<<timed 0s>>
<<addclass ".map-sietch, .map-smuggler_base" "hidden">>
<<if $quests.palace_1_briefing.completed>>
<<if $npcsInLocation["desert_overview"]?.includes("duncan")>>
<<if Cycle.check("time", "midnight")>>
<<addclass ".map-icon" "disable">>
<<removeclass ".map-arrakeen" "disable">>
<<if !$quests.palace_2_fremen_hagga.completed>>
<<addclass ".map-sietch_hagga" "disable">>
<<if !$quests.palace_3_fremen_tuono.completed>>
<<addclass ".map-sietch_tuono" "disable">>
<<if !$quests.palace_4_fremen_gara.completed>>
<<addclass ".map-sietch_gara_kulon" "disable">>
<<set _mapLocClass to ".map-" + $mapLoc>>
<<removeclass _mapLocClass "disable">>
<<if $quests.palace_2_fremen_hagga.active || $quests.palace_2_fremen_hagga.completed>>
<<removeclass ".map-sietch_hagga" "hidden">>
<<if $quests.palace_3_fremen_tuono.active || $quests.palace_3_fremen_tuono.completed>>
<<removeclass ".map-sietch_tuono" "hidden">>
<<if $quests.palace_3_fremen_tuono.completed>>
<<addclass ".map-sietch_tuono" "disable">>
<<if $quests.palace_4_fremen_gara.active || $quests.palace_4_fremen_gara.completed>>
<<removeclass ".map-sietch_gara_kulon" "hidden">>
<<set _mapLocClass to ".map-" + $mapLoc>>
<<addclass _mapLocClass "map-current_location">>
<div class="row-container">
<div id="npc-container"></div>
<div class="column-container">
<div class="arrakis-map">
<div class="map-icon map-city map-arrakeen map-arrakeen_streets">
[img[Arrakeen|images/locations/map/map-city.png][desert_travel][$mapDest to "arrakeen_streets"]]
<div class="map-icon-label">Arrakeen</div>
<div class="map-icon map-sietch map-sietch_hagga">
[img[Sietch Hagga|images/locations/map/map-sietch.png][desert_travel][$mapDest to "sietch_hagga"]]
<div class="map-icon-label">Sietch Hagga</div>
<div class="map-icon map-sietch map-sietch_tuono">
[img[Sietch Tuono|images/locations/map/map-sietch.png][desert_travel][$mapDest to "sietch_tuono"]]
<div class="map-icon-label">Sietch Tuono</div>
<div class="map-icon map-sietch map-sietch_gara_kulon">
[img[Sietch Gara Kulon|images/locations/map/map-sietch.png][desert_travel][$mapDest to "sietch_gara_kulon"]]
<div class="map-icon-label">Sietch Gara Kulon</div>
<div class="map-icon map-sietch map-sietch_sihaya">
[img[Sietch Sihaya|images/locations/map/map-sietch.png][desert_travel][$mapDest to "sietch_sihaya"]]
<div class="map-icon-label">Sietch Sihaya</div>
<div class="map-icon map-sietch map-sietch_red_chasm">
[img[Sietch Red Chasm|images/locations/map/map-sietch.png][desert_travel][$mapDest to "sietch_red_chasm"]]
<div class="map-icon-label">Sietch Red Chasm</div>
<div class="map-icon map-sietch map-sietch_fondak">
[img[Sietch Fondak|images/locations/map/map-sietch.png][desert_travel][$mapDest to "sietch_fondak"]]
<div class="map-icon-label">Sietch Fondak</div>
<div class="map-icon map-sietch map-sietch_tabr">
[img[Sietch Tabr|images/locations/map/map-sietch.png][desert_travel][$mapDest to "sietch_tabr"]]
<div class="map-icon-label">Sietch Tabr</div>
<div class="map-icon map-sietch map-sietch_windgap">
[img[Sietch Windgap|images/locations/map/map-sietch.png][desert_travel][$mapDest to "sietch_windgap"]]
<div class="map-icon-label">Sietch Windgap</div>
<div class="map-icon map-sietch map-sietch_harg">
[img[Sietch Harg|images/locations/map/map-sietch.png][desert_travel][$mapDest to "sietch_harg"]]
<div class="map-icon-label">Sietch Harg</div>
<div class="map-icon map-sietch map-sietch_cielago">
[img[Sietch Cielago|images/locations/map/map-sietch.png][desert_travel][$mapDest to "sietch_cielago"]]
<div class="map-icon-label">Sietch Cielago</div>
<div class="map-icon map-sietch map-sietch_habbanya">
[img[Sietch Habbanya|images/locations/map/map-sietch.png][desert_travel][$mapDest to "sietch_habbanya"]]
<div class="map-icon-label">Sietch Habbanya</div>
<div class="map-icon map-city map-smuggler_base">
[img[Smuggler Base|images/locations/map/map-smuggler.png][desert_travel][$mapDest to "smuggler_base"]]
<div class="map-icon-label">Smuggler Base</div>
<div class="map-tooltip">
<<if $quests.palace_1_briefing.completed && !$npcsInLocation["desert_overview"]?.includes("duncan")>>
<<= "I should bring Duncan with me...">>
</div><<if Cycle.check("time", "midnight") && $mapDest=="arrakeen_streets">>
<<set $curLoc to "palace_pbedroom">>
<<set $mapLoc to $mapDest>>
<<goto "palace sleep">>
<<if $mapLoc !== $mapDest>>
<<addtime 1>>
<<set $curLoc to $mapDest>>
<<set $mapLoc to $mapDest>>
<<goto $mapDest>>
<</if>><<if !$quests.palace_2_fremen_hagga.visited>>
<<goto "fremen hagga intro">>
<div class="row-container">
<div id="npc-container"></div>
<div class="column-container">
<div class="btns">
<div class="compass-container">
<div class="compass-direction disable">
<<button "">><</button>><br>
<<NPCloc "test">>
<div class="compass-left-right">
<div class="compass-direction disable">
<<button "">><</button>><br>
<<NPCloc "test">>
<div class="compass-direction disable">
<<button "">><</button>><br>
<<NPCloc "test">>
<div class="compass-direction">
<<button "Leave" "desert_overview">><</button>><br>
<<NPCloc "test">>
</div><<if !$quests.palace_3_fremen_tuono.completed>>
<<goto "fremen tuono intro 0">>
<div class="row-container">
<div id="npc-container"></div>
<div class="column-container">
<div class="btns">
<div class="compass-container">
<div class="compass-direction disable">
<<button "">><</button>><br>
<<NPCloc "test">>
<div class="compass-left-right">
<div class="compass-direction disable">
<<button "">><</button>><br>
<<NPCloc "test">>
<div class="compass-direction disable">
<<button "">><</button>><br>
<<NPCloc "test">>
<div class="compass-direction">
<<button "Leave" "desert_overview">><</button>><br>
<<NPCloc "test">>
</div><<if !$quests.palace_4_fremen_gara.visited>>
<<goto "fremen gara kulon intro">>
<div class="row-container">
<div id="npc-container"></div>
<div class="column-container">
<div class="btns">
<div class="compass-container">
<div class="compass-direction disable">
<<button "">><</button>><br>
<<NPCloc "test">>
<div class="compass-left-right">
<div class="compass-direction disable">
<<button "">><</button>><br>
<<NPCloc "test">>
<div class="compass-direction disable">
<<button "">><</button>><br>
<<NPCloc "test">>
<div class="compass-direction">
<<button "Leave" "desert_overview">><</button>><br>
<<NPCloc "test">>
</div><div class="row-container">
<div id="npc-container"></div>
<div class="column-container">
<div class="btns">
<div class="row-container">
<div class="compass-container">
<div class="compass-direction">
<<button "Conservatory" "palace_conservatory">><</button>><br>
<<NPCloc "palace_conservatory">>
<div class="compass-left-right">
<div class="compass-direction">
<<button "Quarters" "palace_quarters">><</button>><br>
<<NPCloc "palace_quarters">>
<div class="compass-direction">
<<button "Comms Room" "palace_commsroom">><</button>><br>
<<NPCloc "palace_commsroom">>
<div class="compass-direction">
<<button "Palace Ext." "palace_exterior">><</button>><br>
<<NPCloc "palace_exterior">>
/*<div class="activity-column">
<<button "Activity 1">><</button>>
<<button "Activity 2">><</button>>
<<button "Activity 3">><</button>>
</div><<timed 0s>><<if !(Cycle.check("time", "morning") && $npcsInLocation["palace_bathroom"]) || $quests.jessica_love_lesson_2.active>>
<<removeclass "#jessica-bathroom" "disable">>
<div class="row-container">
<div id="npc-container"></div>
<div class="column-container">
<div class="btns">
<div class="compass-container">
<div class="compass-direction disable">
<<button "">><</button>><br>
<<NPCloc "test">>
<div class="compass-left-right">
<div class="compass-direction">
<<button "Paul's Room" "palace_pbedroom">><</button>><br>
<<NPCloc "palace_pbedroom">>
<div class="compass-direction">
<<button "Throneroom">>
<<if $quests.palace_1_briefing.active>>
<<set $curLoc to "palace_throneroom">>
<<goto "briefing quest 1">>
<<goto "palace_throneroom">>
<<NPCloc "palace_throneroom">>
<div class="compass-direction">
<div id="jessica-bathroom" class="disable">
<<button "Bath" "palace_bathroom">><</button>><br>
<<NPCloc "palace_bathroom">>
</div><<timed 0s>><<if $quests.jessica_love_lesson_1.active &&
$npcsInLocation["palace_pbedroom"]?.includes("jessica") &&
(Cycle.check("time", "midnight") || Cycle.check("time", "night") || Cycle.check("time", "evening"))>>
<<removeclass "#jessica-lesson-1" "disable">>
<div class="row-container">
<div id="npc-container"></div>
<div class="column-container">
<div class="btns">
<div class="row-container">
<div class="compass-container">
<div class="compass-direction disable">
<<button " ">><</button>><br>
<<NPCloc "test">>
<div class="compass-left-right">
<div class="compass-direction disable">
<<button " ">><</button>><br>
<<NPCloc "test">>
<div class="compass-direction">
<<button "Quarters" "palace_quarters">><</button>><br>
<<NPCloc "palace_quarters">>
<div class="compass-direction disable">
<<button " ">><</button>><br>
<<NPCloc "test">>
<div class="activity-column">
<<if Cycle.check("time", "midnight") || Cycle.check("time", "night") || Cycle.check("time", "evening")>>
<<button "Sleep">>
<<set $curLoc = "palace_pbedroom">>
<<if $quests.palace_5_fremen_stilgar.active && $day == $quests.palace_5_fremen_stilgar.day_req>>
<<goto "pre stilgar intro 1">>
<<goto "palace sleep">>
<<if $quests.jessica_love_lesson_1.active>>
<div id="jessica-lesson-1" class="disable">
<<button "Lesson 1" "love lesson 1a">>
<<set $curLoc = "palace_pbedroom">>
<<if !Cycle.check("time", "midnight")>>
<<button "Study" "palace study">>
<<set $curLoc = "palace_pbedroom">>
</div><<if !$quests.palace_0b_bath_intro.completed>>
<<set $curLoc to "palace_bathroom">>
<<goto "palace bath intro">>
<<elseif (Cycle.check("time", "morning") && $npcsInLocation["palace_bathroom"]?.includes("jessica")) && $quests.jessica_love_lesson_2.active>>
<<set $curLoc to "palace_bathroom">>
<<goto "love lesson 2a">>
<div class="row-container">
<div id="npc-container"></div>
<div class="column-container">
<div class="btns">
<div class="row-container">
<div class="compass-container">
<div class="compass-direction">
<<button "Quarters" "palace_quarters">><</button>><br>
<<NPCloc "palace_quarters">>
<div class="compass-left-right">
<div class="compass-direction disable">
<<button " ">><</button>><br>
<<NPCloc "test">>
<div class="compass-direction disable">
<<button " ">><</button>><br>
<<NPCloc "test">>
<div class="compass-direction disable">
<<button " ">><</button>><br>
<<NPCloc "test">>
<<if !Cycle.check("time", "midnight")>>
<div class="activity-column">
<<button "Bathe" "palace bathe">>
<<set $curLoc = "palace_bathroom">>
</div><div class="row-container">
<div id="npc-container"></div>
<div class="column-container">
<div class="btns">
<div class="compass-container">
<div class="compass-direction disable">
<<button " ">><</button>><br>
<<NPCloc "test">>
<div class="compass-left-right">
<div class="compass-direction disable">
<<button "">><</button>><br>
<<NPCloc "test">>
<div class="compass-direction disable">
<<button "">><</button>><br>
<<NPCloc "test">>
<div class="compass-direction">
<<button "Throneroom">>
<<if $quests.palace_1_briefing.active>>
<<set $curLoc to "palace_throneroom">>
<<goto "briefing quest 1">>
<<goto "palace_throneroom">>
<<NPCloc "palace_throneroom">>
</div><div class="row-container">
<div id="npc-container"></div>
<div class="column-container">
<div class="btns">
<div class="compass-container">
<div class="compass-direction disable">
<<button "">><</button>><br>
<<NPCloc "test">>
<div class="compass-left-right">
<div class="compass-direction">
<<button "Throneroom">>
<<if $quests.palace_1_briefing.active>>
<<set $curLoc to "palace_throneroom">>
<<goto "briefing quest 1">>
<<goto "palace_throneroom">>
<<NPCloc "palace_throneroom">>
<div class="compass-direction disable">
<<button "">><</button>><br>
<<NPCloc "test">>
<div class="compass-direction disable">
<<button "">><</button>><br>
<<NPCloc "test">>
</div><div class="row-container">
<div id="npc-container"></div>
<div class="column-container">
<div class="btns">
<div class="row-container">
<div class="compass-container">
<div class="compass-direction">
<<button "Throneroom">>
<<if $quests.palace_1_briefing.active>>
<<set $curLoc to "palace_throneroom">>
<<goto "briefing quest 1">>
<<goto "palace_throneroom">>
<<NPCloc "palace_throneroom">>
<div class="compass-left-right">
<div class="compass-direction disable">
<<button "">><</button>><br>
<<NPCloc "test">>
<div class="compass-direction disable">
<<button "">><</button>><br>
<<NPCloc "test">>
<div class="compass-direction">
<<button "Arrakeen" "arrakeen_streets">><</button>><br>
<<NPCloc "arrakeen_streets">>
</div><<timed 0s>><<if !(Cycle.check("time", "midnight"))>>
<<removeclass "#desert-travel" "disable">>
<div class="row-container">
<div id="npc-container"></div>
<div class="column-container">
<div class="btns">
<div class="row-container">
<div class="compass-container">
<div class="compass-direction">
<<button "Palace Ext." "palace_exterior">><</button>><br>
<<NPCloc "palace_exterior">>
<div class="compass-left-right">
<div class="compass-direction">
<<button "Brothel" "arrakeen_brothel">><</button>><br>
<<NPCloc "arrakeen_brothel">>
<div class="compass-direction">
<<button "Bazaar" "arrakeen_bazaar">><</button>><br>
<<NPCloc "arrakeen_bazaar">>
<div id="desert-travel" class="compass-direction disable">
<<button "Desert" "desert_overview">><</button>><br>
<<NPCloc "test">>
</div><<if !$quests.brothel_1_intro.completed>>
<<goto "brothel intro">>
<<set $curLoc to "arrakeen_brothel">>
<div class="row-container">
<div id="npc-container"></div>
<div class="column-container">
<div class="btns">
<div class="row-container">
<div class="compass-container">
<div class="compass-direction disable">
<<button "">><</button>><br>
<<NPCloc "test">>
<div class="compass-left-right">
<div class="compass-direction disable">
<<button "">><</button>><br>
<<NPCloc "test">>
<div class="compass-direction">
<<button "Arrakeen" "arrakeen_streets">><</button>><br>
<<NPCloc "arrakeen_streets">>
<div class="compass-direction disable">
<<button "">><</button>><br>
<<NPCloc "test">>
</div><div class="row-container">
<div id="npc-container"></div>
<div class="column-container">
<div class="btns">
<div class="row-container">
<div class="compass-container">
<div class="compass-direction disable">
<<button "">><</button>><br>
<<NPCloc "test">>
<div class="compass-left-right">
<div class="compass-direction">
<<button "Arrakeen" "arrakeen_streets">><</button>><br>
<<NPCloc "arrakeen_streets">>
<div class="compass-direction disable">
<<button "">><</button>><br>
<<NPCloc "test">>
<div class="compass-direction disable">
<<button "">><</button>><br>
<<NPCloc "test">>
</div><<timed 0s>>
<<if $quests.ship_1_training.completed && !$quests.ship_4_pre_rm.active>>
<<removeclass "#meeting-btn" "disable">>
<<if (($quests.ship_5_rm.active && !$npcsInLocation["ship_corridor"]?.includes("jessica")) || $quests.ship_6_rm2.completed)>>
<<addclass "#meeting-btn" "disable">>
<div class="row-container">
<div id="npc-container"></div>
<div class="column-container">
<div class="btns">
<div class="compass-container">
<div id="arrakis-event-btn" class="compass-direction disable">
<<button "" "palace_throneroom">><</button>><br>
<<NPCloc "void">>
<div class="compass-left-right">
<div id="meeting-btn" class="compass-direction disable">
<<button "Meeting Hall">>
<<set $curLoc = "ship_meeting">>
<<set $location = "ship_meeting">>
<<if $quests.ship_2_meeting.active>>
<<goto "meeting quest 1">>
<<elseif $quests.ship_5_rm.active>>
<<goto "RM quest 1">>
<<goto "ship_meeting">>
<<NPCloc "ship_meeting">>
<div class="compass-direction">
<<button "Storage" "ship_storage">><</button>><br>
<<NPCloc "ship_storage">>
<div class="compass-direction">
<<button "Paul's Room" "ship_pbedroom">><</button>><br>
<<NPCloc "ship_pbedroom">>
</div><div class="row-container">
<div id="npc-container"></div>
<div class="column-container">
<div class="btns">
<div class="row-container">
<div class="compass-container">
<div class="compass-direction">
<<button "Corridor" "ship_corridor">><</button>><br>
<<NPCloc "ship_corridor">>
<div class="compass-left-right">
<div class="compass-direction disable">
<<button " ">><</button>><br>
<<NPCloc "test">>
<div class="compass-direction disable">
<<button " ">><</button>><br>
<<NPCloc "test">>
<div class="compass-direction disable">
<<button " ">><</button>><br>
<<NPCloc "test">>
<<if $quests.ship_3_bath.active || $quests.ship_7_sleep.active>>
<div class="activity-column">
<<if $quests.ship_3_bath.active>>
<div id="bath-scene">
<<button "Take a Bath" "bath quest 1">>
<<set $curLoc = "ship_pbedroom">>
<<if $quests.ship_7_sleep.active>>
<div id="sleep-scene">
<<button "Rest" "sleep quest 1">>
<<set $curLoc = "ship_pbedroom">>
</div><div class="row-container">
<div id="npc-container"></div>
<div class="column-container">
<div class="btns">
<div class="compass-container">
<div class="compass-direction disable">
<<button " ">><</button>><br>
<<NPCloc "test">>
<div class="compass-left-right">
<div class="compass-direction disable">
<<button "">><</button>><br>
<<NPCloc "test">>
<div class="compass-direction">
<<button "Corridor" "ship_corridor">><</button>><br>
<<NPCloc "ship_corridor">>
<div class="compass-direction disable">
<<button " ">><</button>><br>
<<NPCloc "test">>
</div><<timed 0s>><<if !$quests.ship_1_training.completed && $npcsInLocation["ship_storage"]?.includes("duncan")>>
<<removeclass "#duncan-training" "disable">>
<div class="row-container">
<div id="npc-container"></div>
<div class="column-container">
<div class="btns">
<div class="row-container">
<div class="compass-container">
<div class="compass-direction disable">
<<button " ">><</button>><br>
<<NPCloc "test">>
<div class="compass-left-right">
<div class="compass-direction">
<<button "Corridor" "ship_corridor">><</button>><br>
<<NPCloc "ship_corridor">>
<div class="compass-direction disable">
<<button " ">><</button>><br>
<<NPCloc "test">>
<div class="compass-direction disable">
<<button " ">><</button>><br>
<<NPCloc "test">>
<<if !$quests.ship_1_training.completed && $quests.ship_1_training.active>>
<div class="activity-column">
<div id="duncan-training" class="disable">
<<button "Train with Duncan" "training quest 1">>
<<set $curLoc = "ship_storage">>
</div><<timed 0s>>
<<addclass "#sidebarButtons" "disable">>
<<eventNext "">>
<div class="subheading">Breeding a Dynasty</div>
<h2>Chapter I</h2>
<<link "Start" "intro quest 0">>
<<set $curLoc to "ship_pbedroom">>
<<set $location to $curLoc>>
<<activateQuest "ship_1_training">>
<div id="quest-container">
<div id="quest-text-box">
</div><<timed 0s>>
<<addclass "#sidebarButtons" "disable">>
<<eventNext "">>
<div class="subheading">Breeding a Dynasty</div>
<h2>Chapter II</h2>
<<link "Start" "palace intro quest 0">>
<<removeclass "#sidebarButtons" "disable">>
<<set $curLoc = "palace_exterior">>
<<set $location to $curLoc>>
<div id="quest-container">
<div id="quest-text-box">
</div><<if !tags().includes("noloc")>>
/* get location tag from passage, to be used to find NPCs */
<<set _location = tags().find(function(tag) { return tag.startsWith("location:"); })>>
<<if _location>>/* remember it */
<<set $location = _location.split(":", 2)[1]>>
<<if !tags().includes("location:main_menu")>>
<<run document.getElementById("ui-bar").style.display = ''>>
<<run $('body').removeClass("morning midday afternoon evening night midnight")>>
<<if !tags().includes("location:main_menu")
&& !tags().includes("location:gallery")
&& !tags().includes("location:credits")
&& !tags().includes("noloc")
&& !tags().includes("notimefilter")
&& !tags().includes("insterstitial")>>
<<timed 0s>>
<<run $('body').addClass(Cycle.get('time').current())>>
<<if tags().includes("quest")>>
/* set quest passage background to same as previous location */
<<run $('body').addClass('location' + setup.locations[$curLoc].id)>>
/* run AI functions if follower active */
<<if $follower>>
<<run setup.runAI()>>
<<if !tags().includes("nonpc")>>
<<set _npcsHere = ($npcsInLocation[$location] || []).map(setup.getNPC)>> /* gets list of all npcs in current location */
/* generate npc image for each npc in current location */
<<for _npc range _npcsHere>>
<<capture _npc>>
/* display npc image based on equipped outfit*/
<<set _img to setup.getNPCImage(_npc)>>
<<capture _img>><<timed 0s>>
<<append "#npc-container">>
<div class="charimg">
<<link '<img @src="_img">'>>
<<set $curLoc = passage()>>
<<set $ref_id to _npc.id>>
<<replace '.column-container'>><<include 'talk to npc'>><</replace>>
<</if>>/* display header based on current location */
<h2 class="location-header"><<= setup.locations[$location].name>></h2>
<<if !tags().includes("menu")>>
<div class="statsCardContainer">
<<= "<div class='statsCardBackground statsCardBackground_" + Cycle.get('time').current() + "'></div>">>
<div class="statsCardDayTime">
<<if $debug>><<link"-">><<addtime -1>><<refresh>><</link>> <</if>><<= Cycle.get('time').current().toUpperFirst() + " day " + $day>><<if $debug>><<link"+">><<addtime 1>><<refresh>><</link>><</if>>
<div class="statsCardResources">
<div class="statsCardResourcesSpice"><<if $debug>><<link"-">><<set $player.spice -= 1000>><<refresh>><</link>> <</if>><<= $player.spice>> <<if $debug>><<link"+">><<set $player.spice += 1000>><<refresh>><</link>><</if>></div>
<div class="statsCardResourcesWater"><<if $debug>><<link"-">><<set $player.water -= 3000>><<refresh>><</link>> <</if>><<= $player.water>> <<if $debug>><<link"+">><<set $player.water += 3000>><<refresh>><</link>><</if>></div>
<div class="statsCardStats statsCardStatsINT"><<if $debug>><<link"-">><<set $player.intelligence -= 1>><<refresh>><</link>> <</if>><<= $stats["intelligence"].level[$player.intelligence].toUpperFirst()>> <<if $debug>><<link"+">><<set $player.intelligence += 1>><<refresh>><</link>><</if>></div>
<div class="statsCardStats statsCardStatsMAR"><<if $debug>><<link"-">><<set $player.martial -= 1>><<refresh>><</link>> <</if>><<= $stats["martial"].level[$player.martial].toUpperFirst()>> <<if $debug>><<link"+">><<set $player.martial += 1>><<refresh>><</link>><</if>></div>
<div class="statsCardStats statsCardStatsSEX"><<if $debug>><<link"-">><<set $player.sexual -= 1>><<refresh>><</link>> <</if>><<= $stats["sexual"].level[$player.sexual].toUpperFirst()>> <<if $debug>><<link"+">><<set $player.sexual += 1>><<refresh>><</link>><</if>></div>
<span class="thought">
<<for _quest range $quests>>
<<if _quest.active>>
<<= _quest.tip>><br>
<div id="sidebarButtons" class="btns" style="padding-top:16px;">
<<if $location != "gallery" && !tags().includes("menu")>>
<<button "Memories" "gallery">>
<<set $curLoc to passage()>>
/*<<button "Debug">>
<<if $debug>>
<<set $debug to false>>
<<set $debug to true>>
Debug: <<if $debug>>ON<<else>>OFF<</if>><br>
<<if $location == "gallery" || $location == "credits">>
<<button "Back" $curLoc>><</button>>
<<if $location == "gallery">>
<<button "Reset Gallery" "gallery">>
<<run forget('gallery_unlocks')>>
<<button "Restart">>
<<run UI.restart()>>
<<button "Save">>
<<run UI.saves()>>
</div><<run Config.history.maxStates = 1;>>
<!-- Player -->
<<set $player to {
name: "Paul",
spice: 0,
water: 0,
intelligence: 0,
martial: 0,
sexual: 0
<!-- Stat info -->
<<set $stats to {
intelligence: {
cap: 2,
level: ["attentive", "experienced", "wise"]
martial: {
cap: 2,
level: ["competent", "skilled", "master"]
sexual: {
cap: 1,
level: ["masturbator", "groper"]
<!-- Time -->
<<set $day to 0>>
<<newcycle 'time' 1 1 suspend>>
<<phase 'morning' 'midday' 'afternoon' 'evening' 'night' 'midnight'>>
<!-- Temp Variables
<<set $follower to {
active: false,
id: null
}>> -->
<!-- Debug Variables
<<set $debug to false>>-->
<!-- NPC Scene Variables -->
<<set $ref_id to "">> /* temp holder for NPC IDs */
<<set $gallery to []>>
<<set $follower to false>>
<!-- Location Variables -->
<<set $location to "">>
<<set $curLoc to "">>
<<set $mapLoc to "arrakeen_streets">>
<<set $mapDest to "">>
<!-- Story Flags -->
<<set $flags to {
bath_jessica_1: false
<!-- Quest Variables -->
<<set $quests to {
ship_1_training: { active: false, completed: false, tip: "I should talk to Duncan..." },
ship_2_meeting: { active: false, completed: false, tip: "I wonder if the meeting is over..." },
ship_3_bath: { active: false, completed: false, tip: "I should take a bath..." },
ship_4_pre_rm: { active: false, completed: false, tip: "I should speak to my mother..." },
ship_5_rm: { active: false, completed: false, tip: "Time for the test..." },
ship_5a_rm_hj: { active: false, completed: false, tip: "" },
ship_6_rm2: { active: false, completed: false, tip: "I should speak with the Reverend Mother..." },
ship_7_sleep: { active: false, completed: false, tip: "I should rest..." },
palace_0_intro: { active: false, completed: false, tip: "" },
palace_0a_firstsleep: { active: false, completed: false, tip: "I should explore the palace for today..." },
palace_0b_bath_intro: { active: false, completed: false, tip: "I should check out the bathroom..." },
palace_1_briefing: { active: false, completed: false, tip: "My father wanted to see me in the main hall..." },
brothel_1_intro : { completed: false, active: false, tip: "" },
palace_2_fremen_hagga: { active: false, completed: false, visited: false, tip: "I should explore the desert and find out more about the fremen..."},
palace_3_fremen_tuono: { active: false, completed: false, tip: ""},
palace_4_fremen_gara: { active: false, completed: false, visited: false, tip: "Korba mentioned other sietches..."},
palace_5_fremen_stilgar: { active: false, completed: false, day_req: null, tip: "Otheym said Stilgar will visit soon..."},
palace_5a_fremen_alliance: { active: false, completed: false, tip: ""},
jessica_love_lesson_0: { active: false, completed: false, tip: "I should speak with mother..."},
jessica_love_lesson_1: { active: false, completed: false, tip: "I should bring mother to my room after dark..."},
jessica_love_lesson_2: { active: false, completed: false, tip: "I should join mother during her morning bath..."},
<!-- Hyper Topic Variables -->
<<set $active_hyper = {
caladan: false,
harkonnen: false,
emperor: false,
benegesserit: false,
arrakis: false,
sardaukar: false,
irulan: false,
sexual_education: false,
concubine: false,
duncan: false,
sandworms: false,
fremen: false,
spice: false,
jessica: false,
baron: false,
computer: false,
truthsayers: false,
mentat: false,
leto: false,
voice: false,
cellular_control: false,
other_memory: false,
reverend_mother: false,
breeding_program: false,
guild: false,
weirding_way: false,
prana_bindu: false,
kwisatz_haderach: false,
secret_bloodline: false,
stillsuit: false,
ibad_eyes: false,
lisan_al_gaib: false,
stilgar: false,
zia: false,
otheym: false,
gamont: false,
}>><<widget "refresh">><<silently>>
<<run Engine.show()>>
<<replace "#story-caption">>
<<include "StoryCaption">>
<<run setup.runAI()>>
<</silently>><</widget>><<widget "NPCloc">>
<<for _loc range _args>>
<<if $npcsInLocation[_loc]>>
<div class="tinyimg">
<<for _npc range $npcsInLocation[_loc]>>
<<set _npc to setup.getNPC(_npc)>>
<<set _img to setup.getNPCProfile(_npc)>>
<<altimg _img "images/characters/template/profile/default.jpg">>
<</widget>>/* Adds the specified number of days. */
<<widget "adddays">>
<<run Cycle.get('time').reset();>>
<<set $day += 1>>
<<run setup.runAI()>>
<</widget>>/* Moves to next time period */
<<widget "addtime">>
/* add check to night/midnight period */
<<run Cycle.get('time').update(_args);>>
<<run setup.runAI()>>
<</widget>><<widget "completeQuest">>
<<for _arg range _args>>
<<run console.log(_arg)>>
<<set $quests[_arg].completed = true>>
<<set $quests[_arg].active = false>>
<<run setup.runAI()>>
<<widget "activateQuest">>
<<for _arg range _args>>
<<set $quests[_arg].active = true>>
<<run setup.runAI()>>
<</widget>><<widget "updateGallery">>
<<for _arg range _args>>
<<run $gallery.pushUnique(_arg)>>
<<set _gallery to recall("gallery_unlocks", [])>>
<<run _gallery.pushUnique(_arg)>>
<<run memorize("gallery_unlocks", _gallery)>>
<</widget>><<widget "updateLeftNav">>
<<replace "#story-caption">><<include "StoryCaption">><</replace>>
<</widget>><<widget "increaseStat">>
<<for _arg range _args>>
<<run console.log(_arg)>>
<<if $stats[_arg] && $player[_arg] < $stats[_arg].cap>>
<<set $player[_arg] += 1>>
<</widget>><<widget "ch1complete">>
<<set $curLoc to "palace_exterior">>
<<set $location to $curLoc>>
<<completeQuest "ship_1_training" "ship_2_meeting" "ship_3_bath" "ship_4_pre_rm" "ship_5_rm" "ship_5a_rm_hj" "ship_6_rm2" "ship_7_sleep">>
<<set $active_hyper.caladan to true>>
<<set $active_hyper.harkonnen to true>>
<<set $active_hyper.emperor to true>>
<<set $active_hyper.benegesserit to true>>
<<set $active_hyper.arrakis to true>>
<<set $active_hyper.sardaukar to true>>
<<set $active_hyper.irulan to true>>
<<set $active_hyper.sexual_education to true>>
<<set $active_hyper.concubine to true>>
<<set $active_hyper.duncan to true>>
<<set $active_hyper.sandworms to true>>
<<set $active_hyper.fremen to true>>
<<set $active_hyper.spice to true>>
<<set $active_hyper.jessica to true>>
<<set $active_hyper.baron to true>>
<<set $active_hyper.computer to true>>
<<set $active_hyper.truthsayers to true>>
<<set $active_hyper.mentat to true>>
<<set $active_hyper.leto to true>>
<<set $active_hyper.voice to true>>
<<set $active_hyper.cellular_control to true>>
<<set $active_hyper.other_memory to true>>
<<set $active_hyper.reverend_mother to true>>
<<set $active_hyper.breeding_program to true>>
<<set $active_hyper.guild to true>>
<<set $active_hyper.weirding_way to true>>
<<set $active_hyper.prana_bindu to true>>
<<set $active_hyper.kwisatz_haderach to true>>
<<set $active_hyper.secret_bloodline to true>>
<<updateGallery "images/locations/ship/intro_2.jpg" "images/locations/ship/bath_2a_jessica.jpg" "images/locations/ship/bath_2b_irulan.jpg" "images/locations/ship/bath_2c_chani.jpg" "images/locations/ship/bath_3.jpg" "images/locations/ship/relief_1.jpg" "images/locations/ship/relief_2.jpg" "images/locations/ship/relief_3.jpg" "images/locations/ship/relief_4.jpg" "images/locations/ship/relief_5.jpg" "images/locations/ship/rm_1.jpg" "images/locations/ship/rm_gameover.jpg" "images/locations/ship/rm_reveal.jpg" "images/locations/ship/rm_lick.jpg" "images/locations/ship/rm_young_jessica_1.jpg">>
<</widget>><div class="row-container">
<<if $curLoc is "main_menu">>
<<set _gallery_display to recall("gallery_unlocks", [])>>
<<set _gallery_display to $gallery>>
<<for _img range _gallery_display>>
<<capture _img>>
<div class="gallery-img">
<<link '<img @src="_img">'>>
<<popup "gallery image">>
</div><img @src="_img" style="max-height: 80vh; height: auto; width:100%; max-width: 60em;"><div class="credits">
Created by <a href="https://f95zone.to/members/lmno.2890075/">lmno</a> and <a href="https://f95zone.to/members/reynold-biplane.1077288/">reynold.biplane</a> <br>
Developed by <a href="https://f95zone.to/members/lmno.2890075/">lmno</a> and <a href="https://f95zone.to/members/finuee.5317325/">Finuee</a> <br>
Written by <a href="https://f95zone.to/members/reynold-biplane.1077288/">reynold.biplane</a> <br><br>
Based on fan-fiction <a href="https://archiveofourown.org/works/49607113/chapters/125204890">Programmed to Breed</a> by reynold.biplane and Dune saga by Frank Herbert <br>
Inspired by Balsamique's <a href="https://www.balsagames.com/">Behind The Dune</a> parody game
<b>Changelog v0.2:</b><br>
- Start of chapter 2<br>
- Rewritten backend for character dialogue and NPCs<br>
- New time progression system<br>
- New Locations<br>
- New NPCs<br>
- New UI<br>
- Remade AI character images<br>
- New partially freeroam locations (Arrakeen palace & Desert)<br>
- New Desert Map<br>
- New clothing system (only for Jessica for now)<br>
- New currency system (spice & water)<br>
- New skill system (martial & sexual prowess)<br>
- New conversation topics<br>
- Continuation of main quest (with the start of additional side quests)<br><br>
<b>Version 0.1.1</b><br>
- Added color-coded dialog<br>
- Fixed minor grammatical errors<br><br>
<b>Version 0.1.0</b><br>
- First release<br><br>
Every character featured in this game is over the age of 18.<br>
By clicking start game, you are confirming that you are above the age of 18.<br>
<div class="btns" style="margin-top: 1em;">
<<button "Start Game" "interstitial chapter 1">>
<<set $curLoc to "ship_pbedroom">>
<<set $location to $curLoc>>
<<run Dialog.close();>>
</center><<run document.getElementById("ui-bar").style.display = "none">>
<div class="main-menu-space-intro"></div>
<div class="main-menu-buttons">
<div class="main-menu-logo"></div>
/*<<button "New Game" "intro quest 0">>
<<set $curLoc to "ship_pbedroom">>
<<set $location to $curLoc>>
<<activateQuest "ship_1_training">>
<<button "New Game">>
<<popup "game_start" "Warning">>
<<button "Load">>
<<run UI.saves()>>
<<button "Gallery" "gallery">>
<<set $curLoc to passage()>>
<<button "Credits" "credits">>
<<set $curLoc to passage()>>
<div class="main-menu-space-char main-menu-space-char-jess"></div>
/*<div class="btns debug-area">
<div class="row-container">
<div class="activity-column">
<<button "Chapter 2 test" "palace intro quest 0">>
<<set $curLoc = "palace_exterior">>
<<button "Sietch test" "sietch_hagga">>
<<set $curLoc to "sietch_hagga">>
<<set $location to $curLoc>>
</div>*/<<timed 0s>>
<<addclass "#sidebarButtons" "disable">>
<<eventNext "">>
<span class="quest-quote">
A beginning is a delicate time. A time of measurement and finding the right balance. This every sister of the Bene Gesserit knows. To begin your study of the salacious life story of Muad'Dib, then, take care to measure your expectations. Do not be deceived by the knowledge of his eventual demise, into believing that his is a cautionary tale. For everything good or bad has to come to an end. Do not be deceived by the heights of lust and passion he achieved, into believing that he is an example to follow. For who could follow a demi-god? Muad'Dib is beyond judgement.
<br><span class="author">- from "Apocrypha of Ecstacy" by the Princess Irulan</span>
<<linkreplace "Continue">>
<<eventNext "">>
<<include "intro quest 1">>
<div id="quest-container">
<div id="quest-text-box">
</div><span class="wide-img"><img src="images/locations/ship/intro_1.jpg"></span>
What a beautiful morning in space. There have been few occasions so far in the life of young Paul Atreides to leave his home planet Caladan. He always enjoyed the view from orbit, of that big blue jewel. Today he would leave it for a long time. Maybe forever.<br> Paul could hear the faint whirring of the door mechanism behind him. And then silence again. No knocking, no greeting. Paul stayed relaxed and didn't move a muscle. <br>
<span class="player-speech">"Come inside, mother."</span><br>
<span class="jessica-speech">"Did Thufir not tell you never to stand with your back to a door? I could have been an assassin."</span><br>
<span class="player-speech">"I recognize your footsteps. And your smell."</span><br>
<span class="jessica-speech">"An enemy could imitate my footsteps and my smell."</span><br>Paul hesitated to turn around, knowing his eyes would once again be assaulted by the sight of his mother's voluptuous shape.
<span class="player-speech">"What do you want, mother?"</span><br>
<span class="jessica-speech">"It is morning. On Caladan at least. I came to wake you. Did you get enough sleep?"</span><br>
<span class="player-speech">"Just barely."</span><br>
<span class="jessica-speech">"Again, the same dream?"</span><br>
<span class="player-speech">"Yes."</span><br>
<span class="jessica-speech">"A cavern filled with water. A beautiful girl. And a battlefield, right?"</span><br>
<span class="player-speech">"Right. Doctor Yueh thinks it might have to do with my increased Spice intake these last few weeks. The navigators of the Spacing Guild are said to be able to predict future events pretty well, thanks to the Spice."</span><br>
<span class="thought jessica-speech">As do the Bene Gesserit, with limited success</span>, she thought.<br>
<span class="player-speech">"What if these dreams really are visions? What could they mean?"</span>, Paul continued.<br>
<span class="jessica-speech">"Your Spice consumption doesn't even compare to that of the navigators. It all sounds plausible to me. The water symbolises our home that we are leaving behind and the battle symbolises our uncertain future. We all worry about it Paul. And the girl, well. You're at that age now... I'd like you to tell me more about her someday."</span><br>Paul rolled his eyes.
<span class="player-speech">"It's not that kind of dream."</span><br>
<span class="jessica-speech">"Whatever the case may be, we will have opportunity to speak about your dreams with the Reverend Mother soon enough. She will know if there is any meaning to them."</span><br>
<span class="player-speech">"Is that not a good thing?"</span><br>
<span class="jessica-speech">"It is."</span><br>
<span class="player-speech">"You don't seem to look forward to it."</span><br>
<span class="thought jessica-speech">The boy is getting good at reading people.</span> Jessica cursed herself for underestimating him, even though she had trained him herself. From now on she would need to put more effort into lying. <span class="jessica-speech">"My relationship with that woman is strained."</span> Not technically a lie. But Jessica was omitting the real reason for her worry. <span class="jessica-speech">"Anyways, it is still a few hours until the last transports have come in and we make the jump to translight speed. You can follow your daily routine until then."</span><br>
<span class="player-speech">"Don't worry, mother. I won't forget my duties just because we aren't home anymore. I can't wait to read more about Fremen culture."</span><br>
<span class="jessica-speech">"I'm glad. But first Duncan wants to see you. You can shower and eat after combat training."</span><br>
<span class="player-speech">"Understood. Just one more minute."</span><br>
Jessica nodded and left. He allowed himself a brief look as she went out. Front and back. <span class="thought player-speech">Damn.</span>
<<linkreplace "Continue">>
<<eventNext "">>
<<include "intro quest 2">>
<</linkreplace>><img class="side-img" src="images/locations/ship/intro_2.jpg">
His mother's dress left little to the imagination. The Duke liked it that way, but unfortunately so did Paul. Suppressing these uncouth thoughts, he returned his attention to the starfield outside.
<span class="thought player-speech">Arrakis, land of sand. I'm hungry to learn more about you.</span>
How could it be? Arrakis was arguably the most important planet in the known universe and yet he hadn't learned much about it until relatively recently when his father was given stewardship of the planet. But he wasn't alone in his ignorance. Only the northern half of the planet had been fully mapped out. The local Fremen were notoriously reclusive and uncooperative. Dangerous even. Paul was determined to change this nonsensical state of things under Atreides rule. He was filled with a great sense of purpose and adventure, not a hint of homesickness or dread. But what else could his dreams be about?
<span class="thought player-speech"> Caverns filled with water. And the words "Tell me again of the oceans of your homeworld, Usul.", spoken by a local girl. </span> He could see it all clearly when he closed his eyes. What did Usul mean? He couldn't find it in any dictionary.<br>
<span class="thought player-speech">And at the end of every dream: Death, death, death. A bloody standard bearing the Atreides crest and a war chant containing my name.</span> It made him shudder.<br>
And then there were these other dreams. Seemingly unrelated to the presumed visions. He has had them for much longer. Dreams of his mother. Sexual dreams. He would rather not talk about those with the Reverend Mother of the Bene Gesserit. But she is also the Emperor's truthsayer. Could he even hide the truth from her? There was no use pondering the future now. Duncan was waiting.
<<link "Finish" $curLoc>>
<<updateGallery "images/locations/ship/intro_2.jpg">>
<<removeclass "#sidebarButtons" "disable">>
<</link>><<timed 0s>>
<<addclass "#sidebarButtons" "disable">>
<<eventNext "">>
Paul looked around the large hall. Boxes upon boxes upon boxes.<br>
<span class="player-speech">"So, Duncan. Do you know where the training automatons are stored? Or the practice rapiers?"</span><br>Paul heard the crackling of an energy shield behind him. And through the shield, Duncan's distorted voice:
<span class="duncan-speech">"We have everything we need. Use your personal shield and knife."</span><br>
<span class="player-speech">"Sharp knives and no training armour? What is that supposed to prove?"</span><br>
<span class="duncan-speech">"Defend yourself!"</span><br>Without further warning, Duncan lunged at him, knife aimed at his neck. Paul managed to reach for his belt just in time. His own shield hadn't even fully enveloped him when the knife collided with it. Paul stumbled backwards and let himself fall over a crate, creating some distance and buying himself enough time to draw his own weapon.<br>
<span class="player-speech">"Cool down, Duncan. The slow blade penetrates the shield."</span>, Paul tried to quip, but his voice was a bit shaky. He did not expect Duncan to go so hard on him.<br>
<span class="duncan-speech">"I don't know where your mind has been lately, but you don't seem to take my training seriously anymore. You WILL pay attention this time or I will HURT you!"</span><br>Duncan opened up again with a flurry of strikes. Each too quick to be a threat in itself, but designed to open up Paul's guard and be transformed into an actual attack just at the right moment. But Paul's defense was impeccable. He deliberately moved into each of Duncan's strikes, making the impacts of his opponent's weapon too quick to penetrate. At the same time he tried to bring his own blade into a good position. Duncan kept up the pace of attacks while simultaneously feigning a retreat. Paul leapt after him and the two smashed into each other, tripping and and tumbling to the ground.<br>Duncan landed on top of Paul, his blade just touching the shield above the chest, ready for a deadly blow. But he was also in peril. Paul had managed to sneak his knife out of Duncan's vision and through his shield during the fall and was now pointing it at his groin.<br>
<span class="player-speech">"Sorry to spoil your victory Duncan."</span>, Paul panted.
<span class="player-speech">"I got you by the balls. Let's call it a draw."</span><br>
<<linkreplace "Continue">>
<<eventNext "">>
<<include "training quest 2">>
<div id="quest-container">
<div id="quest-text-box">
</div>A sudden but rather soft jolt interrupted the action. The whole room was vibrating for a few seconds. They were going through the shields of the heighliner. The giant ship was gobbling them up. The room darkened for a brief moment until the light emitters adjusted their intensity.<br>A voice echoed through the transport's intercom system:
<span class="other-speech">"Our warmest greetings to House Atreides. The Spacing Guild welcomes you to this trans-galactic flight. Please stand by for further announcements."</span><br>
<span class="duncan-speech">"I guess this concludes our session."</span>, Duncan said, as he rolled off of Paul and got back on his feet.
<span class="duncan-speech">"I wouldn't call it a draw though. I think you need your heart more than I need my balls."</span><br>
<span class="other-speech">"Attention Duke Leto."</span>, a more serious voice announced.
<span class="other-speech">"The Emperor is on board this vessel and is requesting your presence. Please make your way to his frigate as soon as is convenient to you. Our flight schedule will be unaffected by this. We will start the engines at exactly the 6th hour, universal time."</span><br>
<span class="duncan-speech">"The Emperor? What does he want all of a sudden? We didn't even know he was onboard! It seems like we are done here. You managed to get out of yet another of my sparring sessions."</span>, Duncan said, trying to be jovial again.
<span class="duncan-speech">"Go get yourself cleaned up before we meet the Emperor. You want to look your best, just in case the princess is with him. No need to hurry though. Don't forget to talk to your father."</span><br>
<<link "Finish" $curLoc>>
<<addtime 1>>
<<completeQuest "ship_1_training">>
<<activateQuest "ship_2_meeting">>
<<set setup.npc.duncan.data.locOverride = "">>
<<set setup.npc.duncan.data.followPlayer = false>>
<<set setup.npc.duncan.data.state = "">>
<<removeclass "#sidebarButtons" "disable">>
<</link>><<timed 0s>>
<<addclass "#sidebarButtons" "disable">>
<<eventNext "">>
Paul, Duncan and a small team of hand-picked soldiers took a single ornithopter to head out into the desert. There were many tribes and many sietches, but they were all hidden and the Atreides agents have only been able to find the exact location of one of them so far. It was close by to Arrakeen.<br>
It took them a few hours to fly over Hagga Basin. They took their time, not only because of some strong winds, but also because there was a lot more to see than they anticipated. This part of the desert was rather densely populated compared to the rest of the planet. Hagga Basin, like the Imperial Basin where the capital was situated, was surrounded by the Shield Wall, a mountain range that couldn't be crossed by worms. This made it safe to build conventional settlements, instead of having to dig caves into the rock. They encountered many villages on their flight, as well as the old Harkonnen fortress Carthag, which was now abandoned.<br>
<span class="duncan-speech">"We're about to enter the target quadrant, Paul. Over there, in one of those rock outcroppings, that's where the sietch is supposed to be. Can you already see something?"</span><br>
<span class="player-speech">"No, too much dust. Is it entirely subterranean?"</span><br>
<span class="duncan-speech">"I don't think so. It's supposed to be relatively easy to find, compared to other sietches. Look out for any openings in the rock, and for people."</span><br>
<span class="player-speech">"It all looks the same to me."</span><br>
<span class="duncan-speech">"I don't know what kind of weapons they have, so I don't want to get too close. I'll fly a lap around the area. Maybe we can see more from a different angle."</span><br>
<span class="player-speech">"Hey! What's that over there? That looks like some sort of heavy weapon, doesn't it? Mounted on a tripod."</span><br>
<span class="duncan-speech">"I think you're right. But I can see no crew."</span><br>
<span class="player-speech">"Do you think they have seen us yet?"</span><br>
<span class="duncan-speech">"There's no way to... Wait! It's moving! Brace yourself! I'm bringing us down right now!"</span><br>
Duncan abruptly took the ornithopter into a nosedive, heading for a small nearby valley.<br>
<span class="duncan-speech">"It's gonna be rough! We don't have even ground to land on!"</span><br>
Duncan stopped the dive just in time for them not to smash into the rocks. They still came down with enough speed that one of the landing gears broke on impact. For a moment the passengers lay dazed in their seats. Duncan made sure that Paul wasn't hurt and then without losing a second, he and his men stormed outside and took defensive positions. They were lightly armed with only shields, daggers and stunners. They didn't bring lasguns on this diplomatic mission. Still, they were the best fighters in the Duke's service. Paul came outside as well and tried to scan the area. Something inside him told him to leave his shield deactivated and not just because it distorted his hearing. But a stern look from Duncan made him activate it anyway.<br>
<span class="duncan-speech">"In the name of Duke Leto Atreides! We are here on a peaceful mission!"</span> Duncan shouted.<br>
After a few moments of silence, there was movement on the ridge above them. A few vaguely human shapes emerged out of the blowing dust. They seemed more like blotches than people. In their loose flowing drab cloaks, the Fremen were almost invisible against the desert background. Only occasionally could one see the dark gray stillsuits beneath. The dunemen stood at ease, surveying the situation seemingly without any urgency. They weren't carrying any arms, not in their hands at least. Paul was sure that the insides of their cloaks must have been brimming with weapons though. Their posture betrayed the sort of confidence that only superior armaments can give to a person.<br>
Then one in their midst came forward a few paces and removed his hood and face mask. The inevitable piercing blue eyes became unveiled. He wore filtplugs in his nose, connected to the stillsuit. He spoke in an unperturbed manner.<br>
<span class="other-speech">"So you are the newcomers, eh?"</span> He paused for a while. <span class="other-speech">"We won't harm you. I am Korba, the naib of this sietch, the leader. If you have any business with us, you can say it now. It is not our manner to take in strangers as guests."</span><br>
Duncan holstered his weapons and deactivated his shield. <span class="duncan-speech">"I am Duncan Idaho. The Duke has sent me to establish diplomatic relations with this tribe and with all the free people of Arrakis."</span><br>
<span class="other-speech">"Good. You know where we live and we know where you live. We won't kill your people when we see them around here. As long as you behave yourself better than your predecessors. Anything else?"</span><br>
<span class="duncan-speech">"We have a mutual enemy. The Harkonnens are gone now, but they will try to return. We need to be prepared for that. We could use each other's help. And not just in military but also in economical matters."</span><br>
Korba rolled his eyes. <span class="other-speech">"… We will think about it."</span><br>
<span class="duncan-speech">"You haven't even listened to our offer yet."</span><br>
<span class="other-speech">"Yeah, well... We aren't interested in your offerings. We don't want your money. We have no use for it. We don't need your protection either. We just want to be left alone and we will leave you alone in return."</span><br>
<span class="player-speech">"Since you prefer to fight alone, I am sure you can use better weapons."</span>, Paul butted in. <span class="player-speech">"And what about water? Don't tell me you're not interested in water."</span><br>
The Fremen leader was taken aback for a second. <span class="other-speech thought">Who is this mouthy boy?</span><br>
<span class="other-speech">"And in return we become your lackeys? We do your dirty work? I don't think so."</span><br>
<span class="player-speech">"All we want is your trust and your friendship."</span><br>
<span class="other-speech">"Pshaw! Friendship! Trust! We don't know you at all and you don't know us. If your duke wants to befriend us, then he should come here himself!"</span><br>
<span class="player-speech">"He sends his only son to negotiate for him."</span><br>
To Duncan's amazement, that seemed to have had an effect. The Fremen leader was hesitating.
<span class="other-speech">"Paul Atreides?"</span><br>
<span class="player-speech">"Yes, that's me."</span><br>
A murmur went through the men behind Korba. A movement from his hand made them shut up. He pondered the situation for a while, as he stared off into the desert.<br>
<span class="other-speech">"Hm. The wind is about to get stronger. We should go inside."</span> He beckoned Duncan and Paul to follow him. As they walked towards the sietch, the man suddenly became very talkative. <span class="other-speech">"You know, the Harkonnens used to harass us for no reason. Us Fremen of Sietch Hagga have always gotten along well with the people of the basin. We aren't bandits like some of the other tribes. We are craftsmen and traders. But we know how to fight. The Harkonnens could never beat us into submission. We had to relocate a few times, but that is something we Fremen are used to. We killed many of their soldiers and lost few of our own. The other tribes envy us for all the water that we took from the enemy. Now we're back in our old home. It's a much nicer place than the sietches you can find in the plains."</span><br>
From the ground and from this close, the cave settlement was easily visible. It looked more sophisticated than Paul had anticipated. In fact, most of the sietch didn't look like a natural cave at all, but man-made. There were lots of straight lines and right angles. Only part of the main entrance and the walls facing the basin had retained their natural shape. There were even some decorations carved into the rock, and the entrance was flanked by statues. Many windows had been hewn into the walls, some in very odd places. All windows were covered on the inside by some kind of plastic shutters.<br>
Korba pointed to a bunch of windows and explained. <span class="other-speech">"These used to be blast holes. The Harkonnens shot at us with lascannons. You can't repair rock. You can only make the damage a part of the architecture. Now, let's go into the shade."</span><br>
They went through the main entrance and into a sort of large vestibule. There was nobody else there. Paul noticed a large door, almost like a vault door. The sietch proper must have been behind there, he thought.<br>
<span class="other-speech">"Now then, Atreides. Let's talk. We know about you people. We heard the propaganda that your agents have spread in the villages even before the Harkonnens left. We heard many things from them. Time will tell if they are true. We heard that your father is a just ruler. Gentle but strong. We heard that your mother is a Bene Gesserit. We heard that your army is very powerful."</span><br>
<span class="player-speech"><span class="thought">The wily dog is probing me about the prophecy.</span> "Did our propagandists say that? About my mother? What do you know about the Bene Gesserit?"</span><br>
<span class="other-speech">"Oh, not much. They are supposed to be well-respected in the Empire. They are considered wise women. So is it true?"</span><br>
<span class="player-speech"><span class="thought">I shouldn't lie, but I also shouldn't tell them more than necessary.</span> "Yes, she belongs to that order and she is trained in their ways."</span><br>
Korba inhaled sharply upon hearing that. Paul could sense that he was trying to suppress his true emotions. He tried to look unimpressed, but it was obvious that this information had a profound effect on this Fremen. There was a glimmer of hope in his eyes.<br>
<span class="other-speech">"I see..."</span><br>
It was obvious that the man had more questions but didn't dare to ask. Paul was glad about that and didn't prod him any further.<br>
<span class="other-speech">"Well, like I said, I don't think we have much business to discuss at this time, Atreides. But you are always welcome to ask."</span><br>
<<link "Finish" "sietch_hagga">>
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The flight to the next sietch was pretty uneventful. Just what they had seen before, plus more dust and rock. Korba had given them not only the exact coordinates, but also a description of what features in the landscape to look out for. Duncan easily spotted the sietch from a distance. There was nothing hinting at human habitation, but the big cave entrance couldn't be overlooked, if you knew where it was.<br>
<span class="duncan-speech">"I will set us down a short distance away from the sietch, just in case. We will be safer on foot. I don't want a surprise like last time."</span><br>
They landed right at the edge where the rock met the sand. It was a difficult hike up the rock. However it was a straight approach, with few obstacles and nowhere to be ambushed from, so they gladly put up with it.<br>
<span class="player-speech"></span><br>
<span class="other-speech"></span><br>
<<linkreplace "Continue">>
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<<include "fremen tuono intro 1">>
<div id="quest-container">
<div id="quest-text-box">
</div>Disturbingly they didn't encounter a single Fremen on their way up to the entrance. Duncan looked worried. <br>
<span class="duncan-speech">"An unguarded sietch? That doesn't seem right. Could it be abandoned?"</span><br>
<span class="player-speech">"Korba wasn't lying to me. It must be inhabited, or it was abandoned very recently. Should we investigate?"</span><br>
<span class="duncan-speech">"Just go in unannounced? That doesn't seem like a good idea. Who knows how they might react if we startle them."</span><br>
Duncan shouted into the dark cave. Then they waited. Nothing. They threw in some flares, shouted again. No response.<br>
<span class="duncan-speech">"I have a bad feeling about this. What do you think?"</span><br>
<span class="player-speech">"I say we go in."</span><br>
Duncan nervously fingered the hilt of his dagger.<br>
<span class="duncan-speech">"I don't know, Paul. Anything could happen in there. Don't think you have to impress anyone. We can just leave and come back later. And then we'll be better prepared."</span><br>
<span id="choice-a">
<<link "Oh come on. Let's at least take a quick look inside.">>
<<eventNext "">>
<<include "fremen tuono intro 2">>
<<addclass "#choice-a" "highlight-choice">>
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<span id="choice-b">
<<link "Hm. I think you might be right. Let's turn back." "desert_overview">>
<<removeclass "#sidebarButtons" "disable">>
</span><br><span class="duncan-speech">"If you say so... But be careful. You have never been in a real fight."</span><br>
Duncan went ahead with his shield activated and his weapons drawn. The others followed, Paul staying in the middle. This place was much more like a natural cave than Sietch Hagga. There were many winding paths leading in different directions, even a few vertical shafts to the outside. They picked the least dark path and carefully advanced down it instead of splitting up.<br>
Duncan came to an abrupt halt, looked around, then continued walking.<br>
<span class="player-speech">"What is it?"</span>, asked Paul.<br>
<span class="duncan-speech">"Oh, nothing. I just thought I smelled something. A little whiff of-"</span><br>
He was interrupted by screaming behind him. The two last men in the formation fell to the ground with darts sticking in their backs. Suddenly there was a group of Fremen standing behind them.<br>
Another group came running around the corner in front of them.<br>
Duncan wasted no time and charged at the Fremen before them.<br>
<span class="duncan-speech">"Get out of here, Paul! I'll cover your retreat. Don't worry about me!"</span><br>
The other Atreides men activated their shields as well and rushed ahead of Paul. One went to assist Duncan. But Duncan didn't need the help. He held his own against eight attackers.<br>
<span class="other-speech">"The small one, that's our prize. Get him! I want him alive!"</span>, the voice of a woman declared.<br>
Two more Fremen rappelled from the ceiling and landed in front of Paul, blocking his path. They futilely stabbed at his shield with their long daggers. Clearly they weren't used to fighting shielded opponents. But similarly Paul wasn't used to fighting unshielded opponents. His attacks were far too slow and easily dodged or blocked. It was a stalemate, but Paul managed to maneuver his way around his assailants and towards the exit. But as he was still occupied by his two pursuers, he didn't notice the hand coming from behind and reaching for his shield belt. Suddenly the crackling force field around him shut off and Paul felt a blade at his neck.<br>
<span class="other-speech">"Don't move a muscle, little guy."</span>, the same woman said to him.<br>
<img class="side-img" src="images/locations/desert/sietch_tuono/zia_intro.jpg">
She pulled him towards her and took his weapon while keeping her curved dagger at his neck. Being so close to the woman he could smell her body odor. It was pretty bad. How much worse would it be if she took off that stillsuit? Paul had heard that Fremen didn't wash themselves much, because of the scarcity of water. But he never really believed it until now. She surveyed the fighting around her. Only one additional Atreides man lay on the ground. Duncan had wounded three of her own fighters and killed one.<br>
<span class="other-speech">"Surrender! We have the Duke's heir! Lay down your arms!"</span><br>
Duncan froze but didn't drop his weapons yet.<br>
<span class="other-speech">"Surrender now and we will let you live. We are not interested in your bodies' water. We want more. We are taking the Duke's son hostage."</span><br>
<span class="duncan-speech">"What do you want from us?"</span><br>
<span class="other-speech">"The usual. Go home and tell your master that we are demanding 10.000 liters of water. Then we will release his son. Until then he will be our guest."</span><br>
<<updateGallery "images/locations/desert/sietch_tuono/zia_intro.jpg">>
<span id="choice-a">
<<link "Negotiate">>
<<eventNext "">>
<<include "fremen tuono intro 3a">>
<<addclass "#choice-a" "highlight-choice">>
<<addclass "#choice-b" "disable">>
<span id="choice-b">
<<link "Fight!">>
<<eventNext "">>
<<include "fremen tuono intro 3b">>
<<addclass "#choice-a" "disable">>
<<addclass "#choice-b" "highlight-choice">>
</span><br><span class="player-speech">"Unhand me, you fool! I'm the Lisan al Gaib! You don't threaten the mahdi!"</span><br>
<span class="other-speech">"You pipsqueak! You're no Lisan al Gaib! There have been many false prophets before you. We should kill you like the others. But a crysknife will find its way into your heart soon enough. For now, robbing your family blind is enough for me."</span><br>
<span class="player-speech">"You will regret this!"</span><br>
<span class="other-speech">"Maybe, but I doubt it. The other tribes will know that you are a fraud when they hear how easy it was to capture you. They won't punish us. And I don't fear your family or any other imperial scum. You are powerful, but you have powerful enemies too, don't you? They will soon crush you."</span><br>
<span id="choice-a">
<<link "Pay up">>
<<eventNext "">>
<<include "fremen tuono intro 4">>
<<addclass "#choice-a" "highlight-choice">>
<<addclass "#choice-b" "disable">>
<span id="choice-b">
<<link "Fight!">>
<<eventNext "">>
<<include "fremen tuono intro 3b">>
<<addclass "#choice-a" "disable">>
<<addclass "#choice-b" "highlight-choice">>
</span><br><<if $player.martial >= 2>>
Paul took a deep breath, once again inhaling the foul but somehow alluringly female odor of his captor. He emptied his mind completely and filled it only with the lessons in hand-to-hand combat he had received from Duncan.<br>
He raised himself a bit on his toes to get the perfect angle and leaned ever so slightly forward against the blade. Every little bit of distance counted.<br>
<span class="other-speech">"What are you trying to do, boy?"</span><br>
Then he violently jerked back his head, impacting it against the woman's nose. The effectiveness of this action was immediately confirmed by a wet crunching sound and a pained nasal scream. Just a split-second later, Paul wrested himself from his captors grasp, spun around and landed a powerful blow against her chest, sending her flying to the ground. Then he ran. His remaining companions continued their fighting retreat. They all made it out alive. The Fremen gave up the chase quickly. Paul and Duncan cackled all the way to the ornithopter. What an exhilerating experience! They lost three good men on that day, but they surely gained some respect in return.<br>
<<link "Continue" "desert_overview">>
<<completeQuest 'palace_3_fremen_tuono'>>
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<span class="player-speech thought">There is no other way. Perhaps with the element of surprise I can overpower her and get out.</span><br>
Paul thought what he could do. He looked around himself, straining his eyeballs, since he couldn't move his neck, trying to find an angle of attack.<br>
<span class="other-speech">"You better not be trying anything, boy, or we will kill your men."</span><br>
<span class="player-speech thought">Now or never.</span><br>
Paul violently jerked back his head, trying to break his captor's nose. But the back of his head only impacted against her cheek bone. Painful, but not enough of a distraction. She tightened her grip on him and wrestled him to the ground. Then another nearby Fremen kicked Paul in the head, knocking him unconscious.<br>
<<linkreplace "Continue">>
<<eventNext "">>
<<include "fremen tuono intro bad end">>
<</if>><<if $player.water >= 10000>>
<span class="player-speech">"Alright. Duncan, stand down. I'm sorry, but we have no other choice."</span><br>
Paul was terribly embarrassed. It was all his fault. This wouldn't have happened had he not been so impetuous and overestimated his own abilities. Worse than the monetary loss would be the loss of prestige. The water could perhaps be recovered later. But all was not lost. The other tribes might be more reasonable.<br>
Paul spend two days mostly in meditation in his dark cell until all 10.000 liters had been delivered to Sietch Tuono.<br>
<<link "Continue" "arrakeen_streets">>
<<adddays 2>>
<<set $player.water -= 10000>>
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<<set $mapLoc to "arrakeen_streets">>
<span class="player-speech">"We don't have that much water now."</span><br>
<span class="other-speech">"That is fine with me. Then your father will pay us in installments. Until then you will enjoy our hospitality. Well, maybe you won't enjoy it."</span><br>
<<linkreplace "Continue">>
<<eventNext "">>
<<include "fremen tuono intro bad end">>
<</if>>Paul awoke in a dark cell with a bad headache. He never learned what happened to Duncan and his other companions. He assumed the worst. His captor, Zia, only ever visited him to bring him food and to humiliate him. Aside from that, nobody spoke to him.<br>
His father sent as much water as he could scrounge up in a short time. It wasn't enough. More deliveries trickled in over several weeks. But then nothing. Nobody told him what happened, but Paul knew: House Atreides had been defeated, somehow. Wiped out completely. He could see it in his dreams. The Harkonnens were looking for him too, but his Fremen captors weren't willing to sell him to their hated enemies. And so Paul remained their prisoner in perpetuity. They contemplated just killing him and extracting his water. But Zia didn't want to give up her plaything.<br>
<span class="other-speech">"Feeding time!"</span><br>
Zia entered the cell with a bowl of food. Paul didn't react. He tried to endure this treatment with as much dignity as he could muster. The food had a strong cinnamon smell. As always there was a lot of Spice in it. The Fremen didn't have many other flavorings. The strong Spice smell inside the sietch almost masked the stench of unwashed bodies. Paul had not yet grown accustomed to it. He stirred the spoon in the slop. It was crumbly, almost dusty.<br>
<span class="other-speech">"Is it a bit dry this time? I'm sorry, but water is too valuable to waste on a useless prisoner like you. You have to earn the privilege."</span><br>
She put her foot on Paul's chest and pushed him to the ground. Then she pulled up her skirt and sat down on him.<br>
<span class="other-speech">"I will give you some of my water if you do me this little favor."</span><br>
Paul almost retched. The smell of that unwashed pussy was too much for him.<br>
<span class="other-speech">"Oh, you don't like it? You spoiled little, perfumed, imperial, pampered brat!"</span> She almost spat the words at him. <span class="other-speech">"You think we're uncultured because we don't bathe? Well I'm sorry, that's a luxury we just can't afford. But maybe I will let you give me a tongue bath. Maybe you will like me then? You can start here!"</span><br>
She grabbed his head and pressed his mouth into her crotch. <span class="other-speech">"Go ahead, clean me out! You're thirsty aren't you?"</span><br>
Paul did his best and scrubbed his dry tongue along Zia's pussy lips. It tasted salty and bitter and just foul.
<span class="other-speech">"You're rubbish! And don't make such a face. How am I supposed to get wet if you treat me like that?"</span> She got up on her knees and slapped Paul. <span class="other-speech">"If you're this lazy I will not give you any of my good water. You can just drink my piss instead."</span> She picked up the bowl of food and held it threateningly under her crotch. <span class="other-speech">"Do you want that?"</span><br>
Paul thought about it for a second. <span class="player-speech thought">How much worse could her piss taste?</span> It might be better not to find out. <span class="player-speech">"I am sorry, let me try again."</span><br>
Paul went in again, trying out different things. He had no idea what he was doing, but he tried. He wanted to use his hands too, but she didn't let him. Instead Zia used her own fingers to help the process along.<br>
<span class="other-speech">"You're hopeless."</span> She reached into his pants and pulled out his limp dick. She fondled it, stroked it a bit, shook it around. It didn't improve Paul's mood one bit. <span class="other-speech">"Now I have to find ways to entertain myself while I'm being eaten out. Pitiful. Come on, why aren't you getting hard?"</span><br>
She jabbed his balls lightly, making him flinch, but he dutifully resumed the licking and sucking almost immediately.<br>
<span class="other-speech">"Good boy."</span><br>
She turned around, assuming a 69 position. She started using her tongue on Paul as well. He didn't feel aroused at all, but it seemed to work. He slowly got hard. Zia giggled mischievously. She liked this cock. She had handled only a few so far. She liked the size and shape and how it felt. And the sweet scent too. She made herself comfortable, grinding her pussy against his face, ignoring the gagging noises, and continued to kiss and play with this juicy cock. This went on for quite a while. Zia had to do a lot of work herself to finally get off. She fingered herself hard while getting eaten out, all the while hurling abuse at Paul for his poor performance and anything else she could think off. From time to time she gave his balls a light slap too.<br>
When she felt her orgasm building, she got up on her knees again and held the bowl of food under her crotch once more. She moaned loudly as a shower of light fluid gushed out of her pussy and into the bowl. Paul couldn't believe how much she was ejaculating. That big clump of slop was almost swimming now. Some landed on his face and chest as well. Zia sighed happily and climbed down from Paul.<br>
<span class="other-speech">"Ah, that hit the spot. You were useless, but tomorrow you will perform better. Or else."</span><br>
She wiped up a bit of her fluid off his body and stuck that finger into his mouth. Paul found that it actually tasted quite pleasant. <span class="other-speech">"There you go. Eat up now. If that stuff still isn't moist enough for you, maybe you can jerk off into it?"</span> She said, flicking the head of his still-hard cock.<br>
<span class="other-speech">"See you again tomorrow."</span><br>
<<link "That was just prescience!" "desert_overview">>
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It took them only a short walk before they could make out a sentry sitting on an elevated position next to their path. The person immediately stood up after being spotted and waved at them. Then he climbed down from his post and ran ahead to alert his people. Duncan turned around and nodded at his men, confident that there would be no trouble this time. A few Fremen emerged from the cave and waited for the group. No signs of hostility in their demeanor. They simply sat down and observed in silence. One of them remained standing in the entrance and beckoned them inside. The leader no doubt.<br>
<span class="other-speech">"Paul Atreides and Duncan Idaho. I have expected you. Please come closer. We have a lot to learn from each other. Come."</span><br>
<<link "Finish" "sietch_gara_kulon">>
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</div><<timed 0s>>
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Paul was tossing and turning in his sleep. He had the same vision of war as always. But this time there was an additional element at the end. Maybe all the Spice in the air was expanding his vision? A mob of pilgrims, chanting his name, walking to a gargantuan temple. They are met by a formation of armed guards. These guards are carrying atop their shoulders a throne with a beautiful young woman on it. She's wearing a sheer robe. All her curves are clearly visible. Ample breasts and hips to match. Paul instinctively compares her to his mother. This girl isn't quite as voluptuous. But... isn't there a certain resemblance? He looks more closely at the face. Indeed, there are striking similarities with his mother, but also with his father and himself. Another Atreides?<br>
The chanting grows louder. The worshippers are in ecstasy at the sight of this woman. They are getting restless. Their cries become more excited and disunited. But Paul can still understand the name they are chanting:<br>
<span class="other-speech">Saint Alia!</span><br>
<img class="side-img" src="images/visions/alia_vision_1.jpg">
The girl stands up on her throne and raises her arms. Her robe hangs open and her nipples and smooth pussy become fully unveiled. The crowd goes wild. They are grabbing and pulling at each other, each one trying to get closer to their beloved mistress. Paul is more worried than aroused, and so are the guards. They're presenting their weapons to prevent the frenzied rabble from overrunning them. Alia does not seem bothered at all however. She's aloof. She takes the mad spectacle in front of her as flattery. Cocks and cunts are being presented. They're rubbing themselves, grinding against each other, some are even humping the air.<br>
The girl turns to Paul with a wry smile. She speaks. Despite the distance between them, he can hear her clearly: <span class="alia-speech">"See how they love me? THIS is how you control people."</span><br>
<<linkreplace "Continue">>
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</div>Then she jumps and disappears into the crowd. Paul is afraid that the crazy mob will pull her apart, and indeed he can see her robe being tossed into the air in shreds. He rushes to the scene. Despite their preoccupation, the masses make way for him. An aisle opens itself for Paul, and he can see clearly what is happening. Alia is sprawled out on the ground. Well, not quite. There are worshippers under her, holding her comfortably. She is almost totally engulfed in hands, each trying to get a hold of her juicy parts. They're squirming their way into her holes too, taking turns fingering her. As soon as a hand slips out, it is immediately replaced by another. Alia is moaning and smiling and cooing her approval to her followers. She's clearly not in danger at all. In fact, Paul is amazed how disciplined these people are all of a sudden. Nobody is trying to rape her. Everyone is either groping her or masturbating themselves, but no cock is even coming close to her. Alia, as soon as she manages to free her arms from her gentle captors, reaches out and caresses various of her followers, stroking their genitals, looking for the perfect cock. But all the while she keeps eyeing Paul's crotch from the corner of her eyes. His bulge is growing at the sight of this bizarre yet alluring display.<br>
<span class="alia-speech">"Brother, why don't you join us?"</span> She shoves away one of the hands at her pussy and starts fingering herself. <span class="alia-speech">"My holes are reserved for you."</span><br>
He needs no further encouragement. As soon as he comes into arm's length she hastily rips down his pants and marvels at his hard cock with mischievous joy.<br>
<span class="alia-speech">"Yes, this one will fit me nicely. You and I were made for each other. You know that, right? Come here, brother. Give in..."</span><br>
Those last few words kept reverberating in his mind, intermingled with another voice coming from the outside.<br>
<span class="alia-speech">"Give in..."</span><br>
<span class="other-speech">"Paul..."</span><br>
<span class="alia-speech">"… give in..."</span><br>
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<</linkreplace>><span class="jessica-speech">"Paul, wake up!"</span><br>
Paul recognized the sweet voice of his mother and opened his eyes. There she was, standing in the door frame, giving him an amused look. She was clearly not looking him in the eyes.<br>
<<if $quests.jessica_love_lesson_1.completed>>
<span class="jessica-speech">"Did you have a nice dream again?"</span><br>
<span class="player-speech">"Huh?"</span><br>
He looked at himself. His bed was in disarray, his blanket lay on the ground. His cock was hard.<br>
<span class="player-speech">"Hm... yes."</span><br>
<span class="jessica-speech">"Well, I'm sorry for interrupting then, but you have to hurry. There's a Fremen delegation waiting for us."</span> She interrupted herself to stare at Paul's erect and leaking cock some more. <span class="jessica-speech">"They are led by a man named Stilgar. He came to talk to your father, but I'm sure he wants to see us as well. We have to be on our guard. Let me do as much of the talking as possible."</span><br>
Paul nodded. <span class="jessica-speech">"Good..."</span> He absent-mindedly fondled his penis. He could still faintly hear the siren call of Alia in his head.<br>
Jessica came inside and closed the door. She sighed in fake exasperation. <span class="jessica-speech">"Oh Paul, that really must have been some dream, huh? Come on then, do it quickly."</span> She walked to the cabinet and gathered Paul's clothes for him.<br>
He shrugged, lay back on his bed, closed his eyes and started tugging at his cock. But it wasn't working for him. He still wasn't comfortable jerking off in front of his mother and pretending that she wasn't there. He stopped and opened his eyes again. Jessica was picking out a uniform for him but also watching him at the same time. <br>
<span class="jessica-speech">"What is it? Don't mind me, hurry up."</span><br>
<span class="player-speech">"Eh, I think I'll adjourn this masturbation session."</span><br>
<span class="jessica-speech">"What are you talking about?"</span> Jessica didn't hide her disappointment. She had grown fond of seeing Paul masturbate. <span class="jessica-speech">"I don't want your mind being preoccupied with carnal thoughts when we meet the Fremen. Here, let me help you."</span> She pulled at her dress and exposed her breasts, then proceeded to neatly lay out Paul's clothes on his bed, her breasts dangling free for Paul's viewing pleasure.<br>
Now this did work for him! Paul's eyes went wide. This free-wheeling woman still managed to find ways to surprise him. He started jerking with enthusiasm. With his uniform ready to be put on, but Paul having only just begun spanking his meat, Jessica decided to help him into his clothes while he tended to his needs. It wasn't exactly a relaxed masturbation session for Paul. He had to interrupt himself to help every few seconds. But it was exciting and his mother's bare breasts kept bumping into him.<br>
<span class="jessica-speech">"Now then."</span> Jessica stood up in front of Paul and observed him as he came close to his climax. <span class="jessica-speech">"How are you feeling?"</span><br>
<span class="player-speech">"Almost there... just a little bit more..."</span><br>
Jessica turned around and stuck out her rear. Then she pulled her dress taut against her butt and began wiggling it. <span class="jessica-speech">"How do you like that?"</span><br>
<span class="player-speech">"Mhh, very, very, mmmu..."</span><br>
His cock exploded and he shot his cum onto the floor.<br>
<span class="player-speech">"Ahhhhh..."</span><br>
Jessica couldn't help but chuckle. She was quite satisfied with herself. She admired the gooey tribute in front of her feet. Paul caught his breath, while continuing to admire his mother's lascivious body. She gave him a warm smile in response.<br>
<span class="player-speech">"Mother, I still don't understand why you do this for me but... thanks."</span><br>
<span class="jessica-speech">"Does a mother need a reason to spoil her son?"</span> She picked up a corner of the blanket from the ground and wiped the spunk off of Paul's cock with it. She gave it a thorough squeeze, milking out the last few drops of cum into the blanket and then she neatly packed his shrinking member into the pants. <span class="jessica-speech">"Come on now, let's go. And don't forget to wipe that expression off your face. We don't want to raise any suspicion."</span><br>
<span class="jessica-speech">"Did you have a nice dream again?"</span><br>
<span class="player-speech">"Huh?"</span><br>
He looked at himself. His bed was in disarray, his blanket lay on the ground. His cock was hard.<br>
<span class="player-speech">"Hm... yes."</span><br>
<span class="jessica-speech">"Well, I'm sorry for interrupting then, but you have to hurry. There's a Fremen delegation waiting for us."</span> She interrupted herself to stare at Paul's erect and leaking cock some more. <span class="jessica-speech">"They are led by a man named Stilgar. He came to talk to your father, but I'm sure he wants to see us as well. We have to be on our guard. Let me do as much of the talking as possible."</span><br>
Paul nodded. <span class="jessica-speech">"Good..."</span> He absent-mindedly fondled his penis. He could still faintly hear the siren call of Alia in his head.<br>
Jessica rolled her eyes in fake exasperation. <span class="jessica-speech">"You can take care of that later. Just get dressed and join us. Skip the bath. The Fremen don't smell too pleasant either."</span> Then she left in a hurry.<br>
Paul gave a pouting look to his dick and sighed. He had a feeling that this dream would reoccur, so this wasn't a great loss. He tucked away the image of Alia into the back of his mind and shifted his focus to his immediate concern: Forging an Alliance with Stilgar.<br>
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<div class="subheading">Breeding a Dynasty</div>
<h3>End of Chapter II Part I</h3>
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As Paul was about to approach the door to the impromptu meeting room, a number of officers came pouring out. They all looked rather dejected, but each still managed to smile as they greeted him. Only his parents were still sitting inside, in silence.<br>
<span class="player-speech">"What did I miss? Why the long faces? Is it because the Emperor is visiting?"</span>, he inquired.<br>
<span class="leto-speech">"No, it's not that."</span>, Leto responded.
<span class="leto-speech">"We have just received news from the Judge of the Change on Arrakis. The last of the Harkonnen troops have just left. The Baron himself and the Governor, Glossu Rabban, have left yesterday. Everything is happening as the Emperor has willed it. No foul play is being observed or has been observed at any point. Our own spies do not contradict this. Baron Harkonnen once again professes his unshaking loyalty to the Emperor and his peaceful intentions towards us. He claims to harbour no ill will and hopes that our strained relationship will improve in the future."</span><br>
<span class="player-speech">"What a slime. Strained relationship? Atreides and Harkonnens have been sworn enemies for generations!"</span><br>
<span class="leto-speech">"He is trying to save face and not seem like a fool in front of the Emperor and the Landsraad. We will not dignify him with an answer. Hostilities will resume soon enough. But for now we have to sit still and play nice. No more propaganda and sabotage against the Harkonnens for now. The other houses will be jealous enough of us already for our favor with the Emperor and our new fief of Arrakis. They wouldn't like to see us kick the Baron while he's down, however much he might deserve it."</span><br>
<span class="player-speech">"So what? The other houses might be jealous, but we still maintain good relations with all of them. The Emperor favors you enough to entrust you with all Spice production on Arrakis. Our army is stronger than ever. The Harkonnens can't defeat our military and, with their Spice monopoly gone, won't be able to in the foreseeable future either. I don't see what you are so glum about."</span><br>
<span class="leto-speech">"I don't know. This is all too good to be true. I'm starting to believe Thufir more and more..."</span><br>
<span class="player-speech">"What? That we are running into a trap?"</span><br>
<span class="leto-speech">"It is a distinct possibility. Our forces are now split up between two distant planets. We are newcomers in a hostile environment that we barely know, but our enemy had 60 years to get to know it well. Any defensive systems that are left on the planet are also known to our enemy. Until we have established a firm presence on the planet and gained a foothold, we are far from invulnerable."</span><br>
<span class="player-speech">"So what do we do?"</span><br>
<span class="leto-speech">"The first step to evade a trap is to know of its existence. And we know of it. That's the one advantage we have."</span><br>Paul thought for a moment. This didn't convince him.
<span class="player-speech">"What was Thufir's advice?"</span><br>
<span class="leto-speech">"To not go to Arrakis! Or to delay it for as long as possible at least, make some excuses. And use that time to prepare better."</span><br>
<span class="player-speech">"And?"</span><br>
<span class="leto-speech">"And make ourselves look like cowards? Our good reputation is as powerful a defense as any forcefield! Besides, we would only tip off our enemies that we know of their trap. We will go to Arrakis as scheduled!"</span><br>
<span class="player-speech">"Can we not decline to go at all?"</span><br>
<span class="leto-speech">"Of course not. Arrakis wasn't an offer. It was an order. It's not like I can just defy a direct order of the Emperor. If I wanted to do that, I might just as well renounce my title and ask the Guild to take us into exile on Tupile."</span><br>As he finished saying that, they could hear a distant rumbling. The heighliner's engines were firing up.<br>
<span class="player-speech">"I guess it's too late reconsider now."</span>, Paul added.<br>
<span class="leto-speech">"I think there is nothing left to discuss. We should get ready to head out and meet the Emperor. Unless you have any more questions, Paul, I suggest you go and get cleaned up now."</span><br>
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<img class="side-img" src="images/locations/ship/bath_1.jpg">
Paul let himself slide into the bath. It wasn't as good as the thermal bath in Castle Caladan, but it was good enough to relax him after his duel with Duncan. Duncan wasn't his usual jolly self. He was on edge, almost angry. They could have killed each other. Paul was a good enough fighter to beat almost any soldier in their army in every form of combat. Duncan apparently didn't believe that that was good enough anymore. Everyone was so tense these days. Was he the only one looking forward to Arrakis?<br>
Paul's penis was standing at attention already and waiting for its massage. Should he do it now? He felt a slight bit of shame over his masturbation habit. He was doing it more often lately. Every other day, sometimes more. And he always took his time. A man of his station shouldn't be so beholden to the whims of his body. But it hadn't gotten to the point where it impinged on his ability to fulfill his duties.<br>
<span class="thought player-speech">What should I think of today?</span><br>
<span id="choice-a">
<<link "Mother">>
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<<include "bath quest 2a">>
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</div><span class="thought player-speech">Mmhhhh, mother...</span><br>There was no way to deny it: Paul lusted after his mother. He had come to accept that about himself. He felt no guilt anymore. <span class="thought player-speech">Guilt is for those who don't understand themselves and who lack self-control.</span> Jessica was the perfect woman in pretty much every way. And she wasn't shy about flaunting her qualities.<br><span class="thought player-speech">Mother in those skimpy dresses... They accentuate her form. But they also reveal too much of it. She isn't innocent. She likes the attention.</span><br>Paul didn't objectify his mother though. He had the utmost respect for her. How couldn't he? Her wisdom, her strength, her effortless grace left him in awe. He loved her genuinely, as a son. But he also desired her body. It was unnatural perhaps, but not necessarily unusual. Most people afflicted by such urges had the good sense to abstain from acting on them. And that's what he intended to do as well. He was going to be a good son. And later a good Duke. This was going to remain his little vice. His secret.<br>
<img class="side-img" src="images/locations/ship/bath_2a_jessica.jpg">
<span class="thought player-speech">Mother bathing on the shores of Caladan. The most divine sight in the universe.</span><br>Paul had seen her in various states of undress countless times. Jessica wasn't shy about her body, least of all in front of her family. They never stopped taking baths together. It just happened less frequently over time. He never grew tired of the sight of her magnificent body, despite being so used to it. She never seemed to notice his gaze either, or at least she didn't seem to care.<br><span class="thought player-speech">Mother and father in ecstasy. Their moans and her cries of pleasure filling the corridors of Castle Caladan.</span><br>They didn't use a cone of silence in the bedroom. Some people said it was bad for sperm production, but Doctor Yueh said that was just a myth. Paul had caught a glimpse of his parents having sex a couple of times. They always kept the doors and windows open on those hot and humid summer nights.<br><span class="thought player-speech">Mother teaching me about sex.</span><br>Jessica and Paul had always been very open and frank about topics of a sexual nature. Since he grew up without any peers around him, he also hadn't anyone to talk to about his developing sexuality on even terms. Jessica remedied that as best as she could. She was present when Yueh taught him the basics about sex and reproductive anatomy. She always found ways to infuse those boring lessons with the appropriate warmth and sensuality and make sex sound like fun. He learned about masturbation from her. How to do it and why, and to feel no shame about his urges. And the necessary discipline:
<span class="thought jessica-speech">"Only do it to clear your head and when you feel starved of love, never out of boredom".</span><br>Now he had to get <span class="thought">her</span> out of his head. He jerked faster.<br><span class="thought player-speech">Yes, yes...</span>
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<</linkreplace>><img class="side-img" src="images/locations/ship/bath_2b_irulan.jpg">
Paul had met her once before at a royal ball and impressed her with his dancing skills. She in turn had impressed him with her beauty and elegance. That was a few years ago. Paul tried to imagine what she might look like now. She was quite well developed already back then, so he imagined her much like his favorite voluptuous actresses from his erotic filmbooks.<br><span class="thought irulan-speech">"Come here, my loyal servant. You have served your beloved Empress well, so you shall be rewarded. You may assist me with my bath. Don't be shy, step into the water. Don't get your clothes wet, take them off. I am giving you permission. You like what you see, don't you? So do I. Don't try to hide your manhood. I am not offended. You will will let me touch it, won't you? Hehe, I think I will reward you even more! Aren't you glad to serve such a generous Empress? Enjoy, but don't forget to wash me. Does that feel good? I have never handled one so big before! Wash my breasts too. I want you to use your special lotion on them."</span>
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<</linkreplace>><span class="wide-img"><img src="images/locations/ship/bath_2c_chani.jpg"></span>
<span class="chani-speech">"Tell me again of the oceans of your homeworld, Usul."</span>, she said laying beside him in a dimly lit cave. He never had the time to really appreciate her beauty in these moments. But he could remember her image well. An exotic beauty, around his own age. Sensual lips, dark hair, unnaturally blue eyes like all the Fremen are said to have. And contrary to the fashion in the Imperium at the time, not quite clean-shaven. She was completely infatuated with him, and he with her. Paul's stroking picked up some speed. <span class="thought player-speech">Will I really meet her someday? I hope so.</span> In his fantasy he tells her all about Caladan. But that's just background noise as they explore each other's bodies. This native girl's body is surprisingly hardy and yet luscious. His engorged manhood pressed against her leg. They both became increasingly excited with each touch. Then her eyes closed and she leaned in for a kiss. Their lips locked as she straddled him for a close embrace. Her hard nipples rubbed on his chest and her pubes tickled his shaft. She pulled back to stare lovingly into his eyes, giving a slight smile. This is it. Paul grabbed her hips and shifted around under her. The tip of his penis pressed against her soft pussy. Just one more kiss for good luck and then...
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<<updateGallery "images/locations/ship/bath_2c_chani.jpg">>
<</linkreplace>><span class="thought player-speech">Yes!</span><br>Paul could feel himself getting closer to an orgasm. It was time to get this done. He arched his back and closed his eyes. Almost there...<br>And then Paul could hear two people entering his bedroom, deep in conversation. One of them was his mother. The other one... an unfamiliar voice. Female. Authoritative. <br><span class="thought player-speech">Is she talking down to mother?</span><br>Then the bathroom door opened and his mother stood before him.<br>
<span class="jessica-speech">"At least you're facing the door this time."</span>, she quipped. But her face was serious.<br>Paul sat up, to make his boner disappear beneath the water. But the tip still stuck out. <br>
<span class="jessica-speech">"Sorry to disturb you, Paul. I don't want to spoil your daily masturbation session."</span><br>
<span class="player-speech">"Bi-daily."</span><br>
<span class="jessica-speech">"Listen. Change of plans."</span> Jessica did not look happy.
<span class="jessica-speech">"The two of us will remain here in the transport. The others will go out without us to meet the Emperor."</span><br>
<span class="player-speech">"What?"</span><br>
<span class="jessica-speech">"The Reverend Mother Gaius Helen Mohiam is here."</span><br>
<span class="player-speech">"Is that her in my room?"</span><br>
<span class="jessica-speech">"Yes. She wants to see you Paul. This is happening sooner than I had anticipated. She wants to observe you and... test you."</span><br>
<span class="player-speech">"Test me? How?"</span><br>Her eyes lingered on his penis for a second. It refused to soften, despite her presence.<br>
<span class="jessica-speech">"I don't know. But I want you to be careful."</span><br>
<span class="player-speech">"Of what?"</span><br>
<span class="jessica-speech">"Just... be mindful. Her opinion of you is very important to me."</span><br>
<span class="player-speech">"Understood..."</span> Paul was disturbed by his mother's sudden change in demeanor. Is she scared?<br>
<span class="rm-speech">"May I come in?"</span>, the other woman said. <br>Paul instinctively pulled his legs towards him to hide his penis. Without actually waiting for an answer, she casually stepped into the doorframe.<br>
<img class="side-img" src="images/locations/ship/bath_3.jpg">
Paul was stunned! <span class="thought player-speech">That's her? The old Reverend Mother?</span> What a shock! She did not at all look how he imagined her. He didn't know her true age, but from the little bits and pieces of information he could gather from his mother, he figured she must have been... maybe 100 years old? At least 80. <br>She was... beautiful! Only the silver-white colour of her hair seemed to confirm her actual age. And maybe the skin was slightly wilted. But... God, the breasts! They were even bigger than his mom's! And her hips... He could almost see down to her crotch! Why was it all so visible? What in God's name was she wearing? Just a thin robe and it was almost hanging open! <span class="thought player-speech">And what's with that lascivious pose?</span><br>
<span class="rm-speech">"Isn't he small for his age, Jessica?"</span><br>Paul's eyes involuntarily flicked to his penis when he heard that. It was still rock hard. Good thing she couldn't see it.<br>
<span class="jessica-speech">"It runs in the Atreides family. Their growth in height is always a bit delayed. He will be quite statuesque soon enough."</span><br>
<span class="thought player-speech">Do all Bene Gesserit look like this? </span>This unabashed display of sexuality overwhelmed him. Paul had never witnessed such wantonness before! <br>
<span class="rm-speech">"Sorry for intruding on you, young Atreides. I have waited so long to finally meet you."</span><br>Paul snapped out of his stupor and stopped staring at her body.
<span class="thought player-speech">Damn! Was this part of the test already? Have I failed it?</span><br>
<span class="player-speech">"I am honoured, Reverend Mother. Excuse me, I cannot bow properly right now."</span>, he said while attempting a feable bow of his head.<br>
<span class="rm-speech">"Charming..."</span> She grinned
<span class="rm-speech">"I will give you a little more time to prepare, since my visit was a surprise to you. I'll be waiting in the meeting room. Do whatever you think is necessary before seeing me."</span> She looked at Jessica.
<span class="rm-speech">"I suggest meditation. Take your time, there's no hurry."</span><br>And with that, she left.<br>
<span class="player-speech">"Who the hell does she think she is?"</span><br>
<span class="jessica-speech">"Nevermind that now, Paul. Finish your bath and whatever else you were doing. I'll wait in your room."</span><br>
<span class="thought player-speech">How bizarre</span>, Paul thought. <span class="thought player-speech">And worrying</span>. Then he jumped up and quickly rinsed himself off. <span class="thought player-speech">To hell with masturbating! It will have to wait. </span>Paul was eager to face this new challenge. He dried himself off and got dressed in a hurry. He was still shaking from the excitement a bit. <span class="thought player-speech">I'm gonna put that brazen dame in her place! </span><br><span class="thought player-speech">God, she's hot!</span>
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Paul had never seen his mother so visibly nervous. That couldn't be good. She was controlling her breathing now. Surely she was repeating the Litany Against Fear in her head. This was worrying. He thought maybe he should follow her example. So he closed his eyes and silently formed the words with his mouth. But he stopped halfway through. It was of no use. The Litany might work against fear, but not against – he looked down his body – hornyness! His penis was straining hard against his uniform pants. The excitement of uncertainty was adding to his arousal. His heart was beating audibly now. He tried the Litany once more. Maybe he could at least relax the upper half of his body.<br>
<span class="thought player-speech">I must not fear. Fear is the mind-killer. Fear is the little-death that brings total obliteration. I will face my fear. I will permit it to pass over me and through me. And when it has gone past I will turn the inner eye to see its path. Where the fear has gone there will be nothing. Only I will remain.</span><br>And exhale. Paul felt calmer already, at least in his head. When he opened his eyes again he could see his mother looking at his massive erection.<br>
<span class="jessica-speech">"Paul, the Reverend Mother can't see you like this."</span><br>
<span class="player-speech">"I know. I'm trying my best."</span><br>
<span class="jessica-speech">"Use your Prana-Bindu training. Don't worry. We still have time."</span><br>
<span class="player-speech">"I... I'm not sure how."</span><br>
<span class="jessica-speech">"We don't usually teach Prana-Bindu to males, but I'm sure it can be used to deflate an erection. Control your blood flow. I know you can do it. This is a good occasion to put your skills to the test."</span><br>Paul was surprised by his mother's sudden calmness, considering the situation. In fact, she sounded almost happy. Solving this little problem must be distracting her from the uncertainty ahead.<br>Alright then. Paul had practiced cutting the blood flow to certain body parts before. He could stop his cheeks from blushing. And he could make his fingers and toes go numb. But he had never practiced on his penis before. At least not like this. He could make himself cum just through force of will alone, but that wasn't the requirement right now.<br>Paul was sweating. This was difficult. His mind was fully turned inward now, all his outward senses shut off. As he had never done this before, he couldn't quite "target" his penis yet. So he took his time, started at the heart and let his mind circulate through his veins for a while, flowing downstream, down to his loins. And there it was, the root of his shaft. What comfortable warmth he felt. He was reluctant to stop here at the entrance, but he had no choice. As he had found the way to his penis, it was time to return to the heart and redirect the blood flow. But as soon as he turned around, the warmth increased and he began to feel a tingling. <br>
<span class="thought player-speech">Oh no.</span><br>This felt way too good! Was he losing control? Looking back again, he could see himself continuing to float upward towards the tip of his penis. And now the image of the Reverend Mother appeared in front of him, scandalously clad, just like he had seen her before. <br>
<img class="side-img-left" src="images/locations/ship/relief_1.jpg">
Her stern look gave way to an annoyed eyeroll. With a sigh, her robe flew open, revealing everything. And there they were, those luscious, ample breasts that he couldn't help but stare at before. They were sitting atop a slender waist and further below... Ohhh, what a heavenly sight! A pink and plump pussy, oozing delectable juices! She was giving him an understanding smile now and spreading her legs for him.<span class="thought player-speech"> Maybe this Bene Gesserit is a really nice person after all?</span><br>
<span class="rm-speech">"My dear boy, whatever am I going to do with you?"</span>, she said in a rather motherly tone.<br>
<span class="jessica-speech">"Paul, what are you doing? Are you about to soil your pants?"</span><br>That was definitely his mother's voice now. And she too appeared in front of his mind's eye, stark naked and her boobs gently swaying.<br>
<img class="side-img" src="images/locations/ship/relief_2.jpg">
<span class="player-speech">"Yes, I'm coming, mother..."</span><br>
<span class="jessica-speech">"Paul!"</span><br>That voice came from the outside! What was he doing here again? <br>The tingling increased and was almost unbearable. Now he remembered. Abort! Abort! Don't ejaculate!<br>
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</div>Jessica had observed her son closely the whole time and could sense what was about to happen. With lightning reflexes and uncanny speed, she rushed toward Paul, undid his belt-buckle and pulled down his pants in one swift motion.<br>As soon as she had done that, a geyser of cum spewed forth and landed on her face and cleavage. Paul let himself fall to the floor from the exertion.<br>
<img class="side-img-left" src="images/locations/ship/relief_3.jpg">
Jessica knelt there for a second, dumbfounded. What a load! Her son had truly been bred for virility. She immediately forced herself to her senses again and assessed the damage. Thank God, it all landed on bare skin! Both her dress and her son's uniform remained unsoiled.<br>
<span class="jessica-speech">"Kull Wahad! Paul, you need more training!"</span><br>Seeing the state his mother was in, Paul was mortified. Did this really just happen? Did he really just cover his mother in this much cum? This was more lewd than any of his dirty dreams.<br>
<span class="player-speech">"Uhm, I... I didn't mean to..."</span><br>
<span class="jessica-speech">"Don't blame yourself. I should not have delayed your sexual training for so long. Go and fetch me some towels."</span><br>Paul hurried and opened a wall-panel, exposing a hidden hygiene unit, including a wet towel dispenser. Jessica, meanwhile, was in trouble yet again, as the cum on her cleavage threatened to run down into her dress. So she quickly freed her breasts to prevent that from happening. This was clearly not the time for modesty! The semen was harmlessly dripping onto the floor now, and not a small amount.<br>
<img class="side-img" src="images/locations/ship/relief_4.jpg">
Paul returned with the towels and almost went cross-eyed. What a sight to behold... he would never get tired of seeing his mother's breasts in their full glory. And now covered in cum, his own! This was too much.
<span class="thought player-speech">I will never get rid of this boner!</span><br>
<span class="jessica-speech">"Thank you."</span>, Jessica said as she took a towel.
<span class="jessica-speech">"Help me clean my face."</span><br>
<span class="player-speech">"Mother, I don't know what to say. I am so sorry."</span><br>
<span class="jessica-speech">"Say nothing. Concentrate on the task at hand. We will discuss this later."</span><br>
<span class="player-speech">"You won't tell father about this, will you?"</span><br>
<span class="jessica-speech">"No, he wouldn't understand. Now stop thinking about what's going to happen. You must have your wits about you when you step before the Reverend Mother. Right now I want you to keep your mind on what's right in front of you."</span><br>
<span class="player-speech">"Yyyyyyes..."</span><br>Right now his mom's awesome exposed breasts were in front of him. Surely that's not what she meant.<br>
<span class="jessica-speech">"What? Are you erect again?"</span><br>
<span class="player-speech">"I don't think it went down to begin with."</span><br>
<span class="jessica-speech">"Fine. Let me think... Is this normal for you? Is your member always this... defiant?"</span><br>
<span class="player-speech">"No, not usually."</span><br>
<span class="jessica-speech">"Paul, you cannot be this infatuated with the Reverend Mother. And you should be used to seeing my breasts. I really should have prepared you better."</span><br>
<span class="player-speech">"Uhm..."</span><br>She gave off an exasperated sigh and stuffed her breasts back into her dress.<br>
<span class="jessica-speech">"Just take care of it how you normally would. Sometimes the mundane solution works the best."</span><br>
<span class="player-speech">"You mean, masturbate? Right here?"</span><br>
<span class="jessica-speech">"Yes. I will stand guard at the door."</span><br>Any other day Paul would have protested, if only to keep up appearances. But not today. He didn't even know how he felt about this. But his penis knew. His mother instructing him to jerk off was a new and exciting experience. Well then, no time to waste! He turned around and started pumping his shaft at a fast pace while standing in the middle of the room. What a strange sensation. Paul had always jerked off in his bed or in the bath, but never exposed like this. It felt good. Freeing somehow. Like he was shedding some sort of mental burden. He wasn't even thinking of anything in particular. Just enjoying the feeling. He could get used to this. Yes, why hide your normal bodily functions anyway? <br>Then Paul took a peek behind him.
<span class="thought player-speech">What!? </span>His mother was looking straight at him! She was just leaning against the door and staring dispassionately as if oberserving a piece of machinery.<br>
<span class="jessica-speech">"Don't slow down now."</span>, she said.
<span class="jessica-speech">"And I want you to empty your mind as well. Not just your testicles".</span><br>This was bizarre. Paul was used to having little privacy and discussing sexual matters frankly, but this went quite a bit further. What a strange day this has been already. He was still of two minds whether he liked this or not. He just kept looking over his shoulder in bewilderment over this whole situation. He had thought of his mom many times before while masturbating. Is it really any more wrong when she is standing right there? Is it not even better?
<span class="thought player-speech"> Her dress really leaves little to the imagination. Does she not realize or does she not care what effect this has on me?</span><br>
<span class="jessica-speech">"You aren't stroking. Am I bothering you after all? I can go outside." </span><br>
<span class="thought player-speech">I bet she wouldn't even flinch if I turned around now. </span><br>
<span class="player-speech">"Uhm no... it's okay."</span><br>She walked towards him and laid a hand on his shoulder.<br>
<span class="player-speech">"Mother, this is... a little uncomfortable."</span><br>She hesitated a bit, then sat down on the bed and motioned for Paul to sit beside her.<br>
<span class="jessica-speech">"Paul... let's not kid ourselves. This body of mine turns you on. It's no surprise to me. I'm sure you're feeling awful about it."</span><br>
<span class="player-speech">"Well..."</span><br>
<span class="jessica-speech">"You are growing into a man and I haven't exactly been modest around you. So sometimes you stare a little bit. That's normal. But I know that I have raised you well. You know about boundaries and you will grow out of this. Right?"</span><br>
<span class="player-speech">"..."</span><br>
<span class="jessica-speech">"The point is, I don't judge you. Not the least bit. Our natural urges are what they are."</span><br>Jessica nestled up to him and leaned her head against his to comfort him. Paul reciprocated the embrace. His penis was harder than ever. Usually he would feel ashamed right now. But he didn't. Was it because of his mother's reassurance? Something about this situation felt deeply erotic. Was it only in his head? He couldn't help but stare down her cleavage. Jessica sighed and once again pulled out her boobs.<br>
<span class="jessica-speech">"Go ahead. Get it out of your system."</span><br>
<span class="player-speech">"What? Mother..."</span><br>
<span class="jessica-speech">"I don't want your mind to be burdened by any of this. Especially not now. So get over yourself. Just do it. I allow it."</span><br>One of her hands caressed the back of Paul's neck, the other grasped his stiff and pulsating manhood. Paul couldn't believe it. <br>
<span class="jessica-speech">"You have my permission to enjoy this moment. We will deal with the consequences at the appropriate time. Don't even think about that now. Just... get it all out. Cum for me!"</span><br>
<span class="wide-img"><img src="images/locations/ship/relief_5.jpg"></span>
And with that she started jerking. Slowly and with great finesse. Paul was blown away by this development. He hastily reached for her breasts. He was feeling and handling them with great enthusiasm, but was doing it clumsily. Jessica didn't mind at all. Paul's penis felt good in her hand. She also enjoyed this moment of intimacy. Paul's soft, whimpering moans were warming her heart. She would have liked this to continue for much longer. But Paul didn't last long. After a short while, he erupted again. Another substantial load. Jessica couldn't help but be pleased.<br>He let out a long sigh and stretched himself out over his bed. He felt nothing but pure bliss. No apprehension, no worry.<br>
<span class="jessica-speech">"I hope you will understand someday, why I had to do this."</span><br>
<span class="player-speech">"That was..."</span><br>
<span class="jessica-speech">"I know."</span><br>
<span class="player-speech">"Thanks, mother."</span><br>
<span class="jessica-speech">"Come on now. Put your cock away. Let's get going."</span>
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The door to the meeting room slid open and there she was, the supposedly old woman. Sitting comfortably in a swivel chair in front of the big table. She was still wearing that almost open robe. Paul could see a nipple but he managed to not let it distract him.<br>She didn't say a word. She just studied Paul as she watched them enter. He met her gaze and approached in silence. He bowed down, but only so far that he didn't break eye contact. She smiled, but she didn't exactly look friendly. Something about her bothered Paul. It wasn't just the immodesty and the rudeness. He could sense danger.<br>
<span class="rm-speech">"I will deal with you in a short while, Jessica. For now you may watch from over there, if you can stand the sight."</span> She pointed to one of the corners of the room.<br>Jessica hesitated. She knew this was coming and had prepared herself for it. And deep down in her heart she always knew that Paul was the one. But now the reality of the situation hit her hard. She was afraid, afraid of losing her son. <br>The Reverend Mother looked at Jessica now and spoke in a softer tone.
<span class="rm-speech">"I know what you feel. I have been in your place before. You know it must be done."</span><br>
<span class="jessica-speech">"Yes, your reverence."</span> Jessica complied and went into the corner. From there she couldn't reach Paul quickly enough to save him. He had to do this on his own. <br>Seeing this submissiveness baffled and angered Paul. That was not how he knew his mother. This all felt wrong.<br>
<span class="rm-speech">"Now lad, come closer."</span><br>Paul stood defiant. He wasn't going to submit to this woman so easily. He had to compose himself for a second to make sure his words came out calm.
<span class="player-speech">"What gives you the authority to talk to the ducal heir and his mother like that? Tell me what business I have with you and what this test is about!"</span><br>The Reverend Mother leaned forward. Now her breasts were almost hanging free.<br>
<span class="voice rm-speech">"Come here. Give me a kiss."</span><br>
She sounded slightly different than before. Even more stern. But there was also a distinct sweetness to her voice, and it kept ringing in his head. His vision darkened slightly and he obeyed before he could even think about it. Not that he would have wanted to disobey this command. Only once their lips parted did Paul realize what had just happened.<br>
<span class="thought player-speech">How dare she use the Voice on me! Damn, that kiss felt good!</span> If the Reverend Mother were to look down now she would be able to see the onset of yet another mighty erection.<br>
<span class="thought jessica-speech">Paul's first kiss.</span> Jessica didn't like that it had to happen this way.<br>
<span class="rm-speech">"I see you haven't given him any training in the sexual arts, Jessica. That is good. One less variable to distort the results of the test. Tell me boy, are you human?"</span><br>
<span class="player-speech">"I am."</span><br>
<span class="rm-speech">"If that is true, then you have nothing to fear. But I would like to make sure."</span><br>
<span class="thought rm-speech"> I don't like him. He's trouble. I hate to admit it, but that damned Guild might be right for once. He could upset the balance. Maybe I should just get rid of him.</span><br>
<img class="side-img-left" src="images/locations/ship/rm_1.jpg">
She pulled an ornate box out of her robe and held it out towards Paul. It had a hole on one side. Jessica's eyes widened. She knew then that the Reverend Mother had not only found Paul's weakness, but was also going to exploit that weakness mercilessly. Did she want her son to fail? Was that going to be her revenge? Surely she couldn't be so petty? There was too much at stake.<br>
<span class="rm-speech">"Put your penis inside the box."</span><br>Paul was still in control after this command. No Voice this time. He looked at his mother for confirmation and she nodded. She knew she couldn't interfere. Her son's life was entirely in his own hands. Paul hesitated but complied. Ultimately, he was too curious to not put his member into this strange device. The old woman reached for a dial on the box that was disguised as an ornament and gave it a half-turn. Immediately the box began to hum. Paul's entire body went stiff.<br>
<span class="rm-speech">"How do you feel?"</span><br>
<span class="player-speech">"Good..."</span><br>That was an understatement. Paul had never felt this good in his entire life. This device seemed to stimulate every nerve in his penis without touch, perhaps through induction. Even after cumming twice just a few minutes ago, he felt more sensitive than ever. Then it subsided again, mostly. The witch had turned the dial back again.<br>
<span class="rm-speech">"Look here, boy."</span><br>His whole body was still stiff, but Paul managed to relax his neck muscles enough to be able to peek down and see the needle pointing at his scrotum.<br>
<span class="rm-speech">"See this needle on my finger? It's the Gom Jabbar. It's poison can kill you in mere seconds. Don't even try to escape. You see, an animal's highest priority is to procreate. No cost is too high for them. They will disregard their own health, their own life. Yes, and even the lives of their conspecifics. They are driven entirely by instinct. Pain and pleasure. But humans are capable of using reason. We can suppress our instincts. That is what you must do now. I will activate the pleasure amplifier again and you must endure it. Your instinct will tell you to enjoy the sensation and to give off your seed again and again. If you do that, even once, I will kill you. If you pull out of the box before I allow you to, I will also kill you."</span><br>And with no further fanfare, she turned the device back on. Even further this time. Paul almost lost consciousness. He had to fight hard to contain himself.<br>
<span class="rm-speech">"You have ejaculated very recently, haven't you?"</span><br>She gave Jessica a knowing look. Paul couldn't answer.<br>
<span class="rm-speech">"That will distort the result of this test, I'm afraid. I will have to adjust the intensity accordingly."</span>, she said with a mischievous smile.<br>Paul couldn't even feel his penis anymore. Instead, the pleasure began to vibrate through his entire body. It felt like he was perpetually orgasming. What might an actual orgasm feel like now? Oh, how he longed for relief!<br>
<span class="rm-speech">"You admired my breasts earlier today. Do you want to see them?"</span><br>She opened her robe fully. Majestic hanging breasts, with veins showing through the pale skin.<br>
<span class="rm-speech">"You are free to touch them. Do whatever you like."</span><br>Paul was more than tempted, but thankfully he still couldn't move. The witch knew that. She was obviously just taunting him.
<span class="thought player-speech"> Oh god, this is getting too much. I'm sure she intends to kill me. I can't hold on for much longer...</span><br>
<img class="side-img" src="images/locations/ship/rm_2.jpg">
<span class="rm-speech">"I only told you not to pull out, but you may move your hips a little. Try it, it will feel even better. Why aren't you moving? Come on, impregnate this bitch already!"</span><br>She grabbed Paul's ass, careful not to poke him with the needle. For one moment, her desire to see the Atreides heir fail almost overcame her and she was about to reach for his prostate. But this wasn't for her own amusement. She had to stay impartial. This boy could still be valuable for them.
<span class="thought rm-speech">Maybe just a little tickle...</span><br>Paul was in panic. His eyes instinctively darted over to his mother, but she couldn't help. She was deep in meditation, no doubt reciting the Litany Against Fear once more.
<span class="thought player-speech">What can I do? I have to focus my mind on a turn-off. It's my only chance. But I can't think of anything anymore. What disgusts me? I can't remember!</span>
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<div id="quest-container">
<div id="quest-text-box">
</div>Paul was drenched in sweat and tears. He could barely hold on.<br>
<span class="thought player-speech">Gurney's ugly inkvine scars... not disgusting enough. The Baron's fat rolls. Almost. Defecation... dirty anal... anal... NO! Unsightly hair... Thufir's bushy eyebrows... bush... majestic vaginal coiffure! Argh! What else is there? Death. Yes! The thing from my visions I always try not to remember... The Atreides banner over millions of corpses... killed in my name... I can't die now, I have to prevent that from happening!</span><br>
<span class="player-speech">"I will not cum! You will not destroy me, old hag! <span class="voice">RELEASE ME!</span>"</span><br>The Reverend Mother was stunned.
<span class="thought rm-speech">He uses the Voice!</span> She wasn't fazed by it, but the technique was impressive. Paul's limp and shriveled penis flopped out of the box. <br>Jessica nearly fainted from the relief. She rushed over to Paul and propped him up while he regained his senses.<br>The old woman stuck her finger into the device in disbelief, then pulled it out again.
<span class="jessica-speech">"Nobody has ever withstood this much... the days of the Kwisatz Haderach are drawing near. Maybe he is the one."</span><br>Jessica hugged her son tightly and showered him with kisses.<br>
<span class="rm-speech">"Calm down, Jessica. We don't know yet. Our calculations still say he isn't."</span><br>Paul allowed himself a boastful grin.<br>
<span class="rm-speech">"You did well, young human. I apologize for the harsh treatment. I had to observe you in adverse conditions to know what you are truly like. Now you may ask me anything and I will answer truthfully."</span><br>Paul could sense that she was being honest, but still couldn't trust her fully.
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<</link>><span class="thought player-speech">If this is my last moment in this world, I will have to make it count.</span><br>Paul tried to remember every beautiful woman he had ever seen as quickly as he could while he slowly relaxed his muscles. Despite the numbing pleasure, his swelling testicles were starting to hurt.
<span class="thought player-speech">Yes, my harem. Tonight I have enough seed for all of you... Mother, you will be the first...</span><br>A sigh of relief escaped through his clenched teeth and an inhuman amount of semen shot out of the box.<br>He didn't register the needle entering his skin. The poison coursing through his veins didn't diminish his pleasure at all. He just gradually lost consciousness and collapsed.<br>He was still leaking cum as he lay on the floor and the last remnant of his vital energy faded away.<br>Paul Atreides died with a smile on his face.
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<</linkreplace>>With her son dead and her husband doomed to the same fate, Jessica gave herself up to the Bene Gesserit. She was brought to a secret place, known only to the sisterhood.<br>She had evaded punishment long enough. They were willing to forgive her for defying orders and giving birth to a son instead of a daughter, as long as that son was trained to a high standard and pliable. But she had failed them again.<br>
<img class="side-img" src="images/locations/ship/rm_gameover.jpg">
Jessica was still valuable breeding material. And although she offered no resistance in her grief, the sisterhood wasn't going to take any chances with her anymore. Jessica was confined along with other insubordinate breeding stock, to be forcefully inseminated again and again. Since she could neutralize any fertility drugs injected into her if she so wished, she was instead hooked up to illegal Ixian machines that were to make sure that she conceived every time and that she gave birth to the correct sex.<br>Jessica bore more children than she could count. She stayed fertile for almost her entire, very long life. Since no Kwisatz Haderach appeared in her lifetime, there was nobody that could rescue her. And so her name became entirely forgotten. The Bene Gesserit struck her from all of their records. Except from the mating index, where her name appears more often than any other.
<<link "That was just prescience!" "ship_corridor">>
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The old woman produced a cup out of another fold in her robe and put it down on the table beside her.<br>As he moved to get it, Paul could feel how full and aching his testicles still were. He begrudgingly took the small vessel and turned to leave.<br>
<span class="rm-speech">"No, stay here. Jessica, you leave the room."</span><br>Jessica did not like where this was going.
<span class="jessica-speech">"Why?"</span><br>
<span class="rm-speech">"You don't expect the boy to masturbate with his mother present?"</span><br>
<span class="jessica-speech">"You still seem to underestimate his willpower. He can blank out my presence."</span><br>He could, but he wouldn't. Even though his mother watched him masturbating just a short while ago, the thought still aroused him. His member began to swell and he began stroking gingerly. He was unsure where to look.<br>Jessica made a few hand gestures towards the Reverend Mother. Just finger movements, barely noticable spasms. Only a person taught in the Bene Gesserit way could recognize the message, let alone decipher its meaning.
<span class='thought jessica-speech'>"I know you too well. I won't leave my son alone with you. You always take things too far."</span><br>The old woman was amused by Jessica's concern. While she expected obedience from her, she also thought it prudent not to antagonize her more than necessary.
<span class='thought rm-speech'>Just the bare minimum then.</span> The boy was already looking at her expectantly. He obviously craved some assistance.<br>
<span class="rm-speech">"Are you having problems, boy?"</span><br>
<span class="player-speech">"I think my penis is still numb from the pleasure amplifier. I'm barely feeling anything."</span><br>
<span class="rm-speech">"Hm, poor thing. Let me try."</span><br>She reached for his penis. Slowly so as to not startle him. She touched it daintily, sliding her fingers along the underside and gently fondling the area behind the scrotum.<br>
<span class="rm-speech">"Do you feel that?"</span><br>
<span class="player-speech">"Barely. I think I might need some visual stimulation as well."</span><br>She chuckled.
<span class="rm-speech">"You scamp. You are taking full advantage of the situation, aren't you? But you shall have it your way. Do you want to see my boobies? My pussy?"</span><br>
<span class="player-speech">"Yes!"</span><br>She shot a glance over at Jessica, making an exaggerated innocent face as if to say:
<span class='thought rm-speech'>"It's his wish, not mine."</span><br>
<span class="rm-speech">"It's the least I can do for you after the ordeal I put you through."</span> <br>
<img class="side-img" src="images/locations/ship/rm_reveal.jpg">
She paused her stroking briefly to fully open up her robe and spread her legs. A fragrant trickle of fluid had already come out of her pussy. Then she masturbated him with great gusto, one hand pumping the shaft fast, the other circling the glans.
<span class="rm-speech">"Don't worry Jessica, I'm not going to break him."</span><br>Even with those glorious boobs and that leaky pussy in full view, Paul couldn't help but be mesmerized by the woman's face.
<span class='thought player-speech'>She is so in heat! It's as if she just flipped a switch. She looks like a demon of desire! And...oh my god, that smell is heavenly...</span><br>Her fingers were getting wet with Paul's precum. She wanted to taste it. She was really in the mood for a virile young man like him. She would have liked to do more. Suck him off. Take him inside her. Fuck him senseless, make him addicted to her. Or at the very least just rub his beautiful manhood on her engorged and leaking pussy and make him yearn for more. Maybe some other time. He looked about ready to cum. She took the cup and held it in front of Paul's penis. With her free hand she gave him a few more firm strokes and then waited for the inevitable eruption from those inflated balls. An enormous jet of semen shot out with such force that it partially rebounded out of the cup again. It still filled up almost to the brim.<br>
<span class="player-speech">"Ahhhhhhhhh..."</span><br>The Reverend Mother's right hand was covered in semen. She took out a tissue and hung it over Paul's penis.<br>Then she leaned back and licked the semen off her hand. Leisurely, like a snack.<br>
<img class="side-img" src="images/locations/ship/rm_lick.jpg">
<span class="rm-speech">"Mhh, you have a high sperm count. Go on, clean yourself up. We have more to discuss, don't we?"</span><br>Jessica was glad that this was over.
<span class='thought jessica-speech'>At least this foul seductress didn't get to give Paul his first handjob. Maybe he will have his first sex with a woman of his own choosing.</span>
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<span class="rm-speech">"Jessica thinks that you have some ability to predict the future. Reoccuring prescient dreams. Is that so? Have you had dreams that have come true?"</span><br>Paul was surprised to hear that. His mother had always downplayed his visions when he told her about them.
<span class="player-speech">"I can't say with certainty. A lot of the dreams I've had have come true. But those were little things. Not important and not very specific."</span><br>
<span class="rm-speech">"Coincidences?"</span><br>
<span class="player-speech">"Possibly, but I think not."</span><br>
<span class="rm-speech">"Do you dream every night?"</span><br>
<span class="player-speech">"Yes... but not every dream is worth remembering."</span><br>
<span class="rm-speech">"And tonight?"</span><br>
<span class="player-speech">"Tonight was a reoccuring dream. I dream that I am in a rock-hewn cave. It is beautifully decorated and illuminated. There is a lake in it. And then I am in a similar cave with a girl. She is asking me questions about my homeplanet. And then we do... intimate things."</span><br>Jessica perked up her ears upon hearing that. He had never mentioned that detail to her.<br>
<span class="player-speech">"And after that I get roused from my sleep by the sounds of battle. The screams of the wounded and the dying are gradually drowned out by warriors chanting my name. And I get a brief glimpse of all the dead and a battle standard... an Atreides standard. Then I wake up."</span><br>
<span class="rm-speech">"Quite... disturbing."</span> She had a similar dream about a war that night. But the details were different. The Guild also reported a similar vision to the Emperor. Except that the emphasis there wasn't on the death toll, but on the disruption to Spice production. And that Paul Atreides was responsible for it somehow and that he had to die.<br>
<span class="thought rm-speech">But not yet. What's bad for the Guild isn't necessarily bad for us. Although it could be.</span><br>
<span class="player-speech">"So am I your 'Chosen One'?"</span><br>She could hear some disdain in his voice.<br>
<span class="rm-speech">"It's far too early to make an accurate prediction about that. We need to gather more data first. And we won't know for sure until your training is complete. Any other interesting dreams that could help me get a clearer picture?"</span><br>Actually, yes. The dreams about his mother. Paul preferred not to discuss those, especially with her standing there. He hesitated for a split second longer than he should have.<br>
<span class="player-speech">"No, that was all."</span><br>She could tell that that was a lie. She could also tell that Paul was concerned about his mother's presence. Probably the reason for his lie.<br>
<span class="rm-speech">"Good. I want to hear no more about visions. Now I wish to speak to you alone."</span><br>She dismissed Jessica by handwave. Jessica had also detected the lie and wondered what it was about. She would have preferred to stay for the interrogation, but she could sense that her old teacher had no intention to cause any more harm to her son, and so she went outside.<br>The Reverend Mother gave Paul a stern look.
<span class="rm-speech">"Once more. Any other dreams?"</span><br>Paul knew he couldn't lie his way out of this. But he could just stand his ground and say nothing.<br>She sighed and stared at him expressionless for a while, studied him intensely while he stood there in uncomfortable silence.<br>
<span class="rm-speech">"Are you embarrassed to tell me? The great Paul Atreides, embarassed?"</span>, she taunted.
<span class="rm-speech">"Are you having naughty dreams, boy? Every boy has those. And you've already told me about one. What is so special about the others? Are they about her?"</span> She gestured towards the door.<br>Paul couldn't hide his shock at being found out.
<span class="player-speech">"...Yes..."</span><br>She was amused by his discomfort. She relished being able to toy with the boy's emotions. <br>
<span class="rm-speech">"Sex dreams about your mommy? That isn't too unusual either. I know all about it. Nobody admits it, but it happens. Do you feel better now?"</span> She couldn't suppress a big grin. She loved seeing him squirm. But enough of that. She wasn't here for her own pleasure. Time to get serious again.
<span class="rm-speech">"Tell me more then. We have to make sure that everything is alright with you. No need to be shy anymore."</span><br>
<span class="player-speech">"Well, they're all kinds of dreams. Sometimes she is naked. Showing herself off for me, actually. Sometimes she is..."</span> He gulped.
<span class="player-speech">"...embracing and kissing me. I usually wake up before anything serious happens, most of the time... But sometimes I have a different kind of dream. She is younger in those and she does things with other men. And women too..."</span> He became agitated.
<span class="player-speech">"All kinds of things. Like... all kinds. I probably don't have to tell you about all the depraved things that humans sometimes do. Nice things, but also not so nice."</span><br>
<img class="side-img" src="images/locations/ship/rm_young_jessica_1.jpg">
Her expression turned into a focused stare.
<span class="thought rm-speech">Can it be?</span><br>Paul continued:
<span class="player-speech">"Now that I think about it again, you were in those dreams too. Yes. Younger, but it was you."</span> His face turned into a grimace.
<span class="player-speech">"You were... abusing her! You were beating and whipping her. Urinating on her. Making her pleasure you. You turned her into your personal toy! Did that actually happen?!"</span><br>
Paul's nervousness was gone completely and he was ready to punish this wretched woman for what she had done to his mom. He was sure somehow that those dreams were visions too. But of the past.<br>The Reverend Mother was baffled, but not too concerned about her safety.
<span class="thought rm-speech">Incredible. How is this possible? His mother's genetic memory. And without having gone through the spice agony. It's not impossible, it has happened before, although not to a male. The memories are just one generation removed and they are incomplete. Not impossible. But why these memories in particular? Those dreams he mentioned first sound just like normal dreams. Were the memories conjured up by a latent desire for his mother? Interesting. Truly, the coming of the Kwisatz Haderach is near. Damn Jessica for giving birth to a son!</span><br>
<span class="player-speech">"ANSWER ME"</span> Again, an attempt at using the Voice, but poorly executed due to Paul's anger.<br>She decided to answer him anyway.<br>
<span class="rm-speech">"So you have some limited access to the Other Memory as well. Impressive. You have inherited these memories from your mother, along with all the other information in your genes. Naughty boy. Sniffing your mommy's panties isn't good enough for you, you have to sniff in her memories as well... But I shall keep it a secret. Surely you know better than to act on your unnatural urges. And concerning my... training of your mother. That was all normal Bene Gesserit practice." </span>
<span class="thought rm-speech">I might have overdone it just a little.</span>
<span class="rm-speech">"This sort of treatment is necessary for future concubines, to prepare them for all eventualities. Not all husbands have simple tastes or are as gentle as your father. Imagine how a Harkonnen might treat his wife... I assure you, Jessica wasn't harmed. She is mentally tough, always has been."</span>
<span class="thought rm-speech">And more perverted than you know. </span>
<span class="rm-speech">"If she was to be given an acolyte to teach some day, she would train her the same way."</span><br>Paul didn't believe all this, but also realized that he couldn't do anything about it at the moment. For now, he forced himself to calm down again.<br>
<span class="player-speech">"Are we done here?"</span><br>
<span class="rm-speech">"You may go. Tell your mother to come in." </span>
<span class="thought rm-speech">Maybe the Guild really is right about him. I hope I won't regret this.</span><br>Paul left the room with mixed feelings. He had just won a victory, but all his new knowledge troubled him. His feeling worsened when he saw his mother. He couldn't look her in the eyes.<br>
<span class="player-speech">"She wants to talk to you. I think I'll go rest for a while. I'm really tired."</span>
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Paul slumped onto his bed. He didn't bother taking off his uniform properly and folding it. He just wriggled himself out of his clothes and threw them to the side and closed his eyes. The day was still young and Paul still had duties to perform, but the events of the last hour had drained him completely. Physically and mentally. He was keen to process all the new information and this new reality he suddenly found himself in. Arrakis was supposed to be a big change, but before Paul even arrived there he had to re-evaluate his entire existence. But he was too exhausted. It had to wait. He shifted into a more comfortable position to meditate and empty his mind.<br>His past, his future... not now.<br>The implications of the Bene Gesserits' perverse plans... later.<br>His relationship with his mother... he lingered on that thought for a while. Everything else seemed relatively distant. But he had to face her the next day. It worried him and it also excited him.
<span class="thought player-speech">Mother touched my cock today... jerked me off actually! I wonder if this couldn't happen again... No, no, I mustn't think of her that way! I stepped over a line today. It wasn't just my doing though...</span> But it was of no use to comtemplate that now... not today, gone.<br>Tomorrow was going to be a big day. Many tasks lay ahead of him and of everyone else. He might not even have the time to worry about anything. A small mercy.<br>Arrakis, Dune... tomorrow.<br>And with his mind empty and at peace, he drifted off into a dreamless, visionless sleep.
<<link "Finish" "interstitial chapter 2">>
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<span class="quest-quote">
<div>Oh-h-h, the Galacian girls</div>
<div>Will do it for pearls,</div>
<div>And the Arrakeen for water!</div>
<div>But if you desire games</div>
<div>Like consuming flames,</div>
<div>Try a Caladanin daughter!</div>
<div>But none can compare</div>
<div>To Jessica's care.</div>
<div>A seductress like no other!</div>
<div>A passionate tryst,</div>
<div>How could you resist?</div>
<div>Even if she's your mother!</div>
<span class="author">- exerpt from a song attributed to Gurney Halleck, warrior troubadour</span>
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<<include "palace intro quest 1">>
<div id="quest-container">
<div id="quest-text-box">
</div>The first thing that Paul saw of Arrakis, was nothing. The sun was blinding him as they exited the ship into the city. But he could already make out a faint smell in the breeze.<br>
<span class='thought player-speech'>Spice.</span><br>
And he could hear the murmuring of thousands of people. With his eyes slowly adjusting to the brightness, he looked up a bit and surveyed his surroundings. Drab. Monochrome yellowish orange. Whatever color existed on the ground, it had been almost entirely covered up by a thin sheet of fine sand. The only thing that stood out was the people who were lined up at a considerable distance on both sides of the road. Then Paul dared to squint at the sky. A perfect deep blue. <span class='thought player-speech'>Beautiful.</span><br>
The procession started moving. Leto in front, Paul and Jessica behind him, then Duncan and their generals. It was only a short walk from the star port to the palace, and yet it took the troops half a day to secure that part of the city for the Duke's passage. Leto was determined to be seen by his new subjects and stand defiant in the face of any Harkonnen assassins. There were almost as many guards as civilians lining the street. Paul inspected the crowd. There was a surprising amount of splendor at display. They had dressed for the occasion, it seemed. He knew that this didn't reflect the actual living conditions of the vast majority of people on this planet. The entire upper crust of Arrakeen must have been assembled here. There was cheering and shouting. Some had the good sense to bow before the Duke, but many were just mesmerized by Jessica and gaping at her, as expected. <br>
But Paul's eye was caught by the multitude of ragged figures in the background, who were just silently watching the procession. There was something inherently interesting about these motionless people and their stoic faces. And about one group in particular. Deep blue eyes staring out of hoods. <span class='thought player-speech'>Fremen?</span> His parents were also looking over there. He couldn't hear it over all the noise at first, but those people seemed to repeat the same word over and over and eventually their voices were starting to sync up and in unison they were becoming faintly audible. <br>
<span class='other-speech'>"Mahdi? … Mahdi? … Mahdi? …"</span><br>
Paul was aware of the word's meaning. Something similar to 'messiah'. He knew that the Fremen were adherents of the Zensunni faith. But there was no messiah or prophecy of one in that religion.
<span class='thought player-speech'>Are their eyes following me? Are they calling me Mahdi? Yes, they are looking at me. And at mother. What does it mean?</span><br>
His father looked at them questioningly. His mother didn't seem perturbed.<br>
<span class='thought player-speech'>How many secrets does she hold?</span><br>
He looked at her for a bit. She used her public walk. Soft measured steps, to reduce the jiggling of her breasts. She noticed his gaze of course. She just gave him an artificial smile. She seemed determined to pretend like nothing had happened. Paul thought it would be best to emulate that behavior. He didn't even want to think of her. They hadn't talked to each other since the events of the last day. He still hasn't had a quiet moment to properly process everything.<br>
Thankfully there were enough other things to look at and to occupy his mind with. The palace came into full view. It was a squat and sturdy looking building. To better withstand the sandstorms no doubt. It only slightly towered over the other buildings in the vicinity. It was still rather big. Several times bigger than castle Caladan. It was more of a compound, really. Besides the seat of the governor, it also contained several administrative offices and large troop accommodations, among other things. And at one corner of it was the former residence of Count Fenring, close confidante of the Emperor. That's where the Atreides family intended to live. Hopefully it wasn't as contaminated by the stench of the Harkonnens as the rest of the palace.<br>
Paul sniffed the breeze again. He had already grown accustomed to the slight whiff of Spice. But if he concentrated on it, he could still smell it.<br>
<span class='thought player-speech'>It seems to be everywhere. There are trace amounts even in the air. It's quite pleasant. I wonder if this will have any effect on me?</span><br>
Next they came past another peculiar congregation of people. A large amount of scantily clad women were standing in front of a building. They were waving and throwing kisses. The guards around them seemed particularly happy. <span class='thought player-speech'>Must be a brothel.</span> Prostitution was semi-illegal on Caladan. The Harkonnens evidently had no problem with it. Paul saw some dames that he liked, but he refrained from waving back. Unlike Duncan who was making grand gestures at the ladies.<br>
Arriving at the palace's front gate, they were in for a nasty little surprise. Piles of boxes and crates were standing right at the palace steps, and some men resting in their shade. Nothing had been brought in so far.<br>
The Duke's chief of security emerged from inside and hastily met the procession and bowed before Leto in apology.<br>
<span class='other-speech'>"I am sorry, my Duke. We have found far more booby straps than we anticipated. Most of the palace is still off-limits. But we have swept through all of the residence multiple times and consider it safe. You may go in and inspect your quarters."</span><br>
<span class='leto-speech'>"Very well, good work. Inspect only the most essential parts of the palace for now. The rest can wait until tomorrow."</span><br>
<span class='other-speech'>"Yes, my Lord."</span><br>
<span class='leto-speech'>"What a nuisance. A day of productivity wasted. Alright, let's go inside and get settled in."</span><br>
He went ahead and everyone followed. Only Jessica stood in place and turned to Paul, while all of their retainers walked past them.<br>
<span class='jessica-speech'>"Paul, I don't think there will be anything important for us to do for the rest of the day at least. I think we could use this bit of downtime for some reflection."</span><br>
Paul nodded in agreement. <span class='player-speech'>"I think I'll take a look around on my own."</span><br>
<span class='jessica-speech'>"Do that. You can go into the city as well, but take some guards with you. When you feel ready, you may come talk to me."</span> She paused for a second, contemplating whether or not she should hug her son. She just lay a hand on his shoulder and then went inside.<br>
<<link "Finish" "palace_exterior">>
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Paul halted in front of the brothel and eyed it for a bit. It was quite an inconspicuous building without any cheering half-naked women in front of it. He was curious to see what it looked like inside. He glanced at his guards and saw the worry on their faces. They probably had no specific orders to prevent him from seeing any whores, but surely they knew that their Duke would have a problem with that. So Paul quickly determined it would be best to simply not involve them in the decision making at all. That way they had a smaller share in the responsibility and were more likely to follow along with him. Paul started walking towards the door, not waiting for a reaction.<br>
<span class="other-speech">"Sir!"</span>, one of his men cautioned.
<span class="other-speech">"Isn't this a... bordello?"</span><br>
<span class="player-speech">"I don't know. Let's find out."</span><br>
<span class="other-speech">"I don't think we should."</span><br>
<span class="player-speech">"If you're too embarrassed, you can wait outside."</span><br>And without further ado he opened the door and went inside. The two guards hurried after him.<br>They came into a dimly-lit hall. It was large and richly decorated. A pleasantly cool draft greeted them, carrying with them a mixture of odors, many of them unfamiliar to Paul. Various perfumes, oils, balsams and human sweat and what he imagined burnt elacca wood might smell like. A cacophony of muffled moans came from every direction. The guards remained silent. They were just as enchanted by this place as Paul was.<br>Directly in front of them was a large pile of pillows and what seemed like bits of female anatomy sticking out of it. Paul was about to approach it when the pile suddenly began to stir. His men jumped in front of him and held him back. They were ready to draw their swords.<br>A young woman emerged from the pillows, fully naked safe for a kind of small semi-transparent loincloth. She must have taken a nap. She did not look quite lucid. She stumbled out of the pile and towards them and as she did, a large pipe rolled down to the floor. The girl was around the same age as Paul. Her body was toned but still quite curvy. She shielded her face from the little bit of light that was there, so that she could stop squinting.<br>
<span class="ziffe-speech">"Oh, I'm sorry. I must have fallen asleep... Welcome to our establishment."</span> She gestured clumsily.<br>This was an uncomfortable situation for Paul. He had seen footage from inside real brothels. He had read a lot about them. But he had never set foot into one before. He didn't know how to behave. Especially not with a host who didn't seem to be of a clear mind. One of the guards whispered to him.<br>
<img class="side-img" src="images/locations/arrakeen/brothel/ziffe_intro.jpg">
<span class="other-speech">"It might be best to leave now."</span><br>But Paul blew him off with a small hand gesture. The girl had finally managed to fully open her eyes and was looking right at Paul. She smiled.<br>
<span class="ziffe-speech">"Oh, aren't you a cute one. Oh..."</span> She saw his uniform and saw the armed guards by his side and realized.
<span class="ziffe-speech">"You are our new masters. How can I help you sirs?"</span> She bowed down. She seemed quite awake all of a sudden.<br>Paul wasn't sure how to proceed. He only intended to have a quick look initially, satisfy his curiosity and leave again. He hadn't planned for any interactions. And then he also found himself quite attracted to this young whore and her easy-going nature. He looked at his escort again. One of them was sweating and nervously fingering the hilt of his weapon, while carefully studying the cute naked girl in front of him. He also seemed quite smitten, but still worried. The other gave Paul a concerned look and shook his head lightly. And he was probably right. Paul's education and better judgement took ahold of him. It was dangerous to go into this place without any preparations. They lived in a time of poisons and hidden weapons and their enemies were masters of both. One couldn't be too careful. Not to mention how it could affect the reputation of House Atreides if the Duke's heir was known to keep the company of common whores.<br>But Paul was still curious...<br>
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<<include "brothel intro 1">>
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</div><span class="player-speech">"This is an inspection. We have come to see if everything is up to ordinance."</span><br>
<span class="ziffe-speech">"Eh, I don't think we have received any ordinance yet. Uhm, let me get the mistress for you."</span><br>
<span class="player-speech">"Wait, that won't be necessary. Just show us around a bit and let us see some of your working ladies. We don't have that much time anyway."</span><br>
<span class="ziffe-speech">"Yes, absolutely! Eh, well, I'm available. I'm Ziffe."</span> She did a curtsy with her little loincloth and twirled around to give them a good look from every angle. <span class="ziffe-speech">"Pleased to meet you gentlemen. Eh, most of our girls are occupied right now. This is a busy establishment most of the time. Let me fetch you the ones that aren't with a guest right now."</span><br>And she hastily hopped away. Paul was unsure whether to wait or follow her.<br>
One of the two men raised his voice and spoke in a serious tone. <span class="other-speech">"Sir, this is going too far. I don't know what you have in mind and it's not up to me to interfere in your personal affairs. Just know that, whether I want to or not, I will have to report what happens today to the Duke..."</span><br>
<span class="player-speech thought">Damn. I guess I have found out how far they are willing to go. That was not an idle threat.</span> <span class="player-speech"> "All right. Don't worry, I only wanted to do a little window shopping. Let's just see what they have to offer and then we leave. No touching, no flirting, nothing."</span><br>
<span class="other-speech">"Yessir."</span><br>
<span class="player-speech">"I'm sure you must be a little curious too, right? Don't you plan to return here when you're off-duty? This is a really nice place afterall. If the other ladies are just half as pretty as that one we just met..."</span><br>
And there they came already. An eclectic bunch of women and girls of nearly all ages. From young ones like Ziffe, to overripe matrons. All wearing a varied assortment of almost nothing. Paul was sure that between them, they could satisfy any man's desire. He went down the line and had a good look at all of them. One of them was particularly busty, exactly the kind of woman he always found himself drawn towards above all other. But the others were also too interesting to disregard. He was surprised how much he liked the not so perfect and the less voluptuous bodies. Seeing them in real life was a different matter after all. But what about the last girl in the lineup? She had many scars all over her body. Not big and hideous, but impossible to overlook. What created them? Barbed whips?<br>
<span class="ziffe-speech">"That's Netha. Do you want to 'inspect' her more closely? I'm not surprised, she was a favorite of our former masters."</span><br>One of Paul's guards spat on the ground when he heard that. The other cursed
<span class="other-speech">"Harkonnen scum!"</span><br>Ziffe didn't seem to understand the men's anger.
<span class="ziffe-speech"> "If you pay as well as they did, you may do the same things to her. And to her. And her."</span><br>
<span class="player-speech">"I think we have seen enough."</span> Paul was dumbfounded by this revelation. <span class="player-speech thought">Why does there always have to be a dark side to prostitution? And why did I have to find it so early?</span> He didn't like to conclude this visit on such a sad note, but it had to come to an end. <span class="player-speech">"You are all exceedingly lovely and I am sure your business will continue to prosper under Atreides rule. But we must go now."</span><br>
<span class="ziffe-speech">"Wait, I haven't offended you somehow, have I?"</span><br>
<span class="player-speech">"Don't worry about it."</span> He gave the ladies one last look and then closed the door.<br>The guards were agitated. They continued to curse the Harkonnens for some while. Despite this one distasteful detail, Paul would have liked to stay longer. He had to find a way to return there without an escort. There was little excitement of this sort to be found in the palace, apart from... the obvious.
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<span class="leto-speech">"Come, Paul. Sit with us. It's time I involved you more in our house's affairs."</span><br>Duncan offered him the seat beside him.
<span class="duncan-speech">"We certainly can use every capable man at this time. We are hopelessly short on manpower."</span><br>
<span class="player-speech">"We are?"</span><br>
<span class="leto-speech">"Indeed. Manpower and equipment. Our enemies left us nothing. Anything here that could be used for defense or for harvesting Spice is badly damaged."</span><br>
<span class="duncan-speech">"Much of that damage seemed to have been intentional sabotage. And including on some Imperial property too!"</span><br>
<span class="leto-speech">"And I'm afraid the Baron will get away with that. By the time an official investigation is launched we will already be bankrupt. At the moment, we are left with one barely working factory crawler and a few ornithopters. There's one carryall and it will take a long time to repair that. We won't be able to meet our Spice quota that way. We will have to deliver the Emperor Spice from our own reserves until we acquire new equipment."</span><br>
<span class="duncan-speech">"This will eat into our defense budget."</span><br>
<span class="leto-speech">"And on top of that, the manpower problem. All the specialist workers are gone. We have nobody to mine the Spice for us. Same thing with the mercenaries. The Harkonnens used local mercenaries to bolster their ranks. We intended to do the same. But they're gone too."</span><br>
<span class="duncan-speech">"We suspect the Harkonnens paid them off to leave the planet."</span><br>
<span class="leto-speech">"We only have our own men now and they are unaccustomed to this place and not trained to operate Spice mining equipment."</span><br>
<span class="player-speech">"So... Fremen then?"</span>, Paul asked.<br>
<span class="leto-speech">"Exactly. I have already told both of you of my ideas. The Fremen are formidable fighters, despite their backwardness. Their hard life has made them tough and cunning. They have inflicted considerable losses on the Baron's troops. They live in the desert where nothing grows. They brave coriolis storms and sandworms. And they don't just survive in this harsh environment, they thrive. There are supposed to be a few million Fremen. I believe this to be a gross underestimation. If we can create an alliance, and if we can integrate them into our army, provide them with training and equipment... We could end up with an army that is equal to the dreaded Imperial Sardaukar, both in quality and in numbers."</span><br>
<span class="player-speech">"If..."</span><br>
<span class="leto-speech">"Indeed. It won't be easy to gain their trust. They are openly hostile to the Imperium, they see us as invaders. They were mistreated by the former administrators of Arrakis. But we aren't like Harkonnens. In fact, our long history of struggle with them is known even to the Fremen. If we make enough concessions and respect their way of life, I believe we can get them on our side. The question is, how long will it take? This is a long-term ambition, but we are in peril now. So we need to look elsewhere for a short-term solution. We have reports of a considerable presence of smugglers on Arrakis. They conduct non-Guild-sanctioned travel to and from the planet. They sell Spice and buy weapons. If they sell Spice, they must have the means to harvest it or know people who do. I think these smugglers will be much easier to handle than the Fremen. The right amount of coin should do the trick and... turning a blind eye to their activities. At least for a while."</span><br>
<span class="duncan-speech">"Sounds like a plan."</span> Duncan opined.<br>
<span class="leto-speech">"Duncan, Paul, I want you both to head out and establish contact with the smugglers and the Fremen."</span><br>
<span class="player-speech">"Me?"</span> Paul was excited. This was his first real assignment.<br>
<span class="leto-speech">"Yes. I believe you have taken a keen interest in the Fremen and have studied them intensely in preparation for our takeover of Arrakis. Duncan can use your knowledge."</span><br>Duncan nodded in approval. He was happy that Paul was finally released from his golden cage and trusted with responsibility. And he was happy to have his company on this important mission.<br>
<span class="leto-speech">"I know you've anticipated this day for a long time. I would have preferred to wait a little longer before I expose you to danger. And make no mistake. That's exactly what's happening here."</span><br>
<span class="duncan-speech">"My Duke, as Paul's instructor I would like to say that he is ready. It might be a little much for his first assignment, but it's about time he faced a real test."</span><br>
<span class="thought player-speech">Another test.</span> Paul smiled on the inside. They don't know about the last one. This job couldn't possibly be any harder than having to endure infinite pleasure.<br>
<span class="leto-speech">"You might be right, Duncan."</span> Leto leaned back in his seat. <span class="leto-speech">"This planet is going to test us all..."</span><br>
<span class="duncan-speech">"It's just like the Fremen say: God created Arrakis to test the faithful."</span><br>
<span class="leto-speech">"Do they? Well, be careful out there. Those faithful Fremen are known to kill for a mere cupful of water. Get yourselves ready. Duncan, go and assemble a small team to accompany you. Paul... there is another matter."</span><br>Duncan saluted and left.<br>
<span class="player-speech">"What is it, father?"</span><br>
<span class="leto-speech">"I have ordered an investigation on the whole 'mahdi' business." </span><br>Paul instinctively sat up straight. He was both curious and a little scared.<br>
<span class="leto-speech">"It appears the Fremen, as well as some of the peasants, believe in a prophecy about someone they call the 'Lisan al Gaib'. This translates as 'Voice from the Outer World'. This 'mahdi' or savior will, depending on the interpretation of the prophecy, free them from religious persecution, from the foreign invaders, or from the rigors of worldly existence by creating rain and making Arrakis into a paradise. This savior is himself a foreigner. We've had spies on Arrakis for a long time and never heard of this prophecy before. Now everyone is talking about it. It is evident that the Fremen believe their prophesied savior has finally arrived."</span><br>
<span class="thought player-speech">Another prophecy... Why do I believe that the Bene Gesserit are behind this one as well? I need to talk to mother.</span> Paul just nodded.<br>
<span class="leto-speech">"The description, or at least the parts that we know, fit you specifically. An off-worlder, son of a Bene Gesserit, who has prophetic dreams. I don't really know what to make of this. I certainly don't believe in such superstitions... even though you are exceptionally gifted and I am very proud of you."</span><br>
<span class="player-speech">"I know, father. Thank you. I don't know what to believe."</span><br>
<span class="leto-speech">"Do you know anything I don't?"</span><br>
<span class="player-speech">"No. But..."</span><br>
<span class="leto-speech">"... Your mother. Yes... she has been acting strange ever since that damn witch visited us, did you notice?"</span><br>
<span class="player-speech">"I haven't really spoken to her since then."</span><br>
<span class="leto-speech">"I think you should. We need to make sense of this."</span> He stood up and turned towards a window <span class="leto-speech">"This could turn out... advantageous for us, expedite the process of getting the Fremen on our side... if we play our cards right..."</span> He walked a few paces. His back was turned towards Paul. Clearly he was uncomfortable. He stared off into the blue sky.<br>
<span class="leto-speech">"I shouldn't have come here. I pushed my luck too much. Shaddam won't intervene on our behalf when the Baron makes his move against us. The other houses wouldn't tolerate it. Too much power in such an alliance. I should have just resigned, gone into exile. It would have been the right thing to do."</span><br>
<span class="player-speech">"What are you saying father? You can't mean that. We have the power to make things better. How is the world ever going to improve if the good people just give up?"</span><br>
<span class="leto-speech">"Good people? Huh. It's easy to be virtuous when things are going your way. Before I lose my life, I will be forced to sacrifice my morals. And worst of all, I will be involving you and your mother as well."</span><br>Paul was shocked into silence. He didn't know this side of his father. He had always put up a front of bravura, even in front of his family. No more.<br>
<span class="leto-speech">"I am now seriously considering using my own son to exploit the superstitions of the people I am trying to befriend. Such is statecraft. We sacrifice our souls for the greater good, and sometimes it is even worth it. Maybe this time it will be worth it. Let's hope."</span><br>A sense of dread overcame Paul. Before he had the chance to do any good, he was already put into a position to do evil. What disturbed Paul the most is that the thought of taking advantage of the prophecy had thrust itself upon him as well, before his father even mentioned it. Paul felt infected by a terrible purpose. <span class="thought player-speech">Is this what my visions are warning me about? Lisan al Gaib, Kwisatz Haderach... How many immoral acts will I have to commit to become any of these things? Is the path of the savior paved with corpses?</span><br>
<span class="leto-speech">"So, Paul. Are you prepared to play the part? If it becomes necessary?"</span><br>
<span class="player-speech">"If... it becomes necessary. As a last resort."</span><br>
<span class="leto-speech">"Good."</span> Leto felt some relief. <span class="thought leto-speech">As a last resort.</span> His moral burden became a little lighter. <span class="leto-speech">"Go now. Don't let this get you down. You have a great adventure ahead of you. I've given you access to some water and some of our spice reserves. Spend it wisely..."</span><br>
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As soon as the door closed behind them, the mood changed very suddenly.<br>Talking to her earlier wasn't a problem. But now that they were all alone and everywhere around them was quiet, Paul felt a little uneasy. Without politics, military matters, morality and topics such as these on his mind, he became painfully aware of his mom's massive knockers again. Right in front of him...<br>Jessica for her part, was also concerned. All the shocking things that Paul had learned in the past few days were involving her more or less directly and this was threatening to tarnish his feelings about her. He had become more cold toward Jessica, and not just because of the shame he felt about their... little intimate adventure. She craved to hold her son in her arms like in old times, to be close to him... But that was now also tarnished.<br>She came closer and laid her hands on his shoulders. Paul was nervous. He put one of his own hands on one of hers but then took a step back.<br>
<span class="player-speech">"So... about the thing... we did..."</span><br>
<span class="jessica-speech">"Paul, I told you. Don't be ashamed. We did what we had to do."</span><br>
<span class="player-speech">"I don't understand how you can be so nonchalant about it. That was... it shouldn't have happened."</span><br>
<span class="jessica-speech">"Would it help you to know that I am feeling just as unsure about all this as you do?"</span><br>No it didn't. He had never known his mom to be unsure about anything, least of all her own actions.
<span class="thought player-speech">The changes just keep on coming.</span><br>
<span class="jessica-speech">"Do you feel bad because you enjoyed it?"</span><br>She hit the nail on the head, but Paul didn't dare say it out loud.<br>
<span class="jessica-speech">"I can only repeat it: Don't feel bad for enjoying things that are supposed to feel good. That's unreasonable. "</span><br>She made another attempt to approach him.<br>
<span class="jessica-speech">"Please, Paul. I admit I got carried away a bit. Was it wrong of me to let that happen? Difficult to say. The circumstances were extraordinary. There was too much at stake. And there still is."</span><br>
<span class="thought player-speech">What? Still is?</span> Paul's member started twitching. <span class="thought player-speech">Could she mean...?<br> He looked at her in puzzlement. He could not read her intentions. There were too many emotions going on in her at once.<br>
<span class="jessica-speech">"We will get through this."</span> Jessica gave him a kiss on the forehead and embraced him. He embraced her too. It was a loose and gentle hug. But Jessica gradually pulled her son closer toward her. She intended to check his below-the-waist condition. And indeed, she felt his partially engorged member poking against her thigh. She allowed herself a faint smile. <span class="thought jessica-speech">Yes, enjoy this. Feel no shame. Make this easier for both of us.</span><br>
Of course Paul also noticed what was happening with his penis. He allowed it. His muscles relaxed and he nestled closely against his mom. The dirty thoughts in his mind had subsided. He was simply enjoying this moment with his mother.<br>
<span class="player-speech">"Everything is changing so fast. I can barely process it all."</span>, he said with his speech muffled as his face was resting on those enormous boobs.<br>
"Let me at least take away the uncertainty. Things will continue to be weird between us. For a while. But that doesn't mean that I won't love you like I always have."</span><br>
<span class="player-speech">"Why?"</span><br>
<span class="jessica-speech">"It is time I taught you a few things. About sex."</span><br>
<span class="player-speech">"Sex?"</span><br>
<span class="jessica-speech">"Believe me, there is a lot more to learn. And there is a good chance you might need it sooner rather than later."</span> She rested a hand on his throbbing erection and rubbed it through his pants. <span class="jessica-speech">"I was planning on giving you more education in that area anyway. I just didn't expect it would happen like this."</span><br>
<span class="player-speech">"Did she tell you to do this?"</span><br>
<span class="jessica-speech">"… She advised me. She told me not to waste any time. And I think it's a good idea that I take a very active role in this. This breach of taboo can in itself be a valuable learning tool. It's not unlikely that someday you might need to perform sexually in situations where you feel uncomfortable. Or you might have to do something you don't like or do it with someone you don't like. We're not just doing this for fun."</span><br>
But the fun was only just beginning. Jessica opened the fly on her son's uniform pants and pulled out his member. She took it with both hands and stroked it gently.<br>Paul wasn't so sure if he should believe all that. It didn't make sense to him. Where was this supposed to lead? But he didn't feel like objecting at that moment. He was actually enjoying himself. He closed his eyes, buried his head deeper in his mom's cleavage and let out a relaxed sigh.<br>
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</div><span class="jessica-speech">"No, don't do that. Look at me."</span><br>
<span class="player-speech">"Huh?"</span> He lifted his head and looked his mother right in the eyes.<br>She looked concentrated, in a very sexy sort of way. Then she bit her lip. That was too much for him. It felt like all the remaining blood in his body was rushing to his penis.<br>
<span class="thought player-speech">Her hands feel so good...</span><br>And then she let go and took a few steps back. She just stood there with her hands on her hips and gave Paul a stern look. She looked almost like she was going to chastise him.<br>Paul was ogling her freely. Her tits, her hips. That beautiful face. He felt like a lusty demon inside him was being unleashed. He grabbed his dick and started pumping with vigor.<br>
<span class="jessica-speech">"Stop."</span><br>
Paul stopped immediately. And he came to a sudden realization about himself. As much as he loved her motherly side, Jessica's authoritative side also turned him on. He always liked it when she ordered people around. His penis kept twitching in anticipation.<br>
<span class="jessica-speech">"Paul, I want to know that you are okay with this. I want you to think what you will feel like after you have ejaculated. Will you feel regret?"</span><br>
<span class="player-speech">"No. I don't think so. I want this!"</span><br>
<span class="jessica-speech">"Today's lesson is... not really a lesson. It's just to get you comfortable with the idea of what we are about to do. It won't just be masturbation, right?</span><br>
<span class="player-speech">"Of course."</span><br>
<span class="jessica-speech">"We will do things that will feel good, but go against our code of ethics."</span><br>
<span class="player-speech">"Yes, mother. I trust you completely."</span><br>He didn't even bother to ask what things they were going to do. Jessica could tell that her son was no longer in a frame of mind to think critically. She could have tried to challenge him and snap him out of it, but she decided it was time to end this lesson.<br>
<span class="jessica-speech">"Let's do this quickly. I don't want the room to end up smelling like sex. Continue."</span><br>And he did. He stroked himself while he watched his mother walk through the room. He watched her all over. All those glorious curves. He yearned to touch them. But he was happy just masturbating. It felt so good.<br>Jessica went to get a handkerchief out of his wardrobe. <span class="thought jessica-speech">That might not be enough to contain the mess.</span> She also picked up a tall glass from the desk. Equipped with a sufficient amount of cum receptacles, she went to finish the job. The way Paul looked at her now, animalistic and with wide eyes, made her a bit uncomfortable. That open display of lust was too much. She had always enjoyed it when he secretly sneaked a peek in the past. It was endearing to her, and a bit amusing. Perhaps it also gave her a little thrill. She would have to teach him better manners next time.<br>Paul was in heaven. This was what he had always dreamed of. He slowed his stroking in anticipation that his mother would again take over. And she did. She pressed her giant bust against him as she once again took hold of his rod with one hand. The other held the glass.<br>
<span class="jessica-speech">"You're close, aren't you?"</span><br>
<span class="player-speech">"Yesss."</span><br>
<span class="jessica-speech">"Go on then, make your mother proud."</span><br>Then she gave him a kiss on the cheek, unlike any she had ever given him. It felt so hot, but still comforting like always. That was it. He erupted into the glass.<br>
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<<include "love lesson 1c">>
<</linkreplace>><span class="player-speech">"Haaaaaaaaa..."</span><br>Jessica couldn't help but marvel at her son's spurting cock. She always enjoyed looking at a nice cumshot. But Paul was something else. There wasn't as much semen as the last time, but still a whole lot. She wiped the rest of the semen off his cock and made sure to squeeze out everything.<br>
<span class="jessica-speech">"There you go."</span> Another kiss on the cheek, but less sexual this time. She gave Paul a little moment to come down from the high of his orgasm. <span class="jessica-speech">"How do you feel now?"</span><br>
<span class="player-speech">"Oof. Not too bad."</span> He looked at her and the realization of what had just happened came to him, but not as unpleasantly as before. <span class="player-speech">"Actually it still feels weird."</span><br>
<span class="jessica-speech">"Would you like to do this again? Maybe tomorrow?"</span><br>
<span class="thought player-speech">Yes!</span> Paul was surprised by his own enthusiasm. The mere suggestion of another such session almost got him horny again. He nodded meekly, hoping this would help him maintain some dignity.<br>
<span class="jessica-speech">"Good. But we have to careful. I don't need to explain to you that this has to stay between you and me."</span><br>
<span class="player-speech">"Of course."</span> Paul shuddered at the thought of anyone finding out about this.<br>Jessica kept silent for a moment. The tension in the room wasn't unbearable. She smiled. She was confident now that things were going to work out between her and Paul. She resisted the urge to hug him. It might just give him another erection.<br>
<span class="jessica-speech">"Just because things will never be the same again, doesn't mean they have to be worse."</span><br>
<span class="player-speech">"Right..."</span><br>
<span class="jessica-speech">"I'm not sure yet how or when we will continue this. I will let you know. Now..."</span><br>She stuffed the handkerchief into the glass and handed it to Paul.<br>
<span class="jessica-speech">"Go and dispose of this please, will you? Maybe give it to a servant to reclaim the water. See you tomorrow. Sweet dreams."</span><br>
<span class="player-speech">"Yeah..."</span><br>
Paul watched his mother swagger out of the room. <span class="thought player-speech">Was she enjoying this a bit?</span> The questions came flooding back into his head. But he elected to drown them out with mental images of boobies. Before he went to bed, he looked at a few lewd filmbooks and cranked one out again, to cleanse the palate. He didn't want to start the next day fantasizing about his mother and being distracted. It was going to be another important day.<br>
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Jessica was lying belly-down on a stone slab inside her private bath area. The thing was made especially for her. It had a sizeable cutout in the chest area, to allow her giant breasts to hang freely, for added comfort. Paul spent a second admiring the parts of her body that he could see. There was a slight sheen of sweat on her that accentuated her curves.<br>
<span class="player-speech">"You haven't started yet?"</span>, he said.<br>
<span class="jessica-speech">"No, I waited for you."</span><br>
<span class="player-speech">"Where's the masseuse?"</span><br>
<span class="jessica-speech">"You're the masseuse. Come here."</span><br>
<span class="player-speech">"Me? You want me to...touch you? Without clothes on?"</span><br>
<span class="jessica-speech">"That's how it is usually done. Being able to give a good massage is a useful skill to have. It's one of the first things a Bene Gesserit learns. I should have taught you this a long time ago. I denied myself a lot of pleasure for no reason."</span><br>
Paul got used to the idea almost in an instant. He was in his comfort zone. Enjoying the sight of his mother's body, committing it to memory and then using it to fuel his masturbation sessions later. And now he had the opportunity to add the feel of her naked, oiled up skin to his memory as well. As long as she had nothing else planned...<br>
<span class="jessica-speech">"Take off your uniform or you will get oil on it."</span><br>
<span class="player-speech">"My underwear too? Naked?"</span><br>
<span class="jessica-speech">"That is up to you."</span><br>
Paul followed suit and took off his jacket and his pants. After thinking about it for a second, he took off his underwear too. It really made no difference. He took his time. Since his mother had her back turned to him, he could ogle her freely. Only her backside, but that was good enough. Those sweet, sweet cheeks. He didn't love them as much as the breasts, but he was always glad to see them. Was his mother going to allow him to touch them? He lay down his clothes at the foot end of the stone slab, making sure to get a good look between the legs. Jessica's legs were parted just enough that he could see the slit between them. Shaved, as he already knew well. But he had never gotten a view at her from this angle before. Her outer pussy lips were plump and looked really inviting. He couldn't see the inner labia though.<br>
<span class="jessica-speech">"Will you hurry up, Paul? I'm getting cold."</span><br>
<span class="player-speech">"Sorry, mother. I'm ready now."</span><br>
She sighed. <span class="jessica-speech">"Did you get a good look? Maybe we should get one thing out of the way, so that you're not distracted this whole time."</span><br>
She turned around and lay on her side. <span class="jessica-speech">"Go on, look all you want. Memorize it well and then get to work."</span><br>
His mother's attitude aroused Paul even more than her naked body did. Well, almost. His eyes wandered over the glistening boobs. <span class="thought player-speech">Kull Wahad! Her nipples are so erect! He had never seen them so stiff. They had the size and shape of grapes. What is going on in her head? Is she excited?</span> <br>
Paul's member was twitching and starting to swell. He had to use all his willpower to keep it from engorging fully. Jessica could tell. <br>
<span class="jessica-speech">"Why are you holding back? You should know by now that there's no need for this kind of modesty."</span><br>
<span class="player-speech">"If you say so..."</span> Paul's member sprang into action immediately. Jessica couldn't help but smile at this reaction. <span class="thought jessica-speech">That boy is so easy to impress, and so compliant. He has to learn to be more resistant to my charms. But for now this is useful for me.</span><br>
<span class="player-speech">"So, do you want me to masturbate again or what?"</span> He tried to say it as nonchalantly as possible.<br>
He wasn't quite serious, but he would have liked to do it.<br>
<span class="jessica-speech">"No. You are already able to let go and enjoy yourself freely. That's the most important thing. And I have to say it went better than I expected. You're a natural. But there is no reason to pamper you more than necessary. Today is all about you giving somebody else pleasure. Massage is similar to sex in several ways. The most important being that you have to be observant, see what your partner likes and what not. Listen to their body, but also don't be afraid to communicate verbally."</span> She lay down on her belly again. <span class="jessica-speech">"And that's all we are going to do today. I hope you're not disappointed."</span> She gave him a teasing backward glance.<br>
He actually wasn't. In fact he couldn't be happier. This task didn't feel as dangerously incestuous as what they had done before. It was a bit more like the old times, when he could innocently enjoy physical closeness with his mother, with a healthy dose of lewdness added to spice things up.<br>
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</div><span class="jessica-speech">"Start without oil. Rub your hands all over my back and get it warmed up. Use quick motions, generate friction."</span><br>
Paul did as he was told. He had received massages before, so he wasn't completely clueless as to what to do. Once he felt she was warmed up enough, he scooped up some oil from a nearby bowl and began rubbing the upper back, as one usually does. His mother's skin felt good on his hands. It's not like he had never touched her before, but this time it was different. It was more deliberate. He felt the texture of her skin, felt the softness of it, as well as the muscles underneath. She was stronger than she looked. <br>
<span class="player-speech">"Your muscles are quite tense."</span><br>
<span class="jessica-speech">"Yes, I really need this. Is it a surprise? These are stressful times for all of us. But let's not ruin this massage by talking about our troubles."</span><br>
He experimented a bit, tried different things. He tried a wavy motion, he pinched the skin a little, he used his fingernails too sometimes, and he used different amounts of pressure. Jessica had her eyes closed and didn't make a sound so far. It wasn't until he ran both hands from the small of her back all the way up to her neck, slowly, and really put his weight into it, pressing down hard, that she let out a sigh. So that was good. Paul did it once more, but he already knew that doing this repeatedly would tire him out.<br>
<span class="jessica-speech">"Good. Don't be afraid to use a lot of of pressure. I like it a bit rough. You can use your knuckles. That should make it easier for you"</span><br>
She was right. Using his knuckles he could dig deeper into the skin without using as much strength. Paul got really into it. The longer he did it, the more he forgot his own arousal. For a short while at least. Once he got to the shoulders, Jessica let out a soft moan. Paul stopped. He had heard his mother moan before, but never has he been the cause. Encouraged by that, he lingered on the exact same spot for quite a while longer before moving on.<br>
<span class="jessica-speech">"Don't bother with the arms. Move on to the legs."</span> Jessica was almost whispering. She was really relaxed at this point.<br>
Paul started with the feet, kneading the soles with considerable force and rubbing the joints with his fingers, just like he sometimes did on himself. Then he moved up, using the same technique on the legs as he had used on the back. As he got close to the ass, he stopped.<br>
<span class="player-speech">"Should I?"</span><br>
<span class="jessica-speech">"Go ahead. It's one of my favorite spots actually."</span> She playfully wiggled her butt a bit.
<span class="player-speech">"...alright..."</span><br>
Paul braced himself for a second. He almost couldn't believe his luck. He reverently put his hands on the buttocks and let his fingers sink into the soft flesh.<br>
<span class="player-speech">"Wow..."</span><br>
Jessica giggled. <span class="jessica-speech">"Don't start drooling now! And don't forget that you are doing this for me and not the other way around. Squeeze really hard or I won't feel much."</span><br>
Indeed, with Jessica's buttocks being so voluminous, Paul had his work cut out for him. He took one cheek in both hands and gave it a good squeeze. He kneaded that buttock like bread dough.<br>
<span class="jessica-speech">"Ah!"</span><br>
<span class="player-speech">"Am I going too hard?"</span><br>
<span class="jessica-speech">"No. You're doing it just right. It's a little bit painful, but it feels good."</span><br>
<span class="player-speech">"Really?"</span><br>
<span class="jessica-speech">"Yes, go on. Actually, you can spank me too."</span><br>
<span class="player-speech">"Mother!", Paul couldn't believe it. He was looking at her with wide-eyed bafflement.</span><br>
<span class="jessica-speech">"What? It's not a standard technique I admit, but whatever feels good, right? The association with kinky sex exists only in our heads."</span><br>
<span class="player-speech">"It just feels a bit wrong because that is a special thing you do with father."</span><br>
<span class="jessica-speech">"Oh, and how do you know that?"</span><br>
She was just teasing him again. Of course she knew that he had been spying on them a few times and he knew that she knew.<br>
<span class="jessica-speech">"You don't have to if you don't want to do it."</span><br>
Paul was more than just a little intrigued of course. How couldn't he? In the end his curiosity won over his scruples. He gave his mother's rear end a light smack, resulting in her cheeks jiggling beautifully.<br>
<span class="jessica-speech">"Harder! I want to feel a light sting."</span><br>
Without hesitation, he gave her another smack, a sharp one this time. It was quite loud and it really made her flesh dance. It even left a faint mark. Jessica yelped in surprise but then moaned.<br>
<span class="jessica-speech">"Yes! That's how I like it! Continue."</span><br>
Paul launched a flurry of slaps, then he went back to kneading, then a few more slaps in-between. He was completely absorbed by his task, by these wonderfully plump yet muscular buns and the now near-constant moaning. He felt his animal lust taking over. He felt like biting into his mother's ass. More than that, he wanted to slide his rock hard leaking cock between those cheeks as well! He looked down at his penis. It was only inches away from heaven...<br>
<span class="thought player-speech">NO! I'm not an animal! I will control my urges! This is a pleasant activity, there's no need to insert my own desires into it. But why must she tempt me like this?</span><br>
<span class="jessica-speech">"Paul? Why did you stop? You're not getting cold feet now, are you?"</span><br>
<span class="player-speech">"No, don't worry, I'm fine."</span><br>
<span class="jessica-speech">"Good. Because I'm actually really enjoying this. You're not as good as a professional masseuse yet, but... there's more to it than just technique. It's nicer when someone you love does this for you."</span><br>
Paul continued with the massage, but decided to dispense with the spankings. Jessica's sighs and moans filled the room again. Her body felt good, but her mind was troubled. She felt the heavy burden of obligation put on her by the Sisterhood. She had to increase the intensity of their encounters, keep stepping over lines, but at the same time she couldn't let things get out of hand. It was a delicate balancing act. She had to control not only her son's arousal, but also her own. Doubt wasn't getting her anywhere though. She had a plan and she was going to stick to it. Time for the next step. <span class="thought jessica-speech">Like the Reverend Mother said: I'm not getting out of this, so I might as well enjoy myself.</span> For the moment, Jessica decided to resign herself to pleasure. Paul felt the tension in her muscles dissipate all of a sudden, but he thought nothing of it.<br>
<span class="jessica-speech">"Thanks, Paul. I really needed this. This is very relaxing. But if we continue for too long, then I'm afraid I will fall asleep. Let's wrap this up. Let's do the front for a bit and then you have done your duty."</span><br>
<<linkreplace "Continue">>
<<eventNext "">>
<<include "love lesson 2c">>
<</linkreplace>>She lazily rolled around, once again fully exposing her heavy udders and still erect nipples, and her smooth, plump vagina. Paul hadn't applied any oil to it, and yet it was glistening all on its own!<br>
<span class="thought player-speech">She really must be aroused.</span><br>
Jessica let him stare at her for a while before finally interrupting. <span class="jessica-speech">"Paul, I don't mind you looking, but you're looking at me like a piece of meat."</span><br>
Paul blushed heavily, retreated to the end of the stone slab and immediately got to work massaging her calves again. <span class="player-speech">"I'm sorry..."</span>, he muttered.<br>
<span class="jessica-speech">"Don't be. Just keep in mind that other women aren't as relaxed about these things as I am. Now, massage my breasts."</span><br>
He just blinked and paused for a second. <span class="player-speech">"Mother?"</span><br>
<span class="jessica-speech">"You heard me right. My breasts are more than just sacks of fat. There's muscles under there as well. Come on. Massage around the base of my breasts."</span><br>
Paul slowly inched forward into position. He almost didn't trust himself not to do something improper. The sweat was dripping from his face. He slid his hands under his mother's breasts and just clumsily rubbed that area. For the first time he felt how heavy they were. He wanted to play with them so bad. His hands were trembling. Jessica could feel it. His eyes were once again glued to her big nipples. In this moment he wondered whether a Bene Gesserit's exceptional control over her body might not also allow her to lactate at will. He kept staring and observing the gentle swaying of the breasts, caused by his massage, until he became aware that Jessica was looking at him in a very similar fashion. Her face showed no discernible emotion, but he knew what she was hiding. Somehow it bothered him, made him uncomfortable. But it only increased his excitement, if that was even possible. Yes, Jessica was quite openly taking in the sight of Paul's shapely body. His cock was so pleasing to her sight right now. The size, the gentle curvature. It was throbbing like no cock she had ever seen before, and she had seen many. It was practically bouncing around. And all that precum... The underside of his cock was practically coated in it and there was a small puddle on the stone slab too. <span class="thought jessica-speech">Delicious precum.</span> She longed to take that cock in her hands again, caress it, and more...<br>
...and then she felt his hands on her nipples. Her surprise caused her to flinch. Paul stopped immediately and apologized again. Too bad. She might even have allowed him to continue. But he didn't need to know that.<br>
<span class="jessica-speech">"Don't worry about it. It does feel good, but it's a different kind of good feeling... outside the purview of this lesson."</span> She sighed. <span class="thought jessica-speech">Maybe I should give him his release... uncloud his mind. And then afterwards I can have my own release... He looks so sensitive, his balls so full. I bet he will ejaculate at the slightest touch.</span><br>
<span class="jessica-speech">"Paul... I think it's time. Stand still."</span><br>
He stopped rubbing her breasts, not knowing what to expect. She moved a hand to his penis, cupped his balls in it, felt their weight. Paul was on edge, held his breath. Then she swept a finger along the underside of his penis, just once, from the base to the glans. That did it. His pent up semen spewed forth in quick spurts and with considerable force, just like she had come to expect from him. The first shot went straight across the room, so Jessica quickly got a hold of his shaft and aimed it at her boobs until there was only a dribble. Ropes of cum stretched from her neck to her belly. Thick and creamy.<br>
<span class="player-speech">"Haaaaaaaa..."</span> Paul sank to his knees and rested his face on his mother's breasts, in one of the few spots not coated in his own ejaculate. His head was spinning. Jessica stroked his hair. While Paul was recovering, she wiped up a little bit of his cum with a finger and tasted it. <span class="thought jessica-speech">Mhhhhh... and there is so much...</span> It was a good thing Paul didn't see that, or it would have fired up his libido once again.<br>
<span class="jessica-speech">"I am very happy with your performance today, Paul. You made me feel very good and you managed to control yourself well, considering how I teased you."</span><br>
Paul sat against the stone slab. He knew that right now behind him was the sexiest woman he had ever known, stark naked and happy at being groped by him, and covered in his cum. Again. And that woman was his mother. <span class="thought player-speech">It feels almost unreal.</span> Then he felt her hand on his head once more. <span class="thought player-speech">But it is real...</span> Paul elected to act rather than think and reached for a towel.
<span class="jessica-speech">"Don't bother. I will clean myself. If your mind is at peace, then we have nothing more to discuss and you may go."</span><br>
He wasn't exactly at peace, but close enough, so he got up. There was another flutter in his loins when he saw his mother in her current state.<br>
<span class="player-speech">"Mother...?"</span><br>
<span class="jessica-speech">"Yes?"</span><br>
<span class="player-speech">"What about you? Aren't you aroused? Don't you need relief as well?"</span><br>
Jessica frowned a bit. She didn't like that her own excitement was so visible to him. It made her feel vulnerable.<br>
<span class="jessica-speech">"Oh, don't worry about me. Unlike you, I get to have sex on a regular basis. Not as often as I'd like, especially not lately, but..."</span> She smiled at him. <span class="jessica-speech">"But I'm glad you are so concerned about my well-being."</span><br>
She sat up, pulled him towards her into a warm embrace and kissed him on the cheek.<br>
<span class="jessica-speech">"You're still my little boy, aren't you? Well... my not so little boy. We won't let... this... get between us, will we?"</span><br>
<span class="player-speech">"Sure."</span><br>
Paul wasn't so sure about that, but he forced himself to smile and kissed her back. Then he just walked out the room. He felt a strange mix of emotions. Not the expected guilt. More frustration, perhaps resentment even. He still knew that he was being manipulated, and to an end that he poorly understood. He closed the door behind him. He considered staying and listening at the door. He fully expected to hear his mother masturbating herself in there, once she was alone. He could even crank one out again. But he felt too mentally drained. So he just shuffled into his personal bathing area, cleaned himself off and meditated for a while.<br>
<<link "Finish" "palace_bathroom">>
<<addtime 2>>
<<completeQuest "jessica_love_lesson_2">>
<<increaseStat "sexual">>
<<removeclass "#sidebarButtons" "disable">>
<</link>><<set _npc to setup.getNPC($ref_id)>>
<<timed 0s>><<npcSay "Greeting">>
<<= _npc.getTopicById("greet").response(_npc)>>
<div id="chat-container">
<div id="dialog-box"></div>
<div id="topic-list">
<<include "topics list">>
<div class="topic-tab tab-goodbye">
<<link "" $curLoc>><</link>>
</div><div class="charprofile">
<img @src="setup.getNPCProfile(_npc)">
<h2 style="margin:0px; text-align:center;"><<= _npc.name>></h2>
<<set _sortedTopics = setup.getActiveTopics(_npc)>> /*_npc.activeTopics.sort(function(a, b) { return a.title.localeCompare(b.title); });>>*/
<<for _key range _sortedTopics>>
<<capture _key>>
<<link _key.title>>
<<npcSay _key.title>>
<<= _key.response(_npc)>>
<<if _key.passage != null>>
<<addclass '#topic-list' 'disable'>>
<br><<link "continue" _key.passage>>
<<removeclass '#topic-list' 'disable'>>
<<if _key.id.includes("[disable]")>>
<<addclass '#topic-list' 'disable'>>
<br><<link "continue" $curLoc>>
<<removeclass '#topic-list' 'disable'>>
<</for>><<widget "refreshTopics">>
<<replace "#topic-list">>
<<include "topics list">>
<</widget>><<timed 0s>>
<<addclass "#sidebarButtons" "disable">>
<<eventNext "">>
<<if !$quests.palace_0a_firstsleep.completed>>
After this eventful day, the necessity to go to bed did not seem as bothersome to Paul as it usually did. There were more things he would have liked to do first, but they could wait. He stretched his naked body on the cold sheets. This pleasant feeling helped him to let go of any clingy thoughts.<br>
The next day Paul awoke from the same familiar dreams that he had every night. He was a bit disoriented at first, to find himself in a strange room. At least his dick stood up straight, as usual. He gave it a little tug for reassurance. Then he sat up and took in his new environment in the morning light. <br>
Without warning, the door opened. Of course it was his mother. Nobody else dared to just enter his room like that. She brought him a fresh uniform. <br>
She flagrantly looked over his naked body as she laid the clothes on his bed. <span class="jessica-speech">"You just woke up?"</span><br>
Paul was not happy to see her at this particular moment. He had just had another lewd dream about her and now here she was eyeing his erect cock. It was always a bit jarring when his fantasy and reality interjected so suddenly.<br>
<span class="player-speech">"Why are you bringing me things? Don't we have any maids?"</span><br>
<span class="jessica-speech">"We are in fact currently understaffed. Your father will tell you everything about that. He wants to see you. He has a task for you. I came here to tell you that."</span><br>
<span class="player-speech">"Alright."</span><br>
<span class="jessica-speech">"How do you feel?"</span><br>
<span class="player-speech">"...Good."</span><br>
That was a probing question. She was obviously ready to have a talk with him, but Paul's curt manner signaled to her that he wasn't. She decided it was best to leave him be for a little while longer.<br>
<span class="jessica-speech">"I'm glad. I wouldn't want you to harbor any resentments. I will see you later."</span> She left.<br>
<span class="thought player-speech">Maybe it's time to talk to her about what happened. I must say I am a bit curious. But first I should see what father wants from me. I hope I finally get something important to do.</span><br>
<<completeQuest "palace_0a_firstsleep">>
<<activateQuest "palace_1_briefing">>
<<activateQuest "jessica_love_lesson_0">>
Another busy day gone by, another busy day ahead. Paul had many things to think about, but sleep took priority. A few minutes of meditation took care of his errant thoughts and soon he was off to the land of sleep.
<<link "Continue" "palace_pbedroom">>
<<removeclass "#sidebarButtons" "disable">>
<div id="quest-container">
<div id="quest-text-box">
</div><<timed 0s>>
<<addclass "#sidebarButtons" "disable">>
<<eventNext "">>
With nothing better to do, Paul thought it might be a good idea to get on with his studies. While there wasn't a pressing need for that at the moment, at least it would help him pass the time, without feeling like he wasted it. His eyes swept over the bookshelf, trying to find one he hadn't read yet.<br>
<span class="thought">Maybe this one?</span><br>
<<set _book = Math.floor(Math.random() * 6)>>
<<switch _book>>
<<case 0>>
The Orange Catholic Liturgical Manual<br>
<span class="thought player-speech">It's a companion work to the O.C. Bible, written by the same people.<br>
"Much that was called religion has carried an unconscious attitude of hostility toward life. True religion must teach that life is filled with joys pleasing to the eye of God, that knowledge without action is empty. All men must see that the teaching of religion by rules and rote is largely a hoax. The proper teaching is recognized with ease. You can know it without fail because it awakens within you that sensation which tells you this is something you've always known."<br>
Interesting, but then why do we need religious teachings if we already know it all instinctively?</span><br>
<<case 1>>
Length of Day and Seasons on Arrakis<br>
<span class="thought player-speech">Do I really need to know this?<br>
Oof. Now my head is spinning... with an axial tilt of 10.3 degrees... influenced by the gravitational pulls of two moons... we're at a latitude of 60 degrees...</span><br>
<<case 2>>
The Machine Crusade<br>
<span class="thought player-speech">A history book on the Butlerian Jihad. It's controversial among scholars. Some say that it's purely to be understood as allegory. Not much of a history book then if you ask me.<br>
Not as bad as I expected, but do we really need it?</span><br>
<<case 3>>
Pretty Privilege vol.3: Breast Size<br>
<span class="thought player-speech">That sounds promising, although it's probably a lot more dry than the title suggests.<br>
This confirms what I have always known: Big tits equals authority.</span><br>
<<case 4>>
Harmonthep during the Wandering<br>
<span class="thought player-speech">Another book about the Zensunni migration. It's difficult to find in-depth literature on this topic, but I think I know a lot already. But it can't hurt to know more.<br>
It was really more about the planet than the people. Such a shame it doesn't exist any more. Who would be capable of doing such a thing, destryong a hospitable planet? I can't imagine a worse crime.</span><br>
<<case 5>>
<span class="thought player-speech">A system for remembering large volumes of numbers. Mandatory reading for mentats. Since Thufir Hawat isn't accompanying us, I have to teach myself.<br>
214 21 6427 421 1 03</span><br>
<<link "Continue" "palace_pbedroom">>
<<addtime 1>>
<<increaseStat "intelligence">>
<<removeclass "#sidebarButtons" "disable">>
<div id="quest-container">
<div id="quest-text-box">
</div><<timed 0s>>
<<addclass "#sidebarButtons" "disable">>
<<eventNext "">>
Duncan led them into the armory. This time they had all kinds of weapons and equipment at their disposal. Dummies, automatons, protective gear. Rapiers and halberds, kindjals and slip-tips, Lasguns and slow-pellet stunners.<br>
Duncan wasn't in a foul mood this time, but it still wasn't a relaxed sparring session. They went for several hours. During breaks, Paul was taught to recognize and treat the more exotic poisons and they practiced speaking the battle languages of the other houses.<br>
It was a fruitful session, Paul felt more confident in his fighting abilities afterwards.<br>
<<link "Finish" "palace_exterior">>
<<increaseStat "martial">>
<<addtime 2>>
<<removeclass "#sidebarButtons" "disable">>
<div id="quest-container">
<div id="quest-text-box">
</div><<timed 0s>>
<<addclass "#sidebarButtons" "disable">>
<<eventNext "">>
Unlike on Caladan, the ducal family didn't have its own private bathing facility in their new home. Lord Fenring's old bath house was so large that Duke Leto designated it as open for the entire staff of his residence, but not many people were using it at that time.<br>
Paul expected splendor, and that's exactly what he found. Stairs led down to a huge area with pools of various sizes. This place was bigger than the throne room, and it was only the main area. There were corridors and rooms off to the sides, containing other amenities. This ostentatious waste of massive amounts of water bothered Paul already. Surely his father was planning on redesigning this place sooner rather than later.<br>
He went to a room that had been reserved for his personal use. Even that was quite spacious with a small pool, a hot tub and a massage table.<br>
<<link "Finish" "palace_bathroom">>
<<completeQuest "palace_0b_bath_intro">>
<<removeclass "#sidebarButtons" "disable">>
<div id="quest-container">
<div id="quest-text-box">
</div><<timed 0s>>
<<addclass "#sidebarButtons" "disable">>
<<eventNext "">>
The stresses of the last few days were weighing on Paul. He thought that a bit of self-love might improve his situation. His penis and his dirty mind needed the attention. Or would a cold shower have to do?<br>
<span id="choice-a">
<<link "I think a nice relaxing wank in the hot tub is in order.">>
<<eventNext "">>
<<include "palace bathe 2">>
<<addclass "#choice-a" "highlight-choice">>
<<addclass "#choice-b" "disable">>
<span id="choice-b">
<<link "On second thought, I have better things to do. Just a quick shower." "palace_bathroom">>
<<removeclass "#sidebarButtons" "disable">>
<div id="quest-container">
<div id="quest-text-box">
</div>Paul slid into the hot water. His member was already erect and twitching, as usual. Paul was happy. A buffet of dirty fantasies awaited him.<br>
<span class="thought player-speech">What should I think of today?</span><br>
<span id="choice-a">
<<link "Mother">>
<<eventNext "">>
<<include "palace bathe 2a">>
<<addclass "#choice-a" "highlight-choice">>
<<addclass "#choice-b" "disable">>
<<addclass "#choice-c" "disable">>
<span id="choice-b">
<<link "Princess Irulan">>
<<eventNext "">>
<<include "palace bathe 2b">>
<<addclass "#choice-a" "disable">>
<<addclass "#choice-b" "highlight-choice">>
<<addclass "#choice-c" "disable">>
<span id="choice-c">
<<link "The girl from my visions">>
<<eventNext "">>
<<include "palace bathe 2c">>
<<addclass "#choice-a" "disable">>
<<addclass "#choice-b" "disable">>
<<addclass "#choice-c" "highlight-choice">>
</span><br><<if !$quests.jessica_love_lesson_1.completed || !$flags.bath_jessica_1>>
<span class="thought player-speech">Mmhhhh, mother...</span><br>There was no way to deny it: Paul lusted after his mother. He had come to accept that about himself. He felt no guilt anymore. <span class="thought player-speech">Guilt is for those, who don't understand themselves and who lack self-control.</span> Jessica was the perfect woman in pretty much every way. And she wasn't shy about flaunting her qualities.<br><span class="thought player-speech">Mother in those skimpy dresses... They accentuate her form. But they also reveal too much of it. She isn't innocent. She likes the attention.</span><br>Paul didn't objectify his mother though. He had the utmost respect for her. How couldn't he? Her wisdom, her strength, her effortless grace left him in awe. He loved her genuinely, as a son. But he also desired her body. It was unnatural perhaps, but not necessarily unusual. Most people afflicted by such urges had the good sense to abstain from acting on them. And that's what he intended to do as well. He was going to be a good son. And later a good Duke. This was going to remain his little vice. His secret.<br>
<img class="side-img img-vision" src="images/visions/bath_jessica_1.jpg">
<span class="thought player-speech">Mother bathing on the shores of Caladan. The most divine sight in the universe.</span><br>Paul had seen her in various states of undress countless times. Jessica wasn't shy about her body, least of all in front of her family. They never stopped taking baths together. It just happened less frequently over time. He never grew tired of the sight of her magnificent body, despite being so used to it. She never seemed to notice his gaze either, or at least she didn't seem to care.<br><span class="thought player-speech">Mother and father in ecstacy. Their moans and her cries of pleasure filling the corridors of Castle Caladan.</span><br>They didn't use a cone of silence in the bedroom. Some people said it was bad for sperm production, but Doctor Yueh said that was just a myth. Paul had caught a glimpse of his parents having sex a couple of times. They always kept the doors and windows open on those hot and humid summer nights.<br><span class="thought player-speech">Mother teaching me about sex.</span><br>Jessica and Paul had always been very open and frank about topics of a sexual nature. Since he grew up without any peers around him, he also hadn't anyone to talk to about his developing sexuality on even terms. Jessica remedied that as best as she could. She was present, when Yueh taught him the basics about sex and reproductive anatomy. She always found ways to infuse those boring lessons with the appropriate warmth and sensuality and make sex sound like fun. He learned about masturbation from her. How to do it and why, and to feel no shame about his urges. And the necessary discipline:
<span class="thought jessica-speech">"Only do it to clear your head and when you feel starved of love, never out of boredom".</span><br>Now he had to get <span class="thought">her</span> out of his head. He jerked faster.<br><span class="thought player-speech">Yes, yes...</span>
<<set $flags.bath_jessica_1 to true>>
<<updateGallery "images/visions/bath_jessica_1.jpg">>
<img class="side-img img-vision" src="images/visions/bath_jessica_2.jpg">
<span class="thought player-speech">Mother bathing on the shores of Caladan. The most divine sight in the universe.</span><br>
Paul had seen her in various states of undress countless times. Jessica wasn't shy about her body, least of all in front of her family. They never stopped taking baths together. It just happened less frequently over time. He never grew tired of the sight of her magnificent body despite being so used to it. She never seemed to notice his gaze either, or at least she didn't seem to care.<br>
Many a time he just sat there next to her with an erection hidden under the water. He never dared to touch himself in these situations, not even a little bit when her back was turned. But now Paul imagined what it might have been like.<br>
He just grabs his dick and strokes it under the water. Meanwhile he looks straight at his mother, looks at every part of her glistening body. She notices of course. She sees the movement of his arm, but she isn't shocked at all. Of course she always knew how he was admiring her body. She just smiles and and wags her finger at him in mock-chastisement. She sits down and her big boobs bob on the water. Then she touches herself in the same way he does, under the water. Paul can't believe what his mother is doing. Does she want him as well? Was she just waiting for him to do the first move? Emboldened by her seeming approval, Paul stands up, exposing the entirety of his engorged manhood. He lets go of it for a moment and turns to the side to give his mother a good view from that angle. Then he points it back at her and continues masturbating.<br>
Jessica's eyes widen, she bites her lip. Her arm movement becomes more frantic. She rises as well and strikes a sexy pose before resuming her own masturbation. One hand fisting her pussy, the other working on her nipples. Despite the entirety of her glorious body being on full display, Paul can't stop looking at his mother's lusty face. He is spellbound by it. That come-hither look...<br>
He does as he is bidden and comes closer, never stopping to stroke his cock. Jessica looks giddy. She knows how close he is to orgasm and she knows what she is about to receive. She goes on her knees, props up her boobs, closes her eyes and opens her mouth wide, with her tongue sticking out.<br>
<span class="player-speech">"This is it, here it comes..."</span><br>
<<updateGallery "images/visions/bath_jessica_2.jpg">>
<<linkreplace "Continue">>
<<eventNext "">>
<<include "palace bathe 3">>
<</linkreplace>><img class="side-img img-vision" src="images/visions/bath_irulan_1.jpg">
Paul had met her once before at a royal ball and impressed her with his dancing skills. She in turn had impressed him with her beauty and elegance. That was a few years ago. Paul tried to imagine, what she might look like now. She was quite well developed already back then, so he imagined her much like his favorite voluptuous actresses from his erotic filmbooks.<br><span class="thought irulan-speech">"Come here, my loyal servant. You have served your beloved Empress well, so you shall be rewarded. You may assist me with my bath. Don't be shy, step into the water. Don't get your clothes wet, take them off. I am giving you permission. You like what you see, don't you? So do I. Don't try to hide your manhood. I am not offended. You will will let me touch it, won't you? Hehe, I think I will reward you even more! Aren't you glad to serve such a generous Empress? Enjoy, but don't forget to wash me. Does that feel good? I have never handled one so big before! Wash my breasts too. I want you to use your special lotion on them."</span>
<<linkreplace "Continue">>
<<eventNext "">>
<<include "palace bathe 3">>
<<updateGallery "images/visions/bath_irulan_1.jpg">>
<</linkreplace>><span class="wide-img"><img class="img-vision" src="images/visions/bath_chani_1.jpg"></span>
<span class="chani-speech">"Tell me again of the oceans of your homeworld, Usul."</span>, she said laying beside him in a dimly lit cave. He never had the time to really appreciate her beauty in these moments. But he could remember her image well. An exotic beauty, around his own age. Sensual lips, dark hair, unnaturally blue eyes, like all the Fremen are said to have. And contrary to the fashion in the Imperium at the time, not quite clean-shaven. She was completely infatuated with him, and he with her. Paul's stroking picked up some speed. <span class="thought player-speech">Will I really meet her someday? I hope so.</span> In his fantasy he tells her all about Caladan. But that's just background noise, as they explore each other's bodies. This native girl's body is surprisingly hardy and yet luscious. His engorged manhood pressed against her leg. They both became increasingly excited with each touch. Then her eyes closed and she leaned in for a kiss. Their lips locked, as she straddled him for a close embrace. Her hard nipples rubbed on his chest and her pubes tickled his shaft. She pulled back to stare lovingly into his eyes, giving a slight smile. This is it. Paul grabbed her hips and shifted around under her. The tip of his penis pressed against her soft pussy. Just one more kiss for good luck and then...
<<linkreplace "Continue">>
<<eventNext "">>
<<include "palace bathe 3">>
<<run $gallery.pushUnique("images/visions/bath_chani_1.jpg")>>
<</linkreplace>><span class="player-speech">"Yeeesssss..."</span><br>
Paul didn't want to have cum in his bathwater. So he did his usual maneuver. He arched his back and leaned to the side. A thick rope of cum came flying out and splattered all over the tile floor, then another and another. After several more spurts, only a few more dribbles came from his cock. The servants back on Caladan were used to cleaning up his ejaculate off the floor.<br>
<span class="player-speech">"Aaaaaahhh..."</span><br>
That felt good. Paul felt reinvigorated after that and his mind was clear once again, ready for new tasks.<br>
<<link "Finish" "palace_bathroom">>
<<addtime 1>>
<<removeclass "#sidebarButtons" "disable">>