says speaking
condescending to you
-<b><you> Ehm I'm pretty sure my name is not Sam.. you got the wrong person pal.. this is pretty embarassing.. I'll just see myself out while you wait for Sam..</you></b> - you tell the man trying to avoid second hand embarassment.
-<b><blue> "Fuck are you serious..? You're such a hottie too tho.. You sure you don't wanna give it a try.. those lips look so suckable.."</blue></b> - the man says, starting to jerk off again looking at you
<b><center> You decide its enough and don't say another word, he's a complete perv.. you just head back to the park ignoring him</center></b>
-<B><blue> "Oh come on cutie.. don't be embarassed.. come back!"</blue></b> - you hear the man from far away.
<center>[[Go back to the park|Park]]</center>
<b><center> You think you could take advantage of this situation and maybe do what he says.. but you can't bring yourself to do such thing yet..</center></b>
<center>[[Go back to the park|Park]]</center>
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\park.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><img src="images\city\park.png" height = "400px" width = "750px">
<b><center> You decide you want to take a walk in the park and spend some time enjoying the beauty of nature</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\walkintheparkday.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<<set $time to $time+1>>
<center>[[Go back|Park]]</center><center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\park.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><img src="images\city\parknight.png" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>\
<b><center> You decide to talk a walk in the park at night, feeling the breeze of the night and beauty of nature around you when you suddenly you hear slurping noises nearby you, curious go check it out.</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\Parknightsex.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><center> When you get there, you see a woman in her knees, sucking a random cock in the middle of the park and flicking her pussy to the maximum, clearly very horny</center></b>
<b><you> - Damn.. lucky guy..</you></b> - you think to yourself as you keep walking.
<center>[[Walk to the park|Park]]</center>
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\park.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><img src="images\city\parknight.png" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>\
<b><center> You decide you want to take a walk in the park and spend some time enjoying the beauty of nature</center></b>
<center><span class="eventimg"><img src="images\events\walkintheparknight.jpg" height = "400px" width = "750px"></span></center>\
<center>[[Go back|Park]]</center><span class='fadeIn'>\
<<set $therapistsubevent1 to false>>\
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\therapist intro.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><img src="images\city\therapylobby.png" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>
<b><center> After last detention with <teacher>Ms.$nameteacher</teacher> where she demanded you booked a free appointment with her friend that is developing a new type of therapy and she's needing new candidates to try her methods on, so you agreed and now, you're in the therapists office, as you enter, you see the receptionist and greet her, curious for more information about the therapist.</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\therapistreceptionist.jpg"></span></center>
<b><you> - Hi.. I have a free appointment today and I was refered by someone so I'm a little lost here.. Can you give me some details of who the therapist is and where I have to go please?</you></B> - you say as you speak with the receptionist
<b><ltblue> - "Greetings sir! Well.. the therapist name is <therapist>Ms.$therapistname</therapist> and she is a very cultured and intelligent individual! She's trying new and groundbreaking methods to help peoples mental health, I suppose you're here to be one of her candidates.. I cannot disclose alot of information due to contract obligations but.. I believe you'll enjoy it!"</ltblue></b> - the receptionist says, eyeing you up and down.
<b><you> - Oh okay.. Guess I'll find out soon haha.. Ehh where do I have to go again..?</you></b> - you ask.
<b><ltblue> - "Oh sorry sir forgot to mention, just go upstairs and it's the first door on your right, she will be waiting for you!"</ltblue></b> - says the receptionist, smiling at you.
<b><center> You nod and say thanks and head upstairs to the therapist room.</center></B>
<center>[[Go upstairs to the therapist room|therapistsubevent2]]</center>
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\therapist intro.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<b><center> Please set the name for the therapist!</center></b>
<center><img src="images\avatars\therapistavatar.png" height="150px"></center><center><b>Therapist</b></center>
<center><<textbox "$therapistname" "Lisa">></center>
<center>[[Next|therapistsubevent1]]</center>\<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\therapist intro.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><img src="images\city\therapyroom.png" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>
<b><center> As you enter the office, you immediately see a stunning woman in the middle of the office, waiting for you, you eye her up and down and say to yourself</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\therapistintro.jpg"></span></center>
<b><you> - Wow.. gorgeous..</you></b> - you tell yourself out of reflex
<b><center> The therapist seems to hear you and turning around she says</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\gladulike.jpg"></span></center>
<b><therapist> - "Well don't we have a flatterer here, first thing he tells me is that I'm gorgeous.. well hello <you>Mr.$name</you>. I think we'll get along very well, pleasure to meet you.. I'm <therapist> Ms.$therapistname</therapist> but you can call me <therapist>$therapistname</therapist>, <teacher>$nameteacher</teacher> told me alot of things about you."</therapist></b> - she keeps talking and talking
<b><you><i> - She sure likes talking.. no wonder she's a therapist</i></you></b> - you think to yourself
<b><center> She clearly notices you're a little loss, she stops talking and says</center></b>
<b><therapist> - "I'm sorry, I talk alot I know, why don't we take a seat?"</therapist></b> - she says pointing at the couch nearby and sitting on it.
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\sittingtherapist.jpg"></span></center>
<b><center> You follow her lead and take a seat on the couch next to her.</center></b>
<b><therapist> - "Well <you>$name</you> I appreciate that you followed what <teacher>$nameteacher</teacher> asked of you and came here, as you know I'm trying a new method for therapy and I'm in desperate need of candidates as it is a little.. abrasive let's say.. so before I can tell you anything.. I'll need you to sign a tiny contract for disclosure, and NDA per say.. since I don't want my methods to go out to the public incase you don't like the therapy we're going to have</therapist></b> - she explains
<b><center> You're a little afraid but also curious about the therapy and.. what's the worst that could happen? Not like shes going to kidnap you.</center></b>
<b><you> - Sure <therapist>Ms.$therapistname</therapist> I'll sign it.</you></b> - you agree.
<b><therapist> - "Great! Oh and please.. call me <therapist>$therapistname</therapist><font size="-1"> for now..</font></therapist></b> - she says, you think she said something at the end but you can't understand what she said.
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\therapisthappy.jpg"></span></center>
<center>[[Sign the contract|therapistsubevent3]]</center><center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\therapist intro.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><img src="images\city\therapyroom.png" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>
<b><center> <therapist>$therapistname</therapist> gets up and heads to her desk and takes a sit on her armchair, and asks you to sign the contract.</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\teachersit.jpg"></span></center>
<b><therapist> - "There you have it, please sign here"</therapist></b>
<b><center> <therapist>$therapistname</therapist> hands you a big contract, with alot of lines.. you decide to trust her and not read it and just sign it.</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\contractsign.jpg"></span></center>
<b><center> As soon as you finish signing it, she quickly takes the papers away from your hand smiling, hiding them in a safe place</center></b>
<b><therapist> - "Great! Now we can finally get in the good part and start the therapy, this first lesson will be very.. initiative and not very detailed but I'll have to ask you one thing and you have to follow this rule to the core okay <you>$name</you>.. It's the first rule and it's the most important one.. you have to trust me, anything I tell you, please do it, remember that this is for your own good and I want the best for you, so please, whatever I say even if you think it's weird or obnoxious.. just trust me."</therapist></b> - your therapist explains and eyes you very seriously.
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\therapisteye.png"></span></center>
<b><center> You look at her and you can't lie, you're kinda scared of the thought of just trusting someone completely and not being able to say no but.. you agree</center></b>
<b><you> - Okay.. I'll do what you say..</you></b> - you agree with her
<b><therapist> - "Good! Let's begin then"</therapist></b> - she gets up and starts heading to another room, turns around to you and says
<b><therapist> - "Come on, follow me."</therapist></b> - she signs for you to follow her
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\followher.jpg"></span></center>
<center>[[Follow her|therapistsubevent4]]</center>
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\therapist intro.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><img src="images\city\hypnoroom.png" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>
<b><center> As you enter the other division, you are shocked by what you see.. a complete black and white room, something out of a sci-fi movie, the only thing you see is a chair and a screen in the middle of the room, you don't see <therapist>Ms.$therapistname</therapist> anywhere tho.. where did she go?</center></b>
<b><center> Out of nowhere, you hear <therapist>$therapistname</therapist> voice echoing throughout the whole room</center></b>
<b><therapist><i> - "I'll explain what the therapy will consist of now, don't forget the rule, trust me, essentially this therapy will involve a special type of hypnotherapy with a tiny pill with studied chemicals that activate parts of your brain that control emotions, feelings and your personality, it will also make you very drowsy and relaxed but don't worry, it sounds dangerous but It'll just make you a better you.. the real you.</i></therapist></b> - she says throughout the whole room
<b><center> You are a little skeptical of what she said.. a pill..? That.. she didn't inform you of that before..</center></b>
<b><therapist><i> - "In the center of the room, you'll find a chair with a table and a screen, that will be the center of our study, please go ahead and take a sit.</i></therapist></b> - she orders you.
<b><therapist><i> - "Oh and don't make me remember you the fact that you signed a contract so you cannot go back."</i></therapist></b> - she tells you, with a different tone in her voice.
<b><center> You take a large gulp and head towards the chair and sit down</center></b>
<b><you> - Well.. what do I have to do now?</you></b> - you ask <therapist>$therapistname</therapist>.
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\sitchairhypno.jpg"></span></center>
<b><therapist><i> - "You will see a glass of water and a pill in front of you, take it now, once you do, just relax on the chair and look at the screen.</i></therapist></B>
<b><center> You look at the glass of water and see a <pink>pink</pink> pill next to it.. you are a little skeptical but you do what she says.. and take it</center></b>
<b><center> Once you take it you start feeling very numb and relaxed.. and just lay back.. once you lay back, the TV turns on and something starts playing.. but you are so relaxed you can't even understand what's on the screen.. you couldn't leave if you wanted..</center></b>
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\therapy.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>\
<center><video src="videos\hypno\hypnoaudio.mp4" width="1" height="1" autoplay></video></center>\
<b><center><red><u><font size="10">HYPNOTIZED</font></u></red></center></b>\
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\resources\hypno.gif"></span></center>\
<b><center><red> You cannot take your eyes off the imagery in front of you, your subconscious sucks everything that is being presented to you and rewrites your brain to accept it as the correct thing, whatever thoughts you had about these topics are about to be unconsciously changed...</red></center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\makeuphypno.jpg"></span></center>
<b><center><i><pink> You imagine <gf>$gfname</gf> putting lipstick on you before you two go out for lunch, her asking you to pout to see if your lipstick is well applied...</pink></i></center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\Shoescaption.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><center><i><pink> You feel like heading towards <mom>$momname</mom> dresser and grabbing her most beautiful heels... Even though you don't know how to talk with them, you have this feminine urge to learn how to walk on heels..</pink></i></center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\bracaption.jpg"></span></center>
<b><center><i><pink> What if one day you arrived at class and <teacher>$nameteacher</teacher> was holding a strap bra for you to wear? For some reason you feel like you'd totally take it and wear it obediently right now...</pink></i></center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\Pantieshypno.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><center><i><pink> You have wore panties before... and right now with your barriers down you can't help but accept the fact you prefer them over your manly boy boxers.. specially <sister>$sistername</sister> panties.. they feel specially good</pink></i></center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\Dresshypno.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><center><i><pink> What does a woman dress feel like? It looks really pretty and liberating.. maybe you should try one.. be a good sissy..</pink></i></center></b>
<b><center><red> After a while the imagery starts fading away and you hear a chirping noise around the room</red></center></b>
<center>[[Snap out of the hypno|therapistsubevent6]]</center>\<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\therapist intro.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><img src="images\city\hypnoroom.png" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>
<b><center> As the video ends.. you feel very drowsy and lost.. in trance.. you don't know what you just watched.. 10 minutes felt like 10 seconds.. it all happened so quick and you don't remember anything</center></b>
<b><center> Suddenly you hear this loud chirping noise and you jump in the chair, waking up from your trance</center></b>
<b><therapist><i> - "Alright <you>$name</you>, how do you feel? Was it good?</i></therapist></b> - she asks you through the communicator.
<b><you> - I feel.. extremely relaxed.. I don't really know what happened to it was so weird, as soon as I took the pill I just fell in a trance.. I was awake but.. everything was out of my control..</you></b> - you tell her still shook.
<b><therapist><i> - "Yes that is the supposed effect, what you felt is normal and that's what this hypnotherapy is all about, I cannot disclose you what really happened or what you saw otherwise that would ruin the study and the objective of this session.. but what you saw was the real you, what you will be in the future if you keep coming to my appointments.. I'll see you in the next appointment, your teacher will tell you when it is, you can see yourself out.</i></therapist></b> -she tells you coldly at the end
<b><you> - But I didn't even agree to come back.. this was just a trial..</you></b> - you respond
<b><therapist><i> - "Ehh no? You signed a contract, now you will fulfill all the sessions that are left till the end, and don't even try to run away, next time <you>$name</you>, you should read a contract before you sign it, if you disclose anything to the public or stop coming, we have the right to imprison you for not abeiding to contract rules, and I have good lawyers, so be a good boy and I'll see you in the next session.</i></therapist></b> - she says, turning off the communicator.
<b><you><i> - What have I got myself into..? I can't stop coming..? But I don't even remember anything..</i></you></b> - you say as you head out, still dazed.
<center>[[Go out|therapistsubevent7]]</center><span class='fadeIn'>\
<<set $therapistsubevent1 to false>>\
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\therapist intro.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><img src="images\city\therapylobby.png" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>
<b><center> You go downstairs and you are back at the receptionist, who is giggling, as if this clearly isn't the first time she sees someone in your state.</center></b>
<ltblue><b> - "How was it Mr.<you>$name</you>? Do you feel good? It's amazing how you fools always sign contracts without reading them, maybe there's a reason why you betas always end up here.</b></ltblue> - she says laughing at you
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\Receptionistlaughing.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><you> - What.. betas..? What are you on about..?</you></b> - you question her
<ltblue><b> - "Aww.. you're so clueless.. anyways, <therapist>Ms.$therapistname</therapist> told me to enforce you what she said upstairs, come back next time and your teacher will inform you of when it is. Goodbye Mr.<you>$name</you> .. <font size ="-1"> stupid beta bitch.. haha..</font></b></ltblue> - she tells you
<b><you> - Ehm.. goodbye..</you></b> - you tell her, as you head out, back home.
<<set $submissive to $submissive+3>>\
<b><center><pink><font size="6">Submissive+3!!!</font></pink></center></b>\
<center>[[Go back home|RoomTherapy]]</center><span class='fadeIn'>
<<set $momeventdom1 to false>>
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\mominthelivingroom.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><img src="images\city\livingroom.jpg" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>
<b><center> You decide that you're done being in your room stuck in playing games and want to go to the living room and watch some TV</center></b>
<b><center> As you enter the living room, you are suprised by <mom>$momname</mom> in the middle of the room wearing an open robe, showing all her lingerie.</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\momlivingroom.jpg"></span></center>
<b><center> You are amazed by what you see, your mom is actually so freaking hot.. you shouldn't have these types of thought towards the one that brought you to planet earth.. but for some reason you are unable to resist them, you feel your dick starting to get hard in your pants</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\Hardcockpants.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><center> You are stroking it through the pants when suddenly your mom turns around and notices you.</center></b>
<b><mom> - "Oh hey hun, why are you standing there just watching? Come in!"</mom></b> - your mom says, clearly unbothered by the fact that shes in her lingerie
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\momlivingroom2.jpg"></span></center>
<b><you> - Hey mom, yeah sure.. I was just.. admiring our home.. you know, it just hit how well decorated it is.</you></b> - as you say this your mom looks at the enormous bulge in your pants and realizes what you were doing
<b><mom> - "Riight.. come in baby"</mom></b> - your mom says, supiscious
<b><center> You start to head inside the livingroom, heading towards the couch when out of nowhere your mom lets the robe drop and you look at her, in a compromised position</center></b>
<b><mom> - "Whoops.. dropped the robe on accident.. my bad hun this is embarassing..</mom></b> - your mom says embarassed and trying to quickly pick up her robe
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\pickingtherobe.jpg"></span></center>
<b><center> You see your mother.. in her fours, in lingerie.. looking like a complete snack.. and you</center></b>
<<linkreplace "<blue><center> • Can't resist and grab her ass while she's on all fours </center></blue>">>\
<<goto "momknees">>
<span class='fadeIn'>
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\mominthelivingroom.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><img src="images\city\livingroom.jpg" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>
<b><center> You cannot resist and head towards your mom, completely loosing your mind and feeling an animalistic urge, you grab her cheeks and start fondling her, giving her a slap at the end</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\Grabass.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><you> - Fuck.. you're such a tease.. I know you're doing this on purpose..</you></b> - you tell your mom, completely horny..
<b><mom> - "<you>$name</you>! What do you think you're doing..?! I'm your mother! You can't do this to me..!</mom></b> - your mom says angry.
<b><center> You snap out with your moms screams and look at her, visibly mad, you let go off her and you now realize what you've just done.. you felt out of yourself.. like something took over.. a more dominant you..</center></b>
<you><b> - Shit.. I'm sorry mom I don't know what came over me.. I didn't even think.. I'm so sorry.. this was really wrong..</b></you> - you say, clearly regretful.
<b><center> What doesn't help.. is the clear huge boner that you have, you got up and your mom is still laying on her knees in front of you, and your boner is near her face, your mom has gone silent and is shocked by the boner on her eyes</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\momshocked.png"></span></center>
<b><you> Ehm.. you okay mom..?</you></b> - you ask her
<b><mom> - "Y..yes! I understand hun.. its the hormones it happens.. lets just.. forget this happened alright..?</mom></b> - your mom says, snapping out of her cock trance, getting up and looking at you.
<b><you> - Yeah.. I agree.. I'm going upstairs.. I'll see you later..</you></b> - you tell your mom.
<b><mom> - "Yeah hun.. i'll see you later.. I got things to take care of aswell.."</mom></b> - your mom says, rubbing her legs.
<b><center> As you're heading upstairs, you look back and you can see a stain in your moms panties.. she clearly got wet from this.. maybe you can take advantage in the future.. your mom doesnt seem like a saint after all..</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\wetpanties.png"></span></center>
<<set $dominant to $dominant+1>>
<center><b><blue> Dominance +1!</blue></b></center>
<center>[[Go to your room|Room]]</center><span class='fadeIn'>
<<set $phoneeventsub3repeat to false>>
<<set $phoneeventsub4repeat to true>>
<<set $phoneeventsub4 to false>>
<b><center> As you open the email for an Anonymous sender immediately images start popping up in your screen and you just watch them.. almost drooling over them</center></b>
<<timed 1s>>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\sphhypno1.jpg"></span></center>
<<timed 2s>>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\Sphhypno2.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center></span></center>
<<timed 3s>>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\Sphhypno3.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<<timed 4s>>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\Sphhypno4.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<<timed 5s>>
<center><b><you> - What was all that..? Who sent me this stuff..? And why do I find it arousing..?</you></b> - you think to yourself while your small penis is rock hard.</center>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\Smallcockprecum.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<center>[[Close the email|$return]]</center>
<</timed>><span class='fadeIn'>\
<<set $therapistsubevent2 to false>>\
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\therapy.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><img src="images\city\therapylobby.png" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>
<b><center> You have another appointment scheduled with your therapist <therapist>$therapistname</therapist>, as you enter the reception of the clinic, you see the receptionist and head towards her.</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\therapistreceptionist.jpg"></span></center>
<b><you> - Hey.. I have another appointment scheduled with <therapist>$therapistname</therapist>, can I head upstairs?</you></b> - you ask the receptionist.
<b><ltblue> - "That is Miss <therapist>$therapistname</therapist> for you, <you>$name</you>. But yes, you can head upstairs <font size ="-1">beta..</font> she is waiting for you. - </ltblue></b>she says looking straight in your eyes, dominanting you emotionally.
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\dominantreceptionist.jpg"></span></center>
<b><you> - Ehm.. sorry.. I'll go upstairs..</you></b> - you say as you avert your gaze and go upstairs.
<center>[[Head upstairs to the therapist office|therapistsubeventpt3]]</center><span class='fadeIn'>\
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\therapy.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>\
<b><center> As you enter your therapist office, you see her in the middle of the office, just looking amazing as ever, powerful, waiting for you, as soon as she notices you, she turns around and before you can even speak, she starts speaking.</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\therapistwaiting.jpg"></span></center>
<b><therapist> - "Hello <you>$name</you> glad you made it to the second appointment and decided not to run.. you wouldn't have been the first to try unfortunately, it would have been a very stupid decision.. so thank god you were a good boy and came back! How are you feeling after last session? Did you enjoy it?</therapist></b> - she asks you while smiling.
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\therapistsmiling.png"></span></center>
<b><you> - Well.. it was.. overwhelming, I never felt something like that, like I was completely out of my body and zoned out on something that I can't even remember.. but you told me to trust you <font size="-1"> even tho I had no other option..</font> so I did.. I don't feel bad tho.. just.. odd.</you></b> - you tell her trying to explain yourself as best as you can.
<b><therapist> - "Well at the beginning it will be weird and you won't know what is happening but that is the point of this special therapy, it is subliminal and acts on your unconscious mind, over time, I will tell you more and more details but for now I cannot share too much, otherwise it will ruin the therapy, you understand boy?</therapist></b> - she asks you, but makes it look more like an order.
<b><you> - Yes Miss <therapist>$therapistname</therapist> .. </you></b> - you nod and look down to your feet
<b><therapist> - "Good.. very good, I like this respect by the way, always remember whos in charge here okay? It will be good for you in the long term.. Lets head in shall we?</therapist></b> - she says as she heads inside the hypno room.
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\Walkingtherapist.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><center> You follow her and head into the hypno room</center></b>
<center>[[Head inside the hypno room|therapistsubeventpt4]]</center>
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\therapy.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><img src="images\city\hypnoroom.png" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>
<b><center> You are once again inside this weird but future looking room, you still can't believe something like this exists, it truly looks like you are in another dimension, as your eyes get used to the light inside the room, you hear <therapist>$therapistname</therapist> voice all over the room like last time.</center></b>
<b><therapist><i> - "Well <you>$name</you> hopefully you remember the beginning of last session, you have to do exactly the same thing, just head towards the seat in the middle of the room again and take the pill that is next to the glass of water and relax, that's all you have to do, you will once again zone out and feel very relaxed, but don't worry.. everything we are doing here is to bring out the real <pink>you</pink>..</i></therapist></b> - she orders you.
<b><center> After listening to her orders, you decide to do what she says and take a sit again on the chair.. it still feels surreal that you are literally being forced to do this, you cannot back out now, maybe you should have read the contract.. but why didnt <teacher>Ms.$nameteacher</teacher> also warn you about this..? It's kinda odd.. but whatever..</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\sitchairhypno.jpg"></span></center>
<b><you> - Well.. time to indulge..</you></b> - you say as you grab the pill and put it in your mouth, gulping it and laying back on the chair.
<b><center> As soon as you take the pill.. 5-10 seconds later you start feeling immediately numb.. like your limbs are fading away and the only thing your body can do right now is keep it's eyes opened and focused on the center of the screen in front of you.. quickly after the screen turns on and starts playing something in the screen.. once again.. you can't really make out what's in the screen tho..</center></b>
<center>[[Watch the video|therapistsubeventpt5]]</center><center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\therapy.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>\
<center><video src="videos\hypno\hypnoaudio.mp4" width="1" height="1" autoplay></video></center>\
<b><center><red><u><font size="10">HYPNOTIZED</font></u></red></center></b>\
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\resources\hypno.gif"></span></center>\
<b><center><red> You cannot take your eyes off the imagery in front of you, your subconscious sucks everything that is being presented to you and rewrites your brain to accept it as the correct thing, whatever thoughts you had about these topics are about to be unconsciously changed...</red></center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\alphabeta.png"></span></center>
<b><center> You are looking at the images and you hear a loud <red> "WHICH ONE ARE YOU?"</red> across the room</center></b>
<b><center><i><pink> You look at the images in front of you and your subconscious immediately focuses on the right side... you see a soft feminized sissy boi... and you can't help but see yourself in him, you have nothing to do with the <brown>big black man</brown> to the left, he's so much stronger than you..</pink></i></center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\Cockhypno.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><center><i><pink> The image keeps changing from a pussy to a cock cumming in someones mouth and your brain starts assuming the second image as the right one.. what would that feel like?</pink></i></center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\Bnwohypno.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><center><i><pink> <brown>Black men</brown> are so much stronger and bigger than you, perhaps they were always meant to be the superior race and lead whitebois and whitegirls around... don't you think?</pink></i></center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\Sissyhypnotherapy.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><center><i><pink> Lately you have been feeling that really this is your destiny, you look at the soft sissy getting fucked in her boipussy and you can't help but imagine how it'd feel to be in her place, getting completely dominated by an alpha male..</pink></i></center></b>
<b><center><red> You hear a loud chirping noise and you snap out</red></center></b>
<center>[[Snap out of the hypno|therapistsubeventpt6]]</center>\<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\therapy.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><img src="images\city\hypnoroom.png" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>
<font size ="-1"><b><you><i> - I dont..<pink> wanna be something I'm not..</pink> why pretend..<pink> cock.. cock..</pink></i></you></b></font>
<b><center> As the video ends, you once again hear this loud chirping noise all over the room and you start zoning back in</center></b>
<b><you> - Eh.. Huh.. It's over? Jesus I'm literally drooling.. what happened? I can't remember a single thing..</you></B> - you tell yourself, dizzy and confused
<b><therapist><i> - "Welcome back <you>$name</you>, you did very well once again, from what I can see you are very receptive to this type of therapy, it was definitely the right call from <teacher>$nameteacher</teacher> to send you here, you should thank her when you're back in her class, well, how do you feel?</i></therapist></b> - she asks you.
<b><you> - I feel.. oddly good? I feel relaxed and like something inside me is being taken away but also being added.. like internal thoughts of doubt are being responded.. even tho I have no idea what they are.. it just feels good tho.. perhaps you were right.. I really should trust you.</you></b> - you say, suprised that you feel so well.
<b><therapist><i> - "Of course <you>$name</you> after all, I want what is best for my patients, and I am sure I know what you deeply desire <font size ="-1"> you little beta bitch..</font>, I am happy that you feel this way, well run along now, you can see yourself out, I'll see you in the third session.</i></therapist></b> - she says, closing the microphone.
<b><center> You get up and still feeling a little numb but in a good way, you head outside back to the receptionist.</center></b>
<center>[[Head downstairs to the receptionist|therapistsubeventpt7]]</center><span class='fadeIn'>\
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\therapy.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><img src="images\city\therapylobby.png" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>
<b><center> As you're heading downstairs.. you start zoning out again and start remembering random images in your head.. you can't make up what they are tho</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\Sissyhypno8.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><center> You shake your head and keep going downstairs, as you're heading outside, you hear the receptionist calling you</center></b>
<b><ltblue> - "Going away without even saying a goodbye? Show some respect to your superiors,<font size="-1"> loser..</font>"</ltblue></B> - the receptionist says, looking very serious deep into your eyes
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\receptionistserious.jpg"></span></center>
<b><you> - Superiors..? Ehm.. Goodbye.. What's your name sorry..?</you></b> - you ask her
<b><ltblue> - "My name is <<textbox "$receptionistname" "Mia">> but you can call me Mistress if you want.</ltblue></b> - the receptionist tells you, clearly mocking you.
<b><you> - Why would I call you that..? Nice meeting you .. I gotta go..</you></b> - you tell her, weirded out as you head outside.
<b><ltblue> - "Perhaps you don't call me that now.. but one day you will.. bye bye.. loser." </ltblue></b> - she says, laughing as you head out
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\Receptionistlaughing.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<<set $feminization to $feminization+1>>
<center><hotpink>You just increased your feminization, perhaps you should check yourself in the mirror..</hotpink></center>
<center>[[Go home|RoomTherapy]]</center><<set $bodycheckfem1 to false>>
<span class='fadeIn'>\
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\mirror.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><img src="images\other\mirror.png" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>\
<b><center> You are about to take a shower when you notice something odd about your body..</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\bodycheckfem.png"></span></center>\
<b><center> When you look at it, you clearly notice you are more.. flimsy and weak.. more.. <pink>feminine</pink> and even your hair as grown a little..</center></b>
<b><you> - This is weird.. It's true that I haven't been working out as of late but why is my body starting to look so.. girly? Maybe <therapist>Miss $therapistname</therapist> knows something about this? It's the only option I can imagine.. I have to ask her next session..</you></b> - you think to yourself, taking a last look at your body before entering the shower.
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\bodyparts\femavatar1.png"></span></center>\
<b><center> Your androgynous face</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\bodyparts\fembody1.png"></span></center>\
<b><center> Your slightly <pink>feminine</pink> body</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\bodyparts\femhairylegs1.png"></span></center>\
<b><center> Your <pink>feminine</pink> hairy legs.</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\bodyparts\femass1.png"></span></center>\
<b><center> Your <pink>petite</pink> booty </center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\bodyparts\femhairycock1.png"></span></center>\
<b><center> Your below average sized cock</center></b>
<b><center> You decide you had enough of a look and head in to take a shower.</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\femshower1.jpg"></span></center>\
<center>[[Finish the shower and go back to your bedroom|Room]]</center>
<<set $detentionwax to false>>
<<set $detentionwax2 to true>>
<<set $time to $time+1>>
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\detention.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><img src="images\city\detention.jpg" width = "550px"></center>
<b><center> You enter the detention room and you see your teacher sitting in a students table waiting for you, as soon as she sees you she signals you in.</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\teacherwaiting.jpg"></span></center>
<b><teacher> - "Hey <you>$name</you> come over here.."</teacher></b> - she says signaling you to come closer to her
<b><center> You obediently follow what she says and go to her.</center></b>
<b><you> - Hey <teacher>Ms.$nameteacher</teacher> sorry for today.. what's my punishment?</you></b> - you ask her, standing in front of her.
<b><teacher> - "Well, as you're aware since I was the one who refered to your therapist, me and <therapist>$therapistname</therapist> are great, great friends, actually, I'm the one who developed the little pill you take every therapy session since I'm a certified chemist, and we decided that it would be even better for you if I got involved into your progression, so instead of punishments, I'm going to start giving you tasks and things to do related to the therapy you're having."</teacher></b> - she explains to you.
<b><you> - What.. is that allowed? I mean.. if it's for my therapy I assume I can't say no.. but will the school allow such thing? </you></b> - you ask your teacher.
<b><teacher> - "The school does not have to know necessarily, and I know about your little contract, so be a good boy and trust us, do what you're told and know who's in charge here, <you>$name</you>."</teacher></b> - your teacher says, changing her expression to a stern strict looking face.
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\teacherlookingmad.jpg"></span></center>
<b><you> - Ehm.. Okay I'll do what you say..</you></b> - you lower your head in submission to your teacher.
<b><teacher> - "Good, so for today <therapist>$therapistname</therapist> asked me to order you to go to a beauty salon and get a full on wax session, take everything off, no more dirty hairs on your pretty body okay? You can find a beauty salon in the city center, just search it."</teacher></b> - your teacher orders you.
<b><you> - What..? How does that have anything to do with my therapy?</you></b> - you ask your teacher in desbelief
<b><teacher> - "Just do what you're told and don't question our methods <you>$name</you>, if you disobey us, I swear I'll start taking physical measures and start spanking you, understood?"</teacher></b> - your teacher says as she gets up in front of you.
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\teacherstanding.jpg"></span></center>
<b><center> What.. spanking me? There's no way she would do that.. right..?</center></B>
<b><teacher> - "Now off you go, get that done as soon as possible."</teacher></b> - she shoos you away
<b><you> - Yes</you> <teacher>Ms.$nameteacher</teacher></B> - you say as you head outside.
<center>[[Leave and go back to the school hallway|School Hallway]]</center><<set $time to $time+1>>
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\detention.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><img src="images\city\detention.jpg" width = "550px"></center>
<b><center> You enter the detention room and you see your teacher sitting in a students table waiting for you, as soon as she sees you she signals you in.</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\teacherwaiting.jpg"></span></center>
<b><teacher> - "Hey <you>$name</you> come over here.."</teacher></b> - she says signaling you to come closer to her
<b><center> You obediently follow what she says and go to her.</center></b>
<b><you> - Hey <teacher>Ms.$nameteacher</teacher> sorry for today.. what's my punishment?</you></b> - you ask her, standing in front of her.
<b><teacher> - ""Well, I hope you followed what we asked of you last time and got waxed already. Anyway, for today I want you to show me what you're wearing underneath your pants. I have a feeling I might know what you're wearing."</teacher></b> - your teacher says starting at you
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\teacherstaringsoul.png"></span></center>
<b><center> You look at her and are a little shaken by her request. This is intimate stuff she's asking, but you know better than to disobeying <teacher>Ms.$nameteacher</teacher> .. so you do what she says.</center></b>
<<if $underwear == 1>>\
<center>[[Show her your underwear|BoxersWearing]]</center>\
<<elseif $underwear == 2>>\
<center>[[Show her your underwear|BriefsWearing]]</center>\
<<elseif $underwear == 6>>\
<center>[[Show her your underwear|SisterPantiesWearing]]</center>\
<<elseif $underwear == 7>>\
<center>[[Show her your underwear|PinkPantiesWearing]]</center>\
<<elseif $underwear == 8>>\
<center>[[Show her your underwear|BlackPantiesWearing]]</center>\
<<elseif $underwear == 9>>\
<center>[[Show her your underwear|RedPantiesWearing]]</center>\
<<elseif $underwear == 10>>\
<center>[[Show her your underwear|BluePantiesWearing]]</center>\
<<elseif $underwear == 11>>\
<center>[[Show her your underwear|MomPantiesWearing]]</center>\
<center>[[Show her your underwear|NoUnderwear]]</center>\
<</if>>\<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\beautysalon.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><img src="images\city\beautysalon.png" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>\
<b><center> You enter the beauty salon and immediately feel the smell of beauty products and <pink>girly</pink> things, you also see people working and getting services, you decide you want to</center></b>
<<if $detentionwax2 is true and $feminization >=3>>\
<span class="eventsub"><center>[[• Do the bodywaxing task •|detentionwax2]]</center></span>\
<<if $nailsalontaskstart is true and $feminization >=5>>\
<span class="eventsub"><center>[[• Do the nails task •|nailstask]]</center></span>\
<center>[[• Go back to the City Center •|City]]</center>\
<hr>\<span class='fadeIn'>\
<<set $detentionwax2 to false>>
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\beautysalon.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><img src="images\city\beautysalon.png" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>\
<b><center> You sit down on the nearest chair and wait for your turn to be called</center></b>
<b><center> After a while a beautiful woman calls you</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\salonworker.jpg"></span></center>
<b><center> She looks at you up and down, and with a curious look she says</center></b>
<b><purple> - "Hello.. sir? How can I help you today?"</purple></B> - she asks you, questioning herself if you're a woman or a man
<b><center> You are a little weirded out by the pause in her question, can't see she you're clearly a man? Were the latest changes that bad..? Do you look like a <pink>girl</pink>?</center></b>
<b><you> - Yeah ehm my name is $name and I'd like to get a full on body waxing please.</you></b> - you ask her.
<b><center> When you say your name she widens her eyes and understands now that you are indeed a man.</center></b>
<b><purple> - "Certainly sir! Follow me please to our waxing room.</purple></b> - she says as she heads to another room
<center>[[Go to the waxing room|detentionwax3]]</center>
<span class='fadeIn'>\
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\beautysalon.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<b><center> As you enter the next room, you feel the smell of aromatic candles and it smells really nice, you also see a waxing table in the middle of the room.</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\waxingroom.jpg"></span></center>
<b><purple> - "Please undress completely, don't be ashamed, it's completely normal for me, I'll turn around."</purple></b> - the woman says while smiling and winking at you playfully.
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\Salonwomansmiling.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><center> You feel a little embarassed and blush from her playfulness but you ultimately do what she asked, it's not like you have any other option really..</center></b>
<center>[[Get naked|detentionwax4]]</center>
<<set $waxed to true>>
<span class='fadeIn'>\
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\beautysalon.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<b><center> You get naked and take a sit on the table, you get a little excited from the whole situation.. it's not everyday a random woman sees you naked</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\mcfemnaked.jpg"></span></center>
<b><you> - Ehm I'm done.. you can turn around now..</you></b> - you tell the salon worker.
<b><center> As soon as she turns around, she looks up and down at you, visibly nods in disregard and whispers something to herself.</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\Salonworkerno.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<font size ="-1"><purple><b> - "That is so tiny.. oh my god haha.."</b></purple></font> - she whispers to herself
<b><center> You feel embarassed from her reaction, you know you are not big.. but that made you feel humiliated..</center></b>
<b><purple> - "Well <pink>ma'am</pink>.. I mean sir, there's not alot of hairs to be honest, it will be a quick process for you, you have a feminine body, <font size ="-1"> no wonder you have that tiny clit..</font> so please lay on the table and we'll start!</purple></b> - she orders you.
<b><center> You do what she says and lay flat on the table</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\layingontable.png"></span></center>
<b><center> The woman starts waxing your legs.. your arms, your body and eventually gets to your crotch area, looks at you and says</center></b>
<b><purple> -"Lets get to the <i>big</i> boy shall we?"</purple></b> - she says, clearly mocking you as she starts laughing
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\Salonlaughing.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><center> You feel embarassed and humiliated once again.. but for some reason.. your below average penis starts boiling and getting hard..</center></b>
<b><center> The woman clearly notices this and doesn't miss a chance to mock you</center></b>
<purple><b> - "Awwie look at it.. it's getting hard yet it's so tiny still, do you enjoy me humiliating you perhaps sir? Or should I call you <pink>ma'am?</pink>"</b></purple> - the woman disregards all the respect she has for you and just starts humiliating you head on.
<div id="choice">
<<linkreplace "<pink><center> • You kinda enjoy it..</center></pink>">>\
<<replace "#choice">>\
<b><center> For some reason.. even tho she is clearly humiliating you for having a small penis.. you feel hot and bothered from it.. and this is private so you just decide to admit it..</center></b>
<b><you> - Yeah.. I do.. for some reason it's making me horny..</you></b> - you admit to the lady.
<purple><b> - "Aww what a sweet boy, realistically I can't even call you a man with such a tiny <pink>clit</pink> between your legs, tell me the truth, you are a <pink>sissy</pink> aren't you? That's why you getting all this service, you're so cute and pathetic!"</b></purple> - the woman asks you all excited while making an L with her finger
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\smallpenisL.png"></span></center>
<b><you> - Sissy..? No.. Someone I know just told me to do this.. that it's necessary..</you></b> - you respond while your cheeks are crimson red
<purple><b> - "Who was it? Your Mistress? There's no way you are not a sissy with such a feminine body and a pathetic excuse of a cock, I mean look at this!"</b></purple> - the woman says as she grabs a hold of your <pink>tiny clit</pink>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\Smallpenisgrab.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><center> You get shook by the fact she grabs your penis out of nowhere and starts stroking it, you are extremely embarassed right now but it's really arousing for you.. and without controlling yourself, you cum out of nowhere
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\Smallcockcumming.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><purple> - "Oh my god HAHAHA, tiny, pathetic and premature ejaculator aswell? And what is that amount? Such tiny droplets.. just get out, you're done here anyways, get dressed and leave, <pink>sissy</pink>..</purple></b> - she orders you
<b><you> - Yes.. I'm sorry.. </you></b> - you tell her as you get dressed and leave.
<<set $submissive to $submissive +2>>
<center><b><pink> Submissiveness +2!!</pink></b></center>
<<set $feminization to $feminization+1>>
<center><hotpink>You just increased your feminization!</hotpink></center>
<center>[[Leave and go back to the city center|City]]</center>
<div id="choice">
<<linkreplace "<white><center> • You don't and ask her to stop and finish her job.</center></white>">>
<<replace "#choice">>
<b><you> - Actually I don't.. It's just that having a woman touch me there is arousing.. if you could please stop with that and do your job that would be great.. and it's sir.. thank you.</you></b> - you tell her with a serious face.
<b><purple> - "Ehm.. Sorry sir, I thought you enjoyed this.. I'll finish right away.."</purple></b> - she says confused as she finishes waxing you.
<b><center> After a while she finishes and tells you that you are done and can leave.</center></b>
<<set $feminization to $feminization+1>>
<center><hotpink>You just increased your feminization!</hotpink></center>
<center>[[Pay and leave towards the city center|City]]</center>
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\detention.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><img src="images\city\detention.jpg" width = "550px"></center>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\Showboxers.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><center> As you drop your pants, you see your teacher catiously looking at you, examinating what you're wearing, she sees you're wearing boxers, her face clearly turns dark and enraged, she looks at you, grabs your chin and very next to your face she says</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\teachermad.png"></span></center>
<b><teacher> - "You useless pathetic excuse of a man.. why are you wearing boxers? By now I figured you'd understand that <pink>panties</pink> are more fitting for a boy like you, next time I have u in detention, you better be wearing a clean pretty pair of <pink>panties</pink>, or your punishment is gonna be much more severe.. GOT IT?</teacher></b> - your teacher says as she slaps you in the face
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\teacherslap.jpg"></span></center>
<b><center> You look up at her, feeling extremely humiliated and inferior to her and just nod, not even being able to put up words to tell her</center></b>
<b><teacher> - "Good, leave now."</teacher></b> - she declares as she sends you out of detention room.
<<if $submissive <=45>>
<<set $submissive to $submissive+1>>\
<b><center><pink> Submissiveness +1!</pink></center></b>\
<b><center><white><u> This action won't increase your <pink>submission</pink> anymore.</u></white></center></b>
<center>[[Go back to the school hallway|School Hallway]]</center><center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\detention.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><img src="images\city\detention.jpg" width = "550px"></center>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\Showboxers.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><center> As you drop your pants, you see your teacher catiously looking at you, examinating what you're wearing, she sees you're wearing briefs, her face clearly turns dark and enraged, she looks at you, grabs your chin and very next to your face she says</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\teachermad.png"></span></center>
<b><teacher> - "You useless pathetic excuse of a man.. why are you wearing briefs? By now I figured you'd understand that <pink>panties</pink> are more fitting for a boy like you, next time I have u in detention, you better be wearing a clean pretty pair of <pink>panties</pink>, or your punishment is gonna be much more severe.. GOT IT?</teacher></b> - your teacher says as she slaps you in the face
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\teacherslap.jpg"></span></center>
<b><center> You look up at her, feeling extremely humiliated and inferior to her and just nod, not even being able to put up words to tell her</center></b>
<b><teacher> - "Good, leave now."</teacher></b> - she declares as she sends you out of detention room.
<<if $submissive <=45>>
<<set $submissive to $submissive+1>>\
<b><center><pink> Submissiveness +1!</pink></center></b>\
<b><center><white><u> This action won't increase your <pink>submission</pink> anymore.</u></white></center></b>
<center>[[Go back to the school hallway|School Hallway]]</center><center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\detention.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><img src="images\city\detention.jpg" width = "550px"></center>
<b><center> As you drop your pants and show what you're wearing, you remember that you're wearing <sister>$sistername</sister> panties.. it's really humiliating to have to show this to your teacher but nevertheless.. you show them to her.</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\wearingsisterpantiesshow.png"></span></center>
<b><center> When you drop them and your teacher sees them, her face lightens up suprisingly, and looking at you while smiling she says</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\Teachersmiling.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><teacher> - "Oh my god! What a good <pink>girl</pink>! I knew it, of course you're wearing panties like a <pink>sissy</pink> would, it's nice to see that you're heading towards the future you were always meant to have, black tho? I don't think that's your color, <pink>pink</pink> would fit you better, where did you get those?</teacher></B> - your teacher asks you.
<b><you> - Ehm.. They are my <sister>sisters</sister> panties.. I stole them from her..</you></b> - you admit to your teacher.
<b><teacher> - "Ah, the usual, it's perfectly normal for sissy boys to start stealing your moms or sisters panties, buy a pair for yourself would you? That way you dont have to steal them, good boy, you can go now, I'm satisfied."</teacher></b> - your teacher says as she signals you to the door.
<b><you> - Okay.. See you tomorrow <teacher>Ms.$nameteacher</teacher>..</you></b> - you tell her as you head out.
<b><teacher> - "See you little sissy.."</teacher></b> - she responds.
<<if $submissive <=50>>
<<set $submissive to $submissive+1>>\
<b><center><pink> Submissiveness +1!</pink></center></b>\
<b><center><white><u> This action won't increase your <pink>submission</pink> anymore.</u></white></center></b>
<center>[[Go back to the school hallway|School Hallway]]</center>\
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\detention.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><img src="images\city\detention.jpg" width = "550px"></center>
<b><center> As you drop your pants and show what you're wearing, you remember that you're wearing <pink>pink</pink> panties.. it's really humiliating to have to show this to your teacher but nevertheless.. you show them to her.</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\wearingsisterpanties.jpg"></span></center>
<b><center> When you drop them and your teacher sees them, her face lightens up suprisingly, and looking at you while smiling she says</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\Teachersmiling.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><teacher> - "Oh my god! What a good <pink>girl</pink>! I knew it. Of course, you're wearing panties like a <pink>sissy</pink> would. It's nice to see that you're heading towards the future you were always meant to have, great choice of color aswell <pink>pink</pink> is the color of sissies just like you! where did you get those?</teacher></B> - your teacher asks you.
<b><you> - Ehm.. I bought them myself..</you></b> - you admit to your teacher.
<b><teacher> - "Oh my god! I'm so proud of you, what a good little <pink>sissy</pink> you're even buying them yourself, that's a big step.. great, I'm satistied, you may leave now.</teacher></b> - your teacher says as she signals you to the door.
<b><you> - Okay.. See you tomorrow <teacher>Ms.$nameteacher</teacher>..</you></b> - you tell her as you head out.
<b><teacher> - "See you little sissy.."</teacher></b> - she responds.
<<if $submissive <=50>>
<<set $submissive to $submissive+1>>\
<b><center><pink> Submissiveness +1!</pink></center></b>\
<b><center><white><u> This action won't increase your <pink>submission</pink> anymore.</u></white></center></b>
<center>[[Go back to the school hallway|School Hallway]]</center>\<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\detention.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><img src="images\city\detention.jpg" width = "550px"></center>
<b><center> As you drop your pants and show what you're wearing, you remember that you're wearing <black>black</black> panties.. it's really humiliating to have to show this to your teacher but nevertheless.. you show them to her.</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\wearingblackpanties.jpg"></span></center>
<b><center> When you drop them and your teacher sees them, her face lightens up suprisingly, and looking at you while smiling she says</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\Teachersmiling.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><teacher> - "Oh my god! What a good <pink>girl</pink>! I knew it. Of course you're wearing panties like a <pink>sissy</pink> would. It's nice to see that you're heading towards the future you were always meant to have.<black>Black</black> though? <pink>Pink</pink> panties woud fit you better <pink>sissy</pink>. Where did you get those?</teacher></B> - your teacher asks you.
<b><you> - Ehm.. I bought them myself..</you></b> - you admit to your teacher.
<b><teacher> - "Oh my god! I'm so proud of you, what a good little <pink>sissy</pink> you're even buying them yourself, that's a big step.. great, I'm satistied, you may leave now.</teacher></b> - your teacher says as she signals you to the door.
<b><you> - Okay.. See you tomorrow <teacher>Ms.$nameteacher</teacher>..</you></b> - you tell her as you head out.
<b><teacher> - "See you little sissy.."</teacher></b> - she responds.
<<if $submissive <=50>>
<<set $submissive to $submissive+1>>\
<b><center><pink> Submissiveness +1!</pink></center></b>\
<b><center><white><u> This action won't increase your <pink>submission</pink> anymore.</u></white></center></b>
<center>[[Go back to the school hallway|School Hallway]]</center>\
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\detention.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><img src="images\city\detention.jpg" width = "550px"></center>
<b><center> As you drop your pants and show what you're wearing, you remember that you're wearing <red>red</red> panties.. it's really humiliating to have to show this to your teacher but nevertheless.. you show them to her.</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\wearingredpanties.jpg"></span></center>
<b><center> When you drop them and your teacher sees them, her face lightens up suprisingly, and looking at you while smiling she says</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\Teachersmiling.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><teacher> - "Oh my god! What a good <pink>girl</pink>! I knew it, of course you're wearing panties like a <pink>sissy</pink> would, it's nice to see that you're heading towards the future you were always meant to have,<red>red</red> is a nice color but I dont think it fits you, you should wear <pink>pink</pink> panties like a good <pink>sissy</pink>, where did you get those?</teacher></B> - your teacher asks you.
<b><you> - Ehm.. I bought them myself..</you></b> - you admit to your teacher.
<b><teacher> - "Oh my god! I'm so proud of you, what a good little <pink>sissy</pink> you're even buying them yourself, that's a big step.. great, I'm satistied, you may leave now.</teacher></b> - your teacher says as she signals you to the door.
<b><you> - Okay.. See you tomorrow <teacher>Ms.$nameteacher</teacher>..</you></b> - you tell her as you head out.
<b><teacher> - "See you little sissy.."</teacher></b> - she responds.
<<if $submissive <=50>>
<<set $submissive to $submissive+1>>\
<b><center><pink> Submissiveness +1!</pink></center></b>\
<b><center><white><u> This action won't increase your <pink>submission</pink> anymore.</u></white></center></b>
<center>[[Go back to the school hallway|School Hallway]]</center>\<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\detention.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><img src="images\city\detention.jpg" width = "550px"></center>
<b><center> As you drop your pants and show what you're wearing, you remember that you're wearing <blue>blue</blue> panties.. it's really humiliating to have to show this to your teacher but nevertheless.. you show them to her.</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\wearingbluepanties.png"></span></center>
<b><center> When you drop them and your teacher sees them, her face lightens up suprisingly, and looking at you while smiling she says</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\Teachersmiling.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><teacher> - "Oh my god! What a good <pink>girl</pink>! I knew it, of course you're wearing panties like a <pink>sissy</pink> would, it's nice to see that you're heading towards the future you were always meant to have,<blue>blue</blue> is a nice color but I dont think it fits you, you should wear <pink>pink</pink> panties like a good <pink>sissy</pink>, where did you get those?</teacher></B> - your teacher asks you.
<b><you> - Ehm.. I bought them myself..</you></b> - you admit to your teacher.
<b><teacher> - "Oh my god! I'm so proud of you, what a good little <pink>sissy</pink> you're even buying them yourself, that's a big step.. great, I'm satistied, you may leave now.</teacher></b> - your teacher says as she signals you to the door.
<b><you> - Okay.. See you tomorrow <teacher>Ms.$nameteacher</teacher>..</you></b> - you tell her as you head out.
<b><teacher> - "See you little sissy.."</teacher></b> - she responds.
<<if $submissive <=50>>
<<set $submissive to $submissive+1>>\
<b><center><pink> Submissiveness +1!</pink></center></b>\
<b><center><white><u> This action won't increase your <pink>submission</pink> anymore.</u></white></center></b>
<center>[[Go back to the school hallway|School Hallway]]</center>\<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\detention.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><img src="images\city\detention.jpg" width = "550px"></center>
<b><center> As you drop your pants and show what you're wearing, you remember that you're wearing <mom>$momname</mom> panties.. it's really humiliating to have to show this to your teacher but nevertheless.. you show them to her.</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\wearingmompanties.png"></span></center>
<b><center> When you drop them and your teacher sees them, her face lightens up suprisingly, and looking at you while smiling she says</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\Teachersmiling.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><teacher> - "Oh my god! What a good <pink>girl</pink>! I knew it, of course you're wearing panties like a <pink>sissy</pink> would, it's nice to see that you're heading towards the future you were always meant to have, purple tho? I don't think that's your color, <pink>pink</pink> would fit you better, where did you get those?</teacher></B> - your teacher asks you.
<b><you> - Ehm.. They are my <mom>mothers</mom> panties.. I stole them from her..</you></b> - you admit to your teacher.
<b><teacher> - "Ah, the usual, it's perfectly normal for sissy boys to start stealing your moms or sisters panties, buy a pair for yourself would you? That way you dont have to steal them, good boy, you can go now, I'm satisfied."</teacher></b> - your teacher says as she signals you to the door.
<b><you> - Okay.. See you tomorrow <teacher>Ms.$nameteacher</teacher>..</you></b> - you tell her as you head out.
<b><teacher> - "See you little sissy.."</teacher></b> - she responds.
<<if $submissive <=50>>
<<set $submissive to $submissive+1>>\
<b><center><pink> Submissiveness +1!</pink></center></b>\
<b><center><white><u> This action won't increase your <pink>submission</pink> anymore.</u></white></center></b>
<center>[[Go back to the school hallway|School Hallway]]</center>\<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\detention.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><img src="images\city\detention.jpg" width = "550px"></center>
<b><center> As you drop your pants and show what you're wearing, you remember that you're wearing nothing underneath.. you chose to come commando to school today.. What were you thinking, this is going to be so embarassing..</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\wearingnothing.png"></span></center>
<b><center> When you drop them and your teacher sees you wearing nothing, she starts laughing loudly at you</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\teacherlaugh.jpg"></span></center>
<b><teacher> - "Oh my god! Why are you wearing nothing you pathetic little boy? I can't believe I have to see such a small <pink>clit</pink> because of this.. I mean look at that it's so fucking tiny, it's the size of my pinky! That thing should be locked away forever.</teacher></B> - your teacher says looking at you in disgust.
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\teacherdisgust.jpg"></span></center>
<b><teacher> - "Just leave, and put a pair of panties on, I dont want to see you wearing boxers next time you are in detention, and I definitely don't want to see that <pink>clit</pink> again, I'm locking it in chastity if I do, LEAVE.</teacher></b> - your teacher screams at you, enfuriated.
<b><you> - Okay.. See you tomorrow <teacher>Ms.$nameteacher</teacher>..</you></b> - you tell her as you head out.
<b><teacher> - "Pathetic.."</teacher></b> - she responds.
<<if $submissive <=55>>
<<set $submissive to $submissive+1>>\
<b><center><pink> Submissiveness +1!</pink></center></b>\
<b><center><white><u> This action won't increase your <pink>submission</pink> anymore.</u></white></center></b>
<center>[[Go back to the school hallway|School Hallway]]</center>\<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\schoolbathroom.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><img src="images\city\schoolbathroom.png" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>\
<b><center> As you enter the school bathroom, you see the mess the students usually make in school bathrooms, you look around and decide to</center></b>\
<<if $feminization >=1>>\
<center>[[• Enter a stall to piss •|StallPissSub]]</center>\
<<elseif $masculinity >=1>>\
<center>[[• Enter a stall to piss •|StallPissDom]]</center>\
<center>[[• Enter a stall to piss •|StallPissNormal]]</center>\
<<if $homosexuality >=5 and $masculinity >=1>>\
<u><center>[[• A cute looking femboy is in the bathroom in the urinal.. •|UrinalPissSissy]]</center></u>\
<<if $feminization >=8 and $bnwoevent6 is false and $mombnwobought is false and $bnwofalse is false>>\
<u><center>[[• A snowbunny is having fun in the bathroom..•|bnworandomevent]]</center></u>\
<center>[[• Go back to the school hallway •|School Hallway]]</center>\
<hr>\<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\schoolbathroom.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>\
<center><img src="images\events\insideofstall.jpg" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>\
<b><center> You enter the bathroom stall, ready to take a piss, you decide you want to sit down and scroll on your phone as you piss, as you sit down, you hear someone on the next stall knocking on your stall, you look to your side when you see a hole on the wall of your stall, on waist level, out of nowhere you hear a deep voice say</center></b>
<b><brown> - "25€ for a blowjob?"</brown></b> - the man says as he fits his huge <brown>BBC</brown> in the hole next to you.
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\bbcgloryhole.jpg"></span></center>\
<b><center> You look at the huge <brown>BBC</brown> in front of you in shock, is he offering you money to suck it..? You look at it and start thinking</center></b>
<<if $feminization <= 3 >>\
<b><center> There's no way you're touching another mans penis..</center></b>
<b><you> - Eh nah dude.. That's weird I just came to take a piss..</you></b> - you tell him
<b><brown> - "Aite.. my bad."</brown></b> - he says as he withdraws his cock from the hole.
<b><center> You get up and leave the stall embarassed.</center></b>
<center>[[Leave the Stall|SchoolBathroom]]</center>
<center><pink> ( Increase your feminization for new choices! )</pink></center>
<<if $feminization <= 5>>\
<div id="choice">\
<<linkreplace "<pink><center> • Touch it</center></pink>">>\
<<replace "#choice">>\
<b><center> You get really curious of how the black mans cock feels like in your hand, the events as of late made you really interested and you decide to hold it with your hand</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\touchingbbc.jpg"></span></center>
<b><you> - Jesus...</you></b> - you say in a low voice, whispering to yourself
<b><center> The black man in the stall hears you and says</center></b>
<b><brown> - "Oh, so you're gonna do it? Good <pink>sissy</pink> I'll give you the money at the end trust me, just take it into your pretty little mouth bitch..</brown></b> - the black man orders you.
<b><center> You are hypnotized by the <brown>BBC</brown> in front of you that you aren't even realizing what is going on right now, you are in the middle of a stall, kneeling in front of a <brown>BBC</brown>, when you hear his request you snap out and you cant bring yourself to do such thing.. yet</center></b>
<b><you> - Ehm sorry.. No I was just.. this was a mistake.. I dont wanna do this, sorry..</you></b> - you say as you head out of the stall running towards the school hallway, so he doesn't see you.
<<if $submissive <=50>>\
<<set $submissive to $submissive+1>>\
<b><center><pink> Submissiveness +1!</pink></center></b>\
<b><center><white><u> This action won't increase your <pink>submission</pink> anymore.</u></white></center></b>\
<center>[[Run out|School Hallway]]</center>\
<div id="choice">\
<<linkreplace "<white><center> • You don't want to accept his deal.</center></white>">>\
<<replace "#choice">>\
<b><center> You decide you don't want to take such deal, it's too much for you, and just leave the stall embarassed</center></b>\
<center>[[Leave the stall|SchoolBathroom]]</center>\
<<if $feminization >= 6>>\
<div id="choice">\
<<linkreplace "<pink><center> • Touch it</center></pink>">>\
<<replace "#choice">>\
<b><center> You get really curious of how the black mans cock feels like in your hand, the events as of late made you really interested and you decide to hold it with your hand</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\touchingbbc.jpg"></span></center>
<b><you> - Jesus...</you></b> - you say in a low voice, whispering to yourself
<b><center> The black man in the stall hears you and says</center></b>
<b><brown> - "Oh, so you're gonna do it? Good <pink>sissy</pink> I'll give you the money at the end trust me, just take it into your pretty little mouth, bitch..</brown></b> - the black man orders you.
<<linkreplace "<pink><center> • Grab it and take it into your mouth</center></pink>">>\
<b><center> You can't hold it in anymore.. you kneel in front of the hole and slowly start licking the huge <brown>big black cock</brown> in front of your eyes.. you start slowly.. appreciating the flavour of the rod..</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\gloryholeblow2.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><brown> "Fuck.. stop teasing me slut.. take it into your mouth come on.."</brown></b> - you hear the <brown>black</brown> man squirming from the other side.
<b><center> You grin to yourself and then.. finally take it into your greedy mouth.</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\Gloryholeblow1.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><brown> "You are so good.. good lord.. I want to fuck your <pink>boipussy</pink> come on.. let me plow you whore.. I know you want it.."</brown></b> - he says, taking his <brown>big black cock</brown> from the hole and starting to strap a condom on his rod.
<b><center> You are super horny and your mouth reeks of huge manly cock.. but this is too much for you.. you just leave him without saying anything.</center></b>
-<b><brown> "<pink> sissy..?</pink> Oh come on.. you can't leave me now you whore.. I know you'll be back.."</brown></b> - he says screaming from the stall.
<<if $submissive <=65>>\
<<set $submissive to $submissive+1>>\
<b><center><pink> Submissiveness +1!</pink></center></b>\
<b><center><white><u> This action won't increase your <pink>submission</pink> anymore.</u></white></center></b>\
<center>[[Run out|School Hallway]]</center>\
<div id="choice">\
<<linkreplace "<white><center> • You don't want to accept his deal.</center></white>">>\
<<replace "#choice">>\
<b><center> You decide you don't want to take such deal, it's too much for you, and just leave the stall embarassed</center></b>\
<center>[[Leave the stall|SchoolBathroom]]</center>\
<</if>><<set $bfintroduction to false>>
<span class='fadeIn'>
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\bfintro.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<b><center> As you enter the school hallway, you see your best friend <<textbox "$bfname" "Natalie">> near the lockers.</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\bflockers.jpg"></span></center>
<b><center> You head towards her to talk with her.</center></b>
<center>[[Talk with your bestfriend|bfintroduction2]]</center><span class='fadeIn'>
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\bfintro.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<b><you> - Hey <bf>$bfname</bf>! How are you today?</you></b> - you say as you head towards her
<b><center> As you reach her, her face lightens up with happiness from seeing you.</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\bfhappy.png"></span></center>
<b><bf> - "Heyyy <you>$name</you>! I'm good now that you are here. Bestie, I missed you!</bf></b> - she says as she heads towards to hug you
<b><center> You and <bf>$bfname</bf> have been friends since you were kids. The only thing that changed is that she was formerly known as Nathan and now she is <bf>$bfname</bf>. She is a transsexual female. You've always been supportive of her since she decided to come out, but some people in school do not approve of such things and bully her, so you two are kind of outliers in the school and a target of bullies. But you don't care because you have her by your side.</center></b>
<b><you> - Missed you too! How did classes go today? No stupid jock trying to make fun of you today?</you></b> - you ask her, worried.
<b><bf> - "No bestie, not yet, but you know I don't care, let them say whatever they want. By the way, you've been glowing lately. I have a feeling things are going to change in your life..</bf></b> - she says with a mischevious smile.
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\mischevioussmile.png"></span></center>
<b><center> You are a little thrown off by what she's saying and you don't really understand why but you just smile and tell her</center></b>
<b><you> - Haha maybe, we are in constant change am I right.. well bestie I have to go but I'll see you later mkay? Text me if anything happens, byee!</you></b> - you tell her as you head away
<b><bf> - "Bye bestie! Love you!"</bf></b> - she waves as you go away
<center>[[Go back to the hallway|School Hallway]]</center><center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\bf.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\bfschool.jpg"></span></center>
<b><center> You head towards <bf>$bfname</bf> to talk with her.</center></b>
<center><b><bf> - "Hey bestie, what's up?"</bf></b> - she asks you</center>
<<if $dominant >= 27 and $masculinity is 1 and $timer is 2 and $bfdomevent1 is true>>
<span class="eventdom"><b><u>[[Your bestfriend wants to talk with you..|bfeventdom1]]</u></b></span>\
<<linkreplace "• Nothing..">>\
<b><you> - Oh nevermind it's nothing!</you></b> - you say as you head back.
[[Go back to the school hallway|School Hallway]]
<<linkreplace "• Nothing..">>\
<b><you> - Oh nevermind it's nothing!</you></b> - you say as you head back.
[[Go back to the school hallway|School Hallway]]
<</if>>\<<set $givecard to false>>
<<set $time to $time+1>>
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\detention.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><img src="images\city\detention.jpg" width = "550px"></center>
<b><center> As you enter the detention room, you see your teacher, <teacher>Ms.$nameteacher</teacher> lighting up a cigarette as she waits for you</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\lightingup.jpg"></span></center>
<b><teacher> - "Hello <you>$name</you>, please take a seat."</teacher></b> - your teacher tells you as she takes a puff
<b><center> You go ahead and do what she says and take a seat on the nearest seat to you possible.</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\wearingpanties.png"></span></center>
<b><center> Your teacher looks at you as you head to your seat as you take a seat and notices you're wearing panties again and smiles, clearly thinking of something</center></b>
<b><teacher> - "Wearing panties again <you>$name</you>? You're becoming bolder and bolder everytime I see you..</teacher></b> - your teacher tells you smiling
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\teachersmirk.jpg"></span></center>
<b><you> - Ehm.. yeah they are just more comfortable as of late..</you></b> - you admit to your teacher embarassed
<b><teacher> - "Good boy.. I like your progression, and today instead of a punishment, I have something else for you.</teacher></b> - your teacher says as she comes close to you
<b><center> You start thinking, she has something for you..? Oh my god.. are you gonna have something sexual with your teacher..?</center></b>
<b><center> But quickly you get disappointed as she takes a card out of her pocket and gives it to you</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\therapistcard.jpg"></span></center>
<b><teacher> - "An old friend of mine whose job is being a therapist is looking for candidates to try out a new type of therapy and I think it would suit you very well, your punishment for today is to book an free appointment with her, you'll love her, she's just like me!</teacher></b> - your teacher tells you very happy
<b><teacher> - "You'll go there every tuesday, I'll schedule the appointments for you alright? You go now."</teacher></b> - she tells you as she waves you away smiling.
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\teasingsmile.jpg"></span></center>
<b><center> You look at the card and you reluctantly decide to take it</center></b>
<b><you> - Alright.. I'll do that.. thanks <teacher>Ms.$nameteacher</teacher> - you thank your teacher as you get up and head back home</you></b>
<center>[[Leave and go back to the school hallway|School Hallway]]</center><<set $time to $time+1>>
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\detention.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><img src="images\city\detention.jpg" width = "550px"></center>
<b><center> As you enter the detention room, you see your teacher, <teacher>Ms.$nameteacher</teacher> lighting up a cigarette as she waits for you</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\lightingup.jpg"></span></center>
<b><teacher> - "Hello <you>$name</you>, please take a seat."</teacher></b> - your teacher tells you as she takes a puff
<b><center> You go ahead and do what she says and take a seat on the nearest seat to you possible.</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\wearingpanties.png"></span></center>
<b><center> Your teacher looks at you as you head to your seat as you take a seat and notices you're wearing panties again and smiles, clearly thinking of something</center></b>
<b><teacher> - "Wearing panties again <you>$name</you>? You're becoming bolder and bolder everytime I see you..</teacher></b> - your teacher tells you smiling
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\teachersmirk.jpg"></span></center>
<b><you> - Ehm.. yeah they are just more comfortable as of late..</you></b> - you admit to your teacher embarassed
<b><teacher> - "Good boy.. Why haven't you gone to therapy yet though? You better go next tuesday mister, you don't want to make me mad.</teacher></b> - your teacher says as she comes close to you and looks at you mad.
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\teacherstaringsoul.png"></span></center>
<b><you> - Sorry ..<teacher>Ms.$nameteacher</teacher> I won't miss it next time.. - you tell your teacher scared.</you></b>
<b><teacher> - "Good.. Do what I say or I'll take physical measures.. Got it boy?"</teacher></b> - she tells you
<b><you> - Yes <teacher>Ms.$nameteacher</teacher> ..</you></b> - you say looking down
<b><teacher> - "Glad you understood, go now, leave."</teacher></b> - she says pointing at the door.
<b><center> You obey her and leave.</center></b>
<center>[[Leave and go back to the school hallway|School Hallway]]</center><center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\bedroom.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><img src="images\city\bedroom.jpg" height = "400px" width = "750px">
<b><center> As you enter your bedroom, you notice you are really tired and you can't do anything else right now, the only thing you have energy for is your bed right now</center></b>
<b><you> - Jesus how was that so tiring.. I can't even remember what happened properly.. </you></b> - you tell yourself as you enter your bed
<b><center> As you enter your bed and close your eyes.. strange images start flashing in your head as you fall asleep</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\Sissyhypno3.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\sissyhypno9.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<center>[[• Eventually you fall asleep •|Sleep3]]</center>\<<set $time to $time+1>>
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\detention.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><img src="images\city\detention.jpg" width = "550px"></center>
<b><center> You enter the detention room and you see your teacher sitting in a students table waiting for you, as soon as she sees you she signals you in.</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\teacherwaiting.jpg"></span></center>
<b><teacher> - "Hey <you>$name</you> come over here.."</teacher></b> - she says signaling you to come closer to her
<b><center> You obediently follow what she says and go to her.</center></b>
<b><you> - Hey <teacher>Ms.$nameteacher</teacher> sorry for today.. what's my punishment?</you></b> - you ask her, standing in front of her.
<b><teacher> - "Shut up, first and foremost you'll talk when asked alright? Now drop your pants, I wanna see if you went to get the waxing I told you."</teacher></b> - your teacher says, mad at you.
<b><center> Oh no.. You realize now that you didn't do what she requested yet.. you're gonna get in trouble.. but you do what she says and drop your pants.</center></b>
<b><teacher> - "What is this <you>$name</you>? Why haven't you waxed yet? And what in gods name is that tiny worm HAHAHA, jesus I figured you'd be small but not that small"</teacher></b> - your teacher says laughing at you, mocking your size
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\teachertiny.png"></span></center>
<b><center> You feel extremily embarassed and don't answer back</center></b>
<b><teacher> - "Get out my face bitch, and do what I said or next time I'm punishing you for real."</teacher></b> - your teacher says, looking angry at you.
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\teacherstaringsoul.png"></span></center>
<b><you> - Yes <teacher>Ms.$nameteacher</teacher> ..</you></b>- you say as you head outside.
<center> [[Go outside |School Hallway]]</center>
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\mom.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><img src="images\resources\momtalk.png" width = "750px"></center>
<b><center> You head towards <mom>$momname</mom> to talk with her.</center></b>
-<b><mom> "Do you need anything honey?"</mom></b> - she asks you
<<if $momlvl == 1>>\
<center><span class="glow">Relationship Level: $momlvl/2</span></center>\
<center><span class="glow">Relationship: $momexp/5</span></center>\
<<elseif $momlvl == 2>>\
<center><span class="glow">Relationship Level: $momlvl/2</span></center>\
<center><span class="glow">Relationship: $momexp/10</span></center>\
<div class="link-containerdom">
<<if $momdomevent4 is false and $fatiguestat <30>>
<div class="link-box2">
<span class="pink-link">[[Tease Mom|TeaseMomDom]] <img src="images/resources/masculine.png"></span>
<<elseif $momdomevent4 is false and $fatiguestat >=30>>
<div class="link-box2">
<span class="pink-link"> You are too tired..</span>
<div class="link-box">
<<linkreplace "• Nothing..">>
<b><you> - Oh nevermind it's nothing!</you></b> - you say as you head back.
[[Finish conversation|Parents room]]
</div><<set $mombodychecktalk to false>>
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\mom.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><img src="images\city\parentsbedroom.jpg" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>
<b><center> As you enter <mom>$momname</mom> room, she notices you enter and makes a odd face while looking at you</center></b>
<b><mom> - "Hey honey.. Have you done something new with your physical appearance? Hmm.. oh your hair is different! It's longer now!"</mom></b> - she says, smiling happily.
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\momhappy.png"></span></center>
<b><you> - Oh yeah.. it just started growing and I havent cut it yet..</you></b> - you explain to your mom
<b><mom> - "Oh don't cut it hun, it looks great on you! Fits your personality more and you look pretty now!</mom></b> - she says happily
<b><center> Pretty? That's not very manly.. maybe she didn't mean it in a feminine way</center></b>
<b><you> - Alright.. thanks mom</you></b> - you say happily as you smile, looking at your moms mirror
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\happymc.jpg"></span></center>
[[Finish conversation|Parents room]]<<set $dadbodychecktalk to false>>
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\dad.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><img src="images\city\kitchen.jpg" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>
<b><center> You enter the kitchen and per usual your dad is having breakfast, when he notices you, he looks at you and immediately shouts at you</center></b>
<b><dad> - "<you>$name</you>! What happened to you? Why are you looking so.. <pink>girly</pink>? I mean look at that haircut, get a goddamn haircut kid you look like a girl! </dad></b> - he says as he comes near you
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\dadmad.png"></span></center>
<b><dad> - "And why are you so frail? Look at your arms, you're so thin, have you stopped working out?" </dad></b> - he asks you as he grabs your arm with force
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\grabbingarm.jpg"></span></center>
<b><dad> - "Look at this, it feels like im grabbing a goddamn</dad> <pink>sissy</pink></b>" - he shouts at you, holding you
<b><center> The fact your dad calls you a sissy leaves you shocked and embarassed, but you also blush..</center></B>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\mcshocked.png"></span></center>
<b><you> - Ehm.. I haven't been working out lately I've been busy.. But I'll get back to it dad.. sorry..</you></b> - you apologize submissively to your dad, looking down
<b><dad> - "Why are you apologizing like a bitch? I didn't educate you to be this weak, don't make me mad kid.."</dad></B> - he says as he turns away from you
<b><center> You feel sad that you disappointed your dad but you feel a little horny aswell.. you go away without saying anything</center></b>
[[Finish conversation|Kitchen]]<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\dad.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<<if $dadfeminized is false>>\
<center><img src="images\resources\dadtalk.png" width = "750px"></center>
<<elseif $dadfeminized is true and $dadeventdomfem7 is false>>\
<center><img src="images\resources\dadtalkfem.png" width = "750px"></center>
<b><center> You see your <hotpink>dad</hotpink> eating breakfest and you head towards him</center></b>
<<if $dadfeminized is false>>\
-<b><dad> "Hey what's up kiddo, what are you up to?"</dad></b> - he asks you smiling
<<elseif $dadfeminized is true and $dadeventdomfem7 is false>>\
-<b><hotpink> "Hey what's up kiddo, what are you up to?"</hotpink></b> - she asks you smiling
<<if $dadlvl == 1>>\
<center><span class="glow">Relationship Level: $dadlvl/2</span></center>\
<center><span class="glow">Relationship: $dadexp/5</span></center>\
<<elseif $dadlvl == 2>>\
<center><span class="glow">Relationship Level: $dadlvl/2</span></center>\
<center><span class="glow">Relationship: $dadexp/10</span></center>\
<div class="link-container">
<<if $dadsubevent1 is false and $fatiguestat <30>>
<div class="link-box2">
<span class="pink-link">[[Tease Dad|TeaseDadSub]] <img src="images/resources/feminine.png"></span>
<<elseif $dadsubevent1 is false and $fatiguestat >=30>>
<div class="link-box2">
<span class="pink-link"> You are too tired..</span>
<<if $dadexp == 5 and $dadlvl == 1 and $dadsubevent2 is false>>\
<div class="link-box2">
<span class="blink pink-link">[[Level up available!|DadLevelUp1]]
<<if $dadsubevent2 is false and $fatiguestat <30 and $dadlvl == 2>>
<div class="link-box2">
<span class="pink-link">[[Give Dad a Handjob|HandjobDadSub]] <img src="images/resources/feminine.png"></span>
<<elseif $dadsubevent2 is false and $fatiguestat >=30 and $dadlvl == 2>>
<div class="link-box2">
<span class="pink-link"> You are too tired..</span>
<div class="link-containerdom">
<<if $dadeventdom1 is false and $fatiguestat <30>>
<div class="link-box2">
<span class="pink-link">[[Tease Dad|TeaseDadDom]] <img src="images/resources/masculine.png"></span>
<<elseif $dadeventdom1 is false and $fatiguestat >=30>>
<div class="link-box2">
<span class="pink-link"> You are too tired..</span>
<div class="link-box">
<<linkreplace "• Nothing..">>
<b><you> - Oh nevermind it's nothing!</you></b> - you say as you head back.
[[Finish conversation|Kitchen]]
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\campus.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><img src="images\city\schoolcampus.png" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>
<b><center> You are roaming around school campus, you hear alot of students talking around in groups, you decide you want to</center></b>
<<if $time ==1 and $bodycheckfem1 is false and $sisbodychecktalk is true>>\
<center><u>[[ • Your sister wants to talk with you • |sistalkbodycheckcampus]]</u></center>\
<<elseif $time == 1>>\
<center>[[ • Talk with your sister • |sistalkcampus]]</center>\
<<if $time ==1 and $bodycheckfem1 is false and $gfbodychecktalk is true>>\
<center><u>[[ • Your girlfriend wants to talk with you • |gftalkbodycheck]]</u></center>\
<<elseif $gfsubevent1 is true and $feminization >=2 and $submissive >=41 and $time == 0>>\
<center><u>[[ • Talk with your girlfriend • |gftalk]]</u></center>\
<<elseif $gfsubevent1 is true and $feminization >=2 and $submissive >=41 and $time == 1>>\
<center><u>[[ • Talk with your girlfriend • |gftalk]]</u></center>\
<<elseif $gfsubevent2 is true and $feminization >=5 and $submissive >=45 and $time == 0 and $gfsubevent1 is false>>\
<center><u>[[ • Talk with your girlfriend • |gftalk]]</u></center>\
<<elseif $gfsubevent2 is true and $feminization >=5 and $submissive >=45 and $time == 1 and $gfsubevent1 is false>>\
<center><u>[[ • Talk with your girlfriend • |gftalk]]</u></center>\
<<elseif $time == 1 and $gfbreakup is false>>\
<center>[[ • Talk with your girlfriend • |gftalk]]</center>\
<b><center>[[Go back to the hallway|School Hallway]]</center></b>\
<hr>\<<set $sisbodychecktalk to false>>
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\sister.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><img src="images\city\schoolcampus.png" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>
<b><center> You are walking in the campus when your sister notices you from afar and comes to you</center></b>
<b><sister> - "<you>$name</you> is that you? Oh my god you're starting to look like a <pink>girl</pink> with that hair, I dont know how you grew it so quickly but it's nice that you are embracing your <pink>sissy</pink> side, loser."</sister></b> - your sister tells you, laughing mischievously after
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\Sisterlaughing.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><you> - I'm not a <pink>sissy</pink>.. stop calling me that</you> <sister>$sistername</sister></b> - you tell your sister, defending yourself
<b><sister> - "Oh shut the fuck up <pink>beta</pink>, do I have to remind you that I have two pictures in my phone of you wearing panties like a good little slut?"</sister></b> - she says looking at with you with a air of superiority
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\superiorsister.jpg"></span></center>
<b><center> You look at her in shock, shes saying this out loud in the school campus.. anyone could hear this..</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\shockedmc.png"></span></center>
<b><you> - <sister>$sistername</sister>! Anyone could hear you right now what the hell.. we have a deal.. don't let anyone know about those pictures and I'll do anything you want.. please..</you></b> - you plead to your sister
<b><sister> - "Anything right? Well one of these days we'll talk in my bedroom </sister><pink><font size ="-1">sissy"</font></pink>." - your sister says on your ear as she passes by you, going away.
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\sisterstare.png"></span></center>
<b><you> - She's up to no good.. But I can't disobey her..</you></b> - you tell yourself as you go back to roaming the campus
[[Finish conversation|Campus]]<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\sister.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><img src="images\city\schoolcampus.png" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>
<b><center> You see your <sister>sister</sister> in the school campus and head towards her</center></b>
<center><b><sister> - "What do you want?"</sister></b> - she asks you with a cold face</center>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\sistercold.jpg"></span></center>
<<linkreplace "• Nothing..">>\
<b><you> - Nothing..</you></b> - you say as you head back.
[[Finish conversation|Campus]]
<</linkreplace>>\<<set $gfbodychecktalk to false>>
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\gf.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><img src="images\city\schoolcampus.png" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>
<b><center> You see your lovely <gf>girlfriend</gf> in the school campus and head towards her</center></b>
<b><you> - Hey babe, how are classes going? </you></b> - you ask your girlfriend, nonchalantly.
<b><center> Your girlfriend turns around, and when she does, she opens her eyes in shock</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\gfshocked.jpg"></span></center>
<b><gf> - "Babe? Wow you look so.. different, your hair is so long.. I like it! You look pretty!"</gf></b> - your girlfriend says assimilating your new look, smiling
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\happygf.png"></span></center>
<b><you> - Eh.. pretty? Babe.. girls look pretty, I want to be handsome..</you></b> - you tell her trying to defend your manliness
<b><gf> - "Oh come on, don't be so retrogressive. It's 2023, it's fine to look feminine. I like you like this honestly. Makes me feel empowered for some reason,"</gf></b> - your girlfriend says as she bites her lip stepping forward
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\lipbitegf.png"></span></center>
<b><you> - Feminine..? Is that how I look to you.. like a girl? </you></b> - you ask your girlfriend
<b><gf> - "You don't look like a girl babe, you just look less manly and more feminine. Makes me feel like the man in the relationship. It's nice to explore your feminine side babe. Maybe we should explore more... together... or alone"</gf></b> - your girlfriend says looking very serious in your eyes
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\seriouslookgf.jpg"></span></center>
<b><you> - What do you mean by that..? </you></b> - you ask your girlfriend, curious
<b><gf> - "We'll talk later in privacy babe, not here."</gf></B> - your girlfriend says as she caresses your hair and grabs you by the hips
<b><center> You feel kinda submissive and like the girl in the relationship from the way your girlfriend is behaving.. but you kinda like it..</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\mcthinking.jpg"></span></center>
<b><you> - Okay babe.. </you></b> - you agree with $gfname
<b><gf> - "You're such a good boy ... friend. I have to go babe, we'll speak later."</gf></b> - your girlfriend says, with a weird stop in her speech.
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\gfserious.jpg"></span></center>
[[Finish conversation|Campus]]<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\gf.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><img src="images\city\schoolcampus.png" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>
<b><center> You see your lovely <gf>girlfriend</gf> in the school campus and head towards her</center></b>
<center><b><gf> - "Hi babe! Do you need anything?"</gf></b> - she asks you with a warm smile in her face</center>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\Gfsmiling.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<<if $gfsubevent2 is true and $feminization >=5 and $submissive >=45 and $time == 0 and $gfsubevent1 is false>>\
<span class="eventsub"><center>[[• Confront your girlfriend..•|gfsubevent2]]</center></span>\
<<linkreplace "• Nothing..">>\
<b><you> - No babe nevermind!</you></b> - you say as you head back.
[[Finish conversation|Campus]]
<<elseif $gfsubevent2 is true and $feminization >=5 and $submissive >=45 and $time == 1 and $gfsubevent1 is false>>\
<span class="eventsub"><center>[[• Confront your girlfriend..•|gfsubevent2]]</center></span>\
<<linkreplace "• Nothing..">>\
<b><you> - No babe nevermind!</you></b> - you say as you head back.
[[Finish conversation|Campus]]
<<elseif $gfsubevent1 is true and $feminization >=2 and $submissive >=41 and $time == 0>>\
<span class="eventsub"><center>[[• Go out for lunch with your girlfriend•|gfsubevent1]]</center></span>\
<<linkreplace "• Nothing..">>\
<b><you> - No babe nevermind!</you></b> - you say as you head back.
[[Finish conversation|Campus]]
<<elseif $gfsubevent1 is true and $feminization >=2 and $submissive >=41 and $time == 1>>\
<span class="eventsub"><center>[[• Go out for lunch with your girlfriend•|gfsubevent1]]</center></span>\
<<linkreplace "• Nothing..">>\
<b><you> - No babe nevermind!</you></b> - you say as you head back.
[[Finish conversation|Campus]]
<<linkreplace "• Nothing..">>\
<b><you> - No babe nevermind!</you></b> - you say as you head back.
[[Finish conversation|Campus]]
<</if>>\<<set $sisbodychecktalk to false>>
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\sister.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<b><center> You enter your sisters bedroom and shes laying in her bed, when you enter she looks at you with a curious look in her face</center></b>
<b><sister> - "<you>$name</you>, you're starting to look like a <pink>girl</pink> with that hair, I dont know how you grew it so quickly but it's nice that you are embracing your <pink>sissy</pink> side, loser."</sister></b> - your sister tells you, laughing mischievously after
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\Sisterlaughing.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><you> - I'm not a <pink>sissy</pink>.. stop calling me that</you> <sister>$sistername</sister></b> - you tell your sister, defending yourself
<b><sister> - "Oh shut the fuck up <pink>beta</pink>, do I have to remind you that I have two pictures in my phone of you wearing panties like a good little slut?"</sister></b> - she says looking at with you with a air of superiority
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\superiorsister.jpg"></span></center>
<b><center> You look at her in shock, shes saying this out loud and it embarasses you..</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\shockedmc.png"></span></center>
<b><you> - <sister>$sistername</sister>! What the hell.. we have a deal.. don't let anyone know about those pictures and I'll do anything you want.. please..</you></b> - you plead to your sister
<b><sister> - "Anything right? Well one of these days I'll call you to my bedroom and you better come, </sister><pink>sissy"</pink>." - your sister says on while looking in your eyes.
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\sisterstare.png"></span></center>
<b><you> - She's up to no good.. But I can't disobey her..</you></b> - you tell yourself as you go back to the hallway
[[Finish conversation|Upstairs Hall]]<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\sister.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><img src="images\resources\sistalk.png" width = "750px"></center>
<b><center> You see your <sister>sister</sister> laying in her bed and you head towards her</center></b>
<b><sister> - "What do you want?"</sister></b> - she asks you while laying in her bed
<<if $sislvl == 1>>\
<center><span class="glow">Relationship Level: $sislvl/2</span></center>\
<center><span class="glow">Relationship: $sisexp/5</span></center>\
<<elseif $sislvl == 2>>\
<center><span class="glow">Relationship Level: $sislvl/2</span></center>\
<center><span class="glow">Relationship: $sisexp/10</span></center>\
<div class="link-container">
<<if $siseventsub3 is false and $fatiguestat <30>>
<div class="link-box2">
<span class="pink-link">[[Get Teased|TeaseSisSub]] <img src="images/resources/feminine.png"></span>
<<elseif $siseventsub3 is false and $fatiguestat >=30>>
<div class="link-box2">
<span class="pink-link"> You are too tired..</span>
<div class="link-containerdom">
<<if $siseventdom1 is false and $fatiguestat <30>>
<div class="link-box2">
<span class="pink-link">[[Tease Sister|TeaseSisDom]] <img src="images/resources/masculine.png"></span>
<<elseif $siseventdom1 is false and $fatiguestat >=30>>
<div class="link-box2">
<span class="pink-link"> You are too tired..</span>
<div class="link-box">
<<linkreplace "• Nothing..">>
<b><you> - Oh nevermind it's nothing!</you></b> - you say as you head back.
[[Finish conversation|Sister room]]
</div><<set $classmatescene to false>>
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\schoolhallway.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><img src="images\city\schoolhall.jpg" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>
<b><center>Frustrated with the teacher always keeping you over for detention you leave her classroom. As you turn a corner to head for the exit like normal you see your classmate <classmate>$classmatename</classmate>. She is standing by one of the walls in the hallway with a devious smile on her face.</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\sasha_afterclass.jpg"></span></center>
<b><classmate> - "Come here, beta boy."</classmate></b> - She says with a slight giggle to her tone.
<b><you> - What do you want?</you></b> - you ask her with a sigh.
<b><classmate> - "I am feeling kinda horny and you are going to follow me to the girls' restroom and eat me out until I cum." </classmate></b> - she says in a confident tone.
<b><center>You look at <classmate>Sasha</classmate> in shock Did she really just ask you to eat her out? The way she asked you, so domineering, makes you want to obey her. She's so hot as well. When will you have such a chance with a hot girl? You think carefully and decide to</center></b>
<div id="choice">\
<<linkreplace "<pink><center> • Do as she says </center></pink>">>\
<<replace "#choice">>\
<b><you> - Ok... -</you></b> you hang your head down and look at her feet in defeat as you obey her.
<b><classmate> - "I knew you was a total beta bitch, now follow me."</classmate></b> - she says just before she turns and walks to the girls' restroom. You follow, walking into the girls' restroom behind her.
<b><center> Once inside the restroom, you look around, having never been in the girls' restroom. You are not sure what you were expecting. As your eyes wander around you turn just in time to see her slide her panties off onto the floor, followed by her skirt, leaving her bare pussy on display.</center></b>
<b><classmate> - "Get over here and get on your knees, my pussy isn't going to lick itself"</classmate></b> - she says as she points at the floor in front of her.
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\eat_sasha_pussy1.mp4" autoplay loop></video></span></center>
<b><center>You walk over and kneel in front of her. Once you have knelt in front of her, she straddles your face and starts rubbing her pussy against it. You can feel your face getting wet from her pussy juices as she rubs them all over your face. You start licking her pussy as best you can.</center></b>
<b><classmate> - "God, you're pathetic. I bet you never ate pussy before"</classmate></b> - she says in a snide tone.
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\eat_sasha_pussy2.mp4" autoplay loop></video></span></center>
<b><center>She grabs you by the head with her hands and starts grinding her pussy against your face hard, smearing it with her juices. She obviously is planning on just fucking your face with her pussy instead of letting you eat her out.</center></b>
<b><classmate> - "Oooh... fuck... yeah... now that feels good."</classmate></b> - she says as she starts moaning in pleasure while grinding on your face.
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\eat_sasha_pussy3.mp4" autoplay loop></video></span></center>
<b><center>She turns, forcing you to turn with her, with your head between her legs. You find yourself with your back to the wall now, she grinds against your face until the back of your head bumps off the wall. She keeps humping your face like this, banging your head off the wall lightly over and over as she rides your face coating it with her juices.</center></b>
<b><classmate> - "Oh fuck... oh fuck... I...m ... coming."</classmate></b> - she cries out, as you feel your face completely coated in wetness.
<b><center>Once she finishes she climbs off you and starts getting dressed.</center></b>
<b><classmate> - "God you are so pathetic, lucky for you I love beta bitch boys."</classmate></b> - she says with a giggle as she finishes dressing.
<b><you> - Did you enjoy it?</you></b> - you ask her hopeful.
<b><classmate> - "No thanks to you. You are so bad at eating pussy, but you will learn."</classmate></b> - she smirks at you as she says it, then just walks out.
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\Classmatesmirk.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<center><b>You take a few moments to clean your face off in the sink before leaving school and heading home, not sure what to make of that encounter or what this means for the future.</b></center>
<<if $submissive <=50>>\
<<set $submissive to $submissive+1>>\
<b><center><pink> Submissiveness +1!</pink></center></b>\
<b><center><white><u> This action won't increase your <pink>submission</pink> anymore.</u></white></center></b>
<center><b><red><i> Scene written by <a target="_blank" href=""> nutluck!</a></i></red></b></center>\
<center>[[Go home|Room]]</center>
<div id="choice">\
<<linkreplace "<white><center> • Make an excuse</center></white>">>\
<<replace "#choice">>\
<b><you> - Sorry I can't, I ... need to get home, my mom is expecting me. - you fumble with your words and make up a excuse.</you></b>
<b><classmate> - "So you're also a mommies boy as well as beta boy sissy, oh I am going to have so much fun with you. Well go on, run home, don't keep mommy waiting."</classmate></b> - She walks off laughing, which causes you to blush bright red in shame.
<center><b><red><i> Scene written by <a target="_blank" href=""> nutluck!</a></i></red></b></center>\
<center>[[Go home|Room]]</center>\
<span class='fadeIn'>\
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\livingroom.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><img src="images\city\livingroom.jpg" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>
<b><center> It's the weekend and you just woke up a few minutes ago. You're feeling pretty hungry so you go downstairs, heading towards the kitchen. However, as you're passing by the living room,<sister>$sistername</sister> sees you and shots as she calls you over</center></b>
<b><sister> - "<you>$name</you>! Come here, now!"</sister></b> - your sister says in a ordering way.
<b><you> - What does she want now.. </you></b> - you mutter to yourself as you head towards the living room, not wanting to piss off your <sister>sister</sister> this morning.
<b><center> As you arrive in the living room, you see your <sister>sister</sister> laying down on the couch still wearing her nightgown watching some reality show on the TV</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\sisterlivingroom.png"></span></center>
<b><you> - What do you want</you> <sister>$sistername</sister><you>?</you></b> - you ask your sister quickly, without giving a thought to manners or anything.
<b><sister> - "Talk to me with proper respect <pink>sissy</pink>. Do I have to remind you every time about the pictures I have of you? I'll just send them to everyone... give me a second"</sister></b> - your sister says while grabbing her phone
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\Grabbingphone.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><you> - No no no! I'm sorry... I'll do whatever you want! I'm sorry </you><sister>$sistername</sister>..</b> - you worriedly say to your sister.
<b><sister> - "Haha, good boy. One thing though, don't call me by name. Today I want you to address me as <u><sister> Mistress $sistername</sister></u>, got it? If you fail in doing so I'll send this picture to one of your classmates"</sister></b> - your sister says, crossing her legs and showing you your picture in panties.
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\picturetosis.png"></span></center>
<b><center> What.. she wants you to call her Mistress? What in the world.. You're seriously starting to lose grip over your own will.. but for some reason you don't particularly feel too worried about it..</center></b>
<b><you> - Yes.. I understand..</you></b> - you tell your sister while looking down at your feet in defeat.
<b><sister> - "Yes what?"</sister></b> - your sister says raising one eyebrow while looking at you
<b><you> - Yes.. <sister>Mistress $sistername</sister>..</you></b> - you submissively say.. feeling a tiny twitch in your below average cock.
<b><sister> - "Good little bitch.. Now, go fetch me something to eat in the kitchen, boy."</sister></b> - your sister says looking at you seriously and then smirking.
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\Sisterseriouslaugh.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><you> - Yes <sister>Mistress $sistername</sister> ..</you></b> - you say as you head towards the kitchen, thinking of what you just got yourself into today..
<center>[[Go fetch for your sister|WeekendSaturday2pt2]]</center>
<span class='fadeIn'>\
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\mall.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><img src="images\city\mall.jpg" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>
<b><center> It's Sunday and you and <gf>$gfname</gf> talked about going to the Mall since you haven't been hanging together a lot as of late. You both have been busy with classes, and her parents are pretty strict so she rarely has time to go out. Fortunately, she managed to convince them and you are having a date in the mall!</center></b>
<b><you> - Where do you wanna go first, babe?</you></b> - you ask your girlfriend
<b><center> She looks at you and says</center></b>
<b><gf> - "How about we go check out some lingerie? I've been needing some new panties. To be honest, mine are pretty boring, I need to impress my lover with a new pair of panties"</gf></b> - she says happily
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\gfhappy.jpg"></span></center>
<b><you> - I'm always impressed by you babe</you></b> - you tell her as you head towards Baci's Lingerie shop.
<b><gf> - "Oh right.. Ehm.. Of course I wanna impress you babe..!"</gf></b> - your girlfriend says stuttering for some reason, looking away from you
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\gflookingaway.jpg"></span></center>
<b><center> You don't understand why she got so confused by what you said, but maybe she's just embarrassed that you were so straightforward, you're such a stud.</center></b>
<center>[[Enter Baci's Lingerie Shop|WeekendSunday2eventpt2]]</center><span class='fadeIn'>\
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\kitchen.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><img src="images\city\kitchen.jpg" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>
<b><center> You enter the kitchen, heading towards the fridge when you see your <dad>dad</dad> having breakfast as usual, not wearing shorts or pants. He notices you and says good morning to you.</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\dadkitchenweekend.jpg"></span></center>
<b><dad> - "Hey kid, good morning, getting some food for those gains huh!"</dad></b> - your dad says happily
<b><center> Before you answer your dad, you can't help but lower your eyes to his boxers.. even when he's not hard, his cock looks massive..<i><pink> you feel your mouth watering for some reason..</pink></i></center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\cocklook.png"></span></center>
<b><center> You snap out of it and asnwer your dad without giving much thought to what you're saying.</center></b>
<b><you> - Ehm... this is for <sister>Mistress $sistername</sister>. She asked me to fetch her food..</you></b> - you say quickly without thinking.. but as you spurt your words out.. you realize what you've just said to your dad.
<center><b> You look over to your dad and he's visibly confused, not even being able to comprehend what you just said.. out of nowhere he just starts laughing</b></center>
<b><dad> - "Hahahaha! You got jokes on you kid, you got me with the way you said that. Almost sounded real. Now go on, get your gains my man"</dad></b> - your dad says.. turning around and continuing to eat his breakfast.
<b><you> - Haha..ha.. right.</you></b> - you falsely laugh as you open the fridge and grab some ham and cheese, proceding to make a sandwich for your <sister>Mistress</sister>
<b><center> You finish making the sandwich and pour a cup of orange juice as well. Once you're done, you head back to the living room to your <sister>Mistress</sister>.</center></b>
<center>[[Go back to the living room to your Mistress|WeekendSaturday2pt3]]</center>
<span class='fadeIn'>\
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\livingroom.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><img src="images\city\livingroom.jpg" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>
<b><center> You head back to <sister>Mistress</sister> with the food she requested, you respectfully put it in the table in front of her and say</center></b>
<b><you> - Here it is.. ehm..</you></b> <sister>Mistress $sistername</sister> - you obediently say, not risking having the pictures exposed.
<b><sister> - "Hah, it's like music to my ears. Maybe we should make this a permanent thing, just you adressing me as your superior forever. I'm certain one day it'll be true. Good job boy, take a seat beside me now."</sister></b> - your <sister>Mistress</sister> orders you, patting the couch, motioning for you to sit beside her.
<b><center> You quickly obey her and take a sit on the couch, close to her</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\001.jpg"></span></center>
<b><center> When you sit down, she scoops over very close to you</center></b>
<b><sister> - "Don't be afraid of me beta boy, I know you don't get the chance to be around beautiful women like me every day. I won't bite"</sister></b> - your <sister>Mistress</sister> says, crossing her legs and putting her feet in the air
<b><sister> - "Hold my feet"</sister></b> - she orders you in a very strict manner.
<b><you> - Yes</you> <sister>Mistress..</sister></b> - you respond, holding her feet up in the air.
<b><sister> - "Good boy. Take my heels off now, quick"</sister></b> - she orders you.
<b><center> You don't even think of disobeying her, you just do as you're told as she orders you around like her toy</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\012.jpg"></span></center>
<b><sister> - "Well done beta. Now lick my right foot! And do a good job, I want passionate make-out with them, got it?"</sister></b> - she says, sticking her foot in your face
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\013.jpg"></span></center>
<b><you> - Yes <sister> Mistress $sistername</sister>, I understand..</you></b> - you say submissively, as you look at her foot, moving closer and closer to it. You start licking her beautiful toes passionately, as if they were the most desirable thing on the planet.
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\lick1.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><center> You obediently lick her foot as if it was the sole reason for your existence. All you want to do is serve your <sister>Mistress</sister> properly right now, you don't want to disappoint her</center></b>
<b><sister> - "Other foot, bitch, chop chop"</sister></b> - she orders you.
<b><you> - Yes</you><sister> Mistress</sister></b> - you oblige, grabbing her other foot.
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\lick2.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><sister> - "Good boy. I am satisfied with your serving today, little bitch, hopefully what happened right now makes you understand how much of a beta bitch you are and how superior I am to you in every way. Slowly, you'll understand your place in life, serving under me. Go back to your room now, I don't want to see you while I eat my sandwich that you made like a good <pink>sissy housewife</pink>"</sister></b> - she says a she points at the stairs, signaling you to leave.
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\sisterlookingserious.jpg"></span></center>
<b><you> - Yes <sister> Mistress $sistername</sister>, thank you..</you></b> - you say, completely enthrilled by what just happened, feeling extremely horny.
<b><center> You obey your <sister>Mistress</sister> for the last time today, and head back to your room like a good pet, feeling very horny with what just happened, your penis feels like it could cut diamonds right now.. lately.. you've been feeling better and better with the idea of just obeying and serving.. you wonder why..</center></B>
<<if $submissive <=55>>
<<set $submissive to $submissive+1>>\
<b><center><pink> Submissiveness +1!</pink></center></b>\
<b><center><white><u> This action won't increase your <pink>submission</pink> anymore.</u></white></center></b>
<<set $time to $time+1>>
<center>[[Go back to your room|Room]]</center><span class='fadeIn'>\
<center><img src="images\resources\lingerieshoplogo.png"></center>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\lingerieshopinside.png"></span></center>
<b><center> As you enter the shop you remember the last time you came here and <i>bought</i> panties because your <sister>Mis-.. sister</sister> ordered you.. now that you recall to that day.. you don't remember paying the panties..</center></b>
<b><gf> - "Come on babe, lets go to the panties aisle, follow me."</gf></b>- <gf>$gfname</gf> says as she storms by you, going quickly to the panties aisle.
<b><center>As you're following behind her, you notice a familiar face looking at you with a mischevious look. You smile at her kindly, thinking she's just happy to see you again when she signals you to come over with her finger.</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\happyclerk.jpg"></span></center>
<b><center> You look at your girlfriend and back to the clerk and shout at your girlfriend</center></b>
<b><you> - Go ahead babe, I'll be right there!</you></b> - you say as you head towards the clerk.
<b><center> You aren't even sure if she heard you but eventually you arrive at the presence of the clerk, who's looking at you very seriously.. almost mad, did you do something? you think to yourself.</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\clerklooking.png"></span></center>
<B><you> - Hello there, good to see you again! Miss..?</you></b>
<b><clerk> - "Angela, little shoplifting</clerk> <pink>sissy boy.</pink>"</b> - she says, looking very serious at you.
<b><center> You widen your eyes in shock of what she just said, little shoplifting sissy? So you really didn't pay last time you were here.. this is so embarassing..</center></b>
<b><you> - Oh my god, I'm so sorry I... I didnt mean to shoplift at all. I just was in a rush and tried the panties on and... just left. I'll pay for them now, I promise!"</you></b> - you tell the clerk, visibly shaken by what just happened.
<b><clerk> - "Shh... Shut up stupid boy, I didn't ask you to pay for them now did I? If I wanted to rat you out I would have already done that. Instead, I want you to do what I tell you"</clerk></b>- she says smirking
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\smirkclerk.jpg"></span></center>
<b><center> You are even more confused now.. why didn't she just tell the manager what you did..? What could she possibly want from you? More money..?</center></b>
<b><you> - Well.. if it's something I can do I'll do it.. What can I do for you..?</you></b> - you ask the clerk.
<b><clerk> - "I want you to enter that room and wait for me, patiently."</clerk></b> - the clerk says, pointing at the storage room.
<b><you> - Ehm, sure I guess. Doesn't seem complicated</you></b> - you agree with her
<b><clerk> - "Good boy, It won't be complicated at all, I just need to... release some stress. Now go, and wait for me."</clerk></b> - she says as she heads away to somewhere you can't see.
<b><center> You do what she says and go to the storage room</center></b>
<center>[[Head to the storage room|WeekendSunday2eventpt3]]</center><span class='fadeIn'>\
<center><img src="images\resources\storageroom.png"></center>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\storageroom.png"></span></center>
<b><center> You enter the storage room, it's a very dimly light room and you can't barely make of what's inside of it, it's pretty dark and creepy.. you decide to just lay against a shelf and wait for the clerk to come back as she asked you to do..</center></b>
<center><<timed 1s>><font size="10">.</font><</timed>><<timed 2s>><font size="10">.</font><</timed>><<timed 3s>><font size="10">.</font><</timed>></center>
<<timed 3s>><b><center> After a few minutes you hear the door opening and see <clerk>Angela</clerk> entering the storage room, heading towards you.. as she comes closer and closer and reaches the part where you are where it has some light.. you see her in a different outfit, she's wearing a full on latex outfit, with nothing covering her breats and pussy.. it's something a dominatrix would use.</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\clerkdominatrix.jpg"></span></center>
<b><you> - W... wha... I ... wow..</you></b> - you are at loss for words
<b><clerk> - "Shut up <pink>sissy</pink>, you will talk only when requested, and in this room I am your <u>Goddess</u> so you will address me as such, do you understand boy?"</clerk></b> - she says, towering over you with her high boots, making you feel tiny and pathetic.
<b><center> You look at her and realize what type of deal she's requesting of you here. You either obey and do what she says or she'll report you to the authorities. She looks extremely hot as well, and with recent events you've been feeling more attracted to strong, powerful, and dominant women. You decide you want to.</center></b>
<div id="choice">\
<<linkreplace "<pink><center> • Obey the clerk</center></pink>">>\
<<replace "#choice">>\
<b><center> After giving it a thought, you realize this may be an experience you will regret not having. Such an attractive woman wishing to dominate you, plus you'd get into so much trouble if you didn't obey her. You submit and just accept your fate, enjoying it in the process.</center></b>
<b><you> - Yes, <clerk>Goddess</clerk>, I will do whatever you want me to do.</you></b> - you submit to the powerful woman, looking down at her boots.
<b><clerk> - "Good <pink>sissy bitch</pink>! I knew you'd just submit. I mean look at you, so frail and weak. You look just like a teenage girl. I'm gonna have so much fun with you, follow me loser"</clerk></b> - the woman says, ordering you like a pet.
<b><center> You obediently do what she says and you follow her to a more secluded place, where you see a mattress lying on the ground. This clearly isn't the first time she has done this with someone, but you don't really care.</center></b>
<b><clerk> - "Now, boy, sit on the ground like a good pet next to my boots and take your pants and panties off, and do it quick"</clerk></b> - your <clerk>Goddess</clerk> orders you.
<b><you> - Yes</you> <clerk> Goddess..</clerk> - you say, doing as she requested</b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\storagescene1.png"></span></center>
<b><clerk> - "You're such a good boy, now can you tell me why this pathetic thing is free?"</clerk></b> - your <clerk>Goddess</clerk> says, as she grabs your tiny cock from above while towering over you
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\storagescene2.jpg"></span></center>
<b><center> You don't know what to say so you just moan instinctively when she grabs your penis</center></b>
<b><clerk> - "You should be locked up in a chastity cage by now like a good little <pink>sissy</pink>, I guess you haven't gone that far, but consider doing that, this thing should never be inside a woman ever again. Apologize for being so pathetic"</clerk></b> - the woman orders you while letting go of your cock and grabbing your chin
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\storagescene3.jpg"></span></center>
<b><you> - I'm sorry for being so pathetic..</you> <clerk> Goddess..</clerk></b> - you say, kneeling before the woman while grabbing your penis
<b><clerk> - "Did I say you could grab that pathetic clit? You're not gonna jerk off in my presence boy. Instead, rub that tiny thing against my shiny boots. Imagine you're fucking it"</clerk></b> - she orders you, pointing at her boots
<b><center> Once again, you just do what she says of you and let go off your penis and start rubbing against her boots. It feels so good..</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\storagescene3.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><clerk> - "Fuck it faster boy, fuck it like you want to impregnate these boots.."</clerk></b> - she says looking deep into your eyes
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\storagescene4.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><clerk> - "You're so pathetic, look at you fucking it with all your might for me. Such a beta boy"</clerk></b> - she humiliates you even further, spitting on your face as you fuck her boots
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\storagescene5.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><center> These actions make you feel extremely humiliated, but you are so horny at the same time. You've never felt so horny in your life. Your <clerk>>Goddess'</clerk> boots are all you can think of right now, it's your purpose in life. You want to breed them just because she ordered you to do so.</center></b>
<b><clerk> - "Thats enough pet, kiss the sole of my boots as a token for appreciation."</clerk></b> - your <clerk> Goddess</clerk> says as she puts her boot in your face.
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\storagescene6.png"></span></center>
<b><clerk> - "Good boy. Step away from my boots now, I'm satisfied. Get dressed"</clerk></b> - your <clerk>Goddess</clerk> says as she crosses her legs.
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\storagescene7.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><center> You're so horny.. you want to jerk off so bad, you were so close aswell.. but your <clerk>Goddess</clerk> didn't allow you to do so.. so you just stop and obey her</center></b>
<b><you> - Yes</you> <clerk> Goddess..</clerk></b> - you obey her as you put your clothing back up.. as you're doing so you notice a tiny camera in a shelf and freak out
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\recording.png"></span></center>
<b><you> - You recorded all of this?! Oh my god.. I can't believe it.. please delete the video!</you></b> - you plead to your <clerk>Goddess</clerk>
<b><clerk> - "Haha, stupid boy. Yes, I recorded everything and it's already on my cloud backup, and I won't delete it <you>$name</you> so next time you come here I expect you to serve your Goddess again, understand? And next time we'll go even further boy"</clerk></b> - she says smiling at you in a menacing way, knowing she has power over you.
<b><center> You look at her in shock.. how does this keep happening to you.. you can't let <gf>$gfname</gf> see this video, It'll ruin your relationship. And she knows your name, who knows what else she knows about you? You're fucked, you've no chance but to obey your <clerk>Goddess</clerk></center></b>
<b><you> - Yes <clerk>Goddess..</clerk> please just don't show it to my girlfriend or anyone..</you></b> - you ask her
<b><clerk> - "I won't as long as you do what you're told boy, be a good boy for me and you'll be rewarded, slave."</clerk></b> - she calls you while grabbing your neck
<b><clerk> - "Now leave, I don't want to see you here any longer, go to your girlfriend and pretend you're not a <pink> beta sissy</pink> once again."</clerk></b> - she says, ordering you to leave.
<B><center> You obey her and leave, going after your girlfriend.</center></b>
<<if $submissive <=55>>\
<<set $submissive to $submissive+1>>\
<b><center><pink> Submissiveness +1!</pink></center></b>\
<b><center><white><u> This action won't increase your <pink>submission</pink> anymore.</u></white></center></b>
<center>[[Go back to the store|WeekendSunday2eventpt4]]</center>
<div id="choice">\
<<linkreplace "<white><center> • Figure you way out of this</center></white>">>\
<<replace "#choice">>\
<b><center> You decide this is too much for you, you have a girlfriend that is waiting for you outside, you need to figure your way out of this without getting reported or in trouble..</center></b>
<b><you> - I'm sorry.. you are very attractive but I cannot do this.. I'm faithful to my girlfriend and I do not want to engage in sexual activity with you..</you></b> - you explain to the clerk
<b><clerk> - "Oh my god you're such a loser, fine have it your way, I'll just report you to the manager and you'll get sued for stealing and who knows, maybe that <pink>sissy</pink> ass will do well in prison.</clerk></b> - she says smiling at you.
<b><you> - Yeah I don't think you will do that, you should've have reported me weeks ago and you didn't, that means you decided to hide such information from your manager, I could just say that and get you fired for neglecting someone stealing.. if you take me down, I'll take you down with me.</you></b> - you tell her, trying to get your way out of this.
<b><center> She takes a minute to think while looking at you, after a while she hisses and says</center></b>
<b><clerk> - Pfft fine, you win, can't believe you are missing this opportunity, you're such a pathetic white <pink>sissy</pink> boy, just accept your place in this world and submit to people who are clearly above you beta, you may leave this room.</clerk></b> - she says, leaving the room from the administration door.
<b><center> You don't say anything and just leave, proud of yourself.</center></b>
<center>[[Go back to your girlfriend|WeekendSunday2eventpt4]]</center>
<span class='fadeIn'>\
<<set $time to $time+1>>\
<center><img src="images\resources\lingerieshoplogo.png"></center>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\lingerieshopinside.png"></span></center>
<b><center> You look for your girlfriend and eventually find her, already with the pair of panties she wanted bought</center></b>
<b><gf> - "Oh hey babe, where did you go? Did you go try some panties on or what haha.."</gf></b> - she says mocking you
<B><you> - Haha.. very funny.. I found a .. friend here and just caught up in conversation.. I'm ready to go tho!</you></b> - you explain.
<b><gf> - "Oh okay, lets go home then!"</gf></b> - your gf says.
<b><center> You and your gf buy the clothing she wanted and go home, ending your date.</center></b>
<center>[[Go home|Room]]</center><<set $gfhappened to true>>\
<<set $gfsubevent1 to false>>
<span class='fadeIn'>\
<center><img src="images\resources\gflunch.png"></center>
<center><img src="images\city\restaurant.png" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>\
<b><center> Sometimes you and you girlfriend, <gf>$gfname</gf>, decide to just take a break and go eat together. Today is one of those days. You've invited her, and you both decided to go to a fairly decent restaurant to spend some quality time together.</center></b>
<b><center> You both take a seat and look at the menu, deciding what to eat. As you are about to ask her opinion, you notice how pretty your girlfriend actually is. You're so lucky to have bagged such a woman, she is clearly out of your league.</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\gfhot.jpg"></span></center>
<b><you> - What will you have babe?</you></b> - you ask her
<b><center> She was zoned out looking outside, thinking about something. When you call her she zones back in and takes a look at the menu, analyzes it for a while, and responds to your question</center></b>
<b><gf> - "Ehm, I think I will have the black sausages with fried rice. Seems like it's a homemade specialty. Looks interesting!"</gf></b> - your <gf>girlfriend</gf> says while playing with her hair
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\Playingwithhair.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><you> - I'll have the same as you, then. I'll try some black sausages with you!</you></b> - you say happily to experience something new with your girlfriend.
<b><gf> - <font size="-1">Of course you will..</font> Let's order then babe!</gf></b> - she says calling the waiter
<b><center>After a while a <brown>black</brown> waiter comes in to your table and you were about to ask him for the orders but your girlfriend cuts you off and asks him first</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\waiter.png"></span></center>
<b><gf> - "Hello sir. We'd like to ask for your black sausages please"</gf></b> - your girlfriend asks while looking in the eyes of the waiter in a weird way, giggling.
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\Gflookingwaiter.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><brown> - Haha, certainly Miss. So two long sausages for you and your boy ... friend?"</brown></b> - the waiter confirms with a weird stop in his confirmation.
<b><gf> - "Yes sir, please."</gf></b> - your girlfriend pleads.
<b><center> You don't even get a chance to say something, and the waiter is already gone. Your girlfriend handled everything. It made you feel a little bit out of control but you don't think much of it.</center></b>
<b><center> Eventually the food arrives and you both eat it and are satisfied</center></b>
<b><gf> -"Hmm, these long black sausages were so good, don't you think so babe?" </gf></b> - she asks you while cleaning her lips with her tongue
<b><you> - "Yeah, they were pretty nice."</you></b> - you affirm as you both get up
<b><center> You go to the cashier to pay for both of your meals. Since you're a gentleman, and your girlfriend already expects you to pay for it, she goes outside to wait for you.</center></b>
<center><B>[[Go outside after paying|gfsubevent2pt2]]</b></center>
<span class='fadeIn'>\
<center><img src="images\resources\gflunch.png"></center>
<center><img src="images\city\street.png" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>\
<b><center> As you head outside you head to your girlfriend to tell her to wait for you as you go grab the car to take her home</center></b>
<b><you> - "Alright babe, just wait here and I'll go grab the car from the parking lot so you don't have to walk there, okay? I'll be quick.</you></b> - you tell her
<b><gf> - "Okay babe, I'll wait here."</gf></b> - she says while looking at her phone, not even looking at you.
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\gfwaiting.png"></span></center>
<b><center> You do what you said and go grab the car, as you are coming back you see your girlfriend with someone.. It's the waiter from the restaurant and someone else, you wonder what they're talking about, she's giggling quite alot.. should you go and intervene or just wait and see what they do?</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\gfscene1.jpg"></span></center>
<div id="choice">\
<<linkreplace "<pink><center> • See what they do</center></pink>">>\
<<replace "#choice">>\
<b><center> You decide you want to see how your girlfriend will handle the situation, surely she will do the right thing and just dismiss them.. right?</center></b>
<b><center> You patiently wait to see what she will do.. she keeps smiling and giggling while talking with them.. it makes you feel weird and insecure.. why is she so happy to be talking with two <brown>black</brown> black men?
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\gfscene2.jpg"></span></center>
<b><center> You see her grab her phone for something.. when suddenly you receive a message in your phone.. It's <gf>$gfname</gf>.. Why is your heart beating so fast?</center></b>
<center>[[Open the phone and check the message..|gfsubevent2pt3]]</center>
<div id="choice">\
<<linkreplace "<white><center> • Intervene and go to your girlfriend.</center></white>">>\
<<replace "#choice">>\
<b><center> You don't feel comfortable with leaving your girlfriend with two random men, and feel threatened, so you quickly speed up and go to your girlfriend.</center></b>
<b><center> You get out of the car and get to them while they are talking</center></b>
<b><you> - Hey babe, let's go?</you></b> - you say looking at the two black men
<b><center>Your girlfriend's expression suddenly changes when she sees you arriving, from giggling to more serious. Clearly, she isn't happy that you interrupted her for some reason. She looks disappointed.</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\gfdisapointed.jpg"></span></center>
<b><gf> - "Humph, yeah, let's go. See you guys, nice to meet you"</gf></b> - she says to them smiling again
<b><brown> - Yeah cutie, call us one day. You've got our numbers"</brown></b> - they say laughing while looking at you.
<b><center> Wait what? She gave them her number? For what reason? You decide to ask her why she did that</center></b>
<b><you> - Babe, did you give them your number? What the hell, why would you do that? They are clearly wanting to go after you for a reason... and it's obvious.</you></b> - you ask her, mad.
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\gfweirdedout1.jpg"></span></center>
<b><center> She goes from normal to a pretty mad expression that you're even questioning her for giving someone a number</center></b>
<b><gf> - "You are not my owner, I can give my number to whoever I want. They seemed like nice people and they wanted to be my friends. You can't forbid me from doing that, stop being an insecure boy!"</gf></b> - she says as she passes by you entering the car
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\gfweirdedout2.jpg"></span></center>
<b><center> She didn't even take you seriously what the hell.. You just let it go and enter the car, driving her home without talking to her and going home after.</center></b>
<center>[[Go home|Room]]</center>
<span class='phonetext3'><center><img src="images\avatars\remyavatar.png" style="max-height: 200px"></center></span>
<<timed 1s>><span class='phonegf1event'><b><gf> - "Babe something happened
and I had to leave..
I'm okay tho don't worry,
just go home!
Thank you for the day out"</gf></b></span><</timed>>
<<timed 2s>><b><you><span class='phone1event'> "Okay babe.. See you..</span></you></b><</timed>>
<<timed 3s>><center>[[Close the phone and look back at the street|gfsubevent2pt4]]</center><</timed>>
<<set $dream4 to true>>\
<<set $gfhappened to true>>\
<span class='fadeIn'>\
<center><img src="images\resources\gflunch.png"></center>
<center><img src="images\city\street.png" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>\
<b><center> You look back at the street and see the love of your life.. <gf>$gfname</gf> going away with two huge <brown>black</brown> guys.. holding their arms.. why would she do this to you..? Why did she lie.. she's clearly cheating on you.. You've never even considered her to be able to do this, such an innocent girl.. loving but yet.. apperantly a cheater</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\gfscene3.jpg"></span></center>
<b><center> You don't know how to feel about this.. you should feel extremely enraged.. but for some reason there's an hint of arousal aswell.. this is really weird.. you have to talk with your girlfriend about this though.. You'll have to confront her another day.. for now, you decide to head home, not wanting to see anymore.</center></b>
<span class="eventsub"><center>[[• See your girlfriend POV after you leave.•|gfsubevent2pt5]]</center></span>\
<<if $submissive <=55>>\
<<set $submissive to $submissive+1>>\
<b><center><pink> Submissiveness +1!</pink></center></b>\
<b><center><white><u> This action won't increase your <pink>submission</pink> anymore.</u></white></center></b>
<center>[[Go home|Room]]</center><span class='fadeIn'>\
<<set $gfhappened to true>>\
<center><img src="images\resources\gflunch.png"></center>
<center><img src="images\city\street.png" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>\
<b><center> You just texted your boyfriend to leave you alone with two <brown>black</brown> men, whose names are <brown>Rico</brown> and <brown>Brian</brown>, they both work at the restaurant you two went and they asked you if you wanted to repeat the meal and eat two long black sausages again, considering you are a huge slut for <brown>black</brown> men, a true <white>snowbunny</white></center></B>
<center><b>You couldn't resist and accepted it, obviously your boyfriend doesn't know about this facade of yours.. and he doesn't have to, all he needs to be is a good loving white boyfriend for you and treat you well.. and leave your sexual desires to other more fitting alpha men like <brown>Rico</brown> and <brown>Brian</brown>, although it would be nice if he just accepted it and would become your <pink>cuck..</pink> maybe one day tho. You are so happy right now</b></center>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\gfscene4.jpg"></span></center>
<b><center> [[Follow them|gfsubevent2pt6]] </center></b>
<<set $gfhappened to true>>\
<span class='fadeIn'>\
<center><img src="images\resources\gflunch.png"></center>
<center><img src="images\city\moldywarehouse.png" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>\
<b><center> You follow them to a nearby warehouse that apperantly they have the key for, it's pretty moldy and dusty, but it's got a couch in the middle with a table and a tv, clearly a place they use to bring sluts like you to have fun.. not that you mind obviously.. you really are a size queen.</center></b>
<b><brown> - "Here we are babe, it's not the nicest place but it's private for us to have some fun haha."</brown></b> - Brian says, being nice to you while taking a seat on the couch
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\briansit.png"></span></center>
<b><ltbrown> - "Yeah slut, you know what's about to happen, for you to follow us it's because you're a BBC slut, clearly that white boy doesn't satisfy you, as per usual."</ltbrown></b> - Rico says taking a seat aswell, being more agressive and dominant, clearly he doesn't respect you and only sees you as an object to fuck.
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\rico1.jpg"></span></center>
<b><center> You look at both men and you are starting to feel horny.. you smile and take a seat between them.. there's not alot of space since they are huge <brown>black</brown> men.. but you manage to fit in, laying across them, almost as offering your body to them</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\gfscene5.jpg"></span></center>
<b><gf> - Yeah.. You are right.. I'm so pent up lately.. It's true that <you>$name</you> cannot satisfy me.. he's so.. small and lately he has been looking more and more feminine for some reason.. almost like a <pink>sissy</pink> which makes me want to cheat on him even more.. he's such a beta.. so when guys like you two come and just claim me. I can't help it..</gf></b> - you say getting hornier and hornier as you humiliate your <you>boyfriend</you>
<b><ltbrown> - "Yeah we could tell slut, the way you asked me for my black sausage was pretty obvious you wanted to get plowed by this bbc, let me see that body."</ltbrown></b> - he says as they both start caressing your body all around, undressing you in the process.
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\gfsexscene1.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><center> As they touch your body and play with your tits, you get up and kneel between them, grabbing and putting <brown>Rico</brown> cock in your mouth through his shorts, you get up and kiss him in his lips after while <brown>Brian</brown> plays with your ass, it all gets you super horny and you're extremely cock hungry right now</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\gfsexscene2.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><gf> - You're so big.. fuck.. I'm so wet right now..</gf></b> - you say, extremely horny.
<b><ltbrown> - "Of course you are slut.. cheating on your pathetic <you>boyfriend</you> with superior <brown>black</brown> cock, come on, take it in your mouth whore."</ltbrown></b> - <brown>Rico</brown> orders you.
<b><brown> - "Let me grab a piece of that ass as you do it"</brown></b> - <brown>Brian</brown> says as he grabs your ass
<b><center> You don't even think twice, as soon as those words come out of his mouth, you immediately take his huge beautiful <brown>black </brown>cock from his shorts and take it in your mouth, savoring it like it's the best meal you ever had, you were waiting for this moment for so long.. his cock is so much different from <you>$name</you>.. so superior.</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\gfsexscene3.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><ltbrown> - "Take your clothes off slut, come on."</ltbrown></b> - <brown>Rico</brown> orders you as he takes his cock off your mouth and jerks off looking at you.
<b><center> You are sad that you have to take your mouth off his cock but obey him and get up and start taking your clothes off, meanwhile, <brown>Brian</brown> is grabbing your ass behind you, seems like he really enjoyed your ass.. you're happy to please such strong men..</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\gfsexscene4.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><brown> - "Hey <brown>Rico</brown> I want a piece of that mouth aswell, lets put her down on her knees in the ground between us, that way she can suck our cocks."</brown></b> - <brown>Brian</brown> says as he speaks to <brown>Rico</brown>
<b><ltbrown> - "You heard him slut, get working, get down on your knees and take our cocks in that pretty little mouth, and you better do a good job"</ltbrown></b> - he orders you around, you get so wet from the way he talks to you..
<b><gf> - Yes sir..</gf></b> - is all you say, feeling completely inferior and submissive to these men, you get down on your knees and <brown>Brian</brown> takes his cock out aswell, immediately you grab his cock and start sucking it, switching from cock to cock, enjoying their meaty poles.
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\gfsexscene5.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><center> By now you are a slobbering mess, the area of your mouth is full of cock juice with saliva, breath stinking like cock, if you kissed <you>$name</you> right now he'd probably break up with you.. the thought of doing this behind him arouses you so much tho.. but something creeps in, what if you did this in front of him, cucking him.. that would be even better..</center></b>
<b><center> You're deep in your thoughts while sucking when suddenly you hear <brown>Rico</brown> talk to you, ordering you again</center></b>
<b><ltbrown> - "Lay against the couch bitch, I want to taste those tight holes"</ltbrown></b> - he orders you.
<b><brown> - "Eh, I bet they are tight, her <you>cuck</you> definitely hasn't opened those yet, they are brand new for us"</brown></b> - <brown>Brian</brown> comments, humiliating <you>$name</you> even further..
<b><center> As they humiliate <you>$name</you>, you do what you were told to do and lay against the couch, as you do, <ltbrown>Rico</ltbrown> starts to lick your asshole, it feels so good that your legs start shaking from pleasure.. you look up and see <brown>Brian's</brown> beautiful <brown>black</brown> cock in front of you and while <brown>Rico</brown> licks you, you start sucking <brown>Brian</brown> off, pleasing both your masters.</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\gfsexscene6.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><center> While you are sucking <brown> Brian</brown> off, <brown>Rico</brown> pulls your panties down and you get a tingle inside your belly.. your body knows it's about to be bred by superior males and it wants it so bad.. and so do you, you cant wait for that fat <brown>black</brown> cock to enter inside you.</center></b>
<b><ltbrown> - "It's time to ravage that pretty tight hole slut."</ltbrown></b> - <brown>Rico</brown> says as he places the tip of his <brown>bbc</brown> at the entrance of your hungry hole.
<b><center> It's about to happen.. you are finally gonna get what you were waiting for, you want to be bred by these men so bad, <brown>Brian</brown> takes a sit again on the couch and you follow him, keeping his cock on your mouth, and as you suck him off, <brown>Rico</brown> starts to penetrate you with violence.. he doesn't care about your pleasure, you're just a hole for him.</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\gfsexscene7.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><gf> - F..ffuuck.. You're so big.. It's stretching me out so much..!</gf></b> - you say moaning as you feel his meat explore your insides, widening them, while you suck <brown>Brian</brown> off.
<b><center> After a while of him plowing your insides with all his strength, <brown>Brian</brown> turns to <brown>Rico</brown> and says</center></B>
<b><brown> - "Lets switch bro, I want to get a taste of that sweet pussy aswell before it's all destroyed"</brown></b> - he says as he takes his cock off your hungry mouth
<b><center> <ltbrown>Rico</ltbrown> stops fucking you, you become sad again that you don't feel full by his cock.. but as you see them switching around, you become happy again with the thought of being filled again, this time around tho, <brown>Brian</brown> sits down on the couch and says</center></b>
<b><brown> - "Mount me slut, come on, jump on this BBC</brown></b> - he says ordering you while waving his cock around.
<b><center> You are more than happy to oblige and do what he says, you want to feel his cum so bad as soon as possible</center></b>
<b><gf> - "Yes sir.. as you wish"</gf></b> - you say as you start sitting on his big <brown>black</brown> cock while sucking <ltbrown>Rico</ltbrown> off.
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\gfsexscene8.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><center> His cock is so huge.. it fills you up so much, there's not a single space inside your pussy that isn't filled right now and you feel so happy from it, you want him to cum inside of you and give you his child, his superior <brown>black</brown> child.. so you plead to him to cum inside you.</center></b>
<b><gf> - Please.. please cum inside me, I want to be bred by you so bad, I'll tell <you>$name</you> that it is his child, whatever you want just please breed me!</gf></b> - you beg them with everything you have, giving your soul and body to them, you just want to be a proud owned <brown>BBC</brown> snowbunny
<b><ltbrown> - "HAHAHA.. what a cock hungry slut, poor <you>cuck</you> doesnt know what a slut of a girlfriend he has poor guy, but nah we ain't coming inside you bitch, we painting your face, we don't want to be connected to you in any way, you filthy slut."</ltbrown></b> - <ltbrown>Rico</ltbrown> says, as he fucks your mouth
<b><center> You are so sad that they aren't going to cum inside of you.. you feel your body drop like a disaster just happened.. suddenly <brown>Brian</brown> stops fucking you, grabs you by the hair and places you on your knees again</center></b>
<b><brown> - "Fuck I'm gonna cum, lets paint that pretty face and make it <brown>black</brown> owned, we may not give you a child, but we'll mark our territory on your face so you know who you truly belong to, come back to us to get fucked properly again</brown></b> - he says, as he starts painting your face and mouth with cum
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\gfsexscene9.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><brown> - "Definitely not gonna be hungry for a while, lets bounce <ltbrown>Rico</ltbrown>, the bitch can find her way out, got better shit to do."</brown></b> - <brown>Brian</brown> says as they start going out.
<b><center> This experience was an eye-opener for you.. you haven't been treated so badly in a good while, but you leave being degraded by <brown>black</brown> men.. and you think <you>$name</you> should know about this.. with how he has been changing lately, maybe he'll even accept to be your good little cuckold.. what would he say if he saw your face like this?</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\gfcumface.png"></span></center>
<center>[[End girlfriend POV|Room]]</center>
<span class='fadeIn'>
<<set $siseventsub4 to false>>
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\sistersroom.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><img src="images\city\sisterbedroom.png" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>
<b><center> You enter <sister>$sistername</sister> room after she called you and you see her standing in the middle of the room, wearing a very interesting outfit.. you are starting to get worried of why she called you.. she even has a crop in her hand.. you have a bad feeling about this..</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\sisteroutfit.jpg"></span></center>
<b><sister> - "Come in boy, don't be afraid."</sister></b> - your <sister>$sistername</sister> says ordering you with an air of superiority around her
<b><center> By now you are aware you are completely in the hands of <sister>$sistername</sister> she has way too many ways to fuck your life over.. so you know better than disobeying her.. so you do what she says and come next to her.</center></b>
<b><sister> - "Good, if you aren't thick you probably have figured out what's going to happen today, you're going to be my little <pink>sissy</pink> slave for the day, I think it's time we ramp up things up, I've been enjoying seeing you become more and more of a <pink>sissy</pink> but you haven't served me yet, and let's be real, I can see it in your eyes you want to, and if you don't, everyone will know about your dirty little secret, understand slave?"</sister></b> - your sister tells you, reminding you of how superior she is to you.
<b><center> You look at her and realize you really have no way out of this.. you are slowly becoming your <sister>sisters</sister> slave.. and there's nothing you can do about it, so you agree with her terms.</center></b>
<b><you> - Yes <sister>$sistername</sister>..</you></b> - you agree, lowering your head submissively to your superior.
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\lowerhead.png"></span></center>
<b><sister> - "Huh huh, don't call me by my name slave, address me with proper respect, from now on when I call you into my room, you shall address me as your <u>Mistress</u>, understand slave?"</sister></b> - she says looking deep into your eyes, you feel so little right now even tho you are taller than your <sister>Mistress</sister>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\superiorsis.png"></span></center>
<b><you> - Yes <sister>Mistress</sister>.. I'm sorry..</you></b> - you apologize subserviently.
<b><sister> - "That's better slave, follow me."</sister></b> - your sister says, going outside her room and into the bathroom
<b><center> You do what your <sister> Mistress</sister> asked and follow her into the bathroom.</center></b>
<center>[[Follow your mistress|siseventsub4part2]]</center><span class='fadeIn'>
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\bathroom.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><img src="images\city\bathroom.jpg" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>
<b><center> You enter the bathroom with your <sister>Mistress</sister> and see her scrumbling around grabbing stuff around the bathroom, you're curious about what it is and take a glimpse of what she's grabbing, you then see it's makeup.. is she going to put you into makeup??</center></b>
<b><sister> - "Curious are you pet? Yes, it is what you're thinking, we're going to doll up that pretty face of yours, make it even more girly, you already have a girly face but it's missing makeup, one day you'll start applying this yourself but for now, I'll do it for you, so you better start thanking me slave."</sister></b> - your <sister>Mistress</sister> says, stopping what she's doing and looking at you, waiting for her appreciation.
<b><sister> - "So? What are you waiting for, thank me for being such a kind Mistress"</sister></b> - she says waiting
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\sisterlookingabove.png"></span></center>
<b><center> You don't want to keep her waiting and thank her</center></b>
<b><you> - Thank you <sister>Mistress</sister> for feminizing me..</you></b> - you say as you blush
<b><sister> - "Haha.. good little bitch, anyways, come here and let me see that pretty face, time to doll you up."</sister></b> - your <sister>Mistress</sister> says as she starts picking up different products.
<b><center> After a while of applying makeup on your face with multiple different products, she even styled your hair a little to make it look more feminine.. you look into the mirror and see a completely different person.. you truly look like a girl, no trace of masculinity left in you.</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\mcmakeup.png"></span></center>
<b><sister> - "So what do you think <pink>sissy</pink>? You look so pretty now! I did such a good job making you look like a slut"</sister></b> - she says laughing
<b><you> - I.. is this even me..? I look.. so different.. I actually look like a girl..</you></b> - you say, feeling slightly horny..
<b><sister> - "Look at you so happy, this is how you know you're truly a <pink>sissy</pink> at heart, anyways, lets go back to my room, we've got more stuff to do today slave."</sister></b> - your <sister>Mistress</sister> says, and you follow her like a good pet
<center>[[Follow your Mistress|siseventsub4part3]]</center><<set $makeup to true>>
<span class='fadeIn'>
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\sistersroom.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><img src="images\city\sisterbedroom.png" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>
<b><center> You head back into your <sister>Mistress</sister> room and even the air in your face feels different, it's like you're living in a different world, a more <pink>feminine</pink> world and the worst part is you feel good about it..</center></b>
-<b><you> What do you want me to do now <sister>Mistress</sister>?</you> </b>- you ask, eager.
-<b><sister> "Wow someone's eager, you want this more than me you stupid <pink>sissy</pink> slut I knew it, but wait for your time to speak, I didn't give you permission to make questions now did I? As a punishment, kiss the bottom of my feet and apologize slave."</sister></b> - she says, taking her heels off and sitting down on her bed, pointing her feet at you.
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\kissfeet.png"></span></center>
<b><center> You kneel before your <sister>Mistress</sister> and do as you're told, kissing her feet and apologizing in the process</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\kissfeetdone.png"></span></center>
-<b><you> I'm sorry for disobeying you <sister>Mistress</sister>..</you></b> - you say, between kisses.
-<b><sister> "Good boy, that's enough, you wanted to know what's next right, follow me into my wardrobe then, it's time to dress you up as a <pink>sissy</pink>, the way you should always dress, male clothing doesn't fit you at all."</sister></b> - your sister says, entering her wardrobe and you submissively follow her, excited.
<center>[[Follow your mistress|siseventsub4part4]]</center><span class='fadeIn'>
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\sistersroom.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><img src="images\events\siscloset.png" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>
<b><center> You enter your sisters closet and you see alot of dark clothing, she has always used this style of clothing, very dark and goth styled, it really suits her personality.. is she going to dress you up like her? That would be really hot..</center></b>
<b><center> Your <sister>Mistress</sister> is roaming around grabbing clothing, clearly for you to use, you patiently wait for her to finish grabbing all the stuff.. and then she comes to you, showing her what she has grabbed for you to wear.</center></b>
-<b><sister> "These are the clothes you're going to wear my <pink>sissy</pink> pet, a beautiful set of black lingerie</sister></B> - she says showing you the lingerie
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\lingerietowear.png"></span></center>
-<b><sister> "A pair of fishnets to suit your lingerie and your sluttiness"</sister></b> - she shows you the fishnets
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\fishnets.png"></span></center>
-<b><sister> "And finally, a pair of stilettos, you better learn quick how to walk on them, if you trip I'll kick you in the balls slave."</sister></b> - your <sister>Mistress</sister> says warning you, showing you the stilettos.
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\stilletowear.png"></span></center>
-<b><sister> "Chop chop <pink>sissy</pink> take that ugly male clothing off and dress up, we have more stuff to do, the best is yet to come.."</sister></b> - she says, crossing her arms and looking at you undress.
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\sisterstare2.png"></span></center>
<b><center> You are so excited to do this.. you shouldn't be.. you are a guy but.. the thought of wearing women clothing for some reason really excites you.. your tiny prick is completely hard right now and your <sister>Mistress</sister> is gonna notice that for sure.. but you obediently do what she told you, and start dressing the clothing she chose for you.</center></b>
<b><center> Once you're done.. you are even more amazed with what you see.. you take a look at the mirror and before you felt like a girl.. now you feel like a <pink>sissy</pink> slut..</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\mcdressedup.jpg"></span></center>
-<b><sister> "Someone is excited from wearing women clothing, you filthy <pink>sissy</pink> whore.. look at that tiny thing, I swear one day I'll lock that thing up in chastity, It's gross to even look at, anyways you look beautiful pet, much better than before, go back to my bedroom and wait for me on my bed, now."</sister></b> - your <sister>Mistress</sister> says, and you obey.
<center>[[Go back to her bedroom|siseventsub4part5]]</center>
<<set $makeup to true>>\
<<set $equip to 0>>\
<<set $underwear to 69>>\
<<set $shoes to 69>>\
<<set $bra to 69>>\
<<set $bottom to 0>>\
<span class='fadeIn'>\
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\sistersroom.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><img src="images\city\sisterbedroom.png" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>
<b><center> You head back to her bedroom and do as you're told and take a sit in her bed.. you feel so girly right now it's amazing.. why does this arouse you so much? few weeks ago this would've been so weird to you.. but now it feels so right.. there's something changing in you and you're beginning to accept your faith..</center></b>
<b><center> You are lost deep in your thoughts when <sister>Mistress</sister> comes back and your face lightens up with happiness, when you look at her.. she's holding something in her hands.. it's an huge dildo, what is she planning to do with it..? This might be too much for you..</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\sisterholdingdildo.png"></span></center>
-<b><sister> "Well slave I was thinking of using this dildo to fuck you in that tight boypussy but I assumed you aren't ready for such thing unfortunately, we'll have to take babysteps, you haven't used any type of toys I presume, so today you're going to suck this baby off and train that throat to be able to take big cocks in the future, understood?"</sister></b> - she says, as she puts the massive dildo in front of you.
<center><b> You aren't sure of what to do.. you haven't done anything similar to this ever.. this is insanity.. suck a dildo..? It's one step behind sucking someone off.. But you have gone this far.. there's no way you can stop now..</b></center>
-<b><you> I.. I will do.. it.. I'll suck the dildo for you <sister>Mistress</sister>..</you></b> - you say trembling as you grab the massive dildo.
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\dildograb.png"></span></center>
<b><center> It feels massive in your hands.. it's heavy.. are you really about to slobber all over this massive cock..? What would <gf>$gfname</gf> say if she saw you sucking this.. or <mom>$momname</mom>.. you'd feel so humiliated.. but at the same it turns you on.. so you start sucking the massive toy..</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\Dildosuck1.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><sister> "Oh my good look at you.. look how far you've come.. from being a pathetic loser to a pretty <pink>sissy</pink> whore sucking on a dildo.. training yourself for the future, I'm so proud of you slave, I always knew you'd end up serving me, <dad>dad</dad> always defended you, saying you'll be like him HAHAHA.. I wonder what he'd say if he saw his favourite child doing this.. being a slut, look over here, smile!"</sister></b> - you see your <sister>Mistress</sister> holding a phone, taking another picture of you, adding more to the dirt she has on you.
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\Pictureflash.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><center> You don't even care that she has another picture of you.. you are too focused on sucking the massive dildo off that you just ignore what she did.. you don't even say a word..</center></b>
-<b><sister> "Such a good slut, not even complaining anymore, you know I own you already.. anyways thats enough training for today slut, crawl over here."</sister></b> - she says pointing at the ground
<b><center> You immediately obey her and stop sucking the dildo and kneel over near her.</center></b>
-<b><sister> "Open your pretty mouth, this is your final test for the day."</sister></b> - she says looking at you from above.
<b><center> You are a little confused but you do what she requested and open your mouth wide</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\openmouth.png"></span></center>
<b><center> She drops her face near you and suddenly, you hear her spit in your mouth, letting a massive drool enter your mouth.. you just let it happen</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\spitmouth.png"></span></center>
-<b><sister> "Hold it, show it to me, don't swallow yet."</sister></b> - she says, waiting for you to show her.
<b><center> You do what she asked and show her your mouth full of her spit</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\spiton.png"></span></center>
-<B><sister> "Good <pink>sissy</pink>! you did marvelous today I'm so proud of you, you may swallow now"</sister></B> - she orders you
<b><center> You immediately do what she asked of you and take a large gulp, savoring all of her saliva down your throat</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\swallowed.png"></span></center>
-<b><sister> "One day instead of spitting saliva in your mouth, I'll spit cum from my bull in your mouth, don't forget that, you may leave now, you should probably get all the clothing and makeup off before tho.. it'd be hard to explain to <mom>mom</mom> or <dad>dad</dad> how you're my slave.. go now!</sister></b> - your sister says as she points at the door
<b><center> You do what she said and take off all the clothing and makeup off, dressing your old clothes off, it feels sad now to be like this.. but the experience is over, it got you so horny tho.. perhaps you really were meant to be your <sister>Mistress</sister> slave..</center></b>
<<if $submissive <=60>>\
<<set $submissive to $submissive+1>>\
<b><center><pink> Submissiveness +1!</pink></center></b>\
<b><center><white><u> This action won't increase your <pink>submission</pink> anymore.</u></white></center></b>
<<linkreplace "<center> Go back to your room</center>">>
<<set $makeup to false>>\
<<set $equip to 1>>\
<<set $underwear to 1>>\
<<set $shoes to 1>>\
<<set $bra to 0>>\
<<set $bottom to 1>>\
<<goto "Room">>
<span class='fadeIn'>\
<<set $therapistsub3seen to true>>\
<<set $therapistsubevent3 to false>>\
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\therapy.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><img src="images\city\therapylobby.png" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>
<b><center> You have an appointment scheduled with <therapist>$therapistname</therapist> as per usual, as you enter the reception of the clinic, you see the receptionist looking at with you a grin in her face, for some reason she gives chills down in your spine, as if you're a prey and she's a predator, you head towards the receptionist to confirm your arrival.</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\receptionistlooking.jpg"></span></center>
-<b><you> Hello <ltblue>Miss $receptionistname</ltblue> .. I'm here for the appointment with <therapist>Miss $therapistname</therapist>, can I go up?</you></b> - you say, trying to get things done as quickly as possible.
<b><center> The receptionist takes a good look at you up and down while having a cold face and starts talking with a cold smile in her face</center></b>
-<b><ltblue> Hello <you>$name</you>, did I say you could go upstairs already? Are you that eager for the therapy session boy? Pfft..</ltblue></b> - she says looking at you in disgust, clicking some buttons on her table underneath.
<b><center> You don't know what to say really so you just stand there looking at her waiting for her to say something else</center></b>
-<b><ltblue> Go on then boy, what are you waiting for? Want me to take you upstairs in a leash or something? <therapist>$therapistname</therapist> is waiting for you.</ltblue></b> - she says with a cold gaze, smirking.
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\receptionistgaze.png"></span></center>
<b><center> You don't say anything and just nod cowardly, taking the stairs and entering your therapists office.</center></b>
<center>[[Enter the office|therapistsubevent3rdpt2]]</center>
<span class='fadeIn'>\
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\therapy.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><img src="images\city\therapyroom.png" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>
<b><center> You enter <therapist>$therapistname</therapist> office and once again she's waiting for you in her armchair, looking incredibly beautiful as usual. If she wasn't a therapist you're pretty sure she could have been in the beauty industry.</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\teachersit.jpg"></span></center>
<b><center> She sees you entering and immediately starts speaking, not letting you speak as always</center></b>
-<b><therapist> "Welcome back <you>$name</you>, glad to see you're becoming a regular of my therapy method. It would be very sad if you did like some patients did in the past and gave up. The withdrawal symptoms from this type of subliminal therapy can be very hard on your mind, so I'm glad you keep coming back like a good boy."</therapist></b> - your therapist tells you smiling while warning you to not leave.
-<B><you> - Oh, I wasn't aware of that. Well, I've been enjoying having the sessions, they make me feel very relaxed and to be honest as of late I've been happier and I guess it's due to your sessions</you></b> - you say looking at your therapist
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\mclooking.png"></span></center>
-<b><therapist> "Great! Glad to see you're finding your true self in my sessions, it means they are working cutie. Speaking of cute, it seems you're becoming prettier as well, the pills seem to be working"</therapist></b> - she says with a mischevious smile in her face
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\therapistsmile.jpg"></span></center>
<b><center> You've been meaning to ask about those pills. You've been taking them without thinking of the consequences. You thought they would only make you drowsy, but maybe you should ask what's their purpose?</center></b>
-<b><you> Now that you mention it, what are those pills for? I know <teacher>Miss $nameteacher</teacher> developed them but are they harmful in any way?</you></b> - you ask your therapist
-<b><therapist> Harmful? The opposite, boy, they bring out your true self over time. Don't you see how pretty you are becoming? There's no need to bore you with details of what they contain, just keep taking them like a good boy and trust us okay? Not like you have a choice"</therapist></b> - she says as her face turns cold with her last words
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\coldtherapist.jpg"></span></center>
<b><center> She truly is right.. you have no other option</center></b>
-<b><therapist> "Well, enough talking now, should we go inside your new favorite room? You know what to do once you're there. Sit down, take the pill, and just indulge in the experience"</therapist></b> - she says, entering the room.
<b><center> You decide to follow her inside.</center></b>
<center>[[Enter the hypno room|therapistsuevent3rdpt3]]</center><center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\therapy.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><img src="images\city\hypnoroom.png" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>
<b><center> You are once again inside this weird but futuristic-looking room. You still can't believe something like this exists, it truly looks like you are in another dimension. As your eyes get used to the light inside the room, you hear <therapist>$therapistname</therapist> voice throughout the room like last time.</center></b>
-<b><therapist> "You know what to do boy, relax and let the video play into your mind. Enjoy, your progress is growing beautifully. After this we might take it one step further to the next stage, so enjoy it while it lasts, I'll see you on the other side"</therapist></b> - your therapists says, as she closes the transmission.
<b><center> Next stage? You wonder what that means.. you're kinda curious to see what's gonna happen there so you quickly take the pill and relax in the chair</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\sitchairhypno.jpg"></span></center>
<b><center>As you start relaxing, the TV starts playing once again.. this time around you can make out what's being said on the TV initially.. </center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\Sissyhypno8.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><center><pink><i> Love dick.. love cock..</i></pink></center></b>
<b><you> What.. are.. those.. words..</you></b> - you say.. growing more and more relaxed, eventually going numb, watching the whole video.
<center>[[Watch the hypno|therapistsubevent3rdpt4]]</center><center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\therapy.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>\
<center><video src="videos\hypno\hypnoaudio.mp4" width="1" height="1" autoplay></video></center>\
<b><center><red><u><font size="10">HYPNOTIZED</font></u></red></center></b>\
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\resources\hypno.gif"></span></center>\
<b><center><red> You cannot take your eyes off the imagery in front of you, your subconscious sucks everything that is being presented to you and rewrites your brain to accept it as the correct thing, whatever thoughts you had about these topics are about to be unconsciously changed...</red></center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\Femdom.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><center><i><pink> You read the caption and immediately imagine yourself in the position of a sissy slave where her mistress would pass her around in a party, treating her like a complete whore..</pink></i></center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\Chastity.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><center><i><pink> What if <sister>$sistername</sister> decided to lock you in a chastity cage? Would you fight against it? Realistically what could you do with the dirt she has on you? She would completely own your masculinity and you'd not be able to fight it... and truly, would you want to fight it?</pink></i></center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\Strapon.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><center><i><pink> With how dominant <teacher>$nameteacher</teacher> is you wouldn't be suprised if one day you'd find yourself in this position, being pegged by her, calling her your <teacher>Mistress</teacher> as she treats you like a slut and the truth is... you look forward to that.</pink></i></center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\Flr.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><center><i><pink> What if <gf>$gfname</gf> decided to make your relationship a female led relationship, where you'd be her sissy sub slave, chastitise you and you'd be in her control? She could dress you up in a maid outfit and make you do her daily chores, you'd just be her slave.. Perhaps that would be the solution to all of your problems..</pink></i></center></b>
<b><center><red> You hear a loud chirping noise around the room and you snap out of the hypnose</red></center></b>
<center>[[Snap out of the hypno|therapistsubevent3rdpt5]]</center>\<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\therapy.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><img src="images\city\hypnoroom.png" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>
<b><center> You are deep into the hypno as the video comes to an end.. you cannot move or even think, you are just staring almost drooling taking everything you just watched in.</center></b>
-<b><pink> Suck cock... I love cock... I want to be a sissy</pink></b> - you mutter to yourself
<b><center> Out of nowhere you hear the familiar buzz to wake you up and you snap out</center></b>
-<b><therapist><i> "Wake up <pink>sissy</pink>, time to snap out of your dream state and get ready to leave. I know you enjoyed it, I can see your tiny little cock aroused from here. You are very close to being ready for the next stage, but for now, see yourself out"</i></therapist></b> - your therapist says, cutting of transmission.
<b><center> You are very drowsy once again and you can barely move but you manage to head home after the therapy session.</center></b>
<<if $submissive <=60>>\
<<set $submissive to $submissive+1>>\
<b><center><pink> Submissiveness +1!</pink></center></b>\
<b><center><white><u> This action won't increase your <pink>submission</pink> anymore.</u></white></center></b>
<center>[[Go back home|RoomTherapy]]</center><span class='fadeIn'>
<<set $gfeventdom1 to false>>
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\gfhome.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><img src="images\city\bedroom.jpg" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>\
<b><center> You deciding it would be a good idea to study with your girlfriend, after all you havent been spending alot of time together as of late, you two are currently studying and she's sitting on your lap, you look at her and see how pretty she is and how lucky you are</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\studying.jpg"></span></center>
<b><center> She smells so good, but she's pretty focused on studying so you don't want to disturb her, but as of late you've been feeling more and more horny easier.. and you starting teasing her</center></b>
-<b><gf> "What are you doing babe.. we have to study.. we have tests soon we can't.."</gf></B> - she says while squirming on your lap
-<b><you> Just a quick break.. you look so cute today</you></b> - you say kissing her in the neck
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\Neckkiss.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><center> She starts slowly moaning, you know she's a heavy lover of neck kisses</center></b>
<b><center> You take another good look at her and for some reason, you feel like grabbing her and throwing her to your bed, you're usually very gentle in your relationship because you're afraid of hurting your precious girlfriend.. but with the latest events.. you've been feeling more confident and dominant, you're curious how she's gonna react but you decide to do it</center></B>
<b><center> You throw her and she hits her head on the pillow, looking at you in suprise</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\Hitbed.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><gf> "Wow babe, is that you? You've never been so rough with me.. you must be pretty pent up, you're usually so gentle.."</gf></B> - she tells you giggling, she seems to enjoy it.
<b><center> You decide to take it one step further and with a cold face you go next to her and put your thumb on the entrance of her mouth and say</center></B>
-<b><you> Shut up, suck it.</you></b> - you tell her, commandingly.
<b><center> She looks at you in awe, eyes wide open, clearly not used to this type of behaviour.. but shes not complaining and and does what you ordered</center></b>
-<b><gf> "Y..yes"</gf></B> - she obeys
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\Suckingfinger.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><you> Good girl.</you></B> - you say without thinking
<b><center> You take a good look at her and see she's panting from horniness, breathless from all the rough action that's going on.. you decide to test her, to see if she's really enjoying it and just stop doing everything, just stop and stare at her.</center></B>
-<B><gf> "Babe.. continue.. I want more.."</gf></b> - she says after a while, still panting
-<b><you> Beg for it, on your knees in front of me.</you></B> - you tell her, pointing at the ground in front of you.
<b><center> She quickly does what you asked, she's completely on your mercy and will do whatever you want right now, you feel powerful and dominant from being able to just order someone else so easily</center></b>
-<b><you> Good, take my cock out now and suck it, get me ready.</you></b> - you order her
<b><center> She looks into your eyes submissively and you raise one eyebrow as if saying to her to do it quickly and she gets to it</center></b>
<b><center> She starts by sucking your balls to get you even harder, licking them and making love to them</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\gfdom1.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><center> Then she starts sucking you off deeply, taking all of your cock into her mouth</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\gfdom2.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><center> Eventually you are getting close to cumming but you don't want to yet, you want to fuck her roughly on the bed, so you push her head away from your cock, she looks sad, so then you say</center></b>
-<B><you> Take off your clothes and get on the bed, I want to destroy your insides.</you></B> - you say roughly to her.
<b><center> She's shell shocked by the way you are speaking to her but she doesnt complain, it seems she enjoys you being dominant, who knew that your girlfriend was secretly a submissive slut, she does what you said, taking off her clothing and laying in your bed, following her, you take off the rest of your clothes and get on top of her.</center></b>
<b><center> You line up your cock with her slit and say</center></B>
-<b><you> Are you ready, slut?</you></b> - you test the waters, calling her a slut
-<b><gf> "Y..yes.. Fuck me..."</gf></B> - she says, panting and extremely wet
<b><center> You insert it inside her warm wet hole.. and start roughly fucking her</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\gfdom3.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><gf> "Oh my god.. fuck.. you're so good today.. fuck me harder.."</gf></b> - she pleads for more
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\gfdom4.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><center> You are fucking <gf>Remy</gf> really hard and roughly, and she seems to enjoy it, you are coming closer and closer to coming.. and as you are about to cum, you take your dick out and come all over her belly</center></B>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\gfdom5.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><center> You keep slowly fucking her while making out with her after you came</center></b>
-<b><gf> "Jesus babe.. what was that.. that's the best sex I ever had.. that was so good.. you looked like another person entirely.. so.. dominant"</gf></b> - she looks at you in glee, happy with how roughly you fucked her.
-<b><you> I just felt like it.. Glad you enjoyed it babe.. sorry I called you a slut, it was just me getting in the mood</you></B> - you apologize to her
-<b><gf> "No no.. it's fine.. I really am your slut.. please do that again.."</gf></b> - she accepts you calling her a slut
<b><center> Eventually you two get dressed and go back to studying, you feel more confindent and dominant that you girlfriend enjoyed you being rough, you need to be more like that</center></B>
<<set $dominant to $dominant+1>>
<center><b><blue> Dominance +1!</blue></b></center>
<center>[[End the scene|Room]]</center>\
<<set $trymakeupon to false>>
<<set $makeup to true>>
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\bathroom.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><img src="images\city\bathroom.jpg" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>
<b><center> As you enter your bathroom you take a glance at the mirror and memories come flooding back of when your sister dolled you up like a <pink>sissy</pink>. For some reason you really enjoyed it and you felt very pretty. It almost makes you want to try it again for yourself.</center></b>
<b><center> That's when you notice a makeup kit lying near the sink, your sister's. It almost seems as if she left it there for you to use. You can't resist the urge and go to it, grabbing it.</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\makeupkit.png"></span></center>
-<b><you> "Am I really about to wear makeup again? I feel like this is an important step I'm taking. But I really wanna see how I look with makeup again</you></b> - you tell yourself, as you start applying makeup all over your face, trying to imitate as much as you can what your sister did.
<b><center> You're applying it with alot of concentration that you even forgot that your <mom>mother</mom> is home.. as you look in the mirror you see your mom coming upstairs.. and it's too late, there's no way to avoid it</center></b>
-<b><mom> "<you>$name</you>..? Are you... applying makeup? Honey! That's not how you put things on. Jesus, you're wasting makeup!"</mom></b> - your <mom>mom</mom> says, entering the bathroom, not even making a fuss about the fact you're applying makeup, just that you're doing it wrong.
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\Momfrustrated.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><mom> "Give me the kit, I'll apply it for you hon, just sit on the chair and close your eyes."</mom></b> - your <mom>mom</mom> says, taking over and applying the makeup on you.
<b><center> After a while she finishes applying the makeup on you</center></b>
-<b><mom> "Done baby! Take a look in the mirror, how much better that is!"</mom></b> - she says, turning you around
<center><b> You are face to face with the mirror again.. and you look beautiful once again.. there's a tingling sensation in your belly for watching yourself so <pink>girly</pink>.. it feels so right.. you are in cloud nine right now</b></center>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\mcmakeup.png"></span></center>
-<b><mom> "You look so pretty baby.. you should be wearing makeup everyday!"</mom></b> - your mom says, snapping you out of your trance
-<b><you> <mom>Mom</mom> .. I'm a boy.. don't you think it's weird that I want to wear makeup..?</you></b> - you ask your mom, scared of what shes going to say
-<b><mom> "Oh honey.. Back then I caught you watching a very specific type of pornography.. I know what a <pink>sissy</pink> is baby.. To be honest.. It's a kink of mine but obviously your <dad>dad</dad> would never allow me to explore such kink on him.. so the fact you are slowly becoming one is amazing! I totally support it and if you ever need anything just come to me baby! I'll give you tips and be your safe space! I wouldn't mind a second daughter.."</mom></b> - your mom says, supporting your decisions
<b><center> You are suprised by how acceptant your mom is of you becoming more girly.. and she even likes it.. it almost brings a tear to your eye how much she loves you and you love her.. you just go and give her an hug</center></B>
-<b><mom> "Oh be careful hun! You don't want to smear your pretty makeup! Hehe"</mom></B> - she says pulling your head up
-<B><you> Sorry <mom>mom</mom>.. And thank you..</you></B> - you thank your mom
-<b><mom> "Oh you don't have to thank me baby.. If you need help with makeup again just come to my room.. love you my pretty <pink>sissy</pink> boy</mom></b> - she says smiling at you teasingly
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\momsmiling3.png"></span></center>
<b><center> It feels weird to have your own mother call you a <pink>sissy</pink> but perhaps you really are becoming one with the latest events.. and you are enjoying it..</center></B>
<<set $feminization to $feminization+1>>
<center><hotpink>You just increased your feminization, you can now wear makeup..</hotpink></center>
<center>[[Go back|Bathroom]]</center><<set $makeup to true>>
<<set $makeupsis to false>>\
<<goto "Bathroom">><<set $makeup to false>>
<<goto "Bathroom">><<set $momeventsub2 to false>>\
<<set $time to $time+1>>
<span class='fadeIn'>\
<center><img src="images\city\upstairshall.jpg" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>
<b><center> You head outside of your room when you come across your <mom>mother</mom> in the hall, when she notices you, she turns to you and asks you</center></B>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\momhall.jpg"></span></center>
-<b><mom> "Oh hey hun, would you like to come shopping with me today? We could have your first girly shopping, what do you think?"</mom></b> - your mom asks smiling at you, now that she knows you are slowly turning into a <pink>sissy</pink>
<b><center> You look at your mom and you are kinda of embarassed that she's being so blatant about aiding you into a feminization life.. you look at her and decide to </center></b>
<div id="choice">\
<<linkreplace "<pink><center> • Accept and go with her to the mall</center></pink>">>\
<<replace "#choice">>\
<b><center> You decide that you want to go out with your <mom>Mom</mom> it will be fun to indulge into a more girly lifestyle, you've been enjoying more and more as of late, and your <mom>Mom</mom> showed so much support when she caught you wearing makeup, you're sure it will be a great time</center></b>
-<b><you> Yeah why not! Let's go, I'll just go grab some things in my room and I'll catch you downstairs.</you></b> - you tell your <mom>Mom</mom> excited and smiling
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\mchappy.jpg"></span></center>
-<b><mom> "Great! I'll be waiting for you outside hun!"</mom></b> - your mom says, heading downstairs.
<center>[[Grab your things and head to the mall|WeekendSunday3eventpt2]]</center>
<div id="choice">\
<<linkreplace "<white><center> • Just stay at home</center></white>">>\
<<replace "#choice">>\
<<set $sunday3seen to true>>\
<b><center> After a giving a good thought, you really just want to stay home today, even tho you appreciate your moms offer</center></b>
-<b><you> Thanks for the offer mom.. I think I'll stay at home today though</you></b> - you tell your mom
<b><center> She's clearly saddened by the fact that you didn't want to go but she accepts your decision either way.</center></B>
-<b><mom> "That's okay baby.. enjoy your sunday then, I'll get going"</mom></b> - she says, going downstairs.
<center>[[Go back|Upstairs Hall]]</center>
</div>\<span class='fadeIn'>\
<center><img src="images\city\mall.jpg" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>
<b><center> You arrive at the mall with your <mom>Mom</mom> and you are slightly nervous, you accepted coming on good will but realistically what did she mean by girly shopping? What if one of your classmates sees you buying girly stuff..? You are kind of skeptical and your <mom>Mom</mom> notices that.</center></B>
-<b><mom> "Don't worry honey, no one will harm you, just imagine we are in a little bubble doing our <pink>girly</pink> things"</mom></B> - <mom>$momname</mom> reassures you, smiling at you gently.
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\momsmiling4.jpg"></span></center>
<b><center> Her reassurance clears your mind a little bit and it calms you down.. you just follow her around when she starts heading towards Happy Girls, a girls clothing shop.. you never went there with the intention of trying on something.. this is the first time</center></b>
-<b><mom> "Lets go honey! I think it's time you try some women clothing to see how it fits your body"</mom></b> - your mother says, heading inside the shop
<center>[[Enter the shop|WeekendSunday3eventpt3]]</center><span class='fadeIn'>\
<center><img src="images\events\womenclothing.jpg" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>
<b><center> You enter the shop with your mom and you clearly see you are a little bit out of place, the men you see are outside or just standing around in their phones waiting for their girlfriends or wives to buy whatever they want, you on the other hand, are excited to try some <pink>girly</pink> clothing..</center></b>
-<b><mom> "Alright honey.. I know you'll probably be scared to try something on so I'll personally choose something for you to try on, don't worry, no one will judge you!"</mom></b> - your <mom>mom</mom> tells you as she heads towards the dresses aisle, looking for something for you to wear.
<b><center> You take a good look around the shop, looking at the people.. when suddenly you see someone smiling at you, sending you a kiss.. Is that.. <classmate>Sasha??</classmate></center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\Kissclassmate.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><you><i> Oh no.. she knows I'm here.. this is so embarassing.. she's gonna think I'm buying girl clothes and tell everyone at school!</i></you></b> - you think to yourself.
<b><center> As you are thinking, shocked and in stress, frozen in place and not knowing what to do, your <mom>Mom</mom> grabs your arm and starts dragging you to a nearby fitting room</center></b>
-<b><mom> "Here honey, try this dress on, I think it'll look great on you!"</mom></B> - your mom says, handing you a black tight dress, excited that she's dressing you up, she just goes away afterwards to give you privacy.
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\blackdress.png"></span></center>
<b><center> Shit.. I bet <classmate>Sasha</classmate> saw you going into the fitting room with your <mom>Mom</mom>.. this is so embarassing.. and what is this dress, it's so tight! Let's just wear it and get it over.. I want to leave as soon as possible..</center></b>
<b><center> You undress and put to dress on, you take a good look at the mirror and you can't lie to yourself.. you look amazing.. you wish you could wear this type of clothing outside without being judged.. but you aren't quite ready for that step..</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\mcdress.jpg"></span></center>
<b><center> You are appreciating yourself when out of nowhere.. someone [[barges in|WeekendSunday3evenpt4]]</center></b><center><img src="images\resources\happygirl.png"></center>
<span class="newhr">
<b><center><hotpink style="font-family: Courier New;">Dresses</hotpink></center></b>
<<if $feminization <=5 and $teacherfirstask is false>>\
<div id="index-gallery" style="margin-bottom: 20px; margin-top: -36px;">\
<div class="item">\
<img src="images\clothes\pinkdressgrey.png" style="width: 70px; height: 150px; margin-bottom: 20px; margin-top: 9px;" alt=""/>\
<center><b><grey><i> Why would I want a dress? </i></grey></b></center>\
<p> </p>\
<<elseif $dress1 is false and $money<=80>>\
<div id="index-gallery" style="margin-bottom: 20px; margin-top: -36px;">\
<div class="item">\
<img src="images\clothes\pinkdressgrey.png" style="width: 70px; height: 150px; margin-bottom: 20px; margin-top: 9px;" alt=""/>\
<center><b>80<green> €</green></b></center>\
<center> You can't afford this. </center>\
<p> </p>\
<<elseif $dress1 is false and $money>=100 and $teacherfirstask is true and $firstdress is false>>\
<div id="index-gallery" style="margin-bottom: 20px; margin-top: -36px;">\
<div class="item">\
<img src="images\clothes\pinkdressgrey.png" style="width: 70px; height: 150px; margin-bottom: 20px; margin-top: 9px;" alt=""/>\
<center><b>80<green> €</green></b></center>\
<p><center>[[• Buy •|TryingDressOn]]</center></p>\
<<elseif $dress1 is true and $teacherfirstask is true and $firstdress is true>>\
<div id="index-gallery" style="margin-bottom: 20px; margin-top: -36px;">\
<div class="item">\
<img src="images\clothes\pinkdress.png" style="width: 70px; height: 150px; margin-bottom: 20px; margin-top: 9px;" alt=""/>\
<center> <green>• Bought •</green> </center>\
<p> </p>\
<<if $firstdress is false>>\
<div id="index-gallery" style="margin-bottom: 20px; margin-top: -36px;">\
<div class="item">\
<img src="images\clothes\whitedressgrey.png" style="width: 100px; height: 150px; margin-bottom: 20px; margin-top: -1px;" alt=""/>\
<center><b><grey><i> Why would I want a white dress? </i></grey></b></center>\
<p> </p>\
<<elseif $dress2 is false and $money<=80>>\
<div id="index-gallery" style="margin-bottom: 20px;margin-top: -36px;">\
<div class="item">\
<img src="images\clothes\whitedressgrey.png" style="width: 100px; height: 150px; margin-bottom: 20px; margin-top: -1px;" alt=""/>\
<center><b>80<green> €</green></b></center>\
<center> You can't afford this. </center>\
<p> </p>\
<<elseif $dress2 is false and $money>=80 and $teacherfirstask is true and $firstdress is true>>\
<div id="index-gallery" style="margin-bottom: 20px; margin-top: -36px;">\
<div class="item">\
<img src="images\clothes\whitedress.png" style="width: 100px; height: 150px; margin-bottom: 20px; margin-top: -1px;" alt=""/>\
<center><b>80<green> €</green></b></center>\
<p><center>[[• Buy •|BuyWhiteDress]]</center></p>\
<<elseif $dress2 is true>>\
<div id="index-gallery" style="margin-bottom: 20px;margin-top: -36px;">\
<div class="item">\
<img src="images\clothes\whitedress.png" style="width: 100px; height: 150px; margin-bottom: 20px; margin-top: -1px;" alt=""/>\
<center> <green>• Bought •</green> </center>\
<p> </p>\
<<if $firstdress is false>>\
<div id="index-gallery" style="margin-bottom: 20px; margin-top: -56px;">\
<div class="item">\
<img src="images\clothes\reddressgrey.png" style="width: 100px; height: 150px; margin-bottom: 20px; margin-top: -2px;" alt=""/>\
<center><b><grey><i> Why would I want a red dress? </i></grey></b></center>\
<p> </p>\
<<elseif $dress3 is false and $money<=80>>\
<div id="index-gallery" style="margin-bottom: 20px; margin-top: -56px;">\
<div class="item">\
<img src="images\clothes\reddressgrey.png" style="width: 100px; height: 150px; margin-bottom: 20px; margin-top: -2px;" alt=""/>\
<center><b>80<green> €</green></b></center>\
<center> You can't afford this. </center>\
<p> </p>\
<<elseif $dress3 is false and $money>=80 and $teacherfirstask is true and $firstdress is true>>\
<div id="index-gallery" style="margin-bottom: 20px; margin-top: -56px;">\
<div class="item">\
<img src="images\clothes\reddress.png" style="width: 100px; height: 150px; margin-bottom: 20px; margin-top: -2px;" alt=""/>\
<center><b>80<green> €</green></b></center>\
<p><center>[[• Buy •|BuyRedDress]]</center></p>\
<<elseif $dress3 is true>>\
<div id="index-gallery" style="margin-bottom: 20px; margin-top: -56px;">\
<div class="item">\
<img src="images\clothes\reddress.png" style="width: 100px; height: 150px; margin-bottom: 20px; margin-top: -2px;" alt=""/>\
<center> <green>• Bought •</green> </center>\
<p> </p>\
<<if $firstdress is false>>\
<div id="index-gallery" style="margin-bottom: 20px; margin-top: -39px;">\
<div class="item">\
<img src="images\clothes\bluedressgrey.png" style="width: 100px; height: 150px; margin-bottom: 20px; margin-top: -6px;" alt=""/>\
<center><b><grey><i> Why would I want a blue dress? </i></grey></b></center>\
<p> </p>\
<<elseif $dress4 is false and $money<=80>>\
<div id="index-gallery" style="margin-bottom: 20px; margin-top: -39px;">\
<div class="item">\
<img src="images\clothes\bluedressgrey.png" style="width: 100px; height: 150px; margin-bottom: 20px; margin-top: -2px;" alt=""/>\
<center><b>80<green> €</green></b></center>\
<center> You can't afford this. </center>\
<p> </p>\
<<elseif $dress4 is false and $money>=80 and $teacherfirstask is true and $firstdress is true>>\
<div id="index-gallery" style="margin-bottom: 20px; margin-top: -40px;">\
<div class="item">\
<img src="images\clothes\bluedress.png" style="width: 100px; height: 150px; margin-bottom: 20px; margin-top: 0px;" alt=""/>\
<center><b>80<green> €</green></b></center>\
<p><center>[[• Buy •|BuyBlueDress]]</center></p>\
<<elseif $dress4 is true>>\
<div id="index-gallery">\
<div class="item">\
<img src="images\clothes\bluedress.png" style="width: 100px; height: 150px; margin-bottom: 20px; margin-top: -40px;" alt=""/>\
<center> <green>• Bought •</green> </center>\
<p> </p>\
<<if $feminization <=6>>\
<div id="index-gallery" style="margin-bottom: 20px; margin-top: -39px;">\
<div class="item">\
<img src="images\clothes\sluttydressgrey.png" style="width: 100px; height: 150px; margin-bottom: 20px; margin-top: -16px;" alt=""/>\
<center><b><grey><i> This is too slutty for me.. </i></grey></b></center>\
<p> </p>\
<<elseif $dress5 is false and $money<=100>>\
<div id="index-gallery" style="margin-bottom: 20px; margin-top: -39px;">\
<div class="item">\
<img src="images\clothes\sluttydressgrey.png" style="width: 100px; height: 150px; margin-bottom: 20px; margin-top: -40px;" alt=""/>\
<center><b>100<green> €</green></b></center>\
<center> You can't afford this. </center>\
<p> </p>\
<<elseif $dress5 is false and $money>=100 and $teacherfirstask is true and $firstdress is true and $feminization >=7>>\
<div id="index-gallery" style="margin-bottom: 20px; margin-top: -40px;">\
<div class="item">\
<img src="images\clothes\sluttydress.png" style="width: 100px; height: 150px; margin-bottom: 20px; margin-top: -40px;" alt=""/>\
<center><b>100<green> €</green></b></center>\
<p><center>[[• Buy •|BuySluttyDress]]</center></p>\
<<elseif $dress5 is true>>\
<div id="index-gallery">\
<div class="item">\
<img src="images\clothes\sluttydress.png" style="width: 100px; height: 150px; margin-bottom: 20px; margin-top: -40px;" alt=""/>\
<center> <green>• Bought •</green> </center>\
<p> </p>\
<<if $feminization <=6>>\
<div id="index-gallery" style="margin-bottom: 20px; margin-top: -39px;">\
<div class="item">\
<img src="images\clothes\sluttydress2grey.png" style="width: 100px; height: 150px; margin-bottom: 20px; margin-top: -16px;" alt=""/>\
<center><b><grey><i> This is too slutty for me.. </i></grey></b></center>\
<p> </p>\
<<elseif $dress6 is false and $money<=100>>\
<div id="index-gallery" style="margin-bottom: 20px; margin-top: -39px;">\
<div class="item">\
<img src="images\clothes\sluttydress2grey.png" style="width: 100px; height: 150px; margin-bottom: 20px; margin-top: -40px;" alt=""/>\
<center><b>100<green> €</green></b></center>\
<center> You can't afford this. </center>\
<p> </p>\
<<elseif $dress6 is false and $money>=100 and $teacherfirstask is true and $firstdress is true and $feminization >=7>>\
<div id="index-gallery" style="margin-bottom: 20px; margin-top: -40px;">\
<div class="item">\
<img src="images\clothes\sluttydress2.png" style="width: 100px; height: 150px; margin-bottom: 20px; margin-top: -40px;" alt=""/>\
<center><b>100<green> €</green></b></center>\
<p><center>[[• Buy •|BuySluttyDress2]]</center></p>\
<<elseif $dress6 is true>>\
<div id="index-gallery">\
<div class="item">\
<img src="images\clothes\sluttydress2.png" style="width: 100px; height: 150px; margin-bottom: 20px; margin-top: -40px;" alt=""/>\
<center> <green>• Bought •</green> </center>\
<p> </p>\
<<if $feminization <=6>>\
<div id="index-gallery" style="margin-bottom: 20px; margin-top: -39px;">\
<div class="item">\
<img src="images\clothes\sluttydress3grey.png" style="width: 100px; height: 150px; margin-bottom: 20px; margin-top: -16px;" alt=""/>\
<center><b><grey><i> This is too slutty for me.. </i></grey></b></center>\
<p> </p>\
<<elseif $dress7 is false and $money<=100>>\
<div id="index-gallery" style="margin-bottom: 20px; margin-top: -39px;">\
<div class="item">\
<img src="images\clothes\sluttydress3grey.png" style="width: 100px; height: 150px; margin-bottom: 20px; margin-top: -40px;" alt=""/>\
<center><b>100<green> €</green></b></center>\
<center> You can't afford this. </center>\
<p> </p>\
<<elseif $dress7 is false and $money>=100 and $teacherfirstask is true and $firstdress is true and $feminization >=7>>\
<div id="index-gallery" style="margin-bottom: 20px; margin-top: -40px;">\
<div class="item">\
<img src="images\clothes\sluttydress3.png" style="width: 100px; height: 150px; margin-bottom: 20px; margin-top: -40px;" alt=""/>\
<center><b>100<green> €</green></b></center>\
<p><center>[[• Buy •|BuySluttyDress3]]</center></p>\
<<elseif $dress7 is true>>\
<div id="index-gallery">\
<div class="item">\
<img src="images\clothes\sluttydress3.png" style="width: 100px; height: 150px; margin-bottom: 20px; margin-top: -40px;" alt=""/>\
<center> <green>• Bought •</green> </center>\
<p> </p>\
<<if $feminization <=6>>\
<div id="index-gallery" style="margin-bottom: 20px; margin-top: -39px;">\
<div class="item">\
<img src="images\clothes\sluttydress4grey.png" style="width: 100px; height: 150px; margin-bottom: 20px; margin-top: -16px;" alt=""/>\
<center><b><grey><i> This is too slutty for me.. </i></grey></b></center>\
<p> </p>\
<<elseif $dress8 is false and $money<=100>>\
<div id="index-gallery" style="margin-bottom: 20px; margin-top: -39px;">\
<div class="item">\
<img src="images\clothes\sluttydress4grey.png" style="width: 100px; height: 150px; margin-bottom: 20px; margin-top: -40px;" alt=""/>\
<center><b>100<green> €</green></b></center>\
<center> You can't afford this. </center>\
<p> </p>\
<<elseif $dress8 is false and $money>=100 and $teacherfirstask is true and $firstdress is true and $feminization >=7>>\
<div id="index-gallery" style="margin-bottom: 20px; margin-top: -40px;">\
<div class="item">\
<img src="images\clothes\sluttydress4.png" style="width: 100px; height: 150px; margin-bottom: 20px; margin-top: -40px;" alt=""/>\
<center><b>100<green> €</green></b></center>\
<p><center>[[• Buy •|BuySluttyDress4]]</center></p>\
<<elseif $dress8 is true>>\
<div id="index-gallery">\
<div class="item">\
<img src="images\clothes\sluttydress4.png" style="width: 100px; height: 150px; margin-bottom: 20px; margin-top: -40px;" alt=""/>\
<center> <green>• Bought •</green> </center>\
<p> </p>\
<span class="newhr">
<b><center><hotpink style="font-family: Courier New;">Tops</hotpink></center></b>
<<if $firstdress is false>>\
<div id="index-gallery">
<div class="item">\
<img src="images\clothes\pinktopgrey.png" style="width: 100px; height: 150px; margin-bottom: 20px; margin-top: -1px;" alt=""/>\
<center><b><grey><i> Why would I want pink top? </i></grey></b></center>\
<<elseif $top1 is false and $money<=60>>\
<div id="index-gallery">
<div class="item">\
<img src="images\clothes\pinktopgrey.png" style="width: 100px; height: 150px; margin-bottom: 20px; margin-top: -1px;" alt=""/>\
<center><b>60<green> €</green></b></center>\
<center> You can't afford this. </center>\
<<elseif $top1 is false and $money>=60 and $teacherfirstask is true and $firstdress is true>>\
<div id="index-gallery">
<div class="item">\
<img src="images\clothes\pinktop.png" style="width: 100px; height: 150px; margin-bottom: 20px; margin-top: -1px;" alt=""/>\
<center><b>60<green> €</green></b></center>\
<p><center>[[• Buy •|BuyPinkTop]]</center></p>\
<<elseif $top1 is true>>\
<div id="index-gallery">
<div class="item">\
<img src="images\clothes\pinktop.png" style="width: 100px; height: 150px; margin-bottom: 20px; margin-top: -1px;" alt=""/>\
<center> <green>• Bought •</green> </center>\
<<if $firstdress is false>>\
<div id="index-gallery">
<div class="item">\
<img src="images\clothes\whitetopgrey.png" style="width: 100px; height: 150px; margin-bottom: 20px; margin-top: -50px;" alt=""/>\
<center><b><grey><i> Why would I want white top? </i></grey></b></center>\
<<elseif $top2 is false and $money<=60>>\
<div id="index-gallery">
<div class="item">\
<img src="images\clothes\whitetopgrey.png" style="width: 100px; height: 150px; margin-bottom: 20px; margin-top: -50px;" alt=""/>\
<center><b>60<green> €</green></b></center>\
<center> You can't afford this. </center>\
<<elseif $top2 is false and $money>=60 and $teacherfirstask is true and $firstdress is true>>\
<div id="index-gallery">
<div class="item">\
<img src="images\clothes\whitetop.png" style="width: 100px; height: 150px; margin-bottom: 20px; margin-top: -50px;" alt=""/>\
<center><b>60<green> €</green></b></center>\
<p><center>[[• Buy •|BuyWhiteTop]]</center></p>\
<<elseif $top2 is true>>\
<div id="index-gallery">
<div class="item">\
<img src="images\clothes\whitetop.png" style="width: 100px; height: 150px; margin-bottom: 20px; margin-top: -50px;" alt=""/>\
<center> <green>• Bought •</green> </center>\
<<if $firstdress is false>>\
<div id="index-gallery">
<div class="item">\
<img src="images\clothes\redtopgrey.png" style="width: 100px; height: 150px; margin-bottom: 20px; margin-top: -102px;" alt=""/>\
<center><b><grey><i> Why would I want red top? </i></grey></b></center>\
<<elseif $top3 is false and $money<=60>>\
<div id="index-gallery">
<div class="item">\
<img src="images\clothes\redtopgrey.png" style="width: 100px; height: 150px; margin-bottom: 20px; margin-top: -102px;" alt=""/>\
<center><b>60<green> €</green></b></center>\
<center> You can't afford this. </center>\
<<elseif $top3 is false and $money>=60 and $teacherfirstask is true and $firstdress is true>>\
<div id="index-gallery">
<div class="item">\
<img src="images\clothes\redtop.png" style="width: 100px; height: 150px; margin-bottom: 20px; margin-top: -102px;" alt=""/>\
<center><b>60<green> €</green></b></center>\
<p><center>[[• Buy •|BuyRedTop]]</center></p>\
<<elseif $top3 is true>>\
<div id="index-gallery">
<div class="item">\
<img src="images\clothes\redtop.png" style="width: 100px; height: 150px; margin-bottom: 20px; margin-top: -102px;" alt=""/>\
<center> <green>• Bought •</green> </center>\
<<if $firstdress is false>>\
<div id="index-gallery">
<div class="item">\
<img src="images\clothes\blacktopgrey.png" style="width: 100px; height: 150px; margin-bottom: 20px; margin-top: -187px;" alt=""/>\
<center><b><grey><i> Why would I want black top? </i></grey></b></center>\
<<elseif $top4 is false and $money<=60>>\
<div id="index-gallery">
<div class="item">\
<img src="images\clothes\blacktopgrey.png" style="width: 100px; height: 150px; margin-bottom: 20px; margin-top: -187px;" alt=""/>\
<center><b>60<green> €</green></b></center>\
<center> You can't afford this. </center>\
<<elseif $top4 is false and $money>=60 and $teacherfirstask is true and $firstdress is true>>\
<div id="index-gallery">
<div class="item">\
<img src="images\clothes\blacktop.png" style="width: 100px; height: 150px; margin-bottom: 20px; margin-top: -187px;" alt=""/>\
<center><b>60<green> €</green></b></center>\
<p><center>[[• Buy •|BuyBlackTop]]</center></p>\
<<elseif $top4 is true>>\
<div id="index-gallery">
<div class="item">\
<img src="images\clothes\blacktop.png" style="width: 100px; height: 150px; margin-bottom: 20px; margin-top: -187px;" alt=""/>\
<center> <green>• Bought •</green> </center>\
<<if $feminization <=6>>\
<div id="index-gallery" style="margin-bottom: 20px; margin-top: -39px;">\
<div class="item">\
<img src="images\clothes\sluttytopgrey.png" style="width: 100px; height: 150px; margin-bottom: 20px; margin-top: -15px;" alt=""/>\
<center><b><grey><i> This is too slutty for me.. </i></grey></b></center>\
<p> </p>\
<<elseif $top5 is false and $money<=80>>\
<div id="index-gallery" style="margin-bottom: 20px; margin-top: -39px;">\
<div class="item">\
<img src="images\clothes\sluttytopgrey.png" style="width: 100px; height: 150px; margin-bottom: 20px; margin-top: -15px;" alt=""/>\
<center><b>80<green> €</green></b></center>\
<center> You can't afford this. </center>\
<p> </p>\
<<elseif $top5 is false and $money>=80 and $teacherfirstask is true and $firstdress is true and $feminization >=7>>\
<div id="index-gallery" style="margin-bottom: 20px; margin-top: -40px;">\
<div class="item">\
<img src="images\clothes\sluttytop.png" style="width: 100px; height: 150px; margin-bottom: 20px; margin-top: -15px;" alt=""/>\
<center><b>80<green> €</green></b></center>\
<p><center>[[• Buy •|BuySluttyTop]]</center></p>\
<<elseif $top5 is true>>\
<div id="index-gallery">\
<div class="item">\
<img src="images\clothes\sluttytop.png" style="width: 100px; height: 150px; margin-bottom: 20px; margin-top: -15px;" alt=""/>\
<center> <green>• Bought •</green> </center>\
<p> </p>\
<<if $teacheruniformbuy is true>>\
<div id="index-gallery" style="margin-bottom: 20px; margin-top: -39px;">\
<div class="item">\
<img src="images\events\clothespackage.png" style="width: 100px; height: 150px; margin-bottom: 20px; margin-top: -15px;" alt=""/>\
<p><center>[[• Get the teacher package •|BuyGirlUniformTask]]</center></p>
<p> </p>\
<span class="newhr">
<b><center><hotpink style="font-family: Courier New;">Bottoms</hotpink></center></b>
<<if $firstdress is false>>\
<div id="index-gallery">
<div class="item">\
<img src="images\clothes\pinkskirtgrey.png" style="width: 100px; height: 150px; margin-bottom: 20px; margin-top: -1px;" alt=""/>\
<center><b><grey><i> Why would I want pink skirt? </i></grey></b></center>\
<<elseif $skirt1 is false and $money<=60>>\
<div id="index-gallery">
<div class="item">\
<img src="images\clothes\pinkskirtgrey.png" style="width: 100px; height: 150px; margin-bottom: 20px; margin-top: -1px;" alt=""/>\
<center><b>60<green> €</green></b></center>\
<center> You can't afford this. </center>\
<<elseif $skirt1 is false and $money>=60 and $teacherfirstask is true and $firstdress is true>>\
<div id="index-gallery">
<div class="item">\
<img src="images\clothes\pinkskirt.png" style="width: 100px; height: 150px; margin-bottom: 20px; margin-top: -1px;" alt=""/>\
<center><b>60<green> €</green></b></center>\
<p><center>[[• Buy •|BuyPinkSkirt]]</center></p>\
<<elseif $skirt1 is true>>\
<div id="index-gallery">
<div class="item">\
<img src="images\clothes\pinkskirt.png" style="width: 100px; height: 150px; margin-bottom: 20px; margin-top: -1px;" alt=""/>\
<center> <green>• Bought •</green> </center>\
<<if $firstdress is false>>\
<div id="index-gallery">
<div class="item">\
<img src="images\clothes\whiteskirtgrey.png" style="width: 100px; height: 150px; margin-bottom: 20px; margin-top: -50px;" alt=""/>\
<center><b><grey><i> Why would I want white skirt? </i></grey></b></center>\
<<elseif $skirt2 is false and $money<=60>>\
<div id="index-gallery">
<div class="item">\
<img src="images\clothes\whiteskirtgrey.png" style="width: 100px; height: 150px; margin-bottom: 20px; margin-top: -50px;" alt=""/>\
<center><b>60<green> €</green></b></center>\
<center> You can't afford this. </center>\
<<elseif $skirt2 is false and $money>=60 and $teacherfirstask is true and $firstdress is true>>\
<div id="index-gallery">
<div class="item">\
<img src="images\clothes\whiteskirt.png" style="width: 100px; height: 150px; margin-bottom: 20px; margin-top: -50px;" alt=""/>\
<center><b>60<green> €</green></b></center>\
<p><center>[[• Buy •|BuyWhiteSkirt]]</center></p>\
<<elseif $skirt2 is true>>\
<div id="index-gallery">
<div class="item">\
<img src="images\clothes\whiteskirt.png" style="width: 100px; height: 150px; margin-bottom: 20px; margin-top: -50px;" alt=""/>\
<center> <green>• Bought •</green> </center>\
<<if $firstdress is false>>\
<div id="index-gallery">
<div class="item">\
<img src="images\clothes\whiteskirtgrey.png" style="width: 100px; height: 150px; margin-bottom: 20px; margin-top: -102px;" alt=""/>\
<center><b><grey><i> Why would I want red skirt? </i></grey></b></center>\
<<elseif $skirt3 is false and $money<=60>>\
<div id="index-gallery">
<div class="item">\
<img src="images\clothes\redskirtgrey.png" style="width: 100px; height: 150px; margin-bottom: 20px; margin-top: -102px;" alt=""/>\
<center><b>60<green> €</green></b></center>\
<center> You can't afford this. </center>\
<<elseif $skirt3 is false and $money>=60 and $teacherfirstask is true and $firstdress is true>>\
<div id="index-gallery">
<div class="item">\
<img src="images\clothes\redskirt.png" style="width: 100px; height: 150px; margin-bottom: 20px; margin-top: -102px;" alt=""/>\
<center><b>60<green> €</green></b></center>\
<p><center>[[• Buy •|BuyRedSkirt]]</center></p>\
<<elseif $skirt3 is true>>\
<div id="index-gallery">
<div class="item">\
<img src="images\clothes\redskirt.png" style="width: 100px; height: 150px; margin-bottom: 20px; margin-top: -102px;" alt=""/>\
<center> <green>• Bought •</green> </center>\
<<if $firstdress is false>>\
<div id="index-gallery">
<div class="item">\
<img src="images\clothes\blueskirtgrey.png" style="width: 100px; height: 150px; margin-bottom: 20px; margin-top: -160px;" alt=""/>\
<center><b><grey><i> Why would I want blue skirt? </i></grey></b></center>\
<<elseif $skirt4 is false and $money<=60>>\
<div id="index-gallery">
<div class="item">\
<img src="images\clothes\blueskirtgrey.png" style="width: 100px; height: 150px; margin-bottom: 20px; margin-top: -160px;" alt=""/>\
<center><b>60<green> €</green></b></center>\
<center> You can't afford this. </center>\
<<elseif $skirt4 is false and $money>=60 and $teacherfirstask is true and $firstdress is true>>\
<div id="index-gallery">
<div class="item">\
<img src="images\clothes\blueskirt.png" style="width: 100px; height: 150px; margin-bottom: 20px; margin-top: -160px;" alt=""/>\
<center><b>60<green> €</green></b></center>\
<p><center>[[• Buy •|BuyBlueSkirt]]</center></p>\
<<elseif $skirt4 is true>>\
<div id="index-gallery">
<div class="item">\
<img src="images\clothes\blueskirt.png" style="width: 100px; height: 150px; margin-bottom: 20px; margin-top: -160px;" alt=""/>\
<center> <green>• Bought •</green> </center>\
<<if $firstdress is false>>\
<div id="index-gallery">
<div class="item">\
<img src="images\clothes\blackskirtgrey.png" style="width: 100px; height: 150px; margin-bottom: 20px; margin-top: -1px;" alt=""/>\
<center><b><grey><i> Why would I want black skirt? </i></grey></b></center>\
<<elseif $skirt5 is false and $money<=60>>\
<div id="index-gallery">
<div class="item">\
<img src="images\clothes\blackskirtgrey.png" style="width: 100px; height: 150px; margin-bottom: 20px; margin-top: -1px;" alt=""/>\
<center><b>60<green> €</green></b></center>\
<center> You can't afford this. </center>\
<<elseif $skirt5 is false and $money>=60 and $teacherfirstask is true and $firstdress is true>>\
<div id="index-gallery">
<div class="item">\
<img src="images\clothes\blackskirt.png" style="width: 100px; height: 150px; margin-bottom: 20px; margin-top: -1px;" alt=""/>\
<center><b>60<green> €</green></b></center>\
<p><center>[[• Buy •|BuyBlackSkirt]]</center></p>\
<<elseif $skirt5 is true>>\
<div id="index-gallery">
<div class="item">\
<img src="images\clothes\blackskirt.png" style="width: 100px; height: 150px; margin-bottom: 20px; margin-top: 2px;" alt=""/>\
<center> <green>• Bought •</green> </center>\
<<if $feminization <=6>>\
<div id="index-gallery">
<div class="item">\
<img src="images\clothes\sluttyshortsgrey.png" style="width: 100px; height: 150px; margin-bottom: 20px; margin-top: 2px;" alt=""/>\
<center><b><grey><i> This is too slutty for me.. </i></grey></b></center>\
<<elseif $sluttyshorts1 is false and $money<=80>>\
<div id="index-gallery">
<div class="item">\
<img src="images\clothes\sluttyshortsgrey.png" style="width: 100px; height: 150px; margin-bottom: 20px; margin-top: 2px;" alt=""/>\
<center><b>80<green> €</green></b></center>\
<center> You can't afford this. </center>\
<<elseif $sluttyshorts1 is false and $money>=80 and $teacherfirstask is true and $firstdress is true>>\
<div id="index-gallery">
<div class="item">\
<img src="images\clothes\sluttyshorts.png" style="width: 100px; height: 150px; margin-bottom: 20px; margin-top: 2px;" alt=""/>\
<center><b>80<green> €</green></b></center>\
<p><center>[[• Buy •|BuySluttyShorts]]</center></p>\
<<elseif $sluttyshorts1 is true>>\
<div id="index-gallery">
<div class="item">\
<img src="images\clothes\sluttyshorts.png" style="width: 100px; height: 150px; margin-bottom: 20px; margin-top: 2px;" alt=""/>\
<center> <green>• Bought •</green> </center>\
<center>[[• Leave the shop •|Mall]]</center>
<span class='fadeIn'>\
<center><img src="images\resources\happygirl.png"></center>
<b><center> You look at who just entered the fitting room.. It's <classmate>Sasha</classmate>..</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\classmatestare.jpg"></span></center>
-<b><classmate> "Hello little <pink>sissy</pink> boy.. Look at you! So pretty wearing a dress, what would everyone at school say if they saw you like this?"</classmate></b> - she asks you while giggling
-<b><you> <classmate>Sasha</classmate> .. don't tell anyone please.. I'll do whatever you want.. just keep this a secret please..</you></b> - you plead to your classmate.
<b><center> She takes another good look at you up and down and smirks</center></b>
-<b><classmate> "Alright <pink>sissy</pink> I won't tell anyone.. but I want another taste of that sweet little mouth like you did back in the school bathroom, looking at you dolled up got me all worked up.. but this time around.. I want you to lick my ass.. and lick it good"</classmate></b> - your classmate orders you.
<b><center> You look at her in awe.. you don't know what to say.. she wants you to lick her ass..? I mean.. this almost seems like a win win situation to you, so you agree and kneel in front of her</center></b>
-<b><classmate> "What a good little <pink>sissy</pink> slut.. already kneeling without even saying a word, good.."</classmate></b> - <classmate> Sasha</classmate> says as she starts undressing, taking off her pants and panties.
<b><center> When she's fully naked, she brings her ass to your face and says</center></b>
-<b><classmate> "Start eating my ass, bitch."</classmate></b> - she orders you.
<b><center> You don't even think twice and put your face in her asshole, licking it deeply</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\lickclassmate1.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><classmate> "Goood good boy.. Deeper!"</classmate></b> - she shouts at you, as she grabs your head and brings you even deeper into her asscheeks.
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\lickclassmate2.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><classmate> "Yes.. yes.. keep going..! I'm close to cumming..!"</classmate></b> - <classmate>Sasha</classmate> says as she buries her ass into your face
-<b><classmate> "OHhh..yes.. so good.. good job <pink>sissy</pink>.. that clit might be useless.. but you got a great mouth I have to say.."</classmate></b> - she says as she rubs her ass on your face, leaving her stench all over your face
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\lickclassmate3.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><classmate> "Alright I'm done here.. I won't tell anyone.. I'll want that mouth more times tho.. bye bye <pink>sissy</pink>"</classmate></b> - she says, as she gets dressed and leaves the fitting room
<b><center> What just happened..? Your face is smeared with drool and she left her mark all over your face.. it smells like her ass.. either way.. you have to go outside and meet your <mom>mother</mom>, she's probably waiting for you, so you take off the dress and get dressed, ready to leave the fitting room.</center></b>
<center>[[Leave the fitting room|WeekendSunday3eventp4]]</center><<set $sunday3seen to true>>\
<span class='fadeIn'>\
<center><img src="images\resources\happygirl.png"></center>
<center><img src="images\events\womenclothing.jpg" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>
<b><center> You head outside and you see your <mom>mom</mom> waiting for you, she notices you and comes close to you, when she arrives, she makes a funny face, probably feeling a weird smell coming from your face</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\momlookingweird.jpg"></span></center>
-<b><mom> <font size ="-1"> "What is that smell..</font> Ehm hey honey! Did you like the dress..? Want to take it home with you? I can buy it as a gift!"</mom></b> - your mom asks you.
<b><center> As much as you enjoyed wearing the dress in the fitting room.. you are aware that currently a dress would be useless for you since you can't wear it outside.. you aren't brave enough.. and as much as you appreciate your <mom>mothers</mom> effort.. you believe it is better to just leave it.. for now</center></b>
-<b><you> I think I'm okay mom.. I really appreciate it but I'll stick to my usual clothes..</you></b> - you tell your mom, a little sad.
<b><center> Your mom clearly grows sad by your words but she understands your decision and accepts it</center></b>
-<b><mom> "Alright honey.. that's up to you.."</mom></b> - she says, understanding your situation.
<b><center> You then follow your mom around in the mall, buying things and trying things on.. but you can't take your mind of what happened in that fitting room.. eventually you head home and arrive at your room.</center></b>
<<if $submissive <=65>>\
<<set $submissive to $submissive+1>>\
<b><center><pink> Submissiveness +1!</pink></center></b>\
<b><center><white><u> This action won't increase your <pink>submission</pink> anymore.</u></white></center></b>
<center>[[Arrive at home|Room]]</center><<set $firstdress to true>>\
<<set $dress1 to true>>
<center><img src="images\resources\happygirl.png"></center>
<center><img src="images\events\womenclothing.jpg" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>
<b><center> You are back in Happy Girls.. last time you were here some wild stuff happened in the fitting rooms.. this time around, you don't spot <classmate>Sasha</classmate> anywhere tho.. you enjoyed the dress you tried on last time but you want to try a different color.. a more <pink>pink</pink> color.. fits you more..</center></b>
<b><center> You head towards the aisle where the dresses are.. when you stumble upon a part where there's alot of different types of dresses</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\dresseshanging.jpg"></span></center>
<b><center> You start zooming around it, looking for a <pink>pink</pink> dress and eventually you find the perfect choice, a <pink>pink frilly see through dress</pink>, it looks amazing, you want to try it on</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\clothes\pinkdress.png"></span></center>
<b><center> You grab the dress and quickly head into the fitting room, hopefully no one bothers you this time around.. you get some weird looks but to be honest.. you are a pretty feminine looking man.. no one really complains.</center></b>
<center>[[Head inside the fitting room with the dress|FittingRoom]]</center><<set $time to $time+1>>\
<<set $teacherfirstask to true>>\
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\detention.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><img src="images\city\detention.jpg" width = "550px"></center>
<b><center> You enter the detention classroom and immediately you grace upon <teacher>Ms.$nameteacher</teacher> waiting for you while smoking a cigarette, she seems a little shaky and nervous for some reason.. have you done something to piss her off..?</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\teachersmoking.png"></span></center>
-<b><teacher> "Hello <you>$name</you> come in, today is a big day for your progress, forget about detention, I have something very important for you to do."</teacher></B> - your teacher says, coming very close to you.
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\teacherseductive.jpg"></span></center>
<b><center> You are a little worried about what she's about to ask you but it seems important.. so you ask her</center></b>
-<b><you> Okay.. what do you want me to do <teacher>Ms.$nameteacher</teacher> ?</you></b> - you ask, curious.
-<b><teacher> "Well.. a little bird told me that you were trying <pink>girly</pink> clothes last Sunday with your <mom>Mom</mom> is that true..? I might have to have a chat with your <mom>Mom</mom> one of these days.. she seems like a pretty interesting lady.."</teacher></B> - your teacher says smirking, clearly thinking of something devious.
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\teacherlaugh.jpg"></span></center>
<b><center> A little bird..? She's probably talking about <classmate>Sasha</classmate> .. she promised you'd she tell no one..</center></b>
-<b><you> Ehm.. yeah.. my mom invited me out and I just accepted.. she forced me to do it obviously.. I didn't want a dress..</you></b> - you explain to your teacher, blatantly lying, scared.
-<b><teacher> "Pfft.. you're an awful liar <you>$name</you>, anyways I want you to buy you first dress, because it seems you didn't buy the dress you tried on Sunday for some reason.. so go to Happy Girls on the Mall and buy it as soon as possible.. Oh and send me a picture of you with it on, that's an order."</teacher></b> - she ends with a very serious look in her eyes.
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\lookingdown.png"></span></center>
<b><center> You are frozen in place with her look, you know you can't defy her or there will be consequences, so you just nod and agree with her.</center></B>
-<b><you> Yes.. <teacher>Ms.$nameteacher</teacher> ..</you></b> - you nod
-<b><teacher> "Good, you may leave, don't bother coming back if you haven't sent me that picture."</teacher></b> - she says, pointing at the door
<b><center> Well.. guess it's time to pay another visit at the Mall.. this time by yourself..</center></b>
<center>[[Leave detention|School Hallway]]</center><<set $time to $time+1>>\
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\detention.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><img src="images\city\detention.jpg" width = "550px"></center>
<b><center> You enter the detention room and see your teacher in her table screwing around with some papers, probably students tests or something.. then you remember.. she told you not to come back unless you have bought and sent her the picture with a dress on.. you haven't done that yet..</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\teachersitting.png"></span></center>
<b><center> Suddenly she gets up and comes close to you, grabbing your face and whispering in your ear she says</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\teachermad.png"></span></center>
-<b><teacher> " <you>$name</you>, the only reason I called you here is to remind your pathetic retarded mind that you have a task to do, understood? Go and do it, now!"</teacher></b> - she screams in your ear, pushing you away towards the door.
<b><center> You run like a scaredy cat, and head out to the school hallway</center></b>
<center>[[Head outside|School Hallway]]</center>
<<set $time to $time+1>>\
<<goto`either("teachersubtask1","teachersubtask2")`>>\ <<set $seentask1 to true>>\
<<set $task1 to true>>\
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\detention.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><img src="images\city\detention.jpg" width = "550px"></center>
<b><center> You enter the detention room and as usual <teacher>Ms.$nameteacher</teacher> is smoking her cigarette, she's probably gonna give you a task to do, so you immediately head next to her and wait patiently.</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\teachersmoking.png"></span></center>
-<b><teacher> "Hello pet, <u>your task for today is to go home and put on your <pink>girly dress</pink> that you bought last time you were at the Mall.. once you've done that, I want you to go to the Park and take a stroll around</u>, I don't care if people see you, you need to start accepting your new you, understood? And don't even think of not doing it."</teacher></b>
<b><center> Wait what.. she can't be serious.. walk publically as a girl..? People are going to see you.. your heart is beating super fast right now and you're starting to sweat with the thought, what are people going to think of you.. they'll know you are turning into a <pink>sissy</pink>.. but you can't defy <teacher>Ms.$nameteacher</teacher>..</center></b>
-<b><you> Yes <teacher>Ma'am</teacher>..</you></b> - you nod, looking down submissively.
-<b><teacher> "Good, as proof that you did your task, <u>send me a selfie outside wearing the dress</u>, otherwise I'll assume you didn't do it, leave now."</teacher></b> - she turns around, dismissing you.
<b><center> Well.. time to go home and get dressed..</center></b>
<center>[[Leave to the hallway|School Hallway]]</center><<set $seentask2 to true>>\
<<set $task2 to true>>
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\detention.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><img src="images\city\detention.jpg" width = "550px"></center>
<b><center> You enter the detention room and as usual <teacher>Ms.$nameteacher</teacher> is smoking her cigarette, she's probably gonna give you a task to do, so you immediately head next to her and wait patiently.</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\teachersmoking2.png"></span></center>
-<b><teacher> "Hello pet, so I had a talk with your sweet <mom>Mother</mom>, and we reached an agreement that a fitting punishment and <u>task for today would be to just clean your house like a good little maid,</u> I just told her it was a punishment for your misbehaviour and she accepted it, but something tells me she was pretty happy with the thought if you being her servant.. anyways, that's your task for day, clean up <pink>sissy</pink> maid.</teacher></b>
<b><center> Wait what..<teacher>Ms.$nameteacher</teacher> wants you to clean your house..? You aren't a maid.. jesus christ.. but guess it could be worse..</center></b>
-<b><you> Yes <teacher>Ma'am</teacher>..</you></b> - you nod, looking down submissively.
-<b><teacher> "Good, when you're done, warn your mom and she will text me, make sure you do a good job or you'll regret it, leave now."</teacher></b> - she turns around, dismissing you.
<b><center> Well.. time to go home and clean it..</center></b>
<center>[[Leave to the hallway|School Hallway]]</center>
<center><img src="images\resources\happygirl.png"></center>
<center><img src="images\events\fittingroom2.jpg" height = "600px" width = "750px"></center>
<b><center> You enter the fitting room and you are excited and nervous at the same time to try the dress on.. last time you were here you had your <mom>Mom</mom> to support you.. this time around, you are completely by your own, trying <pink>girly</pink> clothing on.. it's kinda arousing tho.. the risk of being caught wearing girly clothing..</center></b>
-<b><you> I can't wait to try this on.. it's true <teacher>Ms.$nameteacher</teacher> kinda forced me to do this.. but I also want it.. there's no point denying it.</you></b> - you tell yourself as you take your clothes off.
<b><center> You quickly put on the <pink> pink dress</pink> .. it's completely see through.. it's a little embarassing but it's very arousing aswell.. your tiny pecker gets hard as you watch yourself in the mirror, quickly you take a picture </center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\mcdresspic.png"></span></center>
-<b><you> I look amazing.. I look like a total <pink>sissy</pink> girl.. why does this feel so right..? I should feel wrong with these type of thoughts and feelings but it's just so good.. anyways.. time to send this to <teacher>Ms.$nameteacher</teacher>..</you></b> - you think to yourself, hands shaking as you send the message to your teacher.
<center>[[Send picture to your teacher|teachertext1]]</center><span class='phonetext3'><center><img src="images\avatars\teacheravatar.png" style="max-height: 200px"></center></span>
<<timed 1s>><span class='phone1'><b><you> - "Here's the picture you asked <teacher>Ms.$nameteacher</teacher>.."</you></b></span><</timed>>
<<timed 1s>><center><a data-passage="teachertext2" class="link-internal link-image">
<img src="images\events\mcdresspic.png" style="max-height: 168px">
<center>(Click the image)</center>
<center><span class="eventimg"><img src="images\events\mcdresspic.png" height = "400px" width = "750px"></span></center>\
<<timed 1s>><b><teacher><span class='phonesis1'> - "Good <pink>sissy</pink> you look amazing
keep the dress and
take it home, you'll need it."</span></teacher></b><</timed>>
<<timed 3s>><b><you><span class='phone1'> - Yes <teacher>Ms.$nameteacher</teacher> as you wish..
<<timed 3s>><center>[[Close the phone|teachertext4]]</center><</timed>><center><img src="images\resources\happygirl.png"></center>
<center><img src="images\events\fittingroom2.jpg" height = "600px" width = "750px"></center>
<b><center> You close the phone and you are shaking.. you are currently in a fitting room, fully dressed like a <pink>sissy</pink> and you just sent one of the most daring photos you've ever sent to someone.. and to your teacher of all people.. she can destroy your life with just a single picture.. not that you want to disobey her anyways..</center></b>
-<b><you> Well better get paying.. let me just take this off..</you></b> - you say as you take the dress off, taking another look at the mirror before taking it off.
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\mcpinkdress.png"></span></center>
<b><center> You truly look amazing.. you'd fuck yourself if you were a man..</center></b>
<b><center> Eventually you dress up and head to the cashier, paying the dress, she looks at you funny but doesn't question your methods.</center></b>
<<if $submissive <=65>>
<<set $submissive to $submissive+1>>\
<b><center><pink> Submissiveness +1!</pink></center></b>\
<b><center><white><u> This action won't increase your <pink>submission</pink> anymore.</u></white></center></b>
<b><center><pink> You can now buy <pink>feminine</pink> clothing at the Mall!</pink></center></b>
<center>[[Head to the Mall|Mall]]</center><<set $taskintro to false>>
<<set $time to $time+1>>
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\detention.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><img src="images\city\detention.jpg" width = "550px"></center>
<b><center> You enter the detention room and see <teacher>Ms.$nameteacher</teacher> smoking a cigarette per usual, for some reason she looks very attractive smoking, it makes her more dominant, fits her overall personality, you are lost in your thoughts when she calls you over.</center></B>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\teachersmoking2.png"></span></center>
-<b><teacher> "Come here <you>$name</you>."</teacher></b> - she orders, pointing at her feet.
<b><center> You obediently follow her orders and come next to her, waiting like a pet.</center></b>
-<b><teacher> "So malleable.. I love it, anyways, from now on I'm gonna start giving you daily tasks when you come to detention and you must fulfill them to your best ability, I will not allow failures, me and <therapist>$therapistname</therapist> decided this will aid in your development, so be a good boy and do what I tell you to do, understood?"</teacher></b> - she declares, looking very seriously at you.
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\teacherlookingmad.jpg"></span></center>
<b><center> Tasks..? You are scared of what that will involve.. but shouldn't be anything too hard right..? You just have to them quickly.. guess it's your new detention punishment, and if it's really gonna help you what can you do..</center></b>
-<b><you> Eh sure, I'll do my best <teacher>Ms.$nameteacher</teacher>..</you></b> - you accept her new rules.
-<b><teacher> "Good, look at you, a few weeks ago you were such a terrible student, you're so willing nowadays.. great, now get lost, tomorrow I'll come up with a task for you, leave."</teacher></b> - your teacher says, pointing at the door while turning away from you, pretending you don't even exist.
<center>[[Leave to the Hallway|School Hallway]]</center>
<<set $equip to 6>>
<<set $bottom to -1>>
<<goto "Tops">><<set $firsttimetask1 to true>>
<<if $time ==3>>\
<<set $time to $time-1>>\
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\park.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<<if $time is 1>>\
<center><img src="images\city\park.png" height = "400px" width = "750px">
<<elseif $time is 0>>\
<center><img src="images\city\park.png" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>\
<<elseif $time is 2>>\
<center><img src="images\city\parknight.png" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>\
<b><center> You are here.. you are extremely nervous and jittery.. you don't want to look at peoples faces because you're afraid someone might recognize you.. but you can feel it.. people are glaring at you, do they know you're a boy..? I mean.. do you look feminine enough?</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\seethroughpark.jpg"></span></center>
-<b><you> This outfit is so revealing aswell.. that's why people are looking at me..</you></b> - you think to yourself
<b><center> You keep walking through the park and getting more ogles.. but they aren't negative ones.. you can feel people staring at your privates.. it arouses you, hopefully no one notices your bulge while walking..</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\walkinginthepark.png"></span></center>
<b><center> You remember you have to take the picture to your <teacher>teacher</teacher> otherwise your task won't be sucessful at all.. so you head to a more secluded place, place your phone down and take a full body picture and send it to <teacher>Ms.$nameteacher</teacher></center></b>
<center>[[Send the picture|dotasksub1pt2]]</center>
<span class='phonetext3'><center><img src="images\avatars\teacheravatar.png" style="max-height: 200px"></center></span>
<<timed 1s>><span class='phone1'><b><you> - "I've done the task <teacher>Ms.$nameteacher</teacher>.."</you></b></span><</timed>>
<<timed 1s>><center><a data-passage="dotasksub1pt3" class="link-internal link-image">
<img src="images\events\picture.png" style="max-height: 168px">
<center>(Click the image)</center>
<center><span class="eventimg"><img src="images\events\picture.png" height = "400px" width = "750px"></span></center>\
<<timed 1s>><b><teacher><span class='phonesis1'> - "Good <pink>sissy</pink> you look beautiful
hope you enjoyed the stares
consider your task done."</span></teacher></b><</timed>>
<<timed 3s>><b><you><span class='phone1'> - Yes <teacher>Ms.$nameteacher</teacher> thank you..
<<timed 3s>><center>[[Close the phone|dotask1subpt5]]</center><</timed>><<set $parkguy to true>>\
<<if $time ==3>>\
<<set $time to $time-1>>\
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\park.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<<if $time is 1>>\
<center><img src="images\city\park.png" height = "400px" width = "750px">
<<elseif $time is 0>>\
<center><img src="images\city\park.png" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>\
<<elseif $time is 2>>\
<center><img src="images\city\parknight.png" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>\
<b><center> As you're putting your phone down.. a large man passes by you, stares at you and comes back..</center></b>
-<b><white> "Hey cutie.. you're alone?"</white></b> - the man asks you, clearly hitting on you.
-<b><you> Y..yeah I am.. but I was about to leave..</you></b> - you say, scared of talking to a man while wearing a dress.. does he know?
-<b><white> "Aw already..? Why not take a walk with me?</white></b> - the man asks while smiling invitingly
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\mansmiling.png"></span></center>
<b><center> You take a good look at the guy.. he's pretty handsome.. and he most likely doesn't even know you're a boy.. you ponder and decide to</center></b>
<div id="choice">\
<<linkreplace "<pink><center> • Accept and go with him.. </center></pink>">>\
<<replace "#choice">>\
-<b><you> S..sure why not.. I wouldn't mind some company..</you></b> - you smile and follow the stranger.
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\mcsmiling.jpg"></span></center>
-<b><white> "Great! Let's just walk, I know some great places around here.. also I have something to ask you.."</white></b> - the man waits for your confirmation so he can ask
-<b><you> Huh sure ask away..</you></b> - you tell him
-<b><white> "You are a boy aren't you..?"</white></b> - the man blatantly asks you.
<b><center> Shit.. you thought he didnt know you were a boy.. how does he know..? And wait.. he knows and still asked you out..?</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\mcsuprised.png"></span></center>
-<b><you> "Y..yeah.. how do you know..?"</you></b> - you ask the man, curious.
-<b><white> "Well first and foremost your voice.. there's a deep tone and second.. your bulge is clearly visible.. you are pretty excited for someone who's just walking in <pink>girly</pink> clothing.. I'd bet my whole bank account you are a <pink>sissy</pink>.."</white></b> - the man says, smirking at you.
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\cocksee.png"></span></center>
<b><center> The random man just called you a <pink>sissy</pink>.. is it that obvious nowadays..? Well.. no point denying it.. and he's a random man who cares..</center></b>
-<b><you> Y..yeah.. I guess I can be considered a <pink>sissy</pink>..</you></b> - you admit to the man
<b><center> You are just following him around.. when you notice you're in a very secluded place, there's no one around.. pretty perfect for something naughty to happen.. that's when the man turns to you, grabs you by your tiny cock and asks you</center></b>
-<b><white> "Well <pink>sissy</pink>.. I love <pink>sissy</pink> boys like you.. you are usually so submissive and horny.. tell me.. would you like to see what a real man's cock looks like?"</white></b> - the man asks you while holding your tiny cock in his hands through the dress
<b><center> You are growing more and more horny as he talks to you.. and you're pretty curious of what a real cock looks like compared to yours.. you don't feel very manly as of late..</center></b>
-<B><you> Y..yeah..</you></b> - you simply say.
-<b><white> "Good <pink>sissy</pink>.. here.. see how it looks like"</white></b> - the man says as he takes his cock out
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\Cockoutpark.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><center> Oh my god.. it's so big and thick.. it's nothing like yours.. when did you get so small..? You are pretty sure you weren't this small before.. did your cock shrink over time..? His looks so big and manly..</center></b>
-<b><white> "Don't be shy.. grab it.."</white></b> - the man says as he grabs your tiny hand and places it around his massive cock
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\holdingcock2.png"></span></center>
-<b><you> It's so big..</you></b> - you say out loud, fixated on the cock
<b><center> Suddenly the man grabs you by the chin and starts kissing you.. it's your first kiss with a man.. you feel his beard on your face.. but you don't want to stop.. you just start jerking him off..</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\parkscene1.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><white> "Yes baby.. keep jerking it off.."</white></b> - the man tells you while groaning..
<b><center> You take another good look at his cock and it looks so tasty.. your mouth is watering.. why do you feel that way.. you're going closer and closer to it.. and when you notice.. you're face to face with his cock..</center></b>
<b><center> You can't control yourself.. you want this so bad.. you start kissing the head of his cock.. feeling the musk and the taste of precum on your lips.. who would've thought you'd end up kissing a random mans cock today.. you love it tho..</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\parkscene2.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><white> "Yes baby.. take it deeper come on.. that's so good.. you have such soft lips.."</white></b> - the man says, grabbing your head with strength
<b><center> You are taken out of your trance when you feel his hands on your head.. this may be too much actually.. you have to stop this.. you aren't going to full on blow a random man in the street like a whore..</center></b>
-<b><you> I'm.. sorry.. I'm not ready for this.. please stop..</you></b> - you say as you grab his hands at toss it away..
-<b><white> <font size ="-1"> "Fucking shit..</font> Sure.. I'm sorry, we can stop..</white></B> - the man says, being actually pretty comprehensive.
<b><center> Thank god he stopped.. you don't know what you would have done if this kept going..</center></b>
-<b><you> Thank you.. I have to go.. sorry for blueballing you..</you></b> - you tell the man
-<b><white> "It's okay cutie.. here, take my number.. if you feel like meeting up one day give me a call.."</white></b> - the man says as he gives you a piece of paper with his number
<center><b> You actually decide to take it.. maybe one day it'll come useful, as you take it, you head back home.. enough adventures for today..</b></center>
<<if $submissive <=65>>\
<<set $submissive to $submissive+1>>\
<b><center><pink> Submissiveness +1!</pink></center></b>\
<b><center><white><u> This action won't increase your <pink>submission</pink> anymore.</u></white></center></b>
<<set $task1 to false>>
<center>[[Go home|Room]]</center>
<div id="choice">\
<<linkreplace "<white><center> • Make an excuse and leave</center></white>">>\
<<replace "#choice">>\
-<b><you> I appreciate the offer but I really have to go.. I have things to do..</you></b> - you turn him away.
-<b><white> "Aw that's a shame.. tell me just one thing.. you're a guy aren't you?"</white></b> - the man asks you blatantly
<b><center> You are a little shook by his question.. how does he know?</center></b>
-<b><you> Y..yeah, how do you know..?</you></b> - you ask him, curious.
-<b><white> "Well first and foremost your voice.. there's a deep tone and second.. your bulge is clearly visible.. you are pretty excited for someone who's just walking in <pink>girly</pink> clothing.. I'd bet my whole bank account you are a <pink>sissy</pink>.."</white></b> - the man says, smirking at you.
<b><center> You blush and look down embarassed.. you were completely discovered, you don't even know what to say.. you just want to leave as soon as possible and the man notices that</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\mcsuprised.png"></span></center>
-<b><white> "Don't worry cutie, I won't tell anyone, you're beautiful by the way, if you ever want to go out, give me a call.. I'll let you off now, see ya cutie."</white></b> - the man says, as he gives you a paper with his cellphone number, going away afterwards.
<b><center> That was thrilling.. someone just hit on you and gave you his number.. you'll keep it, who knows you may need it..</center></b>
<<set $task1 to false>>
<center>[[Go back home|Room]]</center>\
<<set $task2 to false>>
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\hallway.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><img src="images\city\househall.jpg" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>
<b><center> It's time to do what your teacher requested of you.. it shouldn't be too hard.. just grab the things from the pantry and clean the dust.. how hard can it be?</center></b>
-<b><you> Well.. lets do it then..</you></b> - you say as you head towards the pantry and grab the tools you need.
<b><center> As you grab the tools you need, you look at them and decide how much effort you want to put into cleaning</center></b>
<div id="choice">\
<<linkreplace "<pink><center> • Put effort into cleaning.. </center></pink>">>\
<<replace "#choice">>\
<b><center> You decide you want to put some actual effort into your job and get this over as quickly as possible but also with a good result, so you start cleaning immediately</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\Cleaning2.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><center> After a few hours, you are done and you call your mom to check how well you did and warn her that you're done.</center></b>
-<b><you> Mom! I'm done!</you></b> - you scream out loud
<b><center> After a while she appears and starts checking how well you did</center></b>
-<b><mom> "Wow honey! This is an amazing job, you did very well, if you weren't my son, I'd hire you as our house maid.. who knows maybe one day I'll pay you to clean up!"</mom></b> - your mom says, proposing to you
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\momhappy.png"></span></center>
<b><center> Being a maid for your mom doesn't sound that bad actually.. and you'd get paid.. maybe one day</center></b>
<center>[[Go back to your room|Room]]</center>
<div id="choice">\
<<linkreplace "<red><center> • Do an half-assed job, slacking.</center></red>">>\
<<replace "#choice">>\
<b><center> You are feeling pretty tired today.. and in reality who's gonna evaluate your job? It's not like someone hired a maid or anything.. let's just do things as quickly as possible and get it over with..</center></b>
<b><center> You are cleaning around and your <mom>mother</mom> clearly notices you are switching rooms too fast.. so she starts checking how well you're cleaning.. it's pretty bad and you know it, after a while, she comes towards you</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\momhall.jpg"></span></center>
-<b><mom> "Honey.. what are you doing? This result is unacceptable.. start over again and do a better job.. if you don't apply yourself let it be known that <teacher>Ms.$nameteacher</teacher> told me to punish you if you don't do a good job.."</mom></b> - your mom scolds you, pretty mad.
<b><center> Wait what..? Punish you? This can't be real.. you really have to apply yourself and work at your own home like a maid..? What's left, a maid dress? Jesus..</center></b>
-<b><you> Fine.. sorry <mom>mom</mom>.. I'll be more diligent..</you></b> - you apologize to your mom and start over again, this time paying more attention to detail.
-<b><mom> "Good, tell me when you're over honey."</mom></B> - your mom says, as she heads away.
<b><center> She heads away and you start cleaning around</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\Cleaning.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><center> After a while you're done and you call your <mom>mom</mom> to check out how you did</center>
-<b><you> Mom! I'm done</you></b> - you scream out loud
<b><center> She comes in and starts checking how well you did</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\momhappy.png"></span></center>
-<b><mom> "Much better honey, keep this type of effort in the future, who knows, maybe you'll be our house maid one day haha!"</mom></B> - your mom says jokingly
<b><center> She's joking..right?</center></b>
<center>[[Go back to your room|Room]]</center>
<<set $dadmakeupreaction to false>>
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\upstairshall.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><img src="images\city\upstairshall.jpg" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>
<b><center> You get out of your room and stumble upon your <dad>dad</dad> outside immediately.. he looks at you and his eyes open wide in shock, after a while it turns into anger and comes running to you</center></b>
-<b><dad> "What the fuck are you wearing on your face <you>$name</you>? Is that fucking makeup?!"</dad></b> - he says, visibly infuriated.
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\dadmad.png"></span></center>
<b><center> Oh no what have you done.. why didn't you take the makeup off..? Now your dad is gonna question you for wearing <pink>girly</pink> makeup.. you just have to admit that you are indeed wearing it.. hopefully he doesn't get too mad..</center></b>
-<B><you> Y..yeah it is dad..</you></b> - you tell him looking down
<b><center> You are looking down at your feet when suddenly you feel a hand on your chin lifting it up and out of nowhere, your <dad>dad</dad> slaps you in the face, making you fall the ground on your knees with its strength</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\Slap.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><center> You hold the spot where you were slapped and look up at your dad, extremely infuriated, walking up to you</center></b>
-<b><dad> "What is the meaning of this shit? What are you, some kind of <pink>sissy</pink>?! I didn't raise you to be a fucking girl!"</dad></b> - your dad screams at you.
<b><center> You don't even know what to say.. you just look down embarassed.. you knew your <dad>dad</dad> would react very badly to your changes.. you just didn't think he'd physically harm you..</center></b>
-<b><dad> "You want to be a <pink>sissy</pink> huh? Is that what you want boy?"</dad></b> - you hear your dad say.. as you hear a zip from his pants in the background
<b><center> As you look back up.. you are in shock of what you see.. you see your dad's cock extremely hard in front of you, right above your face, it's towering over you.. you can't do anything else but look at it in awe</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\fixatedcock.png"></span></center>
-<b><dad> "You know what <pink>sissies</pink> do for us real men?! They suck fat fucking cocks down their throats, and that's what you're about to do, from now on you're not my son, you're just a <pink>sissy slut</pink>, so open up!"</dad></b> - your dad says, as he grabs your head and pushes it against his cock
<b><center> You can't resist.. he's way too strong for you.. you truly feel like a female compared to him.. your own <dad>dad</dad> is forcing you to suck his fat cock.. it's so big aswell.. you give up on resisting and just open your mouth, sucking his cock</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\dadsuck1.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><dad> "Look at you.. can't believe all this time I was raising a fucking slut.. you're hard from sucking my cock.. you're disgusting.. my biggest failure.."</dad></b> - your dad says, humiliating you even further.. but hard as a rock.
<b><center> You can't lie.. you are extremely aroused from this situation.. your dad is degrading you as much as he can.. your relationship with him will never be the same as before.. you are his toy now..</center></b>
-<b><dad> "Lick my balls whore, now!"</dad></b> - he says, grabbing your hair and putting you even lower to lick his balls
-<b><hotpink> Yes daddy..</hotpink></B> - you say with a feminine moaning voice..
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\dadsuck2.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><center> You keep sucking his balls.. you can't resist him.. he's so manly and strong..</center></B>
-<b><dad> "That's enough whore, open your mouth again."</dad></b> - he orders you
<b><center> You follow what he says and open your mouth wide, full of drool and juices from his cock, he follows to just slap his cock on your lips and tongue</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\dadsuck3.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><dad> "Alright that's enough.. now I understand what you are and want to be, I accept what you are.. a toy, a whore, a slut, a <pink>sissy</pink> and that's how I'll see you from now on.."</dad></b> - he says as he grabs your chin and hair, opening your mouth forcefully and spitting inside of it, just like you'd spit on the street.
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\Spitinmouth.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><center> You were completely degraded by your own <dad>father</dad> the person you brought you to this earth... and you enjoyed it.. eventually he puts his clothes back on and tosses you to the ground, leaving you in a filthy mess, ignoring you and going away..</center></b>
<<set $submissive to $submissive+1>>\
<b><center><pink><font size="6">Submissive+1!</font></pink></center></b>\
<center>[[Clean up and get up|Upstairs Hall]]</center>
<span class='fadeIn'>\
<<set $gfsubevent2 to false>>
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\gf.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><img src="images\city\schoolcampus.png" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>
<b><center> You decide it's about time you confront <gf>$gfname</gf> about what you saw last time when you went out with her to lunch.. Did she really ditch you to go out with two <brown>black</brown> guys or was it something else..?</center></b>
<b><center> You see her in the school campus and you decide you cannot wait any longer, it's been eating your mind and you just wanna get it out.. you head towards her and she smiles when she sees you</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\Gfsmiling.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><gf> "Hey babe! What's up? You seem pretty gloomy.."</gf></B> - she says, as her smile fades away slowly
-<b><you> <gf>$gfname</gf> .. We need to talk </you></b> - you tell her, very seriously.
<b><center> As soon as you tell her you need to talk with her, her expression completely changes to a more dark serious face and she sighs, it seems she caught up to what you need to talk.</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\gfgloomy.png"></span></center>
-<b><gf> "Fine, meet me in my house after classes, we'll talk there."</gf></b>
<b><center> You look very sad right now.. you nod and just head to class, meeting her in her house afterwards.. it's gonna be a tough talk.</center></b>
<center>[[Meet her in her house|gfsubevent3pt2]]</center><span class='fadeIn'>\
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\gfroom.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><img src="images\city\gfroom.png" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>
<b><center> You are in <gf>$gfname</gf>'s room.. you don't usually spend alot of time here, it's usually in your place but for some reason she wanted you to come to her room instead of yours.. she told you to wait in her room and went to her closet to change clothing since she just arrived from school..</center></b>
<b><center> Eventually she comes back and she's using a very cute onesie from a frog.. innocent and pure.. just like you think she is and you wish she really is..</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\gfinnocentclothing.jpg"></span></center>
-<b><gf> "Soo.. what did you want to talk about <you>$name</you>?"</gf></b> - she asks you.
<b><center> She always adresses you as baby or honey.. something endearing.. but now she seems cold.. could it be that you're right..? she really is cheating on you? Time to find out..</center></b>
-<b><you> Well.. Remember last time we went out for lunch..? When you texted me saying something came up and told me to go home? It happens I was looking at you already and.. I saw you leaving with two <brown>black</brown> guys.. one of them being the waitress of the restaurant.. and you were grabbing their arms and everything..</you></b> - you tell her everything.. hopeful that you are just imaginating things and she didn't do anything
<b><center> You look at her and her face is emotioneless.. you can't really read what she's thinking.. but she's not denying it immediately.. eventually her face breaks into a sigh and she gets up, looking above you</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\noemotiongf.jpg"></span></center>
-<b><gf> "No point in hiding it anymore I guess.. Yeah, I cheated on you, and I'll keep cheating on you, I fucked those two huge hung <brown>black</brown> men and it felt amazing.. I think my pussy still hurts from their huge <brown>BBCs</brown>.. and it's not the first time I've done it either.."</gf></b> - $gfname tells you as she looks in your eyes, licking her finger
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\gflickingfinger.png"></span></center>
<b><center> No.. that cannot be true.. it's gotta be a prank or something.. the way she is talking.. so sultry and slutty.. your beautiful and innocent <gf>girlfriend</gf> was a <brown>BBC</brown> slut all this time.. you feel like a clown..</center></b>
-<b><gf> "What are you gonna do about it?"</gf></b> - she asks you, as she takes off her onesie.. revealing a very different outfit inside
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\gflatex.jpg"></span></center>
<b><center> As she strips down her onesie.. she starts fondling you.. passing her hands by your body seductively.. even though she's a cheater.. it seems she wants to stay in a relationship with you</center></b>
-<b><gf> "You're not gonna break up with me are you baby..? You want to lose all of this..? Come on.. it's not that bad.. and lately you've been looking more and more <pink>feminine</pink>.. I need to get my satisfaction elsewhere.. something you cannot provide.. perhaps we just need a different type of relationship.. you should become my <u>cuck</u>, I still love you babe.. I just need big fat hard <brown>BBCs</brown> in my pussy.. I'm a complete size queen, your tiny prick doesnt do it for me.."</gf></b> - she says, trying to seduce you, fondling you along as she talks, putting her pussy in front of your face.
<b><center> You look at her.. you get horny from her words.. she's talking so slutty.. just like a whore.. you almost want to give in and just do what she wants.. ultimately you decide..</center></B>
<div id="choice">
<<linkreplace "<pink><center> • Give in to her seduction..</center></pink>">>\
<<replace "#choice">>\
<b><center> Fuck.. she looks so hot right now.. so dominant aswell.. normally in your relationship you were always the one dominating.. but right now she could tear you to pieces and you wouldn't say a thing.. maybe for now you can comply to see where this goes.. you can break up with her after..</center></b>
-<b><you> No.. I won't break up with you.. you look amazing.. but do you really have to cheat on me..?</you></b> - you plead to <gf>$gfname</gf> with puppy eyes
<b><center> Her face turns dark cold and she sighs again</center></b>
-<b><gf> "Yes <you>$name</you> I will cheat on you and that's not up to discussion.. tell me.. don't I look divine right now..? Like a goddess?"</gf></B> - she completely disregards your feelings and changes the topic of conversation, coming even closer to you and showing off her body
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\gflatex2.jpg"></span></center>
-<b><you> Ye..ah you look so.. good.. like a goddess..</you></b> - you say trembling.. feeling extremely aroused with how easy she's controling you
-<b><gf> "I know my little cuck.. I am a goddess.. that's why I deserve much better than what you give me.. what you can do for me tho.. is lick this <brown>BBC</brown> stretched pussy and worship me.."</gf></B> - $gfname says as she tosses her panties to the side and grabs your head.. forcing you to lick her pussy
<b><center> You obey completely and do your best to worship <gf>$gfname</gf>.. you start licking her pussy deeply and with enthusiasm.. it does feel stretched.. they really did a job on her..
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\gfacceptance1.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><gf> "Oh god.. why didn't we talk about this before.. you're so much better with your tongue than that pathetic little thing you have in between your legs.. we should research into chastity in the future.. I bet you'd worship me even better if I controlled that little thing.. go on, keep licking me harder cuck.."</gf></b> - she says, humiliating your size and degrading you.
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\gfacceptance2.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><center> Chastity? What's that..? Doesn't matter now.. all you can think about is licking her pussy and making her cum.. it tastes so good..</center></b>
-<b><gf> "That's enough.. you can stop.. you clearly aren't going to make me cum yet, you aren't trained enough, but something tells me we'll have plenty of time to train you, to finish this off, lay down, I want to sit on your face to mark myself as your superior in this relationship, lick my asshole while I do so."</gf></b> - $gfname says as she gets up and points at the ground before her.
<b><center> Surely after this you break up with her right..? There's no problem in doing what she's ordering.. you can get out anytime..</center></b>
-<b><you> Yes <gf>$gfname</gf>..</you></b> - you simply say as you lay down on the ground
<b><center> As soon as you lay on the ground, she proceeds to sit on your face and rub her asshole all over your face.. as if saying she completely owns you.. you obey her and lick her ass as much as you can</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\gfacceptance3.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><center> She doesn't get up.. you are running out of air and you start tapping her leg for hair.. she's going to suffocate you in her asscheeks..</center></b>
-<b><gf> "Hey.. don't touch me without my permission.. what a pussy can't even handle a little bit of smothering.. anyways.. hope this clears out how our relationship is going to be from now on."</gf></b> - she says as she gets up, putting back her onesie
<b><center> She's done.. finally.. well now you can break up with her right..?</center></b>
-<b><you> Ehm.. <gf>$gfname</gf> I don't think I want this.. Maybe we should..</you></b> - as you are speaking, <gf>$gfname</gf> interrupts you
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\gfmad.png"></span></center>
-<b><gf> "Should what? Don't even think of trying to break up with me after what we just did, you are my toy now, my cuck, get dressed and leave, you lost your right to breakup with me, I still love you, just in a different way, I'll see you in school, cuck."</gf></b> - she says, as she kicks you out of her room, not allowing you to break up with her.
<b><center> What the hell.. She just kicked you out.. maybe you shouldn't have complied with what just happened.. but she's so hot.. like a true goddess.. you'll try to break up another day I guess..</center></b>
<center>[[Go home|Room]]</center>
<div id="choice">
<<linkreplace "<center><red> • Resist and break up.. (ENDS NTR WITH GF AND FUTURE BNWO content)</red></center>">>
<<replace "#choice">>
<b><center> No.. you have to resist.. you aren't going to allow yourself to such humiliation.. she cheated on you, she betrayed your feelings, did horrible things behind your back.. there's no way you can stay in a relationship with such a person.. you have to break up wit her.</center></b>
-<b><you> No <gf>$gfname</gf> this is too much.. You destroyed our relationship completely.. if you want to have other men then do it.. but I'm out.. we're done.</you></b> - you tell her, standing up very seriously
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\mcserious.jpg"></span></center>
<b><center> She looks at you in disappointment and sighs</center></b>
-<B><gf> "Oh well.. I really thought you'd accept to be my subby cuckold.. it'd fit you very well I mean look at you.. you're clearly turning into a <pink>sissy</pink>.. I didn't say anything to not harm your feelings but I don't care anymore.. you are useless as a boyfriend anyways, I just wanted you for money and to take me out.. leave my house please and never talk to me again in school, loser."</gf></b> - she tells you, very harshly and disregarding completely your feelings
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\gfsad.jpg"></span></center>
<b><center> You are shocked at how disrespectful she is.. she has been hiding this persona from you all this time.. how's that possible.. what a slut..</center></b>
-<b><you> Fucking slut.. Hope you choke on cum and die.</you></b> - you say, angry as you leave her room and her house.
<center><red>END OF GF CONTENT.</RED></center>
<<set $gfbreakup to true>>
<center>[[Go home|Room]]</center>
<<timed 1s>><b><you><span class='phone1intro'> - B..babe</span></you></b><</timed>>
<<timed 3s>><span class='phoneintrogf1'><b><gf> - "Babe? Why are you messaging
me in the middle of
a class?"</gf></b></span><</timed>>
<<timed 5s>><b><you><span class='phone2intro'> - I just got kicked out of classroom by <teacher>Ms.$nameteacher</teacher> for falling asleep..</span></you></b><</timed>>
<<timed 7s>><span class='phoneintrogf2'><b><gf> - "Babe.. I dont understand
why you always
disobey her.."</gf></b></span><</timed>>
<<timed 9s>><b><you><span class='phone3intro'> - I don't.. She just doesn't like me and I fell asleep..</span></you></b><</timed>>
<<timed 11s>><span class='phoneintrogf3'><b><gf> - "Alright babe..
I gotta pay attention
to class mkay?
I'll talk to you later."</gf></b></span><</timed>>
<<timed 13s>><b><you><span class='phone4intro'> - Okay babe.. Im heading home,
that was my last class.. bye.. love you..</span></you></b><</timed>>
<<timed 15s>><span class='phoneintrogf4'><b><gf> - "Bye babe."</gf></b></span>
<span class ="phonebackintro"> <a data-passage="Intro7sub" class="link-internal link-image">
<img src="images\resources\backbutton.png" style="max-height: 100px">
<<set $phonetutorialevent to false>><<timed 1s>><b><you><span class='phone1intro'> - What's up babe</span></you></b><</timed>>
<<timed 3s>><span class='phoneintrogf1'><b><gf> - "Babe? Why are you messaging me
in the middle of a class?"</gf></b></span><</timed>>
<<timed 5s>><b><you><span class='phone2intro'> - <teacher>Ms.$nameteacher</teacher> kicked me out for fallin asleep.</span></you></b><</timed>>
<<timed 7s>><span class='phoneintrogf2'><b><gf> - "<you>$name</you>, you need to start
paying more attention
to your classes..</gf></b></span><</timed>>
<<timed 9s>><b><you><span class='phone3intro'> - Oh whatever, <gf>$gfname</gf>, don't get on my ass aswell</span></you></b><</timed>>
<<timed 11s>><span class='phoneintrogf3'><b><gf> - "I don't like the way
you're talking to me
right now <you>$name.</you>"</gf></b></span><</timed>>
<<timed 13s>><b><you><span class='phone4intro'> - <gf>$gfname</gf>, I can't be arsed right now really,
we'll talk later, im going home.</span></you></b><</timed>>
<<timed 15s>><span class='phoneintrogf4'><b><gf> - "..."</gf></b> ✓✓</span>
<span class ="phonebackintro"> <a data-passage="Intro7dom" class="link-internal link-image">
<img src="images\resources\backwpp.png" style="max-height: 168px">
<<set $phonetutorialevent to false>><span class='fadeIn'>
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\schoolbathroom.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><img src="images\city\schoolbathroom.png" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>\
<b><center> As you take a glimpse inside.. you see your best friend kneeling on the corner of the bathroom.. that's all you can see, you can't see where the bully went, but out of nowhere you hear a manly voice from in front of her</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\Bfkneeling.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><blue> "Take it out and suck it, whore."</blue></b> - the man orders your best friend.
<b><center> Wait what...? Is he saying what you think he's saying...? Maybe you should come inside... he's forcing her to do sexual stuff.. that's not right..</center></b>
-<b><bf> "Yes master.."</bf></b> - <bf>$bfname</bf> says, suprising you with her words.
<b><center> You take a peek further to what's happening in the bathroom and see <bf>$bfname</bf> taking the bullies cock into her greedy mouth.. you weren't expecting this.. she's not even fighting back, she's taking it like it's the sweetest lolipop in the world.. she even seems happy about it..</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\Bfsuck3.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><blue> "Good slut.. fuck I love your mouth.. couldn't care less you have a useless cock between your legs, you are the greediest slut in the whole school.."</blue></b> - the bully says, humiliating your best friend
-<b><bf> ".. Glad you.. enjoy it.. I love.. your cock.."</bf></b> - <bf>$bfname</bf> says mid blowjob
-<b><blue> "You need to convince that other sissy that hangs with you.. he's still a dude but I can tell he'd make a great slut.."</blue></b> - the bullies says, talking about you
-<b><bf> "Leave my bestie alone... he's not ready.."</bf></b> - your best friend says, defending you while sucking his cock
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\Bfsuck1.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><center> Wait what.. Is he talking about me...? Why would he want me to suck his cock.. that's so weird... I'd never do that..</center></b>
<b><center> After a while of <bf>$bfname</bf> sucking on the bullies cock.. you hear him start to grunt louder which means he's probably close to cumming..</center></b>
-<b><blue> "Fuck.. I'm gonna bust all over that pretty face.."</blue></b> - the bully says, as he starts to cum over your best friends face.
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\Bfsuck2.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><bf> "Thank you master for your gift.."</bf></b> - <bf>$bfname</bf> says, scooping his cum from her face into her mouth.
<b><center> As she gets up and the bully zips his pants up.. she takes look at the door and your eyes meet.. she opens her eyes wide in shock and then smirks knowingly.. you decide to hit it off and run... she knows now..</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\bfsmirk.jpg"></span></center>
<<set $submissive to $submissive+1>>\
<b><center><pink> Submissiveness +1!</pink></center></b>\
<center>[[Go back to the School Hallway|School Hallway]]</center><<set $momdadtask to true>>\
<<set $fatiguestat to 0>>
<<set $day to $day+1>>
<<set $time to 0>>
<<if $dayy == 7>>
<<set $dayy to 1>>
<<set $dayy to $dayy+1>>
<<if $timer < 2>>
<<set $timer to $timer+1>>
<<if $timer == 3>>\
<<set $timer to $timer-1>>\
<span class='fadeIn'>
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\dreaming.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\Sphdream1.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<center><<timed 2s>><b> You start dreaming about that time <grey>Anonymous</grey> sent you an email with small penis humiliation captions..</b><</timed>></center>
<<timed 3s>>\
<center>[[• Wake up •|Room]]</center>
<</timed>>\<span class='fadeIn'>
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\dreaming.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\Gfdream1.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<center><<timed 2s>><b> You start dreaming about <gf>$gfname</gf> going away with strong <brown>black</brown> men...</b><</timed>></center>
<<timed 3s>>\
<center>[[• Wake up •|Room]]</center>
<</timed>>\<span class='fadeIn'>
<<set $phoneeventsub4repeat to false>>
<<set $phoneeventsub5repeat to true>>
<<set $phoneeventsub5 to false>>
<b><center> As you open the email for an Anonymous sender immediately images start popping up in your screen and you just watch them.. almost drooling over them</center></b>
<<timed 1s>>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\Cuckoldcaption1.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<<timed 2s>>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\Cuckoldcaption2.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<<timed 3s>>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\Cuckoldcaption3.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<<timed 4s>>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\Cuckoldcaption4.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<<timed 5s>>
<center><b><you> - What was all that..? Who sent me this stuff..? And why do I find it arousing..?</you></b> - you think to yourself while your small penis is rock hard.</center>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\Smallcockprecum.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<center>[[Close the email|$return]]</center>
<</timed>><span class='fadeIn'>
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\dreaming.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\Cuckdream2.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<center><<timed 2s>><b> You start dreaming about that time <grey>Anonymous</grey> sent you an email with cuckold captions..</b><</timed>></center>
<<timed 3s>>\
<center>[[• Wake up •|Room]]</center>
<</timed>>\<<set $gfsubevent3 to false>>\
<span class='phonetext3'><center><img src="images\avatars\remyavatar.png" style="max-height: 200px"></center></span>
<<timed 1s>><b><gf><span class='phonegfsubevent1'> - "Your girlfriend told me
to take this picture
for you."</span></gf></b><</timed>>
<<timed 1s>><center><a data-passage="gfcuckpic" class="link-internal link-image">
<img src="images\events\gfcuckpic1.jpg" style="max-height: 168px">
<center>(Click the image)</center>
</a></center><</timed>>\<b><center> What's the meaning of this? Who the hell sent you this.. it's <gf>$gfname</gf> with a <brown>black</brown> guy.. you can't believe what you are seeing right now.. she has warned you but it hurts to see the person you love with another man.. she wasn't lying at all..</center></b>
<center><span class="eventimg"><img src="images\events\gfcuckpic1.jpg" height = "400px" width = "750px"></span></center>\
<center>[[Back|gfeventsub3pt2]]</center><span class='phonetext3'><center><img src="images\avatars\remyavatar.png" style="max-height: 200px"></center></span>
<<timed 1s>><b><you><span class='phone1'> - What the hell is this picture?! Who is this?
<<timed 3s>><span class='phonesis2'><b><gf> - "I feel sorry for you bro,
your girl is a total
slut, she doesnt even know
my name."</gf></b></span><</timed>>
<<timed 5s>><b><you><span class='phone2gf'> - Pass her the phone please </span></you></b><</timed>>
<<timed 7s>><span class='phonesis3'><b><gf> - "Yeah.. about that..
she doesn't want
to talk with you
she told me to
send you this instead"</gf></b></span><</timed>>
<<timed 9s>><center><a data-passage="gfpreviewvideo" class="link-internal link-image">
<img src="images\events\gfpreview.gif" style="max-height: 168px">
<<timed 10s>><b><center> You click the video to see it better</center></b><</timed>><b><center> What the hell is this.. the guy is just sending you videos fucking <gf>$gfname</gf>... she truly doesn't care about your feelings at all.. look how lost she is in pleasure... you can tell there's not a single hint of you in her thoughts.. its all <brown>BBC</brown> in her mind...</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\gfcuck1.mp4" autoplay loop></video></span></center>
<center>[[Back|gfeventsub3pt3]]</center><span class='phonetext3'><center><img src="images\avatars\remyavatar.png" style="max-height: 200px"></center></span>
<<timed 1s>><b><you><span class='phone1'> - Stop sending me these
videos please.. I'm turning off
the phone..
<<timed 3s>><span class='phonesis2'><b><gf> - "Wait babe! Here's one last
before you go
one day you'll
see me like this
in person...!"</gf></b></span><</timed>>
<<timed 4s>><center><a data-passage="gfpreviewvideo2" class="link-internal link-image">
<img src="images\events\gfpreview2.png" style="max-height: 168px">
(Click the image)</center><</timed>>\
<<timed 5s>><b><center> She sends you another video..</center></b><</timed>><b><center> It's another video.. even though you don't want to see this.. you can't resist and open every video she sends you.. this one she's is full of cum in her mouth.. the guy has finished inside her mouth and she's happily showing you.. why does she want to humiliate you so bad..? You miss your innocent girlfriend..</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\gfcuck2.mp4" autoplay loop></video></span></center>
<b><center> You are done with this.. you are turning off the phone after this message..</center></b>
<center>[[Back|gfeventsub3pt4]]</center><span class='phonetext3'><center><img src="images\avatars\remyavatar.png" style="max-height: 200px"></center></span>
<<timed 1s>><b><you><span class='phone1'> - Why are you humiliating me
like this...
what happened to us..
<<timed 3s>><span class='phonesis2'><b><gf> - "Shut up cuckie... why don't you
come here and
give me a big kiss?"</gf></b></span><</timed>>
<<timed 5s>><b><you><span class='phone2gf'> - I'm done with this.. </span></you></b><</timed>>
<<timed 7s>><span class='phonesis3'><b><gf> - "Oh please... one day you
will be watching me in person..
stop crying..."</gf></b></span><</timed>>
<<timed 8s>><b><center>[[Turn off the phone and leave|$return]]</center></b><</timed>><span class='fadeIn'>
<<set $siseventdom2 to false>>
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\livingroom.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><img src="images\city\livingroom.jpg" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>
<b><center> You enter your living room and you see <sister>$sistername</sister> chilling on the couch watching some stupid reality show on the TV as per usual, nothing interesting really... one thing catches your interest though.. she's wearing very little clothing... in the living room</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\sisterlittleclothing.jpg"></span></center>
<b><center> You know it's your sister and you shouldn't look at her sexually.. but you remember last time upstairs how aroused she was with how commanding you were.. perhaps she's trying to bait you to do something.. let's go over to her.</center></b>
-<b><you> Hey what's up sis.. what are you watching?</you></b> - you ask her, as you scoop over next to her in the couch
<b><center> She looks at you surprised and gulps down before speaking</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\sisterspeaking.jpg"></span></center>
-<b><sister> "I'm... watching big brother, you're not gonna enjoy it."</sister></b> - she says teasing you
-<b><you> Oh come on.. want to watch big brother with your big brother?</you></b> - you respond, teasing her back
<b><center> She looks over at you and shrugs, not denying your presence, which is alot considering it's <sister>$sistername</sister></center></b>
<b><center> After a while of you both just enjoying your company.. something sexual starts happening on the TV... two of contestants are hitting it off, you look over at your sister and notice she's rubbing her legs one on another, clearly aroused</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\Bigbrothersex.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><center> You decide to take advantage of the fact she's horny and make a move, throwing your phone down in front of her in purpose</center></b>
-<b><you> Ah shit.. my phone fell.. could you get that for me sis?</you></b> - you ask her with a devious smirk
-<b><sister> "God... fine, you are so clumsy.."</sister></b> - she says but kneels down to get your phone.
<b><center> As she kneels in front of you, you grab her head to keep her in position, asserting your dominance over her, obviously she gets shocked but doesn't move, she's your prey right now, you test your limits and give her an order</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\sisterkneeling.jpg"></span></center>
-<b><you> Strip down, I know you want this.</you></b> - you order her, curious of how she's going to react.
<b><center> She looks over at you with scaredy cat eyes, not knowing what to do... she clearly has millions of thoughts racing through her mind right now. She starts panting, probably getting wet with her position right now... and ultimately decides to obey you without saying a single word</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\sisternaked.jpg"></span></center>
-<b><you> Good girl... I knew you'd know your place, get up on the couch and masturbate for me.</you></b> - once again you test her limits ordering her around
<b><center> She looks at you in awe and doesn't know what to say... she's trying to form words but all you can hear is mutters</center></b>
-<b><sister> "I... okay..."</sister></B> - is all she says as she gets up on the couch with her legs wide open, showing her beautiful pussy to you, she starts masturbating look at you, super horny.
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\sisterdom1.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><center> All you can hear right now is her moans... your little sister is completely on your hands right now... she's super horny and you are rock hard, you look at her and she stopped looking at you and instead, is looking at your hard cock through your pants, clearly thinking of your cock as she masturbates, you notice that and decide to take it one step further</center></b>
-<b><you> You want this cock?</you></b> - you say as you grab your bulge.
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\grabbingbulge.jpg"></span></center>
-<b><sister> "Y...yess.. I want it.. really bad..."</sister></b> - <sister>$sistername</sister> says mid moans as she flicks her pussy looking at your cock.
-<b><you> Beg for it then, get on your knees again in front of me and beg for my cock, slut.</you></b> - you degrade your little sister, ordering her like she was your whore.
<b><center> She's completely out of control right now... she doesn't even question the fact that you are her brother... to her right now you are all she needs, so she obeys and gets on her knees in front of you, begging you.</center></b>
-<b><sister> "Please... <you>$name</you> give me your big cock... please I need it so bad, my mouth is watering, I'll do whatever you want after..."</sister></b> - she says pleading, begging at you.
<b><center> You are satisfied with how she asked and give her what she wants, taking off your pants and pulling your hard cock out, you don't even have to order her, as soon as it's out she smiles and grabs it, taking it into her greedy mouth immediately.</center></B>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\sisterdom2.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><you> Woah someone is very hungry, what a slut you are sis... all this time all I needed to do is just be assertive, who knew.</you></b> - you say surprised at how submissive and slutty your own sister is being towards you.
<b><center> She's slobbering all over your cock when you have an idea you always wanted to try... and knowing how slutty <sister>$sistername</sister> is she'll probably agree and do it... you want to fuck her mouth.</center></b>
-<b><you> Lay down on the couch with your head hanging off the edge, I want to fuck your throat.</you></b> - you order her.
-<b><sister> "Oh my god yes..."</sister></b> - <sister>$sistername</sister> says enthusiastically, as she proceeds to do what you asked
<b><center> Once she is in position, you start hammering her throat immediately, it feels amazing, you are completely destroying your own sisters throat, making her face a mess with saliva and cock juice, you love this feeling... you want to do this to <mom>$momname</mom> aswell..</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\sisterdom3.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><center> You are starting to get close to cumming but you don't want to risk choking your own sister to death with your cum... but you want to cum inside her throat, so you quickly tell her to kneel back again</center></b>
-<b><you> Fuck... I'm gonna cum, kneel down I want to cum inside your throat, quick.</you></b> - you order her
<b><center> She quickly proceeds to do what you asked, kneeling in front of you with her mouth wide open, you stick your cock inside her throat and push it deep, cumming inside her mouth</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\sisterdom4.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><you> God... That was amazing whore... don't tell this to anyone, it's our little secret got it? Things are about to change in this household.</you></b> - you tell your sister, maintaining your composure after cumming.
-<b><sister> "Yes... our little secret... hehe..."</sister></b> - your sister giggles, amused.
<<set $dominant to $dominant+1>>\
<b><center><blue><font size="4">Dominance+1!</font></blue></center></b>\
<<set $masculinity to $masculinity+1>>
<b><center><red><font size="4">Your Masculinity has increased... you are starting to take reigns over your household, your sister is in your hands.</font></red></center></b>
<center>[[Leave and go back to the living room|Living Room]]</center><<set $time to $time+1>>\
<span class='fadeIn'>\
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\bathroom.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><img src="images\city\bathroom.jpg" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>
<b><center> It's Saturday and you just woke up all sweaty from your dreams, you decide it's time to take a bath to clean off all this sweat... perhaps it's also time to masturbate since you haven't done it in a while...</center></b>
<b><center> You enter the bathroom and strip off your clothes, enter the bathroom and turn off the hot water, starting to shower</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\Showering.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><center> You are lost in your thoughts when you hear your door open and <sister>$sistername</sister> just barges in, ignoring the fact that you are showering completely, she stops when she passes by you and stays looking at you shower.</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\sisterweekend1.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><you> Hey how about some privacy? Just barging in and not saying a word, looking at me.</you></b> - you tell your sister, turning around, cock bouncing from one side to another
<b><center> Your sister takes a while to answer because she's fixated on your cock, last time you fucked her throat has clearly made her fall in love with it</center></b>
-<b><sister> "Oh shut up... like you haven't fucked my throat the other day..."</sister></B> - your <sister>sister</sister> teases you, making you remember about the time she sucked your cock.
<b><center> As she makes you reminisce about that day in the living room, your cock sprouts to life, becoming rock solid in front of <sister>$sistername</sister> and she notices it</center></b>
-<b><sister> "Someone is happy to see me... thinking about something?"</sister></B> - your sister further teases you, clearly trying to get you to snap.
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\sistersmirk.jpg"></span></center>
<b><center> You are getting horny from thinking about that day... and <sister>$sistername</sister> is clearly trying to make you get out of control, that's why she barged in the bathroom in the first place</center></b>
-<b><you> Alright that's enough slut, I know what you want and you managed to make me horny, undress and kneel down</you></b> - you order <sister>$sistername</sister>
<b><center> She doesn't think twice and giggles doing what you asked, immediately taking your cock in her mouth, sucking it greedily, it seems your sister has truly fallen in love with your cock, as she starts sucking you begin to explore her body, fondling her ass and spreading her asscheeks.</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\sisterweekend2.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><you> Good slut.. keep sucking and I might reward you with something</you></b> - you tell her, making her hopeful so she sucks harder
<b><center> You decide it's to give back and after feeling your <sister>sisters</sister> holes, you want to have a taste, so you forcefully grab her and place her on top of the sink with her legs wide open</center></b>
-<b><sister> "Oh my god... please lick me..."</sister></B> - she begs.
<b><center> You do what she asked and start licking her, what you weren't expecting is that <sister>$sistername</sister> was a squirter... after licking her for a while she squirts over your face</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\sisterweekend3.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><sister> "OHHHH... Jesus... fuck If I knew you were so good at this I would have asked earlier... my god..."</sister></b> - <sister>$sistername</sister> says as she falls to the ground tired
-<b><you> Alright you got what you wanted, now leave and let me bathe slut, otherwise I'm fucking you against this wall, and we both know it's too soon for that</you></b> - you warn your sister
<b><center> She smirks and bites her lip, but does what you say and leaves.</center></b>
<<if $dominant <=40>>
<<set $dominant to $dominant+1>>\
<b><center><blue><font size="6"> Domination+1!</font></blue></center></b>\
<b><center><white><u> This action won't increase your <blue>domination anymore.</blue></u></white></center></b>
<center>[[Finish showering and leave to your room|Room]]</center><<set $time to $time+1>>\
<span class='fadeIn'>
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\park.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><img src="images\city\park.png" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>\
<b><center> It's Sunday and you and <gf>$gfname</gf> agreed on going on a date, just something casual, going on a walk on a park together to enjoy each others company, it's a lovely sunny day out and you feel the nature around you.</center></b>
-<b><you> What a beautiful day babe isn't it?</you></b> - you say as you look at <gf>$gfname</gf> admiring her beauty.
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\gfpark.jpg"></span></center>
<b><center> You gotta admit, you are one lucky guy to have such a pretty girlfriend... she looks amazing today, and always.</center></b>
-<b><gf> "Yeah! I'm glad we have the time to enjoy ourselves, studying takes up most of our time..."</gf></b> - she says frowning.
-<b><you> Yeah... let's enjoy it babe.</you></b> - you tell her, walking.
<b><center> As you're walking you start going through more secluded places, you stumble upon a couple having sex in public, you push <gf>$gfname</gf> back to warn her to not disturb them but stay watching.</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\Sexinpublic.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><you><font size ="-1"> Stay back.. look..</font></you></B> - you tell <gf>$gfname</gf> whispering, pointing at the couple
-<b><gf> "Oh my god... Are they...?"</gf></b> - she asks in shock.
<b><center> You nod at <gf>$gfname</gf>, neither of you move and just stay watching the couple... you cannot lie, you are starting to kinda get horny from watching them and start imagining what if it was you and <gf>$gfname</gf>... and why shouldnt it be?</center></b>
<b><center> You turn around towards <gf>$gfname</gf> and look deep into her eyes, you notice she's rubbing her legs together, probably horny aswell, you kiss her and tell her</center></b>
-<b><you> Lets go back to the car... I want to fuck you.</you></b> - you say, grabbing her neck and kissing her again
-<b><gf> "Yes... lets go.."</gf></b> - she agrees with you, following you.
<center>[[Head towards the car|DomSundaypt2]]</center><<set $momdadtask to true>>\
<<set $fatiguestat to 0>>
<<set $day to $day+1>>
<<set $time to 0>>
<<if $dayy == 7>>
<<set $dayy to 1>>
<<set $dayy to $dayy+1>>
<<if $timer < 2>>
<<set $timer to $timer+1>>
<<if $timer == 3>>\
<<set $timer to $timer-1>>\
<<if $momdomevent7 is true and $momdomevent6 is false and $timer is 2>>\
<<goto "momeventdom7">>
<<goto `either("DomDream1", "DomDream2",)`>>\
<</if>>\<span class='fadeIn'>
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\dreaming.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\domdream1.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<center><<timed 2s>><b> As you grow more <blue>dominant</blue> and <red>masculine</red>, your dreams start to change..</b><</timed>></center>
<<timed 3s>>\
<center>[[• Wake up •|Room]]</center>
<</timed>>\<span class='fadeIn'>
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\dreaming.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\Domdream2.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<center><<timed 2s>><b> As you grow more <blue>dominant</blue> and <red>masculine</red>, your dreams start to change..</b><</timed>></center>
<<timed 3s>>\
<center>[[• Wake up •|Room]]</center>
<</timed>>\<span class='fadeIn'>
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\park.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><img src="images\city\park.png" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>\
<b><center> As you enter your car you quickly undress <gf>$gfname</gf> and she gets on her knees</center></b>
-<b><you> Suck me now.</you></b> - you order her.
<b><center> <gf>$gfname</gf> quickly obeys and takes your cock into her mouth happily, getting it ready to enter her.</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\gfsunday1.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><center> As she keeps sucking on you getting you ready, you grab a condom from your wallet and wrap it on your cock, ready to fuck </gf>$gfname</gf></center>
-<b><you> Come on, let's fuck that pretty pussy</you></b> - you say as you order <gf>$gfname</gf> to straddle you
-<b><gf> "Oh yes... I'm so wet..."</gf></b> - she says, climbing on top of you to ride you
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\gfsunday2.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><center> You forcefully grab <gf>$gfname</gf> and throw her on the backseat, opening her legs wide open, suprising her</center></b>
-<b><gf> "Oh I like you rough.. fuck me babe come on..."</gf></b> - <gf>$gfname</gf> says smiling at you
<b><center> You happily do what she said and plow her hard on the back of the car</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\gfsunday3.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><center> You are growing close to cum and grab <gf>$gfname</gf> again and throw her on knees without warning and just cum on her face</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\Cumshotgf.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><you> Fuuuck.. that was so good... I was needing that babe... sorry to not warn you..</you></b> - you apologize, you just destroyed her face completely with cum
-<b><gf> "It's fine babe.. that was so hot..."</gf></b> - she says, scooping up your cum and putting it in her mouth
<b><center> Eventually you drop off <gf>$gfname</gf> in her house and go home yourself, enjoying your day.</center></b>
<<if $dominant <=40>>
<<set $dominant to $dominant+1>>\
<b><center><blue><font size="6"> Domination+1!</font></blue></center></b>\
<b><center><white><u> This action won't increase your <blue>domination anymore.</blue></u></white></center></b>
<center>[[Go home|Home]]</center><<set $bfbodychecktalk to false>>
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\bf.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><img src="images\city\schoolhall.jpg" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>
<b><center> You are walking in the school hallway when <bf>$bfname</bf> notices you and looks at you in awe, he comes running up to you</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\bfshook.png"></span></center>
-<b><bf> "OMG! <you>$name</you> is that you?! What happened! You look so pretty!"</bf></b> - your best friend says out loud, making everyone look at you as the center of attention, something you didn't want to happen.
-<b><you> Shhh! Calm down... I dont want everyone to look at me... and I don't know... I just changed my style a bit...</you></b> - you tell <bf>$bfname</bf> whispering.
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\mcdismissive.png"></span></center>
-<b><bf> "A bit? You look amazing... are you trying to follow me? OMG! Wait... are you an egg?"</bf></b> - she asks you, making you confused with your question.
<b><center> You look at her very confused... an egg? What could she possibly mean by that?</center></b>
-<b><you> An egg...? What does that even mean?</you></b> - you ask her
-<b><bf> "Well an egg is a term for a trans person who is coming out of her shell... and you certainly are starting to look like one... I mean... you look like a <pink>sissy</pink> bestie but in a good way!</bf></b> - she says cautiously so no one hears the word <pink>sissy</pink>
<b><center> <pink>Sissy</pink> this <pink>sissy</pink> that... are you seriously starting to look like a girl that much...? You imagine yourself transitioning and becoming a girl and how you'd look like</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\transition.png"></span></center>
-<b><you> Ah I see... no I don't intend to be a transwoman... it's just a change of style that my therapist recommended me...</you></b> - you tell <bf>$bfname</bf> admitting that you go to therapy.
-<b><bf> "Wait... you go to therapy? And you changed your style... Do you go to <therapist>Ms.$therapistname</therapist> by any chance?"</bf></b> - she asks you.
<b><center> Wait, how does she know of <therapist>Ms.$therapistname</therapist>? Maybe she goes to the same therapist as you?</center></b>
-<b><you> Yeah! How do you know?</you></b> - you ask her in glee
-<b><bf> "Oh my god that explains alot... you are doing the same experimental therapy I did! It's amazing bestie just trust them! <therapist>Mistress</therapist> is the best!"</bf></b> - she says, throwing the word <therapist>Mistress</therapist> without any hint of hesitation.
<b><center> Wait what? Did you just hear that correctly? She called <therapist>Ms.$therapistname</therapist> <therapist>Mistress</therapist>? That's kinda weird... but maybe it's a joke between them you wont discuss it too much...</center></b>
-<b><you> I see.. yeah she's great... well bestie I have to go... I'll see you later</you></b> - you say, dismissing her.
-<b><bf> "Yes I'll see you later, we definitely have to talk more about this... definitely trust them please! It'll be great for you!"</bf></b> - she doubles down, putting emphasis on the trust.
<center>[[Go back to the hallway|School Hallway]]</center>
<span class='fadeIn'>\
<<set $removemaleunder to true>>\
<<set $underwear2 to false>>\
<<set $sisunderwearoff to false>>
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\bedroom.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><img src="images\city\bedroom.jpg" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\wakeup_nude.jpg"></span></center>
<b><center>As you wake up, you vaguely recall the dream you had last night. As you sit up and stretch, you suddenly notice you are completely naked, surprised you look around. You don't remember going to sleep naked... confused you get out of bed and go to get dressed.</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\no_underwear.jpg"></span></center>
<b><center>You open your underwear draw and see that all your male underwear is gone. Now even more confused you look around, surely <mom>$momname</mom> did not take out only your male underwear to wash. You get infuriated that someone went through your drawers when you notice a note on top of the nightstand on. You walk over and pick up and note and read it. It is from you sister you can tell by the handwriting.</center></b>
<sister><center><i> "Sissies should only wear panties, so I got rid of your old underwear and left you this until you can go buy new ones."</i></center></sister> - you read on the note.
You can't believe this. You grab the panties and get dressed, then head to your sisters room. You don't even knock you just walk into her room.</b></center>
<center>[[Enter your sisters bedroom|sisunderwearoff2]]</center><span class='fadeIn'>\
<<set $underwear to 7>>\
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\sistersroom.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><img src="images\city\sisterbedroom.png" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\layingbedsister.jpg"></span></center>
<center><b>There on her bed is your sister, sitting their with a big smile on her face.</b></center>
-<b><sister> "I guess you found my note."</sister></b> - she says in a amused tone.
- <b><you> Very funny, now where is my underwear?</you></b> - you sigh, tired of her antics.
- <b><sister> "I told you sissies only wear panties so I threw them out."</sister></b> - she shrugs slightly.
- <b><you> I am getting tired of this, you are going to stop messing with me.</you></b> - you say, snapping.
<center><b>In a flash she jumps off the bed and looks really pissed, she quickly closes across the room walking right towards you, crowding you.</b></center>
<div id="choice">
<<linkreplace "<pink><center> • Back up</center></pink>">>\
<<replace "#choice">>\
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\charlotte_mad.jpg"></span></center>
<b><center>You can't help it, when she crowds you, you back up. The more you backup the more she crowds you, until you find yourself in the corner of her room with no where left to go. She still crowds you until her nose is practically touching yours she is so close.</center></b>
-<b><sister> "My god you are such a fucking pussy, this is why I know you are sissy, you pussy assed bitch. Now what did you say to me?"</sister></b> - she scoffs.
<b><center>You can't meet her eyes and you feel your cheeks burning red in shame.</center></b>
-<b><you> Noth... Nothing...</you></b> -You stammer in reply.
-<b><sister> "That's what I thought, from now on you will only wear panties and I will be checking. If I find you not wearing panties or find mens underwear in your room, you will be punished. Understand?"</sister></b> -she smirks.
<b><center>When you don't answer at once, she continues.
-<b><sister>"Answer me bitch!"</sister></b> - she screams at you, looking at you in despise.
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\despisesis.jpg"></span></center>
-<b><you> Y...yes...</you></b> - you say, nodding your head.
-<b><sister> "Yes what?"</sister></b> - She roughly grabs your chin and you instinctively kneel looking at her
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\kneelgrab.png"></span></center>
<b><center>You lick your lips as you feel your mouth going dry.</center></b>
-<b><you> Yes... mistress...</you></b> - you say looking down
-<b><sister> "That's right, you pussy assed sissy bitch. Now get out of my room!"</sister></b> - she snorts a laugh.
<b><center>Once she steps away to give you space you quickly hurry out of her room and do as she told you and get out of her room</center></b>
<<set $feminization to $feminization+1>>
<center><hotpink>You just increased your feminization by being forced to only wear female underwear..</hotpink></center>
<<set $submissive to $submissive+1>>\
<b><center><pink> Submissiveness +1!</pink></center></b>\
<center>[[Go back to the hallway|Upstairs Hall]]</center>
<div id="choice">
<<linkreplace "<blue><center> • Stand your ground </center></blue>">>\
<<replace "#choice">>\
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\charlotte_mad.jpg"></span></center>
<b><center>You stand your ground as she crowds you and don't move.</center></b>
-<b><sister> "Don't forget I still have those photo's so you WILL do what I say or else."</sister></b> - she scoffs.
<b><center>You clinch your jaw tight, she is right for now at least you have to play along.</center></b>
-<b><you>Fine, but lets see how long you can keep them.</you></b> - with that you turn and leave.
<center>[[Go back to the hallway|Upstairs Hall]]</center>
<<set $feminization to $feminization+1>>
<center><hotpink>You just increased your feminization by being forced to only wear female underwear..</hotpink></center>
<<set $submissive to $submissive-1>>
<b><center><white> You decreased your submissiveness by 1!</white></center></b>
<<if $time is 0>>
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\redlightdistrict.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>\
<center><img src="images\city\redlightday.png" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>\
<b><center> You arrive at the kinkiest and darkest part of the city... the <red>Red Light District</red>, but it's daytime so it should be safe!
<<if $time is 1>>\
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\redlightdistrict.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>\
<center><img src="images\city\redlightday.png" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>\
<b><center> You arrive at the kinkiest and darkest part of the city... the <red>Red Light District</red>, but it's daytime so it should be safe!</center></b>\
<<if $time is 2>>\
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\redlightdistrict.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><img src="images\city\redlightnight.png" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>
<b><center> You arrive at the kinkiest and darkest part of the city... the <red> Red Light District</red>... you might not want to hang around too much doing nothing... things could go wrong for you.</center></b>\
<center>[[• City Center •|City]]</center>\
<<if $sexshopfirst is true>>\
<center>[[• Sex Shop •|SexShopFirstTime]]</center>\
<<elseif $sexshopfirst is false>>\
<center>[[• Sex Shop •|SexShop]]</center>\
<center>[[• Brothel •|Brothel]]</center>\
<center>[[• Fetish Clothing •|FetishClothing]]</center>\
<<if $time is 0>>\
<center>[[• Take a walk to pass time• |NotMolestedRed]]</center>\
<<elseif $time is 1>>\
<center>[[• Take a walk to pass time• |NotMolestedRed]]</center>\
<<elseif $time is 2>>\
<center><<linkreplace"• Take a walk in the night to pass time... •">></center>\
<<goto `either("NotMolestedRedNight", "MolestedRed")`>>\
<<if $time < 2>>
<<set $time to $time+1>>
<<if $time == 3>>\
<<set $time to $time-1>>\
<<goto "NotMolestedRed">><span class='fadeIn'>\
<<if $time < 2>>\
<<set $time to $time+1>>\
<</if>> \
<<if $time == 3>>\
<<set $time to $time-1>>\
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\redlightdistrict.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>\
<center><img src="images\city\redlightnight.png" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>\
<b><center> For some reason you decide it's a good idea to take a walk around the most dangerous part of the city at night... as you're walking around you notice someone following you, you look back and see someone with a hoodie on and you cant really make out his face...</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\shadyguy.jpg"></span></center>
<b><center> You quicken your step looking back and when you turn around to look in front you are suprised with another guy in a mask, you can't avoid him and stumble against him, he grabs you and you feel something very sharp against your stomach...</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\Mugged.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><red> "Don't even try to run, just give us your wallet and we'll let you go..."</red></b> - the man says whispering in your ear.
<b><center> Shit... what have you got yourself into... you don't have much time to think</center></b>
<<if $feminization <=4>>
<<linkreplace "<white><center> • Give him your wallet</center></white>">>\
<b><center> You don't have much choice here... you decide to grab your wallet and silently give it to the thief</center></b>
-<b><red> "Good choice boy."</red></b> - he says spitting you in the face to humiliate you even further as he grabs your wallet
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\Spitmouth.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><center> Eventually he grabs your cash and throws the wallet far away to the other side of the road</center></b>
-<b><red> "Go fetch boy!"</red></b> - the thief says laughing as him and his partner run away, succesfully robbing you.
<<set $money to $money-10>>\
<center><b><red><font size ="5"> You were stolen 10 euros!</font></red></b></center>
<center>[[Pick your wallet and leave|RedlightDistrict]]</center>
<<elseif $feminization >=5>>
<div id="choice">
<<linkreplace "<white><center> • Give him your wallet</center></white>">>\
<<replace "#choice">>\
<b><center> You decide to grab your wallet and silently give it to the thief scared.</center></b>
-<b><red> "Good choice boy."</red></b> - he says spitting you in the face to humiliate you even further as he grabs your wallet
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\Spitmouth.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><center> Eventually he grabs your cash and throws the wallet far away to the other side of the road</center></b>
-<b><red> "Go fetch boy!"</red></b> - the thief says laughing as him and his partner run away, succesfully robbing you.
<<set $money to $money-10>>\
<center><b><red><font size ="5"> You were stolen 10 euros!</font></red></b></center>
<center>[[Pick your wallet and leave|RedlightDistrict]]</center>
<div id="choice">
<<linkreplace "<pink><center> • Try to negotiate a different payment...</center></pink>">>
<<replace "#choice">>
<b><center> You think to yourself... you're pretty hot now maybe they havent even noticed you are a guy... perhaps you can manage a way to get out of this without losing any money...</center></b>
-<b><you> Calm down big boy... would you like something else instead of my wallet?</you></b> - you say as you grab the thug's cock through his pants.
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\Rubbingcock.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><center> You cannot see his face but you can see him opening his eyes in shock, taking a step back, not expecing you to be so forward in such a dangerous situation</center></b>
-<b><red> "Shiit bro... we just tried to rob a prostitute, I told you we shouldn't have come to this street, it's only whores here"</red></b> - the thief says to his friend, mistaking you for a street whore.
-<b><ltred> "I mean... it's a pretty nice deal tho, maybe we can get her to suck us both, we can just rob someone else after"</ltred></b> - the man in the hoodie suggests.
<b><center> Wait... both of them? You were not expecting this... you barely have experience with one... now you're gonna have to suck two?!</center></b>
-<b><red> "God...- fine! Let's head to the bathroom over there"</red></b> - the thief says as he grabs your wrist and leads you to the nearest bathroom with his friend
<b><center> You enter the filthy bathroom, as expected of a red light district bathroom, it's disgusting and smells really bad, but you have to do this to protect yourself... right?</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\badbathroo.jpg"></span></center>
-<b><red> "Well what are you waiting for slut? Kneel down, or are you gonna tell me you're not used to kneeling on dirty floors? Hurry up!"</red></b> - the man shouts at you, impatient, taking his cock out in the process
<b><center> As he whips his cock out, his friend also comes close to you, clearly he's more shy but as he comes closer to you he also takes out his cock out and says</center></b>
-<b><ltred> "Y..yeah! Suck our cocks...!"</ltred></b> - the man says nervous, probably a virgin from his reaction.
<b><center> You obediently do what they say and grab both of their cocks with your hand, it's a weird experience that you never thought you'd be in, but you can't lie... it's arousing, you feel like a prostitute, the lowest of the low, even cattle is worth more than you right now, as you have these thoughts, you start sucking on the thieves cocks</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\mugbj1.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><red> "Shit this is an S-grade blowjob... bitch sucks like a vacuum, thank god we took this deal.."</red></b> - the thief compliments your skills
-<b><ltred> "Y..yyeah!! This is awesome..!"</ltred></b> - the hoodie guy says, all excited.
<b><center> After a while you feel their cocks harden and you know they are about to cum, so you start jerking both of them off so you can this over and done with, and they start cumming all over your hormone growing titties</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\mugbj2.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><red> "Shiiit... This was so worth it... alright slut, your deal is done, you can go for today, we got shit to do"</red></b> - the thief says, cleaning his cock on your small tits.
-<b><ltred> "T..thank you!! You are amazing!"</ltred></b> - the hoodie guy says super grateful even though he was just robbing you few minutes ago.
<b><center> The hoodie one is kinda cute... anyways... better go home and clean this dried cum from my tits...</center></b>
<<if $submissive <=65>>\
<<set $submissive to $submissive+1>>\
<b><center><pink> Submissiveness +1!</pink></center></b>\
<b><center><white><u> This action won't increase your <pink>submission</pink> anymore.</u></white></center></b>
<center>[[Go back to the street|RedlightDistrict]]</center>
<</if>>\<<if $time < 2>>\
<<set $time to $time+1>>\
<</if>> \
<<if $time == 3>>\
<<set $time to $time-1>>\
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\redlightdistrict.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>\
<center><img src="images\city\redlightday.png" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>\
<b><center> You decide to take a small walk around the red light district to check things out... you notice some very interesting windows with what you assume are prostitutes showing their goods...</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\walkdayred.jpg"></span></center>
-<b><you><i> Not bad not bad...</i></you></b> - you think to yourself as you walk around.
<center>[[Enough walking|RedlightDistrict]]</center>
<<if $time < 2>>\
<<set $time to $time+1>>\
<</if>> \
<<if $time == 3>>\
<<set $time to $time-1>>\
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\redlightdistrict.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>\
<center><img src="images\city\redlightnight.png" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>\
<b><center> You decide to take a small walk around the red light district at night... fully knowing it's pretty dangerous to walk around these streets at these hours... you should hurry up and head home after your done. You notice people eyeing you alot, they know you're out of place... you feel unconfortable and watched.</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\walknightred.png"></span></center>
-<b><you><i> Better head home as soon as possible...</i></you></b> - you think to yourself as you walk around.
<center>[[Enough walking|RedlightDistrict]]</center><center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\sexshop.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>\
<center><img src="images\city\sexshop.png" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>\
<b><center> You enter the Sex Shop and as per usual you see some clientele that looks shady, trying to hide their identities probably embarassed of being in such a shop, others are completely confortable and don't care, the whole room smells of odd lubricant and plastic due to the immensity of the toys</center></b>
<b><center> You can also see <manager>$mname</manager> around the shop "helping" people as per usual...</center></b>\
<<if $mombnwobuyactive is true>>\
<span class="eventsub"><center><u>[[• Buy the BNWO magazine |buybnwomagazine]]</u></center></span>\
<<if $seenhired is true and $dayy <=5>>\
<span class="eventmixed"><center><u>[[• Apply for a job •|sexshopjob]]</u></center></span>\
<<if $hired is true and $meetbfjob is true and $time is 1 and $worked is 2 and $dayy <=5>>\
<span class="eventmixed"><center><u>[[• Go to work •|sexshopmeetbf]]</u></center></span>\
<<elseif $hired is true and $time is 1 and $worked is 4 and $dayy <=5 and $workgeneralevent1 is true>>\
<span class="eventmixed"><center><u>[[• Go to work •|workgeneralevent1]]</u></center></span>\
<<elseif $hired is true and $time is 1 and $worked is 6 and $dayy <=5 and $workgeneralevent2 is true>>\
<span class="eventmixed"><center><u>[[• Go to work •|workgeneralevent2]]</u></center></span>\
<<elseif $hired is true and $time is 1 and $worked is 8 and $dayy <=5 and $workgeneralevent3 is true>>\
<span class="eventmixed"><center><u>[[• Go to work •|workgeneralevent3]]</u></center></span>\
<<elseif $hired is true and $time is 1 and $worked is 10 and $dayy <=5 and $workgeneralevent4 is true>>\
<span class="eventmixed"><center><u>[[• Go to work •|workgeneralevent4]]</u></center></span>\
<<elseif $hired is true and $time is 1 and $worked is 12 and $dayy <=5 and $workgeneralevent5 is true>>\
<span class="eventmixed"><center><u>[[• Go to work •|workgeneralevent5]]</u></center></span>\
<<elseif $hired is true and $time is 1 and $worked is 14 and $dayy <=5 and $workgeneralevent6 is true>>\
<span class="eventmixed"><center><u>[[• Go to work •|workgeneralevent6]]</u></center></span>\
<<elseif $hired is true and $time is 1 and $worked >= 16 and $dayy <=5 and $workdomevent1 is true and $masculinity >=1>>\
<span class="eventmixed"><center><u>[[• Go to work •|workdomevent1]]</u></center></span>\
<<elseif $hired is true and $time is 1 and $worked >= 18 and $dayy <=5 and $workdomevent2 is true and $masculinity >=1 and $workdomevent1 is false>>\
<span class="eventmixed"><center><u>[[• Go to work •|workdomevent2]]</u></center></span>\
<<elseif $hired is true and $time is 1 and $worked >= 20 and $dayy <=5 and $workdomevent3 is true and $masculinity >=1 and $workdomevent2 is false>>\
<span class="eventmixed"><center><u>[[• Go to work •|workdomevent3]]</u></center></span>\
<<elseif $hired is true and $time is 1 and $worked >= 20 and $dayy <=5 and $workdomevent4 is true and $masculinity >=1 and $workdomevent3 is false and $stableexp >=10 >>\
<span class="eventmixed"><center><u>[[• Go to work •|workdomevent4]]</u></center></span>\
<<elseif $hired is true and $time is 1 and $worked >= 18 and $dayy <=5 and $workdomeventgay1 is true and $masculinity >=1 and $homosexuality >=5>>\
<span class="eventmixed"><center><u>[[• Go to work •|workdomeventgay1]]</u></center></span>\
<<elseif $hired is true and $time is 1 and $worked >= 16 and $dayy <=5 and $worksubevent1 is true and $feminization >=1>>\
<span class="eventmixed"><center><u>[[• Go to work •|worksubevent1]]</u></center></span>\
<<elseif $hired is true and $time is 1 and $worked >= 18 and $dayy <=5 and $worksubevent2 is true and $feminization >=2 and $worksubevent1 is false>>\
<span class="eventmixed"><center><u>[[• Go to work •|worksubevent2]]</u></center></span>\
<<elseif $hired is true and $time is 1 and $worked >= 20 and $dayy <=5 and $worksubevent3 is true and $feminization >=3 and $worksubevent2 is false>>\
<span class="eventmixed"><center><u>[[• Go to work •|worksubevent3]]</u></center></span>\
<<elseif $hired is true and $time is 1 and $worked >= 22 and $dayy <=5 and $worksubevent4 is true and $feminization >=4 and $worksubevent3 is false>>\
<span class="eventmixed"><center><u>[[• Go to work •|worksubevent4]]</u></center></span>\
<<elseif $hired is true and $time is 1 and $worked >= 24 and $dayy <=5 and $worksubevent5 is true and $feminization >=5 and $worksubevent4 is false>>\
<span class="eventmixed"><center><u>[[• Go to work •|worksubevent5]]</u></center></span>\
<<elseif $hired is true and $time is 1 and $worked >= 26 and $dayy <=5 and $worksubevent6 is true and $feminization >=6>>\
<span class="eventmixed"><center><u>[[• Go to work •|worksubevent6]]</u></center></span>\
<<elseif $hired is true and $time is 1 and $worked >= 28 and $dayy <=5 and $worksubevent7 is true and $feminization >=7 and $mcchastity is true>>\
<span class="eventmixed"><center><u>[[• Go to work •|worksubevent7]]</u></center></span>\
<<elseif $hired is true and $time is 1 and $worked >= 30 and $dayy <=5 and $worksubevent8 is true and $feminization >=7 and $mcchastity is true and $worksubevent7 is false>>\
<span class="eventmixed"><center><u>[[• Go to work •|worksubevent8]]</u></center></span>\
<<elseif $hired is true and $time is 1 and $worked >= 32 and $dayy <=5 and $worksubevent9 is true and $feminization >=7 and $mcchastity is true and $worksubevent8 is false>>\
<span class="eventmixed"><center><u>[[• Go to work •|worksubevent9]]</u></center></span>\
<<elseif $hired is true and $time is 1 and $worked >= 34 and $dayy <=5 and $worksubevent10 is true and $feminization >=7 and $mcchastity is true and $worksubevent9 is false>>\
<span class="eventmixed"><center><u>[[• Go to work •|worksubevent10]]</u></center></span>\
<<elseif $hired is true and $firsttimework is true and $time is 1 and $worked is 0 and $dayy <=5>>\
<span class="eventmixed"><center><u>[[• Go to work •|firsttimejob]]</u></center></span>\
<<elseif $hired is true and $time is 1 and $worked >= 36 and $dayy <=5 and $worksubevent11 is true and $feminization >=7 and $mcchastity is true and $worksubevent10 is false and $gloryholejob is false>>\
<span class="eventmixed"><center><u>[[• Go to work •|worksubevent11]]</u></center></span>\
<<elseif $hired is true and $time is 1 and $worked >= 38 and $dayy <=5 and $worksubevent12 is true and $feminization >=7 and $mcchastity is true and $worksubevent11 is false>>\
<span class="eventmixed"><center><u>[[• Go to work •|worksubevent12]]</u></center></span>\
<<elseif $hired is true and $time is 1 and $worked >= 40 and $dayy <=5 and $worksubevent13 is true and $feminization >=8 and $mcchastity is true and $worksubevent12 is false>>\
<span class="eventmixed"><center><u>[[• Go to work •|worksubevent13]]</u></center></span>\
<<elseif $time is 1 and $hired is true and $dayy <=5>>\
<span class="eventmixed"><center><u>[[• Go to work •|NormalJob]]</u></center></span>\
<<if $gloryholebooth is true and $worksubevent11 is false and $fatiguestat <=20>>\
<span class="eventsub"><center><u>[[• Suck some cocks for money •|GloryholeJob]]</u></center></span>\
<<elseif $gloryholebooth is true and $worksubevent11 is false and $fatiguestat >=30>>\
<center><grey><i> You are too tired to suck cocks..</i></grey></center>\
<b><center>[[• Sex Toys •|SexToys]]</center></b>\
<center>[[Leave the shop|RedlightDistrict]]</center>\
<hr>\<<set $sexshopfirst to false>>\
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\sexshop.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>\
<center><img src="images\city\sexshop.png" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>\
<b><center> You decide to enter the Sex Shop for the first time in your life... you've never been in such place before, as you look around you see it doesn't have alot of people as expected, you see alot of shelves with sex toys...</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\shelfsexshop.jpg"></span></center>
<b><center> You look past the immensity of toys and other kinky stuff to see a rough looking middle aged man standing in the cash register, when you look closer at his shirt you see that he's the manager and his nametag says he's <<textbox "$mname" "Robert">></center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\managersexshop.jpg"></span></center>
<b><center> The <manager>manager</manager> notices you and winks flirtously, probably used to doing this with his clients, you look away from him and take a walk around the shop, breathing and thinking what you're going to do in a Sex Shop.</center></b>
<b><center> As you're walking around and just window shopping some toys curious of what they have, you sense a presence behind you</center></b>
-<b><manager> Hello sir, can I help you?</manager></b> - the <manager>manager</manager> asks you smiling.
<b><center> God you have a bad feeling from this guy... there's just a creepy aura coming from him, but maybe it's because of the scenary you are in.</center></b>
-<b><you> Ehm no I'm just looking around thanks...</you></b> - you respond
-<b><manager> Alright sir, if you need me just call me, for anything really.</manager></b> - he says, smiling deviously afterwards, clearly insinuating something dirty.
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\devioussmilemanager.jpg"></span></center>
<b><center> You feel a little unconfortable from him and you just falsely smile and get away from him as soon as you can.</center></b>
<center>[[Take a breath and look around|SexShop]]</center>\<span class ="newhr">\
<<if $feminization <=5 and $teacherdildotask is false and $dildo1 is false>>\
<div id="index-gallery">\
<div class="item">\
<img src="images\toys\smalldildogrey.png" width="100px" height="100px" alt=""/>\
<center><b><grey><i> I have no reason to buy this... </i></grey></b></center>\
<p> </p>\
<<elseif $teacherdildotask is true and $dildo1 is false>>\
<div id="index-gallery">\
<div class="item">\
<img src="images\toys\smalldildo.png" width="150px" height="150px" alt=""/>\
<center><b>80<green> €</green></b></center>\
<p><center>[[• Buy •|SmallDildoBuy]]</center></p>\
<<elseif $dildo1 is true>>\
<div id="index-gallery">\
<div class="item">\
<img src="images\toys\smalldildo.png" width="150px" height="150px" alt=""/>
<center> <green>• Bought •</green> </center>\
<p> </p>\
<span class ="newhr">\
<<if $feminization <=6 and $teacherbuttplugtask is true and $buttplug1 is false and $buttplugintro is true>>\
<div id="index-gallery">\
<div class="item">\
<img src="images\toys\smallbuttpluggrey.png" width="100px" height="100px" alt=""/>\
<center><b><grey><i> I have no reason to buy this... </i></grey></b></center>\
<p> </p>\
<<elseif $buttplugintro is false and $buttplug1 is false>>\
<div id="index-gallery">\
<div class="item">\
<img src="images\toys\smallbuttplug.png" width="150px" height="150px" alt=""/>\
<center><b>80<green> €</green></b></center>\
<p><center>[[• Buy •|SmallButtplugBuy]]</center></p>\
<<elseif $buttplug1 is true>>\
<div id="index-gallery">\
<div class="item">\
<img src="images\toys\smallbuttplug.png" width="150px" height="150px" alt=""/>
<center> <green>• Bought •</green> </center>\
<p> </p>\
<span class ="newhr">\
<<if $feminization <=7 and $lubequestactive is false and $lubequest is true>>\
<div id="index-gallery">\
<div class="item">\
<img src="images\toys\anallubegrey.png" width="100px" height="100px" alt=""/>\
<center><b><grey><i> I have no reason to buy this... </i></grey></b></center>\
<p> </p>\
<<elseif $lubequestactive is true and $lubequest is false>>\
<div id="index-gallery">\
<div class="item">\
<img src="images\toys\anallube.png" width="150px" height="150px" alt=""/>\
<center><b>20<green> €</green></b></center>\
<p><center>[[• Buy •|LubeQuestBuy]]</center></p>\
<<elseif $lubebought is true>>\
<div id="index-gallery">\
<div class="item">\
<img src="images\toys\anallube.png" width="150px" height="150px" alt=""/>
<center> <green>• Bought •</green> </center>\
<p> </p>\
<<if $feminization <8 and $giveanallubetask is true>>\
<div id="index-gallery">\
<div class="item">\
<img src="images\toys\ballgaggrey.png" width="100px" height="100px" alt=""/>\
<center><b><grey><i> I have no reason to buy this... </i></grey></b></center>\
<p> </p>\
<<elseif $giveanallubetask is false and $ballgagbought is false>>\
<div id="index-gallery">\
<div class="item">\
<img src="images\toys\ballgag.png" width="150px" height="150px" alt=""/>\
<center><b>20<green> €</green></b></center>\
<p><center>[[• Buy •|BallgagQuestBuy]]</center></p>\
<<elseif $ballgagbought is true>>\
<div id="index-gallery">\
<div class="item">\
<img src="images\toys\ballgag.png" width="150px" height="150px" alt=""/>
<center> <green>• Bought •</green> </center>\
<p> </p>\
<center>[[Go back|SexShop]]</center><<set $dildo1 to true>>
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\sexshop.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>\
<center><img src="images\city\sexshop.png" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>\
<b><center> It's time to do what <teacher>Ms.$nameteacher</teacher> requested of you, you don't want to piss her off and more than that, you want to <teacher><i>obey</i></teacher> her.</center></b>
<b><center> You head towards the Sex Toys isle where all the dildos are and you see a variety of range of toys, from dildos to strap-ons to some weird device with the shape of a penis, <pink>chastity devices</pink> is what they are called apperantly, hope you never have to wear one of those, they look painful...</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\dildoshelf.jpg"></span></center>
<b><center>You look for the smallest option possible since you are quite inexperienced, the only experience you have was when <sister>$sistername</sister> made you blow her dildo. You reminisce to that time...</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\Dildosuck1.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><center> You snap out from daydreaming and decide to grab the most inoffensive option possible, just a small silicone dildo, the most normal option per say from all you can see</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\smalldildopackage.jpg"></span></center>
-<b><you><i> Guess I'll take this...</i></you></b> - you think to yourself
<b><center> As you grab the packaging and are ready to head towards the cashier... you realize who's there... it's the creepy vibes manager <manager>$mname</manager>. You're gonna have to buy a dildo in front of him, god hopefully he doesn't make any comments.</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\cashierbored.jpg"></span></center>
<b><center> You head next to him and he immediately lights up as he sees your face, like he has seen an angel, he gets himself together and talks to you</center></b>
-<b><manager> Hey <you>$name</you>! Buying yourself a toy I see! Hehe kinky, if you need help with that later you know you can talk to me right?</manager></b> - he immediately asks you, being the creep he always is...
-<b><you> Yeeaah.. thanks <manager>$mname</manager> I'll take it into consideration.</you></b> - you say, falsely smiling at him as always, trying to avoid him
<b><manager> Oh you're welcome hun, you know I care for you, anyways the dildo, you can have it for free! Take it as a gift... maybe you can reward me later with something hehe..</manager></b> - <manager>$mname</manager> says winking at you afterwards.
<b><center> You don't want to be rude so you just smile at him and say</center></b>
-<b><you> Haha.. maybe who knows.. I have to go tho can you.. pack it?</you></b> - you ask him trying to hurry him up.
<b><center> He scoffs and goes from a smiling face to a very dull face with no emotion, clearly dropping his friendly demeaner, he says nothing and just packs the dildo and hands it to you, not even saying a goodbye, hope you didn't piss him off too much...</center></b>
<center>[[Go home with the dildo|Home]]</center><span class='fadeIn'>\
<<set $time to $time+2>>\
<<if $time >= 3>>\
<<set $time to $time-1>>\
<<set $seenhired to false>>\
<<set $hired to true>>\
<<set $nothiredwarning to false>>\
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\sexshop.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>\
<center><img src="images\city\sexshop.png" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>\
<b><center> You finally find your way into the Sex Shop and decide you want to take a shot at trying to work here, the workplace looks interesting and yes... you are out of place and there's a trillion toys that you have no clue what they are for, but you kind of want to figure out what they are for!</center></b>
<b><center> You head to the cash registry and you see the <manager>manager</manager> bored out of his mind just looking at his phone waiting for customers.</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\boredmanager.png"></span></center>
<b><center> As you approach him though he spurts to life and lets go of his phone, turning his attention to you.</center></b>
-<b><manager> "Hi there, how can I help you?"</manager></b> - <manager>$mname</manager> asks, smiling at you as he adjusts himself, trying to look as good as possible.
-<b><you> Hey. So I saw you guys are looking for new employees?</you></b> - you get straight to the point and ask
<b><center> The <manager>manager</manager> stops for a second and takes a good look at you up and down, analyzing you with a raised eyebrow and after a while says</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\raisedeyebrowmanager.jpg"></span></center>
-<b><manager> "I mean we are... You don't exactly strike me as the type of person that would be interested in such a job tho... You sure you want to apply for this job?"</manager></b> - the <manager>manager</manager> asks, reassuring that you aren't doing a wrong decision.
<b><center> You take a time to think twice but you are certain that you want to explore this job.</center></b>
-<b><you> Yes, I am sure, if possible I'd like to join, I'm still in school so I can only work in the evenings if that's okay</you></b> - you warn in advance.
-<b><manager> "Oh that's perfect, we already have someone doing night shifts so it's totally fine, sometimes she does evenings too, but yeah do you have experience in sex toys?"</manager></b> - he asks you, curious.
<b><center> Well this is the moment of truth, there's no point lying</center></b>
-<b><you> but I'm very willing to learn!</you></b> - you say excitedly
-<b><manager> "Very willing huh..? That's good... very good.. You can consider yourself hired, we'll train you over time as you work, you can start tomorrow."</manager></b> - he says with a creepy smile and offering a handshake
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\pervymanager.jpg"></span></center>
<b><center> You get a weird vibe from him, he was very happy out of nowhere but anyways you got the job! You shake his hand happy</center></b>
-<b><you> Thank you!</you></b> - you say shaking his hand
<b><center> You head outside, happy that you got the job, looking forward to tomorrow... you also have a co-worker, hopefully you meet her!</center></b>
<center>[[Go outside|RedlightDistrict]]</center><<set $seenhired to true>>\
<<set $nothiredwarning to true>>\
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\bedroom.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<<if $time > 2>>\
<<set $time to $time-1>>\
<<if $time == 1>>\
<center><img src="images\city\bedroom.jpg" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>\
<<elseif $time is 0>>\
<center><img src="images\city\bedroom.jpg" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>\
<<elseif $time is 2>>\
<center><img src="images\city\bedroomnight.jpg" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>\
<b><center> You are in your hallway when you decide to take a look at your wallet to check how much money you have...</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\emptywallet.jpg"></span></center>
-<b><you> Damn I'm starting to go broke... perhaps I should look for job listings in my PC...</you></b> - you think to yourself.
<center>[[Head to your PC and look job listings|JobListings]]</center><center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\pc.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><img src="images\other\PC.png" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>
<b><center> You enter your browser and type in job listings nearby and start scrolling around to see what you can find that would interest you, you feel like going out of your usual bubble...</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\joblistings.png"></span></center>
-<b><you><i> What is this...?</i></you></b> - you tell yourself as you notice something that piques your interest.
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\sexshoplisting.png"></span></center>
<b><center> It's a Sex Shop in the Redlight District looking for people to hire, just a casual job like organizing the shelves and helping people with their questions... you aren't really suited for this place, you barely know anything about sex toys but they say they offer training and information. It sounds really fun and a breath of fresh air and who knows maybe it'll come useful to you in the future.</center></b>
-<b><red><u> I should check out the Sex Shop in the Redlight District...</u></red></b> - you think to yourself
<center>[[Leave your PC|Room]]</center>
<<set $teacherdildotask to true>>\
<<set $time to $time+1>>\
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\detention.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><img src="images\city\detention.jpg" width = "550px"></center>
<b><center> You enter the detention room as per usual, already used to <teacher>Ms.$nameteacher</teacher> daily tasks and getting mentally ready to see what's coming now from her, when you enter though you don't see her anywhere, that's odd... she's usually always waiting for you</center></b>
<b><center> That's when you feel someone behind you like a horror game, you don't have the courage to look behind and that's when you feel <teacher>Ms.$nameteacher</teacher> slap your ass from behind</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\Slapassteacher.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><teacher> "Hello <pink>sissy</pink>, it seems you are developing well where it matters, there's definitely some physical changes going on... therapy's doing great things to you"</teacher></b> - <teacher>Ms.$nameteacher</teacher> says as she passes by you and looks you straight into your eyes with a dominant aura.
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\teacherlookeyes.jpg"></span></center>
-<b><you> T..-thank you <teacher>Ms.$nameteacher</teacher></you></b> - you thank <teacher>Ms.$nameteacher</teacher> embarassed from what she just did, she's growing more and more dominant over you.
-<b><teacher> "Well let's get straight to the point shall we? I've been enjoying your obedience over the past few tasks but I think it's time we up the level don't you agree? It's rethorical don't answer, you have no choice really. I want you to head downtown to the City Center and take a little detour to the <red>Redlight District</red>, you should become familiar with that place anyways..."</teacher></b> - <teacher>Ms.$nameteacher</teacher> says pausing to see your reaction.
<b><center> <red>Redlight District</red>? Why does she want me to go there? She can't possibly be thinking of whoring me out or something right?</center></b>
-<b><you> What for <teacher>Ms.$nameteacher</teacher>?</you></b> - you ask her, interrupting her in the process.
-<b><teacher> "Did I say you could speak? Don't interrupt me, kneel. I want you to listen to what I'm going to ask you from underneath me."</teacher></b> - she says pointing at her feet.
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\kneelingpoint.jpg"></span></center>
<b><center> You rapidly obey her, you have pissed her off enough already, you kneel in front of her and she takes a seat in front of you, she towers above you looking like a goddess...</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\kneelingteacher.png"></span></center>
-<b><teacher> "Good boy, lets continue. I want you to enter the <u>Sex Shop downtown and buy a small dildo for yourself</u> and don't use it, I'll tell you when to use it, hide it where you want or don't hide it at all I don't care, just buy it, we'll start developing you to be the <pink>sissy slut</pink> you are meant to be."</teacher></b> - <teacher>Ms.$nameteacher</teacher> says smiling with a evil look in her face
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\evilteacher.png"></span></center>
<b><center> Oh my god... buy a dildo? You're scared of what that could entail... but you know better than disobeying <teacher>Ms.$nameteacher</teacher>... guess it's time to take a small trip to the <red>Redlight District</red></center></b>
-<b><you> Okay <teacher>Mistress</teacher> I understand...</you></b> - you say as you bow in front of <teacher>Ms.$nameteacher</teacher> trying to please her with your words.
-<b><teacher> "You're such a good boy, learning so quickly I love it! I'll reward you, you can kiss my heel before you leave "</teacher></b> - she says putting her boot in your face.
<b><center> You obey her happily and do as she says, putting her heel in your mouth</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\kissheel.png"></span></center>
-<b><teacher> "I LOVE IT! You're becoming such a great pet, anyways, chop chop and go do what I told you bitch, leave."</teacher></b> - she says as she pushes you to the ground with her foot.
<b><center> You get up and leave to the school hallway, extremely horny with what just happened, it feels so good to just submit and obey to <teacher>Mistress</teacher></center></b>
<center>[[Go back to the School Hallway|School Hallway]]</center>
<<set $time to $time+1>>
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\detention.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><img src="images\city\detention.jpg" width = "550px"></center>
<b><center> You enter the detention room and remember you still haven't bought the small dildo <teacher>Ms.$nameteacher</teacher> asked you to buy... she's definitely gonna ask you if you did... damn it... hopefully she's in a good mood today... You look at her and she looks amazing as always, you almost wanna immediately crawl over to her like a dog</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\teacherattractive.jpg"></span></center>
<b><center> She notices you and immediately asks you, not even greeting you</center></b>
-<b><teacher> "Have you bought the dildo <pink>sissy</pink>?</teacher></b> - she asks you, looking very serious at you.
<b><center> There's no point lying... you just admit you haven't, scared of her reaction.</center></b>
-<b><you> <teacher>Ms.$nameteacher</teacher> I'm sorry...</you></b> - you admit looking down
<b><center> She sighs and turns away from you and all she only says one thing in disappointment</center></b>
-<b><teacher> "Leave."</teacher></b> - she says disappointed.
<b><center> She didn't punish you... she did something worse, she showed disappointment towards you... you feel awful that you weren't able to please <teacher>Ms.$nameteacher</teacher>, you leave and think that you should definitely buy that dildo as soon as possible.</center></b>
<center>[[Leave to the School Hallway|School Hallway]]</center><<set $time to $time+1>>\
<<goto`either("teachersubtask1","teachersubtask2","teachersubtask3")`>>\ <<set $task3 to true>>\
<<set $seentask3 to true>>\
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\detention.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><img src="images\city\detention.jpg" width = "550px"></center>
<b><center> You enter the detention room and you are greeted with a otherwordly sight <teacher>Ms.$nameteacher</teacher> is in a very compromised situation, laying over her desk trying to reach something, seems you entered in the wrong time, you can even see her black panties... you blush from the sight</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\compromisedteacher.jpg"></span></center>
<b><center> Eventually she turns and notices you</center></b>
-<b><teacher> "Oh you're here <pink>sissy</pink>. Who gave you permission to look into my underwear? Apologize now."</teacher></b> - she tells you with a mad look in her face.
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\teachermad2.png"></span></center>
<b><center> You know better than disrespecting <teacher>Mistress $nameteacher</teacher> by now, you just obey her and apologize submissively.</center></b>
-<b><you> I am truly sorry for looking into your... private parts <teacher>Mistress</teacher>.</you></b> - you say lowering your head a like a dog behind punished.
-<b><teacher> "Oh I just love it when you call me Mistress, we should definitely make that a thing, from now on you have my permission to call me Mistress."</teacher></b> - <teacher>Mistress $nameteacher</teacher> says.
-<b><you> As you wish </you><teacher>Mistress $nameteacher</teacher> - you say submissively
<b><center> Your teacher grins from your submission and takes a seat on her desk</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\teachersitting.png"></span></center>
-<b><teacher> "Anyways, lets get to business shall we, you did good on buying the small dildo and hopefully you restrained yourself and didn't use it till I tell you to like I said."</teacher></b> - <teacher>Mistress</teacher> says as she waits for your confirmation.
-<b><you> Ehm yes I have not used it like you asked..</you></b> - you respond honestly.
-<b><teacher> "Good! Today is the day you will do so, be happy <pink>sissy</pink>. I want you to go home and record a video of you doing a sloppy blowjob on that dildo, give it your all, I don't want an half assed performance, do it like a true whore, it's time to train you."</teacher></b> - she says, giving you your daily task, looking at you in a sultry way
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\teachersultry.png"></span></center>
<b><center> Could be worse... atleast you just have to suck it, it's not that bad and you kinda enjoyed it when you sucked <sister>$sistername</sister> dildo.. guess it's time to head to your room and deepthroat a dildo.</center></b>
-<b><you> Yes</you> <teacher>Mistress</teacher></b> - you say, nodding ready to head outside.
-<b><teacher> "Good boy! You're so obedient nowadays, you really came a long way, I have to thank <therapist>$therapistname</therapist> again for her work, such a good pet. I'll be waiting for the video, don't take too long.</teacher></b> - she says, pointing at the door
<center>[[Leave towards the School Hallway|School Hallway]]</center><<set $task3 to false>>\
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\bedroom.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<<if $time > 2>>\
<<set $time to $time-1>>\
<<if $time == 1>>\
<center><img src="images\city\bedroom.jpg" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>\
<<elseif $time is 0>>\
<center><img src="images\city\bedroom.jpg" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>\
<<elseif $time is 2>>\
<center><img src="images\city\bedroomnight.jpg" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>\
<b><center> You are in your bedroom when you decide it's time to record the video <teacher>Mistress $nameteacher</teacher> asked you to record, you grab the dildo you bought from the Sex Shop and place it in near your computer, ready to record, you want to please your <teacher>Mistress</teacher> so you're gonna make this video as hot as possible, you start by stripping to your bra and panties, showing off your hormone titties and twerking with your dildo in the scene.</center>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\dildotask1.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><you> Hi <teacher>Mistress</teacher>... Hope you enjoy this video..</you></b> - you say to the camera.
<b><center> As you say those words, you seductively start licking the tip of the dildo like it was a real cock, slowly taking it into your mouth, imagining it is the biggest hunk in the world that you are pleasing</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\dildotask2.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><center> After a while you decide it's time to speed it up and you start taking the dildo deeper and quicker, sucking it and slurping it, making it as wet as you can</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\dildotask3.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><center> You decide it's time to impress <teacher>Mistress</teacher>, you grab the dildo and attempt to deepthroat it, lowering your head as you feel the dildo enter your throat expanding it, after a while you take it out and slap your mouth with the dildo.</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\dildotask4.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><center> You believe the video came out really well and you are done, it was one hell of a training and your throat aches, you are not used to taking dick like that... but you can't lie that you kinda of enjoy it, it's time to say goodbye to <teacher>Mistress</teacher>, you open your mouth and put your tongue out as you say goodbye to her like a slut</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\dildotask5.png"></span></center>
-<b><you> Thank you for watching... bye bye...</you></b> - you say as you wave to the camera.
<b><center> It's time to send the video to <teacher>Mistress $nameteacher</teacher></center></b>
<center>[[Send the video|dotasksub3pt2]]</center><span class='phonetext3'><center><img src="images\avatars\teacheravatar.png" style="max-height: 200px"></center></span>
<<timed 1s>><span class='phone1'><b><you> - "Here's the video <teacher>Mistress $nameteacher</teacher>.."</you></b></span><</timed>>
<<timed 1s>><center><a data-passage="dotask3subpt3" class="link-internal link-image">
<img src="images\events\dildotask4.gif" style="max-height: 168px">
<center>(Click the image)</center>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\dildotask4.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<<timed 1s>><b><teacher><span class='phonesis1'> - "Great video <pink>sissy</pink> one day
you will be sucking
a fat cock like
a good slut..</span></teacher></b><</timed>>
<<timed 3s>><b><you><span class='phone1'> - Yes <teacher>Ms.$nameteacher</teacher> thank you..
<<timed 3s>><center>[[Close the phone|dotask3subpt5]]</center><</timed>><<set $newtask1 to true>>\
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\bedroom.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<<if $time > 2>>\
<<set $time to $time-1>>\
<<if $time == 1>>\
<center><img src="images\city\bedroom.jpg" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>\
<<elseif $time is 0>>\
<center><img src="images\city\bedroom.jpg" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>\
<<elseif $time is 2>>\
<center><img src="images\city\bedroomnight.jpg" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>\
<b><center> You close the phone and sigh happily with a smile on your face, you managed to please <teacher>Mistress $nameteacher</teacher>. Suddenly you hear someone walk inside your room and you freak out, when you turn around you see <dad>$dadname</dad> looking at you in disbelief... You are currently in panties and bra only... with a dildo on top of your desk, this is the worst that could've happened...</center></b>
-<b><dad> "What the actual fuck... I thought what happened last time with the makeup would teach you a lesson... but no, you're really turning into a fucking <pink>sissy slut</pink>. Come here slut, kneel in front of me, now!"</dad></b> - your <dad>dad</dad> orders you, screaming at you as he closes the door behind you, locking it and coming towards you, grabbing you by the arms and forcing you on your knees.
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\dadmad.png"></span></center>
-<b><dad> "What were you doing huh? Sucking a dildo? If you want to suck on something, suck on this you fucking whore."</dad></b> - your <dad>dad</dad> says as he whips out his fat cock from his boxers.
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\Dadcocktask.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><center> You are hit immediately with a musk of manly cock and you tiny cock spurts to life, you can't resist such a manly small and your eyes are immediately fixated on his cock.</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\hardcockdad.jpg"></span></center>
-<b><dad> "The fuck you are waiting for whore? Suck it!"</dad></b> - your <dad>dad</dad> says as he slaps you in the face, waking you up.
<b><center> You immediately spurt into action, grabbing his cock and starting to suck it like a hungry whore</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\Blowjobdad.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><dad> "Fucking whore, can't believe you used to be my son, now you are my whore, that's all you are, pig. Come here, deepthroat this!"</dad></b> - your <dad>dad</dad> says as he grabs you by your head and forces his fat long cock deep into your throat.
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\Deepthroatdad.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><center> You thank yourself that you trained few minutes ago, otherwise your throat wouldn't be able to take such brutal pounding, he's treating you completely like a toy... and you love it!</center></b>
-<b><dad> "God... I'm gonna fucking spray all over that <pink>sissy</pink> face!"</dad></b> - <dad>$dadname</dad> says as he covers your face in his cum, the same cum that brought you to earth.
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\Cumshotdad.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><center> Your face feels heavy with your <dad>dad's</dad> cum all over your face, you are happy though... you smile in glee, you believe you should thank your dad.</center></b>
-<b><hotpink> "Thank you daddy..."</hotpink></b> - you say moaning in a sexy voice.
<b><center> Your <dad>dad</dad> looks at you in disgust, grabs your hair and spits in your mouth, slapping you as he leaves, unlocking the room and leaving, not saying a word</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\Spitslapdad.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<<if $submissive <=65>>\
<<set $submissive to $submissive+1>>\
<b><center><pink> Submissiveness +1!</pink></center></b>\
<b><center><white><u> This action won't increase your <pink>submission</pink> anymore.</u></white></center></b>
<center>[[End the scene|Room]]</center><<goto`either("School Hallway","StraponTeacher")`>>\ <span class='fadeIn'>\
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\schoolhallway.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>\
<center><img src="images\city\schoolhall.jpg" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>
<b><center> You enter the School Hallway and head towards your locker when you start hearing some moans coming from the detention room... the door is slightly open and you get curious, you decide to head there and take a peek</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\straponteacher1.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><teacher> "Who's my good little <pink>sissy</pink> slut?"</teacher></b> - your teacher says to someone.
-<b><bf> "Me <teacher>Goddess</teacher> I'm your whore.."</bf></b> - a voice from further ahead says
<b><center> Wait you recognize that voice... that's <bf>$bfname</bf>!</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\straponbf.png"></span></center>
<b><center> You take a further look to see your <bf>best friend</bf> and your <teacher>teacher</teacher> doing some kinky stuff, she's rimming her and fingering her...!</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\straponteacher2.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><center> As you keep looking, you notice <teacher>Ms.$nameteacher</teacher> has a belt on her waist... she's wearing a strap-on!</center></b>
-<b><teacher> "Are you ready to get plowed like a whore?"</teacher></b> - your <teacher>teacher</teacher> asks <bf>$bfname</bf>.
-<b><bf> "Yes <teacher>Goddess $nameteacher</teacher> please ravage my hole..!"</bf></b> - your best friend says excited.
<b><center> You stay peeking at them, and eventually <teacher>Ms.$nameteacher</teacher> starts fucking <bf>$bfname</bf> in her boipussy.</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\straponteacher3.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><teacher> "You like that slut?"</teacher></b> - your <teacher>teacher</teacher> says, spanking <bf>$bfname</bf>
-<b><bf> "Yes! I love it! Harder!"</bf></b> - she screams in ecstasy
<b><center> You decide that's enough of peeking and leave them alone</center></b>
<center>[[Leave them|School Hallway]]</center><<goto`either("Upstairs Hall","SisterFap","Upstairs Hall","DadShowerFap")`>>\
<span class='fadeIn'>\
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\upstairshall.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><img src="images\city\upstairshall.jpg" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>
<b><center> You enter your upstairs hallway when you hear moans coming from your <sister>sisters</sister> room... you decide to take a peek into it and see her watching some kinky porn..</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\Sisterporn.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><center> You keep looking and after a while she opens her legs and starts fingering herself to the porn</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\Sisterfap.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><center> You decide you should leave her alone and go about your life</center></b>
<center>[[Continue|Upstairs Hall]]</center><<goto`either("Upstairs Hall","SisterFap","SisterStrapBF","Upstairs Hall","Upstairs Hall",)`>>\<span class='fadeIn'>\
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\upstairshall.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><img src="images\city\upstairshall.jpg" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>
<b><center> You enter your upstairs hallway when you hear a man moaning from your <sister>sisters</sister> bedroom, it's not usual that you hear a man's voice other than your <dad>dad</dad> in this house, you are curious so you open the door a little a take a peek inside</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\Sisterpegging.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><sister> "Yeah you like that you fucking slut? Call me your Mistress!"</sister></b> - <sister>$sistername</sister> says ordering a random guy around.
-<b><blue> "Yes I love it <sister>Mistresss!</sister>"</blue></b> - he obeys.
<b><center> For some reason you feel a little jealous of the guy... but you decide to leave them alone and not disturb them..</center></b>
<center>[[Continue|Upstairs Hall]]</center>
<span class='fadeIn'>\
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\upstairshall.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><img src="images\city\upstairshall.jpg" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>
<b><center> You enter your upstairs hall when you hear the shower on... curious are you are you decide to take a look inside</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\dadshower1.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><center> It's your <dad>dad</dad>.. he's taking a shower.. you don't know why but for some reason looking at his naked body is making you aroused...</center></b>
<b><center> After a while he starts jerking off in the shower and you stay looking for a while</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\Dadjerkingoffshower.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><center> You are starting to get an hard-on... you stop watching him and decide to move on...</center></b>
<center>[[Continue|Upstairs Hall]]</center>
<<set $meetbfjob to false>>\
<span class='fadeIn'>\
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\sexshop.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>\
<center><img src="images\city\sexshop.png" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>\
<b><center> You head towards the lockers as per usual when you go to work, but once inside you hear someone changing aswell... Maybe it's your co-worker?</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\lockerjob.png"></span></center>
<b><center> You take a look and you are suprised by you see... it's <bf>$bfname</bf>! She's your co-worker! You immediately head up to greet her</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\bestfriendlocker.png"></span></center>
-<b><you> Oh my god <bf>$bfname</bf> is that you?!</you></b> - you greet her excited
<b><center> She turns around and opens her mouth in shock, not expecting to see you</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\bfsuprised.png"></span></center>
-<b><bf> "OMG!! <you>$name</you>!! Why are you here?! Are you the new employee?! No way! I love it!</bf></b> - she screams hugging you and kissing you
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\bfkiss2.jpg"></span></center>
<b><center> God she always has this weird habit of kissing you in the mouth when she gets excited... what a dummy... it makes you embarassed but you kinda got used to it by now</center></b>
-<b><bf> "Oops sorry.. Just got excited, anyways, I'm super happy you're working here, we're gonna be the best team ever!"</bf></b> - she says happily smiling
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\bfhappy2.jpg"></span></center>
-<b><you> Yeah.. anyways, lets get going so <manager>$mname</manager> doesn't get worried..</you></b> - you say, getting ready to work
-<b><bf> "Oh that creep... he's always trying to make moves on me, be careful bestie...!"</bf></b> - she warns you
<b><center> Surely it's not that serious, what can he do? You think to yourself as you head to work</center></b>
<center>[[Work|BfJob]]</center><<set $worked to $worked+1>>\
<<set $time to $time+1>>\
<<if $time >= 3>>\
<<set $time to $time-1>>\
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\sexshop.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>\
<center><img src="images\city\sexshop.png" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>\
<b><center> You enter the Sex Shop and head towards the lockers room, putting your uniform on as per usual</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\lockerjob.png"></span></center>
<b><center> You spend the evening passing toys and other kinky stuff through the cashier, helping people and trying your best to sell, at the end of the day you receive your pay for the day! Yay!</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\work1.png"></span></center>
<<set $money to $money+15>>\
<green><b><center><i> You received 15€ for your work!</i></center></b></green>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\moneyinhand.png"></span></center>
<center>[[Undress and go outside|RedlightDistrict]]</center>
<center>[[Undress and go straight home|Room]]</center><span class='fadeIn'>\
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\sexshop.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>\
<center><img src="images\city\sexshop.png" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>\
<b><center> It's time... you're going to work at the Sex Shop for the first time, you head towards the lockers and when you enter there you see your locker.</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\lockerjob.png"></span></center>
<b><center> You see your uniform inside, it's pretty normal, nothing out of the ordinary, you take off your clothes and put it on</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\uniformon.png"></span></center>
-<b><you><i> Cool haha..</i></you></b> - you tell yourself as you head outside to the Sex Shop.
<center>[[Head outside|firsttimejob2]]</center><span class='fadeIn'>\
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\sexshop.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>\
<center><img src="images\city\sexshop.png" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>\
<b><center> Alright! It's time to work, you head to the cashier zone and see <manager>$mname</manager> there waiting for you, probably to give you an introduction.</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\managersexshop.jpg"></span></center>
-<b><manager> "Hey <you>$name</you> welcome! So since you are new and pretty unknowledgeable to sex toys in general, all you will do for now is just stay in the cashier and if someone has a question you can either ask your co-worker if she's here or me, as you start learning you'll have more freedom.. I'll personally teach you of course... hehe..."</manager></b> - he ends, smiling creepily at you as per usual
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\devioussmilemanager.jpg"></span></center>
<b><you> - Alright sounds pretty easy!</you></b> - you say, full of energy, ready to work.
-<b><manager> "Alright! When I see that the day is kinda of empty, I'll teach you about toys and other stuff alright? Let's get to work!</manager></b> - he says, going around the shop, leaving you in the cashier.
<b><center> Time to work..!</center></b>
<center>[[Work|NormalJob]]</center><<set $worked to $worked+1>>\
<<set $time to $time+1>>\
<<if $time >= 3>>\
<<set $time to $time-1>>\
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\sexshop.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>\
<center><img src="images\city\sexshop.png" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>\
<b><center> You spend your day working with <bf>$bfname</bf>, most of the time you just watch her and see what she's doing to learn from her, it was a great day!
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\bfworking.jpg"></span></center>
<<set $money to $money+15>>\
<green><b><center><i> You received 15€ for your work!</i></center></b></green>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\moneyinhand.png"></span></center>
<center>[[Undress and get ready to leave|SexShop]]</center>
<center>[[Undress and go straight home|Room]]</center><<set $time to $time+2>>
<span class='fadeIn'>\
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\sundayevent.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><img src="images\city\bedroom.jpg" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>
<b><center> It's Sunday but for some reason today you woke up horny and feel like being a complete degenerate and stay at home doing nothing else but masturbate watching porn, so you boot up your PC, get your lube out and sit on your chair</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\Pcbootup.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><you><i> I'm so horny today god... must be the way my life is changing...</i></you></b> - you think to yourself
<b><center> As soon as your PC boots up, you turn on your browser and type in sissy hypno porn on google, you click the first video that appears in most viewed and start watching, taking your tiny cock out in the process and masturbating</center></B>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\Sissyhypnopc1.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\Sissyhypnopc2.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\Sissyhypnopc3.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\Sissyhypnopc4.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><center> You are completely hypnotized by what you're seeing and you mindlessly stroke all day to sissy hypno, when you notice you are bent over like a sissy and cum on your own floor</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\Sissycumming.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><hotpink><i> So gooood...</i></hotpink></b> - you think to yourself
<b><center>[[Clean up after yourself|Room]]</center></b>
<<set $time to $time+1>>
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\detention.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><img src="images\city\detention.jpg" width = "550px"></center>
<b><center> Your <teacher>teacher</teacher> decided to send you home this time without any punishment, good for you!</center></b>
<b><center><i><u>((If you are seeing this it means there is some event you need to play in order for the new teacher events to happen, keep playing the game!))</u></i></center></b>
<center>[[Leave towards the Hallway|School Hallway]]</center><<set $workgeneralevent1 to false>>\
<span class='fadeIn'>\
<<set $worked to $worked+1>>\
<<set $time to $time+1>>\
<<if $time >= 3>>\
<<set $time to $time-1>>\
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\sexshop.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>\
<center><img src="images\city\sexshop.png" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>\
<b><center> As per usual it's time to work, you head towards the locker room, put your uniform on and get ready to head outside to clock in</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\lockerjob.png"></span></center>
-<b><you> Hmm, no signs of <bf>$bfname</bf> anywhere today, shame..</you></b> - you think to yourself out loud.
<b><center> You arrive outside and see <manager>$mname</manager> waiting for you, so you head towards him.</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\boredmanager.png"></span></center>
-<b><you> Good evening</you> <manager>$mname</manager></b> - you tell him, ready to work.
<b><center> He takes a quick glance at you, and changes from a bored face to a seemingly happy face out of nowhere, clearly faking his emotions to please you.</center></b>
-<b><manager> "Hey! Ready to work? How you liking the job so far?"</manager></b> - he asks you, striking a conversation with you.
-<b><you> Eh it's been nice, the fact that <bf>$bfname</bf> is working here aswell is really nice!</you></b> - you tell him, happily.
-<b><manager> "Oh you know each other? That's great, she'll be helping your formation quite alot, she's been working here for a while now, I'll help you too of course... hehe"</manager></b> - he says with a creepy smile at the end, as per usual of him.
-<b><you> Yeah thanks.. anyways, shall we open up?</you></b> - you suggest.
-<b><manager> "Yeah let's go"</manager></b> - <manager>$mname</manager> says heading towards the door to open up the store.
<center>[[Start working for the evening|workgeneraleventpt2]]</center><span class='fadeIn'>\
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\sexshop.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>\
<center><img src="images\city\sexshop.png" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>\
<b><center> You are working helping people around answering their questions as much as you can and just passing items through the cashier when a client, a middle aged woman calls you over holding what seems to be a vibrator, probably has a question about it...</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\npcquestion.png"></span></center>
<b><center> When you arrive to hear, she seems kinda fidgety and embarassed so you try to relax her.</center></b>
-<b><you> Hello ma'am, how can I help you today?</you></b> - you say with the warmest smile
<b><center> That seems to calm her down a little, she takes a deep breath and starts speaking</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\npcquestion2.png"></span></center>
-<b><pink> "Ehm so... I'm not used to these types of... stores but a friend of mine asked me to buy this for her... but I have no idea if I'll li... she'll like it, can I have someone test it...?"</pink></b> - she asks you, clearly not understanding what she is currently asking someone to do.
<b><center> Clearly she's not a usual costumer and obviously that toy is for her, but what the hell does she mean by having someone test a sex toy? That's such a weird question that you don't know what to do... After a while of pondering she's looking at you expectedly, suddenly she asks you something..</center></b>
-<b><pink> "Perhaps... ehm... you could test it...?"</pink></b> - she asks you boldly, while her cheeks grow crimson red.
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\embarassednpc.jpg"></span></center>
<b><center> What...? Did she really ask you to use a vibrator for her...? You look at her and decide to</center></b>
<div id="choice">
<<linkreplace "<pink> • Accept to test it embarassed..</pink>">>
<<replace "#choice">>
<b><center> You look at her and you are shook at what she's offering but it's a new costumer and you don't want to lose her... you accept to test it...</center></b>
-<b><you> Y...yeah sure.. I'll test it...</you></b> - you say shyly, taking the vibrator into your hand
-<b><pink> "OMG.. I wasn't expecting you to accept it... that's... hot... Can I see..?"</pink></b> - she asks you even more embarassed, rubbing her thighs.
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\Rubbinglegs.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><center> You look at her and you don't know what to say... this pretty woman wants to see you use a dildo on yourself... what is going on, this store is making you do crazy things...</center></b>
-<b><you> S..sure...</you></b> - is all you say.
<b><center> You are about to head into the booths of the Sex Shop when <manager>$mname</manager> notices you and stops you in your path</center></b>
-<B><manager> "What are you doing?"</manager></b> - he asks you curious, looking at the woman behind you.
-<b><you> Ehm.. she asked me to test the vibrator...</you></b> - you say looking down embarassed.
<b><center> <manager>$mname</manager> is shocked at your decision, it was so easy to persuade you, there's a small smirk in his lips before he changes to a serious face and says</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\Slightsmirk.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><manager> "You aren't ready for this, I'll take it from here"</manager></b> - <manager>$mname</manager> says looking at the woman.
<b><center> Before he lets you go back to the cashier, he passes by your ear and says close to you</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\Whisperear.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><manager><font size ="-1"> "Interesting that you wanted to use a vibrator on yourself, didn't know you were into those things... good to know."</font></manager></b> - he whispers at you
<b><center> Your cheeks grow red at the fact that he is right.. you really were about to use a sex toy on yourself for another woman.. what were you thinking...</center></b>
<b><center> Eventually you head back to work and finish the day</center></b>
<<set $submissive to $submissive+1>>\
<b><center><pink> Submissiveness +1!</pink></center></b>\
<<set $money to $money+15>>\
<green><b><center><i> You received 15€ for your work!</i></center></b></green>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\moneyinhand.png"></span></center>
<center>[[Undress and go outside|RedlightDistrict]]</center>
<center>[[Undress and go straight home|Room]]</center>
<div id="choice">\
<<linkreplace "<blue> • Switch up on her and suggest you test it on her</blue>">>
<<replace "#choice">>
<b><center> You look at her and realize what she just asked you, she wants you to use a dildo on yourself? Why on earth would you submit to such humiliation, actually you feel kind of insulted!</center></b>
-<b><you> Excuse me? Why would I use a vibrator on myself? Actually why dont I use it on you?</you></b> - you say kinda mad, throwing it at her
<b><center> You look at her after saying that and realize she has her eyes wide open and is bluhsing... but doesn't deny it, could she actually want you to use it on her...?</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\shockednpc.jpg"></span></center>
-<b><pink> "S...sure... I guess that also... works"</pink></b> - she looks down embarassed and agrees
<b><center> Oh shit.. You proposed that because you were mad, you weren't expecting her to actually accept.. Does this pretty woman really want you to use a vibrator on her? It'd be stupid of you to back out now, so you compose yourself and take the reigns</center></b>
-<b><you> Alright then, follow me to our private booths, I'll use it on you there, completely professional of course.</you></b> - you say lying, obviously there's no such thing as testing a vibrator on someone.
-<b><pink> "O...okay..."</pink></b> - she says, following you into the booth.
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\privatebooth.jpg"></span></center>
<b><center> You arrive at the booths people use to masturbate with pornography, you decide to use this to test the vibrator on the beautiful costumer</center></b>
-<b><you> Alright, get naked I'll test it on you, tell me how you feel</you></b> - you say ordering her to get naked, understanding she's pretty submissive.
<b><center> She doesn't even say a word, she obeys you and gets naked, putting her hand over her pussy, excited</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\nakedbooth.jpg"></span></center>
<b><center> You take a while to just admire her body, how did this happen, you really got lucky to find such a horny bitch, she probably wanted this from the start...</center></b>
-<b><you> Alright, lay down on all fours and I'll start using it on you</you></b> - you order her, pointing at the couch on the booth.
<b><center> As soon as she's in position, you start using the dildo on her, plunging deep inside her pussy like it were you fucking her</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\dildofuckwork.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><pink> "Oh yes... fuck it feels so good... fuck me harder..."</pink></b> - the costumer says, losing all of her shyness, her true slut has come out.
<b><center> Eventually you let go of the dildo to see what she would do and she just starts riding the dildo herself like a whore, not even caring that you are there.</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\Fuckingherself.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><pink> "Fuuuck I love this dildo, I'll take three of these omg..."</pink></b> - she says as she starts cumming on the dildo
-<b><you> Glad you enjoyed it.</you></b> - you say, as you leave the woman inside the booth and head outside.
<<set $dominant to $dominant+1>>\
<b><center><blue> Dominance +1!</blue></center></b>\
<<set $money to $money+15>>\
<green><b><center><i> You received 15€ for your work!</i></center></b></green>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\moneyinhand.png"></span></center>
<center>[[Undress and go outside|RedlightDistrict]]</center>
<center>[[Undress and go straight home|Room]]</center>
<<set $workgeneralevent2 to false>>\
<span class='fadeIn'>\
<<set $worked to $worked+1>>\
<<set $time to $time+1>>\
<<if $time >= 3>>\
<<set $time to $time-1>>\
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\sexshop.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>\
<center><img src="images\city\sexshop.png" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>\
<b><center> It's time to work so you head to the locker room and get your uniform on, another day of hardworking coming!</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\lockerjob.png"></span></center>
<b><center> You enter the store and start looking for <manager>$mname</manager> but you don't see him anywhere perhaps he's late, you decide to take control and just open the store for yourself, surely you won't need his help you are starting to understand what you have to do and he'll enjoy your initiative.</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\open.png"></span></center>
<b><center> You are waiting for customers and eventually a dominant-looking woman comes storming inside. You can feel her presence immediately when she enters the store, she's wearing latex clothing and dark heavy makeup, making her look fearful and intimidating.</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\dominantwoman.png"></span></center>
<b><center> You are about to welcome her when she interrupts you and speaks up first</center></b>
-<b><dom> "I want to buy a new strap-on for my <pink>sissy</pink> slave, would you do your job and recommend me your best one?"</dom></b> - she says, getting straight to the point not wanting to lose a second of her time.
<b><center> Shit... You should've waited for <manager>$mname</manager>... You don't have a single clue of what's classified as the best strap-on, you have no clue of toys at all!</center></b>
<b><center> The <dom>woman</dom> looks at you and notices you are in distress, it's like she can smell fear and she raises an eyebrow at you</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\dominantwoman.jpg"></span></center>
-<b><dom> "Did seeing me make you piss your pants or something boy? Did you not hear me?"</dom></b> - she asks you, running out of patience.
<b><center> You have to do something, you think quickly and decide to</center></b>
<div id="choice">
<<linkreplace "<pink> • Be honest and say you don't know</pink>">>
<<replace "#choice">>
<b><center> You think it's better that you just admit that you don't know... you are gonna look bad in front of her but hopefully she doesn't freak out</center></b>
-<b><you> I don't know <dom>Ma'am</dom> I just started working here...</you></b> - you admit to her
<b><center> She looks at you and her face changes into an expression of disgust</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\disgusteddom.jpg"></span></center>
-<b><dom> "You know what I truly hate? Useless men. Right now you strike me as a pathethic useless man which is even worse, how do you not know how to do your job?"</dom></b> - she humiliates you, calling you pathetic.
<b><center> Her confidence and dominant aura makes you feel like a small insect and you dont have the courage to fight back to what she's saying... you accept what she says and apologize.</center></b>
-<b><you> I'm sorry <dom>Ma'am</dom>...</you></b> - you apologize to her submissively looking down
-<b><dom> "Good, atleast you know your place and didn't talk back to me, perhaps one day you could enter my stable of <pink>sissy</pink> slaves, what do you think boy?"</dom></b> - she says, grabbing your chin, making you look up at her
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\grabbingchin.png"></span></center>
<b><center> You look up at her scared, you don't know what to do you, feel trapped in her gaze, what is this feeling... you just want to let go, however as you are about to answer, someone comes in.</center></b>
-<b><manager> "<dom>Mistress Ruby?</dom> What's going on? Why are you grabbing <you>$name</you> chin?"</manager></b> - <manager>$mname</manager> says, saving you.
<b><center> You are saved, you didn't expect that <manager>$mname</manager> was ever gonna be your white knight but it seems it happened, she lets go of you, turns around and ignores you.</center></b>
-<b><dom> "Well, <manager>$mname</manager>, your bitch boi here clearly doesn't know shit about toys does he, why are you hiring people with no knowledge at all? Don't answer I don't care, all I want is your best strap-on and now. I'm done wasting time with pathetic people."</dom></b> - she says, standing in front of him, intimidating as ever.
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\dominantpose.png"></span></center>
-<b><manager> "Well he's in training still <dom>Mistress Ruby</dom>.. I apologize on his behalf, I'll show you what you need."</manager></b> - he says, even your <manager>manager</manager> is scared of her.
<b><center> Wow... you've never seen someone so intimidating.. <dom>Mistress Ruby</dom>... You'll definitely remember that name.</center></b>
<<set $submissive to $submissive+1>>\
<b><center><pink> Submissiveness +1!</pink></center></b>\
<<set $money to $money+15>>\
<green><b><center><i> You received 15€ for your work!</i></center></b></green>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\moneyinhand.png"></span></center>
<center>[[Undress and go outside|RedlightDistrict]]</center>
<center>[[Undress and go straight home|Room]]</center>
<div id="choice">\
<<linkreplace "<blue> • Try to lever your way out</blue>">>
<<replace "#choice">>
<b><center> You have no clue what is the best strap-on but you're not gonna let this woman down, you'll recommend something or come up with something.</center></b>
-<b><you> I apologize <dom>Miss...?</dom></you></b> - you say, waiting for her name
-<b><dom> "Mistress Ruby."</dom></b> - she answers.
-<b><you> I was astonished with your beauty <dom>Ruby</dom>. That's why I took so long. Anyways let's take care of that strap-on shall we?</you></b> - you tell her, trying to sound as confident as you can.
<b><center> <dom>Ruby</dom> looks at you and scoffs, ready to follow you</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\Scoffmistress.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><dom> "I thought you were gonna be a bitch boi but I guess I was wrong, perhaps you'd like to be one of my dominant workers in the future, you could fuck any slaves you'd like."</dom></b> - she offers you a strange deal smiling
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\smilingmistress.png"></span></center>
<b><center> That's an interesting offer she just made, she probably has slaves and you could join her to fuck her slaves... could be interesting.</center></b>
-<b><you> We could arrange that in the future</you> <dom>Ruby</dom></b> - you say, not wanting to disappoint such a powerful woman, you want to be her equal.
-<b><dom> "Good, you'll be a valuable asset. Take me to the strap-ons."</dom></b> - she says.
-<b><you> Certainly</you></b> - you answer.
<b><center> Eventually you manage to sell her a strap-on, you don't know if it's the best one, but it's the better looking one, <dom>Ruby</dom> is satisfied and leaves happily.
<<set $dominant to $dominant+1>>\
<b><center><blue> Dominance +1!</blue></center></b>\
<<set $money to $money+15>>\
<green><b><center><i> You received 15€ for your work!</i></center></b></green>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\moneyinhand.png"></span></center>
<center>[[Undress and go outside|RedlightDistrict]]</center>
<center>[[Undress and go straight home|Room]]</center>
</div><<set $workgeneralevent3 to false>>\
<span class='fadeIn'>\
<<set $worked to $worked+1>>\
<<set $time to $time+1>>\
<<if $time >= 3>>\
<<set $time to $time-1>>\
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\sexshop.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>\
<center><img src="images\city\sexshop.png" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>\
<b><center> You arrive at the sex shop and immediately head towards the locker room ready to put on the uniform, hopefully the day goes well today...</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\lockerjob.png"></span></center>
<b><center> You enter the store and this time around <manager>$mname</manager> is here waiting for you already, thank god you won't have another confrontation with a client like <dom>Mistress Ruby</dom></center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\boredmanager.png"></span></center>
-<b><you> Hey <manager>$mname</manager> what's up</you></b> - you greet him.
<b><center> He tooks a look at you and smiles</center></b>
-<b><manager> "Good evening <you>$name</you>. Before you start working I think it's time we start your training, otherwise things like last time happen where you dont know what to offer to the client."</manager></b> - your <manager>manager</manager> tells you, ready to make your knowledge of sex toys increase.
<b><center> You knew this day was coming eventually you know you'd need to be taught some stuff otherwise you wouldn't be able to grow in this job.</center></b>
-<b><you> Alright let's go. I'm ready</you></b> - you say, ready to learn.
<center>[[Go to the Sex Toys isle|workgeneralevent3pt2]]</center><span class='fadeIn'>\
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\sexshop.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>\
<center><img src="images\city\sexshop.png" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>\
<b><center> You head towards the Sex Toys isle with <manager>$mname</manager> ready to get taught new things</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\toysisle.png"></span></center>
-<b><manager> "Good, so I'm gonna teach you about 4 major toys that people buy the most over the course of four days. Today I'll teach you about dildos."</manager></b>
<b><center> You look down and see a huge variety of dildos</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\dildos.jpg"></span></center>
-<b><manager> "So fortunately there's not alot to say about dildos, it's a typically phallic object used as an aid to masturbation or sexual life in general with a partner. I don't think I have to say the obvious but obviously it is used by men and women both, so don't be shy about ever trying one haha!"</manager></b> - he cracks a joke, but looks at you to see your reaction.
<b><center> You look at him and imagine yourself...</center></b>
<div id="choice">
<<linkreplace "<pink> • Imagine yourself using a dildo...</pink>">>
<<replace "#choice">>
<b><center> You can't help but imagine yourself using the dildo like he said...</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\Gaydildoride.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><center> Or perhaps... you imagine yourself as a more <pink>feminine</pink> version of yourself</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\Sissydildoride.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><center> Eventually you snap out and answer <manager>him</manager></center></b>
-<b><you> Haha.. right</you></b> - you disregard him
-<b><manager> "Right, anyways there's a huge variety of them as you can see, there's dragon dildos, animal dildos, <brown>BBC</brown> dildos etc.. they come in all shapes and sizes and the thing you have to care when selling to a client is making sure the one they are buying is the right one for them, so truly make sure you get the best fit for the person and make the right questions, got it?"</manager></b> - he explains you
-<b><you> Yes sir!</you></b> - you nod, a little horny from your imagination.
-<b><manager> "Good! Get to work and in a few days I'll teach you about something else"</manager></b> - he says, turning away from you
<b><center> You do what <manager>he</manager> says and get to work with a boner.</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\Bulge.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<<set $submissive to $submissive+1>>\
<b><center><pink> Submissiveness +1!</pink></center></b>\
<<set $money to $money+15>>\
<green><b><center><i> You received 15€ for your work!</i></center></b></green>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\moneyinhand.png"></span></center>
<center>[[Undress and go outside|RedlightDistrict]]</center>
<center>[[Undress and go straight home|Room]]</center>
<div id="choice">\
<<linkreplace "<blue> • Imagine yourself using a dildo on a partner...</blue>">>
<<replace "#choice">>
<b><center> You let your imagine wonder as he's speaking and imagine yourself using a dildo on a sexy woman, pleasuring her getting ready to fuck her</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\Dildocouple.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><center> After getting her ready, you'd get behind her and destroy her pussy</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\Fuckingshop.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><center> Eventually you snap out and answer <manager>him</manager></center></b>
-<b><you> Haha.. right</you></b> - you disregard him
-<b><manager> "Right, anyways there's a huge variety of them as you can see, there's dragon dildos, animal dildos, <brown>BBC</brown> dildos etc.. they come in all shapes and sizes and the thing you have to care when selling to a client is making sure the one they are buying is the right one for them, so truly make sure you get the best fit for the person and make the right questions, got it?"</manager></b> - he explains you
-<b><you> Yes sir!</you></b> - you nod, a little horny from your imagination.
-<b><manager> "Good! Get to work and in a few days I'll teach you about something else"</manager></b> - he says, turning away from you
<b><center> You do what <manager>he</manager> says and get to work</center></b>
<<set $dominant to $dominant+1>>\
<b><center><blue> Dominance +1!</blue></center></b>\
<<set $money to $money+15>>\
<green><b><center><i> You received 15€ for your work!</i></center></b></green>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\moneyinhand.png"></span></center>
<center>[[Undress and go outside|RedlightDistrict]]</center>
<center>[[Undress and go straight home|Room]]</center>
</div><<set $workgeneralevent4 to false>>\
<span class='fadeIn'>\
<<set $worked to $worked+1>>\
<<set $time to $time+1>>\
<<if $time >= 3>>\
<<set $time to $time-1>>\
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\sexshop.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>\
<center><img src="images\city\sexshop.png" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>\
<b><center> You arrive at the sex shop and immediately head towards the locker room ready to put on the uniform, hopefully everything goes smoothly today</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\lockerjob.png"></span></center>
<b><center> You head outside to meet <manager>$mname</manager> when you see him smiling at you, you have a feeling you know what's coming, probably the second lesson.</center></b>
-<b><you> Good evening </you><manager>$mname</manager></b> - you tell him, greeting him.
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\raisedeyebrowmanager.jpg"></span></center>
-<b><manager> "Hey there <you>$name</you>! So I believe it's time we continue your training, hopefully last training about the dildos helped you."</manager></b> - he asks you.
<b><center> Indeed he is right, they did help you, you've been able to be more detailed when selling dildos.</center></b>
-<b><you> Yeah it did help quite alot actually.</you></b> - you admit.
-<b><manager> "Good! So let's head to the toys isle shall we? I'll tell you what you are gonna learn about today."</manager></b> - he says, heading towards the toys isle.
<b><center> You follow him, eager to learn.</center></b>
<center>[[Head towards the sex toys isle|workgeneralevent4pt2]]</center>
<span class='fadeIn'>\
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\sexshop.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>\
<center><img src="images\city\sexshop.png" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>\
<b><center> You arrive at the Sex Toys isle with <manager>$mname</manager> ready to get taught new things</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\toysisle.png"></span></center>
-<b><manager> "So today you're gonna learn about a very special toy for females, the strap-on!"</manager></B> - he says happily, showing you a collection of strap-ons.
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\strapons.png"></span></center>
<b><center> Wow... You are kinda scared of these things but you do have to learn about them, female clients get them alot for some reason...</center></b>
-<b><manager> "So I know it looks scary and all but a strap-on is essentially a belt where you can attach a dildo to imitate the male penis, typically used by dominant females, either on submissive men or on another woman for lesbian sex! I'm sure you recall <dom>Mistress Ruby</dom>. She'd be the type of client to buy these type of toys!"</manager></B> - he says, reminding you of the fearful <dom> Mistress Ruby</dom>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\Scoffmistress.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><center> As you look at the toy and what he said, you imagine ...</center></b>
<div id="choice">
<<linkreplace "<pink> • Yourself getting pegged...</pink>">>
<<replace "#choice">>
<b><center> You let your imagination wonder and for some reason <teacher>Ms.$nameteacher</teacher> pops up to your imagination... perhaps it's due to her naturally dominant posture, you imagine her with a huge black strap-on.</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\teacherstrap.png"></span></center>
<b><center> She would then use that massive strap-on to destroy your hole, fucking you like you were a whore.</center></B>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\Teacherpeggingimagine.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><center> Eventually you snap back to reality and hear what <manager>$mname</manager> has to say</center></b>
-<B><manager> "You there <you>$name</you>? You zoned out for a bit"</manager></b> - he asks curious
-<b><you> Y..yeah just zoned out my bad, as you were saying?</you></b> - you say grabbing your obvious bulge from your imagination.
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\Bulge.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><center> <manager>$mname</manager> looks down and smirks, clearly noticing you got hard</center></b>
-<b><manager><font size ="-1"> "Haha..</font> Anyways when it comes to strap-ons, it's almost the same as dildos, there's different types such as strap-ons that the user also gets pleasure or just the more simple belt style, there's also the size of the dildo but it always comes down to what the costumer wants, so make sure to pay attention to that."</manager></b> - he finishes explaining.
-<b><you> Got it!</you></b> - you say understanding the explanation.
-<b><manager> "Good! Let's get to work then!"</manager></b> - he says, ready to work.
<b><center> You do what <manager>he</manager> says and get to work, horny.</center></b>
<<set $submissive to $submissive+1>>\
<b><center><pink> Submissiveness +1!</pink></center></b>\
<<set $money to $money+15>>\
<green><b><center><i> You received 15€ for your work!</i></center></b></green>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\moneyinhand.png"></span></center>
<center>[[Undress and go outside|RedlightDistrict]]</center>
<center>[[Undress and go straight home|Room]]</center>
<div id="choice">\
<<linkreplace "<blue> • Two girls using a strap-on...</blue>">>
<<replace "#choice">>
<b><center> You let your imagination wonder for a bit from what he said and imagine two girls using the strap-on on each other, fucking themselves.
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\Lesbianstrap.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><center> Eventually you snap back to reality and hear what <manager>$mname</manager> has to say</center></b>
-<B><manager> "You there <you>$name</you>? You zoned out for a bit"</manager></b> - he asks curious
-<b><you> Y..yeah just zoned out my bad, as you were saying?</you></b> - you say grabbing your obvious bulge from your imagination.
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\Bulge.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><center> <manager>$mname</manager> looks down and smirks, clearly noticing you got hard</center></b>
-<b><manager><font size ="-1"> "Haha..</font> Anyways when it comes to strap-ons, it's almost the same as dildos, there's different types such as strap-ons that the user also gets pleasure or just the more simple belt style, there's also the size of the dildo but it always comes down to what the costumer wants, so make sure to pay attention to that."</manager></b> - he finishes explaining.
-<b><you> Got it!</you></b> - you say understanding the explanation.
-<b><manager> "Good! Let's get to work then!"</manager></b> - he says, ready to work.
<b><center> You do what <manager>he</manager> says and get to work, horny.</center></b>
<<set $dominant to $dominant+1>>\
<b><center><blue> Dominance +1!</blue></center></b>\
<<set $money to $money+15>>\
<green><b><center><i> You received 15€ for your work!</i></center></b></green>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\moneyinhand.png"></span></center>
<center>[[Undress and go outside|RedlightDistrict]]</center>
<center>[[Undress and go straight home|Room]]</center>
</div><<set $workgeneralevent5 to false>>\
<span class='fadeIn'>\
<<set $worked to $worked+1>>\
<<set $time to $time+1>>\
<<if $time >= 3>>\
<<set $time to $time-1>>\
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\sexshop.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>\
<center><img src="images\city\sexshop.png" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>\
<b><center> You arrive at the sex shop and immediately head towards the locker room ready to put on the uniform, lately things have been going better with the lessons you've been receiving, you've been able to help more clients.</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\lockerjob.png"></span></center>
<b><center> You head outside to meet <manager>$mname</manager> when you see him waiting for you already, lesson time!</center></b>
-<b><you> Good evening </you><manager>$mname</manager></b> time for another lesson? - you tell him excited.
-<b><manager> "Indeed it is, let's not waste time and head to the toys isle so we can get started ASAP shall we?"</manager></b> - he says, making you follow him.
<center>[[Follow him to the toys isle|workgeneralevent5pt2]]</center><span class='fadeIn'>\
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\sexshop.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>\
<center><img src="images\city\sexshop.png" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>\
<b><center> You arrive at the Sex Toys isle with <manager>$mname</manager> ready to get taught new things</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\toysisle.png"></span></center>
-<b><manager> "Today I'm gonna teach you about a very special toy for those who enjoy the pleasure of anal sex, the buttplug! It is very important you pay attention to this one!"</manager></b> - he says, showing you a wide variety of buttplugs.
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\buttplugs.jpg"></span></center>
<b><center> You look and see very different sized and shaped buttplugs, it is very interesting and you were always curious on why people use these toys, you don't really see a functionality for the buttplug</center></b>
-<b><manager> "So the curious thing about buttplugs is that they have immense uses, they can be used as an adornement for those who enjoy a little bit of spicyness in their day to day life but they can also be used as a training tool for those who wish to expand their horizons in the future for anal sex and also, it can be used as a decorative tool such as a tail butt plug!"</manager></b> - he says explainig the use of a buttplug to you.
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\tailplug.jpg"></span></center>
<b><center> He shows you a very interesting buttplug, it has a tail like an animal, interesting.</center></b>
-<b><manager> "They are very fun toys, obviously they can be both used for men and women, there are kinky people everywhere!"</manager></b> - he says laughing.
<b><center> As per usual in these explanations, you let your imagination run wild and imagine...</center></b>
<div id="choice">
<<linkreplace "<pink> • Yourself using a buttplug...</pink>">>
<<replace "#choice">>
<b><center> You wonder what it'd be like to use such toy on yourself... training yourself to get ready to take bigger things into your ass</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\Gayplugged.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><center> Or perhaps... a more <pink>feminine</pink> version of yourself where you are girlier..</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\sissyplugged.jpg"></span></center>
<b><center> You quickly snap out as you realize this is not time to fantasize about such things</center></b>
-<b><manager> "Any questions <you>$name</you>"</manager></b> - <manager>$mname</manager> asks you.
-<b><you> Nope, I'm ready!</you></b> - you say, excited to use what you learnt.
-<b><manager> "Good! Let's get to work then!"</manager></b> - he says, ready to work.
<b><center> You do what <manager>he</manager> says and get to work, horny.</center></b>
<<set $submissive to $submissive+1>>\
<b><center><pink> Submissiveness +1!</pink></center></b>\
<<set $money to $money+15>>\
<green><b><center><i> You received 15€ for your work!</i></center></b></green>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\moneyinhand.png"></span></center>
<center>[[Undress and go outside|RedlightDistrict]]</center>
<center>[[Undress and go straight home|Room]]</center>
<div id="choice">\
<<linkreplace "<blue> • Using a buttplug on your girlfriend...</blue>">>
<<replace "#choice">>
<b><center> You look at these toys and the only thing that comes to mind is using it on <gf>$gfname</gf> to train her ass, you've never explored that too much with her, you imagine her holding a buttplug</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\gfplug.jpg"></span></center>
<b><center> You'd then put her on all fours and make her wear the buttplug, training her ass</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\gfplugged.jpg"></span></center>
<b><center> You quickly snap out as you realize this is not time to fantasize about such things</center></b>
-<b><manager> "Any questions <you>$name</you>"</manager></b> - <manager>$mname</manager> asks you.
-<b><you> Nope, I'm ready!</you></b> - you say, excited to use what you learnt.
-<b><manager> "Good! Let's get to work then!"</manager></b> - he says, ready to work.
<b><center> You do what <manager>he</manager> says and get to work, horny.</center></b>
<<set $dominant to $dominant+1>>\
<b><center><blue> Dominance +1!</blue></center></b>\
<<set $money to $money+15>>\
<green><b><center><i> You received 15€ for your work!</i></center></b></green>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\moneyinhand.png"></span></center>
<center>[[Undress and go outside|RedlightDistrict]]</center>
<center>[[Undress and go straight home|Room]]</center>
</div><<set $workgeneralevent6 to false>>\
<span class='fadeIn'>\
<<set $worked to $worked+1>>\
<<set $time to $time+1>>\
<<if $time >= 3>>\
<<set $time to $time-1>>\
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\sexshop.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>\
<center><img src="images\city\sexshop.png" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>\
<b><center> You arrive at the sex shop and immediately head towards the locker room ready to put on the uniform, you've been feeling more and more confident as of late, and <manager>$mname</manager> as been depending more and more on you as you grow in knowledge, hopefully you training is almost over.</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\lockerjob.png"></span></center>
<b><center> You head outside and see <manager>$mname</manager> waiting for you at the cashier, looking bored as always</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\boredmanager.png"></span></center>
<b><center> However there's someone with him... it's <bf>$bfname</bf>! She usually does a different schedule from you, this is great!</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\bfworking2.jpg"></span></center>
<b><center> You head next to them to greet them both</center></b>
-<b><you> Hey bestie! and <manager>$mname</manager> of course, how are you both? Rare to see you working at this schedule!</you></b> - you say, greeting them
<b><center> Your <bf>best friend</bf> sees you and her face lightens up happily, she's excited immediately</center></b>
-<b><bf> "Hii bestie! <manager>$mname</manager> requested me to help with your training today, it's something that I'm involved in and he said it'd probably good for you if I helped u!</bf></b> - she says, a little embarassed
<b><center> She seems embarassed for some reason, you wonder what this training is going to entitle..</center></b>
-<b><manager> "Like <bf>$bfname</bf> said, this is the last piece of training I have to give you for now, and I figured we'd have a visual presentation of what it is, so I brought <bf>$bfname</bf> in. Let's not waste time and go to the sex toys isle"</manager></b> - the manager says, signaling you both to follow him
-<b><you> Hell yeah, lets do it, I've been loving the lessons.</you></b> - you say hapily.
-<b><manager> "Alright follow me then you both!"</manager></b> - he says, heading towards the sex toys isle.
<center>[[Follow him|workgeneralevent6pt2]]</center><span class='fadeIn'>\
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\sexshop.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>\
<center><img src="images\city\sexshop.png" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>\
<b><center> You arrive at the Sex Toys isle with <manager>$mname</manager> ready to get taught new things</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\toysisle.png"></span></center>
<b><center> When you get to him, you see him picking a very interesting device, one you've obviously seen people buy before but you never understood the purpose of it</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\chastityholding.jpg"></span></center>
-<b><manager> "This little device right here is called a Chastity Cage, surely you've seen people buy these things, usually women for their subs, essentialy what this serves for is to obviously place it around the penis and as the device says, cage it, making it impossible to gain erections or have any type of sexual intercouse at all, usually it is locked with a lock and the key is given to someone else, this is so that their orgasms and sex life is completely controled by someone else, usually a dom."</manager></b> - he says, as he shows you more chastity devices.
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\variouschastity.jpg"></span></center>
<b><center> You look at the devices and you've never thought that people would willingly give up control of their own penis... that's crazy. You don't see how <bf>$bfname</bf> could help you with this.. however you can't control yourself and imagine...</center></b>
<div id="choice">
<<linkreplace "<pink> • A dom caging you and controling your cock...</pink>">>
<<replace "#choice">>
<b><center> You start imagining a future where <gf>$gfname</gf> is your Mistress and wants to cage you and you allow it.. She'd put you in a tight chastity cage and hold the key for herself</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\Puttingcage.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><center> She would then humiliate you further and make you dress as a <pink>sissy</pink> while wearing the chastity cage, demeaning you, removing all traces of your former masculinity</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\Sissycaged.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><center> And your sex life would be resumed to her sitting on your face and you making her cum, while she'd control your orgasms and never let you cum</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\Facesittingcage.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><you><font size ="-1"> Fuck that's hot...</font></you></b> - you mumble to yourself
-<b><manager> "Huh? Did you say something?"</manager></b> - <manager>$mname</manager> asks you.
-<b><you> No no no, they are really cool I meant</you></b> - you try to hide what you said... but it seems <bf>$bfname</bf> heard you because she's smiling at you.
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\bfsmiling2.png"></span></center>
-<b><manager> "Indeed they are, very interesting toys, anyways I brought <bf>$bfname</bf> with us because... she's currently wearing one! And I wanted you to see first hand how it fits on the penis, assuming you wouldn't be willing to try one."</manager></b> - he says with a smirk on his face
-<b><you> Haha.. no thanks..</you></b> - you tell him
-<b><manager> "Right, like I thought, could you show him then</manager> <bf>$bfname?</bf></b> - he asks <bf>$bfname</bf>
-<b><bf> "Y..yes of course.."</bf></b> - your <bf>best friend</bf> says as she lifts up her skirt, showing you her penis in a metal chastity
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\bfchastity.png"></span></center>
<b><center> You are seeing your <bf>best friend</bf> penis in a cage.. it's really interesting and hot..</center></b>
-<b><manager> "Anyways as you can see, there's no way she could touch it or do anything with it right now, it's completely useless, so remember when selling to a client to warn him about the reality of using one! Any questions?"</manager></B> - the manager asks you.
-<b><you>, thank you..</you></b> - you say stuttering, horny from what you saw.
-<b><manager> "Good! Let's get to work then you two!"</manager></b> - he says, ready to work.
<b><center> You do what <manager>he</manager> says and you and <bf>$bfname</bf> get to work, horny.</center></b>
<<set $submissive to $submissive+1>>\
<b><center><pink> Submissiveness +1!</pink></center></b>\
<<set $money to $money+15>>\
<green><b><center><i> You received 15€ for your work!</i></center></b></green>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\moneyinhand.png"></span></center>
<center>[[Undress and go outside|RedlightDistrict]]</center>
<center>[[Undress and go straight home|Room]]</center>
<div id="choice">\
<<linkreplace "<blue> • You fucking a caged sub.. (HOMO CONTENT)</blue>">>
<<replace "#choice">>
<b><center> You can't help but imagine what it'd be like to fuck a guy who you caged, he'd be completely submitted to your will..</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\Chastityhomo1.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><center> You'd then turn him around a fuck him missionary, eventually making him cum through the cage..</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\Chastityhomo2.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><you><font size ="-1"> Fuck that's hot...</font></you></b> - you mumble to yourself
-<b><manager> "Huh? Did you say something?"</manager></b> - <manager>$mname</manager> asks you.
-<b><you> No no no, they are really cool I meant</you></b> - you try to hide what you said... but it seems <bf>$bfname</bf> heard you because she's smiling at you.
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\bfsmiling2.png"></span></center>
-<b><manager> "Indeed they are, very interesting toys, anyways I brought <bf>$bfname</bf> with us because... she's currently wearing one! And I wanted you to see first hand how it fits on the penis, assuming you wouldn't be willing to try one."</manager></b> - he says with a smirk on his face
-<b><you> Haha.. no thanks..</you></b> - you tell him
-<b><manager> "Right, like I thought, could you show him then</manager> <bf>$bfname?</bf></b> - he asks <bf>$bfname</bf>
-<b><bf> "Y..yes of course.."</bf></b> - your <bf>best friend</bf> says as she lifts up her skirt, showing you her penis in a metal chastity
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\bfchastity.png"></span></center>
<b><center> You are seeing your <bf>best friend</bf> penis in a cage.. it's really interesting and hot..</center></b>
-<b><manager> "Anyways as you can see, there's no way she could touch it or do anything with it right now, it's completely useless, so remember when selling to a client to warn him about the reality of using one! Any questions?"</manager></B> - the manager asks you.
-<b><you>, thank you..</you></b> - you say stuttering, horny from what you saw.
-<b><manager> "Good! Let's get to work then you two!"</manager></b> - he says, ready to work.
<b><center> You do what <manager>he</manager> says and you and <bf>$bfname</bf> get to work, horny.</center></b>
<<set $dominant to $dominant+1>>\
<b><center><blue> Dominance +1!</blue></center></b>\
<<set $money to $money+15>>\
<green><b><center><i> You received 15€ for your work!</i></center></b></green>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\moneyinhand.png"></span></center>
<center>[[Undress and go outside|RedlightDistrict]]</center>
<center>[[Undress and go straight home|Room]]</center>
<div id="choice">
<<linkreplace "<white> • Actually, you control yourself...</white>">>
<<replace "#choice">>
<b><center> Actually you'd rather not imagine anything, these cages are some odd devices and you don't know where you could see yourself in such a situation with them</center></b>
-<b><you><font size ="-1"> Fuck those are weird..</font></you></b> - you mumble to yourself
-<b><manager> "Huh? Did you say something?"</manager></b> - <manager>$mname</manager> asks you.
-<b><you> No no no, they are really cool I meant</you></b> - you try to hide what you said... but it seems <bf>$bfname</bf> heard you because she's smiling at you
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\bfsmiling2.png"></span></center>
-<b><manager> "Indeed they are, very interesting toys, anyways I brought <bf>$bfname</bf> with us because... she's currently wearing one! And I wanted you to see first hand how it fits on the penis, assuming you wouldn't be willing to try one."</manager></b> - he says with a smirk on his face
<b><center> You look at your best friend and open your eyes in shock, there's no way she's wearing such thing, you don't want to see your own <bf>$bfname</bf> wearing that...!</center></b>
-<b><you> Eh no I dont want to try one and I don't want to see <bf>$bfname</bf> wearing it please.. it's really intimate..</you></b> - you say, not wanting to see your own <bf>best friends</bf> penis.
<b><center> You take a look at <bf>$bfname</bf> and see she's a litle sad that you dont want to involve with her more intimately, but it is what it is...</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\bfsad.jpg"></span></center>
-<b><manager> "Well I respect that but I must say a few words about them, there's no way a person wearing a chastity cage can do anything with their penises, it's completely useless, so remember when selling to a client to warn him about the reality of using one! Any questions?"</manager></B> - the manager asks you.
-<b><you>, thank you..</you></b> - you say stuttering, confused from what you heard
-<b><manager> "Good! Let's get to work then you two!"</manager></b> - he says, ready to work.
<b><center> You do what <manager>he</manager> says and you and <bf>$bfname</bf> get to work.</center></b>
<<set $money to $money+15>>\
<green><b><center><i> You received 15€ for your work!</i></center></b></green>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\moneyinhand.png"></span></center>
<center>[[Undress and go outside|RedlightDistrict]]</center>
<center>[[Undress and go straight home|Room]]</center>
</div><<set $worksubevent1 to false>>\
<span class='fadeIn'>\
<<set $worked to $worked+1>>\
<<set $time to $time+1>>\
<<if $time >= 3>>\
<<set $time to $time-1>>\
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\sexshop.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>\
<center><img src="images\city\sexshop.png" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>\
<b><center> You enter the sex shop, ready to work one more day, lately things have been fun, you learnt alot form your training and you are ready to apply the new information you got.</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\lockerjob.png"></span></center>
<b><center> As you're getting undressed... you realize you are wearing panties to work! How could you be so reckless? Hopefuly no one notices..</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\wearingpantieswork.jpg"></span></center>
<b><center> Anyways you decide to head outside and see <manager>$mname</manager> waiting for you at the cashier, looking bored as always, you can feel the thin line from the <pink>panties</pink> as you walk arond.. either way you get to <manager>$mname</manager> a little flushed</center></b>
-<b><manager> "Hey <you>$name</you> you alright? you look a little red..."</manager></b> - he asks you immediately out of concern.
-<b><you> Y..yeah it's nothing, I'm ready to work..</you></b> - you say, not wanting to focus on the subject.
<b><center> He looks at you curiously, like he can see through you, shrugs and says</center></b>
-<b><manager> "Sure, let's get going then, before we start though, could you go grab that box of dildos on the ground?"</manager></b> - <manager>$mname</manager> says, pointing at a box of unpacked dildos on the ground.
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\boxofdildo.jpg"></span></center>
-<b><you> Of course</you></b> - you say trying to do your best.
<b><center> As you crouch down to grab the box of dildos, you immediately hear a grin behind you and you can feel your <manager>manager</manager> smiling behind you... oh no... he can totally see your panties!</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\showingpanties.png"></span></center>
<b><center> You get up embarassed and looking at your feet completely embarassed you hand him the box.</center></b>
-<b><you></you> <manager>$mname</manager></b>- you say, giving him the box.
<b><center> He looks at you with a creepy smile and says</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\pervymanager.jpg"></span></center>
-<b><manager> "Very interesting choice of underwear <you>$name</you>... Nice to know you're into that type of lifestyle... I can tell things will be fun around here. Get to work."</manager><b> - he says, grabbing his crotch looking at you.
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\Managergrabcock.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><center> Oh no... what does he mean by that? You should've been more careful...</center></b>
<<set $submissive to $submissive+1>>\
<b><center><pink> Submissiveness +1!</pink></center></b>\
<<set $money to $money+15>>\
<green><b><center><i> You received 15€ for your work!</i></center></b></green>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\moneyinhand.png"></span></center>
<center>[[Undress and go outside|RedlightDistrict]]</center>
<center>[[Undress and go straight home|Room]]</center>
<<set $worksubevent2 to false>>\
<span class='fadeIn'>\
<<set $worked to $worked+1>>\
<<set $time to $time+1>>\
<<if $time >= 3>>\
<<set $time to $time-1>>\
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\sexshop.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>\
<center><img src="images\city\sexshop.png" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>\
<b><center> You enter the sex shop, ready to work one more day. <manager>$mname</manager> has been giving you weird looks as of late.. Hopefully everything goes smoothly today and you can just your job and get out...</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\lockerjob.png"></span></center>
<b><center> You are once again wearing panties, you are kinda getting used to them and they are more confortable as of late so you just decided to come wearing them, who cares if someone notices.. You head outside to start working and meet up with <manager>$mname</manager></center></b>
<b><center> As always, hes waiting for you with a twisted grin in his face</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\waitingmanager.jpg"></span></center>
-<b><manager> "Good evening <you>$name</you>, ready to work? Hope nothing distracts you hhehe.."</manager></b> - he laughs in a weird way
-<b><you> Haha... yeah I'm ready.</you> - you say, ready to work.
<b><center> As you are working through the day, you feel a client very close behind you as you are restocking some toys...</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\Restocking.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><center> Suddenly you feel him grab your ass without saying anything, harassing you and whispering in your ear..</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\grabbingasswork.png"></span></center>
-<b><red><font size="-1"> "What a good slut.. wearing panties so carelessly and showing to everyone, you're asking to be harassed..."</font></red></b> - he says whispering.
<b><center><manager>$mname</manager> hasn't noticed anything yet and you are frozen in place, you don't know what to do so you just comply and let him abuse you physically</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\Grabbingasswork.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><red><font size="-1"> "Look at you.. not even fighting, I bet you're hard right now"</font></red></b> - he says whispering as he grabs your crotch
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\Grabcrotch.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><center> As he grabs your crotch and your cock, you let out a slight moan..</center></b>
-<b><you><font size="-1"> mHMmm...</font></you></b> - you moan.
-<b><red><font size="-1"> "I knew it.. fucking <pink>sissy</pink>.. here feel this.."</font></red></b> - he says as you feel something big and hard rubbing on your ass
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\Rubcock.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><center> Oh my god! He's rubbing his cock in your ass, you can feel it on the entrace of your anus.. this has to stop or he's gonna rape you in the middle of the store...</center></b>
-<b><you> *cough* *cough* </you></b> - you cough loudly, trying to call the attention of <manager>$mname</manager>
<b><center> Finally <manager>$mname</manager> notices what's going on and screams at the costumer</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\screamingmanager.png"></span></center>
-<b><manager> "Hey perv! Leave him alone! What the hell are you doing!"</manager></b> - he screams at the random man as he comes close to him
<b><center> As the <manager>$mname</manager> is arriving the guy dips and runs out of the store, putting his dick in his pants and running away</center></b>
-<b><manager> "Fucking pervert.. are you okay <you>$name</you>?</manager></b> - he asks you.
-<b><you> Y..yes.. Thank you</you></b> <manager>$mname</manager> - you say looking down, shocked with what just happened.
<b><center> You are a shocked with what just happened.. but that's not all, you also feel horny... it's wrong to feel like this but you can't hide the fact that you have a massive boner right now.. what's wrong with you?</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\Boner.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><center> You see <manager>$mname</manager> looking down at your bulge and he grins</center></b>
-<b><manager> "Interesting..."</manager></b> - he says
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\pervymanager.jpg"></span></center>
-<b><you> I'll.. get back to work</you></b> - you say as you get back to work.
<<set $submissive to $submissive+1>>\
<b><center><pink> Submissiveness +1!</pink></center></b>\
<<set $money to $money+15>>\
<green><b><center><i> You received 15€ for your work!</i></center></b></green>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\moneyinhand.png"></span></center>
<center>[[Undress and go outside|RedlightDistrict]]</center>
<center>[[Undress and go straight home|Room]]</center>
<<set $worksubevent3 to false>>\
<span class='fadeIn'>\
<<set $worked to $worked+1>>\
<<set $time to $time+1>>\
<<if $time >= 3>>\
<<set $time to $time-1>>\
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\sexshop.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>\
<center><img src="images\city\sexshop.png" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>\
<b><center> You enter the sex shop and head towards the locker room, ready to put on your uniform, just another day at the job!</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\lockerjob.png"></span></center>
<b><center> As you head outside, you don't see <manager>$mname</manager> anywhere, you then notice a note on the cashier saying that he will be late a few minutes and that you should open up the store for him, so you do.</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\open.png"></span></center>
<b><center> Shortly after you open up the story, a beautiful woman with dark hair comes rushing in, she looks kinda distressed and flushed, she looks at you, gives a quick smile and asks you something.</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\translady.jpg"></span></center>
-<b><npc1> "H..hello, I'd like to rent one of the porn booths please..."</npc1></b> - she says, fidgety as she rubs her lets together.
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\pornbooth.png"></span></center>
-<b><you> Sure of course, here's the key, feel free to choose a porn of your choice or if you have brought something with you feel free to use it there.</you></b> - you explain to the costumer.
<b><center> She smiles at you and quickly rushes in inside the booth, usually people tend to take some type of pornography from the store with them but this time around she just rushed in... <manager>$mname</manager> isn't here yet, you could take a peek inside..</center></b>
<div id="choice">
<<linkreplace "<pink> • Peek inside..</pink>">>
<<replace "#choice">>
<b><center> You are really curious to what such a beautiful lady wants to watch so badly that she almost has to run inside, so you decide to open the door slightly and look at what she's doing and what she is watching...</center></b>
<b><center> You firstly take a look at the screen and notice some weirdly familiar imagery on the TV, it's flashy and quick and almost wants to make you stop and watch it together with her...</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\Sissyhypnoshop.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\Sissyhypnoshop2.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\Sissyhypnoshop3.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><center> You snap out of your trance, you almost feel like you drooled for some reason when you hear <npc1>her</npc1> moan, you decide to open it a little bit more and you are shocked with what you see.. she has a huge cock!</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\Pornboothfap.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><you> Oh my god!</you></b> - you involuntarily say out loud, catching the attention of <npc1> the costumer</npc1>
-<b><npc1> "What the hell!? Are you spying on me you pervert?! Get in, now!"</npc1></b> - the <npc1>woman</npc1> orders you, infuriated.
<b><center> You are so stupid, how could you speak out loud spying on someone... you do what she said embarassed and enter the booth, closing the door behind you.</center></b>
-<b><you> Look I'm so-.</you></b> - you start speaking as you get cut off.
-<b><npc1> "I don't care. I'm really horny and if you don't want to lose your job, you better put those hands to use on this fat cock while I watch my sissy porn, now!"</npc1></b> - she orders you in a domineering way.
<b><center> Oh my god.. You have to masturbate her... it's not like you have much choice here, you comply with what she asked and kneel down in front of her, ready to grab her cock</center></b>
-<b><npc1> "Good choice, begin."</npc1></b> - she orders you, and you start fapping her.
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\Npcsissyfap.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><npc1> "God, thank god you peaked on me, your hand feels great babe... keep going I'm about to cum..."</npc1></b> - she says, keeping her focus on the tv as you give her an handjob.
<b><center> Suddenly her breath starts quickening and you realize she's close to cumming and you want to get away from her, however, she wont let you.</center></b>
-<b><npc1> "Uh huh, be a good girl and stay kneeled where you are, I wanna cum all over your pretty face"</npc1></b> - she says, grabbing your head, putting you in place.
-<b><npc1> "Fu..fuck!! Im cumming...!"</npc1></b> - the woman says as she blasts all over your face..
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\Cummingfacenpc.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><npc1> "God that was fantastic, you'll get a 5 star review from me and no one will know about your peeking, you can go now."</npc1></b> - she says, shooing you out with your face full of cum
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\facecum.jpg">
<b><center> As you head outside, the worst happens, <manager>$mname</manager> is waiting for you, worried why you werent there ready to start working, as soon as he sees you his face opens up and he laughs at you</center></b>
-<b><manager> "Well well well, here I was wondering where you were and you come from a booth with a face full of girly cum, you're turning to be our best asset <you>$name</you>... I might want to give you a ride myself if you keep it that way haha.."</manager></b> - he says with the creepy smile he always has
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\pervymanager.jpg"></span></center>
<b><center> You say nothing and head towards the bathroom, cleaning your face, coming back and starting the job.</center></b>
<<set $submissive to $submissive+1>>\
<b><center><pink> Submissiveness +1!</pink></center></b>\
<<set $money to $money+15>>\
<green><b><center><i> You received 15€ for your work!</i></center></b></green>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\moneyinhand.png"></span></center>
<center>[[Undress and go outside|RedlightDistrict]]</center>
<center>[[Undress and go straight home|Room]]</center>
<div id="choice">\
<<linkreplace "<white> • Respect her privacy.</white>">>
<<replace "#choice">>
<b><center> You decide you want to respect the customers privacy and not invade it, you wait for <manager>$mname</manager> to arrive and get to work.</center></b>
<<set $money to $money+15>>\
<green><b><center><i> You received 15€ for your work!</i></center></b></green>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\moneyinhand.png"></span></center>
<center>[[Undress and go outside|RedlightDistrict]]</center>
<center>[[Undress and go straight home|Room]]</center>
</div><<set $worksubevent4 to false>>\
<span class='fadeIn'>\
<<set $worked to $worked+1>>\
<<set $time to $time+1>>\
<<if $time >= 3>>\
<<set $time to $time-1>>\
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\sexshop.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>\
<center><img src="images\city\sexshop.png" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>
<b><center> You enter the sex shop and head towards the locker room, ready to put on your uniform!</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\lockerjob.png"></span></center>
<b><center> As you are about to undress, you take a look at the mirror in the locker room and notice how different you have become since the first time you started working here, people probably have noticed aswell... You decide to take a picture to compare it later</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\mcpicture.png"></span></center>
<b><center> You finish taking the picture and head outside to work, ready to meet <manager>$mname</manager></center></b>
<b><center> As you reach outside, you see <manager>$mname</manager> speaking with a familiar face who is smoking a cigarette</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\smokingruby.jpg"></span></center>
-<b><manager> "<you>$name</you>! Right on time, you probably remember <dom>Mistress Ruby</dom>. She wants to buy a few items but wants someone to test them on first, I figured you'd be perfect for this job."</manager></b> - <manager>$mname</manager> says looking at you with his perverted smirk.
<b><center> You already know this isn't going to be good for you.. but you have to do your job.</center></b>
-<b><dom> "What a difference.. Are you really <you>$name</you>? You are starting to blossom to be a perfect <pink>sissy</pink>... You'll do just fine for what I need.."</dom></b> - <dom>Mistress Ruby</dom> says looking at you with a devious look in her face.
<b><center> What does she need you for..? You are curious so you head up next to her and ask</center></b>
-<b><you> Hi <dom>Ruby</dom>.. What can I do for you?</you></b> - you ask curious
<b><center> Her expression changes and she grabs your face suddenly, looking mad at you</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\grabfaceruby.jpg"></span></center>
-<b><dom> "Treat me with proper respect <pink>sissy</pink>. Mistress Ruby, not Ruby, understand?"</dom></b> - she says as she lets go of you.
<b><center> You feel shivers down your spine, she is so much stronger than you... you just obey.</center></b>
-<b><you> Yes...</you><dom>Mistress Ruby</dom></b> - you say respectfully.
-<b><dom> "Much better. I want you to go try on a specific set of clothing for me, I needed a feminine man and you'll do just perfect, let's go into a booth."</dom></b> - she says ordering you around.
<b><center> <manager>$mname</manager> lets you two be and goes to attend other costumers, so you just follow <dom>Mistress Ruby</dom> into booth as she ordered.</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\insidebooth.jpg"></span></center>
-<b><dom> "Undress and put this on."</dom></b> - <dom>Mistress Ruby</dom> orders you, throwing a outfit on the ground, it looks like a schoolgirl outfit.
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\schoolgirloutfit.png"></span></center>
<b><center> A schoolgirl outfit...? Really? And wait she asked you to undress but she isn't going to give you privacy? You take a look at her for a few seconds and she raises her eyebrow and says</center></b>
-<b><dom> "What are you waiting for? Undress</dom></b> <pink>sissy</pink>." - she says looking at you with a cold face.
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\coldfacedom.png"></span></center>
<b><center> I guess there's no point trying to defy her... you do what she asked and undress in front of her</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\nakedmc.jpg"></span></center>
<b><center> <dom>Mistress Ruby</dom> comes close to you for some reason and looks at you, suddenly she throws you on your back and grabs a hold of your penis</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\sphruby.jpg"></span></center>
-<b><dom> "What a tiny tiny dick! And look at you all waxed up, not a single thread of manly hair on your body, I think we need something else to match the outfit.. Wait here <pink>sissy</pink>"</dom></b> - <dom>Mistress Ruby</dom> says as she heads outside, leaving you naked in the booth alone.
<b><center> You wait for her to come back and after a few minutes she comes back holding something in her hand.. it's a chastity cage!</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\holdingchastity.jpg"></span></center>
-<b><dom> "This is what you're missing, I'll put this on just for the outfit dont worry <pink>sissy</pink>, you're not ready to wear one permanently, perhaps one day. Open your legs now."</dom></b> - she says ordering you, ready to put you in chastity.
<b><center> Oh my god.. You've seen plenty of chastity cages by now since you are working in the sex shop, but never have you thought you'd be wearing one.. If it's just for now I guess you can comply... You give her full access to your tiny penis to which she locks you in chastity, you dont see the need for the lock but I guess she wants a full immersion..</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\lockedchastity.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><dom> "There we go, much better, now I dont have to look at that tiny cock, put the clothes on now."</dom></b> - she orders you further.
<b><center> You comply and put the schoolgirl outfit on, you feel so <pink>girly</pink> right now.. no, even worse... you feel so slutty...</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\mcschoolgirl.jpg"></span></center>
-<b><dom> "You look fantastic, I'll take all of it, even the chastity, you can undress now.</dom></b> - she orders you to undress
<b><center> You do what she said and undress, leaving you fully naked in chastity, surely she will take it off now and you can go back to work..</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\mclocked.jpg"></span></center>
<b><center> She grins and looks at you, grabbing your chastity caged cock, she looks at you and says</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\Playingwithchastity.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><dom> "What if I decided I want to enslave you right here? I'd just take this little key and go back home, leaving you completely on my will?"</dom></b> - she says, flaunting the chastity key at you.
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\chastitykey.jpg"></span></center>
<b><center> No.. no way she's thinking of doing that right? You immediately fall to your knees in front of her and start begging her to not do such thing</center></b>
-<b><you> Please <dom>Mistress</dom> have some mercy.. I dont want to be in chastity... Please release it...</you></b> - you beg her.
<b><center> Her face lightens up and she looks at you, grabbing you by the hair</center></b>
-<b><dom> "Kiss my heels and I'll think about it."</dom></b> - she says while letting go of your hair.
<center><b>You dont even think twice, you get close to her feet and start immediately worshiping her.</b></center>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\Kissingfeetruby.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><dom> "I am satisfied, come here, I'll unlock you."</dom></b> - she says, grabbing your chastity caged penis and unlocking you.
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\Unlockingchastity2.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><center> That was so scary.. finally you're free.. You get dressed as <dom>Mistress Ruby</dom> watches you.</center></b>
-<b><dom> "I am very satisfied with you today, keep going like this and perhaps I may add you to my collection of <pink>sissy slaves</pink>. See you <you>$name</you>."</dom></b> - she says going out with her items.
<b><center> You then get back to work, flustered with what happened, the scenes keep replaying in your head throughout the day...</center></b>
<<set $submissive to $submissive+1>>\
<b><center><pink> Submissiveness +1!</pink></center></b>\
<<set $money to $money+15>>\
<green><b><center><i> You received 15€ for your work!</i></center></b></green>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\moneyinhand.png"></span></center>
<center>[[Undress and go outside|RedlightDistrict]]</center>
<center>[[Undress and go straight home|Room]]</center><<set $worksubevent5 to false>>\
<span class='fadeIn'>\
<<set $worked to $worked+1>>\
<<set $time to $time+1>>\
<<if $time >= 3>>\
<<set $time to $time-1>>\
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\sexshop.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>\
<center><img src="images\city\sexshop.png" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>
<b><center> You enter the sex shop and head towards the locker room, ready to put on your uniform!</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\lockerjob.png"></span></center>
<b><center> When you enter, you stumble upon <bf>$bfname</bf> putting her uniform on aswell, looks like you have company for the day today, that always puts you in a happier mood while working, you greet her.</center></b>
-<b><you> Hey bestie, how are you?</you></b> - you greet <bf>$bfname</bf>
<b><center> She looks at you and her face lightens up for a second but then it changes into an expression of confusion, she stops what she is doing and comes next to you, watching your face closely.</center></b>
-<b><bf> "Bestie... are you wearing makeup?!</bf></b> - she asks with an hand over her mouth.
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\mcmakeup2.png"></span></center>
<b><center> Oops.. you applied makeup yesterday and forgot to take it off.. I mean not that you have anything to hide, you like wearing it.</center></b>
-<b><you> Y..yeah I am! I tried it few days ago and I just thought it looked good on me so I started using it..</you></b> - you explain to your best friend.
-<b><bf> "OMG you are totally right, you look amazing! We have to take a picture together, put this on please!"</bf></b> - she says, throwing a girly outfit at you she had stored.
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\girlyoutfit.png"></span></center>
<b><center> You look at the outfit and it looks quite <pink>girly</pink> but it's just a picture and you can ask her not to share it.. it's gonna look really good anyways, and you can never deny her requests, it's your bestie!</center></b>
-<b><you> Sure.. but keep it to yourself, don't show it to anyone!</you></b> - you ask her.
-<b><bf> "Okay okay, lets do it!"</bf></b> - she says excited with little jumps.
<b><center> You put on the girly outfit and you can't lie, it looks pretty good on you, you look really hot, you come close to her and get ready to take the picture.</center></b>
-<b><bf> "Smile!"</bf></b> - she says, smiling.
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\bffpicture.jpg"></span></center>
-<b><bf> "Look! We look amazing bestie!"</bf></b> - she says, as he grabs your face and starts kissing you deeply as she usually does when she gets excited.
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\Bfkissing2.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<bf> $bfname ..</bf> - you say looking at her with an horny look.
<b><center> You usually don't get horny with these types of interaction with her, you've known her for years.. but this one hit different.. you grow a boner and she notices..</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\bonermc.png"></span></center>
-<b><bf> "Oh what do we have here..? I've waited for you to get aroused by me for years.. finally.. relax bestie.."</bf></b> - she says as she kneels in front of you and without saying anything, takes your cock in her mouth.
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\bfsceneshop1.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><you> Oh my god <bf>$bfname ..</bf> your mouth feels.. amazing..</you></b> - you say, melting on her mouth.
<b><center> It truly does.. you've always did your best to not look at <bf>$bfname</bf> in a sexual way.. but you can't resist anymore, you want to let yourself go.. and looking at her cock, she looks quite aroused herself too..</center></b>
-<b><you> My turn..</you></b> - you say, as you take your cock out of her mouth, pull her up and start suckin on her <pink>sissy clit</pink>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\bfsceneshop2.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><bf> "Oh my god.. I never thought this day would come, suck me you <pink>sissy</pink>.. can't believe I'm calling you this.. it's like a dream.."</bf></B> - she says as she grabs your head, fucking your throat agressively.
<b><center> As you suck her, you look up at her and you really want to fuck her, you want to feel her tight <pink>boipussy</pink> on your cock..</center></b>
-<b><you> I want to fuck you, please..</you></b> - you ask in a cute way.
-<b><bf> "You know I can't resist if you ask so nicely.."</bf></b> - she says as she turns around, presenting her asshole to you.
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\bfhole.jpg"></span></center>
<b><center> You put her on all fours and give a couple more licks on her <pink>clit</pink> and <pink>boipussy</pink></center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\bfsceneshop3.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><bf> "Stop teasing me.. fuck me</bf> <you>$name</you>"</b> - she pleads.
<b><center> And you are more than happy to obey, you line up your cock with her <pink>boipussy</pink> and start thrusting inside with great force, feeling extremely horny, you are fucking the person you know the best after all these years, the experience is amazing..</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\bfsceneshop4.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><you> Oh my god you are so tight..</you></b> - you say, entering her.
-<b><bf> "And you feel amazing inside me.."</bf></b> - she completes you.
<b><center> You lay down on top of her and keep plowing her.</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\bfsceneshop5.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><you> I love fucking you <bf>$bfname</bf>.. I love you..</you></b> - you say, not even thinking about your words as you fuck <bf>$bfname</bf>
-<b><bf> "I love you too <you>$name</you>.. I've loved you all these years.. you're the reason I transitioned.. fuck me harder...</bf></b> - she declares her love for you as you fuck her.
<b><center> After a while you are ready to cum, you are all sweaty and you smell like her, you get up and warn her..</center></b>
-<b><you> I want to cum on your mouth</you> <bf>$bfname</bf></b> - you warn her.
-<b><bf> "Do it.. cum in my mouth"</bf></b> - she opens her mouth as you cum in her mouth
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\openmouthbf.jpg"></span></center>
<b><center> As you unload on her mouth, she gets up next to you with your cum in her mouth and approaches you, wanting to kiss you in the mouth with your own cum.. you decide</center></b>
<div id="choice">
<<linkreplace "<pink> • Open your mouth and accept the cum kiss..</pink>">>
<<replace "#choice">>
<b><center> You are too horny to stop, you open your mouth and start kissing her, sharing your own cum with her.</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\bfkissing.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><bf> "That was so hot.."</bf></b> - she says, licking her lips.
-<b><you> Y..yeah.. it was..</you></b> - you say, licking your own lips aswell, feeling the salty taste of your own cum.
<b><center> You two look at each other embarassed and start laughing out of nowhere.</center></b>
-<b><bf> "HAHAHA.. we just fucked like animals on the job.. this is crazy!"</bf></b> - she says laughing.
-<b><you> HAHAH... yeah that was insane.. we should get working tho..</you></b> - you say laughing with her
<b><center> Even though you two are laughing, she literally just declared her love for you.. you shouldn't ignore that but for now you will, you two dress up and go back to work, cleaning the place beforehand.</center></b>
<<set $submissive to $submissive+1>>\
<b><center><pink> Submissiveness +1!</pink></center></b>\
<<set $money to $money+15>>\
<green><b><center><i> You received 15€ for your work!</i></center></b></green>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\moneyinhand.png"></span></center>
<center>[[Undress and go outside|RedlightDistrict]]</center>
<center>[[Undress and go straight home|Room]]</center>
<div id="choice">\
<<linkreplace "<white> • Ask her to stop..</white>">>
<<replace "#choice">>
<b><center> This is too much for you and you're not ready to eat your own cum.. so you ask her to stop.</center></b>
-<b><you> I don't want that bestie.. sorry.. I'm not ready to taste cum..</you></b> - you say honestly.
-<b><bf> "Okay bestie it's fine.."</bf></b> - she says a little disappointed, gulping your cum down.
<b><center> You two look at each other embarassed and start laughing out of nowhere.</center></b>
-<b><bf> "HAHAHA.. we just fucked like animals on the job.. this is crazy!"</bf></b> - she says laughing.
-<b><you> HAHAH... yeah that was insane.. we should get working tho..</you></b> - you say laughing with her
<b><center> Even though you two are laughing, she literally just declared her love for you.. you shouldn't ignore that but for now you will, you two dress up and go back to work, cleaning the place beforehand.</center></b>
<<set $money to $money+15>>\
<green><b><center><i> You received 15€ for your work!</i></center></b></green>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\moneyinhand.png"></span></center>
<<set $submissive to $submissive+1>>\
<b><center><pink> Submissiveness +1!</pink></center></b>\
<center>[[Undress and go outside|RedlightDistrict]]</center>
<center>[[Undress and go straight home|Room]]</center>
</div><<set $worksubevent6 to false>>\
<span class='fadeIn'>\
<<set $worked to $worked+1>>\
<<set $time to $time+1>>\
<<if $time >= 3>>\
<<set $time to $time-1>>\
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\sexshop.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>\
<center><img src="images\city\sexshop.png" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>
<b><center> You enter the sex shop and head towards the locker room, ready to put on your uniform!</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\lockerjob.png"></span></center>
<b><center> As you enter the locker room.. you stop in your tracks as you hear some weird slurping noises on the locker room.. you come quietly closer to the noise and when you peek in, you see <bf>$bfname</bf> sucking off <manager>$mname</manager>!</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\Bfbjmanager.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><center> Oh my god, <manager>he's</manager> fucking <bf>$bfname</bf> throat roughly.. jesus!</center></b>
<b><center> You are lost watching when you look at <manager>$mname</manager> and he has noticed you.</center></b>
-<b><manager> "Come in <you>$name</you>, no need to be shy.."</manager></b> - he says, noticing you.
<b><center> You do what he says and come in, <bf>$bfname</bf> keeps sucking him off, not stoping as she looks at you, a slight smile growing on her face</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\Bfbjmanager2.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><manager> "Sorry that you had to see this, your friend over here was hungry for some cock. You can get dressed and ignore us."</manager></b> - he says smiling at you.
<b><center> You are embarassed with what you're watching but you do what he said and start dressing up, suddenly you her <manager>$mname</manager> whisper something on <bf>$bfname</bf> ear and she stops sucking and talks to you</center></b>
-<b><bf> "Bestie.. why don't you join me down here..?"</bf></b> - she asks you
<b><center> <manager>$mname</manager> grins at you, you can't lie to yourself that you feel horny from watching this and his cock looks amazing right now... you decide you want to</center></b>
<div id="choice">
<<linkreplace "<pink> • Join her..</pink>">>
<<replace "#choice">>
<b><center> You submit and decide you really want to join.. even though it's <manager>$mname</manager>, why does he have to have such a good looking big cock..</center></b>
-<b><you> S..sure..</you></b> - you say, kneeling next to her and next to his cock..
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\cockoutmanager.jpg"></span></center>
-<b><manager> "Good girl.."</manager></b> - <manager>$mname</manager> says as he pets you in the head.
<b><center> You feel extremely submissive from him petting your head like a pet.. but as <bf>$bfname</bf> gets back to sucking, you join her and start sucking his cock, while she sucks his balls.</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\bfmcmanager1.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\bfmcmanager2.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><manager> "Yeah.. suck this fat cock <pink>whore</pink>.. from the moment I hired you I knew one day you'd be on your knees sucking this cock..</manager></b> - he says, petting you again.
<b><center> You feel really horny and submissive, you and <bf>$bfname</bf> switch up and you start licking his balls as she sucks his cock</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\bfmcmanager3.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><center> After a while of sucking, he gets tired and says</center></b>
-<b><manager> "Get up <bf>$bfname</bf>, I want to fuck your ass while this <pink>sissy</pink> watches, one day it'll be her."</manager></b>
<b><center> He then puts <bf>$bfname</bf> in a very weird position and starts plowing her, as he fucks her, you start kissing <bf>$bfname</bf></center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\bfmcmanager4.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><bf> "It feels so good.. fuck me!"</bf></b> - she asks for more.
<b><center> After a while, he grabs you and <bf>$bfname</bf>, places both of you in front of him and cum on both of your faces and mouth.</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\bfcumonface.jpg"></span></center>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\mccumonface.jpg"></span></center>
-<b><manager> "Good sluts, you represent well this shop, get back to work whores."</manager></b> - he says, ordering you both.
<b><center> You both clean your faces and get to working, with a breath of cock.</center></b>
<<set $submissive to $submissive+1>>\
<b><center><pink> Submissiveness +1!</pink></center></b>\
<<set $money to $money+15>>\
<green><b><center><i> You received 15€ for your work!</i></center></b></green>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\moneyinhand.png"></span></center>
<center>[[Undress and go outside|RedlightDistrict]]</center>
<center>[[Undress and go straight home|Room]]</center>
<div id="choice">\
<<linkreplace "<white> • Deny her offer</white>">>
<<replace "#choice">>
<b><center> Even though it's tempting, you don't want to suck <manager>$mname</manager> cock.. you get dressed, deny her request and leave them, starting your job.</center></b>
-<b><you> Im good thanks.</you></b> - you say, as you head outside, opening up the store.
<<set $money to $money+15>>\
<green><b><center><i> You received 15€ for your work!</i></center></b></green>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\moneyinhand.png"></span></center>
<center>[[Undress and go outside|RedlightDistrict]]</center>
<center>[[Undress and go straight home|Room]]</center>
</div><<set $workdomevent1 to false>>\
<span class='fadeIn'>\
<<set $worked to $worked+1>>\
<<set $time to $time+1>>\
<<if $time >= 3>>\
<<set $time to $time-1>>\
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\sexshop.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>\
<center><img src="images\city\sexshop.png" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>
<b><center> You enter the sex shop and head towards the locker room, ready to put on your uniform!</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\lockerjob.png"></span></center>
<b><center> You head outside and you don't see <manager>$mname</manager> anywhere, you decide to open up the by yourself and not wait for him.</center></b>
<b><center> As you open up, immediately a female client in her thirties comes rushing in and asks you</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\beautifulwoman.jpg"></span></center>
-<b><npc1> "Excuse me.. can I rent one of the porn booths please?"</npc1></b> - she asks you
-<b><you> Of course, here's the key, you can use one of the videos if you wish, have fun Miss.</you></b> - you say, giving her the key.
<b><center> She heads inside the porn booth and you give her privacy.. however after a while you hear her opening the door and calling you.</center></b>
-<b><npc1> "Sir.. could you come here?"</npc1></b> - you hear her calling from far away.
<b><center> You comply and enter the booth, once you're there you stumble upon the woman, legs open wide masturbating, with a sly smile in her face</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\womanmasturbatingbooth.png"></span></center>
-<b><npc1> "Hello stud.. I thought you were really cute, why don't you give me an hand here..?"</npc1></b> - she says looking at you.
<b><center> Wow.. she's completely offering herself to you, you look at her and decide</center></b>
<div id="choice">
<<linkreplace "<blue> • Give her an hand and maybe more..</blue>">>
<<replace "#choice">>
<b><center> You decide you want to accept her offer why not, it's free sex and she looks like a MILF, <manager>$mname</manager> isnt here yet aswell.</center></b>
-<b><you> Sure babe.. </you></b> - you say as you get next to her, touching her wet pussy, fingering her.
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\domsexshop1.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><center> After a while she turns to you and says</center></b>
-<b><npc1> "This may sound weird but I'm married.. and my husband is a cuck.. however he doesn't want people to fuck me in my pussy.. can you destroy my asshole instead?"</npc1></b> - she gives a weird offer.
<b><center> It's a weird offer but you don't see why you woul deny her, you get to fuck her ass, even better!</center></b>
-<b><you> Sure why not, even better.</you></b> - you say, lining up your cock with her ass, starting to fuck her.
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\domsexshop2.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><you> You like that slut? What would your husband say if he saw your right now?</you></b> - you ask her.
-<b><npc1> "He'd probably enjoy the stupid cuck!"</npc1></b> - she says mid moans
<b><center> After a while, you cum all over her ass</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\cumass.jpg"></span></center>
-<b><you> I have to go back to working, the shop is left unattended, clean yourself whore.</you></b> - you say, leaving the booth and going back to working.
<<set $dominant to $dominant+1>>\
<b><center><blue> Dominance +1!</blue></center></b>\
<<set $money to $money+15>>\
<green><b><center><i> You received 15€ for your work!</i></center></b></green>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\moneyinhand.png"></span></center>
<center>[[Undress and go outside|RedlightDistrict]]</center>
<center>[[Undress and go straight home|Room]]</center>
<div id="choice">\
<<linkreplace "<white> • Deny her offer</white>">>
<<replace "#choice">>
<b><center> Even though you are tempted by the offer, you respect yourself too much to just hook up with a random lady, specially when she's a client, you respectfuly deny her.</center></b>
-<b><you> Thank you for the offer, I appreciate the complimenents but I'm not interested.</you></b> - you say honestly.
<b><center> You then head back to work and leave her alone.</center></b>
<<set $money to $money+15>>\
<green><b><center><i> You received 15€ for your work!</i></center></b></green>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\moneyinhand.png"></span></center>
<center>[[Undress and go outside|RedlightDistrict]]</center>
<center>[[Undress and go straight home|Room]]</center>
</div><span class='fadeIn'>\
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\therapy.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><img src="images\city\therapylobby.png" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>
<b><center> You enter the therapy building and immediately stumble upon <ltblue>$receptionistname</ltblue> on her phone talking with someone, when she sees you she smiles at you with a devious look on her face as if teasing you.</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\receptionistphone.jpg"></span></center>
<b><center> You head next to her and wait for her to finish her call, it takes about 10 minutes which is quite alot considering you are a costumer... she completely just ignores you and don't treat you with respect, eventually she finishes and looks at you</center></b>
-<b><ltblue><font size ="-1"> "We'll talk later slave...</font> Hey <you>$name</you> thanks for waiting like a good boy. You could've head upstairs already but I just wanted to see how you would act, and like I thought, you acted like a little bitch, anyways, <therapist>$therapistname</therapist> is waiting for you.</ltblue></b> - she says mocking you.
<b><center> You sigh and dont say anything, heading upstairs to your therapy session.</center></b>
<center>[[Head upstairs and enter the office|therapistsubeventrepeat2]]</center><span class='fadeIn'>\
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\therapy.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><img src="images\city\therapyroom.png" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>
<b><center> You enter the office but you don't see <therapist>$therapistname</therapist> anywhere curiously.. that's when you hear a voice from the other room shouting at you</center></b>
-<b><therapist> "You can head inside the room and take the pill, the therapy will start!"</therapist></b> - she screams at you.
<b><center> You obey her and head inside, taking the pill and entering the hypnosis session.</center></b>
<center>[[Enter the hypno session|therapistsubeventrepeat3]]</center>
<<goto `either("repeathypno3", "repeathypno2", "repeathypno1",)`>>\<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\therapy.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>\
<center><video src="videos\hypno\hypnoaudio.mp4" width="1" height="1" autoplay></video></center>\
<b><center><red><u><font size="10">HYPNOTIZED</font></u></red></center></b>\
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\resources\hypno.gif"></span></center>\
<b><center><red> You cannot take your eyes off the imagery in front of you, your subconscious sucks everything that is being presented to you and rewrites your brain to accept it as the correct thing, whatever thoughts you had about these topics are about to be unconsciously changed...</red></center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\makeuphypno.jpg"></span></center>
<b><center><i><pink> You imagine <gf>$gfname</gf> putting lipstick on you before you two go out for lunch, her asking you to pout to see if your lipstick is well applied...</pink></i></center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\Shoescaption.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><center><i><pink> You feel like heading towards <mom>$momname</mom> dresser and grabbing her most beautiful heels... Even though you don't know how to talk with them, you have this feminine urge to learn how to walk on heels..</pink></i></center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\bracaption.jpg"></span></center>
<b><center><i><pink> What if one day you arrived at class and <teacher>$nameteacher</teacher> was holding a strap bra for you to wear? For some reason you feel like you'd totally take it and wear it obediently right now...</pink></i></center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\Pantieshypno.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><center><i><pink> You have wore panties before... and right now with your barriers down you can't help but accept the fact you prefer them over your manly boy boxers.. specially <sister>$sistername</sister> panties.. they feel specially good</pink></i></center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\Dresshypno.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><center><i><pink> What does a woman dress feel like? It looks really pretty and liberating.. maybe you should try one.. be a good sissy..</pink></i></center></b>
<b><center><red> After a while the imagery starts fading away and you hear a chirping noise around the room</red></center></b>
<center>[[Snap out of the hypno|repeathypno1pt2]]</center><center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\therapy.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>\
<center><video src="videos\hypno\hypnoaudio.mp4" width="1" height="1" autoplay></video></center>\
<b><center><red><u><font size="10">HYPNOTIZED</font></u></red></center></b>\
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\resources\hypno.gif"></span></center>\
<b><center><red> You cannot take your eyes off the imagery in front of you, your subconscious sucks everything that is being presented to you and rewrites your brain to accept it as the correct thing, whatever thoughts you had about these topics are about to be unconsciously changed...</red></center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\alphabeta.png"></span></center>
<b><center> You are looking at the images and you hear a loud <red> "WHICH ONE ARE YOU?"</red> across the room</center></b>
<b><center><i><pink> You look at the images in front of you and your subconscious immediately focuses on the right side... you see a soft feminized sissy boi... and you can't help but see yourself in him, you have nothing to do with the <brown>big black man</brown> to the left, he's so much stronger than you..</pink></i></center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\Cockhypno.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><center><i><pink> The image keeps changing from a pussy to a cock cumming in someones mouth and your brain starts assuming the second image as the right one.. what would that feel like?</pink></i></center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\Bnwohypno.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><center><i><pink> <brown>Black men</brown> are so much stronger and bigger than you, perhaps they were always meant to be the superior race and lead whitebois and whitegirls around... don't you think?</pink></i></center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\Sissyhypnotherapy.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><center><i><pink> Lately you have been feeling that really this is your destiny, you look at the soft sissy getting fucked in her boipussy and you can't help but imagine how it'd feel to be in her place, getting completely dominated by an alpha male..</pink></i></center></b>
<b><center><red> You hear a loud chirping noise and you snap out</red></center></b>
<center>[[Snap out of the hypno|repeathypno2pt2]]</center><center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\therapy.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>\
<center><video src="videos\hypno\hypnoaudio.mp4" width="1" height="1" autoplay></video></center>\
<b><center><red><u><font size="10">HYPNOTIZED</font></u></red></center></b>\
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\resources\hypno.gif"></span></center>\
<b><center><red> You cannot take your eyes off the imagery in front of you, your subconscious sucks everything that is being presented to you and rewrites your brain to accept it as the correct thing, whatever thoughts you had about these topics are about to be unconsciously changed...</red></center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\Femdom.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><center><i><pink> You read the caption and immediately imagine yourself in the position of a sissy slave where her mistress would pass her around in a party, treating her like a complete whore..</pink></i></center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\Chastity.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><center><i><pink> What if <sister>$sistername</sister> decided to lock you in a chastity cage? Would you fight against it? Realistically what could you do with the dirt she has on you? She would completely own your masculinity and you'd not be able to fight it... and truly, would you want to fight it?</pink></i></center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\Strapon.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><center><i><pink> With how dominant <teacher>$nameteacher</teacher> is you wouldn't be suprised if one day you'd find yourself in this position, being pegged by her, calling her your <teacher>Mistress</teacher> as she treats you like a slut and the truth is... you look forward to that.</pink></i></center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\Flr.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><center><i><pink> What if <gf>$gfname</gf> decided to make your relationship a female led relationship, where you'd be her sissy sub slave, chastitise you and you'd be in her control? She could dress you up in a maid outfit and make you do her daily chores, you'd just be her slave.. Perhaps that would be the solution to all of your problems..</pink></i></center></b>
<b><center><red> You hear a loud chirping noise around the room and you snap out of the hypnosis</red></center></b>
<center>[[Snap out of the hypno|repeathypno3pt2]]</center><center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\therapy.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><img src="images\city\hypnoroom.png" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>
<b><center> You are deep into the hypno as the video comes to an end.. you cannot move or even think, you are just staring almost drooling taking everything you just watched in.</center></b>
-<b><therapist><i> "You can see yourself out <pink>sissy</pink>, good job today."</i></therapist></b> - your therapist says, cutting of transmission.
<b><center> You are very drowsy once again and you can barely move but you manage to head home after the therapy session.</center></b>
<<if $submissive <=60>>\
<<set $submissive to $submissive+1>>\
<b><center><pink> Submissiveness +1!</pink></center></b>\
<b><center><white><u> This action won't increase your <pink>submission</pink> anymore.</u></white></center></b>
<center>[[Go back home|RoomTherapy]]</center><center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\therapy.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><img src="images\city\hypnoroom.png" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>
<b><center> You are deep into the hypno as the video comes to an end.. you cannot move or even think, you are just staring almost drooling taking everything you just watched in.</center></b>
-<b><therapist><i> "You can see yourself out <pink>sissy</pink>, good job today."</i></therapist></b> - your therapist says, cutting of transmission.
<b><center> You are very drowsy once again and you can barely move but you manage to head home after the therapy session.</center></b>
<<if $submissive <=60>>\
<<set $submissive to $submissive+1>>\
<b><center><pink> Submissiveness +1!</pink></center></b>\
<b><center><white><u> This action won't increase your <pink>submission</pink> anymore.</u></white></center></b>
<center>[[Go back home|RoomTherapy]]</center><center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\therapy.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><img src="images\city\hypnoroom.png" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>
<b><center> You are deep into the hypno as the video comes to an end.. you cannot move or even think, you are just staring almost drooling taking everything you just watched in.</center></b>
-<b><therapist><i> "You can see yourself out <pink>sissy</pink>, good job today."</i></therapist></b> - your therapist says, cutting of transmission.
<b><center> You are very drowsy once again and you can barely move but you manage to head home after the therapy session.</center></b>
<<if $submissive <=60>>\
<<set $submissive to $submissive+1>>\
<b><center><pink> Submissiveness +1!</pink></center></b>\
<b><center><white><u> This action won't increase your <pink>submission</pink> anymore.</u></white></center></b>
<center>[[Go back home|RoomTherapy]]</center><<set $dayy to 1>>
<<set $day to $day+2>>
<<set $time to 0>>
<<goto "Room">><span class='fadeIn'>\
<<set $therapistsubevent4 to false>>\
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\therapy.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><img src="images\city\therapylobby.png" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>
<b><center> You enter the lobby of the therapy building and you see some people waiting to be attended by <ltblue>$receptionistname</ltblue>. You can see clearly that she doesnt treat everyone the way she treats you, why does she like to feel so superior to you? Do you really give a submissive vibe that much...? Either way it's your turn and you head up to her.</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\smirkreceptionist.jpg"></span></center>
<b><center> As she sees you, her faces turning into a mischevious smirk immediately, does she know something you don't?</center></b>
-<b><ltblue> "Oh hello there <you>$name</you>, you're finally here, today is a special day for you hehe.."</ltblue></b> - she says smirking
<b><center> Special day? What could she be refering to..?</center></b>
-<b><you> Ehm hey <ltblue>$receptionistname</ltblue>, what do you mean?</you></b> - you ask curious
-<b><ltblue> "My bad, I shouldn't be even saying anything, you can go upstairs... I'll see you soon..."</ltblue></b> - she says looking at you weirdly and giggling
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\Receptionistgiggling.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><center> See you soon? I guess she means when you are out of the session.. right?</center></b>
<center>[[Go upstairs to see your therapist|therapistsubevent4thpt2]]</center>
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\therapy.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><img src="images\city\therapyroom.png" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>
<b><center> You enter <therapist>$therapistname</therapist> office and you see her readily waiting for you on her couch, which is strange she usually is doing something and then you enter but this time around she seems very excited for something.. what's going on?</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\therapistsitting.jpg"></span></center>
-<b><therapist> "Hello there my favourite subje...-patient! How are you today? Good I assume, anyways lets get to what matters, today you're going to take a step further into our experimentational therapy, I've been figuring out the next steps for the past few weeks so me and <teacher>$nameteacher</teacher> have developed together the next step, obviously I'm not going to fully describe what you're going to go through but as soon as you go to the hypno room you'll understand and I'll explain better"</therapist></b> - she says, speaking for what feels like eternity, not letting you cut her off
<b><center> As per usual, she speaks a lot and is very energetic, you can't even say if you are good or bad when she asks how you are... she just dropped off a lot of information, but it seems that you are going into the next stage... cool!</center></b>
-<b><you> Ehm right.. I assume you want me to go inside right..?</you></b> - you ask still taken off from how much she talks
<b><center> She takes a look at you and starts getting up from the couch, looking at you like you were an idiot</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\therapistidiot.jpg"></span></center>
-<b><therapist> "Of course? Did taking all those pills make you retarded or something? Hopefully that's not a side effect.. I'll see you in the other room, hurry up."</therapist></b> - she says mocking you.
-<b><you> Right..</you></b> - you say, kinda insulted of how she treated you.
<center>[[Enter the hypno room|therapistsubevent4thpt3]]</center><center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\therapy.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><img src="images\city\hypnoroom.png" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>
<b><center> You enter the hypno room and the light shocking always hurts your eyes but you are slowly getting more and more used to entering this room, nothing much has changed tho... you were expecting some major change the way she was speaking of the next step, you investigate around and that's when you look at the chair you usually sit to watch the hypno videos, there's a different pill there and now the liquid you usually drink is pink...</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\pinkdrink.jpg"></span></center>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\pinkpill.jpg"></span></center>
-<b><therapist><i> "It seems you have noticed. Take a seat and let me explain what changed."</i></therapist></b> - you hear through the intercommunicator in the room.
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\couchhypno.jpg"></span></center>
<b><center> You follow what she said and you take a seat on the familiar couch, the TV is turned off but you can feel the smell of the drink... it instantly makes you feel something... yet you can't explain what it is. <pink>You feel drawn to it.</pink></center>
-<b><therapist><i> "As you can see, the pill has changed and <teacher>$nameteacher</teacher> developed a new liquid formula to aid you even further in our sessions, essentially what they both will do is go even deeper into your subconscious mind so we can really get to the bottom of who is <you>$name</you>, once we're there, we can change it to be your best you, atleast we hope so. Obviously the symptoms will be stronger as the dosage is bigger, you may not remember anything at all this time.. Once you are ready, take the pill and drink your <pink>pink sissy</pink> drink!"</i></therapist></b> - <therapist>$therapistname</therapist> says, cutting of communications, waiting for your move.
<b><center> Jesus.. even stronger? You already had pretty heavy symptoms after these sessions, you feel so tired that when you get home the only thing you can do is immediately sleep. You are kind of scared but you have no option, the door is locked and your contract doesn't let you go back.</center></b>
-<b><you> God. Do I really have to do this?</you></b> - you think to yourself out loud.
-<b><therapist><i> "Yes. Yes you have, hurry up <pink>sissy</pink> we dont have all day."</i></therapist></b> - <therapist>$therapistname</therapist> says opening the communications again and cutting them off after.
-<b><you><i> I guess she's always paying attention and listening.. let's do this...</i></you></b - you think to yourself, not loud this time around.
<b><center> You grab the pill and gulp it down</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\grabbingpinkpill.jpg"></span></center>
<b><center> Quickly afterwards so you don't relax too quickly, you gulp down the drink as quick as you can</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\grabdrink.png"></span></center>
-<b><therapist><i> "Good <pink>sissy</pink>.. just trust us."</i></therapist></b> - she says, the last thing you hear before complete <white>emptiness.</white>
<center>[[Embrace your emptiness|therapistsubevent4pth4]]</center><center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\therapy.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>\
<center><video src="videos\hypno\hypnoaudio.mp4" width="1" height="1" autoplay></video></center>\
<b><center><white><u><font size="10">EMPTINESS</font></u></white></center></b>\
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\emptiness.jpg"></span></center>
<b><center><white> You are empty, a shell, you are not <you>$name</you>. You are no one, a blank canvas for anyone to paint and mold you</white></center></b>
<b><center> You are completely relaxed in the chair, you cannot even formulate thoughts, just melting down, waiting for someone to move you around. As you fall deeper and deeper, you hear clicks of heels coming behind you, yet you can't move or think of anything..</center></b>
-<b><therapist> "I have been waiting for this day.. If everything went well, you should obey my every command without giving it a thought, like the perfect slave..."</therapist></b> - your hear the voice of your <therapist>therapist</therapist> and that's when she places herself in your field of view.
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\therapistdom.png"></span></center>
-<b><therapist> "Let's test it shall we... Show me your neck"</therapist></b> - she orders you, holding a collar in her hand.
<b><center> You can't think for yourself, whatever anyone tells you right now your mind will immediately obey, you unconsciously show her your neck obediently</center></b>
-<b><therapist> "Yes...yes! It works! You're going to be my perfect <pink>sissy</pink> slave in no time... Unfortunately for now it will only work when you're under the dosage, but over time, your tiny little mind will understand that this is your place.."</therapist></b> - she says, putting a collar around your neck.
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\collared.png"></span></center>
-<b><therapist> "Well this session was just to test if this would work, all the rest was bullshit, but since I'm here I might have my fun while you're under the dosage, I have to see how long it lasts aswell.."</therapist></b> - she explains to herself
<b><center> You can hear her, see her, feel her... but you can't formulate thoughts, everything she says is correct and you don't see anything wrong in it.</center></b>
-<b><therapist> "Kneel down"</therapist></b> - she orders you, as she grabs a leash, ready to attach it to your collar.
<b><center> Your body automatically obeys her and kneels next to her.</center></b>
-<b><therapist> "Oh I love this, if only all men would be like this, the world would be perfect, kiss my legs up to my beautiful pussy and stop there."</therapist></b> - she orders you, humiliating all men in the process.
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\therapistscene1.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><therapist> "Good boy. Now, take off my panties and toss them to the side, carefully"</therapist></b> - she says smiling
<b><center> You take her panties off, sliding them down her beautiful legs, facing her beautiful unshaven pussy</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\therapistscene2.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><therapist> "Let's see how that tongue is trained, lick me off slave, and do your best or I'll get mad!"</therapist></b> - she says pulling on the leash
<b><center> Your body obeys her without any question and you start licking her off, she's your goddess right now</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\therapistscene3.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><therapist> "That's enough. Lay your head down on the couch."</therapist></b> - she says pointing at the couch
<b><center> When you lay your head down, you see her positioning herself in front of you, turning around, you are faced with her gorgeous ass... and then she starts lowering down, sitting on your face, rubbing her pussy on your face</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\therapistscene4.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><therapist> "Fuck I love this! If only you could be like this all the time, I'd love to have you in my house and all you would serve is as my chair..."</therapist></b> - she laugh as she humiliates you.
<b><center> As she laughs, your body starts having tiny shivers and you stop licking, your senses are coming back... you can now smell her pussy and you are slowly regaining control</center></b>
-<b><therapist> "Seems time is up, that was around 20-30 minutes, not bad... but we need way more. I'll see you later slave."</therapist></b> - she says, getting up from your face, taking the collar off from you and heading to the other room.
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\therapistdom2.jpg"></span></center>
<center>[[Regain conscience|therapistsubevent4pth5]]</center><center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\therapy.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><img src="images\city\hypnoroom.png" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>
<b><center> After around five minutes, you regain conscience and you are laying with your head on the couch, sitting on the ground, you feel some weird fluid on your mouth and on your face really, did someone piss on your or what? Maybe it's from the drink, you did drink it really quick.</center></b>
-<b><you> Jesus my neck hurts.. it feels tight, what the hell happened?</you></b> - you think to yourself
-<b><therapist><i> "Welcome back <you>$name</you>. It seems you had a more physical reaction to these drugs, but it wasn't necesserily bad, we must keep going."</i></therapist></b> - you hear <therapist>$therapistname</therapist> on the intercommunicator
<b><center> You have an headache and your neck hurts and as per usual you feel kind of tired, but you don't feel bad... just like someone used and abused you..</center></b>
-<b><you> Yeah.. my neck kinda of hurts and I have an headache..</you></b> - you explain to <therapist>$therapistname</therapist>
-<b><therapist><i> "I see. Thank you for your feedback, I'll adjust things for next session, this one was very productive, you may see yourself out"</i></therapist></b> - she says, cutting off the audio.
-<b><you><i> Well time to go down I guess..</i></you></b> - she says as you head downstairs
<center>[[Head downstairs to the receptionist|therapistsubevent4pt6]]</center><center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\therapy.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><img src="images\city\therapylobby.png" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>
<b><center> As you reach downstairs, you see <ltblue>$receptionistname</ltblue> laughing at you.</center></b>
-<b><ltblue> "What a workout session, how does your tongue feel?"</ltblue></b> - she says laughing at you.
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\receptionistlaughing2.jpg"></span></center>
<b><center> Now that she mentions... your tongue is quite sore, how does she know? Perhaps a side effect she was aware?</center></b>
-<b><you> It is quite sore yes.. How do you know?</you></b> - you ask her
-<b><ltblue> "Intuition. I bet it will keep hurting every time you keep coming back."</ltblue></b> - she says laughing at you again
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\Receptionistlaughing.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><center> You don't understand what she means but you are really tired as per usual, you just want to go home</center></b>
<center>[[Go home and sleep|RoomTherapy2]]</center>
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\bedroom.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><img src="images\city\bedroom.jpg" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>
<b><center> Finally you get to your room, you don't care what time it is, you are really tired and your body hurts, you lay down on your bed and you start to fall asleep</center></b>
<b><you> - Jesus how was that so tiring.. I can't even remember what happened properly.. </you></b> - you tell yourself as you enter your bed
<b><center> As you enter your bed and close your eyes.. you get a weird image of <therapist>$therapistname</therapist> in a latex outfit, why is it so familiar?</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\therapistdom.png"></span></center>
-<b><you> Thats weird.. but hot..</you></b> - you say as you slowly fall asleep
<<if $submissive <=65>>\
<<set $submissive to $submissive+1>>\
<b><center><pink> Submissiveness +1!</pink></center></b>\
<b><center><white><u> This action won't increase your <pink>submission</pink> anymore.</u></white></center></b>
<center>[[• Eventually you fall asleep •|Sleep3]]</center>\
<<set $gfsubevent4 to false>>\
<<set $timer to 0>>\
<span class='fadeIn'>\
<center><img src="images\resources\gflunch.png"></center>
<center><img src="images\city\street.png" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>\
<b><center> Usually it is you that invite <gf>$gfname</gf> out to lunch, but this time around it was her who invited you, you got pretty happy since lately things have been very rough with the whole cheating thing where she doesn't respect you</center></b>
<b><center> Maybe she has had a change of heart and wants to fix things, she invited you out to the same restaurant as before, the one you two usually go, nothing strange in that.</center></b>
<b><center> You arrive there and you take a look at her, she doesn't speak to you the whole time, only when you speak to her, she looks gorgeous as usual though</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\prettygf.jpg"></span></center>
-<b><you> We're here.</you></b> - you warn her, turning the engine off, getting ready to go out.
-<b><gf> "Jesus finally.. next time im taking the bus, <font size ="-1"> worthless loser.."</font></gf></b> - she says, impatient muttering something you can't quite understand in the end.
<b><center> You both get out and head inside the restaurant, she goes off in front of you, not waiting for you. You look at her and you notice the dress she's wearing is very short, she's even showering her whole bare ass, she never used to wear these types of clothing with you..</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\shortdressgf.jpg"></span></center>
<center>[[Head inside the restaurant|gfsubevent4pt2]]</center>
<span class='fadeIn'>\
<center><img src="images\resources\gflunch.png"></center>
<center><img src="images\city\restaurant.png" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>\
<b><center> You head inside the restaurant and the good thing about this restaurant is that it's pretty hidden and local, so it's usually pretty empty and not packed of people, which you enjoy since you get attended way quicker than usual</center></b>
-<b><you> Let's seat over th..-</you></b> - you dont finish your sentence.
<b><center> You were about to tell <gf>$gfname</gf> to go seat over a table when she has already disappeared and took a seat somewhere else... when you look at her she's talking with the waiter already... wait, isn't that one of the <brown>black</brown> guys who she went off the other day...?</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\waiter2.jpg"></span></center>
<b><center> You can't let this happen.. not again, you head quickly next to her and you catch a bit of the conversation..</center></b>
-<b><brown> "...-I'll give him a call after work slut"</brown></b> - you hear him as you arrive next to them.
<b><center> Did he just call your <gf>girlfriend</gf> a slut in front of you? What the hell.. You are about to get mad when he sees you and smiles at you, waiting for you to take a seat to take your order</center></b>
<b><center> You take a look at <gf>$gfname</gf> and she's playing with her hair looking at him, eating him with her eyes</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\Playingwithhair.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><center> You decide it's better you ignore what he called <gf>$gfname</gf> and unwillingly take a seat in front of <gf>$gfname</gf>.</center></b>
-<b><gf> "We will have two long <brown>black</brown> sausages again if that still is in the menu, please."</gf></b> - <gf>$gfname</gf> says, not even questioning you what you want, she just orders for you.
-<b><brown> "Two long <brown>black</brown> sausages, you want them extra juicy with cream?"</brown></b> - the <brown>black</brown> waiter says smirking at <gf>$gfname</gf>
-<b><gf> "Yes please sir and I want them hard.."</gf></b> - <gf>$gfname</gf> says licking her lips looking at the waiter
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\Gflookingwaiter.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><brown> Certainly. What do you want to drink?</brown></b> - the <brown>black man</brown> asks <gf>$gfname</gf> not even looking at you the whole time.
-<b><gf> "We will want your C.U.M please"</gf></b> - she says, not spelling it so it sounds as cum.
-<b><you> What the hell <gf>$gfname</gf>! What do you mean by want his cum?</you></b> - you say freaking out.
-<b><gf> "Oh my god are you fucking stupid? This is so humiliating I'm sorry <brown>Rico</brown>, C.U.M stands for Crazy Umero Margaritas you stupid beta."</gf></b> - she says, screaming at you mad
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\gfmad2.png"></span></center>
<b><center> What? Crazy Umero Margaritas? You didn't see that drink in the menu, but maybe she is right and you just didnt see it... this is embarassing...</center></b>
-<b><you> I'm... sorry, I thought you were talking about his sperm..</you></b> - you apologize submissively looking down.
-<b><gf> "Jesus christ you're such a loser... What are you waiting for? Pay the meals!"</gf></b> - she screams at you again, grabbing your wallet and giving him your card.
<b><center> You just let her do whatever she wants, you are extremely embarassed</center></b>
-<b><brown> "Your meals will be here soon"</brown></b> - the waiter says going away, smiling at <gf>$gfname</gf>
<b><center> <gf>$gfname</gf> looks at you furious, not believing the humiliation she just went through and says.</center></b>
-<b><gf> "You better learn your place, this is not an equal relationship anymore <you>$name</you>. You better not ever scream like that to me again or very bad things will happen to you."</gf></b> - she says threatning you looking mad at you.
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\gfmad.png"></span></center>
<b><center> You take a long gulp and look away.</center></b>
<b><center> Eventually you meals arrive and you are ready to eat, but you can't shake off how weird these margaritas look, there something viscious floating in them, they don't look right at all. You look at <gf>$gfname</gf> and she has already drank it all and is even licking her lips. You decide to give it a try and drink a bit to taste it</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\cumdrink.png"></span></center>
<b><center> It doesn't taste bad at all.. a little salty which is weird for a margarita and the weird liquid inside gets stuck to your throat... the taste is somewhat familiar but you can't really point out what it is</center></b>
-<b><you> Pretty salty these margaritas huh? Never had anything like these</you></b> - you tell <gf>$gfname</gf>.
-<b><gf> "Soon these will be your favourite."</gf></b> - she says smirking at you.
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\Gfsmiling.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><center> After a bit you two are finished and you see that <brown> the black waiter</brown> whose name is <brown>Rico</brown> apperantly went outside to meet with the other <ltbrown>black</ltbrown> man you saw, and <gf>$gfname</gf> has noticed it aswell, since she's looking at them quite alot.</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\ricospeaking.jpg"></span></center>
<b><center> She gets up looks at you and says</center></b>
-<b><gf> "Wait here."</gf></b> - she says, heading out to talk with them.
<b><center> This can't be good... last time she went with them and didn't even care about you, what if she does it again? You can't let this happen.. you need to go outside!</center></b>
<center>[[Go outside|gfsubevent4pt3]]</center>
<center><img src="images\resources\gflunch.png"></center>
<center><img src="images\city\street.png" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>\
<b><center> As you reach outside your assumptions were right.. she is going away with <brown>Rico</brown> and the other <ltbrown>black</ltbrown> man somewhere, completely ignoring you and using you only for the meal! </center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\notwaiting.jpg"></span></center>
<b><center> What the hell! You run after them and catch up to them, screaming at <gf>$gfname</gf></center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\runningmc.jpg"></span></center>
-<b><you> "Where are you going <gf>$gfname</gf>!"</you></b> - you scream at them, stopping her.
<b><center> She looks back at you in disgust and sighs</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\disgustedgf.jpg"></span></center>
-<b><gf> "Can you not follow one single fucking order? I told you not to scream at me ever again and to stay inside the restaurant.. Now I'm gonna have to punish you, you're coming with us."</gf></b> - she looks at you mad, signaling you to follow them
-<b><brown> "The fuck, the white boy is coming with us? And who gave you permission for that shit slut?"</brown></b> - <brown>Rico</brown> says, calling <gf>$gfname</gf> a slut again, looking at you mad, threatning you with his eyes
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\ricothreat.png"></span></center>
-<b><gf> "Please master... let him come with us, I want to humiliate him and show him how a real man fucks so he understands his position in our relationship"</gf></b> - she pleads, calling <brown>Rico</brown> <brown>Master</brown> and everything.
-<b><ltbrown> "Let him come, might be fun to humiliate a white boy, if anything we just beat him the fuck up"</ltbrown></b> - the other <ltbrown>black man</ltbrown> says looking at you.
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\brianlooking.png"></span></center>
<b><center> All three look at you to see what you're going to do... you decide you want to</center></b>
<div id="choice">
<<linkreplace "<pink><center> • Follow them</center></pink>">>\
<<replace "#choice">>\
<b><center> You are not going to leave <gf>$gfname</gf> alone with these two brutes, you will follow them and stop them in their tracks!</center></b>
-<b><gf> "Good bitch, lets go to the warehouse."</gf></b> - she says, grabbing both of their arms and going in front of you.
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\following.jpg"></span></center>
<center>[[Go to the warehouse with them|gfsubevent4pt4]]</center>
<div id="choice">
<<linkreplace "<center><white> • Just go home</white></center>">>
<<replace "#choice">>
<b><center> You are not going to go through this humiliation, if she really wants to fuck them then whatever, but you're not a cuckold and you won't accept being one, you just leave them and go back to your car, driving home.</center></B>
<center>[[Go home|Room]]</center>
</div><center><img src="images\resources\gflunch.png"></center>
<center><img src="images\city\moldywarehouse.png" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>\
<b><center> You follow them inside a shady warehouse, once you're inside there you can even feel the mold touching the pores of your skin, this has been abandoned for a while, when you enter you see <gf>$gfname</gf> and the two <brown>black</brown> man on the couch already, there is no space for you, only a tiny table. The worst part though is that they are all over <gf>$gfname</gf>! They are touching her ass and she's bent over them!</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\gfcuckscene1.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><you> So you are just gonna let them touch you like this <gf>$gfname</gf>?</you></b> - you ask her, taking a seat on the table
<b><center> She looks at you and laughs</center></b>
-<b><gf> "Touch? Oh I'll let them do alot more than touch..."</gf></b> - she laughs at you
-<b><brown> "This ain't yours anymore whiteboy, this slut is our property from the first time we fucked her."</brown></b> - <brown>Rico</brown> says looking at you while fondling her ass.
<b><center> <gf>$gfname</gf> then proceeds to bend over next to <brown>Rico's</brown> cock and starts biting it through his shorts, fondling his <brown>big black cock</brown></center></b>
-<b><gf> "I want your cock so bad master.."</gf></b> - she says to <brown>Rico</brown>
<b><center> You can't believe what you're hearing and seeing, she's a complete whore for them... what have you done to be in this position... you love her so much though...</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\gfcuckscene2.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><you> Really <gf>$gfname</gf>...</you></b> - you tell her.
-<b><brown> "Yo white boy, are you gonna shut the fuck up or do we have to beat your ass? Just watch in silence."</brown></b> - <brown>Rico threatens you.</brown>
<b><center> It seems that his threats arouse <gf>$gfname</gf> because as he's screaming at you, she takes his cock out immediately and starts to suck him off while looking at you</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\gfcuckscene3.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><center> They start undressing her, taking off her short dress quickly, leaving her in her panties, grabbing her ass in the process</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\gfcuckscene4.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><center> You have to do something.. you can't just stay there and not do something. That's when you think of something genius, what if you try to join them, maybe she will suck your cock aswell and understand that you are as manly as them!</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\gfcuckscene5.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><gf> "HAHAHA. What are you doing? That thing is so fucking tiny compared to these <brown>big black cocks</brown>. I'm not touching that, you can jerk off if you want"</gf></b> - she says as she bends over grabbing<brown> Rico's</brown> cock and sucking it
<b><center> That clearly didn't work... you don't know what to do, you're not even hard since you feel so humiliated but you're not going to back out, you just stay there looking at her, after a while <ltbrown>Brian</ltbrown> joins them and takes his cock out, she takes both of their cocks and sucks them off, switching between them, but never sucking yours, only looking at you.</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\gfcuckscene6.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><gf> "I love your cocks masters... they are so superior to white men... I could never go back to that"</gf></b> - she says pointing at you
-<b><brown> "Yeah we don't care slut, you're just a piece of meat with holes, shut up."</brown></b> - he says, sticking his cock in her throat deeply, making her shut up.
<b><center> It seems the rougher they are with her, the more horny she is... she really enjoys being treated like trash..</center></b>
<b><center> As she's sucking him off, <ltbrown>Brian</ltbrown> takes a seat back on the couch with his dick out and calls her</center></b>
-<b><ltbrown> "Come here slut, hop on this cock"</ltbrown></b> - he says ordering her
<b><center> She obeys him and grabs his cock, straddling him and putting it inside of her, she starts moaning loudly and does all the work, they don't have a single drop of respect for her, she just a piece of meat for them.</center></b>
<b><center> As she's jumping on <ltbrown>Brian's</ltbrown> cock, <brown>Rico</brown> goes to her front and makes her suck his cock aswell, filling both her mouth and pussy completely. You decide to just take a seat on the arm of the couch, looking, waiting for it to end.</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\gfcuckscene7.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><center> Eventually they switch up places, however she looked like she was about to fall from how rough they are with her and you were scared for her, so you quickly grab her leg to not let her fall... you are holding her leg while the just completely ravage her holes</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\gfcuckscene8.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><gf> "Yes baby.. hold my leg while they fuck me, good boy"</gf></b> - she takes the opportunity to humiliate you.
<b><center> After a while, they grab her head and start cumming all over her face and mouth, you just watch it happen, happy that it's finally over and you can go home, you were unable to do something since you were scared of them.. but atleast you werent a cuck right..?</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\Gfcuckscene.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><center> As her face and mouth is full of cum, <gf>$gfname</gf> looks at you and says</center></b>
-<b><gf> "Come here cuckie, open your mouth"</gf></b> - she says trying to not let cum fall of her mouth
<b><center> You aren't stupid.. You know what she is trying to do, she wants to feed you their cum.. you can't believe she wants to humiliate you that much... you look at her and decide</center></b>
<div id="choice">
<<linkreplace "<pink><center> • Kneel down next to her and open your mouth.</center></pink>">>\
<<replace "#choice">>\
<b><center> You can't deny <gf>$gfname</gf>... You look at the two <brown>black</brown> man and they make a furious face at you, you get scared and just accept it, kneel down next to her and open your mouth</center></b>
-<b><gf> "I knew you'd want this, here you go, an extra margarita for you"</gf></b> - she says, mentioning the margarita, as she lets their cum fall onto your mouth.
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\gfcuckscene9.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><center> It's very very salty, and now you realize what the familiar taste of the margarita was... it was cum! It's the second time you are eating their cum today and you didn't even know. You make a ugly face as the cum hit your tongue, it's alot of cum!</center></b>
-<b><gf> "Owie don't make that face honey, you gulped down the margarita in the restaurant like it was your favourite drink, this is just the spicier version."</gf></b> - she says laughing at you.
-<b><brown> "You are a nasty bitch I'll give you that.. And <you>you</you> are even worse, fucking spineless white boy, you say you aren't a cuck and yet here you are. I'm out of this shit"</brown></b> - <brown> Rico</brown> says humiliating you as he goes away
-<b><ltbrown> "I'll see you two sluts later, enjoy the drink <you>slut</you>"</ltbrown></b> - <ltbrown>Brian</ltbrown> says, calling you a slut aswell, giving you a flirty look.
<b><center> That look he gave you was weird... almost as if he also wanted to fuck you... weird</center></b>
-<b><gf> "Well let me get dressed and you can take me home cuckie, hope you learned your lesson, next time obey me and listen to me and I won't humiliate you so much.. maybe. You did a good job anyways, bet your breath stinks of cum HAHAHA"</gf></b> - she says as she gets dressed and laughs at you with cum on her face
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\gflaughwithcum.jpg"></span></center>
<b><center> You two eventually go out to your car and you leave her home, you don't speak a single word during the whole drive, you are shocked to see that <gf>$gfname</gf> really has no respect for you.. what will you do?</center></b>
<<if $submissive <=65>>\
<<set $submissive to $submissive+1>>\
<b><center><pink> Submissiveness +1!</pink></center></b>\
<b><center><white><u> This action won't increase your <pink>submission</pink> anymore.</u></white></center></b>
<center>[[Head home stinking of cum.|Room]]</center>
<div id="choice">
<<linkreplace "<center><white> • You're not going to eat someone else's cum..</white></center>">>
<<replace "#choice">>
<b><center> You are not going to go through this humiliation,she went completely crazy if she thinks you're going to eat cum from her mouth..</center></B>
-<b><you> I'm not going to eat cum from your mouth <gf>$gfname</gf>!</you></b> - you say as you get furious and head out, done with everything and going home.
-<b><gf> "His loss I guess."</gf></b> - she says gulping down their cum.
<center>[[Go home|Room]]</center>
</div><<set $time to $time + 1>>
<<if $time >= 3>>
<<set $time to $time - 1>>
<<goto $return>><<set $buttplugintro to false>>\
<<set $time to $time+1>>\
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\detention.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><img src="images\city\detention.jpg" width = "550px"></center>
<b><center> You are approaching the detention room as <teacher>Ms.$nameteacher</teacher> asked you to do when you start hearing moaning coming from the room, you've caught <teacher>Ms.$nameteacher</teacher> pegging a student before so it's not the first time.. but this time around she called you in...</center></b>
<b><center> As you open the door you are greeted with what you were expecting, <teacher>Ms.$nameteacher</teacher> is pegging the same student you've seen before</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\Teacherpeggingdetention.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><teacher> "Moan for me slut! Louder!"</teacher></b> - she says fucking the student who you don't know.
-<b><white> "Yes </white><teacher>Mistress!"</teacher></b> - the student moans louder as he obeys
<b><center> You decide to go inside, you are growing quite aroused by what you're watching but you suppose she made this on purpose so you'd watch.. As you enter she notices you and smiles, never stopping from fucking the student</center></b>
-<b><teacher> "Oh hey <you>$name</you>, just had to teach this slut a lesson, I have something for you do tho, just give me a while, keep watching in the meanwhile"</teacher></b> - your teacher says, continuing to plow the student
<b><center> After a while she stops fucking him and takes off the strap on, orders the student to lay on her desk and sits on his face, looking at you</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\teachersitonface.jpg"></span></center>
-<b><teacher> "Thank you for waiting. Get used to the sight since one day it will be you <pink>sissy</pink>."</teacher></b> - she says looking dead straight in your eyes
<b><center> You get a bit embarassed and blush from what she said, looking down</center></b>
-<b><teacher> "Anyways. I have something else for you to buy to add to your training as a <pink>sissy</pink>. I want you to head to the Sex Shop and buy a small buttplug to start training that little boipussy of yours, once you buy it, send me a picture of it inside, feel free to wear a dress if you want to be more girly."</teacher></b> - she says explaining the task for today.
<b><center> A buttplug..? I mean you've already bought and sucked a dildo and you're quite familiar with them since you work in the Sex Shop... but you've never even thought of wearing one.. nothing has went inside of your ass before and you're quite scared... But at the same time you're excited to try it</center></b>
<b><you> "Okay</you> <teacher>Ms.$nameteacher</teacher>.." - you say submissively.
<b><center> She looks at you mad, lets go of the students face and grabs your chin forcing you to look at her</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\teachermad.png"></span></center>
-<b><teacher> "Address me properly <pink>sissy</pink>. It's Mistress $nameteacher for you."</teacher></b> - she says while grabbing your chin.
<b><center> You almost fall to your knees as she grabs your chin, you immediately address her properly and apologize</center></b>
-<b><you> "I..- I'm sorry</you> <teacher>Mistress $nameteacher</teacher>" - you apologize submissively.
-<b><teacher> "Good, out of my sight now worthless male, go do what I said."</teacher></b> - she says, facesitting the student again.
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\teacherfacesit2.jpg"></span></center>
<b><center> You leave the detention room, you should buy the buttplug as soon as possible.</center></b>
<center>[[Leave to the school hallway|School Hallway]]</center>
<<set $time to $time+1>>\
<<goto`either("teachersubtask1","teachersubtask3","teachersubtask4","teachersubtask5",)`>>\ <<set $time to $time+1>>\
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\detention.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><img src="images\city\detention.jpg" width = "550px"></center>
<b><center> You enter the detention room and you see <teacher>Mistress Ash</teacher> smoking in her desk just looking at some papers</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\smokingteacher2.png"></span></center>
-<b><you> Hello <teacher>Mistress</teacher></you></b> - you say, knowing how to adress her properly by now.
<b><center> She takes a look at you and scoffs</center></b>
-<b><teacher> "Why do I have a feeling you haven't done what I asked of you yet?"</teacher></b> - she asks you, looking in your soul
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\teachersmoking2.png"></span></center>
<b><center> She is right.. you haven't done it yet.. there's no point lying, you just admit you havent.</center></b>
-<b><you> No.. I havent had time yet..</you></b> - you admit
<b><center> Her face darkens and she comes next to you and says.</center></b>
-<b><teacher> "Open your mouth"</teacher></b> - she orders you.
<b><center> You do what she asked and open your mouth, when you do, she uses your mouth as an ashtray, letting ashes fall into your mouth, it tastes awful but you accept your punishment</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\ashinmouth.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><teacher> "My orders are your top priority, if you don't have time, make time for it I don't care. Leave now worthless piece of garbage, I don't want to see you, and don't wash your mouth, I want you to feel the taste for the rest of the day."</teacher></b> - she says, humiliating you.
<b><center> You do what she asked and leave with a mouth full of ash, perhaps you should really get the task done..</center></b>
<center>[[Leave to the school hallway|School Hallway]]</center><<set $task4 to true>>\
<<set $seentask4 to true>>\
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\detention.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><img src="images\city\detention.jpg" width = "550px"></center>
<b><center> You enter the detention room and you are shocked with what you see.. <teacher>Mistress</teacher> is just standing in the middle of the classroom with a very kinky outfit, wearing a strap-on, this time around there's no student to be seen...</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\teacherfit1.jpg"></span></center>
-<b><teacher> "Hello there my pet, what do you think of my outfit?"</teacher></b> - she says as she grabs her strap-on and walks closer to you smiling
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\teacherfit1pt.jpg"></span></center>
<b><center> You are very nervous with what you're seeing, there's no way she's going to use that on you right..? You aren't ready for such.. monstruosity..</center></b>
-<b><you> It's.. very attractive <teacher>Mistress..</teacher></you></b> . you tell her feeling like an ant next to her.
-<b><teacher> "Good, glad you like it. Don't worry, I'm not gonna fuck you, for now. Instead what I want you to do is head home and finger that tight little boipussy for me, train it, then one day I may give you the pleasure of getting fucked by me, got it?"</teacher></b> - she says smiling at you, still holding her strap.
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\grabstrap.jpg"></span></center>
<b><center> You catch a glimpse of her beautiful pussy as she holds her strap.. you are so turned on right now, you can't wait to get home and finger yourself..</center></b>
<center>[[Head outside to the hallway|School Hallway]]</center><<set $buttplug1 to true>>\
<<set $buttplugintro to true>>\
<<set $boughtplug to true>>\
<<set $money to $money-80>>\
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\sexshop.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>\
<center><img src="images\city\sexshop.png" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>\
<b><center> It's time to do what <teacher>Ms.$nameteacher</teacher> requested of you, you don't want to piss her off and more than that, you want to <teacher><i>obey</i></teacher> her.</center></b>
<b><center> You enter the store and head to greet <manager>$mname</manager> first, he's just bored as always waiting for clients, when he sees you his face lightens up a bit.</center></b>
-<b><manager> "Oh hey <you>$name</you>. It's not time for you to work yet, decided to come early?"</manager></b> - he asks you, curious.
<b><center> You already know he's gonna be weird about the fact you want to buy a buttplug, so you'll try to make up a story to cover it</center></b>
-<b><you> Ehm actually I want to buy something first.. for my girlfriend</you></b> - you say, using <gf>$gfname</gf> as a cover up story
<b><center> He looks at you with his creepy smile as per usual</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\pervymanager.jpg"></span></center>
-<b><manager> "For your "girlfriend" huh.. right hehe.. What do you want?"</manager></b> - he asks, curious of what you're buying.
-<b><you> I want the smallest buttplug possible.. maybe that shiny one, looks nice...</you></b> - you say pointing at the buttplug
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\toys\smallbuttplug.png"></span></center>
-<b><manager> "Yeah I think that one will fit you nicely"</manager></b> - he says, saying you will use it.
-<b><you> Yeah I think so too.</you></b> - you respond, offguard, forgetting that it's supposed to be for <gf>$gfname</gf>
-<b><manager><font size="-1"> Hahaha I knew it..</font></manager></b> - <manager>$mname</manager> says to himself, realizing you didnt even notice that what you admitted.
-<b><manager> "Here it is, with employee discount of course, enjoy it, be careful when inserting!"</manager></b> - he warns you
-<b><you> Oh yeah I'll be careful when using it on her of course haha..</you></b> - you say trying to look manly.
<b><center> You grab the bag and head home with the buttplug, getting ready to instert it and take a picture for <teacher>$nameteacher</teacher></center></b>
<center>[[Head home with the buttplug|SmallButtplugBuy2]]</center><center><img src="images\city\upstairshall.jpg" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>
<b><center> You are heading to your room when you come across <sister>$sistername</sister> in the upstairs hall.. and you already know this isn't going to go well for you</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\sisterupstairs.jpg"></span></center>
-<b><sister> "Oh look it is, the little <pink>sissy</pink>. What have you got there? Is that a bag from the Sex Shop?"</sister></b> - she asks you curious, getting close to you.
<b><center> There's no point lying or trying to hide it.. might aswell just admit the truth and show it to her..</center></b>
-<b><you> Y..yeah it is..</you></b> - you say shy.
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\mclooking.png"></span></center>
-<b><sister> "Give me that, let me see what you got."</sister></b> - she says grabbing the bag from your hand.
<b><center> She grabs the bag and takes the buttplug out, showing it to world, immediately she starts laughing and smiling at you</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\sissmiling.jpg"></span></center>
-<b><sister> "Look at you! What a good little <pink>sissy slut</pink>. Ready to train that boipussy and everything, good girl. Go on now. I wont stop you"</sister></b> - she says, passing by you and slapping your ass
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\Slapassteacher.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><center> You do what she said and go to your room, humiliated with the fact that <sister>$sistername</sister> knows what you're about to do..</center></b>
<center>[[Go to your room|SmallButtplugBuy3]]</center>
<center><img src="images\city\bedroom.jpg" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>\
<b><center> Your face is still a little red from what just happened but you have to get things done.. <teacher>Mistress</teacher> suggested that you wear the dress as you take the picture, perhaps that is a good idea to please her..</center></b>
<b><center> You head to your wardrobe and put the dress on, you look at the mirror admiring yourself of how good you look in womens clothing lately..</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\mcdress.jpg"></span></center>
-<b><pink> I look so pretty...</pink></b> - you think to yourself as you admire what you see.
<b><center> You then proceed to grab the buttplug box and unpack it, you are not an expert in buttplugs but you can tell it is very good quality and it's pretty.. it'll look good with your dress..</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\toys\smallbuttplug.png"></span></center>
<b><center> You decide that the best position for you to insert it and it go in easily will be probably be on all fours like a bitch, so you lay down against your bed on all fours and position yourself, ready to try and put the buttplug in your <pink>boipussy</pink>. At first you are unable to put it in</center></b>
-<b><you> God I can't put it in.. it's so tight.. maybe if I put a finger in first..?</you></b> - you say, as you lick your finger first.
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\Lickingfinger.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><center> Once you are done lubricating your finger.. you start to finger yourself.. and it feels weird.. but better than what you expected..</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\Fingeringownass.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><you><i> It's not ... bad.</i></you></b> - you think to yourself aroused.
<b><center> As you finger yourself a thought crosses your mind.. what would a much thicker finger feel..? Or even better.. a cock..?</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\Sissyfucked.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><center> As the image disappears from your mind, the hornyness stays and grows, you get an even bigger desire to put something thicker than your finger inside of you.. so you grab your buttplug and try sticking it in again.. this time you manage to slide it in.. and it hurts at first.. but as you grow used to it, it is quite pleasurable</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\Tryingplug.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><you><i> Mhhmmm... it's nice..</i></you></b> - you think to yourself, feeling your <pink>boipussy</pink> full.
<b><center> You can't let yourself go though, you still have a task to complete that <teacher>Mistress</teacher> asked. You grab your phone and get ready to record a video.</center></b>
-<b><pink><i> Why not have a little bit of fun..? I'll record myself pushing the plug out hehe..</i></pink></b> - you think to yourself, with <pink>sissy</pink> thoughts wanting to tease <teacher>Mistress</teacher> like a brat
<b><center> You record the video and it comes out really well</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\Teasingplug.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><center> You proceed to send it to <teacher>Mistress</teacher>.</center></b>
<center>[[Send the video|SmallButtPlugBuy4]]</center><span class='phonetext3'><center><img src="images\avatars\teacheravatar.png" style="max-height: 200px"></center></span>
<<timed 1s>><span class='phone1'><b><pink> - "Here's the video <teacher>Mistress $nameteacher</teacher>..hehe.."</pink></b></span><</timed>>
<<timed 1s>><center><a data-passage="SmallButtPlugBuy5" class="link-internal link-image">
<img src="images\events\teasingplug.png" style="max-height: 168px">
<center>(Click the image)</center>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\Teasingplug.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<<timed 1s>><b><teacher><span class='phonesis1'> - "Teasing me <pink>sissy?</pink> What a slut
you are becoming to be..
Wait for the next task
like a good slut..</span></teacher></b><</timed>>
<<timed 3s>><b><you><span class='phone1'> - Yes <teacher>Ms.$nameteacher</teacher> thank you..
<<timed 3s>><center>[[Close the phone|SmallButtPlugBuy7]]</center><</timed>><center><img src="images\city\bedroom.jpg" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>\
<b><center> You leave the phone and look at the door and see someone is there watching.. you catch a glimpse of who it was.. you're pretty sure it was <mom>$momname</mom>.. she didnt say anything and just left, quite embarassing.. maybe she will confront you one day. For now you leave the plug and go on about your day.</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\momshocked2.jpg"></span></center>
<<if $submissive <=65>>\
<<set $submissive to $submissive+1>>\
<b><center><pink> Submissiveness +1!</pink></center></b>\
<b><center><white><u> This action won't increase your <pink>submission</pink> anymore.</u></white></center></b>
<center>[[Finish the task|Room]]</center><<set $task5 to true>>\
<<set $seentask5 to true>>\
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\detention.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><img src="images\city\detention.jpg" width = "550px"></center>
<b><center> You enter the detention room and you are astonished with what you see.. <teacher>Mistress</teacher> is just standing in the middle of the classroom with a very kinky outfit, holding what seems to be some sort of whip, she looks extremely dominant...</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\teacherfit2.jpg"></span></center>
-<b><teacher> "Hello there <pink>sissy</pink>. I just bought this outfit and wanted to try it out, beautiful isn't it? Specially this whip.."</teacher></b> - she says holding the whip.
<b><center> You can't lie, she does look amazing and beautiful, you just want to worship her..</center></b>
-<b><you> You look amazing <teacher>Mistress</teacher></you></b> - you tell honestly.
-<b><teacher> "Really? Why don't you come prove it then, get naked and kneel on my feet."</teacher></b> - she says looking at you seriously
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\teacherfit2pt.jpg"></span></center>
<b><center> You arent even sure if shes serious or not, but you can't have any shred of doubt, you just immediately do what she says and get naked</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\mcsissynaked.jpg"></span></center>
-<b><teacher> "I'd call you pathetic if you were man, but you are something else.. you are a pretty <pink>sissy</pink> girl.. Lick my boot as I whip you slave."</teacher></b> - she says ordering you.
<b><center> You do what she asked and start licking her boot, as she whips you, you feel the pain but it feels good.. it's <teacher>Mistress</Teacher> will..</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\Whippedmc.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><teacher> "As I whip you, I'll tell you what I want of you today, I want you to go out to the park with your dress on but this time I want you to wear the buttplug, take a stroll with it inside of your boipussy, got it slave?"</teacher></b> - she asks, waiting for your confirmation.
-<b><you> Yes <teacher>Mistress</teacher></you></b> - you confirm as you lick her boots.
-<b><teacher> "Good, you may stop get dressed and leave, I'll see you tomorrow."</teacher></b>
<b><center> You do what she said and leave, getting mentally ready for what you're about to do.</center></b>
<center>[[Leave to the school hallway|School Hallway]]</center><<if $time ==3>>\
<<set $time to $time-1>>\
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\park.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<<if $time is 1>>\
<center><img src="images\city\park.png" height = "400px" width = "750px">
<<elseif $time is 0>>\
<center><img src="images\city\park.png" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>\
<<elseif $time is 2>>\
<center><img src="images\city\parknight.png" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>\
<b><center> You are here once again with your dressed, you have gotten used to walk around with it in public, no one recognizes you as a boy anymore either way, you look really feminine already.. this time around, you have a pretty different suprise in your ass..</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\buttplugin.png"></span></center>
-<b><you><i> This feels so.. good. Even though no one knows I have it in my ass.. my head makes it feel like people know when they look at me..</i></you></b> - you think to yourself as you walk around with the buttplug
<b><center> You think to yourself.. you feel pretty horny.. why don't you flash some random guy your ass and run away? That would be pretty fun and exciting..</center></b>
<div id="choice">
<<linkreplace "<pink><center> • Flash your plug..</center></pink>">>\
<<replace "#choice">>\
-<b><you><i> It's gonna be pretty fun haha..</i></you></b> - you think to yourself, as you look for a cute guy to approach
<b><center> You then see a handsome black man in the park and head next to him</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\blackguypark.jpg"></span></center>
-<b><you> Ehm.. excuse me..</you></b> - you say, trying to get his attention
<b><center> When you do, you literally just turn around and bend over, showing him your plug and cock, you then start running away, looking back at him, embarassed and smiling</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\Flashplug.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><brown> "Hahaha.. these fucking whiteboys.. I swear they are all <pink>sissies</pink> deep down"</brown></b> - the <brown>black</brown> man laughs at you.
<b><center> You then eventually arrive at home, heart beating super fast, excited with what you have just done</center></b>
<<if $submissive <=65>>\
<<set $submissive to $submissive+1>>\
<b><center><pink> Submissiveness +1!</pink></center></b>\
<b><center><white><u> This action won't increase your <pink>submission</pink> anymore.</u></white></center></b>
<<set $task5 to false>>
<center>[[Arrive at home|Room]]</center>\
<div id="choice">
<<linkreplace "<white><center> • It's too much for you</center></white>">>
<<replace "#choice">>
<b><center> You decide it's too much for you and just finish walking, heading home happily afterwards</center></b>
<<if $submissive <=65>>\
<<set $submissive to $submissive+1>>\
<b><center><pink> Submissiveness +1!</pink></center></b>\
<b><center><white><u> This action won't increase your <pink>submission</pink> anymore.</u></white></center></b>
<<set $task5 to false>>
<center>[[Go back home|Room]]</center>\
</div><center><img src="images\city\bedroom.jpg" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>\
<b><center> You are ready to do what <teacher>Mistress</teacher> asked you to do, you don't think she knows you have done this before when trying the buttplug on.. it felt quite good so perhaps you should try more than one finger today</center></b>
<b><center> You decide you want to get dressed as a <pink>sissy</pink> to feel better when fingering yourself, it just arouses you, so you put on your dress</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\mcdresspic.png"></span></center>
-<b><you><i> Let's do this.. Can't wait..</i></you></b> - you think to yourself as you get into position like before.
<b><center> You lick your finger like before and slowly starting instering your finger into your ass.. it feels good so you put two and when you notice, you are going at full speed fingering yourself.</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\Fingeringdeep.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><center> Suddenly <dad>$dadname</dad> comes barging inside the room and sees you all dolled fingering yourself.</center></b>
-<b><dad> "Fucking hell, you're the sluttiest <pink>sissy</pink> I've ever seen, always doing something slutty in your bedroom."</dad></b> - your <dad>dad</dad> says, not suprised anymore with your feminine actions.
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\dadkitchen.png"></span></center>
-<b><dad> "Get over here, sit on my lap whore"</dad></b> - he says as he grabs you and puts you on his lap.
-<b><pink> "Oh my god.."</pink></b> - you say suprised at how easily he grabs you.
-<b><dad> "I'll teach you how to finger a whore, lick my fingers"</dad></b> - he orders you
<b><center> You are more than happy to obey, at this point you are at your dad's mercy, you just start licking his fingers, excited for what's to come</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\Suckingdadfingers.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><dad> "Good whore, lift your ass, this is how you finger a <pink>sissy slut</pink>"</dad></b> - he says, inserting his fingers into your asspussy
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\Dadfingering.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><center> As he fingers you, you look deep into his eyes happily, you are extremely horny and it feels really good, no one has done this to you before, it feels amazing</center></b>
-<b><pink> It feels so good daddy..</pink></b> - you moan
-<b><dad> "Haha.. you used to call me daddy when you were a little kid, look at you now, calling me daddy again like a whore. Hope you learnt something, I'm leaving."</dad></b> - he says, throwing you to your bed an leaving the bedroom
<b><center> That was much better than what you expected.. what if your <dad>dad</dad> fucked you.. oh my god..</center></b>
<<if $submissive <=65>>\
<<set $submissive to $submissive+1>>\
<b><center><pink> Submissiveness +1!</pink></center></b>\
<b><center><white><u> This action won't increase your <pink>submission</pink> anymore.</u></white></center></b>
<<set $task4 to false>>
<center>[[Finish task|Room]]</center>
<<set $time to $time+1>>
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\detention.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><img src="images\city\detention.jpg" width = "550px"></center>
<b><center> As you enter the detention room, you see your teacher, <teacher>Ms.$nameteacher</teacher> waiting for you looking real hot with a sexy teacher outfit</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\teacherhot.jpg"></span></center>
-<b><teacher> "Hello there <you>$name</you>. Today I want you to go to the board and write.."</teacher></b> - she speaks but you just pay attention to her
<b><center> You completely zone out on what she's saying and just pay attention to her petite body, she's so hot, you'd love to fuck her against that desk</center></b>
-<b><teacher> "Are you listening <you>$name</you>?"</teacher></B> - she asks, not understanding why you aren't doing what she asked crossing her legs
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\crossedlegs.jpg"></span></center>
-<b><you> No I wasn't</you></b> - you say as you get up next to her
<b><center> You need to act up and stop being her toy, show her what a mean really is, you know the type of person she is, you either break her, or let yourself be broken by her, and you won't let yourself be broken by her </center></b>
-<b><you> Let's be real <teacher>$nameteacher</teacher>. I know what you're trying to do here, you want to take control of me, but I won't let you, why don't you bend over your desk</you></b> - you order her
-<b><teacher> "Are you out of your mind? Why would I do that? I'm your teacher!"</teacher></b> - she says feeling extremely disrespected on how you're acting towards her
<b><center> Shit.. Why did you think that would work..? You have to act quick and think of an excuse to make her do what you want.. what dirt could you have over her..? Wait.. does she even have permission to do these types of detentions and try to control you? You could try and get her fired..</center></b>
-<b><you> Because if you don't obey me, I'll head to the administration of the school and get you fired for trying to manipulate me with your power, and I've recorded everything you've tried to do so far.</you></B> - you say lying, trying to grab a hold of her with a fake tape.
<b><center> She looks at you scared wondering if you really have a tape or not</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\needyteacher.jpg"></span></center>
-<b><teacher> "F..fine you win.. get over it quicky..</teacher></b> - she says as she bends over the desk.
<b><center> She tries to stay with her dress down but you won't let her, you grab her dress up, showering her black panties</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\bentteacher.jpg"></span></center>
-<b><teacher> "Hey! Watch your hands mister!"</teacher></b> - she warns you
<b><center> This is the time you have to break her, you disregard her warnings and spank her bare ass</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\Spankingbareass.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><you> Shut up. Now I've recorded you doing dirty things with a student, without audio this just looks like you bent over the desk and seduced me to slap you.. well done teach.</you></b> - you say, trying to gain even more power over her with blackmail.
<b><center> She looks back at you and doesn't say a single word, looking at you defeated.. you take a look at her panties and they are drenched.. someone enjoys being humiliated after all</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\wetpantiesteacher.jpg"></span></center>
-<b><you> And I can see your wet panties slut.. don't act like you don't like this. I'm leaving, see you in the next detention haha..</you></b> - you say, leaving to the hallway, leaving your teacher defeated.
<<if $dominant <=30>>
<<set $dominant to $dominant+1>>\
<b><center><blue> Domination+1!</blue></center></b>\
<b><center><white><u> This action won't increase your <blue>domination anymore.</blue></u></white></center></b>
<center>[[Leave to the hallway|School Hallway]]</center><<set $bfdomevent1 to false>>\
<<set $timer to 0>>\
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\schoolhallway.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><img src="images\city\schoolhall.jpg" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>
<b><center> You see <bf>$bfname</bf> talking with someone and when she sees you she waves at you and tells you to come over, looks like she wants to talk with you about something</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\talkingbf.jpg"></span></center>
<b><center> You head over next to her and her friend goes away, leaving you two alone</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\talkingwithbf.jpg"></span></center>
-<b><you> Hey bestie, what's up?</you></b> - you ask curious with what she wants
-<b><bf> "Heyy! I'm good.. I wanted to invite you over to hang out at my place, we haven't done that in a while because of classes, what do you think"</bf></b> - she asks you shyly doing puppy eyes
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\bfpuppy.png"></span></center>
<b><center> You look at her puppy eyes and it's true that you havent hung out much as of late, you decide you want to</center></b>
<div id="choice">
<<linkreplace "<blue><center> • Go with her(TRANS CONTENT)</center></blue>">>\
<<replace "#choice">>\
-<b><you> Sure, let's do it!</you></b> - you say smiling at her
-<b><bf> "Yay!"</bf></b> - she says happily.
<b><center> You two then head to her place, leaving school</center></b>
<center>[[Head to your bestfriends home|bfeventdompt2]]</center>
<div id="choice">
<<linkreplace "<red><center> • Decide to go home (ENDS TRANSSEXUAL CONTENT WITH PLAYER AND BEST FRIEND)</center></red>">>
<<replace "#choice">>
<<set $bfend to true>>\
<b><center> You decide you want to go home, you don't feel too confortable hanging around alone with your best friend now that she's a woman.. you have a feeling things could go wrong</center></b>
-<b><you> I think I'll pass bestie.. I have things to do.</you></b> - you say honestly
<b><center> You see her face grow visibly sad and she answers sadly</center></b>
-<b><bf> "Oh okay.. I'll see you tomorrow then.."</bf></b> - she says saddened
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\bfsad.jpg"></span></center>
<center>[[Go back home|Room]]</center>\
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\bfroom.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><img src="images\city\bfroom.png" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>
<b><center> You arrive at your best friends place and you two head upstairs to her bedroom, it's pretty girly, she always had this feminine vibe even before she transitioned but now her bedroom is fully like a girl, which makes you happy for her</center></b>
-<b><you> So what do you want to do?</you></b> - you ask her curious
-<b><bf> "Oh we could just relax and watch some TV, speak for a bit"</bf></b> - she suggests
-<b><you> Sure, turn on the TV, I'll go grab some popcorn</you></b> - you say getting up.
<b><center> You two then start watching TV as you speak, eating some popcorn and she has brought this really big lolipop, which she seems to love, you are kinda weirded out by how much she likes to suck it</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\bfeating.jpg"></span></center>
-<b><bf> "So how's your relationship with <gf>$gfname</gf>?"</bf></b> - she asks, midst sucking the lolipop
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\bfdomscene1.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><center> It's quite distracting how she sucks it, specially the noise she makes, but eventually you answer her</center></b>
-<b><you> Eh it's nice, we get along well, it'd be nice if we could spend more time together but her parents are quite strict so she studies alot</you></b> - you answer honestly
-<b><bf> "Hmmm I see..<font size="-1">you wouldn't have that problem with me...</font>"</bf></b> - she mutters under her breath at the end
<b><center> You can't make out what she says at the end but you're pretty sure she said something to herself</center></b>
-<b><you> I couldn't hear what you said at the end</you></b> - you say, asking her what she said
-<b><bf> "I said good for you, I'm happy of course"</bf></b> - she says putting on a smile on her face
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\bfshook.png"></span></center>
<b><center> She takes a look at you with her side eye and grabs the remote, it seems like she had some sort of plan.. she quickly changes the channel and you are shocked with what you see.. it's porn! and more than that.. it's trans porn!</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\Transporn.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><you> W..what.. why are we watching porn..?</you></b> - you ask, still watching the video.
<b><center> You can't lie.. it's pretty hot, you've never really thought about how transsexual porn looks like but for some reason it's quite arousing.. you start to imagine yourself and <bf>$bfname</bf> having sex and you grow a boner.. which <bf>$bfname</bf> seems to notice.</center></b>
-<b><bf> "Hehe.. oops!! Let me just.. change that"</bf></b> - she says, coming closer to you and grabbing your bulge
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\Bulgegrab.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><center> You look at her shocked with what she's doing.. this was her all plan all along!</center></B>
-<b><you> What are you doing <bf>$bfname</bf>.. I have a girlfriend.. we can't..</you></b> - you say justifying, asking her to stop, as your boner grows even more.
-<b><bf> "Oh come on.. we are best friends.. I just saw you are hard and wanted to give you an hand.."</bf></b> - she says, grabbing your cock and pulling it out, starting to jerk you off.
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\bfdomscene2.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><center> You should stop this.. you have to.. you're cheating on <gf>$gfname</gf> but.. it feels really good..</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\bfdomscene3.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><you> Fuck.. hmm..</you></b> - you moan slowly
<b><center> She looks at you and notice you're enjoying it.. and after a while, she opens her legs and grabs her own girl cock.. jerking herself while she jerks you off</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\bfdomscene4.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><you> Oh shit..</you></b> - you say suprised
<b><center> This wakes you up, what are you doing? You can't do this with your best friend.. if you keep this up worse things can happen, you grab her hand and take it off your cock</center></b>
-<b><you> Stop <bf>$bfname</bf> we cant..</you></b> - you say, not even thinking properly of the timing.
-<b><bf> "Is it because I have a penis..? I'm sorry I shouldn't have touched myself.."</bf></b> - she says embarassed and sad
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\bfsad.jpg"></span></center>
-<b><you> I.. I have to go..</you></b> - you say getting up, not thinking properly of what just happened
<b><center> Is the penis really a problem? She looks so much like a girl.. and you were so aroused.. shit, you'll have to talk with her about this later..</center></b>
<center>[[Head home|Room]]</center><<set $maledomfind to false>>
<<set $maledomporn to true>>
<center><img src="images\resources\maledom.png"></center>
<b><center> As you are searching for porn you stumble upon a new category that you never were interested in watching before, but for some reason after the recent events you feel like a change.</center></b>
<b><you> - Male dom porn huh? I wonder what that looks like</you></b> - you ponder to yourself.
<b><center> You click the video and after a few minutes you are really aroused by what you are watching</center></b>
<center><img src="images\porn\maledom5.gif" height="600px"></center>
<b><you> - How come I've never watched this shit? This is good stuff, one day I'm gonna dominate a girl like this</you></b> - you say while masturbating and smiling
<b><center> You feel yourself growing closer to cumming and you just let a big one out</center></b>
<<if $dominant <$submissive>>
<b><center> You grab your small penis harder as you come closer to cumming and loudly you whimper</center></b>
<b><you> - F..f..FUUCK.. I was needing that so bad..</you></b> - you say to yourself as you cum some tiny droplets.
<img src="images\porn\smallpeniscumming.gif">
[[• Clean and close the website• ->Porn]]
<b><center> You grab your massive penis harder as you come closer to cumming and loudly you scream to anywhere near you to hear</center></b>
<b><you> -OHHHHhhhhhHH FUUUCK..!! I.. I was really needing that</you></b> - you scream to yourself as you start cleaning up.
<img src="images\porn\bigpeniscumming.gif">
[[• Clean up •->Porn]]
</center><center><img src="images\resources\maledom.png"></center>
<b><center> Lately you've been feeling more and more dominant and the type of porn you enjoy has also adjusted to those tastes.</center></b>
<b><you> - Oh yeah.. I'm so ready for this.. I'm gonna imagine it's <sister>$sistername</sister> getting dominated by me..</you></b> - you mumble to yourself.
<center><img src="images\porn\maledom1.gif" height="600px"></center>
<<if $dominant <$submissive>>
<b><center> You grab your small penis harder as you come closer to cumming and loudly you whimper</center></b>
<b><you> - F..f..FUUCK.. I was needing that so bad..</you></b> - you say to yourself as you cum some tiny droplets.
<img src="images\porn\smallpeniscumming.gif">
[[• Clean and close the website •->Porn]]
<b><center> You grab your massive penis harder as you come closer to cumming and loudly you scream to anywhere near you to hear</center></b>
<b><you> -OHHHHhhhhhHH FUUUCK..!! I.. I was really needing that</you></b> - you scream to yourself as you start cleaning up.
<b><you> - One day it's gonna be you.. <sister>$sistername</sister></you></b> - you tell yourself, exhausted.
<img src="images\porn\bigpeniscumming.gif">
[[• Clean up •->Porn]]
</center><center><img src="images\resources\maledom.png"></center>
<b><center> Lately you've been feeling more and more dominant and the type of porn you enjoy has also adjusted to those tastes.</center></b>
<b><you> - Oh yeah.. I'm so ready for this.. I'm gonna imagine it's <sister>$sistername</sister> getting dominated by me..</you></b> - you mumble to yourself.
<center><img src="images\porn\maledom2.gif" height="600px"></center>
<<if $dominant <$submissive>>
<b><center> You grab your small penis harder as you come closer to cumming and loudly you whimper</center></b>
<b><you> - F..f..FUUCK.. I was needing that so bad..</you></b> - you say to yourself as you cum some tiny droplets.
<img src="images\porn\smallpeniscumming.gif">
[[• Clean and close the website •->Porn]]
<b><center> You grab your massive penis harder as you come closer to cumming and loudly you scream to anywhere near you to hear</center></b>
<b><you> -OHHHHhhhhhHH FUUUCK..!! I.. I was really needing that</you></b> - you scream to yourself as you start cleaning up.
<b><you> - One day it's gonna be you.. <sister>$sistername</sister></you></b> - you tell yourself, exhausted.
<img src="images\porn\bigpeniscumming.gif">
[[• Clean up •->Porn]]
</center><center><img src="images\resources\maledom.png"></center>
<b><center> Lately you've been feeling more and more dominant and the type of porn you enjoy has also adjusted to those tastes.</center></b>
<b><you> - Oh yeah.. I'm so ready for this.. I'm gonna imagine it's <sister>$sistername</sister> getting dominated by me..</you></b> - you mumble to yourself.
<center><img src="images\porn\maledom3.gif" height="600px"></center>
<<if $dominant <$submissive>>
<b><center> You grab your small penis harder as you come closer to cumming and loudly you whimper</center></b>
<b><you> - F..f..FUUCK.. I was needing that so bad..</you></b> - you say to yourself as you cum some tiny droplets.
<img src="images\porn\smallpeniscumming.gif">
[[• Clean and close the website •->Porn]]
<b><center> You grab your massive penis harder as you come closer to cumming and loudly you scream to anywhere near you to hear</center></b>
<b><you> -OHHHHhhhhhHH FUUUCK..!! I.. I was really needing that</you></b> - you scream to yourself as you start cleaning up.
<b><you> - One day it's gonna be you.. <sister>$sistername</sister></you></b> - you tell yourself, exhausted.
<img src="images\porn\bigpeniscumming.gif">
[[• Clean up •->Porn]]
</center><center><img src="images\resources\maledom.png"></center>
<b><center> Lately you've been feeling more and more dominant and the type of porn you enjoy has also adjusted to those tastes.</center></b>
<b><you> - Oh yeah.. I'm so ready for this.. I'm gonna imagine it's <sister>$sistername</sister> getting dominated by me..</you></b> - you mumble to yourself.
<center><img src="images\porn\maledom4.gif" height="600px"></center>
<<if $dominant <$submissive>>
<b><center> You grab your small penis harder as you come closer to cumming and loudly you whimper</center></b>
<b><you> - F..f..FUUCK.. I was needing that so bad..</you></b> - you say to yourself as you cum some tiny droplets.
<img src="images\porn\smallpeniscumming.gif">
[[• Clean and close the website •->Porn]]
<b><center> You grab your massive penis harder as you come closer to cumming and loudly you scream to anywhere near you to hear</center></b>
<b><you> -OHHHHhhhhhHH FUUUCK..!! I.. I was really needing that</you></b> - you scream to yourself as you start cleaning up.
<b><you> - One day it's gonna be you.. <sister>$sistername</sister></you></b> - you tell yourself, exhausted.
<img src="images\porn\bigpeniscumming.gif">
[[• Clean up •->Porn]]
</center><center><img src="images\resources\femdom.png"></center>
<b><center> Lately you've been thinking of how good it must feel to submit and be dominated by powerful dominant woman, so you look up femdom porn.</center></b>
<b><you> - Ehm.. What if I think its <sister>$sistername</sister> doing these things to me, dominating me? That would be so hot..</you></b> - you mumble to yourself.
<center><img src="images\porn\femdom1.gif" height="600px"></center>
<<if $dominant <$submissive>>
<b><center> You grab your small penis harder as you come closer to cumming and loudly you whimper</center></b>
<b><you> - F..f..FUUCK.. I was needing that so bad..</you></b> - you say to yourself as you cum some tiny droplets.
<b><you> - I hope I can worship <sister>$sistername</sister> like that one day.. that would make me so happy..</you></b> - you talk to yourself while thinking of the video you just watched.
<img src="images\porn\smallpeniscumming.gif">
[[• Clean and close the website •->Porn]]
<b><center> You grab your massive penis harder as you come closer to cumming and loudly you scream to anywhere near you to hear</center></b>
<b><you> - OHHHHhhhhhHH FUUUCK..!! I.. I was really needing that</you></b> - you scream to yourself as you start cleaning up.
<b><you> - One day it's gonna be you.. <sister>$sistername</sister></you></b> - you tell yourself, exhausted.
<img src="images\porn\bigpeniscumming.gif">
[[• Clean up •->Porn]]
</center>FemdomPorn<center><img src="images\resources\femdom.png"></center>
<b><center> Lately you've been thinking of how good it must feel to submit and be dominated by powerful dominant woman, so you look up femdom porn.</center></b>
<b><you> - Ehm.. What if I think its <sister>$sistername</sister> doing these things to me, dominating me? That would be so hot..</you></b> - you mumble to yourself.
<center><img src="images\porn\femdom2.gif" height="600px"></center>
<<if $dominant <$submissive>>
<b><center> You grab your small penis harder as you come closer to cumming and loudly you whimper</center></b>
<b><you> - F..f..FUUCK.. I was needing that so bad..</you></b> - you say to yourself as you cum some tiny droplets.
<b><you> - I hope I can worship <sister>$sistername</sister> like that one day.. that would make me so happy..</you></b> - you talk to yourself while thinking of the video you just watched.
<img src="images\porn\smallpeniscumming.gif">
[[• Clean and close the website •->Porn]]
<b><center> You grab your massive penis harder as you come closer to cumming and loudly you scream to anywhere near you to hear</center></b>
<b><you> - OHHHHhhhhhHH FUUUCK..!! I.. I was really needing that</you></b> - you scream to yourself as you start cleaning up.
<b><you> - One day it's gonna be you.. <sister>$sistername</sister></you></b> - you tell yourself, exhausted.
<img src="images\porn\bigpeniscumming.gif">
[[• Clean up •->Porn]]
</center><center><img src="images\resources\femdom.png"></center>
<b><center> Lately you've been thinking of how good it must feel to submit and be dominated by powerful dominant woman, so you look up femdom porn.</center></b>
<b><you> - Ehm.. What if I think its <sister>$sistername</sister> doing these things to me, dominating me? That would be so hot..</you></b> - you mumble to yourself.
<center><img src="images\porn\femdom3.gif" height="600px"></center>
<<if $dominant <$submissive>>
<b><center> You grab your small penis harder as you come closer to cumming and loudly you whimper</center></b>
<b><you> - F..f..FUUCK.. I was needing that so bad..</you></b> - you say to yourself as you cum some tiny droplets.
<b><you> - I hope I can worship <sister>$sistername</sister> like that one day.. that would make me so happy..</you></b> - you talk to yourself while thinking of the video you just watched.
<img src="images\porn\smallpeniscumming.gif">
[[• Clean and close the website •->Porn]]
<b><center> You grab your massive penis harder as you come closer to cumming and loudly you scream to anywhere near you to hear</center></b>
<b><you> - OHHHHhhhhhHH FUUUCK..!! I.. I was really needing that</you></b> - you scream to yourself as you start cleaning up.
<b><you> - One day it's gonna be you.. <sister>$sistername</sister></you></b> - you tell yourself, exhausted.
<img src="images\porn\bigpeniscumming.gif">
[[• Clean up •->Porn]]
</center><center><img src="images\resources\femdom.png"></center>
<b><center> Lately you've been thinking of how good it must feel to submit and be dominated by powerful dominant woman, so you look up femdom porn.</center></b>
<b><you> - Ehm.. What if I think its <sister>$sistername</sister> doing these things to me, dominating me? That would be so hot..</you></b> - you mumble to yourself.
<center><img src="images\porn\femdom4.gif" height="600px"></center>
<<if $dominant <$submissive>>
<b><center> You grab your small penis harder as you come closer to cumming and loudly you whimper</center></b>
<b><you> - F..f..FUUCK.. I was needing that so bad..</you></b> - you say to yourself as you cum some tiny droplets.
<b><you> - I hope I can worship <sister>$sistername</sister> like that one day.. that would make me so happy..</you></b> - you talk to yourself while thinking of the video you just watched.
<img src="images\porn\smallpeniscumming.gif">
[[• Clean and close the website •->Porn]]
<b><center> You grab your massive penis harder as you come closer to cumming and loudly you scream to anywhere near you to hear</center></b>
<b><you> - OHHHHhhhhhHH FUUUCK..!! I.. I was really needing that</you></b> - you scream to yourself as you start cleaning up.
<b><you> - One day it's gonna be you.. <sister>$sistername</sister></you></b> - you tell yourself, exhausted.
<img src="images\porn\bigpeniscumming.gif">
[[• Clean up •->Porn]]
</center><<set $femdomfind to false>>
<<set $femdomporn to true>>
<center><img src="images\resources\femdom.png"></center>
<b><center> Lately with all the women being more dominant towards you and you being more submissive you have been looking for pornography that fits those tastes</center></b>
<b><you> - What if I see a different type of porn today? Let me see what's popular..</you></b> - you think to yourself while scrolling
<b><you> - Femdom porn? Hmm.. this looks.. i.. interesting, I wonder what it is like..</you></b> - you say as you click the video
<center><img src="images\porn\femdom5.gif" height="600px"></center>
<b><center> As you watch the video you see yourself getting visually aroused really quickly</center></b>
<b><you> - Ehm.. This is really.. hot.. What if it the woman was <sister>$sistername</sister> and she was fucking me like that... what if she.. dominated me like this.. even though it's my sister.. she could be my <sister>Mistress</sister></you></b> - you think to yourself as you stroke your small cock faster and faster
<center><img src="images\porn\smallcockmasturbating.gif" height="600px"></center>
<b><center> As you come closer to cumming you decide to just let it out and</center></b>
<b><center> You grab your small penis even harder while cumming and loudly you whimper</center></b>
<b><you> - F..f..FUUCK.. I was needing that so bad..</you></b> - you say to yourself as you cum some tiny droplets.
<b><you> - I hope <sister>$sistername</sister> treats me like that one day.. that would make me so happy..</you></b> - you talk to yourself while thinking of the video you just watched.
<img src="images\porn\smallpeniscumming.gif">
<b><pink> Submissiveness +1</pink></b>
<<set $submissive to $submissive+1>>
[[• Clean and close the website •->Porn]]
</center><<set $timer to 0>>\
<span class='fadeIn'>\
<<set $momeventsub3 to false>>\
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\upstairshall.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><img src="images\city\upstairshall.jpg" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>
<b><center> You are upstairs going to your Room when you hear your <mom>mother</mom> call you from her room..</center></b>
-<b><mom> "<you>$name</you>! Come here! I need to have a word with you.."</mom></b> - she says screaming, with the door slightly ajar.
<b><center> Odd.. You don't think you've done something, better go and see what it is.</center></b>
<center>[[Enter her room|momeventsub3pt2]]</center><span class='fadeIn'>\
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\parentsroom.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><img src="images\city\parentsbedroom.jpg" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>
<b><center> You enter her bedroom and see her laying on her bed in a casual fit, probably was just scrolling through facebook or something.. she looks up at you and with a smile on her face she says</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\mombed.jpg"></span></center>
-<b><mom> "Hey hun.. I have to talk with you about something I saw the other day.."</mom></b> - she says smiling at you, making you curious.
-<b><you> Eh.. sure? What's up <mom>mom</mom>?</you></b> - you ask her, curious of what she's about to say.
<b><center> She shifts in her bed closer to the frame and closer to you and her expressions turns to a more serious one, clearly this is something that she has been thinking for a while now..</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\momcloserbed.png"></span></center>
-<b><mom> "I don't want this conversation to scare you.. Please bare in mind that I support you.."</mom></b> - she says giving you conforting words before saying what she wants to say.
-<b><you> Of course <mom>mom</mom>. You can tell me what's on your mind.</you></b> - you say giving her affirmation.
<b><center> She smiles at you again and once again changes her expression to a more serious one, ready to talk.</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\seriousmom.jpg"></span></center>
-<b><mom> "Alright hun.. So the other day I peeked in your room while you were there alone.. there was alot of moaning coming from there so I got curious.. and I saw you playing with your.. bum. You were inserting a buttplug inside.."</mom></b> - she says, struggling to find the right words to tell you what she saw.
<b><center> Oh my god this is embarassing.. you do recall seeing her leave your door when you were doing what your teacher asked of you.. but you didn't think she would confront you like this.. You don't even know what to say..</center></b>
-<b><you> I..I..</you></b> - you mutter, struggling to speak, embarassed.
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\mcsuprised.png"></span></center>
-<b><mom> "It's fine hun! I'm not here to shame you.. I'm just a little scared that things are changing really fast for you and that you might not have the correct support by your side.. What I wanted to ask you is.. what is motivating you to change.. or who.."</mom></b> - she blatantly asks, curious if someone is behind your recent changes
<b><center> Shit.. what should you do..? Should you tell your <mom>mom</mom> about <teacher>Mistress</teacher> doings and <therapist>$therapistname</therapist> therapy..? You definitely cannot say what <sister>$sistername</sister> does to you, that's out of question. But maybe your <mom>mom</mom> will help you? You take a deep breath and decide to be honest.</center></b>
-<b><you> Alright mom.. I'll be honest with you, I don't know if I always wanted to change to what I'm changing.. but <teacher>Mist..Ms.$nameteacher</teacher> and my <therapist>therapist</therapist> have been guiding me..</you></b> - you admit, not wanting to lie to your own <mom>mother</mom>
-<b><mom> "What.. your own teacher? That's odd, she has contacted me about your behaviour in the past but I had no idea she would be guiding you towards that.. I should have a talk with her, I'm scared of what she can do to my baby.. And therapist? I had no idea you've been seeking therapy!"</mom></b> - she says suprised.
-<b><you> Well.. it was <teacher>Ms.$nameteacher</teacher> idea.. It's been quite helpful.. makes me feel better inside..</you></b> - you admit, smiling and growing a bit horny as attempt to remember your therapy sessions..
<b><center> She stops for a while and looks away with a weird face thinking, she can tell something is odd in here..</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\momlookingaway.png"></span></center>
-<b><mom> "I see.. Thank you for being honest with me honey.. I'll speak with <teacher>Ms.$nameteacher</teacher> one of these days and I'll get back to you.. hopefully everything is okay.."</mom></b> - she says concerned.
<b><center> You don't know why she's so concerned.. You want to relieve her stresses so you just smile at her and says everything is going okay</center></b>
-<b><you> Everything's going great <mom>mom</mom> don't worry!</you></b> - you say reassuring her
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\mcsmiling.jpg"></span></center>
-<b><mom> "Alright hun.. I'll see you later"</mom></b> - she says dismissing you.
<b><center> You smile at her and head back to your room. You should wait a few days till she speaks with <teacher>Ms.$nameteacher</teacher> to see if anything changes..</center></b>
<center>[[Head to your room|Room]]</center><<set $timer to 0>>\
<span class='fadeIn'>\
<<set $momeventsub4 to false>>\
<<set $mcmaid to true>>\
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\upstairshall.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><img src="images\city\upstairshall.jpg" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>
<b><center> Once again you're heading towards your room when <mom>$momname</mom> seems to hear your footsteps and calls you over to her room</center></b>
-<b><mom> "<you>$name</you>! Could you come over here please!"</mom></B> - she screams out loud from her room.
<b><center> You sigh, you wanted to just go to your room and do your things but she calls you over, maybe she has spoke with <teacher>Mistress</teacher> already..? You decide to go in and not let her waiting too long</center></b>
<center>[[Enter your mom's bedroom|momeventsub4pt2]]</center><span class='fadeIn'>\
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\parentsroom.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><img src="images\city\parentsbedroom.jpg" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>
<b><center> You enter her bedroom and once again she's just laying in her bed, it seems like she just got out of showering, she has a robe on and you can see her breasts popping out of them.. they are pretty massive.. you are staring hard at her when she smiles at you and says something, snapping you out of her beauty trance.</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\momoutofshower.png"></span></center>
-<b><mom> "Hi honey, remember few days ago I said I'd speak with <teacher>Ms.$nameteacher</teacher>? So I did and we had a very... interesting conversation.."</mom></b> - she says with a slight smirk
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\momsmirk.png"></span></center>
<b><center>[[See their conversation from your mothers POV|momeventsub4pov]]</center></b><center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\schoolhallway.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><img src="images\city\schoolhall.jpg" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>
<b><center> You had a conversation with <you>$name</you> the other day and something seemed really off about the way he spoke about <teacher>Ms.$nameteacher</teacher>.. your baby changed way too quickly and you are now skeptical that they might be doing something to him.. you cannot lie, you do enjoy this version of him a lot more than how he was.. he's adorable now! But you want to know what's really going on, so you enter <teacher>Ms.$nameteacher</teacher> office to have a word with her.</center></b>
<center>[[Enter her office|momeventsub4pov2]]</center><center><img src="images\events\teacheroffice.jpg" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>
<b><center> When you enter the office, you see <teacher>Ms.$nameteacher</teacher> on her desk, you haven't seen her for a while, she has always given you very intimating and strong vibes, but she seems even more intimidating now.. she's wearing a very bold outfit, clearly she's not afraid of showing her best assets.. but you cannot be afraid of her! You have to make sure your baby is okay!</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\teachermom.png"></span></center>
-<b><teacher> "<mom>$momname</mom>! What a suprise! I was not expecting to see you today, how have you been?"</teacher></b> - she says smiling, being much more friendlier than what you were expecting.
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\teachersmiling1.jpg"></span></center>
-<b><mom> "Hello <teacher>Ms.$nameteacher</teacher>.. I'm great, thank you for asking"</mom></b> - you say not smiling back, clearly showing signs of skepticism towards her.
<b><center> She completely disregards your signs of discontent and while smiling at you she says</center></b>
-<b><teacher> "Oh please, call me <teacher>$nameteacher</teacher>, no need to be so formal with me!"</teacher></b> - she says being very friendly, which causes even more suspicion.
<b><center> She was never this friendly towards you.. actually it has been the opposite in the past, maybe because <you>$name</you> has gotten better in terms of behaviour she is treating you well? Maybe you are just being too skeptical.. you smile back at her and relax a bit</center></B>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\momsmilingschool.png"></span></center>
-<b><mom> "Of course, as you prefer <teacher>$nameteacher</teacher></mom></b> - you say, relaxing and calling her what she asked you to call her.
<b><center> You can see in her eyes that something snaps in her mind and she smirks at you for a second, she then takes a seat on her chair and takes her glasses off, putting them in her mouth while crossing her legs, she looks at you and asks</center></b>
-<b><teacher> "So how can I help you today? I assume this visit has to do with the siss...-<you>$name</you>"</teacher></b> - she says, questioning you.
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\teachermom2.jpg"></span></center>
-<b><mom> "Yes yes.. exactly. I noticed a very sudden change in his behaviour as of late.. which has been amazing, he's adorable now.. but he has told me you and his therapist..-"</mom></b> - you get cut off as you are speaking.
-<b><teacher> "<therapist>$therapistname</therapist> yes. We have been aiding him into becoming a better version of himself, apperantly he has come in touch with his <pink>feminine side</pink> more.. that happens sometimes, he's becoming what me and <therapist>$therapistname</therapist> call a <pink>sissy</pink>.."</teacher></b> - <teacher>$nameteacher</teacher> says cutting you off as you were talking, speaking on top of you, looking at your soul while she pronounces the word <pink>sissy</pink> putting her glasses back on.
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\glasseson.jpg"></span></center>
<b><center> You are in awe.. <pink>sissy?</pink> You have caught <you>$name</you> watching that type of pornography a long time ago.. after that you researched and you found it quite.. interesting... but you've never thought that your own son could become one.. why does it kinda.. arouse you?</center></b>
-<b><mom> "I-..I see.. this <therapist>$therapistname</therapist>.. can she be trusted? I'm scared she might do something to my babies head.."</mom></b> - you ask showing vulnerability to <teacher>$nameteacher</teacher>
<b><center> <teacher>$nameteacher</teacher> notices this moment of vulnerability and wants to take advantage of it, she comes closer to you and gives you a hug, looking straight in your eyes afterwards</center></B>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\Hug.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><teacher> "Of course you can! You can trust us, we want the best for <you>$name</you>! It seems you are aware of what a <pink>sissy</pink> is.. that suprises me.."</teacher></b> - <teacher>$nameteacher</teacher> says, giving you a devious smirk, lighting up a cigarette, trying to expand on the topic of sissification
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\cigaretteteacher.png"></span></center>
-<b><mom> "Well.. yes.. I've come across to <you>$name</you> watching content about it in the past and I.. researched it.. it's quite... interesting"</mom></b> - you tell her honestly, blushing embarassed
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\blushmom.jpg"></span></center>
-<b><teacher> "Haha.. I knew you were a women of taste.. they are pretty little things aren't they.. And your <pink>sissy</pink> at home is starting to grow to become an ideal one.."</teacher></b> - she says while smoking, throwing the smoke around, looking more dominant now.
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\smoketeacher2.jpg"></span></center>
<b><center> You don't say a word, you just look down and smile a little embarassed and <teacher>$nameteacher</teacher> notices this and sees an opportunity</center></b>
-<b><teacher> "You know what.. why don't you join us in <pink>her</pink> development..? I have a great idea.. What do you think of having a <pink>sissy maid</pink> in your house every weekend? I mean.. you've already given <pink>her</pink> the task of cleaning the house as a punshiment before.. why not make it a permanent thing? It'd help you and from what I can tell.. it'd satisfy your fantasies.. haha.."</teacher></b> - she says blantantly, laughing, showing her true personality.
<b><center> Oh my god.. imagining your baby boy dressed in a maid outfit.. cleaning your house around to help you like your servant sounds.. so hot! What is wrong with you? It's your own child.. but you can't help but imagine it..</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\ironingclothessissy.jpg"></span></center>
-<b><teacher> "So? Will you do it?"</teacher></b> - she asks while looking at you very close to you, giving a very dominant aura, overpowering you
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\overpowerteacher.png"></span></center>
<b><center> You feel intimidated.. but you also want this.. you stumble on your feet and agree</center></b>
-<b><mom> "Y..yes! I'll talk with <you>$name</you> about it.."</mom></b> - you say, submitting to <teacher>$nameteacher</teacher> wills.
-<b><teacher> "Good! Now.. I have a class to teach, you can see yourself out, was great talking to you! You and that <pink>sissy</pink> have alot in common.. I can clearly see where his true personaliy came from.. we'll talk another day <mom>$momname</mom>"</teacher></b> - she says lighting up another cigarette, leaving the office.
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\anothercigerette.png"></span></center>
<b><center> That was a very intense experience.. you can clearly see why <you>$name</you> has changed so much.. she's a very domineering person.. you almost wanted to submit to her yourself.. it's time to head home and talk with <you>$name</you> about him becoming your <pink>sissy maid..</pink></center></b>
<center>[[Back to the present|momeventsub4pt3]]</center>
<span class='fadeIn'>\
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\parentsroom.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><img src="images\city\parentsbedroom.jpg" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>
<b><mom>"..- we had a very... interesting conversation.."</mom></b> - she says with a slight smirk
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\momsmirk.png"></span></center>
<b><center> What does she mean by that? You were expecting her to help you or be mad at <teacher>$nameteacher</teacher> but by the way she is acting it doesn't seem like that at all.. she even seems kinda.. happy?</center></B>
-<b><you> What did you two talk about then..?</you></b> - you ask her, curious
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\mcthinking.jpg"></span></center>
<b><center> You see your <mom>mom</mom> kinda of struggling to say what is in her mind, clearly something happened when she talked with <teacher>Mistress</teacher>.. you don't blame her, her sheer presence is intimidating, eventually she manages to speak what is in her mind</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\momlookingaway.png"></span></center>
-<b><mom> "Well.. we came to an agreement to help your development even further.. here at home.."</mom></b> - she says as she points to her chair in her bedroom.
<b><center> When you look there, you see an outfit.. it's a french maid outfit! What does this mean..?</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\frenchmaid.jpg"></span></center>
-<b><you> What does that outfit mean..?</you></b> - you ask curious
-<b><mom> "Well.. we thought it'd be nice if you became my <pink>sissy maid</pink> and cleaned up the house like one at the weekends in the evening.. what do you think honey..? I won't force you if you don't want to.."</mom></b> - she asks you making puppy eyes
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\momsmiling3.png"></span></center>
<b><center> God.. a <pink>sissy maid?</pink> You look at your mom and it's really hard to refuse her request.. you imagine yourself in a sissy maid outfit cleaning your house..</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\mcmaid.png"></span></center>
<b><center> You can't lie.. the vision of you wearing that outfit is very hot plus it'd nice to help your <mom>mom</mom>.. but it'd be very humiliating if <dad>dad</dad> or <sister>$sistername</sister> saw you doing it.. ultimately you decide to agree</center></b>
-<b><you> F..fine.. I'll do it</you></b> - you agree, accepting your new task for the weekends.
-<b><mom> "Oh my god honey! You're the best <pink>sissy</pink> ever! I want to support you throughout this phase you're going through. I'll cooperate with <teacher>$nameteacher</teacher> and <therapist>$therapistname</therapist> to make you your best version, you've my total support"</mom></b> - she says smiling super happy.
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\momsmiling3.png"></span></center>
<b><center> Seeing this smile on your mommy face makes it all worth it.. she's treating them by their first name.. hopefully this doesn't cause you even more problems..</center></b>
<b><center><red> You can now clean your house with the sissy maid outfit for your <mom>mommy</mom>! Just be careful that someone might see you..</red></center></b>
<<set $submissive to $submissive+1>>\
<b><center><pink> Submissiveness +1!</pink></center></b>\
<center>[[Go back to your room|Room]]</center><<set $mcmaiddad to false>>\
<<set $time to $time+1>>\
<<if $time == 3>>\
<<set $time to $time-1>>\
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\hallway.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><img src="images\city\househall.jpg" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>
<b><center> It's time to clean the house like your <mom>mother</mom> asked you to do.. you can't lie, you're quite scared that you've to put on a maid outfit and clean the whole house around.. I mean, your <dad>dad</dad> and your <sister>sister</sister> are home.. how are they going to react..?</center></b>
<b><center> Nevertheless you enter your mom's bedroom and you find the outfit there waiting for you, she also added a pair of heels to complete the fit</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\frenchmaid.jpg"></span></center>
<b><center> You go ahead and just put on the maid outfit, putting on the heels and everything, you take a look at your mom's mirror and you are amazed by how you look.. you truly look like <pink>sissy maid..</pink></center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\mcmaidon.jpg"></span></center>
-<b><you><i> Well time to start cleaning.. guess I'll start by cleaing my parents bedroom</i></you></b> - you think to yourself, beginning to clean the house
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\mcmaid1.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><center> You are cleaning peacefully not paying attention to world surrounding you that you don't even notice when <dad>$dadname</dad> enters the bedroom, he doesn't say a word and just stays at the entrance, eating you with his eyes.</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\mcmaid2.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><center> He then coughs and calls you, making you notice him finally, you quickly turn around suprised</center></b>
-<b><dad> "What are you doing you <pink>sissy?</pink>"</dad></b> - he says as you turn around suprised
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\mcmaid3.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><you> Ehm.. Hi <dad>dad</dad>.. <mom>mom</mom> asked me to clean every weekend from now on to help her..</you></b> - you say honestly, embarassed by the way you are dressed in front of your <dad>dad</dad>
-<b><dad> "I see.. and of course like the <pink>beta sissy</pink> you are, you had to do it in a maid outfit"</dad></b> - he says, humiliating you in the process
-<b><you> Well.. that's part of the deal aswell.. she chose the outfit for me..</you></b> - you say honestly, looking down embarassed
<b><center> He doesn't say a single word and starts approaching you, coming very close to you. As he gets next to you, he turns you around and starts groping you</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\mcmaid4.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><you> Wh..what are you doing..?</you></b> - you ask as he gropes you.
-<b><dad> "Shut up <pink>sissy</pink>.. I've told you before, you're a toy for me now, you're not my child anymore."</dad></b> - he says, as he grabs your neck and turns you around, kissing you passionately
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\mcmaid5.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><center> Oh my god.. you are kissing your own <dad>dad</dad>.. this is so arousing, you've never thought this would happen.. but you let it happen, you are happy in his arms and feeling his tongue invade your mouth, it makes you extremely hard as he gropes you and kisses you</center></b>
-<b><you> <dad>D..daddy..</dad></you></b> - you say under your breath as your legs start to fail
-<b><dad> "Shut up <pink>bitch</pink> lay down on the bed"</dad></B> - he orders you
<b><center> You follow his orders and do what he asked, laying on the bed as your small clit rubs on your parents mattress, when you do, your <dad>dad</dad> swings his big cock out, it's so massive that it swings around.. you already know what's coming for you..</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\Cockoutdad.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><center> Once it's out, he comes close to you and puts his large cock in your face</center></b>
-<b><dad> "Suck it <pink>sissy</pink></dad></b> - he orders you
<b><center> You don't even think twice, you immediately take him into your greedy mouth and start bobbing up and down, wanting to please your <dad>daddy</dad> as best as you can</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\mcmaid6.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><dad> "What a greedy slut.. look at you, you love cock so much don't you?"</dad></b> - he asks you as you suck his fat cock
-<b><you> Y..yesh dwad..ddy</you></b> - you say mid sucking his cock with your mouth full of drool
<b><center> After a while of sucking his cock, he takes his cock out of your mouth and starts jerking off, you just look at him and after a while he cums all over the ground</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\cummingontheground.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><dad> "Do your job, clean the ground maid."</dad></b> - he orders you like you're an actual servant
<b><center> You are about to grab a cloth to clean it when he grabs your wrist and looks dead in your eye</center></b>
-<b><dad> "With your slutty mouth, dumb whore."</dad></b> - he says looking very serious into your eyes.
<b><center> You blush but cannot retaliate, you kneel and looking at the cum in the ground, you bring your greedy mouth to his cum and lick it off, swallowing it all in the process</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\lickcumground.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><dad> "Good <pink>slut</pink>. You can clean the rest of the house now."</dad></B> - he says as he heads out, leaving you a mess, with a cum stinking breath.
<<set $submissive to $submissive+1>>\
<b><center><pink> Submissiveness +1!</pink></center></b>\
<center>[[Clean the house and go to your Room|Room]]</center><<set $mcmaidsis to false>>\
<<set $time to $time+1>>\
<<if $time == 3>>\
<<set $time to $time-1>>\
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\hallway.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><img src="images\city\househall.jpg" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>
<b><center> It's time to clean the house like your <mom>mother</mom> asked you to do.. yesterday your <dad>dad</dad> caught you and it was.. well hot but embarassing aswell.. hopefully everything goes smooth today..</center></b>
<b><center> You enter your mom's bedroom and you find the outfit there waiting for you.</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\frenchmaid.jpg"></span></center>
<b><center> You go ahead and just put on the maid outfit, putting on the heels and everything, you take a look at your mom's mirror again and you are proud by how good you look.. you look so cute!</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\mcmaidon2.jpg"></span></center>
-<b><you><i> Well I cleaned the upper floor yeterday, time to clean downstairs..</i></you></b> - you think to yourself as you head downstairs to the kitchen.
<b><center> You get there and you start cleaning the dishes that were left on purpose for you to clean from yesterday</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\mcmaidsis1.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><center> You are humming to yourself when suddenly your <sister>sister</sister> comes behind you and forces you against the counter, lifting your skirt up and starts slapping you in your ass out of nowhere</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\mcmaidsis2.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><you> What the hell! Ouch!</you></b> - you say as you get slapped
-<b><sister> "Manners <pink>sissy</pink>! What is going on here? You decided to embrace your lifestyle? Didn't know we had a servant around here"</sister></b> - she says as she laughs at you, looking at your bare red ass
-<b><you> It was an agreement between me and <mom>mom</mom>..!</you></b> - you explain quickly to <sister>$sistername</sister>
-<b><sister> "Didn't know <mom>Mom</mom> had it in her.. good to know. Before you keep on working, lay over the table, quick."</sister></b> - she says smiling at you, pointing at the table
<b><center> You obey her and do what she said, not wanting any problems.</center></b>
-<b><sister> "You are missing a key part to your <pink>sissy</pink> outfit</sister></b> - she says as you feel her spreading your asscheeks.
<b><center> When she spreads it, you feel something being inserted in your <pink>boipussy</pink>.. it's your buttplug!</center></B>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\mcmaidsis3.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><sister> "Good girl.. took it like a champ! Now to thank me for reminding you, kneel and kiss my toes."</sister></b> - she orders you, pointing at her feet.
-<b><you> Yes <sister>Mistress..</sister></you></b> - you obey her, and kiss her toes..
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\mcmaidsis4.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><center> What is your life right now.. you are in a maid outfit, kissing your sisters toes with a buttplug in your boipussy.. how has it changed so much.. yet you feel so fulfilled..?</center></b>
-<b><sister> "Alright that's enough slave, off to your duties now, I want it sparkling clean! Got it?"</sister></b> - she says screaming at you, like she was your owner.
-<b><you> Y..yes <sister>Mistress</sister></you></b> - you obey, getting up and going back to the counter, cleaning the rest of the kitchen.
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\mcmaidsis5.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<<set $submissive to $submissive+1>>\
<b><center><pink> Submissiveness +1!</pink></center></b>\
<center>[[Clean the rest of the house and head to your room|Room]]</center>
<<set $time to $time+1>>\
<<if $time == 3>>\
<<set $time to $time-1>>\
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\hallway.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><img src="images\city\househall.jpg" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>
<b><center> It's time to clean the house like you agreed to do for your <mom>mother</mom>.</center></b>
<b><center> You enter your mom's bedroom and you find the outfit there waiting for you</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\frenchmaid.jpg"></span></center>
<b><center> You put on the outfit and get ready to clean, not wanting to waste much time.. by now everyone in your house has gotten used to you wearing the maid outfit.. You look great in it!</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\mcmaidon.jpg"></span></center>
-<b><you><i> Let's get cleaning!</i></you></b> - you think to yourself as you clean around the house.
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\Cleaningthehouse.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><center> Eventually you are done and go back to your room</center></b>
<center>[[Head to your room|Room]]</center>
<<set $siseventsub5 to false>>\
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\upstairshall.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><img src="images\city\upstairshall.jpg" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>
<b><center> You are walking towards your room when you stumble upon your <sister>sister</sister> going to her room, when you look at her she smiles at you.. she's clearly planning something.</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\sissmiling.jpg"></span></center>
-<b><sister> "You. Come to my room, now."</sister></b> - she says in a menacing way, ordering you around like a toy.
<b><center> You frown but know better than not obeying <sister>$sistername</sister> by now.. You follow her into her room, agreeing with her.</center></b>
-<b><you> Y..yes..</you></b> - you say, as you follow her inside.
<center>[[Enter your sisters bedroom|siseventsub5pt2]]</center><center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\sistersroom.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><img src="images\city\sisterbedroom.png" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>
<b><center> You enter her bedroom and notice a bag from the Sex Shop on the ground near her bed.. you don't know if it's for you or if she bought something for herself but it does raise suspicion, as you are looking at it, she lays on her bed</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\sisterbed.jpg"></span></center>
-<b><you> So.. what's up..</you></b> - you ask her curious with the bag
-<b><sister> "Did I give you permission to talk? When you're in my bedroom, imagine you're in a sactuary and I'm your goddess, shut up and kneel in front of me."</sister></b> - she orders you, pointing at the ground before her.
-<b><you> Y..yes <sister>Goddess..</sister></you></b> - you say obeying her, kneeling in front of her.
<b><center> When you look up for a second you see her massive heels in front of your face</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\kneelingsister.png"></span></center>
-<b><sister> "Keep looking down."</sister></b> - she orders you as she noticed you glanced up
<b><center> You obey her and plant your face to the ground, scared of her.</center></b>
-<b><sister> "Good. Now, let's talk about why I brought you here. I think it's time we take the next step in your <pink>feminization</pink>. Last time I saw that you brought a buttplug for that <pink>boipussy</pink>, that gave me an idea.."</sister></b> - she says, as she gets up and grabs the bag from the ground next to you.
<b><center> You are quite freightned by what is coming.. what could it be? A new dildo..? Maybe a new outfit..? You are scared but excited at the same time to find out..</center></b>
-<b><sister> "Look up, this is what I bought for you."</sister></b> - she says, ordering you to look up.
<b><center> As you look at her, your eyes widen in shock.. she's holding a chastity cage and a pair of keys around her neck as a necklace!</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\sisterholdingchastity.png"></span></center>
-<b><you> "<sister>$sistername</sister>.. You can't possibly be thinking of using that on me.."</you></B> - you say, calling her by her name, trying to fight back.
<b><center> You are speaking when suddenly you see your <sister>sisters</sister> feet come in your direction and before you can react, she kicks your face, stomping it afterwards</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\facekicksister.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><sister> "Who the fuck do you think you're talking to? Respect me you <pink>sissy slave</pink> or I'll destroy your whole life to the ground, understand!? I will lock that small <pink>clit</pink> up and you will obey me. I'll release you when I feel like you deserve, understand boy?"</sister></b> - she says as she smothers you under her feet.
-<b><you> Y..yesh I'm sworry.. <sister>Goddess</sister></you></b> - you say, losing all willpower you had.
-<b><sister> "Much better. Come here, climb up and I'll lock you up."</sister></B> - she orders you, tapping the bed next to her.
-<b><you> <sister> God..goddess..</sister> How will I cum now..?</you></b> - you ask her, hoping not to get her mad.
-<b><sister> "That's a conversation for another day, for now, you will abstain from cumming for me, got it?"</sister></b> - she says looking at you very seriously, overpowering you with her presence.
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\sisterlookfemdom.jpg"></span></center>
-<b><you> O..okay..</you></b> - you say as you get up and lay next to her, giving her access to your <pink>clit</pink>
-<b><sister> "God.. I always forget how small you are, such a pathetic excuse of a man.. you were definitely meant to be a <pink>sissy girl</pink>"</sister></B> - she says as she grabs your pathetic nub and locks it up in chastity, putting the keys around her neck again.
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\chastitylocked.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><sister> "Much better! Look at you so adorable in denial!"</sister></b> - she says grabbing your <pink>clit</pink> now in chastity, smiling at you.
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\sistergrabchastity.jpg"></span></center>
<b><center> It feels so weird.. it's not the first time you've put a chastity on.. but now it's permanent.. you can say goodbye to masturbating or fucking someone.. you are completely in control of <sister>$sistername</sister> she decides when you cum now.. it is kind of arousing to lose control so much though..</center></B>
-<b><sister> "Now, to thank me, take my foot in your mouth <pink>slave</pink>"</sister></B> - she orders you, pointing at the ground again.
<b><center> You quickly react and kneel back on the ground, taking her feet into your whole mouth</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\feetlicksister.jpg"></span></center>
-<b><sister> "Such a good <pink> sissy slave</pink>! You are becoming well trained, you can go now!"</sister></b> - she dismisses you.
<b><center> You get up and you look down at your <pink>locked up clit</pink> there's a big string of precum dropping down..</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\leakchastity.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><center> You proceed to go back to your room.. now locked in chastity.. how will you cum now??</center></b>
<<set $mcchastity to true>>\
<<set $submissive to $submissive+2>>\
<<set $feminization to $feminization+1>>\
<center><pink>Submissiveness +2!!</pink></center>
<center><hotpink>You just increased your feminization, you are now locked in chastity!</hotpink></center>
<center><hotpink>You unlocked new clothing on the Mall</hotpink></center>
<center>[[Go back to your room|Room]]</center><<set $chastitycheck to false>>\
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\bathroom.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><img src="images\city\bathroom.jpg" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>
<b><center> You enter the bathroom and look at yourself in the mirror, you were about to take a bath and you realize this is the first time you're going to take a bath with the <pink>chastity</pink> cage on.. you have to clean it well..</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\mclocked.jpg"></span></center>
-<b><you><i> Why do I kind of like how it looks.. it's so <pink>feminine</pink>.. I'm closer and closer to a real <pink>sissy</pink>..</i></you></b> - you think to yourself.
<b><center> You then proceed to enter the shower and take your first shower with the chastity cage.. you're in a constant state of arousal.. you even shake your <pink>clit</pink></center></B>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\showeringsissy.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><center> You then get out of the shower, fully clean!</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\aftershower.png"></span></center>
<center>[[End your shower|Bathroom]]</center><center><img src="images\resources\vanillalogo.png"></center>
<b><center> You click on a random sex video and you immediately take your cock out, hornier than ever</center></b>
<b><you> - Oh yeah.. this about to be good..</you></b> - you mumble to yourself.
<center><img src="images\porn\vanilla1.gif" height="600px"></center>
<<if $siseventsub9 is true and $analevel <=3>>\
<center><<linkreplace"Leak in chastity..">>
<b><center> You want to cum so bad but you can't... you are locked in chastity by your <sister>Mistress</sister>.. You just leak precum from your cage..</center></b>
<b><you> - Oh no.. what do I do now.. I'm so horny.. I need to find a solution..</you></b> - you say to yourself as you leak some tiny droplets.
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\leakingcage.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
[[• Clean and close the website• ->Porn]]
<<elseif $siseventsub9 is false and $analevel <=2>>\
<center><<linkreplace"Leak in chastity..">>
<b><center> You want to cum so bad but you can't... you are locked in chastity by your <sister>Mistress</sister>.. You just leak precum from your cage..</center></b>
<b><you> - Oh no.. what do I do now.. I'm so horny.. I need to find a solution..</you></b> - you say to yourself as you leak some tiny droplets.
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\leakingcage.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><yellow><center> You need to train your asspussy to maximum level to masturbate with it!</center></yellow></b>
[[• Clean and close the website• ->Porn]]
<<elseif $siseventsub9 is false and $analevel >=3>>\
<center><<linkreplace"Use dildo to cum.">>
<b><center> After you've been fucked by your sister you realize now you are able to achieve sissygasm.. you grab your dildo and start riding it while watching the video, trying to cum while in chastity.</center></b>
<center><span class="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\dildochastityfap1.mp4" autoplay loop muted width="800" height="600"></video></span></center>
-<b><pink> MhMHMMmm.. I'm so close..</pink></b> - you say as you bounce harder and deeper on your dildo
<b><center> Eventually after a while you start cumming all over the floor in front of you, achieving <pink>sissy bliss</pink></center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\dildochastityfap2.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
[[• Clean and close the website• ->Porn]]
<</if>>\<center><img src="images\resources\vanillalogo.png"></center>
<b><center> You click on a random sex video and you immediately take your cock out, hornier than ever</center></b>
<b><you> - Oh yeah.. this about to be good..</you></b> - you mumble to yourself.
<center><img src="images\porn\vanilla2.gif" height="600px"></center>
<<if $siseventsub9 is true and $analevel <=3>>\
<center><<linkreplace"Leak in chastity..">>
<b><center> You want to cum so bad but you can't... you are locked in chastity by your <sister>Mistress</sister>.. You just leak precum from your cage..</center></b>
<b><you> - Oh no.. what do I do now.. I'm so horny.. I need to find a solution..</you></b> - you say to yourself as you leak some tiny droplets.
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\leakingcage.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
[[• Clean and close the website• ->Porn]]
<<elseif $siseventsub9 is false and $analevel <=2>>\
<center><<linkreplace"Leak in chastity..">>
<b><center> You want to cum so bad but you can't... you are locked in chastity by your <sister>Mistress</sister>.. You just leak precum from your cage..</center></b>
<b><you> - Oh no.. what do I do now.. I'm so horny.. I need to find a solution..</you></b> - you say to yourself as you leak some tiny droplets.
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\leakingcage.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><yellow><center> You need to train your asspussy to maximum level to masturbate with it!</center></yellow></b>
[[• Clean and close the website• ->Porn]]
<<elseif $siseventsub9 is false and $analevel >=3>>\
<center><<linkreplace"Use dildo to cum.">>
<b><center> After you've been fucked by your sister you realize now you are able to achieve sissygasm.. you grab your dildo and start riding it while watching the video, trying to cum while in chastity.</center></b>
<center><span class="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\dildochastityfap1.mp4" autoplay loop muted width="800" height="600"></video></span></center>
-<b><pink> MhMHMMmm.. I'm so close..</pink></b> - you say as you bounce harder and deeper on your dildo
<b><center> Eventually after a while you start cumming all over the floor in front of you, achieving <pink>sissy bliss</pink></center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\dildochastityfap2.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
[[• Clean and close the website• ->Porn]]
<</if>>\<center><img src="images\resources\vanillalogo.png"></center>
<b><center> You click on a random sex video and you immediately take your cock out, hornier than ever</center></b>
<b><you> - Oh yeah.. this about to be good..</you></b> - you mumble to yourself.
<center><img src="images\porn\vanilla3.gif" height="600px"></center>
<<if $siseventsub9 is true and $analevel <=3>>\
<center><<linkreplace"Leak in chastity..">>
<b><center> You want to cum so bad but you can't... you are locked in chastity by your <sister>Mistress</sister>.. You just leak precum from your cage..</center></b>
<b><you> - Oh no.. what do I do now.. I'm so horny.. I need to find a solution..</you></b> - you say to yourself as you leak some tiny droplets.
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\leakingcage.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
[[• Clean and close the website• ->Porn]]
<<elseif $siseventsub9 is false and $analevel <=2>>\
<center><<linkreplace"Leak in chastity..">>
<b><center> You want to cum so bad but you can't... you are locked in chastity by your <sister>Mistress</sister>.. You just leak precum from your cage..</center></b>
<b><you> - Oh no.. what do I do now.. I'm so horny.. I need to find a solution..</you></b> - you say to yourself as you leak some tiny droplets.
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\leakingcage.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><yellow><center> You need to train your asspussy to maximum level to masturbate with it!</center></yellow></b>
[[• Clean and close the website• ->Porn]]
<<elseif $siseventsub9 is false and $analevel >=3>>\
<center><<linkreplace"Use dildo to cum.">>
<b><center> After you've been fucked by your sister you realize now you are able to achieve sissygasm.. you grab your dildo and start riding it while watching the video, trying to cum while in chastity.</center></b>
<center><span class="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\dildochastityfap1.mp4" autoplay loop muted width="800" height="600"></video></span></center>
-<b><pink> MhMHMMmm.. I'm so close..</pink></b> - you say as you bounce harder and deeper on your dildo
<b><center> Eventually after a while you start cumming all over the floor in front of you, achieving <pink>sissy bliss</pink></center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\dildochastityfap2.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
[[• Clean and close the website• ->Porn]]
<</if>>\<center><img src="images\resources\vanillalogo.png"></center>
<b><center> You click on a random sex video and you immediately take your cock out, hornier than ever</center></b>
<b><you> - Oh yeah.. this about to be good..</you></b> - you mumble to yourself.
<center><img src="images\porn\vanilla4.gif" height="600px"></center>
<<if $siseventsub9 is true and $analevel <=3>>\
<center><<linkreplace"Leak in chastity..">>
<b><center> You want to cum so bad but you can't... you are locked in chastity by your <sister>Mistress</sister>.. You just leak precum from your cage..</center></b>
<b><you> - Oh no.. what do I do now.. I'm so horny.. I need to find a solution..</you></b> - you say to yourself as you leak some tiny droplets.
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\leakingcage.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
[[• Clean and close the website• ->Porn]]
<<elseif $siseventsub9 is false and $analevel <=2>>\
<center><<linkreplace"Leak in chastity..">>
<b><center> You want to cum so bad but you can't... you are locked in chastity by your <sister>Mistress</sister>.. You just leak precum from your cage..</center></b>
<b><you> - Oh no.. what do I do now.. I'm so horny.. I need to find a solution..</you></b> - you say to yourself as you leak some tiny droplets.
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\leakingcage.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><yellow><center> You need to train your asspussy to maximum level to masturbate with it!</center></yellow></b>
[[• Clean and close the website• ->Porn]]
<<elseif $siseventsub9 is false and $analevel >=3>>\
<center><<linkreplace"Use dildo to cum.">>
<b><center> After you've been fucked by your sister you realize now you are able to achieve sissygasm.. you grab your dildo and start riding it while watching the video, trying to cum while in chastity.</center></b>
<center><span class="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\dildochastityfap1.mp4" autoplay loop muted width="800" height="600"></video></span></center>
-<b><pink> MhMHMMmm.. I'm so close..</pink></b> - you say as you bounce harder and deeper on your dildo
<b><center> Eventually after a while you start cumming all over the floor in front of you, achieving <pink>sissy bliss</pink></center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\dildochastityfap2.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
[[• Clean and close the website• ->Porn]]
<</if>>\<center><img src="images\resources\analogo.png"></center>
<b><center> As you're searching what to watch today for your fapping session, you notice a really hot anal sex video and decide to click on it</center></b>
<b><you> - Oh yeah.. this bitch about take it so deep in her arse..</you></b> - you mumble to yourself.
<center><img src="images\porn\analporn1.gif" height="600px"></center>
<<if $siseventsub9 is true and $analevel <=3>>\
<center><<linkreplace"Leak in chastity..">>
<b><center> You want to cum so bad but you can't... you are locked in chastity by your <sister>Mistress</sister>.. You just leak precum from your cage..</center></b>
<b><you> - Oh no.. what do I do now.. I'm so horny.. I need to find a solution..</you></b> - you say to yourself as you leak some tiny droplets.
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\leakingcage.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
[[• Clean and close the website• ->Porn]]
<<elseif $siseventsub9 is false and $analevel <=2>>\
<center><<linkreplace"Leak in chastity..">>
<b><center> You want to cum so bad but you can't... you are locked in chastity by your <sister>Mistress</sister>.. You just leak precum from your cage..</center></b>
<b><you> - Oh no.. what do I do now.. I'm so horny.. I need to find a solution..</you></b> - you say to yourself as you leak some tiny droplets.
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\leakingcage.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><yellow><center> You need to train your asspussy to maximum level to masturbate with it!</center></yellow></b>
[[• Clean and close the website• ->Porn]]
<<elseif $siseventsub9 is false and $analevel >=3>>\
<center><<linkreplace"Use dildo to cum.">>
<b><center> After you've been fucked by your sister you realize now you are able to achieve sissygasm.. you grab your dildo and start riding it while watching the video, trying to cum while in chastity.</center></b>
<center><span class="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\dildochastityfap1.mp4" autoplay loop muted width="800" height="600"></video></span></center>
-<b><pink> MhMHMMmm.. I'm so close..</pink></b> - you say as you bounce harder and deeper on your dildo
<b><center> Eventually after a while you start cumming all over the floor in front of you, achieving <pink>sissy bliss</pink></center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\dildochastityfap2.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
[[• Clean and close the website• ->Porn]]
<</if>>\<center><img src="images\resources\analogo.png"></center>
<b><center> As you're searching what to watch today for your fapping session, you notice a really hot anal sex video and decide to click on it</center></b>
<b><you> - Oh yeah.. this bitch about take it so deep in her arse..</you></b> - you mumble to yourself.
<center><img src="images\porn\analporn2.gif" height="600px"></center>
<<if $siseventsub9 is true and $analevel <=3>>\
<center><<linkreplace"Leak in chastity..">>
<b><center> You want to cum so bad but you can't... you are locked in chastity by your <sister>Mistress</sister>.. You just leak precum from your cage..</center></b>
<b><you> - Oh no.. what do I do now.. I'm so horny.. I need to find a solution..</you></b> - you say to yourself as you leak some tiny droplets.
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\leakingcage.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
[[• Clean and close the website• ->Porn]]
<<elseif $siseventsub9 is false and $analevel <=2>>\
<center><<linkreplace"Leak in chastity..">>
<b><center> You want to cum so bad but you can't... you are locked in chastity by your <sister>Mistress</sister>.. You just leak precum from your cage..</center></b>
<b><you> - Oh no.. what do I do now.. I'm so horny.. I need to find a solution..</you></b> - you say to yourself as you leak some tiny droplets.
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\leakingcage.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><yellow><center> You need to train your asspussy to maximum level to masturbate with it!</center></yellow></b>
[[• Clean and close the website• ->Porn]]
<<elseif $siseventsub9 is false and $analevel >=3>>\
<center><<linkreplace"Use dildo to cum.">>
<b><center> After you've been fucked by your sister you realize now you are able to achieve sissygasm.. you grab your dildo and start riding it while watching the video, trying to cum while in chastity.</center></b>
<center><span class="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\dildochastityfap1.mp4" autoplay loop muted width="800" height="600"></video></span></center>
-<b><pink> MhMHMMmm.. I'm so close..</pink></b> - you say as you bounce harder and deeper on your dildo
<b><center> Eventually after a while you start cumming all over the floor in front of you, achieving <pink>sissy bliss</pink></center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\dildochastityfap2.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
[[• Clean and close the website• ->Porn]]
<</if>>\<center><img src="images\resources\analogo.png"></center>
<b><center> As you're searching what to watch today for your fapping session, you notice a really hot anal sex video and decide to click on it</center></b>
<b><you> - Oh yeah.. this bitch about take it so deep in her arse..</you></b> - you mumble to yourself.
<center><img src="images\porn\analporn3.gif" height="600px"></center>
<<if $siseventsub9 is true and $analevel <=3>>\
<center><<linkreplace"Leak in chastity..">>
<b><center> You want to cum so bad but you can't... you are locked in chastity by your <sister>Mistress</sister>.. You just leak precum from your cage..</center></b>
<b><you> - Oh no.. what do I do now.. I'm so horny.. I need to find a solution..</you></b> - you say to yourself as you leak some tiny droplets.
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\leakingcage.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
[[• Clean and close the website• ->Porn]]
<<elseif $siseventsub9 is false and $analevel <=2>>\
<center><<linkreplace"Leak in chastity..">>
<b><center> You want to cum so bad but you can't... you are locked in chastity by your <sister>Mistress</sister>.. You just leak precum from your cage..</center></b>
<b><you> - Oh no.. what do I do now.. I'm so horny.. I need to find a solution..</you></b> - you say to yourself as you leak some tiny droplets.
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\leakingcage.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><yellow><center> You need to train your asspussy to maximum level to masturbate with it!</center></yellow></b>
[[• Clean and close the website• ->Porn]]
<<elseif $siseventsub9 is false and $analevel >=3>>\
<center><<linkreplace"Use dildo to cum.">>
<b><center> After you've been fucked by your sister you realize now you are able to achieve sissygasm.. you grab your dildo and start riding it while watching the video, trying to cum while in chastity.</center></b>
<center><span class="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\dildochastityfap1.mp4" autoplay loop muted width="800" height="600"></video></span></center>
-<b><pink> MhMHMMmm.. I'm so close..</pink></b> - you say as you bounce harder and deeper on your dildo
<b><center> Eventually after a while you start cumming all over the floor in front of you, achieving <pink>sissy bliss</pink></center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\dildochastityfap2.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
[[• Clean and close the website• ->Porn]]
<</if>>\<center><img src="images\resources\analogo.png"></center>
<b><center> As you're searching what to watch today for your fapping session, you notice a really hot anal sex video and decide to click on it</center></b>
<b><you> - Oh yeah.. this bitch about take it so deep in her arse..</you></b> - you mumble to yourself.
<center><img src="images\porn\analporn4.gif" height="600px"></center>
<<if $siseventsub9 is true and $analevel <=3>>\
<center><<linkreplace"Leak in chastity..">>
<b><center> You want to cum so bad but you can't... you are locked in chastity by your <sister>Mistress</sister>.. You just leak precum from your cage..</center></b>
<b><you> - Oh no.. what do I do now.. I'm so horny.. I need to find a solution..</you></b> - you say to yourself as you leak some tiny droplets.
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\leakingcage.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
[[• Clean and close the website• ->Porn]]
<<elseif $siseventsub9 is false and $analevel <=2>>\
<center><<linkreplace"Leak in chastity..">>
<b><center> You want to cum so bad but you can't... you are locked in chastity by your <sister>Mistress</sister>.. You just leak precum from your cage..</center></b>
<b><you> - Oh no.. what do I do now.. I'm so horny.. I need to find a solution..</you></b> - you say to yourself as you leak some tiny droplets.
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\leakingcage.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><yellow><center> You need to train your asspussy to maximum level to masturbate with it!</center></yellow></b>
[[• Clean and close the website• ->Porn]]
<<elseif $siseventsub9 is false and $analevel >=3>>\
<center><<linkreplace"Use dildo to cum.">>
<b><center> After you've been fucked by your sister you realize now you are able to achieve sissygasm.. you grab your dildo and start riding it while watching the video, trying to cum while in chastity.</center></b>
<center><span class="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\dildochastityfap1.mp4" autoplay loop muted width="800" height="600"></video></span></center>
-<b><pink> MhMHMMmm.. I'm so close..</pink></b> - you say as you bounce harder and deeper on your dildo
<b><center> Eventually after a while you start cumming all over the floor in front of you, achieving <pink>sissy bliss</pink></center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\dildochastityfap2.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
[[• Clean and close the website• ->Porn]]
<</if>>\<center><img src="images\resources\blowjoblogo.png"></center>
<b><center> As you're searching what to watch today for your fapping session, you notice a really hot girl sucking on some dick and decide to click on it</center></b>
<b><you> - Oh yeah.. this bitch about choke on it so bad.. I wish she did that to me..</you></b> - you mumble to yourself.
<center><img src="images\porn\blowjobporn1.gif" height="600px"></center>
<<if $siseventsub9 is true and $analevel <=3>>\
<center><<linkreplace"Leak in chastity..">>
<b><center> You want to cum so bad but you can't... you are locked in chastity by your <sister>Mistress</sister>.. You just leak precum from your cage..</center></b>
<b><you> - Oh no.. what do I do now.. I'm so horny.. I need to find a solution..</you></b> - you say to yourself as you leak some tiny droplets.
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\leakingcage.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
[[• Clean and close the website• ->Porn]]
<<elseif $siseventsub9 is false and $analevel <=2>>\
<center><<linkreplace"Leak in chastity..">>
<b><center> You want to cum so bad but you can't... you are locked in chastity by your <sister>Mistress</sister>.. You just leak precum from your cage..</center></b>
<b><you> - Oh no.. what do I do now.. I'm so horny.. I need to find a solution..</you></b> - you say to yourself as you leak some tiny droplets.
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\leakingcage.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><yellow><center> You need to train your asspussy to maximum level to masturbate with it!</center></yellow></b>
[[• Clean and close the website• ->Porn]]
<<elseif $siseventsub9 is false and $analevel >=3>>\
<center><<linkreplace"Use dildo to cum.">>
<b><center> After you've been fucked by your sister you realize now you are able to achieve sissygasm.. you grab your dildo and start riding it while watching the video, trying to cum while in chastity.</center></b>
<center><span class="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\dildochastityfap1.mp4" autoplay loop muted width="800" height="600"></video></span></center>
-<b><pink> MhMHMMmm.. I'm so close..</pink></b> - you say as you bounce harder and deeper on your dildo
<b><center> Eventually after a while you start cumming all over the floor in front of you, achieving <pink>sissy bliss</pink></center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\dildochastityfap2.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
[[• Clean and close the website• ->Porn]]
<</if>>\<center><img src="images\resources\blowjoblogo.png"></center>
<b><center> As you're searching what to watch today for your fapping session, you notice a really hot girl sucking on some dick and decide to click on it</center></b>
<b><you> - Oh yeah.. this bitch about choke on it so bad.. I wish she did that to me..</you></b> - you mumble to yourself.
<center><img src="images\porn\blowjobporn2.gif" height="600px"></center>
<<if $siseventsub9 is true and $analevel <=3>>\
<center><<linkreplace"Leak in chastity..">>
<b><center> You want to cum so bad but you can't... you are locked in chastity by your <sister>Mistress</sister>.. You just leak precum from your cage..</center></b>
<b><you> - Oh no.. what do I do now.. I'm so horny.. I need to find a solution..</you></b> - you say to yourself as you leak some tiny droplets.
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\leakingcage.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
[[• Clean and close the website• ->Porn]]
<<elseif $siseventsub9 is false and $analevel <=2>>\
<center><<linkreplace"Leak in chastity..">>
<b><center> You want to cum so bad but you can't... you are locked in chastity by your <sister>Mistress</sister>.. You just leak precum from your cage..</center></b>
<b><you> - Oh no.. what do I do now.. I'm so horny.. I need to find a solution..</you></b> - you say to yourself as you leak some tiny droplets.
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\leakingcage.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><yellow><center> You need to train your asspussy to maximum level to masturbate with it!</center></yellow></b>
[[• Clean and close the website• ->Porn]]
<<elseif $siseventsub9 is false and $analevel >=3>>\
<center><<linkreplace"Use dildo to cum.">>
<b><center> After you've been fucked by your sister you realize now you are able to achieve sissygasm.. you grab your dildo and start riding it while watching the video, trying to cum while in chastity.</center></b>
<center><span class="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\dildochastityfap1.mp4" autoplay loop muted width="800" height="600"></video></span></center>
-<b><pink> MhMHMMmm.. I'm so close..</pink></b> - you say as you bounce harder and deeper on your dildo
<b><center> Eventually after a while you start cumming all over the floor in front of you, achieving <pink>sissy bliss</pink></center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\dildochastityfap2.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
[[• Clean and close the website• ->Porn]]
<</if>>\<center><img src="images\resources\femdom.png"></center>
<b><center> Lately you've been thinking of how good it must feel to submit and be dominated by powerful dominant woman, so you look up femdom porn.</center></b>
<b><you> - Ehm.. What if I think its <sister>$sistername</sister> doing these things to me, dominating me? That would be so hot..</you></b> - you mumble to yourself.
<center><img src="images\porn\femdom3.gif" height="600px"></center>
<<if $siseventsub9 is true and $analevel <=3>>\
<center><<linkreplace"Leak in chastity..">>
<b><center> You want to cum so bad but you can't... you are locked in chastity by your <sister>Mistress</sister>.. You just leak precum from your cage..</center></b>
<b><you> - Oh no.. what do I do now.. I'm so horny.. I need to find a solution..</you></b> - you say to yourself as you leak some tiny droplets.
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\leakingcage.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
[[• Clean and close the website• ->Porn]]
<<elseif $siseventsub9 is false and $analevel <=2>>\
<center><<linkreplace"Leak in chastity..">>
<b><center> You want to cum so bad but you can't... you are locked in chastity by your <sister>Mistress</sister>.. You just leak precum from your cage..</center></b>
<b><you> - Oh no.. what do I do now.. I'm so horny.. I need to find a solution..</you></b> - you say to yourself as you leak some tiny droplets.
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\leakingcage.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><yellow><center> You need to train your asspussy to maximum level to masturbate with it!</center></yellow></b>
[[• Clean and close the website• ->Porn]]
<<elseif $siseventsub9 is false and $analevel >=3>>\
<center><<linkreplace"Use dildo to cum.">>
<b><center> After you've been fucked by your sister you realize now you are able to achieve sissygasm.. you grab your dildo and start riding it while watching the video, trying to cum while in chastity.</center></b>
<center><span class="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\dildochastityfap1.mp4" autoplay loop muted width="800" height="600"></video></span></center>
-<b><pink> MhMHMMmm.. I'm so close..</pink></b> - you say as you bounce harder and deeper on your dildo
<b><center> Eventually after a while you start cumming all over the floor in front of you, achieving <pink>sissy bliss</pink></center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\dildochastityfap2.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
[[• Clean and close the website• ->Porn]]
<</if>>\<center><img src="images\resources\blowjoblogo.png"></center>
<b><center> As you're searching what to watch today for your fapping session, you notice a really hot girl sucking on some dick and decide to click on it</center></b>
<b><you> - Oh yeah.. this bitch about choke on it so bad.. I wish she did that to me..</you></b> - you mumble to yourself.
<center><img src="images\porn\blowjobporn4.gif" height="600px"></center>
<<if $siseventsub9 is true and $analevel <=3>>\
<center><<linkreplace"Leak in chastity..">>
<b><center> You want to cum so bad but you can't... you are locked in chastity by your <sister>Mistress</sister>.. You just leak precum from your cage..</center></b>
<b><you> - Oh no.. what do I do now.. I'm so horny.. I need to find a solution..</you></b> - you say to yourself as you leak some tiny droplets.
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\leakingcage.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
[[• Clean and close the website• ->Porn]]
<<elseif $siseventsub9 is false and $analevel <=2>>\
<center><<linkreplace"Leak in chastity..">>
<b><center> You want to cum so bad but you can't... you are locked in chastity by your <sister>Mistress</sister>.. You just leak precum from your cage..</center></b>
<b><you> - Oh no.. what do I do now.. I'm so horny.. I need to find a solution..</you></b> - you say to yourself as you leak some tiny droplets.
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\leakingcage.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><yellow><center> You need to train your asspussy to maximum level to masturbate with it!</center></yellow></b>
[[• Clean and close the website• ->Porn]]
<<elseif $siseventsub9 is false and $analevel >=3>>\
<center><<linkreplace"Use dildo to cum.">>
<b><center> After you've been fucked by your sister you realize now you are able to achieve sissygasm.. you grab your dildo and start riding it while watching the video, trying to cum while in chastity.</center></b>
<center><span class="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\dildochastityfap1.mp4" autoplay loop muted width="800" height="600"></video></span></center>
-<b><pink> MhMHMMmm.. I'm so close..</pink></b> - you say as you bounce harder and deeper on your dildo
<b><center> Eventually after a while you start cumming all over the floor in front of you, achieving <pink>sissy bliss</pink></center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\dildochastityfap2.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
[[• Clean and close the website• ->Porn]]
<</if>>\<center><img src="images\resources\pussylickinglogo.png"></center>
<b><center> Lately you've been thinking of how good it must feel to kneel and just make a beautiful woman cum with your tongue.. so you research some pussylicking videos.</center></b>
<b><you> - Ehm.. What if I think I'm doing this to <teacher>Ms.$nameteacher</teacher> ? That would be so hot..</you></b> - you mumble to yourself.
<center><img src="images\porn\pussylickingporn1.gif" height="600px"></center>
<<if $siseventsub9 is true and $analevel <=3>>\
<center><<linkreplace"Leak in chastity..">>
<b><center> You want to cum so bad but you can't... you are locked in chastity by your <sister>Mistress</sister>.. You just leak precum from your cage..</center></b>
<b><you> - Oh no.. what do I do now.. I'm so horny.. I need to find a solution..</you></b> - you say to yourself as you leak some tiny droplets.
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\leakingcage.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
[[• Clean and close the website• ->Porn]]
<<elseif $siseventsub9 is false and $analevel <=2>>\
<center><<linkreplace"Leak in chastity..">>
<b><center> You want to cum so bad but you can't... you are locked in chastity by your <sister>Mistress</sister>.. You just leak precum from your cage..</center></b>
<b><you> - Oh no.. what do I do now.. I'm so horny.. I need to find a solution..</you></b> - you say to yourself as you leak some tiny droplets.
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\leakingcage.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><yellow><center> You need to train your asspussy to maximum level to masturbate with it!</center></yellow></b>
[[• Clean and close the website• ->Porn]]
<<elseif $siseventsub9 is false and $analevel >=3>>\
<center><<linkreplace"Use dildo to cum.">>
<b><center> After you've been fucked by your sister you realize now you are able to achieve sissygasm.. you grab your dildo and start riding it while watching the video, trying to cum while in chastity.</center></b>
<center><span class="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\dildochastityfap1.mp4" autoplay loop muted width="800" height="600"></video></span></center>
-<b><pink> MhMHMMmm.. I'm so close..</pink></b> - you say as you bounce harder and deeper on your dildo
<b><center> Eventually after a while you start cumming all over the floor in front of you, achieving <pink>sissy bliss</pink></center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\dildochastityfap2.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
[[• Clean and close the website• ->Porn]]
<</if>>\<center><img src="images\resources\pussylickinglogo.png"></center>
<b><center> Lately you've been thinking of how good it must feel to kneel and just make a beautiful woman cum with your tongue.. so you research some pussylicking videos.</center></b>
<b><you> - Ehm.. What if I think I'm doing this to <teacher>Ms.$nameteacher</teacher> ? That would be so hot..</you></b> - you mumble to yourself.
<center><img src="images\porn\pussylickingporn2.gif" height="600px"></center>
<<if $siseventsub9 is true and $analevel <=3>>\
<center><<linkreplace"Leak in chastity..">>
<b><center> You want to cum so bad but you can't... you are locked in chastity by your <sister>Mistress</sister>.. You just leak precum from your cage..</center></b>
<b><you> - Oh no.. what do I do now.. I'm so horny.. I need to find a solution..</you></b> - you say to yourself as you leak some tiny droplets.
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\leakingcage.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
[[• Clean and close the website• ->Porn]]
<<elseif $siseventsub9 is false and $analevel <=2>>\
<center><<linkreplace"Leak in chastity..">>
<b><center> You want to cum so bad but you can't... you are locked in chastity by your <sister>Mistress</sister>.. You just leak precum from your cage..</center></b>
<b><you> - Oh no.. what do I do now.. I'm so horny.. I need to find a solution..</you></b> - you say to yourself as you leak some tiny droplets.
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\leakingcage.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><yellow><center> You need to train your asspussy to maximum level to masturbate with it!</center></yellow></b>
[[• Clean and close the website• ->Porn]]
<<elseif $siseventsub9 is false and $analevel >=3>>\
<center><<linkreplace"Use dildo to cum.">>
<b><center> After you've been fucked by your sister you realize now you are able to achieve sissygasm.. you grab your dildo and start riding it while watching the video, trying to cum while in chastity.</center></b>
<center><span class="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\dildochastityfap1.mp4" autoplay loop muted width="800" height="600"></video></span></center>
-<b><pink> MhMHMMmm.. I'm so close..</pink></b> - you say as you bounce harder and deeper on your dildo
<b><center> Eventually after a while you start cumming all over the floor in front of you, achieving <pink>sissy bliss</pink></center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\dildochastityfap2.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
[[• Clean and close the website• ->Porn]]
<</if>>\<center><img src="images\resources\pussylickinglogo.png"></center>
<b><center> Lately you've been thinking of how good it must feel to kneel and just make a beautiful woman cum with your tongue.. so you research some pussylicking videos.</center></b>
<b><you> - Ehm.. What if I think I'm doing this to <teacher>Ms.$nameteacher</teacher> ? That would be so hot..</you></b> - you mumble to yourself.
<center><img src="images\porn\pussylickingporn3.gif" height="600px"></center>
<<if $siseventsub9 is true and $analevel <=3>>\
<center><<linkreplace"Leak in chastity..">>
<b><center> You want to cum so bad but you can't... you are locked in chastity by your <sister>Mistress</sister>.. You just leak precum from your cage..</center></b>
<b><you> - Oh no.. what do I do now.. I'm so horny.. I need to find a solution..</you></b> - you say to yourself as you leak some tiny droplets.
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\leakingcage.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
[[• Clean and close the website• ->Porn]]
<<elseif $siseventsub9 is false and $analevel <=2>>\
<center><<linkreplace"Leak in chastity..">>
<b><center> You want to cum so bad but you can't... you are locked in chastity by your <sister>Mistress</sister>.. You just leak precum from your cage..</center></b>
<b><you> - Oh no.. what do I do now.. I'm so horny.. I need to find a solution..</you></b> - you say to yourself as you leak some tiny droplets.
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\leakingcage.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><yellow><center> You need to train your asspussy to maximum level to masturbate with it!</center></yellow></b>
[[• Clean and close the website• ->Porn]]
<<elseif $siseventsub9 is false and $analevel >=3>>\
<center><<linkreplace"Use dildo to cum.">>
<b><center> After you've been fucked by your sister you realize now you are able to achieve sissygasm.. you grab your dildo and start riding it while watching the video, trying to cum while in chastity.</center></b>
<center><span class="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\dildochastityfap1.mp4" autoplay loop muted width="800" height="600"></video></span></center>
-<b><pink> MhMHMMmm.. I'm so close..</pink></b> - you say as you bounce harder and deeper on your dildo
<b><center> Eventually after a while you start cumming all over the floor in front of you, achieving <pink>sissy bliss</pink></center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\dildochastityfap2.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
[[• Clean and close the website• ->Porn]]
<</if>>\<center><img src="images\resources\pussylickinglogo.png"></center>
<b><center> Lately you've been thinking of how good it must feel to kneel and just make a beautiful woman cum with your tongue.. so you research some pussylicking videos.</center></b>
<b><you> - Ehm.. What if I think I'm doing this to <teacher>Ms.$nameteacher</teacher> ? That would be so hot..</you></b> - you mumble to yourself.
<center><img src="images\porn\pussylickingporn4.gif" height="600px"></center>
<<if $siseventsub9 is true and $analevel <=3>>\
<center><<linkreplace"Leak in chastity..">>
<b><center> You want to cum so bad but you can't... you are locked in chastity by your <sister>Mistress</sister>.. You just leak precum from your cage..</center></b>
<b><you> - Oh no.. what do I do now.. I'm so horny.. I need to find a solution..</you></b> - you say to yourself as you leak some tiny droplets.
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\leakingcage.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
[[• Clean and close the website• ->Porn]]
<<elseif $siseventsub9 is false and $analevel <=2>>\
<center><<linkreplace"Leak in chastity..">>
<b><center> You want to cum so bad but you can't... you are locked in chastity by your <sister>Mistress</sister>.. You just leak precum from your cage..</center></b>
<b><you> - Oh no.. what do I do now.. I'm so horny.. I need to find a solution..</you></b> - you say to yourself as you leak some tiny droplets.
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\leakingcage.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><yellow><center> You need to train your asspussy to maximum level to masturbate with it!</center></yellow></b>
[[• Clean and close the website• ->Porn]]
<<elseif $siseventsub9 is false and $analevel >=3>>\
<center><<linkreplace"Use dildo to cum.">>
<b><center> After you've been fucked by your sister you realize now you are able to achieve sissygasm.. you grab your dildo and start riding it while watching the video, trying to cum while in chastity.</center></b>
<center><span class="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\dildochastityfap1.mp4" autoplay loop muted width="800" height="600"></video></span></center>
-<b><pink> MhMHMMmm.. I'm so close..</pink></b> - you say as you bounce harder and deeper on your dildo
<b><center> Eventually after a while you start cumming all over the floor in front of you, achieving <pink>sissy bliss</pink></center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\dildochastityfap2.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
[[• Clean and close the website• ->Porn]]
<</if>>\<center><img src="images\resources\bbcporn.png"></center>
<b><center> As of late you have been seeing alot of black guys for some reason, you don't know if it's just you paying more attention to them, or that there are more and more.. as if they are overpopulating..</center></b>
<b><you> Why is BBC Porn so hot..?</you></b> - you think to yourself, getting ready to jack off to the same content you saw last time.
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\Bbcporn6.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><center> You quickly get close to cumming and just let it go</center></b>
<<if $siseventsub9 is true and $analevel <=3>>\
<center><<linkreplace"Leak in chastity..">>
<b><center> You want to cum so bad but you can't... you are locked in chastity by your <sister>Mistress</sister>.. You just leak precum from your cage..</center></b>
<b><you> - Oh no.. what do I do now.. I'm so horny.. I need to find a solution..</you></b> - you say to yourself as you leak some tiny droplets.
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\leakingcage.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
[[• Clean and close the website• ->Porn]]
<<elseif $siseventsub9 is false and $analevel <=2>>\
<center><<linkreplace"Leak in chastity..">>
<b><center> You want to cum so bad but you can't... you are locked in chastity by your <sister>Mistress</sister>.. You just leak precum from your cage..</center></b>
<b><you> - Oh no.. what do I do now.. I'm so horny.. I need to find a solution..</you></b> - you say to yourself as you leak some tiny droplets.
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\leakingcage.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><yellow><center> You need to train your asspussy to maximum level to masturbate with it!</center></yellow></b>
[[• Clean and close the website• ->Porn]]
<<elseif $siseventsub9 is false and $analevel >=3>>\
<center><<linkreplace"Use dildo to cum.">>
<b><center> After you've been fucked by your sister you realize now you are able to achieve sissygasm.. you grab your dildo and start riding it while watching the video, trying to cum while in chastity.</center></b>
<center><span class="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\dildochastityfap1.mp4" autoplay loop muted width="800" height="600"></video></span></center>
-<b><pink> MhMHMMmm.. I'm so close..</pink></b> - you say as you bounce harder and deeper on your dildo
<b><center> Eventually after a while you start cumming all over the floor in front of you, achieving <pink>sissy bliss</pink></center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\dildochastityfap2.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
[[• Clean and close the website• ->Porn]]
<</if>>\<center><img src="images\resources\bbcporn.png"></center>
<b><center> As of late you have been seeing alot of black guys for some reason, you don't know if it's just you paying more attention to them, or that there are more and more.. as if they are overpopulating..</center></b>
<b><you> Why is BBC Porn so hot..?</you></b> - you think to yourself, getting ready to jack off to the same content you saw last time.
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\Bbcporn7.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><center> You quickly get close to cumming and just let it go</center></b>
<<if $siseventsub9 is true and $analevel <=3>>\
<center><<linkreplace"Leak in chastity..">>
<b><center> You want to cum so bad but you can't... you are locked in chastity by your <sister>Mistress</sister>.. You just leak precum from your cage..</center></b>
<b><you> - Oh no.. what do I do now.. I'm so horny.. I need to find a solution..</you></b> - you say to yourself as you leak some tiny droplets.
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\leakingcage.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
[[• Clean and close the website• ->Porn]]
<<elseif $siseventsub9 is false and $analevel <=2>>\
<center><<linkreplace"Leak in chastity..">>
<b><center> You want to cum so bad but you can't... you are locked in chastity by your <sister>Mistress</sister>.. You just leak precum from your cage..</center></b>
<b><you> - Oh no.. what do I do now.. I'm so horny.. I need to find a solution..</you></b> - you say to yourself as you leak some tiny droplets.
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\leakingcage.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><yellow><center> You need to train your asspussy to maximum level to masturbate with it!</center></yellow></b>
[[• Clean and close the website• ->Porn]]
<<elseif $siseventsub9 is false and $analevel >=3>>\
<center><<linkreplace"Use dildo to cum.">>
<b><center> After you've been fucked by your sister you realize now you are able to achieve sissygasm.. you grab your dildo and start riding it while watching the video, trying to cum while in chastity.</center></b>
<center><span class="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\dildochastityfap1.mp4" autoplay loop muted width="800" height="600"></video></span></center>
-<b><pink> MhMHMMmm.. I'm so close..</pink></b> - you say as you bounce harder and deeper on your dildo
<b><center> Eventually after a while you start cumming all over the floor in front of you, achieving <pink>sissy bliss</pink></center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\dildochastityfap2.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
[[• Clean and close the website• ->Porn]]
<</if>>\<center><img src="images\resources\bbcporn.png"></center>
<b><center> As of late you have been seeing alot of black guys for some reason, you don't know if it's just you paying more attention to them, or that there are more and more.. as if they are overpopulating..</center></b>
<b><you> Why is BBC Porn so hot..?</you></b> - you think to yourself, getting ready to jack off to the same content you saw last time.
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\Bbcporn8.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><center> You quickly get close to cumming and just let it go</center></b>
<<if $siseventsub9 is true and $analevel <=3>>\
<center><<linkreplace"Leak in chastity..">>
<b><center> You want to cum so bad but you can't... you are locked in chastity by your <sister>Mistress</sister>.. You just leak precum from your cage..</center></b>
<b><you> - Oh no.. what do I do now.. I'm so horny.. I need to find a solution..</you></b> - you say to yourself as you leak some tiny droplets.
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\leakingcage.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
[[• Clean and close the website• ->Porn]]
<<elseif $siseventsub9 is false and $analevel <=2>>\
<center><<linkreplace"Leak in chastity..">>
<b><center> You want to cum so bad but you can't... you are locked in chastity by your <sister>Mistress</sister>.. You just leak precum from your cage..</center></b>
<b><you> - Oh no.. what do I do now.. I'm so horny.. I need to find a solution..</you></b> - you say to yourself as you leak some tiny droplets.
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\leakingcage.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><yellow><center> You need to train your asspussy to maximum level to masturbate with it!</center></yellow></b>
[[• Clean and close the website• ->Porn]]
<<elseif $siseventsub9 is false and $analevel >=3>>\
<center><<linkreplace"Use dildo to cum.">>
<b><center> After you've been fucked by your sister you realize now you are able to achieve sissygasm.. you grab your dildo and start riding it while watching the video, trying to cum while in chastity.</center></b>
<center><span class="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\dildochastityfap1.mp4" autoplay loop muted width="800" height="600"></video></span></center>
-<b><pink> MhMHMMmm.. I'm so close..</pink></b> - you say as you bounce harder and deeper on your dildo
<b><center> Eventually after a while you start cumming all over the floor in front of you, achieving <pink>sissy bliss</pink></center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\dildochastityfap2.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
[[• Clean and close the website• ->Porn]]
<</if>>\<center><img src="images\resources\bbcporn.png"></center>
<b><center> As of late you have been seeing alot of black guys for some reason, you don't know if it's just you paying more attention to them, or that there are more and more.. as if they are overpopulating..</center></b>
<b><you> Why is BBC Porn so hot..?</you></b> - you think to yourself, getting ready to jack off to the same content you saw last time.
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\Bbcporn9.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><center> You quickly get close to cumming and just let it go</center></b>
<<if $siseventsub9 is true and $analevel <=3>>\
<center><<linkreplace"Leak in chastity..">>
<b><center> You want to cum so bad but you can't... you are locked in chastity by your <sister>Mistress</sister>.. You just leak precum from your cage..</center></b>
<b><you> - Oh no.. what do I do now.. I'm so horny.. I need to find a solution..</you></b> - you say to yourself as you leak some tiny droplets.
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\leakingcage.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
[[• Clean and close the website• ->Porn]]
<<elseif $siseventsub9 is false and $analevel <=2>>\
<center><<linkreplace"Leak in chastity..">>
<b><center> You want to cum so bad but you can't... you are locked in chastity by your <sister>Mistress</sister>.. You just leak precum from your cage..</center></b>
<b><you> - Oh no.. what do I do now.. I'm so horny.. I need to find a solution..</you></b> - you say to yourself as you leak some tiny droplets.
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\leakingcage.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><yellow><center> You need to train your asspussy to maximum level to masturbate with it!</center></yellow></b>
[[• Clean and close the website• ->Porn]]
<<elseif $siseventsub9 is false and $analevel >=3>>\
<center><<linkreplace"Use dildo to cum.">>
<b><center> After you've been fucked by your sister you realize now you are able to achieve sissygasm.. you grab your dildo and start riding it while watching the video, trying to cum while in chastity.</center></b>
<center><span class="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\dildochastityfap1.mp4" autoplay loop muted width="800" height="600"></video></span></center>
-<b><pink> MhMHMMmm.. I'm so close..</pink></b> - you say as you bounce harder and deeper on your dildo
<b><center> Eventually after a while you start cumming all over the floor in front of you, achieving <pink>sissy bliss</pink></center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\dildochastityfap2.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
[[• Clean and close the website• ->Porn]]
<</if>>\<center><img src="images\resources\femdom.png"></center>
<b><center> Lately you've been thinking of how good it must feel to submit and be dominated by powerful dominant woman, so you look up femdom porn.</center></b>
<b><you> - Ehm.. What if I think its <sister>$sistername</sister> doing these things to me, dominating me? That would be so hot..</you></b> - you mumble to yourself.
<center><img src="images\porn\femdom1.gif" height="600px"></center>
<<if $siseventsub9 is true and $analevel <=3>>\
<center><<linkreplace"Leak in chastity..">>
<b><center> You want to cum so bad but you can't... you are locked in chastity by your <sister>Mistress</sister>.. You just leak precum from your cage..</center></b>
<b><you> - Oh no.. what do I do now.. I'm so horny.. I need to find a solution..</you></b> - you say to yourself as you leak some tiny droplets.
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\leakingcage.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
[[• Clean and close the website• ->Porn]]
<<elseif $siseventsub9 is false and $analevel <=2>>\
<center><<linkreplace"Leak in chastity..">>
<b><center> You want to cum so bad but you can't... you are locked in chastity by your <sister>Mistress</sister>.. You just leak precum from your cage..</center></b>
<b><you> - Oh no.. what do I do now.. I'm so horny.. I need to find a solution..</you></b> - you say to yourself as you leak some tiny droplets.
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\leakingcage.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><yellow><center> You need to train your asspussy to maximum level to masturbate with it!</center></yellow></b>
[[• Clean and close the website• ->Porn]]
<<elseif $siseventsub9 is false and $analevel >=3>>\
<center><<linkreplace"Use dildo to cum.">>
<b><center> After you've been fucked by your sister you realize now you are able to achieve sissygasm.. you grab your dildo and start riding it while watching the video, trying to cum while in chastity.</center></b>
<center><span class="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\dildochastityfap1.mp4" autoplay loop muted width="800" height="600"></video></span></center>
-<b><pink> MhMHMMmm.. I'm so close..</pink></b> - you say as you bounce harder and deeper on your dildo
<b><center> Eventually after a while you start cumming all over the floor in front of you, achieving <pink>sissy bliss</pink></center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\dildochastityfap2.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
[[• Clean and close the website• ->Porn]]
<</if>>\<center><img src="images\resources\femdom.png"></center>
<b><center> Lately you've been thinking of how good it must feel to submit and be dominated by powerful dominant woman, so you look up femdom porn.</center></b>
<b><you> - Ehm.. What if I think its <sister>$sistername</sister> doing these things to me, dominating me? That would be so hot..</you></b> - you mumble to yourself.
<center><img src="images\porn\femdom2.gif" height="600px"></center>
<<if $siseventsub9 is true and $analevel <=3>>\
<center><<linkreplace"Leak in chastity..">>
<b><center> You want to cum so bad but you can't... you are locked in chastity by your <sister>Mistress</sister>.. You just leak precum from your cage..</center></b>
<b><you> - Oh no.. what do I do now.. I'm so horny.. I need to find a solution..</you></b> - you say to yourself as you leak some tiny droplets.
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\leakingcage.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
[[• Clean and close the website• ->Porn]]
<<elseif $siseventsub9 is false and $analevel <=2>>\
<center><<linkreplace"Leak in chastity..">>
<b><center> You want to cum so bad but you can't... you are locked in chastity by your <sister>Mistress</sister>.. You just leak precum from your cage..</center></b>
<b><you> - Oh no.. what do I do now.. I'm so horny.. I need to find a solution..</you></b> - you say to yourself as you leak some tiny droplets.
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\leakingcage.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><yellow><center> You need to train your asspussy to maximum level to masturbate with it!</center></yellow></b>
[[• Clean and close the website• ->Porn]]
<<elseif $siseventsub9 is false and $analevel >=3>>\
<center><<linkreplace"Use dildo to cum.">>
<b><center> After you've been fucked by your sister you realize now you are able to achieve sissygasm.. you grab your dildo and start riding it while watching the video, trying to cum while in chastity.</center></b>
<center><span class="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\dildochastityfap1.mp4" autoplay loop muted width="800" height="600"></video></span></center>
-<b><pink> MhMHMMmm.. I'm so close..</pink></b> - you say as you bounce harder and deeper on your dildo
<b><center> Eventually after a while you start cumming all over the floor in front of you, achieving <pink>sissy bliss</pink></center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\dildochastityfap2.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
[[• Clean and close the website• ->Porn]]
<</if>>\<center><img src="images\resources\blowjoblogo.png"></center>
<b><center> As you're searching what to watch today for your fapping session, you notice a really hot girl sucking on some dick and decide to click on it</center></b>
<b><you> - Oh yeah.. this bitch about choke on it so bad.. I wish she did that to me..</you></b> - you mumble to yourself.
<center><img src="images\porn\blowjobporn3.gif" height="600px"></center>
<<if $siseventsub9 is true and $analevel <=3>>\
<center><<linkreplace"Leak in chastity..">>
<b><center> You want to cum so bad but you can't... you are locked in chastity by your <sister>Mistress</sister>.. You just leak precum from your cage..</center></b>
<b><you> - Oh no.. what do I do now.. I'm so horny.. I need to find a solution..</you></b> - you say to yourself as you leak some tiny droplets.
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\leakingcage.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
[[• Clean and close the website• ->Porn]]
<<elseif $siseventsub9 is false and $analevel <=2>>\
<center><<linkreplace"Leak in chastity..">>
<b><center> You want to cum so bad but you can't... you are locked in chastity by your <sister>Mistress</sister>.. You just leak precum from your cage..</center></b>
<b><you> - Oh no.. what do I do now.. I'm so horny.. I need to find a solution..</you></b> - you say to yourself as you leak some tiny droplets.
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\leakingcage.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><yellow><center> You need to train your asspussy to maximum level to masturbate with it!</center></yellow></b>
[[• Clean and close the website• ->Porn]]
<<elseif $siseventsub9 is false and $analevel >=3>>\
<center><<linkreplace"Use dildo to cum.">>
<b><center> After you've been fucked by your sister you realize now you are able to achieve sissygasm.. you grab your dildo and start riding it while watching the video, trying to cum while in chastity.</center></b>
<center><span class="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\dildochastityfap1.mp4" autoplay loop muted width="800" height="600"></video></span></center>
-<b><pink> MhMHMMmm.. I'm so close..</pink></b> - you say as you bounce harder and deeper on your dildo
<b><center> Eventually after a while you start cumming all over the floor in front of you, achieving <pink>sissy bliss</pink></center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\dildochastityfap2.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
[[• Clean and close the website• ->Porn]]
<</if>>\<center><img src="images\resources\femdom.png"></center>
<b><center> Lately you've been thinking of how good it must feel to submit and be dominated by powerful dominant woman, so you look up femdom porn.</center></b>
<b><you> - Ehm.. What if I think its <sister>$sistername</sister> doing these things to me, dominating me? That would be so hot..</you></b> - you mumble to yourself.
<center><img src="images\porn\femdom4.gif" height="600px"></center>
<<if $siseventsub9 is true and $analevel <=3>>\
<center><<linkreplace"Leak in chastity..">>
<b><center> You want to cum so bad but you can't... you are locked in chastity by your <sister>Mistress</sister>.. You just leak precum from your cage..</center></b>
<b><you> - Oh no.. what do I do now.. I'm so horny.. I need to find a solution..</you></b> - you say to yourself as you leak some tiny droplets.
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\leakingcage.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
[[• Clean and close the website• ->Porn]]
<<elseif $siseventsub9 is false and $analevel <=2>>\
<center><<linkreplace"Leak in chastity..">>
<b><center> You want to cum so bad but you can't... you are locked in chastity by your <sister>Mistress</sister>.. You just leak precum from your cage..</center></b>
<b><you> - Oh no.. what do I do now.. I'm so horny.. I need to find a solution..</you></b> - you say to yourself as you leak some tiny droplets.
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\leakingcage.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><yellow><center> You need to train your asspussy to maximum level to masturbate with it!</center></yellow></b>
[[• Clean and close the website• ->Porn]]
<<elseif $siseventsub9 is false and $analevel >=3>>\
<center><<linkreplace"Use dildo to cum.">>
<b><center> After you've been fucked by your sister you realize now you are able to achieve sissygasm.. you grab your dildo and start riding it while watching the video, trying to cum while in chastity.</center></b>
<center><span class="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\dildochastityfap1.mp4" autoplay loop muted width="800" height="600"></video></span></center>
-<b><pink> MhMHMMmm.. I'm so close..</pink></b> - you say as you bounce harder and deeper on your dildo
<b><center> Eventually after a while you start cumming all over the floor in front of you, achieving <pink>sissy bliss</pink></center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\dildochastityfap2.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
[[• Clean and close the website• ->Porn]]
<</if>>\<span class='fadeIn'>\
<<set $therapistsubevent5 to false>>\
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\therapy.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><img src="images\city\therapylobby.png" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>
<b><center> You arrive at the therapy building and enter, you were expecting to see <ltblue>Ms.$receptionistname</ltblue> but instead you are greeted with another person whose name you do not know.. that's odd</center></B>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\randomreceptionist.jpg"></span></center>
-<b><you> Ehm hello.. I have a session today with <therapist>Ms.$therapistname</therapist></you></b> - you tell her.
-<b><yellow> "Certainly! You can go upstairs she'll be waiting for you."</yellow></B> - she says happily, a complete contrast from <ltblue>$receptionistname</ltblue>
<b><center> You are curious to know what happened to <ltblue>Ms.$receptionistname</ltblue> so you go ahead and ask the new receptionist what happened with her.</center></b>
-<b><you> Excuse me.. what happened to <ltblue>Ms.$receptionistname</ltblue>?</you></b> - you ask honestly.
-<b><yellow> "Oh. Miss <ltblue>$receptionistname</ltblue> was requested by <therapist>Mistress $therapistname</therapist> today so I went ahead and replaced her for now."</yellow></b> - she explains to you.
<b><center> Well guess that means she isn't gone.. you thought she was fired for a second.. you thank the lady and go upstairs.</center></b>
<center>[[Go upstairs|therapistsubevent5thpt2]]</center><center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\therapy.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><img src="images\city\therapyroom.png" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>
<b><center> You arrive at the <therapist>$therapistname</therapist> office and see her standing there, beautiful as always, waiting for you</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\teachersit.jpg"></span></center>
-<b><therapist> "Hello there my <pink>sissy boi</pink>! Looking gorgeous as always. Last time we introduced a new dosage for your therapy and today we'll continue testing on it, I have a new approach I want to try to see how you react so I'm pretty hyped for today! Let's not waste any time shall we?"</therapist></B> - she says, already ready to go to the other room
<b><center> You don't really appreciate how she's been treating you lately.. it's almost as if she treats you as a guinea pig instead of wanting to actually help you..</center></b>
-<b><you> Actually.. I'd like to know a bit more of what's going on..</you></b> - you say, not going after her.
<b><center> She takes a look at you very seriously and sighs, coming closer to you.</center></B>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\seriouslooktherapist.png"></span></center>
-<b><therapist> "You don't have to worry about a single thing.. You've been doing great, don't try to change how things are going now.. okay? All you need to do is obey me and <teacher>$nameteacher</teacher> and everything will be okay.."</therapist></B> - she says, trying to soothe you, looking bigger than you even though she's smaller than you.
<b><center> You aren't happy with her response.. it's not enough to relax you.. you want to defy her</center></b>
-<b><you> I also know you talked with my <mom>mom</mom>.. I want to know what's going on..</you></b> - you say, attempting to defy her.
<b><center> She changes her expression to a very serious one while coming closer to you, she grabs you by the hair and slaps you in the face</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\slaptherapist.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><therapist> "Listen to me <you>$name</you>. I have been nice to you, but your time to defy me or complain is long gone. I want to continue to be nice to you so please obey. Yes we have spoken with your <mom>mom</mom> and she is a lovely lady. Now, head inside the hypno room and stop wasting my time."</therapist></b> - she says, changing her whole personality according to what you knew
<b><center> You are shocked.. she never treated you like this.. she was always nice.. you are scared of what she can do to you so you just obey and go to the hypno room</center></b>
<center>[[Enter hypno room|therapistsubevent5thpt3]]</center><center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\therapy.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><img src="images\city\hypnoroom.png" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>
<b><center> You enter the hypno room and the light shocking always hurts your eyes but by now you are more used to it, you look at the table and you see the same pill and drink you had the last time.</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\pinkdrink.jpg"></span></center>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\pinkpill.jpg"></span></center>
-<b><therapist><i> "Please proceed to sit down. Take the pill and down the drink as quickly as you can."</i></therapist></b> - your therapist orders you through the intercommunicator.
<b><center> You want to get this done as quickly as you can.. you know when it's over you will be very tired and you'll want to go home as quickly as you can.. You sit down and quickly down the drink and take the pill in the process..</center></B>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\grabbingpinkpill.jpg"></span></center>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\grabdrink.png"></span></center>
<b><center> Immediately you feel drowsy and start losing control over your own body.. you enter a state of complete hypnosis, a living doll.</center></b>
<center>[[Lose control of yourself|therapistsubevent5thpt4]]</center><center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\therapy.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>\
<center><video src="videos\hypno\hypnoaudio.mp4" width="1" height="1" autoplay></video></center>\
<b><center><white><u><font size="10">EMPTINESS</font></u></white></center></b>\
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\emptiness.jpg"></span></center>
<b><center><white> You are empty, a shell, you are not <you>$name</you>. You are no one, a blank canvas for anyone to paint and mold you</white></center></b>
<b><center> Like last time.. your body is physically there but you feel like you are no one.. you completely lost yourself.. you don't even know your name.. you are just an empty body waiting for orders.. Then you start hearing clicks of heels behind you.. this time around there's four clicks.. which means there's two people behind you..</center></b>
-<b><ltblue> "Oh my god! Look at him.. so vulnerable!</ltblue></b> - your hear a familiar voice behind you..
<b><center> The familiar voice finally gets in front of you.. it's <ltblue>$receptionistname</ltblue>!</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\receptionistlatex.jpg"></span></center>
-<b><therapist> "Yes.. I love to see him like this.. makes me feel so powerful.."</therapist></B> - you hear another voice behind you, coming next to <ltblue>$receptionistname</ltblue>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\therapistdom3.jpg"></span></center>
-<b><ltblue> "And he cannot react or do anything? He'll just obey all my orders right?"</ltblue></B> - she asks <therapist>$therapistname</therapist>
-<b><therapist> "Yes! Last time I made him lick my pussy and he didn't remember a single thing!"</therapist></b> - <therapist>$therapistname</therapist> explains excited.
<b><center> Your body is listening to all this but there's nothing wrong with what they're saying.. your definition of wrong and right is completely gone..</center></b>
-<b><therapist> "Alright let's attach him to the bar so you can have fun with him."</therapist></B> - she says, talking about some bar..
-<b><ltblue> "Actually.. why don't we order him to attach himself?"</ltblue></b> - <ltblue>$receptionistname</ltblue> says, suggesting <therapist>$therapistname</therapist> an idea smiling
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\receptionistsmilinglatex.jpg"></span></center>
-<b><therapist> "Great idea.. that's why we work so well together. <you>$name</you>, attach yourself to that bar over there."</therapist></b> - she orders you.
<b><center> You don't even think twice.. your body immediately obeys her orders, you see a bar that was placed after you got hypnotized int he middle of the room. you proceed to attach yourself to it, locking yourself.</center></b>
-<b><therapist> "Go ahead.. use him as your toy."</therapist></B> - <therapist>$therapistname</therapist> says, observing.
-<b><ltblue> "Hehe.. alright let's start with something small.. lick my tities <pink>slave</pink>.."</ltblue></b> -<ltblue>$receptionistname</ltblue> says putting her tits in your mouth.
<b><center> You immediately obey and start licking her nipples.. not even giving it a thought, anything she'll order your body will do..</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\receptionistfemdom1.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><ltblue> "Oh my god.. such a cute slave! He'll really do anything I say.. time to spice things up.. I want to smother you with my ass.."</ltblue></b> - she says, as she turns around, putting her whole ass in your face.
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\receptionistfemdom2.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><center> You can barely breathe.. she's cruel and only thinks of her own pleasure.. she continues to have fun and smothering you as she laughs sadistically</center></b>
-<b><ltblue> "HAHAHA I love this.. I always wanted to treat this slut like a piece of trash.. such a beta boi"</ltblue></b> - she laughs smothering you.
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\receptionistfemdom3.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><center> Your body just obeys her, not thinking of yourself, you just want to submit and pleasure her..</center></b>
-<b><ltblue> "Alright let me switch around, lick my pussy now!"</ltblue></B> - she orders you dominantly
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\receptionistfemdom4.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><center> Your body then starts to shiver.. it's starting to come back to the present.. you are starting to regain conscience.</center></b>
-<b><therapist> "Alright that's enough.. he's starting to wake up.. it was quicker then before.. it seems his body is starting to get used to the drugs.. we'll have to find a new dosage in the future.."</therapist></b> - she says, as she starts to clean everything up, dettaching you from the bar and putting you back in the couch
-<b><ltblue> "Aw.. so quick.. I want more.."</ltblue></b> - <ltblue>$receptionistname</ltblue> says sulking..
-<b><therapist> "NOT NOW. Help me before he wakes up and everything is ruined."</therapist></B> - she screams.
<b><center> They proceed to but everything back to place and disappear.. eventually you wake up</center></b>
-<b><you> Jesus.. my jaw is in so much pain.. what happened.. did someone punch me..?</you></b> - you ask out loud
-<b><therapist><i> "That's odd.. we'll have to look in why you feel so much pain.. perhaps it's a reaction to the drugs.. you may leave, we'll speak another day.."</i></therapist></b> - <therapist>$therapistname</therapist> quickly says, shutting off comunications.
<b><center> You proceed to go outside and go home quickly, completely destroyed..</center></b>
<center>[[Go home and sleep|RoomTherapy3]]</center><center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\bedroom.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><img src="images\city\bedroom.jpg" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>
<b><center> Finally you get to your room, you don't care what time it is, you are really tired and your body hurts specially your jaw, you lay down on your bed and you start to fall asleep</center></b>
<b><you> - Jesus how was that so tiring and my jaw hurts.. I can't even remember what happened properly.. </you></b> - you tell yourself as you enter your bed
<b><center> As you enter your bed and close your eyes.. you get a weird image of <ltblue>$receptionistname</ltblue> in a latex outfit, why is it so familiar?</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\receptionistlatex.jpg"></span></center>
-<b><you> Thats weird.. but hot..</you></b> - you say as you slowly fall asleep
<<if $submissive <=65>>\
<<set $submissive to $submissive+1>>\
<b><center><pink> Submissiveness +1!</pink></center></b>\
<b><center><white><u> This action won't increase your <pink>submission</pink> anymore.</u></white></center></b>
<center>[[• Eventually you fall asleep •|Sleep3]]</center>\
<<set $worksubevent7 to false>>\
<span class='fadeIn'>\
<<set $worked to $worked+1>>\
<<set $time to $time+1>>\
<<if $time >= 3>>\
<<set $time to $time-1>>\
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\sexshop.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>\
<center><img src="images\city\sexshop.png" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>
<b><center> You enter the sex shop and head towards the locker room, ready to put on your uniform!</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\lockerjob.png"></span></center>
<b><center> You head outside to meet with <manager>$mname</manager>. He seems to be waiting for you to clock in.</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\managersexshop.jpg"></span></center>
-<b><manager> "Oh hey <you>$name</you>, right in time. A customer asked for help in the booth, could you go see what's up?"</manager></b> - he says not even looking at you, occupied with something.
-<b><you> Sure, first booth?</you></b> - you ask, not wanting to enter the wrong booth.
-<b><manager> "Yeah yeah, go."</manager></B> - he says dismissing you.
<b><center> Well.. time to enter the booth I guess, probably something wrong with the TV as per usual..</center></b>
<center>[[Enter the booth|worksubevent7pt2]]</center><center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\sexshop.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>\
<center><img src="images\events\pornbooth1.jpg" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>
<b><center> Once you enter the booth.. you are greeted by a wholeheartedly sight.. there's a woman completely shamelessly masturbating with a magic wand! She's showing everything!</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\wand1.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><you> Woah.. what the hell, my bad..</you></b> - you say starting to head back, thinking you entered the wrong booth.
-<b><yellow> "No no! Please don't go.."</yellow></B> - she says grabbing your shirt, not letting you and pushing you in, kissing you.
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\Mckiss.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><center> You are shocked.. she just pulled you in and kissed you! What is going on.. you are starting to get a boner inside your <pink>chastity cage</pink>.. it hurts!</center></B>
-<b><yellow> "Please fuck me.. I need it so bad.."</yellow></B> - she says as she fingers herself looking at you
<b><center> Oh no.. what do you do now? You clearly cannot fuck her with a chastity cage on.. what will you do?</center></b>
<div id="choice">
<<linkreplace "<pink> • Say that you can't.. and show her why.</pink>">>
<<replace "#choice">>
<b><center> There's only one way to get out of this.. just be honest and show her your chastitised penis.. that way she'll let you go right..?</center></b>
-<b><you> I.. I can't..</you></B> - you admit, looking down submissively and embarassed.
<b><center> The woman raises an eyebrow at you, she's completely offering herself to you..she's really hot aswell and you are saying you can't</center></b>
-<b><yellow> "Oh don't be a tease.. what do you mean you can't.. come here.."</yellow></B> - she says, opening your zipper quicker than you can think, pulling your <pink>chastity locked clit</pink> out,
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\chastityleaking.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><yellow> "Oh for fuck sake.. of course you are <pink>sissy</pink>.. I should've knew from the way you look, so <pink>feminine</pink>.."</yellow></b> - she says humiliating you.
<b><center> She then smiles at you, comes closer to you and slaps you in the face, making you kneel from how hard she slapped you</center></B>
-<b><yellow> "Atleast now I know how to treat you, like a bitch. Lick my cunt slut, maybe you'll be able to taste the last man that was here."</yellow></B> - she says pulling you to her pussy.
<b><center> You are too stunned to speak, she completely changed her atitude when she saw your <pink>clit..</pink> you just obey her and start licking her</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\workfemdom2.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><yellow> "Not bad.. but not enough, lay down."</yellow></B> - she orders you.
<b><center> And you obey, laying down on the ground</center></b>
-<b><yellow> "Alright good boy.. let me just sit here.."</yellow></b> - she says sitting on your face.
<b><center> When she sits on your face, she grabs her wand and brings it close to your <pink>clit</pink>, leaving it on vibrating on your cage, like it was a real clit.. it feels actually really good..</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\workfemdom1.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><pink> Mhmmm..</pink></B> - you moan
-<b><yellow> "Oh someone likes the vibrations huh? What a good <pink>sissy</pink>..</yellow></B> - she says, as she gets fully undressed, completely sitting on your face, not having any mercy on you.
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\workfemdom4.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><yellow> "Oh so good.. fuck.. before I cum.. I want to leave your face smelling like ass for the rest of the day.."</yellow></B> - she says, going a little up and dragging her asshole across your entire face.
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\workfemdom3.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><center> Apperantly this does it for her.. because she starts to tremble above you and cum all over your face.</center></b>
-<b><yellow> "G..god Im.. CUMMING..!"</yellow></b> - she screams, cumming all over your face.
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\facesittingcum.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><center> She lays down exhausted after cumming, completely ignoring you.. you just clean your face as best as you can and leave..</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\exhaustedcum.jpg"></span></center>
<b><center> When you go outside, you see <manager>$mname</manager> smirking at you, he clearly heard you and the costumer..</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\smirkmanager.jpg"></span></center>
-<b><manager> "We got a stallion among us hehe.."</manager></b> - he says, patting you in the back.
<b><center> Litlle does he know that you are actually caged.. hopefully he'll never find out..</center></b>
-<b><you> Haha.. right..</you></b> - you smile nervously as you get back to work.
<<set $submissive to $submissive+1>>\
<b><center><pink> Submissiveness +1!</pink></center></b>\
<<set $money to $money+15>>\
<green><b><center><i> You received 15€ for your work!</i></center></b></green>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\moneyinhand.png"></span></center>
<center>[[Undress and go outside|RedlightDistrict]]</center>
<center>[[Undress and go straight home|Room]]</center>
<div id="choice">\
<<linkreplace "<white> • Deny her request and leave.</white>">>
<<replace "#choice">>
<b><center> You don't want to be humiliated by a random woman so yu decide to excuse yourself and just leave, leaving the woman in need, using <gf>$gfname</gf> as an excuse.</center></b>
-<b><you> No I'm sorry.. I have a girlfriend..</you></B> - you say, as you leave her.
<b><center>Eventually you just go back to work, a little horny than you should.. but you finish your day.</center></b>
<<set $money to $money+15>>\
<green><b><center><i> You received 15€ for your work!</i></center></b></green>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\moneyinhand.png"></span></center>
<center>[[Undress and go outside|RedlightDistrict]]</center>
<center>[[Undress and go straight home|Room]]</center>
</div><<set $dadshowerws to false>>\
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\bathroom.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><img src="images\city\bathroom.jpg" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>
<b><center> You are going towards your Room at night after going to the kitchen when you hear the shower starting off, most likely at this time it's your <dad>dad</dad> that is showering..</center></b>
<div id="choice">
<<linkreplace "<yellow><center> • Spy on him(WATERSPORTS CONTENT)</center></yellow>">>\
<<replace "#choice">>\
<b><center> You are kind of interested to see how your <dad>dad</dad> looks like naked again.. nothing you haven't seen before but for some reason it always arouses you to watch his naked body.. you're not gay though..</center></b>
<b><center> You take a peek inside, hoping that you don't caught and you see your <dad>dads</dad> massive cock hanging around immediately.. it is so big.. you can't believe you've had that thing in your mouth before..</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\dadshowering.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><center> Suddenly he looks at the door and notices you spying on him.. Oh no..</center></b>
-<b><dad> "What the hell are you doing <pink>sissy</pink>? Spying on me? Get in, now."</dad></b> - he says as he gets out of the shower
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\Dadoutofshower.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><center> You obey him and immediately enter the steaming room, you know better than disobeying him.. he's so much stronger than you and you are his toy..</center></b>
-<b><dad> "So, wanna explain yourself <pink>sissy</pink>?"</dad></b> - he says as he dries himself, looking at you, letting the towel drop over his massive cock when he's done.
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\toweldrop.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><center> You take a massive gulp while looking at his giant cock.. you are fixated on it as usual.. you have to answer him though.</center></b>
-<b><you> I..I'm sorry.. I just heard you start the shower and I was curious to see who was inside..</you></B> - you say, trying to justify yourself
-<b><dad> "And you think that's correct? You deserve a punishment whore.. Get naked and stay here waiting for me."</dad></b> - he orders you as he heads outside, going to grab something.
<b><center> Oh god.. what is he going to do? You quickly obey him and get naked,stroking your tiny nub as you get aroused by the expectation of what he is about to do to you..</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\ws1.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><center> After a while, he comes inside holding a large mug from the kitchen.. what does he need that for?</center></b>
-<b><dad> "Alright sissy, come here."</dad></B> - he says manhandling, you grabbing by your hair and throwing you to the ground, making you lay flat on your stomatch
<b><center> He then takes his massive cock out and points it directly at your mouth.. but doesn't start thrusting inside your throat.. instead all he says is</center></b>
-<b><dad> "Open your mouth wide"</dad></b> - he orders you.
<b><center> You obey him, expecting him to start throat fucking you.. but instead you get a nasty suprise.. he starts pissing in your mouth like you were a filthy toilet!</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\ws2.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><dad> "Good girl.. Keep it open, don't stop, swallow it all"</dad></B> - he says as he pisses in your dirty mouth
<b><center> Oh god.. the smell is so pungent.. he clearly doesn't drink much water daily.. the flavour is even stronger.. but why do you like it..? It's so degrading to have a man piss in your mouth.. specially your own <dad>dad</dad> yet you are so happy as you gulp down his piss to your tummy.. you even smile!</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\ws3.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><dad> "Look at you.. you enjoy this you filthy <pink>slut</pink>.. this was supposed to be a punishment! I knew this wouldn't be enough.. hold this mug close to your mouth"</dad></b> - he says passing you the mug
<b><center> Obediently and reeking of piss you hold the mog close to your mouth like he ordered and then he starts pissing into your mouth again, whatever doesnt go into your mouth, goes inside that mug</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\ws4.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><center> After a while he finally stops pissing.. seems like he's over, jesus he's such a stallion of a man pissing so much.. you smell so bad right now.. like a walking toilet. You look at the mug and it's full of his piss.. what does he want to do with this..? He then turns to you and says</center></B>
-<b><dad> "Drink everything. If you don't I'm kicking you out to the streets <pink>whore</pink>. You'll be there one day eventually anyways."</dad></b> - he orders you, humiliating you in the process
<b><center> Oh my god.. the mug is full.. there's so much filthy piss on it.. it smells so goddamn bad but.. you can't disobey him.. you immediately start gulping everything down like it was the best drink you've ever tasted</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\ws5.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><dad> "Look at you! What a little piss slut! You truly are one filthy being.. can't believe you were my son one day.. Show me that pretty mouth"</dad></b> - he orders you.
<b><center> You obey him and show him your mouth that was full of his piss not long ago</center></B>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\ws6.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><center> He takes this chance to fill his mouth of spit and spit it inside yours</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\dadspitinmouth.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><dad> "Fucking slut.. hope you learnt your lesson.. even though you enjoyed it, take a shower, you stink."</dad></B> - he says, as he heads outside, leaving you in a full mess of spit and piss..
<b><center> You are a wreck and you stink so bad, you stink worse than a public toilet.. you take a shower and then go to bed, horny from what just happened..</center></B>
<b><center><yellow><i> (SCENE REQUESTED BY AN ULTIMATE DISRUPTION MEMBER - SLYDMC -)</i></yellow></center></b>
<center>[[Go to your room|Room]]</center>\
<div id="choice">
<<linkreplace "<white><center> Just go to bed..</center></white>">>
<<replace "#choice">>
<b><center> You don't feel the urge to see your <dad>dad</dad> showering this time.. probably nothing you haven't seen before anyways, you just head straight to your bedroom.</center></b>
<center>[[Go to your room|Room]]</center>\
<<set $chastityreaction to true>>
<<set $time to $time+1>>
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\detention.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><img src="images\city\detention.jpg" width = "550px"></center>
<b><center> You enter the detention room and you are super frustrated from walking around the school in chastity, you are pratically rubbing yourself in everything you can see.. you are super horny and it's visible, you are even red in the face</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\mcsuprised.png"></span></center>
<b><center> <teacher>Mistress $nameteacher</teacher> is just standing near the window smoking her cigarette, when you come in she looks at you and raises an eyebrow</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\teachersmokingchastity.jpg"></span></center>
-<b><teacher> "Come here."</teacher></b> - is all she says mid smoking
<b><center> You obey her and immediately come next to her, rubbing your legs in front of her.</center></b>
-<b><teacher> "Strip, fully naked."</teacher></b> - she orders you, looking into your eyes.
<b><center> Oh no.. you cannot disobey her but that means she's going to see you in chastity and make questions.. but you have to do it..</center></B>
-<b><you> Y..yes <teacher>Mistress</teacher></you></b> - you obey, quickly stripping, showing your chastity cage, leaking.
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\leakchastity.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><teacher> "I knew it.. something was off about you. Who has the key?"</teacher></b> - she says, grabbing your chastity caged penis
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\grabchastity.jpg"></span></center>
-<b><you> My.. my <sister>sister</sister>..</you></b> - you admit, not wanting to lie to your <teacher>Mistress</teacher>
<b><center> Her eyes open wide, not expecting your own <sister>sister</sister> to be the one to lock you in chastity.</center></b>
-<b><teacher> "That explains alot.. your <sister>sister</sister> has been helping us and not even knowing, that's why your process has been going so smoothly.. I'll speak with her to have a copy of the keys though, I own you."</teacher></b> - she says as she pushes you to the ground
-<b><you> W..why did you push me..?</you></b> - you say as you hit the ground, hurt.
-<b><teacher> "Shut up <pink>sissy</pink>. Look at you, so smooth and feminine.."</teacher></b> - your <teacher>Mistress</teacher> says as she appreciates the work she and all the other women in your life have done to you.
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\teacherchastityreaction.jpg"></span></center>
<b><center> She then gets up and grins at you, placing herself on top of you, standing, she thens slowly starts lowering herself on your face, sitting on it.</center></b>
-<b><teacher> "Lick me <pink>slave</pink>."</teacher></b> - she says as she puts her panties to the side and you feel the intense smell of her vagina.
<b><center> You don't even think twice, you start licking her as best as you can, wanting to please your <teacher>Mistress</teacher>.</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\teacherfacesitting.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><center> You love it.. you want to please her so much but at the same time your <pink>sissy clit</pink> strains against the cage and hurts.. it's really painful and it gets you even more frustrated than you were</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\chastitycageleaking.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><center> It seems <teacher>Mistress</teacher> had this all planned.. she gets up and grins at you, frustrated and panting</center></b>
-<b><teacher> "This is your punishment for today, you were super distracted in class. You go home frustrated and do not cum, dont ask your lovely <sister>sister</sister> for the key, sleep frustrated thinking about me, leave now."</teacher></b> - she orders you, pointing at the door.
<b><center> You obey her super frustrated, going outside..</center></b>
<center> [[Go outside |School Hallway]]</center><span class='fadeIn'>\
<<set $momeventsub5 to false>>\
<<set $timer to 0>>\
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\kitchen.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><img src="images\city\kitchen.jpg" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>
<b><center> You enter the kitchen and <mom>$momname</mom> is standing there, probably getting ready to cook for all of you.. when she notices you entering she turns to you</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\momkitchen.jpg"></span></center>
-<b><mom> "Oh hey honey! Could you help me in the kitchen today? I'm really tired.."</mom></b> - she asks you, pouting
<b><center> Aw.. you can't help but want to help your <mom>mommy</mom>.. and it's not like you haven't helped her with daily chores before..</center></b>
-<b><you> Sure <mom>mommy..</mom></you></B> - you say, smiling at her.
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\mcsmilingkitchen.png"></span></center>
-<b><mom> "Such a good boy! I love you honey.. maybe you should put on your maid outfit so you don't ruin your clothes..?"</mom></b> - she suggests, looking at you with big doe eyes
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\momquestionkitchen.png"></span></center>
<b><center> She has a point.. you don't see why you wouldn't wear the <pink>sissy</pink> maid outfit.. everyone has seen you in it and there is a chance you can get your nice clothes dirty..</center></b>
-<b><you> Sure.. why not, you have a point..</you></b> - you say, agreeing with her.
-<b><mom> "Good! I'll wait for you down here."</mom></B> - she says, turning around
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\momturnaround.png"></span></center>
<b><center> You quickly head upstairs to your room and put the <pink>sissy</pink> maid outfit on.. you immediately feel yourself aroused but since you are locked in chastity it just hurts and makes you leak like a little girl..</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\mcmaidon2.jpg"></span></center>
-<b><you><i> So cute..</i></you></b> - you think to yourself as you get ready to go downstairs..
<b><center> You head downstairs and <mom>$momname</mom> is there waiting for you, getting things ready for you to cook.</center></B>
-<b><mom> "Aw look at you so pretty! I love seeing you in that outfit.. Anyways, let's get started shall we?"</mom></B> - she says waiting for you.
-<b><you> Yes <mom>mommy!</mom></you></b> - you say happily, heading to the kitchen counter smiling
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\mcmaidon3.jpg"></span></center>
-<b><mom> "So you're gonna cook meatballs with mashed potatoes okay baby? Get the potato masher over there"</mom></b> - she says pointing at the tools on the wall
<b><center> You obey her and get the tool.. you swear you hear a click from a photo somewhere but you just ignore it..</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\grabtool.jpg"></span></center>
-<b><mom> "Great.. now mash the potatoes while I get the meat for the meatballs.."</mom></b> - she says heading away.
<b><center> You do what she said as best as you can, trying to please your <mom>mother</mom>.. however when she comes back she looks at you in an angry face and stars complaining at you</center></B>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\momkitchencomplain.png"></span></center>
-<b><mom> "<you>$name</you>! That's not how you do it you dumb maid! This is how you do it, give it to me.</mom></b> - she says, grabbing the tools and showing you the correct way to do it.
<b><center> You are kind of embarassed and sad.. she called you dumb.. and a maid? You're not just a maid..</center></b>
-<b><mom> "There.. keep doing this and fry the meatballs next please."</mom></b> - she says as she takes a seat on the kitchen table, leaving you to do everything.
<b><center> What.. you thought this would be a fun time with your <mom>mommy</mom> but instead it's just you doing everything.. she just sat down and is watching you do it while scrolling through her phone.. you really feel like a maid now.. Nevertheless you start frying the meatballs..</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\cookingmc.jpg"></span></center>
<b><center> Once again you hear a click from a picture.. this time there's a flash.. your <mom>mother</mom> is taking pictures of you in the maid outfit while you cook for her!</center></B>
-<b><you> <mom>Mommy..</mom> are you taking pictures of me..?</you></b> - you ask her honestly.
-<b><mom> "Oh don't worry.. these are for me, you look adorable as my maid! Focus on the cooking now come on."</mom></b> - she says disregarding your worries, laying on the couch like a queen, watching TV.
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\momqueen.jpg"></span></center>
<b><center> After a while you're done and you call your <mom>mom</mom> over to review the food.</center></b>
-<b><you> It's done <mom>mommy</mom>..</you></b> - you warn her
-<b><mom> "Oh great! Let me see.."</mom></b> - she says investigating the food
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\food.jpg"></span></center>
-<b><mom> "Looks great baby.. what a good maid you are! You'll have to do this more times for me.. this was great.. clean up the kitchen while I serve the food maid."</mom></b> - she orders you, kissing you in the forehead kindly, but still treating you like her personal maid..
-<b><you> Yes <mom>mommy..</mom></you></b> - you obey, cleaning the kitchen aftewards..
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\mcmaidsis1.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<B><center> Eventually you finish cleaning the kitchen and head to the living room to eat with your family.. your <mom>mom</mom> is treating you more and more like her servant.. do you enjoy this though..?</center></b>
<<set $submissive to $submissive+1>>\
<b><center><pink> Submissiveness +1!</pink></center></b>\
<center>[[Finish eating|Living Room]]</center><span class='fadeIn'>\
<<set $bfchastityreaction to false>>\
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\schoolhallway.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><img src="images\city\schoolhall.jpg" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>
<b><center> You see <bf>$bfname</bf> on the school hallway and you really need to speak with her.. lately you've been seriously frustrated because of the chastity cage <sister>$sistername</sister> has put you on.. and you don't know how to get release with it locked.. you know <bf>$bfname</bf> also wears one so maybe she'll know what to do..</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\bfschool.jpg"></span></center>
-<b><bf> "Hey bestie.. what's up? You look concerned.."</bf></b> - she says worried.
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\bfpuppy.png"></span></center>
-<b><you> Hey bestie.. I need to talk with you about something.. but not here, can we go to the bathroom..?</you></b> - you ask her, wanting more discretion.
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\mcworried.jpg"></span></center>
-<b><bf> "Of course, let's go"</bf></b> - she says smiling, heading into the bathroom.
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\bfhappy.png"></span></center>
<center>[[Head into the bathroom|bfsubevent3pt2]]</center><center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\bathroom.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><img src="images\city\bathroom.jpg" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>
<b><center> Once inside the bathroom <bf>$bfname</bf> just stands there waiting for you to talk, you look at your feet, nervous.. you have to show her your chastity cage first.. she doesn't know you are locked up..</center></b>
-<b><bf> "Bestie.. you can talk with me about anything you know that right..? What's wrong?"</bf></b> - she asks kindly, worried about you.
<b><center> You decide to take an hail mary and just show her your chastity caged penis, it's probably gonna shock her, but you have to do it before someone else comes in..</center></b>
-<b><you> This..</you></b> - you say, zipping your pants and showing your chastity caged penis
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\mclocked.jpg"></span></center>
-<b><bf> "Oh my!"</bf></b> - she says, gasping and opening her mouth wide open
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\bfsuprised.png"></span></center>
-<b><bf> "I.. I wasn't expecting that! Who locked you up bestie..?"</bf></b> - she asks curious.
<b><center> You don't want to say who.. it's really embarassing to say your own <sister>sister</sister> locked you up.. so you detour the conversation to something else</center></b>
-<b><you> I don't wanna say.. you are locked up too.. right?</you></b> - you ask her.
<b><center> She grins at you and quickly lifts up her skirt, showing you her chastity caged penis.</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\bfchastity.png"></span></center>
-<b><bf> "Of course.. I've been locked up for years now.. like a proper <pink>sissy</pink>!"</bf></b> - she says proud of herself, displaying everything to you.
<b><center> This situation kinda that arouses you, and you immediately start leaking like a girl on the ground</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\Leakingcage2.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><center> It seems <bf>$bfname</bf> picks up on you leaking and realizes the problem</center></b>
-<b><bf> "Ahh.. I see what's going on.. you're sexually frustrated arent you?"</bf></b> - she asks, grinning at you.
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\bfsmiling.png"></span></center>
<b><center> She's completely right.. it seems she has noticed.. you just admit to the truth..</center></b>
-<b><you> Y..yes.. I can't cum.. I haven't been able to cum for days now and it's driving me crazy.. what do I do bestie..?</you></b> - you ask desperate
<b><center> She laughs at you giggling and approaches you.. you two are pants down with your chastity cages displaying on the school bathroom.. you have to hurry up.</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\mcandbfcaged.jpg"></span></center>
-<b><bf> "Bestie.. we are not guys anymore.. we are <pink>sissies</pink> and our main sexual organ changes.. what do women do when they want to cum.. how do they masturbate..?"</bf></b> - she asks you, waiting for an answer.
-<b><you> They masturbate their pussies.. right?</you></b> - you say clueless
-<b><bf> "Exactly.. But we don't have pussies right.. but we do have <pink>boipussies..!</pink>"</bf></b> - she says happily
<b><center> What? What is she insinuating.. boipussy?</center></b>
-<b><bf> "Here, let me show you how I masturbate."</bf></b> - she says as she grabs her phone, showing you a video.
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\Bfmasturbate.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><center> Oh my god! <bf>$bfname</bf> shows you a very explicit video of her getting completely destroyed by a dildo in her ass.. so the boipussy is the asshole.. she wants you to use a dildo on your ass..? There's no way! a buttplug was already super hard to fit in..!</center></b>
-<b><you> you are amazing.. but I can't do that.. it's too much for me..</you></B> - you say honestly.
-<b><bf> "Well bestie that's the way you have to do now.. maybe speak with whoever locked you up to help you.. but you have to forget your <pink>clit..</pink> it's useless now.."</bf></b> - she says, calling your penis a clit..
<b><center> She does have a point.. you can't use your penis so that has to be the way.. maybe you should speak with <sister>$sistername</sister> about it one day.. perhaps she'll know what to do.</center></b>
-<b><you> Thank you bestie.. that video was really hot by the way..</you></b> - you tell her, wanting to compliment her.
-<b><bf> "Aw thank you! It's from my onlyfans! I can send it to you for free! Hey, maybe you should consider doing onlyfans in the future.. you'd be a sucess!"</bf></B> - she suggests smiling
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\bfsmiling2.png"></span></center>
<b><center> Onlyfans..? That's not a bad idea..</center></b>
-<b><you> Thank you.. I'll get going now.. thank you for everything..</you></b> - you say, heading out.
<center>[[Head back to the school hallway|School Hallway]]</center>
<<set $bfdomevent2 to false>>\
<<set $timer to 0>>\
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\outside.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<<if $time is 0>>\
<center><img src="images\city\house.jpg" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>
<<elseif $time is 1>>\
<center><img src="images\city\house.jpg" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>
<<elseif $time is 2>>\
<center><img src="images\city\housenight.jpg" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>\
<b><center> You head outside to meet with <gf>$gfname</gf> who's waiting for you to invite her in, you previously talked about hanging out in your room as you usually do.. once you head outside you see her, looking all pretty as always.</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\gfcute.jpg"></span></center>
-<b><you> Oh hey babe, come on in. You look great!</you></b> - you say inviting her in
-<b><gf> "Aw thanks babe! Let's go upstairs!"</gf></b> - she says, excited.
<center>[[Head inside and head to your room|bfeventdom2pt2]]</center><center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\bedroom.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<<if $time == 1>>\
<center><img src="images\city\bedroom.jpg" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>\
<<elseif $time is 0>>\
<center><img src="images\city\bedroom.jpg" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>\
<<elseif $time is 2>>\
<center><img src="images\city\bedroomnight.jpg" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>\
<b><center> Once you arrive at your room, she lays in your bed smiling at you</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\gfbed.jpg"></span></center>
-<b><gf> "Baaaby... I'm really horny.. come here next to me.."</gf></b> - she says patting the bed next to her
<b><center> You lay next to her and immediately she jumps on you kissing you, you give back, kissing her passionately</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\Kissinggf.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><gf> "Mhmm.. I love your kisses baby.."</gf></b> - she says out of breath
<b><center> You notice that you are not getting very aroused by making out with her.. that's really odd usually you immediately get aroused and hard when making out with <gf>$gfname</gf> I mean who wouldn't.. and then for a quick second an image passes in your brain..</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\bfdomscene2.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><center> What the hell.. why did you just think about <bf>$bfname</bf>..?</center></b>
-<b><gf> "Are you okay baby..? You seem kinda out of it.."</gf></b> - your girlfriend asks concerned, noticing that something is off
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\gfnakedconcerned.jpg"></span></center>
<b><center> Wow she has lost some clothing while you spaced out.. you look down at your cock and you notice it is hard now.. but is it hard because you thought of <bf>$bfname</bf> or because of <gf>$gfname</gf>? Either way you get back at it and start heading down near the crotch of <gf>$gfname</gf></center></b>
-<b><gf> "Now that's more like it.. welcome back"</gf></b> - she says mid moans as you start to lick her.
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\Pussylicking.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><gf> "Mhmmm.. you're so good at this.. let me give it back to you.."</gf></b> - she says getting on her knees, taking your full member into her greedy mouth, wanting to please you.
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\Gfblowjob.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><center> As she is sucking you off.. you once again space out and an image comes to your mind.. what if it was <bf>$bfname</bf> on her knees sucking you off right now..?</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\bfblowjob.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><you><i> God.. that'd be.. so fucking.. GOOD!</i></you></b> - you say screaming in your head as you cum all over <gf>$gfname</gf> face.
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\gfcumshot.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><gf> "Wow.. that was quicker than usual.. guess you were pretty backed up.. damn.."</gf></b> - <gf>$gfname</gf> says cleaning her face from your cum
<b><center> Jesus.. did you really just cum thinking about <bf>$bfname</bf> sucking you off while <gf>$gfname</gf> was actually giving you a blowjob..? That's really messed up.. are you more interested in <bf>$bfname</bf> because of what happened last time..? You have to do some serious thinking..</center></b>
-<b><gf> "Are you okay baby..?"</gf></b> - she asks, noticing you are spacing out again.
-<b><you> Huh yeah I'm fine.. just you know.. recovering..</you></b> - you say giving an excuse.
-<b><gf> "Look.. clearly something's wrong with you today.. I won't ask what it is.. if you want to talk with me about it I'll be waiting.. I think it's best we stop for today.. I'm going home.."</gf></b> - she says getting dressed.
-<b><you> No no.. I'm sorry <gf>$gfname</gf> I'm fine I promise.. let's go back to what we were doing.. I can go again..</you></b> - you say trying to make up for what did
-<b><gf> "<you>$name</you> stop. I'm going home.. we'll talk later.."</gf></B> - she says leaving your room, somewhat mad.
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\gfmad.png"></span></center>
<b><center> Fuck.. you really have to get yourself sorted out.. or she will notice something's wrong..</center></b>
<<set $dominant to $dominant+1>>
<center><b><blue> Dominance +1!</blue></b></center>
<center>[[Dress up and go back to your day|Room]]</center><<set $classmateglory to false>>\
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\schoolhallway.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><img src="images\city\schoolhall.jpg" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>
<b><center> Time to put the plan into action.. you hide in the corner near the bathroom and wait for the first girl to leave the stall.. you wonder who it is.. she has to be really hot..</center></b>
<<timed 1s>><center><font size="+5"><b>.</b></font></center><</timed>><<timed 2s>><center><font size="+5"><b>.</b></font></center><</timed>><<timed 3s>><center><font size="+5"><b>.</b></font></center><</timed>>
<<timed 4s>>
<b><center> Jesus.. all you see is alot of guys coming of the bathroom and they all look quite satisfied.. how many dicks do she suck per day..? Eventually a woman comes out and it is quite late, the school is almost empty.. wait.. she's in your class..! It's <classmate>Sasha!</classmate></center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\sasha_afterclass.jpg"></span></center>
<b><center> What the hell.. of all people in this school.. probably one of the least you were expecting to be the gloryhole cocksucker would be <classmate>Sasha</classmate>.. she's such a mean bitch! She claims to hate all men and that they shouldn't even exist.. you'll never forget how she humiliated you in front of the whole class one time..</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\sashabitch.jpg"></span></center>
-<b><classmate><i> "You're such a worthless bitch <you>$name</you>.."</i></classmate></b> - she said in the past..
-<b><you><i> This is perfect.. the bitch who insulted you is the cocksucker.. and now I know her secret, time to put it to use.. she'll be my bitch now..</i></you></b> - you say as you grab your phone and take a picture of her leaving the mans bathroom.
<center>[[Go back to your daily life|School Hallway]]</center>
<</timed>><center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\schoolbathroom.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>\
<center><img src="images\events\insideofstall.jpg" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>\
<b><center> You enter the stall to piss.. but then you notice something odd, you haven't noticed it before but there's clearly a goddamn hole that leads to the next stall.. it's a gloryhole!</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\gloryhole.jpg"></span></center>
-<b><you><i> Oh cool.. school moving wild nowadays..</i></you></b> - you think to yourself
<b><center> Then suddenly you hear a knock on your stall from the otherside, you look at the hole and you see a mouth wide open</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\Gloryholemouth.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><classmate> "10€ for a blowjob..?"</classmate></b> - she offers you.
<b><center> You take a look at her mouth and you can't lie that the idea is quite arousing.. you decide</center></b>
<<if $classmateglory is true and $glorydone is 0>>
<div id="choice">\
<<linkreplace "<blue><center> • Accept her deal</center></blue>">>\
<<replace "#choice">>\
<<set $glorydone to 1>>\
<b><center> You decide to accept the deal.. you've grown quite horny from just watching her mouth and you want to give it a try..</center></b>
-<b><you> Yeah.. here</you></b> - you say as you pass the 10 euro bill through the hole
<<set $money to $money-10>>
<center><green> -10 euros!</green></center>
<b><center> After you give her the dollar bill, she puts her mouth back on the hole and you put your cock in line with the hole.. thrusting inside</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\Gloryholesuck.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><you> Oh damn.. you are good..</you></b> - you say as you feel extreme pleasure from her skilled mouth
<b><center> After a while you get closer to cum and finish inside her mouth.. to which she doesnt remove her mouth and swallows your cum..</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\gloryholecum.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><classmate> "Hope you enjoyed hun.. come back anytime.."</classmate></b> - she says, removing her mouth, waiting for you to leave the stall
<b><center> Oh wow that was pretty good.. I wonder who was on the other side.. that'd be cool to know.. she sounds hot..</center></b>
<center>[[Leave the stall|SchoolBathroom]]</center>\
<div id="choice">\
<<linkreplace "<white><center> • You don't want to accept her deal.</center></white>">>\
<<replace "#choice">>\
<b><center> You decide you don't want to take such deal, it's too much for you and just leave the stall embarassed</center></b>\
<center>[[Leave the stall|SchoolBathroom]]</center>\
<<if $classmateglory is true and $glorydone is 1>>\
<div id="choice">\
<<linkreplace "<u><blue><center> • Accept her deal</center></blue></u>">>\
<<replace "#choice">>\
<<set $glorydone to 2>>\
<b><center> You decide to accept the deal.. you've grown quite horny from just watching her mouth and you want to give it a try..</center></b>
-<b><you> Yeah.. here</you></b> - you say as you pass the 10 euro bill through the hole
<<set $money to $money-10>>
<center><green> -10 euros!</green></center>
<b><center> After you give her the dollar bill, she puts her mouth back on the hole.. only this time around you're really curious of who's on the other side.. it'd make things so much hotter if you knew.. maybe after you leave you can wait to see who leaves.. I mean.. it's a woman leaving a man's stall, shouldn't be too hard. Nevertheless you already paid.. you line up your cock and let her suck you off like the pro she is.. it feels amazing</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\Gloryholesasha.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><you> Fuck.. who are you.. I'm in love with your mouth..</you></b> - you say really curious of who she is.. she's a true pro..
-<b><classmate> "Hehe.. That's the beauty of it.. you're not supposed to know.. you have a really nice cock too..</classmate></b> - she says as she goes back to sucking.
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\Gloryholesasha2.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><center> God you have to know who it is.. but you can't ler her know you know.. it feels so good.. her mouth is silky smooth and the things she does with her tongue.. jesus..</center></b>
-<b><you> Don't.. stop.. I'm cummMMING.. jesus..!!</you></B> - you scream as you start spurting.. but she doesn't even stop sucking you as you cum.
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\gloryholecum2.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><center> Shit that was really good.. but you have to be quick and leave to see who leaves on the other side..</center></b>
-<b><you> T.. thank you, my balls are empty now.. I'm going out first.</you></b> - you say as you quickly leave.
<b><center> Alright.. now all you have to do is hide and wait for the girl to come out..</center></b>
<center>[[Leave the stall and wait in the hallway|classmatedom1]]</center>\
<div id="choice">\
<<linkreplace "<white><center> • You don't want to accept her deal.</center></white>">>\
<<replace "#choice">>\
<b><center> You decide you don't want to take such deal, it's too much for you and just leave the stall embarassed</center></b>\
<center>[[Leave the stall|SchoolBathroom]]</center>\
<<if $classmateglory is false and $glorydone is 2>>\
<div id="choice">\
<<linkreplace "<blue><center> • Accept your classmates deal</center></blue>">>\
<<replace "#choice">>\
<<set $glorydone to 3>>\
<b><center> You decide to accept the deal.. now that you know who she is it's even better.. you aren't quite ready to blackmail her yet.. you need to think betetr.</center></b>
-<b><you> Yeah.. here</you></b> - you say as you pass the 10 euro bill through the hole
<<set $money to $money-10>>
<center><green> -10 euros!</green></center>
<b><center> You line up your cock with the hole and you want to tease her..</center></B>
-<b><you> I bet you are the biggest slut in the whole school..</you></b> - you say teasing her, fully knowing who she is.
<b><center> You hear her scoffing and doesn't answer you, instead she starts sucking you off really hard.. to the point it kinda hurts.
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\Gloryholesasha.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><you> Good whore..</you></B> - you further tease her and she just keeps sucking
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\Gloryholesasha2.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><center> Eventually you come all over her mouth and you now realize something.. she doesnt know who you are.. you could just tease her even more and thank her with her name and leave.. she wont know who you are</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\gloryholecum2.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><you> Thank you <classmate>Sasha</classmate> you are the best cocksucker in the school that's for sure </you></b> - you say quickly and run out of the stall before she can see you.
<center>[[Leave the stall and hide to make sure she doesnt see you|School Hallway]]</center>\
<div id="choice">\
<<linkreplace "<white><center> • You don't want to accept her deal.</center></white>">>\
<<replace "#choice">>\
<b><center> You decide you don't want to take such deal, it's too much for you and just leave the stall embarassed</center></b>\
<center>[[Leave the stall|SchoolBathroom]]</center>\
<<if $classmateglory is false and $glorydone is 3>>\
<div id="choice">\
<<linkreplace "<blue><center> • Accept your classmates deal</center></blue>">>\
<<replace "#choice">>\
<b><center> You decide to accept the deal.. now that you know who she is it's even better.. you aren't quite ready to blackmail her yet.. you need to think betetr.</center></b>
-<b><you> Yeah.. here</you></b> - you say as you pass the 10 euro bill through the hole
<<set $money to $money-10>>
<center><green> -10 euros!</green></center>
<b><center> You line up your cock with the hole and you want to tease her..</center></B>
-<b><you> I bet you are the biggest slut in the whole school..</you></b> - you say teasing her, fully knowing who she is.
<b><center> You hear her scoffing and doesn't answer you, instead she starts sucking you off really hard.. to the point it kinda hurts.
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\Gloryholesasha.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><you> Good whore..</you></B> - you further tease her and she just keeps sucking
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\Gloryholesasha2.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><center> Eventually you come all over her mouth and you now realize something.. she doesnt know who you are.. you could just tease her even more and thank her with her name and leave.. she wont know who you are</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\gloryholecum2.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><you> Thank you <classmate>Sasha</classmate> you are the best cocksucker in the school that's for sure </you></b> - you say quickly and run out of the stall before she can see you.
<center>[[Leave the stall and hide to make sure she doesnt see you|School Hallway]]</center>\
<div id="choice">\
<<linkreplace "<white><center> • You don't want to accept her deal.</center></white>">>\
<<replace "#choice">>\
<b><center> You decide you don't want to take such deal, it's too much for you and just leave the stall embarassed</center></b>\
<center>[[Leave the stall|SchoolBathroom]]</center>\
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\schoolbathroom.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>\
<center><img src="images\events\insideofstall.jpg" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>\
<b><center> You enter the stall and who would have thought.. you see a toilet!</center></b>
<<linkreplace "<center> Take a piss!</center>">>\
<b><center> You take a piss in the toilet! Congrats!</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\Toiletpiss.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<center>[[Leave the stall|SchoolBathroom]]</center><span class='fadeIn'>
<<set $bfsubevent1 to false>>
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\schoolhallway.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><img src="images\city\schoolhall.jpg" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\bflockers.png"></span></center>
<b><center> You head outside of your classroom and you see <bf>$bfname</bf> near the lockers.. you are starting to head towards her when you notice one of the school bullies who usually messes with her going in his direction.. you don't have much time to react and think, what do you do?</center></b>
<div id="choice">
<<linkreplace "<pink><center> • You are too far away..</center></pink>">>\
<<replace "#choice">>\
<b><center> Unfortunately you won't make it in time... you are too far away to save her and to be honest... you are kinda scared of the bully, you decide you are going to watch from far away and see what happens, if you really need to intervene you'll call someone to rescue her..</center></b>
<b><center> The bully grabs her shoulder and turns her away, forcing her to follow him, as they are walking, you see him entering the men's bathroom.. and she follows him inside.. you decide to go after them and peak inside</center></b>
<center>[[Peek into the bathroom|bfsubevent2]]</center>
<div id="choice">
<<linkreplace "<blue><center> • Run over to help her</center></blue>">>
<<replace "#choice">>
<b><center> There's no way you are letting this happen.. you know if you don't run over to help <bf>$bfname</bf> right now that he'll abuse her as always.. you hurry up and literally run over to her.</center></b>
<b><center> Unfortunately the bully gets there first and you see him grabbing her shoulder, you are almost getting to her when he turns her away and starts forcing her to go with him, however you run over and grab her wrist, not letting her go</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\grabbingwrist.png"></span></center>
-<b><you> <bf>$bfname</bf>! I need to talk with you about something urgent</you></b> - you lie, trying to save your best friend.
<b><center> As you look into her eyes, you are a little confused by what you see, instead of happiness she's almost a little annoyed for a second.. and you're pretty sure she was smiling.. that's odd. It was only for a second though, out of nowhere her face lightens up and she seems happy you rescued her</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\bfsmiling.png"></span></center>
-<b><bf> "Bestie..! Of course, Brad here said he had something to show me but he can wait right..?"</bf></b> - she says looking at the bully, whose name is Brad apperantly.
<b><center> You look at Brad, the bully, who is clearly not amused by this situation, you thought he'd react worse, do the typical bully thing of screaming at you for interrupting and stuff but he just hisses at you, mumbles something under his breath and lets <bf>$bfname</bf> go</center></b>
-<b><blue><font size ="-2"> "Fucking fag getting in my way.."</font></blue></B> - he mumbles as he goes away
<b><center> As he heads away, you turn your attention back to <bf>$bfname</bf> to check if shes okay</center></b>
-<b><you> Are you okay <bf>$bfname</bf>? These bullies are always on your ass..</you></b> - you ask her, worried.
-<b><bf> "I'm okay now! Thank you bestie.. you are always saving me!"</bf></b> - she says, hugging you and excitedly she kisses you on your lips.. which suprises you
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\Bfkiss.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><you> Wow... I wasn't expecting that</you></b> - you say out loud, suprised
-<b><gf> "Oh It's just a friendly kiss bestie... Take it as a token of appreciation for saving me!"</gf></b> - she tells you giggling happily
<b><center> You aren't quite sure what to think about your best friend kissing you.. but she did say it was harmless.. you've never looked at her in a romantic way since she used to be a man.. but could you get involved with her..? That's something to think about..</center></b>
<<set $dominant to $dominant+1>>
<center><b><blue> Dominance +1!</blue></b></center>
<center>[[Go back to the School Hallway|School Hallway]]</center>\
</div><<set $timer to 0>>\
<<set $momdomevent2 to false>>\
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\sistersroom.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><img src="images\city\sisterbedroom.png" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>
<b><center> You enter your <sister>sisters</sister> room and she's just laying in her bed talking on her phone with someone.</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\sisterphonebed.jpg"></span></center>
<b><center> She looks at you and raises an eyebrow, clearly not expecting you to just come in without warning, but you realize you need her help to corrupt your <mom>mother</mom>, now that she is your bitch she'll be a key piece to further put <mom>$momname</mom> in your hands</center></b>
-<b><sister> "What do you want?"</sister></b> - she says putting her phone down, looking at you.
-<b><you> So I was thinking.. I really could use your help with something.</you></b> - you say as you sit down next to her, caressing her leg.
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\sistermomcorruption1.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><sister> "W..what do you n..need?"</sister></b> - she says growing horny from just your touch.
-<b><you> I want you to help me corrupt <mom>mom</mom>. I want her to be mine.</you></b> - you say looking at her
-<b><sister> "What? Are you out of your mind? No, she's off limits, it's our <mom>mother</mom>!"</sister></b> - she says freaking out
<b><center> You get up and while she's sitting down you stand in front of her and crouch near her face</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\sistermomcorruption2.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><you> This wasn't a request, it's an order slut.</you></b> - you say as you kiss her.
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\sistermomcorruption3.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><sister> " we can't.."</sister></b> - she says defying your orders.
<b><center> Alright, it seems you need to get her out of her mind, she's cracking under the pressure..</center></b>
-<b><you> Undress and get on your knees whore, now.</you></b> - you say ordering her, standing up.
<b><center> She pauses and looks at you for a moment and out of fear she obeys you, kneeling in front of you naked.</center></b>
-<b><you> Suck my balls bitch.</you></b> - you say as you take your cock out, to which she happily obeys once she sees your cock.
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\sistermomcorruption4.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><sister> "hMMHMMmm.."</sister></b> - she moans as she shlicks herself while licking your balls, taking iniative and taking your cock into her throat.
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\sistermomcorruption5.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><you> Now.. do you want me to fuck you?</you></b> - you ask her.
-<b><sister> "Yes.. please master.. I want it so bad.."</sister></b> - she falls under pressure, going back to her submissive state.
-<b><you> Then help me corrupt <mom>$momname</mom>. Otherwise im leaving you, forever.</you></b> - you blackmail her to do what you want.
-<b><sister> "Yes master.. whatever you want.. I'll do it.."</sister></b> - she says while sucking your cock.
<b><center> You just smile at her, happy that you got what you wanted. You then lift her up and put her with her legs wide open on the bed, quickly entering her hungry hole, fucking her deeply as she masturbates her clit.</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\sistermomcorruption6.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><you> Who's your owner whore..!?</you></b> - you ask as you thrust inside her.
-<b><sister> "Y...YYOooou..! I'm sorry for.. defff..ying you!!"</sister></b> - she says as he gets roughly fucked
-<b><you> Good whore.. on your fours like a good dog now, hurry.</you></b> - you order her to change position and when she does, you quickly enter her again, fucking her as you slap her ass like a bitch.
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\sistermomcorruption7.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><center> You keep roughly fucking her and eventually she screams, cumming all over your cock</center></b>
-<b><sister> "G..god!! I'm cumminnnggg!!"</sister></b> - she says as she creams all over your cock.
<b><center> As she cums you are pretty close too, so you roughly grab her and grab her by the hair, jerking off in her face and cumming all over it.</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\sistermomcorruption8.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><you> Good slut.. I hope we have an agreement.. I'll talk with you again later with the details.. clean yourself.</you></b> - you say as you leave her room.
<b><center> You have her under your palm, now you just need to put the plan into action to slowly corrupt your <mom>mom</mom>.. you know she's a sexually deprived woman.. so hopefully it'll work.</center></b>
<center>[[Leave your sisters room to the hallway|Upstairs Hall]]</center>
<<set $time to $time+2>>
<span class='fadeIn'>\
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\hallway.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><img src="images\city\househall.jpg" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>
<b><center>As you leave your room, you hear another door open. You turn and look and see your sister standing in her doorway.</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\sisterdoorway.png"></span></center>
- <b><sister> "Come here you sissy, mom and dad are gone for the whole day so we are going to have some fun. Now get in here."</sister></b> - she tells you, then stands aside to give you enough room to walk into her room. Sighing, knowing what happens if you don't you do as she commands and walk into her room.
<b><center>[[Enter her room|WeekendSunday5subeventpt2]]</center></b><span class='fadeIn'>\
<<set $time to $time+1>>\
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\bedroom.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><img src="images\city\bedroom.jpg" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>\
<b><center> You are chilling in your bedroom when you get the sudden urge to doll yourself up and head to the mall to buy some new panties, you realize you have very few and you want more diversity, you head to your wardrobe and put on your only dress.. you should probably look into getting more dresses.. but you look pretty good.</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\mcdress2.jpg"></span></center>
<b><center> You look at the mirror and you are quite satisfied with what you see, it's time to head to the mall.</center></b>
<center>[[Head to the mall|WeekendSaturdaySub3pt2]]</center>
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\sistersroom.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><img src="images\city\sisterbedroom.png" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\weekendsister1.jpg"></span></center>
<b><center>She grabs her makeup kit and takes a seat in a chair next to a small couch in her room.</center></b>
- <b><sister>"Sit down."</sister></b> - she says in a commanding tone.
- <b><you>"What do you want?"</you></b> - you ask her with a sigh as you sit down.
- <b><sister>"Shut up sissy, I am going to make you look pretty."</sister></b> - she says in such confident tone you can only assume she is going to put makeup on you again and dressup in panties or something
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\weekendsister2.jpg"></span></center>
<b><center>You sit still as <sister>$sistername</sister> puts makeup on you, she starts with foundation, then eye shadow, then moves onto eyeliner, and blush, she finishes it off with adding lipstick to you.</center></b>
- <sister><b>"There now you finally look like the sissy bitch you are... but wait something is missing."</b></sister> - you start to say something as she seems to think a moment but she interrupts you before you can.
- <b><sister>"Oh I know."</sister></b> - she says with a giggle.
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\weekendsister3.jpg"></span></center>
<b><center>She gets up and opens a drawer and pulls out a blond wig with fairly long hair. She comes back over to you and gets it set on your head just right, once it is she starts to brush your hair.</center></b>
-<b><sister> "There much better, but we can do even more I think."</sister></b> - she says thinking.
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\weekendsister4.jpg"></span></center>
<b><center>Once more she gets up and goes over to her drawers and closest, as she does you turn and look in the mirror to see what she has done. As you look at your reflection you have to admit you do make a pretty looking girl. You feel her sit on the couch next to you, as you turn and look you see her holding a bunch of girls clothes in her hands.</center></b>
- <b><sister>"Here lets get you dressing the part to finish that look."</sister></b> - she says holding the girly clothing.
<b><center>If you didn't know better by the tone of her voice, you would say she is almost being nice but you know she is not doing this to be nice but to humiliate you.</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\weekendsister5.jpg"></span></center>
<b><center>When you don't move at once she says in a stern threatening voice.</center></b>
-<B><sister> "Take off your clothes and put these on... unless you want me to send dad those pictures."</sister></b> - she threatens you.
- <b><you>"You're a bitch you know that."</you></b> - You reply to her as you start stripping, it is so humiliating stripping naked in front of your sister.
-<b><sister>"OH? I'm a bitch? You just wait and we will see who ends up being the bitch."</sister></b> - she says in a threatening tone.
<b><center>You can't help but swallow a bit in fear, maybe you shouldn't have called her a bitch and just played along, once you are naked you put on the panties and then the pantyhose, followed by a bra, which she stuffs with tissues to make it looks like you have breasts.</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\weekendsister6.jpg"></span></center>
<b><center>Once you are done with that, your sister hands you the dress. Sighing you don't argue or call her names. Instead you just put on the dress, as you do she helps you connect the dress in the back, with that done you put on the high heels. Then she takes you over to the full length mirror so you can both see the finished product, you hate to admit how pretty you look at a girl now.</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\crossdressselfie.jpg"></span></center>
<b><center> She grabs you buy the hand and pulls you over to her bed where you both sit facing the mirror, then she pulls out her phone and takes a selfie of the two of you.</center></b>
-<b><sister> "Damn you make one sexy bitch, I did a good job."</sister></b> - she says in a teasing tone.
-<b><you> "Fine, are we done now?"</you></b> - you ask her with a sigh.
-<b><sister> "Almost, now we are going to go to the mall."</sister></b> - she says in such confident tone.
-<b><you> "No way, what if someone see's me?"</you></b> - You ask in a panic, knowing if she wants to force this there is little you can do.
-<b><sister> "It is either that or I send mom, dad and the whole school all the pictures I have of you, is that what you want?"</sister></b> - she says laughing at you.
-<b><you> "No.."</you></b> - you say looking down defeated.
-<b><sister>"Good now get up and lets go."</sister></b> - you have no choice but to obey, so you get up and follow her out of her room.
<center>[[Leave the room with her and go to the Mall|WeekendSunday5subeventpt3]]</center>
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\mall.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><img src="images\city\mall.jpg" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>
<b><center>The two of you walk to the city, the whole time, every time you see someone look your direction you just know they know your a boy dressing up as a girl and blush bright red every time.</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\crossdresswalk.jpg"></span></center>
-<b><you> "Everyone is staring, they know."</you></b> -you whisper to your sister.
-<b><sister> "Shut up sissy, they are just looking at two hot girls is all, or in your case a hot beta sissy."</sister></b> - she says with a giggle.
<b><center>After you get to the mall and start walking around it and even end up talking to a couple of boys that come over you realize your sister is right. No one seems to notice and you can't help but notice a few guys checking you out, which turns you on a little... suddenly shocked you realize your... enjoying this. You are enjoying walking around dressed like a girl, you are enjoying attention from boys that you know think your a girl and likely want to fuck you. Your not just enjoying it, you can feel yourself getting turned on. The whole rest of the day is a blur you barely remember any of it as you wrestle with this realization about yourself.</center></b>
<b><center>Before you know it you are back home but several hours have passed.</center></b>
-<b><sister> "So what did you think?"</sister></B> - your sisters question finally brings you back to your senses.
-<b><you> "What? Think about what?"</you></b> - you ask her confused... but are you? No you know what she was asking, how you liked pretending to be a girl, but you can't admit it... can you?
-<b><sister> "How did you like being a girl for a day?"</sister></B> - she snorts and rolls her eyes.
<b><center>You can't tell her the truth can you?</center></b>
<div id="choice">
<<linkreplace "<pink><center> • Admit it and tell her you liked it</center></pink>">>\
<<replace "#choice">>\
- <b><you> "I... I liked how I felt... I even liked the attention."</you></b> - you admit it.
-<b><sister> "See I knew you was a total sissy bitch, we are going to have so much fun together. Now take that off and get out of my room."</sister></b> - she smiles at you and gives you a actual hug.
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\sistersmiling.jpg"></span></center>
<b><center>You quickly take the girls clothes off and then get dressed back in your clothes, you just make it back to your room when you hear your parents come out. You breath a sigh of relief that was to close.</center></b>
<<set $submissive to $submissive+1>>\
<b><center><pink> Submissiveness +1!</pink></center></b>\
<center><b><red><i> Scene written by <a target="_blank" href=""> nutluck!</a></i></red></b></center>\
<center>[[Leave and go back home|Home]]</center>
<div id="choice">
<<linkreplace "<white><center> • Lie and say you hated it</center></white>">>\
<<replace "#choice">>\
- <b><you>"No I didn't, I only did it because you made me."</you></b> - you deny admitting it.
- <b><sister>"Liar, the more you lie the worse this will get, I will bring out the real you whether you want me to or not. Now take that off and get out of my room."</sister></b> - she says laughing.
<b><center>You quickly take the girls clothes off and then get dressed back in your clothes, you just make it back to your room when you hear your parents come out. You breath a sigh of relief that was to close.</center></b>
<center><b><red><i> Scene written by <a target="_blank" href=""> nutluck!</a></i></red></b></center>\
<center>[[Leave and go back home|Home]]</center>
</div><center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\changelog.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<b><center><red> v0.36</red></center></b>
Hello my friends! Welcome to v0.36 hope everyone is doing well and ready for this new update! This update focuses mainly on progressing the main side characters stories further like the mother and dad on the dom path aswell as the sister and girlfriend in the sub path! Also new buttons on the sidebar were added to facilitate the gameplay for those who wish for a more costumized gameplay! More details about everything down below, hope you all enjoy and any questions, feedback etc contact me anywhere!
• Grammar corrections from last version;
• General improvements from last version;
• New "Skip Timer" button added on the sidebar! This button allows you to skip the mandatory waiting time between events for those who wish for a faster and less grindy playthrough!
• New Home button added on the sidebar! This button allows you to reach your Room from anywhere you are in the game, be careful to not click it in a middle of a scene as it may skip the scene or bug the game!
• New sister sub path event! She decides it's time you ramp up your visual and feminizes you further, giving you a new makeover to make you look sluttier to attract men.. she also gives you a new quest!
• Added your sisters makeover on the bathroom if you wish to wear her makeup instead of yours!
• Added a two new sidebar avatars depending on what type of makeup you are wearing;
• New girlfriend sub event together with a BNWO event, Mr.Jackson gets to know your girlfriend and after the tattoo you gave her.. needless to say he wil take advantage and make her his pet.. and you'll just watch and accept;
• New email sub event meeting your online master for the first time in a specific place he gives you to go.. afterwards he gives you another location that you already visited before..
• New dad dom feminization event with your sister helping you break your feminized father will with her dominant side.. you reward her afterwards for a good job;
• New work dom event fucking one of your sex slave from Mistress Ruby's stable after you recognize her;
• New mom dom event if you are in the dad masculine path continuing her story.. you finally take the last step with her right in front of your clueless dad in the kitchen;
That is all for this update, hope you all enjoy, any questions hit me up!
<b><center><red> TBA </red></center></b><center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\mall.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><img src="images\city\mall.jpg" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>
<b><center> When you arrive at the mall you realize something, almost everytime you went to buy girly clothing it was with either your <mom>mom</mom> or <sister>sister</sister> but this time around you're actually going out of your own to buy it.. you've really changed.. either way you head inside [[Baci Lingerie|WeekendSaturdaySub3pt3]]</center></b><center><img src="images\resources\lingerieshoplogo.png"></center>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\lingerieshopinside.png"></span></center>
<b><center> You enter the lingerie shop and for the first time you don't feel out of place.. no one is looking at you weirdly, you just look like one more lady going to buy lingerie for herself.. however you do feel one very strong stare on your back.. when you turn around you see <clerk> Miss Angela..!</clerk></center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\storeclerksuprised.png"></span></center>
<b><center> Of course she would be here.. how could you forget her.. last time she completely humiliated you and treated you like a toy.. not that you didn't enjoy it.. but you looked like a boy, now the story is completely different, no wonder she looks shocked. Nevertheless you smile at her and head towards the panties isle.</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\pantiesisle.jpg"></span></center>
<b><center> Once you are there you are skimming through panties looking at the ones you'd enjoy wearing must when you hear heel clicks coming into your direction.. you then feel someone tap you in the back, when you turn around.. <clerk>Miss Angela</clerk> is looking at you smiling exhaling a dominant aura</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\dominantauraclerk.jpg"></span></center>
-<b><clerk> "Well well well.. I almost didn't recognize you when you entered the store.. Good to see you <pink>sissy</pink> panty thief.. came to steal another pair?"</clerk></B> - she asks you sarcastically, laughing at you.
<b><center> You feel intimiated immediately by the way she acts towards you.. you don't know if she's toying with you or just being friendly.. but nevertheless you answer honestly.</center></b>
-<b><you> Hi.. I came to buy a new pair yes.. but like I said before.. I never meant to steal anything..</you></b> - you declare honestly.
-<b><clerk> "Right.. and I didn't enjoy dominating you completely last time.. are we done with the lies?"</clerk></b> - she says smiling, forcing you to remember last time you were here in the storage room
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\clerklaughing.png"></span></center>
<b><center> You take a large gulp and you feel your cheeks flush as you look at the entrance of the storage room, reminsicing what happened there.</center></b>
-<b><clerk> "Oh look at you becoming all red.. don't worry <pink>sissy</pink> I didn't tell anyone.. since you are here though.. how about you being <pink>sissy slave</pink> again? I have some time.. and if you remember well.. I have a video of you being completely dominated by me.. so don't even think of defying me or I'll send it to your lovely <gf>girlfriend</gf>."</clerk></b> - she orders you, blackmailing you, looking very serious into your eyes.
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\clerkserious.png"></span></center>
<b><center> Fuck.. you completely forgot about the video she recorded.. There's no way you can deny her..<gf>$gfname</gf> will break up with you if she gets that video.. you have no choice but to accept it.</center></b>
-<b><you><font size="-1"> Y..yes.. I want to..</font></you></b> - you say mumbling under your breath looking at your feet, growing horny.
<b><center> She grabs your face and forces you to look at her, seeing her massive rack</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\upviewclerk.jpg"></span></center>
-<b><clerk> "I didn't hear you <pink>sissy</pink>."</clerk></B> - she says while grabbing your face.
-<b><you> I want to be your <pink>sissy</pink> slave..</you></b> - you say with more confidence, feeling your <pink>clit</pink> shake when you say it.
-<b><you><i> Fuck what is wrong with me..? Am I starting to enjoy being blackmailed or something..? Why am I so horny from this..</i></you></b> - you think to yourself
-<b><clerk> "Much better.. Go inside the storage room like last time and wait for me there like a good little puppy. Go!"</clerk></b> - she says shouting at you in the end, making you hurry up
<b><center> You don't waste any time and quickly head inside the storage room.</center></b>
<center>[[Enter the storage room|WeekendSaturdaySub3pt4]]</center>
<span class='fadeIn'>\
<center><img src="images\resources\storageroom.png"></center>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\storageroom.png"></span></center>
<b><center> You enter the storage room and once again it's a very dimly light room and you can't barely make of what's inside of it, it's pretty dark and creepy.. however this time around you know where to go.. you head towards the mattress that was laying here like last time and once again.. it's there..</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\usedmattress.png"></span></center>
<b><center> You sit down on it and wait for <clerk>Miss Angela</clerk> to come back like a good little puppy.. You feel your clit leak like crazy.. just like a wet girl would..</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\leakingcage.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<center><<timed 1s>><font size="10">.</font><</timed>><<timed 2s>><font size="10">.</font><</timed>><<timed 3s>><font size="10">.</font><</timed>></center>
<<timed 3s>><b><center> After a few minutes you hear the door opening and see <clerk>Miss Angela</clerk> entering the storage room, heading towards you.. as she comes closer and closer and reaches the part where you are where it has some light.. she is wearing a really hot dominant latex outfit once again.. She looks amazing.. you almost want to kneel immediately as soon as you see her. You notice she's holding something behind her..</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\clerklatex.png"></span></center>
-<b><clerk> "Look at you.. what a good <pink>sissy slave</pink> waiting for me in the mattress.. You should be naked already though slave.. Undress."</clerk></b> - she orders you.
<b><center> And you quickly obey, getting all naked, showing her your caged <pink>clit</pink> for the first time.</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\nakedcage.png"></span></center>
-<b><clerk> "Oh my god! Look at you! In chastity and everything.. a proper <pink>sissy</pink>! I love it.. You just made me wet.. I'm going to enjoy fucking your throat so much.."</clerk></b> - she says, as she unveils what she was holding behind her.
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\holdingstrapon.png"></span></center>
<b><center> She was holding a strap-on! Oh my god.. what will she do with that..? She starts putting it on, wearing the belt around her waist. You start leaking from this scenary.. it's so hot..</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\leakchastity.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><clerk> "You are leaking like a little <pink>girl</pink> and everything! I love it..!"</clerk></b> - she says as she finishes putting the strap-on around her waist.
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\clerkstrapon.png"></span></center>
-<b><clerk> "Haha.. look at your face.. you clearly werent expecting this.. come over here <pink>sissy</pink>"</clerk></b> - she orders you, pointing next to her.
<b><center> Fuck.. you've seen people around you use strap-ons.. but you never thought you'd be at the end of it.. you know your ass is off limits.. there's no way you will fit that inside you, but you've sucked dildos before.. shouldn't be too different from that.. nevertheless you obey her and crawl next to her, facing her strap-on.</center></B>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\straponclerk1.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><clerk> "Such a good <pink>sissy slave</pink>.. Open up.. time to get throat fucked."</clerk></b> - she orders you, shoving her plastic cock in your face.
<b><center> You know you want this.. there's no point in denying.. you just indulge into it and open your mouth.. sucking her plastic cock as if it were a real cock.</center></B>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\straponclerk2.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><center> You look around as you start sucking looking for a camera.. last time she was recording again.. and you quickly notice she is recording again.. you see the camera.. but you can't stop.. you just keep sucking.</center></b>
-<b><clerk> "Forget the camera <pink>sissy</pink>, focus on my cock.. I want a good blowjob and you better give me it.. or I'm fucking your ass whether you like it or not."</clerk></b> - she says, threatning to steal your boipussy virginity.
<b><center> Just the thought of getting fucked by such a big thing scares you and quicks you into action.. you start deepthroating the toy, wanting to please <clerk>Mistress Angela</clerk> as best as you can.</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\straponclerk3.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><clerk> "Good <pink>girl</pink>.. Look at you sucking my cock like a cheap whore in a dirty mattress.. how does it feel?"</clerk></b> - she asks you.
-<b><you> It feels.. good <clerk>Mistress..</clerk></you></b> - you admit not wanting to piss your <clerk>Mistress</clerk> off.
-<b><clerk> "Good answer.. look up."</clerk></b> - she says as she grabs your neck and forces you to come closer to her face.
<b><center> You're not sure what she is doing.. but out of nowhere she starts passionately kissing you.. making out with you, as if rewarding you for your good behaviour.. it feels amazing.. she's such a good kisser..</center></B>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\straponclerk4.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><clerk> "Great, now I have a recording of you kissing me. You better obey me or this will be sent to <gf>$gfname</gf>. Yes, I know her, she's a regular in this shop. Back to sucking whore."</clerk></B> - she says laughing.
<b><center> Of course she wasn't rewarding you.. she's an evil woman.. she just wanted every piece of blackmail material she can have on you.. you give up and just do what she asked.. sucking her off again, only this time she grabs your head and roughly fucks your throat.</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\straponclerk5.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><clerk> "Such a dumb <pink>whore</pink>.. I bet you thought I was kissing you because I wanted to.. Like I'd ever want to kiss such a filty <pink>whore</pink>"</clerk></B> - she says humiliating you as you suck her off.
-<b><clerk> "Open your mouth whore."</clerk></b> - she says as she licks her own tit
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\clerklicktit.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><center> You obey her and open your mouth.. and then she just spits inside of it.</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\spitinmouth2.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><center> Jesus.. that was so much saliva.. it's oveflowing your mouth.. but you swallow it like a good slave..</center></b>
-<b><clerk> "Good trashcan.. you can leave now.. I'm done toying with you.. I'll see you another day."</clerk></b> - she says, dismissing you, slapping you in the ass in the process.
<b><center> You get naked and leave the storage room.. heading home all horny.. you really have to find a way to release somehow.. your balls are starting to go purple.. you should talk with your <sister>sister</sister> one of these days for release..</center></b>
<center>[[Go home|Home]]</center>
<</timed>><<set $siseventsub6 to false>>\
<<set $timer to 0>>\
<<if $time == 1>>\
<center><img src="images\city\bedroom.jpg" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>\
<<elseif $time is 0>>\
<center><img src="images\city\bedroom.jpg" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>\
<<elseif $time is 2>>\
<center><img src="images\city\bedroomnight.jpg" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>\
<b><center> You are chilling in your bedroom when you feel your horniness just grow again.. the goddamn chastity cage is making you go insane.. you havent cum in a few days and you are used to masturbating almost everyday.. you seriously need to find out a way to release.. maybe you should ask your sister for the key.. I mean you cant stay like this..</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\mclocked.jpg"></span></center>
-<b><you><i> Fuck I'm so horny.. I have to go to her room and gently ask for the key..</i></you></B> - you think to yourself, leaking from your chastity cage.
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\chastitycageleaking3.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><center> You head outside to the hallway, knocking on your <sister>sisters</sister> room and entering.</center></b>
<center>[[Enter your sisters room|siseventsub6pt2]]</center><center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\sistersroom.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><img src="images\city\sisterbedroom.png" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>
<b><center> You enter your sisters bedroom and she's laying on one of her chairs with her feet out, chilling.</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\sisterfeetlaying.jpg"></span></center>
-<b><sister> "What do you want? Better be a good reason for you to be disturbing me."</sister></b> - she says, in her classic mean bitch tone.
-<b><you> Ehm.. I.. I want the key, please..</you></b> - you say cowardly, scared you might piss her off
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\mcthinking.jpg"></span></center>
<b><center> She just stares at you for a few seconds and then breaks into laughter.</center></b>
-<b><sister> "Hahahaha, you want the key to your chastity? Are you stupid? Why would I ever give you that?"</sister></B> - she says lauging in your face.
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\sistersmiling.jpg"></span></center>
<b><center> She then proceeds to get up and come next to you.</center></b>
-<b><sister> "You want to cum right? I thought you'd resist a bit more.. but you are a horny beta male so it's understandable.. kneel <pink>sissy</pink></sister></B> - she says as she puts her hands in your shoulders, forcing you down.
<b><center> You don't resist and just let yourself go, kneeling in front of her.</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\kneeledsister.jpg"></span></center>
-<b><sister> "Good boy, lay down and undress, show me your <pink>clit</pink>"</sister></B> - she says, ordering you around.
<b><center> You obey her, showing her your leaking <pink>clit</pink></center></B>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\chastitycageleaking3.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><sister> "Aww look at you.. such a good <pink>girl</pink> leaking from how horny you are.. Alright I'll give you release.. but first, you're going to serve me."</sister></B> - she says, as she stands on top of you, lining her pussy with your face.
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\facesittingview.jpg"></span></center>
-<b><sister> "Time to lick, boy."</sister></b> - she says as she sits on your face, making your clit strain against it's cage, you notice she has also taken her phone and is recording herself sitting on your face.
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\facesittingsister.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><sister> "Hey giirls.. this is my number one slave, the best pussylicking slave I have, look at how good she behaves this <pink>sissy</pink>"</sister></B> - she says, recording herself to someone.
<b><center> You do your best to please your <sister>Mistress</sister>.. you just lick away, feeling her musk on your mouth, all her juices splattering over your face.. and at the same time it hurts.. you feel your <pink>clit</pink> strain against the cage.. you are probably leaking like a girl.. you are so horny..</center></b>
-<b><you> P..please.. release me.. I want to cum so bad..<sister>Mistress..</sister></you></B> - you beg.
-<b><sister> "Alright alright.. I'll be nice to you.. I have got something in my mind I want to try anyways.. hehe.."</sister></b> - she says giggling, showering the key in her neck
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\chastitycagenecklace.png"></span></center>
-<b><sister> "Let's unlock that tiny little thing.."</sister></B> - she says, as she finally releases you from your chastity.
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\chastityunlocksister.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><you> mHmhmMMm...</you></b> - you moan as you feel the air blow against your <pink>clit</pink>..
<b><center> Fuck it's so sensisitive.. it actually feels like a <pink>clit</pink> would feel like.. wait.. is it smaller? Did your penis shrink..?</center></B>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\cageoffleaking.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><center> It did.. you are like an inch smaller.. you are turning into a <pink>girl</pink>.. chastity cages are dangerous.. or is it the drugs you have been taking..? You don't know.. but you are leaking so much and you're so sensisitive..</center></B>
-<b><sister> "HEY! No touching, that <pink>clit</pink> is mine and I didn't give you permission to touch it."</sister></b> - she says as she slaps your hand from your tiny <pink>penis</pink>
-<b><you> S..sorry..</you></b> - you apologize submissively, letting go of your now finally freed penis.
-<b><sister> "Alright so I'm going to jerk you off.. but with a twist.. I want you to lay on your back with your legs up."</sister></B> - she says, ordering you, giving specific instructions.
<b><center> Oh my god.. she's going to jerk you off..?! Not only are you going to cum but you are also going to get a handjob.. this is amazing! But.. lay on your back with your legs up..?</center></b>
-<B><you> O..okay..</you></B> - you say as you position yourself like she asked.
-<B><sister> "Good boy.. alright here we go.. don't worry, cum whenever you want.. shouldn't take long anyways.."</sister></B> - she says, as she starts jerking you off.
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\jerksisown1.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><center> Oh dear lord.. it feels amazing.. her hand is so soft and you are so sensitive, you are immediately coming close to cumming.. you never had alot of resistance anyways.. but wait.. this position.. you are going to cum in your own face this way!</center></b>
-<b><you> W..wait.. stop..</you></b> - you ask her to stop.
-<b><sister> "Shhh... just cum, come on."</sister></b> - she says as she speeds up, ignoring your pleads.
-<b><you> N..noo.. I don't want to.. oh my god.. I can't.. I'm.. cummingggg...</you></b> - you say as you splatter all over your own face.
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\jerksisown2.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><sister> "HAHAHA.. Good <pink>sissy</pink>.. lick it up come on."</sister></B> - she says laughing at you, scooping some cum and feeding it to your mouth.
<b><center> Oh god this is so embarassing.. you came all over your face and it's so much.. you haven't came in a few days so the ammount is so much.. some of it got into your mouth as you were complaining.. you can't help but feel it in your mouth</center></b>
-<b><sister> "HAHAHA.. show me your mouth come on."</sister></b> - she orders you, opening your mouth after feeding cum to your mouth.
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\mccumonface.jpg"></span></center>
-<b><sister> "You look ridiculous.. like a proper slut, let me take a picture."</sister></B> - she says, grabbing her phone and taking a picture of your face full of your own cum.
<b><center> Fuck.. you feel so humiliated.. but atleast you got to cum..</center></B>
-<b><sister> "Jesus you stink of cum.. anyways, let's lock up that tiny thing shall we? Don't worry.. I'll teach you to cum with it one day.. eventually.."</sister></b> - she says as she starts putting the chastity cage around your tiny <pink>clit</pink>.
<b><center> There's no point fighting her.. she has so much dirt on you that you can't defy her.. back to chastity you go..</center></B>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\chastitycagelock.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><sister> "There we go <pink>sissy slave</pink>. Hope you enjoyed your meal HAHAHA.. leave now, go take a bath or something you stink like a dirty whore.."</sister></b> - she says as she forces you out of her room.
<b><center> She's right.. you stink.. you need to take a shower.. hopefully she teaches you how to release in chastity soon.. you'll need it..</center></b>
<<set $submissive to $submissive+1>>\
<b><center><pink> Submissiveness +1!</pink></center></b>\
<center>[[Go take a bath and back to your daily life|Bathroom]]</center><<set $gfsubevent5 to false>>\
<<set $gfsubevent5pt2 to true>>\
<span class='phonetext3'><center><img src="images\avatars\remyavatar.png" style="max-height: 200px"></center></span>
<<timed 1s>><b><gf><span class='gfcuckmsg1'> - "Baabe! I need your help urgently!
Please pass by my
home ASAP!"</span></gf></b><</timed>>
<<timed 3s>><b><you><span class='phone1'> - Okay babe.. I'm coming.</span></you></b><</timed>>
<<timed 5s>><span class='phonesis2'><b><gf> - "Hehe.. I have a suprise
for you
love you babe!"</gf></b></span><</timed>>
<<timed 7s>><b><you><span class='phone2'> - Oh.. love you.. </span></you></b><</timed>>
<<timed 8s>><b><center> [[Turn off the phone|gfsubevent5phone]]</center></B><</timed>>
<b><you><i> That's odd.. she's been pretty cold with me recently but now she was super friendly on the phone.. perhaps she had a change of heart?</i></you></b> - you think to yourself.
<b><center> You should go to her place though.. you don't want to make her mad and maybe she really has a nice suprise for you! You can't wait..</center></b>
<grey><i><u> to continue the event, go outside of your house and you'll be able to go to <gf>$gfname</gf>'s house.</u></i></grey>
<b><center>[[Go back to what you were doing|$return]]</center></b><<set $gfsubevent5pt2 to false>>\
<<set $timer to 0>>\
<span class='fadeIn'>\
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\outside.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<<if $time is 0>>\
<center><img src="images\city\house.jpg" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>
<<elseif $time is 1>>\
<center><img src="images\city\house.jpg" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>
<<elseif $time is 2>>\
<center><img src="images\city\housenight.jpg" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>\
<b><center> It's about time you head to <gf>$gfname</gf> room to see what she needs, she say she needed your help but at the same time she had a suprise for you.. what could that entitle..? Anyways you head towards her house.</center></b>
<center>[[Head towards her house|gfsubevent5pt3]]</center><span class='fadeIn'>\
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\gfroom.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><img src="images\city\gfroom.png" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>
<b><center> You enter <gf>$gfname</gf> room and no one is there.. all you see is a tripod and a camera in her room, pointing towards her bed.. that's really odd, what is she recording..?</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\tripod.jpg"></span></center>
<b><center> You then hear footsteps behind you, when you look behind you, you see <gf>$gfname</gf> by the doorway of the bedroom, looking at you smiling, dressed in a very sexy lingerie.. looks like the suprise was her! Right..?</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\gflingierecuck.jpg"></span></center>
-<b><you> you look amazing..</you></b> - you compliment her immediately, coming towards her.
<b><center> As you are coming towards her she steps back and makes a face of repulsion for a second, but goes back to her smiling face.</center></b>
-<b><gf> "Hehe.. glad you like it but.. hold your horses.. the suprise is not over babe.. sit down in the bed, I'll be right back for the rest of the suprise."</gf></B> - she says, going back from where she came from.
<b><center> There's more..? What else could it be..? Maybe she will come back naked now? Well.. guess all you can do is wait..</center></b>
<center><<timed 1s>><font size="10">.</font><</timed>><<timed 2s>><font size="10">.</font><</timed>><<timed 3s>><font size="10">.</font><</timed>></center>
<<timed 3s>><b><center> You start listening to footsteps again finally.. and you get quite happy.. but quickly your happiness turns to worriedness when instead of two footsteps.. it's four.. please don't be what you are thinking. Then suddenly you hear a loud thump as if someone got on the ground and you hear someone crawling.. and suddenly <gf>$gfname</gf> enters the room crawling.. only she has a leash on her neck and a random <brown>black</brown> guy is leading her! What the hell is this?!</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\gfcuckshane1.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><brown> "So this is him huh.. he really looks like a weak white boi.."</brown></b> - the random <brown>black man</brown> says, clearly talking about you in a condescending way, swinging his huge cock around
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\shanenaked.jpg"></span></center>
-<b><gf> "Y..yes <brown>master</brown>, this is my cucky boyfriend.. <you>$name</you> this is <brown>Shane</brown> my <brown>black</brown> master for the day.. treat him with due respect like I do.. he's your <brown>master</brown> for the day aswell, we are his subs, understood?"</gf></B> - she says, explaining you what is going on while staying on all fours
<b><center> You are in awe to what you are seeing.. this has gone too far, there's no way you'll allow this to happen, you're going to fight back and leave this situation and it's now!</center></b>
-<b><you> This is pure insanity <gf>$gfname</gf>.. you've gone crazy, I'm done with this..</you></b> - you say as you head towards the doorway, having to pass by them.
<b><center> You are about to leave when in a flash suddenly your world goes blank and you fall to the ground</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\punchedpov.jpg"></span></center>
-<b><you><i> "Jesus.. what happened.. my head hurts.."</i></you></b> - you think to yourself as you slowly regain conscience.
<b><center> What the hell.. you just got sucker punched so hard you immediately fell.. you look around you and hear slurps coming from behind you.. when you turn around you see <gf>$gfname</gf> and <brown>Shane</brown> and she's sucking his massive <brown>big black cock</brown> in the same bed where you two made passionate love in the past.. she just completely ignored the fact you got knocked out and started giving him a blowjob, not giving a single care about you..</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\gfcuckshane2.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><gf> "Oh you're back finally.. thank god you didn't die.. couldn't be arsed cleaning up your body.. anyways, the reason you are here today is to be the camera man, record me and <brown>Master Shane</brown> fucking intensily okay? Be a good boy and I might reward you who knows.. now get up come on.. I'm so wet.. hurry up."</gf></b> - she orders you and goes back to sucking his cock, not caring about your wellbeing, deepthroating him as deep as she can.
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\gfcuckshane3.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><center> You take a while to recover.. you are completely lost right now, you have a massive headache from the punch and you seriously might have an head trauma.. you look at the doorway and then <gf>$gfname</gf> speaks again.</center></b>
-<b><gf> "Don't even think about running again, this time I swear I'll ask <brown>Shane</brown> to put you in a coma you worthless white boi, get up and come record us."</gf></B> - she says threatning you, <brown>Shane</brown> looking at you, clearly sending a message that he will do it.
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\shanemad.png"></span></center>
<b><center> Fucking hell.. what have you gotten yourself into.. you better obey for now, you don't want to end up in an hospital.. let's just do what she wants for now and then you'll be able to leave.. hopefully..</center></b>
-<b><you> F..fine.. I'll do it..</you></B> - you say as you slowly get up, feeling all whoozy like you were drunk, blinking multiple times and feeling out of balance.
-<b><brown> "Hahaha.. fucking weak ass white boi.. all it took was one punch for you to be completely destroyed.. hurry up and record me gaping the pussy of your <gf>girlfriend</gf>, she'll never feel your tiny thing ever again.."</brown></b> - <brown> Shane</brown> says humiliating you.
-<b><gf> "Oh my god... stoop! Hehehe.. it's not like he'll fuck me again anyways.."</gf></b> - <gf>$gfname</gf> says joining him in humiliating you.
-<b><brown> "Shut up bitch, spread your legs wide open, I want to mark you."</brown></b> - he says ordering her, forcing her legs wide open
<b><center> You quickly hurry up and get to the camera, hitting the record button, pointing at them, not wanting to displease them anymore..</center></b>
-<b><brown> "This is how I mark my bitches.. I rub my nuts all over their slutty holes.."</brown></b> - <brown>he</brown> says as he proceeds to do exactly what he said, rubbing his balls over <gf>$gfname</gf> pussy.
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\gfcuckshane4.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><gf> "Oh my god please.. I can't take it anymore.. stick it inside me please.."</gf></b> - she says pleading for his massive <brown> BBC</brown>
-<b><brown> "Beg for it properly slut, come on."</brown></B> - he asks, dominating her.
-<b><gf> "Please <brown>Master Shane</brown> I beg for it.. stick your huge superior <brown> black cock</brown> inside of me.. cum inside me and spread your superior genes inside of me, use me as a breeding machine, do whatever you want with me.."</gf></B> - <gf>$gfname</gf> says, humiliating herself completely, submitting everything she has to her.
-<b><brown> "Shit.. you're a really kinky slut you know that? In front of your cuck aswell.. you deserve this."</brown></b> - <brown>he</brown> says as he starts fucking <gf>$gfname</gf>, stretching her out.
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\gfcuckshane5.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><center> Jesus.. she's in pain from how massive and thick his cock is.. it's completely stretching her out.. you can't help but feel a little aroused from the scene.. you don't enjoy this though.. it's two people having sex of course it's hot.. right?</center></b>
-<b><gf> "OH MYY GODDDDD... YOU'RE SO FUCKING THICK.. JESUS.."</gf></B> - <gf>$gfname</gf> screams in pain as she gets completely destroyed and gaped.
-<b><brown> "Shut up whore you're fucking loud.. take it deeper you worthless bag of meat."</brown></B> - he says as he completely ignores the fact that she's in pain and picks up the pace, fucking her like a savage.
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\gfcuckshane6.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><gf> "IM CUMMIIIINGGG...!! JESSSUUSS.."</gf></B> - she screams as she quickly starts squirming his cock, cumming almost immediately after they start fucking.
<b><center> What the hell.. she's cumming already? When she had sex with you you never saw this type of reaction.. is he that much better than you..?</center></b>
-<b><brown> "Good bitch.. I can tell you're used to <brown>big black cock</brown>, usually white bitches can't even take a quarter of my cock.. but you can take almost all of it.. I'll keep your contact for the future whore, turn around now I want you on all fours like a bitch."</brown></B> - <brown>Shane</brown> says content with the pleasure your girlfriend is giving to him
-<b><gf> "Yesss <brown>Master</brown>.. use me whenever you want.. call me whenever you need and I'll be there.. even if <you>$name</you> is fucking dying I'll come to get fucked by you.. GODDD... I LOVE YOU <brown>Masteeer</brown></gf></b> - she screams and humiliates you as she turns around and gets penetrated again.
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\gfcuckshane7.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><center> Wh..what.. is she serious? There's no way she means that right? I mean sure she may not be affectuous towards you anymore but.. you're still boyfriend and girlfriend right..? And she loves him? What..? Your thoughts are cut off by the intense screaming of <gf>$gfname</gf> getting backshotted intensily by <brown>Shane</brown></center></B>
-<b><gf> "FUCCKKKKK MEEEEEEEE OH LORD.. I'M GONNA CUM AGAINNN..."</GF><b> - she says as she gushes all over his cock, leaving fluids all over it
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\gfcuckshane8.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><center> Jesus she's cumming again..? She just came like three minutes ago.. what the hell..</center></B>
-<b><brown> "HAHA what a fucking whore you just cum again and again.. on the ground bitch."</brown></b> - he says as he grabs her by the hair and throws her to the ground, fucking her in the ground.
-<b><gf> "YESSSS.. MANHANDLE ME, RAVAGE ME <brown>MASTER</brown></gf></b> - she screams, completely possessed and lost in pleasure
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\gfcuckshane9.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><brown> "Tell me whore.. how much bigger am I than your cuck?"</brown></b> - he asks, wanting to humiliate you.
-<b><gf> "MhmmMMGMM oh god.. you're so much bigger.. thh..the head offf.. your ccoock.. is bigger than his.. entirrrreee cocck.."</gf></b> - she says mid moaning, not being able to speak properly.
-<b><brown> "HAHAHA there's no way that is true, get on top of me whore, ride me."</brown></b> - he orders her, and she obeys.
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\gfcuckshane10.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><gf> "It's.. tttrr..uuee! Sshh..ow him <you>cu..ckie!</you></gf></b> - she orders you, looking at you, completely lost in pleasure.
<b><center> Are you serious.. there's no way you'll do that.. why do you have to show him your cock what the hell..</center></b>
-<b><gf> "FUCKING DO IT.. OR.. YOU'RE GETTING KNOCKED OUT.. AGAIN!"</gf></B> - she screams at you as she jumps on his cock.
<b><center> You don't want to get knocked out again so you obey her and show him your cock.. pulling your pants and underwear down..</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\smallcockhard.png"></span></center>
-<b><brown> "Goddamn you weren't lying HAHAHA.. my head might really be bigger than that thing.. And he's fucking hard HAHAHA, you are enjoy this white boi?"</brown></b> - he says laughing at you while he fucks <gf>$gfname</gf>
-<b><gf> "I t.t..told!! He's sssoo.. patth..etticc..! Of cc..ourse he enj..oyyss.. this.. I knew you.. were a cuck!"</gf></b> - she says humiliating you.
<b><center> Is it really that small.. I mean sure it is smaller than his.. multiple times smaller but.. something that big isn't that good right.. she's in pain.. yours doesnt hurt..</center></b>
-<b><brown> "Alright bitch kneel.. I want to cum into your mouth.. you don't deserve my precious seed inside you yet.. maybe in the future"</brown></b> - he says as he gets up, leaving her completely gaping and destroyed
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\gfcuckshane11.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><gf> "Aww.. okay <brown>Master..</brown> I hope one day I'm worth of bearing your superior kids.."</gf></b> - she says, showering her desire to be <brown>black</brown> bred.
-<b><brown> "Shut up whore.. I don't care.. I'm gonna bust.. all over that.. PRETTY MOUTH..!"</brown></b> - he says as he faps on her face, cumming into her mouth
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\gfcuckshane12.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><gf> "Thank you for the meal.. I think I'll share it with my cuckie.. he behaved decently.. could've been better but.. come over here <you>$name</you>"</gf></B> - she says calling you smiling.
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\gfcuckshanesmiling.png"></span></center>
<b><center> What does she want now..?</center></b>
-<b><you> What...? Fine..</you></b> - you say as you get close to them, smelling the intense smell of sex and sweat next to them as you come closer..
-<b><gf> "Lhay dhown wish your moush open"</gf></b> - she says while holding his cum in her mouth, not wanting it to fall down yet.
<b><center> You can't believe you have to take this.. you look at the doorway but immediately feel two strong <brown>black</brown> hands in your back, forcing you to the ground.</center></b>
-<b><brown> "Hurry up cuckie, I want to see this."</brown></B> - the man says, forcing you to the ground, laughing.
-<b><gf> "Say AAAAHH"</gf></b> - she says as she lets his cum fall completely into your mouth.
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\gfcuckshane13.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><center> Fuck it's so salty and mixed with her pussy juices.. it's gross.. but why are you so hard..?</center></B>
-<b><gf> "Show me the cum in your mouth and swallow it slut!"</gf></b> - she says laughing at you.
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\cuminmouthm.jpg"></span></center>
<b><center> You do what she asked.. trying to get over the salty taste, swallowing his cum whole</center></b>
-<b><brown> "Goddamn.. I guess there were two sluts here and I didn't notice.. want my <brown>BBC</brown> next whore? HAHA"</brown></b> - the man laughs at you grabbing your hair, shoving his cock in your face, slapping you with it, smearing all the juices that was on his cock all over your face.
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\gfcuckshane14.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><gf> "Oh my god that's a wonderful idea.. next time you're joining us babe!"</gf></b> - she suggests.
<b><center> Fucking hell these two nut jobs.. you're done with this.. no way you'll ever join them.. right..? You get up and get ready to leave.</center></b>
-<b><you> C..can I go now..? It's all recorded..</you></b> - you ask, not wanting to get beat up.
-<b><gf> "Aww.. you got embarassed by the prospect of sucking <brown>black cock</brown> with me..? Now I really want you to do that.. but yes, you can go for now cuckie.. I'll see you another time, say goodbye to <brown> Master Shane</brown> properly.. I'm sure you'll be seeing more of him."</gf></b>
<b><center> You look up at him and notice how much bigger than you he is actually.. he's like 6'4.. jesus.. you come to give him an handshake when he slaps your hand and grabs you by the neck, forcing you to kiss him</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\mcshanekiss.png"></span></center>
-<b><brown> "Goodbye whiteboi.. I'll have a taste of that mouth pussy later.."</brown></B>
<b><center> Fucking hell.. you even had to kiss the guy that fucked your girlfriend.. this is so humiliating.. anyways finally you can go home..</center></B>
<<set $submissive to $submissive+2>>\
<b><center><pink> Submissiveness +2!</pink></center></b>\
<center>[[Head home|Home]]</center>
<</timed>><span class='fadeIn'>\
<<set $timer to 0>>\
<<set $momdomevent3 to false>>\
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\upstairshall.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><img src="images\city\upstairshall.jpg" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>
<b><center> It's time to put your plans into action, now that <sister>$sistername</sister> is in your hands and has agreed to help you corrupt <mother>$momname</mother> you just need to plant the seeds in her mind to make her see you as a sexual option.. you know <mom>$momname</mom> is a sexually frustrated woman because <dad>$dadname</dad> doesn't give her any attention.. if you can be there for her surely she will fall into your arms, let's head into <sister>$sistername</sister> room to tell her the plan.</center></b>
<center>[[Enter your sisters room|momeventdom3pt2]]</center><span class='fadeIn'>\
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\sistersroom.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><img src="images\city\sisterbedroom.png" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>
<b><center> You enter her room without even knocking like you owned the place and she's chilling in her chair, smoking a cigarette</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\sistersmoking.jpg"></span></center>
-<b><sister> "Jesus you scared me.. you could've knocked before no?"</sister></B> - she complains while taking a look at you
<b><center> You clearly aren't pleased by the way she's talking to you so you just stop there and look at her, eventually she cracks up and timidly asks you</center></b>
-<b><sister> "W..well what do you need?"</sister></B> - she asks you shy
-<b><you> That's better.. I want your help to corrupt <mom>mom</mom> like you promised you would.</you></B> - you say looking at her
<b><center> She makes a weird look, even though she has agreed to help with, it seems she still doesn't fully agree with what you are doing</center></B>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\sisterdispleased.jpg"></span></center>
-<b><sister> "You sure you wanna proceed with this.. it's our <mom>mother</mom> you know.."</sister></B> - she asks you, double checking your intentions.
-<b><you> And you are my <sister>sister</sister>, yet I've completely destroyed your holes and I own them, so I'm going to do the same with <mom>mom</mom>. I don't need your opinion, just help me slut.</you></b> - you say, reminding her of her place, degrading her in the process, grabbing her throat and spitting in her face.
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\spitfacesister.jpg"></span></center>
-<b><sister> "F..fuck jesus.. sorry.. What do you need me to do?"</sister></B> - she asks rubbing her legs growing horny.
<b><center> Seems like you need to get this bitch horny everytime for her to just fall and do what she wants you to do, anyways time to tell the plan.</center></b>
-<b><you> It's very simple really.. I want you to masturbate thinking of me. I want you to grab your favourite dildo that I know you own, you're a slut, and I want you to fuck yourself with it while moaning my name, get creative. I will call mom upstairs and have a talk with her, once you hear us upstairs start moaning and hopefully she'll check what you are doing, leave the door slightly open obviously, I'll check how she reacts, got it?</you></b> - you tell her the plan, wanting to plant the seeds of you fucking your sister on <mom>$momname</mom> mind, to make her also think of you fucking her.
<b><center> You look at <sister>$sistername</sister> and her eyes are wide open with shock</center></b>
-<b><sister> " you're devious.. fine.. I'll do it.."</sister></b> - she says, submitting to you, with a sly smile.
<b><center> Looks like shes getting into it, let's reward her.</center></b>
-<b><you> Good girl, open your mouth.</you></B> - you say as you grab her throat, putting your finger in front of her mouth, making her suck it
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\sisterfingerlick.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><sister> "T..thank you.."</sister></b> - she says as she finishes licking.
-<b><you> "You're welcome my slut.. go get ready now, I'll give you a few minutes and I'll call <mom>mom</mom>."</you></B>
-<b><sister> "Okay.."</sister></b> - she says smiling at you
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\sistersmiling.jpg"></span></center>
<b><center> You leave her and go outside of her room, going to call your mother upstairs, giving a few minutes for <sister>$sistername</sister> to get ready.</center></b>
<center>[[Head outside of your sisters room and call your mother upstairs|momeventdom3pt3]]</center><span class='fadeIn'>\
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\upstairshall.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><img src="images\city\upstairshall.jpg" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>
<b><center> You head outside and wait for a few minutes.. after a while you get ready to call <mom>$momname</mom> upstairs.. you'll just make a topic of conversation on spot, maybe something about school that she'll be interested to talk about..</center></b>
-<b><you><font size ="+1"> <mom>MOOM!</mom> can you come here please?!</font></you></b> - you say screaming out loud
<b><center> After a while you hear footsteps coming up and your <mom>mom</mom> appears, looking at you concerned but smiling</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\momyes.jpg"></span></center>
-<b><mom> "Yes honey? What's wrong?"</mom></b> - she asks concerned.
-<B><you> Oh just wanted to ask you something about school, has <teacher>Miss $nameteacher</teacher> said anything about me as of late?</you></B> - you randomly ask her for no specific reason.
-<b><mom> "Oh actually yes, she said your behaviour has improved drastically! I don't know what changed but she seems much more happy with you now, I'm very happy with that honey!"</mom></b> - she says happily
<b><center> Oh... you actually weren't expecting her to say something about it.. interesting, looks like <teacher>$nameteacher</teacher> is really scared of what you can do with your blackmail material, good to now..</center></b>
-<b><you> Y..yeah just you know.. got serious and stuff..</you></B> - you say not knowing what to say to make time
<b><center> Fucking hell what's taking so long, surely <sister>$sistername</sister> must've heard you two talking by now..</center></B>
-<b><you> *cough*</you></b> - you cough loudly as if trying to warn your sister.
-<b><mom> "Anything else honey?"</mom></b> - she says, wanting to go away.
<b><center> Fucking hell.. time to go I guess or she'll get suspiscious..</center></b>
-<b><you> No.. thanks <mom>mom</mom></you></b> - you say as you go away.
<b><center> As you're turning away and heading to your room, you start to hear loud moaning.. perfect timing, you look back at your <mom>mom</mom> and she has her eyes wide open, you enter your bedroom but leave the door slightly open to see what she will do.. she starts coming closer to your <sister>sisters</sister> bedroom</center></b>
<center>[[See your mothers POV|momeventdom3pt4]]</center>
<span class='fadeIn'>\
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\upstairshall.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><img src="images\city\upstairshall.jpg" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>
<b><center><red>MOM POV</red></center></b>
-<b><mom><i> Dear lord.. is that moaning coming from <sister>$sistername</sister>'s room..? I shouldn't peek but.. I just want to make sure she isn't with someone!</i></mom></b> - you think to yourself as you peek into your daughters bedroom
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\peeking.jpg"></span></center>
<b><center> As you peek into the slightly open door.. you see your <sister>daughter $sistername </sister> playing with her pussy.. she's alone thank god..</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\sistermasturbating1.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><sister> "Mhmmmmhmgmm.. yess..."</sister></B> - <sister>$sistername</sister> moans.
-<b><mom><i> Oh jesus.. of course, she's a healthy young woman.. nothing wrong in this.. I should just leave..</i></mom></b> - you think to yourself.
<b><center> You turn around and are about to leave when suddenly <sister>$sistername</sister> moans something different.. mentioning your <you>son</you>!</center></B>
-<b><sister> "Oh yes <you>$name</you> finger me.."</sister></b> - she moans to herself.
<b><center> You look back and you find your <sister>daughter</sister> on all fours, fingering herself from behind, mentioning <you>$name</you>! What is she thinking about.. her own brother?! This is insanity.. you should step in..!</center></B>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\sistermasturbating2.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><mom><i> I can't step in.. that would be very awkward..! But why is she thinking of <you>$name</you>? Sure he's an attractive man but.. they are related!</i></mom></b> - you think to yourself.
<b><center> You keep thinking of <you>$name</you> and realize you yourself are getting wet.. there's no way you are getting horny because of your own <you>son</you> right..?</center></b>
-<b><sister> "Fuck me <you>$name</you>.. I want you to own my tiny petite pussy.. mark it as yours.."</sister></b> - <sister>$sistername</sister> says being super vulgar about her words, fucking herself with a tiny dildo
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\sistermasturbating3.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><sister> "This isn't enough.. he probably has a bigger cock.."</sister></b> - <sister>$sistername</sister> says grabbing a bigger dildo from her shelf
-<b><mom><i> Oh my lord.. what is she saying.. why can't I stop thinking about.. <you>$name</you>'s penis.. I'm his <mom>mother</mom> for lord sake.. but.. I'm so wet jesus.. surely it's fine if I just.. finger myself for a bit..</i></mom></b> - you think to yourself as you dive your hand into your pants, fingering yourself thinking about <you>$name</you> and watching <sister>$sistername</sister>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\povmasturbating.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><sister> "YES.. this size is much better.. destroy me with your big cock <you>$name</you>.. cum inside me.. breed me!"</sister></b> - <sister>$sistername</sister> says as she fucks herself quickly with a large dildo
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\sistermasturbating4.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><center> B..breed her!? Oh my god.. that's so wrong.. but why is it so hot to think of <you>$name</you> cumming inside of me..? I can't.. god..</center></b>
-<b><sister> "OH GOD YES.. YESSS.. IM CUMMMINGG <YOU>BROTHER!</YOU>"</sister></B> - <sister>$sistername</sister> screams as she cums all over the dildo and relaxes
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\sistermasturbating5.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><mom><i> Oh my god.. oh my god.. I'm cumming aswell..!!!</i></mom><b> - you think as you squirt all over the floor off your own hallway.
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\momsquirting.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><center> What have I done.. what are these nasty thoughts..? It was an one time thing.. I need to clean this up before anyone else sees this jesus..</center></b>
<center>[[Go back to your POV|momeventdom3pt5]]</center><span class='fadeIn'>\
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\upstairshall.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><img src="images\city\upstairshall.jpg" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>
<b><center> Alright the plan is ongoing.. hopefully she will watch your <sister>$sistername</sister> masturbating and have a nice reaction to it..</center></b>
-<b><mom><font size ="-1"> Oh jesus.. of course, she's a healthy young woman.. nothing wrong in this.. I should just leave..</font></mom></b> - you hear your <mom>mother</mom> say as she starts turning around to leave.
<b><center> Fuck.. is it going to fail? Is she gonna leave..?</center></B>
-<b><sister><font size ="-1"> "Oh yes <you>$name</you> finger me.."</font></sister></b> - your hear <sister>$sistername</sister> moan.
<b><center> Suddenly, your <mom>mother</mom> turns back around in shock.. good job <sister>$sistername</sister> you whore.. keep her enganged..</center></b>
-<b><mom><font size ="-1"> I can't step in.. that would be very awkward..! But why is she thinking of <you>$name</you>? Sure he's an attractive man but.. they are related!</font></mom></b> - you hear your <mom>mother</mom> mumble to herself
<b><center> Oh.. good to know she finds me attractive, think about me come on.. keep going..</center></b>
-<b><sister><font size ="-1"> "Fuck me <you>$name</you>.. I want you to own my tiny petite pussy.. mark it as yours.."</font></sister></b> - <sister>$sistername</sister> says loud, making sure your <mom>mom</mom> hears her words.
<b><center> Good fucking job you whore.. keep going.. she's watching and figetting, I know she's getting horny..</center></b>
-<b><sister><font size ="-1"> "This isn't enough.. he probably has a bigger cock.."</font></sister></b> - <sister>$sistername</sister> says grabbing a bigger dildo from her shelf
-<b><mom><font size ="-1"> Oh my lord.. what is she saying.. why can't I stop thinking about.. <you>$name</you> penis.. I'm his <mom>mother</mom> for lord sake.. but.. I'm so wet jesus.. surely it's fine if I just.. finger myself for a bit..</font></mom></b> - says as she dives into her panties, fingering herself in the hallway, super horny
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\mommasturbation.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><you><i> Yes yes yes! Fucking knew she was sexually frustrated.. look at her, masturbating thinking about me the fucking whore.. all women in this family are whores and they will be mine.. might aswell jerk off to this..</i></you></B> - you think to yourself as you grab your big cock and start jerking off
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\masturbation.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><sister><font size ="-1"> "OH GOD YES.. YESSS.. IM CUMMMINGG <YOU>BROTHER!</YOU>"</font></sister></B> - <sister>$sistername</sister> screams as she apperantly cums
-<b><mom><font size ="-1"> Oh my god.. oh my god.. I'm cumming aswell..!!!</font></mom><b> - your mom says as she squirts all over the hallway floor
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\momsquirting2.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><you><i> Holy shit.. she's a squirter aswell goddamn.. I can't wait to have her squirting all over my big cock.. look at the slut, she was so frustrated.. I will have you <mom>$momname</mom> just wait.. the seeds are planted, I have to reward the <sister>slut</sister> aswell.. she did a great job.</i></you></B> - you think as you see your mother squirt all over the floor like a slut
<b><center> You then see your <mom>mom</mom> worriedly going downstairs and coming back as quickly as she came, as she bends down on the floor naked with something to wipe her squirt from the floor</center></B>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\momwiping.jpg"></span></center>
<b><center> Look at that slut.. that pussy will be mine.. that's good for now though..I will have to confront her about this..</center></b>
<<set $dominant to $dominant+1>>
<center><b><blue> Dominance +1!</blue></b></center>
<center>[[Go back to your daily life|Room]]</center><span class='fadeIn'>\
<<set $timer to 0>>\
<<set $siswsud to false>>\
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\bathroom.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><img src="images\city\bathroom.jpg" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>
<b><center> You enter the bathroom when <sister>$sistername</sister> called you and she's sitting on the toilet pissing, almost fully naked.. what did she call you here for, she could've waited a bit..</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\sisterpissing.png"></span></center>
-<b><you> Ehm.. what's up?</you></b> - you ask curious of why she called you while pissing.
-<b><sister> "Hey <pink>slave.</pink> I was thinking here.. why would I piss on a toilet.. when I could have a human toilet?"</sister></b> - she says smiling deviously at you.
<b><center> She's not thinking what I'm thinking right.. she wants to piss on you?</center></b>
-<b><sister> "It wasn't a question by the way, it's an order. Kneel and put your head on the toilet bowl."</sister></b> - she says getting up and pointing at the toilet while smiling
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\sistertoiletsmiling.jpg"></span></center>
<b><center> She is crazy.. there's no way you will do this right..?</center></b>
<div id="choice">
<<linkreplace "<yellow><center> • Submit and do what she ordered(WATERSPORTS CONTENT)</center></yellow>">>\
<<replace "#choice">>\
<b><center> You better obey.. you know what happens when you don't obey <sister>Mistress $sistername</sister>, it's never good.. specially when she has so much dirt on you already..</center></b>
-<b><you> O..okay.</you></B> - you say as you kneel and put your head on the toilet bowl like she asked, looking up.
-<b><sister> "Good boy.. let me just get a quick drink.."</sister></b> - she says appearing in your field of view with a glass of champagne, drinking it.
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\sisws1.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><center> Damn she really wants to get her bladder full.. you're gonna get drunk from her piss..</center></b>
-<b><sister> "Alright let me take a sit so you don't change your mind and leave.. not that I would let you.."</sister></b> - she says as she sits directly on your face like she would on a toilet, smothering you.
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\sisws2.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><sister> "Oh so good.. how does it feel down there <pink>toilet slave</pink>?"</sister></b> - she asks
-<b><you> Mphmmphh..</you></b> - you try to respond but all that comes out is muffled sounds
-<b><sister> "Right.. You can come in <red>James.</red>"</sister></b> - she says, as someone comes inside the bathroom
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\dickswing.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><center> Wait wait wait.. come in <red>James</red>? There's a guy inside the bathroom and he's watching you being a human toilet!</center></b>
-<b><you> HHMMPPH!! HHHMMHMPPHH!!</you></B> - you squirm against her ass trying to leave, but you can't.
-<b><red> "Shit.. you are doing this with your own brother? You are one crazy slut.."</red></b> - the guy who you can't see comments.
-<b><sister> "Oh please.. he's not my brother anymore.. he's just my <pink> sissy toilet slave</pink>. Stop squirming you worthless piggy!"</sister></B> - she says as she makes even more force on your face, smothering you
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\Facesittingpov2.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><center> Oh god this is so humiliating.. what have you done to deserve this..</center></b>
-<b><sister> "I'm gonna get up but you better stay in place or im kicking you in the balls till you pass out, understand?!"</sister></B> - she says threatning you.
-<b><you><i> Jesus.. just imagining her kicking you in the balls makes you retract your balls.. better to obey for now..</i></you></b> - you think to yourself.
<b><center> She then proceeds to get up and look at you in the face, saying she has a suprise for you.</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\sisws3.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><sister> "So <pink>toilet slave</pink>.. I have a suprise for you, you're gonna be my cuckie aswell today. I don't have a boyfriend and I always wanted to try out cuckolding, so you will do for the day, understand?!"</sister></B> - she says declaring dominantly.
<b><center> You don't even have time to answer when a cock comes flying into your view and you are blocked by your <sister>Mistress</sister> and <red>James</red>, even if you wanted to get up right now you couldn't.. she's sucking a cock over your face, while you're a toilet..</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\sisws4.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><red> "Fuck you're such a good cocksucker.. does it run in the family?"</red></b> - he says looking at you.
-<b><sister> "You greedy cunt.. he's off limits for you as of now.. fuck my throat come on.."</sister></b> - she says begging him, being submissive for him
<b><center> Wow.. so even though she treats you like shit all the time.. like you're not worth anything, she can be submissive to real alpha men.. only if you weren't a <pink>beta sissy..</pink> that could be you..</center></B>
-<b><sister> "GAWK GAWK GAWK.. open up <pink>slave.</pink>"</sister></B> - she says as she commands you to open your mouth with her mouth full of cock drool
<b><center> You simply obey.. not wanting to get punished, when you do, she lets a huge wave of cock spit into your throat.. and you obediently swallow.</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\sisws5.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><sister> "HAHAHA.. good beta boy.. I love it, having a cuckold is fun!"</sister></b> - she says as she goes back to sucking his cock
-<b><red> "Hahaha.. you're fucking crazy.. keep sucking I'm close.."</red></b> - he says as he grabs her head and fucks her throat again, spitting on you in the process afterwards
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\siswsspit.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><sister> "Time for the finale.."</sister></b> - she says as she stops sucking him off and grabs his cock, jerking him off till he cums
<b><center> Oh no.. she's pointing the cock towards you.. he's gonna bust all over your face!</center></b>
-<b><red> "Oh god.. yes I'm close.. I'm gonna bust all over your cuck brother.."</red></b>
-<b><sister> "HAHAHAHA.. Open up <pink>toilet slave</pink> here comes your meal!"</sister></b> - she says ordering you.
<b><center> After a while he starts cumming all over your face as your <sister>Mistress</sister> laughs loudly as you get drops of cum in your face</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\sisw6.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><you> J..jesus.. there's so much..</you></b> - you complain about the ammount of spit and cum in your face.
-<b><sister> "HAHAHA look at the state of your face.. I have to take a picture of this."</sister></b> - she says as she grabs her phone and takes a picture of your face full of cum and spit
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\cumspitface.png"></span></center>
<b><center> God.. hopefully it's over.. right?</center></b>
-<b><sister> "And now for the great finale.. you have cum, spit and the only thing that is left.. is my piss!"</sister></b> - she says as she hovers over your face with her legs wide open.
<b><center> Oh no.. please this is enough..</center></b>
-<b><sister> "OPEN UP BOY!"</sister></b> - she says as she starts pissing all over your face
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\sisws7.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><center> Oh god it burns.. there's so much piss.. it's mixing with the spit and cum.. you stink like a street whore.. probably even worse they aren't this degraded and have more standards than you right now..</center></b>
-<b><sister> "HAHAHA LOOK AT YOU.. this is amazing I loved it.."</sister></b> - she says hovering over you, dropping droplets on your face
-<b><red> "Jesus man.. he's not even human anymore.. what a slut.."</red></b> - <red>James</red> comments.
-<b><sister> "I know right HAHAHA.. let' leave him, let's go to my room so we can fuck."</sister></b> - she says as she gets up and waves at you, leaving with <red>James</red>, leaving your view full of piss, cum and spit.
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\sisws8.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><center> What the fuck happened.. finally it's over.. atleast you are in the bathroom so you can take a shower already..</center></b>
<b><center><yellow><i> (SCENE REQUESTED BY A SPONSOR MEMBER - LUCYSHAW -)</i></yellow></center></b>
<center>[[Go back to your daily life|Bathroom]]</center>\
<div id="choice">
<<linkreplace "<white><center> Refuse and leave</center></white>">>
<<replace "#choice">>
<b><center> There's no way she can force you to this, this is inhumane.. you will have to resist this and leave.</center></b>
-<b><you>, this is too much <sister>$sistername</sister>.. please..</you></B> - you plead.
<b><center> She looks at you angrily and sighs</center></B>
-<b><sister> "Leave.. I'm disappointed.. I will punish you later with something else."</sister></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\sisterdispleased.jpg"></span></center>
<center>[[Go to your room|Room]]</center>\
<span class='fadeIn'>
<<set $timer to 0>>\
<<set $classmatedom2 to false>>\
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\schoolhallway.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><img src="images\city\schoolhall.jpg" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>
<b><center> You believe it is time to confront <classmate>Sasha</classmate> about what you saw last time, she already knows you know and has been giving you quite the stares lately but doesn't confront you in public scared that people might know.. she is even avoiding you, you need to get the upperhand on her and wait for her outside of class.</center></b>
<<timed 1s>><center><font size="+5"><b>.</b></font></center><</timed>><<timed 2s>><center><font size="+5"><b>.</b></font></center><</timed>><<timed 3s>><center><font size="+5"><b>.</b></font></center><</timed>>
<<timed 4s>>
<b><center> Finally after a while <classmate> Sasha</classmate> comes out of class, how can someone that looks so innocent be the biggest cocksucker in school.. you have to call her though.</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\classmatecute.jpg"></span></center>
-<b><you> Hey <classmate>Sasha</classmate> can I have a word with you?</you></b> - you ask nicely
<b><center> She gets up and crosses her arms, clearly knowing what's coming to her and what you want to talk about</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\classmatemad.jpg"></span></center>
-<b><classmate> "Fine, what do you want."</classmate></b> - she asks, out of patience.
-<b><you> I wanted to let you know I have recorded you coming out of the guys bathroom. I know who you are obviously and I plan to let everyone know, unless you do what I tell you.</you></b> - you say, threatning her, wanting to control her.
<b><center> She looks at you and scoffs, clearly understanding that you have her in your palm, she takes out a cigarette and lights it, even though you are forbidden from smoking there.</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\classmatesmoking.jpg"></span></center>
-<b><classmate> "You're a fucking loser you know that right? This is your only way of ever getting to me, what do you want."</classmate></b> - she says clearly pissed off.
-<b><you> Oh don't be like that.. it's not like you haven't sucked my cock before, or everyone else in the school really.. I'll make your life a living hell, you'll be my personal secret school slut you understand? You should've thought of treating me better before</you></b> - you say as you grab her face and hair, spitting on her face, humiliating her, making her understand her new place.
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\spitfaceclassmate.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><center> She doesn't say a word and looks at you, clearly displeased but realizing she cant do anything against you right now, wiping the spit from her face</center></b>
-<b><you> Good slut. To start with I want a blowjob in the bathroom stall, but I want to see your face while I destroy it, let's go.</you></B> - you say as you forcefully grab her wrist and bring her inside the boys bathroom.
-<b><classmate><font size="-1"> "Dickhead.."</font></classmate></B> - she mutters under her breath.
<center>[[Enter the school bathroom and the stall|classmatedom2pt2]]</center>
<span class='fadeIn'>
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\schoolbathroom.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>\
<center><img src="images\events\insideofstall.jpg" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>\
<b><center> Once you get inside, you immediately force her to get on her knees, not wanting to wait a second and hard as a rock, you just want to use her.</center></b>
-<b><you> Come one slut do your job, get to sucking cock like you love, do a good job aswell, I want to destroy that pretty face.</you></B> - you say as she gets on her knees.
<b><center> She looks at you and it seems that she blushes when you say pretty face.. could she actually want this and is just being a brat about it..?</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\classmatestall1.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><you> Yeeeah good whore.. you're seriously the best cocksucker in this school.. you're so talented..</you></B> - you say as you smutter your cock all over her face
<b><center> She doesn't say a word, just keeps your ballsack all over face, as if you're marking her.. it doesnt seem to cause a reaction on her, maybe you should be even more agressive.. this slut will learn who's in charge here.</center></b>
-<b><you> Come here slut, choke on this.</you></b> - you say as you grab her head and stick your dick as deep as you can inside her throat.
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\classmatestall2.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><center> Fucking hell.. you leave your cock there for what is like 20 seconds.. the bitch can take cock for real.. shes used to this.. you have to be even more agressive, it seems that she's even giggling at you!</center></b>
-<b><classmate> "Is that all you've got loser?"</classmate></b> - she teases you
-<b><you> Oh I'm just getting started you whore.. just you wait..</you></b> - you say as you sit on the ground and wrap your legs around her head, forcing her on a chokehold while she sucks your cock, choking her and making her gasp for air
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\classmatestall3.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><classmate> "jHHessus.. do want to .. kill me?!"</classmate></b> - she says out of breath
-<b><you> HAHAHAH! Shut up whore, lick my ass since you're down there, come on!</you></b> - you say as you stick her face in your ass, forcing her to lick it, humiliating her.
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\classmatestall4.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><classmate> "Oh god.. please.. I'm sorry for teasing you.. Let me suck your cock again please."</classmate></b> - she says as she licks your ass, pleading.
<b><center> You get up and she immediately positions herself on her knees, ready to suck your cock, grabbing it. Instead you get close to her face and spit all over it, treating her like the ground of a public street</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\classmatestall5.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><you> Fucking slut, who owns you now huh? Tell me whore, who's my school slut?!</you></b> - you ask her.
-<b><classmate> " <you>Master $name</you>.. I'm sorry for defying you.."</classmate></b> - she says submitting to you.
-<b><you> Good whore.. place your head on the toilet seat come on. I want to cum all over pretty face. Look at you, what a sad looking whore.</you></b> - you ask as you grab your phone and take a picture of her, getting more blackmail material on her.
-<b><classmate> "HEY! Delete that!"</classmate></b> - she complains getting her face up from the toilet seat.
<b><center> You force her down on the toilet seat with one hand and start jerking off with your other hand and eventually you cum all over her face.</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\classmatestall6.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><you> Shut up slut, this picture is mine and if you don't want it leaked, you better obey understand? I'll ruin your pretty innocent girl image. Now clean up and leave, I'm going first.</you></b> - you say, blackmailing her even further, getting dressed ready to leave.
-<b><classmate> "Y..yes.. I understand.."</classmate></b> - she says scared.
-<b><you> Oh before I leave, here. A fiver for you, whore. Thank you for your services. </you></b> - you say as you throw a five dollar bill to the ground and spit on it.
<b><center> That should put her under your control, you then leave, leaving her completely destroyed.</center></b>
<<set $dominant to $dominant+1>>
<center><b><blue> Dominance +1!</blue></b></center>
<center>[[Leave the bathroom stall|SchoolBathroom]]</center><span class='fadeIn'>
<<set $bfeventdom3 to false>>\
<<set $timer to 0>>\
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\schoolhallway.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><img src="images\city\schoolhall.jpg" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>
<b><center> You have to confront <bf>$bfname</bf> about what happened last time when you were with <gf>$gfname</gf> and all you could think about was <bf>her</bf>.. what <bf>she</bf> did to you when you two watched the movie.. you'll wait for <bf>her</bf> to come out of class and ask to go to <bf>her</bf> house again.</center></b>
<<timed 1s>><center><font size="+5"><b>.</b></font></center><</timed>><<timed 2s>><center><font size="+5"><b>.</b></font></center><</timed>><<timed 3s>><center><font size="+5"><b>.</b></font></center><</timed>>
<<timed 4s>>
<b><center> Finally after a while <bf>$bfname</bf> comes out and she's radiant as ever, smiling while talking with someone, when she goes away you get in the way</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\bfhappy.png"></span></center>
-<b><you> Hey bestie.. can we talk?</you></b> - you ask.
-<b><bf> "Of course bestie what's up?</bf></b> - she asks curious
-<b><you> Ehm not here.. maybe we could go to your house like last time?</you></b> - you ask wanting privacy.
<b><center> She looks at you and starts getting embarassed probably remembering what happened last time but says yes in a shy way.</center></b>
-<b><bf> "Y..yeah of course, let's go.."</bf></b> - she says as you two head towards her home.
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\bfsmiling.png"></span></center>
<center>[[Head towards her home|bfeventdom3pt2]]</center>
<</timed>><span class='fadeIn'>
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\bfroom.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><img src="images\city\bfroom.png" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>
<b><center> Once you arrive there, you two head upstairs to her room, she puts herself more confortable changing clothes and sitting on her bed</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\bfbed.jpg"></span></center>
-<b><bf> "So what's wrong bestie.. what's bothering you?"</bf></B> - she asks concerned
<b><center> You have to come clean and say what's on your mind and what happened.. she's your best friend, one of the people you trust most, maybe she will know what to do.</center></b>
-<b><you> So.. this is gonna be hard to talk about but.. few days ago I was together with <gf>$gfname</gf> and we got freaky..</you></b> - you say pausing.
-<b><bf><font size ="-1"> "That whore.."</font></bf></b> - <bf>$bfname</bf> mumbles under her breath.
-<b><you> What?</you></b> - you cant hear what she said.
-<b><bf> "Nothing nothing, keep going."</bf></b> - she says dismissing what she said before.
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\layingbedbf.jpg"></span></center>
-<b><you> Right.. and when we got freaky.. I couldn't.. stop thinking about what you did to me for some reason.. I truly don't know why.. I was hoping you would know why..</you></b> - you say being as honest as you can with her
<b><center> She looks at you with her eyes wide open, not expecting you to be thinking of her while having sex with your girlfriend.. but she sees an opening here.. and she will attack on it.</center></b>
-<b><bf> "Bestie.. I think it's clear why.. you feel attracted to me and that's totally fine.."</bf></B> - she says as she gets closer to you, arching her back as if seducing you.
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\bfarch.jpg"></span></center>
-<b><you> B..but I love <gf>$gfname</gf>.. I can't be thinking of someone else specially my own best friend.. It's wrong..</you></b> - you say confused
-<b><bf> "Well if you love her why are you thinking about me..?"</bf></b> - she says licking her lips.
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\lipslick2.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><center> You look at her lips and you feel attracted to them.. you can't stop looking at them and it seems like they are even coming closer to you then suddenly.. <bf>$bfname</bf> kisses you</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\mcbfkiss.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><you> W..we can't..</you></b> - you say wanting to control yourself as your arousal grows.
-<b><bf> "Shhh.. just let go.."</bf></b> - <bf>$bfname</bf> says as she kisses you again and starts unbotting your pants.
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\unzippants.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><you> S..stop we can't..</you></b> - you try to fight back
-<b><bf> "I don't think you want me to stop."</bf></b> - she says as she kneels and grabs your cock
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\stop.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><center> Oh god no.. this is not what you had in mind.. this is only gonna make it worse and you are cheating on <gf>$gfname</gf> like this.. but she is right.. you don't want her to stop you are so horny..</center></b>
-<b><bf> "Fuck you're so big.."</bf></b> - she says as she admires your cock, guiding it into her mouth
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\bfblowjob1.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><you> God your mouth is silky smooth..</you></b> - you say losing yourself in your urges, letting go and fucking her mouth
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\bfblowjob2.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><bf> "GHHofgd.. YES.. fuck my throat.."</bf></b> - she says as you fuck her throat
<b><center> You know this is wrong.. you should stop this but you can't, <bf>$bfname</bf> grabs you and throws you to the nearest table in her room, getting on top of you and sucking you off again</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\bfblowjob3.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><you> Jesus I can't with your skills.. you're so fucking good.. I'm close..</you></b> - you say getting close to cumming.
-<b><bf> "Cum.. cum all over my mouth please.. I want it so much.."</bf></b> - she says opening her mouth wide, jerking you off.
<b><center> Eventually you cum all over her mouth, making her swallow it.</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\bfblowjob4.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><you> G..god.. I'm spent.. you're so good..</you></b> - you say tired
<b><center> As you cum.. the guilt starts coming in and you realize what you've just done..</center></b>
-<b><bf> "Look.. I know you feel guilty right now but the truth is you want me.. this can be our little secret.. I wont tell anyone, we'll just fool around like intimate besties.."</bf></B> - <bf>$bfname</bf> says trying to convince you
-<b><you> I.. I need time to think.. Im sorry..</you></b> - you say as you get up and get dressed, ready to leave.
-<b><bf> "W..wait! Please don't go.. stay with me."</bf></B> - <bf>$bfname</bf> says still kneeling with some of your cum in her face.
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\bfnakedcum.jpg"></span></center>
<b><center> As much as this is tempting you know if you stay it would lead to even worse things and you aren't ready for this.. you need to think better.. perhaps keeping it a secret or just end it all, something you'll have to decide in the future..</center></B>
-<b><you> I'm sorry.</you></B> - you say as you leave.
<<set $dominant to $dominant+1>>
<center><b><blue> Dominance +1!</blue></b></center>
<center>[[Leave her house and go home|Home]]</center><<set $worksubevent8 to false>>\
<span class='fadeIn'>\
<<set $worked to $worked+1>>\
<<set $time to $time+1>>\
<<if $time >= 3>>\
<<set $time to $time-1>>\
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\sexshop.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>\
<center><img src="images\city\sexshop.png" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>
<b><center> You enter the sex shop and head towards the locker room, ready to put on your uniform!</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\lockerjob.png"></span></center>
<b><center> You head outside to meet with <manager>$mname</manager>. He seems to be waiting for you to clock in.</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\managersexshop.jpg"></span></center>
-<b><you> Hey there.</you></b> - you greet him and get ready to work
<b><center> You are working normally, just storing things on shelves and helping people when suddenly you feel a presence behind you.. it's familiar, you feel a hand on your ass and you try to turn around but the person behind you holds your neck and doesn't let you turn around</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\grabassmolest.jpg"></span></center>
-<b><red><font size="-1"> "Hey there baby.. you are looking even better now, you look like a fully fleshed woman.."</font></red></B> - you say as he holds your ass
-<b><you>'s you again.. what do you want..</you></b> - you ask silently scared.
-<b><red><font size="-1"> "Just stay still.."</font></red></b> - he says as he puts his hand in your hole.. fingering your <pink>boipussy</pink>.
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\workmolested.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><you> HMphmm.. god..</you></B> - you say as you stay still getting fingered in the middle of the store
<b><center> You can't lie, last time this happened you were scared but now.. this just makes you horny, have you grown into a slut?</center></b>
-<b><red> "Turn around slut.. I know you want this as much as me.."</red></b> - he says as he grabs you and turns you around, facing him
<b><center> He's not bad looking at all.. he's quite cute actually. You look down and his cock is out in the public.. does he want you to blow him? It's fucking huge.. is every guy in this town huge besides you..?</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\cockoutpublic.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><red> "Come on.. kneel fast before your <manager>manager</manager> notices it.."</red></b> - he says as he puts his hands on your shoulders, forcing you down.
<b><center> You kneel and you immediately feel the musk of his cock on your face.. you can even feel the heat on your face.. you feel so drawn to it.. you want to suck it so bad, who cares at this point.. I want it.</center></b>
-<b><you> O..okay</you></b> - you say as you grab the cock and start sucking it
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\workblowjob.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><red> "Fuck.. you're such a good submissive little <pink>sissy</pink>, not even fighting back just taking it in.. take it in deeper slut come on."</red></b> - he says as he forces his cock down your throat
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\workblowjob2.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><you> "GhHG...FGO.D..."</you></b> - you mumble trying not to make too much noise, you dont want to warn <manager>$mname</manager>.
<b><center> God his member is massive.. you are taking half of it and you're choking already.. he's huge..</center></b>
-<b><red> "Y..yes yes.. this is so hot.. I'm gonna cum in your throat slut.."</red></b> - he says as he unloads into your mouth.
<b><center> God there is so much cum.. you feel your mouth so full..</center></b>
-<b><red> "Show me slut, show me your mouth."</red></b> - he orders you.
<b><center> You do as he says and show your mouth full of cum</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\workblowjob3.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><red> "Good slut.. you can swallow now whore.."</red></b> - he says as he zips up and leaves not saying a word.
<b><center> Well.. that was interesting, now you get to work with the taste of cum in your mouth for the rest of the day.</center></b>
<<set $money to $money+15>>\
<green><b><center><i> You received 15€ for your work!</i></center></b></green>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\moneyinhand.png"></span></center>
<center>[[Undress and go outside|RedlightDistrict]]</center>
<center>[[Undress and go straight home|Room]]</center><<set $worksubevent9 to false>>\
<span class='fadeIn'>\
<<set $worked to $worked+1>>\
<<set $time to $time+1>>\
<<if $time >= 3>>\
<<set $time to $time-1>>\
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\sexshop.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>\
<center><img src="images\city\sexshop.png" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>
<b><center> You enter the sex shop and head towards the locker room, ready to put on your uniform!</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\lockerjob.png"></span></center>
<b><center> You clock in and get ready to work, not seeing <manager>$mname</manager> anywhere, perhaps he is still coming so you just start working</center></b>
<center><<timed 1s>><font size="10">.</font><</timed>><<timed 2s>><font size="10">.</font><</timed>><<timed 3s>><font size="10">.</font><</timed>></center>
<<timed 3s>>
<b><center> After a while someone comes in, you look at the door and see a familiar face, a very strong familiar face, it's <dom>Mistress Ruby</dom>! She is wearing a very kinky outfit as always.. showering her latex panties</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\rubydom.jpg"></span></center>
-<b><you> H..hi good afternoon..</you></B> - you timidly say to her, greeting <dom>Mistress Ruby</dom>
<b><center> She looks at you and scoffs, ignoring you, not giving you any value, going to a specific place clearly having something in mind.</center></b>
<b><center> After a while you hear a loud calling for your name.</center></b>
-<b><dom><font size="+1"> "<you>BOI.</you> Come here."</font></dom></b> - she screams at you.
<b><center> You wake up and almost jump kicking into action, coming next to her quick.</center></b>
-<b><you> Yes </you><dom>Mistress Ruby?</dom></b> - you ask curious.
<b><center> She is standing in the middle of a aisle with her arms crossed, looking dominant as ever, staring at you. You take a large gulp while staring at her, she seems mad. </center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\dominantwoman
-<b><dom> "Why is this on the ground boi?"</dom></b> - she says pointing at a buttplug on the ground.
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\plugground
<b><center> Wh..what? You just placed everything in place, you're pretty sure there was nothing on the ground before..</center></b>
-<b><you> I.. I don't know.. I had everything in place before..</you></B> - you say being honest.
-<b><dom> "Well what are you waiting for? Are you stupid? Kneel and pick it up."</dom></b> - she says placing her heels very close to the buttplug as if wanting to bring your attention to them
<b><center> You kneel down and get to grab the buttplug when you can't help but stare at her heels.. you feel so drawn to her for some reason.. She's even playing around with them.</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\feetjob1.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><dom> "See something you like <pink>slave</pink>?"</dom></b> - she says teasing you further.
-<b><you> I.. Sorry for staring..</you></b> - you apologize submissively.
<b><center> As you get ready to get up, you feel her placing her feet on your chest and throwing you to the ground.</center></B>
-<B><dom> "Stay boi."</dom></B> - she says as she walks close to you, seating on a nearby chair, waving her feet over your face.
-<b><you> W..what's going on..?</you></B> - you ask confused
-<b><dom> "You can't lie to me, I feel you growing horny from staring at my feet, you're such a naughty <pink>sissy</pink> boi. I like how you are developing so I'll give you the treat of serving me here, lick my shoe and do a good job and I might consider having you as my slave in the future."</dom></b> - she says as she waves her heel on your face.
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\feetjob2.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><center> You immediately open your mouth, wanting to serve her properly</center></b>
-<b><dom> "Good boi.. I don't know who is training but they are doing a great job.. so obedient.."</dom></b> - she says as she plants the bottom of her shoe in your mouth
<b><center> As the bottom of her shoe its your tongue, you start licking it, not wanting to displease her.. it's dirty and you can feel the grains of dirt on your mouth.. she has walked so much to get here..</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\feetjob3.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><dom> "Look at you! Such a good job, you definitely want to be my slave don't you boi? Come on lick the heel now, I want you to taste every ground I've walked on until now."</dom></b> - she says pointing her heel at your mouth.
<b><center> And you obey, licking and sucking the heel like it was a cock.</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\feetjob4.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><dom> "Wow.. that is a trained mouth, something tells me you have sucked some cocks already you whore.. that's enough for now I'm satisfied.. I'll consider you for my next slave, open your mouth."</dom></b> - she orders you one last time
<b><center> When you do open your mouth, she gargles spit in her mouth and spits inside your mouth like you were the ground she just walked on, some of it even gets in your face.</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\spitpov.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><dom> "There you go, some clean up juice for you, I'm taking this buttplug with me, I dropped it accidentaly, thanks for picking it up slave."</dom></B> - she says laughing at you.
<b><center> You then proceed to sell her the buttplug and resume your day, nothing else happens in the rest of the day, but you feel her spit and the taste of her heels for the rest of your day..</center></B>
<<set $money to $money+15>>\
<green><b><center><i> You received 15€ for your work!</i></center></b></green>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\moneyinhand.png"></span></center>
<center>[[Undress and go outside|RedlightDistrict]]</center>
<center>[[Undress and go straight home|Room]]</center>
<</timed>><center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\outside.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<<if $time is 0>>\
<center><img src="images\city\house.jpg" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>
<<elseif $time is 1>>\
<center><img src="images\city\house.jpg" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>
<<elseif $time is 2>>\
<center><img src="images\city\housenight.jpg" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>\
<b><center> You have nothing to do and thought about that guy in the park.. he was pretty nice, you don't even know his name but he did give you his number.. perhaps you could go on a date with him?</center></b>
<div id="choice">
<<linkreplace "<pink><center> • Go on a date with him in the park</center></pink>">>\
<<replace "#choice">>\
<b><center> You decide to send him a message to meet up in the park, he agrees and you head towards the park for your date.</center></b>
<center>[[Head towards the park for your date|parkguysub2]]</center>
<div id="choice">
<<linkreplace "<red><center> Don't go. (Ends romantic path with park guy)</center></red>">>
<<replace "#choice">>
<<set $parkguydate to false>>\
<b><center> You don't see a reason why you should go on a date with a guy.. specially a random one that gave you his number.. you just go back home</center></b>
<center>[[Go to your house|Home]]</center>\
</div><<set $timer to 0>>\
<<set $parksubguy1 to false>>\
<<set $orientation to 1>>\
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\park.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<<if $time is 1>>\
<center><img src="images\city\park.png" height = "400px" width = "750px">
<<elseif $time is 0>>\
<center><img src="images\city\park.png" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>\
<<elseif $time is 2>>\
<b><center> You feel the breeze of the cold night on your face and you decide to..</center></b>
<b><center> You arrive at the park and he's already there waiting for you, he was pretty quick.. you did take a while to get ready, it's really weird to get ready for a man.. specially when you always used to get ready for <gf>$gfname</gf>.. but things changed and you are open to romance now. He looks quite handsome actually..</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\parkguy.jpg"></span></center>
<b><center> He's quite buff aswell.. damn.. better go there and greet him, it's really weird that you don't even know his name yet you have sucked his cock.. well, life.</center></b>
-<b><you> H..hey ehm.. I don't know your <white>name</white> but thanks for coming..</you></b> - you ask subtly
-<b><white> "Haha I was very suprised that you actually called, my name is <white>Nathan</white> thanks for inviting me, you look amazing by the way! I can see you're accepting more of your <pink>sissy</pink> side, looks really good on you."</white></b> - he says complimenting you.
<b><center> You are glad he noticed, you did take quite alot of time getting ready and you stole some clothes from <sister>$sistername</sister> but it's not even her style so she won't miss it.. I think..</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\floraldressmc.png"></span></center>
-<b><white> "Here for you, I bought this on the way.. guessed a girl like you would like this.."</white></b> - he says giving you a bouquet of flowers, clearly showing his intentions of actually giving you a proper date.
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\parkguyflowers.jpg"></span></center>
-<b><you> no one has ever given me flowers before.. that's really sweet, thanks..</you></b> - you say honestly, grabbing the flowers and smelling them, appreciating his gesture.
-<b><white> "Look I know we started on the wrong foot I mean.. you gave me a blowjob already and now I'm trying to take you out on a date in a serious manner.. but I really do want to know you <you>$name</you>.. so would you give me a chance?"</white></b> - he says smiling at you kindly
<b><center> Wow he's being very honest about it.. he seems like a really nice guy.. perhaps I was wrong about him in the first time.</center></B>
-<b><pink> Yeah of course..</pink></b> - you say putting on a more girly voice.
-<b><white> "Great! Thank you.. I know a really good place on this park and don't worry.. it's nothing sexual, it's a great pond where we can sit and talk, follow me."</white></b> - he says as he grabs your hand and makes you follow him
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\grabhand.jpg"></span></center>
<b><center> This is quite romantic.. you feel like a little girl.. this is kinda nice..</center></b>
-<b><white> "Here.. isn't it great? Let's sit down."</white></b> - he says as he sits on a bench nearby the pond.
-<b><pink> It really is a great view, it feels very connective to nature.. it's nice</pink></b> - you tell him admiring the view.
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\sittingpark.jpg"></span></center>
-<b><white> "So tell me more about you.. how did this start? I assume there was something that changed in you.. Did you always want to be a <pink>sissy girl?</pink></white></b> - he asks you honestly.
<b><center> How did it start..? I guess it was a snowball ever since that email on your computer..</center></b>
-<b><pink> "Well.. I guess it all snowballed a little.. I never had any intention of becoming how I am now.. but as I learnt about things I sort of just started changing.. I also have people supporting me and.. <i>helping</i> me I guess.."</pink></b> - you say thinking about <sister>$sistername</sister> and <teacher>$nameteacher</teacher>.
-<b><white> "Oh that's interesting.. so you discovered it.. I dont know how you looked like before but you look amazing now.."</white></b> - he says not missing a chance to compliment you.
<b><center> You blush at his compliments, he's a really nice guy..</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\mcmakeup2.png"></span></center>
-<b><pink> T..thank you that's very nice of you.. You look really good too..</pink></b> - you compliment back.
-<b><white> "Haha thanks.. By the way.. you aren't seeing anyone are you?"</white></b> - he asks curious
-<b><pink> Well.. no, I broke up with my girlfriend recently actually.. she just.. changed I guess..</pink></b> - you say honestly.
-<b><white> "Oh sorry to hear that.. I don't want to press you into doing something you dont want so we can just get to know each other for now and be friends what do you say?"</white></B> - he says being forward with you.
-<b><pink> Sounds great! I'm loving the day so far, you are a really nice guy actually <white>Nathan</white> thanks for coming.. it has been a really nice change of pace.</pink></B> - you say honestly and happily.
-<b><white> "Of course no probs!"</white></B> - he says
<b><center> You two then proceed to talk about alot of things till the sun starts to set and it's time to come home.</center></b>
-<b><pink> Oh wow look at the time.. it has passed really quickly.. I should head home actually if that's okay for you..</pink></B> - you ask sad
-<b><white> "Of course! We can do this again another day or somewhere else if you're up to.."</white></b> - he asks for a second date.
-<b><pink> Yeah! I'll message you again.. thank you for everything really it was really nice to know you.. and for the flowers, thank you!</pink></b> - you say happily as you head next to him to give him a hug.
<b><center> As you hug him, you two stare into each others eyes as you get back and he doesn't miss his chance and kisses you.</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\kisspark.gif"></span></center>
-<b><white> "Shit.. was that too much? Sorry.. I just couldn't resist.."</white></b> - he says embarassed.
-<b><pink> that was nice.. thank you.. I'll get going..</pink></B> - you say shy, weak in your legs and clitty leaking like a girl.
-<b><white> "A..alright I'll see you another day.. I'll be waiting for your message.. bye <pink>$name</pink>.."</white></b> - he says as he heads away waving.
<b><center> Wow.. that was really.. nice what the hell? So this is how it feels to be a woman? It feels so nice to be protected by a big man.. I'll definitely call him again..</center></b>
<<set $homosexuality to $homosexuality+1>>
<b><center><you><font size="6"> Homosexuality+1!</font></you></center></b>\
<b><center><teacher><font size="6">After today's events, you now identify as Bisexual!</font></teacher></center></b>\
<<set $submissive to $submissive+1>>\
<b><center><pink> Submissiveness +1!</pink></center></b>\
<center>[[Head home|Home]]</center>
<span class='fadeIn'>\
<<set $teacherstrap to false>>\
<<set $timer to 0>>\
<<set $time to $time+1>>\
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\detention.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><img src="images\city\detention.jpg" width = "550px"></center>
<b><center> You enter the detention room and you are greeted with a sight you've seen before.. <teacher>Mistress $nameteacher</teacher> is just standing in the middle of the detention room with her strap on out wearing a very kinky dominatrix outfit.. perhaps she was waiting for someone else again?</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\teachestrap.jpg"></span></center>
-<b><you> Oh did I come in at a wrong time again..? Sorry.. I'll see myself out.</you></b> - you say ready to leave.
<b><center> Then suddenly you hear her loud sharp voice behind you.</center></b>
-<b><teacher> "Dont you dare leave. Lock the door behind you and come in, now <pink>slave!</pink>"</teacher></b> - she screams at you, scaring you.
<b><center> Oh no.. does this mean the strap on is for you? There's no way you are ready to take something up your boipussy.. it's too much..</center></b>
-<b><you> Ehm sorry.. What can I do for you <teacher>Mistress?</teacher></you></B> - you ask her honestly.
<b><center> She just stands there looking at you dominantly, grabbing her strap-on and jerking it</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\teacherfit1pt.jpg"></span></center>
-<b><teacher> "Do you like my strap boi?"</teacher></b> - she asks you.
-<b><you> Eh yeah.. it's.. big.</you></b> - you say honestly, not knowing what to say.
-<b><teacher> "Well you better like it because you are about to suck it like it was a real cock, understand slave?"</teacher></b> - she says giving you a sly smile
<b><center> Oh my god.. are you really going to submit and suck your own teachers cock?</center></b>
-<b><teacher> "Come on, kneel in front of me slave."</teacher></b> - she orders, coming close to you, pointing at the ground beneath her.
<b><center> You kick into action quickly and kneel in front of her like a good <pink>sissy slave</pink></center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\teacherstrapbj1.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><teacher> "Good slave.. so well mannered.. I trained you so well.."</teacher></b> - she says as she slaps her plastic cock on your face.
-<b><you> T..thank you <teacher>Mistress</teacher>..</you></b> - you thank her.
-<b><teacher> "Here.. let me give you some taste to the cock.."</teacher></b> - she says spiting on the head of the strap-on, lubing it up for you.
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\teacherstrapbj2.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><teacher> "What are you waiting for slave? Suck it now!"</teacher></b> - she says screaming at you, grabbing your head and plunging her cock deep into your throat.
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\teacherstrapbj3.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><center> All you can hear in the silent room is the sounds of your throat resisting the fat long plastic cock of your <teacher>Mistress</teacher> and your saliva dropping on the floor as you drool all over it..</center></b>
-<B><you> Gwawahh.. jesus..</you></b> - you say as you take it out to breath a little bit.
-<b><teacher> "Good girl.. here some more spit for you slave."</teacher></b> - she says spitting on it again, some of it hitting your face
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\teacherstrapbj4.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><center> You like the fact she is always lubing it for you.. you can feel the taste of the tabacco on her saliva.. it's becoming a familiar flavour for you.. the taste of your dominant <teacher>Mistress</teacher>..</center></b>
-<b><teacher> "Lets test that throat.. deep throat this cock boi, come on."</teacher></b> - she says as she forcefully grabs your head and fucks your face and throat, making it hurt but she doesn't care.
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\teacherstrapbj5.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><teacher> "Look at you! What a professional cocksucker! I can tell for sure you've been sucking some cocks you whore.. what have you been doing without telling me huh? Such a nasty slut.."</teacher></b> - she says humiliating you.
-<b><pink> Y..yes <teacher>Mistress</teacher> I'm a slut.. I'm sorry..</pink></b> - you say in a feminine voice, lost in arousal.
-<b><teacher> "Jesus.. such a <pink>sissy whore</pink>.. I might have you whoring yourself in the streets in no time to give money for me.. what do you think?"</teacher></b> - she asks you, giving an image of you in skimpy clothing on the streets, whoring yourself.
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\sissywhore.jpg"></span></center>
-<b><pink> Whatever you want <teacher>Mistress..</teacher>. I'm yours..</pink></B> - you submit completely.
-<b><teacher> "Good whore.. you passed the test, this is enough for now, open your mouth."</teacher></b> - she orders you, grabbing your chin.
<b><center> When you do, she spits all over your face and smears it, slapping your face with her plastic cock afterwards.</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\teacherstrapbj6.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><teacher> "Consider this me cumming on your face.. you can leave now whore, clean yourself please."</teacher><b> - she says dismissing you.
-<b><pink> T..thank you</pink> <teacher>Mistress $nameteacher</teacher></b> - you say as you get up and leave.
<<set $submissive to $submissive+1>>\
<b><center><pink> Submissiveness +1!</pink></center></b>\
<center>[[Leave the detention room|School Hallway]]</center><center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\brothel.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>\
<center><img src="images\city\brothel.jpg" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>\
<b><center> You enter the brothel and are greeted by neon lights and a sultry vibe around the establishment.. you also see a woman in the desk who you assume is the receptionist.</center></b>
<center>-<b><teacher> "Hello, how can I help you?"</teacher></B> - the woman asks you.</center>
<div id="choice">\
<<linkreplace "<pink> • Ask for a female prostitute</pink>">>
<<replace "#choice">>\
-<b><teacher> "Certainly. What service do you wish to receive?"</teacher></b> - she asks you.
<<if $money >=10>>\
<span class="eventbrothel"><center><u>[[Handjob|HandjobBrothel]]</u></center></span>\
<<elseif $money <=10>>\
<center><grey>You don't have enough money for an Handjob.</grey></center>\
<<if $money >=20>>\
<span class="eventbrothel"><center><u>[[Blowjob|BlowjobBrothel]]</u></center></span>\
<<elseif $money <20>>\
<center><grey>You don't have enough money for a Blowjob.</grey></center>\
<<if $money >=30>>\
<span class="eventbrothel"><center><u>[[Sex|SexBrothel]]</u></center></span>\
<<elseif $money <30>>\
<center><grey>You don't have enough money for Sex.</grey></center>\
<<if $money >=15 and $feminization >=2>>\
<span class="eventsub"><center><u>[[Footjob|FootjobBrothel]]</u></center></span>\
<<elseif $money <15 and $feminization <2>>\
<center><grey>You don't have enough money for Sex.</grey></center>\
<<if $money >=25 and $feminization >=4>>\
<span class="eventsub"><center><u>[[Facesitting|FacesitingBrothel]]</u></center></span>\
<<elseif $money <25 and $feminization <4>>\
<center><grey>You don't have enough money for Sex.</grey></center>\
<center>[[Change decisions|Brothel]]</center>
<div id="choice">\
<<linkreplace "<blue> • Ask for a male prostitute</blue>">>
<<replace "#choice">>\
-<b><teacher> "Certainly. What service do you wish to receive?"</teacher></b> - she asks you.
<<if $money >=10>>\
<span class="eventdom"><center><u>[[Receive an Handjob|HandjobBrothelReceive]]</u></center></span>\
<<elseif $money <=10>>\
<center><grey>You don't have enough money for an Handjob.</grey></center>\
<<if $money >=20 and $feminization >=2>>\
<span class="eventsub"><center><u>[[Give an Handjob|HandjobBrothelGive]]</u></center></span>\
<<elseif $money <20>>\
<center><grey>You don't have enough money for an Handjob.</grey></center>\
<<if $money >=30>>\
<span class="eventdom"><center><u>[[Receive a Blowjob|BlowjobBrothelReceive]]</u></center></span>\
<<elseif $money <30>>\
<center><grey>You don't have enough money for Blowjob.</grey></center>\
<<if $money >=35 and $feminization >=4>>\
<span class="eventsub"><center><u>[[Give a blowjob|BlowjobGiveBrothel]]</u></center></span>\
<<elseif $money <35 and $feminization <4>>\
<center><grey>You don't have enough money for Blowjob.</grey></center>\
<<if $money >=50>>\
<span class="eventdom"><center><u>[[Have sex|SexReceive]]</u></center></span>\
<<elseif $money <50>>\
<center><grey>You don't have enough money for Sex.</grey></center>\
<<if $money >=35 and $feminization >=8 and $siseventsub9 is false>>\
<span class="eventsub"><center><u>[[Get fucked|SexGiveBrothel]]</u></center></span>\
<<elseif $money <35 and $feminization <=8 and $siseventsub9 is false>>\
<center><grey>You don't have enough money to get fucked.</grey></center>\
<center>[[Change decisions|Brothel]]</center>
<div id="choice">\
<<linkreplace "<white> • Nothing </white>">>
<<replace "#choice">>
<b><center> Currently you do not wish for any services so you just say you don't need anything and leave the place.</center></b>
-<b><you> I dont need anything thank you.</you></b> - you tell her and leave.
<center>[[Leave the place|RedlightDistrict]]</center>
<hr>\<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\brothel.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>\
<center><img src="images\city\brothelroom.png" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>\
<b><center> You enter the room to get the service you asked and following the theme of the brothel it's full of neon lights and it has a bed in the middle of the room, after a while a beautiful woman comes into the room who you assume is the brothel whore you requested, she is beautiful.</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\brothelworker.jpg"></span></center>
-<b><purple> "Greetings.. What service did you request?"</purple></b> - she asks you.
-<b><you> A.. handjob please..</you></B> - you say honestly.
-<b><purple> "As you wish.. please undress and lay on that bed."</purple></B> - she says pointing at the bed.
<<if $mcchastity is true>>\
<b><center> Shit.. why did you ask for a handjob when you are in chastity? Obviously she cannot give you an handjob if you are caged.. nevertheless you get naked and lay on the bed.</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\chastityout.jpg"></span></center>
-<b><purple> "Oh.. I'm sorry sir or.. <pink>ma'am</pink> I cannot give you an handjob if you are caged.. but since you already payed you can tug that little thing while you watch me.."</purple></b> - she says as she gets on top of you, flaunting her beautiful pussy on your face.
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\chastitytease.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><center> Fuck.. if only you weren't caged, you could be having an handjob from this beautiful woman.. it hurts.. maybe you can try and feel something by giving yourself an handjob over the cage?</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\chastityhandjob.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><purple> "Aww.. so pathetic.. I don't think you wanted an handjob.. you just wanted to be humiliated didn't you? You worthless <pink>sissy boi</pink>. Just leave your money behind and go, pussy. Go suck some cocks on the street.."</purple></b> - she says humiliating you, grabbing your money and leaving you leaking.
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\leakingcage.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<<set $money to $money-10>>\
<green><center><b> -10€!</b></center></green>
<center>[[Leave towards the brothel|Brothel]]</center>
<<elseif $mcchastity is false>>\
<b><center> You do what she asked and lay on the bed, cock hard and ready to get the handjob of your life, she then lays next to you and starts kissing your body as she gives you an handjob.</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\handjobbrothel.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><you> Wow.. your hand feels so good ma'am..</you></b> - you compliment her abilities
-<b><purple> "Thank you.. that's very sweet of you.. feel free to cum anytime you want.."</purple></b> - she says letting you cum whenever you want.
<b><center> And that's what you do.. you eventually cum all over her hand, feeling sastisfied.</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\handjobcum.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><purple> "Hope you liked our services.. come back anytime.."</purple></b> - she says leaving you to clean up.
<<set $money to $money-10>>\
<green><center><b> -10€!</b></center></green>
<center>[[Leave towards the brothel|Brothel]]</center>
<</if>>\<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\brothel.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>\
<center><img src="images\city\brothelroom.png" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>\
<b><center> You enter the room to get the service you asked and following the theme of the brothel it's full of neon lights and it has a bed in the middle of the room, after a while a beautiful woman comes into the room who you assume is the brothel whore you requested, she is beautiful.</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\brothelworker.jpg"></span></center>
-<b><purple> "Greetings.. What service did you request?"</purple></b> - she asks you.
-<b><you> A.. blowjob please..</you></B> - you say honestly.
-<b><purple> "As you wish.. please undress and lay on that bed."</purple></B> - she says pointing at the bed.
<<if $mcchastity is true>>\
<b><center> Shit.. why did you just ask for a blowjob in a brothel when you are in chastity? Are you stupid? She's going to laugh at you for sure.. Nevertheless you get naked in the bed with your cage on.</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\chastitybrothel.jpg"></span></center>
<b><center> She then turns around and looks at you and raises an eyebrow and starts giggling.</center></b>
-<b><purple> " I didn't realise you were a <pink>sissy</pink> sir.. or should I say <pink>ma'am</pink>? I'll stil fulfill my job of course.. I just can't guarantee your orgasm."</purple></B> - she says as she kneels in front of you and plays with your chastity
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\chastityplaying.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><you> Hmmhn..</you></b> - you moan as she plays with it.
-<b><purple> "I must say.. it's quite cute.. I've never seen someone in a chastity cage before.. as you may guess not alot of costumers come here for a blowjob in a chastity cage and people who are into kinkier stuff usually ask for other girls.. this is interesting.."</purple></B> - she says as she takes your chastity caged cock into her mouth.
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\chastityblowjob1.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><you> "G..god.. this is even worse.. my <pink>clit</pink> hurts against the cage.."</you></b> - you say suffering
-<b><purple> "Aww.. so cute.."</purple></B> - she says as she grows even more enthusiastic at your suffering
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\chastityblowjob2.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><center> You don't think you can take this anymore, you can feel the warmth of her breath yet you feel no physical pleasure from it.. this is torture.</center></b>
-<b><you> P..please stop.. that is enough..</you></B> - you beg her to stop.
-<b><purple> "As you wish <pink>ma'am</pink>.. hope you enjoyed our services hehe.."</purple></b> - she says giggling at your cock as it leaks tremendously.
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\leakingcage.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><you> "T..thank you bye.."</you></b> - you say as you leave to the hall.
<<set $money to $money-20>>\
<green><center><b> -20€!</b></center></green>
<center>[[Leave towards the brothel|Brothel]]</center>
<<elseif $mcchastity is false>>\
<b><center> You lay on the bed naked, cock out and hard ready to recieve the best blowjob of your life, she turns around and gets on her knees in front of you</center></b>
-<b><purple> "May I start sir?"</purple></b> - she asks waiting for your permission.
-<b><you> Yes please..</you></b> - you say excited, extremely aroused.
<b><center> She then proceeds to take your cock into her mouth, sucking you off like a vixen.</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\blowjobbrothel.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><you> Dear lord..</you></b> - you mumble to yourself.
<b><center> Jesus christ.. this is the best blowjob you've ever gotten in your life.. she is sucking your soul out..</center></b>
-<b><purple> "Are you enjoying sir?"</purple></b> - she says taking your cock from her mouth for a second to ask
-<b><you> Yes yes.. please keep going..</you></b> - you say excited as you start fucking her throat
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\fuckthroatbrothel.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><center> You cannot hold it anymore and quickly cum all over her face.</center></b>
-<b><you> F..fuck I'M CUMMING..</you></b> - you say as you bust a nut all over her face.
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\cumshotbrothel.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><purple> "Thank you sir for your cum.. hope you enjoyed our services.."</purple></b> - she says as she cleans her face.
<b><center> You then leave a bill behind and leave back to the brothel.</center></b>
<<set $money to $money-20>>\
<green><center><b> -20€!</b></center></green>
<center>[[Leave towards the brothel|Brothel]]</center>
<</if>>\<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\brothel.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>\
<center><img src="images\city\brothelroom.png" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>\
<b><center> You enter the room to get the service you asked and following the theme of the brothel it's full of neon lights and it has a bed in the middle of the room, after a while a beautiful woman comes into the room who you assume is the brothel whore you requested, she is beautiful.</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\brothelworker.jpg"></span></center>
-<b><purple> "Greetings.. What service did you request?"</purple></b> - she asks you.
-<b><you> Sex please..</you></B> - you say honestly.
-<b><purple> "As you wish.. please undress and lay on that bed."</purple></B> - she says pointing at the bed.
<<if $mcchastity is true and $siseventsub9 is true>>\
<b><center> Oh fuck.. why did you come to a brothel caged? How are you going to have sex with a hot girl while you are caged? She's going to make fun of you..</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\chastityout.jpg"></span></center>
-<b><you> Ehm..</you></b> - you say embarassed as she turns around.
-<b><purple> "Wow.. what is that tiny thing? Why is it locked..?"</purple></b> - she says humiliating you
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\tinypenishumiliate.png"></span></center>
-<b><you> S..sorry..</you></b> - you say apologizing.
-<b><purple> "Jesus christ you freak.. what am I meant to do now? Do you want me to call a man to fuck you?"</purple></b> - she asks you
<b><center> As hot as that sounds.. you aren't quite ready for that..</center></b>
-<b><purple> "Guess not.. Well I'll give you the service you asked.. I'll just try to fuck that tiny thing.."</purple></b> - she says as she gets on top of you and rubs your chastity caged penis on her pussy
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\cagerubbingbrothel.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><center> Oh god.. this hurts so much.. you just want to stick in.. why are you caged lord.. she's so hot aswell..</center></b>
-<b><purple> "HAHAHA this is really funny actually.. look at your face you're in so much pain and you can't do anything.. something tells me you don't have the key to this little lock.. what a worthless <pink>beta male</pink>. I'm done entertaining you, you can see yourself out. I'm taking an extra tip aswell."</purple></B> - she says as she grabs your wallet taking 10 extra euros from it.
<b><center> Fuck.. not only are you leaking like a little bitch you also overpayed to be humiliated.. guess next time you better come uncaged..</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\leakingcage.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<<set $money to $money-40>>\
<green><center><b> -40€!</b></center></green>
<center>[[Leave towards the brothel|Brothel]]</center>
<<elseif $mcchastity is true and $siseventsub9 is false>>\
<b><center> Oh fuck.. why did you come to a brothel caged? How are you going to have sex with a hot girl while you are caged? She's going to make fun of you..</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\chastityout.jpg"></span></center>
-<b><you> Ehm..</you></b> - you say embarassed as she turns around.
-<b><purple> "Wow.. what is that tiny thing? Why is it locked..?"</purple></b> - she says humiliating you
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\tinypenishumiliate.png"></span></center>
-<b><you> S..sorry..</you></b> - you say apologizing.
-<b><purple> "Jesus christ you freak.. Actually.. since you requested for sex yet you can't do the fucking.. why don't I fuck you instead.. stay there."</purple></b> - she says as she goes to another room to grab something
<b><center> You just wait like she ordered you to do.. what did she mean by her fucking you instead? Is she going to unlock you somehow? After a while you hear footsteps coming towards your door and she comes back.. however she has a key difference in her outfit.. she's wearing a huge strap-on!</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\straponprostitute.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><you>! Ehm.. I didn't.. ask for this..</you></b> - you say not expecting to be pegged today
-<b><purple> "Well little sissy slut.. if you didnt want to get fucked perhaps you should've thought twice before coming to a fucking brothel in chastity, even if you didn't want this.. clearly you deserve this.. now undress and get on all fours! I want to destroy that sweet asspussy."</purple></b> - she orders while rubbing her huge plastic cock
<b><center> You take a large gulp but notice that clearly you dont have a way out of this and realistically she is right.. why did you come to a brothel in chastity..?</center></b>
-<b><purple> "Ready or not here I come!"</purple></B> - she announces as she grabs your chastity caged clit while fucking you sideways
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\chastitypeggedbrothel1.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><you> ohhHHHH fuck..! It's so ff..fucking big and dd..eep!!</you></b> - you say moaning as she has no mercy on you
-<b><purple> "Look at you! Taking it so easily.. you can't fool me slut, clearly you have been fucked before! Who was the lucky man?"</purple></b> - she asks as she fucks you
-<b><you> My.. my sisss..ter!</you></B> - you admit while getting fucking not even thinking about your words
-<b><purple> "Holy shit.. your own sister?? HAHAHAHA that's gotta be the craziest stuff I heard while working here, your own sister pegs you? What a fucking slut.. she sounds like a lovely lady tho.. now hurry up and cum for me.. I dont have all day!"</purple></b> - she says humiliating you as she speeds up
<b><center> The humiliation of her knowing your sister fucks you plus the pleasure and intensity of her fucking quickly brings you to a dry orgasm.. you <pink>sissygasm</pink> from getting pegged by a brothel slut as she laughs at you!</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\chastitypeggedbrothel2.webm" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><purple> "HAHAHA this was so much fun.. god.. i love sissies.. anyways get out of my sight, if you actually want to fuck me, which clearly you don't, come back without that little thing between your legs, loser."</purple></b> - she says slapping her plastic cock on your face, smearing it all over you
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\chastitypeggedbrothel3.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><center> You then get dressed and leave, feeling humiliated..</center></b>
<<set $money to $money-40>>\
<green><center><b> -40€!</b></center></green>
<center>[[Leave towards the brothel|Brothel]]</center>
<<elseif $mcchastity is false>>\
<b><center> You do what she said and get naked on the bed, cock erect and ready to fuck.. she quickly gets on top of you not even saying a word and sticks it inside her warm hole.</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\sexbrothel.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><purple> "F..fuck you're quite big.."</purple></b> - she says as you fuck her
<b><center> You don't even think twice of where to cum and let a load inside her..</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\cuminsidebrothel.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><purple> "Oh god.. you aren't supposed to come inside me.. but you're quite cute so I'll allow it.. thank you for using me.."</purple></b> - she says as she leaves towards the bathroom.
<<set $money to $money-30>>\
<green><center><b> -30€!</b></center></green>
<center>[[Leave towards the brothel|Brothel]]</center>
<</if>>\<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\brothel.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>\
<center><img src="images\city\brothelroom.png" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>\
<b><center> You enter the room to get the service you asked and following the theme of the brothel it's full of neon lights and it has a bed in the middle of the room, after a while a beautiful woman in a latex dominatrix outfit comes in.. it's not the same woman that usually comes, this one is giving a more <red>dominant</red> vibe..</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\dominantwhore.png"></span></center>
-<b><red> "Hello. What do you want"</red></b> - she asks you in a worry, looking displeased.
-<b><you> I'd like a footjob please..</you></B> - you say submissively.
-<b><red> "Lay on the bed <pink>whiteboi.</pink>"</red></B> - she says pointing at the bed.
<<if $mcchastity is true>>\
<b><center> Oh shit.. you are in chastity.. how are you going to get a footjob in chastity? It's just going to hurt.. you lay on the bed naked displaying your chastity anyways.</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\chastitybrothel.jpg"></span></center>
-<b><red> "What the fuck.. how am I supposed to give you a footjob in chastity you retarted fuck? I knew you were a <pink>sissy</pink> I felt it immediately.. lay on the ground, now you're going to suffer a painful footjob."</red></b> - she says as she towers over your cock.
<b><center> Oh no.. please this is going to so painful..</center></b>
-<b><you> Be gentle please..</you></b> - you kindly ask.
-<b><red> "Fuck no you piece of shit."</red></b> - she says as she starts to rub her feet all over your chastitised cock.
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\chastityfootjob.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><red> "God you're so small too.. what was the point of coming here? You want me to humiliate you? You will never fuck any girl anymore.. you're a worthless white boi.. god I just wish I had a manly cock to fuck me while I do this to you.. I'm done with this, I'm taking your money and leaving, garbage can."</red></b> - she says as she grabs your money and leaves.
<b><center> Fuck your balls hurts from so much teasing.. but it was kind of hot to be so humiliated..</center></b><center>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\leakingcage.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<<set $money to $money-15>>\
<green><center><b> -15€!</b></center></green>
<center>[[Leave towards the brothel|Brothel]]</center>
<<elseif $mcchastity is false>>\
<b><center> You do what she ordered and lay down on the bed with your cock out, still flaccid.</center></b>
-<b><red> "Well what are you waiting for boi? Get hard."</red></b> - she says ordering you.
<b><center> For some reason you cannot get hard, even though you have this beautiful woman in front of you.. there's something missing..</center></b>
-<b><red> "God you whitebois are always the same.. Want to see a magic trick? Look at you getting hard in a second.. You are a worthless piece of shit and that tiny thing should be locked in chastity, only <brown>big black men</brown> should be able to touch women like me."</red></b> - she says humiliating you.
<b><center> You don't know why but as she say those words you imagine what she said and you get hard as a rock.. it worked..</center></b>
-<b><red> "Always the same thing.. you whitebois are doomed to be extinct.. it's a matter of time.. anyways, here's your footjob boi."</red></b> - she says as she sticks a foot on your face and uses the other one to rub your penis.. as she does that you smell her feet and rub your cock.
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\footjobfemdom.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><red> "Pathetic boi.. cum all over my feet come on."</red></b> - she orders you.
<b><center> And you obey.. unloading quickly all over her feet.</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\footjobcum.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><red> "Good boi.. open your mouth now."</red></b> - she orders you.
<b><center> You open your mouth and then she proceeds to stick her foot on your mouth, the same foot you just came all over.. you can feel your seed all over it.. it's so salty, yet you lick them submissively..</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\footcum.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><red> "HAHAHA what a greedy slut.. I'm leaving and I'm taking a generous tip.. bye <pink>sissy slut</pink>.. visit me again you if you wish to be humiliated.."</red></b> - she says as she takes your money and leaves.
<b><center> Fuck she wasn't lying about the generous tip.. she took an extra twenty euros.. but it was really hot..</center></b>
<<set $money to $money-35>>\
<green><center><b> -35€!</b></center></green>
<center>[[Leave towards the brothel|Brothel]]</center>
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\brothel.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>\
<center><img src="images\city\brothelroom.png" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>\
<b><center> You enter the room to get the service you asked and following the theme of the brothel it's full of neon lights and it has a bed in the middle of the room, after a while a beautiful woman in a latex dominatrix outfit comes in.. it's not the same woman that usually comes, this one is giving a more <red>dominant</red> vibe..</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\dominantwhore.png"></span></center>
-<b><red> "Hello. What do you want"</red></b> - she asks you in a worry, looking displeased.
-<b><you> I'd like you to sit on my face please..</you></B> - you say submissively.
-<b><red> "Haha.. lay on the bed <pink>whiteboi.</pink>"</red></B> - she says pointing at the bed, ready to sit on your face.
<<if $mcchastity is true>>\
<b><center> Right.. you're in chastity.. did <sister>$sistername</sister> really have to put you in chastity..? It's going to hurt quite a bit.. hopefully the lady doesn't make a big fuss about it..</center></b>
-<b><red> "Aw look at you.. what a pretty <pink>sissy girl</pink> in chastity and everything.. no wonder you were so excited for me to sit on your face.. it's such a peculiar request.. but I'm happy to oblige.."</red></b> - she says as she gets on top of you.
<b><center> You are faced with her crotch in front of you.. you get ready to service her when she goes forward and licks your chastity clit making you strain against it</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\chastitycageteasing.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><red> "So cute.. you're straininga against it in pain.. anyways.. service me slave."</red><b> - she says as she sits on your face and you start servicing her.
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\chastitycagefacesitting.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><red> "oOooh.. what a trained tongue.. I love <pink>sissy bois</pink>.. you are always the best at oral skill.."</red></b> - she says content with your abilities.
<b><center> After a while she cums all over y our face, leaving you covered in her juices.</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\facesittingcum.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><red> "Well usually I say I hope you enjoyed my service but in this case.. thank you for your service <pink>sissy girl</pink>.. I'll still be taking your money though.. see you.."</red></b> - she says as she takes your money and leaves.
<b><center> You can feel her pussy all over your face.. but you leave satisfied.. cage leaking.</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\leakingcage.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<<set $money to $money-25>>\
<green><center><b> -25€!</b></center></green>
<center>[[Leave towards the brothel|Brothel]]</center>
<<elseif $mcchastity is false>>\
<b><center> You do what she said and lay down on the bed, ready to service her.</center></b>
-<b><red> "God you whitebois are always so small.. thank god I dont have to touch that.. lay down boi."</red></b> - she orders you.
<b><center> And you happily obey.. when you do she sits all over your face, agressively using your tongue like a toy.</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\facesittingbrothel.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><red> "Yes yes yes.. can you feel the last <brown>black guy</brown> that was inside of me? Lick his cum slut.."</red></b> - she says as you start to feel something slimy come inside your mouth
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\cumeatingbrothel.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><center> Fuck it's so salty and strong.. it's definitely cum in your mouth.. you can't help but swallow it.</center></b>
-<b><red> "Good boi.. you swallowed it AAAAll....!!"</red></b> - she says as she cums all over your mouth, pushing whatever rest of cum she had inside of her into your filthy mouth.
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\facesittingcum.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><red> "God that was so good, thanks <pink>sissy cucky</pink>.. I'll be taking a tip and leaving.. bye bye!"</red></b> - she says as she takes an extra tip and leaves.
<b><center> Fuck.. your mouth is so salty, you can feel the taste of a random <brown>black man</brown> inside your mouth.. nevertheless it was quite hot and you get ready to leave.</center></b>
<<set $money to $money-30>>\
<green><center><b> -30€!</b></center></green>
<center>[[Leave towards the brothel|Brothel]]</center>
<</if>>\<span class='fadeIn'>
<<set $bfsubevent4 to false>>\
<<set $timer to 0>>\
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\schoolhallway.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><img src="images\city\schoolhall.jpg" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>
<b><center> You left the classroom a little later than usual and there's barely anyone in school, you go outside when you are greeted by a sight you weren't expecting.. <bf>$bfname</bf> is on her knees crawling towards a classroom, you caught a glimpse of it but you're pretty sure you saw the <blue>guy</blue> who usually bullies her with his cock out entering the classroom.. what are they doing..?</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\bfcrawling.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><bf><font size ="-1"> "I'm comiing!"</font></bf></b> - you hear in the distance.
<b><center> Last time you spied on them in the bathroom she caught you looking at the end.. you know that <blue>he</blue> wants you aswell.. <blue>he</blue> has mentioned it before.. if you get caught looking again it could be bad for you.. but nevertheless you take a look inside.</center></b>
<center>[[Spy inside|bfsubevent4pt2]]</center><center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\classroom.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><img src="images\city\chemistryclassroom.jpg" width = "550px"></center>
<b><center> As you spy on them you immediately hear familiar noises of slurping.. you already know she's sucking his cock.. how could she fall so low to submit to the guy who always bullied you two..?</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\bfclassroom1.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><bf> "Fuck.. I love your cock so much babe.. I want to suck it forever.."</bf></b> - she says calling him babe.
<b><center> Babe? Are they dating? What..</center></b>
-<b><blue> "Shut up slut I don't care.. Have you done what I asked of you? I want that other <pink>sissies</pink> mouth too."</blue></b> - he asks her as she sucks
-<b><bf> " Ih thold u.. shesh not.. eady!"</bf></b> - <bf>$bfname</bf> says mid sucking him.
<b><center> Why does he want you so much..? Is it some type of kink of him to have people he bullies submit to him?</center></b>
-<b><blue> "He is.. I know he is I can feel it.. The way he looks at me that whore.. Get up I want to fuck you."</blue></b> - he humiliates you and orders her
<b><center> Wow.. they are going to fuck on the teachers desk.. if <teacher>Miss $nameteacher</teacher> found out she would be so pissed..</center></b>
-<b><bf> "Yes <blue>Master!</blue>"</bf></b> - she says happily as she gets on top of the desk on all fours
<b><center> Once she is in position he wastes no time. He thrusts violently inside her hungry hole, fucking her <pink>boipussy</pink></center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\bfclassroom2.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<<if $mcchastity is false>>\
<b><center> They are fucking violently and you are growing horny from just watching.. feeling a boner grow in your pants, you want to masturbate to this scene.. it's really hot.. As you are watching you get distracted and suddenly someone taps you and you gasp loudly jumping and closing the door.</center></b>
<<elseif $mcchastity is true>>\
<b><center> They are fucking violently and you are growing horny from just watching.. unfortunately you cannot masturbate since you are caged.. it just hurts your tiny penis. As you are watching you get distracted and suddenly someone taps you and you gasp loudly jumping and closing the door.</center></b>
-<b><white> "Are you okay? I called you like three times.. what are you watching?"</white></b> - a random girl from your class asks.
-<b><you> eEEehmm.. Nothing! I can't let you see what's inside sorry.. two friends are confessing to one another and asked for privacy..</you></b> - you come up with an excuse on the spot.
-<b><white> "Oh! Hehe okay.. sorry for startling you! Good luck!"</white></b> - she says as she leaves you
<b><center> Fuck.. now they know you were watching for sure.. As you are thinking this the door opens behind you and you are greeted with <bf>$bfname</bf> looking at you smirking.</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\bfsmirk.jpg"></span></center>
-<b><bf> "Well well well.. again bestie? Do you get off watching us fuck? Come in.."</bf></b> - she says grabbing you arm and inviting you in, closing the door behind her and locking it.
<b><center> Now that you think.. she could've locked the door before but she didn't.. was she expecting you to spy on them again..? How are you going to get out of ths one? <blue> the bully</blue> is smirking at you and eating you with his eyes already..</center></b>
-<b><you> I.. I'm sorry I didn't mean to pry.. I was just worried..</you></b> - you apologize as you get close to them.
-<b><bf> "Right.. But now you know about us and you could expose <blue> Matt</blue>.. I think in order for us to trust you, you should fluff for us."</bf></b> - she says giggling.
-<b><blue> "Yeah whore.. you better suck this cock."</blue></b> - he says smiling from ear to ear
<b><center> Fuck.. what have you gotten yourself into? You should've known better.. fluff? Are you <bf>$bfname</bf> cuck or something..? You should probably do what she asked though</center></b>
-<b><you> F..fine..</you></b> - you agree submissively.
-<b><blue> "See?! I told you he was ready the whore.."</blue></b> - he says grabbing his cock and coming near you.
-<b><bf> "Guess I was wrong.."</bf></b> - your bestie says shocked.
<b><center> You get on your knees in front of him and without wasting time, you start sucking his cock.</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\bfclassroom3.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><center> Fuck it's thick.. it's not the biggest cock you had but it's very thick.. and you can taste <bf>$bfname</bf> ass on it..</center></b>
-<b><blue> "fFfuuck.. you two are the best cocksuckers in this school.. this isn't the first cock you sucked is it whore?"</blue></b> - he asks you.
-<b><you> N..hno..</you></b> - you say as you suck his cock being honest.
<b><center> You take a look at <bf>$bfname</bf> and she is quite suprised with your answer.</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\bfsuprised.png"></span></center>
-<b><blue> "Alright that's enough.. you did a very good job, one day I'll have a taste of that ass.. unless you want it already?"</blue></b> - he asks you
-<b><you> thanks..</you></b> - you say scared.
<b><center> He shrugs and then proceeds to stick it back into <bf>$bfname</bf> fucking her roughly again. You just stand there and watch them fuck, feeling a little bit like a cuckold it's quite hot to get first row seas though..</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\bfclassroom4.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><bf> "Yes yes yes.. fuck me <blue>master</blue>.. I love you.."</bf></b> - she says confessing to him
<b><center> It kinda of stings to see her confess to him for some reason.. but it's really hot..</center></b>
-<b><blue> "Shut up toy.. take.. my.. cum!"</blue></b> - he says as he unloads a nut inside her <pink>boipussy</pink> treating her like an object to just dump cum into.
<b><center> You can see the creampie leaving her ass as he takes his cock out.. you can even smell it from here..</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\creampiebf.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><bf> "God I'm spent.. did you enjoy watching it bestie..?"</bf></b> - she asks you
-<b><you> Y..yeah.. I'm going now.. bye bestie.. bye <blue> Matt</blue></you></b> - you say as you get up ready to leave.
<b><center> As you get up and turn around, he smacks your ass like you were his whore</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\slapass2.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><blue> "Bye whore.. You're my slut too now.. If I want you to suck my cock you will do it understand? Or I'll beat you and this faggots ass"</blue></b> - he says grabbing <bf>$bfname</bf> hair.
<b><center> You thought <bf>$bfname</bf> would be scared but she just smiles.. she likes being manhandled..</center></b>
-<b><you> Y..yes</you></b> - you say scared as you leave the classroom
<b><center> Fuck.. perhaps you shouldn't pry at everything.. Hopefully he doesn't bother you too much.</center></b>
<<set $submissive to $submissive+1>>\
<b><center><pink> Submissiveness +1!</pink></center></b>\
<center>[[Leave to the school hallway|School Hallway]]</center><center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\parentsroom.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><img src="images\city\parentsbedroom.jpg" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>
<b><center> It's night and your <dad>dad</dad> is sleeping his bed after work.. as you were expecting he sleeps like he owns the place.. I mean he does.. he's fully naked with his cock out and with an half boner.</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\dadsleepinghard.jpg"></span></center>
-<b><you><i> Why is he so big and I'm so small..</i></you></b> - you think to yourself.
<b><center> You look at his cock and for some reason you feel enticed to touch it.. how different is it to yours?</center></b>
<div id="choice">
<<linkreplace "<pink><center> • Touch it</center></pink>">>\
<<replace "#choice">>\
<b><center> Why not.. he's an heavy sleeper anyways it's not like he's going to wake up.. and you are quite curious how your dads cock feels like on your hand compared to yours.. it's so much bigger..</center></b>
-<b><you><i> Well.. let's try it.. I'll use the flashlight of my phone to see better..</i></you></b> - you think to yourself as you head close to him, grabbing his cock
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\dadhandjob1.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><center> Wow.. it's so much different than yours.. you can feel the veins bulging underneath your hand.. as soon as you touch it's like it has life of its own.. it grows on your hand.. you instinctively starting jerking him off slowly.</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\dadhandjob2.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><you><i> It's so.. big</i></you></b> - you mumble to yourself.
<b><center> Suddenly your dad lets out a grunt and startles you, making you realize what you are doing.. maybe you should leave for now.. perhaps in the future you'll be more daring..</center></b>
<<if $submissive <=30>>
<<set $submissive to $submissive+1>>\
<b><center><pink><font size="6">Submissive+1!</font></pink></center></b>\
<b><center><white><u> This action won't increase your <pink>submission anymore</pink></u></white></center></b>
<center>[[Go to your room|Room]]</center>
<div id="choice">
<<linkreplace "<white><center> • Leave it be and go back to your room</center></white>">>
<<replace "#choice">>
<b><you><i> - What, why would I want to touch my dads dick? That would be kinda weird..</i></you></b>
<b><center> You decide to go back to your room and go to sleep, it's late anyways.</center></b>
<center>[[Go to your room|Room]]</center>
</div><span class='fadeIn'>\
<<set $dadsubevent1 to false>>\
<<set $timer to 0>>\
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\bathroom.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><img src="images\city\bathroom.jpg" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>
<b><center> You are taking a shower without any thought in your head, just enjoying the hot water on your silky skin, you can feel the water going through your chastity cage, you still haven't gotten quite used to wearing one, now you also have to clean it properly.</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\showeringchastity.jpg"></span></center>
<b><center> It's much more complicated than it seems, you try your best to clean it, you even grab it and shake it to see if it cleans better.. but the thing is it makes you more arorused because you are caged and you can't touch yourself..</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\cleaningchastity.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><center> You aren't paying attention and have your eyes closed when suddenly you feel a pair of strong hands grab your ass from behind</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\grabassshower.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><you> J..jesus!</you></b> - you flinch and turn around.
<b><center> When you open your eyes you see your <dad>dad</dad> staring at you with a grin in his face.</center></b>
-<b><dad> "Hello <pink>sissy</pink>. You are truly becoming a fucking girl it's unbelievable.. I mean look at this, you're even caged"</dad></b> - he says as he grabs your chastity forcefully
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\grabbingchastity.png"></span></center>
-<b><pink> Da..ddy stop.. it's very sensitive..</pink></b> - you squeal letting out a girly voice as he holds it
-<b><dad> "Fucking hell.. how did this happen, you're even girlier than your <sister>sister</sister> this thing seriously is a clitoris.."</dad></b> - he says as you look you down and notice he is sporting a very big erection
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\dadhardshower.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><center> He is so hard.. he insults you and everything but the truth is your <dad>dad</dad> finds you hot.. why not tease him a bit?</center></b>
-<b><pink> Wh..whatever daddy.. I'll finish showering.</pink></b> - you say as you turn around and flant your ass at his dick, rubbing against it.
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\rubbingcockshower.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><center> He doesn't say a single word, he just rubs you dick against your ass, probably thinking of how hard he'd fuck you right now.</center></b>
-<b><dad> "You're such a whore.. teasing me like this.. I bet you want me to fuck your pussy right now dont you?"</dad></b> - he says as he grabs your neck from behind forcefully and starts thrusting againts your ass cheeks
-<b><pink> "Y..yes daddy.. fuck me.."</pink></b> - you submit, teasing him further.
<b><center> Suprisingly he doesn't last long and you feel something spurt on your back and your <dad>dad</dad> starts groaning.. he came on your ass..</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\cumminghotdog.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><dad> "Fuck.. I came so quickly.. you're a fucking whore for sure, you know the right words.. clean yourself properly.. I'm leaving.. slut."</dad></b> - he says as he leaves the shower, drying himself.
-<b><pink><i> Teehee.. that was kind fun.</i></pink></b> - you think to yourself as you feel yourself super horny.
<b><center> God I just wish I could release right now.. I'm so horny.. I seriously need to learn how to cum with the cage..</center></b>
<b><center><yellow> You can now tease your dad in the kitchen in the morning!</yellow></center></b>
<<set $submissive to $submissive+1>>\
<b><center><pink> Submissiveness +1!</pink></center></b>\
<center>[[Finish showering|Bathroom]]</center><span class='fadeIn'>\
<<set $momeventsub6 to false>>\
<<set $timer to 0>>\
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\parentsroom.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><img src="images\city\parentsbedroom.jpg" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>
<b><center> You are chilling in your bedroom when you hear your <mom>mom</mom> call you from the her bedroom, this is not usual so you're quite curious to what she wants with you, you quickly head inside her bedroom, to which she is waiting for you in a more daring outfit.. not slutty, just different. She is also wearing a more sultry makeup, is she going somewhere?</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\momdaring.jpg"></span></center>
-<b><you> Oh hey <mom>mom</mom>, you look very nice. Going somewhere?</you></b> - you kindly ask.
<b><center> She looks at you and giving you a smile from ear to ear, coming closer to you</center></b>
-<b><mom> "No honey.. this is for you! Look.. I've noticed how much you've been changing lately, you are glowing and glowing more everyday, turning into a well.. <pink>sissy</pink>. It's unevitable that as one you will start growing interest in men.. I mean you probably do have already.."</mom></b> - she says pausing, giving you a questioning look.
<b><center> You look at the floor embarassingly that she has hit the spot correctly, blushing.</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\mcthinking.jpg"></span></center>
-<b><mom> "Right.. so as your <mom>Mom</mom> I want to guide you and be by your side! I don't want you to feel bad and you've never had previous experience with men.. and it will bring us closer as child and parent!"</mom></b> - she says happily and confidently
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\momdaring2.jpg"></span></center>
<b><center> Oops.. I guess she thinks you've never been with a man before.. that's really kind of your <mom>mom</mom>.. she truly cares for you, she's a breath of fresh air comparing to all the other mean women around your life.. you want to make her happy!</center></b>
-<b><you> Thank you <mom>mommy!</mom> Of course.. what do you want to do then?</you></b> - you ask smiling excited.
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\mcmakeup2.png"></span></center>
-<b><mom> "Glad you asked! Since you don't have any experience with men.. I think we should teach you how to suck well.. penises!"</mom></b> - she says slightly embarassed.
<b><center> Wow okay.. you were not expecting this, you thought she was going to teach you girly stuff like how to put on makeup again or give you tips on how to be a better <pink>sissy</pink>.. but suck cock? You can't deny it though it'll make her sad.. she just wants what's best for you.</center></b>
-<b><you> W..well I wasn't expecting that but sure <mom>mommy..</mom> How do you want to do this.. you don't have a cock..</you></b> - you say asking her.
-<b><mom> "Hehe.. we'll use that!"</mom></b> - she says turning around, pointing at the wall behind her.
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\dildoattached.jpg"></span></center>
<b><center> You look closely to what it is.. it's a glass dildo attached to the wall! Is she asking you to suck her dildo to train for future men..? That's really hot actually.. perhaps you should actually take this seriously, you could use some tips to be honest.</center></b>
-<b><you> Ooooh.. that makes sense.. sure! I'm excited! I'll definitely pay attention <mom>mommy</mom>!</you></b> - you say squealing like a little <pink>sissy</pink>.
-<b><mom> "Hehe you're so cute baby.. Well let's do it this way. I'll go first and teach you a couple of techniques and what points to focuses on, I'll literally mimic like I was servicing your <dad>dad</dad> and then you will do it!"</mom></b> - she says, going next to the dildo and kneeling.
<b><center> Wow did she really have to put that image in your mind.. her sucking off <dad>dad</dad>..? Little does she know you've sucked off your <dad>dad</dad> aswell..</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\ntrmom.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><center> Wow.. that was not the image you were expecting to pop up in your head.. why did you imagine your <mom>mother</mom> sucking off a <brown>black man</brown> instead of your <dad>dad</dad>..? It's gotta be <gf>$gfname</gf> influence jesus.. anyways snap back to reality..</center></b>
-<b><you> Y..yeah! Let's do it <mom>mommy</mom></you></b> - you say a little disorientated with what you just imagined.
-<b><mom> "You okay baby..? If this is too much for you tell me.. I'm quite embarassed aswell but I want to help you.."</mom></b> - she says being gentle as ever.
-<b><you> No no.. I'm okay I promise. I want this.</you></b> - you say reassuring her.
-<b><mom> "Okay honey.. So let's start.. First off to give a good impression to the male you are servicing you MUST start by giving a good couple of suckles on the head of the penis!"</mom></b> - she says demonstrating and emphasing certain words
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\momsuckinglesson1.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><mom> "FWAHH.. Pay attention honey.. this is very important.. after you give the first impression.. you tackle the penis with a strong grip and with courage you take it into your mouth as you stroke with another hand!"</mom></b> - she says demonstrating once again.
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\momsuckinglesson2.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><center> It's quite funny how your <mom>mom</mom> keeps it quite family friendly while sucking a dildo, she is the most innocent person you know.</center></b>
-<b><mom> "GWAGGH.. You can then throw in a couple of suprises like licking the testicles to suprise the male.."</mom></b> - she says licking the balls of the dildo
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\momsuckinglesson3.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><center> The way she's speaking it truly sounds like a lesson.. she's a cocksucking teacher, you are paying attention to the details though.</center></b>
-<b><mom> "And then to finish you give it your all and take it as deep as you can into your throat!"</mom></b> - she says deepthroating the dildo with great skill
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\momsuckinglesson4.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><center> Wow.. your <mom>mommy</mom> has definitely been around the block.. she truly is a cock pro..</center></b>
-<b><mom> "Alright.. now I want to see you try and replicate what I've done.. no pressure honey, just do your best! It's your first time so it's normal if you aren't as good as me!"</mom></b> - she says reassuring you.
<b><center> Fuck.. maybe you should fuck up on purpose to make it look like you don't know how to suck cock at all? That way she can teach you further.. you quite like growing closer to your <mom>mommy</mom> like this!</center></b>
-<b><pink><i> Alright let me give it a try.</i></pink></b> - you tell yourself
<b><center> You kneel in front of the dildo and notice it's full of throat drool from your <mom>mommy</mom>.. she doesn't seem to have noticed it but it's quite hot actually.. it's like she's spitting in your mouth indirectly.. that motivates you to immediately deepthroat it, you want to look like an amateur anyways so that's perfect.</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\mcsuckinglesson.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><mom> "Oh jesus honey.. Well.. You are definitely talented you can take it deep into your throat but that's the last step.. It's fine though! We can definitely work with that.. let's stop by now and we can continue another day, we'll make this a regular thing.. I'll teach you many many things so you can be a great partner!"</mom></b> - she says being kind to you, wanting to teach you the secrets of a skilled woman.
-<b><you> Sounds great <mom>mommy!</mom></you></b> - you say happily as you get up.
-<b><mom> "Alright you can go baby.. I'll see you for dinner later."</mom></b> - she says dismissing you.
-<b><you> Sure.. oh and thanks <mom>mommy</mom>. I'm really looking forward to more lessons.</you></b> - you say thanking her.
<b><center> She just smiles at you and winks at you, you then proceed to go back to the hallway, leaving her bedroom</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\momwinking.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<<set $submissive to $submissive+1>>\
<b><center><pink> Submissiveness +1!</pink></center></b>\
<center>[[Leave her bedroom|Upstairs Hall]]</center><span class='fadeIn'>\
<<set $siseventsub7 to false>>\
<<set $timer to 0>>\
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\sistersroom.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><img src="images\city\sisterbedroom.png" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>
<b><center> You are chilling in your bedroom when your <sister>sister</sister> calls you over to her bedroom.. nowadays when she does that it usually means she's going to humiliate you and treat you like her slave.. by now you've gotten used to it.. when you enter her bedroom you are greeted upon a weird sight.. she's talking with a large <brown>black man</brown> in her couch.. what could she want?</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\sistercuck1.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><sister> "Finally <pink>sissy</pink>.. what took you so long? How's chastity treating you? Hehe.."</sister></b> - she asks clearly just making fun of you so the <brown>black man</brown> hears.
-<b><brown> "Haha is he actually in chastity? I mean he looks like a girl so I wouldn't be suprised."</brown></b> - the man humiliates you as he looks into your soul, putting a hand over your <sister>sisters</sister> leg.
-<b><sister> "Yeah <brown>Tyresse</brown>! I totally locked his beta ass up of course.. <pink>Sissy</pink>, show him!"</sister></b> - she orders you, sending a cold deep gaze into your soul.
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\sisterstarecuck.png"></span></center>
<b><center> Fuck.. if you dont obey her you already know this will have consequences in the close future.. why do you have to show such an humiliating thing to a guy you don't even know? Nevertheless you just want to get this over with so you can go back to your room..</center></b>
-<b><you> F..fine.. here..</you></b> - you say as you quickly pull down your panties and lift up your shirt, showing them your chastity caged <pink>clit</pink>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\showingchastity.png"></span></center>
-<b><brown> "Fuck HAHAHA.. that shit is hilarious."</brown></b> - <brown>Tyresse</brown> laughs at you.
-<b><sister> "I know right? He's just my <pink>sissy slave</pink> now I totally have him in my hand, isnt that right boy? and call me Mistress."</sister></b> - she warns you.
-<b><you> Y..yes</you> <sister>Mistress..</sister></b> - you willingly submit to her order.
-<b><sister> "Oh my god! I just had the best idea.. Why don't we show <you>him</you> what real sex is? How a man should fuck? We were gonna fuck anyway but this way we can show this pathetic beta boi why he's a beta and you're an alpha!"</sister></b> - she says, wanting to cuck you.
-<b><brown> "Shit haha.. that's kind of funny, I mean if you're down to I don't care about some publc."</brown></b> - <brown>Tyresse</brown> says supporting her idea.
<b><center> You cannot be serious right now.. you have to watch your <sister>sister</sister> fuck a <brown>black man</brown> in front of you? You just wanted to go to your bedroom..</center></b>
-<b><sister> "Great! I won't even ask for your opinion, it's an order if you ever want to be let out of that cage <pink>sissy</pink>. You will be my cuckie for the day, understood?"</sister></b> - she asks you.
-<b><you> I understand </you><sister>Mistress..</sister></b> - you comply
<b><center> After you comply with her, they both get up and closer to you and after giving you a few stares and giggles, they start to make out in front of you.</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\sistercuck2.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><center> It's so weird to see your <sister>sister</sister> kiss those big <brown>black</brown> lips.. why does it seem every girl you know is interested in <brown>black</brown> men..? Are they that superior to you?</center></b>
-<b><sister> "Fuck.. just a kiss from him is miles better than you'd ever be able to do <pink>sissy</pink>.."</sister></b> - she humiliates you
-<b><brown> "Haha.. poor boi, being treated like shit by your sister.. come here baby, let me show you what this mouth can really do."</brown></b> - <brown>he</brown> says as he forcefully grabs her and throws her to the couch again, starting to lick her hungry pussy.
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\sistercuck3.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><sister> "oOOOh fuck.. you're sooo good at this.. Let me reciprocate the feeling.."</sister></b> - she says getting up and kneeling in front of his crotch, unleashing his huge <brown>black</brown> cock
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\sistercuck4.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><sister> "Fuck! You're fucking huge.. is one of your parents a horse or something..?"</sister></b> - she was about to suck it when she stops for a second and stares at you.
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\sisterlookcuck.png"></span></center>
-<b><sister> "I have an idea actually.. Why don't you come here and suck him off <pink>sissy?</pink>. You clearly cannot please a woman, but I know for sure that hungry mouth is salivating for this <brown> big black cock</brown>. Come on that was an order, come here!"</sister></b> - she says screaming at you, pointing at the ground next to her.
<b><center> Fuck.. This is so degrading and humiliating, you're going to have to fluff for your <sister>sister</sister>? What choice do you have though? If you don't obey her she will keep you caged forever.. and you are already super horny and leaking like crazy.. you're so horny that every sexual thing makes you horny.. even thinking of sucking his <brown> big black cock </brown> is making you horny.. but it's just because you are caged.. you don't actually want to..</center></b>
-<b><sister> "Come on! Fluff him for me bitch."</sister></b> - your <sister>sister</sister> snaps you out from your thoughts, grabbing your head and shoving it into his cock
-<b><you><i> Well.. not like I have a choice.. it's just for a bit anyways..</i></you></b> - you think to yourself as you take his huge rod into your mouth
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\mcbbcsuck.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><brown> "Shit does it run in the family..? He sucks like a pro, or should I say <pink>she</pink>? Good girl.."</brown></b> - he compliments and praises you, patting your head.
<b><center> God what is this feeling.. why does it feel nice to be praised by him? He's even calling you a girl.. you don't like this at all!</center></b>
-<b><sister> "Alright alright that's enough.. don't steal my man whore, let me show you what real cocksucking skills look like.."</sister></b> - she says as she throws you off to the ground, making you stay close as she sucks him off
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\sistercuck5.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><brown> "Oh fuck.. jesus. I have to sit down, you're sucking my soul."</brown></b> - he says as he sits down on the couch.
-<b><sister> "Come <pink>sissy</pink>, watch closely as I suck him off."</sister></b> - she says as she grabs you by the hair pulling you close to him as she goes back to sucking him off
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\sistercuck6.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><sister> "See? This is a real mans cock. A big large cock, not like that tiny thing you have locked between your legs, you'd never be a real man, I'm just making you a favor by turning you into a <pink>sissy</pink>. You'll be much more useful pleasing men like him just like how I am.."</sister></b> - she says, giving you a lesson.
<b><center> You hate to admit it but she is right.. he looks like a completely different species.. how is it possible that you two are male? You are not half the man he is in terms of everything..</center></b>
-<b><sister> "Fuck I can't take it anymore, fuck me <brown>Tyresse</brown> ravage my holes, I want you to watch closely <pink>$name</pink> as he destroys me, see the difference between you two."</sister></b> - she says as she gets up and lays on the couch
-<b><brown> "Sorry if something splashes to your face whiteboi.."</brown></b> - he warns you as he sticks it inside your <sister>sister</sister>, fucking her without any mercy.
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\sistercuck7.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><center> You just stand there, kneeled on the ground as you watch a superior <brown>black man</brown> fucking your <sister>sister</sister>.. even though you two have no romantic relationship.. it feels so weird to watch someone related to you just be taken by another man so easily.. it makes you horny..</center></b>
-<b><sister> "OHOHHHHH.. YES FUCK.. YOU'RE HUGE.. YOU'RE STRETCHING ME OUT.."</sister></b> - she screams without any care in the world
-<b><brown> "Yeah.. good whore you're fucking tight.. take this big <brown>black cock</brown>.. bet your ancestors are proud of you right now"</brown></b> - he says humiliating her
-<b><sister> "FUUUUUCK.. EVERY WHITE GIRL IN THE PAST AND FUTURE SHOULD SUBMIT ONLY TO MEN LIKE YOU.. GOD.."</sister></b> - she screams as she loses her mind getting fucked.
<b><center> They then keep fucking like animals for what seems hours.. switching up positions giving you better views and everything as if teaching you a lession.. all the time that <sister>$sistername</sister> gets fucked she keeps staring you at as if giving you a lesson..</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\sistercuck8.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><sister><font size ="-1"> "You are so worthless.."</font></sister></b> - she says as you read her lips.
-<b><brown> "FUCK FUCK.. IM GONNA CUM WHORE, TURN AROUND"</brown></b> - <brown>Tyresse</brown> grunts out loud as he clearly comes close to cumming, wanting to cum all over her face.
-<b><sister> "Pa..paint my..face!"</sister></b> - <sister>$sistername</sister> says out of breath, sweating like crazy from the intense fucking
<b><center> You then watch as he unloads a huge load all over her face and mouth.. there's so much cum, you probably haven't cum that ammount in your entire life.. he's such a bull..</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\sistercuck9.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><sister> "HAHAHA look at his face.. yeah he cums alot, contrary to your droplets like last time.. actually, since you know how your cum tastes like, why don't you see the difference?"</sister></b> - she says reminding you of last time, when you came all over your mouth, swallowing your cum.
<b><center> She then comes closer to you with her mouth and face full of cum, you can even smell it from far away.. it's so intense.</center></b>
-<b><sister> "Open up <pink>sissy cuck slave</pink>!"</sister></b> - she orders you.
<b><center> And you immediately obey by instinct, opening your mouth, when you do she grabs you by the chin and lets off a massive load into your mouth</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\cumswapping.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><sister> "HAHAHAHAHA look at you! What a good cum bucket!"</sister></b> - she laughs at you.
-<b><brown> "Damn boi.. you were thirsty.."</brown></b> - he also humiliates you.
<b><center> Jesus.. you can feel the taste of all their sex together.. his cum is so potent and strong so much different from yours.. it's so concentrated and thick.. you can't even get it down your throat.. you just stay there with your mouth open full of cum</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\mccumonface.jpg"></span></center>
-<b><sister> "Swallow whore!"</sister></b> - she screams at you
<b><center> You jolt and immediately swallow, feeling the thickness go down your throat.. you can literally feel it going down to your stomach.. it's marking your whole body as his territory.. you're his <brown>BBC slut</brown> now..</center></b>
-<b><sister> "OH MY GOD.. ARE YOU CUMMING? HAHAHA THIS IS HILARIOUS!"</sister></b> - <sister>$sistername</sister> laughs loudly as she points at your crotch
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\cagecumming.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><center>Wh..what? How.. is it possible? I'm cumming and I didn't even.. realize.. I was so focused on the flavour of his cum that made me cum like a little bitch that I didn't even notice.. oh god..</center></b>
-<b><brown> "Shit.. did you enjoy my cum that much? What a good whiteboi haha.."</brown></b> - <brown>Tyresse</brown> says laughing at you.
-<b><sister> "I can't.. you're such a fucking whore.. lick it off the ground now! You're not going to leave your worthless liquid on my floor"</sister></b> - she says grabbing your head and shoving it into your cum, forcing you to lick it.
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\lickingcumfloor.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><center> God there's so much cum in your belly.. all mixed inside.. you want to burp from cum..</center></b>
-<b><sister> "Alright whore leave my room that's enough.. hope you understood the true difference between <brown>Tyresse</brown> and a <pink>sissy</pink> like you.. next time we'll start working on that <pink>boipussy</pink> of yours.. it's about time, leave now!</sister></b> - she screams at you, throwing you off her room
<b><center> Train my boipussy..? Is that really going to happen? You are scared and excited..</center></b>
<<set $submissive to $submissive+2>>\
<b><center><pink> Submissiveness +2!</pink></center></b>\
<center>[[Go back to your room|Room]]</center><center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\brothel.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>\
<center><img src="images\city\brothelroom.png" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>\
<b><center> You enter the room to get the service you asked and following the theme of the brothel it's full of neon lights and it has a bed in the middle of the room, after a while an handsome looking man comes into the room who you assume is the brothel whore you requested, he is jacked and honestly really hot.. he looks like a model</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\maleprostitute.jpg"></span></center>
-<b><blue> "Hey there. What service did you request?"</blue></b> - the hot man asks you
-<b><you> Ehm.. I'd like an handjob please..</you></b> - you say embarassed
-<b><blue> "Alright, it's quite unusual for me to get man clients, happy to meet ya. You can undress and lay down boy."</blue></b> - he tells you pointing at the bed
<<if $mcchastity is false>>\
<b><center> You do what he says and lay down.. you were expecting him to give you an handjob immediately but actually he lubes up his own penis and grabs yours, rubbing them together.</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\hotdogging.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><you> this is.. hot</you></b> - you admit
-<b><blue> "Glad you like it boy.. you're cock is quite cute too.."</blue></b> - he compliments your penis
<b><center> You want to compete against him but you can't.. he clearly has a bigger penis than yours..</center></b>
-<b><blue> "Alright.. time for the main course."</blue></b> - he says as he kneels and starts giving you an handjob
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\gayhandjob.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><center> Wow.. you can tell he's experienced, his hands touch all the right spots, it's the best handjob you've ever gotten.. even better than any woman..</center></b>
-<b><blue> "Looks like you are enjoying it.. let's finish it up with this.."</blue></b> - he says as he grabs your cock and hotdogs it again, but now thrusts it.
<b><center> It feels amazing and you can't resist, eventually you let it go and just cum all over his cock</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\hotdoggingcum.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><you> G..god... jesus.. that was so hot..</you></b> - you say as you cum all over him
-<b><blue> "Haha.. glad you enjoyed it.. you came all over me, shame you don't want to lick it off.. perhaps one day, I'll take my money and get cleaned up, come back soon.."</blue></b> - he says as he leaves you by your own
<<set $money to $money-10>>\
<green><center><b> -10€!</b></center></green>
<center>[[Leave towards the brothel|Brothel]]</center>
<<elseif $mcchastity is true>>\
<b><center> Fuck.. why did you come and ask for an handjob when you are in chastity? He's probably going to make fun of you.. you have no choice but get naked and show him your chastity caged penis now..</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\chastityout.jpg"></span></center>
-<b><blue> "Pfft.. HAHAHA what is that? Are you really a dude? Why the fuck is your penis in a cage? Clearly I cannot give you an handjob like that.. I see what you want, come here."</blue></b> - he says as he comes closer to you, letting out his cock non your face
<b><center> Fuck.. you just wanted an handjob but looks like you will be the one giving one instead.. you didn't want this, right..?</center></b>
-<b><blue> "Looks like someone was too embarassed to ask to give an handjob.. that's fine, jerk me off <pink>sissy slut</pink>.. if you do a good enough job I'll help you join us as a whore.."</blue></b> he says, wanting you to become his whore.
<b><center> You comply and grab a hold of his massive penis.. it's so big on your hand it's nothing compared to yours..</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\handjobforced.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><blue> "Oh look at you.. you've got some skills in you don't you whore? You could definitely be a brothel whore.. what do you think about that?"</blue></b> - he asks as the tables are turned and you're the one servicing him, even though you're paying.
<b><center> You..? as a brothel whore..? That would never happen right..</center></b>
-<b><you> that will never happen..</you></b> - you tell him stuttering.
-<b><blue> "Right.. you don't even believe in your own words.. alright time to bust a nut all over that pretty face"</blue></b> - he says as he forcefully grabs your face by the chin and jerks himself, cumming all over your face.
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\cumshothandjob.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><you> G..god there's so much.. what will I do now..?</you></b> - you say, knowing that you can't go outside like this
-<b><blue> "I don't care faggot.. get out of the room I have the next client in queue.. and thanks for the money whore, this is probably the first time a whore serviced and paid for the service, you are truly the ultimate whore."</blue></b> - he says kicking you out with cum on your face
<b><center> Well guess next time you shouldn't come to a brothel with a chastity cage on..</center></b>
<<set $money to $money-10>>\
<green><center><b> -10€!</b></center></green>
<center>[[Leave towards the brothel|Brothel]]</center>
<</if>>\<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\brothel.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>\
<center><img src="images\city\brothelroom.png" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>\
<b><center> You enter the room to get the service you asked and following the theme of the brothel it's full of neon lights and it has a bed in the middle of the room, after a while an handsome looking man comes into the room who you assume is the brothel whore you requested, he is jacked and honestly really hot.. he looks like a model</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\maleprostitute.jpg"></span></center>
-<b><blue> "Hey there. What service did you request?"</blue></b> - the hot man asks you
-<b><you> Ehm.. This is a litle weird to ask but.. I want to give you an handjob.</you></b> - you say embarassed
-<b><blue> "Oh interesting.. usually I'm the one giving them but feel free.. you're a cutie aswell. I'll lay down on the bed"</blue></b> - he tells you suprised as he lays down on the bed
<b><center> You feel really embarasesd and you don't even know what happened for you to have this urge and give a random male prostitute an handjob.. but nevertheless you already paid for the service, usually it's the person who pays that gets serviced.. however you are on your knees right now in front of a cock.. who truly is the whore here..?</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\handjobpov.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><center> God his cock is so huge.. it's so much bigger than yours, even the smell and the thickness.. everything is so much different from yours.. you are cock hypnotized..</center></b>
-<b><blue> "Wow.. I've never seen someone look at my cock like they are in love.. you're quite good at it too.."</blue></b> - he says as he places his hand on top of your head.
<b><center> His manly hand on your head makes you feel like a little girl.. but why does it feel nice..</center></b>
-<b><blue> "F..fuck I just wish.. you used those.. lips .. INSTEAD!"</blue></b> - he screams as he starts busting a nut all over your hands
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\cumminghandjob.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><you><i> God there's so much cum.. it reeks..</i></you></b> - you think to yourself
-<b><blue> "God.. that felt amazing, thank you.. you should join us a whore honestly.. you'd fit in amazingly.. Hope you return.."</blue></b> - he says as he takes your money and leaves.
<<set $money to $money-20>>\
<green><center><b> -20€!</b></center></green>
<center>[[Leave towards the brothel|Brothel]]</center><center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\brothel.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>\
<center><img src="images\city\brothelroom.png" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>\
<b><center> You enter the room to get the service you asked and following the theme of the brothel it's full of neon lights and it has a bed in the middle of the room, after a while an handsome looking man comes into the room who you assume is the brothel whore you requested, he is jacked and honestly really hot.. he looks like a model</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\maleprostitute.jpg"></span></center>
-<b><blue> "Hey there. What service did you request?"</blue></b> - the hot man asks you
-<b><you> Ehm.. I'd like a blowjob please..</you></b> - you say embarassed
-<b><blue> "Alright, it's quite unusual for me to get man clients, happy to meet ya. You can undress and lay down boy."</blue></b> - he tells you pointing at the bed
<<if $mcchastity is false>>\
<b><center> You do what he said.. you don't know why you requested a man to suck you off instead of a woman.. perhaps it was the curiosity since you've never had a man suck you off.. but there's a first time for everything.</center></b>
-<b><blue> "Cute cock boy.."</blue></b> - he says as he grabs a hold of your penis while kneeling between your legs
<b><center> He then proceeds to start sucking you off, taking it deep into his mouth.</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\gayblowjob.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><center> Oh wow.. is mouth feels so rough.. his technique is also much stronger than a woman.. but the pressure feels nice..</center></b>
-<b><blue> "You like it boy..?"</blue></b> - he says letting go of your cock for a second, drooling all over it
-<b><you> Yes.. please continue..</you></b> - you ask him, feeling immense pleasure
<b><center> He then goes back to sucking you off, he feels like a vaccuum and you quickly come close to cumming</center></b>
-<b><you> G..god IM .. CUMMING!!</you></b> - you scream out loud, cumming all over his mouth
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\gayblowjobcum.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><blue> "Yummy.. you taste sweet boy.. I'll see myself out boy, hope to see you soon.."</blue></b> - he says licking his lips
<b><center> Well that was quite hot.. time to go out though..</center></b>
<<set $money to $money-30>>\
<green><center><b> -30€!</b></center></green>
<center>[[Leave towards the brothel|Brothel]]</center>
<<elseif $mcchastity is true>>\
<b><center> Oh fuck.. why did you just ask for a blowjob when you are in chastity? That doesn't make any sense.. now you're going to have to get undress and show your chastity to a random male whore.. this is so embarassing..</center></b>
-<b><you><i> Well.. looks like I'll just get undress and lay on the bed..</i></you></b> - you think to yourself as you lay down with your chastity cage out
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\chastitybrothel.jpg"></span></center>
-<b><blue> "Wow! HAHAHA.. I don't think I can give you a blowjob <pink>sissy</pink>.. I see what you want.. you wanted to give me a blowjob but you were too afraid to ask.. come here you slut, I'll show you who's the true whore here."</blue></b> - he says as he gets close to you, grabbing your head forcefully with no respect, fucking your throat
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\facefuckchastity.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><center> Jesus! He's totally manhandling you.. not giving you a shred of respect, as soon as he noticed he's the true alpha in the room, he just treated you like a sex toy.. even though you payed for this.. he's destroying your throat with no mercy.. he's huge aswell..</center></b>
-<b><blue> "HAHAHA how you like that you little <pink>sissy?</pink>. I can see your cage leaking from here, you fucking slut.. if you wanted to join us as whore you could've just said.. and you're paying for this aswell, this is hilarious!"</blue></b> - he humiliates you in the process
<b><center> He's right.. who comes to a brothel in chastity and asks for a blowjob.. you deserve this, you are the real whore..</center></b>
-<b><blue> "Fuck this is so hot.. I'm gonna cum all over that pretty face whore..!"</blue></b> - he says as he cums all over your face.
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\cumshotbrothel.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><you> God you came so much.. can you give me a towel or something..?</you></b> - you plead
-<b><blue> "Shut up whore, give me your money and leave. You're going out to the world showing you're a whore, leave now!"</blue></b> - he says as he drags you out of the brothel room forcefully, closing the door
<b><center> God this is so humiliating, you have to pass through the receptionist with cum all over your face..</center></b>
-<b><you> Ehm th.. thank you..</you></b> - you tell the receptionist as you leave embarassed
-<b><teacher> "Oh wow.. haha.."</teacher></b> - she says suprised as you leave
<<set $money to $money-30>>\
<green><center><b> -30€!</b></center></green>
<center>[[Leave towards the brothel|Brothel]]</center>
<</if>>\<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\brothel.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>\
<center><img src="images\city\brothelroom.png" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>\
<b><center> You enter the room to get the service you asked and following the theme of the brothel it's full of neon lights and it has a bed in the middle of the room, after a while an handsome looking man comes into the room who you assume is the brothel whore you requested, he is jacked and honestly really hot.. he looks like a model</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\maleprostitute.jpg"></span></center>
-<b><blue> "Hey there. What service did you request?"</blue></b> - the hot man asks you
-<b><you> Ehm.. This is a litle weird to ask but.. I want to give you a blowjob instead of you servicing me..</you></b> - you say embarassed of what you are asking.
-<b><blue> "Oh! Usually I'm the one giving them but feel free.. you're a cutie aswell. I'll lay down on the bed feel free to start whenever you want.."</blue></b> - he tells you suprised as he lays down on the bed
<b><center> You don't know what happened for you to want to give a random male prostitute a blowjob.. and you're the one paying for it aswell, usually the person who pay gets a blowjob but not you.. something in you is changing.. you get on your knees in front of him and grab his massive cock, taking it into your throat.. you're not used to this view, he looks down on you like you are the whore here..</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\blowjobpov.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><blue> "Oh wow you have talent I must say <pink>girl</pink>.. You should join this line of work.. how does it feel to be paying to suck me off? You look like the whore here haha.."</blue></b> - he laughs at you while you suck him off, grabbing your head shoving his cock deeper into you
<b><center> It feels so humiliating, you feel a tingle in your belly as he fucks your throat.. why do you enjoy this..?</center></b>
-<b><blue> "Alright <pink>sissy</pink>.. hope your ready for a big load because im going to feed you.. I'M.. CUMMING!"</blue></b> - he says as he unloads a big load into your belly
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\blowjobcumpov.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><center> He doesn't let go of your head as he cums into your mouth, he wants you to savour his load.. he's forcing you even though you're paying him.. but why does it feel so good to submit to a strong alpha man.. this is so weird..</center></b>
-<b><you> FWAH.. so much cum jesus.. *burp*..</you></b> - you say as you burp from his cum
-<b><blue> "HAHA.. someone is satisfied.. what a good whore.. well I'm taking the money, you can see yourself out anytime.. hope to see you working here one day, whore."</blue></b> - he says as he leaves the room
<b><center> You take the cue and also leave, mouth tasting with cum for the rest of the day.</center></b>
<<set $money to $money-30>>\
<green><center><b> -30€!</b></center></green>
<center>[[Leave towards the brothel|Brothel]]</center><span class='fadeIn'>
<<set $timer to 0>>\
<<set $classmatedom3 to false>>\
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\schoolhallway.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><img src="images\city\schoolhall.jpg" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>
<b><center> You decide to wait for <classmate>Sasha</classmate>.. you were thinking and you just realized you have a great opportunity to show your <teacher>teacher</teacher> that you are speaking serious when you say you'll take her.. why not use <classmate>Sasha</classmate> as a guinea pig and fuck her in front of <teacher>Ms.$nameteacher</teacher>.. it's not like she can do anything, you have dirt on both of them.. but it will be more interesting if she actually starts to desire you.</center></b>
<<timed 1s>><center><font size="+5"><b>.</b></font></center><</timed>><<timed 2s>><center><font size="+5"><b>.</b></font></center><</timed>><<timed 3s>><center><font size="+5"><b>.</b></font></center><</timed>>
<<timed 4s>>\
<b><center> After a while <classmate>Sasha</classmate> finally comes out from the classroom and you get a hold of her.</center></b>
-<b><you> Hey <classmate>Sasha</classmate>.</you></b> - you call out for her
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\sashahall.jpg"></span></center>
-<b><classmate> "What do you want now <you>$name</you>.."</classmate></b> - she says clearly displeased with your presence.
<b><center> Who does she think she's talking to right now? Who is it she think she sees? You have to show her that she should respect you, so you forcelly grab her neck and drag her back into the classroom.</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\grabnecksasha.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<center>[[Enter the classroom with Sasha|classmatedom3pt2]]</center>
<</timed>><span class='fadeIn'>
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\classroom.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><img src="images\city\chemistryclassroom.jpg" width = "550px"></center>
<b><center> You enter the classroom with <classmate>Sasha</classmate> and when you look at the teachers desk <teacher>Ms.$nameteacher</teacher> is there, look she was about to leave, she looks at you two shocked</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\teacherseductive2.jpg"></span></center>
-<b><teacher> "What is going on here?! Leave her alone!"</teacher></b> - she says in shock
<b><center> You look at her and glare clearly sending her a message to behave.</center></b>
-<b><you> You stay there.. this is perfect. Sit down on your desk teach, I have something to show you.</you></b> - you order her
<b><center> It looks like she remembers about the video you have on her because she calms down and does what you said, sitting back on the desk.</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\teachersittingdesk.jpg"></span></center>
<b><center> You look back at <classmate>Sasha</classmate> and she looks freightened, she has clearly subdued to whatever you wish to do to her and you taking the agressive approach reminded her of the fact you're in charge, you come closer to her ear and tell her your plan.</center></b>
-<b><you><font size="-1"> Alright so this is how it's gonna go down, me and you are going to fuck in front of <teacher>Ms.$nameteacher</teacher>.</font></you></b> - you tell <classmate>Sasha</classmate>.
-<b><classmate><font size="-1"> "What?! Are you fucking insane? You want to fuck in front of our teacher? And why is she so calm about this..?"</font></classmate></b> - she freaks out at what you're saying
-<b><you><font size="-1"> Shut up whore it wasn't a question, you wont get in trouble from this, cooperate or I'll tell <teacher>Ms.$nameteacher</teacher> what you've been doing in the bathroom.</font></you></b> - you say ordering her
-<b><classmate><font size="-1"> "You are insane.. but it's kinda of fucking hot.. fine."</font></classmate></b> - she says convinced
<b><center> Looks like someone has a bit of a voyeur kink, she seems too excited about the idea.. either way it's time to kick into action, you grab her by the hair and throw her on top of your <teacher>teacher's</teacher> desk, <teacher>Ms$nameteacher</teacher> looks at you in awe</center></b>
-<b><teacher> "What do you think you're doing? No.. you're not going to.."</teacher></b> - she says starting to realize what you're about to do
<b><center> You look at her and grin, pulling down <classmate>Sasha's</classmate> panties and diving into her pussy, giving her extreme pleasure.</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\classmatefuck1.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><classmate> "Oh yes <you>$name</you> lick me.. hmmhmm.."</classmate></b> - she says moaning
<b><center> Looks like <classmate>Sasha</classmate> is having fun.. she's into it which will be even better since your plan is to make <teacher>Ms.$nameteacher</teacher> jealous and wish you sexually..</center></b>
-<b><teacher> "This is ridiculous.. what do you think you're getting with this? I'm going to leave."</teacher></b> - she says getting up.
-<b><you> Don't you fucking dare unless you want everything leaked.</you><b> - you threathen her.
<b><center> She scoffs but sits back down, you take this opportunity to switch up and grab <classmate>Sasha</classmate> by the hair and make her kneel in front of <teacher>Ms.$nameteacher</teacher></center></b>
-<b><you> Alright whore, take it deep into your throat, be a good girl.</you><b> - you order <classmate>Sasha</classmate>
-<b><classmate> "Yes sir!</classmate></b> - she says excited looking at <teacher>$nameteacher</teacher>
<b><center> You just stare at <teacher>$nameteacher</teacher> while she sucks you off, glaring into her soul, clearly imagining it was her</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\classmatefuck2.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><center> <teacher>Ms.$nameteacher</teacher> just watches silently but you can tell her cheeks are flushing and she's rubbing her legs together.. she's definitely getting hot from this..</center></b>
-<b><you> Want a taste <teacher>teach?</teacher></you></b> - you tease her as you take your cock out from <classmate>Sasha's</classmate> mouth full of her drool
-<b><teacher> "Wh..what?! Don't be ridiculous.. just end this circus already.."</teacher></b> - she says denying her arousal
-<b><you> Alright suit yourself.. get back on the desk whore, time to destroy that tight hole..</you></b> - you order <classmate>Sasha</classmate>
<b><center> To which she gladly obeys, showing you her glistening cunt to you, ready to receive your thick and hard cock, to which you don't waste any time entering it</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\classmatefuck3.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><classmate> "Oh fuck FUUCK.. you feel so good inside my pussy.. fuck me harder please!"</classmate></b> - she begs, getting into character.
-<b><you> You like that whore? Turn around and take these deep backshots slut</you></b> - you say turning her around and sticking it deep back into her pussy
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\classmatefuck6.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><center> You take a look back at <teacher>Ms.$nameteacher</teacher> and you cannot see her hand.. but it's very close to her pussy.. it's clear she is very horny and wants to masturbate to what she's seeing.. you're cucking your <teacher>teacher!</teacher></center></b>
-<b><you> Jes..sus I'm getting close, why don't you ride me whore, get up</you></b> - you order her
-<b><classmate> "Okay daddy.."</classmate></b> - she says getting up on top of you
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\classmatefuck4.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><center> She is riding you and when you take a look at <teacher>$nameteacher</teacher> she is just openly masturbating to you two, giving up on her inhibtions and not resisting anymore</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\teachermasturbating.png"></span></center>
-<b><you> Having.. fun teach? I knew you wanted this.. admit it</you></b> - you ask her
-<b><teacher> "Y..yes.. I want it.. f..fuck.. I hate you.."</teacher></b> - she says as she fingers herself.
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\cuckqueanfingering.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><center> The sight of your <teacher>teacher</teacher> fingering herself to you fucking another girl is so hot that you immediately get close to cumming, you grab <classmate>Sasha's</classmate> face and cumm all over her face and mouth</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\classmatefuck5.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><you> FF.F..FUUCKKK YEAAAH.. good girl, you've done amazingly..</you></b> - you compliment her
<b><center> You go close to <classmate>Sasha's</classmate> ear and whisper her something</center></b>
-<b><you><font size="-1"> Go to teach and share my cum with her.. she'll accept it.</font></you></b> - you order her
<b><center> And she obeys smiling and giggling, happy that she's cucking her teacher</center></b>
-<b><classmate> "Say AAAH <teacher>Ms.$nameteacher</teacher></classmate></b> - she says humiliating her
<b><center> She opens up her mouth and <classmate>Sasha</classmate> just lets a massive drool of cum and saliva into her mouth and face, spreading it on her face with her hands.. looks like you and <classmate>Sasha</classmate> have got something interesting going on.. you two dominating your <teacher>teacher</teacher> and making her your pet.. this turned out better than you thought.</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\sharingcumcuckquean.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><classmate> "Oh I love this! Can we keep her as our pet? Let's make this a regular thing"</classmate></b> - she says in the same wave length as you
-<b><you> I agree.. smile for the picture teach..</you></b> - you say taking a picture of her naked and full of your cum
<b><center> She doesn't say a single word, looks like she understands her place and likes it.. you've now turned your teacher into your pet together with <classmate>Sasha</classmate>.</center></b>
-<b><you> Alright pet, clean yourself, me and my whore are leaving, hope you understand your place now.</you></b> - you say leaving
-<b><teacher> "O..okay.."</teacher></b> - is all she says destroyed and in shock
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\teachercumface.jpg"></span></center>
<<set $dominant to $dominant+1>>
<center><b><blue> Dominance +1!</blue></b></center>
<center>[[Leave the classroom|School Hallway]]</center> <span class='fadeIn'>\
<<set $timer to 0>>\
<<set $momdomevent4 to false>>\
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\livingroom.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><img src="images\city\livingroom.jpg" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>
<b><center> You just took a shower and have a towel around your waist, you figured this would be the perfect time to tease your mom further since she has been on edge lately since last events, if you just drop the towel with a huge boner, how will she react?</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\towelon.png"></span></center>
-<b><you> Hey <mom>mom</mom> what are you up to?</you></b> - you ask looking at her in the living room, she is meditating
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\momchilling.png"></span></center>
-<b><mom> "O..oh hey honey.. I'm just meditating a bit.. I've been a little nervous lately."</mom></b> - she says startled by the fact you are barely in clothing.
<b><center> You decide to not waste time and you do a sudden movement, causing the towel to drop.</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\toweldropmom.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><mom> "Oh my god! Jesus!"</mom></b> - she says shocked with what she's seeing
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\momshocked2.jpg"></span></center>
<b><center> You laugh a bit at her reaction and decide to tease her een further, going close to her and grabbing something in front of her, scraping your cock on her shoulder</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\flauntingcock.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><you> Chill mom it's just my fat cock.. hahaha..</you></b> - you say as you grab a banana laughing
-<b><mom> "R..right.. I'm going.. upstairs, I'll see you later.."</mom></b> - she says out of breath
<b><center> You decide to follow her to her room after she went.. is she going to masturbate to the thought of your cock? Could she be that frustrated?</center></b>
<b><center><yellow> You can now tease your mom when interacting with her in her bedroom!</yellow></center></b>
<center>[[Follow her upstairs|momeventdom4pt2]]</center>
<span class='fadeIn'>\
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\parentsroom.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><img src="images\city\parentsbedroom.jpg" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>
<b><center> Once you arrive there.. you see <mom>$momname</mom> quickly undressing and laying on her bed not wasting time, she quickly grabs her dildo from her dresser and sticks it into her</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\mommasturbating1.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><mom> "F..fuck why.. does he have to have such a big.. cock! I'm going insane.."</mom></b> - she says masturbating furiously to the thought of your cock
<b><center> She is that frustrated huh, your <dad>dad</dad> doesnt seem to paying any attention to her whatsoever, you need to take advantage of this..</center></b>
-<b><mom> "God this dildo isn't enough.. his cock would feel so much better.. <you>$name</you> fuck me.. hmmmhmm..."</mom></b> - she says getting closer to cumming
<b><center> After a while she just unloads a huge load of squirt all over her bed.. you forget how much a of a squirter she is.. you'd lap up her pussy right now and make her your whore.. but you have to be patient.</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\momcumming1.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><mom> "God.. I'm going crazy I'm always so horny.."</mom></b> - she says as she falls asleep after cumming
<b><center> Almost.. you are close to corrupting your <mom>mom</mom> and having her for yourself, but you have to be patient.</center></b>
<<set $dominant to $dominant+1>>
<center><b><blue> Dominance +1!</blue></b></center>
<center>[[Go back to your daily life|Room]]</center><<if $time is 0>>\
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\city.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>\
<center><img src="images\city\budapestcenterday.jpg" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>\
<b><center> You are walking through the city when you see a random woman making a weird gesture towards you, you are not a pro in sign language but even you can tell what that means..</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\blowjobgesture2.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<div id="choice">
<<linkreplace "<blue><center> • Accept her offer</center></blue>">>\
<<replace "#choice">>\
<b><center> You approach the pretty lady with interest, she smiles at you and immediately gets on her knees, not even saying any word she just unleases your cock from your pants and takes it into her hungry mouth, not even asking for money.</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\dayblowjob1.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><you> Fuck.. you're one hell of a hungry cocksucker.. keep going whore..</you></b> - you say degrading the woman
<b><center> She seems to enjoy your words as she start sucking it even harder like a vacuum and after a while you start cumming all over her mouth, which she happily accepts in her hungry mouth</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\dayblowjob2.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><purple> "Thank you for the meal.."</purple></b> - she says getting up and leaving.
<center>[[Arrive at the center of the City|City]]</center>\
<div id="choice">
<<linkreplace "<white><center> Refuse and leave</center></white>">>
<<replace "#choice">>
<b><center> You decide you do not want to get a blowjob from a random woman and just keep going at your life.</center></B>
<center>[[Arrive at the center of the City|City]]</center>\
<<if $time is 1>>\
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\city.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>\
<center><img src="images\city\budapestcenterday.jpg" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>\
<b><center> You are walking through the city when you see a random woman making a weird gesture towards you, you are not a pro in sign language but even you can tell what that means..</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\blowjobgesture2.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<div id="choice">
<<linkreplace "<blue><center> • Accept her offer</center></blue>">>\
<<replace "#choice">>\
<b><center> You approach the pretty lady with interest, she smiles at you and immediately gets on her knees, not even saying any word she just unleases your cock from your pants and takes it into her hungry mouth, not even asking for money.</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\dayblowjob1.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><you> Fuck.. you're one hell of a hungry cocksucker.. keep going whore..</you></b> - you say degrading the woman
<b><center> She seems to enjoy your words as she start sucking it even harder like a vacuum and after a while you start cumming all over her mouth, which she happily accepts in her hungry mouth</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\dayblowjob2.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><purple> "Thank you for the meal.."</purple></b> - she says getting up and leaving.
<center>[[Arrive at the centre of the City |City]]</center>\
<div id="choice">
<<linkreplace "<white><center> Refuse and leave</center></white>">>
<<replace "#choice">>
<b><center> You decide you do not want to get a blowjob from a random woman and just keep going at your life.</center></B>
<center>[[Arrive at the center of the City|City]]</center>\
<<if $time is 2>>\
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\city.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><img src="images\city\budapestcenternight.jpg" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>
<b><center> You are walking through the city at night when you see a random woman making a weird gesture towards you, you are not a pro in sign language but even you can tell what that means..</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\blowjobgesture.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<div id="choice">
<<linkreplace "<blue><center> • Accept her offer</center></blue>">>\
<<replace "#choice">>\
<b><center> You approach the pretty lady with interest, she smiles at you and immediately gets on her knees, not even saying any word she just unleases your cock from your pants and takes it into her hungry mouth, not even asking for money.</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\nightblowjob1.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><you> Fuck.. you're one hell of a hungry cocksucker.. keep going whore..</you></b> - you say degrading the woman
<b><center> She seems to enjoy your words as she start sucking it even harder like a vacuum and after a while you start cumming all over her mouth, which she happily accepts in her hungry mouth</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\nightblowjob2.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><purple> "Thank you for the meal.."</purple></b> - she says getting up and leaving.
<center>[[Arrive at the centre of the city|City]]</center>\
<div id="choice">
<<linkreplace "<white><center> Refuse and leave</center></white>">>
<<replace "#choice">>
<b><center> You decide you do not want to get a blowjob from a random woman and just keep going at your life.</center></B>
<center>[[Arrive at the center of the City|City]]</center>\
<</if>>\<span class='fadeIn'>\
<<set $teacherud to false>>\
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\schoolhallway.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><img src="images\city\schoolhall.jpg" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>
<b><center> You were about to head into the detention room when suddenly <teacher>Ms $nameteacher</teacher> comes out of the room looking at you as if already expecting you.</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\teacherout.jpg"></span></center>
-<b><teacher> "Finally you're here, today we're going to take a little walk to the park, you're coming with me."</teacher></b> - she orders you.
-<b><you> B..but - </you></b> - you try to speak but quickly get interrupted.
-<b><teacher> "No buts, you don't have a say in it, you're coming with me, let's go."</teacher></b> - she says, walking past you, not waiting for you.
<b><center> You better go after her.. but what could she possibly want now?</center></b>
<center>[[Follow her to the park|teacherudpt2]]</center><span class='fadeIn'>\
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\park.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><img src="images\city\park.png" height = "400px" width = "750px">
<b><center> You are just following her around waiting for something to happen when suddenly she goes to a more secluded place where there's a chair to sit down, she sits on it and takes a cigarette out</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\teachersmokingpublic.jpg"></span></center>
-<b><teacher> "Kneel down in front of me and light my cigarette up, fast."</teacher></b> - she orders you like a dog.
<b><center> You don't know what she is planning but you should obey her for now.. you kneel down and light her cigarette, to which she immediately start smoking, you are about to get up when she puts her feet on top of your elbow, not letting you go up</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\teacherpublicashtray1.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><teacher> "Stay there, bitch"</teacher></b> - she says blowing smoke on your face.
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\smokeinface.png"></span></center>
-<b><you> J..jesus *cough*</you></b> - you say coughing up when the smoke enters your lungs.
<b><center> You look back at <teacher>Ms.$nameteacher</teacher> and she is laughing at you, still with her feet on your elbow</center></b>
-<b><teacher> "Alright whore, I want you to service me and lick my pussy while I relax and smoke my cig, understand?"</teacher></b> - she orders you, spreading her legs open
<b><center> You quickly get between her legs and get ready to service her, it's not like you don't want to.. why wouldn't you want to service your hot <teacher>teacher</teacher>? You just hope it doesn't escalate to something else..</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\teacherpublicashtray2.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><teacher> "Oh yes.. good boy.. you definitely were meant to use that tongue instead of your tiny dick, glad we got you on the right path.. come on, dive deeper."</teacher></b> - she says spreading her legs even wider
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\teacherpublicashtray3.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><center> Your jaw is starting to hurt and she doesn't seem close to cumming.. it seems she's just enjoying the warm air on her skin while she smokes.. the smoke of the cigarette is pretty intense and it annoys you a bit since you're not used to smoking.. but you pull through it.</center></b>
-<b><teacher> "Oh damn.. I don't have an ashtray.. Wait, what am I saying.. of course I have! Open your mouth boy, now."</teacher></b> - she says ordering you to open your mouth
<b><center> No.. there's no way she wants to use you as an ashtray right..? That's disgusting!</center></b>
-<b><you> that's gross.. please have mercy..</you></b> - you beg her.
<b><center> She looks at you with an insanely mad face for disobeying her and kicks you in the face, dropping you to the ground.</center></b>
-<b><teacher> "Don't make me repeat myself.. open your fucking mouth, now."</teacher></b> - she says towering over you.
<b><center> Fuck.. you can't believe she's about to do this.. but you see no way out, you obey her and open your mouth.</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\teacherashtray.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><teacher> "Good boy.. here, taste the nicotine in your tongue whore, that's all you're worth, being my ashtray and my trashcan.. good whore."</teacher></b>
<b><center> Fuck this is so humiliating.. you don't even know if anyone has seen you or what to do but it tastes so bad.. and it burns aswell god.. why does she want to humiliate you like this.. and why are you horny?! This makes no sense.. you're spacing out when suddenly you feel spit come to your face.</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\teacherspit.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><teacher> "Wake up whore, let's go back. HAHAHA look at you with my spit, I bet you smell like an ashtray right now.."</teacher></b> - she says getting up and leaving, not caring about you.
<b><center> So this was her plan all along.. to publically humiliate you.. well atleast it's done.. you follow her back to the school and go back to your daily life.</center></b>
<center>[[Go back to the School|School Hallway]]</center>
<span class='fadeIn'>\
<<set $timer to 0>>\
<<set $lubequest to false>>\
<<set $lubequestactive to true>>\
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\sistersroom.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><img src="images\city\sisterbedroom.png" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>
<b><center> You enter <sister>$sistername</sister> room and she is there standing waiting for you, clearly she has something planned..</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\sisterlube.png"></span></center>
-<b><sister> "Hey <pink>sissy..</pink> today is a very important day for you.. I think it's time we start training that boipussy to take cocks in it don't you think?"</sister></b> - she bluntly says
-<b><you> W..what?</you></b> - you say confused
-<b><sister> "Glad you agree, so I want you to head downtown to the Red Light District and buy anal lube at the Sex Shop, once you've done that, come back to me and I'll tell you what you have to do."</sister></b> - she ignores your confusion and gives you a mission.
<b><center> What the hell is going on.. buy anal lube? I mean you've used a buttplug before so you're not new to anal toys but.. this is a big step to take..</center></b>
-<b><you> B..but</you></b> - you try to speak but get cut off
-<b><sister> "Are you stupid? Go."</sister></b> - she says looking furious at you and impatient.
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\sisterdispleased.jpg"></span></center>
<b><center> Well.. guess I've gotta go to the Sex Shop..</center></b>
<center>[[Leave her room|Upstairs Hall]]</center><<set $lubebought to true>>\
<<set $lubequestactive to false>>\
<<set $money to $money-20>>\
<<set $lubequest2 to true>>\
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\sexshop.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>\
<center><img src="images\city\sexshop.png" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>\
<b><center> You quickly head to the section where the lubes are and look for one that is specifically used for anal sex.. you can't believe you're going to buy this for your own use..</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\toys\anallube.png"></span></center>
-<b><you><i> Well.. time to pay for it, it's going to be embarassing..</i></you></b> - you say thinking to yourself, ready to face <manager>$mname</manager>
<b><center> You head towards the counter to pay and as soon as <manager>$mname</manager> notices you he gives you a creepy look when he notices what you're holding.</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\managersexshop.jpg"></span></center>
-<b><manager> "Hehe.. someone is going to have fun at home.."</manager></b> - he comments
<b><center> You nervously smile and ignore his comment, just wanting to go home as quickly as possible</center></b>
-<b><manager> "It's twenty euros hun.. If you want some help to use that you know you can talk to me hehe.."</manager></b> - he offers you
-<b><you> I'm good thanks.. Here..</you></b> - you say handing him a twenty euros note
<b><green><center> -20€</center></green></b>
<b><center> You should talk with <sister>$sistername</sister> to warn her you've bought the lube..</center></b>
<b><center>[[Head home|SexShop]]</center></b><<set $lubequest2 to false>>\
<<set $analtrainingstat to true>>\
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\sistersroom.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><img src="images\city\sisterbedroom.png" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>
<b><center> You've bought the lube like <sister>$sistername</sister> requested you to do, so it's time to warn her about it, you enter her bedroom and she is wearing a very skimpy outfit, when you greet her, she immediately smiles at you knowingly.</center></b>
-<b><you> Hey.. I bought what you asked me to buy..</you></b> - you say honestly.
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\sistersmilingbuttplug.png"></span></center>
-<b><sister> "Good <pink>sissy</pink>! You got that done quickly, someone's excited.. Well let me tell you what's going to happen.. clearly you aren't ready to take a dildo into your <pink>boipussy</pink>.. so I'm going to give you a personal gift and you'll use that to stretch that <pink>pussy</pink>. Once you're stretched it a bit, you'll come back to me and I'll tell you what to do next, got it?"</sister></b> - she asks for your confirmation
-<b><you> Y..yeah okay.. what's the gift?</you></b> - you ask curious
<b><center> She giggles and smiles at you, laying on her bed, taking off her shorts, displaying her beautiful pussy to you.. does she want you to service her?</center></b>
-<b><you> Oh okay..</you></b> - you say kneeling in front of her
-<b><sister> "Oh my god HAHAHA you're so well trained.. but no I don't want you to lick me right now.. instead I want you to have this.."</sister></b> - she says, taking off a buttplug from her ass
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\sisterbuttplugout.png"></span></center>
-<b><you> Oh.. is that for me?</you></b> - you ask
-<b><sister> "Huh duh? Obviously.. you're going to train daily with this and masturbate with it, I'll keep you locked so you may have some horniness rising but you'll get through it.. eventually you'll be able to cum from your pussy like a girl anyways, here take it."</sister></b> - she says handing you the used buttplug
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\buttplughand.jpg"></span></center>
<b><center> This is kinda hot.. this has been in her ass for the whole day and she's giving it to you for you to use it.. you'll take it though it's pretty.. it is also a little bigger than the one you own..</center></b>
-<b><you> T..thank you..</you></b> - you shyly thank her while holding the buttplug.
<b><yellow><i><center><font size="-1"> <sister>$sistername</sister> buttplug added to the inventory!</font></center></i></yellow></b>
-<b><sister> "Well go off now.. come back when you feel like you're ready to take something bigger whore, we'll make a proper slut out of you hehe."</sister></b> - she says dismissing you.
<center>[[Leave her room|explanationtraining]]</center><span class='fadeIn'>\
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\training.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<b><center>Quick explanation of how you're going to train your anal skill from now on! You have now an option in your PC to masturbate with the buttplug <sister>$sistername</sister> gave you!</center></b>
<center><img src="images\resources\explanation1.png"></center>\
<b><center> Once you click there you'll use your buttplug to masturbate, initally you will not be able to <pink>sissygasm</pink>.. but with training all is achieved! You'll recieve <sister>5 ANAL EXP</sister> everytime you do this, you start with 5 due to previous usage of a buttplug in the story, to check your progress click the Stats button and you'll have your progress there.</center></b>
<center><img src="images\resources\explanation2.png"></center>\
<b><center> You may notice there's also a new stat named <green>Fatigue</green>. Every time you masturbate with the buttplug it will increase by 10, so you can only masturbate three times a day, then you get too tired, use your time wisely. Once you reach the maximum level of exp from a skill, you trigger a new scene to level up! The level is underneath, once you've reached the maximum level for a skill it will appear as MAX. New skills will be added throughout the game updates, hope you enjoy this new game mechanic! Back to the game!</center></b>
<center><i>PS: You will still have other storylines going, this is for the <sister>sister</sister> in specific.</i></center>
<center>[[Go back to the game|Room]]</center><<if $analevel ==1>>
<<elseif $analevel ==2 and $analstat <100>>
<<elseif $analevel ==2 and $analstat == 100>>
<<goto "dildotrainingexpanded">>
<<elseif $analevel ==2 and $analstat >=105>>
<</if>>\<<if $analstat >= 51 and $analevel == 1>>\
<<set $analstat to $analstat -5 >>\
<<set $time to $time+1>>\
<<if $time >= 3>>\
<<set $time to $time - 1>>\
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\pc.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><img src="images\other\PC.png" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>
<b><center> You decide it's time to train your pretty <pink>boipussy</pink> like <sister>$sistername</sister> asked you to do.. you put on one of your <pink>sissy hypnos</pink> to motivate you.</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\hypno\sissyhypnoplug1.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><you><i> Time to grab the buttplug..</i></you></b> - you think to yourself as you grab your <sister>sisters</sister> buttplug.
<b><center> Once you have it in your hand, you put a bit of lube on it and on your <pink>pussy</pink> and slowly insert it in and out.. feeling it stretch you</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\buttplugsissy1.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><you><i> Oh fuck.. I feel it stretching me out, it's bigger than the one I previously used.. but it feels kinda good and right..</i></you></b> - you think to yourself as it stretches you out in a good way.
<b><center> After a while you get too tired and you have to stop.. but you felt like some progress was done..</center></b>
<<if $analstat >=50 and $analevel == 1>>\
<<set $analstat to 50>>\
<b><sister><center><i><u> You've stretched your <pink>boipussy</pink> as much as you could with the buttplug..</u></i></center></sister></b>
<<elseif $analstat <50 and $analevel ==1>>
<<set $analstat to $analstat+5>>\
<b><sister><center> Anal skill increased by 5!</center></sister></b>
<<elseif $analevel == 2>>\
<b><sister><center><i><u> You've stretched your <pink>boipussy</pink> as much as you could with the buttplug..</u></i></center></sister></b>
<<set $fatiguestat to $fatiguestat+10>>\
<b><green><center> Fatigue increased by 10!</center></green></b>
<center>[[Go back to the PC|PC]]</center>\<<if $analstat >= 51 and $analevel == 1>>\
<<set $analstat to $analstat -5 >>\
<<set $time to $time+1>>\
<<if $time >= 3>>\
<<set $time to $time - 1>>\
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\pc.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><img src="images\other\PC.png" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>
<b><center> You decide it's time to train your pretty <pink>boipussy</pink> like <sister>$sistername</sister> asked you to do.. you put on one of your <pink>sissy hypnos</pink> to motivate you.</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\hypno\sissyhypnoplug2.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><you><i> Time to grab the buttplug..</i></you></b> - you think to yourself as you grab your <sister>sisters</sister> buttplug.
<b><center> Once you have it in your hand, you put a bit of lube on it and on your <pink>pussy</pink> and slowly insert it in and out.. feeling it stretch you</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\buttplugsissy2.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><you><i> Oh fuck.. I feel it stretching me out, it's bigger than the one I previously used.. but it feels kinda good and right..</i></you></b> - you think to yourself as it stretches you out in a good way.
<b><center> After a while you get too tired and you have to stop.. but you felt like some progress was done..</center></b>
<<if $analstat >=50 and $analevel == 1>>\
<<set $analstat to 50>>\
<b><sister><center><i><u> You've stretched your <pink>boipussy</pink> as much as you could with the buttplug..</u></i></center></sister></b>
<<elseif $analstat <50 and $analevel ==1>>
<<set $analstat to $analstat+5>>\
<b><sister><center> Anal skill increased by 5!</center></sister></b>
<<elseif $analevel == 2>>\
<b><sister><center><i><u> You've stretched your <pink>boipussy</pink> as much as you could with the buttplug..</u></i></center></sister></b>
<<set $fatiguestat to $fatiguestat+10>>\
<b><green><center> Fatigue increased by 10!</center></green></b>
<center>[[Go back to the PC|PC]]</center>\<<if $analstat >= 51 and $analevel == 1>>\
<<set $analstat to $analstat -5 >>\
<<set $time to $time+1>>\
<<if $time >= 3>>\
<<set $time to $time - 1>>\
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\pc.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><img src="images\other\PC.png" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>
<b><center> You decide it's time to train your pretty <pink>boipussy</pink> like <sister>$sistername</sister> asked you to do.. you put on one of your <pink>sissy hypnos</pink> to motivate you.</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\hypno\sissyhypnoplug3.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><you><i> Time to grab the buttplug..</i></you></b> - you think to yourself as you grab your <sister>sisters</sister> buttplug.
<b><center> Once you have it in your hand, you put a bit of lube on it and on your <pink>pussy</pink> and slowly insert it in and out.. feeling it stretch you</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\buttplugsissy3.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><you><i> Oh fuck.. I feel it stretching me out, it's bigger than the one I previously used.. but it feels kinda good and right..</i></you></b> - you think to yourself as it stretches you out in a good way.
<b><center> After a while you get too tired and you have to stop.. but you felt like some progress was done..</center></b>
<<if $analstat >=50 and $analevel == 1>>\
<<set $analstat to 50>>\
<b><sister><center><i><u> You've stretched your <pink>boipussy</pink> as much as you could with the buttplug..</u></i></center></sister></b>
<<elseif $analstat <50 and $analevel ==1>>
<<set $analstat to $analstat+5>>\
<b><sister><center> Anal skill increased by 5!</center></sister></b>
<<elseif $analevel == 2>>\
<b><sister><center><i><u> You've stretched your <pink>boipussy</pink> as much as you could with the buttplug..</u></i></center></sister></b>
<<set $fatiguestat to $fatiguestat+10>>\
<b><green><center> Fatigue increased by 10!</center></green></b>
<center>[[Go back to the PC|PC]]</center>\<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\pc.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><img src="images\other\PC.png" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>
<b><center> Lately the buttplug training hasn't been doing much for you.. you feel like you aren't making any progress at all.. perhaps it's time to go see <sister>$sistername</sister> for help..</center></b>
<center>[[Go to your sisters room|AnalLevelup1pt2]]</center>
<<set $analevelup1 to true>>\
<<set $analevel to $analevel+1>>\
<<set $sisterrealisticdildo to true>>\
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\sistersroom.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><img src="images\city\sisterbedroom.png" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>
<b><center> You enter <sister>$sistername</sister> room and her room is a mess and so is she.. she looks quite hungover actually, she is talking on her phone so you wait a bit till she ends.</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\sisterphonehangover.jpg"></span></center>
-<b><sister> "Yeah! He was huge.. my womb hurts I swear to god..</sister></b> - she says clearly speaking about being fucked
<b><center> She looks at you and scoffs, clearly bothered by your presence.</center></b>
-<b><sister> "Leah I'll call you back, I've got something to take care of.."</sister></b> - she says as she hangs up and stares at you.
<b><center> She keeps staring at you and for some reason you blank out as if forgetting why you're there.</center></b>
-<b><sister> "Fucking hell.. Are you just going to stare me you dumb whore? Did fucking your ass make you dumb? What do you want!"</sister></b> - she screams at you mad
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\sisterstare.png"></span></center>
-<b><you> Ehm I.. I think the buttplug you gave me is doing nothing.. I've gotten used to it..</you></b> - you shyly say.
-<b><sister> "Oh my god! You're such a slutty <pink>sissy</pink>! Already? Jesus you went all out someone's been enjoying playing with her <pink>boipussy</pink>! Alright if you say you're ready I'll give you your next step.."</sister></b> - she says as she goes rummaging in her wardrobe
<b><center> After a while she grabs a medium sized realistic dildo.. how many times does she even have?</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\sisterholdingdildotraining.png"></span></center>
-<b><sister> "It's time we move on to something more realistic.. obviously it's going to be tougher to take this in but after a while you're going to be taking it to the base, like this!"</sister></b> - she says as she undresses and gets on all fours to demonstrate you.
<b><center> Wait.. is she going to fuck her own ass in front of you..? Wow she is.</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\sisterdildo1.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><sister> "F..fuck! I can't take it all in right now.. a huge <brown>black</brown> guy fucked me so hard yesterday.. but you get the point, here take it."</sister></b> - she says handing you the dildo that was just in her ass.
<b><center> You take it in your hand and it's warm.. does she have to give you things that were just inside her all the time..</center></b>
-<b><sister> "Actually it's good manners to suck a newly given dildo.. why don't you do that?"</sister></b> - she says looking dead serious into your eyes
<b><center> You feel like that's a lie.. but you know better than to disrespect your <sister>sister</sister>.. so you quickly suck the dildo that was just inside her ass.</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\blowingusedildo.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><sister> "Good girl! Off you go now, once you feel like you're ready for something even <brown>bigger</brown>.. come back to me, chop chop slut!"</sister></b> - she says slapping your ass, sending you out of her room
<b><center> Well.. time to keep training my <pink>boipussy</pink>..</center></b>
<b><yellow><i><center><font size="-1"> <sister>$sistername</sister> realistic dildo added to the inventory!</font></center></i></yellow></b>
<center>[[Go out of your sisters room|Upstairs Hall]]</center>
<<if $analstat >=105>>\
<<set $analstat to $analstat -5 >>\
<<set $time to $time+1>>\
<<if $time >= 3>>\
<<set $time to $time - 1>>\
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\pc.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><img src="images\other\PC.png" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>
<b><center> You feel like stretching your <pink>boipussy</pink> further.. you don't know how much you're willing to go but you can't lie that it arouses you and it feels good.. you grab <sister>$sistername</sister> realistic dildo that she gave you and put on encouraging hypno porn where <pink>sissies</pink> like you fuck their <pink>sissy cunts</pink></center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\sissytrainingdildo4.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><you><i> God I'm really going to do this.. hopefully it doesn't hurt too much..</i></you></b> - you think to yourself excited as your <pink>clitty</pink> squirms in its cage.
<b><center> You line up the dildo with your <pink>pussy</pink> and lube it up.. you try sticking it in slowly but you can only get half of it.. it hurts but.. it feels right..</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\dildotraining1.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><you><i> mhmMMMmm.. god.. I feel so full..</i></you></b> - you moan to yourself.
<b><center> Your <pink>clitty</pink> leaks like crazy on the floor.. you have to train more in order to get it deeper.. but you feel it slowly stretching out to get used to cock.</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\leakingcage.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<<set $analstat to $analstat+5>>\
<b><sister><center> Anal skill increased by 5!</center></sister></b>
<<set $fatiguestat to $fatiguestat+10>>\
<b><green><center> Fatigue increased by 10!</center></green></b>
<center>[[Go back to the PC|PC]]</center>\<<if $analstat >=105>>\
<<set $analstat to $analstat -5 >>\
<<set $time to $time+1>>\
<<if $time >= 3>>\
<<set $time to $time - 1>>\
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\pc.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><img src="images\other\PC.png" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>
<b><center> You feel like stretching your <pink>boipussy</pink> further.. you don't know how much you're willing to go but you can't lie that it arouses you and it feels good.. you grab <sister>$sistername</sister> realistic dildo that she gave you and put on encouraging hypno porn where <pink>sissies</pink> like you fuck their <pink>sissy cunts</pink></center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\sissytrainingdildo5.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><you><i> God I'm really going to do this.. hopefully it doesn't hurt too much..</i></you></b> - you think to yourself excited as your <pink>clitty</pink> squirms in its cage.
<b><center> You line up the dildo with your <pink>pussy</pink> and lube it up.. you try sticking it in slowly but you can only get half of it.. it hurts but.. it feels right..</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\dildotraining2.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><you><i> mhmMMMmm.. god.. I feel so full..</i></you></b> - you moan to yourself.
<b><center> Your <pink>clitty</pink> leaks like crazy on the floor.. you have to train more in order to get it deeper.. but you feel it slowly stretching out to get used to cock.</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\leakingcage.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<<set $analstat to $analstat+5>>\
<b><sister><center> Anal skill increased by 5!</center></sister></b>
<<set $fatiguestat to $fatiguestat+10>>\
<b><green><center> Fatigue increased by 10!</center></green></b>
<center>[[Go back to the PC|PC]]</center>\<<if $analstat >=105>>\
<<set $analstat to $analstat -5 >>\
<<set $time to $time+1>>\
<<if $time >= 3>>\
<<set $time to $time - 1>>\
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\pc.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><img src="images\other\PC.png" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>
<b><center> You feel like stretching your <pink>boipussy</pink> further.. you don't know how much you're willing to go but you can't lie that it arouses you and it feels good.. you grab <sister>$sistername</sister> realistic dildo that she gave you and put on encouraging hypno porn where <pink>sissies</pink> like you fuck their <pink>sissy cunts</pink></center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\sissytrainingdildo6.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><you><i> God I'm really going to do this.. hopefully it doesn't hurt too much..</i></you></b> - you think to yourself excited as your <pink>clitty</pink> squirms in its cage.
<b><center> You line up the dildo with your <pink>pussy</pink> and lube it up.. you try sticking it in slowly but you can only get half of it.. it hurts but.. it feels right..</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\dildotraining3.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><you><i> mhmMMMmm.. god.. I feel so full..</i></you></b> - you moan to yourself.
<b><center> Your <pink>clitty</pink> leaks like crazy on the floor.. you have to train more in order to get it deeper.. but you feel it slowly stretching out to get used to cock.</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\leakingcage.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<<set $analstat to $analstat+5>>\
<b><sister><center> Anal skill increased by 5!</center></sister></b>
<<set $fatiguestat to $fatiguestat+10>>\
<b><green><center> Fatigue increased by 10!</center></green></b>
<center>[[Go back to the PC|PC]]</center>\<<if $analstat >=155 and $analevel ==2>>\
<<set $analstat to $analstat -5 >>\
<<set $time to $time+1>>\
<<if $time >= 3>>\
<<set $time to $time - 1>>\
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\pc.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><img src="images\other\PC.png" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>
<b><center> You are really horny today and you can't wait to train your <pink>boipussy</pink> further.. after you finally been able to cum with the dildo you've been looking forward to this part of your day, you quickly put on your favourite <pink>sissy</pink> porn to immitate their movements.</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\sissytrainingdildo1.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><pink><i> Hehe.. let's see who is the sluttier sissy here!</i></pink></b> - you think to yourself as you grab your dildo, slam it down your throat to lube it up and line it up with your <pink>boipussy</pink>.
<b><center> You don't even use the anal lube anymore.. a real <pink>sissy</pink> just sucks the cock before fucking it anyways.. you start fucking yourself with the dildo, feeling extreme pleasure and getting down to the base like a true <pink>whore</pink></center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\dildotraining4.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><pink><i> Yes yes yes.. fuck me harder mhmmm..god!</i></pink></b> - you think to yourself, imagining yourself jumping on a hard long cock, cumming all over the floor again.
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\dildoexpanded.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><pink><i> Hehe.. cummies</i></pink></b> - you think to yourself as you kneel again, slurping the cum and swallowing it like a good whore.
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\lickingcumfloor.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><pink><i> HMmhmm.. I want more..</i></pink></b> - you think to yourself still horny
<b><center> But you have to stop for now or you could hurt yourself..</center></b>
<<if $analstat >=150 and $analevel ==2>>\
<<set $analstat to 150>>\
<b><sister><center><i><u> You've stretched your <pink>boipussy</pink> as much as you could with the realistic dildo..</u></i></center></sister></b>
<<elseif $analstat <150 and $analevel ==2>>
<<set $analstat to $analstat+5>>\
<b><sister><center> Anal skill increased by 5!</center></sister></b>
<<elseif $analevel == 3>>\
<b><sister><center><i><u> You've stretched your <pink>boipussy</pink> as much as you could with the realistic dildo..</u></i></center></sister></b>
<<set $fatiguestat to $fatiguestat+10>>\
<b><green><center> Fatigue increased by 10!</center></green></b>
<center>[[Go back to the PC|PC]]</center>\<<if $analstat >=155 and $analevel ==2>>\
<<set $analstat to $analstat -5 >>\
<<set $time to $time+1>>\
<<if $time >= 3>>\
<<set $time to $time - 1>>\
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\pc.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><img src="images\other\PC.png" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>
<b><center> You are really horny today and you can't wait to train your <pink>boipussy</pink> further.. after you finally been able to cum with the dildo you've been looking forward to this part of your day, you quickly put on your favourite <pink>sissy</pink> porn to immitate their movements.</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\sissytrainingdildo2.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><pink><i> Hehe.. let's see who is the sluttier sissy here!</i></pink></b> - you think to yourself as you grab your dildo, slam it down your throat to lube it up and line it up with your <pink>boipussy</pink>.
<b><center> You don't even use the anal lube anymore.. a real <pink>sissy</pink> just sucks the cock before fucking it anyways.. you start fucking yourself with the dildo, feeling extreme pleasure and getting down to the base like a true <pink>whore</pink></center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\dildotraining5.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><pink><i> Yes yes yes.. fuck me harder mhmmm..god!</i></pink></b> - you think to yourself, imagining yourself jumping on a hard long cock, cumming all over the floor again.
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\dildoexpanded.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><pink><i> Hehe.. cummies</i></pink></b> - you think to yourself as you kneel again, slurping the cum and swallowing it like a good whore.
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\lickingcumfloor.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><pink><i> HMmhmm.. I want more..</i></pink></b> - you think to yourself still horny
<b><center> But you have to stop for now or you could hurt yourself..</center></b>
<<if $analstat >=150 and $analevel ==2>>\
<<set $analstat to 150>>\
<b><sister><center><i><u> You've stretched your <pink>boipussy</pink> as much as you could with the realistic dildo..</u></i></center></sister></b>
<<elseif $analstat <150 and $analevel ==2>>
<<set $analstat to $analstat+5>>\
<b><sister><center> Anal skill increased by 5!</center></sister></b>
<<elseif $analevel == 3>>\
<b><sister><center><i><u> You've stretched your <pink>boipussy</pink> as much as you could with the realistic dildo..</u></i></center></sister></b>
<<set $fatiguestat to $fatiguestat+10>>\
<b><green><center> Fatigue increased by 10!</center></green></b>
<center>[[Go back to the PC|PC]]</center>\<<if $analstat >=155 and $analevel ==2>>\
<<set $analstat to $analstat -5 >>\
<<set $time to $time+1>>\
<<if $time >= 3>>\
<<set $time to $time - 1>>\
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\pc.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><img src="images\other\PC.png" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>
<b><center> You are really horny today and you can't wait to train your <pink>boipussy</pink> further.. after you finally been able to cum with the dildo you've been looking forward to this part of your day, you quickly put on your favourite <pink>sissy</pink> porn to immitate their movements.</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\sissytrainingdildo3.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><pink><i> Hehe.. let's see who is the sluttier sissy here!</i></pink></b> - you think to yourself as you grab your dildo, slam it down your throat to lube it up and line it up with your <pink>boipussy</pink>.
<b><center> You don't even use the anal lube anymore.. a real <pink>sissy</pink> just sucks the cock before fucking it anyways.. you start fucking yourself with the dildo, feeling extreme pleasure and getting down to the base like a true <pink>whore</pink></center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\dildotraining6.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><pink><i> Yes yes yes.. fuck me harder mhmmm..god!</i></pink></b> - you think to yourself, imagining yourself jumping on a hard long cock, cumming all over the floor again.
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\dildoexpanded.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><pink><i> Hehe.. cummies</i></pink></b> - you think to yourself as you kneel again, slurping the cum and swallowing it like a good whore.
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\lickingcumfloor.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><pink><i> HMmhmm.. I want more..</i></pink></b> - you think to yourself still horny
<b><center> But you have to stop for now or you could hurt yourself..</center></b>
<<if $analstat >=150 and $analevel ==2>>\
<<set $analstat to 150>>\
<b><sister><center><i><u> You've stretched your <pink>boipussy</pink> as much as you could with the realistic dildo..</u></i></center></sister></b>
<<elseif $analstat <150 and $analevel ==2>>
<<set $analstat to $analstat+5>>\
<b><sister><center> Anal skill increased by 5!</center></sister></b>
<<elseif $analevel == 3>>\
<b><sister><center><i><u> You've stretched your <pink>boipussy</pink> as much as you could with the realistic dildo..</u></i></center></sister></b>
<<set $fatiguestat to $fatiguestat+10>>\
<b><green><center> Fatigue increased by 10!</center></green></b>
<center>[[Go back to the PC|PC]]</center>\<span class='fadeIn'>\
<<set $time to $time+1>>\
<<if $time >= 3>>\
<<set $time to $time - 1>>\
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\pc.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><img src="images\other\PC.png" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>
<b><center> You feel like training your <pink>boipussy</pink> again, lately you've been feeling more and more confortable with fucking yourself with your <sister>sisters</sister> dildo.. you've been taking it deeper and deeper.. perhaps it's time to challenge yourself to take it even deeper.. you decide to put on <pink>sissies</pink> fucking themselves in their pussies aswell and try to immitate as much as you can..</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\sissytrainingdildo1.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><center>You get the dildo ready, give it a kiss before like a good <pink>sissy whore</pink>, lube it up and stick it inside your <pink>pink pussy</pink></center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\dildotraining4.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><you><i> Oh fuck fuck.. it's so deep.. I want to take it deep like her.. she looks so hot.. I want to be her..!</i></you></b> - you think to yourself as you furiously slam your ass on the dildo like a true whore.
<b><center> Before you notice.. something starts builiding up as you jump up and down on the dildo.. and you cum..! You got your first <pink>sissygasm!</pink></center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\dildoexpanded.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><you><i> Oh my god! I came.. I really came from fucking my pussy..! It felt so good, so much better than my hand..</i></you></b> - you say to yourself in ecstasy
<b><center> You are so excited that you kneel down and slurp all your cummies from the ground</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\lickingcumfloor.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><pink><i> Yummy!</i></pink></B> - you think to yourself in a girly voice as you slurp it down your throat
<b><center> Well.. time to keep training hehe..</center></b>
<b><center><yellow> You can take dildos deeper now!</yellow></center></b>
<<set $analstat to $analstat+5>>\
<b><sister><center> Anal skill increased by 5!</center></sister></b>
<<set $fatiguestat to $fatiguestat+10>>\
<b><green><center> Fatigue increased by 10!</center></green></b>
<center>[[Go back to the PC|PC]]</center>\<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\pc.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><img src="images\other\PC.png" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>
<b><center> You want to use your..</center></b>
<<if $analevel == 1>>\
<span class="eventanal"><center><b>[[• Buttplug•|ButtplugTraining]]</b></center></span>\
<<elseif $analevel == 2>>\
<span class="eventanal"><center><b>[[• Buttplug•|ButtplugTraining]]</b></center></span>\
<span class="eventanal"><center><b>[[• Realistic dildo •|DildoTraining]]</b></center></span>\
<<elseif $analevel == 3>>\
<span class="eventanal"><center><b>[[• Buttplug•|ButtplugTraining]]</b></center></span>\
<span class="eventanal"><center><b>[[• Realistic dildo •|DildoTraining2]]</b></center></span>\
<span class="eventanal"><center><b>[[• BBC Dildo •|BBCDildoTraining]]</b></center></span>\
<center>[[Cancel|PC]]</center><<goto`either("buttplugtraining1","buttplugtraining2","buttplugtraining3")`>>\<<if $analevel ==2 and $analstat <100>>
<<elseif $analevel ==2 and $analstat == 100>>
<<goto "dildotrainingexpanded">>
<<elseif $analevel ==2 and $analstat >=105>>
<</if>>\<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\pc.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><img src="images\other\PC.png" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>
<b><center> You've got pretty used to the realistic dildo <sister>$sistername</sister> as given you.. perhaps it's time to go see <sister>$sistername</sister> for something <brown>bigger</brown>..</center></b>
<center>[[Go to your sisters room|AnalLevelup2pt2]]</center><<set $analevelup2 to true>>\
<<set $analevel to $analevel+1>>\
<<set $sisterbbcdildo to true>>\
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\sistersroom.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><img src="images\city\sisterbedroom.png" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>
<b><center> You enter your <sister>$sistername</sister> bedroom and looks like you entered at the wrong time.. she is taking a picture with a spicy outfit in front of her mirror..</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\sisterspicypic.jpg"></span></center>
-<b><sister> "Jesus you scared me.. doesn't matter what I was doing.. just texting my friend <brown>Jamal</brown>.."</sister></b> - she justifies herself for no reason
<b><center> You didn't even ask anything yet she's so defensive.. you get to the topic you came for anyways.</center></b>
-<b><you> Right ehm.. I think I'm ready for something.. <brown>bigger</brown> like you said.</you></b> - you tell her
<b><center> She looks at you in awe suprised and breaks into a smile</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\sistersmiling.jpg"></span></center>
-<b><sister> "There is no way.. already? I have to see it for myself.. get undressed and get on all fours."</sister></b> - she orders you.
-<b><you> Okay..</you></b> - you obey submissively
<b><center> You do what she asked and get in position, showing her your <pink>stretched boipussy</pink>..</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\mc4.jpg"></span></center>
-<b><sister> "Oh my god.. it does look pretty stretched.. how much have you been fucking yourself dear lord? You're a true fucking whore.. let me just make sure.."</sister></b> - she says as she sticks her fingers into your <pink>pussy</pink>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\mcfingerfuck.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><center> You immediately start leaking out of control as she fingerfucks you agressively.. you take it with ease though.. it feels amazing for someone to toy with your <pink>boipussy</pink>..</center></b>
-<b><sister> "Wow! What a good <pink>sissy</pink>! It's definitely ready for something <brown>blacker and bigger</brown> hehe.."</sister></b> - she says teasing you as she slaps your ass, taking her fingers from your <pink>pussy</pink>
<b><center> <brown>blacker?</brown>.. you're pretty curious of what she's going to give you..</center></b>
-<b><sister> "Alright let me go get your new gift.."</sister></b> - she says as she goes back to the wardrobe, bringing out a <brown>huge BBC dildo</brown> with her.
-<b><you> Oh wow.. that is big..</you></b> - you blurt out loud
-<b><sister> "Yes it is.. but your pretty little pussy has to get used to things this big.. the best pleasure you can get is from <brown>black</brown> men.. they are amazing at sex.. like this look!"</sister></b> - she says grabbing her phone and showing you a picture
<b><center> You take a look at the picture and it's <sister>$sistername</sister> getting railed by a huge <brown>black cock</brown>.. it looks really hot you can't lie.. it even makes your <pink>clitty</pink> squirm against its cage. Will that ever be you?</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\sisterbbcpic.jpg"></span></center>
-<b><sister> "God.. I miss his dick already.. let me show you how you use this dildo.."</sister></b> - she says as she takes off her panties and sits down on <brown>black</brown> dildo
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\sisterbbcdildoride.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><sister> "OH GOD.. it fills me so well, you're gonna love this feeling <pink>sissy</pink>.. I'm telling you.. but the real thing is even better..</sister></b> - she says as she creams all over the <brown>black</brown> dildo.
<b><center> After a while of her bouncing on it she gets tired and grabs the dildo, full of her fluids and cream and hands it to you.</center></b>
-<b><sister> "You already know what to do.. clean it.."</sister></b> - she orders you smiling
<b><center> And you happily obey, taking it into your mouth and licking off her pussy juice.. as if you're licking a <brown>black</brown> cock that was just inside her</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\mcbbcdildo.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><sister> "Good whore! I love how obedient you are bitch.. anyways get used to that and then I'll prepare a special gift for you hehe.. go on now, go train that pussy for me."</sister></b> - she says dismissing you.
<b><center> And you happily leave with your new toy, ready to train even more.</center></b>
<b><yellow><i><center><font size="-1"> <sister>$sistername</sister> <brown>BBC</brown> dildo added to the inventory!</font></center></i></yellow></b>
<center>[[Go out of your sisters room|Upstairs Hall]]</center><<if $analevel ==3>>
<</if>>\<<if $analstat >=205>>\
<<set $analstat to $analstat -5 >>\
<<set $time to $time+1>>\
<<if $time >= 3>>\
<<set $time to $time - 1>>\
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\pc.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><img src="images\other\PC.png" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>
<b><center> You are feeling very horny lately and you can't wait to use the <brown>BBC</brown> dildo <sister>$sistername</sister> gave you more and more.. she even said she has a gift for you.. you can't wait to see what it is, so you quickly put on some <brown>BBC hypno porn</brown> to fit the mood.</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\sissybbc1.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><you><i> God that is so hot.. I need my <brown>BBC</brown> dildo quick..</i></you></b> - you say as you grab the dildo and line it with your <pink>boipussy</pink> furiously slamming it down raw.
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\mcbbctraining1.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><center> At this point you don't need any lube.. you have no resistance at all and your <pink>boipussy</pink> is seriously stretched beyond belief.. you are a certified <pink>sissy whore..</pink> there's probably actual prostitutes with less looser assholes than you.. but you feel happy and with extreme pleasure..</center></b>
-<b><pink><i> HMMHMmm.. fuck me <brown>black</brown> daddy.. destroy my pretty pussy!</i></pink></b> - you think to yourself as you <pink>sissygasm</pink> all over the floor
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\mccummingbbc.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><center> As per usual, you get on your knees on the floor and lick up all the cum and swallow it.. feeling like a proper <pink>sissy</pink> afterwards.. you don't even brush your teeth for the rest of the day so you can feel the flavour of cum..</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\lickcumground.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><pink><i> Tasty.. but a <brown>black</brown> man's cum would probably be even better..</i></pink></b> - you think to yourself
<b><center> You feel your anus stretch from this training and you made some good progress.. all you have to do is keep going so you get your gift</center></b>
<<if $analstat >=200>>\
<<set $analstat to 200>>\
<b><sister><center><i><u> You've stretched your <pink>boipussy</pink> as much as you could with the <brown>BBC</brown> dildo..</u></i></center></sister></b>
<b><i><center><grey><u> End of training content for now!</u></grey></center></i></b>
<<elseif $analstat <200>>
<<set $analstat to $analstat+5>>\
<b><sister><center> Anal skill increased by 5!</center></sister></b>
<<set $fatiguestat to $fatiguestat+10>>\
<b><green><center> Fatigue increased by 10!</center></green></b>
<center>[[Go back to the PC|PC]]</center>\<<if $analstat >=205>>\
<<set $analstat to $analstat -5 >>\
<<set $time to $time+1>>\
<<if $time >= 3>>\
<<set $time to $time - 1>>\
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\pc.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><img src="images\other\PC.png" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>
<b><center> You are feeling very horny lately and you can't wait to use the <brown>BBC</brown> dildo <sister>$sistername</sister> gave you more and more.. she even said she has a gift for you.. you can't wait to see what it is, so you quickly put on some <brown>BBC hypno porn</brown> to fit the mood.</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\sissybbc3.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><you><i> God that is so hot.. I need my <brown>BBC</brown> dildo quick..</i></you></b> - you say as you grab the dildo and line it with your <pink>boipussy</pink> furiously slamming it down raw.
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\mcbbctraining3.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><center> At this point you don't need any lube.. you have no resistance at all and your <pink>boipussy</pink> is seriously stretched beyond belief.. you are a certified <pink>sissy whore..</pink> there's probably actual prostitutes with less looser assholes than you.. but you feel happy and with extreme pleasure..</center></b>
-<b><pink><i> HMMHMmm.. fuck me <brown>black</brown> daddy.. destroy my pretty pussy!</i></pink></b> - you think to yourself as you <pink>sissygasm</pink> all over the floor
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\mccummingbbc.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><center> As per usual, you get on your knees on the floor and lick up all the cum and swallow it.. feeling like a proper <pink>sissy</pink> afterwards.. you don't even brush your teeth for the rest of the day so you can feel the flavour of cum..</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\lickcumground.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><pink><i> Tasty.. but a <brown>black</brown> man's cum would probably be even better..</i></pink></b> - you think to yourself
<b><center> You feel your anus stretch from this training and you made some good progress.. all you have to do is keep going so you get your gift</center></b>
<<if $analstat >=200>>\
<<set $analstat to 200>>\
<b><sister><center><i><u> You've stretched your <pink>boipussy</pink> as much as you could with the <brown>BBC</brown> dildo..</u></i></center></sister></b>
<b><i><center><grey><u> End of training content for now!</u></grey></center></i></b>
<<elseif $analstat <200>>
<<set $analstat to $analstat+5>>\
<b><sister><center> Anal skill increased by 5!</center></sister></b>
<<set $fatiguestat to $fatiguestat+10>>\
<b><green><center> Fatigue increased by 10!</center></green></b>
<center>[[Go back to the PC|PC]]</center>\<<if $analstat >=205>>\
<<set $analstat to $analstat -5 >>\
<<set $time to $time+1>>\
<<if $time >= 3>>\
<<set $time to $time - 1>>\
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\pc.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><img src="images\other\PC.png" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>
<b><center> You are feeling very horny lately and you can't wait to use the <brown>BBC</brown> dildo <sister>$sistername</sister> gave you more and more.. she even said she has a gift for you.. you can't wait to see what it is, so you quickly put on some <brown>BBC hypno porn</brown> to fit the mood.</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\sissybbc2.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><you><i> God that is so hot.. I need my <brown>BBC</brown> dildo quick..</i></you></b> - you say as you grab the dildo and line it with your <pink>boipussy</pink> furiously slamming it down raw.
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\mcbbctraining2.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><center> At this point you don't need any lube.. you have no resistance at all and your <pink>boipussy</pink> is seriously stretched beyond belief.. you are a certified <pink>sissy whore..</pink> there's probably actual prostitutes with less looser assholes than you.. but you feel happy and with extreme pleasure..</center></b>
-<b><pink><i> HMMHMmm.. fuck me <brown>black</brown> daddy.. destroy my pretty pussy!</i></pink></b> - you think to yourself as you <pink>sissygasm</pink> all over the floor
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\mccummingbbc.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><center> As per usual, you get on your knees on the floor and lick up all the cum and swallow it.. feeling like a proper <pink>sissy</pink> afterwards.. you don't even brush your teeth for the rest of the day so you can feel the flavour of cum..</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\lickcumground.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><pink><i> Tasty.. but a <brown>black</brown> man's cum would probably be even better..</i></pink></b> - you think to yourself
<b><center> You feel your anus stretch from this training and you made some good progress.. all you have to do is keep going so you get your gift</center></b>
<<if $analstat >=200>>\
<<set $analstat to 200>>\
<b><sister><center><i><u> You've stretched your <pink>boipussy</pink> as much as you could with the <brown>BBC</brown> dildo..</u></i></center></sister></b>
<b><i><center><grey><u> End of training content for now!</u></grey></center></i></b>
<<elseif $analstat <200>>
<<set $analstat to $analstat+5>>\
<b><sister><center> Anal skill increased by 5!</center></sister></b>
<<set $fatiguestat to $fatiguestat+10>>\
<b><green><center> Fatigue increased by 10!</center></green></b>
<center>[[Go back to the PC|PC]]</center>\<span class='fadeIn'>\
<<set $momdildo to true>>\
<<set $momeventsub7 to false>>\
<<set $timer to 0>>\
<<set $oraltraining to true>>\
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\parentsroom.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><img src="images\city\parentsbedroom.jpg" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>
<b><center> You enter your <mom>mothers</mom> seeking for more guidance when it comes to oral skill.. you want to develop and train further.. she is just laying on her bed relaxing.</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\mombedroom.png"></span></center>
-<b><mom> "Oh hi hun, what's wrong?"</mom></b> - she immediately asks you, worried.
-<b><you> Well.. I wanted to know if you want to continue the cock sucking training..</you></B> - you say honestly.
<b><center> She jumps surprised with your words, clearly not expecting you to be so vulgar about it.</center></b>
-<b><mom> "Oh that startled me.. well honey I think it's better we give you a way of training instead of you depending on me.. wait a second."</mom></B> - she says as she disappears and goes to grab something.
<b><center> After a while she comes back and throws something to the ground, when you look to the ground, it's a pink dildo!</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\momdildo.jpg"></span></center>
-<b><mom> "Now.. this boy right here is one of my favourite dildos.. I'm going to lend it to you, you'll use it to train your pretty throat, I'll show you in a second how to do it properly.. then you take it with you and train in your bedroom, when you feel like you've gotten used to it you come back to me!</mom></b> - she says grabbing the dildo from the ground smiling
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\momdildo2.jpg"></span></center>
-<b><you> Okay mommy, thanks..</you></b> - you say thankful
-<b><mom> "You're welcome! Now look, this is how deep I can take it, you have to be able to take it this deep to go to the next level! I'll plan something for you when you're able to do this.."</mom></b> - she says as she demonstrates how deep you have to take it.
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\momexplaining.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><mom> "FwWAHH.. see.. *cough*, you have to be able.. to do this! Here, take it honey!"</mom></b> - she says handing the drooly dildo to you
<b><center> You take it grateful that she is aiding you.</center></b>
-<b><you> Thanks mommy.. I'll go train then..</you></b> - you say ready to leave happy
<b><center> You take a look at her and she smiles at you with her mouth full of drool but happy that she can help you.. time to train!</center></b>
<b><yellow><i><center><font size="-1"> <mom>$momname</mom> dildo added to the inventory!</font></center></i></yellow></b>
<b><center><red> You can now train your oral skill in your PC in the bedroom! Check stats to see your level and skill!</red></center></b>
<center>[[Leave her bedroom|Upstairs Hall]]</center><center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\pc.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><img src="images\other\PC.png" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>
<b><center> You want to use your..</center></b>
<<if $oralevel == 1>>\
<span class="eventoral"><center><b>[[• Mothers pink dildo•|OralTraining1]]</b></center></span>\
<<elseif $oralevel ==2>>\
<span class="eventoral"><center><b>[[• Mothers pink dildo•|OralTraining1]]</b></center></span>\
<span class="eventoral"><center><b>[[• Mothers big dildo•|OralTraining2]]</b></center></span>\
<<elseif $oralevel ==3>>\
<span class="eventoral"><center><b>[[• Mothers pink dildo•|OralTraining1]]</b></center></span>\
<span class="eventoral"><center><b>[[• Mothers big dildo•|OralTraining2]]</b></center></span>\
<span class="eventoral"><center><b>[[• Mothers black dildo•|OralTraining3]]</b></center></span>\
<center>[[Cancel|PC]]</center><<goto`either("pinkdildo1","pinkdildo2","pinkdildo3")`>>\<<if $oralstat >= 51 and $oralevel == 1>>\
<<set $oralstat to $oralstat -5 >>\
<<set $time to $time+1>>\
<<if $time >= 3>>\
<<set $time to $time - 1>>\
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\pc.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><img src="images\other\PC.png" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>
<b><center> You are excited to train your <pink>throat pussy</pink> to be able to enlarge and lose your gag reflex just like your <mom>mommy!</mom>. You grab her pink dildo she gave you and place it on your desk and you put on encouraging <pink>sissy</pink> hypno porn.</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\cocksuckhypno2.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><you><i> Time to imitate.. I'll try to suck it like a real cock..</i></you></b> - you think to yourself as you close your eyes and imagine a hot guy in front of you as you suck the dildo.
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\mcsucktraining2.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><center> After a while your throat is starting to get sore and tired so you give it a break and rest, doing something else with your day, but you did feel like progress was made.. few more trainings and you'll be able to see what your <mom>mother</mom> has prepared for you..</center></b>
<<if $oralstat >=50 and $oralevel == 1>>\
<<set $oralstat to 50>>\
<b><mom><center><i><u> You've stretched your <pink>throat pussy</pink> as much as you could with the pink realistic dildo</u></i></center></mom></b>
<b><i><center><grey><u> End of oral training content for now!</u></grey></center></i></b>
<<elseif $oralstat <50 and $oralevel ==1>>
<<set $oralstat to $oralstat+5>>\
<b><mom><center> Oral skill increased by 5!</center></mom></b>
<<elseif $oralevel == 2>>\
<b><mom><center><i><u> You've stretched your <pink>throat pussy</pink> as much as you could with the pink realistic dildo</u></i></center></mom></b>
<<set $fatiguestat to $fatiguestat+10>>\
<b><green><center> Fatigue increased by 10!</center></green></b>
<center>[[Go back to the PC|PC]]</center>\<<if $oralstat >= 51 and $oralevel == 1>>\
<<set $oralstat to $oralstat -5 >>\
<<set $time to $time+1>>\
<<if $time >= 3>>\
<<set $time to $time - 1>>\
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\pc.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><img src="images\other\PC.png" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>
<b><center> You are excited to train your <pink>throat pussy</pink> to be able to enlarge and lose your gag reflex just like your <mom>mommy!</mom>. You grab her pink dildo she gave you and place it on your desk and you put on encouraging <pink>sissy</pink> hypno porn.</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\cocksuckhypno3.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><you><i> Time to imitate.. I'll try to suck it like a real cock..</i></you></b> - you think to yourself as you close your eyes and imagine a hot guy in front of you as you suck the dildo.
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\mcsucktraining3.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><center> After a while your throat is starting to get sore and tired so you give it a break and rest, doing something else with your day, but you did feel like progress was made.. few more trainings and you'll be able to see what your <mom>mother</mom> has prepared for you..</center></b>
<<if $oralstat >=50 and $oralevel == 1>>\
<<set $oralstat to 50>>\
<b><mom><center><i><u> You've stretched your <pink>throat pussy</pink> as much as you could with the pink realistic dildo</u></i></center></mom></b>
<b><i><center><grey><u> End of oral training content for now!</u></grey></center></i></b>
<<elseif $oralstat <50 and $oralevel ==1>>
<<set $oralstat to $oralstat+5>>\
<b><mom><center> Oral skill increased by 5!</center></mom></b>
<<elseif $oralevel == 2>>\
<b><mom><center><i><u> You've stretched your <pink>throat pussy</pink> as much as you could with the pink realistic dildo</u></i></center></mom></b>
<<set $fatiguestat to $fatiguestat+10>>\
<b><green><center> Fatigue increased by 10!</center></green></b>
<center>[[Go back to the PC|PC]]</center>\<<if $oralstat >= 51 and $oralevel == 1>>\
<<set $oralstat to $oralstat -5 >>\
<<set $time to $time+1>>\
<<if $time >= 3>>\
<<set $time to $time - 1>>\
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\pc.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><img src="images\other\PC.png" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>
<b><center> You are excited to train your <pink>throat pussy</pink> to be able to enlarge and lose your gag reflex just like your <mom>mommy!</mom>. You grab her pink dildo she gave you and place it on your desk and you put on encouraging <pink>sissy</pink> hypno porn.</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\cocksuckhypno1.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><you><i> Time to imitate.. I'll try to suck it like a real cock..</i></you></b> - you think to yourself as you close your eyes and imagine a hot guy in front of you as you suck the dildo.
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\mcsucktraining1.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><center> After a while your throat is starting to get sore and tired so you give it a break and rest, doing something else with your day, but you did feel like progress was made.. few more trainings and you'll be able to see what your <mom>mother</mom> has prepared for you..</center></b>
<<if $oralstat >=50 and $oralevel == 1>>\
<<set $oralstat to 50>>\
<b><mom><center><i><u> You've stretched your <pink>throat pussy</pink> as much as you could with the pink realistic dildo</u></i></center>
<b><i><center><grey><u> End of oral training content for now!</u></grey></center></i></b>
<<elseif $oralstat <50 and $oralevel ==1>>
<<set $oralstat to $oralstat+5>>\
<b><mom><center> Oral skill increased by 5!</center></mom></b>
<<elseif $oralevel == 2>>\
<b><mom><center><i><u> You've stretched your <pink>throat pussy</pink> as much as you could with the pink realistic dildo</u></i></center></mom></b>
<<set $fatiguestat to $fatiguestat+10>>\
<b><green><center> Fatigue increased by 10!</center></green></b>
<center>[[Go back to the PC|PC]]</center>\<span class='fadeIn'>\
<<set $therapistsubevent6 to false>>\
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\therapy.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><img src="images\city\therapylobby.png" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>
<b><center> You arrive at the therapy building and enter, once again you were expecting to see <ltblue>Ms.$receptionistname</ltblue> but she isn't in the reception again.. is she truly a receptionist or someone else? This is really odd..</center></B>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\randomreceptionist.jpg"></span></center>
-<b><yellow> "Yes <you>$name</you>. You can go up "they" are waiting for you."</yellow></b> - she says before you even speak a word
-<b><you> They?</you></b> - you ask curious.
-<b><yellow> "Ehm.. I mean she obviously my bad.. <therapist>Ms.$therapistname</therapist> is waiting for your arrival, please head up."</yellow></b> - she says stumbling on her words.
<b><center> Weird.. that's a weird mistake to make but.. can happen I guess, time to head upstairs..</center></b>
<center>[[Head upstairs to the therapists office|therapistsubevent6thpt2]]</center><center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\therapy.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><img src="images\city\therapyroom.png" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>
<b><center> You arrive at the <therapist>$therapistname</therapist> office and see her standing there, beautiful as always, but it seems she was just speaking with someone even though she is clearly alone in the room.. is she okay? When she notices you she gets quiet and turns around looking at you</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\therapistspeaking.jpg"></span></center>
-<b><therapist> "Oh you're here! Hello my litte <pink>sissy</pink>! You've been glooming lately god.. we've been doing such a good job with you, you'll be like <bf>$bfname</bf> in no time.. speaking of.. I have to contact him.. anyways I'm yapping, how have you been feeling lately? Any good thoughts and feelings?</therapist></b> - she asks you, speaking alot as always
-<b><you> Well.. overall I'm good I've been feeling happy with myself.. physically it has been tough because of my chastity..</you></b> - you say without thinking
-<b><therapist> "CHASTITY? Who put you in chastity? Why did I have no knowledge of this? Let me see!"</therapist></b> - she says suprised, coming next to you
<b><center> Shit why did you mention that? She didn't have to know.. well now you have to show it there's no way out..</center></b>
-<b><you> Fine..</you></b> - you say as you pull your pants down, showing her your chastity caged penis
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\therapistlaughcage.png"></span></center>
-<b><therapist> "HAHAHA who has done this to you? I know it wasn't <teacher>$nameteacher</teacher> because she would've told me so it was someone else.. it is so tiny! The hormones have done a number on your <pink>clitty</pink> that's for sure"</therapist></b> - she says laughing at your tiny cock
-<b><you> It's my <sister>sister..</sister></you></b> - you admit
-<b><therapist> "Oh wow! Your own sister? She must be one cruel bitch.. I'll have to come in contact with her she seems like a righteous lady.. anyways cover that thing up it's awful to the eyes.. let's proceed with the therapy.. you already know what to do, head to the hypno room, take your pill and your drink and relax on the couch alright? I'll see you on the other side <pink>sissy boi</pink></therapist></b> - she says as she heads away
<center>[[Head inside the hypno room|therapistsubevent6thpt3]]</center><center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\therapy.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><img src="images\city\hypnoroom.png" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>
<b><center> You enter the hypno room and it is as shiny as over, however it does not bother you anymore, you've gotten pretty used to it, on the table you see the two contents you usually take.. you're pretty excited to take them since you feel really good afterwards, even though lately you've been having some weird pains..</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\pinkdrink.jpg"></span></center>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\pinkpill.jpg"></span></center>
-<b><therapist><i> "Please proceed to sit down. Take the pill and down the drink as quickly as you can."</i></therapist></b> - your therapist orders you through the intercommunicator.
<b><center> You immediately obey her voice without even thinking.. why are you so obedient towards her? Your body almost moved by instinct.. but you really want to do what she said, so you quickly sit down and grab the pink pill and pink drink, downing them both quickly.</center></B>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\grabbingpinkpill.jpg"></span></center>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\grabdrink.png"></span></center>
<b><center> Immediately you feel drowsy and start losing control over your own body.. you enter a state of complete hypnosis, a living doll.</center></b>
<center>[[Lose control of yourself|therapistsubevent6thpt4]]</center><center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\therapy.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>\
<center><video src="videos\hypno\hypnoaudio.mp4" width="1" height="1" autoplay></video></center>\
<b><center><white><u><font size="10">EMPTINESS</font></u></white></center></b>\
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\emptiness.jpg"></span></center>
<b><center><white> You are empty, a shell, you are not <you>$name</you>. You are no one, a blank canvas for anyone to paint and mold you</white></center></b>
<b><center> You are completely out of yourself, you can't form thoughts or actions.. when suddenly you hear two laughing voices coming from behind you..</center></b>
-<b><ltblue> "Oh I swear this is my favorite part of the week.."</ltblue></b> - <ltblue>someone</ltblue> says laughing
-<b><therapist> "Just go easy on her for now.. if you go too hard she'll snap out of the hypno and that will destroy our progress.."</therapist></b> - the <therapist>other</therapist> person says.
<b><center> You recognize these voices.. however your brain cannot fanthom who it is right now.. then two beautiful ladies appear in front of you.. they have something around their waists..</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\receptioniststrap.jpg"></span></center>
-<b><ltblue> "HMMmmm she looks adorable, the drugs are definitely making her more feminine.. I wish I could fuck that ass.."</ltblue></b> - the <ltblue>lady</ltblue> in front of you says licking her lips
-<b><therapist> "Not yet.. we can fuck her mouth for now, once she's more dosed we'll try that.."</therapist></b> - the <therapist>other lady</therapist> says appearing in front of you with her strap aswell
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\therapiststrap.jpg"></span></center>
<b><center> You don't see anything wrong with this image, theres two beautiful ladies waving two massive strap-ons in front of you, you should feel scared, horny, embarassed, in danger but yet.. your brains feels emptiness only..</center></b>
-<b><ltblue> "Look here little <pink>sissy</pink>! Do you like our big cocks? You wish you had cocks like these you worthless male HAHA"</ltblue></b> - she says humiliating and laughing at you, rubbing her strap
-<b><therapist> "Not in a million years would she ever have something like this.. she was born to be a <pink>sissy</pink>.. what a development"</therapist></b> - the other lady says rubbing her strap in front of you aswell
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\bothstraps.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><ltblue> "God I can't wait.. can I go first?!"</ltblue></b> - the lady says grabbing your hair and putting you on your knees.
<b><center> You don't even resist you just fall to the ground and let yourself be on your knees.</center></b>
-<b><therapist> "Jesus.. be careful I already told you, go on."</therapist></b> - the other lady gives some sort of permission
-<b><ltblue> "Hehe! Open up <pink>sissy boi!</pink></ltblue></b> - she says ordering you, to which you obey immediately
<b><center> You open your mouth and immediately are greeted with an agressive object in your mouth, fucking your throat quickly</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\receptioniststrapbj.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><ltblue> "Wow! She can take it all in? Is this a reaction to the drug? She has no gag reflex!"</ltblue></b> - the lady says suprised.
-<b><therapist> "Hmm.. that's very interesting, the drug shouldn't change her gag reflex.. let me try."</therapist></b> - the other lady says, grabbing your hair and standing in front of you.
-<b><therapist> "Suck me whore, with as much skill as you can, do your best."</therapist></b> - she orders you
<b><center> You immediately have a quest of doing your best, your body knows what to do, it is trained to suck cock from your previous training.</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\therapiststrapbj.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><ltblue> "Wow! That's a pro cocksucker I've ever seen one.. has she been whoring her mouth or something?"</ltblue></b> - the <ltblue>lady comments</ltblue>
-<b><therapist> "I dont know.. but she has definitely been training.. this is very interesting.. I'll try to get into out of her in the next appointment.."</therapist></b> - she says.
<b><center> You are sucking the cock when suddenly you start to regain conscience.. your body starts trembling and shaking and you just fall to the ground.</center></b>
-<B><therapist> "Shit I think we pushed her too far.. let's put her back in the couch and leave.. we were able to make her do things she didn't do before though this is good.."</therapist></b> - the <therapist>lady</therapist> says as they both grab you and put you back in place.
<center>[[Wake up|therapistsubevent5thpt5]]</center><center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\therapy.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><img src="images\city\hypnoroom.png" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\wakingup.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><center> As you wake up.. you feel super groggy and tired.. your jaw aches like crazy aswell.. what just happened? Why do you have a plastic taste in your mouth..?</center></b>
-<b><you> Hello..? What happened? My jaw aches so much..</you></b> - you say out loud, waiting for a response
<b><center> Then after a few minutes you her the intercommunicator open and you hear <therapist>$therapistname</therapist> speak through it.</center></b>
-<b><therapist><i> "It was probably just your position when entered the hypnosis status.. how do you feel?"</i></therapist></b> - your therapist asks you through the intercommunicator.
-<b><you> Other than the plastic taste and jaw pain.. I feel good.. refreshed..</you></b> - you say honestly
-<b><therapist><i> "I see.. well we got really good information from this session.. I'll see you next week"</i></therapist></b> - your therapist says through the intercommunicator and shuts it off.
<b><center> These sessions are so weird.. you dont remember a thing when you wake up and have really strange feelings physically.. you feel degraded and used even though you don't remember what happened.. but your body does.. nevertheless you leave and go home, you're really tired..</center></b>
<center>[[Head home quickly|RoomTherapy4]]</center><center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\bedroom.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><img src="images\city\bedroom.jpg" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>
<b><center> Finally you get to your room, you don't care what time it is, you are really tired and your body hurts specially your jaw, you lay down on your bed and you start to fall asleep</center></b>
<b><you> - Jesus how was that so tiring and my jaw hurts.. I can't even remember what happened properly.. </you></b> - you tell yourself as you enter your bed
<b><center> As you enter your bed and close your eyes.. you get a weird image of <ltblue>$receptionistname</ltblue> and <therapist>$therapistname</therapist> with strap-ons.. is it from the porn you've been watching lately? It's a really hot image though..</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\bothstraps.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><you><i> Hmmhmm.. hot</i></you></b> - you think to yourself as you slowly fall asleep
<<set $submissive to $submissive+1>>\
<b><center><pink> Submissiveness +1!</pink></center></b>\
<center>[[• Eventually you fall asleep •|Sleep3]]</center>\<span class='fadeIn'>
<<set $momdomevent5 to false>>\
<<set $timer to 0>>\
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\bathroom.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><img src="images\city\bathroom.jpg" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>
<b><center> You hear someone shower and you take a peek.. when you look inside you see your <mom>mother</mom> showering with her body turned towards you..</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\mompeekbj1.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><you><i> God she's so hot.. I wish I could just come in and fucking plow her down against the wall..</i></you></b> - you think to yourself
<b><center> You keep watching her when suddenly she notices you are at the door.. you expect her to freak out when she notices but instead she just stares at you and smiles, continuing to wash her body.. and she even seems to be teasing you.. what is going on?</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\mompeekbj2.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><center> She's 100% teasing you.. if she wants to play this game then fuck it.. you're going in.</center></b>
-<b><you> Hey <mom>mom</mom>.. why don't we shower together to save some water?</you></b> - you say as you quickly undress with a massive boner, entering her shower.
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\bigdickswing.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><mom> "O..oh h..hey! Of.. course!"</mom></b> - she says breathless as she fixates her eyes on your cock.
<b><center> She's clearly extremely horny from your presence.. she cant take her eyes off your cock, just how deprived of sex is she that she doesn't even care that you are her son.. you have to try it..</center></b>
-<b><you> Enough games.. kneel whore.</you></b> - you say as you put your hands on her shoulders, making her kneel.
<b><center> She looks up ate you in awe, realizing what is going on.. you look deep into her eyes and just say a single word.</center></b>
-<b><you> Suck.</you></b> - you say as you grab her head.
<b><center> It seems the horniness is too much for her.. she grabs your cock and hungrily takes into her greedy mouth.</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\mompeekbj3.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><mom> Oh god.. gGHawgh.. it's huge..</mom></b> - she says as she sucks it.
<b><center> You got it.. you finally have your <mom>mom</mom> being your whore.. she's sucking your cock greedily like it was the best thing in her life.. you can't take it anymore with this vision and just come all over her tits..</center></b>
-<b><you> I'm.. CUMMING! FFuckk..!</you></b> - you scream as you unload on her massive boobs
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\mompeekbj4.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><center> God that felt amazing.. you want this more and more.. you want to make your mother your whore just like you did with <sister>$sistername</sister>, however when you look at her she seems to be in shock..</center></b>
-<b><mom> " What have I done.. your my son.. I can't.. this was a one time thing.. I need to go.."</mom></b> - she says clustered and confused as she hurries out of the shower in a towel, extremely ashamed of her actions.
<b><center> Fuck.. did I fuck it up by going too fast? She seemed extremely embarassed.. I'll have to talk with her and convince her that it's nothing wrong..</center></b>
<<set $dominant to $dominant+1>>
<center><b><blue> Dominance +1!</blue></b></center>
<center>[[Leave the shower|Bathroom]]</center>
<span class='fadeIn'>
<<set $teacherdom1 to false>>\
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\schoolhallway.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><img src="images\city\schoolhall.jpg" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>
<b><center> You head to school a little earlier than usual.. and last time you were in the classroom you and <classmate>Sasha</classmate> completely dominated <teacher>Ms.$nameteacher</teacher>.. you could pull a "prank" on her with the help of <classmate>Sasha</classmate> now that she is your pet, you head inside the classroom to meet with <classmate>Sasha</classmate></center></b>
<center>[[Enter the classroom|teacherdom1pt2]]</center><center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\classroom.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><img src="images\city\chemistryclassroom.jpg" width = "550px"></center>
<b><center> You look around for <classmate>Sasha</classmate> and you see her in her desk speaking with some other classmate whose name you don't even know.</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\classmatetalkingfriend.jpg"></span></center>
<b><center> You approach her, wanting to tell her the plan to further humiliate and tease <teacher>Ms.$nameteacher</teacher></center></b>
-<b><you> Hey <classmate>Sasha</classmate> I need to talk with you.</you></b> - you tell her
<b><center> She looks at you with a questioning look in her eyes, since you two don't usually talk outside of the dirty things you two do, she clearly already knows you're up to something..</center></b>
-<b><classmate> "I'll talk to you later <yellow>Alina..</yellow>"</classmate></b> - she tells the other classmate, whose name is <yellow>Alina</yellow> apperantly.
-<b><you> Alright let's get straight to the point.. I want to tease <teacher>Ms.$nameteacher</teacher> in public and I need your cooperation..</you></b> - you tell her
<b><center> Her face immediately turns to a smiling one, she truly enjoys humiliating her teacher.. kinky girl</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\classmatelikes.jpg"></span></center>
-<b><classmate> "As long as we don't get into trouble you already know I'm in.. I love to play with our little pet.. what do you want me to do?"</classmate></b> - she says clearly excited already.
-<b><you> So I want you to sneakily go under her desk without anyone noticing.. it's risky but I want you to stay there the whole class and I want you to start teasing her whore pussy, lick her, play with her ass whatever you want really, just humiliate her.. as soon as she sees it is you she'll understand what's going on.</you></b> - you tell her the plan
<b><center> She starts smiling even more and you can see her legs rubbing, she wants to follow your plan</center></b>
-<b><classmate> "And you're sure that won't get us in trouble?</classmate></b> - she asks concerned
-<b><you> I'm sure.. now go do your duty slut come on.</you></b> - you say ordering her
<b><center> She smiles at you and goes past you, sneakily going under the teachers desk without anyone noticing.</center></b>
<b><center> After a while <teacher>Ms.$nameteacher</teacher> comes into the classroom as it is time for the class to start, she's always on time</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\teachersittinglesbian.png"></span></center>
-<b><teacher> "Good morning class, take a seat would you?"</teacher></b> - she says appearing domineering and with authority.
<b><center> But that act quickly falls to pieces when she sits down and immediately she feels something touching her legs and approacing her pussy</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\teacherdom1.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><teacher> "WHAT THE.."</teacher></b> - she loudly gasps
<b><center> The students look at her while she's looking down the desk quickly and notices <classmate>Sasha</classmate> is under there, she immediately raises her head and adjusts her hair to make sure no one thinks anything weird.</center></b>
-<b><yellow> "Is everything okay teacher?"</yellow></b> - Alina asks
-<b><classmate> "Ehm yes..! Would you guys please study by yourselves this class? I have something very important to finish in these papers..!"</classmate></b> - she says squirming on her seat
<b><center> You can already tell that <classmate>Sasha</classmate> is doing something devious under there..</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\teacherdom2.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><teacher> "mhmMH.."</teacher></b> - your teacher slowly moans, covering her mouth
<b><center> You keep looking straight into her eyes while smiling, she seems to notice it and looks back at you in desperation, clearly scared someome might notice and ruin her entire career, she slowly nods at you but you ignore her and smile more at her. Suddenly she jumps on her seat.. seems like <classmate>Sasha</classmate> has done something special.. she covers her entire face with her hands, clearly feeling extreme pleasure but not wanting to show everyone else</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\teacherdom3.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><you> Are you feeling okay <teacher>teach?</teacher></you></b> - you say out loud, wanting to call attention to her.
<b><center> She takes her hands off her face and she is extremely red and blushing</center></b>
-<b><teacher> "Ehm.. I..- I feel a lit..tle bit under the weat..her! The class is dismissed for today.. you all can leave please.."</teacher></b> - she says under breaths as <classmate>Sasha</classmate> seems to be going crazy on her pussy
<b><center> Every student leaves but you and you approach her</center></b>
-<b><you> Liked my suprise whore?</you></b> - you say as you forcefully grab her hair and kiss her on the lips
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\kissingteacher.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><teacher> "I.. I hate you.. do you want to get me fired...?"</teacher></b> - she says breathless
<b><center> You ignore her pleas and look at <classmate>Sasha</classmate> her face is completely ruined with pussy juice.. what a mess, she truly went ham on her pussy.</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\classmateruinedface.jpg"></span></center>
-<b><you> Finish what you started whore.</you></b> - you order <classmate>Sasha</classmate> to which she obeys
<b><center> She gets back between her legs but now <teacher>Ms.$nameteacher</teacher> is much more confortable and spreads her legs open, enjoying completely the oral pleasure she's receiving</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\teacherdom4.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><teacher> "G..god you're so good at this.. I'm getting close.."</teacher></b> - she says showing her true feelings
-<b><classmate> "Hehe.. your pussy tastes delicious pet.. cum whenever you want, you have our permission."</classmate></b> - <classmate>Sasha</classmate> says.
<b><center> After a while, she can't control herself and completely orgasms all over <classmate>Sasha</classmate> face.</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\teacherdom5.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><teacher> "God I cant feel my legs.. I still have classes to teach you guys know that right.. jesus.."</teacher></b> - she says breathless
-<b><you> You're welcome whore.. expect more of these treats and one day we'll have to talk a walk in public.. you're my slut understand?</you></b> - you say grabbing her hair again and spitting into her mouth
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\Spitinmouth.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><teacher> "Y..yes"</teacher></b> - is all she says, submitting to your will
-<b><you> Good, let's go <classmate>Sasha</classmate>, you should clean your face.. it's a mess.</you></b> - you warn <classmate>Sasha</classmate>
<b><center> You two then leave and go back to your daily lives, satisfied with the humiliation and further corruption you've done on your <teacher>pet</teacher></center></b>
<<set $dominant to $dominant+2>>
<center><b><blue> Dominance +2!</blue></b></center>
<center>[[Leave towards the School Hallway|School Hallway]]</center>
<<set $dress2 to true>>
<<set $money to $money-80>>
<<goto "Happy Girls shop">><<set $dress3 to true>>
<<set $money to $money-80>>
<<goto "Happy Girls shop">><<set $dress4 to true>>
<<set $money to $money-80>>
<<goto "Happy Girls shop">><<set $dress5 to true>>
<<set $money to $money-100>>
<<goto "Happy Girls shop">><<set $dress6 to true>>
<<set $money to $money-100>>
<<goto "Happy Girls shop">><<set $dress7 to true>>
<<set $money to $money-100>>
<<goto "Happy Girls shop">><<set $dress8 to true>>
<<set $money to $money-100>>
<<goto "Happy Girls shop">><<set $top1 to true>>
<<set $money to $money-60>>
<<goto "Happy Girls shop">><<set $top2 to true>>
<<set $money to $money-60>>
<<goto "Happy Girls shop">><<set $top3 to true>>
<<set $money to $money-60>>
<<goto "Happy Girls shop">><<set $top4 to true>>
<<set $money to $money-60>>
<<goto "Happy Girls shop">><<set $top5 to true>>
<<set $money to $money-80>>
<<goto "Happy Girls shop">><<set $skirt1 to true>>
<<set $money to $money-60>>
<<goto "Happy Girls shop">><<set $skirt2 to true>>
<<set $money to $money-60>>
<<goto "Happy Girls shop">><<set $skirt3 to true>>
<<set $money to $money-60>>
<<goto "Happy Girls shop">><<set $skirt4 to true>>
<<set $money to $money-60>>
<<goto "Happy Girls shop">><<set $skirt5 to true>>
<<set $money to $money-60>>
<<goto "Happy Girls shop">><<set $sluttyshorts1 to true>>
<<set $money to $money-80>>
<<goto "Happy Girls shop">><<set $heels1 to true>>
<<set $money to $money-60>>
<<goto "ShoeShop">><<set $heels2 to true>>
<<set $money to $money-60>>
<<goto "ShoeShop">><<set $heels3 to true>>
<<set $money to $money-60>>
<<goto "ShoeShop">><<set $heels4 to true>>
<<set $money to $money-80>>
<<goto "ShoeShop">><<set $heels5 to true>>
<<set $money to $money-80>>
<<goto "ShoeShop">><<set $femaletop1 to true>>
<<set $money to $money-60>>
<<goto "ClothesShop">><<set $femalejeans1 to true>>
<<set $money to $money-60>>
<<goto "ClothesShop">><<set $equip to 7>>
<<goto "Tops">><<set $equip to 8>>
<<goto "Tops">><<set $equip to 9>>
<<goto "Tops">><<set $equip to 10>>
<<goto "Tops">><<set $equip to 11>>
<<goto "Tops">><<set $equip to 12>>
<<set $bottom to -1>>
<<goto "Tops">><<set $equip to 13>>
<<set $bottom to -1>>
<<goto "Tops">><<set $equip to 14>>
<<set $bottom to -1>>
<<goto "Tops">><<set $equip to 15>>
<<set $bottom to -1>>
<<goto "Tops">><<set $equip to 17>>
<<set $bottom to -1>>
<<goto "Tops">><<set $equip to 16>>
<<set $bottom to -1>>
<<goto "Tops">><<set $equip to 18>>
<<set $bottom to -1>>
<<goto "Tops">><<set $bottom to 6>>
<<if $equip ==6>>
<<set $equip to 0>>
<<elseif $equip ==12>>
<<set $equip to 0>>
<<elseif $equip ==13>>
<<set $equip to 0>>
<<elseif $equip ==14>>
<<set $equip to 0>>
<<elseif $equip ==15>>
<<set $equip to 0>>
<<elseif $equip ==16>>
<<set $equip to 0>>
<<elseif $equip ==17>>
<<set $equip to 0>>
<<elseif $equip ==18>>
<<set $equip to 0>>
<<goto "Bottoms">><<set $bottom to 7>>
<<if $equip ==6>>
<<set $equip to 0>>
<<elseif $equip ==12>>
<<set $equip to 0>>
<<elseif $equip ==13>>
<<set $equip to 0>>
<<elseif $equip ==14>>
<<set $equip to 0>>
<<elseif $equip ==15>>
<<set $equip to 0>>
<<elseif $equip ==16>>
<<set $equip to 0>>
<<elseif $equip ==17>>
<<set $equip to 0>>
<<elseif $equip ==18>>
<<set $equip to 0>>
<<goto "Bottoms">><<set $bottom to 8>>
<<if $equip ==6>>
<<set $equip to 0>>
<<elseif $equip ==12>>
<<set $equip to 0>>
<<elseif $equip ==13>>
<<set $equip to 0>>
<<elseif $equip ==14>>
<<set $equip to 0>>
<<elseif $equip ==15>>
<<set $equip to 0>>
<<elseif $equip ==16>>
<<set $equip to 0>>
<<elseif $equip ==17>>
<<set $equip to 0>>
<<elseif $equip ==18>>
<<set $equip to 0>>
<<goto "Bottoms">><<set $bottom to 9>>
<<if $equip ==6>>
<<set $equip to 0>>
<<elseif $equip ==12>>
<<set $equip to 0>>
<<elseif $equip ==13>>
<<set $equip to 0>>
<<elseif $equip ==14>>
<<set $equip to 0>>
<<elseif $equip ==15>>
<<set $equip to 0>>
<<elseif $equip ==16>>
<<set $equip to 0>>
<<elseif $equip ==17>>
<<set $equip to 0>>
<<elseif $equip ==18>>
<<set $equip to 0>>
<<goto "Bottoms">><<set $bottom to 10>>
<<if $equip ==6>>
<<set $equip to 0>>
<<elseif $equip ==12>>
<<set $equip to 0>>
<<elseif $equip ==13>>
<<set $equip to 0>>
<<elseif $equip ==14>>
<<set $equip to 0>>
<<elseif $equip ==15>>
<<set $equip to 0>>
<<elseif $equip ==16>>
<<set $equip to 0>>
<<elseif $equip ==17>>
<<set $equip to 0>>
<<elseif $equip ==18>>
<<set $equip to 0>>
<<goto "Bottoms">><<set $bottom to 11>>
<<if $equip ==6>>
<<set $equip to 0>>
<<elseif $equip ==12>>
<<set $equip to 0>>
<<elseif $equip ==13>>
<<set $equip to 0>>
<<elseif $equip ==14>>
<<set $equip to 0>>
<<elseif $equip ==15>>
<<set $equip to 0>>
<<elseif $equip ==16>>
<<set $equip to 0>>
<<elseif $equip ==17>>
<<set $equip to 0>>
<<elseif $equip ==18>>
<<set $equip to 0>>
<<goto "Bottoms">><<set $shoes to 6>>
<<goto "Shoes">><<set $shoes to 7>>
<<goto "Shoes">><<set $shoes to 8>>
<<goto "Shoes">><<set $shoes to 9>>
<<goto "Shoes">><<set $shoes to 10>>
<<goto "Shoes">><<set $equip to 19>>
<<goto "Tops">><<set $bottom to 12>>
<<if $equip ==6>>
<<set $equip to 0>>
<<elseif $equip ==12>>
<<set $equip to 0>>
<<elseif $equip ==13>>
<<set $equip to 0>>
<<elseif $equip ==14>>
<<set $equip to 0>>
<<elseif $equip ==15>>
<<set $equip to 0>>
<<elseif $equip ==16>>
<<set $equip to 0>>
<<elseif $equip ==17>>
<<set $equip to 0>>
<<elseif $equip ==18>>
<<set $equip to 0>>
<<goto "Bottoms">><center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\pc.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><img src="images\other\PC.png" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>
<b><center> You've gotten pretty used to the dildo your <mom>mom</mom> gave you.. you can go pretty deep on it already with no gag reflex, you should talk with your <mom>mom</mom> for help.. time to go to her room</center></b>
<center>[[Go to your mothers room|OralLevelup1pt2]]</center><center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\parentsroom.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><img src="images\city\parentsbedroom.jpg" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>
<<set $oralevelup1 to true>>\
<<set $oralevel to $oralevel+1>>\
<<set $mombigdildo to true>>\
<b><center> You enter your <mom>mothers</mom> bedroom and it seems she just got out of shower, she is just chilling in her bed in a robe.. when she sees you her face immediately lightens up while looking at you</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\momoutofshower.png"></span></center>
-<b><mom> "Oh hi honey, what's wrong?"</mom></b> - she kindly asks you.
-<b><you> Hi mom.. can I come in?</you></b> - you say asking before you come in, staying at the door
<b><center> She smiles at you and gets closer to the edge of the bed patting the bed next to her</center></b>
-<b><mom> "Of course baby, come in."</mom></b> - she says still smiling
<b><center> You've gotten pretty confortable around your mother by now so you just go ahead and bluntly say why you came to visit her</center></b>
-<b><you> So ehm.. I think I'm ready for the next step in the oral training.. the dildo you gave me is pretty futile right now.. I can deepthroat it without any reflex..</you></b> - you say embarassed as your face grows red
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\mcthinking.jpg"></span></center>
-<b><mom> "Oh! That's great to hear honey.. someone's a greedy one hehe.. Of course stay here I'll go get the next step.."</mom></b> - she says as she gets up, going to her wardrobe, letting her robe fall off to the ground
<b><center> Wow.. she just let it fall.. doesn't look like she's going to bother picking it up either.. she has such a nice figure..<pink> you kinda wish you had her body..</pink></center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\momnaked.jpg"></span></center>
-<b><mom> "Here honey! This is the next step.. It's much bigger than what you're used to and it's going to take a lot of effort but I believe in you!"</mom></b> - she says bringing a huge dildo between her boobs
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\momholdingbigdildo.png"></span></center>
<b><center> That thing is massive.. not only the size but the girth.. it's like four times bigger than the last one.. it's going to be fun to <pink>train your throat pussy on that..</pink>..</center></b>
-<b><you> Wow it's really big.. thanks mommy..</you></B> - you say as you grab the dildo.
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\givingdildo.png"></span></center>
<b><center> Jesus.. it's heavy and so big.. the crazy thing is you've seen men with penises like this.. how come you are so inferior to them.. you're nowhere near that.. anyways it's time to get training..</center></b>
<b><yellow><i><center><font size="-1"> <mom>$momname</mom> big dildo added to the inventory!</font></center></i></yellow></b>
<center>[[Leave to your room|Room]]</center>
<<if $oralstat == 100>>\
<<goto "dadcaughtsucking">>\
<</if>>\<<if $oralstat >= 151 and $oralevel == 2>>\
<<set $oralstat to $oralstat -5 >>\
<<set $time to $time+1>>\
<<if $time >= 3>>\
<<set $time to $time - 1>>\
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\pc.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><img src="images\other\PC.png" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>
<b><center> It's time to do your daily oral training.. this dildo is really bringing out the whore of you.. you have to get used to this as fast as possible so you can be a true slut.. you go on and put some encouraging <pink>sissy porn</pink></center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\cockhypno1.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><pink><i> mhmMMm.. I want to be like her so bad..</i></pink></B> - you think to yourself growing horny
<b><center> You quickly grab the big dildo your <mom>mom</mom> gave you and line it up with your slutty throat, starting to suck it as deep as you can, doing your best to please it like you were pleasing a real man</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\suckingbigdildo1.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><pink> "GAWGUAWGgwah..</pink></b> - is all you can hear throughout your room, it even echoes to the hall outside.. you are really choking on cock..
<b><center> After a while of training your throat goes sore and you have to stop.. but your mouth is completely wrecked with drool</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\droolymouth.jpg"></span></center>
-<b><pink><i> God.. that felt so good..</i></pink></b> - you think to yourself, feeling that some progress was made..
<<if $oralstat >=155 and $oralevel == 2>>\
<<set $oralstat to 150>>\
<b><mom><center><i><u> You've stretched your <pink>throat pussy</pink> as much as you could with the big dildo</u></i></center>
<b><i><center><grey><u> End of oral training content for now!</u></grey></center></i></b>
<<elseif $oralstat <=145 and $oralevel ==2>>
<<set $oralstat to $oralstat+5>>\
<b><mom><center> Oral skill increased by 5!</center></mom></b>
<<elseif $oralevel == 2>>\
<b><mom><center><i><u> You've stretched your <pink>throat pussy</pink> as much as you could with the pink realistic dildo</u></i></center></mom></b>
<<set $fatiguestat to $fatiguestat+10>>\
<b><green><center> Fatigue increased by 10!</center></green></b>
<center>[[Go back to the PC|PC]]</center>\<<if $oralstat >= 151 and $oralevel == 2>>\
<<set $oralstat to $oralstat -5 >>\
<<set $time to $time+1>>\
<<if $time >= 3>>\
<<set $time to $time - 1>>\
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\pc.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><img src="images\other\PC.png" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>
<b><center> It's time to do your daily oral training.. this dildo is really bringing out the whore of you.. you have to get used to this as fast as possible so you can be a true slut.. you go on and put some encouraging <pink>sissy porn</pink></center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\cockhypno2.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><pink><i> mhmMMm.. I want to be like her so bad..</i></pink></B> - you think to yourself growing horny
<b><center> You quickly grab the big dildo your <mom>mom</mom> gave you and line it up with your slutty throat, starting to suck it as deep as you can, doing your best to please it like you were pleasing a real man</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\suckingbigdildo2.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><pink> "GAWGUAWGgwah..</pink></b> - is all you can hear throughout your room, it even echoes to the hall outside.. you are really choking on cock..
<b><center> After a while of training your throat goes sore and you have to stop.. but your mouth is completely wrecked with drool</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\droolymouth.jpg"></span></center>
-<b><pink><i> God.. that felt so good..</i></pink></b> - you think to yourself, feeling that some progress was made..
<<if $oralstat >=155 and $oralevel == 2>>\
<<set $oralstat to 150>>\
<b><mom><center><i><u> You've stretched your <pink>throat pussy</pink> as much as you could with the big dildo</u></i></center>
<b><i><center><grey><u> End of oral training content for now!</u></grey></center></i></b>
<<elseif $oralstat <=145 and $oralevel ==2>>
<<set $oralstat to $oralstat+5>>\
<b><mom><center> Oral skill increased by 5!</center></mom></b>
<<elseif $oralevel == 2>>\
<b><mom><center><i><u> You've stretched your <pink>throat pussy</pink> as much as you could with the pink realistic dildo</u></i></center></mom></b>
<<set $fatiguestat to $fatiguestat+10>>\
<b><green><center> Fatigue increased by 10!</center></green></b>
<center>[[Go back to the PC|PC]]</center>\<<if $oralstat >= 151 and $oralevel == 2>>\
<<set $oralstat to $oralstat -5 >>\
<<set $time to $time+1>>\
<<if $time >= 3>>\
<<set $time to $time - 1>>\
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\pc.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><img src="images\other\PC.png" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>
<b><center> It's time to do your daily oral training.. this dildo is really bringing out the whore of you.. you have to get used to this as fast as possible so you can be a true slut.. you go on and put some encouraging <pink>sissy porn</pink></center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\cockhypno3.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><pink><i> mhmMMm.. I want to be like her so bad..</i></pink></B> - you think to yourself growing horny
<b><center> You quickly grab the big dildo your <mom>mom</mom> gave you and line it up with your slutty throat, starting to suck it as deep as you can, doing your best to please it like you were pleasing a real man</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\suckingbigdildo3.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><pink> "GAWGUAWGgwah..</pink></b> - is all you can hear throughout your room, it even echoes to the hall outside.. you are really choking on cock..
<b><center> After a while of training your throat goes sore and you have to stop.. but your mouth is completely wrecked with drool</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\droolymouth.jpg"></span></center>
-<b><pink><i> God.. that felt so good..</i></pink></b> - you think to yourself, feeling that some progress was made..
<<if $oralstat >=155 and $oralevel == 2>>\
<<set $oralstat to 150>>\
<b><mom><center><i><u> You've stretched your <pink>throat pussy</pink> as much as you could with the big dildo</u></i></center>
<b><i><center><grey><u> End of oral training content for now!</u></grey></center></i></b>
<<elseif $oralstat <=145 and $oralevel ==2>>
<<set $oralstat to $oralstat+5>>\
<b><mom><center> Oral skill increased by 5!</center></mom></b>
<<elseif $oralevel == 2>>\
<b><mom><center><i><u> You've stretched your <pink>throat pussy</pink> as much as you could with the pink realistic dildo</u></i></center></mom></b>
<<set $fatiguestat to $fatiguestat+10>>\
<b><green><center> Fatigue increased by 10!</center></green></b>
<center>[[Go back to the PC|PC]]</center>\<<set $daddildoreact to false>>\
<span class='fadeIn'>\
<<set $time to $time+1>>\
<<if $time >= 3>>\
<<set $time to $time - 1>>\
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\pc.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><img src="images\other\PC.png" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>
<b><center> Once again you feel like training your <pink>slutty throat</pink> so you sit down on your computer and put on your favourite sissy porn..</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\cocksuckhypno1.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><pink><i> Hehe.. ready to take it deep in the throat..</i></pink></b> - you think to yourself as you grab the dildo and place it in front of your mouth
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\mcsucktraining1.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><center> You start sucking when suddenly someone barges into your room without even knocking.. it's your <dad>dad</dad></center></b>
-<b><dad> "Hey I need your he..-"</dad></b> - he stops as he notices what you're doing
-<b><you> *cough* *cough*</you></b> - you cough as you get suprised by the sudden entrance
<b><center> He just stands at the entrance looking at your for a few seconds, judging what you're doing and eventually he breaks the silence.</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\dadkitchen.png"></span></center>
-<b><dad> "Do you have to be a whore every single fucking second of the day?"</dad></b> - he says as he approaches you slowly
-<b><you> dad..</you></b> - you say embarassed still holding the dildo and with drool in your mouth
<B><center> He reaches you and you notice he's grabbing his bulge.. he's clearly horny by what he sees from you.. even though you are <div id="text-container">\
<span id="changing-text"><blue>his son</blue></span>\
<b><center> He insults you, he clearly finds you attractive.. why not tease him?</center></b>
-<b><pink> I'm sorry daddy..</pink></b> - you say in a feminine voice teasing him
-<b><dad> "I see what you're doing here.. if you want to suck something, why don't you suck this you slut?"</dad></b> - he says as he takes his cock out and grabs you by your hair, slapping his cock on your face repeatedly
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\suckingdad1.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><pink> Oh my god.. hmmhmm..</pink></b> - you moan under your breath as you feel the thickness on your face and the musky smell on your nostrils, invading your mind
-<b><dad> "Stop daydreaming whore, suck it."</dad></b> - he orders you agressively
<b><center> And you happily obey, taking his large meat rod into your mouth, not even letting go of your dildo, you just hold it as you suck your <dad>dads</dad> cock, wanting to please him with your training</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\suckingdad2.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><dad> "Holy fuck.. you've definitely been training, you're starting to suck just like your mother.. god I wont take much.."</dad></b> - he says praising you.
<b><center> After a while of sucking him like a vaccuum.. he grabs your throat and places you down on the bed, cumming all over your face.</center></b>
-<b><dad> "God you're such a whore.. you can be a bigger whore than your sister..GhmmhGOD..!"</dad></b> - he says as he cums
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\suckingdad3.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><center> He then proceeds to grab your face and slap you with his cum, spreading it all over your face, spitting on you afterwards and spreading it again, making your face look like a street whore</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\suckingdad4.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><dad> "You're the disgrace of this family, I just know for a fact you'll be working a street prostitute soon.. keep training whore, you'll need it."</dad></b> - he says as he zips up and leaves you in a mess
-<b><pink><i> Well.. guess that counts as training hehe..</i></pink></b> - you think to yourself still horny
<<set $oralstat to $oralstat+5>>\
<b><mom><center> Oral skill increased by 5!</center></mom></b>
<<set $fatiguestat to $fatiguestat+10>>\
<b><green><center> Fatigue increased by 10!</center></green></b>
<center>[[Go back to the PC|PC]]</center>\<<set $worksubevent10 to false>>\
<span class='fadeIn'>\
<<set $worked to $worked+1>>\
<<set $time to $time+1>>\
<<if $time >= 3>>\
<<set $time to $time-1>>\
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\sexshop.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>\
<center><img src="images\city\sexshop.png" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>
<b><center> You enter the sex shop and head towards the locker room, ready to put on your uniform!</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\lockerjob.png"></span></center>
<b><center> You quickly go on about your life, starting your job as quickly as possible not wanting to lose time since there's quite alot of clients today..</center></b>
-<b><you><i> Let's get to it..</i></you></b> - you think to yourself
<b><center> That's when you feel someone touch your shoulder from behind to call your attention</center></b>
-<b><purple> "Excuse me..?"</purple></B> - you hear behind you.
<b><center> As you turn around you see a beautiful lady in a dress, she looks marvelous and straight out of a model show, you are lost for words for a few seconds.</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\daisyshop.png"></span></center>
-<b><you> H..hey! How can I be of help?</you></b> - you stutter on your words looking at her
-<b><purple> "Hehe.. I picked the right person.. I need your help with this"</purple></b> - she says showing you a dildo in her hand
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\holdingdildo.jpg"></span></center>
-<b><you> Oh of course.. do you want to take it with you?</you></B> - you say smiling
<b><center> Then out of nowhere she approaches you slowly and slowly until she's very close to you, you just noticed.. she's quite tall and strong for a woman.. she scares you, as you feel intimidated you look down and you notice something out of place.. she has a huge bulge in her dress!</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\shemalebulge.jpg"></span></center>
-<b><you> Wow</you></b> - is all you say as you look back up
<b><center> As soon as you look back up, she grabs your neck from behind locking you in place and grabs her dildo, pointing it into your greedy mouth and all you hear her say is</center></b>
-<b><purple> "Suck it."</purple></b> - she orders you
<div id="choice">
<<linkreplace "<pink> • Don't resist and open your mouth obediently.</pink>">>
<<replace "#choice">>
<b><center> Your submissive nature doesn't allow you to resist her.. you just open your slutty <pink>sissy</pink> mouth and allow the dildo inside your mouth, letting her abuse you like a toy</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\transjobsuck1.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><purple> "What a good girl.. you make me so hard.. I knew from just one look that you were a <pink>submissive little sissy</pink>.. I gained a liking to this shop.. why don't you kneel down and make me a regular costumer honey?"</purple></b> - she orders you, forcing you onto your knees
<b><center> You obey once again.. once on your knees she forces her girl cock inside your mouth together with the dildo, facefucking you in the middle of the store.. you're not sure if no one notices but for sure no one is stopping her.. not that you want to..</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\transjobsuck2.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><purple> "HMMhmmm.. I love it, you'll make one hell of a whore when you're whoring yourself on the streets.. take this load slut.. you got yourself a costumer, individually and here.."</purple></b> - she says as she unloads on your mouth
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\transjobsuck3.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><you> T..thank you miss..</you></b> - you thank her for being a new costumer.. and for the girl cum she just gave you..
-<b><purple> "You're welcome, I'll take this dildo aswell, can you pack it up? And clean your drooly mouth.."</purple></b> - she says pointing at your mouth full of cum and drool after the extreme abuse it went into.
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\droolymouth.jpg"></span></center>
-<b><you><i> Thank god I got some experience.. that was quite hot aswell hehe..</i></you></b> - you think to yourself as you get ready to pack the dildo and get back to work
<<set $submissive to $submissive+1>>\
<b><center><pink> Submissiveness +1!</pink></center></b>\
<<set $money to $money+15>>\
<green><b><center><i> You received 15€ for your work!</i></center></b></green>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\moneyinhand.png"></span></center>
<center>[[Undress and go outside|RedlightDistrict]]</center>
<center>[[Undress and go straight home|Room]]</center>
<div id="choice">\
<<linkreplace "<white> • Resist and push her away</white>">>
<<replace "#choice">>
<b><center> You don't want to be humiliated by a random woman so yu decide to excuse yourself and just leave, leaving the woman in need, using <gf>$gfname</gf> as an excuse.</center></b>
-<b><you> No I'm sorry.. I have a girlfriend..</you></B> - you say, as you leave her.
<b><center>Eventually you just go back to work, a little horny than you should.. but you finish your day.</center></b>
<<set $money to $money+15>>\
<green><b><center><i> You received 15€ for your work!</i></center></b></green>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\moneyinhand.png"></span></center>
<center>[[Undress and go outside|RedlightDistrict]]</center>
<center>[[Undress and go straight home|Room]]</center>
</div><span class='fadeIn'>\
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\hallway.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><img src="images\city\househall.jpg" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>
<b><center> You wake up and you discover that your family has planned to go to the beach today.. on a Saturday! Usually it's on Sunday but they decided to change for some reason, you get up and head down to the hallway to see everyone..</center></b>
-<b><mom> "Oh looks who's up finally! Go get ready honey!"</mom></b> - <mom>$momname</mom> says, looking beautiful as ever.
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\mombikini2.jpg"></span></center>
-<b><sister> "The slut is up.. we should be careful so she doesn't gobble all the cocks on the beach.."</sister></b> - <sister>$sistername</sister> says being mean as ever but looking hot as ever too..
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\sisterbikini2.jpg"></span></center>
-<b><bf> "Hey! Don't be like that to <you>$name</you>.. he's no slut!"</bf></b> - <bf>$bfname</bf> says.
<b><center> What? <bf>$bfname</bf> is here! You had no idea she was coming with you all.. this is great!</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\bfbikini.png"></span></center>
-<b><you> <bf>$bfname</bf> you're here! Hi bestie!</you></b> - you say greeting her happily, ignoring your sisters comment.
-<b><bf> "Of course..! <sister>$sistername</sister> invited me and I couldn't miss on the chance of seeing your pretty body on the beach"</bf></b> - she says teasing you in a friendly way
-<b><sister> "Right right you lovers.. <you>you</you>, come with me."</sister></b> - <sister>$sistername</sister> says pointing at you and walking towards you, grabbing you upstairs to her room.
<b><center> You don't resist and just follow her upstairs.. what could she want?</center></b>
<center>[[Go upstairs to your sister room|WeekendSaturdaySub4pt2]]</center><span class='fadeIn'>\
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\sistersroom.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><img src="images\city\sisterbedroom.png" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>
<b><center> You enter your <sister>sisters</sister> bedroom and she turns around at you smiling with the devils smile</center></b>
-<b><sister> "So you know I'm the best sister in the world right?"</sister></b> - she says waiting for your approval
-<b><you> R..right</you></b> - you say reluctantly
-<b><sister> "I was the one who suggested to go to the beach.. so I bought you a little gift to match your lifestyle.. And you're going to use it, that's an order."</sister></b> - she says in a commanding tone, pointing at her bed
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\bikinitomc.jpg"></span></center>
<b><center> When you look at the bed.. there's a bikini there.. a transgender bikini.. Wait does she want you to wear a bikini to the beach?! Everyone's going to see your body.. you're not sure you ready for this step but you know you cannot defy her.. and you're scared to resist</center></b>
<div id="choice">
<<linkreplace "<pink><center> • Just accept your fate and wear it submissively</center></pink>">>\
<<replace "#choice">>\
<b><center> You realize there's no point in even trying to resist.. you just accept your fate and thank your <sister>Mistress</sister> for the gift</center></b>
-<b><you> T..thank you <sister>Mistress..</sister> I'll gladly wear it..</you></b> - you say submissively
-<b><sister> "Aw you're such a good pet.. you really know your place.. Go on, wear it for me."</sister></b> - she says ordering you.
<b><center> You obey her and quickly get it on over your chastity caged penis, which will obviously leave a bulge..</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\mcbikini.jpg"></span></center>
-<b><sister> "Oh my god look at you! Such a pretty sissy.. everyone can see your bulge but that's even better.. everyone will know you're a <pink>sissy</pink>! Let's go downstairs I want to show my possession to everyone."</sister></b> - she says, grabbing your arm and dragging you downstairs.
<center>[[Go downstairs with her|WeekendSaturdaySubpt3]]</center>
<div id="choice">
<<linkreplace "<center><red> • Try to resist</red></center>">>
<<replace "#choice">>
<b><center> There's no way you can do this.. It's almost as going with your underwear to a public place! You're not ready for this.. You'll try to resist!</center></b>
-<b><you> I'm not wearing th..</you></b> - you were about to finish your sentence when suddenly your <sister>sister</sister> slaps you across the face
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\sisterslapbeach.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><sister> "Were you just about to defy my will you fucking whore? You're going to wear it wether you like or not, now do it faster before I get seriously mad and punish you"</sister></b> - she says looking dead serious in your eyes, your face burning from her huge slap
<b><center> You obey scared from her doing worse to you and put it on</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\mcbikini.jpg"></span></center>
-<b><sister> "Oh my god look at you! Such a pretty sissy.. everyone can see your bulge but that's even better.. everyone will know you're a <pink>sissy</pink>! Let's go downstairs I want to show my possession to everyone."</sister></b> - she says, grabbing your arm and dragging you downstairs.
<center>[[Go downstairs with her|WeekendSaturdaySubpt3]]</center>
</div><span class='fadeIn'>\
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\hallway.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><img src="images\city\househall.jpg" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>
<b><center> You head downstairs and when everyone notices you they look at you in awe.. they were definitely not expecting you to come down in a bikini..</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\mcbikini2.jpg"></span></center>
-<b><mom> "Oh my god honey! You look amazing! Who would've thought that we all would go to the beach like girls! I love this!"</mom></b> - your mother says happily and excited
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\mombikinihappy.png"></span></center>
-<b><bf> "Bestie! You look gorgeous! Everyone's going to be look at you you'll steal my spotlight..!"</bf></b> - she says smiling aswell
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\bfsmilingbikini.png"></span></center>
<b><center> You blush from all the compliments, you were not expecting all this attention but it kind of makes you happy inside.. then suddenly your <dad>dad</dad> comes bursting in into the hallway, done putting the things in the car..</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\dadkitchen.png"></span></center>
-<b><dad> "Let's go ki.."</dad></b> - he stops when he looks at you
<b><center> He just stares at you and analyzes what he is looking at, you were expecting him to burst out in anger from your wearing a girly bikini but instead.. he just grabs the rest of the stuff and heads outside.</center></b>
-<b><sister> "Alright girls, let's go to the beach"</sister></b> - your sister announces going outside
<b><center> You follow her, entering the car and going to the beach.</center></b>
<center>[[Go to the beach|WeekendSaturdaySub4pt4]]</center><span class='fadeIn'>\
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\beach.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>\
<center><img src="images\city\beach.png" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>\
<b><center> You arrive at the beach and it's a beautiful day.. it's sunny and warm but it's also full of people! You feel the stares on your back.. it's like everyone knows you are not a girl..</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\peoplebeach.jpg"></span></center>
-<b><mom> "Alright kids you already know.. be careful out there the beach is full of people.. if you're going somewhere don't go alone, have fun!"</mom></b> - your mom announces as she lays down on her beach towel
<<if $gfbreakup is false>>\
<b><center> Now that you think of it.. where is <gf>$gfname</gf>? She usually comes with you to the beach whenever your family goes.. maybe she is late? You check the phone and see you have a message from her</center></b>
<center>[[Send your girlfriend a message|beachcuckmsg]]</center>
<<elseif $gfbreakup is true>>\
<b><center> You look around for <bf>$bfname</bf> and <sister>$sistername</sister> but they are nowhere to be found.. where did they go?</center></b>
-<b><you> <mom>Mom?</mom> where did <bf>$bfname</bf> and <sister>$sistername</sister> go?</you></b> - you ask your mother.
-<b><mom> "Oh they said they were going to speak with a friend, they went that way"</mom></b> - she says pointing north of where you are.
<b><center> You decide to go search for them.</center></b>
<center>[[Search for your sister and your best friend|WeekendSaturdaySubpt5]]</center>
<span class='phonetext3'><center><img src="images\avatars\remyavatar.png" style="max-height: 200px"></center></span>
<<timed 1s>><span class='phonegf1'><b><gf> - "I'm not going
to the beach today
warn your parents."</gf></b></span><</timed>>
<<timed 3s>><b><you><span class='phone1'> "Hey babe, just saw the message, what's wrong?</span></you></b><</timed>>
<<timed 5s>><span class='phonegf2'><b><gf> - "She's busy."</gf></b></span><</timed>>
<span class="remyimg"><<timed 6s>><center>
<img src="images\events\gfbbcpic.jpg" style="max-height: 168px">
<<timed 7s>>\
<center>[[Put away the phone|WeekendSaturdaySub4cuck]]</center>
<</timed>>\<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\gfbbcpic.jpg"></span></center>
<b><center> Of course she's cheating on you with a random <brown>black</brown> man.. it hurts but you want to enjoy this day.. so you ignore her for now, she'll probably be mad later though..</center></b>
<b><center> You look around for <bf>$bfname</bf> and <sister>$sistername</sister> but they are nowhere to be found.. where did they go?</center></b>
-<b><you> <mom>Mom?</mom> where did <bf>$bfname</bf> and <sister>$sistername</sister> go?</you></b> - you ask your mother.
-<b><mom> "Oh they said they were going to speak with a friend, they went that way"</mom></b> - she says pointing north of where you are.
<b><center> You decide to go search for them.</center></b>
<center>[[Search for your sister and your best friend|WeekendSaturdaySubpt5]]</center>
<span class='fadeIn'>\
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\beach.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>\
<center><img src="images\city\beachcabin.png" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>\
<b><center> You finally get a glimpse of them, they are going somewhere secluded of the beach where there is less people, it's an area with alot of cabins.. suddenly you <sister>sister</sister> turns around and looks at you in the eye and smiles, going into a cabin with <bf>$bfname</bf>, where could they be going..?</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\sisterbestiebeach.jpg"></span></center>
-<b><you><i> Fuck.. I have to know what they are going to do..</i></you></b> - you say following them going nearby the cabin.
<b><center>[[Follow them to the cabin and spy on them|WeekendSaturdaySubpt6]]</center></b><span class='fadeIn'>\
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\beach.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>\
<center><img src="images\city\beachcabininside.jpg" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>\
<b><center> When you finally arrive to the cabin you look through the window not wanting them to know you're there.. you take a glimpse inside and you see <bf>$bfname</bf> and <sister>$sistername</sister> making out, kissing each other passionately.. what is going?!</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\bfsisterkissing.jpg"></span></center>
<b><center> Unfortunately you cannot hear what they are saying inside.. but then out of nowhere a buff guy comes from the next room naked with his huge cock swinging.. was this their plan all along? Come to the beach to fuck? You're kinda jealous..</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\buffnaked.jpg"></span></center>
<b><center> Things start escalating.. the guy lays down on the bed and <bf>$bfname</bf> and <sister>$sistername</sister> lay next to him.. seconds after they are both sharing his cock, sucking and licking his big pole like it's the tastiest thing they have ever tasted</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\bfsisterfuck1.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><center> <bf>$bfname</bf> then proceeds to get on top of him straddling him, lining up his cock with her asspussy, sitting on it with desire, riding him.. at the same time, <sister>$sistername</sister> gets on top of the bed and grabs <bf>$bfname</bf> head, making her lick her pussy as she gets fucked.</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\bfsisterfuck2.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><you><i> Fuck this is really hot</i></you></B> - you tell yourself as your tiny cock strains against the cage.
<b><center> You put your bikini to the side and grab your chastity caged cock and masturbate over it as you watch them fuck, feeling like a cuck left out.. you barely feel anything but it's better than nothing.. you just wish you had a dildo..</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\masturbatechastity.jpg"></span></center>
<b><center> They then switch up positions and <sister>$sistername</sister> sits on top of <bf>$bfname</bf> as she gets fucked, forcing her to lick.. you cannot hear what they say but you can hear their screams.. and it seems like <sister>$sistername</sister> came from <bf>$bfname</bf> tongue..</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\bfsisterfuck3.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><center> However one orgasm isn't enough as they now switch up and <sister>$sistername</sister> gets fucked while <bf>$bfname</bf> fucks her throat.. it's an amazing vision and it makes you super horny.. you are stroking over the cage as you finger yourself, moaning like a whore in public.. you don't even care if someone's watching you.</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\bfsisterfuck4.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><pink><i> God I want to join them.. I want his cock too..</i></pink></b> - you moan to yourself as you finger yourself
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\fingeringass.jpg"></span></center>
<b><center> <bf>$bfname</bf> comes all over <sister>$sistername</sister> face and the guy stops fucking her.. he then goes to the next room and brings out a double sided dildo, to which they take and start fucking each other as he masturbates to the vision.. he then comes all over their ass and pussy.. </center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\bfsisterfuck5.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><center> He kisses them both on the cheek and lets them go.. you don't even notice but you are really close to cumming so you speed up your fingering and cover your mouth.. cumming all over the floor as they leave.</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\bfsisterfuck6.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><pink><i>!!</i></pink></b> - you moan to yourself as you cum
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\ruinedorgasm.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><center> You quickly hide and run to where your <mom>mom</mom> and <dad>dad</dad> hoping you get there before them..</center></b>
<center>[[Run to your mom and dad|WeekendSaturdaysubpt7]]</center><<set $time to $time+1>>\
<span class='fadeIn'>\
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\beach.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>\
<center><img src="images\city\beach.png" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>\
<b><center> You get there in time, they are still not here but you can see them coming over</center></b>
-<b><mom> "Oh hey girls, where have you been?"</mom></b> - your mom asks curious
<b><center> They both laugh looking at each other</center></b>
-<b><sister> "Oh you know.. just having fun strolling around the beach."</sister></b> - your sister says
-<b><mom> "You have some cream on your face.. did you eat something?"</mom></b> - your mom says pointing out some cum on <sister>$sistername</sister> face
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\cumfacesister.jpg"></span></center>
-<b><sister> "Oh yeah right.. let me just.."</sister></b> - she says scooping up the cum and licking it off, swallowing afterwards
<b><center> The rest of the day just goes normally in peace.. you absorb some sun rays and then your family goes home.. but you will not forget what you saw..</center></b>
<center>[[Go home|Home]]</center><span class='fadeIn'>\
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\bedroom.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><img src="images\city\bedroom.jpg" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>\
<b><center> You are chilling in your bedroom when you hear your <mom>mother</mom> call you from downstairs..</center></b>
-<b><mom><font size ="+1"> <you>$name</you>! someone is here to see you!</font></mom></b> - she calls you
<b><center> Who could it be on a Sunday morning? You quickly go downstairs to see</center></b>
<center>[[Go downstairs to the door|WeekendSunday6Subpt2]]</center><span class='fadeIn'>\
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\hallway.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><img src="images\city\househall.jpg" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>
<b><center> When you arrive at the door you are suprised by who is there.. it's <classmate>Sasha!</classmate> What could she want..?</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\classmateoutside.jpg"></span></center>
-<b><you> Hey <classmate>Sasha</classmate> what's up?</you></b> - you ask curious
-<b><classmate> Hi loser, I was passing by and wanted a pet to keep me company, so you're going to come with me to the park.</classmate></b> - she orders you, not even caring about your opinion
-<b><you> What? Wait how do you even know where I live?</you></b> - you ask wanting to know
-<b><classmate> God that doesn't matter dumbass I just do, now be a good pet and do what I told you, let's go.</classmate></b> - she says snapping her fingers
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\classmatemad.png"></span></center>
<div id="choice">
<<linkreplace "<pink><center> • Submit and go with her</center></pink>">>\
<<replace "#choice">>\
<b><center> You decide you have nothing better to do and going with a hot girl like <classmate>Sasha</classmate> sounds like a good plan anyways even though she's kinda forcing you.. but what's the worst that could happen?</center></b>
-<b><you> Ehm okay.. let's go</you></b> - you agree submissively
-<b><classmate> "Good boy, follow me pet."</classmate></b> - she says leaving, not waiting for you.
<b><center>[[Follow your new owner|WeekendSundaySub6pt3]]</center></b>
<div id="choice">
<<linkreplace "<center><red> • Resist and leave</red></center>">>
<<replace "#choice">>
<b><center> You decide she cannot treat you like this in your own home and tell her to leave.</center></b>
-<b><you> I have stuff to do <classmate>Sasha</classmate> you'll have to find someone else.. see you.</you></b> - you say slamming the door on her face
-<b><classmate> You'll regret this!</classmate></b> - you hear from outside
<b><center>[[Go upstairs to your room|Room]]</center></b>
</div><<set $time to $time+1>>\
<span class='fadeIn'>\
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\park.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><img src="images\city\park.png" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>\
<b><center> You arrive at the park with <classmate>Sasha</classmate>, most of the time she didnt even speak a word to you.. you just followed her like a literal pet following her owner.. however once you arrive there she sits down on a bench looking at you.</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\classmatebench.jpg"></span></center>
-<b><classmate> "Look at you looking at me dumbfounded, you are like a lost pet right now.. tell me, do you think I'm hot <you>$name</you>?"</classmate></b> - she asks you bluntly
-<b><you> Uhh.. yeah I do.. you're really pretty..</you></b> - you say stumbling on your words nervous with her question
<b><center> She giggles at your response clearly noticing you're nervous with her dominant atitude, but you were being honest.. she really is hot I mean look at her..</center></B>
-<b><classmate> "Good answer loser.. now tell me.. would you be brave enough to service me in public?"</classmate></B> - she says spreading her legs open, showering her panties
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\classmatebench2.png"></span></center>
<b><center> Wow.. she is being really forward, you can even see her panties.. you don't even think twice and answer her immediately, growing horny from your view</center></b>
-<b><you> Y..yes! Of course..</you></b> - you say almost dropping to your knees
-<b><classmate> "Hehe.. let's see if you're all talk then.."</classmate></b> - she says as she gets up and undresses completely naked in the park and lays down on the bench bare naked
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\classmatebench3.jpg"></span></center>
-<b><you> Wow! Are you crazy.. what if someone sees you..?</you></b> - you say blushing embarassed but looking at her beautiful petite body
-<b><classmate> "Oh come on loser! You just told me you'd service me in public.. were you really all talk? Come on, kneel and lick my pussy.. now!"</classmate></b> - she says ordering you, grabbing your head and placing it on the bench, sitting on your face
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\pussylickingpublic1.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><you> Mphmmhm..</you></b> - you say in muffled moans
-<b><classmate> "Thats it you whore.. lick every cranny of my pussy.. make me cum on your face.."</classmate></b> - she says as she continues riding your face
<b><center> And you obey, going deeper into her vagina, trying to get every taste of her sweet pussy.. you don't even care who's seeing you right now.. but you have to be quick..</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\pussylickingpublic2.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><classmate> "Yes yes yes.. keep going MHMMmhm.. I'm cumming!!</classmate></b> - she says as she intensily orgasms from the situation all over your face.
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\classmatecumming.jpg"></span></center>
<b><center> Wow.. your neck hurts and your mouth tastes and smells like her pussy and it's going to be like that for weeks.. you really went deep.. you get up and look at her proud of your work.</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\mcshirtoff.png"></span></center>
-<b><classmate> "Go..od .. job loser.. didn't think you had.. it in you"</classmate></b> - she says breathless, still naked on the bench
-<b><you> Hehe.. thank you..</you></b> - you say happily, licking her pussy juices.
-<b><classmate> "God.. sissies are always the best at pussylicking.. your clits are useless but those tongues hmm.. anyways I'll go home now, you can go, see you at school.."</classmate></b> - she says dismissing you, getting up fully naked
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\classmatebench4.jpg"></span></center>
<b><center> You obey her one last time and head home, happy with your day</center></b>
<center>[[Go home|Home]]</center><span class='fadeIn'>\
<<set $gfsubevent6 to false>>\
<<set $timer to 0>>\
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\outside.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<<if $time is 0>>\
<center><img src="images\city\house.jpg" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>
<<elseif $time is 1>>\
<center><img src="images\city\house.jpg" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>
<<elseif $time is 2>>\
<center><img src="images\city\housenight.jpg" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>\
<b><center> You are in your bedroom when someone rings your doorbell.. you go outside to check and you are greeted upon your girlfriend <gf>$gfname</gf> without any notice.. she is wearing a very sexy latex dress.. could she want to go out?</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\gfporch.jpg"></span></center>
-<b><you> Oh hey babe, what's up</you></b> - you say casually
-<b><gf> "Let's go to your room."</gf></b> - she says walking pass you without saying anything else, going upstairs to your room.
<b><center> Well thats abrasive.. no kiss no anything.. guess you better follow her..</center></b>
<center>[[Follow her upstairs|gfsubevent6pt2]]</center><span class='fadeIn'>\
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\bedroom.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<<if $time == 1>>\
<center><img src="images\city\bedroom.jpg" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>\
<<elseif $time is 0>>\
<center><img src="images\city\bedroom.jpg" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>\
<<elseif $time is 2>>\
<center><img src="images\city\bedroomnight.jpg" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>\
<b><center> You follow her upstairs looking behind her the whole time.. she looks amazing in this tight latex dress, it fits her curves so well..</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\gfbehindroom.jpg"></span></center>
-<b><gf> "Alright.. so the reason I came here is because I was at home wondering.. it seems you don't understand what type of relationship we have right now.. so I think we need to put it into action so you understand.."</gf></b> - she says, sitting on your bed, taking off her shoes
-<b><you> Wh.. what do you mean?</you></b> - you ask curious and scared
-<b><gf> "You are my boyfriend, but you are also my sub, my pet, my slave.. and I am your goddess, your mistress, your everything.. and I want you to understand that.."</gf></b> - she says waving her feet at you
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\feetgf.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><you> What..? No.. we're equals <gf>$gfname</gf>..</you></b> - you fight back
-<b><gf> "Equals? What the fuck do you mean equals.. I cant even see you as a man.. what type of man catches her girlfriend cheating with other men and doesn't do anything? just watches and cries there.. we are not equals.. I am your superior and you'll accept things as they are if you want to be together with me.. if you understand.. kiss my feet, now."</gf></b> - she says, putting her feet in your face
<b><center> She is kind of right.. why didn't you just break up with her? You chose to stay in this cursed relationship.. perhaps you do like this..</center></b>
-<b><you> Okay..</you></b> - you say submitting, grabbing her feet and kissing them
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\femdomkissinggf.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><gf> "Good boy! See? I knew you'd understand your place.. but I think we need to make it clear so there's no chance in the future of you changing your mind.. kiss my pretty ass slave."</gf></b> - she orders you, putting herself on all fours
<b><center> And you mindlessly obey.. kissing her ass hungrily.</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\gffemdom1.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><gf> "Good slave.. It's that easy to obey.. just let everything to me, you're not a man anymore.. just a little piglet that I own.. you don't even need to.. breathe!"</gf></b> - she says as she sits on your face forcefully, not letting you breathe.
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\gffemdom2.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><gf> "You like this you slut.. don't think I haven't noticed your body change.. you are definitely on some type of hormones, I dont know who's changing you but she's doing an amazing job.. maybe you don't want to be my man but my sissy girlfriend.. I kinda like that.. what do you think?"</gf></b> - she asks you
<b><center> But you cannot speak.. she is muffling you under her ass..</center></b>
-<b><gf> "Oh right.. let me get up, I want you on this position though.."</gf></b> - she says as she grabs your legs and puts them up, making your clitted cock face your face.
-<b><you> "HMhmmm.. stop.."</you></b> - you moan
-<b><gf> "Stop? Don't order me around slut.. let me see this pretty sissy hole how it's going.."</gf></b> - she says as she starts rimjobbing you, licking your boipussy while playing with your balls."
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\gffemdom3.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><pink> "OhhHHh god.. hmhmmm.. <gf>$gfname</gf>.."</pink></b> - you moan feeling pleasure
-<b><gf> "Huh uh.. not <gf>$gfname</gf>.. <gf>Goddess $gfname</gf>. That's how you'll address me from now on.. understood?"</gf></b> - she says waiting your confirmation
-<b><pink> "Yes <gf>Goddess $gfname</gf>.."</pink></b> - you say moaning
-<b><gf> "Good! Looks like you understand your place whore.. worship your Goddess... kiss my sweaty body all over.."</gf></b> - she says getting up and flexing her arms like the superior being she is
<b><center> You obey her, kissing her arms.. her armpits.. her boobs, everything.. you clean every part of her body.. you are dry of saliva afterwards..</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\gffemdom4.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><gf> "Well done slave.. I'll see myself out, I'll call you one of these days and you better keep this sort of behavior, pet."</gf></b> - she says getting dressed and leaving.
<b><center> Well.. guess you accepted this type of relationship.. you really cannot defy <gf>Goddess $gfname</gf>.. and maybe you don't want to..</center></b>
<<set $submissive to $submissive+1>>\
<b><center><pink> Submissiveness +1!</pink></center></b>\
<center>[[Go back to your daily life|Room]]</center><center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\pc.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><img src="images\other\PC.png" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>
<b><center> You've gotten pretty used to the big dildo your <mom>mom</mom> gave you.. you can go pretty deep on it already with no gag reflex, you should talk with your <mom>mom</mom> for <brown>more</brown>.. time to go to her room</center></b>
<center>[[Go to your mothers room|OralLevelup2pt2]]</center><center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\parentsroom.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><img src="images\city\parentsbedroom.jpg" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>
<<set $oralevelup2 to true>>\
<<set $oralevel to $oralevel+1>>\
<<set $mombbcdildo to true>>\
<b><center> You knock on your <mom>mothers</mom> room and wait for her approval to come inside..</center></b>
-<b><mom> "Come in!"</mom></b> - you hear after a while
<b><center> You come inside and you are greeted upon an amazing sight.. your <mom>mother</mom> is wearing a set of black lacy lingerie.. it looks amazing on her..</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\momlingerie.jpg"></span></center>
-<b><you> Wow! You look amazing mom..</you></b> - you blurt out honestly.
-<b><mom> "Thank you baby! I can lend you this in the future if you want hehe.. something tells me you'll need it.."</mom></b> - she says grinning at you.
<b><center> You blush at her words, perhaps she's not totally wrong..</center></b>
-<b><mom> "So? What do you need baby?"</mom></b> - she asks you, reminding of why you came here
-<b><you> Right.. So I think I'm ready for the next step in the training..</you></b> - you say excited
-<b><mom> "Wow.. already? You're sure honey? The next step is pretty.. <brown>large</brown>.. Even I have difficulties with it."</mom></b> - she asks you, wanting to make sure you're ready
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\momlingerie2.jpg"></span></center>
-<b><you> I am.. bring it out..</you></b> - you say ready for the next challenge
-<b><mom> "Alright alright.. greedy.."</mom></B> - she says going to her wardrobe
<b><center> When she comes back.. she comes holding something that seems out of a porn movie.. it's huge!</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\mombbcdildoholding.jpg"></span></center>
-<b><mom> "I'll ask again.. are you sure you're ready for this step honey..?"</mom></b> - she asks you again
<b><center> You were pretty confident about your abilities.. but looking at that monster, not even you know if you're ready or not.. but you want to be the best slut out there.. so you've to train yourself for <brown>BBC</brown>..</center></b>
-<b><you> Y..yes I am..!</you></b> - you say confidently
-<b><mom> "I'm so proud of you.. but it really is hard.. I'll show you how far even I can take it.. you'll have to surprass me.."</mom></b> - she says laying on her bed, with the huge <brown>big black</brown> dildo hanging over her face.
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\mombbcdildo1.png"></span></center>
-<b><mom> "Look.. this is how far I can take it.."</mom></b> - she says as she blows the dildo
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\bbcdildomomsuck.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><center> She struggles alot.. she can take half of it.. how are you going to be able to take all that monster down your throat if not even your mom can..</center></b>
-<b><mom> "God.. my jaw aches.. if you can train this and take it all in.. I'll take you out for your final reward.. go on honey.. suprise me!"</mom></b> - she says giving you the dildo
<b><center> You hold it and it feels heavy on your hand.. if a dildo feels this heavy.. how heavy does a huge <brown> black cock</brown> feel..?</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\mcholdingbbcdildo.png"></span></center>
-<b><you><i> Only one way to find out..</i></you></b> - you think to yourself as you head back to your room
<b><yellow><i><center><font size="-1"> <mom>$momname</mom> <brown>big black dildo</brown> added to the inventory!</font></center></i></yellow></b>
<center>[[Go to your Room|Room]]</center><<goto`either("bbcdildo1","bbcdildo2","bbcdildo3")`>>\<<if $oralstat >= 201 and $oralevel == 3>>\
<<set $oralstat to $oralstat -5 >>\
<<set $time to $time+1>>\
<<if $time >= 3>>\
<<set $time to $time - 1>>\
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\pc.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><img src="images\other\PC.png" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>
<b><center> It's time to face the biggest challenge yet.. the <brown>black dildo</brown> your mother gave you.. it's huge and it's going to take alot of effort to tame it but you're excited to train your <pink>throat pussy</pink> to the maximum so you can take big cocks inside..</center></b>
-<b><you><i> Time to grab the dildo..</i></you></b> - you say as you grab the <brown>bbc</brown> dildo
<b><center> You put on some encouraging <brown>bbc</brown> hypno porn, ready to take it in your throat..</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\bbcdildohypno1.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><pink><i> God they look amazing on their knees sucking big black cock..</i></pink></b> - you say as you start sucking the dildo
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\bbcdildosuck1.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><center> It's extremely difficult and you can only take the head and some of the dildo.. it's completely stretching you out.. but your mind feels fuzzy and submissive from it.. you kind of like it.. you leak like crazy from it</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\Leakingcage2.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><pink><i> God I can't take it anymore.. I need to stop..</i></pink></b> - you think to yourself as you stop
<b><center> You'll have to continue training.. it's a huge step to take in.. but you're excited for it..</center></B>
<<if $oralstat >=205 and $oralevel == 3>>\
<<set $oralstat to 200>>\
<b><mom><center><i><u> You've stretched your <pink>throat pussy</pink> as much as you could with the <brown> big black dildo</brown></u></i></center>
<b><i><center><grey><u> End of oral training content for now!</u></grey></center></i></b>
<<elseif $oralstat <=195 and $oralevel ==3>>
<<set $oralstat to $oralstat+5>>\
<b><mom><center> Oral skill increased by 5!</center></mom></b>
<<elseif $oralevel == 3>>\
<b><mom><center><i><u> You've stretched your <pink>throat pussy</pink> as much as you could with the <brown>black dildo</brown></u></i></center></mom></b>
<<set $fatiguestat to $fatiguestat+10>>\
<b><green><center> Fatigue increased by 10!</center></green></b>
<center>[[Go back to the PC|PC]]</center>\<<if $oralstat >= 201 and $oralevel == 3>>\
<<set $oralstat to $oralstat -5 >>\
<<set $time to $time+1>>\
<<if $time >= 3>>\
<<set $time to $time - 1>>\
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\pc.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><img src="images\other\PC.png" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>
<b><center> It's time to face the biggest challenge yet.. the <brown>black dildo</brown> your mother gave you.. it's huge and it's going to take alot of effort to tame it but you're excited to train your <pink>throat pussy</pink> to the maximum so you can take big cocks inside..</center></b>
-<b><you><i> Time to grab the dildo..</i></you></b> - you say as you grab the <brown>bbc</brown> dildo
<b><center> You put on some encouraging <brown>bbc</brown> hypno porn, ready to take it in your throat..</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\bbcdildohypno2.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><pink><i> God they look amazing on their knees sucking big black cock..</i></pink></b> - you say as you start sucking the dildo
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\bbcdildosuck2.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><center> It's extremely difficult and you can only take the head and some of the dildo.. it's completely stretching you out.. but your mind feels fuzzy and submissive from it.. you kind of like it.. you leak like crazy from it</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\Leakingcage2.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><pink><i> God I can't take it anymore.. I need to stop..</i></pink></b> - you think to yourself as you stop
<b><center> You'll have to continue training.. it's a huge step to take in.. but you're excited for it..</center></B>
<<if $oralstat >=205 and $oralevel == 3>>\
<<set $oralstat to 200>>\
<b><mom><center><i><u> You've stretched your <pink>throat pussy</pink> as much as you could with the <brown> big black dildo</brown></u></i></center>
<b><i><center><grey><u> End of oral training content for now!</u></grey></center></i></b>
<<elseif $oralstat <=195 and $oralevel ==3>>
<<set $oralstat to $oralstat+5>>\
<b><mom><center> Oral skill increased by 5!</center></mom></b>
<<elseif $oralevel == 3>>\
<b><mom><center><i><u> You've stretched your <pink>throat pussy</pink> as much as you could with the <brown>black dildo</brown></u></i></center></mom></b>
<<set $fatiguestat to $fatiguestat+10>>\
<b><green><center> Fatigue increased by 10!</center></green></b>
<center>[[Go back to the PC|PC]]</center>\<<if $oralstat >= 201 and $oralevel == 3>>\
<<set $oralstat to $oralstat -5 >>\
<<set $time to $time+1>>\
<<if $time >= 3>>\
<<set $time to $time - 1>>\
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\pc.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><img src="images\other\PC.png" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>
<b><center> It's time to face the biggest challenge yet.. the <brown>black dildo</brown> your mother gave you.. it's huge and it's going to take alot of effort to tame it but you're excited to train your <pink>throat pussy</pink> to the maximum so you can take big cocks inside..</center></b>
-<b><you><i> Time to grab the dildo..</i></you></b> - you say as you grab the <brown>bbc</brown> dildo
<b><center> You put on some encouraging <brown>bbc</brown> hypno porn, ready to take it in your throat..</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\bbcdildohypno3.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><pink><i> God they look amazing on their knees sucking big black cock..</i></pink></b> - you say as you start sucking the dildo
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\bbcdildosuck3.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><center> It's extremely difficult and you can only take the head and some of the dildo.. it's completely stretching you out.. but your mind feels fuzzy and submissive from it.. you kind of like it.. you leak like crazy from it</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\Leakingcage2.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><pink><i> God I can't take it anymore.. I need to stop..</i></pink></b> - you think to yourself as you stop
<b><center> You'll have to continue training.. it's a huge step to take in.. but you're excited for it..</center></B>
<<if $oralstat >=205 and $oralevel == 3>>\
<<set $oralstat to 200>>\
<b><mom><center><i><u> You've stretched your <pink>throat pussy</pink> as much as you could with the <brown> big black dildo</brown></u></i></center>
<b><i><center><grey><u> End of oral training content for now!</u></grey></center></i></b>
<<elseif $oralstat <=195 and $oralevel ==3>>
<<set $oralstat to $oralstat+5>>\
<b><mom><center> Oral skill increased by 5!</center></mom></b>
<<elseif $oralevel == 3>>\
<b><mom><center><i><u> You've stretched your <pink>throat pussy</pink> as much as you could with the <brown>black dildo</brown></u></i></center></mom></b>
<<set $fatiguestat to $fatiguestat+10>>\
<b><green><center> Fatigue increased by 10!</center></green></b>
<center>[[Go back to the PC|PC]]</center>\<span class='fadeIn'>\
<<set $siseventsub8 to false>>\
<<set $timer to 0>>\
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\bedroom.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<<if $time == 1>>\
<center><img src="images\city\bedroom.jpg" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>\
<<elseif $time is 0>>\
<center><img src="images\city\bedroom.jpg" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>\
<<elseif $time is 2>>\
<center><img src="images\city\bedroomnight.jpg" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>\
<b><center> You are in your bedroom scrolling mindlessly through Twitter in your PC when suddenly without any sort of warning someone barges into your room.. you look at the door and see <sister>$sistername</sister> just standing there looking at you in a latex lingerie..</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\sisterhot.jpg"></span></center>
-<b><you> Ehm.. can I help you..?</you></b> - you ask curious and scared of how abrutive it was
-<b><sister> "Why arent you training your little sissy hole? Hm?"</sister></b> - she asks you bluntly
-<b><you> Wh..what..? I just didn't feel like it right now..</you></b> - you answer embarassed
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\mcsuprised.png"></span></center>
-<b><sister> "Well sissy.. I just noticed that I've been giving you tasks and dildos to train.. but I've never actually seen you use them, so I want you to fuck your sissy pussy in front of me, now."</sister></B> - she orders you, coming next to you
<b><center> What the hell.. you were just chilling and now this out of nowhere? I mean <i>not that you don't enjoy fucking your boipussy</i> but.. you weren't really in the mood.. and it seems <sister>$sistername</sister> notices that.. she strongly grabs you by your neck and makes you kneel, when you notice what's happening, her pussy is in front of you, you don't even think and start lapping it up</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\eatingpussypov.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><sister> "Here.. I even gave you the gift of tasting my pussy.. now grab your biggest dildo and ride it whore.. I have another gift for you.."</sister></B> - she says as she leaves, going to grab something outside
<b><center> Weird.. but you better do what she asked.. you grab the dildo she gave you and line it up with your boipussy.. riding it waiting for her..</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\mcridingdildo.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><you><i> Mhmhm..</i></You></b> - you moan waiting for her
<b><center> Then after a while she comes back with her back turned.. when she turns around, she is wearing a strap-on!</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\sisterstraptwirl.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><sister> "Look at you! What a slutty whore, you ride better than most girls I know, taking it all deep.. you've definitely been training.. this is your reward for being a good girl for me.. you thought I didn't know that <mom>$momname</mom> has been training your sissy mouth? I also want to see how deep you can take it.."</sister></b> - she says as she comes closer to you and grabs your head, forcing her strap down your mouth
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\mcsuckstrapsis1.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><sister> "Good slut..! How does it feel to be fucked in both of your sissy holes huh? Greedy whore.."</sister></b> - she humiliates you
-<b><pink> "Good mistress.. it feels so good.."</pink></B> - you say honestly moaning
<b><center> This situation is too much for you, you've never taken two cocks in your holes.. even though they are not real cocks, you feel extremely slutty right now.. is this your future? Look how much you've proceeded.. from a normal dude to a <pink>sissy</pink> jumping on two cocks.. and the woman in front of you was a big reason for this.. the best part is, you like it..</center></b>
-<b><pink><i> HMNJkmg.. I'm.. cumming..</i></pink></b> - you say as you spurt from the pleasure and your thoughts
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\mccummingdildo.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><sister> "Wow! You sissygasm so easily aswell.. you're definitely ready to take cock.. I'll talk with a few friends, it's time we go out as sisters.. for now, lick your cum of the ground, now whore!"</sister></b> - she orders you.
<b><center> You mindlessly obey like her toy, licking the cum of the ground immediately</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\mcsuckstrapsis3.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><sister> "Good <pink>girl</pink>.. back to sucking now, I'm not done yet."</sister></b> - she says pointing at her strap
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\mcsuckstrapsis2.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><center> You suck her for what seems an eternity.. she truly enjoys feeling the power over you, after a while she finally gets tired and takes the cock out of your mouth..</center></b>
-<b><sister> "I'm satisfied.. you're developing very well.. next time I'll fuck that boipussy, be ready whore.. open your mouth trashcan."</sister></b> - she orders you, and when you do, she spits in your mouth
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\spitinmouth2.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><sister> "I'll see myself out, clean yourself up sissy.."</sister></B> - she says leaving
<b><center> Your going places where you cannot go back.. you're getting closer and closer to a full <pink>sissy</pink>.. time will come where you'll have to decide if you truly want to continue with this lifestyle.. or go against it, but for now it's time to rest..</center></b>
<<set $submissive to $submissive+1>>\
<b><center><pink> Submissiveness +1!</pink></center></b>\
<b><center>[[Rest in your room|Room]]</center></b><span class='fadeIn'>\
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\bedroom.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><img src="images\city\bedroom.jpg" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>\
<b><center> It's saturday and your family has arranged of going to the beach.. you go downstairs to meet them, being ready yourself..</center></b>
<center>[[Go downstairs|DomSaturday2pt2]]</center><span class='fadeIn'>\
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\hallway.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><img src="images\city\househall.jpg" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>
<b><center> When you get downstairs everyone is chatting getting ready for the beach.. to your suprise <gf>$gfname</gf> is also here! And she looks amazing..</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\gfbikini.png"></span></center>
-<b><you> Hey babe, you're here!</you></b> - you tell her happily
-<b><gf> "Of course babe.. I wouldn't miss this by anything..!"</gf></b> - she says hugging you and kissing you afterwards
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\gfkiss.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><center> You playfully bite her lip in front of everyone and you know she is a shy one..</center></b>
-<b><gf> "Babe..! Not in front of everyone.."</gf></B> - she says blushing
<b><center> You take a look to appreciate the surroundings and you see <sister>$sistername</sister> in her usual vulgar bikini</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\sisterbikini2.jpg"></span></center>
<b><center> And also <mom>$momname</mom> looking hot as always, <dad>$dadname</dad> is probably outside in the car.</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\mombikini2.jpg"></span></center>
-<b><mom> "Alright kids! Let's not keep your <dad>dad</dad> waiting, let's go outside.."</mom></B> - she announces going outside
<b><center> Your <sister>sister</sister> gives you a weird looking when going outside while you're holding <gf>$gfname</gf>.. almost of jealousy.. weird..</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\sistersad.jpg"></span></center>
<b><center>[[Go to the beach|DomSaturday2pt3]]</center></b><span class='fadeIn'>\
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\beach.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>\
<center><img src="images\city\beach.png" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>\
<b><center> You arrive at the beach and it's a beautiful sunny day with plenty of people around as expected.. you see alot of hot girls but you are with <gf>$gfname</gf> so you cant act too much out of line..</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\peoplebeach.jpg"></span></center>
-<b><mom> "Alright kids you already know.. be careful out there the beach is full of people.. if you're going somewhere don't go alone, have fun!"</mom></b> - your mom announces as she lays down on her beach towel
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\peoplebeach.jpg"></span></center>
<b><center> You notice your <mom>mom</mom> grabbing the sun cream and you take this as a chance to make a move on her..</center></b>
-<b><you> Hey ma, need help with the sun cream?</you></b> - you say looking at her huge ass from behind while she lays on the towel
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\momtowel.jpg"></span></center>
-<b><mom> "Oh of course, how kind of you <you>$name</you>!</mom></b> - she says happily, taking her hair out of the way for you
<b><center> Haha kind.. it's time to tease your mother for a bit in public.. let's see how she reacts, you start slow, going all over her back smoothly.. going down and down and eventually you reach her ass, you don't even ask if you can or not, you just go straight for it.</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\sunscreenmom1.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><you> We don't want your pretty ass to get all red do we..</you></b> - you say as you massage her ass
-<b><mom> "O..- of course..!"</mom></b> - your mom loudly gulps understanding her mistake giving you the power to touch her body
<b><center> You need to take this a step further.. this is not enough to get her wet.</center></b>
-<b><you> Turn around.</you></B> - you say commandingly
<b><center> She immediately obeys, turning around and exposing her biggest assets.. her boobs barely fit in her bikini, so you do her a favor and take them out, massaging them with the sun cream.</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\sunscreenmom2.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><mom> "Ho..honey.. I dont think.. this is right.."</mom></b> - she says wanting to stop you
-<b><you> Shhh.. relax, we're family, I'm just making sure you don't get burnt anywhere.</you></b> - you say relaxing her
<b><center> After a while you start going down to her pussy slowly and she doesn't resist.. you get to her vagina and take off her bikini bottoms, massaging her clit with the sun cream.</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\sunscreenmom3.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><mom> "HMmmmhmm.. st..op.."</mom></b> - she says moaning
<b><center> You were about to insert your fingers inside her when suddenly you hear a voice coming from the distance behind you, you quickly stop what you are doing and turn around, it's <gf>$gfname</gf> calling you.</center></b>
-<b><gf> "Babe come here! Let's take a walk!"</gf></B> - she says waving at you
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\gfbeach.jpg"></span></center>
<b><center> You realize you are taking way too long to put sun cream on your mother and it's starting to get suspiscious, either way you already got her pretty wet and bothered.. time to leave her.</center></b>
-<b><you> You're all wet now mom, no sun ray will hurt you, I'll go see <gf>$gfname</gf></you></B> - you say teasing her in the process
<b><center> She doesn't answer you but you can see her hands over her crotch, clearly horny. You're horny aswell from all this, thankfully you have a girlfriend that you can fuck to relieve the stress.. time to go see her</center></b>
<center>[[Go to your girlfriend|DomSaturday2pt4]]</center><span class='fadeIn'>\
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\beach.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>\
<center><img src="images\city\beach.png" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>\
<b><center> You get to your <gf>girlfriend</gf> and it seems the overall beach is making her super happy.. however you need her to be super horny because right now you just need to release all this horniness on her petite pussy.</center></b>
-<b><gf> "Let's go on a walk babe! What took you so long? Wow.. are you that happy to see me? Teehe.."</gf></B> - she says looking down at your shorts where you have a massive boner
-<b><you> Yeah babe.. you look really hot, come with me.. I know a good place to take a walk..</you></b> - you say as you grab her hand and go to a more secluded place of the beach
<b><center> Once you get there, you immediately grab a hold of <gf>$gfname</gf> and start kissing her, making out with her, wanting to make her horny.</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\kissbeach.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><gf> "Wow.. you're really horny.. you're even making me horny.. let's take these off.."</gf></b> - she says as she kneels in front of you near a rock and takes off your shorts, sucking you off
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\gfsexbeach1.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><you> Yes.. fuck yeah babe.. you're such a good cocksucker..</you></B> - you say complimenting her
-<b><gf> "Your cocksucker.. only yours.."</gf> - she says showing her loyalty to you
<b><center> She then gets up and kisses you, turning around</center></b>
-<b><gf> "Fuck your cocksucker.. please.."</gf></b> - she says horny and desperate
-<b><you> Of course babe.. don't even need to plead.</you></B> - you say as you stick inside her from behind, fucking her roughly
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\gfsexbeach2.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><center> You're going at it roughly without any care in the world, fucking to the breeze of the sea when you hear from the other side of the beach someone scream</center></b>
-<b><yellow> "HAHA! LOOK AT THOSE TWO FREAKS!"</yellow></B> - a random guy screams
<b><center> Fuck.. someone has noticed you.. you have two options here.. you can either tell him to fuck off or stop and leave.. but you'll leave with blue balls.. you decide to</center></b>
<div id="choice">
<<linkreplace "<blue><center> • Flip him off and keep fucking your girlfriend</center></blue>">>\
<<replace "#choice">>\
<b><center> Fuck it.. who cares that someone is watching, let him watch, not like he can do anything.. he can even record if he wishes, you send him the middle finger and scream out at him</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\gfsexbeach3.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><you> FUCK YOU!</you></b> - you say as you go back to thrusting inside <gf>$gfname</gf>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\gfsexbeach4.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><gf> "MHMmhmm babe.. that was so hot.. destroy me.."</gf></b> - she says seemingly excited from the way you acted so dominantly.. it seems she likes to have people watching aswell the little slut..
<b><center> You keep fucking her but you are getting close and close to cumming.. you don't want to cum inside her so you quickly take it out and cum on her ass..</center></b>
-<b><you> I'm cumming babe..!</you></b> - you say cumming
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\gfsexbeach5.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><gf> "GGHmhm.. ME TOO!!"</gf></B> - she says as she cums together with you
-<b><you> God.. I'm spent.. I need to go lay down a bit babe..</you></b> - you tell her, tired
-<b><gf> "Alright.. I'll just clean myself on the sea and I'll be right behind you.."</gf></b> - she says breathless
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\gfsexbeach6.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><center> You let her be and go back to the spot where all the things are with your mom and dad.. when out of nowhere someone grabs you and drags you to a shack.</center></b>
<center>[[Who could it be?|DomSaturday2pt5]]</center>
<div id="choice">
<<linkreplace "<red><center> • Stop </center></red>">>
<<replace "#choice">>
<b><center> You decide to pussy out and stop.. your <gf>girlfriend</gf> doesnt seem to enjoy you being a coward and also stops, going away without saying anything, you follow her but she doesn't stop.. the whole day is ruined and you eventually go home, sad.. perhaps you should've continued..</center></b>
<center>[[Go home sad|Home]]</center>\
</div><<set $time to $time+1>>\
<span class='fadeIn'>\
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\beach.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>\
<center><img src="images\city\beach.png" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>\
<b><center> When your eyes get used to the darkness you notice who it is.. it's <sister>$sistername</sister>! What does she want?</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\sisterdarkness.png"></span></center>
-<b><you> <sister>$sistername</sister>? What's wrong? Did you need to scare me like that?</you></B> - you ask her
<b><sister> "Stop neglecting me.. all you do is give attention to that <gf>whore..</gf>"</sister></b> - she says kneeling in front of you
-<b><you> What..? You mean <gf>$gfname</gf>?</you></B> - you ask her
<b><center> She doesn't respond.. instead she lowers down your shorts, for the second time today, and starts playing with your cock.</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\sisterbeachhandjob.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><sister> "Fuck.. your cock smells like sex.. it's still wet from her pussy.. hmmmmhmm.."</sister></B> - she says as she takes your cock into her mouth
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\sisexbeach1.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><sister> "God.. I can taste her pussy.. is this what it feels to be a cuck..? Come on brother.. fuck my throat, put your girlfriends juices down my throat.."</sister></b> - she says in a sultry voice
<b><center> The way she said that phrase energizes you.. and you gain a second life, grabbing her hair from behind and slapping her</center></b>
-<b><you> You cock addicted whore.. you asked for it.. take it!</you></b> - you say fucking her throat roughly as she shlicks her pussy
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\sisexbeach2.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><sister> "YES.. FUCK MY THROAT PUSSY LITTLE BRO.. mhmmMM!"</sister></b> - she says without any breath
<b><center> The thought of you fucking your sister throat behind <gf>$gfname</gf> back after you just fucked her is too intense and you immediately cum all over <sister>$sistername</sister> face without any warning</center></B>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\sisexbeach3.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><sister> "mHMhmm.. so much cum.. who needs sun cream.. I'll just rub your cream instead brother.. you think they will notice?"</sister></b> - she asks you
-<b><you> Yeah yeah whatever slut.. I'm fucking spent.. I'm going back to the towels, clean yourself but don't let yourself be seen by <gf>$gfname</gf> or I'll fucking beat you..</you></B> - you threaten her
-<b><sister> "Hehe.. will you? I might do it on purpose then.."</sister></B> - she says teasing you
<b><center> She is the devil.. you eventually go back to the towels and rest for the rest of the day.. what a day it has been.. eventually you go back home, spent from the day you just had..</center></b>
<<if $dominant <=50>>
<<set $dominant to $dominant+1>>\
<b><center><blue><font size="6"> Domination+1!</font></blue></center></b>\
<b><center><white><u> This action won't increase your <blue>domination anymore.</blue></u></white></center></b>
<center>[[Go home|Home]]</center><span class='fadeIn'>
<<set $momdomevent6 to false>>\
<<set $timer to 0>>\
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\parentsroom.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><img src="images\city\parentsbedroom.jpg" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>
<b><center> Last time in the bathroom you and your <mom>mother</mom> crossed a line no son and parent should cross.. she literally blew you on the bathroom and seemed pretty conflicted about it, it's better you talk with her about it, you've given her a few days to process it, you go upstairs to her room to talk with her.. she seems to be meditating in her couch</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\momchilling.png"></span></center>
-<b><you> Hey <mom>mom</mom>.. can we talk?</you></b> - you ask her gently
<b><center> She opens her eyes and looks at you concerned, probably aware of what you're there to talk about..</center></b>
-<b><mom> "Yes, we do have to talk."</mom></B> - she says coldly staring at you
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\momsmirk.png"></span></center>
-<b><you> I assume you know I am here for.. I wanted to know what you think about what we did..</you></b> - you ask her
-<b><mom> "Well honey, we crossed a line and it was my fault, I let you take advantage of me and I want to make sure that never happens again, we will put that in our past and forget about it."</mom></B> - she says cold
<b><center> Nah this isn't right.. she's trying to push you off but deep down you know the seeds have been planted, she wants be your woman and you know it, you will not ler her persuade you out of it, so you get close to her and sit down next to her</center></B>
-<b><you> Tell me <mom>mom</mom>.. does <dad>dad</dad> satisfy you in bed? Does he attend to your needs when all he does is work?</you></b> - you ask her bluntly
<b><center> She opens her eyes in awe not expecting you to ask that</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\momyes.jpg"></span></center>
-<b><mom> "Th..that doesn't matter to this conversation.. <dad>$dadname</dad> is working hard for us.."</mom></B> - she avoids answering you
-<b><you> You are avoiding it, which means you are frustrated. You can release those frustrations with me, no one will ever know..</you></B> - you say
<b><center> You have to make a move here, words will not be enough, you look at her and decide your approach</center></b>
<div id="choice">
<<linkreplace "<blue><center> • Grab her neck and kiss her</center></blue>">>\
<<replace "#choice">>\
<b><center> You decide you need to be firm on your decisions, she clearly needs a man in her life, and your <dad>dad</dad> is not fulfilling that role, you grab her neck and force her to look into your eyes</center></B>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\grabbingneckmom.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><you> I'll give you three seconds, if you do not move in that time.. I'll take your answer as you accepting our deal.</you></b> - you staring into her eyes
<b><center> She looks completely lost, conflicted and in awe.. but she doesnt move, you even give her more time to make sure of her decision but even though her mind wants to fight you, her body doesn't.. so you go ahead and kiss her, making out with her and of course.. she doesn't resist you at all</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\kissingmom.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><mom> "Mhmmgm.. you are.."</mom></B> - she says not completing the phrase
-<b><you> You know you want me.. you know where to find me when you need me.</you></B> - you say leaving her room, leaving her horny and desperate, making her body wanting yours
<b><center> Now it's a waiting game, you've made your move to make sure she wants you.. let's see in a few days if she comes chasing you</center></b>
<<set $dominant to $dominant+2>>
<center><b><blue> Dominance +2!</blue></b></center>
<center>[[Go to your room happy|Room]]</center>
<div id="choice">
<<linkreplace "<ltblue><center> • Be gentle and hug her</center></ltblue>">>
<<replace "#choice">>
<b><center> You decide to take a more gentler approach it seems she is very conflicted on her feelings and reassurance that she is doing nothing wrong will probably help her, you go ahead and hug her patting her head</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\hugmom.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><you> It's fine <mom>mom</mom>.. you don't have to fight your desires, just think properly on my proposition, I'm here for you and we're family we dont have to be embarassed of each other, you know I'll always love you..</you></b> - you say looking into her eyes
-<b><mom> "Thank you honey.. that was really sweet.."</mom></B> - she says looking into your eyes smiling
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\momsmiling3.png"></span></center>
<b><center> You two keep staring at each other even after finalizing speaking which leaves a sexual tension in the air, you can see her shifting her eyes from yours to your lips.. she clearly wants you to kiss her even if it's subconsciously.. so you do, you make out with her, making sure to leave your mark.</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\kissingmom.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><mom> "Mhmmgm.. why does it feel so right.."</mom></B> - she says blushing
-<b><you> It's totally fine mom.. we just want each other as a man and woman.. I'll leave you alone now.</you></B> - you say leaving her room, leaving her horny and desperate, making her body wanting yours
<b><center> Now it's a waiting game, you've made your move to make sure she wants you.. let's see in a few days if she comes chasing you</center></b>
<<set $dominant to $dominant+1>>
<center><b><blue> Dominance +1!</blue></b></center>
<center>[[Go to your room happy|Room]]</center>
</div><<set $timer to 0>>\
<<set $bfsubevent5 to false>>\
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\schoolhallway.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><img src="images\city\schoolhall.jpg" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>
<b><center> You are chilling in the school hallway when you notice <bf>$bfname</bf> at the entrance of the school bathroom calling you over.. what could she want?</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\bfcalling.jpg"></span></center>
<b><center>[[Follow her|bfsubevent5pt2]]</center></b><center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\schoolbathroom.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><img src="images\city\schoolbathroom.png" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>\
<b><center> You enter the bathroom and you are suprised by what you see.. <bf>$bfname</bf> is standing there with your <blue>bully</blue>.. this is not a good sign because she is similing at you deviously..</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\bfsmiling.png"></span></center>
-<b><you> Ehm.. hi <bf>bestie</bf>.. why did you call me over?</you></b> - you ask curious and scared
-<b><bf> "Well.. I was just following orders, from him."</bf></b> - she says pointing at him
<b><center> You have been avoiding looking at him, hopefully being able to just ignore and leave afterwards as you already know these two are going to force you to do something you <i>do not want</i>.. but you glance at him and he's staring you down like a predator.. he's analyzing his prey.</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\bully.jpg"></span></center>
-<b><blue> "And you did it perfectly slut.."</blue></b> - he says slapping <bf>$bfname</bf> ass
-<b><bf> "Teehe.."</bf></b> - she giggles
-<b><you> What do you.. want?</you></b> - you say staring at him, trying to puff your chest and stand your ground
-<b><blue> "Last time you sucked my cock with such proficiency that I miss those puffy lips.. I'd never thought the scrawny weak dude I met few months ago would turn in such a babe.. What I want is simple.. I want you to get down on your knees and blow me."</blue></B> - he says smiling, pointing at the ground in front of him
<b><center> This is so humiliating.. why is the guy that used to bully you and <bf>$bfname</bf> so interested in dominating you? Is it an alpha male thing? You know you're a beta but you do not have to do something you don't want.. unless..?</center></b>
-<b><you> And what will happen if I refuse?</you></b> - you ask scared of the answer
-<b><blue> "Do you really want to know?"</blue></b> - he says serious looking deadly in your face.
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\bullystare.png"></span></center>
<b><center> Fuck.. you're scared of what he might do if you refuse.. you decide</center></b>
<div id="choice">
<<linkreplace "<pink><center> • Submit to him and suck him off..</center></pink>">>\
<<replace "#choice">>\
<b><center> You are scared of the consequences that may come with not submitting to the <i>superior</i> man in front of you.. you could try and resist but you know he could harm you and <bf>$bfname</bf>.. or worse.. so you kneel in front of him submissively, looking at the floor beneath him like a servant</center></b>
-<b><blue> "Good girl.. I knew you'd take the right decision here. Come on, take it out and suck it whore."</blue></b> - he insults you as he crosses his arms waiting
-<b><pink> Mkay..</pink></b> - you say submissively getting closer to his crotch, zipping his pants off and taking out his enormous cock..
<b><center> Fuck.. why couldnt you be in his position? What happened in your life that you are sitting in the floor of a dirty public toilet about to suck off a guy who treated you like shit your entire existence.. and why does it feel good?! Why do you like to submit to stronger.. bigger.. <i>men?</i></center></b>
-<b><blue> "Come on, don't just stare, take it into your pretty slutty mouth!"</blue></b> - he says slapping you with his cock multiple times, waking you up
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\cockslap.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><pink> I..I'm sorry..</pink></b> - you say as you take his cock into your hand, feeling the weight of it, five times heavier than your tiny clit, and take it into your greedy mouth
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\blowjobschool1.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><blue> "Mhmm yeah.. good whore, there's no shot you don't train your throat.. you are such a profesional whore!"</blue></b> - he says humiliating and complimenting you at the same time
<b><center> He's right.. you do train your throat at home.. even though his cock is big, you can easily take it in..</center></b>
-<b><blue> "Smile whore"</blue></b> - he says taking out his phone recording you as you suck his cock
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\blowjobschool2.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><center> Shit.. he's recording you but you don't stop.. he'll keep that video forever and make use of it to make you submit even further.. but you can't defy him.. you just keep sucking</center></b>
-<b><blue> "Oh right.. you cant smile with my cock down your throat.. oh well, take it deeper whore, I know you can!"</blue></b> - he orders you
<b><center> You gladly obey, deepthroating his cock, taking it deep as gags can be heard throughout the bathroom.. <bf>$bfname</bf> is nowhere to be seen, she's probably outside making sure no one enters..</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\blowjobschool3.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><blue> "Fff..fuck! You are so good.. I'm gonna make you my pet you slut.. take my cum.. deep into your stomach! I'm marking you as mine!"</blue></b> - he says as he cums down your throat, you just let it in, gulping the big load..
<b><center> You try to swallow everything but you can't.. there's so much, you just stay there with some of it in your mouth as you catch your breath, looking like a cum bucket</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\cuminmouthm.jpg"></span></center>
-<b><blue> "You look so hot right now, swallow the rest whore.."</blue></b> - he orders you as he zips up his cock, guarding it
<b><center> You obey him and swallow the rest, feeling like you want to burp to his cum.</center></b>
-<b><blue> "Alright, looks like you know your place.. You are my tow now <you>$name</you> and if I want to use you I will, if you don't obey me.. you'll deal with the consequences and one day.. I'll fuck that pussy, leave now."</blue></B> - he says grabbing you and tossing you out of the bathroom where you meet <bf>$bfname</bf> waiting
-<b><bf> "Well.. looks like someone had a rough one.. I'll be going inside, thank you bestie, love you!"</bf></b> - she says leaving all happy
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\bfsmiling2.png"></span></center>
<b><center> And that's another person that owns you.. how many times are you going to submit..? Are you just a toy for the pleasure of everyone..?</center></b>
<<set $submissive to $submissive+1>>\
<b><center><pink> Submissiveness +1!</pink></center></b>\
<center>[[Compose yourself and go back to your daily life|School Hallway]]</center>
<div id="choice">
<<linkreplace "<red><center> • Refuse and deal with the consequences..</center></red>">>
<<replace "#choice">>
<<set $denybully to true>>\
<b><center> No.. this is too much for you, he can't just force you to do this! You will fight back even if you have to deal with consequences later!</center></b>
-<b><you> No! I'm done with your shit.. I don't care what you do but I'm not sucking your ugly cock! I'm leaving!</you></b> - you say as you storm out of the bathroom mad
-<b><blue> "Haha.. dumb whore, you'll regret this so much, I'll make you and <bf>$bfname</bf>'s lives a living hell in this school.. just get ready.."</blue></b> - you hear as you go out
<b><center> You aren't scared of him.. what can he do? He's just a bully..</center></b>
<b><center><red> You choose a new branch in this storyline.. the bully is mad at you, you should be on the look out for what he will do..</red></center></b>
<center>[[Leave to the hallway|School Hallway]]</center>
</div><span class='fadeIn'>\
<<set $teachercuck to false>>\
<<set $timer to 0>>\
<<set $time to $time+1>>\
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\detention.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><img src="images\city\detention.jpg" width = "550px"></center>
<b><center> You enter the detention room ready to get whatever punishment <teacher>Mistress $nameteacher</teacher> seems suitable for you when you are suprised by a very different sight.. <teacher>Mistress $nameteacher</teacher> is talking very closely with another person.. he's a <brown>black</brown> guy you've never seen before.. but they seem quite friendly..</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\teacherblackguy.jpg"></span></center>
<b><center> After a while she notices you coming in and gets up looking at you smiling, clearly happy with something</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\teachersmiling2.png"></span></center>
-<b><teacher> "<you>$name</you>! Finally you're here! Meet <brown>Mr.Jackson</brown>, he's a very important man in an international organization that actively fights racism, he decided to pay us a visit so I thought of taking the chance for you to meet him and teach you a very important lesson.. he will also be staying the school to give some lessons to our uneducated students. Take a seat please."</teacher></b> - she says sitting down on her desk and turning on the projector
<b><center> That's kinda odd, you take a glimpse at the huge <brown>black</brown> man and smile friendly at him, to which he gives you back. You weren't expecting a chemistry lesson now though.. what could she want to teach you? That's when you notice a powerpoint opening with a very different topic from chemistry.. it's a <brown>black</brown> man and a..<pink>sissy</pink> side to side..</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\alphabetacaption3.jpg"></span></center>
-<b><teacher> "So I think we have to speak about a very important topic to your life.. I'm not sure you quite understand your place in society <you>$name</you>.. when you look at those two males, which one do you relate to the most?"</teacher></b> - she asks you crossing her arms
<div id="choice">
<<linkreplace "<pink><center> • The second picture..</center></pink>">>\
<<replace "#choice">>\
-<b><you> T..the second one..</you></b> - you say embarassed
-<b><teacher> "Maybe you do understand your place! Yes indeed you are very similar to the <pink>pretty sissy</pink> on the right. You are nowhere close to the hot.. big.. <brown>black</brown> man to the left, he has a very large member to which you do not possess.. <i>not even close</i> and you are frail and weak, here's another example, what are you <you>$name</you>? The <pink>beta boi</pink> or the <red>alpha male</red>? Answer truthfully.</teacher></b> - she says seriously
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\alphabetacaption2.png"></span></center>
<b><center> You take a look at <brown>Mr.Jackson</brown> and he has a very serious look in his face, they are both taking this very seriously so you should be honest..</center></b>
-<b><pink> Th..the beta boi.. I think..</pink></b> - you answer truthfully
-<b><teacher> "And you'd be thinking correctly! Great job! I'm glad you understand your place, I have one last slideshow to show you which is your future, now that you understand your place, this is the differences between an alpha males future and <pink>your sissy</pink> future.."</teacher></b> - she says showing another slide
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\alphabetacaption1.jpg"></span></center>
<b><center> For some reason these slideshows make you very hot and bothered.. you are getting horny from being humiliated.. is this really the lesson she wanted to give you?</center></b>
-<b><teacher> "Alright! That's enough theory, let's jump to practice now shall we?"</teacher></b> - she says as both her and <brown>Mr.Jackson</brown> get up
<b><center> Wait it's not over? What does she mean by practice..?</center></b>
-<b><teacher> "Come on <pink>beta sissy.. follow us.</pink>"</teacher></b> - she says leaving the detention room
<b><center> Well what other choice do you have..?</center></b>
<center>[[Follow them|DetentionTeacher8Cuckpt2]]</center>
<div id="choice">
<<linkreplace "<red><center> • The first one!</center></red>">>
<<replace "#choice">>
-<b><you> T..first one..!</you></b> - you say trying to sound manly
-<b><teacher> "No you stupid fucking sissy whore.. you look like the <pink>pretty sissy</pink> on the right. You are nowhere close to the hot.. big.. <brown>black</brown> man to the left, he has a very large member to which you do not possess.. <i>not even close</i> and you are frail and weak, here's another example, what are you <you>$name</you>? The <pink>beta boi</pink> or the <red>alpha male</red>? Answer truthfully.</teacher></b> - she says seriously
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\alphabetacaption2.png"></span></center>
<b><center> You take a look at <brown>Mr.Jackson</brown> and he has a very serious look in his face, they are both taking this very seriously so you should be honest..</center></b>
-<b><pink> Th..the beta boi.. I think..</pink></b> - you answer truthfully
-<b><teacher> "And you'd be thinking correctly! Great job! I'm glad you understand your place, I have one last slideshow to show you which is your future, now that you understand your place, this is the differences between an alpha males future and <pink>your sissy</pink> future.."</teacher></b> - she says showing another slide
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\alphabetacaption1.jpg"></span></center>
<b><center> For some reason these slideshows make you very hot and bothered.. you are getting horny from being humiliated.. is this really the lesson she wanted to give you?</center></b>
-<b><teacher> "Alright! That's enough theory, let's jump to practice now shall we?"</teacher></b> - she says as both her and <brown>Mr.Jackson</brown> get up
<b><center> Wait it's not over? What does she mean by practice..?</center></b>
-<b><teacher> "Come on <pink>beta sissy.. follow us.</pink>"</teacher></b> - she says leaving the detention room
<b><center> Well what other choice do you have..?</center></b>
<center>[[Follow them|DetentionTeacher8Cuckpt2]]</center>
<span class='fadeIn'>\
<<set $teachercuck to false>>\
<<set $timer to 0>>\
<center><img src="images\events\teacheroffice.jpg" width = "550px"></center>
<b><center> You are brought to <teacher> Mistress $nameteacher</teacher> office for some reason.. it's more private and secluded.. you wonder what could the practical lesson be..</center></b>
-<b><teacher> "Alright <pink>sissy</pink> enough games.. now that you truly understand your place, it's time for you to prove it, kneel in front of me."</teacher></B> - she orders you
<b><center> You obey her scared of what might be coming.. you play along for now, when you kneel she starts playing with her pussy in front of you laughing</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\teachercuck1.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><teacher> "I forgot to tell you one thing.. at the top of the chain we have the superior <brown>black</brown> alpha male.. at the bottom we have you, the <pink>sissy beta bitch</pink> and in the middle we have me.. the superior female. That's why you obey me like a little pet.."</teacher></b> - she says as she tosses her panties to the side showing you her pussy, rubbing it in front of your face
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\teachercuck2.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><teacher> "And as a superior, you inferior male do not deserve to touch my precious pussy.. only <brown>alpha men</brown> do.. like <brown>Mr.Jackson</brown> over here.."</teacher></b> - she says signaling him in
<b><center> The huge <brown>black</brown> man passes by you, almost throwing you off of your balance just by passing by you, he grabs her legs and lifts them up, going closer to her pussy and starts licking it up deeply.. you're amazed by the size of his tongue.. it might be bigger than your <pink>clit..</pink></center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\teachercuck3.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><teacher> "Mhmhmmm.. See? This is a prime example of a beta male and an alpha male.. he just came here and took me, what did you do? You just stared at my pussy and waited for orders.. he didn't. He wanted my pussy and he took it for him.. and his reward is this.."</teacher></B> - she says getting up and kneeling in front of him, unzipping his cock as she starts sucking him off greedily
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\teachercuck4.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><center> You hate to admit it but she is right.. why didn't you just lick her? She never said you couldn't.. you just stared at it like a trained little puppy and waited for her orders.. you are truly submissive to her..</center></b>
-<b><teacher> "Now it's time for you to prove your obedience and submissiveness to me.. suck him off <you>$name</you>.. be a pretty little <pink>sissy</pink> for me."</teacher></b> - she orders you, pointing his cock at you
<b><center> What..? She wants you to fluff him? This might be too much.. you either stop it at here or you go all the way..</center></b>
<div id="choice">
<<linkreplace "<pink><center> • Submit and suck him off</center></pink>">>\
<<replace "#choice">>\
<b><center> You realize there's no point fighting her off.. and if you do, you might get seriously hurt and punished and you don't want to disobey nor piss off <teacher> Mistress $nameteacher</teacher>.. you just want to be a good little <pink>sissy girl</pink> for her.. you know your place..</center></b>
-<b><pink> O..okay <teacher>Mistress..</teacher></pink></b> - you say submissively as you crawl over to him, grabbing his cock
-<b><brown> "Wow you really are going to do it.. <teacher>$nameteacher</teacher> was right.. she really got you trained. This is good to know.. I might have to take you for a visit to my headquarters in the <u>BNWO</u>.."</brown></B> - he says mentioning a weird organization that you have no knowledge of.
<b><center> You have no idea what he is talking about but he is right.. you are trained by <teacher>Mistress..</teacher> and right now.. you just want to do what she ordered you to do.. so you start sucking him off greedily, getting him ready to fuck your <teacher>Mistress...</teacher></center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\teachercuck5.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><brown> "Dear lord.. and you're one hell of a cocksucker aswell.. that's a trained throat for sure.."</brown></b> - he says happy with your services
-<b><teacher> "I told you <brown>Mr.Jackson</brown>.. a little bird told me she's also being trained at home by her own family.. unreal right?"</teacher></B> - she says mentioning <mom>$momname</mom> and <sister>$sistername</sister>
-<b><brown> "Amazing.. what a progressive family. I'd love to meet them one day."</brown></b> - he says lusting over your family members..
-<b><teacher> "That can be arranged.. surely they'd be happy to.. serve you and your organization.. but for now let's continue the lesson.. fuck me hard <brown>Master..</brown>. You stay close and watch him enter me <you>$name</you>!"</teacher></B> - she says being submissive to <brown>Mr.Jackson</brown> sitting on top of him while grabbing your head and placing it behind her ass so you can watch him fuck her closely..
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\teachercuck6.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><teacher> "fFF..ffuck!! You're so fucking big.. I can feel you all the way down to my womb.. A real conquerer cock.."</teacher></B> - she says feeling extreme pleasure from his insertion
<b><center> You just watch them fuck like animals.. you can truly feel the difference between you and <brown>Mr.Jackson</brown>.. how can you two be males yet he is so much superior to you? Stronger.. bigger.. manlier.. he manhandles her so easily, changing positions and fucking her however he wants..</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\teachercuck7.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><brown> "Take this <brown>black meat</brown> you white whore.. feel the superiority invade your genes.. I bet you'd like for me to rewrite your entire bloodline!"</brown></B> - he says humiliating her as he fucks her
-<b><teacher> "HMMhmm.. YES.. breed me..!"</teacher></B> - she says agreeing with him
<b><center> You can't believe <teacher>Mistress $nameteacher</teacher> could be so submissive to someone.. you've never seen this side of her, you thought she was just a cold woman who hated men.. but the truth is she just hates weak men.. like you.. she notices you are airing out and calls you out</center></b>
-<b><teacher> "Don't st..are! Smell my f..eet loser..!"</teacher></b> - she says as she puts her feet in your face as she gets fucked
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\teachercuck8.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><center> You don't even protest.. you just take her feet in your face and take a big sniff as she gets fucked.. you feel really humiliated but you feel very horny aswell..</center></b>
-<b><brown> "Mhmgmm yeah.. get ready whore.. I'm going to fucking make you cum..!"</brown></B> - he says as he starts hammering her pussy heavily, making her gush everywhere, she cant even keep control of her feet, so she just stares at you as she cums all over the place laughing at your inferiority
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\teachercuck9.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><teacher> "HAHAHA.. you are so fucking pathetic <you>$name</you>.. look how much you've changed and you just accept your place as my beta boi.. god.. I'm spent.. he's such a man.. unlike you."</teacher></b> - she says breathless
-<b><brown> "Good whore.. teach him his place.. as I .. cum.. on your pussy!"</brown></B> - he says as he lets a huge heavy load all over her pussy..
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\teachercuck10.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><teacher> "Oh my god.. look at this ammount.. I don't think you'd be able to cum this much in a lifetime.. yet he cums in one sitting.. see the difference <you>$name</you>? He's an alpha man.. and you are a beta sissy.. hope this lesson made you understand why you've changed so much to the point you are.. here, have a treat."</teacher></b> - she says as she scoops up the cum and puts it into her mouth, spitting into yours afterwards
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\teachercuck11.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><pink> T..thank you <teacher>Mistress..</teacher> I understand my place.. I am a sissy..</pink></B> - you say with your mouth full of his cum and her drool
-<b><teacher> "Good girl.. you can go now sissy.. I think I'll have another round with <brown>Mr.Jackson</brown>.. but you don't deserve to see another round"</teacher></b> - she says shooing you away
-<b><brown> "Nice to meet you <you>$name</you>.. you are a very interesting character.. I'll keep in touch."</brown></B> - he says while stroking his cock looking at you
<b><center> You leave humiliated and horny.. what a man <brown>Mr.Jackson</brown> is.. and what organization did he say he is part of? BNWO? Perhaps you should search that..</center></b>
<<set $submissive to $submissive+1>>\
<b><center><pink> Submissiveness +1!</pink></center></b>\
<center>[[Leave to the school hallway|School Hallway]]</center>
<div id="choice">
<<linkreplace "<red><center> • Refuse and get punished.. (WARNING CBT CONTENT)</center></red>">>
<<replace "#choice">>
<b><center> There's no way you're going to take this.. why do you have to go such humiliation? You want to fight back.. even if you get punished for it..</center></b>
-<b><you> " I don't want to.."</you></B> - you say scared
-<b><brown> "Uoh oh.. looks like he's not as trained as you said <teacher>$nameteacher</teacher>"</brown></B> - he says laughing
<b><center> You look at <teacher>Mistress</teacher> and she is extremely pissed off.. you can see her face getting red.. you just humiliated her in front of someone she respects..</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\teacherlookingmad.jpg"></span></center>
-<b><teacher> "You stupid.. fucking.. whore.. what did you just fucking say? You don't want to?! You dont have a choice here.. GET UP!"</teacher></B> - she says grabbing you by the hairs and throwing you against the wall
<b><center> Fuck.. she's being so agressive she's hurting you.. maybe you shouldn't have defied her..</center></b>
-<b><teacher> "You dare to defy me you worthless piece of shit? After all I've done to train you?!"</teacher></B> - she says grabbing your balls and gripping them very tightly and hard
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\teachercuckfemdom1.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><you> aaAAAHHHaaah! SS..STOP!! I.. I'm.. sorry!</you></B> - you say in extreme pain asking for apology immediately
<b><center> You screwed up.. you shouldn't never went against her order.. now you face the consequences..</center></B>
-<b><teacher> "You're sorry? You're going to be.. after this!"</teacher></b> - she says as she gets back a little and kicks your balls multiple times, making you kneel in pain
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\teachercuckfemdom2.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><brown> "Ouch.. you're cruel haha.."</brown></B> - the man laughs
-<b><teacher> "Leave now you stupid whore.. hope this makes you understand your place, don't you ever disobey me again.. I'm going to get fucked by <brown>Mr.Jackson</brown> but you aren't even worthy of watching, reconsider your decisions and LEAVE!"</teacher></B> - she screams at you pointing at the door
-<b><you> Y..YYES.. I'm.. sorry!</you></b> - you say in extreme pain as you leave crawling
<b><center> Maybe this wasn't the right choice.. perhaps submitting to <teacher>Mistress</teacher> is better than this.. unless you enjoy being punished.. right..?</center></b>
<center>[[Leave to the school hallway|School Hallway]]</center>
<span class='fadeIn'>\
<<set $teacherud2 to false>>\
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\schoolhallway.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><img src="images\city\schoolhall.jpg" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>
<b><center><yellow><i> This is a sponsor/ultimate disruption scene requested by Lucyshaw, it has femdom ashtray and watersports content, if you don't enjoy those kinks, feel free to skip the scene!</i></yellow></center></B>
<b><center> Your <teacher>teacher</teacher> is calling you to the bathroom for some reason.. this is pretty unusual, she also is smoking a cigarette, what could she want?</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\teachersmoking.png"></span></center>
<div id="choice">
<<linkreplace "<yellow><center> • Go with her</center></yellow>">>\
<<replace "#choice">>\
<b><center> You are curious of what she could possible want.. you go after he when she enters the bathroom.</center></b>
<center>[[Enter the bathroom|teacherud2pt2]]</center>
<div id="choice">
<<linkreplace "<red><center> • Leave (ENDS THE SCENE)</center></red>">>
<<replace "#choice">>
<b><center> You have no time for this.. you have better things to do</center></b>
<center>[[Leave|School Hallway]]</center>
</div><span class='fadeIn'>\
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\schoolbathroom.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><img src="images\city\schoolbathroom.png" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>\
<b><center> You enter the bathroom and <teacher>Mistress $nameteacher</teacher> is just standing at the entrance looking at you holding her cigarette.. she usually just calls you to her office or something, it's quite unusual she called you to the bathroom..</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\teachersmokingbathroom.jpg"></span></center>
-<b><you> Ehm.. why did you call me here..?</you></b> - you say curious
-<b><teacher> "I think you enjoyed our last time out in the park.. I wanted to teach you a little further on something you don't quite understand.. which is I can do whatever I want with you, follow me to the stall.."</teacher></B> - she says entering a stall
<b><center> You follow her inside.. you are scared of what she wants to do with you but nevertheless you obey her</center></b>
-<b><teacher> "Alright pet, kneel down in front of me."</teacher></b> - she says as she sits down on the toilet smoking, the smoke filling the stall
<b><center> You obey her and kneel in front of her, when you do she suddenly slaps you in the face, takes a puff of the cigarette and spits you in the face.</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\teachersmokepiss1.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><teacher> "Your worthless trash, I think the toilet I'm sitting on is worth more than you.. you don't deserve the air I breathe, the smoke I throw out of my lungs, the only thing you deserve is my dejects, my spit, my <yellow>piss</yellow>.. and that's what you're going to drink, put your head on the toilet whore, now!"</teacher></b> - she says getting up and ordering you
<b><center> You are scared.. she is being very mean towards you and dominating, you just obey her and close your eyes, you feel the heat of her vagina on your face and suddenly.. you feel the extreme flow of her piss hit your face and mouth, she doesn't care where she is hitting you, you are sure you can feel some dripping down your clothes.. you feel the smell of piss and smoke in the cubicle.. it's so degrading..</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\teachersmokepiss2.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><teacher> "God that felt so relieving, you are such a fucking mess jesus christ HAHAHA.. here trash, I'm done with the cigarette, open your mouth."</teacher></b> - she orders you
<b><center> You obey her and when you open your mouth, she just throws the finished cigarette into your mouth and spits on you like a trashcan, leaving you behind smothered in piss and tabacco.. it's so degrading.. you have to leave the bathroom like this..</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\teachersmokepiss3.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><you><i> Well.. time to leave I guess..</i></you></b> - you say leaving humiliated
<center>[[Leave to the hallway|School Hallway]]</center><<set $gloryholejob to true>>\
<<set $worksubevent11 to false>>\
<span class='fadeIn'>\
<<set $worked to $worked+1>>\
<<set $time to $time+1>>\
<<if $time >= 3>>\
<<set $time to $time-1>>\
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\sexshop.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>\
<center><img src="images\city\sexshop.png" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>
<b><center> You enter the sex shop and head towards the locker room, ready to put on your uniform!</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\lockerjob.png"></span></center>
<b><center> You were about to go do your shift when you hear <manager>$mname</manager> call you over.. what could he want?</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\managersexshop.jpg"></span></center>
-<b><manager> "Hey <you>$name</you> cmere.."</manager></b> - he calls you over
<b><center> You head towards him curious.</center></b>
-<b><you> Yeah <manager>$mname</manager>? What's wrong?</you></B> - you ask
-<b><manager> "Well.. you've been working here for a while now, you have good knowledge of the store and the toys.. so I'm promoting you and giving you access to a new <i>section</i>.."</manager></B> - he says smiling creepily as ever at you
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\pervymanager.jpg"></span></center>
-<b><you> Oh.. I didnt know we had another section with more toys.. sure! Thank you!</you></b> - you say happily that you are being promoted
-<b><manager> "Hehe.. I never said it had toys.. you'll be able to make more money there.. actually <bf>$bfname</bf> is a very big fan of that section that's why you rarely see her here.. Let me show you."</manager></B> - you say following him through a door you've never went that says STAFF ONLY
<b><center> That's curious.. what could he mean by be able to make money there but it doesn't have toys..?</center></b>
-<b><manager> "Here we are.. your new working station, optional of course.. you decide your shifts here.. hehe.."</manager></b> - he says as you two arrive at a weird section with dim lighting..
<b><center> This is odd.. these look like the booths in the store where people can try on stuff.. what are these?</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\gloryholebooth.png"></span></center>
-<b><you> Ehm how am I supposed to make money here exactly?</you></b> - you ask not understanding the purpose of the booths
-<b><manager> "Hahaha.. you still don't understand? Just head inside and you'll realize quite quickly.. go ahead!"</manager></B> - he says opening the booth for you
<b><center> Once you get in there, it's a normal booth.. but there's a BIG difference.. there's a huge hole about hip level.. it's definitely a gloryhole booth. So that's what he meant by making money and making your own shifts.. he's saying you can suck cock for money here! This is disgraceful.. who does he think you are? A whore?!</center></b>
-<b><you><i> Unbelievable..</i></you></b> - you think to yourself looking at the hole
<b><center> Then suddenly you hear someone move on the other side of the booth.. there's no way.. not now!</center></b>
-<b><you><i> Okay I have to lea..-</i></you></b> - you say as suddenly a huge cock appears on the hole
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\dickgloryhole.jpg"></span></center>
<b><center> Oh my god it's massive.. it's thick.. you can even see the thickness of the veins from here.. you need to go, now!</center></B>
-<b><you><i> I'm leaving right now!</i></you></b> - you think to yourself as you head towards the door handle when you notice.. the door is locked!
<b><center> There's no way you are locked in here.. with a cock in a hole waiting to be pleased, who locked you in here?! You look to the side and see a sign.. it says you can only leave when there's no clients on the other side so no one leaves unsatisfied.. there's no way, <manager>$mname</manager> has set you up!</center></b>
-<b><you><i> What do I do now..?</i></you></B> - you say thinking
<div id="choice">
<<linkreplace "<pink> • Please the cock in order to leave</pink>">>
<<replace "#choice">>
<<set $gloryholebooth to true>>\
<b><center> You realize you have no choice.. there's no point in waiting, the sooner you get this done the better and you also don't want to ruin the reputation of the store.. could be harmful towards your job in general.. you get down on your knees and grab the cock, you feel it on your hand.. it's really big..</center></b>
-<b><you> Fuck.. what a big cock..</you></B> - you say out loud
-<b><manager> "Eheh glad you like it.."</manager></B> - a somewhat familiar voice says from the other side
<b><center> You are so focused on the cock that you don't even notice the similarity in voices.. you just take the cock and start sucking it professionally, wanting to please the cock as best as you can.. for the reputation of the store of course..</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\glorysuck1.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><manager> "Oh fuck.. I knew you're a cocksucker.. make me cum whore.."</manager></B> - the <i>familiar</i> man says from the other side
<b><center> Eventually after a while he cant keep up with your skills and cums all over your face and clothes.. leaving you stained</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\glorycum1.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><you><i> mHMMmm.. that wasn't bad.. I guess..</i></you></b> - you think to yourself
<b><center> Then the man takes his cock out and you see a $20 dollar bill fall on the ground.. you just made money from sucking cock.. just like a whore would.. you are literally prostituting yourself.. why is it so hot..? You hear the booth click from the outside, you can finally leave..</center></b>
-<b><you><i> Finally</i></you></b> - you say as you leave, picking up the money beforehand though..
<b><center> Once you get outside, <manager>$mname</manager> is waiting for you.. he's kinda sweaty for some reason, did he come running because he was scared you could be trapped or something? That's kinda heartwarming..</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\sweatymanager.png"></span></center>
-<b><manager> "Oh hey.. ehm yeah looks like you got the job done.. well done! Well.. I can say for SURE you can definitely working in these booths.. anytime you want just go through the door and yeah.. suck some cocks!"</manager></B> - he says leaving
<b><center> Well.. guess you now have a choice to make money as a whore.. you'll never do it though.. <i>right?</i>..</center></b>
<b><center><yellow> You can now go straight to the gloryhole in the Sex Shop if you wish to make some quick money!</yellow></center></b>
<<set $submissive to $submissive+1>>\
<b><center><pink> Submissiveness +1!</pink></center></b>\
<<set $money to $money+20>>\
<green><b><center><i> You received 20€ for your work!</i></center></b></green>
<center>[[Undress and go outside|RedlightDistrict]]</center>
<center>[[Undress and go straight home|Room]]</center>
<div id="choice">\
<<linkreplace "<red> • Wait for someone to eventually open the booth(LOCKS THE GLORYHOLE BOOTH)</red>">>
<<replace "#choice">>
<b><center> You wait and wait for <manager>$mname</manager> to come open the booth, you refuse to suck someones cock like that.. you are not a whore!</center></b>
-<b><you> You can put it back inside.. I'm not sucking it</you></b> - you say to the man on the other side
<b><center> After a few minutes he gives up and takes his cock back.. leaving, then suddenly the booth unlocks and you go back to work, the manager looks quite disappointed though..</center></b>
<<set $money to $money+15>>\
<green><b><center><i> You received 15€ for your work!</i></center></b></green>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\moneyinhand.png"></span></center>
<center>[[Undress and go outside|RedlightDistrict]]</center>
<center>[[Undress and go straight home|Room]]</center>
</div><<goto`either("gloryholejob1","gloryholejob2","gloryholejob3")`>>\<<set $fatiguestat to $fatiguestat+10>>\
<<set $time to $time+1>>\
<<if $time >= 3>>\
<<set $time to $time-1>>\
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\sexshop.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>\
<center><img src="images\city\gloryholebooth.png" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>
<b><center> You enter the booth ready to suck some cocks for money.. it makes you feel truly submissive and like a whore but you need the money.. you get down on your knees and wait for a cock to come in..</center></b>
<<timed 1s>><center><font size="+5"><b>.</b></font></center><</timed>><<timed 2s>><center><font size="+5"><b>.</b></font></center><</timed>><<timed 3s>><center><font size="+5"><b>.</b></font></center><</timed>>
<<timed 4s>>
<b><center> After a while a cock finally enters the hole, ready for you to service, you hungrily grab it and start sucking it off..</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\gloryholesuck2.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><you><i> Hmhmm.. tasty..</i></you></b> - you think to yourself as you suck the cock
<b><center> It doesn't take long for the man to start cumming all over your mouth, you happily swallow it like a whore..</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\gloryholecum2.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><blue> "Haha thanks whore, you're great, here.."</blue></b> - he says as he throws the money bill through the hole
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\moneyglory.png"></span></center>
<b><center> Yes! Money..! You quickly grab it and stash it in your wallet.. another cock serviced and you felt amazing..</center></b>
<b><green><center> Fatigue increased by 10!</center></green></b>
<<set $money to $money+20>>\
<green><b><center><i> You received 20€ for your sex work!</i></center></b></green>
<center>[[Leave the booth|SexShop]]</center>
<</timed>><<set $fatiguestat to $fatiguestat+10>>\
<<set $time to $time+1>>\
<<if $time >= 3>>\
<<set $time to $time-1>>\
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\sexshop.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>\
<center><img src="images\city\gloryholebooth.png" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>
<b><center> You enter the booth ready to suck some cocks for money.. it makes you feel truly submissive and like a whore but you need the money.. you get down on your knees and wait for a cock to come in..</center></b>
<<timed 1s>><center><font size="+5"><b>.</b></font></center><</timed>><<timed 2s>><center><font size="+5"><b>.</b></font></center><</timed>><<timed 3s>><center><font size="+5"><b>.</b></font></center><</timed>>
<<timed 4s>>
<b><center> After a while a cock finally enters the hole, ready for you to service, you hungrily grab it and start sucking it off..</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\gloryholesuck3.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><you><i> Hmhmm.. tasty..</i></you></b> - you think to yourself as you suck the cock
<b><center> It doesn't take long for the man to start cumming all over your mouth, you happily swallow it like a whore..</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\gloryholecum3.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><blue> "Haha thanks whore, you're great, here.."</blue></b> - he says as he throws the money bill through the hole
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\moneyglory.png"></span></center>
<b><center> Yes! Money..! You quickly grab it and stash it in your wallet.. another cock serviced and you felt amazing..</center></b>
<b><green><center> Fatigue increased by 10!</center></green></b>
<<set $money to $money+20>>\
<green><b><center><i> You received 20€ for your sex work!</i></center></b></green>
<center>[[Leave the booth|SexShop]]</center>
<</timed>><<set $fatiguestat to $fatiguestat+10>>\
<<set $time to $time+1>>\
<<if $time >= 3>>\
<<set $time to $time-1>>\
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\sexshop.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>\
<center><img src="images\city\gloryholebooth.png" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>
<b><center> You enter the booth ready to suck some cocks for money.. it makes you feel truly submissive and like a whore but you need the money.. you get down on your knees and wait for a cock to come in..</center></b>
<<timed 1s>><center><font size="+5"><b>.</b></font></center><</timed>><<timed 2s>><center><font size="+5"><b>.</b></font></center><</timed>><<timed 3s>><center><font size="+5"><b>.</b></font></center><</timed>>
<<timed 4s>>
<b><center> After a while a cock finally enters the hole, it's a <brown>black</brown> cock this time around.. it's much bigger and it's.. ready for you to service, you hungrily grab it and start sucking it off..</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\gloryholesuck4.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><you><i> Hmhmm.. tasty.. I love <brown>black cock</brown>..</i></you></b> - you think to yourself as you suck the big cock
<b><center> It doesn't take long for the man to start cumming all over your mouth, you happily swallow it like a whore..</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\gloryholecum4.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><brown> "Great job <pink>sissy white boi</pink>.. keep serving us."</brown></b> - he says as he throws the money bill through the hole
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\moneyglory.png"></span></center>
<b><center> Yes! Money..! You quickly grab it and stash it in your wallet.. another cock serviced and you felt amazing..</center></b>
<b><green><center> Fatigue increased by 10!</center></green></b>
<<set $money to $money+20>>\
<green><b><center><i> You received 20€ for your sex work!</i></center></b></green>
<center>[[Leave the booth|SexShop]]</center>
<</timed>><center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\livingroom.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><img src="images\city\livingroom.jpg" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>
<span class='fadeIn'>\
<<set $dadsubevent2 to false>>\
<<set $timer to 0>>\
<b><center> You see your <dad>dad</dad> watching TV in the bedroom and you realize since the last transformations in your life you haven't really watched TV with him like you used to do.. you enter the living room and sit down on the couch next to him, he looks at you in a weird way.. clearly he's not used to you being so.. <pink>girly</pink>.</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\dadwatchingtv.jpg"></span></center>
-<b><you> Hey <dad>dad</dad>.. can I watch with you?</you></B> - you ask gently
<b><center> He looks at you and doesn't even put on the effort to respond with words, he just shrugs and goes back to watching the TV</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\dadcouchshrug.png"></span></center>
<b><center> You are watching football with your <dad>dad</dad> but your constant horniness from the <pink>chastity cage</pink> doesn't let you focus on the game anymore.. not even your brain is wired as man anymore.. you don't find this interesting at all.. you take a glimpse at your <dad>dads</dad> and he is invested.. however you do notice something odd.. he has a massive boner in his shorts..</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\dadbonercouch.jpg"></span></center>
<b><center> It's always him using you.. why don't you seduce him and see what happens..?</center></b>
-<b><pink> Oh jeez.. It's so hot in here..</pink></b> - you say as you take off your pants and lay down flat on your belly, showing your new hormone enduced fat ass
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\mcfatass.png"></span></center>
<b><center> You can't see him but you are certain he is looking.. you can feel his eyes glued to your ass.. yet he cannot have it.. you need to get close to him somehow, so you get up and grab a book that is on the table, but before you bend down in front of him, almost putting your ass in his face</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\assinface.png"></span></center>
-<b><pink> Whoops.. sorry dad didn't want to obstruct the vision hehe..</pink></b> - you say as you sit very close to him, you're pretty sure his boner is even bigger.. it's out of his shorts from how big it is
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\dadcockoutpoke.jpg"></span></center>
<b><center> It's time for last step.. you either go all in or just leave him teased..</center></b>
<div id="choice">
<<linkreplace "<pink><center> • Take one step further and rub his cock through the shorts..</center></pink>">>\
<<replace "#choice">>\
<b><center> You decide to go for it.. you start rubbing his cock through his shorts while looking directly at him grinning</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\couchdadsuck1.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><dad> "What do you think you're doing you slut..?"</dad></b> - he says insulting you
-<b><pink> Oh come on <dad>daddy</dad>.. I could see your boner from miles away, don't you want to relieve some stress? Just use me..</pink></B> - you say opening your mouth like a whore
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\ahegaomc.png"></span></center>
<b><center> He just grabs you by your neck and starts kissing you while you rub his cock.. you're making out with your own <dad>dad</dad> in the middle of the living room.. anyone could come in right now and find you making out with him..</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\couchdadsuck2.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><pink> "Heehe.. let me take care of you daddy.. just lay back."</pink></b> - you say as you kneel in front of him, taking his cock into your mouth skilfully
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\couchdadsuck3.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><dad> "Jesus you fucking whore.. your training has definitely been working.. you take cock better than your whore mom.."</dad></B> - you say as you keep sucking him off, taking it deeper into your mouth
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\couchdadsuck4.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><center> Then out of nowhere, you hear footsteps come down from the stairwell.. someone is coming down! Yet he doesn't let you stop.. you just keep sucking hoping that no one sees you or comes close enough..</center></b>
-<b><mom> "Oh you're watching football love.. I was wondering where you were.. do you need something?"</mom></b> - your mom asks your dad
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\momquestionkitchen.png"></span></center>
-<b><dad> "I'm.. fine hmmhm.."</dad></b> - your dad says groaning as he grabs your head and fucks your throat, the situation clearly making him more aroused
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\couchdadsuck5.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><pink><font size="-1"> Hehe.. fuck my throat daddy.. cum in it..</font></pink></B> - you say seducing him.. and it works because quickly he starts cumming loads down your throat.. you just take it all in your mouth and show him after
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\mccumonface.jpg"></span></center>
-<b><dad> "Swallow whore."</dad></b> - he orders you
<b><center> And you obey.. swallowing everything in a single gulp like it was the tastiest meal you've ever had.. its so thick you have to gulp twice.. you quickly get down from the floor and lay back on the couch before your <mom>mother</mom> sees you
-<b><mom> "Oh <you>$name</you> I didn't even see you coming.. do you want something honey?"</mom></B> - she asks you noticing you are there
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\momkitchen.jpg"></span></center>
-<b><you> I'm good mom.. I just ate something very tasty and it made me full..</you></B> - you say looking at your dad
<b><center> He grins a bit which is very rare to see your <dad>dad</dad> smiling a bit and you feel fulfilled with what you've done.. you just watch the rest of the game with the flavour of your <dad>dads</dad> cum in your mouth and eventually leave</center></B>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\dadsmiling.png"></span></center>
<b><center><yellow> New relationship level unlocked with the dad!</yellow></center></b>
<<set $submissive to $submissive+1>>\
<b><center><pink> Submissiveness +1!</pink></center></b>\
<center>[[Finish watching the game|Living Room]]</center>
<div id="choice">
<<linkreplace "<white><center> • Leave him teased..</center></white>">>
<<replace "#choice">>
<b><center> You decide it's too risky to do it here in the living room... anyone could come here, you just leave him teased and horny.. maybe he will come after you afterwards, you get up and leave and you hear him groan as you leave.</center></b>
<center>[[Leave the living room|Room]]</center>
</div><span class='fadeIn'>\
<<set $emailsub1 to false>>\
<<set $secondwatchemail1 to true>>\
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\gmail.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><img src="images\other\PC.png" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>
<b><center><red> (Flashing images down below, be careful!)</red></center></b>
<b><center> You notice you have a new email in your inbox, you don't usually get many emails other than useless spam but this one did not go to the Spam..</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\mailinbox.jpg"></span></center>
-<b><you><i> Huh.. why cant I see who's the sender..?</i></you></B> - you think to yourself as you notice the sender is not visible
<b><center> You open the emails and immediately images start flashing on your screen.. you want to look away but you <pink>cannot..</pink></center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\emailhypno1.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><pink><i> Ob..ey my master..?</i></pink></b> - you think to yourself in a girly voice
<B><center> Who's your master..? God this is making my head hurt and fuzzy.. what is this video? Why can't you look away from it? Suddenly a countdown appears in front of you and you really think you should look away.. but your body disagrees with you..</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\emailhypno2.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><center> Your whole body goes limp.. you stop thinking and just obey every command that is sent to you towards the imagery.. the images changes to a girl drooling and it orders you to drool and before you even notice.. you are drooling with your mouth open..</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\emailhypno3.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<B><pink><i> M..master..</i></pink></B> - you say drooling
<b><center> And once again the imagery changes with a simple phrase.. "You need to be a good girl and obey your master"</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\emailhypno4.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><pink><i> Ob..ey master.. yes..</i></pink></B> - you agree nodding
<b><center> The video suddenly shuts down and you spurt back to life.. what just happened? You feel really drowsy and your mind is foggy but you can remember one thing.. <pink><i> Obey your master..</i></pink></center></b>
-<b><you><i> Who's "master"..?</i></you></b> - you think to yourself, leaving the computer.. somewhat excited for another email..
<b><center> Maybe if you watch the images back again a few times something will change.. you don't know who master is.. but you have a feeling you want to know..</center></b>
<<set $hypnotized to $hypnotized+1>>\
<b><center><hotpink> Hypnotized +1!</hotpink></center></b>\
<center>[[Close the email|PC]]</center><<set $time to $time+1>>\
<<if $time >= 3>>\
<<set $time to $time - 1>>\
<span class='fadeIn'>\
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\gmail.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><img src="images\other\PC.png" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>
<b><center><red> (Flashing images down below, be careful!)</red></center></b>
<b><center> You want to watch the videos you received from the anonymous sender again.. for some reason they make you feel really good inside and you feel compelled to watch them.. you just watch them all in a row.. drooling and feeling horny and happy..</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\emailhypno1.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\emailhypno2.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\emailhypno3.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\emailhypno4.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><hotpink><i> Mhmmnhm.. why does it feel so good to obey..? Who's master.. where is he..?</i></hotpink></b> - you think to yourself moaning
<b><center> You aren't even masturbating.. but your brain is being masturbated.. and you love it..</center></b>
<<if $hypnotized <5>>\
<<set $hypnotized to $hypnotized+1>>\
<b><center><hotpink> Hypnotized +1!</hotpink></center></b>\
<<elseif $hypnotized >=5>>\
<b><center><hotpink><u> These images have no more effect on you.. you need to progress and see the new email..</u></hotpink></center></b>
<<set $fatiguestat to $fatiguestat+10>>\
<b><green><center> Fatigue increased by 10!</center></green></b>
<center>[[Close the email|PC]]</center>
<<set $bnwoevent1 to false>>\
<<set $timer to 0>>\
<<set $time to $time+1>>\
<<if $time >= 3>>\
<<set $time to $time - 1>>\
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\schoolhallway.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><img src="images\city\schoolhall.jpg" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>
<b><center> You are in the school hallway when you notice some weird posters going around.. you haven't seen these here before so they are quite recent..</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\bnwoposter.png"></span></center>
-<b><you><i> What the..</i></you></b> - you think to yourself shocked
<b><center> What are these posters? They are so.. sexual and obscene, who has been putting these up? BNWO? You've seen this before, you're pretty sure it's the organization <brown>Mr.Jackson</brown> was apart of.. you look to the other side of the hallway and to your suprise you see one of your classmates <ltblue>Elsa</ltblue> putting on the posters, she then enters a teachers room.. You head next to it and notice another batch of posters..</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\bnwoposter2.png"></span></center>
-<b><you><i> Why is she putting these up..?</i></you></b> - you think to yourself
<b><center> You then hear moaning and giggling from the room she entered..</center></b>
<div id="choice">
<<linkreplace "<brown><center> • Check what's going on inside..</center></brown>">>\
<<replace "#choice">>\
<b><center> You get too curious and want to know what's going on.. you are pretty sure you saw <ltblue> Elsa</ltblue> enter this room and she isn't alone.. you take a glimpse inside and your eyes open wide.. she is showering her boobs to <brown>Mr.Jackson</brown> while giggling and jumping</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\bnwo1.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><ltblue> "Hihi.. did I do well <brown>Master Jackson?</brown>"</ltblue></b> - she asks <brown>Mr.Jackson</brown>
<b><center> You take a look at him and he just stands next to her, looking powerful in his suit.. he truly is a man to be feared..</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\mrjackson.png"></span></center>
-<b><brown> "You did amazingly bunny.. You really want to join and serve the BNWO don't you? There's just one last step for you to prove yourself.. kneel."</brown></b> - he orders her
<b><center> And she immediately obeys smiling, you haven't seen someone so happy in so long..</center></b>
-<b><brown> "Take it out and serve me.. show your inferiority to us."</brown></B> - he says waiting
<b><center> She does exactly what he ordered.. taking out his huge <brown>black cock</brown> into her hands and quickly turns into action.. trying to suck that huge thick cock.. to which she can only take the head..</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\bnwo2.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><ltblue> "FwahHh.. god you're so big.. I love it master.."</ltblue></B> - she says impressed
-<b><brown> "Shut up bunny.. take it deeper come on, prove that you deserve more of this.."</brown></B> - he says grabbing her hair
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\bnwo3.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><center> They stay there for a really long time.. how much stamina does he have? She has been sucking him for 15 minutes and nothing has come out.. you're pretty sure you'd be done in like 30 seconds with her.. but with him he has time to appreciate her body.. fondle her.. and she takes his cock deeper and deeper..</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\bnwo4.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><brown> "Fuck goddamn.. you're definitely worthy of being our servant you white whore.. we accept your application.. I'll text you the address to our headquarters but for now.. take this FUCKING LOAD.."</brown></b> - he screams as he cums all over her face
<b><center> As he cums all over her face, you gasp at the sheer ammount of cum he produces all over her face and it seems they heard you.. she sucks him off and she stares into you smiling, you quickly run off before you get caught..</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\bnwo5.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><you><i> Oh fuck.. did they see me..?</i></you></b> - you think to yourself
<b><center> What the hell is the BNWO..? They are recruiting members? You've to google it when you get home.. you're really curious and for some reason.. all this gets you really horny..</center></B>
<center>[[Leave the school hallway running|School]]</center>
<div id="choice">
<<linkreplace "<red><center> • Leave it alone (ENDS BBC BNWO storyline)</center></red>">>
<<replace "#choice">>
<<set $bnwofalse to true>>\
<b><center> You decide you don't want to get involved.. whatever is going on you'll leave it to someone else to fix it.</center></b>
<center>[[Leave|School Hallway]]</center>
<<set $time to $time+1>>\
<<if $time >= 3>>\
<<set $time to $time - 1>>\
<span class='fadeIn'>\
<<set $momeventsub8 to false>>\
<<set $timer to 0>>\
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\parentsroom.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><img src="images\city\parentsbedroom.jpg" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>
<b><center> You enter your mothers room after she called you in and she is there waiting for you smiling</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\momsmiling2.jpg"></span></center>
-<b><you> Hey <mom>mom</mom> what's up?</you></b> - you ask curious
-<b><mom> "Hi honey.. you've been training pretty hard so I wanted to reward you.. let's go out to the Park, I'll show you a special place now that you are ready.."</mom></B> - she says smiling deviously
<b><center> Well you don't see why you wouldn't go out with your mom, you have nothing better to do anyways</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\mcmompark.png"></span></center>
-<b><you> Sure <mom>mommy!</mom> let's go.</you></b> - you say heading out to the park with her
<b><center>[[Go to the park with your mother|momsubevent8pt2]]</center></b><center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\park.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><img src="images\city\park.png" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>
<span class='fadeIn'>\
<b><center> You arrive at the park with your <mom>mom</mom> and she heads towards a more secluded place of the park, you follow her and she enters some bathrooms in a part of the park you've never went.. it looks pretty creepy to be honest..</center></b>
-<b><you> Where are we going mom..?</you></b> - you say scared
-<b><mom> "Don't worry honey.. just follow me."</mom></b> - she says heading inside
<b><center> Once you're inside there you are greeted upon a weird sight.. it's a normal bathroom, you can tell it's not used alot and it has alot of dust.. it even looks abandoned however.. there's a hole in the booths.. it's a gloryhole bathroom!</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\gloryholeinsidepark.jpg"></span></center>
-<b><mom> "It's time we put your new skills to the test.. I'll take the lead and you follow me.. come, kneel next to me.."</mom></B> - she says kneeling next to the hole
<b><center> After a while, a huge cock comes sliding throught the hole.. it's really fucking big, it's going to take all of your training to suck it.. but you're excited to do it, your mother doesn't waste any time and grabs it, jerking it off and taking it into her mouth afterwards</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\gloryholemom1.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><mom> "Jesus it's really big.. mhmhm.."</mom></b> - she says as she takes off her panties and starts masturbating as she sucks the cock
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\gloryholemom2.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><center> You can't lie.. watching your own <mom>mother</mom> be a whore for cock like this makes you really horny and you <pink>clit</pink> squirms in its cage.. you are getting really horny, you clearly took after your mother when it comes to sluttiness.. your clit drips precum like crazy.. you cannot wait for your turn..</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\clitdripping.png"></span></center>
-<b><mom> "Come honey.. it's your turn.. dont want to make him cum alone.."</mom></b> - she says handing the cock to you
<b><center> You grab it and jerk it off.. it's full of your <mom>mothers</mom> throat juice.. it's so slimy and gooey.. but it's so hot aswell.. you start sucking it mixing your throat juices with your mothers..</center></B>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\gloryholemom3.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><pink> MhmMMm.. it's so big jesus..</pink></B> - you say as you keep sucking and take it deeper into your slutty throat
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\gloryholemom4.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><center> You are sucking it with all your might when your <mom>mom</mom> joins you sucking it from the side.. what a bonding experience, you and your <mom>mother</mom> being two nasty whores on your knees of a dirty toilet sucking a man you don't even know.. why does it feel so good to be a whore though..</center></b>
-<b><mom> "Let me join honey.. don't be so greedy.. I want his cum too.."</mom></b> - she says sucking the cock with you, making him cum in the process
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\gloryholemom5.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><center> You are the greediest slut of you two, taking the cock into your mouth as he cums inside it.. however you want to share some with your mother.. so you kiss her and pass some of the cum.. you just shared cum with your own mother..</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\gloryholemom6.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><pink> Yummy..</pink></b> - you say smiling at your mother
-<b><mom> "You did amazing honey.. I'm so proud of the slut you've become, thank you for the meal.. let's go home honey."</mom></B> - she says getting up while tasting the cum
<b><center> What a bonding experience between you two.. you really love how much your mother supports you in your slutty adventures.. you wonder what you two can do as a slutty duo..time to go home..</center></B>
<<set $submissive to $submissive+1>>\
<b><center><pink> Submissiveness +1!</pink></center></b>\
<center>[[Go home after the adventure with your mom|Home]]</center><span class='fadeIn'>
<<set $momdomevent7 to false>>\
<<set $timer to 0>>\
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\bedroom.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><img src="images\city\bedroomnight.jpg" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>\
<b><center> You are sleeping peacefully in your bedroom when you hear someone open your door slowly and quietly.. you don't wake up at all.. the person creeps closer and closer and gets underneath your sheets..</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\momsuckcovers1.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><mom><i> "I.. I can't resist anymore.."</i></mom></b> - <mom>someone</mom> says mumbling under her breath.
<b><center> Suddenly you feel wetness on your cock and you start to get hard.. you slowly wake up and look down just to notice that your <mom>mother</mom> is sucking your cock!</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\momsuckcovers2.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><you><font size ="-1"> Mom..? What the..</font></You></b> - you say still waking up as you feel extreme pleasure as she sucks you
-<b><mom> "Shh honey.. just enjoy, don't think.."</mom></b> - she says as she expertidly sucks you off like a vaccum.
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\momsuckcovers3.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><you> Ff..fuck jesus.. you are so good.. god..</you></b> - you moan
-<b><mom> "I was in bed with your father but he's dead asleep from work and I was so horny.. I couldn't resist anymore.. I need your cock so bad.."</mom></b> - she says sucking you even deeper. you can tell she's speaking the truth, she's in love with your cock.
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\momsuckcovers4.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><you> G..GODD.. you really want this nut you slut.. then take it deep into your stomach.. swallow it!</you></b> - you say as you cum and grab her face, cumming deep into her throat
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\momsuckcovers5.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><mom> "FWAHHDG.. GMMhmm.. so much cum.. thanks honey.."</mom></b> - she says as she lays on your bed
<b><center> You fall back asleep tired from just cumming but one last thought goes through your head.. you have to get back at her for this.. she's getting more confindent and it seems she's letting go.. hopefully this wasn't a dream..</center></b>
<<set $dominant to $dominant+1>>
<center><b><blue> Dominance +1!</blue></b></center>
<center>[[Wake up|Room]]</center><span class='fadeIn'>
<<set $dadeventdom1 to false>>\
<<set $timer to 0>>\
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\bathroom.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><img src="images\city\bathroom.jpg" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>
<b><center> You just took a shower and are drying off with the towel when suddenly someones comes barging inside the bathroom without any warning..</center></b>
-<b><you> Woah!</you></B> - you say suprised as you let your towel drop to the ground
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\cockdroptowel.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><center> Your <dad>dad</dad> stops for a few seconds and starts staring at your large cock.. you look down at his and you can see his cock growing in his boxers.. is he getting aroused by your cock?</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\dadstaring.png"></span></center>
-<b><dad> "Eh sorry kid.. I was in a hurry and didn't notice someone was.. here"</dad></b> - he says still taking some glimpses at your large cock
<b><center> Alright he's definitely staring.. is your own <dad>dad</dad> watering over your big cock? Does he want it..? Maybe you can tease him further..</center></b>
<div id="choice">
<<linkreplace "<blue><center> • Tease him further</center></blue>">>\
<<replace "#choice">>\
-<b><you> No problem <dad>dad</dad>. Anything you need from me?</you></b> - you say as you look him deep into his eyes, stroking your cock slowly
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\teasingdadcock.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><center> Your <dad>dad</dad> opens his mouth for a second and shuts up staring at your cock not knowing what to say.. he's clearly thinking of it but then he snaps out and speaks</center></b>
-<b><dad> "Nah.. I'll wait for you to leave.. sorry kid"</dad></b> - he says as he gets ready to head out
-<b><you> It's fine <dad>dad</dad> chill.. why are you so tense? I'm leaving already..</you></b> - you say as you walk towards him with your cock swinging, brushing really close to him and grinning
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\leavingbathroomdad.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><center> This was very interesting.. your own <dad>dad</dad> is very horny for your cock.. perhaps you could do something with this..</center></b>
<b><yellow> You can now tease your dad in the morning on the kitchen!</yellow></b>
<<set $dominant to $dominant+1>>
<center><b><blue> Dominance +1!</blue></b></center>
<<set $homosexuality to $homosexuality+1>>
<b><center><you><font size="6"> Homosexuality+1!</font></you></center>
<center>[[Go outside to the hallway|Upstairs Hall]]</center>
<div id="choice">
<<linkreplace "<red><center> • Just grab the towel and leave(ENDS GAY DOM CONTENT WITH DAD)</center></red>">>
<<replace "#choice">>
<<set $dadgayoff to true>>\
<b><center> You decide you don't want to seduce your own father.. you just grab the towel put it on and leave embarassed.</center></b>
<center>[[Go outside to the hallway|Upstairs Hall]]</center>
<<set $seendetention2dom to true>>\
<<set $time to $time+1>>
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\detention.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><img src="images\city\detention.jpg" width = "550px"></center>
<b><center> As you enter the detention room, you see your teacher, <teacher>Ms.$nameteacher</teacher> lighting up a cigarette as she waits for you</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\lightingup.jpg"></span></center>
<b><teacher> - "Hello <you>$name</you>, please take a seat."</teacher></b> - your teacher tells you as she takes a puff
<b><center> You do what she said for now and take a seat on the nearest table.. but you know now that she is in your control and there is no way in hell you'll be doing normal detention stuff.. she's your whore and you'll prove it here and now..</center></b>
-<b><teacher> "Alright so I want you to write "I will obey <teacher> Miss $nameteacher</teacher> 10 times on the board please."</teacher></b> - she says ordering you
<b><center> You start grinning and laughing when she says that, there's no way she thinks you're going to do that.</center></b>
-<b><teacher> "Wh..what are you laughing at?!"</teacher></b> - she says still smoking
-<b><you> Alright teach we both know that's not going to happen, since you like putting things in your mouth, why don't you come here and put this fat cock down your throat?</you></b> - you say as you take your semi-hard cock out looking at her
<b><center> She looks at you in awe but doesn't say a word.. instead she comes close to you and drops to her knees, grabbing your cock with one hand and cigarette in the other</center></b>
-<b><you> See? Knew you couldn't resist this cock, suck it.</you></b> - you order her
<b><center> And she obeys, taking your cock into her mouth while smoking</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\teacherbjsmoke2.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><you> Mhmm good job.. see? much better than writing on a stupid board isnt it? You wanted this all along..</you></b> - you say praising her
<b><center> She stops sucking for a second looking at you and takes a puff of her cigarette.. she looks really hot doing this, looking like a cheap whore sucking your cock while addicted to nicotine.. if she wasn't a teacher she'd for sure make a fine prostitute.. who knows how far you can go, maybe you can whore her out in the future if you corrupt her enough..</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\teacherbjsmoke3.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><you> Haha your mouth is so warm from the smoking.. you whore..</you></b> - you say as she goes back sucking
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\teacherbjsmoke4.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<B><teacher> "Sshtop.. callhing me.. whore! Im ur teascher..!"</teacher></b> - she says while sucking your cock, trying to resist her submission to you
-<b><you> No.. you're my whore and I mark my whores with cum so.. take this load whore..!</you></b> - you say as you cum all over her tongue
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\teacherbjsmoke5.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><teacher> "God there's so much.. I can feel it going down my throat.."</teacher></b> - she says swallowing
<b><center> She's such a whore and she hasn't even realized yet.. you are truly corrupting your teacher and making her your own pet.. perhaps it's time you take this out of school..</center></b>
-<b><you> Aight I'm gonna go, dont want to be anywhere near that cum and ashes stinking mouth.. make sure you eat a gummy or something.. I'm out</you></b> - you say as you leave the detention room
<<if $dominant <=40>>
<<set $dominant to $dominant+1>>\
<b><center><blue> Domination+1!</blue></center></b>\
<b><center><white><u> This action won't increase your <blue>domination anymore.</blue></u></white></center></b>
<center>[[Leave to the hallway|School Hallway]]</center><<goto`either("Living Room","DadFapDom","Living Room",)`>>\<center><center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\livingroom.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><img src="images\city\livingroom.jpg" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>
<<set $seendadgayporn to true>>\
<b><center> You are passing by the living room and notice the TV is on so someone must be there, the only two people at home right now is you and your father so that means it's him.. you take a step inside and you are about to talk when you notice your <dad>dad</dad> is extremely focused on the TV.. when you look at the content he's watching porn! Not only that but it's gay porn!</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\twinktopgayporn1.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><center> You take a look at the title of the video.. it says "Son dominates and tops hunk Dad making him his bitch".. is that what your <dad>dad</dad> wants you to do? What are these fantasies he's having..?</center></b>
-<b><dad> "Mhmmhmm.."</dad></b> - your dad moans
<b><center> You were so focused on the TV that you didn't even notice your <dad>dad</dad> took out his cock and is masturbating on the living room to gay porn where he imagines you fucking him.. does he not care if he gets caught..? Maybe he even wants to..</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\dadjerkingofflivingroom.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><dad> "Yeah.. fuck him.. make your dad your whore.."</dad></B> - he grunts while jerking off as the son in the video inserts his cock into his dads ass, fucking him deeply and roughly
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\twinktopgayporn2.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><center> Your <dad>dad</dad> is really deep into the fantasy.. perhaps in the future you can use this information to really make him your bitch and turn the tables around.. seems like fantasies can come true..</center></b>
-<b><dad> "Ghh..god.. frghh.."</dad></B> - he grunts as he cums all over his legs
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\dadcumminglivingroom.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><center> You go back a little and cough in the hallway to scare him, making sure he has time to change the TV and hide the cum.. you enter the living room as he leaves quickly with a semi boner.. you then go back to your day, head full of thoughts of dominating your <dad>dad</dad></center></b>
<center>[[Go to the living room|Living Room]]</center><span class='fadeIn'>
<<set $dadeventdom2 to false>>\
<<set $timer to 0>>\
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\livingroom.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><img src="images\city\livingroom.jpg" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>
<b><center> Last time you caught your <dad>dad</dad> watching a very specific type of porn that involved a son fucking his dad.. you decide to take this to your advantage since you want that to happen.. you're going to call him and put on the same porn by accident to see his reaction, you sit down on the couch and you were about to call him when he comes barging in</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\dadstaring.png"></span></center>
-<b><you> Oh hey dad.. I was just about to watch something on the TV, why dont you watch it with me?</you></b> - you say smirking
-<b><dad> "Sure kid, what we watching?"</dad></b> - he asks as he sits down confortably
<b><center> You are scrolling through the TV menu when you open the TV browser.. you had already set up the video before so as soon as you open it.. the video starts loading</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\twinktopgayporn1.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><you> Wow! What is this..? This was already here.. someone was watching it!</you></b> - you say acting suprised
<b><center> You take a look at your <dad>dad</dad> and his eyes are wide open in shock.. obviously he did close the video but he doesn't know you watched him watch it..</center></b>
-<b><dad> "Ehm.. maybe it was your <sister>sister</sister>.. kids these days am I right haha.."</dad></b> - he says clearly flustered and trying to hide that it was him
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\dadembarassed.png"></span></center>
-<b><you> This is kind of hot though.. mhmm..</you></b> - you say as you don't skip the video and start rubbing your cock through your shorts.. hinting at the fact that you do enjoy what you're watching
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\rubbingcockshorts.mp4" autoplay loop
<b><center> At some points your cock even slips out of the shorts but you don't care.. you just keep masturbating while watching the video..</center></b>
-<b><dad> "Ehm.. yeah I guess it is.. it's interesting.."</dad></b> - he says trying to accept the situation..
<b><center> After a while you two go completely silent.. you just stay there watching the porn video of the son fucking the dad..</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\twinktopgayporn2.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><center> Eventually you look at the side and you notice your <dad>dad</dad> has got his cock out aswell and he's masturbating in plain sight.. you two don't share any type of eye contact nor say any word.. you just stay there masturbating..</center></B>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\dadmasturbating.jpg"></span></center>
-<b><you> Mhmmmh.. god..</you></b> - you moan out loud
<b><center> If anyone were to enter the living room right now.. the sight would be insane, you and your dad masturbating close to each other watching gay porn.. watching a son fuck a dad in the ass, dominating him.. it's so hot though you are super horny from this situation..</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\dadandmcmasturbating.mp4" autoplay loop
<b><center> You are close to cumming.. but you want to make this special.. you want to somehow dominate your dad and make him realize you want to fuck him too.. you get up and close next to him, he doesn't react and just looks at you in the eye for the first time.. your <dad>dad</dad> is probably not used to being dominated being the macho man he is.. but you start cumming all over his cock, marking him as your bitch</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\dadandmccumming.mp4" autoplay loop
<b><center> He cums at the same time as you cum all over his cock.. you stare him deep into his eye as you hear moans from the video behind you.. you don't share any words since not a single word is needed.. after your done you lift your shorts up and give him a slight smile and go up to your bedroom, leaving him with your cum</center></b>
-<b><you><i> What just happened.. I want more.. I want to fuck you <dad>dad</dad>..</i></you></b> - you say heading up still horny
<b><center> You are slowly corrupting your dad and making him your bitch.. you're pretty sure he now realizes you want him to be your bitch too.. you just need to keep making moves on him..</center></b>
<<set $dominant to $dominant+1>>
<center><b><blue> Dominance +1!</blue></b></center>
<<set $homosexuality to $homosexuality+1>>
<b><center><you><font size="6"> Homosexuality+1!</font></you></center>
<center>[[Go to your room|Room]]</center><span class='fadeIn'>
<<set $dadeventdom3 to false>>\
<<set $timer to 0>>\
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\outside.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><img src="images\city\house.jpg" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>
<b><center> You were about to head outside when you are greeted upon your <dad>dad</dad> still sweaty from the gym..</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\dadafterworkout.png"></span></center>
-<b><dad> "Oh hey kid, I was just about to go for a jog after the gym, wanna join me?"</dad></b> - he asks you smiling
<b><center> You aren't much of a jogger but it's very rare that your <dad>dad</dad> asks you to do something with him..</center></b>
<div id="choice">
<<linkreplace "<dad><center> • Go with him</center></dad>">>\
<<replace "#choice">>\
-<b><you> Yeah sure why not.. I need to workout a bit anyways.. let's go</you></b> - you say as you stretch for a bit
<b><center> You look at your <dad>dad</dad> and he seems quite happy about your decision, he waits for you to get a stretch in and then starts jogging without his shirt of course.. you try and follow him but it's nearly impossible to match his pace</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\dadjogging.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><you><i> God.. why did I decide to do this.. this is so hard</i></you></B> - you think to yourself out of breath
<b><center> You are jogging after him when suddenly he jumps something and falls off on the ground, clearly hurting himself</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\dadfalling.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><dad> "Oh fuck! God!"</dad></b> - he screams out loud in pain, grabbing his thigh from the behind, likely having sprained it
-<b><you> Are you okay <dad>dad?!</dad></you></b> - you ask concerned
-<b><dad> "I think I tore my thigh shit.. why did I try to jump that.."</dad></b> - he says in pain
-<b><you> Here let's go home, I'll help you get there</you></b> - you say as you help your dad get up and slowly go home with him
<center>[[Reach home|dadeventdom3pt2]]</center>
<div id="choice">
<<linkreplace "<red><center> • Say no and leave(Ends the dad route)</center></red>">>
<<replace "#choice">>
<<set $dadgayoff to true>>\
<b><center> You don't feel like jogging but this will also put a stop to whatever you and your dad are starting to have unfortunately.. you go back upstairs and deny him</center></b>
<center>[[Go outside to the hallway|Upstairs Hall]]</center>
</div><span class='fadeIn'>
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\livingroom.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><img src="images\city\livingroom.jpg" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>
<b><center> Once you arrive there, you let your <dad>dad</dad> lay down on the couch in pain.. you have to do something for him.. maybe give him a massage on the spot to see if he feels better.. you can try and suggest it</center></b>
-<b><you> Hey dad uhm.. one of my friends has also had an injury in that spot in the past and I saw our coach help him with that.. maybe I can give you a massage to help you?</you></b> - you ask him
<b><center> He looks at you confused but he is in quite alot of pain so it seems he's going to let you do it</center></b>
-<b><dad> "Auch.. Alright then.. I'll lay down"</dad></b> - he says taking off his shorts
-<b><you> Ehm actually.. can you get completely naked? It'll be easier to reach some spots..</you></b> - you say, your mind coming together to what you can do with this situation
<b><center> You truly want to help your father.. but you can also take advantage of this to tease him even further and make him your bitch.. He does what you said and lays down butt naked, you want to make this professional so you grab a towel and put it above his arse, massaging his hurting leg</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\dadmassage1.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><dad> "Aw aw aw fuck that shit hurts.. you sure you know what you're doing?"</dad></b> - he asks concerned
-<b><you> Yeah yeah.. it seems the origin of the problem is much <i>deeper</i> than I thought.. excuse me..</you></b> - you say lifting the towel
<b><center> You have no clue of what you're saying honestly.. you just want free acess to your <dad>dads</dad> boipussy.. You finally see it and you already imagine yousrelf fucking it but you have to take it slow so you start massaging around the area.. making him nervous</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\dadmassage2.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><dad> "That feels nice but.. are you sure it's going to make any difference?"</dad></B> - he asks worried
-<b><you> Shhh.. just let me work <dad>dad</dad>.. relax</you></b> - you say shushing him
<b><center> You have to take the next step.. you have to convince him that somehow the problem is inside his ass..</center></b>
-<b><you> Alright <dad>dad</dad> I'll need you to trust me.. this next process may be a little weird but I saw the coach do it and my friend was really relieved..</you></b> - you say as you spit in your finger and start massaging the entrance of his ass slowly
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\dadmassage3.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><dad> "mhmmMM.. kid are.. you sure this is a method..?"</dad></B> - he asks moaning a bit and panting
-<b><you> Yeah yeah I'm definitely sure.. doesn't it feel <i>better</i> already?</you></b> - you say teasing him as you say better seductively
-<b><dad> "Y..yeah I guess it does.."</dad></B> - your dad says, focusing on the pleasure and forgetting the pain on his leg
<b><center> You have to keep going, you take a step further and insert your finger inside his anus.. massaging his prostate as you slowly finger-fuck your own <dad>dad</dad> like a bitch in heat</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\dadmassage4.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><dad> "Oh f..fuck.. hmmmhm.."</dad></B> - your <dad>dad</dad> moans a little louder as he feels pleasure from your masturbating his prostate
-<b><you> Does it feel good <dad>$dadname</dad></you></b> - you ask him teasingly, calling him by his name
-<b><dad> "Y..yeah.. it really feels much better.. keep going.."</dad></B> - he answers honestly, forgetting completely about the pain
<b><center> It's time to go all out.. you will make your <dad>dad</dad> cum on your hands like the little bitch he is for you.. you're going to slowly and slowly corrupt him till he is on your knees sucking your fat cock.. but you have to take it slow..</center></b>
-<b><you> Then you'll love this final step <dad>$dadname</dad>.. cum like the bitch you are..</you></b> - you say whispering in his ear as you grab his cock and go all out fingerfucking him, making him cum in the process
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\dadmassage5.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><dad> "G..ggod! mhmmmm.. that felt amazing.. you are.. the devil.."</dad></b> - he screams as he cums all over your hand
<b><center> You have to do this.. to really make him your bitch.. you have to do this final step.. you approach your dad with his own cum all over your hand and put it in his face and you only say two words..</center></b>
-<b><you> Eat it.</you></b> - you say commandingly
-<b><dad> "Wh..what?"</dad></b> - he looks at you confused
<b><center> And looks back at the hand.. he's in such a submissive state that to your suprise.. he starts lapping it up from your hand like a little whore.. your <dad>dad</dad> is obeying you and licking his own cum from your hand..</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\dadcumeating.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><you> Good bitch.. you should see your leg by the way.</you></b> - you say leaving him humiliated
<b><center> This was a big step in your relationship.. you've finally humiliated your <dad>dad</dad> and put him in his place.. he now realizes the power is shifting towards you.. you just have to keep going and being daring..</center></b>
<<set $dominant to $dominant+1>>
<center><b><blue> Dominance +1!</blue></b></center>
<<set $homosexuality to $homosexuality+1>>
<b><center><you><font size="6"> Homosexuality+1!</font></you></center>
<b><center><yellow><i> (SCENE REQUESTED BY A SPONSOR!) </i></yellow></center></b>
<center>[[Leave to your room|Room]]</center>
<span class='fadeIn'>
<<set $teacherdom2 to false>>\
<<set $timer to 0>>\
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\schoolhallway.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><img src="images\city\schoolhall.jpg" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>
<b><center> Your <teacher>teacher</teacher> is slowly being corrupted and submitting to you with the late events that have been happening.. however they have all been around school.. you need to bring her out of her confort zone and truly make her your bitch so that one day you can give her a call and she'll come crawling to your room to suck your cock.. you wait outside for her to come out and order her to come with you to the park.</center></b>
-<b><you><i> Come on whore.. come on out</i></you></b> - you say impatient
<b><center> After a while she comes out of her teachers room.. she has switched clothes and is wearing some casual clothing.. she looks amazing as always.. you have to go talk to her before she leaves.</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\teachercasual.jpg"></span></center>
-<b><you> Hey teach wait up..</you></b> - you say as you approach her
<b><center> As soon as she sees you her face changes to a more nervous sight.. you clearly make her nervous because she knows she cannot disobey you anymore.. you have her in your hands completely..</center></b>
-<b><teacher> "Ehm yes <you>$name</you>? How can I .. help you?"</teacher></B> - she says slightly scared
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\teacherdetentionwaiting.jpeg"></span></center>
-<b><you> What are you doing after this?</you></b> - you ask her
-<b><teacher> "Well I'm going home obviously.. my husband is waiting for me.."</teacher></b> - she says trying to play the husband card to scare you away
-<b><you> Right.. not anymore, we're going for a little walk in the park, such a beautiful day outside isn't it?</you></b> - you say ordering her
<b><center> She flatters her eyes multiple times in disbelief, she is about to open her mouth to speak when you interject her not letting her say a word</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\teacherlookingseduce.jpg"></span></center>
-<b><you> Unless what you're about to say is "Yes master" I don't want to hear anything from your dirty slutty mouth, let's go.</you></B> - you say turning around and going to the entrance of the school
<b><center> You take a glimpse at your back and she doesn't follow you immediately.. but after a while she starts following you.. this woman clearly loves being disrespected and humiliated even if she doesn't fully admit it.. and you love it.</center></b>
<center>[[Head to the park with your teacher|teacherdom2pt2]]</center><<set $time to $time+1>>\
<span class='fadeIn'>\
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\park.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><img src="images\city\park.png" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>
<b><center> You two arrive at the park and it's lively.. full of people chilling and taking some sunlight since it's such a beautiful day outside..</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\parkpublic.jpg"></span></center>
-<b><you> Beautiful day outside isn't it <teacher>slut?</teacher></you></b> - you ask her degrading her everytime you can
-<b><teacher> "Ehm yes.. it's nice.."</teacher></b> - she agrees
<b><center> You keep walking for a while when suddenly she calls for you</center></b>
-<b><teacher> "<you>$name</you> is this all you wanted to do..? Just walk around? Wouldn't you better of doing this with a friend..?"</teacher></b> - she asks curious and impatient
-<b><you> Looks like someone is impatient.. well slut actually what I figured is that everytime we do something is inside the four walls of our lovely school.. however it's time we bring out our relationship to the outside don't you think?</you></b> - you ask her trying to scare her
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\teacherscared.jpg"></span></center>
-<b><teacher> "B..but someone could find out.. I'd lose my job.. my husband would find out.. that is dangerous <you>$name</you>.."</teacher></b> - she says concerned and scared
-<b><you> Don't worry whore.. if that happens I'll take good care of you.. let's go to a more secluded place..</you></b> - you say as you find a spot in the park that is more isolated from people..
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\secludedpark.jpg"></span></center>
<b><center> You look at <teacher>$nameteacher</teacher> and she is clearly scared.. she is freightned that someone may find out but she cant disobey you.. and honestly you don't care, it's even better if someone finds out, that way you can truly make her yours and dependant on you.</center></b>
-<b><you> Alright whore.. kneel down and take my cock out, you know what to do, do your job.</you></b> - you order her pointing at the ground
<b><center> She reluctantly obeys, kneeling in front of you and unbuckling your pants.. even though she is scared, when it comes to taking your cock she is always extremely excited.. as soon as it's out she starts sucking it</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\teacherpublic1.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><teacher> "Mhmmmhmm.."</teacher></b> - she moans as she happily sucks your cock, forgetting her surroundings immediately
-<b><you> Good whore.. you love my cock don't you? Show me.. give me your best</you></b> - you say humiliating her
<b><center> And she does that.. she starts sucking you furiously as she starts fingering herself in front of you.. she can't contain herself..</center></B>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\teacherpublic2.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><center> You want to fuck her so bad.. but she has to want it.. maybe if you withdraw now and say it's enough you can make her want it too?</center></b>
-<b><you> Alright that's enough.. we don't wanna get caught do we?</you></b> - you say teasing her, taking your cock out of her mouth
-<b><teacher> "B..but what about me.. and.. you're not done yet.. I'm so horny now you can't leave me like this.."</teacher></b> - she says as she still fingers herself, you can hear the splashes of wetness in her fingers
<b><center> She is clearly desperate.. but you need her to say it.. she has to want you to fuck her..</center></B>
-<b><you> Well.. if there was only anything else we could do right? Unfortunately we can't.. so we'll go back..</you></b> - you say as you turn around getting ready to leave
-<b><teacher> "W..wait!"</teacher></b> - she screams
<b><center> You turn around and quickly she is bent over.. showing her pussy at you desperate.</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\teacherbent.png"></span></center>
-<b><teacher> "I don't care anymore.. make me yours, fuck me <you>$name</you>.. no.. fuck me Master.."</teacher></b> - she says eager
-<b><you> Good slut..</you></b> - you say as you walk towards her, taking out your cock again and quickly sticking it inside her, finally fucking your teacher for the first time
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\teacherpublic3.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><teacher> "F..FUCK! You're so big and thick.. god.. hmmmhmm.."</teacher></b> - she says out loud in pleasure
<b><center> Finally.. finally she is yours.. you're fucking the bitch teacher that for years tortured you.. she is now sliding down your cock.. the pleasure feels great but what feels even better is the fact that she has submitted to you.. </center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\teacherpublic4.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><teacher> "Yes yes yes.. fuck me <you>$name</you>.. stick it all deep inside me.."</teacher></b> - she says in pleasure and you are happy to oblige
-<b><you> I waited years for this.. I waited years to make you my slut.. say it whore.. who owns you?!</you></b> - you say as you continuously fuck her harder and harder
-<b><teacher> "GMGMmgm.. ggod.. Y..YOU! YOU DO..!"</teacher></B> - she says as she moans and bites her lip
<b><center> The pleasure is too much for you.. you cannot hold it anymore.. you take your cock out and start cumming all over her ass as you scream out in pleasure so everyone in the park can hear you if they are around.</center></b>
-<b><you> YYYEESSSS!</you></b> - you say cumming
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\teacherpublic5.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><teacher> "mHMMMMM.. IM CUMMING TOO..!"</teacher></b> - she says as her legs shake in pleasure as you cum over her.
-<b><you> God.. you're such a good fuck.. I own you now for sure.. you're my slut do you understand?</you></B> - you say as you beat your cock on your own cum
<b><center> What she does next suprises you.. she grabs a scoop of the cum you just beat your cock on and slurps it looking at you giggling..</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\teacherpublic6.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><teacher><i> "Yes <you>Master..</you>"</i></teacher></b> - she says seductively
<b><center> God that was probably the best fuck you've ever had.. and she was so happy about it.. hopefully no one has taken pictures of it and plans to post it all over the internet and on your schools forum.. right? Either way you head home after the park and your teacher goes back home too sexually fullfilled.. Today was a win for you.</center></b>
<<set $dominant to $dominant+2>>
<center><b><blue> Dominance +2!</blue></b></center>
<center>[[Head home happy|Home]]</center>
<span class='fadeIn'>\
<<set $timer to 0>>\
<<set $bfsubevent6 to false>>\
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\schoolhallway.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><img src="images\city\schoolhall.jpg" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>
<b><center> You are in your school hallway when you see all of your school mates focusing somewhere, they are all heading towards a single direction.. what is up with this commotion?</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\schoolhallwaycommotion.jpg"></span></center>
-<b><you><i> What the hell is going on..</i></you></b> - you think to yourself as you follow them
<b><center> You are curious about all the commotion like everyone else when you start hearing some comments before you see what's going on..</center></b>
-<b><ltblue> "Oh my god.. that's so kinky.. what is that plastic thing on her penis?"</ltblue></B> - someone says
-<b><pink> "It's called a chastity cage duh.. that's a sissy slut if I've ever seen one haha.."</pink></B> - someone responds
<b><center> What the.. chastity cage? Sissy slut? What's going on? You finally arrive and manage to get a glimpse of what's going on.. <bf>$bfname</bf> is kneeling in the middle of the school hallway in a super kinky outfit.. she looks like a pet and you can see everything.. her chastity caged <pink>clit</pink>.. everything..</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\bfhumiliated1.jpg"></span></center>
-<b><you> Oh my god! <bf>$bfname</bf>!?</you></b> - you say out loud calling for her
<b><center> She hears you and looks at you with a sad face.. but doesn't move a single inch</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\bfhumiliated2.jpg"></span></center>
<b><center> The reason she doesn't even move a inch is obvious.. you look nearby her and you see your <blue>bully</blue> smiling at you.. is he doing this because you disobeyed him last time? This was the consequence he was talking about.. this is hideous.. he's humiliating her in front of everyone.. you have to stop this.</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\bully.jpg"></span></center>
-<b><blue> "Alright listen up everyone.. this right here is my <pink>sissy pet</pink>. I am aware some of you may be confused right now, but I want everyone in this school to understand I own this bitch, if you want to give her a try, five euros and I'll let ya, feel free to come closer to see her."</blue></b> - he says announcing <bf>$bfname</bf> like she was a property.. whoring her out
<b><center> Quickly alot of people gather around her, analyzing her in curiosity, touching her and everything</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\bfhumiliated3.jpg"></span></center>
-<b><you><i> This is awful.. I have to put a stop to this.. but what can I do?</i></you></b> - you think to yourself concerned
<b><center> Then suddenly you hear a voice near you.. it's your <blue>bully Jason</blue>..</center></b>
-<b><blue> "See? I told you there'd be consequences of you not obeying me.. if you want to help her.. all you need to do is obey me, sacrifice yourself, become my slut and I'll let her go.. your choice."</blue></b> - he says as he heads away next to her afterwards
<b><center> Fuck.. You don't want to see your best friend humiliated like this.. do you really have to submit to your bully of all people..?</center></b>
-<b><blue> "Alright guys for my last trick I'll show you what you can get for five euros.."</blue></B> - he says as he starts unbuckling his pants, taking out his cock
<b><center> He doesnt even say a single word.. <bf>$bfname</bf> slowly crawls in her pet outfit to his front and starts sucking him off eagerly in front of everyone.. you can't help but watch..</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\bfhumiliated4.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><blue> "Five euros guys and you can get this whore to suck you off.. she's amazing by the way.. unless someone takes her place, she is all yours."</blue></b> - he says looking at you
<b><center> You imagine yourself in <bf>$bfname</bf> shoes and your clit jumps.. that's weird.. you don't want that right? After a while finally a teacher comes screaming..</center></b>
-<b><yellow> "What the hell is going on here?! <blue>Jason!</blue> principal's office now!"</yellow></b> - the teacher says screaming
<b><center> Everyone scatters and leaves.. leaving your <bf>$bfname</bf> humiliated in the ground after sucking cock.. your <blue>bully</blue> doesnt obey the teacher and runs off with her.. you have to save her..</center></b>
<center>[[Go back to your daily life|School Hallway]]</center><span class='fadeIn'>\
<<set $bnwoevent2 to false>>\
<<set $timer to 0>>\
<<set $time to $time+1>>\
<<if $time >= 3>>\
<<set $time to $time - 1>>\
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\pc.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><img src="images\other\PC.png" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>
<b><center> You sit down on your PC curious of what you've seen last time at school.. so many posters about a "BNWO" and you're pretty sure <brown>Mr.Jackson</brown> works for an organization of that name.. you quickly dial on google "What is the BNWO" and results appear..</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\whatisbnwo.png"></span></center>
-<b><you><i> <brown>Black</brown> supremacy over the white race..?</i></you></b> - you mutter to yourself as you read
<b><center> This is crazy.. <brown>black</brown> supremacy? It's an organization that wants black people to rule over white people..? You go back on the search and enter a website named probably the organizations main website, as soon as you open it you are greeted upon a image at the entrance.</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\bnwowebsite.jpg"></span></center>
<b><center> You scroll down and see more images explaining what the BNWO is.. <brown>"Black Breeding Program is a program that the BNWO is offering to our collaborators to breed out the white race to extinction and in four generations completely have a blackified world.."</brown> you read in the description of the image.</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\bnwowebsite2.jpg"></span></center>
-<b><you><i> This is insane..</i></you></b> - you think to yourself
<b><center> However for some reason your breath is quickly increasing as you read these descriptions and look at these images.. are you getting aroused from them..? You take a look at your locked clit and you can see some precum coming out.. is your body recognizing what they are saying..?</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\leakingcage.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><center> You keep going down and you notice a pattern in the women you see in this website.. they all have a spades tattoo.. is that some sort of symbol that they represent?</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\bnwowebsite3.png"></span></center>
-<b><you><i> What is this symbol?</i></you></b> - you curiously google
<b><center> And quickly you are greeted upon a response.. the symbol represents a Queen of Spades.. a white woman who has dedicated her life to serving black men..</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\bnwowebsite4.png"></span></center>
<b><center> You are really breathless from all this information.. so much to take in, it's crazy what they are trying to do but for some reason your brain doesn't think it's bad.. actually you find it quite.. <pink>hot</pink>.. you reach the end of the website and you see a little hyperlink that says "If you are new.. click here." and of course like the little obeying puppy you are.. you do. A video pops up and you watch it.</center></b>
<center>[[Watch the video|bnwoevent2pt2]]</center><span class='fadeIn'>\
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\pc.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\bnwovideo1.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<<timed 5s>>[[Skip the video|bnwoevent2pt3]]<</timed>><span class='fadeIn'>\
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\pc.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><img src="images\other\PC.png" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>
<b><center> The video leaves you extremely aroused and confused.. are the things that were said in the video true..? You have so many questions, perhaps you can ask <brown>Mr.Jackson</brown> about some of them.. I'm sure he'll be glad to answer you and maybe who knows.. you can help the organization your way..</center></b>
<<set $submissive to $submissive+1>>\
<b><center><pink> Submissiveness +1!</pink></center></b>\
<center>[[Shut down the PC|PC]]</center><span class='fadeIn'>\
<<set $emailsub2 to false>>\
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\gmail.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><img src="images\other\PC.png" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>
<b><center> You are in your computer chilling when you get a notification of a new email, immediately your body warms up thinking it could be the anonymous <red> "Master"</red>.. you quickly head to the email inbox to check it out.</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\mailinbox.jpg"></span></center>
-<b><pink><i> It's him..</i></pink></B> - you say to yourself as your body heats up and you start thinking about the flashing images from the other email
<b><center> You quickly open the email.. you were expecting more imagery but instead you get a text..</center></b>
<b><red><i> "Hello <pink>sissy pet</pink>. If you are reading this email it probably means you watched the last one I sent.. good girl. If you want to keep progressing down this rabbit hole and truly become my pet.. respond to this email with your address.. and we'll start your training. Remember, it's always good to obey your Master.."</i></red></B> - the email says.
<b><center> Se..send your address..? To a complete stranger from the internet who's sending you spam emails? That is really dangerous.. but you <pink> want to obey</pink> <red>Master</red>..</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\obey.jpg"></span></center>
<div id="choice">
<<linkreplace "<pink><center> • Respond to the email.</center></pink>">>\
<<replace "#choice">>\
<<set $timer to 0>>\
-<b><pink><i> I have to obey <red>Master</red>..</i></pink></B> - you mutter to yourself, responding to him with your full address, hypnotized.
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\hypnotized.png"></span></center>
<b><center> You don't know what he is going to do with it.. but you want to find out.. perhaps if you wait a few days something will happen..</center></b>
<center>[[Leave the PC and wait|PC]]</center>
<yellow><center><i> Wait two days and go outside to your home.. you'll receive a package.</i></center></yellow>
<div id="choice">
<<linkreplace "<red><center> • Ignore the email and delete it (ENDS MASTER storyline)</center></red>">>
<<replace "#choice">>
<<set $hypnotizedfalse to true>>\
<b><center> You decide you don't want to get involved anymore.. it's too dangerous to just give your address to a random person on the internet, you ignore the email and leave it alone.</center></b>
</div><span class='fadeIn'>\
<<set $emailsub3 to false>>\
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\outside.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><img src="images\city\house.jpg" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>
<b><center> You hear someone ring your bell and head outside.. when you get there no one is there but you look at the ground and notice a package at the entrance of your door.. who could've sent this? You don't remember sending any order and it's quite unusual for someone else other than you to order something..</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\package.jpg"></span></center>
<b><center> You grab the package and notice what it says.. it says "From <red>Master</red>".. it's for you! You quickly grab it and head to your room with it..</center></b>
<center>[[Head upstairs to your Room|emailsub3pt2]]</center><span class='fadeIn'>\
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\bedroom.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><img src="images\city\bedroom.jpg" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>\
<b><center> You quickly put the down the package in your bed.. you're scared to open it.. what if it's a prank from someone or a bomb or something..</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\packageroom.jfif"></span></center>
-<b><pink><i> No.. I have to obey <red>Master</red>.. he'd never harm me..</i></pink></b> - you say to yourself as you start opening the package
<b><center> You weren't sure what to expect but as you open it.. you are quite suprised by what he sent you.. it's a normal realistic dildo.</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\dildopackage.jfif"></span></center>
<b><center> He probably doesn't know you have your own collection of toys already and sent this for you.. it's quite nice from your <red>Master</red> to think of you that way.. you want to meet him.. you hold it in your hand and it's pretty normal sized.. like 6 inches, obviously you've trained harder than that and you can take much bigger than that.. but he doesn't know it..</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\holdingdildopackage.jpg"></span></center>
-<b><pink><i> Hehe.. cute</i></pink></b> - you say as you hold it
<b><center> You notice there's something else inside the box.. a note. You grab it and read it.</center></b>
-<b><red><i> "Hello <pink>sissy pet</pink>.. or should I say <pink>$name</pink>?"</i></red></b> - he says your name on the note.
<b><center> Wh..what? He knows my name already? How? You keep reading the note</center></b>
-<b><red><i> "I hope you enjoy my gift.. we're going to start your training since you've been so mindlessly obeying me.. you clearly want to be my pet and be an addition to my collection of sissies.. to do so you need to do everything I tell you to.."</i></red></b> - he says ordering you
-<b><pink><i> Ev..erything? Gmhmm.. Okay <red>Master</red></i></pink></b> - you say as you imagine yourself in his collection with other <pink>sissies</pink>..
-<b><red><i> "For starters.. I want you to use the gift I just gave you and record five videos of you training your throat for me.. probably you're a starter so I gave you a medium sized dildo.. you better give it you're all or I'll be displeased.. I sent you a new email where you can watch as you record the videos for me.. I'll be waiting <pink>sissy pet</pink>.. Become mine."</i></red></B> - the note finishes.
<b><center> Oh god.. he's gonna see your face.. yet you can't help but want to obey him.. <red> Obey Master.</red>.. you quickly get dressed in a <pink> cute sissy outfit</pink> and set up the camera in front of your PC.. you head towards the inbox and open the new email.</center></b>
<center>[[Open the new email|emailsub3pt3]]</center><span class='fadeIn'>\
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\gmail.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><img src="images\other\PC.png" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>
<<set $thirdemailwatched to true>>\
<<set $hypnotizedlevel to 2>>\
<b><center> You open the email and immediately you are greeted upon the first image.. you can't help but look at it nor can you take your eyes after looking at it..</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\emailhypno1pt1.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><pink><i> Mhmmmhmpg..</i></pink></B> - you moan as you look at the imagery.
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\emailhypno2pt2.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><center> Then suddenly the video snaps to quick flashing images..</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\emailhypno3pt3.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><center> Your body as if knowing what to do grabs the dildo that <red>Master</red> gave you and slowly starts teasing the tip.. making it wet and drooly with your saliva and then in a quick sudden movement you take the entire thing into your throat to suprise <red>Master</red> of your abilities..</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\masteremailsuck1.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><pink><i> FWAHHH.. I hope you like this <red>Master</red>..</i></pink></B> - you say looking at the camera in a daze
<b><center> You then play it with a bit and shove it down your throat, making a sloppy mess all over the dildo with your throat drool while playing with your tiny hormone titties..</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\masteremailsuck2.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><center> You keep going at it while looking at the camera, completely face fucking your throat with the dildo easily, showing that you are easily able to take cocks deep in your throat from your training</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\masteremailsuck3.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><pink><i> You can facefuck me like this <red>Master</red>.. hold my neck and fuck my face..</i></pink></b> - you say as you choke yourself and take the dildo as deep as you can while talking to the camera, making a drooly mess all over yourself
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\masteremailsuck4.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><center> You feel like this is enough for the video.. hopefully <red>Master</red> enjoys your showing.. to finish it off you open your mouth completely showing that you have no gag reflex at all and say some final words..</center></b>
-<b><pink><i> I'll be waiting for you to fuck this throat..</i></pink></B> - you say as you end the video
<b><center> You send him the video.. now you only have to record four more videos before he sends you more tasks.. yay!</center></b>
<<set $hypnotized to $hypnotized+1>>\
<b><center><hotpink> Hypnotized +1!</hotpink></center></b>\
<center>[[Leave the PC|PC]]</center><<set $time to $time+1>>\
<<if $time >= 3>>\
<<set $time to $time - 1>>\
<span class='fadeIn'>\
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\gmail.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><img src="images\other\PC.png" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>
<b><center> It's time to record another video for <red>Master</red>.. you quickly turn on the camera and grab the dildo he gave you.. you open the same email he sent you last time and the images pop up again one after the other..
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\emailhypno1pt1.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\emailhypno2pt2.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\emailhypno3pt3.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><center> You then get to work all horny and bothered.. doing the best to please the dildo in front of you.. imagining it was <red>Master</red> there and you were sucking his cock.. you even look at the camera go give him eye contact..</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\emailrepeatrecording.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><pink> I want to be yours <red>Master..</red></pink></b> - you say as you turn off the camera and send him the new video.
<<if $hypnotized <10>>\
<<set $hypnotized to $hypnotized+1>>\
<b><center><hotpink> Hypnotized +1!</hotpink></center></b>\
<<elseif $hypnotized >=10>>\
<b><center><hotpink><u> You have reached the limit.. you need to progress in the storyline..</u></hotpink></center></b>
<<set $fatiguestat to $fatiguestat+10>>\
<b><green><center> Fatigue increased by 10!</center></green></b>
<center>[[Close the email|PC]]</center><<if $time < 2>>
<<set $time to $time+1>>
<<if $time == 3>>\
<<set $time to $time-1>>\
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\mall.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><img src="images\city\mall.jpg" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>
<b><center> You are in the Mall walking around when a beautiful dominant looking <brown>black</brown> lady approaches you out of nowhere standing in front of you.</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\blackdominantlady.png"></span></center>
-<b><you> Ehm.. can I help you..?</you></b> - you say a little scared
-<b><ltbrown> "You can actually whiteboi.. you look like one of those <pink>sissies..</pink> How about you follow me to the bathroom? I'm in dire need of some pussylicking bitch."</ltbrown></B> - she says brazenly staring at you
<b><center> Wow.. this woman is seriously confident to just approach you like this.. it kind of makes you weak to the knees.. you look at her and decide to</center></b>
<div id="choice">
<<linkreplace "<pink><center> • Accept her request and service her</center></pink>">>\
<<replace "#choice">>\
<b><center> Even though she is a random woman you don't know.. you can't help but feel extremely <pink>submissive</pink> to her and the way she is ordering you.. so <ltbrown>dominant</ltbrown> and <ltbrown>superior</ltbrown>.. you just look at her and nod then look down at her shoes.</center></b>
-<b><ltbrown> "Good boy.. you can call me <ltbrown> Mistress Jade</ltbrown> if you ever need to address me.. but I want your tongue only.. let's go to the bathroom."</ltbrown></b> - she says introducing herself as you follow her
<b><center> Once you're there she takes out a leash from her beg and puts it around your neck.. you don't even complain you just obey her and let her do it.</center></b>
-<b><ltbrown> "You whitebois are so submissive it's amazing.. I'm glad the <brown>BNWO</brown> is teaching y'all a thing or two.. we should be the superior race not you white freaks.. go on, take my shorts off slave.."</ltbrown></B> - she says as she orders you waiting
<b><center> You get super humiliated but you don't care.. you obey what she said and take off her shorts.. she quickly gets on top of the washbasin and spreads her legs wide open for you, showing you her glistening perfect <ltbrown>black</ltbrown> pussy..</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\blackfemdommal1.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><ltbrown> "What are you waiting for white bitch? Don't fall in love with it come on, lick me!"</ltbrown></b> - she says hissing pissed off
-<b><you> Y..yes</you> <ltbrown>Mistress Jade..</ltbrown></b> - you say as you slowly start licking her.. you don't even know if she has washed herself anytime soon.. but you don't care..
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\blackfemdommall2.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><ltbrown> "Christ I'm going to fall asleep you worthless <pink>sissy</pink>.. lick me faster!"</ltbrown></b> - she says tugging the leash on your neck
<b><center> You obey her and start licking her deeper and faster.. making your tongue ache but you can't disobey her..</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\blackfemdommall3.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><ltblue> "Oh jesus.. I'm sor..ry?"</ltblue></B> - a woman enters the bathroom looking at you two suprised
-<b><ltbrown> "Feel free to use the bathroom.. don't mind us, you can have him next if you want."</ltbrown></b> - she says giggling
<b><center> The <ltblue>woman</ltblue> doesn't say anything weirded out and leaves the bathroom immediately.. you don't care about the embarassment and keep licking her off.. eventually making her cum</center></b>
-<b><ltbrown> "ahAHHH god.. I love dominant you whitebois.. such submissive pieces of shit.. Alright piss off. I dont want to know your name, if I ever see you again the Mall I'll want your services again, bye loser.. service the superior <brown>race</brown>.."</ltbrown></b> - she says as she takes off the leash and kicks you down to the ground, leaving you
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\blackfemdommall4.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><center> Well that was an experience.. the <brown>BNWO</brown> definitely seems to be rising.. they are getting more and more confident..</center></B>
<<set $submissive to $submissive+1>>\
<b><center><pink> Submissiveness +1!</pink></center></b>\
<center>[[Go back to the Mall|Mall]]</center>
<div id="choice">
<<linkreplace "<white><center> • Deny her and leave</center></white>">>
<<replace "#choice">>
<b><center> Even though she looks extremely attractive.. you don't want to service a random woman you dont know in the Mall.. who knows what could happen</center></b>
-<b><you> No thanks..</you></b> - you say as you leave
-<b><ltbrown> "Stupid bitch.. whatever."</ltbrown></b> - she says as she throws a middle finger at you
<center>[[Continue at the Mall|Mall]]</center>
</div><span class='fadeIn'>\
<<set $bnwoevent3 to false>>\
<<set $timer to 0>>\
<<set $time to $time+1>>\
<<if $time >= 3>>\
<<set $time to $time - 1>>\
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\schoolhallway.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><img src="images\city\schoolhall.jpg" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>
<b><center> After the things you read on your computer.. you got quite curious about what some of them meant and who better to explain them than the big man <brown>Mr.Jackson</brown> himself? You're pretty sure he belongs to the organization since <teacher>Ms.$nameteacher</teacher> said that in your first encounter.. you wait in the hallway for him..</center></b>
<<timed 1s>><center><font size="+5"><b>.</b></font></center><</timed>><<timed 2s>><center><font size="+5"><b>.</b></font></center><</timed>><<timed 3s>><center><font size="+5"><b>.</b></font></center><</timed>>
<<timed 4s>>
<b><center> After a while <brown>he</brown> eventually shows up looking huge as ever..</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\mrjackson.png"></span></center>
-<b><you><i> He's intimidating as ever..</i></you></b> - you think to yourself scared of approaching him
<b><center> But you have to do it anyways.. so you slowly walk up to him and tap him in the back behind him.. he turns around and his face turns into a smile when he sees you.</center></b>
-<b><brown> "Oh <you>$name</you>! Good to see you.. anything I can do for you?"</brown></b> - he says staring you down from top to bottom
<b><center> How come the two of you are male at birth.. but yet you feel so <pink>small</pink> and <pink>feminine</pink> next to him? It's like you two are different species.. maybe the things you've read arent that wrong after all..</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\mclooking.jpg"></span></center>
-<b><you> H..hi ehm.. I wanted to talk with you about some things I've read.. about the <font size ="-2"><brown>BNWO..</brown></font></you></b> - you say low while playing with your hair embarassed
-<b><brown> "Haha.. of course.. we can talk in <teacher>Ms.$nameteacher</teacher> office.. I still do not have an office unfortunately"</brown></b> - he says grinning heading into her office.
<b><center> You diligently follow him inside.</center></b>
<center>[[Follow Mr.Jackson|bnwoevent3pt2]]</center>
<</timed>><span class='fadeIn'>\
<center><img src="images\events\teacheroffice.jpg" width = "550px"></center>
<b><center> You two get there and he takes a sit on her desk and points at the chair in front of him ordering you to sit down</center></b>
-<b><brown> "Take a seat please.. what do you want to know?"</brown></b> - he says grinning
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\mrjacksondesk.jpg"></span></center>
-<b><you> W..well.. ehmm..</you></b> - you stutter in your own words nervous.. he intimidates you by just looking at you
-<b><brown> "Relax <you>$name</you>.. no one's recording you or anything, speak freely."</brown></b> - he soothes you
-<b><you> Sorry.. the truth is I researched a bit about the organization you are a part of.. the <brown>BNWO</brown>.. I also saw the posters you put up on the hallway and I wanted to ask.. is everything about it true?</you></b> - you ask wanting to clear your doubts
-<b><brown> "Hahaha.. of course it is true <you>$name</you> I mean.. you're literally a prime example of it. Look at you, anyone can tell you're a feminized white boy.. a <pink>sissy</pink> and certainly you were changed by people around you I can tell.. do you think a <brown>black</brown> man would allow that to happen to himself?"</brown></b> - <brown>Mr.Jackson</brown> says as he gets up close to you
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\mrjackson2.jpg"></span></center>
<B><center> You look at him nervous as he gets close to you</center></b>
-<b><brown> "That was not rethorical, answer."</brown></B> - he says looking deep into your eyes
-<b><you></you></b> - you answer averting your gaze, not being able to keep direct eye contact
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\mclookingaway.jpg"></span></center>
-<b><brown> "Of course he wouldn't.. because the <brown>black race</brown> is superior to you white boys and girls and we're the alpha of the human race.. and you are the <pink>beta</pink>.. you were born and made to serve us but unfortunately due to past mistakes the true order got reversed and somehow you white bitches were on power for far too long.. that's why the <brown> Black New World Order</brown> exists.. to restore it back to how it was meant to be."</brown></b> - he says grabbing your chin forcing you to look into his eyes
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\mceyecontact.jpg"></span></center>
-<b><pink> Mhmm.. Th..thank you for the explanation.. I understand..</pink></b> - you say feeling submissive towards him
-<b><brown> "The real question here is.. why are you so interested into the <brown>BNWO</brown> <pink>$name</pink>? Have you ever thought about the reason why you went out of your way to research it.. to come here and ask me?"</brown></b> - he asks you grinning
<b><center> He's right.. why are you so invested into it? You could've literally just ignored it's existence and kept going with your daily life.. but for some reason lately all you can think about are those images.. the videos.. the posters.. the <brown>BNWO..</brown></center></b>
-<b><brown> "I'll tell you why.. because you want to serve us.. you want things to go back to how they were meant to be and your brain knows that it's just natural.. tell me <pink>$name</pink>.. do you want to join us and serve me and the <brown>black race?</brown></brown></b>" - he asks looking deep into your eyes as he asks it
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\mrjacksonstare.png"></span></center>
<b><center> You look into his eyes and your body shivers from his question.. he is right.. you don't even want to give him another answer.. all you want to say is..</center></b>
<div id="choice">
<<linkreplace "<pink><center> • Yes</center></pink>">>\
<<replace "#choice">>\
-<b><pink> Yes.. I do..</pink></B> - you say submitting as you instinctively kneel in front of him
-<b><brown> "Good girl.. you know your place whiteboy.. I knew immediately as soon as I saw how <teacher>Ms.$nameteacher</teacher> used and abused you and you liked it.. well you're officially on Trial for our organization, we don't let just anyone in obviously.. the first thing you're going be doing to prove your worth to our organization is turn three women to <brown>black only</brown>.. could be three of your friends.. three of your relatives we don't care.. to prove they are black only.. they must get this tattooed."</brown></b> - he says taking out his phone and showing a symbol you are familiar with
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\qostattooexample.jpg"></span></center>
<b><center> Wow you weren't expecting such a explicit image out of nowhere.. that's a really <brown>big black cock</brown>..</center></b>
-<b><brown> "Hey.. stop drooling at my cock, look at the symbol so you don't forget about it.. that's what they need to get tattooed.. the Queen of Spades symbol, could be anywhere on their body but we encourage it to be near the genitalia so anyone who goes close to it knows it's black owned.. understood?"</brown></b> - he asks for your affirmation
-<b><pink> Y..yes I'll try my best..</pink></b> - you say nodding understanding your assignment
-<b><brown> "Good.. the second thing you're going to do to prove your worth.. is suck my <brown>big black cock</brown> like the <pink>sissy whore</pink> you are.. get naked."</brown></b> - he orders as he takes out his big black cock, flinging it across your face
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\bbcswing.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><center> You obey him and get naked, showing him your <pink>chastity caged clit</pink> and your <pink>soft feminine</pink> body.</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\mcnakedchastity.jpg"></span></center>
-<b><brown> "Well the third step was going to put your small white worm in chastity but I guess you're one step ahead.. you've grown feminine boobs and everything.. you truly a prime example of a modern white boy.. spectacular, come on <pink>sissy</pink> what are you waiting for? Service your superior."</brown></b> - he orders you
-<b><pink> Yes <brown> black master..</brown></pink></B> - you say as you kneel back in front of him, taking his huge black cock into your mouth.
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\mcbbcsuckjackson1.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><brown> "Oh wow.. that's one hell of a trained mouth.. you've been around the block haven't you sissy?"</brown></b> - he says praising you and humiliating you at the same time
-<b><pink> Hehe.. I've got some skills..</pink></B> - you say seductively as you go back to sucking his cock as deep as you can
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\mcbbcsuckjackson2.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><brown> "I can tell you do.. jesus.. you will be a great asset to our organization you whore.. I'll have you suck the <brown>BBC</brown> of every member you whore.. lick my balls to show your servitude to the black race.. suck my black breeders.."</brown></b> - he orders you
-<b><pink><i> Yes master..</i></pink></b> - you obey as you take his huge black balls into your mouth.. they are so heavy..
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\mcbbcsuckjackson3.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><brown> "God you're so erotic.. the true modern white boy.. once you're done converting three beautiful white women to <brown>BBC</brown> only.. we'll help you change your body to the perfect sissy.. take this load now..!"</brown></b> - he says as he cums deep into your throat.. you swallow it and keep sucking his cock afterwards
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\mcbbcsuckjackson4.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><pink><i> Thank you for the meal..</i></pink></B> - you say savouring his cock
-<b><brown> "Haha.. so pathetic.. anyways come back to me when you have proof that one of the women you chose has tattooed the QOS symbol.. until then.. scatter."</brown></b> - he says pulling up his cock and leaving the office
<b><center> Well.. guess you got a new mission.. you need to make three of the women of your life black only.. that entitles they will only fuck black cock for the rest of their life.. they could even be black bred.. he said you can choose your relatives aswell.. can you imagine your <sister>sister</sister>.. or your <mom>mother</mom> blacked..? Your <dad>dad</dad> turning into a cuck like you? The first person you should ask to have a tattoo though is your <<if $gfbreakup is false>><gf>girlfriend</gf>..<<elseif $gfbreakup is true>><gf>ex-girlfriend</gf><</if>> she'll very likely want to do it.. time to get to work.</center></B>
-<b><yellow><center> You have unlocked new QOS clothing in the Fetish Clothing shop on the Red Light District!</center></yellow></b>
<center>[[Leave to the School Hallway|School Hallway]]</center>
<<set $time to $time+1>>\
<<if $time >= 3>>\
<<set $time to $time - 1>>\
<span class='fadeIn'>\
<<set $momeventsub9 to false>>\
<<set $timer to 0>>\
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\parentsroom.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><img src="images\city\parentsbedroom.jpg" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>
<b><center> You are chilling in your bedroom when you hear your <mom>mother</mom> call you from her bedroom.. you quickly head there to find your <dad>dad</dad> and <mom>mom</mom> in what seems to be something of an argument.. he seems pretty sad and she's behind him.. why did she call you in such time?</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\momanddadbed.jpg"></span></center>
-<b><mom> "Oh hi honey.. I'm sorry I had to call you like this but.. me and your father were speaking about something important.. I asked him why he hasn't been so sexual with me lately.. and he told me the truth.."</mom></b> - she says looking at you
<b><center> The truth? Could she be talking about the fact that you and your dad have been doing sexual stuff behind her back.. shit.. This could rip apart your family.. your dad cheating on your mom with her own sissy son.. You don't know what to say so you just look down in shame</center></b>
-<b><dad> "I'm really sorry.. I don't know what went over me.."</dad></b> - your dad apologizes to your mom
<b><center> She suddenly grins at him and grabs his face.. kissing him deeply out of nowhere</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\momanddadkiss.jpg"></span></center>
-<b><dad> "What?"</dad></B> - your dad says confused
-<b><mom> "I'm not mad honey.. I actually find it kind of hot honestly.. I'd be mad if it was a random whore.. but I see an opportunity here for all of us to be closer.. more intimate.."</mom></b> - she says as she starts rubbing your dads cock through his jeans
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\rubbingcockpantsdad.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><dad> "You wanna do this with him here..?"</dad></b> - he asks confused
-<b><mom> "I want to do with because she's here.. she's not a him anymore honey.. she's a <pink>sissy girl</pink>.. come closer <you>$name</you>"</mom></B> - she says signaling you over
<b><center> I mean.. this is much better than your whole family getting ripped apart, is your <mom>mom</mom> trying to make you service your own dad with her? That's kind of hot..</center></b>
-<b><mom> "Show me honey.. show me what you and your father have been doing behind my back.. I want to see you suck his cock"</mom></b> - she says while holding his flaccid cock
<b><center> It seems your dad is really confused with the situation that he doesn't even get hard immediately.. but you know perfectly how to seduce him and get him hard.. you quickly take his flaccid cock into your mouth with the attempt of getting him hard for you</center></b>
-<b><pink> Get hard for me daddy..</pink></b> - you say as you suck him off slowly
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\momdadsuck1.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><mom> "Aww you call him daddy.. you used to call him daddy when you were a kid.. guess it's a different meaning now though.. look at him! He's full hard.. let's see who sucks him better.."</mom></b> - she says taking his cock from your mouth into hers
<b><center> Your mother shows her years of experience sucking your dads cock.. she immediately deepthroats it and keeps it into her throat for a really long time.. she's like the Lebron James of cocksucking..</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\momdadsuck2.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><dad> "Dear lord.. I am a blessed man to have such cute whores getting me off.. I think we need to make this a family thing from now on.. get back to sucking sissy whore."</dad></B> - your dad orders you, shoving his cock into your face
-<b><pink> Yes daddy..</pink></b> - you agree sucking him off
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\momdadsuck3.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><mom> "Oh wow.. I didn't realize you liked being degraded that much.. I always treated you caringly.. was I wrong for that? Maybe you like being treated like the sissy slave you are?"</mom></b> - she says suprised
-<b><pink> Whell.. I lhove the whay you tweat me mommy.. buth I am a shlut after all..</pink></B> - you say as you suck him off
-<b><mom> "Aww I love you honey.. now give me that cock you whore."</mom></B> - she says shoving you away and degrading you
<b><center> The way your mom just treated you she never did it.. what if both your mom and dad treated you like a slave.. you just being a pet to them.. thinking of that gets you horny but you don't know if your mom would be able to do that to you.. maybe in the future you could ask them.. but for now you two go switching servicing your dad together..</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\momdadsuck4.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><dad> "Fuccckk.. you two whores are too good.. I'm gonna cum.. get together I want to paint your faces.."</dad></B> - he says as he starts jerking off to cum on both of your faces
-<b><mom> "Hey! No favourites here.. give it both of us.."</mom></b> - your mom says opening her mouth as wide as she can
-<b><pink><i> Pick me daddy..</i></pink></b> - you say with your lips not speaking as you hold eye contact with your dad
<b><center> And it seems that what he does as he cums a whole lot more over your face than your mom..</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\momdadsuck5.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><mom> "Hey! You came all over the sissy! You..!"</mom></b> - she says jealous
-<b><dad> "Oh you know.. a dad has to feed it's children.. don't be jealous love.. next time I'll feed you more than her.."</dad></B> - your dad says hinting at a next time
-<b><you> Well.. that was a bonding time I guess.. happy our family got stronger with this..</you></b> - you say happy
-<b><dad> "Yes I agree.. now leave.. me and your mom have to talk about something."</dad></b> - your dad says shooing you away.
<b><center> You then get up and leave them alone as they discuss something you are not able to hear.. but you can tell it was about you..</center></b>
<<set $submissive to $submissive+1>>\
<b><center><pink> Submissiveness +1!</pink></center></b>\
<center>[[Leave to the hallway fulfilled|Upstairs Hall]]</center><span class='fadeIn'>\
<<set $emailsub4 to false>>\
<<set $thirdwatchemail to true>>\
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\gmail.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><img src="images\other\PC.png" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>
<b><center> You are wasting time in your computer looking at random stuff on the internet when you receive a notification of a new email.. your body starts heating up and trembling just from the thought of it being from your <red>Master</red>.. Hopefully he liked those videos you sent him.. you really want to be a good girl for him..</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\mailinbox.jpg"></span></center>
<b><center> You open the inbox and it's indeed a new email from him.. you open it as quickly as you can and start reading..</center></b>
-<b><red><i> Hello my <pink>sissy girl</pink>. Congratulations on proving your worth to me, those were some great videos, you're officially one of my slaves however.. you must keep indulging into me if you really want to be mine. First and foremost I want you to download the program I sent you.. I want you to give me full access to your computer so I hypnotize you further without you having to come to your email inbox.</i></red></b> - he says bluntly asking you to give access of your computer
<b><center> Access to your computer..? He'll be able to control you completely.. he'll see all your files and you won't be able to do anything but obey <red>Master</red>.. but you can't disobey him.. you quickly download the program and execute it and your computer processes it..</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\downloadingvirus.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><pink><i> HHMmggm.. why does it feel so good to just lose control to him..</i></pink></b> - you think to yourself euphoric and breathless
<b><center> As soon as the download finishes the computer freeze for a bit and then the application closes and you can't even see where it is.. you're unable to uninstall it.. you've fully given control of your PC to your <red>Master</red>.. then suddenly a video pops up in fullscreen and you can't help but watch it..</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\computerglitch.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<center>[[Watch|emailsub4pt2]]</center><span class='fadeIn'>\
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\pc.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\hypno\obeymaster.mp4" autoplay loop ></video></span></center>
<<timed 5s>>[[Skip the video|emailsub4pt3]]<</timed>><span class='fadeIn'>\
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\gmail.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><img src="images\other\PC.png" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>
<<set $hypnotizedlevel to 3>>\
<b><center> You feel so fuzzy inside and dizzy.. was that your <red>Master</red> voice? It is so attractive and hot.. you could listen to him all day.. at the end of the video he gave you your next task to continue proving your worth to him..</center></b>
-<b><red><i> "I want you to record yourself five times again but now I want to see yourself fucking your <pink>sissy pussy</pink> for me.. continue proving your worth to me and maybe one day we'll meet and then.. you truly will be mine."</i></red></b> - you recall from the video
-<b><pink><i> GHMHMm.. I want to be yours..</i></pink></B> - you think to yourself still a little fuzzy.. your brain feels overstimulated.
<b><center> You can't wait any longer.. even if he didn't give you that task, you desperately want to fuck your pussy and get off.. you're super horny. You quickly set up the camera and start recording..</center></b>
-<b><pink><i> Hi master.. hope you enjoy this..</i></pink></b> - you say on all fours as you slap your ass showing him your gaped hole and caged <pink>clit</pink>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\recordinganal1.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><center> You then proceed to grab the dildo he gave you and lube it up with your saliva, licking and sucking it off imaging it was his cock.</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\recordinganal2.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><pink> I wish this was your fat big cock..</pink></b> - you say looking at the camera as you finish lubing it up and line it up with your <pink>boipussy</pink> sliding it in slowly
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\recordinganal3.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><center> It feels amazing.. you don't even know how he looks like but it doesn't matter.. he could be a fat old greasy dude you'd submit to him immediately that's the power he holds over your brain already.. he's your <red>Master</red> and that's all that matters..</center></b>
-<B><pink> I want you to breed me from behind <red>Master</red></pink></b> - you say as you put yourself on all fours and stick the dildo as deep as you can going balls deep, fucking yourself steadily imagining him backshotting you
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\recordinganal4.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><center> You then stop comming very close to cumming and start slapping the dildo against your cage, imagining it was his big cock humiliating yours showing his superiority.. the thought makes you cum immediately on your sheets</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\recordinganal5.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><pink> This is what I'd do if it was your cum..</pink></b> - you say as you lick the cum off the sheet greedily
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\lickingsheetcum.jfif"></span></center>
<b><center> You then finish the recording feeling fulfilled.. you now remember that he sees everything you do.. you don't even have to send him an email now you just have to record it and he'll watch the video when he wants.. that's so hot.. well time to record four more to satisfy and submit more to him..</center></b>
<<set $hypnotized to $hypnotized+1>>\
<b><center><hotpink> Hypnotized +1!</hotpink></center></b>\
<center>[[Go back to your PC|PC]]</center><<set $time to $time+1>>\
<<if $time >= 3>>\
<<set $time to $time - 1>>\
<span class='fadeIn'>\
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\gmail.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><img src="images\other\PC.png" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>
<b><center> It's time to record another video for <red>Master</red>.. you quickly turn on the camera and grab the dildo he gave you.. you dont need to open any email now.. you just start fucking your ass while recording and suddenly videos start popping up in your PC.. you just mindlessly watch them like a good <pink>sissy girl</pink>..</center></B>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\analtrainingmaster1.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\analtrainingmaster2.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\analtrainingmaster3.jpg"></span></center>
<b><center> You then get to work all horny and bothered.. clit leaking already from just the imagery itself.. you start fucking yourself imagining it was <red>Master</red> there and you were getting fucked by him.. </center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\recordinganal1repeat.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><center> You quickly cum but you don't waste it.. you cum in your hand and slurp it off to the camera, showing your <red>Master</red> what a cumslut you are..</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\recordinganal2repeat.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><pink> I want to be your cumslut <red>Master..</red></pink></b> - you say as you turn off the camera ending the recording.. but you know he'll always be watching you..
<<if $hypnotized <15>>\
<<set $hypnotized to $hypnotized+1>>\
<b><center><hotpink> Hypnotized +1!</hotpink></center></b>\
<<elseif $hypnotized >=15>>\
<b><center><hotpink><u> You have reached the limit.. you need to progress in the storyline or wait for a new update..</u></hotpink></center></b>
<<set $fatiguestat to $fatiguestat+10>>\
<b><green><center> Fatigue increased by 10!</center></green></b>
<center>[[Close the email|PC]]</center><<set $worksubevent12 to false>>\
<span class='fadeIn'>\
<<set $worked to $worked+1>>\
<<set $time to $time+1>>\
<<if $time >= 3>>\
<<set $time to $time-1>>\
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\sexshop.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>\
<center><img src="images\city\sexshop.png" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>
<b><center> You enter the sex shop and head towards the locker room, ready to put on your uniform!</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\lockerjob.png"></span></center>
<b><center> You head outside to work when you are greeted immediately by someone waiting for you.. it is <dom>Mistress Ruby</dom>.. what could she want?</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\rubydom.jpg"></span></center>
-<b><you> H..hi <dom>Mistress..</dom>. Can I help you with a..anything?</you></b> - you say nervous as she stares you down
-<b><dom> "You're coming with me <pink>sissy</pink>. It's about time you meet my stable.. you are growing day by day and you are close to being fittable for one of my sissies, I already spoke with <manager>$mname</manager> don't worry, take this leash and put it around your neck."</dom></b> - she says throwing a leash and collar to the ground
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\femdomleash.jpg"></span></center>
<div id="choice">\
<<linkreplace "<pink> • Put the collar around your neck</pink>">>
<<replace "#choice">>
<b><center> You don't even think of disobeying such a powerful woman.. you quickly put the collar around your neck and as soon as you do she grabs the leash and pulls it really fast making you fall to the ground next to her</center></b>
-<b><you> Ouch..</you></b> - you say as you fall down
-<b><dom> "I don't want to hear any sound from you unless I say you can speak slave. You are in desperate need of a behavior training I see.. Get naked <pink>sissy</pink>.. we're going to my stable like this."</dom></b> - she says
<b><center> You get naked and she takes you on all fours outside.. showing every passerby the humiliating scene of you like a pet dog on the street.. she takes you to her car and it seems she's taking you to her "stable" of sissies</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\mcleashed.jpg"></span></center>
<center>[[Arrive at the so called stable|worksubevent12pt2]]</center>
</div><span class='fadeIn'>\
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\sexshop.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>\
<center><img src="images\city\sexshop.png" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>
<b><center> After a few minutes you finally arrive at what seems to be the <pink>sissy stable</pink>.. it's in the outskirts of the town in a really secluded place.. there's a really big house that really seems like a stable..</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\sexstableoutside.png"></span></center>
-<b><dom> "On your knees slave.. crawl in inside."</dom></b> - she says as she leaves the car with you
<b><center> You two head inside the stable.. you are greeted upon a scenary unlike anything you've ever seen.. it really is a stable but it's full of BDSM dungeons toys.. most of them you are familiar with from your work but alot of them you've never even seen them..</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\sexstableinside.png"></span></center>
-<b><dom> "Move on <pink>sissy</pink>.. let's see the sissies in training."</dom></b> - she says tugging your leash
<b><center> You head into another room and once there you see three sissies being trained by three dommes.. this really is like a workplace.. people get trained here to be perfect little <pink>sissies</pink>.. no one looks at you weird you fit right in..</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\sissiestraining.jpg"></span></center>
-<b><yellow> "Oh <dom>Mistress Ruby</dom> greetings.. we're going hard on them don't worry!"</yellow></b> - a <yellow>Mistress</yellow> says in a british accent
-<b><red> "New addition? Who's the sissy on your feet? Never seen her, looks delicious.."</red></b> - another <red>Mistress</red> says looking at you
-<b><dom> "She's a <pink>sissy</pink> from the Sex Shop I go to.. she used to be a normal dude but someone gradually changed her, figured I'd show her the place.. maybe one day we'll train her I'm still seeing if she's worthy of being my personal pet."</dom></b> - she says speaking with the other dommes
-<b><yellow> "Wow.. your personal pet? That's quite the privilege, you must really like her."</yellow></b> - the <yellow>domme</yellow> says.
-<b><dom> "Would you like to be my personal slave <pink>sissy</pink>? If you do kiss my boot."</dom></b> - she says asking you
<b><center> Being <dom>Mistress Ruby's pet?</dom>.. That does sound good. You look at her boot and</center></b>
<div id="choice">
<<linkreplace "<pink> • Kiss her boot submissively</pink>">>
<<replace "#choice">>
<b><center> You get down to the height of her feet and quickly kiss her boot showing submission to her and devotion that you do want to be her pet..</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\footkissruby.png"></span></center>
-<b><dom> "Good <pink>girl</pink>.. I understand your desires.. prove your worth to me and I'll train you to be my second sissy pet.. speaking of which, let's check in on the other sissy pet I personally own.."</dom></b> - she says dragging you to another room with the leash
<b><center> Once you get there you are shocked by what you see.. it's another <pink>sissy</pink> being put under training.. she's being completely assfucked by a dildo while having a weird device on her <pink>sissy clit</pink>.. the shocking factor though is that it's <bf>$bfname</bf>! She doesn't even notice it's you and you're not sure you want her to notice.. it's really humiliating to see another familiar face in here..</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\bftrainedstable2.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><dom> "Hmmm looks great.. good job <blue>Mistress Chelsea</blue> I want to fuck her ass now, step aside and hold this sissy."</dom></b> - she says handing the leash to another <blue>Mistress</blue>
<b><center> You look up and you see <dom>Mistress Ruby</dom> put a strap-on on her waist and <bf>$bfname</bf> get on all fours for her immediately.. she's so submissive.. you had no idea she was also being trained by her.. it makes sense though since <bf>$bfname</bf> works on the Sex Shop longer than you.. that means what she's going through right now is what you will go through if you become <dom>Mistress Ruby</dom> pet.. you look at her and she roughly fucks <bf>$bfname</bf> in her boipussy.. she has no mercy at all..</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\bftrainedstable1.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><dom> "God I love to destroy your asspussy.. it's so wide open compared to what it used to be.. you see <pink>sissy slave?</pink> this will be you one day if you become my pet, watch closely."</dom></b> - she says as she keeps fucking her
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\bftrainedstable3.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><dom> "Alright that's enough.. keep training her <blue>Chelsea.</blue>"</dom></b> - she says taking your leash back as she leaves <bf>$bfname</bf> alone with her ass destroyed
-<b><blue> "Of course <blue>Mistress Ruby</blue> as you wish.."</blue></b> - the domme says respecting her
-<b><dom> "Alright <pink>sissy</pink> that's enough for today.. now you know how the stable looks.. if you keep submitting to me like the good bitch you are.. I'll have you being trained together with <bf>$bfname</bf>.. I know you'd love that.. You can see yourself out, here's your clothing."</dom></b> - she says throwing it at you and leaving the leash on the ground
<b><center> Well.. that was a very interesting trip.. you had no idea such place existed.. it's so erotic.. you being trained together with <bf>$bfname</bf> sounds.. hot. You put your clothing back on and take off the collar, heading back to the city center by taxi.</center></b>
<center>[[Head to the City Center|City]]</center>
<div id="choice">\
<<linkreplace "<red> • Defy her and don't kiss it</red>">>
<<replace "#choice">>
-<b><dom> "Hm interesting.. a brat are you? I don't care if you want or not.. It's even better if you don't so I can break your will. Let's go to the next room.. I want to see my second sissy pet being trained."</dom></b> - she says grinning
<b><center> Once you get there you are shocked by what you see.. it's another <pink>sissy</pink> being put under training.. she's being completely assfucked by a dildo while having a weird device on her <pink>sissy clit</pink>.. the shocking factor though is that it's <bf>$bfname</bf>! She doesn't even notice it's you and you're not sure you want her to notice.. it's really humiliating to see another familiar face in here..</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\bftrainedstable2.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><dom> "Hmmm looks great.. good job <blue>Mistress Chelsea</blue> I want to fuck her ass now, step aside and hold this sissy."</dom></b> - she says handing the leash to another <blue>Mistress</blue>
<b><center> You look up and you see <dom>Mistress Ruby</dom> put a strap-on on her waist and <bf>$bfname</bf> get on all fours for her immediately.. she's so submissive.. you had no idea she was also being trained by her.. it makes sense though since <bf>$bfname</bf> works on the Sex Shop longer than you.. that means what she's going through right now is what you will go through if you become <dom>Mistress Ruby</dom> pet.. you look at her and she roughly fucks <bf>$bfname</bf> in her boipussy.. she has no mercy at all..</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\bftrainedstable1.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><dom> "God I love to destroy your asspussy.. it's so wide open compared to what it used to be.. you see <pink>sissy slave?</pink> this will be you one day if you become my pet, watch closely."</dom></b> - she says as she keeps fucking her
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\bftrainedstable3.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><dom> "Alright that's enough.. keep training her <blue>Chelsea.</blue>"</dom></b> - she says taking your leash back as she leaves <bf>$bfname</bf> alone with her ass destroyed
-<b><blue> "Of course <blue>Mistress Ruby</blue> as you wish.."</blue></b> - the domme says respecting her
-<b><dom> "Alright <pink>sissy</pink> that's enough for today.. now you know how the stable looks.. if you keep submitting to me like the good bitch you are.. I'll have you being trained together with <bf>$bfname</bf>.. I know you'd love that.. You can see yourself out, here's your clothing."</dom></b> - she says throwing it at you and leaving the leash on the ground
<b><center> Well.. that was a very interesting trip.. you had no idea such place existed.. it's so erotic.. you being trained together with <bf>$bfname</bf> sounds.. hot. You put your clothing back on and take off the collar, heading back to the city center by taxi.</center></b>
<center>[[Head to the City Center|City]]</center>
</div><span class='fadeIn'>\
<<set $gfsubevent7 to false>>\
<<set $timer to 0>>\
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\outside.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<<if $time is 0>>\
<center><img src="images\city\house.jpg" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>
<<elseif $time is 1>>\
<center><img src="images\city\house.jpg" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>
<<elseif $time is 2>>\
<center><img src="images\city\housenight.jpg" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>\
<b><center> Once again you are chilling in your bedroom when without notice someone rings your bell.. you go downstairs to check who it is when your <mom>mother</mom> is already there talking with someone.. it's <gf>$gfname</gf> and she is wearing a very pretty latex dress..</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\gftightlatex.jpg"></span></center>
-<b><mom> "Oh honey! <gf>$gfname</gf> was just calling for you, look how amazing she looks!"</mom></b> - your mom says
-<b><gf> "Thank you <mom>Ms.$momname</mom>! You are so kind as always.. let's go upstairs <you>$name</you>"</gf></b> - your girlfriend says switching tone with you, ordering you
-<b><you> Sure..</you></b> - you say heading upstairs
<b><center> You two get in your room and you take a seat in your bed looking at her.. last time she completely dominated you and showed you your place.. what could she want now?</center></b>
-<b><gf> "The fuck you think you're doing cucky? I knew it.. last time wasn't enough of a showing for you learn your place.. when we are in a private setting you have to be inferior to me every single time.. that means kneeling and kissing my feet immediately.. I am your <gf>Goddess</gf> after all.. do it!"</gf></b> - she says screaming at you
<b><center> You immediately kick into action and kneel in front of her.. she takes your place and lays on your bed, throwing her feet at your face.. you submissively start kissing them servicing your <gf>Goddess</gf></center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\gffeetface.jpg"></span></center>
-<b><gf> "That is much much better.. but you've showed me my visit last time wasn't enough.. thankfully I came prepared.. I just came from getting fucked by my black bull and he really treated me like shit you know.. so I want to let out some of the anger on you.. so I brought this!"</gf></b> - she says taking something from her bag and laying on the bed
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\strapbed.png"></span></center>
<b><center> It's a toy you recognize very well.. it's a strap-on but what is she thinking of doing with it? She surely isn't going to peg you right? You aren't quite ready for that yet..</center></b>
-<b><gf> "Aw don't be scared little bitch.. I'm going to throat fuck you like the slut you are.. we'll have your ass later on.. but for now let me put this on.."</gf></B> - she says strapping the belt around her waist
<b><center> She finishes putting it on.. she towers over you like an amazon beauty.. she truly is a Goddess compared to you.. she looks so dominant with her big cock right in front of your face.. you almost want to grab it and suck it immediately but you have to wait for her order..</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\gfstrapped.jpg"></span></center>
-<b><gf> "Wow.. I wasn't expecting that greedy look.. you want to suck my cock don't you? What have you been doing with that whore mouth behind my back slut? It seems we have to go out one day as girlies to get some <brown>black cock</brown> dont we? Let's see if you are ready then.. suck my cock you greedy whore."</gf></b> - she says ordering you
<b><center> And you gladly obey.. not wasting a single more second jumping at her cock.. sucking it like it was the best thing in the world.. if <mom>$momname</mom> entered your room right now she would be shocked at what she's seeing..</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\gfstrapsuck1.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><gf> "Jesus christ! You truly are a fucking whore.. you love cock more than me you greedy slut! When did you turn like this? Lay down.. I want to test your gag reflex."</gf></b> - she says as she gets up and puts her crotch in line with your mouth.. fucking your throat with the strap-on
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\gfstrapsuck2.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><you> GAWGUH.. GAFGH..</you></b> - you gag as she fucks your throat without any mercy
-<b><gf> "Hmm you have a trained throat.. but you need some real cock in you to really develop more skills.. I'll make sure to take care of that.. for now let me get another toy.."</gf></b> - she says going to her bag still fucking your throat, grabbing a vibrator and putting it against her pussy as she fucks your throat
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\gfstrapsuck3.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><gf> "MHMHMMMHMmm.. this is really good.. it's not as good as being fucked by <brown>Jamal</brown> or <ltbrown>Deshawn</ltbrown> but the fact they treat me like an object and yet you worship me like a goddess is so funny to me.. shows how inferior you are to them.."</gf></b> - she says humiliating you
<b><center> She keeps fucking your throat for a few minutes.. after a while she seems to get tired finally getting some release of her frustration and turns to you and grabs you, putting your legs up in the air something she has done in the past.. so you already know what's coming</center></b>
-<b><gf> "Alright you already know what's going to happen.. let's see how that boipussy looks like.. time to cum in your own slut! I want you to lick it off and swallow it understand?!"</gf></b> - she says as she starts licking the rim of your anus and tugging your chastity cage
<b><center> After a while the pleasure and the humiliation is too much.. you cum all over your face and do what she requested, licking and swallowing it in the process.</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\gfstrapsuck4.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><gf> "Good girl! Hopefully that ciments our relationship and you understand that I am truly your superior.. worship me bitch"</gf></b> - she says grabbing you by your hair, putting your head on your legs
-<b><you> Yes <gf>Goddess</gf> I understand..</you></B> - you say as you kiss her legs worshipping her
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\gfstrapsuck5.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><gf> "Great! Next time we are together we'll go out for some cocks.. you really need it apperantly.. we'll doll you up and make you all pretty.. for now I'll be going.. probably gonna get fucked again, not that you can do anything about it haha.. bye bye!"</gf></b> - she says leaving you with taste of cum in your mouth
<center>[[Go back to your daily life|Room]]</center><span class='fadeIn'>\
<<set $teacheruniformtask to false>>\
<<set $teacheruniformbuy to true>>\
<<set $timer to 0>>\
<<set $time to $time+1>>\
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\detention.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><img src="images\city\detention.jpg" width = "550px"></center>
<b><center> You enter the detention room and you see your teacher sitting in a students table waiting for you, as soon as she sees you she signals you in.</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\teacherwaiting.jpg"></span></center>
<b><teacher> - "<you>$name</you> come over here."</teacher></b> - she says ordering you in
<b><center> You quickly do what she asks as she seems quite hurried.. once you get there you look at her like a lost little puppy waiting for her to say something.</center></b>
-<b><teacher> "Alright so I've been thinking.. you are looking girlier and girlier day by day, turning into the perfect <pink>sissy slut</pink> and everyone around you has noticed by now, it's quite weird that you still use manly clothes don't you think?"</teacher></B> - she says asking, looking at you
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\teacherdetentionwaiting.jpeg"></span></center>
<b><center> You take a look at the mirror in the classroom and you can't deny she is right.. you do look out of place in a manly uniform, now you look like a girl trying to crossdress as a man..</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\mcsuprised2.png"></span></center>
-<b><teacher> "Your face says it all.. so I ordered a special schoolgirl outfit for you a few days ago, it is ready to be picked up at the Mall at Happy Girls.. I made sure it is different from the others since you arent a real girl.. you're a <pink>sissy</pink> and everyone must know that.. I want you to head there and pick it up and start wearing it to school, send me a picture when you have it, got it?"</teacher></b> - she says commandingly
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\teacherorder.jpg"></span></center>
-<b><you> Yes.. Understood <teacher>Mistress..</teacher></you></B> - you say obeying her
<b><center> Well guess it's time to head to the Mall and buy the pre-ordered outfit.. you wonder what it's going to look like..</center></b>
<center>[[Head outside of the detention room|School Hallway]]</center><span class='fadeIn'>
<<set $teacheruniformbought to true>>\
<<set $teacheruniformbuy to false>>\
<<set $timer to 0>>\
<<set $time to $time+1>>\
<center><img src="images\resources\happygirl.png"></center>
<b><center> You enter the happy girl shop and head towards the counter, once there you head to the counter where a nice lady is folding some clothes.. they probably have the package you need</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\happygirlsworker.jpg"></span></center>
-<b><ltblue> "Hello <pink>ma'am</pink> how can I help you?"</ltblue></b> - she says calling you a woman immediately without a single doubt
<b><center> You blush when she calls you ma'am.. everyone immediately recognizes you as a young lady nowadays.. no one even thinks you are a man anymore.. that makes you chastity tingle for some reason..</center></b>
-<b><pink> *cough* Ehm.. I have a package to pick up in the name of someone else..</pink></B> - you say putting on a girly voice
-<b><ltblue> "Oh of course.. can you tell me the name please?"</ltblue></b> - she asks
-<b><pink> It's <teacher>$nameteacher</teacher>..</pink></B> - you say, feeling odd about saying <teacher>Mistresses</teacher> name without addressing her properly
-<b><ltblue> "Right here.. it says it should be picked up by a Miss <center><<textbox "$girlname" "">></center></ltblue></b>
<b><center>((Enter a girly name you wish your teacher gave you and click proceed))</center></b>
<center>[[Proceed|BuyGirlUniformTask2]]</center><<set $equip to 20>>
<<set $shoes to 11>>
<<set $bottom to 13>>
<<goto "Outfits">><center><img src="images\resources\happygirl.png"></center>
<b><center> You enter the happy girl shop and head towards the counter, once there you head to the counter where a nice lady is folding some clothes.. they probably have the package you need</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\happygirlsworker.jpg"></span></center>
-<b><ltblue> "Hello <pink>ma'am</pink> how can I help you?"</ltblue></b> - she says calling you a woman immediately without a single doubt
<b><center> You blush when she calls you ma'am.. everyone immediately recognizes you as a young lady nowadays.. no one even thinks you are a man anymore.. that makes you chastity tingle for some reason..</center></b>
-<b><pink> *cough* Ehm.. I have a package to pick up in the name of someone else..</pink></B> - you say putting on a girly voice
-<b><ltblue> "Oh of course.. can you tell me the name please?"</ltblue></b> - she asks
-<b><pink> It's <teacher>$nameteacher</teacher>..</pink></B> - you say, feeling odd about saying <teacher>Mistresses</teacher> name without addressing her properly
-<b><ltblue> "Right here.. it says it should be picked up by a Miss <pink>$girlname</pink> would that be you?</ltblue></b> - she says saying a <pink>girly name</pink>
<b><center> What..? <pink>$girlname</pink>? Is that supposed to be you? Maybe she didn't want to scare away the store clerk with a guys name.. you quite like the name <pink>$girlname</pink>.. <i>maybe it wouldn't be so bad to be named that..</i></center></b>
-<b><pink> Y..yes that is me..</pink></b> - you say taking the name <pink>$girlname</pink> for yourself, feeling confortable with it
<b><center> She smiles at you and gives you the package.. it's not very heavy and you don't recognize which store it comes from</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\clothespackage.png"></span></center>
-<b><pink> T..thank you</pink></b> - you say as you take the package and leave
<b><center>[[Head home to open up the package|GirlUniformbuypt2]]</center></b><span class='fadeIn'>
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\bedroom.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><img src="images\city\bedroomnight.jpg" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>\
<b><center> As soon as you get home you immediately head upstairs to your room hoping no one notices you or questions what you have in your hands.. you get inside and open the package.. you take out the clothes and lay it on your bed.. it's a pretty kinky school girl outfit.. the skirt is very.. very short to the point people will definitely see your panties and your.. <pink>chastity cage</pink>..</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\schoolgirluniformbed.jpg"></span></center>
-<b><pink><i> This is so small.. everyone will see I am a <pink>sissy</pink>..</i></pink></b> - you think to yourself holding the skirt
<b><center> There is also one thing left in the box.. a pair of schoolgirl shoes but they are also special.. you've seen the other girls in your school and how their uniform looks like.. they use flats and yours are heels.. she truly has slutified you as maximum as she could..</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\schoolgirlshoesbed.jpg"></span></center>
-<b><pink><i> Well it's true that I'm not like other girls..</i></pink></b> - you think to yourself giggling
<b><center> You undress and take a look at your mirror.. your body has changed so much with everything that has happened.. your <pink>chastity caged clit</pink>.. your tiny petite boobies.. your smooth and curvy body.. you truly look like a woman..</center></B>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\nakedmcsissy.jpg"></span></center>
-<b><pink><i> I'm so hot..</i></pink></B> - you think to yourself as you start dressing up the schoolgirl outfit
<b><center> You put on the schoolgirl outfit and you look amazing.. you look super hot and sexy.. a true <pink>sissy</pink> schoolgirl. You do look like you belong in a street selling your body instead of studying though but that's the whole point <teacher>Mistress</teacher> was trying to convey.. and you love it. You quickly take a picture ready to send it to <teacher>Mistress $nameteacher</teacher></center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\girluniformmc.png"></span></center>
<b><center>[[Send the picture to your teacher|GirlUniformBuypt3]]</center></b><span class='phonetext3'><center><img src="images\avatars\teacheravatar.png" style="max-height: 200px"></center></span>
<<timed 1s>><span class='phone1'><b><pink> - "I have the uniform <teacher>Mistress $nameteacher</teacher>.."</pink></b></span><</timed>>
<center><<timed 1s>><img src="images\events\mcdresspic.png" style="max-height: 168px"><</timed>></center>
<<timed 3s>><span class='phonegfpt1'><b><teacher> "Good <pink>sissy</pink> you look
great.. wear it to school everyday $girlname" - </teacher></b></span><</timed>>\
<<timed 4s>><b><pink><span class='phone2'> - Yes Mistress.. </span></pink></b><</timed>>\
<<timed 5s>><b><center>[[Close the phone|GirlUniformBuypt4]]</center></b><</timed>>
<span class='fadeIn'>\
<<set $teacheruniformtaskdone to true>>\
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\bedroom.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><img src="images\city\bedroomnight.jpg" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>\
<b><center> It's done.. you now have to wear this uniform everyday to school.. she called you <pink>$girlname</pink> again.. why does it feel so right to be named that? Anyways you take another look at your mirror from behind.. the skirt is so short that everyone can see your panties from behind but you kind of like the attention so you dont mind..</center></B>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\girluniformmc2.jpg"></span></center>
-<b><pink><i> I'm the hottest <pink>sissy</pink> at school..</i></pink></b> - you think to yourself flaunting and shaking your ass like a slut
<b><center> You then proceed to undress and fold your uniform.. getting it ready to use it tomorrow at school..</center></b>
<center><b><yellow> You can now wear a <pink>sissy slut</pink> schoolgirl outfit to school.. actually.. You have to!</yellow></b></center>
<center>[[Go back to your daily life|Room]]</center><<set $equip to 20>>
<<goto "Tops">><<set $bottom to 13>>
<<if $equip ==6>>
<<set $equip to 0>>
<<elseif $equip ==12>>
<<set $equip to 0>>
<<elseif $equip ==13>>
<<set $equip to 0>>
<<elseif $equip ==14>>
<<set $equip to 0>>
<<elseif $equip ==15>>
<<set $equip to 0>>
<<elseif $equip ==16>>
<<set $equip to 0>>
<<elseif $equip ==17>>
<<set $equip to 0>>
<<elseif $equip ==18>>
<<set $equip to 0>>
<<goto "Bottoms">><<set $shoes to 11>>
<<goto "Shoes">><span class='fadeIn'>\
<<set $teacheruniformreaction to false>>\
<<set $time to $time+1>>\
<<set $namechange to true>>\
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\detention.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><img src="images\city\detention.jpg" width = "550px"></center>
<b><center> You enter the detention room with your new <pink>sissy schoolgirl outfit</pink> and your teacher is standing waiting for you.. as soon as she sees you her faces lightens up in happiness that you followed her task to perfection.. she also looks amazing wearing a black corset and high boots.. truly dominant compared to you</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\teachercorset.jpg"></span></center>
-<b><teacher> "Look at you! The perfect <pink>sissy school girl</pink>.. I bet you got so many eyes looking at you today.. all the boys wanted to fuck that pretty little throat I bet haha.."</teacher></b> - she says getting closer to you inspecting you
<b><center> You just look down in embarassment as she goes around you like a predator preying her prey</center></b>
-<b><teacher> "You know what.. you deserve a little treat for being such a good girl.. I'm going to unlock you from your chastity for this little while with one rule. Do NOT touch yourself by any means.. if you do I swear I'll lock you back in and throw the key away."</teacher></b> - she says very seriously
<b><center> Un..unlock you?! You havent been unlocked in ages now.. you don't even know what your little penis looks like anymore.. you get super excited and immediately nod in agreement</center></b>
-<b><you> Y..yes! I wont touch it I promise..</you></B> - you say excitedly
-<b><teacher> "Pfft look at you so excited.. like a little puppy getting a treat.. anyways show me that small little thing"</teacher></b> - she says going to your groin area with the key and unlocking you
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\chastityunlock.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><center> It feels weird to have your small clit out like this.. it definitely has shrunk a few centimeters since you last saw it.. not that you were ever big but you were pretty average.. right now you're definitely on the smaller side..</center></b>
-<b><teacher> "Hide that thing away sissy.. it doesn't look good on your outfit."</teacher></b> - she says pointing at your penis
<b><center> She is right.. you look at the mirror and it definitely doesn't fit the rest of you.. it's crazy to think that a penis doesn't fit your body anymore..</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\mcuniformcockout.jpg"></span></center>
-<b><teacher> "Alright kneel down <pink>sissy</pink>.. I've always had the fantasy of dominating a school sissy.. it's about to become real.. KNEEL!"</teacher></b> - she says forcing you on your knees and kicking you in the face
<b><center> The last thing you see before you fall down is your teachers feet coming towards you and when you notice you are already on the ground recovering..</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\teacherkickface.jpg"></span></center>
-<b><teacher> "Here <pink>sissy</pink>.. crawl and service me."</teacher></b> - she says sitting as you recover
<b><center> When you recover and look back up your <teacher>Mistress</teacher> is already sitting on her couch with her pussy showing to you like a lioness.. she looks amazing and dominant showing her precious parts without any regard.. you crawl over to her</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\teacherpussyshow.jpg"></span></center>
-<b><teacher> "Well what are you waiting for? Service me whore."</teacher></b> - she says grabbing your hair and bringing you closer to her pussy.. to which you start licking greedily as you feel the taste and smell of your Goddess
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\teacheruniformpussylick1.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><teacher> "HHMHMm yes.. I want it rougher whore.. make me cum with that slutty mouth! Imagine it's a cock and I know you'll do better!"</teacher></b> - she says grabbing your head roughly and rubbing her pussy all over you
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\teacheruniformpussylick2.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><teacher> "Look at you! In a school uniform.. you used to be a man! A bad excuse of one but now.. you're a pretty little sissy leaking from her clit as you get humiliated by a superior woman! Say it! Say I'm your superior!"</teacher></b> - she says humiliating you as your clit leaks hard
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\mccockdripping.jpg"></span></center>
-<b><pink> You're my.. superior <teacher>Mistress $nameteacher</teacher>!</pink></b> - you say as you lick her
-<b><teacher> "Y..YES! YES I AM!"</teacher></b> - she screams as she cums
<b><center> She kicks you back to the ground as she recovers from her orgasm.. you just stare at her with your mouth full of her fluids, waiting for the next order..</center></b>
-<b><teacher> "God that was good.. good job little puppy.. first and foremost before I forget.. lets lock that little thing up back in its cage.."</teacher></B> - she says as she locks you back in chastity
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\lockedchastity.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><teacher> "Much better.. and the second thing I want to talk about.. now that you are a school girl you need a girl name.. you must have realized when you picked up the cage I already gave you a girly name.. you don't have the right to choose since you are my <pink>sissy slave</pink> so from now on you are <pink>$girlname</pink> understood?"</teacher></b> - she says forcing you to change your name
-<b><pink> Y..yes <teacher>Mistress</teacher> as you wish.. I am now <pink>$girlname</pink>..</pink></B> - you say it back to her
-<b><teacher> "Such a good little slave.. go on now leave <pink>$girlname</pink>.. inform other people about your name.. bye bye slut!"</teacher></B> - she says shooing you away from the detention room
<b><center> Well.. guess now you are permenantly <pink>$girlname</pink>.. you quite like it tho..</center></b>
<center>[[Leave the detention room|School Hallway]]</center>
<span class='fadeIn'>\
<<set $gfsubevent8 to false>>\
<<set $timer to 0>>\
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\bedroom.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><img src="images\city\bedroom.jpg" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>\
<b><center> You and <gf>$gfname</gf> are chilling in your bedroom just hanging out as per usual.. she is on her phone not paying attention to you and most likely talking to someone else as she usually does now.. she doesn't really care about you that much.. she does look very pretty on your bed though..</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\gflayingbed.jpg"></span></center>
<b><center> You remembered about your quest for the BNWO that <brown>Mr.Jackson</brown> gave you.. you have to get three women of your life to tattoo the QOS symbol.. you hate to admit it but <gf>$gfname</gf> would most likely happily do it if you paid for it.. but it's very humiliating.. you decide to bring it up.</center></b>
-<b><you> Ehm.. <gf>$gfname</gf>?</you></b> - you call her out
-<b><gf> "Hm?"</gf></b> - she says not taking her attention from the phone while answering you
-<b><you> I need to talk with you about something.. it's important..</you></b> - you tell her
-<b><gf> "What do you want cuckie? It better be good for you to be bothering me."</gf></B> - she says pissed leaving the phone
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\gfbed2.png"></span></center>
-<b><you> Well.. if I paid for you to do a tattoo for something.. would you do it? This one..</you></b> - you say showing her an example on your phone
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\qostattooexamplegf.png"></span></center>
-<b><gf> "OMG! Is that a Queen of Spades tattoo? Cuckie! I'm so happy you're learning your place in our relationship! I wasn't expecting you to be like this.. of course I'll do it, we can go now! You do realize what that entitles though right?"</gf></b> - she says getting up excited
-<b><you> Y..yeah it means you'll be.. black cock only.</you></b> - you say embarassed stuttering
-<b><gf> "Oh god.. I swear that made my pussy wet from just hearing you say it.. I already am black only honey.. that will just mark it in my skin.. come on get up.. I have the perfect tattoo parlor for us to go!"</gf></b> - she says putting her shoes and going outside
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\gfstand.png"></span></center>
<b><center> Well.. it's not a suprise that she obviously knows what it is and wants to do it.. guess that makes it two women left.. you just need to pay for your girlfriend to tattoo that she will never ever fuck you again in your life..</center></b>
<center>[[Leave towards the tattoo parlor|gfsubevent8pt2]]</center>
<span class='fadeIn'>\
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\gf.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><img src="images\city\tattooparlor.png" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>
<b><center> You two arrive at the tattoo parlor.. it's name is Black Cobra Tattoo.. it's very specific and you don't even know how <gf>$gfname</gf> knows of this place but you're not sure you want to know..</center></b>
-<b><gf> "Oh my godd! Hey <brown>Kendrick</brown>! I finally made time to come here and get my first tattoo like you said you would do.. how are you?"</gf></B> - your girlfriend speaks with a very tattooed black man who probably is one of the tattoo artists
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\tattooartist.jpg"></span></center>
-<b><brown> "Im good babe.. let's do it then what do you want to do tattoo?"</brown></b> - he asks her
-<b><gf> "I'll let my boyfriend show you.. I think he deserves it."</gf></B> - she turns to you
-<b><brown> "Oh this your.. boyfriend? Sure.. show me boy."</brown></B> - he says speaking to you in a demeaning manor, confused that he called you a boyfriend when you look so girly
-<b><you> Ehm.. it will be this..</you></B> - you show him the same example you showed <gf>$gfname</gf>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\qostattooexamplegf.png"></span></center>
-<b><brown> "PFFFT HAHAHA.. And you're paying for it? A'ight I got it.. whiteboy."</brown></b> - he says laughing at you humiliating you
-<b><gf> "Hehe.. I'll want it above my pussy please."</gf></b> - she says bluntly, you open your eyes in shock not expecting her to choose that place
-<b><brown> "Of course babe.. get naked and lay on the table with your chest up"</brown></b> - she says ordering him, telling your girlfriend to get naked in front of you, not even asking if you mind
<b><center> And clearly your girlfriend doesn't care either as she quickly obeys him and gets naked in front of him.. she could've just taken her pants off.. but she makes sure to get fully naked..</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\gfnakedtattoo.jpg"></span></center>
-<b><brown> "Mhmm.. you look amazing babe.. let's get to it.."</brown></b> - he says caressing her body before starting to tatto her
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\tattooartistblack.jpg"></span></center>
<b><center> It takes a while but eventually it is done.. your <gf>girlfriend</gf> is now marked forever as a woman who takes black cock only.. she gets up and shows you</center></b>
-<b><gf> "Look babe! I think it looks amazing doesn't it?"</gf></b> - she says showing you her QOS symbol right above her crotch area
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\qosremy.png"></span></center>
-<b><you> Y..yeah it looks great babe.. glad you enjoyed it.. can I take a picture?</you></b> - you say wanting evidence to show <brown>Mr.Jackson</brown>
-<b><gf> "Of course honey! You deserve it.."</gf></b> - she says posing showing the symbol clearly
<b><center> You take the picture and save it.. now you just need two more.. well time to pay</center></b>
-<b><gf> "Baby come here.. This tattoo is probably going to be expensive because well.. this tattoo parlor is black only too they pay more when white people tattoo here.. it's for white people to show regret to what we've done to them in the past.. it's called reparations anyways.. if you want I can make a deal with <brown>Kendrick</brown>.. hehe.."</gf></b> - she says hinting at something
<b><center> She probably means giving him sexual services.. do you really want to let your <gf>girlfriend</gf> suck a black man in front of you again..? You could save money though..</center></b>
<div id="choice">
<<linkreplace "<pink><center> • Let her pay the tattoo in another way..</center></pink>">>\
<<replace "#choice">>\
-<b><you> S..sure.. do it</you></B> - you say feeling humiliated and submissive
-<b><gf> "Teehee.. I knew you'd agree to it.. I love you cuckie.. now come with me and watch."</gf></b>
<B><center> You two then proceed to approach <brown>Kendrick</brown> and you let <gf>$gfname</gf> do the talking</center></b>
-<b><gf> "Sooo <brown>Kendrick</brown> I really really enjoyed the tattoo.. I enjoyed it so much that I wanted to show my cuckie here that I truly am black only.. perhaps there's another way I can pay you this wonderful tattoo..?"</gf></b> - she says making puppy eyes at him
-<b><brown> "Haha.. you whore.. of course there is.. follow me to the back.. you can come too cuck."</brown></b> - he says going to another room with her
<b><center> You follow them.. once you three arrive there <gf>$gfname</gf> immediately knows her place and kneels in front of him</center></b>
-<b><gf> "Please please black master.. can I take it out?"</gf></B> - she says pleading
-<b><brown> "I like a white snowbunny that knows what she wants.. I don't even have to tell you what to do.. go on slut."</brown></b> - he says putting his hands to the sides letting her do everything
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\tattoobbcsuckgf1.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><gf> "Fuck you're so big.. can I suck it master?"</gf></b> - she says with her mouth watering
-<b><brown> "Go on slut.. make me cum on that pretty little face.. it better be good or I'll beat the living shit out of your white cuck.."</brown></b> - he says threatning you
-<b><gf><font size ="-1"> "Like I care.."</font></gf></B> - she says something but you cant hear it
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\tattoobbcsuckgf2.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><brown> "Fuck that's good.. All white people should follow your example and marks their bodies as our submissives.. you white slut.. I'm gonna fucking cum all over that face to show you I'm the superior being here.."</brown></b> - he says humiliating you two
-<b><gf> "Yes.. we are worthless.. please cum all over me!"</gf></b> - she says sucking him off harder
<b><center> He then cums all over her face and you just stand there and watch.. your clit hitting against the cage as you watch them</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\tattoobbcsuckgf3.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><brown> "That was good.. but it's not enough.. I want you to kiss him or I'll make you pay double of what the tatto was worth.."</brown></b> - he says pointing at you
-<b><gf> "Come here cuckie.."</gf></b> - she says knelt waiting for you
<b><center> You obey her and go next to her.. once you're there you feel the smell of the strong cum all over her face and mouth.. you don't want to pay double of the tattoo so you quickly get it done and kiss her.. you feel the cum invade your mouth and the taste is so strong.. but it isn't unpleasant.. you quite like it so you swallow it like a <pink>sissy whore</pink>..</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\cumkissgf.png"></span></center>
-<b><brown> "Yeeaah.. share the flavour.. good whores.. alright y'all can see yourselves out.. come back soon"</brown></b> - he says leaving
-<b><gf> "Thank you honey.. I love the tattoo.. and I loved his cock I want more.. lets go home!"</gf></b> - she says getting dressed happily
<b><center> You two then head home happily with the flavour of cum in both of your mouths.. it's a strange relationship but I guess you could say you two got closer somehow.. if you just submit to her she will like you..</center></b>
<B><yellow><center> 1/3 women tattooed with the QOS tattoo!</center></yellow></b>
<center>[[Head home|Home]]</center>
<div id="choice">
<<linkreplace "<white><center> • Just pay for the tattoo</center></white>">>
<<replace "#choice">>
<b><center> You decide you already got what you wanted which was her to make the tattoo so you can show <brown>Mr.Jackson</brown> and fortunately you can afford it..</center></b>
-<b><you> It's fine.. I'll pay for it</you></b> - you tell her
-<b><gf> "Hmph.. whatever."</gf></B> - she says disappointed
<b><center> Looks like she wanted you to want her to do sexual things with the black man to prove your status in your relationship.. but you don't want it.. you proceed to pay <brown>Kendrick</brown> the tattoo and head back home.. the whole trip <gf>$gfname</gf> is sulking at the fact you didn't want her to suck him off.</center></b>
<B><yellow><center> 1/3 women tattooed with the QOS tattoo!</center></yellow></b>
<center>[[Head home|Home]]</center>
</div><span class='fadeIn'>
<<set $dadeventdom4 to false>>\
<<set $timer to 0>>\
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\livingroom.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><img src="images\city\livingroom.jpg" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>
<b><center> You see your <dad>dad</dad> chilling in the living room smoking what seems to be a cigar and after the recent events you have to come to a choice.. you want to keep dominating your dad but..</center>
<b><center> Do you want to <pink>feminize</pink> him and make him your <pink>sissy</pink></center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\dadfeminized.jpg"></span></center>
<b><center> Or do you want to keep him masculine so you can keep making him your manly bitch?</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\dadmasculine.jpg"></span></center>
<div id="choice">
<<linkreplace "<pink><center> • Feminize him</center></pink>">>\
<<replace "#choice">>\
<<set $dadfeminized to true>>\
<b><center> You decide you want to feminize him.. you head upstairs to you room and power up your laptop, you order a book on how to feminize men</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\orderbook.jpg"></span></center>
<b><center> And you also order HRT pills to feminize him physically to turn him into your sissy</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\hrtpill.jpg"></span></center>
<b><center> You can already envision him as your feminized <pink>sissy</pink> you just need to kick things into action.. you wonder how your family will react to it.</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\dadfeminized.jpg"></span></center>
<center>[[Leave the living room|Room]]</center>
<div id="choice">
<<linkreplace "<blue><center> • Keep him masculine</center></blue>">>
<<replace "#choice">>
<<set $dadfeminized to false>>\
<b><center> You decide you want to keep him masculine and make him your manly bitch not altering his physical only his mental.. you can already envision him getting fucked by you.. you leave and head towards your room</center></B>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\dadmasculine.jpg"></span></center>
<center>[[Leave the living room|Room]]</center>
</div><span class='fadeIn'>
<<set $teacherdom3 to false>>\
<<set $timer to 0>>\
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\schoolhallway.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><img src="images\city\schoolhall.jpg" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>
<b><center> You head outside of your classroom and your <teacher>teacher</teacher> comes storming at you in a hurry.. you look at her and she looks really distressed, almost crying</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\teacheralmostcrying.png"></span></center>
-<b><teacher> "<you>$name</you>.. I'm in real trouble.. look at this.."</teacher></b> - she says taking out her phone and showing you a picture
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\teacherpublicpicture.jpg"></span></center>
-<b><you> Oh shit..</you></b> - you say as you see the picture.. it's pretty visible that it's you and <teacher>$nameteacher</teacher> in the park where she blew you and you fucked her
-<b><teacher> "F..fuck! Someone leaked this on the internet and it's a matter of time before it gets to the headmaster and he fires me.. my husband has already seen it and.. he asked for divorce.. what do I do?"</teacher></b> - she says stressed and breathing heavily
<b><center> This is messed up but you see a great opportunity to seize this and make it good for you.. when it comes to her husband it's good that he has seen it fuck him.. actually you'd like to fuck her in front of him the cuck, her job though you'll have to have a chat with the <red>headmaster</red>.. he's quite the tough man but you'll try to convince him to not fire her</center></b>
-<b><you> Alright I'll fix this don't worry.. you can live with me for now, we have space in the basement and you're my toy anyways.. you'll serve me and I'll fix your job in compensation, welcome to your new life slut</you></b> - you say as you approach her and kiss her bluntly
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\kissingteacher.jpg"></span></center>
<b><center> She lets out a slight smile as she sees you care for her</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\teacherslightsmile.jpg"></span></center>
-<b><teacher> "Ok..ay thank you.."</teacher></b> - she says agreeing with you
<b><center> Time to pay a visit to the headmaster..</center></b>
<b><center><red> ( This will be the start of a new storyline where you will be able to train the characters you've conquered in your basement and break them, making them completely subservient to you, to be added in the next updates! )</red></center></b>
<center>[[Leave her and go back to your daily life|School Hallway]]</center><span class='fadeIn'>
<<set $momdomevent8 to false>>\
<<set $timer to 0>>\
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\kitchen.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><img src="images\city\kitchen.jpg" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>
<b><center> You are passing through the kitchen when you notice your <mom>mother</mom> laying in the counter in a very teasing pose.. as if she was waiting for you to pass because as soon as you do she interjects you and calls you over</center></b>
-<b><mom> "Oh hi honey.. do you want anything to eat? Do you feel.. like <i>ravishing</i> something?"</mom></B> - she says bending over the counter and lifting her dress slightly
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\momkitchenfuck1.jpg"></span></center>
<b><center> You take a look at her and you can immediately tell she's teasing you.. she's not even wearing panties. She is becoming more and more bold with her actions from last time where she sucked you off while you were sleeping to this, she clearly wants to be yours so why should you hold yourself back? You go next to her and lift her dress up, exposing her pussy</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\momkitchenfuck2.jpg"></span></center>
-<b><mom> "Oh my..! What are you.. dooing?!"</mom></B> - she says trying to act mad
-<b><you> Oh please.. shut up and come over here slut</you></b> - you say as you grab her and put her on top of the counter, immediately sucking off her pussy
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\momkitchenpussylick.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><mom> "W..whata are yo..u mhmpm.. doing! Your da..d can in at anytime!"</mom></b> - she says trying to act as if she's not enjoying it
<b><center> You stop licking her and decide to tease her even further, taking out your cock and putting it on top of the counter laying there</center></b>
-<b><you> Alright then.. tell me. Do you want me to stop and leave.. or do you want to risk it and suck my cock right here?</you></B> - you say waiting and staring at her
<b><center> She looks at the entrance of the kitchen and back to your cock.. and suddenly she lowers her face near your cock and takes it into your mouth, giving you her answer</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\momkitchensuck.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><you> That's what I thought.. suck me off <mom>mom</mom>.. I know you want to be mine, <dad>dad</dad> isn't enough for you.. he doesn't pay attention to you, just become mine and I'll train you to be my woman</you></b> - you say as you sit down and she takes your cock into her mouth greedily looking at you thinking of what you said
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\momkitchensuck2.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><mom> "'re right but.. we can't let <dad>$dadname</dad> find out.. we'll do it behind his back.. if he finds out I'm becoming your woman.. when you're my son.. he'll freak out.."</mom></B> - she says as she sucks you off even harder after saying those words
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\momkitchensuck3.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><you> Don..'t worry.. just be mine.. you greedy fucking.. slut of a mom!</you></b> - you say as you bust a fut nut all over her face
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\momfacial.jpg"></span></center>
-<b><mom> "Yes.. daddy.."</mom></b> - she says addressing you as a superior
<b><center> Your <mom>mom</mom> is finally yours and corrupted.. now you just gotta go further and make her completely obedient to you to the point she'll do anything you say..</center></b>
<center>[[Go back to your daily life|Kitchen]]</center><center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\basement.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><img src="images\city\basement.jpg" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>
<b><center> You head down into the basement to find your <mom>mother</mom> doing the laundry.. last time she was not wearing panties in the kitchen and once again she's on all fours flashing her tight pussy to you.. she has stopped wearing panties at home and is wearing short dresses on purpose to tease you.. and you decide you're going to punish her if she wants to tease you</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\momlaundryfingering1.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<div id="choice">
<<linkreplace "<dom><center> • Punish her</center></dom>">>
<<replace "#choice">>\
-<b><you> Alright since you want to be like this..</you></b> - you say suddenly to your mom
-<b><mom> "Whh..what?"</mom></b> - she says with her head still inside the washing machine
<b><center> You grab her ass from behind and push her dress up, slapping her ass making her wet instantly</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\momlaundryfingering2.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><mom> "<you>$name</you>.. what are you d..doing!!.."</mom></b> - she says still faking her resistance, clearly wanting you to play with her body
<b><center> And you are happy to play with it since you immediately start playing with her pussy and clit teasing her.. she's in heat and wet your fingers get all sticky immediately.. the whore was probably expecting this already</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\momlaundryfingering3.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><you> Jesus you're so fucking wet.. you wanted this didn't you? I'm gonna make you cum all over these fingers you whore..</you></b> - you say degrading your <mom>mother</mom>
-<b><mom> "mhHMMph.. faster.. finger fuck me faster...!"</mom></b> - she pleads
<b><center> And you are happy to give once again, fingerfucking her roughly and quick as she moans throughout the basement.. someone wil probably grow supscious but you don't even care..</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\fingerfuckmom.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><mom> "MHHMMMmgmhmm..!! I'MMM CUMMINGGG..!"</mom></b> - she says as she starts fingering herself aswell, squirting all over the place
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\momlaundryfingering4.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><center> Jesus you forgot how much your <mom>mom</mom> squirts.. she's a true squirt whore.. you clean your hands on her hair and adjust yourself, leaving her lost in pleasure</center></b>
<center>[[Go back up|Hallway]]</center>
<div id="choice">
<<linkreplace "<center><white> • Just leave her alone</white></center>">>
<<replace "#choice">>
<b><center> You decide to leave her to whatever she's doing and just back upstairs.. she wont get you this time around</center></B>
<center>[[Go back up|Hallway]]</center>
</div><center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\sistersroom.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><img src="images\city\sisterbedroom.png" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>
<span class='fadeIn'>\
<<set $siseventsub9 to false>>\
<<set $timer to 0>>\
<b><center> You are chilling in your bedroom when you get called to your <sister>sisters</sister> room.. you already know that when she usually calls you it's probably trouble.. but you don't disobey her, you know better than that.. when you get there she is waiting for you in your bed.. wearing a leather corset and pretty dominant kinky outfit..</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\sisterlayingbedstrap.jpg"></span></center>
-<b><you> Ehm.. hello <sister>$sistername</sister>..</you></b> - you say scared of what's going to happen
-<b><sister> "Don't call me by name.. address me with respect.. clearly you haven't understood your place in this house yet somehow.. thankfully I'll imprint it into your body today.. Also I was informed you're now <pink>$girlname</pink>.. pretty name, fits a <pink>sissy</pink> like you."</sister></B> - she says saying your girl name, probably it was <teacher>Mistress $nameteacher</teacher> that told her..
-<b><you> Y..yeah.. I guess.. sorry <sister>Mistress $sistername</sister></you></b> - you tell her scared looking down
-<b><sister> "I think it's time we take a big step into your feminization <pink>$girlname</pink>.. you're clearly heading down that path and I want to help you further.. first of all you need to train your voice.. keep talking in a girly manner got it?"</sister></b> - she says ordering you to force your voice to be girly
-<b><pink> "Okay.."</pink></B> - you say in a <pink>girly voice</pink>
-<b><sister> "Much better.. next kneel down in front of me and close your eyes.. only open when I tell you to."</sister></b> - she orders you, getting up from her bed
<b><center> You don't say a word.. you just obey her and kneel in front of her bed with your eyes closed. You start hearing her rumble on her wardrobe grabbing something that you can't really tell what it is.. maybe a new dildo? Your ass is pretty trained already though..</center></B>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\mckneeling.png"></span></center>
-<b><sister> "You may open them <pink>sissy whore.</pink>"</sister></b> - she says degrading you
<b><center> You open your eyes and are greeted upon a sight you were not expecting.. she is wearing a strap-on belt out of no where! Does she want you to suck her off again? But you've already proven to her you can do it.. what could she want?</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\sisterstrapon.jpg"></span></center>
-<b><sister> "Alright so last time you did an amazing sucking me off.. I truly enjoyed it but I think it's about time we take a very important step into your life and I want to be the first one to do it.. it was either going to be me or <therapist>$therapistname</therapist> but I feel like I deserve it more.."</sister></B> - she says hinting at something
-<b><pink> Wh..what is it <sister>Mistress $sistername</sister>?</pink></B> - you say curious, your heart beating faster and faster
-<b><sister> "You're not a man anymore.. so when you have sex you'll never your <pink>tiny clitoris</pink>.. instead your main sexual organ will now be your <pink>boipussy</pink>.. You did your training amazingly and I think it's time you lose your anal virginity so you can start being a true <pink>sissy whore</pink>.. I can already imagine the future.. you taking multiple cocks.. whoring you out so you make money for me.. god that's so hot.."</sister></B> - she says rubbing her plastic dildo as she imagines what she said
<b><center> Wait wait wait.. she wants to fuck you in the ass? Are you ready for this? I mean you've trained with huge dildos and you do love masturbating with your <pink>boipussy</pink> but you've never been.. fucked by someone else.. but you know you can't disobey her and it's truly poetic that she is your first one..</center></b>
-<b><sister> "Don't be so shocked.. come on, let's lube this bad boy up.."</sister></b> - she says coming closer to your face, putting the big dildo in your eyesight
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\straponsisterclose.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><center> You just stare at it not knowing what to do.. you're in shock and everything is going so fast.. you're supposed to service her right? But before you can think and organize your thoughts.. you feel her hands behind the back of your head pushing you</center></b>
-<b><sister> "Fucking useless whore.. suck my fat.. cock!"</sister></B> - she says agressively shoving her dildo into your mouth, fucking your face
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\straponsisterblowjob.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><center> She's very rough with you but you like it.. you gag and choke on the plastic cock.. leaving it full of throat drool.. lubing it up</center></b>
-<b><sister> "You do realize I'm making you a favour here right? I could just go dry into your pussy.. but I'm giving you the chance of lubing it up.. be grateful bitch..!"</sister></B> - she says explaining
-<b><pink> GWAGH.. thank you <sister>Mishtress..</sister></pink></B> - you say as you get choked in her cock
-<b><sister> "Alright alright that's enough.. get on all fours <pink>sissy bitch</pink>. Let's see that pretty pussy"</sister></B> - she says slapping her lubed plastic cock on your face, ordering you
<b><center> You obey her breathless, getting on all fours and arching your back.. showing her your <pink>stretched boipussy</pink>.. she's truly going to take your anal virginity.. it gives you a tingling on your belly realizing that you're about to be completely your <sister>sisters</sister> bitch.. who would've thought that you'd be in this position back then..</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\mconfours.jpg"></span></center>
-<b><sister> "Fuck you look so tasty.. and fucking stretched you whore.. you've truly been training haven't you? How much do you want this? Tell me."</sister></b> - she says lining up her big cock with the entrance of your <pink>boipussy</pink>
<B><CENTER> You feel the coldness of her dildo on your back and you can't lie anymore.. you want it, you really want your <sister>sister</sister> to fuck your ass.. your clitty is tingling and leaking so much precum.. you just answer honestly</center></b>
-<b><pink> I want it so bad.. please fuck me <sister>Mistress..</sister></pink></B> - you say honestly, leaning back a bit into her cock
-<b><sister> "Good girl! Good girls get rewarded.. like this!"</sister></B> - she says forcing her cock into your boipussy.. starting to plunge into you
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\sisterstrapfuck1.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><yellow><center> You lost your Anal Virginity!</center></yellow></b>
<b><center> It's happening.. it's the first time someone is behind you.. grabbing your hips and plunging deep inside your <pink>boipussy</pink>.. it feels so.. GOOD..! All the training you've done has rewarded you with this extreme pleasure.. you don't wanna hold it anymore.. you love being your <sister>sisters</sister> bitch.. you just want her to fuck you harder.. you feel your <pink>tiny feminized penis</pink> dangle around as she sticks it deeper into you..</center></b>
-<b><sister> "Look at you! You fucking whore.. you're taking it so easily and you're moaning like a bitch! I always knew back when you were younger that you'd be a fucking bitch when you grew up.. now you're my <pink>sissy bitch..</pink> and I can fuck you however I want.. my slave.. let's switch positions, ride me you whore."</sister></b> - she says laying on the bed
-<b><pink> Yes <sister>Mistress</sister>.. I'm your bitch..!</pink></B> - you say submitting to her body and soul, lining up her cock with your pussy and riding it like a true whore
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\sisterstrapfuck2.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><pink> GOD.. I LOVE YOUR COCK.. GHGMM.. FUCK ME HARDER..</pink></b> - you scream out loud letting out your inner <pink>sissy</pink> completely
-<b><sister> "Jesus christ HAHAHA.. I created a fucking loose slut.. come here!"</sister></B> - she says turning you around out of nowhere and going back to fucking you roughly and deeper now
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\sisterstrapfuck3.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><pink> YES YES YES.. GOD.. this feels so fucking go..od!</pink></b> - you say as you get intensely fucked by your own sister
-<b><sister> "You do you slut? Well.. take this fucking suprise then.. one day it will be real but for now.. I'm cumming into your fucking slutty ass!"</sister></B> - she says as you feel a liquid pour inside your ass
<b><center> Oh my god.. something is being poured inside your ass.. your <sister>sister</sister> is literally cumming inside you.. it's not the same as a real man but it feels so.. real..</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\sisterstrapfuck4.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><sister> "Look at this pretty sissy ass.. full of cum.. I know for sure one day it will be real cum and you'll love it"</sister></b> - she says grabbing both of your cheeks and spreading them.. showing your destroyed sissy pussy
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\assdestroyedcum.png"></span></center>
-<b><pink> God.. I'm spent.. my ass feels like it's on fire..</pink></b> - you say breathless
-<b><sister> "You did amazing sissy.. here.."</sister></b> - she says licking your sissy pussy and grabbing some of the fake cum with her mouth
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\sisterlickass.png"></span></center>
-<b><pink> mhmm.. this feels so good.. thank you <sister>Mistress</sister>..</pink></b> - you thank her as she licks your destroyed and stretched sissy pussy..
<b><center> She doesn't say a single word and lays next to you.. coming closer to your face and kissing you.. when she opens your mouth a wave of fake cum comes into your mouth.. you two keep making out as you savour the fake cum.. you imagine it was real cum and someone just destroyed your ass and came into it..</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\sisterstrapfuck5.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><sister> "Good whore.. I'm proud of your progress.. one of these days we will go out as sisters and get some boys to fuck.. it's time you start your actual sex life.. alright you can see yourself out.. I'm going for a shower."</sister></B> - she says leaving the room
<b><center> And that's it.. you finally lost your anal virginity and it's poetic that you lost to the person who probably influenced you the most to be a submissive little sissy.. you're happy with how your life is going.. the real question is.. how much further can you go in this hole..?</center></b>
<<set $feminization to $feminization+1>>\
<center><hotpink>You just increased your feminization, you can now get fucked in your stretched boipussy and go out without underwear!</hotpink></center>
<center>[[Leave her room|Upstairs Hall]]</center><<set $secondfemchange to false>>
<span class='fadeIn'>\
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\mirror.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><img src="images\other\mirror.png" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>\
<b><center> Today you slept and your body felt really itchy.. maybe it was due to last time your <sister>sister</sister> completely fucked your <pink>boipussy</pink> but something feels different.. does losing your anal virginity really make a difference in your body? You head to your mirror, get naked and look at your body since you haven't paid attention in a while, when you look at it, you're suprised by the changes..</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\femininebody2.jpg"></span></center>\
-<b><pink><i> When did my body start to look this feminine? I totally look like a woman in her twenties.. Even my chastity caged clit makes it look like I have a clitoris instead of a penis..</i></pink></B> - you think to yourself as you admire your body
<b><center> If you didn't have the appendix on the middle of your legs, no one would tell you were born a man.. what is causing your body to change that much? Is it just your body adapting to your <pink>feminine</pink> environment? Is it the pills <therapist>Mistress $therapistname</therapist> feeds you? Or is it both..? Nevertheless your body has definitely changed to be even more feminine.. you take a look at each part and you can definitely see differences.. Even your face without makeup looks more feminine now..</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\bodyparts\femavatar2.png"></span></center>\
-<b><pink><i> I totally would pass as a woman without makeup now.. I need to put makeup on..</i></pink></B> - you say as you start applying makeup on
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\bodyparts\mcmakeupon2.png"></span></center>\
<b><center> Once you're done you're suprised by how womanly you look.. you truly look.. beautiful.. You never had this type of beauty when you were a man, no one cared about your looks but now? You look like a beautiful woman and you like it.. The biggest difference is your <pink>boobies</pink> though.. they look so much bigger.. you doubt they will go bigger than this without surgery but you can grab them completely with your hands.. you truly have woman boobs..!</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\bodyparts\femboobs2.png"></span></center>\
-<b><pink><i> They are so sensitive aswell.. my nipples make my clit go against its cage immediately.. they were never this sensitive mhmm..</i></pink></B> - you slightly moan as you touch your nipples
<b><center> Your legs look about the same but they were always feminine.. you really like how they look.. soo soo smooth.. you're glad your teacher made you get that depilation.</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\bodyparts\femlegs1.png"></span></center>\
<b><center> Another pretty big change is your ass.. not only does it look bigger and plumper but also your <pink>boipussy</pink> looks so more stretched due to your training.. it's starting to become more vertical and open.. truly like a womans pussy.. it's your <pink>sissy pussy..</pink></center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\bodyparts\femass2.png"></span></center>\
-<b><pink><i> My own pussy.. it felt so good to lose my anal virginity to <sister>Mistress $sistername</sister>.. I can't wait to get fucked again..</i></pink></B> - you think to yourself biting your lip
<b><center> And of course your little appendix is so small.. you can't really see it because of its cage but you definitely feel the cage getting looser and looser.. you're getting smaller and smaller.. you were about 4 inches before but you're pretty sure it's like 2 and a half now.. how small can you get and why does it arouse to you imagine yourself getting smaller? So hot..</center></B>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\bodyparts\cageon.png"></span></center>\
-<b><pink><i> My little clitty hehe..</i></pink></b> - you think to yourself aroused
<b><center> Your body changed so much in such little time.. you can only imagine how it will look further ahead.. surgery isn't off the table true if you want to really go more feminine.. you can't wait..</center></B>
<b><yellow> You can now feminize your face in the Clinic!</yellow></b>
<b><center>[[Go back to your daily life sissy|Bathroom]]</center></b><span class='fadeIn'>\
<<set $bnwoevent4 to false>>\
<<set $timer to 0>>\
<<set $time to $time+1>>\
<<if $time >= 3>>\
<<set $time to $time - 1>>\
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\schoolhallway.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><img src="images\city\schoolhall.jpg" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>
<b><center> You have to warn <brown>Mr.Jackson</brown> that you have sucessfully turned your own girlfriend into a Queen of Spades. You are still a little whoozy with all that's happening but atleast you got one woman converted.. maybe he will reward you. You wait a bit for him to come out</center></b>
<<timed 1s>><center><font size="+5"><b>.</b></font></center><</timed>><<timed 2s>><center><font size="+5"><b>.</b></font></center><</timed>><<timed 3s>><center><font size="+5"><b>.</b></font></center><</timed>>
<<timed 4s>>
<b><center> After a while <brown>he</brown> shows up.. a white blonde student leaving with him fixing her clothes.. you probably know what happened in his office, you quickly speed up to him and approach him</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\mrjackson.png"></span></center>
-<b><brown> "Oh <pink>$girlname</pink>. How can I help you cutie?"</brown></b> - he says mentioning your girl name
-<b><pink> Ehm.. I have something to show you.. I got my first convertion to the BNWO..</pink></B> - you say embarassed rubbing your knees one on another
<b><center> He looks at you and gives you a sly smile knowingly.. he then proceeds to open the door of his office and let you in</center></b>
-<b><brown> "Let's go in darling."</brown></B> - he says being a gentleman, letting you in first
<b><center> You quickly head inside, waiting for him.</center></b>
<center>[[Head inside his office|bnwoevent4pt2]]</center>
<</timed>><span class='fadeIn'>\
<center><img src="images\events\teacheroffice.jpg" width = "550px"></center>
<b><center> As soon as you two enter his office and he closes the door.. his demeanor changes, he looks at you in a demeaning way, like you were merely an object and worth nothing.. you can feel yourself submitting him immediately.. you feel so small.</center></b>
-<b><brown> "Alright <pink>sissy</pink>.. you better not be wasting my time or I'll be a very mad individual.. show me what you got."</brown></b> - he says adjusting his tie, waiting
<b><center> You take a large gulp and grab your phone, showing him the picture you took of <gf>$gfname</gf> with the Queen of Spades tattoo.</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\qosremy.png"></span></center>
-<b><brown> "Wow.. she looks tasty as fuck.. who is this woman you converted? A friend of yours surely?"</brown></B> - he says taking the phone from your hand, analyzing your girlfriend, licking his lips
-<b><pink> Thats uhm.. my girl..friend..</pink></B> - you say nervous
<b><center> He stops for a second and looks up at you in shock, he cannot believe you're dating such a hot girl when you're such a <pink>sissy bitch</pink></center></b>
-<b><brown> "You? And her? No wonder you became her cuck.. she's way too much for you whiteboi.. say what you did amazing, you got one of the three women.. Now you need to bring her to me in person so we can talk about her joining the BNWO.. and other stuff. In the meanwhile, come here <pink>slut.</pink>"</brown></b> - he says signaling you to come closer
<b><center> You do what he says and come closer to him.. when you do he grabs your neck and head from behind and starts kissing you.. you are a little shocked but you don't resist.. you start making out with him passionately..</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\bnwokissing1.webm" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><pink></pink></B> - you say out of breath smiling
-<b><brown> "You like that huh? C'mere.."</brown></b> - he says grabbing you back again
<b><center> You makeout with him a bit more.. sucking on his large tongue.. you start feeling really horny and you feel your clit leak..</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\bnwokissing2.webm" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><brown> "You got me all worked up.. kneel down slut.. I have a gift for you since you've been such a good submissive whiteboi for us.."</brown></b> - he says ordering you to kneel
<b><center> You obey him and kneel next to his crotch.. is he going to let you suck his cock? You really want it.. you can see the outline of it through his pants and it looks huge.. fuck.</center></b>
-<b><brown> "This is for you slut.. Imma slap the shit out of you!"</brown></B> - he says agressively grabbing your hair not letting go of you, slapping his hard cock all over your face
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\bnwocockslap.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><pink> Oh godddd..! It's so heavy..</pink></B> - you say as you feel his precum smear all over your face.
<b><center> He then stops.. your face is full of his precum and you smell like his cock.. he left his mark all over your face for the rest of the day.. even if you were to wash your face it probably would still smell like his cock.. not that you want to wash it anyways..</center></b>
-<b><brown> "If you want more you need to do your objective.. get two more women and I'll reward you accordingly.. Now leave whore.. you did well, I'm gonna fuck a white bitch somewhere."</brown></b> - he says ordering you out
<b><center> You proceed to leave obediently.. face smelling of cock.. maybe it's time you talk with your sister.. you think she'd probably get the QOS tattoo if you submit to her accordingly..</center></b>
<center>[[Leave to the school hallway|School Hallway]]</center><center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\schoolhallway.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>\
<center><img src="images\city\schoolhall.jpg" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>\
<span class='fadeIn'>\
<<set $schoolfemreaction1 to false>>\
<b><center> You are walking through the school hallway in your new <pink>slutty sissy schoolgirl outfit</pink> and you can feel the eyes burning your body.. everyone is staring at you.. the guys turn their head when you pass and whistle</center></B>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\catcallingschool.png"></span></center>
-<b><red> "C'mere hottie.. let's have some fun haha!"</red></B> - a random guy says laughing with his friends
<b><center> You just ignore him.. but you can't help but give a slight smile at the fact he finds you attractive.. you start bouncing your hips showing a bit of your ass as you walk..</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\schoolwalkshame.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><pink><i> I never got this type of attention as a man.. it feels kind of nice..</i></pink></B> - you think to yourself as you feel your arousal grow
<b><center> On the other side though.. the girls seem to hate you.. as per usual they hate sluts that steal all the attention.. they give you looks of despise..</center></B>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\girlsjudging.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><purple> "Fucking slut.. jesus.. weirdo."</purple></b> - a girl says as you pass
<b><center> You ignore her comment.. then you pass by a group of guys and one them says something to you..</center></b>
-<b><ltblue> "Hey <pink>cutie</pink>! Show us what you have underneath that skirt!"</ltblue></B> - he says screaming at you laughing
<b><center> You look at him and nervously you don't know what to do.. do you want to be the slut of the school.. or will you shy away?</center></b>
<div id="choice">
<<linkreplace "<pink><center> • Embrace your inner slut and lift your skirt</center></pink>">>\
<<replace "#choice">>\
<b><center> Fuck it.. who cares.. you are the sluttiest <pink>sissy</pink> in school and you're going to prove it! You turn to them and while maintaining eye contact with the guy.. you lift your skirt showing him your <pink>chastity caged clit</pink> and your plugged <pink>boipussy</pink> from behind</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\sissyflash.png"></span></center>
-<b><ltblue> "Yooo! Look at that shit.. what a kinky ass slut.. c'mere babe I got something for you haha!"</ltblue></b> - he says at you grabbing his bulge
-<b><classmate> "Leave her alone idiot. She's not for you."</classmate></b> - a familiar voice says, looking at you sending you a kiss
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\classmatekiss.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><center> If she saw you like this you already know you're probably going to be on your knees soon servicing her.. not that you mind, you ignore the rest of the comments and leave proudly, shaking your ass and your clit as you leave.. feeling extremely horny.. everyone knows you are the school slut know.. you may expect some man trying their shot at you.. not that you mind.</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\mcleavingfemschool.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<center>[[Leave the school hallway running|School]]</center>
<div id="choice">
<<linkreplace "<white><center> • Ignore them and leave</center></white>">>
<<replace "#choice">>
<b><center> You decide you don't want to show even more attention.. so you just ignore them and leave.. feeling kind of horny as your buttplug and chastity cage tingle as you walk through the school..</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\mcleavingfemschool.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<center>[[Leave|School Hallway]]</center>
<span class='fadeIn'>
<<set $dadeventdomfem1 to false>>\
<<set $timer to 0>>\
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\livingroom.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><img src="images\city\livingroom.jpg" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>
<b><center> You see your <dad>dad</dad> chilling in the living as per usual.. it's time to kick your plan to feminize him into action, you ordered the HRT pills now you just him to somehow take them.. perhaps you can give him a beer and drug him.. then you just need to change what's on the TV..</center></b>
-<b><you> Hey dad.. want a beer?</you></b> - you ask him out of the blue
-<b><dad> "Oh hey kid.. yeah sure I'll always say yes to a cold one."</dad></B> - he says focused on the TV
<b><center> You grab one pill from your pocket and gently slide it inside his beer.. you wait a few seconds for it to dissolve..</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\pinkpill.jpg"></span></center>
-<b><you> Here pops.</you></b> - you say giving it to him
-<b><dad> "Thanks kid.. you joining me?"</dad></b> - he asks you tapping the couch
-<b><you> Yeah sure.</you></b> - you say sitting down
<b><center> You watch him drink the beer like it's nothing.. you drink yours calmly and when he's finished you can see him blinking alot and looking kind of desoriantated.. his body is getting attacked by fermale hormones.. you can only imagine what it will do to him.. you can already imagine in a few months your dad looking like a girl.. you dominating him like your bitch.. either way it's time to continue the plan, you grab the remote while he's dazing off and get ready to really strike him.. you change the channel to some sissy hypno porn</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\Pantieshypno.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\Dresshypno.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\Shoescaption.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><dad> "Wh.. what are.. these.. why are they so.. intriguing.."</dad></b> - he says dazing off focusing on the hypnos in front of him
<b><center> He's completely focused on them.. this pill you got is amazing.. it makes your receptors to information much more open.. so any information that is fed to his mind right now will really corrupt and slide inside him.. making it his own thoughts so hypno will work really well.. soon all he will think about is dressing girly and cocks.. you leave the hypno playing for him and leave.. you don't know how long he'll be there.. but the more the better.</center></b>
-<b><dad> "P..panties.."</dad></b> - he says mumbling
<center>[[Leave upstairs|Room]]</center>
<span class='fadeIn'>
<<set $teacherdom4 to false>>\
<<set $timer to 0>>\
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\schoolhallway.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><img src="images\city\schoolhall.jpg" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>
<b><center> You managed to get a meeting with the school headmaster to talk about the situation with your <teacher>teacher</teacher>.. when you head inside of his office you are suprised by a tall good looking man talk with a student in his desk.. he seems to be showing her something.</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\headmasterfirstimpression.png"></span></center>
-<b><headmaster> "See sweetie? It was pretty simple wasn't it? Now you're back on track.."</headmaster></B> - he says looking straight into the eyes of the student
-<b><ltblue> "Y..yes Headmaster Jackman.. Thank you for your opportunity.. I really enjoyed it"</ltblue></B> - the girl says licking her lips and getting up.. walking towards you and outside
<b><center> You take a closer look at her as she passes by you and she stares at you and giggles.. when she comes closer you notice her face is full of cum and drool.. what the hell happened before you were here? Seems like the Headmaster is a man of culture.. you two will get along.</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\studentfacecum.png"></span></center>
-<b><headmaster> "Well well well.. If it isn't the man of the moment <you>$name</you>! I've been waiting for you to reach out to me for a while now.. I've seen the chaos you've been causing at my school.."</headmaster></b> - he says standing looking at you maintaining a cold stare that makes it impossible to read what he is thinking
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\headmasterstanding.png"></span></center>
-<b><you> Ah hello sir.. Eh sorry about that.. I wanted to talk with you about <teacher>Ms.$nameteacher</teacher>..</you></b> - you say getting straight to the point
-<b><headmaster> "Haha.. a man that goes straight to the point I see.. I am shocked by the fact you managed to corrupt and turn that prude into your woman.. I tried that for years and never suceeded! I must say I'm impressed, I saw the video of you two in the park and wow.. she truly is your bitch isn't she? Hahaha!"</headmaster></B> - he says laughing out loud
<b><center> You were not expecting him to be like this.. you thought he was going to be a serious strict man but it seems he may be worse than you.. you are already thinking of ideas to save <teacher>$nameteacher</teacher> job..</center></b>
-<b><you> Haha thanks sir.. It wasn't easy but yeah.. she's completely my bitch. I came here to ask though.. what will happen to her job? Is she getting fired?</you></B> - you ask trying to get information out of him
-<b><headmaster> "Well.. Even though I make the final decisions around here.. there's other staff that do want to see her gone.. a teacher in sexual relations with a student in public? Pretty bad image I must say.. but between me and you here.. I think you're doing a fantastic job.. I see you also got <classmate>Sasha</classmate> on her knees for you.. I say we can strike a deal that fits us both here.. what do you think?"</headmaster></B> - he says hinting at something with a grin
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\headmastergrin.jpg"></span></center>
-<b><you> I agree.. what were you thinking sir?</you></b> - you ask with respect
-<b><headmaster> "Oh please.. no need for the formalities, you can call me Hugo.. I think you and I are very similar.. Even though I'm in a position of power I am very restricted.. however if we were to work together.. we could do wonderful things together.. as for <teacher>Miss $nameteacher</teacher>.. If you can convince her to join me and you for a threesome.. I promise her job will be safe, what do you say?"</headmaster></b> - he says proposing you a deal and complimenting you at the same time
<b><center> Shit.. that will be hard to convince but it's the only way to save <teacher>$nameteacher</teacher> job and realistically.. she will do it if you ask her to do it since she's your bitch but she probably wont like the idea that much since she has been pushing him back for years apperantly.. but you and the Headmaster of the school fucking your teacher? Sounds like a banging idea.</center></b>
-<b><you> You can consider it done.. I'll talk with her and bring her here.. give me a few days.</you></B> - you say closing the deal
-<b><headmaster> "I like the way you think and talk.. don't disappoint me big boy.. let's see what you are made of. Get this done and we'll have alot of fun together <you>$name</you>."</headmaster></B> - he says smiling at you
<b><center> You smile back and get up, leaving his office imagining already you and him fucking the living shit out of your pet teacher..</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\teacherthreesomeimagine.jpg"></span></center>
-<b><you><i> That will be a real experience haha.. and a partnership with the Headmaster sounds like a great start to dominate this school..</i></you></B> - you think as you leave
<b><center> Time to talk with the teacher and get her to agree to it.. after that you'll have to deal with that husband of hers.. but for now focus on the task ahead..</center></b>
<center>[[Leave the headmaster office|School Hallway]]</center><span class='fadeIn'>
<<set $bfeventdom4 to false>>\
<<set $timer to 0>>\
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\outside.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<<if $time is 0>>\
<center><img src="images\city\house.jpg" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>
<<elseif $time is 1>>\
<center><img src="images\city\house.jpg" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>
<<elseif $time is 2>>\
<center><img src="images\city\housenight.jpg" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>\
<b><center> You decide it's time for you to settle things between you and <bf>$bfname</bf>.. you've thought about it and you've come to decision, you head to her house.</center></b>
<center>[[Head to her house|bfeventdom4pt2]]</center><span class='fadeIn'>
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\bfroom.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><img src="images\city\bfroom.png" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>
<b><center> You are inside her room and the mood between you two is kind of tense.. she let you inside her room but since last things they've been weird.. you two are gaming playing something together while you gather the courage to speak.</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\bfgaming.jpg"></span></center>
-<b><you> <bf>$bfname</bf>.. we have to talk.</you></B> - you tell her seriously as you put down your remote.
-<b><bf> "Yeah.. I know.."</bf></b> - she says sad looking down
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\sadbf.png"></span></center>
-<b><you> You know we can't keep things normal like they were in the past.. we've done certain things that is more than friendship.. I am attracted to you and I admit it but.. I can't be cheating on <gf>$gfname</gf> like this it really takes a toll to my mind..</you></b> - you say stopping for a bit saddened
-<b><bf> "I..I know but.. does she make you happy as I do? I think deep down you know you're more into me than her.."</bf></b> - she says trying to convince you
<b><center> You stop for a minute and look at her.. is she right? Are you more attracted to your bestfriend than your own girlfriend..? Who are you going to choose?</center></b>
<div id="choice">
<<linkreplace "<bf><center> • Choose your bestfriend</center></bf>">>\
<<replace "#choice">>\
-<b><you> You.. you are right. I'm done trying to deny these feelings.. I want to accept them. I want you <bf>$bfname</bf> even though this is wrong..</you></b> - you say admiting your interest for your best friend.
<b><center> You see her face burst into glee.. she clearly wanted this really bad. She is completely in love with you..</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\bfsmiling3.jpg"></span></center>
-<b><bf> "Oh my god.. I'm happy! I love you <you>$name</you>.. I have for all these years.."</bf></B> - she says declaring her love for you
-<b><you> Shh..</you></b> - you tell her to shut up as you approach her and start kissing her.. you two get hot and bothered quickly and start making out..
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\kissingbf.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><center> This feels so much different.. you've kissed her before but it never felt this special.. you can feel a connection between you two growing.. even though you're cucking <gf>$gfname</gf> right now you don't care.. your heart and mind is full of <bf>$bfname</bf> right now..</center></b>
-<b><bf> " Hmhmm.. I've waited so long for this.."</bf></b> - she says as she starts taking her clothes off.. showing her beautiful naked body
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\bfnaked.png"></span></center>
<b><center> Fuck.. you've never noticed how hot she is.. you don't care about the fact he has a tiny cock in between her legs.. she looks so good and quickly you grow hard.. you get undressed too and quickly she falls to her knees and throws you to her bed.. servicing you.</center></b>
-<b><bf> "Let me take care of this for you.."</bf></b> - she says as she takes your cock into your mouth greedily.. slurping it off like it was the best lolipop in the world for her
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\bffuck1.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><you> G..goddamn.. you're good at this.</you></b> - you say as you feel extreme arousal from her cocksucking skills
-<b><bf> "I practiced alot for you.. imagining it was you all the time.. I've waited for this for so long.. please take me.."</bf></B> - she says as she gets on all fours, showing her boipussy to you.
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\bfnakedboipussy.jpg"></span></center>
<b><center> You can't wait anymore.. you're going to do it.. You line up your hard cock with her boipussy and quickly stick it in.. feeling extreme pleasure from the tightness of her hole.. you've cheated on <gf>$gfname</gf> but you don't care.. all you can think about right now is to destroy your best friend hole completely!</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\bffuck2.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><bf> "Yes! God you're so fucking big.. I can feel you all the way down to my belly.. fuck me harder..!"</bf></b> - she says as she strokes her own little cock as you fuck her
-<b><you> Jesus you're so tight.. come here.. mount me.</you></b> - you say turning her around putting her on top, to which she wastes no time riding you.
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\bffuck3.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><bf> "HMMHMph.. GOD.. I FEEL SO GOOOD.. I am so connected to you right now.. I've dreamt of this.. masturbated to this.. and you're inside of MEEE! I love you so much.. fuck!"</bf></B> - she says as she gets closer to you and kisses you while you fuck her
-<b><you> You.. whore you've masturbated to this before? You deserve a punishment!</you></b> - you say as you pick her up and throw her to the bed and enter her in missionary but going super rough and hard.. fucking her as hard as you can.
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\bffuck4.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><bf> "OH GOD OHHHH.. MHMGMM.. FUCK MEE HARDER.. DO IT.. DON'T STOP <you>$name</you>!"</bf></b> - she says moaning as she cums all over her own sheets
-<b><you> I'm going to fucking cum.. you goddamn.. vixen</you></B> - you say plowing her growing close to cumming.
-<b><bf> "DO..IT! Cum inside me!"</bf></B> - she says giving you permission to cum inside her
<b><center> To which you do immediately.. filling her boipussy up full of your cum..</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\bfcuminside.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><bf> "Je..sus.. I feel.. so full of your cum.. this is a.. dream come true.. you've impregnated me.."</bf></B> - she says breathless pushing some cum out of her ass
<b><center> She then grins a bit and grabs a drop of cum from her own ass.. slurping it in front of you looking at you laughing afterwards</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\bffuck5.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><bf> "Hmmhmm.. you taste amazing."</bf></b> - she says laughing as you lay on her bed
<b><center> You've done it.. you've fucked your best friend but the real question is.. what are you going to do after this? The problems are settling after the fun..</center></b>
-<b><bf> "Look.. I know you are still dating that.. bitch. I'll be honest I never liked her.. she always thought she was better than me.. look at me now bitch.. If I were you. I'd teach her a lesson.."</bf></b> - your best friend says plotting something
<b><center> You have to talk with <gf>$gfname</gf> about this.. she probably isn't going to enjoy it..</center></b>
-<b><you> What do you mean?</you></B> - you ask curious
-<b><bf> "I won't say for now.. just invite me when you are going to talk with her and I'll show you.."</bf></B> - she says clearly with a plan in her head grinning
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\bfsmirk.jpg"></span></center>
<b><center> You don't know what she is implying but bringing her will probably help to explain things.. but for now you get up and clean, giving a last kiss to your best friend as you head home..</center></b>
<center>[[Head home|Home]]</center>
<div id="choice">
<<linkreplace "<gf><center> • Choose your girlfriend</center></gf>">>
<<replace "#choice">>
<<set $bfend to true>>\
<b><center> You decide it's the correct thing to do.. you cannot cheat on someone you love so much as your girlfriend.. you've to step away from your best friend.. atleast for a while.</center></b>
-<b><you> I.. I can't.. I love <gf>$gfname</gf>.. We'll have to stop seeing each other for a while.. atleast till we can be normal friends.. I'm sorry <bf>$bfname</bf>..</you></B> - you say honestly
<b><center> You see her eyes starting to get red as she gets ready to cry heartbroken.. but it had to be done..</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\bfcrying.png"></span></center>
-<b><bf> "I.. I understand.. can you please leave.. I need some alone time."</bf></b> - she says trying to hold her cry
<b><center> You just nod and get up.. as soon as you get out her room you can hear her burst into crying.. you get sad but you move on heading outside and going back to your home.</center></b>
<center>[[Head home|Home]]</center>
<red><center>**End of best friend content**</center></red>
</div><<set $worksubevent13 to false>>\
<span class='fadeIn'>\
<<set $worked to $worked+1>>\
<<set $time to $time+1>>\
<<if $time >= 3>>\
<<set $time to $time-1>>\
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\sexshop.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>\
<center><img src="images\city\sexshop.png" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>
<b><center> You enter the sex shop and head towards the locker room, ready to put on your uniform!</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\lockerjob.png"></span></center>
<b><center> You enter the shop and you see your manager <manager>$mname</manager> looking at you observing your every move.. if it was you first time working here you'd be suprised by you've gotten used to his weird looks by now..</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\managerstare.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><center> You give him a slight smile to say hello to him from far away and as you're about to go do your work you see him coming in your direction while drinking a coffee, you watch his hand and notice he has another one in his hand.</center></b>
-<b><manager> "Hey there <pink>$girlname</pink>! Here's a little gift for being such an hardworking employee.."</manager></B> - he says as he puts the coffee cup down on a table nearby
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\coffeemanager.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><pink> Oh thanks <manager>$mname</manager>! So kind of you.</pink></b> - you say taking the cup of coffee and drinking it, not thinking much of it
<b><center> The coffee has a weird aftertaste but to be honest you've never drank coffee from the vending machine before.. maybe it's normal and you're just not used to it.. You go back to work and start picking up clients.</center></b>
-<b><pink><i> Jesus I'm sweating so much.. and I feel a little horny..</i></pink></b> - you think to yourself as you are speaking with a client feeling your clit grow with horniness
-<b><ltblue> "Are you.. okay ma'am?"</ltblue></B> - the client asks you noticing you're out of breath and hot
-<b><pink> I'm fine thank you.. ehm..</pink></B> - you say as you grow hornier and hornier
<b><center> What is wrong with me..? Why am I so horny..? Sure I haven't masturbated in a long time but.. this isn't normal.. my body is so hot and all I can think of is <pink>cock</pink>.. Jesus it would be so nice to get fucked right now.. After getting pegged by <sister>$sistername</sister> you've wondered how it would feel like.. either way you need to get one off immediately.. you head to the warehouse so no one catches you mid act and sit on a couch.. you take off your panties and start masturbating.</center></b>
-<b><pink><i> God I needed this.. let me just play a bit with my asspussy too..</i></pink></B> - you say as you finger yourself while masturbating
<b><center> However soon after you start.. you notice someone enter the warehouse.. the only person who has access to it is <manager>$mname</manager>.. you see him arriving at you and your mind is completely lost right now.. all you can think of is cock..</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\managerfuck1.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><manager> "Need some help with that <pink>$girlname</pink>? You looked really flustered back there.."</manager></B> - he says with his usual creepy smile
<b><center> You find your manager kinda of gross.. but you know he has a really big cock.. fuck.. you can't hold it, you just need to suck and fuck some cock right now.. even though it's his..</center></B>
-<b><pink> Come here..</pink></B> - you say as you grab his shirt and pull him in for a kiss.. you two start making out passionately
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\managerfuck2.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<B><manager> "Wow.. I didn't know you could be so feisty.."</manager></b> - he says mocking you
-<b><pink> Shut.. up..</pink></B> - you say mid breaths extremely horny as you kneel in front of him, taking his cock out and taking it immediately into your horny greedy mouth.
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\managerfuck3.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><center> Usually you'd feel completely disgusted by him.. but right now he seems like the best man in the world.. his huge tasty cock in your mouth.. you savour every inch and corner of it.. and you love it.</center></B>
-<b><manager> "J..esus! you're gonna suck me dry..!"</manager></B> - he says with his legs trembling
<b><center> You can't take it anymore.. your body is completely burning inside.. you've withstand long enough without getting fucked by a real cock.. but do you want your first cock to be his disgusting big cock.. or do you want to resist and wait for someone else..?</center></B>
<div id="choice">
<<linkreplace "<pink><center> • Give in and get fucked like a slut</center></pink>">>\
<<replace "#choice">>\
<<set $firstcock to true>>\
<b><center> You can't hold it anymore.. you don't care it his disgusting cock.. it could be an homeless man you'd still fuck him right now.. you just need to get your asspussy completely fucked by someone right now.. you desire it more than anything else in this world.. your body is burning! You lay down on the couch with your legs spread open and while looking into his eyes you say</center></b>
-<b><pink> Fucking destroy my boipussy <manager>$mname</manager>.. quick..</pink></B> - you tell him super horny
<b><center> It seems it works perfectly as he jumps immediately on top of you like an hungry beast and lines up his big fat cock with your asspussy.. you're going to get fucked by a real cock.. he sticks it in and it feels so.. so much better than a plastic cock.. you can feel the warmth.. the heat emanating from his cock.. it's so good..</center></B>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\managerfuck4.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><manager> "God I waited so long for this.. can't believe I had to drug you to do so.. you slut."</manager></B> - he says admitting to spiking in your coffee
<b><center> You hear him talk about something but you can't focus on what it is.. you're just completely lost in an ocean of pleasure and horniness.. you just want him to fuck you harder and harder..</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\managerfuck5.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><pink> YEEEEEES.. fuck me harder! DEEPER..!</pink></B> - you scream letting your inner whore out
-<b><manager> "Fuck.. I can't lose the chance to give you backshots.."</manager></B> - he says as he grabs you and puts you on all fours.. you let him do whatever he wants, he sticks it back deep into you and starts destroying your asspussy violently
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\managerfuck6.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><pink> OH.. MY..GOD! I-..I'M CUMMING!!!</pink></B> - you scream as you explode as he fucks you
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\sissycumming2.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><center> Your body goes limp from the explosal of arousal but he doesn't stop fucking you like a toy.. he grabs you and puts you on top of him.. making you jump up and down abusing your prostate and boipussy..</center></B>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\managerfuck7.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><manager> "God.. this was so much better.. than I expected.. I'm gonna cum all over your pretty face!"</manager></B> - he says as he forces you on your knees and cums all over your face and mouth
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\managerfuck8.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><pink> hmmhmm..</pink></B> - you moan as you swallow some of his cum
-<b><manager> "God.. I hope you enjoyed this as much as me.. however we have a sex shop to run slut.. get up and go to work.."</manager></B> - he says slapping your abused ass
<b><center> You ass hurts so much.. you've got completely fucked by his large cock.. you can feel air flowing inside it.. you definitely have a gape..</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\analgape.png"></span></center>
<b><center> Well.. time to go back to work slut.. you just got fucked by the first cock of many..</center></b>
<<set $money to $money+15>>\
<green><b><center><i> You received 15€ for your work!</i></center></b></green>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\moneyinhand.png"></span></center>
<center>[[Undress and go outside|RedlightDistrict]]</center>
<center>[[Undress and go straight home|Room]]</center>
<div id="choice">
<<linkreplace "<center><white> • Resist and leave</white></center>">>
<<replace "#choice">>
<<set $firstcock to false>>\
<b><center> You decide you dont want the first you get fucked by a real cock to be by <manager>$mname</manager> you still have some dignity inside your slutty body..</center></b>
-<b><pink> this can't happen sorry..</pink></B> - you say as you push him away
-<b><manager><i> "Goddamn it.. even with an aphrodisiac it didn't work out.."</i></manager></b> - he says something under his breath as he leaves
<b><center> You adjust yourself.. put your panties back on and go back to work extremely horny.</center></b>
<<set $money to $money+15>>\
<green><b><center><i> You received 15€ for your work!</i></center></b></green>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\moneyinhand.png"></span></center>
<center>[[Undress and go outside|RedlightDistrict]]</center>
<center>[[Undress and go straight home|Room]]</center>
</div><span class='fadeIn'>\
<<set $timer to 0>>\
<<set $siswsud2 to false>>\
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\bathroom.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><img src="images\city\bathroom.jpg" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>
<b><center> You enter the bathroom after <sister>$sistername</sister> called you and you are greeted upon an amazing sight.. she is with her legs wide open naked smiling at the door.. what could she want?</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\sistertoilet1.jpg"></span></center>
-<b><sister> "Took you long enough sissy.. We're out of toilet paper so I figured I needed the next best option to clean my pussy after pissing.. your whore mouth. Come on, kneel and lick my salty pussy."</sister></B> - she says pointing at the ground beneath her.
<b><center> You take a look at her and at the floor and your hands start to sweat nervously not knowing what to do.. do you want to submit once again to your sister or resist and leave?</center></b>
<div id="choice">
<<linkreplace "<yellow><center> • Submit and do what she ordered(WATERSPORTS CONTENT)</center></yellow>">>\
<<replace "#choice">>\
-<b><pink> Okay..</pink></b> - you say submissively as you get on your knees and crawl to her, you look up and she's happy for your subservience.
-<b><sister> "Good slut.. You will do anything I tell you to won't you? Come on start.. lick every corner of my piss covered pussy whore."</sister></b> - she says grabbing your hair forcing you to lick her.
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\toiletlicking.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><sister> "Oh god.. oh shit.. I think.. there's some left!"</sister></b> - she says without warning you as she starts pissing all over your face
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\pisspov.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><center> You try to move out of the way but she has your head and hair in a firm grip.. she maniacally laughs as she pisses all over your face, making your eyes burn and alot of it getting into your nostrils and mouth.. you'll be tasting and smelling your sisters piss for a good while today..</center></b>
-<b><sister> "Jesus that felt amazing! Thank you, you whore! I swear there are prostitutes in the streets with more respect than you.. you know what? Lick the fucking toilet, now!"</sister></B> - she says forcing you to lick the rim of the toilet
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\lickingtoilet.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><sister> "Jesus christ.. you're so fucking disgusting.."</sister></B> - she says as she lets go of you and leaves the bathroom without saying anything else
<b><center> This was so degrading and she is right.. why did you just comply easily to do what she wanted? You really have no respect for yourself.. the scary part is you feel aroused by all of this.. time to leave anyways..</center></b>
<b><center><yellow><i> (SCENE REQUESTED BY A SPONSOR MEMBER - LUCYSHAW -)</i></yellow></center></b>
<center>[[Go back to your daily life|Bathroom]]</center>\
<div id="choice">
<<linkreplace "<white><center> Refuse and leave</center></white>">>
<<replace "#choice">>
<b><center> There's no way she can force you to this, this is inhumane.. you will have to resist this and leave.</center></b>
-<b><you>, this is too much <sister>$sistername</sister>.. please..</you></B> - you plead.
<b><center> She looks at you angrily and sighs</center></B>
-<b><sister> "Leave.. I'm disappointed.. I will punish you later with something else."</sister></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\sisterdispleased.jpg"></span></center>
<center>[[Go to your room|Room]]</center>\
<span class='fadeIn'>\
<<set $giveanallubetask to false>>\
<<set $time to $time+1>>\
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\detention.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><img src="images\city\detention.jpg" width = "550px"></center>
<b><center> You enter the detention room as per usual and to your suprise <teacher>$nameteacher</teacher> is actually dressing pretty normal for the instance.. which nowadays is something not normal, what could have happened?</center></B>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\teachernormal.png"></span></center>
-<b><teacher> "Hello <pink>sissy</pink>.. So I was informed that you've finally lost your ass virginity.. I wanted to be the first but looks like your sister is one greedy slut.. anyways I have a new task for you."</teacher></b> - she says smiling at you
-<b><pink> Okay.. What do I need to do?</pink></B> - you ask curious
-<b><teacher> "Well.. as cruel as I might be. I dont want you to hurt yourself.. so I want you to head downtown to the Sex Shop and buy a ballgag.. I'm about to make you scream for your life.."</teacher></b> - she says as she grabs something from under her desk and places it on top of it
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\teacherstrapontable.png"></span></center>
<b><center> Jesus christ.. she plans on fucking you with that? That thing is huge.. much bigger than what <sister>$sistername</sister> used on you.. no wonder she wants you to buy a ballgag..</center></b>
-<b><teacher> "What are you waiting for you fucking slut? Move! If you come back here without it I'll make you feel great pain in those sissy pearls... so now leave!"</teacher></b> - she says pushing you away from the detention room
<b><center> Well time to go buy the ballgag.. hopefully you aren't greeted upon anyone you know there..</center></b>
<center>[[Leave the detention room|School Hallway]]</center><span class='fadeIn'>\
<<set $timer to 0>>\
<<set $time to $time+1>>\
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\detention.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><img src="images\city\detention.jpg" width = "550px"></center>
<b><center> You enter the detention room fully knowing you haven't bought what <teacher>$nameteacher</teacher> told you to buy.. why did you take more than a day fully knowing she would punish you? Perhaps you wanted to be punished..? She is ready and waiting wearing the strap-on already.. she will be extremely mad and disappointed.</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\teacherfit1.jpg"></span></center>
-<b><teacher> "If you are empty handed that means you haven't fucking bought what I told you have you, you useless fucking dog? Come here! On all fours slave!"</teacher></b> - she orders you pointing at the ground beneath her
<b><center> You do what she told you and once you arrive there.. she kicks you on the face throwing you to the ground</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\teacherkickface.jpg"></span></center>
-<b><teacher> "This is what happens when you disobey me!"</teacher></b> - she says as she grabs your sissy balls before you can react, squeezing and slapping them like they were two stressballs, making you feel great pain.
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\teacherslappingballs.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><pink> AHHH OUCH.. STOP IM SORRY.. PLEASE..!</pink></b> - you scream as you get slapped, your balls turning red
-<b><teacher> "I'm not stopping, you need to learn your place.. start counting! These two things are useless anyways.. you don't need them, one day I swear on my life I'll have them removed..!"</teacher></b> - she says teasing you at you having your balls removed, not being able to reproduce.
-<b><pink> "IHHH.. IM .. SORRY.. ONE! TWO! THREE! FOUR! FIVE! S..SIX!"</pink></b> - you keep counting untill she stops at twenty.
<b><center> Your balls are in great pain as she lets hold of them.. you cry a little bit from the pain and grab them.. they are numb..</center></b>
-<b><teacher> "Hope you learnt your lesson, now leave! I don't care that you are in pain!"</teacher></B> - she says kicking you multiple times in your face
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\teacherfacekicking.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><center> You get up crying and leave.. you should seriously buy the ballgag.. unless you want this to happen again.</center></b>
<center>[[Leave in pain|School Hallway]]</center><<set $ballgagbought to true>>\
<<set $buyanallube to false>>\
<<set $money to $money-20>>\
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\sexshop.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>\
<center><img src="images\city\sexshop.png" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>\
<b><center> You enter the sex shop which you know very well since you work here and head towards the ballgag quickly.. you want to get this over and done with so no one recognizes you.. however that seems like it's not going to happen since as soon as you head to the cashier.. you are greeted upon someone you know.. it's the trans girl that you sold the dildo to.. she was so domineering..</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\daisyshop.png"></span></center>
-<b><purple> "Oh look who it is.. the little slut.. I've been coming here and I never see you and as soon as I do you're buying a toy.. I assume that is going to be used on you right?"</purple></b> - she asks coming closer to you
-<b><pink> "Y..yeah it is.."</pink></b> - you admit feeling her domineering aura power over you
-<b><purple> "You've gotten prettier <pink>sissy</pink>.. hmmhm.."</purple></B> - she moans as she rubs her dress, you look down and notice she has a huge boner again
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\shemalebulge.jpg"></span></center>
-<b><pink> "T..thank you..?"</pink></B> - you thank her scared
<b><center> Suddenly she grabs your neck and comes closer to your ear and whispers.</center></b>
-<b><purple> "Why don't you take me to the backrooms and I'll show you a pleasure you've never felt? I'll fuck that sissy ass so good you'll be begging for more.."</purple></B> - she says in a sultry voice
<b><center> The way she says it makes your clitty jump immediately.. a trans woman fucking you? You decide that you want to..</center></B>
<div id="choice">
<<linkreplace "<pink> • Go with her and get fucked.</pink>">>
<<replace "#choice">>
<b><center> You look at her and submissively nod, giving her the approval she needed in order to completely fuck you.. she gives you a sultry smile and grabs your hand, taking you to the backrooms..</center></b>
-<b><purple> "Cmere.."</purple></B> - she says as she plants a kiss immediately on you and grabs your hand, making you rub her cock.
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\transkiss.png"></span></center>
-<b><purple> "Suck me off sissy.. I can't wait to taste that mouth.."</purple></B> - she says forcing on your knees
-<b><pink> Okay..</pink></B> - you submissively say as you get on your knees and start sucking her trans cock off..
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\daisysuckshop1.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><center> It's not as thick and as big as you're used to seeing.. you can tell it belongs to a woman even the aroma is different.. it's more <pink>feminine</pink>.. but you enjoy it..</center></b>
-<b><purple> "My name is Daisy by the way.. weird time for formalities but what's yours sissy?"</purple></B> - she says as she holds your hair for you as you suck
-<b><pink> Ehm it's <pink>$girlname</pink>.. *shlurp*</pink></B> - you say as you keep sucking her off
-<b><purple> "Pretty name.. well <pink>$girlname</pink>. Let me suck you off too."</purple></B> - she says pulling your skirt down.. just to show your chastity caged clit.
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\cagedmc.jpg"></span></center>
-<b><pink> "Ehm.. yeah.."</pink></B> - you say embarassed
-<b><purple> "Aw so cute! You're all locked up.. guess we know who's the dominant one here.. It's fine... on your fours.. I want to fuck that pretty sissy ass."</purple></B> - she orders you
<b><center> You obey.. she doesn't count as a man fucking you so it's fine right? It's not gay at all.. it's just a woman with an appendix.. same as a strap-on.. while you're lost in thoughts you can feel the head of her cock enter your asspussy.. she sticks in slowly making sure you feel good.. she's actually way gentler then you thought she was going to be..</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\daisysuckshop2.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><pink> "Mhmhmm.."</pink></b> - you moan as you feel your boipussy expand.
-<b><purple> "Jesus you're tight.. let's change positions.. I can barely fit inside like this.. I want to go town on your boipussy."</purple></B> - she says as she makes you lay on your back with your legs wide open, she quickly sticks back in but now she isn't gentle at all.. she fucks you roughly and vigorously!
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\daisysuckshop3.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><pink> "HMHMM god.. you feel nice.."</pink></b> - you say moaning.
<b><center> She is way smaller and less thicker than you're what you're used to train so it doesnt feel as fulfilling.. but it feels really nice..</center></b>
-<b><purple> "Ride me slut.. come on"</purple></B> - she orders you sitting down
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\daisysuckshop4.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><purple> "Fuck you're so tight.. I'm cumming!"</purple></b> - she screams as she busts a load all over your asspussy..
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\cumasstrans.webm" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><center> Wow it's so hot.. you can feel the head coming from your asspussy.. some of it even enters inside.. if you were a woman you could get pregnant from this.. even though she is a trans woman..</center></b>
-<b><purple> "Fuck that was fun.. thank you <pink>$girlname</pink>.. I hope to see you around.."</purple></B> - she says smiling and leaving
<b><center> You go about your life too.. grabbing the ballgag and paying it, ready to have some fun with your teacher too.. you're truly turning into a butt whore..</center></b>
<center>[[Leave the backrooms to the Sex Shop|SexShop]]</center>
<div id="choice">\
<<linkreplace "<white> • Stick to what you were doing, buy the ballgag and leave.</white>">>
<<replace "#choice">>
<b><center> You take her hand off your neck and push her away, resisting her advances.. you've a quest to fulfill and you're not that much of a whore.. right?</center></B>
-<b><pink> Im.. good thank you.</pink></B> - you say as you leave her behind, buy the ballgag and head home
-<b><purple> "Your loss.."</purple></B> - she says as you leave
<center><yellow>Ballgag bought! You'll have a fun time in the next detention..</yellow></center>
<center>[[Head home|Home]]</center>
</div><span class='fadeIn'>\
<<set $timer to 0>>\
<<set $time to $time+1>>\
<<set $peggedteacher to false>>\
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\detention.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><img src="images\city\detention.jpg" width = "550px"></center>
<b><center> You enter the detention room and you've bought the ballgag.. which means you know what is waiting for you today.. you have a mix of arousal and terror.. you know <teacher>$nameteacher</teacher> can be quite cruel.. hopefully she doesn't just completely fucking gape your <pink>boipussy</pink>.. You look at her and she is in her leather outfit with the strap-on already, rubbing lube on it looking at you</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\teacherfit1pt.jpg"></span></center>
-<b><teacher> "Hello my <pink>sissy bitch</pink>.. I see you bought what I asked you to buy.. actually we don't need it for anything, I just wanted to see if you would do what I told you so you can get fucked.. good girl. Come here, lube it up a bit more with that whore mouth."</teacher></b> - she says ordering you immediately, not wasting any time, she puts the ballgag around your neck as an adornment as starts roughly fucking your throat
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\suckingstraponteacher.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><teacher> "By the way slut since this is the first of many times I'm fucking that ass.. I'm gonna record everything. I don't care if you want or not, just giving you a heads up."</teacher></b> - she says as she grabs her phone and turns on the record button
<b><center> This is the last chance to step away.. will you try to resist and leave.. or get fucked on tape by your <teacher> Mistress $nameteacher</teacher>?</center></b>
<div id="choice">
<<linkreplace "<pink> • Accept your destiny and get pegged like a good sissy girl</pink>">>
<<replace "#choice">>
<b><center> You decide it's not worth the trouble.. who cares she can completely control your life with such a video? You love for <teacher>Mistress $nameteacher</teacher> to be in control of you.. she has done so many good decisions for you.. you just get on all fours showing your <pink>slutty gaped ass</pink> to your <teacher>Mistress</teacher> ready to get plowed like a cheap prostitute.</center></b>
-<b><teacher> "Haha I see.. You don't care do you? As you should pet.. you're mine and I'll do whatever I want with you.. and good submissive pets get rewarded with big.. fat.. cock!"</teacher></B> - she says as she inserts her huge plastic cock inside your <pink>boipussy</pink> forcefully.
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\peggedteacher1.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><pink> FF..fffuck! It's so fucking big.. I feel it in my stomach..</pink></B> - you say out of breath as you feel your insides expand to make space for your <teacher>Mistresses cock</teacher>
-<b><teacher> "Yeah.. I picked the biggest just for you my slut.. I know you can take it, be a good whore for Mistress come on."</teacher></B> - she says grabbing your hair and fucking you harder, your chastity caged clit dangling around agressively as you get fucked, her recording everything from above as you get fucked
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\peggedteacher2.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><teacher> "This is going to be such a great video to add to my addition.. this is my <pink>sissy bitch $name</pink>.. she goes by <pink>$girlname</pink> now though.. if any of you see this video, look what I've transformed him into, my sissy pet! Isn't that right <pink>$girlname</pink>?"</teacher></B> - she asks you, wanting your confirmation for the video
<b><center> You know if you confirm this information there will be no going back.. you'll completely be at the mercy of your teacher.. but at this moment you don't care.. you just want to <pink>submit and obey</pink> to her!</center></B>
-<b><pink> Yes <teacher>Mistress $nameteacher</teacher> I love being your.. uff.. pet! Fuck me harder please!</pink></B> - you say asking her to fuck you even harder
-<b><teacher> "Hahaha you greedy fucking slut.. you were such a prude man before but now you're the biggest slut of the school.. I'll make sure to whore you out to every man in this city.. you'll make great money for me.. here's your reward for being a good girl!"</teacher></B> - she says as she starts ramming as fast as she can inside you.
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\peggedteacher3.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><center> It's so deep inside of you.. you wouldn't be suprised if it came out of your mouth right now.. you feel something grow inside of you.. it's similiar to what you used to feel when you were about to cum while masturbating or sex but this is different.. it's so intense..</center></b>
-<b><pink> Oh god.. oh god OH GOD.. IM.. IM CUMMING!</pink></B> - you scream as you cum everywhere through your chastity caged clit while getting pegged, having a true <pink>sissygasm</pink>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\chastitycummingpegged.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><teacher> "HAHAHAH what a fucking sissy! You can even sissygasm.. that's how you know there's no going back my slave.. your body has fully turned into one of a girl.. the only way you'll cum from now on is from that <pink>sissy pussy</pink>.. let me show the aftermath to my future viewers"</teacher></B> - she says removing her huge strap-on from your asspussy and recording it to everyone
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\peggedteacher4.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><teacher> "Oof.. I did a great job destroying that.. that is one hell of a gape.. you'll be feeling it for days or weeks even.. but I wont let it close don't worry <pink>sissy</pink>. That's enough for now. I need my cigarette you can see yourself out.. I'll have a quest for you in the future.. time for you to make some money for me."</teacher></b> - she says teasing at the future, telling you to leave
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\sissygape.jpg"></span></center>
<b><center> You're curious about what she means for the future.. but right now you just want to go chill and relax.. your ass feels so wide open.. but you feel amazing from that orgasm.. maybe you truly are a <pink>sissy bitch..</pink>. Not like you can disobey <teacher>Mistress $nameteacher</teacher> anymore.. that video completely exposes you in every way.</center></b>
<center>[[Head outside happy|School Hallway]]</center>
<div id="choice">\
<<linkreplace "<red> • Resist and face your punishment (CBT)</red>">>
<<replace "#choice">>
<b><center> No.. you don't accept being recorded without your permission.. god knows what she could do with such a video! Your life can be completely over.. she could make you be a whore on the streets.. it's too much for you.</center></b>
-<b><pink> A..actually.. I.. I have changed my mind.. I'm not re..-</pink></B> - you dont even get a chance to finish when you feel a huge slap strike across your face, making you fall to the ground
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\slaptherapist.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><teacher> "You stupid fucking whore.. why.. just WHY are you resisting the inevitable? Just when I think you understand your place in the world you go and disappoint me.. AGAIN! On all fours come here you stupid bitch."</teacher></b> - she says manhandling you, grabbing you and forcing you on all fours
<b><center> You are still a little disorientated by what's going on.. you knew you shouldn't have resisted.. you are still lost in thoughts when you feel an extremely intense and strong kick directly into your <pink>sissy balls</pink></center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\ballbustingteacher1.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><pink> "AAAAAAAAAAH...!"</pink></B> - you scream in pain as you fall to the ground in tears grabbing your balls.. you are out of breath from the shock, the pain is so intense you don't even feel your balls..
-<b><teacher> "It hurts doesn't it you fucking retard? Well my feelings are hurt too! This isn't over.. you need to learn your fucking place and never defy me again!"</teacher></B> - she says as she takes your hands off your balls and grabs them, slapping them hard while they are still in pain from before
-<b><pink> "sSSTT..OPP! PLEAAASE AAAAAH!"</pink></B> - you scream in extreme pain
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\ballbustingteacher2.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><teacher> "Fucking hell I'm tired of listening to you scream.. let me shut you up."</teacher></B> - she says taking off her strap on and putting the belt around your face.
<b><center> She then proceeds to sit down on your face mounting the dildo, fucking herself.. at the same time, she has some weird device on her hands, she attaches it around your hurting balls.. you are crying when suddenly you feel a big zap come across your balls shocking you..</center></B>
-<b><pink> "MHPPPPMMPPHMM!"</pink></B> - you scream muffled in your teachers asscheeks
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\ballbustingteacher3.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><teacher> "Scream all you want bitch.. you're not going anywhere.. you'll learn your place the hard way if you can't learn the easy way.. next time you better fucking submit or I swear I'll do worse.. I can fucking cut them off!"</teacher></B> - she says getting up
<b><center> You just lay on the ground without any shred of strength.. you are completely destroyed.. you definitely should've obeyed.. it was much better for her to have your video than this.. you don't know if you'll be able to have kids after this..</center></B>
-<b><teacher> "Fucking leave, I dont want to see your face."</teacher></B> - she says sitting down on her chair and lighting up a cigarette after just torturing you
<center>[[Head outside in great pain|School Hallway]]</center>
</div><span class='fadeIn'>
<<set $dadeventdomfem2 to false>>\
<<set $timer to 0>>\
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\parentsroom.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><img src="images\city\parentsbedroom.jpg" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>
<b><center> You've been feeding your <dad>dad</dad> the <pink>sissy</pink> pills daily making him more and more susceptible to <pink>feminine girly</pink> stuff.. he doesn't even realize it probably but his brain is slowly being wired to be drawn to things like <pink>panties.. masculine men.. makeup</pink> and all sorts of women stuff.. so you will act on that and plant a little trick on your parents bedroom.. you're going to leave a pair of sexy panties from your <sister>slutty sister</sister> to see if wants to wear them.. You quickly head into their room and leave it there in the bed.</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\sistersexypanties.png"></span></center>
-<b><you><i> All set.. now we just wait for him to come to his bedroom</i></you></B> - you think to yourself
<b><center> Fortunately it doesn't take long.. you hear footsteps coming from downstairs and sounding how heavy they are.. it's definitely from your <dad>dad</dad>.. he goes into his bedroom and you leave a little of the door open as you look inside.</center></b>
-<b><dad> What the.. what are these doing here?</dad></b> - he says grabbing them and staring at them for a few seconds.. as of pondering something
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\dadholdingpantieshand.png"></span></center>
<b><center> He turns around quickly checking his surroundings, fortunately you hide in time and he doesnt notice you.. when you look back you are happy by what you see.. he's undressing his pants and his boxers.. what happens next is expected.. he puts them on snuggly against his nicely sized cock.. obviously it doesnt even fit him, the pills will slowly shrink his penis and make him more feminine but for now he's still a masculine dude.. the panties look completely out of place in his body.. but that won't be for long.</center></B>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\dadwearingpanties.png"></span></center>
-<b><dad> "What am I doing wearing my daughters panties.. but why does it feel so.. <pink>nice..</pink>.."</dad></B> - he says rubbing his cock through the panties, clearly growing a hard-on, his cock spurting out of the panties
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\dadcockoutpanties.jpg"></span></center>
<b><center> What comes next suprises you though.. you weren't expecting him to be that bold but looks like your <pink>sissy</pink><dad>dad</dad> is more prone to feminine things than you thought he was.. he starts furiously stroking his cock through the panties.. feeling the fabric and moaning..</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\dadmasturbatingpanties.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><dad> "God the fabric feels so nice.. why does a pair of panties make me so horny..? It's because they were worn by a woman of course..!"</dad></B> - he blurts some weird excuse out.
<b><center> You can't lose this chance to get some dirt on your father for the future.. it will definitely come handy to record these to blackmail him if needed.. you grab your phone and record a video of your <dad>dad</dad> being a sissy wearing panties and masturbating with them.</center></b>
-<b><you><i> Got you on the palm of my hands haha..</i></you></B> - you think to yourself as you record him
<b><center> It doesn't take long before he starts cumming.. unfortunately for him though he cums all over the pair of panties.. it's going to be hard to hide those panties back now.. hopefully <sister>$sistername</sister> doesn't notice them missing..</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\dadcummingpanties.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><dad> "Shit.. I gotta hide these.. hopefully she won't miss them.."</dad></B> - he says to himself storing the panties somewhere in the wardrobe hidden.
<b><center> You can already imagine your <pink>sissy</pink> dad being your slave.. all feminine in skimpy clothing and slutty underwear.. you just gotta take it slow and keep feminizing him and aiding him in his journey.. he's clearly more prone to it than you thought..</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\futuredad.png"></span></center>
<b><center>[[Go back to your daily life|Upstairs Hall]]</center></b><span class='fadeIn'>
<<set $dadeventdomdom1 to false>>\
<<set $timer to 0>>\
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\bedroom.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<<if $time == 1>>\
<center><img src="images\city\bedroom.jpg" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>\
<<elseif $time is 0>>\
<center><img src="images\city\bedroom.jpg" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>\
<<elseif $time is 2>>\
<center><img src="images\city\bedroomnight.jpg" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>\
<b><center> You are chilling in your bedroom when you hear thundering footsteps coming towards your bedroom.. suddenly your <dad>dad</dad> enters your bedroom in his boxers only, looking somewhat enfuriated with something</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\dadhardonbedroom.png"></span></center>
-<b><you> Ehm what's up <dad>dad</dad>?</you></b> - you ask curious
-<b><dad> "I've had enough.. lately you've been.. out of order, for some reason you've been trying to I dont know.. subdue me.. It's time I show you who's the real boss here!"</dad></B> - he says coming closer to you mad
<b><center> Even though you've been making him your bitch looks like he's still resisting.. he is a huge dude so you can't lie that he makes you a little scared of his strength however.. you know this is all a facade.. deep down he already wants to submit to you, you just need to push him further however.. you'll play along for now.</center></b>
-<b><dad> "Wh..what are you waiting for you.. slut?! Kneel in front of me!"</dad></B> - he says sitting down on your couch rubbing his cock through his pants trying to make it hard
<b><center> You grin and obey for now, kneeling in front of him smiling at him deviously.</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\kneelingdadrubbing.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><dad> "You're smiling huh?! You think this is funny? Let's see if you'll be smiling with my cock down your throat!"</dad></b> - he says as he gets up and waves his big cock on your face, a huge drop of precum drops from it.
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\dadcockwaving.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><center> Alright you've played enough for now.. let's teach him a lesson now so he sees who's actual the real boss here..</center></b>
-<b><you> How cute.. this is so futile dad.. if you really wanted to dominate me.. this is how you would do it.</you></b> - you say grabbing his balls and puching him repeatedly making him fall to the ground
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\punchindadballs.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><dad> "AAAAAHHH WHAT.. ARE YOU D..DOING!! STOP!"</dad></b> - he screams and rumbles on the ground as you punch him in pain
<b><center> You immediately take the chance since he's on the ground with his mouth wide open and in great pain, not being able to resist, to get on top of him and stick your hard cock down his throat, slamming your cock so hard down his throat that it makes him slam his head on the ground.</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\throatfuckingdad1.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><you> This is how you dominate someone you bitch! Don't you ever try to resist me again.. you're my bitch from now on and I'll take over this household.. matter of fact I've been making <mom>$momname</mom> my bitch for a while now and <sister>$sistername</sister> is my whore! And so will you!</you></B> - you say admitting to everything you've done in the past
<b><center> He tries to get up and resist to what you're saying but you grab his neck and keep sticking it deep into his throat.. all you can hear is his choking noises and drool fall from his mouth.</center></B>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\throatfuckingdad2.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><dad> GGUHAGWK.. GWAGHHK..</dad></B> - he tries to say something with your cock down his troat
-<b><you> Shhh.. be a good little boy and service me properly now come on..</you></B> - you say laying down leaving your cock for him to service
<b><center> He looks at you out of breath and almost in a daze state.. he looks back at your cock and back at you and you can see the moment your <dad>own dad</dad> submits to you completely, every shred of resistance going away.. he takes your cock and starts sucking it greedily like he needed it to live.</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\throatfuckingdad3.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><you> That's it.. glad you realized your place in this household you little slut.. and next time I'll be having that sweet ass so get to training whore.</you></B> - you say as you start cumming all over his beard, marking your territory on his face
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\throatfuckingdad4.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><you> You understand your place slut? Confirm it for me and apologize for your sorry attempt at resisting me and call me daddy.</you></b> - you say wanting him to say it
-<b><dad> "I.. I understand.. I'm sorry daddy.."</dad></b> - he says submissively
<b><center> You got your own dad so submisse to you that he even called you daddy.. how life has turned around.. you go on about your life as you ignore him, he eventually leaves.</center></B>
<b><center><yellow><i> (SCENE REQUESTED BY A SPONSOR!) </i></yellow></center></b>
<center>[[Go back to your daily life|Room]]</center><span class='fadeIn'>
<<set $siseventdom3 to false>>
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\livingroom.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><img src="images\city\livingroom.jpg" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>
<b><center> You enter the living room and your <sister>sister</sister> is chilling on the couch looking absolutely normal and calm.. however its that exact calm that somehow pisses you off.. she is your slut but you've never actually tested how hard you can go on her.. you've got a feeling she is a really submissive kinky slut..</center></B>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\sisterchillingcouch.jpg"></span></center>
-<b><sister> "Oh hey bro what's up?"</sister></b> - she asks innocently smiling at you
<b><center> You don't say a single word, you slowly approach her with a serious face</center></b>
-<b><sister> "Wh..what did I do?"</sister></b> - she says unaware
<b><center> You just grab her hair forcefully and hurting her, repeatedly slapping her in the face leaving her face red and marked immediately, you then spit on her face afterwards treating her like a trashy slut</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\sisterabused1.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><you> You'll do anything I tell you to do won't you slut? You like being degraded like this.</you></B> - you ask her
-<b><sister> "Why.. why are you doing this to me?"</sister></B> - she asks scared but you can see the middle of her legs becoming more damp.. clearly she enjoys it
-<b><you> Wrong answer.</you></B> - you say as you lift up her shirt and start slapping her tiny tits right on the nipples, making her scream in pain
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\sisterabused2.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><center> She looks like a mess already.. red all over her face and body, hair in a mess from how hard you are gripping it.. however she doesnt run away nor tries to resist really, she just accepts it like a submissive little slut, which confirms she likes it..</center></b>
-<b><you> Ready to admit you like being treated like this or do I have to go harder?</you></B> - you say threatning her to go harder
-<b><sister> "You.. you are abusing me.. who would like this type of treatment.. I hate it..!"</sister></b> - she says faking her resistance.. clearly wanting more.
-<b><you> Stop lying you whore.. just admit you like it!</you></b> - you say grabbing her mad, you hear her laugh throughout it
<b><center> You grab her and drag her against the couch forcing her on all fours ready to treat her a lesson, you start slapping her ass so hard she even flinches forward, you have no mercy at all giving all your strength</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\sisterabused3.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><sister> "I'm sorrrryyy!! I admit it.. I love it when you treat me like a toy.. like an object.. I'm a fucking worthless piece of shit..! sorry <you>Master</you>!"</sister></B> - she finally admits after her body is all red and destroyed
-<b><you> Oh yeah? Then fucking prove it.. lick my ass you trashcan!</you></b> - you say as you grab the nearest trash bin and put her inside of it, turning your ass to her and forcing her to rim you
<b><center> She immediately dives into it not even thinking twice, grabbing your asscheeks and spreading them, rimjobbing you without any excuse.</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\sisterabused4.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><you> Good whore.. you finally admitted and I'm a kind master.. I can also reward you.</you></B> - you say as you turn her around and stick her head inside the smelly trash can, you then stick your hard dick inside her pussy and start fucking her as you slap her, head ramming into the trash can
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\sisterabused5.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><sister> "YEEES.. TREAT ME LIKE TRASH.. I LOVE IT"</sister></b> - she screams with her muffled voice inside the trashcan
-<b><you> I'm gonna cum you whore, take it all over your face!"</you></B> - you say taking the trashcan off, putting her on her knees and cumming all over her face
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\sisterabused6.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><sister> "mhmhm.. so much.."</sister></B> - she says with her eyes closed
-<b><you> You'll do anything I tell you to won't you slut? What If I were to sell you out as a cheap whore, being your pimp?</you></B> - you ask her
-<b><sister> "Well.. If you wanted me to do it Master.."</sister></b> - she says shy
<b><center> As always your <sister>sister</sister> becomes a complete slut when she becomes horny.. you have to take advantage of this..</center></b>
<center>[[Go back to your daily life|Living Room]]</center><span class='fadeIn'>\
<<set $siseventsub10 to false>>\
<<set $timer to 0>>\
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\bedroom.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><img src="images\city\bedroomnight.jpg" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>\
<b><center> You are chilling in your bedroom scrolling through useless internet stuff in the PC wasting time when your sister comes barging inside the bedroom with a couple of shopping bags by her side, she throws them to the bed and just stares looking at you</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\sisterstare2.png"></span></center>
-<b><pink> Ehh.. what's going on?</pink></b> - you ask curious
-<b><sister> "Isn't it obvious <pink>sissy</pink>? I bought you new slutty clothes so we can go out as slutty sisters!"</sister></B> - she says excited
-<b><pink><i> How would that be obvious..</i></pink></B> - you think to yourself as you see her unveil the clothes in the bag
-<b><sister> "Here.. your lingerie."</sister></b> - she says tacking out a pair of red lingerie and throwing it at you
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\redlingerie.png"></span></center>
<b><center> The lingerie is quite slutty.. with suspenders and everything.. does she want you to wear it now?</center></b>
-<b><sister> "Well what are you waiting for? Do you need my permission for everything or what dumb sissy? Put it on!"</sister></b> - she orders you
<b><center> You jump into action and quickly put it on.. you've gotten used to putting on lingerie by now so it isn't really any hardwork for you.. you look at the mirror and your <pink>feminine</pink> body makes you look really good in the lingerie.</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\underwearoutsister.png"></span></center>
-<b><sister> "You look nice.. now put this on you whore."</sister></B> - she says throwing you a super slutty outfit.. something that a dirty prostitute would wear
-<b><pink> Where did you even get these things from.. they are so.. skimpy..</pink></B> - you complain
-<b><sister> "It doesn't fucking matter sissy, put it on and shut the fuck up."</sister></B> - she says snapping back to her cold dominant tone to put you in your place
<b><center> You just nod and look down, wearing the super small white skirt alongside a very short top that shows everything.. you look like a prostitute..</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\supershortskirt.png"></span></center>
-<b><sister> "Yes! Exactly how I envisioned.. we need that every guy that looks at you in the nightclub sees how cheap and easy you are to fuck.. perfect!"</sister></B> - she says clapping her hands in glee
<b><center> She wants you to look like a cheap whore? And wait a nightclub? She didn't mention that.. you've never been into one not even has a man.. and now you're going to go looking like the easiest slut in the world? You're definitely going to get harassed..</center></b>
-<b><sister> "How do I look <pink>sissy?</pink>"</sister></B> - she says doing a circle showing you her outfit
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\sisterclubfit.jpg"></span></center>
-<b><pink> You look really pretty..</pink></B> - you say blushing
-<b><sister> "God.. pretty? I wanna look fuckable not pretty you stupid slut.. either way let's go outside.."</sister></B> - she says storming out going downstairs
<b><center> You quickly follow her heading downstairs..</center></B>
<center>[[Head downstairs and outside to the porch|siseventsub10pt2]]</center><span class='fadeIn'>\
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\outside.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><img src="images\city\housenight.jpg" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>\
<b><center> You two are outside waiting for a Uver apperantly to take you to the nightclub when you notice a flash coming from behind you.. you look behind and notice your <sister>sister</sister> giggling holding her phone.</center></B>
-<b><pink> Did you take a pic of me..?</pink></B> - you ask her
-<b><sister> "Yeah I did so what slut? Wanna see it? Come here."</sister></b> - she says immediately confronting you.
<b><center> You approach her to see the picture.. you look like a street whore.. seriously if you were in the Red Light District someone would definitely try to pick you up..<i> although maybe you would like that..</i>..</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\mcprostitute.png"></span></center>
<b><center> Eventually the Uver arrives and you two head to the nightclub..</center></B>
<center>[[Head to the nightclub with your sister|siseventsub10pt3]]</center><span class='fadeIn'>\
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\redlightdistrict.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><img src="images\city\redlightnight.png" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>
<b><center> You arrive at the entrance of the Nightclub.. apperantly it's name is Dollhouse.. you can hear loud music coming from inside..</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\nightclublogo.png"></span></center>
<b><center> You and your sister enter the line and you let her handle everything.. you just make sure to stick close to her so you don't get lost.. it'd definitely be a really bad thing if you got lost in the Red Light District the way you are dressed right now.. you can feel the stares on you.. every guy is glaring you up and down like a meal.. not that you hate the stares of course.. You slowly approach the bouncer with your sister.</center></B>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\bouncerclub.jpg"></span></center>
<b><center> He stares at you two and you and your sister smile at him.. he just nods his head inside and lets you two in</center></b>
-<b><sister> "Thank you big guy hehe.."</sister></B> - your sister says rubbing on his arm on the way inside
<b><center> You two meet eyes and you immediately look down embarassed as you follow your sister inside the nightclub.. once inside you see alot of people dancing.. it's super crowded and there's some really loud music going on you can barely hear anyones voice..</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\peopledancingclub.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><center> You head upstairs following your <sister>sister</sister> she probably knows the club.. you just obediently follow her like a pet looking at your surroundings.. you can see people making out as you go up.. your skirt is so short that anyone that is behind you can clearly see your red panties..</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\mcsistergoingupstaisclub.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><center> You keep following her when suddenly someone grabs your ass and slaps it.. you look behind to see a man smiling at you saying something at you.. unfortunately you cannot understand what he says so you just wave at him and keep following <sister>$sistername</sister></center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\mcslapassclub.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><pink><i> God I can feel the mark of his hand on my ass.. and anyone can see it too..</i></pink></B> - you think to yourself as you arrive at the bar with your sister
-<b><sister><font size ="+2"> "LET'S DRINK BITCH!"</font></sister></B> - she screams at you, ordering something from the bar
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\pouringdrinkclub.jpg"></span></center>
<b><center> You don't even know what it is.. you take a whiff at it smells really strong.. you're not used to alcohol at all so you know small quantities will get you fucked up anyways but your <sister>sister</sister> looks at you and forces your drink down your throat as she drinks hers.</center></B>
-<b><sister><font size="+2"> "LET'S DANCE SLUT! FOLLOW ME!"</font></sister></B> - she screams and you barely understand it.. you just hear follow me so you follow her
<b><center> The alcohol quickly sinks in and you feel it.. your whole vision going blurry and your world spinning a bit..</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\drunkvision.png"></span></center>
-<b><pink><i> Jhesus.. what whas in twat..?</i></pink></b> - you think to yourself or try to..
<b><center> Eventually you and your sister arrive at the dancefloor and there's alot of people dancing.. maybe it is the alcohol helping but you feel really free and less judged.. you don't even remember how you are dressed right now.. you just enjoy the moment with your sister.. dancing to the loud song following the beat waving your body around like a slut with your sister</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\sistermcdancing.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><pink><font size ="+2"> WOHOOO! HAHA</font></pink></b> - you scream as your sister brings another shot like before and hands it to you, you immediately take it down by your own this time
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\shotdrink.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><center> Your judgement gets cloudier and cloudier.. your thoughts fading away into nothing as you feel free.. you feel someones hands grab your hips and ass from behind and you go with the flow, dragging your ass across his crotch as you dance</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\mcrubbingcockclub.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><sister><font size ="+2">"HAHAHA YOU GO SISSY SLUT!!"</font></sister></B> - your sister screams as she applauds you
<b><center> Seconds turn into minutes.. minutes turn into seconds and you completely lose sense of what's going on around you.. when you look to your side you see that <sister>$sistername</sister> is on her knees sucking someones cock in the middle of the dancefloor while everyone watches and laughs</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\sisterblowjobclub1.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><pink><font size ="+2"> You shlutt!!</font></pink></B> - you scream in envy as you also want a cock to suck
<b><center> You're not going to leave your sister alone in this journey.. you quickly unbutton the pants of the guy you were rubbing your ass on before.. you could feel his junk and it seemed pretty large.. you grab his cock and bring him next to your sister and start jerking him off as she sucks the other guy, everyone looking at you and laughing.. but you two don't care</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\sistermcblowjobs1.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><center> You two then get next to each other and sit down, grabbing both their cocks and sucking them next to one another like true slutty sisters as she plays with your <pink>chastity caged clit</pink> and you play with her pussy..</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\sistermcblowjobs2.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><center> And finally you two get a different type of shot.. as the guys start cumming all over your faces..</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\sistermcshotclub.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><red> "Hey sluts! Out of here.. go do your job on the streets, not inside here!"</red></b> - the security comes rushing in and takes you two outside, dumping you out of the club.. face full of those guys sperm
-<b><pink> Whhuaaat..? Why were we kiiiickeed..?</pink></B> - you ask as you are outside of the club completely wasted and drunk
-<b><sister> "Jeeez.. you are one hell of a slut.. but you definitely cant handle your alcohol you dumb bitch.. but you did well.. I'm proud of you sissy.. let's head home.."</sister></B> - your sister says kissing and licking the cum from your face
<b><center> You two then head home by Uver again.. you arrive at your house and she drags you to your bedroom.. you head to bed with dry cum on your face and smelling like a street whore.. you just fall asleep and wake up the next day..</center></b>
<center>[[Fall asleep drunk, whore.|SleepNightClub]]</center>
<span class='fadeIn'>\
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\dreaming.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>\
<<set $fatiguestat to 0>>\
<<set $day to $day+1>>\
<<set $time to 0>>\
<<if $dayy == 7>>\
<<set $dayy to 1>>\
<<set $dayy to $dayy+1>>\
<<if $timer < 2>>\
<<set $timer to $timer+1>>\
<<if $timer == 3>>\
<<set $timer to $timer-1>>\
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\sistermcblowjobs2.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<center><<timed 2s>><b> You dream of sucking cock alongside your <sister>sister</sister>.. was it a dream though?</b><</timed>></center>
<<timed 3s>>\
<center>[[• Wake up •|Room]]</center>
<</timed>>\<<set $time to $time+1>>\
<<if $time >= 3>>\
<<set $time to $time - 1>>\
<span class='fadeIn'>\
<<set $momeventsub10 to false>>\
<<set $timer to 0>>\
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\parentsroom.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><img src="images\city\parentsbedroom.jpg" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>
<b><center> You enter the bedroom and both your <dad>dad</dad> and <mom>mom</mom> are looking at you standing smiling.. your <mom>mom</mom> has a very kinky outfit on.. not something you'd usually see her use.. it's made out of latex and she looks really hot.. your dad just looks like his normal fit..</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\momlatex.jpg"></span></center>
-<b><mom> "Hi baby.. so me and your <dad>dad</dad> had a little conversation since last time and since you're seemingly changing day by day we thought it'd be better for us to make a more.. "confortable" home for you too, a place where you feel like yourself.. since you are a <pink>sissy now</pink> we're taking your cleaning duties to a new level.."</mom></b> - she says pointing at something behind her
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\sexymaidfit.png"></span></center>
<b><center> You look behind her and can clearly see what is a maid outfit.. however it is different from the one you use to do the tasks at home.. it is more skimpy and slutty, made of latex and shorter eveywhere..</center></b>
-<b><dad> "Come on, put it on <pink>slut</pink> what are you waiting for."</dad></B> - your dad orders you around
<b><center> You blush at your dad calling you a slut in front of your mom but nevertheless you head next to them and grab the outfit, putting it on</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\wearinglatexmaid.jpg"></span></center>
-<b><mom> "Oh my god! Look at you so slutty and cute! Alright honey.. your place in this house will be one of a servant.. you'll start cleaning our sex toys, being our sex toy and help us in anything you need.. it clearly seems you were made for the role of a sissy slave and I've always wanted one.. just never thought it'd be my own son"</mom></b> - she says still in shock with how subservient you are to wearing the sissy maid outfit
-<b><dad> "I told you she likes being degraded.. you are too nice to her, last time you didn't understand what she really likes.. she'd must rather watch us fuck and help us then be involved.. that the type of sissy she is."</dad></b> - your dad humiliates you teaching you your place.
<b><center> Suddenly your mom and dad start making out in front of you.. clearly getting in the mood to have sex, you feel a little out of place and think maybe you should leave, you are about to turn around when you hear your mom's sharp voice coming at you.</center></b>
-<b><mom> "Where you think your going? Kneel and watch us <pink>sissy slave</pink>. If we need your assistance we'll say."</mom></B> - she orders you
<b><center> You are speechless from what you're listening.. your dad and your mom literally want to cuck you and treat you like a sexual servant.. however the idea arouses you for some reason so you just go ahead and obey them</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\mckneelingmaid.jpg"></span></center>
-<b><dad> "Good girl.."</dad></b> - your dad says as he takes out his big cock
-<b><mom> "Come here, fluff him."</mom></B> - your mom says as she grabs your chastity from underneath your skirt and drags you closer
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\grabbingchastitymaid.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><center> You let her drag you by the chastity cage and quickly you kneel next to your fathers cock, without you even reacting he grabs your head and starts facefucking your agressively, getting throat drool all over his cock</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\fluffingdad.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><pink> GWAAUGH.. GHOD..</pink></b> - he lets go of your head as you feel your clit grow against its cage and your buttplug shift in and out involuntarily
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\maidhorny.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><mom> "Now put your daddies cock inside of me <pink>sissy slave</pink> come on.. and stay underneath watching how an alpha man fucks a woman.."</mom></B> - your mom says humiliating you
<b><center> You get underneath them as your mom is on all fours and grab your <dad>dads</dad> cock, leading it inside your moms pussy, your dad quickly starts ramming agressively inside your moms pussy as droplets of her juice falls all over your face</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\helpinghandmaid.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><mom> "Hmmhmm yes.. I love feeling your breath as you watch us fuck.. so hot!"</mom></B> - your mom says showing a side of her you've never seen.. you never thought she could be this sadistic, she's usually so kind
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\povmaidcuck.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><dad> "Fff..FFUCK!I IT really is hot.. I'm.. gonna cum!! get ready to lap sissy!"</dad></b> - your dad says as he busts a fat nut inside your moms pussy
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\cumoozingmom.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><mom> "Open up sissy maid! I want to see it drop all over your mouth!"</mom></b> - your mom orders you leaving her filled pussy over your mouth
<b><center> You obey her and leave your mouth open and slowly you feel the cum of your dad enter your mouth.. you obediently swallow like the true sissy slave you are</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\cumeatingmaid.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><mom> "God that was great.. I feel like we've really found our place as a family.. anyways I'll be telling you what I'll want you to do over the house, you'll keep your normal chores but I'll add alot more to your daily chores.. and you'll serve us anytime we want, leave now sissy maid.."</mom></B> - she says pointing at the door
<b><center> You look down and nod, leaving towards the hallway.. feeling humiliated but horny at the same time, accepting your place in this house.</center></b>
<b><center><yellow> You'll now have more chores to do around your house on Monday.. however will they be normal chores?</yellow></center></b>
<center>[[Leave towards the Hallway|Upstairs Hall]]</center><<set $mombnwoquest1 to false>>\
<<set $timer to 0>>\
<span class='fadeIn'>\
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\livingroom.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><img src="images\city\livingroom.jpg" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>
<b><center> It's time.. you have to somehow convert your <mom>mother</mom> to the <brown>BNWO</brown> slowly.. it cannot be too fast or she'll get shocked.. as far as you know your mom has been a faithful wife to your <dad>dad</dad> this whole time but you don't agree with this.. a MILF as beautiful as her needs way more than a <pink> white man</pink>.. you are in the living room and as she passes over you call her</center></b>
-<b><pink> Mom! Come take a seat over here with me.. I need your help for a project at school.</pink></B> - you say to convince her
-<b><mom> "Oh sure honey.. but make it quick I still have laundry to do."</mom></b> - she says as she sits next to you in the couch
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\momwatchingtv.jpg"></span></center>
-<b><pink> Alright so I have this project to do in Racial Equality and I'll be taking notes of your reactions and answers okay? The visuals might be a bit extreme.. but don't worry it's all a professional setting!</pink></b> - you say trying to fool your mom
<b><center> Completely oblivious and as the great mom she is she immediately smiles happily that she can help you with something regarding your school</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\momsmiling5.png"></span></center>
-<b><mom> "Of course honey! If I can help you in your grades I'll be happy to be a test subject!"</mom></B> - she says innocently not knowing what's coming up to her
<b><center> You start feeling a bit of guilt that you're about to corrupt your own <mom>mother</mom> to be a <brown> BBC</brown> slut.. but it has to be done.. for the BNWO..</center></b>
-<b><pink> Okay let's start then.. I'll be showing you a couple of images and videos on the TV and ask you a couple of questions.. please be honest all the time and don't think I'll judge you. I'll also be observing your body language so relax and don't think too much.</pink></b> - you say giving her a small brief.
-<b><mom> "Okay I'm ready!"</mom></B> - she says adjusting herself on the couch relaxed and turning herself to the TV
<b><center> You turn on the TV and quickly put the first image</center></b>
-<b><pink> Answer honestly.. what's your opinion on <brown>black guys</brown>?</pink></B> - you say as you put a picture of a strong <brown>black</brown> man naked with a really big black cock
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\blackguynaked.jpg"></span></center>
-<b><mom> "Oh jesus..! What is this image?!"</mom></b> - your mom says startled as she looks at his big BBC, looking away in shame afterwards
-<b><pink> Mom.. answer the question please..</pink></B> - you say trying to get her to focus on the TV again
<b><center> She looks at you in confusion on why you're showing her a black man naked but takes a deep breath and looks back at the TV.. this time she focuses a whole lot more on him.. taking a few seconds to assimilate what she's seeing and finally answering</center></b>
-<b><mom> "Ehm.. black guys are like everyone else honey I don't really understand your question.. they are a different colour from us but they are people like everyone else..!"</mom></B> - she says clearly scared of sounding racist.
-<b><pink> Are they though <mom>mom</mom>? For example if I show you this image right here.. would you say <brown> this strong black guy</brown> is the same as this <pink>frail weak white boy?</pink></pink></b> - you say showing an image comparison a white boy and a black man
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\blackvswhite.jpg"></span></center>
-<b><mom> "We..well no.. the black man looks much stronger and built.."</mom></b> - your mom says confused
-<b><pink> Exactly.. much stronger.. dominant, powerful compared to the white boy.. what about this image <mom>mom</mom>.. if you had to choose one which one would you pick?</pink></B> - you switch the image
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\alphavsmalecomparison.png"></span></center>
-<b><mom> "g..GOD! Honey.. why are you showing me penises? Is this really school related? This doesn't seem proper.."</mom></b> - she says embarassed but you can see she's clearly staring at the <brown>BBC</brown>
-<b><pink> <mom>Mom</mom>.. It's completely normal to see human genitalia.. the fact you get so troubled seeing a <brown>big black penis</brown> makes me question your standards.. you aren't racist right..?</pink></B> - you ask her putting her on spot
-<b><mom> "What?! Of course not!"</mom></B> - she says feeling insulted
-<b><pink> Then answer the question.. if you had to pick one, which one would you prefer? The <brown> big black thick powerful cock</brown> or that <pink>tiny little clit</pink> the white boi has?</pink></B> - you say trying to sway her to the BBC.
-<b><mom> "W..well I think.. the <brown>black penis</brown> looks.. better.."</mom></B> - she says admitting embarassed
-<b><pink> Correct! As you can see the <brown>black man</brown> possesses a much powerful and stronger genitalia than the white boi.. and that seems to attract plenty of women to <brown>black men</brown>.. I mean look at this huge cock!</pink></b> - you say putting a small video of a woman masturbating a huge black cock
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\bbcexamplemom.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><mom> "I.. I see mmhmm.."</mom></B> - she says out of breath clearly growing horny from all the <brown> BBC</brown> content she's consuming
-<b><pink> Then why do you think white people are usually so racist and scared of black people? When they are clearly superior than them..</pink></b> - you say trying to put words into your mothers mind
-<b><mom> "I.. I don't know honey.."</mom></b> - she says confused and horny at the same time
-<b><pink> The answer is obvious.. it is because they are superior to white people that white people are racist.. because they know <brown>black people</brown> are bigger than them.. just like we saw! In every aspect the <brown>black men</brown> are better so white people are scared and try to put them down.. they are better even in bed.. like this..</pink></B> - you put on another video
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\bbcexamplemom2.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><mom> ""</mom></B> - your mom says shifting in the couch rubbing her legs together
<b><center> She has stopped getting embarassed and is into it now.. she's observing the videos closely and paying attention and seeing her body language she's clearly horny.. you can even smell her damp panties from here.. you just have to keep going.</center></b>
-<b><pink> However! Fortunately some white man or as people say.. <pink>white bois</pink> have understood their place in this society! They support white woman have the pleasure they truly deserve.. no more tiny white clits entering white pussies.. instead they help them get <brown> superior black cock</brown>.. like it always was meant to be!</pink></b> - you say as put on a BBC cuckold video
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\qosmomvideo1.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><center> This is a dangerous move.. this could make or break.. if she thinks it's too much she'll leave right now.. however if she likes it.. it'll be a great step into making your <mom>mom</mom> a QOS..</center></b>
-<b><mom> "! He's.. watching from close as the woman gets.. fucked.."</mom></b> - she says clearly horny opening her legs and watching the video
-<b><pink> Exactly.. white men are starting to understand their place in society and they get pleasure from watching their wives and girlfriends get fucked by big black cock.. some of them even help and lick the cock and pussy as they get fucked.. like this!</pink></B> - you put on another cuckold video
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\qosmomvideo3.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><mom> "HMhmmMPh.."</mom></b> - your mom moans
<b><center> As you look to the side you can clearly see your mom has shifted to a more laying position hiding from you.. but you can clearly see she's masturbating.. obviously <dad>dad</dad> isn't enough for her.. she's growing interest in <brown>BBC</brown>.. like every white woman should.</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\sleekfingeringmom.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><pink> Of course that doesn't mean they have to be present every time.. there's plenty of women who just leave their husbands at home cleaning the house and taking care of the kids.. while they get gangbanged by multiple black cocks!</pink></B> - you put on a gangbang BBC video for her to keep masturbating
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\qosmomvideo2.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><mom> "O..oh my.."</mom></B> - she says fingering herself harder.. you can hear the sound she's super wet..
<b><center> It's time for the last question.. this will definitely snap her out but it will also put the thought into her mind..</center></b>
-<b><pink> And for my last question.. can you imagine you and <dad>dad</dad> in this position? You getting fucked by a <brown>strong virile black cock</brown> and <dad>dad</dad> cucked in a chastity cage.. watching you get railed?</pink></b> - you say putting on an example video of what you just described
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\qosmomvideo4.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><mom> "Oh.. oh god yes.. fuck.. that's mhmm..!!"</mom></B> - your mom says as she starts cumming on her fingers losing her mind
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\momorgasmqos.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><center> She then readjusts herself.. thinking you didn't see anything because she was turned around and turns back at you</center></b>
-<b><mom> "Ehm no..! Of course.. not I am.. faithful to your <dad>dad</dad>.."</mom></B> - she says still out of breath
-<b><pink> I see.. that's a shame then.. thank you for your answers! They were really helpful for the project! If you have any question on this topic just ask me mom!</pink></B> - you say clearly teasing her
-<b><mom> "S..sure.. I'm going upstairs.."</mom></b> - she says leaving upstairs still a little wobbly
<b><center> The seeds have been planted.. now you just need to see how she reacts to it.. there's no way she wont be thinking of <brown> big black cock</brown> now..</center></B>
<center>[[Continue your day|Living Room]]</center><span class='fadeIn'>\
<<set $dadeventdomfem3 to false>>\
<<set $timer to 0>>\
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\livingroom.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><img src="images\city\livingroom.jpg" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>
<b><center> It's time you put to use the dirt you got on your <dad>dad</dad> to feminize him further and aid him in his journey.. you approach him and he's chilling on the couch as per usual, looking all manly</center></b>
-<b><dad> "Hey kid what's up?"</dad></b> - he says as you sit down next to him
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\dadsmiling.png"></span></center>
-<b><you> Hi <dad>$dadname</dad> I've got something to show you.</you></B> - you say addressing him by his name and showing him the video you got of him in your phone, masturbating with your sister panties
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\dadmasturbatingpanties.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><center> You look at him and his face goes pale and his eyes open wide in shock.. he clearly wasn't expecting someone to have recorded him do this</center></b>
-<b><dad> "Th..this is.. I can explain.. how did you even.."</dad></B> - he stutters in his own words not knowing what to do like a trapped mouse
-<b><you> Shhh.. it's fine <dad>dad</dad>.. don't be ashamed that you want to be a <pink>pretty little sissy</pink>. I won't show this to anyone.. as long as you do as you're told.</you></B> - you say threatning him
<b><center> He looks at you and takes a large gulp, understanding the bad place he is in.. you can show this video to your mother and he'd be utterly fucked.. or to someone at work..</center></b>
-<b><dad> "Wh..what do you want?</dad></b> - he asks scared
-<b><you> Oh it's simple.. I want to aid you in your dirty desires <pink>sissy</pink>.. let's go upstairs to your room.</you></B> - you order him
<b><center> You look back at him and notice he hasnt moved yet, still in state of shock.</center></b>
-<b><you> Hurry up <pink>sissy slave</pink>! Move!</you></b> - you scream at him
<b><center> He spurts into action and follows you upstairs.</center></b>
<center>[[Head upstairs to your parents room|dadeventdomfem3pt2]]</center><span class='fadeIn'>
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\parentsroom.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><img src="images\city\parentsbedroom.jpg" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>
<b><center> You arrive at his room and you've already left a bomb planted for him.. you have the rest of the set of your <sister>sister</sister> with the bra that matches to the panties.. you're going to make him wear it and pose for you, getting even more dirt on him..</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\pantiesbradad.png"></span></center>
-<b><you> Alright so what I want you to do is quite simple.. put on those panties you loved so much but this time attach a bro onto the equation.. <pink>pretty girls</pink> wear bras and you've to get used to it!</you></B> - you say humiliating him
<b><center> He looks at you and opens his mouth as if ready to talk but quickly realizes his place and just takes the pair of panties and bra.. undressing and putting them on, he struggles a bit with the bra since he hasn't put one ever but eventually gets it.. that's when you realize, the hormones are working on him, he isnt as built as e used to be.. soon he'll be a frail weak sissy slave for you..</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\dadwearingbrapanties.png"></span></center>
-<b><dad> "There.. you're happy?"</dad></B> - he says acting as if he doesn't like what he is doing
-<b><you> Hahaha I do but clearly you do more.. you can try to fool me but your body is honest.. look at that boner!</you></b> - you say pointing down at his boner
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\dadbonerpanties.jpg"></span></center>
<b><center> He gets embarassed when he looks down and tries to hide it</center></b>
-<b><dad> "This is.. because someone wore them that's all..!"</dad></B> - he says a bad excuse in distress again
-<b><you> Sure.. now give me a little pose.. lay down on the bed with your ass up come on.</you></B> - you order him
-<b><dad> "Really? Isn't this enough?"</dad></B> - he disobeys you
-<b><you> You want me to send this to <mom>mom</mom>? I'll do it! Just do what I told you!</you></B> - you threaten him again scaring him
<b><center> He quickly lays down with his ass up, it's even funny how much he tries after you scare him.. who would've thought your manly dad could be such a little bitch.. you quickly take out your phone and take another photo of him without him noticing.</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\dadposingfem.png"></span></center>
-<b><you> Alright that's enough.. you can get undressed or just wear the panties for the rest of the day up to you.. you seem to enjoy them, next time we're going to have you shave those hairy legs and chest.. it doesnt look good on you anymore..</you></B> - you say giving a little glimpse of what's coming ahead
-<b><dad> "What? Surely that's enough.. delete the video.."</dad></b> - he says coming close to you
-<b><you> I could delete the video.. but then I could just send the video and this lovely picture of you laying on your bed like a <pink>pretty little sissy slut</pink> waving your ass.</you></B> - you say showing him the picture you took
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\dadposingfem.png"></span></center>
-<b><dad> "You took another one?! F..fuck!"</dad></b> - he says sitting down on the bed
-<b><you> Be a good little girl.. see you later.</you></B> - you say as you leave
<b><center> You take this clue to leave him thinking.. he has to obey you, or he'll be punished, soon your dad will be your little sissy slave.</center></b>
<center>[[Leave your parents bedroom|Upstairs Hall]]</center><span class='fadeIn'>
<<set $bfeventdom5 to false>>\
<<set $timer to 0>>\
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\outside.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<<if $time is 0>>\
<center><img src="images\city\house.jpg" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>
<<elseif $time is 1>>\
<center><img src="images\city\house.jpg" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>
<<elseif $time is 2>>\
<center><img src="images\city\housenight.jpg" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>\
<b><center> It's about time you confront your <gf>girlfriend</gf> about what you've done with <bf>$bfname</bf>. You first call <bf>$Bfname</bf> to show up since she wanted to be here beforehand.. you don't know exactly what she has planned but it's easier to explain if she's there.. eventually she arrives and you head up to your room</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\bfporch.jpg"></span></center>
<center>[[Head to your room|bfeventdom5pt2]]</center><span class='fadeIn'>
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\bedroom.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<<if $time == 1>>\
<center><img src="images\city\bedroom.jpg" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>\
<<elseif $time is 0>>\
<center><img src="images\city\bedroom.jpg" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>\
<<elseif $time is 2>>\
<center><img src="images\city\bedroomnight.jpg" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>\
<b><center> You enter your room and are quite nervous for what's about to happen, that's when <bf>$bfname</bf> speaks out</center></b>
-<b><bf> "Alright.. so I have a plan in mind for it to be easy for you to tell her.. I just need you to tie her up with this rope.. just make her think it's going to be a sexual thing or whatever.."</bf></b> - she says grinning throwing you a rope
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\bfgrinning.jpg"></span></center>
<b><center> Rope? What the hell is she planning..? This is turning scary but you'll play along for now..</center></b>
-<b><you> I don't know what you're planning but she isn't going to let me do that with you here.</you></B> - you tell her
-<b><bf> "I'll hide in the bathroom and come out later dont worry.. just trust me babe."</bf></B> - she says giving you a quick kiss and going away
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\bfmckiss.jpg"></span></center>
<b><center> You don't know what she has planned but that kiss gives you motivation for whatever she wants to do.. eventually after a few minutes your girlfriend arrives looking all pretty as always</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\gfcucked.jpg"></span></center>
-<b><gf> "Hi babe! You look kind of nervous.. is everything okay?"</gf></B> - she asks you straight away
-<b><you> Oh.. yeah! I'm just.. actually really horny hehe..</you></b> - you say faking it approaching her and kissing her
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\kissinggfcucked.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><gf> "Oh wow! Someone is feisty today hehe.. what's that you got on your hands?"</gf></b> - she asks curious as you hold the rope
-<b><you> Glad you asked.. this is a thing I want to try to spice out our sex life you know.. tie you up.. do whatever I want..</you></b> - you say trying to convice her making it sound as apetizing as possible
-<b><gf> "Uhh.. now you are getting me horny.. okay do it!"</gf></B> - she says turning around and putting her hands together
<b><center> You quickly go ahead and start tying her up and throw her onto the bed, unable to move completely.</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\gftied.jpg"></span></center>
-<b><gf> "Oh this is so hot.. do whatever you want with me daddy.."</gf></b> - she says horny
<b><center> That's when <bf>$bfname</bf> storms into the room into her view..</center></b>
-<b><gf> "What the f.. what is she doing here?? <you>$name</you>?"</gf></B> - she asks trying to move while tied
-<b><bf> "Hi little bitch.. hate to break it up to you but <you>$name</you> isn't yours anymore.. I took him for myself.."</bf></B> - she says as she grabs you and kisses you in front of her
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\bfmckiss2.png"></span></center>
-<b><gf> "<you>$name</you>? What's the meaning of this?!"</gf></b> - she asks speechless
<b><center> You take a look at <bf>$bfname</bf> and you now understand her plan.. she not only wants you to break up with her but also wants to humiliate her.. you play along since this is quite hot..</center></B>
-<b><you> We're breaking up <gf>$gfname</gf>.. I'm sorry but I fell in love with <bf>$bfname</bf>.</you></b> - you tell her honestly
-<b><bf> "This is our last gift for you.. enjoy!"</bf></B> - $bfname says as she kneels in front of you and takes out your cock, sucking it in front of $gfname
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\bfgfcuckquean1.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><center> Oh wow this is crazy.. she's really going to do it.. she wants me to cuck <gf>$gfname</gf>.. Fuck it who cares. We are done either way might aswell have fun</center></b>
-<b><bf> "Aww.. look at her she's crying.. let's play with her too shall we.. here you can play with your feet on his cock, you bitch."</bf></B> - she says as she puts your cock inbetween her feet making her give you a footjob
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\bfgfcuckquean2.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><gf> "You guys are fucking insane.. fuck you!"</gf></B> - she says mad
-<b><bf> "Shut up whore.. you know for how many years I wanted this? I know how much of a whore you are.. you think I didn't see you fucking those guys behind his back? I know of everything! Slut!"</bf></B> - she says as she grabs her and throws her on the bed
-<b><you> Fucking other guys..?</you></B> - you ask confused
<b><center> <gf>$gfname</gf> looks at you and looks away in guilt.. looks like she was cheating on you all this time..</center></b>
-<b><you> You fucking whore..</you></b> - you say enfuriated as you get on top of her while she's tied and start fucking <bf>$bfname</bf> humiliating her
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\bfgfcuckquean3.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><gf> "Get off me!"</gf></B> - she says struggling
-<b><you> I'm glad I did this.. you were cheating on me all this time? You fucking bitch!</you></B> - you say mad
-<b><bf> "YEEAH.. FUCK ME ON TOP OF HER.. SHOW THIS SLUT WHAT SHE DESERVES.."</bf></B> - <bf>$bfname</bf> says jumping on your cock
<b><center> You then dont hold it anymore since the situation is so hot and cum all over inside of <bf>$bfname</bf> creamping her</center></b>
-<b><you> FF..FUCCK..!</YOU></b> - you scream as you cum inside
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\bfgfcuckquean4.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><gf> "Let me go.. you fucking weirdos!"</gf></B> - she says begging to be untied
-<b><you> Here.. fucking leave I dont want to see you ever again.</you></B> - you say as you untie her and kick her out of your room
-<b><bf> "It's done.. finally that bitch is gone.. sorry that I didnt tell you before.. I wanted to keep it for this moment.."</bf></B> - she says with cum oozing out of her asspussy
-<b><you> It's fine.. that bitch.. let's go get cleaned up..</you></b> - you say
<b><center> You've finally broken up with <gf>$gfname</gf> and are now dating <bf>$bfname</bf>.. you can't believe she was cheating on you all this time.. how will a relationship with her work though?</center></b>
<center>[[Go back to your daily life|Room]]</center><span class='fadeIn'>
<<set $teacherdom5 to false>>\
<<set $timer to 0>>\
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\schoolhallway.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><img src="images\city\schoolhall.jpg" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>
<b><center> It's time you talk with <teacher>$nameteacher</teacher> about the deal you got with <headmaster>Headmaster Jackman</headmaster>.. it's not like she has any other option, she's your plaything either way so she will have to agree. You enter her office and she is standing on her chair, when she notices you she becomes happier and turns to you</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\teacheratoffice.jpg"></span></center>
-<b><teacher> "Hey <you>$name</you>! Tell me you have good news please.. these days have been so stressful.."</teacher></b> - she tells you desperate
-<b><you> Well.. I have got a deal to save your ass but I don't think you'll like it..</you></B> - you tell her honestly
<b><center> Her face changes from one of happiness to one of worriedness.. she's smart enough to realize what's coming to her.</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\teacherworried.png"></span></center>
-<b><teacher> "Wh..what is it.."</teacher></B> - she asks reluctantly
-<b><you> Well.. <headmaster>Headmaster Jackman</headmaster> said he won't fire you if he gets something he always wanted.. <teacher>you.</teacher>. To be more exact a threesome with me and you..</you></B> - you tell her straight forward
<b><center> She gasps and looks down but quickly realizes she doesn't have a real option other than that.</center></b>
-<b><teacher> "Fuck.. I always denied his advances he gives me the creeps.. but atleast you'll be there.. okay let's go.."</teacher></b> - she says grabbing her stuff and getting ready to go to his office
<b><center> You two head up to his office ready to having one hella of a threesome.</center></b>
<center>[[Enter the headmaster office|teacherdom5pt2]]</center><span class='fadeIn'>
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\schoolhallway.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<b><center> You two enter his office and he's just standing there almost as if already knowing you two were heading upstairs.. he turns around at you both and smiles</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\headmasterready.jpg"></span></center>
-<b><headmaster> "Well well well.. looks like after all these years I'll finally get my hands over that sweet pussy.."</headmaster></b> - he says approaching <teacher>$nameteacher</teacher> and touching her hair
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\headmasterseduction.jpg"></span></center>
<b><center> She looks at him and smiles nervously then back at you in a serious face.. she clearly isn't into him but it doesn't matter.. she will do it because you want and she has to save her ass.</center></b>
-<b><teacher> "If I do this.. you wont fire me right..?"</teacher></B> - she asks him scared
-<b><headmaster> "That's right you slut.. well done <you>$name</you> I can tell we'll have a great relationship.. come here bitch."</headmaster></b> - he says grabbing her neck and throwing her against the wall kissing her
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\headmasterdomteacher.png"></span></center>
-<b><headmaster> "Let's not waste any more time shall we? Join in <you>$name</you> let's blow the back of this whore.. I waited years for this, suck!"</headmaster></b> - he says taking his cock out
<b><center> She starts submissively sucking his big cock and you join in, putting her panties to side and licking her pussy getting her ready to get fucked.. you have never been in a threesome so this is a new experience for you.. for your first threesome to be with the headmaster of the school is insane.. you have to take advantage of this situation to get a good relationship with him so you can dominate your school.</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\headmasterthreesome1.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><teacher> "GWHHGH... why ish isht sho big.."</teacher></B> - she says moaning as she sucks his cock
-<b><headmaster> "Fuck I can't wait any longer.. turn her around, I want to fuck that pussy, suck his cock whore!"</headmaster></b> - he says turning her around to you, she grabs your cock and starts sucking it and at the same time he starts roughly fucking her from behind
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\headmasterthreesome2.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><teacher> "OHH GODDD..! FUCK..!"</teacher></b> - she screams moaning as she gets filled
<b><center> He keeps fucking her for a few minutes while sucking your cock when you realize he has been ordering everything around all the time.. it's time you start stepping in, she's your bitch after all.</center></b>
-<b><you> Yo.. it's my turn to fuck my slut.. suck him off again bitch."</you></B> - you say grabbing her forcefully and laying her down on the table, fucking her
<b><center> He looks somewhat displeased that you took reigns but doesn't say anything, just accepts the situation.</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\headmasterthreesome3.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><teacher> "MHMHMM yes.. I love your cock <you>$name</you>.. I want to ride you..</teacher></B> - she says getting on top of you and riding you, clearly favouring you.
<b><center> Your headmaster doesn't enjoy the fact she prefers you to him but theres nothing he can do about it.. he climps on top of the table and facefucks her while you fuck her</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\headmasterthreesome4.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><headmaster> "My turn again.. step off kid, let me fuck her."</headmaster></b> - he says taking you away from her
<b><center> You don't enjoy him ordering you around.. will you do something about it or let it go?</center></b>
<div id="choice">
<<linkreplace "<blue><center> • Finger him attempting to dominate him and punishing him (GAY SUB HEADMASTER PATH)</center></blue>">>\
<<replace "#choice">>\
<<set $subheadmaster to true>>\
<b><center> You decide to punish him since he's trying to take your bitch when he's clearly only fucking her because you made it possible..</center></b>
-<b><you> Learn your place.. this pussy is mine.</you></b> - you say sticking a finger inside him as he was fucking her
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\fingeringheadmaster.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><headmaster> "f..fuck! what are you.. doing??!.."</headmaster></b> - he says unable to resist you as you finger fuck him
<b><center> He loses his strength and you take this chance to take her back, fucking her</center></b>
-<b><teacher> "Hmhmm yeah.. fuck me <you>Master</you>.. you're the only one that can cum inside this pussy.."</teacher></b> - she says encouraging you to cum inside
<b><center> And that's what you do precisely as her words bring you to edge.. cumming inside her looking into <headmaster>Headmaster Jackman</headmaster> eyes.. he also gets up and starts cumming over her face, not adressing what happened before.</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\headmasterthreesome5.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><you> FF..FUUUCK!!</you></b> - you scream loudly cumming inside her
-<b><headmaster> "GMGmgph.."</headmaster></B> - he moans cumming
-<b><teacher> "So much cum jesus.."</teacher></b> - she says getting drenched in cum
-<b><you> Well that means the deal is concluded right?</you></B> - you ask him
-<b><headmaster> "Yeah.. we'll talk later about other stuff.."</headmaster></b> - he says shooing you two away
<b><center> You two then get up and leave.. you dominated your headmaster and seems like he didn't exactly resist it too much.. perhaps you can dive deeper into it..</center></b>
-<b><teacher> "Thank you <you>$name</you>.. you saved my job.. now all I have left is to fix things with my husband.."</teacher></b> - she says sad
-<b><you> You don't need him.. don't worry about it.. we'll teach your husband a lesson.</you></b> - you say hinting at something
<b><center> She looks up at you curious and then you both go on your own lives.. time to cuck her husband.</center></b>
<<set $dominant to $dominant+2>>
<center><b><blue> Dominance +2!</blue></b></center>
<center>[[Go back to your daily life after saving the teacher.|Room]]</center>
<div id="choice">
<<linkreplace "<ltblue><center> • Just ignore it and let him fuck her</center></ltblue>">>
<<replace "#choice">>
<b><center> You don't do anything since you had a deal.. you let him fuck her and eventually he unloads a huge load inside of her. You join in and cum on her face</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\headmasterthreesome5.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><you> FF..FUUUCK!!</you></b> - you scream loudly cumming on her face
-<b><headmaster> "GMGmgph.."</headmaster></B> - he moans cumming inside her
-<b><teacher> "So much cum jesus.."</teacher></b> - she says getting drenched in cum
-<b><you> Well that means the deal is concluded right?</you></B> - you ask him
-<b><headmaster> "Yeah.. we'll talk later about other stuff.."</headmaster></b> - he says shooing you two away
<b><center> You two then get up and leave.. </center></b>
-<b><teacher> "Thank you <you>$name</you>.. you saved my job.. now all I have left is to fix things with my husband.."</teacher></b> - she says sad
-<b><you> You don't need him.. don't worry about it.. we'll teach your husband a lesson.</you></b> - you say hinting at something
<b><center> She looks up at you curious and then you both go on your own lives.. time to cuck her husband.</center></b>
<<set $dominant to $dominant+1>>
<center><b><blue> Dominance +1!</blue></b></center>
<center>[[Go back to your daily life after saving the teacher.|Room]]</center>
</div><center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\events.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<b><center><red> Here you can see all the events in the game! If it's <green>green</green> it means it's available and you have not played it yet, if it's <grey>grey</grey> it means you have seen the event! It also has a little description of the events themselves, in the future this will also be a gallery where you'll be able to click and go directly to the event!</red></center></b>
<b><center><red> Beware these are the events in the main storylines for now. There may be some secondary events or random events that do not show up here!</red></center></b>
<b><pink><center><u>• Sub events</u></center></pink></b>
<<if $momeventsub1 is true>><green> • Mom catches you watching sissy porn that someone sent you</green><<elseif $momeventsub1 is false>><grey> • Mom catches you watching sissy porn that someone sent you</grey>\<</if>> || <<if $siseventsub1 is true>><green> • You notice your sisters panties when taking your laundry</green><<elseif $siseventsub1 is false>><grey> • You notice your sisters panties when taking your laundry</grey><</if>> ||
<<if $phoneeventsub1 is true>><green> • First phone email with someone sending you spam</green><<elseif $phoneeventsub1 is false>><grey> • First phone email with someone sending you spam</grey>\<</if>> || <<if $teachereventsub1 is true>><green> • You took all your underwear to clean and have to go to school.. thankfully you have your sisters panties</green><<elseif $teachereventsub1 is false>><grey> • You took all your underwear to clean and have to go to school.. thankfully you have your sisters panties</grey><</if>> ||
<<if $phoneeventsub2 is true>><green> • Second phone email with someone sending you spam</green><<elseif $phoneeventsub2 is false>><grey> • Second phone email with someone sending you spam</grey>\<</if>> || <<if $siseventsub2 is true>><green> • You masturbate with your sisters panties and get caught by her</green><<elseif $siseventsub2 is false>><grey> • You masturbate with your sisters panties and get caught by her</grey><</if>> ||
<<if $phoneeventsub3 is true>><green> • Third phone email with someone sending you spam</green><<elseif $phoneeventsub3 is false>><grey> • Third phone email with someone sending you spam</grey>\<</if>> || <<if $siseventsub3 is true>><green> • You buy your own panties ordered by your sister</green><<elseif $siseventsub3 is false>><grey> • You buy your own panties ordered by your sister</grey><</if>> ||
<<if $therapistsubevent1 is true>><green> •Therapist introduction after being given therapist card by the teacher with start of hypnotherapy</green><<elseif $therapistsubevent1 is false>><grey> • Therapist introduction after being given therapist card by the teacher with start of hypnotherapy</grey>\<</if>> || <<if $gfsubevent1 is true>><green> • You go out for lunch with your girlfriend and she disappears.. where could she have gone?</green><<elseif $gfsubevent1 is false>><grey> • You go out for lunch with your girlfriend and she disappears.. where could she have gone?</grey><</if>> ||
<<if $therapistsubevent2 is true>><green> • Second therapist event with her giving you a pill alongside hypnotherapy</green><<elseif $therapistsubevent2 is false>><grey> • Second therapist event with her giving you a pill alongside hypnotherapy</grey>\<</if>> || <<if $bodycheckfem1 is true>><green> • You notice some changes on your body.. you become more feminine.</green><<elseif $bodycheckfem1 is false>><grey> • You notice some changes on your body.. you become more feminine.</grey><</if>> ||
<<if $detentionwax is true>><green> • Your teacher gives you a task to wax your bodyhair.</green><<elseif $detentionwax is false>><grey> • Your teacher gives you a task to wax your bodyhair.</grey>\<</if>> || <<if $phoneeventsub4 is true>><green> • You notice some changes on your body.. you become more feminine.</green><<elseif $phoneeventsub4 is false>><grey> • Forth phone hypno spam</grey><</if>> ||
<<if $siseventsub4 is true>><green> • Your sister dolls you up and forces you to suck her dildo treating you like her slave.</green><<elseif $siseventsub4 is false>><grey> • Your sister dolls you up and forces you to suck her dildo treating you like her slave.</grey>\<</if>> || <<if $therapistsubevent3 is true>><green> • Third therapist appointment.. your mind keeps changing</green><<elseif $therapistsubevent3 is false>><grey> • Third therapist appointment.. your mind keeps changing</grey><</if>> ||
<<if $therapistsubevent4 is true>><green> • Forth therapist appointment with her giving you a pink drink alongside the pill.. she dominates your brainless mind and molds you.</green><<elseif $therapistsubevent4 is false>><grey> • Forth therapist appointment with her giving you a pink drink alongside the pill.. she dominates your brainless mind and molds you</grey>\<</if>> || <<if $therapistsubevent5 is true>><green> • Fifth therapist appointment.. she drugs you again and abuses your empty mind.. however the receptionist joins in on the fun</green><<elseif $therapistsubevent5 is false>><grey> • Fifth therapist appointment.. she drugs you again and abuses your empty mind.. however the receptionist joins in on the fun</grey><</if>> ||
<<if $trymakeupon is true>><green> • You try makeup on again by yourself and your mom barges in while you are trying to apply it.. she helps you out</green><<elseif $trymakeupon is false>><grey> • You try makeup on again by yourself and your mom barges in while you are trying to apply it.. she helps you out</grey>\<</if>> || <<if $teacherfirstask is false>><green> • Your teacher gives you your first task to go shopping and buy a girly dress</green><<elseif $teacherfirstask is true>><grey> • Your teacher gives you your first task to go shopping and buy a girly dress</grey><</if>> ||
<<if $dadmakeupreaction is true>><green> • If you put makeup on and head outside of your room, your dad will react to you with makeup on..</green><<elseif $dadmakeupreaction is false>><grey> • If you put makeup on and head outside of your room, your dad will react to you with makeup on..</grey>\<</if>> || <<if $gfsubevent2 is true>><green> • You confront your girlfriend about the cheating and she admits to it.. you either submit and become her bitch or break up with her.. </green><<elseif $gfsubevent2 is false>><grey> • You confront your girlfriend about the cheating and she admits to it.. you either submit and become her bitch or break up with her.. </grey><</if>> ||
<<if $gfsubevent3 is true and $gfbreakup is false>><green> •Your girlfriend sends you a message on whatsapp after you accept to stay in a relationship.</green><<elseif $gfsubevent3 is false and $gfbreakup is false>><grey> • Your girlfriend sends you a message on whatsapp after you accept to stay in a relationship.</grey>\<</if>> || <<if $gfsubevent4 is true and $gfbreakup is false>><green> • You go out for lunch with your girlfriend again.. however she will humiliate you now that your relationship changed.</green><<elseif $gfsubevent4 is false and $gfbreakup is false>><grey> • You go out for lunch with your girlfriend again.. however she will humiliate you now that your relationship changed.</grey><</if>> ||
<<if $bfsubevent1 is true>><green> • Your best friend is being bullied.. do you save him or just wait?</green><<elseif $bfsubevent1 is false>><grey> • Your best friend is being bullied.. do you save him or just wait?</grey>\<</if>> || <<if $sisunderwearoff is true>><green> • Your sister disposes all of your male underwear and you confront her about it</green><<elseif $sisunderwearoff is false>><grey> • Your sister disposes all of your male underwear and you confront her about it</grey><</if>> ||
<<if $momeventsub3 is true>><green> • Your mom confronts you about what she has seen you do in your room.. she then goes to talk with your teacher</green><<elseif $momeventsub3 is false>><grey> • Your mom confronts you about what she has seen you do in your room.. she then goes to talk with your teacher</grey>\<</if>> || <<if $momeventsub4 is true>><green> • Your mom talked with your teacher.. they came to an agreement where you become your moms sissy maid to help your progress</green><<elseif $momeventsub4 is false>><grey> • Your mom talked with your teacher.. they came to an agreement where you become your moms sissy maid to help your progress</grey><</if>> ||
<<if $buttplugintro is true>><green> • Your teacher gives you a task to buy a buttplug to train your asspussy</green><<elseif $buttplugintro is false>><grey> • Your teacher gives you a task to buy a buttplug to train your asspussy</grey>\<</if>> || <<if $siseventsub5 is true>><green> • Your sister saw you buy the buttplug and since you're an eager sissy.. she also buys something for you and locks you up..</green><<elseif $siseventsub5 is false>><grey> • Your sister saw you buy the buttplug and since you're an eager sissy.. she also buys something for you and locks you up..</grey><</if>> ||
<<if $momeventsub5 is true>><green> • You help your mom in the kitchen.. just like a sissy maid would</green><<elseif $momeventsub5 is false>><grey> • You help your mom in the kitchen.. just like a sissy maid would</grey>\<</if>> || <<if $bfchastityreaction is true>><green> • You talk with your best friend for help regarding your chastity cage.. how do you get release as a sissy?</green><<elseif $bfchastityreaction is false>><grey> • You talk with your best friend for help regarding your chastity cage.. how do you get release as a sissy?</grey><</if>> ||
<<if $siseventsub6 is true>><green> • You go beg your sister for release from the cage.. you are so horny that you just end up submitting to her and being her sissy slave</green><<elseif $siseventsub6 is false>><grey> • You go beg your sister for release from the cage.. you are so horny that you just end up submitting to her and being her sissy slave</grey>\<</if>> || <<if $gfsubevent5 is true and $gfbreakup is false>><green> • You receive a message from your girlfriend on the phone..</green><<elseif $gfsubevent5 is false and $gfbreakup is false>><grey> •You receive a message from your girlfriend on the phone..</grey><</if>> ||
<<if $gfsubevent5pt2 is false and $gfbreakup is false and $gfsubevent5 is true>><green> • You head to your girlfriends house to see your surprise.. however you end up cucked again.. </green><<elseif $gfsubevent5pt2 is false and $gfbreakup is false>><grey> • You head to your girlfriends house to see your surprise.. however you end up cucked again.. </grey>\<</if>> || <<if $gfsubevent6 is true and $gfbreakup is false>><green> • Your girlfriend dominates you as your Mistress to make you understand your place in your relationship.</green><<elseif $gfsubevent6 is false and $gfbreakup is false>><grey> • Your girlfriend dominates you as your Mistress to make you understand your place in your relationship.</grey><</if>> ||
<<if $bfsubevent4 is true>><green> • You go see what your best friend and is doing and end up spying on her with your bully.. </green><<elseif $bfsubevent4 is false>><grey> • You go see what your best friend and is doing and end up spying on her with your bully... </grey>\<</if>> || <<if $dadsubevent1 is true>><green> • Your dad breaches in when you are taking a shower and finds out you are caged</green><<elseif $gfsubevent6 is false>><grey> • Your dad breaches in when you are taking a shower and finds out you are caged</grey><</if>> ||
<<if $momeventsub6 is true>><green> • Your mom calls you to her bedroom to teach you how to suck cock properly </green><<elseif $momeventsub6 is false>><grey> • Your mom calls you to her bedroom to teach you how to suck cock properly </grey>\<</if>> || <<if $siseventsub7 is true>><green> • Your sister calls you to her room and teases you with the fact you are caged by cucking you with a black guy..</green><<elseif $siseventsub7 is false>><grey> • Your sister calls you to her room and teases you with the fact you are caged by cucking you with a black guy..</grey><</if>> ||
<<if $lubequest is true>><green> • Your sister orders you to buy anal lube to start training your boipussy </green><<elseif $lubequest is false>><grey> • Your sister orders you to buy anal lube to start training your boipussy </grey>\<</if>> || <<if $lubequest is true>><green> • You buy the anal lube and your sister gives you her larger buttplug so you train your ass to get ready for bigger things..</green><<elseif $lubequest is false>><grey> • You buy the anal lube and your sister gives you her larger buttplug so you train your ass to get ready for bigger things.</grey><</if>> ||
<<if $momeventsub7 is true>><green> • You talk with your mother and start oral training so you can take bigger cocks with her help</green><<elseif $momeventsub7 is false>><grey> • You talk with your mother and start oral training so you can take bigger cocks with her help</grey>\<</if>> || <<if $siseventsub8 is true>><green> • You fuck your ass and suck your sisters strap-on when you have a certain oral skill reached..</green><<elseif $siseventsub8 is false>><grey> • You fuck your ass and suck your sisters strap-on when you have a certain oral skill reached...</grey><</if>> ||
<<if $bfsubevent5 is true>><green> • Your best friend tricks you, orders from your bully.. do you submit and suck him off?</green><<elseif $bfsubevent5 is false>><grey> • Your best friend tricks you, orders from your bully.. do you submit and suck him off?</grey>\<</if>> || <<if $dadsubevent2 is true>><green> • You head to the living room to hang out with your dad and tease him like the sissy slut you are..</green><<elseif $dadsubevent2 is false>><grey> • You head to the living room to hang out with your dad and tease him like the sissy slut you are..</grey><</if>> ||
<<if $bnwoevent1 is true>><green> • Start of BNWO storyline after meeting Mr.Jackson through your teacher when she humiliates you</green><<elseif $bnwoevent1 is false>><grey> • Start of BNWO storyline after meeting Mr.Jackson through your teacher when she humiliates you</grey>\<</if>> || <<if $momeventsub8 is true>><green> • You go out with your mother after you maximized your oral skill.. two sluts out..</green><<elseif $momeventsub8 is false>><grey> • You go out with your mother after you maximized your oral skill.. two sluts out..</grey><</if>> ||
<<if $emailsub1 is true>><green> • Start of Master storyline with his emails after you maximize oral and anal skill level</green><<elseif $emailsub1 is false>><grey> • Start of Master storyline with his emails after you maximize oral and anal skill level</grey>\<</if>> || <<if $bfsubevent6 is true and $denybully is true>><green> • Your bully punishes you for resisting him by humiliating your best friend in public..</green><<elseif $bfsubevent6 is false and $denybully is true>><grey> • Your bully punishes you for resisting him by humiliating your best friend in public..</grey> ||<</if>>
<<if $bnwoevent2 is true>><green> • You google what is the BNWO and find out the truth..</green><<elseif $bnwoevent2 is false>><grey> • You google what is the BNWO and find out the truth..</grey>\<</if>> || <<if $emailsub2 is true>><green> • Continuation of Master storyline with more emails from him hypnotizing you..</green><<elseif $emailsub2 is false>><grey> • Continuation of Master storyline with more emails from him hypnotizing you..</grey> ||<</if>>
<<if $emailsub3 is true and $hypnotizedfalse is false>><green> • Third email from your Master.. he sends you a package..</green><<elseif $emailsub3 is false and $hypnotizedfalse is false>><grey> • Third email from your Master.. he sends you a package..</grey>\<</if>> || <<if $bnwoevent3 is true and $bnwofalse is false>><green> • You speak with Mr.Jackson about the BNWO after you researched to find out more about it..</green><<elseif $bnwoevent3 is false and $bnwofalse is false>><grey> • You speak with Mr.Jackson about the BNWO after you researched to find out more about it..</grey> ||<</if>>
<<if $momeventsub9 is true>><green> • Your dad and mom talk about what's been happening in your household recently.. you end up servicing them both...</green><<elseif $momeventsub9 is false>><grey> • Your dad and mom talk about what's been happening in your household recently.. you end up servicing them both...</grey>\<</if>> || <<if $emailsub4 is true>><green> • New email from your Master..</green><<elseif $emailsub4 is false>><grey> • New email from your Master..</grey> ||<</if>>
<<if $gfsubevent7 is true and $gfbreakup is false>><green> • You worship your girlfriend Mistress and suck her strap-on.. completely servicing her</green><<elseif $gfsubevent7 is false and $gfbreakup is false>><grey> •You worship your girlfriend Mistress and suck her strap-on.. completely servicing her.</grey>\<</if>> || <<if $gfsubevent8 is true and $gfbreakup is false and $bnwofalse is false>><green> • You buy your girlfriend a QOS tattoo to make her BBC only from the BNWO quest Mr.Jackson gave you.</green><<elseif $gfsubevent8 is false and $gfbreakup is false and $bnwofalse is false>><grey> • You buy your girlfriend a QOS tattoo to make her BBC only from the BNWO quest Mr.Jackson gave you.</grey> ||<</if>>
<<if $siseventsub9 is true>><green> • Your sister fucks your ass with a strap-on after you're finally trained and ready.</green><<elseif $siseventsub9 is false>><grey> • Your sister fucks your ass with a strap-on after you're finally trained and ready</grey>\<</if>> || <<if $secondfemchange is true>><green> • Your body changes once again from the pills and your lifestyle.. you are even more girly.</green><<elseif $secondfemchange is false>><grey> • Your body changes once again from the pills and your lifestyle.. you are even more girly.</grey> ||<</if>>
<<if $bnwoevent4 is true and $bnwofalse is false and $gfbreakup is false>><green> • You show Mr.Jackson the QOS tattoo you gave your girlfriend and he rewards you accordingly..</green><<elseif $bnwoevent4 is false and $bnwofalse is false and $gfbreakup is false>><grey> • You show Mr.Jackson the QOS tattoo you gave your girlfriend and he rewards you accordingly..</grey>\<</if>> || <<if $schoolfemreaction1 is true>><green> • You go to school and everyone sees your changes...</green><<elseif $schoolfemreaction1 is false>><grey> • You go to school and everyone sees your changes...</grey> ||<</if>>
<<if $giveanallubetask is true>><green> • Your teacher orders you to buy a ballgag to get you ready to get fucked by her strap-on</green><<elseif $giveanallubetask is false>><grey> • Your teacher orders you to buy a ballgag to get you ready to get fucked by her strap-on</grey>\<</if>> || <<if $peggedteacher is true>><green> • Your teacher pegs you after you bought the ballgag like a good sissy..</green><<elseif $peggedteacher is false>><grey> • Your body changes once again from the pills and your lifestyle.. you are even more girly.</grey> ||<</if>>
<<if $teacheruniformtask is true>><green> • Your teacher orders you to buy a school girl uniform which is sluttier than the usual..</green><<elseif $teacheruniformtask is false>><grey> • Your teacher orders you to buy a school girl uniform which is sluttier than the usual..</grey>\<</if>> || <<if $siseventsub10 is true>><green> • You go out partying with your sister and get wasted like two dirty sluts..</green><<elseif $siseventsub10 is false>><grey> • You go out partying with your sister and get wasted like two dirty sluts..</grey> ||<</if>>
<<if $momeventsub10 is true>><green> • Your parents set up new house rules.. you will be their sissy maid and clean up after them, their toys and their genitals.. you are their sissy maid cuck.</green><<elseif $momeventsub10 is false>><grey> • Your parents set up new house rules.. you will be their sissy maid and clean up after them, their toys and their genitals.. you are their sissy maid cuck.</grey>\<</if>> || <<if $mombnwoquest1 is true and $bnwofalse is false>><green> • You start corrupting your innocent mother into the BNWO, orders from Mr Jackson to fulfill your quest, she will be a QOS.</green><<elseif $mombnwoquest1 is false and $bnwofalse is false>><grey> • You start corrupting your innocent mother into the BNWO, orders from Mr Jackson to fulfill your quest, she will be a QOS</grey> ||<</if>>
<<if $mombnwobuy1 is true and $bnwofalse is false>><green> • You go buy a bnwo magazine to corrupt your mom</green><<elseif $mombnwobuy1 is false and $bnwofalse is false>><grey> • You go buy a bnwo magazine to corrupt your mom</grey>\<</if>> || <<if $mombnwobought2 is true and $bnwofalse is false>><green> • You watch your mom corrupt herself with the BNWO magazine.. she's getting addicted to BBC.</green><<elseif $mombnwobought2 is false and $bnwofalse is false>><grey> • You watch your mom corrupt herself with the BNWO magazine.. she's getting addicted to BBC.</grey><</if>> ||
<<if $emailsub5 is true>><green> • You get a new task from your Master.. you must whore yourself for him..</green><<elseif $emailsub5 is false>><grey> • You get a new task from your Master.. you must whore yourself for him..</grey>\<</if>> || <<if $sispetplayevent is true>><green> • You get hypnotized into being a pet for your sister..</green><<elseif $sispetplayevent is false>><grey> • You get hypnotized into being a pet for your sister..</grey>\<</if>> ||
<<if $nailsalontask is true>><green> • You head to the beauty salon and do your nails like your teacher ordered you to </green><<elseif $nailstaskdone is true>><grey> • You head to the beauty salon and do your nails like your teacher ordered you to </grey>\<</if>> || <<if $bnwoevent5 is true and $bnwofalse is false>><green> • You talk with Mr.Jackson regarding you corrupting your mother to the BNWO..</green><<elseif $bnwoevent5 is false and $bnwofalse is false>><grey> • ou talk with Mr.Jackson regarding you corrupting your mother to the BNWO..</grey>\<</if>> ||
<<if $bnwoevent6 is true and $bnwofalse is false>><green> • You go with your mom to Mr.Jackson.. time to explore her corruption on the BNWO </green><<elseif $bnwoevent6 is false and $bnwofalse is false>><grey> • You go with your mom to Mr.Jackson.. time to explore her corruption on the BNWO </grey>\<</if>> ||<<if $siseventsub11 is true >><green> • It's time to change your chastity to smaller one </green><<elseif $siseventsub11 is false>><grey> • It's time to change your chastity to smaller one</grey>\<</if>> ||
<<if $bnwoeventsister is true and $bnwofalse is false>><green> • You catch your sister watching BNWO porn and she uses you </green><<elseif $bnwoeventsister is false and $bnwofalse is false>><grey> • You catch your sister watching BNWO porn and she uses you</grey>\<</if>> ||<<if $bnwoevent8 is true and $bnwofalse is false>><green> • You go to your school hallway to get rewarded by Mr.Jackson for what you did to your mother </green> <<elseif $bnwoevent8 is false and $bnwofalse is false>><grey> • You go to your school hallway to get rewarded by Mr.Jackson for what you did to your mother </grey>\<</if>>
<<if $bnwoevent9 is true and $bnwofalse is false>><green> • Your mother shows your dad her new QOS Tattoo</green><<elseif $bnwoevent9 is false and $bnwofalse is false>><grey> • Your mother shows your dad her new QOS Tattoo</grey>\<</if>> ||<<if $siseventsub12 is true>><green> • Your sister decides to change your appearence to attract cocks easier..</green><<elseif $siseventsub12 is false>><grey> • Your sister decides to change your appearence to attract cocks easier..</grey> ||<</if>>
<<if $emailsub6 is true>><green> • You finally meet your master in a gloryhole and get an invitation to join the sex stable where you can get trained as his slave.</green><<elseif $emailsub6 is false>><grey> • You finally meet your master in a gloryhole and get an invitation to join the sex stable where you can get trained as his slave..</grey>\<</if>> || <<if $gfsubevent9 is true and $bnwofalse is false and $gfbreakup is false>><green> • Your girlfriend meets Mr.Jackson and he turns her into his little black owned slut</green><<elseif $gfsubevent9 is false and $bnwofalse is false and $gfbreakup is false>><grey> •Your girlfriend meets Mr.Jackson and he turns her into his little black owned slut</grey>\<</if>> ||
<b><blue><center><u>• Dom events</u></center></blue></b>
<<if $siseventdom1 is true>><green> • You stumble upon your sister upstairs and she teases.. you get tired of her shit and punish her</green><<elseif $siseventdom1 is false>><grey> • You stumble upon your sister upstairs and she teases.. you get tired of her shit and punish her</grey>\<</if>> || <<if $momeventdom1 is true>><green> • She drops her robe on accident and you take the chance</green><<elseif $momeventdom1 is false>><grey> • She drops her robe on accident and you take the chance</grey> ||<</if>>
<<if $gfeventdom1 is true>><green> • Your girlfriend comes over and you show her who's the boss</green><<elseif $gfeventdom1 is false>><grey> • Your girlfriend comes over and you show her who's the boss</grey>\<</if>> || <<if $siseventdom2 is true>><green> • You dominate your sister and she falls into your hands</green><<elseif $siseventdom2 is false>><grey> • You dominate your sister and she falls into your hands</grey> ||<</if>>
<<if $bfdomevent1 is true>><green> • You talk with your best friend in the school campus and head to her house.. things get frisky</green><<elseif $bfdomevent1 is false>><grey> • You talk with your best friend in the school campus</grey>\<</if>> || <<if $siseventdom2 is true>><green> • You talk with your best friend in the school campus and head to her house.. things get frisky</green><<elseif $siseventdom2 is false>><grey> • You dominate your sister and she falls into your hands</grey> ||<</if>>
<<if $bfdomevent1 is true>><green> • You talk with your best friend in the school campus and head to her house.. things get frisky</green><<elseif $bfdomevent1 is false>><grey> • You talk with your best friend in the school campus</grey>\<</if>> || <<if $bfdomevent2 is true and $bfend is false>><green> • You hang out with your girlfriend and when you two have sex you can only think of your best friend</green><<elseif $bfdomevent2 is false and $bfend is false>><grey> • You hang out with your girlfriend and when you two have sex you can only think of your best friend</grey> ||<</if>>
<<if $classmateglory is true>><green> • You visit the gloryhole.. perhaps its someone you know on the other side</green><<elseif $classmateglory is false>><grey> • You visit the gloryhole.. perhaps its someone you know on the other side</grey>\<</if>> || <<if $momdomevent2 is true>><green> • You ask your sister for help to corrupt your mother</green><<elseif $momdomevent2 is false>><grey> • You ask your sister for help to corrupt your mother</grey> ||<</if>>
<<if $momdomevent3 is true>><green> • You corrupt your mom even further..</green><<elseif $momdomevent3 is false>><grey> • You corrupt your mom even further..</grey>\<</if>> || <<if $momdomevent4 is true>><green> • You tease your mother by showing her your fat cock on mistake..</green><<elseif $momdomevent4 is false>><grey> • You tease your mother by showing her your fat cock on mistake..</grey> ||<</if>>
<<if $momdomevent5 is true>><green> • You take a step further and dominate your mom in the shower</green><<elseif $momdomevent5 is false>><grey> • You take a step further and dominate your mom in the shower</grey>\<</if>> || <<if $classmatedom2 is true>><green> • You confront the whore on the gloryhole after you know who it is..</green><<elseif $classmatedom2 is false>><grey> •ou confront the whore on the gloryhole after you know who it is..</grey> ||<</if>>
<<if $bfeventdom3 is true and $bfend is false>><green> • You go to your best friends house once again and things get wild..</green><<elseif $bfeventdom3 is false and $bfend is false>><grey> • You go to your best friends house once again and things get wild..</grey>\<</if>> || <<if $classmatedom3 is true>><green> • You wait for Sasha to come out to confront her and teach her a lesson</green><<elseif $classmatedom3 is false>><grey> •You wait for Sasha to come out to confront her and teach her a lesson</grey> ||<</if>>
<<if $momdomevent6 is true>><green> • You talk with your mother about what happened last time in the shower</green><<elseif $momdomevent6 is false>><grey> • You talk with your mother about what happened last time in the shower</grey>\<</if>> || <<if $dadeventdom1 is true>><green> • Your dad barges in when you're showering and you have the option to tease him if you want..</green><<elseif $dadeventdom1 is false>><grey> •Your dad barges in when you're showering and you have the option to tease him if you want.</grey> ||<</if>>
<<if $dadeventdom2 is true and $dadgayoff is false is true>><green> • You and your dad masturbate to gay porn together in the living room</green><<elseif $dadeventdom2 is false and $dadgayoff is false>><grey> • You and your dad masturbate to gay porn together in the living room</grey>\<</if>> || <<if $dadeventdom3 is true and $dadgayoff is false>><green> • You go on a jog with your father and he gets hurt.. you end up massaging him..</green><<elseif $dadeventdom3 is false and $dadgayoff is false>><grey> • You go on a jog with your father and he gets hurt.. you end up massaging him..</grey> ||<</if>>
<<if $teacherdom1 is true>><green> • You and your classmate tease your teacher while she gives her lesson..</green><<elseif $teacherdom1 is false>><grey> • You and your classmate tease your teacher while she gives her lesson..</grey>\<</if>> || <<if $teacherdom2 is true>><green> • You corrupt your teacher further and go on a walk with her, fucking her in public</green><<elseif $teacherdom2 is false>><grey> •You corrupt your teacher further and go on a walk with her, fucking her in public</grey> ||<</if>>
<<if $dadeventdom4 is true and $dadgayoff is false>><green> • You decide if you want to keep your dad masculine or feminize him..</green><<elseif $dadeventdom4 is false and $dadgayoff is false>><grey> • You decide if you want to keep your dad masculine or feminize him..</grey>\<</if>> || <<if $dadeventdomfem1 is true and $dadgayoff is false and $dadfeminized is true>><green> • You put sissy hypno porn for your dad in the living room and feed him drugs..</green><<elseif $teacherdom2 is false>><grey> •You put sissy hypno porn for your dad in the living room and feed him drugs..</grey> ||<</if>>
<<if $teacherdom4 is true>><green> • You help your teacher not get fired after you two fucked in public, you meet the headmaster and come to a deal.</green><<elseif $teacherdom4 is false>><grey> • You help your teacher not get fired after you two fucked in public, you meet the headmaster and come to a deal</grey>\<</if>> || <<if $bfeventdom4 is true and $bfend is false>><green> • You finally have to decide between your best friend or your girlfriend..</green><<elseif $bfeventdom4 is false and $bfend is false>><grey> •You finally have to decide between your best friend or your girlfriend..</grey> ||<</if>>
<<if $dadeventdomfem2 is true and $dadgayoff is false and $dadfeminized is true>><green> • You keep feeding your dad sissy pills and plant a trap on him, letting your sisters panties on his bed.. he tries them on.</green><<elseif $dadeventdomfem2 is false and $dadgayoff is false and $dadfeminized is true>><grey> • You keep feeding your dad sissy pills and plant a trap on him, letting your sisters panties on his bed.. he tries them on</grey>\<</if>> || <<if $dadeventdomdom1 is true and $dadgayoff is false and $dadfeminized is false>><green> • Your dad tries to resist you dominating him but you teach him his place..</green><<elseif $dadeventdomdom1 is false and $dadgayoff is false and $dadfeminized is false>><grey> •Your dad tries to resist you dominating him but you teach him his place..</grey> ||<</if>>
<<if $siseventdom3 is true>><green> • You test your sisters limit by being extremely hard on her sexually..</green><<elseif $siseventdom3 is false>><grey> • You test your sisters limit by being extremely hard on her sexually...</grey>\<</if>> || <<if $dadeventdomfem3 is true and $dadgayoff is false and $dadfeminized is true>><green> • You blackmail your father with the video you took to feminize him further.</green><<elseif $dadeventdomfem3 is false and $dadgayoff is false and $dadfeminized is true>><grey> •You blackmail your father with the video you took to feminize him further.</grey> ||<</if>>
<<if $bfeventdom5 is true and $bfend is false and $gfbreakup is false>><green> • You call your best friend and your girlfriend so you break up with your girlfriend.. you end up fucking your best friend in front of her and finding out shes cheating n you..</green><<elseif $bfeventdom5 is false and $bfend is false and $gfbreakup is false>><grey> • You call your best friend and your girlfriend so you break up with your girlfriend.. you end up fucking your best friend in front of her and finding out shes cheating n you.</grey>\<</if>> || <<if $teacherdom5 is true>><green> • You and your teacher fulfill the deal you had with the headmaster and have a threesome.</green><<elseif $teacherdom5 is false>><grey> •You and your teacher fulfill the deal you had with the headmaster and have a threesome.</grey> ||<</if>>
<<if $headmasterdom1 is true and $subheadmaster is true>><green> • You confront your headmaster about him being submissive to you...</green><<elseif $headmasterdom1 is false and $subheadmaster is true>><grey> • You confront your headmaster about him being submissive to you...</grey>\<</if>> ||<<if $dadeventdomfem4 is true and $dadfeminized is true and $dadgayoff is false>><green> • You make your father take all his body hair off for you.. feminizing him further.</green><<elseif $dadeventdomfem4 is false and $dadfeminized is true and $dadgayoff is false>><grey> • You make your father take all his body hair off for you.. feminizing him further.</grey>\<</if>> ||
<<if $gfeventdom2 is true>><green> • Your girlfriend accepts her place beneath you and your best friend as your pet.</green><<elseif $gfeventdom2 is false>><grey> • Your girlfriend accepts her place beneath you and your best friend as your pet.</grey>\<</if>> ||<<if $teacherdom6 is true>><green> • You head to your teachers house and cuck her husband.</green><<elseif $teacherdom6 is false>><grey> • You head to your teachers house and cuck her husband.</grey>\<</if>> ||
<<if $workdomeventgay1 is true and $homosexuality >=5>><green> • You find a new twink boy at work and fuck him</green><<elseif $workdomeventgay1 is false and $homosexuality >=5>><grey> • You find a new twink boy at work and fuck him.</grey>\<</if>> ||<<if $dadeventdomdom2 is true and $dadfeminized is false and $dadgayoff is false>><green> • You make your dad train his asshole with your sisters dildo for you.</green><<elseif $dadeventdomdom2 is false and $dadfeminized is false and $dadgayoff is false>><grey> • You make your dad train his asshole with your sisters dildo for you.</grey>\<</if>> ||
<<if $dadeventdomfem5 is true and $dadfeminized is true and $dadgayoff is false>><green> • Your teacher aids you with feminizing your dad, agreeing to give you new drugs.</green><<elseif $dadeventdomfem5 is false and $dadfeminized is true and $dadgayoff is false>><grey> • Your teacher aids you with feminizing your dad, agreeing to give you new drugs.</grey>\<</if>> ||<<if $dadeventdomfem7 is true and $dadfeminized is true and $dadgayoff is false>><green> • You finally see the effects of the new drug on your dad</green><<elseif $dadeventdomfem7 is false and $dadfeminized is true and $dadgayoff is false>><grey> • You finally see the effects of the new drug on your dad</grey>\<</if>> ||
<<if $dadfemreaction is true and $dadfeminized is true and $dadgayoff is false>><green> • Everyone in your household reacts to your dads body changes.</green><<elseif $dadfemreaction is false and $dadfeminized is true and $dadgayoff is false>><grey> • Everyone in your household reacts to your dads body changes.</grey>\<</if>> ||<<if $dadeventdomfem8 is true and $dadfeminized is true and $dadgayoff is false>><green> • You catch your feminized dad sucking on a dildo and give him something else to suck..</green><<elseif $dadeventdomfem8 is false and $dadfeminized is true and $dadgayoff is false>><grey> • You catch your feminized dad sucking on a dildo and give him something else to suck..</grey>\<</if>> ||
<<if $sisreactiondadfem is true and $dadfeminized is true and $dadgayoff is false>>\<green> • You see your sister and dad dynamic change.. she wants to own her</green><<elseif $sisreactiondadfem is false and $dadfeminized is true and $dadgayoff is false>><grey> • You see your sister and dad dynamic change.. she wants to own her</grey>\<</if>> ||<<if $momreactiondadfem is true and $dadfeminized is true and $dadgayoff is false>><green> • You see your mother and dad dynamic change.. she will not be satisfied by a sissy husband</green><<elseif $momreactiondadfem is false and $dadfeminized is true and $dadgayoff is false>><grey> • You see your mother and dad dynamic change.. she will not be satisfied by a sissy husband..</grey>\<</if>> ||
<<if $dadeventdomfem9 is true and $dadfeminized is true and $dadgayoff is false>><green> • Your sister helps you further break your feminine father with her dominant personality and you reward her afterwards.</green><<elseif $dadeventdomfem9 is false and $dadfeminized is true and $dadgayoff is false>><grey> • Your sister helps you further break your feminine father with her dominant personality and you reward her afterwards.</grey>\<</if>> ||<<if $momdomevent9 is true and $dadfeminized is false>><green> • You finally take the last step and fuck your mother in the kitchen right under your dads nose</green><<elseif $momdomevent9 is false and $dadfeminized is false>><grey> • You finally take the last step and fuck your mother in the kitchen right under your dads nose<</grey>\<</if>> || <<set $time to $time+1>>\
<span class='fadeIn'>\
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\sistersroom.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><img src="images\city\sisterbedroom.png" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>
<b><center> You enter your <sister>sisters</sister> room after she called you in distress, what could she need? She's standing next to her PC waiting for you</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\sisterweekend.jpg"></span></center>
-<b><sister> "<pink>Sissy</pink> I know you are good with computers, there's something weird going on with mine it's making alot of noise.. fix it for me."</sister></b> - she says pointing at the pc
<b><center> You look at the PC and indeed the fans seem like they are noisy.. you get on all fours and head down to the PC</center></b>
-<b><pink> Ehm I don't know what it is.. maybe something is broken..</pink></b> - you say looking at it clueless
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\saturdaypeg1.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><center> She rolls her eyes and madly she screams at you</center></b>
-<b><sister> "God you're so fucking useless all the time.. come here!"</sister></b> - she says as she grabs your hair and drags you to her bed, putting down her skirt showing you her pussy
-<b><pink> S..sorry!</pink></B> - you say as she drags you
-<b><sister> "Shut up! This is truly the only thing you'll ever be useful for in your life, pleasuring your superiors! Lick my pussy whore!"</sister></B> - she orders you
<b><center> You immediately dive deep into her pussy through her pantyhose doing your best to pleasure her and apologize for being useless on helping her</center></B>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\saturdaypeg2.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><sister> "Now lick my ass you dirty slut! Lick it deep and well make sure to clean every nook and cranny!"</sister></b> - she says putting herself on all fours and grabbing your face, making it go deep into her ass
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\saturdaypeg3.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><pink> I.. I'm sorry for being useless..</pink></B> - you apologize as you lick her ass
-<b><sister> "Oh you will be.. come here now, we're gonna go outside! I don't care if someone hears!"</sister></b> - she says throwing you outside of her room and going to her wardrobe, when she comes out she's wearing a large strap-on..
<b><center> You already know what's coming.. you don't even resist and honestly you quite enjoyed last time..</center></b>
-<b><sister> "I'm gonna fuck you against the stairs and I don't care if you scream and <mom>mom</mom> hears.. it's good that she knows what a fucking sissy slut she has in her house!"</sister></B> - she says grabbing you from behind and fucking you against the staircase
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\saturdaypeg4.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><pink> F..fFUUCK! god!.. IT'S SO DEEP!</pink></B> - you can't control your voice as she goes as deep as she can hitting your prostate, making you leak everywhere
<b><center> After a while you hear from downstairs..</center></b>
-<b><mom> "<pink>$girlname</pink> are you okay? What's going on up there?"</mom></b> - your mom says from downstairs
-<b><pink> I..I'm fine! I stumped my toe! Don't.. godd.. worry!</pink></B> - you say as she continues fucking you without mercy
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\saturdaypeg5.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><sister> "Alright that's enough.. you did well sissy, clean up the floor you leaked everywhere slut.. I'll go get a real man to fix my computer."</sister></B> - she says removing her huge strap on from your ass and going to her room
<b><center> You can't feel your legs and you didn't cum it leaves you almost to verge of crying.. but you go weak back to your room..</center></b>
<center>[[Go back to your room|Room]]</center>
<span class='fadeIn'>\
<<set $therapistsubevent7 to false>>\
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\therapy.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><img src="images\city\therapylobby.png" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>
<b><center> You arrive at the therapy building and enter.. once you are inside you are immediately greeted upon the receptionist smirking at you.. she must have a thing for you the way she always eyes you.. however you can tell it's like a predator watching a prey..</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\smirkreceptionist.jpg"></span></center>
-<b><pink> Hey..</pink></b> - is all you are able to say before you are cut off
-<b><ltblue> "Look at you! So feminine! Even your voice is different.. god you look so tasty mhmm.. anyways go upstairs <therapist>Ms.$therapistname</therapist> is waiting for you.."</ltblue></B> - she says shooing you away
-<b><pink> Thanks..</pink></B> - you say as you go upstairs, feeling your back burning as you feel <ltblue>$receptionistname</ltblue> eye you from behind..
<b><center>[[Head upstairs to meet your therapist|therapistsubevent7thpt2]]</center></b><center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\therapy.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><img src="images\city\therapyroom.png" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>
<b><center> You arrive upstairs expecting to be greeted upon <therapist>$therapistname</therapist> however there is no one here.. where could she be?</center></b>
-<b><therapist><i> "You can go inside the hypno room <pink>$girlname</pink>.."</i></therapist></b> - she says from another room
-<b><bf><i> "St..stop mhmhm.."</i></bf></b> - you hear someone say from the same room she is in
<b><center> What.. is she with another patient still? Maybe she wasn't expecting you so early.. kind of odd but either way you just do what she said and head inside the hypno room.</center></b>
<center>[[Head inside the hypno room|therapistsubevent7thpt3]]</center><center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\therapy.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><img src="images\city\hypnoroom.png" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>
<b><center> You enter the hypno room which you've grown used to and immediately feel a little dizzy.. it seems your body is starting to grow some type of muscle memory to what happens to you inside here.. it all feels very weird but you can't lie that with the recent changes you've been feeling happier and more in <pink>your place..</pink> so you don't complain.. the <pink>pink drink</pink> also tastes pretty good.. talking about them you can see the drink on the table already however there's something different with the pills.. there's two of them and they are bigger..</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\pinkdrink.jpg"></span></center>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\twopinkpills.jpg"></span></center>
-<b><therapist><i> "Hello <pink>sissy</pink>.. As you can see there's been some changes.. it's about time we take your trai..- therapy to another level.. <i>we</i> feel like you're ready for the next step.. so please as per usual take your <pink>sissy drink</pink> and the <pink>pink pill</pink> and relax.. see you soon.."</i></therapist></B> - she says through the speaker in a sultry voice
<b><center> You shrug and dont feel like wasting any time, you take a seat on the couch and quickly start drinking the pink shake as you gulp down both pills.. After 10 to 20 seconds you immediately start feeling the effect of the pill.. it's much stronger.. you lose control of your limbs and just stay brainless on the couch..</center></b>
<center>[[Go empty|therapistsubevent7thpt4]]</center><center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\therapy.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>\
<center><video src="videos\hypno\hypnoaudio.mp4" width="1" height="1" autoplay></video></center>\
<b><center><pink><u><font size="10">SISSYHOOD</font></u></pink></center></b>\
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\sissyhood.jpg"></span></center>
<b><center> You were expecting to feel empty but instead.. you just feel extremely <pink>feminine</pink>! There's no girl girlier than you! You would love to put on a frilly dress on, do your makeup extremely girly and go to the hair salon.. god you even have to do your nails! How could you have missed your appointment? You look around and everything is <pink>pink</pink> on your view! Has the world always been this beautiful and <pink>girly</pink>?</center></b>
-<b><pink><i> Oh gee! What are these clothes I'm wearing..?!</i></pink></B> - you tell yourself analyzing your clothing
<b><center> You are so focused on yourself that you don't even notice a girl crawl next to you and sit down.. you feel like her face is familiar but you don't even remember anyone you knew anyways.. all you remember is <pink>pink</pink>.. this girl is very feminine too though.. makes you kind of jealous..</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\bftherapist.jpg"></span></center>
-<b><bf> "H..hi bestie.. are you okay..?"</bf></B> - the pretty girl speaks to you
-<b><pink> Oh my god! You are so freaking cute! Where did you get your hair done?</pink></B> - you say like an empty sissy who can only think about feminine things
-<b><therapist> "Dear lord.. maybe two pills were too much, the stupid sissy can only think about feminine stuff.. look up <pink>sissy bitch</pink>. I'm your Mistress understand?"</therapist></b> - a strong dominant woman talks to you
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\therapistlatex.jpg"></span></center>
<b><center> Your body shivers everywhere as soon as your eyes meet hers.. you can tell she is much superior to you.. your <therapist>Mistress</therapist>.. you want to obey her like a good girl, you immediately bow your head in respect</center></b>
-<b><pink> Yes Mistress.. Sorry Mistress..!</pink></B> - you say addressing her twice in respect
-<b><therapist> "Wow.. the effects are amazing! This is a success..! We've come closer to perfection on developing the sissy transformation drug.. let's see how much we can go before she breaks though.. <pink>Sissy!</pink> put these clothes on!</therapist></b> - your Mistress says as she throws you <pink>girly feminine clothing which you adore and makes you glee with happiness!</pink>
<b><center> You immediately undress in front of both women and put the clothing on.. they feel so much better than what you were wearing.. <pink>so feminine!</pink></center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\mctherapistfem.png"></span></center>
<b><center> You then hear footsteps from another person coming in.. you look and it's another dominant woman..! Are you dreaming right now? Why is there so many hot Mistresses here.. you want to obey them all..</center></B>
-<b><ltblue> "Don't start without me.. I wanna have fun breaking the sissies too.. seems like the drug was a success hehe.."</ltblue></b> - the woman says approaching you and the other girl next to you
<b><center> The two hot Mistresses are on both of your sides analyzing you.. they are so superior you feel shivers down your spine..</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\duofeminized.jpg"></span></center>
-<b><therapist> "Alright little bitches.. let's get started shall we.. <bf>$bfname</bf> you'll go along with your sissy best friend here.. show her the ways.."</therapist></b> - the hot <therapist>Mistress</therapist> says as both women attach really big strap-ons to their waist.. you immediately want to crawl and serve them but you wait for your order
-<b><ltblue> "Get sucking little bitches hehe!"</ltblue></b> - the other <ltblue>Mistress</ltblue> orders
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\therapistduofeminized1.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<B><center> As soon as those words come out of her mouth you go in first and immediately start sucking on your <therapist>Mistress</therapist> big cock.. it feels so good to obey her and serve her.. you don't even know her name but all you know is she is superior to you.. you'll do anything she says..</center></b>
-<b><therapist> "Deeper whore.. I know you can take it."</therapist></b> - she orders you
-<b><pink> Yes Mistress..</pink></b> - you say as you take her cock deeper
<b><center> You maintain full eye contact with her as you do your best sucking her off.. your throat expanding to take the full manhood.. your <pink>sissy clit</pink> leaking in it's cage as you feel your arousal grow.. You can her your <pink>sissy friend</pink> gag behind you too.</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\therapistduofeminized2.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><therapist> "Good job sluts.. now that it's lubed up it's time to expand those sissy holes. I want them completely gaped today, permenantly! Let's get these dildos for you to suck to keep your mouth occupied, turn around and get on all fours bitches!"</therapist></B> - she says as the other <ltblue>Mistress</ltblue> gets two big dildos and attaches to chairs in front of you two.
<B><ltblue> "Time to dive in hehe..!"</ltblue></B> - the <ltblue>Mistress</ltblue> says as she forces the head of the sissy girl in front of you on the dildo and starts fucking her
<b><center>At the same time you feel your <pink>boipussy</pink> expand as your <therapist>Mistress</therapist> starts inserting her large cock inside of you.. you immediately lean in to give her more space like a good slut would and start sucking on the dildo in front of you.. it feels so good!</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\therapistduofeminized3.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><pink> GOD..! IT FEELS SO GOOD! I'M LEAKING EVERYWHEEERE..!</pink></b> - you scream as you feel your clit leak precum everywhere as you get fucked
-<b><therapist> "HAHAHA.. the pill really brought the slut inside of you jesus christ! Let's see that clitty leak.."</therapist></B> - she says as she puts her hand in front of your clitty as she fucks you.. after a while she feeds you the precum while she fucks you..
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\therapistduofeminized4.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><center> The <pink>sissy girl</pink> in front of you looks directly in your eyes as you two get fucked.. she looks so attractive.. you feel like you recognize her face from somewhere.. she licks her lips while looking at you and you dive into a kiss while she gets fucked.. you two start making out as you get fucked.. you share your precum saliva with her..</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\therapistduofeminized5.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><bf> "Mhmmmmhm.. tasty.."</bf></B> - the sissy girl says as she tastes you
-<b><ltblue> "HAHAHA LOOK AT THEM.. they started making out without us even say anything.. what a bunch of whores!"</ltblue></b> - the blonde <ltblue>Mistress</ltblue> says humiliating you two
-<b><pink> "Thank you Mistress.. Fuck me Mistress..!"</pink></b> - you say as you get humiliated
-<b><therapist> "Alright I'm tired.. if you want more cock then come and ride me whore.. show me what you are made of.. jump on my big cock!"</therapist></b> - the dark haired <therapist>Mistress</therapist> says as she sits down on the couch like an alpha male would waiting for you
<b><center> You immediately line up her big cock with your <pink>gaped boipussy</pink> and slide it back in.. you feel empty without it in already.. you start jumping up and down as you get fucked feeling extreme pleasure, your clitty dangling everywhere.. the other <pink>sissy girl</pink> just watches in awe at how slutty you are..</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\therapistduofeminized6.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><ltblue> "Your turn slut.. do the same as her!"</ltblue></B> - the blonde Mistress orders her
<b><center> She then jumps in and you two ride both Mistress as you get fucked..</center></b>
-<b><therapist> "Get off sissy.. I want you to kiss her <pink>sissy clit</pink> as she gets fucked.. do what I say."</therapist></b> - your <therapist>Mistress</therapist> orders you testing your limits
<b><center> You don't even think twice about her orders, anything she says you will do it immediately, she knows best..! You kneel in front of your sissy friend and start planting alot of kisses along her chastity caged <pink>clit</pink>! Both women laughing at how pathetic you are.</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\therapistduofeminized7.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><therapist> "God the effects of the pill are amazing.. she's just a sissy toy who will do anything we order.. if we start feeding these to new patients we can sell them to rich men and get wealthy.. our dream will come true HAHA!"</therapist></b> - she says revealing her true intentions.. however you don't care about it at all, you just keep kissing your friends clit!
-<b><ltblue> "I want to do something.. get on all fours slut.. and you kneel next to her!"</ltblue></B> - she orders you
<b><center> You do what she says and she starts fucking your friend in the boipusy from behind but then suddenly she puts her cock on your face, going from her ass to your mouth..</center></b>
-<b><ltblue> "Suck. Now!"</ltblue></b> - she orders you and you spurt into action, sucking her cock, she then takes it out of your mouth and goes back to her asspussy and repeats this multiple times
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\therapistduofeminized8.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><therapist> "Alright I want you two to stay plugged for the rest of the day you sluts, we are going to permenantly reshape the size of your boipussies so they can take bigger cocks over time.."</therapist></b> - the dark haired <therapist>Mistress</therapist> says as she puts two large buttplugs in both of your asses, making you display them on all fours
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\therapistduofeminized9.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><pink><i> God I feel so full hmhmm.. but it feels so nice.. who cares that it will be loose? Im meant to be fucked anyways! Like a sissy slut!</i></pink></b> - you think to yourself as you feel the gape widen in you
<b><center> You two then take a seat feeling yourselves filled, you look at your sissy friend and her clit looks so adorable you just start massaging it by instinct.. she does the same to you and you both start moaning like two sluts..</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\therapistduofeminized10.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><therapist> "Jesus that's enough you two need to get a fucking room you whores.. all lovey dovey, off you go both to your houses, if you dare to remove the plugs I swear to god you'll be so sorry.."</therapist></b> - the dark haired Mistress orders and picks both of you up, sending you downstairs to your homes
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\therapistduofeminized11.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><center> You get dressed in your old ugly clothes and somehow head home with your head filled with sissy thoughts.. but it's so nice!</center></b>
<ltblue><b> "Bye bye hehe.."</b></ltblue> - the blond mistress says on the reception.
<center>[[Head home brainless|therapistsubevent7thpt5]]</center><center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\bedroom.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><img src="images\city\bedroom.jpg" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>
<b><center> You manage to get home and you are still full of feminine thoughts but they are fading away.. you now remember you are <pink>$girlname</pink> however theres fragments of the past hours you dont remember.. you feel like you saw <bf>$bfname</bf> naked for some reason.. your head hurts massively so you just lay down on your bed</center></b>
<b><pink> - God my head hurts so much.. yet I want to dress up in girly clothing again..</pink></b> - you tell yourself as you enter your bed
<b><center> As you enter your bed and close your eyes.. memories of <bf>$bfname</bf> and you kissing and you grabbing her chastity caged penis flood in as you fall asleep..</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\therapistduofeminized10.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\therapistduofeminized5.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<<if $submissive <=65>>\
<<set $submissive to $submissive+1>>\
<b><center><pink> Submissiveness +1!</pink></center></b>\
<b><center><white><u> This action won't increase your <pink>submission</pink> anymore.</u></white></center></b>
<center>[[• Eventually you fall asleep •|Sleep3]]</center>\
<<set $momdadtask to true>>\
<<set $fatiguestat to 0>>
<<set $day to $day+1>>
<<set $time to 0>>
<<if $dayy == 7>>
<<set $dayy to 1>>
<<set $dayy to $dayy+1>>
<<if $timer < 2>>
<<set $timer to $timer+1>>
<<if $timer == 3>>\
<<set $timer to $timer-1>>\
<span class='fadeIn'>
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\dreaming.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\mcdreampegged.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<center><<timed 2s>><b> With the recent events your can't help but dream about your <sister>Mistress</sister> pegging you.. you want it again</b><</timed>></center>
<<timed 3s>>\
<center>[[• Wake up •|Room]]</center>
<</timed>>\<span class='fadeIn'>
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\dreaming.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\mcdreambbcfuck.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<center><<timed 2s>><b> With you losing your anal virginity to your sister.. you can't help but imagine what it would be like to actually fucked by a <brown>big black cock</brown>.. you dream about it..</b><</timed>></center>
<<timed 3s>>\
<center>[[• Wake up •|Room]]</center>
<</timed>>\<span class='fadeIn'>
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\dreaming.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\mcfuckedream.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<center><<timed 2s>><b> With you losing your anal virginity to your sister.. you can't help but imagine what it would be like to actually fucked by a big cock.. you dream about it..</b><</timed>></center>
<<timed 3s>>\
<center>[[• Wake up •|Room]]</center>
<</timed>>\<span class='fadeIn'>\
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\bedroom.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><img src="images\city\bedroom.jpg" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>\
<b><center> You just woke up and when you look down you notice you have a massive boner.. it even hurts from how hard it is, you must be producing a shit ton of testosterone or something..</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\morningboner.jpg"></span></center>
-<b><you><i> Shit.. might aswell jerk one off to start the day I guess..</i></you></b> - you say as you grab your hard cock
<b><center> You are about to start jerking off when it comes to your mind the fact that your <sister>sister</sister> is literally your slut.. why would you waste your time and energy when you can just fuck the living shit out of her? She's probably sleeping but who cares.. you'll just wake her up.</center></b>
<center>[[Go to your sisters room|DomSaturday3pt2]]</center><span class='fadeIn'>\
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\sistersroom.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><img src="images\city\sisterbedroom.png" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>
<b><center> You enter her bedroom and you immediately stumble upon your <sister>sister</sister> sleeping on her bed calmly without a single thought in her world.. little does she know what's about to happen</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\sistersleeping.jpg"></span></center>
<b><center> You approach her and you agressively take your already hard cock out, go next to her and start slapping your cock on her face, waking her up suddenly, grabbing her hair.</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\wakeupcockslap.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><you> Wake up slut, time to do your job. I woke up horny, move aside.</you></b> - you say as you lay down on her bed
<b><center> She's still groggy from sleeping and doesn't even understand what's going on, she just looks at you after you cockslapped her</center></b>
-<b><sister> "Wh..what? What's going on..?"</sister></b> - she asks as you lay down with your cock out on her bed
-<b><you> I'm horny and you're my slut, what don't you understand? Suck me whore, now!</you></b> - you order her
<b><center> At this point she doesn't even think of disobeying you, she just gets closer to your cock and starts sucking your big cock submissively</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\sistersaturdayhorny1.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><you> Let me see that pussy..</you></b> - you say as you start fingering her and slapping her as she sucks you off, making her wet
-<b><sister> "Oh mhmmmhm.. hehe.."</sister></b> - she grins sucking your cock as she gets into the mood
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\sistersaturdayhorny2.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><center> You can feel her getting extremely wet on your fingers and you honestly can't wait to fuck her anymore, you are really aroused today.. did someone drug you or what?</center></b>
-<b><sister> "Fine.. you win, fuck me!"</sister></b> - she says as she lays back and spreads her legs, slapping her wet pussy for you
<b><center> You smile at her and dive deep into her pussy, sticking it inside of her raw and fucking her balls deep, what would happen if you impregnated your sister? That would be so fun..</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\sistersaturdayhorny3.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><sister> "Oh yessss.. fuck you feel so big inside of me.."</sister></B> - she says as she starts feeling pleasure as you fuck her
-<b><you> Shut up slut.. take this cock harder..</you></b> - you say as you grab her neck and start fucking her roughly, making her go red as you choke her
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\sistersaturdayhorny4.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><sister> "GHGHGHGFD... GHOD.."</sister></B> - she says muffled as you choke her
<b><center> You quickly grab and her put her on top of you, fucking her roughly and hard while she's on top of you, you're fucking her like a complete stallion, dominating her whole body as she cant control herself in pleasure</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\sistersaturdayhorny5.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><sister> "GODDDDD YOU ARE DESTROYING MY PUSSSYYYY..!!"</sister></B> - she screams out loud
<b><center> You're pretty sure your <mom>Mom</mom> can hear your <sister>sister</sister> scream from the outside but you don't care.. actually it's even better if she hears so she knows what's coming for her next, you turn grab your sister and bury her face into the blankets, fucking her from behind agressively</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\sistersaturdayhorny6.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><sister> "FFFUCDUKK.. IM CUMMINGGGG..!!"</SISTER></B> - she screams as you hammer down her pussy
<b><center> As she cums you take your cock inside of her and start nutting all over her face, giving her skincare routine for when she gets up</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\sistersaturdayhorny7.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><sister> "God you completely destroyed my pussy.. there's so much juice on my face I can barely see.."</sister></B> - she says licking cum off her face
-<b><you> You can go back to sleep.. I'm going out slut, thanks.</you></b> - you say as you wipe the rest of the cum on her bed and leave going downstairs to the living room
<b><center>[[Leave to the living room|DomSaturday3pt3]]</center></b><<set $time to $time+1>>\
<span class='fadeIn'>\
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\livingroom.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><img src="images\city\livingroom.jpg" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>
<b><center> You head downstairs without a shirt off and sweaty just about to get some water when you pass by the living room and notice your <mom>mother</mom> is in the couch with a <i>very confortable</i> outfit.. when she notices you passing by she starts playing with her hair looking at you</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\sistersaturdayhorny8.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><mom> "Hi honey.. how are you? Were you working out?"</mom></b> - she says knowingly teasing you
-<b><you> Yeah.. sum like that</you></b> - you say as you ogle her body
<b><center> She notices you ogling her and smirks at you</center></b>
-<b><mom> "Oh honey you left this here by the way.."</mom></b> - she says as she turns around, showing you her big ass as she grabs your phone from the couch
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\sistersaturdayhorny9.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><center> Alright.. playing with her hair is one thing but there's like a million different ways she could've picked that phone up.. she's clearly asking for it.. will you give her what she wants though?</center></b>
<div id="choice">
<<linkreplace "<mom><center> • Facefuck your teasing mother</center></mom>">>\
<<replace "#choice">>\
<b><center> You feel your cock grow that is still wet from the pussy juices of your sister and you realize nature is calling.. and it wants you to destroy your whore of a mother who probably got horny from hearing you two fuck.. you approach her and lift down your shorts.</center></b>
-<b><you> Suck it.</you></b> - is all you say looking deep into her eyes
<b><center> She looks at your cock and back at you and smiles knowing that she got what she wanted.. she kneels and starts sucking your cock that is still full of your <sister>sister pussy juices</sister>.. she knows that and doesn't even care, your <mom>Mother</mom> is literally tasting your <sister>sisters</sister> pussyjuices indirectly..</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\sistersaturdayhorny10.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><you> Can you taste <sister>$sistername</sister> pussyjuices you whore?</you></b> - you ask her
-<b><mom> "Y..yeah I can.. it's so fucking hot.."</mom></b> - she admits extremely aroused as she keeps sucking your cock
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\sistersaturdayhorny10.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><center> The fact she knows however she chooses to ignore it brings you very close to climax very soon.. you empty your balls on your moms face and finally you feel free from the horniness you had when you woke up</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\momfacial.jpg"></span></center>
-<b><mom> "So much.. I want you to fuck me too.."</mom></b> - she asks desperate
<b><center> However you will not give her what she wants right now.. she has to wait and wait and beg for it to happen.. you ignore her grinning and go back upstairs leaving her face coated with cum.</center></b>
<center>[[Go back to your room|Room]]</center>
<div id="choice">
<<linkreplace "<white><center> • Leave her be and go to your room</center></white>">>
<<replace "#choice">>
<b><center> As much as she wants to tease you will not give her what she wants, she has to understand who holds the power here and if you want her you will have her.. not the other way around, you take the phone and go back to your room
<center>[[Go back to your room|Room]]</center>
</div><span class='fadeIn'>
<<set $headmasterdom1 to false>>\
<<set $timer to 0>>\
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\schoolhallway.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><img src="images\city\schoolhall.jpg" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>
<b><center> You are in the school hallway when you remember you haven't yet adressed the things that happened in the threesome with <teacher>$nameteacher</teacher> and the headmaster.. he seemed slightly confused by your actions but not necessarily against them.. if you can dominate the highest person in school.. you'll have alot more space to control the people inside them.. you head up to his office and knock at the door</center></b>
-<b><headmaster> "Come in."</headmaster></b> - he says from inside
<b><center> You go in and he's sitting on his couch quite pensative</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\headmasterthinking.jpg"></span></center>
-<b><headmaster> "Oh <you>$name</you>.. how can I help you?"</headmaster></b> - he says trying to mantain and somewhat professional posture out of nowhere
-<b><you> Well we havent really spoke since last time when we destroyed <teacher>$nameteacher</teacher>. Are you happy with the result?</you></B> - you ask him
-<b><headmaster> "Well as you may know I've always wanted to get into her pants ever since I hired her.. honestly I only hired because of that but the bitch didn't really budge.. I am grateful to you for that"</headmaster></b> - he says smiling at you
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\headmastersmiling.png"></span></center>
<b><center> You take the chance now that he has softened a bit to go next to him and sit next to him, you don't even ask if you can do it or not, he just watches you as you sit down</center></b>
-<b><you> Well I'm happy you feel that way, it was quite fun for me to.. I didn't expect you to swing both ways though</you></b> - you say trying to sway the conversation to a different topic
<b><center> He looks at you and takes a large gulp, clearly he doesn't want to talk about it.</center></b>
-<b><headmaster> "Nah.. I don't really swing that way but I guess in the heat of the moment it was fine."</headmaster></b> - he says clearly nervous thinking about what happened
<b><center> He says that but you can clearly see his body thinks otherwise.. since you can clearly see the big bulge in his pants as he speaks.. your headmaster may be alot more submissive than he thinks.. perhaps the fact he has always been in a position of power he never had the chance to really submit to someone..</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\headmasterhard.jpg"></span></center>
-<b><you> Really? Then why are you hard right now?</you></b> - you say as you get closer to him
-<b><headmaster> "I.. ah.. <you>$name</you> I think you should go back to your classes.."</headmaster></b> - he says trying to run away
<b><center> However you don't let him, you get close to him and grab his neck, making him look into your eyes.. he stops for a second and looks at you and at your lips and you feel his body soften, when you feel that you head in and start making out with the headmaster of your school.</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\kissingheadmaster.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><center> You two are making out when you feel him push you away, resisting you.</center></b>
-<b><headmaster> "S..stop. This is highly unprofissional from my part and.. I don't swing that way really.. you should really go back to your classes they are about to start."</headmaster></b> - he says trying to find every excuse he can to resist you
<b><center> You let him go for now, there's no point in trying to push him too much you've confirmed he feels attracted to you and he wants to submit to you.. you just need to budge him and break him until he does..</center></b>
-<b><you> Alright.. I'll see you later then.</you></b> - you say as you get up and leave smiling
<<set $homosexuality to $homosexuality+1>>\
<you><center> Homosexuality increased by one!</center></you>
<center>[[Go back to your classes|School Hallway]]</center><<set $momdadtask to true>>\
<<set $fatiguestat to 0>>
<<set $day to $day+1>>
<<set $time to 0>>
<<if $dayy == 7>>
<<set $dayy to 1>>
<<set $dayy to $dayy+1>>
<<if $timer < 2>>
<<set $timer to $timer+1>>
<<if $timer == 3>>\
<<set $timer to $timer-1>>\
<<if $homosexuality <=4>>\
<<goto `either("DomDream1", "DomDream2","DomDream3",)`>>\
<<elseif $homosexuality >=5>>\
<<goto `either("DomGayDream1","DomGayDream2",)`>>\
<</if>>\<span class='fadeIn'>
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\dreaming.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\headmasterthreesome4.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<center><<timed 2s>><b> You dream about the time you and your headmaster destroyed <teacher>$nameteacher></teacher> like the whore she is..</b><</timed>></center>
<<timed 3s>>\
<center>[[• Wake up •|Room]]</center>
<</timed>>\<span class='fadeIn'>
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\dreaming.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\gaydream1.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<center><<timed 2s>><b> As your personal tastes changes so do your dreams.. you start dreaming about more <you>gay sex..</you></b><</timed>></center>
<<timed 3s>>\
<center>[[• Wake up •|Room]]</center>
<</timed>>\<span class='fadeIn'>
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\dreaming.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\gaydream2.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<center><<timed 2s>><b> As your personal tastes changes so do your dreams.. you start dreaming about more <you>gay sex..</you></b><</timed>></center>
<<timed 3s>>\
<center>[[• Wake up •|Room]]</center>
<</timed>>\<<set $mombnwobuy1 to false>>\
<<set $mombnwobuyactive to true>>\
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\bedroom.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<<if $time == 1>>\
<center><img src="images\city\bedroom.jpg" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>\
<b><center> As you enter your bedroom you decide to..</center></b>\
<<elseif $time is 0>>\
<center><img src="images\city\bedroom.jpg" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>\
<b><center> As you enter your bedroom you decide to..</center></b>\
<<elseif $time is 2>>\
<center><img src="images\city\bedroomnight.jpg" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>\
<b><center> You need to keep corrupting your mom into the <brown>BNWO</brown> like you were ordered to do but you don't have quite the necessary tools to keep influencing her.. last thing you did really made a job on her and she's definitely curious about it.. perhaps you can find something in the Sex Shop in the Red Light District that can help you influence her..</center></b>
-<b><pink><i> I should go and check the store out.. maybe there's some BNWO content there..</i></pink></b> - you think to yourself
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\BNWOmagazinecover.png"></span></center>
<yellow><center><b> Quest activated! You need to go to the Sex Shop and buy the <brown>BNWO Magazine</brown> to influence <mom>$momname</mom> further!</b></center></yellow>
<center>[[Go back to your daily life|Room]]</center><<set $mombnwobuyactive to false>>\
<<set $mombnwobought to true>>\
<<set $timer to 0>>\
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\sexshop.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>\
<center><img src="images\city\sexshop.png" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>\
<b><center> You enter the Sex Shop in search of something that can influence your mom further.. there's no point in giving her a BBC dildo since she already got one.. quite curious that she has one already.. perhaps she always wanted to be a black whore.. you are roaming around when you pass by the magazines and one immediately catches your attention.</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\BNWOmagazinecover.png"></span></center>
-<b><pink><i> This is it.. perfect!</i></pink></B> - you say as you grab the BNWO magazine and open it, scrolling through the content.
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\bnwomagazineex1.png"></span></center>
-<b><pink><i> Wow.. the content is quite extreme.. this is perfect</i></pink></b> - you say as you scroll even more
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\bnwomagazineex2.png"></span></center>
-<b><pink><i> Mhmhmm.. just one more..</i></pink></b> - you feel your arousal grow as you scroll one last time
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\bnwomagazine3.jpeg"></span></center>
<b><center> You are so focused on the content of the magazine that you completely zone out and space out of where you are..</center></b>
-<b><manager> <pink>$girlname</pink> if you want to read the rest of the magazine you have to pay for it.. even if yo work her..</manager></b> - <manager>$mname</manager> calls you out
<b><center> You grow embarassed from what you are reading in public.. but this is perfect content for your mother.. you go on and buy it and head home.. you just have to plant it somewhere she can get access to it.</center></b>
<center>[[Head home with the magazine|Home]]</center><<set $mombnwobought2 to false>>\
<<set $timer to 0>>\
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\kitchen.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><img src="images\city\kitchen.jpg" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>
<b><center> You leave the BNWO magazine on the kitchen and head to the living room.. you just have to wait for your <mom>mom</mom> to go there and you're pretty sure she will be curious once she sees the front cover.. You sit down on the couch and wait patiently as you watch something on the TV</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\simpsons.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><center> Doesn't take long.. after a few minutes you hear footsteps come down from upstairs.. you take a glance and you see your <mom>mother</mom> head towards the kitchen..</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\momwalkingkitchen.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><mom> "Wow.. what is this..?"</mom></b> - your hear your mom talk to herself
<b><center> Looks like it take long for her to notice it.. you take a glimpse and she's full focused on the magazine, scrolling through it
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\momreading.png"></span></center>
<b><center> Soon after she grabs the magazine and closes it.. however she doesn't let it where it was.. she holds it and goes back upstairs, ignoring your presence.. she's definitely going to use it to masturbate.. you follow her upstairs shortly after.</center></b>
<center>[[Head upstairs and spy on your mother|mombnwo2pt2]]</center><center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\parentsroom.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><img src="images\city\parentsbedroom.jpg" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>
<b><center> You open the door slightly and spy inside.. your <mom>mom</mom> is fully focused on the magazine reading through every page and content of it.. it doesn't take long for her to take her panties off and start slowly schliking herself as she reads the content..</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\momreadingbnwo.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><mom><i> "Breed black..?"</i></mom></b> - she says out loud as she reads to herself slowly masturbating..
<b><center> You recall some of the images she's reading.. you grow horny yourself just from remembering them.. there's no way she won't be influenced by this.. she will slowly grow those urges.. the urge to be a queen of spades.. a big black cock slut..</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\bnwomagazine2.jpeg"></span></center>
<b><center> She then rolls over to the side and heads to her drawers and takes out a realistic normal looking dildo.. not quite what you were expecting her to use.. she plants it on the ground and opens the magazine in front of her.. she starts riding the cock as she reads through the magazine..</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\momridingdildo.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><mom><i> "Mhmmhm.. tired of small white cocks.. yeah.. I'm tired.. why am I using this..?"</i></mom></b> - she says as she reads the content in the magazine.. you can see from here it says tired of small cocks
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\bnwomagazine1.jpeg"></span></center>
<b><center> She then gets up after reading that and heads to her dresser where she has hidden her <brown> big black cock dildo</brown> which is much larger than the white dildo.. she probably has hidden it from your <dad>dad</dad> so he doesnt get jealous.. she then places it down and starts riding it.. however her reaction is much different.. she almost starts screaming immediately from how thicker and larger it is..</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\momridingbbcdildo.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><mom><i> "Ohhh FFUUCK.. this is so much better.. so much bigger.. thicker.. superior.. hmmhmm.."</i></mom></b> - she says as she jumps up and down continuing to read the magazine
<b><center> She's starting to get seriously corrupted.. she's starting to understand that black men are indeed better than white men..</center></b>
-<b><mom> "OH GODD.. IM CUMMINGGGG...!"</mom></b> - she screams as she cums all over the big black dildo
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\squirtingmombbcdildo.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><center> You were expecting her to stop but she doesn't.. she immediately shoves the cock back into her and starts riding it again with all her pussy juices over the cock.. she keeps chanting content from the magazine as she rides it.. she's falling in love with <brown> big black cock..</brown></center></B>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\momridingbbcdildo3.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><mom><i> "Ff..fuck I want it.. to be bred.. to cuck my husband.."</i></mom></b> - she chants as she rides the black dildo
<b><center> You leave her be.. something tells me she will be there for a good while.. she can keep the magazine aswell she'll definitely need it.. you've done your job for today.. she is quickly turning into a BBC slut.. you'll probably need Mr.Jackson's help for the next step..</center></b>
<center>[[Go back to your daily life|Upstairs Hall]]</center><center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\clinic.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><img src="images\city\clinic.png" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>
<b><center> You enter the clinic and head to the reception where you have a pretty lady.. somewhat bimbo looking waiting for clients to arrive</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\receptionistclinic.jpg"></span></center>
-<b><hotpink> "Hello! How can I help you today teehee.."</hotpink></b> - she says playing with her hair
<center>[[• Feminine Procedures • |FeminineProceduresMenu]]</center>\
<center>[[• City Center • |City]]</center>\
<hr>\<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\clinic.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><img src="images\events\surgeryroom.jpg" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>
<b><center> You enter the operation room and the surgeon is already waiting for you to choose your procedure.</center></b>
<<if $feminization >=2 and $lipsdone is false and $money >=50>>\
<span class="eventclinic"><center><u>[[Lip filling|LipFilling1]]<green> (50€)</green></u></center></span>\
<<elseif $feminization >=2 and $lipsdone is false and $money <=49>>\
<grey><center><b> Lip filling</b> (<b><u><green>Not enough money, 50€ required!</green> required</u></b>)</center></grey>\
<<elseif $feminization <=1 and $lipsdone is false>>\
<grey><center><b> Lip filling</b> (<b><u><pink>FEMINIZATION 2+</pink> required</u></b>)</center></grey>\
<<elseif $lipsdone is true>>\
<yellow><center><b> You already got your lips filled!</b></center></yellow>\
<<if $feminization >=4 and $analbleachdone is false and $money >=50>>\
<span class="eventclinic"><center><u>[[Anal bleaching|AnalBleaching1]]<green> (50€)</green></u></center></span>\
<<elseif $feminization >=4 and $analbleachdone is false and $money <=49>>\
<grey><center><b> Anal bleaching</b> (<b><u><green>Not enough money, 50€ required!</green> required</u></b>)</center></grey>\
<<elseif $feminization <=3 and $analbleachdone is false>>\
<grey><center><b> Anal bleaching</b> (<b><u><pink>FEMINIZATION 4+</pink> required</u></b>)</center></grey>\
<<elseif $analbleachdone is true>>\
<yellow><center><b> You already got your anus bleached!</b></center></yellow>\
<<if $feminization >=8 and $facialfem is false and $money >=50 and $secondfemchange is false>>\
<span class="eventclinic"><center><u>[[Facial Feminization|FacialFeminization1]]<green> (50€)</green></u></center></span>\
<<elseif $feminization >=8 and $facialfem is false and $money <=49 and $secondfemchange is false>>\
<grey><center><b> Facial Feminization</b> (<b><u><green>Not enough money, 50€ required!</green> required</u></b>)</center></grey>\
<<elseif $feminization <=8 and $facialfem is false>>\
<grey><center><b> Facial Feminization</b> (<b><u><pink>FEMINIZATION 8+</pink> required</u> and second body change!</b>)</center></grey>\
<<elseif $facialfem is true>>\
<yellow><center><b> You already got your face feminized!</b></center></yellow>\
<grey><center><b> Permanent makeup surgery</b> (<b><u>You don't feel quite ready for this yet..</u></b>)</center></grey>\
<grey><center><b> Nose job</b> (<b><u>You don't feel quite ready for this yet..</u></b>)</center></grey>\
<grey><center><b> Breast implants</b> (<b><u>You don't feel quite ready for this yet..</u></b>)</center></grey>\
<grey><center><b> Ass implants</b> (<b><u>You don't feel quite ready for this yet..</u></b>)</center></grey>\
<grey><center><b> Penis shrinkage</b> (<b><u>You don't feel quite ready for this yet..</u></b>)</center></grey>\
<grey><center><b> Gender reassignment surgery</b> (<b><u>You don't feel quite ready for this yet..</u></b>)</center></grey>\
<center>[[Leave the operations room|Clinic]]</center><<set $money to $money-50>>\
<<set $lipsdone to true>>\
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\clinic.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><img src="images\events\surgeryroom.jpg" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>
<b><center> You lay down on the surgery table and quickly after you hear the surgeon come inside the room alongside his assistant..</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\surgeonpov.png"></span></center>
-<b><green> "Hello there.. my name is Dr.Mikhael and I'll be the one guiding you through the surgery today.. it seems you want to get your lips filled yes? Very good very good mhmhmm.."</green></B> - he says staring at your lips analzying what to do
<<if $feminization <=7>>\
-<b><you> Y..yeah just a tad bit..</you></b> - you say embarassed
-<b><green> "Tad bit? No no no.. we need those lips full and plump.. yes yes.. It seems your name is <you>$name</you> yes?"</green></b> - he asks in a weird russian accent
<b><center> You get the creeps a bit from this guy.. he seems a little out of touch with reality but you're already here anyways.. what's the worst that could happen? He abuses you while you're sleeping? Haha.. no way right..</center></b>
-<b><you> Yeah that's me..</you></B> - you confirm your name
-<b><green> "Alright alright <you>$name</you>.. is it fine if I call you by your name only? Yes? Good good.. So we'll start soon I'll show you three examples and you will choose which one you desire yes? Good good.. <font size ="+2"> ASSISTANT!!</font> please show him."</green></B> - he screams out of nowhere at his assistant
-<b><ltblue> "Y..yes!! Here.. these are the options we have f..for you!"</ltblue></B> - she says somewhat scared approaching you
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\surgeonassistant.png"></span></center>
-<b><green> "tupoy pomoshchnik Iisusa.."</green></B> - he mutters something you don't understand in russian
-<b><ltblue> "First up we have the least invasive option and more natural looking lips.. we will just fill a bit on the bottom and top and give you fuller lips, they are not that noticeable but they look more natural..!"</ltblue></B> - she says repeating herself showing you the image in the tablet
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\naturallipfiller.png"></span></center>
-<b><you><i> "Mkay.. pretty I guess."</i></you></b> - you think to yourself
-<b><ltblue> "After that we have more invasive options.. this is what we would call a medium option.. it will be pretty noticeable that you got them done and it will be a somewhat bimbo look.."</ltblue></B> - she says showing you another option
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\mediumfiller.png"></span></center>
-<b><you><i> "A little bit more extreme.. not necessarily bad."</i></you></b> - you think to yourself
-<b><ltblue> "And last up we have the most extreme option that well.. will completely change your image that we call the <i><pink>fluffers</pink><i> from how fluffy they are..! People will be looking at you everywhere if you choose this and it's quite extreme.. here.."</ltblue></b> - she says showing you the last option with a video
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\botoxfakelips.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><you><i> "Jesus christ.. those are some cocksucking lips.."</i></you></b> - you think to yourself
-<b><green> "Thank you assistant.. anyways what will you choose.. shlyukha."</green></B> - he says calling you something in the end that you don't understand.
<<elseif $feminization >=8>>\
-<b><pink> Y..yeah just a tad bit..</pink></b> - you say embarassed
-<b><green> "Tad bit? No no no.. we need those lips full and plump.. yes yes.. It seems your name is <pink>$girlname</pink> yes?"</green></b> - he asks in a weird russian accent
<b><center> You get the creeps a bit from this guy.. he seems a little out of touch with reality but you're already here anyways.. what's the worst that could happen? He abuses you while you're sleeping? Haha.. no way right..</center></b>
-<b><pink> Yeah that's me..</pink></B> - you confirm your name
-<b><green> "Alright alright <pink>$girlname</pink>.. is it fine if I call you by your name only Miss? Yes? Good good.. So we'll start soon I'll show you three examples and you will choose which one you desire yes? Good good.. <font size ="+2"> ASSISTANT!!</font> please show him."</green></B> - he screams out of nowhere at his assistant
-<b><ltblue> "Y..yes!! Here.. these are the options we have f..for you!"</ltblue></B> - she says somewhat scared approaching you
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\surgeonassistant.png"></span></center>
-<b><green> "tupoy pomoshchnik Iisusa.."</green></B> - he mutters something you don't understand in russian
-<b><ltblue> "First up we have the least invasive option and more natural looking lips.. we will just fill a bit on the bottom and top and give you fuller lips, they are not that noticeable but they look more natural..!"</ltblue></b> - she says repeating herself showing you the image in the tablet
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\naturallipfiller.png"></span></center>
-<b><pink><i> "Mkay.. pretty I guess."</i></pink></b> - you think to yourself
-<b><ltblue> "After that we have more invasive options.. this is what we would call a medium option.. it will be pretty noticeable that you got them done and it will be a somewhat bimbo look.."</ltblue></b> - she says showing you another option
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\mediumfiller.png"></span></center>
-<b><pink><i> "A little bit more extreme.. not necessarily bad."</i></pink></b> - you think to yourself
-<b><ltblue> "And last up we have the most extreme option that well.. will completely change your image that we call the <i><pink>fluffers</pink></i> from how fluffy they are..! People will be looking at you everywhere if you choose this and it's quite extreme.. here.."</ltblue></b> - she says showing you the last option
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\biglipfiller.png"></span></center>
-<b><pink><i> "Jesus christ.. those are some cocksucking lips.."</i></pink></b> - you think to yourself
-<b><green> "Thank you assistant.. anyways what will you choose.. shlyukha."</green></B> - he says calling you something in the end that you don't understand.
<b><center> After considering for a bit and looking back at all three options.. you decide to go with..</center></B>
<div id="choice">
<<linkreplace "<pink><center> • Natural looking lips</center></pink>">>\
<<replace "#choice">>\
<<set $lips to 1>>\
<<if $feminization <=7>>\
-<b><you> I'll go with the Natural looking lips then..!</you></B> - you tell the doctor
-<b><green> "Hm.. as you wish. Put him to sleep assistant."</green></B> - he says kind of displeased with your option as he goes to grab his tools
-<b><ltblue> "Well breathe deep.. it will be a quick process.. it will feel like you blinked and it's done.."</ltblue></B> - she says as she puts the mask over your face as both the doctor and the assistant approach you
-<b><green> "Sweet dreams hehe.."</green></b> - he says with a creepy smile as you fall asleep
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\surgeryfallasleep.jpg"></span></center>
<span class="eventclinic"><<link "Fall Asleep">></span>
<<script>> fadeToBlackAndWakeUp(); <</script>>
<div id="newContent" style="display: none;"> <!-- Initially hidden -->
<b><center> You feel groggy as you wake up.. you are in the clinic.. oh you just got your lips done.. they do feel a little sore.. you look around and see the assistant near you</center></b>
-<b><ltblue> "Welcome back! The process is done.. here take a look!"</ltblue></B> - she says showing you the results with a mirror
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\plumperlips.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><you> They look nice! Thank you! Where is the doctor?</you></B> - you ask curious as you lick your newly made lips
-<b><ltblue> "Oh he's a busy man.. he already left.."</ltblue></B> - she says smiling
<b><center> You shrug and get up with your new natural looking lips.. they do feel better on your face and you feel prettier! You pass by the receptionist and pay your procedure and head back home smiling</center></b>
<b><yellow><center> You got new natural looking lips! You can check them out in your bathroom!</center></yellow></b>
<b><green><center> -50€</center></green></b>
<center>[[Head outside of the clinic|City]]</center>
<<elseif $feminization >=8>>\
-<b><pink> I'll go with the Natural looking lips then..!</pink></B> - you tell the doctor
-<b><green> "Hm.. as you wish. Put her to sleep assistant."</green></B> - he says kind of displeased with your option as he goes to grab his tools
-<b><ltblue> "Well breathe deep.. it will be a quick process.. it will feel like you blinked and it's done.."</ltblue></B> - she says as she puts the mask over your face as both the doctor and the assistant approach you
-<b><green> "Sweet dreams hehe.."</green></b> - he says with a creepy smile as you fall asleep
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\surgeryfallasleep.jpg"></span></center>
<span class="eventclinic"><<link "Fall Asleep">></span>
<<script>> fadeToBlackAndWakeUp(); <</script>>
<div id="newContent" style="display: none;"> <!-- Initially hidden -->
<b><center> You feel groggy as you wake up.. you are in the clinic.. oh you just got your lips done.. they do feel a little sore.. you look around and see the assistant near you</center></b>
-<b><ltblue> "Welcome back! The process is done.. here take a look!"</ltblue></B> - she says showing you the results with a mirror
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\plumperlips.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><pink> They look nice! Thank you! Where is the doctor?</pink></B> - you ask curious as you lick your newly made lips
-<b><ltblue> "Oh he's a busy man.. he already left.."</ltblue></B> - she says smiling
<b><center> You shrug and get up with your new natural looking lips.. they do feel better on your face and you feel prettier! You pass by the receptionist and pay your procedure and head back home smiling</center></b>
<b><yellow><center> You got new natural looking lips! You can check them out in your bathroom!</center></yellow></b>
<b><green><center> -50€</center></green></b>
<center>[[Head outside of the clinic|City]]</center>
<div id="choice">
<<linkreplace "<pink><center> • Medium bimbo lips</center></pink>">>
<<replace "#choice">>
<<set $lips to 2>>\
<<if $feminization <=7>>\
-<b><you> I'll go with the Medium bimbo lips then..!</you></B> - you tell the doctor
-<b><green> "Not bad not bad.. not the best though.."</green></B> - he comments expecting something else..
-<b><ltblue> "Well breathe deep.. it will be a quick process.. it will feel like you blinked and it's done.."</ltblue></B> - she says as she puts the mask over your face as both the doctor and the assistant approach you
-<b><green> "Sweet dreams hehe.."</green></b> - he says with a creepy smile as you fall asleep
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\surgeryfallasleep.jpg"></span></center>
<span class="eventclinic"><<link "Fall Asleep">></span>
<<script>> fadeToBlackAndWakeUp(); <</script>>
<div id="newContent" style="display: none;"> <!-- Initially hidden -->
<b><center> You feel groggy as you wake up.. you are in the clinic.. oh you just got your lips done.. they do feel a little sore.. you look around and see the assistant near you</center></b>
-<b><ltblue> "Welcome back! The process is done.. here take a look!"</ltblue></B> - she says showing you the results with a mirror
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\mediumbimbolick.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><you> They look nice and full.. a little <pink>ditzy bimbo..</pink>! Thank you! Where is the doctor?</you></B> - you ask curious as you lick your newly made lips
-<b><ltblue> "Oh he's a busy man.. he already left.."</ltblue></B> - she says smiling
<b><center> You shrug and get up with your new natural looking lips.. they do feel better on your face and you feel prettier! You pass by the receptionist and pay your procedure and head back home smiling</center></b>
<b><yellow><center> You got new medium bimbo looking lips! You can check them out in your bathroom!</center></yellow></b>
<b><green><center> -50€</center></green></b>
<center>[[Head outside of the clinic|City]]</center>
<<elseif $feminization >=8>>\
-<b><pink> I'll go with the Medium bimbo lips then..!</pink></B> - you tell the doctor
-<b><green> "Not bad not bad.. not the best though.."</green></B> - he comments expecting something else..
-<b><ltblue> "Well breathe deep.. it will be a quick process.. it will feel like you blinked and it's done.."</ltblue></B> - she says as she puts the mask over your face as both the doctor and the assistant approach you
-<b><green> "Sweet dreams hehe.."</green></b> - he says with a creepy smile as you fall asleep
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\surgeryfallasleep.jpg"></span></center>
<span class="eventclinic"><<link "Fall Asleep">></span>
<<script>> fadeToBlackAndWakeUp(); <</script>>
<div id="newContent" style="display: none;"> <!-- Initially hidden -->
<b><center> You feel groggy as you wake up.. you are in the clinic.. oh you just got your lips done.. they do feel a little sore.. you look around and see the assistant near you</center></b>
-<b><ltblue> "Welcome back! The process is done.. here take a look!"</ltblue></B> - she says showing you the results with a mirror
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\mediumbimbolick.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><pink> They look nice and full.. a little <pink>ditzy bimbo..</pink>! Thank you! Where is the doctor?</pink></B> - you ask curious as you lick your newly made lips
-<b><ltblue> "Oh he's a busy man.. he already left.."</ltblue></B> - she says smiling
<b><center> You shrug and get up with your new natural looking lips.. they do feel better on your face and you feel prettier! You pass by the receptionist and pay your procedure and head back home smiling</center></b>
<b><yellow><center> You got new medium bimbo looking lips! You can check them out in your bathroom!</center></yellow></b>
<b><green><center> -50€</center></green></b>
<center>[[Head outside of the clinic|City]]</center>
<div id="choice">
<<linkreplace "<hotpink><center> • Fluffers bimbo limps</center></hotpink>">>
<<replace "#choice">>
<<set $lips to 3>>\
<<if $feminization <=7>>\
-<b><you> I'll go with the Fluffers bimbo lips then..!</you></B> - you tell the doctor
-<b><green> "Amazing! You exceeded my expectations.. glupaya devchonka.."</green></B> - he says amazed saying something in russian at the end
-<b><ltblue> "Well breathe deep.. it will be a quick process.. it will feel like you blinked and it's done.."</ltblue></B> - she says as she puts the mask over your face as both the doctor and the assistant approach you
-<b><green> "Sweet dreams hehe.."</green></b> - he says with a creepy smile as you fall asleep
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\surgeryfallasleep.jpg"></span></center>
<span class="eventclinic"><<link "Fall Asleep">></span>
<<script>> fadeToBlackAndWakeUp(); <</script>>
<div id="newContent" style="display: none;"> <!-- Initially hidden -->
<b><center> You feel groggy as you wake up.. you are in the clinic.. oh you just got your lips done.. they do feel a little sore.. you look around and see the assistant near you</center></b>
-<b><ltblue> "Welcome back! The process is done.. here take a look!"</ltblue></B> - she says showing you the results with a mirror
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\botoxfakelips.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><you>! Dhey are sho fhull.. I can barellhy shpeak! Where is the doctor?</you></B> - you ask curious as you drool with your new cocksucking lips.
-<b><ltblue> "Oh he's a busy man.. he already left.."</ltblue></B> - she says smiling
<b><center> You shrug and get up with your new natural looking lips.. they do feel better on your face and you feel prettier! You pass by the receptionist and pay your procedure and head back home smiling</center></b>
<b><yellow><center> You got new cocksucking bimbo lips! You can check them out in your bathroom!</center></yellow></b>
<b><green><center> -50€</center></green></b>
<center>[[Head outside of the clinic|City]]</center>
<<elseif $feminization >=8>>\
-<b><pink> I'll go with the Fluffers bimbo lips then..!</pink></B> - you tell the doctor
-<b><green> "Amazing! You exceeded my expectations.. glupaya devchonka.."</green></B> - he says amazed saying something in russian at the end
-<b><ltblue> "Well breathe deep.. it will be a quick process.. it will feel like you blinked and it's done.."</ltblue></B> - she says as she puts the mask over your face as both the doctor and the assistant approach you
-<b><green> "Sweet dreams hehe.."</green></b> - he says with a creepy smile as you fall asleep
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\surgeryfallasleep.jpg"></span></center>
<span class="eventclinic"><<link "Fall Asleep">></span>
<<script>> fadeToBlackAndWakeUp(); <</script>>
<div id="newContent" style="display: none;"> <!-- Initially hidden -->
<b><center> You feel groggy as you wake up.. you are in the clinic.. oh you just got your lips done.. they do feel a little sore.. you look around and see the assistant near you</center></b>
-<b><ltblue> "Welcome back! The process is done.. here take a look!"</ltblue></B> - she says showing you the results with a mirror
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\botoxfakelips.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><you>! Dhey are sho fhull.. I can barellhy shpeak! Where is the doctor?</you></B> - you ask curious as you drool with your new cocksucking lips.
-<b><ltblue> "Oh he's a busy man.. he already left.."</ltblue></B> - she says smiling
<b><center> You shrug and get up with your new natural looking lips.. they do feel better on your face and you feel prettier! You pass by the receptionist and pay your procedure and head back home smiling</center></b>
<b><yellow><center> You got new cocksucking bimbo lips! You can check them out in your bathroom!</center></yellow></b>
<b><green><center> -50€</center></green></b>
<center>[[Head outside of the clinic|City]]</center>
<span class='fadeIn'>\
<<set $emailsub5 to false>>\
<<set $emailsub5task to true>>\
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\gmail.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><img src="images\other\PC.png" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>
<b><center> You sit down on your PC and since you've given access to your <red>Master</red> you don't even receive mails anymore.. he just leaves you massages on your desktop waiting for you to see.. you start reading what he needs of you now with antecipation.. your legs trembling almost immediately.</center></b>
-<b><red><i> "Hello there my sissy slave.. I'm very happy with how well you are developing to be my slut.. I've seen how much a skilled whore you are, now it's time you prove to me you really want to be one of my whores. I want you to go to the park and find a random guy to whore yourself to, so you start to understand what you will be doing for me in the future.. when he pays you, send the money to my paypal, make it cheap aswell.. something like five euros, you will receive nothing, also get him to write on your body.. I want to see it. If you have any doubts of obeying me.. just stare...</i></red></b> - he says.. as soon as you read something pops up in your screen, taking your complete attention.
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\masterhypnonew.mp4" autoplay loop ></video></span></center>
<b><center> As soon as it pops up your body goes fuzzy and numb.. you just stare helplessly as the information enters your brain..</center></b>
-<b><pink><i> Cant.. resist..</i></pink></B> - you mumble to yourself
<b><center> Eventually the video stops and you snap out of it.</center></b>
-<b><pink><i> What was I doing? Oh right.. I have to go suck cocks for my <red>Master!</red></i></pink></B> - you say as you leave the PC, ready to fulfill the task.
<center>[[Leave the PC|Room]]</center><<set $emailsub5task to false>>\
<<set $timer to 0>>\
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\park.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<<if $time is 1>>\
<center><img src="images\city\park.png" height = "400px" width = "750px">
<<elseif $time is 0>>\
<center><img src="images\city\park.png" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>\
<<elseif $time is 2>>\
<center><img src="images\city\parknight.png" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>\
<b><center> You arrive at the park ready to do what your <red>Master</red> asked you to do.. you feel like you should be slightly embarassed at the fact you are going to literally whore yourself.. but for some reason your brain doesn't think of that as a bad think.. you just <red>can't resist</red> obeying <red>him</red></center></b>
-<b><pink><i> I just have to do what he ordered me to do..</i></pink></B> - you think as you look around looking for preys
<b><center> You notice two people who seem to be looking at you quite alot since you arrived.. one of them is a homeless black man in his shed with his huge cock out.. he smiles at you and lays down on his shed.</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\homelessmancockout.png"></span></center>
-<b><pink><i> That's one option I guess.. kind of gross thoguh..</i></pink></b> - you say considering it an option
<b><center> And the other option is a scrawny skinny white nerd glancing at you multiple times and looking away when you look at him.. they say skinny dudes usually pack.. so you could probably convince him..</center></b>
-<b><pink><i> Alright.. who am I whoring myself to?</i></pink></B> - you think carefully
<div id="choice">
<<linkreplace "<brown><center> • Homeless black man</center></brown>">>\
<<replace "#choice">>\
<b><center> You decide to go with the <brown>homeless black man</brown>.. it's definitely the most degrading option of the two.. he probably hasn't washed his cock in weeks.. or even more.. but you don't care.. you just want to suck him off for your <red>Master</red>.. even if that means being the trashiest whore in the world.. you slowly approach his shed and it seems he fell asleep with his hard big cock out.. you grab it and feel it on your hand.</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\homelessquest1.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><pink><i> "Fuck it's so big.. I can feel the stench from here though.. the musk is strong.."</i></pink></B> - you comment as you feel the dirty black cock on your hand
<b><center> The homeless man moves around a bit almost waking up.. you don't stop though.. you grab it with both of your hands and you truly notice how massive it is.. it's so much bigger than yours that you feel your clit tingle from embarassment..</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\homelessquest2.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><center> You are focused on the big black cock when suddenly you hear him groan and wake up..</center></b>
-<b><ltbrown> "Ohh shiieeet.. I haven't woke up this good since I was a lil' kid.. what you doin' baby mama?"</ltbrown></b> - he says in a weird thug accent
-<b><pink> Ehm hi.. I saw you over here and.. I was wondering if you would like me to suck your cock for five euros..</pink></B> - you say as you keep jerking him off
-<b><ltbrown> "Oh.. you a hoe? You a pretty hoe tho.. too pretty to be one.. you doin' this as a kink or what? F..fuck ya hands feel hella good.. I ain't got no five euros bunny.. I got one euro if ya want."</ltbrown></B> - he says bringing out a one euro coin
<b><center> One euro..? Fuck.. who cares.. you are really horny right now and his smell is intoxicating.. you'll just fill the rest of the money that is left.. you'll be paying to suck dick but who cares.. you need to obey your <red>Master..</red></center></B>
-<b><pink> Fine.. give it to me fast.. I want your cock..</pink></B> - you say as he holds out his one euro coin for you
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\oneeuro.png"></span></center>
-<b><ltbrown> "Gawddamn.. a blowjob for one euro is embarassing.. you'll do really well in life I can tell whore.. HAHA.. anyways.. suit yourself."</ltbrown></B> - he says as he holds his cock for you
<b><center> You immediately dive deep into his cock, sucking the head of his cock skilfully.. making sure he feels pleasure.. the taste however is something you've never tasted before.. it smells so bad too.. however it excites you for some weird reason..</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\homelessquest3.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><ltbrown> "FUCKING HELL.. I was sure ya ain't no hoe but those skills.. you may be a whore fo real.. gimme ya throat!"</ltbrown></B> - he says as he stands up agressively and grabs your head with his dirty hands, facefucking you
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\homelessquest4.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><pink> GAGGH..GAWK..GOOH..</pink></b> - is all you can say as he fucks your throat
-<b><ltbrown> "ShHHIEET.. I CAN'T HOLD IT BUNNY.."</ltbrown></B> - he says as he holds your face and gives you a facial
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\homelessmanfacial.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><center> The load is huge.. you are completely covered in cum.. you forgot you are in a public park and there is no way this homeless man will have something clean for you to clean your face.. you'll have to walk home like this..</center></b>
-<b><ltbrown> "Goddamn.. ya made this poor man very happy I'll tell ya that.. thanks hoe."</ltbrown></B> - he says spent
<b><center> You then remember there is one last thing you must do for your <red>Master</red>.. you have to ask this homeless man to mark your body in slutty words..</center></b>
-<b><pink> Ehm I have one last request.. could you write dirty words on my body with this marker..?</pink></B> - you say as you hand him the marker
<b><center> He looks at you with one eyebrow raised and starts laughing</center></B>
-<b><ltbrown> "You are one hella of a crazy whore I'll tell ya that HAHAHA.. sure bunny I can do that.. c'mere.."</ltbrown></b> - he says coming close to you
<b><center> You didn't even notice how bad he smells.. you just let him do the markings on your body and then take a picture.</center></B>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\bodywrittingmc.jpeg"></span></center>
-<b><pink> T..thank you.. I'll be going now..</pink></b> - you say as you get dressed and leave his shed
-<b><ltbrown> "Come back anytime bunny..!"</ltbrown></b> - he says as he slaps your ass as you leave
<b><center> You smile at him as you feel the mark of his hand on your ass.. you then walk home with his cum all over your face.. people stare at you but you don't care you just smile at them</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\walkofshame.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><center> Eventually you arrive home, with your quest done.. you send your master the picture and take a bath..</center></B>
<center>[[Shower and go back to your daily life|Bathroom]]</center>
<div id="choice">
<<linkreplace "<pink><center> • Skinny white nerd</center></pink>">>
<<replace "#choice">>
<b><center> You choose the skinny white nerd.. you think it's the best option considering the other one is a stinky homeless man.. you approach the nerd and immediately he seems flustered and doesn't know where to hide.. looking away and faking that he doesnt see you arriving..</center></b>
-<b><pink> Ehm excuse me sir..</pink></b> - you say as you call out for his attention
-<b><ltblue> "Mhm yes? How can I help you ma'am?!"</ltblue></b> - he says as his voice cracks up
<b><center> He's clearly nervous and you can just boldly ask him what you want and he'll probably give it to you..</center></B>
-<b><pink> Say.. how about you give me five euros and we go to a corner over there and I suck your cock?</pink></B> - you say in a sultry voice, licking your lips.
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\Lipslick.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><center> He looks at you and gulps loudly but quickly takes out his wallet and gives you a five euro bill</center></b>
-<b><ltblue> "!!"</ltblue></B> - he says voice squeaking again..
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\fiveeuronerd.png"></span></center>
-<b><pink> Hehe.. cute.. come.</pink></b> - you say as you grab his arm and take him somewhere secluded
<b><center> Once you two are more hidden from the public.. you immediately fall onto your knees and unbelt his cock.. taking it into your hands He reacts immediately, he's probably a virgin from his reaction.. but dear lord he is packing one hella of a big cock.. it's probably the biggest white cock you've ever seen!</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\skinnybj2.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><ltblue> "Oh dear lord jesus christ.. your hands feel ama..zing!!"</ltblue></b> - he says as you feel his legs shake
-<b><pink> Hehe.. thanks.. just wait till you feel this then..</pink></B> - you say as you take him into your greedy mouth skilfully
<b><center> He probably won't last long since he's a virgin.. but god his cock feels amazing on your mouth.. it's so thick too, you can take like a fourth of it into your mouth and you're skilled in deepthroating..</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\skinnybj1.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><ltblue> "I..I'm sorry miss..! i ca..n't hold it anymore..!!"</ltblue></b> - he says as he quickly cums all over your mouth and face
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\skinnybj3.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><pink> Hmmhmm.. you taste good.</pink></B> - you tell him as you taste his cum
<b><center> Guess you can't have everything.. he has length and thickness but no endurance.. but with a little training he'll be a great sexual partner.. anyways he came all over your face and you'll have to walk home like that.. but who cares, more important than that you need him to draw on your body for your <red>Master</red>..</center></B>
-<b><pink> You did great.. now I need you to do something for me.. take this marker and write dirty words all over my body.. don't hold back..</pink></b> - you say as you hand him the marker
<b><center> He looks at you in awe not expecting you to ask such thing.. but nevertheless takes the pen and starts writing all over your body..</center></b>
-<b><ltblue> "D..done..! You look beautiful! Like a true whore!"</ltblue></B> - he says commenting at what he has done
-<b><pink> Just leave.</pink></B> - you tell him as you take a picture for your <red>Master</red>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\bodywrittingmc.jpeg"></span></center>
<b><center> You then head home with your face full of cum, people stare at you but you just smile at them your cummy face as you head home, once there you send your master the message and take a shower, going back to your day</center></b>
<center>[[Take a shower and go back to your life|Bathroom]]</center>
</div><span class='fadeIn'>
<<set $timer to 0>>\
<<set $dadeventdomfem4 to false>>\
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\bathroom.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><img src="images\city\bathroom.jpg" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>
<b><center> It's time your <dad>dad</dad> shaves his body hair.. it doesn't suit him at all anymore.. after all he's turning into your <pink>sissy</pink>.. you scream out his name</center></b>
-<b><you> <dad>$dadname</dad>!</you></B> - you scream out loud
<b><center> After a few seconds you hear footsteps come upstairs and your dad enters the bathroom slightly worried</center></b>
-<b><dad> "What happened? Are you okay?"</dad></b> - he asks looking at you
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\dadarriving.png"></span></center>
-<b><you> Nothing <pink>sissy..</pink>. The time has arrived where we take all that body and facial hair from you.. it doesn't fit you at all.</you></b> - you tell him
<b><center> He immediately opens his eyes in shock from what you've said.. he understands the consequences of such thing to the people around you.. he has been hairy forever.</center></b>
-<b><dad> "Listen.. that's too much.. what will people think?"</dad></b> - he says worried
-<b><you> I don't know and I don't care.. what I know is what will people say if I show them the video of you masturbating to panties and wearing panties..</you></b> - you threathen him as you grab your moms depilation tools and throw it on the bathroom counter
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\momstools.png"></span></center>
-<b><you> Get to it. Face first.</you></b> - you order him
<b><center> He looks at the tools and back at you and stops for a good five to ten seconds in thought.. it seems he's trying to find a way to get out of this situation but ultimately he knows he cant.. you have him in your hands.. he completely shaves off his beard and he looks so different.. less threatning and much less fierce than what he used to look like..</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\dadnobeard.jpg"></span></center>
-<b><dad> "There.. are you happy? Can I go now?"</dad></b> - he says trying to leave the bathroom
-<b><you> Hahaha come on <pink>sissy</pink>.. take off your clothes, shave the rest of your body, hurry up.</you></B> - you order him again
<b><center> He sighs and takes off his clothing.. that's when you notice something very interesting.. he has definitely lost alot of muscle in the past few weeks, you remember him walking around all the time without a shirt flexing his muscles but lately he is always wearing shirts.. the pills you've been feeding him have definitely been affecting him..</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\dadlostmuscle.png"></span></center>
<b><center> He grabs the razor machine and starts taking his body hair off.. and without the body hair it's even more noticeable.. his feature have become much more rounder and <pink>feminine..</pink> you just need to keep drugging him.. but this will not be enough, you'll need to look for solutions to truly make him your <pink>sissy</pink>.. you've heard <teacher>$nameteacher</teacher> has a past in creating drugs.. perhaps she knows something..</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\dadbody.png"></span></center>
-<b><dad> "Is this good enough? Are you happy now?"</dad></B> - he says seemingly done with what he is doing
<b><center> But he can't fool you.. you can clearly see his boner popping out of his pants.. for some reason he seems to be struggling to take his pants off.. eventually he pulls them down and you're very amused by what you see.. he's wearing panties again.. by his own will</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\pinkpantieshardon.jpg"></span></center>
-<b><you> HAHAHA.. I don't know why you fake resisting me.. it's clear I'm just helping you in something you want.. wearing panties like a good <pink>sissy would</pink> good girl.. although we need to get you more panties.. you can't be wearing moms and sis panties all the time..</you></B> - you mock him
-<b><dad> "L..look! This is just.. they are more confortable that's all and.. I've been having weird itches with boxers.."</dad></B> - he says saying some weird excuse that you just ignore
-<b><you> I don't care. Shave.</you></B> - you order him
<b><center> He then proceeds to lowers his panties and just as his body as become more feminine and rounder.. you can definitely tell he has also lost some inches in his cock.. it is much smaller than you remember!</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\dadcockhairy.jpg"></span></center>
<b><center> And when he shaves everything off.. it looks even smaller! It seems your dad enjoy the feeling though because as soon as he finishes shaving and admires his body.. his small to average looking dick sprouts to action..</center></B>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\dadsmaller.png"></span></center>
<b><center> While he's distracted with himself.. you take a picture of his newly hairless body to save for your collection in case you need.. he looks so different.. much more <pink>feminine</pink>.. closer to what you want.</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\dadcleanbody.jpeg"></span></center>
-<b><you> Someone's happy with what they see..</you></b> - you tell him, bringing him back to the real world
-<b><dad> "Wh..whatever.. I just haven't seen my body like this in ages.. the muscles look good you know.."</dad></b> - he says even though clearly he knows he has lost alot of muscle
-<b><you> Yeah yeah.. anyways you can go now.. we'll take care of buying new panties for you next time and who knows what else.. good job <pink>little girl</pink></you></b> - you mock him as you tell him to leave
<b><center> He looks at you and down and doesn't say anything.. actually it looked like he even blushed a little.. this progress is so interesting.. you definitely need harder drugs if you want to feminize him further though.. this won't be enough.. time to talk with <teacher>$nameteacher</teacher> that slut..</center></b>
<center>[[Go back to your daily life|Bathroom]]</center><<set $gfeventdom2 to false>>\
<<set $timer to 0>>\
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\schoolhallway.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><img src="images\city\schoolhall.jpg" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>
<b><center> You are chilling in the school hallway when you feel a deep gaze on your back.. when you turn around you notice <gf>$gfname</gf> staring at you..</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\gfgaze.png"></span></center>
<b><center> When you two lock eyes.. she comes to you and approaches you.</center></b>
-<b><gf> "Hey.. can we talk?"</gf></B> - she asks much calmer than she was last time
-<b><you> Yeah.. sure</you></b> - you say, not seeing any reason you two shouldn't talk considering how things were left last time
-<b><gf> "Look.. before anything I wanted to apologize for cheating on you.. I now realize I shouldn't have stormed out last time even though it was horrible for me.. the truth is.. I still love you.. can we put what happened to the past and move on.. just the two of us?"</gf></b> - she says, clearly trying to get <bf>$bfname</bf> out of the picture
<b><center> This is sweet from her.. but you've lost all respect for her after she was cheating on you for who knows how long.. but she seems to be emotionally attached to you.. you can take advantage of this.</center></b>
-<b><you> Hmmm.. well we can get back together.. under one condition.</you></b> - you say
-<b><gf> "Wh..what is it?"</gf></b> - she says curious and scared at the same time
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\gfshocked.jpg"></span></center>
-<b><you> It's best if I show you.. come</you></B> - you say as you head towards your <bf>best friend</bf>
<b><center> You catch her attention and she notices you, you the signal her to follow you to which she smiles when she notices who's behind you</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\bffollow.png"></span></center>
<b><center> <gf>$gfname</gf> looks at you scared after what happened last time.. but nevertheless she follows you and you three head to the school bathroom</center></b>
<center>[[Enter the school bathroom|gfeventdom2pt2]]</center><center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\schoolbathroom.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><img src="images\city\schoolbathroom.png" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>\
<b><center> You three enter the men's bathroom together and immediately <bf>$bfname</bf> is super curious to what's going on</center></b>
-<b><bf> "What is this meeting babe? Why is she here, is she bothering you?!"</bf></b> - she says overprotective
-<b><you> Nah she isnt.. she wants to get back with me.. and I told her I have one condition.. and I'm gonna tell her what it is.. she will become our pet. It's the only way I can keep a relationship with her</you></b> - you say looking at her
-<b><gf> "WH..WHAT?! ARE YOU INSANE? I'm not submitting to this.. whore!"</gf></b> - she says enfuriated
<b><center> You go and grab her hair and throw her to the ground</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\gfshocked2.jpg"></span></center>
-<b><you> You'll do what I want you to do you cheating slut! You want to be together with me don't you? Then you'll submit to her also.. starting now.. take off these clothes!</you></B> - you say as you start taking her clothes off on the men's bathroom
<b><center> She is in shock and doesn't know what to do.. it seems she truly loves you because she's conflicted.. she doesn't want to submit to <bf>$bfname</bf> but she wants to stay with you.. You take off her clothes and put her on all fours naked in the bathroom</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\forcedkneesgf.jpg"></span></center>
-<b><bf> "HAHAHA.. what a view!"</bf></b> - she says humiliating your girlfriend
-<b><gf> " is there no other way.. please.."</gf></B> - she says to the verge of crying
-<b><you> No. <bf>$bfname</bf> use her.</you></b> - you tell your best friend who is now your actual girlfriend to act up
<b><center> She smiles in a evil way, grabs her by the face and starts kissing her.. <gf>$gfname</gf> fights it at first but you can literally see her strength go away when she lets her arms go and makes out with her</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\gfbfsuck1.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><bf> "Look at this slut.. she isn't resisting at all! Perhaps she likes it.. did last time trigger a new kink on you, you cuckold slut!"</bf></B> - she says humiliating <gf>$gfname</gf> even further
-<b><gf> "! I hate this..!"</gf></B> - she says trying to be mad but you can see her pussy drip from here
<b><bf> "Mhm.. I have a gift for you.. here"</bf></b> - <bf>$bfname</bf> says as she takes out her girl cock and shoves it on her face
<b><center> <gf>$gfname</gf> looks at you and is reluctant.. it seems shes waiting for your approval or order..</center></b>
-<b><you> Do it. Obey her.</you></b> - you tell <gf>$gfname</gf>
<b><center> It seems your new <gf>pet</gf> is much more submissive than you thought.. you knew she was submissive from your relationship but she is one kinky whore.. she starts sucking <bf>$bfname</bf> off when you order her.. accepting her place.</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\gfbfsuck2.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><bf> "HAHAHAHA never have I thought that I'd have this slutty bitch suck me off one day.. this is amazing! Suck me harder pet!"</bf></B> - she says amused and super happy, grabbing her head and making your pet suck her harder
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\gfbfsuck3.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><center> You approach <gf>$gfname</gf> and pet her head like you'd do a dog.. showing her some care so she thinks you love her.. you want to make her more dependant of you and accept her place beneath you and <bf>$bfname</bf>.</center></b>
-<b><bf> "GMGMHMM.. IM CUMMING ALL OVER THAT FACE, WHORE!"</bf></B> -<bf>$bfname</bf> screams paiting her face
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\gfcumface2.png"></span></center>
-<b><gf> "Is.. this good enough? Do you accept me back..?"</gf></B> - she says looking at you with <bf>$bfname</bf> cum on her face almost crying
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\gfcumface3.jpg"></span></center>
-<b><you> It's perfect, pet. Clean yourself, me and <bf>$bfname</bf> are leaving.. we'll talk to you later.</you></b> - you say as you leave the bathroom with <bf>$bfname</bf>
<center>[[Leave the bathroom and leave your girlfriend behind|gfeventdom2pt3]]</center><center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\schoolhallway.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><img src="images\city\schoolhall.jpg" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>
-<b><bf> "Oh my god what was that.. that was better than anything I ever imagined.. you made that bitch my pet HAHAHA.. I fucking love you</bf></B> - she says grabbing you and kissing you
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\kissingbf.jpg"></span></center>
-<b><you> You are welcome.. we'll have alot of fun with her.</you></B> - you tell her
<b><center> You two then leave.. forgetting about the fact you just left <gf>$gfname</gf> with cum on her face in the mens bathroom.. but who cares, she's a cheating whore anyways.. you accepted her back as your girlfriend but realistically she's just your pet for you and <bf>$bfname</bf> to play with.. your actual girlfriend is <bf>$bfname</bf>..</center></b>
<center>[[Go back to your daily life|School Hallway]]</center><span class='fadeIn'>
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\schoolbathroom.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><img src="images\city\schoolbathroom.png" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>\
<b><center> You enter the bathroom and head to the urinal to piss.. everything's fine until you notice a very odd view.. there's someone in woman clothes pissing in the urinal..</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\femboypissing.jpg"></span></center>
<b><center> You go to the urinal next to him and take your cock out.. you look to the side and indeed you can see he is a guy.. he's a <pink>cute femboy</pink> though..</center></b>
-<b><pink> "Like what you see? hehe"</pink></B> - he says adressing you as he takes a step back and lifts up his shirt, showing you his body
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\showbodyfemboy.png"></span></center>
-<b><you></you></b> - you say in awe as you stare him down, you feel your cock growing in arousal
<b><center> He comes close to you and grabs your hard cock</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\grabcock.jpg"></span></center>
-<b><pink> "Hehe.. your reaction was quite cute and you're hot.. plus your dick is big.. say, wanna have some fun?"</pink></b> - he says while holding your cock, hinting at something
<div id="choice">
<<linkreplace "<blue><center> • Accept his deal and let him suck your cock</center></blue>">>\
<<replace "#choice">>\
-<b><you> Sure..</you></B> - you say with your raging boner and cock growing
<b><center> Once you say that he immediately falls to his knees in front of you and opens his mouth wide, showing you his greedy mouth</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\femboyknees.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><pink> Come.. fuck my throat..</pink></B> - she says with her mouth open
<b><center> You don't waste more time and stick your hard dick inside her mouth.. at the same time she grabs her nipples and twists them while stroking her own girl cock..</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\femboysucking1.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><center> You don't last long with her skill.. you grab her face and cum all over it..</center></b>
-<b><you> MHHMHMmm.. Im cumming..</you></B> - you say cumming on her face without warning
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\facialfemboy.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><pink> "m..MEE TOO!!"</pink></B> - he says cumming all over himself
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\femboycumming.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><center> He then gets up and leaves while tasting your cum.. you didn't even get the chance to ask his name.. perhaps you could find him somewhere else again.. he was cute..</center></b>
<<if $homosexuality <=10>>\
<<set $homosexuality to $homosexuality+1>>\
<b><center><you> Homosexuality +1!</you></center></b>\
<b><center><white><u> This action won't increase your <you>Homosexuality</you> anymore.</u></white></center></b>\
<center>[[Leave and go back to your daily life|School Hallway]]</center>
<div id="choice">
<<linkreplace "<white><center> • Put your dick back and leave</center></white>">>
<<replace "#choice">>
<b><center> You don't quite have the time for this.. you apologize to the cute femboy and leave the bathroom</center></b>
<center>[[Leave the bathroom|School Hallway]]</center>
</div><<set $sispetplayevent to false>>\
<<set $timer to 0>>\
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\sistersroom.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><img src="images\city\sisterbedroom.png" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>
<b><center> You hear a loud noise coming from your sisters bedroom, almost as if calling you inside.. you peak in and see something on her computer playing.. you are curious so you step inside without her permission and see what is on the screen.</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\petplayhypno.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><center> As soon as you start reading and looking at what's happening in her screen you feel your body slowly going numb as you stare at the spiral together with the weird noise in her room.. you feel a urge to <sister>obey</sister> what it says in the center of the screen so you do.. you kneel in front of her computer.. as you do the video changes to something else</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\petplayhypno.png"></span></center>
-<b><pink><i> sissy pet.. bitch in heat..</i></pink></B> - you mutter to yourself in trance
<b><center> You feel a big urge to be someones pet.. you want to be like the girl in the video.. be on all fours and walk like a dog.. the image changes once again</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\petplayhypno2.png"></span></center>
-<b><pink><i> sissy pup..</i></pink></B> - you mutter again
<b><center> For some reason that resonates within you.. a <pink>sissy pup</pink>.. you desperately need a master or mistress though.. you feel like an abandoned little pup.. that's when you feel the presence of someone behind you..</center></b>
-<b><sister> "Well well well.. looks like I caught a stray dog in my room didnt I.. what are you doing on your knees, pet? Are you looking for a owner?"</sister></b> - your sister says towering above you
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\sisternet.jpg"></span></center>
-<b><pink> W..woof!</pink></B> - you bark in response, affirmating, crawling next to her
-<b><sister> "Aww.. what a cute little sissy dog.. here let's collar you then shall we, I'll be your owner"</sister></b> - she says, bringing out a pink sissy collar and putting it around your neck
<b><center> You let her do it.. you know there will be no going back as soon as she puts it over your neck.. she will be your owner.. and you will be her little puppy! But you want it!</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\collared.jpg"></span></center>
-<b><sister> "Good pet.. so obedient! Turn around.. I want to fully turn you into my pet!"</sister></b> - she orders you
<b><center> You obey and on all fours you turn around, giving her access to your backside. She quickly takes off your pants and panties.. and soon after you feel something invade your <pink>boipussy</pink>.. it's a tail! You are turning into her little bitch!</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\plugtailsister.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><sister> "Such a good pet.. now all that is left is this.."</sister></b> - she says as she takes out a puppy mask, showing it to you
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\dogmask.jpg"></span></center>
<b><center> You give her full acess and bark at her, showing that you want to fully be her puppy.. she puts the mask around your face and you can barely breathe.. but you are now transformed fully into her puppy.. you got a tail in your ass.. a dog mask and you can only bark and obey..</center></b>
-<b><sister> "Fuck this is so hot.. who would've thought that I'd have my own brother as my sissy puppy.. this shit got me all wet.. thankfully I have a good bitch here that can serve me.. come here, serve your owner little <pink>sissy bitch</pink>..</sister></B> - she says sitting on her bed and taking off her panties, giving you access to her beautiful pussy
-<b><pink> Woof woof!!</pink></b> - you say happily wagging your tail as you walk on all fours to her pussy, starting to lick it
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\puppylicking.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><sister> "Hmhmmmm.. such a good little puppy.. obeying me.. I love it.. we should make this a permanent thing.."</sister></b> - she says absorved into the pleasure
<b><center> You being your owners puppy forever sounds like a dream..</center></B>
-<b><sister> "Fuck.. I can't take it any longer.. I want to breed you, little bitch!"</sister></b> - she says throwing you to the ground and agressively taking out your tail pug.. she quickly lines up her strap-on with your asspussy
-<b><pink> w..WOOF!</pink></B> - you say in ecstasy as she sticks it inside of you
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\pegpetplay.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><sister> "YEEEAH.. do you like that you little bitch? BARK FOR ME!"</sister></b> - she orders you as she fucks you
-<b><pink> W..woof!! WOOF!</pink></b> - your bark loudly as you get fucked
-<b><sister> "God this is amazing.. I have to take a picture of this moment.. smile for the camera my little bitch"</sister></b> - she says taking out her phone and taking a picture of you completely turned into a pet
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\sisterpetplaypicture.png"></span></center>
<b><center> Thankfully because of the mask no one can identify who you are.. but who cares.. you would go on walks publically with her if she wanted.. she's your owner..</center></b>
-<b><sister> "Alright I had my fun.. glad to see the hypno worked so well on you.. I'll start having more fun with this hehe.. you can leave little pet.. crawl out of my room"</sister></B> - she orders you
<b><center> And you obey your owner.. going to your room crawling like a little bitch..</center></b>
<b><yellow> Event and kink requested by a Sponsor! If you want your own scene in the game, consider supporting the game!</yellow></b>
<center>[[Crawl to your room|Room]]</center><span class='fadeIn'>\
<<set $teacherschooltask to false>>\
<<set $teacherschooltaskactive to true>>\
<<set $time to $time+1>>\
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\detention.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><img src="images\city\detention.jpg" width = "550px"></center>
<b><center> You enter the detention room as per usual and you see your <teacher>Mistress</teacher> already waiting for you.. she's wearing a very skimpy schoolgirl outfit.. something that isn't usual.. is there something different happening today?</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\teacherschooltask.jpg"></span></center>
-<b><teacher> "Hello little <pink>sissy</pink>.. I have a new task for you today. I feel like we need to increase your reputation within this school, almost everyone knows you are a sissy pet but not alot have used you yet.. and we need to make you the school slut dont we? So today I want you to head to a school mate and give him this.."</teacher></b> - she says grabbing something from her desk
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\leashbdsm.png"></span></center>
-<b><pink> What is this for.. Mistress?</pink></B> - you ask innocently
-<b><teacher> "Are you that stupid? Are those pills fucking up your IQ or what? Obviously you're gonna give that to a schoolmate and he'll walk you around publically in the school hallways. Also do it naked, show everyone what a slut you are. You better do it fast, you already know disobeying me is not an option and I'll punish you for that."</teacher></b> - she says staring you down seriously
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\evilteacher.png"></span></center>
<b><center> You take a large gulp and take the leash into your hands, storing it in your backpack.. you better do what she asked you to do.. be careful if you go to detention with the task not done.. it could prove dangerous.</center></b>
-<b><teacher> "Go on then, leave. I don't want you back here without the task complete."</teacher></b> - she says pointing at the door
<center>[[Leave to the school hallway|School Hallway]]</center><span class='fadeIn'>\
<<set $teacherschooltaskactive to false>>\
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\schoolhallway.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><img src="images\city\schoolhall.jpg" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>
<b><center> You need to do your teachers task.. it's going to be an embarassing one but you know better than disobeying her.. however who are going to pick from the hundreds of people out in the hallway..? Maybe it's better to go somewhere else.. like the bathroom..</center></b>
<center>[[Enter the school bathroom|DetentionTeacher12SchoolTaskLeashpt2]]</center><span class='fadeIn'>\
<<set $time to $time+1>>\
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\detention.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><img src="images\city\detention.jpg" width = "550px"></center>
<b><center> You enter the detention room.. however you havent finished your task and your <teacher>Mistress</teacher> knows about that.. she knows everything.. you can already see her stare at you enfuriated..</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\teacherschooltaskpunishment.jpg"></span></center>
-<b><teacher> "You fucking stupid sissy.. you do this on purpose don't you? I'm supposed to punish you but how can I punish someone who enjoys being humiliated? Sit down on the chair!"</teacher></b> - she points at the ground beneath her
<b><center> You do what she says and as you sit down you notice she already has a strap-on on her waist.. is she going to use it on you?</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\povstrap.png"></span></center>
-<b><teacher> "Do what I fucking tell you to do! Immediately! Anything I tell you to do will be your priority, don't you fucking understand?"</teacher></b> - she says as she slaps you and grabs your head, facefucking you with her strap-on
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\punishmentschooltask1.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><center> She facefucks you so hard that you fall down to the ground from the chair looking at her out of breath</center></b>
-<b><teacher> "Turn around sissy!"</teacher></B> - she says as she grabs you forcefully and turns you around, helping you get on top of the chair
<b><center> She then grabs your hips with both hands and you already know what's coming.. the only issue is that there's no lube at all.. she starts fucking you raw and it hurts.. but you bear your punishment..</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\punishmentschooltask2.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><pink> "mhmhmmM.. fuck.. I'm close.."</pink></b> - you say as you get fucked
<b><center> She then suddenly stops and throws you off the chair</center></b>
-<b><teacher> "You are not cumming today you fucking stupid slut! You go outside and do what I told you to do!"</teacher></b> - she says as she grabs your face and spits directly into your mouth
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\punishmentschooltask3.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><pink> Y..yes mistress.</pink></b> - you say as you leave outside
<b><center> You should do your task.. unless you want to get punished again..</center></b>
<center>[[Leave outside to the hallway|School Hallway]]</center><<set $teachertaskleashdone to true>>\
<span class='fadeIn'>\
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\schoolbathroom.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><img src="images\city\schoolbathroom.png" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>\
<b><center> You enter the school bathroom and it's mostly empty.. however you hear someone in the stall.. whoever it is, it will be him that will take you on the leash.. you wait for a bit with your leash in hand.. eventually the person comes out.</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\bullystare.png"></span></center>
-<b><red> "The fuck are you doing here? Don't you think it's about time you start using the girls bathroom <pink>sissy?</pink>"</red></b> - your bully says
<b><center> No.. there is no way.. of all people in this school.. it had to be your bully that is in the bathroom.. how unlucky are you? You quickly hide the leash behind you, not wanting to let him see it</center></b>
-<b><red> "What are you hiding behind you? Give me that."</red></b> - he says as he approaches you and takes out the leash from your hand forcefully
-<b><pink> W..wait! I can explain..</pink></b> - you say in distress
-<b><red> "HAHAHA.. I see.. I don't know what kinky shit you were up to.. but looks like you got unlucky slut, show me your neck, now!"</red></b> - he says in a commanding voice
<b><center> You jump from how commanding and dominant he is and kneel in front of him.. you expect him to put the leash on your neck but instead he puts it on your mouth while you are knelt</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\leashtask1.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><red> "What a good little puppy HAHAHA.. here let me just keep this to myself.."</red></b> - he says as he takes out his phone and takes a picture of you, afterwards he takes the leash out of your mouth
-<b><pink> "P..please keep that to yourself.."</pink></B> - you say submissively
-<b><red> "I'll do whatever the fuck I want to, come on, let's take a walk around the bathroom, bitch."</red></b> - he says as he leashes you and makes you crawl around the dirty school bathroom
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\leashtask2.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><center> You follow him around like a little bitch, obeying his every order</center></b>
-<b><red> "You know what? I think something's clearly missing.. dogs don't wear clothes bitch.. get naked and let's go outside, I want to parade you HAHAHA."</red></b> - he says laughing mocking you, taking off your clothes
<b><center> You two then head outside.. you look down to the ground in shame as you crawl next to his feet, looking up at him sometimes.. you don't look at anyone as you crawl, embarassed.</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\leashtask3.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><red> "Fuck this shit got me horny.. you know what.. why don't you suck me off right here in front of everyone? I mean your bestie has done it before, why can't you do it too?"</red></b> - he says as he takes his cock out in front of your face
<b><center> You can't believe you have to do this in front of everyone.. and especially to <red>him</red>.. he does have a nice looking cock though.. pretty <i>big</i>.. you start getting enchanted by his cock and take it into your mouth as he holds your leash</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\leashtask4.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><red> "F..fuck.. you sissies are always such good cocksuckers.. you might be better than the other slut.."</red></b> - he says as he enjoys your mouth
-<b><ltblue> "J..jesus!!!"</ltblue></b> - a student says as she stares at you both
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\studentshocked.jpg"></span></center>
-<b><red> "What do you want? This isn't a show, move on!"</red></b> - your bully says agressively
<b><center> The student shakes her head in disgust as she moves along, leaving you two</center></b>
-<b><red> "G..god.. you are good.. really.. good!!"</red></b> - he says as he busts a fat nut all over your face without warning you
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\mccumfaceleash.jpg"></span></center>
-<b><pink> G..god so much..</pink></b> - you say cleaning some cum from your face with your fingers
-<b><red> "Alright I'm out.. you do whatever the fuck you want to now, kinky slut.. I'll have some more fun with you later.."</red></b> - he says as he lets the leash go and goes away, completely disregarding you
<b><center> People stare at you.. a completely naked sissy with cum on his face and a leash on her neck.. is this what you've been degraded to? If there was any hint of respect you ever had in this school.. it's gone, everyone knows what a slut you are.. you run to the bathroom to clean and get dressed.. and eventually you go back to your daily life, with your task done.</center></b>
<center>[[Go back to your daily life, slut|School Hallway]]</center>
<span class='fadeIn'>\
<<set $nailsalontask to false>>\
<<set $nailsalontaskstart to true>>\
<<set $time to $time+1>>\
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\detention.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><img src="images\city\detention.jpg" width = "550px"></center>
<b><center> You enter the detention room ready for the punishment after what you've done in class.. you look around and see <teacher>Ms.$nameteacher</teacher> in a table smoking with an ashtray in front of her, the whole room smells like cigarettes so that's definitely not her first one..</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\teachersmoking3.png"></span></center>
-<b><teacher> "Hello little <you>$name</you>.. sorry for the smoke, I've had a stressful morning.. anyways today's task is very simple.. you did well on buying that dress I asked you to buy.. what I want you to do next is a very subtle change but a needed one.. I want you to head to the beauty salon downtown and get your fingernails painted.. you can choose the color, however I recommend the <pink>pink</pink> color.. suits you."</teacher></b> - she says giving you her task for the day
<b><center> Paint my nails? But everyone's going to see.. sure it's not something completely weird nowadays, alot of guys paint their nails but.. <pink>pink?</pink>..</center></b>
-<b><you> But everyone will..-</You></b> - you try to speak but get cut off
-<b><teacher> "Are you stupid? Yes everyone will see and they are supposed to, don't piss me off I just told you I had a stressful morning, chop chop and do what I ordered you to do. Leave."</teacher></B> - she says looking at you mad waving you away while smoking
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\anothercigerette.png"></span></center>
<b><center> Well.. guess you better head downtown..</center></b>
<center>[[Head outside|School Hallway]]</center><span class='fadeIn'>\
<<set $time to $time+1>>\
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\detention.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><img src="images\city\detention.jpg" width = "550px"></center>
<b><center> You enter the detention room but remember you haven't yet done the task you teacher ordered you to do.. you have to paint your nails, you look at her and she's smoking a cigarette again..</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\anothercigerette.png"></span></center>
-<b><teacher> "Why arent your nails painted? Leave."</teacher></b> - she says pointing outside immediately
<b><center> Well better do it before I get back here I guess..</center></b>
<center>[[Leave the detentiom room|School Hallway]]</center><span class='fadeIn'>\
<<set $nailsalontaskstart to false>>\
<<set $nailstaskdone to true>>\
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\beautysalon.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><img src="images\city\beautysalon.png" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>\
<b><center> It's about time you get your nails done like <teacher>$nameteacher</teacher> ordered you to do.. you are a little afraid since you've never done something like this.. everyone will see you with girly nails and that's kind of scary.. but it's better to <i><teacher>obey</teacher></i> for now..</center></b>
<b><center> You take a seat and wait for your turn.. eventually one of the workers in the salon calls you over</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\salonworker.jpg"></span></center>
-<b><ltblue> "Hello! How can I help you today?"</ltblue></B> - she asks smiling kindly
-<b><you> Ehm hi.. I wanted to get my nails done..</you></b> - you say embarassed
-<b><ltblue> "Oh certainly.. you mean a manicure to get your nails well cut?"</ltblue></b> - she asks as you follow her
-<b><you> Well.. yes but.. I actually would like them painted too..</you></b> - you say honestly but very shy
-<b><ltblue> "Oh wow..! Of course! <font size ="-2">must be one of those sissies..</font>"</ltblue></B> - she says something at the end that you cant really understand
<b><center> You look at the table and see an interesting machine you've never seen.. probably something to do your nails.. this is all very <pink>womanly..</pink> and new to you..</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\nailsmachine2.jpg"></span></center>
-<b><ltblue> "Sit down! Before we paint them we'll need to get them all pretty and done! Give me your hands."</ltblue></b> - she says commandingly, treating you differently out of nowhere.
<b><center> You notice her slight change in tone even though you don't know why.. but you just do what she said and give her your hands, to which she starts doing multiple things.. you just let her do it whatever she wants really.</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\nailsworker.jpg"></span></center>
-<b><ltblue> "Alright.. what color would you like? I recommend a <pink>pretty pink</pink>.. it'd suit you."</ltblue></b> - she recommends while asking you
<b><center> What color do you want actually? Both your teacher and the beauty salon worker recommend pink.. but you could go for something else..</center></b>
<div id="choice">
<<linkreplace "<pink><center> • Pink nails.</center></pink>">>\
<<replace "#choice">>\
<<set $nails to 1>>\
-<b><you> I'll take your recommendation then.. I'll want them pink..</you></b> - you say telling her the color
-<b><ltblue> "Good choice! Let's start then.."</ltblue></b> - she says as she picks the varnish and starts applying it on your nails
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\pinknails.png"></span></center>
<b><center> It feels very odd to paint your nails.. you've never thought you'd be doing this one day.. but it doesn't feel bad necessarily.. it's interesting..</center></b>
-<b><ltblue> "Alright it's done! Take a look"</ltblue></b> - she says finishing her painting
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\pinknailsdone.jpg"></span></center>
-<b><you> They are.. cute..!</you></B> - you say trying to compliment her job
-<b><ltblue> "They suit you.. <pink>sissy.</pink>"</ltblue></b> - she says smiling at you
<b><center> Did she just call you a.. sissy? You blush and give her a slight smile..</center></b>
-<b><you> Are we done?</you></b> - you ask her
-<b><ltblue> "Actually no, we are not. I have a game changer for you here, sissy.. Put your nails over here in this machine."</ltblue></b> - she grabs your hands forcefully and sticks it inside the machine you saw before
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\nailsmachine.jpg"></span></center>
<b><center> You don't know what the machine does but it stings a bit.. it's like it's glueing your hand.. you let her do it though but you are curious..</center></b>
-<b><you> Ehm what does this machine do exactly..?</you></b> - you ask curious
-<b><ltblue> "Oh nothing special really.. just makes the nail polish permanent, forever. Oh we are done! You can take your hands off now, sissy."</ltblue></B> - she says giggling
-<b><you> WH..WHAT?! Permanent?! I didn't ask for that!</you></b> - you say furious, not expecting her to do that
-<b><ltblue> "Oh please <pink>sissy</pink> give me a break.. I did you a favour.. I can tell this is just the beginning for you.. you can leave now we are done here, don't make a fuss or I'll grab that tiny thing you probably have between your legs and squash it."</ltblue></b> - she says threatning you humiliating you with her fingers, signaling you have a small penis
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\sphnails.png"></span></center>
<b><center> Wh..what.. she's being so.. dominant towards you.. why cant you fight back though.. she's humiliating you and did something against your will.. however you dont have the willpower to resist her.. you just get up and leave the salon mad.. but with your new permanent nails done..</center></b>
<b><yellow><center> You got your nails done permanently! You can check them out anytime in your bathroom!</center></yellow></b>
<center>[[Leave the salon|City]]</center>
<div id="choice">
<<linkreplace "<white><center> • Black nails</center></white>">>
<<replace "#choice">>
<<set $nails to 2>>\
-<b><you> I'll want them black..</you></b> - you say telling her the color
-<b><ltblue> "Not the best choice but whatever.. Let's start then.."</ltblue></b> - she says as she picks the varnish and starts applying it on your nails
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\nailsblack.png"></span></center>
<b><center> It feels very odd to paint your nails.. you've never thought you'd be doing this one day.. but it doesn't feel bad necessarily.. it's interesting..</center></b>
-<b><ltblue> "Alright it's done! Take a look"</ltblue></b> - she says finishing her painting
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\blacknailsdone.jpg"></span></center>
-<b><you> They are.. cute..!</you></B> - you say trying to compliment her job
-<b><ltblue> "They suit you.. <pink>sissy.</pink>"</ltblue></b> - she says smiling at you
<b><center> Did she just call you a.. sissy? You blush and give her a slight smile..</center></b>
-<b><you> Are we done?</you></b> - you ask her
-<b><ltblue> "Actually no, we are not. I have a game changer for you here, sissy.. Put your nails over here in this machine."</ltblue></b> - she grabs your hands forcefully and sticks it inside the machine you saw before
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\nailsmachine.jpg"></span></center>
<b><center> You don't know what the machine does but it stings a bit.. it's like it's glueing your hand.. you let her do it though but you are curious..</center></b>
-<b><you> Ehm what does this machine do exactly..?</you></b> - you ask curious
-<b><ltblue> "Oh nothing special really.. just makes the nail polish permanent, forever. Oh we are done! You can take your hands off now, sissy."</ltblue></B> - she says giggling
-<b><you> WH..WHAT?! Permanent?! I didn't ask for that!</you></b> - you say furious, not expecting her to do that
-<b><ltblue> "Oh please <pink>sissy</pink> give me a break.. I did you a favour.. I can tell this is just the beginning for you.. you can leave now we are done here, don't make a fuss or I'll grab that tiny thing you probably have between your legs and squash it."</ltblue></b> - she says threatning you humiliating you with her fingers, signaling you have a small penis
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\sphnails.png"></span></center>
<b><center> Wh..what.. she's being so.. dominant towards you.. why cant you fight back though.. she's humiliating you and did something against your will.. however you dont have the willpower to resist her.. you just get up and leave the salon mad.. but with your new permanent nails done..</center></b>
<b><yellow><center> You got your nails done permanently! You can check them out anytime in your bathroom!</center></yellow></b>
<center>[[Leave the salon|City]]</center>
<div id="choice">
<<linkreplace "<red><center> • Red nails</center></red>">>
<<replace "#choice">>
<<set $nails to 3>>\
-<b><you> I'll want them red..</you></b> - you say telling her the color
-<b><ltblue> "Not the best choice but whatever.. Let's start then.."</ltblue></b> - she says as she picks the varnish and starts applying it on your nails
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\rednails.png"></span></center>
<b><center> It feels very odd to paint your nails.. you've never thought you'd be doing this one day.. but it doesn't feel bad necessarily.. it's interesting..</center></b>
-<b><ltblue> "Alright it's done! Take a look"</ltblue></b> - she says finishing her painting
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\rednailsdone.jpg"></span></center>
-<b><you> They are.. cute..!</you></B> - you say trying to compliment her job
-<b><ltblue> "They suit you.. <pink>sissy.</pink>"</ltblue></b> - she says smiling at you
<b><center> Did she just call you a.. sissy? You blush and give her a slight smile..</center></b>
-<b><you> Are we done?</you></b> - you ask her
-<b><ltblue> "Actually no, we are not. I have a game changer for you here, sissy.. Put your nails over here in this machine."</ltblue></b> - she grabs your hands forcefully and sticks it inside the machine you saw before
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\nailsmachine.jpg"></span></center>
<b><center> You don't know what the machine does but it stings a bit.. it's like it's glueing your hand.. you let her do it though but you are curious..</center></b>
-<b><you> Ehm what does this machine do exactly..?</you></b> - you ask curious
-<b><ltblue> "Oh nothing special really.. just makes the nail polish permanent, forever. Oh we are done! You can take your hands off now, sissy."</ltblue></B> - she says giggling
-<b><you> WH..WHAT?! Permanent?! I didn't ask for that!</you></b> - you say furious, not expecting her to do that
-<b><ltblue> "Oh please <pink>sissy</pink> give me a break.. I did you a favour.. I can tell this is just the beginning for you.. you can leave now we are done here, don't make a fuss or I'll grab that tiny thing you probably have between your legs and squash it."</ltblue></b> - she says threatning you humiliating you with her fingers, signaling you have a small penis
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\sphnails.png"></span></center>
<b><center> Wh..what.. she's being so.. dominant towards you.. why cant you fight back though.. she's humiliating you and did something against your will.. however you dont have the willpower to resist her.. you just get up and leave the salon mad.. but with your new permanent nails done..</center></b>
<b><yellow><center> You got your nails done permanently! You can check them out anytime in your bathroom!</center></yellow></b>
<span class='fadeIn'>
<<set $dadeventdomdom2 to false>>\
<<set $timer to 0>>\
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\sistersroom.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><img src="images\city\sisterbedroom.png" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>
<b><center> Last time your dad tried to dominate you once again but you showed him his place.. you need to keep doing so and you had a wonderful idea.. eventually you want to make that ass yours but you're pretty sure if you fucked him right now he wouldn't be able to take it.. so you need to train him.. you grab your sisters smallest dildo which realistically.. isn't that small and call him.</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\sisterdildodad.jpg"></span></center>
-<b><you> <dad>$dadname</dad>! Come up here to <sister>$sistername</sister> room! </you></b> - you scream calling him
<b><center> After a while he enters the room looking at you kind of skeptical since last time..</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\dadkitchen.png"></span></center>
-<b><dad> "What do you want?"</dad></B> - he says in a rude way
-<b><you> First and foremost adress me with respect, slut. I already told you, you lost the ownership on this house, I'm the man of the house now.</you></b> - you say approaching him and looking him into his eyes
<b><center> He takes a large gulp but doesnt say anything, stepping back a bit</center></b>
-<b><you> Good.. Now let's get to why I called you here.. I want to train that ass of yours to be my toy.. right now you definitely cannot take this cock.. but you'll be able to after a bit of training.. so take that dildo over there and start fucking yourself.</you></b> - you say pointing at the dildo in your sisters bed
<b><center> He looks at you in shock opening his eyes.. he wasnt expecting you to be that forward..</center></b>
-<b><dad> "That's too much <you>$name</you>.. no way I'll do that.. you're crazy."</dad></B> - he says trying to get past you
<B><center> When he gets past you.. you agressively get behind him and put him into a chokehold, making him submit to you, covering his mouth and overpowering him</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\dadchoking.jpg"></span></center>
-<b><you> When will you learn that you are my bitch now? You will do whatever the fuck I tell you to do without questioning!</you></B> - you say as you take off his pants and grab the dildo, sticking it inside his ass while masturbating him
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\daddildofuck2.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><dad> "F..fuck! St..stop! It fuckin..g hurts!! HMhmhmm.."</dad></b> - he says moaning in pain as you fuck him with the dildo
-<b><you> It hurts yet you are moaning you masochistic bitch arent you? I'm not helping you anymore.. ride it.</you></b> - you let go of him
<b><center> You were expecting him to stop after you let go of him but instead it seems he got aroused and starts riding it by himself, lost in pleasure while masturbating and jumping on the dildo</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\daddildofuck1.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><you> What a little bitch.. I'll give you another hand, come here.</you></b> - you say as you flip him around and point his cock at his face, fucking his ass as you masturbate him again
<b><center> After a while he starts cumming.. because of the position you put him in he cums all over his face and mouth, swallowing it.</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\daddildofuck3.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><dad> "f..fuck.. I'm spent.."</dad></b> - he says out of breath completely destroyed with cum on his face
-<b><you> Good.. you better be.. next time it wont be a dildo so if you want it to be easier for you, keep training that ass for me, bitch.</you></b> - you say as you take a picture of him with your sisters dildo and cum on his face in case you need
<b><center> This picture will be very useful in case he tries to fight back again.. next time you'll have a taste of that ass..</center></b>
<b><center>[[Leave your sisters room|Upstairs Hall]]</center></b><span class='fadeIn'>
<<set $teacherdom6 to false>>\
<<set $timer to 0>>\
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\schoolhallway.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><img src="images\city\schoolhall.jpg" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>
<b><center> It's about time you teach that wimpy husband of <teacher>$nameteacher</teacher> a lesson. You've never actually cucked someone but the idea of you fucking your teacher in front of her husband makes your cock rock hard.. you enter her office and approach her</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\teachercucktalk.png"></span></center>
-<b><you> Hey <teacher>$nameteacher</teacher>. How have things been with your husband lately?</you></b> - you ask wanting to know the situation
-<b><teacher> "Well.. They have been tough I can't lie.. he didn't file for divorce though but he's obviously hurt that I cheated on him.. but he stayed."</teacher></b> - she responds
<b><center> Interesting.. so she cheated on him with a student and he didnt file for divorce yet and stayed.. seems like he might be even more weak than you thought..</center></b>
-<b><you> I say we head to your place today.. I have something planned to save your relationship.</you></b> - you say grinning
-<b><teacher> "Hehe.. I like the way you think."</teacher></B> - she says in the same mindset that you are, looking at you seductively
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\teacherseductive3.png"></span></center>
<center>[[Head to her home|teacherdom6pt2]]</center>
<span class='fadeIn'>
<center><img src="images\events\househallteacher.jpg" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>
<b><center> It's your first time inside your teachers house and she has a pretty nice place.. you can tell her husband makes decent money.. You two head to the living room and sit down on her couch</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\livingroomteacher.jpg"></span></center>
-<b><you> So tell me.. have things always been good with your husband prior to you being my slut?</you></b> - you sitting down close to her looking into her eyes
<b><center> You can tell she gets shy by the way you address her but she doesn't say anything.. it seems she quites like your dominace actually.</center></b>
-<b><teacher> "Well we met in highschool and have been together for a really long time.. I was always the popular girl and he was more of the shy kid in the back of the room but that caught my attention.. however over the years he has grown to be.. uninteresting and plain.. only cares about working and barely fucks me.. I guess that's a big reason why I felt excitement with you.."</teacher></b> - she says venting out to you
-<b><you> I see.. Clearly he doesn't deserve a woman like you.. so we'll teach him that..</you></b> - you say as you approach her and start kissing her
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\teacherkissingcuck.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><teacher> "Oh jesus <you>$name</you> you make me feel like im eighteen again.. make me your slut.."</teacher></b> - she says getting hot and bothered as you two make out
<b><center> Then suddenly you hear the front door open.. it's definitely her husband who has arrived from work.</center></b>
-<b><green> "I'm home."</green></b> - he says in a squeaky voice
<b><center> You hear the footsteps come to the living room yet you don't stop making out.. and then finally her husband is met with you two making out</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\teachercuckhusband.png"></span></center>
-<b><green> "Wh..what the hell is this?! Who's that?! <teacher>$nameteacher</teacher>? I can't believe this!"</green></b> - he says enfuriated
-<b><teacher> "Oh please.. stop acting like you're suprised Joshua! This is <you>$name</you>.. my master.. and yours too."</teacher></b> - she says smiling at you and kissing you again
-<b><green> "This is insanity! Ridiculous! I'm leaving!"</green></b> - he says turning around
-<b><teacher> "No you won't you cuck! If you leave now.. I'll file for divorce and talk with Mr.Hamlin to give me all your assets and this house! You will lose everything! You know I'm capable of that..!"</teacher></B> - she says threatning him with someone you don't know
-<b><green> "You.. you wouldn't.. what do you want from me?! To stay and watch this.. watch my own wife get.. plowed by a douchebag?!"</green></b> - he says insulting you
-<b><you> Hey pipe down little man.. do what she's saying or I'll beat the living shit out of you and then fuck her on top of your bloody face.</you></b> - you say scaring him
-<b><teacher> "Understand? Come here now.. I'll show you why you are in this position.."</teacher></b> - she says signaling him to come closer
<b><center> He takes a large gulp and looks at you scared of what you just said.. he comes closer next to you two.. submitting to what you two said like a wimp. Then <teacher>$nameteacher</teacher> pulls down his pants and his boxers, showing his small flaccid dick.. she proceeds to pull yours too and puts you two face to face</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\teachercuckdom1.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><teacher> "This is one of the reasons why you are going to be my cuck from now on.. you can't satisfy me with that tiny thing! <you>$name</you> is so much better than you in bed you wouldn't even imagine..! He reaches places you'll never reach.. plus you're always focused on work and forget about that I even exist!"</teacher></b> - she says humiliating him as she compares your big cock to his tiny little, making you feel empowered
-<b><green> "It's just.. just the size I was born with!"</green></b> - he says hurt
-<b><teacher> "Oh shut up.. sit down!"</teacher></B> - she says as she takes her bra off and throws it to his face, sitting down with him and starts to suck you off while he watches
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\teachercuckdom2.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><center> Fuck this situation is so hot.. your teacher is sucking you off like a whore in front of her own husband.. he's such a fucking cuck though he just watches obediently.. he doesnt even look at you, only looks at her.. pathetic ass dude..</center></b>
-<b><teacher> "Make yourself useful.. suck my toes while I suck my master off cuck."</teacher></b> - she says humiliating him even further as she continues to suck you off
-<b><green> "!"</green></b> - he tries to resist
-<b><you> "Do it pathetic cuck.. we all know you enjoy this anyways.. do it or I'll choke you till you faint."</you></b> - you threathen him again
<b><center> It seems to work.. he grabs her foot and starts licking her toes as she sucks you off.. the dude seems really scared of you, every time you threaten him he just obeys and gets scared of you.. what a frail little man.</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\teachercuckdom3.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><teacher> "Get me ready for his cock.. Lick my prestine pussy.. it'll be all you'll be allowed to do anyways from now on.."</teacher></b> - she says as she grabs his head and puts it on the couch
<b><center> It seems whatever resistance he had is gone.. he understands his place and that he wont get away from this.. he just lets her sit on his face while she continues to suck you off..</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\teachercuckdom4.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><teacher> "Do you want to fuck me master?"</teacher></b> - she says as she grabs your cock while riding his face
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\teachercuckdom5.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><you> Turn around slut.</you></b> - you say as you put her on all fours on top of his face, completely disregarding him as if he didnt exist
-<b><teacher> "Fuck me.. destroy your pussy.. make it yours and teach this cuck what a real man is.."</teacher></b> - she says humiliating him at every chance he can
<b><center> You do exactly what she requested and start fucking her, going ham on her pussy, wanting to show off what a real man is. The cuck just watches while you take what was once his.. you can see tears on the corner of his eyes.. but you can also see he is somewhat aroused from this.. you're doing him a favour</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\teachercuckdom6.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><teacher> "I want to ride you.. get on all fours in front of the couch cuckie."</teacher></b> - she says grabbing him by his hair and dragging him to the couch
<b><center> You follow her and sit down on the couch, to which she mounts you and says..</center></b>
-<b><teacher> "Use him as a footstool master.. he's your toy."</teacher></b> - she says laughing
-<b><you> You are one crazy slut haha..</you></b> - you say as you put your feet on top of his back while you fuck his wife
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\teachercuckdom7.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><center> What is your life.. you are literally fucking your teacher while your feet are on top of her husband.. this gotta be one of the most ridiculous man you've ever seen.. he doesn't even complain anymore, completely defeated by your dominance.. You two switch positions and you fuck her while she lays on top of him, making him feel every thrust you give in her pussy</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\teachercuckdom8.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><you> F..fuck I'm gonna cum..!</you></b> - you say as you are fucking her
-<b><teacher> "Get underneath me cuck..!"</teacher></b> - she says putting him underneath her pussy to watch everything
<b><center> You finally bust a fat nut all over her ass and you're pretty sure some droplets fall onto his face.. you look at him and he's completely rock hard.. confirming that he is indeed a cuckold and enjoyed this..</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\teachercuckdom9.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><teacher> "Oh god this was amazing.. and look at you.. you are completely hard you pervert.. looks like you understand your place now.. you are not my husband anymore but my cuckold, my wallet.. my man is <you>$name</you> and you'll accept that.. or I'll head to Mr.Hamlin and end your life, got it?"</teacher></B> - she says as she once again sits on his face with her cock covered pussy
-<b><green> "Mhmhmm.."</green></b> - is all you can hear from his muffled moans with him agreeing
-<b><teacher> "Thank you for saving my marriage babe.. I'll see you at school.. I have a few more things to teach to this cuck.. finally."</teacher></b> - she says as she kisses you
<b><center> Looks like you saved a family today.. and got a new pet aswell.. It will be fun from now on.. you also want to make your teacher even more of your pet and train her even further.. but today was a really fun experience.. you head home happy feeling more dominant.</center></b>
<<set $dominant to $dominant+1>>
<center><b><blue> Dominance +1!</blue></b></center>
<center>[[Head home|Home]]</center><span class='fadeIn'>\
<<set $bnwoevent5 to false>>\
<<set $timer to 0>>\
<<set $time to $time+1>>\
<<if $time >= 3>>\
<<set $time to $time - 1>>\
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\schoolhallway.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><img src="images\city\schoolhall.jpg" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>
<b><center> You want to talk with <brown>Mr.Jackson</brown> about your mothers progress.. it would also be nice if they would meet person to person so she can finally talk to a superior <brown>black man</brown> from the <brown>BNWO</brown>.. you feel like that would really flip a switch within her and knowing <brown>Mr.Jackson</brown>.. he could totally seduce her.. you see him in the hallway and approach him.</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\mrjackson.png"></span></center>
-<b><pink> Ehm excuse me <brown>Mr.Jackson..</brown></pink></b> - you say shy approaching him
<b><center> He turns around and looks at you with a warm smile</center></b>
-<b><brown> "Yes honey? What do you need?"</brown></b> - he says being nice smiling
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\mrjacksonsmile.png"></span></center>
-<b><pink> Can we talk in your office.. please?</pink></b> - you say looking at the ground embarassed
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\mcthinking.jpg"></span></center>
<b><center> He looks at you and grins, knowing what you want to talk about.</center></b>
-<b><brown> "Of course.. follow me."</brown></b> - he says heading into his office
<b><center> You obediently follow him..</center></b>
<center>[[Head into his office|bnwoevent5pt2]]</center><span class='fadeIn'>\
<center><img src="images\events\teacheroffice.jpg" width = "550px"></center>
<b><center> You are inside his office and his demeanor immediately changes as per usual.. you can feel his dominant aura and his face more serious.</center></b>
-<b><brown> "Alright my little sissy slut in training.. what do you want?"</brown></b> - he says as he sits down on his couch and takes his suit off, staring at you with his huge arms
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\mrjacksonstare2.png"></span></center>
-<b><you> So.. I wanted to tell you I've been corrupting the second woman to the <brown>BNWO</brown> cause.. it's my own.. mother actually..</you></b> - you say embarassed
-<b><brown> "Oh wow..! I was not expecting you to choose your own mother.. your girl friend is understandable.. she was already a slut anyways.. but your mother? You've exceeded my expectations <pink>sissy..</pink>.. perhaps you are more invested into being a slut for black men that I thought.. good white girl.. here's your reward.."</brown></b> - he says approaching you and kissing you passionately
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\kissingmrjackson.webm" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><brown> "Open your mouth."</brown></b> - he orders you
<b><center> And you obey.. soon after he spits inside your mouth like he would in the ground.. humiliating you.. but it makes you feel really aroused being spat on by a superior black man..</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\spitintomouthbnwo.png"></span></center>
-<b><brown> "Swallow."</brown></b> - he orders you.
<b><center> You obey once again.. swallowing everything.</center></b>
-<b><brown> "Good girl.. alright I think I should have a conversation with your mother then.. next time bring her here and I'll have a little chat with her.. we'll fake it saying it's something about your classes or whatever.. you may leave, you are one step closer to being a full BNWO sissy slut.. congratulations."</brown></b> - he says as he tells you to leave
-<b><pink> Y..yes <brown> black master.. everything for the <brown>BNWO..</brown></brown></pink></b> - you say as you leave the classroom
<b><center> Now you just have to talk with your mother and bring her here.. that will be so hot..</center></b>
<center>[[Leave to the school hallway|School Hallway]]</center><<set $workdomeventgay1 to false>>\
<span class='fadeIn'>\
<<set $worked to $worked+1>>\
<<set $time to $time+1>>\
<<if $time >= 3>>\
<<set $time to $time-1>>\
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\sexshop.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>\
<center><img src="images\city\sexshop.png" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>
<b><center> You enter the sex shop and head towards the locker room, ready to put on your uniform!</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\lockerjob.png"></span></center>
<b><center> You put on your uniform and head normal to do your job.. when suddenly a costumer calls you from the porn stalls.. you enter the room and are graced with a view you were not expecting..</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\twinkonallfours.jpg"></span></center>
-<b><you>! Jesus..</you></b> - you say looking away
-<b><green> "Hey cutie.. I thought you were really hot and I'm all horny jerking off here.. would you like to join me?"</green></b> - he says while on all fours, spreading for you
<div id="choice">
<<linkreplace "<dom><center> • Accept and fuck him</center></dom>">>\
<<replace "#choice">>\
<b><center> You can't find a reason why you wouldn't fuck such a tight looking cute twink.. you close the door behind you and step inside approaching him.</center></b>
-<b><green> "Ooh.. looks like I got my answer hehe.."</green></b> - you say as you approach him and take your cock out in front of him
<b><center> He immediately dives into your cock and grabs it, sucking you off like a vaccuum, he was not lying about being really horny.. you can feel it on your cock.</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\gaysexwork1.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><you> mhmmmhmm.. you're good at this..</you></b> - you say, clearly noticing this isnt his first rodeo
-<b><green> "I've been told so hehe.."</green></b> - he says grinning
<b><center> You keep growing hornier and hornier from this.. but you also cannot take very long and leave the store unattained.. you decide to take matters into your own hands and be more agressive, you grab him and throw him against the couch, spit into your fingers and start rubbing his tight little asshole, lubing him up.</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\gaysexwork2.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><green> "Oh god.. I love how you manhandle me.. fuck me please.. destroy my tight little twink asshole..!"</green></b> - he says arching his back for you
<b><center> You don't wait any longer.. you grab his hips with both your hands and line your big cock with his asshole.. entering it and thrusting it slowly, feeling his walls tighten around your cock..</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\gaysexwork3.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><you> God you are tight..</you></b> - you say in pleasure
-<b><green> "Don't be afraid.. you can be harder on me.. I can take it daddy.."</green></B> - he says teasing you
<b><center> You are not about to let a twink tease you like that.. you start fucking him rougher and rougher, not showing any mercy on him, disregarding any respect you had for this slut of a man</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\gaysexwork4.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><green> "OHHH GODDD... YOU ARE SO BIG..! YOU ARE STRETCHING ME OOOUT.."</green></b> - he screams all over the store
<b><center> Fuck everyone is going to know you two are fucking, this guy doesn't control himself, you grab his mouth and put him on top of you, making him ride you while you look into his eyes and tell him to be quiet.</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\gaysexwork5.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><green> "S..sorry.. you just feel so good inside of me hmhmm.."</green></b> - he says as he rides you
<b><center> After a while of him riding you, you feel closer and closer to cumming and apperantly so does he.. you cum all over his ass and so does he..</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\gaysexwork6.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><green> "God that was so fucking good.. I'll be coming to this store more often.. I'm <green>David</green> by the way.. nice to meet you hehe.."</green></b> - he says spent on the ground
-<b><you> Yeah I'm <you>$name</you>.. I have to go back to work though..</you></b> - you say worried
-<b><green> "Sure don't mind me.. It's not like you are my boyfriend or anything.. I'll see you later <you>$name</you>.."</green></b> - he says waving at you while cleaning your cum with his fingers
<b><center> What a minx of a man.. you want to see him more often though.. you head back to your daily work with your balls empty.</center></b>
<<set $dominant to $dominant+1>>
<center><b><blue> Dominance +1!</blue></b></center>
<<set $homosexuality to $homosexuality+1>>
<b><center><you><font size="6"> Homosexuality+1!</font></you></center>
<<set $money to $money+15>>\
<green><b><center><i> You received 15€ for your work!</i></center></b></green>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\moneyinhand.png"></span></center>
<center>[[Undress and go outside|RedlightDistrict]]</center>
<center>[[Undress and go straight home|Room]]</center>
<div id="choice">
<<linkreplace "<white><center> • Deny and leave</center></white>">>
<<replace "#choice">>
<b><center> You appreciate the offer but you dont want to be with a random guy you don't know.. you just tell him you're okay and leave him, going back to work.</center></b>
<<set $money to $money+15>>\
<green><b><center><i> You received 15€ for your work!</i></center></b></green>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\moneyinhand.png"></span></center>
<center>[[Undress and go outside|RedlightDistrict]]</center>
<center>[[Undress and go straight home|Room]]</center>
</div><<set $money to $money-50>>\
<<set $analbleachdone to true>>\
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\clinic.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><img src="images\events\surgeryroom.jpg" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>
<b><center> You enter the surgery room expecting the doctor to come in.. but instead the assistant comes in already ready to do your anal bleaching, she comes in with some products in a tray which you assume is for the bleaching..</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\surgeonassistant.png"></span></center>
-<b><ltblue> "Greetings! I believe you requested anal bleaching yes?"</ltblue></b> - she says being nice with you
-<b><you> Mhm that's right.. where's the doctor?</you></b> - you ask curious
-<b><ltblue> "Oh he's not needed for such procedure.. this is pretty basic so I'll be the one doing it for you. Would you like to see before and after pictures of the procedure?"</ltblue></b> - she kindly asks you
-<b><you> Sure why not.</you></b> - you answer
<b><center> She then comes closer to you with the tablet, images ready to show you.</center></b>
-<b><ltblue> "Well anal bleaching is a pretty simple procedure, it burns a little and takes a lil' of time but it's permanent, it's meant to remove the dark area of your anus and make it <pink>pretty</pink>! This is how it usually looks before"</ltblue></B> - she says showing you a image of a man on all fours
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\analnotbleached.jpg"></span></center>
-<b><you> Right..</you></b> - you nod
-<b><ltblue> "And this is what it will look like!"</ltblue></b> - she says showing you another image of a man on all fours but now the anus is much prettier
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\analbleached.png"></span></center>
-<b><you> Looks much better..!</you></b> - you say smiling
-<b><ltblue> "Right? Alright.. let's get started then, you can lay down on the table naked with your belly facing down and I'll get everything ready!"</ltblue></b> - she says as she starts opening the products and mixing everything.
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\analbleachproducts.jpg"></span></center>
<b><center> You wait a bit for her to get everything ready and soon she's behind you with her gloves on looking at you directly in the eyes with a serious face.</center></b>
-<b><ltblue> "Just relax.. this may sting a bit but you'll be just fine.. just trust me.."</ltblue></b> - she says as she starts massaging the area of your anus smoothly with some liquid gel.. it feels quite nice
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\assmassagebleach.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><center> However she isn't wrong about the stinging.. it does sting a bit more than you were expecting it to sting.. however you steer through it and try to relax.. after a while the assistant does something you were not expecting..</center></b>
-<b><ltblue> "We need to go a little bit deeper to make sure it stays permanent.. just relax.."</ltblue></b> - she says as she sticks a finger inside your asshole, massaging inside.
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\bleachfingering.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><you> Oohh.. wow..</you></b> - you say not expecting her to do such thing
<b><center> You try to relax.. however it is quite hard to relax when you have a hot woman you barely know fingering your asshole out of nowhere.. she says she's applying the product but she keeps going in and out like she's assfucking you.. you can't resist to start leaking some precum and grow a boner.. she keeps going for quite a few minutes and your arousal grows while you moan louder and louder, whimpering like a good little boy..</center></b>
-<b><you> Oh god.. I can't.. hmmhhm..</you></B> - you moan on the pillow grabbing it trying to resist
<B><center> The assistant then starts speeding up and goes closer to your ear and whispers</center></B>
-<b><font size="-1"><ltblue> "Just let go.. be a good little <pink>girl</pink> and cum.."</ltblue></font></b> - she says whispering in your ear
<b><center> And that does it for you.. you can't resist anymore and cum all over the sheets while she fingers you</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\cummingbleach.webm" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><you> Ohhhh ff..fuck.. I'm sorry.. I stained everything..</you></B> - you say apologizing
-<b><ltblue> "Oh dont worry about it.. I'll clean it up, your bleaching is done by the way! Feel free to check yourself in the mirror.. hehe.."</ltblue></b> - she says cleaning her fingers and grabbing a towel
<b><center> You are still a bit embarassed from what just happened.. but nevertheless you check your backside out, spreading your cheeks to see the changes.. and it's quite different! Your asshole looks much better.. cleaner.. <pink>feminine..</pink>!</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\bodyparts\analbleached.jpg"></span></center>
-<b><you> Wow..! Thank you! Ehm.. for everything..</you></b> - you say embarassed looking at your feet
-<b><ltblue> "You're welcome hehe.. feel free to come back for more procedures anytime cutie.."</ltblue></b> - she says waving at you
<b><center> You then get dressed and leave happy with your new procedure!</center></b>
<b><yellow><center> You got your anus bleached! You can check it out anytime in the bathroom!</center></yellow></b>
<b><green><center> -50€</center></green></b>
<center>[[Head outside of the clinic|City]]</center><span class='fadeIn'>\
<<set $bnwoevent6 to false>>\
<<set $timer to 0>>\
<<set $time to $time+1>>\
<<if $time >= 3>>\
<<set $time to $time - 1>>\
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\schoolhallway.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><img src="images\city\schoolhall.jpg" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>
<b><center> You are at school with your <mom>mother</mom>.. you told her <brown>Mr.Jackson</brown> wants to talk with her about your grades but you know the real reason she is here.. it's time to corrupt her further and really make her turn into a Queen of Spades.. what may happen today may truly change her as a person.. but you are committed to the BNWO.</center></b>
-<b><pink> His office is over there..</pink></b> - you tell your mother
-<b><mom> "Let's go then.. tell me is this Mr.Jackson a new teacher? I've never heard of him."</mom></B> - she asks curious looking at you all pretty
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\momschoolspeaking.png"></span></center>
-<b><pink> Y..yeah he's new.. he's working with the school for a new project that you may be familiar with..</pink></B> - you tell her hinting at something
<b><center> She raises her eyebrows and shrugs not understanding what you meant, you two go in to talk with <brown>Mr.Jackson</brown></center></b>
<center>[[Go inside his office|bnwoevent6pt2]]</center><span class='fadeIn'>\
<center><img src="images\events\teacheroffice.jpg" width = "550px"></center>
<b><center> As soon as you two enter the office you see the handsome <brown>Mr.Jackson</brown> standing tall looking powerful as ever</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\mrjacksonstare2.png"></span></center>
-<b><brown> "Welcome <mom>Ms.$momname</mom>! Thank you for coming!"</brown></b> - he says approaching her as he braces her in for a tight hug, pulling her in
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\momhug.jpg"></span></center>
<b><center> Your mother wasn't expecting him to be so forward.. and probably wasn't expecting him to be a <brown>handsome black man</brown>.. with the information you've been feeding her lately it's definitely going to be on her mind.. however you don't know how forward <brown>Mr.Jackson</brown> plans to be..</center></B>
-<b><mom><font size ="-1">""</font>. Thank you! I've heard my boy here has been behaving badly..?"</mom></b> - she asks going straight to the point
-<b><brown> "Boy?"</brown></b> - Mr.Jackson says confused looking at you
-<b><brown> "Oh.. right.. no his grades and behaviour have been perfectly fine actually.. I've called you here for a different matter actually, have you ever heard of the <brown>BNWO</brown>?"</brown></b> - he says going straight for the point
<b><center> You can see your moms eyes open wide in shock, not expecting for such topic to be brought at school.</center></b>
-<b><mom> "Ehmm.. y..yes.. I have.."</mom></B> - she says honest and embarassed
-<b><brown> "Oh that's fantastic then! My job in this school in actuality is to spread the BNWO to every single student in this school! So we are speaking with each parent to spread the information on what it is about, glad to see you are accquainted with it already.. you may have seen magazines like this before maybe?"</brown></b> - he says bringing out the same magazine you gave your mother
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\bnwomagazine2.jpeg"></span></center>
-<b><mom> "I.. I have yes.."</mom></b> - she says avoiding eye contact with him
-<b><brown> "No need to be embarassed <mom>Ms.$momname</mom>.. this is perfectly natural and normal for a woman of your age to be interested in such topics.. you probably had a life of sexual supression.. I assume your husband is white correct?"</brown></B> - he asks her
-<b><mom> "Y..yes he is."</mom></B> - she admits
-<b><brown> "Well the BNWO is an organization that is trying to fix the natural order of our world.. as you may have knowledge already.. tell me, does your husband satisfy you sexually?"</brown></B> - he asks going more intimate into his questions
-<b><mom> "I d..dont know.. mostly yes.."</mom></b> - she answers completely confused to what are these questions
-<b><brown> "The fact you have doubts clearly shows me you haven't and you know what you're truly missing out don't you? If you've read those articles you've definitely seen other things.. what you truly desire is this <mom>Ms.$momname</mom>."</brown></B> - he says getting up and unzipping his pants, pulling out his massive <brown>big black cock</brown> in front of your mother
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\mrjacksonbbc.jpg"></span></center>
-<b><mom> "Wh..what are you doing?!<font size ="-1"> god that thing is masssive..</font>. My son is right here! This is super unprofessional!"</mom></B> - she says trying to resist
-<b><brown> "Hahaha.. your son? You mean this bbc addicted <pink>sissy</pink>? Watch this.. kneel in front of me <pink>$girlname</pink> and suck me, now."</brown></B> - he orders you looking into your eyes, pointing at the ground beneath him
<b><center> You don't even think twice, you get on your knees immediately and crawl next to his feet, taking his huge veiny black cock into your hands and sucking it, quickly he starts fucking your mouth like it was a pussy and you just let him do it, right in front of your mother who looks at you in shock.</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\mcsuckingmrjackson.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><brown> "Good slut.. the magazine you found at home, who did you think it belonged to? Your daughter? Could've been.. but no, it was this little sissy that wants you join our organization as a queen of spades slut.."</brown></B> - he says admitting to everything you've done
-<b><mom> "Th..this is insane.. just stop.. please.."</mom></B> - she asks him
-<b><brown> "Sure.. but I can smell your wet panties from here.. come on don't be afraid, we both know you want this.. it's your first time seeing a big black cock in person isn't it? Come sit down next to me.."</brown></B> - he says as he sits down on his couch
<b><center> You were expecting your mother to leave after what she has just seen.. but it seems your corruption has worked.. she obediently follows him and sits down next to him</center></B>
-<b><brown> "Haha.. you white women are all the same, you try to resist but I've told you.. it's the natural order of things, you are wired to be attracted to the strongest male.. go ahead.. you can touch it, don't have to keep staring."</brown></b> - he says as your mom can't take her eyes from his cock
-<b><mom> "B..but I have a husband.. I can't cheat on him.."</mom></b> - she says backpedalling on what she is doing
-<b><brown> "No.. what you have is a soon to be cuckold.. you know he isn't enough for you, you want this more than anything, your body screams for it.. touch it, slut."</brown></B> - he says as he comes closer to her and grabs her ass.
<b><center> As soon as he does your mom reacts and lets go of any doubts, grabbing his huge black cock while looking at you in doubt, you can see her hands smearing with your throat drool.. it's incredibly hot to see how far your mom has reached after your corruption..</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\holdingbbcmom.webm" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><mom> "It.. it's so big.. and thick.. and heavy.. it's so different from.. <dad>$dadname</dad>.."</mom></b> - she says amazed as her breath quickens
-<b><brown> "Of course it is.. because black men are much superior to any white men you've ever been with.. <pink>sissy</pink> come closer.. suck me off to show your mom what she's missing.."</brown></B> - he says as he gets up in front of her, his cock lining up right in front of her eyes
<b><center> You do what he said and come closer, your mom doesnt even look at you, she's completely obsessed with his cock, biting her lips as she looks at it.. however first it's yours.. you kneel in front of him with your mother next to you and start sucking him off..</center></B>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\mommcsuckbbc1.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><brown> "Give her a taste.. kiss your mother."</brown></B> - he orders you, grabbing your head and your mothers, making you two make out
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\mommcsuckbbc2.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><mom> "God.. the taste is so strong.. I can't.. hold it anymore"</mom></B> - she says as she starts sucking his cock together with you on her knees
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\mommcsuckbbc3.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><brown> "There we go.. two pretty little white sluts on your knees where you belong.. servicing the <brown> Black New World Order</brown> and every black man.. good job.. here's your reward slut.. welcome to the BNWO..!"</brown></B> - he says as he starts cumming all over her mouth after a while
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\mommcsuckbbc4.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><mom> "GHOD.. stheresh sho mush..!"</mom></b> - she says mouth full of cum
-<b><brown> "Swallow it whore.. be a true big black cock slut and mark your insides with my black children."</brown></B> - he orders her
<b><center> And she obeys her master, swallowing it.</center></b>
-<b><brown> "Great job.. come here.."</brown></B> - he says grabbing her from her knees and bringing her in for a kiss
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\momkissingmrjackson.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><center> You just stay on your knees waiting for your order as you watch both of them make out as your can see your moms legs tremble from excitement.. she's definitely not going back after this.. she's one step closer to being a QOS and a BNWO slut.. You can already imagine her future with a black man after she cucks <dad>$dadname</dad>..</center></B>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\momfuture.jpg"></span></center>
-<b><brown> "You two did amazingly.. But there's clearly one big step left.. if you want be fucked and inseminated by me.. you need to get a tattoo.. you'll go with your <pink>sissy son</pink> and do it.. he'll pay for you, after that I'll accept you into our organization, understood?"</brown></B> - he says looking into your mothers eyes
-<b><mom> "O..okay.. I understand mhhmm.."</mom></B> - she says still in ecstasy.
-<b><brown> "Good.. you two leave now, I have other white people to convert, you sluts."</brown></B> - he says throwing you two outside of his office
<b><center> That was so hot.. now all you have to do is pay for your mothers tattoo.. you can't wait for that to happen..</center></B>
<center>[[Go back to your daily life|School Hallway]]</center><center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\schoolhallway.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><img src="images\city\schoolhall.jpg" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>
<span class='fadeIn'>
<<set $timer to 0>>\
<<set $dadeventdomfem5 to false>>\
<b><center> Your father has been progressing quite smoothly in his feminization, he is looking more and more feminine.. however he is a 40 year old man.. without the aid of something heavier he won't truly reach <pink>femininity</pink> like he should.. you know <teacher>$nameteacher</teacher> has a past with chemical drugs regarding body modification.. perhaps she knows something harder to aid you.. and she is your slut so she can't deny you.. you look for her and she's in her office smoking as per usual.</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\teachersmokingbathroom.jpg"></span></center>
-<b><teacher> "Oh hey <you>$name</you>.. what's up? Wanna have some fun?"</teacher></B> - she says biting her lip immediately seductively
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\teacherseductive3.png"></span></center>
-<b><you> You're constantly horny aren't you slut? Not right now though, perhaps if you help me with something I'll fuck you.</you></b> - you tell her trying to get what you want
-<b><teacher> "You want something from me..? What is it?"</teacher></B> - she asks going into a more serious mode
-<b><you> I've heard you're quite knowledgeable on feminization drugs.. I'm currently "helping" someone but I feel like the person has reached his maximum potential.. I'd like to know if you have any strong feminization drug that can modify a man's body into a more feminine one..</you></B> - you ask her
<b><center> Her attitude changes a bit, clearly she's not confortable about people knowing about this side of her, she scoffs and crosses her arms</center></b>
-<b><teacher> "W..well.. I do possess that drug yes but.. you have to understand that it's quite dangerous to be giving such drug to someone.. even if it's you.. it's something that can completely change someones body.."</teacher></B> - she says clearly hinting at the fact she doesn't want to give it to you
<b><center> You don't like the fact she's denying you something.. you quickly approach her and grab her neck, pulling her closer to you.</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\teacherchoked.jpg"></span></center>
-<b><you> I don't care if it's dangerous.. who do you think you belong to? I saved your life, I cucked your husband, I saved your job.. If I want something from you, you will give it to me, understand?</you></b> - you say roughly and in a domineering way
-<b><teacher> "Y..yyessh.. I'm shh..shhorry.."</teacher></B> - she says having a hard time speaking while being choked
-<b><you> Good, now.. tell me, how does the drug work? Have you used it on someone else before?</you></b> - you ask wanting information
-<b><teacher> "W..well the drug has two parts.. it's a pill plus a feminization drink to aid with it.. it is quite potent so giving it to someone three times will immediately start changing their body composition.. also their mental state influences it quite alot.. if it's someone who wants to be feminized the drug will act much stronger than using against someones will.. and yes.. I have used it before, on two guys.. one against their will and one asked me.."</teacher></B> - she says reluctantly
-<b><you> Well show me then.. you must have results no?</you></b> - you ask her
-<b><teacher> "I do yes.. this one guy wanted to be feminized and well.. the changes were massive.. she turned into a sissy bimbo doll.."</teacher></B> - she says showing you a before and after picture
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\beforeafterfem.jpg"></span></center>
-<b><you> Wow.. that's incredible.. the changes are immense! You're a freaking genius aren't you? What about the other dude?</you></b> - you ask amazed
-<b><teacher> "W..well.. the other is someone you may know.. and it was against her will.. she accepted her new personality but.. ehm.. it's <bf>$bfname</bf>.."</teacher></B> - she says admitting it reluctantly
<b><center> Wh..what?? She feminized your best friend against her own will..? All this time you thought she just had a realization that she wanted to be trans.. but in actuality she was feminized..? That explains her sudden change in personality..</center></b>
-<b><teacher> "I mean you probably know how she looked like before but.. here are the images.."</teacher></b> - she says showing you a before and after of your best friend
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\bfbeforeafter.png"></span></center>
-<b><you> I see.. I suppose the changes are irreversible right..?</you></b> - you ask her
-<b><teacher> "Yes.. they are.. it changes you to a celular level.. even the way your brain works is completely changed to a feminine one.. I mean I could probably do an opposite drug but I've never tried.."</teacher></b> - she admits
<b><center> Well what is done is done.. either way you prefer your best friend this way.. poor thing though..</center></b>
-<b><you> Alright.. You said three doses are enough right? I'll want three then.. deliver it to my house, as soon as possible.</you></b> - you order her
-<b><teacher> "Okay.. can I ask who you're going to use it on..?"</teacher></b> - she says curious
-<b><you> None of your concern, but you've been a good girl.. come here.</you></B> - you say grabbing her and kissing her
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\kissingteacher.jpg"></span></center>
<B><center> She smiles at you blushing like a high school girl with your praise.. you now have to wait for her to deliver you the drugs you need.. after that.. you just have to make your dad drink and take the pill.. you can't wait to see how he'll react to it..</center></b>
<center>[[Go back to your daily life|School Hallway]]</center>
<span class='fadeIn'>
<<set $dadeventdomfem6 to false>>\
<<set $timer to 0>>\
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\outside.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><img src="images\city\house.jpg" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>
<b><center> You look at your porch area and notice you've gotten a package from <teacher>$nameteacher</teacher> it's definitely the drugs you've asked her to give you..</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\feminizationpackage.jpg"></span></center>
<b><center> You grab the package and head inside with it to the kitchen.. you're curious to see what it contains.</center></b>
<center>[[Head to the kitchen with the package|dadeventdomfem6pt2]]</center><<set $drugdone to false>>\
<<set $drugdad to 0>>\
<<set $time to $time+1>>\
<<if $timer == 3>>\
<<set $time to $time-1>>\
<span class='fadeIn'>
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\kitchen.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><img src="images\city\kitchen.jpg" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>
<b><center> You open the package and are immediately greeted by three pink drinks and three pretty sizeable pills.. also a letter from your teacher..</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\pinkdrink.jpg"></span></center>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\pinkpill.jpg"></span></center>
-<b><teacher><i> "Hey <you>$name</you>.. I've made the pill and the drink like you told me to.. I'll be waiting for my reward hehe.. anyways a few warnings before you use this on someone else.. always dose the person at the same time of the day and orally, preferably in the morning, do not by any means overdose the person.. that could be lethal.. like I said before, the mental state of the person influences the transformation alot.. so I recommend you aid the drugs with some type of feminization hypnosis.. that is all.. enjoy and show me the results if possible..!"</i></teacher></b> - the letter finishes with a kiss mark
<b><center> Alright.. so you have three doses and you'll have to feed your dad the dose in the morning.. considering he eats breakfast always in the morning it should be fairly easy to just feed it to him.. you'll just start making food for him and say its a new recipe you're trying.. let's get to it..</center></b>
<b><yellow><center> You'll have to feed your dad the feminization drug three times in the morning.. after that you'll see if he changes..</center></yellow></B>
<center>[[Back to your daily life|Kitchen]]</center><<set $drugdad to 1>>\
<<set $time to $time+1>>\
<<if $timer == 3>>\
<<set $time to $time-1>>\
<span class='fadeIn'>
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\kitchen.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><img src="images\city\kitchen.jpg" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>
<b><center> It's time to feminize your dad further with the drugs your teacher gave you.. you wait in the kitchen for his arrival and eventually he does, ready to make his breakfast, but you cut him off.</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\dadkitchenfem.jpeg"></span></center>
-<b><dad> "H..hey <you>$name</you> good morning.."</dad></B> - he says wary of you
-<b><you> Hey dad! Let me handle breakfast today.. just go take a seat in the living room and I'll bring it to you.. I have a new recipe for you to try.. you'll love it!</you></b> - you say very friendly
<b><center> He looks at you worried that you might be up to something but he doesnt defy you.. he goes to the living and sits down watching some TV.. You quickly grab a glass to put the pill and the drink inside alongside some toast and bring it to him..</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\pinkpill.jpg"></span></center>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\pinkdrink.jpg"></span></center>
-<b><dad> "That's.. an interesting color.. what does this contain?"</dad></B> - he asks curious
-<b><you> Oh it's a nutrituous recipe I saw on google.. I've eaten it already and it's really good you'll like it, meanwhile let's switch this TV to something more interesting..</you></b> - you say as you grab the remote control and put some sissy hypno on to help his mental state as he eats
<b><center> You look at your dad and as soon as he starts drinking.. he drinks it all in a row and goes quiet.. almost mindless.. just staring at the TV..</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\hypno\sissyhypnodad1.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><you> Are you okay dad..?</you></b> - you ask him
-<b><hotpink> "Being a girl.."</hotpink></b> - he mumbles completely hypnotized
<b><center> Jesus it's really potent she wasn't lying.. you can't wait to see how it's going to change him.. you just let him watch the hypno till it ends.. leaving him alone, two more to go..</center></B>
<center>[[Go back to your daily life|Kitchen]]</center><<set $drugdad to 2>>\
<<set $time to $time+1>>\
<<if $timer == 3>>\
<<set $time to $time-1>>\
<span class='fadeIn'>
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\kitchen.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><img src="images\city\kitchen.jpg" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>
<b><center> Yesterday the drug worked out really well.. he was really into it.. you once again wait for him to arrive.</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\dadkitchenfem.jpeg"></span></center>
-<b><dad> "H..hey <you>$name</you> good morning.. again.. yesterday I fell asleep after your meal but I remember it being very good..! Are you going to make some more of it?"</dad></B> - he says wary of you
-<b><you> Hey dad! Yeah I'll make it again glad you enjoyed it.. go ahead and sit down.. I'll bring it to you.</you></b> - you say very friendly and suprised he enjoyed it that much
<b><center> He smiles at you and goes to take a seat on the couch waiting for you.. it's interesting that he remembers it as an enjoyable event even though he got completely hypnotized.. maybe because he was in the right mental state he remembers it as a positive thing.. either way time to cook</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\pinkpill.jpg"></span></center>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\pinkdrink.jpg"></span></center>
-<b><dad> "Hmmm even the smell is good..!"</dad></B> - he says as you give him the drink and the toast
<b><center> You look at your dad and as soon as he starts drinking.. he drinks it all in a row again and goes quiet.. mindless again empty brained.... just staring at the TV..</center></b>
-<b><you> I guess you can't even hear me right now can you? You are going to turn into such a pretty sissy I can tell.. I'll have so much fun with you afterwards.. oh god and moms reaction when she sees her husband is a complete bitch.. anyways.. here's your daily hypno..</you></b> - you say switching the TV to the hypno to aid him
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\hypno\sissyhypnodad2.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><hotpink> "relapse..."</hotpink></b> - he mumbles completely hypnotized
<b><center> Alright.. one more to go and supposedly he'll change physically..</center></B>
<center>[[Go back to your daily life|Kitchen]]</center><<set $drugdad to 3>>\
<<set $drugdone to true>>\
<<set $time to $time+1>>\
<<if $timer == 3>>\
<<set $time to $time-1>>\
<span class='fadeIn'>
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\kitchen.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><img src="images\city\kitchen.jpg" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>
<b><center> It's the final day.. after this your dad should completely change to be a feminine sissy.. then you'll just need to make him buy panties.. dress him up.. and use him as your personal slut.. you wait for him to arrive but are suprised when he arrives.. his hair is much longer and his skin is much smoother.. he almost looks like another person already!.</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\dadday3.jpg"></span></center>
-<b><dad> "G..good morning <you>$name</you> <hotpink> how are you</hotpink><font size ="-1">..jesus my voice..</font>today?"</dad></B> - he says with his voice cracking and everything
-<b><you> Wow.. you look good today dad, I'm all good</you></b> - you say suprised with how much he changed
-<b><dad> "You think so..? <hotpink>My hair is quite longer actually.. feels nice..</hotpink> must be your nutrituous drink haha.."</dad></B> - he says not realizing how much he is changed due to the drugs
-<b><you> Great you mentioned that.. go ahead and take a seat.. I'll bring you your breakfast</you></b> - you say preparing his drug filled breakfast
-<b><hotpink> "Yes sir.."</hotpink></B> - he says in a complete girly voice, submissively
<b><center> Wow he just adressed you as sir.. even his mental state is completely changing to address you as a superior.. this is incredible.. that muscular old man you once knew is now a frail looking weak whiteboy.. you can't wait to see how he'll be tomorrow.. either way you bring him the food with the drugs..</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\pinkpill.jpg"></span></center>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\pinkdrink.jpg"></span></center>
-<b><dad> "God I might be <hotpink>addicted</hotpink> to this food you are making.. it's great!!"</dad></B> - he says as you give him the drink and the toast
<b><center> You look at your dad and as soon as he starts drinking.. he drinks it all in a row again and goes quiet.. mindless again empty brained.... just staring at the TV..</center></b>
-<b><you> There you go again.. mindless little sissy bimbo.. you are going to be my little pet soon.. I can't wait to fuck that tight little ass and put you in chastity.. walk you around and whore you out.. fuck.. I'd honestly fuck you right now but I'm scared you might snap out or something.. here's your hypno tho..</you></b> - you say switching the TV to the hypno to aid him as you grow horny yourself
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\hypno\sissyhypnodad3.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><hotpink> "feminized..."</hotpink></b> - he mumbles completely hypnotized
<b><center> Alright.. now you just need to go to the bathroom tomorrow morning to see how he changes.. it's the last day.. you can't wait..</center></B>
<center>[[Go back to your daily life|Kitchen]]</center><span class='fadeIn'>
<<set $timer to 0>>\
<<set $dadeventdomfem7 to false>>\
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\bathroom.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><img src="images\city\bathroom.jpg" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>
<b><center> It's time.. you've fed your dad drugs for three days and he should be completely changed by now.. he's showering right now.. you open the door of the bathroom slightly and take a look inside.. you're shocked by what you see.. it's almost as if there's a woman you don't know in your bathroom.. but you can tell it is in fact <dad>$dadname</dad>..</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\dadchanged1.png"></span></center>
-<b><hotpink> "God.. My hair is so long now.. I need to get it done.."</hotpink></b> - <hotpink>she</hotpink> says looking in the mirror, appreciating herself
<b><center> Caling her your dad and <dad>$dadname</dad> feels wrong.. but there's no lying that's your dad.. she lets go of her towel and you are even more suprised by her body.. her dick is 3-4 inches smaller than it used to be.. she has grown tiny B-cup titties.. her whole body is more pale and feminine, smoother.. even the nipples have changed.. it's amazing.. you can't lie it's making you horny.. you grow a boner from watching your <pink>feminized dad</pink></center></B>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\dadchanged2.png"></span></center>
-<b><hotpink> "Gee.. what's wrong with me.. I've been feeling so horny lately.."</hotpink></B> - she says as she plays with her tiny clit
<b><center> Jesus it's so much smaller than it used to be you can't believe.. the drug has worked perfectly.. you have to reward <teacher>$nameteacher</teacher> after this.. you take some pictures to show her.</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\dadchanged3.png"></span></center>
-<b><hotpink> "God I need release.. but masturbating normally doesn't feel good enough..! I need.. this!"</hotpink></b> - she says grabbing a dildo from the bathroom drawer and attaching it to the wall, riding it
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\dadfeminizeddildo.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><center>! Your teacher wasn't lying about the mental changing aswell.. she just started riding it like it was a normal thing for her.. you can't wait to order her to see how she'll react..</center></b>
-<b><hotpink> "GGmhmhm!! I want a real cock th..ouhg.. this.. isn't enougghhh..!!"</hotpink><B> - your <dad>dad</dad> says as he cums handsfree from fucking her ass
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\dadcummingdildo.webm" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><center> He then takes a shower and puts on his mens clothing.. which do not look good on him at all.. also your family will notice his changes.. you can't wait to see how they will react.. after this you need to dress her up and make her realize your are her owner before someone else does.. but the plan was a success.. your dad is now a <pink> feminized sissy slut.</pink></center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\dadclothingfem.png"></span></center>
<<set $dominant to $dominant+1>>
<center><b><blue> Dominance +1!</blue></b></center>
<center>[[Go back to your daily life|Bathroom]]</center>
<<set $workdomevent2 to false>>\
<span class='fadeIn'>\
<<set $worked to $worked+1>>\
<<set $time to $time+1>>\
<<if $time >= 3>>\
<<set $time to $time-1>>\
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\sexshop.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>\
<center><img src="images\city\sexshop.png" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>
<b><center> You enter the sex shop and head towards the locker room, ready to put on your uniform!</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\lockerjob.png"></span></center>
<b><center> You head outside and you see <manager>$mname</manager> speaking with someone you've seen before.. it's the dominant looking lady, <dom>Mistress Ruby..</dom>.. You clock in and start working but quickly you are interrupted, <manager>$mname</manager> calls you over close to them</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\dominantwoman.jpg"></span></center>
-<b><manager> "Hey <you>$name</you> c'mere for a second.."</manager></b> - he says calling you over while looking at her somewhat reluctant
<b><center> You arrive next to them and quickly she places herself in front of you, blocking him, clearly showing that it was her who called you.</center></b>
-<b><dom> "Hmmm last time I saw you, you had a different aura.. something changed.. you will do, follow me to my stable."</dom></b> - she says ordering you
<b><center> You don't move a muscle, she can be as dominant as she wants that you won't budge.. you are not one of those submissive sissies, if she wants you to go with her she has to explain and ask.</center></b>
-<b><you> What for?</you></b> - you cross your arms looking at her
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\mccrossarms.jpg"></span></center>
<b><center> It's a dangerous move.. she could quickly be pissed with it but it seems she has judged you fairly.. she smirks and starts talking</center></b>
-<b><dom> "Good good.. you are definitely not a weak wimp.. I want you to come with me to my stables to show you my slaves like I said I would in the past, if you're interested in a small job.. surely a man like you wouldn't mind treating some sluts right?"</dom></b> - she says teasing you
<b><center> She's teasing you huh.. it seems she is looking for a equal and you definitely can prove her you're the man she's looking for.. you approach her very close and look deep into her eyes</center></b>
-<b><you> I definitely wouldn't mind treating some sluts right.. sometimes they need to be taught a lesson.</you></b> - you say looking into her eyes
<b><center> Her reaction is unexpected.. she looks at you a little defenseless as if giving in.. looks like a powerful woman is always looking for a powerful man..</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\staringruby.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><dom> "Hahahaha.. interesting.. shall we go then? I assume you can take care of things here for now <manager>$mname</manager>."</dom></b> - she tells to the manager
-<b><manager> "Eh.. sure I guess.."</manager></b> - he says a little pissed that she's just taking her worker
<b><center> You follow her back to her stable in her luxorious car.. a driver is waiting for her outside.. you enter with her and head to the stable.. you can't wait to see it.</center></B>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\rubycar.png"></span></center>
<center>[[Arrive at her stable|workdomevent2pt2]]</center><span class='fadeIn'>\
<b><center> After a while you finally arrive at what literally seems to be a agglomeration of houses.. no one could tell from the outside that this is a BDSM stable with slaves..</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\sexstableoutside.png"></span></center>
-<b><dom> "We are here.. let's go inside."</dom></b> - she says going inside
<b><center> Once inside you are greeted by what you were expecting.. it got dim lights and you can hear sounds of whimpering and moaning.. sometimes even whipping.. the rooms seem like something out of a BDSM movie..</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\sexstableinside.png"></span></center>
-<b><you></you></B> - you say amazed
<b><center> It has everything.. from males being trained into sissies to women being trained into sex toys.. there's three big rooms, the left one is where the sissies lay being trained</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\sissiestraining.jpg"></span></center>
<b><center> And the right one is where the female slaves are.. it's amazing how submissive they look..</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\womentrainedslaves.jpg"></span></center>
<b><center> In the center it's sort of a lounge room for the Masters and Mistresses to rest and speak.. you can see some dominant looking women and men.. it's all very neat looking.</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\livingroombdsm.png"></span></center>
<b><center>The women stare you down as if evaluating if you are new meat to be trained.. or a new Master..</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\staringmistresses.jpg"></span></center>
<b><center> You keep staring them dont and don't break eye contact and it seems they understand immediately what you are as they scoff and talk to each other.. however what stands the most in this lounge room is the center of it.. <dom>Mistress Ruby</dom> throne</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\mistressthrone.jpg"></span></center>
<b><center> She sits down on it and crosses her legs, ready to talk with you.</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\mistressrubythrone.jpg"></span></center>
-<b><dom> "Alright hope you enjoyed the tour visit.. as you've noticed we take this very professionally and seriously.. You've given me dominant vibes which made me consider taking you in as a Master for my stable.. however showing dominance and truly being merciless and be able to train slaves is not something that is that easily proven.."</dom></B> - she says judging you
<b><center> She's testing you.. you can't let this opportunity go to waste..</center></B>
-<b><you> I can assure you I can be more cruel then all these fools together.. I'll make your slaves feel things that they've never felt in their tiny little bodies.. and not only the slaves..</you></B> - you say as you climb up next to her throne, being bold
<b><center> Everyone stares at you, it seems what you're doing is something no one would have the courage to do..</center></b>
-<b><dom> "HAHAHA.. I like your boldness.. you truly are not scared of me.. I can feel it.. hmhmm.. Alright.. prove it to me.. you can choose the sissies or the female cattle.. pick one of them and show me what you are capable of.. after that I'll consider letting you join us.."</dom></B> - she says amused waving her hair
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\mistressruby.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><center> It seems she has a weak point for you.. you do want to train all these slaves but more than that.. you want a piece of the queen. But for now you need to prove yourself.. which one will you choose?</center></b>
<div id="choice">
<<linkreplace "<dom><center> • Choose the sissy slave</center></dom>">>\
<<replace "#choice">>\
<b><you> I'll go with the sissy then.</you></B> - you tell her choosing the sissy slave.
-<b><dom> "Alright.. go ahead then, head to the left room.. I'll be watching don't worry.."</dom></B> - she says going to a secret room
<b><center> You head to the left room and you are suprised when you get there.. a <pink>sissy</pink> is laying on the ground waiting for you.. how come someone has set up this so fast? Either way you don't care.. you just have to prove yourself, you get closer to her and make sure she is well tied.</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\sissydominated1.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><you> What's your name sissy?</you></B> - you ask her
-<b><pink> "A..amber sir..</pink></b> - she responds
-<b><you> Tell me Amber.. will you be a good girl for me today? Will you obey my every order?</you></B> - you ask her while finishing tying her up
-<b><pink> "Y..yes <you>Master</you>.. I will.."</pink></B> - she says obeying you
-<b><you> Good.. Get on all fours with your ass up Amber.. I have to make sure you're going to obey me.</you></B> - you order her
<b><center> And quickly she does with her hands tied, showing her tight little boipussy.. even though she is saying she will obey you, you have to teach that into her body, you grab a paddle from nearby and start spanking her ass, quickly making it go red.</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\sissydominated2.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><pink> "AAAAUCH.. gghghmm.. s..stop please..!"</pink></B> - she says in pain
-<b><you> Tell me again Amber! You will obey my every order, say it!</you></B> - you order her while spanking her harder
-<b><pink> "I.. AHHHH.. WILL.. HMHMNHFMM.. OBEY YOUR EVERY ORDER MASTER..! USE ME..!"</pink></B> - she says submissively
<b><center> It seems she is not lying, looks like you got an easy one.. you quickly turn her around and take your cock out, putting it into her face.</center></b>
-<b><you> Service me before I fuck your boipussy, now.</you></b> - you order her, holding her by her hair
-<b><pink> "Yes Master.. as you wish.."</pink></B> - she says obediently, happy to obey you as she starts sucking willingly
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\sissydominated3.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><center> After a while you get to urge to completely destroy her asspussy..</center></b>
-<b><you> Stop now.. I want to mount you like the whore you are, however you will not cum understand? You do not deserve such previlege.. you are just a toy for my amusement.</you></B> - you say as you get ready to fuck her
-<b><pink> "Of course master.. deny me... I'm yours to use..</pink></b> - she says spreading her cheeks for you
<b><center> You don't wait any longer and start fucking her super hard, thrusting with all you have</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\sissydominated4.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><pink> "OHHHH FF..FFUCCCKK.. YOU ARE DESTROYING.. MEEEEE..!"</pink></B> - she announces it to the whole stable
-<b><you> IM GOING TO FILL YOU UUUP..!</you></B> - you scream as you cum inside of her
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\cumasstransslave.webm" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><center> You then throw her to the ground and clean your dick in her hair, leaving her completely destroyed and abused. Soon after <dom>Mistress Ruby</dom> comes inside the room to talk with you</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\rubydom.jpg"></span></center>
-<b><dom> "Looks like you were not all talk.. you've got alot to learn, you gave her too much pleasure but you definitely have potential.. You can start coming here to train and gain experience.. after you prove me more that you are worthy, I'll let you climb higher in the ranks.. welcome <you>$name</you>."</dom></B> - she says smiling
-<b><you> Thank you <dom>Ruby</dom></you></B> - you say addressing her by her name
<b><center> She smiles at your boldness once again.. you want her for yourself.. you can already imagine dicking her down as you make this stable yours.. but you have to lay low for now..</center></b>
<b><yellow> In future updates you'll be able to come work at the stable and gain experience by training different slaves, rank up and eventually take the stable for yourself, alongisde Mistress Ruby!</yellow></B>
<<set $dominant to $dominant+1>>
<center><b><blue> Dominance +1!</blue></b></center>
<<set $homosexuality to $homosexuality+1>>
<b><center><you><font size="6"> Homosexuality+1!</font></you></center>
<center>[[Leave to the city|City]]</center>
<div id="choice">
<<linkreplace "<dom><center> • Choose the female slave </center></dom>">>
<<replace "#choice">>
<b><you> I'll go with the female slave then.</you></B> - you tell her choosing the female slave.
-<b><dom> "Alright.. go ahead then, head to the right room.. I'll be watching don't worry.."</dom></B> - she says going to a secret room
<b><center> Once you get to the right room you see a woman tied up in chains waiting for you already, as soon as she sees you her eyes grow scared.. you look around and see multiple tools you can use to torture her and make her submit to you in case she tries to resist.</center></b>
-<b><you> Hello there.. what's your name slave?</you></b>
-<b><pink> "Amanda.."</pink></B> - she says reluctantly
-<b><you> We off a bad start Amanda.. you will end every phrase with Sir or Master.. understand?</you></b> - you say as you grab some pegs from the tools nearby
-<b><pink> "S..sorry Master.."</pink></B> - she says scared
-<b><you> Ill have to punish you for that, to make sure you understand what I meant..</you></b> - you say as you start putting peggs all over her nipples, making her hiss in pain
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\femaleslavetrained1.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><pink> "FFSHHUCK.. SHIT! THAT HURTS!"</pink></b> - she complains loudly
-<b><you> You stupid whore.. who do you think you're talking to? It hurts?! It's supposed to hurt you dumb slut.. here, get some more pain and if you fucking complain I'll make it worse! I want a thank you Master afterwards!</you></B> - you say as you put pegs all over her clitoris and pussy lips aswell
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\femaleslavetrained2.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><pink> "GHhgfhmm.. T..thank you.. god.. Master.."</pink></b> - she says in pain trying to hide her pain to not get more punished
-<b><you> Good girl.. wasn't that hard was it? Now service me.</you></b> - you say taking out her cock in her face, holding her agressively by the hair and forcing her to suck your cock
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\femaleslavetrained3.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><center> She starts sucking you without any enthusiasm and you can feel it.. she looks at you with daring eyes.. this bitch needs to be taught a lesson.. you quickly take your cock out of her mouth and slap her agressively in her face, making her whole head turn around to the ground, spitting into her mouth afterwards.</center></B>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\femaleslavetrained4.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><you> That is the worst blowjob I've ever gotten.. didn't your whore of a mother teach you how to suck a cock properly? I want enthusiasm, make it look like your life depends on it next time or I'll do alot worse than slapping and spitting you whore.</you></b> - you say as you slap her again
-<b><pink> "Im.. sorry.. master.."</pink></b> - she says out of breath after sucking your cock and the slaps you gave her
-<b><you> You will be, turn around.</you></B> - you order her
<b><center> And finally she seems to understand her place.. she turns around obediently but now you've got to teach her a lesson, you were going to fuck her pussy but instead.. you're going to make it painful for her, anal sex it is!</center></b>
-<b><you> Take this you whore!</you></b> - you say sticking into her asshole without warning, hammering it immediately without any mercy
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\femaleslavetrained5.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><pink> "AAAAAHHH OH GODDD STOOOOOP.. IT HURTS SO MUCH..!!!"</pink></B> - she says screaming in pain
-<b><you> It does?! Great you fucking stupid bitch! Next time listen to your superiors and obey me! Now I'm going to use your asshole like a toy and cum all over it!</you></B> - you say as you start speeding up
-<b><pink> "AAAAAAAAAHHH IT BURNSSS!"</pink></b> - she screams
<b><center> Her screaming and the tightness of her anal walls quickly bring you to climax.. it feels so good to just dominate someone like this.. you take your cock out and quickly cum all over her ass cheeks, covering them.</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\femaleslavetrained6.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><you> God that was amazing.. hope you learnt your lesson for the future, slut.</you></B> - you say cleaning your cock on her hair and face.
-<b><pink> "Y..yes master.. I'm sorry master.."</pink></b> - she says crying in pain.
<b><center>Soon after <dom>Mistress Ruby</dom> comes inside the room to talk with you</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\rubydom.jpg"></span></center>
-<b><dom> "Looks like you were not all talk.. you've got alot to learn, you gave her too much pleasure but you definitely have potential.. You can start coming here to train and gain experience.. after you prove me more that you are worthy, I'll let you climb higher in the ranks.. welcome <you>$name</you>."</dom></B> - she says smiling
-<b><you> Thank you <dom>Ruby</dom></you></B> - you say addressing her by her name
<b><center> She smiles at your boldness once again.. you want her for yourself.. you can already imagine dicking her down as you make this stable yours.. but you have to lay low for now..</center></b>
<b><yellow> You can now access the inside of Ruby's sex stable from the Outskirts of the city! You'll be able to work and grow as a worker in her stable.. potentially leading to being closer with her..!</yellow></B>
<<set $dominant to $dominant+1>>
<center><b><blue> Dominance +1!</blue></b></center>
<center>[[Leave to the city|City]]</center>
</div><<set $time to $time+1>>\
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\park.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><img src="images\city\park.png" height = "400px" width = "750px">
<b><center> You are strolling along the park enjoying the beauty of nature when you start hearing some manly moans nearby..</center></b>
-<b><dom> "UFFHmm.."</dom></b> - someone moans
<b><center> You follow the moans curious and quickly you stubble open two guys having gay sex.. and they both notice you too.</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\gaysexparkpublic1.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><you>!</you></B> - you say out loud
-<b><dom> "Sh..hit!!"</dom></b> - the guy getting fucked says in panic
-<b><red> "Oh.. hey there.. eheh.. dont mind us! Unless you want to join in and fuck this slut with me?"</red></B> - the guy says continuing thrusting into the guy agressively
<b><center> You look at the scene and can't help but feel a little aroused.. you decide eto</center></b>
<div id="choice">
<<linkreplace "<dom><center> • Accept his request and join in on the fun</center></dom>">>\
<<replace "#choice">>\
<b><center> You slowly walk towards them and the guy starts grinning at you.. you take out your cock and line it up with the guys mouth, he quickly grabs it and starts sucking it while the other dude fucks him</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\gaysexparkpublic2.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><dom> "HHFGHMMmhmm.."</dom></b> - the guy moans with his mouth full
-<b><red> "Hehe.. I bet you weren't expecting two guys today were you? But actually.. You look quite tasty.. I want to have a taste of you myself, join me.."</red></b> - he says as he stops fucking him and kneels in front of you, quickly the other guy does the same and they both start sucking you off
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\gaysexparkpublic3.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><you> Oh wow.. Today's gotta be the best walk I had in the park.. J..jesus..</you></b> - you say feeling extreme pleasure from both guys sucking you off
-<b><red> "Feel free to cum anytime, we'll take it.."</red></b> - the big guy says
<b><center> And quickly you do.. his words bring you to edge as you cum all over the grass in front of them</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\gaysexparkpublic4.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><dom> "Oh wow what a load.."</dom></b> - the other guy says impressed
-<b><you> Haha.. thanks for the fun guys.. I'll get going..</you></B> - you say as you leave them behind, going about your life
<<set $homosexuality to $homosexuality+1>>\
<b><center><you> Homosexuality +1!</you></center></b>\
<center>[[Go back to your daily life|Park]]</center>
<div id="choice">
<<linkreplace "<white><center> • Deny and leave running</center></white>">>
<<replace "#choice">>
<b><center> You appreciate the offer but fucking a threesome in the park with two random guys wasn't on the bingo card today.. you just run away leaving them to enjoy themselves..</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\gaysexparkpublic1.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<center>[[Go back to your daily life|Park]]</center>
</div><span class='fadeIn'>\
<<set $siseventsub11 to false>>\
<<set $timer to 0>>\
<<set $mcchastity2 to true>>\
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\sistersroom.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><img src="images\city\sisterbedroom.png" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>
<b><center> You are passing by the hallway when you hear your <sister>sister</sister> call you from her bedroom, quickly you head inside, you are immediately greeted upon <sister>Mistress $sistername</sister> in a very sexy latex outfit.. it immediately makes you want to drop to your knees and worship her beauty..</center></B>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\sisterlatex.jpg"></span></center>
-<b><sister> "Come here <pink>sissy</pink> and take off your pants and panties. I want to check something."</sister></b> - she orders you quickly with a serious face
<b><center> You quickly obey her and take off your clothes and come closer to her.. when you do she agressively grabs ahold of your chastity caged clit and shakes it around with force.</center></B>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\chastitycageshake.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><sister> "Like I thought.. your body has changed since we put you on that chastity.. it's about time we shrink that little thing even further with something else.."</sister></B> - she says as she grabs a purpe and black bag from the ground
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\sexshopbag.jpg"></span></center>
<b><center> She puts her hand in and takes out something from inside of it.. it's something so small that you can't even see it in her closed fist.. when she opens it you can clearly see it what it is.. it's a micro chastity cage.. it's super small and tight.. does she want to put you on that?</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\verysmallcage.png"></span></center>
-<b><sister> "I've talked with <teacher>$nameteacher</teacher> and she agreed to change that pink cage.. it was good while it was useful but now you have clearly shrunk a few centimeters.. your clit is about like 4 to 6 centimeters now.. let's take that off and you'll switch it."</sister></b> - she says taking the chastity key from her neck and holding it in front of you
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\sisterholdingkey.jpg"></span></center>
-<b><pink> Alright.. if you say so..</pink></b> - you submit, laying down giving her space to take the cage off, to which she starts immediately
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\chastitycageremoval.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><sister> "Oh my god! Look at it.. it has shrunk SO MUCH! HAHAHA. I remember when you put the cage on you were about normal size.. now you are extremely small.. and you don't even get hard.. this is amazing.. you are turning into the perfect <pink>sissy slut</pink></sister></B> - she says humiliating you laughing at your tiny cock
<b><center> You look down and she is definitely right.. it is much smaller but.. you don't feel outraged by it.. actually you think it fits you quite right.. you don't even use it anymore nowadays.. it's right that you get put onto something that shrinks it even more.. maybe one day it will shrink so much it will disappear..</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\tinydickcageoff.jpeg"></span></center>
-<b><sister> "Alright sissy take the cage and put it on yourself.. it's so small that I wouldn't be able to put it on you, you have to do it yourself, after that bring me the key.. go on."</sister></b> - she pushes you to the door
<b><center> Quickly you enter the bathroom and grab the cage, putting it in front of your tiny dick and locking it.. it feels extremely tight and small.. it's even a little painful you can literally feel it being pushed inside of you..</center></B>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\puttingmicrocage1.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><center> You finish putting it on and look at the mirror, tapping it and flaunting it around.. you can't lie it looks really good on you, you look even more <pink>feminine</pink> now.. who would've thought your dick could shrink that much..</center></B>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\puttingmicrocage2.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><pink><i> Hmhmm.. I look good..</i></pink></B> - you think to yourself as you grab the key and head back to your sisters room
-<b><sister> "Look at you! A perfect looking feminine sissy! I love it.. here's your reward.."</sister></B> - she says as she grabs you and throws you to her bed.. getting on top of you and going down.. licking your newly caged micro penis, teasing you
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\sisterteasingmicro.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><pink> Oh fuck.. it hurts.. hmhmhgmm..</pink></b> - you say feeling your dick trying to get hard, pushing the micro cage back
-<b><sister> "Aww does it hurt sissy? That's good.. feel it trapped.. you'll never use that clit again, your boipussy is your main sexual organ.. maybe one day we'll remove that tiny useless thing who knows hehe.."</sister></b> - she says tapping your cage and letting you go
<b><center> You get up and leave, going back to your day.. you are now caged in a micro chastity cage!</center></B>
<<set $submissive to $submissive+2>>\
<b><center><pink> Submissiveness +2!</pink></center></b>\
<center>[[Leave her room|Upstairs Hall]]</center><<set $time to $time+1>>
<span class='fadeIn'>\
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\sundayevent.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><img src="images\city\bedroom.jpg" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>
<b><center> You are still groggy from sleeping, chilling in your bed when your <mom>mom</mom> knocks at your door, wanting to come inside</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\momknocking.png"></span></center>
-<b><mom> "Hi honey, can I come in?"</mom></B> - she asks you kindly
-<b><pink> Yeah.. come in</pink></b> - you tell her
<b><center> To which she does, coming inside, looking all dolled up and ready to go out</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\momsunday7.jpg"></span></center>
-<b><mom> "You're still inside the sheets baby? Don't you remember? We agreed to go out shopping today.. I thought you'd be ready by now.."</mom></b> - she says worried
<b><center> You don't quite remember mentioning such thing but if she's saying she's probably right..</center></b>
-<b><pink> Oh really.. I dont remember but I'll get ready quick.. sorry mommy..</pink></b> - you tell her getting out of bed
-<b><mom> "Alright I'll be waiting for you outside in the car, hurry up honey."</mom></b> - she says going outside
<b><center> You quickly get ready and head outside, entering your mothers car and heading to the shopping mall</center></b>
<center>[[Arrive at the Shopping Mall|WeekendSunday7subeventpt2]]</center><span class='fadeIn'>\
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\mall.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><img src="images\city\mall.jpg" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>
<b><center> You arrive at the Mall with your mother and you already know where she wants to go.. she most likely will want to go to the lingerie shop where <clerk>Miss Angela</clerk> will be working.. but you kind of look forward to it to be honest.. everytime you are with her it's a pleasurable experience..</center></b>
-<b><mom> "Alright.. I'll go buy some groceries for the house why don't you go and buy whatever you want honey? We'll meet back here in like 30 minutes okay? See you soon.."</mom></b> - she says heading down to the groceries shop
<b><center> You think of where to go but you can't avoid but be drawn to the lingerie shop.. will she even be there? Or will it be a normal shopping experience for the first time..? Either way you go inside..</center></b>
<center>[[Enter the lingerie shop|WeekendSunday7subeeventpt3]]</center><center><img src="images\resources\lingerieshoplogo.png"></center>
<span class='fadeIn'>\
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\lingerieshopinside.png"></span></center>
<b><center> You enter the lingerie shop and look around but don't see <clerk>Miss Angela</clerk> anywhere.. perhaps she's not working today.. you feel your stomach drop in sadness expecting to see her.. you head to the lingerie aisle where it's close to the storage room to look at some sexy and cute panties..</center></B>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\lingerieshopinside.png"></span></center>
-<b><pink><i> I guess I'll buy some new panties and leave..</i></pink></b> - you think to yourself distracted
<b><center> You are about to pick up a pair of panties when suddenly you feel someone grab your neck from behind and cover your entire face with her hand.. they start dragging you to the storage room.. the whole room is dark and you can't see a thing, you are quite scared of who's doing this.. slowly your eyes adjust to the darkness.</center></b>
<span class="eventclinic"><<link "Lights turn on">></span>
<<script>> fadeToBlackAndWakeUp(); <</script>>
<div id="newContent" style="display: none;"> <!-- Initially hidden -->
<b><center> Suddenly a dim red light turns on next to you and you finally can see who dragged you.. it's <clerk>Miss Angela..</clerk>.. she's wearing a dominant latex outfit who shows almost all of her beautiful breasts and she's towering above you.. you are kneeling in front of her after she threw you to the ground..</center></B>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\shopclerksunday7pt2.jpg"></span></center>
-<b><clerk> "Hi there my little pet.. you thought I wouldn't see you in my shop? Everytime you come here you have to serve me slut.. I actually got promoted to Manager of this shop so now I have much more freedom to what I can do to it.. I've upgraded this storage room to use you and abuse you in a more.. confortable way, do you like it?"</clerk></B> - she asks you smiling at you from above
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\dominantauraclerk.jpg"></span></center>
-<b><pink> Y..yes Miss Angela.. it looks really nice.. you scared me jesus.. my heart is still beating fast..</pink></B> - you say out of breath
-<b><clerk> "Aww is the little sissy going to wet herself? Come on get yourself together.. I have a suprise for you.."</clerk></B> - she says pointing down at her waist
<b><center> All this time you were looking at her face that you didn't even notice.. she's wearing a massive strap-on! Oh god.. she's going to fuck you in the back of the store.. that's so hot..</center></B>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\shopclerksunday7pt3.jpg.png"></span></center>
-<b><pink></pink></b> - you tell her surprised
-<b><clerk> "Hurry up slut, get naked for me."</clerk></B> - she orders you
<b><center> You quickly obey and get naked, taking off all your clothes.. you remembered now that you are wearing your new micro chastity cage.. she's probably not expecting that..</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\invertedchastityout.png"></span></center>
-<b><clerk> "Look at you! You have changed your chastity cage to a even smaller one.. you look so <pink>pretty and feminine</pink> now.. you've come such a long way.. whoever's changing you is doing such a great job.. I bet one day you'll show up her with a vagina.. and I'll be here to fuck it.. now turn around and give me access to that boipussy slut."</clerk></b> - she says humiliating you
-<b><pink> Hehee.. yes <clerk>Miss..</clerk></pink></B> - you say giving her access to your boipussy
<b><center> She quickly grabs ahold of your buttplug and removes it, throwing it to the ground, spitting into her strap-on and rubbing it on the entrance of your asshole, teasing you.</center></B>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\peggedsunday7.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><clerk> "Tell me you want it sissy.. tell me you want to destroy that pussy of yours, leave it gaping and make you prowl your gaped ass to the whole story.. do it!"</clerk></b> - she says agressively grabbing your hair and rubbing her plastic cock on your ass
-<b><pink> HMMHMMm.. please!! Do it.. fuck me as hard as you can.. I'm yours..!</pink></b> - you say submissively
-<b><clerk> "Good girl.. You've come a long way.."</clerk></b> - she says thrusting inside of you slowly but gradually increasing the speed
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\peggedsunday7pt2.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><pink> OhhHHH god.. I caan feel it all.. it's bulging my stomach.. gmhmm..</pink></b> - you say in great pleasure as you feel your insides stretch to give space to her big plastic cock
-<b><clerk> "Look how easy you can take it.. you've trained this ass of yours haven't you slut? I bet I'll see you selling this ass in the streets at night soon.. won't you whore?"</clerk></b> - she says fucking you harder
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\peggedsunday7pt3.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><pink> YYYESSSS..!! I WILL.. I'LL BE A STREET WHOREE...! GODDD!</pink></B> - you scream as you cum in your micro chastity
<b><center> The thought and image of you selling yourself as a sissy prostitute quickly makes you dry orgasm in your new chastity cage.. you feel completely gaped and wrecked..</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\cumminginvertedchastity.png"></span></center>
-<b><clerk> "God I've always wanted to do this to you from the moment I met you.. look at this beautiful gape"</clerk></b> - she says holding your cheeks open as you feel air come inside your intestines
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\analgape2.jpg"></span></center>
-<b><clerk> "Alright slut.. you can see yourself out.. feel free to come back anytime.. actually I feel like we could have a little date at my home one day.. what do you think? You serving me in a maid outfit.. doing everything I want hehe.."</clerk></B> - she says proposing to you
<div id="choice">
<<linkreplace "<pink><center> • Accept her proposal</center></pink>">>\
<<replace "#choice">>\
<<set $clerkactive to true>>\
-<b><pink> Sure.. I'll do it anytime you want <clerk>Miss..</clerk></pink></B> - you say submissively wanting to serve her
-<b><clerk> "Good.. I'll see you later then.."</clerk></b> - she says leaving the storage room
<b><center> You get yourself together and soon go after her too, going to meet your mother with a slightly more destroyed butthole.. not that she will know about that of course..</center></b>
<center>[[Meet with your mother|WeekendSunday7subeventpt4]]</center>
<div id="choice">
<<linkreplace "<white><center> • Don't take her request</center></white>">>\
<<replace "#choice">>\
<<set $clerkactive to false>>\
-<b><pink> Ehh.. sure..</pink></B> - you say not wanting to piss her off but you know you don't want that
-<b><clerk> "Good.. I'll see you later then.."</clerk></b> - she says leaving the storage room
<b><center> You get yourself together and soon go after her too, going to meet your mother with a slightly more destroyed butthole.. not that she will know about that of course..</center></b>
<center>[[Meet with your mother|WeekendSunday7subeventpt4]]</center>
</div><span class='fadeIn'>\
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\mall.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><img src="images\city\mall.jpg" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>
<b><center> You head outside to meet your mother and you notice that about an hour as passed already.. she probably has been waiting for your this whole time..</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\momlookingweird.jpg"></span></center>
-<b><mom> "Honey where have you been?! Jesus you worried me.. I even called you a couple times.."</mom></b> - she says worried
-<b><pink> Oh I met someone and distracted myself.. I'm all done shopping though.. you?</pink></b> - you ask her
-<b><mom> "I'm done too.. let's go home.. don't worry me like that again.."</mom></b> - she says frustrated
<b><center> You smile at her with your asshole still gaping and hurting.. eventually you head to your car and head home happy and fucked.</center></b>
<center>[[Head back to your day|Home]]</center><center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\schoolbathroom.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><img src="images\city\schoolbathroom.png" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>\
<b><center> You enter the school bathroom to take a piss when you are greeted upon a sight you were not expecting.. a blonde girl and a <brown>black</brown> man are getting intimate.. she's bluntly sucking him off on her knees, when you come in she notices you but doesn't even think of stopping.. she keeps sucking while looking at you.. noticing immediately your inferiority.</center></b>
-<b><ltbrown> "My bad dude.. bitch was horny.. just ignore us will ya."</ltbrown></b> - he says speaking for her as she has a busy mouth.
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\schoolbnwofuck.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><center> You give them an awkward smile and head to the urinal which is a few steps away from them.. you can't help but take glances at them while they are enjoying themselves.. is this the result of the <brown>BNWO</brown> propaganda around the school..? You can't help but feel your clit try to grow against it's cage.. his dick is massive.. suddenly she stands up and he grabs her, putting her on top of the counter, sticking his massive thick cock inside her, fucking her roughly.</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\schoolbnwofuck2.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><ltblue> "OHH YESS <brown>DADDY..!</brown> breed me..!"</ltblue></B> - she says as she gets fucked
<b><center> You just keep watching in secret.. they don't acknowledge your presence and you've been "secretly" watching them for a few minutes now.. eventually he speeds up even more which shows he's about to cum.</center></b>
-<b><ltbrown> "FF..FFUCK.. I'M CUMMING INSIDE YOU, YOU WHITE SLUT..!"</ltbrown></B> - he shouts to the world as he pumps and dumps his load inside of her fertile pussy
-<b><ltblue> "mhhmMHMM.. yess.. fill me.. breed my lineage out..!"</ltblue></B> - she says as she grips him harder, eventually taking out his cock as a huge load of cum drops out of her pussy
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\bbccreampie.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><ltbrown> "Ahh that was great.. thanks slut.. I'm not taking any responsabilities.. hope you enjoyed the show whiteboi.. haha."</ltbrown></B> - he says as he passes by you leaving the bathroom
<b><center> You gulp awkwardly as now you're left with a random girl from your school who you don't know.. she's completely naked and full of black cum.. you are about to leave when she calls you</center></b>
-<b><ltblue> "Psst whiteboi.. since you enjoyed watching this much something tells me you're a beta cuck.. why don't you come over here and clean me up? Hehe.."</ltblue></b> - she says showing you her cum filled pussy
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\cumfilledpussy.jpeg"></span></center>
<b><center> You take glimpses at her and her cum filled pussy.. you are slightly nervous and don't know what to do.. you take a final look and decide to</center></b>
<div id="choice">
<<linkreplace "<pink><center> • Accept her request and clean her cum filled pussy</center></pink>">>\
<<replace "#choice">>\
-<b><pink> O..okay..</pink></B> - you say submissively as you approach her pussy
-<b><ltblue> "HAHAHA.. good whiteboi.. how does it feel to know black men are literally breeding you to extinction? Yet here we are.. you just accept your inferiority and clean up his cum.. amazing."</ltblue></B> - she says as you face her used pussy
<b><center> As soon as you are face to face with her pussy you can feel the heat and smell of his potent cum.. a superior <brown>black man</brown> was just inside of her pussy.. you can't resist anymore and dive in, licking and slurping as much cum as you can from her used snowbunny pussy</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\eatingcumpussy.webm" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><ltblue> "Ohh fuck.. what you whitebois dont have in dick you have in tongue skill.. you are going to make me cum.. FFUCK!"</ltblue></b> - she says as she cums all over your mouth, huge globs of black cum falling into your mouth
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\eatingcumpussy.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><ltblue> "God this is truly perfection.. I need a cuck boyfriend like you to service me whenever I need.. thank you cuckie."</ltblue></b> - she says happy breathless from just orgasming
-<b><pink> Y..yhou are whelcome *gulp*</pink></B> - you say swallowing the cum in your mouth
<b><center> You smile at her, breath smelling of manly cum and leave with your belly filled.. that was a great experience, it's great to see how much the BNWO is influencing your school..</center></b>
<<set $submissive to $submissive+1>>\
<b><center><pink> Submissiveness +1!</pink></center></b>\
<center>[[Leave the bathroom|School Hallway]]</center>
<div id="choice">
<<linkreplace "<white><center> • Deny her and leave</center></white>">>
<<replace "#choice">>
<b><center> Even though it's a tempting request.. you don't want to service a random woman you dont know in your school bathroom.. who knows what could happen</center></b>
-<b><you> No thanks..</you></b> - you say as you leave
-<b><ltblue> "Stupid whiteboi.. whatever."</ltblue></b> - she says as she throws a middle finger at you
<center>[[Leave the bathroom|School Hallway]]</center>
</div><<set $dadfemreaction to false>>\
<span class='fadeIn'>
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\livingroom.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><img src="images\city\livingroom.jpg" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>
<b><center> You are passing by the living room when you hear commotion from your <sister>sister</sister> and your <mom>mom</mom></center></b>
-<b><mom> " did this happen? You were just normal like 2 days ago.. you look like a .. woman.."</mom></b> - your mom says shocked
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\momfemreaction.jpg"></span></center>
-<b><sister> "Yeah what the hell.. you look like a <pink>sissy</pink>.."</sister></b> - your sister says with her mouth wide open
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\sisreactiondad.png"></span></center>
-<b><hotpink> "Oh you know.. I just feel better in this body.. as to how I changed I don't really remember to be honest.. I started feeling more and more feminine and I just changed.. which is great! Hehe"</hotpink></b> - your sissy dad says happy
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\dadfemreact.jpg"></span></center>
-<b><mom> "Th..this is too much.. I have to go.."</mom></b> - your mom says leaving, teary eyed in shock
<b><center> Uh looks like you probably should talk with your mother about this later.. she seems to be quite in shock, which is understandable.. the man she married for years is suddenly a sissy..</center></b>
-<b><sister> "I mean I guess the man of the house is <you>$name</you> now.. funny. Are you still <dad>$dadname</dad>?"</sister></b> - she asks your sissy dad
-<b><hotpink> "Now that you mention that.. that name doesn't feel right at all and a new name has been on my head for a while now.. please call me $femdad from now on!"</hotpink></b> - your sissy dad announces to the world her new name proudly
-<b><sister> "Alright <hotpink>$femdad</hotpink>.. I won't be calling you dad any longer to be honest.. you look like a frail little sissy and now that mom is out I don't think I have to address you with respect.. this seems to be quite the interesting turn.. I wonder who did this to you."</sister></b> - your sister says looking at you with a sly smile
<b><center> Looks like she's onto you.. you go near your dad and grab her ass while looking at your sister</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\grabdadass.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><you> No idea what you're talking about sis.</you></b> - you say smiling while fondling your dad
-<b><hotpink> "<you>$name</you>.. Wh..what are you doing.. stooopp.. hmhm.."</hotpink></B> - your sissy day says moaning pushing your hand away after a few seconds, clearly enjoying it
<b><center> Your sissy dad is definitely horny as fuck.. she barely has any resistance at all.. you can't wait to train her.</center></b>
-<b><sister> "Right.. I'll speak to you two later.. hehe."</sister></b> - she says as she leaves you two alone
-<b><hotpink> "Ehmm.. I'll get going son.."</hotpink></b> - she says trying to get away, clearly horny
-<b><you> Shh.. come here.</you></b> - you say, grabbing her neck and kissing her against the fridge, stealing her first kiss
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\dadkissfem.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><hotpink> "G..god what.. are you doing.. I'm your dad.."</hotpink></b> - she says trying to resist
-<b><you> You were my dad.. now you are my <pink>sissy</pink>, $femdad.</you></b> - you say grabbing her ass while embracing her
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\assgrabdad2.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><center> She pushes you away and runs off upstairs.. trying to resist you, but clearly she wont be able to.. now everyone is aware of the new sissy in house.. <hotpink>$femdad</hotpink>..</center></b>
<center>[[Continue with your day|Living Room]]</center><span class='fadeIn'>
<<set $timer to 0>>\
<<set $dadeventdomfem8 to false>>\
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\bathroom.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><img src="images\city\bathroom.jpg" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>
<b><center> You are going to your bedroom when you listen some familiar slurping noises coming from your bathroom.. you're quite curious who's the slut sucking some dick on the bathroom.. when you peek in you are suprised by what you see, it seems your <pink>sissy dad</pink> $femdad is horny as hell.. maybe it's a side effect of her transformation.. she's sucking a dildo like a whore</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\daddeepthroatdildo.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><hotpink> "GGAGHWHmm hmm.. I wish I had the real deal here.."</hotpink></b> - she says out loud
<b><center> Fuck does she know you're watching or what..? You can't help but start stroking your now hard cock through the pants.. you could just join in and see how she reacts, judging how horny she is.. you could start corrupting her mind for her to be your slave..</center></b>
<div id="choice">
<<linkreplace "<dom><center> • Enter the bathroom..</center></dom>">>\
<<replace "#choice">>\
<b><center> The decision is a no brainer.. you enter the bathroom acting suprised as if you didn't know someone was inside</center></b>
-<b><you> Oh shit! I'm sorry <hotpink>$femdad</hotpink>.. I'll just leave..</you></B> - you say as you stroke your massive dick through your jeans, looking at her
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\teasingdadbathroom.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<B><center> You are about to leave when he grabs your hand and tells you to wait</center></b>
-<b><hotpink> "W..wait.. were you watching.. me?"</hotpink></b> - she asks looking at you
-<b><you> Yeah.. sorry pops..</you></B> - you admit, seeing where this will lead
<b><center> Then suddenly she stands up from the toilet just to fall to her knees in front of you, looking right into your eyes, expecting something..</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\dadknelt.png"></span></center>
-<b><you> What do you want..?</you></b> - you ask teasing him as you keep stroking in front of him
-<b><hotpink> "Oh come on.. know what I want.. don't do this.."</hotpink></b> - she says jumping up and down excited, super horny and submissive
-<b><you> Say it..</you></b> - you make her say it
-<b><hotpink> "Let me.. suck you.. son."</hotpink></B> - she says rubbing her face on your crotch
<b><cenTER> It's crazy to see how far your once masculine dad has fallen.. he's now a submissive little sissy who is begging for your cock, she can't even contain herself, smelling your dick and everything.. it gets you crazy horny.</center></b>
-<b><you> Go ahead, take it out sissy.</you></b> - you say letting her have it
<b><center> Immediately she does, slowly revealing your big cock and planting kisses all over it.. just to then take it slowly into her mouth.. you can tell she's new to sucking cock.. she has much to learn and you are willing to be the test subject.</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\dadsuckfembath1.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><you> Good girl..</you></B> - you say as you pet your dad as she sucks you off
<b><center> It seems that encourages her because suddenly she attempts something extraordinary.. she takes all of your length into her throat, deepthroating you</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\dadsuckfembath2.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><you></you></b> - you say suprised at her lack of gag reflex
-<b><hotpink> "GHMhmm.. Imm..ccumminng.."</hotpink></B> - she says as she jerks her cock while deepthroating you, cumming all over the bathroom ground
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\dadcumming.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><center> Unfortunately her lack of skill makes it that you don't cum with her blowjob.. however it did feel great to have your own dad looking like a feminine sissy sucking you off.. however you need to get her someone to teach her how to suck.. perhaps your <sister>sister</sister> would be up for it..</center></b>
-<b><you> Good job sissy.. you need to learn how to suck cock better though..</you></b> - you reprimand her
-<b><hotpink> "S..sorry.. I'll learn.."</hotpink></B> - she says still in a haze
<b><center> You proceed to leave the bathroom, leaving your dad thinking of your cock, it's a step in the right direction, it seems not only did he turn into a sissy but she's extremely submissive too. Let's talk with your sister for some help into her cock sucking skills..</center></b>
<center>[[Leave the bathroom|Upstairs Hall]]</center>
</div><<set $time to $time+1>>\
<span class='fadeIn'>
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\livingroom.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><img src="images\city\livingroom.jpg" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>
<b><center> You are going downstairs from your bedroom to grab something from the fridge when you notice your <mom>mother</mom> on the couch watching something on the TV.</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\momgroceryshopping1.png"></span></center>
-<b><mom> "Oh hey honey.. could you help me with grocery shopping later? I'd really appreciate your strong hands.."</mom></B> - she says smiling at you
<b><center> You look at her while grabbing something from the fridge thinking</center></b>
<div id="choice">
<<linkreplace "<dom><center> • Go with her and have fun</center></dom>">>\
<<replace "#choice">>\
-<b><you> Sure.. let's go.</you></b> - you tell her, agreeing to go with her
<b><center> You never know what that could entail.. you could think of some fun scenarios to have fun with your mother in public..</center></b>
-<b><mom> "Great! Let me go get ready and I'll meet you outside."</mom></b> - she says as she heads upstairs to get ready
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\momsmiling3.png"></span></center>
<center><b>[[Go outside and head to the grocery shop with your mother|DomSunday2pt2]]</B></center>
<div id="choice">
<<linkreplace "<white><center> • Say you can't</center></white>">>
<<replace "#choice">>
-<b><you> I've got something to do actually.. sorry</you></b> - you say making some excuse as you go back upstairs, you take one last glimpse at your mother to see she's saddened
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\momlookingweird.jpg"></span></center>
<b><center>[[Leave back to your room|Room]]</center></b>
</div><span class='fadeIn'>
<center><img src="images\events\grocerystore.png" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center></span>
<b><center> You arrive at the grocery store which isn't too far away from your house really and you mom has already gotten a shopping cart.. even when she's just in her regular outfit she looks like a super hot MILF.. you'll definitely have some fun with her today.. you know she is at your mercy</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\momgroceryshopping.jpg"></span></center>
-<b><mom> "Let's go honey.. we can make this quick.."</mom></b> - she says heading inside.. you just follow her, looking at her massive ass
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\mommassiveassa.jpg"></span></center>
-<b><you><i> Dear lord almighty.. I'm getting hard already..</i></you></b> - you think to yourself as you stare at her
<b><center> Nevertheless you head inside following her, entering the grocery store. It's not very full and it's pretty chill.. but you are already thinking of ideas when you enter.. you look at the bathroom and it's pretty close..</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\grocerystoryinside.png"></span></center>
-<b><mom> "Alright.. anything you want sweetie?"</mom></b> - she asks you kindly
-<b><you> Nah I'll just help you.. Im good.. I know what I want.</you></b> - you say looking up and down at her
<b><center> She's looking at you confused not understanding what u mean.. you follow her around helping choose things for home and stuff.. and then she decides to get some vegetables from underneath and bends right in front of you.. showing you her massive ass again.. you stare at it hypnotized.. your cock growing as you watch. She's gotta be doing this on purpose..</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\momgroceryshopping2.jpg"></span></center>
<div id="choice">
<<linkreplace "<dom><center> • Grab her ass and take her to the bathroom</center></dom>">>\
<<replace "#choice">>\
-<b><mom> "Say honey.. do you think these vegetables look good?"</mom></B> - she says grabbing the vegetable
<b><center> You can't hold it in anymore.. you launch yourself forward and grab both of her cheeks, fondling it and slapping her ass in public.</center></B>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\grabmomass.webm" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><mom> "H..honey?! W..what are you doing!! People will see us..!"</mom></b> - she says alarmed, getting up
<b><center> You stand up closer to her and grab her neck, bringing yourself closer to her ear and whispering</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\grabmomneck.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><you><font size ="-1"> And if you don't me to do worse, follow me to the bathroom now, slut.</font></you></B> - you tell your mom
<b><center> You can see her eyes open wide in shock and her breath quicken.. she takes a large gulp and grabs your hand, walking to the bathroom.. you just follow her as she leads you to the bathroom.. once inside she kneels right in front of the toilet</center></b>
-<b><mom> "D.. do it.. take it out.."</mom></b> - she says opening her mouth teasing you
<b><center> You don't wait too much, feeling extremely horny from watching your whore of a mother all day, you take it out right in her face and immediately she starts sucking you off</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\sundaymompublic1.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><you> Good girl.. you now understand your place don't you? Hands behind your back..</you></B> - you order her
<b><center> She reluctantly obeys what you said, putting her hands behind her back.. when she does you start throatfucking her agressively, making her gag loudly on the bathroom.</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\sundaymompublic2.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><center> Then suddenly you hear someone enter the bathroom and your mother gets scared, pushing you away.. however you don't care.. she's your toy and she has to understand that, you grab her head and put it inside the toilet, pushing the water down, making her gag in toilet water</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\sundaymompublic3.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><mom> "wHgEAH.. what.. are you.. doing..?"</mom></b> - she says drowning in water
-<b><you> You are my slut and I don't care if someone enters the bathroom, you keep sucking till I cum! Back to it now!</you></B> - you say slapping her face with your cock
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\cockslapmom.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><center> She doesn't say a single word bildewered.. just goes back to sucking you with her hair and face wet, in a complete mess.. she will have to come out to the public like this.. just the thought of that makes you cum all over her face, making it even worse how she looks..</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\sundaymompublic4.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><you> Ahhh that was good.. by the way you're going outside like this.. just to show you your place.. let's leave now.</you></b> - you say as you get out of the stall, waiting for her outside
-<b><mom> "G..god.."</mom></b> - she says with her face full of cum and toilet water
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\publicfacecummom.png"></span></center>
<b><center> The rest of the grocery shopping proceeds normally.. your mom gets some weird looks and she tries to get out as fast as she can.. but that showed her who really is the boss.. she has to obey you.. you then head home.</center></b>
<center><b>[[Head home after grocery shopping|Home]]</B></center>
<div id="choice">
<<linkreplace "<white><center> • Don't do it.. just go home normally</center></white>">>
<<replace "#choice">>
<b><center> You think of grabbing her ass and making her suck you off right here in the bathroom.. but it could be too much, people know you and all.. you just help your mom with the groceries and eventually head home</center></b> -
<b><center>[[Go home|Home]]</center></b>
</div><span class='fadeIn'>\
<<set $bnwoeventsister to false>>\
<<set $timer to 0>>\
<<set $time to $time+1>>\
<<if $time >= 3>>\
<<set $time to $time - 1>>\
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\upstairshall.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><img src="images\city\upstairshall.jpg" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>
<b><center> You are wandering in the upstairs hall when you hear some moaning coming from your sisters room.. it's not unusual to hear moaning in your house but you don't recognize this voice.. you open her door slightly to look inside and are suprised by what is happening.. she's watching what seems to be <brown>BNWO</brown> porn.. and she's quite focused on it..</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\bnwopornsis1.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><sister> "mhhmmm.."</sister></B> - your sister moans as she shlicks herself reading the content
<b><center> The image quickly switches to another one.. it seems to be a compilation of captions regarding the BNWO.. it's quite agressive.. talking about things like white exctinction and replacement.. is the <brown>BNWO</brown> that big that even your sister is onto it..?</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\bnwopornsis2.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><sister> "Fuck I can't hold it anymore.."</sister></b> - she says as she grabs a black dildo from her bedside table and starts sucking it with her pussy bare naked, reading the bnwo porn as the images change
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\bnwosisterevent1.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><center> You can't help but feel arousal from all that's going on.. you haven't even done anything and your sister is quite corrupted already.. it seems she's a fittable option for the mission you've been given.. she stops sucking it and quickly sticks the dildo inside her pussy, fucking herself roughly and fast.</center></B>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\bnwosisterevent2.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><sister> "FF..fffuck! I need a strong black man.. to breed meee..!"</sister></b> - she says as she fucks herself
<b><center> She's switches positions and starts riding the dildo.. however you weren't expecting her to just turn around out of nowhere and she looks at the door, locking eyes with you as she rides the black dildo</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\bnwosisterevent3.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><sister> "Cc..come inside.. your worthless white bitch.."</sister></b> - she says addressing you
<div id="choice">
<<linkreplace "<brown><center> • Obey her and go inside.</center></brown>">>\
<<replace "#choice">>\
-<b><pink> O..okay</pink></b> - you say submissively as you head inside
<b><center> When you enter her room you can smell her pussy from miles away.. she's seriously horny..</center></b>
-<b><sister> "You are such a fucking pathetic whiteboi.. a real man would've entered the room and fucked me.. but you just stayed at the door watching me masturbate to interracial porn.. since you aren't capable of such thing.. you'll fuck me with this dildo while I imagine it's a black man.. chop chop!"</sister></b> - she says giving you the dildo
<b><center> You lay down on the bed besides her and line up the huge black dildo with her pussy, sliding it inside her, feeling your arousal grow and your small cock strain against the cage as you fuck her with the huge dildo, imagining how would it be if you had a cock this big.. or do you imagine being in her place.. getting fucked by a black man..?</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\bnwosisterevent4.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><sister> "Jesus stop daydreaming.. you are so fucking useless! Give me that.. just watch like a good little white cuck!"</sister></b> - she says as she grabs her dildo from your hand since you're taking too long and fucks herself rapidly in front of you
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\bnwosisterevent5.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><center> You just watch in awe as she fucks herself with the huge black dildo.. imagining you were her cuck just being able to watch.. eventually she screams and creams on the black dildo</center></b>
-<b><sister> "GGGODDD.. that was so fucking good.. here.. clean this up."</sister></B> - she says giving you the used black dildo full of her fluids
<b><center> You grab it and look for something to clean it up.. a towel or something but you can't find it.. so you try to get up to go to the bathroom and clean it.. however a quick scream from your sister makes you sit back down immediately.</center></B>
-<b><sister> "With your mouth sissy!"</sister></b> - she says screaming and ordering you
<b><center> You look at the used dildo and back at her.. imagining it was a real cock that just had fucked her.. you bring it close to your mouth and start sucking it, savoring her pussy flavour.. clearly it's missing a key component.. the male flavour but you enjoy it nevertheless..</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\mccleanblackdildo.webm" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><sister> "Good bitch.. that's enough.. you can leave now, leave the dildo here.. don't want you using it in your room, sissy.."</sister></b> - she says kicking you out of her room..
<b><center> That was an interesting experience.. looks like your sister also has some interest in the BNWO.. if you can cultivate that interest and make her a QOS you'll be closer to fulfilling Mr.Jackson's mission.. something to keep in mind..</center></B>
<center>[[Leave towards your Room.|Room]]</center>
<div id="choice">
<<linkreplace "<white><center> • Run away to your room</center></white>">>
<<replace "#choice">>
<b><center> You run away from her room, leaving her to fuck herself to the BNWO.. however you now know someone who will be willing to do the QOS tattoo..</center></b>
<center>[[Leave to your room|Room]]</center>
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\fetishclothing.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>\
<center><img src="images\city\kinkyclothing.png" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>\
<b><center> You enter the fetish clothing shop and immediately feel a smell of rubber and hornyness.. you can tell that whatever freaky stuff you are looking for will be met here..</center></b>
<b><center>[[• Tops •|TopFetish]]</center></b>\
<b><center>[[• Bottoms •|BottomFetish]]</center></b>\
<b><center>[[• Lingerie •|LingerieFetish]]</center></b>\
<center>[[Leave the shop|RedlightDistrict]]</center>\
<hr>\<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\fetishclothing.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>\
<span class ="newhr">\
<<if $bnwofalse is true>>\
<div id="index-gallery">\
<div class="item">\
<img src="images\clothes\qostop.png" width="100px" height="100px" alt=""/>\
<center><b><grey><i> Why would I want this weird top? </i></grey></b></center>\
<p> </p>\
<<elseif $bnwofalse is false and $bnwoevent3 is true>>\
<div id="index-gallery">\
<div class="item">\
<img src="images\clothes\qostop.png" width="100px" height="100px" alt=""/>\
<center><b><grey><i> Why would I want this weird top? </i></grey></b></center>\
<p> </p>\
<<elseif $qostop is false and $money<80 and $bnwofalse is false and $bnwoevent3 is false>>\
<div id="index-gallery">\
<div class="item">\
<img src="images\clothes\qostop.png" width="100px" height="100px" alt=""/>\
<center> You can't afford this. </center>\
<p> </p>\
<<elseif $qostop is false and $money>=80 and $bnwoevent3 is false and $bnwofalse is false>>\
<div id="index-gallery">\
<div class="item">\
<img src="images\clothes\qostop.png" width="100px" height="100px" alt=""/>\
<center><b>80<green> €</green></b></center>\
<p><center>[[• Buy •|QosTopBuy]]</center></p>\
<<elseif $qostop is true>>\
<div id="index-gallery">\
<div class="item">\
<img src="images\clothes\qostop.png" width="100px" height="100px" alt=""/>
<center> <green>• Bought •</green> </center>\
<p> </p>\
<b><center>[[Back to the shop|FetishClothing]]</center></b><center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\fetishclothing.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>\
<span class ="newhr">\
<<if $bnwofalse is true>>\
<div id="index-gallery">\
<div class="item">\
<img src="images\clothes\qosshorts.png" width="100px" height="100px" alt=""/>\
<center><b><grey><i> Why would I want these.. weird shorts? </i></grey></b></center>\
<p> </p>\
<<elseif $bnwofalse is false and $bnwoevent3 is true>>\
<div id="index-gallery">\
<div class="item">\
<img src="images\clothes\qosshorts.png" width="100px" height="100px" alt=""/>\
<center><b><grey><i> Why would I want these.. weird shorts? </i></grey></b></center>\
<p> </p>\
<<elseif $qosshorts is false and $money<80 and $bnwofalse is false and $bnwoevent3 is false>>\
<div id="index-gallery">\
<div class="item">\
<img src="images\clothes\qosshorts.png" width="100px" height="100px" alt=""/>\
<center> You can't afford this. </center>\
<p> </p>\
<<elseif $qosshorts is false and $money>=80 and $bnwoevent3 is false and $bnwofalse is false>>\
<div id="index-gallery">\
<div class="item">\
<img src="images\clothes\qosshorts.png" width="100px" height="100px" alt=""/>\
<center><b>80<green> €</green></b></center>\
<p><center>[[• Buy •|QosShortsBuy]]</center></p>\
<<elseif $qosshorts is true>>\
<div id="index-gallery">\
<div class="item">\
<img src="images\clothes\qosshorts.png" width="100px" height="100px" alt=""/>
<center> <green>• Bought •</green> </center>\
<p> </p>\
<b><center>[[Back to the shop|FetishClothing]]</center></b>
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\fetishclothing.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>\
<span class ="newhr">\
<<if $bnwofalse is true>>\
<div id="index-gallery">\
<div class="item">\
<img src="images\clothes\qospanties.png" width="100px" height="100px" alt=""/>\
<center><b><grey><i> Why would I want these.. weird panties? </i></grey></b></center>\
<p> </p>\
<<elseif $bnwofalse is false and $bnwoevent3 is true>>\
<div id="index-gallery">\
<div class="item">\
<img src="images\clothes\qospanties.png" width="100px" height="100px" alt=""/>\
<center><b><grey><i> Why would I want these.. weird panties? </i></grey></b></center>\
<p> </p>\
<<elseif $qospanties is false and $money<80 and $bnwofalse is false and $bnwoevent3 is false>>\
<div id="index-gallery">\
<div class="item">\
<img src="images\clothes\qospanties.png" width="100px" height="100px" alt=""/>\
<center> You can't afford this. </center>\
<p> </p>\
<<elseif $qospanties is false and $money>=80 and $bnwoevent3 is false and $bnwofalse is false>>\
<div id="index-gallery">\
<div class="item">\
<img src="images\clothes\qospanties.png" width="100px" height="100px" alt=""/>\
<center><b>80<green> €</green></b></center>\
<p><center>[[• Buy •|QosPantiesBuy]]</center></p>\
<<elseif $qospanties is true>>\
<div id="index-gallery">\
<div class="item">\
<img src="images\clothes\qospanties.png" width="100px" height="100px" alt=""/>
<center> <green>• Bought •</green> </center>\
<p> </p>\
<b><center>[[Back to the shop|FetishClothing]]</center></b><<set $qospanties to true>>
<<set $money to $money-80>>
<<goto "LingerieFetish">><<set $qosshorts to true>>
<<set $money to $money-80>>
<<goto "BottomFetish">><<set $qostop to true>>
<<set $money to $money-80>>
<<goto "TopFetish">><<set $equip to 99>>
<<goto "Tops">><<set $bottom to 99>>
<<if $equip ==6>>
<<set $equip to 0>>
<<elseif $equip ==12>>
<<set $equip to 0>>
<<elseif $equip ==13>>
<<set $equip to 0>>
<<elseif $equip ==14>>
<<set $equip to 0>>
<<elseif $equip ==15>>
<<set $equip to 0>>
<<elseif $equip ==16>>
<<set $equip to 0>>
<<elseif $equip ==17>>
<<set $equip to 0>>
<<elseif $equip ==18>>
<<set $equip to 0>>
<<goto "Bottoms">><<set $underwear to 99>>
<<goto "Underwear">><<set $gaypornfind to false>>
<<set $gayporn to true>>
<center><img src="images\resources\gaypornlogo.png"></center>
<b><center> You turn on your computer to masturbate and watch some porn.. however you don't feel like watching the same thing as ever.. straight porn has been a bit boring for you lately.. perhaps due to what's happening in your life you look at the gay category and it seems intriguing to you, you click it and scroll down, clicking on a video.</center></b>
<b><you> - I wonder if this will arouse me...</you></b> - you think to yourself while scrolling, putting on a video.
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\porn\gaypornfind.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><center> As you watch the video you see yourself getting visually aroused really quickly, it's suprising how you've changed the last few weeks.. perhaps in the past this would disgust you but now.. it's really hot imagining yourself in these positions..</center></b>
<b><you> - Fuck this is really hot..</you></b> - you think to yourself as you stroke your small cock faster and faster
<center><img src="images\porn\smallcockmasturbating.gif" height="600px"></center>
<b><center> As you come closer to cumming you decide to just let it out and</center></b>
<b><center> You grab your small penis even harder while cumming and loudly you whimper</center></b>
<b><you> - F..f..FUUCK.. I was needing that so bad..</you></b> - you say to yourself as you cum some tiny droplets.
<b><you> - I really want to be in that guys position.. getting fucked like that.. bred and dominated god..</you></b> - you talk to yourself while thinking of the video you just watched.
<img src="images\porn\smallpeniscumming.gif">
<b><pink> Submissiveness +1</pink></b>
<<set $submissive to $submissive+1>>
[[• Clean and close the website •->Porn]]
</center><center><img src="images\resources\gaypornlogo.png"></center>
<b><center> You turn on your PC looking for the porn that's gonna get you going and you decide to watch some gay porn...</center></b>
-<b><you> Damn.. imagining a hot masculine guy grab my face like that and fuck my throat like that really gives me a raging hard-on..</you></b> - you mumble to yourself as you jerk off, imagining yourself in that position.
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\porn\gaypornsub2.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><center> You grab your small penis harder as you come closer to cumming and loudly you whimper</center></b>
<b><you> - F..f..FUUCK.. I was needing that so bad..</you></b> - you say to yourself as you cum some tiny droplets.
<b><you> - Can't wait for someone to do that to me..</you></b> - you talk to yourself while thinking of the video you just watched.
<img src="images\porn\smallpeniscumming.gif">
<center>[[• Clean and close the website •->Porn]] </center>
<</linkreplace>>\<center><img src="images\resources\gaypornlogo.png"></center>
<b><center> You turn on your PC looking for the porn that's gonna get you going and you decide to watch some gay porn...</center></b>
-<b><you> Damn.. imagining a hot masculine guy grab my hips like that and fuck my asspussy like that really gives me a raging hard-on..</you></b> - you mumble to yourself as you jerk off, imagining yourself in that position.
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\porn\gaypornsub1.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><center> You grab your small penis harder as you come closer to cumming and loudly you whimper</center></b>
<b><you> - F..f..FUUCK.. I was needing that so bad..</you></b> - you say to yourself as you cum some tiny droplets.
<b><you> - Can't wait for someone to do that to me..</you></b> - you talk to yourself while thinking of the video you just watched.
<img src="images\porn\smallpeniscumming.gif">
<center>[[• Clean and close the website •->Porn]] </center>
<</linkreplace>>\<center><img src="images\resources\gaypornlogo.png"></center>
<b><center> You turn on your PC looking for the porn that's gonna get you going and you decide to watch some gay porn...</center></b>
-<b><you> God I really want to ride a big cock like that.. jumping up and down as my own small cock flaps on my belly..</you></b> - you mumble to yourself as you jerk off, imagining yourself in that position.
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\porn\gaypornsub3.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><center> You grab your small penis harder as you come closer to cumming and loudly you whimper</center></b>
<b><you> - F..f..FUUCK.. I was needing that so bad..</you></b> - you say to yourself as you cum some tiny droplets.
<b><you> - Can't wait for someone to do that to me..</you></b> - you talk to yourself while thinking of the video you just watched.
<img src="images\porn\smallpeniscumming.gif">
<center>[[• Clean and close the website •->Porn]] </center>
<</linkreplace>>\<center><img src="images\resources\gaypornlogo.png"></center>
<b><center> You turn on your PC looking for the porn that's gonna get you going and you decide to watch some gay porn...</center></b>
-<b><you> Damn.. imagining a hot masculine guy grab my hips like that and fuck my asspussy like that really gives me a raging hard-on..</you></b> - you mumble to yourself as you feel your small cock grow against your chastity cage,, imagining yourself in that position.
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\porn\gaypornsub1.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<<if $siseventsub9 is true>>\
<center><<linkreplace"Leak in chastity..">>
<b><center> You want to cum so bad but you can't... you are locked in chastity by your <sister>Mistress</sister>.. You just leak precum from your cage..</center></b>
<b><you> - Oh no.. what do I do now.. I'm so horny.. I need to find a solution..</you></b> - you say to yourself as you leak some tiny droplets.
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\leakingcage.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
[[• Clean and close the website• ->Porn]]
<<elseif $siseventsub9 is false>>\
<center><<linkreplace"Use dildo to cum.">>
<b><center> After you've been fucked by your sister you realize now you are able to achieve sissygasm.. you grab your dildo and start riding it while watching the video, trying to cum while in chastity.</center></b>
<center><span class="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\dildochastityfap1.mp4" autoplay loop muted width="800" height="600"></video></span></center>
-<b><pink> MhMHMMmm.. I'm so close..</pink></b> - you say as you bounce harder and deeper on your dildo
<b><center> Eventually after a while you start cumming all over the floor in front of you, achieving <pink>sissy bliss</pink></center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\dildochastityfap2.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
[[• Clean and close the website• ->Porn]]
<</if>>\<center><img src="images\resources\gaypornlogo.png"></center>
<b><center> You turn on your PC looking for the porn that's gonna get you going and you decide to watch some gay porn...</center></b>
-<b><you> God I really want to ride a big cock like that.. jumping up and down as my own small cock flaps on my belly..</you></b> - you mumble to yourself as your cock grows in your chastity cage,, imagining yourself in that position.
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\porn\gaypornsub3.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<<if $siseventsub9 is true>>\
<center><<linkreplace"Leak in chastity..">>
<b><center> You want to cum so bad but you can't... you are locked in chastity by your <sister>Mistress</sister>.. You just leak precum from your cage..</center></b>
<b><you> - Oh no.. what do I do now.. I'm so horny.. I need to find a solution..</you></b> - you say to yourself as you leak some tiny droplets.
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\leakingcage.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
[[• Clean and close the website• ->Porn]]
<<elseif $siseventsub9 is false>>\
<center><<linkreplace"Use dildo to cum.">>
<b><center> After you've been fucked by your sister you realize now you are able to achieve sissygasm.. you grab your dildo and start riding it while watching the video, trying to cum while in chastity.</center></b>
<center><span class="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\dildochastityfap1.mp4" autoplay loop muted width="800" height="600"></video></span></center>
-<b><pink> MhMHMMmm.. I'm so close..</pink></b> - you say as you bounce harder and deeper on your dildo
<b><center> Eventually after a while you start cumming all over the floor in front of you, achieving <pink>sissy bliss</pink></center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\dildochastityfap2.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
[[• Clean and close the website• ->Porn]]
<</if>>\<center><img src="images\resources\gaypornlogo.png"></center>
<b><center> You turn on your PC looking for the porn that's gonna get you going and you decide to watch some gay porn...</center></b>
-<b><you> God I really want to ride a big cock like that.. jumping up and down as my own small cock flaps on my belly..</you></b> - you mumble to yourself as your small cock grows against your chastity cage,, imagining yourself in that position.
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\porn\gaypornsub3.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<<if $siseventsub9 is true>>\
<center><<linkreplace"Leak in chastity..">>
<b><center> You want to cum so bad but you can't... you are locked in chastity by your <sister>Mistress</sister>.. You just leak precum from your cage..</center></b>
<b><you> - Oh no.. what do I do now.. I'm so horny.. I need to find a solution..</you></b> - you say to yourself as you leak some tiny droplets.
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\leakingcage.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
[[• Clean and close the website• ->Porn]]
<<elseif $siseventsub9 is false>>\
<center><<linkreplace"Use dildo to cum.">>
<b><center> After you've been fucked by your sister you realize now you are able to achieve sissygasm.. you grab your dildo and start riding it while watching the video, trying to cum while in chastity.</center></b>
<center><span class="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\dildochastityfap1.mp4" autoplay loop muted width="800" height="600"></video></span></center>
-<b><pink> MhMHMMmm.. I'm so close..</pink></b> - you say as you bounce harder and deeper on your dildo
<b><center> Eventually after a while you start cumming all over the floor in front of you, achieving <pink>sissy bliss</pink></center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\dildochastityfap2.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
[[• Clean and close the website• ->Porn]]
<</if>>\<<set $gaypornfind to false>>
<<set $gayporn to true>>
<center><img src="images\resources\gaypornlogo.png"></center>
<b><center> You turn on your computer to masturbate and watch some porn.. however you don't feel like watching the same thing as ever.. straight porn has been a bit boring for you lately.. perhaps due to what's happening in your life you look at the gay category and it seems intriguing to you, you click it and scroll down, clicking on a video.</center></b>
<b><you> - I wonder if this will arouse me...</you></b> - you think to yourself while scrolling, putting on a video.
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\porn\gaypornfind.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><center> As you watch the video you see yourself getting visually aroused really quickly, it's suprising how you've changed the last few weeks.. perhaps in the past this would disgust you but now.. it's really hot imagining yourself in these positions.. fucking that guy..</center></b>
<b><you> - Fuck this is really hot..</you></b> - you think to yourself as you stroke your cock faster and faster
<b><center> You feel yourself growing closer to cumming and you just let a big one out</center></b>
<<if $dominant <$submissive>>
<b><center> You grab your small penis harder as you come closer to cumming and loudly you whimper</center></b>
<b><you> - F..f..FUUCK.. I was needing that so bad..</you></b> - you say to yourself as you cum some tiny droplets.
<img src="images\porn\smallpeniscumming.gif">
[[• Clean and close the website• ->Porn]]
<b><center> You grab your massive penis harder as you come closer to cumming and loudly you scream to anywhere near you to hear</center></b>
<b><you> -OHHHHhhhhhHH FUUUCK..!! I.. I was really needing that</you></b> - you scream to yourself as you start cleaning up.
<img src="images\porn\bigpeniscumming.gif">
[[• Clean up •->Porn]]
</center><center><img src="images\resources\gaypornlogo.png"></center>
<b><center> You turn on your PC looking for the porn that's gonna get you going and you decide to watch some gay porn...</center></b>
<b><you> - Oh this one looks good.. just imagining myself destroying a cutte little twink's throat like this... making him gag on my big cock</you></b> - you mumble to yourself, taking your cock out and starting to jerk off
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\porn\gayporndom1.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><center> You grab your massive penis harder as you come closer to cumming and loudly you scream to anywhere near you to hear</center></b>
<b><you> -OHHHHhhhhhHH FUUUCK..!! I.. I was really needing that</you></b> - you scream to yourself as you start cleaning up.
<b><you> - Fuck that was really hot.. I need a pretty boy to do that to..</you></b> - you tell yourself, exhausted.
<img src="images\porn\bigpeniscumming.gif">
<center>[[• Clean up •->Porn]]
</center><center><img src="images\resources\gaypornlogo.png"></center>
<b><center> You turn on your PC looking for the porn that's gonna get you going and you decide to watch some gay porn...</center></b>
<b><you> - Oh this one looks good.. just imagining myself destroying a cutte little twink's butthole like this... ramming him with my big cock</you></b> - you mumble to yourself, taking your cock out and starting to jerk off
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\porn\gayporndom2.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><center> You grab your massive penis harder as you come closer to cumming and loudly you scream to anywhere near you to hear</center></b>
<b><you> -OHHHHhhhhhHH FUUUCK..!! I.. I was really needing that</you></b> - you scream to yourself as you start cleaning up.
<b><you> - Fuck that was really hot.. I need a pretty boy to do that to..</you></b> - you tell yourself, exhausted.
<img src="images\porn\bigpeniscumming.gif">
<center>[[• Clean up •->Porn]]
</center><center><img src="images\resources\gaypornlogo.png"></center>
<b><center> You turn on your PC looking for the porn that's gonna get you going and you decide to watch some gay porn...</center></b>
<b><you> - Oh this one looks good.. just imagining myself destroying a cutte little twink's butthole like this... ramming him with my big cock, having him ride me..</you></b> - you mumble to yourself, taking your cock out and starting to jerk off
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\porn\gayporndom3.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><center> You grab your massive penis harder as you come closer to cumming and loudly you scream to anywhere near you to hear</center></b>
<b><you> -OHHHHhhhhhHH FUUUCK..!! I.. I was really needing that</you></b> - you scream to yourself as you start cleaning up.
<b><you> - Fuck that was really hot.. I need a pretty boy to do that to..</you></b> - you tell yourself, exhausted.
<img src="images\porn\bigpeniscumming.gif">
<center>[[• Clean up •->Porn]]
</center><span class='fadeIn'>\
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\basement.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><img src="images\city\basement.jpg" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>
<b><center> You head down to the basement to drop your laundry as usual when you notice some weird object on top of the washing machine.. it looks like a strap-on yet it's slightly different.. it wouldn't fit around the waist.. you grab it and investigate it</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\mouthdildo.jpg"></span></center>
<div id="choice">
<<linkreplace "<pink><center> • Investigate the funny looking dildo</center></pink>">>\
<<replace "#choice">>\
-<b><pink><i> This is quite interesting.. I've never seen this type of strap-on.. it looks like it would fit a.. face?</i></pink></B> - you say as you bring it closer to your face
<b><center> You are distracted with it when suddenly you hear someone behind you breathing closely.. you turn around to see your <sister>sister</sister> smiling at you with a wicked face</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\sisterbehind.jpg"></span></center>
-<b><sister> "Well well well.. looks like you found my little toy didn't you pet? Are you curious?"</sister></B> - she says coming closer and closer to you, making you step back as she takes the face strap-on from your hands
-<b><pink> I just saw it and.. never saw such thing..</pink></B> - you say scared of her
-<b><sister> "I see.. well since you don't know what this is for why dont I show you how to use it? Lay down on the ground, pet."</sister></B> - she says pointing at the ground underneath her
<b><center> You take a large gulp while looking at her but part of you is curious to see how she's going to use that on you.. so you just obey her and lay flat on the cold ground.. once you're there she sits right on top of your face with her bare pussy.. it suprises you but nothing you've never done before..</center></B>
-<b><sister> "God have I ever told you how confortable your face is? Maybe I should make you my permanent chair.. anyways get licking sissy.. hurry."</sister></B> - she says slapping your forehead
<b><center> You start lapping up, licking her as she covers your nose sometimes not letting you breathe, being cruel to you as per usual.. she enjoys seeing you in pain and struggling..</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\basementsubsister1.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><sister> "HMhmmm good job.. now it's time I show you what this toy is used for.. stay there."</sister></b> - she says as she grabs your head and puts the toy on your face.
<b><center> You notice the toy has a little dildo on the inside part.. she puts it on your face and you instinctively suck it, as you do she wraps the belt around your head and locks it, leaving you gagged with a cock in your face as she smiles close to you.</center></B>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\mcmouthdildoon.png"></span></center>
-<b><sister> "Do you understand now what this toy is for little sissy? It's for worthless little things like you whose cocks are useless.. atleast this way you can fuck me somehow.. with your face! A shame you don't feel anything though.. service me whore, move your head!"</sister></B> - she says as she forces you to the ground and sits on your face again, but now on the dildo, riding it.
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\basementsubsister2.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><pink> "MGMHMMGPPHH!!"</pink></B> - you scream struggling, all sounds coming out muffled
-<b><sister> "Oh shut up! I'll make this worse for you if you struggle!"</sister></b> - she says as she pinches your nose not letting you breathe occasionally
<b><center> You keep struggling.. and because of that she does something even worse.. she turns around and sits down again, but now this time around her asshole is directly on your nose.. so when you can breathe something all you can smell is her ass.. that's when she's not pinching your nose not letting you breathe..</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\basementsubsister3.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><sister> "AHHHH isn't this perfect.. all the air and oxygen you can get now is directly from my asshole.. as it should be.. in a perfect world this would be the normal!"</sister></B> - she says laughing in a evil way
<b><center> You try your best to service her to make her cum so you don't die from her ass.. and eventually she speeds up coming closer to her orgasm</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\basementsubsister4.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><sister> "GHHG..GGOD! I LOVE THIS TOOY!"</sister></B> - she screams riding you as she cums all over your used face
-<b><pink> "MhmHMPJh..."</pink></b> - you say muffled without strength, almost passing out
<B><center> She then gets up, legs trembling and starts going upstairs, leaving you completely used on the ground, not even taking the face strap dildo from your face, you are still recovering your breath from what just happened</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\afterbasement.png"></span></center>
-<b><sister> "God that was amazing.. we should make this a usual thing.. anyways you probably shouldn't let mom see you like this.. bye bye worthless bitch."</sister></B> - she says leaving
<b><center> Eventually you have strength to take the dildo out of your face.. you take it off and leave it where you found it, doing back to whatever you were about to do in the basement, used and abused..</center></b>
<center>[[Go back to your daily life.|Basement]]</center>
<div id="choice">
<<linkreplace "<white><center> • Leave it alone and go back</center></white>">>
<<replace "#choice">>
<b><center>You think of investigating the funny looking dildo but perhaps it belongs to someone else and it could be really misinterpreted if you're holding it.. you just leave it and do what you came to do at the basement</center></b>
<center>[[Go back to your daily life|Basement]]</center>
</div><<goto`either("Basement","sissuprisesubbasement","Basement","sissuprisesubbasement","Basement")`>>\<<goto`either("TeaseDadSub1","TeaseDadSub2","TeaseDadSub3")`>>\<span class='fadeIn'>\
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\dad.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><img src="images\resources\dadtalk.png" width = "750px"></center>
<b><center> You approach your <dad>dad</dad> and feel like teasing him a bit.. he's in the kitchen eating his breakfeast when you arrive at faucet and turn the water on..</center></b>
-<b><you> Oh darn it.. I forgot to wash my plug yesterday..</you></B> - you say as you bend over with your ass facing him, showing him your chastity caged clit and your buttplug
<center><span class="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\teasingdad1.mp4" autoplay loop muted width="800" height="600"></video></span></center>
<b><center> You then proceed to take it out slowly, giving him a show, washing your plug and leaving.. you look back to see a tent growing in his pants, knowing you suceeded in teasing him..</center></b>
<<set $fatiguestat to $fatiguestat+10>>\
<<if $dadexp <=4>>\
<<set $dadexp to $dadexp+1>>\
<span class="glowing-white"><b><white><center>Relationship with the character increased by 1!</center></white></b></span>
<<elseif $dadexp >=5>>\
<span class="glowing-grey"><b><white><center><u>This action wont increase the relationship anymore..!</u></center></white></b></span>
<span class="glowing-green"><b><white><center>Fatigue increased by 10!</center></white></b></span>
<center>[[Go back|dadtalk]]</center><span class='fadeIn'>\
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\dad.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><img src="images\resources\dadtalk.png" width = "750px"></center>
<b><center> You approach your <dad>dad</dad> and feel like teasing him a bit.. he's in the kitchen eating his breakfeast.. you pass by him and head towards the living room, turning on your BrayStation 5.. playing some videos games</center></b>
-<b><you> God why is this game so hard!</you></B> - you say jumping up in anger as he comes around to see you play
-<b><dad> "Come on dumbass.. play properly.."</dad></b> - he says drinking his coffee watching
<b><center> You decide this is the perfect moment to tease him.. you jump up again and pull up your skirt, leaving your chastity caged clit exposed as you play, faking ignorance.. when you look at him you can see his fixated on it and his bulge is growing.. you just keep playing..</center></b>
<center><span class="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\teasingdad2.mp4" autoplay loop muted width="800" height="600"></video></span></center>
-<b><you> Oh well.. guess I'm better at playing with different joysticks..</you></B> - you say looking at his bulge and than at him.
<b><center> Your <dad>dad</dad> takes a large gulp and leaves, going back to the kitchen.. clearly affected.</center></b>
<<set $fatiguestat to $fatiguestat+10>>\
<<if $dadexp <=4>>\
<<set $dadexp to $dadexp+1>>\
<span class="glowing-white"><b><white><center>Relationship with the character increased by 1!</center></white></b></span>
<<elseif $dadexp >=5>>\
<span class="glowing-grey"><b><white><center><u>This action wont increase the relationship anymore..!</u></center></white></b></span>
<span class="glowing-green"><b><white><center>Fatigue increased by 10!</center></white></b></span>
<center>[[Go back|dadtalk]]</center><span class='fadeIn'>\
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\dad.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><img src="images\resources\dadtalk.png" width = "750px"></center>
<b><center> You approach your <dad>dad</dad> and feel like teasing him a bit.. you sit down on the kitchen in front of him, facing him.. when he turns around you cross your legs.. but leave your chastity caged clit exposed.. looking at him smirking</center></b>
<center><span class="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\teasingdad3.mp4" autoplay loop muted width="800" height="600"></video></span></center>
-<b><dad> "You should cover that.. thing."</dad></b> - he says drinking his coffee watching your caged clit
<b><center> You grin and laugh at his nervous reaction</center></b>
-<b><you> Oh sorry daddy..</you></B> - you say covering it and getting up, bending over and showing your backside, clearly leaving him nervous.
<center><img src="images\events\backsidechastity.png" width = "750px"></center>
<b><center> You look back at your <dad>dad</dad> and you notice his growing bulge.. mission sucesseful..</center></b>
<<set $fatiguestat to $fatiguestat+10>>\
<<if $dadexp <=4>>\
<<set $dadexp to $dadexp+1>>\
<span class="glowing-white"><b><white><center>Relationship with the character increased by 1!</center></white></b></span>
<<elseif $dadexp >=5>>\
<span class="glowing-grey"><b><white><center><u>This action wont increase the relationship anymore..!</u></center></white></b></span>
<span class="glowing-green"><b><white><center>Fatigue increased by 10!</center></white></b></span>
<center>[[Go back|dadtalk]]</center><<goto`either("TeaseMomDom1","TeaseMomDom2","TeaseMomDom3")`>>\<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\mom.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><img src="images\resources\momtalk.png" width = "750px"></center>
<b><center> You see your mother getting ready on her bedroom and decide to tease her a bit.. just looking at her tight body gets you hard immediately.. you jump up on her bed and she immediately scowls you.</center></b>
-<b><mom> "Honey I just made the bed! Don't go on ruining the sheets now!</mom></B> - she says pissed but stops in awe for a few seconds staring at your crotch
<center><span class="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\momtease1.mp4" autoplay loop muted width="800" height="600"></video></span></center>
<b><center> You have a full boner poking out of your shorts as you have your legs spread wide open staring at her.. and she stares back, eventually she snaps out of it and goes back to whatever she's doing.</center></b>
-<b><you> Sorry ma.. I'll leave haha..</you></b> - you say getting up, brushing up close to her before leaving
<b><center> You can see she is trying to feign innocence over what she just saw.. but she cant fool you..</center></b>
<<set $fatiguestat to $fatiguestat+10>>\
<<if $momexp <=4>>\
<<set $momexp to $momexp+1>>\
<span class="glowing-white"><b><white><center>Relationship with the character increased by 1!</center></white></b></span>
<<elseif $momexp >=5>>\
<span class="glowing-grey"><b><white><center><u>This action wont increase the relationship anymore..!</u></center></white></b></span>
<span class="glowing-green"><b><white><center>Fatigue increased by 10!</center></white></b></span>
<center>[[Go back|momtalk]]</center><center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\mom.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><img src="images\resources\momtalk.png" width = "750px"></center>
<b><center> You see your mother getting ready on her bedroom and decide to tease her a bit.. just looking at her tight body gets you hard immediately.. you come up close to her as she's doing her make up and ask for a hug.</center></b>
-<b><you> Can I have hug mom? We haven't hugged in what feels like ages!</you></B> - you say trying to sound innocent
-<b><mom> "Oh of course baby! That's really sweet!"</mom></B> - she says as she opens her arms, allowing for your embrace
<b><center> What she isn't expecting is your raging hard-on to brush against her belly when you hug her.. you can see she immediately reacts to it but doesn't say anything.. you want to pull a reaction out of her so you grab her ass as you hug her</center></b>
<center><span class="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\momtease2.mp4" autoplay loop muted width="800" height="600"></video></span></center>
-<b><mom> "Ehm.. a little too handsy don't you think mister.."</mom></B> - she says embarassed, pulling you away, looking down at your hard-on
-<b><you> Sorry mom.. couldn't resist it.. haha</you></b> - you say leaving her room, leaving her frustrated
<b><center> You can see she is restless after this.. she'll be thinking of your cock all day..</center></b>
<<set $fatiguestat to $fatiguestat+10>>\
<<if $momexp <=4>>\
<<set $momexp to $momexp+1>>\
<span class="glowing-white"><b><white><center>Relationship with the character increased by 1!</center></white></b></span>
<<elseif $momexp >=5>>\
<span class="glowing-grey"><b><white><center><u>This action wont increase the relationship anymore..!</u></center></white></b></span>
<span class="glowing-green"><b><white><center>Fatigue increased by 10!</center></white></b></span>
<center>[[Go back|momtalk]]</center><center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\mom.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><img src="images\resources\momtalk.png" width = "750px"></center>
<b><center> You see your mother getting ready on her bedroom and head downstairs waiting for her.. when she arrives she heads towards the kitchen immediately, probably going to eat breakfest.. you want to tease her and leave her embarassed.. what's stopping you from masturbating in the living room right now? You put up some MILF porn in the living room loudly to catch her attention..</center></b>
<center><span class="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\momtease4.mp4" autoplay loop muted width="800" height="600"></video></span></center>
-<b><mom> "J..jesus what is that moaning?!"</mom></B> - she screams from the kitchen as she hears your porn
<b><center> You take the chance now that she has noticed to pull out your hard cock and start blatantly masturbating in the living room, waiting for her reaction when she sees it.</center></b>
<center><span class="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\momtease3.mp4" autoplay loop muted width="800" height="600"></video></span></center>
-<b><mom> "Oh dear lord! What are you.. doing <you>$name</you>?! Can't you do that.. in private?"</mom></B> - she says embarassed trying to look away but she can't
-<b><you> Oh sorry mom.. didn't know you were home.. my bad.</you></b> - you say as you keep masturbating, staring at her
-<b><mom> "C..can you stop please.."</mom></b> - she says rubbing her legs while looking at you masturbating
-<b><you> Oh right right.. damn I could really use a helping hand..</you></b> - you say hinting at something
<b><center> She stops for what feels like eternity considering what you just said but unfortunately she just steps back and leaves back to the kitchen.. however she will definitely be thinking of masturbating you for the rest of the day..</center></b>
<<set $fatiguestat to $fatiguestat+10>>\
<<if $momexp <=4>>\
<<set $momexp to $momexp+1>>\
<span class="glowing-white"><b><white><center>Relationship with the character increased by 1!</center></white></b></span>
<<elseif $momexp >=5>>\
<span class="glowing-grey"><b><white><center><u>This action wont increase the relationship anymore..!</u></center></white></b></span>
<span class="glowing-green"><b><white><center>Fatigue increased by 10!</center></white></b></span>
<center>[[Go back|momtalk]]</center><center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\park.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><img src="images\city\park.png" height = "400px" width = "750px">
<b><center> You decide to take a stroll alongside the park to enjoy the fresh air of nature when suddenly you notice something really odd that you don't see everyday.. a woman and a man are also walking by but in a very different manner to yours.. the man is on his fours and she's holding a leash.. as if walking a dog out.. you stare at them in shock and the woman notices it and talks something to the "man"</center></B>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\cuckapproach.jpg"></span></center>
-<b><purple> "Come on you worthless dog, do it!"</purple></B> - she pulls his leash
<b><center> He then starts crawling to you as both of them come into your direction, you stop not expecting them to interact to you but nevertheless you wait.</center></b>
-<b><ltblue> "Ehm exc..use me w..would you like to.. have sex with my girlfriend..?"</ltblue></b> - the man asks stuttering while not even staring into your eyes
<b><center> You are in shock with what's happening.. you just wanted to take a stroll and suddenly a weird couple is asking you to fuck her girlfriend..? I mean she's pretty cute but this is something crazy..</center></b>
-<b><you> Fuck your girlfriend..? I mean..</you></b> - you say not having decided yet
-<b><purple> "Yeah I think you're pretty cute and you look like you're packing, we have a female led relationship where he's my slave and does whatever I want, my little cuckie. The question is pretty straight forward, wanna go back to my car and fuck me while he watches?"</purple></b> - she doubles down asking you once again
<b><center> This is crazy, you can't see why someone would disrespect themselves so much to the point where they would allow such thing with a loved one.. you look at them both and decide to</center></b>
<div id="choice">
<<linkreplace "<blue><center> • Accept their offer</center></blue>">>\
<<replace "#choice">>\
-<b><you> You know what.. fuck it.. if the so called boyfriend doesn't mind why should I.. you're hot, if he ain't taking you I will.</you></b> - you say as you come closer to her and hold her, as you three walk away to her car
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\cuckaccept.jpg"></span></center>
-<b><purple> "See honey? That's a real man."</purple></B> - she says humiliating him, pushing her boot into his face
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\cuckhumiliation.jpg"></span></center>
-<b><ltblue> "Y..yes Mistress.."</ltblue></B> - he says humiliated
-<b><purple> "I'm Aimee by the way, nice to meet you"</purple></B> - she says while you two walk and he crawls
-<b><you> "<you>$name</you>, pleasure is mine."</you></b> - you say as you eventually arrive at their car
<b><center> She opens the drivers door and quickly she throws you there, for a second you get scared thinking she's kidnapping you or something but she's just really horny apperantly.. she kneels in front of you and starts unbuckling your pants, you look at the cuck boyfriend and he's just knelt behind her watching every single move she does.. weirdly enough he seems to enjoy it, weirdo. Eventually she takes your cock out and gets ready to suck it.</center></b>
-<b><purple> "May I?"</purple></b> - she asks for permission with puppy eyes
-<b><you> You must, whore.</you></B> - you say insulting her in front of her boyfriend, grabbing her head, pushing her towards your dick
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\cuckpark1.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><purple> "God your cock is pretty big.. My radar never misses, I could tell you were packing.. I want to feel it inside me.."</purple></B> - she says as she gets up, pulling down her panties
<b><center> She stares at her boyfriend while she does it, making sure he understands his place.</center></b>
-<b><purple> "You're just gonna stand there.. he's about to fuck me like a real man and you're just gonna watch.. pathetic."</purple></b> - she says humiliating her boyfriend
-<b><you> Ignore him.. I'm your man right now, not him.</you></b> - you say as you grab her ass and pull her to your crotch, forcing her to sit right on your dick, inserting it inside suddenly
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\cuckpark2.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><purple> "OHhhh FFF..FUCK! You're stretching me out..!"</purple></b> - she says as she jumps up and down on your cock
-<b><you> Jesus I can tell he's small.. you are fucking tight</you></b> - you say as you grab her and bend her over the seat, fucking her from behind
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\cuckpark4.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><purple> "HMHMmmgm!! YYYESSS..! YOU CAN CUM INSIDE ANYTIME..! HE'LL LAP IT UP!"</purple></b> - she says in ecstasy as you fuck her
<b><center> You don't quite understand what she meant by lap it up but you don't care either way.. you fuck her harder and harder and eventually you come closer to cumming.. you just unload it all deep inside her, giving her a creampie.</center></b>
-<b><you> YEEEAHH.. damn that felt good.. I ain't taking any responsabilities..</you></b> - you say as she spreads her pussy, as some cum falls from her pussy
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\cuckpark3.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><purple> "Don't worry baby.. I have a great contraceptive method.."</purple></b> - she says as she approaches her boyfriend and sits on his face with her pussy full of cum
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\cucksitting.jpg"></span></center>
-<b><you> Jesus.. that's gross..</you></b> - you say disgusted
<b><center> You pull your pants up and get ready to leave.. they seem to be doing their own thing whatever the fuck that is..</center></b>
-<b><purple> "Take my number <you>$name</you>.. I enjoyed your company.. and so did he."</purple></b> - she says giving you her number
-<b><you> Thanks.. have a good day, you two.</you></b> - you say as you leave with her number
<b><center> Well that was an interesting experience.. time to go back to your daily life after what you just saw, balls empty, maybe one day you will contact her.</center></b>
<<set $dominant to $dominant+1>>\
<b><center><blue> Dominance +1!</blue></center></b>\
<center>[[Walk to the park|Park]]</center>
<div id="choice">
<<linkreplace "<white><center> Refuse and leave</center></white>">>
<<replace "#choice">>
-<b><you> With all due respect this is too much for me.. but I hope you find someone who join you two.. have fun.</you></b> - you say trying to be respectful
-<b><purple> "Humph.. weakling too I see."</purple></B> - she says pulling her boyfriend's leash as she walks away scuffing
<b><center> Well okay.. didn't need to be disrespectful, nevertheless you go back to your walk and try to forget what just happened.</center></b>
<center>[[Walk to the park|Park]]</center>
</div><<set $workdomevent3 to false>>\
<span class='fadeIn'>\
<<set $worked to $worked+1>>\
<<set $time to $time+1>>\
<<if $time >= 3>>\
<<set $time to $time-1>>\
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\sexshop.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>\
<center><img src="images\city\sexshop.png" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>
<b><center> You enter the sex shop and head towards the locker room, ready to put on your uniform!</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\lockerjob.png"></span></center>
<b><center> You head outside to work and you see <manager>$mname</manager> working normally but you don't see <bf>$bfname</bf> anywhere.. you're pretty sure she should be working today with you.. you get curious and look for her.. you enter the staff room and notice a door you've never actually entered.. you open it and see a staircase leading down somewhere.. you go down and see a pair of booths you weren't expecting to see</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\gloryholebooth.png"></span></center>
-<b><bf><font size="-1"><i> "Mhmhmm.."</i></font></bf></b> - someone moans
<b><center> You're pretty sure you just heard someone moan from the third booth.. and it seemed pretty familiar.. you head towards it and slowly open it trying to see what's inside.. you are in awe with what you see.. it's <bf><$bfname</bf> servicing someone's cock in a gloryhole.. the sex shop has a secret gloryhole you've never knew! That explains why <bf>$bfname</bf> disappears alot of times when you're working..</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\bfworkinggloryhole.jpg"></span></center>
<b><center> You get pretty horny watching her suck cock like a whore and then you realize.. what's stopping you from entering the booth and having her suck you.. she won't even know..</center></b>
<div id="choice">\
<<linkreplace "<dom><center> • Wait and head to the booth</center></dom>">>\
<<replace "#choice">>\
<b><center> Fuck it.. you want to get some release you're pretty horny.. you wait for her to finish and eventually a man comes from the booth.</center></b>
-<b><red> "All yours bud.. she's great."</red></B> - he says as he passes by you satisfied
<b><center> You enter the booth awkwardly and don't know what to do..</center></b>
-<b><bf> "Oh another one already? Twenty bucks and take it out.. hurry."</bf></B> - she says in a hurry
<b><center> You quickly grab your wallet and take a twenty euro bill, passing it to her through the hole</center></b>
-<b><bf><font size ="-1"> "that wallet.. oh my.."</font></bf></b> - she says something you can't hear
<b><center> You can't speak otherwise she will recognize you so you just pull down your pants and underwear and put your cock close to the hole.. then suddenly she viciously grabs your cock, pulling you closer to the wall, you almost headbutt it</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\bfgrabdick.png"></span></center>
-<b><bf> "Hmm what a great cock you got mister.. thank you for the meal.."</bf></b> - she says as she quickly engolfs your cock with her mouth, sucking you with a vaccum blowjob
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\bfgloryhole1.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><bf> "Do you like it mister?"</bf></b> - she says as she continues to suck you
-<b><you> Mhm..!</you></b> - you hum hoping she wont recognize you
-<b><bf> "A shy one I see.."</bf></b> - she says sucking you even deeper
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\bfgloryhole2.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><center> The way she's sucking you off.. the whole experience of her not knowing who you are is making you extremely horny and you quickly come closer to cumming.. you hold your voice in as you let out a loud on her mouth.</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\gloryholecumshot.webm" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><bf> "Jhesus.. could've warned me.. sho mush cum.."</bf></B> - she says with a mouthful of cum, swallowing it
<b><center> Shit.. you gotta get out quickly before she sees you.. you pull your pants up and head out of the booth, not saying a thing</center></b>
-<b><bf> "Bye bye <you>$name</you>.. hahaha.."</bf></b> - she says but you don't hear it as you're running out
<b><center> That was a whole experience.. hopefully she didn't recognize you.. but it's crazy to know there's sexual services going on in the sex shop.. maybe you'll start using it more often.. she'll never know right? You head back to work, satisfied.</center></b>
<<set $money to $money+15>>\
<green><b><center><i> You received 15€ for your work!</i></center></b></green>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\moneyinhand.png"></span></center>
<center>[[Undress and go outside|RedlightDistrict]]</center>
<center>[[Undress and go straight home|Room]]</center>
<div id="choice">\
<<linkreplace "<white><center> • Just go back to work</center></white>">>\
<<replace "#choice">>\
<b><center> You decide to leave her alone with her.. duties.. perhaps it's not a good idea. You head back to work and have a normal day of working, but you still think about what you saw..</center></b>\
<<set $money to $money+15>>\
<green><b><center><i> You received 15€ for your work!</i></center></b></green>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\moneyinhand.png"></span></center>
<center>[[Undress and go outside|RedlightDistrict]]</center>
<center>[[Undress and go straight home|Room]]</center>
<<set $xmassub to false>>\
<span class='fadeIn'>\
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\hallway.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><img src="images\city\househall.jpg" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>
<b><center> It's that special time of the year that everyone loves.. christmas! You are about to head upstairs to your room when you hear someone call you from the living room.</center></b>
-<b><sister> "<pink>$girlname</pink> come here!"</sister></b> - your sister calls you
<b><center> You enter the living room and you see your sister wearing a christmas like inspired outfit.. it still got some dark themes that really fit her.. she looks really hot.</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\sisteroutfitsanta.png"></span></center>
-<b><sister> "Merry christmas! I got you something for how good of a girl you've been this year.. you made so much progress.. here open it!"</sister></b> - she says handing you a wrapped gift
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\christmasgift.jpg"></span></center>
<b><center> That's curious.. why is she giving you a gift before the night of christmas.. she could've just given you then.. nevertheless you open it, trashing the paper.. when you open it you notice it's some sort of lingerie.. inspired in christmas too..</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\sexysanta.png"></span></center>
-<b><sister> "Do you like it? Now you can be a santa sissy slut!"</sister></b> - she says excited
-<b><pink> Y..yeah thank you.. I'll take this up to my room..</pink></b> - you say trying to get away
-<b><sister> "Aw come on hold on.. you're not gonna put it on for me? If you do I have another gift for you! I promise you'll love it."</sister></b> - she says being somewhat nice, not ordering you to do it for once
<b><center> Maybe it's the christmas fever that got to her head but she's being nicer than usual, actually asking you to do something instead of just ordering you to do it.. both ways would work on you but.. you put the outfit on.. it feels quite cold and your already small dick shrinks even further in it's cage.. which is completely visible in the outfit.</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\mcsantachastity.png"></span></center>
-<b><sister> "Dear lord.. you look even better than I thought you would.. I forget everytime how much you've advanced in your transformation.. you look so feminine and hot.. alright you earned your second gift.. come on in!"</sister></b> - she says calling out someone from the kitchen
<b><center> You are immediately embarassed not expecting someone to see you like this.. you try to hide your small clit and you suceed.. it's not hard to hide it anyways.. however you weren't expecting a random.. guy to show up.. he looks like a girl and a guy..</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\femfriendsis.png"></span></center>
-<b><sister> "<pink>$girlname</pink>, this is <ltblue>Sam</ltblue>! He's the boyfriend of one of my girl friends.. it so happens that his girlfriend wanted to show little Sam here his future.. however I thought about a little game.."</sister></b> - your sister says with a smirk
<b><center> The boy looks at you worried and somewhat embarassed.. it seems he didn't want to be here too.. you almost see yourself in him.. but a few months back.. you can tell he's about to go through what you just went through.. you almost feel sorry for him..</center></b>
-<b><ltblue> "Ehh.. what game..?"</ltblue></b> - he says in a shy and smooth voice
-<b><sister> "Glad you asked! Well it happens that both of you are in chastity cages like good sissies! <pink>$girlname</pink> is a little more advanced than you but that doesn't matter surely.. anyways the game is simple.. I'll unlock you two and whoever has the biggest cock out of you two.. will fuck the other!"</sister></b> - your sister says like it's the simplest thing in the world to do
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\sistersmilingbuttplug.png"></span></center>
-<b><pink> W..what?</pink></B> - you say not expecting such thing
-<b><ltblue> "That is.. ridiculous! I'm going home.."</ltblue></b> - he says furious starting to walk
-<b><sister> "You sure about that Sam? You want to disappoint Sasha? If you walk out of that door you can say goodbye to ever unlocking that cock, I'll throw this down the drain.. and believe me I'll do it."</sister></B> - your sister says threatning him
<b><center> He stops and looks at you and down to your chastity caged cock and smirks.. he knows he is bigger than you.. not that it's hard..</center></b>
-<b><ltblue> "Fine. I'm just doing this to get unlocked anyways.. go ahead."</ltblue></b> - he says showing his chastity caged cock
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\femfriendchastity.png"></span></center>
<b><center> Fuck.. you can already tell he's going to be much bigger than you.. you are just going to get fucked by another sissy.. how can you be so low and beta to the point of being humiliated by another sissy..</center></b>
-<b><sister> "Alright.. here you go."</sister></b> - she says unlocking it
<b><center> Immediately it spurts to action, growing.. and it's suprising how big it is.. how can such a hunk be a sissy and submissive.. his cock is huge!</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\momtease3.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><sister> "HAHAHA.. you're next <pink>$girlname</pink>.. I wonder who's going to win HAHAHA"</sister></b> - your sister says not being able to contain her laughter, knowing the result already, she gets on top of you, ready to unlock you
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\sisterunlock.png"></span></center>
<b><center> When she unlocks you.. your clit doesnt even grow.. Sam's cock spurted to action immediately.. yours has been out of use for so long that it doesn't grow erections anymore.. it's so small..</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\mcsissyclitty.png"></span></center>
-<b><sister> "HAHAHAHAHAHA.. jesus christ that is so tiny.. let's compare them shall we?"</sister></B> - your sister laughs bringing you two closer to each other
-<b><ltblue> "Haha.."</ltblue></b> - Sam laughs a bit looking at you
<b><center> You feel extremely embarassed.. how come your cock is so small? Why is his so big.. jesus christ.. your sister grabs both of your cocks and the comparison is not even close.. he wins by a mile.. his cock is like 6 times bigger than yours..</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\sistercomparing.jpg"></span></center>
-<b><sister> "Well.. looks like we have our winner.. Sam feel free to claim your prize.. she's all yours!"</sister></b> - she says handing you over to him like a trophy
-<b><ltblue> "Now that I see.. you're quite hot for a guy.. bend over for me.."</ltblue></b> - he says taking control of you, even tho he is a sissy like you
<b><center> You obey embarassed.. giving him access to your boipussy.. you quickly feel his huge cock in your entrance and he effortlessly puts it inside of you, starting to fuck you.</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\xmassub1.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><pink> Oh god.. why so.. biggg..</pink></b> - you scream muffled as you get fucked
-<b><ltblue> "I'm not a sissy like you.. I refuse to go down this path.. I'll prove Sasha I'm the right guy for her..!"</ltblue></B> - he says as he grabs your hips and pulls you on top of him, making you mount him
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\xmassub2.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><center> Now that you think of it.. Sasha? Is that the same Sasha you know from school..? If that is then he's done for.. you are lost in thought when suddenly he puts you down to your side and grabs your clitty, jerking it as he fucks you</center></b>
-<b><ltblue> "Do you like this sissy..? Are you gonna cum for me?"</ltblue></b> - he says stroking your tiny thing as he fucks you agressively
-<b><pink> Ohh godDDD.. that feels.. amazing.. I'm so sensitive there!</pink></B> - you say as you quickly cum
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\xmassub3.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><center> You have been untouched in your clit for so long that thirty seconds of jerking off makes you cum quickly.. not only are you small you're also a premature ejaculator now.. your masculinity is out.. it doesn't exist anymore.. might aswell remove it..</center></b>
-<b><ltblue> "Wow you cum fast.. that was so quick.. jesus.. GGHGHMm...!"</ltblue></b> - he says as he continues to fuck you
<b><center> He fucks you for what feels like forever.. taking you in every position, your sister watching and taking pictures as he fucks you.. after what feels like eternity he cums inside you.. dripping a huge load inside you..</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\xmassub4.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><sister> "Well wasn't that lovely! Two pretty sissies fucking each other.. hope you enjoyed that Sam.. that was probably you last fuck, forever. Both of you, back to your cages! Merry christmas!"</sister></B> - your sister says locking you two again
<b><center> You don't know what's going to happen to Sam.. but you wish him the best.. perhaps you just made a new sissy friend..!</center></b>
<b><red><i>( Merry christmas everyone! This is a message from the developer wishing you all a happy christmas, this was a little event I wanted to make related to christmas! Hope you enjoyed! If you're playing this after christmas, I hope you had a marvelous christmas and I'm forever grateful for the support I received throughout this year! This game has changed my life and I'm super happy developing it! Warm hugs to everyone who enjoys the game and hope to see you in 2025! <3! )</i></red></b>
<center>[[Head back to the hallway|Hallway]]</center><<set $dadlvl to 2>>\
<span class='fadeIn'>\
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\dad.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><img src="images\resources\dadtalk.png" width = "750px"></center>
<b><center> You have been teasing your dad quite alot lately but he isn't budging.. he just stares and stares and does nothing.. he had no problem using you before so why is he scared now..? Is he waiting for you to make a step? If that is the case that what you will do.. you wait for him to be in the living room watching TV as per usual and you approach him.</center></b>
-<b><dad> "What do you want kid? I'm trying to watch TV here."</dad></b> - he says as grumpy as ever
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\dadwatchingtv.jpg"></span></center>
-<b><pink> Why are you so tense dad.. do you need to relieve some tension perhaps?</pink></b> - you say bending over in front of him
<center><span class="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\mcbendover.mp4" autoplay loop muted width="800" height="600"></video></span></center>
<b><center> You look back at him and notice your teasing as worked.. as per usual.. he's immediately hard while staring at your ass..</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\dadbonercouch.jpg"></span></center>
<b><center> He goes silent, clearly trying to resist your advances.. but you have to do it.. you have to take one step further.. you kneel in front of him and slowly pull his boxers down.. he doesn't resist it, just watching what you do.. you pull down your panties aswell and start slowly giving him a handjob while looking at his huge cock.</center></b>
<center><span class="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\dadhandjoblevelup.mp4" autoplay loop muted width="800" height="600"></video></span></center>
-<b><dad> "You fucking minx.. you slut.. you can't contain yourself can you..? Here's your reward then you sissy whore!"</dad></b> - he says as he suddenly gets up and starts quickly jerking off in front of your face while holding your head, unloading a huge facial on your mouth and face
<center><span class="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\dadhandjoblevelupcum.webm" autoplay loop muted width="800" height="600"></video></span></center>
<b><center> There is.. so.. much.. cum.. and it's so strong aswell.. but you managed to get what you wanted out of him.. make him loose his cool hehe..</center></b>
-<b><pink> Thank you for the skincare..</pink></b> - you say as you scoop up some cum and eat it, getting up and leaving
<center><b><yellow> Dad relationship level increased! You can now give him handjobs!</yellow></b></center>
<center>[[Go back|dadtalk]]</center><<goto`either("HandjobDadSub1","HandjobDadSub2","HandjobDadSub3")`>>\<span class='fadeIn'>\
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\dad.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><img src="images\resources\dadtalk.png" width = "750px"></center>
<b><center> After what you and dad did last time you've unlocked a new barrier with him.. it seems he accepts you giving him handjobs regularly.. and you really feel like grabbing his huge cock right now.. you head upstairs to his room where he's still sleeping and grab his cock.. rubbing it making it harder and harder</center></b>
<center><span class="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\handjobdad2.webm" autoplay loop muted width="800" height="600"></video></span></center>
-<b><dad> "Hmhmm.. <mom>$momname?</mom>"</dad></b> - he says as he wakes up
-<b><pink> Good morning daddy..</pink></B> - you say as you continue to jerk him off
-<b><dad> "You again..? You are truly hungry for cock aren't you.. go on then.."</dad></b> - he says laying back as he lets your jerk him off more, indulging into the pleasure
<center><span class="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\handjobdad22.webm" autoplay loop muted width="800" height="600"></video></span></center>
<b><center> You admire his big cock as you jerk him off.. how much bigger and manlier he is than you.. you almost get the urge to just say fuck it and suck him off.. but you are scared he might get startled.. then suddenly without any warning he just groans and lets out a huge load all over your hands..</center></b>
<center><span class="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\handjobdad2cum.webm" autoplay loop muted width="800" height="600"></video></span></center>
-<b><pink> So much.. hmhmm..</pink></b> - you compliment his load
-<b><dad> "You have to stop with these little.. jokes.. or I swear it will get worse for you.."</dad></B> - he says "threatning" you
-<b><pink> Cant wait for it..</pink></b> - you say as you lick up his cum from your hand, leaving.
<<set $fatiguestat to $fatiguestat+10>>\
<<if $dadexp <=9>>\
<<set $dadexp to $dadexp+1>>\
<span class="glowing-white"><b><white><center>Relationship with the character increased by 1!</center></white></b></span>
<<elseif $dadexp >=10>>\
<span class="glowing-grey"><b><white><center><u>This action wont increase the relationship anymore..!</u></center></white></b></span>
<span class="glowing-green"><b><white><center>Fatigue increased by 10!</center></white></b></span>
<center>[[Go back|dadtalk]]</center><span class='fadeIn'>\
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\dad.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><img src="images\resources\dadtalk.png" width = "750px"></center>
<b><center> You approach your <dad>dad</dad> and after what you did last time you feel like you unlocked a barrier between you two.. you approach him in the couch again and get on all fours, crawling to him</center></b>
-<b><pink> Hi daddy..</pink></B> - you say crawling grabbing his crotch and rubbing it, making his cock hard
<center><span class="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\grabdadbulge.mp4" autoplay loop muted width="800" height="600"></video></span></center>
-<b><dad> "You insatiable slut.. your mother could show up anytime and you do this without any warning..? Take care of it now."</dad></b> - he says taking his growing cock out of his boxers, giving you access to his cock
<b><center> You quickly grab it and start jerking him off.. you notice how big his cock is compared to your small frail feminine hands.. it's such a difference even though you are both men.. but you aren't really a man are you..</center></b>
<center><span class="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\handjobdad1.mp4" autoplay loop muted width="800" height="600"></video></span></center>
-<b><pink> So big hmhmm..</pink></b> - you compliment him
-<b><dad> "Big is the load I'm about to give you..!"</dad></B> - he says as he busts a load all over your face after a few minutes.. cumming all over your without any care in the world
<center><span class="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\handjobdad1cum.webm" autoplay loop muted width="800" height="600"></video></span></center>
-<b><dad> "You have to stop with these little.. jokes.. or I swear it will get worse for you.."</dad></B> - he says "threatning" you
-<b><pink> Cant wait for it..</pink></b> - you say as you lick up his cum, leaving.
<<set $fatiguestat to $fatiguestat+10>>\
<<if $dadexp <=9>>\
<<set $dadexp to $dadexp+1>>\
<span class="glowing-white"><b><white><center>Relationship with the character increased by 1!</center></white></b></span>
<<elseif $dadexp >=10>>\
<span class="glowing-grey"><b><white><center><u>This action wont increase the relationship anymore..!</u></center></white></b></span>
<span class="glowing-green"><b><white><center>Fatigue increased by 10!</center></white></b></span>
<center>[[Go back|dadtalk]]</center><span class='fadeIn'>\
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\dad.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><img src="images\resources\dadtalk.png" width = "750px"></center>
<b><center> After what you and dad did last time you've unlocked a new barrier with him.. it seems he accepts you giving him handjobs regularly.. he's eating breakfast with your mother in the kitchen and you sit right next to him.. he looks ta you wary but doesn't move</center></b>
-<b><pink> "Morning mom, morning dad."</pink></b> - you tell them both
-<b><mom> "Oh hi honey!"</mom></b> - she says not looking at you
<b><center> Your dad doesn't say anything, just eating and drinking his coffee.. you then put your hand on his lap.. slowly moving it near his crotch rubbing it.. unbuttoning his pants and freeing his cock.. he looks at you in shock but doesn't move, not wanting to warn your mother.. you then grab his cock and start jerking him off under the table.</center></b>
<center><span class="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\dadhandjob3.webm" autoplay loop muted width="800" height="600"></video></span></center>
-<b><pink> "Oh mom could you make me a big load of milk please? My throat is dry"</pink></b> - you say teasing your dad looking him into his eyes as you say those words
-<b><mom> "Oh of course honey!"</mom></b> - she says unaware
<b><center> It seems the whole situation is really hot for your dad as quickly you can feel something hot splatter all over your legs.. he busts all over them, controlling his grunts</center></b>
<center><span class="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\dadhandjob3cum.webm" autoplay loop muted width="800" height="600"></video></span></center>
-<b><dad> "GHJmmg *cough*"</dad></b> - he grunts faking it with coughs
-<b><mom> "Are you okay honey?"</mom></b> - your mom says talking to your dad
-<b><dad> "Yeah.. just fine.."</dad></b> - he says relieved
<b><center> You approach your dads neck and give him a kiss, teasing him further without your mother watching, getting up with your legs full of his cum</center></b>
<center><span class="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\kissingdadneck.mp4" autoplay loop muted width="800" height="600"></video></span></center>
<<set $fatiguestat to $fatiguestat+10>>\
<<if $dadexp <=9>>\
<<set $dadexp to $dadexp+1>>\
<span class="glowing-white"><b><white><center>Relationship with the character increased by 1!</center></white></b></span>
<<elseif $dadexp >=10>>\
<span class="glowing-grey"><b><white><center><u>This action wont increase the relationship anymore..!</u></center></white></b></span>
<span class="glowing-green"><b><white><center>Fatigue increased by 10!</center></white></b></span>
<center>[[Go back|dadtalk]]</center><<set $sissypornfind to false>>
<<set $sissyporn to true>>
<center><img src="images\resources\sissyporn.png"></center>
<b><center> You turn on your computer to masturbate and watch some porn.. however you don't feel like watching the same thing as ever.. straight porn has been a bit boring for you lately.. you are browsing around when something catches your attention.. <pink>sissy porn</pink>.. you've seen that before but you've never dived into it..</center></b>
-<b><you>I'm just gonna check it out..</you></b> - you think to yourself while scrolling, putting on a video.
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\porn\sissypornfound.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><center> As you watch the video you see yourself getting visually aroused really quickly, you see what seems to be a very feminine man getting fucked in the ass while getting <span id="glitch-pronoun">his</span> dick stroked.. <span id="glitch-pronoun">his</span> dick is quite small aswell.. <pink> very feminine</pink>.. for some reason you start envisioning yourself in <span id="glitch-pronoun">his</span> position..</center></b>
/* Style for the glitch effect */
#glitch-pronoun {
transition: color 0.1s ease-in-out;
} {
color: pink;
(function glitchPronoun() {
const pronounElement = document.getElementById("glitch-pronoun");
if (!pronounElement) return;
// Define the pronouns to switch between
const pronouns = [
{ text: "his", class: "" },
{ text: "her", class: "pink" }
let index = 0;
// Function to toggle pronouns
function togglePronoun() {
index = (index + 1) % pronouns.length; // Alternate index
const currentPronoun = pronouns[index];
pronounElement.textContent = currentPronoun.text;
pronounElement.className = currentPronoun.class; // Apply the class
// Set up an interval for the glitch effect
setInterval(togglePronoun, 550); // Change every 150ms
<b><you> - Fuck this is really hot..</you></b> - you think to yourself as you stroke your small cock faster and faster
<center><img src="images\porn\smallcockmasturbating.gif" height="600px"></center>
<b><center> As you come closer to cumming you decide to just let it out and</center></b>
<b><center> You grab your small penis even harder while cumming and loudly you whimper</center></b>
<b><you> - F..f..FUUCK.. I was needing that so bad..</you></b> - you say to yourself as you cum some tiny droplets.
-<b><you> That.. aroused me more than I was expecting.. why did I imagine myself in <pink>her</pink> position instead of his..?</you></b> - you talk to yourself while thinking of the video you just watched.
<center><img src="images\porn\smallpeniscumming.gif"></center>
<center><b><pink> Submissiveness +1</pink></b>
<<set $submissive to $submissive+1>></center>
<b><center><pink> Sissy porn unlocked!</pink></center></b>
<center>[[• Clean and close the website •->Porn]]</center>
<center><img src="images\resources\sissyporn.png"></center>
<b><center> You turn on your PC looking for the porn that's gonna get you going and you decide to watch some sissy porn...</center></b>
-<b><you> Damn.. last time I watched that sissy porn it really got me going.. but why do I keep imagining myself in her position? I'm gonna see some more to see if it happens again..</you></b> - you mumble to yourself as you jerk off, putting on a sissy video
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\porn\sissyporn1.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><you><i> She's wearing a chastity cage and has a leash attached to it.. that's so.. hot..</i></you></b> - you mumble to yourself as you jerk off rapidly, coming closer to cumming
<b><center> Suddenly the video changes to another one without you doing anything where a <pink>feminine</pink> sissy locked in chastity is getting fucked by a black man.. it brings you to the edge..</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\porn\sissyporn1pt2.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><center> You grab your small penis harder as you come closer to cumming and loudly you whimper</center></b>
<b><you> - F..f..FUUCK.. I was needing that so bad..</you></b> - you say to yourself as you cum some tiny droplets.
<b><you> - Why do I keep imagining myself in them.. will I ever be like them..?</you></b> - you talk to yourself while thinking of the video you just watched.
<img src="images\porn\smallpeniscumming.gif">
<center>[[• Clean and close the website •->Porn]] </center>
<</linkreplace>>\<center><img src="images\resources\sissyporn.png"></center>
<b><center> You turn on your PC looking for the porn that's gonna get you going and you decide to watch some sissy porn...</center></b>
-<b><you> Damn.. last time I watched that sissy porn it really got me going.. but why do I keep imagining myself in her position? I'm gonna see some more to see if it happens again..</you></b> - you mumble to yourself as you jerk off, putting on a sissy video
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\porn\sissyporn2.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><you><i> Having a woman getting fucked on the left while a sissy fucks her ass on the right is really weird.. and hot..</i></you></b> - you mumble to yourself as you jerk off rapidly, coming closer to cumming
<b><center> You grab your small penis harder as you come closer to cumming and loudly you whimper</center></b>
<b><you> - F..f..FUUCK.. I was needing that so bad..</you></b> - you say to yourself as you cum some tiny droplets.
<b><you> - Why do I keep imagining myself in them.. will I ever be like them..?</you></b> - you talk to yourself while thinking of the video you just watched.
<img src="images\porn\smallpeniscumming.gif">
<center>[[• Clean and close the website •->Porn]] </center>
<</linkreplace>>\<center><img src="images\resources\sissyporn.png"></center>
<b><center> You turn on your PC looking for the porn that's gonna get you going and you decide to watch some sissy porn...</center></b>
-<b><you> Damn.. last time I watched that sissy porn it really got me going.. but why do I keep imagining myself in her position? I'm gonna see some more to see if it happens again..</you></b> - you mumble to yourself as you jerk off, putting on a sissy video
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\porn\sissyporn3.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><you><i> She's comparing a small penis to a bigger penis.. what is that about panties.. why does it make me feel hot..</i></you></b> - you mumble to yourself as you jerk off rapidly, coming closer to cumming
<b><center> You grab your small penis harder as you come closer to cumming and loudly you whimper</center></b>
<b><you> - F..f..FUUCK.. I was needing that so bad..</you></b> - you say to yourself as you cum some tiny droplets.
<b><you> - Why do I keep imagining myself in them.. will I ever be like them..?</you></b> - you talk to yourself while thinking of the video you just watched.
<img src="images\porn\smallpeniscumming.gif">
<center>[[• Clean and close the website •->Porn]] </center>
<</linkreplace>>\<center><img src="images\resources\sissyporn.png"></center>
<b><center> You turn on your PC looking for the porn that's gonna get you going and you decide to watch some sissy porn...</center></b>
-<b><you> Damn.. last time I watched that sissy porn it really got me going.. but why do I keep imagining myself in her position? I'm gonna see some more to see if it happens again..</you></b> - you mumble to yourself, putting on a sissy video
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\porn\sissyporn1.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><you><i> She's wearing a chastity cage and has a leash attached to it.. that's so.. hot..</i></you></b> - you mumble to yourself growing horny as your penis grows against your cage..
<b><center> Suddenly the video changes to another one without you doing anything where a <pink>feminine</pink> sissy locked in chastity is getting fucked by a black man.. it hurts how much your penis strains against the cage, leaking like a girl</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\porn\sissyporn1pt2.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<<if $siseventsub9 is true>>\
<center><<linkreplace"Leak in chastity..">>
<b><center> You want to cum so bad but you can't... you are locked in chastity by your <sister>Mistress</sister>.. You just leak precum from your cage..</center></b>
<b><you> - Oh no.. what do I do now.. I'm so horny.. I need to find a solution..</you></b> - you say to yourself as you leak some tiny droplets.
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\leakingcage.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
[[• Clean and close the website• ->Porn]]
<<elseif $siseventsub9 is false>>\
<center><<linkreplace"Use dildo to cum.">>
<b><center> After you've been fucked by your sister you realize now you are able to achieve sissygasm.. you grab your dildo and start riding it while watching the video, trying to cum while in chastity.</center></b>
<center><span class="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\dildochastityfap1.mp4" autoplay loop muted width="800" height="600"></video></span></center>
-<b><pink> MhMHMMmm.. I'm so close..</pink></b> - you say as you bounce harder and deeper on your dildo
<b><center> Eventually after a while you start cumming all over the floor in front of you, achieving <pink>sissy bliss</pink></center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\dildochastityfap2.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
[[• Clean and close the website• ->Porn]]
<</if>>\<center><img src="images\resources\sissyporn.png"></center>
<b><center> You turn on your PC looking for the porn that's gonna get you going and you decide to watch some sissy porn...</center></b>
-<b><you> Damn.. last time I watched that sissy porn it really got me going.. but why do I keep imagining myself in her position? I'm gonna see some more to see if it happens again..</you></b> - you mumble to yourself putting on a sissy video
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\porn\sissyporn2.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><you><i> Having a woman getting fucked on the left while a sissy fucks her ass on the right is really weird.. and hot..</i></you></b> - you mumble to yourself as your chastity caged penis screams for help, leaking like a good girl
<<if $siseventsub9 is true>>\
<center><<linkreplace"Leak in chastity..">>
<b><center> You want to cum so bad but you can't... you are locked in chastity by your <sister>Mistress</sister>.. You just leak precum from your cage..</center></b>
<b><you> - Oh no.. what do I do now.. I'm so horny.. I need to find a solution..</you></b> - you say to yourself as you leak some tiny droplets.
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\leakingcage.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
[[• Clean and close the website• ->Porn]]
<<elseif $siseventsub9 is false>>\
<center><<linkreplace"Use dildo to cum.">>
<b><center> After you've been fucked by your sister you realize now you are able to achieve sissygasm.. you grab your dildo and start riding it while watching the video, trying to cum while in chastity.</center></b>
<center><span class="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\dildochastityfap1.mp4" autoplay loop muted width="800" height="600"></video></span></center>
-<b><pink> MhMHMMmm.. I'm so close..</pink></b> - you say as you bounce harder and deeper on your dildo
<b><center> Eventually after a while you start cumming all over the floor in front of you, achieving <pink>sissy bliss</pink></center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\dildochastityfap2.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
[[• Clean and close the website• ->Porn]]
<</if>>\<center><img src="images\resources\sissyporn.png"></center>
<b><center> You turn on your PC looking for the porn that's gonna get you going and you decide to watch some sissy porn...</center></b>
-<b><you> Damn.. last time I watched that sissy porn it really got me going.. but why do I keep imagining myself in her position? I'm gonna see some more to see if it happens again..</you></b> - you mumble to yourself, putting on a sissy video
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\porn\sissyporn3.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><you><i> She's comparing a small penis to a bigger penis.. what is that about panties.. why does it make me feel hot..</i></you></b> - you mumble to yourself as you watch, your small clit growing against it's cage
<<if $siseventsub9 is true and $analevel <=3>>\
<center><<linkreplace"Leak in chastity..">>
<b><center> You want to cum so bad but you can't... you are locked in chastity by your <sister>Mistress</sister>.. You just leak precum from your cage..</center></b>
<b><you> - Oh no.. what do I do now.. I'm so horny.. I need to find a solution..</you></b> - you say to yourself as you leak some tiny droplets.
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\leakingcage.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
[[• Clean and close the website• ->Porn]]
<<elseif $siseventsub9 is false and $analevel <=3>>\
<center><<linkreplace"Leak in chastity..">>
<b><center> You want to cum so bad but you can't... you are locked in chastity by your <sister>Mistress</sister>.. You just leak precum from your cage..</center></b>
<b><you> - Oh no.. what do I do now.. I'm so horny.. I need to find a solution..</you></b> - you say to yourself as you leak some tiny droplets.
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\leakingcage.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
[[• Clean and close the website• ->Porn]]
<<elseif $siseventsub9 is false and $analevel >=3>>\
<center><<linkreplace"Use dildo to cum.">>
<b><center> After you've been fucked by your sister you realize now you are able to achieve sissygasm.. you grab your dildo and start riding it while watching the video, trying to cum while in chastity.</center></b>
<center><span class="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\dildochastityfap1.mp4" autoplay loop muted width="800" height="600"></video></span></center>
-<b><pink> MhMHMMmm.. I'm so close..</pink></b> - you say as you bounce harder and deeper on your dildo
<b><center> Eventually after a while you start cumming all over the floor in front of you, achieving <pink>sissy bliss</pink></center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\dildochastityfap2.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
[[• Clean and close the website• ->Porn]]
<</if>>\<span class='fadeIn'>\
<<set $bnwoevent7 to false>>\
<<set $timer to 0>>\
<<set $time to $time+1>>\
<<if $time >= 3>>\
<<set $time to $time - 1>>\
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\outside.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<<if $time is 0>>\
<center><img src="images\city\house.jpg" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>
<<elseif $time is 1>>\
<center><img src="images\city\house.jpg" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>
<<elseif $time is 2>>\
<center><img src="images\city\housenight.jpg" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>\
<b><center> After what happened last time at school with Mr.Jackson all that is left to do now is pay for her tattoo.. she agreed to do it.. you're seriously going to convert your mom to be black only.. you don't know how that will affect her relationship with your dad but he's white so he deserves to be a cuck anyways.. you two head to the Black Cobra Tattoo parlershop where your girlfriend got the tattoo too.</center></b>
-<b><pink> This is it.. are you sure you want to do this?</pink></b> - you ask your mother at the entrance of the tattoo shop
-<b><mom> "Y..yes.. I'm sure honey.. thank you for paying for this.. I understand how important it is for you to pay for my tattoo too.. Mr.Jackson explained me.. you are a good whiteboy."</mom></b> - she says smiling, entering the tattoo shop before you
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\momshop.jpg"></span></center>
<b><center> She looks so hot nowdays.. she is starting to be wilder and wilder.. not caring so much about what people think.. and you are the cause for this.. you enter the shop with her and wait for <brown>Kendrick</brown> to arrive like last time.</center></b>
<center><img src="images\city\tattooparlor.png" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>
-<b><brown> "Oh look who's back..! The good cuckie hahaha.. and who's this beautiful lady?"</brown></b> - he says humiliating you immediately, making you recall what he did to your girlfriend
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\tattooartist.jpg"></span></center>
-<b><pink> This is my.. mother.. <mom>$momname</mom>.. she's here for the same tattoo from back then..</pink></B> - you say feeling extremely embarassed and humiliated
-<b><brown> "HAHAHAHA there's no fucking way.. wow I'm honestly amazed how devoted you are.. what a fucking white loser.. I assume you'll pay too right?"</brown></b> - he says laughing in your face
-<b><mom><font size ="-1"> "hahaha.."</font></mom></B> - your mom giggles trying to control her laughter
-<b><pink> Yes.. I will..</pink></b> - you admit to being a piggybank for your own mother to be blacked
-<b><brown> "Jesus.. alright then.. follow me <mom>$momname</mom>.. you can come too if you want, white bitch."</brown></b> - he addresses you with the lowest of respect
-<b><mom> "Of course.."</mom></b> - she says not addressing once how he treates you, as if it was completely normal.
<b><center> It kind of saddens you a bit that your mother doesn't defend you at all.. you are her child yet she is completely acceptant of how disrespectful he treated you.. but she probably understands now that you are inferior to <brown>Kendrick</brown> and it's completely normal for him to treat you like this.. she's truly becoming a BNWO supporter and a blacked only woman.. you follow them and hear what they are talking about</center></b>
-<b><brown> "Well my suggestion for a woman as good looking as you are would be to do the QOS stamp on your ass, like this."</brown></B> - he says showing your mother an example
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\tattooexamplemom.jpg"></span></center>
-<b><mom> "Oh wow.. if you think it will look good on me there I'll trust your judgment Mister <brown>Kendrick</brown>.."</mom></b> - she says agreeing immediately with what he says
-<b><brown> "Haha of course you'll trust it.. anyways get naked and on all fours.. we'll start soon, I'll go get everything ready."</brown></b> - he says as he gets his tools, getting ready to tattoo your mother's ass
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\tattooartistblack.jpg"></span></center>
<b><center> In the meanwhile.. your mother gets completely naked in the tattoo shop like he ordered her to do.. she doesn't even think twice if it's incorrect to get completely naked or not.. it is as if she's seducing him..</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\momtattooready.jpg"></span></center>
-<b><mom> "Once again thank you for paying for this honey.. you are truly the examplary whiteboy.. I'm really proud of you."</mom></b> - she says on her fours, showing you her pussy, you can see it getting wetter.
-<b><pink> are welcome mom..</pink></b> - you say embarassed
<b><center> Eventually <brown>Kendrick</brown> comes back and he's amazed at how your mother is positioned</center></b>
-<b><brown> "Gawddamn! I didn't mean fully naked HAHAHA.. but I should've expected a white pig to not be able to follow correct instructions.. jeez you're one hella of a view.. let's get to the tattoo shall we?"</brown></b> - he says calling your mother a sow.. you don't say anything about it
<b><center> He then proceeds to tattoo your mothers ass.. you just watch it like a good boy, looking how your mothers body is permanently defilled and marked as a black cock only woman.. your clitty strains against its cage knowing how wrong it is what you're doing yet how right it feels.. eventually he is done..</center></b>
-<b><brown> "There you go.. looks amazing on you babe."</brown></b> - he says calling her babe.
<b><center> Your mother squats in front of you, showing her what he marked on her.. you gulp excitedly</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\momfoursqos.png"></span></center>
-<b><mom> "Do you like it honey.. does it look good on me?"</mom></b> - she asks you
-<b><pink> Y..yes mommy.. it looks really good.. congratulations..</pink></b> - you congratulate her on becoming blacked only.
-<b><brown> "Alright so we need to do some finishing touches, follow me to the other room <mom>$momname</mom>.. you can stay here <pink>$girlname</pink>."</brown></B> - he orders you.
<b><center> Finishing touches..? But the tattoo is done.. they both head to a employees only room leaving you behind to pay only.. but you don't understand what finishing touches could be left.. you are quite curious and even tho he told you to wait you want to see what they are up to.. or do you obey like a good white sissy bitch?</center></b>
<div id="choice">
<<linkreplace "<pink><center> • Sneak up and see what they are up to</center></pink>">>\
<<replace "#choice">>\
<b><center> You can't help yourself.. you are really curious to what the finishing touches are.. you head closer to the door and quickly you hear slurping sounds.. you become even more curious and you open the door slightly, peeking in.. just to see your own mother on her knees.. greedily sucking <brown>Kendrick</brown> like he was the only man alive on earth..</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\momblackedtattoo1.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><brown> "Jesus lord.. that's some skill you got on you, you trashy white whore.. you are trying to dry me off or what?"</brown></b> - he says degrading your mother
-<b><mom> "I cant help it.. your dick is so tasty.. please can I have it inside me..?"</mom></b> - your mom begs, turning around and preseting her now tattooed ass to him
-<b><brown> "Fuck how can I say no to that.. here's the finishing touches.. having some black cock on that pussy.. swear to me you'll only fuck black men from now on!"</brown></b> - he makes your mom swear, rubbing his cock on her entrace, teasing her
-<b><mom> "I swear! On my children's life.. on everything I have.. I'll only fuck black men from now on! I'm a true Queen of Spades!"</mom></B> - she screams out loud, making sure you hear even if you weren't spying on them
<b><center> When she announces it.. he immediately stick it into her, starting to fuck her.. however he's so big that only half of it enters.. your mom screams in ecstasy as she feels his big black rod expand her petite white pussy..</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\momblackedtattoo2.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><brown> "YEEEAAH..! How are you so tight when you are a goddamn milf.. did you get small dicks all your life or what?"</brown></b> - he says stretching her out
-<b><mom> "I only got fucked by white dicks all my life.. they are not even close to your divine rod Master.. stretch me out please.. make my pussy have your form so every white boy knows it's a black cock only pussy!"</mom></b> - your mom says as she continues to get fucked
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\momblackedtattoo3.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><brown> "Fuck.. you are so hot.. you have your way with words.. you white sows are always so eager to serve and please.. take my holy cum in your face.. then go outside and kiss your sissy son!"</brown></b> - he says as he busts a nut all over her face and mouth
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\momblackedtattoo4.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><center> She doesn't say a single word and doesn't swallow.. you quickly get away from the door so they don't see you spying, waiting for her to come and eventually she comes out, with her face full of cum..</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\momafterfacial.jpg"></span></center>
-<b><pink> Welcome ba..-</pink></b> - you were about to say welcome back when your mom cuts you off kissing you in your mouth.
<b><center> You are suprised by the action.. but then suddenly you feel something very salty and strong flavoured enter your mouth.. your mom is giving you <brown>Kendrick's</brown> cum.. you just accept it like a good submissive white bitch.. gulping it down as you two kiss.</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\momcumkiss.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><mom> "Here's your gift for waiting like a good bitch.. hehe.."</mom></b> - she says giggling, patting your head afterwards
-<b><pink> Th..thank you..</pink></b> - you thank her while still feeling the taste of his cum
-<b><brown> "This is all very pretty and bonding but I'm waiting for the payment, come on white boy, pay up.. Let's say.. two hundred euros."</brown></b> - he says extending his hand
<b><center> Two hundred euros?? For such a small tattoo? You saw the prices before and you're pretty sure a small tattoo like that was 50 euros..</center></b>
-<b><brown> "You got something to say bitch?"</brown></b> - he says approaching you closer and closer, intimidating you
-<b><pink> ""</pink></B> - you say as you take out your wallet, taking out your money
-<b><brown> "Make it three hundred euros then, bitch."</brown></b> - he says grabbing your neck
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\neckgrabbnwo.png"></span></center>
-<b><pink> YYESsdh..</pink></b> - you say handing him your money as he chokes you out.
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\payingtattoo.jpg"></span></center>
-<b><brown> "Good white whore.. you two can leave.. bring another one anytime you want whiteboy.. you're a good slave for us."</brown></b> - he says counting your money
-<b><mom> "Thank you for everything <brown>Mister Kendrick.</brown>!"</mom></b> - your mother says, completely ignoring the fact he was choking you out.
-<b><pink> B..bye..</pink></b> - you say leaving
-<b><mom> "Oh god he's so lovely isn't he? I think I'd fall in love if I wasnt married already.. jesus.."</mom></b> - your mother says daydreaming
<b><center> What you have done is done.. your mother is now a fully corrupted black cock only slut.. you wonder how your father is going to react to seeing the tattoo on her ass though.. anyways that's the second woman of your live tattooed.. only one left.. you have to show <brown>Mr.Jackson</brown> her tattoo too.. you're almost finished!</center></b>
<B><yellow><center> 2/3 women tattooed with the QOS tattoo!</center></yellow></b>
<center>[[Leave towards home|Home]]</center>
<div id="choice">
<<linkreplace "<white><center> • Wait for them to come back..</center></white>">>
<<replace "#choice">>
<b><center> You decide to wait like a good girl.. you don't want to disturb whatever they are up to.. eventually your mom comes back and it's visually understandable what really happened as she comes back with her face full of a gooey white liquid.. which you assume is <brown>Kendrick's</brown> cum..</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\momafterfacial.jpg"></span></center>
-<b><pink> Welcome ba..-</pink></b> - you were about to say welcome back when your mom cuts you off kissing you in your mouth.
<b><center> You are suprised by the action.. but then suddenly you feel something very salty and strong flavoured enter your mouth.. your mom is giving you <brown>Kendrick's</brown> cum.. you just accept it like a good submissive white bitch.. gulping it down as you two kiss.</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\momcumkiss.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><mom> "Here's your gift for waiting like a good bitch.. hehe.."</mom></b> - she says giggling, patting your head afterwards
-<b><pink> Th..thank you..</pink></b> - you thank her while still feeling the taste of his cum
-<b><brown> "This is all very pretty and bonding but I'm waiting for the payment, come on white boy, pay up.. Let's say.. two hundred euros."</brown></b> - he says extending his hand
<b><center> Two hundred euros?? For such a small tattoo? You saw the prices before and you're pretty sure a small tattoo like that was 50 euros..</center></b>
-<b><brown> "You got something to say bitch?"</brown></b> - he says approaching you closer and closer, intimidating you
-<b><pink> ""</pink></B> - you say as you take out your wallet, taking out your money
-<b><brown> "Make it three hundred euros then, bitch."</brown></b> - he says grabbing your neck
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\neckgrabbnwo.png"></span></center>
-<b><pink> YYESsdh..</pink></b> - you say handing him your money as he chokes you out.
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\payingtattoo.jpg"></span></center>
-<b><brown> "Good white whore.. you two can leave.. bring another one anytime you want whiteboy.. you're a good slave for us."</brown></b> - he says counting your money
-<b><mom> "Thank you for everything <brown>Mister Kendrick.</brown>!"</mom></b> - your mother says, completely ignoring the fact he was choking you out.
-<b><pink> B..bye..</pink></b> - you say leaving
-<b><mom> "Oh god he's so lovely isn't he? I think I'd fall in love if I wasnt married already.. jesus.."</mom></b> - your mother says daydreaming
<b><center> What you have done is done.. your mother is now a fully corrupted black cock only slut.. you wonder how your father is going to react to seeing the tattoo on her ass though.. anyways that's the second woman of your live tattooed.. only one left.. you have to show <brown>Mr.Jackson</brown> her tattoo too.. you're almost finished!</center></b>
<B><yellow><center> 2/3 women tattooed with the QOS tattoo!</center></yellow></b>
<center>[[Leave towards home|Home]]</center>
</div><<goto`either("TeaseDadDom1","TeaseDadDom2","TeaseDadDom3")`>>\<span class='fadeIn'>\
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\dad.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<<if $dadfeminized is false>>\
<center><img src="images\resources\dadtalk.png" width = "750px"></center>
<<elseif $dadfeminized is true and $dadeventdomfem7 is false>>\
<center><img src="images\resources\dadtalkfem.png" width = "750px"></center>
<<if $dadfeminized is false>>\
<b><center> As per usual your dad is on the kitchen having breakfast.. you feel like teasing him again since you can tell he's been feeling attracted to you lately.. you greet him normally</center></b>
-<b><you> Good morning dad</you></b> - you say coming closer to him as he prepares his breakfast
-<b><dad> "Hey kid, what's up."</dad></B> - he says greeting you
-<b><you> Not much.. can I have a hug dad?</you></b> - you say out of nowhere
<b><center> He looks at you weirdly not expecting such thing but he doesn't deny it, he just shrugs and opens his arms to you, letting you in. You come closer to him and hug him.. but of course it isn't going to be a normal hug, you grab his ass in the process, fondling him.</center></b>
<center><span class="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\dadteasedom2.mp4" autoplay loop muted width="800" height="600"></video></span></center>
-<b><dad> "Little touchy today aren't you."</dad></b> - he says as he pushes you away embarassed
-<b><you> Haha my bad.. couldn't resist.</you></b> - you say laughing as you leave him embarassed clearly
<<elseif $dadfeminized is true and $dadeventdomfem7 is false>>\
<b><center> As per usual your dad is on the kitchen having breakfast.. you feel like teasing him again since you can tell he's been feeling attracted to you lately.. you greet him normally</center></b>
-<b><you> Good morning dad</you></b> - you say coming closer to her as she prepares her breakfast
-<b><hotpink> "Hey kid, what's up."</hotpink></B> - she says greeting you
-<b><you> Not much.. can I have a hug dad?</you></b> - you say out of nowhere
<b><center> She looks at you weirdly not expecting such thing but she doesn't deny it, she just shrugs and opens her arms to you, letting you in. You come closer to her and hug her.. but of course it isn't going to be a normal hug, you grab her ass in the process, fondling her.</center></b>
<center><span class="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\dadteasedom2fem.mp4" autoplay loop muted width="800" height="600"></video></span></center>
-<b><hotpink> "Little touchy today aren't you."</hotpink></b> - she says as she pushes you away embarassed
-<b><you> Haha my bad.. couldn't resist.</you></b> - you say laughing as you leave her embarassed clearly
<<set $fatiguestat to $fatiguestat+10>>\
<<if $dadexp <=4>>\
<<set $dadexp to $dadexp+1>>\
<span class="glowing-white"><b><white><center>Relationship with the character increased by 1!</center></white></b></span>
<<elseif $dadexp >=5>>\
<span class="glowing-grey"><b><white><center><u>This action wont increase the relationship anymore..!</u></center></white></b></span>
<span class="glowing-green"><b><white><center>Fatigue increased by 10!</center></white></b></span>
<center>[[Go back|dadtalk]]</center><span class='fadeIn'>\
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\dad.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<<if $dadfeminized is false>>\
<center><img src="images\resources\dadtalk.png" width = "750px"></center>
<<elseif $dadfeminized is true and $dadeventdomfem7 is false>>\
<center><img src="images\resources\dadtalkfem.png" width = "750px"></center>
<<if $dadfeminized is false>>\
<b><center> You are out of the shower and as per usual your dad is on the kitchen having breakfast.. you realize this is the perfect opportunity to tease him, you enter the kitchen with your towel still on and greet him</center></b>
-<b><you> Hey dad, good morning.</you></b> - you tell him half naked
<b><center> He looks at you wary and a little weirded out that you are not clothed but doesn't say anything about it.</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\dadarriving.png"></span></center>
-<b><dad> "Hey kiddo.. good morning."</dad></b> - he says as he keeps eating his breakfast
-<b><you> What are you having?</you></b> - you say as you come closer to him
<b><center> He looks you up and down clearly unconfortable that you are so close to him naked.. and that's when you strike, letting your towel drop on purpose, flashing your big cock bouncing right next to his legs</center></b>
<center><span class="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\dadteasedom1.mp4" autoplay loop muted width="800" height="600"></video></span></center>
-<b><dad> "! Jesus..!"</dad></b> - he says pulling away suprised, but staring at it intensely
-<b><you> Oh my bad.. it just slipped haha. Good breakfast dad.</you></b> - you say as you leave, still naked, not putting the towel back on
<center><span class="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\mcwalkingnaked.mp4" autoplay loop muted width="800" height="600"></video></span></center>
<b><center> You look back at him to catch him still staring at you, locking eyes with him, he quickly looks away.. looks like you had the effect desired.</center></b>
<<elseif $dadfeminized is true and $dadeventdomfem7 is false>>\
<b><center> You are out of the shower and as per usual your dad is on the kitchen having breakfast.. you realize this is the perfect opportunity to tease her, you enter the kitchen with your towel still on and greet her</center></b>
-<b><you> Hey dad, good morning.</you></b> - you tell her half naked
<b><center> She looks at you wary and a little weirded out that you are not clothed but doesn't say anything about it.</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\dadbedroom.png"></span></center>
-<b><hotpink> "Hey.. good morning."</hotpink></b> - he says as he keeps eating his breakfast
-<b><you> What are you having?</you></b> - you say as you come closer to her
<b><center> She looks you up and down clearly unconfortable that you are so close to her naked.. and that's when you strike, letting your towel drop on purpose, flashing your big cock bouncing right next to her legs</center></b>
<center><span class="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\dadteasedom1.mp4" autoplay loop muted width="800" height="600"></video></span></center>
-<b><hotpink> "! Jesus..!"</hotpink></b> - she says pulling away suprised, but staring at it intensely
-<b><you> Oh my bad.. it just slipped haha. Good breakfast dad.</you></b> - you say as you leave, still naked, not putting the towel back on
<center><span class="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\mcwalkingnaked.mp4" autoplay loop muted width="800" height="600"></video></span></center>
<b><center> You look back at her to catch her still staring at you, locking eyes with her, she quickly looks away.. looks like you had the effect desired.</center></b>
<<set $fatiguestat to $fatiguestat+10>>\
<<if $dadexp <=4>>\
<<set $dadexp to $dadexp+1>>\
<span class="glowing-white"><b><white><center>Relationship with the character increased by 1!</center></white></b></span>
<<elseif $dadexp >=5>>\
<span class="glowing-grey"><b><white><center><u>This action wont increase the relationship anymore..!</u></center></white></b></span>
<span class="glowing-green"><b><white><center>Fatigue increased by 10!</center></white></b></span>
<center>[[Go back|dadtalk]]</center><span class='fadeIn'>\
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\dad.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<<if $dadfeminized is false>>\
<center><img src="images\resources\dadtalk.png" width = "750px"></center>
<<elseif $dadfeminized is true and $dadeventdomfem7 is false>>\
<center><img src="images\resources\dadtalkfem.png" width = "750px"></center>
<<if $dadfeminized is false>>\
<b><center> You wanted to talk with your dad again in the kitchen but he's nowhere to be seen.. maybe he's still in the bedroom.. you go upstairs and enter their bedroom.. just to find him completely buttnaked sleeping</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\dadsleepingnaked.jpg"></span></center>
-<b><you><i> This is perfect haha..</i></you></b> - you think to yourself as you watch him
<b><center> You take your cock out and slowly get on top of him.. getting ready to wake him with a hard suprise.. you start rubbing your hard cock between his asscheeks and slowly he starts waking up.. but starts throwing it back at your hard cock still a little unconscious.. probably thinking it's a dream.. you get surprised by that but go along with it.. you even hit his cock as you hotdog him, rubbing his asshole, feeling quite good.</center></b>
<center><span class="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\dadteasedom3.mp4" autoplay loop muted width="800" height="600"></video></span></center>
-<b><dad> "Wh..what.. WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!"</dad></b> - he quickly flips as he realizes this isn't a dream
-<b><you> HAHAHA.. you were quite enjoying it weren't you?</you></b> - you say as you get up quickly leaving the room running
<b><center> Clearly his subconscious was enjoying it.. but he's too embarassed to admit it</center></b>
<<elseif $dadfeminized is true and $dadeventdomfem7 is false>>\
<b><center> You wanted to talk with your dad again in the kitchen but she's nowhere to be seen.. maybe she's still in the bedroom.. you go upstairs and enter their bedroom.. just to find her completely buttnaked sleeping</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\dadsleepingnakedfem.png"></span></center>
-<b><you><i> This is perfect haha..</i></you></b> - you think to yourself as you watch her
<b><center> You take your cock out and slowly get on top of her.. getting ready to wake her with a hard suprise.. you start rubbing your hard cock between her asscheeks and slowly she starts waking up.. but starts throwing it back at your hard cock still a little unconscious.. probably thinking it's a dream.. you get surprised by that but go along with it.. you even hit her cock as you hotdog her, rubbing her asshole, feeling quite good.</center></b>
<center><span class="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\dadteasedom3fem.webm" autoplay loop muted width="800" height="600"></video></span></center>
-<b><hotpink> "Mhmhmm.. what are you doing <you>$name</you>.. stttoop.."</hotpink></b> - she says continuing to rub it on you, clearly growing horny
<b><center> You keep going at it humping each other for a while and you can't contain it anymore.. you cum all over her back.. giving her a creamy start of a day</center></b>
<center><span class="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\hotdoggingcumdad.mp4" autoplay loop muted width="800" height="600"></video></span></center>
-<b><you> F..fuck I wasn't expecting you to go with it.. I had to control myself to not stick it in..</you></b> - you say sweating
-<b><hotpink> "Why control yourself? Teehee.."</hotpink></b> - she says giggling teasing you
<b><center> You quickly get up and leave before you do something more you may regret.. but you can clearly see a change in personality from what your dad used to be..</center></b>
<<set $fatiguestat to $fatiguestat+10>>\
<<if $dadexp <=4>>\
<<set $dadexp to $dadexp+1>>\
<span class="glowing-white"><b><white><center>Relationship with the character increased by 1!</center></white></b></span>
<<elseif $dadexp >=5>>\
<span class="glowing-grey"><b><white><center><u>This action wont increase the relationship anymore..!</u></center></white></b></span>
<span class="glowing-green"><b><white><center>Fatigue increased by 10!</center></white></b></span>
<center>[[Go back|dadtalk]]</center><<set $xmasdom to false>>\
<span class='fadeIn'>\
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\hallway.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><img src="images\city\househall.jpg" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>
<b><center> It's that special time of the year that everyone loves.. christmas! Alot of your family gathered around on your house.. grandparents.. cousins, distant relatives you didnt even know existed, they all make your house lively with noise.. you are not usually the center of attention so you just dig in the conversations sometimes, watching everyone.</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\familychristmas.jpeg"></span></center>
-<b><you><i> Mom and sis look really hot.. damn.</i></you></b> - you say as you analyze <sister>$sistername</sister> and <mom>$momname</mom> outfit
<b><center> Your mother decided to be mother christmas since it's her house.. she looks absolutely incredible, you wish you could just grab her and strip her down and fuck her in front of everyone but that would probably be quite controversial.. you control yourself as you admire her curvatures. She notices you staring and smiles at you, giving you a tiny wave.</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\momxmas.png"></span></center>
<b><center> You wave back at her just to turn around see your sister passing by you, giggling, going upstairs somewhere.</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\sisterxmasface.png"></span></center>
-<b><you><i> Jesus..</i></you></b> - you say as you stare at your sister leaving, looking at her outfit too
<b><center> Needless to say if your mother is the center of attention, your sister is the center of the universe.. she's wearing a mixture of goth came to christmas outfit.. mixing black white and red.. she gives you a hard-on just from looking at her.. was her giggle going upstairs a sign of something?</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\sisteroutfitsanta.png"></span></center>
<<if $dadfeminized is false>>\
<b><center> And of course you have well.. your dad.. who is just your dad as per usual and doesn't care.. he looks quite drunk already though so he looks happy.</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\dadhappyxmas.png"></span></center>
<<elseif $dadfeminized is true and $dadeventdomfem7 is false>>\
<b><center> The big suprise of this christmas though is your <hotpink>dad</hotpink> who everyone was caught by surprise when instead of burly alpha male they were greeted upon a <hotpink>feminized sissy</hotpink>.. of course they don't know the culprit was you but who cares.. she also dressed accordingly and even though she's a sissy now, she tries to maintain her posture in front of the family.. in vain though, she looks really hot tho. Some would argue she's even the sluttiest of the three women of the house you heard..</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\dadfeminizedxmas.jpg"></span></center>
<b><center> You are quite curious what your sister was up to and you need to hit the toilet anyways.. you excuse yourself and leave, going upstairs to investigate.</center></b>
<center>[[Go upstairs searching your sister|xmasdompt2]]</center><span class='fadeIn'>\
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\upstairshall.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><img src="images\city\upstairshall.jpg" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>
<b><center> You arrive upstairs and before you look for her you enter the bathroom, the door isn't closed so you were not expecting someone to be inside.. however you are quickly suprised when you stumble upon your sister fully naked, as if waiting for you.</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\sisterbathroom.jpg"></span></center>
-<b><sister> "Jesus.. took you long enough! Did you want someone else to come in or what?"</sister></b> - she says grabbing you and pulling you inside the bathroom, closing the door behind you
-<b><you> You want me to guess or what you dumb slut, how am I supposed to know.</you></b> - you say as you grab her chin forcefully
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\kissingsisterxmas.png"></span></center>
-<b><sister> "We..we are siblings..! I thought you'd understand my signals.. and you did!"</sister></b> - she says making excuses
-<b><you> Nah.. this behaviour is unacceptable.. A punishment is in order.. I don't care if someone sees you or what happens next.</you></b> - you say as you grab her head and stick it down the toilet, taking your cock out and starting to fuck her
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\sisterxmasfuck.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><sister> "Whhath.. are yhh..ou doing?! Yhou aree crazzzyy!"</sister></b> - she says as your thrusts push her inside the toilet
-<b><you> Crazy? I'll show you crazy.</you></b> - you say as you flush down the toilet, making her drown with toilet water, completely messing up her look
<b><center> As she drowns in water, you grab her head and take it out, quickly shoving your cock into her face, forcing her to suck you, she reacts and quickly takes it into her mouth, sucking you off</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\sisterxmasfuck2.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><you> HAHAHA LOOK AT YOU.. you look like a complete trashy slut.. I dare you to go downstairs like this..</you></b> - you say as you laugh at her while she sucks you
-<b><sister> "Yhouh.. dickhead..!"</sister></b> - she says out of breath
-<b><you> Here's the final touchesssgghh..!</you></b> - you say as you unload a load over her already wet face, leaving her in a complete mess
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\sisterfacialxmas.png"></span></center>
<b><center> Well you know who's not going to show up for a while.. or for the rest of the night really, she looks like she got stepped on and spat on.. actually.. that's a great idea, you grab her face and slap her, spitting on her afterwards, humiliating her even further</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\sisterxmasfuck3.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><you> God I love treating you like absolute garbage.. anyways you stink, you should probably shower and clean your face before going downstairs.. say thank you.</you></b> - you tell her while still holding her hair
-<b><sister> "T..thank you <you>$name</you>"</sister></b> - she says submissively
<center>[[Leave the bathroom|xmasdompt3]]</center><span class='fadeIn'>\
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\upstairshall.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><img src="images\city\upstairshall.jpg" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>
<b><center> You leave the bathroom and close the door behind you again, you don't want people knowing you fuck your own sister and how you left her.. you are about to head downstairs when you hear a noise from your mothers bedroom..</center></b>
-<b><mom><font size ="-1"> "Pssstt!"</font></mom></b> - someone calls you
<b><center> You open the door to see who's calling just to be greeted upon your topless mother playing with her christmas hat.. is everyone horny and stupid in this house or what? Anyone could see her!</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\momnakedxmasroom.png"></span></center>
-<b><you> Mom what are you doing?</you></b> - you say as you step inside and close the door behind you
-<b><mom> "Ghoddd.. you took sho long in the bathroommm..!"</mom></b> - your mom says clearly tipsy.. she is known for not being able to take alcohol well.
-<b><you> Jeez you know you can't drink..</you></b> - you say as you slowly approach her
<b><center> Then suddenly she falls on her knees, you become worried she's feeling ill so you hurry up to her.. however as soon as you arrive next to her she throws herself at your crotch, fondling you.</center></b>
-<b><mom> "I khnow shomething I want to drhink *hic* hehe.."</mom></b> - she says making your still wet cock grow again
<b><center> Fuck.. you're pretty sure your cock still stinks of your sisters fluids.. christ it's probably even wet from it still.. and the thought of your drunk mother tasting them unknowingly is so fucking hot.. you let her do whatever she pleases and quickly she takes your cock out, sucking on it.</center></b>
-<b><mom> Heheehee.. hi there big boy *hic*</mom></b> - she says before taking your used cock into her mouth
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\momxmasfuck1.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><mom> "mHMHMmm.. its sho weth already.. were you horny baby? *hic* tastes inteereesting too.."</mom></b> - she says savouring your sisters juices
-<b><you> Yeah yeah.. it's precum trust me.</you></b> - you say letting her flavour everything
<b><center> Suddenly she stops sucking it and throws you to her bed.. just to quickly get on top of you with her boobs.. she wraps them around your big cock and starts going up and down, using her now throat saliva and your sisters fluids as lube.. it feels fucking amazing.</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\momxmasfuck2.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><you> Fuck ma.. I'm not gonna hold much longer like this..</you></b> - you say feeling extreme pleasure from her big boobs
-<b><mom> "C..come for me honey.. plheasse.. I want your baby batter..! *hic*"</mom></b> - she says draining you
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\momxmasfuck3.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><center> Her dirty words quickly bring you to orgasm and you cum all over her boobs and face.. soiling another family member.. you're going to make all of them disappear from the party like this.. She looks destroyed aswell.. you don't know where you get that many cum from.</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\momfacialxmas.jpg"></span></center>
-<b><mom> "Tasty hehe.."</mom></b> - she says as she laps up your cum from her boobs and face
<b><center> She then gets up and lays down on her bed naked.. as if she completed her mission.. you gently put her blankets on top of her and let her sleep.. she really can't take alcohol well.. but she does take your cum well.</center></b>
<center>[[Leave your parents bedroom|xmasdompt4]]</center><span class='fadeIn'>\
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\upstairshall.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><img src="images\city\upstairshall.jpg" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>
<<if $dadfeminized is false>>\
<b><center>Eventually everyone leaves and no one sees your sister or mom anymore.. so you and your dad have to greet everyone out.. you then realize that at the center of the problem stands yourself.. you were the one who corrupted your whole family that they are constantly horny.. and you love it.</center></b>
<b><red><i>( Merry christmas everyone! This is a message from the developer wishing you all a happy christmas, this was a little event I wanted to make related to christmas! Hope you enjoyed! If you're playing this after christmas, I hope you had a marvelous christmas and I'm forever grateful for the support I received throughout this year! This game has changed my life and I'm super happy developing it! Warm hugs to everyone who enjoys the game and hope to see you in 2025! <3! )</i></red></b>
<center>[[Head back to the hallway|Hallway]]</center>
<<elseif $dadfeminized is true and $dadeventdomfem7 is false>>\
<b><center> You were about to go downstairs again when you notice your door is also open.. who the fuck is in your bedroom? You didn't give permission to anyone to go inside.. you are about to storm in when you quickly stop and hide, peeking inside.. seeing your <hotpink>feminized dad</hotpink> bent over, playing with her asshole.. what is she doing in your room..?</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\dadxmasfuck.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><you><i> The fuck is she doing in my room? Is it because I was in their room with mom..? And what is she doing bent over playing with her asshole?</i></you></b> - you think to yourself confused
<b><center> You peek back in and you are in shock with what you see.. looks like your <hotpink>sissy dad</hotpink> got herself a christmas present.. or did someone buy it for her? It's some sort of machine with a dildo attached to it that vibrates.. she's turning into a real slut.</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\dadxmasfuck2.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><center> Quickly she sits on top of it and lets the dildo invade her insides, turning on the machine which makes quite a lot of noise.. but it drawns out her moans.</center></B>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\dadxmasfuck3.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><hotpink> "OhhHHH fuck.. I'm constantly horny..! I can't take this anymoreeeee.."</hotpink></b> - she says as she jerks herself while getting fucked, quickly cumming all over her hands, licking it up
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\dadxmasfuck4.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><center> The fuck.. she came so fast.. your dad is a complete premature ejaculator.. what a pathetic sissy jesus.. I guess you'll have to lend her your room for now.. you close the door behind you and go downstairs to your family.. eventually everyone leaves and no one sees your sister, mom or dad anymore.. so you have to greet everyone out.. you then realize that at the center of the problem stands yourself.. you were the one who corrupted your whole family that they are constantly horny.. and you love it.</center></b>
<b><red><i>( Merry christmas everyone! This is a message from the developer wishing you all a happy christmas, this was a little event I wanted to make related to christmas! Hope you enjoyed! If you're playing this after christmas, I hope you had a marvelous christmas and I'm forever grateful for the support I received throughout this year! This game has changed my life and I'm super happy developing it! Warm hugs to everyone who enjoys the game and hope to see you in 2025! <3! )</i></red></b>
<center>[[Head back to the hallway|Hallway]]</center>
<</if>>\<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\brothel.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>\
<center><img src="images\city\brothelroom.png" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>\
<b><center> You enter the room to get the service you asked and following the theme of the brothel it's full of neon lights and it has a bed in the middle of the room, after a while an handsome looking man comes into the room who you assume is the brothel whore you requested, he is jacked and honestly really hot.. he looks like a model</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\maleprostitute.jpg"></span></center>
-<b><blue> "Hey there. What service did you request?"</blue></b> - the hot man asks you
-<b><you> Ehm.. Sex.</you></b> - you say embarassed
-<b><blue>"Oh wow, someone's horny isnt he, alright go ahead and undress, I'll get myself ready for you big boy"</blue></b> - he tells you pointing at the bed
<<if $mcchastity is false>>\
<b><center> You do what he said.. it's not everyday to you go to a brothel and have sex with a random guy but you suppose he's going to pretty good at what he is.. you hear him use water for something which you can only assume it's for anal sex.. after a while he comes back fully naked and erect, ready for action</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\brothelnakedgay.jpg"></span></center>
-<b><blue> "So how do you want me cutie?"</blue></b> - he says ready for action
-<b><you> You can stay as you are.</you></b> - you say as you get on top of him, kissing him and making out with him
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\gaykissingbrothel.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><blue> " wasn't expecting you to go all lovey-dovey on me.. cute."</blue></b> - he says teasing you
<b><center> You can't take it anymore.. you quickly line up your cock with the entrance of his clearly used asshole and stick it inside him, slowly moving inside him.. he grips you tight with his sphincter muscles, clearly knowing what he's doing to make you cum faster.</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\gaysexfucking1.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><you> God you are suprisingly.. tight.. hmmhmmaghm!</you></b> - you say speeding you as you fuck him, looking into his eyes
-<b><blue> "Rude."</blue></b> - he says as he flips out of nowhere, giving you access to backshot him
<b><center> You didn't think that would be rude to him but who cares.. he's just a worthless man-whore anyways, if he thinks you are rude, you'll show him rude in his ass, you start going faster and rougher, punishing him for talking back.</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\gaysexfucking2.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><blue> "UHHHHMMM FUCK! Ddd..diid I make you.. mad huhhmmm?"</blue></b> - he says still teasing you
-<b><you> You.. fucking.. whore.. I'm going to mark you!</you></b> - you say as you cum all over his dick, leaving your mark
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\gaysexfucking3.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><blue> "That was nice.. you're cute.. what's your name?"</blue></b> - he asks interested
-<b><you>$name</you> - you tell him as you get dressed
-<b><blue> "Come back anytime <you>$name.</you>."</blue></b> - he tells you waving at you as you leave
<<set $money to $money-50>>\
<green><center><b> -50€!</b></center></green>
<center>[[Leave towards the brothel|Brothel]]</center>
<<elseif $mcchastity is true>>\
<b><center> Oh fuck.. why did you just ask for sex when you are in chastity? That doesn't make any sense.. now you're going to have to get undress and show your chastity to a random male whore.. this is so embarassing..</center></b>
-<b><you><i> Well.. looks like I'll just get undress and lay on the bed..</i></you></b> - you think to yourself as you lay down with your chastity cage out
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\chastitybrothel.jpg"></span></center>
-<b><blue> "Ohhh I see.. you're one of those funny ones aren't you.. ask to fuck me but you obviously can't, you fucking whore, bend over now!"</blue></b> - he says as he agressively grabs your hair throwing you to the ground, manhandling you
-<b><you> S..sorryyy!!</you></b> - you whine scared
<b><center> Fuck.. he's so much stronger than you aswell.. you should've thought twice before coming to a brothel in a cage.. now you can only push through it.. unless you wanted this to happen deep down.. he quickly grabs both your shoulders from behind and pushes his cock raw deep inside of you without any warning or mercy, quickly speeding up before you can get adjusted</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\gaysexfuckedchastity1.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><you> AWWWWWWWWW!</you></b> - you whimper as he roughly manhandles you without any care
-<b><blue> "Shut up you fucking whore! I thought I was the whore here but clearly you are the trashiest slut here, who comes to a brothel in a cage huh? You wanted this didn't you? Well you're gonna take it like a good little <pink>sissy now!</pink>"</blue></b> - he says as he keeps fucking you even more rough
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\gaysexfuckedchastity2.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><you> I.. I forggggotttt.. hmhmhm..</you></b> - you say as he keeps plowing into you
-<b><blue> "You know what rhymes with forgot? Faggot! That's what you are.. now take this load into your ass you faggot!"</blue></b> - he says as he cums all over your ass, marking you as his slut
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\gaysexfuckedchastity3.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><center> How can you be lower than a brothel whore.. it's so degrading.. you feel his hot cum splash all over your asshole and drip down your legs.. perhaps you should just accept it and work here as a whore too..</center></b>
-<b><blue> "Now leave <pink>sissy faggot</pink> and I'm taking twenty euros extra because I can, slut."</blue></b> - he says as he forcefully grabs your wallet and takes as much money as he wants while you still have cum in your ass, leaving afterwards.
<<set $money to $money-70>>\
<green><center><b> -70€!</b></center></green>
<center>[[Leave towards the brothel|Brothel]]</center>
<</if>>\<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\brothel.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>\
<center><img src="images\city\brothelroom.png" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>\
<b><center> You enter the room to get the service you asked and following the theme of the brothel it's full of neon lights and it has a bed in the middle of the room, after a while an handsome looking man comes into the room who you assume is the brothel whore you requested, he is jacked and honestly really hot.. he looks like a model</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\maleprostitute.jpg"></span></center>
-<b><blue> "Hey there. What service did you request?"</blue></b> - the hot man asks you
-<b><you> Ehm.. I want you to fuck me..</you></b> - you say embarassed
-<b><blue> "Oh wow, someone's horny isnt he, alright go ahead and undress, whore.</blue></b> - he tells you, grabbing you and throwing you to the bed, getting naked himself
<b><center> You weren't expecting him to man handle you like that but you don't dislike it.. when you look back he's already naked and rock hard.. now that you look at him he's quite menancing and dominant.. you feel like a prey being hunted by a predator..</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\gaynakedbrothelhard.jpg"></span></center>
-<b><you> G..go ahead..</you></b> - you say as you bend over, giving him access to your boipussy.
<<if $mcchastity is false>>\
<b><center> He quickly and ruthless grabs your hair from behind, lining up his cock with your asshole, entering you.. you expect him to be somewhat kind but he doesn't give a single fuck about you, you can feel he looks at you like a toy.. I mean.. there's probably not alot of people who go to a brothel and ask to get fucked instead of fucking.. what a slut you are..</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\brothelfuckedgay1.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><you> F..fffuck you are destroying me..!</you></b> - you say as he keeps plowing you without any mercy
<b><center> After a while and without any care in the world, not even asking you if he can cum inside of you.. you feel something hot burst inside you as he moans.. clearly cumming inside of you.</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\brothelfuckedgay2.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><blue> "MHMHMmmggh..!"</blue></b> - he says moaning
<b><center> He just takes the money from you and leaves, not even saying a word.. clearly not giving you any hint of respect.. you feel degraded but leave fulfilled.</center></b>
<<set $money to $money-50>>\
<green><center><b> -50€!</b></center></green>
<center>[[Leave towards the brothel|Brothel]]</center>
<<elseif $mcchastity is true>>\
-<b><blue> "Cute chastity cage.."</blue></b> - he comments as he comes closer.
<b><center> He then gets on top of you, lining up his cock with your <pink>boipussy</pink>.. you know you'll probably not cum from this but it gets you some release.. he slowly starts entering you, expanding your insides..</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\gaysexfuckedchastitywant1.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><pink> hMHMHMmm.. you are big.. god..</pink></b> - you say as he starts speeding up.
-<b><blue> "Shh.. just take it sissy."</blue></b> - he says as he roughly turns you around and starts fucking you from behind vigarously, hammering you down
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\gaysexfuckedchastitywant2.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><center> He fucks you so good and hard that you lose strength in your legs.. you fall down and he just keeps hammering you like you were his toy.. you can't do anything.. you just let yourself go, letting your eyes roll to the back of your head as he continously fucks you.</center></b>
-<b><blue> "I..IIM.. IMM CUMMING!"</blue></b> - he shouts as he unloads all over the entrance of your boipussy
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\gaysexfuckedchastitywant3.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><pink> "God so hot.. and so much hmhmm.."</pink></b> - you say as you wiggle your ass, feeling the cum drip down your legs
<b><center> Unfortunately you do not cum.. but it makes you feel much better with how much precum you leak.. it's almost as if you had cum.</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\leakingcage.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><blue> "Jesus.. come back anytime you want baby.. what's your name?"</blue></b> - he asks you
-<b><pink> It's $girlname</pink></B> - you tell him shy
-<b><blue> "I'll give you a discount since you were such a good little sissy.. see you soon.."</blue></b> - he says only taking 40 euros instead of 50, leaving.
<<set $money to $money-40>>\
<green><center><b> -40€!</b></center></green>
<center>[[Leave towards the brothel|Brothel]]</center>
<</if>>\<<set $money to $money-50>>\
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\clinic.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><img src="images\events\surgeryroom.jpg" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>
<b><center> You lay down on the surgery table and quickly after you hear the surgeon come inside the room alongside his assistant..</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\surgeonpov.png"></span></center>
-<b><green> "Hello there.. my name is Dr.Mikhael and I'll be the one guiding you through the surgery today.. it seems you want to get your face feminized? Very good very good mhmhmm.."</green></B> - he says staring at your whole face.
<b><center> You look into his eyes and for some reason he gives you a weird vibe.. like he's a perverted weirdo.. but maybe he's just a little quirky.. nevertheless you've heard his reviews are really good..</center></b>
-<b><green> "I see.. you have a lot of potential my friend.. you have an already feminine face.. so feminizing it will turn you into a beautiful female.. takoy bol'shoy potentsial.."</green></b> - he says ending with something in his mother lenguage you don't understand
-<b><pink> That's great..</pink></b> - you say a little nervous now knowing what to say
<b><center> After a while his assistant comes in bringing the surgery tools and placing them near the surgery table.</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\surgerytools.png"></span></center>
-<b><ltblue> "Hi! Well before you start your procedure I'd like to show you two things.. first the results of someone else who has gone through this procedure, we have very good reviews and Dr.Mikhael is excellent at this."</ltblue></b> - she says smiling, contrasting completely the doctors vibe.
-<b><green> "Hehe.. da.. very good."</green></b> - he says rubbing his hands
-<b><ltblue> "And secondly we're going to show you what you will probably look like afterwards with AI technology to make sure you want this procedure! Ready?"</ltblue></b> - she says bringing a tablet next to you
-<b><pink> Y..yes please</pink></b> - you say growing even more nervous
-<b><ltblue> "Great.. so first and foremost this is Sila! She used to be a man and had pretty strong masculine features in her face.. but after our procedure this is what she changed to!"</ltblue></b> - she says demonstrating two faces one next to another
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\ffsexample.png"></span></center>
<b><center> Wow.. they dont even look like the same person.. they look like brother and sister or something like that.. incredible.. now you're really curious to see what you will look like.</center></b>
-<b><pink> Amazing..</pink></b> - you say genuinely amazed.
-<b><ltblue> "Right? And this is how you'll look like, according to our AI."</ltblue></b> - she says, showing a picture of yourself and a picture of your changed self.
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\ffsbeforeandafter.png"></span></center>
<b><center> You are at loss for words.. you look so <pink>feminine</pink>.. just like the <pink>sissies</pink> you see on the internet.. but it's a really aggressive change.. do you really want to do this?</center></b>
-<b><pink> I.. I'm shocked.. wow..</pink><b> - you say shocked
-<b><ltblue> "Right.. I'll ask once again before you proceed.. you sure you want to do this?"</ltblue></b> - she asks you
<b><center> You think carefully of your choice.. you have to understand you'll look like that for the rest of your life.. feminine and sissified.. do you want to change your face?</center></b>
<div id="choice">
<<linkreplace "<pink><center> • Change your face permanently</center></pink>">>\
<<replace "#choice">>\
<<set $facialfem to true>>\
<b><center> You are set on doing this.. you don't care how people perceive you and after seeing the results.. there is no shot you don't want to look like that.. you'll look so <pink>hot</pink> and <pink>feminine</pink>.. how could you not want that? To be an even better <pink>sissy.</pink>.</center></b>
-<b><pink> I.. I am sure.. I want to do this.</pink></b> - you say affirmating your choice.
-<b><ltblue> "Great! Lay down and I'll sedate you then.. when you wake up you'll be a changed person!"</ltblue></b> - she says as she gets the sedation ready.
<b><center> You lay down and the doctor comes closer to you, not saying a word at you but just staring at your soul.. slowly you start falling asleep and you didn't even notice she sedated you already.. the last thing you see and hear is the doctor whispering in your ear as you fall asleep..</center></B>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\startsurgery.png"></span></center>
-<b><green><font size="-1"> "I'm going to have so much fun with your face.. in multiple ways hehe.."</font></green></b> - he says as you fall asleep
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\surgeryfallasleep.jpg"></span></center>
<span class="eventclinic"><<link "Fall Asleep">></span>
<<script>> fadeToBlackAndWakeUp(); <</script>>
<<set $time to $time = 2>>\
<div id="newContent" style="display: none;"> <!-- Initially hidden -->
<b><center> You are currently sedated yet sometimes it feels like you wake up.. you woke up once and for some reason you are seeing a cock in front of you.. being jerked.. what is going on?</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\doctorjerking.webm" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><green> "The slut is waking up you stupid assistant.. sedate her harder!"</green></b> - the doctor screams
-<b><ltblue> "I'm sorry Master..!"</ltblue></b> - the assistant says as she sedates you again.
<b><center> You fall asleep again..</center></b>
<b><center> Only to wake up again.. you feel so groggy and your eyes are heavy.. you feel something drip on your face.. what is going on..? You try to open your eyes and you see someone cumming on your face.. are you dreaming..?</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\facialdoctor.webm" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><green> "AGAIN?! ARE YOU FUCKING STUPID? SEDATE HER! GHNHMM.."</green></B> - the doctor screams cumming on your face
<b><center> You fall asleep again.. clearly this is a dream.. once you wake up.. you don't see the doctor anywhere but only the assistant.. and your face feels super heavy.. your eyes.. everything.. you can tell it has changed.</center></b>
-<b><ltblue> "Welcome back..! We had to.. ehm sedate you alot of times because you were waking up.. has anyone been messing with your brain or something? hypno? Something like that? It's not normal no.. anyways! I'm sure you want to see the results."</ltblue></b> - the assistant says very sleepy
<b><center> You look outside and notice it's night already.. how long have you slept for? Either way she comes back with a mirror and shows you your face.. you're amazed.. you look so good..</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\mcfemfacemakeupoff.jpg"></span></center>
-<b><pink> Th..that's really me.. wow..</pink></b> - you say toucing your face amazed
-<b><ltblue> "Yap.. it's you.. anyways I'd kindly ask you to leave as it's very late.. thank you for using our services.."</ltblue></B> - she says yawing as she leaves.
<b><yellow><center> Your face changed! You now have a <pink>girly sissy face</pink>!</center></yellow></b>
<b><green><center> -50€</center></green></b>
<center>[[Head outside of the clinic|City]]</center>
<div id="choice">
<<linkreplace "<white><center> Change your mind and leave</center></white>">>
<<replace "#choice">>
<b><center> Actually you're not sure you are ready for such step.. everyone will look at you like a girl and you're not sure you want this..</center></b>
-<b><pink> I.. I'm sorry but I think I dont want to do it actually..</pink></b> - you tell them
-<b><ltblue> "Understandable! I know seeing your changes can be shocking and that's why we use this technology.. either way you are free to come and do it anyways if you change your mind!"</ltblue></b> - she says being very friendly
-<b><green><font size ="-1"> "Fucking stupid whore.. blyat.."</font></green></b> - the doctor says something as he leaves mad.
-<b><ltblue> Ehm.. Ignore him please.. you can leave at anytime you want!</ltblue></b> - she says leaving, chasing the mad doctor.
<b><center> Well guess that's it.. you cowarded out.. but who knows maybe you'll do it in the future..</center></b>
<center>[[Leave the surgery room|Clinic]]</center>
</div><span class='fadeIn'>\
<<set $therapistsubevent8 to false>>\
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\therapy.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><img src="images\city\therapylobby.png" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>
<b><center> You arrive at the therapy building and enter.. lately these therapy sessions feel really heavy on your head.. you always leave somewhat weird and clueless with what happened.. but you can't deny you've been feeling better with yourself so you just keep going to them.. even if you stopped going all the blackmail they have against you would put you in a dangerous situation so what can you do.. while you're spacing out <ltblue>$receptionistname</ltblue> is staring at you as if waiting for you to say something</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\receptionistlooking.jpg"></span></center>
-<b><pink> Ehm.. hello.. the same usual</pink></b> - you say without any strength in your voice, scared already
-<b><ltblue> "God you're so pathethic.. can't you even speak louder? You're a <pink>pretty sissy</pink> start owning it! Up you go!"</ltblue></B> - she says pointing upstairs, clicking on a button probably to warn <therapist>Ms.$therapistname</therapist>
-<b><pink> S..sorry..</pink></B> - you say as you go upstairs, feeling your back burning as you feel <ltblue>$receptionistname</ltblue> eye you from behind..
<b><center>[[Head upstairs to meet your therapist|therapistsubevent8thpt2]]</center></b><center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\therapy.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><img src="images\city\therapyroom.png" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>
<b><center> You enter the therapist room and <therapist>Ms.$therapistname</therapist> is waiting there for you shuffling some papers around.. you caught her in quite the position.. fortunately for your eyes.</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\therapistwaiting2.jpg"></span></center>
-<b><therapist> "Oh <pink>$girlname!</pink> that's what you go by now right? How are you? Good as always right! Sit down let's have a little chat to see where your head is at."</therapist></b> -she says rumbling as always, not letting you even answer what she asks you
-<b><pink> Eh right..</pink></b> - you say as you sit down on the couch
-<b><therapist> "Hmmm.. this doesn't seem right to me at all.. could you do me a favour and kneel on the ground in front of me? You being in the same level as me nowadays doesn't look correctly at all."</therapist></b> - she says smirking, pointing at the ground beneath her
<b><center> What? I mean.. you don't see any problem in kneeling on the ground but it's a weird request.. nevertheless you naturally do it, why would there be anything wrong in obeying and kneeling in front of <therapist>Ms.$therapistname</therapist>? You look up and she looks so much bigger now..</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\therapistupview.jpg"></span></center>
-<b><therapist> "Hmmm you are more obedient now.. good.. that feels much better! Now tell me.. how have you been feeling with these last therapy sessions?"</therapist></b> - she asks you ready to takes notes of what you say
-<b><pink> Eh good actually.. I don't know what you do in them as everytime I leave here I feel a huge blank in my memory.. but I feel like my life is getting better.. more comfortable I guess?</pink></b> - you admit
-<b><therapist> "I see.. that means our conditioning is working then <pink>sissy!</pink>. You dont mind me calling you that right?"</therapist></b> - she asks you
-<b><pink> Hmm no? It's fine.</pink></b> - you declare, not understanding her question
-<b><therapist> "Unaware aswell I see.. this is fantastic.. Anyways I feel like there's not alot you can tell me right now that will be interesting so go to the other room now."</therapist></b> - she says completely changing her attitude with you and getting up, towering over you for a few seconds, as if thinking of doing something you
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\therapistlookingdown.jpg"></span></center>
-<b><therapist><font size ="-1"> "God I must control myself.."</font></therapist></b> - she says something as she leaves
<b><center> That was odd.. either way you get up from your knees and head to the hypno room.. ready to face whatever is coming for you.</center></b>
<center>[[Go to the hypno room|therapistsubevent8thpt3]]</center><center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\therapy.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><img src="images\city\hypnoroom.png" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>
<b><center> As per usual you cannot get used to this room.. it feels so out of place with everything in the world.. yet you're starting to feel familiar to it.. why do you get the sense you've done something sexual in here.. you remember the receptionist being inside this room with you.. yet it doesn't make sense at all.. why would she be here? As always there's the two components to your hypnotherapy.. the pink drink and the pink pill which you still to this don't know what it contains.. but you don't feel like you've changed at all.. right? You feel better! Maybe one day you'll fake taking it to see what happens..</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\pinkdrink.jpg"></span></center>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\twopinkpills.jpg"></span></center>
-<b><therapist><i> "Aham.. could you hurry up? Sit down and take the pill and the drink, sla..- <pink>$girlname</pink>.."</i></therapist></B> - Ms.$therapistname says losing patience
-<b><pink> Right.. sorry.</pink></b> - you say as you sit down on the usual couch.
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\hypnocouch.png"></span></center>
<span class="eventclinic"><<link "Take the pill and the drink">></span>
<<script>> fadeToBlackAndWakeUp(); <</script>>
<div id="newContent" style="display: none;"> <!-- Initially hidden -->
<b><center><pink><u><font size="10">SISSYHOOD</font></u></pink></center></b>\
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\sissyhood.jpg"></span></center>
<b><center> You've never seen a drug act so quickly.. your body quickly start shutting down and so does your brain afterwards.. you're pretty sure the dose has increased again.. it feels more concentrated.. you used to start forgetting who you are but now it just makes you realize who you are.. a <pink>feminine slutty sissy!</pink> how could you've forgotten about that? What have you been doing lately? You should've been working on being a better sissy for your Mistresses and Masters!</center></b>
-<b><hotpink> Oh gee! What am I doing in this white room? It's so bland.. it needs more pink!</hotpink></B> - you say as you get up, heading for the door.. just for you to be greeted with a beautiful woman.. you recognize her.. it's your <therapist>Mistress!</therapist>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\therapistmistress.jpg"></span></center>
-<b><therapist> "Where were you going sissy slave? Back to your place, now!"</therapist></b> - she says pushing you, making you fall to the floor
-<b><hotpink> Im sorry!! I didn't mean to disrespect you Mistress!</hotpink></b> - you say as you crawl back to the couch where you were
<b><center> With all this confusion you didn't even notice that someone followed behind her.. it's a man you don't know.. he's dressed so ugly! Such bland clothing ew..</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\janitor.jpg"></span></center>
-<b><dkgreen> "Jeez.. this guy's brain is completely fried.. I aint going to ask what you been doing here it's nunna my business.. as long as I get paid what you said.."</dkgreen></b> - he says talking something about a guy and a brain fried.. who?
-<b><therapist> "It's not a guy.. it's a sissy bitch.. men.. anyways you'll get paid as long as you keep your mouth shut."</therapist></b> - they keep talking, not acknowledging you
<b><center> The guy shrugs and walks next to you.. you look up to him scared.. he's so much bigger than you what does he want? Where's the other sissy girl you were friends with.. Suddenly out of nowhere he unbuckles his pants and unleashes a huge big cock in front of you</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\janitorcockout.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><dkgreen> "Suck it, sissy."</dkgreen></B> - the man commands you
<b><center> Ever since he took his huge veiny cock out you can't help but keep staring at it.. you swear you start drooling while looking at it.. god why does it look so tasty.. you can't help yourself.. you just want to jump on it and suck the cum straight out of his big balls.. you look at your <therapist>Mistress</therapist> for confirmation to see if you can indeed suck him off.</center></b>
-<b><therapist> "Do it. Suck him, sissy slave."</therapist></b> - she orders you
-<b><hotpink> Y..yes Mistress!</hotpink></B> - you say as you grab his big cock and hold it, feeling the weight of it for a while, slowly starting to suck him off
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\mcsucktherapy.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><therapist> "Great.. the development of <i><pink><u>CCM</u></pink></i> is looking to be a success.. it's almost as if she has another personality inside of her.. as soon as she took the drug she switched.. now I've got to work on making this his main personality.. but let's see how long it holds.."</therapist></b> - your Mistress says something whcih sounds important but you don't care.. all you can think of is the delicious cock you are sucking.
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\mcsucktherapy2.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><dkgreen> "G..goddamn! Did you train his mouth aswell..? He's fucking amazing at this..!"</dkgreen></B> - the janitor says speaking with your Mistress, complimenting you
-<b><therapist> "You could say so.. I have had my ways to train her.. Enjoy her.. she will truly be the biggest slut in the world eventually and you'll be able to afford her of the streets for a few bucks anyways."</therapist></b> - your Mistress insults you.. but you don't care, she's probably right you just keep on sucking the janitor off greedily
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\mcsucktherapy3.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><dkgreen> "G..god I can't contain it anymore.. I'm.. I'm cumming!!"</dkgreen></b> - the janitor says as he grabs your chin and cums straight into your mouth.
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\mcfacialtherapy.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><therapist> "Fucking hell.. didn't you say you had good stamina? That was too quick."</therapist></b> - she tells him
-<b><dkgreen> "I.. I wasn't expecting her to be this good!"</dkgreen></b> - he says as he cleans his cock on your face, treating you like a rag.
<b><center> The feeling of his cum on your mouth.. plus the way he's treating you like trash makes you extremely horny and you can't contain yourself.. you cum all over the floor in chastity..</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\cumminginchastity.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><pink> HMGMHMHMMmm..!</pink></b> - you moan cumming on the floor
<b><center> As you cum.. you start waking up.. where are you..? Why are you on the floor cumming what.. who's this guy in front of you..? Is that <therapist>Ms.$therapistname?</therapist>.. You feel so tired.. you can't keep your eyes open.. you just fall to the ground tired.</center></b>
-<b><pink> W..where am I..</pink></b> - you say with the world spinning as you lay on the ground
-<b><therapist> "Dont talk.. looks like cumming made him snap out.. interesting.. $girlname! Don't worry.. you just woke up in middle of the therapy.. just fall asleep.. you'll be fine.. we'll take you home.."</therapist></B> - she reassures you
<b><center> You follow her words and fall asleep..</center></b>
<center>[[Fall asleep|therapistsubevent8thpt4]]</center>
</div><<set $dayy to $dayy+1>>\
<<set $time to 0>>\
<span class='fadeIn'>\
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\bedroom.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><img src="images\city\bedroom.jpg" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>
<b><center> You open your eyes.. sunlight shining from outside.. you are in your bedroom.. weren't you in therapy? What happened.. you try to get up just to feel a huge sharp pain in you head.. it feels like you had twenty hangovers in a row..</center></b>
-<b><pink> God.. what happened last time.. the only thing I can remember is me in the ground cumming..</pink></b> - you say as you try to remember what happened
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\cumminginchastity.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><center> But why would you be in the ground cumming in a therapy session..? That's so weird.. surely something isn't right here.. next time you will not take the drugs.. it's time to see what they are doing with you.. even if you may risk getting exposed..</center></b>
<<if $submissive <=65>>\
<<set $submissive to $submissive+1>>\
<b><center><pink> Submissiveness +1!</pink></center></b>\
<b><center><white><u> This action won't increase your <pink>submission</pink> anymore.</u></white></center></b>
<center>[[Go back to your daily life|Room]]</center><span class='fadeIn'>\
<<set $bnwoevent8 to false>>\
<<set $timer to 0>>\
<<set $time to $time+1>>\
<<if $time >= 3>>\
<<set $time to $time - 1>>\
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\schoolhallway.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><img src="images\city\schoolhall.jpg" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>
<b><center> You are in your school hallway and you remember you have to show <brown>Mr.Jackson</brown> your mothers progress.. you still can't believe you really got your once innocent mother to get a tattoo that signals she's <brown>black only</brown>.. and your father is going to freak out when he sees it.. but first let's wait for <brown>Mr.Jackson</brown> so we can show him..</center></b>
<<timed 1s>><center><font size="+5"><b>.</b></font></center><</timed>><<timed 2s>><center><font size="+5"><b>.</b></font></center><</timed>><<timed 3s>><center><font size="+5"><b>.</b></font></center><</timed>>
<<timed 4s>>
-<b><pink><i> There he is..</i></pink></B> - you think to yourself as you approach him nervously like a teenage girl
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\mrjackson.png"></span></center>
-<b><pink> Ehm hi <brown>Mr.Jackson</brown>.. could we talk in your office..? Please..</pink></b> - you plead
<b><center> He turns around and notices it's you.. immediately his face turns into a big smirk, as if already knowing what happened.</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\mrjacksonstare.png"></span></center>
-<b><brown> "Of course.. It's always a pleasure to help you."</brown></B> - he says going to his office
<b><center> You follow him inside, your stomach turning in anxiety knowing you're about to get rewarded by your <brown>black master..</brown></center></b>
<center>[[Follow Mr.Jackson|bnwoevent8pt2]]</center>
<</timed>><span class='fadeIn'>\
<center><img src="images\events\teacheroffice.jpg" width = "550px"></center>
<b><center> You two enter his office and he takes a seat on his desk comfortably, looking at you grinning, waiting for you to say something.</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\mrjacksondesk.jpg"></span></center>
-<b><brown> "You don't need permission to speak sissy, go ahead."</brown></b> - he says laughing at your nervousism
-<b><pink> Right.. ehm.. I did what you asked.. I got another woman to tattoo the QOS Logo on their body..</pink></b> - you say looking down to the floor
<b><center> He then gets up and walks up to you, grabbing your face forcefully and planting you with a kiss in your lips, not even asking anything.</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\kissingmrjackson.png"></span></center>
<b><center> Your clitty jerks to life when he kisses you.. the way he grabs you and manhandles you.. he literally could throw you against a wall and fuck you right now and you wouldn't be able to do a thing.. he's so superior..</center></b>
-<b><brown> "Good girl.. you're turning up to be a very pleasant surprise you know.. so willing to serve us, that's two women of your life who you've turned to be better women.. show me the picture."</brown></b> - he says pleased with what you did
<b><center> You grab you phone still shaking from the pleasure of his kiss and show him the picture you took of your mothers ass with the QOS tattoo.</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\momfoursqos.png"></span></center>
-<b><brown> "Beautiful.. absolutely beautiful, such a exposing spot aswell, your mother and you have surprised me.. I'll have a talk with her personally in your house afterwards but for now.. I have to reward my sissy slut dont I? It's only fair a pet gets her reward after a good deed.. such a serving whiteboi.. beg for it."</brown></b> -he says as he looks deep into your eyes
<b><center> You immediately get onto your knees, latching onto his legs like a servant, getting ready to beg for your reward for being a good whiteboi for the black owned world order.</center></b>
-<b><pink> Please <brown>Master..</brown>.. reward me with what you wish to give me.. anything you give me I'll accept it!</pink></B> - you say obediently
<b><center> When you look back up.. you are greeted upon his huge black cock right in your face.. right in your field of view, everything you can see is black cock.</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\mrjacksonpovcock.jpg"></span></center>
-<b><brown> "Go ahead.. it's your reward <pink>sissy slut</pink>.. serve your master like all you whitebois should, feminized, locked up and serving."</brown></b> - he says as he slaps your face with his cock
-<b><pink> MhmmMmm.. Yes sir..!</pink></b> - you say as you grab his cock
<b><center> Fuck.. his huge black meat feels so thick on your hand.. even if you grab it with two hands they dont wrap around it.. it's so blatantly obvious that black is superior.. you hungrily open your mouth and start sucking him off, wanting to give him ultimate pleasure.</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\suckingmrjackson1.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><brown> "Hmm fuck.. you're one hella of a skilled cocksucker aren't you.. you're full of surprises.. two of three women converted.. get the third one done.. and I'll reward you with what you really want.."</brown></b> - he says turning you around and teasing your boipussy
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\mrjacksonteasehole.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><center> Oh fuck.. he's almost fingering you.. is it going to happen? Is he going to fuck you finally..? God you want it so much..</center></b>
-<b><pink> HMmhmm please..</pink></B> - you say bouncing back ready to get fucked
-<b><brown> "Uh huh.. not yet sissy.. only when you get the third woman converted.. back to sucking for now. If you want that reward, get to work for us black people."</brown></b> - he says as he grabs your head and makes you suck his cock again
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\suckingmrjackson2.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><center> Aww.. you thought for a few seconds that he was really going to fuck you.. you're leaking everywhere like a girl from the thought only.. you cant even imagine how it will feel like when he actually does it.. you have to get the third woman as soon as possible.. your sister seems like the biggest candidate..</center></B>
-<b><brown> "F..fuck.. you really are good at this.. open up your mouth."</brown></b> - he says as he starts jerking off in front of your face as you leave your mouth open
-<b><pink> MHmhmm feed me.. please..</pink></b> - you encourage him
-<b><brown> "Gg..god.. take this you worthless white bitch! Savour my superior seed!"</brown></b> - he screams as he unloads into your mouth and face
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\suckingmrjackson3.webm" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><center> You take every drop you can into your mouth, not wanting to let waste any of his godly seed.. you swallow it immediately, savouring it all like you were thirsty for water.. it's so manly and musky.. you can feel it slide down your throat.. so thick..</center></b>
-<b><pink> T..thank you Master..</pink></b> - you say happy
-<b><brown> "You're welcome slave.. now go on and get me the third woman and I'll officially accept you into our organization.. then the real party gets started.. I'll show you the headquarters and everything.. leave now!"</brown></B> - he says slapping your ass as you leave
<b><center> You have to talk with your sister.. but first you should check your dads reaction to your mothers tattoo.. it's time for him to be a cuck like you.</center></b>
<center>[[Leave to the hallway|School Hallway]]</center><span class='fadeIn'>\
<<set $exgfsubeventbnwo to false>>\
<<set $timer to 0>>\
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\bedroom.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><img src="images\city\bedroom.jpg" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>\
<b><center> Your ex-girlfriend <gf>$gfname</gf> came to visit you to grab some things she left in your house from when you were dating.. honestly you didn't really want to see her again after everything she has done.. she still has the same bitchy atitude as always.. however you do recall her being very attracted to black men..</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\gflayingbed.jpg"></span></center>
<b><center> You remembered about your quest for the BNWO that <brown>Mr.Jackson</brown> gave you.. you have to get three women of your life to tattoo the QOS symbol.. you hate to admit it but <gf>$gfname</gf> would most likely happily do it if you paid for it.. but it's very humiliating even if she is your ex-girlfriend.. you decide to bring it up.</center></b>
-<b><you> Ehm.. <gf>$gfname</gf>?</you></b> - you call her out
-<b><gf> "Hm?"</gf></b> - she says not taking her attention from the phone while answering you, probably talking with some other guy
-<b><you> I need to talk with you about something.. it's important..</you></b> - you tell her
-<b><gf> "What do you want cuckie? It better be good for you to be bothering me. Spineless as always.."</gf></B> - she says pissed leaving the phone
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\gfbed2.png"></span></center>
-<b><you> Well.. if I paid for you to do a tattoo for something.. would you do it? This one..</you></b> - you say showing her an example on your phone
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\qostattooexamplegf.png"></span></center>
-<b><gf> "OMG! Is that a Queen of Spades tattoo? Why didn't you want to this while we were dating?! I wasn't expecting you to be like this.. of course I'll do it, we can go now! You do realize what that entitles though right?"</gf></b> - she says getting up excited
-<b><you> Y..yeah it means you'll be.. black cock only.. you cheated on me with them anyways..</you></b> - you say embarassed stuttering
-<b><gf> "Oh god.. I swear that made my pussy wet from just hearing you say it.. I already am black only.. that will just mark it in my skin.. come on get up.. I have the perfect tattoo parlor for us to go!"</gf></b> - she says putting her shoes and going outside
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\gfstand.png"></span></center>
<b><center> Well.. it's not a suprise that she obviously knows what it is and wants to do it.. guess that makes it two women left.. you just need to pay for your ex-girlfriend to tattoo that she is black cock only..</center></b>
<center>[[Leave towards the tattoo parlor|exgfsubeventeventbnwopt2]]</center>
<span class='fadeIn'>\
<<set $bnwoevent4 to false>>\
<<set $timer to 0>>\
<<set $time to $time+1>>\
<<if $time >= 3>>\
<<set $time to $time - 1>>\
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\schoolhallway.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><img src="images\city\schoolhall.jpg" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>
<b><center> You have to warn <brown>Mr.Jackson</brown> that you have sucessfully turned your own ex-girlfriend into a Queen of Spades. You are still a little whoozy with all that's happening but atleast you got one woman converted.. maybe he will reward you. You wait a bit for him to come out</center></b>
<<timed 1s>><center><font size="+5"><b>.</b></font></center><</timed>><<timed 2s>><center><font size="+5"><b>.</b></font></center><</timed>><<timed 3s>><center><font size="+5"><b>.</b></font></center><</timed>>
<<timed 4s>>
<b><center> After a while <brown>he</brown> shows up.. a white blonde student leaving with him fixing her clothes.. you probably know what happened in his office, you quickly speed up to him and approach him</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\mrjackson.png"></span></center>
-<b><brown> "Oh <pink>$girlname</pink>. How can I help you cutie?"</brown></b> - he says mentioning your girl name
-<b><pink> Ehm.. I have something to show you.. I got my first convertion to the BNWO..</pink></B> - you say embarassed rubbing your knees one on another
<b><center> He looks at you and gives you a sly smile knowingly.. he then proceeds to open the door of his office and let you in</center></b>
-<b><brown> "Let's go in darling."</brown></B> - he says being a gentleman, letting you in first
<b><center> You quickly head inside, waiting for him.</center></b>
<center>[[Head inside his office|exbnwoevent4exgfpt2]]</center>
<</timed>><span class='fadeIn'>\
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\gf.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><img src="images\city\tattooparlor.png" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>
<b><center> You two arrive at the tattoo parlor.. it's name is Black Cobra Tattoo.. it's very specific and you don't even know how <gf>$gfname</gf> knows of this place but you're not sure you want to know..</center></b>
-<b><gf> "Oh my godd! Hey <brown>Kendrick</brown>! I finally made time to come here and get my first tattoo like you said you would do.. how are you?"</gf></B> - your ex-girlfriend speaks with a very tattooed black man who probably is one of the tattoo artists
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\tattooartist.jpg"></span></center>
-<b><brown> "Im good babe.. let's do it then what do you want to do tattoo?"</brown></b> - he asks her
-<b><gf> "I'll let my ex-boyfriend show you.. I think he deserves it."</gf></B> - she turns to you
-<b><brown> "Oh this your.. ex-boyfriend? Sure.. show me boy."</brown></B> - he says speaking to you in a demeaning manor, confused that he called you a ex-boyfriend when you look so girly
-<b><you> Ehm.. it will be this..</you></B> - you show him the same example you showed <gf>$gfname</gf>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\qostattooexamplegf.png"></span></center>
-<b><brown> "PFFFT HAHAHA.. And you're paying for it? A'ight I got it.. whiteboy."</brown></b> - he says laughing at you humiliating you
-<b><gf> "Hehe.. I'll want it above my pussy please."</gf></b> - she says bluntly, you open your eyes in shock not expecting her to choose that place
-<b><brown> "Of course babe.. get naked and lay on the table with your chest up"</brown></b> - she says ordering him, telling your ex-girlfriend to get naked in front of you, not even asking if you mind
<b><center> And clearly your ex-girlfriend doesn't care either as she quickly obeys him and gets naked in front of him.. she could've just taken her pants off.. but she makes sure to get fully naked..</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\gfnakedtattoo.jpg"></span></center>
-<b><brown> "Mhmm.. you look amazing babe.. let's get to it.."</brown></b> - he says caressing her body before starting to tattoo her
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\tattooartistblack.jpg"></span></center>
<b><center> It takes a while but eventually it is done.. your <gf>ex-girlfriend</gf> is now marked forever as a woman who takes black cock only.. she gets up and shows you</center></b>
-<b><gf> "Look! I think it looks amazing doesn't it?"</gf></b> - she says showing you her QOS symbol right above her crotch area
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\qosremy.png"></span></center>
-<b><you> Y..yeah it looks great.. glad you enjoyed it.. can I take a picture?</you></b> - you say wanting evidence to show <brown>Mr.Jackson</brown>
-<b><gf> "Of course cuck! You deserve it.."</gf></b> - she says posing showing the symbol clearly
<b><center> You take the picture and save it.. now you just need two more.. well time to pay</center></b>
-<b><gf> "Cuck come here.. This tattoo is probably going to be expensive because well.. this tattoo parlor is black only too they pay more when white people tattoo here.. it's for white people to show regret to what we've done to them in the past.. it's called reparations anyways.. if you want I can make a deal with <brown>Kendrick</brown>.. hehe.."</gf></b> - she says hinting at something
<b><center> She probably means giving him sexual services.. do you really want to let your <gf>ex-girlfriend</gf> suck a black man in front of you again..? You could save money though..</center></b>
<div id="choice">
<<linkreplace "<pink><center> • Let her pay the tattoo in another way..</center></pink>">>\
<<replace "#choice">>\
-<b><you> S..sure.. do it</you></B> - you say feeling humiliated and submissive
-<b><gf> "Teehee.. I knew you'd agree to it.. smart cuckie.. now come with me and watch."</gf></b>
<B><center> You two then proceed to approach <brown>Kendrick</brown> and you let <gf>$gfname</gf> do the talking</center></b>
-<b><gf> "Sooo <brown>Kendrick</brown> I really really enjoyed the tattoo.. I enjoyed it so much that I wanted to show cuckie here that I truly am black only.. perhaps there's another way I can pay you this wonderful tattoo..?"</gf></b> - she says making puppy eyes at him
-<b><brown> "Haha.. you whore.. of course there is.. follow me to the back.. you can come too cuck."</brown></b> - he says going to another room with her
<b><center> You follow them.. once you three arrive there <gf>$gfname</gf> immediately knows her place and kneels in front of him</center></b>
-<b><gf> "Please please black master.. can I take it out?"</gf></B> - she says pleading
-<b><brown> "I like a white snowbunny that knows what she wants.. I don't even have to tell you what to do.. go on slut."</brown></b> - he says putting his hands to the sides letting her do everything
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\tattoobbcsuckgf1.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><gf> "Fuck you're so big.. can I suck it master?"</gf></b> - she says with her mouth watering
-<b><brown> "Go on slut.. make me cum on that pretty little face.. it better be good or I'll beat the living shit out of your white cuck.."</brown></b> - he says threatning you
-<b><gf><font size ="-1"> "Like I care.."</font></gf></B> - she says something but you cant hear it
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\tattoobbcsuckgf2.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><brown> "Fuck that's good.. All white people should follow your example and marks their bodies as our submissives.. you white slut.. I'm gonna fucking cum all over that face to show you I'm the superior being here.."</brown></b> - he says humiliating you two
-<b><gf> "Yes.. we are worthless.. please cum all over me!"</gf></b> - she says sucking him off harder
<b><center> He then cums all over her face and you just stand there and watch.. your clit hitting against the cage as you watch them</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\tattoobbcsuckgf3.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><brown> "That was good.. but it's not enough.. I want you to kiss him or I'll make you pay double of what the tatto was worth.."</brown></b> - he says pointing at you
-<b><gf> "Come here cuckie.."</gf></b> - she says knelt waiting for you
<b><center> You obey her and go next to her.. once you're there you feel the smell of the strong cum all over her face and mouth.. you don't want to pay double of the tattoo so you quickly get it done and kiss her.. you feel the cum invade your mouth and the taste is so strong.. but it isn't unpleasant.. you quite like it so you swallow it like a <pink>sissy whore</pink>..</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\cumkissgf.png"></span></center>
-<b><brown> "Yeeaah.. share the flavour.. good whores.. alright y'all can see yourselves out.. come back soon"</brown></b> - he says leaving
-<b><gf> "Thank you cuck. I love the tattoo.. and I loved his cock I want more.. perhaps we could get back together one day if you stay like this.."</gf></b> - she says getting dressed happily
<b><center> You two then head home happily with the flavour of cum in both of your mouths.. it's a strange relationship but I guess you could say you two got closer somehow.. if you just submit to her she will like you..</center></b>
<B><yellow><center> 1/3 women tattooed with the QOS tattoo!</center></yellow></b>
<center>[[Head home|Home]]</center>
<div id="choice">
<<linkreplace "<white><center> • Just pay for the tattoo</center></white>">>
<<replace "#choice">>
<b><center> You decide you already got what you wanted which was her to make the tattoo so you can show <brown>Mr.Jackson</brown> and fortunately you can afford it..</center></b>
-<b><you> It's fine.. I'll pay for it</you></b> - you tell her
-<b><gf> "Hmph.. whatever."</gf></B> - she says disappointed
<b><center> Looks like she wanted you to want her to do sexual things with the black man to prove your status in your relationship.. but you don't want it.. you proceed to pay <brown>Kendrick</brown> the tattoo and head back home.. the whole trip <gf>$gfname</gf> is sulking at the fact you didn't want her to suck him off.</center></b>
<B><yellow><center> 1/3 women tattooed with the QOS tattoo!</center></yellow></b>
<center>[[Head home|Home]]</center>
</div><span class='fadeIn'>\
<center><img src="images\events\teacheroffice.jpg" width = "550px"></center>
<b><center> As soon as you two enter his office and he closes the door.. his demeanor changes, he looks at you in a demeaning way, like you were merely an object and worth nothing.. you can feel yourself submitting him immediately.. you feel so small.</center></b>
-<b><brown> "Alright <pink>sissy</pink>.. you better not be wasting my time or I'll be a very mad individual.. show me what you got."</brown></b> - he says adjusting his tie, waiting
<b><center> You take a large gulp and grab your phone, showing him the picture you took of <gf>$gfname</gf> with the Queen of Spades tattoo.</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\qosremy.png"></span></center>
-<b><brown> "Wow.. she looks tasty as fuck.. who is this woman you converted? A friend of yours surely?"</brown></B> - he says taking the phone from your hand, analyzing your ex-girlfriend, licking his lips
-<b><pink> Thats uhm.. my ex-girlfriend..</pink></B> - you say nervous
<b><center> He stops for a second and looks up at you in shock, he cannot believe you're dating such a hot girl when you're such a <pink>sissy bitch</pink></center></b>
-<b><brown> "You? And her? No wonder you two broke up.. she's way too much for you whiteboi.. say what you did amazing, you got one of the three women.. Now you need to bring her to me in person so we can talk about her joining the BNWO.. and other stuff. In the meanwhile, come here <pink>slut.</pink>"</brown></b> - he says signaling you to come closer
<b><center> You do what he says and come closer to him.. when you do he grabs your neck and head from behind and starts kissing you.. you are a little shocked but you don't resist.. you start making out with him passionately..</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\bnwokissing1.webm" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><pink></pink></B> - you say out of breath smiling
-<b><brown> "You like that huh? C'mere.."</brown></b> - he says grabbing you back again
<b><center> You makeout with him a bit more.. sucking on his large tongue.. you start feeling really horny and you feel your clit leak..</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\bnwokissing2.webm" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><brown> "You got me all worked up.. kneel down slut.. I have a gift for you since you've been such a good submissive whiteboi for us.."</brown></b> - he says ordering you to kneel
<b><center> You obey him and kneel next to his crotch.. is he going to let you suck his cock? You really want it.. you can see the outline of it through his pants and it looks huge.. fuck.</center></b>
-<b><brown> "This is for you slut.. Imma slap the shit out of you!"</brown></B> - he says agressively grabbing your hair not letting go of you, slapping his hard cock all over your face
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\bnwocockslap.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><pink> Oh godddd..! It's so heavy..</pink></B> - you say as you feel his precum smear all over your face.
<b><center> He then stops.. your face is full of his precum and you smell like his cock.. he left his mark all over your face for the rest of the day.. even if you were to wash your face it probably would still smell like his cock.. not that you want to wash it anyways..</center></b>
-<b><brown> "If you want more you need to do your objective.. get two more women and I'll reward you accordingly.. Now leave whore.. you did well, I'm gonna fuck a white bitch somewhere."</brown></b> - he says ordering you out
<b><center> You proceed to leave obediently.. face smelling of cock.. maybe it's time you talk with your sister.. you think she'd probably get the QOS tattoo if you submit to her accordingly..</center></b>
<center>[[Leave to the school hallway|School Hallway]]</center><<goto`either("TeaseSisDom1","TeaseSisDom2","TeaseSisDom3")`>>\<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\sister.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><img src="images\resources\sistalk.png" width = "750px"></center>
<b><center> You see your sister in her bedroom chilling and you need a creative way to tease her.. surely she would be down to help you make jealousy to another girl right?</center></b>
-<b><you> Hey sis I need your help please!</you></b> - you say trying to sound in danger
-<b><sister> "What's going on?"</sister></b> - she says worried
-<b><you> This is going to be a weird request but.. could you just lay your face on my crotch and let me take a picture..? I want a girl I like to be jealous.. please!!</you></b> - you say making the weirdest of requests
<b><center> She looks at you in shock, not understanding what you are requesting but looks down at your already hard crotch, showing a big bulge</center></b>
-<b><sister> "Wh..what kind of request is that.. Just.. one picture kay?!"</sister></b> - she says as she gets down on her knees while looking at your crotch, laying her face next to it, not directly touching it
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\teasesisdom1.jpg"></span></center>
<b><center> You grab her hair dominantly as you take the picture, she notices it but doesn't do anything about it.. actually you're pretty sure you hear her sniff trying to smell your dick.. you're pretty sure she's a kinky bitch..</center></b>
-<b><you> Thanks! You're the best really..</you></b> - you say as you get up
<b><center> She almost looks disappointed as you get up leaving her, she turns around and before she can even notice, you hug her from behind, rubbing your hard cock on her ass.</center></b>
<center><span class="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\teasesisdom1.mp4" autoplay loop muted width="800" height="600"></video></span></center>
-<b><sister> "Wha..t are you doing creep..!"</sister></b> - she says clearly feeling your boner on her ass
-<b><you> What? I'm just giving you a hug to show appreciation..</you></b> - you say faking innocence.
-<b><sister> "Right.. leave now come on.."</sister></b> - she says hurried with something
<b><center> You leave her room, noticing that you got what you wanted.</center></b>
<<set $fatiguestat to $fatiguestat+10>>\
<<if $sisexp <=4>>\
<<set $sisexp to $sisexp+1>>\
<span class="glowing-white"><b><white><center>Relationship with the character increased by 1!</center></white></b></span>
<<elseif $sisexp >=5>>\
<span class="glowing-grey"><b><white><center><u>This action wont increase the relationship anymore..!</u></center></white></b></span>
<span class="glowing-green"><b><white><center>Fatigue increased by 10!</center></white></b></span>
<center>[[Go back|sistalk]]</center><center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\sister.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><img src="images\resources\sistalk.png" width = "750px"></center>
<b><center> You enter your sisters bedroom wanting to tease her just to find her sleeping butt naked in her room.. god her ass looks fucking amazing, you immediately start getting hard while looking at her.</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\teasedomsis3pt1.jpg"></span></center>
-<b><you><i> Fuck.. I can't take it anymore..</i></you></B> - you think to yourself as you take out your cock and start jerking it while staring at her
<center><span class="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\jerkingoffteasedomsis3.mp4" autoplay loop muted width="800" height="600"></video></span></center>
<b><center> You get closer and closer to her face as she sleeps and you're going to do it.. you're going to cum on her face to leave a little surprise for when she wakes up.. she's surely not going to react well to it.. but she'll be thinking about it for days.. you quickly cum on her cheek as it dribbles down to her mouth, she opens her mouth and takes it and starts moving</center></b>
<center><span class="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\teasedomsis3cumshot.mp4" autoplay loop muted width="800" height="600"></video></span></center>
-<b><sister><font size ="-1"> "Hmhmgmm.. salty.. warm..?"</font></sister></b> - she mumbles as she slowly wakes up
-<b><you> Oh shit.</you></b> - you say as you have your cock out on her face as she wakes up
<b><center> She opens her eyes in wide shock staring at what's happening</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\teasesisdom3after.jpg"></span></center>
-<b><sister> " YOU FUCKING CREEP! GET OUT! <font size ="-1">God why does it taste so good..</font>"</sister></b> - she screams at you as you run out
<b><center> Probably a bad idea.. but you know she'll be thinking of that for days.</center></b>
<<set $fatiguestat to $fatiguestat+10>>\
<<if $sisexp <=4>>\
<<set $sisexp to $sisexp+1>>\
<span class="glowing-white"><b><white><center>Relationship with the character increased by 1!</center></white></b></span>
<<elseif $sisexp >=5>>\
<span class="glowing-grey"><b><white><center><u>This action wont increase the relationship anymore..!</u></center></white></b></span>
<span class="glowing-green"><b><white><center>Fatigue increased by 10!</center></white></b></span>
<center>[[Go back|sistalk]]</center><center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\sister.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><img src="images\resources\sistalk.png" width = "750px"></center>
<b><center> You see what your sister is up to in her bedroom and suprisingly she's doing something you'd never guess she would do.. she's doing yoga! And jesus christ she looks amazing while doing it.. you can't resist and sneak towards her, grabbing a hold of her ass.</center></b>
<center><span class="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\teasesisdom2.webm" autoplay loop muted width="800" height="600"></video></span></center>
-<b><you> Jeez sis.. yoga is treating you right..</you></b> - you say teasing her while fondling her ass
-<b><sister> "What are you doing you creep..!? Let go! ghmMMHMmm.."</sister></B> - she says wiggling her ass trying to get you off.. but not resisting that much
<b><center> You decide to go a step further and lower your hand between her legs, rubbing her pussy just for a bit through the fabric, teasing her even further.</center></b>
<center><span class="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\teasesisdom2pt2.webm" autoplay loop muted width="800" height="600"></video></span></center>
-<b><sister> "Wh..ere.. do you think.. you're hmhmmgmm.. touching?!"</sister></b> - she says clearly enjoying where you're touching but trying to resist
-<b><you> I was just checking if you were stretching well.. you're doing great! Keep going!</you></b> - you say as you suddenly stop, leaving
-<b><sister> "Weirdo!"</sister></b> - she screams as you leave
<b><center> You don't think she's going to be doing yoga for too long.. you can smell and see a wet spot in her yoga pants as you leave.</center></b>
<<set $fatiguestat to $fatiguestat+10>>\
<<if $sisexp <=4>>\
<<set $sisexp to $sisexp+1>>\
<span class="glowing-white"><b><white><center>Relationship with the character increased by 1!</center></white></b></span>
<<elseif $sisexp >=5>>\
<span class="glowing-grey"><b><white><center><u>This action wont increase the relationship anymore..!</u></center></white></b></span>
<span class="glowing-green"><b><white><center>Fatigue increased by 10!</center></white></b></span>
<center>[[Go back|sistalk]]</center><<set $sisreactiondadfem to false>>\
<span class='fadeIn'>
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\livingroom.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<b><center> You are in the living room and you can hear your dad and sister talk.. you're quite curious how their dynamic is going to change now that your dad is feminized so you just stay and listen.</center></b>
-<b><sister> "So how did this happen dad? How are you a si..- girl now?</sister></B> - she says clearly wanting to say something else, looking at him with a stern face
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\sisterdispleased.jpg"></span></center>
-<b><hotpink> "Oh it just happened I think.. I feel better in this body..!"</hotpink></b> - your feminized sissy dad says happily
<b><center> You can tell from afar what's going on already.. your sister is the dominant in the room..</center></b>
-<b><sister> "Oh really.. so what you're telling me is you feel better being a <pink>sissy fag?</pink>"</sister></b> - she says approaching her, trying to intimidate her
-<b><hotpink> "I.. I'm not a sissy <sister>$sistername</sister>.. and control yourself.. I'm still your dad!"</hotpink></B> - she says trying to resist your sisters advances
-<b><sister> "Shut up.. you're not my dad anymore.. you're just a sissy bitch from now on and it just so happens I love to control sissy faggots like you.. I know how easy you sluts are to control, just like this."</sister></b> - she says grabbing your feminized dads balls and squeezing them, slapping them afterwards.
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\ballstortureddadfem.webm" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><hotpink> "SS...STOP!! HMGHMM I'M YO...UR DAD!!"</hotpink></b> - she says in pain
-<b><sister> "Not anymore, you're the sissy of the house now.. I'll make you understand your place."</sister></B> - she says declaring
<b><center> Looks like your sister got herself a new toy.. you can't say you weren't expecting that to happen, perhaps you can join in on the fun.. this will be fun to see.</center></b>
<center>[[Go back to daily life|Living Room]]</center><<set $momreactiondadfem to false>>\
<span class='fadeIn'>
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\parentsroom.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><img src="images\city\parentsbedroom.jpg" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>
<b><center> You hear your now feminized dad and mom talking in their room and you are curious how their dynamic is going to change now.. you spy on them to listen and understand how things are now.</center></b>
-<b><mom> "I.. I don't understand.. how can you change so radically from one day to another.. You're a goddamn woman now!"</mom></B> - she says still clearly confused laying sad on her bed
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\momlayingbedsad.jpg"></span></center>
-<b><hotpink> "I just feel better like this.. why can't you understand that.. I still love you.."</hotpink></b> - your feminized dad says looking very serious
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\dadserioustalkmom.jpg"></span></center>
-<b><mom> "What do you mean how can't I understand that..?! I married a goddamn man! A manly one aswell! I'm not attracted to.. <pink>sissies!</pink>. Who's going to satisfy me sexually huh?! You?"</mom></B> - she says getting up pointing at her crotch, clearly enfuriated with how things turned out
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\mompussypoint.jpg"></span></center>
-<b><hotpink> "I can still satisfy you.. I still have a penis.. don't you love me..?"</hotpink></B> - your dad says clearly more emotional then he ever was
-<b><mom> "Oh please.. get naked! I want to see it! Now!"</mom></b> - your moms personality changes, clearly being more ordering towards your now feminized dad
<b><center> Your dad scoffs knowing that he is now much smaller than he used to be.. but nevertheless he gets naked and shows his small cock to your mother.</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\dadfeminizednakedsmall.png"></span></center>
-<b><mom> "Are you serious? Look at that thing it's fucking tiny <dad>$dadname</dad>! Jesus christ.. if we are going to make this work things will have to change around here.. and you'll see very soon what I mean by that."</mom></b> - your mom says getting up and heading towards the door proudly
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\momhall.jpg"></span></center>
<b><center> Oh shit, she's coming your direction you have to leave.. looks like their dynamic changed.. your mom is now more dominant and she's clearly not going to be sexually satisfied by your dad anymore.. you can step-in now and become the man of the house, what will he do when he's this feminized.</center></B>
-<b><hotpink><font size ="-1"> "It's not that small.. right.."</font></hotpink></B> - you hear your dad say as you run away
<center>[[Go back to your daily life|Upstairs Hall]]</center><<goto`either("momdadtask1","momdadtask2")`>>\<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\hallway.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><img src="images\city\househall.jpg" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>
<<set $seendadmomtask1 to true>>\
<<set $momdadtask to false>>\
<<set $time to $time+1>>\
<<if $time >= 3>>\
<<set $time to $time - 1>>\
<b><center> Ever since your parents found out how much of a sissy you are and have made your house a more comfortable environment for you, you now have more daily chores to do as the sissy maid of the house, you wait for your mother or father to tell you what to do today..</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\momdominant.jpg"></span></center>
-<b><mom> "Oh hi honey.. today I need you to clean my sex toys, I've been using them quite alot lately and I can't be arsed to clean them, do it for me like a good little <pink>girl</pink> will you? In your outfit of course."</mom></b> - she says pointing at the latex maid outfit you used last time with them
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\latexmaidfitclean.jpg"></span></center>
-<b><pink> Okay mother..</pink></b> - you say submissively as you head upstairs to put the latex maid outfit on
<b><center> You head upstairs and put the maid outfit on and look at the mirror checking yourself out before heading to your task.. you got to admit.. you do look so fucking tasty..</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\latexmaidcleaning.png"></span></center>
-<b><pink><i> God I can't get distracted from the tasks or I'll be punished..</i></pink></b> - you think to yourself as you head to your parents bedroom
<center>[[Head to your parents bedroom to clean the sex toys|momdadtask1pt2]]</center><center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\hallway.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><img src="images\city\househall.jpg" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>
<<set $seendadmomtask2 to true>>\
<<set $momdadtask to false>>\
<<set $time to $time+1>>\
<<if $time >= 3>>\
<<set $time to $time - 1>>\
<b><center> Ever since your parents found out how much of a sissy you are and have made your house a more comfortable environment for you, you now have more daily chores to do as the sissy maid of the house, you wait for your mother or father to tell you what to do today..</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\dadtaskorder.png"></span></center>
-<b><dad> "Hey <pink>sissy</pink>. Get your maid outfit on and join me in the living room, I'll tell you what you have to do today there."</dad></B> - he says tossing you the latex maid outfit, going to the living room
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\latexmaidfitclean.jpg"></span></center>
<b><center> Your dad is a little bit more aggressive than your mother.. but nevertheless you have to obey, you put the latex mad outfit on.. looking as sexy as ever with it.</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\latexmaidcleaning.png"></span></center>
-<b><pink><i> Time to go to the living room..</i></pink></B> - you say as you arrive at the living room
<b><center> When you do you see your dad sitting there waiting for you.. it kind of scares you what he could do.. your mother is more gentle.. however your father genuinely seems to be disappointed in you as a son..</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\dadwaitingtask.jpg"></span></center>
-<b><dad> "Since you decided to be the lowest of the low I'll show you what you deserve.. kneel in front of me."</dad></b> - he orders you
<b><center> You obediently do.. and suddenly he plants his whole foot on your face.</center></b>
-<b><dad> "I just came from a long run and my feet are tired, lick them."</dad></b> - he says smirking, treating you like a piece of trash
<b><center> You gulp loudly.. but know you have to obey him.. you take his whole feet and fingers into your mouth and start servicing him like a pet.</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\dadsuckfeet.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><dad> "Look at you.. you were once my son.. now you are just a sissy slut, servicing your masters.. jesus christ you are such a disappointment.. that's enough, just stay there bent over while I watch TV."</dad></B> - he says as he plants both of his legs on top of your back, using you as a footrest.
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\footrestdad.jpg"></span></center>
<b><center> After what seems like an eternity he lets you go.. and you go back to your daily life, feeling extremely used.. but horny..</center></b>
<center>[[Go back to your daily life|Hallway]]</center><center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\parentsroom.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><img src="images\city\parentsbedroom.jpg" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>
<b><center> When you enter your parents bedroom your mom has made it easy for you, laying all her sex toys on her shelf for you to clean.. there's so many.. guess it's going to take a while.</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\momtoys.jpg"></span></center>
-<b><pink><i> Time to start..</i></pink></b> - you say as you grab one of her big dildos and start cleaning it
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\cleaningsextoys1.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><center> You go toy after toy.. you can't help but imagine yourself using them as you clean them.. which makes your horniness grow quite alot.. however you are in chastity so there's not a whole lot you can do.. and there's a big chance you'll get punished if you get caught using one of your mothers sex toys without consent.. but then you arrive at one of your mothers vibrators..</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\cleaningsextoys2.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><pink><i> I could just.. use this on top of the chastity..</i></pink></B> - you think to yourself, wanting to cum
<div id="choice">
<<linkreplace "<pink><center> • Risk it and use the wand to cum</center></pink>">>\
<<replace "#choice">>\
<b><center> You can't help yourself.. touching so many toys has let you horny as hell.. you pray that your mother doesnt come up to check you up anytime soon and grab her wand, laying on her bed.. you turn it on and place it on top of your chastity caged clit.. you immediately start moaning in pleasure as you feel the vibrations shake your whole <pink>sissy clit</pink></center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\usingmomwand1.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><pink> Awhhh god.. hhmamhMMmm.. this is so good..</pink></b> - you moan out loud
<b><center> You are always so pent up that you've became a premature ejaculator.. after what seems to be one to three minutes you quickly ejaculate all over your mothers sheets.. staining them..</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\usingmomwand2.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><pink> HMHMMmmMMM.. cmmmMING..!</pink></b> - you scream
<b><center> Unfortunately for you.. as you cum your mother storms in.. catching you red handed using her toy and cumming on her sheets..</center></b>
-<b><mother> "W..what do you think you're doing <pink>sissy?!</pink>.. instead of cleaning my toys you're using them..?! This is unacceptable!"</mother></b> - she says furious looking at you, approaching you
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\mommaddom.jpg"></span></center>
-<b><pink> I.. I'm sorry..</pink></b> - you say as still some drops of cum fall out from your cage
-<b><mother> "No no no.. apologies won't be enough.. bend over.. you must be punished for such behaviour!"</mother></B> - she says grabbing you and forcing you to bend over, pulling down your skirt and panties,ready to punish you
<b><center> You just accept her punishment.. fully knowing you deserve it and you shouldn't have done such thing.. she grabs a pad and starts spanking, making sure it hurts.</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\punishedmom1.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><mother> "I can't trust you with my toys? You are such an insatiable sissy slut that you have to use them immediately? No! You better never do this again, understand?"</mother></B> - she says as she spanks you hard
-<b><pink> Y..yes! I'm sorry.. I'..ll never do this again!</pink></B> - you say in pain tearing up
-<b><mother> "Now leave! I'm furious!"</mother></B> - she says kicking you out of her room mad
<b><center> Unfortunately you don't finish the task and don't get your reward.. however some might consider what happened as a reward..</center></b>
<center>[[Leave towards the hallway|Upstairs Hall]]</center>
<div id="choice">
<<linkreplace "<white><center> • Just stick to your duties and finish your chores</center></white>">>
<<replace "#choice">>
<b><center> As much as you want to cum you know there's a big chance she'll catch you doing it and you'll be punished.. you don't want that to happen plus.. <pink>you want to be a good girl</pink>.. you finish cleaning and wait for your mother to come check everything out.</center></b>
-<b><mom> "Oh you're done! Waiting like a good maid.. well done baby.. here's your reward.."</mom></b> - she says pulling her bra down, showing you her huge breasts
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\momdominantboobs.jpg"></span></center>
-<b><pink> Thank you mommy..</pink></b> - you say as you stare at them
<b><center> You then are allowed to leave, going back to your daily life, done with your kinky chores for today.</center></b>
<center>[[Leave towards the hallway|Upstairs Hall]]</center>
</div><<goto`either("TeasedSisSub1","TeasedSisSub2","TeasedSisSub3")`>>\<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\sister.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><img src="images\resources\sistalk.png" width = "750px"></center>
<b><center> You head over to talk with your sister when you start hearing some strange noises and people talking.. too curious for your own good you enter without knocking just to stumble upon your sister on her knees with what seems to be a female friend and a random guy.. they are both sucking him off.</center></b>
<center><span class="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\sistalksub1.mp4" autoplay loop muted width="800" height="600"></video></span></center>
-<b><you> Oh shit..</you></b> - you say making your presence known
-<b><sister> "Oh hey there little sissy.. someone's curious isn't he? Wanna join us?"</sister></b> - she says looking at you while her friend ignores you and continues sucking the man off
<center><span class="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\sistalksub1pt2.mp4" autoplay loop muted width="800" height="600"></video></span></center>
-<b><you> Ehm no thanks.. I'll see myself out..</you></B> - you say ready to leave
-<b><ltblue> "Hehe.. was that your brother? You wanted him to join us..? Like you would suck him off? That's so weeeird!"</ltblue></b> - she says laughing
-<b><sister> "Hahaha no.. he's a little wimp, he would join us in sucking <red>Darius</red>."</sister></b> - your sister says as she continues to suck him off
<b><center> You take a look back after what she said just to find her friend cumming all over her mouth, she looks at you with her mouth full of cum giggling, clearly teasing you</center></b>
<center><span class="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\sistalksub1pt3.mp4" autoplay loop muted width="800" height="600"></video></span></center>
-<b><sister> "Wherenth you leabing..? Whant a kiss? HAHAHA"</sister></b> - she says with her mouth full of cum, dripping all over her body
<b><center> You just turn around and leave embarassed as you hear them laugh at you and how your sister treats you.</center></b>
<<set $fatiguestat to $fatiguestat+10>>\
<<if $sisexp <=4>>\
<<set $sisexp to $sisexp+1>>\
<span class="glowing-white"><b><white><center>Relationship with the character increased by 1!</center></white></b></span>
<<elseif $sisexp >=5>>\
<span class="glowing-grey"><b><white><center><u>This action wont increase the relationship anymore..!</u></center></white></b></span>
<span class="glowing-green"><b><white><center>Fatigue increased by 10!</center></white></b></span>
<center>[[Go back|sistalk]]</center><center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\sister.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><img src="images\resources\sistalk.png" width = "750px"></center>
<b><center> You enter your sisters bedroom to check up on what she's doing just to find her reading something on her couch.. you approach her and ask her what she's reading, curious.</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\sistalksub2.jpg"></span></center>
-<b><you> Hey sis.. What are you reading?</you></B> - you ask her curious
-<b><sister> "Why don't you sit besides me and find out?"</sister></b> - she says patting the couch besides her
<b><center> As you sit besides her though, she lays down and puts your feet right in your face, not allowing you to read.. and you can't lie.. her feet distract you immediately from whatever she was reading, however you resist, trying to dodge them</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\sistalksub2pt2.png"></span></center>
-<b><sister> "Don't you understand yet? I won't let you read what I was reading, stand still like a good boy and take them in your face."</sister></B> - she orders you, teasing you
<b><center> As she says that you become scared of what she might do if you piss her off too much, considering what she has to blackmail you.. as you stop she immediately plants her feet on your face, making your head go back with her strength, she just ignores you and goes back to reading as she smothers you with her feet.</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\sistalksub2pt3.jpg"></span></center>
-<b><sister> "Alright you may leave.. next time don't be a curious cat and this won't happen, boy."</sister></b> - she says kicking you in the face before getting up
<b><center> You have to admit you had that coming being all curious.. either way you leave as she told you to do.</center></b>
<<set $fatiguestat to $fatiguestat+10>>\
<<if $sisexp <=4>>\
<<set $sisexp to $sisexp+1>>\
<span class="glowing-white"><b><white><center>Relationship with the character increased by 1!</center></white></b></span>
<<elseif $sisexp >=5>>\
<span class="glowing-grey"><b><white><center><u>This action wont increase the relationship anymore..!</u></center></white></b></span>
<span class="glowing-green"><b><white><center>Fatigue increased by 10!</center></white></b></span>
<center>[[Go back|sistalk]]</center><center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\sister.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><img src="images\resources\sistalk.png" width = "750px"></center>
<b><center> You enter your sisters bedroom to check up on her and talk with her for a bit just to find her in the middle of her room somewhat pissed off with something, curious you ask her what's wrong.</center></b>
-<b><you> Hey sis.. what's wrong?</you></B> - you ask her curious
-<b><sister> "Oh perfect timing! Well it happens that I bought these new pair of panties however they don't fit me at all.. but now that you are here.. why don't you try them on?"</sister></B> - she says smirking while holding the panties in her hand
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\sistalksub3.png"></span></center>
-<b><you> Wh..what no.. why would I wear them..?</you></b> - you say trying to resist her
-<b><sister> "Because I told you to, sissy. Do it quickly before I share the content I have on you to everyone at school, now!"</sister></b> - she says going back to being pissed off, throwing the panties at you
<b><center> You spurt into action before she does something you regret, grabbing them and undressing in front of her, her observing you every move clearly enjoying how she can just order you to whatever she wants.. eventually you get them on and show her.</center></b>
<<if $mcchastity is false>>\
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\sistalksub3pt2.jpg">
-<b><sister> "Oh wow look at you! They look better on you than they look on me.. turn around and show me your pretty ass little sissy, and bend over."</sister></B> - she orders you again, and you obey, showing her your backside.
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\sistalksub3pt3.jpg">
-<b><sister> "MHMhmmm.. adorable.. you can keep them sissy.. leave now. I have things to do.."</sister></b> - she says rubbing her own panties, clearly horny
<<elseif $mcchastity is true>>\
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\sistalksub3pt2caged.jpg">
-<b><sister> "Oh wow look at you! They look better on you than they look on me.. the cage really gives it a special touch. Turn around and show me your pretty ass little sissy, and bend over."</sister></B> - she orders you again, and you obey, showing her your backside.
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\sistalksub3pt3caged.jpg">
-<b><sister> "MHMhmmm.. adorable.. you can keep them sissy.. leave now. I have things to do.."</sister></b> - she says rubbing her own panties, clearly horny
<b><center> You leave with a new pair of panties.. humiliated and realizing how much power she has over you.</center></b>
<<set $fatiguestat to $fatiguestat+10>>\
<<if $sisexp <=4>>\
<<set $sisexp to $sisexp+1>>\
<span class="glowing-white"><b><white><center>Relationship with the character increased by 1!</center></white></b></span>
<<elseif $sisexp >=5>>\
<span class="glowing-grey"><b><white><center><u>This action wont increase the relationship anymore..!</u></center></white></b></span>
<span class="glowing-green"><b><white><center>Fatigue increased by 10!</center></white></b></span>
<center>[[Go back|sistalk]]</center><span class='fadeIn'>\
<<set $bnwoevent9 to false>>\
<<set $timer to 0>>\
<<set $time to $time+1>>\
<<if $time >= 3>>\
<<set $time to $time - 1>>\
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\parentsroom.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><img src="images\city\parentsbedroom.jpg" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>
<b><center> This is the moment you feared the most when it comes to converting your mother to a Queen of Spades slut.. how your father will react to it.. you are aware that your dad is a masculine man and he will most definitely not take well such tattoo and her new lifestyle of being blacked only.. you'll have to aid your mother into now making your dad a cuckold, you spy on their conversation as she gets ready to show him her new tattoo.</center></b>
-<b><mom> "Look honey we have to talk.. I have to be blunt with you, lately I've been interested in.. new things.. things that will spice our life, as you have known for a while now I'm not exactly sexually satisfied often since you are always busy at work.."</mom></b> - your mom says being honest with your dad
-<b><dad> "What do you mean by that? Have you cheated on me?!"</dad></b> - your dad spurts into action immediately furious
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\dadmad.png"></span></center>
-<b><mom> "Calm down.. first I've got a new tattoo.. look."</mom></b> - she says pulling down her pants and showing him her new QOS tattoo
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\qostattoomomshow.png"></span></center>
-<B><dad> "That's it? You got a tattoo on your ass? For what reason jesus christ.. and a spade?"</dad></B> - he says clueless to the meaning of it
-<b><mom> "Haha honey.. this tattoo has a whole meaning behind it.. wanna know what it is?"</mom></B> - your mom says biting her lip, clearly growing horny by the fact she wants to turn your dad into a white cuck
<b><center> Your dad just raises his eyebrow and shrugs, clearly not interested in her tattoo at all, not taking her serious. Your mom slowly approaches him and gets near his ear speaking directly into his brain</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\momwhisperear.png"></span></center>
-<b><mom> "It means I am black cock only from now on honey.. that's right.. only black men will fuck me from now on, no more white tiny cocks, not yours or any.. understand?"</mom></b> - your mom says in a sultry voice, it even makes your tiny clit shake in its cage
-<b><dad> "What the fuck are you saying <mom>$momname</mom>! Is this some sort of joke?"</dad></b> - your dad says growing furious again, not taking it well
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\dadmad.png"></span></center>
-<b><mom> "Joke..? Does this look like a joke to you.. take a look"</mom></b> - she says taking out her phone, showing him a video.. you can hear the video and recognize what it is.. it's when Kendrick fucked her in the tattoo parlor..
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\momblackedtattoo2.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><dad> "You.. you whore! I'll file for divorce! What is this bullshit? Did you go crazy? What about our kids!"</dad></b> - he says losing his mind
<b><center> Your mother slowly approaches him again, grabbing his crotch, squeezing it and speaking directly into his eyes</center></b>
-<b><mom> "Our sissy son was the one who convinced me.. and your daughter is a slut and you know it.. you'll enter this lifestyle whether you like it or not.. there will be no divorce, you'll just accept your role as my cuckold husband like a good white boy.. understand?"</mom></b> - she says squeezing his balls harder, making him arch his back in pain
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\momgrabcrotch.png"></span></center>
-<b><dad> " went crazy! I'll never.. accept such thing!"</dad></b> - he fights back not accepting the role of a cuck
<b><center> Then suddenly.. your lovely mother does something you have never expected her to do.. she gives a super hard kick on your dads balls.. making him scream in pain, getting to the ground beneath her.</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\momkickdadnuts.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><dad> "GAHHHHGGH..!! YOU CRAZY..BBIIT.."</dad></b> - he screams in pain falling to the ground
-<b><mom> "Just accept it! You are a weak man! A weak white man! This will be your future with me, look up!"</mom></b> - she says putting something on her phone, grabbing his head up forcefully making him watch a video
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\momshowingexample.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><mom> "Do you understand now?! The quicker you accept it the best it is for you!"</mom></b> - she says trying to put it deep into your fathers head
-<B><dad> "N..never.. I'll file.. for divorce!"</dad></B> - he continues resisting.
-<b><mom> "We'll see about that.."</mom></b> - your mom says, leaving their bedroom, leaving your dad knocked on the ground in pain
<b><center> This was extreme.. it is your fault their relationship is completely ruined.. however it can be fixed if you can convert your dad into a white cuck.. perhaps <u>you and Mr.Jackson together with your mother can come up with something</u>.. he'll have to accept his role..</center></b>
<center>[[Go back to your daily life|Upstairs Hall]]</center><<set $time to $time+1>>\
<span class='fadeIn'>
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\sundayevent.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><img src="images\city\mall.jpg" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>
<b><center> Your newly feminized dad has been in need of a wardrobe revamp after what happened to him and he kindly asked you to come with her since you were the only one available and she's a frail little sissy who can't do stuff by her own, nevertheless you agreed since you wanted to see up close how she will look with feminine clothing, you've caught her using your mothers and sisters clothes before but she probably feels quite guilty about it.</center></b>
-<b><hotpink> "Seriously son.. thank you for taking time to come with me. I appreciate it very much!"</hotpink></B> - she says smiling, being all emotional with you
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\dadsmilingfem.jpeg"></span></center>
<b><center> It is still odd to see your dad acting so kindly, it's like you have two mothers now but you can't say you dont like it.</center></b>
-<b><you> No probs.</you></b> - you say shrugging
-<b><hotpink> "Like.. look at these clothes.. I can't keep going on using these.. I just need something else.. something more fitting.."</hotpink></b> - she says calling attention to her outfit
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\dadboringclothes.jpg"></span></center>
<b><center> She is right.. it looks completely out of place for such a sissy to be wearing such clothing. Glad to see her brain is functioning well when it comes to be more and more of a sissy.</center></b>
-<b><hotpink> "Let's go inside Happy girls shall we?"</hotpink></b> - she says entering the shop
<center>[[Follow her inside|DomSunday3pt2]]</center><span class='fadeIn'>
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\sundayevent.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><img src="images\resources\happygirl.png"></center>
<b><center> You enter Happy girls and immediately you are greeted upon a very womanly clothing shop.. dresses everywhere and it's filled to the brim with women.. you feel out of place but you want to see your sissy dad in a dress..</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\dresseshanging.jpg"></span></center>
-<b><hotpink> "Come come.. You will help me choose a dress!"</hotpink></b> - she says grabbing your arm dragging you along as she picks up some dresses to try
<b><center> Now that you notice.. from the outside it probably looks like your sissy dad is your girlfriend.. no one would say she's your mother and definitely not your father.. so it's not strange for you to be more intimate with her if you want.. either way your sissy dad enters a booth to try on some dresses and you wait for her.</center></b>
-<b><hotpink> "So.. I'll try on three dresses! You'll choose the one you like the most okay?"</hotpink></b> - she says from inside the booth.
-<b><you> Sure..</you></B> - you say waiting
<b><center> After a while she comes out in a stunning blue dress that shows all her curves.. it's quite sexy and honestly you'd tear it apart right now and tear her afterwards.. but you have to control yourself.</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\dadbluedress.png"></span></center>
-<B><hotpink> "So?"</hotpink></b> - she asks waiting for your reaction
-<b><you> Oh right.. looks nice.. not sure about the color.. show me another one.</you></b> - you tell her, wanting to see more
<b><center> She goes back inside, trying on another dress.. after a while she comes back out in a sexy short black dress.. you can even see the outline of her panties from here.. it makes your cock grow in your pants..</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\dadblackdress.png"></span></center>
-<b><hotpink> "You spoke about color so I thought you'd like this more.. what do you think?"</hotpink></B> - she asks posing
-<b><you> Better.. I think I like this one more than the blue one.. show me the last one.</you></b> - you say rubbing your bulge looking at her
<b><center> She goes back inside and you realize what you thought before.. if you went inside the booth no one would think it's strange.. you look like a couple anyways.. and you can tease your sissy dad a bit.. you enter the booth and find her changing, looking all sexy in her underwear.</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\dadchanging.jpg"></span></center>
-<b><hotpink><font size ="-1"> "Wh..what are you doing?! Wait outside!"</font></hotpink></B> - she lowers her voice speaking at you shocked you came in
-<b><you> Fuck dad.. you look really nice..</you></b> - you say as you look at her juicy petite ass.. not resisting and grabbing it
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\grabdadfemass.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><hotpink><font size ="-1"> "Hands off! This is serious.. d..dont try me!"</font></hotpink></B> - she suprisingly resists your advances, throwing you outside
<b><center> Wow.. you were not expecting her to be that feisty.. looks like she managed to keep a part of her personality intact.. however you look back inside to see how she's reacting and you can clearly see her small cock hard as a rock.. she can try and resist you but you'll love breaking her down.</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\dadfemhard.jpg"></span></center>
-<b><you><i> Just accept your place sissy..</i></you></B> - you think to yourself as you sit back down waiting for the last dress.
<b><center> After what it semeed like eternity your sissy dad comes out with the last dress.. a satin pink one that is probably shorter than the black one.. a real statement that truly makes her look like a sissy..</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\dadpinkdress.jpg"></span></center>
-<b><hotpink> "Last one.. this is probably my favourite.."</hotpink></b> - she says showing off her assets to you
-<b><you> Great.. it's probably my favourite too.. suits you well.</you></b> - you say not talking about your advances earlier.
-<b><hotpink> "Alright.. so which one do you think I should take home?"</hotpink></B> - she says waiting
<b><center> You think about all the options and decide to choose.</center></b>
<div id="choice">
<<linkreplace "<ltblue><center> • The elegant blue dress..</center></ltblue>">>\
<<replace "#choice">>\
-<b><you> I think the one that suited you better is the blue one.. go with that one.</you></B> - you tell her
-<b><hotpink> "Really? I was expecting another response but if you say so.. let's go pay!"</hotpink></b> - she says all happy taking her dress with her.
<b><center> The rest of the day is quite uneventful.. your sissy dad buys some more female clothing and you just stay making company for her.. however your mind goes back everytime to what happened in the booth.. looks like she still has some resistance in her.. however you are sure you can break her down.</center></B>
<center>[[Arrive at home|Home]]</center>
<div id="choice">
<<linkreplace "<white><center> • The short sexy black dress.</center></white>">>
<<replace "#choice">>
-<b><you> I think the one that suited you better is the black one.. go with that one.</you></B> - you tell her
-<b><hotpink> "Really? I was expecting another response but if you say so.. let's go pay!"</hotpink></b> - she says all happy taking her dress with her.
<b><center> The rest of the day is quite uneventful.. your sissy dad buys some more female clothing and you just stay making company for her.. however your mind goes back everytime to what happened in the booth.. looks like she still has some resistance in her.. however you are sure you can break her down.</center></B>
<center>[[Arrive at home|Home]]</center>
<div id="choice">
<<linkreplace "<pink><center> • The satin pink short dress</center></pink>">>
<<replace "#choice">>
-<b><you> I think the one that suited you better is the pink one.. go with that one.</you></B> - you tell her
-<b><hotpink> "Yes! I totes agree with you! Let's go pay baby!"</hotpink></b> - she says all happy taking her dress with her, sounding a little bimbo..
<b><center> The rest of the day is quite uneventful.. your sissy dad buys some more female clothing and you just stay making company for her.. however your mind goes back everytime to what happened in the booth.. looks like she still has some resistance in her.. however you are sure you can break her down.</center></B>
<center>[[Arrive at home|Home]]</center>
</div><<if $time ==3>>\
<<set $time to $time-1>>\
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\outskirts.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<<if $time is 1>>\
<center><img src="images\city\outskirts.png" height = "400px" width = "750px">
<b><center> You hear the muffled of cars and birds from the outskirts of the city..</center></b>\
<<elseif $time is 0>>\
<center><img src="images\city\outskirts.png" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>\
<b><center>You hear the muffled of cars and birds from the outskirts of the city..</center></b>
<<elseif $time is 2>>\
<center><img src="images\city\outskirtsnight.png" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>\
<b><center> You hear the sound of crickets around the trees around you, everything silent.</center></b>
<center>[[• Ruby's Stable •|sexstable]]</center>\
<center>[[• City Center •|City]]</center>\
<center>[[• Pass time •|Pass time outskirts]]</center>\
<hr>\<<if $time < 2>>
<<set $time to $time+1>>
<<if $time == 3>>\
<<set $time to $time-1>>\
<<goto "Outskirts">><<if $time ==3>>\
<<set $time to $time-1>>\
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\sexstable.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<<if $time is 1>>\
<center><img src="images\city\sexstableoutside.png" height = "400px" width = "750px">
<b><center> You are in a remote part of Budapest and all you see is a odd looking stable..</center></b>\
<<elseif $time is 0>>\
<center><img src="images\city\sexstableoutside.png" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>\
<b><center>You are in a remote part of Budapest and all you see is a odd looking stable..</center></b>
<<elseif $time is 2>>\
<center><img src="images\city\sexstablenight.png" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>\
<b><center>You are in a remote part of Budapest and all you see is a odd looking stable..</center></b>
<<if $workdomevent2 is false>>\
<center>[[• Go inside the stable •|sexstableinside]]</center>\
<center>[[• Outskirts •|Outskirts]]</center>\
<hr>\<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\sexstable.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><img src="images\events\sexstableinside.png" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>
<<if $workdomevent2 is false>>\
<<if $stablelvl == 1>>\
<center><red><span class="glow">Job Level: $stablelvl/2</span></red></center>\
<center><span class="glow">Job Exp: $stableexp/100</span></center>\
<<elseif $stablelvl == 2>>\
<center><span class="glow">Job Level: $stablelvl/2</span></center>\
<center><span class="glow">Job Exp: $stableexp/200</span></center>\
<center>[[• Roam around •|sexstableroaming]]</center>\
<<if $workdomevent2 is false>>\
<center><u>[[• Work as a Master •|sexstablework]]</u></center>\
<center>[[• Leave •|sexstable]]</center>\
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\sexstable.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><img src="images\events\sexstableinside.png" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>
<b><center> You decide to take a little stroll inside Ruby's stable.. looking around and spying on rooms to see what is going on.. you see everything, from sissies being trained by Mistresses.</center></B>
<center><span class="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\roamsissytraining.mp4" autoplay loop muted width="800" height="600"></video></span></center>
-<b><purple> "Who's a good little sissy slave?!"</purple></B> - the female dominatrix says pegging a sissy slave
-<b><pink> " Mistress!"</pink></B> - the slave answers
<b><center> To Masters training female slaves</center></b>
<center><span class="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\roamfemaletraining.mp4" autoplay loop muted width="800" height="600"></video></span></center>
-<b><red> "uhHHJmm.. good slut.."</red></b> - the Master says as he fucks the living shit out of a female slave
<b><center> There's other rooms you currently have no access to.. like the private chambers of Mistress Ruby.. perhaps if you were of higher status in the stable you'd be able to enter them..</center></B>
<center>[[Leave|sexstableinside]]</center><center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\sexstable.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><img src="images\events\sexstableinside.png" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>
<b><center> You get ready to train some slaves to increase your status in the stable with the ultimate goal of reaching Mistress Ruby.. you look around and see alot of slaves free in need of training, you can choose between sissies and female slaves.. you decide to train..</center></B>
<div id="choice-container" style="display: flex; justify-content: space-around; margin: 20px 0;">
<div id="choice" style="flex: 1; text-align: center;">
<<linkreplace "<pink><u><center> • [[A sissy|sissytraining]]</center></u></pink>">>
<<replace "#choice">>
<div id="choice" style="flex: 1; text-align: center;">
<<linkreplace "<ltblue><u><center> • [[A female slave|femaletraining]]</center></u></ltblue>">>
<<replace "#choice">>
<center>[[Go back and train later|sexstableinside]]</center>
<<goto`either("sissytraining1","sissytraining2","sissytraining3")`>>\<<goto`either("femaletraining1","femaletraining2","femaletraining3")`>>\<span class='fadeIn'>\
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\sexstable.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><img src="images\events\sexstableinside.png" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>
<b><center> You decide today you want to put a sissy in her place.. you enter the room where the sissy slaves rest and pick one, putting up a leash on her chastity cage, dragging her behind you as you take her to a training room.</center></b>
<center><span class="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\leashonsissy.mp4" autoplay loop muted width="800" height="600"></video></span></center>
-<b><you> Lay down.. we'll use the sissy destroyer 3000 on that boipussy to stretch it wide open for use, got it?</you></b> - you order the sissy
-<b><hotpink> "Y..yes <you>Master..</you>"</hotpink></b> - she says laying down.
<b><center> You grab the tool you just mentioned, a machine with an automatic dildo that you can increase speed, the thickness of the dildo and length to fully break sissies assholes, you set it on and let it do the job. Not long after the sissy reaches sissygasm and her asshole is spread wide open.</center>
<center><span class="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\sissyslavetraining1.webm" autoplay loop muted width="800" height="600"></video></span></center>
-<b><you> Good girl.. turn around and spread your cheeks, show me your hole.</you></b> - you order her
-<b><hotpink> "Yes <you>Master</you>. As you wish.."</hotpink></b> - she says still out of breath, turning around and showing you her gaping hole
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\boipussydestroyed.png"></span></center>
<b><center> You admire your job, happy with how gaping wide she is, you lead her back to your room and you're happy with your job, feeling like you learnt something new.</center></b>
<<set $fatiguestat to $fatiguestat+5>>\
<<if $stableexp <=95>>\
<<set $stableexp to $stableexp+10>>\
<span class="glowing-white"><b><white><center>Stable job experience increased by 10!</center></white></b></span>
<<elseif $stableexp >=100>>\
<span class="glowing-grey"><b><white><center><u>You need a promotion to continue gaining experience.. you've learnt everything here (To be added!)</u></center></white></b></span>
<span class="glowing-green"><b><white><center>Fatigue increased by 5!</center></white></b></span>
<center>[[Go back|sexstableinside]]</center><span class='fadeIn'>\
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\sexstable.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><img src="images\events\sexstableinside.png" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>
<b><center> You decide today you want to put a sissy in her place.. you enter the room where the sissy slaves rest and pick one, putting up a leash on her chastity cage, dragging her behind you as you take her to a training room.</center></b>
<center><span class="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\leashonsissy.mp4" autoplay loop muted width="800" height="600"></video></span></center>
-<b><you> Sit down.. I'll train your throat to be able to take a cock of any size.. got it?</you></B> - you order the sissy
-<b><hotpink> "Yes Master, as you wish."</hotpink></B> - she says completely obedient
<b><center> Looks like this is a more experienced slave. She's completely broken and acceptant of her place.. you grab a 8" inch dildo and strap her to a chair, facefucking her throat, you can even see the bulge from the side.. she takes it with ease, not her first rodeo clearly.</center></b>
<center><span class="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\sissyslavetraining3.webm" autoplay loop muted width="800" height="600"></video></span></center>
-<b><you> Well done.. you are a very good slave. I'm proud of you</you></B> - you tell her praising her
-<b><hotpink> "Thank you Master.. I try to be. Anything else I can do for you?"</hotpink></b> - she says licking her lips looking at your crotch
<b><center> This one is a slutty one too.. however you have to keep your professionalism.. she already got one reward as a form of praise.. you deny her and take her back to her room, happy with your training.</center></b>
<<set $fatiguestat to $fatiguestat+5>>\
<<if $stableexp <=95>>\
<<set $stableexp to $stableexp+10>>\
<span class="glowing-white"><b><white><center>Stable job experience increased by 10!</center></white></b></span>
<<elseif $stableexp >=100>>\
<span class="glowing-grey"><b><white><center><u>You need a promotion to continue gaining experience.. you've learnt everything here (To be added!)</u></center></white></b></span>
<span class="glowing-green"><b><white><center>Fatigue increased by 5!</center></white></b></span>
<center>[[Go back|sexstableinside]]</center><span class='fadeIn'>\
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\sexstable.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><img src="images\events\sexstableinside.png" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>
<b><center> You choose to train a sissy slave.. however since you are a starting Master you get the hardest ones to train.. this time around you get a sissy that is in the beginning of her training.. she's not even in chastity yet and her feminization process is in the start.. you can tell she still has some fire in her eyes. You put the leash around her penis instead and make her follow you</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\boipussydestroyed.png"></span></center>
-<b><you> Be obedient.. or I'll have to punish you.</you></b> - you warn beforehand
-<b><pink> "Hmph.. right.."</pink></B> - she scoffs, clearly not addressing you with respect, disregarding what you just said.
<b><center> You notice the lack of respect she just had and you're not gonna let that go.. when you get to the training room.. you make her bend over forcefully and put the leash around her balls, grabbing a flog nearby</center></b>
-<b><pink> "W..what are you doing?"</pink></B> - she asks scared
-<b><you> I told you, be obedient or I'll have to punish you.. you think I don't notice your lack of respect towards your Master? Since you insist on not understanding your place here.. this is what you get.</you></B> - you say as you start flogging her sissy jewels
<center><span class="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\sissyslavetraining2.mp4" autoplay loop muted width="800" height="600"></video></span></center>
-<b><pink> "AAAAAAAHH.. I'M.. SORRY! MASTER.. MASTER!!!"</pink></b> - she screams in pain, dropping her act immediately.
-<b><you> That's much better.. keep that attitude.. and you'll get rewarded.. like this.</you></b> - you say as you grab her cock and start jerking it to her mouth, making her cum all over her own face
<center><span class="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\sissyslavetraining2pt2.mp4" autoplay loop muted width="800" height="600"></video></span></center>
-<b><pink> "T..thank you Master.."</pink></b> - she says much more obedient.
<b><center> You look around and grab a chastity cage, feeling like she'll obey and not resist being put in chastity by you..</center></b>
-<b><you> That was your last orgasm for a while.. time to get put in chastity, you'll accept it like a good sissy right slave?</you></b> - you ask looking at her to see if she really is more obedient
-<b><pink> "Y..yes.. Master.."</pink></B> - she says somewhat reluctant but accepting it
<b><center> You put the cage around her still somewhat big penis.. you can't wait to see her turn into a feminine bitch with a smaller cock.</center></B>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\sissyslavecaged.png"></span></center>
<b><center> You are about to leave when you see Mistress Ruby was watching the whole time.. she nods at you in approval, clearly enjoying how you handled the slave.</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\rubydom.jpg"></span></center>
<b><center> You nod back and go back to your daily life, fulfilled with how you handled the slave and with what you learnt.</center></b>
<<set $fatiguestat to $fatiguestat+5>>\
<<if $stableexp <=95>>\
<<set $stableexp to $stableexp+10>>\
<span class="glowing-white"><b><white><center>Stable job experience increased by 10!</center></white></b></span>
<<elseif $stableexp >=100>>\
<span class="glowing-grey"><b><white><center><u>You need a promotion to continue gaining experience.. you've learnt everything here (To be added!)</u></center></white></b></span>
<span class="glowing-green"><b><white><center>Fatigue increased by 5!</center></white></b></span>
<center>[[Go back|sexstableinside]]</center><span class='fadeIn'>\
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\sexstable.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><img src="images\events\sexstableinside.png" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>
<b><center> You decide to train a female slave.. you head to the female slaves room where they are resting and a grab a random one to train, putting a leash on her neck, dragging her on all fours behind you.</center></b>
<center><span class="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\leashonslave.mp4" autoplay loop muted width="800" height="600"></video></span></center>
-<b><you> I wanna see how well you can take cock, we are going to train your throat, understand slave? I want no hands, only your greedy mouth</you></b> - you say as you strap her hands behind back
-<b><pink> "Yes Master.."</pink></B> - she answers obediently kneeling in front of you.
<b><center> You take your cock out and grab her head, leading her to your hard cock, going rough with her making her gag and choke on your cock multiple times, training and breaking her gag reflex.</center></b>
<center><span class="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\femaleslavetraining1.webm" autoplay loop muted width="800" height="600"></video></span></center>
-<b><you> That was not good enough, you choked way too many times.. we have to keep training on your reflex slave.. I'm not satisfied.</you></B> - you say as you slap her face multiple times not happy with the results
<center><span class="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\slappingslave.webm" autoplay loop muted width="800" height="600"></video></span></center>
-<b><pink> "AHHMGMm.. Im.. sorry!! I'll try harder next time.. have mercy.."</pink></b> - she says out of breath with the ammount of slaps you gave to her face
<b><center> You realize you abused your power and let yourself go.. you were having too much fun.. You are about to leave when you see Mistress Ruby was watching the whole time.. she nods at you in approval, clearly enjoying how you handled the slave.</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\rubydom.jpg"></span></center>
<b><center> You nod back and go back to your daily life, fulfilled with how you handled the slave and with what you learnt.</center></b>
<<set $fatiguestat to $fatiguestat+5>>\
<<if $stableexp <=95>>\
<<set $stableexp to $stableexp+10>>\
<span class="glowing-white"><b><white><center>Stable job experience increased by 10!</center></white></b></span>
<<elseif $stableexp >=100>>\
<span class="glowing-grey"><b><white><center><u>You need a promotion to continue gaining experience.. you've learnt everything here (To be added!)</u></center></white></b></span>
<span class="glowing-green"><b><white><center>Fatigue increased by 5!</center></white></b></span>
<center>[[Go back|sexstableinside]]</center><span class='fadeIn'>\
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\sexstable.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><img src="images\events\sexstableinside.png" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>
<b><center> You decide to train a female slave.. you head to the female slaves room where they are resting and a grab a random one to train, putting a leash on her neck, dragging her on all fours behind you.</center></b>
<center><span class="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\leashonslave.mp4" autoplay loop muted width="800" height="600"></video></span></center>
<b><you> Today I want you to take the cock of another man other than me.. I know some of you slaves are happy to serve us Masters however you have to put in your mind you are the lowest of the low and If I want you to suck a random man you'll do it. You'll suck one of the newest sissy slaves.. his cock is still decent.</you></B> - you order the female slave to suck another man off
-<b><pink> "As you wish Master.. I'll do it for you.."</pink></B> - she says as she takes the cock of the man into her mouth as you stand behind her, guiding her
<center><span class="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\femaleslavetraining3.webm" autoplay loop muted width="800" height="600"></video></span></center>
-<b><you> Good job.. I'm happy with how you performed.. open your mouth.</you></b> - you say as you spit into her mouth rewarding her
<center><span class="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\femaleslavespit.mp4" autoplay loop muted width="800" height="600"></video></span></center>
-<b><pink> "Thank you Master.."</pink></B> - she says grateful
<b><center> You let her go back to her room, happy with what you learnt and did.</center></B>
<<set $fatiguestat to $fatiguestat+5>>\
<<if $stableexp <=95>>\
<<set $stableexp to $stableexp+10>>\
<span class="glowing-white"><b><white><center>Stable job experience increased by 10!</center></white></b></span>
<<elseif $stableexp >=100>>\
<span class="glowing-grey"><b><white><center><u>You need a promotion to continue gaining experience.. you've learnt everything here (To be added!)</u></center></white></b></span>
<span class="glowing-green"><b><white><center>Fatigue increased by 5!</center></white></b></span>
<center>[[Go back|sexstableinside]]</center><span class='fadeIn'>\
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\sexstable.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><img src="images\events\sexstableinside.png" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>
<b><center> You decide to train a female slave.. you head to the female slaves room where they are resting and a grab a random one to train, putting a leash on her neck, dragging her on all fours behind you.</center></b>
<center><span class="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\leashonslave.mp4" autoplay loop muted width="800" height="600"></video></span></center>
-<b><you> Today I want you to take a larger dildo in that shitty cunt.. however I want you to grip it as hard as you can.. train your pussy to pleasure all the cocks that will come to you in the future, understand?</you></b> - you order her
-<b><pink> "Yes Master.. I'll do my best.."</pink></B> - she says getting on top of the dildo you put on the ground and riding it
<center><span class="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\femaleslavetraining2.webm" autoplay loop muted width="800" height="600"></video></span></center>
<b><center> The slave nonstop fucks the dildo for roughly an hour and you're impressed by her dilligence to fulfill your request.. so you let her go back to her room, happy with her service.</center></b>
<<set $fatiguestat to $fatiguestat+5>>\
<<if $stableexp <=95>>\
<<set $stableexp to $stableexp+10>>\
<span class="glowing-white"><b><white><center>Stable job experience increased by 10!</center></white></b></span>
<<elseif $stableexp >=100>>\
<span class="glowing-grey"><b><white><center><u>You need a promotion to continue gaining experience.. you've learnt everything here (To be added!)</u></center></white></b></span>
<span class="glowing-green"><b><white><center>Fatigue increased by 5!</center></white></b></span>
<center>[[Go back|sexstableinside]]</center><span class='fadeIn'>\
<<set $siseventsub12 to false>>\
<<set $timer to 0>>\
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\sistersroom.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><img src="images\city\sisterbedroom.png" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>
<b><center> You have no idea what your sister could want now.. everyday she comes up with a new idea to humiliate you.. nevertheless you enter her room and immediately you stumble upon her in a very sexy revealing dominatrix outfit.. which even though you appreciate visually as she looks extremely sexy.. it's always bad news when she does something like this..</center></B>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\sisterdominatrixmakeover.jpg"></span></center>
-<b><sister> "Hey <pink>sissy</pink>.. so you've gone quite deep into the rabbit hole however I feel like you're still holding back a bit when it comes to being a slut.. and who else than your lovely sister to help you give that push? Come closer."</sister></b> - she says sitting down on her bed
<b><center> You become quite concerned with what she's saying.. she wants to sluttify you? You look around and you notice some odd things around.. specially her table which is full of makeup and some other products you dont know..</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\sistermakeuptable.png"></span></center>
-<b><sister> "Oh dont worry about that for now.. just take a seat next to me and look over there.."</sister></b> - she says grabbing your head pointing at her television
<b><center> The moment you look down at the TV you see some flashing images.. you try to look away but you can't.. they are just too captivating to you..</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\sistermakeupoverhypno.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><sister> "Exactly.. just keep looking.. you like what you see don't you?"</sister></b> - she says speaking very close to your ear
-<b><pink> Y..yeah..</pink></B> - you nod while the images keep switching
-<b><sister> "Good.. just keep reading them while I apply these to your face and hair alright sissy?"</sister></B> - she says as she starts applying some products on your face
<b><center> You try to scream inside to break out of whatever you are reading but you can't.. you can't help but keep focusing on the imagery as your sister plays around with your body.. hell.. if she brought a gang of bulls to fuck your body right now you couldn't resist.. that's how conditioned you are to be a sissy..</center></b>
-<b><sister> "Now the spray.."</sister></b> - your sister says grabbing a spray from nearby applying it on your hair
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\temporaryredhair.jpg"></span></center>
-<b><sister> "Alright.. time to turn the TV off otherwise you'll just keep drooling like a dumb bimbo for the rest of the day.."</sister></B> - she says turning off the TV, making you snap out of it.
-<b><pink> Wh.. what happened.. what is that smell..?</pink></B> - you say feeling a strong smell in the air
-<b><sister> "Why dont you see it for yourself, slutty sissy?"</sister></b> - she says pointing at the mirror in her bedroom
<b><center> You get up and look at the mirror.. just to see that she has completely changed how you look! You look.. sluttier.. sexier.. and definitely more red! She has dyed your hair red! Your makeup is much more bimbo-looking too.. however you can't deny that you do look really hot..</center></b>
<<if $facialfem is false>>\
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\sisnewmakeup.jpg"></span></center>
<<elseif $facialfem is true>>\
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\sisnewmakeup2.png"></span></center>
-<b><pink> What did you do to my hair! Is this permanent?</pink></b> - you ask her scared
-<b><sister> "Hahaha no.. I'm not that mean.. that will come off with a few washings don't worry.. however I'm not done yet.. put this outfit on."</sister></b> - she says throwing you a shiny latex outfit which is clearly very slutty aswell..
<b><center> You sigh understanding that there's no point in resisting and put the clothing on.. when you finish you look in the mirror and you are in awe how much of a slut you look like.. you look like a street whore or a nightclub stripper.. where did she even get this outfit..</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\sismakeoverfit.jpg"></span></center>
-<b><sister> "Hmm you look fucking tasty.. there's no shot you wont get a bull to fuck you now.. Bend over for me and show me that boipussy."</sister></b> - she orders you
-<b><pink> Mkay..</pink></B> - you obey her, bending over spreading your asscheeks, giving her access to your boipussy
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\sisoutfitbent.jpg"></span></center>
-<b><sister> "Now sissy.. you're going to go out and bring a guy over to our house to hook up.. understand? I'll be here to watch the whole process.. you can tell him I'm your Mistress and everything.. but you have to do it, it's an order."</sister></B> - she says slapping your ass
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\sisterslapassmakeover.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><pink> B..but I don't want to fuck a random guy..</pink></B> - you tell her.
<b><center> Her face shuts down looking at you and she approaches you, rubbing her fingers on your boipussy, quickly starting to finger your aggressively with no mercy</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\mcfingeredbysis.webm" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><sister> "You'll do what I tell you to do understand you fucking slut?! I'm trying to be nice here so don't defy me! We have to get you addicted to cock and make you lose all your fucking respect for yourself, you'll be a slave for me in the future, so obey me and do what you were told to do.. now leave!"</sister></b> - she says as she quickly removes her fingers leaving you breathless leaking from your clitty
<b><center> You get up horny and understand what you have to do.. you have to somehow find a guy to fuck you for your <sister>Mistress..</sister> but where will you find that? Maybe the <red> Red Light District at night is a good shot</red>.. but looking like this you'll look like a total whore.. god..</center></b>
<yellow><center> Sister makeover unlocked in your bathroom!</center></yellow>
<yellow><center> Quest to be added in v0.37!</center></yellow>
<center>[[Go back to you daily life|Upstairs Hall]]</center><<set $makeupsis to true>>
<<set $makeup to false>>\
<<goto "Bathroom">><<set $makeupsis to false>>
<<goto "Bathroom">><span class='fadeIn'>\
<<set $gfsubevent9 to false>>\
<<set $timer to 0>>\
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\schoolhallway.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><img src="images\city\schoolhall.jpg" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>
<b><center> You are in your school hallway when you see <gf>$gfname</gf> following <brown>Mr.Jackson</brown> into what seems to be his office.. she's literally glued to his back.. the way they are so close is suspiscious.. specially after you showed <brown>Mr.Jackson</brown> the tattoo you got for her.. you decide to follow them inside</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\followingjackson.png"></span></center>
<center>[[Follow them and see what they are up to|gfsubevent9pt2]]</center><span class='fadeIn'>\
<center><img src="images\events\teacheroffice.jpg" width = "550px"></center>
<b><center> As soon as you enter his office.. you can see them both sitting down on his couch.. and they are already getting hot and bothered.. as <brown>Mr.Jackson</brown> kisses <gf>$gfname</gf> while rubbing her pussy through her panties.. your stomatch crawls into a ball as you see the love of your life getting manhandled by a <brown>black man</brown>.. however you can't help but feel some sort of arousal knowing you facilitated this interaction between them..</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\jacksongf1.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><brown> "Fuck.. after what that cuck showed me there's no way I'd skip a chance to fuck a snowbunny like you.. I didn't even know you were a student in this school.."</brown></b> - he says while making out with your girlfriend
-<b><gf> "And I didnt know we had such an interesting teacher either.. now it makes sense why there's been so much BNWO publicity in the hallways lately.. not to mention the ammount of blacked girls increasing.. it's amazing.. mhmhmm.."</gf></B> - she says praising him as he touches her
-<b><brown> "Why don't I show you something else that is amazing?"</brown></B> - he says as he gets up and forces her onto her knees in front of him
<b><center> She just obeys as he manhandles her.. you're pretty sure there's not a single thought in her mind that thinks about you.. it's fully focused on him and his black cock.. talking about black cock, she quickly takes off his pants and unleashes his beast of a cock, springing into action right in front of her face.. she grabs it and kisses it, worshipping him like a god.</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\jacksongf2.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><brown> "Come on.. show me what you are worth white slut.. take me deep, your boyfriend would be jealous of you."</brown></B> - he says mentioning you
-<b><gf> "Jealous..? What do you mean by that?"</gf></B> - she says not knowing you are helping him convert people in the BNWO.
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\jacksongf3.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><brown> "Oh you are unaware? <u>She's</u> quite the sissy whore.. who do you think ordered him to get you that tattoo? He's helping the BNWO actually he wants to join as a sissy slut and serve us. Isn't that right <pink>$you</pink>?"</brown></b> - he says looking at the door, noticing that you are spying on them
<b><center> Shit.. he knew the whole time you were watching.. you take a large gulp and let yourself in, closing the door behind you as you watch your girlfriend suck his big cock, looking at you in shock after what she just heard.</center></B>
-<b><hotpink> Y..yeah he's right..</hotpink></B> - you admit submissively accepting defeat
-<b><gf> "Wow.. after all the shit you gave me for cucking you.. you want to be just like me? Jesus I should've known you wanted to serve black men after I heard you become quite the school slut.. but this one is mine whore.. you just sit and watch us."</gf></B> - she points at the ground not letting go of his cock
-<b><brown> "You heard her.. if there was a power-ranking here.. you would be on the very bottom so you obey what we say sissy.. no touching yourself either.. c'mere."</brown></B> - he says as he grabs your girlfriend and bends her over, rubbing his big cock on the entrance of her hungry hole
-<b><gf> "HMhmm do it.. fucking ravage me.. breed me!"</gf></B> - she says dripping wet as he enters her
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\jacksongf4.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><center> You just stand there and watch as he completely hammers the pussy of the person you love.. you realize you should feel jealousy towards the fact he's fucking her.. however you understand something else.. you also feel jealousy as in you wanted to be in her place.. his huge black meat entering her making her gape and scream in pain.. stretching her out and marking her as his.. his white slut..</center></b>
-<b><gf> "Are you watching slut? Keep serving the BNWO and maybe one day you'll get the pleasure of being in my place..!"</gf></B> - she says as she switches positions and starts riding him
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\jacksongf5.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><hotpink></hotpink></b> - you say amazed
-<b><brown> "Look at you.. the future of the masculine white race.. just watching as we take away what once used to be your women.. you deserve this.. you deserve to pay reparations for what you did to us.. now we own you and we will outbreed you!"</brown></B> - he says as once again he switches positions fucking her as deep as he can, hammering her
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\jacksongf6.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><gf> "OHHH GAWDD.. YOU ARE DESTROYING ME..! PLEASE..! GGMFGMmm!"</gf></b> - she screams in ecstasy as he fucks her
-<b><brown> "You fucking white trash.. come here.. I'm gonna paint that pretty face"</brown></B> - he says as he drags her to the ground by her hair and unloads a nut all over her mouth
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\jacksongf7.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><center> You feel your mouth water as you see his glorious cum enter her mouth.. you feel jealous not only that he's marking her as his bitch but also for his cum.. your girlfriend looks at you and seems to notice that as she gets up and grabs your face, kissing you and letting some of his cum fall into your mouth.</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\jacksongf8.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><gf> "There you go.. now you can't say I dont love you.. I even share my bulls cum with you! One day we'll go together to fuck some big black cocks hun hehe.."</gf></b> - she says humiliating you, giving you a salty kiss afterwards
-<b><brown> "Alright alright, you two run along now you white pieces of trash.. <you>$name</you>.. you must be aware by now that she's mine, not that you can say anything about it, dont feel suprised if you see me using her somewhere, leave."</brown></b> - he says pointing at the door
-<b><hotpink> Yes <brown>Mr.Jackson</brown>..</hotpink></B> - you say in defeat
<b><center> You just accept your position knowing that you cant fight back and indeed she is his slut.. but you are more focused on something else.. you want to be his slut too..</center></b>
<center>[[Leave towards the school hallway|School Hallway]]</center><<set $timer to 2>>
<<goto $return>><<goto "Room">><span class='fadeIn'>\
<<set $emailsub6 to false>>\
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\gmail.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><img src="images\other\PC.png" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>
<b><center> You enter your PC and notice you have a new email.. you can see it's from your <red>Master</red>.. you were expecting him to just put whatever he wanted in your PC since you gave him access but instead he sent an email.. you open it as your heart quickens in excitement</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\masteranonymous.jpg"></span></center>
-<b><red> "Hello my sissy slave.. Well done on fulfilling your last task, it truly showed me how devoted you are to me and consider me impressed.. it's time we move to the next level to see what you are truly worth to me, if you want to be my physical slave and serve me.. head to "4 Ybl Miklós tér" street where you'll find two public portable toilets.. enter the left one and wait patiently, what you'll have to do will be very easy to understand once you are inside.. see you there, slave."</red></b> - he finishes the email and your PC shuts down
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\pcshutdown.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><center> As soon as you finish reading the message your computer shuts down by itself.. you try to click the button to turn it back on but it wont.. he was watching you the whole time and he's telling you to go now.. he truly controls you.. you don't see any point in waiting so you put the address he gave you in the GPS and head there.</center></b>
<center>[[Head to the location your Master gave you|emailsub6pt2]]</center><span class='fadeIn'>\
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\meetingmaster.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\gloryholepublic.png"></span></center>
<b><center> You arrive at the location and it's quite remote in the outskirts of the city center.. it leaves you a little concerned that he might kidnap you or something but you trust your <red>Master</red>.. he would never hurt you.. and you are his slave if he wanted to kidnap you.. would that be so wrong? You follow what he said in the email and enter the left stall</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\mastergloryhole1.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><center> Once inside you look down to find a pretty big hole that seems to connect to the stall on your right.</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\gloryholeseepublic.png"></span></center>
-<b><pink><i> Ahh.. thats what he meant by understanding what I'll have to do..</i></pink></b> - you think to yourself as you stare at the hole
<b><center> Soon after you hear someone walk to the stall on the right and open the door, entering it.</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\mastergloryholenter.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><pink> H..hello?</pink></b> - you say trying to communicate with the person on the other side
<b><center> You don't hear a single word.. breath.. anything.. however seemingly out of nowhere, you see a pretty sizeable cock slide through the hole.. it's still medium hard and it's already pretty big.. you quickly kneel and take his cock into your mouth.. you dont even know if he's your Master or not but all you know is you need to serve the person that is on the booth to satisfy him.</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\mastergloryhole2.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><red> "Mhmhmm.."</red></B> - your hear him grunt from the stall
-<b><pink> Do you like my whore of a mouth <red>Master?</red></pink></b> - you say as you hear him grunt in pleasure
<b><center> He doesn't say a single word, keeping his identity mysterious to you as if still understanding if you are worth even listening to his voice.. you decide to go all out and grab his already big and hard cock and jerk him off as you suck his big cock..</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\mastergloryhole3.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><center> However you don't quite get the reaction you were expecting.. no more grunts or signals from him.. you decide to all-in and even though his cock is quite big you try to deepthroat it to show him how skilfull and devoted you are to him.</center></b>
-<b><pink> This is for your.. <red>Master</red></pink></B> - you say before diving deep into his cock and taking it as far as you can in your throat
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\mastergloryhole4.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><red> "Gmhmm.. hmmm.."</red></b> - he gives a final grunt as you feel a load land on your face and mouth without any warning
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\gloryholemastercumshot.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><center> You accept his load in glee as you open your mouth and accept every drop of his cum, savouring him.. then suddenly he talks.</center></b>
-<b><red> "Good job, slave."</red></B> - is all he says as he leaves the stall.
<b><center> That's it..? I suppose you did well since he praised you.. that made you quite happy.. you are still savouring his cum when suddenly you look at the door and see a letter slide underneath.</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\locationletter.jpg"></span></center>
<b><center> Curiously you open the letter quickly to read what's inside to only find one thing inside.. another address and "Prove Yourself"</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\letterlocationstable.png"></span></center>
<b><center> You can't hide the excitement of these games he's playing with you.. you have to see what is this place he sent you.. you quickly get back in your car and hit the road, going to this next location.</center></b>
<center>[[Arrive at the next location|emailsub6pt3]]</center>
<span class='fadeIn'>\
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\meetingmaster.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><img src="images\city\sexstableoutside.png" height = "400px" width = "750px">
<b><center> When you arrive at the next location which wasnt that far away from the toilet stalls.. you immediately recognize it.. it's <purple>Mistress Ruby's sex stable</purple>.. you've been here before.. does that mean <red>Master</red> is working with <purple>Mistress Ruby?</purple>.. is this how they recruit their slaves? Your heartbeat quickens at the thought of you becoming a slave for the stable.. working there and being trained.. you need a breather and you feel like too much is going on right now so you decide to not enter right now.. but you'll definitely come back..</center></b>
<b><yellow> In the future this will unlock the possibility of being trained as one of <purple>Ruby's</purple> and <red>Master</red> sex slaves, proving yourself to them and molding to be a perfect sissy slave!</yellow></B>
<center>[[Go back to your daily life|sexstable]]</center><span class='fadeIn'>
<<set $timer to 0>>\
<<set $dadeventdomfem9 to false>>\
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\kitchen.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><img src="images\city\kitchen.jpg" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>
<b><center> You find your sister in the kitchen idling just passing time when you remember her last interaction with your feminized sissy dad.. she seemed quite dominant towards him and you realize you can take advantage of that in breaking her.</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\sisterinkitchen.jpg"></span></center>
-<b><you> Hey sis.. how about you give me an hand with dad?</you></b> - you say approaching her
-<b><sister> "Hmm.. what do you need help with?"</sister></b> - she asks curious
-<b><you> Y'know.. just make him submit to you a bit.. break his will.. for some reason he seemed quite submissive towards you, I'm curious what you can do."</you></B> - you tell her
-<b><sister> "What's in it for me?"</sister></B> - she says as she playfully lifts her whole shirt up showing everything
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\sisterkitchenreward.jpg"></span></center>
-<b><you> You whore..</you></b> - you say as you come closer to her, rubbing her already wet pussy and making out with her
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\rubbingsisterpussy.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><sister> "Hmhmmm give me more.."</sister></b> - she says as she grows hornier with your touch
-<b><you> If you want more.. do what I asked you.</you></b> - you say as you push her away, teasing her
-<b><sister> "Meanie.."</sister></B> - she says frowning
<b><center> After a while you hear someone coming into your kitchen.. when you look who is it.. it's <hotpink>$femdad</hotpink>.</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\dadkitchensis.png"></span></center>
<b><center> You look at your sister and signal her to act, she shrugs and approaches your dad with two glasses of wine, giving one to your dad.</center></B>
-<b><sister> "Here dad.. a treat for you, for your new changes!"</sister></b> - she says being nice
-<b><hotpink> "Oh honey thank you.. that's very sweet of you.. I'm glad you changed your mind and you're supporting!"</hotpink></b> - your dad says as she starts to bring her cup to her mouth
-<b><sister> "Oh I forgot to add something.."</sister></B> - your sister says as she grabs her cup out of her hand
<b><center> Then suddenly she drops a huge line of spit into her cup, giving it back to her afterwards.</center></B>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\sisdadfemhumiliation1.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><sister> "Drink it."</sister></b> - she says menacingly ordering her
-<b><hotpink> "B..but"</hotpink></B> - your feminized dad says looking at the cup stumbling on her words
-<b><sister> "No buts.. are you going to waste my precious gift to you?!"</sister></b> - she says as she gets up and gets closer to her
<b><center> Your sissy dad immediately feels intimidated and instinctly she brings her cup to her mouth and downs the glass of wine in one go.</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\sisdadfemhumiliation2.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><sister> "Wow! Someone was thirsty.. here have some more."</sister></B> -she says as she forces her onto her knees and grabs her chin forcing her mouth open
<b><center> Your feminized dad just submits and accepts her fate.. it's curious how submissive she turned out to be.. the pill really did wonders on her mentality too.. she just opens her mouth and accepts your sister's spit into her mouth.</center></B>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\sisdadfemhumiliation3.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><sister> "Beautiful! Look at you.. so submissive! So much different from who you used to be."</sister></b> - she says humiliating your father
-<b><hotpink> "T..thank you.."</hotpink></B> - she says clearly horny and loss for words
-<b><sister> "You deserve a gift.. kneel down and take out that tiny thing, jerk it for me."</sister></b> - she goes a step ahead to see how your father reacts
<b><center> To your suprise.. she obeys and kneels.. then suddenly your sister shoves her feet into her mouth as she jerks off.. the sight is crazy as you see your feminized dad completely submissive to your sister.</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\sisdadfemhumiliation5.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><sister> "Good girl.. cum.. cum for me!"</sister></b> - she commands your dad as she jerks off faster
<b><center> And to your suprise once again.. she just obeys and cums on command, super submissive to your sister.. completely broken.</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\sisdadfemhumiliation7.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><sister> "Now clean it!"</sister></b> - she orders pointing at the ground
-<b><hotpink> "B..but that's.. my cum.. it's too much."</hotpink></b> - she says resisting
<b><center> Your sister doesn't say a single word, she just plants her foot on top of her head, shoving her face onto her own cum, she submits and starts licking the ground where she came, licking her own cum.</center></B>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\sisdadfemhumiliation8.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><sister> "Peerfect.. now.. you will obey me as your Mistress and <you>$name</you> as your Master.. if we want to toy with you, you'll just do it, understand?"</sister></B> - she says warning your dad
<b><center> Your dad looks at you, remembering that you were there the whole time watching and just nods in embarassment.</center></b>
-<b><sister> "Good girl.. see? Broken."</sister></b> - she says, making it look easy
<b><center> You forgot how devious your cruel sister can be.. it's crazy you got her under your hand, she's a very valuable asset, you'll have to reward her for this.</center></B>
-<b><you> Good job.. you did very well.. now you just watch <hotpink>$dadfem</hotpink>. Come here slut.</you></B> - you say as you grab your sisters hair and place her between your legs
<b><center> She hungrily quickly unbuttons your cock from your pants and starts sucking it, the whole situation clearly made her very horny, you look at your dad completely submissive just watching as you manhandle her daughter.</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\sistersuckingcockkitchen1.webm" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><sister> "HMhmmm sho good.. I love it. This is a real man sissy!"</sister></B> - she says happily as she screams at your dad
-<b><you> Fucking.. whore..!</you></b> - you say as you bust your nut as the whole situation of your feminized dad watching excites you
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\sistersuckingcockkitchen2.webm" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><sister> "Thank you.."</sister></b> - she says with a mouth full of cum being submissive towards you
<b><center> Looks like your dad is completely broken.. now you just need to train her.</center></b>
<center>[[Go back to your daily life|Hallway]]</center><<set $workdomevent4 to false>>\
<span class='fadeIn'>\
<<set $worked to $worked+1>>\
<<set $time to $time+1>>\
<<if $time >= 3>>\
<<set $time to $time-1>>\
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\sexshop.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>\
<center><img src="images\city\sexshop.png" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>
<b><center> You enter the sex shop and head towards the locker room, ready to put on your uniform!</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\lockerjob.png"></span></center>
<b><center> You're almost clocking out of work as you're shift is almost over, the whole story is quite empty when a woman comes in asking for a specific toy.. everything's well until you recognize her face from somewhere.. you're pretty sure you've seen her at Ruby's sex stable!</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\sexworkslave1.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><ltblue> "Hey can I get this specific toy.. I can't find it anywhere.."</ltblue></b> - she asks you staring at you but not recognizing you immediately
<b><center> The whole day was quite boring so you decide to spice it up..</center></B>
-<b><you> Sure.. I have it in the back, care to follow me?</you></b> - you tell her, going to the warehouse
<b><center> She follows you without saying any word, not suspecting anything however as you two are walking she suddenly calls you out</center></b>
-<b><ltblue> "Wait.. do I know you from.. somewhere?"</ltblue></b> - she asks you
<b><center> You approach her and grab her neck, pulling her towards you.</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\grabneckworksex.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><you> Took you long enough to realize, slave.</you></b> - you say kissing her neck
-<b><ltblue> "I.. I am sorry Master..!"</ltblue></b> - she says immediately getting into character, understanding who you are
-<b><you> You need to be punished for taking so long, follow me.. you'll put that slutty body of yours to use.</you></b> - you say as you two take a detour to your managers office instead of the warehouse
<b><center> Once inside, she recognizes her position and gets on her knees next to you, understanding her place beneath you</center></b>
-<b><ltblue> "Let me serve you as an apology.. please."</ltblue></B> - she says bowing towards you
<b><center> You nod and sit down on your managers office, taking your cock out, to which she responds quickly by taking into her greedy mouth, sucking you with all her will to serve you.</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\sexworkslave2.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><you> Good slave.. you're on your way to being apologized.. but I want to use that tight body, get on top of the table, now.</you></b> - you order her, to which she obeys quickly, giving you access to her slutty pussy, dripping wet.
-<b><ltblue> "Yes Master.. I'm yours to use.."</ltblue></b> - she says bending over the table
<b><center> You don't waste much time.. however you decide to tease her a bit, rubbing your big cock on the entrance of her pussy, waiting her to beg for it.</center></B>
-<b><ltblue> "P..please.. I'm sorry.. I beg you.. fuck me!"</ltblue></B> - she begs for it trying to push it inside
-<b><you> Good slut.</you></b> - you announce as you plunge inside her
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\sexworkslave3.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><ltblue> "MhmhMM.. YOU'RE SO BIGG! Thank you Master for giving me the pleasure of serving you..!"</ltblue></b> - she says as you fuck her
<b><center> However you soon realize.. this is just being a reward for her.. why are you the one doing all the work and fucking her? She must work for you..</center></b>
-<b><you> Work for it slut.. this isn't a reward, or I'll be harsher on you.</you></b> - you say as you order to ride you as you lay down, waiting for her
-<b><ltblue> "Yes Master.. as you wish.."</ltblue></b> - she says as she starts squatting on your cock, riding you
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\sexworkslave4.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
<b><center> The fact you are fucking a slave from the stable on your workplace and specially on that shitty managers chair and table, the only thing you hear is her moans together with yours as fat ass plops on your cock.. you want to leave the smell of sex trapped in here so your manager gets a funny surprise.</center></b>
-<b><you> You did well slut.. here's your reward.</you></b> - you say as you grab her and place her on top of you, hammering her pussy.
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\sexworkslave5.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><you> I'm gonna cum inside that dirty snatch as your reward, understand?</you></b> - you say as you speed up
-<b><ltblue> "YES YES! DO IT.. BREED ME! I'M YOURS!"</ltblue></B> - she says as she speeds up with you
<b><center> You fulfill her desire as you cum deep inside her cunt, filling her with your cum, letting it drip on the ground and some of it gets on your managers table.</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\sexworkslave6.webm" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><you> Good slut.. You did well.. hope to see you back in the sex table, slave.</you></b> - you say as you grab her and slap her face multiple time afterwards, degrading her
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\sexworkslave7.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><ltblue> "T..thank you Master.. wait.. can I have your number before you go? Maybe we can.. get to know each other."</ltblue></B> - she says hopeful for something else
-<b><you> I dont date slutty slaves, leave.</you></b> - you say as you leave and go back to work, closing the shop.
<<set $dominant to $dominant+1>>\
<b><center><blue> Dominance +1!</blue></center></b>\
<<set $money to $money+15>>\
<green><b><center><i> You received 15€ for your work!</i></center></b></green>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\moneyinhand.png"></span></center>
<center>[[Undress and go outside|RedlightDistrict]]</center>
<center>[[Undress and go straight home|Room]]</center><span class='fadeIn'>
<<set $momdomevent9 to false>>\
<<set $timer to 0>>\
<center><span class ="logo"><img src="images\resources\kitchen.png" style="max-height: 130px"></span></center>
<center><img src="images\city\kitchen.jpg" height = "400px" width = "750px"></center>
<b><center> You are in your kitchen with <dad>$dadname</dad> and <mom>$momname</mom> waiting for her to finish doing lunch for both of you.. however with the latest occurrences between you and your mother you can't stop staring at her as your sexual object.. you want to fuck her so bad..</center></b>
-<b><you> What are you making mom?</you></b> - you ask as she cooks
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\momkitchenfuckdom1.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><mom> "Strogonoff honey! I know you like it very much!"</mom></b> - she says as she bends over to reach the oven, pointing her ass right towards your field of view
<center><span class ="eventimg"><img src="images\events\momasskitchenevent.png"></span></center>
-<b><you> Oh really.. let me see.</you></b> - you say as you approach her from behind, checking out the food
<b><center> Of course you couldn't care less about what she is making.. you quickly grab a hold of her, putting your right hand in front of crotch, rubbing her pussy through the pants and with your left caressing her ass, completely making her bend to your will.. in the past she would completely freak out with such thing but nowadays she almost looks forward for your touch</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\momkitchenfuckdom2.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><font size ="-1"><mom> "Mhmhmmggmm.."</mom></font></B> - your mom moans as you touch her
-<b><you> The food looks really good mom, let me get an early taste.</you></b> - you say as you crouch facing her ass, ripping her jeans open without making much noise
<b><center> This whole time your dad is on his phone completely distracted from whatever is happening, he can't really get a good look at what you are doing fortunately but it's unreal how much he doesnt pay attention to his wife.. perhaps that's why he's losing her to his own son. You plant your face in your mothers ass, licking her pussy from behind, she's extremely wet.. it seems the whole situation also arouses her the slut.</center></B>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\momkitchenfuckdom3.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><font size ="-1"><mom> "You are crazy <you>$name</you>.. what if he sees.."</mom></font></B> - your mom says whispering at you between moans
-<b><font size ="-1"><you> He doesnt notice a thing the idiot.. and you like this..</you></font></B> - you say as you two get up
<b><center> Your mother then finishes the food quickly and hands it to your dad, he doesnt even say a thank you or anything.. he just goes straight back to his phone, you see your mother gets really frustrated with that and honestly so do you.. you can push it further and take advantage of your mothers frustration or just leave it there.</center></b>
<div id="choice">
<<linkreplace "<dom><center> • Fuck her silently right in front of your father</center></dom>">>
<<replace "#choice">>\
-<b><you><i> Fuck it.</i></you></B> - you think to yourself as you grab your mother from behind and throw her against the table your dad is eating
<b><center> She looks back at your not understanding what you are doing.. however as you unbuckle your belt and pull your pants down she quickly understands what you are up to.. you wait a few seconds to see her reaction and suprisingly you notice she's not resisting at all.. which shows her acceptance.. you quickly slid your already hard cock inside her warm hole, fucking her right in front of your own father.</center></B>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\momkitchenfuckdom4.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><font size ="-1"><mom> "Oh god.. I havent been fucked in so long.. you are so big.."</mom></font></B> - your mom moans as you start fucking her
-<b><you><font size ="-1"> Take it.. you are mine from now on.. Look at the idiot.. doesnt even notice a thing.</font></you></B> - you say as you take ownership of your own mother right in front of your dad.. which doesnt suspect a thing
<b><center> It's crazy how he doesnt even suspect you fucking your mother right under his nose.. he's completely focused on his own selfish world.. you decide to be even rougher, pulling your moms neck back as you hammer her pussy hard</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\momkitchenfuckdom5.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><font size ="-1"><mom> "GGh..god!.. WAIT.. come.."</mom></font></B> - your mom grabs you and pulls you to the closest room noticing you growing rowdy scared your dad might notice
<b><center> Once there she bends over on the bed, displaying her gaping pussy to you</center></b>
-<b><mom> "Do it.. fuck me baby."</mom></B> - she says spreading her pussy lips for you
<b><center> You don't waste any more time and go right back to fucking her from behind as if she was your bitch.</center></b>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\momkitchenfuckdom6.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><you> You are mine.. my bitch.. he's an idiot who lost you.. dont even think about him</you></b> - you say as you keep fucking her
-<b><mom> "YES YES YES! I AM YOURS BABY!"</mom></b> - she keeps screaming
<b><center> However the fun quickly comes to an end when your dad finally snaps out of it and screams out loud for your mother, seeing you two left</center></b>
-<b><dad> "Where the fuck are you <mom>$momname</mom>? There's no paper here!"</dad></b> - he screams looking for your mother
-<b><mom> "Shit.. stop.. we'll continue this.. later."</mom></b> - she says out of breath recomposing herself, going to the kitchen
<b><center> You stop, blueballed.. happy that you finally achieved your goal but sad that it stopped so soon.. you follow your mother back to the kitchen.</center></B>
<center><span class ="eventimg"><video src="videos\events\momkitchenfuckdom7.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video></span></center>
-<b><dad> "Jesus.. where did you two go?"</dad></b> - he asks bewildered
-<b><mom> "Oh he just wanted to show me something he bought.. dont worry, here's your paper."</mom></b> - she says still a little breathless and smelling of sex
<b><center> You'll have to finish that fucking you two had before.. but the final step was done.. your dad is really clueless on what's happening behind him..</center></b>
<<set $dominant to $dominant+1>>
<center><b><blue> Dominance +1!</blue></b></center>
<center>[[Go back to your daily life|Kitchen]]</center>
<div id="choice">
<<linkreplace "<center><white> • Just leave her alone and eat</white></center>">>
<<replace "#choice">>
<b><center> You think about fucking her here and taking the last step but it could prove too much and you father could find out.. you just go back to eating and go back to your room.</center></b>
<center>[[Head to your Room|Room]]</center>